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Name: 20110630_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 30, 2011
2347 lines.
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Well it's very traitorous what's happened and State Representative David Simpson told us about this this morning.
They rewrote the bill in the House to say that basically for any reason they can grope you.
So they took a bill saying we're going to enforce the law
That police or anybody else can't stick their hands down your pants without a warrant.
And they've said now, basically, if government feels like it, they can.
And they're now selling that.
Now, remember, the House unanimously voted a month ago to enforce the law and say you can't touch on the outside or the inside of the pants or skirt or whatever it is.
And now they've twisted that to say, yes, TSA, for any reason, can basically give you a proctology exam if they want to.
So, the 95-year-old lady's dying of cancer.
Get ready, a world of hurt's coming.
This is all about federal power grab, federal occupation.
It's all about checkpoints all across the country.
Let's let the House know we're aware of their TREASON!
These are criminals that tax your property and everything.
These are scumbags.
So they can lay down on their backs for the federal government to come in here and grope our little girls and boys.
What this is, is a pedophile protection network.
They think we don't know Perry killed the last bill while he claims he supports it.
No matter what your policy is, the point is Rick Perry is a deceptive snake at the level of the devil!
This is our capital.
It doesn't belong to the offshore banks.
Seven years I served.
I fought for the Constitution.
Y'all should uphold it.
My friends died.
The Senators were visibly changed whenever they started chanting outdoors, and then you were still filming, and her attention kind of came back to the Senate floor.
When you moved just a few feet, he looked up, he was tracking your every move.
He was very aware of the people in there, very aware of the people that were out in the hall, and very, very aware of that camera.
We've been in here before taping.
I've been in here with media taping.
Well, that's the rules today.
You can't have it.
All rules today.
Not like the speed limit's 55.
I'm not going to do this with you.
Well, go get the police then.
Yeah, get the police.
So again, this is America now.
We're in here peacefully sitting here, not doing anything.
And he comes and he says, the rules today are that you can't videotape.
The rules today.
Now, usually the police get caught in here, and we've caught it before, where the police are, we're shooting live video as well, where the police, you know, do their job and leave everybody alone.
And we hope that's the case, but Rob's been here before, when they're all voting for each other.
Go ahead, there's Kurt Watson.
We just want to bring that to an end.
That's what's in it, man.
But here's the issue.
National TV, The Drugs Report, Infowars.com, the whole world's watching.
And what we learned from Texas will be used in other states to beat you globalist agents and mercenaries.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We have a very important live broadcast lined up for you today.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're here Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
It is the 30th day of June 2011, and we have Lyndon LaRouche.
If you don't know who he is, folks, he's an extremely interesting economist and historian.
He'll be joining us from Germany via video Skype today.
Also a former Austin City Council member, accomplished businessman and economist, George Humphrey will also be joining us in studio.
George Humphrey was the first person when they got rid of Glass-Steagall in the late 1990s that I heard break down exactly what would happen within the next decade and how it was a plan
to implode the world's economy after they had sold the derivatives to the population.
And he wrote a book and made a audio tape that is prophetic.
And so we'll be discussing that with George and a lot more today in the third hour of the broadcast.
So Lennon LaRouche and also George Humphrey today in studio.
I talk to a lot of people and they say, why is the government so over the top?
Why would they shut off the Klamath Falls water in Southern Oregon, Northern California for a fish that's not even indigenous and ruin tens of thousands of farmers' property and livelihoods?
Why would the Feds do something so naked, so abusive?
Why would the TSA grab members of the Texas legislators' genitals and crush them and say, this is punishment?
I mean, the state reps, the head of the Energy Commission, happened to him as well, said that they were told, you're now being punished.
When they found out they were Texas legislators in New Orleans a few weeks ago, flying out.
Why would they do something so insanely wild?
Why would GMO companies like Monsanto openly brag that they plan on infecting all of the natural food crops on the planet with their genetics so you don't have a choice and have to eat GMO?
Why would Obama come out yesterday and say there's not even a discussion of the Constitution and he doesn't even need to discuss it?
Why would Congress people yesterday call illegal aliens in to testify and to sit behind the head of Homeland Security, who was a traitorous governor of course in Arizona trying to open the borders up,
And openly say these people are going to be our future presidents when everyone knows you've got to be natural born in this country to run for president.
Why, I ask you, would they do such brazen things?
And the list goes on and on.
It is a psychological warfare tactic to exercise power over people.
And to break their will.
And I have likened it in the psychology, and there's actual declassified British, US, French, Russian psychological warfare manuals where they talk about breaking the will of a population.
But to use a pop culture example, I don't watch a lot of television, and I forget the name of the HBO special, but five, six years ago I caught 15, 20 minutes of it.
It was a show about pimps.
And they talked to several pimps, and they explained the pimp game.
And the pimp game is to get young women who are runaways, get them addicted to drugs, and then absolutely beat them, torture them, treat them like absolute garbage.
And these women, even when they're not on drugs, grovel and plead.
And they ask the pimps, well, what do you give your whores?
And he said, I give them nothing.
They don't keep any of the money.
They're lucky if I buy them a piece of chicken.
And then they cut to this woman who's been run over and beaten and she's half dead in the hospital room and her mother's there and the pimp arrogantly comes in, again, right in front of the mother.
The mother should have attacked him.
Comes right in.
See, he's even pimping her.
In the old days, folks, he'd be taken out back and hung.
Or there'd be a daddy there with that girl who would, you know, the pimp would never make it in the building.
But see, we've learned that when somebody's arrogant, we just lay down to them.
And she's begging the pimp.
She's saying, I'm so sorry I'm in this hospital.
I'm going to get back on my feet, baby.
I'm going to get back on my feet.
I'm going to make you that money.
And she's begging and pleading with him like she's bad that she's almost dead.
And the woman looks, the mother looks at the pimp and says, what have you done to my baby?
Well, it should be what mama's doing to him.
Let me just tell you, you ever do anything to my children, you're not going to have to worry about the police.
I'm on record.
You're deader than a hammer.
You're deader than a hammer.
And that's why we had liberty in this country.
Because in the old days, if you were corrupt police, if you were corrupt government, if you were thugs out of control, people didn't care if they were outnumbered.
They would sell their life to make sure you got justice.
And that's the essence of liberty.
Standing up, calling the bluff of bullies, calling the bluff of thugs.
But instead, America
Is like a sore-covered crack whore with cigarette burns all over her body, so malnourished her hair is all falling out.
Now I've seen examples of beautiful young women, two or three years later, that the pimps can't sell for five dollars.
And then they just shrivel up, they get HIV, they die.
They die of hepatitis, whatever the case is.
They're so malnourished, you know, they die of cervical cancer.
You can really only get that generally unless you're extremely malnourished and have an autoimmune problem.
And have been with 10,000 men.
Now, that's what America is.
America is a disheveled, 79-pound crack whore in a flop house on a dirty mattress.
And the globalists are done with us.
They're sucking the country dry, they're using our military up, they're done with us.
Just like Greece, just like Ireland, just like everywhere else.
They've broken our will and it's time to realize you've got nothing to lose.
Nothing to lose but to get aggressive and in the face of the system and to decry it.
You know, I have a lot of famous, prominent people call me
And it's almost always the same.
They want to thank me, and they want to say that they appreciate what I'm doing, but they're not ready to come out and speak out at this time.
And generally, when I talk to them, you know, I wish they had the courage, because if we don't all stand up, it's over for society.
We're going to have a Maoist or Stalinist or Hitlerian type scenario.
You can see it all now happening, because corruption has just been completely turned loose.
But sometimes I talk to prominent people who are off record, who've had such incredible things happen to their family, and then I'm not at liberty to talk about it, that you would be embarrassed to tell them they need to do more.
I was telling this person last night, and they're listening probably right now, some of the things that I've been through.
And he said, oh, but how about this?
And what they told me, of course, was on record.
I mean, it's a well-known event.
But just to think about it, how ruthless this system is.
And at a certain point, ladies and gentlemen, you've got to realize the cowering down, the laying down, the giving in to the intimidation is the essence of our destruction.
Because you think things are bad now.
It's only going to get worse.
It's only going to intensify.
We haven't even begun the accelerated slide down the slippery slope.
I mean, look at these articles.
Obama on Libya.
I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
Just total arrogance.
People are saying, doesn't he know it's clearly illegal?
Even all these Democrats and Nadler and Franken are saying he's got to get congressional approval.
What is he thinking?
Why would he dare say I've got the UN authority when it's so clearly cut and dry?
Well, it's cut and dry.
Police have to have warrants to come in your house, but all over the country, federal courts and state courts are ruling no more warrants needed.
It's cut and dry that illegal aliens aren't just left alone, they are above the law in 800 plus sanctuary cities.
And the police are on record.
They arrest them for drunk driving, they're just released by the judges.
And they get reprimanded.
But then I am seen as a milk cow citizen, whether you're white, Hispanic, black, whatever the case is.
You, if you're American, boom, it's open season on you.
Now, why is that?
Because the globalists want a North American Union.
They want open borders.
They don't want to empower Mexico.
See, I believe in win-win.
I believe Mexico needs to win, and we're going to win.
I want those people to have freedom.
I want them to have a Second Amendment.
I want them to have free speech.
But then, they come up here and wave Mexican flags and tell me how bad America is, and that they want this to be Mexico, and 80 plus percent of the fans in Southern California boo the Star Spangled Banner.
And school children, Hispanic school children can't wear American flags from Texas and Massachusetts and California because the illegals have so much animus to it.
I mean, North Koreans don't freak out that much at the sight of an American flag.
Nobody does.
Russians don't.
Chinese like America on average.
Japanese do.
People we've had big wars with, like America.
You know, not our government, but the good things about America.
There is such a hatred of the United States in the Mexican culture, let's just be honest about it.
But no, no ladies and gentlemen, and we come back from break, we're gonna get to this.
Illegal aliens step boldly out of the shadows at Dream Hearing.
And as this went on, as this was unfolding, one of the Congress people said, oh, we're going to have our future president right here.
I mean, these are illegal aliens parading with the head of Homeland Security.
We're going to break all this down.
And this is all about breaking our will, pimping us.
Just, just absolutely humiliating Americans just hiking their leg on us and doing, you know what, in our face, saying, there's more coming, slave.
You're pimped.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
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All right, coming up, we're going to break down the economic news, the latest nuclear disaster news.
And a lot more.
But I want to first get into a little clip here.
Obama on Libya.
I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
And because he goes on to say, this is not a war.
And it's just all about, you know, showing you a red car and you go, that's a red car.
And they go, no, it's a green car.
And they go, no, you're a conspiracy theorist.
I say it's a red car, even though it's really a green car.
It's like the fella called in yesterday where the TSA grabbed and crushed his genitals, and he's a medical company worker, salesman, and he went back to his company and said, I can't fly anymore.
And they said, why are you a conspiracy theorist?
There was no debating that they're grabbing and squeezing men and women's genitals, breasts, you name it.
But see, now if you even have an opinion about your body, the pimp says, BAM!
Punches you in the nose.
And you're like, baby, why'd you punch me in the nose?
I didn't punch you in the nose.
Shut up!
What was that?
You didn't punch me in the nose.
That's right.
That's not blood coming out of your nose.
It's ketchup.
Now thank me for the ketchup.
You're like, yes, thank you for the ketchup.
And so Americans that have bought into the lies, they're going to buy in more and more, no matter how bad it gets.
Just like the Germans.
Just like the Russians.
Just like the Chinese.
Then they just, okay, I'll do whatever you say.
Whatever you say.
You say the sky's red, it's red.
Even though it's blue.
It's a blue bird.
So, here is Ron Paul talking about it and, you know, commenting, and the reporter is straight-faced saying, well, Obama says it isn't a war, and he doesn't need it.
She's playing along with it, almost like Ron Paul is the weirdo.
That's like CNN years ago saying that there was no Trans-Texas Corridor, and there were billboards up, they were designating the roads, it was all over our news, but they knew the other 49 states didn't know about the NAFTA highway starting in Texas.
And so they would say, ha, Ron Paul's crazy, he believes in a NAFTA superhighway and a Trans-Texas Corridor, all the official government documents, all the official admissions, all of it happening, but they just go, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Ron Paul said the sky was blue!
See, they're creating a false reality.
And you go up that ladder if you buy into it.
Now let's go ahead and play this clip.
Here it is.
Congressman Paul, thank you for joining us.
First of all, you think the President does not have the right to engage the U.S.
in a NATO-led effort in Libya without Congress' approval.
Today, in his press conference, the President made clear that he believes the law does allow him to make this commitment on his own.
Listen to this for a moment, if you would.
I'm not a Supreme Court justice, so I'm not going to put my constitutional law professor hat on here.
Do I think that our actions in any way violate the War Powers Resolution?
The answer is no.
So I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
Simply, sir, what's your reaction?
That's a horrible statement.
No, he should get to the Constitution.
He doesn't have to be a constitutional lawyer.
That's enough.
He can take an oath of office.
Look, ladies and gentlemen, the Congress has come out and said you have to come to us.
We have three branches of government for a reason.
And then he knows it'd take the Supreme Court years to ever hear a case about this.
It'd be a constitutional crisis if the Supreme Court tried to block the President.
And it's the Congress that has that power to declare war.
So he's saying Congress doesn't matter.
This isn't a war.
I'm just doing this.
And he says it with a straight face.
As the president has said, as Congressman Nadler has said, for the office of the presidency to be an imperial power.
To be a king, to be an emperor, to be a absolute dictator.
And Ron Paul goes on to talk about this Fuhrer precept or this idea that, well it's like Dick Cheney saying, I'm not even in the executive and under executive control.
I am an office unto myself, a new branch of government.
Remember that?
And so here's Obama, out in the open, just doing this, and saying it's not a war on top of it.
He went on to say, if you go to the full speech, but now shifting gears, as we go out to break and come back and talk more about this, illegal aliens stepped boldly out of shadows at Dream Act hearing.
These are illegal aliens.
And it gets worse.
Senator Durbin made the following statement.
When I look around this room, I see America's future.
Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our congressmen, our senators, and maybe our president.
But the illegal aliens and legal people in LA were massively booing the Star-Spangled Banner.
And see, I'm supposed to go, oh, well, political correctness.
We'll come back from break and play this clip and go over that.
So Obama says he doesn't need Congress.
Doesn't matter what Congress says.
It's an issue for the Supreme Court.
So he kicks the can down the road and wouldn't even look up when he was saying it.
And again, they're just doing all of this out in the open, more and more brazen, rubbing our noses in it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
The folks at eFoodsDirect have saved you from the huge price increases on food by buying raw materials ahead and packing your supplies themselves.
They haven't increased their prices on great long-term food reserves since last year.
With the rising cost of raw materials and gas prices, they can't hold off any longer.
As of July 1st, Ifu's Direct is forced to increase their prices so they can still ship you the best storable food on the planet.
Until the end of June, you can lock in the cost of your food at last year's prices by calling 800-409-5633.
Your time is running out to build your supply with the best food on the planet at last year's prices with eFoods Direct.
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Prices go up at the end of June.
Go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex.
Call 800-409-5633 or go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex.
Here's some of the news that's coming up.
California announcing huge taxes on the internet.
Other states moving in.
That means also tracking and controlling it.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
Jobless claims hit 428,000 for 12 straight weeks.
Over 400,000 a month.
TSA lets a Nigerian man fly from New York to L.A.
with fake I.D.
Dale boarding pass.
I mean, the government got another African on the plane in Amsterdam.
He was called the Christmas Day Underwear Bomber.
And they helped get him his documents, and then they still wouldn't let him on the plane.
Then it turned out the U.S.
government basically ordered the whole thing, but I guess that's okay.
But getting back just to the arrogance
of the system before I get into the whole illegal alien situation.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson's article, Obama on Libya.
I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
I don't even have to debate it.
I'm not even going to discuss what Congress is saying.
Because I can do whatever I want.
During a speech yesterday, Barack Obama delivered probably the most arrogant statement thus far, betraying his open hostility to the rule of law as it applies to his administration's illegal war on Libya.
Arrogantly dismissing criticism from Congress and remarking, I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
That's a quote.
Speaking to CNN, Congressman Ron Paul reacted to Obama's disregard for the Constitution by labeling his claim a horrible statement.
Quote, you take an oath of office to obey the Constitution.
The Constitution is very clear.
You don't go to war without a declaration, said Paul.
But again, Obama said, I don't even have to get to the constitutional question.
You hear that?
With Congress suing him and his own party saying, obviously, this is wrong.
They don't care.
But should Obama's rampant hypocrisy really surprise us?
This is the Nobel Peace Laureate who has more U.S.
troops deployed than at any other time under George W. Bush.
And by the way, they have the numbers out this week.
Record numbers of U.S.
troops getting killed this month in
Iraq, but it's peace, though.
This is a man who came to power promising to end war, yet has involved the United States in more conflicts than Bush ever presided over.
But they're not wars, though, so it's even more Orwellian.
They're kinetic peace actions.
Obama has used word games and mental gymnastics to claim he hasn't violated the War Powers Resolution, even as universities
Apartment blocks and marketplaces are bombed, killing innocent civilians.
And even as the two top Pentagon lawyers, that the President has never ignored, told him he had to get Congressional approval, he said, I have gotten the lawyers' approval, and it turned out that was a lie.
When it came out that he was lying, he said, I don't need their approval.
Well, I don't know if he needs those lawyers' approval, but they've always talked to the lawyers, but certainly he needs Congress' approval.
This is a man who came to power promising to end the war.
Remember that.
Obama has used word games and mental gymnastics to claim he hasn't violated the War Powers Resolution, even as universities, apartment blocks, and marketplaces are bombed.
Killing innocent civilians, communications are blocked, TV stations bombed, power bombed.
Phone systems bombed, with the people inside, and even as top admirals now admit that the scope of the mission is all about regime change and that they are trying to kill Gaddafi.
Well obviously they are, but he lies and says no we're not, no we're not.
The Obama administration still clings to the ludicrous fallacy that the bombardment of Libya is not a war.
Indeed, the White House itself characterized the goal in Libya as
Installing a democratic system, a euphemism for regime change, acknowledging that the agenda goes far beyond protecting civilians, as Obama claimed during his March 19th speech.
Remember, way back in March, three plus months ago.
While White House Counsel Bob Bauer
...claims that because the U.S.
and NATO has reserved its campaign to airstrikes relying on al-Qaeda terrorists to do the dirty work on the ground, aided by U.S., British, and French special forces, this means the U.S.
is not engaged in sustained fighting.
In other words, because the conflict is pretty much a turkey shoot so far with Qaddafi unable to zap fighter jets out of the sky, that turns an act of aggressive warfare into a loving exercise of peaceful slaughter.
And it goes on.
Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Laureate, committed US forces to the bombardment, promising it would last days, not weeks.
Three months and a billion dollars later, as Obama is now preparing to do the one thing
else he promised was not on the agenda, targeting Gaddafi directly for assassination and regime change.
NATO bombs have thus far failed to accomplish that feat, but killing Gaddafi's three grandchildren on May 1st was at least a consolation.
It's abundantly clear that Obama's arrogance portrays a president who lives in a world of complete make-believe.
Well, they're selling that to us, yes.
Thinking his loyalties lie with the UN and NATO, and that Congress can go whistle in the wind.
Unsurprising, therefore, that during the same speech yesterday, Obama characterized the people who will be hit by his tax increase, those who earn, collectively, $250,000, that's $125,000 apiece, a year as private jet owners.
To own a private jet, even a smaller one, you better be making a couple million a year.
A big one, 10, 15 million a year.
I mean, this is just incredible.
Another example of his strident delusion.
Meanwhile, the big multinational billionaires who openly write the tax code are exempt from all this stuff.
When they say, get the rich people, that's so the ultra-rich can grab the middle class's money and give it to the banks as, quote, bailouts.
And even that's a lie.
It's complete open robbery.
Three years ago, before Obama even defeated McCain for the presidency, we foresaw how this corporate marketing creation would be used, we link to our article and video, to front a new wave of humanitarian wars sold on false pretenses.
Obama may eventually withdraw a portion of his troops from Iraq.
But mark our words, they won't be home long before they are sent off to bomb another broken back third world country.
This time in the name of a United Nations backed humanitarian war, Justice Bill Clinton presided over the Somalia-Serbian wars with the full support of the establishment political left.
We wrote on November 4, 2008, an article titled, The more things change, the more they stay the same.
And that was our prediction that came true.
That said, let me give you the news behind the news.
The story behind the story.
The rest of the story is Paul Harvey would say, good day.
How are they going to launch a ground invasion in late September, early October, as we've confirmed from sources at military bases at Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, and Germany?
And private sources, letters and phone calls on top of it, confirming just that from currently serving, also contractor mercenaries and the wives of military people.
It's been confirmed across the board that they've been told they're going in.
That doesn't mean it's 100%.
When they, you know, tell them, be ready, we're going in, sometimes they pull back.
But I'd say 90% chance that's going to happen.
How will they sell armored brigades, 1st Cav, 3rd Corps and others going in?
How will this be sold to us as another act of peace?
Well, we're now seeing the chatter.
We've been seeing it for three months, but it's reaching fever pitch that Qaddafi is going to attack America, and they're running TV ads across the country with Adam Gadahn, the American al-Qaeda, Adam Perlman.
I mean, if you believe the grandson of the former head of the ADL who was arrested for beating up Muslims, now has a big beard and says, you know, go buy guns at gun shows, kill everyone, and then the government comes and says we've got to ban the gun shows because Al-Qaeda is going to use them.
I mean, this is 100% transparent.
And remember, you're told that the police state is for the Muslims.
Live in the real world, ladies and gentlemen.
We get the Homeland Security, the MIAC reports, countless other reports sent to us by law enforcement.
Others get them.
The government admits they're real documents.
At first, when we got them a few years ago, people couldn't believe them.
Where almost all, and that's in the news again today, almost all of the counterterrorism training
Oh, yes!
And you now hear them arresting people saying they're terrorists for selling legal gold coins.
In the Liberty Dollar case, a guy selling them for 13, 14 years, openly criticizing the Federal Reserve saying, get your own silver and gold.
Anybody can.
That's why they have all these commemorative mints.
In fact, he ran the Hawaiian Royal Mint.
I remember seeing ads for that 30 years ago.
Bernard von Nothaus.
And even the Associated Press lawyers wrote articles and said, we've looked at this conviction.
He didn't violate U.S.
This wasn't counterfeit.
Federal Reserve notes themselves counterfeit.
And it didn't matter.
The FBI and the federal U.S.
attorneys said, and I read this again last week, actually said, we're going to infiltrate, disrupt, and bring down these domestic terrorists that criticize the Federal Reserve.
I mean, it's... So the point is, they're getting ready to start blowing stuff up and saying Qaddafi did it.
How else did they get into Iraq?
They staged 9-11.
And you're like, oh, that's not true.
The hijackers were at U.S.
military bases, Newsweek, Associated Press.
The U.S.
embassies weren't going to let Mohammed and others back in nine months before 9-11, and they were ordered to let them in and told their terror designation as a CIA cover, they work for us.
I mean, that's Toronto Star.
That's Reuters.
I've interviewed the people that worked at the embassy, Springman and others.
He was the head of the visa section.
Same story with Kennedy, the Undersecretary of State, when he got under heat for all the witnesses saying that the U.S.
government got Muttalib, the underwear Christmas Day bomber, on the plane.
This is on record!
Before it was on record and then the government admitted it, we had witnesses on the plane who saw the sharp-dressed man without a visa.
We had the visa without the passport.
The State Department was ordered to get him a visa and then help him get on the plane.
And he looked drugged.
I mean, the government puts drugged people with firecrackers in their pants so they can put naked body scanners in all the airports and further enslave us.
And then, because a firecracker goes off in somebody's pants, they come after our basic liberties.
If real terrorists blew up a hundred airplanes, we wouldn't give up our basic liberties.
I mean, look what's been sold to us, that if criminals are doing something wrong, or terrorists might buy guns in America, we have to have our Second Amendment restricted.
You see how dangerous that idea is?
Or Al-Qaeda's now going to hit shopping malls and Walmarts, so now TSA has to be there.
We told you years ago, because they said that was their plan, it would happen, now they're rolling it out.
It's total occupation.
Face it for what it is.
And so they're now,
Going public with what was private and behind the scenes.
That the FBI, and the ATF, and the Threat Fusion Centers, and Intraguard, and the Clergy Response Teams, and the Citizen Spies, and the Boy Scouts trained to spy on their parents on record now.
All of this, oh guess what, is not for 100 Al-Qaeda left in Afghanistan.
Let's say it's all real.
100 guys in Afghanistan, we've got to do this.
100 guys!
A country of 320 million people.
320 million people, because of 100 guys, we've got to do all this.
As if the government could ever protect you with this giant spy network.
And then you find out what they're spying on.
They are telling the police these people that want to end the Fed, these anti-UN people, these people that don't want open borders, they're terrorists.
They're going to attack.
Get ready.
When they do, we've got to start arresting them en masse.
So right as the economy is imploding, right as society is being brought down, right as they admit we're going into a depression, and global receivership to these private banks that engineered it on record, like Greece and others, oh my gosh, Gaddafi is going to blow stuff up, he's working with Al Qaeda, this is what the news is saying today and yesterday and the last couple months,
The main threat is domestic groups linking up with Al-Qaeda and Qaddafi.
The militias are working with Qaddafi and Al-Qaeda.
The red, white, and blue super patriot militias are working with Al-Qaeda.
Ladies and gentlemen, the militias disappeared after 9-11 because most of the people bought it and went and stuck stickers on their cars saying terrorist hunting license.
If anyone believes that, I got a bridge on the surface of the sun I'm ready to sell you.
But what's the other problem, saying Al-Qaeda backed Qaddafi forces are going to blow stuff up?
It was Qaddafi that got the criminal court to issue, in 1998, the first, the FBI hadn't done anything up to that point, International Interpol Arrest Warrant for Osama Bin Laden.
When it came out in the news that they were trying to use Al-Qaeda in Libya to kill
Muammar Gaddafi.
But they think you're so dumb, they're now telling you he's working with Al Qaeda, when on record the main rebel forces, LA Times, New York Times, admittedly the main forces in the east of Libya are real Al Qaeda.
Real Sunni-based Muslims that have been in Iraq battling the United States, because there are some real groups.
But originally founded and organized by the CIA in the 1980s.
Actually 1979 under Cartier and Zbigniew Brzezinski if you want to get technical.
But that's just like five years ago Bush put out a press release on the White House website saying we're working with four liberation groups to try to overthrow Iran and they listed the four groups and three of the four were Saudi Arabian based, Wahhabi,
Al-Qaeda groups and conducting bombings inside Iran.
The fourth group was a Kurdish group.
And then our news would still say, and McCain would still say, on the news that Iran is working with Al-Qaeda and that Iran is going to blow us up and might be behind 9-11 or a new attack.
And then Mohammed Karzai, about a year later, this is now four years ago, is at an outdoor press conference at the Rose Garden with Bush
And Bush looks at him and says, Iran is helping the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, and Karzai knows this is broadcast to the Arab world, where they know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite, and they know Iran's Shiite, and in constant war with the Sunnis, with the Wahhabist.
And, you know, that's like saying the Dallas Cowboys are the San Francisco 49ers to a football fan.
Karzai knew how crazy that sounded.
Of course, Bush was playing to the dumbed-down American audience.
And he said, respectfully, Mr. President, Iran fights al-Qaeda.
They are Shiite.
And they're helping us in Afghanistan, sir.
Because there are some rebel groups.
And they, again, call those al-Qaeda.
And Bush said, no, you are incorrect.
They are al-Qaeda.
And Karzai said, OK.
Because it was so ridiculous!
Iran is not Al-Qaeda!
Qaddafi is not Al-Qaeda!
I mean, I want to get this straight for everybody.
Regardless of what you think Al-Qaeda is, when they tell you Qaddafi is going to launch Al-Qaeda attacks, ladies and gentlemen, they think you're a moron.
And when they tell you Iran is with Al-Qaeda, it is beyond idiocy.
We'll be right back with the illegal alien situation.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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So, the Global Private Fortune 100 Kleptocracy
The New World Order, the Anglo-American establishment, wants to implode nation-states so nothing can stand in their way to their global plutocratic fraud system based on Ponzi schemes.
And so they're flooding the United States with illegal aliens.
Now remember, it's on record that Mexico has the most abusive immigrant policy in the Americas.
From Chile all the way to Alaska, no country, no state.
One year forced labor in open air, mosquito infested facilities.
Many times they beat to death Guatemalans that come in.
I mean, it is incredible.
Until recently, Americans couldn't even really buy property in Mexico and it's still highly restricted.
Extremely nationalistic.
But America, the United States, is not supposed to have its nationalistic ideas.
And so we've had the last two years, the illegal aliens caught working for Homeland Security, building part of the show fence in Texas and Arizona.
Complete joke, they've now cancelled it.
Helping build part of the invisible fence as well, the high-tech fence.
There's been Associated Press and Fox News articles where they have a few staged raids a year and the Border Patrol now admits they do this on the border.
They're only allowed to arrest during certain...
Quota media events that they'll go to a meatpacking plant arrest of 1,200 illegals In one case and take them to give them green cards and then government jobs on the spot So the illegal aliens from Latin America, but particularly Mexico are now the Hessian mercenaries economically like the British, you know German slash Hessian Mercs were militarily in 1776 and for the next seven years of that war
And so they're brought in with the traitor in chief, Mr. Napolitano, excuse me, I'm sorry, Janet Napolitano, Mrs. Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security, and she's there with them in the testimony with illegal aliens.
There you have government aiding in crime, huge felonies, they don't care, just like Obama doesn't need a congressional approval to launch these wars.
And there's Denver Post.
Abused immigrants get special U.S.
Now, and I guess that's, I haven't read that article.
What is that about abused immigrants from Mexico abused by Mexico?
I just know you can pull up articles where Mexico admits they're the most abusive in this area of the world.
Okay, now let's go ahead and play this clip.
After using illegal immigrants as props to push the DREAM Act, Senator Durbin of Illinois made the following statement at a Senate committee hearing.
When I look around this room, I see America's future.
Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our congressmen, our senators, and maybe our president.
So now, I guess, Schwarzenegger can be our president.
You don't need the 22nd Amendment.
Let's play that clip.
Here it is.
Let me ask everyone here today who is a dreamer, a Dream Act student, to stand and be recognized.
Thank you so much for being here, for the sacrifice you made to come.
Illegal aliens.
You can be seated.
When I look around this room, I see America's future.
Our doctors, our teachers, our nurses, our engineers, our scientists, our soldiers, our congressmen, our senators, and maybe our president.
Hey, gee, can I go down to Mexico and get a bunch of welfare?
Because that's the big dirty secret, is that the immigrants do work hard on average, but they also get welfare.
And there's news articles about that today.
Heroin dealers getting welfare while they're on probation.
But again, the immigrants are good.
Americans are lazy and bad, even though we work more than anybody else in the Western world.
Americans are bad.
We're scum.
But the illegal aliens that booed the Star-Spangled Banner at the major soccer events and cheered Osama bin Laden right up for 9-11 at a soccer event, that's our future presidents.
Not a natural born.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I really can't do justice to his amazing bio.
But perhaps I'll try later in the hour, but we've got so many things happening in the world.
I don't know if I always agree with Len LaRouche's solutions, but I certainly know that he's got an incredible grasp on history, and has been doing a lot of amazing things over the last 50 years.
And of course, larouchepub.com is just one of their websites.
He's been a presidential candidate,
I don't know.
Bush went after him.
I meant to pull that up today before the interview, just so we could mention some of those stories.
We'll see if LaRouche can talk about some of that today.
But I first wanted to get Lyndon LaRouche to break down where the state of the world is right now.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up in a moment.
But joining us from Germany is Lyndon LaRouche.
Thank you for joining us.
Good to join you.
Again, via video Skype, we see Financial Times of London talking about the end of dollar hegemony.
The Chinese, since you last joined us, said that we are basically already have a technical default.
Do you agree with that?
Well, it's worse than that.
We are in a general breakdown crisis of the international, that is, the transatlantic system.
Everything is about to go down.
There are remedies, but as long as this president remains president, there's no chance that these remedies will be supplied.
However, as we know now, he has committed an act, a lie, which makes him impeachable.
Now the question is whether the impeachment rage will be strong enough to put him out or not.
But an attempted impeachment at this time would cripple this guy and make him more accessible to control over legitimate institutions in the United States.
Under those conditions, we can be hopeful.
Well, I can ask a lot of questions here, but just a preview of what's coming up in the next hour.
And again, we appreciate your time and your busy schedule, Mr. LaRouche.
What are some of the topics that you would like to address for people out there?
Because I have a lot of questions, but what do you think is most important right now?
Well, first of all, we have a problem with the British.
They are, in a sense, controlling our destiny because we have a president who is nothing but a British asset.
And he's not really a very stable person.
And he has some very bad policies.
So therefore, that's one of our big problems.
Another one is that the entire system, the transatlantic system, is now coming down.
We've reached a point
At which the failure of the last attempt at bailout.
That this has created a situation which Europe has not yet corrected.
Which means that right now Europe and therefore also the United States is on a slide down toward a breakdown as early as sometimes this coming month.
There are remedies, of course, but the question is, if the sky remains present, is it possible to apply any of those remedies which do exist?
Well, when we come back, we'll cover the waterfront, geopolitically, what's happening with the banks imploding, Greece by design, Ireland and others.
And I'd first like to get your analysis, sir, on, because you do know the Anglo-American establishment probably better than anybody, what their endgame is, what the strategy or stratagem is.
So we can know our enemy and then understand why they're doing what they're doing.
And then I want to get your forecast on what you believe will happen versus what they're attempting to do.
And then we'll talk about solutions and a lot more.
And then later, I noticed you never talk about yourself.
And over the years doing research on you, you've had one of the fullest, most interesting lives.
And so I think it's...
Important for you to talk about your historical experiences as well.
Lynne LaRouche is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, GCNlive.com, their site larouchepub.com.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Number 5.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We are here live.
Thank you for joining us.
National Security Council member Norman A. Bailey admitted in television interviews that he had regular meetings with the LaRouche group and Len LaRouche and that he circulated LaRouche material to the National Security Council.
LaRouche, you can also research, in the 80s would give briefings to the CIA director and reportedly would land at the Laney base via his private helicopter.
I mean, I introduced LaRouche that way because LaRouche never really talks about himself.
And, uh, Lyndon LaRouche, before we go any further and break down the world crisis that you predicted and everything that's unfolding and why the system has come after you over the years, uh, will you please, I know you don't like talking about yourself, joining us via video connection from Germany.
Uh, where you are right now.
But, I mean, can you please spend two or three minutes kind of chronicling your life and what you've done and, uh, you know, from World War II?
I mean, uh, you're 90 years old, correct now, sir?
Not quite.
I was born in 1922.
So you're almost 90.
I'm getting to it.
Because you look like you're about, uh, 79 or something.
I'm fortunate in that respect.
Well, I mean, any way you slice it, you're one of the most interesting people that I've ever had the pleasure of interviewing.
I mean, I just want to say that.
Thank you.
Well, listen, because you never do this, and your surrogates don't do it either.
Please spend some time, because I don't think I can adequately, I mean, mark some of the high points, low points, some of the incredible things you've seen and witnessed in your life.
Well, I think that my experience became significant after World War II.
During the war I was there, but it wasn't too significant.
I had some experiences in Calcutta in the immediate post-war period while I was still in service.
And at a later point, I emerged as an economist.
And I also had the advantage that most of the economists are not competent in the major things that have to be done in forecasting, because they believe in the current system of forecasting, which is based on the dollar, for example, or on currencies, and currencies do not necessarily correspond to the real physical economy.
And in my view, and most of my work has been in this area, is to force the issue to my forecasting of certain kinds of major events, which have been always correct, where my rivals have been failures, because they insist on statistical forecasting based on monetarist considerations.
I base my forecasting on physical considerations.
That is, what are we doing to increase the productivity of our nation per capita per square kilometer?
What are we doing to increase the energy flux density we have for making our nation more productive?
These are the factors I consider.
And when we have policies which are based on a monetary system, maybe a Wall Street system sort of thing, that people are worried about Wall Street,
I'm worried about the real economy.
And repeatedly, Wall Street always fails because it's actually a thief.
And it's more interested in what they can extract from people than fostering real production.
For example, good example, look at China today.
What is China doing?
China is absorbing the industries we have shut down inside the United States.
And this means that we are becoming more and more helpless because we no longer have the food supply, we no longer have the production, the actual production, which we as a nation control, on which our economy depends.
We're now in a very grave crisis.
And I fear that as long as this fellow remains president,
We're up for it as they say in Britain.
We're going to speak to that and get into the imminent collapse of the euro that you predicted many years ago that now is mainstream news.
Soros admitting that there's going to be some type of crack up.
I want to get into Obama and the British connection and where you see things going geopolitically.
Continuing for a few more minutes to talk about Lyndon LaRouche, so new listeners out there, most of them know who you are, but you know only have seen a snapshot in the media characterizing you one way or the other.
What happened in the 1980s?
Because you had breakthroughs then when you were actually, I've talked to folks that were there at the time, they say Ronald Reagan was reading your intelligence reports, it was admitted that the director of the CIA and the National
Well, there were a number of reasons.
First of all, I was involved in the formation of the Fusion Energy Foundation during the 1970s, which became a leading science institution in the United States.
And while I was doing that, I ventured into other areas.
I came up with a proposal of what became known later as the Strategic Defense Initiative.
It was initially my own proposal based on evidence which I had.
This then, at a later point, some of the old boys from the former intelligence services of World War II came in to me and said, we like what you're doing.
So I expanded it, and then I went on, especially in the very beginning of the 1980s, to extend this.
And I had a major part of the retired senior military figures of Germany, France, Italy, and so forth, and many in our own country of that same circle.
And they recognized that what I was doing in proposing this, that this was the way we should go.
And we went in that direction, except that, frankly, of course, it was known that the President at that time, Reagan, endorsed this proposal.
We made a shot at getting it.
We were frustrated, largely because of the liberals inside our political system.
They thought that this was terrible.
Obvious to us that we could have an arrangement.
In which the Soviet Union would change its policies to work with us, on our side, so to speak.
And it was a very good policy.
A number of Soviet leaders agreed with me.
They agreed this was a good policy.
Well, you proposed something, a different form of SDI, though, from what it, from the way it was sold, though, correct?
I mean, what was your plan for SDI?
Well, the point was to negotiate, which I did with the Soviet government.
Before a new head was put in.
And with those people, we had this extensive discussion for several years.
And in this discussion, we outlined what the problems were, the danger of a nuclear war fought through the atmosphere and up into space.
And how much better it would be
To resolve our problems step-by-step, first of all, to realize that we cannot have a thermonuclear war.
Therefore, the idea... and you cannot have a war that would not be thermonuclear among major nations.
Therefore, we had to find an agreement on modus operandi.
And there was a lot of agreement.
That's why we had the German, French, Italian general officers and people like that in high-ranking positions, as well as in the United States, who agreed to this.
But then, as you know, certain forces in the United States, including the politicians, killed it.
Because they used all this alarmist nonsense.
And then, of course, the head of the Soviet Union would come in then.
It was a real problem.
He was a British asset, essentially.
And Gorbachev, his successor, real successor, was a mess.
And still is to the present day.
So, we lost the fight.
And then people like George H.W.
Bush, he's pretty much a slob, I wouldn't want to give too much credit for him for intellect.
He's old, whimpery, whiny old George.
And his son isn't any better.
So, they moved in a different direction, and it was decided to get rid of me.
It was actually an assassination plot was set up through the Department of Justice.
The President's circles, then Reagan, killed that.
They kept at it.
And they went to frame me up and get me in prison.
They tried to find a court they could do it in.
And they got it.
Then after about five years of that incarceration, I came back out and did the same old thing I always did.
And I'm still doing it today.
I'm having a great time.
I'm building a youth movement, which is science-oriented and classical culture-oriented.
And we're doing a good job with a limited number of people.
And I think we have the seeds of a good future coming out of that process now.
There's a demand for it throughout the world.
I think we can do it.
All righty, Mr. President.
Well, very, very interesting.
Is the best website for folks to visit larouchepub.com?
Because I know you have several.
What is the best website for folks to visit?
Well, I think we're running the best right now because we do have, we don't, we're not that prolific.
We produce about three to four products a day, which are broadcast and webcast, as they say.
It's the best, it's some of the best scientific work done today because one of our big functions is we have a science group, which is a factor in science in the world today.
This is what we work from largely.
We also specialize on music, because my understanding is that the ability to perform physical science is typified by cases like Max Planck and Einstein, that all the great scientists, or most of them,
We're involved as classical musicians, some with a professional quality, like Einstein or Plock, the classical musicians.
And so this idea of a classical culture as the foundation for physical science and its progress is the conception we work from.
Therefore, we do tend to recruit people as recruits who have some scientific background.
And we have a team that's made some very important discoveries on their own in this great field.
All right, Lennon LaRouche, we've got to go to break.
When we come back, we'll get into the hardcore issues here today.
The imminent collapse of the euro, what that means, what the Anglo-American establishment's goal is, what they would do if they're unopposed.
What you believe is going to happen in your forecasting, it's all coming up with Lyndon LaRouche straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
And then economist George Humphrey will be joining us in studio coming up today as well to talk about a host of issues, not just the economy.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Some people will say, hey, why are you interviewing Lyndon LaRouche?
Well, A, I've actually done 15, 16 years of research and gotten a lot of good information out of it, and I don't totally agree with everything, but that's what free and open debate in society is about.
Is looking at all perspectives and that's why reading from the Washington Post January 15 2006 Some officials find intelligence network useful Norman Bailey former National Security Council advisor recalls That's the real government that soon after he joined the National Security Council.
He received a call from NSC officials asking him to talk to a group of
Followers of right-wing presidential candidate.
Notice they call him right-wing and then they call him left-wing.
LaRouche, he was offering intelligence information to the agency.
Bailey said the NSC senior director of international economic affairs said he found the visitors intelligence on economics and foreign affairs surprisingly on target.
And then the Washington Post goes through this whole saga and it was really going on before that.
So I just want new listeners to understand that this guy
I mean, just if you read the whole history, it's amazing.
Lyndon, this is a short segment, big, long, 18-minute one coming up, but you've got the floor.
Where are we right now economically in the world?
They're having to more and more admit we're really in a depression.
What is the banking cartel based in London and New York?
What is their goal?
What's happening to the Euro?
What's happening in Greece?
What's coming here?
Well, there's a long-term trend which is centered on certain people in the United Kingdom.
Which is the desire to reduce the human population to what some people say two billion people, some say one.
And recently, the one is preferred.
The policy of the so-called Green Revolution people, that is the anti-technology people, is precisely that.
And for example, the worst case right now happens to be in Germany, where the green change is heading.
And it means a disaster for the total population of Germany.
It's a weaker in France where they do have a dependency upon nuclear power.
Italy does not yet have them.
It probably once did, but was taken away from them.
So we're in that kind of situation.
But the worst of it is that at this point, with this president, who is nothing but a British puppet, there's no exaggeration whatsoever.
One knows his affinities for the British royal family and for their policy.
We've never seen such groveling by a president.
Pardon me?
We've never seen presidents groveling like this, bowing down to Queenie.
They created him.
How do you think all the money was cooked up under very suspicious circumstances to overwhelm the presidential campaign with him, with money behind it?
And my view is some of the people using this money should have gone to prison.
Because the tactics that are being used by spreading a fund, which is coming largely from drug money, and similar kinds of sources, and splitting it up into little pieces, and then putting the pieces into the campaign of the presidential candidate, they overwhelmed, with sheer money, overwhelmed the legitimate campaign, which was being run for the president.
Now, on the basis of his debt,
To the British, who put him into office inside the United States with this flood of money.
He now actually has got control over the presidency.
There are people in the United States, particularly older people, who are less political and more, shall we say, institutional, who understand this.
And we are prepared to dump this bum from office.
Now we have the perfect grounds for doing so.
We had a ground order of the 25th Amendment on him earlier.
It should have been exercised.
It was not.
Now we've caught him in an outrage of an impeachable offense against the United States in a fraudulent policy on warfare in Libya.
We have him there.
There are some weaklings in the United States who are afraid to close in on this guy.
But I know, if he is not thrown out of office very soon, and I mean in the weeks immediately ahead, this United States cannot survive the kinds of conditions which we're going into in the month of July.
Doesn't mean we're going to collapse in July, but it means we're going through a process which will collapse somewhere along the summer time.
We're already seeing bizarre flash mobs and riots popping up all over the United States right now.
Well, you have two of them.
One is like Twitter.
Twitter operates a riot-creating operation.
Just through its normal operations.
But behind what Twitter does as just an organization, Twitter as an organization is control.
Control from the top.
And if you have a generation of youth who have a very poor orientation in life, it wasn't their fault.
It was given to them.
I'm going to just give you the floor for 18 minutes when we come back.
I'll have a few questions I throw in, but I want you to really finish up with Twitter and then flesh out, to understand it, what is the Anglo-American goal so we know what's coming ahead and what do you think is going to happen?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Number 2.
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Number 3.
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Somewhere in a long-closed bedroom that you guys thought and realized that eternal fate has turned its back on you.
2 a.m., figure it out.
Well, he's predicted much of what is now unfolding with great precision.
Lennon LaRouche is our guest.
We're going back to him in just one moment.
Their websites are larouchepob.com and larouchepac.com is really a nice website.
Very high-tech.
I like the look of it, but also the information.
So check out larouchepac.com as well.
Before we go back to Lennon LaRouche, to really get into the nitty-gritty of where the economy is, what these people's endgame plan is, we don't defeat them.
He already
Went there a bit with the world population reduction agenda.
I mean, it's on record.
I know it's frightening and sounds crazy, but as you know, as listeners here, we cover the White House science czar and Henry Kissinger and Ted Turner and Prince Philip.
I mean, they say they're building a world government to shut off our resources and kill us.
I mean, the one-child policy of China is theirs.
China was paid to do that.
So that's all coming up, but I want to remind you this special ends tomorrow.
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You can also subscribe at PrisonPlanet.tv and see all my films, the live three-hour show each day, the new TV show coming out in the next month or so.
We'll be announcing that next week, when exactly we're going to premiere that and details of it.
All my films in higher quality, expanded extras, my book, Watson's book, a lot of other films, higher quality podcasts, 15 cents a day, and your purchase and support of memberships supports this broadcast, PrisonPlanet.tv.
So, talking to Lyndon LaRouche, 50 plus years, you know, researching all of this, where is the world right now?
What is happening with the economy?
What's going on with the Euro?
What's happening with Greece?
What's happening with all the war clouds gathering?
Where do you see the world right now?
Well, first of all, we're headed toward a general collapse throughout the transatlantic region.
It's centered, of course, in Europe and centered in the United States, but it's extended throughout the Americas.
It's extended into Africa and through parts of Asia.
This is the area that's in trouble.
Right now, it's coming down.
One problem is you have Europe, that is continental Europe, which is part of a system called the Eurosystem, with its own currency, a euro currency.
It serves as a form of globalization in which the nations are losing their sovereignty at a rapid rate in order to become members of a blob of an assortment of nations.
This thing is now in the process of coming down.
The breakdown of the process was established in New York City.
By a gentleman called Strauss-Kahn, who was at that point the head of the IMF, the International Monetary Fund.
And he was caught in the attack, which was considered rape, of a woman.
And for that he was picked up at the plane side before he could board the plane to France.
He then went some time in Rikers Island, the famous prison in the New York City area, and he's now sitting on parole with a little special attachment to his shoe.
And there he sits, awaiting trial, which will be at some duration.
The significance of this is that Strauss-Kahn's elimination from the operation killed the bailout operation which had been intended.
Now the effect of the inability of that crowd to get a bailout going again resulted in a deterioration.
Because what you're getting is a bunch of money, which is not money.
You're getting electronic money, not even electronic.
Electronic fake money, which is out there, which is a bailout.
This stuff has no redeemable value.
Except to collect debts from victims, including countries that are victims, including the United States.
We are being looted as a nation.
That is, our people are being looted.
Our industries are being looted.
Our states, the four states are virtually in a state of bankruptcy now because they can't meet the debt requirements to bail themselves out at the end of the fiscal year.
Other parts of the nation are being crushed by an accelerating rate.
For example, our military is under threat right now.
The military of the United States is going to be slashed massively.
If something is not done about it.
And that's going to leave us in a very strange degree of vulnerability.
Not because of foreign wars as such, but simply because our military is one of the final institutions which is still more or less functioning.
Every one of our institutions is crumbling.
If we do not get this bum out of office now, and the grounds existed under the 25th Amendment for some time,
The grounds now are, of course, his violation of the War Powers Act, for which he should be thrown out of office as a crime against the nation.
And with whatever penalty is about being thrown out of office, go with that.
But he's not.
And as long as this bum, with these practices, this president, remains in office, he will continue to do everything to destroy the United States.
If we don't get him out, you can kiss the United States goodbye when you still are able to kiss.
That's where it stands.
Now, there are many options.
We have wonderful options in the United States, if we chose to use them.
We could rebuild our entire central water system in the United States.
We could create industry and create agriculture where it does not exist or where it's being destroyed.
The destruction of agriculture by the storms which have hit during the recent period have destroyed the food supply of the United States to a critical degree in the immediate period ahead.
And there are no plans to restore it.
The farmers are bankrupt.
They have no credit available to meet the requirements.
They could go with something now.
The whole region of the Mississippi River, the Ohio Basin, the Missouri Basin, the food supply is being destroyed.
Again, we're talking live to Lyndon LaRouche, who really needs no introduction, of larouchepac.com and larouchepub.com.
Lyndon, 20 years ago you said NAFTA, GATT, globalism would do this to us, that was part of this de-industrialized program.
But what is the British model of this corporate imperium going to do when it's built up China and Russia and others are still standing and when their main command base, their main titan,
The United States is accelerating its debilitation.
I mean, what is the method to that madness?
A, and then B, you have a report out dealing with Obama in violation of the War Powers Act.
Why are they becoming so arrogant in his speech yesterday saying, I don't even need to discuss the Constitution anymore?
I mean, what is he getting us ready for?
Well, what you have to remember, our system of government was unique when founded.
At the time we had won the Revolutionary War, we had a great problem of debt.
The debt of what became the respective states of that period.
There was apparently no solution because each of these states of the United States was vulnerable to this debt, in danger of going into bankruptcy, and the British were just waiting to move back in and take us back over.
It was that method.
Alexander Hamilton, who was a protege really of Benjamin Franklin, introduced a reform which established our republic on a constitutional system rather than a collection of states.
In other words, we departed the European standard of states, maybe a decentralized form of government with a central government, and went to a system which is based on a system of national credit.
This was the basis on which the Constitution was written.
Therefore, our system, in contrast to the European monetary systems, our system is, historically, by virtue of our Constitution, a credit system, not a monetary system.
Now, Rosell, of course, put us back on the credit system in his presidency.
It was undermined and then in 1999 it was destroyed by the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which had been the bulwark of our entire recovery during the 1930s and thereafter.
So that destruction in 1999 of the Glass-Steagall Act opened the gates for a complete takeover by the British International Monetary Interest.
That today is our problem.
Now, we can get out of this mess.
All we have to do is enact, re-enact, the original Glass-Steagall Act of 1973, which was functioning more or less up until about 1999.
Once that's done, then all the phony money, the Wall Street money and the British money,
Goes into a different department of banking.
It's not a part of the federal debt.
It's a part of the market for speculative investment.
The Wall Street market.
Therefore, once we pass Glass-Steagall, if we do it, and there's a strong movement for that now,
If we do that, then we are able to get rid of several or tens of trillions of dollars of phony debt, which the nation is now carrying, which is ruining our states, destroying our population.
We can reverse that process.
Obama is the advocate of the British interest.
He's a tool to the British.
They own him.
They control his mind.
He's just an agent who was bought, whose presidency was bought by a vast influx of drug money and other corrupt currency.
But for this drug money flood, which brought Obama into the presidency, he would not have been president.
And that's the situation.
So now we're at the point
Where the policies of Obama are the enemy of the United States.
The enemy of our existence.
We're not talking about a long-term enemy.
We're talking about a short-term enemy.
We could be destroyed irreparably within a few weeks from now.
Explain the technicals of that, because the collapse by design, I mean, they're on record engineering it to absorb.
Greece, Ireland, Iceland has resisted.
They now admit it is inevitable into Italy, Portugal.
I mean, can you lay out the technicals of how you're saying in a few weeks this could accelerate, break down that chain of events?
The point is, if you acknowledge
If you try to recollect what the British essentially control, which is a worthless debt, the mass of many trillions of dollars and more, there are actually quadrillions of phony value out there clamoring for being fed.
All we have to do is pass Glass-Steagall, again now, with the understanding of what we've been through.
If we do that, these guys will go bankrupt.
They're claiming phony claims against the United States.
Because that will further implode the current Ponzi scheme they've got.
And to quantify it, correct me if I'm wrong, they've created 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives.
They bought off our governments to buy into the debt.
And it's a black hole.
If we don't pull out of it, there's no hope.
The point is, the debt we have is not legitimate debt of our government under our Constitution.
Therefore, that debt would go back to Wall Street, and Wall Street would have to find its own resources to pay the debt, the phony debt, that it created.
Okay, what do we do when they hold us hostage, as they openly do, and implode the stock market?
Do we then just arrest them for financial terrorism?
Because they're on record in Europe and the U.S.
threatening to implode things if they can't hold us hostage.
So what's the process there?
Because it is truly
Very simply, Glass-Steagall.
If we re-enact the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which was cancelled in 1999, if we do that, we are immediately in a new situation.
In which the only currency, the only credit system operating is the United States government's treasury system.
We then have to use the power of the treasury under those conditions to utter credit, not money, credit.
We give credit to projects which we think are worth the public investment in them.
We support private industries and so forth which are going to do this, like agriculture.
We have a crisis in agriculture in the United States.
We have a food supply which is insufficient for our total population right now.
We can get that back if we put the investment back into the Mississippi, the Iowa, and the Missouri River areas alone.
These areas will give us a growth in food supply.
We have major projects, infrastructure projects, not what they call infrastructure projects, but real ones, like NAWAPA.
We can change the character and improve the character qualitatively simply by using public credit to loan it in the places where it will do the most good.
From a strategic standpoint.
For example, take the state of California.
The state of California is dying under these conditions.
We can rescue it.
We have other states, three other states, that are dying right now under the terms of the present conditions.
And that's what the bankers want, because when, and we have the IMF World Bank documents, when their policies implode things further, they come in and buy things up for pennies on the dollar, then they implode it more, more, more.
That's why they buy into the Malthusian view.
uh... and the social darwinistic view that their their psychopathic activity is a favor for humanity of course they adopt these bankrupt uh... you know game theory philosophies uh... and ram corporation ideas uh... because it feeds uh... you know in as a rationale for what they're doing but at the end of the day they're destroying the very civilization
That they fed off of, they're actually in danger of killing their host.
If they are successful, in the end, won't they destroy their own system as well, but their predator instinct can't be stopped?
This is all intentional.
The intention is to reduce the world population from over 7 billion people to one.
In the shortest possible time.
If you understand that, then you know what's going on.
If you don't understand that, you really don't know what's going on.
The point is, you're looking at a whole system.
And the system was born with the founding of the Roman Empire.
The Roman Empire, the original one, collapsed.
But then it was revived as Byzantium.
That collapsed.
It was revived as a crusader system.
That collapsed.
And then after a whole series of wars in Europe, it was established as a new empire with William of Orange.
Who carried the flag of the new Venetian party from the Netherlands into England and Ireland and did a lot of killing.
But his outcome of his actions with the 70 Years War, which concluded in 1763, established the British Kingdom as an imperial power on the planet, including its control of India, its control over what?
Nova Scotia, Canada, and so forth.
So that, this was the fight we... Alright, stay there, stay there Leonard LaRouche.
Let's come back and finish up with that key area on the other side.
Please continue.
So basically we're seen as weevils that have invaded their grain bags, and we need to be exterminated.
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A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
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Lennon LaRouche is with us for this five-minute segment, then a one-minute break, the little five minutes we do at the start of the hour, then George Humphrey in studio with us, Economist.
Former Austin City Council member, successful businessman, good friend of mine, author, filmmaker.
He's going to be in studio with us to cover a host of issues.
And towards the end of the hour, I promise, we'll also open the phones up if you have any questions for him.
Lionel LaRouche is our guest, joining us via video Skype from Germany.
You were getting into their plan for world population reduction.
Look at California, going into total implosion, 30-plus percent unemployment, even 60 Minutes did an analysis and admitted that last year.
Their answer is, ram through a 20-plus percent carbon tax on California.
I mean, if that isn't proof of the economic genocide, what is, Lynn LaRouche?
Well, that's what you're getting.
You're getting that.
There is real genocide, and it's intentional.
And the Obama administration is an instrument of that policy of genocide.
If you look at the policies which are uttered by the Obama administration itself, which apart from many other sources inside the United States, you find that only Obama and what he represents and his immediate cronies are the people who are behind
In the healthcare, in other fields, to increase the killing rate of what is considered an excessively large U.S.
So we're not involved in a political quarrel.
We're involved in an existential issue.
Are we going to be human, or are we going to be cannibals?
That's what we are.
If you go with Obama, you're for the cannibal class.
That's what we're headed for.
I know.
I know.
I know you know, but I mean, how do we stop these people?
They're madmen.
They are criminals.
And we have to understand that.
We have to establish our government again free of the Obama syndrome.
And also the George W. Bush Jr.
syndrome, which is almost as bad.
Not quite as bad as Obama.
What is your view of the political field right now in the United States?
What is your view of the political candidates?
I think what we have now is we have among some senators and among members of the House of Representatives, and in terms of the leading institutions of the gubernatorial system, has a lot of good people in it.
We have the ability, and we're pushing for the Glass-Steagall reenactment, and it's a very serious and it's a growing movement right now.
We're moving to reinstall Glass-Steagall.
That'll change the whole game.
We in the United States, with our government as long as we control it, has a capacity to create credit.
We can put the United States back to work.
So it's policy.
They could turn this around anytime they wanted to, but they don't want that to happen.
What happens if we don't?
I mean, couldn't we impeach Obama?
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
I mean, couldn't we go after Obama for the war powers issue?
I mean, Ron Paul was on this two days ago.
He said it's absolutely impeachable.
He's impeachable on that ground.
He's impeachable because he's insane also.
And he couldn't be what he is if he weren't insane.
This man is a mental case of a certain type.
He thinks we have 57 states.
He doesn't even know the ages of his daughters now.
There's news today asking if Obama is starting to have mental problems.
He's crazy.
But he's like the famous Nero, Emperor Nero.
He's got the same syndrome of the Emperor Nero, psychologically.
But the point is, he's used as a tool by the British monarchy, personally.
That is, he is not an agent of some conspiracy.
He's an agent of one conspiracy.
An agent of the British monarchy.
Alright, we're back in one minute.
Lennon LaRouge, our guest.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've only got five minutes left with him.
I really appreciate him joining us from Germany.
Can't wait till he gets back to the United States.
He has a really good studio and better audio there.
Lyndon LaRouche is our guest, and everything he's saying is accurate from the Globalist on statements, the Anglo-American establishment, what their goal is, and things are accelerating very, very quickly.
Lyndon LaRouche, I'm concerned
About false flag terror, because they've got reports out today, Kurt Nemo's got one on Infowars.com, Napolitano warns Europeans that Gaddafi's giving weapons to Al Qaeda, they're about to strike, they've got the federal goon force, TSA, now going on the streets, and I see them needing a political diversion ahead of the economic
What are, from your research, some of the tricks that the ruling class may use to try to block the people from removing them from power?
Well, let's take the case of 9-11 as a good example of exactly how this whole system works still today, including that kind of problem you referred to.
What happened was, is that the British system, through a certain branch of its operations, together with the Saudi Kingdom,
Set up an operation, a secret operation, which they would take oil prices in the Gulf, at the price of Gulf prices, then move it up to the coast of Europe, Northern, and then they would sell it on the market at a European price, which is much above the Saudi price.
They would, however, list the oil delivered
At the Saudi Gulf price.
This created a vast fund, the largest available fund for dirty operations, military and others, which existed in the world at that time.
This funding was used for what was called 9-11.
And the whole operation was based on this, the 9-11 operation.
Now this was well known.
The evidence of the direct relationship of the Saudi ambassador to Washington and his involvement in recruiting and backing and funding some of the pilots who actually flew those planes.
With conclusive evidence, which was buried under the pressure of then the Bush administration.
But that is the truth.
The truth was never told publicly, though many of us knew it.
The evidence existed.
We knew it.
Other people knew it.
But it was never presented in the press.
Even the people who were on the commission, who were investigating precisely this line of investigation, were pressed not to open their mouths.
The same was practically a national secret.
But it was the alliance of the Saudi Kingdom and this faction inside the British system which funded, directed, and created the 9-11 incident.
And that's a fact we have to remember.
We're in this kind of mess because the Bush administration obtained dictatorial powers over the presidency and over the Congress through the terror caused by this event.
And that's the thing that's still harassing us today.
And we should get the record clear.
Now the key thing here is, we have a bunch of congressmen, good ones, they're normal members of Congress.
But to the extent that they're fragmented and are not working together on a common cause,
They are not effective in dealing with a president who is rotten and an enemy of the United States.
Well, Mr. LaRouche, we would love to have you up if you can do it again.
You said it's a critical time in the next few weeks to continue.
We are just flat out of time.
But bottom line, you're saying 9-11 is a type of inside job?
It was a total inside job.
And it involved Bush all over the place.
Remember the whole family.
It was there, in Texas, at the time that Bin Laden was functioning up in New York.
Mr. LaRouche, I'm gonna get George Humphrey in here, but let me do two minutes with you on the other side.
Can you do that?
Pardon me?
Two minutes.
I'll do two more minutes with us on the other side, okay?
I'm gonna come back and finish up with this.
This is too big.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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All right, we were going to let Len LaRouche go, but he's been gracious enough to stay with us.
larouchepac.com, larouchepub.com, both very interesting and informative websites, talking about the global plan for world government, population reduction, the British Empire through the corporate system, corporatocracy, the kleptocracy.
But sir, you were talking about 9-11 being a total inside job, and so you're saying you are concerned in the geopolitical
Well, the Glass-Steagall Act will unite enough members of Congress to create a force which will be able to face up to the threat of the Obama administration.
If we start to succeed in pushing the Glass-Steagall Act through at least one house of the Congress, we will then have crippled the Obama dictatorship, and that will lead to the elimination of him from the presidency.
Under those conditions, the American people, thinking they've got their nation back after all these years,
We'll be able to mobilize themselves as an organized force and take the measures needed to save our nation.
We can do it.
We need a sense of the courage and unity among enough of our people to unite around the Congress, around the bright people of the Congress, to, as a force of government, get our country back now.
We don't do it, we're going to lose it.
So now we've got to mobilize by the best political choice of strategy.
But do you agree with me, sir, that the staged terror attack is one of the dangerous cards up the sleeve?
Because from everything I see engaging the preparatory brainwashing where they're saying terrorists are about to hit,
When they hit, give your rights up, wear your protectors, wars are good, police state is good.
I see them prepping the mind, the public mind, you know, gowliting, preparing the ground for new stage terror.
Do you have any comments?
It's absolutely correct.
If we restore a sense of unity among a majority of members of the U.S.
Congress, I guarantee you we can win this fight and win it in short order.
That's what we have to do.
But we're getting close to a point where it's going to get... I mean, if things don't change in the next few months... I'm out there to organize this process.
We need it.
I'm an old man.
I should be president, but I'm too old to even consider the job.
But I am prepared to commit myself fully to this objective as a lifelong objective.
Lennon LaRouche, thank you so much for spending so much time with us.
We're very, very thankful for your insight and your perspective.
Thank you.
All right, there goes Lennon LaRouche from Deutschland.
We are now joined for the rest of the hour, maybe a little bit into the next.
It'll be internet only then here on this Thursday edition, but the next 50 minutes live on the radio to all the AM and FM affiliates, Global Shortwave Satellite, XM, George Humphrey, a good friend of mine now going back more than 16, in fact 17, 18 years.
I think I met him when
With Pat Buchanan's campaign, before I even got on AXS TV 16 years ago, and then radio.
But George Humphrey served two terms as a member of the Austin City Council, place four.
He helped co-found the Austin Citizens for Economical Energy.
He, of course, has written books, made films, and is just a great guy fighting the New World Order.
Outside the normal political box, he is just a guy who I absolutely love.
So much is happening, so much is going on, George.
I've got a lot of questions I want to cover with you.
You know, the wars, the police state.
But something, when you dropped by the office the other day, because a lot of times you're outside the country, you're also a successful businessman.
I mean, you're a true globetrotter.
You brought up the psychological warfare of the rap stars, the Lady Gaga, the movies,
Where vampires and killers and serial killers aren't bad guys, it's sexy.
They have shows where serial killers are the hero.
I mean, they are trying to psychically wound us, aren't they?
And so that was the big topic you wanted to talk about, is why they're doing that, trying to, I guess, really introduce this negative vibe, this negative energy, this defeatist system.
So we accept, in all the TV shows about the end of man, the world after humans, how wonderful it'll be, how ugly we are.
They want us to think that we're weak and bad because they know the opposite because we're coming to this critical juncture.
Talk about that for the rest of this segment.
They don't want to get into a whole bunch of issues and take phone calls.
Absolutely, Alex.
But first of all, I want to say thank you very much.
Because so many of the issues that you talk about are so basic and fundamental, and they're pretty dadgum scary from one point of view.
And I remember when I first started getting into this stuff about twenty years ago, I was thinking I was going to run for U.S.
Congress, and I knew that if I ran for Congress, or if I even opened my mouth about this, my future
And politics was gone, and so it's kind of scary, but I'll tell you what, the choice that I made, the choice that you've made, the choice that most of you have made, to tell the truth, to speak about the beauty of our country, to speak about the Republic, to speak about freedom,
You know what, not only is it the right thing to do, but it's the fun thing to do.
And coming down to Alex's place, this place is alive.
And even though Alex is intense, for most of you who don't know him, he's intense and he raises his voice.
He's one of the coolest guys I know.
He's so full of love.
And it's really fun down here.
It's fun to work for the right things.
And so, what I'm really focusing on these days, and I've gone the whole gambit, I'm an economist, I've written books about the Federal Reserve, Glass-Steagall, I was writing about 13 years ago, you know, and all this stuff has come true, all the things that Alex and I have been talking about for years and years, blah-dee-dah-dee-dah-dee-dah-dee-dah.
What we are facing as a nation, as a community, as individuals, as a family,
It's so much bigger than what I even was aware of even four or five years ago.
Clearly, the fight on the economic, political, cultural levels that are going on are so essential.
And I'll tell you what, for all of the people listening,
Alex Jones is doing more for your freedom and for the health of this world than almost anybody I know.
He is the rear guard action.
He's the guy who's keeping the wolves off of our tails and giving us the time so that we can create, so that we can become
Free so that we can create communities so that we can disconnect from the matrix and talking about and Understanding the real economic issues the absolute fraud of the Federal Reserve The the complete matrix level of the economics of this world I mean, it's just it's just so mind-blowing.
It's so easy to prove the fact that our political structure is
It's a joke.
Republican, Democrat, it doesn't make any difference.
Bush, Obama, they are controlled by the same slave masters.
Absolute fact.
And probably 98% of you already know that.
Our cultural institutions.
And that's where a lot of the power is.
Because, as Alex has, it is an information war.
There's a war on for your mind.
And it's my belief that probably 90% of those of us who call ourselves patriots and who really are aware of fiat currency and of what's going on with the power elite and the Bilderberg, we're still enslaved by the system.
And so what I've been working on is going deeper and deeper on the other way, and it's just like in the Star of David, you know, as above, so below.
And while this show helps not thousands or hundreds of thousands, millions of people wake up to where the rubber meets the road of the lies of our government, of the lies of our economy, of the lies of Wall Street, of the lies of our churches.
Not all the churches, but many of the churches, is that there is something bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger going on.
The game that we're playing is huge.
And I have a very, very, very dear friend in India who always reminds me, life is a dream.
Realize it.
Life is a challenge.
We're good.
It's a quest.
It's a challenge.
This is a trial.
And the system knows that.
As Revelation says, the kings of the earth and the merchants trafficked in the souls of men.
They want your mind.
They want your soul.
They want our soul.
And it's amazing.
I've watched that movie Matrix, the first one, 34 times.
And it's so correct in one way.
They want our energy.
Why are they, you know, we as human beings, why are we destroying this world?
Why are we destroying our families?
Why are we creating such incredible bloodshed?
Why are we using depleted uranium in Bosnia and Serbia and Afghanistan?
We're destroying, we're leaving traces of this mineral that will poison for thousands of years.
We're human beings.
Four billion years, Jim.
Yeah, and the half-life of 235 is 237,000 years.
That's just the half-life.
And why are we using this uranium?
And what I am becoming more and more aware of, and I'm becoming more aware every day, is that what we're facing... It's fair not he who can kill the body, but kill the soul.
They want that soul, folks.
That's why they tell you don't have one.
They want it bad.
And as Alex has said over and over and over, is that this is a spiritual choice.
This is a time of choice.
And always remember, as scary as a lot of this stuff is, we can change it.
We as human beings, when we get our act together, when we integrate our energies, when we get the right information, when we make our hearts and our minds and our bodies strong and join with others,
Then we are undefeatable.
We can create such beautiful, wonderful qualities as human beings.
Alright, stay there.
That's like nails on a chalkboard to the New World Order vampires.
We'll be right back with George Humphrey.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Fight back with Ali C.
George Humphrey is our guest throughout the rest of the hour.
Coming up in about 15-20 minutes, we'll take some calls.
We have questions for George on any issue.
He's been fighting the New World Order longer than I have.
Now, in the admitted university studies, in the admitted government funding,
They admit that they, for 50-something years, have been testing flicker rates, trying to lower people's brainwaves.
Everything they do is to make you depressed, unhappy, to feel inadequate.
At one level, it's Madison Avenue to make you feel inadequate so they can sell you the cosmetic or sell you the breast job or whatever the case is.
But there's no doubt that these people are into darkness.
They are psychopathic.
They have armies of sociopaths that serve them.
Uh, and they're threatened by technological development, they're threatened by enlightenment, and they're trying to bring in a new dark age desperately.
Why is that from your research, George?
Well, it's all about power.
It's all about beings who are in control of our economic, political, cultural institutions, who are in separation consciousness,
Who don't want to give the power back.
They're the big bullies.
They're the people who don't share.
They're the guy out in the playground who whips up on the younger kids.
And I know that listening to Alex, when he was young, he stood up to the bully.
And, you know, he might have gotten smacked in the face, but he stood up.
I did the same thing, and I bet many of you have done the same thing.
People, it is time for us to get off of our knees as a culture.
They have had us.
They, when I say they, the power elite, you know, the plutocracy, the Bilderberg, whatever you want to call these rascals, is that they have controlled the economic institutions for so long and clearly anyone who knows anything realizes it's a total sham.
But where they really get us is subconsciously.
They get us through the chemtrails.
They get us through the Tamarisol.
They get us through the fluoride.
They get us through the lousy educational system.
You know, we can go on and on and on and on and on about this, and this is really important.
This is the first step, is to become aware of what's going on.
Because as I see it, the game I'm playing, I am no longer a martyr.
I'm here to win this thing.
And what does winning mean?
It means that I have joy, I have health, and I have love, and that I, as a human being, have those qualities, and that I share that, and that our culture, our country, our world starts taking better care of itself.
We start telling the truth, that there is more peace, there is more cooperation, is that the level of violence goes down.
Our quality of government goes back to a republic style of government.
We become sustainable in the real way, not the way these politically correct people are talking about.
They always create counterfeits.
They always create these false things.
But I'm talking about living within our means, but really focusing on what is important.
And what is important is not more, and I make money, I love money, I chase money, but what's really important is not more money, it's not more goods, it's not more materialism, it's how much love we have in our hearts.
Well, it's in the hierarchy of needs, where is money?
If money is to secure your family, be strong, be able to protect yourself, then that's one thing.
But if you put it at the top of your hierarchy of needs, it should be way down at the bottom, but it's like fuel.
I don't worship gasoline I'm putting in my car, but I gotta have it.
Yes, absolutely.
And you know what?
We are human beings, and we can do better, and we're starting to do better.
And just like 20 years ago, when you and I first started talking about this stuff,
People used to go crazy with me.
You were telling me your daughter out in Southern California that's on fire out there.
I'll tell you what, we're...
All over the world now.
All over the world.
People are coming up to me.
I spend about four months a year in Asia, and I'm walking down the streets in some little Asian town, and they say, hey, didn't I see you on an Alex Jones film?
Hey, didn't I see you do that film called 9-11, The Great Illusion?
Hey, I read your book.
Oh, I've heard you on Alex Jones.
My daughter's in Santa Cruz.
All of her friends are aware of Alex and what he's doing.
People stop me everywhere.
And you know what?
I love it.
And that's not us bragging.
We're a sonar ping for folks that aren't known.
You don't know because nobody knows who you are.
We are public figures, and it's getting more and more as a gauge.
We see the awakening.
That's why we're so positive, and that's why the system's going so nuts, because they know that the awakening... That's why I'm getting chills, like, all the time now.
Used to, I barely... God, I'm having chills constantly.
I used to wake up in the middle of the night sweating cold bullets.
I was scared.
And you know what?
I still have some trembles when I see what's going on.
It still gets me really angry.
But now I'm excited.
I'm having chills of goodness.
Absolutely, like the other day I was in Randall's and all these people, you know, these people I have no idea.
But not only here in Austin, Texas.
All over the world.
Or in Santa Cruz.
And we have a connection to all these people.
We're brothers and sisters together for liberty.
The world is coming together.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Others don't.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
Jerry George Humphrey's great films and books at InfoWars.com and the online video bookstore.
We have a special running through to Saturday morning.
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But the five films are $29.95 already.
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That deal's gonna end as well, not just the free book.
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$29.95 for all of that, and thank all of you.
For your financial support because that's how we're building what's done now and now we're developing the TV show and I could have had it out a year ago but we're always so busy with all the other things and TV shows and interviews and things we're doing but I'm gonna ask George he's got to turn out what he thinks of the new facilities it's now 16,000 square feet we got
Two studios over there, well technically three, and I'm trying to hire the people and train the people and that's a whole process as you know but we're going to the next level and Glenn Beck's imitating us which I think is great but we're going to beat him to his September 12th launch and I've got to go ahead and get around to next week announcing the launch date and
How the show is going to be made up and what we're going to do.
But it's going to be a highly produced 30 minutes.
It's not going to be some two hour thing.
Really going to be power packed.
I'm going to do it every day after the show and then stream it live to PrisonPlanet.tv folks.
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George, there's so many other issues, so many other things.
that are happening but what I'm seeing develop is that as more of us have been willing to tell the truth, you 20 years ago, myself 16, almost 17 years ago, folks that came before us
That now it's easier for people to talk about these real issues.
And so that's really threatening the establishment.
So they're now coming out and saying, if you don't like the government grabbing your genitals at the TSA, you're a conspiracy theorist.
So now even known facts, if you don't like them, you're a conspiracy theorist, which now means heretic.
Well, you know what?
We got to stop playing their game.
These little minions, these slaves, these
I don't even know what the right word is.
They make me funny.
They're the kids that you didn't want to play with.
They're the kids who are not very nice.
They're the people you don't want to have over for dinner.
And you know what?
If they want to call us conspiracy theorists,
Too bad.
You know what?
That's... It's like... It's just so silly.
And you know what?
Alex has been putting his money where his mouth is.
He's doing these incredible things.
And if you don't make some... What do you think of the studios?
Alex, your studios are unbelievable.
Well, I haven't even done the real tour yet.
I've known this guy since he was a teenager, since he was schlepping stuff around the back of his car and doing it with passion!
Even then, passion!
And through the Law of Conscious Manifestation and the Law of Attraction, bringing good people together, he has created the center of truth information around the world.
And you know, I talk to a lot of people, they say, well, they don't like Alex because he yells, and I say, look,
The things he's getting through, just get through that information, listen to him, because what he's saying is so right on.
And he's gone from zero, zero, to having this incredible... Well, George, I mean, I'm only one little thing in a larger whole, but... No, but baloney.
But out of a lot of boulders by the side of the ocean, I'm a big boulder, but there's millions of them.
My issue, though, is... You're a big boulder.
Well, I mean, I never... Exactly.
But I mean, I never calculated this success.
I never calculated the anger, the yelling, the breaking through.
But people are in a trance.
So people who are already awake, sometimes it's grating.
But it's like cold water on somebody who's passed out.
And that's what I'm saying.
Because it takes a lot of knocking at the door of a lot of people who've really shut down.
And you know what?
Once you get through, and once you start hearing it, and once it starts clicking, you start realizing, oh my God, OMG!
And I'll tell you what, Alex not only is telling the truth, but he's also being sponsored by some incredibly good people and helping them.
For example, one of his products, InnerFood, it's a fabulous product.
You know the folks that developed it, huh?
Yeah, Steve St.
Fine guy, very conscious, been on the same side, doing the same things that we're doing.
And to win this war, we, you, everybody, we have to be healthy.
They're always telling me I need to get healthier, and I have.
I actually listen to you, I've been trying.
You take a little bit of it every day and you get healthier, but... Enough about me, though.
I mean, you're too nice.
But, like, overall, what do you think of Obama?
I mean, you were in the Obama deception when he was president-elect.
He was being called the Messiah, God, and you stepped out and went on the record in that film, and now it's all come true, unfortunately.
We have to figure this stuff out.
This guy shows up.
We don't know where he's from.
He says he's from Hawaii.
Even back then, people were saying, where was he born?
Where did he go to school?
Where are his records?
How did he speak at the 2004 Democratic Convention?
Nobody knew him.
I mean, it's so easy to figure out, folks.
Is he a great speaker?
He's an incredible speaker.
Would he be interesting to have dinner with?
Yeah, probably.
But the guy is a fraud.
He's a puppet.
He's just the same.
But the point is, when you came out...
Against him early on back then I mean that was going on a limb with friends and family because they said after George Bush We're ready for our Messiah, and and they created of course.
It's the it's the back-and-forth.
It's the it's the straw dog It's the Trojan horse folks anything that the predominant media brings you
is a Trojan horse.
George Bush, Bill Clinton, the Bushes, Obama, friends.
But I think, I believe that probably 85% of you are aware of that and past that.
We know that these folks are puppets.
We know that they want to be our slaves.
You were talking about the Great Awakening.
The system's going to throw everything they can at us.
The system's broken.
You saw the movie The Inception, right?
That one Leonardo DiCaprio where all the buildings would just fall down by themselves through their thoughts.
Friends, you know that the economic system of this world is deteriorating.
It's built on sand.
There's nothing there.
This 1.39 trillion dollars in the QE 1 and 2 programs, it's all digital magic.
It's not there.
It's false.
There is no money.
And they'll SWAT team your house and kill you if you don't give up your house when you're bankrupt.
Sometimes the banks even take it when they don't even own it.
But then the banksters are allowed to create thousands of trillions and then we're supposed to bow down and... And it's happening all over the world.
In Greece...
In Ireland, in Portugal, in Zimbabwe, all over the world.
But it's happening here.
The debt per person in the United States of America is about three times, not including the derivatives, of what it is in Greece.
And friends,
It's just a matter of time.
So protect yourself.
Invest some of your money, this is my own point of view, in hard bullion.
Gold and silver.
Gold and silver.
And get yourself real... Well, it's only gone up 400% since 2000.
You know, do you remember back in the 90s when we were talking about this stuff and paperwork just going, la la la la la la la?
And you know what?
If you'd invested $10,000 or $1,000 back in 2000, it would be worth, who knows right now, and especially if you put it in any futures.
Well, if you put $1,000 in silver, it would be worth $7,000.
I think close to $8,000.
It depends on where you're... Whatever, $7,000, $8,000.
It doesn't make any difference.
If you bought it at $5 an ounce, what would it be?
$5 an ounce, it's $33 an ounce, five, six, seven times, yeah, right now.
And then gold... Gold's about five, four times, four and a half times.
But gold and silver... That's a bad investment.
Conspiracy theorists!
Conspiracy theorists!
I'm one of those patriots!
But anyway, just FYI, my opinion is, is that as the dollar and as the euro and as the other fiat currencies lose value, which they will as more and more people wake up because of the massive debt, because there really is nothing there, it's out of thin air, is that the hard assets, monetary assets, will go up in value.
Well, you wrote the book, what is it, 97 or 98, when they were debating getting rid of Glass-Steagall.
I remember listening to it on book on tape, because I've read them all.
The first one was Common Sense, right?
Common Sense, an introduction to the dangers of the New World Order.
And then you said, they have these derivatives, they're talking about getting rid of Glass-Steagall.
If they do that, it'll take a decade or so, everything will totally implode, they'll set up their World Bank, and now we're here.
You know what?
That wasn't so hard to figure out then.
I mean, you know, it's just basic fundamentals.
All you do is follow the money and where it goes.
And the Glass-Steagall, you know, I'd love it if they brought Glass-Steagall back.
My opinion is it's too late to fix the sinking ship.
But it's not a bad thing.
As one ship goes down, we, the people of this nation, the clear-thinking people of this nation, who believe in truth, who believe in love, who believe in cooperation, is that we are going to build the new society.
And I'm not being wild.
No, no, we've got to be here to explain to people what happens to the globalists.
This is the way
I think Stuart Rhodes likened it when I was, you know, talking to him.
I don't think it was on air, but he said, this is the USS Titanic, and it's sinking, and the UN ship, you know, the New World Order ship pulled up and said, we will save you, but really it's cannibals on board that want to eat you.
I mean, I added that part.
And then we're the USS Liberty, the USS Constitution, the USS Humanity, Freedom.
Free will, goodness, decency, light.
We're pulling up saying, don't get on that ship, get on this ship.
Look at those vampires over there, the gangway, telling you to get on board with them.
They're the ones that blew the hole in the ship.
As we've said before, friends, get off your knees.
Detach from the existing matrix.
Detaches... Just say, like Babylon, mentally, spiritually, I come out of you, you're a fraud, I don't believe any of it.
And you know what?
A lot of you who don't know Alex, a lot of you don't realize that this guy right here
He's got a solid connection with spirituality.
He realizes that the soul is eternal and that telling the truth and love are the essential eternal elements.
And yet, and he is, the reason he can come here and do this day after day and show this bravery, the reason he can go down to the Capitol like he did last week and speak to our, to our
They're making all these shows of force and sticking their hands down our pants in a wild attempt to get control back.
And it's not going to work.
And Alex has been giving us the time.
And most of you who are out there, you're giving us the time.
Oh yeah, they're giving us the time.
Each one of you out there can just speak to one person this week.
Just speak to one new person.
They have no idea the crossroads, or some do, that everything, every mind we free, every person we get to look at reality now, is incalculably valuable to humanity and the species.
Do you remember that book I used to give out called The 100th Monkey that talked about, you know, if 4 to 5 to 6 percent of the population... Those were studies in Japan.
Yes, absolutely.
It's a true story.
And when a new concept comes through, people first of all ignore it, then they laugh at it, then they get violent with it, and then it's enough, a critical mass gets aware of it, then it just happens.
And you know what?
For so long, less than 1% of the population has been aware of this stuff, but in the last couple years, our numbers are increasing, increasing, increasing, increasing.
And if we're just about at the tipping point, and if just a...
The people of this show, and this show goes out, I don't know, how many people listen to this show a week?
Oh, and count internet and everything, it's about 10 million a week.
It's amazing!
And if just 50% of you can speak to one person and get one person the next two weeks to wake it up...
Think of what that means.
Because there is a war on for your minds.
And the important thing to remember is don't speak with this about fear.
See it as a game.
Life is a game.
Let's play it.
Good and evil going on.
Come in for the big win because you're already going to be in the war regardless.
They're already going to run over you.
You might as well stand up and come in for the big win.
It's like, why not play the game?
Let's say, see this is a wave.
Get your surfboard out and let's surf this wave.
Let's have some fun with it because we can make this society our own lives, our families.
We can have so much more fun.
We can be so much more healthy and we can have such big smiles on our face.
And so, you know, at first, for a long time, I was really scared about this stuff, and we have to go through that.
But you know what?
It's not so scary.
I mean, you know, I'm concerned, for sure, because there's gonna be turbulence, and there's gonna be some tough times, and some people probably are gonna get hurt.
We're blessed to be living in this time of great tumult.
We are blessed!
This is the center of the universe, this planet of ours, this world of ours, what's going on right now.
One of the things I talk to Alex about is that I go to India and I read all this prophecy stuff I read about.
Going from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius, and from the Kali Yuga to the Satchi Yuga, and I read all about the Mayan Calendar.
But there's real science behind this.
There's this thing called the Galactic Shift and the Processional Shift that is real science, and things are changing.
And you know what?
This is not some new age or weird stuff.
It's just fact.
And so we might as well play with it.
Anybody who can look at their eyes can see that the world has changed so much in the last 20 or 30 years.
But the whole solar system's changing.
The whole solar system.
Probably most of you know, every planet in our solar system, according to Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, and the National Institute of Science of Russia, has increased their heat.
All the planets are getting hotter because we're getting into an area where we're getting more radiation.
They admit, because they're doing samples not just from the sun or the moon manipulating weather, because the moon is more of a, you know, a lensing effect when it blocks the sun or doesn't block and it controls the tides.
But what's happening is, is that more radiation just from space, more particles, is saturating the atmosphere.
It's coming in.
And there's no question about this.
This is fact.
Now, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't and we must be fabulous stewards of this.
Now, I am a true... Stay there.
We gotta go to break.
We gotta go to break.
We're gonna come back, take two segments of calls, five minutes to the end of the show, and then we got five minutes of overdrive.
George Humphrey, stay with us.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for Russia's home
Okay, I want to go to five callers, Dave through Mark, but real fast, you were talking about the whole Bin Laden thing during the break.
Well, it's so funny to me.
Do any of you listening have any people that you know in your life who just don't tell the truth and who are perpetual liars?
And at first, you know, they speak with a forked tongue and it confuses you, but then after a while and you get to know them, if they're still in your life, it becomes almost a joke.
It is like right now.
I mean, Osama Bin Laden taken by the SWAT team and then they supposedly kill him and dump his body.
First of all, probably 90% of you know that he died in either 2002 or 2003 from kidney failure.
Yeah, but on TomPub they have fake situation room photos and later admit they're fake and then he didn't have a firefight with him?
It's like 9-11 is that there's not one or two or a dozen.
There are hundreds of factual pieces of information that show that the story is a fairy tale.
And so to me, it's like...
But in this thing about Osama right now, what a joke!
It's like saying Santa Claus is real.
It's like, how can they do this?
But you know what?
Every time they lie.
You know what the price of a lie is?
The price of a lie is the truth.
And as the, you know, the lie of 9-11 is the truth that actually boomerangs back on them.
It's called karma.
The lies that they tell us every day that you and others are exposing is the truth.
And as horrible as these things are, they're coming back to, it's the karma, or what goes around comes around, or whatever you want to call it.
Reap what you sow.
We are, those of us who believe in the truth, who believe in God, who believe
In honesty and integrity, and who believe on respect for human life, is that things are changing.
And as dark as these days seem, things are getting better.
And I don't like to talk about win or lose, because the only reality is right now.
But we're winning this thing.
Yeah, they've decided to lose, so it's not even win or lose.
They've decided to lose.
Dave in California, you're on the air with George.
He's putting his headphones on.
Dave, thanks for holding.
Thank you, Prison Planet TV member, Dave, from California.
Now, two things.
I just want to know how the bringing back of Glass-Steagall will help cancel out those derivatives.
And this weekend on the television set on those riots in Athens, we saw what looked like a three-foot by six-foot sign, and it said, uh, Goldman Sachs employee of the decade.
And it looked like it had George Papandreou's picture in it, in English, right there in Athens.
No, they're waking up.
I mean, getting rid of Glass-Steagall, I mean, bringing Glass-Steagall back, that wouldn't let them create these derivatives.
Yeah, well, first of all, it's not going to happen, or at least I don't think it's going to happen.
It would be a positive step, but I don't think it will happen.
And then your question is a very, very good one.
How would it reverse these derivatives?
And the snakes are already out of the bag.
You know, we've had $1.3 trillion in the QE programs in the last 16 months.
And as I was saying to a friend here the other day, is that probably 80% of that, what we call money or currency, has gone to money heaven because it's been paying off the interest of those toxic derivatives.
Otherwise, we would have had much, much, much, much more inflation in the system.
So your question is a good one, and I don't have a good answer for it.
All right, thank you, Dave.
Tim, and we're going out to break, but Tim in Washington, go ahead.
We'll take you out to break and hold the music down.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, guys?
Good, go ahead.
I was curious, you were mentioning movies like The Matrix and everything like that.
Do you think there's some similarities to the movie They Live and the quote-unquote signal that keeps everybody participating in the lie?
And the archetype of Rowdy Piper having to beat his friend up to make him put the glasses on to see the truth?
Your view on They Live.
We've got to jump in.
Great question.
Oh man, that's an amazing, amazing movie.
And look at these movies because this guy called Spielberg, he's head of the bad guys as far as Hollywood.
Yeah, I mean, what do you think John Carpenter's doing though with They Live?
Oh, it's horrid.
Alright, alright, alright.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Just to be clear, you're saying you like They Live, but you're saying that all these other films, I mean, clearly they're conditioning us, and there's no doubt.
Ronnie in Texas.
Ronnie, you're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
During my most recent visit to the Capitol yesterday, I spoke personally with Lieutenant Governor Delusional David Screwloose, and I was angrily filling out a tiny card when
Lieutenant Governor walked right up to me to talk, and he pretended to be on our side, and he said a few great slogans.
And he told me he'd ask some doctors about what I'd told him about my experience with medicinal marijuana, but really I called Mr. George Humphrey to ask you for your help.
With the City Council of Criminals and Sociopaths, they made a special rule to exclude me, Ronnie Rieferseed, and others.
Yeah, that's right.
They're now excluding regular speakers, and they're making it harder to speak.
You know, Ronnie, when I was a city councilman, right or wrong, I would get to the office about 6, 45, 7 o'clock every morning, and we had what was called the bullpen.
And it's my belief that an elected representative, one of their biggest things is to talk and to listen to the people of the community.
And if somebody disagreed with the position that I had, I would always put them first in line.
And listening to the people.
I am a former city council member, and actually I'm a pretty nice guy and very polite and I don't call names.
Most of the council members will not return my phone calls or my letters right now.
I keep writing them, I keep sending them.
No, no, when you go down there and look at them, they are incredibly... They're scared.
They're scared because, you know, just like this water treatment plant number four, they're saying, we've got to have it to have more water.
Look, go out to Lake Travis.
It's empty.
Creating another water treatment plant is not going to make more water.
There's a reason that there was less than 200,000 indigenous people in Texas before the first settlers came here, because there wasn't enough water.
We're out of water now.
And you can build all the water treatment plants you want, but it doesn't make more water.
It's just like fluoride in the water.
Every objective study has shown that fluoride is a thyroid inhibitor, not good for your teeth, and is bad for your health.
Case closed.
So objective.
And yet these people are not waking up to the reality.
Well, more than that, I had a whole water story I meant to get to and I didn't get to it.
But it turns out the Army Corps of Engineers waited and didn't release the water, let it build up to flood.
Now they're trying to buy up people's land for nothing.
And they're sending water through of Travis down to farmers that aren't even using it.
So there's not only shortages, they're also trying to accentuate that.
Well, a lot of people don't realize that more people are homeless on the Mississippi River right now from the floods than all the homeless people that were in New Orleans.
Both were terrible situations, but the lack of support for the people on the Mississippi from Washington because they did not vote for Obama.
And, you know, this is simple, hardcore politics.
That's like when we have fires in Texas, Obama won't even come or help openly because Texas doesn't like him.
That's like Obama's supporters, they get health care waivers.
They don't have to get the insurance.
This is hardcore politics, and friends, we have to be aware of it.
And at the same time, if we want to win...
We have to disengage.
We have to understand this stuff and see it like a keto.
Let this information go so we don't get sucked into it.
But spend our time getting strong and healthy and joyful and creating types of community and lifestyles.
Yeah, we've got to be optimistic and we've all got to let ourselves get sucked into the negativity.
I mean, cover the hard issues, be bold about it, but at the same time realize that we need to keep our heads about us and that incredible things are happening.
I apologize to Michael and Mark.
We'll be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., Lord willing, and then of course back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., and I hope everybody has a great Fourth of July coming up as well, but we'll be live tomorrow.
It's always great when you orbit back through town.
How many months a year are you in Austin now?
About four months a year, and I love Austin.
Austin is one of the real vortexes of energy in the world.
It's a great place, and there's a lot of great places, and I love traveling around meeting new people.
All right, buddy.
Well, it's always good seeing you here.
There's a lot of great energy.
Plus, the good, the bad, and the ugly are all moving here.
Oh, man.
Austin's a great place, and thanks for having me on.
Go, Alex!
Ah, go, George.
Man, you're awesome.
Great job with the crew today.
And just continue to watch InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for just more key news pouring out.
God bless.
There's a man named Dr. Wallach, who is anything but your typical doctor.