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Name: 20110715_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 15, 2011
2234 lines.
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Thank you for joining us on this Friday edition, the 15th day of July 2011.
And today is going to be something, well, we've never really done before.
We're not just going to air a best of that was two or three previous interviews that I think are particularly informative.
No, we have gone into the archives of mega rants that I've done on very, very serious subjects
Also, special reports we've done on GMO food and the police state and media brainwashing.
This is some of the most dynamic and informative material that we've covered in the last three years.
Most of these clips are more timely and are from just the last few months, the last year, but some of them go back two or three years and we cover the entire waterfront.
Also, there's some clips of other media appearances I've made, namely on Talk Sport over in the United Kingdom, where I got particularly angry while I was talking to the host and some of the callers on Ian Collins' show.
So that's coming up as well.
I want to thank Mike Adams and the crew for doing a great job yesterday.
I am in California now.
Of course, I recorded this on Wednesday before I left Thursday to go to California, and it's not really a secret mission, and no, I'm not going to cover Bohemian Grove, though we might go up there.
Who knows, since that's kicking off today as this first airs on July 15th.
No, I was invited to a media personality who's a good friend of mine.
60th birthday party and I'm gonna have a good chance to mix some important context and probably do some interviews With folks that could certainly wake some people up.
So I am going To that event this evening of Friday night.
And so that's why I am in California.
I normally
Unfortunately, I refuse such invitations, but I am out of town for that.
But again, coming up here in just a few minutes, we have this special transmission that Rob Jacobson and others have spent the last few days putting together, and it's going to be extremely informative and dynamic, so please spread the word that this is a special broadcast.
I'm looking at a London Guardian article in front of me, the age of austerity to come for decades.
And that's what the government and others are warning about.
Yes, the post-industrial world, where they've decided to destroy the uppity middle class.
And they're telling you they're going to raise your taxes, cut your benefits, and all the money is going to go to your bankster owners.
Meanwhile, a few days ago, Ben Bernanke was questioned in the Banking Committee by Congressman Ron Paul about the fact that they're devaluing the dollar with their now QE3 they're announcing.
And is he proud of the dollar losing half of its value recently?
And Bernanke has some arrogant answers to that, so here is that clip.
Well, I pay attention to the price of gold, but I think it reflects a lot of things.
It reflects global uncertainties.
I think people are, the reason people hold gold is as a protection against what we call tail risk, really, really bad outcomes.
And to the extent that the last few years have made people more worried about potential of a major crisis, then they have gold as a protection.
Do you think gold is money?
Even if it has been money for 6,000 years, somebody reversed that and eliminated that economic law.
Well, it's, you know, it's an asset.
I mean, it's the same.
Would you say treasury bills are money?
That's enough.
That's right.
Only their debt instruments are money.
And when the dollar is created, the private banks that he fronts for make money.
And that's why they've created a debt black hole that's impossible to get out of until we wake up to this fraud.
The globalists haven't screwed things up.
They're not inept.
This has all been done by design.
They're premeditated criminals.
The big six megabanks on record launder hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money every year.
They're above the law.
They're exempt from the taxes.
They're the ones that want to raise our taxes and socially engineer things.
They are the control freak enemies of free humanity and society.
All right, coming up.
A detailed transmission across the board on so many issues.
Special news reports mixed with rants and confrontational interviews.
This is going to be one hell of a broadcast.
I want to thank you all for joining us.
We'll be right back.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Well here we are ladies and gentlemen it is Friday the 15th day of July 2011 and we have three hours spanning out before us and you have joined us today on a maiden voyage.
Yes I've been on the radio for 16 years but I have never done a clip show.
We have a big
Favorite with millions of views online.
That's the Justin Bieber rant and also the LeBron James rant.
The LeBron James rant got linked on Drudge and clips of it actually got played on CNN.
And the reason I get so angry during these rants is that you will see the public obsessed with every tiny nuance, hyperventilating over what
They don't care about the executive branch grabbing and seizing power and launching wars without congressional approval.
They don't care about the CIA caught over and over again shipping in narcotics and then the police putting people in jail who are caught using drugs.
They don't get upset about the Attorney General
Caught red-handed lying to Congress about directing the FBI, Justice Department, ATF to ship tens of thousands of high-powered firearms into Mexico so they could then blame the ensuing crime wave, because they gave them to drug cartels, on our Second Amendment!
And they think you're so stupid now the Attorney General's come out and is announcing all this new gun control because of the violence and the guns they shipped in.
That's how over the top they are because they think you're stupid.
Because people have been raised from birth to be obsessed with issues of little or no significance.
And the father of modern propaganda and advertising, Edward Bernays to be specific, wrote several books and bragged
Going back more than 80 years ago that they were by design dumbing down the media and training people to obsess on issues of little or no significance so that you wouldn't be concerned with the real world so the social engineers could go on controlling our planet and changing our planet in a way that they saw fit.
They are the mapmakers of our minds.
They are controlling our destinies.
They are misdirecting us.
And so much of what people think of as daily life in this world today is nothing but a false Madison Avenue show.
I'm calling the system out!
The first clip, again, is the ridiculous LeBron James piece.
And then we're going to get into my Justin Bieber.
I know his name's Bieber.
That's the joke.
Bieber rant.
Then we're going to go out to break and come back with something even more powerful.
Stay with us.
I give you the LeBron James Worship Fest.
Societies don't change.
Whether it was the Roman Empire or Nazi Germany, the population is obsessed with sports and petty celebrities.
And the United States is no different.
MSNBC, the New York Times, they're all reporting that we are going into a depression.
One of the greatest depressions in world history.
And our decadent, slob-like public, and that's not everyone, but large percentages of the public could care less.
They're not involved in their communities.
We've got 46 states on the verge of bankruptcy.
The government's raising taxes on every level.
The border with Mexico is collapsing.
Mexico has collapsed.
And the public doesn't care because the media has set the agenda.
And they tell you to care about LeBron James and his decision.
And he's playing into it and he's going to announce his stupid decision.
It doesn't matter what basketball team he goes to.
This is a distraction by design.
We have the governor of
of the state he's currently living in in a bizarre we are LeBron we are the world literal worship fest with hundreds of celebrities.
This is sickening!
Imagine the Ohio government begging and pleading on television and serenading LeBron James with hundreds of other celebrities when Ohio is one of the states slated to go completely bankrupt.
We're going into a depression.
They're about to launch World War III with Iran openly.
Fox News is reporting as if it's a good thing.
In New York State and Illinois that troops have helped arrest thousands of citizens and are doing gun sweeps in people's homes and searching people's cars.
We're going in to marshal law.
Offshore banks have overthrown the US.
They've stolen tens of trillions of dollars like we're some third world country they're looting.
Everything's going to hell in a handbasket.
So if you want to know why your children have no future, if you want to know why you're bankrupt, if you want to know why you're in debt, if you want to know
Why you have no future and have lost your job or getting your pay cut.
It's because your priorities are wrong.
It's because you let that idiot box, the television program you since the days that your mother and father set you in front of the TV for 12 hours a day in your crap filled diapers.
It's not too late to admit we're a sick, decadent, degenerate society crumbling.
We are Rome.
It's 4-10.
We're about to collapse, ladies and gentlemen.
You know about LeBron James.
I know you won't know.
You don't know 4-10 is when Rome completely fell to Alaric, the Visigoth leader.
You better learn history.
This is dangerous.
Don't say you weren't warned.
The globalist engineers.
The globalist social engineers look at you and how pathetic you are and how the whole world is waiting to see where LeBron James goes.
The social controllers look at you and see how you're obsessed with LeBron James.
And they decide, we've got a bunch of schmucks.
We've got a bunch of idiots.
We've got a bunch of morons right where we want them.
Let's destroy their society.
Let's loot it.
Let's pass carbon taxes.
Let's expand NAFTA and GATT.
Let's announce an end to the dollar as the global reserve currency.
Do you know what that means?
We've already lost almost all our industry.
We're already in a depression.
When they get rid of the dollar as the world reserve currency, your life, as you know it, is officially over.
You're going to be a third world slave like they are in Mexico or Nigeria.
And you know what?
Those people down there at least know why they're slaves.
You are so stupid and so focused on crap, you'll probably still be talking about Lindsay Lohan when you're living as a homeless person on the street.
My friends, we've got to set our priorities and set them now.
Liberty or tyranny.
You've got to wake up and decide what is important to you.
Saving our republic?
Stopping the globalist takeover?
Or knowing all the mindless trivia about LeBron James and Lindsay Lohan?
There isn't much more time.
I'm begging you to ask yourselves to look in the mirror and really realize how sick this is.
It's not bad like a basketball game, but it is mentally ill and sick to buy into this manufactured hype and to have government officials that should be working for the people sitting there in these disgusting media spectacles worshipping somebody.
Our role models, our icons, the people that our children look up to.
We're clowns!
They've taken our heroes and our role models away.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have been warned, and this whole LeBron James decision means absolutely nothing.
This obsession with petty issues of little or no significance...
is the modern version of bread and circus.
It is the opiate of the masses and it's why we are dumbed down slaves with no future if we don't wake up.
Look, when you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber, uh, you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages.
They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Bieber and then Bieber says, hand in your guns, pass the Cybersecurity Act and, uh,
Yeah, but the police state's good, and then your children are turned into mindless vassals who now, they look up to some twit instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan.
I mean, kids, Magellan's a lot cooler!
Then Justin Bieber, he circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet.
He was killed by wild NATOs before they got back to Portugal.
And when they got back, there was only like 11 people alive of the 200 and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline.
That's destiny, that's will, that's striving, that's being a trailblazer and explore going into space.
Quantum mechanics!
The secrets of the universe!
It's all there!
Life is fiery with its beauty!
It's incredible detail!
Tuning into it!
They want to shatter your mind!
Talking about Justin Bieber!
It's pure evil!
They're taking your intellect and your soul and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber!
Unlock your human potential!
Defeat the globalists who want to shatter your mind, your doorways to perception!
I want to see you truly live!
I want to see you truly be who you are!
I don't want my progeny who's coming, my unborn grandchildren and great-grandchildren, to live in this nightmare system these control freaks have created.
Where these wicked globalists are so threatened by human potential, they poison the water, the vaccines, the food, to turn us into a bunch of slugs, a bunch of lobotomized sloths so they can control us.
It is a crime.
It is the most jealous, envious, greedy, hateful, sickening thing the New World Order does, and that's why I am so pleased to be committed in the fight against them.
That's why I don't care about my own life except I want to continue to live to fight them.
That's why I don't have fear.
I only have fear of myself and my flesh and not being up to the challenge!
And I ask you to look in the mirror and ask yourselves, what are you doing in this time of great challenge?
What are you doing to unlock minds?
Once you unlock a mind, once you unlock somebody, then they can unlock their soul.
We can't unlock a soul.
Only God can do that.
But we can unlock minds.
And once the mind is unlocked, once the intellect is turned on, then comes the discernment.
Then comes the awakening of the soul.
Then comes true enlightenment and empowerment.
So the globalists make you a bunch of jealous, stunted, weak, backstabbing, gibbering demons.
All of us have the lower elements and the higher.
We must strive for the higher.
Stay with us!
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I'm looking at these headlines at Infowars.com.
Rights group urges Congress to scrap privacy-busting internet bill.
It'll put you in jail for embedding a YouTube video for five years.
Here's another one.
Mom arrested after refusing TSA molestation of daughter.
Or another little jewel.
Bernanke says gold is not money.
And that Fed may launch another round of stimulus.
That means money printing.
That's just some of the news there.
You know, that's why I am so disgusted by the New World Order.
And this short little rant from the past is where I tell the globalists what I think of them.
And I have trouble finding the words to describe just how venomous and sickening and rotten these control freaks are.
The globalists are organized.
They're corrupt.
They're a bunch of thieving parasites.
They use our money against us.
And people are waking up though.
A lot of good things are happening and so I should be more positive.
I just have trouble looking at Obama and trouble looking at Bush and looking at all these local criminals and looking at all the stuff they do.
I'm sick of them.
I have more than a hatred for them.
I have a disgust, a disdain, a
Tectonic, titanus, explosive, anathema.
They are anathema.
It's not even that I hate them or are disgusted.
I want to be away from them.
I don't like them.
I don't like looking at them.
I don't like hearing them.
I don't like all their tics and all their enjoyment of petty power.
I hate their worldliness.
I hate their pettiness.
I hate the fact that they don't enjoy beauty or decency or honor or
See, I start thinking about them and just the image of them starts going into my mind and that's something I can't allow.
I know these people.
I know what makes them tick.
I've looked into their minds.
I've studied them.
I know who they are.
And I just can't believe we are this low to let this type of worthless trash run things.
This type of innocence-destroying, decency-destroying.
It hurts my soul, folks.
And my spirit just rises up against them to just a level
I just want to get my hands around their throats.
I want to get down to the bottom line.
And you know, they feel the same.
They don't like us.
They want to get their hands around our throats, too.
And they are.
Every day you drink that damn tap water.
Every day you shoot your kids up and eat the GMO food.
And they're just going to go on hurting us and killing us and screwing us and lying to us.
And I'm sick of it!
And they take our normal instincts of manhood and valor and honor and they twist it and use it for their own aims.
They got the best of us working for them.
It's a load of crap!
I just swear on the altar of God that we're gonna beat you.
I swear I'm gonna do whatever it takes to beat you!
And the people out there are making that oath as well.
Alright, we're back.
There was my New World Order rant describing what I really think of the globalists.
Now I want to describe what I think and what I envision humanity, good people in humanity, the vast majority of us to be.
This long 30-minute piece will go into the next hour.
It's titled, What We Really Are.
I've had so many requests by listeners and people on the street, including media folks nationally, tell me to do more pieces like this.
You know, discuss the positive nature of humanity versus the more nasty environs that the globalists are attempting to expand against free humanity.
But at the end of the day, humans are dynamic, powerful creatures that need to be challenged.
And that's why the social engineers have really built an artificial environment for us.
They have built an artificial domain.
It's a box or a map
That they have basically created and then they use the peer pressure messages in the mind-rotting dinosaur media.
And so what I beg listeners to do, especially new listeners, is to not believe a word I say, but to simply recognize the inherent truth that on this planet,
There are things going on that we're not aware of, that there are scientific discoveries that haven't been made yet, and that there are criminal groups doing things behind the scenes to manipulate and control our environment, and that we're not getting the whole story, and that the system has been caught lying over and over again, even when the truth
Suits them.
They have created an artificial environment for us to try to claim that they're keeping us safe, but really what they're doing is creating a nanny state to enslave us.
They don't want us to be adventurous.
They don't want us to be individualistic.
They want to sell us tyranny in the name of giving us some type of utopia when all they're delivering is a
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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What is it to be a human being?
Homo sapiens sapien.
That's the scientific name of our species.
For tens of thousands of years, our ancestors struggled, fought, and died against other tribes of humans, against saber-toothed cats, and woolly mammoths, bengal tigers, to simply survive.
The main mission of our species has been to survive.
On a hostile planet that we developed on.
And now you have people in the lap of luxury with all the entertainment, more food than they can eat.
Even the poorest of our society in the Western world is much better off than our ancestors.
Living like kings.
And we don't appreciate it.
And this is the big secret.
We don't appreciate it because we're not designed
to thrive in a society of milk and honey, of plenty.
We are designed to thrive in an atmosphere of incredible danger and of amazing pressures.
We are an incredible species that has brought you Beethoven and minds like Albert Einstein, human minds, more than 110 years ago.
Developed the theory of atomics, Max Planck.
The human mind created equations that can destroy entire cities.
We can do incredible things, positive things and destructive things.
Humanity is magic.
Humanity can literally reach to the stars and beyond.
The development of our species at this point is only the larval stage.
And we're now going into a phase where we're literally in a cocoon and about to metamorphosize into something else.
And during this time of flux, our species, all the genetic and racial memories, all of the inherited memories,
Aren't integrating with this modern society of convenience and all the food we can eat and the entertainment and the decadence because the pleasure centers of the mind and the things that the controlled corporate media force feeds are only a limited spectrum of our intellect and what we are.
Our ancestors struggled and fought and died against the elements, against wild animals, against barbarous tribes of fellow humans to succeed.
And success was to simply survive.
And now we see these giant, decadent masses of people who aren't appreciating life, who are becoming nihilistic, who have a death wish, who hate everything that's good and wholesome.
You see on the internet all these videos in the last few years where it shows beautiful women abusing animals.
This is the new pornography.
People are becoming psychopathic.
They're degenerating psychologically.
I want you to look yourself in the mirror and really ask yourself a question.
Meditate on it.
Think about it.
What is it to be a human being?
Who are we as a species?
We're creatures that live on a beautiful planet orbiting a sun two-thirds of the way out on the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Our species developed on this planet over hundreds of thousands of years.
Our ancestors fought to survive against the elements, against wild animals, and against tribes.
Survival was success for our species.
It was the French philosopher Victor Hugo that said, adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.
And in that simple statement, you understand the human experience and who we are.
People that have plenty of food and housing and clothing, they are depressed.
They're unhappy.
They feel like they're missing something in their life because fundamentally they don't understand what it is to be human.
Survival and raising your children to be happy and successful and healthy is victory.
Every generation making the world a better place than the previous one is victory.
People have been taught by the corporate brainwashing machine to be self-centered, to not care about others.
And in that, they've lost their very humanity.
They don't understand that life is transitory.
We're just like the flowers that come up every year in the spring and blossom throughout the summer and then die in the fall and winter.
But through the species, through humankind, we live on.
And everything we do to each other...
affects the species itself.
Madison Avenue tries to make you feel inadequate so that you'll buy into their products, so you'll feel like you need to accept their mode of control if you're going to be fulfilled.
And the more people buy into that, the more nihilistic and destructive they get.
We have a society that is collapsing, that is crumbling, because we build up
Drug addicts, sports icons, and Hollywood people, and all of these rock stars who are the worst expression of humanity because they become so wealthy that they're unhappy.
They're not appreciative of the basic things they have.
They've lost sight of that secret that humanity was forged under incredible degradation on the edge of extinction.
If you go back more than a hundred years ago, in 1900, Max Planck developed the theory of atomics.
The equations that sprung from his mind created nuclear power.
And yes, the atom bomb that can destroy entire cities.
Humanity is made in the image of God.
We are an incredible species with a destiny.
To populate the stars, to go beyond the stars.
We can't even imagine our full potential.
Just like somebody 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia or Egypt couldn't imagine a cell phone or a 747, couldn't imagine an MRI or a firearm.
We take it for granted like it's nothing.
We don't appreciate the good things in life, the simple things in life.
And so people are becoming more and more decadent, more and more self-destructive.
Suicide is off the charts.
Upwards of 20% of the population is on psychotropic, mind-numbing drugs.
People don't feel fulfilled.
They complain that life is boring.
Life is boring?
You are on a planet with all of this incredible biodiversity and all of this beauty and creativity.
You need to realize that just being conscious
Simply being alive and being able to struggle in whatever your pursuit is, whether it's art or literature or whether you're an auto mechanic or a doctor or a lawyer or a filmmaker, it doesn't matter.
It's all about that human experience and what you add to the species, what you add to the society.
Individuals die.
And selfish individuals die before they physically perish.
And they don't realize that
It is an experience of humanity, of Homo Sapiens Sapien, of our species to add to humanity's wealth, their intellectual wealth, our physical wealth.
And that when you truly join with the human spirit and everything that is decent and wholesome and good, everything that your conscience, your compass tells you is good, that you will bloom and that you will literally accelerate towards a higher level of enlightenment.
but the minute that you buy into this corporate culture of death you are destroyed learn to recognize and appreciate and defend and protect beauty don't give in to that
Sociopathic or even psychopathic desire to get into the dark side and destructiveness.
Become conscious of the fact that you individually are only alive one time in this earth suit that our intellect inhabits.
But that through a love of humanity and a love of creativity and investigation and the love of exploration that you will live forever.
And that the human experience has always been about a struggle against things that are good and uplifting and things that are destructive.
Destruction is easier.
It's quicker.
It's very seductive.
But when you begin to try to literally tune in to the essence that is our species and our true potential, you will be able to have a glimpse of wider horizons that open up into a wide universe of possibilities.
And you will be on your knees at a spiritual level.
Realizing the incredible blessing and honor it is to be a human being who has been given the gift of consciousness.
I'm going to say it again.
Your body will fail.
You will die.
But the ideas, the inventions, the works that you commit while you are alive and conscious will have reverberations throughout time and space for eternity.
You will live forever through your children and through other humans' children.
This is the great secret.
And the great evil of the New World Order engineers is that they fully understand this primal rule.
And they have made the greedy, selfish decision to keep these great truths from humanity that would fulfill and empower our species.
They are afraid of you finding your true potential and power.
Because when you become enlightened and awakened and expand your horizons, you threaten their monopoly of power and control.
The solution is looking at you in the mirror.
And you won't develop yourself overnight.
No one does.
Life is a process.
You have to make that decision.
You have to access those racial memories that all humans have your instincts.
You have to understand that the scientific controllers that manipulate this technological dictatorship of the mind are afraid of the human species.
They know the truth.
They understand the wider possibilities of humanity.
They know that our species is
Stronger when it's under adversity.
They understand that we need to be challenged.
And instead they create a bed of decadence and evil and sell it to you like it's risky and cool and risque and avant-garde to be decadent and destructive and to not care about your fellow humans because they want to isolate you so they can control you and dominate every facet of your life.
But at the end of your time on this planet,
You need to be proud of what you've done.
You need to be proud of how you've lived.
This is a message to the future, a message to free humanity, that we don't let our species be destroyed, that we don't let ourselves become dehumanized.
It is the greatest crime in history.
That the establishment, that the social engineers are dumbing us down by design, that they are nurturing and funding and activating and promoting all of the most base instincts and things that are destructive so that we can be basically damaged goods that they can control and use as their biological androids, as their slaves.
We have been destroyed by our own prosperity.
We have become anesthetized by all the entertainment and the food and the drugs.
We have to rediscover the fact that this is a human experience, a struggle by our species to survive and to grow and to become even greater.
That's what it is to be a human.
And when you look at the beauty around you, when you realize just how good and special life is, when you appreciate it,
Then you will be fulfilled.
Because we've bought in to the propaganda of Madison Avenue.
Because we have let the controllers of our society misdirect our basic human drive and instinct to love and to fight and to be passionate and real.
And the global controllers quest to domesticate and dumb us down so they can control and dominate the future.
They have damaged the human species.
They have misdirected our prime directive to grow and to build and to search and to trailblaze and explore.
But the minute you start exploring and creating and loving life is the minute that the pendulum begins to swing from tyranny and dehumanization towards liberty and a literal Valhalla for future generations.
And it's that quest, that quest towards being a better species that we will truly find our destiny.
You have become compartmentalized.
We all have.
Of course, you know about the pyramidal power structure, where only the very tip-top understands all the secrets, knows how it all fits together.
It's similar to Legos.
Individually, it doesn't make anything, but together, it makes a greater whole.
And it's how the military and intelligence agencies operate.
It's a need-to-know basis.
And if you look at this as a ship, as nation-states, as countries, as ships, you've got people in catering, people in food, people in laundry, in cleaning, you've got the security force, you've got the people down in the engine room.
And the engine room is basically the bureaucracy and the courts.
But who is the captain?
The captain knows everything going on that ship.
The captain is commanding all those different separate parts.
And that's a perfect example of globalism and how they use compartmentalization to keep the mass of people on the ship unaware of the larger picture.
They're not outside the box.
So you've got the captain of the ship.
He's in control of all the different aspects, all the different pieces that come together.
The subgroups on the ship, they only know their specific duty.
But the captain, he has the big picture over the ship, over the nation.
Well, what is globalization?
Globalization is where there's an international company, bigger than the nations, bigger than all the ships, that controls and dominates and finances all those ships.
And that's international banking cartels.
They create endless trillions of fiat currency and they buy the whole world with it.
It's a hat trick.
It's a fraud.
It's a magician's parlor scam.
And that's what's happening.
So not only do we have an evil captain, the rest of the ship isn't aware of what's going on, but they know the direction they're going in is bad.
But the captain himself is just an agent to the globalists that control all the ships.
The New World Order are truly the captains and the shipping magnet owners of this global dehumanization system.
The globalists don't care about you and your family.
They've got all this slick propaganda about how they want to take your rights to keep you safe.
They want to naked body scan you in the airports and have surveillance blimps and face scanning and license plate scanning cameras to keep you safe.
They claim it's for little men in caves in Central Asia that want to come and kill you.
But when you research it, you find out those men in caves are financed by the intelligence agencies to stage the crises to scare you into running into the arms of the globalists.
Conservatively, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died during the war of 2003 through 2011.
We will continue with a special report, What We Really Are, after these important messages.
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And if you think that the global controllers care
Any more about you than they do about those Iraqis, you're blind.
These are cold-blooded people.
20 years ago, our government would criticize China and its authoritarian policy of taking Buddhists and Falun Gong and others and executing them and harvesting their organs.
But now, our media, our State Department, our government says nothing.
We all know the Nazis tortured people and they were the bad guys.
We all know that the Northern Vietnamese tortured our troops, so the North Koreans, they were the bad guys.
But now we're told torture is good, torture is moral.
The heroes on television, in the dramas and the cop shows torture people.
You are being bathed, I am being bathed and conditioned to accept classical oppression, classical evil.
It's happened over and over and over again in history.
And when the population becomes decadent and stops caring and stops getting involved,
and turns loose of any responsibility.
Evil floods in to all the major systems of power in the government and in the corporations and society implodes like we've seen in Mexico and North Korea and so many other places.
The globalists see you as a product.
They see you as a dumbed down sheep, a biological android to be used to serve them.
They are arrogant, they are hateful and free humanity needs to find its
I think?
Sports games where men are supposed to put all their tribal energies into.
These simulated gladiatorial wars.
The energy of resistance and war and of standing up against oppression is engineered into you because our species wouldn't have survived and you wouldn't be here if your ancestors hadn't stood up for themselves.
And we all need to find that tectonic energy of liberty and turn it loose and set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
We live in a country and a world where world government is openly being established and where trillions in tax money is being paid to shadowy offshore banks.
And when Congress asks the Federal Reserve, where did the money go?
They tell Congress, we're not going to tell you.
This is an outrageous affront in our face.
We're being trained to accept police tasering us for no reason.
We're being trained to accept naked body scanners.
We're being domesticated and having our will broken.
So that as individuals and as a society, our women, our children, and all of us can be conditioned to become nothing but cattle to this ruling elite.
And so many of you that serve the system believe that you're on a power trip and that you're part of the control mechanism and that you're on the winning team.
If you'd actually studied history and sociology and anthropology, you'd know that the first group that gets exterminated are those that help bring the tyranny to power.
You have been warned!
Our society is crumbling and degenerating.
They are filling the vaccines full of eugenic chemicals to sterilize us, to brain damage us, and to make us more servile and more submissive.
And we've got all the major foundation documents and government documents that admit it.
You have been warned.
There is no way you can deny this information.
All you need to do is go look at what I'm covering here to find out that it's true for yourself!
You notice that all these private mercenaries are now operating all over the world but also in the United States against the American people.
And the police are becoming more and more armed.
And they're now starting to station military in our major cities.
The balance of power is shifting towards the state with physical force because they know that you're waking up.
They know you're becoming aware.
They know that you're peacefully starting to take your communities back, one mind at a time.
And so they're moving in to demonize individuals being armed.
And they're moving in to demonize the Second Amendment that is not only the individual right to keep and bear arms, but the fact that the main police force for security is the American people.
Every time there's a hurricane, every time there's an emergency, when people really need guns, government comes in, in New Orleans, in North Carolina, and says, you can't own guns, you've got to turn them in.
Okay folks, we'll be right back to start the second hour with more of my breakdown.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
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I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.
End of America 3 dot com.
That's End of America, the number 3 dot com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We are now into our number two on this special broadcast where we cover a full spectrum of information.
And we're going to conclude the special report, what we really are.
And they demonize the militia that's part of our Second Amendment.
And to bring down the militia, the government has been caught creating racist and out-of-control groups that are cartoonish in their camouflage to make the idea of an armed citizenry look stupid.
Realize what they're doing to you!
We are the people.
We are the government.
We created this government.
Of course the people in a free nation are armed.
Only slaves are disarmed.
The first people to have their rights taken to own guns were African Americans in this country after the Civil War.
Gun control is a tool of enslavement.
Only freemen and women have the right to keep and bear weapons.
You get a Democrat in office and everybody gets angry at them because they're carrying out the globalist agenda.
Then they put a Republican in office and the people get angry because they carry out the same agenda.
Then they put another Democrat in and it goes on and on and on.
And the office of the presidency has been given all this unconstitutional power with executive orders and all this warrantless wiretapping and all the police state control.
The last time our Congress declared war was World War II.
The Congress represents the people.
It declares the war.
Then the President executes it.
But we have the Office of the Presidency being turned into this demigod position.
But it's a hollow position.
They're not even really a dictator.
They are a spokesperson for the National Security Council and the private corporate dictatorship that's been created.
Think about sodium fluoride in the water.
The majority of FDA scientists have come out in the last decade and said, take it out of the water.
It increases cancer.
It causes reductions in fertility.
It causes all these other serious problems.
But the government says, we're going to force-medicate you, supposedly for your teeth.
And then they say, oh, we're going to force you to take vaccines.
And every year, hundreds of new vaccines get approved.
And the big pharma companies come in and lobby the government to try to mandate that you take those shots.
As a free human, you have no responsibility to take their vaccines.
Stand up and say, no, you're not going to put things in my body.
More than a decade ago, I received secret documents from a nurse in San Antonio
Detailing that for more than three decades, blood was taken, not just in the United States, but in every industrialized country, from newborn babies.
Parents were told it was going for a blood test, but it was really going to a secret global bioweapons database, so they have your genetic number and can even make a specific bioweapon for you individually.
In the last three years, they've now declassified this information in your face.
This government is so secretive, so creepy, that they've been taking your blood worldwide.
We're already under a world government, ladies and gentlemen.
We need to discover and realize the magic that is all around us, how wonderful life is.
We also have to learn to recognize corruption and evil and route it out and stand up against it.
We need to stop being so passive and realize that there are all these different agendas going on and become conscious of that fact and wake up and save this species.
In 1913, the private banks took over the country and set up the Federal Reserve.
They've run up our national credit card.
They've used us to build their empire.
We've taken the blame for all of these imperial wars launched by these private robber barons.
And now the globalists are just going to move on.
The United States is being destroyed by design.
The empire that we've become is being destroyed by design.
And everyone instinctively knows it.
So instead of having a fatalistic, I don't care about the world, screw everybody attitude, decide that you're going to wake up and stand up and get involved with others to defeat this dehumanization.
Think about your ancestors.
They didn't give up under adversity, under starvation, under warring tribes attacking them, cannibals, wild animals, earth changes.
They struggled.
A lot of people didn't make it, but your ancestors struggled and went through hell, regardless of what color you are, whether you're German, Jewish, Chinese, Mexican, it doesn't matter.
And worked their fingers to the bone and many of them died so you could be here today and have what you've got.
Let's not let a bunch of control freaks take control of our society.
They've learned how humans operate.
They know the secrets I know.
Now you know these secrets.
Stand up.
Reclaim your humanity.
We could smash these parasites and stand up for liberty.
Does that mean we're going to find some utopia?
That everything's going to be fine?
But if we give in to corruption, if we give up, we know we're going to hell in a handbasket.
It's only when we stand up for something good and pure and strong that we've got a chance.
All right, my friends, we'll be right back after this quick break.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This next piece that we're about to play is where I'm in a particularly nasty and dark mood.
And I tend to spontaneously behave like this on the radio when I'm particularly disgusted by how over the top the corruption is.
How cartoonishly ridiculous it is.
That the establishment thinks that they can sell us pure tyranny, oppression, and despotism as if it's mother's milk.
And I think it really illustrates the complete and abject intellectual bankruptcy of the psychopaths and sociopaths and sadomasochists that have created this new world order system.
I think it really illustrates it to just go through it and talk about how wonderful it is and how good it is.
Oh, it's so great that the Congress is becoming ceremonial.
It's so good that the diabetes has doubled.
It's so good that government admittedly puts cancer viruses in vaccines and injects children on record with polio shots, with live polio in them knowingly.
Because the sicky-sweet globalists sit up there with this facade of lovingness, while the hapless, well-meaning, really childlike public is run over.
So I guess at a subconscious level what I'm attempting to do when I get really nasty is break people out of their status quo.
Shake them out of their mind-numbed stupor or trance that they're in.
That's what I'm attempting to do.
And that's why I get on the air and sometimes just really let it all hang out.
Because no matter how crazy the topics are that I talk about, reality is so much more worse than I can even describe it.
And so really, you know, it gets old just sitting here saying I'm against all this evil.
You know, why not sometimes play the devil's advocate and come at it from the perspective of the social engineers that see us as a steak on the table, that see us as animals, as cattle.
And so that's what I do in this next very dark piece.
And so without further ado, I give you The Dark Side.
They've been trained to hate you!
And they're ready!
Ha ha ha!
That's tyranny.
The cops may be poor, and they may have their pension funds taken, but at least they got that battle gear.
At least people gotta give them respect.
At least they can strut around.
And all the foreigners pouring in, making up the police force.
They got real power over Americans!
They hated when they moved here!
Ha ha!
It's gonna be a lot of fun for every tyrant and every control freak and every dim-witted loser who couldn't produce anything.
No, the globalists have got jobs for them.
They got jobs and they're gonna, hey, they want your daughter, they're gonna take her.
They want your wife, they're gonna take her.
They want your business, they're gonna take it.
You speak up to them, you talk back to them, they'll beat you within an inch of your life, they'll gun you down and the news will call you a terrorist.
That's what tyranny's about, is losers and criminals and scum and filth just dominating everyone and getting away with whatever they want.
They're turning the planet into a giant carnal house for control freaks and sadists.
Plunge in state revenue dashes hopes of an easy budget fix.
Legislators were hoping revenue would continue to expand projections for stalling deeper cuts and further tax hikes.
But April's total was 30% below what was expected, leaving them with few options.
State tax collections plummeted unexpectedly.
You raise taxes on every level and everything implodes.
You knew exactly what you were doing.
That's right.
Siege of the American people.
Siege of state and local government.
Build them up, get them all bloated, and then knock them down.
State tax collections plummeted unexpectedly in April, wiping out months of steady gains that legislators hoped would ease their budget troubles and restore California's economic system faster than experts predicted.
Such hope is now fading fast.
What was the other article?
We gave the 146 plus billion to the bankers in Greece and now it's getting worse!
Now they need more!
Give them more money!
Give them more power!
That'll fix it!
Ha ha ha!
Oh yes, the pirate ships of the New World Order are now cruising, cruising through our cities and towns.
Oh, they're forging the great army of death against us.
Oh, they've done it in so many other countries.
Oh, they killed between 65 and 80 million in China.
Oh, they killed 30% of the population U.S.
government-funded Pol Pot.
And Brzezinski brags about it.
Oh, our banks funded the Soviet takeover of Russia.
Oh, the big banks funded it all.
And now they get to have it in America.
Now they've got their paramilitary forces everywhere.
And oh, there's a little dud bomb they stage with a drill in Times Square.
And then they get everybody calling into the talk radio going, I want to give up my rights.
I love being searched.
I love having questions asked.
Keep me safe.
I'm so scared.
The public just relishing their slavery.
Oh, just bankers, just take everything I've got.
Just face scan me.
Oh, the media's saying it's good to have the laptops watching your kids at home.
Oh, it's so good that there's mercury in the shots.
Oh, the fluoride is so good.
Oh, people dying everywhere of cancer and brain damage all around you.
Oh, it's so good.
Oh, it's such a blessing.
Oh, it's so good for us.
It's so wonderful.
Oh, government's so wonderful.
The private central banks are so sweet.
We're good to go.
This is how disgusting it is and how sick of it I am.
Of course every state's going to collapse.
Of course they're going to take everything you've got.
And the government bureaucrats and bankers are going to move into your houses, move into your farms.
They're going to raise taxes on every level.
They're going to have their way with you until you go into the county commissioner's courts and the city councils and the state houses until you realize the solution is looking you in the mirror and you're going to have to stand up on the front line against this tyranny because it's coming in like a flood.
Tyranny can be met in only one way.
Head on.
To put the pedal to the metal.
This isn't a game of chicken because we're not going to turn.
We are going to go straight forward.
I mean, when you turn television on, radio on, it is almost 100% blanket, absurdist brainwashing of how the government loves you and provides everything, how the bankers love you, how the economy...
Europe is getting better when every indicator shows it is completely imploding.
I mean, it's like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said.
He's the father of Reaganomics.
They are willfully destroying the economy by design.
But we have the UN.
We have Maurice Strong.
We have Ted Turner.
We have all these globalists.
We have the Goldman Sachs internal documents.
They're the ones funding the carbon tax, saying they want to destroy our economy.
You have the head of the IMF saying the good times are over for Europe and America.
We're going to take your pension funds that you paid into.
We got a bunch of people with low IQs with automatic weapons that are going to work for us and do what we tell them.
And guess what?
Now, despite the fact that they've tried to only hire dumb cops, every time I mention this, I get emails saying it isn't true.
Just Google, uh, police department does not hire officers with over 100 IQ.
And the internal documents show they want cops with about 85 IQs.
Let me tell you, 85 is pretty stupid.
They can tie their shoelaces, they can, you know, they can do basic things like that, but you're... At 85 IQ, you're talking about somebody almost at moron level.
There have been lawsuits all over the country.
In Dallas, in Philadelphia, and New York, and L.A.
That's been a policy in place for at least 20 years.
Because, you know, the average cop listening to me right now can't even understand what I'm saying!
They just say, terrorists, terrorists!
The government made the sun come up, the government made the grass grow, the government made the...
And they've been trained that the Tea Party people are terrorists, and that the gun owners are terrorists, and... And they'll do whatever they're told.
You know, don't make fun of the Communist Chinese.
You know, they got suckered into going along with it.
Don't make fun of the Nazis.
They got suckered in.
I've studied the, uh... Europe at that time.
You know, the Germans were much more immoral people than we are today.
And they bought the lie.
They drank the Kool-Aid.
And let me tell you something, we drank it.
We drank more than any modern society's ever guzzled down, and this country is cursed and is going to hell.
You understand that?
We are on a burning ship, crashing into icebergs right now.
We are on fire!
Shields are down!
Red-level emergency!
And they're just gonna incrementally, like we're a hog on a spit, just keep turning us around in circles over that fire, slow-roasting us.
Oh, it makes me so sad.
And look, I know there are a lot of really smart police.
But the point is, the government doesn't want smart ones.
And the smart people end up maybe, maybe making sergeant after 25, 30 years.
But the thuggish, roidhead nuts with devil tattoos all over them, they're going to the top.
And you've heard the military call in, who's trained with the police, and it's the military over and over again that's actually shocked by the cops, how they talk about us like we're scum, we're trash, how they can't wait to wage war on us.
And that doesn't mean every department or every group of cops, but that's where the globalists want this to go.
The Info War continues.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed.
This next report has been viewed millions of times online.
But this is its premiere on radio.
If you search for it, Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed, you can see the two-part report.
We're going to air it in its entirety here in a moment.
But remember, this is the essence of the social engineers, the essence of the eugenicists who admit that it is their religion to covertly kill you with
My friends, the information that you are about to witness
From all of my years of research is the most important.
It's been hidden in plain view the entire time.
This is the ultimate secret.
And it's about to be exposed.
I have hundreds of government documents, textbooks, white papers, where for over 80 years, the elite of the Western world have talked about adulterating food and water.
to sicken and sterilize the population for the purpose of eugenics.
It's all covered in the book, Ecoscience, written by the White House Science Czar, John P. Holdren, where they talk about a planetary police state to carry out the forced sterilization.
They also talk about covert systems in the water and food to sterilize the population.
Now, this was written decades ago, before he was White House Science Czar.
Now, suddenly, the stuff in this book is all over the news.
They're selling it to the public
As if it's a good thing.
You see here before you what an average person would buy when they went shopping at the store.
Not everything here is bad for you.
But much of it has compounds and artificial chemicals that have been added that are extremely toxic and bad for your health and they have known this the entire time and they have approved them for use.
Let's start with aspartame.
You cannot go to the grocery store now and buy any type of even regular sugar gum that hasn't had aspartame added to it.
In the 1970s, Searle tried to get it approved and they couldn't.
It took them three separate times.
Because in their own studies with monkeys, large portions of them that were fed it died
I think?
I don't think so.
and chicken McNuggets.
Now, I remember a decade ago or so reading health advisories claiming that a form of plastic that's used in silly putty, basically a type of silicone, was in the chicken McNuggets, but also in many other TV dinners and other foods.
It is illegal in every other nation in the world to add these chemicals to the food, but it's not in the United States.
The big secret is all of this was done by design by the FDA.
Look at all the drugs they've approved, and then it comes out later that they knowingly approved them when these drugs are causing heart attacks and cancer.
In the Nuremberg trials, it came out that the Nazis were adding sodium fluoride to the water supply in the labor camps and death camps to make the population more docile and controllable.
There had been hundreds of university studies before Hitler even came to power.
This is a form of forced medication.
They admit that one part per million of sodium fluoride more than doubles the chance of bone cancer in boys and men.
As the public became educated in the last few decades, the government industry's response was to not just put it in water, but to start adding it to thousands of products like children's water that's mixed with their formula or with their cereal.
They started adding as much as 900 parts per million in things like powdered eggs.
It causes reductions in IQ, it increases sterility or lack of fertility, and it's being added to so many of the daily staples that we consume.
We'll get back to food additives in a moment, but first I wanted to look at genetically modified organisms.
Did you know for many years the American people have been eating cloned beef and pork, and now they're expanding out into other forms of meat?
Let's look at salmon first.
Major university studies conclusively have proven that the type of genetically modified salmon that is actually a cross species, they've mixed other animal genes in with it, that when this fish is introduced with wild, natural salmon, within 40 generations all the natural salmon are extinct.
The transmission will continue right after this quick break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
What does freedom mean to you?
eFoodsDirect is celebrating freedom with the Freedom Food Giveaway.
Each week in July they are giving away a one-year food supply.
Just go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex and register to win a one-year food supply with a
We're good to go.
Also the first 50 to register each day win a $50 subscription to the Voice of Reason e-newsletter.
Go to efoodsdirect.com slash Alex or call 800-409-5633.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Number 5.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
And now, Part 2 of Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed.
The FDA approved this, and they're going to allow it to be released into the wild that isn't even a salmon.
It is a cross-species chimera.
It is a mixture, like something out of the island of Dr. Maru, something out of a nightmare.
More than 85% of the corn now consumed in the United States
And it's also starting to trend that way in Europe and Canada, is genetically engineered.
It grows its own pesticide within the corn kernels so that insects won't eat it.
If the insects can't eat this and live, what do you think is going to happen when lab rats or humans eat it?
We have literally hundreds of studies showing that not just Monsanto's, but other major GMO companies' corn
That's the majority of corn we're now eating today in the United States has been linked to organ failure in lab animals.
The studies also show massive increases in sterility in rats and guinea pigs that are fed not just GMO corn, but GMO cottonseeds.
Studies in India, Germany, and the United States have conclusively shown that when they feed the cotton seeds left over from the cotton crop from these genetically modified varieties, that the cows are having miscarriages, they are having low birth weights, or in many cases, they're simply dying.
And what is in most processed foods?
Genetically modified cotton seed oil.
Major studies are also showing that genetically engineered crops are killing honeybees and monarch butterflies.
But they don't stop there.
Now they claim they're coming out with a genetically engineered mosquito that's malaria-proof that they're going to release into the open biosphere.
The very genetic code of the planet is being butchered in a hostile corporate takeover.
Many years ago an executive from Monsanto was quoted in National Geographic as saying that that is their program.
That they want to basically have their crops and their organisms take over the entire biosphere of this planet.
And the major genetic engineer companies have focused mainly on eight major food crops.
Now they're expanding out into hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other plants.
Literally changing the genetic code of the planet.
This is a genetic dictatorship.
This is genetic vandalism.
And that's why the Rockefellers, the United Nations and others have built these giant armored seed vaults all over the world, not just at the Arctic Circle.
And they admit they're doing it in case all of this gets out of hand, that they'll have a type of Noah's Ark.
So all these fake environmental groups, they never complain about this.
They never talk about true environmental degradation.
They want to put a tax on carbon dioxide that humans exhale, that plants respirate from, and carry out photosynthesis with, as a way to shut down industrial society and control every facet of our lives.
That's the big secret.
This is a population reduction program.
It is an epidemic.
The sperm count has dropped in the Western world exponentially.
Even the government has been predicting within another generation almost everyone is going to be sterile.
This is the globalist religion.
This is their philosophy.
They want the planet for themselves.
The UN has said that their stated plan is an 80% population reduction.
You've heard Ted Turner call us useless eaters and feeders and say that 80% of us need to be killed.
You've heard Prince Philip say he wants to come back as a virus to kill the majority of the world population.
Dr. Eric Pianka, Peter Singer, it's all over the news where they tell us that we should only have one child because more than one is bad for the environment and that the recession is good for lowering our carbon footprint.
This is the big secret.
We live in a scientific dictatorship.
And the United States and England are the epicenter of this.
And it's expanding worldwide.
Remember all the secret testing.
All the secret sterilization that went on in the United States and Europe.
Remember what Hitler did.
He learned all of that from the eugenicists and the Rockefeller family in the United States.
This is a culture of death being pushed on you and your family.
And even if you think the world is overpopulated, you need to understand that you're being targeted by this as well.
Targeted by design.
Recombinant bovine growth hormone in your milk, making eight-year-old girls go into puberty.
And they should be going into puberty at 12 or 13.
Silicone in chicken McNuggets and hundreds and hundreds of other processed foods.
Aspartame, that is the feces of genetically engineered bacteria that has incredible health problems that have been proven.
Think for yourself, it goes on and on.
ABC News, this goes back four years ago.
Viral meat spray, advancing food safety.
They spray a live virus on the meat to supposedly kill the bacteria.
This is a live vaccine they spray on most of the meat you're consuming that you're buying from the store.
It gets even worse.
The petroleum distillates or toxic waste that's left over from petroleum refineries that refine oil into gasoline, they take these tens of millions of pounds of toxic waste that's left over, the fluoride, the mercury, the lead, and they dump it on crops as supposed fertilizer.
And what do crops like tomatoes and corn and potatoes do?
They pull in all of those toxins out of the ground.
In fact, scientists for many years have used plants to actually detoxify areas that have been contaminated.
And those plants are pulling all of this up and then you are eating it.
That's why the Washington Post reported in January of 2008 that a major study found that nearly a third of the 55 popular brand name foods and beverage products were filled with mercury.
Despite the fact that the people of Europe for over 20 years have fought off all the genetically modified wheat and corn and other crops being planted in their nation, now the EU is buckled and is accepting it.
The United States is literally a testing ground for all of this.
It's just automatically approved.
And the people that work for these corporations, they're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
The people that work at these stores, they have no idea what's happening.
This is affecting all of us.
This is hurting everyone.
Many different forms of cancer are growing by thousands of percentage points.
All these different diseases.
And in major studies, it's all been linked to the toxic additives that are in our food, our water.
And I haven't even had time to get into MSG.
I mean, I've interviewed brain surgeons, neurologists, scientists.
I mean, it just devastates the brain.
It's an excitotoxin.
It destroys the liver.
And it is in tens of thousands of products.
We can say no.
We can stand up.
But if you've got a neighbor giving fluoride water to their baby, please go over and warn them.
If you've got a neighbor that's sitting there eating MSG-filled chips, one after the other,
Warn them.
You've got a responsibility.
If you know people that are feeding processed foods filled with GMO, warn them.
And for God's sakes, don't give it to your own children.
If you want to kill yourself, that's your own business.
But don't hurt your children.
Don't do this, ladies and gentlemen.
In closing, I want to talk about some positive things.
Just 15 years ago or so, you couldn't find organic food anywhere on store shelves.
And now, about half of what you see is organic.
Just a few years ago, all the milk had the growth hormone in it.
Now, it's hard to find milk that has the growth hormone in it because the consumers have spoken and said no.
A few years ago, you couldn't find toothpaste that didn't have sodium fluoride in it.
Now, Toms of Maine is starting to take over the aisle space and displace the other mainline toothpaste makers, where it says on the back, if you swallow this, call poison control immediately.
Even Colgate is now putting out fluoride-free toothpaste.
People are demanding that they not be poisoned and they're finding out about what's going on.
And so industry is starting to respond and at least give people who want a choice an option to not be forcibly medicated through the food and the water.
You know cigarettes are bad for you.
But just 20 years ago, the cigarette makers were getting up before Congress and saying it was a conspiracy theory that it was killing people.
And then later it came out in their internal documents, they knew it was deadly.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've seen the studies.
Much of what they're putting in our food and water is far worse than even cigarettes, as bad as they are, one of the biggest killers in this country.
This is a covert, soft kill operation.
We'll put a lot of links beneath this video so you can check out the facts for yourself.
And I'm just begging you to do your own research and find out that one of the most dangerous places in the world is your grocery store and the tap water in your house.
Well, you think that's bad?
You think what's happening with the GMO and the toxins and the food and water is bad?
With food, the ultimate secret exposed?
Well, unfortunately, that's nothing.
That's the old-fashioned, low-tech ways that the establishment's playing God with their little slaves.
This next piece got a lot of attention.
A lot of big newspapers and magazines reported on this.
They got very upset by it because for Big Brother and Big Pharma, this is the new frontier.
And of course, I'm talking about brain-eating vaccines.
Oh, when they promote them, they call them, ah, a vaccine where you'll never be addicted to drugs again, or a vaccine where you'll never be depressed again, or a vaccine for memories.
But when you study this class of vaccines, they go in and actually destroy different receptor sites, that is, different cell ganglia in the brain.
And yeah, once you take these different vaccines, you'll never want to use cocaine or drink Jack Daniels again, but you see, cocaine and Jack Daniels already mimic
I don't
You roar past them in victory?
Yeah, that.
You take these vaccines, you're never gonna feel that again.
But don't worry, they've got a pill that'll take care of what the vaccines do to your brain.
So here it is, the brain-eating vaccines.
Oh yeah, it's Buck Rogers.
My friends, please pay attention to the information I'm about to cover and research the links that we'll post below this video so that you understand none of this is my opinion, it is fact.
This issue is the most important issue going on in the world.
It is scientific tyranny.
I've read literally hundreds of government white papers and documents and books like Ecoscience, where the White House science czar talks about forcibly drugging the water to dumb you down and sterilize you.
But now they're in the New York Times and Time Magazine and everywhere and all the major medical journals promoting not only drugging the water with lithium, which by the way they're already doing, but now they're announcing it, to make you servile.
But now they are admitting that they plan to deploy something I learned about a decade ago.
Hundreds of different vaccines.
They're really biological re-engineering live viruses that they inject into your body and the live viruses go in and attack your brain.
And they claim, oh, it's to stop drug addiction.
Those same receptor sites that pick up opiates and nicotine and alcohol pick up your normal endorphins.
It's part of being a normal human being.
Those drugs mimic that and the viruses attack those receptor sites and kill them and create dead tissue.
It is a vaccine induced live virus lobotomy.
Now they're coming out and saying the American people and the people of the world are sick and major medical journals are saying we need to give everybody these shots.
To make them feel better.
To stop having anxiety.
To stop being angry.
In other words, to take away your instinct for self-preservation.
Your will to survive.
To make you accept all the bad things that are happening.
To turn you into a biological android.
A type of zombie.
You cannot make this up.
Please send this video to everyone you know.
For God's sakes, understand how serious this is.
This is a global, scientific, corporate takeover of life itself.
The globalists aren't just re-engineering corn and wheat and every other major crop and engineering steroids into them.
All over the news they're promoting lithium and Prozac and other drugs in the water.
Head bioethicist at Cambridge, they're the people that advise and set medical policy for doctors, are announcing they want to force drug you and they're calling it cognitive enhancement.
I've got a CBS news piece where they say that mercury helps your intelligence.
What everyone knows it causes brain damage.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
So when they say cognitive enhancement, they mean cognitive brain damage.
They mean taking your essence, literally your psyche, who you are away.
And they sit up there saying, well, if we put Prozac in the water, it'll cut suicide, when it's admitted that Prozac on its insert can cause suicide.
I have mainstream news articles that have just come out in the last few days in England, where people have a tenfold increase in convulsions, and they develop epilepsy after the flu shot.
I talked to top scientists who studied the flu shot last year and found bizarre viral RNA in it that deals with the brain.
I've had top brain surgeons on, like Dr. Russell Blaylock, to talk about this, and the government documents that he's read, how this is part of a eugenics population control program.
I mean, here it is!
London Telegraph.
Flu jab linked to fits and under 5s.
And it goes on to say they've been told not to give children 110,000 in England under 5 the shot, because they had convulsions at 10 times the regular rate.
Lindsay Lohan isn't what matters.
Mel Gibson isn't what matters.
The Depression doesn't even matter.
War with Iran is not even that important, compared to a medical dictatorship.
And under the National Health Service in England, and now National Health Care here in the US, they're slashing regular health care, like cancer surgery, or having a broken leg fixed, and converting it over to psychiatry.
And this biological warfare, or biopsychiatry,
Where they say, don't worry about drugs anymore for your depression.
We're going to give you a shot that alters your brain by viruses literally attacking your brain.
And they're rolling it out in public trials over a hundred of these vaccines right now.
And they're clearly spiking other vaccines with it.
If you love your children, if you love your family, you've got to realize this is a creeping, scientific, incremental, soft kill system.
Let's go over some of these articles.
Jab that could put a stop to stress without slowing us down.
And it says they're going to make humans better.
They've re-engineered potatoes and corn.
Why not just re-engineer humans?
And they quote all these major medical journals saying how great it is.
And they say this could change society, the professor said.
And they have a government-funded Stanford team with these neuroprotective viruses.
And this particular vaccine, one of hundreds, is a live herpes virus engineered to only eat certain key brain tissue.
They're just rolling it out.
And this isn't like some drug that they give people for a decade that causes hundreds of thousands of women to have deformed children.
This isn't some drug that just makes one person, you know, have a heart attack.
All these other recall drugs, these aren't even drugs.
These are genetically engineered nanotech viruses that go in and turn you into a servile biological android.
Do you understand?
The vaccines that they're rolling out are live virus bioweapons that re-engineer your brain.
You've seen the reports where all over the world, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, they give children UN-sanctioned polio shots.
And the children come down with weaponized polio and die.
And the government admits, oh, it was an accident with that vaccine.
People are now waking up to the fact that the vaccines are causing convulsions and brain damage and cancer.
And so what's their answer?
They're coming out and saying, don't worry, instead of a shot, have a banana.
Nobel laureate scientist defines future vaccines as food.
They're coming out.
They're pharmacological crops that grow the live virus, whether it gives you cancer or gives you polio or literally sends viruses in to eat parts of your brain.
It's all being done.
Bill Gates is coming out with a biologically engineered mosquito to forcibly deliver vaccines to you.
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Number 5.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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All Americans should be concerned.
There's new drug discovery going on.
Our foundation has backed a vaccine that's going into phase three trial that starts in a couple months.
And that should save over two-thirds of lives if it's effective.
And most sickeningly, over and over again they claim, oh it's to make you not depressed anymore.
All of you have problems.
You shouldn't be upset about things.
No, we're meant to get upset at a biological level and say no to this tyranny.
And so they're coming out saying, oh, we're going to re-engineer your brain, cognitive enhancements.
We're going to help you.
The mercury's helping your brain on newscasts all over the country.
Oh, the convulsions are helping you.
Oh, lithium, a toxic metal that they want to put in the water.
It's helping you.
You're going to feel much better after all of this is done.
What's wrong?
They're not coming for us, they're already here.
We're in danger.
Many of you who have a child who seems to be dumbed down and isn't as smart as anybody else in your family, and something's wrong with them, it's the vaccines, it's the GMO food.
Many of you who had an 18-month-old baby who was healthy and happy, they take that third round of shots, they have a convulsion that night, and they never talk again.
They're turning you into servile minions who will do whatever you're told and who can't get angry and can't resist.
Why do they want lithium in the water?
They admit to make you submit.
What does sodium fluoride in all the studies do?
Make you submit.
And what do these vaccines do?
They make you passive.
They make you unable to get angry.
Anger is a propulsion system to make you stand up for your species.
This is a hostile corporate takeover of the very genetic code of not just the plants and animals, but humanity itself.
It is the most diabolical, covert operation ever seen.
And now these people are out in the open.
It's admitted.
Do you understand?
It's admitted.
They want to make these shots mandatory in public schools to make you servile.
Oh, but you don't want to become addicted to drugs.
What do you think drugs mimic?
They mimic natural chemicals in the brain that stir creativity and anger and
Love and everything else.
It's those key receptors.
They're literally going for the soul of man that is in the beautiful, detailed, complex computer that is the human mind.
This is a hack against the human mind.
A hack against the human soul and we must stand up and resist it.
They realize there's a worldwide revolt against this technocracy, against dehumanization.
You need to become educated on these facts and join the resistance against this scientific dictatorship.
Now is the time to realize that history is taking place right now.
That we're living in the 21st century and a scientific tyranny has taken over.
If we are successful in defeating these people.
Historians will look back on this time as the greatest covert genocide in history.
They will look back on it as the ultimate example of pure evil and corruption.
This creeping death.
Now I've warned the public, and I will continue to detail what's happening.
In areas where lithium in trace amounts is in the drinking water, there seems to be a lower level of suicidality, and in the Texas counties that were studied, there's actually a lower crime rate.
And how these enemies come out and talk in their simpering, lisping tones real softly to coax you and advertise all this death and dehumanization as if it's good.
The theory is that very low or trace amounts of lithium enhance connectivity between neurons.
And doing that over the course of a lifetime, a lifetime exposure, makes the brain more healthy.
Now I want to talk to the social engineers whose religion is a control freak system of dehumanization.
You are like cancer.
You're racing through the body politic.
You think you're invincible and you may kill the host.
You may destroy our species, but not without a fight.
You are disgusting, wicked people who love ruling over others.
Everything you do creates death and destruction in its path.
You sold Prozac as a way to stop depression when in your own trials you knew it massively increased suicide.
Now you're telling us how great lithium, a toxic metal, an anti-psychotic is gonna be, put in the water mandatory.
We've got the studies, it's already in most of the water supplies.
We know you're adding it.
You are sickening, disgusting film.
The Info War continues.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Devastating globalist lies, exposing the mainstream media's propaganda machine.
Tirelessly waging war on corruption, from deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas.
Transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Thanks for riding shotgun with us today as we look back over the last few years at some of the most hard-hitting media reports we've put out, some of the most hardcore information.
We're going to finish up with a special report looking at the brain-eating vaccines, which is a headline to basically capture folks' attention because that's what these vaccines do is they go in and kill brain tissue.
But at the end of the day what they're really doing is re-engineering the brain
These are really biological mutation weapons that they call vaccines and all it is is really something they inject into your body to re-engineer your brain and personally I'm very upset by it because Bill Gates and others are talking about how
Yeah, we're just going to release mosquitoes that when they suck your blood, basically give you this virus.
And we're just going to engineer it into the squash, into the tomatoes, so there's no escape from their New World Order.
That's one reason they're so arrogant.
So here's the conclusion of the brain-eating vaccines.
And we're going to rally the world population against you, and we're going to bring you to justice.
And I pray God that humanity makes it through what you've attempted to do.
How you've saddled up next to us like a spider in the dark and tried to spin your webs of control around us while we were asleep.
But the sleeping giant that is humanity is waking up to who you are and what you are.
And I pray to the creator of the universe and I beg for just the average person out there as well to research just who you are
I think?
Whether you lose or fail, at least we were real humans.
We were good, decent people that saw the truth and we stood up against you.
And no matter what happens in this, you are still degenerate, dehumanizing filth.
You are aberrant, malfunctioning trash.
And you look at everything good and wholesome and tell us that we are malfunctioning.
So I pray that you be defeated, but either way, in this time and space, on this planet, good people stood up against what you are, and did everything they could to help the innocents.
When I look at all the children that you've brain damaged, and all the children dying of cancer, and I look at all the things that you've done to humanity, it makes me want to vomit!
You are doing this because this is only the next wave to first neutralize us so we're calm and sedate and can't resist so you can roll in with the hard kill weapons.
I know that.
And I want to tell you something else.
A lot of you that think that you're part of the winning team, you're going to find out that your masters hate you more than they even hate free humanity.
Because they know that you know where the bodies are buried, and they know you're a bunch of wicked control freaks that they need to kill first once they take over, or you'll start trying to overthrow them.
They understand your nature.
They use their propaganda to manipulate good men throughout history to serve their evil aims.
So understand this, you're going to fail one way or another.
You've decided to put your soul on the side of darkness for all eternity for what you're doing to humanity and butchering our DNA and literally mutating the human spirit in your control freak lust for power.
And so all of you, one way or another, will fail.
So all that matters is, in this time and space, I stood up for what's right.
I saw you clearly for what you are.
And I know in my heart there's a very good chance we're gonna beat you, but that's up to all the people out there watching this.
Do they have the courage to face the facts?
Do they have the courage to take action?
If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348-844-IMMEDIATELY.
Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion.
When your country is being turned into a 21st century banana republic police state.
Silence isn't golden.
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You are listening to Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And you're subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
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It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
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Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Oh, my goodness!
Look at that rabble in America!
They own firearms!
It's so horrible!
Soon we'll have them under heel.
We're already training them with the constant brainwashing and cars, too, to worship Britannia and to hate our ancestral enemies, the Frenchies.
Oh, the French!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
And now, for all of you Anglophiles out there, prepare for the pain.
You don't want us to criticize that Queen Elizabeth II plate you have hanging on your kitchen wall?
Well, you're not going to like this.
No seriously, I have some great British crew members and of course I'm Welsh, partly myself, obviously last name Jones.
The British people are great folks, the Irish, the Scots, the Emerald Isles are wonderful and have such great history.
But the criminal elites that dominate England are at the heart of the eugenics world government system that we face today.
And that's why
I love to rip on the British royal family.
I love to go after the aristocracy because I'm a right-wing extremist.
I mean, I'm kind of like a terrorist, I guess, at the end of the day, because I like George Washington.
I don't worship the British monarchy.
And so the next few segments are a
I don't know, a collection of pieces of when I've been on British radio and was particularly wound up and also when I made fun of the Royal Wedding and a few other little succulent tidbits when I go after really the heart of corruption, what is the British monarchy.
And Alex, if it's alright with you, I want to get into the Obama birth certificate in a second, but let's just take a couple of calls here.
Pervaiz is in Rochdale.
Pervaiz, what do you want to say?
Good evening, sir.
I'm so proud of Alex.
The gentleman speaks so loudly and speaks so truthfully.
I'm from Kenya originally and I came to England as a 12-year-old child.
And I was in the British Territorial Army and my younger brother was in Royal Air Force for seven and a half years, a nautical engineer.
So we have played the part with the forces.
And I was in Kenya, coming back from Kenya in 1999.
I met another Asian gentleman who was flying out to Uzbekistan.
And we were just two people sitting at the airport in reception having a chat.
And I asked him where he was off to, and he said, I'm going to Uzbekistan.
I said, why?
He said, because they found oil.
And I'm an engineer, I dig oil.
And he told me that three countries have found oil, and the oil pipeline was supposed to go from Afghanistan into Karachi in Pakistan.
This conspiracy 9-11 was totally planned to stop the pipeline going into those two countries.
Well, you don't know that, you're just guessing.
No, no, no, I'm telling the truth.
You're telling me that Rochdale are announcing the official version this evening?
Well, let me comment on this.
Let me comment on this.
Go on, Alex.
Actually, it was a trifecta of issues, and we actually have now two books written by Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was the architect of the original Afghan war against the Soviets.
He really kicked it off with the planning in 79-80.
He's written two books specifically on the subject.
He wrote one in 1997 called The Grand Chessboard, and he basically said you cannot allow the Stans to bring their oil out to the sea, and you've got to take over Pakistan and Afghanistan, or at least destabilize them and have an excuse to get U.S.
troops in there, or the Chinese are going to dominate the region and get the fuel and energy supplies that they need.
So the trifecta is this.
In Afghanistan alone, not mentioning the other seven stands around it, in 2000 numbers, this was released by the World Bank, there's $4 trillion, that number's a lot higher now because the prices have gone up, in discovered oil fields.
Oil Supplies.
$4 Trillion Conservatively in US Dollars.
That was back then.
Obviously, they're devalued now, so it's more.
Also, there's $500 Billion a year in opium.
93% of opium production for heroin.
The precursor to heroin comes out of there.
Only 10% came out until the liberation.
I have Fox News, where they admit the US troops and British troops helped grow the opium and supply them the fertilizer that it shipped into our country.
And if you're doubting me, just type Geraldo Rivera.
Marines helping grow opium and then they now just admit it.
The fact that here you have one of the best fighting forces in the world ever mounted and in a sense you're watching as this opium is being grown.
I know it grinds at your gut.
How do you deal with it?
What are you doing about it?
Well, frankly, this is a part of their culture.
So while it might grind in my gut, it's what they do.
I also heard BBC once on the radio, on my XM admit it, they're now just throwing it in our face like we're dumb.
Oh, by the way, we're growing it, but we're fighting drugs, so if we catch you with it, you're going to prison.
But, side issue, they've got to keep the drugs illegal to keep the price up.
So it's about the 500... Let me just come in there, isn't that also about the fact that the opium has been, rightly or wrongly, the only crop in that region for people to make a living?
Is that why production went up?
The Allies are kind of stuck, what do they do here?
Are they meant to be starving out the entire place?
They're not there as a police force for the average law-abiding Afghani.
They are there for other reasons.
What are they doing?
The Northern Alliance, the Northern... A rock and a hard place.
Mohammed Karzai's brother is the largest narcotics trafficker.
That's the New York Times.
The Northern Alliance were the people that controlled the opium before.
The real Taliban, the real Muslim people that were running it, shut down almost all opium production.
The West went in, took it over to shut down the pipeline of UNICAL being built, and they went in to get control of the 500 billion a year, and production went up 13-fold.
It's now 93% of world production, and they give them the fertilizer and guard it, and then it's loaded on aircraft and flown in to Europe, Russia, and the United States, and the rest of the world.
The only opium dealers and heroin dealers that are busted are people buying it from Southeast Asian Golden Triangle suppliers, now not controlled by the Anglo-American power axis.
The British Empire financed itself in 16 and 1700 with the opium.
Long while ago.
Well, let's listen.
We'll take another call here.
Thank you, Pervez.
This is Elizabeth in Lincolnshire.
It's about menacing China, controlling the area, it's about drug money, and it's about the oil.
There's the trifecta.
Sorry, go ahead, ma'am.
Okay, Elizabeth.
Oh, hello.
Um, I was just wanted to ask, um, Alex, I know it sounds a silly question, really, but, um, I've looked a little bit at the subject of sex trafficking, and, uh... Yep, you in run.
Well that's what I was going to say because just recently there was a lady who happened to be an American soldier and she worked for the UN and she stumbled across something and she was saying that actually the UN are behind the sex trafficking.
And, uh, I thought the more I've looked at it, it sounds ridiculous.
Oh yeah, that's, no, no, no, no, that's like stumbling... No, no, no, that's like stumbling over... That's like... Come on, Alex, that's a story... That's like stumbling over the ground.
Okay, I will bet you one million pounds, I'm not playing, right now...
That the U.N.
has been caught in more than 10 countries running giant child kidnapping rings.
So the United Nations, an official or a secret diktat from the U.N.
somewhere is... No, no, the U.N.
officially, officially runs giant...
Why would they be doing that?
That's why they go into third world countries, Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, is to harvest slaves for the giant slave.
They have slave ships.
They have slave sex ships.
That's Associated Press.
Where do these slaves go to, Alex?
They go to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Thailand and other areas.
There's also floating sex slave ships.
I don't
That from the year 2000-2005, over 1 million women and children were trafficked out of Central Europe alone.
Well, yeah, the UN should know when they go in to help a country, their main business is going and press-ganging women, children.
They'll go in, machine-gun the men, line them up just like the Romans rolling into Gaul or Germania.
Which forces are making up this?
The Belgians are mainly a pedophile brigade within the UN.
They've got a whole bunch of other countries that make up... I reckon the Belgians would say you're talking cash.
I just bet you one million pounds, brother, and I mean it!
One million?
You would not be able to prove that to me.
You can send me to a Googled website, which is probably your own website, you wouldn't be able to Google it to, you wouldn't be able to prove it to me, Alex.
You know, you probably would, you probably would go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, it's been at the forefront of exposing it, but there'd be dozens of hyperlinks to AP, BBC, everywhere.
Listen, just do what I told you, listen.
If I find that on the BBC, I'll give you a million pounds.
Just search, UN caught running sex traffic.
UN caught running white slavery.
Search it!
I just told you Anwar al-Awlaki's secretly hanging out at the Pentagon.
Confirmed, admitted.
Come on!
Pull the trigger!
Pull the trigger!
Elizabeth, thank you for that.
Great to have you on.
Let's take another... There goes Elizabeth.
Let's take another call from Daniel, who's near Watford.
Good evening, sir.
What would you like to say?
I just wanted to cover a few points.
Hi, good evening.
I mean,
I've obviously been listening for the last hour or so and I strongly disagree with quite a few of the things you've said now.
That I've said or Alex has said?
Alex has said.
I mean what you've said and neither here nor there.
So I mean Alex, really the question I've got for you is
How can you possibly say that any of this mission to do with killing Osama Bin Laden was set up in any way?
Now, I mean, you take the situation... I mean, you're laughing already.
I mean, for example, I mean, take what the last guy that was on just said.
I completely agree with him.
Everything you ever say and everyone that is like you that is a conspiracy theorist, and I do
Conspiracy theorists who relish the word, you don't have any intellectual acumen, any gravitas, you just have a label so you can, your mind can decide snobberishly to say that I don't have documentation.
Come on fella, let's... Let me stop right there, let me stop right there.
What was the point you're saying?
How can I say?
Did you not hear me?
May 25th, 2010, Washington Post, the CIA, admits that they created fake Bin Laden videos.
So a group that has created fake videos... We'll be right back, folks.
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We have now returned and unfortunately we were unable to commentate the transmission.
Here is more of the hate speech.
Yeah, so the fact that you and your friends have made a video and put it on YouTube, that makes it- You're showing her the conspiracy theories.
I just gave you the date and what to search, Washington Post, and you just said it's gonna be on YouTube.
I just told you, buddy boy, my source is not YouTube.
My source is what I just told you, and when I say-
Steve Pachenek was on, or Hamid Ghul was on.
These are serious, well-known, respected people today agreeing with me.
Okay, let's- Hey, go ahead, listen.
You can't handle the truth.
You can't handle real intellect and red blood.
All you've got is shooting your mouth off with that cliched term.
I'm not the king of conspiracy.
I'm the king of reality.
Daniel, come back on that.
In 30 seconds.
I told you Washington Post!
Listen to me!
I bet you don't believe, I bet you don't believe that Geraldo Rivera with the Marines admits they grow the opiates!
Alex, let Dan respond to that.
In general society, there is a very small sect of people that would be classed... You're a minority!
We're the majority!
Listen to your mind-control garbage!
I would class you in an extremist group that would account for not... I need to be dealt with immediately!
Listen to him!
He don't believe the Queen loves us!
I need to be shut down under the EU Convention on Spreading Radicalism!
Shut him up!
Shut him up!
I don't agree with him!
He's giving me too many facts!
It's scary!
He's an extremist!
He's a minority!
Oh, I'm a minority!
That's why my YouTube videos have millions of views apiece and 98% of people are voting that they like it!
That's why I have millions of listeners!
That's why I'm loved all over the world!
Because I'm a dangerous minority!
You listen to me, ideas are bulletproof, and you cannot stop us!
Liberty is rising, the spirit of 1776 is indomitable, and you are a mind-controlled weasel who feels solace in joining the hive board of weak disinformation!
You are not the intellectual!
You are not the person to dictate to me what reality is!
Do you understand me, boy?
Do you understand me, boy?
Come on, Alex.
Let Dustin come back.
Alex, you are part of a minority!
The Borg will absorb you!
No one agrees with you, Alex!
It's over, Alex!
They're all small sector people!
They're all dangerous!
We need to deal with them!
Shut them down immediately!
You are part of a minority!
You're a conspiracy theorist!
You're unsuccessful!
You just have sources on YouTube!
He made no point!
He said I'm defeated!
He said I'm losing!
I'm winning and you know it, coward!
Just because you say we're losing, you can feel your lies!
You know it!
You're pouring out, you're losing!
We will find out about the Obama birth certificate.
You're losing, Liberty's rising!
Go away.
Cry of havoc and let loose the dogs of InfoWars!
Our guest is Alex Jones, he's at InfoWars.com.
You can follow Alex on Twitter via that site.
You can have a look at a whole array of stories and you will know.
There are sensitivities here, uh, in terms of the...
Appropriateness of releasing photographs of Osama Bin Laden and in the aftermath of this firefight and we're making an evaluation about the need to do that.
It could be inflammatory.
They're making it could be inflammatory Alex Jones.
They don't want to scare folk with a dead corpse with its head shot out.
Yeah, that's totally ridiculous.
They're just busy getting everybody's appetite wet and fawning after they've already destroyed the body for all of their new fake video to be rolled out.
But I want to respond to something because my guys were listening in the other room and you had me faded down for the local PSYOP guy to call in.
In fairness, Alex, he did need to just come back.
I want to say something to what he said, OK?
Number one, I'm letting it all hang out because people need to stop being put in little comfort boxes and not be the true passionate creatures we are for liberty.
You yell and scream for a football game, people say, oh that's normal, that's nice.
You yell and scream about losing your freedom and about lies being crammed down your throat and people say it's weird.
So I'm here about being proud to be wild and to be informed.
Now listen, the reason I got unhinged with him
And I said, no, you just heard me.
I gave you a source.
Then he said, you're literal.
You're nobody.
Nobody listens.
You're a minority.
You're inciting hate.
You know, these ideas they use in Europe and more now in England to shut down free speech.
And so I recognize a tyrant there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Um, yes, I thought that we were able to commandeer the transmission, but unfortunately, there's still a First Amendment in the United States, but not for long.
So I give you more of the redneck rabble from the Lone Star State, the filth of the world, Alex Jones.
The United States was founded on July 4th, 1776 in resistance to the hegemonic, despotic, tyrannical rule of King George III and the abuse against the colonies.
And most of the British Parliament was against going to war with their fellow Englishmen because the king was unpopular there as well.
It was known that he was a German king, his father being brought over to rule England.
These people could barely speak English.
Nothing against Germans, but you don't see me going over to Germany to rule them.
The very essence of July 4th and 1776
Is that true?
Shut down the Parliament.
Happened in the late 70s in Australia.
This is a tyrannical group pushing eugenics, population reduction, all the carbon taxes.
Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, another German royal prince, is a supporter of eugenics, his cousin.
I don't know.
by the government for her palaces and all the rest of it.
It's disgusting.
And to watch U.S.
television fawning, Fox, CNN, CBS, all of them.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
No one in America can wait until next week.
The way they're hyping it.
One week until the Royal Wedding.
This is exciting stuff.
I mean, it's hard to... I mean, the energy is just palpable.
Some couples get married, they're just hoping that some bank will be nice enough to give them a mortgage.
These folks have a number of palaces to pick from.
NBC News is launching a free Royal Wedding app for the iPad.
This is truly a love story that captures everybody's attention.
This goes back to Edward Bernays, a hundred years ago, saying, look, to make politicians and royalty popular, we'll have Hollywood stars come to banquets and events with them.
We'll have music stars.
We'll have other people go there to basically make these elites be seen as celebrities themselves.
You know why America was founded?
Because under the imperial royal system in Europe and England, if you weren't part of the inside group who had basically the patronage of the crown,
Where they gave you land, houses, jobs.
You couldn't even get a license to be a carpenter, a license to be a blacksmith, a license to brew beer unless their local lords gave you the authorization.
So it wasn't just that you had to pay outrageous taxes.
You had to get their permission.
To even have a job, to have a profession.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's the essence of globalism, is big megacorporations, many of which are owned and controlled by the German royal family that runs England and, of course, the Netherlands.
The whole system they've set up and they promote is about this new global corporate system worldwide that, through government power, shuts down their competition and transfers the people's wealth through taxes to the offshore cartels.
These people are parasites, they're disgusting, they're filthy, and if we want to reclaim the spirit of 1776, we should realize how abhorrent monarchy is in all of its forms.
And that includes the UN and the new royalty under the unelected EU...
Bureaucratic system where over 80% of England's laws, even though they're not part of the EU, are made by EU bureaucrats.
Please, everyone, remember the spirit of 1776.
I know a lot of folks in England are saying they're going to go out and protest it.
First, the government said, you've got the day off slaves, you don't have to go to work on the big royal wedding coming up next week.
And then the Republicans, that's a group that want to get rid of the monarchy in England, said, we're going to protest in the streets.
And the government said, you're not allowed to protest.
Meanwhile, they criticize Syria for banning protest.
So anytime you see some mind-numb zombie talking about how exciting the wedding is or how they watched it, you're watching a bunch of twitly, inbred idiots that can't even dress themselves and have valets.
And until just a few decades ago, they tried to keep it quiet.
They have people that wipe their butts for them, groom of the stool.
Do you know the history of America?
Do you know it started in resistance to this very usurping German family who aren't even British?
Do you know that most the English hate the royal family?
Do you know they have a secret police system that basically threatens people that talk about getting rid of the monarchy?
Do you know that Princess Diana on record told her butler and others, I made a videotape, saying Prince Charles has threatened me, he's going to kill me in a fake auto accident?
These people are
Absolutely anathema.
And the servile folks that have been raised to worship these people, and all the little old ladies that think it's cute.
Well, that's why we're enslaved.
That's why our country's bankrupt.
That's why we're going to hell in a handbasket.
Because you've forgotten what it is to be an American.
Or perhaps you were never even taught.
But now you're going to learn what it's like to be a subject.
A slave.
What is royalty?
Royalty is Kim Jong-il in North Korea.
His father took over and then gave him power and now he's giving power to his son.
Why don't they just put gold crowns on their heads and dress up with long flowing robes?
Maybe then Americans would celebrate the royal wedding of Kim Jong-il's son.
Oh, but they wear little military uniforms and we know how clownish it is.
But somehow, we've been tricked that wearing big gold crowns and flowing robes isn't more ridiculous and stupid?
America has been great because it's not about what race you are or what family pedigree or how murderous your great-granddaddy was.
It's about what you individually can do.
It's about what you individually have to offer.
Being an inventor, a trailblazer, an explorer, someone who's brave, an artist, someone who has incredible literature in their soul.
These royal, crony, capitalist, non-free market systems always wage war against the individual.
They always wage war against the productive.
And the British royal family are at the head of pushing world population reduction.
They are at the head of one-child policies.
They are at the head of eugenics.
They taught the Nazis everything they knew about eugenics.
Do you understand this is mainline history?
The King of England had to advocate at the beginning of World War II because he wanted to merge with Hitler?
The British royal family come from a long line of dictators.
They're oppressive.
They're anti-liberty and freedom.
And here it is, all over the British and world news today, the outrage that dictators from oppressive Middle Eastern and African countries are coming, a whole gaggle of them, to the royal wedding.
It's disgusting.
It's a bunch of hereditary gangsters
Meeting, laughing at how they've tricked the public to worship their tyranny and think it's cute and funny and fashionable.
So down with the Royals, down with the Saxe-Coburg Gothas and their fake house name Windsor and their new world order trying to retake North America.
The planet's waking up and the corporate barons, the UN barons, the unelected bureaucracy, the new royalty backed up by the old royalty are going down.
We re-declare the spirit of 1776 against you and your ilk!
You're on notice!
There's nothing better than watching inbred people and everyone worshipping them.
Ah, as they kick pensioners off of their pensions they paid for and as they cut the gas allotments in the middle of winter in England.
There's literally dozens of giant palaces being paid for with the slaves' money.
Ah, it's wonderful the world is learning to worship the British Empire.
Oh no!
Not more of that rabble Alex Jones imitating us!
Not his lordship Alex Jones!
We have a hardware store, and we make screens, and we sell Alex Jones videos, and do a little bit of locksmithing, and do all kinds of things, you know?
Do you even sell guns?
We even... Oh, God, another rabble slave with a weapon!
Disarm him!
Get the guards!
Disarm him immediately!
Whereas one of the slaves has a weapon!
Raise the alarm!
Raise it!
Oh, good Lord!
The problem with the selling of guns right now, Alex, is that they're awful hard to get right now.
But the rather you can't have the slaves and the serfs having weapons?
Barack the Quack has made everyone want to buy guns.
He's been really good for the gun industry short term.
George Obama is a sensible individual.
Total disarmament of the civilian population under the UNITEAR.
The 2001 July 7th agreement to disarm all civilians for a power monopoly of the state under UN law is the only sensible system if we're going to carry out eugenics against these slaves, their rabble scum!
They need to be euthanized immediately!
And how dare them not want to be slaves!
How dare them not want to be in inner city reservations!
How dare them not submit to us and our divine will with geniuses!
And what Alex just said is actually factual.
It was Christoph Carl and Patricia Lewis, Unidir, 2000, in a paper they put out called, uh, disarming, taking this military-style weapons away from civilians.
Everything you just joked about right now is actually documented in fact.
Of course we must take all your firearms!
Including the semi-automatic.
How are we going to re-educate you to accept being euthanized if we don't... According to...
Well, you know, the Supreme Court back in 39 said that the weapons that were really protected by the Second Amendment were the type in common use at the time by the military.
And it just so happens that during the time of the Revolution that the civilians, the militiamen, had better rifles than the regular army.
They had rifles and the regular army had smoothbore muskets.
How dare you speak badly of the gracious imperial forces of King George III, as he put down that disgusting, that disgusting rebellion by these uppity slaves!
Pardon me, I'm just trying to do a little historical context here, Alex, that's all.
The militiamen had better rifles than the regular army.
They were disgusting, wild, savage heathens!
And we went forward to confiscate their firearms, and they dare fire back at us!
Yes, what's it the movie said?
Was it in the Patriot?
These rustics are so inept!
The war on terror is a fraud and it's being used in a manner to take away your rights for whatever reason.
In addition to the core Al-Qaeda group, which still represents a threat to the United States despite its diminished capabilities, we now face threats from a number of Al-Qaeda associates that share its violent extremist ideology.
Among these groups, we are also seeing an increased emphasis on recruiting Americans and Westerners to carry out attacks.
They are also encouraging individuals in the West to carry out their own small-scale attacks, which require less of the coordination and planning that could raise red flags and lead to an attack's disruption.
In my 16 years of deep research, it has become clear.
The number one threat to any sovereign free nation is its military.
Look at Nazi Germany, look at Latin America, look at Asia, look at Africa, look at Eastern Europe.
When you build up a giant paramilitary police force, it almost always tries to take over the society.
In the last 12 years,
We've watched an acceleration of militarization of police.
We've watched threat fusion centers.
The 10 FEMA regions expand.
The Governor's Council.
I've been to urban warfare drills where our own military is training to lock down and barricade and blockade US cities and confiscate our firearms.
This whole program accelerated.
After 1999, when Congress got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act, it allowed private central banks to issue unlimited counterfeit financial instruments, known as derivatives.
And we've heard that, oh, the military and the police state, the TSA, it's for Al-Qaeda.
But now we see checkpoints in Tennessee run by the Army, shutting down highways, searching citizens.
We see them in New York State with x-ray machines.
We see it all over the nation.
We see Marines running illegal checkpoints for DUI in California.
And when the governors and others complain, they're told sit down and shut up.
It's under Homeland Security.
It's under continuity of government.
And now as the world implodes, as the derivatives dollar devaluation crisis expands, we're seeing the police and military being called out against the general population all over the world as people go under austerity, as their pension funds are cut, as their benefits are cut, their taxes go up.
And here domestically in the U.S., this huge apparatus of oppression
is openly being set up and deployed against the people.
And I saw an amazing blurb from Business Insider that linked to an article and the audio of the governor of Wisconsin on NPR saying, hey, we're cutting all these state employees.
And we're gonna make you pay more of your paycheck into a pension fund, which they loot out the back door.
And if you don't like it, we're going to use the National Guard on you.
And on the heels of the governor's speech, and just in case there are problems, the governor went on to say that he has called the Wisconsin National Guard and other agencies to make sure they would be ready, just in case.
That's what this whole Homeland Security System's for.
You know, they distract you over here with men living in caves in Central Asia.
You think you're giving your rights up to protect you from the dangerous, ankle-biting Al-Qaeda.
But then, meanwhile, the whole system is rolled out against the American people.
And this is just another signpost on the road to tyranny, on the road to serfdom, illustrating how the paramilitary control grid has been set up and deployed against the American people.
Bottom line, Al Qaeda is a cover story.
We've given you the Mayak report and all the other internal documents that prove this apparatus is designed for the American people.
And it's being rolled out nationwide with the TSA on the streets of America.
It's being rolled out with governors shooting their mouths off saying, you got a problem with me?
Armed force is standing by.
The globalists know the American people are awakening.
They know people are becoming aware of what's happening.
And if they can sell the military and police on going along with this brazen attack on our liberty, and to be this homeland brigade to suppress us here at home, they're going to get away with it.
It's only going to get worse from here on out, unless we get the word out and take our states back legally and lawfully through the 10th Amendment.
You have been warned.
Coming up, probably some of the most important information we've transmitted today.
Milestones of the impending police state on the other side.
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Well, it's really happening.
Modified tyranny is coming to our shores.
If you look at Egypt, you've witnessed how the government has seized control of the TV and radio stations.
But in the United States, the federal government doesn't need to do that.
Because under changes in FCC regulations over television and radio,
In 1996, EAS emergency systems are put in at the radio or TV towers.
They're also put in at the national and local cable systems where the federal government
Puts a box in at the transmission tower where they can flip a switch and shortwave towers nationwide take over those computers and put out an audio signal of whatever message they want.
I am a radio broadcaster.
And I remember 15 years ago when this change was made, watching the engineer at the radio station where I worked and the station manager literally freaking out.
They were sent documents that the FCC said were restricted, but I was allowed to look at them and I was allowed to videotape them.
And I put it in my 1999 film, Police Day 2000.
Well, my friends, you're looking at a FEMA control box.
That's right, at 98.9 KJFKFM, where I work, in Austin, Texas.
That, my friends, can take over the radio station.
It is radio controlled by a FEMA tower.
That's right, a FEMA tower in New Braunfels, Texas.
It covers almost all of the central part of the state of Texas.
Little teletypes come printing out of the side of the machine weekly and update us.
In the past it was voluntary, now it's mandatory and they can remote control take over the station.
And in those, they told them that in the near future, the federal government would routinely seize control of their broadcast system, not during a plague or a nuclear attack or a war, but that they would seize control for routine announcements.
So it was put in place.
But it wasn't implemented.
Now, President Barack Obama, through the FCC, has announced today
That they are going to begin testing and implementing national announcements with the President giving messages to the public.
Everybody has heard the National Emergency Alert System.
Radio and TV stations regularly test it to make sure the public is notified in times of peril.
Well, that system is overseen by the FCC.
And now the agency wants to upgrade it by having presidential announcements feed into the alert system.
It's also looking at how wireless broadband could also enhance EAS.
But it gets worse.
Eight years ago, I was not doing my radio show out of this studio.
I was doing it out of a local talk station.
I didn't have my own studio then.
They got new communiques from the FCC telling them that they should prepare in the near future for multiple hours per day
Of federal break-ins over the local AM station.
And the same systems in the cable systems, broadcast TV, talk radio, you name it.
And I went to the station manager.
And I said, please come on my show, talk about this.
And he said, no, I've showed you this stuff in confidence.
You're not allowed to talk about it.
You can say you heard about it, but not where.
Now, since then, I've done shows out of another big talk station here in town.
I've been a guest in many stations around the country, over 80 stations now that pick up my syndicated radio show.
In the last week, I have talked to station owners and managers who are now getting internal communiques from the FCC, and they're told it's national security, that they're not allowed to talk about it, but that there are going to be more and more government break-ins over radio and TV.
Now I got that news, but was trying to figure out what to do with it when today the big announcement comes out and the FCC Obama spokes lady says, oh this is no big deal, we've always had this in place, we're now just going to implement it.
Well I guess that's true.
There are executive orders to seize all transportation.
There are executive orders to put every American into forced labor brigades.
There are executive orders to take over all the media under nuclear attack under continuity of government.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Well, that's it for this special transmission.
I'll be back, Lord willing, this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, live.
Remember, my friends, we're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Adios, amigos.
Great job, crew.
Let's see.