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Name: 20110712_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 12, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we have a very important, obvious broadcast line-up for you today.
We always cover incredible information.
We always cover information of the greatest import.
I was up last night doing a lot of research, going over a lot of information that I want to attempt to get to today.
We don't have any guests today, other than the mayor of Quartzsite, where the police chief and others have reportedly declared civil emergency or martial law because the citizens are upset about what they believe to be corruption.
And it's a microcosm of what's happening in the rest of the country and we've been following it in the last two weeks since a lady was of course arrested for simply asking questions during citizens communication during the time she was allotted to speak.
Even though the mayor said let her speak, she was arrested.
And this is the essence of tyranny.
If governments are able to start behaving like this, and I'm seeing more and more type videos and reports coming out, then we are in serious, serious trouble.
Now, that said, the mayor's just popping in for about five minutes at the start of the radio broadcast.
Well, at the start of the eight after second segment.
In my mind, I think of that really as the official kickoff of the show because some stations don't carry these first little five minute segments.
And I told my producers, get the mayor on and I
Also, in one side of my mind, Noah was intending not to have guests today so I could cover news and take calls.
So I just looked down at my guest list right before I went live.
That's why I was like, do-do, do-do, do-do, because I saw he's coming up right after the break.
So my brain kind of reset there.
I was also very, very late.
I basically got no sleep.
So I'm always slowly warming up once I get on air when I haven't had any sleep.
Really to speak of.
I feel great.
I just, the brain does not crackle at first with as much direct connection to all the knowledge and data.
Normally my brain is moving so fast that that's another problem.
And then I start gibbering that I'm trying to cover so much, so much information.
Looking at this news, I don't know where to start.
We have the incredible Meet the Press interview Sunday with Geithner that I talked some about yesterday.
We're actually going to play those clips here today where he said what's coming to America is going to be worse than anything any of us have ever experienced.
And he called it also the greatest recession or the Great Recession.
It's a depression.
And the fact that they're now admitting that they've known all along that we were in a depression for at least three years
Just confirms everything we already knew, but it's still shocking.
To see it happening.
It's one thing to intellectually know, this is what private central banks have done all over the world over and over again, but it's another thing entirely to see it really happening and to know that the depression is only going to get worse and worse, and that under globalism we're designed to never come out of this, and that this is a planned implosion of the economy, and they put out all these white papers, and it is so rich
In a disgusting way, to watch the very criminals who publicly engineered all this, publicly tell everybody that they're going to save us and take good care of us.
We're going to be talking about the debt limit fight, the latest Fukushima news, and really the biggest news, even compared to the economy, that's one crime being committed.
The fact that Fast and Furious is now really becoming the scandal it needs to be,
And you've got multiple, uh, Border Patrol agents killed.
Also, Ron Paul's announced he's retired from the House.
Wow, I'm, this is a, this is a crazy morning.
Uh, it's all coming up.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Tuesday, the 12th day of July 2011.
We're going to be here live for the next three hours.
We're going to have wide open phones and incredible amounts of absolutely vital news.
This is a broadcast
That is all about living in the real world.
Facing reality.
2 plus 2 equals 4.
Obama is becoming a dictator.
Launching wars without congressional approval.
Saying he's going to sign executive orders to restrict the Second Amendment.
Passing carbon taxes without Congress passing laws.
Of course, Obama will leave office undoubtedly.
It is the office being turned into a dictatorship.
We're going to be breaking that down today.
We're going to be facing the fact that 2 plus 2 does equal 4, and that the tyranny we're seeing does equal despotism and corruption, and that if you study societies and nations, and modern societies as well, once countries get to this point, they either descend into absolute nightmare oppression, or the people wake up
Stand up, speak out, and start getting in the face of corrupt individuals everywhere and turn the tide.
But we are at the crossroads.
We have some very sad news, but also news of a mission of freedom that has not been rivaled in modern history, and a dedication to sticking to his guns and not compromising.
And Ron Paul has driven himself like no one I've ever known, doing as many as 10 interviews a day, reading all the major legislation.
Ron Paul does work on average 18 hours a day.
18 hours a day at 75, almost 76 years old.
Many times talking to him privately or on the air.
He always knows every news item that I'm aware of that had just come out.
He voraciously reads and researches.
He's an economist, a medical doctor, a father, and Ron Paul has announced that win or lose, obviously if he wins he won't be running for re-election in the House, but if he loses he's going to be leaving the House of Representatives and he will not be seeking re-election.
So, Ron Paul will, of course, be out of office, out of the House one way or another in a year.
Win or lose the GOP presidential nomination, Texas Representative Ron Paul says he won't run for another term in Congress.
In a message posted on his Facebook page, Paul said he will not run for re-election next year to the U.S.
I have decided not to seek re-election for the House seat in 2012 and will focus all of my energy winning the presidency, he wrote.
So I'm glad he's all in and that's the way to do it.
Because he would have to simultaneously run for the House.
He is all in.
It's obviously something I'm going to be talking about more.
I just learned this five minutes ago.
I'll have more comments later.
I'm obviously going to do a special report on this that we'll put on PrisonPlanet.tv and will premiere tomorrow on the radio.
And we obviously need to really get behind the campaign because either way you slice it, Congressman Ron Paul has really exposed the globalists at this critical juncture and if it wasn't for the
People that have supported Ron Paul in the last election, this election, we wouldn't be as far along as we are in awakening not just people here in the U.S.
but worldwide to the private federal reserve, the whole global government movement, the carbon taxes, the fraudulent wars, all of it.
He's a true constitutionalist and we salute Congressman Ron Paul.
We're going to a guest here in just a moment.
The other big news I'm going to be covering in detail, patrol agents' family calling for justice.
Um, the family of a murdered Border Patrol agent, uh, Brian Terry, and there's several others that have been killed that are getting ready to sue as well, um, say that, uh, they are preparing to, uh, they're looking at suing the federal government, including Attorney General Eric Holder.
The head of the ATF and others for shipping tens of thousands of firearms into Mexico as a pretext.
They've already launched this program last year to demonize the Second Amendment and blame the total collapse of Mexico and the failed state on the Second Amendment.
So it was double-edged to destabilize Mexico, but also move to ban semi-automatic firearm sales, shut down gun shows, restrict gun shops, and put people on no-gun-buy list, just like the no-fly list, extra judiciary.
And they've been caught completely.
This is a thousand times what Nixon did.
This is ten times what Clinton ever did.
I mean, this is so out in the open, red-handed.
And I've got to tell you the good news.
I listened to WAI and 590, KLBJ this morning.
And randomly tuning in, both of the local shows were saying, one of them's liberal, to a certain extent, arrest Holder, that this is criminal, that it's a false flag to blame it on the Second Amendment, that it's staged terror.
So we've gotten that meme out there, we've gotten that talking point of truth out, and we are hurting the globalists bad.
We can bring them down with this.
In fact, I'm getting chills right now.
We're going to be covering that coming up at the bottom of the hour.
This is so important, I need to compose myself before I get into this and try to put out some ideas that can really, really energize the movement to bring these murderers, that they are murderers by extension and should be charged as such.
I mean, if I went and sold guns to criminals and it killed cops, I could get capital murder for that, premeditated.
So capital might be hard, definitely murder.
I don't know about Murder One, but we're going to be going over all of that.
Just incredible news on so many fronts.
Southern Poverty Law Center is coming out and demonizing, demonizing Rand Paul.
I want to go now to Ed Foster because this has become a focal point around the country.
Courtside Arizona.
He is the mayor there.
It's become a focal point because of the police chief and others declaring a civil emergency Sunday because people are upset about the woman, Jennifer Jones, being arrested for simply asking
Thank you for having me, Alex.
You know, it's your show and your audience that really have carried the ball in this thing.
It's made it an international story and that international support has been overwhelming right now.
Well, sir, absolutely.
This has become an international issue.
This is just out of the Arizona Republican Associated Press.
Arizona town in disarray.
Mayor alleges corruption.
You, of course, are elected there, sir, and so I guess this is martial law.
Is it true that you have now been fired by these people?
Well, effectively, I'll tell you what.
Once you declare a state of emergency, the chief executive
The highest elected official is the one that's supposed to be in charge.
But this council has had an illegal meeting Sunday, which the Attorney General has finally got so many emails and letters and complaints.
And he sent out an email yesterday that said he hadn't received a formal complaint about an illegal meeting.
So I rushed out.
We had no power.
I rushed over to California yesterday afternoon, and I made sure he got at least one.
Formal complaint signed by the Mayor of Quartzsite about their illegal meeting.
And the interesting part of that is...
During an illegal meeting, any action taken is null and void because all business at an illegal meeting is therefore illegal.
But we are technically not under a state of emergency, even though the chief of police and the town manager think they are.
No, no, I understand.
I mean, I mean, how do they fire the mayor?
How do they send a SWAT team to your house Sunday demanding you come to a meeting and you get there and say, this is illegal, this meeting, and they slam...
They came to my door and they said, you are required to be at town hall.
And I said, wait a minute, you know, my relationship with this chief, he had a vest on that said police, you know, whatever they called it.
I don't think it's right here, but it is.
Nassau, and they were dressed up for war.
But sir, to be specific, so they declared the civil emergency, folks were able to hear it through the window.
We've now got a copy of it.
Basically, it is martial law.
Again, they think they have.
And this morning here, in a few minutes, there's going to be an illegal meeting, or at least they think there is.
They've changed the schedule of the meeting from 7 p.m.
this evening to this morning, because they didn't think anybody would be here.
And already the crowds are starting to gather for the meeting.
But basically, when this meeting happens at 10 o'clock from the podium,
I am going to announce that this is the result of an illegal act during the illegal meeting they had Sunday.
I will not compound the illegality of it.
I'm canceling this meeting.
I will have them reschedule it in a few days.
Well, sir, I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
This is the Associated Press.
Thousands are traveling to your town.
I'm told hundreds and hundreds have already traveled there.
It says the far western Arizona town of Quartzsite was in disarray after the town council ousted the mayor, you're elected, from power and declared a state of emergency.
I'm asserting my power this morning, Eric.
This is going to be a three-ring circus here.
Oh, wait, wait, wait, so you're going to go have a showdown literally at high noon Arizona time and say, look, you may claim that the elected mayor and the mayor, you may claim because you got guns.
You know, this happened famously in Tennessee in a case where... Well, we're going to do this at 10 o'clock here in about 45 minutes, we're going to do this.
And even if two people were in the office, this whole schedule of a meeting at 10 a.m.
in the morning in an attempt
We're good to go.
He was inciting the people, you know?
He incited... He's the one causing the problem, you know?
Well, I don't want to go there because there's, you know, the 80% majority of the police force that actually really just, well, they're tough.
They are really good officers.
They are Oath Keepers on the Sheriff's Department.
That is, but we're not going to let him
No, I know, but you're saying he's got, he's called in other police, I guess behaving like you're the bad guys is my point.
That's right.
Okay, Mayor, Mayor, Mayor, you've got the floor.
It's just the guys' existence with the show for us that's all, we're in a siege mentality.
And the only reason they're in that is because so many thousands of people out there who heard your show and all the other shows out there have written in, sent them emails,
You know, and I've really gotten copied most of them, and I really have never seen a threat.
I mean, they're really telling it like it is.
You know, you're not respecting free speech, what are you doing in court, blah, blah, blah, and that.
I have not seen any kind of letter that really comes down as a threat.
But these people are
They don't want people asking them what they're doing.
They don't want to be doing their business in front of the public.
That's why when they had that meeting Sunday, they locked the door.
They didn't want anybody to see that happen.
Mayor, let me just ask one question and then I want to give you the floor for the next five, six minutes until we go to break so you can lay out from beginning to end what has happened and where you're going from this point.
But see how good people under tyranny even try to...
To Austin Police Chief Arte Cerveda and said, I think you're a federal thug for taking federal money to take blood at warrantless checkpoints.
Would he then fire the mayor, shut down the city council, call in outside police and declare himself emperor?
I mean, let's look at the mind game, the delusion of tyranny that tyrants give us.
This is asinine.
This is naked, brazen, out of control ridiculousness.
Okay, first off, it's always about money.
When I got involved in politics, of course, I'm an engineer, and they were spending 250 to half a million dollars every month on engineering.
And I look around our quiet little community out here, I saw little big projects going on, but the money kept going out.
I got involved because I was concerned.
It's always about the money.
When I got elected, I thought I could go in the back room and look at the books, but that don't happen, because they shut me down.
They took away the authority of the mayor right from the beginning, even before I was sworn into office.
As soon as I was elected, the former mayor passed ordinances depriving the mayor of authority.
And every time I've used any authority of the mayor, they take it away immediately.
I asked the town manager for a report.
The next council meeting, the council passed an ordinance that says elected officials can't ask for a report unless the whole council approves.
I mean, they shut me down, shut me down, shut me down.
But I kept after them, I used the FOIA documents, and I finally figured out that there's 8 to 10 extra paychecks going out every payday.
Every two weeks, 8 to 10 checks, $1,000 each.
We're talking about a quarter of a million dollars out of a $3 million budget.
Pretty significant, huh?
I went to the state, tried to get the state to do it.
The state actually opened an investigation, but it moves slowly.
And that's why they're acting so scared, and that's why they're so dangerous, because they know... They're trapped, they're cornered, and their reaction is to not to say, oh my god, maybe we better get out of town.
Their action is to try to seize more power, and more power.
They actually contrived, if you look at the videos,
The chief instituted himself into the business of the council.
He incited the audience and created the situation where Mr. Ross was arrested the meeting before.
Jones was arrested at the next meeting.
You know, he's trying to institute this emergency procedure so that he can seize control of the town.
He's running a PSYOP!
That's what corrupt cops do when they come up and shove you and say, why are you upset?
Why are you upset?
And I've learned to just look down and just stop talking and they get really mad.
But yeah, they try to start a fight with you.
One night, at the castle podium, he got up, and he called me arrogant, because I just sat at the podium and smiled at him.
And I'm trying to get the people out there in La Paz County and Ft.
to do the same.
Don't let him incite you, because if he incites you, he's a victim to his plan.
If you just smile at him, you take all of his powers away.
He has no power.
And truthfully, in the end, we have to win.
We are going to win.
The state is fighting.
Thanks to all your listeners and all the people.
The state is waking up to this, you know?
Well, I mean, I mean, who needs mayors or anybody anymore?
I guess once you put a police chief in, we'll just, why not build a throne in the city building and put, I'm serious, and declare him emperor of courtside?
Well, what we do need, and I'll tell you what, what I am
You know, I have used your listeners and the people that are calling, I've asked them to contact the Governor and the Attorney General, and that has had an effect, okay?
But the other effect of this has been, I've literally received thousands of emails and hundreds of calls a day, and it's amazing how much this story is dissimilar all over the country.
My brother started this down in Okaloosa County, Florida, and if you look up Okaloosa County and Sheriff, I think it was Sheriff, no, Charlie,
My brother got him arrested, the under sheriff arrested, a couple of county board supervisors arrested, and I'm sort of following his template.
The other day I'd spoken about that and a lady from Florida called me and she wanted to contact my brother.
I gave her my brother's number and she contacted him.
This 60 year old lady was attending council meetings, taking notes.
She probably didn't know that she could go and get a FOIA document and get the meeting minutes.
But she was taking notes.
A council member got up and went to her and shook his finger in her face and said, you're a bad person.
I mean, imagine that in America.
Yeah, they got something to hide.
Look, here's the deal.
And you know this, Mayor.
We the people constitute states.
The legislatures institute the laws.
And when cities and counties don't follow it, and if the sheriff won't enforce the law, it's time for the state police to roll in
And it's time for that city council to be clamped down and everything to be opened up.
And that's what's supposed to happen here.
You've definitely got rogue government there, and it's time for the state to step up.
If the state doesn't step up, then you've got a very dangerous precedent right there in Arizona.
Actually, before you go away from me, because I've got to get to this meeting, I want to make sure that you understand that when these 80% of the police force decided that they were
Had enough and they were going to stand up for rights and really they wrote this letter.
It's out there all over the internet for all of these people, you know.
I went to the governor's office.
I'm an engineer and I'm a fairly new politician here and I went to Chris Austin.
I told him, I don't know.
What do I do here?
How can you help?
Is there something you can do?
With all of this mess that's going on.
I got told there was nothing they could do.
The Attorney General could do nothing.
But again, the publicity, the emails and the letters that have been directed to those two offices, they've changed their attitude now.
Again, they don't... Sir, let me stop because we're almost out of time, and I want to check in with you towards the end of the show after the meeting, and we're going to check in with Stuart Rhodes and others that are there.
But please, sir, in the last minute, what is the showdown?
You're going to show up and say, I'm the elected mayor under state law, this is illegal, and what do you think?
Well, first off,
The declaration of an emergency was done at an illegal meeting.
Therefore, it's illegal, null and void.
That can't happen.
But this meeting that is scheduled at a time and place that wasn't on the town code, it's illegal.
And we're not going to have this meeting this morning.
And that's the showdown.
I'm telling them this is an illegal meeting.
We cannot have it.
We're closing down the meeting right now.
I'm walking away.
If they decide to go ahead,
Then they will get another complaint to the Attorney General's office immediately.
I will call the Attorney General with this complaint.
I'm not going to let them take over the town and violate even the town rule.
They're in violation of state laws and violation of federal civil rights laws.
Mayor Ed Foster, thank you so much!
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Well, Ron Paul's statement is up at Infowars.com.
He is not going to run for re-election to the House of Representatives from Texas.
He is not going to simultaneously run for the House while he runs for President, so he can give his full focus, his last big push, and either way, win, lose, or draw, he educates people, he injects real issues, he shows both.
The Democrats and Republicans are bought and paid for by the very same interest.
That's why
The Republican frontrunners are all trying to adopt Ron Paul-esque speech because they know that the American people are constitutionalist libertarian in their common sense mindset.
That's why the former IRS tax collector Michelle Bachmann
is now talking like Ron Paul.
That's why the former male cheerleader and Al Gore campaign manager in Texas for President Slick Rick Perry is sounding like Ron Paul more and more every day.
That's why the guy that wrote the model of Obamacare for Massachusetts that became the model of Obamacare and a guy who wants carbon taxes, Mitt Romney, is being hailed as John Wayne.
Because these people are as phony as a $3 bill, so is Sarah Palin.
I'm not even saying Michelle Bachman's a bad person.
I'm not even saying that Sarah Palin's a bad person.
And obviously, with their track records, they're better than Barack Obama.
But it's time to end the lesser of two evils.
Okay, it's time to not go with the sexy candidates, the good-looking women, just because it's a fun novelty, and the beauty queens and the tax assessors.
It's time to go with the statesman Ron Paul and to fully get behind him and to get as much information out about the New World Order and CIA narcotics trafficking that Ron Paul talks about.
And staged crises and all of it.
And we will win, win, win in the Info War, regardless of whether he wins or not.
And it will position Rand Paul, who everybody says, oh, I wish he'd run.
I wish he'd run.
Don't worry, in the future he'll be running.
That's why they're now swinging their guns towards him.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, very unsavory anti-American group.
has now labeling him an extremist and going into full-time demonization of him.
You saw all the dirty tricks by the Republicans in the primary and by Democrats in the general election for Senate.
Pull out every stop.
He worships Buddha.
He's kidnapping women.
He hates black people.
They hired Democratic operatives on record three times that got caught to run around with racist signs saying they supported Rand Paul.
I mean, they've been caught all over the country doing this.
I mean, these people will do anything.
And you know when they come after somebody, that they're good.
They're going after Michelle Bachman right now, which shows they are scared of her because she's probably grown up a lot since being an IRS tax collector.
And she's against the carbon tax, and she says she's against the globalists, and we have a choice, liberty or tyranny.
And I'll tell you, when you, you know, the sniff test, watching her, looking at her, she believes what she's saying, and they're no doubt tapping her phones, tracking her.
I mean, the media does that to major government personalities, not to mention intelligence agencies, as has come out with all the Fox News England news with them hacking and using criminals and things.
This is par for the course.
So I like Bachman more than Palin.
But this isn't a beauty contest, and this is not a personality contest.
This is about track record.
Okay, Ron Paul was a patriot 40 years ago.
He was a patriot 27 years ago in Congress and got run out of Congress as a libertarian.
He came back using the Republican machine, the system, and won and has been a stalwart, a voice in the wilderness for decade upon decade upon decade.
And he's getting ready to hang up his spurs.
He'll either win the presidency, and face, as he said on this show, great personal danger, not just political and danger to his name, because they will make up anything about him.
Just get ready for that, but actually physical danger.
Ron Paul announces he will not run for re-election in the House.
Again, Infowars.com, Curt Nimmo, if you want to get that information and get it out to people.
Obviously we've been covering courtside.
This is a big deal where the police chief and the city council quote fire the mayor because they got a few thousand emails and people saying hey you shouldn't arrest folks and citizen communications who get up there and talk about new taxes being passed illegally.
I mean that's part of what America is.
And all over the country
People have gotten to the point where they just drive by government buildings and, ooh, that's the government, and you call them sir, and you bow to them.
They're the new royalty.
No, America is about the people at the city council meetings.
The people knowing what's going on with the zoning boards.
This is our country.
And government, our servants, have gotten out of control.
And all over the nation, they're coming in in Michigan and Oklahoma and saying, you can't grow vegetables without a license in your yard.
A lady's facing 90 days in jail, even though the code says she can grow vegetables.
And if the code said she couldn't, get rid of it!
But the code doesn't even say it!
That's NBC News admits that.
They don't care.
It's about their petty power trips.
See, control freaks, folks that can't produce, tend to get into government positions because that's where they can have power.
It's called parasitism.
Parasitic behavior.
And when you have servants in government, you have a good society.
When you get a bunch of control freaks in there, and when you get the attitude of, well, that's just what they do, and now all over the country, if you speak out against corruption, they go, oh my gosh, Al-Qaeda, extremists, call the police, fire the mayor, declare emergency, nobody can ever speak again at city council meetings.
This is what the New World Order is.
This is what the fake terror scare is.
What did that police chief in Quartzsite do last year?
They were getting up saying, you're passing taxes.
Where are these hundreds of thousands of dollars going?
Who gets these mystery paychecks?
And they said, we're not going to tell you.
You're like Jared Lee Loeffner.
I guess it was earlier this year.
Shut up.
Yeah, January.
We're not going to discuss it.
I mean, this is all on record.
And see, it's become a real soap opera.
People aren't watching Dancing with the Stars or football or basketball or baseball.
People are doing what Americans always did before in other free societies.
The real soap opera is reality.
The real fight is knowing the personalities, being involved, not letting people run over you, walking tall.
You've got to fight for freedom.
And that doesn't mean killing some brown people overseas for their opium or their oil or for no-bid weapons contracts.
That means here in America.
If you just drive by the government buildings and decide that, well, that's their place and they're the boss, of course they're going to run wild.
Of course they're going to engage in all sorts of corruption.
That's the nature of it.
So later, I want to get into, in fact, you heard the mayor mention his brother exposing corruption and how it ended up sending the sheriff to prison.
I mean, this is incredible.
So again, you've got it genetic.
It's in the family with that mayor.
His brother, right there in Arizona, kicked off an investigation in another county that sent somebody to jail.
That sent a whole bunch of people to jail.
Listen, if you just threw food all over the ground in your house for a few months, if you didn't have roaches, you're gonna get them.
If you didn't have rats, you're gonna get them.
Well, imagine, this is like a kitchen that's had the light off for 20 years with 100 pounds of food dumped in through the ceiling.
That's our tax money.
And you open up that room, it's nothing but millions of cockroaches and rats running around everywhere.
You kick the door in almost anywhere, and you are going to see horrors going on behind the closed doors of national security and local government and all the rest of this.
And I go back to the Battle of Athens in 1946.
The Battle of Athens.
Sometimes called the McMinn County War.
And all these World War II vets got back from World War II, and a totally corrupt city council and sheriff's department and police department had taken over and were robbing everybody and were openly mafia.
And the World War II vets just voted them out in an election.
They wouldn't leave, just like what's happening in Courtside.
And so the troops just went in.
Just the citizens.
Just like 1776 just went in.
They had a big shootout with them.
They finally waved the white flag.
And the state came in and found that it was just what the citizens had done.
It was a citizens' rebellion against tyranny.
And you're going to see this happen.
That's why the state of Arizona just says, let that city do whatever they want.
Because if
You let one ant stand up, all the ants might stand up to the grasshoppers.
Because this is going on everywhere.
They're jacking up taxes everywhere.
They're taking the money everywhere.
They're telling you you can't see the records everywhere.
They're engaged in all sorts of chicanery everywhere.
I mean, our own city council has got their wives and kids hired, and they've got deals with developers.
We've just accepted that this is what they do.
That they lie, steal, cheat.
That that's what government does.
They've just accepted it.
They think they've steamrollered us to where we'll go along with anything.
Here's a modern example in Tennessee.
Great folks there with the history of standing up.
This is going on in the town of
We're good to go.
Government in La V-E-R-G-N-E, I guess that's La Verge, Tennessee, recently raised property taxes on their citizens by 100% as the economy implodes.
That's serfdom, folks.
Raising their water utility rate by 40 and also raised their sewage rate by 60.
Is it any wonder that the residents want to do away with them?
Here's the full story of the people's recent struggle against oppressive taxation that is taking place right next door to you.
And it goes on.
I mean, this is what's happening, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what's going on all over the country.
Okaloosa County Sheriff arrested on federal charges in Arizona.
All of this triggered by the mayor's brother down there fighting.
Oh, this is in Florida.
Okay, so I have another one here out of Arizona.
There's just too many of these for me to keep track of.
Ladies and gentlemen, Rob Dues running these articles into me one after the other.
We've got the whole Ron Paul situation that I'm going to be getting into more.
Euro shaken by debt crisis.
We've got Ahmed Wali Karzai, the admitted CIA drug kingpin, the guy that muscles and controls most of the opium in Afghanistan.
He has been killed.
He's the guy that U.S.
troops deliver the schmack to before it's shipped into Russia, China, Eastern and Western Europe, and of course the United States directly to your veins.
And so that's a big deal.
That's in the Washington Post.
The New York Times admits he's the top heroin dealer.
Does a good job for the Pentagon.
But he is dead now.
And who knows what happened with that.
Was it some rival folks?
That's what these wars are about.
That's what's happening right now in Mexico.
That's what Fast and Furious is all about.
The Los Zetas trained publicly at Fort Benning, Georgia's School of Americas in the last decade, launching their attack six years ago.
We told you about the new war coming, that they would, quote, have a fake defection into their own drug gang.
They leave Fort Benning, Georgia, get to Mexico and then defect
And then wage war against the drug cartels that aren't playing ball with the big U.S.
banks and the Mexican government of Felipe Calderón.
And now that's coming out in federal court in Chicago.
That's coming out in federal courts in Mexico.
That Los Zetas didn't just get the guns shipped out of the U.S.
from the ATF, it was directly delivered to them by the DEA, FBI, and ATF, of course.
And they're given rockets, hand grenades, RPGs, and of course that's all blamed then on gun shows as well.
And we've seen now in the last two years Attorney General Eric Holder spending his time demonizing the Second Amendment.
I don't
And then naive compartmentalized people fill in the gaps at the lower level.
They put inept, dumb, gullible order followers at the bottom.
The mid-level, a little more sociopathic controlling, get a bigger piece of the stolen loot.
The next crust level, high level, but still compartmentalized criminals.
And then at the top, you've got the wheelers and dealers in your regional area who then go and attend criminal roundtable groups operating in government slash corporate slash academic roundtables.
And then you have the national roundtables that coordinate those that then sit inside the larger global roundtables known as Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group and other organizations.
And this is how they use a mafia
Capo system to run this whole thing because the British Empire in mainline history is basically a model of the Venetian black nobility system that was then exported into England.
About 550 years ago, they had more of a feudal system before that, and they brought in this mafia behind-the-scenes corruption mode that Machiavelli wrote about the term Machiavellian.
They wrote the handbooks on how to do all of this, and Delta Force has taught Machiavelli, and our military at the highest levels has taught how to be Machiavellian.
And if you don't agree with Machiavelli, then you do not get promoted to the management levels.
That's on record.
They give them Machiavelli, his two books, and then they have to write reports on it.
And if you say that I don't believe the end justifies the means and we're going to be evil for a greater good at the end of the day, then you're put in resupply or you're put in training for the repelling out of helicopters.
But if you agree, well then they send you to...
First, kill a communist.
Seems reasonable.
Feels good.
And then next, you blow up somebody who was exposing corruption in their car.
And then next, you go to somebody's house and you make it look like a murder-suicide where dad kills the family and you kill mama and you kill the kids.
Oh, after that happens, the millions start pumping right into your account.
I mean, this is wonderful.
And then you're just, you're let into the Society of Psychopathic Killers.
And you can just walk around laughing at the sheep all around you that have no idea how anything runs and their blindness to corruption is just an ether in which you swim.
You're like a fish swimming in a sea of blood and you just you
I think so.
And then hell is released.
The dam breaks.
Pure corruption flows.
And the dam is now breaking.
And people are finally going, my gosh, Alex Jones is right.
Let's try to fix it.
Let's stop it.
Let's, let's, let's, let's tackle it.
And government is going crazy.
Going, you don't talk about our corruption or you're with Al Qaeda.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I'm on total overload today.
I didn't get any sleep last night.
And I'm starting to
Catch my rhythm here.
I'm starting to feel my oats.
Listen, we got some really big news on the economy.
I want to cover that first.
Then I'm getting into Operation Fast and Furious, the latest mega developments off the charts.
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They've openly set up Homeland Security in their own training manuals and in the public architecture of it to suppress local towns and cities when we go into a total collapsed depression that anyone who doesn't want their land taken, who doesn't want to be put into work brigades, will be arrested as a terrorist.
That's what happens in a takeover like this.
It's happened in countless other countries.
You go look at the training manuals we've been sent, published, it's made national news.
It's all... I've been to Marine Corps drills, where they practice taking on farmers that won't give up their land, saying, I'm an American.
And they practice mowing them down with 50 cows.
And Marines can call in and tell you that.
They have been training for at least 15 years, ROTC, all over the United States to quote, take on militias and conservatives and libertarians.
I've shown you the New York Times with the Explorer Scouts.
People laughed four years ago.
Oh, they're 14.
I said, in four years, they'll be 18.
Uh, training to quote, take on disgruntled veterans in Arizona who wouldn't turn their guns in.
And the kids go in and train like little attack dogs to kill Johnny when he comes marching home.
Because that's who they're worried about, folks.
They know that once the military finds out they've been betrayed, once police finally wake up, they've gotta have enough corrupt police and people to purge them.
And by the way, you're gonna be the first people that are targeted.
If you're in really corrupt towns and you're a good cop, when this stuff does go into Flashpoint, the establishment will tell you, hey, come out here in the loading area.
I need to talk to you.
They're just going to, boom, right in the back of the head with a silencer, throw you in the back of a truck, go dump you.
They'll just be killing all over the place because they got handbooks on this.
They know exactly what they're doing.
And this is a hardcore criminal wrecking crew.
Look at Mexico.
Look at how they pulled the trigger on shipping the guns in and starting the drug war between cartels.
30,000 dead and the biggest percentage of them, the biggest minority of those, is cops.
And they're planning all this in America.
They're telling you, oh, we've got to give our rights up or Al-Qaeda will get us.
I'm going to get to your calls at 20 after next hour.
I've got to cover this news in some type of concise way.
And then I'm going to go to your calls on any of the issues.
Ron Paul saying he's going to leave the House.
Win, lose, or draw for President.
The off-the-charts economic news at 8 after next hour.
I'm going to play the Geithner clip where he says, get ready for things we've never experienced in our lifetimes.
I mean, people are alive that experienced the Depression.
They know, they designed this debt black hole.
And they keep telling you, just give us trillions more, we'll fix it.
Now they want the third Greek bailout.
Now they're talking about default, Europe collapsing.
And people go, good, America's going to do good.
No, no, no, we'll collapse next.
This is all, we told you that years ago.
This is all engineered publicly to bring us into world government.
They've got to collapse our societies.
Their goal is to end the middle class that is stated by Al Gore, by Maury Strong, by the UN, by Jed Turner, by George Soros.
He says he's having a great crisis.
That's what's so sick about, they've imploded third world nation, third world nation.
People make fun of third worlders.
Oh, they can't get their act together.
No, they didn't have George Washington, who wasn't perfect, but they set up real private property rights and more freedom than anybody else ever had, and that's why we're knee-deep in wealth.
We were neck-deep in it.
And all the blessings, you leave the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, all the blessings that flow out of common-sense government, it's all going away.
It's all burning down right now.
And we haven't seen anything yet.
This is the beginning.
And the fight's on.
I've been telling you this, folks, the fight's on.
The fight's on.
The president telling Congress he can do whatever he wants on war, guns, taxes, internet takeover, carbon taxes.
I mean, it's on.
All these congressmen saying the president's becoming a dictator.
The dumb public will say, oh, well, he left office.
The office is becoming a dictatorship.
We're going to break.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we are back live.
I got a lot of other tidbits of news today.
We've now confirmed in four tests that Google has a long index of names.
You can't do Google bombs that criticize Google.
You can't do Google bombs that criticize Obama.
Any combination of popular index terms are now blocked.
So tomorrow, I'm going to have an article out that's got an archaic term.
That it won't be in their list and will try to beat their algorithm.
It's the only way to beat it now.
So tomorrow, that's our mission.
Defeat the enemy.
Also, coming up in the third hour today, perhaps even later in this hour, we've got Ed Foster, the mayor of Quartzsite, who was fired by the city council because he wants to know where paychecks are going, mystery paychecks.
And where all the money's going.
And of course, how do you fire someone who's elected by the people?
Well, how does the police arrest folks in citizen communication?
Just saying no one's allowed to speak, you're not allowed to talk about corruption.
I mean, how do they do it?
They just do it because they can.
It's now become a national issue.
Headline, Arizona town in disarray.
Mayor alleges corruption.
The far western Arizona town of Quartzsite, right on the high desert, I guess California border, was in disarray Monday after the town council ousted the mayor.
from power and declared a state of emergency all over an online video that showed a woman being arrested.
The town of 3,600 people.
So we're going to be going over that and Ed Foster is set right around now to try to go to the council and say you can't have closed door secret council meetings.
You can't fire me, the mayor, I'm elected.
You people are out of control.
And there's a bunch of police there, hundreds and hundreds of people showing up.
I'm told that Ron Paul's groups are there, Freedom's Phoenix.
With Ernest Hancock, other great folks, Oath Keepers that are all there.
We're going to obviously be following this as it unfolds.
I am going out of town on Friday.
And no, I'm not going to Bohemian Grove to go cover Bohemian Grove.
Anonymous, the big hacker group, supposedly going to be doing some stuff.
But I didn't think about the fact that I was scheduled to go to California while Bohemian Grove was already happening.
I was invited.
An important event, though, in Los Angeles.
I'll just say that and we'll have some interesting news for you on that on Monday.
But I'm tempted to extend our stay, but I'm torn.
I want to be with my children, folks.
It's like heaven just to paint and draw and play and go swimming with them.
I mean, you know how it is.
And that's really what I want to do.
But the mission is most important.
I know Rob's out there.
I don't know, Rob, should we turn north after the event Friday and go up to Bohemian Grove?
I mean, they're kicking off the Cremation of Care on Friday.
I've already... I almost got arrested a few, what, six months ago out there.
I guess now eight months ago.
Time flies.
Went in November.
That was on History Channel or was it Discovery?
I can't remember.
What's it decoded on?
History, right?
It's on history, so that's coming up.
I'm going to do one more segment of news because I want to take calls on any of the subjects that I've raised, and I'll give the number out.
The phones aren't open yet.
I'll give the number out at the start of the next segment.
And but I'm going to blitz through news first when we come back.
This is this huge news on the fast and furious front.
And then I'm also going to get into the economy.
The demonization of Rand Paul by the Southern Poverty Slime Center.
Uh, and also we're going to get into Anonymous could unleash literally explosive material on Bohemian Grove.
Also, uh, later in the third hour, I'll get into this spoof video and it's, it's, it's satire, ladies and gentlemen.
I say it's satire in the video.
Alex Jones comes out against 911 Truth.
Uh, two parts.
I shot it.
Late last night.
Couldn't sleep last night.
And I did this sarcastic piece because when the BBC was here a few months ago, that was their angle.
People are renouncing 9-11 truth.
They're like, really, who?
They were giggling and laughing.
I said, oh, you're going to try that stunt?
Where you try to create, like, some peer pressure thing.
So I did a joke, spoof video, and it's up on Infowars.com and Presbotta.com.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, we're going to open the phones up.
Coming up at 24 after, when we start the next segment.
Throughout the entire second half of the transmission today, we're now of course into hour number two.
It is Tuesday the 12th day of July 2011.
Congressman Ron Paul has announced he will not run for re-election for the House of Representatives.
He's going all-in for president and win, lose, or draw.
He will retire if he doesn't win, obviously, the presidency and will continue to work through the Campaign for Liberty.
And he's certainly worked hard for everyone.
He will continue win, lose, or draw to speak and to engage and to go on radio and TV.
As he said, I don't know, six months ago on this show, he said, you know, I've been in Congress a while and we need to dig that clip up.
It's newsworthy.
You know, even if I retire from Congress, I will continue to speak and be involved in issues of liberty because that's what my life's about.
I mean, I couldn't see being alive and not doing it.
So, you know, Ron Paul isn't going anywhere.
I hope he lives to be 110.
And of course, that's the great thing about sons and daughters, is that Rand is coming up strong and is not disappointed.
And standing on constitutional principles and we salute the Paul family for their tireless work.
By the way, next week let's get Wayne Paul, his brother, on and talk about Ron Paul and all the great things he's done and how we can get him into the White House.
But even if he loses, he'll be injecting real issues and exposing the false left-right paradigm and how both major parties are controlled.
So that is coming up as well.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We also have the Mayor of Quartzsite on.
The Associated Press reports that in the town, it's now become an international story,
That they've declared a civil emergency because people dare criticize the police chief for arresting people that speak during citizen communication.
And the mayor says they're allowed to speak, they're here on the citizen communications, and they say, nope, we're the boss here, and arrest them.
And they won't say, the City Council won't say, where these phantom paychecks are going.
And this is all coming to a head right now.
And right about this time, he's set to go to one of these closed-door meetings they're having and explain, you're not allowed to fire the mayor.
You're not God.
And so a confrontation is going on right now.
And the mayor has promised he will call in here first to give us the latest developments as that unfolds.
So stay with us.
Could happen this hour or next hour.
But again, your call's coming up.
I'm going to get into Fast and Furious and the biggest development yet in a moment, but first, I talked a lot about this yesterday, and it's really upsetting.
It's one thing to know how central banks work, to know how fractional reserve banking works, to know how they take down countries, to have the IMF and World Bank documents that have been out for nine years since they got leaked when Stiglitz left the World Bank, Nobel Prize winner for economics.
It's one thing to know they were planning this, and I've written a book about it, I've made films about it, Obama deception fall of the republic.
It's one thing to know they're going to do it, but it's another thing to really see them do it.
It's like if you go to a hangin', I guess, and it's one thing to hear a hangin's coming, but to actually watch them throw the switch and the trap door fall and, you know, that neck snap.
I don't
They don't die unless they die in spirit.
And so, yes, they are killing the Republic.
They are fully overturning the Bill of Rights and Constitution at every level right now.
Many members of Congress admit the presidency is being turned into a bureaucratic dictatorship.
Congress is being rendered ceremonial right now on war, taxes, you name it.
We're in the middle of a war, an info war, and it's becoming a physical war.
And we need to try to fix things peacefully, but the system wants it to be violent.
And as we go deeper into a depression, you're going to see more and more corrupt governments get out of control, and you're going to see more and more clashes.
That's what Homeland Security's been set up for, is to suppress the American people.
Now, I want to get into Fast and Furious, but first I want to get into the economic news.
Again, we told you that when they bailed out Ireland, that the problems would only get worse in Ireland.
Because the debt isn't theirs.
It's designed to bring you deeper into indebtedness, like a loan shark.
We told you there'd be a first bailout of Greece, a second, and then they want a third.
They're now in the news calling for a third.
They need one for Italy, Portugal, they now admit that will bankrupt the entire Euro, and it's going to happen.
The banksters put the politicians into power, put their people into power, for this program.
To bankrupt the planet, and on the ashes of it, introduce the global digital SDR, carbon tax, and VAT tax grid.
And that's now the solution, CNN, ABC News, Times of London, you're being told, that's the answer.
For two years!
They've come out of the closet and said, yeah, world government's the answer, we're going to save you.
Now, the conspiracy theorists were wrong that we were going to set this up, but we're setting up exactly what they said we'd set up.
Conspiracy theorists are folks that are informed.
People that know the branches of government.
People that know that having the TSA grab your genitals is wrong.
They now call you a conspiracy theorist because you don't like it.
Having an opinion is conspiracy theory.
Being able to talk is conspiracy theory.
Being informed is conspiracy theory.
As I've said, 2 plus 2 equals 4.
That is now a conspiracy theory.
You're not allowed to have any thoughts.
You just receive what they tell you and that's the end of it.
They're now in the news again saying mercury is good for children's brains.
They don't care.
Everyone knows, if you look at the science, it's one of the most destructive metals in the brain.
They don't care.
Now, Euro, shaken by debt crisis, dollar benefits.
But overall, it's still going down.
Same thing with the Euro.
It's global, G20, concerted currency devaluation, a giant inflation tax on all of us, food commodities going up.
Food prices going up kills people in the third world.
It just hurts people in the West.
Approaching 50 million people on food stamps in the United States.
That's your modern bread lines.
Can you imagine if every day there were 50 million people in soup kitchen lines?
We're in a full-bore depression and Geithner, we played it yesterday, said this is the Great Recession.
So now they're going from we left the recession in June of 2009 and now we have entered the
The greatest recession.
And it's going to be the worst thing that many of us have seen in our lifetimes.
That's the quote.
So they've gone from looting you in the last few phases to now saying, yes, it's time for sacrifice.
It's time for depression.
But don't worry.
Cut all the benefits.
Raise the taxes.
Pay everything to the bankers that they made up out of nothing.
And things aren't going to be all right.
It's gonna get worse, but that's just the way it is.
So now they're even dispensing with the lies about hope and change and Obama's gonna wave a magic pixie wand and fix everything.
And with this comes staged terror attacks to make you love government.
With this comes new wars.
They're following a handbook.
We're entering absolute bedlam.
We're gonna look back on July of 2011 as a happy time.
You think things are bad now?
You haven't seen anything yet.
This is globalism.
This is the wages of globalism.
This is the fruits.
This is what it does.
Post-industrial world, serfdom, feudalism, economic bondage as a tool of control, no middle class, the poor plunging into abject poverty.
Let's go ahead and play Geithner on Meet the Press, the slithering private Federal Reserve operative in their engaged in trillion dollar heist in front of everyone.
Here it is.
When do you think recovery is actually going to start feeling like recovery?
Oh, I think it's going to take a long time still.
This is a very tough economy.
And I think for a lot of people, it's going to feel very hard, harder than anything they've experienced in a lifetime now for some time to come.
But that is because that is the tragic effects of a crisis this deep and this bad caused by a long period of lost opportunities to do things to make the country stronger.
Oh, so, and earlier he said, raise taxes, centralize control, because we didn't have bigger government to siphon the money off, we're in trouble.
Now, this is a guy, and his predecessor was the former head of Goldman Sachs, all these people are either Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, or they're Wells Fargo, or they're Bank of America, or Citigroup, Citibank, that's it.
They got the Bank of England over in Europe, that's six banks.
Six groups.
They openly created the $1.5 quadrillion, $1,500 trillion.
They openly got rid of Glass-Steagall.
They haven't brought it back to allow them to do this.
They openly have gotten, and we haven't gotten new numbers in over a year, $27 trillion, that's Bloomberg, of American taxpayer money.
It was $23.7 trillion two years ago.
Now we don't even know what it is.
But it's trillions a month.
I don't
Uh, to, uh, buy up water districts, roads, everything going bankrupt into their coffers.
And the magnitude of this is just unspeakable.
Did you hear Geithner?
This is going to be, for many people, the worst thing they've ever experienced in their life.
They've never experienced anything like this, and it's gonna go on for a long time.
Yeah, it's never going to end.
You're going down a tunnel that doesn't have an end.
It's bottomless.
You gotta go back up.
You don't let them lead you deeper.
Remember three years ago?
Oh, give the bankers trillions, they'll fix it.
Oh, give Greece another bailout.
It's not a bailout.
The words they all use are lies.
The words they use are lies.
Everything's a lie with these people.
They engineered the entire system.
They're openly saying their solution after they're done bringing us into a total prolonged depression when we're so desperate.
They'll say, you know what?
We're going to tax all human activity.
You're going to pay us to breathe.
You're going to pay us to drive a car.
We're going to track everything you do.
And we're going to have a VAT tax on everything.
How does that sound?
We will fix it.
The people that engineered it publicly, total criminals, they will fix it with austerity while they have their yachts and airplanes and palaces.
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
Then I'm getting into Fast and Furious, the latest developments.
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No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man behind blue eyes.
No one knows what it's like to be hated, to be fated, to telling only lies.
But my dreams, they aren't as empty as the globalist conscience seems to be.
Folks, do you realize what's happened now?
Do you realize what is unfolding?
They're openly saying the President can do whatever he wants without Congress.
They're openly saying, yeah, we're in a depression, this is going to be the roughest thing you've ever experienced.
They position themselves.
They lie to you about everything.
They're killing the Republic right now.
They're destroying every sovereign nation on Earth economically, and if they can't do that, they're doing it militarily.
Awaken to the real world.
Awaken to real issues.
Call out the globalists.
Call out their world government.
The path they're taking us on leads to degradation, enslavement.
It leads to humiliation.
It leads to poverty.
Alright, we're going to go to your phone calls.
And then coming up, the biggest news on Fast and Furious yet.
We can bring down the globalists with this.
I'm telling you, this is so important.
It exposes government drug dealing, gun running, false flag terror attacks, their modus operandi.
It could bring the whole thing down.
And regardless, it's already damaged them greatly.
This is terrible what they did.
But the fact that good ATF folks blew the whistle on this?
This is big.
Tracy, Scott, John, Jonathan, Michael, and others, we're going to you.
Tracy in Oregon, welcome, you're on the air.
First time caller.
First time I tried to call in, I got right on.
You were speaking about the system wanting it to be violent, and I would just like to
I don't know.
Well, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, for those that don't know, you're talking about courtside, it's all over the international news right now, people being arrested for speaking during citizens' communications, the mayor being, quote, fired by the city council, which you can't do, all sorts of craziness.
Let me just fill in, folks, what you're talking about.
Specifically cut to the chase, Tracy.
What's going on?
Uh, well, maybe that's why the mayor's not in on it, because he might be a great mayor, but there have been staged events, and the same actors from the Pima County, um, these pictures from the Pima County book, and
I appreciate your call.
What's happened is people have lost confidence in the system.
And so they know we're being lied to.
So people aren't sophisticated, then they just start making up whatever they want and saying everything's a conspiracy because now they believe nothing.
And that's the difference between being a true conspiracy theorist and someone who's informed.
And that just sounds wild.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I got people that claim I'm really Bill Hicks, or I'm a reptoid, or I'm a Vatican assassin.
And then that sounds like where we were going.
And I'm going to be honest, I'm not really a Vatican assassin.
I am actually a reptoid.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Idaho.
Scott, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
Declaration of Independence, you read it, it's all happening again.
And what I'd like to tell your listeners today, Alex, if we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power.
But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us.
In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reason for a Bill of Rights.
With it comes a certain decency, humility, and community spirit.
We must teach a love of reality, and a love of independence, and a love of being honorable and good, and a hatred of parasites.
Anything else, Scott?
The reality is, Alex, that currently in this country, one out of every 16 American citizens
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I can't back down.
I can't.
These people aren't giving us quarter.
You can stand us up.
At the gates of hell.
No, I'll stand my ground.
I won't be turned around.
I'm gonna stand my ground.
And I won't back down.
Yeah, baby, there ain't no easy way out.
Yeah, I know what's right.
I got just one life.
Beautiful poetry right there.
Let us go back to the phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Coming up, family of murdered Border Patrol agent considering suing feds over Fast and Furious.
Patrol agent's family calling for justice.
And now I've learned it's three, three Border Patrol killed with guns connected to Fast and Furious.
But in one case, 100% proven.
And finally, folks, we're getting it.
And this is coming up.
I don't want to start ranting about it now, but I mean, this morning, without looking, I heard two different local radio shows going, this is wrong!
Why would they ship tens of thousands of guns in?
Why would they lie about it?
Why is it coming out the DEA and FBI is involved?
And Holder, the Justice Department head, the AG, has been caught lying.
And the hosts were like, well, they were for the last few years.
Talk to
We're saying, well don't you see?
The Attorney General was saying we gotta restrict guns, even last year, because of the violence in Mexico.
They set this up to blame the Second Amendment.
This is criminal.
They need to go to jail.
Ladies and gentlemen, without looking, I ran into two shows talking about it.
Today, in Texas.
Can you imagine what's going on?
And they're calling for the arrest of the Attorney General.
They're talking like common sense people.
Normally talk show hosts are servile, cowardly.
You know, they'll act tough on little petty issues they pick.
But they don't call for the arrest of Attorney Generals.
Especially one of these local shows.
I mean, it's usually just a government worship fest.
And they were getting it.
Because it's so
Obvious that this is evil!
And of course they knew what was going to happen.
If I went out and sold guns, thousands of them, to criminal gangs, and murders were committed, and it was found I knew who I was selling them to, ladies and gentlemen, I would be brought up on accessory to murder charges.
That's what it is.
Assessory to murder.
And after it came out that I knew they were being used for murders, then I could be brought in as accomplice to murder.
And you can get the death penalty for that.
Oh, that's a conspiracy, though.
Well, millions of people go to prison every year worldwide for conspiracy.
You get together,
Where you work and decide to steal equipment with your buddy, that's a conspiracy.
You decide to pull a few little fast ones, paying the taxes the private fellow deserves, they'll charge you with conspiracy.
But they tell you that people in government never are involved in conspiracies.
On its face, you know how laughable, how asinine, how ridiculous that is.
I'm already getting into Fast and Furious.
I'm going to cover that more in the next hour.
We're waiting for the mayor to call in.
It could be this hour, it could be next hour with the big confrontation in Courtside.
I cut that earlier woman off because she's like, they're using actors in Courtside.
And Casey, Anthony, what's it called?
I mean, this is just total craziness.
And that's the problem.
That's gonna happen.
Because when people lose faith in everything and learn they've been lied to, and they're not sophisticated, they're gonna just start thinking everything's a lie.
And the system plays on it.
They're blaming the Constitution, capitalism, free market, on the tyranny.
No, it's because we got away from that's why we're going into tyranny.
They're scapegoating freedom right now for what's happening.
They're saying capitalism did this and the very banksters that engineered the theft are up there demonizing capitalism, telling you they want to raise taxes on the rich and that's somebody making $125,000 a year when they've written the tax laws to be exempt from the taxes!
I mean, they're counting on you, so people don't trust the system anymore, but they're still just as confused, just as ignorant, in some cases just as dumb as they were before.
And it's a process.
And that's what cognitive infiltration is with Cass Sunstein and the White House, is they say, we gotta launch thousands of fake conspiracy theorists, causing just absolute bedlam, disinformation, false stories, and that's what they do.
And you see these sites, all they do is infight, all they do is make stuff up, all they do is attack people that are telling the truth, like myself, Ron Paul, and others.
And it's directly out of cognitive infiltration.
I've experienced it so many times, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, let's go to your calls.
John in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
On the front page of the Houston Chronicle today, it has new rules on border gun sales.
Dealers told report buyers of two or more rifles prized by cartels.
So basically, if you buy any more than one rifle, then you're going to be turned into the ATF?
No, no, no.
That was the plan a year and a half ago.
And now they're going to come out with this executive order to put you on a no-buy list.
No judge, no jury, extrajudicial, don't know how you got on it.
I've been telling you, that's going to be the plan.
Shutting down the gun shows.
That's the plan.
And Obama's talking about an executive order.
What'd they do here in Austin?
They send illegal aliens into the gun show, where people have private sales, like you can sell your neighbor a shotgun or give your grandson one.
The minority of people in there are folks deciding to sell a few of their guns.
They usually don't even rent a table.
They just walk in with a rifle over their shoulder.
And that freaks the system out.
The image of people with guns and accidents aren't happening and the guns are out in the open.
They want to act like it's porn and make you put it in a black bag.
It's all about perception.
It's all about theater.
That's why they SWAT team Amish and, and, and, and, you know, vegetarian or organic stores to then show the jury the SWAT teaming to make them think, well, it must be bad what they're doing.
And so they, all over the country, I told you last year, they're sending the illegal aliens in running these stings.
It's the Mexico
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, all through this article, they don't say one thing about fast and furious.
They just say how great this is going to be to target and stop the gun traffickers.
And you know it's extrajudicial.
First, it's in California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas.
And they're just doing it.
See, that's what Obama said.
It's extrajudicial.
Congress didn't pass a law.
He just does it.
And that's dictatorship.
They said here, they quoted President Philip E. Calderon.
He said he claimed in a speech last month in California that 85% of the more than 100,000 weapons captured from gangsters in the past five years came from US gun dealers.
I blame the North American weapons industry for thousands of deaths occurring in Mexico, Calderon said.
And I told people, as the North American Union SPP document said, that Judicial Watch sued and got, that they would use North American drug war crises to bring in their North American Union and to bring Mexico under NORTHCOM.
This is how they're merging it.
And yes, I have seen the article.
It's absolutely disgusting.
Actually, what Calderon wants, he wants Australian-style gun control, where they come in here and just complicate everything.
Uh, cops killed, border patrol killed.
That's why we've got to, in fact, give me the headline on that, on that Houston Chronicle article.
I'm going to get that.
Yeah, yeah, John, give me the headline on that.
Front page headlines, new rules on border gun sales.
Yep, new rules on border gun sales.
That's the same thing we saw last year.
New rules, not laws, rules.
Obama says he's got a new rule, he can attack Libya and it's not a war without congressional approval.
He's got a new rule on the EPA to shut down coal power plants supplying 51% of our power, but not his inside buddies.
He's got a new rule to take your guns.
He's got a new rule to enforce health care.
He's got a new
Yeah, just this past the Furious Deal, they really got their hands caught in a rat trap.
This proves who really did 9-1-1, who really did Oklahoma City, who really put the underwear bomber on board that plane,
I mean, it's all false flag, and this is a false flag, and they got caught, and they ought to not only investigate faster and freer, they need to go back and investigate all this other stuff we've been talking about for a long time.
I know why people don't want to believe Oklahoma City was an inside job, even though it's 100% proven.
We know how they did that and who was involved.
9-11, we know the official story is a lie.
They stood to gain.
They've used it to take our freedoms.
But we don't know the absolute specifics because they had a fog of war by design.
It was much more sophisticated.
That's why they did it that way, to cover their trail a little bit better.
But you said it.
They admittedly shipped the guns in to blame our Second Amendment and to destabilize Mexico and to shut down their drug dealing competition.
We've caught them.
And folks, I know it's scary to admit we have criminals running our government that are terrorists.
The lowest of the low.
But it's a lot more scary to ignore it and let them continue their plan.
These people enjoy hurting us.
They enjoy destroying freedom.
We don't... Folks, imagine being me!
Imagine every day doing what I do!
Committing my family, everything.
My life, my name being attacked by the globalist publications, by the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is a commitment.
This is something honorable and courage-filled because I love humanity.
I'm not going to go along, get along, keep my head down.
And if more of us had that attitude, we could turn the tide against these people.
But it isn't going to stay stagnant at one spot.
It's either going to get worse or it's going to get better.
Ladies and gentlemen, nothing is safe.
No one is safe.
They're not just shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
Eleven years ago, or twelve years ago, they signed a deal to take the life insurance policies of all veterans from World War II through current.
When they die in a car wreck or cancer or in combat, they do a fast one.
The government agreed with the insurance companies and steal their money!
Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan have taken thousands of houses on record they didn't even have the deed for and never owned!
Now they know it!
They're crooks!
They know!
They know!
They know!
Don't you get it, people?
Of course they staged 9-11!
Of course they're sticking their hands down your pants!
It's about breaking your will!
Anything else, John?
No, that's it, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
I mean, thank you, sir.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, I wish this wasn't true.
Don't you get it?
Don't you get it?! !
They knowingly put cancer viruses in all the major vaccines.
Go search cancer viruses and vaccines.
And you'll see constant articles about, oh, this deadly cancer-borne virus, or a virus that causes cancer, was found in this polio shot.
It was found in that shot.
It was, I mean, the CIA was caught with fake inoculations in Pakistan to get DNA, if you even believe that.
Fallen soldiers' families denied cash as insurers profit.
There it is.
I mean, these people met with the government 12 years ago in 99, same time they got rid of Glass-Steagall.
They committed themselves to total crime.
You see, they have to complete the tyranny because they're all going to prison.
They're going to have to run to third world countries and hide if we take America and Europe and other countries back.
It's going to be globalist hunting, not Nazi hunting.
It's going to be people with bounties on them from governments and private groups hunting them down to bring them to justice.
You understand?
We're in a toe-to-toe death match.
It'd be like being thrown into an arena in Rome 2,000 years ago, and they throw the battle axe down in front of you, and the door opens, and out comes the gladiator.
You're not getting out of this by making excuses.
I'm in the arena.
You think I like this?
I got my family, I got free humanity I gotta defend.
I'm nothing special.
I'd have blind courage not to fight these people in the Info War.
And so the Gladiators coming out, I saw this coming from history 16, 17 years ago, so I decided in the Info War, okay, I'm under attack, they want my guns, they want my private property, they're globalists, they're authoritarians, they're tyrants, okay, I'll pick the axe up.
And look what I've done in 16 years, picking the axe up.
Pick it up!
They're coming down on you regardless!
Okay, we may not be able to beat them individually.
That's a trained gladiator.
I don't care.
I'm not going to roll over and put my head between my knees for him to come down on me with his sword.
I'm going to get gutted up, grab that battle axe, and just go all in!
And you know what?
He may even get the sword in on me in the first strike, but then I'm going to grab him and get that axe in.
He's going down with me!
So other people behind us, other women, children, widows, innocents, so they're defended.
That's what a man has to do.
A man's got to say, I'm committed.
I'm telling you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jonathan in Kansas.
You're on the air, Jonathan.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Did you know that 9-11 Commissioner Bob Graham came on MSNBC?
Two days ago, and he said Saudi Arabia helped two 9-11 hijackers and the U.S.
government helped block the information getting out.
And the video is called, on YouTube, you can look it up, and it's called, Saudi Arabia gave assistance to at least two of the 9-11 hijackers.
Again, it's Saudi Arabia gave assistance to at least
Yeah, we'll pull that up and I had read that in the news.
I didn't have time to pull the video up and I should have.
We're just getting hit by so much news, but let me break this down for you.
Jonathan's been calling for years, always with great news tips to recognize your voice, good to hear from you.
Six of the ten commissioners say the government covered it up and may even be involved.
Two of the three lawyers are public.
That's why they're so desperate, because they can't stage terror attacks anymore, because everybody's watching them.
When the government brought the underwear bomber on the plane, we had the witnesses, my listeners, got him on.
A month and a half later, the government had to admit, yeah, we got him on the plane, we're not going to talk about it at National Security.
He was drugged out, brought him on, blew a firecracker up in his pants, so now they've got to stick their hands down your pants.
And look, look, look, of course Saudi, people go, well, who was involved?
Was it the US, England, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia?
Who is it, Alex?
You say all these groups.
Who ran the war against the Russians in Afghanistan from 79 through?
Brzezinski admits they launched it in 79.
They started the war with the Russians.
Not that they're good either.
It's all the same type criminal stuff.
Who started that?
Who sent the money?
It's on record.
It's been declassified.
The United States, Israel, England, they used to run Pakistan and Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and did I mention Pakistan?
Turkey was involved as well.
Of course, these intelligence agencies are all merged.
They run the narcotics.
They run the white slaves.
They're all evil.
It's all evil.
And the hijackers, when the U.S.
Embassy didn't want to give them visas, this is on record.
This is Toronto Star.
I've interviewed Springman, the head of the visa section.
They were told, don't worry that they're listed as terrorists, that's their cover.
These guys work for us.
Then we have Newsweek admitting they were trained at bases.
The head of the Defense Language School, Colonel Butler, went public and said, we trained these guys at the school.
These guys are U.S.
government spies!
Now, we don't know what they did once they got on the planes.
Were they double agents of Al Qaeda?
Give me a break, folks.
That's what I'm saying.
Stay there, Jonathan.
I'm going to get back to you.
Then Michael, Rick, John, Debbie, we're going to get to everybody.
Wow, I started out a little bit dainty this morning from not getting much sleep, and now I'm just rampaging.
Because what happens is, when I'm tired, folks, I'll let you know who I really am.
I mean, I just go all out with it.
Because this isn't a radio show.
This isn't entertainment.
This is the real world.
This is the real world, toe-to-toe with pure evil!
Pure evil must be resisted!
Stay with us!
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Yeah, no matter what happens to me individually, I know we're going the distance.
I know the fires of liberty are getting fired up!
Yeah, we found it.
9-11 Commissioner Bob Graham, he was one of the leaders of the commission, here he is on national television saying that the Saudis were involved and that the U.S.
government covered it up.
And really, he's already said that before on the Washington Post, but I told the BBC that while they were here and they would just laugh.
I'd say, what about the passports surviving and magically being found on 9-11 in the world?
And they said, oh, that's very reasonable and giggled.
The guy had like black teeth.
It was like a merc.
And I was just like, you know what?
This interview is done.
Not that you're asking hard questions.
I'm not going to sit here and be giggled at.
You go have fun with your system and take all your vaccines and drink lots of sodium fluoride water.
And he giggled and laughed at that as well.
He had somebody with him who looked like they were Quasimodo.
I don't judge books by covers, but you know what?
I'm done.
I'm done with you.
I'm done.
I'm not a coward.
I don't go lick the boots of the system.
I'm committed.
You think you're going to be safe in this system?
Enjoy it.
Alright, I'm sorry.
Let's go ahead and play the clip, then I'm going back to your calls.
Here it is.
Just briefly, Thomas, there are some unquestioned facts that Saudi Arabia was providing significant assistance to at least two of the 19 hijackers living in San Diego.
The questions are, why was Saudi Arabia doing this?
Was it also providing assistance to the other 17 hijackers?
And then, why did the United States go to such lengths, including censuring the Congressional Inquiries Report
on the events leading up to 9-11 that related to the role of Saudi Arabia.
So there are a lot of unanswered questions and Keys to the Kingdom starts with finding those answers.
On Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
But in fact, Watson's already done an article about it today.
I did a satire piece, Alex Jones comes out against 9-11 truth, and I actually raised that in the piece.
It's like, oh, they say it was a lie.
He's there saying, why did the U.S.
government cover it up?
Well, go interview Colonel Stephen Butler.
He came out in an article in the San Jose Mercury News, what, a few weeks after 9-11.
He said, look, I don't know what's going on.
But these guys were trained right here at the school.
I'm the dean.
Those guys on the news, they work for us.
Something's going on here.
And they started court-martialing him.
And so he shut up.
Of course they did it!
Of course!
I mean, none of us are safe murdering killers from the country!
And if you cower to them, they win!
A lot of you, I talk to a lot of adults and media people that privately go, yeah, we know it's an inside job.
The late Derry Brownfield, good guy on the Genesis Network, died a few months ago.
Privately, you know, I talked to him, I talked to his old producer, and he's like, Alex, I just, that wasn't a big deal, but I was like, why don't you never even come on my show, never have me on yours?
And he said, Alex, it's the 9-11 stuff.
He said, someday it'll come out.
And I agree with you.
And so did his producer.
I forget his name.
Jeff, really nice guy.
He goes, we know those are smart, good old boys.
He'd run a lot of businesses and things and really been the head of the Stockyard Association, Cattle Associations, all that stuff.
And they said, we're just not going to do that.
Well, now that fella's gone on to his maker.
I wonder if he, looking down from heaven, would have rather... I mean, who cares about a radio show?
Who cares how many stations you're on?
If you've got people running the country that are murdering you, none of you are safe!
You don't just, wow, that's scary, they're murderers.
I think I'll shut up about it.
People call me a hero.
They say I've got all this courage, all this stuff.
I would have to be a lunatic moron to know this is an inside job and not stand up and speak out against it.
And that's an American attitude.
That's a human attitude.
What is this new modern thing where you know what's going on, but you don't talk about it?
I mean, not me.
I couldn't look myself in the mirror.
So whatever they do to me, that's it.
Doesn't matter.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Jonathan in Kansas called in earlier with a news clip, MSNBC.
We just played it.
Former U.S.
Senator, one of the top guys on the 9-11 Commission, Bob Graham, repeated what he said in the Washington Post, but it's video of it now, that the U.S.
government was protecting the hijackers along with the Saudi Arabian government.
Well, duh!
They would censure or fire FBI agents that tried to stop them.
Whatever they were doing, we know they were taking part in drills, but we don't know what happened once they got on the aircraft.
Some of the actual phone calls that were made from air phones were stewardesses saying, there's gas, I can't breathe.
That's the intel we got.
Nerve gas, someone in remote control.
Oh, but I forgot they don't have that.
They just got remote-controlled cars and planes for 50 years.
Let's go ahead and more than that, Joe Kennedy Jr.
died in World War II while piloting drones under his command.
He was in a chase aircraft, remote pilotings that have radio link with them.
When the payload blew up, it was a human-controlled command cruise missile attack system where you fly behind it in a chase plane with a radio control beacon.
Yes, I have two more things about 9-11.
One is that Rupert Murdoch has now been accused and is tabloid accused for hacking the phones of 7-7 victims and 9-11 victims.
You heard about that, that's all over the news.
Yeah, I haven't been covering it in the last few weeks because I've been researching, but I do know what's going on with it, and they're burning him.
It's a fight between their camp and the Soros camp, and they're trying to bring down, now the U.S.
government's saying they're going to open an investigation on News Corp, here in the United States, their North American division.
And that was the scuttlebutt.
I know Roger Ailes tried to keep Beck there.
And there's a big fight over this.
There's a lot of people in the elites who don't like what's happening and don't like where this country's going.
Because they realize this system's so corrupt, they're going to get picked off once the pure dictatorship's in place.
And so this is just a way to burn Rupert Murdoch.
Tapping phones and spying on people.
I told you, industrial espionage.
All major Fortune 500 have huge armies of spies, hitmen, everything.
I mean, every major big company out there, if it's part of the globalist deal, they got hitmen.
That's why, what's that movie came out a few years ago with...
George Clooney.
And they admit it's based on Monsanto.
They don't say Monsanto.
It has another name in it.
But the name of the movie is the name of the lawyer.
And the Monsanto company has hit men.
This is the real world.
They don't just spy on people, folks.
These major companies have got the entire deal.
Fortune 100 companies are bigger than most countries' GDPs.
So they've got it all.
I'm sorry, sir.
Go ahead.
Anything else?
Well, I also have a request after this.
But one other thing about that is Murdoch was accused two years ago in 2008 and had a lawsuit thrown against him.
He hired hackers to hack his competition as well.
That's industry espionage.
But anyway, the request is, is, is it possible that you can go, your show can have a week, a week before 9-11 be stacked with all
Whistleblowers and all that.
Yes, I agree with you because we've won the war of truth on stage terror.
That's why they're trying to rewrite history and rehabilitate it.
Now it shows all over the world full of disinformation.
It's not going to work.
Because the fact that they're so discredited, BBC, ABC, when they come and attack us in 9-11 Truth, they're so discredited, people that weren't even into 9-11 Truth go, well the liars are telling us
That it wasn't an inside job, but they're so arrogant that they still do the pieces.
They should just keep their mouth shut.
So, it's great.
They're coming into our arena.
Michael Clayton's the name of that movie.
And boy, is it accurate.
Okay, we'll be right back.
Thank you so much.
Great job there, Jonathan, Michael, Rick, John, Debbie, everybody else.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, the last caller, Jonathan, wants me to get into News of the World and Rupert Murdoch and the Justice Department, the folks that ship tens of thousands of weapons to drug dealers to kill cops.
They're going after him for espionage, economic espionage against competitors, hacking 7-7, hacking 9-11 families to get intel for articles.
The Rupert Murdoch operation has always had a big mafia streak to it, and that's because it works closely with the U.S.
government and they feel like they can get away with it.
But right now, he's being spanked.
But there's industrial espionage across the board, and it's wrong.
You've got to ask yourself right now, why is this coming out against Rupert Murdoch at this time?
And that's the larger issue.
And I've really collated my thoughts, a lot of articles.
I've meant to cover it.
I've covered it some, but I meant to get into a real report on it.
I don't like to just come out and have a half-baked breakdown of something.
But people who aren't in the media don't understand how the system is obsessed with it.
And that's why people couldn't believe the stuff I've been through.
The type of dirty tricks, the weirdness.
And they're not that bad anymore because the system's figured out I'm not gonna stop.
And so they try to assassinate my character in the media.
But it doesn't matter because so much of what I cover now...
Is passe.
I mean, so much of staged events, lying government, government shipping guns into Mexico, government engaged in corruption, government stealing pension funds of veterans, government stealing houses they don't own, corporations doing it, corporations running government.
I mean, this stuff's pretty much now just hanging out there in front of everybody.
And the question is, what are we going to do about it?
I want to continue with your calls, and I'm going to try to hurry through them now, because I've got a bunch of news I want to get to, on family of murdered Border Patrol agent considering suing feds that were fast and furious.
Right now, let's go to Michael in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, I'm the telecommunications engineer that calls in every once in a while up in Plano.
I just want to let you know, Alex, this reputation that we get as truthers, people who understand history, we get known as the complainers.
And we don't get labeled as people that are desirous of
Change or people who understand the perspective of history I sit with these Bubba's these good old boys that I work with and they said what do you know about Liberty and and The Constitution you grew up in New Jersey.
I said, oh, yeah I grew up on the plain in the orchards where the Battle of Monmouth was fought and
I went to nursery school and sat in pews at Old Tenant Church where the bloody bodies of revolutionary soldiers and British soldiers alike were triaged in a hospital.
The school I went to was across the street from where George Washington's headquarters was, when he was near Trenton.
So, I understand my Constitution.
I understand history.
I understand what the heck we're standing up for.
Well, you know, let me stop it, because this is so key what you're saying, and I want you to continue.
This is the essence of mind control, and they're all pre-programmed.
If you go up north,
And criticize the government.
And it's a meme in the media.
You're a dumb anti-government southerner.
Then, if you come down to the West or the South or the Midwest, and you're not from around there, you could be from the state over, or even the town over, or a different color, or a different religion, or a different, you know, college degree.
And they'll look at you and say, oh, what do you know?
Their mind is scared by inside job.
Their mind is scared by corruption.
They're cowards deep down.
They're lazy people who want to buy into corruption because they don't think highly of themselves.
And it's because they're smart!
George Orwell wrote about this.
They make a split-second calculation.
What do you know from New Jersey?
Get a rope!
What do you know about George Washington?
He fought the Battle of Trenton in Austin, Texas, not in Trenton, New Jersey, against the Germans.
They just, I mean, if you told them that George Washington fought Germans, they'd say, there weren't Germans in the war!
You know, I mean, they don't know anything.
And it's the same deal.
They immediately go to tribalism.
Because you scare them, that hits the fear area.
What's in a fear area of a human's brain?
When they're talking to another human.
I'm scared.
This human just said it.
He's from another tribe.
He's from New Jersey.
And so this is human psychology.
And that's just one slice of how psychology works that you just described.
When we're Americans, we're humans.
I talk to media executives and folks and they go, yeah, you're huge in the US.
You're also huge worldwide.
That isn't too good, because, you know, sponsors, they mainly want just this market.
I don't care about that.
At the end of the day, if I can finance this operation, keep building it, it's good to be comfortable, so I don't have to worry about that financially.
But at the end of the day, I'm risking my life for truth, because I know there's no future for anybody if we don't beat these people.
I mean, these are globalists, psychopaths in control of nuclear weapons, genetic warfare systems, and they're openly promoting guilds of graduates who are microbiologists who all they talk about is how they want to kill everybody.
I mean, the acolytes of Professor Bianca at UT who wants airborne Ebola to kill 90% of us and says he's ready for his family to die.
I got attacked by some of his acolytes, followed their emails.
Found out they were PhDs and doctors of biology, and here they were saying all humans need to be killed.
And then I went and found them in photos in white lab coats at bioweapons labs, smiling as directors.
I mean, they're sending me emails going, he's a great man, we need to kill all humans, not just 90%.
I tracked their name back.
And I mean, folks, red level!
Do you get me?
Pure evil has been released from the pit of Hades.
When you let evil take control, the worst of society gravitates into power.
It's not that we're all evil and bad, it's that the evil gravitates to the high places because it desires it.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Michael.
Finish your point.
No, I also wanted to tell you, Alex, I could get myself thrown out of this program, but I'm in a very special executive MBA program out of UT in Dallas.
It's ranked pretty high in the world.
I'll just give you the name of it.
It's called GLEMBA.
Listen to the title of this.
It's called the Global Leadership Executive MBA Program, and it's run by a man out of China who's done more mergers and acquisitions than anyone on the planet.
Now, I'm just in the first semester here, you know, starting in the summer, but you could see the way that the education, I mean, they're looking to weed out what they consider the wheat from the chaff.
They're trying to find the people early on with global business ethics classes and things.
They're trying to find out, just like they do with the cops and the TSA agents.
Will these people do the things we want them to do?
And if they don't, they're going to get a paint slip.
No, no, I've had family, I've had family that they grab in college, big corporations and put through their programs and you wouldn't recognize them.
They're pro-global government.
Just, I mean, it's not them anymore.
It's just that they have been shown this suit of clothes and they say, you know, do you want money and power?
Put the suit on and they say, I'll do it.
They put that jumpsuit on for the New World Order team and they have no idea.
They have just signed on literally with Lucifer.
I'm a descendant of William Wallace.
I won't take that suit of armor.
I will not wear long shanks colors.
So let me just tell you something else, Alex.
For 15 years, I worked for Verizon, right across the street from police headquarters in Manhattan.
I'll hold on if you want, because I don't want my name blasted, but you should see, I'm one of your friends on Facebook, you've got to see my 9-11 photos.
One of my jobs after 9-11, because we were right around the corner, this was our spot,
Alex, you'll see pictures of me standing on piles of rubble.
And you'll see my photo that I took of National Guard troops that would not let me in right at Ground Zero, right at the place where our cable vaults would be.
I didn't know at the time.
But it wasn't because they were trying to protect me.
It's because something was down there they did not want us to see.
The National Guard troops pointed weapons at me.
You will see my photos.
If you want me to hold on and I give you permission, I'll sign whatever you want, you can use them.
I have a video of me walking around downtown Manhattan.
If you want to use it, a friend of mine, the very morning after we walked around down there, you've got to see this.
Well, listen, we'll find your Facebook and get it and show it on the show, if not today, tomorrow, or link it up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's why the sites are so important.
The 90% of stuff we don't get to on air is all there.
But specifically, so it was your job to be involved in those cable vaults.
I mean, going over this, what are some of the things you saw that are on these videos?
First of all, the video started from where our building was, at 375 Pearl Street, and we had to walk westward across West Broadway and, you know, to go over to Vesey Street.
And one of the things that I saw instantly was a big hole in the side of the building at 140 West Street, where 7 came down and punched a hole in the side of the building.
That was the main thing I was concerned with.
But when we designed these cable vaults that were seven stories below ground, we didn't even think a nuclear war could take these things out.
So when we thought, oh, you know, there's no way that all of these millions of pairs of fiber optic and copper cable, that there's no way they could be destroyed.
The only thing that could have destroyed these, Alex, was explosives.
There's no way that kerosene could melt all of these materials seven stories below ground.
No, the police, the police, the firemen said it was like a volcano, a foundry, just lava everywhere, even in areas away from the buildings.
And it had just been hit by some super weapon or something.
And months later, it was thousands of degrees above what normal fires would even burn at.
It was like Godzilla had sprayed fire into there.
Yeah, and if you tell people this, Alex, that's why I tried to get on yesterday with Stefan Molyneux.
Waking up to this is almost like the grieving process when your favorite grandpa or friend dies.
You, it's a process.
That's why we need to be patient sometimes with these people.
Yeah, we're afraid and we want to, you know, we want to wake these people up, but we've got to be patient with them because it's a grieving process.
Nobody wants to believe that the elite are trying to murder us all.
Nobody wants to believe that your best friend died at 9-11 because these murdering scum did it.
Nobody wants to believe this.
Take me out with your war cry, Alex.
No, I can't.
I only do that when it's upsetting.
I'll tell you what, Michael.
We're going to put you on hold during the break.
And you can give us your Facebook.
And I understand you don't want to put it on air, because then they'll really come after you.
But we'll be right back with more Call to Stay with us.
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Well, they're now holding everybody hostage.
You knew this was coming.
That's why they get you on the government dole.
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out August 3rd.
They take your money and then later hold you hostage with it.
That's coming up.
But right now, Ed Foster, the mayor of Quartzsite, Arizona...
He joins us now about the showdown that happened.
This has now gotten international attention.
They have told the mayor that he's fired the city council now.
I guess you don't need elections, you just fire the mayor.
Well, he went and canceled their quote, illegal meeting.
I guess it's not following the state laws on that.
And they went ahead and had it anyway.
Mayor Ed Foster of Quartzsite, thanks for joining us, sir.
Tell us what happened.
Well, thanks again for having me on again.
I appreciate your support and all of your listeners, but this situation in Arizona is just so similar to what's going on across this country.
We have bureaucrats trying to run the government.
They think they're in charge.
They refuse to bow to the elected people.
They are running roughshod.
And like in the case of Parkside, we have a town council who are puppets for these people.
You know, they rubber stamp everything they do.
It's just unconscionable.
And this is true in all of America right now, you know?
Well, uh, yes sir, Mayor.
Break down what happened.
Well, what, this morning, you know, first they had this illegal meeting Sunday and it violated open meetings law because first it wasn't agendized, it wasn't announced, uh,
They called it, you know, on very short notice.
I refused to attend it.
I opened the door to Town Hall.
I seen they were having an illegal meeting.
And I said, no, I'm not coming into this meeting.
It's illegal.
And as I said that, the police officer who was guarding the door pulled the door closed, and you can see in the video that it's online, clunk, and the door was locked.
So that was the final straw.
Public meetings are just that.
They're open to the public.
When they lock that door,
There's no other justification at that point for that meeting.
That meeting was illegal.
The business they conducted behind that locked door is illegal.
And therefore, the justification for the meeting they called this morning on short notice, I actually got notified.
I didn't get notified officially.
Friends of mine last night came here around 8 p.m.
and told me, my God, they scheduled a meeting for 10 o'clock.
And I thought because of the emergency order, they'd cancel all meetings.
In fact, they said that.
But they didn't bother to tell me there'd be a meeting.
And I don't think they did such a... At 10 o'clock this morning, there was going to be such a media circus at their meeting.
But it was.
Every television station, everybody's covering it.
But in front of God and the world, when I told them this meeting was illegal to walk out, they instructed the Vice Mayor to go ahead and bring the meeting to order, and they conducted business illegally.
Well, they think because they have, quote, the power of the office that they're God, and it's classic.
I mean, this is something they're definitely not going to win in the end.
Mayor, this has become a big international story, obviously.
AP reporting on it, you name it.
Where is it going from here?
I mean, if they're allowed to get away with this, will it become an imperium?
You know, first off, one of the things that's
Supporting this is this Chief of Police, who at this point in time, because 80% of the court-site PD have filed this letter complaining about him alleging a criminal act, and under that circumstance, that man should be sitting home in a rocking chair waiting for an investigation.
And as far as I can tell right now, my QPD officers who filed that complaint are saying that there's less than an energetic investigation going on by DPS right now.
What I'm asking is that the blisters and the friends of blisters or whatever contact the governor and say it's about time this chief of police get a thorough investigation.
Well, why do you think the state police and others aren't going to want to investigate?
Because they're run by chiefs that don't want to be investigated.
This is what happens in government.
They all start not investigating each other so that they can do whatever they want, and then that allows government to go even more wild, and then it starts snowballing downhill.
Well what I'm doing is using this international media storm that's out there, and I'm asking that we keep the pressure on to the responsible state authorities to make a real investigation.
I swear that if this Chief of Police is cleared of all these charges,
These officers are put against him.
I will shake his hand and congratulate him.
But until he is cleared of all charges, he should not be wearing a badge and a gun.
He should be sitting at home until this investigation is done.
That is what I went to the governor's office a month ago trying to figure out how to get it done.
I don't know.
Okay, we'll just do a few more minutes.
I'm going to go to the other callers and a bunch of other news.
They had an opium dealer.
The president of Pakistan's brother's been killed.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Alright, Alex.
Thank you.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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Well, the corruption is racing through the body politic right now like a bad case of Ebola.
But we're waking up to it.
And it's going to be a nasty process, but everything you do every day, going to city council, going to state houses, investigating, being involved, researching how the world really works, that's going to turn our society around.
Now, I want to get to your calls, but I also have a bunch of news.
We're going to finish up with the mayor here for a minute or two.
Then I'm going to hit some news, and I'm going to go to your calls, because I love hearing from you and the great points at the best callers and listeners in the world.
A very important issue, though.
I shot a video on the left-right paradigm yesterday, how at the leadership positions of the Republican and Democratic parties, they're pretty much on the same team, but they toss political footballs back and forth while we play monkey in the middle, running back and forth.
And I shot footage of my French bulldog running back and forth, symbolizing the voters.
And that's up at PrisonPlanet.com at the bottom of the page.
And why it's a big scandal now,
I'm an animal abuser.
I docked the dog's tail and ears.
Of course, the people making these accusations can't focus in on the political issues I'm covering, and they don't know that French bulldogs naturally have bat ears and have short tails.
They don't trim the ears or the tails, and I wouldn't do that to my dog.
But see, we've been trained to obsess over petty things, and it won't matter.
That'll be a new conspiracy theory.
Okay, fine.
In fact, we did trim his ears and tail.
Of course we didn't, but hey, if it makes you feel good, we did.
In fact, put the evil dog back up on screen for folks.
Uh, if you can there, because I know we've got all these serious issues to cover.
There he is.
The French Bulldog Captain.
The controlled left-right paradigm for dummies.
But, by talking about this, I could act like a wounded bird, actually, like I'm trying to get you away from the nest.
Oh my gosh, I've been caught!
I've been caught!
That'll just make hundreds of thousands of people watch the video now because I've made a scandal out of it.
So, again, no weapon formed against us will prosper.
Now there's a whole conspiracy.
We'll start, there'll be endless discussions and forums about, you know, is the tail docked on the dog?
Because people don't believe anything anymore.
That's the... Okay, now I'm ranting.
Going back to Mayor Ed Foster of Quartzsite.
Mayor, so where does it go from here?
I mean, the mystery paychecks, can't find out where those are going, can't have investigations.
I mean, did you say to them when you got there, you can't fire the mayor?
I mean, are they going to nullify other elections?
What's happening?
I didn't tell them any such thing.
I don't acknowledge that their law was illegal, that they put the town manager and the town chief of police in charge.
That's an illegal law.
I would fierce acknowledge that I still perform my duties as mayor.
And I am going to continue to do that.
If they wanted to do this, and they could, they could call a regular meeting, and they could rubber stamp that the law changed because that's the way they do it.
But at least it would be done in a legal meeting with the citizens of Quartzsite in attendance, and I'm sure that the meeting would break down in pandemonium like it did today, because the people are obsessed with what they're doing.
The people have really woken up here in Quartzsite, and they're jumping up and down at them.
The people?
I mean, who needs a mayor?
Wait, wait, wait.
Who needs a mayor?
Who needs the people?
The 3,600 of the town?
You've got a town manager and a police chief now.
In fact, all over the world, the globalists are trying to get rid of local elected government and go to corporate government.
What's wrong with that?
You know, mayor is just a title, Alex.
It's just a title.
What I am is a spokesperson for the people of Quartzsite.
And every elected official should wake up and understand that they should do their job for the people who put them there, not for these bureaucrats.
You know?
These council people have completely lost track of that.
They are a rubber stamp for Alex Taft and the Chief Gilbert person.
They just don't listen to the people out in the community.
Well, they do.
They have a few stinko-fence that hang around them and, oh boy, yeah, you're doing the right thing.
And those people, they say that until all of a sudden they do something and the police chief or the building official or the tax collector show up at their doorstep.
Oh, I'm a friend, Mike, how could you do that to me?
You know?
Well, they love being drug around by their pimps.
Mayor, we'll continue to watch this as it develops from courtside.
Thank you for spending time with us, sir.
Well, thank you for putting a spotlight on these cockroaches.
You bet, sir.
God bless.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
We're watching that microcosm of what's happening in the rest of the country and the world.
I meant to spend more time on this today because it's so big, but I'll have to cover it tomorrow because I just can't do justice to it now.
Obviously, Ron Paul's announced he's not going to seek re-election for the House of Representatives.
It's all or nothing and he's going to totally commit to the presidential campaign and then whatever happens he's either going to the White House or he's going to Texas.
Job well done, Ron Paul, either way.
And the campaign's just getting started so this is his big hurrah.
Governor Paul?
I guess there was some talk about him running for governor, but he kind of giggled and laughed that off.
Yeah, he could not run, and if he lost the presidency, become Governor Paul.
That'd be nice.
I'd really... I would really be proud of that.
And then he'd probably move back into the governor's mansion, not hide up in Westlake like Pointy Boots does.
Al Gore's former chief of staff.
Campaign manager.
Because he's so conservative.
Michelle Bachman, IRS tax enforcer.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't talk bad about them.
They're all, Al Gore's a good guy.
He likes Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney's good as well.
Right in Obamacare.
That's the model for it.
He wrote it in Massachusetts.
I mean, I shouldn't be so informed.
It's kind of creepy that we know what we're talking about, isn't it?
This is a really serious issue.
Well, I'm going to get to that in a moment.
I do want to tell listeners in the InfoWar that people are ready to be awakened like never before, and I've got a special running in the month of July.
It'll be over in a couple weeks, a little more than half a month.
Bohemian Grove kicks off every year from the 14th
Technically the 15th, but they're on the 14th through the 30th of July.
Over a thousand globalist meeting to do weird rituals and have sex with gay porn stars.
I mean, that's what they do.
It's mainstream news.
Just type Bohemian Grove gay porn stars.
You'll ship them in, aircraft land.
I mean, there's some women too, but women aren't allowed in, so they're down at the hotels.
High-priced female hookers are everywhere.
But as Richard Nixon said, you know, it's kind of like on the menu, you know, the Christian conservative leadership that we have mainly likes the males.
It's kind of like you go to a party and they order two cheese pizzas and five pepperonis.
You know, it's like there's five pepperonis and that's male prostitution and the two cheese pizzas, they've got to wait in town.
It's mainly the Christian leadership of America, there with the Globalist, and royalty goes there as well.
The point is, I covered In Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, and it kicks off on Friday there in California.
We're going to have some reports from there.
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People ask, well, what do I do?
What can I do on my own?
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Access TV, small town, you'll reach hundreds, not thousands.
Yeah, there's New York Post, Gay Porn Star Services, Moguls at Bohemian Grove, Chad Savage.
But continuing here, by the way, I was a lot better looking 11 years ago in 2000 when I snuck in, and I didn't know enough about Bohemian Grove to understand why I was being laughed at by the greenskeepers.
And why?
And it was being whistled at and things, and I figured out real quick that that's why we were able to infiltrate.
Because we didn't look really old like they do, we looked young, and it was bad news.
But if you want to find out about what's going on there, you can call 888-253-3139 and get the films.
Okay, um, man, look, here's the problem.
Most talk show hosts struggle.
That's all they do is take calls and kind of hype things for one or two minutes when they come back live, and then they lean on the ropes of the callers or the guests.
Not me.
I go ten hours and you know it.
The problem is, is that I cover all this news and then I look at it again.
And it's a lot of times I see it kind of like something that's already been vomited out.
You know, I don't go back to it.
It's very painful when I think about how evil these people are.
And I understand that's why some of you don't want to face it, but...
Here's Fox News.
I also have Long Island Press.
Family of murdered Border Patrol agent considering suing Feds over Fast and Furious.
And they're talking about suing Holder himself and the head of the ATF, shipping in tens of thousands of guns knowingly into Mexico so they can destabilize Mexico, kill the drug cartels they don't control, and come after the Second Amendment.
And the good news is the cat's out of the bag.
Folks are now understanding how government operates.
I mean, this is the tip of the iceberg.
If the evidence shows Brian's death was approximately caused by the negligence of the federal government, there will be a case of action, said Terry family attorney Paul Charlton.
Terry was killed in December of 2010 at the hands of an illegal immigrant worker working for a cartel and patrolling an area near Tucson known as Rio Rico.
And there's two others reportedly killed by these guns, border patrol agents.
And that's how they roll.
And the ATF, even at the time when he got killed, paraded around and said, you gotta turn your guns into us, we gotta ban your semi-autos, we gotta ban your deer rifles, because law officers are being killed.
Yeah, because you're giving them the guns, the drug dealers, to kill them.
And you made the drugs illegal to begin with and put all the money into it.
So there would be criminals out there ready to kill, because there's so many millions involved.
I mean, you guys wrote the whole story!
It's meant to take our freedoms and pack the presents!
And let me tell you something, if I heard two talk shows this morning, without even surfing many channels, talking about how the government's criminal and staged this to get our guns, one of them kind of a...
Cupcake, liberal, one guy's liberal, one's conservative, talk show host, and both of them were agreeing this was staged to get our guns because it's admitted, and they're calling for criminal indictments against the scumbags in government.
What else are you supposed to do?
And so there you have it.
Oh, they'd ship 30,000 guns down there, but they wouldn't stage a Gulf of Tonkin.
Oh, they admit they staged a Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam.
And all the other things they've staged, all the other things they do.
You know, during the break I saw Obama at a medals ceremony giving troops medals.
And he does this all the time.
You see the solemn warriors, the primitive psychology of our tribesmen, the protector of the tribe, the people that keep us from being taken slaves by the neighboring tribe.
You have this instinctive love of the of the warriors.
And there's Obama always with them, soaking up their their gleam into himself.
I mean, it's all just scripted trash.
And there he is continuing and accelerating the stealing of the death benefits of the troops on record.
And Bush was involved, Clinton was involved.
They don't care.
In fact, they like hurting you.
See, sociopaths and then psychopaths and sadomasochistic psychopaths, they enjoy their work.
That's why they want power, so they can enjoy their work and not get in trouble.
And it's a process in tyranny of them recruiting folks that have a like-minded dalliance.
And that's what tyranny is.
That's why it's so horrible and why it gets worse and worse and worse.
And then none of them can ever allow prosecutions of any of the other criminals because it sets a bad precedent where they might get in trouble.
And so they say, hey, it's wide open.
Rob everybody.
And then people in Russia and third world countries and every other case in history and more primitive times stops producing.
People stop caring.
They become lazy.
You get passive aggressive societies of just kind of jellyfish people.
When there's real freedom and you've got a chance to work and keep what you produce and to be honored by it, and truth is honored, and people don't put up with corruption?
I mean, folks, 150 years ago, if you smarted off to somebody, they weren't just going to get in a fistfight with you, even if you were a lot bigger than them.
It wasn't even an honor issue.
That's what they did.
You were going to be in a fistfight.
And if you wanted satisfaction, you'd go out in the street with guns and walk 20 paces and shoot each other.
And that's so alien, so caveman to us now.
That's what you have to be like.
People were very polite.
There's a reason Southerners are, on average, known for being so polite, because it was the last place that duels and all that were phased out.
Kind of stylized by the guys in the town square in the 1870s or whatever out West, before they started outlawing duels.
But the point is, there was real freedom.
And so that is the American culture.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen,
There's a reason mafia always preys on people, on minority groups that quote come from third world countries where they've been accustomed to corruption.
Because in even modern times, I mean I'll guarantee you, if you pulled up to the average ranch,
and got out and you were the mafia whatever group you were sort of threatening a rancher they would just kill you and they don't care if you send more hitmen later fine they're gonna die they would just kill you they would kill you and that's why we have freedom because oh you're trying to enslave me I'm gonna kill you
But we've been trained that when government mafia comes, or Bank of America comes to take the house that they don't even have a deed for, and you're not even behind in payments, or you own it outright, well, the cops do what the banker says, and what the corrupt court says, and you go out and let the mafia take you over.
But they've done the psychological actuaries, and they know that you're going to start resisting.
They know those old impulses of freedom are going to emerge, that the veneer of civilization
It's burning off like a thin layer of paint down to the stainless steel beneath it.
And that machine of human dynamic freedom that refuses to submit to tyranny, liberty or death.
What does that mean?
What does liberty or death mean?
It means I will not live as a slave.
It means I'm coming on straight on.
I'm not backing off.
You want to play chicken?
Liberty or death.
I don't care.
Don't turn off the road.
I'm going all the way into you.
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Liberty or death!
Freedom or death!
I'm coming!
I'm coming!
I'm not stopping!
I'm not backing off!
I'm committed!
There's no debate!
There's no discussion!
It's over!
Liberty or death!
As for you, I know not what choice others may make, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
And these were people going up against the greatest empire the world had ever seen!
That huge, giant, continental armies couldn't defeat in a seven-year war where they had to bring mercenaries over.
And they lost almost every battle, but they didn't give up.
They wore out the enemy.
They said, liberty or death, they committed.
It's a good feeling.
It's an empowering feeling.
It's what life's all about.
It's about committing.
It's about saying, all my chips are in.
My cards are on the table.
I'm done.
I recognize what you are.
We don't want to have to physically fight these people.
We're winning in the info war.
But we need all of you to really get fired up and really get aggressive in the info war.
We can beat these people together, ladies and gentlemen.
I got some other news I gotta hit, and then we'll get to your call.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we're back live ladies and gentlemen.
This is a prehistoric spearhead I found out about the lake.
And, you know, why did humans have this?
Well, to protect themselves, to hunt, but there were always other tribes, and different groups, even of the same genetic sequencing, you know, same, quote, race, same human variety, would have certain styles.
Some were known as being evil, some as brutal, some as warlike, some as peaceful.
It's how those subcultures developed.
But all of them would defend their families
Or they would be enslaved, and generally the men in every culture would be killed and the boys, girls, and women hauled off to make that tribe bigger.
And we need to recognize the eternal struggle between liberty and corruption, freedom and slavery.
It's really that simple.
I just want to encourage everybody to realize, as I've said over and over again, what a huge crossroads we're at.
I mean, I look at all of this news that I've got today and it's just all so transparent.
This is why they want you, this is why the banksters want to take part of your paycheck and then pay part of it back to you later.
They want you dependent.
Or they even want to steal your private pension funds.
They want you dependent.
That's the name of the game.
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out August 3rd.
This is out of CBS News.
And this is the type of fear-mongering he's engaged in.
He's saying
You will, and of course they know full well, the Federal Reserve, because they used to issue all of this, but it's about controlling the economy.
It's about training us to cut back on the economy.
To raise taxes and to pay more to the banksters.
And it's just so incredibly transparent.
And we're going into a depression, and they're hyper-inflating the currency, they're down that road.
So it won't matter if you get your Social Security check, it's not going to buy what you need.
And so more people will go on welfare.
More people will go on food stamps, not just the 50 million now.
And now Geithner admits we're in a depression.
He calls it the greatest or the Great Recession, and that it's going to be the worst thing in our lives that we've ever experienced.
And they're going to give you new solutions that they claim will fix it.
And then it's going to get even worse and they'll say, don't worry, I got more solutions.
Give us more power.
You let us spy on you and take all your rights and get rid of juries and stick our hands down your pants and put you in microwave ovens and force inoculations on you and Al Qaeda won't get you.
You know, I want to go to your phone calls and I did a little bit better job today getting to some of them.
I'm going to just, the main radio show ends in a minute and a half.
We'll do five minutes internet only to try to cram in a few more.
But Rick in Arizona, take us out of the main line radio broadcast today.
Go ahead.
Yeah Alex, I think I have the answer to Mayor Foster's, the question you asked him about why do you think the authorities in Arizona aren't helping him out.
And it has something to do with the location that Jennifer Jones spoke about a couple of days ago.
There is a person in this state
That has dictatorship powers, and it is the Governor, Jan Brewer, who, remember, is on the Council of Ten Mayors.
And I'll let you take it from there.
God bless your family and be safe, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, they're replacing the original governments that are accountable to people through the state constitutions and federal constitution with council, rural council, council of governors, council of mayors.
Nine ringwraiths and
One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
And you got 10 FEMA regions.
I've got a 1937 New York Times article somewhere around here.
The actual copy.
Bernardine Smith sent it to me years ago where they show the 10 regions.
That was 30, 40 years before they even set them up.
Alright, we'll be right back with a few more of your calls.
Stay with us.
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We are back live, now into overdrive, just for five minutes, because I want to get to more of your calls.
John in Houston, you're on the air, sir.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Several points I'd like to bring up real quick, if I may.
One has to do with Einstein's EPR paradox.
Are you familiar that that's tied into your Spidey sense?
Well, I mean, they've done a lot of studies and everybody's got a sixth sense.
It's just how attuned is it?
But please continue.
Well, Einstein proved that faster than light communication exists, and this experiment's been duplicated many times.
But the most exciting part about this is there's a way for us to bump that up.
And one reason why it's so hard to wake so many people up is because their spidey sense is just too low.
But there's a natural way to bump this up.
And it's on the cutting edge.
There are 40 scientific organizations studying this in Germany right now.
And I'd like to talk to you a whole lot more about that offline, if I could.
Other things I want to bring up real quick is something that I think of every time I hear you talk is Book 3, Chapter 7 in Aristotle's Rhetoric.
And if you haven't read that real short chapter, it's only about three paragraphs long.
I guarantee you, Alex, when you read it, it will put the biggest smile on your face.
Because it would just confirm what you're doing is right.
Well, I've read some Aristotle, but I haven't read it in decades.
Somebody email me that particular chapter.
What is it again?
Book 3, Chapter 7, in Aristotle's Rhetoric.
And then another book that Aristotle wrote on ethics, he talked about
How ethical knowledge didn't have anything to do with precise knowledge.
It didn't have anything to do with logic and mathematics, but it had to do with general knowledge.
And this ties into the spidey sense.
So the caller you had on last week, I guess I have to say this, the people who rule in the world, the globalists, you know they're con artists, they're matchers of illusion.
And they're misdirecting all of our experts.
They're misdirecting our medical doctors.
Yeah, they create false constructs that are limited paradigm and then shut everyone into those.
Great, great points, John.
I'm going to jump into Debbie.
Wish I could get to everybody else.
Debbie in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Debbie, welcome.
Hi, thank you.
I also want to thank Mayor Forster for what he is doing and the people who stand to support and try to speak out and get arrested or thrown out of their meetings.
I know what that's like.
We have that happen here frequently.
I do a bond presentation.
One thing I really would like people to do is find out what their town's debt is.
Ma'am, you're on air, I promise you.
Okay, I can't hear.
When you find out what your bond debt is, and this is going to
The bankers, it's going to the insurance companies, it's going to a central group of solicitors.
And they are constantly refinancing, which they call refunding, which keeps the people into servitude.
It's a big scam, and what people need to do is wake up to it.
And when they see what the debt is that they have in their own town, we need to repudiate it and just stick it back to the people that have been sticking it to us.
I also go into showing how to find Agenda 21, smart growth, sustainable... Well, that's awesome.
Do you have a website or something, ma'am?
Yes, I do, and I'd be happy... It's being uploaded.
It's called MantuaRepublicans.com.
And there is an actual resolution that you can download and put in your own town.
to start repudiating your own town's debt.
Good job.
We're out of time.
I appreciate your call.
I'm sorry to Greg, Greg, and others that are patiently holding there.
We'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., God willing.
Pray for us.
I know a lot of people say they pray for me, folks that aren't Christian, whatever, good energy, whatever.
The point is, I appreciate all your thoughts, your prayers.
Thanks for putting up with me.
I'm just an average person doing the best I can.
I want to say great job to the crew.
But I do need your prayers, and I appreciate your prayers.
Keep them coming.
I can feel them, and I need them.
And all of us need them.
Let's all pray for each other.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
God bless you all.
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