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Name: 20110707_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 7, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
And I want to thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday edition of the World Wide Broadcast.
The federal government is set right now to try to pass Codex Alimentarius to restrict over-the-counter vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies and treatments.
And it's going to devastate the economy and, of course, keep a lot of people from getting access to proven treatments, many of which are being turned into synthetic drugs and then patented.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in studio in the third hour.
In the meantime, I'm going to open the phones up.
And you know what that means.
It means I'll probably get to you five minutes before Mike Adams joins us.
No joking.
Time just flashes by.
I'm going to attempt to go over the news and intersperse with your phone calls on any issue, any news item you'd like to raise.
I'm not going to give the number out yet.
Because I want to go through some of the news and come back in the next segment.
And hopefully folks would call in and comment on some of the things I raise.
But then bring up any points that you think is interesting or important.
And a lot of times that does happen, obviously.
As we spin the roulette wheel of fortune and all sorts of random interesting news tidbits come in, I'd say in almost every case callers give us really important intel on what's happening regionally in their area that the powers that be would rather keep compartmentalized.
That's one big problem the globalists have, is that we're now learning about the exact same type of corrupt, oppressive, tyrannical things going on
All over the world in a continuity of agenda.
And it's really helping people to see the larger global stratagem.
And we're awakening the fact that people are resisting it together.
All over the world.
By the way, well, I'll make the announcement later in the hour.
I've got some exciting things to tell you about.
So we'll just do that later in the hour.
I have a video clip we're going to play later when I cover this story.
Brzezinski says the middle class unrest is to hit the United States.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, pro-one world government, exterminist, very dangerous, wicked person.
But he comes out and acts like, oh, the people are about to rebel, and rightfully so.
And he said the Tea Party
He was on the morning show with his daughter who was filling in, I guess, for her boyfriend, former Congressman Joe Scarborough.
And he said, oh, but you see, the Tea Party, they're fighting for the corrupt elite.
And we need to raise taxes to get the economy going.
So he admits we're being robbed.
He admits we're being looted.
He admits there's a corrupt Wall Street that manipulates the markets and destroys economies.
But his answer is raise taxes to then pay more money in bailouts to Wall Street and the banksters.
So, we've got that report coming up.
Also, 16 reasons to feel really depressed about the direction that the economy is headed.
Also, as plastic rains, the Treasury slows its printing presses.
As more and more of the money goes digital, which allows them to completely destroy an underground economy and track everything you're doing.
Why not dig up Stalin and make him the head of it?
Or Hitler?
I guess all they've got is a piece of Hitler's skull.
Portugal reels after Moody's junk rating.
That's just some of the financial news.
We've got big TSA news, big ATF news that could bring down the Obama administration.
We'll be right back.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
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That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our president and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, you found it, my friends.
The tip of the spear, the front lines in the info war.
We are attempting and having a lot of success at alerting the population of the United States and to a great extent the rest of the world
To the private banking cartels global program to bankrupt every nation on earth, to bankrupt every family on earth and roll us into a new global government environmental fascism dictatorship of the banking cartel where they collectivize all of our wealth via socialism and communism at the grassroots and combine it into their hands.
This is the essence of the New World Order, and I declare a declaration of human independence against it.
And by calling into the radio show, by spreading the word about freedom, by listening to the radio show, by making your own documentaries or doing your own YouTubes, you are part of that declaration against tyranny as well.
When you talk to your neighbors about freedom,
When you talk to your pastor about standing up for what's right, you intensify the fires of liberty that are already raging across the globe.
Now the globalists are pouring on all the heat they can.
Pushing their hive-mind, Borg-collectivist, zombie public system.
So we are in an absolute pitch battle.
We are swinging muskets here, toe-to-toe with the globalists.
They're bloodied, we're bloodied.
It is absolute total war.
Economic, psychological, physical.
Toe-to-toe with the social engineers.
We can beat them if we'll get out of their mind trick, recognize who they are, read their own white papers and books, where they call us degenerate, dumb scum, that they're gonna dumb down further, set up a control grid, and kill.
Well, not me and not my family.
Not without one hell of a fight.
You ask for it, you're going to get one.
It's that simple.
Stop feeling like you don't have power.
Stop feeling pathetic and weak.
Break out of your television-induced trance.
It starts with a war growl.
It starts with getting fired up, staring at yourself in the mirror and showing some teeth and saying, I'm a human being.
I have dignity.
I'm going to resist.
I'm going to start recognizing the propaganda.
I'm going to break free from it.
I'm not going to fight with my family.
I'm going to organize with my family and realize we're under attack by the social engineers.
And I'm not going to fight with my neighbors.
We're going to organize.
Humanity's going to come together.
We know we're under attack!
We know it!
We're breaking the conditioning!
We're coming for you, globalists!
Coming for you!
Coming for you!
We know what you're doing!
I'm sorry.
I just get fired up when I think about what they're doing to us and how I want to resist them.
And how easy they are to defeat.
Excuse me.
I think my testosterone's going up.
This happens every time I start working out a lot again.
And I swam two miles this morning pretty hard and ate a big fat steak last night.
It's full of hormones, testosterone on its own right.
So I'm going a little bit wild today, excuse me.
But now that I've pointed that out, ladies and gentlemen, we see the fruits of the New World Order.
We see the fruits of what they've created.
We see that the wages of their system is death and degradation.
There was an article on Monday that I meant to get to in the last three days when we were live, Tuesday and Wednesday, so now here we are.
I'm going to read this to you just to illustrate what's happened to us and I'm going to get to some really good news.
The Justice Department is obstructing Fast and Furious gun probe.
ATF director says we've now got the sickening crooks in government fighting with each other.
A real sign that the sinking ship is very close to going down.
If we simply get the buzz going on this, this can be the Nixon moment for Obama because he's been caught lying about not knowing about it.
All we've got to do is have the will to recognize these crooks and call them out, and they'll all go down!
That's what's so disgusting about all this!
They openly are killing us through the vaccines, the GMO, the fluoride, the bisphenol A, and bragging how they're doing it.
They're murdering us like cowards that they are.
They don't come up with a sword and spear or a shield and say, come on the field and fight me.
They creep around like the globalist chicken neck cowards they are and dose everything we eat.
And everything we drink with their poison to sap us of our will, to sap us of our strength, to sap us of our honor, and to slowly kill us so they can dance around and lick their lips and laugh about it.
John P. Holdren, Bill Gates, all of them, Ted Turner, the globalists, all of them writing their sickening hate letters to humanity about how they're going to
Kill all of us?
How they're gonna accelerate the soft kill?
I recognize you for what you are, you filthy trash!
And I am here to energize the human spirit and light that fire that will burn your system into a pile of black slag!
Excuse me.
I mean, we're murdering us!
Diabetes doubled the last 10 years.
Cancer doubled.
Children walking around with their bald heads, dying of cancer all around me!
This is a normal response to them!
Break your conditioning!
Be a human!
They're murderers!
I call you out as murderers!
You think you're so bold?
That you would do something so bold that we couldn't face the horror?
Not all of us have been destroyed by your system.
Not all of us fail so easily.
Some of us are not immune, but are resistant to you!
I'm like a white blood cell.
I'm like a T-lymphocyte that goes in and wakes up the other white blood cells to an attack.
And no matter what you do to this T-lymphocyte, I've already started the enzyme chain reaction.
You will be defeated!
I will it!
And millions of others will your downfall!
And you knew it from the time you began this system, from the foundations of the earth, you were to FAIL!
Alright, I gotta settle down now.
Let's talk about what they've done to us.
Let's look at these numbers.
And in this story at Infowars.com from the economic collapse, you can go through each one of them.
And actually, in many cases, it's worse than even this writer put down.
Now, in every category that we're going to go over, it was the reverse.
The United States was the best, the lowest crime rate, the highest test scores, the longest lived.
The lowest infant mortality rate.
The lowest levels of cancer.
All of that reversed now.
This is what the social engineers have done.
This is what they've given you.
A living death.
Then I'll get into all the news and your phone calls.
Number one.
Twenty not-so-good categories that the United States leads the world in.
We were once the leader in good things, now we're the leader in bad things, because we're the model, and England's always a close second.
In fact, the few areas where we're not number one in bad things, England has just taken the cup, because we're under the exact same system.
Now, continuing here.
This is what we lead in.
Is the United States number one?
Many Americans take deep pride in their nation and the truth that the U.S.
has a lot going for it.
The United States has the largest economy in the world.
No longer it's falling to China.
The United States also has the most powerful military on the planet.
Belongs to the bankers.
The United States has produced most of the greatest movies the world has ever seen.
That's a mind control program.
But the United States is also number one in a lot of categories that are not so great.
If we ever want to turn this country around, we need to be very honest with ourselves.
We need to take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize that it is not a good thing that we are number one in divorce, drug addiction, debt, obesity, car thefts, murders, and total crimes.
We have become a slothful, greedy, decadent nation that is exhibiting signs of advanced decay.
Until we understand just how bad our problems really are, we won't be able to come up with the solutions that we need.
A lot of people that write articles like this have a deep hatred of America.
But that is not the case with me.
I love the United States, so do I. I love the American people.
We've been under the greatest attack is why we've become this.
America is like an aging bloated rock star, Elvis, I would add, that has become addicted to a dozen different drugs.
America is a shadow of its former self and desperately needs to wake up before it plunges into oblivion.
Well, a technocratic hell.
If you do not believe that the United States and America is in bad shape, just read the list below.
The following 20 are not-so-good categories the United States leads the world in.
Number one, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
The social engineers admit that's why we also have the highest crime rate.
These are colleges of crime.
The United States is the highest incarceration rate in the world and the largest total prison population of the entire globe, not just in the aggregate.
Number two, according to Nation Master, the United States has the highest percentage of obese people in the world.
No one denies that.
Even though, in many cases, we eat less calories than folks that don't eat GMO.
The GMO fries your body.
The United States has the highest divorce rate on the globe.
First they started with black folks, making them illegitimate, so they could put their men in prison.
Now they move on to everyone else.
Number four.
The United States is tied with the UK for the most hours of television watched per person each week.
In number four is the answer to why all this is happening.
We'll give you the next 16 straight ahead.
Stay with us!
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
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We are back live!
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., blasting out on the AM and FM dial, XM Sirius, Global Shortwave, number one audio streams in the world, Infowars.com.
Podcast approaching number one in the world, Infowars.com.
Thank you for joining us.
All right.
Side issue only to a little bit later.
I was watching the news this morning.
I got up at about 6 a.m.
My wife is already up making coffee.
She had local news on and they cut to national news.
They were like, well, it's believed the sow might have been scared and was protecting her babies, the sow grizzly.
And so they're not going to kill her.
At Yellowstone, grizzly populations exploding all over North America.
And now showing up even on the outskirts of major cities.
And if you don't kill killer bears, bears are smart.
They will start hunting humans.
That's why wolves are starting to attack people.
Coyotes are now killing people.
Coyotes are now coming into bee caves in Austin at the park over there and trying to attack people.
Coyotes every few months kill somebody in the U.S.
or Canada, and sometimes in towns, especially children and women.
And you've got to kill them when they come into populated areas or they will start hunting, just like alligators are back in huge numbers in Florida, going into major cities, grabbing people, eating small animals, eating children.
We are not a prey animal.
I am not a rabbit to be eaten by a coyote.
Do you understand that?
And obviously, I've studied a little bit about grizzly psychology because I find it interesting.
They, especially sows, generally will just run away if humans come into the area.
These people were camping out there and this man was killed.
And then it came over and attacked the woman who was laying there playing dead.
And that is not what a bear does when it's, quote, protecting its young.
It's protecting its young.
It'll get up on its hind legs and make displays.
And then charge you.
That's not what happened.
It just came.
It attacked.
It's a killer bear.
It sees humans as predators.
Kill it!
Kill it!
But they got off on the news saying, it's not going to be killed because it was protecting its babies.
That was a little sicky sweet look on the anti-human park rangers face.
What a cult of anti-humans that have now taken over the forestry service on average and trying to take land surrounding them.
I'm now digressing, I'm sorry.
But just amazing, amazing that this grizzly bear killed this guy and that they're not going to kill it deader than a hammer.
Oh, you'll find out, though.
There'll just be more intrusions, more humans being killed.
But that's okay.
More coyotes, more wolves killing people, more mountain lions killing kids out of the back of their yard in California.
Nobody's gonna stop it, because we're domesticated.
And it'll get worse and worse.
There'll be more and more of them coming in, hunting and eating us.
But we're being trained to not be who we are.
Well, let me explain something to you.
I see a mountain lion around my house.
I live in the country and they got him here.
I'm gonna kill it.
And let me go further, too.
I see a rattlesnake.
I'm gonna kill it.
A copperhead.
I'm gonna kill it.
I'm gonna kill it.
You understand that?
Predators come around.
My children, they die.
And don't give me, oh, that hurts the environment.
Genetic engineering, open cross-species in plants and animals, splicing insects with animals, with fish, open-releasing, that hurts the earth.
Killing a grizzly bear when their populations are exploding teaches them a lesson and lets them know we are to be feared!
We run this planet!
Instead, we got the globalists that see us as prey, the general public, training us to be servile sheep.
I'm not a sheep.
Get that through your head, sheeple.
Now, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, I'd gotten to number four.
The United States is top of the UK for the most hours of television watched per person.
For young people, it's about eight hours.
For adults, five hours.
And lower brainwaves during those periods.
That's why you're zombies.
Openly connected to brain degeneration and early onset of Alzheimer-type diseases.
We can link through to that.
The United States has the highest rate of illegal drug use.
Well, of course.
They ship it in, en masse, and make it illegal to make it stylish and cool, have Hollywood promote it.
Then, because it's illegal, money is involved with it, and people think it's cool to take it instead of being a big fat loser taking drugs.
People don't take drugs and don't try them.
They explain it's a loser thing, given the CIA money and the big banks' money.
That's why when cops, I run into checkpoints, you know, I want to search my car for drugs, I just say, listen, pal, I don't use products your bosses ship in here.
Now you will get your stupid drug dog if you want and have him alert because he gets a biscuit and we're going to search this car and then I'm going to sue you afterwards.
I don't use your products.
Get your illegal checkpoint out of the way.
Sickening, sickening, sickening.
All right, I'm going to come right back in a moment and finish up the other 13 points, then I'm going to get into all the other news, and I'm going to go to your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us here today, 800-259-9231.
And we're very close to bringing down the Obama administration on this false flag anti-gun operation.
They've been caught with their pants down.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number four.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number five.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com, or call 1-866-422-9000.
When you're out on the road, the last place you want to be is on the road.
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Diamond gusset jeans, got it.
Others don't.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got the Mexican national inmate on death row.
Creates international stir.
Obama claiming he can block it even though it violates states' rights.
Who needs a stinking constitution?
We're going to be going over all of that and I promise your phone calls.
We've got plenty of time to get to them.
I've got some more news I want to hit before we go to calls and back into news here.
But we'll be going to Tate, Scott, Tim, Joe, Mark, and others here in a little while.
Continuing with just 20 things the United States leads the world in.
Continuing, number six, there are more car thefts in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world by far.
Number seven, there are more reported rapes in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world.
There are more reported murders in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world.
There are more total crimes in the United States each year than anywhere else in the world.
The United States also has more police officers than anywhere else in the world.
The United States spends much more on health care as a percentage of GDP than anywhere else on Earth.
The United States has more people on pharmaceutical drugs than any other country on the planet.
Number 13, the percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than any other country in the world.
And by the way, directly linked as part of the cocktail of effects to autism.
Women that take the deadly fluoride chlorine-based chemical weapon brain eaters.
Oh yeah, killing yourself feels good.
Sometimes the brain has a way of doing that.
And of course, it fries your baby's brain as well.
But the wages of the New World Order are death, aren't they?
14, Americans have more student loan debt than anywhere else in the world.
15, just
Now remember, we were the greatest creditor, the most inventions, winning at the Olympics more than anybody else, just everything number one.
Number one, number one, number one, number one, number one.
Germany generally number two.
Japan number three.
America, number one, number one, number one, number one, number one, number one, number one, number one, number one, in good things.
Now we're
Last in all the industrialized world and all the good things, behind a bunch of third world countries, and number one in every horrible thing.
Isn't that nice?
It's globalism, and don't worry, they've got more of it.
It's going to fix everything.
In fact, let's get that Brzezinski clip ready.
I want to play that in a moment.
Dives into this.
Americans have more student loan debt than anywhere else in the world.
More pornography is created in the United States than anywhere else on the entire globe.
87% is made in the US, only 11% is made in the rest of the world.
If you look at this, it's not like, oh, porn, I'm freaked out, I can't handle it.
It's, you know, they sell it like, oh, you're saying porn's bad because, you know, you're a square.
All the scientific studies show porn actually makes you, on average, not get a mate, makes you not be fulfilled, makes you actually lose your enjoyment of sex.
It's the old joke of friends I've had that like to visit topless bars.
I don't.
I don't like it.
I don't like being a chump.
Plus, I'm married.
But I was drugged there in college and stuff by friends a few times.
But the whole topless bar situation, the joke is everybody is attracted to the waitress because she's wearing clothes.
You know, the women are walking around half naked and you're not really interested in them, you're interested in the cute waitress, uh, you know, uh, because you can't see what's going on.
I mean, and all the studies show that.
It takes your humanity, it takes your sexuality away, and it becomes a, a, a simulation of it.
And it denigrates women.
Oh, notice this whole feminist culture.
What women have been reduced to.
Cogs and servants of the globalist.
The family imploding, disappearing.
The taxes going up.
The family breaking up.
Men are servile, arrested development children on average.
Women are power crazed, trying to be male.
You know, hussies out cougaring for the young males.
A society in full retreat.
Full implosion.
Continuing here, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not going to be, you know, sit here and be a hypocrite.
I've looked at my fair share of, you know, playboys over the years.
But the point is, it's not fulfilling, ladies and gentlemen, and it is destructive.
Okay, continuing here.
And of course the pornography gets crazier and crazier and denigrates more and more.
And then men expect women to act like that.
And it is just destroying society.
And people think those women that are involved in pornography are so happy.
They're in a hellish situation.
The men, the HIV, the drug use, the... Well, continuing here, the wages of the New World Order are death.
The United States has the largest trade deficit in the world every single year.
Between December 2000 and 2010, the United States ran a total trade deficit of $6.1 trillion.
With the rest of the world, and the U.S., has had a negative trade balance every single year since 1976.
Number 17, the United States spends seven times more on the military than any other nation in the planet.
In fact, the U.S.
military spending is greater than the military spending of China, Russia, Japan, India, and the rest of NATO combined.
Eighteen, the United States has far more foreign military bases than any other country.
Well, that is the bankers that captured our country do.
The United States has the most complicated taxing system in the entire world.
Well, that's because the rich guys are exempt.
The rich guys always promote higher taxes because they suck it out in corporate welfare.
Continuing here, number 20, the U.S.
has accumulated the biggest national debt that the world has ever seen and is rapidly getting worse.
Right now, the U.S.
government debt is expanding at a rate of $40,000 per second.
So are you convinced that we're in trouble yet?
The truth is America has changed.
Most of us don't even say hello to our neighbors anymore.
In fact, we have become so self-involved that many of us don't even notice when someone around us dies.
Just consider the following two examples.
And it goes through examples, you know, where people can see a cop run over, it happened in Austin, and for an hour drive by and not help him.
Um, or people could see a woman beaten and raped in Toronto a few years ago, as one example we covered, and they watched her out of a third, four-story building, and the executive said, get back to work, don't call the cops, we don't want to be involved, and laughed at her on the ground.
And then she later died.
And I just, well they got a bunch of examples of these.
USA Today recently reported on the body of a dead woman that was not found for approximately a year, even though a whole bunch of people worked right past her car where she died.
Bank contractors, inspectors, and even a new owner of the foreclosed home walked past the silver Chevy Nova in the garage numerous times before discovering the former homeowner dead on the front seat.
In an even more shocking case, the CBS affiliate in Boston recently reported that a dead woman was lying on the bottom of a public pool for two days while large numbers of people swam right over her.
How in the world could something like this possibly happen?
It was a public pool.
And it just goes on.
They didn't find her until she floated to the surface.
You know, the guts expand.
A lot
Our computers changing, our computers rewiring our brain.
Then it shows the studies that people are now disassociative.
They're almost irritated if you say, hey, can you put the iPhone down for just a minute and talk to me?
And it's like, you don't, you don't, you don't, you don't ask me to do that.
I mean, I've even had that with, you know, folks I know.
I'm like, man, may I talk to you?
And they're like, no, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, you know, checking mindless trivia.
And the brainwaves are changing and, and, and, and, and people are being conditioned to accept more and more.
And there's a statistic in here.
I'm going to move on to other news.
Well, some calls and then your, and then there's, there's a promise to go to calls and I want to go to them.
Um, number four, the United States is tied with the UK for the most hours of television watched per person each week.
And that gets into the brainwaves, uh, lowering, uh, while you're watching television, then generally being in a lowered state, closer to sleep, sleepwalking, uh, types, not even the deep sleep state that is, uh, connected to higher brainwave levels.
Some of the highest, it's a, it's that near sleep level where, where the, where the brainwaves are very low and, uh, associated with, you know, very low cognitive ability.
It is.
I was reading an article about this a few years ago about, you know, it was popular in the 50s and 60s in New York to have a telescope in your window and to people watch.
People eating dinner, people arguing, people doing other things.
And now, a few years ago, I was up in a buddy's high-rise here in Austin at a party and I said, oh, you got a telescope.
I bet it's neat, you know, to people watch.
And he said, no.
He said, all you see is the blue glow.
He goes, look, turn the lights off.
They flipped the lights off.
I looked out at the other big condos and it was nothing but glowing blue.
Just glowing blue.
Not talking to their husbands, not talking to their wives, not playing board games with their children, not painting, not, no, watching television.
Watching television.
You drive through the neighborhoods just glowing blue, glowing blue, glowing blue.
And now people don't have language, they just have little abbreviated things they send in text.
I sit there in restaurants and watch children that look like pale little mongoloids, unfortunately, who aren't mongoloids, texting and playing their video games, and the parents are doing the same thing, and no one's communicating.
I mean, this is a full-out assault.
So, it is directly, not just the television overall, the visual media is not challenging to the brain, because it is there for the brain to see,
It actually programs the brain to not be able to conjure up its own images with ideas, but to expect things to just be provided that way.
And again, it doesn't just lower the brainwaves, it destroys cognitive ability to where people just expect to be shown things.
And so, and that's why the studies are out, we talk a lot about that reading and radio are incredibly good for the brain.
Because when you hear me say,
AK-47, your mind will conjure up an image of a Kalashnikov.
An AK-47.
Kalashnikov 47.
If I say Barack Obama, it will conjure up the way Barack Obama looks, a whole history of Barack Obama, a whole gestalt of his speech patterns, everything.
That is challenging to the brain.
That makes more connections.
If I say cyclotron,
If I say heavy water reactor, if you know what those are, you're now imaging them.
If I say basic unified fill theory equation, if you're a mathematician or into quantum mechanics, you are now imaging those equations in a 3D overlay in your mind.
That is challenging.
That is developing the mind.
It is not developing the mind.
Now you notice I'm doing the only thing on television that can make television good, and that's what my films really are.
I call them film books.
That's what my shows are.
That's why I make it interactive.
Let's search engine this term.
That means you go search engine and now it's interactive and so it's not as damaging, it could actually be helpful.
Or I say red bicycle, I'm not showing, you notice the globalists will show you an image of a red bicycle.
They won't say red bicycle.
That would be, for the master programmer, something helping you.
But when I say 8,000 year old spearhead, you're now envisioning every calculation and image you've got of a spearhead.
You're envisioning what 8,000 years ago was like.
So television and the way it's been programmed is the main author of our societal degeneration.
And it's not just, this wasn't done by accident.
Edward Bernays, all the big propagandists on record, openly wrote books and publicly called you scum and how they were going to get you and how they were going to destroy the family and ha ha ha and how much fun it all is.
And so, if you'll just go read them, talking about their war against you, then you'll know I'm not just telling you this.
See, trust but verify.
I beg of you, listen to me and check out what I'm telling you.
If I tell you cancer's doubled, search it.
If I tell you diabetes has doubled in the last 10 years, search it.
If I tell you antidepressants in all species, whether they're insect or whether they are fish or crustacean or mammal, massive IQ reductions, massive fertility reductions.
If I tell you bisphenol A, go look it up, find it.
You are under unmitigated, total and complete assault by a bunch of people who can only get away with it if you are not aware of it.
Okay, coming up after I go through 10 or 15 phone calls here, the really good news that if we, this is a major chink in the armor.
Now the Republicans will probably just try to use this to get political power and to blackmail the Obamanoids.
We don't want that.
We want Obama removed from office and everything he's done reversed.
The Justice Department is obstructing the congressional investigation of the U.S.
law enforcement operation intended to crack down on major weapons traffickers on the southwestern border, according to the embattled leader of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
The fact that the Director is now turning against the Attorney General, who was intimately involved in Oklahoma City, and the cover-up,
The fact that, and that's what we already had intel on, this was White House run, the ATF did not like it, that's why ATF agents are not complete criminals, all of them.
Larry Pratt tomorrow is going to be covering it.
They did this to false flag the Second Amendment, and now that the ATF is openly saying, hey, don't burn me.
See, same thing happened with Moutala, the underwear Christmas Day bomber.
We had two witnesses at the airport in Amsterdam that saw the drugged out Muttalib, looking like he was out of his mind, with a sharp-dressed guy in like a $3,000 suit, ordering them, he was so high up, an American, well, English, you know, American accent, to let him on the plane without a passport.
And he was so high up, they made calls, they got him on the plane.
That's how much pull.
And we knew it was the U.S.
We even said State Department, because that's who can do that.
And it turned out it was the State Department under a unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency order.
I just got chills right there.
I mean, we got these terrorists red-handed.
And when the State Department got under heat for it, first they denied it for a month and a half.
You know, this all broke here.
With Kurt Haskell, the lawyer, and his wife, the lawyer who saw all this,
When all of this broke here, they tried to deny it.
The FBI visited him, you know, did things like that.
And then later, the Undersecretary of State said, yes, we didn't do it, we were ordered to do it.
That's how we can get these people.
That's how in, say, a mafia criminal investigation, you get some lower-level person who isn't really committing the crimes, but knows about them, and you explain, hey, you're going to go to jail for knowing about this unless you tell us everything.
That's how we're going to get these people.
And the fact that the ATF is turning against the Attorney General, the ATF director better not get on airplanes and better watch his back.
I mean, because let me tell you, the Attorney General doesn't play games.
He is a gangster.
And this could bring Obama down.
Shipping these guns in to kill Americans and Mexicans and cops.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
I'll start going to your phone calls at the bottom of the next hour.
Then I'm getting into Obama to let in the Mexican trucks, who will be exempt from our rules, of course.
Only the American citizens and American companies will be harassed.
That'll shut down even more of the jobs we have.
And we've got this whole ATF situation.
We've got Brzezinski saying on MSNBC that rebellion is coming to America from the middle class, but then he gives false solutions for it and behaves like he isn't part of it.
That is all coming up briefly.
I want to just let you know about a couple things.
A, I've got Aaron Dykes launching a new YouTube channel with daily reports.
Paul Watson's already launched his.
There's a video of the Alex Jones channel at YouTube.
What's it titled?
Paul Watson Prison Planet Live.
And it basically breaks down the fact that he's been doing daily reports there that are quite informative.
I want to go over the fact that we've got this special that we ran last week, but we ran out of police state for the rise of FEMA.
uh... in the five dvd special so we put in dark secrets inside bohemian grove which is very timely uh... with the uh... bohemian grove revelry about starting about eight days in northern california will of course be covering that there's two films on one dvd dark secrets inside bohemian grove and the order of death so two-and-a-half hours of film here so that's six films terror storm the two bohemian grove films in game all the republic
My pleasure.
Well, I just wanted to count up how many offenses Obama has that we can impeach him for.
I mean, what is this, number three already?
We got the birth certificate thing, we got the Congress-Libyan war, and now this.
I mean, it's incredible.
Well, that's why they want to focus on the birth certificate, because you can't 100% prove that one way or the other, but you can prove the Libya war, the healthcare thing is impeachable, but Congress was involved in that treason.
I mean, on its face, the government can't make you buy a private service.
I mean, this is just asinine, and they've got some courts ruling against it, some ruling for it, but it really is indentured servitude.
And then he could be impeached right now for the plan and lying and telling Congress that they didn't know that guns were being shipped to Mexico to then track them back here in crimes as a pretext to pass gun laws.
Well, hey, I just want to see, have you heard anything from Corsi?
Because, I mean, I know a couple months ago he was hot on the trail and talking to Trump, and I just want to see if you've heard anything new on that front.
You know, there's so much other stuff that's been going on, I haven't really been following it, but I did a few days ago think about telling the producers to get Corsi with a 30-minute pop-in.
So I'll tell you what we'll do.
We'll call Corsi today and try to get him on tomorrow or Sunday or next week.
Cool, man.
Well, hey, one more thing.
I was tooling around on the internet and found this video on David Icke's YouTube channel, and it's very interesting.
I don't know if you've seen it or not, but it's
Project Bluebeam, basically, up close and personal in Africa, April 20th.
If you search
Virgin Mary in Africa?
It'll pop up on YouTube and it's pretty incredible.
It's an awesome video.
Yeah, the government admits they've got programs to project Allah, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, especially at night time with projectors with holograms to freak people out.
And so I know they've been doing some weird testing.
A lot of these flying saucers you see, the lights out in Arizona and stuff are definitely that.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are now into our number two, taking your phone calls.
We've got incredible TSA news.
Backdoors built into Apple products for the government.
They're spinning it, claiming that hackers found it.
These backdoors were always there.
We told you about this years ago.
It's in all the new electronics.
We've got Obama in deep trouble over his terror attack against the Second Amendment.
This whole ATF thing, that's all coming up.
We've got the new belly bomb situation.
Now they've got a chest x-ray, because Al Qaeda is going to do that.
But we're continuing your phone calls right now.
Tim in Washington, you're on the air, then Joe, Mark, Janice, Samantha and others.
Go ahead, Tim.
Hey, buddy.
How are you doing?
I was curious.
Have you done any investigation about the Social Security market and how they trade our Social Security numbers on the stock exchange?
Well, are we getting paid off by our death certificate?
And if so, wouldn't that kind of like explain the Fukushima cover-ups and everything else at the same time?
By the way, Fukushima is still blowing up and smoking and melting down, but they just raised the radiation level now, saying that you can take more radiation, it's safe and good for you.
But yes, we the people back up all the banker debt.
And they do trade us as human resources on the global market, and there is some truth to it.
A lot of folks exaggerate it, and there's kind of this patriot mythology that you can then file all these liens and stuff and demand the money back.
But really, it's just pure fraud.
It's kind of like Bank of America taking houses they never even had a deed to, never even bought derivatives on.
They just take whatever they want, and the courts bow down and do it.
Uh, so that's, I mean, it's just, it's just naked criminality.
But wouldn't it give them investment or at least an incentive to make sure that we die if they're getting paid somehow through their fractional banking system?
Well, what happens is they want to suck off of us and then basically engineer soft kill weapons that kill us after working age, after 65 or so.
So that they suck all the money out of us during the cancer treatments and the rest of it so that we don't get to spend our own retirement money enjoying ourselves for another 15, 20 years.
And so that's basically what the eugenics actuaries are all about.
That's why they put cancer viruses that are linked to triggering once your hormone levels drop.
I appreciate your call, Tim.
Joe in Texas, you're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
You get that gut feeling like you get about when I saw Eric Holder sitting up there telling Congress that he had no idea what the Justice Department and ATF were doing.
You know how, Alex, when you look at someone's eyes or they can't lift their head up and look into the face of who's questioning them?
And my question is, do you really believe he didn't know about that?
Well, no, I mean, he was the deputy attorney general under Mr. Reno.
I mean, Mr. Maddow, Mr. Mrs. Miss Reno.
I get the names messed up.
He's a very nasty person.
You know what?
Stay there.
Stay there.
I want to talk about this now, Joe.
So reintroduce your question when we come back.
We can even pull up that clip of the Attorney General lying.
Of course he knew.
And I'm going to lay out the info right now that if other journalists want to compile it and check it, they can write a big article that will help folks get the full picture on this.
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We got Mike Adams, the health ranger, joining us to cover the most draconian attack on vitamins, minerals, and supplements in U.S.
history, attempting to bring us in line with the Codex Alimentarius now in place in Europe as mainline vitamins and minerals are pulled from the shelves.
No more over-the-counter.
He'll be in studio next hour.
Got a lot of news I want to get into this hour, but also your calls.
If you just joined us...
Joe in Texas brought the point and we've got it in our news articles.
You can pull it up.
It's on record that weeks ago he testified, the Attorney General, to Congress.
Mr. Holder testified that
In fact, we have the video.
And in fact, Jarom, when you get it queued up, you can let me know and we'll play it.
Thank you.
He did that quick during the break.
He just said, do you want me to find that?
And I said, well, you can try if you want.
And now he's got the testimony.
He's trying to find the spot.
But the point is he's on record saying that the White House knew nothing.
AG's office knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious, and now that Congress is dragging in the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, and saying, okay buddy, you have been caught in emails that we got through congressional subpoenas, running the operation, running the cameras inside the gun shops that you told to sell the tens of thousands of guns, knowingly to ship them into Mexico,
And the Attorney General says you didn't, that he knew nothing and that you did that on your own.
And so now to save his own butt, the ATF director is saying that Attorney General has lied and engaged in congressional perjury, which by the way is a big, fat, juicy felony.
Clinton almost got impeached.
Well, he got impeached in the House, but didn't get convicted in the Senate for lying in similar ways to lower courts, not the Congress.
So, this is a big deal.
Fox News, AP, a few others have it, but it's not getting the attention it should.
They have been caught red-handed, and here's Fox News, Justice Department Obstructing Fast and Furious Gun Probe, ATF Director says, the embattled leader of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives said that the Attorney General, his account is deceptive and that he did know what was going on and that he has perjured himself to Congress.
That's a big deal when the head of a gigantic
Federal agency, the Anti-Gun Victim Disarmament Bureau, and the ATF undoubtedly was intimately involved in Oklahoma City bombing.
They tested six months before blowing up a rider truck in the desert.
Their people showed up one minute after the bombs went off when Terrence Yakey became cop of the year.
He was driving by, saw the explosion, pulled up, ATF came in and said we were on the ninth floor and he said what?
And then Yankee saw them ordering paramedics to patch them up and say that they'd been in the rubble and Yankee said, that isn't true.
And they said, shut your mouth.
And of course, killed him later, but tortured him hardcore to good people.
And then the emails via lawsuits of the attorney general when he was deputy attorney general under Mr. Reno, I mean, Ms.
He was caught in those emails covering up that.
So how do I know?
And again, we're so busy covering so much other news that I've been covering this for two years.
You're like, but Fast and Furious just broke three months ago.
I've been covering this for two years.
I've been, I did videos about it.
Countless radio shows.
I warned you because I know, I know how they operate.
I know what they do.
And we're going back to the caller.
And so, there's all these other great researchers out there, and that's what I love, because my staff's small.
Watson could do this, Kirk could do it, Aaron could do it, the other Watson brother could do it, I could do it, but we're doing a lot of other things, and perhaps we will do it.
But, there's a lot of other great sites out there that are doing a great job as well, and so I'd like to see them do it.
You know, Activist Post, or
The collapse, economic collapse, I mean there's countless great sites out there, some of our guest writers, like Cartolucci.
What I'm talking about is on...
Sunday or when it was Monday, 4th of July, I put a video out saying all over the news, Time Magazine, you name it, they're saying the Constitution is bad.
I've seen so many examples.
I don't have time to put them all in this video.
This is just a quick video I'm shooting because, you know, when I shoot a video off my iPhone, I can't put documents in it.
I guess I could start holding them up or something.
I said, all you other great writers out there, why don't you compile an article?
And then one of them did, and actually included my video and said, here Alex, here's 20-something examples of them this weekend saying, get rid of the Constitutional Bill of Rights.
So I'm doing the same thing here right now.
If you want to do groundbreaking work on this, we've done it six years ago, then again two years ago.
We didn't have all the pieces, but we knew it was coming.
Six years ago, then again five years ago and four years ago, a former
DEA agent, Vietnam veteran.
He's in prison right now.
The ATF set him up and put him in jail on weapons charges for having a few shotguns.
He sold some people at a gun show.
Totally legal.
Celica Stillo.
And he said he got out of prison soon, hopefully.
But he came on and he said, Los Zetas, you're going to hear about them more.
They tried to hire me.
I live on the Texas border with Mexico.
They tried to hire me at the King Ranch, an area by the King Ranch, to train them.
They're about to have a major war when the new Mexican president comes in.
They're going to steal the election, and there's going to be a giant war, and Mexico's going to totally implode.
That will then pour across the U.S.
and be used as a pretext card for the Second Amendment.
And I'm like, wow.
You know, this is an author, researcher, one of Gary Webb's Pulitzer Prize winners, main sources, and so he's very credible, but still is pretty wild.
And then they set him up two years ago for exposing this and saying that the ATF is shipping guns into Mexico.
He's on record on this show saying that.
So folks can go pull those interviews up.
You can clump them together.
Put your own report out.
I don't have to staff the crew.
There it is.
I'm telling you it's there.
So we had that much of the investigation and this credible guy telling us this.
Then they set him up and put him in jail over it because they're so angry.
And then, right after that, the Attorney General
Starts coming out and saying guns from the U.S.
are causing all the problems in Mexico.
And of course everybody knows that the grenade launchers fully auto, the drug cartels are flying them in from Europe and other areas, mainly German firearms are their favorites, Dutch and others, other northern European FLANs, I mean, all of them.
uh... and and fully auto and and and again rocket propelled grenades armored vehicles and you're not buying this at a gun show you're not buying this at the local sporting goods store and and so he says it will sell each right there they're given press conferences in arizona and texas last year now this year saying that you know these guns are evil we've got to restrict more than one gun being sold
Uh, at any gun shop in a week.
We've got to track everything, uh, we've got, which they're already doing, and we've got to ban all semi-autos, reinstate the assault weapons ban, or even more, because of it.
And I said, well there you go, Selly's right.
Then we learn, later, the ATF is ordered to help sell them to people.
Now the evidence is coming out, probably folks working with other elements of intelligence, not just to sting, but actually selling it to their own people, to then take it down there, commit crimes with it, and track it back here.
And that's what they did.
So of course the Attorney General knew all about this.
This is part of a stratagem, a strategy, a gambit, that goes back to Bush,
And then is maturing under Obama.
So yes, the Attorney General knows full well exactly what's going on.
And now that's what the head of the ATF is saying.
But I don't need the head of the ATF, who's only doing this to save his own skin.
Because if he did this under orders, he may not get removed or may not go to jail.
But these rats will only turn, kind of like the Commerce Secretary Ron Brown said, you're not putting me in prison for all this Chinese corruption.
I'll speak out.
And they said, really?
You're going to die in a plane crash in a week.
And the Air Force did the coroner job and said he'd been shot in the head along with others on board the aircraft before it crashed.
People go, well, how do you do that?
Got special forces there playing the part of security going into Serbia.
Uh, and they, uh, shoot everybody in the head on the plane, blow the hatch, put their oxygen mask on, blow the hatch, and parachute out.
I mean, they routinely do that.
Was it high, low, helo?
There's two different types.
And that's what our intel told us at the time when they murdered Ron Brown, but later it actually came out that's what they'd done, according to the Air Force coroners.
They'd all been shot in the head with .45 caliber firearms, which really wouldn't be what I'd shoot somebody in the head with.
I found it doesn't have very good penetration power.
You know, the issue is... I know folks are like 45, sorry, I've just... Side issue.
Let's go ahead and play this clip of Attorney General up there telling Congress, telling Congress that he knew nothing, kind of like Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes.
I know nothing!
Here it is.
Attorney General, who did know about this?
Who did authorize this?
And when did they authorize it?
Well again, that is part of what the Inspector General will be looking at.
Who exactly was involved, what the level of knowledge was, who should be held accountable if in fact there were mistakes that were made.
That's what the Inspector General will be looking at.
So it's not, is it your intention to not comply with our subpoena because the Attorney, because the Inspector General is doing that?
Or do you believe
That is, are you precluded from complying with the subpoena because the IG is looking into it?
Or can you do both simultaneously?
We can do both simultaneously.
What I've asked is that, with regard to replying to the subpoenas, that we try to minimize the impact on the ongoing cases.
It's not the Inspector General report.
And we've tried to come up with ways in which we will make information available to the committee in a timely fashion and not harm those ongoing investigations.
The ATF office involved in this was evidently the Phoenix office.
Are there any other ATF offices that you're aware of that may have been involved or engaged in this?
Involved in?
In the Project Gunrunner, Operation Fast and Furious, or was it just the Phoenix office?
I don't know.
Let me move to a different issue if I could.
We've got to stop there, we're going to break.
I recently went down to the border with Mexico.
There's a lot of this, but he goes on to say no, no, no, no, no, and perjure himself, and now the ATF says we were ordered to do this by the AG's office, and they're perjuring themselves.
This is a huge, huge, huge deal.
And of course they knew.
This was their strategy publicly for two years, demonizing the Second Amendment, and all we had was Selle Castello telling us this.
We hadn't confirmed it, and now we've confirmed.
But we knew about this program before it was launched.
So, this is a big deal.
I'm glad Joe called in.
We also have Obama saying he didn't know anything about it.
Just a pack of criminal liars perjuring themselves.
Joe, we'll finish up with you, Mark Janus, Samantha, Al, and others.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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By the way, here is another clip.
This time Obama denying that he knew anything about it.
But definitely the Attorney General did and has been caught lying.
And now the head of the ATF is saying that this is a huge, huge deal.
Because this isn't caught lying about an intern, which is bad.
This isn't caught lying about even a Watergate
First of all, I did not authorize it.
Eric Holder, the Attorney General, did not authorize it.
He's been very clear that our policy is to catch gunrunners and put them into jail.
So what he's done is he's assigned an IG, an Inspector General, to investigate what exactly happened here.
So who authorized it?
Well, we don't have all the facts.
That's why
Uh, the IG is in business.
You were not even informed about it?
Absolutely not.
This is a pretty big government.
The United States government.
I've got a lot of moving parts.
But I want to be very clear.
And I spoke to President Calderon when he came to visit just a few weeks ago.
Our policy is to ramp up the interdiction of guns flowing south because that's contributing to some of the security problems that are taking place in Mexico.
And the lies just continue on from there.
So this is a big, big deal and we need to point out that clearly the Attorney General knew, not just because the ATF has now said that they were ordered to do this, the Attorney General's lying.
But because we already saw them using the Mexico situation and guns from the U.S.
to shut down the Austin gun show.
Remember that?
Last year, or was it earlier this year?
It was late last year.
Over at the Crockett Center, we saw it done in other parts of the country.
We saw them federally pushing for the assault weapons ban again with this.
We saw the ATF ordering gun dealers all over the Southwest to stop selling more than one gun without a law.
Remember all that?
Late last year.
I mean, this is clearly their whole operation.
And they're committing crimes.
This is a staged terror attack, a false flag attack.
Okay, let's go ahead now and let's take a call here.
Oh yeah, from Joe in Texas who brought all this up.
I'm glad you brought this up and you made the point for listeners that just tuned in that just watching the Attorney General, I mean, he does, he's looking down, he looks like when my children have raided the cookie jar, which has happened before, and they're lying about who ate 20 cookies and they look down and I go, don't lie, okay, I did eat the cookies.
I mean, but this isn't eating cookies, this is engaging in a terror attack to frame the Second Amendment.
Yeah, and Alex, you know, his statement that he had a lot of other moving parts is also brought up that the FBI had an informant that was helping them with this gun running thing.
And I believe I want to ask you, don't you believe Alex is probably more than one so-called informant?
I mean, if the FBI is involved, I mean, there's a lot of other... No, we know that there's a bunch of gun shops that are involved, and of course it's going on all over the country.
It's going on in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California and Nevada.
From the intelligence we had, remember, we had this five years ago, six years ago, we had this two years ago.
I mean, but I was being told all this was about to happen, and you're like, okay, but then it actually happened.
And then it was so important to them that Selle Castillo might have sold 10 guns a year.
He would buy, sell, and trade them as a private dealer.
And they raided him, put him in jail for selling a couple shotguns.
And they said, well, you're really a gun dealer.
This is a former Marine.
Retired DEA and just a guy who's a gun enthusiast and liked to go to gun shows to sell his book that's now out of print, Powder Burns.
And so while he was at it, he'd sell guns sometimes.
I went to the gun show once with him.
He didn't even have guns.
You know, at that time, he was just selling books and magazines.
This is just a hobbyist who'd like to go to the gun show and talk to folks like other veterans and they state he is in federal prison right now and it was all a setup with and and and the state police were waiting for him on the highway and pulled him over and I mean I mean just because he had all of this he had all of this information and wow we need to pray for him while he's in prison.
Anything else, my friend?
No, sir.
I appreciate you, Alex, and I'm praying for him also, brother.
All right, thank you.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this quick break with Mark, Janice, Samantha, Al, and others.
We're simulcasting, of course, the radio show right now at PrisonPlanet.tv, as well at Archive, the video of the radio show, as well as a higher-quality, commercial-free podcast at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Back here, ladies and gentlemen, Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
All right, I want to now try to hurry through your calls, which you know is hard to do.
Mike Adams coming up in about 35 minutes.
He'll be on eight minutes into the next hour.
And I just got a ton of other news I want to hit, but this whole ATF situation is obviously very important.
But we'll get back to your calls in a moment, then a whole smorgasbord of other important news as well.
But before we get into the war on terror as a six trillion dollar racket exceeding the total cost of World War Two, before we get into alert terrorists look to implant bombs in humans, don't worry, the new stronger scanners are rolling out right on time.
TSA now searching women's hair.
Gotta break their will that way.
Mexican national
Inmate on death row creates international stir.
We're going to be breaking all of that down and more.
Brzezinski says middle class unrest to hit US.
I may have to get to that while Adams is with us.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, and don't forget until Friday we've extended it out.
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Plus, these are great tools to wake folks up.
InfoWars.com to take advantage of the Alex Jones Essential Special.
And I did extend it, but it will be ending this weekend.
How are you doing, Alex?
Well, I appreciate your radio program.
I came across your program about eight months ago.
I was semi-woken up, but I'm fully woken up now and fully engaged in the take on the globalists.
Bring back our country, where it once was.
Well done, Lord Vader!
I've been in law enforcement for 14 years, just recently become detective.
I know you know this, but I want the people out there to know that the majority of us police officers aren't for the global machine.
We are servants in our community.
I see that.
I'm a peace officer.
I am a servant of the people.
Um, when I read some of the posts on AlexJones.com, I kind of get depressed a little bit because it seems like people think that maybe most of us are black boot thugs that just pick on the, uh...
Sir, I gotta tell you, about half of that, when they're calling police names and cussing and saying kill them and things like that, we've tracked IPs on that.
A lot of those are bots, which the government admits they're doing.
Like if we say something about Obama on YouTube, there's a bunch of racist stuff posted, and we go back and look at it, it's dummy accounts.
So I would say more than half of that is staged.
That's how they hijack discussions, and that's all part of the divide and conquer strategy.
Well I just, I know you know that but I want people to know that most of us are willing and we do spill blood in our communities and that uh... we uh... you know we we we we follow the constitution I know some of these guys in these bigger cities you know uh... act sluggish and I've seen it personally when I'm on vacation but uh... I was uh... hired to be a servant and uh... and and when I uh... when they asked me to start being a uh...
Black booted thug and pick on people.
I'm not going to be a law enforcement officer anymore.
Well, what we need is good people like you in there to be supported and promoted instead of these federally installed police chiefs all over the country that want to hire goons and thugs.
And I've been all over the country.
The Los Angeles police get bashed all the time.
I found they're very nice and professional.
I've seen police act like crazy people in Houston and in New York particularly.
DC completely psychopathic.
Not just to us, to families.
Just in really enjoying it.
I don't even hate these people.
You are ashamed for them.
And now the TSA.
It's weird to go through and have TSA shake my hand and go, we don't like what we're doing too, it's just a job.
But then you'll see the supervisor who is the crazy thug.
And so the reason we obsess on police so much is because tyranny will come to your door in a uniform.
Liberty will also come to your door, you know, in a uniform.
I mean, it's a sacred duty, and it's not disempowering to be a servant.
I'm a servant.
It is.
It's the highest calling to be a guardian and not some type of power-tripping miscreant.
But we all know police in the third world are corrupt.
We all know they're bad in North Korea.
So it's not alien to say, look out in a society for the police being turned into an engine of evil, just like they were in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.
And I do know that a lot of police are waking up because I can be in other cities and have police come over.
And you're thinking, well, this is just one cop.
And then two more pull up and, hey, we know what you're talking about.
It's crazy.
And I've also got a chance to get to know a lot of the LAPD detectives.
And some of the retired ones.
They don't want high-IQ, intelligent, old-fashioned, tough-guy cops that actually want to go after bullies and thugs and criminals.
What they want is basically bureaucrat-type cops that are there just raising revenue, harassing people, trying to boss folks around.
I don't
Well, I've always had kind of a, you know,
Not only being a police officer, but being a Christian and following, you know, studying the Bible, you see what's coming ahead, but I just see how, like, you talked, for instance, of Threat Fusion Center.
I know our department got an email last month asking, you know, that they'd want a representative from our department to attend their training, but we had to go through a very extensive background check.
Well, we didn't make the cutoff date, so
We didn't go, but I realize that that Threat Fusion Center is being used to spy on the American people.
You know, I'm perfectly... I mean, I understand that most of the police officers out there who are conservative, we are considered radical by this current administration, but we're not going to keep quiet.
I am not going to violate somebody's rights.
I am not going to go out there and
Make up things so I can arrest somebody.
I am a servant and I always will be a servant to the people that I serve.
I just want people to know that.
I mean, listen, there's two types of cops.
There's a guy out there.
It's just a paycheck.
It's just a job.
He's going to do his 12 hours or his eight hours.
He goes home.
He doesn't care.
And then there's guys like me who are out there to serve the community.
Um, we don't make a lot of money.
I mean, I have a college education.
I can go somewhere else and probably make twice as much, but I'm not in it for the money.
I'm in it to serve my community.
I wanted to be a cop since I've been five years old.
I come from a family of them.
So those are the two type of police officers out there.
And I think majority of them in the community or in this country are decent, hardworking police officers.
But I will tell you this, we are frustrated with the system because it does tie our hands behind our backs.
You know, for instance, in my state,
We can't even talk to a passenger in a vehicle if they've got their seatbelt on because the laws have become so stringent.
We used to be able to search people when we arrested them for being suspended, driver's license.
We can't even go into the vehicle anymore, so now we're not getting guns off the street, we're not getting the dope off the street.
They really, what the system is wanting us to do is they want us to be a reactive police force, go from call to call.
They don't want us to be proactive, where we contact the guy at 2 o'clock.
Well, no, that's it.
They want to shift things to just revenue generation and responding apt to the fact, and they don't want police or people at a checkout counter or doctors or anybody to be able to think for yourselves and then, quote, profile, you know, somebody looks like they're bombed out of their brain.
You know, uh, you know, clearly, you know, uh, you know, doing stuff.
Oh, well, you know, no, no, no, no, no.
Now your hands are tied there.
Go out and, you know, basically go take training to be scared of people that have a Ron Paul bumper sticker.
They're converting you to basically little political pimps.
That is the attempt.
And it's the same thing with these corporations now carding 75-year-old people to buy pipe tobacco at Walgreens, you know, old men on canes.
And I tell the employees, I go, this is about you not having a brain and not being able to discriminate.
That obviously, this person is elderly.
I can sell them pipe tobacco.
I don't need to swipe their driver's license.
It's about training you to just mindlessly do what you're told.
I appreciate your call, Mark.
Good to hear from you.
Good points.
Janice in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, welcome.
I have one other note, and I've got four examples to illustrate that this is true.
And it's something that no one's touched on, and that's health surveillance.
One, Z-Finger Tools, under Human Genome, is a clearinghouse that does reverse sequencing, compiling your medical dossier.
I call it the autopsy for the living.
Number two, Toto Toilets are also under Human Genome.
They're everywhere.
And have cameras in them.
I have seen the inside of one of them, and it's equipped with a motherboard and two cameras.
One is just a flush sensor.
Three, you can find your info using a BLAST search engine at PubMed, the medical records website, and you can look on your laptop.
That's how it's done.
If you see ZF to target, you know you've been targeted.
And four, if you don't believe me, you can search c-span.org and type in health surveillance or try Kathleen Sebelius.
Especially at the Appropriations Committee.
People think you're joking.
Government's now putting sensors in sewer lines for drugs.
And now they say they've got instant DNA tests where they can analyze, as it goes through the main sewage line, the drugs.
And then if they have a separate DNA sample through a computer system, who's
I don't
But we can search the term governments to put drug sensors in sewers.
Let's let's try that for folks that don't believe me.
It's like 16 years ago people didn't believe that they were putting microphones and all the new cameras that can be remotely accessed even when your phone's off so they can listen to you and track you.
That's now all over the news.
But anything else on a health care surveillance?
Yes, it happens.
It happened.
It happened to me.
And I'm scared to death.
I mean, I would take a TSA grope down before I would...
Well, look, they're obsessed with the human genome.
The eugenicist, of course, discovered the genome at Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Laboratory with IBM, who runs the whole thing today, and they trick folks globally with this ancestry program to, you know, give their blood samples and things.
But we now know for 39 years in every industrialized country, a part of a global program, now declassified, blood is taken from the babies.
We're told it's a blood test.
It's sent to Pentagon laboratories at major universities, the big depository
Yeah, for four or five states as in San Antonio here.
And in Texas, that's where I first got documents 15 and a half years ago.
People couldn't believe me, even though I had the documents.
And they run it through these companies who sequence it, and then they have your genetic history, what's going to happen.
They can pass it on to genetic warfare labs for race-specific bioweapons for you individually that'll only kill you.
They also then send it to the Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Lab.
But more importantly, people now are going and
And getting gene therapy and they're told, oh guess what?
It's now going to be $200,000 extra.
This came out like four years ago, CBS News.
Because when you, you know, 20 years ago or whatever, when your blood was taken, a company got that sample from the government, patented your particular protein sequence, and so now you've got to pay them for the right to use your own gene sequences, and so it's patented.
So, yeah.
I mean, that's how creepy and evil these people are.
For 39 years, from Australia to the United States, from England to Canada, they take your blood secretly in a giant super science program.
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What does freedom mean to you?
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All they want us to do is keep on killing one another.
There's Bob Marley, top ranking.
All right, I want to go back to your calls in this segment, the next, and Mike Adams in studio.
Some of the other news here.
TSA searches woman's hair and Kurt Nemo's got an article on this.
He's linked to King 5 News in Seattle.
Now they make women take their hair down and run their hands through all of it.
Just no act of humiliation is enough.
All part of the slave training.
The TSA is compartmentalized.
I think this is actually about security.
Continuing exclusive, Sony forces employees to submit to body scanners.
And we've got a big report out on that today at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Ron Paul's got an article out also.
Ron Paul says abolish the TSA, stop abuse and failures.
And I've seen that on Fox and ABC News today.
Just barely watching TV that Ron Paul getting a lot of attention, making that a campaign issue.
People are hopping mad.
Also, the Daily Mail has a big report out in studies of milk.
It's not all white.
The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals and a glass of milk.
Big Agra's allowed to do this.
And they've pushed to not even allow good milk producers to label that they don't have any of this in their milk.
There's been lawsuits.
And the feds agree.
You shouldn't be able to know if something's GMO.
Or has chemicals.
A glass of milk can contain a cocktail up to 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones.
Scientists have shown.
Another reason our girls are going into puberty younger and younger.
Some as low as three now.
And boys are having all these problems.
Uh, just the uh...
Fluvial stuff getting into the water systems is wreaking havoc with any other species that come in contact with it.
Obama signs deal to allow Mexican truckers onto U.S.
That's a report I got out of the Economic Populist, but it's also from Fox News.
And the FDA scheme would destroy millions of jobs and devastate the economy.
That's one of Mike Adams' reports.
He'll be in studio with us talking about that.
I also want to get into Brzezinski saying middle-class unrest to hit U.S.
We'll cover that with our guests coming up towards the end of the next hour.
Right now, let's go back to your phone calls here on this live Thursday edition.
Samantha in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for all you do.
I woke up about five years ago.
What I see in the workplace is the elite on a smaller scale basically bullying
Everyone else, and trying to get out, get rid of the people such as myself who can think for themselves.
And I can't get a job anywhere else because of this system that's been set up on the internet to basically give you a psychological bull crap test to weed out the good people and hire people who are 80 IQ and under.
So it's everywhere.
It's infiltrated every system in the workplace and we have
Boons are gangsters that are, you know, running businesses now that are just taking over everything and getting rid of the good people such as myself.
Well, absolutely.
Government actually gives psychological tests now to actually find sociopaths in some areas, but in other areas, people never believe this until they actually search it.
In Houston, in Baltimore, in other areas, they've been caught secretly giving an IQ test to police and not wanting to hire cops with over 100 IQ.
They don't want people that can think for themselves.
Now, not all police departments have this policy.
On the old days, they wanted really smart, tough guys.
That was what they wanted for police.
Now they want...
You are listening to GCN.
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Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
What does freedom mean to you?
eFoodsDirect is celebrating freedom with the Freedom Food Giveaway.
Each week in July, they are giving away a one-year food supply.
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A $149 12-day supply of food, plus accessories, that is free with a purchase of $235 or more.
Call 800-409-5633, or on the web, efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, and register to win a free 1-year supply of food.
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Also, the first 50 to register each day win a $50 subscription to the Voice of Reason e-newsletter.
Go to efoodsdirect.com slash alex or call 800-409-5633.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, will be joining us coming up in the next hour, in the next four or five segments, to cover a host of just incredibly draconian globalist activities as they try to get us in line with the UN's Codex Alimentarius headline.
FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements, created after 1994, would destroy millions of jobs and devastate...
Good to hear from you, buddy.
You're doing a bang-up job.
You're the man.
I follow you every day as much as I can.
It's taken me two months to talk to you again, but it's worth the wait.
Can we talk a little bit about Agenda 21?
Yeah, that's the global, publicly, 1992 codified standardization program to shut down all basic human development, where the globalists will control who can develop and who can build, or what plants you can grow, or what you can... I mean, just total control of society.
Thank you.
You know, I've been blurbing that on Facebook and CL.
CL's basically kicked me off of there.
I would imagine I've got drones hovering over my house right now, wondering what I'm doing, sitting here with my dogs and drinking ice water.
But I have to tell you, my friend, people need to wake up.
I'm going to echo you the best way I can.
I've got 200 feet facing the West right here on the way to the beach here in Delaware.
And I'm gonna make the biggest InfoWars.com they've ever signed, they've ever seen on the planet Earth.
I would assume NASA is gonna be giving me a call wondering what the hell I'm doing.
And you know what I'm gonna tell them?
I'm in their face.
I'm not playing games.
I'm a free man.
Because this is what it's about.
These tyrants know no limits.
Well, I tell you, people all over the country spontaneously, and it's great because Google's trying to censor us and more and more shutting us down and trying to stop our viral awakening here that we're having.
People are buying billboards.
They're painting the sides of their barns.
With Infowars.com it is really causing a giant buzz and if everybody would do it or at least put a bumper sticker on the back of their car it would have a huge effect and it's already having a huge effect so I salute you.
So you're talking about putting one on the ground that airplanes and people can see or a big billboard?
Pain is cheap, my brother.
And I will cut my grass short.
I don't care what it takes.
They're gonna be able to see it from here to Zok.
Because I'll tell ya, everybody needs to wake up.
I've got a plan.
Now, I don't know if it's legal or not.
I don't know how many people can assemble.
But March 1st, talk later, 3-1-2012, 2-10 million people on the mall, in Washington D.C., quietly sitting down, no signs, no nothing.
I'm not talking flash mob.
I'm talking just come there and show them we're serious, we're not surviving.
He's talking about a peace bomb.
What's the date again?
March 1st, talk later.
March 1st, talk later.
I'm just saying.
It's an invite.
I don't know if I can afford all the crackers and soda, but one thing's for damn sure, my brother.
There will be no Kool-Aid served.
No Kool-Aid.
And we're not giving in to Obama scare.
And hey, I got a health tip for you.
Peanut butter, sunflower seeds, with cranberry sauce,
It's fantastic on a roll.
All right, my friend, good to hear from you.
Yeah, I know the power of folks on the side of your barn out in the country or on the back of your car.
I've seen people do incredible things, take like our bumper stickers and cover their whole car with it.
Or people that have the money are buying very nice billboards around the country.
And it is having a huge effect.
You know, we are tomorrow's network 10 years ago.
This is where the truth lives.
This is where the truth can set you free.
Because we're not even telling you to believe our truth.
We're telling you to look around you and realize a lot more is going on than you know.
And that's why we are often imitated, but unfortunately never really duplicated.
We'll be right back with Mike Adams.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now I want you to listen very carefully because I know we cover a lot of really incredible news.
And everything is accelerating.
Liberty is accelerating.
Tyranny is accelerating.
One group of people is awakening faster and learning more.
Others are buying more into the Matrix, more into the propaganda.
There is a separation of the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the chaff, the gold from the pewter.
It's happening right now, and it's only going to get crazier as technology accelerates, as populations become more interconnected.
Now, I want to take you back to November of last year, the Food Safety Act.
That openly said that you couldn't go pick dates off of your date tree, or figs, or tangerines, whatever the case was, and make jam and give it to your neighbor.
That you couldn't invite people over to eat food that you'd grown in your garden.
That's why we see all this harassment now of farmers markets everywhere.
Big Agra gave $17 million in one week in November, a record
Trying to pass it.
Because they are exempt from all of it.
They wrote the legislation, just like Obama has given over 2,000 waivers now to mega-companies like McDonald's and others, where they don't have to get insurance for their employees, but your hamburger shop next door does.
This is the essence of the New World Order, is a collectivist system where only the mega-corporations that run the governments are allowed to operate.
They're allowed to have a coal power plant.
Their competition can't.
They don't have to buy the insurance.
You do.
And so the Food Safety Act, after a scare with a big giant producer, it's almost always a big producer, I've seen reports where Tyson Chicken can have hundreds and hundreds of violations at one plant.
Their smaller competition has one violation, shut down.
That's how this stuff works.
And so that's what the IRS is changing.
It's rules, not law, where you can't write off your family farm or ranch.
They call it a hobby farm now.
You run a farm or ranch just to be able to get enough money?
To pay the property taxes, you work in town as a school teacher, or at the power plant, or as a mail person.
I'm just, you know, kind of mentioning what my family does in East Texas.
They've all got jobs because, and they couldn't keep the land if they didn't have the cows on it for the tax, lower taxes, because of the agriculture exemption.
And now under these rules, it would shut us down.
In fact, we're very close to it right now.
And we already have agriculture being destroyed.
Now, they introduced and actually said, this is a treaty, just one paragraph, and that we will enforce as policy in that bill that failed, but narrowly, it's back now, Codex Alimentarius.
Now, that's now gone in this year in Europe.
People couldn't believe it would happen.
Hundreds of herbal remedies, mainline vitamins, minerals, no longer over the counter.
Now this is coming here.
This is global standardization.
This will devastate the economy.
This will devastate people who couldn't get help in the mainline medical system but have gotten relief and sometimes cures by being able to simply access the building blocks of what the body's made up of.
You know, they come out and admit the Prozac-type drugs are now confirmed to be one of the big causes of autism.
It's a cocktail of other things as well.
They're deadly poison, of course they are.
They're chloride and they're a fluoride and other chemicals basically mixed together.
The point is they are really doing this.
This is really happening.
And we need to raise the alarm now and realize how serious this situation is.
Under these new laws they're trying to pass, and the new regulations they're trying to enforce, because even when they can't get laws passed, just like with the greenhouse gas taxes, they will just have the bureaucracies implement it.
And they've had the Supreme Court rule that the EPA can do this.
So this is incredible what's happening.
Well, the same thing's happening
With the FDA now.
And Mike Adams joins us here in studio today with just a few of the products that you're not going to be able to get under this Codex Alimentarius by stealth.
And he's got the headline at naturalnews.com.
FDA's scheme to outlaw nearly all nutritional supplements created after 1994 would destroy millions of jobs and devastate the economy.
Mike Adams, thank you for joining us.
Good to have you here again in studio with us.
Break down exactly what we're facing.
Great to be here again, Alex.
Thanks for having me on and for that intro.
Yeah, this is, to borrow a phrase from your feature film, this is the FDA's endgame to really destroy the dietary supplements industry.
And now all these products that I'm showing here, these are examples of products that would be outlawed under these new regulations, these proposed rules.
Now the FDA essentially would require that every one of these companies
Go out and analyze every ingredient they have and apply for a new permission, new approval from the FDA for every ingredient in every product they've formulated in the last 17 years.
It's an impossible job and it makes them waive their rights when they sign the agreement.
Oh, absolutely.
And realize this is not being debated in Congress.
This isn't a law.
This is a tyrannical regulation by unelected bureaucrats at the FDA.
So they couldn't get Codex Alimentarius through last November.
The bill's been reintroduced, Food Safety Act, so now they're just doing it by executive fiat.
That's exactly it.
Now, they say, what's interesting is this comes out of 1994, DeShay, that bill that Congress passed in 94, which said that all of these companies need to notify the FDA when they use a new ingredient.
Well, notification is one thing.
The FDA has twisted that now and said it's not going to be a notification.
We're going to use that as an approval process so we can deny you permission to use any of these ingredients and any of these products.
And better yet, to make it even more tyrannical, Alex, the FDA says that, let's say this company, Enterfood, one of your sponsors, let's say that they get approval for their chlorella or spirulina.
Let's just say they managed to pull that off.
Why do I need an authorization to eat plankton?
Well, exactly.
But the FDA says, well, this wasn't used in dietary supplements since before 1994, so they need new approvals.
But even if they get approval, then some other companies... But plankton is an animal.
I mean, I don't need to get government approval to eat that.
Well, the FDA says if you don't get approval, they're going to call your product adulterated.
And that means they can then call in the U.S.
Marshals to conduct an armed raid on your company.
And they do that with guns, so when they show the dumb jury it, the jury thinks they must be criminals if cops come in with guns.
That's exactly it.
That's why they have people selling pumpkins with guns aimed at them, or Amish, to show the jury, so the jury goes, well, they must be evil.
Yeah, yeah, they really know how to use tactics of tyranny.
Well, it's theater!
It is theater, absolutely.
There's a whole history of FDA raids, armed raids against vitamin companies.
For those who may not believe it, just search, you know, search history of FDA raids.
Well, no, we got all these videos now!
I mean, you can look at them on YouTube where they have like a farmer's market and there's cops screaming, get down, get down, get down!
You're selling rutabaga!
Yeah, pulling guns on raw cheese.
Things like that.
Pretty crazy.
But, again, if Enterfood has their ingredient approved...
To the FDA, that doesn't count for this company, even if they use the exact same ingredient.
They say this company has to get the same ingredient re-approved, and so does this company, and this company, and this company.
So every company has to apply for every ingredient that they've used since 1994 and get re-approved by the FDA, or they cannot sell their products in the United States at all.
But I mean, now, let's take Interfood, and the government now, with this new, quote, regulation made up, they're saying, organic orange peel, folks, you gotta get authorization for it.
Oranges are with Al-Qaeda.
I've seen raids on farms, it was like five, six years ago, that was growing aloe vera, and saying, you can't say that, you know, and they sell it at Walgreens, that drinking this is good.
You know, we're saying it's a drug.
Aloe vera, proven to calm the stomach.
I mean, I've gotten burns before, and boy, it has a great effect.
No, I'm evil.
Let's mention more evil here.
Organic barley and wheatgrass.
There's nothing more evil than grass.
Organic rose... Oh, man, this is evil.
This is even worse.
Organic beetroot.
Oh, whoa!
That's going to get worse.
Organic white asparagus.
Dude, asparagus is like a belly bomb.
Importantly, these are foods, but the FDA says even if it was sold as a food before 1994, you still have to reapply for permission.
So they tell us mercury is good for children's brains.
In fact, pull up that news clip.
I'm going to play it later.
Mercury is good for you, but you're not going to eat oranges.
Those are deadly.
And guess what's exempted from all of these new proposed regulations?
Any synthetic chemicals used in vitamins.
So a company that makes a cheap, synthetic, poisonous form of artificial vitamins, they don't have to apply... And notice the drug companies all have their synthetic versions, which I've seen the studies that are actually toxic to the liver.
They take petrochemicals and make fake ones, but that's all exempt!
It's the orange peel!
In fact, I've got oranges at home.
Am I going to get SWAT teamed?
If you try to sell it as a supplement, you might.
I don't know if you can see this, I've got seven...
This is some of the applications that you have to do for every ingredient that you use now.
The FDA says you have to research the efficacy, the safety, the clinical trials, and if it's a plant, you have to find the name of the original scientist who named that plant with its Latin name.
I mean, you have to go back through the history books and find that and submit all this to the FDA.
Go through this flow chart for every ingredient that you're trying to get approved.
What about evil selenium?
Yes, selenium, forget it.
And they say if you alter the dosage of it, then you have adulterated the product.
That's right.
Now they're saying you can have over-the-counter, but it's got to be a lower dose.
That's it.
So, let's take vitamin C. Before 1994, if vitamin C was sold at 60 milligrams, they would say that's okay.
But if you now increase it to 500 or 1,000 milligrams, now they say that's adulterated, and you need a new approval from the FDA.
Well, this is even more evil.
This company, it says it has basil leaf.
Basil, I mean, this has an herb that you grow in the garden.
This is evil.
Should I call the police?
Hold on a minute.
Oh, we're going to break here.
Hold on.
I've got him.
No, no.
He brought orange peel in here.
And he brought adrenal health.
It's got some things that they put in Italian food.
Okay, keep him here.
Keep him here.
It's got wild oats, milky seed.
It's got... It's got... Uh-oh.
All right.
SWAT team's coming.
All right, folks.
We've got the Al-Qaeda operative here.
We'll be right back to break down more of the government protecting us.
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Hello, this is Steve Schenk.
What does freedom mean to you?
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Call 800-409-5633, or on the web, efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, and register to win a free one-year supply of food.
Then listen to Alex Jones to announce
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That's easy, Bill.
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Really, Brian, the number one survival food?
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By the way, I was talking to Mike Adams during the break.
And he was saying, what's this about shrimp and treadmills?
And I was mentioning we don't have money for government buildings, have toilet paper, but they've got millions for shrimp on treadmills.
And here's the video.
Let me see that article, Mike.
I'm going to read to folks.
Millions of dollars in a study.
Senator Cornyn targets shrimp on treadmill and other NSF spending.
And there it is.
Is there an obesity epidemic among shrimp?
No, they're testing the psychology of shrimp.
And there's... You think I'm joking?
You can't make this stuff up.
But, you know, the shrimp are now committing suicide.
They'll swim right up to birds to be killed when they have the Prozac chemicals in them.
Again, made out of a combination of... What is it?
And then the other one I'm forgetting is...
Very delicious for them.
But there you have it.
Senator Coburn targets shrimp on treadmill and other non-essentials.
That was three million dollars in grants for the shrimp you just saw there.
I'm happy to know we're going to have shrimp ready to run the triathlon.
There comes time for that.
People still think I'm lying about spider goats, but I saw two more articles about them yesterday.
But again, splicing spiders and goats openly and letting them breed with other goats, that's not a problem.
The problem is if people are promoting things like sea-based algae and getting vitamins out of other types of diatoms and things, that's evil.
Yeah, it's clear that the FDA is now going to make it so that the American people have really no options whatsoever.
They're going to have to turn to Big Pharma because all their nutritional supplements could be taken away under these new proposed regulations, which they haven't been embraced yet, Alex.
There's still a comment period, so there's a chance.
Oh, we're allowed to comment!
Exactly, exactly.
But they can ignore our comments and they can just go with it anyway.
But remember, Congress is not involved.
This is not a proposed law.
This is just a set of regulations.
And if it is adopted, it would immediately wipe out most products on the shelves for 70 years.
And by the way, we're not just saying that.
Europe's already implemented this.
This is already happening.
Sorry, I'll start over.
This would immediately wipe out...
These products, once these companies apply to the FDA for new permission to sell these products, they would have to take all these products off the shelves for at least 75 days.
So, imagine... And including this olive leaf, just olive leaf extract, how dare you?
That's right.
Plant extracts... Evil.
Uh, natural vitamins, full spectrum supplements, superfoods.
In fact, if you think about it, these are the kind of products that are keeping the American people alive in many cases, preventing cancer, preventing diabetes, preventing heart disease, keeping people off Obamacare and out of the hospitals.
And if these are taken away from the American people, guess what's gonna happen?
People are going to be screaming for more Obamacare.
This is classic problem, reaction, solution.
Take away the supplements, cause disease, and then have the government come in and rescue you with more Obamacare.
Well, my dad's got a lot of friends that are involved in actually trying to bring herbal extracts into the big pharma realm.
So as Mainline Western Medicine starts to actually adopt a lot of this, knowing how powerful it is, the information he's gotten
And a lot of this is in the news as well, is that what's really happening is, drug companies know they can take natural things, change a little carbon molecule or something, and then charge you, instead of $20 for something, $1,000, and then ban their competition.
That's exactly right.
And in fact, these proposed regulations by the FDA specifically exclude synthetic molecules.
So the drug companies are exempt from all this, even if they sell synthetic vitamins made with chemicals.
And you know all those studies that they put out there that say, oh, this vitamin's bad for you?
Those are always using the synthetic vitamins.
And that's what's going to be legal.
Meanwhile, the healthy, natural substances, like what's in this Enterfood, that's going to be essentially banned or denied by the FDA.
So this is the FDA taking more power.
Pushing more tyranny over the people, taking power that was never granted to it by the 1994 law, Deshaies.
That law, by Congress, never intended for the FDA to turn this into an approval process.
It was supposed to be a notification process, Alex.
You notify the FDA when you're using an ingredient.
But that's how it always starts.
The same thing in India, all these ancient temples that have these billions of dollars worth of rubies and things, the government's now identifying what they have so they can then
Later, take it.
Our guest is Mike Adams of naturalnews.com.
I'm Alex Jones of infowars.com.
We'll be right back after this quick break with a lot more.
We'll get into more facets of this complete takeover of society that is taking place with Big Pharma writing the rules to shut down their competition.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Okay, we will take some phone calls.
We'll get into some police state issues with Mike Adams, who is here with us right now.
I know I've got callers that are holding, but Mike, again, I've been bantering back and forth and adding a lot of points, but
I mean, here's an example.
I talk about shrimp on treadmill studies.
A month ago, before it was even on the news, I'm a kook.
I talked 15 years ago about spider goats.
Have the CEO of the company that has these on open range.
I'm a kook.
Doesn't exist.
Even though it's all over the news.
Now, today, there's many other examples.
I talked a year ago about bisphenol A. Talked about it really a decade ago with doctors, but bisphenol A in most of the plastics
Feminizing men and hyper-feminizing women and accelerating breast cancer.
Now those studies are all public, getting attention.
But they had George Soros groups.
Attack me and say I was a homophobe because I was saying that this is feminizing men and in rodent studies the female rats and mice aren't attracted to the males because they don't smell like males.
Most of sex isn't just connected to visual things.
It's the smelling cues of the olfactory nerve.
So I'm just giving you scientific fact.
And the system, in George Soros' grips, is saying, I'm bashing gay people because I'm saying, I'm not saying everybody who's gay is because of this, but the fact is, it's exploding because it's also affecting the chemicals in the brain.
Men are now feeling effeminate.
So, expanding on all of this, there's now a huge move, kind of Codex Alimentarius style, through the bureaucracy, and what is the time frame on all of this, Mike Adams?
What can we do to stop it?
Right now, these proposed regulations are open to a comment period.
Oh, how gracious!
Yeah, they say you can comment on it so that they can then ignore your comments later on.
But right now, the Alliance for Natural Health, they're at anh-usa.org.
They're a non-profit health freedom group.
They've been covering this story as well.
They're one of our sources for covering this story.
They are working on the front lines.
You can check out their website.
Sign their petition.
Help resist this new FDA effort to outlaw many of our supplements.
You can also talk to your local health food stores and vitamin retailers.
Make them aware of this issue and let them know that they need to get on board and fight this tyranny.
Otherwise, we could be left without nutritional supplements.
Now, I believe, as I'm sure you do as well, Alex, that access to nutritional supplements is a God-given right.
It is a natural law right.
Just as the Constitution's Bill of Rights, many of those rights are, of course, natural law rights, given to us, granted to us by our Creator, and then written down in the Bill of Rights to make sure that those are never taken away from us.
Among those are freedom of speech, of course, but another right is freedom to be able to choose what we wish to eat, what types of medicine we wish to put into our bodies, and also what types of medicine we want to treat our own children with.
But today in the United States, for example, in Detroit with Marianne Godboldo, she refused to treat her daughter with psychiatric drugs.
She was raided at gunpoint.
Child Protective Services took away her daughter.
You've covered this story.
Because she refused to give in and have that child treated with psychiatric drugs.
Just an example.
It's an example of how the government today, big government, is taking away all of your rights, one by one.
What you can say, what you can...
eat what kinds of medicine you can pursue and this is just the latest assault on those rights by the FDA which we have proven we've documented over and over again that the FDA is in the pocket of the drug companies they do not care about your health they do not want you to be healthy they want this whole industry the nutritional supplements industry to be wiped out so that consumers have no choice but to go to the monopolistic
Pharmaceutical market, where the drugs are sometimes marked up as much as 55,000% over the cost of their ingredients.
Meanwhile, in the United States, we have the most expensive healthcare in the world, and among the worst results in the world.
Nutritional supplements could turn that around, if they were legalized, if free speech were legalized, with nutritional supplements, so that these companies could tell the truth.
Many of these ingredients actually prevent cancer.
Many of them actually prevent diabetes, or prevent heart disease, or prevent Alzheimer's.
But the FDA doesn't want you to know that because they are in the business of enforcing nutritional ignorance and now enforcing the censorship, the banning of these nutritional products.
So that's where we are today, Alex, with this.
It's a very dire situation.
People need to take action.
People need to resist this latest example of FDA tyranny and make sure that we have the rights to be able to choose the types of medicine and nutritional supplements that we want to put into our bodies.
That's what keeps us alive and keeps us
Well, I mean, I went earlier in the first hour through how the United States has gone from the first in good things, like health, infant mortality, low crime, to the worst.
And we know that globalism is a eugenics form of total takeover.
But what they're doing is they're shifting the whole drug war apparatus with SWAT teams, local police, raiding farmers' markets, stores, on video, guns drawn, to scare people, to terrorize people, that, you know, this is evil, this is horrible, you know, SWAT teaming the Amish, million-dollar, year-long investigations when Amish are openly selling whole milk to their neighbors, and real cheese, you know, not this boiled-out, dead stuff.
They know exactly what they're doing, and they're just shifting the whole drug war over to this.
Well, and isn't it incredible that at the same time the FDA would essentially be saying that these ingredients are too dangerous to be sold?
You know, olive extract or resveratrol, things like that.
At the same time, our government, through Operation Fast and Furious, as you all well know, is openly arming the Mexican drug gangs with tens of thousands of firearms, including long-range .50 caliber sniper rifles.
I mean, if our government would do that and actually arm the drug gangs,
What makes you think they wouldn't take away the supplements that are keeping you alive?
What makes you think the FDA wouldn't take actions that would openly result in the suffering and the death of millions of Americans all across the country?
Because we have proven, we've documented, that the FDA will take those actions and they are taking those actions.
We are under assault today, Alex, with our natural health.
We even have issues right now, we're researching another breaking story coming out
That chemotherapy is now being widely given to pregnant mothers.
So you take these toxic weapons, these chemical weapons, chemotherapy is derived from weapons... They knew in the 1980s studies of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, the Prozac class, that it was brain damaging babies.
Now it's all admitted.
And they're giving it to pregnant women.
Oh, you're evil.
You have an unborn child now being given chemotherapy through their mother, and doctors are doing that, and they're saying it's all okay.
No problem, don't worry about it.
Is it any wonder that we have more and more birth defects, that we have higher rates of autism, that we have... the whole healthcare system is failing us, and now they're going to take away this kind of stuff, the stuff that's keeping us alive.
That's... I don't know...
Alex, I may be a broccoli smuggler pretty soon.
I'm going to be in a parking lot selling illegal broccoli extracts, waiting to be raided by the FDA.
I mean, how are we supposed to keep ourselves alive if they take all this away too?
Not everybody can grow their own food.
I mean, that's a great way to do it if you can.
If you can grow your own anti-cancer supplements and grow sprouts in your own kitchen, that's great.
But if you can't, you need to turn to companies like this that grow it for you and that concentrate it for you.
And these are exactly the companies that are being targeted by the FDA under these new rules.
If you don't mind me plugging, we are covering this on NaturalNews.com.
We've got a feature story up today that explains all this.
It breaks it down point by point.
It shows you, the FDA's in their own words, how they're going after the nutritional supplements industry.
This is a crucial issue.
This is worse than Codex, Alex.
It's worse than Codex.
Codex was only going to ban specific
This is making all of these companies reapply, groveling at the feet of the FDA to say, please give us permission to sell the products that we formulated for the last 17 years.
I mean, this is forcing the nutritional supplements industry to now act as complete slaves.
Complete slaves to a government entity that does not want you to have access to supplements.
It's that bad.
It's that crazy.
And your sponsor here, Enterfood, I mean,
They have 20, I guess 20 ingredients in here.
Alex, they're going to have to come up with 20 copies of all this paperwork.
Let me show folks that.
And they're going to have to submit this, times 20, to the FDA to document every ingredient in here.
Otherwise, they could have their company raided and taken, their products confiscated.
Well, all by Big Pharma, all by Big Agra pushing this, in this vertically integrated society, they admit that they want a post-industrial society.
They want to wreck everybody's ability to make free choices in their own life.
This is the nanny state on steroids.
That's exactly it, and they keep invading more and more areas of our lives.
First, it's the economy, and then it was the healthcare system, and then they got into the food.
Well, this just trains you to bureaucratically do everything they say, so they can then nickel and dime you and SWAT team you and trick a jury into believing you did something wrong.
Yeah, right.
Well, they can label... Remember, if you don't get permission, they can label your product adulterated.
And they can say it's an adulterated... And again, these are whole foods they're going after.
These are things that have orange peel or olive leaf extract.
Or, or... Chlorella.
And remember... We'll tell folks what that is.
Well, those are microalgae.
Very high nutrient.
Because the average American wants to ban sodium chloride salt, because it sounds scary.
They want to ban dihydrogen monoxide in studies.
Water, because it sounds scary.
It's like carbon dioxide, they think is monoxide.
No, these are some of the best detox elements.
I mean, chlorella was used to eliminate radiation in Japan after World War II.
Bombs were dropped on those folks.
Also in Chernobyl, it was used to help eliminate radiation.
It binds with heavy metals.
Tell folks what it is.
Chlorella, it's a single-celled algae.
It's one of the oldest... A single cell Al-Qaeda.
It's an Al-Qaeda cell.
Al-Qaeda wants to use belly bombs.
Now we gotta have full body x-rays, as I said they would do.
Yes, I saw that.
You're not with them, are you?
Hold on, wait a minute!
It's Orange Peel, it's attacking!
It's killing me!
Save me, FDA!
Save me, Prozac!
It's a single-celled al-Qaeda cell organism.
It's like in Monty Python, the killer rabbit said it's the killer interview.
It's incredible.
Now, this stuff has been around for millions of years, actually.
Here, give me a document cam shot right here.
I'm going to show folks how deadly it is.
And now they're trying to say, well, you can't have it anymore.
But the point is...
Yeah, check it out.
Keep going.
This is the stuff.
For those on the radio, Alex is drawing evil demon horns on the side of the inner food bottle to demonstrate how it's adulterated.
There we go.
Evil, evil al-Qaeda superfood.
Yeah, that's... But that's the thing.
Oh, man.
I'm under attack here in the studios.
Why do you go crazy every time I get in your studio live?
You just start going crazy.
Hey, should we show people the latest?
Listen, I have children, so I go to toy stores.
A lot of it, spy on your parents.
This is only the beginning.
Playmobil, where you go through the airport body scanner.
Oh my god, in fact, show, show, here we go.
We'll do a documentary.
Playmobil has a children's toy set and your producer pointed out to me this was introduced right after 9-11.
This came out in 2002 and the children's toy set has a little x-ray, a little screening checkpoint, and look, an innocent traveler over here putting the luggage in the screening device and some happy smiling cops with, or airport police, with a wand.
Yeah, but look, see, this proves that our food's evil right here, look.
Back to the document camera, please.
Look at this, look at this.
See, proof.
There we go.
And probably they won't even let you take this through the checkpoint at the airport.
Because they don't know what that is.
Could be a bomb.
I know what it is.
It's evil.
It says it's got barley, wheatgrass, juice powders.
It's got organic horsetail.
It's not from horses, by the way, for those listening.
Oh, it's pure evil.
It's got lemon peel, even worse, organic.
Organic papaya?
Oh, papayas.
You're not going to defend papayas, are you?
Well, maybe the green ones.
I like the green ones.
Ripe papayas, they could be evil.
I'm not sure.
We'll have to wait for the FDA's decision on that.
But you know, Attorney Jonathan Eymard, you know Jonathan Eymard, he has written a book about this called The Rise of Tyranny, where he talks about how the FDA, all unelected bureaucrats, they write their own law.
But tyranny's never arisen.
That's a conspiracy theory.
Well, I guess I'm a conspiracy theorist because
Everything's fine.
About all this, what's going on with the food supply, with the nutritional supplements.
But check out Jonathan's book, The Rise of Tyranny.
He explains this, how the... Reading books?
I know, I know.
Books don't exist, you know.
In fact, you're trying to phase out breastfeeding.
In fact, there's a conspiracy theory that women ever breastfed.
That's been pushed by the formula makers, probably.
Well, what's wrong with formula that's half corn syrup?
Well, I guess there's just not enough corn syrup in it.
They need to up the dose because, especially synthetic GMO corn syrup.
Are you a conspiracy theorist?
Earlier we played a clip where the news, the government said mercury is good for children's brains.
Are you so extreme that you're here defending orange peel?
You're here defending, I'm going to say it again, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, defending
Defending olive leaf extract.
Defending algae.
Defending vitamins.
You heard me right.
And attacking the life giver, mercury.
Guilty as charged, Alex.
I mean, call me a patriot or call me a conspiracy theorist.
I'm going to call you a dangerous, crazy person.
I believe in real food and real nutrition.
No, and I think chemotherapy shouldn't be given to pregnant women, and I think the FDA are a bunch of bureaucratic killers who are basically going to cause the death of... Next, you're going to tell me that once humans actually ate food instead of government-issued pills.
Yes, that's true.
I can prove it to you.
I'll bring the documentation.
He actually ate food.
In fact, Alex, people actually used to grow food.
I mean, people had seeds.
This guy's a lunatic!
I swear, they had seeds that could be used generation after generation.
Oh, that's a funny one!
Seeds used to grow more plants?
I know.
I'm sorry folks, this guy just escaped from the Texas Mental Hospital.
I'm not making it up.
Next you're going to say we should try to keep government small and shouldn't trust them like that terrorist George Washington.
Well that is my belief that we should keep government small and out of our lives and out of our food supply and out of our gardens, out of our
Farmers markets, leave the Amish alone.
Stop arresting them for selling raw milk.
I mean, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
That's just my belief system and I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna lie to you here.
That's... I'm gonna apologize to listeners right now for this type of extremism.
When YouTube threatened to shut down our channel if we criticized Obama in any way, they said criticism of Obama is racism, and I agree with them now.
He is my god, he is my king.
And people like Mike Adams need to go to a FEMA camp.
You need to be re-educated.
Once there's a big supercomputer running everything, everything's going to be great.
Well, well, um, I will debate that with you anytime, right here on your own show, Alex, because I believe, I believe that we have the right to choose, make our own choices in our own lives, choices about what we say, about what we eat, about what we show our children, about what, where we have free speech, about going out in public and being able to tell our truth.
Next, you believe that once Americans have the right to demonstrate without a permit?
That's exactly what I believe, yes, indeed, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for having me on, by the way.
The show's not over yet, extremist.
Alright, alright, I'm ready for more.
Let's do it.
Well, I'm going to tell you right now, folks, we are definitely in the presence of an extremist, and I'm calling Homeland Security as soon as this show's over, buddy.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
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Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Number 5.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're only going to do five minutes of overdrive so I can get to Nick, Scott, Luke, Mike, Ronnie here real quick, or as many as we can.
But obviously there's this big stay of execution that Obama's trying to order Rick Perry to do of a convicted rapist and killer of a, what, 16-year-old girl.
Meanwhile, the Mexican government's protesting it.
They just take you out back and shoot you down there.
But you were talking, Mike Adams, about how they do want to prosecute in Mexico the ATF agents.
And I think that's a great idea, but we should start with the Attorney General who's been caught lying about running this operation.
Yeah, it's interesting.
If those kinds of crimes, the fast and furious crimes, were committed against America,
The American legal system, certainly the Attorney General, would definitely call for those criminals to be tried in America.
Just like we went and we got Noriega, we went after Saddam Hussein, we went after Bin Laden, you know, we go out and serve justice or bring them back home and try them in the U.S.
Well, the Mexican government is saying, hey, these ATF agents committed crimes against Mexico by actually arming the drug gangs with these assault rifles, with these
Uh, firearms, I mean, tens of thousands of them.
Let's try those criminals in the Mexican court system.
Wow, what a cool idea.
I would like to see that go down, actually.
Because these were crimes committed, really, by the US government, by certain individuals under command from the federal government.
Crimes committed against the Mexican people, against the Mexican nation.
I mean, running guns into Mexico as an official U.S.
government operation.
So I'd love to see those people tried in Mexico and see what comes out of those court cases.
Maybe it would set a precedent for extradition of rogue U.S.
agents who are committing crimes against other nations.
By the way, I'm noticing more and more YouTube is not letting us put certain headlines in.
Is that right?
And at first it was just URLs, but like, I'm putting a headline up on our YouTube channel, that little interview we did in between breaks, or during the break, and they're not letting me upload criticism of the FDA.
Very nice people.
Oh yes, the censorship's really intensifying.
It's pretty crazy.
We hear a lot of stories of companies or individuals who have raw food blogs or nutrition blogs, and they get their YouTube accounts shut off with a lot of frequency.
You've had folks harassing you, trying to set you up.
You don't want to get into the whole story.
Big pharma follows you around.
I had a guy impersonate me.
Try to get access to our corporate offices in Taiwan.
We have offices in different countries, in different cities.
And they actually tried to access our offices in Taiwan by impersonating me physically.
And the guy didn't even look like me, by the way.
He was just like, oh, it's just some white guy.
And you've had the guys following you to your hotel rooms, trying to be PIs.
Yeah, we've had... So, there are reasons why I don't go out and speak in public a lot.
I do sometimes, but often it's just unannounced, where I'm not on the roster.
But, yeah, they try their intimidation tactics.
I had a guy run up at an airport and start grabbing me.
Saying, yeah, you're trying to get in a fight with me, grabbing my chest and things.
Who knows?
I mean, it's definitely getting crazy.
But you know what?
As more people stand up, they can't intimidate us all.
And they know that tipping point's coming.
It's why they're panicking.
Let's talk to Nick in Chicago.
Nick, you're taking us out here.
Got about a minute and a half left.
Go ahead, Nick.
Alex, you're awesome.
Thanks for taking my call.
I had two quick questions.
Can't we all notify Whole Foods and Trader Joe's to go ahead and file a class action lawsuit against the FDA?
Yeah, it's time for these companies to stop cowering and get aggressive.
That will probably take place.
I imagine, I mean, this has only been developing for two days, so I imagine the Health Freedom attorneys are fully aware of this issue and already building a case, perhaps some kind of a lawsuit, I don't know if it would be class action at this point, but maybe a corporate lawsuit from companies like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods or Vitacost, whoever, whoever's selling these supplements.
This is their whole business.
Yeah, this is all part of the assault on anything that's independent, any economy left in this country.
You know, the Feds are, by law, supposed to give all of the small business contracts to small businesses.
They won't give them to any of them now.
I mean, it's just total, and it turns out there's a secret blacklist.
Only, you know, big guys can do it.
Nick, great question.
Scott, Luke, Mike, a few others, coming back just for Internet only.
Everybody else, see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Alright, jamming in a few final calls with Mike Adams.
Might do another little iPhone interview and upload it to PrisonPlanet.tv or to the YouTube channel.
But we're basically out of time here until tomorrow, but let's jam in a few more calls.
Scott in Idaho.
It's wide open.
Got any comments about any subjects?
Hi Alex.
Hi Michael.
Good to talk to two of my favorite freedom fighters.
I'd like to respond to the anti-constitutionalist if I could.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1966 in an infamous case called Miranda vs. Arizona, and I quote, where rights secured by the federal constitution are involved, there can be no rulemaking or legislation which would abrogate them.
And I have a feeling, Alex and Mike, that where all this tyranny will be ending up,
is in our courts and I'd like to make the statement that I've made to thousands of people over the years that if you don't know what your rights are, then you don't have any.
And by the way, they're using this latest death of the baby case, Casey Anthony, what's it called?
I haven't paid much attention, but now...
Sure enough, they're saying get rid of juries, have professional juries everywhere.
Hey, if there's reasonable doubt, better that ten guilty people go free than one innocent person go to prison.
I've been getting that quote backwards all week, but there it is.
You know, Alex, I mean, look, the medical system kills babies constantly, and I'm not talking about abortion, although that's part of it, but I'm talking about chemotherapy in pregnant mothers, I'm talking about the psychiatric drugging of children who commit suicide.
No, no, they know the Prozac causes suicide.
Thank you, Scott.
Great points.
Luke in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
What's up, Alex?
Hey, Luke.
I've been a listener.
How's it going, man?
Go ahead.
I've been a listener for a little bit, and I wanted to let you guys know I'm a little bit upset right now.
There's a bag of oranges on my counter.
And I don't know what it's called.
A bag of albinos.
Does it have peel?
The peel's the deadly part.
Well, that's like the Bin Laden, yeah.
He does have the peel and I think he may have unpaid student loans, so my next call will be to the Department of Education on that one.
Well, they are SWAT teaming people now for unpaid bills, which is illegal, but hey, so what?
Yeah, well, he's got orange peel.
If he dries that orange peel and puts it in a bottle, he could be subjected to FDA raids for offering it for sale.
Well, he's evil.
Anything else, terrorist?
Well, my really only point was,
Here around where I live, there are a lot of drug companies.
A couple of my friends work for the drug companies and they are so suspicious with just their operations.
Their hiring goes through almost a quasi-government-type temp agency.
Well, most of it's made in, uh, well that's because the corporations run the government, in China, and almost all of the over-the-counter mainline drugs are being found to be totally tainted with poison.
But so what?
Orange peels evil.
I'm sorry, what other creepiness is going on in your area?
I'm sorry, tell us what they do.
Well, it's, um, their hiring process is just so abnormal, I would consider, because
They hire, you know, they won't even hire anybody.
You have to go through a private temp agency that has just a total government footprint all over it.
And the reason I know this is because, just for suspicion, I was in one of these things.
I work for a consulting company that does a little bit of work around here, but I went in a temp agency.
And people are just crowding these things.
No, no, no.
They call it infrastructure protection.
And now you heard about the medical, you know, the 9-11 first responders finally getting medical care.
They said you've got to go through a terror database every time you access it.
And so that's the admission.
TSA on the streets.
Federal authorization to have any job.
It's no surprise because I think anybody who has a conscience, anybody who has ethics, would not work for these drug companies.
So they have to profile, just like they do with TSA or a lot of some local police departments.
They profile to make sure they get a certain kind of psychotic individual to take that job.
It's not surprising.
They're extremely ordinary, the word, because it's
You know, you're giving a test.
I actually took the test and I watched them hire about 15 people that were, you know, sitting there playing with their guns and doing, making calculations for these tests on their phones.
But, you know, I have a college education.
By playing with their guns, you mean like going in with their muscles?
They're gum.
Oh, they're gum.
Yeah, gum.
I thought you were going to say they had $3 million federal grants to put shrimp on treadmills or other craziness.
Hey, we're out of time.
Thank you, Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
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