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Name: 20110722_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 22, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live.
It is Friday.
Thank you for joining us.
The news is coming in fast and furious.
The good news is we'll be back live this Sunday as well, 4 to 6 p.m.
Breaking, Oslo blast blows out most of the windows of government building.
Looks like Oklahoma City, the damage.
Prime Minister's office affected, at least two dead, dozens wounded, massive vehicle bomb report, people trapped, eyewitnesses, total chaos.
You notice that this is happening right now, right as Europe is completely bankrupted by design by banker operatives in charge of every country in the EU.
This will distract them from going into debt bondage and the outrage over the fact that they're admitting it's a, quote, banking marshal plan to take over the EU and all the countries under receivership.
Look, when they bring us into total deceivership, they're just getting us positioned now, as I told you, there's going to be shootings at shopping malls, bombings, and it will all be triggered right during the implosion.
And they're even scripting that now, saying Al-Qaeda will strike us during an economic collapse.
So they're even getting you ready for the script.
The terrorists like to tell you what's going to happen, so they get credibility when the terror attack happens.
I know their criminology and their game plan, so I'm able to predict exactly what they'll do.
I just told you yesterday, and I've told you in the last year, over and over again, the bombings will start in Europe, they will then spread to the United States.
But it will only happen during the banker-receivership takeover, so everyone will be distracted from that and run worshipping to their loving murdering government leaders.
And they'll probably have some mentally ill patsies that were involved in this that they blame, who'll be completely drugged up for the rest of their lives in prison.
You'll never see them in the media.
You'll see a fake letter put out.
Even if the people blew themselves up in the cars, they will find the passports undamaged, and that will be considered the immaculate, invincible passport made out of antimantium steel that Thor's hammer is made out of.
And no one will question it, of course.
It'll turn out that the Muslim extremist in this case...
We're helped by the government, but that'll be a side issue and no big deal.
So, eyewitnesses report total chaos.
We're going to be breaking that down and we can go ahead in the background for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers if you'd like, roll the 17 second video of that.
Continuing return of mass layoffs, a grim sign.
Government considers ways to rent foreclosed homes.
So they guarantee both the banks get the money from the foreclosure and get government rent from taxpayers.
A great fascist system, similar to how we give the central banks trillions of dollars of bailout money and then pay them interest on the money we give them.
Same deal here, same model.
Just absolute financial raping at every level.
Farm thieves target grapes, avocados, even bees.
Thieves targeting ambulances.
Thieves steal 100 storm drain covers in Sacramento.
I mean, it is just like locust people are stealing metal.
And I was even out in Los Angeles and heard local TV admit it's mainly the illegal aliens doing this.
This has been their business for a long time, selling scrap metal from legal sources, but it's others involved.
But there is a crime wave going on.
But the government tells you there's no crime increase while they lay off police nationwide.
The cops that are left are openly being ordered, and they've been complaining about this, to do nothing but revenue generate.
I've seen cases, what, in New Jersey, Ohio, and other areas where they lay off.
One case, 70% of the sheriff's deputies, and the sheriff said, go buy guns, we can't protect you.
The cops we have left are going to be at the jail and revenue generating just to keep what we've got afloat.
So, that is the new austerity system.
Space program cancelled.
At least the public space program.
Oldest train system in the Western world.
Roads rotting into oblivion.
But taxes going up.
More and more of everything going to the offshore banks, who maneuvered us into this position of de-industrialization and third-world-dom.
Three new power plants being built a year, coal-powered.
China gets three a week.
Rolling blackouts intensifying.
As we turn into a third world country, just like Venezuela, stay with us.
Massive news straight ahead.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Friday, the 22nd day of July, 2011.
I'll tell you about some of the guests that are coming up on the broadcast today.
One of them has done research deeply into the Level 4 bioweapons labs that are in Level 3 facilities illegally all over the United States, like Galveston, Texas.
I heard the investigative reporter a few days ago on Dr. Stan Monteith's broadcast as I was driving through Austin, and everything that she was talking about is what I have researched in the last decade on these under the BioShield program.
It's really a bioweapon program.
This is weaponized Ebola, other weaponized hemorrhagic fevers, things that kill 99% of those that come in contact with them.
You know, Ebola kills around 90.
These are weaponized mousepox for humans.
They are in laboratories.
Hundreds of laboratories.
Hundreds of laboratories.
And it's something I don't talk enough about.
We're going to be discussing that with an investigative reporter coming up for part of the second hour today.
Now, obviously you know about the devastating explosion that went off in Oslo, Norway, their capital.
Blast blows out most of the windows of the government building, housing the Prime Minister's office.
Massive vehicle bomb.
A bomb inside a vehicle.
We've got some footage of that.
We're rolling for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers right now.
Also, there's a report of people trapped in the building.
It looks like Oklahoma City-style devastation, if you haven't seen the video, if you're listening on the radio.
Eyewitnesses report total chaos.
Now, I'm going to be breaking this down more coming up after I get to some of the other news, or at least let you know what's coming up and what's on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com today, but I told you continually in the last year that when Europe went under total bankruptcy implosion by the IMF and World Bank operatives that have been put in place as finance ministers, presidents and prime ministers of every country, from Germany
to Greece, from England, to Ireland, to Norway, that there would be terror attacks launched.
Now, there are different types of terror attacks.
There are real, low-intensity, asymmetrical attacks launched by people in the Middle East because they believe they're occupied.
They call it fighting back against tanks and helicopters.
The media calls it terrorism.
Regardless of what your view is, it does exist.
Then there are provocateur attacks, and there's different sub-derivatives of that.
There are cases, and this has come out over and over again, even in mainstream media and government documents.
We've covered it ad nauseum in films like Terror Storm, where the Pakistani government, British, Israeli, US, Russian, all major governments do this.
They go hire a criminal group
To then go form and recruit real, unstable, merc-type, psychopath terrorists to go carry out attacks.
And Western governments and major corporations fund it, but the actual terrorists don't even know what they're doing.
Then there's the other provocateur attacks that we've seen the FBI carry out.
And again, remember in the last two years, countless articles in the news admitting FBI set up Patsy's.
I don't know.
On and on and on, and they will set up a mosque, recruit the people, and command them that under Islam they must do this.
And so those are provocateur events with patsies.
The first World Trade Center came out in the New York Times, CBS News, because whistleblowers inside the government, Ahmad Salam was one of them, because he thought they were going to set him up.
He was the confidential informant.
He recorded the FBI ordering him, and the tapes were released, to carry out the bombing.
And he said, but first it was going to be a fake bomb.
Then you said, no, it's going to be a real bomb.
Then it was fake detonators.
And you said, no real detonators.
Now you're saying, let it go forward.
And they found two men on welfare with below 80 IQs.
They were mildly mentally retarded.
And thank God they didn't park it up against the real column as they were trained to do, or it could have really damaged and killed more people in the first World Trade Center attack.
So there's those attacks.
So there's different types of provocateur attacks.
There's attacks where you got real terrorists, don't know who they're being financed by.
But then you also have some real terrorists, very rare, better chance of, again, dying from a honeybee sting.
We posted those statistics from major university studies yesterday in our article that went globally viral.
DHS says that white people are the number one terror threat.
We're going to be breaking that down more today.
But then you have the purely staged event.
Purely staged events like Oklahoma City and ATF operation.
We've gone over that at Nauseam.
Covered it in my film Road to Tyranny with the total proof.
And 9-11.
But then they've still got to have patsies, a McVeigh or a Muhammad Adam.
A Lee Harvey Oswald type.
And you need to investigate those for yourself and find out about them.
And of course, over 200 U.S.
government-sponsored terror attacks with NATO have been declassified by the British and the Italians.
The U.S.
has never declassified it, but those were joint operations with the British, German, Italian governments in Operation Gladio and the NATO Stay Behind networks.
And those were bombings carried out all over Western and Central and Southern Europe.
The majority of them in Italy.
Bologna bombing, you can look that up.
Just type in Italian Parliament declassifies the Bologna bombing staged by NATO.
And they like to target children.
School buses are a favorite.
And they're going to move these systems into the United States and Europe.
Now, I told you this would come when the total collapse of Europe began.
Next, they'll move to the United States and England.
And right as the banks seize the pension funds, go after the private pension funds, right as they slash benefits but increase taxes, the terror attacks will be staged so that you are distracted by that and rally around the government in fear.
They will also use it to knock off enemies.
They like to kill multiple birds with one stone.
And we're doing research right now on the leader of Norway.
I was already aware of this individual not going along with the EU takeover.
So they will also then not just get everybody to rally around the corrupt bureaucracy by staging terror attacks through the different variants.
We don't know what type this is yet.
But with the timing, it's not the very rare actual terror attack.
I can tell you right now, 98% chance.
There is a chance it could be real.
I would say 2%.
And this is, all I do is eat, drink, sleep, and study this.
I interview every global terrorism expert, the top professors, the top heads of Pentagon and CIA black ops.
By the way, we gotta get Steve Pachinik on.
He called me a few weeks ago.
I meant to call him back.
Jaren, I wanna get Pachinik on Sunday or Monday if he can do it, and apologize, I meant to call him back.
He talked about this kind of stuff coming up.
I wanna get him back on.
Dr. Steve Pachinik, former head of
Black Op, he wrote the book on modern Black Ops and staged events and he's gone public with the Bin Laden thing and 9-11 being staged.
I need to get him on because things are quickening and he agreed with my analysis two months ago that these bombings would be coming during the implosion.
That's definitely one of the main cards they're going to play.
So, it has begun.
It has begun.
In fact, if we could even maybe get Pchenik to pop in a little bit with Chapman as a prelude
Or as an entree, an hors d'oeuvre to Sunday.
That might even be good.
But we'll see what happens with that today.
But that just popped into my mind that we need to get him on.
At least two killed in Oslo bombing.
Scores injured.
Explosions damage buildings in Norwegian capital.
Reportedly, the Prime Minister was in the building.
People trapped.
We'll continue to cover this as it develops and unfolds.
Also, we told you this last week because of our sources, that you could look for a criminal investigation to be opened by the George Soros Justice Department.
And I'm not saying there shouldn't be an investigation, but again, you have Satan investigating Bath-O-Mat here.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
James Murdoch denies misleading panel.
Reuters, Bloomberg, News of the World, workers are offered jobs in Siberia.
So the old joke, we'll send you to Siberia or the North Pole.
Dow Jones outpost.
Justice Department prepares subpoenas in News Corp inquiry to feed that, of course, into Soros.
It continues that old allies of Murdoch are turning against him, London Independent.
So we'll be looking at that.
Meanwhile, Senator Grassley and also Congressman Issa have been saying for weeks, and there's more news on this today, that clearly the Justice Department and Eric Holder have been caught perjuring themselves on not knowing about Fast and Furious.
It's now confirmed from
California to Texas to Illinois to Florida, the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, they're not just shipping guns to Mexico by the tens of thousands, they're shipping them to drug gangs inside the United States.
And then blaming the Second Amendment.
At least five cops now have been killed by this in the last two years, and three Border Patrol agents confirmed.
Three Border Patrol agents, five cops.
The Attorney General is an accessory to murder.
If you or I went and sold guns to gangs that we knew were targeting police, that are very vicious, like MS-13, Los Zetas and others, you would get life in prison.
In fact, they might even finagle a jury to convict you for accessory to murder, which you can get executed for.
Now, this is serious business here we're talking about.
So remember, while we're talking about hacking scandals and things, and people are dying or associated with it, and this could bring down the Prime Minister, and I think there should be an investigation, what about the Attorney General?
What about George Soros' media matters bragging publicly, and memos going out, political reporting, we're gonna infiltrate and get hired at News Corp, and we're gonna destroy them from within.
That's sabotage.
That's just as illegal as what's going on here.
So, there's a serious war going on right now.
Continuing, Grassley sees DOJ cover-up in Fast and Furious investigation.
A senior Senate Republican has accused the Justice Department of a cover-up.
Well, they got caught perjuring themselves.
It's now confirmed they ordered it by limiting information to Congress about a botched gun-running program along the southwest border.
Only thing that was botched is they got caught.
It isn't bots that they wanted to stop guns.
They wanted to blame the Second Amendment.
And they don't care they've been caught staging this.
They're still going after the Second Amendment using what they did as the excuse.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Well, I'm sure Norway's gonna go along with that.
The bailout of the bankers, which is really the takeover of the bankers.
After all, they need to do what the government says.
Terrorists just hit them and hit them hard today.
You can look for that every time bankers take down a country the terrorists hit.
So everybody, again, rallies around the government.
Oslo blast targets Prime Minister's office.
Massive vehicle bomb.
Report people trapped.
Total chaos.
I've been playing that video for folks that are watching the radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're going to get into General Electric reports a 21.6% rise in profits, pays zero taxes.
Well, when you run the President's Economic Council, you get to shut down the power plants you don't own, your profits go up, you're tax-free, and your boys write the tax laws.
We've had the head of General Electric lately calling for tax increases on the rich.
They mean the person that owns a restaurant and drives a Mercedes.
The average folks think that's rich and don't worry, they'll be destroyed and you won't ever have any jobs.
And a lot of you'll be homeless.
But hey, it'll be fun to buy into big government as a receivership arm for the government.
Paid no tax on 5.1 billion dollar profit.
I think?
Paltry cut.
That has been completely overturned.
Pressure S&P, the ratings agencies that work for the big banks, are threatening to downgrade the U.S., downgrade multiple states within the United States, if we don't, again, give the bankers everything.
We've already given them more than all the real assets in the world, and they're just creating more derivatives and demanding we underwrite those.
So we're going to continue breaking all of that down.
But I cannot, I cannot state any more clearly to all of you out there just how big of a deal this is.
Just how huge it is that there have been bombings in Europe because nine times out of ten or more
These bombings in Europe and the United States are completely 100% staged.
And it's been proven over and over again and I told you it would come during the big economic...
Takeover of Europe.
And speaking of economic takeover, states negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures.
State attorneys generals are negotiating to give major banks wide immunity over irregularities.
Taking people's houses they didn't own, lying in court about owning them.
In handling foreclosures, even as evidence has emerged that banks are continuing to file questionable documents.
Of course they are.
That's out of Reuters.
And the same thing's going on in Europe.
This isn't going to go away.
I mean, again, 12 years ago, the government signed deals with major insurance companies to steal the death benefits of all veterans.
When you die, you pay into insurance.
You're not going to get it.
The media doesn't care, the government... In fact, it's unpatriotic, it's anti-military to even mention it!
You're just supposed to wrap tyranny in a flag, worship it.
That's patriotism.
Well, I guess we're just not patriotic here, then.
We don't like the offshore banks doing this.
A coalition of 50 state attorney generals has been negotiating settlements with five of the biggest U.S.
Globalist banks.
That would include payment of up to $25 billion in penalties.
They've stolen trillions.
And commitments to follow new rules.
In exchange, the banks would get immunity from civil lawsuits by the states.
Slap on the wrist.
Yeah, Wells Fargo and Wachovia launder $300-plus billion in two years of drug money, they get a $100 million fine.
It's like you rob a bank for a million bucks, you pay a $3,000 fine is the equivalent.
And the article goes on to say that this is all just continuing.
This is all continuing, this is all going on still.
They're not stopping.
In fact, they're intensifying
I don't think so.
And they are codifying it.
They are setting the precedent to be completely and totally lawless and do whatever they want while throwing the book at the citizens for crooked toenails.
Senator Bernie Sanders has released the Fed audit, a partial audit confirming $16 trillion in secret payments to foreign banks and private individuals and companies like MSNBC in the last two years.
$16 trillion
See, this is what the heist is about.
This is why government's going along with it.
They're getting paid off.
And Senator Sanders shouldn't get on airplanes anytime soon, I'll tell you that right now.
And we'll tie this into Europe, then get into the big story we haven't even covered yet.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number four.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number five.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com, or call 1-866-422-9000.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Gentlemen, we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government.
You still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?
Does anybody else see a problem here?
If the government has nothing to hide, why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?
This story does not add up.
We are back live.
That is Al from Ministry.
By the way, he's going to be on the show sometime next week.
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.
By the way, if you listen to that piece, he says, gentlemen, we're on a mission to overthrow the U.S.
That's the globalists talking there.
How do they overthrow the government?
They stage an attack against the republic, and then they say, get rid of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, replace it with a Stasi control grid, let the foreign banks run everything, and you'll be safe from the terrorists.
You can see Hitler.
Gentlemen, let's completely overthrow the Weimar Republic.
Firebomb the Reichstag.
Gentlemen, let's start World War II.
Attack our own military base at Gleiwitz.
Blame Poland.
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies!
That is what is going on, my friends.
A new world order, as George Herbert Walker Bush talked about.
I want to continue to go through the news here and get back to our top story that's really expanded.
The DHS has denied racial overtones in white middle-class terrorist video.
And you know, I tell this story just to give an example of the power of this radio broadcast, the power of our websites, Infowars.com and PresentPlanet.com.
And at the end of the day, the power of this audience.
You are the engine.
Sure, we do a lot of the research, you help us, we write the articles, we cut through the propaganda, we illustrate with historical context our points, and it has a huge effect.
Every week or two now, we put out stories that end up being either the top story in the country or the top story in an area, a top story, that then becomes an entire movement.
And obviously we were able to do that some in the past.
Drudge Report carrying our material has turbocharged, turbocharged that.
But I know a lot of you are radio listeners, you're talk radio listeners, that's why you listen, so you must be hearing this too.
I got up a little late this morning, 7 a.m., kids and my wife were already up, went in, drank some coffee, had a little breakfast, and started scanning through the local a.m.
Heard the local morning show on 590 talking about the story and plugging infallwars.com.
I then, this morning, was driving into work and listened to the same station and heard the next show talking about it, and I thought, let me just tune into a Dallas talk station.
Tuned over, boom, talking about it.
Didn't have time, was making some cell phone calls to listen to other stations.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is having an effect.
And InfoWars.com with DrudgeReport.com and this audience, that synergy together is absolutely dynamic.
Plus the news is incredible.
And it is a great responsibility.
You know, I've got Watson writing an article, and even the Texas Power Commission and others agreed with us in our analysis.
The White House responded earlier in the year during the rolling blackouts in Texas and other states from the cold weather, because we don't have the power plants we need for the growing population.
And we have the studies showing that.
That EPA carbon tax policies that have already been in place for 10 years, the increasing policies put in by Obama in the last two, were triggering that.
And the White House responded to us, the White House Communications Director at WhiteHouse.gov.
And it's the same thing with the rolling heat and the blackouts.
And Enron got caught doing this in California in 99, 2000, 2001, because they can then charge you more for less energy.
It's part of training you under austerity to pay more for less.
And that's their model.
So I'm going to be getting into that as well.
But that's another big report we need to get out.
I'm going to continue to
Go over the news, because I haven't scratched the surface yet of the news, and I want to get into some inflation news as well.
There's an article by Big Gold, Jeff Clark, that we've got linked and posted at InfoWars.com that shows
Better than I have.
Sometimes I'll come in with a few Zimbabwe notes or old Deutschmarks and say, you know, here's a billion dollar mark.
This can only buy a loaf of bread at the end.
Or here's a Zimbabwe trillion dollar note.
But they show just, I don't know, it's got to be 15 or so different currencies in the last hundred years that have been completely devalued down to nothing.
And we know that's where this is going.
I mean, listen.
We are informed politically and do make a lot of really complex, incredible calls on what's going to happen.
I mean, some of this is really nuanced and has so much information integrated into decisions I make and calls that I make on issues that I don't even know how I completely come to the realization of it.
There's so much information integrated.
That it takes hours of just sitting there in a chair with a pad of paper going over the points in my mind to understand how I know this stuff.
I mean, it's like somebody who's been driving a race car, you know, a NASCAR for 20 years, you know, it's just absolutely second nature and they can't tell you how they do it.
I mean, you know, but, but, but things like knowing that they are going to hyperinflate the currency down to nothing, that is an absolute foregone conclusion.
Now, the question is the timeframe.
And when you talk about the devastation economically, financially, socially, the crime, the, the,
The hellishness of what the private central banks have maneuvered us into.
You see, the dollar lost 97%, according to the Congressional Budget Office, of its value from 1913 with the Federal Reserve.
Did you know from the 1790s right through until 1913, this country had negative inflation?
Sometimes it was a little inflation or then it was stagnant or then they would have deflation, but it was basically about a half a point negative.
So, so a dollar in 1820 was worth about the same as a dollar, uh, cause it was gold and silver backed, uh, in 1920, a hundred years later.
Since 1913, with the Federal Reserve taking over, they've now taken over all of society, through fraud, and now they want to destroy what's left of society so they can consolidate it.
They've taken over all the major institutions, bought it all up, unlimited money, that we then pay interest on to give them.
Here's trillions now, we also pay you interest to give you trillions.
We're your slaves.
It's total fraud.
You just gotta say, I'm not a slave anymore.
I see you're fraud.
It's over, Bernanke.
You can tell me your fiat notes, debt-based monetary system is good and is money and gold isn't.
That's like telling me that, you know, a bucket of vomit is good to drink, but crystal clear mountain spring water isn't.
Okay, well I'm going to drink the mountain spring water, Bernanke, the gold, the silver.
You can have the bucket of rotten vomit, okay?
Because it's worse than rotten vomit.
This is poison.
This is cyanide.
He's telling us a bucket of cyanide is good, and I'm saying no, crystal clear mountain spring water.
And then the media's like, well, you're a conspiracy theorist.
You want mountain spring water instead of cyanide?
This guy's crazy!
This guy's crazy!
From 1913 until now, actually in 1913 until about 2009,
I guess October 2008.
Almost 2009.
97% Ron Paul's written reports on this, so is the Congressional Budget Office as I mentioned.
97% of the dollar's value was lost.
But it was done over 90 years.
And so, it wasn't as easy to notice.
But, you know, in 1913, you could walk in with a quarter, and you could go into a diner and get a three-course meal, coffee, tea, a piece of pie, buy your buddy a cup of coffee.
A quarter.
By the 1960s, you could get the cup of coffee for the quarter.
Now the cup of coffee's two bucks, if you're lucky.
You see?
You see what's happening?
And that's even with companies and businesses cutting back their profit.
And selling you the coffee at almost what it cost them.
Because they got employees, they got government bureaucracy to pay for.
The taxes are up, the bureaucracy's up, and their profit's less.
And this is across the board.
So the real free market and productivity, it shrinks while the false banker, parasite, government system just grows and grows.
In fact, it was out in the news yesterday.
Government jobs exploding in the federal government, not at the state level.
Oh, that implosion's begun.
And they'll implode the feds later, too.
This is a gradual thing.
But private sector jobs, massive layoffs in the last month, intensifying.
In fact, since I got into this now, Jaren, will you pull up the article?
It's up on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
A thousand pictures is worth one word by Jeff Clark at Big Gold.
Because I want to show people who are watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you're a radio listener, go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com.
It's there on the main page.
And I'm going to read over this, then I'll get into our big top story that is one of the biggest stories in the country right now.
A thousand pictures is worth one word.
And it goes on to say, in spite of constant headlines about debt and deficits, most Americans don't really believe the U.S.
dollar will collapse.
From knowledgeable investors who study the markets to those seemingly too busy to worry about such things, most dismiss the idea of dollar actually going to zero.
Folks, if it even loses another half of its value in just the next few years, it'll be absolute devastation.
And most economists and historians are saying it may go to near zero.
Do you understand the unmitigated nightmare?
I mean, I am bracing myself.
I'm looking at actually, well I'm not going to get into it, I mean building a fortress.
Because, in fact I'm not looking at it, I've got to do it.
I'm so busy fighting here, I know my family's not safe.
I've already run to the countryside in preparation for this and so have all the other people who are aware of what's going on.
So have government people.
That's on record.
You know, rich moving to the country, building armored compounds.
Why do you think
And this could still be partially reversed.
You see, instead it's going to be accelerated, and then the very people that orchestrated it, they're going to be in charge of the next solution and being our protectors.
And if we get too uppity, terrorists just blew up a building, we found a passport.
I mean, folks, if we don't wake up, they're going to win, and they are going for broke.
They've committed so many crimes, these social engineers have, and the private banking cartels, that they've got to go all the way.
Do you understand that?
They've created, conservatively, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times, more derivative fiat fraudulent debt instruments than exist real assets in the world.
They did this to take over.
They have taken over.
But if a guy comes to your house and says, at gunpoint, I'm going to tie, get over there, I'm tying you up, and I'm going to rape your wife, just because he has a gun and has taken over your society doesn't mean he has a right to do it.
And we're going to have to gut up, and even if he ends up shooting us, you know, fall down and grovel and act like we're scared, then grab the gun away.
By the way, I'm not just talking.
I've actually done that growing up in Dallas.
A knife and a gun.
Well, in one case I didn't grovel, one time I did, the other time I just waited and grabbed the thing away and well, I'm not gonna get into the rest of it.
But it's in the police files at Dallas and Rockwall.
The point is, is that, is that you don't have a choice.
I'm not gonna sit here and watch my family raped, okay?
I mean, this guy's gonna get a fight.
And he may even pump a round into me, but I'm gonna get that gun away while I'm juiced up on adrenaline, I'm gonna blow your head off politically.
I'm coming for you.
I know the stakes, and I'm not backing off.
You understand that?
Now, continuing here, a thousand pictures is worth one word, and I want to scroll through this for viewers.
Radio listeners, go look at this article.
The first thing they have is a Yugoslavian 10 billion dinar.
A few years before hyperinflation struck there, and the private central banks took over the area, because this is how they destroy you, it's how they destroy wealth, they come and pay off the politicians to do this, and as they devalue the money, the bankers buy everything up, then they hand you the inflated currency, and all the horrible things that come with it.
Previously, 10 billion dinar was worth the equivalent of more than 10 million dollars in the United States.
At the time.
By the time they were done with the 10 billion dinar, you couldn't buy a weekend vacation with it.
And it goes over that.
So we're giving you examples here of what happens.
How this inflation happens for a while, then suddenly it explodes.
They've announced they are going to go into QE3.
And that's why suddenly gold and silver are going up.
Not because they've gone up, because the dollar's going down.
And again, we'll scroll down in that article and I'll show you, if you're watching, these different currencies.
There's the Yugoslavian $10 billion dinar.
I guess by 93, you might have been able to go on a vacation for a day or two with that.
$10 billion dinar.
Here's another one.
Zaire, $5 million Zaire.
$5 million Zaire.
That would get you a dinner.
A few years before, that would have bought you the whole country.
Venezuela, 10,000 bolivars.
Again, before they inflated it, 10,000 bolivars would buy you a house.
By the time they were done, couldn't buy you a broken down Pinto.
Ukraine, 10,000 of their currency. 1995.
Continuing, here's Turkey, 1997, 5 million lira.
Yeah, you know, previously that would buy you palaces and whatever else you wanted, but by the time they were done, 5 million lira wouldn't buy you a junk car.
Continuing, Russia, 10,000 rubles.
Before the Soviet Union collapsed, 10,000 rubles, you could live like a king for a year.
By 1992, 10,000 rubles, you couldn't pay your bills for a week.
Romania, 50,000 LIA.
2001, couldn't buy dinner for it. 50,000!
You know, in the 1970s for $50,000, you could buy a house today on average that cost $500,000.
I bought a brand new Mustang in college for $13,000.
That same Mustang today is $40,000 or more.
Central Bank of China, 10,000 CGU, 1947.
Couldn't buy anything with it.
Banco Central of Peru.
100,000 Entes.
Couldn't buy dinner for it.
10 million Cordobas. 1990.
Couldn't buy squat with it.
Hungry, 10 million, Pingo.
1945, worthless, like a Deutschmark.
Greece, 25,000 drachmas.
1943, worthless, couldn't buy anything with it.
Germany, a 1 billion dollar mark in 1923 would not buy you a loaf of bread.
It took a wheelbarrow of billion dollar marks to buy a loaf of bread.
There's a bunch of other examples of this.
That's where we're going by design.
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Alright, finishing up here with an example of devalued currencies.
It gets the really bad ones at the bottom of the article at Big Gold by Jeff Clark, also at Infowars.com.
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
And I actually was mailed some of these by listeners multiple times.
I had a
One trillion dollar one, and I had a ten trillion dollar one.
This copy here says, I promise to pay to the person that presents this note one hundred trillion dollars.
And by 19, by 2007, this was in 2006, you couldn't even get a hotel room for that, the news was reporting.
You couldn't buy anything of value with $100 trillion Zimbabwean money.
And, again, it doesn't need to get to that point to be devastating.
I mean, you know inflation's already killing people on fixed incomes, folks on Social Security.
And the government says, there's no inflation, there's no inflation.
Everyone knows there is.
People are getting their pay cut while inflation goes up.
And just in our operations, we are reaching three, four times what we were reaching just two years ago.
And before the depression came three years ago, as audience went up, our revenue went up.
Well, our revenue is flat, even though our audience has exponentially grown.
What do you think has happened to all the rest of the media?
Well, they're going bankrupt, whose audiences have become fractured, and they've got less audience in this debt economy.
Can you imagine what other media is going through?
Well, we know!
They got secret...
Federal Reserve money, hundreds of billions of dollars domestically to quote, thousands of publications, TV programs, and networks.
Thousands of different subsidiaries, media outlets, hundreds of millions directly to MSNBC.
You wonder why MSNBC comes out and says, if you don't like government healthcare, you hate black people.
You wonder why they come out and attack the family, attack everything decent.
That is a total U.S.
government mouthpiece.
You want to hear what the government has to say to you?
Watch MSNBC.
I mean, it is just brazen, absolute lies, race pimping, race division, wrapped in we're liberals and love everybody.
And are they investigated?
No, News Corp is.
Because News Corp plays a very dangerous double game.
They play both sides of the awake free masses and the collectivist.
They play both sides.
Now, I haven't even gotten into our top story yet.
And we've got a guest coming on for 30 minutes or so.
And I will keep them longer.
There's just too much news.
They've got a really important subject coming up.
Keep it about 40 after or so.
And then I will get into the top story.
And then Bob Chapman's joining us.
But the good news is I heard local talk radio and Dallas talk radio this morning covering my own story better than I did.
They actually read Paul Watson's article on air on all three shows.
I heard two local Austin, one Dallas.
I actually heard them reading InfoWars.com and going, we've checked the links, it's true.
Yeah, here's the MIAC report, Homeland Security.
Ron Paul's the number one threat, along with returning veterans, gun owners, conservatives, white people, and this video shows that.
They're rebranding the American people as Al-Qaeda.
This is a Homeland Security, domestic security force, Stasi takeover.
All the callers agreeing.
Wow, have the globalists miscalculated.
It's one thing to brand Al-Qaeda and the scary brown people and sell folks on, yeah, get them, take their rights.
As soon as the public, I don't care what color you are, figure out that the government's trying to use all this on the American people, it's over.
It's over for you.
Your little tool of staging terror is over.
And Breitbart, Daily Mail, Fox News all quoted our article and contacted DHS and said, is this really your video showing 98% of the 10-minute video of white people being terrorists and minorities reporting them?
Did you really make this?
DHS said, yeah, it's ours.
But we deny it's racial.
Of course it's racial.
They're done teaching everybody that brown people are terrorists.
Now we gotta learn that the white people are terrorists.
Only big sis can be trusted when she's the real terrorist.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're now into hour number two.
I want to get Janet Phelan, a great investigative journalist, on who I heard on Dr. Stan Monteith, but she's on a cell phone and it's cutting out every other word.
So we're going to try to get a better connection and see if we can get her on.
But she's called these different bioweapons facilities all over the country.
We've confirmed separately that they have level four weapons development in level three and even level two.
Total thousands of these, but hundreds of level 4 in level 3 facilities, and I want to get her on, but it's just an issue, so we'll see what happens with that.
Yeah, here's one of the notes I've been mailed.
Here's a $100,000 Republic of Argentina note, and just 15 years ago their currency was worth more than a dollar.
But after the private banksters came in and took over their country, within just a four-year period, they devalued their currency down to almost absolute zero.
I mean, it's not like Zimbabwe, where, you know, there's $100 trillion notes to try to get a hotel room for the night.
You know, this is $100,000 to be able to rent a room for a week.
But the $100,000 was worth more than $100,000.
I mean, you could buy a couple fancy cars for it at the time and rent a house for six months.
Not anymore.
And this is where we are going as a society.
And I covered some of that in the last hour.
I haven't gotten into all the big economic news yet.
I will get to that.
Bob Chapman, of course, with his
With his weekly visit.
Joining us is going to be coming up.
Really getting into that in more detail.
Also I want to get into Grassley says there's a DOJ cover-up in Fast and Furious Investigation.
Well they've been caught.
Now the FBI and DEA have been admitted that they've been basically
Order to be part of this shipping guns to Mexico, but also to cartels inside the US.
I mean, this makes Watergate look like Nixon was some type of choir boy.
I mean, this is so hardcore.
Shipping guns to gangs the government controls to knock out their competition in the drug trade.
That's really what's going on.
And as a side side dessert, blaming the Second Amendment.
And they don't care they've been caught.
They're going ahead with it and saying outside of law,
Gun shops now do whatever the ATF tells them to do.
You'll do whatever we say.
We'll tell you how many guns you can sell.
We'll tell you who you can sell them to.
We're going to start putting people on a no-buy list.
Doesn't matter if there's no convictions.
When you call to do the next check, you're just not going to get a gun.
As White House Chief of Staff now, Chicago mob boss Rahm Emanuel called for two years ago.
So it is just absolutely stunning, absolutely stunning the information that we've got on that front.
We're also going to get into the heat wave and the fact that one reason power prices are going up all over the country
And they have controlled blackouts and people die en masse.
I have a large stack of reports on that.
New York suffers rolling blackouts.
Heat dome covers one million square miles.
It is true.
The jet stream has basically completely stalled over the United States.
And that's happened before.
DTE begins rotating blackouts in Detroit.
Many summer school students going without AC.
And see, people say, well, in the 50s we had to do that.
Yeah, but if you ever went, we're in school in Dallas in kindergarten, I was in Margaret Sanger.
Eugenics named a school there in Dallas and they had air conditioning but sometimes it wasn't working and the whole side of the building was windows that opened completely up.
They put fans in there and they'd open the doors up and it would circulate through the building.
The buildings were long so they opened windows on this side and that side so no matter which way the wind was blowing you got that breeze.
You see?
But no, now they're in government buildings that don't have windows!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In England, they admit it.
And later in the hour I'm going to get into it that Green Initiative rules for carbon taxes in the next three years will double power prices in the UK.
We build three new coal power plants a year here in the United States.
China builds three a week.
They have cheap power.
They can industrialize.
We are rotting.
This is part of the post-industrial world that the UN, Maury Strong, Ted Turner, all of them have talked about.
The White House science czar, John B. Holdren.
And in the process, General Electric is tax-free.
Because they write the rules just like Google and Goldman Sachs and the rest of them.
And they run the EPA and get waivers where they can build or service plants, coal plants, but all their competition can't.
And so you're going to have your prices continue to go up, and you're going to have more black houses like a third world country.
Ceausescu in Romania could have provided power to the people.
He did it as a tool of control.
The Russians didn't have to have folks lined up begging for sausages.
It was about being totally dependent on the state.
Chavez has plenty of power.
It's come out, he cuts power to train you that he controls your life.
This is what it's like to live in an authoritarian society.
Control freaks enjoy you not being wealthy and not being strong.
Now, I'm also going to get into DHS denies racial overtones and white middle class terrorist video.
They responded to Breitbart, Fox News, the Daily Mail, to our story that broke yesterday and was the number six largest story, according to Alexa, on the web yesterday.
It's even bigger today.
Every talk radio show I've tuned into is talking about it.
And giving Infowars.com credit.
That's great.
Because more folks will come and find the truth of what's going on at Infowars.com.
We're going to be going over that report more.
Here's Fox News.
DHS video characterizes terrorists as white Americans.
Here's the mail.
Who does Homeland Security think poses the greatest risk?
Video portrays white middle class as the most likely terrorist.
Here's Breitbart, says they contacted Homeland Security, they confirmed it was their video.
Kind of like when we got the MIAC report saying returning veterans are the number one terrorist.
People couldn't believe it for a week, even Ron Paul couldn't believe it.
And Homeland Security said, no, Alex does have a real classified document.
Of course I did.
You think we make anything up here?
Now, she'll be with us about 40 after.
I could have her for 10 hours, but...
I gotta get to all the other news.
I haven't even hit the tip of the iceberg here, but I know truth when I hear it.
And here's the problem.
I do all this research late night, every night.
Everything I heard her say was absolutely true.
And more.
And I'm driving down the highway listening to her a couple days ago on Dr. Stan Monteith's Genesis show.
Comes on like four or five.
And I'm driving around doing an errand, listening to about 20 minutes.
Janet Phelan, who's an investigative journalist,
And boy, she's been through a lot for covering this, but everything she said is admitted.
But the point is nobody's really put it together.
I remember that they set up BioShield after the staged anthrax attacks that were admittedly a U.S.
government super-strain launched by them, not made in a bathtub as they'd said, and it's now come out they've framed the fourth guy they killed in custody.
That just came out on Monday.
But to make a long story short, there are several thousand, quote, Level 2 biolabs.
There are tens of thousands of what they call Level 1 security parameters.
There are reportedly hundreds of Level 4s.
But the point is, you get different numbers from different agencies.
Now, a Level 4 has weaponized Ebola.
Airborne, hemorrhagic fevers, things that kill 99% of anyone that comes in contact.
If it gets out, you're talking about billions of dead.
And I can pull up the mainstream news articles.
Billions with a B. They're telling you that Al-Qaeda is going to kill you all day, got a better chance of being killed by a honeybee sting.
We posted that in our article yesterday that went viral with major universities breaking it down.
Peanut allergies, deer jumping in front of your car, many times more likely lightning strikes than being killed by Al Qaeda.
Let's say Al Qaeda is real.
It isn't, but the point is, they're telling you that everybody's got to freak out and get ready for mass plagues to be released or Al Qaeda to hit us.
When the hurricane a few years ago destroyed Galveston, destroyed more than half the city.
I mean, the building's gone.
They have a level 4 bio-weapons lab.
They call it a bio-shield research defense facility, but it's been admitted by the Baltimore Sun and other publications, a bio-weapons lab.
But I'm going to go to her and let her break down her phone calls and her research and her articles, where she's tried to track all this down and she gets different stories.
But here's the big issue.
At hundreds and hundreds of level 3s, they just have the regular anthrax and things.
And the non-weaponized Ebola and things like that.
At the level threes, they have level fours.
And I've seen reports in Galveston that the University of Texas Research Facility that's on the water and was really almost destroyed by the hurricane, what, two, three years ago, they get hit all the time, that that facility is really a level two and a half.
Folks, a level three
is underground with with with air seals and containment.
A level four is three levels down with three barbed wire fences around it with landmines and you have to have security personnel with mounted heavy weapons.
Heavy machine guns.
If you enter the facility one level, you are killed immediately.
Electrified fences.
The point is, the government's run by eugenicists that talk about how they want to kill and get rid of most of us.
They're making it sexy on dramas and TV shows everywhere about the world after humans and how great it's going to be.
They're telling you that naturally this stuff's going to be released.
There's a history of governments releasing bioweapons, testing stuff on kids, Tuskegee, the list goes on and on.
So the point is, there are level 4 mousepox that'll kill 99% of humans they come in contact with, that's even mainstream news, in level 3 facilities that aren't even level 3.
And she's gone over the numbers.
And when I heard her, it was like, I remember that, I remember that.
Because this is something we don't talk more about.
So I give you Janet Phelan.
uh... and i'll also tell you about her website is janetphalen.com investigative journalist whose articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Bernardino County Sentinel, the Santa Monica Daily Press, the Long Beach Press Telegram, uh... Alley Magazine, the America's Bulletin, Sovereign Mind, uh... she's done uh... countless radio shows, TV, I can't go over her whole bio because of time, but I wanted to preface this that they're telling you give up all your rights, Al Qaeda may kill you, meanwhile there are
They're building them all over the country in the middle of major cities and rural areas and on coastlines.
Level 4 bioweapons labs that have been built in the last 8 years all over the place in level 3s and 2s.
Janet, you've got the floor for the next 30 minutes or so.
Break down your research and what you've discovered in this area.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
I first got interested in researching issues surrounding bioweapons because of some very strange verbiage in the U.S.
Patriot Act.
As we know, the U.S.
Patriot Act was rushed into law.
Most of Congress didn't read it following the attacks of September 11th.
So, embedded in the U.S.
Patriot Act is a very strange section, which is Section 817-817, the Expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute.
Now, in this statute, they have basically violated and nullified the International Bioweapons Treaty that the U.S.
signed in 1972.
And although a lot of the verbiage in 817 mirrors this biological weapons convention, which is the international treaty, there's a caveat, which basically is kind of a giving the finger to the international community.
And in the caveat, they're saying, and I'm going to read it right here, whoever knowingly violates this section shall be fined as provided in this title, in prison not more than 10 years or both.
The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply with respect to any duly authorized United States governmental activity.
So after, you know, passing into law through 817 how you can go to jail and you can't be stockpiling and transporting these weapons, they say, well if we do it,
You can't do anything about it.
Well, research is a very problematic term, because what kind of research?
Is it defensive research, or is it weapons research?
And how would we know?
Now, when I spoke with the CDC a couple of weeks ago about these bio, they're called biosafety lab level 3s and 4s, I was very disturbed at what amounted to disinformation being given by the CDC.
I spoke with Lori Bain, who's up there on the food chain, and also the press officer named Von Robeck.
And they tried to convince me that there were six biosafety lab level fours within the United States.
Well, if one starts researching this simply on the internet, you're going to find a whole lot more.
So I confronted Ms.
Bain and Mr. Roba.
I said, well, what about Galveston?
You know, what about... Ma'am, I have the LA Times from eight years ago saying that Bush was funded 36 of them.
Well, you know, we're finding them everywhere.
Now, I found a couple on a military basis, BSL-4s on military basis, and I found them by looking at the curriculum VJs of a couple of architects who say, oh yeah, I built a BSL-4 at Dugway, I built a BSL-4 at Aberdeen Proving Grounds.
Well, according to the CDC, you ask them these questions, they go,
Um, I just don't feel comfortable asking that.
So they're insisting there's six.
You confront them with evidence there's more, and they fall silent.
They don't feel comfortable.
All right, Janet, stay there.
We're going to break.
Going to come back.
I don't want you to walk through where these are and your research that I've confirmed separately.
You're right.
They've got level fours in level threes and two and a halves.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, stay with us.
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The federal government is now announcing, so are European governments, that they want all cars to have remote control systems in them for your safety.
It will take control of the car.
If the car senses you've done something dangerous, and Google's just gotten approval for Google cars in Arizona to be on the roads, Danny Joinko, the demolition expert who concluded on national television and in many programs that the Building 7 was a controlled demolition, his car magically ran off the road while coming home from church and ran into a pylon.
And you wait.
When they make everybody have remote control cars, they can already rig them.
This could be their favorite way of killing folks.
Sad issue.
Just thought I'd report that.
He might have just had a heart attack and driven off the road.
He wasn't that old though.
Going back to Janet Phelan, investigative journalist for the LA Times, you name it.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up with our guest.
So I'm going to try to sit back and shut up.
I just want folks to know what you found is true because I've done the research as well.
Just you've been calling them and getting the runaround.
about these level four and level threes all over the country in the middle of cities, small towns, and they're not even telling anybody what's right next to them.
How long until this stuff gets out?
Please continue.
Well, um, the issue really is here, um, no, there's several issues.
One of the primary issues is, are they doing defensive or offensive research?
Now, we see where this 817 of the U.S.
Patriot Act, the expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute, essentially gave the U.S.
government a blank check.
They are not accountable.
If you look at the International Biological Weapons Convention, you're going to find another blank check.
This International Biological Weapons Convention has no key.
There is no investigatory body and there is no way to, basically, no international body to assign penalties.
So basically, the BWC folks show up in Geneva every five years, they pat each other on the back, great job, we're containing all these biological weapons.
They have no way of researching if biological warfare is actually being done, which is essentially
What they're trying to inhibit through the BWC.
They're trying to inhibit the development and stockpiling of these weapons.
But they have no means whatsoever to check this out.
But let's talk about what level 4s will do to you if they get out.
I mean these things are more dangerous than nuclear weapons and they're just proliferating everywhere.
They are proliferating, and we don't know how many there are.
The CDC is actively inhibiting this information from getting out.
They actually, I'll say it, they lied.
You know, they basically lied to me about these BSL-4s, and when I confronted them with what I found, they said, well, for national security reasons, we don't feel comfortable on commenting whether there's a BSL-4 in Galveston.
We don't feel confident, we don't feel, you know, comfortable
There is a project that was established a number of years ago called the Sunshine Project.
It's out of Austin, Texas.
Yeah, right.
So there was a report that came out a bit ago by Edward Hammond, who was the director of the Sunshine Project, and what he found is that the oversight mechanisms, which means there has to be like committees there at these bioweapons labs to oversee what's going on, the committees don't meet, the committees don't review, the committees are there in name only, and there isn't any review going on.
And furthermore,
Edward Hammond found out that there was unauthorized research with select agents that had not been approved going on at these labs.
So we don't have anybody watching what's going on.
Now, this takes us to the issue of the possibility that the government is developing bioweapons and stockpiling them.
Now, several years ago, I was fortunate enough to be traveling across country with a truck driver who had a delivery to make at Sierra Army Depot, which is up in California.
It's about 70 miles above Reno.
I was admitted into the base, although not through any particular date, but the trucker who had a security clearance told me very clearly that
That they used to have nukes there at Sierra Army Depot, but now they just have these big vats of liquid.
Now, that would most likely be biological or chemical weapons, so I started doing some more research on government
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We are back live.
We could not be talking about a more important issue with our investigative journalist friend.
We're going to be going back to Janet Phelan here in just a moment.
Speaking of chemical, biological, radiological weapons...
In the United States, 70% of the population roughly has been forcibly medicated since the 1950s.
They admit that sodium fluoride gives you a seven-fold increase in brain cancer and causes hundreds of other degenerative diseases.
Part of the little gift that the psychopaths running things give us.
They also add hundreds of other deadly chemicals, including radioactive isotopes.
Since we've been covering that now all over the country, local news is saying we did test the water.
There's 10 times, 30 times, 50 times, hundreds of times, safe levels of uranium.
But funny, it's not in the well water.
We don't know where it's coming from.
It's mixed in with the sodium fluoride on record.
We've had other
Conant on and others with the footnotes in his book how they do it where they mine it.
Same place they get the fluoride and the phosphate is where they get the uranium.
And it's all part of just doing something so incredible you wouldn't be able to believe it even if they admitted it.
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We're going to start having probably weekly special hour-long reports as well at PrisonPlanet.tv and many other things are nearing completion here thanks to your support.
We are intensifying the effort against the globalists.
Going back to Janet Phelan.
Janet, I know you're a journalist, write for the LA Times, Telegram, you name it.
You're very conservative, you know, about
Right, right.
I mean, it's like Obama calls Libya, says it's not a war, but it is a war.
So they say bioweapons research for defense, but they're brewing it up and developing the worst stuff imaginable.
So let's talk about, from your research, what's in a level four, where we know they are, because I heard you on Monteith going right through the different numbers of the thousands of total labs, how many are level three, how many are level four, where some of these are, where they're building new ones.
Right, well, the CDC maintains that there are around 250 level threes.
However, according to documents that were filed in terms of a lawsuit that was fronted by Tri-Valley Cares, which is an anti-nuclear group out in California, the DOJ and the Department of Energy have admitted
Thank you.
We have stockpiles on military basis.
We are only doing defensive research.
Why do we have Aberdeen Proving Ground?
We have a soldier of biological chemical command there.
We have one at Bluegrass.
We have another one at Jefferson Proving Ground.
We have another one here at Rock Island site.
Rocky Mountain Arsenal.
It goes on and on.
So, the question becomes, how can they maintain that there's defensive research going on when we have military bases that are stockpiling these things?
It's obviously, if they're on military bases, we're assuming that we've got a weapons stash.
Well, of course it's a weapons program.
The U.S.
has the biggest biological chemical weapons program on earth, dwarfing the Russians.
That's always been on record.
They just claim, as you point out, since that treaty, that now it's all defensive research.
But they call the Defense Department the Defense Department.
We all know, I mean, obviously it's the Imperial Banker Army.
But looking at this, we saw Fukushima.
And TEPCO and the Japanese government, we now know five of the six reactors blew up.
Three completely melted down, each one bigger than Chernobyl.
Massive radiation raining down.
EPA just raises the level of isotopes, in some cases 100,000 times.
They now say it's safe, but they previously didn't.
That's all on record.
And so we see a Fukushima.
You know, who builds a six reactor complex on a huge fault line?
Where tsunamis come in and then stores the spent fuel rods, 644,000 on top the reactors, which were then ejected up to a mile and a half away.
Well, forget Fukushima, we've got level 4, in level 3 facilities all over the country.
And where hurricanes come in like Galveston, I mean, what is going on with the ruling class?
What is the issue with these people?
Because it's only a matter of time until not just our government, but the Israelis, the South Africans, the Chinese, the Russians, they're all doing it.
What was it, six years ago they put out online, a university in Australia, how to design a human mousepox that kills 99% of humans, and they put the easy recombinant calculation online.
I'm sure you saw that.
I mean, I think they're just getting ready to claim that there's an accident for their population reduction.
Well, I think that there may be something else at play here, Alex.
I want to mention very briefly that I have applied to the United Nations for press credentials to attend the BWC, the Biological Weapons Convention, which takes place only every five years.
So this December, in Geneva, Switzerland, the guys are meeting again to slap each other on the back saying, aren't we doing such a good job?
I'm sure they don't know.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Um, so what really concerns me, well basically two things.
You know, if we have an quote-unquote accidental release and something like Marburg or Ebola for which there is no known cure, then we have, you know, an international crisis.
Another scenario is that there is going to be an intended and selective release.
Now, I'd like to bring up very briefly
ABC News just carried the story that Janet Napolitano over at the Department of Homeland Security is concerned that these dangerous terrorists have infiltrated the water department and she is citing the possibility of an attack through the water system.
That's right.
The White Al Qaeda, she says, anyone writing, he actually said, writing on paper, taking photographs, talking on a cell phone, or typing on a BlackBerry or iPhone, who is white, and this is now national news, it shows women in shopping malls running in terror.
If you're writing on a piece of paper, you just run screaming.
But let's not worry about the 36 level 4 bioweapons labs.
Well, I just want to bring to light here, because Janet Napolitano is basically releasing now concerns that I have been stating for years are absolutely valid.
I wrote the article, Water as a Weapon, back in 2007, and I've written some other issues concerning this, and without going into a whole lot of detail, because people can find this article online.
I don't think so.
I've seen this myself.
They put little jackports in where they can selectively hit certain neighborhoods.
I talked to a pretty high-level Republican.
He agreed to come on.
He's actually been on over a decade ago, but then he got freaked out and got threatened.
He worked in Singapore and talked about how they selectively drug and chemicalize certain neighborhoods and test, and then he wouldn't come on the show and talk about it.
Yes, they do, but the way they have this set up, Alex, is they can selectively hit particular houses through this double line water system.
Now, you know, I ask anyone who's listening to the show to look at the article, Water is a Weapon, look at Homeward Bound, and explain to me what is the necessity to have mixing capabilities on the main line?
Because this way,
We're not talking about an accidental release that might kill, you know, until millions of people.
We are talking about an intentional and selective program.
Now, I went ahead and called, after I saw this little segment on ABC News, I went ahead and called the Department of Homeland Security last night, and I said, you know, Ms.
Napolitano is absolutely right.
You were able to get them on the phone?
We've tried, wow!
Well, I didn't get through to somebody in a position of power.
It was a little bit late in the day, but I'm going to call back after this show because she's absolutely right.
There are dangerous terrorists, anti-Americans inside the Water Department.
They are engineers.
They are contractors.
And they are the people who have set up this double line water system.
And I would be glad to give her some names because I have been researching this for a number of years.
I have had contact with city water engineers.
I've had contact with city attorneys.
And I can name names of people who are exhibiting
Ma'am, your phone is muffled there for just a moment.
You know, the issue here is it came out with the Shah of Iran and others.
One of their favorite things to do is throw a couple of plutonium pellets in your seat, your car.
They'll sew them in.
It'll fry you in just a few months.
Then they go in and remove them later.
Uh, or they just ignore it, no one ever finds them.
This is called a soft kill weapon.
And they're already putting things in our water.
Are you familiar with the fact that they mine all the major, uh, sodium fluoride deposits, uh, out of phosphate mines where they mine the uranium?
And that every major water supply that, uh, that has fluoride has uranium added?
Absolutely, and I think this fluoride issue needs to be seen for exactly what it is.
Fluoride dulls the hippocampus.
It makes people sort of dazed and confused, and I look at this as sort of a one-two punch.
You daze them with the sodium fluoride, and then you come in for the kill.
Now, in Germany, in the 30s and 40s, where the concentration camps, the residents of the concentration camps got fluoridated water, courtesy of IG Farben.
That was in the Nuremberg trials, and then our government said, this is great, bring it over here.
That is mainline history that the Nazis put fluoride in the water.
So now, we not only have it in the water, a lot of the soft drinks have sodium fluoride.
A lot of the psychiatric medicines, like Prozac, are absolutely... Are you kidding?
Powdered eggs can have 300 parts per million under law.
They're adding it to thousands of foods!
So we have our thinking, our rational thinking capabilities, our emergency response system, so to speak, individually has been disabled through these programs and it makes people, you know, like...
Well, we don't see people rising up too much.
People keep saying, what's wrong with Americans?
Why do they put up with, why do the vets put up with a deal to take all of their death benefits on record and no one gets in trouble?
Why are the banks, why are the states announcing that the banks are allowed to now steal houses they don't own?
That's in Reuters today.
Because they've drugged us with a chemical weapon and now they're brewing up airborne Ebola for us.
Well, we don't know.
You know, I'll tell you something.
Well, actually, Dr. Eric Bianca at UT said that the airborne Ebola will be out soon.
He looks forward to him and his family dying at UT.
And then I had his graduate students send me hateful emails, who I later learned work in bioweapons, because I would look their name up and see them in a white lab coat working at government bases, and they'd say, the doctor is too liberal.
Humans will all be exterminated.
How dare you, scum!
I'm telling you, they've got their people everywhere.
It's like 12 monkeys.
Yes, I agree with that, and I think we specifically have to look at selective mechanisms because, you know, these people don't really want to kill themselves.
We have to look at vaccines.
We have to look at any sort of pharmaceutical that, you know, is selective in terms of you get that prescription and you get something else.
We have to look at the possibility of an attack as Ms.
Napolitano so nicely clued us into.
Through the water system.
We have to understand that there are populations at risk and this is basically the message that I'm trying to bring here.
So, in the meantime, when I get off this call, I'm going to call again to the Department of Homeland Security and I'm going to ask them to basically set up a meeting with an agent.
I'm going to turn over the blueprints that I have for multiple cities.
I'm going to turn over the information that I have
Because I'm sure Homeland Security doesn't know.
Well, you know, I... No, no, I mean, it's good because there are a lot of low-level agents who aren't operatives, and they'll get slapped down, but they may start investigating on their own.
Well, Alex, you could call them right now from your show, and we could make this report on the air, and it would be a little harder to say, oh, that Janet Phelan, she's a conspiracy theorist.
Well, I know that there's, uh, I mean, I know that there's, uh, they said eight years ago, they were going to build 36 level four bioweapons labs and they built them.
And now we learned they've got at least 150 or more in level threes.
And now they've got level threes and level twos.
And then they've got level twos.
They call threes that they've got fours in.
I mean, we're talking about stuff that will kill you and your family.
99% kill rate, weaponized Ebola, hemorrhagic fever, human mousepox.
You know what?
That's a good idea, Janet.
We should talk to you again in the next few days.
We should make a call on air to Homeland Security.
But I've done this many, many times.
Why don't you off air give us the numbers you have?
Because I try to call in terror attack reports.
You know, when I have witnesses that saw him get the underwear bomber on the plane, U.S.
government agents, I called them.
They wouldn't answer the phone.
Later, it did come out.
They admitted the government got him on the plane.
So I've got terror.
I've tried to call and report terror.
We're good to go.
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We're good.
Alright, well Janet, I'm glad that you're looking into the bioweapons labs.
We should have a larger national debate about this.
But from the different answers you got from government, we've only got about a minute left here, the different answers you got from different branches of government, the different people you talked to, you definitely got the runaround.
But do we know how many Level 4s there are?
We don't know.
They won't tell us.
And when you ask them directly, they give you, they being the Center for Disease Control, who is in charge of tracking these, they give you false information.
So, you know, I think that we do have dangerous people inside our government who mean us harm, and I think they are at pulse points of positions of power, and we need
Thank you so much for joining us.
I would just say this here, and it's that
That looking at this, I mean, it's a fact they're building these.
They have built them all over the country.
They're moving Plum Island to the Midwest, which, you know, created Lyme disease and released it.
West Nile.
I mean, these people are eugenicists and they're into death.
And we need to be aware of this is going on.
This is the real threat to America.
This is the real threat to the world.
Not that we're being told all day that Al-Qaeda is going to get us, so give your rights up.
And of course, coming up the next hour, we're going to have an absolute cornucopia of important news and information.
The latest on the Oslo...
Norway blast targeting the Prime Minister's office.
Massive vehicle bomb report.
People trapped.
Total chaos.
Helpers of the global jihad claim responsibility.
Told you it'd be jihadis.
This is right as Europe says no to the banker takeover.
Oh, look, terrorists hit you.
Better do what the government says.
We keep you safe.
Man dresses police officer, opens fire.
Now, reportedly, there's been shootings.
In fact, we should have just shifted to this earlier.
This is so big.
At a summer camp, also in Norway.
Four killed.
And I guess this is White Al Qaeda hitting again.
We were told White Al Qaeda was about to attack.
We'll see if...
Yeah, they say he was dressed like a cop.
Help us!
They yelled.
Four killed.
The answer is get a second amendment there in Norway.
BBC Live is covering it.
We're going to be pretty much getting into this.
I've heard of getting off the economy and bioweapons for the last 30-40 minutes, but this is the big issue.
Oslo explosion.
Live coverage.
An explosion has damaged government buildings in Oslo with injuries reported.
The cause of the blast has not yet been ascertained, though they're saying it's a car bomb.
Seven people killed by the bomb blast, two seriously injured.
Police are saying they believe the person responsible for the bomb to be a foreigner, according to BBC.
Well, they arrest you over there if you criticize foreigners.
But the attacker in Utoya, now arrested, looked Norwegian.
There you go, white Al-Qaeda hitting it hard.
Right when they come out and say white Al-Qaeda is going to hit,
And they show the white people, you know, with blue eyes and the headdresses.
Boom, they're hitting!
They're rebranding!
White Al Qaeda's hitting!
It goes on.
Witnesses have managed to escape from the island, says a NRK report on the spots that the perpetrator had a Norwegian look.
He should be around 185 to 190 centimeters tall and have blonde hair.
White Al Qaeda?
Told you White Al Qaeda was coming!
Told you they were gonna announce it!
Just like they have the underwear bomber, and the same day, they go, we just so happen to have the naked body scanners going in next week.
That'll keep you safe.
We ordered them a year ago.
So, White Al Qaeda has hit.
I told, oh my gosh, see, next it'll be the veterans are gonna start hitting.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're into the third hour.
I'm multitasking on air.
I'm calling Paul Joseph Watson right now.
In fact, if I know Watson, he's probably already on it.
They've announced that White Al Qaeda is running around shooting people in Norway.
You've got the bombing coinciding with it, right as they had the rollout of White Al Qaeda.
in the last week and told you they were going to hit you.
Right as the bankers implode Europe and get ready to implode the United States, they stage these provocateur events to make you rally around and worship them.
Hey Watson, are you there buddy?
Okay, I'm live on air right now.
You're not punched up.
I called you on my globalist tracking slave device, iPhone, that we're using to jack into the matrix here.
But obviously, look, we don't have the credo, but I'm asking listeners now as I ask you, because this is what really impresses people that aren't awake, who don't know the research.
They do get impressed by precision predictions.
Remember I said white al-Qaeda would strike right as they fully imploded Europe?
And that they would have a rollout of white Al Qaeda starting with soft target shootings and bombings in Europe that would then move to the United States.
And I've been predicting this, I don't know, for over a year now with exact precision because I was gauging their propaganda, their preparatory gout lighting of the public.
So this is an absolute emergency.
White Al-Qaeda attacking shooting people in Norway, coinciding with the car bomb.
I mean, this is just absolutely off the charts.
I believe this is the beginning of their beta testing, the rollout of White Al-Qaeda.
Uh, and they're also, you know, going to have the rollout of Muslim extremists linking up with the white Al Qaeda.
They teach police that's returning veterans.
They have all these TV shows like Homeland and others.
They're all about the vets are going to join Al Qaeda, the blonde haired, blue eyed vets.
Anybody believes that?
It's just, it's just.
Am I on the air?
Well, the modern Norwegian is from this shooting incident that's in a different part of the country, but they're saying it's related.
Of course they are.
Look, look, I want to talk to you right now on air.
We're going to call you back and put you up right as we go to Chapman, okay?
But this is full red-level emergency here.
I mean, I just wish I was wrong.
Oh man, I tell you, this is bad news.
And they've got actuaries on all of this.
They probably even had computer algorithms knowing that there'd be responses to their white al-Qaeda, and then they pull this.
I tell you, we're in trouble, Watson.
I'm going to call you back right now.
I'm going to go to you at Chapman on the other side, okay?
We gotta go full tilt boogie on this, Watson, alright?
Alright, good job.
I'll see ya.
Get him on the line.
We're going to Bob Chapman here.
We're going to break in about a minute and a half.
Bob Chapman, former U.S.
intelligence, big silver and gold broker, biggest newsletter until he retired.
Now he's back.
Bob, White Al Qaeda has hit and hit hard right after DHS rolled out that White Al Qaeda is going to start attacking.
I predicted they would hit soft targets in Europe first,
I agree with that.
And that is the reason why they have those kind of things.
Are you speaking of what happened in Oslo?
Yeah, there's been a bombing by a white Al Qaeda Easter Bunny.
He had the Lucky Charms elves with him.
But also, they're reporting a soft target shooting at this day camp.
They love to target kids, folks.
It's Operation Gladio.
Yeah, I saw that.
Blond-haired Al Qaeda, hitting it hard.
Well, it's obviously another
Well, stay there!
Next you're gonna tell me that the Bin Laden video wasn't real.
Even though they now admit the story was fake about the Situation Room and everything else, but...
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay ladies and gentlemen, my gut told me this morning when the Oslo bombing took place
That they were going to play a white Al Qaeda card.
And again, I'm so close to this.
I study this so much.
I've learned to watch their preparatory brainwashing that's designed for unconscious, very dumbed down, Prozac fluoride heads.
And so they always prep.
Al Qaeda's going to hit you.
What do you do when they hit?
We give our rights up.
That was going on before 9-11.
And I was able to call, I was able to even call the target they were going to hit and who they would blame it on.
On record!
In fact, I taped it two months before 9-11.
Well, I did it live and taped it.
And I re-aired it on AXS because it had been turned back in to randomly play.
And it aired on the afternoon of September 11th.
And we always had positive comments to the station.
They had hundreds of threats.
Because it was a two-and-a-half-hour show where I said the government's going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on Bin Laden.
Imagine folks on a two-hour show, 4 to 6 p.m., in Austin watching a TV show where I'm saying the government's going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on Bin Laden.
They thought it was live reporting.
I was showing the World Trade Center, saying they're going to blow this up.
I don't know how to explain.
I just get thousands of data points and stream them in together, and God's supercomputer, we've all got one, and I'm able to predict what they're going to do.
Now I don't have the crew, the energy, the time, only because this will wake people up.
For over a year I've said, actually about five years, but in the last year I said now's the time.
They're going to watch white Al Qaeda attacks in Europe against soft targets, car bombs, shopping malls.
They love to target kids, like Operation Gladio when the U.S.
government blew up school buses and shot up schools and blamed it on the communists.
I said they're going to target kids, and I've said it over and over, and it will come when they're in the final phase of imploding each region.
Well, even Sarkozy was in Reuters last night saying this is a Marshall Plan, an IMF takeover of Europe.
This is great.
They have designed this whole thing to actually set up a euro and then implode it into a new corporate receivership.
And then they're only writing off the debts of smaller banks that aren't part of the big six.
And that, I shot a special video at midnight last night about this on the Alex Jones Channel.
Now Bob Chapman's riding shotgun with us.
I haven't asked him yet if he can go into overdrive, which again, the main AM and FM's will be off with us in the next hour.
Some do carry the fourth, but we'll be internet only at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWarstreams.
Still, you know, 100,000 people over the hour listening and millions later watching the videos of it.
And some stations do carry it.
So, so we're going to get Bob Chapman on with us throughout the hour.
Paul Watson's waiting in the wings, correct?
But I'm told that we have a, we got a news contact from Norway who is in Oslo and was 200 feet away from this.
His name's Robert?
Robert, tell us about yourself.
Tell us what you witnessed, sir.
Thanks Alex.
So I just called you because I wanted, you know, to tell sort of what happened.
I work, my office is just by the government building.
So I was out having a coffee and walking back towards my office.
There's a big open square.
So I was just coming into the square and then, you know, you just got bashed a bit back and windows
I was flying out, glass behind me, in front of me, and then all of the city just went totally quiet.
So we saw up towards the government buildings and smoke was coming out.
I started walking towards the government building, and then people was coming, you know, out of the building and out of the square.
People bleeding, people carrying other people, telling, don't go up there, there's people lying dead on the square.
And just, I just,
Stopped and, you know, waited for the police and ambulances and things to come.
And by the way, we've checked your number.
You are in Norway right now.
Now, sir, you told our office specifically, appreciate your courage after being shook up by this, just as Kurt Haskell and his wife were in Amsterdam and saw the disheveled, appeared to be drugged, underwear bomber, Christmas Day bomber being gotten on the plane by a sharp-dressed man with an American English accent.
And then they saw the whole firecracker bomb, the men filming it on board, the fake bomb threat once they landed.
The government said that was a lie for a month and a half.
Then the State Department had to admit, indeed, they were ordered by an unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency to get Muttalib on the plane.
So we have info warriors everywhere at every event now.
You are that man.
You told our crew something about men in black uniforms sweeping the area the night before.
Tell us about that.
And if we find out there was a drill in the area, just like Mumbai, just like Bali, it's always the same.
It came out in Chicago Tribune, the Bali thing was connected to the CIA.
So, sir, you've got the floor.
Then we'll have Bob Chapman and Paul Watson ask you questions.
Robert, do you want to put your full name on air so we can get a report out on this?
Or do you not want to put your full name out?
It just adds a lot of credibility if you do.
Yeah, I'll give you my full name and, you know, address and stuff.
I live in the centre of Oslo.
I live, I guess, one and a half kilometres from the blast, so everything's just quite around here.
I'm also just called in to the civil defence, so I don't, you know, want to
They closed my whole name and I sort of have to be there a bit soon, but the thing with the uniforms, I know about the underwear bomber, I know about false flag operations and so on, so I've been, by your guidance, just following what's going on and things.
There's been talk about more chatter, things happening in Norway and so on.
On the internet, maybe terrorists and these things.
So, I'm sort of shooken up.
I get my things from the office, then go back home.
Then I start switching between TV channels, and then one of the channels says, oh there's an unconfirmed
A report that last night, men in black unmarked uniforms were searching the area around the media building, VG, a big newspaper in Norway, and the government building just around the area where the blast was.
Then they switched to, of course, the other news.
I don't know, have you, have you gotten anything what's happened, Alex?
Yes, we're getting, Paul Watson's tracking it, Kurt Nemo's tracking it, but specifically you're saying on Norwegian television they did report there was some type of bomb sweep last night in the area.
Can you, can you remember, I know you're a little shook up after the bombing that you witnessed and you live in the area.
Robert, can you give us the name of the TV station?
Yes, it was TV2.
So that's state-run media, isn't it?
No, NRK is the state-run media.
TV2 is commercial.
Okay, commercial.
Yeah, but, you know, they're the same guys, I guess.
Got it.
Okay, so TV2, commercial channels specifically, because we're going to look into this.
Paul Watson's listening right now.
Specifically, exactly, what did they say about the men in the black uniforms?
No, they just said that they had reports that someone was sweeping the area yesterday.
Not very detailed, just as a by-sentence.
That's why.
But I have to elaborate on that there's not only a terror bombing here in Oslo.
Yeah, because the government has this youth camp.
Every year it's quite popular.
They always have newscasters and stuff showing on TV because, you know, it's by far the biggest single party.
And, you know, the last report now said that this guy was gathering them, telling that, holding a gun.
He said, because of what happened in Oslo and la la la, he had a machine gun, not just a pistol, but he had a machine gun, and then he just started massacring them.
He just started shooting.
And we've now had a Rina Jihadi group with intelligence connections take the credit.
So, and the government's now saying, correct, because I've got British news on this, it's up on the Drudge Report, they're saying that the white Al Qaeda is connected to the other Rina Jihadi group that supposedly is involved in this.
Is that what Norwegian television is saying?
No, they're saying that they don't have, they're naming names, they're saying it could be connected, it's sort of, it looks like an al-Qaeda operation because it's happening two places at the same time.
Yeah, the New York Times is reporting that it's the helpers of global jihad.
Now they'll use a message board somewhere, I could go on a message board and say Santa Claus took credit and they would print it, but...
So this is just, and they also have named, they're naming a mullah here, and saying him specifically.
It looks like, because I was watching CNN and following the 9-1-1 happening live, and they, within, you know, a very short amount of time, they were saying, oh, this is Bin Laden.
Yeah, from the grave, Bin Laden.
And they've got the million pages of stuff they found where they can always make up new plots out of that.
And of course he's in the ocean down there with Saving Nemo and everything's fine.
Blast and gun attack in Norway, seven dead.
How are the Norwegians taking this?
And why do you think the globalists, because this is clearly staged, ladies and gentlemen, I mean, I'd say 98% chance.
I mean, I see this as right as the banking cartel tries to make Europe shine on to pay everything into the banker's coffer.
This is a way to unify people around unpopular government programs.
I don't know if you say you're a listener.
Have you not heard me predict exactly this would happen and that Western Europe would be the first target of the soft target attacks?
Sir, I've been following you every day and I know this.
I've been extra observant on the news and seeing where things are going on.
I was thinking maybe Berlin, maybe even Stockholm and, you know, we're outside the EU but we're
We have six planes in Libya where, you know, we just got a message from this Volker Rasmussen telling... Oh yeah!
They're going to try to blame Gaddafi exactly as a pretext for the ground invasion.
We also talked about that being a possibility.
That needs to go in the hopper.
They want the ground invasion September, October.
You're saying this either could be Qaddafi, or it could be being blamed on him, but now you have the blonde-haired guy involved.
That really pushes it into the realm of government stage.
What is your gut?
I mean, you're somebody who just survived this.
You're somebody who felt the blast.
You were somebody who was right there, 200 feet away from it.
What does your gut tell you this is?
As I told you, sir, I was thinking because...
You know, there's an election coming up, the government is losing voters, and I was thinking, yeah, you know, we're sort of free, and it's a perfect opportunity to, you know, restrict our freedoms, and I was just actually waiting for something to happen.
I'm sorry to say, but you know,
Well, still, we've got seven people dead.
You've still got a better chance there of dying from being struck by lightning.
And even if thousands were dying, you don't give your freedoms up to terrorists.
You don't give in to it, even if it was real.
I mean, you just survived.
You said you were 200 feet away.
How did the blast affect you?
I was sort of, I was shooken, my body was moved and the windows exploded.
One right behind me, one right beside me.
I was just stepping onto the boardwalk and then the windows just came.
Alarms started going and there were debris all over the square.
I have pictures from right where I was standing, so I can send them to you too.
If you want to see, it was just sort of, but then everything was just calm and then chaos.
They evacuated the center of Oslo, I don't know if it's totally quiet.
Well sir, going back, if you would have left a minute earlier, you might have, were you going in the direction of the blast when it happened?
Yes, I was walking towards my office again, and my office is just by the building.
It's the building, you know, next to the one that was blown up.
Have you had a chance to talk to any of your friends?
I mean, to go back, so you were going in the direction of it?
I had a clear view straight up to the building where the explosion was.
I saw the smoke coming up straight in front of me.
Now expanding on this.
So there you have it.
The government in trouble.
Government approval ratings down.
Magically this happens.
Have you had a chance to talk to any other Norwegians and get their view of what they think is going on?
Well, we've sort of texted, you know, people, are you okay?
And so on.
So I'm just saying staged and people saying, this is just strange.
And people say, yeah, staged.
But, you know, not everyone understands that these things can happen.
I mean, I don't know for certain, of course not, but it's so strange.
They were also saying that
They saw four men in a black Mercedes shooting away from somewhere in the incident site just before it happened.
Some car was blocked at the airport.
It's just a strange message going everywhere.
But I guess it's just chaos also, right after the explosion.
Well, they'll find some patsies.
Do we know what happened to the blonde-haired al-Qaeda who shot up the summer camp?
And do we know who he killed there?
Well, they say they have arrested one person.
I mean, this was an island and people were just swimming away from the island.
People were calling and texting people on land.
They were running away, just hiding.
They said, don't call, he might find you.
He was running around the island trying to find people and shoot them.
If you just joined us, we're talking to Robert, who is in Oslo, Norway, a listener of the show, and we've called him back there.
He is there in Oslo, and we appreciate him joining us.
I want to bring Bob Chapman up, who worked in U.S.
intelligence against the Russians, to ask you a question, and then Paul Watson, and then we'll let you go, but stay in contact with you in the next few days, and perhaps get you on Sunday after you've had time to really soak all this in.
We're glad you survived.
Sad for the seven that are dead.
Now over 30 seriously wounded.
There are more.
They dragged dead people into the building to do reconnaissance.
And, you know, that number is going up, sir.
Yeah, yeah.
And there's a lot of people killed after the shooting.
I'm watching the TV through a live broadcast.
Yeah, the shooting, they don't have any numbers because North Carolina has bad weather.
Yes, I know sir.
It's sort of a perfect timing because people have just gone from work and some people are going past the government borders and most people are on holiday here.
I guess almost everyone, so there's not much collateral damage but enough to, you know,
They did a big event.
Incredible, incredible.
Bob Chapman's with us every Friday.
He seems to always be on when news is breaking and then it gets cut short.
Bob may have to leave at the end of the hour, but we're going in to the fourth hour for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and InfoWars audio stream listeners if stations want to carry it.
It's on the satellite and they can get it if they want live coverage of this.
But Bob,
Look, I need listeners, not to toot my horn, but to get all the videos where I lay out exactly how this would start.
And if it turns out they say it's white Al Qaeda, you know folks, they're dropping the hammer.
They're going to start the arrest, the roundups.
I mean, this means they're getting ready to start a World War III scenario and use it to crack down on domestic groups.
Bob Chapman, do you have any comments or questions for Robert, who narrowly survived the blast?
Well, as I see it, if Robert had been 20 seconds to a minute earlier, he might have been really caught in the blast.
I have a question.
Do you know what participation Norway took in the recent meetings which involved the bailout of Greece, if any?
I can hear Bob perfectly.
The network's telling me they can't hear him.
Yeah, I can hear him fine, too.
I mean, I'm getting full audio piped in, but they say they can't hear him.
Did you hear that question, Robert?
Yes, I did, sir.
He asked whether our participation in the EU is a bailout of Europe.
They're calling it a Marshall Plan for Europe.
A new Marshall Plan that means, you know, almost a new planned economy.
We give more money to the EU every year, I think, than most of the countries, because of our participation.
We inherit every law.
We don't say no to any of the laws they pass.
So we're as incorporated as it's possible to be without having the currency and the benefits of being in the halls of Brussels.
And you know, our economy is big in comparison.
We're a small country but big in oil.
So I'm sort of called an educated guess saying that we have at least
Well, what I'm getting at here is the bankers were extremely irate
That they had to come up with 21% of the value of the bonds they were holding.
In other words, they took a 20% loss in their bonds and they're going to have to go in and back up the market to the tune of about $500 billion.
Stay there!
So now it's time to turn the jihadis loose on Europe to teach them to lick banker boots better?
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll see if Robert can stay there.
Paul Watson's coming in.
This is all breaking, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going into overdrive.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're on them, folks.
We got it.
We know the enemy attack pattern.
The six big megabanks.
Bob Chapman riding a shotgun with us.
So busy during the breaks, I didn't ask him.
You can stay until the next hour to take your calls.
Paul Watson joining us via video Skype.
Had him holding for 20 minutes.
I need to punch him out of here quick so he can write articles.
So they can go out to the four winds of the web.
It is important we get on top of this story now.
I also want to get into the economy later in the next hour.
Let me ask Bob Chapman before we let Robert go, because I know he's got to get to his civil defense.
He's part of the defense system there, just I guess like Switzerland.
A lot of those countries have that.
Bob, can you ride shotgun in the next hour?
Okay, good, because we need to talk to you, but obviously this is breaking right now, but you are particularly suited for 50 years talking about stage terror and stage crises and don't let a good crisis go to waste.
Finishing up with Robert, I want to illustrate that even though terrorism is incredibly rare,
And in most cases, it is staged.
There are real attacks.
They're never coordinated.
There are never multiple events.
I mean, they do go on.
There are real people that hit soft targets.
They see it as a military operation because they don't have Abrams tanks and F-16s.
You can call them terrorists.
You can call them freedom fighters.
The point is, is that they do exist.
The bigger issue here is most events are provocateur, patsy, or purely staged.
This has the hallmarks of a purely staged event, just as a snapshot look at it.
And the key time when it's happening, I said, as the implosions happen, they will try to menace people into gathering around the government, changing the subject from the banksters.
researching false flag and how important it is to the geopolitical strategy and stratagems and gambits of the controllers and here you are barely surviving it but thank God you survived and are able to report to us just like Kurt Haskell and his wife who saw the US government get Muttalib on the plane.
I'm getting chills right now and the FBI came and visited him, tried to get him to change his story and a month and a half later it came out that everything he said here was true.
I'm getting chills.
I wish it was some guy from Africa.
That's not scary, statistically, but that the government would be doing this is scarier than you know what.
Robert, do you have any comments on this, you know, on the fact that how weird it is that you're a listener and this happened?
Well, I guess we have listeners everywhere.
Of course.
I mean, watching the news now, they say at least four or five people shot at this youth, innocent political camp.
You know, there's no marching and banners.
They're just having tents and just like a festival.
And then some guy, you know, dressed up as a police officer goes and, you know, just throws them down with a machine gun.
Yeah, let's not forget that.
He was reportedly dressed as a policeman.
He lost his cap so that they could clearly see who he was.
Oh, of course, the blonde hair.
And for folks that don't know how this works, they can have a special ops deep cover guy like McVeigh tell him to do it and then set him up later.
Or they can have a lookalike like Lee Harvey Oswald.
And this stuff has come out.
This is how Bob Chapman, you worked in.
Black Ops.
We're going to get Dr. Steve Pachenik on.
That is absolutely needed for Sunday.
You worked in Black Ops.
I mean, this is on record that they operate like this.
As a snapshot, Bob Chapman, what do you say looking at this right now?
Well, it's hard to tell their objective because we don't know really where they're going with this.
But because of what's going on in Europe, I see it through that lens and that is
The bankers have had to capitulate.
First, they were going to take all of the things that Greece had.
Then, they were going to take a couple of things.
Now, they're not going to take anything.
And in the meantime, the German public has demanded that the German government make the bankers participate.
They're the ones that caused the problem, and they're the ones that are sitting on a good part of the bonds.
The bankers are going to have to come up, and this is a menial amount as far as I'm concerned, but they don't like it.
And that's about 21% of their participation.
Which means they're taking a 20% haircut on what they already own and probably will own in the future with this refunding of Greece.
And I think they're furious about it.
And some of this stuff is open-ended.
We have this
European Monetary Fund, which says the bankers are going to have to come up with $20 billion immediately by exchanging bonds, which would mean they take the old bonds in and let the Greeks put out new bonds that have a 15 or 30 year life.
But what's even more interesting is that the buyback program is still to be outlined by the governments.
And that means that they're going to have to come up with a lot more money, where in the first place they thought they were going to loot the country, Greece.
And so I think that could...
A part of what's going on.
Okay, we're going to talk more about that in the next hour with Bob Chapman and your calls.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231, bobchapmanoftheinternationalforecaster.com or Paul Watson, editor of prisonplanet.com.
In just a moment, but going back to Robert,
A survivor.
Anything else you'd like to add before I have Paul ask you a question and we'll let you go?
But I definitely want to check in with you again coming up in 48 hours or so on the Sunday 4 to 6 broadcast.
I think that's very important.
We'll know a lot more by then.
I pray this is real terrorists.
That's a lot less scary than state-sponsored and someday we may find that four-leaf clover because
I would just like to say that I totally agree with you.
I just hope that this is
Done by terrorists, but I'm very sneaking suspicion that it's not.
I also thank you for taking this call and keeping on, you know, presenting the message because so many people don't know what's going on here and, you know, everywhere else.
But when things like this happen and there are so many coincidences,
Oh, so he's been on TV talking about we're gonna protect you from terrorists and then they hit.
Well, not about terrorists, but against financial terrorism, or against... Just protect the Norwegian people against, you know, all the foreign threats.
I had seen in some blurbs that actually some of the bankers had been mad at him for not wanting, or them, your government to contribute more money.
But, I mean, was that disinfo?
You're saying your leader is pretty bad news?
I'm not sure, but, you know, they have, I guess, the same leaders as your leaders.
That's the way it seems, anyway.
Yeah, no, it's unified fraud.
In your films, you have, I recognize Norwegian politicians from the Bilderberg meetings and so on, so, you know, you know how it is.
Let's bring Paul Watson in, then we'll get more of a report from Bob Chapman and Paul.
Let Paul get back to writing big breaking news at PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson joining us via video Skype.
Do you have any questions for Robert?
A survivor, a narrow survivor, blown back by the blast.
200 feet away, walking towards it when it happened.
He's got to be thanking his lucky stars, his guardian angel.
In fact, Robert, are you thanking your guardian angel right now?
I mean, there are no atheists in foxholes.
Are you feeling blessed right now that you're alive?
Well, yeah, certainly.
So, yes, my guardian angels are getting praised at the moment.
Oh, wonderful.
Paul Watson, any comments for Robert or questions?
Yeah, well, it was reported by both the Daily Mail and a Norwegian commenter who left a comment on our article that, and this is what pops out, is the fact that, you know, if terrorists want to kill as many people as possible, which is presumably their motive, then apparently today is a public holiday in Norway, so that building was mostly empty.
Yeah, why bomb a government building on a holiday?
It's the middle of a vacation.
I mean, people aren't back for two weeks.
For one week back.
I mean, there's no one here.
The city's empty.
The government building's empty.
People are just sitting on TV.
They're just telling about how everyone's on vacation.
So, I mean, why would a terrorist not... I won't, you know... But, yeah, it's strange.
It's very unnerving.
Paul Watson, continue with questions.
Well, I mean, there's three very good reasons why Norway would be in line for a slap on the wrist from these globalists.
I mean, it's a country that's not in the EU, so it's not part of that Bilderberg inner circle.
Number one, two months ago they froze a 42 million dollar
Payment to Greece saying that they're not going to give them any more money.
That would have upset the people organizing the bailout.
Number two, they supported a Palestinian state, which is going to be up for a vote at the UN in September.
So the Arabs attack them.
I mean, give me a break.
But number three, they're set to pull out of Libya on August the 1st, which they announced a couple of months ago.
So three very good reasons why the globalists would be angry with them.
As usual, total precision from Watson.
I want you to continue on that with Bob Chapman, but finishing up with Robert, what are your comments on that?
That was what I was talking about earlier, that your government had been getting really crosswise with the establishment with every move they were making.
Yeah, 99% of the time they follow the plan, but now there's elections coming up and you divert a bit from the plan maybe for a while and then
So, I'm not sure if it was a punishment as much as, you know, this had to happen somewhere to just, you know, continue stating what they want to state.
So they... looks like they just choked so slow.
Unfortunately, and I've got intel but also a gut feeling, Austin's one of their targets.
So is Dallas, Chicago, Houston, because Gary Hart said that on Fox one time, giggling about it.
They love to brag beforehand.
Robert, anything else you'd like to add?
If you think it's coming to Austin, I'm just praying for you guys.
This is not good.
This is no fun.
So now I think I have to go help rescue some people and do some voluntary cleaning up.
All right, sir.
Well, if you'd like to take any photos or anything, too, that you see, we're going to put you on hold and give you my producer's internal email.
We'll also give him Aaron's email, too, in case you're gone later tonight.
Jaren, I'll have Aaron stay late.
He loves to, anyways.
Can't get him out of here.
He's such a hard worker.
But Jaren does a great job, as well, over the weekend.
He helps us get the Sunny Show produced.
I will.
Thank you, sir.
Um, well, just to add as well, Reuters are now saying that it's probably an alliance between Islamists and right-wing extremists.
Of course, the guy who supposedly carried out the shooting was a blonde-haired Norwegian.
That's the script!
Okay, that's it.
That came out in Reuters.
I told you, I saw it in the tea leaves from all the data I integrate.
I could see the scripting.
Ladies and gentlemen, right-wingers in Europe absolutely hate the Muslims and try 24-7 to kick them out and are tried by government tribunals for saying, route the Muslims.
If you think right-wing militia groups and people are working with the Muslims, ladies and gentlemen, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
Okay, Paul, now I'm getting freaked out.
You gotta admit, Paul, did I not absolutely 100% call this?
Well, yeah, I mean, we were talking about it in relation to Libya and Gladio, because that was very active before in Europe.
Kurt wrote a story last week saying, will they run Operation Gladio in Europe to demonize Libya?
Give me the Reuters headline, Paul.
They're now saying Whitey working with Al-Qaeda.
But they're saying security experts say suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists following the deadly bombing and that's in Snap Analysis.
No clear pointers in Norway twin attacks is the headline but that's what so-called security experts are saying.
But also there's a comment left by a Norwegian on Prison Planet
And, uh, his father is a dynamite expert, and he's saying that the, uh, evidence appears as if the explosion came up from underneath.
And apparently there was, um, road and sewer work going on in the days before, so it looks like something's come up from under the ground, just as in the case of 7-7 London bombings, and later being blamed on this car bomb.
We should have asked Robert that question.
That's important.
Now, here's Reuters.
Snap analysis.
No clear pointers in Norway.
Twin attacks, but in the first line says, suspicion is likely to fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists following a deadly bombing and a shooting at a political gathering in Tranquil, Norway.
Why would a real right-wing group bomb something knowing it would destroy their credibility?
Why would Muslims do that?
Bob Chapman, your take on what Watson just covered.
Well, as I said just earlier,
Whatever their goal is, we don't know yet.
We can guess at general goals, but this will go far beyond just one issue.
They never do anything for one issue.
There's always three or four things that they're trying to accomplish when they make a move like this.
And I think the groundwork, as Mr. Watson pointed out, was all there.
Pulling of troops out, freezing of funds going to Greece because I guess they didn't like the way the EU or the IMF or whomever was handling it.
And one of the things that most people don't know in relation to Greece is that they are and have been for many many years pro-Palestinian.
And so I think that in order to hold the money
Up from going to Greece that they were supposed to contribute must have been a monumental thing for that government because they also are pro-Palestinian too.
But as far as getting to the points of light as to where this is all headed, we're going to have to go over this more and more to find out exactly what they were up to because it's a government operation as you pointed out.
And, um, we gotta find out where they're going with it.
Bob Chapman, stay there.
Paul Watson, final segment with him coming up.
Then it'll be Bob Chapman, Alex Jones, and your calls, uh, as we go into overdrive.
The main radio broadcast will end in about nine minutes.
And then we'll be internet streams only at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, Paul Watson in this segment.
We're going to let him go and let him get back to work with these breaking reports at PrisonPlanet.com.
In the whole next hour, I'm in a whole hour of overdrive with Bob Chapman.
Your call is 800-259-9231 and I'll be back live.
On the AM and FM dial this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
live for the Sunday transmission.
Bob waiting in the wings till we start the next hour.
Gold is above $1,602, silver above $40, continuing.
We'll look at the economics as well next hour with Bob.
I did three hours for many years, then went to four hours, got the TV show coming soon.
And then I'm addicted to doing four hours.
But when the TV show launches, there will be no more overdrive.
Except when there's these big breaking events.
Which other stations do too, but we're a network.
It's just the information is absolutely key here.
Paul Watson, we've got four or five minutes left in this segment.
Break down everything you've covered.
You've really given us a lot of key clues and tidbits.
The fact that this is a multiple
It follows the scripting for white Al Qaeda reaching a fever pitch in the preparation.
Well, what they're saying now is that it's pretty clear that this shooting that happened after the bombing is the main event.
They're talking about 25 dead.
And remember that this is being pinned on this six-foot-three blonde Norwegian who dressed up as a policeman, tricked his way into this, uh...
I don't
This claim of responsibility from helpers of jihad, which has been reported by the New York Times, but has also been contradicted by others who are saying that this claim was never made.
That's like helpers of Santa Claus.
I mean, this is incredible.
But the, uh, the actual group that the New York Times is pinning it on is this group called, uh, headed up by Muller Crecaw, called Ansar al-Islam.
And, uh, Kurt Nimmos posted a story on Infowars.com which points out that the leader of this group, Muller Crecaw, was approached in 2005 to work with the CIA.
So that's...
He refused at the time, but there's definite intelligence connections to this group.
Well that's like a SWAT running the 7-7 and being MI6 and being protected.
That's even Fox News and MSNBC admit that.
The Economist, which is a big globalist publication, is also speculating that left-wing renegade environmentalist angry at Norway's Arctic oil program may be involved.
So, I mean, the kaleidoscope is still in a flux and they're talking about all these different groups, but judging from the fact that 25 are now dead with this confirmed massacre by a blonde Norwegian man, I mean,
It looks clear who this is going to fall on and it's going to be, you know, white Al-Qaeda again.
And as I said before the break, three very good reasons for Norway to receive a slap on the wrist.
One, they're backing the Palestinian path to statehood at the UN.
Big vote which is set to take place at the start of September.
Number two, they announced they were pulling out of Libya on the 1st of August.
So that obviously upset some people with
NATO preparing this massive bombardment because it looks as if Gaddafi is now going to refuse to step down.
And on that token, I note that Anders Rasmussen has vehemently come out condemning this.
He's become very public in the hours after it.
And also this $42 million that they refused to send to Greece back at the end of May.
So three very good reasons for Norway to get a slap on the wrist from the globalists with this bombing and shooting today.
All right, or give them the political cover to get back under the globalist command base.
Thank you so much, Paul Watson.
We're coming back with a full hour of overdrive, your phone calls, Bob Chapman, and a lot more.
We're going to cover the waterfront of key information, including the shutdown of the U.S.
industrial system.
Straight ahead, main transmission now is over.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are locked and loaded into hour number four on this Friday Transmission.
Oslo, rock today!
By a multiple terror attacks in Norway at a island with people on the beach.
Reporting 20 plus dead.
A empty or quasi-empty government building on a holiday.
Attacked at least seven dead there.
We had an eyewitness on who narrowly survived, was actually knocked back by the explosion.
200 feet away on Robert.
He's going out as part of civil defense to help with things.
Well, I think at the bottom of it all is the
Uh, terrible threshing the banks have taken in this Greek episode and beyond that.
And they're going to have to come up with an awful lot of money, um, that they're going to have to spend in the process of renewing Greek bonds.
Of course, those bonds will be backed by fully collateralized by AAA rated zero coupon securities with a 30 year maturity and they will be backed by the European Monetary Fund, which is something I haven't even heard of before.
And so they're very, very
Disturbed about that, and of course behind it were the German people, and we saw that in the elections in the Hamburg area about three months ago when the CDU, which is Mrs. Merkel's party, got thrashed really badly because the people don't want any more money going into countries that have made those kind of mistakes.
And, uh, they're sick and tired of being buried in debt and they just want out of the whole thing.
And that was followed up by commentary, uh, which, um...
I came out several days ago by Finland.
In fact, I'll tell you something interesting.
Harley Schlanger with the LaRouche people was in Brussels at the meeting that they had and when he came back he was talking to Erskine and he asked him what he thought of the whole thing and he said,
They answered him, this Dutch group, and they said, we're sick and tired of it as well.
And he said, well, how do you get all your information?
And they said, well, we listen to Bob Chapman's broadcasts, which kind of threw me.
But, and the Finns are in the same boat.
They don't want to continue this.
And so what's happening is the bankers are barely hanging on here.
by their fingernails and it would be a good opportunity for them to instruct their minions to create a false flag attack like this or in an incident like this in Oslo doing all the things that you've described and why they do them.
Well said Bob.
We're going to learn more obviously in the hours and days to come but I mean
The banksters, every time they get cornered or get in trouble, they stage terror to make people rally around the governments they've bought and paid for.
But, I mean, I don't see this working.
I don't see them.
I mean, take my story yesterday, Paul Watson's story at Prison Planet.
It's one of the biggest stories in the country right now.
I mean, every talk radio show I tune into is talking about the rollout of the white al-Qaeda TV ads.
Well, I agree with you.
I don't think they're going to.
It's just like crying wolf.
You're only going to do it so many times and all of a sudden nobody's going to come and
The wolf comes and he gobbles you up.
And that's the concept.
They're going to the well too often, and people are realizing, because of what's happened before in other operations, and listening to your program, they get the truth.
Stay there, Bob.
The wolf comes and gobbles them up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Bob Chapman riding shotgun with us for the rest of the hour.
I've got a lot of economic news I want to go over.
The News Corp scandal I want to get Bob Chapman's take on.
Mysterious death there.
This new UN Green Army to invade countries that don't submit to the environmental tyranny of the banksters.
But yesterday, Paul Watson wrote an article off a new DHS nine and a half minute video, they're putting a bunch of these out, where out of dozens and dozens of terrorists in it, almost all of them are white, and they have the blue eyes glowing, and it's all minorities reporting the white people.
Clearly, this is designed just like they've had TV ads and things to make all Muslims look like terrorists or all people with brown skin can't be trusted.
They sell white folks on giving up their liberties because, oh, you know, it's the scary brown people.
And then we pointed out now they're flipping it.
As I said in the articles I wrote, to, oh, minorities, it's the white folks, they're about to start terror attacking you.
And I have all the internal documents and memos where the Homeland Security says, we're not worried about Al Qaeda, we just sell the public on that.
It's really the returning veterans, the Ron Paul supporters, the bullion gold owners.
And now in this new video, it's do you write on pieces of paper?
Do you type into a phone?
Do you have a cell phone?
Do you have a camera?
This is what they push.
Clearly, that's what they're doing.
And on one video we shot, we have 495 likes on YouTube, 28 dislikes.
Big Sis says whites are terrorists.
Shot this yesterday.
And I see comments here.
Shame on Alex Jones.
By bringing up irrelevant topics like white people, he has discredited himself as a racist.
I bet the next thing he tries to convince his listeners of is that black people intend to kill all white people in America.
And that's a straw man.
And that because of that, we should not vote for Barack Obama.
This is an idiot Obama supporter.
I'm telling you not to vote for Rick Perry either, moron.
But for white Ron Paul.
No, not because he's white, because he's a principled person who knows the issues and understands the banksters.
I can't believe that people are still listening to this guy.
Alex, you bleep.
It doesn't have sense.
It's nonsensical.
They clearly have been saying now the last few years, White Al Qaeda is about to hit.
The militias and Ron Paul supporters are with Al Qaeda.
I've had them say it about me.
That I secretly work for Al Qaeda because I point out it was created by Zbigniew Brzezinski and the U.S.
government on record and have former heads of black ops like Dr. Pucinich on to document that's the case.
Ladies and gentlemen, first they demonize a minority that it's more kosher to go after, like Hitler did, then they go after everybody.
That's what I'm saying, it's what the video says, and it shows how fixated people are on race that there are black folks in these comments, because you can go to their channels and see the videos they post, and they say they're black.
Uh, saying you're racist because you say this ad targets white people.
Listen, I get accused of sticking up for Al-Syiada when I say that, you know, it's a scapegoat and a stereotype to say Muslims are terrorists.
Okay, so I'm tired of it.
I'm telling you, they're shifting all this over to white people.
And if you don't know that the establishment attacks whatever group is seen as wealthy and strong, you don't know what you're talking about.
White people are under attack in this country.
Everybody's under attack.
Just like black folks are under attack, and I did shows on that this week.
I stand for justice and truth and reality.
And you need to grow up.
I'm against national health care because it lets the government decide what care you get, and the insurance companies wrote the plan.
Not because I hate black people!
Stop being idiots!
Bob Chapman, do you have any comments on this?
Yes, this is diversion tactics.
And it's to separate groups.
It's to cause chaos eventually.
Uh, it's been going on for years and years.
Uh, the communists use it effectively.
Uh, and now we're having it used upon us as Americans.
And it's not going to let up.
This propaganda machine is in high gear and it will remain there.
And of course, people who are out front telling the truth, trying to back into the answers to things that happen or things that might happen.
Uh, they are branded as people that have to be silenced or done away with.
And, uh, if you're on radio and you're doing what Alex is doing and I'm doing, uh, you've got to expect it and you can't get disturbed about it.
You handle it just like another problem, uh, quietly and objectively, uh, which Alex has done.
And, uh, you just beat them back with the truth and, uh,
They go away and they find another tack and they come back and tack you again.
So it's a never-ending process.
And some of these people are working for the United States government.
Well, that's admitted.
They even have fake robo-blogs and the Pentagon doing it.
My issue is, I'm not upset that I'm being attacked.
I'm upset that some of these are probably real people that are this dumbed down who really believe if you don't want government health care, you're a racist.
I mean, it's just insane, Bob.
Well, it's understandable, even though it is insane, because the government, the people who control government from behind the scenes,
They've been working on this since the 1930s.
I mean, you saw it during the Second World War and thereafter.
And they've done it through the school systems.
And the children grow up not learning very much.
And they're easy prey for these people who create propaganda, sending them off in the wrong direction, giving the wrong ideas, and they're gullible.
And they probably
Have never had their brain taxed, so to speak, in doing difficult problems such as figuring out that the media belongs to the people who want to shape our minds.
And they don't get into that because there's nothing that they've done in education that would prepare them for that.
And so they're real victims.
They are, and they just buy into simple-minded one-liners that have no effect on reality, and then they discount being real participants in the world and just become spectators.
I want to go to Luke, Sean, Nick, Randy, Andrew, and others coming up.
We're going to get into the economy and a bunch of other issues.
That's why Bob's here.
Luke in South Korea, you're on the air.
Oh, hi, Alex.
How are you going?
What's your view on all this?
Oh, it's just shocking what's happening around the world now.
My matter is actually not as big, but it does unlock lots of Australian minds, because in the Australian scene, we don't have enough, as I said before, we don't have enough terrorists who are demonizing motorcycle gangs.
If the public were woken up to find out Australia's first gang law was used against an 18-year-old Aboriginal boy, and not against any of these bikies the government demonizes... Yeah, because he called somebody who was gay, gay, he's been arrested, and now in England just last week they arrested somebody for their Facebook, making a...
Mild racial comment about a football player.
This is the new secret police free speech attacking system, Luke.
I've learned a lot more about it.
I've learned that the officer in charge of the investigation is the officer that's accusing the Aboriginal boy of the crime of obtaining true personal information about police.
60C Crimes Act.
I've talked to his mother.
The boy's been hit across the head with the yellow pages.
And I just found out the government broadcaster has done this most bizarre hit piece against him.
You could probably put some of it to air later.
Oh, but see, the gay people are being persecuted, so it's okay to beat the black kid over the head with a phone book.
That'll teach him.
Well, what the ABC News has done is before the kid's trial, they're accusing him of being stupid and lacking etiquette.
There's two stories they've put online called Learning Online Etiquette on the ABC News for the Mid-North Coast and Facebook Harassment.
Yeah, and I've seen them, because if you don't have the right etiquette, we're going to put you in jail.
No free speech.
I'm aware of the stories.
Thank you, Luke.
Bob Chapman, they are galloping forward.
You know, I had a national TV host in here yesterday who was involved in advocating for gay and lesbian groups.
Fine, that's his issue.
I don't even get into those things.
But he had to hesitate.
I said, should I be arrested if I criticize these groups?
Is what England and others are doing?
And they had to hesitate and say, well, no, I guess that's free speech.
See, this is where this is going, Bob Chapman.
Well, not particularly on that issue, but we were talking about the people who don't understand, so to speak.
And all I can say to that is that the other half of the people do understand and have the ability to understand.
And you and I and others like us have been given a gift where we can communicate with people on an intelligent level, but very simply so.
And it's up to us to use the equipment that we've been given so that we can help these people understand.
And that's our job.
So there is a flip side to all of the people who don't understand.
We're here to help them.
Let's jam in another.
Sean in Australia just hung up.
A lot of calls from Australians.
Nick in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, can I have a minute?
Yes, go ahead.
Jerry Falwell came in on the 9-1-1 also because he said he was blaming the gays.
The hijackers were so ugly, they got in through our tolerance.
They did circle the White House before they hit the Pentagon.
Now it's white ICATA.
I hear you, Nick.
We're not screening your calls, but we're specifically trying to talk about the state's terror attacks.
Are they staged?
The bombings, the shootings, the white Al Qaeda, the economy, all of this stuff coming up.
I'll also get into Bob giving us his take on our energy system being shut down, so we're having more and more rolling blackouts.
That's admitted.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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Bob Chapman's our guest right now, going through your calls.
And we're going to get into a whole plethora of news with him before he leaves us.
On gold, the economy, I want to get his take on a host of issues.
But Randy in Illinois, you are on the air with Bob Chapman.
Hi, Bob.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to point out on the DHS video,
There's something that I found that's rather cryptic it looks like at six minutes five seconds the black security guard hat and glasses and mustache who's watching who's observing people breaking into a shed behind him on the wall on the wall of the
Well, I think it's very disturbing.
Um, you know, I'd certainly like to see what, uh, eventually transpires concerning that, but I don't really have an opinion.
Um, I mean, I'm listening to you guys now, so, you know, it's just very disturbing.
Thank you so much.
Uh, Bob, comment on that?
Uh, I think, uh, you've got to look into the all seeing eye.
And yes, it's disturbing.
I'm looking at reports coming in from the Washington Post right now, and I'm trying to do three different things at once, but it's really disturbing.
And the gentleman summated it all.
We have to try to, as time goes on here, find out really what's behind it.
And the globalists love to put their little gang signs all over everything.
I'm going to check that during the next break.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andrew in Canada.
You're on the air, Andrew.
Hello Mr. Jones, my question is simply, Al-Qaeda has been, their original concept was to get occupation out of their homeland.
I'm curious how Norway has basically over the years been in any way trying to occupy or diminish any other country.
My father just returned from Norway visiting his best friend and the picture he depicted was they barely have enough money to occupy their backyard.
Well, no, it's because they haven't been for the occupation that now Al-Syedah is going to strike them to teach them that they need to be part of these wars.
That's what Pinak wrote, that's what Dick Cheney wrote in 2000.
He said we need giant Pearl Harbor events that kill 3,000 people, Pearl Harbor killed 3,000, to help launch these new wars and get rid of people's liberties and freedoms.
Bob Chapman?
Absolutely, and that's what it's all about.
And they try to herd people in the right direction half the time, they're not successful half the time they are.
That's it.
And it's the exposure that comes right after it, like you're covering right now, that's going to bring in a lot of intel from people who normally would not be...
Subject to bring.
That's a good point.
We know about the underwear bombing because we woke up the Haskells to false flag.
We have now people on the ground in Norway, a guy almost killed by the bomb, giving us intel.
Because they're aware now to not just believe the first story, they understand Kibono, who benefits, who stands to gain.
Thank you, Andrew.
Tim in Michigan.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, man?
Yeah, it's been a long time.
I just got a few little quick updates and then I do have a definite something I'd like to speak about.
Great, we've got about a minute and a half.
Go ahead.
Yeah, okay.
Well, first off, I want to get your opinion and Bob's opinion on a theory I have about the birth certificate thing.
I know it's kind of been in the background.
That's fine.
Give us your question.
Okay, this is what I'd like to know.
I have my personal birth certificate sitting in front of me.
There are three different safety devices to prove whether a birth certificate is fake or not fake.
One of them is an imprinted actual stamp into the paper.
Yeah, there's no stamp on the one he had and it appears to be a composite.
Is that your question?
No, you cannot reproduce a scan to have texture.
I mean, that's obvious.
It also has watermarks that you can see through the paper.
It also has these disappearing ink stamps of the Michigan symbol on the back.
As far as I know, none of this stuff was ever brought out.
Now, my theory... Yeah, we've brought it out, sir.
We've made videos about it, watched millions of times.
What's your theory?
Okay, but here's my theory.
Here's my theory.
That the Illuminati misjudged the longevity of Obama's staying power.
And I think, personally, they might have even threatened him and said, Barry, you better take and... Alright, alright, alright.
We gotta get to more callers now.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We are live.
We're doing an hour of Overdrive right now at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
I'll be back for the full broadcast, Sunday edition, 4 to 6 p.m.
Bob Chapman is our guest.
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You know, that caller was getting into theories of what the Illuminati might be doing with Obama.
I don't really get into a lot of theories.
If I see a pattern
No, I don't.
Let's talk to Dangerous in California, then Jay, Ed, JR, and Chris, then we're getting into news.
Dangerous, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Bob.
How are you doing?
Thank you for taking my call.
Thank you.
I wanted to bring up something.
I don't think it's been mentioned on the program before, and it's perfect for Bob here.
It has to do with the central banking system and potentially one of the biggest threats to it.
And it's called Bitcoins, and I was wondering if you were familiar with it.
It's a peer-to-peer encrypted digital currency that's inflation-proof and counterfeit-proof and control-proof.
But if it's inflation-proof, it's got to be then denominated into currencies.
Sorry, Bob, go ahead.
Well, how is it denominated, Dan?
Say, I'll ask this question.
Well, a certain amount of them are mined over a period of time through the computer network and the single... How do you buy them to begin with?
How do you monetize them?
There's a couple of exchanges currently.
They're currently... they were six cents each only a few months ago.
Now they're trading at over 15... But see, then they're not inflation-proof.
They're already inflating.
They're based on currencies.
But there's only a certain amount of them that can ever be mined and in a certain period of time that number will be mined and it won't be for a long time.
A lot of people are picking up on this.
It's becoming extremely popular, and a lot of people that are looking at it are saying, wow, this is really amazing.
This actually could be one of the biggest potential threats to the central banking system.
Yeah, I've seen a lot of new alternative digital currencies out there.
A lot of them actually put out by the establishment.
I'm not saying that's what this is.
I've heard the term before.
How do you spell it?
B-I-T-C-O-I-N, like a digital bit.
And you can find out a lot more about it at forum.bitcoin.org.
And that's where most of the information and the people are discussing it.
There's been a lot of anti-Bitcoin propaganda in the news lately.
But as well, there's been some positive information that's been put out as well.
So I wanted to bring it to people's attention because it's definitely a good alternative and something that people should look into.
And I was wondering if you guys were familiar with it or not.
I'm familiar with digital, new digital, competing private currencies.
I know they're even going after gold and things now that are original.
Hey, Bob, what did you think of Bernanke saying, uh, gold is not money?
That was pretty funny, wasn't it?
Well, he had no other choice, because if he said gold was money, then he would have to explain what the dollar was, and that's a fiat currency produced by the Federal Reserve.
So he was between the rock and the hard place, so he had the lie.
Well, listen, we'll look into the Bitcoin thing.
I've heard of it before.
I'm looking at bitcoin.org right now.
We'll research it more, sir.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much.
Who's up next here, John?
Jay and Missouri are on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hey, Bob.
Hey, Alex.
How you guys doing today?
Yeah, first off, I've got to tell you, you are the news, Alex.
I mean, you had an eyewitness from Oslo within, you know, 12, 6 hours on the ground.
I mean, multi-million dollar operations out there can't compete with you.
It's amazing.
Well, it's because we've got a great crew and great listeners everywhere, so thank you.
Just an aside, personally, it was weird.
I had a hack into my personal debit card over the last two days, and the only transaction was from Oslo, Norway, which was very odd to me.
Just a crazy coincidence and I'm online at the AlexJonesInfoWars.com and all the sites.
I'll have to look into it a bit more.
I kind of freaked my bones out when it hit me with a terrorist attack in Oslo.
I had a question for you and Bob concerning the debt ceiling at home.
I haven't heard much coverage.
Ron Paul did an interview I believe last week on Fox where he
Basically stated that the Federal Reserve could technically write off the 1.6 trillion dollars in U.S.
Treasuries that they've purchased, since it's kind of the revolving door circle of corruption, and we wouldn't have to raise the debt ceiling at all, and we, you know, wouldn't have to raise taxes.
But then, they've bought them, the private banks have bought them, they wouldn't get that interest, correct Bob Chapman?
That's correct.
But I think, you know, those are really asides.
What we have to get at here is the corruption in the banking system and the methods which they use to execute those things.
And the entire nature of the fiat system, that has to be changed.
And that's really what Ron is after.
Well, look, as he said and the Chinese have said, they've already been monetizing it for years.
Now it's, what, 70 plus percent?
Bob, some estimates over 80.
So they're already devaluing it.
As you said three or four months ago, you said, he hasn't said they're not doing QE3.
They will do QE3.
And so what does that signify?
That's a good question right there as we start getting into monetary issues.
Well, what it means is that they can't stop until they are stopped.
And the only thing that will stop them is hyperinflation.
And so we're kind of guaranteed that we have to head in that direction, unless something really unusual happens, like credit unstalled or something like that.
But the point here is that they're going to go along and do what they want to do as long as they can.
And if they can't extricate themselves, maybe they'll have another war or a series of wars.
Or maybe they'll try to dump the problem where they might be able to survive because they started the whole thing by doing something like getting Ron Paul elected.
Well, I mean, at a certain point, what's happening is a lot of people that are high-level in the power structure, but aren't at the top elite level, realize that they're not going to be part of the top of the pyramid, and that the people running things really are a bunch of power-tripping, anti-human lunatics, who are so decadent and out of touch that they just hate humanity.
And we need to get rid of these people.
I mean, we need to get them out of the power structure, we need to lock them up, we need to write off all the fraud they've created, instead of them wetting us to their fraud.
I mean, their system is a post-industrial world and they've come to terms with their parasitic system as if it's good what they're doing to society and that wrecking things and creating poverty is some type of favor to humanity.
And there is a group mind, a collective mind, in that a lot of people who are corrupt still care about their children at a certain level.
And we've got to have a change.
And the globalists more and more, as I've said in the last three years, are not as arrogant as they used to be.
That's why they're trying to hide in plain view now, be more and more open.
They tried to deny this stuff was going on before.
Now that it's there, they're just trying to kind of
Flood us with the info now, hoping we just become acclimated.
But I don't see that happening, Bob.
I mean, I just, I don't see things going well for the New World Order crowd.
Well, as you said about a month ago, we're breathing down their collar and they don't know what to do about it.
And every day something happens in my world with my publication and all the programs I'm on, something new comes up that shows me that we're really, really getting close to them.
And by the way, you know their mega ace in the hole is stage terror attacks so they can run around and grandstand and fearmonger, but now every event, my listeners,
It keeps being my lizards.
It's kind of a creepy power we have.
I don't like this much power, folks.
I don't like being this much in the spotlight, but I guess the danger is the safety.
You know, it's both dangerous and the prayers are important, but it's also a measure that we're so public.
But whether it's Oslo or 7-7, whatever it is, or underwear bombing, whatever, we have eyewitnesses now that turn out to be accurate and real.
Months before it's finally forced out.
And so the message of the Globalist is, we've got military, we've got police, we've got bureaucrats, we've got general citizens, we've got the street sweepers, we've got the school teachers, we've got the auto mechanics, we've got the hot dogs stand guy, we've got everybody and they're watching and now they can't just stage an event and put out their official story now and you know do it in a shoddy way.
They know we're watching.
And that's really freaking them out, and they can't prop up their false flag terror paradigm anymore.
They keep trying to counter 9-11 truth and things, but all that does is get more people to look into it.
You know, it's like George Washington.
He said, look, we're losing these battles, but we're going to wear them out as long as we keep fighting in the long run.
It's like a THX 1138 when the police state
I don't know.
No matter how much fake money they've got, once we're aware of the fraud and call it, and once we all just start sabotaging them with the truth at every little level, none of us have to charge them head on, like Bob and I have been doing, as an example.
Sure, you'll really hurt them that way, but you don't have to stab deep each time.
Just a little cut, cut, cut.
And just little cut, sneak up on a little mosquito bite, like a bunch of bees stinging him.
And just get your sting in, get your sting in, and just keep hitting him, hitting him, hitting him, hitting him, discrediting him, and never stopping.
You know, I get all these calls and see these emails, Bob, and I want you to speak to this and we're going to hit some other news and go to calls.
But constantly, over and over and over again, I see people on YouTube and Google, and most of them are operatives, but some are, you know, just idiots who don't believe in their own power.
Alex couldn't be real.
He couldn't be this successful.
He couldn't still be alive.
You know, humanity's powerless.
We can't do anything.
When history shows, humanity is power.
That's why the system teaches us we don't have power, because a small group's taking over.
They know that because a small group like them took over for bad, a small group can wake folks up.
And 30 years ago, sure, they tried to plant hand grenades in your house because there weren't many Bob Chapmans then.
They used to kill people routinely, and they still do.
But now, this idea, this idea that's bulletproof is so prolific that they can't get us all.
They don't want to turn us into martyrs now.
We're gaining the momentum, as Brzezinski said, as Hillary said.
They're losing the Infowar.
Folks, believe in victory.
Believe in resistance.
It is victory.
I've got some breaking news in a moment, Bob, and I want you to comment on that.
All I can say is that I get stories, probably once a week now, of things happening that I never expected to happen.
It wasn't too long ago, I got a phone call on one of the shows.
From someone who worked in the State Department.
It says that your publication, the minute it's produced, not only goes to anybody in the Beltway that wants it, the most plagiarized around, it goes to all the embassies and consulates, and from there, goodness knows where it goes to.
I say that because I want people to understand that this message is getting out all over the world.
It's not only Americans who are helping here,
It's humanity.
Same thing on our front.
And that worries the system.
They can't pull their games.
Now, you notice more evidence this thing in Norway is staged than Oslo.
WikiLeaks constantly putting out echo chamber propaganda.
They have a few jewels in there, you know, to sell the poison, the candy coating.
But, conveniently, with George Soros, of course, funding it, WikiLeaks files show Norway unprepared for terror attack.
Norway's intelligence service had previously been criticized for its failure to keep track of suspected terror cells.
Yeah, Al-Ciata cells.
And the country was felt to be complacent about the prospect of terror attack.
Secret cables from WikiLeaks files reveals.
This is just out today from the London Telegraph.
How convenient is that, Bob?
See, you guys didn't have to have a police state.
Well, now you'll learn.
They do what they want to do, as long as they're in control, and we're going to take control away from them by letting the people know what they're doing.
Well said, Bob Chapman.
I want to tell folks that I will be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., but I'll also be updating the YouTube channel with these little upload blurbs.
I did five of them yesterday, throughout the weekend as things develop, and then we'll be posting those on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I also want to add,
Here that they do have the technology set.
We do have it.
We're building the pages.
I wanted to be this week.
It should be next week.
We're hired even more IT guys.
My whole crew is great.
They work on average 60 hours a week.
But we are going to have instead of the YouTube, these live updates are going to be daily, sometimes multiple times daily, including special reports, not just the new TV show for myself, Paul Watson, Aaron Dykes and others.
To PrisonPlanet.tv on a page.
We're doing that because YouTube can't be trusted and has been trying to shut us down.
So you'll still get a lot at the YouTube page for free, but the subscribers will get that immediate development and intelligence.
People are shocked that I'm uploading stuff at 2 o'clock at night.
I've always done research till 1, 2 at night.
Just now I'm there shooting videos of myself while I do research.
This is full spectrum analysis that we're engaged in, and once you get addicted to reality, you cannot
I've got the same experience.
My wife tells me what's on the news because I never watch it.
Well, it's just incredible the amount of great intel we get from our listeners as well.
I want to come back and jam in a few calls from Ed, JR, Chris, Garrett, Steve, if we can.
It's all coming up.
And of course, Bob will be back with us, Lord willing, next Friday, but I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., back next Monday, 11 a.m.
And as more terror attacks start popping up, more soft target hits over the weekend,
We'll come in here and do a special report.
Watch InfoWars.com in the guest area to know if we're doing a special report at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back for the final segment of this special four-hour transmission.
Terror Oslo.
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Well, it looks like they're going to go with white Al Qaeda, or white terrorists, period.
Claim they're right-wingers or whatever.
And they're in Reuters saying, you know, the whiteys are working with Al Qaeda now.
I mean, this is all you good old boys that love giving up freedoms because it's only for them brown people.
You're going to find out it's for everybody.
What's done to any group is going to end up being done to everybody.
That's why we all hang together or surely hang separate.
Ed in Arizona, you're on the air with Bob Chapman and Alex Jones.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex and Bob.
I wanted to let you guys know that The Telegraph has reported that Jens Stoltenberg, the Prime Minister of Norway, had at one point been scheduled to attend the event on Jutoya Island, which was a rally for his Labour Party, but he did not go for quote, some reason.
Very suspicious.
I'm sure that's already on Prison Planet.
That is big news.
What's the headline so I can pull it up?
Well this is just the live coverage at the Telegraph Oslo Explosion live coverage and it reminded me, you reported a 9-11 certainty people did not... Yeah, no, ABC News, the Joint Chiefs of Staff cancelled trip week before on 9-11 to New York and Mayor Willie Brown was warned not to fly the morning of September 11th to New York.
He was warned the night before.
San Francisco Chronicle.
I got to this link simply through the Drudge Report.
It's just a live coverage at Telegraph.co.uk that the Prime Minister just for some reason did not show up.
Just some magical reason.
Okay, I see live coverage.
BBC Reuters.
Where is the Telegraph live coverage?
If you go to the Drudge Report, it was the top link, but let me go there.
It's Oslo Explosion live coverage.
The Telegraph.co.uk.
I gotta hit refresh.
It's not on mine.
Well, I'll call Watson.
We'll get that up on InfoWars.com.
Well, isn't that just magic, Bob Chapman, that the Prime Minister was targeted at his, quote, office on a day he wasn't going to be there, and the island where he was at.
Could this be some kind of EU attempted coup, too?
I mean, what is this?
Well, I'm looking at the other side.
I always try to balance things.
And maybe the gunman was there to kill him.
I mean, we don't know.
Then why would the gunman shoot and kill 25 people?
Probably because he was told to make a major incident.
Look at what happened in Tucson.
They shot several people.
It's the same thing there.
You shoot several people.
If the PM happens to be there, will you do him too?
Because that's one of your prime targets, if not the prime target.
So it could go either way.
Well that's big news.
Sir, I'm at the Telegraph and I don't see that link on the Drudge.
What is it, their live news feed?
Yeah, it's telegraph.co.uk and then Oslo Explosion live coverage.
I see Norway attacks, seven dead in Oslo, nine dead, where is it?
Well, I got it from the judge report like half an hour ago, so they could have changed it since then.
Alright, thank you so much.
I appreciate that call.
That is, this is really starting to stink to high heaven.
I'll continue to track it.
Thank you, Ed.
JR in Ohio, last caller.
Sorry to the others.
What's your take on all this, JR?
Yeah, first time caller.
It's an honor to talk to yourself and Mr. Chapman.
I just had an observation that I wanted to point out.
Um, Hillary Clinton, the outfit that she's wearing today in Bali, Indonesia, she's wearing the same outfit in the Greta Van Susteren interview where she says that, uh, we, the U.S.
funded and created the Mujahideen, um, which became Al-Qaeda.
I don't know what that means, but I know he's a leader in the occult, so I just wanted to point that out.
Yeah, it might be just a coincidence, but it could be something with these fruitcakes.
Thank you so much.
I will continue to track all of this throughout the weekend at PrisonPlanet.com and PrisonPlanet.tv and, of course, InfoWars.com.
We'll be doing live video reports.
Great job, great week to the crew.
I'm going to go now and work on the TV show development that we're going to launch the 1st of September, 7 p.m.
nightly at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we'll continue to track all of this.
Thank you, Bob Chapman.
Thank you for listening to GCN.