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Name: 20110624_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 24, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ah, man!
Barely slid into the chair on time here.
Out there getting ready for the show outside the studio.
I was back there trying to wrangle up some coffee and ran in here and barely scrambled my engines to get off the runway here barely in time.
But we are live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday.
It is Friday, the 24th day of June 2011.
And I have a bunch of yesterday's news that I didn't get to, that I don't normally go back over news I didn't get to, but a lot of this stuff is so important that I dropped the ball on yesterday.
We had a powerful broadcast, very informative, but could have been better.
And so I'm gonna go back over some of this.
And then I've got all of the other news.
Very exciting things happening.
Investors, Business Daily,
That's Investors Business Daily.
That's a big establishment.
It has the headline, Was Fast and Furious a Gun Control Plot?
It's like Infowars.com wrote this little beautiful jewel, because the facts are that we've caught the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Blowing Up Federal Buildings, excuse me,
Explosives, they are the boys who did that, the evidence shows and leaked government documents show.
Very criminal group, the folks that helped torch and destroy Waco.
These criminals, these hardcore criminals have been caught engaging
In a terrorist operation, in a frame-up, in a false flag, whatever you want to call it.
And we have an article out today, we were writing about this for six years, Celica Stillo was set up and sent to prison for exposing this information on Talk Radio.
Of course, he was a former head DEA agent for all their Latin American operations.
And I had to tell you, I didn't roll my eyes, because I know Shelly was a credible guy.
He's in prison right now.
But five, six years ago, when he said on the show, there's about to be a total collapse of Mexico, the U.S.
government is going to arm the drug cartels, and they're arming Las Zetas and training them in South Texas.
And the CIA tried to hire me.
Because that's what he'd done, was train Latin American squads in Latin America.
And he was, of course, Vietnam sniper in the whole nine.
And so they tried to recruit him to train Los Zetas six years ago.
I don't know, 2006.
Yes, it's been six years, or right at six years.
And I still, you know, I had no other source but Selly saying that.
And then two years later, all hell broke loose.
I mean, nobody ever heard of Los Zetas.
Except on my show from Selly and then suddenly we hear all about it and then what was it two and a half years ago he started exposing that the ATF was shipping guns into Mexico on my show and other broadcasts and again he was the only source of that and boy they set him up so fast and said he was a gun runner and put him in prison for it.
Highly decorated Vietnam War veteran.
So as soon as Selly gets out, we're going to have to get him back on.
Because, you know, he lived down in South Texas, so he knew all the inside baseball on that.
But when you've got investors business daily and others coming out and basically going, this isn't an ATF screw-up.
This is an ATF terrorist operation.
It's been even been on mainstream television that, oh, it was a coincidence that six months before Oklahoma City bombing in 95, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, long name, used to just be ATF.
Now it's B-A-T-F-E.
And they did a test out in the desert of blowing up a Ryder truck.
And then that day they showed up in full bomb gear.
Seconds after, as cops were running in to save people, and they told cops and medics, bandage us!
We were on the ninth floor.
And they went, those elevators are blown out.
None of you were there.
And they said, oh really, police officer?
You're going to be dead very soon.
And of course they had to kill some medics and people.
And some cops as well.
Very nice people.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we've got a very important broadcast lined up for you today.
We're going to be covering the entire waterfront of geopolitical news, economic news, military news, police state news, domestic news.
Max Keiser just got back from Greece and they've now made the announcement, despite riots nationwide,
That the government is going to raise taxes and steal much of the public and private pension funds to pay off the fraudulent derivatives debts that Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and others paid off the government to sign on to.
And now magically we're told, oh now it's Italy, now it's Portugal, now it's Spain.
Guess what?
They're bankrupt too and then it will lead to England and Germany and the United States.
It is a debt black hole, a mathematical certainty that this will implode the entire global economy and feed everything into the Ponzi scheme operators who have gotten their people into place in every major government, spending decades to do it.
This is just the total takeover by Ponzi scheme operators of society.
And yesterday there was an AP article with Ben Bernanke, Osama Ben Bernanke, the financial terrorist, saying he is puzzled.
He doesn't know why the economy's slowing and why we may never have really come out of the recession.
Yeah, it's a depression.
And he just doesn't know why all the trillions of stimulus didn't help, because they give the stimulus to themselves.
private big mega six banks and then charge us interest on our money we give them and so they get it at zero percent and then they loan it out to other banks at one to two percent and then there's some credit card rates the APR of seventy nine percent seventy nine point nine percent CNN and Reuters report.
So that's pretty good business and Obama called it credit card reform.
It makes you shake your head in just disbelief at how obvious and out in the open this is, but Americans don't have a lot of financial sense on average anymore.
Americans don't know how to engage in arithmetic without a calculator, myself included.
We have really just been turned into addled children, by and large, and it's time to get informed.
It's time to dig into the corruption of the central banking cartel.
I know that's not sexy and cool, like American Idol or an NFL football game, or the March Madness of your favorite soccer team, but it affects all of us and we're not going to have a
Well you know what a pot to do something in and a window to throw it out of if we don't turn this around.
Third world countries have been run by this very same cartel for more than a hundred years now on average and you look at the state they're in.
They have a corrupt police force there to rule over them and that is the attempted transformation
Uh, that the Global Crime Syndicate is attempting to bring us through right now.
We also have a video clip from C-SPAN.
Uh, you can, uh, watch it up at DrudgeReport.com.
The story's also up at Infowars.com from CNS News.
Taxes on small businesses must rise so government doesn't shrink.
Uh, that's an actual quote.
And of course, they have the federal government with hundreds of billions a year with the small business tax incentives, and the federal government's supposed to give most of its contracts to small businesses, but it's come out that basically small businesses are not even given the contracts, and that it's being completely phased out, and that not only Fortune 100 are getting it, but predominantly offshore mega-corporations are getting the small business contracts.
I mean, that's like J.P.
Running the food stamp program here in the United States and running the joblessness claim system through the federal and state governments.
And so when you call, if I guess you're on unemployment, you get routed through to India.
And nothing against the Indians, but Americans have been trained, you need to be politically correct.
Let the Chinese, let the Mexicans, let prisoners here in the U.S.
take these government phone calls instead of paying an American $10 an hour to do it.
Oh no, we'll just pay somebody in prison $0.25 an hour.
We'll pay somebody in India $0.30 an hour.
It's insane.
But it's consolidating the entire economy.
This is not a global elite that want a free market.
They do not want a real economy.
They want to consolidate the economy, to wreck the economy, so that they can then bring in their global austerity measures.
And I broke this down with economists in 1999, right after they got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act and other banking acts, and we explained that
We said at the time, hundreds of trillions of derivatives would be created, your public and private pension funds and the stock market predominantly would be invested in them, and then we would be held hostage by the banking cartel to, well, do what we say, pay us more taxes once this Ponzi scheme falls, or you'll never get any of what you invested out.
And see, that's how they hold you hostage.
And then you bail out Ireland, you bail out
Iceland, and then you find out it's not bailouts to the people, it's money to the banks.
The name is a lie!
I know I talk a lot about this, but if we don't have an understanding of this, it's only going to get worse.
I have a lot of news here that I want to get to today.
As I said, Max Keiser joining us on the news that they've capitulated and Greece is going to be fully gobbled by the big six banks.
And then the European countries that are, quote, bailing out Greece, that means giving their tax money to the private banks that engineered the fraud, they will then, in turn, be brought down.
And then the United States will have another round of so-called bailouts, which are really just financial rape-outs, financial robberies.
It won't matter.
We'll be here in two years in just an all-out admitted depression, and they will say, raise taxes more, pay us more.
And then they'll raise taxes more, pay more, the economy will float even more, and the banks come in flush with all that taxpayer money and buy up everything.
It's just an ongoing, ongoing process of destroying our once free and vibrant free market society.
And then the best part is, liberal magazines, conservative magazines, all of them put out disinfo.
That, how did capitalism fail?
Oh my gosh, how do we redo capitalism?
Capitalism did this, and when they say capitalism, they mean free market, when this is the opposite.
This is government in collusion with big mega banks, on record, who openly say after they're done wrecking the global economy, they're going to have a post-industrial world where everything is tracked and traced, and global currencies are based on carbon credits that are paid to the IMF and World Bank and their private shareholders.
I mean, just every activity, everything you do, and they put out in Europe and in England, we've played these before, and folks watch these videos, and they think that it's a joke.
But no, this was funded by Apple, by the London Guardian, by the British government, by other groups, where they have five-minute cartoons, well, technical four-and-a-half-minute cartoons, that they show before movies and theaters in Europe, and that they show to schoolchildren,
Where it says you are a prisoner in one area of a city, you're only allowed to have meat once a year, everything you do is tracked, and it's wonderful.
You see, their tactic is just to completely throw it in your face and just sell absolute tyranny as something good.
And we've just somehow got to beat this.
We've somehow got to turn this around.
Now, there's a lot of good news.
Google at the center of an antitrust probe.
That's out of Reuters.
Another headline, Wall Street Journal feds the launch probe of Google.
The problem is Google gives so much money to these election campaigns, but there's no doubt Google is becoming a monopoly and is predatory and violates everybody's rights and is the Walmart of the Internet.
Walmart and their practices look like leave it to Beaver.
But their slogans don't be evil!
And the Patriot Act's called the Patriot Act!
And the government sticking their hands in your pants and grabbing your genitals is called a pat-down, so it just must be a pat-down, not a grope-down.
So it's all semantical deception.
Google's Paige Schmidt may be subpoenaed by Senate antitrust probers.
Bloomberg on that.
But what I... Oh, and also, Washington blog up at Infowars.com, always with great boil-downs, has a report here, and then he links to all the mainstream news in Japan and Europe, and the press release by Tepco, Tokyo electric power company,
uh... admitting what we already told you that within days highly radioactive smog had hit the united states and then gone across the atlantic into africa it got picked up there at off the charts levels making Chernobyl and the report goes over all this look like a health spa clinic and then the we told you two months ago the EPA just raised the levels and says it's safe so
No need for this to be on your nightly news.
Enjoy the radiation.
And they've finally got some news in Seattle.
Some mainstream TV reported last week that, oh yes, the average Seattleer is getting five hot particles a day of highly radioactive plutonium, uranium, and other nastinesses.
And many studies show that one of those might take 20 years to kill you, but it's going to kill you.
And we've had a lot of physicists and doctors on to break that down, that it'll just, our cancer rate will go up.
Just the nuclear testing alone, along with Chernobyl, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere of the globe has doubled on average, and now it's set to go up even more.
Double the background radiation of the Southern Hemisphere.
Because the jet streams go in circles.
And the jet streams in the North don't ever really get to the South.
So it really is contained to a certain extent.
I mean, there's some winds that drift down to the south or the north, and certainly water currents have really a different path, more complex, but it's the Earth spinning, so you've got this Coriolis effect going around in circles, and so we're already doubles.
I mean, why not go up even more?
I mean, it's good for you.
And then we've got higher cancer rates in the northern hemisphere than the southern, but hey!
Don't be a conspiracy theorist.
Now, they admit at least three of the six plants completely melted down, each one of them many times bigger than Chernobyl, and the other, uh, two of the others had partial meltdowns, and they're not sure about the sixth reactor.
But, hey, we were completely right about that.
Well, not quite.
It was worse than we said, okay?
But I'm a conspiracy theorist.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
Okay, before I get into all of the economic news, the political news, and a bunch of news stories I've seen attacking myself and others,
Written by Democrats, including an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, saying that it's politically motivated to go after the TSA groping, and that we're just anti-Obama people.
This hasn't even really been political about Obama.
I mean, it's been political with the head of Homeland Security, but people were mad when Bush was doing all of this.
And it was Bush that launched all of this and the nanny state, the prisoner training.
It's Republicans and Democrats.
In the House of Representatives here in Texas, it was a unanimous vote by Democrats and Republicans to get rid of it.
And then it got killed a month ago, but it's back up for a vote today and set to pass.
And so the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, in fact, I saw it out there.
I'll have to, oh, here it is.
Silly season continues as lawmakers take up yet another Perry-inspired emergency.
And it attacks yours truly.
In the article, and says apparently while Rick Perry's away on his pre-presidential kickoff, talk show host are running Texas.
And they say because Senator Dan Patrick's a former radio host, and because I'm a radio host, that we're evil demagogues, and that we shouldn't have any problem with our families being groped.
You know, most of these House members that voted unanimously are on record saying they had their genitals crushed, or their daughters grabbed.
It's Republicans and Democrats, and this is a great illustration.
of why the system is so scared of this TSA issue.
Because it's not about being black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Portuguese or Japanese or Christian or Muslim, race, religion, ethnicity.
Dallas Cowboy fans, Washington Redskins fans, it's not about all the stupid tribalism that they use to divide us.
It's about, hey, I'd rather face whatever danger there is of the made-up Al-Qaeda threat, 17,000 times better chance of dying in a car wreck than being killed by Al-Qaeda.
I'll take my chances.
And it's all about the phony drug war.
That's what the TSA is really about.
It's just going through your goods and expanding out on the streets of America.
Federal power grab.
It's now happening.
And so all over the country, you've got Republicans, you've got Democrats, you've got state houses coming out and saying, no, no, no, no, no.
And then I see articles all over the country.
All over.
I mean, without even looking, I saw like five of these last night, this morning, including this big one in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
This is considered an emergency state business by almost nobody besides Perry and radio host, in particular, Alex Jones.
I mean, when I read this article, every line is deception and disinformation and lies.
I mean, these establishment hacks, a fifth grader could have written this.
No one is concerned but the unanimous House vote, and they had 130-something, only one senator against it, until they used procedure to kill it.
And it was Rick Perry's guy who killed it.
And then Rick Perry wouldn't put it on the session, the special session, until he was put under national pressure.
And this guy goes on to say, oh, it's just about bashing Obama.
And no one thinks it's a big deal, but Rick Perry and some talk show host.
And then he goes on to imply we're working for Rick Perry.
Well, I thought according to D Magazine's Dallas blog, I work for Obama.
Can't you?
So the right wingers are saying this is a plot by Obama.
And the Democrats are saying it's a plot by Perry.
See, the system wants to keep this in place.
Not Republicans, not Democrats, they're just kept political prostitutes who pimp the rest of the public.
And so they just throw into the mix, oh, you, you, you, nobody cares about this but Alex Jones and Rick Perry and Senator Patrick.
And the article goes on to say that and we're completely insane.
And meanwhile, if the guy did any of his homework, he'd know it was unanimous vote.
And he obviously did his homework.
He obviously knows that.
These things are mind-blowing.
And that's why the mainstream media is kaput.
Is like a dodo bird.
You know, there's only one of them left.
What's the line from Megadeth's Countdown to Extinction?
All are gone, only one.
Okay, we're going to come back, and I said I'd get to that later.
I'm already getting into it now.
It's just, I want to get into the situation with Whitey Bulger on the other side and tie that in to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Investors Business Daily saying they staged this to go after the Second Amendment.
No kidding?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I've got a key breakdown of the mafia government that we live under here in just a few minutes dealing with James Joseph Whitey Bolger.
Where it's admitted that he worked for the FBI and that's why he could steal hundreds of millions of dollars.
He was rumored when he ran off to have 50 million he could kill whoever he wanted.
Including connections to police officers that would speak out against corruption.
Well, Bulger's boys would kill him!
And if cops ever found out the FBI is the designate hit group to murder police, you'd actually grow up and realize why old-time police departments didn't like the FBI.
Remember, it was the FBI told us until the 50s that organized crime didn't exist, because the FBI is organized crime.
They are the regulators of organized crime.
And it's time for America to grow up.
I'm willing to go up against the number one mafia in the United States, the FBI, and I'm willing to call them out.
The least you can do is research what I'm about to cover.
Now, does that mean the FBI agent that goes to bank robberies or kidnap kids is a bad person?
They're great people.
There's two FBIs.
There's two Delta Forces.
There's two Marine Force Recons.
There's two SEAL Team Sixes.
There's two Camp X-Rays, at least two.
And when you learn this about the Globalists and their compartmentalization, you'll understand everything.
They're masters of organization and compartmentalization.
And when you learn that there was a war in the mid-1950s against Italian La Cosa Nostra and the other mobs, that's why they had to finally admit there was a mafia, just because the Italians began to actually challenge the WASP and the Jewish Mafia, who all worked together.
And I don't want to get off into this whole story, but, you know, my dad's great-uncle ran dairies in South Texas, producing whiskey.
uh... in prohibition uh... he worked with some of the big bootleggers here in austin i didn't learn about that to let years later doing research uh... just some of the wealthiest people in this town made their money bootlegging you know that's how they... i don't want to... people need to grow up grow up grow up i mean i've had
I've had family connections to, say, sheriffs in East Texas, you know.
And this is going back 60, 70 years, and only certain people are allowed to make the moon shine.
I mean, grow up!
Grow up!
Grow up!
Grow up, ladies and gentlemen!
All right, all right, I said I'd get to that in a minute.
Because I covered this years ago.
I covered this back in the mid-90s with Whitey Bulger because it's such a great example of this.
I mean, this guy could do whatever he wanted and later it came out, oh, he worked for the FBI.
And they knew full well what he was doing.
He was their hitman.
And it wasn't until later the state police in Boston were tired of it.
Because of Bulger, and that's what you don't see in the mainstream media, likened to, you know, knock-off cops.
The police finally did their job and started the investigation.
Then the DEA had to come in.
The feds wouldn't even send in the FBI to kind of just manage the investigation and cover it up.
I mean, do you think it's only Mexico where the police are involved in corruption?
They've had rounds in New York's history over and over again the last hundred years where they have to lay off the majority of the police detectives and get rid of them just to stop total corruption.
Notice they haven't had any of those purges now, what, since the late 70s.
Because now the criminals have fully taken over.
You see, I...
Alright, I'm going to start over in a minute because I want to take my time on this ahead of Max Keiser and Bob Chapman joining us.
But before I go any further, we have a symbiotic goal here.
Number one is to get the word out and to really show people the angles.
Because you can look at something the way the mainstream media presents it and never get the world.
But we just show you a different angle and you're like, whoa!
I never saw that before, so we're not here to catch fish for you intellectually.
We're here to teach you that you already know how to catch fish.
And there's also, again it's symbiotic, that when you buy the books, you buy the videos, it funds what we're doing.
The TV system we're launching, the new studios we've built.
You've already seen some of the special reports we've shot in there.
We have actually two studios over there.
And what we're doing, and it's taken us years to set up,
Is what Glenn Beck is now duplicating, which I think is great.
And he's even promoting it the same way, showing his studio being built and all that.
It's wonderful.
That's the most sincere form of flattery.
If he just wasn't pulling dirty tricks against me constantly, I wouldn't have that big a problem with him.
But whatever, I understand he wants to get rid of the real McCoy.
The body snatcher always wants to get rid of the original body.
The counterfeit, it's important for them to stash the body somewhere, but we're not going away.
We're getting bigger here, pal.
I'm already digressing.
The point is, we do need to continue to grow, and the more money we get in, the more we can expand our operations.
But at the same time, the economy is in the dump, is in the sewage line, as many of you know.
So we've, over the years, just keep cutting prices, cutting prices, cutting prices down to nothing.
Now I'm going to give you a deal today that is the best deal we've ever offered on videos.
There's no doubt.
Police state for the rise of FEMA.
Fall of the Republic.
Endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
Terror Storm.
The Obama Deception.
For $29.95, five films and Mark Dice's new book, Big Brother, The Orwellian Nightmare Come True.
Excellent book.
I think it's powerful, breaking down the parallels between Orwellville and our society today.
This thick book with all the graphics and photos and documents, absolutely free.
So five films.
And let's say you've already seen the films or you know all this information.
These are the most powerful films out there to wake people up.
No brag, just facts.
So get them, make copies of all my films, give them out to everybody you know, read the book, pay it forward, pass it on to somebody, and know you're supporting us a little bit.
Quite frankly, not much at those prices.
But it's all available at InfoWars.com.
I'm only offering this deal for one week, and then not only is the free book deal over with this, but I'm not going to offer the essential Alex Jones at that price anymore.
Because we've actually had retailers that buy it and sell it in stores complaining that we're destroying the market for my films.
And I do understand that, but at the end of the day, all I care about is getting stuff out.
And yeah, oh, by the way, all the films are free on YouTube with tens of millions of views, and so you don't have to buy them if you don't.
Just please don't take this as a gift horse in the mouth, you know.
Leads you to water, will you drink, another horse analogy.
The fact is, please take the films.
Make copies, get them on AXS TV, pass the video, free video links around, get a PrisonPlanet.TV membership to see them in super high quality with expanded extras that are only on PrisonPlanet.TV, the live video feed, the higher quality podcast.
There are a lot of exclusive things at PrisonPlanet.TV that are on the Google Tube, but again, please support us.
That deal will end next Friday.
We're going to run it for seven days.
And, uh, five of my best-selling films, $29.95, with a free book that opened at $19.95.
Okay, I am done now, uh, with that plug.
Oh, I should also give you the number.
888-253-3139, if you want to call.
And they're in there changing it in the shopping carts right now, so wait about two or three minutes before you order.
Because I just had this idea.
Well, actually, I didn't have the idea.
I was... I was, uh...
I was in the bathroom of all places.
That's how hard we work around here.
And Tim opened the door and said, I got an idea for an even better special.
Instead of just saying you got one week left on the Essential Alex Jones and it's over, how about we throw one of Dice's great books on free?
And I said, sure!
Went over and washed my hands and came in here, so there you go.
Even when I'm at the urinal, I'm working.
Okay, enough of that, ladies and gentlemen.
I just start, I was about to say I was in the coffee room, but I have this compulsion against lying, even if it's a white lie, where I want to tell you a story, but I don't want to then give you the absolute true story because it doesn't sound good, and I fight the compulsion to lie.
You know, they've done studies that everybody lies, and I do lie.
Sometimes my wife says, does this look good on me?
And it's just better to not, it's how all women are, it's just better to say, yeah, yeah, it looks great.
Because for some reason, she's not really asking me.
I don't know why all the girlfriends I had before I was married, same thing.
It's like, they don't want to hear really what you think.
In fact, sometimes you'll tell them, that looks really great what you're wearing.
And then they think, maybe it doesn't.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
I'm just like, yeah, yeah.
It looks okay.
Maybe change the shoes.
So we all lie, but I really try on this radio show to not shade the truth in any way.
So there you go.
The decision to give you this incredible special was made while my fly was down at the urinal.
That's how hard we're working here at this office, ladies and gentlemen.
In fact, I've heard one of the sales guys conducting sales calls.
Okay, I'm going to stop right there.
You know, I've pledged to myself, I have pledged to myself to be in a better mood and to be who I really am and to not be so angry because it affects me after work, even at midnight.
I can't go to sleep because I get so upset about things and I've never had my stomach hurt.
I think I'm starting to get an ulcer from things, from worrying about things too much.
So I'm just going to be a little more happy, have a little more fun here on air and occasionally screw around a bit.
So I apologize.
I've already researched all of this news.
And then so, now it doesn't have that first look excitingness to it.
It has more of that disgusting, I've already seen that dead horse in the ditch, to continue the horse analogies, and I don't need to go over there and look at it and smell it again to know it's there, but for you, some of you, it's a new dead horse that isn't in the ditch, but is being catapulted at our society by the globalists, and they're telling us that they're catapulting cherry pie at us, and they're not.
I'd rather take a cherry pie in the face than a dead horse, because a dead horse would break your neck.
And so I'm now going to attempt to get out of the screwing around mode and cover this next news, because this is weighty news.
And I don't really feel like I'm even worthy to bring you news and information of this magnitude.
But nevertheless, nevertheless, I am going to cover this news here for you.
Now, I just want to have a moment of peace here, a moment of a moment of tranquil calm, a moment of
Of contemplation about where we are in the world because this radio show tends to flash by in three hours and we're in some type of bizarre time warp and I want what I'm about to cover to really sink in for people.
They say silence is golden, don't they?
And talk radio, it really tends to get your attention.
And I'm not somebody that has silent pauses often.
But I think it's important to do it sometimes, isn't it?
To really note something important.
I have a report here.
I'm sure you've already heard about this.
This news came out a day and a half ago.
But now he's headed back to Boston to face trial.
I wonder if he's going to die while in jail because they're not going to want what this individual knows to be aware of anything.
And to be able to warn the public.
That he was able to get away with over the years.
And then see, this is how my brain works.
When I see a report like this, it makes me think about other things.
like investors business daily actually telling the truth was fast and furious a gun control plot and it goes over the US government knowingly for several years under Obama's ATF knowingly surveilling and helping get illegal guns shipped into Mexico and then of course you have the head of the ATF being caught lying
We have the ATF head refusing to step down arrogantly because they have to, as gangsters, they have to always train you that they're able to just get away with anything.
That's what the gangsterish TSA is all about.
It's about training you, your little people, your scum, your trash.
We'll do whatever we want to you.
But the fact is, if we'll just call a spade a spade, if we'll call the elephant in the room an elephant, then we can, as a society, be honest about it and do something about it.
So I want to get into that report coming up.
But first, I want to talk about Whitey Bulger, who finally got caught living in obscurity after disappearing for more than 15 years, being caught in California.
And it's admitted, if you don't know the whole Whitey Bulger case, you can look it up, that for decades he murdered, he killed, he ordered murders.
That he was untouchable.
And then later it came out, after the Boston police, along with the state police, refused to go along with it anymore, that the reason he was protected was that he was a informant to the FBI.
And the highest levels of the FBI knew about it, and were aware of it, and that he was paying generally about 25% of all of his hundreds and hundreds of millions of profit to the FBI.
And that's why they would never bust him.
But it's the same in every city.
It's the same in every crime region.
And that's the way it's always worked.
There's a reason that when Prohibition was overthrown after a decade in the early 30s...
That they then made drugs illegal.
You could buy cocaine, heroin, opium, whatever you wanted at the corner drug store.
And you go to the statistics, there was much less drug use, of course a lot less drug overdose, because it was really seen as a disease and pathetic and...
Something bad, but I'm making it illegal now the criminals get it now They got fancy cars now.
It's seen as cutting-edge and rebellious and Hollywood pushed that image of course so that young people would use the drugs Also the big mega banks and the crime syndicates and their minions.
You know you talk about whitey Bulger being a big heavy hitter they talk about people like whitey Bulger and
Being the boss.
Always the gutter-level so-called bosses are really just the lower compartment of the criminal system.
But we're told that's as high as it goes.
When in truth, it's the megabanks, then the FBI, CIA under them, then controlling the different organized crime syndicates, who they then use the low-level criminals, who we're told are the top, to govern the competition.
But we'll break it all down when we come back.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
I know why a lot of people don't like to face corruption, because...
It's scary, it's disgusting, and it'll freak you out to realize that you're in a very corrupt society.
But if we do realize this, if we do face up to this, we can save our republic.
Before I get back into the ATF caught running a false flag against the Second Amendment, key report at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And in case you think our evidence doesn't point at that, you should go read the article, or even Investors Business Daily, very prestigious.
Was Fast and Furious a gun control plot?
Of course it is!
Fox News is saying how the ATF screwed up and helped ship the guns in.
They've been caught lying to Congress.
They did this from the time Obama got in.
His strategy to repass the assault weapons ban and shut down gun shows, including fake stings here in Austin, was to shut down the Second Amendment via the crisis in Mexico.
Okay, but I'm digressing, or not even digressing, that's what I want to get to later.
Remember, you can pull this up.
I've dug this up before, I want to dig it up again.
We've got it in some documentary from CBS in the 80s about LaCosa Nostra and the Mafia, but I know we've got the clip and played it years ago, but it's just like I can't find the clip of Rick Perry on my show.
It's from four years ago.
We've got to archive stuff and figure out some system to do that with really cool stuff.
But it was the head of the FBI,
J. Edgar Hoover saying that La Cosa Nostra organized crime period did not exist.
Now he was saying this decades after people knew that there were gangs and organized crime.
But he was saying they were unorganized because they were blackmailing him.
But more than just blackmailing J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI from its inception was only there to shut down their competition.
They didn't go after Joseph Kennedy.
The biggest bootlegger on the East Coast.
They didn't go after the mafia in Chicago.
They didn't go after any of those groups.
They only went after, later, Italian mafia because they got too big for their britches.
And they still didn't want to get them for anything.
It's kind of like Ken Starr going after Clinton for lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky.
They don't want to go after him for missile secrets or corruption or payoffs because that was connected to the Republican leadership.
That's why they used the IRS to go after Al Capone.
Something that wasn't connected to everything else and all the other syndicates.
So it's basically using government to knock off their competition instead of just shooting them with a Tommy gun.
But when the government wants to kill you, they hire mafia to do it in many cases.
And that's why there were some mafia hitmen, snipers on record, in and around with the JFK killing.
And they had some other backups, and they had E. Howard Hunt, Deathbed Confession, you know, also there in the background.
And the CIA, when it was OSS in World War II, had used Mafia in Europe as ways to get intelligence on the Nazis.
The Nazis did the same thing.
So these relationships have always been there, and you're naive if you say that they aren't.
But the whole thing with Whitey Bulger is this.
Here's the guy where in the fine print it's confirmed he was protected by the FBI and paying high-level FBI off for decade after decade after decade and finally the state police got tired of it started an investigation and that forced the feds to come in and then Bulger was allowed to basically flee but for whatever reason now
Decades later, the protection has been decided to be removed from Bulger, so they run a PR campaign, where is Bulger, where is Bulger, and then magically, days after the campaign, they go in busting.
They knew where he was the entire time.
He was basically in an unofficial witness protection program, and now why are they going to burn Bulger is the question.
Has he, uh, have the people he can blackmail died?
Uh, has there been an inside deal where they stole his Swiss money?
I don't know.
Uh, but the whole thing is as phony as a $3 bill, and people need to grow up and realize how corrupt this government is.
Now, when we come back, I'm gonna get into the ATF Mafia.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm here looking over all the news during the break and realizing the fact that I'm not covering enough information.
So I'm going to finish up with the ATF mafia and then I'm going to get into all the financial news and what's happening globally because the dominoes are falling through Europe and coming towards England and the United States doorstep and everything that's being done to Greece has already been done here to one extent but it's only going to get deeper
by degree and there's also this article from yesterday big key report from Paul Joseph Watson that I could just kick myself for not covering.
I read this yesterday morning about 6 a.m.
when Watson published it and along with it is actually
The actual study, did we ever print the actual study?
I just want to show folks that, or maybe we go to Watson's article after the break.
We can click on the study and show it to folks via prisonplanet.tv.
New study finds direct link between vaccines and infant mortality, and it is a prestigious study, so we're going to be going over that.
Going over that today.
I also have a member of the EU Parliament, Nigel Farage.
Barroso, you have no plan B. Very powerful.
That's because everything's going according to plan, Mr. Nigel Farage.
And we're going to get Nigel back on the transmission.
And I know he knows that, but he keeps going, one nation after and the next gets overthrown, gets bankrupted.
And you keep saying everything's fine.
No, it's not, sir.
Your world government plan is destroying us.
Well, that's because everything is going according to plan.
But this really is just a huge, huge news.
And it is very, very exciting to have this in the news, to have it in Investors Business Daily and other major publications are now calling it what it is.
Obama administration caught running false flag against the Second Amendment, despite the Obama administration's best efforts to characterize Operation Fast and Furious as
A recently revealed ATF program that sought to put US-based firearms in the hands of Mexican drug smugglers, a little more than a screw-up, the most damning evidence strongly indicates that the whole operation was in fact an attempt to launch a false flag assault on the Second Amendment rights of the American people.
And why do we know about this?
Well, we know about it because of ATF whistleblowers.
And again, when I say the FBI is criminal, at the top it is.
When I say the ATF is criminal, at the top it is.
The average ATF agent is out there going after drug dealers that are selling guns in back alleys and being ordered to harass gun shops and things.
It's a disreputable operation.
I just say let the guns be out there and let us defend ourselves from criminals and decriminalize the drugs so they don't have something to make money off of.
But whatever, we know about this because ATF agents blew the whistle.
And now the head of the ATF has been caught lying.
Really a scary organization, a very, very scary group.
And, well, Watson's article is extremely, extremely lengthy and proves a larger history of this.
But what I'm going to do in the interest of time, because I've got to get to all this other news, the wide spectrum of news, is I'm going to, with Bob Chapman, a little bit in the third hour, go over
Go over all
We need to raise taxes on small businesses so the government can continue to grow.
And we're also going to get into the fact that Texas is set to vote on the TSA situation.
The groping here in Texas today and the feds are saying we're going to run a blockade of you and we're going to sue Texas.
I mean, at a certain point, we've got to be able to put the feds back in the box.
The feds themselves run by the Global Crime Syndicate, so that is all coming up after this quick break.
On the other side, this is the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com, and our websites are InfoWars.com or StreamingLive.com at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
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They haven't increased their prices on great long-term food reserves since last year.
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Call 800-409-5633 or go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex.
This is Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, he just got back from Greece and reportedly the traitorous Greek government
Despite the fact that polls show over 98% of the Greek people are saying, we don't owe this money, and they don't.
This is a fraud.
Pop Andreoff has paid off.
We want you arrested.
The traitorous, paid-off Greek government is saying, we're going to basically sign you on.
To the derivatives debt.
And then right on the heels they go, oh, okay, well, Ireland signed everything over, Greece has, now Portugal and Italy have to, and that will lead to Spain and Germany.
And just like Domino's, because it's planned, it's designed, we have the IMF World Bank documents, 2002, when they planned all of this, it's going according to plan.
The bankers sell you the derivatives and make giant profits.
Then they tie all your pension funds into it.
When they go belly up, they say, bail it out or it'll be the end of civilization as we know it.
But it's designed mathematically to where you can never fix it.
It destroys you and transfers all your wealth to these guys.
And why would they do something like that?
Because they're criminals.
They don't want to have a good free market society.
Now here's some of the economic news.
Economic trouble puzzles Fed Chief.
And he said that again today.
He said it yesterday and again.
He says he knows the economy's struggling and they don't know why and quote, don't have a precise read on why the slower pace of growth is persisting.
Even with their cooked, phony, Cracker Jack box numbers.
They're admitting the economy stalled.
Folks, it's a depression by every real yardstick.
20 plus percent unemployment now for over two years.
Inflation increasing.
Food prices going up.
Upwards of 48 million people now.
A few months ago it was 44 million.
Upwards of 48 million now on food stamps.
Can you imagine if 48 million people were in bread lines?
Soup kitchen lines?
What that would look like?
That would make the Great Depression look like a time of cornucopia.
Okay, a time of volholic plenty.
I mean, you know, bring out the roast.
I mean, we're in Odin's palace here in 1933 compared to what is going on now.
But they know how to veneer it.
They know how to hide it.
They know how to have everybody on welfare.
And then they have those welfare hordes that will do whatever they're told in the future to keep getting that check.
And the answer is they're going to take the middle class's money.
And here's the headline, Geithner, taxes on small businesses must rise so government doesn't shrink.
You can watch the video clip there, CNS News, from his testimony.
They say this stuff with a straight face.
Continuing with the financial news, U.S.
to lose second place in world trade to India!
Yeah, just a few months ago, we dropped from the number one trade group in the world to China, and now we're set CNBC reports to India, but they're saying it'll take time for that to happen.
Yeah, right.
Continuing with this news,
We have a Bob Chapman article that has a good quote from the congressional record.
Chance didn't create the economic crisis, is the headline.
What Congressman Louis McFadden said of the Great Depression is as true today as it was in the 1930s.
As chairman of the House Banking Committee, he said, quote, it was no accident.
It was a carefully contrived occurrence.
The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.
And they got great power at that time, but now they're bringing us even into more tyranny under the carbon tax dictatorships.
Look at this article from yesterday.
Oil prices tumble after reserves released.
The day before that, Lindsey said, nope, the pressure's done it.
They're about to try to actually reduce them for a while before they go back up.
But again, I don't think his sources or anybody's sources in the elite have all the answers or controlled everything.
The globalists are trying to dominate society.
But more and more, they're failing.
In the past, when people weren't aware of their designs, they had almost 100% success rate.
Not anymore.
I'd say more like 50%, 55, 60 maybe.
That's why they're trying to really take over right now.
So that's some of the news on that front.
Here's some of the other financial news.
Job picture grows worse as weekly claims post-jump.
People getting unemployment jumping in this great... We haven't had a recession since June of 2009, two years ago, according to Bernanke.
So, you know, he says everything's fine.
Don't be a conspiracy theorist.
Don't question their Cook numbers.
Here's another report.
Reuters saying the same thing about jobs in deep trouble.
And again, on the heels of Greece saying that they're going to
Go ahead and give the bankers whatever they want.
Greece's budget hole threatens to swallow Europe.
And next it's Italy and Portugal, just as we told you years ago, the chain, the order of who they'd be taking down.
Bipartisan debt talks have grown more contention.
Republicans have walked out of meetings dealing with raising the debt ceiling.
All of that is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
The big issue here is that they are continuing QE2.
First they said they wouldn't do QE3, but as Chapman predicted, now they're saying, we may do QE3.
Well, that will just accelerate the devaluation of the dollar.
So that's a default.
Technically, and it's not official default, and the Chinese said that, of course, three weeks ago.
They said, you already are defaulting, and that's why they're moving completely out of treasuries.
So are the Arabs, and the average good old boy.
I've had folks walk down the street and go, I don't care if the dollar devalued, it'll help manufacturing.
If we had any manufacturing left, and if it was long-term something that happened, it might help manufacturing.
But when you have
The fact that we've already been de-industrialized and you realize it's coming on so strong, it's going to be devastating and the dollar being devalued will affect everybody's cost of living and destroy people on fixed incomes.
Here's another report.
This is out of Yahoo Finance.
Retirement as we know it is dead.
And they have a breakdown of that and saying now folks have to work till they're 85.
Well, that's past the time you're dead.
The average person, one average male lives to 75.
Average female, 77.
Here's another one.
So don't worry that when you're 85 you'll be able to stop working.
They have another report here breaking down why are food prices rising so fast?
And CNBC asked the question.
Celery up 28 percent, coffee up 40 percent, and they ask why.
Well, because the dollar is being devalued, that's why.
But CNBC doesn't seem to understand that, doesn't seem to know that.
There's another report out of AP.
Greece presses banks low earners in debt crises.
Greece's beleaguered government said yesterday that it will start taxing minimum wage earners and encourage local banks to help the state delay debt payments for bonds maturing as of 2015.
And that's the austerity orders is to kill their credit and to technically default but not officially default and then start taxing the poorest people.
Which has been done under the shock therapy doctrine of the IMF and World Bank and every third world country to destroy them.
It's designed to destroy them.
I want to get into the incredibly positive news in Libya.
And the incredibly positive news in our Constitutional Republic, in the next segment ahead of Max Keiser, Hillary having to come out yesterday and again today and saying, what side are you on Congress?
We're on the side in the Obama administration of the Libyan people.
You mean the Al-Qaeda groups they're funding?
Again, if you've got to give me a choice between Qaddafi and Al-Qaeda, I'm sorry, I'm not going to side with Qaddafi.
I don't like unsavory dictators, but as far as dictators go, he is actually benevolent in many respects, and that place is the jewel of Africa now.
Free health care, the whole nine yards, industrial development, and the globalists don't like that.
You know, they say the only way socialism works is if you have a dictator.
But it still doesn't work very well.
I'm not for it.
But there's that rare, rare time that a blind hog can find an acorn.
Now I'm digressing.
The point is, in Libya, he actually delivered most of, because the stuff's nationalized, the oil and the rest of it, to the people.
And that's why he's been very popular.
And the West is not going to put up with that.
It's kind of like Tito.
It was a bad guy over Serbia, but after he died, then the whole place fell apart.
Bosnia-Herzegovina, that whole region, bordering to the north there, well to the south is Albania, and to the east Macedonia, but I digress now.
He was somebody who actually delivered development to the people.
Sometimes these guys are egomaniacs to the point they actually like to build stuff.
But I digress.
I want to go to break with Nigel Farage pointing out to Herman Van Rompuy, the guy that openly calls for world government, the head of the EU, that nothing he's done has worked.
Well, actually, it has worked.
They're taking over Europe.
Here it is.
Mr. Brose, every time I ask you, what is your plan B, you say there's no need.
And every time I predict that another country's on the verge of a bailout, you say, no, no, there's no problem.
And here we are, on the verge of the second Greek bailout, and you say there is no alternative.
We must continue down this route.
We must ignore the fact that the Spanish bond markets are telling us that they are going to be next.
What a fine mess you've got us into.
You have a 100% record for being wrong with every single prediction about the euro, and when you say today that this package will put Greece on the road to growth, oh no it won't, it'll put them on the road to the third bailout, which we'll be discussing in a few short months' time.
I have to say, I find it a truly sickening sight.
To see the country that actually invented democracy being bullied by you and the increasingly appalling International Monetary Fund and being told they have to accept this austerity package.
They have to accept cutting their economy to a level that will put them into a total economic depression.
They're told there is no alternative to this.
It's a form of sado-monetarism, and it's sending them crazy.
They're on the streets, and there's violence, and frankly, this can only get worse.
You've stripped them, not just of money, you've stripped them of their democracy.
And he goes on to break it down, but see, of course Rumpy's been wrong 100% to the public.
It's designed to strip them, and they've done all the actuaries.
This will mean Greece can never pay it back.
Which is the plan!
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Okay, my friends, we are back live here ahead of Max Keiser joining us.
We will take a few calls for Max, specifically your financial questions dealing with what's happening in Greece, what austerity in Greece means, how they intend to bankrupt nations by design through their technicians that control every major European country and the United States.
What dominoes are next to fall?
Italy, Portugal, then Spain, leading into the rest of Western Europe, then England.
They've already gotten Ireland.
Iceland has defeated them and exposed the fact that most of the debt was indeed created by the very banks that were being bailed out and that it's all a fraud.
Because this is the big enchilada.
That's why we talk about it so much.
By educating the public, we can turn this around.
We're already getting very close to that.
Because they're going to undoubtedly want more bailouts here as well.
But the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
Now, here's the good news.
Obviously, I have the news articles here in front of me, but driving in...
To work this morning, listening to different TV stations that I have on my XM, and also listening to local news, I heard them playing clips of congressmen, Republicans and Democrats, saying, Obama is not an absolute dictator or king!
He must consult Congress before launching a war!
And Libya is a war!
And they hate this!
It's bipartisan, and it's the attack on the Constitution getting so brazen, so naked,
Naked as a jaybird, no debating, and Obama's saying, I don't need your authority, I got the U.N.'s.
He didn't just say, I have the authority myself, it's even worse!
He said, the U.N.
is my boss!
It's like those Christian bumper stickers that say a Jewish carpenter is my boss.
Well, Obama ought to have a sticker saying, unelected U.N.
criminals are my boss.
We ought to have that as a joke, satire bumper sticker quote for Barack Obama and stick that on cars.
And so you've got the House members suing him.
That'll just impeach his signed in right now.
This is a big deal.
I mean, this is what Julius Caesar did.
It's what Napoleon did.
It's what Latin American and African dictators do constantly.
And when a president starts saying, I can do whatever I want with the military, you better look out.
We got checks and balances for a reason.
It's why we have states.
The states have no authority.
Why do we have them then?
Why don't we have a Congress?
If it's just going to be ceremonial.
Why don't we have state legislatures?
It's all about separation of power.
Checks and balances.
But here's some of the quotes.
House weighs cutting off funds for Libyan mission.
Clearly frustrated with President Barack Obama's Republican leaders are propelling the House towards a crucial votes on the US military role in Libya that could embarrass the Commander-in-Chief and reverberate in Tripoli and NATO capitals.
I just believe that because of the President's failure to consult with the Congress, you don't consult, Congress runs it.
Future to, and a failure to outline for the American people why we are doing this before we engage in this puts us in the position where we have to defend our responsibility under the Constitution, House Speaker John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said in advancing two measures.
And it goes on, quote,
The President has ignored the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution, but he cannot ignore a lack of funding, said Representative Tom Rooney, Republican of Florida, sponsor of the bill.
Only Congress has the power to declare war, now he got it right, only Congress has the power to declare war, and the power of the purse
And my bill exercises both of those powers by blocking funds for the war in Libya unless the president receives congressional authorization.
House Republicans and Democrats are furious with Obama for failing to seek congressional authorization for the three-month-old war.
Ah, they called it a war in the AP!
Just a few weeks ago, the media would not call this a war.
The so-called corporate media.
But they lost so much credibility now, from the LA Times, to the Washington Times, to the New York Times, to the Wall Street Journal.
They're going, Obama looks stupid saying it's not a war!
Obama is turning into a tyrant!
But again, not just an American tyrant.
He says a foreign group gives him his orders.
He put letters out to Congress months ago saying, I don't need to even consult you, Jack.
When the serve-all of Congress tried to deliver him a war resolution saying, we love the war, he said, nah, I got the UN.
I don't even need you.
And then they kind of want to take their ball and go home.
But that's good.
See, he's being so arrogant.
That, oh, you want to authorize me?
I don't need your authorization, scum!
They're like, what?
Well, then we're gonna, we're gonna stand up to you.
And that's what the founders said.
They said Congress will become corrupt, but they will get in fights with the president over the power.
Separation of powers, it's beginning!
Right as the tyranny intensifies, they begin to fight over the power with each other.
Because the crooks in Congress don't want to lose their power.
They want to be able to launch the wars and feel powerful.
We'll come back, tell you more about that.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, it's good to stop caring what people think about you and just tell the truth.
It's very empowering.
And there's been a lot of corruption going on, like roaches behind the walls and under the floorboards for a long time.
Now the roaches have gotten so arrogant that they're climbing on you at night when you're sleeping and biting you.
You know, that'll actually happen with rats.
If you don't get a rat problem under control, I've read the reports, they'll even come in and eat your baby.
They'll kill your baby.
They know how to get right on the throat at night and quickly chew to get the jugglers going and have a little meal.
And that's what it's like.
We have government rats and corruption climbing all over us, sitting on our chairs, biting at us.
The rats have high-tech bullhorns telling us, lay down, lay down, G.I., go along with what we say.
You don't want to be called an extremist.
This isn't a depression.
Government health care, if you don't like it, you're a racist.
They just throw these terms at us until we recognize that big megacorporations have bought off government and are basically eating us out of house and home.
And it's time to kick the rats out.
And we're going to Max Keiser here in a moment.
But it is very exciting news that many Democrats and Republicans are saying the Libya war is a mass murder and wrong.
But a lot of them are saying, hey, we're for the war, but you've got to get authorization from us.
And so they're threatening, they're suing Obama.
They're doing all these other things.
They're threatening to cut the funding off in a vote as early as next week.
And I heard clips on the news this morning.
Again, I could listen to TV on my XM flipping through channels going, the president is not a king or a dictator.
That's what we'll have if this continues.
And it would cut from Republican to Democrat, from Democrat to Republican saying the same thing.
And I'm like, wow!
For three months I've been saying Obama's becoming a dictator.
And then I get these partisan articles written, Alex just does it like Obama because he's a Republican.
Hey, moron!
I was against all these wars with Bush!
And just because he got congressional approval for the wars, he didn't get the full War Powers Resolution, and he lied about WMDs.
So, I'm against those wars, too.
And see, that's what's beautiful about being a constitutionalist.
I'm for property rights.
I'm for the Second Amendment.
I'm for family rights.
I'm for states' rights.
I'm against the Patriot Act, because it violates the Constitution.
I'm against foreign entanglements.
I'm against all these wars.
See, I'm a constitutionalist!
It's beautiful!
I've read it!
I love it!
It makes sense!
That's what I am!
I've not seen a document better!
I want freedom!
We should legalize freedom, as Ron Paul and others have said.
Got a t-shirt for a year.
Legalized freedom with Ron Paul on it.
Get it, get it out there.
The media is trying to put out this story now that Ron Paul can't win.
Doesn't matter if he's been number one, number two, number three in different polls and winning most of the straw polls.
They say he can't win.
Just like Rick Perry said, it's the law, you must take Gardasil.
Turned out there was no law, it was a hoax.
They engage in these hoaxes, telling us the moon is made of Velveeta cheese.
And just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true.
And they just try to create a false reality of nothing but pure lies.
Like the TSA saying, well, we're going to Max Keiser, saying back in November, we're not going to pat 12-year-olds down anymore.
And then they said it again in April.
Now they said it again.
And I was on coast-to-coast AM last night, and George was like, isn't this good news?
And I said, well, yeah.
Hopefully they're being pressured to say this.
Hopefully they'll actually do it.
But it appears to just be a psych warfare tactic.
By the way, we've got reporters down at the Capitol, into the next hour, set to cover the vote and the committee hearings and everything.
So we're going to have Aaron Dykes pop in along with Rob Jacobson coming up.
Now we're going to the illustrious Max Keiser for the rest of the hour and five minutes to the next hour, then Bob Chapman joins us.
I first want to just remind listeners we're running a special for only a week.
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Now I take you back to Paris, I believe.
He's always jet-setting about, to the inventor of the virtual trading technology that's used on many markets today.
Also is all over television channels, BBC, RT, Press TV, BBC Radio 5, and he joins us, MaxKaiser.com.
Max, you just came back from Greece.
Incredible live footage when you were on with us last week.
With the hundreds of thousands marching, you could hear the chanting through your hotel windows, six floors up.
The people, I've seen polls, 98% against the quote, banker rip-off austerity.
But the gangsters that Goldman Sachs publicly put in, in the finance and prime ministership, they say, we don't care, we're going to kill your economy and turn everything over.
And then as soon as they agree to that, now we're told the next dominoes are going to fall, and then the next and the next and the next, and it never fixes the problem, because these programs aren't failing, are they, Max?
They're designed, Max, to always consolidate more power, correct?
Yeah, that's correct.
And in the history of Greece, going back to 2001, really it's a great encapsulation of everything that has happened over the past 10 to 15 years to destroy various economies.
I should mention that when we were in Athens, you know, we're making this film and we got incredible footage, Alex stuff, but as we're saving for the film, it should be out in the first two weeks of July.
Stacey Herbert,
My partner, you know, she was really out in the front line, braving the tear gas, getting the footage.
We got footage of basically cops dressed up like anarchists, you know, agent provocateurs, beating people up.
And this is a recurring trend all over Europe.
Spain and Greece are these provocateurs that are basically cops that are beating people up to try to make these otherwise peaceful demonstrations violent.
We got great footage, so this film is going to be exciting.
But the history of what's happened in Greece, if you go back to 2001, of course,
When they entered the Euro, it was because their books were cooked.
The golden facts came in and they hid debt.
That Greece had on their books so they could be part of the Euro.
And it was at that moment that Greece was set up to fail.
And ever since that moment, it's been a tragic story of a country being destroyed by outside bankers.
So now you've got a situation where just last year, the country signed what's called the Memorandum.
With what's called the Troika, which is the IMF, ECB, EU, which gives them rights to the assets that are owned by Greece completely outside of what is guaranteed in their Constitution.
So the IMF has gone completely around the Constitution, and they have committed this, and now they've got these lawsuits.
You talked to Dr.
We're good to go.
And then six months later, they flipped them for $27 billion.
Now, if they had that $20 billion right now, they wouldn't be in this hot water.
So the Papandre was caught red-handed committing an act of fraud, and every single step of the way,
Goldman Sachs has been making huge fees.
I mean, he was caught getting him into fraudulent debt, buying into the derivatives, and as you say, engaging in financial terrorism.
He should be arrested immediately.
And those prominent lawyers and members of parliament that you got on the show with us last week, they agreed with that.
So where is all this headed?
I mean, not just in Greece, but now
And we played a clip earlier from the EU Parliament where they were debating the fact that every time they bail something out it only gets worse because it's designed to do that.
So next it's Italy we're told, then Portugal, and then into France, and into England, and into the US.
I mean, do we just have to give everything to these crooks?
Yeah, they're bleeding the country.
They're bleeding the country to death.
And I also mentioned, you know, when I was there, Steve Forbes was there with the International Chamber of Commerce.
And they were already openly discussing carving up the country, selling the lotteries, selling the ports, selling the infrastructure, selling the roads to outside bankers.
And that was their intention all along.
And in fact, the bankers use the assets of the country as collateral to line up more loans to take over the country.
Remember, the IMF itself is bankrupt.
The IMF has no money.
The IMF is bankrupt.
They had to use the collateral of Greece to line up the loans necessary to take the country over.
It's like a leveraged buyout on Wall Street, except now instead of taking over another company, using their company's assets for the collateral to get the money to buy it, they're using a country's assets to borrow the money to take it over.
Every single step of the way,
The Wall Street banks have made a profit.
So the bond, here's the interesting thing, and I want you to think about this for a second, because it's a real insight into the psychosis that is driving Wall Street and the global economy.
The European banks that own Greek bonds,
Of course they're going to lose money.
But the Wall Street banks who sold insurance on the bonds are going to lose more money.
And who's one of the biggest losers?
Of course, Goldman Sachs.
So why would Goldman Sachs sell itself products that they themselves are going to lose billions of dollars on?
Because they know that if they need to, they can go to Congress and get another bailout.
And this is the psychosis of the Wall Street mentality.
They simply rape and pillage, and whenever they get into trouble, they go to Congress, and they get another round.
And they run around financing all these fake libertarians that give it a bad name, and say it's free market, when it's big mega banks and brokerage firms
Going and doing deals they know we're gonna go belly-up Making money on the way up then getting a bailout on the way down and then telling us we've got to bail them out It's the free market the free market would not just be let them lose their their you-know-what's but also arrest them for fraud I mean, I mean if I lie on my taxes Which is paid to the private Federal Reserve the income tax doesn't go to run the country They will throw me in prison.
You know if I was to lie about $5,000 and they caught me these crooks
Have internal emails, as you know, Timberwolf and other things, calling their customers idiot, scum, and, you know, we're going to sell them the bleeper, and ha ha ha.
I mean, these are just...
And I know you worked with these people.
I mean, we need to, quite frankly, get a 1776 situation through the courts going and haul them up and turn loose all the pot smokers out of prison and throw these people in jail.
I mean, we've got room for hundreds of thousands of these brokers that have engaged in crimes to slap them in prison.
Well, yeah, they are.
Criminality has become America's number one GDP booster.
If it wasn't for fraud and financial crimes, America would have no GDP at all.
They barely have a GDP now.
But it's, the entire country now is run on Ponzi schemes and fraud.
Like, for example, the bailout of General Motors, that's turned out to be another huge Ponzi scheme and fraud.
Obama points to that as a success story.
Well, the company's already failing again.
They're stuffing the pipeline with inventory that can't
No, you said that a year ago, and it came out earlier in the week, headlines in the Wall Street Journal, that there was fraud in the numbers that the White House released.
I mean, that's obvious.
But just digressing for a moment, I want to get your take on the constitutional crisis.
Some good things are now happening.
I said it could be as early as next week.
I have to correct myself.
They voted about 30 minutes ago.
House votes no on continuing Obama's war in Libya.
That's Associated Press.
Meanwhile, top Democrat representative, now this is from The Hill, says that Obama has become an absolute monarch.
That's a quote.
It's quote, becoming an absolute monarch from Representative Gerald Nadler, the self-propelled German Zeppelin, said Congress must act to limit funding for military operations in Libya to order correct
Uh, the, the trend.
And the media is reporting this is a total rout for the warmonger-in-chief.
What's happening with all these pro-UN globalist lovers suddenly turning against, uh, turning against our Messiah, Lord Obama?
Well, because they don't like spending the money, but I don't think they're going to have any success overturning the Obama Doctrine, because he's got Wall Street in his pocket, and he's got the hedge funds in his pocket.
They're going to fund his re-election campaign, and in exchange... Hey, hold on!
Is that a French police car?
Let me hear that!
Yeah, it sure is.
This is genuine... Oh, yeah.
Are they coming to arrest you?
Sounds like they're outside your apartment or your house.
I think they're coming for donations for their annual Christmas party.
Oh, there they go.
Oh, they missed me this time.
The gendars, or what do you call them?
Yeah, they're all gone.
I chased them away.
Okay, Lord Kaiser.
I mean, what do you mean?
I mean, a week ago, people wouldn't have believed Congress would stand up to Obama.
I mean, Congress has a 9% approval rating.
The public's waking up.
I'm seeing a lot of positive things happen.
Well, they have the ability now to crash the market.
You know, two years ago, under Bush, they used the color-coded terror alert.
Every time he needed to get something done, he'd say, oh my God, it's a red alert!
Everyone jump under the bed!
And by the way, we've got to pass some more legislation.
Now, Obama, with his relationship with Wall Street, when they need to, they crash the market.
And everyone gets totally frightened by this.
And that's admitted, that's admitted.
I mean the cyber security is launching cyber attacks against themselves like Stuxnet and then openly using that to try to take over the internet.
Right, because it's a fantastic tool to be able to, you know, instill fear in people, the masses, anytime you want by a market collapse, and this scares everybody to death.
And they have this ability now.
So I don't think anyone's going to be able to stop Obama, because he and the hedge funds have created this kind of neo-hedge fund fascism.
Well, why don't you just roll over then?
Hold on.
Why don't you just go to the local French cemetery and crawl into a grave there, Max?
I mean, let's not be defeatists.
We're starting to identify the banksters thanks to your great work, and many others, and our listeners taking action, and I see us gaining ground every day.
What do you mean we're not going to be able to stop this scumbag?
Believing you can win is half the battle.
Speaking of French cemeteries, there's one not far from where I live where they have all the bodies buried that suffered the decapitation during the Reign of Terror.
And so their famous names are buried there.
It should be a lesson to all you bankers.
If you push the people too far, you know, you're playing with fire.
And historically, this is what happens.
And I see it happening on the ground in Athens, Alex.
I see it in Dublin.
I see it all across Europe.
We're going to Madrid next.
The folks are basically, they don't want to parse through the bureaucracy and try to read the bills anymore.
They're just going to get the guillotine out of storage and start lopping heads off and let God figure it out.
Because they've had it.
They're completely at the end of their tether.
There's no more fussing about here.
The people are absolutely at the end of the line.
They realize the austerity measures are cooked up just to pay banker bonuses.
There's no legitimate economic reason for it.
It's wholesale robbery.
It's a financial raid.
And it's all short-term, because watching even EU debates and reading European papers, they admit this austerity measure will wreck Greece even more, where even long-term they won't even be able to be milked anymore, and so they're going to kill the economy short-term to feed their greediness.
Well, they're just going to sell the assets for pennies on the dollar to these foreign interests.
Max, Max, stay there.
I want to come back with you.
Because you're there in Europe, and you just left Greece, and they're now saying, oh, Italy's the next to fall.
I thought it was going to be Portugal.
Now they're saying Italy has got to give everything over to the bankers.
We know the Italians aren't going to do that.
I mean, I love the Italians, folks.
Statistically, they're the biggest tax cheats in the world.
They just don't do what the government tells them.
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Number two.
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It's true.
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Number three.
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Hey, this is another guy, Jim Morrison, who's over there in a French grave right now.
Hey, Max Keiser, look, you're a smart guy.
And so much of what you've said has unfolded and come true with great precision.
That's why we have you on.
But you were an Obama supporter early on, and some folks thought I was a kook for saying he was going to sell everybody out.
I could look at his advisors.
But I'm here to tell you, I don't think he's going to win re-election.
And I don't think the Republicans that are going to try to neocon and finagle things are going to get away with anything.
More and more, the evidence is showing, day by day, week by week,
That there is a major awakening across the board right now.
So I'm saying, have faith, my friend.
Have faith, my friend.
Exciting things are happening.
Texas is set to vote today, but I heard a bunch of senators didn't show up during the special session, so they can abstain.
Our crew's down there right now and gonna be reporting on it for us.
So they can play games to stall for a while, but like you said in Europe,
You know, with one hand you take it, the other you, you know, give back.
Max, you're saying folks aren't putting up with it anymore in Europe?
Yeah, no, you're right.
I did give Obama the benefit of the doubt.
And I thought your film, The Obama Deception, you know, it was the only real piece of filmmaking out there at the time that was going, you know, so much in the other direction.
And now it's turned out to be absolutely
It was a complete con job.
It was a complete deception.
And, you know, it's highly disappointing.
But when people mention, I mean, I live here in France, I live in Europe, but when people mention President Obama, the first thought that goes through my head is, my God, he's still President?
You can't believe that the guy is still in the White House.
I think that he will marshal the forces of his hedge fund supporters who pull the strings of the economy, and they will pull some fast tricks when they need to.
And I don't think that there's any, you know, and they vilify Ron Paul.
I mean, Ron Paul obviously would be a fantastic presidential candidate, but he's constantly marginalized by mainstream media.
He's constantly not counted on straw polls as a winner, even though he always is the winner.
So they're firmly in control.
But I could be wrong again.
I mean, I was obviously wrong during the first election cycle, so I could be wrong again.
Well, I'm not here saying you're wrong.
I mean, I understand the overall pessimism.
And they are playing every dirty trick in the book on Ron Paul.
But Ron Paul, again, is there knowing he's taking one for the team to inject real issues.
So we win long term, whether he wins the election or wins the nomination or not.
Shifting gears back to the question I brought up before the break, obviously the contagion is spreading.
It was always designed to do this.
Now we're told it's Italy about to go into receivership, not Portugal.
What's your take on that?
I mean, how is this looting financial terrorism?
Where will they strike next?
Well, my grand theory of all of this, of course, whether you're talking about any of the so-called pigs, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, or Spain, the big player in all this is Germany.
You know, Germany has an extraordinary, successful economy, huge export market, they've got great growth in their employment, and of course, after World War II, they were split into two parts.
When the euro came along, they were allowed to unify, but only in the context of the many-country euro.
But now that the euro is splitting up, you see Alex, the possibility of a reunified Germany that separates from everybody else in Europe is quite real.
Now you've got a superpower with their own bank, their own currency, the strongest economy in the world,
No, you're right.
Merkel almost lost re-election in the parliamentary because the last bailout was so unpopular.
They're not going to get away with another one.
Deutschland's going to break, aren't they?
I mean, they're going to pull out.
When the euro's cheap, their exports boom.
So it's a game.
They talk up the crisis in the peripheral countries because they want to get the euro cheap.
But even trying to talk the euro down like Germany does to help their export business,
Stay there, Kaiser.
Let's do five more minutes with you on the other side.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, jamming in a few calls.
I forgot they were there.
I promise I'll get to the people we don't get to with Max in this five minutes with Bob Chapman, but I know you wanted to talk to Max.
Maybe I could hold Max over with Bob.
Who knows?
But let's go ahead now and talk to Matt in Texas.
Matt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Well, you said you wanted the callers to call in and talk about the economic meltdowns that are happening everywhere, and the constant devaluation of our dollar, and the euro declining.
My question is more of a piece of advice, you can say.
My, uh, I'm only 20 years old and my parents are planning to invest quite a bit of money in me to, uh, go to a major university.
And I'm starting to tell them about... What for?
Is it for engineering or something?
Because if it's not something technical, in my opinion, it's not going to be worth very much unless you were the absolute top of your class and still it could be a problem.
I mean, what do you want to go to college for?
Actually, it's, um, it's for art.
Well, not for art.
It's, uh, the Berklee College of Music in Boston.
Max Keiser, what's your advice to this fella?
Well, he was asking, I think the question was going to be about some kind of investment or something, right?
Not about college.
No, I think he said they're going to invest money to send me to college.
What is your question, Matt?
Like I said, it was kind of a piece of advice that I guess you guys can give me, because seeing that the world is going the way it is, and talks are being had of a major economic depression, I was just wondering, in your honest opinion, if you think it would be in vain, a waste of money, to go to a college for arts?
Yeah, that was the question he asked, Max.
So back to the question.
No, I would think the best thing to do would be to spend a few years outside of the United States to get more of a global picture of what's going on and to get some skills in intercultural kind of communication and things of that nature.
Yeah, I mean, are you an oil painter or something?
Give yourself a weird name, claim that you love the world government, and then you'll get giant government grants to make millions of dollars.
Call yourself Wiggly Bagutu or something, and say you hate freedom and the Second Amendment, they'll go, 10 million, 50 million, 100 million.
You'll just be rolling in cash.
Ah, thank you, Mark.
I'm sorry.
Sir, go ahead.
Well, no, I mean, the thing is, let me follow up.
See, in the U.S., they, for the next five, ten years, it's going to be continuously a drip, drip, drip economic collapse.
And so that's a total bore.
I'd rather go to a country that is already collapsed, like Greece or Iceland, where things have collapsed already, and you can participate in the upswing.
See, be part of it.
Or go to Brazil.
You know, Brazil is a country that's booming.
Yeah, go to somewhere where things are booming.
I've been around the U.S.
for five years and listened to everyone complain about how bad things are.
It's not a good way to spend your twenties.
Okay, David, or Matt, I hope that answers your question.
My call list is changing.
Who was I just talking to?
Oh, by the way, Alex, I wanted to thank your listeners, by the way.
Yeah, when are you going to make the pirate the film thing that you advertised Alex in the rabbit hole?
The film that we made in Greece, we raised the entire $4,500 budget from people who listen to our shows through, you know, giving us $5 and $10 a piece on my site, Pirate My Film.
And they've already now, we've already financed half of the next film that we're going to shoot in Spain.
So this is called crowdfunding.
So the crowd each kicks in a few bucks, and then we go make the film.
And then when we release it onto YouTube, it's completely without any copyright whatsoever.
It's copyright-free media.
So we release it freely into the media.
Anyone can download it.
We want people to download it.
This is pure copyright-free media that's crowdfunded on Pirate My Film.
And we do the films about all these hotspots and all these economic
Very, very exciting, Max.
Look forward to talking to you again soon.
All right, David, Sean, George, JB and others, we'll get to you with Bob Chapman.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the globalist Hydra is sucking grease down in the water to shear the population.
CBC television is admitting that last year at the G20, G8 summit in Toronto, police did pose as demonstrators to engage basically in criminal activities so they could then attack the general
Demonstrators and have a billion dollars in police funding and security funding.
They were caught a few years before that in Montebello and then bordering the capital city there of Ottawa and they noticed that all the anarchists had police boots and they would have the anarchist attack cops.
People noticed those anarchists are all wearing the same boots.
Turned out it was the police issued boot with a little yellow logo on the heel.
And the people ran up and said, you're cops, you're cops!
And so the police suddenly ran to the anarchists and got them behind the police line and people videotaped them.
And the CNP had to admit they do that.
I mean, folks, if you try to build a veteran whose house they bulldoze, a new home, they'll send cops in trying to get you to blow stuff up.
I mean, they don't want citizens doing Jack Squad, because the government is a mafia.
Before I get into the economy, your phone calls, the huge news.
Absolutely huge developments.
Congress, just about an hour ago, the House voted no on continuing Obama's war in Libya.
We've also got a top Democrat representative.
Our president is an absolute monarch.
And just a lot of really exciting, exciting things are happening as people admit the level of tyranny we're facing.
But I wanted to talk to Bob Chapman, formerly with Military Intelligence, and then at the biggest private silver and gold brokerage firm, and put out the Gary Allen report in the book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy.
He's been fighting for close to 50 years against the Global Crime Syndicate, and unfortunately, stuff he talked about 40 years ago has come true now.
I wanted to talk about cases of people like Whitey Bulger, now supposedly caught.
He's really been in a quasi-witness protection program.
This horrible murdering gangster, who of course we later learned worked for the FBI, was protected by them.
That's how they control
Organized crime is by first telling us it didn't exist back in the 50s, and then once the public wised up to that, selectively busting certain groups.
It's why they made alcohol illegal, was to make more profits in prohibition.
It's why they made narcotics illegal.
Criminals want things illegal, so there's a black market.
And now, how many CIA aircraft have crashed?
How many megabanks have been caught with hundreds of billions in laundered money and running the drug aircraft?
And I remember Stella Costello, DEA agent, almost six years ago on this show,
Saying that Los Zetas is CIA funded, they tried to hire me to train them, there's going to be a new war in Mexico as they shut down their competition, over the $500 billion a year in narcotics coming through Mexico alone, into the rest of North America, Canada, the U.S.
and other points it's delivered through.
And then he said a couple years ago, before they set him up and put him in prison, that they're shipping guns to Mexico to destabilize things.
And he knew because he was a gun dealer.
And they tried to recruit him to train Los Zetas, as he'd done in Latin America training other groups, and he went to prison.
Well, now it all comes out in the last few months, Operation Fast and Furious.
The ATF's been caught lying to Congress, the head of the ATF, saying they didn't know.
It turns out they had cameras shipping them.
They ordered the whole thing, just as ATF officers went public a few months ago, risking their lives.
I'm here to tell you, the ATF is a real mafia.
The most criminal federal agency I know of.
That's in a group of CIA and FBI people.
But again, it's all compartmentalized.
The good guys, they compartmentalize and kind of low-level work.
The bad guys get promoted to the top.
And this came out with a Whitey Bulger that he was paying 25% of the hundreds of millions he made running the Irish mob on the East Coast to the FBI.
And even setting up people in his own organization for snacks.
That's what the FBI calls it.
When they wanted bigger cuts, they burned their own people and Bolger would act like he didn't know what was happening to his Irish brotherhood.
It's the same thing with the Italian Mafia.
All these mafias.
So I wanted to get Bob Chapman's take on that, because when you've got investors' business daily...
This is very exciting.
I talked about this in the first hour.
Headline, was Fast and Furious a gun control plot?
Well, we have the answer to that in a detailed report.
Going back to our previous reports today, Obama administration caught running false flag against Second Amendment.
So, this is super, super important news.
And this link, the eight-page article by Watson, needs to get out to everybody.
Because the ATF was going to get abolished in 93, so they pulled off that whole Waco thing that, you know, oh look, we have extremists we've got to deal with.
And then it was footage of them loading their cameras saying, oh, we've got to demonize, you know, these people to get more funding, ha ha ha, this is going to be great.
Pulled up, opened fire, had the whole thing planned from the beginning.
The Davidians fought back.
When the ATF put their hands up, the Davidians stopped.
They shot a bunch of men, women, and children.
I'm not saying the Davidians were perfect.
They were a little weird.
Most of it was made up.
And the ATF ran off like cowards and went and got the military and others and came back and burned the place down.
And they had Delta Force there shooting everybody.
And that even came out in congressional hearings.
Delta Force, quote, pulling triggers.
I don't need that report to tell me that.
I've got the flare footage of them behind the Bradleys in classic infantry fashion with the blouse bigger saying, come out during the fire.
And when the Davidians ran out, some of them with kids, they double tapped them and then would run over them with tanks.
Nothing like running over that baby a couple times.
It's an American enemy.
And then they had the rest of the kids hiding out in a little concrete church records vault.
Delta Force went in, put that bomb right on the roof, had a shot in there with that shape charge, splattered them into soup, and it was just posing with skulls.
Delta Force and the Army, the tank drivers, they had the skulls and took photos.
The ATF had skulls on their desk.
Ah, nothing like bagging an American!
Nothing like killing a one-year-old baby!
And then folks got upset about that, what these real men did.
So the ATF was even admitted on Discovery Channel.
They said it was a coincidence.
Cooked a Ryder truck with fuel oil six months before and tested it out in the desert.
And when local cops found out about that in Oklahoma City, well, they had to be killed, of course.
Got Colonel Craig Roberts coming on to talk about that.
It certainly is.
I came from Boston, and I knew Whitey Bulger when I was a teenager.
That's why I raised it.
You told me that about a decade ago.
Please continue.
And he belonged to a group they called the Winter Hill Gang.
And my mom and dad grew up in Winter Hill, and it just so happens when they were growing up, there was another fellow who lived across the street from my mom, and his name was Ponzi.
He eventually moved to New Jersey.
It was quite a colorful section.
It was very poor, Italian, Irish, Greek, you know, the melting pot, so to speak.
Now, I didn't know that, that the famous Ponzi scheme guy grew up in your neighborhood.
Yeah, well, it was in there.
He was before you, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, but anyway, I knew Whitey.
He was just another criminal.
And there were lots of kids like that.
And he went to prison, and he got trained well there, and he became a real pro.
The program that they set up with the FBI, Conley, who is now in prison, the FBI agent, who I guess you would call him his handler, they finally caught him in the crossfire, we'll call it,
But the whole thing was an FBI operation, and this used to happen all the time.
Oh yeah, they only busted it when the state police got sick of them killing cops, so they went ahead and busted him, and so then they spirited him off, let him go into a secret witness protection program.
Why do you think they're busting him now?
They knew where he was all along, Bob.
That's right, and I think the whole thing got long in the truth.
I look like idiots because I couldn't find him.
And, you know, the easy excuse is he was with a woman, and they didn't change their pattern of life.
And so they were easy to take down.
I mean, if you know how to look for people, and there are people who know how to do that, and I do.
You know, I'm pretty good at it.
The government taught me well.
Yeah, you're hiding out!
Well, I always am, because, you know, I get down to brass tacks, and
I've been threatened by the government before, and I believe them.
That's right, we don't call you, you call us, and every time from a different number, we don't even... You're in a nice third world country right now, Bob.
But, Bob, now, that's because all the stuff they tried to do to you, you have escaped their orbit for now.
But I interrupt you.
Let's get back to Whitey Bulger and the FBI operation and how they flush just one of the mid-level guys.
But it's admitted, money going right up to the top.
But again, we were told the Cosa Nostra doesn't exist.
Well, that's right.
It didn't exist.
My father's brother belonged to the Cosa Nostra.
And he was the biggest bookmaker in Boston.
Of course, it was illegal in those days.
And now it's legal.
And, uh, so it's okay.
But, um, uh, I'm very, very familiar with both sides of the fence.
And when I was 16, I decided that both sides of the fence being the Italian and the Irish, uh, quite frankly, I'm half Irish and half Italian.
And, uh, and so I decided at 16 years old that I didn't want to get involved in that life.
And I did very, very well in school and I turned out to be somebody else.
And I'm very, very happy because many of the people who I grew up with who continued in that lifestyle, you know, they're in their 70s now and they're very unhappy that they didn't try it another way.
And so for all of you listening, believe me, crime does not pay.
Unfortunately, the crime is not only committed by criminals,
But criminals in banking, Wall Street, Washington, corporate America, and lots of other places, too.
Stay there, Bob.
I want to get back into, from your research, living around this as a young person, then being in intelligence, then in brokerage and banking and knowing Ollie North, all of them.
How the power structure in the US, we know it's Interpol overseas, how they control the organized crime syndicates.
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman, our guest.
We'll get into the economy and I promise, your phone calls stay with us.
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Number 2.
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It's true.
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Number 3.
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Alright, coming up in the next segment, we'll go to David, Sean, George, JB, Matt, and others.
Then we'll get into the economy.
The pigs, the European nations, the hogs, the grips, they said they're going to slaughter next.
And I got a bunch of other news we haven't even gotten to yet, but finishing up with Bob on that whole point of organized crime.
Looking at the architecture, do you agree with my historical analysis that many others agree?
I mean, well, it's on record, really, that crime
Syndicates run by the big mega banks, the robber barons, many of which were openly involved in opium importation, cocaine, all of it.
They just made it all illegal because they can make a hundred times the profit off of it.
And this is the big elephant in the living room.
This is the big giant fraud.
And of course the ATF is shipping guns down to Mexico to track them back here and blame the Second Amendment.
Of course
The government is running and controlling the mafias and deciding who rises and who falls.
I mean, how many examples do we have to get, Bob?
What's your view on that?
Well, they have to keep on trying because what they've done is relatively unsuccessful.
A good example is the war, the narcotics war along the border with Mexico and a couple of other places in Mexico as well.
The whole thing is all about people in Mexico and the CIA taking over the drug operations.
That's really what it's about.
And there's an election coming up in about a year and a half in Mexico.
And the House and the Senate are both controlled by PRI, which is the party that is not in the presidency presently.
And they will win the presidency.
Uh, that's the way things work there.
And, uh, that whole thing will be simmered down because the other group that's coming in doesn't want that kind of thing going on.
The thing being the warfare.
You know, innocent people get killed.
And I've lived in Mexico, so I know what it's all about.
Um, as far as, uh, the, uh, the bankers, look, you can't have any kind of an operation
Without having a bank to transfer money, to put your money into.
These are the people who are behind the whole thing.
These are the people making it work.
And from time to time, you see Citigroup, and now it's Wachovia.
And, you know, every once in a while, four or five years, they'll take down a major bank that they say laundered $250 billion.
And they'll fine him $5 billion and it'll all go away.
Yeah, Wells Fargo was $376 billion.
They paid a $100 million fine.
That's 0.3%, Bob.
And you get to keep $275 billion.
It's just like Goldman Sachs.
They paid a fine and didn't admit nor deny to the SEC.
Paid a fine of $770 million, I think the figure was.
And they stole $5 billion.
So they got to keep $4 billion.
And this character, this fellow, the Oracle of Omaha, he and his company, they cheated the U.S.
government in taxes for $300 million.
And they made a deal with the SEC, we'll pay $100 million, we keep the other two.
And I said, OK.
And that's because over the years they've gotten their alumni into all the regulatory positions, and so the sky's the limit.
But at a certain point, they destroy the golden goose that lays the golden eggs, Bob.
And that brings me to the next point.
What's your view on the latest developments in Greece and now it spreading as we knew it was designed to, to Italy?
From my research, I know you've been over there and lived over there as well, the Italians are not going to go along with austerity.
They're going to even be more
Not just violent the streets.
They're going to do a lot of dirty tricks and things to not pay Goldman Sachs money they don't owe.
That's right.
And I think Max has probably told you on his programs with you that he and some attorneys in Greece have bought a lawsuit or are going to bring a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs.
And I think that's wonderful.
And, uh, now, uh, Senator Levin's, uh, committee, uh, has put out, I don't know, hundreds and hundreds of pages of testimony, and they forced the, uh, Justice Department to go after Goldman Sachs.
Whether they'll bring criminal indictments remains to be seen, but I think that there's a possibility that they will, and that would blow it upside down.
Well, I mean, something's got to give, because Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Citibank, others, they're not slowing down on any of this.
They're actually going faster now, and I guess it's just their nature.
They just can't help themselves, can they, Bob?
This is their last profit opportunity before they take the system down.
And then on top of that, launch the new global carbon tax system.
We're going to come back with your phone calls and get into a host of other news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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It's gonna take me a life The time has come to make things right You and I must fight for our rights
Alright, we're going to your phone calls.
A couple things to plug here.
We've got a detailed report up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com titled, World War III Defined, Wider War Unfolding in the Middle East.
It's an eight and a half minute special report.
We put four or five days of work into this report.
I meant to air it today, but we've run out of time because I want to go to your calls and talk to Bob.
But please watch the report, get it out to everybody.
It's mirrored up at PrisonPlanet.tv, but it's also on the YouTube Alex Jones channel.
What is not at the Alex Jones channel of YouTube and won't be there until next week is we like to give it to members first and the higher quality
Because we love you.
You're the folks helping us get it done.
Eight years of PrisonPlanet.TV.
You can go there and download shows, interviews, special reports, my films on any subject you can basically imagine under the sun.
Well, that 30-minute keynote speech I gave at Talkers Magazine, that is done in the hopper.
It's going to be posted.
If it's not already posted at PrisonPlanet.TV,
Later this afternoon, there's all the other special reports at PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, the cost of a Starbucks and a half a month, and it helps us fund so much of what we're doing.
Plus, you can go there and burn it all to CD, burn it to disc, give it to people, the live video streams of the show, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Nemo's got a big report out where the CNBC, not CNBC, that's in the US, that's the Business Channel, MSNBC, CBC, the big Canadian broadcasting system, has admitted in government documents that the police were infiltrating and attacking crowds so they could go after the general public.
Governments do this everywhere, folks, and that's a form of false flag, just like Obama's been caught shipping guns into Mexico.
We told you this before it was in the news.
Years before they even did it!
Man, I always respected Stella Castillo, but now I really realize why they set him up and put him in prison.
Because he told us all of this, and that's in Paul Watson's big report.
And I haven't gotten to this today, I didn't get to it yesterday, and I'm really a bad person at a certain level for not... I mean, I feel guilty.
That's not a joke when I say I feel like a bad person.
Because I can never cover it all.
Because I cover subjects in depth and there's too many to cover.
This is a huge... In fact, did we print the study?
Because I want to put this on screen right as the show ends today.
If you go into Paul's article, the first link is to the study.
It's a prestigious study that the government knows that the United States has the highest vaccine level in the world and has gone from the lowest infant mortality rate in the world to the highest
In the industrialized world, and way behind a bunch of third world countries, we have more babies die than any other country in the world.
Any other industrialized nation in any third world.
And it's the vaccines.
I mean, this is a big report, and I should have been talking about this, quite frankly, because getting Florida out of the water, stopping GMO, not taking vaccines, that's something we can actually do.
That's something we can actually do.
Stopping smoking, something we can actually do.
These are things where we can really do something now.
And great job Watson yesterday writing that and going to the big prestigious medical journal report.
I don't think so.
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Okay, Bob, I got a bunch of stuff.
We're running out of time here.
I'm tempted to go into overdrive, but then that's internet only, and it makes our AM and FM affiliates angry, because they say, well, just do four hours and we'll carry it.
I understand that, but I hogishly started doing four hours for a few years, but I've got to have time and energy to do the TV show we're launching.
Well, I think the situation in Europe is the first order of the day.
And I guess it's this coming Tuesday, they're going to have an election.
Uh, referendum, uh, vote in the House and the Senate, particularly the House, on accepting the terms of the, uh, offering that's been made by the EU, the banks, and the IMF.
And I don't think they're going to accept it.
And, as you said, trouble starting in Italy, and we just saw the films over the last couple of weeks of what went on in Spain, particularly the police brutality was awful.
And so it's a cauldron throughout Europe of unemployment, low living standards, and that's going to spread throughout the whole European Union.
And it's not going to get better.
It's going to get worse, just like we're experiencing in America.
And there are some countries that have been spared Chile because they had an earthquake.
But other than that, they're doing well.
Brazil, as Max mentioned earlier,
And Canada, and even Mexico, with its problems along the border, are doing well.
But most of the world has got problems, including China.
And so it's going to be a grinding, grinding situation for years.
And how long, I don't know.
You know, I remember you and I and Paul Craig Roberts were on, and this was a couple of years ago, and you said, well, I think it probably will happen in the next six months.
And Paul Craig Roberts and I both said, no, it's going to take longer and nothing ever is done as quickly as you think, even though you clearly can see what the future is offering us.
And these people in charge are not dumb.
And they're going to try to drag this thing out as long as possible, and it's going to get lower and lower and lower in living standards along the way.
Yeah, that was in October of 2008.
It was so bad, I was like, my gosh, they're talking about martial law.
But it is true, they like to slowly bleed us, kind of like a vampire sneaking up to the bedside at night and chewing on your feet, or, you know, a mosquito giving you some deadening while it sucks the blood.
And that's the inside baseball.
They're backing off on oil prices right now because they take two steps forward, but when we resist, they step back a foot or even two.
And Bob, do you agree that really the awakening is a great bounty right now and that more and more of the globalists who had been pretty much invincible are beginning to stumble more and more?
And Jim Tucker's intel, which has always proven to be flawless,
Well, you said not too long ago we're breathing down their collar.
And we are.
I mean, the things that we've accomplished in Europe in informing people, never mind in America, has been colossal.
Especially in Greece, and Max has been over there in person,
and done a great deal to make people understand the situation and this is spreading and we're doing our job, we're doing a good job and if we do it good enough we're gonna stop these people and they are frightened and they are being pushed to do things they don't want to do quickly and already.
Well let's go to the calls but I'll just add this little caveat to all of that.
People get mad and they tend to start losing faith
When they see poll after poll where Ron Paul wins, straw polls, and then he's not included on the national news, or where he wins the official scientific poll, so they have a little fake internet poll and don't even include him, and then he loses.
That shows they're scared.
That shows they're trying to hide things.
That shows that they're getting desperate because they are engaging in such crazy things.
Let's go ahead and go to David in Ohio.
David, you're on the air.
Ditto, Alex and Bob, can you hear me okay?
Yes, sir, welcome.
Thanks for holding so long.
Yeah, Max, I wanted to ask Max a couple of questions.
I'll just reword it, but... Yeah, you get Bob now.
He knows as much or more.
Go ahead.
Well, if Max is still listening, I just wanted to say, would you please get Bill still on your show?
And Alex, I had emailed you, I had asked a request if you could get Byron Dale on your show.
You know, you're talking about things you can do now, alternative methods and systems.
Byron is currently in the statehouse in Minnesota trying to get a state bank of Minnesota there.
We have covered state banks, we have interviewed still, but state banks are a very good idea.
Any questions or other comments, David?
Well, the other question I had was,
I was just gonna tease Max.
He had made some predictions about that volcano last year and all his predictions came right.
And I just wanted to say hi to my brother Jim in Orofino, Idaho.
He's your biggest fan, Alex.
Well, thank you so much, David.
Yeah, Max said that historically, big volcanoes blowing up signify revolution, and that did start up in Europe, but I think he was being more tongue-in-cheek, but Max is a character, a real character.
You ought to know him behind the scenes, ladies and gentlemen.
He's even crazier than I am.
Sean in Australia, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Well, hello Alex.
Look, um, this was originally for Max as well because he's raising his voice.
I'm on Scott.
Well, this was originally for Max and what I wanted to say was, um,
What I see happening is that besides taking the public infrastructure and the utilities in Greece, I suspect that the real deal is that they actually want to create an ultimatum where they trade debt for some of the Greek islands to possibly create little fantasy pleasure lands for themselves.
Is this something that people have looked into?
Because of course it would be a contemporary example of what you covered back in America Destroyed by Design when you were a young, handsome go-getter, Alex.
Well, I heard something about America Destroyed by Design, but Bob, did you get that question?
Well, I did get a part about Greece, and I think from the very beginning
They wanted to rape Greece.
I think they like the territory.
And the internationalists have always been crazy about southern Greece and Crete.
And so I think that they had that in mind.
If you noticed, as Mr. Sabaras said, he's the head of the
Other Democratic Party, we'll call it.
I forget the name of it.
And he said that, why didn't you do that with Portugal and Ireland?
And I think that's a very good question.
They weren't asked to collateralize their debt with anything.
I think so.
And luxury parks on them and mining operations.
But yes, the U.S.
land that we cover in America Destroyed by Design is pledged, not just to national parks, but quote, buffer zones around them to the U.N.
I mean, that's on record, even National Geographic.
You know, I covered that a decade ago, but put it in a good light, saying how wonderful all of this is.
And I remember articles in mainstream news in the last six months where it admitted that in one case it had a multi-billionaire hedge fund guy who Greece owed a couple billion to, but through fraud.
He'd sold them fraudulent stuff and he was saying, give me this island and I'll forgive you the two billion.
So in some cases the banksters are physically, individually
This is over 600 islands around Greece.
Very beautiful.
I've never been there.
My parents love to go there.
They say it's the most beautiful place in the world.
And they're actually, that's where the Roman emperors liked to vacation.
They're openly giving individuals the infrastructure.
And that reminds me of what...
Max talked about he went in the wrong hotel when he first got to Greece last week and walked into this big international business association meeting and there was Steve Forbes who knew Max from years ago on Wall Street.
He said, Max, this is great.
We're taking everything over.
Penny's on the dollar.
It's ours.
Thinking he was part of the... And so like vultures, the banksters are all there perching
And they're even using American bailout money to then go in and buy off the government and then they get the private islands.
I mean, these guys are a bunch of whitey bulgers.
Well, that was the International Chamber of Commerce.
And if you look back in the history of the Forbes family, you'll find out that they made their money running drugs for the British from India over to China in the early 1800s.
That's right.
The Forbes are one of the big opium families on record.
That's not even a hidden thing.
Well, the public doesn't know it, and we're telling them.
Oh, come on.
Shipping heroin in is friendly.
The Forbes are great people.
Especially when the old man forms it right around.
Well, I'm not going to get into it.
I'm not either.
What he does privately.
Why do we let such scum rule us?
It's incredible.
It's incredible.
George in Connecticut.
George, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I have one statement, but I also wanted you to know that we don't have to feel so bad, Alex, because there was a big report on that vaccine situation on Gary Nolan.
He has 10 million listeners, so it's getting out there bad.
The thing I wanted to say is we should start a manifesto.
Almost any big organization starts a manifesto.
Very well said.
We are after their butts.
Anything else, sir?
No, that's it, but I just want to let you know it's getting out there and it's spreading.
I monitor all types of radio stations from left to right and I'm just amazed how all different aspects you're talking about are exploding across the spectrum.
So, it's about over.
But when everybody's talking about it, it's about over.
But also, one other thing, I took a survey for... Stay there, stay there, George.
And then, JB, Matt, we'll obviously have to do five minutes of mini-overdrives.
We'll get everybody in.
Folks can, of course, catch that at PrisonPlanet.tv.
But the final five minutes of official transmission straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We were going to have a report from Aaron Dykes and Rob Jacobson down at the Capitol, but they were sent to vote, and they have near unanimous in the House and the Senate, and the Senate just didn't show up.
Most of the Senators aren't there.
It's the middle of an emergency session.
They usually go to midnight, and so the Feds threatened a bunch of stuff last night, and so...
Uh, the traitorous Texas Senate again doesn't want to be politically on record, so they're trying to run out the clock on the special session.
But it's not going to stop.
The TSA is going to keep groping little kids and sticking their hands down.
Miss USA's pants.
I kept saying Miss America.
It's Miss USA, two different things.
And I think it's good what the tyrants are doing, because it's going to wake America up and the rest of the world.
Let's go back now to George in Connecticut.
George, you brought up the point.
I monitor talk radio.
I have the unique position to be well known for being on a lot of national TV and internet and all that, where people know me.
So they'll actually say, hey, I know what's going on.
And it's a lot of people respond.
It's kind of a radar or sonar ping.
But you're saying you hear the same thing.
And I hear it on talk radio.
People are now really starting to get that it's mega corporations that aren't free market that control both parties.
Bob Chapman, that's very exciting.
It certainly is, because this is the genesis of the whole thing.
Corporatist fascism from the very beginning.
You know, I think that Europe was a trial run for what we're seeing today.
And they control, as you said, both houses, Wall Street banking, corporate America, transnational corporations, the law enforcement agencies, and it just goes on and on.
And it's going to be their arrogance will be their undoing.
I want to go to JB and Matt, but George, you were talking about a survey when we went to break?
Yes, I got a survey in my email, I think it was Newsweek, and I did the survey and it turned out Ron Paul turned out to be 61.3% of all questioners who answered the thing picked Ron Paul.
And I found that amazing because
On all the conservative radio stations I listened to yesterday, not one of them even mentioned him as a viable candidate.
No, no, no, there's a talking point!
Monitoring three local shows this morning, well, San Antonio and Austin, I heard them all say, sorry to tell you, Ron Paul's not viable, he's struggling to even be relevant, when he's winning almost every poll!
It's a total hoax!
There's a talking point!
These people are scum!
Well, it was also on the left wing NPR.
I was listening this morning and I actually called them up and wanted to bring this point up because they didn't even mention him as a Republican viable candidate.
And they said, oh, we don't want to talk about that.
Yeah, Rockefeller Radio wouldn't let you on.
God bless you.
No, I know.
And it doesn't matter, though.
Ron Paul's hitting the barbed wire.
Don't be mad if he doesn't win.
He wins in the arena of ideas.
Let's jam in JB and Tejas.
JB, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Jones, thank you very much, sir.
Listen, I'd like to say I appreciate everything you're doing in Houston here.
55.4 MECASA Broadcasting is playing all of your documentaries and all your films and everything.
What channel is that, sir?
That's 55.4 in Houston, Texas.
MECASA Broadcasting.
They every night they play, they play the Air Rousseau interview, they played the end game, they played 9-11, they played the one about the monetary policy.
What is 55.4?
I didn't know, is that... Well, that's a digital station, a TV, you know, the new TV station.
Oh yeah, digital TV, yeah, yeah.
And they play the entire film and they let it roll.
Something's going on, because all over the country, LA, California, Massachusetts, Texas, I've had family, friends, people in Tyler, say Mainline TV, like ABC is playing this show.
So there are a lot of little silent people out there who are regionally getting the word out, Bob.
I'm telling you, the revolution's in full swing.
It certainly is, and uh, we just gotta work harder, and uh, we're gonna win!
We're gonna win big!
JB, I wanna hear a little bit more from you, we'll have time for you to finish up, and then Matt, back in one minute, internet only, prisonplanet.tv, theimpolewars.com streams, the main radio show is over, see you back Sunday, 4 to 6pm, great job with the crew, we'll be back internet only for five minutes to finish your calls with Bob.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
All right, final five minutes, then I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I'm strongly considering having the Sunday show go to three hours, because if I'm going to come in here, why am I doing two hours on Sunday?
The station's one three hours.
But I'm digressing into points that don't even matter.
I promise you, Sunday, I'm going to be covering this big mainline study about American babies dying from the vaccines.
This really scares the system.
Headline, new study finds direct link between vaccines and infant mortality.
Very important to get that article out to everybody.
JB and then Matt with Bob Chapman right now.
Is that the only point you had that we're on this digital TV station down in Houston?
Well, I can't say enough about them doing it.
It's MECASA Broadcasting.
It's a Spanish station, and they only talk English.
It's a very breakthrough station.
It's out of sight, and your films are very, very illuminating.
And extremely scary to my friends watching it.
They go, I can't believe this is coming true.
And I said, well, look at this 9-11.
Look at this endgame.
Look at this film.
They just freak out, totally freak out.
They can't believe it.
Yeah, there's another fellow who owns a business network down there that's on cable there, but also other parts of the world.
And I know they air my stuff down there, and that's how it spreads.
I don't think that's the same person, but so many great people.
But I'm telling you, I'm getting calls now and emails all over the country going, the nightly news just ended and American Idol didn't come on.
It was today's TV show off the web cut up.
Commercial three for three hours.
I mean, I mean, this stuff's pouring in.
Bob, this is how revolutions of ideas really happen.
People have got it.
They know what's happening.
The establishment's going to ignore it.
But just just that this is happening with my show.
Imagine what else is going on, Bob Chapman.
It's exhilarating.
And that's why we have to keep on plugging all of us, all the listeners,
You got to spread the word, let the world know the truth of what's going on.
That's all we need.
That's all we need.
Well, I'll tell you what's really exhilarating is I don't want to die.
I'm willing to die if they kill me or set me up, but it's not fun.
I like living.
And the fact that there's so many targets and so many leaders and so many well-spoken people now, Bob, they're not going to be able to shut us down.
Nothing's going to stop us if we realize we're going to win.
That's right.
And we want thousands more.
To be leaders.
I'm going to retire and play golf every day.
Oh, I love that, man.
I tell you.
Thank you so much, JB.
Good to hear that report.
We'll look into it.
What's cool is I keep looking into these reports and they're true.
Matt in Ohio, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex and Bob, thanks for taking my call.
One point and then your comments on that.
Personally, I think that the TSA issue is a ready-made issue to spring someone like Ron Paul into the presidency.
I think if he took a strong stance against it, you know, something like, you know, my first order of business as president would be to enforce the Fourth Amendment.
Yeah, we're probably talking to Ron Paul tomorrow, I mean next week, and during the breaks I could probably get a hold of him privately as well.
I'm going to say, look,
You're great, you're awesome, but, you know, he does 10 million interviews, but then is very calm in them.
He needs to get angry.
People love it when he does it.
He needs to attack, attack, attack.
Is that what you're saying?
He needs to call out, he does call out the tyranny, but I mean, he needs to get hardcore.
Is that what you're saying?
Well, basically, just to take a stance, I mean, if he said, you know, the first thing I would do ten minutes after getting elected, I'd walk into the Oval Office, I'd place a call over to Janet Napolitano, and I would end this tyranny in our airports, I think he'd get elected.
Because so many people are sick and tired of the TSA, and the President has full authority to stop with a single phone call.
No one else will do it.
No one else will go on record to do that.
If he did that, I think he would win.
That's my thought.
No, no, you brought up a great point.
You got the last 30 seconds.
We need to really... I mean, Ron Paul is being hardcore, but I think he needs to be even more hardcore.
What do you think, Bob?
I think you're right.
He has to get a little vicious.
I mean, we have the capability to be vicious verbally for a reason.
That's right.
We want to save the country and probably save the world in the process.
Yeah, they're always telling us, don't be extreme, don't be angry, because that's what works, folks.
OK, that's what works.
Bob, God willing, we'll see you next Friday in the third hour.
Thank you, Bob Chapman.
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