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Name: 20110623_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 23, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us today for this very important worldwide transmission.
Obviously, the hoax that the economy has gotten better is beginning to implode.
And I have a stack of mainstream media going ahead and being honest because no one's buying their propaganda anymore.
I mean, almost no one.
And they're capitulating and admitting that the economy is wrecked and basically a depression.
The mainstream media is also coming out and admitting that this is a war in Libya.
As if we need them to tell us it's a war.
Now they're saying Obama looks stupid.
They've been saying it all week, saying it's not a war.
And Hillary's asking Congress, what side are you on?
Well, maybe they're starting to discover just how much trouble the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
That's the spirit of America.
What makes America special?
Property rights, all that good stuff, separation of powers, checks and balances, a president, not an emperor, not a king.
George Washington was offered the kingship, traitorously, by Alexander Hamilton and others, and he said, no sir, get out of my face.
Well, you might as well have a king if you don't have Congress involved in things.
And so I guess Congress might want to... In fact, I got chills reading it this morning.
I didn't used to get chills.
I'm like a woman going into menopause or something.
All this news is so incredible.
I literally get these tingles constantly now because the world has gotten so crazy.
So much is happening.
So many good things are happening.
So many bad things are happening.
Last night,
Separately, I'm going to get into all that news.
Last night, I ran into some old friends.
I'll put it to you that way.
I hadn't seen them in 15 years.
One of the oldest, most prominent families in Austin.
I'll just leave it at that.
And they told me some interesting things about Rick Perry that mirrors what I was told by a Fox News insider who is known to all of you.
Obviously, I can't give the source.
Someday, I'm sure they'll be able to talk about it.
I think I've already talked a little too much about things I've been told by that person, but also by another source.
So I need to shut up at this point.
But no need to send a hit team, Perry.
I don't know any dirt about you.
It's just that, well, when you're sitting around with people, you talk about Alex Jones.
And it's the same thing you told this Fox TV person behind closed doors.
I'm scared of Alex Jones.
Why, Perry?
Well, I know why.
Because they know that the Tea Party was generated by Ron Paul supporters and myself and others.
As Time Magazine got it right, I'm the prophet of the original real Tea Party.
I think that's a good term to use.
And it's a good term for Perry since a prophet's not known in his own country.
The prophet Perry's not known in his own country because he was the campaign manager for Al Gore.
Oh, you didn't know that?
Look it up.
People are looking it up and freaking out.
They thought I was just making that up.
I get some things wrong.
In fact, at a three-hour show every day, I probably get something wrong every day, or off, or twisted around in my brain, because I don't have teleprompters, but... The point is, Perry knows that I know his real record.
And, I mean, when I premiered Endgame,
His chief of staff showed up.
Well, no, chief of media showed up to tell me Perry was a fan and only went to Bilderberg to talk to them.
And all I'm telling you is Perry is a very good chance to be the next president.
And all he's talking to people about is Alex Jones.
And this is so insane.
I mean, why?
Well, Perry's got a good sixth sense.
And he knows that, I guess for a long time somehow,
Our futures are intertwined in some way, but I've got that coming up, and Red State's attacking me for talking bad about Perry right now.
We're gonna break that down.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I get NSA slash Google Alerts, and that's really what it is, is
The public NSA system they trick you into dialing into so they can track what you're thinking about, where you're going, what you're doing.
It's only a secondary function that you get knowledge from Google.
But I do get Google alerts.
And I got home last night and saw that the Dallas blog that is associated, it appears, with a D Magazine
And it had a headline, and I was going to print it this morning when I got into the office.
It appears they've removed it now, but hopefully some of our great internet sleuths out there can find it.
I've got my team digging through it.
I forget the exact headline, but it was something like, Obama funding conspiracy theories to get Perry.
And it actually said, Alex Jones is funded by Barack Obama
With no proof, and all the commenters were like, this is a disgrace, you've disgraced this publication.
It's a pretty big publication, and I meant to cover it, and I got in, and it's gone.
And I understand why it's gone, because it's pretty libelous.
I mean, you talk about defamation.
I work for Obama?
And I am going after Rick Perry because I work for Obama at the Dallas blog.
In fact, we'll put the Dallas blog on screen for folks just so they have a chance to see what it looks like.
It's got a green and white format.
And when I was looking around for this before the show, Jaren said, well, have you seen this?
And no, I hadn't, but now I have, so I guess this has caused quite a stir.
It says, why is Drudge linking to Alex Jones' InfoWars site?
And it goes on to say I'm a charlatan, and basically that I'm bad for saying that Rick Perry went to the Bilderberg Group and that, and the Dallas blog said this, that
I'm discredited because Rick Perry's trying to pass the Sanctuary City Bill, or has said he supports it, and then in our article we point out that he met with Vicente Fox five years ago, and there's video of this, when Fox was there giving Texas an award for Sanctuary Cities, and the point is Perry was supporting it then.
He may have changed his stance.
Just like he said, you've got to take Gardasil shots, it's the law, and then later backed off of that because it wasn't a law, the governor can't order that.
Or just like he tried twice for the Napa Superhighway and now claims he's against it, even though he continued to try to veto Texas bills.
That's my point, is Perry is duplicitous.
Rick Perry is duplicitous and the Republican leadership believes he is the strongest candidate.
And actually they found it.
I thought they'd removed it because it was non-searchable and was not in my NSA Google alerts.
There it is, Dallas blog.
Print that for me before it disappears again.
Thank you.
Perry updates.
Democrats spread Texas.
Gov conspiracy theories and it actually says that President Obama has launched a $1 billion re-election campaign for the White House so he can finance creative methods to attack GOP presidential contenders.
Accordingly he's spreading rumors that
Texas Governor Rick Perry is a so-called puppet of a leftist globalist community that is intent on one world government with the United Nations taking the reins of power.
Obama is hoping these rumors can keep Tea Party members from supporting Perry if he receives the Republican nomination.
Here's an example of the Obama-instigated conspiracy theory.
So, they've just said Obama's funding this, and now they say here's an example about Governor Perry on the InfoWars.com website.
Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama to the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive, and undemocratic global elite holds the reins of power.
of true power, while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.
And they go on to say, Paul Joseph Watson is financed by Barack Obama.
And if you go down to the commenters below that, they're still there from when I read it last night, they are saying, what is your problem?
There's no link to proof Obama funds us.
You're the conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones investigated Bilderberg in 2008 when Obama and Hillary were secretly there in Virginia.
In fact, we'll put it back on screen.
I'm going to read some of those for folks.
Again, just to illustrate
The dirty tricks that are going on, because it turns out this blog is basically half pro-Rick Perry.
I mean, like half the articles on their front page, I just looked at it, is pro-Rick Perry.
So if anybody's getting financed here by a political party, we need to look at this group.
Of course, I don't have any proof of that.
It just looks like that.
But see, I said it looks like that, not that they do work for Perry.
And it goes on and says, politics is a full contact sport.
Stop playing victim and get to the polls.
Nothing new here.
Just shame, dirty politics as usual.
So these idiots are buying that I've done this.
Since the Tea Party doesn't exist, how can it have members?
And it goes on to say, this writer is a gullible dolt.
Paul Joseph Watson is the farthest thing from being a conspiracy theorist.
And working for Obama.
You're obviously not a real journalist and you just write opinion pieces, defamation piece, because they are doing, with Rick Perry, is the same thing that was done with Obama before he was elected.
If you did your own research, you would have read places by Mr. Watson, pieces by Mr. Watson.
I'm reading from across the room off a TV screen.
Watson, let me back up, I'm trying to hurry up here too much.
Oh, thank you.
They've blown it up for me now I can read it.
All you do is write opinion pieces because what they are doing with Rick Perry is the same thing that was done with Obama before he was elected.
If you did your own research, you would have read pieces by Mr. Watson about Obama as well.
Get your elementary mind out of the false left-right mindset and open it up to what's really going on.
Here's another commenter.
I'm not seeing the connection between Obama and Watson.
Again, Prison Planet writer, the article they linked to that was on Drudge.
It is not an easier connection to supposition that one or the other Republicans would want to knock Perry out of the top spot.
Continue to the next commenter.
Basically, the commenters are not buying it.
It goes on, this is the dumbest article I've ever read.
Where did Obama himself talk about so-called Bilderbergs?
This sounds like conspiracy theorist rubbish being thrown around once again.
This is unsubstantiated bleep and totally irrelevant.
So, there is that article that says we are financed by Obama.
Now see, it's already started again.
When I didn't like Bill Clinton selling out our missile secrets, and Agenda 21, and trying to push carbon taxes, and running scams with Kinley and Enron, and all the mysterious deaths, and it went on and on and on, the whole Clintonista agenda, and Mena, Arkansas, I was called by national media a super hardcore right-wing extremist.
Bush gets into office, and I go, hey, Bush is launching new wars, Patriot Act, police state, federal power grabs.
I don't like what he's doing.
I was called a communist.
And they claim, you know, we work with Van Jones and all this type garbage.
Just totally made up, just like now we work with Obama, they're saying.
And then Obama comes into office, and the left comes out and says, I'm a hardcore right winger.
I'll turn this phone off.
I'm so busy before I get on air.
I'm just like a madhouse up here.
There we go.
But continuing here.
So, when a Republican puppet's in power, I'm a communist, according to the media, both sides.
When a Democrat is in office, I'm a super ultra hardcore, you know, total right-winger.
These are all labels just to keep you in this limited debate spectrum.
And I got all this world news, economic news, big guests coming up I want to tell you about, but out of the gates I'm talking about this, not because it's about Alex Jones, but because it's a great way to illustrate what's going on in
The controlled, left-right, mainline Republican, mainline Democratic system in this country.
Because now that Perry's getting ready to position himself to be the frontrunner, and you watch, he's going to announce in the next few weeks, soon as the session's over, he will immediately blast past Mitt Romney, and he will, I mean, this is what the Republican strategists believe.
I have sat there, okay, at the barstool with
And people say, well, tell us who.
Well, that's because people aren't journalists.
And I don't even claim to be the ultimate journalist.
I wear many hats.
But the reason I get so much information is because I don't give up my sources.
Just like the sources last night who were listening, probably, right now, because they seem nervous after they told me this stuff.
Don't worry, I'm not going to say who you are.
The problem is I shouldn't even give any hints, because then other people in the establishment hear this and know who they told, and then they go figure it out, and there's problems.
Like when I said a pastor in Ohio sent us Homeland Security documents five years ago, six years ago now, of the clergy response teams.
I shouldn't have even said the state they were from.
They figured it out and went after them.
Um, Fox News figured out who one of my sources was and got on them, and now the person doesn't have me on the show, they won't come on this show, and I can't get them on the phone.
Uh, side issue.
So, the truth is, I'm not good at keeping sources, because, because, because I want to tell you, but then I can't even give any hints.
The point is, I have it from the security detail.
And that's a big detail.
They won't find out who.
From two different sources.
And then another source separately that knows the security detail.
Directly from the security detail on two points.
A separate connection through a news person here in town that knows the security detail that I met with a few days ago.
Through a Republican strategist from... I'm going to shut up right there.
Okay, it's been the plan all along.
Does it mean 100% he's going to win?
But the system believes he's the winner and the money is going to... You saw Limbaugh come out and start this drafting campaign a month ago.
I told you years ago it's Rick Perry.
I told you three and a half years ago in Endgame.
I told you this last year, and when he comes out and says, I've got a pledge, I'm not going to run in 2012, the point is, he's not rethinking to break the pledge, which is bad enough.
The point is, he was always going to break the pledge.
It was part of a manipulation.
He's a master politician!
But now Red State, big mainline Republican side is attacking Drudge for running our Bilderberg article about Perry.
And I told you when I saw that on Monday, it was going to cause a frackish.
That Drudge was, you know, it's one thing to talk about Democrats and their connection to globalists.
Drudge is being a real journalist and letting you know about Perry.
And the Republicans are going absolutely ape right now.
And we're going to tell you about that when we get back.
And why Perry's so scared of me.
Which actually I don't like.
That's kind of creepy.
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All right, I don't want to spend all day on this, because I want to come back and get into the unbelievable developments in the Middle East and oil prices and the economy.
I want to get into this latest video that came out yesterday.
I wasn't going to cover it because there's so many instances of it.
But since I heard national so-called conservative hosts defending it, and since it's a big national debate, this particular video, the woman in Rochester being arrested for videotaping police from her own yard.
I thought I would just go to YouTube and type in camera person arrested and there's literally thousands of videos, thousands of results of reporters being arrested for videotaping an overturned 18-wheeler from, you know, 100 yards away.
Their job of
Citizens being attacked of just crazy behavior.
And look, I'm not even trying to demonize the police.
That plays into what the system wants, to divide the police from the people and vice versa.
I mean, it's actually painful to watch all of this and to know what's happened to my reporters.
Rob Dew was arrested for videotaping police from a hilltop at the G20, peacefully.
They just went ahead and arrested him.
I've had security guards with guns in Kansas City come up to Aaron.
The point is, I could play hundreds of these.
Next hour, I'm going to do a special report on this and go over some of it.
But getting back to the Republican establishment, I have hit a real soft spot with the system going after Rick Perry.
And I'm not going after Rick Perry.
I have to tell the truth, though, about him.
I mean, at the end of the day, yes, I'll be honest, he does have a pro-gun record and he is anti-abortion.
And so, at a certain level, I like him more than Obama.
But he was Al Gore's campaign chairman in Texas.
That's on record.
Don't believe me?
Just search it.
It's Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Texas Monthly.
I'm not lying.
Just trust but verify.
Go look it up.
He flip-flops constantly.
He tried to make people take a shot that killed little girls.
That's CBS News.
I don't just say these things.
Go look it up.
We had a special report on it that shows all the articles.
He went to Bilderberg.
He's a globalist and the weird thing is I kept wondering why that one day he came on the radio.
He found out that I was on the air from a remote with a reporter at the Capitol.
He came over to a reporter I know and grabbed the phone away and came on my show.
And then I find out from all these media sources, national, local, and then very well-to-do Austin icon type folks.
That when Perry comes around, he talks about how I'm basically, he thinks I'm a nice guy, talented, but dangerous and dangerous for him politically.
I mean, here's the thing.
I hadn't told these people.
It doesn't matter.
I'm not even going to get into it.
It's creepy, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm a talk show host from Austin, Texas.
And I've got the governor of Texas, who I would love to believe in and love to support over Obama, who I know is duplicitous with Karl Rove and Al Gore in his background.
I mean, I'm sorry, I just don't trust him.
And it's the same thing with Democrats.
I wanted to believe in Obama, saying he'd end the war and saying he was going to end torture and not hire lobbyists.
But I said, folks, I know who his advisors are and who's financing him.
He's going to lie about all that.
And he has.
So, I want things to get better.
I want to believe in Obama or Rick Perry or George Bush, but I'm sorry, I cannot be a chump.
And to hear the nice things, well, if you ever see Alex, these are people I haven't seen in 15 years, I haven't run into them.
If you ever see Alex, you know, it was just...
And then him sending his head press person to Endgame to sit in the front row and come up and say, the governor likes you.
The governor's really a good guy.
The governor, you know, wants to be friends.
And I was not that prominent in 2007.
I mean, I was big.
Perry is really, it creeps me out that Perry's smart enough to keep his eye on me.
And to tell a Fox News high-level person, I'll leave it at that, to tell a prominent family in Austin, to tell other media people, I mean, Rick Perry, and now he's got his attack dogs undoubtedly coming after me.
And attacking Drudge, because they know that's one of the big conduits that our information's getting out on.
But Drudge doesn't like what the TSA is doing.
Drudge knows the Bilderberg group's real.
Drudge is popular because he will go places that the dinosaur-dying media won't.
But here's Red State today, the big Republican site.
Why is Drudge linking to Alex Jones' Infowars site?
We're coming back to go over this.
It's basically a repeat of what the Dallas blog is saying.
I mean, they don't go as far as to say unequivocally, I work for Barack Obama.
Yeah, the Obama deception.
I work for Barack Obama.
I'm sorry.
It's just really funny.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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By the way, it was back in 2007, and once a week, Jim Dillon, a freelance reporter, would call into the show, and that's when Perry was walking by, and, hey, Alex Jones is on the phone, and Perry grabs the phone and goes, hey, fat hog, what are you doing, Jonesy?
And it was Rick Perry, and Rick Perry relayed that story to these people as well.
But we can't find that.
We haven't had the funds over the years to really flag interesting radio and keep it.
And then it goes out on the web, and you should be able to find it.
I thought Rick Perry on Alex Jones Show can't find it that way.
Rick Perry, Jim Dillon, Alex Jones talks to Rick Perry.
Rick Perry calls Alex Jones a fat, sweaty hog.
Because I was sweating right over the fence in like a hundred degree temperature when Vicente Fox was giving Texas the award for Sanctuary Cities.
It was in the news.
He gave Texas, Wells Fargo, and the Austin Police Department awards.
The president of Mexico and his motorcade came by and I bullhorned him and Fox wasn't used to the videos on the web.
You can just search Alex Jones confronts Vicente Fox, something like that will pull it up.
It's actually in the mini-documentary that's an extra on Endgame called Battle for the Republic.
That footage is actually in there.
Fox drives by, rills his window down real hatefully.
I go right around to the back of the governor's mansion.
The state police did their job to defend the First Amendment, as they did when we stormed the Capitol peacefully with the Info War a month ago.
They didn't arrest me.
Uh, and it looked like some of the governor's main detail came over and tried to give the state police orders, even though it's the state police that protect him and other unit, they wouldn't do it.
Wouldn't protect them from the bull hornings.
They had to stop the press conference.
And they have the state guard out there in full colors and dress.
But I'm digressing, and there's all this other news.
I want to put it out to the InfoWars crowd.
If we can get it on the Prison Planet forum, or if you can email it to Aaron at InfoWars.com 2 As.
More show tips at Infowars.com.
Can somebody find the audio of Rick Perry on my show?
I think that would be some really interesting information.
But getting back to the gatekeeping or the attempted gatekeeping that's going on with the mighty Drudge Report, DrudgeReport.com.
Red State, also substantive in its own right, says, why is Drudge linking the Alex Jones InfoWars site?
Now remember, the other neocon publication, Dallas Blog, that masquerades as a news operation, says that I am funded by Obama.
No proof, no nothing.
Total Cookdom just showed you that earlier.
Might as well be funded by Santa Claus, for that matter.
And it continues.
As I normally do on a daily basis, I visit the Drudge Report.
On the left-hand column, there are three links regarding Texas Governor Rick Perry.
This is back from a few days ago, on Monday.
We just found it today.
And it goes, the first link is the National Journal, Perry road test stump speech.
The second link is MSNBC, or NBC, Perry stand up and stop apologizing.
Third link, Infowars.com, Bilderberg approved Perry set to become GOP frontrunner.
And he linked to our well-researched article.
And what the Dallas blog does is what D Magazine did.
And basically they say, this is curious, Jones claims in this article by Paul Watson that Perry met with Vicente Fox to promote Sanctuary Cities.
Well, that was the main reason for the visit, and Perry was going along with it then.
Things have changed, and Perry's gone from being a mainline rhino publicly to claiming he's this lesser seed from the union.
You know, shooting his guns up in the air like Yosemite Sam and claiming he's killing coyotes and posing with guns constantly.
And I've got to say, I like that.
But is it real?
Well, fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me a hundred times, you know, I've got a lobotomy here.
Well, I don't have a lobotomy.
And so that's why I've been talking about Rick Perry, because it disgusts me to have him, you know, months ago, I pledged to not run for President in 2012.
Perry, rethinking pledge.
Oh, he's the reluctant guy, and oh, they're drafting him.
When I have from directly inside his operation for years, and currently, that it's all a ruse.
He's not rethinking the pledge.
He was never going to follow the pledge.
It was a fraud.
And now we have headlines, his wife's telling him to run.
I mean, they're just building up the anticipation.
You know, they're, oh my gosh.
I mean, you can see it all there, just on the surface.
And the media sees it, testing his stump speeches, putting out the fed up book.
But then there's the creepiness.
of learning from a Fox News individual, from other folks, consultants, and then people that know Perry and are friends with him, that when he sits down with him, he wants to talk about Alex Jones.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
I mean, I'm not that important.
But I guess Perry must listen and watch the show.
I mean, well, he's been on the show.
You know, to call me a fat hog, and he knew it was live radio, so he... Now, he told other people how much he likes me.
But he, of course, knows that they like the show, so he's going to say that.
It's all part of the chameleon political shift, shapeshifter that is Rick Perry.
But it goes on.
This is apparently not the first time Drudge has linked to the charlatan.
No proof, they just used the word charlatan, Alex Jones.
But this piece is absolutely ridiculous.
Drudge loses credibility by linking to such garbage, they said another word, on his site.
First there was the tale, the title.
Rick Perry, if he gets in, will be formidable.
But does anyone think, really think, he becomes the automatic frontrunner?
Funny, after my article Monday said that, there were a CNBC article, a bunch of others in polls, already showing
Perry, a frontrunner, not even announced.
In fact, search that.
I think that's the exact headline.
Perry becoming a frontrunner.
Perry already a frontrunner.
That should, uh... Oh, I'm insane!
I'm discredited!
Drudge is discredited!
I'm saying Perry's a frontrunner without announcing, and then all these other newspapers agree with me, and political analysts.
I mean, come on!
You think Russ Limbaugh, the big insider, is endorsing him, if the word is?
It's just like Obama.
Everybody knew that he was being vetted five, six years ago it was in the news, that, hey, watch this guy.
He's got the inside track.
Oh yeah, Drudge is real discredited.
Oh, and Drudge is going to be real discredited when Perry announces, just like we said he would, and when he becomes the frontrunner, and when he gets the nomination.
Oh yeah!
There's a reason people visit InfoWars.com.
There's a reason this radio show reaches tens of millions of people a week now.
There's a reason we're number one on the web.
And now, soon at this rate, we'll be at 150 stations.
We're now over 120!
That's big for a hardcore show like this, and a lot of them are big stations!
50,000 waters, 10,000 waters, the hot 100,000 watt FM's.
We're coming on strong here, and the system knows it, and I'm risking my name, everything.
I think they're going to just continue to try to assassinate my credibility, but when they figure out that's not going to work, what do they do next?
I mean, every day I come on air and get more hardcore, not less.
Every day I refuse to sell out when the offers are constantly coming in in slick ways is days I get closer to the graveyard.
And I pray for a hedge of protection, but I can feel the creepiness.
And so do I subconsciously.
I had an urge today after last night to come in here and say nice things about Rick Perry and to be a wimp.
But I'm not going to do it.
And I don't think the Drudge Report's going to do it.
I mean, he's had positive, negative, he's got interesting news about Perry up on his side.
Because he's got good political instincts, that's why he's number one.
Not just America's news editor, but the world's news editor.
And that's not kissing up, it's no brag, it's just fact.
And Drudge deserves credit.
I mean, he's the guy that really drove TSA into the big issue it is now.
He's the guy that drives so much, because
And the word is, Drudge doesn't really talk to many people anymore.
He gets more and more private.
And that's because Drudge is getting deeper down the rabbit hole of reality.
But I don't want to speak for Drudge.
I mean, what do I know?
Not like I know Drudge.
I just think he's got a great website.
But continuing here.
Sorry, hold on.
Okay, continuing here.
Why is Drudge linking to Alex Jones' InfoWars site?
And then it goes on.
This is apparently not the first time, no hundreds of times, that Drudge is linked to the charlatan Alex Jones.
But this piece is absolutely ridiculous.
Drudge loses credibility by linking to such bleeper on his site.
First there's the title and then it goes on to say I'm crazy because we're saying he's going to be the frontrunner.
And by the way, did we find the headlines about Perry already a frontrunner?
I saw that.
I saw that on like Tuesday or Wednesday.
We'll dig that up.
And then it just continues to say we're nuts talking about the Bilderberg Group and we're nuts saying he was a protege of Karl Rove and is Bush 2.0 and isn't a real tea partier.
But I mean, all of this is credible, what we said.
But most of the commenters are not buying it, so that's the good news, and I'm done talking about that.
But can somebody help us with our combined brainpower and searching power to find that?
I mean, there it is.
Rick Perry is hot-button topic at Republican conference.
Rick Perry would be front-runner for presidential nomination.
London Guardian.
The biggest paper in England and in Europe.
Because English is this language they use in Europe to communicate with each other.
You know, the Danes and the Germans and the French and everybody else.
You can find a whole bunch more, too.
Oh, I'm crazy!
My writer, Paul Watson, writing that on Monday and Drudge linking to it.
We're not saying he's the frontrunner.
Well, the polls are out, and they show he's number two or number one, depending if you've got Mitt Romney in some polls number one, Ron Paul number one in some, and others, Rick Perry.
So those three are kind of the top candidates, obviously.
I'm a Ron Paul guy.
But I'm not going to attack Perry just because I want Ron Paul to win.
I don't just politically exaggerate or make stuff up because I want my guy to win.
I look at the facts and I come to my own judgment.
We all look through rose-colored glasses, doesn't mean I'm perfect.
The hardest thing about not selling out is not even the fear of what they'll do to me if I don't sell out as I get bigger and bigger by the minute.
It is that they are like vampires smiling at me to join them.
I mean, I've been up to some high mountains, ladies and gentlemen.
I have been offered some things many times.
I just could never imagine I'd be in this position.
And it's the opposite of a power trip.
It is creepy.
And I have dreams where I'm imagining that I'm an auto mechanic, or work at a golf course, or own an arborist business.
I have these constant recurring, not really recurring because they're all different, but they're similar, where I'm, oh, I work at a boat dock, or I'm a forestry guy, or I'm a cop.
And I have dreams where I'm dreaming that I'm this big international conspiracy theorist, as they call me, and in the dream I wake up and I'm not.
And I wake up, I'm happy in the dream.
I have dreams that the New World Order isn't real.
I want to believe Arabs from caves did 9-11.
I want to like Rick Perry.
But that's not reality.
I mean, I have dreams!
The only place I have delusions in my life now is dreaming.
My brain lusts after selling out.
My flesh wants to waddle into the globalist soiree.
I'm not going to do it.
My destiny is set.
For better or worse, forget the maneuvers, go straight at them.
Oh, man.
I don't even know what to say at this point.
Oh, let's look at the Drudge Report today.
Let's go to Drudge.
Let's see what other discrediting things Drudge is supposedly doing, according to Red State.
Over on the right-hand side, at the top, he's linked to InfoWars again.
Oh, and let's blow up that area of the Drudge Report, DrudgeReport.com today.
Let's blow that up.
And it says, TSA changes pat-down procedures for young kids.
And you click on that, it goes to a mainstream news article.
It goes to NBC, TSA changes pat-down procedures for young kids.
Now, that came out today.
Now, let's back out of that article, and let's go under it, and it says, flashback.
TSA lies about policy change on child pat-downs, and it's from today.
And the article then links to our flashback, that's that first link right there, changing its policy, where they said this last year, and then they said it again, what, in, was it April?
And the point is, is that they lied last year and again this year, and said that they weren't going to do this anymore.
You remember hearing it.
Don't worry, under 12, no more pat-downs.
Don't worry, federal and state courthouses, under 18, no more pat-downs.
But they're not stopping.
That's a military psychological warfare tactic.
Used by militaries the world over for thousands of years to say, this is not an assault.
And to tell you that they're not ramming the Branstavidian church with tanks and shooting people while they are.
Come out with your hands up and you'll be treated fairly.
You come out, Delta Force pops a cap in you.
On FLIR footage.
From the FBI plane above.
So it's admitted that TSA last year, you can go read the dates in the article, and earlier this year, said that they are no longer patting children down.
Funny, I flew to New York, flew back, and all I saw was children.
In fact, Rob Dew, he even shot footage of what looked like about a 12-year-old being patted down.
And then we were late for our plane, barely got on it, because we were trying to stop when they were frisking what looked like a three-year-old girl, but we had to go.
I think Dew got some of that, but it's all shaky because he's trying to, you know, not have the TSA jump on us while we're filming.
But the point is, they told us last year, they said, we're not touching the genitals through the pants.
We're not sticking our hands in the pants.
And all these videos got released of them doing it, and they said, well, yes, we do go in the pants.
So see, there's this policy of lying, and so is the Drudge Report discredited, or is the TSA discredited?
Are we discredited, Infowars.com?
Or is DrudgeReport.com discredited?
Or is the TSA discredited?
Because they're the ones on record, and you can pull up the articles and the dates, last year and this year saying, we are going to stop patting children down.
And they keep doing this trick.
Don't worry, just keep flying.
We're not going to pat you down.
And anybody who's gone to an airport, if you sit there in the checkpoint lane or you go through it and turn around and watch, you will see children being patted down.
In fact, it's their favorite group.
I've seen it in Austin.
I've seen it in Newark.
I've seen it in San Jose.
That's all I seem to see.
But see, for Red State and others, they can just say, we're making that up.
You know what?
The TSA hadn't done anything wrong.
And you know what?
Okay, I won't be a conspiracy theorist in question and have a memory.
Okay, the TSA never said that they would quit patting children down last year and earlier this year.
Now, see, I'm now a mainstream media person.
I forget all their previous lies.
No, no, see, we're telling the truth.
And that's why Drudge Report's growing, we're growing, and you are shrinking.
Because mainstream poor media is no longer mainstream.
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But what do we do when tyrants wrap themselves in the flag?
They point!
Alright, let me get back into the news here and then coming up in the next hour it's going to be jam-packed with all the other news and a little special report we're doing on police all over the country being ordered to go after camera people.
And again, it's who's in control of the police, it's the policies that are the problem, not the individual police.
I gotta be honest, in my experiences nationwide with police, Los Angeles, Dallas, even Chicago, they've been very nice and professional.
In New York, it's been horrible.
Pittsburgh, it's been horrible.
Kansas City's federal security guards, horrible.
But I'm going to get into that report.
The point is, by and large, they're good men and women.
But what they're being told to do is why, in every poll, the public is starting to hate the police.
Now, I'm going to cover global economic news, military news, constitutional crisis news next hour.
But before we go, they're finishing up with the TSA and how it ties into the Drudge Report, leading the fight.
We've got Red State, the big Republican mainline neocon thing, saying, Drudge is discredited linking to our articles because we say that Perry is a presidential frontrunner without announcing.
We said that Monday.
And we said it a year ago, and we said it last week.
And then now we have CNBC, London Guardian, and others that have done focus groups, polls, and have found that.
After I told you that!
I mean, I can look at Perry and how he operates and what he says and does just like I'm a good bass fisherman.
I mean, I know what lures are going to work, folks.
I can look at that lure and I can tell you that's the best one they got, okay?
But I'm discredited because I can think for myself.
And I'm also discredited because my writers wrote an article today with a flashback to our articles from April 13th.
My memory was right without even reading the article.
It was in April and November.
In November last year, now what, eight months ago, in November and then again in April, the TSA came out.
We have links to the announcements, their press releases, and said no more enhanced pat-downs for kids under 12.
See, my memory served.
12 years old, second paragraph, right there.
From the TSA spokesperson's press release.
There it is.
Oh, by the way, that's not InfoWars or Prison Planet.
That is saying that, that's USA Today.
And in fact, Red State and others will say that's not USA Today.
So please shrink it down so they can see the headline.
No, according to them, we're lying.
You know, according to them, we're evil, ladies and gentlemen.
According to them, you know, we make stuff up.
We're kooks.
We don't have credibility.
Of course, we do.
We're right a lot more often than the mainstream lying media because we try to tell the truth.
We try to really analyze things.
Is there a way, because I think it's the printer-friendly you're showing, to show the whole USA Today to PrisonPlanet.tv viewers?
You know, with the USA Today top banner up there.
I want to just minimize that article so they can see.
There it is.
USA Today travel section.
And, uh, who's it reported by?
I'm going to get the reporter, because I'll say it.
Call the reporter.
TSA, put the press release out.
This is real.
We're not making this up.
Ben Mutzaban.
Am I pronouncing that right?
I can't hardly pronounce my own name, sorry.
And it says, children going through airport security will no longer be subject to the aggressive pat-downs that have riled some passengers and will
Instead, face less intrusive hand searches from screeners.
The Transportation Security Administration said Tuesday.
And then we have the link in our article to the press release.
So there's drugs discredited again, linking to our article showing that they've lied when they come out and now say again they're not going to do invasive pat-downs of children.
We're discredited, oh boy!
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There's a key video up at Infowars.com titled, World War III Defined.
Dealing with the expanding wars in the Middle East.
There's a Drugs Report-linked article, if you just joined us, where the TSA says pat-down procedures for young kids will be ended as of this week.
The problem is, and we just showed it to folks in the last segment, if you just joined us again, USA Today article from November of 2010
Uh, with the headline, TSA chief, new pat-downs necessary.
Actually, this printed the wrong one.
Will you put it back on screen for me?
Have you still got it?
I can't keep track of all this.
There it is.
No enhanced pat-downs for kids, TSA.
And the date on that, uh, was...
So, there you go.
And then they did it again in April, and we have links to those articles in our article that's linked on Drudge.
So, the issue here is they lie, and they premeditatedly lie, and why, if you say, no, you're not going to grow up my child,
Because this has happened to state representatives that we've interviewed, and Congress people, and it's happened to their children, since the ban went into effect.
They're not stopping.
I've witnessed it.
Why then are they lying?
Why are they telling you they've stopped it, if they haven't stopped it?
And I tend to just get stuck on these points.
I was talking to Colonel Craig Roberts, a great patriot.
He's going to be joining us.
I need to remind, well not remind, I haven't told him yet.
Roberts keeps making pocket calls to my phone because Alex Jones is the first number on his phone.
I said, I said, well, I said, hey buddy, you just pocket called me again.
I called him up yesterday and I said, you're coming on the show.
And he said, all right.
He doesn't do radio anymore, really.
But he's taking care of his,
He said his wife's dad, World War II vet, 87 years old, so he's at their house right now, but he's going to be back next week.
We're going to get him on and talk about a host of issues, but I'll also get him to talk about a subject we don't usually get into a lot.
We don't get into the paranormal and things, and neither does Colonel Craig Roberts, but he did die, I think it was for 10 minutes, on the operating table for cancer more than a decade ago now.
I've had quite an experience.
You know, the whole Angel, the whole Nine Yards, and I've known other people.
I've had family that have had similar experiences, and other cultures have it.
People that aren't Christians have the same experiences.
And they've dug up Chinese text and others from over a thousand years ago before they ever had contact with Westerners, where their writers wrote about people dying and having that same experience.
I just find it very interesting.
It was a movie directed, came out last year, I forget the name of it, Matt Damon's in it, about dying and then the people that have died then having this more powerful spiritual connection to things.
But I'm now digressing off into other areas.
That's the kind of stuff I don't get into, because you can't prove it one way or the other.
But it's just interesting.
And every time I get Robert's songs, it's hard to get him on the radio.
He's retired, and he doesn't want to mess.
He was a colonel in the Army, SWAT team commander, police helicopter pilot.
I mean, a real deal.
He's a great guy.
Marine Corps sniper, highly decorated Vietnam.
I could go on and on.
Best-selling author.
And it's always great to get Roberts on, but I had to really twist his arm.
So we're supposed to call him Monday at 9 30 a.m.
To decide what day can come on Monday or Tuesday.
He said he'd do it, but I had to really
Big, so I'll try to get him on and actually shut up and let him talk, too.
I get excited, though, with guests like that.
They never shut up.
You know that!
That's why I'm a talk show host.
All right.
Shifting gears completely into all the other news.
I promise, on the other side of this break, this is the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com, and you have found it, the front lines in the info war.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're eight minutes and thirty seconds into hour number two.
Coming up is a guy who blew me away by how funny he was.
I've seen him on national TV, heard his radio show before, but he requested at the Talkers 2011 new media conference where I was the keynote speaker, which is pretty illustrious.
There's been people like Rush Limbaugh as the keynote speaker in the past, and Lionel introduced me.
And I got to know him and talk to him off and on for a few hours.
And he's just hilarious.
And he listens to the show.
He's a comedian, lawyer.
And I haven't done any pre-interview with him.
I haven't talked to him since I saw him in New York.
Jaron set him up, but we're gonna talk about a host of issues, but maybe I can get him to tell some jokes about the show.
In fact, I meant to tell him, or to tell Jaron, to roast us.
He might try to call Lionel now and give him a 50-minute heads up, and well, he's so off the cuff.
He'll be able to roast us on air, but he sat there with a crowd around us for about 20 minutes after my speech out in the foyer with
Stephen Baldwin and people out there, and former Congressman J.D.
Hayworth, they were all watching this go on.
And I should have gotten it on video, but I didn't think to tell Dew to do it.
For like 20 minutes, he just told joke after joke about my radio show.
It was so hilarious, because he's a listener, a regular listener, and he knew all the stories.
And it's true!
It was funny!
So, I should have given him that heads up.
Casey had notes or something from it because it was so well delivered and was like incredible stand-up right there just with a group of people around us standing there that I didn't ask him but I thought this had to be written maybe this is something he wrote that he didn't then use in the introduction.
He did have some you know a written speech to introduce me but
Maybe some lighter fare next hour.
I mean, I don't know what Lionel wants to cover.
We fly by the seat of our pants here, so I didn't instruct my crew to tell him anything, just get him on.
So, that's coming up in the third hour today.
Oh, man.
Well, I'm not going to even try to tell his jokes, because I'm not intentionally funny.
I think people have noticed that sometimes I am funny, but it's an accident.
It's not intentional.
So I'm not going to butcher his material before he joins us.
Plus, I think he thinks he's coming on about his idea when he talked to Jaron today was to talk about how police are arresting people for videotaping him and how, as a lawyer, he can document how absurd that is.
But we'll talk to the syndicated radio host, TV host, coming up next hour.
Okay, let me get into all the really serious news now that I've dispensed with some of the pleasantries there.
Let me just read you a smattering of some of what we're going to get into this hour.
And you're like, here he goes again.
He'll hit the first article and then talk about that for an hour.
We'll never hear the rest of it.
But here it is.
A sinister cyber surveillance scheme exposed.
And I'm not saying I did the research for this, or Paul Watson did, but we, going back four years ago, exposed the cybersecurity surveillance system because the government put press releases out via MIT and others.
And it's really exciting.
To now know that people are seeing what's hidden in plain view.
And I happen to be listening to Catherine Albrecht.
I was driving about two weeks ago and I missed most of it.
And she went to a big top, what was it, New York Bar Association speech.
And the keynote speaker there, I believe she said was the head of the, or one of the heads of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, about Big Brother, and she was pointing out that Alex Jones at Infowars.com, she said the speaker said this, from her circles, was leading the way in exposing this architecture.
Well, as usual, I'm not smart, okay?
I just have a good memory.
It's the same thing with the TSA.
When we see them sticking their hands down people's pants, and then they say they're not doing it in November, it was only a matter of time until video came out showing they were liars.
Or when they say in November, and they then say in April, we are going to stop, as of now, groping children under 12, and they never stop, and they come out and say it again today, I'm not smart to be able to go, hey, they already said this two other times and never did it.
I'm not smart when the Pentagon puts out reports to themselves, but they're not classified.
It's more, you know, inside baseball reports, but it's not secret.
You just got to want to go read it, where they describe global revolution, implosion, world government, World Bank, microchips in the population.
We link to those reports on the site.
Where they talk about cyber security and the four branches of the military running all the internet and having kill switches and everything and how the government's going to send you messages over your cell phone and break in on your TV.
So I tell you, four or five years ago, that's going to happen.
And then they come out last month and announce it.
They told us they would do it.
I mean, that's what's so frustrating about this, is that I'm actually not flattered that the keynote speaker at the New York Bar Association was saying how great I am and how smart I am.
Look, I'm not bashing you for the nice words, but I'm not that smart.
I mean, I've got good old Texas common sense, I guess you could say.
I mean, I'm not here to be conned or ripped off or manipulated.
I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday.
If you walk up to me and punch me in the nose, I'm gonna punch you back.
If you try to take my property through taxes, I'm gonna get angry about it.
I mean, it's really simple.
All right, all right, I said I'd get to the nose.
Big London Guardian report.
And it just goes on to say, hacked emails from security coordinator from the federal level to when the British and US government reveal a disturbing public-private partnership to spy on users.
That's because the NSA technology has been given to all these major technology companies.
Google was created by the government.
That's mainline information.
People are like, this nut thinks Google's the government.
It was in Q-Tel money and other government funding directly that started the stinking thing.
Google is an NSA keyword search system!
Sorry, excuse me.
And the article just goes through all of it in detail, and it's as if we wrote the article.
So, look, I love this.
I don't get upset when Glenn Beck starts covering Agenda 21.
I'm not some competitive talk show host that's like, look at Glenn Beck, he's now exposing the UN regulation takeover using zoning and carbon taxes to create a global standardized system.
Why, I covered Agenda 21 16 years ago!
No, I'm like, great, good.
See, we don't territorialize information.
What I don't like is Glenn Beck telling you that George Soros runs it all, when he's certainly a kingpin, but he doesn't run it all.
Alright, side issue, I'm now digressing.
What I don't like is Glenn Beck... I saw a video clip when I was researching last night for this piece, I'm gonna get to later in the hour, of all these video clips of police arresting people for videotaping, including mainstream camera people.
Who are very polite and nice and cops run up and say get out of here and reporters don't move fast enough so they arrest them and shove them and abuse them and it's like mainline truck with guys with cameras from the local news station going, what are you doing man?
What's going on?
We're just trying to film the overturned 18-wheeler 100 yards away.
This is our job.
Okay, we'll go.
Nope, you didn't move fast enough.
It's crazy!
And it's happening more and more.
Where is this attitude coming from?
Federal security guards off the Federal Reserve, half a mile away, come over and say, leave, put their hands on their guns.
We're like, but we're getting a long shot for a film we're making.
We said go.
Putting their hands on their guns.
You understand you will be arrested.
Well, you don't have the authority to do that, but okay, we'll go, because we don't want to have a confrontation with you, but you should act like adults.
So, that's coming up.
At the bottom of the hour.
And quite frankly, I don't even want to do this.
A, I can't do justice to it.
B, if I don't explain this exactly right, if I don't hit this with a hole-in-one, when I talk about the cops, if I do it lazily, it will help the New World Order, and I'll explain that as I get into the piece coming up in about 15 minutes.
Because as I learn more about how this stuff operates, I see where I play into things.
I don't want to be an enemy of police that you cannot deny in third-world countries, in Nazi Germany, in China.
Everybody knows that, oh, other countries' police are bad and corrupt.
Ours are good.
Well, our police have been some of the best in the world because they were in a country that had a Bill of Rights Constitution and a culture of freedom, and they came from families
Where they would be disowned and shunned if they did the types of things police routinely do today.
So it's a process of America losing its soul.
And it's not just the police that are losing their soul.
America is losing its soul, so our police are going to lose their soul.
And the system is protecting and trying to turn police into mad control freak enforcers and not defenders of the Republic.
So that's coming up.
Now, there's that article, breaking all that down, from The Guardian, how it's just a total grid of total control, no Fourth Amendment, no nothing.
And how it's meant to shut the web off whenever they want, filter out what you can see.
Oh, by the way, speaking of that, we had a victory.
I put YouTube on notice, privately and publicly, that I was considering litigation
Against Google.
Not to win any money, but to expose what they're doing for violating their terms of service agreement with us, and for saying we violated their terms of service when we didn't, and basically that's unfair trade practices and false advertising.
And they sent us a letter here, and they removed the racism claim strike that had taken our honors away, that took us off many of the main pages.
So we've got that letter from Dave who runs the YouTube channel, our official channel, the hundred and now right at 18 million views, 118 million views on that one channel, that they have removed the claim that we're racist for talking bad about Obama and saying hang up posters of Obama as the Joker.
Oh and also Dutch populist Wilders acquitted of hate speech as well.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, number one you know Obama gave a speech last night saying that now over time they're going to draw down the amount of troops in Afghanistan and of course just send them to other countries that are in the process of being invaded.
Well, this is the same type of pledge we got when he was a candidate.
And then when he first got into office, he said, we'll be out of Afghanistan within one year.
We'll be totally out of Iraq within a year.
And then it was 18 months.
Then it was two years.
And all they did was take the main combat brigades and stop calling them combat brigades and call them combat support brigades.
And then they augmented that with more mercenaries.
And basically, it's a little slicker form of Bush on the aircraft carrier with the codpiece saying, mission accomplished.
And landing and I was watching Fox News and they said, look at him, he really was a fighter pilot.
He's such a hero.
Look at, he's incredible.
You got this giant cod piece and he's walking around like the guy going to the metal detector in Wayne's World.
I mean, it was ridiculous.
And obviously that was just, what, six weeks into it.
The war has now gone on for eight plus years.
And a lot of the media is pointing this out.
Afghan army success cannot mask fears of what happens when the U.S.
Despite the progress made by home-trained soldiers, there are worries the Taliban will quickly fill the void.
The Taliban originally worked with the United States in the 80s.
Most of the, quote, Taliban were not the internal CIA type Taliban.
In fact, the head of the Taliban said, we don't believe we did this and show proof and if we can find Bin Laden, we'll help arrest him.
And they said, no, you did it, we're invading.
And then separately, Saddam actually did it too.
So we're going to, look, there's mobile weapons trucks and the airplanes they trained in.
All lies!
Now confirmed.
But here is the National Journal reporting on the quasi-withdrawal.
Obama's choice, a partial exit with re-election in mind.
Yes, the fact is he can't have all these other new wars if he doesn't at least pay lip service to a partial withdrawal.
But instead of a withdrawal, we've had the opposite.
And yes, first Obama said he would get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Then once he got about a month away from election in 2008, he suddenly said, no, no, no, no, we're going to leave Iraq entirely and finish the job in Afghanistan.
So there's been lots of flipping and flopping, not just one way or the other, but in all different directions.
Just jumping around like an insane frog or something.
Don't kid yourself, President Obama's decision to withdraw 30,000 troops... 33,000 troops...
Well, that's how many he roughly added in the last two years from Afghanistan before he stands for re-election is not driven by the United States position of strength in a war zone as much as it's by grim economic and political realities at home.
How is this ending the Afghan war when actually if you added up all the surges into Afghanistan, if memory serves, it was 55,000 troops in his first year in office they added?
And I haven't kept track of the extra mercenaries, but it's just, it's all a complete lie.
Oh, you're going to pull less than two-thirds of the extra troops you put in?
Oh, that's the end of the war!
And you're going to expand the drones and other things into Pakistan.
Oh, this is a... Well, there you go.
He kept his campaign promise.
He's ending the wars because the troops are staying.
That'd be like if I said, I'm going to stop punching you in the face.
And then I punch you five times and I meant we'll read the five fine print.
I won't punch you ten times in the face.
Not punching you in the face means I'm only going to punch you in the face five times.
It's just it's it's like the TSA saying they're programming people's brains.
They know the public's barely paying attention.
So they say that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, as more than half of conservatives and major polls believe.
They believe WMDs were found.
I still hear it on talk radio.
They believe they were found, even though the White House admits they weren't.
About 55%, depending on the poll, it's around that, of conservatives believe WMDs were found.
And they still may, like with the fake Bin Laden thing, pull a rabbit out of the hat and, you know, find a nuke or something with Maiden Iran on the side of it.
And Ahmadinejad's certainly helping.
He's out running around today saying, we may want to have a nuke.
In fact, we have the will to build a nuke.
A nuclear weapon.
That's a really good idea.
Escalating things.
I haven't gotten the latest in Libya, and then the really big news here is the fact that Bernanke, Osama Bin Bernanke, as Geraldo Salente likes to call him, says economic trouble puzzles Fed chief too.
He's puzzled by what they've engineered by design on record.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Somewhere in a long yellow showroom, there's a guy stuck.
He realized that eternal fate has turned his back on him.
It's 2 AM, baby.
It's 2 AM, baby.
It's 2 AM, baby.
It's 2 AM, baby.
Alright, I want to speak directly to police officers, not just here in the United States, but all over the world, because you are selected by the social engineers for a certain psychological profile, you are manipulated into a gang mentality of the world is against you, and so you've got to stick together, and you are put into a culture of corruption.
Now that was not always the case here in the United States, but more and more the classical systems that governments and social engineers have developed to produce attack dog, thug-like, secret police legions has been done.
What the communist Chinese did, what the Nazis did, what the Russians do, what Latin American countries do, Americans know
Instinctively, I'd say close to 100% that most third world countries and Eastern European nations and African countries, the police are corrupt, they are thug-like, they are dangerous, they are the mafia, and they work for the ruling elite.
And if you don't know that, you haven't traveled around the world, you haven't studied history, and you haven't been shaken down by a Mexican cop.
You hadn't seen the tour bus pulled over, and the poor tour bus driver begging to not have every bit of money taken from him that he needs to feed his family with, and the troops giggling and laughing, or the police giggling and laughing, and enjoying the crime they're committing.
Now, that's why you gotta stay on the police, and that's why, more importantly, you gotta stay on the people that run the police.
Because in every case in history, it is a uniform that will come to your door,
To bring you tyranny.
Tyranny comes at the door in a uniform.
Also, republics and liberty has throughout history been defended by a uniform.
So you've got a choice here at this crossroads to decide what side you want to be on.
Now, that said,
If we just get up on air and make this a sport of attacking police, it actually helps the globalists.
There's a reason on Fox and CNN and MSNBC, the most popular thing they show is police brutality videos.
And cops doing outrageous things.
And some host defendants, some don't.
But overall, you think, why would the system want to put that out?
Well, A, it's entertaining, and it gets ratings, but B,
Cops then start being hated by the entire population.
This is psych warfare police, so please listen.
And the general public needs to listen.
If you want to understand how things work, I'm sure a lot of you have already figured this out, but if you want to understand your profession and what's going on, I'm going to give you the little secrets here.
When they constantly air footage of police being brutal, police being arrogant, police being bad, I know that that is the minority of police.
But the training and the overall culture generally trends towards that.
So they show it to you to A, condition the public to accept it.
To be, to condition cops to become callous and buy into, my gosh, it is a thin blue line, or a thin black ski mask line, a thin checkpoint Gestapo line.
We better only stick together in our gang, in our group, and cops, you've all read gang psychology handbooks, well take that and look at yourselves.
So, they want you to be a street gang and not people that are guardians of the Republic, peace officers, who understand that you are there to serve and that that's not disempowering to be a servant.
That is truly powerful and what is important.
That's honorable.
That's the warrior defending the tribe who's been designated by the people, by the tribe.
You're part of the tribe.
Well, they want to break that up.
They want to separate
You from being a true guardian to being a arrogant person that thinks they're a guardian, but really is part of a cult.
That's why you don't hear a lot of police brutality.
When I finally see it, I tend to be intellectually lazy.
I'm sick of it.
I'm threatened at a primitive animal level.
I get angry, and I, you know, yell and scream, and it's entertaining, but, you know, years ago it was a cop bashing fest, just A to Z on the show, until I became more sophisticated five, six years ago, and I still get mad.
I still get infuriated by the thugs they show us doing this, the out-of-control criminals with a badge, treating us like we're not even human and framing people on camera, slamming people's heads for no reason into the ground, and then charging them with felonies of assaulting the cops.
That makes my blood boil.
Now, and there's a bunch of examples of that we've got today.
But when I saw this yesterday, and I see this stuff all the time, I don't even really push my people to post this on InfoWars and Present Planet, though we need to regardless, so we do.
And I did call Kurt last night and I said, hey, I saw this this morning, we haven't posted it.
Posts the police officer, arrest woman in her front yard for filming cops.
And I see this all the time.
Cops will come to your house, sometimes the wrong house, and if you have surveillance cameras on your house, I know I do, because I'm a public figure, they get mad and arrest you and charge you for filming them, claiming it's eavesdropping.
When the statutes are all clear, you can have hidden things on your own property.
Outside your property, as long as it's in plain view, or even hidden, there's no perception, a reasonable perception of privacy.
That's why they say they can film you at sports stadiums or on the highway.
Or how cops film you from their squad car, because it's a public area.
You don't have any perception of privacy.
Now if I go up to your window, or a cop does with a camera, and films through your blinds, your wife in the shower, that's a serious crime.
The government spying on you without a warrant, that's a crime.
Just like if a peeping Tom does it.
In fact, under the statutes, it's even worse because it's the official system doing it, which our common law recognizes is extremely dangerous.
Now, I better shut up and get to these videos.
The point is that I wasn't going to cover this.
Until I heard some talking point on radio defending it on national shows, multiple shows, then I went and found Beck doing it, what I'd heard, and I went and found him saying she could be Van Jones.
Cops, these people filming you may want to kill you!
Forty-something cops have died this year.
It's terrible.
I looked up the numbers.
Several hundred have died in auto accidents.
So you ought to be afraid of that before they get you all... And it's so easy psychologically to go, cops, I love you.
I don't want you to get killed.
These people videotaping you are evil.
They're with Van Jones.
I mean, that is so elementary, so ridiculous that someone... And Beck went on and said it's terrible.
She videotaped her neighbor having their stuff thrown out on the curb.
In a foreclosure, he's the guy that supported the banker bailout.
And I was just like, now she's bad to videotape the neighbor having their stuff thrown out?
And she was arrested before for this?
She may be Van Jones with no proof, just the guy he demonizes.
Van Jones!
And I thought I was listening to something from another dimension.
And I don't even want to bash Beck.
Then I heard another show doing it.
So now they're trying to say this type of behavior is not only acceptable, and he said the cop did the right thing, but good.
This woman is
Probably 20 yards from them, she backs up more, and the cop goes ahead and arrests her.
Now this case is nothing compared to what's happened to my reporters, what's happened to other mainline news reporters, and here's the problem.
You go to YouTube alone and you type in police arrest camera person or man, you will get thousands of links.
Most of them aren't duplicates.
And I'd forgotten.
Wait, there's Rob Due getting arrested in the links.
Some of the top ones.
There's Aaron and Rob in Kansas City with security guards a half mile from the Federal Reserve.
Chan, why are you over here at this World War I memorial videotaping the Federal Reserve?
Oh, we're making a film.
We're here in town.
It's about banking.
Get out of here.
Well, you don't have authority to do that.
Well, I got a gun.
Leave or it's going to get bad.
I mean, this was
This wasn't even a cop.
These were security guards.
You work for us.
You work for the people.
You are empowered by the state constitutions.
We hire you.
You work for us.
You don't just walk up and say, get off your front lawn and go in your house.
You don't just walk up and, I mean, now they got federal, state courts ruling that come in your house without warrants now.
For any reason or no reason at all.
I mean, we have states.
We have a Bill of Rights for a reason.
Because if you don't have checks and balances, you become North Korea or Mexico.
And they're trying to teach the cops all over the country.
I see them beat up camera people.
In Miami, if somebody videotapes them shooting somebody, they come up and pull guns on them and take their camera and beat them up.
Or they shoot the guy in the back and then lie about it and say he was in handcuffs.
And what upsets me about a lot of these articles, especially the one out of Las Vegas,
Is this guy is videotaping from a house he was house sitting, so he technically didn't really lie.
First he says, do you live here?
Well, no.
And the cops are, he goes, well actually I do, I mean, and then they say, oh you're lying, and beat him up, but the point is, it didn't matter if he was lying, the cop beats him up, stomps his head in, the guy had to go to the hospital, and the cop charges him with felony assault on the officer, when it turns out the cop was so arrogant he didn't even erase the video.
That's what's scary, is it, and that's what the National French TV said, in English, they said, memo to cops, if you're gonna beat up cameramen, erase the tape!
I mean, this cop, who it turns out has killed two people, one of them who was mentally ill, so he's definitely, you know, a macho guy.
Some of these guys aren't cowards wanting power.
Some of them are people that actually like to fight and kill, and they're mad dogs.
And then those are the types you don't want either.
You don't want little thug cowards, and you don't want wild men who just are ready to beat everybody up.
You want tough guys who want to defend people who are smart.
That's what you want in police.
I mean, I'll be honest about women police, and I'm sure there's some nice ones.
Almost every bad experience I've had has been with female cops because they're scared.
For no reason.
They immediately, if you even talk to them, and don't cower, freak out!
Freak out, but side issue.
Look, you're getting into all this psychology.
Let's just start going to these clips one after the other.
Listen, there's thousands of these.
And this isn't to demonize police.
I have to cover this now because cops, do you want your kids growing up in a country like this?
Where you're God and the people have no rights?
Because you're one of us whether you know it or not.
They may have taught you that you're separate from society.
You're not, Bubba.
They put GMO in your food, they put fluoride in your water.
And all over the country, they're stealing your pension funds.
So you better grow up, just like the public should, right now and realize what's happening.
So let's start going to these clips.
Here's the first one from a couple days ago.
And you can watch the whole video, it's up at InfoWars.com.
And I don't know, she's probably actually about 12 yards, 15 yards away here, but she's in her own yard.
And I read the statutes.
He could have said, you're interfering in a police investigation.
Please get back.
But he can't tell her to get in her house.
And the thing is, the woman starts moving back.
It's kind of like running from a dog.
And humans have similar psychology to dogs.
That's why we bring them into our houses.
When you run from a dog, then it attacks.
And that's my experience with police at demonstrations and things.
It's actually when you grovel that you're in big trouble.
It's a weird psychology.
And police shouldn't behave like that.
But again, I'm getting down into this.
The system wants to demonize police so they can break you off in your own cult.
Now, here's the clip of the woman being arrested.
I'm going to stand in my yard if that's okay.
Due to what you said to me before you started taping, I think
What did I say to you that offended you?
I'm allowed to stand in my yard.
I'm going to ask you one more time.
We don't feel safe with you standing right behind us when we're doing a traffic stop.
I'm going to ask you to go into the house.
It's my right to be in my yard and I'm sorry that you don't feel safe.
All I have is a camera.
I'm clearly wearing nothing.
I have no weapons.
It does not matter.
You're not listening to our orders right now.
We don't feel safe with you standing behind us.
You're not moving even a foot further back.
Do you want me to move a foot further back?
She starts moving back.
You're going to be under arrest.
I already warned you.
I will move a foot further back.
I'm not going to go inside my house.
I feel like I need the fresh air right now.
I'm going to arrest someone for not following police orders when we're asking her to do something.
I'm asking you what the order is.
It's very simple.
I don't understand your order.
I asked you to not stand behind us.
You didn't ask me to not stand behind you.
Okay, listen.
I'm not going to explain myself to you.
What you're going to do is you're going to end up going to jail.
I'm trying to give you a warning.
I'm going to back up.
You know what?
I think you're going to go to jail.
This is not right.
What is this called?
I don't know.
No, no, no.
Stay right here.
Stay right here.
I'm sorry.
And then I can't listen to it, turn it off.
Then she grovels and says, sir, sir, sir.
The guy doesn't deserve to be called sir at that point.
Okay, he needs to be calling you ma'am and sir, because they are guardians of the republic, not our owners.
Now, the cop comes walking from around, and I'm trying to get a hold of the lady, but I would imagine she said something like,
You know, or you don't violate their rights for being videotaped.
And he says you're anti-police.
That's what they charged Kelly Rushing with.
They said this video you're putting out, one of my films, giving police.
Here officer, this is important.
And then this was in the court transcripts the cops testified.
He said this video is important for you and your family to know about.
This video is anti-police.
And I feel him saying you and your family, you know, for you and your family to know about.
But that's a threat on my family, and they tried to put him in prison in Kentucky.
The state police did.
This is the craziness.
Oh, you're anti-police, and so now I'm gonna show you.
I don't know what she said.
Because the clip starts from there.
But he's not standing behind her.
She's not standing behind him.
He comes around.
She's backing up.
It's when she tries to leave, he grabs her.
It's a power trip.
It's a joke.
Now, I could show you brutal examples of them beating up people in wheelchairs.
If I was putting on a trial here to demonize police, it wouldn't be hard.
But this next clip...
And it does have profanity.
A lot of it's bleeped out, but it's got GDs and things in it.
But this is for documentation purposes, so I'm not going to play too much of it.
But the cop, it's now been confirmed, stomped him, kicked him in the nose.
The guy resisted in no way.
Part of it's caught on video when his camera hits the ground.
And turns out this cop has killed two people.
And at first they defended it, but when the district attorney looked at it,
And the last time I checked, the cop was suspended because they falsely charged the guy with assaulting the police.
And he was facing 10 to 15 years in prison.
And this is that case from a few months ago.
And there's new ones every day.
This is just one of the ones I pulled up.
Again, there's thousands of these in Las Vegas.
But again, not only does he bloody and beat this guy to a pulp, kicking and stomping him,
He tells him, don't resist while he beats him.
And listen, pal, if you like to get in fights, go join a jujitsu club.
And there are guys who are ready to fight you.
Go join a boxing club.
Don't go up, this is a big cop, this is a little skinny guy.
You're so big and tough, go join, there's guys who want to fight.
Believe me, there's guys that'll move so quick and put you in hold so fast, I don't care how tough you think you are, you're gonna be crying for mama.
And that's exactly why you like to beat up little skinny guys.
So let's go ahead now and go to this clip.
Just turn that off for me.
I'm perfectly within my legal rights to be able to do this.
I'm perfectly within my legal rights to do this, sir.
Listen, turn off the camera for me.
No, sir, I am within my legal rights to do this.
You don't live here.
I do live here.
You don't live here, dude.
I just said I live here.
Get off of here!
Get on the ground!
What the hell are you doing, man?
What the hell are you doing?
Oh, I turned it off.
I'm not going to get into the profanity there.
He starts screaming in pain as the guy beats the living tar out of him, saying, don't resist, but turned out the camera flopped around and shot video of it while the cop's stomping him.
You can see the guy in total pain.
When we come back, I've got some other examples of this.
Reporter threatened with arrest for filming Private Fellow Reserve.
That happened to us.
We've got Rob Doo being arrested.
We've got, from my film, Truth Rising.
Mafia-style security goons for Larry Silverstein calling the police.
They call in a fake bomb threat and say that Luke Radowsky has a bomb.
So, that's coming up.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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Ah, John Lennon, what a voice.
Yeah, Strom Thurmond ordered his murder.
That was declassified.
National Security.
Wow, it's hard to turn that off.
Okay, let's get back into this special report.
And I'll never get to all of it because there's so many of these.
The next clip is our guys with federal security guards at a city park in Kansas City.
The Kansas City Star wrote about this.
It's not just our video.
And the Federal Reserve then lied and said we didn't send security guards over there and people are allowed to film our building.
And the Kansas City Star said, but it's all on videotape.
See, so their answer is, nothing happened, it doesn't exist.
Kind of like the New York Times three and a half years ago said that I wasn't at Bilderberg, that I was having a full schizophrenic breakdown at the Marriott in Virginia and was imagining cars following us and men behind trees.
Yeah, guys in suits with shaved heads driving by flipping us off with Secret Service coming up and getting in our face.
None of it was real, ladies and gentlemen.
The motorcade with Hillary and Obama driving in, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Rockefellers, none of it was real.
Oh, and have you heard the TSA stopped groping under 12-year-olds in November of last year, but they stopped it again today.
And Obama put in 50,000-plus troops on top of the troops in Afghanistan, and he's pulling out 33,000 of them.
So the war is over!
Of course, it's not over, but hey, they said so.
So, okay, sure, got it, thanks.
The next clip is just a short one.
The whole video is online.
But reporters threatened with arrest for filming private Federal Reserve building.
Let's go ahead and roll part of that.
Well, if he gave his name, then he doesn't have to leave.
He did give his name, but it's kind of guilt by association.
You guys can go ahead and go.
What is guilt by association?
Sir, we're not going to answer any more questions.
You can go to jail or you can leave.
Are you a police officer, sir?
We do have arrest powers.
Do you want to go to jail?
Am I under arrest?
No, you're not under arrest.
Not yet.
You need to leave.
You're encroaching on our First Amendment right.
No, we are not.
Why not?
Is this public property?
You see that building?
That's the Federal Reserve a half mile away.
And the Kansas City, that's the city park.
They have nothing to do with it.
And they're like, oh, there's a tripod videotaping us.
And they said, the federal bank doesn't like you being here.
These morons think they work for the federal government.
They think it's a federal bank.
And they called me once they, and then they kicked them off the city park and then came and said, now leave from here.
They said, well, where can we be?
And they said, nowhere.
Just leave.
I'm the sheriff in these parts!
Get out of the county, boy!
The cop!
Get off!
Get over there and get inside your house, woman!
Now, we're going to come back in the next segment and finish up.
I've got the Luke Rodowski clip.
But if you want to watch the whole thing, it's 26 minutes into Truth Rising.
Oh, by the way, folks can buy the DVD at InfoWars.com with the expanded extras.
I think it's one of my best films.
It's cinema verite instead of voiceover.
And I think it's the most, quote, entertaining film I've made.
I mean, from start to finish.
Truth Rising on DVD at InfoWars.com.
It's in high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Or you can watch it free on YouTube.
That's right.
You can support us.
Or at least watch it for free and pass it along.
26 minutes in, if you're a radio listener, you can see Larry Silverstein's private security.
Calling in a fake bomb threat.
And the police go along with it.
Openly trying to frame Luke Bradowski on camera.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two.
The last 30 minutes or so, I have been covering just the tip of the iceberg, or the top molecule of ice at the tip of the iceberg, of the thousands of videos, thousands, just of police arresting camera people.
In fact, Jaren, there's one I forgot to send you, or I think I sent it to you, but I don't see it in the printouts here.
It's the one in Texas where there's the overturned 18-wheeler and the mainline news trucks there, and the cop comes over and they're totally polite and they flip out on him, and the people start trying to leave.
And the cop goes ahead and arrests both the cameraman and the reporter.
And there's just countless of those, including cops beating up Mainline TV.
They'll be a big wreck.
And in one of the videos, the news trucks there, they're probably 100 yards away to get the whole shot in the background on the nighttime one.
I think that was in Utah.
I forget.
And the cops just come running over and they say, get out of here!
And they go, I'm just doing my job.
I'm here to film the rope for the news.
And they go, no, you're not.
And just grab them and tackle them.
It's just like crazy.
These are crazy people.
And the police, in most of the cases, try to defend this.
And why are the social engineers telling cops to defend this and go along with it?
To make the public hate you?
While at the same time turning you into a bunch of goons?
But this has got to be, of all the videos I've seen, the worst.
This is out front, building 7, the new building 7, Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centers.
Yeah, there it is.
Insane cop arrests ABC News reporter for filming traffic incident.
But Watson wrote that article about it, but they've got the video in it.
But this is in New York.
This is in New York.
A couple years ago, it's in the film Truth Rising, and guys that could literally walk right on to a Hollywood set and play, you know, goodfellas, come over and say, don't film me.
But they're on the sidewalk legally protesting.
They've even had little special permits.
And they say, well, I'm going to say you got a bomb.
And I'm gonna say you got a gun, and we know you don't have one, but you'll go to jail first.
The cops come, they tell them that, and the cops grab the video camera and say, yes, this is a gun.
And start laughing, and say, leave or we're gonna arrest you.
For a bomb and a gun.
And Luke's like, you're serious.
This is police on camera with the security thugs of Larry Silverstein and they say, Larry don't like you being here.
Larry don't like you.
Oh you think I'm kidding?
Here's the video.
Of the Larry Silverstein truth rising.
Security guards who identify themselves as police officers and then say we had backpack explosives and bombs.
Let me smile for him, because he's going to get locked up.
Do you know what moments we have left?
We've got handcuffs.
And he said we're going to get arrested, but we won't.
I mean, I know my rights.
I know.
Remember when they came last time, we said this is New York City, this is Port Authority Street?
See, Larry don't want to hear that.
I know Larry, but who's Larry?
Larry's not above the law.
We're citizens.
We're Americans.
Later, one of the security guards did talk to me, did take me to the side and explain to me what was going on.
That it was really Larry Silverstein who tried to set us up.
You can't record this.
You can't be recording this.
It's a public sidewalk though.
Can I ask you why you're taking my picture?
I have every right to.
You're on a public sidewalk.
I'm a citizen.
You know what?
Stop this.
We got TV host, radio host Lionel coming up.
I'm going to back that up a minute.
It's only three minutes long.
I'm going to play it as we introduce Lionel because I want the full radio audience to hear this and see this.
And then we've got all these other videos.
In New York, a police smoking cigars while they choke and beat up an ABC reporter for no reason.
I mean, with cigars, these guys have pipes!
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, our guest is coming up here in a few minutes.
His bio would take an hour to go over.
He's a lawyer, a nightly TV host in New York City, syndicated radio host, WABC, WOR, Premier Radio Network, I mean, you name it, Court TV, Air America.
Everybody knows who Lionel is.
That's why when I got to the New Media Seminar at Talkers to be the keynote speaker and they're like, he's like, hi, I'm Lionel.
I'm going to introduce you.
I'm a big fan.
I'm like, oh, I know who you are.
But he gave me a pretty good introduction.
But I've asked him to come on today with a little light entertainment to roast me.
But he wants to talk about serious issues.
But he says he doesn't want to make the audience mad.
I actually like it.
It's a sick thing, I've admitted it.
Now his stuff is light-hearted and friendly.
But I actually, people that really make up outrageous lies about me, that's why I'm not going to sue the Dallas blog saying I work for Obama when they have no proof.
They just say it's funny.
So at a certain level I really like it.
So we're going to be, it's
I guess something's wrong with me, but it's fun to be roasted.
We're going to be talking to Lionel of LionelMedia.com here in just a moment, but for stations that just joined us earlier, there's this big controversy.
It out of the thousands of videos out there, it's become a national story.
With the woman in Rochester and the cops saying, you know, it's not just get back.
And she's on her own property front yard videotaping a cop stopping people and searching their car.
And she says she's observing.
They tell her go and get.
Back in your house.
And she says no, but starts backing up, as they've said, and they still arrest her.
So I thought I'd play clips where they arrest news people, or threaten to arrest my camera crew, or do arrest them in Pittsburgh.
Totally polite, on a hill, videotaping demonstrations.
Cops come up in riot gear and say, put the camera down, you're going to jail.
And then the media is always, well, what was on the camera before that happened?
Just any excuse to rationalize this.
And the point is, when you're police,
Cease to be servants of the people and become thugs.
You're living in a tyranny.
It's very elementary.
Now, going back to this clip from Truth Rising, this is Luke Rudowsky.
I think?
Saying, we're going to say you have a bomb.
We've called the police.
The police get there, and the police agree.
They say, yes, we're going to say your backpack's a bomb, and we're going to say your camera's a gun.
And they grab it away and say, look.
You know, uh, we found a gun.
And then they said, now leave or we're going to charge you.
So here are the cops involved in a fake bomb threat that's a violation of federal law under the Patriot Act.
Here are the Silverstein people, at least the one guy, saying, I know you don't have a bomb, but I'm going to say you do, and it's going to be 30 days in the hole.
We'll finish the clip, go to Lionel, but here is the audio and video.
Folks want to see the video.
Become a PrisonPlanet.TV subscriber.
You can see the whole film.
Or, hey, go to YouTube.
It's free at YouTube.
But you might want to buy the DVD and support us at Infowars.com, as I said earlier.
You know, sometime we've got to get some funds into this operation to continue so we can continue to expose things like this.
So what's so important about this is now the New York police, at least this gaggle, Port Authority police, have gotten so corrupt that they involve themselves in
Literal official oppression, threatening to frame someone with private security goons that look like they came out of a Goodfellas movie on video and then don't even take the camera away.
So they think this is just standard procedure, do it in front of God and everybody else.
Here it is.
It's a public sidewalk though.
Can I ask you what you think of my picture?
I have every right to.
You're on a public sidewalk.
I'm a citizen.
Hey, buddy.
We were out here before, so I don't mean no disrespect.
Can you take your camera out of my face?
Because you're disrespecting me by doing that.
So I'm not doing anything illegal.
And he's in his face right now.
I'm asking you politely, can you take the camera out of my face?
That's off, right?
It's on, right?
Come on, you gotta shut that off, man.
We have every right to, though.
We're not doing anything illegal.
We have every right to.
You gotta record what I'm saying.
When Ricky comes, I think he's got a bomb in his bag.
I saw why he's coming.
Hit pause right there.
Now, if you just joined us earlier, I played the clip where they say, Larry doesn't like you, or Larry Silverstein.
And now they're saying, I think he's got a bomb.
And the other guy goes, oh yeah, there is a bomb.
Let's continue.
The guy even admitted, you know, I know you're not a terrorist, but I'm going to say you're a terrorist, and you're going to spend 30 days in a hole before they really find out.
Terrorist act?
I guess they go away for about 30 days.
We're not terrorists.
We're Americans, sir.
By the time the government figures it out, you'll be in a hole for 30 days.
Just don't record what he's saying.
Don't record what I'm saying.
Hey, please, do me a favor.
He's still reporting me.
Come on, man.
We have every right to, sir.
I'm sorry, but constitutionally, illegally, we have every right to.
Guess who's going to jail?
Guess who's going to jail?
All right, that's enough.
Because it goes on, then the cops come, they go along with the fake bomb scare, grab the camera, say it's a gun, but then they have another camera down the street 20 yards away that catches all that.
I mean, this is insanity.
Now, this is probably the most evil video I've ever caught with police and private security working together, out in the open, trying to frame somebody.
And he says, I know you don't have a bomb.
But by the time they figure it out, you'll be in the hole for 30 days.
I mean, like a gangster from a Looney Tunes cartoon.
Hey, Bugsy, look what we did to him.
Hey, get the cops over here.
They work for the boss.
Hey, cops, get him.
We're going to say they got a bomb.
How's that sound?
Oh, that sounds good, Louie.
Let's do it right now.
We're going to show these people.
They try to have a Fourth Amendment in America.
Alright, but the whole video is, again, in Truth Rising.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, and he is a lawyer, we'll get his take on that.
Gonna have some serious issues, and if I beg him, perhaps a bit of a roasting.
LionelMedia.com, he's a ex-prosecutor and criminal defense trial lawyer from the great state of Florida, or Fla-da, as they, he wrote a little joke there.
And it goes on, old school country music devotee who worships at the altar of George Jones.
Well, don't we all?
And it goes on, talk radio host since 88, morning, drive, afternoon, WABC, WOR, Premier Radio Network, Internet Radio, Court TV, Air America, nationally, every talk radio format concerning the gamut of political and sociopolitical ideology.
Watch Nightly on New York's PIX11, that's the big news station, where he gives news commentary seven nights a week.
Hard-working guy.
Broaching and addressing subjects no one in the mainstream media will ever think about, much less expose or explain.
First Amendment constitutional strict constructionist, civil liberties warrior, one of the first in the mainstream media to address TSA gate rape and gropings, focuses attention on the disintegration of the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
The disintegration of personal freedoms, Fourth Amendment erosion, the systematic disintegration of Article One's war power provisions, systematic habituation to increased government intrusion and surveillance, political atheists and unapologetic realists, voted by Talker's magazine, heaviest hundred, most important talk radio host of all time, lionelmedia.com, and for public school educated folks like myself, l-i-o-n-e-l, lionelmedia.com.
Lionel, great to have you on, my friend.
Alex, it is indeed a pleasure, and I've got to tell you something.
Every day I have listened to your show, and I've listened for I don't know how many years, my blood pressure goes up.
I actually physically, viscerally respond to this.
I get sick every single day.
You make me sick.
And I'm serious, there is not one show, there is not one day that goes by where I turn to my wife and say, what country are we living in?
Number one, two, where are the mainstream media?
Where are these narcotized, zombified, sock puppets?
What are they talking about?
You know that today, the big story is in New York, by the way, thank God you're not in New York for a variety of reasons.
The president's here and Justin Bieber's here.
That's it!
And if you walked around and listened to local media news, you'd swear that those are the only two things that are happening on the planet!
In front of everybody, in full view!
Those are the stories!
And I'm looking at your website, and listen every day, and I swear to you, my blood pressure is going up, my diastolic is through the roof!
I don't know if I can take this anymore!
And I don't know how you do it!
I've heard, and if anybody who's ever... You know, I study your show, Alex, I love it.
And I've devoted a lot of time to it, and you've been a great inspiration for me at LionelMedia.com, and when I talked to Michael Harrison from Talkers, we both have said, you've got to get this person on to introduce them to mainstream, conventional talk radio, because what you are doing, excuse me, I don't mean to be laudatory, and I'm not trying to blow smoke at each and every spawning,
And I meant this when I introduced you.
In the pantheon, in the history of radio luminaries, the people who, in latter day, have changed the face of this.
You've got to give credit.
Forget ideology or style.
Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, reintroduced people to the A.M.
Dial, prior to them, was known for two things, at least in most jurisdictions.
One was
And the other one was La Musa Galactica, and it was like Spanish radio, or it was static, or you could tell when the lightning was coming in.
They were integral.
Add to the mix you and what you've done, and I mean it from the heart, you have redesigned and re-implemented a delivery system that the mainstream media folks better pay attention to, because this is not the future, this is the present, disguised as the future.
Well, Lionel, what do you want to get into first?
You want to roast me first, or you were saying you wanted to talk about the Talkers Conference and the aftermath of that?
Well, first of all, I've got to tell people.
I've got to tell people.
You've got to imagine this.
Now, again, in fact, I spoke about this on LionelMedia.com.
Saturday morning, New York.
It's first thing in the morning.
Now, folks, you've got to understand this.
People are quiet.
They're wiping the web from their eye.
Perhaps it is a late night.
I get up and do my introduction, and they're sitting there with their bagels.
You notice the people who are around the bagels and refreshment table, the snorers, as they're called.
They're getting it for free.
So they walk and they sit down.
Oh, yeah, Alex Jones.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, I've heard of him.
And all of a sudden, it was Elmer Gantry on Speed Meats, Howard Beale Meats, whatever, and they didn't know what to make out of it.
And I said, that's my boy.
That's Alex.
That's the way to do it.
So anyway, as we were talking, people said, you know what?
And let me tell you something, and this is serious, and Michael Harrison of Talkers and others are paying attention to this.
You know, Alex, as I get older, my hearing is getting bad.
And I don't mean my auditory hearing.
I mean I get bored real easy.
So I need somebody to rev me up.
And I'm going to say something.
I have not listened to conventional talk radio in maybe 20-something years.
Seriously, a whole show from anybody.
It bores me to death.
In fact,
Do not waterboard me.
Should you ever want to torture me, Cheney, don't waterboard me or stress the positions.
Just put on any conventional mainstream media talk show and I will tell you anything you want to know within five minutes.
Just turn that off.
It's white noise.
It's blather.
It's rote repetition.
It is mind-steering, mind-numbing,
I love when you say,
Get Watson on the phone!
Now that's the best.
I tell people, pay attention to this point.
Paul Watson, bless his heart, I don't know where he is.
I don't know what he's doing.
One time he was on his honeymoon.
I recall, Paul Joseph Watson said, get him on the phone!
And he's a very, very gentlemanly British young man, as you know, and you said... Watson!
Um, Alex, yes.
Listen, I'm in the middle of my honeymoon as we speak, Alex.
I don't want to go into detail.
Watson, I want you to do something to break this down, Watson!
They're microwaving kittens in, um, Moldovia and selling them to, uh, Eastern European... Alex, I can't talk right now.
I'd love to do this... Alright, you make a point of that, Watson!
Get on it right away, Watson!
Right now!
Have it!
And you hear the man pleading with you, please Alex, just give me my honeymoon.
And it's like, listen, we are on a mission and we're going to get down to business and you can have your honeymoon later.
He was actually in bed and I wasn't thinking that I was even on radio.
I was like, that was on radio?
And I guess he's like, it's midnight, Alex.
I'm in bed, Alex.
Midnight for you!
But the info war has never stopped!
And I've got to, seriously, let me tell you another example of why your story is so important.
And I have told people about this stuff, and what you have done is, you are, believe it or not, almost like NASCAR.
Have you ever talked to somebody who's never heard of NASCAR?
They think it's
I don't know, some good old boy, goat roper in the middle of nowhere, like smoking a bandit, and then they become aware of the enormity of it, and they say to themselves, where have I been?
You're like that, and this other media are like that.
You came along a while back with DSA groping.
Alright, so I said this is not fair.
Now I am, as I said, as you said, an ex-prosecutor.
That scared me more when I saw what people could do, Alex.
In the name of us, in the name of the flag, in the name of government, in the name of law and order, the subjugation, little by little, the systematic subjugation of people's rights, and almost applauded to by people who don't know any better, who think they're supporting, you know, Andy from Mayberry, who think that they're supporting something.
And cops are not bad.
I mean, I was a part of that system.
But anyway, but you came along with this PSA thing.
Now, sure enough, my wife and I were in, uh, Tampa, my hometown.
And everything was fine.
We left, we're going to Tampa, left, uh, Newark, and everything was fine.
Coming through, sure enough, they look at my wife, who was most attractive.
Yes, I met your wife.
She is, she's, she's quite the number.
She certainly is!
And believe me, I'm the luckiest man on the world.
Or in the world, rather.
Or on the world.
But anyway, so, he looks at me, I'm going through the magnetometer, Aunt Dee's going through the magnetometer, Uber, Pi, everybody's going through it!
All of a sudden, this fellow looks at her and says, you!
We want to give you this scan.
Now, we have talked about this.
And you had alerted me to this.
And I'm thinking, wait a minute, this is a backscatter.
This is RapidScan.
This is Chertoff, baby.
This is not some mild, passive, little... This is radiation.
Virtually unknown.
I don't know what you're blasting at me.
And they're recording the images of her naked body.
We knew all about that thanks to Alex Jones!
At least Hugh Hefner would ask her and pay her money to be in there.
Well, especially now, because, as you know, Hugh's not doing too well in his personal life.
Anyway, so sure enough, they do this.
Well, when she dares to say, I'm not going to go through that, he, again, all of a sudden, it's like Sheriff Boss Hogg.
It's like the Milgram Experiment, Alex.
The Stanford Prison.
All of a sudden, this glorified, skycap, federalized, I don't know who he is,
All of a sudden, this guy's authority is being contested by some little lady, and he talks in it with me.
We've got an opt-out.
I cannot believe... It's like in Star Trek whenever the engine room is blown up.
They're like running around.
And people are looking at, what has she done?
And she says, why are you doing this to me?
What are you doing?
Now understand something.
This is the most amazing.
I said, now let me get this straight, Sparky.
Let me get this straight, which is a great way to start off all cross-examination.
You're telling me.
And because she has opted out for this particular type of inspection, the very inspection of the magnetometer, which you prefer 99.9% of the time, that is not good.
You must physically grope her to look for what?
Now, of course, I'm taking pictures.
I'm taking pictures.
We thank God for the iPhone, unless Steve Jobs gets a hold of that and ruins that little ability to record life.
I think it's called the First Amendment.
Yeah, they're now trying to have little spy systems that block you being able to record.
And, Alex, thanks to you!
And I mentioned this on LionelMedia.com.
I mentioned this on my nightly commentary.
People don't, and you must run into this as well, people think you're making this up.
What are you?
You're making this up!
Making it up!
It's true!
I wish I was making it up!
So anyway... Now later on, to give you an idea, I sent this to my friend... Have you ever been to Israel, Alex?
Okay, I've been twice.
Now, let me tell you something.
When you talk about real good at this stuff at the Ben-Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, they could do, Alex, anything they wanted.
And believe me, most people would say, you know, they've got every right in the world.
They could physically search you.
I mean, they could do internal searching if they wanted, but they don't.
Even they don't do it, because they put their emphasis on intelligence.
But think about this.
When you have somebody who used to be in charge of the Department of Homeland Security, this mega, brumdingnaggian, huge governmental colossus, who goes into private practice, or private lobby, and all of a sudden has this unique ability to introduce these rapid scans.
And by the way, there was a, I believe it was a Columbia University medical professor who said that, especially areas of the head,
But you're very, very sensitive to this type of ionized radiation, which we don't know how strong it is, we don't know anything about it, but this is very, very carcinogenic.
Yeah, that's even been in the New York Times, it's 20 to 50 times what they first said.
They're not calibrating them or even following federal law to have radiation tests in every month.
And they gave Congress fake tests.
And then, of course, on top of it, what about the workers that are around it?
They're the ones that are really being fried.
But hey, why do they care?
Let me tell you something, I told this guy, let me tell you something, my friend, believe it or not, these people don't, you're a young man, I don't blame you, because you couldn't, you know, how would you look at these people, and I don't think they go into this wanting to be, you know, Storm Trooper-esque, I don't want to bring in Nazi imagery, I don't think they start off like this, but what happens is, let me tell you something,
My friend, does the word Agent Orange mean anything to you?
What do you, thalidomide?
How, how nescient, how comatose are you?
One of these days, you're gonna find some walnut growth in your axilla, your armpit, and they're gonna, they're gonna deny, deny, deny, deny, and you're standing there!
When you get an x-ray at the dentist, they put something on your lap!
They don't care about you!
And what's happening, Alex, and this is the most important, I, I,
It's tragic, but it's true.
There is this thing, it's almost, it's almost scenarian.
The systematic habituation, the ratcheting up of more and more control, more and more submission, subjugating your rights, relinquishing your rights for a commons, for a better good, terrorism, for this notion of being safer.
And what happens is, never get the, you know,
Lionel, stay there.
You'll tell us what happens on the other side.
We'll get into a bunch of other issues.
As a former prosecutor, we'll get your view of people being arrested for videotaping the police.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, you can follow Lionel at Twitter and of course his handle is Twitter.com LionelMedia and our site is of course the real Alex Jones after Twitter.
We've been using it more and more and it's been slowly building up.
We don't have 300 million views on there like we do on YouTube.
I think Twitter is kind of another universe.
But if you want to see photos of my French Bulldog and also late night rants, it's all up there on the Twitter account.
Also, every week now on Tuesday, we send out a special report at InfoWars Insider.
And we send an exclusive.
High def, not the live streams from Bilderberg, but the first Bilderberg footage we've released since we got back.
Five minutes of some of the most powerful information.
We're going to be releasing more via that email.
You sign up for free at InfoWars.com.
Up at the right hand corner, we don't do pop-ups and stuff though, I'm thinking about it, because it's so important for people to sign up for this, because Twitter consensus, YouTube consensus, from the tech folks I've talked to, email is the best old
Low-tech, high-tech way to send video, audio, news blast.
It's going to become a daily.
I don't know.
And then exclusive video that's on our own servers.
We've got a big report coming up later in the week from Bilderberg.
It's going to be at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We are going to be posting at PrisonPlanet.tv tomorrow.
The full, with expanded interviews of my speech.
They're at the Talkers event.
That's gonna be on PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're doing a lot of other special reports.
And it is your membership at PrisonPlanet.tv that does finance much of this broadcast.
You know, you can get most of what we put out for free.
at InfoWars, at Prison Planet, at the YouTube sites.
But you get it first and in higher quality, in a higher quality audio podcast, in my book, in Paul Watson's book, and a lot of other films were authorized to post, and my films first at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And it's important with the internet kill switch and the open calls to censor alternative information and
YouTube saying we were racist and that they were going to shut our account down and we showed the letter because the Obama poster of him as a joker is racist according to YouTube.
I threatened legal action against them for violations of terms of service and defamation and they removed that.
We got the letter today.
They took our honors away of being one of the number one channels, number one in many of the categories.
And I'm not litigious, folks, but
You know, one time when my sister was still in high school, a guy was stalking her to get at me and saying he was going to kill her.
Cops wouldn't do anything, so I just sued him.
That dealt with it real quick.
You know, somebody says I'm a drug dealer when I don't even use drugs.
I sue them.
You know what I mean?
Sometimes I got to do it.
Because some things are not entertaining when you're saying I'm a criminal.
Now, if you're saying I work for Obama, that's funny.
But we need to have our own media system.
And so people are always, well, so what of YouTube censoring?
You have your own media system!
I do!
It costs 15 cents a day, $5.95 a month, get a yearly membership, get three months free.
So yes, I give it to everyone and then I say, if you'd like it in higher quality and to get it first and you believe in what we're doing and you want us to have our own system, PrisonPlanet.TV.
And we couldn't do what we're doing without all of you that are members at PrisonPlanet.TV and we've been upgrading it.
We've been adding things.
Some of the stuff that was six, seven years old, we found out was dead links.
Because when we upgraded, it killed some of the links.
That's been fixed.
We now have some of the videos in real high def.
Not that many of you have connections fast enough to download those quickly, but we've got that.
We're going to go to an a la carte system, PrisonPlanet.tv, and there's the online video bookstore, the t-shirts, the bumper stickers.
pocket constitutions free and all of them.
Infowars.com or call 888-253-3139 to ask about any combos or specials.
And it is your purchase of the books, the videos, and other things that make this broadcast possible.
And when you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member,
You get the live video stream of this show and the archive of that each day.
So there are a lot of exclusive things as well at PrisonPlanet.TV.
But see, it really is a donation to the InfoWar war bonds and the fight against the Global Crime Syndicate with your PrisonPlanet.TV membership.
Now going back to Lionel, I know you've been exposing as a former prosecutor the fraudulent drug war.
I know you're also concerned about this rash of police, not just arresting folks in their own front yards, but beating reporters up to a pulp when they try to videotape them, even from a hundred yards away.
Or private security guards coming up at city parks and saying, we're going to arrest you if you don't stop videotaping.
I mean, they're acting like the new Al-Qaeda is anybody with a video camera.
See, that's exactly right.
You know, Alex, just a couple of things I wanted, just if I could, just to piggyback on what you were saying.
You know, your whole set of, in fact, I watch it, I love what you do.
You inspired me.
Since 88, I was involved in conventional terrestrial talk radio.
Plain old talk radio.
And I thought to myself, and I'm serious about this, is that I want to do my own podcasting to say what I want.
Not that I've been censored so much, but you'd be surprised just when you can talk without having somebody in the other room, let's say a program director stare at you, or somebody on a class tour.
There's nothing like when you're in the middle of an impassioned speech as some Girl Scout troop walks through, or you've got a salesman, or you have to stop!
Just in the middle of what you're doing, because you've got to take a break, which is fine.
I love commerce.
I love capitalism.
That's great.
So what you did was, when I formed LionelMedia.com, you inspired me.
And I could do my podcast.
And it's phenomenal.
It's like the cost of a, I think it's a, maybe a Starbucks a month.
But this is, this is what's happening.
And what I was saying, by the way, just quickly before we, if I could, what I did mention about you in our talkers
Uh, introduction at the New Media Seminar, which, believe me, I don't think in its history has Michael Harrison did this, and he, it is the preeminent talk radio, talk spoken word journal on the market.
But what you've done is, and I said this kind of in passing, it sounded like a joke, but you have literally figured every means of communication.
If smoke signals could ever be tapped, you're going to be doing smoke signals.
If nanotechnology, if Goldfish Platys somehow gave out a message, you're going to conquer that.
You do DVDs, carrier pigeon, tapping on cell walls in prisons.
If two people can communicate, the two cups and the string.
And I say that because you have saturated this thing.
And people say, how does this guy do it?
And I'm saying, this is the most important thing.
This isn't an act.
But people have to understand about what you're doing.
And I know this sounds like I'm, I'm not being praiseworthy, this is true.
You can't do, Alex, what you're doing unless you really believe it.
Because your, the veneer, will come off and you'll be able to see through the transparency so quickly.
If you don't literally eat, sleep, breathe what you're saying.
And that's something which is a key.
I want everybody in the talk radio industry to listen to what you're saying.
Have you ever met somebody, Alex, who says, oh hell, I can do what you're doing?
You just talk for three hours!
That's easy!
Really, Sparky?
You really think it's easy?
Well, I'll tell you what you do.
You go into a bathroom, right now, and you start talking.
And do not miss a beat.
Don't bore them.
Don't have them click away because they've got nine million channels.
They've got iPhones with more apps than you can imagine.
Lure them.
Compel them.
Pardon me.
Hold them over, hour after hour.
Never bore them.
Be sincere, and you do it.
And Alex, only you would know this.
Have you ever felt, when you're done doing a three-hour broadcast, and you are at, you are at, to use spinal-tab lingo, at 11 from the get-go, do you ever find yourself feeling like you, like your brain's been cord, you are emotionally spent?
You, it is a, a feeling of almost
Mental, emotional exhaustion.
No, that's why, it's almost every day, that's why I went from, I got greedy, because once I'm on air, I have all these points I want to make, and I get mad that I didn't cover this issue.
My biggest drive is people being conned.
I get upset by it, and I don't like snakes and con artists and all of their fakery, so I want to show people the magic trick, but then I realize that I didn't do it properly, I didn't tell them all of it, and then I feel
And so then I'll do a fourth hour and then it's gotten to where over the years I have to go lay down on a couch for like 30 minutes and on the way to the couch there's salesmen popping up and your wife's on the phone and she just dropped the children off.
And by the way there's a city inspector here.
And two employees are fighting in the back.
I mean absolutely.
And Paul Watson's on his honeymoon.
Get up Paul!
But I gotta tell you something.
No, they're horrible!
If you ever think, you think, how did I do that?
How did I leave that out?
Because that's a perfection.
You've only got this amount of time and you treat each broadcast like it's your last.
Like it's the only one.
Oh, does this happen every time I'm on a go on a trip?
I'm not afraid of death.
I get afraid I can die in a plane crash.
So I always do a whole bunch of extra stuff right before I leave.
I know.
Well, you know, one of the things you and I share, and by the way, another thing I tell people, you can always tell a lot about a show by the bumper music.
And you and I, I think, share a affinity for the poet Laurie de Texas, Townes Van Zandt.
And I thought, how appropriate, when I think of you, I think, you know, all the federales say, we could have had him any day.
And this is how interesting and how prescient and vatican and titanic that is, that poncho and lefty, and how that is in many respects correlates to what you're doing.
Because I keep thinking, and I don't mean this, please, I don't mean this, uh, I don't mean to be cute about this, because God only knows what you go through
That the public doesn't know about, how your beloved wife and family must say, could you just, could you baby just sell insurance, Alex?
You know, could you?
You know, this is a great calling, but we don't know, I'm being very serious, the sacrifices you make to do this!
Because, because I keep telling people, you know when, you know like you've said many times, you can tell you're over the target when you start taking flack.
And as long as you hear Alex Jones on the air, you know he hasn't hit pay dirt yet.
When he does, you won't hear him anymore.
So your success is when we hear a dial tone.
If they even have dial tones anymore.
You know what I'm saying?
It's a weird...
The government, and it's not, by the way, it's not Obama, it's not Bush, it's the government, it's the superstructure, it's this, it's this amalgam, this Gordian knot, this hodgepodge, this, this, this almost supernal superstructure.
They cannot let this get to
Popular and ruffled feathers, because I gotta tell you something, Alex.
This is what I say on LionelMedia.com and this Twitter I love.
I'm a Twitter fanatic.
Another addiction I've got at Lionel Media.
This is my dream.
Not to, in any way, steal from Dr. King, but I have a dream.
And that dream, Alex, is that one day, the government says this.
When I say the government, it could be 20 years from now.
Whoever's in charge, it doesn't matter.
State, local, city, Austin City Council, doesn't matter.
I want people in office to say, oh no no.
We can't do this.
They'll never stand for this.
They'll be out in the streets.
We will tick these people off.
You don't understand them.
They read.
They know.
They vote.
Oh, no, no.
I want the government to be afraid of us.
I want them to tremble at the idea of making not Alex Jones or not Lionel or not, no, no, but anybody upset because it's the opposite.
We quake.
We live in fear.
We are sheeple.
We're habituated.
Well, I think that's the most successful thing I've done, not even consciously, because I'm just outraged and mad.
And it's not that I even have courage.
It's in the face of a bully, I tend to attack, not run.
I flee forward, really, is what it is.
It is that I've not been fearful.
And I think that's been an example of people to stop being cowed.
And I think the Founding Fathers said it.
V for Vendetta repeated it.
But George Washington said it.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
And it's really just that simple.
And government has gotten on a power trip.
Control freaks have filled government now with bad folks.
They're trying to kick out the good people.
And raising that point, specifically as a former prosecutor, what's your view of the attack on the video camera?
What's your view?
Because you were saying a drug war.
First of all, as far as this, you know, years ago, Alex, there was this kind of a firewall
There was a time when people actually paid lip service to this, CIA is international, FBI is national, NSA is this.
And so there was this, it was an illusory, that there was this firewall, this compartmentalized, your jurisdiction ends here.
Today, some very smart people, again, think 15, 20 year increments.
You know, this is, they've got, whoever they is, but their thing's planned.
The idea is that, hey guys,
I don't have to worry anymore about wiretaps.
When I was a prosecutor, we actually had wiretaps!
This is before technology.
I used to prosecute, Alex, this is in the 80s, the early, well, mid-80s.
Obscene phone calls!
Well, guess what took care of that one?
Caller ID!
Hey, isn't that great?
Look at this!
Electronics are good!
It's electronic keyhole, people!
Hey, I like that!
That's terrific surveillances, your friend!
What's happening, too, very quickly about... I'll get to the cameras.
In New York, there's a terrible, terrible, terrible case.
These four innocent people were slaughtered at a, on Long Island, at a, um, at a, uh, drug store.
And some, some pill-crazed, uh, pain-nut came in and blew these people away to steal opiates, oxycodone.
Now, two things.
People were saying, isn't surveillance wonderful?
Isn't surveillance wonderful?
And I say, wait a minute.
Surveillance is wonderful.
Vigilance is wonderful.
But looking out, looking out for your neighbor, citizen's awareness, absolutely.
But do not confuse a well-placed, privately, you know, security camera, closer to TV, with omnipresent panopticon government surveillance 24-7.
Do not make that mistake.
Lionel, we're going to break.
I want to come back and finish up with that and some huge new TSA news.
How they say they're gonna go after Texas now with their move to ban the groping.
We'll be back.
We'll take you out with Poncho and Lefty.
Living on the road, my friend, was gonna keep you free and clean.
Now you wear your skin like iron Your breath's as hard as kerosene You weren't your mama's only boy But her favorite one it seems She began to cry when you said goodbye
He sank into your dreams.
Pancho was a bandit boy.
His horse was fast as polished steel.
He wore his gun outside his pants.
All the honest world to feel.
Pancho met his match, you know.
In the deserts down in Mexico.
And nobody heard his dying words.
That's the way it goes.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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They're arsonists!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, not just the internet king, but the media king, showing that the alternative media is king.
Drugs Report is linked to our article proving that the TSA said they stopped groping children under 12 last November, and then again in April, and now they've told us that it doesn't happen now, even though I just watched it a few weeks ago when I flew to New York, here in Austin, and coming back through Newark.
They're at Liberty, or whatever the name of it is.
We need to get this added as an update to the Drudge Linked article.
TSA set to take legal action against Texas' groping bill.
They already had Perry's minion behind the scenes kill it when it had a unanimous vote in the House, and near unanimous in the Senate.
It had one vote against it they had lined up.
And now, because of Perry being put on the hot seat, it's set to be voted on today.
No, no, tomorrow, excuse me, Friday.
Feels like Friday because I don't ever have a day off.
I think?
They have the EPA do it, and then states are suing that, and the federal courts are ruling for the EPA.
People thought that ruling earlier in the week was a good thing, that, oh, some states were calling for more carbon taxes.
People thought, oh, the feds say only the EPA can decide that.
No, that's terrible.
They're saying the states have no authority.
Why even have states then?
But I digress.
Lionel, it's awesome having you.
I'd like to have you someday.
When I kind of have a smorgasbord of different hosts that fill in over the three hours.
Perhaps have you ride shotgun with Watson so you can tease him the entire time.
You know, he's the fill-in host.
How do you like it when Watson fills in?
I'll tell you what, I like it, I certainly, you cannot replace you, but may I say something very quickly about why this is very important, why this TSA thing is.
It is very important for this particular, and again, not the Obama administration, the government, whoever replaces them will do the same thing.
Alex, they cannot win.
There has to be the message sent out that any attempt to thwart, to intercept, to stop, to interrupt the systematic, complete control of people, their
We're going to teach these people a lesson.
We are not going to let anything go.
How dare you question your government?
We're not a public servant.
We're in charge.
You're minions.
You're slaves.
How dare you question us!
Well, they call it anti-government to even have an opinion about what you want in government, and that's what freedom is all about.
In closing, and again, folks, I'm going to put out some special reports today on a host of issues dealing with this big TSA development.
Watch InfoWars and Prison Planet and PrisonPlanet.tv.
But in closing, next time you come back, we'll talk about it more.
But briefly, your view on the drug war as a former prosecutor.
It is absolutely the most ridiculous waste of time.
It has resulted in, right now, a boon for lawyers and judges and jailers and the like.
The reason why, the reason why people are involved in drugs is a very simple thing, either to use or to sell, and they sell to make money, and the reason why they make money is because it's illegal.
So if you make something illegal, that is not an endorsement by the government of its use, it just merely means, Alex, that if you possess something, you are not
I don't
No, there's stuff under every sink that'll kill you, better than a hammer, but because they don't hype it up and make it a big deal, statistically it's not very dangerous.
Look, they made the drugs illegal because alcohol prohibition went out and they had to have something else to give the corrupt system a cut of the laundered money, and that's on record with the big banks caught doing it.
Lionel, awesome having you.
Great job to the crew.
See you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Retransmission starts now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.