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Name: 20110629_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 29, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
When you're awake, it is very painful to listen to the news or watch television and see the total immersion in propaganda and disinformation, the political correctness that's going on that is nothing but destroying the family, destroying common sense,
The prison that is being built around us, the electronic control grid, the phony environmental movement that has nothing to do with protecting the environment, everything to do with transferring power to centralized organizations and groups.
To watch it is extremely frustrating and to steal a line from The Matrix, one cannot be
Told about the Matrix, one must see the Matrix.
And so many people are caught up in left-right debates when the establishment simply engineers the society through the left and right that they control.
And then they limit debate.
And then anyone outside of that limited debate, whether they're on what the establishment would call the left or right, is demonized as an extremist.
They limit things and keep it in a very small box with very tight blinders on.
An example of this, we've got a big show lined up today, is yesterday I read a big news article out of the French News Agency.
The Associated Press was also reporting on it.
And there are literally thousands of these studies.
They knew about it close to 80 years ago, back in the 20s and 30s they had research on different plastic
Recipes that leach estrogen mimickers and other chemicals into the food supply.
And I covered this yesterday knowing that when it later went on the web at YouTube and other places that a large portion of the commenters
would call me a homophobe, which again is another political correct term.
Regardless of what your views are on this, can you scientifically understand that when they move to ban people criticizing folks for their sexual persuasion, that that's the end of free speech?
You may not agree with it, you may agree with it.
Regardless, it's free speech.
But there's these calls to shut it down.
But my discussion wasn't even about that.
It was that in dog studies, guinea pig studies, mice, rats, and yes, human studies, BPA, and it was one of many things I mentioned that it does, causes gender confusion in all mammals.
And you can't even talk about that.
You can't even talk about that it increases cancer in males, but even in females even more.
These are mainline studies.
This is killing people.
And folks are so politically correct, they can think about nothing but that if you use the word homosexual, you're bashing people, when gay means you are in a good mood and it's a gay day.
Again, this is the semantical change.
If he calls someone a heterosexual, it's not bashing people that have sex with the opposite sex, which is procreation.
It's just like people are so ignorant, they've trained this in the schools and the media, that if you say Anglo, that's okay.
Scientific term.
If you say Negro, it's racist.
It's just, it's a name.
It's a name.
I mean, it's like saying this species of flower has this name.
This species has this name.
To where people have been trained that language
In fact, many times when I've used complex words, I get emails saying it's evil.
Knowledge is now racist.
Words are now racist.
Meanwhile, real racism is going on, targeting people of color, the globalists are.
Well, they're not even racist, they just want you dead.
But as long as they say they're liberal like Margaret Singer, she can write private letters saying, I want to kill the blacks.
But even the black leaders didn't say, well, at least she's liberal.
Go ahead and kill us.
It's loving.
We'll be right back.
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Number 2.
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Number 3.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Wednesday the 29th day of June 2011.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours and I have an amazing guest I've heard on other talk shows and I've heard no one who was able to just chronologically break down how wicked the TSA takeover of America is and how it's a bellwether
Federalization prisoner training program to train Americans to feel like we are worthless dirty criminals that line up at the Nazi checkpoints nationwide and not just in trains or planes or automobiles but in public buildings.
And shopping malls, open spaces, public commons as they call them.
So we're going to be talking to Becky Akers coming up in the second hour today.
Joining us from Germany via video Skype tomorrow will be Lyndon LaRouche.
We also have George Humphrey, former Austin City Council member, businessman, economist.
He's going to be in studio with us tomorrow.
I have some other big guests throughout the week.
Obviously, we had Ron Paul on the broadcast yesterday with very important news.
Ron Paul, Obama's Libya war is a power grab, is impeachable.
Again, Ron Paul, Obama's Libya war, power grab, impeachable.
Obama's Libyan war, power grab, is impeachable.
Need to add an is there, I believe.
But that article is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Important to get out to everyone.
We need to continue to point out that the presidency becomes an imperial office.
It becomes a kingdom.
He becomes a literal ruler if these precedents are allowed to continue.
And of course, the ruler only takes orders from one group, and that's the United Nations.
And they're just putting the globalist agenda in, whether we like it or not.
Later in the broadcast, I have a microcosm of the United States and the rest of the world, how the mafia operates now.
A green and carbon neutral
Formula One.
The debate now in Austin isn't about hundreds of millions of dollars to the Formula One dynasty, who all over Europe has gotten taxpayers to pay for their billion-dollar facilities.
Now that's shifted away, and now Austin, after saying they wouldn't pay for it, is saying that taxpayers will.
Meanwhile, the guy's daughter has two homes worth over $200 million apiece, one of them over
A million dollars, the biggest mansion in the US, 150 mil total.
And don't worry, her daddy's getting 250 plus mil, but he's playing along with the global mafia.
The F1 will purchase carbon offsets or indulgences like you 500 years ago would try to get your family out of purgatory.
You'd have to pay the Pope.
Well, now you don't do that to get your family out of hell or out of purgatory.
You just pay the Austin City Council, who openly has announced a $3.6 billion increase in the next three years, last year, so we're a year into it, of all electricity.
I don't
And Ron Paul has something in common, the Atlantic reports.
They try to make fun of her.
She's concerned about hyperinflation and dollar devaluation and likes Ron Paul.
So, Lindsey Lohan's been off drugs a while, I'm told, and starting to join the company of men.
People say men.
Yes, humankind.
So good job, Lindsey, there.
And we're going to be talking more about that.
I mean, you know, they just openly say we're going to lose the dollar as the World Reserve currency.
And the pro-Federal Reserve camp followers like the Atlantic are scorning anyone, scorning anyone that dares be involved in reality.
Ha ha ha!
They're concerned with our currency!
Well, we're going the way of Mexico with currency devaluation, but so what?
It's good to go from a first world to a third world nation.
It's fun!
And to have cities implementing global UN policies outside of law to rape everyone while all the real environmental degradation goes into ultra high gear.
Just this last week I saw articles about
Scores of species of pig that are part human.
Scores of goats that are part human.
Scores of cross-species humanses.
They're now putting on the market glowing cats.
In fact, there was an article I was going to mention yesterday.
We can re-pull it from the stack, please.
I want to get to that later in the hour.
It was 10 Signs of Crazy Genetic Engineering, I believe was the headline, from InfoWars.com.
And it was just the news of the last week.
It was a glowing catch to go on the market in the U.S.
That's right.
Part jellyfish.
It's wonderful.
Do you have any idea what happens when you start crossing all these species?
We've had top genetic engineers on.
It's just absolutely destroying the Earth's real biosphere.
Oh, the Earth can grow back from fires.
It can grow back from big earthquakes.
It can grow back from even deforestation.
But, oh, of course, plants breathe carbon dioxide that we exhale.
It's part of the life cycle, like in your terrarium.
They're announcing carbon as a deadly nerve gas.
But, but, giant cyclotrons, nuclear reactors everywhere leaking and blowing up.
Not a problem, Mombiot, the big global government green fascist calls for.
It's a sick way to give you false guilt so they can tax you and run your life and inspect your house and tell you what you can do.
They're using environmental laws to harass the Amish and farmers and people that Big Agra's exempt.
Grow up!
You know, this weekend I was invited to a dinner party.
I talked a little bit about this.
They were admitting, yes, that humans aren't going to be needed soon.
And then everybody in the establishment, microbiologists, talks about there's too many people and getting rid of them.
And, you know, these folks, I guess, were proud that they don't have children.
And then, you know, they were asking, well, you know, what do your children do?
And I'm, well, they're homeschooled.
And it was like, oh, you know, one female scientist was just, oh, it doesn't matter.
They win all the spelling bees and have the highest.
It's just, oh, my gosh, well, what about what about socialization?
You mean learning how to be a cult member, learning how to hate your family, learning how to hate the Second Amendment?
I mean, my children go to swim meets and play basketball with people.
Other children, four or five days a week.
There's a huge homeschool community.
But again, no connection to reality.
And then one of them, after they heard that, they had to...
Had to create some idea of how we were bad.
And so, oh, they said to my eight-year-old son, what is wrong with your eye?
What is wrong with it?
Oh, what happened to you?
Because he had a little birthmark.
And he says, it's my birthmark.
And they were like, oh, really?
I mean, these people are not connected to reality in any way, shape, or form.
And they're everywhere.
And it is their sacrament to not have children.
My wife has had women walk up and gripe at her for having three children in grocery stores.
You walk around in Whole Foods and you walk up to the counter and the magazines are how great it is to live under austerity and have nothing.
It's a religious sacrament to be raped and robbed by the bankers.
Who taught us how to overconsume, who taught us how to be petty and destructive, who built a civilization that was unsustainable so they could then have us completely dependent when they shut it off.
See, it isn't that we're not wasting, or we are wasting, it's another choice, or many other choices.
It's complex, varied thought, sophisticated thought.
You're thought to think one-dimensional, two-dimensional, certainly not three-dimensionally, certainly not four-dimensionally.
All right, I digress.
I digress here.
The big news is up on InfoWars.com right now.
EPA on radiation alert as fires reach 50 feet from Los Alamos nuke plant.
This is where they've got all sorts of test reactors, experimental systems, giant storage units of nuclear waste.
The area's had nuclear testing going on for 60 years, and when there's fires, it releases all of that carbon, all of that chaff, all of that dust into the atmosphere.
But don't worry.
Suddenly we've got the plant on the river there in Nebraska confirmed to be flooding on emergency backup generator power.
Don't worry, Fukushima, five of the six damaged, three with complete meltdown.
They knew that the first week, covered it up.
And don't worry, Canada with a huge leak that happened three months ago.
Don't worry, because even though the northern hemisphere has double the normal radiation and rising, the EPA has just risen the level they say is safe.
They've just, and there's no alerts about don't drink the milk, there's no alerts about we better not let, especially children who have fast-growing cells, on average radiation has ten times the negative effects on them, even more on fetuses.
No discussions about it.
This is many times, confirmed months ago, many times, Chernobyl.
Each Fukushima reactor blowing sky-high, including the MOX-3.
The MOX reactor at Reactor 3, the 644,000 fuel rods stored on top, blown sky-high, up to a mile and a half away, the Japanese government just covered them up with bulldozers, leaking into the water, getting into the atmosphere, covering the entire United States, off the charts, Chernobyl, and this is 1986.
The U.N.
even admits over a million people contracted and died of cancer since then from Fukushima in their actuaries.
They're not worried now because they wave a magic wand and say, eat the produce.
Doesn't matter if months ago it tested all over the United States in vegetables.
It tested in all the major milk, off the charts, 300, 500, depending on the state.
I mean, they had Vermont milk testing hundreds of times above normal levels.
And their answer is, you know what?
As this radioactive orgy begins, it's not a problem.
We raise the level of what we say is safe.
But my gosh, we've got to raise all your taxes, and we've got to micromanage everything you do, because when you exhale carbon dioxide that plants respirate from, it is a nerve gas of death.
It is, it is, it is evil!
The breath is evil!
The radiation is Valhalla!
Let us bathe in it!
Let the cancers grow!
Gaia loves it!
Give us more!
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
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In fact, before I get into all the Greece riots and their government voting to hand them over to the bankers for debt the bankers created, before I get into the fires approaching Los Alamos, before I get into all the other news...
Let me go ahead now and go over a few things that just came out the last week.
Genetic modification gone wild.
Ten signs that our world may be destined to resemble a really bad science fiction movie.
This is from The American Dream.
We also posted it at Infowars.com.
And going over this, number one, in China, scientists
Have inserted human genes into DNA of dairy cow embryos.
At this point, approximately 200 hybrid cows have been successfully produced.
They feed the milk to the military, because after all, they're slaves.
These cows can produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk.
The scientists hope to have huge herds of these cows producing an alternative to human breast milk soon, and they hope to have the milk
Sold in global supermarkets within three years.
Number one, in Canada, scientists at the University of Guelph, the province of Ontario, have produced what they're calling enviro-pigs.
These enviro-pigs, it goes on, have the genes from mice spliced into them, and accordingly, the scientists say that they produce less
I think so.
And again, when you splice these genes, it has all sorts of unintended consequences.
But a lot of them are intended.
A lot of times the reason they engineer something is just the cover.
In every major study of the GMO crops they've put out, the staple food crops, they always reduce fertility.
In every major rodent study.
Just pull it up.
Scientists in Japan have created a genetically modified mouse that tweets like a bird.
Yeah, 30 years ago they had mice that grew human ears on their backs.
Number four, one U.S.
corporation can now produce a very muscular monster salmon, which can grow up to three times as fast as normal salmon do, and major university studies show within 40 generations it will extinct the open sea normal salmon.
That's okay, that's 40 years.
Scientists can now produce cats that glow in the dark.
A genetically modified cat created by scientists named Mr. Green was the very first fluorescent cat in the United States, but Mr. Green Jeans was not the first glow-in-the-dark cat in the world.
That honor went to the cat created by a team of scientists in South Korea.
In Japan, scientists have discovered that they can grow rat organs inside of mice.
These researchers hope to use the same technology to grow human organs inside pigs.
That was going on 15 years ago, by the way.
This is all old news.
They had human clones 15 plus years ago, but they only grow them up to a certain size inside the cow uterus.
And then they change its genes a little so that it won't be rejected by the cow.
So they say, well, it's not really a human clone because it's a small percentage cow.
Now, you can't tell that it's a cow.
It doesn't have a cow snout or cow ears.
It has cow genetics.
And so they say, well, you don't have rights.
And then they harvest them and use them.
China, on record, actually takes the babies if they catch you having more than one child, especially if you have two.
They take the baby, they've now discovered, and don't just drown them.
It's their favorite thing to throw them in a tank and use them for medical parts and cosmetics.
Collagen that's sold in the United States and Europe to rich women.
But also, I guess, metrosexual men, they now keep the babies alive and grow organs in them and things.
But hey, too many people, so it's a good thing.
We're going to hear all day, you know, about a baby killed and did the mommy do it and who put the baby in the woods and, you know, every news channel covering it.
But meanwhile, they got kids in tanks just in torture hell.
And they've got these embryos, you know, in tanks.
I've talked to scientists that work in the facilities that are part animals, so they don't have rights.
And, you know, the babies are grown up larger to grow organs in them.
They're gulping for milk and gulping for air in the tanks.
It's all part of the freedom.
Science, 30 years ahead at least.
Giant control grids, the water, the food, all poisoned.
Soon there won't be any families.
You won't even be able to be attracted to men or women.
Just pure hell released, just poured out upon everyone.
Then the mass extermination, genetic warfare will be released.
And they're not going to need the cops or military anymore.
Everything's going to be robotic.
As soon as they have the factories completed to work on the robots and service the robot drones and ground forces and the robot tanks they've had for at least 20 years, they're, oh, I mean, my God, hell's going to be released on everybody.
And all of you laugh and conditioned people, I can't even get mad at you because you were put in front of the television at birth in your diapers and sent into a mesmerized state.
The general public is in a trance.
And, in fact, if you're listening now and giggling, it's because you're in a trance level with a hypnotic suggestion to giggle and laugh when you hear the truth.
That's why you get so upset.
Women are laughing right now because, you know, I'm telling them that the bisphenol A massively increases their breast cancer.
They've taken your life force away from you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
Ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being, I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud,
That thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the state has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
You know, I mourn every day for humanity.
I mourn for the fact that already much of the genetic history of this planet has been irreparably destroyed and ruined by design by the global social engineers and genetic engineers.
And, you know, I read this article that is titled, Genetic Modification Gone Wild.
Ten signs that our world may be destined to resemble a really bad science fiction movie.
It already resembles it.
But the public, on average, spends now around six hours a day in a lower brain state.
When you're watching television, it brings you into a lower brain state.
Major universities for more than 60 years non-stop do studies of how to flicker the rate and how to put information embedded in the transmission to manipulate your mind.
You can read the studies, but I've been given internal tours that I wasn't even supposed to get of the University of Texas psychology department.
Monkeys by the thousands.
In cages, by the hundreds strapped in with their eyes wired open, watching flicker rates on television sets and commercials.
All engineered to assault you viciously.
All DARPA funded.
I saw that ten years ago.
I'm not gonna even get into it.
That is right down the street from here.
And I was able to see the monkeys by remote control out at Bastrop.
I was watching them from cameras.
The scientists sit in there.
You go to the next DARPA-funded room.
It's pornography and how to confuse gender through messages on television.
Department of Defense.
I'm taken to the next room.
Every room, DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, DARPA, being shown this.
Of course, they'll try to reverse engineer who showed it to me.
Doesn't matter.
I didn't talk about it until years and years after, so they'll have trouble tracking it.
But the point is that you can go research all this for yourself.
They have spent trillions, and they write white papers bragging about it, about how to control and manipulate you.
The Google NSA data gathering system
is designed to predict the future, and it's able to do it.
Individually, they say, as of last year, 93% of the time, 99% of the time, they can predict major mass movements.
And as they get more data fed in to this system, which was always their goal, Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, written in what, the 40s, is about that?
And the rules of robotics?
What man envisioned has now become real.
And that's why they're so arrogant.
That's why they don't care.
I'm gonna explain this again to you.
Your food, your water, you just think they stop with fluoride that seven-fold increase in cancer in the bones?
You think they just stop with bisphenol A and almost all the plastic and the printer ink that you touch and then reduces your fertility?
That's all old tech.
60 years.
Everywhere where there's rebellious people.
The United States, Ireland, the Basque, and Spain.
Those were chemical weapon programs developed in the 20s and 30s on record.
On record.
Do you know what they're doing with the rice and the corn and the wheat and the soybeans?
Continuing here.
Notice I'm spending more and more time on this because I realize everything else is now a side issue.
You've got to realize most of this is a distraction, a diversion, a false construct.
We have a breakaway technocratic civilization
In the universities, in the government, under national security, doing whatever they want.
And only by compartmentalized people in the system waking up and going, wow, how does this guy know all of this?
See, I'm pointing out things you already know, but never connected.
And then begging you to go read the white papers while they're still public, before they bring in the Borg centralized censored web.
Which they're openly calling for.
But Japan isn't the only one doing this kind of research in Missouri.
Universities are engineering.
Part pig and part human are being grown with the goal of providing organs for human transplants.
Always sounds great.
Number 8.
Scientists at Rockefeller University have injected human genes into mice.
These humanized mice are being used to study the spread of Hepatitis C, you're told.
scientists have discovered that they can actually grow new human organs from scratch.
The following is a quote from the recent Newsweek article.
It goes on.
And Japan, they're coming out with feces that is then transmutated into meat.
Folks won't believe that.
Type in Japan feces to meet.
We'll show folks the article.
Here's another one.
Believe it or not, a company in Canada known as Nexia has actually taken goats and genetically modified them to part spider.
Yeah, 19 years ago this was made public that it was going on a decade before by the Pentagon.
They then just privatized the gene sequencing.
And last time I checked there were five companies doing it in the U.S.
And I was at 15 years ago, I had the CEO on bragging about how they have these goats released in the open.
And when you zoologically cross animals, it causes major problems.
Diseases and insects can then get into mammals.
Yeah, let's put that back on screen for folks because I want to read the headline for radio listeners.
Japan's scientist synthesizes meat from human feces.
There you go.
Help to bring it on the market for you and your family.
And it goes on, as frightening as all of these examples may sound, and this is all ancient news, the truth is genetic modification of plants has gone even further.
You know, some crops have over a hundred insect, plant, and human genes in them.
A decade ago, they had pharmacological crops growing live HIV.
This has all been done.
Today, approximately 93% of all soybeans and possibly 80% of all corn in the United States, and that's a low number, have been genetically modified.
No, no.
Almost 100% of all corn varieties worldwide, including 10,000-year-old corn varieties in Mexico, are now contaminated.
They're gone.
They're dead.
It's over.
But don't worry.
They're gonna tax that carbon dioxide you're exhaling.
And they're gonna raise the radiation levels of what's safe.
Everything's fine.
They're gonna tax what plants respirate from.
And then put off oxygen for us.
Now they couldn't come out and tax oxygen because even the dumbest people know that's good.
So carbon dioxide sounds like monoxide, just like you can go out and get most people to sign a form calling for banning dihydrogen monoxide.
You know what dihydrogen monoxide is?
Most people will sign forms, and the studies have been done.
Over 90% will sign forms to ban sodium chloride.
Sounds scary.
Do you know what sodium chloride is?
Sodium chloride is salt.
Let's worry about salt.
Let's worry about water.
Let's worry about carbon dioxide.
But let's splice everything and release it open air.
Let's do it.
Let's have the system openly write white papers on it in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s.
I've got you in biological diversity assessments.
Where they state, well the 96 one, they said we need to encourage war, famine, we need to cut off resources to reduce population, and we need to encourage homosexuality.
Now see, this isn't a moral statement for me.
Let's get that out of the way.
Everybody's fetish of obsessing on this.
I obsess on the stars, and genetics, and flowers, and beauty, and green grass, and streams.
I'm not all upset and freaked out, and everything's bombarded with this stuff constantly.
I'm above it.
I'm above your silly paradigms.
You know, and all the latent gay people that obsess and bash gay people all day.
I'm not talking about that group either.
I'm talking about you having what you are as a ancient genetic expression of this beautiful planet being manipulated in the embryonic phase and after.
So that you won't have children.
So there won't be a family unit that tribally defend each other.
So there's no opposition to the global hive borg.
And the end of our species that has been stated.
This is the end of us.
The end of humanity.
The end of humankind.
The end of it all.
The end of it.
The globalists are psychopaths.
They are sadists.
They love war and death and ugliness.
You read the New York Times and other reports about art.
The hottest art for two decades now is buckets of pus.
Photos of dead babies, skulls, as a tithe, the Fortune 100 and others and the top bankers who buys this stuff in the news will come in and pay $37 million for a bucket of pus with maggots in it.
To worship it, it is a tithe.
It is taking stuff they stole from families and people they destroyed and old people they robbed and buying a jar of pus with maggots.
It is a worship of it.
It is a conjuring of dark energies.
Why do you think Lady Gaga and the rappers, it's all about psychopath, killing, killing your husband, killing your wife, kidnapping children, murder.
Lady Gaga is going to have a concert with executed, this is in the news, executed Chinese dissidents, sliced open in big vats of formaldehyde.
That's to train you that it's exciting and beautiful, so that when you get run over, when you get killed, when you get soft killed,
The system will love it.
They're turning our atmosphere into who they are.
Hell, a very crack in dimensional Hades is releasing this.
Does it matter if you're religious?
Does it matter if you believe in nothing?
Manifest death is being injected psychically and physically into us so we will stand down.
Now, let me break this down for you, okay?
Because I'm tired of the denial.
How many times did I tell you that television gives you Alzheimer's?
I want to show people this.
Type in television Alzheimer's.
Hundreds of articles.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
It's probably in the thousands.
I've seen hundreds of studies.
They knew it takes you into a near-dream, hypnotized state within minutes of watching it.
The first time you watch television, on average, it takes 45 to 50 minutes.
After you click and sync with your... Folks, your eyes are brain stalks.
They are your brain.
They are brain tissue.
Your eyes are a neural, visual device taking in the information.
They can send carrier waves over it.
They can put subliminals in it.
But more importantly is the flicker.
I saw more articles today.
Oh my God, it's so evil.
About the light bulbs and how they're going to be programming us.
That's why, by law, they're putting in the fluorescents.
And taking out the phosphorescence where they can flicker them to calm the public.
I mean, folks, we are in the matrix.
Our brain is a matrix.
Our brain is what we see the world through.
We are physically here, but the brain is a virtual reality matrix.
And they're programming that with outside stimuli, electronic, magnetic, but also chemical.
They've already got most of you.
I'm not even able to get to you.
My children, though, I can't even control myself with the computers and the wireless, and my children are already getting addicted to the Internet.
Addicted, even though we tried to use it for education.
I'm losing them.
They're being sucked in.
They're becoming pre-wireheads, cyberpunks, whatever you want to call it.
We've got to realize that we need to have a huge debate about this now and break out of the trance.
Please, please, there's still time.
I'm reaching through to you through the Matrix System.
I'm reaching through, interfacing with your visual brain antennae.
Your eyes.
I'm going through the nerve endings in your ears right now.
I'm reaching through to you.
They're attacking it all.
They're attacking it all.
They're attacking your hormone levels, because most of sexual activity is communicated, especially with females, through olfactory smell.
Through male's visual with an olfactory overlay, where your brain scans, does this mate have good hormones?
Does this mate have good organs?
Your brain knows, does this mate have a uterus?
Does this mate, will this mate produce enough milk?
The nose.
Brain tissue in the olfactory.
Your multi-dimensional scanning system.
Now, what happens with the mice?
We'll get to that in a moment.
Here it is, London Telegraph.
Radio makes Britons happier than TV and web.
And this is a new study they've done, but again, these are legion.
Radio, when you're listening, you have to image everything I'm saying.
If I say blue whale, you see a blue whale.
It made your brain manifest that image and cause neural connections.
If I say Red Bicycle, you're seeing Red Bicycle.
If I say Marilyn Monroe, you're seeing Marilyn Monroe.
If I say George Strait, you're scanning for George Strait.
If I say Jesus Christ, you image the archetypal image of Christ.
If I say cross, if I say gold, you image gold bars or gold coins.
Radio, you have to image.
Television, you do not have to image.
And it causes a downgrading in brainwaves, and that's what this latest London Telegraph article gets into.
And causes depression.
Another big study came out yesterday, and that was dealing with children that watch TV at night, don't sleep well, and don't have proper brainwave patterns during sleep.
And it disrupts their sleep.
I've noticed that.
Anytime I let my children watch even a classic movie at night, then they don't sleep, they run around the house all night, they wake up, they cry.
Did we find the Alzheimer's
Article Alzheimer's TV.
Believe BBC, AP, Reuters.
It's just Alzheimer's TV.
I want to show folks.
That's in case they think I'm joking.
You're under assault!
You're under total assault!
Now yesterday I got up here and I explained, yes they had Romans having sex with each other, yes that goes on.
I'm not, I'm going above debates of you guys trying to make this a moral issue one way or the other.
And look at the scientific facts, there it is, BBC, TV link to Alzheimer's.
Now, continuing.
That was 2001, they've known it since they invented it.
When I came out and explained they're trying to cause gender confusion in your brain chemicals, in the pheromones you put off, I was reading from French news agency.
But still, they used the political correct term to kill debate and said homophobe in the George Soros outfits yesterday because they don't want you knowing what they're doing.
Well, let's talk about the breast cancer then.
Is that wrong to tell women what's killing them?
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Alright, I want to just, just, again, break something down for you.
Several months ago, the EPA raised the levels of safe radiation, depending on the dozens of isotopes, from 100 times to 100,000 times what it previously was.
You can go to the EPA's website, and now even the Associated Press a few weeks ago, when it became official, reported on it.
They're now saying certain isotopes can be 100,000 times higher.
Most of them were 2,000, 3,000 times.
It was a big list of them.
I read them on air over and over and over again.
This isotope can now be 25,000 times.
This one 100,000.
This one 100.
This one 500.
And that's because it was coming up in water supplies in San Francisco and other areas of 500 times, 300 times.
They just say, hey, it's fine.
It comes out now that for eight years at at least, what, four or five airports, Boston Logan is the one where this stuff all came out, that they have been testing the body scanners and that cancers went off the charts.
No kidding.
Eight hours a day, their own internal studies, radiation coming out, you're being, living in a microwave.
And, I mean, no kidding, when you see the body scan photos TSA released, and many of them, you can see the skeleton.
You can see the fingers.
You can see the bones in the fingers and the hand.
That's like a dental x-ray!
You can see the cartilage in the bone in the nose!
Look at those photos!
It's going through your skin!
These people worked there and they knew!
The government knew!
It was a death sentence for the TSA!
These people are insane!
But there's a sick, insane plan to it!
Find my stack here, from what I was covering.
And I'm digging through more of this.
I'm going to do a special report later in the week, if not next week, that will get millions of views because I want to just show overwhelming documents.
UN documents that said, encourage the end of the family.
Well, I even have a Department of Education things that said the family is archaic and is barbaric and will be expunged and that families are quote mentally ill and the institution is inherently bad.
These are quotes.
And then look what they've done.
It's not some judgment on what people are doing.
Were there people in history that were naturally one way or the other?
I'm not making a judgment on you.
Any more than I'm making a judgment on the French news agency article yesterday.
In fact, let me find it here.
Chemical in plastic containers makes male mice act like females.
And then the females smell the pheromones off of them and they're not attracted and will not have sex with the male mice.
And you go into all the other studies.
This has been studied for, again, 80 years or more.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
You see, it's more than that.
Women are now not attracted to men because their brains are smelling the men, the pheromones.
And they don't know why.
Well, that guy, it looks good, but there's something about him.
That's why women, when foreigners come in from third world countries and haven't been here long, go crazy.
You'll see women go right up.
They could be Eastern European.
They could be from Latin America.
They're ready to get their clothes off as fast as possible.
They're like, whoa, I am ready right now.
I mean, this is a... We don't have children in the West!
The West is dying!
We're not even replacing our numbers!
Europe is collapsing!
Japan is collapsing!
They've been doing it to the Japanese men!
Japan has won a 1.2 replacement!
There won't be any Japanese in a couple generations!
The globalists, wherever they got control, have been testing it.
Now they're moving it to the third world.
This isn't about gay, heterosexual, any of this.
It's about destroying who we are.
No wonder record numbers of men want to put dresses on and are attracted to men.
You're women!
You're women!
Women aren't attracted to you because you're a woman!
So you're attracted to men because, chemically in your brain, you are now attracted to men!
Do you understand that?
That's one section of this, but that's why it's growing!
Just like the mice!
We'll be right back!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are now in the little five-minute segment here, and I wanted to talk to you about the chemical, biological, radiological attack on what the species is.
The global engineers do not want there to be families, and they're on record saying this.
They want to chemically alter who humans are.
If you go back to
Aldous Huxley, in 1932, publishing Brave New World, the vast majority of the population are suboid minions, and they are sexless, or they are hermaphrodites, who are not allowed to breed, and who are genetically engineered to be low IQ and servile.
Before Huxley died in 1962, and he'd written many non-fiction books, he spilt the beans in a Berkeley speech and other speeches and writings, admitting that his brother was a eugenicist, as he was, and that his family had been part of a British government breeding program going on from the 1860s on.
That's also public information, but he talked about it.
And he said that he'd already been in facilities then with microchips that weren't even supposedly invented yet wired into people's brains to control them and manipulate them.
He said chemically and biologically that the public was being manipulated and that within 50 years the plan was to roll this out widespread.
In the last few days, I covered articles like this one.
Chemicals in plastic containers make male mice act like females.
Turns them into females.
The females smell them and don't want to have sex with them because they see them as females.
The females are hyper-feminized, and it accelerates their aging.
That's why our girls are going into puberty at 13, 12, 10, you know, now as young as 5, some even age 3.
Put that into a search engine.
3-year-olds now going into puberty in the West.
The biggest contributor is bisphenol A. Also, fluoride accelerates development.
So the males are female now, to a certain extent, and females are hyper-female.
So they grow taller now, you notice with women, are outpacing boys in the generational increase in growth.
Women's breast cancer is off the charts, directly linked to bisphenol A that's in almost all plastic products, the lining of juice boxes, tin cans for soda, for cokes, everything.
And in the studies, it turned the mice into females.
And if you get deeper into the studies, there's a whole bunch of them, the males start getting confused and trying to have sex with each other.
Now, is that saying that 5,000 years ago there weren't men who were attracted to men for whatever reason?
The point is, for whatever reason, that's gone on throughout history.
But this is artificially being done.
And a lot of people will then defend what's artificially been done to them.
My point is, and will actually defend putting Ms.
Finale in there, like, yeah, that's great, we're taking over.
See, people then love what has been done to them.
And that's a tendency.
What's the term, Stockholm Syndrome?
Loving their abusers.
Taking what you were and changing it.
Now, that's an oversimplification, there's a lot of other factors going on, but look, am I homophobic towards hermaphrodite frogs?
No, it's a scientific fact that all over the world, where our wastewater is dumped in, where these chemicals were being fed, that we excrete, that the fish, the amphibians, are becoming gender confused.
Discovery News, more hermaphrodite fish in U.S.
Male fish with female anatomy are appearing in rivers across the country.
And then, of course, Air Force looked into spray to turn enemy gay.
They could spray female hormones on them that in studies would make the men uncontrollably start having sex with each other.
Uh, BPA receipts bombshell.
Paper slips contain high levels of bisphenol A. Dirty money.
BPA on dollar bills.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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This communications radio network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, we're going to our guest on the Chronicles of TSA Crimes, coming up here in just a few minutes.
Recapping the top stories, EPA on radiation alert as fires reach 50 feet from Los Alamos.
Nuke plant, of course, in Nebraska, a nuke plant days ago flooded and is on emergency backup power.
Fukushima continues to melt down and spew radiation sky-high coming into the United States and radiating Japan.
Ron Paul says Obama's Libyan war power grab is an impeachable offense.
That big breaking news is up at InfoWars.com.
Broke here yesterday with Ron Paul on air with us.
Gold rises as Greek Parliament approves austerity.
Final showdown for TSA groping bill in Texas.
Fire threatens plutonium and uranium releases at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Charges dismissed against woman arrested while videotaping traffic stop from her own front yard.
Police now responding by harassing the neighborhood and writing tickets to her supporters.
Austerity riots, a glimpse of America's future.
That is just some of the news that we have already gotten to a bit of, but I'm going to be covering more.
In the third hour today.
Continuing here.
Obama says no new taxes, but must tackle spending and tax code.
That means massive new taxes.
He's moving with surrogates to try to pass new taxes.
He says he doesn't want to scare people, but meanwhile that's what they're doing.
Saying we'll lose the dollars AAA rating if we don't give the bankers more money.
Food inspections might be compromised without increases.
Well, they already give waivers to all the big companies.
Why not?
Continuing, hotels are on fire, mass riots, rolling street battles, police savagely attacking crowds as Greece gets sucked in by the globalist Hydra.
Athens demonstrators blockade parliament.
Lawmakers approve austerity bill.
Police protesters clash for second day in Cairo as well.
They don't allow protests there now since the new freedom has been installed by the West.
Ahmadinejad may be forced to resign in coming weeks.
UK to test super Wi-Fi that uses white space between TV channels.
Iran test missiles that can deliver nuclear weapons.
That's just some of the news.
There's now a new report out saying John Lennon was a closet Republican and fan of Reagan.
You know, I just might be able to find out if that's true.
I'll just leave it at that.
I don't believe that.
I know John Lennon was a lot more sophisticated than people said he was.
That's why they kind of suppressed the last few years of his life where he spoke out against global population reduction plans.
He spoke out against the quote satanic elite.
Years ago, I was sent a CD.
I can't find it.
And I listened to the song, stuff you never hear on the radio, where he talked about Satanists running the government and all this other stuff.
I'm going to investigate more about John Lennon and get into that in the coming weeks.
But John Lennon was a closet Republican who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism at the time of his death, according to a tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant, Fred Seaman.
Worked alongside the music legend in 79 to Lennon's death at the end of 80, and he reveals the star was a Reagan fan who enjoyed arguing with left-wing radicals and reminded him of his former self.
From what I know about Lennon, it wasn't a Republican, he wasn't a Democrat.
He was really expanding his awareness and talking about eugenics and things.
We played clips of that and that's why it was... Well, I don't want to get off into it.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
But, uh, interesting report there.
Now, we're going to our guest here in just a minute or two.
Um... I need to go over here and actually get the suckin' show.
PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Hold on.
Knocked my glass of water over.
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And again, your purchase also makes this broadcast possible.
You can also call here and ask any questions about other specials or order over the phone.
You can also write to us, and even if the mail gets in late after the weekend, we will, you know, accept those orders and keep the special going for mail-in orders.
And that's InfoWars P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Again, people always say that too fast.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And the mailing address is also on the website.
Now, it has now been confirmed, and the documents have been released by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, that since 2005, but they put them in in 2002, at five airports, Boston Logan first,
That were the beta test, that they knew it was high levels of radiation and they knew it was going to make people sick.
Not just the travelers, because you're not in there eight hours a day like TSA.
But the federal workers.
And it turns out for years they've been covering up at the airports the massive increase in cancers and cancer clusters.
This is huge news.
And they fire, and this is completely illegal, because if you're concerned about your work environment, and then they fire you because no radiation tests are being done, there's not a radiation control officer, they're not calibrating them every month as they're supposed to do.
They hid this info from Congress for a year.
Epic was able to finally get it foyered and released.
This is bone-chilling, bone-chilling about the nature of the New World Order that they knew.
They're like, well, these things will release radiation.
So what?
So what if it kills the workers?
Just like they told people, oh, the dust is safe to breathe, the asbestos isn't a problem at ground zero, and said don't wear respirators because it'll scare the public and we can't open Wall Street again.
And then they tried to block for nine years, we finally got it, health care for the heroes of 9-11.
This shows the mindset of the cold-blooded people that run society, how ruthless, how cutthroat they are.
So no wonder the EPA just said, you know, we're going to raise safe levels of radiation between 100 and 100,000 times, depending on the isotope, what we previously said was safe.
Oh, radiation's going way up because of Fukushima?
And other big disasters like Los Alamos facility with fires all over their nuclear testing area?
And that's in the news, by the way.
I can take you to mainstream news admitting danger of radiation release.
Residents fear radioactive smoke, you bet.
I mean, I may have to move to the Southern Hemisphere as much as happening.
Because this is all going on in the Northern Hemisphere.
And they're telling me radiation is safe.
They don't even tell folks to stay away from the milk and the rest of it.
But I digress here.
That's Yahoo News reporting on that, AP.
Now, I've had a chance to hear a lady and read her writings, and I think she's one of the most eloquent people to kind of chronicle all of what the TSA is doing.
And they play arrogant games, like I said,
November, and then again in April of this year, that, oh, we've stopped groping kids 12 and under.
They never stopped.
They said, again, we're stopping groping.
It's a military tactic to claim they're stopping something when it's continuing.
Then they said, we didn't make that lady take her diaper off.
We said, take it off or you can't fly.
It's all these semantical games.
So there's calls for pistole to step down.
Becky Akers is a journalist who writes for Lulu Rockwell, American Daily, Herald, Campaign for Liberty, The New American, The Independent Review.
The Freeman, Barron's, the Christian Science Monitor, the Washington, New York, Denver Post, Ottawa Citizen, Military History, American History, and many other publications and websites.
And she's just absolutely amazing the way she breaks down and chronicles these people.
We're going to have her for the rest of the hour.
We're going to break here in a few minutes.
But Becky, please, you've got the floor for the next 30 minutes or so.
Then I want to open the phones up for victims of TSA to call in and talk to you.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
But Becky, what got you on the trail of the TSA?
Well Alex, I have to first of all thank you and the other activists that turned out in Austin.
I loved your demonstration at the Statehouse.
That was just wonderful.
So, I was cheering you on from in front of my computer screen.
I hate the TSA with every fiber of my being, and probably the reason I most hate it is its complete unconstitutionality.
This is something that the founders
Could not in their most horrible nightmares ever have conceived that American citizens would be sexually assaulted at the airport by their government before they simply get on a plane.
This is the very definition of tyranny.
This is outrageous.
At no point in world history has any regime, no matter how brutal or totalitarian, ever
It's sexually assaulted mass numbers of its citizens.
This is completely unprecedented and it is to our shame that this is currently going on.
Do you agree with my analysis that it's about federalizing not just the airports but the streets of America and breaking our will that this is prisoner concentration camp induction training?
Oh absolutely and in fact anytime I hear somebody say that the TSA doesn't work
I want to correct the person and say, actually, it works just fine.
It's doing precisely what it was set up to do.
It's quashing dissent.
You just go to the airport and watch people in line, how they keep their eyes down.
They don't give any lip to the screeners, no matter how abusive the screeners become.
All they want to do is get through the checkpoint and onto their flight.
So, TSA succeeds marvelously at what it's really all about, and that is subjugating us.
I think so.
Maggie, stay there.
Let's break down their crimes, their activities.
Let's chronicle it all on the other side.
We'll be right back.
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Strange days are here, my friends.
They certainly have.
Strange days.
They tracked us down.
They're gonna destroy us!
Can you imagine what's coming next?
If we continue to let the TSA run around on the highways and bus stations and expand their groping?
Well, the states are now trying to get their laws in line to allow this and expand it into school proms, you name it.
Alright, going back to Becky Akers, syndicated columnist, writes for some of the biggest publications in the country.
This is a short segment, ma'am, long segment coming up.
You've got the floor.
Chronicle and break down what they're doing, you know, the whole constellation of abuse.
Well, TSA's excuse has always been that it protects American aviation.
But actually, if you look at their charter, they are set up to invade all American transportation.
It doesn't just end with planes.
So that's why we've been seeing them out in buses and Amtrak.
As you mentioned, they're going to school proms.
They're also at political rallies.
And that is especially chilling when you think that Obama and McCain both, when they were campaigning, TSA was at their rallies screening people before they were allowed inside.
So what are we looking for in that instance?
Are we looking for dissidents?
Are we going to keep people out of rallies who disagree with the candidates?
And this is, in fact, the whole purpose of the TSA is to intimidate and bully us so that we no longer protest government atrocities.
And that will go for any atrocity, not just what they're doing at airports, but when they bomb innocent people overseas.
Because we don't want to be on the no-fly list, we don't say anything.
We certainly don't write letters to the editors, since we are very easy to track with our name and city then.
This is why governments have always coveted, they very seldom realize, the sort of totalitarian power TSA currently wields.
And that is, as long as you can search people, as long as you can intimidate and bully them anywhere, anytime,
You have enormous power over them.
Not only can you confiscate weapons, which is what TSA does at airports, so that they cannot rebel, but you can also have them so afraid of the humiliation of a public search, because there you are, singled out in front of everybody.
Everyone's thinking, my goodness, what did that miscreant do?
And you're probably thinking, goodness, what did I do?
Because everybody gives the benefit of doubt to the government agents, never to their victims.
So, you fear that public humiliation and there's also the very real threat of bodily harm.
A lot of what the TSA is doing as far as groping people is hurting people.
Here's the example of the man who is suffering from bladder cancer and recovering.
He wore a stoma bag.
He repeatedly warned the TSA's thugs that his bag would break.
They'd break the seal on it if they continued groping him and they did so deliberately so that he was soaked in his own urine before he got on his flight.
I think?
Well, I mean, they're taking the diapers off one-year-old babies.
And just to add here, the White House has said they want a no-gun-buy list.
Where they just put you on list and can't buy guns without a judge, jury, or charge.
You can't get off the list.
And they're admitting TSA, I saw Ridge say this eight years ago, you'll have to get government authorization to have a job.
And now they're starting that with the unions where they run it through the TSA to have a job at a warehouse.
This is a total internal passport takeover system.
They know exactly what they're doing.
That is, the TSA's whole purpose is to foist a police state on Americans under the excuse of, we're protecting you.
You know, it's very, very scary when you witness these atrocities.
There's virtually nobody in the country that isn't outraged by the treatment that Mrs. Ruppert, the 95-year-old survivor of cancer who has leukemia,
The abuse that this woman took at the airport.
Everybody except the TSA is outraged by this.
And TSA's response?
We followed protocol.
I mean, that should scare us silly that this agency is so fearless that when laws prohibit what it does, when public opinion comes out overwhelmingly against it, when common decency
It's because it's a mission.
It's a war.
It's got to be carried out to fully federalize the country and link the TSA up with the threat fusion centers for the takeover.
And then when you get any medical care, you run through TSA to make sure you're not a terrorist.
And they brazenly do it to the heroes of 9-11, the rescue workers first, to be outrageous and set the bar at an incredibly low level.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, this just-breaking TSA pat-down bill dies in Texas legislature.
A controversial bill to ban intrusive searches by federal airport security officers died in Texas legislature on the final day of a special session today after the House refused to bring it up for consideration, so...
Even though they watered it down to almost nothing, it got killed.
And the Republican leader of the Senate killed it the first time, then claimed he was for it.
Then the Speaker in the House killed it.
This is Rick Perry's specialty.
He introduces legislation, or says he supports it, and then does everything he can to block it.
We talked to Ron Paul about that yesterday.
He said that's a favorite tactic now in D.C.
It's just incredible.
But the fight isn't over.
But this is the central fight over what are federal goons doing here.
They've had TSA drills with Homeland Security in four state areas where they shut down major highways.
It's happening everywhere.
And the governor
Two years ago in Tennessee said, you can't do this.
You got the army out here with TSA running it.
They're the boss.
And they said, you can't do that.
And TSA and Homeland Security said, take a hike, buddy.
John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
And now they've got their 10-governor group.
It makes the decisions instead of the states.
Oh, well, I have a rural council I go to decide what to do for the states.
I have a 10-member governor council.
This is how tyranny operates.
I don't need the Congress to say we can't have any war in Libya.
I say it isn't a war, and I say the U.N.
says I can.
I mean, the sky's the limit here, because the country has been bankrupt by the mega-central banks by design.
We're being brought into receivership.
Heaven help us.
The carbon taxes, all of it, they're creating a new federal green army that will come on your property without warrants.
It is hell being released.
TSA pat-down bill dies in Texas legislature.
A controversial bill to ban intrusive searches by federal airport security officers died in Texas legislature on the final day of the special session.
House members gave preliminary approval of the Senate PASS bill but fell short of the 120 votes needed to suspend constitutional rules to bring the bill up for final passage.
The vote was 96 to 26.
So, 96 to 26, not enough.
The bill, which provoked opposition from the Transportation Security Administration, died during the regular session of TSA.
Officials, not servants, officials, threatened legal action, but it surged back to life after Governor Rick Perry introduced it on the special session agenda, after he was forced to.
The bill, by Representative David Simpson of Longview, had a die-hard fan base of large conservative supporters who were rallying behind it.
To end what they call widespread invasive screening procedures by TSA agents.
You mean law-breaking.
Dozens of supporters converged inside the Capitol Monday to denounce changes.
It wasn't dozens, it was about 250.
The legislation, they say, severely weakened the bill.
House Speaker Joe Strauss earlier denounced the bill as a publicity stunt.
Yeah, the Fourth Amendment.
And it just goes on from there.
So, there you go.
Going back to our guest, Becky Akers.
Becky, please continue.
A lot of people put an awful lot of time and effort into getting this bill passed, but I hope you're all not so terribly disappointed that you give up the fight.
I have to say, I've never really thought legislation is the way to deal with the TSA, and this whole episode gives us a real good lesson in that.
First of all, you're at the mercy of politicians who have consistently shown they have no mercy, okay?
It's dependent on their whims, their wills, whether or not they can be bothered to get their sorry butts over to the legislature, which we pay them to attend, okay?
They get how many extra dollars in their paycheck for these special things?
I don't
Yeah, I want folks to hear what you just said.
There's not just states' rights issues.
There's also official oppression, molestation.
We're going to go over all of it.
But again, I say fight on every front.
And this whole legislative issue made it a big national issue.
So fighting is winning because you simply resist and it draws more attention and lets people know that America isn't just rolling over to Nazi Germany Part 2.
I think that this is a huge shot in the arm for the anti-TSA movement.
But I don't know that in practice, had the law passed, I don't think anybody should be upset that it didn't.
Because first of all, it's already accomplished what it should have.
It called attention to the problem.
I don't know.
All transportation in this country is either outright owned by government, whether at the federal, state, or local levels, or it's so heavily subsidized and regulated, it might as well be.
Airports are almost always owned by either a city or a state commission.
So when TSA moves in on them, these guys aren't going to protest.
They're going to say, yeah, thanks, you're taking one of our expenses away from us trying to protect it.
We're grateful for that.
Airlines are the same way.
One of the biggest partners for the TSA, they cover for it.
You don't see airlines protesting its abuse of their customers, and that's precisely why.
Because the FAA mandated security for airlines.
It has mandated security for airlines since the 1960s, okay?
And the regulations under the FAA were just
I don't
Of course they're in favor of the TSA, because what the TSA did was shift that cost from them to taxpayers.
So now the federal government is subsidizing yet another airline operating expense.
Airlines are completely beholden to the Fed.
The Fed do all kinds of things for them.
They outright subsidize them, they give them tax breaks, they control virtually every aspect of commercial travel.
Already nationalized.
That's right.
Land of the free, home of the brave.
And you break down the fact that when you go in an airport, now they're expanding out to the football games and proms.
Total violation of the Tenth Amendment.
That it's like going down a dark alley with some very dangerous people.
You know, the issue here is...
This is about building an army of miscreants that will roast themselves outside radiation bakers, porno scanners, and who will be happy to take diapers off babies and 95-year-old terminal cancer patients that can hardly walk.
These are a special type of people that they're sifting out and isolating to be their army who enjoy the thuggery.
Yes, absolutely, and that really angered me.
I don't recall who said it, but somebody was making the point, it might have been Dewhurst, made the point that we can't hold the screeners responsible, it's their bosses that this legislation ought to be aimed at.
Absolutely not!
I mean, just imagine if you walked into your place of employment, your boss called everybody together and said, okay guys, from now on, any customer walks in that door, I want you sexually assaulting, okay?
Near rape.
That's what I'm after.
I want you poking them, I want you prying them, I want your fingers everywhere they can possibly go.
What would you do?
Would you pop the guy in the nose and walk out?
Of course!
That's what any decent human being would do.
No screener anywhere, to my knowledge, as far as I have seen any news report, not one single screener quit when the directive came down from Pistol last fall that they were going to grope us, okay?
So where is the decency?
Where are the people just
These following orders, which of course went out at Nuremberg, you no longer can use that defense.
It's been totally discredited.
These people are slime and scum.
They have no morals.
They have no common decency.
They don't even have the merest compassion for a 95-year-old woman dying of leukemia.
Okay, if they're going to brutalize her like that, what do they do to us?
So this idea that they're just doing their jobs and we can't blame them is total hogwash.
Well, I'm going to tell a story now I haven't told, because it's so insane, no one would believe it, but it's on record at Austin-Berkshire International Airport.
And I think it may have been a setup.
Rob Dew was with me, he even got some of it on videotape, and I wasn't going to... This really happened, and I think it was a setup.
I'm getting off the airplane, I'm walking down the concourse, and I'm walking through, and some guy gets in my face.
Apparently he was from Chicago, waiting, and he was bigger than I was, he was trying to intimidate me, and he said, you're good looking, I want to, you know, have sex with you, and he grabbed my chest, and did a, you know, twister on it, it was very painful, and I could tell it was a setup, so I stood back, and I said, I'm gonna go get the police,
And the guy starts laughing, going, yeah, you're good-looking, baby.
Robb Dew already happened to be getting ready to shoot TSA as we walked out with video.
He had his flip camera almost ready.
So he started catching it.
And I said, say that again.
Say you just came up and wanted to have sex with me and grabbed my chest.
And he said, yeah, I'll do it again, baby.
And he was like, come on, do something.
Come on.
He had tattoos all over him.
And I was like, man, this is really weird.
I went and got the police.
They came.
They watched the video.
They talked to him.
They sat him down.
They said, all right, Mr. Jones, we need to fill out a report.
We're going to arrest him right now.
And we're going to charge, you know, he's going to be taken down and probably charged.
We need to have your, you know, licenses and stuff for court.
Do you want to do this?
And I just said...
No, this is some kind of set up, and I said no.
I just want it on record that this guy did that, and I left.
But the point is, why would the police be ready to arrest him for running up and doing this weird set up in the airport, and dude's mouth was hanging open while this was up.
I was like, what is going on here?
And he's like, oh, I want to have sex with you.
And then he's like, come on, do something.
It was really, because I guess they were going to
I guess it's kind of like in the movie JFK and those things really happened with...
Jim Garrison, where he'd try to go in the bathroom at an airport and a guy would come in and try to have sex with him.
This was something like that, but different.
It's like in plain view, standing there, this guy walks up, starts to say, oh baby, and grabbing my chest.
And it was very bizarre, but the point is, they should have arrested the TSA people when they're doing groping.
Why were the cops ready to arrest him for groping me, but not the TSA?
Again, it's like two different worlds.
It absolutely is, Alex, and there have been examples of screeners who have pawed or assaulted women outside the airport.
I remember they've just been doing this for an entire shift.
They get outside the airport and all of a sudden they're arrested for doing what they did inside the airport.
So again, it's exactly the example you just raised.
There are two different worlds operating here, and we really can't expect anything else in
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The passenger actually agreed to accompany him off-duty.
They got out to the parking lot.
He continued molesting.
No, this is a job that only mentally ill people are going to be happy to do.
Now let's talk about the pilots said no and they had to back off because you trust me with a plane but now some minimum wage level person is going to grope me and these are grown men.
Troops have gotten very upset by this.
I mean break down what's happening on that front.
Yeah, pilots, this goes back to the point I was making before where TSA is an actual danger to us.
It's not that it protects us, it risks our lives, okay?
There were pilots last fall, now they have since been exempted from groping, but last fall they were right in the lines with us and they were being groped.
Many of them were so upset.
There's one reported incident of a pilot so traumatized by this molestation, he went home.
No, it's their public, it's their private space.
This is like a person who's not a criminal being taken to prison and being groped by the jail guards.
It is totally traumatizing to say you have no power, you have no dignity.
Something your whole life that you wouldn't let somebody do, it's now being done to you.
And I believe the guy at the Austin Airport, it was a setup, and that if I would have physically attacked him, that they were going to probably try to kill me in the airport.
Oh, I don't doubt that, but... Oh, can you imagine how mad they are at me?
Now, I may not even be able to fly, or I may have to have cameras rolling the whole time for these set-ups, and if they assault me, I'm gonna have to lay down like Gandhi while they attack, because I almost attacked him, and he just, you know, he did it again.
He said, come on!
And I was just like, and I knew it was a set-up, and I just controlled myself.
But, I mean, I'm sure that was a government set-up.
I mean, who knows what they're gonna do to me now?
You know, they know I'm leading the fight nationwide, along with Drudge, against them.
And we should be on guard against all sorts of things like this.
When you can get a pilot so upset that he's throwing up, do you want that guy at the controls of your plane?
The Pilot's Union actually issued a directive to its members saying,
You know, assess your mental state after you go through the checkpoint.
Are you fit to fly a plane?
If not, call in sick and we'll get a replacement for you.
Just imagine the danger you're in when the guy at the control is shaking from rage and from the trauma he's just been through of another man groping him, okay?
That's just one example of how TSA endangers this.
Well, wait, they took the woman behind closed doors and killed her, who was having a panic attack.
She was going to drug rehab, but she turned out she was a professional.
She argued a little.
They claim she choked herself with her own handcuffs.
Yes, actually, TSA was not directly involved in that.
That was the airport cops.
That shit also scares.
Why do airports have their own police forces?
But I do hold TSA morally responsible for killing Caroline Gottbaum because they have established such a climate of hysteria at airports that things like that happen.
A woman is arrested because she's upset at missing her flight.
And Ms.
Gottbaum kept screaming, I'm not a terrorist!
I'm not a terrorist!
Well, we had the one guy that had a panic attack because he was scared to fly.
They killed him.
Yes, this is Rigoberto Alcazar.
He was a short-term missionary flying back to his home in Florida.
He and his wife had been on a mission to South America.
They got back into Miami and were changing planes for the last leg of their flight to their home in Orlando.
He was suffering from bipolarism.
He had a panic attack, tried to get off the plane without asking TSA's permission, okay?
I bet you didn't know you have to ask TSA's permission.
Nobody did.
This man simply got up out of his seat and tried to get off the plane as passengers were filing past.
There were two air marshals aboard, tragically enough.
They followed him out onto the runway and shot him and killed him for no reason, except he wanted to get off the flight.
Stay there.
Let's talk about more of the deaths on the other side.
Then phone call.
Stay with us.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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All right, here's the deal.
Our guest will be with us about 15 minutes into the next hour.
Then I'm getting into the economic news, the Los Alamos fire news, the danger of that thing blowing up.
It's all coming up.
Just a lot of key news we haven't gotten to yet.
Coming up in the third hour today.
But I do want to start going to your phone calls for the next couple of segments.
Ed, Keith, Russell, Alex and others that are holding.
What are your TSA stories?
Or what's your overall view on this?
Syndicated columnist who writes for some of the biggest publications in the nation, Becky Akers, is our guest.
Really focusing in on the TSA.
We're going to get into some of the health issues with them not changing gloves and the rest of it.
Coming up in the next hour.
It's also trains law-abiding citizens to be taken away to the backroom dungeon.
All the TSA thieving of the bags.
We're going to discuss it all.
But right now, let's go to Ed Maryland.
Ed, you're on the air.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
I watch your show every day.
My son and I listen to it as often as we can.
I tell you, this whole TSA thing has really got me upset.
As a matter of fact, I won't be flying until they change all this.
But I just had a strategy.
I don't know, when people go through to be screened, do they have to have a ticket first?
Uh, you know, I've wondered about that too.
Yes, you do have to have a ticket because you can't get there.
They're going to ask you at the airport for your ID and ticket before you get to the checkpoint.
Now, my question is, and I think I know the answer, but I'm not positive.
My question is, with your ticket, you decide not to go through the screening or you're so traumatized, or for whatever reason, you cut it short and leave, or the TSA throws you out.
Either one, because it does throw people out occasionally.
In that case, you get your money back.
I don't know.
I don't think you do.
Now, a lot of times you do get your money back because the airlines understand how traumatic it is, but the other thing is they try to then charge you $11,000 if you get in there and you won't go in the microwave scanner.
After all, they're killing themselves.
Why shouldn't you get a little bit of the same death?
They're getting because it's so they want to grope old ladies and small children so much they're willing to die.
So why shouldn't you get groped by it?
I mean, they're giving their life up to do this as perverts and pedophiles and power tripping control freaks.
But, you know, the fines and all this, it's all about intimidation.
Anything else, caller?
Because we're taking calls here and folks, you know, here's the deal.
Not flying is a great thing to do because it puts pressure on things, but the industries, the travel, the hotel, they've already complained for years.
They're losing tens of billions a year.
And I appreciate your call.
Let's get a comment from Becky.
I've seen numbers as high as $20 billion a year lost in tourism and travel and hotels and growing because of the TSA.
Yeah, the travel industry is very interesting.
You'll see some reports that are touting how this is the busiest year ever for airlines and they're filling their planes and this, that and the other.
One of the ways they're able to do that is they juggle the figures just like the government.
Just because of the TSA, it'd be wonderful to think people cared that much about their freedom and their rights.
But at any rate, yeah, the airline industry is suffering.
Well, yeah, no, they've cut back flights massively, and then they say, oh, but they're all full.
They're all full.
They do this a lot.
They juggle the figures as I said.
They cook the books.
They want to make it look like they're a winner because you don't want to fly with an airline that isn't doing well, right?
I mean, that's just kind of human nature.
Yeah, but the hotels, everybody else knows better.
We're going to break back in one minute.
More of your calls straight ahead.
Got some really bad news for folks.
AP reporting Federal Appeals Court in Cincinnati upholds President Barack Obama's health care law.
Now, again, there's courts out there ruling there's no more Fourth Amendment in Indiana.
Let me tell you, this was a revolution by the criminal political class over America.
It's time for 1776.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The strategy of the globalists through their puppet Obama is to go after the Second Amendment in the name of fighting terrorism.
They're now running ads.
Saying Al Qaeda is going to get us if we don't turn our guns in.
So we're going to play that ad coming up after our guest Becky Akers leaves us in about 15 minutes.
We're talking about the crimes of the TSA.
But we're going to go to some more of your phone calls that then get into the health issues associated with this.
The serious health dangers.
Who's up next here, John?
Alright, Kevin in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Keith in New Jersey, go ahead.
Hey Alex, great to talk to you, first time caller.
Thank you, kudos.
You've been instrumental in my awakening.
I'll keep it real quick.
I just went to fly out on Sunday out of the Philly airport.
I sat there for a good 20 minutes, half hour, and watched about 300 people go through.
No one opted out.
Everyone went straight through the scanner.
You know, I got up and then it was, you know, opt-out, opt-out.
So, you know, they took me over to the corner and, you know, before the guy started, you know, I asked him if he was prepared to violate, you know, my constitutional rights.
And, you know, from there it started.
And, you know, before it got really ugly, you know, the guy looked me in the eye and he couldn't even
You know, he couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me that he wasn't violating my rights.
So, you know, the bottom line is, um, you are right, Alex.
It's time for 1776.
I'm sick of this.
Um, you know... Did he check your waivos?
Did he squeeze on those?
Oh, absolutely.
Yes, sir.
I didn't even get to that part yet.
But yeah, he did.
He absolutely did.
You know, and, you know, the whole time he's doing this,
You know, I'm saying, you know, how can you sit here and do this all day for these people?
And he says, hey man, this is just a job.
You know, leave me alone.
I'm bothering him.
You know, talking about the Constitution and pointing out what they're doing.
I'm bothering them.
You know, and they're standing around, you know, the snake manager comes over with the shifty guys and, you know, the TSA, you know, they're standing there with their arms folded and they're shaking their head and, you know, and it's amazing that, you know,
People just walk by and have no idea what's going on.
I'm trying to bring attention... And they're going to lose their pension funds, they're going to lose their property rights, their children.
I mean, everybody's going to learn we're going into Soviet Russia here.
But now, how dare you complain before a man, even a woman doing it, when you didn't want her, would be upsetting.
Now, tell us what he did to the huevos.
He explained that he was just going to use the back of his hand
And he pulled out the dirty gloves from his pocket.
I work in the healthcare field and, you know, that was something that I pointed out, too.
And they take their gloves out and they just, uh, dash some hand sanitizer, which is, you know, come on.
That's correct.
I said, regardless, I don't care if you use your hand or your elbow, if you touch me there, it's going to be a problem and I'm going to speak up.
And that's exactly what he did.
He ran his hands down my buttocks and also up my legs.
It's supposed to be, it says you're going to use the back of the hand, but
Trust me.
You know they're there.
And you know it's a sensitive area.
But that's freedom to keep you safe from Al-Cieda.
So how did all this end?
Because I want to come back and get our guest's take on it.
Well, how this all ended is I went through and I was actually flying out for a business trip.
And how this ended is I went through security and now I'm refusing to fly.
And, um, you know, it's funny because, you know, I get back to work and, you know, I sit down with my boss and it's like, you know, no one even understands what's going on.
And it's like, are you some kind of conspiracy theorist?
No, I know.
Questioning a man grabbing your genitals is now a conspiracy theory.
Questioning, having any opinion, not wanting to be a slave is a conspiracy theorist.
And the police are trained.
You need to be arrested and put in a FEMA camp.
No kidding.
This is it.
They're here, folks.
The takeover's here.
Becky, let's get your take on the other side.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar-powered generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We got loaded phone lines with people abused by the TSA.
He just joined us.
A fella in the last five minutes talked about a business trip.
He works in the medical field.
The guy had dirty gloves on, took them out of his pocket all dirty.
Grabbed his genitals, went inside his buttocks, exactly as Jesse Ventura's suit says.
I've seen it.
With just a man running his hand right down between the governor's buttocks.
Going right up and then checking.
Let me see what those are.
Mm-hmm, okay.
State reps in Texas said they were bruised.
They were, I mean, light pressure hurts.
They actually check and squeeze.
This is, you wonder how folks in Nazi Germany lined up, stripped down, naked, got marched in, you know, to be murdered because they were taught to comply.
And Americans, most Americans would.
I've seen the photos and film of women going into pits with their babies and then being gunned down.
And the Soviets did that too.
And most Americans would because it's an officer.
They would.
I'm not joking here.
Talking to syndicated columnist and journalist Becky Akers.
Becky, do you disagree with the statement I just made?
No, in fact, I think you're right on target.
I'm constantly amazed at the senseless, cruel, barbaric orders Americans will follow.
I'll never forget having a conversation with one elderly Christian gentleman, and he was telling me very proudly how he's never broken a law and he obeys anything the government tells him to do, and I said,
His wife was suffering from Alzheimer's.
I said, so you're telling me that if federal agents surrounded your house tomorrow and told you to put your wife out for collection, they're taking her away to a nursing home because he was very proudly taking care of himself right then.
I said, you would hand her over.
Didn't hesitate.
No, no.
They think America is about being a slave.
Oh, I know.
These are very dangerous people and they're everywhere.
And that's who the government hires.
I bet money that guy worked for the government.
Oh, he had.
But this is a horrible tendency and it's completely alien to the generations that went before us.
What did you think of the guy saying that when he went back to the medical firm he worked at and said, I can't fly anymore, they called him a conspiracy theorist.
It's admitted they're grabbing the genitals, so now having an opinion, something alien in all of human history, lining you up, grabbing your genitals, now to even question is a conspiracy theory.
I'm always amused by how the corporate media phrases it the same way.
You know, some passengers may object to the TSA's pat-downs for enhanced security.
Tell us what it really is!
Many people object to being raped.
That's the way you phrase it.
The corporate media just cooperates and makes out that we're some kind of wackos or something, when actually anyone in his right mind objects to being bruised.
Well, uh,
Look, I mean, all the lobbies for the hotels, the rent cars, all of it, you know it's hurting tourism and travel and business.
And my wife and children will not get on your planes and you're losing that business.
And it just continues from there.
Let's take another call.
We've got to move quick here.
Russell in California.
Russell, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
First time caller, longtime listener.
I'm doing a little research.
I was wondering if perhaps you and Becky could touch on the topic of
The TSA and the Trusted Traveler program just being a way to kind of initiate... No, no, no.
In fact, that was my next point.
They always meant, they said they'd do this eight years ago, to make you have a card and biometrically face scan and thumbprint, and so they're torturing us with this, then they're going to offer the card, which then you'll need to buy a gun,
It's a whole new system where they approve you to have a job, to buy a gun.
No judge, no jury.
Just a magic list.
But they admit they're going to keep the groping.
They're still going to call you out now.
Just not everyone.
And so people are now going to accept the federal ID card.
Yeah, that's exactly what's going on.
It's a way for them to get even more control over us, but they're selling it as, oh, now you can have more convenience when you fly.
And Alex, going back to your point before about how Americans are just slaves, I'm constantly amazed by that.
Just like, because it's a little more convenient, you'll give the government this much more power over you, whatever it may be, whether it's secure flight or something else.
And by the way, don't you love that name, Trusted Traveler?
Like, they'll trust us.
We're good to go.
Tax returns to qualify for this thing?
So what happens when you get to the airport and you and the IRS are having a dispute?
Are you arrested on the spot?
No, no, and they admit.
You're not just saying this could happen.
That's what this is.
No buy, no sell.
You've got to have that approved card tied to your face scan to literally drive a car.
Oh my God, this is so incredible.
This is such a diabolical plan.
That's why we obsess on this TSA issue, because we have the documents, as you said, and now they're admitting that it's going to be on the streets of America.
People are like, how did you know they'd be on the streets?
Because they said they were going to do this!
Yes, that's a fascinating point about TSA.
It lies about everything all the time, except about its plans for the future to take over all of American society.
For some reason it's very upfront about that, and it has long threatened to go beyond airports to control all
Well, it's all about just brazenly throwing it in your face.
And now they're getting ready with their LCIA to attack sports stadiums, shopping malls.
The telescreens are going in, saying, spy on your neighbors.
I mean, America screens saying, watch everyone.
You know, goons everywhere.
Now they have Boy Scouts with the TSA nationwide at parades and the little kids with their arms folded looking at grandma.
I mean, this is the Stasi society.
Alex in Kansas, you're on the air.
Hey guys, thanks for taking my call.
Long-time listener, Planet TV member, appreciate what you're doing.
I have a 15-year-old daughter that was with a traveling choir going from Kansas to Seattle.
Got to the airport, typical 15-year-old, not paying attention.
She just walked through the body scanner.
And, uh, they promptly, you know, singled her out and told her to go back through the scanner.
Oh, yeah, that's the... Oh, I gotta stop you.
That's the other big lie.
They're always saying to everybody, um, we, uh, just do the scanner, we won't grope you.
Everywhere I've flown, everyone that goes through the scanner, and all...
All the flights I've done, everyone that goes to the scanner is then called over for a grope down as well.
They say, well, we only scan some people.
They admit their plan is to scan everybody.
I'm sorry, please tell us.
So a pedophile singled out your daughter?
No, she's like, oops, sorry, I didn't mean to walk through that.
They instructed her, I don't care, stand still.
Went through the scanning process.
It apparently malfunctioned.
So instead of pulling her to the side behind a curtain in front of all of her peers, the TSA lady grabs her and says, you know, we're gonna, we're gonna do the search now.
It's no big deal.
The media is making a big deal out of it.
And then proceeded to feel up every single crevice of her body.
I am outraged as a parent that I can't protect my daughter.
It's... I need help from you and the listeners and people to find... No, no, hold on, Alex.
Hold on.
You're not supposed to get upset.
Getting upset by this is a conspiracy theory.
Now having emotions is a sign you're an extremist.
It is abnormal to not want some...
A woman who likes little girls who works there for that enjoyment to do this.
Sir, this is freedom and the government is trying to protect you when they got Muttalib on the plane and protected him.
How dare you?
Of course, I'm being sarcastic here to illustrate this, but sir, you need to sue him.
You need to sue him personally.
Doesn't matter what happens with the suits.
We need to punish all these people.
Becky, any comments on Alex starting to break down, having a normal response?
Alex, if you were at an airport and you had arms with you, would they ever touch your daughter?
This is exactly why the TSA is taking away weapons.
It has nothing to do with protecting other passengers from al-Qaeda.
It has to do with protecting the TSA's agents as they rape little girls, okay?
You are completely at their mercy.
We're good to go.
Well, when I flew out of Austin, now they don't just have people randomly at the gate searching you again.
There was a guy bugging his eyes out, hatefully, and I started looking at him right back in the eyes and he turned away and got a little smile on his face.
This is some type of degenerate weirdo who loves, psychically,
Feeding on people, bugging his eyes out at a gate, because he's been taught, you know, that, oh, you know, he is magic and can tell if you're a terrorist or not.
Well, his terrorist bosses are the government that are staging all this.
Alex, you started breaking down.
Finish up, I'm sorry.
I called Kansas and Missouri ACLU, and their response is, well, we're not handling these complaints at the local level.
You need to call the New York office, which is a black hole.
They tell you to go to a website, fill out a complaint form.
No, no, they're there to make you think there's opposition.
They're for total gunman, sir.
They love it.
Not their rank and file, but the leadership.
Comments, Becky, on that?
Yeah, I don't have much faith in the ACLU and a bunch of these other organizations that are protesting against the TSA.
I think one of the best lessons we can take away from your story, Alex, is just don't fly.
Don't go near an airport.
Above all, don't let your kids go near an airport.
Entering an airport, you're pretty much asking for it.
You know, it's like these stories have been out there for a long time.
We're all aware of what's going on at airports.
And this is all acclamations.
As soon as it's going to be on the streets, they're going to pull you and your wife and kids out and start running the pedo drill.
And then all hell's going to break loose.
They're trying to start a revolution, Becky.
Yes, I actually don't hold much hope of getting rid of TSA without a revolution.
There's just too much power and too much money at stake.
We can see how fiercely the Fed
We have a mafia running the government.
Every mafia runs cities.
Chicago, New York, L.A.
wants total gun bans.
Mafia... First thing a robber does when they come in a bank is to hands up and they take the security guard's gun.
They are taking our guns.
They are criminals.
They are conscious of it.
People need to grow up and realize this is conscious evil.
No, absolutely.
It's calculated, it's deliberate, it's being done to subjugate us.
And there's really no other point to it but that.
Alex, freedom isn't free, what your daughter went through.
Now at least you know what's going on.
God bless you.
Let's do one more segment with our guests.
Try to judge him and Aaron, Mike, Mark, Stu.
I gotta get into all the other news though, but let's see if Becky can hold over with us.
What an amazing lady fighting the scum.
Ladies and gentlemen, now if you don't like your daughter being grabbed, you heard the guy earlier,
Grabbing his genitals, you're a conspiracy theorist.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar powered generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He missed it earlier.
A fella got his genitals squeezed by the TSA.
And then when he went back to the medical company he works for and complained about it, he said, I'm not flying anymore.
They said, uh, what are you, a conspiracy theorist?
See, this is an event that happened, they admit it happened, and they say it's a conspiracy theory.
I remember last year when they were going in the pants, and they still are, and actually now in the underwear.
Like Miss U.S.
said, they actually get in there, and they squeeze.
I mean, I've been there watching Jesse Ventura, they didn't do it to me, actually go up and go, mm, mm, they actually lift.
And women, I don't want to get graphic, but you don't have the time of the month.
They say, what's that?
They have to go behind closed doors, take their pants off, show them.
It's about forced inoculation.
The Feds admit they've wanted forced inoculation for a long time.
They tried it with the Health Emergency Powers Act.
They tried to get cops to train for forced inoculation.
They got cops under federal grants taking blood at checkpoints now.
Europe's already started it.
This is about invading your space.
Because normal law-abiding good people, you're like, you know, you don't even like a cop asking you a question when you're walking down the street.
Um, I remember one time I was walking to the store of an apartment was like 50 yards away to get some Gatorade and stuff and I pulled up and said, let's see your ID.
And I said, I just live right there.
And they got jumped out and freaked out.
I said, do whatever you're going to do, man.
I live right there.
I'm getting some Gatorade.
I said, did something just happen?
They're like, no, we want to see your ID.
And I'm just like, well, it's in that apartment right there.
And they held me and went and checked that I live there.
But, but the point is,
That's nothing compared to I'm going in your pants.
You know, I could take endless calls on this, and we've got them here, Becky, but you've covered so many great points.
Your reportage is all over the place.
Becky Akers, TSA, you'll find the new stuff every day if you search that.
But I want to go to all these other callers here.
We'll have to go to them after you're gone, but after I cover some other news.
But other points we haven't gotten to that you think are important about the total sexual assault system.
Well, one of the things that we should all keep in mind, again, is that the reason the TSA remains in power, remains in airports, groping us, is because there isn't mass revolt and because there is this acceptance.
Many Americans swallow the propaganda that it protects us.
So every chance you get, educate your friends and neighbors.
Tell them, no, it doesn't protect us, it actually endangers us.
It's killed passengers, Rigoberto Alcazar and Caroline Gotbaum,
It spreads disease with its filthy gloves.
For years we've been walking barefoot on airport floors and there have been independent studies done showing the bacteria and viruses that cluster on airport floors.
You're picking all that up?
You're taking it home on your socks?
My dad is a dentist, okay?
He would be criminally charged under a call by the State of Texas Medical Board and the Health Department if he didn't change gloves multiple times during each procedure when he changes even a piece of equipment or goes out of the room he's supposed to.
I mean, medical doctors, nurses know this.
This is a crime.
They're not testing the radiology.
It's all about lawless power-grabbing by a bunch of jack-burdened scum, and I've had it!
You know why I cover this so much?
Because I'm afraid of what I'll do, folks.
I'm sick of it.
I want to fix things peaceably, but I will not do this.
I will not put up with it.
I don't see any other way of getting rid of the TSA short of open guns and firing revolution.
We don't want that to happen and we want to do every avenue as the founders did because, ladies and gentlemen, the point is, liberty is rare, tyranny is the norm.
We know what this is.
We know it's cold-blooded.
We know it's premeditated.
We know it's evil.
We know it's evil.
We know it's wrong, Becky!
Yes, absolutely.
And I have to say the commercial boycott worked.
So they started a stamp act that if it wasn't made in Britain, they came in your house and gave you tickets for everything, charging you for anything made in the colonies.
That's right, and so the founders just refused to buy anything from Britain.
It didn't work because the revolution interfered first, but we can use the same tactic.
Don't fly.
Don't give your money to resources.
Look, the pot-bellied social engineers, psych warfare chiefs, have written all this down.
They planned it all.
They think we're going to win.
We've got to keep resisting, resisting, resisting, resisting, resisting, and we're going to win.
Becky Akers, do you have an individual website or just all the big papers you write for?
No, I just figured there are so many blogs out there already, the last thing I need to do is start another one.
Well, you're very eloquent and we love your fire and your passion and we're all in this together and God bless you.
I wish we had more women like you and certainly more men like you.
So thank you so much, Becky Akers.
Thank you, it's been an honor and pleasure.
Honor to talk to you.
Aaron, Mike, Mark, Stu, Karen, you're all coming up after I hit some other financial news.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Coming up in about five, six minutes and then your phone calls, Mayor Bloomberg remixes Al-Qaeda video to push gun control effort.
We told you that'd be the new, over a year ago, the new thing that Al-Qaeda's gonna attack grocery stores, shopping malls.
We gotta have telescreen saying spy.
Gotta have TSA everywhere.
The terrorists, they're everywhere.
But in every major case, the government is behind it.
When they don't purely carry out the attack, they get lunatic morons on the planes, in the buildings, cook the bombs for them.
It's all on record.
But they're counting on you not paying attention.
The criminal class has a plan.
It's blow stuff up and take your rights in the name of protecting you.
How do we break their will?
We fondle their daughters and wives.
We break the back of the American male.
We already put bisphenol A in all their products so that they become effeminate.
We have a plan for you.
And it gives the women breast cancer even better for the New World Order.
Look at them!
They're so chemically poisoned they can't even get upset!
They're mesmerized!
It's all ours!
Steal everything!
Here's the plan.
We steal trillions from them.
And then when they give us the money, then we charge them interest on it.
There's nothing these scum won't take!
And that's their attitude.
That's their view of you.
So much fun.
And again, all of you that serve the system, keep drinking the fluoride water.
Take all the vaccines.
Drink out of the bisphenol A plastic.
Just trust government.
Do whatever it says.
You are going to enjoy
Enjoy what you're helping.
You think you're gonna judge us and feed on us?
You're gonna be even more destroyed by your own system.
And now you don't have to wait very long.
The evil's growing.
It's coming.
What you asked for is now at the door, scratching.
So open the door and prepare to meet your destiny.
Because you're a coward!
I'm not a coward!
I know what it is!
I face it!
I resist it!
But you that decide to serve it will now get what you want!
Don't worry, everything you want will now be released upon you.
All the soft kill, all the pain, the reactors blowing up, the fires, the earthquakes, the wars, the death, the pain, the humiliation.
You want the abortions?
You want the end of men?
You want the end of families?
All of it will now be yours!
All of it!
It's all just coming, decades of it, waiting and built.
All your humiliation, all your pain, all of it's yours now!
Enjoy it!
Watch your sitcoms!
Be weak!
Be servile!
Hell is coming!
Like a caged beast!
I see it all around me!
It's clear as day!
History is clear!
Common sense is clear!
And to hear the new... Now, I hear it all over the news.
If you have an opinion on what color to paint your house, it's a conspiracy theory.
People that are concerned about the fires all over Los Alamos and all the radiation being released by the fires, they're being called conspiracy theorists.
I just looked it up.
Having any opinion, you do what you're told by scumbag government owned by foreign banks.
You give them everything.
You pay them all the carbon taxes.
You roll over and die.
And you will serve them, and you will love it, and you will enjoy it, and you will beg for it because it's our destiny.
For the 50 million abortions and all the rest of the evil!
The judgment of the West is here!
The judgment of the world is here!
It's only gonna intensify!
You conjured it!
You want it!
You wanna live in denial?
You're gonna get it now!
Alright, I'm really angry about the TSA, as you can tell.
And I wanna break you out of your trance.
It's not too late to turn this around, folks.
But the future is coming.
We're living in the present that was the future, to come.
Believe me.
I can see it.
It's there.
A blind man could see this.
A deaf man could see it.
Somebody with their eyes gouged out, drugged behind a truck could see it.
Alright, I gotta settle down.
Just everything is a lie.
You hear the news, it's like Greece is rioting because they have to pay their bills.
Goldman Sachs put the president in, put the finance minister in, and openly, publicly had them sign on to fraudulent derivatives.
They put their criminals in, loot the country,
And then, they take our tax money to give to the private banks, and then say that the Greeks have to pay them back in perpetuity, and they've done all the calculations in Greece, that they'll never get out of this, and it's designed to bankrupt them.
And, uh, they're even cutting the cops' pay and everything, but still the cops just go out and defend the criminals, because they're wearing suits, and just run up to women and children, and just, yaaah, with a club, yaaah.
Just blood.
We love it.
Cops dress up like anarchists, burn hotels, because they got that uniform and they were hired because they wanted to be on a power trip just like the Nazis and the Soviets and everybody else and they're gonna deliver you straight to hell.
And now they're getting ready to gobble up the rest of Europe and the United States and just trillions to criminal bankers every month.
More, more, more, more, more, more.
Always more, more, more.
They've got a whole actuary set up, a whole phased-in compartmentalized system to destroy all of society and post-industrial world and bankrupt you and have CPS grab your kids.
Just absolute hell being released upon us.
If you don't call Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Fidel Castro's Cuba, all of the historical nightmares, Vlad the Impaler, the list goes on and on, all the nightmare that Mexico is totally collapsing, all the evils, Kim Jong-il in North Korea getting rid of universities for 10 months, putting even their ruling class minions out in the fields to work as the whole society collapses, CPS take the children at birth, train them in government schools, total hell, same model they want for us here,
Smiling little demonic gibbering creatures.
Third generation scumbag royalty.
That's all the Queen of England is, is generations that have survived longer than this guy.
Three generations of hereditary corruption.
Okay, this is a rant.
I gotta stop.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have miles to go before I sleep.
I've got a lot of work to do today after the show.
I've got to finish.
The studio's done.
I've got to finish developing the TV show and how we want to do it.
I've got to finish making all the calls and this and everything else.
I've got so much to do and I'm not complaining.
It's just, my God, we've got to turn this around.
My God, we've got to wake up.
Get me out of here!
We don't need to repeat this!
Please, people!
Do you have any idea how much danger we're in?
Do you have any historical idea?
This is the most sickening tyranny I've ever studied that we're living in, and it's just getting rolling!
It's just getting started.
Do you know where this road leads?
Do you have any idea of the humiliation, the pain, the war, the revolution?
They've got that old plan, the insurrection against this.
They're going to use that, call it terrorism, to bring in the foreign troops.
It's so hellish.
The millions of military and police that are going to die, it is going to make Iraq
The idiot TSA people.
We now learn are not as big an idiots as we were told.
I want to go to your calls.
They've been complaining for over five years.
Scanners have been in for eight in five airports and they know they're dying of cancer and the cancer rates are off the chart and the government knows it and committed them to a death sentence and now they're going in all the airports.
That's who runs things.
Knowing it would kill you.
Knowing the dust would kill you at WTC.
Even when they did the cat scans at major universities and showed their lungs were filled, the government called it a conspiracy theory.
When we said Fukushima blew up and melted down, they called it a conspiracy theory.
When we could see the reactor blow up and scientists got the isotope readings that only are created in massive atomic fission.
It's 100% it happened!
We were right again!
They're now saying you're a conspiracy theorist if you're worried about Los Alamos blowing up!
Okay, okay.
I want to bring Ted Anderson up for about three or four minutes to talk about what's happening in the economy right now, the financial times, talking about the dollar losing its reserve, the globalists trying to come in with new rules, trying to block coming up July 15th.
Ted, how does that affect you, the way that the big trading exchange says they're going to stop over-the-counter sales of gold?
Does that affect what Midas Resources does?
Well, I mean, that's yet to be told.
I mean, ICTA right now is in there lobbying for, obviously, anything that we can get back out of that deal.
This kind of stuff drives me crazy.
You're talking about the Dodd-Frank bill, and quite literally, the way that it's written, it could become illegal to trade gold and silver physically completely.
I don't think that's going to happen.
Obviously, you know, they pass these bills and then... But the Forex put out a press release a week ago saying that is what this does.
Yeah, and that's the thing.
The 4X market is usually for trading currencies.
I realize that you can do some things with gold and silver.
No, they wrote that in there.
It's a huge power grab.
They've got to suppress it, but they're failing.
Gold up $13 a day, market watch.
Gold-silver prices pop up on protective buying, on word of what's happening in Greece.
Any other news for us, Ted?
Well, yeah, the CBO report came out, the long-term outlook, and again, I mean, if people would just read the government documents, they'd know what's coming to them.
I mean, they're talking about before the end of this year, the national debt is going to rise from 40%, which it was in 2008, of the GDP,
To 70% before the end of this year.
We're talking about 70% of the gross domestic product here in the United States.
I mean, that's how high it was way back right after World War II when we spent our way into that war.
It's just amazing that we can watch this happen.
Alex, if I could do anything right now, I would implant the passion that people have for buying gold and silver this fall into the minds of people right now because
Here we're sitting at a bargain basement, low prices in gold and silver.
I should refrain from saying that.
You know, qualify it a little bit, because we did have gold go up all the way to $1,514 an ounce today.
It was at $1,509.70 at the low.
And then we have silver went from $33 an ounce all the way up to $3,502.
Yeah, but by bargain basement you mean?
Gold, if you look at an 11-year graph, and silver only go up, they always have these little dips when they manipulate things, and it only retraces its previous gains and goes up because of global currency devaluation.
And so you've bought gold and silver in the last few months at the lower price, now that even though it's going up, you're able to pass it on at the older, lower price.
Ted, tell folks briefly about today's special offers.
Well, the number one best offer I have right now, which is a $54 discount if you just bought these things straight out, and that would be for your three videos and also three silver dollars.
I mean, the silver dollars alone right now would be $111 before shipping.
Right now, I'm shipping three silver dollars, your videos all packaged together for $125.
That's like a $60 discount off of what it would be if you just bought it straight up.
Yeah, because you're also throwing the shipping in for that price.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
That's delivered.
It's so important that people get involved at these times because prices are rising.
What do they call that special?
The Alex Jones Silver Dollar Special?
Yeah, the Alex Jones Silver Dollar Special.
And then, of course, you want to be getting involved with the Franks and the British Sovereigns and the plain gold eagles and silver eagles.
I can now buy silver eagles at a reasonable price.
The point is they're starting to move to crack down on this because it exposes their paper currencies and people say, well, they may confiscate it later.
I'm not turning it into these criminals.
Enough's enough with these Nazis, okay?
The point is, this is America.
They can go right to you know where.
They're all buying gold.
The whole world's buying gold.
They don't want you to protect yourself.
These are smoking deals.
There's a whole list of radio specials.
They have a sheet.
Those are the best deals Ted's got.
His regular deals are wonderful as well, but these are the best deals.
They've got a whole list.
When you call, ask about them.
Alex Jones Radio Specials, 800-686-2237.
Also some great deals at MidasResources.com or link through at GCinLive.com.
Ted, we'll continue to watch this whole move to ban over-the-counter gold sales, because you can't let prisoners, you know, do that.
After all, imagine an America where they grope your daughters.
I mean, that's freedom.
So why should slaves be able to own guns, own gold, anything?
We're all Al-Qaeda now, I guess.
Al-Qaeda's good now, fighting against Libyan leader Qaddafi with the U.S., so I'm sorry.
We're bad because we're against Al-Qaeda.
Ted, thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself for not supporting Al-Qaeda, because Obama is working with them right now.
You know that.
I know.
What's wrong with you, Ted?
Well, you know what?
It is crazy.
I mean, it's just absolutely upside-down crazy that some of the things that we're seeing going on.
But I can tell you right now... No, it's freedom.
The reason why they want people out of gold and silver and they're passing these bills like they are is because it's much easier to confiscate your wealth if it's in the paper money that they can print.
Yeah, or digitally out of your bank account.
No, that's a conspiracy theory, Ted.
The government cares about us a lot and they really want to take good care of us.
And they're not run by foreign banks, okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Ted, don't be a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, do you like a cheeseburger or a pepperoni pizza?
I'd rather have the cheeseburger, I guess.
But that's a conspiracy theory.
I mean, having an opinion is now... Are you... You just discriminated.
You just had a decision.
You should do what the government tells you.
If they say pizza, what are you going to do?
Yeah, I guess you'll have to take the pizza then, huh?
I'm really starting to realize that you may not have to go to a FEMA camp, Ted.
Well, I tell you what.
I mean, it gets down to the point of, you know, if they're forcing us to take their paper money and they're making gold and silver illegal, we're just getting right back to what it was back in 1933 when we were heading into the Depression and World War II and Franklin D. Roosevelt bailed out the banks with the paper money.
Well, they care about us right now.
They're good people, Ted.
I appreciate your call.
And they're putting massive carbon taxes in in Austin, even though it's not the law.
But I support that.
Because I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
I think it's good.
And all the major institutions in our government say we're above 22% unemployment, but the government says 9.1, so I'm gonna believe that.
And the government says there's no real inflation.
It's true.
The government also said the sky was red.
And I went out there and it looked blue, but I realized I'm going to the doctor to get my eyes checked at the optometrist.
Because they said it was red, and I'm a good citizen.
That's right, I am.
I'm a good citizen.
I want to play a clip about another good citizen, Mayor Bloomberg, all over the country suing gun manufacturers and trying to shut them down, because he knows it's un-American to own guns.
He's a great American.
Again, I'm being a conspiracy theorist, even though it's admitted.
Here's that clip, and some of it just has text, so I'll read that to you, because you need to turn your guns in right now, and stop private sales of guns, or Adam Gadon with the big beard is going to get you.
And, well, here it is.
Buy guns in America.
The latest... This is a golden opportunity.
America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms.
You can go down to a gun show and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle without a background check.
So what are you waiting for?
Call your member of Congress.
Tell them to close the loopholes that let terrorists and criminals buy guns.
I mean, you got this admitted operative, Gadahn, just like all the rest of these guys training at the White House and the Pentagon, and he's up there going,
It's like Handgun Control Incorporated wrote that, the stuff he said.
It is literally a wash.
He even uses a fake accent like he's from the Middle East.
A wash, easily attainable, fully automatic.
Not even true.
By the way, fully automatic's not even good in most cases.
Crimes aren't even committed really with those.
It's just a classic gun grabber line.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, the main radio broadcast is going to end in five minutes, but I know I've got loaded phones and I've got to stop doing this, but internetonly, prisonplanet.tv, Infowars.com streams, I'm going into the next hour because EPA on alert as fires reach
50 feet from Los Alamos, nuke plant.
Environmental Protection Agency cannot be trusted to provide accurate information about health threats.
Paul Joseph Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
The wildfire that threatens to consume the Los Alamos Nuclear Lab in New Mexico is now approaching the perimeter of the facility, with the Environmental Protection Agency on radiation alert for the deadly consequences of 20,000 barrels of nuclear waste going up in flames.
Yes, you heard me, but don't worry.
They've already raised the level they say is safe.
So don't be a conspiracy theorist.
They say that many isotopes can be thousands of times higher than previously thought.
Don't think for yourself that is conspiracy theory.
Everything is fine, just like the TSA workers getting cancer en masse and the government cover-up from working around the body scanners.
Do what you're told.
Government's gonna take care of you now.
Government loves you.
Having been miles away from the nuclear lab just yesterday...
The fires have now reached to within 50 feet of the facility with officials, not servants.
Officials fearing a major calamity.
Oh, that's what the government's now saying.
Because the nuclear waste is not securely contained in a concrete structure, but is unbelievably stored in a sort of, this is a quote, in a sort of fabric-type building
That a fire could easily consume, according to former top security official, Glenn Walp.
The concern is that these drums will get so hot that they will burst.
Well, don't worry, it's good for you.
Just like DU for the troops.
This would put the toxic material into the plume.
It's a concern for everybody, said Joey Arenz, Executive Director of the Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety.
Well, don't listen to them.
They're citizens.
They're enemies.
The EPA has responded by bringing in
Air monitors along with a special airplane that checks for radiation reports ABC News.
The 95 square mile fire has turned the city of Los Alamos into a ghost town with 12,000 residents evacuating yesterday or two days ago, Monday.
The Environmental Protection Agency's trustworthiness.
Oh, don't.
Not trusting is conspiracy.
Dunning must not even know.
The EPA's trustworthiness on reassuring Americans.
That there is no danger from radiation released into the atmosphere is likely to be somewhat lessened by what happened following the Fukushima disaster earlier this year.
As the Fukushima radiation plume took just days to arrive in the United States, instead of advising Americans to take weaker forms of potassium iodide to build up their immunity to certain types of radioactivity,
The EPA simply increased the allowable levels of radioactive isotope iodine-131.
Ah, I'm afraid it's quite good for you.
By many thousands of times, despite the fact that within just two weeks of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and we'll put this article up on screen for folks so they can read it at PrisonPlanet.com if they're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, the EPA simply increased the allowable levels of radioactive isotope iodine-131 by many thousands of times, despite the fact that within just two weeks of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the crippled
Nuclear plant.
The amount of radiation released from Fukushima already rivaled that of Chernobyl.
The worst nuclear disaster up until that point.
Within weeks of Fukushima crisis, levels of radioactive iodine, 131, were found in rainwater in California, Idaho, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, so, um, I just, uh, covered the fact that these nuclear disasters and other disasters waiting to kick off are happening all over the place, magically.
EPA on radiation alert as fires reach 50 feet from Los Alamos Nuke Plant.
20,000 barrels of nuclear waste going up in flames if they breach that fire line.
So hey, but hey, they've raised the level of what saves radiation, so everything's fine, don't question it.
Or you're a conspiracy theorist, and Americans don't like to be called that, so I imagine mothers will be going out to get downrains from the smoke and hold their babies up.
In fact, remember, what was her name, Ann Coulter said that they should be thankful in Japan for the radiation.
And so Ann Coulter should go bathe in one of the barrels, because after all, she's not a conspiracy theorist.
Aaron in Nevada, you're on the air.
Go ahead, you evil, evil person.
Are you calling in to complain about our valiant TSA people taking diapers off 95-year-old cancer patients?
Yeah, absolutely, and thank you very much, Alex.
I think that
This TSA matter needs to be one of the ACL's key issues so I contacted my local state ACLU office and I'd like to thank David Kaplan for getting back to me and here's what I put to him.
I said, I think your failure to make the actions of the TSA not one of your key issues should be reconsidered.
They have like a key issues page on the ACLU.org website.
So he came back to me within a half an hour
Dear Mr. Wilson, we appreciate your concern, and we do believe that the current TSA pat-down procedures are gross violations of civil liberties.
Unfortunately, the ACLU of Nevada can do little to change an issue that needs to be changed at the national level.
Yeah, why even have states?
Why even have states?
The National ACLU is evaluating possible challenges to TSA policies.
You can file a complaint with National and view more information here.
And he gave me a link and he signed it.
In Liberty, David Kaplan.
Right on, dude.
So that's what I'm saying.
GoNobRadio, we're about solutions.
I think if we all, all the info warriors out there, contact the ACLU on your local and then, you know, just make contact with the National.
Look, the ACLU could raise $20 million in a month if they said they were going after the TSA.
The problem is they're riddled with globalists.
And politicians and sabotage stuff.
I've seen it over and over again.
I got more faith in Jesse Ventura and his lawsuit.
I think we should all individually, when they violate his false suits on him, just bring the courts down with it.
We could really use the legal acumen that the ACLU has.
Let me just say this.
But they don't believe in states' rights.
They don't believe in the Second Amendment.
Excuse me, Alex, I find it ironic that the past two presidents of the ACLU, both Jewish women whose parents immigrated here and are Holocaust survivors, their parents immigrated from Europe post-World War II.
are presiding while this sort of TSA actions are going on.
But I think that they're moving in that direction.
So let's put the complaints in and give them reason to take this up and put it on their key issues page.
Because really, they're the ones who can challenge successfully at the federal level the TSA.
I think it's our best move.
Now I hear you.
Look, it's one thing we can do, but the globalists are social engineers.
This is their key operation.
And only by exposing the government as terrorists at Stage 9-11, if you don't face that, it's over.
Your freedom, your property rights, your family rights, your personal liberty, it's all over.
As long as they can blow up Oklahoma City and New York, World Trade Centers, they're going to get away with this stuff.
You must kill the myth of the Kibler Elf Al Qaeda.
It doesn't exist.
Kibler Elf, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, it isn't real.
And this Al Qaeda thing is synthetic.
It is a group of Muslim extremists that they move around the world against Gaddafi and against Mubarak and against Iran and against the Serbs and against the Russians.
And they go into these poor villages and find mindless morons.
They go out and get to do stuff.
And then they go, oh my gosh, we're going to take your rights away.
People got to decide.
Do they love fetishizing fear of Muslims and shaking in fear in their beds at night?
Or do they want to actually beat the megabanks?
I hear you, Aaron.
Mike, Mark, Karen, David, you're coming up next on The Other Side.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got a boil down of some of the best highlights of what happened in our confrontation with the TSA up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but it's kind of got a name that doesn't fit.
I didn't name it.
It's Alex calls for filibuster at Capitol.
That was Monday's news.
It's like, you know, highlights of Texans storm Capitol again.
Should probably be the headline.
I'm going to play that in the next segment.
It's right at about five minutes long if you play it from the time that the intro ends and don't have the outro.
It's right at about five minutes.
We're going to play that that they put together.
We've got a lot of footage coming to PrisonPlanet.tv next week from Bilderberg, too, for the members there.
Stuff never before seen.
We've been boiling that down for everybody at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to race through a bunch of your TSA stories and calls right now, though.
Obviously, we'll be back tomorrow live covering all the insanity.
I'll be back tonight.
The problem is, in Southern California, they had that sodium reactor back in the 50s blow up worse than the disaster at Chernobyl.
That's ABC News.
They kept that secret for 30-something years.
So if those barrels catch on fire, it's only going to be state agencies or locals or individuals that give you radiation levels.
The feds knew Fukushima had melted down the first week and continued to melt down and told you it hadn't because they knew it was in the headlines then.
They weren't about to stop you from drinking the milk and the food and stuff.
It's very important you get that radiation to help reduce your fertility and kill you quicker.
Hey Alex, I'm way beyond evil.
I'm glad you didn't fall into that trap.
I suspect that guy was like an 80th degree black belt in
Every martial art knows a man who's probably on drugs to boot.
You're talking about the guy that came up in the airport in front of Rob and turned his camera on and caught part of it, sort of grabbing my chest saying he wanted to have sex with me when I got off the plane back in Austin.
It was all a setup, yes.
Yeah, but you asked what's the difference between that and what the TSA guys do.
The difference is this.
The TSA guys make a very studious point of asking your permission.
Now, this is what I'm going to do.
I'm going to feel you here, here, here.
You know, do you have a problem with that?
And, of course, that's a Hobson's choice.
Yeah, you can opt out, but then you're, you know, stranded in the airport.
Take your diaper off or you can't fly, but we're not telling you to take it off.
Yeah, yeah.
Pay me protection money or somebody's gonna burn down your grocery store.
I'm not saying it's me, but, you know, things happen.
Yeah, but Craig Roberts laid out the correct plan of action.
Not the ACLU, which is phony opposition.
Each of us who gets offended by these guys, and I was.
I had to go to a continuing class down in Las Vegas just about a week and a half ago.
You've been calling for years.
You're a medical doctor.
What would happen to you if you didn't change gloves in between seeing different patients?
Well, I'm a pathologist, so I don't see too many patients.
I rarely go out on the floor.
What would happen to doctors if they didn't do that?
Well, the same thing that happens in the VA hospitals.
When the doctors don't change their gloves, the patients come down with a lot of nosocomial infections and die needlessly.
That's flesh-eating bacteria for those who don't know.
So, but the TSA, I had gone through Salt Lake City, and the guys down there are very professional.
I'm talking about TSA even.
They're friendly.
They know their job.
I even talked to some of the guys.
They have a very service-oriented attitude.
But the McCarran International down in Las Vegas, I had these two bamboo sticks.
They're Escrima sticks.
I was just practicing while I was down there while I had some extra time.
And you just swore I had a nuclear weapon in there.
The TSA guys were swarming all over me, and I said, do you really think I need these sticks to kill someone?
You know, I can do that with my bare hands.
And so they insisted that I check it.
So I checked it, and I get into Salt Lake on my way back home, and my bag isn't there, you know, on the carousel.
It doesn't show up.
Then it doesn't show up.
There are two more flights out of Vegas.
I have to wait till the next morning.
My car key in there, I wasn't anticipating having to check the bag.
So I had my car key in there and I was basically dead in the water in Salt Lake City.
So I've got a cause of action.
I'm not sure if a 1983 lawsuit, 1983 work against state actors who mess with your civil rights, I'm not sure if they're appropriate for federal actors.
But I'm going to check with an attorney, or maybe an attorney can call and enlighten us on that.
Well, no, a civil rights action or official oppression, depending on what code you use, it works on all of them.
The courts, you know, of course, are a bunch of criminals on average, so they may not actually enforce precedent and reality, but we'll see.
Mike, good to hear from you.
Anything else?
Alright, there goes Mike.
Let's talk to Mark in New York, probably another evil person.
Mike, you're on the air, go ahead.
Just call me Satan, Alex.
The reason for my phone call is, you know, I was listening to the Howard Stern Show on Monday and they mentioned the same story that you mentioned about the woman who had, the old lady who had their diaper removed.
And I just wanted to tell people to beware of the celebrities that are giving up propaganda because he's a billionaire and he's actually telling people on his radio show, and you could listen to it for yourself and it's archived, it's free.
He says, oh, well, that's what we have to do.
We have to, you know... Well, Howard Stern is obsessed with poo-poo, so he would probably like that job to inspect old ladies' excrement.
But, I mean, every once in a while I scan through it and hear it and it's just...
It is, it is just, it is to turn people into brain-numbed infantile people, you know, where they're impressed by people using cuss words all day, and I don't even want to dignify it by attacking Howard Stern, whatever.
But yeah, no, no, that's what the system is.
Don't worry, Howard Stern will probably live long enough to have the system steal everything he's got.
All these people that think cozying up to tyranny is cute, they're gonna find out.
His own parents can't go to a movie theater in Long Island, and he says, well, that's the price of freedom.
Oh, really?
His parents couldn't go to a movie theater?
They stopped going to the local movie theater in Long Island, wherever they live, because of the TSA.
They have a scanner, they, you know, pat down going into a movie theater in Long Island.
Wow, I gotta look that up.
I know they're going in sports stadiums and stuff, so he's saying his parents won't let him do it, but I guess he's saying his parents are bad.
Well, his parents won't go to the movie theater now.
You know, they used to go to the movies.
They don't go to the movies anymore because they don't want to get patted down.
I'm telling you, I am not going to have those men put their hands on my body.
Isn't that right?
You're absolutely right.
We're not going to let him put the hands on my wife.
Now Howard, he's a little different.
He likes to be a slave, but not me.
So that's pretty good of Howard doing his parents, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, he didn't even do the voice for them, though.
But you know, that's not a bad impression compared to what he does.
Listen, I don't want to get... Howard, why are you letting him do that to you, Howard?
Howard, I'm your mother.
I'm not bad.
Shut up mom, you're going to a camp.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The person who answered the phone, I did give them a website where there's an archive of that show that aired Monday, to make it easy for you to verify for yourself that I'm... No, I'm sure he did it.
I listen like once a month when I'm scanning through XM and I'm sure it's true.
I mean, I know when it's his channel, because even if it's not him talking, you tune into it and it gets... they're going, you know, poo-poo, poo-poo and all this stuff.
It's like, okay.
I mean, you know, I mean, it's just like what they do.
I mean, what do you expect?
I appreciate your call.
I don't want them to touch me!
Shut up, Ma.
Let's go ahead and talk to Karen in Arizona.
You're on the air, you evil American.
Go ahead.
I am evil.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I sent you an email about the 15th of June regarding my experience with TSA a couple of weeks ago.
I actually worked for the airlines here in Arizona.
Been there 11 years.
I worked on 9-11.
Heard the cries of the people.
I've never even been asked to go through the scanner here at Sky Harbor.
This was the first time.
I was only taking a friend to the gate, and that's one of the privileges we have of being able to go through security with our IDs.
So they asked me to go through the scanner.
I declined it.
A couple different scenarios happened while I was standing waiting to be patted down.
Number one, a lady walked up with a little five-year-old boy, and the TSA agent motioned her toward the metal detector, and she said, oh no, he wants to go through this.
He thinks it's fun.
She wanted him to go through the scanner, which
I turned at that point, and I said, are you kidding me?
You're gonna allow him to be radiated like that?
I said, you better study what's going on here, honey.
She's like, death is fun, I love it!
She just ignored me.
But anyway, to try to make my story short, um, I went on through, and they proceeded to pat me down.
And here's the problem I have, too.
They don't disclaim anything that they might touch.
All they state is they're gonna rub their hands up the legs to where the leg meets the torso.
Well, I've been patted down in Columbus and Miami, no problem.
It has been professional.
And I can honestly say that.
Very professional.
Well, if you want to call it that.
So what happened?
You have a minute left.
Okay, anyway, she proceeds to touch my crotch, and I only asked her a simple question, and then she stands up.
I said, since when are you touching crotches now?
She stands up, pulls back, calls her supervisor over, and it becomes a 45-minute fiasco.
I'm sorry, please continue.
It becomes a 45-minute fiasco.
At that point, um, I was given, the federal security director came over, told me I had a choice to either complete the procedure with another agent or I would be investigated and charged with a civil suit.
So I was like, okay, bring her on.
I just want to go home.
I wasn't even flying that day.
I was strictly walking a friend to the gate and she didn't touch my crotch.
I went home a week later.
I get called into HR.
They want to hear my perspective.
I am now being threatened with losing my flight benefits and or my job for asking a simple question by a TSA agent.
Well, that's called being a conspiracy theorist to question a woman wanting to touch your genitals.
Again, that's un-American to think for yourself and ask questions.
That's almost as bad as that woman videotaping police from her own yard.
I mean, this isn't land of the free, home of the brave.
If they do fire you, you've got a major discrimination lawsuit.
We want to have you on as a guest.
Send us your info.
T-Info coming up.
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Well it's very traitorous what's happened and State Representative David Simpson told us about this this morning.
They rewrote the bill in the House to say that
Basically for any reason they can grope you.
So they took a bill saying we're going to enforce the law.
That police or anybody else can't stick their hands down your pants without a warrant.
And they've said now, basically, if government feels like it, they can.
And they're now selling that.
Now remember, the House unanimously voted a month ago to enforce the law and say you can't touch on the outside or the inside of the pants or skirt or whatever it is.
And now they've twisted that to say, yes, TSA for any reason can basically give you a proctology exam if they want to.
So, the 95-year-old lady's down to cancer.
Get ready, a world of hurt's coming.
This is all about federal power grab, federal occupation.
It's all about checkpoints all across the country.
Let's let the House know we're aware of their treason!
So they can lay down on their backs for the federal government to come in here and grope our little girls and boys.
What this is, is a pedophile protection network.
They think we don't know Perry killed the last bill while he claims he supports it.
No matter what your policy is, the point is, Rick Perry is a deceptive snake at the level of the devil!
This is our capital!
It doesn't belong to the offshore banks!
Seven years, I served.
I fought for the Constitution.
Y'all stood up and pulled it.
My friends died.
The Senators were visibly changed whenever they started chanting outdoors, and then you were still filming, and Dewhurst's attention kind of came back to the Senate floor.
When you moved just a few feet, he looked up, he was tracking your every move.
He was very aware of the people in there, very aware of the people that were out in the hall, and very, very aware of that camera.
Well, you've been in here before taking them.
I've been in here with media taking them.
Well, that's the rules today.
You can't have it.
All rules today.
Not like the speed limit's 55.
I'm not gonna do this.
Well, go get the police then.
Yeah, get the police.
So again, this is America now.
We're in here peacefully sitting here, not doing anything.
And he comes and he says, the rules today are that you can't videotape.
The rules today.
Now, usually the police get caught in here, and we've caught it before, where the police are, um, we're shooting live video as well, where the police, you know, do their job and leave everybody alone.
And we hope that's the case, but Rob's been here before, when they're all voting for each other.
Go ahead, there's Kurt Watson.
We're just going to bring that to an end.
That's what's going to do it.
But here's the issue.
National TV, The Drugs Report, Infowars.com, the whole world's watching.
And what we learned from Texas will be used in other states to beat you globalist agents and mercenaries.
And when we take America back, you Nazis are going to prison!
Believe it!
The lobbyists that serve tyranny, the politicians that serve tyranny, are going to prison!
This is only the beginning!
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
Ask yourselves, what are you doing in this time of great challenge?
What are you doing to unlock mine?
Go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for the latest headlines and cutting-edge information.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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