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Name: 20110703_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 3, 2011
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
Hello, my friends.
It is Sunday, July 3rd, 2011, and we have got a jam-packed special broadcast for you on the eve of our nation's birthday.
And it will be a transmission that is executed in the spirit of 1776.
We have the extremely powerful interview from earlier last week with Congressman Ron Paul coming up.
And if you've already heard this, great, please
Recorded and send it on to friends and family the congressman breaks down the fact that it is an impeachable offense That Obama has launched this war and not consulted Congress and instead said that he gets his power from the United Nations
Then we're going to retransmit an interview we did with Gerald Salente, where he covered the mafia government that we live under.
And then we're going to rebroadcast an interview we did on Friday live from Tripoli, where what looked like over a half million people took to the streets waving green banners and AK-47s and RPG rocket-propelled grenades, saying, we want peace, but this is a war you're bringing.
And if your ground troops come in to Libya from NATO, it is going to be one hell of a battle.
Folks, our country's going bankrupt.
This war is for the banksters.
We don't want to launch another war.
We've already got four major wars going on.
This is an extremely powerful interview with the chanting going on in the gunfire in the background.
Then, we're gonna air for the first time on radio, in its entirety, with some introductions I did as well, the 30-minute long, so we'll do it in the last three segments of the broadcast, the 30-minute long keynote speech I gave at Talkers, which is the premier industry publication.
Rush Limbaugh has been one of the previous keynote speakers, Sean Hannity.
And many others and and so it's a testament to the great effect that all of us
We're good to go.
And I'm this speech is different because I was reaching out and
Addressing the radio CEOs, the talk show hosts, the Congress people, folks like Stephen Baldwin and others, a very diverse crowd of media folks that were there, and I was specifically talking to them, and in most speeches I'm talking just to the general public, and a lot of times I feel like I'm just musing to myself about the way the world works.
So this is something a little bit different, and folks, I think it's a great speech.
I thought it was okay, but the reviews of it have been incredibly
I don't know.
Fourth of July with our families, and let's enjoy firecrackers while they still are legal in many areas of the country.
And we'll see you all back here on Monday, 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
So coming up, Congressman Ron Paul on a host of key issues in his presidential run.
Gerald Salente, Webster Griffin Tarpley from Tripoli, and the talker's keynote speech.
I want to thank the great crew as well for putting together this special broadcast for you today.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is at a historic crossroads.
We're deciding the future of our species, our civilization.
Liberty, in the spirit of 1776, or tyranny?
We'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, we've got Congressman Ron Paul for the next 20 minutes, and I know he's the hardest working person in Congress, and I feel a little guilty taking his time up, but he's got so much important information, and I know our audience is always chomping at the bit whenever he joins us, normally every month, but now every couple months because he's so busy.
And I've got a whole cornucopia of things to cover here.
The wars, the constitutional crisis, the TSA, the dirty tricks the media has been running on Ron Paul.
And he's a good sportsman so he never really talks about it, but I think it needs to be discussed.
But obviously he's a presidential candidate.
He's the only candidate that is a constitutionalist and that has the solutions to help get this country on the right track.
All the others are rhinos or globalists or neocons and we've got to get behind Ron Paul.
But thank God he ran for president because by running he's injecting real issues.
We've got him for the next 20 minutes and then he's gone.
Sir, there's so much to cover but the Financial Times says the dollar is seen losing global reserve status.
The bankers are engaged in economic terrorism in Greece.
Now they're saying it's going to spread here.
The recession never ended.
You've been proven right again, sir.
What can you say, because you're on the banking committees, what can you say about the state-of-the-world economy right now?
Well, I think it's sick and getting thicker.
I did read one article you probably saw today.
They said that the dollar, the reserve standard, as the reserve standard of the world, will be coming to an end, and they added within 25 years.
I would suggest that it's going to come much sooner.
I just don't believe it'll last for 25 years where it'll be the dominant reserve currency of the world.
The big problem, though, is who's going to pick up the pieces?
They're getting together and they're trying to have another
I think so.
I would say it's not going to be 25 years, but I don't know, you know, nobody knows exactly the date.
But it could come sooner, a lot sooner.
It could come a year or two or who knows when.
Depends on what event might arise.
But the problem they face is the one that we face in trying to figure it out.
If the dollar is a terrible currency, but when you compare it to the Euro that has to bail out the Greek economy, you know, all of a sudden people look to us because traditionally we've been so strong economically and militarily.
They say, well, at least we can park our money in Treasury bills, you know, for another month or two or three.
Someday, they're going to run out of this momentally against the dollar.
And not too many years ago, the dollar got in big trouble and we had to go big into the IMF, and that was in 79 and 80.
People thought it would be, they'd lose control.
But the time is coming, and that will be a much bigger event than we've just experienced, you know, from 08 up until now, and the current crisis that we're in the middle of, because I think it'll just drive us that much deeper into an economic crisis.
Well, the Chinese, as you know, just two weeks ago said the United States is already technically defaulted.
The Federal Reserve is buying most of the T-bills.
And for the average layman out there, they're like, why does that concern me?
Well, that's the faith and credit of the United States.
And that's a tactic I've seen where they'll say 10 years, 25, on something that's going to happen to introduce the idea to you so you accept it but don't panic.
A lot of the experts I read and who've been accurate in the past, they say two, three years.
But then they point out it's a global concerted devaluation, so it's not even that the dollar is going to lose its reserve, it's just going to lose its value.
That's right.
And, you know, they're trying to frighten the members of Congress into, you know, voting to raise the debt limit like they did about the bailout.
You know, the end of the world will come.
There will be a default.
But the default is... I mean, our country is known for default.
I mean, all the way back to the Civil War period, they defaulted on promising to pay gold.
We did it in the 30s with Roosevelt.
Then we did it to all foreigners in 1971.
We just say, well, no, yes, we promised you an ounce of gold for $35, but we're not going to do it anymore.
And even now, they keep saying, well, you have to raise it because we don't want to default on the debt.
If prices are going up for the average person, which they are, and they're probably going up 5 to 10 percent at least at the minimum, somebody's defaulting constantly.
That means they're losing 10 cents on the dollar every year.
It'll get much worse.
So that is the default.
But that's the deception.
Matter of fact, it's deliberate policy because they know what we know.
They know the debt can't be paid.
There's no way they can meet their debt.
There's not enough people working to pay off the debt.
But the private central banks, they get first use on the money, and so they're more than happy.
And as we get more bankrupt, they're going to be there, loaning us whatever the new currency system is in the future, so they come out on top with their new vaunted bank of the world that George Soros says is going to save us.
Yeah, and they pay 0% interest on it, and then they buy some of this government debt and do these kind of things, and they make 2, 3, 4%.
But, you know, if you're retired and think you have this obligation to take care of yourself and say, well, I'm going to have a C.D.
because I can't trust, you know, the stocks or anything else.
They get cheated because they make essentially nothing on their savings, and then they have to pay taxes on it.
Then they wonder why the people don't take better care of themselves, you know?
But it's a deeply flawed system.
It's a deeply flawed system of money and the welfarism and central economic planning through the Federal Reserve.
It's all deeply flawed, and though many of us have talked about this for many, many years, it's coming to fruition, and most people are real
Well, what about Bernanke last week saying he's puzzled that the economy isn't getting better?
You, with total precision, have predicted exactly what would happen because it's sound laws of economics.
Bernanke knows full well, as you just said, they know what they're doing, and telling us we're not in a recession.
I mean, that's another lie.
Congressman, shifting gears into the campaign, you are the only candidate, you know,
Decades ago, telling the truth about issues.
Now in the presidential race, the only one who's telling the truth and who has the track record to be trusted, Mitt Romney, you know, helped write what became Obamacare, the rest of them.
I mean, this is a pack of people who are just completely unqualified at this point.
We've got CNN ignoring their own polls and running Internet polls.
With 54 people and then showing you for zero in their own poll show that you won.
You're winning most of the straw polls.
Second, New Hampshire.
I hear Mainline Conservative Radio talking about Republican candidates.
They won't even mention you, despite the fact that you're right there in the top three candidates.
That shows that the system is scared of you.
What can you say to the dirty tricks that they've been trying to pull on you?
I don't think you could stop them.
I mean, they have too much power and control because they own the media and they own a lot of these outlets.
So, talking to people like you will get the truth out, but also the internet is a good way to do this.
But, as bad as the system is, it still operates reasonably well.
That is that, you know, over the years I've been able to run for Congress and get elected, and now I am still able to compete, even up against these odds and these tricks.
Because, you know, we can get in and organize, and our numbers are growing.
We're able to raise the money that is necessary, and we continue to do that as long as we keep adding volunteers and able to raise the money.
We are going to compete, but obviously it is more difficult because there's still a large number of people, if not even the majority, get their information from the evening news, the ordinary news, and from their politicians.
If they can discredit you, you don't get credibility.
And last go-around, you know, the first two major debates, one right before Iowa, one before New Hampshire, you know, they excluded me from the debate.
This year, they're not going to be able to do it.
We have made progress, and that's been because there's a growing number of people who are onto their tracks and are watching them rather closely, and they're going to hear from the supporters if they start doing that.
In spite of the obstacles, our job is to keep doing what we're doing and just gain supporters.
Well, I want to talk about some of the things on the positive front, and specifically the websites and how people need to get involved now.
But you, at the start of the race last time, weren't even in the top ten, then you were in the top four or five.
Now, out of the gates, you're winning most of the straw polls.
You've won the big, coveted CPAC two years in a row.
So Fox cuts to a year-old clip of you being booed.
I mean, all sorts of tricks.
I mean, it is showing that they're scared of you, showing you are viable.
I think so.
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You know, although the Congress is waking up and there's a pretty good coalition of liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats coming together and trying to blow this thing up and say the President has no right to do this, at the same time on this DOD budget authorization, you know, they inserted in there an expansion of the power.
Actually, if it's passed by the Senate and put in the law, we've literally legalized, we've put
They've put into the code, even though not in the Constitution, put into the code that the President doesn't have to come to us.
They've expanded the definition of our enemy today as Al-Qaeda, and they're allowed to do almost anything there, but they've expanded it to include the Taliban and anything which is considered an Associated Force.
The Associated Forces, the President has the right to go after no matter what country, including our own, so this to me was one of the most dangerous changes
In our law, given legitimacy to our president on what he's been doing, and of course there's not much resistance either from the Republicans or the Democrats on this, but hopefully we can wake the American people up to that change.
What about Obama admittedly going to have feds posed as people calling doctors to see if they're taking Medicare Medicaid patients, which is their right to not do as you know.
This is really freaking doctors out that now the feds are going to be spying, spying on them.
Yes, and I would assume that most people don't realize that's against the law to do those kind of things.
I mean, why should they violate the privacy, you know, of a doctor-patient relationship and come in and fake?
It's deceitful.
It's fraud.
And what kind of punishment might these doctors, what if the doctors say, I don't take medical care of patients, you know?
Who knows what kind of a list you get put on there.
But, uh, no, that's just, uh, one thing leads to the next, always an unintended consequence.
Every time the government does one thing, they create two or three new problems.
Congressman, just a couple questions left here, and then we're going to ask you how we support the campaign again.
Operation Fast and Furious, just to remind listeners, the head of the ATF caught lying to Congress, saying he didn't know.
Now we have the emails and memorandum.
They were running the Operation Shipguns into Mexico to then claim that we're causing the violence down there, a form of false flag, a staged event to frame the Second Amendment.
He's caught lying.
Can you or others call for congressional hearings and haul these people up and expose what the dreaded ATF has done?
Well, I'm sure that would be legitimate if somebody's so motivated.
I don't happen to be on that particular committee, but yes, government oversight could do that.
They could call up and get to the bottom of it, but I haven't heard a whole lot of talk.
I don't have any special information on that, but they certainly can and they certainly should.
In closing on the political issues, there's new reports out in mainstream television and newspapers that cancer is surging in body scan operators.
The TSA at the Boston airport where it's been for seven years, they've got an internal cover-up.
I don't know.
I hope so, but isn't it sad that they have to come to that conclusion after somebody's made sick or get cancer?
But the big thing is we've got to get the government out of that business, so if they get rid of the machines then they're going to do a lot more probing and prodding and poking everybody.
So it's really tragic.
I think what's happening at airports
Is the litmus test.
If the American people can sit back and look at some of those pictures and not be outraged and not demanding changes.
When I see that, that's when I have some pessimistic thoughts about what's going to happen in this country.
So there's hope that those pictures will so outrage the people that we'll end up doing something about it.
Speaking of the TSA, I've got sources inside the Perry campaign and at Fox News.
As you know, Rick Perry, the governor, is planning to run.
I would imagine you've got the same intel.
And he's going to run on a Ron Paul platform.
So he's really going to be the guy you face from our analysis.
And Rick Perry quietly tried to kill the good bill.
They've rewritten it, where it actually puts in the code that the TSA can do this now.
In Texas, and they're calling it an anti-TSA bill, kind of like what we saw with the War Powers doublespeak of saying they're against what Obama's doing, but trying to give him the power.
That's typical.
That's why you can never look what they do on the surface.
When people want something done, they'll pass a bill and it'll do the opposite, whether it was the War Powers resolution or this recent episode of that bill they tried to pass, which literally legalized the war.
So, yes, that's what they do, and then they claim victory.
What's your view of Perry?
What's your view of Perry?
Well, I've never... I've never... I might have shaken hands with him, but I don't even remember that.
So I've never... I don't know him well personally, but I would think that he and I wouldn't have much in agreement on policies.
Well, he was Al Gore's former campaign manager in Texas.
I don't think that's a very good...
Well, Congressman, you seemed really happy because you're always so focused, because I know you're a very disciplined man.
But when I talked to you in the break before you came live, I don't think I've ever heard you so happy.
Am I right in that?
I mean, you said, well, I'm sad for the country, but overall, I'm happy that folks are starting to wake up.
I mean, you are happy.
Yeah, I am.
And things, personally with family and everything, have been going pretty well.
And that's what I guess cheers me up.
Well, thank you, sir.
In closing, what... I mean, because I've got millions of listeners, a lot of new big stations across the country.
We're not talking to just a million every day.
We're talking to three million every day on the radio alone.
Not just internet, later we're reaching about 10 million a week.
Talking to the millions of new listeners who've never heard you in a long form.
They've heard you on TV being interrupted constantly.
What can they do to be part of this second American revolution or the restoration of the republic?
Give us the orders from headquarters.
What do we do to supercharge a campaign that's already on fire?
Well, in very general terms, slightly separate from the campaign, what everybody has to do is be informed.
Get the information and find out where the problem is and what the answers are and why philosophy is important.
When they're informed, then they have to do something.
And they can make choices.
They can get involved directly.
They can become candidates or support candidates.
They can get into education.
They can get radio talk shows.
They can get on the internet to promote this message.
But then when it comes to more specific
For what I've been doing, you know, we had the educational opportunities through my foundation as well as Campaign for Liberty, but right now, we are very much engaged in a presidential campaign.
People who are interested in that can go to RonPaul2012.com and find out what they can do because that's where we need to help.
We need people to volunteer, we need to raise money, and right now,
The next big event for us is to try to find people in Iowa.
Anybody knows anybody in Iowa that would be willing to support us and make an effort and come out on August 13th.
That would be very helpful to us.
And when's the next Money Bomb?
And folks can give right now at RonPaul2012.com
Well there is an effort right now because on the 30th of this month the books close and you know there's a big, that report is significant because it will be blasted all over the country on who raised what and we won't be the biggest fundraiser but we're going to have raised a lot but they were trying to push for you know first for three then maybe we can raise five and I think it's not quite at four million right now.
The next couple days we're hoping to boost that up and have a good showing for the financial reports this quarter.
All right, Congressman.
Well, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you so much.
All right, there goes.
Thank you.
Thank you.
There goes Congressman Ron Paul, ladies and gentlemen.
Very, very exciting information and great to have him on the broadcast with us today.
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We're good.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side
Some good things are happening.
Even the Washington Post had to run the headline today.
Obama's negation of hostilities in Libya draws criticism.
The White House has officially declared that what's happening in Libya is not hostilities.
That's like if I say I'm God and I walk up and shoot you five times in the head and say, Bob isn't dead on the ground with his head blown off.
Meanwhile, you're on the ground, the whole top of your head's blown off.
There's a big pool of blood.
You're dead.
And I say, he's not dead.
This isn't war, it's kinetic.
And it turns out top military advisors, the top Pentagon lawyers, and by the way, they're now reporting throughout the week, even the New York Times says, the President's never gone against these lawyers.
The lawyers have said it's illegal.
You got to get congressional approval.
It's a war.
You're making a fool out of yourself saying it's not a war.
Mr. Peace Prize winner.
And they said, eh, let them eat cake.
And so that's now happening.
But the good news is, just a month ago, the Washington Post and others were agreeing it wasn't a war.
They tried to sell us this manure and tell us that it was chocolate brownies.
People didn't even take a bite.
They smelled it and said, we know what that is.
So the point is, they're losing even more credibility because their lies have gotten more brazen.
The point is, it's on.
The Chinese are accelerating their dumping of T-bills, FT headline, Financial Times.
Trades reveal China shifts from dollar.
Joining us via video Skype is Gerald Salente.
Always great to have him.
You should subscribe to his great journal and valuable info at TrendsResearch.com.
That's TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald, thanks for coming on on short notice.
Oh, always my pleasure.
You know that, Alex.
It was great having dinner with you in New York.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, I'd been up for two days covering Bilderberg, because my guys were up at 3 o'clock in the morning my time and hadn't had any sleep, so I'm sorry, I was like a zombie.
No, no, it was a great night.
It was fun to get together with everyone.
It was awesome.
Now that we've dispensed with the more enjoyable pleasantries, you've really called it accurately, so tell us what's going to unravel with this great world war that they're calling peace.
What we're going to look, what we have to look at now, is what's going on in Europe.
Particularly with Greece and Spain.
The people are taking to the streets.
They know the deal.
That there's no change at the ballot box.
If you go to the ballot box, there's a jack-in-the-box in there, just another political clown.
So they're demanding real change they can believe in.
So there's no outs in this.
For example,
You pick up the news and you see one day Greece is going to be bailed out, the next day they're not.
Greece is only a small player with this.
And what is the bailout?
The bailout means you have a second mortgage, now they're going to give you a third mortgage, and the IMF is coming in to oversee the deal.
All the IMF is, it's the International Mafia Federation.
They're the loan sharks of last resort.
You need the money, you go to the loan shark.
But, you know, they're respectable.
You know, they have three names in their name, like Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
And they loan you the money that they got from you in the bailout.
That's a beautiful system.
Oh, it is.
And here's the deal.
When they tell you, go tax the people, I want the money.
You tax the people, you don't bring in enough money, then they come up with another line.
They say we have to privatize.
I want your bridge!
I want your water supply!
I want your toll road!
That's all it is!
It's a mafia!
They're shaking down these countries.
And by the way, people should understand, that's what happened in Egypt that set it up for what happened now.
They sold the country out under, quote, privatization, which means taking valuable public resources and selling them to your criminal buddies for pennies on the dollar.
So now it's imploding worldwide.
As I said a year ago, follow the timeline.
The crash of 29, the Great Depression, currency wars.
Trade wars, real wars.
The Panic of 08, the Great Recession slash Depression.
Currency wars, trade wars, real wars.
We heard public enemy number one today, Osama Bin Bernanke, say he's considering more stimulus.
Of course!
Devalue the dollar more!
Drive the people deeper into the ground!
Make them pay more for everything!
Because the banks need the money.
They have to keep the Ponzi scheme going.
That's what stimulus is.
Keeping the Ponzi scheme going.
But it's all collapsing.
And as I said, when it all collapses, they take you to war.
Did you see the quote?
I re-read it yesterday, a few months ago, with the Liberty Dollar that had been operating for 13 years, coining their own silver and gold.
Even AP admitted that's totally legal.
There's hundreds of companies that do it.
But because he criticized the Federal Reserve, they arrested him.
Had the federal jury, who convict people 98% of the time, that shows how
Fake they are.
Convict him.
And then the US attorney on the FBI website said, these people are terrorists.
We're gonna get anybody that's got gold and silver, anybody that tries to undermine our financial system.
Here they are.
The foreign banks have done this.
The Goldman Sachs have done this.
They're wrecking us.
And then they're now blaming a company with gold and silver coins that never pretended to be government gold and silver, publicly criticizing it, saying have alternative currencies.
We got a whole bunch of states moving to do the same thing.
And they're saying, your terrorists were coming after you, and now, the Forex came out and said that the way they interpret the new laws, that by July 15th, private sale of gold and silver will be illegal, and the word is now the Feds are talking about trying to confiscate.
I mean, these people, and I guess America will line up and say, because that's what happened in 1933,
Okay, here's our gold and silver, give us devalued paper back and we'll line up and the cops will have machine guns and we'll just give it to them and then they'll publicly ship it to Goldman Sachs and Bank of America like they did in 1933.
I mean, I can't believe the stuff they're doing, Gerald.
Well, again, it was all predicted, all foreseeable.
It's the biggest bank robbery in world history, and the banks are doing the robbing.
And the only way this is going to change is to bring down the banks.
And by the way, IMF is actually a verb.
Like IMF'd?
Or I am effed up by doing business with them?
That's all it is!
It's one big international mafia federation.
They are robbing us in broad daylight, and the people are taking it, and that's what really discourages me the most.
Because they're still looking for a political solution.
There's no such thing.
It's an oxymoron.
There's no political solutions.
Very well said, Gerald.
But there are some good signs.
I mean, Obama says these aren't wars.
The mainstream media tries to play along with the emperor is wearing a beautiful outfit.
And enough of us stood up like the little kid and said, hey, the emperor's naked.
And now all of the media, they're going, yeah, Obama's a kook.
Yeah, it is a war.
He's super unpopular.
Louis Farrakhan acted like he was the second coming.
Now Farrakhan has called Obama a murderer.
I mean, Obama's stock is going down really, really, I mean, as fast as horse and buggy whip stock went down when Henry Ford opened up his assembly line.
Yes, but it's only temporary.
It changes on a dime.
Look at the Wimpocrats, those wiener liberals that aren't condemning Obama for what he's doing regarding the War Powers Act.
Could you imagine if Bush tried to pull this off?
They'd be screaming bloody murder.
Look at the way the country rallied around Obama
With the Osama vs. Obama story.
You know, you remember the one, you know, we got Osama and now he's wearing cement shoes and swimming with the fishes.
You saw how the people bought that film.
That was almost as good.
Obama could come out and say that July 25th, a large elf from the North Pole will come down your chimney and I believe 35% of the public would actually be waiting at their chimneys.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is going to be an incredibly important broadcast.
I am begging you out there to think for yourselves, to check the information I'm going to give you, and to really, really open up your mind and hear what I am about to say.
Everything is accelerating.
More and more on every front, economic, spiritual, military, health-wise, everything is coming to a head, and then that head will explode, and then it will lead to a greater cascade.
The world is going into just an amazing time of flux.
Corruption and those that are attracted to its dark light is expanding virally.
Goodness, at the same time, throughout history, only is roused and awakened when things get bad.
And the corrupt forces, the social engineers, have written countless white papers on how they've set up the final tyranny, the final revolution.
They've studied how goodness, how wholesomeness,
I don't
Point of
We're being sold a nihilistic view so we don't tune into our survival instinct that directs us so that we will basically allow ourselves to think it's sexy to lose, sexy to fail, to think it's cool to give in to weakness.
This can only be sold during a time of incredible decadence.
People who are spoiled rotten from birth, have no connection to reality, are involved in arrested development.
They basically are taught that evil and darkness and corruption is powerful and cool and that somehow it's fun to spiritually align yourself with it.
That is the great crossroads we're at, and that's why they're pumping pure death, pure destruction into us as a type of psychological warfare mechanism.
And I'll talk more about that in the third hour today.
Joining us in T-minus 22 minutes, Webster Griffin Tarpley from Tripoli.
He would have been on Friday, he would have been on Sunday.
The phones have been out under intense NATO bombing.
Historian and economist Webster Tarpley in Tripoli under bombardment, if he's able to join us, coming up in T-minus 21 minutes.
We weren't supposed to talk about it until he did this first interview, but he's now there in place, and we're going to have him on today coming up.
Wayne Madsen, who's also been to Tripoli, investigative journalist, former with the National Security Agency.
He'll be joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
It'll be open phones and news and key breakdowns of other intelligence after that coming up in the third hour today.
Now, all of that said, let me just read you the stacks here, okay?
Just the first article in each stack.
plans stealth survey on access to doctors ahead of nationalizing doctors, forcing you to serve in the National Healthcare Service.
New York Times, Daily Mail, now Obama's sending out snoopers to pose as patients so they can check up on doctors.
This is every industry.
The preachers, the police, anybody, quote, infrastructure protection.
They're giving security clearances to the TSA.
They're giving it to bridge repair people.
And they got a little petty power trips at their secret police.
And it's a total takeover.
We're going to be going over that.
Obviously, Greece's deputy prime minister warns of tanks in the streets, mass suicides, if second bailout vote down by Greek parliament.
Remember what we were told in 2008 in October.
Give the banks tens of trillions.
It's an open window of $870 billion that they got over and over again, over $27 trillion, last time we got the numbers, most of it to offshore private families and banks.
Paulson told the closed sessions of House and Senate, you do what we say or there'll be martial law and blood in the streets.
Same things being said, this will be the second bailout for Greece, which is really a payment to the banks.
If they go along with it, their future is totally doomed to third-world-dom.
Look what we've turned into, ladies and gentlemen.
Whether you're black or white or Native American, you all went through adversity and absolute endless war and hardcore Conan the Barbarian activity.
Look at you now.
What happened to us?
Scientific dictatorship happened.
Rekindle your instincts to be a wild, free human.
Turn on your instincts.
Turn on the life force, ladies and gentlemen.
It's unstoppable.
And you'll truly be alive.
You can only see what I've seen.
If you could only commit to history, you'd realize why you're so weak, why you feel so powerless, why you behave like jellyfish.
It's because you don't have a fire in your soul.
Only liberty, only the spirit of 1776, the animating spirit of liberty that God can breathe into men and women will quench your thirst.
I'm sorry.
Let me continue.
It's all coming down, ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile, they're threatening the same thing here in the United States, saying we'll lose our debt rating if we don't give the bankers even more money.
Threat of 100 billion hit if US top rating loss, Financial Times of London.
It's all happening right now.
We're going to break this down.
As the economic dictatorship, the banker occupation rolls on.
We've got incredible nuclear reactor news in the United States.
Turns out that the facility has been flooded.
The power is off.
They're on diesel generators at Fort Calhoun.
Our listeners said this was happening weeks ago from people they knew in the plant.
We were flooded with calls, but I couldn't confirm it.
I guess I could get on an airplane, but those facilities have got guys with guns guarding them.
How am I going to find out?
Again, under national security, they hide what's really going on here.
Los Alamos is on fire.
Very, very big concern.
Wildfire nears Los Alamos lab.
It's already on the nuclear testing areas.
So it's reigniting all that stuff and getting into the atmosphere.
That's MSNBC.
It is all coming up.
But first, before I get into the incredible treachery, the off-the-charts betrayal, duplicity that I have never even seen from Bill Clinton or Al Gore, who were masters of duplicity and deception, of slickness, of sliminess.
Rick Perry and the Speaker of the Texas House and the Leader of the Senate Dewhurst, they make Clinton and Obama and Bush look like pikers.
Look like addled idiots.
Okay, this information, I invented it this morning out of anger at 7am talking to Paul Watson and reading over the legislation.
I'm going to break it all down for you.
I'm inventing it here.
Only you can breathe life into it.
Only you can animate it.
Will you animate it?
Will you step forward into history?
Before I do that, I want to play a clip from Bugs Life we played from time to time about why the feds are so upset, why they're twisting arms, and why they've engaged in extremely dirty tricks to get this.
Because if Texas stands up and the feds can only have victory after victory.
If they ever have a defeat at the state level, it's starting to happen all over the country in different ways, the idea that we can use the Constitution to overthrow their tyranny will get purchased.
It will get a foothold and their time is over.
So this is very exciting that we pushed them into a second session and that we're going to push them into a third.
First pray
The regular session, second session, and then a second special session, a third session.
It ends Wednesday.
We need to get in there, tell the state reps, tell the senators, look, just don't show up for votes, talk to others, kill all the legislation.
And explain to them, you're not gonna get all your other garbage through until you do this.
And I'll explain Perry's duplicity in a moment and what's happened.
They've killed the bill.
This is, they killed it on Friday.
They've officially put nails in it today.
Here's A Bug's Life as we go out to break.
There was that ant that stood up to me.
Yeah, but we can forget about him.
Yeah, it was just one ant.
Yeah, you're right.
It's just one ant.
Yeah, boss.
They're puny.
Hmm, puny?
Say, let's pretend this brain is a puny little ant.
Did that hurt?
Well, how about this one?
Are you kidding?
How about this?
Dumps a giant.
Container of grain on them.
Instead of one, it's hundreds.
You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up.
Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one.
And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life!
It's not about food.
It's about keeping those ants in line.
That's why we're going back!
Does anybody else want to stay?
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That's endofamerica3.com.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Well, it's very traitorous what's happened and State Representative David Simpson told us about this this morning.
They rewrote the bill in the House to say that
Basically for any reason they can grope you.
So they took a bill saying we're going to enforce the law that police or anybody else can't stick their hands down your pants without a warrant and they've said now basically if government feels like it they can.
And they're now selling that
Now remember, the House unanimously voted a month ago to enforce the law and say you can't touch on the outside or the inside of the pants or skirt or whatever it is.
And now they've twisted that to say, yes, TSA for any reason can basically give you a proctology exam if they want to.
So the 95-year-old lady's dying of cancer.
Get ready, a world of hurt's coming.
This is all about federal power grab, federal occupation.
It's all about checkpoints all across the country.
Let's let the House know we're aware of their treason!
They can lay down on their backs for the federal government to come in here and grope our little girls and boys.
What this is, is a pedophile protection network.
They're on a social regulation now.
They think we don't know Perry killed the last bill while he claims he supports it.
No matter what your policy is, the point is, Rick Perry is a deceptive snake at the level of the devil!
This is our capital!
It doesn't belong to the offshore banks!
Seven years I served, I fought for the Constitution, y'all stood up and pulled it.
Then my friends died.
The Senators were visibly changed whenever they started chanting outdoors, and then you were still filming.
And Dewhurst's attention kind of came back to the Senate floor.
When you moved just a few feet, he looked up, he was tracking your every move.
He was very aware of the people in there, very aware of the people that were out in the hall, and very, very aware of that camera.
We've been in here before taping.
I've been in here with media taping.
Well, that's the rules today.
All rules today.
You can't have it.
Not like the speed limit's 55.
I'm not going to do this with you.
Well, go get the police then.
Yeah, get the police.
So again, this is America now.
We're in here peacefully sitting here, not doing anything.
And he comes and he says, the rules today are that you can't videotape.
The rules today.
Now, usually the police get caught in here, and we've caught it before, where the police are, we're shooting live video as well, where the police do their job and leave everybody alone.
And we hope that's the case, but Rob's been here before when they're all voting for each other.
Go ahead, there's Kurt Watson.
We're just going to bring that to a close.
Thanks for sitting down.
But here's the issue.
National TV, The Drugs Report, Infowars.com, the whole world's watching.
And what we learned from Texas will be used in other states to beat you globalist agents and mercenaries.
Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Webster Griffin Tarpley, you are now joining us.
Very brave to be there.
Now nearing your second week in Libya, or about to end the first week.
Webster, welcome.
Thank you very much, Alex.
These are gigantic crowds.
It looks like, as a curse review, 200,000 or more.
How many people is that?
I think that's probably about right.
It's in the hundreds of thousands.
And the thing is, I'm here above Green Square.
This is a vantage point at the edge of the old city of Tripoli, which goes back to the Roman Empire.
So I'm up here with the press corps.
We came on the press bus today.
And there are easily tens of thousands right in this packed area right below us where there
They're really having quite a time.
They're chanting and dancing and they're shooting off Kalashnikovs.
Every now and then you hear a ripple of machine gun fire.
There's such slaves that they have 200,000 or looks like more people firing automatic weapons in the air.
Can you imagine Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, what the government would do if 200,000 people tried to gather with Kalashnikovs in the Capitol?
What would happen?
I don't know, but here it's also women.
The demand for Kalashnikovs among women here is monumental.
But let me just give you an idea of the setting.
We're about two hours from the Mediterranean sunset.
And the reason they have these demonstrations late in the day is what I'm feeling right now.
The sun is still very strong, right?
We're basically on the northern edge of the Sahara Desert.
The Mediterranean is about
Half a mile away.
So we're right here by this basin in the border of Tripoli.
Right across from me is a building that goes back ultimately to about the 5th century AD.
It's Marcus Decimus Aurelius, one of the later Roman emperors, built this palace and he built the walls to the old city.
And then beyond that, you can see the minarets of the interior of the old city.
Those came later, of course.
Those came in the 700s and the 800s.
And the place is packed, and it's green.
It's a sea of green.
They have got these green stripes right about six feet wide.
And every tribe is competing with every other tribe to see who can have the longest one.
And some of them say mine is 4 kilometers long and the other one says that's nothing.
We've got 10 kilometers over here.
So that's going on.
We've got above me, there are these floodlights, right?
Like at a ballpark.
And there are people climbing up on these things with great danger to life and limb.
Can you imagine if US troops go into that city?
I think that would be rivers of blood, and once again, these were people who put up with a million dead under the Italian colonialism.
They're the first people in the world to have poison gas used on them.
That didn't stop them, and ultimately the Italians built
It's something like a primitive version of the Berlin Wall or the inner German border in the Cold War, except this was all along the border between Libya and Egypt to keep the British from smuggling in support for the rebels.
So, there's chanting.
Now, the chant, it's actually a very good humored crowd.
You see some pro-Syrian flags.
Solidarity with Syria Operation.
There are some other flags down there.
And the big guy that they hate is Sarkozy.
Man, down, down Sarkozy.
Down, down Sarkozy.
That's the order of the day.
And there was already sort of a spontaneous jubilation yesterday when Sarkozy got himself yanked.
We're good to go.
Sarkozy is undoubtedly the most hated, so he is the number one villain.
Do we know why Sarkozy, who admittedly was financed with some Libyan money and making deals with Muammar Gaddafi, why Sarkozy is trying to double-cross Gaddafi?
Well, because you've got to remember who Sarkozy is, right?
I think there's some
There may be a sign down there that says something about Sarkozy's ancestry.
He is the bastard son of the CIA in the sense that Sarkozy's mother, I guess his biological mother, remarried.
Sure, Sarkozy's not even from France, for folks that don't know that.
I think more Hungarian to begin with.
The big influence, the household that he grew up in was the CIA household.
So now we've got a puppet president of France, and it's just amazing.
The woman who was put in as the new head of the IMF, right, this Lagarde,
I've heard some stories about Lagarde now from some French people who are here.
Thierry Maison, among others.
And the idea is that Lagarde, as a French minister, treasury secretary, she put out an order that it was forbidden to speak French in that ministry.
She said everything has to be done in English.
Everything has to be written in English.
Don't come to me and talk to me in French.
I want to hear it in English.
She's an anglophile!
I guess so.
That's putting it mildly.
She's off the deep end on that stuff.
Now there's a crescendo of oratory and cheering in the background that you may hear.
And I see another guy up on this... No, no, you're reporting.
We've got the video up for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're good.
The main TV in Russia, Dmitry Rogozin, told RIA Novostat on Friday that NATO is probably preparing a ground invasion to overthrow the Qaddafi regime in Libya.
He is Russia's NATO envoy.
I think that now we are witnessing a preparation stage for a ground invasion, which NATO
I'm on the radio.
So, Tarpley, what do you make of the fact that Russia is now saying that they've got intel, the green light is rolling forward?
I mean, this is madness.
I think it's widely known.
I was just on Russia Today via Moscow a couple of hours ago, and that should be up in the darkly black nests before too long, I hope.
And the main idea was that Lavrov, also the foreign minister, had said something similar.
So we got all the main Russian representatives in the world, really, putting out that line.
So they obviously see something coming, and that puts the ball in our court.
I saw today some analyses of that vote in the House of Representatives from last week, which indicates that there are already enough votes in the House to cut off the money and stop the war, at least from the House of Representatives' point of view.
Sorry, I just got interrupted here.
I think I may be the only person doing a live feed.
No, I understand, Lord Tarplay.
Please continue.
The thing is, it's coming, right?
So the House of Representatives, you've already got enough votes.
All you need is a clean bill that says no more funding, no more killing, no more war, and nothing is approved, and not even retrospectively.
Because when you look at that, the bill put in by Congressman Rooney last week, which was presented as the one cutting off the funds, it's lost by about 30 votes.
That could have had 70 more anti-war Democrats voting for it, but it was a...
Some people said it was approving Obama through the back door, because it said, no killing, but everything else is fine.
Well, all the logistics and everything else, you know, up to killing, but not including killing is fine.
And what Obama has done is approved.
A lot of people just don't want to vote for that.
So, again... Well, we know the... I mean, Webster, we know the propaganda, because they always beta test it up front.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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That's www.silverlungs.com.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
We're good to go.
Hello, this is Steve Schenk.
What does freedom mean to you?
eFoodsDirect is celebrating freedom with the Freedom Food Giveaway.
Each week in July, they are giving away a one-year food supply.
Just go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex and register to win a one-year food supply
With a 25-year shelf life at efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, look for the new Patriot Pack, a $149, 12-day supply of food, plus accessories, that is free with a purchase of $235 or more.
Call 800-409-5633, or on the web, efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, and register to win a free 1-year supply of food.
Then listen to Alex Jones to announce the weekly winners.
Also, the first 50 to register each day win a $50 subscription to the Voice of Reason e-newsletter.
Go to efoodsdirect.com slash alex or call 800-409-5633.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Hello, fellow liberty lovers.
Thank you for again joining us on this Sunday edition of the transmission.
A very special broadcast.
The eve of our nation's birthday, July 4th, 2011.
Remember why we celebrate July 4th.
It's not because we
Have a right to bow down and worship government and hand our guns in to the foreign offshore banks.
No, it's because we remember the spirit of 1776 and the incredible liberty and freedom that has come out of the sacrifice of our forebears.
I want to now premiere here for you the keynote speech I gave to the Talkers Magazine New Media Conference in New York on June 11, 2011.
Past keynote speakers have been folks like Rush Limbaugh and others, and syndicated radio host and TV host in New York, Lionel, introduced me.
So in the next three segments, we are going to transmit to you the speech that I gave dealing with the transformation happening in media.
And believe me, this affects us all, so here it is.
I listen to our guest Alex Jones every single day.
And as I get older...
As I'm wizened and hobble into decrepitude, I have, I'm losing my hearing, meaning I get bored very easily.
I can assure you, I have never, one time, ever caught myself in the middle of any of this program.
That is critical, because it's entertainment, and you cannot be entertained when you're asleep.
For those of you who might not know, Alex Jones has absolutely seized every delivery system there is.
Terrestrial radio, podcasting, studio cam, YouTubes, Twitter, Facebook, nanotechnology.
If he can figure out to communicate with bees, somehow he will do it!
I don't know how he does it.
He does something called a Google bomb.
I'm sure you know what that is, right?
Let me just say right now, I hope Alex Jones never uses his power for evil.
That's all I gotta say.
Alex Jones will say, alright, I've got an article and I want everybody to go into your Google search engine, type
The following, and within a picosecond, his article is number one in the Google search.
If Alex Jones were to say, everybody type in, Michael Harrison is responsible for typhus epidemics.
Within a picosecond, the world and forever, Michael Harrison type in.
He's mastered that.
DVDs, documentaries, everything!
There is simply, in terms of a delivery system, there is absolutely nothing to compare it with.
Alexa voted him, and constantly says he's the number one alternative media outlet.
And I love this term, alternative media, because very shortly, the quote, non-alternative, will be alternative.
Read the hits.
Read the absolute quantifiable metrics of what this man does.
It's just incredible.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I've heard him say something I think, no.
That can't be.
For example, he'll say something about, uh, whatever, or this particular leader enjoys microwaving kittens in his spare time.
And I'm thinking, now you've gone too far.
You're making that up.
He doesn't microwave kittens, and he doesn't drink their blood.
And then he'll say, Paul, can we get a camera shot?
And there it is!
For like 9,000 sources, they microwave kittens.
And what I keep saying to myself is, why am I not reading this?
Listen to what this man does, watch what he does, just next week, just go in, and it will astound you because if spoken word, which is what we do, is to survive in this world of YouTube and these ADV people with the attention span of a gnat, so without further ado, I am absolutely honored
To introduce to you your guest speaker.
Let me just say this, and I'm not kidding.
In the pantheon, the pantheon, of radio greats, from Rush to Stern, people, and our forebears, Alex Jones will be there because what he's doing is redefining it.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones.
You know, I know who that guy is, as everybody does, but I've definitely got to get him on the radio now.
That was awesome.
First off, I want to thank everybody for inviting me and the folks that run Talkers.
I want to thank Ted Anderson for the last 14 years backing me up with my radio show as it's grown.
And it's great to be here in New York and I'm glad I flew in after it cooled down a bit because, you know, it's cold down there in Texas.
We can't handle the heat.
I think that Lionel really encapsulated at the end of his speech, where I'm going to begin, and that is there is a great transformation happening.
I mean, everybody knows that.
And I've been invited here because folks in talk radio realize that there's a storm going on.
Well, actually, that's just the front edge.
The real storm is coming, and the landscape of the future is being formed right now.
What's happening is the social engineers, Edward Bernays and others, got a jump on it and realized it and the Department of War realized it and they all wrote books and they said we're going to basically standardize humanity in the same way that Henry Ford was designing the assembly line.
And so what's happened because of the internet that DARPA and the NSA set up, they openly said in the 60s, this will control everything, we'll track everything in reality, it'll be a total panoptagon of surveillance and control so that we can carry out our engineering.
And this is all public.
And they said we'll keep people in this tiny reality while the technocracy develops a separate
Breakaway civilization and they call that the New World Order banking cartel and through the claim of national security a whole nother world of technology, black ops systems has been developed and the whole ruse of terrorism is the pretext to put the clamp down on the population and then also begin to basically come out in the open with the system
Where you have the trusted travelers, the normal travelers, and the untrusted travelers.
And no one knows how you get on those magical lists.
It's a new class system.
And why do I raise that point?
What's happened is they plan to use the World Wide Wiretap, the web, as a control grid.
But it did blow back.
There were individuals that recognized what was happening and
desperately used that system in a way that the establishment thought we wouldn't.
They overestimated with their hubris and their arrogance because these technocrats literally have serious delusions of grandeur.
And because that's happened now, the population has awakened.
Now, they haven't awakened to the full spectrum of what's happening, but they've awakened that there's more going on in the world than the top three or four stories every day.
And in their gut,
They're they're searching and in that searching and and and getting outside the box to use the cliche and they're getting outside of that box in that box and Really reaching out to people and being real that's how you connect with folks know that things are canned and packaged and as this
Collision takes place.
The system is desperate, and that's why we're seeing open discussion by not just the White House, regulations, Arcast, Sunstein, and others, but also from, quote, conservative circles, the mainline, quote, liberals, that are just two different flavors of Kool-Aid.
You know, one is strawberry and one is grape, but it's all got the cyanide in it.
People are recognizing that, so there is this perfect storm of government and old media openly trying to write the narrative right now to begin censoring and taxing and regulating and harassing.
And I want to speak to you about that, because you guys know that there's a revolution happening in media and that things are changing.
And there's a lot of factors there.
It's also the fact that we're going into a depression is why your industry, my industry, I don't really consider myself in an industry.
I'm on a mission.
Hey, hold on, Alex.
Hold on.
Let me interrupt myself.
Everybody knows I'm good at that.
We'll be right back, folks, with more of my keynote speech at the Talkers Magazine conference in New York.
We'll be right back in a second.
In constant sorrow
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
It's true.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Number 4.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-866-422-9000.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people that have the wisdom to spot savings, opportunity, and recognize risk.
Saving means to make money.
The Calbin Pure Soap Company can save you thousands of dollars and give you good old-fashioned real soaps that are triple concentrated and twice as good as what you're using now.
Soaps made from vegetable and coconut oils that contain no useless dyes, perfumes, deodorants, or antibacterials.
Your risk is the hundreds of hazardous toxic detergents that give you rashes, itching sores, and deteriorating clothing called lint.
If you want something better, if you want something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before.
Getting a free catalog is easy by calling 800-340-7091.
Or see Calvin on the web at FiveStarSoap.com.
Take charge of your health now by calling 800-340-7091.
Or see Calvin on the web at FiveStarSoap.com.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
What does freedom mean to you?
eFoodsDirect is celebrating freedom with the Freedom Food Giveaway.
Each week in July they are giving away a one-year food supply.
Just go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex and register to win a one-year food supply
With a 25-year shelf life.
At efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, look for the new Patriot Pack.
A $149 12-day supply of food, plus accessories, that is free with a purchase of $235 or more.
Call 800-409-5633, or on the web, efoodsdirect.com slash Alex, and register to win a free 1-year supply of food.
Then listen to Alex Jones to announce the weekly winners.
Also, the first 50 to register each day win a $50 subscription to the Voice of Reason e-newsletter.
Go to efoodsdirect.com slash Alex or call 800-409-5633.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are back, my compadres.
And now I give you more of my keynote speech at the Talkers Magazine New Media Conference in New York City.
I'm here to warn you.
If you think things are crazy now, notice how everything is accelerating, everything is quickening as we approach different layers towards technological singularity.
If you think we're moving fast now, if you think things are changing now, it is going to grow in a hyperbolic curve starting in the next several years.
Through this crisis, the system is going to come in
We're good to go.
They can't watch everything you're doing.
People are able to call in.
Regional stories that they don't want out of their compartmentalized matrix can be released.
And number one, scandals of the corrupt Deccan elite, who've been acting like this for a very long time, can now come out and they can't control it.
And if you think stuff with Wiener's Wiener is a big deal, it's many levels above that in the type of outright corruption the establishment is accustomed to this power, they're accustomed to doing whatever they want, and I've known for years
That my radio show and the stuff I was doing on the internet from The Metrics was bigger than most of the biggest talk show hosts in the country when you add it together.
For a long time I wouldn't brag and I just sat there and waited because I understood the danger and I needed to get to a point where the enemy went ahead and recognized and began attacking which was exactly what I wanted because the enemy, the global social engineers, the technocrats,
Maybe intelligent, but at the same time, they have that subconscious arrogance of their ego.
And so, they still think that when they attack you, that it gives them power and that they're discrediting you.
But the truth is, they could attack a maggot-covered dead dog in a ditch and people would run to the maggot-covered dead dog and begin loving it because they hate the establishment and the system so much.
You understand that?
So the point is, the system's running out of bullets, and that's why they're openly now trying to introduce the idea of censorship.
About a month ago, I started getting emails and my crew was like, listen to this clip, listen to that clip.
They'd cue them up and I'd hear them.
And I heard different national talk shows, some of them on hundreds of stations, saying, I'm not going to go to talkers because Alex Jones is there.
This is a talk show host, First Amendment, and the system that you are using for your livelihood and your passion, that's why you really do it, could sit there and say, I don't want to hear Alex Jones speak.
And that right there is really running up the white flag.
That is somebody showing how weak they are.
And how scared they are.
And no matter what happens to Alex Jones, this information is not going away.
And then I was seeing other clips of other talk show hosts on their national shows thinking they're hurting me by trying to damage your conference?
I mean, that is so un-American.
That's so authoritarian.
It's anti-human.
And it is the plague.
People that talk like that are traitors against liberty and traitors for the First Amendment.
Free speech is something incredibly rare across the world.
Millions have died for it!
And we treat it like it's toilet paper!
It's not!
It's the precious jewel that must be protected above all else!
It is the falcon of liberty and freedom and private property and our children's future!
Everything lies on it!
And the attack against free speech is in full gear!
What must not be tolerated is any, quote, liberal, libertarian, conservative, you know, and that fake three flavors thing they're offering.
Who attacks the First Amendment?
We need to get organized.
We need to make it the issue.
I mean, look, if I can routinely do things similar now to what Drudge does and force an issue out and keep doing it for like a week or two sometimes if I have to and then I see it blossom and explode, imagine what all of us can do if we start defending liberty.
If we start not just talking about
Lining up Arabs and killing them, because that's the new freedom in America.
But if we actually opened up the Declaration of Independence again and said, we're into this, we're not liberal, we're not conservative, we love freedom, we're constitutionalists.
Because this isn't about just getting more listeners, this isn't about reaching more people or making more money.
If that's what you want, telling the truth, being active, being aggressive, it will all come.
But people realize when something's real and they instinctively make that connection to you when you are telling them the truth or when you are telling them what you believe.
There is a war by the monopoly forces that are not free market.
They talk about how they're corporate.
They talk about free market all day.
They're the opposite.
And people need to realize and study history.
This is common sense, and I'm sure it's a smart crowd here.
You know this.
The monopoly men are the absolute enemy of private property and of freedom of expression and everything that's good and wholesome.
So there's a war against you.
You're not there with David Rockefeller.
You are not
You're not there with Queen Beatrix.
You're not there with the big eight families.
This is a mafia.
Now I understand they fund things, they own things, they try to steer things.
The point is it's us or them.
Well, you need to make your decision.
You're at the crossroads.
Choose what side.
Because these globalists will phase you out.
These globalists do not want a bunch of people running around that are intelligent and know how to communicate.
They want to shut off your systems.
So decide who you're going to serve.
You've got to serve somebody like Bob Dylan says.
Choose what you serve.
As for me and my house, I serve the truth because out of that everything good comes.
The truth sells.
The truth is exciting.
People are so tired of the Republican-Democrat football being passed back and forth.
They're so tired of politicians trying to craft what they say and be careful and push the same baloney over and over again to where people, exactly what Lionel said, tune out.
And if you go to the major studies that are out there, the last 50 years, the brainwaves of North Americans in Canada and the United States particularly, not so much Mexico, the brainwave level has lowered.
The IQs have lowered.
People are in more of a trance-like sleepwalking stage.
They're at the point right above that.
That's why I can go on a national TV show and get almost no traffic to Infowars.com, but I go on some Christian station in a city that's got passionate, listening, tuned-in, awake people who aren't in a zombie-like state, literally, and I plug my DVDs and sell a thousand of them.
Go on CNN, say, get my DVDs at Infowars.com, sell five.
Go on the Christian station with people that care and are awake.
They're focused.
They're into something spiritual.
They're into being awake.
They're brainwaves when you're in a spiritual state.
Go off the chart.
They're recognizing things.
You go on some, you know, conservative station who can't even get phone calls, big station, like, wow, you talked about another issue we never talked about.
The lines have been jammed.
They were jammed for two days, you know, after you were on.
What happened?
I talked about something different or I looked at it from a different angle
Then what you've been doing!
If I just sat up here and said, uh, Red House, Red House, Red House, for ten hours, and then for five minutes you'd get up and walk out!
And it's the same thing!
And so all these different consultants and people, uh, well we've gotta just go with this parameter, this is what the owners are saying, because it's perception management, we've gotta keep it in this box, we've gotta, you know, keep managing society this way, and, and oh, you're, you're part of the management team now, you're,
You're moving up.
Well, the people never really wanted freedom anyways, and they're dumb, and they tear you apart.
You might as well join the system.
All of that is a load of crud.
The guy, the gal above you, giving you this line about join the New World Order, join the corporate borg.
They're expendable.
They're being expended.
This is a consolidation.
This system wants to get rid of, basically, the wealth of this nation, the world, as a way to manage and control you.
They are attacking you.
Now, how have I been able to reach 25 million people just on one streaming system a month, the other formats another 14 million or so?
How do I have upwards of 600,000 podcast downloads a day?
How do I have eight different YouTube channels with over 300 million views in the last two and a half years?
How on every metric are we exponentially growing?
That's happening because so much of what I've said people have now seen manifest and happen.
And they're realizing that what I'm covering is important.
So there's that ingredient.
Also, I'm somebody who started out 16 and a half years ago on AXS Television.
I went to community college.
I could have gone to UT, but I wanted to go part-time because I was working.
And they were teaching me antiquated stuff in the two semesters.
So I just then tried to go intern at a radio station and saw that there was no future there.
So I thought, well, there's AXS Television, which again was an electronic soapbox.
Less than six months, a local radio station came on.
And the program director saw me on Access and said, you want a weekend show.
And then six months later, you want a Sunday show, not just Saturday.
You want to go on weeknights.
And then things progressed from that point.
But I was always hungry because I had passion to warn people about anti-gun legislation.
I mean, I wanted to defend my Second Amendment.
And the North American Union movement to get rid of my country's sovereignty.
And movements to raise my taxes.
Okay folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Diamond Gusset Jeans got it, others don't.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 1.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
You've heard Alex explain how the Silver Lungs Generator infuses the respiratory system with your self-produced colloidal silver solutions, yet many are unaware of the entire function of the Silver Lungs System and how it has been designed to deliver your silver solutions anywhere in or on the body.
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As well, we are always ready to answer any questions you may have.
That's www.SilverLungs.com
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people that have the wisdom to spot savings, opportunity, and recognize risk.
Saving means to make money.
The Cal Bend Pure Soap Company can save you thousands of dollars and give you good old-fashioned real soaps that are triple concentrated and twice as good as what you're using now.
Soaps made from vegetable and coconut oils that contain no useless dyes, perfumes, deodorants, or antibacterials.
Your risk is the hundreds of hazardous toxic detergents that give you rashes, itching sores, and deteriorating clothing called lint.
If you want something better, if you want something you've never had before, you have to do something you've never done before.
Getting a free catalog is easy by calling 800-340-7091.
Or see Calvin on the web at 5starsoap.com.
Take charge of your health now by calling 800-340-7091.
Or see Calvin on the web at 5starsoap.com.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I approach this as somebody who wants to be free.
It's very elementary.
What I've done is, it's an elephant in the room.
I'm not that smart.
Most of you people here, I've listened to you.
You're more eloquent than I am.
You've got incredible wordsmiths.
You know, you're smart.
You know what's going on.
All I'm doing is saying, there it is.
And so I looked for every crack I could, every way, every system.
I went on the air, I read the executive orders of Bill Clinton.
I knew that the United Nations had already signed a deal for buffer zones around national parks, as they've done in third world countries, where they had taken under UNESCO the control of resources in the world.
I went on air and said the UN is taking into receivership these buffer zones.
You go, well, they're not mining it.
Where's the money?
They take it off limits.
You understand?
And so then that makes their investments next to it go up.
You shut down the coal, clean coal in Utah, the only other place they got it's in China, and Bill Clinton's got a deal with them, he shuts that down in a UN agreement, now they make 20 billion dollars.
In the metric.
See, it's all about planned artificial scarcity.
But, again, that's the problem.
There's just too much data.
There's too much information.
It's all there.
It's like trying to walk to a mountain vista and stand there and say, well, I'm looking at a mountain and it's very beautiful.
You've got to go see it for yourself.
But my point getting into that, is that's how I got into filmmaking, was because I went on air and said this, and I had the executive orders, I had the documents, I had the photos, and people didn't believe me.
And they didn't have webcams then, in 1996.
That's why I was showing it on Access Television, and I said, well instead of a newsletter, people don't believe this, I'll travel these natural parks, I'll show it myself.
And I politely walk in the Grand Canyon, where's the UN plaque saying this has been set aside for the UN?
We're going to arrest you!
I wasn't trained in all of this and I was up till six in the morning every day and not sleeping.
That's how I wrecked my looks.
You know, from years, from about 96, I was really good looking.
From about 96 to 2000, before I finally got enough money and could hire employees, I was sleeping three hours a day.
And I was doing it with coffee, so I transformed into what I am today.
So because I work my way up in every media and every system trying to learn it I mean we would have had a lot more success up until now if I'd have obviously known all this 16 years ago It's like I don't even know what I learned.
I don't even know what I know I just am able to do it and I don't have an instinct for things and I know how to take a story put a
Accurate headline out, but I want to be read, but then I just know how to put the headline out So it'll have the biggest effect and then I've got my crew and I'm always trying to teach them exactly I'm like watch this.
This is what I'm gonna say about this This is gonna encapsulate what this really does the system knows how to take something horrible and spin it like it's no big deal We're gonna take something that's hiding in plain view put a new headline on it have three paragraph comment put a blurb of that Point it out and everybody goes whoa
They have just taken something and totally turned it around.
So, much of my show is also the interactiveness of it where I'm putting out...
Announcements for people to do searches they go and they discover it for themselves and I'm not lying to them They find other things and send it to me.
So there's that interaction there.
I mean, there's so many things that Tie into this And I sit there and talk to my producers on air tell them what I want It's really behind the scenes when I've got my reporters at Bilderberg right now I get them on air and I sit there and I direct them on air.
I'm transparent I'm transparent I
And out in the open.
I tell you really what I think.
And again, you guys know that.
You understand that.
Just remember that talk radio is old, but it is new.
It's always new.
It's on the fly.
That's why it's loved so much, because even though you're covering something that's already in the news, you do give a different angle.
You do have that passion.
People are able to interact all this stuff you guys already know getting into the system moving against free media They're going to openly and they have called for an FCC fairness doctrine over the internet and they're gonna do that by converting everything to Wireless and then claiming they can regulate that spectrum, which you know that fights going on now They're also gonna go from covertly
I don't
The president popping in on it, and government text alerts to fear monger you.
That's how the system is planning to do this.
The emergency alert system, all of it.
And they're going to basically terrorize talk radio, but also they're breaking talk radio right now, and then they're going to come in later with, oh, we'll stop breaking in except in really bad emergencies, but we'll start paying you for not just public service announcements, but government broadcast.
So, and you're gonna be there broke, needing it, and the manager's gonna hate it, but, you know, now we're six hours a day, government news, because they're paying the bills.
So you got that?
They're openly got all the white papers on that?
They're gonna try it.
You notice everything this government does is what you've already heard about in Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.
You're like, we've seen that before!
We've seen cameras and jackboots and black uniforms and checkpoints and people being frisked.
Folks are calling me going, how did you know the TSA
I think?
I mean, billions and trillions of miles of crimes, okay?
And they have got to set up a police state.
They've got to shut down free speech.
They've got to stage terror attacks.
And they're gonna do it.
And whether you believe I'm a kook or not about that,
Those terror attacks are aimed at your liberties and your freedoms, just like Hitler firebombed the Reichstag and attacked Glywods to start the war with Poland.
We always hear Hitler just attacked Poland out of the blue.
It's a historical fact that he blew up his own military base on the border.
WikiLeaks, two years ago, released the Army Manual on how to stage terror attacks.
That's something you ought to pull up, that the government admits it's real, and they say, we are going to find who released that, we're going to arrest them.
They're saying it's not Manning.
Special Forces Army
Captains and above are taught how to conduct false flags.
So grow up, people.
Grow up.
These people, these globalists don't care about you.
They're going to eat your lunch.
They're coming for you.
So decide.
Is it your kids?
Your wife?
Your husband?
Your liberty?
Your freedom?
Or are you going to make-believe and buy into the delusion that you're part of the power structure?
And maybe kiss up enough to be part of that power structure for a little while longer.
Not me!
I'm going head up against these people and I don't care if they kill me.
And that's what people recognize.
I love my life.
I love my life.
I love life.
I have such a passion for life that I'm ready to die for truth and beauty and goodness.
You understand that?
I love life so much that I don't care if they kill me and water the Tree of Liberty.
I'm non-violent.
They want to cut me down like Darth Vader cut down Obi-Wan Kenobi, so be it!
They want to try to assassinate my character?
They want to try to destroy me?
That way?
Keep attacking!
Nobody buys what they say!
You gotta decide, are you with the people, or are you with the establishment?
Are you with the folks that everybody hates, or are you with the people?
We're sold that being cynical is a armor, is powerful.
We're sold being little corporate drones is how to get ahead in life.
Well, America wasn't built by being cynical.
America was built by liberty and passion for truth and adventurism and rugged individualism.
That's what it was built by.
And I am an American success story.
I am nothing special.
I'm somebody who got angry about folks coming after my liberty and coming after my freedom and I decided to stand up and find ways to reach the people to warn them about what's happening.
And the fellow back here said, get to the point.
The point is, tell the truth, you'll have listeners.
The truth is, be passionate, you'll have listeners.
It's not even so much the means and delivery systems.
I mean, if you don't have employees who are passionate about updating your Facebook or putting out YouTube videos or getting the word out and engaging in full spectrum attacks through the media on the corrupt system, if you're not in an info war,
You're not in the war.
You're not in the real world.
There is a war on for your mind, and at the end of the day, people will recognize truth.
And it's just that simple.
So if you tell the truth, your industry will survive.
If you lie to yourselves about the attack on free speech, you will be phased out and eliminated.
The old media system is a dying dinosaur, but you are seen as one of the only dinosaurs that they are not trying to save, but that they're trying to kill.
So you need to realize, whether you believe it or not,
You are not in the camp of the New World Order and they want to get rid of you.
So that's the important message here today.
It's not just how are you going to survive by reaching out to people and how are you going to thrive.
It's how are you going to unify people with passion and become truly political.
Not just basically following the little marionettes that are fighting with each other with the limited talking points and scripts.
Get outside of it.
Cover more issues and
Tell the truth and you will win and your children will have a future.
Thanks for having me.
Well, there it is.
My speech to many of the leaders of the talk radio industry in this nation.
I hope everyone has a safe, at the same time, informed 4th of July.
Drive safe out there.
And think about why we celebrate the 4th of July so that we can salvage our nation and hopefully restore our republic.
And I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
God bless you all.
I think.