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Name: 20110617_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 17, 2011
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I think?
Semi-automatic firearms by the thousands to Mexico in an attempt to then track the weapons back into the United States and connect them to violence in Mexico so the federal government could call for a total ban on all semi-automatic firearms as they have now done.
This is incredible.
Another example of staged terror.
Another example of a frame-up, this time targeting the Second Amendment.
And CNN, the Houston Chronicle, you name it, has now reported on the fact that over 28,000 people have been killed in Mexico in the last two years.
That the Southwest in the United States is now
More dangerous than the worst areas of Eastern Europe for kidnapping.
Mass graves have been found all over Mexico and on the Texas and California-Nevada border with dead children.
It's now been confirmed that Western-trained, US-trained Los Zetas pull over buses
Full of Mexican civilians, men, women and children.
Rape the women and kill them.
Kill the old people.
And take the teenagers and have them fight to the death in gladiatorial games.
A form of trauma-based mind control.
They then take the winners and train them as assassins.
So understand, more people are dying a year on the Texas-Mexico border than died each year in Vietnam.
A true war is going on.
A completely collapsed society, a failed state, expanding into the United States, and it's not even on the radar.
The media barely reports it.
They've got their own giant armored vehicles.
It's a full-on war financed by the criminal megabanks that are on record
laundering more than $376 billion in just the last few years, are waging a war of drug consolidation, knocking out their competition in Mexico as the Latin American drugs are fed through Southern North America.
World War III is here.
The whole world is going into crises.
The domestic police state is unfolding against the people of our Republic.
We must take back Washington.
We must take back our states.
We must identify the fact that offshore private corporations have now hijacked our government and are using it as an instrument of global destabilization to bring in their world government on the ashes of our once free society.
All of you Democrats that loved rebuking Bush for war, I certainly rebuked it as a constitutionalist.
But all of you that thought it was trendy to be anti-war, now is the time to understand that we are at a serious crossroads and that Bush was only laying the groundwork for the next puppet that would come, Obama.
Obama, the man of peace, the man of desolation, death, and destruction.
This war that is about to engulf the world
...will be one of the most destructive, if not the most destructive, in human history, and could lead to thermonuclear war.
Please warn everyone you know.
World War III is now upon us.
Ask yourselves, what are you doing in this time of great challenge?
What are you doing to unlock mines?
Go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for the latest headlines and cutting-edge information.
That is Alex Jones on Obama starting World War III.
Extremely disturbing stuff.
You can see that at the Alex Jones channel.
YouTube.com slash the Alex Jones channel.
And of course it's going to go out also in the InfoWars Insider newsletter.
We're going to be back after that to break it down.
And then coming up, Paul Joseph Watson.
Later in the broadcast, Bob Chapman.
Stay tuned.
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We're back again on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Aaron Dyke, sitting in again while Alex is away on assignment.
But we've just watched his video, Obama launching World War III, and unfortunately it hits all the right notes.
They're drawing the Middle East.
into the
A few months back in Egypt and Tunisia, drawing in Libya, now Syria on the cusp of being drawn into war, bombings now in Yemen, tensions escalating in Pakistan, drone killings, civilians, supposed acts of Al-Qaeda going on, still a presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, when will we ever leave there?
It's just really disturbing how they're intentionally
I think?
Whether official or otherwise, that we're going to be sending in big time troops and really heading for a hot war in Libya.
That despite the fact that Congress is trying to hold President Obama accountable for extending past the 60 days war power.
Obama's been very indignant, said it's not necessary, said the level of hostilities don't justify congressional approval for a war, another war that America's been drawn into and that is only getting hotter and hotter.
uh... further
We've always known that if things go to Iran, that it will most likely draw in both Russia and China, possibly creating that World War III scenario.
But as we heard the other day from Dr. Webster Tarpley, it may not even take Iran.
Sure, they want to get to Iran.
They've asked themselves in public papers, what path to Persia?
A new approach for Iran was the document from outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
One of our shadow overlords.
And even if they don't get to Iran anytime soon, Libya may be enough for Russia and China to be drawn into a world war.
It would be incredibly disastrous.
Meanwhile, we have Robert Gates last week, coincidentally, during the Bilderberg conferences, warning NATO, warning Europe that they're not the allies they used to be unless they
Up there, spending of defense.
Robert Gates rebukes European allies in farewell speech, Washington Post.
This was from June 10th, the first day of the Bilderberg Conference, or the second rather.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates rebuked some of America's staunchest allies Friday, saying the United States has a dwindling appetite to serve as the heavyweight partner in a military order that has underpinned the U.S.
relationship with Europe since the end of World War II.
An unusually stinging speech made on his valedictory visit to Europe before he retires.
At the end of the month, Gaetz condemned European defense cuts and said the U.S.
is tired of engaging in combat missions for those who don't want to share the risks and costs.
Even Robert Gaetz, who won't back this new war, is really telling the European allies that they need to step it up.
There's been reports that NATO has already been running
I don't think so.
With foreign officials without the knowledge of Congress and yet here he is meeting not directly inside the Sovreta Hotel in St.
Moritz but with a lot of the important Bilderberg members in Europe and really giving them one of those coded messages for the inter-elite not really generally for public consumption.
And then by the same token we have really alarming points here as
Leon Panetta is about to come in from CIA Director into Secretary of Defense position as they heat up Libya as Syria looks like it's probably the next hot area there in the Middle East.
This article by John Galt from yesterday, Living in the Shadows, A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars.
All about how Leon Panetta, the exiting CIA director, openly admitted that Shadow Wars and Black Ops should be a strategy basically more often imposed.
But that is something we're going to get more into on the other side.
Paul Joseph Watson's going to join me.
And coming up, we're going to get into some of the behind-the-scenes stories from Bilderberg.
And more importantly, we're going to show how their agenda has nexus with this Arab Spring and the looming hot World War III crisis.
On the other side, InfoWars.com.
I'm Aaron Dykes.
You want to check out the YouTube channel too, the Alex Jones Channel.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We're back again on this Friday, June 17th.
Things are unfortunately just heating up for World War III.
I've just begun to try to slip into the destabilization campaign aimed for the Mideast region as the powers that be.
Look like they're attempting to draw China and Russia into the conflict.
Obviously they've had their eyes on Iran for years and years.
Syria may now be drawn into conflict.
I wish I was more articulate because this is really the day before the big crisis.
What was it like before World War I and World War II, which they provocateured also?
Untold death.
And untold harm.
I really hope this doesn't happen again.
But they probably actually don't want a World War III that looks like a hot World War III with the big label.
They've always been pitching these wars on the humanitarian crisis.
So much of the Arab Spring that we've been tracking for months and months now really has been under the guise of open democracy, of breaking through these dictator regimes.
And sure, there's a lot of bad regimes in the Middle East.
But I don't think our sabotage here in the United States is really going to help matters.
Just one of those articles, the New York Times from April 14th, U.S.
groups help nurture Arab uprisings.
And I really think it gets back to
An article from 2007.
We have Paul Watson joining me in just a moment.
But remember, revolution, flash mobs and brain chips, a grim vision of the future?
You know, it, ostensibly on the surface, was something aimed for 2035, but why wait?
Why not just craft the revolution?
Make it seem like high-tech online groups, the Twitter revolution, the Facebook revolutions.
Why not make it seem like that's where it's all coming from, when it's really U.S.-backed?
It's just interesting, coming from Bilderberg this week, how many of the high-tech moguls were meeting inside of Bilderberg, and how many of them had very important roles in the Mideast crises.
One of them is Google's Eric Schmidt.
He was there at Bilderberg this year, and one of his executives basically started the protest in Egypt.
He said he was very proud of them.
Let's go now to Paul Watson.
Do we have him?
Hi Paul, thanks for joining me.
It was great to see you in St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
What do you see happening as World War III looms?
How much of this came through the Bilderberg Agenda, Paul?
Good to be on the air, Aaron.
Yeah, basically one of the first things that came out of the Bilderberg conference through Jim Tucker's sources was this fact that the globalists were petrified at the building resistance within Congress to the expansion, the intensification of this bombardment of Libya.
And of course days later we got this information out of Fort Hood saying that the full-scale ground invasion is basically set for October.
Yesterday you had Kucinich and Ron Paul file this federal lawsuit which goes after Obama for violating the War Powers Act.
So again in both these instances this leaked information that Bilderberg were planning to intensify this war in the Middle East and North Africa
Is already coming to fruition within days of the Bilderberg conference ending, so it proves once again that these power brokers don't get together to, you know, merely play tiddlywinks as many of the mainstream media will have us believe.
But the fact that Libya is merely one outpost of this Middle Eastern war that the globalists want to inflame the entire region,
Is proven by the fact that what you were just talking about now that they're talking about Syria of course we had information come out right at the end of the Bilderberg conference at the tail end of the summit that Bilderberg would make its agenda on Syria known in the coming days and weeks and that's precisely
What we saw happen on Tuesday, we had reports that the USS Bataan Amphibia air carrier strike vessel, 2,000 marines, 6 warplanes, 15 attack helicopters, was being moved to a location just off the Syrian coast in preparation for another humanitarian military intervention.
Under the justification of helping the protesters, up to a thousand apparently have been killed by police, about 300 police and military have been killed in the conflict.
So now we're including Syria into the equation, of course.
Similar brutality is occurring in both Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, but because those guys are in the New World Order club, we're not hearing about any kind of humanitarian intervention there for the time being.
It's war is peace, Paul, but I just want to, of course, I want to stick with the geopolitics, but I just want to point out, this isn't my first Bilderberg meeting to observe, and I've learned that the agenda, they say, you're going to see leaks of it in the days immediately following the agenda.
And we've seen that with Libya, we've seen that with Syria, and we've especially seen that with the cyber agenda and the false flag cyber attack they look like they're setting up, Paul.
Well yeah, you've got more hack attacks on the World Bank, the CIA, and isn't it interesting that the fact that we got over 3 million views on Just In TV with our live coverage of Bilderberg using an iPhone 4 streaming live video and then just days after the event
Um, you know, which all these tech moguls are attending.
They come out with this new Apple patent which says that they're gonna block, via infrared sensors, people filming live events.
Now, initially, that's gonna be concerts.
Also, if you read the patent, it says, um, museums are gonna block it and embed their own watermark on it.
But this is another tool with which to strangle the alternative media.
This is going to be used to block police confrontations.
It's going to be used to block people filming protests and political events.
So all manner of subjects that Bilderberg were talking about and that they were looking to pursue and push through come out in the days, doesn't take weeks, doesn't take months, in the very days after the conference, once again debunking the myth that they have no influence over world events.
Give me a break, Paul.
It not only is that they want to cut down on protesters being able to cover the events, but they also want to pursue this anti-trust law agenda.
They've got very important people from both the U.S.
and the EU Commission on this year's member list I can get to in a minute.
They not only want to be able to block what the U.S.
can do, but they simultaneously, contradictorily, hypocritically
Want to quote bankroll shadow internet for dissidents abroad.
I've got this out of the AFP from June 12th, only a few days ago during the conference.
The government is financing the development of shadow internet systems to enable dissidents abroad to get around government censors.
So they're going to enable these people in the dictator countries while they climb down and make our own countries greater dictatorships, Paul.
Well that's right and of course it all comes from this Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration document which was put out by the Harvard professor Sunstein a year before Obama came to office.
Now of course he's Obama's information czar and it's all about infiltrating, shutting down quote conspiracy theories which of course is anything that differs from the official version of events.
So that's where it all stems from.
Even in the Bush era in 2006 they said that the new war was against quote conspiracy theorists on the internet so this isn't a recent thing this stretches back at least five or six years that they plan to use the internet against us firstly to ferret us out and find out who the quote extremists are and then to shut down our free speech altogether so that was again in evidence at Bilderberg with Microsoft, Facebook, Google all of them
There's been attendance to discuss this.
Yeah, and in fact, the official BilderbergMeetings.org website leaked a very small agenda.
We can only sort of read between the lines and match it up with the more detailed agenda that came out from moles and leaks inside.
But let me just read those topics.
Challenges for growth, innovation and budgetary discipline.
The Euro and challenges for the European Union.
Obviously, we know they're very concerned about the fall of Greece and what it's going to mean for the rest of the European Union.
The role of emerging economies, conflict areas.
If that is any euphemism, they just simply say conflict areas, as nearly the whole region falls into flames, Paul.
They also have demographic challenges about the growing Mideast population and the declining Western populations, demographically speaking.
China is on the list with no detail at all, Paul.
Are they looking at war or peace or just simply the Treasury bond issues?
They're also concerned about Switzerland.
Can it remain successful in the future?
We talked a lot about that, but they're very angry still that Switzerland remains neutral and sovereign and refuses to adopt their euro and European Union even as that begins to fall, Paul.
And they've really just declared an unsafe haven for sovereign countries in the 21st century, so of course they want Switzerland.
But they also talked about new challenges in the Middle East, as well as social networks, connectivity, and security issues.
Just everything shows they're gearing towards this, and they've been covering that agenda for years now, Paul.
Last year in Spain, June 2010,
They had a topic called social networking from the Obama campaign to the Iranian revolution.
And if that doesn't underscore quite a bit of everything that's happening in the Middle East, I don't know what does.
And they've been concerned also for years about the growing influence of cyber technology.
And they've had on people not only like Bill Gates and the Facebook founder, but Craig J. Mundy of Microsoft.
They've got a managing partner of the Founders Fund.
They've got Eric Schmidt of Google.
Peter Thiel, who's on the Bilderberg Steering Committee and is also the PayPal executive and really intimately involved with Facebook to boot, as well as nanotech and future stuff.
But then they also have Christine Varney, Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, Paul.
So you can see where they're clamping down on camera use in the U.S.
because of supposedly copyright issues.
You might be at a concert.
Trying to bootleg copyrighted music, but at the same time they're covertly sponsoring revolutionary groups using these new medias, Paul.
We've kind of covered that, but it's important.
Well yeah, and also we had the presence of Peter Mandelson, who was of course behind the Digital Economy Act of 2010 in the UK, which was very similar to some of the cyber security laws that they're now pushing through in the US, which is about
Uh, basically declaring everything as copyright and pursuing people, going after people on the flimsiest of pretexts, um, for this copyright violation.
Of course, now YouTube says that if they get a request from the government, they don't investigate it, they get a request to remove content, they immediately remove it.
And that's what happened in Britain with the recent protest of the, uh, council tax, with the whole Freeman issue.
Up there in Birkenhead, and it's the same in the United States, YouTube is now removing content, not even for copyright, just via government requests.
So, you had Mandelson there, who was this big player behind censorship of the internet in the United Kingdom last year, also attending Bilderberg.
But you also mentioned the European Union, which of course was a topic of discussion at last year's meeting in Spain.
And again, in the very days after this year's conference, it's become very apparent that Bilderberg's goal to prevent the break-up of the European Union is very much failing.
It's on the ropes.
Because this Greek debt situation is just going to drag on and on.
And it exposes the fact that this system of regional currency blocks, which is ultimately planned to become the global currency, is only ever as strong as its weakest member.
And in fact you had Bilderbergers writing in the Financial Times beforehand and after that if they don't rescue this Greek debt situation, if Greece defaults on its debt, it could spell the end for the Euro and eventually the plan for a global currency with the EU member states returning to their own nominal national currencies.
But according to the information leaked from inside this year's Bilderberg Group conference, the globalists are going to try to make lemonade out of lemons by pushing through what is being called, quote, a massive power grab that would give the EU itself the authority to punish
Countries that don't follow its strict economic mandate.
So they want to create this EU Ministry of Finance to prevent another Greece situation from threatening the cherished stability of their Eurozone.
So we're basically talking about a central economic government with executive powers that would cover the whole of Europe.
Any economic sovereignty of individual member states would be crushed.
It would cease to exist.
So our tax money, as Europeans, would go directly to this centralised planning committee, who would then decide how to spend it.
Which is no surprise, given the fact that the President of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, who was there in St.
Moritz last week,
was picked for that very position by Bilderberg after a Bilderberg dinner in 2009, one of these offshoot groups, because he advocated an EU centralised tax that we would all pay, an additional tax, to fund the EU.
So they want to exploit this Greece situation.
They not only want to rescue it, but they want to exploit it to create this centralised economic dictatorship which would directly tax all EU citizens to fund the beast system, the European Union itself.
It's really one of those situations of global solution out of the global crisis.
They started the whole thing.
They were ahead of most of the banks that got bailed out, especially in Europe.
And they've really set it in motion so that Greek was forced to confront this debt situation.
We have Pop Andrew.
Reconfiguring the Greek government this week and preparing to step down.
He's a Bilderberger, so are a lot of the main financial ministers.
And we have Edney Davignon writing in 2009, really kind of acknowledging tacitly how they started or set in motion or let fall this economic crisis, but that it was a little bit out of control even after one year.
The austerity protests alone threatening their ability to consolidate on the exact kind of global and European based centralized solution that you were just describing Paul.
Can you go in more into that?
Yeah, basically, the whole European economic system emerged out of the steel and coal system post-World War II.
And in the 1955 Bilderberg archives, you can see where individual members advocate not only a European economic community, which eventually became the European Union after the Treaty of Rome in 57, but also a single currency, the euro.
And this was over 50 years before it actually came into being.
Um, so it's their baby, it's their brainchild, that's why they're so desperate to rescue it.
Last year in Spain they said, we need to save the euro, it's going downhill, and that was at a time when it was around 1.19 to the dollar.
They managed to prop it back up, back up again to the point of, you know, 1.40 against the dollar, which is where it is now.
But this Greece debt situation is still rolling on.
You had an emergency meeting last month with the finance ministers there.
Der Spiegel reported on it at the time.
So they're petrified that this... Paul, we're going on to break, but we're going to get right back into the stuff on the other side and even more detail into how they're managing the geopolitical crisis, the euro crisis and the larger financial situation.
Simply greater global control.
I'm Aaron Dyke sitting in.
This is InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned.
Coming up, Bob Chapman.
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We're back live again on the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is still away on that story.
I'm still Aaron Dyke sitting in.
And we still have Paul Joseph Watson.
Other people are also coming up in the broadcast.
We've got some of the eyewitnesses to the 2011 St.
Moritz Bilderberg meeting.
Some of the stories and things we saw there, different encounters.
I think?
To rescue Greece.
Obviously they're concerned about what that will mean for the Euro.
Also coming up later in the broadcast, I believe we're going to have a few of the minutes of Alex Jones' speech for Talkers magazine.
Guess who's coming to keynote?
Alex gave that speech last Saturday over the weekend while we were in St.
Moritz, Switzerland, and we're going to find out what he had to say about the growth of alternative media, which obviously the Bilderberg Group, among others, are concerned about as citizen activists take to the streets everywhere, as people in Europe say no to austerity measures, and so much more.
Paul Joseph Watson's article today.
Globalists want permanent occupation of Iraq.
Just more dreadful, deadly news for the World War III scenario that's still unfolding.
With three and four wars underway and hitting that number five with Libya as well as the bombings in Yemen.
Obama and the powers that be have not said let's end the war in Iraq as he insinuated and promised during the campaign, but instead they want a permanent occupation of Iraq.
We already knew that five, six, seven, eight, nine years ago.
Maybe I'm too far up in the years, but Paul Joseph Watson, break down this article and break down what they're really doing with the destabilization campaigns in the Middle East, please.
Well obviously Obama campaigned on the promise to withdraw all US troops from Iraq immediately.
We had this fake withdrawal last year in August where thousands of private security were left behind and in fact 46,000 US combat troops were left in Iraq.
So we've had the date for withdrawal pushed back
Every single year since George W. Bush declared mission accomplished in May 2003.
And now, according to the chatter coming out of the Bilderberg conference last week, they're talking about exercising some form of
Squatters rights in order to keep these US troops in the country.
Of course, there are numerous US military bases.
They need to be staffed.
This is going to be a launch pad for the wars against Libya, Syria, Iran and everyone else in the region.
So according to these leaked chatter from the moles inside the Bilderberg Group, the quote was that
The U.S.
had no intention of ever leaving Iraq, that the occupation would be permanent.
One European delegate commented that, quote, it is anyone's guess when U.S.
troops will finally be withdrawn, suggesting that this December 31st, 2011 deadline is complete baloney, just like the last one was.
And in fact, another U.S.
Bilderberger said, quote, when you think of Iraq, think big.
So again, the troops are going nowhere.
They're going to use Iraq as a launching pad for a new war against Syria, Libya and everyone else.
And it's basically, you know, more of the same.
Obama campaigned on getting troops out.
More troops are deployed, more US troops all over the world under Obama compared to George W. Bush.
And Bilderberg have had a direct hand in what happens in Iraq right from 2002, as Jim Tucker reported, when they delayed the start
All right, Paul, this is the short break.
We're going to be back just on the other side, and there's a lot more to cover, obviously.
So, InfoWars.com, stay tuned.
In the second hour, coming up in just about a minute here.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back again live this Friday, June 17th.
I'm Aaron Dyk sitting in while Alex is away.
We're now into the second hour.
We've been with Paul Joseph Watson.
Coming up, of course, is Bob Chapman, economic expert and total guru.
He's going to have a lot of insight, I'm sure.
On everything going on in Greece and what it means for Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and the United States.
What day will the U.S.
get its first IMF loan?
We also want to give out the phone number.
We want to get your take.
It is open phones, but at the same time, with World War III looming, with the European crisis really in the balance right now, I'd really like to hear something relevant from you other than just ancient history.
But the number is 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to get to your calls in a few minutes and throughout the rest of the broadcast.
We're also going to talk to Bilderberg insider Alex Banesh.
Outsider, actually.
Witness to the events along with us in St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
Witness also to some of the being chased by police on the mountains and the other adventures in higher parts of the world.
But Paul Joseph Watson, just to bring us back into discussion, I'm looking at a document from 2008, October 30th, 2008.
Rand Corporation lobbies Pentagon.
Start a war to save the U.S.
Back in 2008, they discussed
Bringing up a World War III scenario that could even involve China, Russia, or even Japan simply to bolster the U.S.
What do you think about that, Paul?
Well that's interesting because it came straight out of Chinese state media which is basically the voice of the government.
So they were blowing the whistle on the fact that Rand were getting together with the Pentagon to try and foment this new war to distract people from the economic crisis.
What came out of Bilderberg was the fact that they want this massive war in the Middle East which includes everybody apart from Israel.
I mean, but the scope of what this can be obviously hinges on China's reaction, because for the first time ever at Bilderberg, we had two Chinese officials in attendance.
So the debate centers around whether China is going to become this new empire that will compete with the globalists, with the New World Order, or whether it will be absorbed into the New World Order club.
And specifically in the Middle East, China are furious that the United States is involved in this Libya intervention because over the past 5-10 years China has basically set about colonizing Africa financially and for its resources and the Africans have been willing to go along with it because China doesn't have the history of exploiting the country for its own benefit as the West does, as America does, as the British Empire does, the French Empire, the NATO powers.
So in addition to this we've got obviously China set to become the largest economy in the world in 2016.
So obviously the globalists, the Bilderberg crowd, are trying to extend an olive branch to China by integrating them into the club.
And it's obviously an effort to weaken the alliance with Pakistan.
The Chinese and Pakistan economies
Basically becoming vertically integrated.
That alliance is now so strong as a result of Pakistan turning away from the United States after the Bin Laden facade.
So we know that, you know, the drone strikes are intensifying against Pakistan and the globalists don't want to have to deal with this wild card of China as they're trying to get rid of Pakistan and destroy Pakistan's sovereignty basically.
So it's about bringing China into the fold and ensuring that they don't make any unpredictable moves regarding Pakistan as this PNAC global takeover ensues.
It is unfortunately possibly a confrontation looming as we've seen AFRICOM
Moving in as a greater imperial force in Africa.
And we've seen tensions breaking down with Pakistan as China builds those bases.
We had Dr. Hamid Gul on yesterday.
We'll be back on the other side of the break.
Again, the phone number to call in 1-800-259-9231.
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We are back, once again, on the Alex Jones Show.
Aaron Dyke's sitting in while Alex is away.
But what a day to be gone, of course.
World War III really seems to be looming.
The Euro crisis in full scope.
And just on the hills of the Bilderberg meetings where we've seen many of the reported leaked inside agenda already playing out.
Whether it be over the Cyber Security Act, whether it be over greater war in Libya, whether it be trying to rebuff U.S.
politicians who want to end some of those wars, or whether it be the Euro situation between Greece and the still sovereign countries like Switzerland.
Paul Watson, we want to go now to a few calls and get their take, but real quick, what are we looking at?
We were discussing China and the geo-strategic situation.
Yeah, in conclusion, they're basically trying to hand out an olive branch to China because they're scared stiff of how the Chinese will react when this big Middle East war kicks off.
Obviously, they're already planning to go into Libya in October, as our sources told us.
But it's when Pakistan becomes involved that they're decidedly unsure about how the Chinese will react.
So that is the touch point when it's going to kick off big time.
And that is the threat of World War 3.
Paul, let's see what the callers have to add.
I think we have on the line Hector from California.
Are you there, Hector?
Yeah, I'm here, Aaron.
What's going on?
I just wanted to start off.
Two points I wanted to make, but first off, it boggles my mind that there's so much news going on, and it's even in mainstream now, you know, everything that's going on in the world.
And Americans, I mean, I talk to a lot of people every day and I would say 99% of people still just live in blissful ignorance.
And you can tell them fact after fact after fact and let them decide for themselves and they still, they still will not, they refuse to wake up.
We're on the verge of, you know, World War III.
And everyone that I know, you know, young people, old people, they care more about celebrity gossip and more about, you know, what's going on on MTV than they do about these real issues that are
You know, pushing us to the brink of, you know, a thermonuclear war.
For example, I mean, just the state of not only the economy, but, you know, the world economy.
I mean, we are in a depression, like Alex Jones and everyone says, we are in a depression.
And one example I give people is, in the 30s, you know, there was bread lines, there was soup kitchens, and the only reason that we don't see those today is because of food stamps and because of EBT cards.
Get rid of those, and it's the same as in the 30s.
In a lot of senses, it's worse.
It's going to take a lot of really bad times for people to really wake up, and by then it might be too late.
The second point I wanted to raise is, for a long time, I woke up about two years ago, and for a long time I was just in complete denial about a lot of these things, namely subliminal messaging.
Since I woke up, I've started to see it more and more and more, and this was some new movie that came out.
I had to sit in on a new X-Men movie, and there's actually a point in the movie where they specifically say that it's necessary to strip people of their rights in order to obtain security, which is a complete assault on what Ben Franklin said, and it boggles my mind that people
Just continue to eat it up, and we are winning, we are waking more people up, but more of us need to wake up if we ever want to bring about real change and steal the power from the elitists that are running the world.
Yeah, unfortunately, you really have a point, Hector.
A lot of these movies are basically theater for the mind, for the general public, who, as you say, are completely out of the realm of real stuff going on.
And further, I think there's kind of an animal psychology limit to our attention spans.
I've seen it explained how
A lion in a cage at a circus.
They use a chair and a whip, because that's more points than he can keep track of, so that he's not thinking about, quote, the man in the white pants.
I think it's a lot the same with the war.
They've got us focused, A, on celebrity issues, B, on getting food on the table or on fulfilling the obligations for food stamps, etc.
And then who can keep track of five wars?
Who can even name them all?
Webster Tarpley and Alex Jones could barely name all the different conflicts going on as they still unfold.
Paul Watson, what do you have to say about that?
Well, it's amazing, isn't it, that in a week where the Eurozone is on the verge of collapse, we've got all these new wars kicking off.
The biggest story on Fox News and CNN is still, for the, what, third week running, Wiener's Wiener.
That just gives you an insight into how these networks control the paradigm.
But I mean, the caller was talking about 90-odd percent of people he talks to are not awake.
I mean, if you're not awake by now, at least tangentially to these issues, then really there's no hope, is there?
But I think one of the biggest stumbling blocks that we come across regularly is the people that are aware, but just
Don't do anything about it.
The keyboard warriors, they just sit behind there cynically complaining about, you know, protesting is not going to do anything, this is not going to do anything.
Even as the Bilderberg agenda starts to fail, the things that they're calling for start to fail.
So we're having an impact
These people still sit there just cynically whining that we can't do anything.
So moreover than the people who just are completely unaware and distracted, I think it's the people who are aware but just choose to think that they have no influence or power whatsoever.
That's our biggest problem going forward.
So those are the people we need to target.
The people who are already in the arena but are just sat up in the bleachers doing nothing about it.
Yeah, we can't make any difference.
That's why they're trying to shut down our cameras and why the police at Bilderberg tried to shut down the protesters and take their passports and intimidate them.
But that all changed, didn't it, Paul, when a member of the Swiss Parliament wrote a letter telling police that they weren't allowed to do that anymore?
Oh yeah, in the first day they were really aggressive, I mean they were seizing people's passports.
As the conference went on they pulled back further and further and we were able to get more in the faces of Bilderberg members to the point where we were basically just chasing them around in their limos and so forth.
But again, I mean, most of the people who read our website
I don't know.
The focus on what they're doing does have an effect, it does have an influence.
We're not saying we're gonna save the world overnight, but you at least have to have the belief that you can have an influence to have any impact on the situation at all.
So it's just about, you know, having self-confidence, not being a keyboard warrior who just cynically attacks other people, and actually just getting out there and doing something, and it's many hands make light work.
And obviously the protesters in Europe right now are making a difference on that point.
Let's go now to Kevin in Ohio.
Are you there, Kevin?
Amen to everything you're saying.
I want to bring to attention, and I really hope that Alex and this broadcast can bring it to light, there's a country, a European country, that is trying to break the shackles of tyranny all the way back from
Um, early in the 20th century.
It's a long forgotten country.
It's Belarus.
In the last month, they've devalued their currency by over 50%.
Lukashenko still runs with an iron fist, imprisoning all his opponents.
And I would like to hear an outcry for these people to break this tyranny that's been just, just gobbling them up.
World War II, World War I.
Um, and I would like this program to have an effect for them, somebody to shout out to them because they don't hear from anyone.
That country just continues to be run over.
And, uh, Mr. Watts is right.
We don't do anything.
I'm a non-vet.
And, uh, where are the Vietnam veterans against the war?
We should be all be down there with, um, everyone just protesting every day.
No more wars, no more blood.
A lot of people for them, for the bank.
No more.
God bless you both.
Bless you also.
You know, we've seen quite a bit of protesting during the Bush years and then suddenly it evaporated in the Obama years as if the wars were suddenly attractive and desirable.
But as far as Belarus, I know there's been what looks to be staged terror attacks over there.
Things have been obviously very difficult in Eastern Europe.
That doesn't mean I'm an expert on the situation.
Paul Watson, what do you know about Belarus?
Well, you obviously had Lukashenko coming out and opposing the New World Order, basically, a few months ago.
They're similarly impacted by the same economic crisis that Greece are currently labouring under.
So, again, it's just another victim of this globalist onslaught, and it's similar to other European countries, like Switzerland, where there's a large number of the population that are aware of it.
I mean,
I was heartened when we were at Bilderberg just to see the, to the level at which the Swiss people were so informed and committed to the cause because you don't see that in a lot of countries.
So people need to know that there is an informed, active, determined, young base that's out there that are willing to try and rescue their own country and it's sweeping Europe, it's sweeping America and we just need to be patient because it's not going to happen overnight.
I'm with you there.
Thank you for the call, Kevin.
Let's go now to Aaron in Nevada.
Hey man, how you doing?
Well, I haven't always been the biggest fan of Aaron Dyches, to be frank, but I tell you, you really impressed me with your work there at Bilderberg.
Very confident, very salient.
And also Watson from United Queendom there.
I really like all the work that you do and everything.
Really awesome.
Here's the thing.
I think, though, that we need to be less ambiguous about this term globalist, which I hear everybody using nowadays.
I think it's a bit of a misnomer.
I think we have to be more specific and name names.
So we can target our protests against those particular individuals, hound them, as opposed to this generic globalist term, which is, I think, ambiguous to a lot of people.
On my radio show at gonad.com, me and Bob Chapman had a little game show called Name the Globalist, just so we could start... Hey, hang right there, and we're gonna come back to you after the break, but we have the list in front of us, so I can read the names.
They're in the CFR and the other groups.
Back after this, InfoWars.com.
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No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man.
We're back again on the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
I'm Aaron Dyk sitting in while Alex is away.
On the line with me, Paul Joseph Watson coming up in just a few minutes.
Alex Banesh of the InfoKrieg, also a fellow witness to the 2011 Bilderberg meeting, and coming up later, Bob Chapman.
But the caller was bringing up how we've maybe been a little too vague about the globalists.
I don't think so.
I think it has something to do with
I don't think so.
The Trilateral Commission, it all stems from the Anglo-American Empire, the Cecil Rhodes Roundtable groups, meeting in secret, getting advanced decisions, abilities to steer markets and political wars, political markets, decisions rather, in advance without oversight.
Paul Watson, who are the globalists?
Well, just look at the Bilderberg attendee list.
I mean, we published it.
All the names are right there.
Those are the most prominent individuals.
Specifically, the ones on the steering committee like Davignon, because they meet more than once a year.
They have several meetings a year at which the progress of the agendas that they seek to implement are reviewed.
Remember that when Bilderberg say, oh, we don't even implement policy at any of these meetings,
They're right in a sense, but it's about creating the consensus.
It's like Willy Claes, the former NATO Secretary General, said.
They're told to go away and implement this consensus in their respective spheres of influence.
So, I mean, the list is there.
I mean, we published it, we're naming them.
What became apparent to me was just how weak and pathetic these people are.
Because, you know, if they're so proud of this New World Order, then why were some of them hiding their faces behind newspapers, driving around in cars with black tinted windows?
It's like Skelton talks about in his latest article.
I mean, they hide their anonymity behind giant shower curtains and armed guards, and yet we're supposed to prove our
Identification everywhere we go.
Or we're labelled terrorists.
But if you see these people driving past in their stupid little tinted window cars, cars hiding their faces, it just brings it home how weak and pathetic they really are.
We've named them, the list is out there, so people should be under no illusions as to who the globalists are.
Maybe it would be easier to think of them as arrogant weasels imposing this globalisation on us.
Let's go to another call.
Tim in Germany, are you there?
Yes, I'm here.
Good to talk to you.
You as well.
Thanks for your guys' work in Switzerland.
Really appreciate what you've done there.
What Paul said earlier, I would like to comment as well.
I think sometimes it's important to go out to these demonstrations and show faith and
Make clear that many people oppose it, but then there's always these examples of these anti-war protests that happened in the UK, where I think close to a million people went to the streets and opposed the UK's involvement in the Iraq invasion.
And it was just, yeah, it was just not minded at all.
People ignored, or the politicians or globalists ignored it completely.
And obviously there is a time for protests, but many of these protests are
Just wiped away and ignored.
And I think a big and an important thing is Indian for is even for the keyboard warriors.
Definitely they shouldn't write and they shouldn't say how powerless we are and destroy hope because there's no hope people will never start fighting.
They will not pick up the fight or they will give up at the slightest resistance.
But I think
What is an important thing coming also from the keyboard or talking to people wherever you meet them, InfoWAR, is we need to change the consciousness of the people.
We need to make them aware.
And often enough people will go to a demonstration and it will be a hip thing maybe or it will be a momentous outcry, but then they will withdraw from really a change of consciousness.
So I think
All of these aspects are important in the InfoWall.
Also the keyboard voice.
As long as it's not destroying hope.
Because hope is the most important thing in all of this fight.
I couldn't agree
Used to just be Jim Tucker, then a few dozen.
Now it's up to over a hundred, even in a remote part, not close to a city.
So I think there's progress there.
As far as the wars, they're committed to it.
So they're going to double down.
So that's why they don't care what the protesters say.
But that doesn't mean we don't have power.
We're going to get more on to that on the other side of the break.
This is M4Wars.com.
Aaron Dyk sitting in.
Alex Jones will be back Sunday live.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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We're back again at InfoWars.com on the Alex Jones Show.
I am still Aaron Dyk sitting in.
With me still on the line is Paul Joseph Watson, and we're going to bring in now Alex Banesh of InfoKrieg over in Germany.
He's going to talk about some of the things we saw at the meeting, but of course we have seen come out of the Bilderberg meetings agenda from 2011 directly a call for a wider World War III type scenario, heavier war in Libya,
Continuing crackdown on activists and anti-war people in the United States while continuing to foment anti-regime change through anti-dictator groups, supposedly, in these Middle East regions, in China, in Russia, and in related places.
Let's go now to Alex Banesh.
Hey guys, good to see you.
Watching you on the screen as well.
Good to have you here.
Yeah, I was writing an article linking Bilderberg, as well as the dynasties behind Bilderberg, not just to Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, believed in the past, they ran him, especially Kissinger did, and they put pressure on Nixon, made him look bad, and destroyed Vietnam.
And today, we have the new Ellsberg, which is, of course, Julian Assange.
And Assange calls Bilderberg, quote, vaguely conspiratorial in a networking sense.
That's from the same Belfast Telegraph interview where he trashed 9-11 truth as being annoying and a distraction.
So, Julian Assange got this material, the Afghanistan logs, the Iraq logs, cable case,
We're good to go.
Uh, they said he runs Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and he's the reason German soldiers get shot, Bob.
So this is diabolical propaganda.
And all these magazines said basically the same kind of coverage.
They said, well, the war on terror...
It wasn't pretty so far.
It could have been handled better, but essentially it was necessary and just 100,000 dead in Iraq.
Completely bogus numbers, by the way.
And so the war on terror wasn't so bad up until now and has to be expanded because Iran and Pakistan are the reason we're not completely winning.
Yeah, and you're talking of course about Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks phenomenon.
A new 21st century approach to probing and pushing the buttons of geo-strategic tension across the map.
I'm looking right here at an article from January 13, 2011.
Tunisia, the first WikiLeaks revolution.
This was actually an article in Foreign Policy, the magazine of record for the Council on Foreign Relations.
And we've really seen the WikiLeaks be a limited hangout in many ways.
You mentioned Daniel Ellsberg.
There's a whole book, The Secret Team, written by... Well, the name escapes me.
Yeah, Fletcher Prouty, thank you.
Fletcher Prouty's book, The Secret Team, really exposes how Daniel Ellsberg was a limited hangout.
He redirected blame and analysis of the CIA, which was then just claiming some of its most outrageous powers, blaming it on the military.
Meanwhile, we have these Bilderberg members.
Really, they are the war powers behind the scenes.
There's Prince Bernhard, who was once part of IG Farben, and a Nazi SS officer to boot, Alex.
Continue, please.
And also, when we talk about the cyber-terrorism and an upcoming event that might get this world war going, I remember a documentary which was never officially released.
It's called Hackers Want It.
It leaked on the internet.
You might want to check this out.
Hackers Want It.
And it focuses on a hacker called Adrian Lamo.
Who is, of course, connected to this whole WikiLeaks affair.
Lamos is the guy who supposedly betrayed the source, Bradley Manning, to the government and Adrian Lamos to work for Homeland Security as well.
And in this documentary, you see a couple of, I mean, a couple of counterterrorism government officials
And they say now is the time hackers start joining the U.S.
government because Al-Qaeda or some foreign country might come after us with a two-pronged attack.
First, a cyber attack, shutting off power lines, power grids, phone systems, to drive people out on the street in a crowded city like New York or L.A.
When you have that many people on the streets, then Al-Qaeda or some other nefarious country in this scenario would then spread a deadly virus and you would have a much higher body count than you would have had with just the biological attack.
So this is the hacker propaganda and also the cyber terrorist propaganda.
This is very, very, very dangerous.
And also, if you look at this entire WikiLeaks situation, you see that from the chat logs between Bradley Manning, the alleged source for many of those WikiLeaks releases, and Packer Adrian Lammo, in the chat logs, Manning talks about the kind of software he used.
He said, I was using Tor, the anonymizing system.
We're good to go.
Kryptom, John Young, from Kryptom, published some of the core tax returns.
You can see it's government funded.
And so you might think the government would put in a backdoor in this.
And the lead programmer, one of the lead programmers, Jacob Applebaum, he talked about, yeah, there's some backdoors in it and some weaknesses.
We've known about them for a couple of months now.
And we heard Iran
It's using Deep Packet Inspection now so they can actually track and block TOR.
Meaning, they can potentially find out who the dissidents are.
This is an entire complex, an entire web of government-sponsored groups and hackers and what I call data laundering.
So, you have these Afghanistan logs, the Iraq logs, cablegates, and then you... Somehow they ended up
We're good.
Well, Alex Banesh, thank you for that analysis.
I want to get back to Paul Watson as well and get his take on it.
But looking forward, we of course have this week here in the Financial Times, hackers claim CIA website disruption.
For those of you who just joined us, only days after getting a cybersecurity alert out of the Bilderberg meetings, we're seeing a CIA website and a host of other sites, Sony, Nintendo, Australian broadcasters and more among them going down.
Who does that really benefit?
Is that really harm the CIA when their partners in crime, the NSA, really want to bring in greater internet control and prepare us to accept a cyber false flag attack when really it's not even clear how vulnerable the system would be?
In the past several years, I believe for the past four in a row, we've had USA's General Keith B. Alexander, Director of the NSA, at the Bilderberg meetings meeting year after year on cyberterrorism.
Paul Watson, I really feel like they might be planning something.
Could it help with this Middle East agenda as well as the domestic clampdown?
Well, that's precisely what they're planning, and I mean, remember this whole cyber security agenda was founded on the boilerplate hacking example of the Stuxnet, which of course later, as the New York Times reported on January 15th, 2011,
They said that the virus was designed as an American-Israeli project to sabotage the Iranian program.
And then Ralph Langner bragged at the big TED conference where all the globalists attend, and Bill Gates, that yes, it was Israel and the United States, with the United States being the leading party in launching that Stuxnet attack.
So they're the ones behind it, and they're going to be behind it in the future, and it's going to be blamed on these rogue extremist groups, and eventually it's going to be used to enact this Chinese-style internet that Joe Lieberman and others have passed, which is based on the premise that Homeland Security can just make a phone call and get your website shut down, which...
In a convoluted sense is what happened with WikiLeaks because they had their website hosted on Amazon's cloud server and Homeland Security just put a telephone call through and it was shut down.
So that's why they're moving everyone over to this so-called Secure Internet 2, this cloud system where you basically hand over all your content over to whoever runs that system.
But on the subject of hackers, it was admitted that one in four of hackers in the United States work for the US government.
So of course they've completely infiltrated this area as Alex was just discussing and they're going to use it for false flag cyber attacks even though the internet, you know, the new plants, the power lines, they're not even connected to the internet but they're going to say that it's connected so they can use it as a pretext to take over the entire internet and the communication system.
Yeah, and dovetailing with that, we have the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act in the U.S., which they've already used to shut down gambling sites.
There's also the EU Intellectual Property Rights Strategy.
They really want to force, of course, YouTube is part of that bigger system, but sites like YouTube, they want to force them to shut down everyone
Preemptively before you can even defend whether or not you have a right to use something that may be questionably in copyright I think that really goes hand-in-hand with the cyber agenda and why there are so many bigwigs of the online world now at Bilderberg meeting each year Alex Benesch, what is your take on that?
Well, obviously we We were We had the experience of
Seeing how technology can protect us.
This is a technology race, really.
It's us against these globalist power brokers.
And so, we were using technology for our benefit.
We were shooting, we were streaming live, and there was one incident when we were chasing Dre Bilderberger up a mountain in my car.
And this was an off-limits mountain, and we got fined for the infraction.
And we were driving up this very narrow road, being chased by police, and this officer probably thought, well, I'm the king of the hill up here, you know?
This is a lonely hill, I can do anything up here.
What he didn't know was that Paul, the entire time, was streaming live over the internet to I don't know how many people.
That's right.
They've used all this social media to break through the walls of Iran and other countries that want to clamp down.
But I don't think the Bilderberg Group ever expected us to turn that around on them.
They couldn't confiscate our footage.
They couldn't take away tapes or make us go away because it was all happening in real time.
Paul Watson, what do you make of all that?
Well, I mean, they're furious about that.
They can't stand it, the fact that we can stream live to the internet and it's automatically archived.
But again, that's why they're trying to move all the content over to the cloud network, where you don't control it.
It's not on your servers.
And of course, as I mentioned earlier, Apple has now got the patent whereby they can send out infrared signals that block your ability to film something on your iPhone if you're at, quote, an event.
And then it's if you're at a museum and you know if you're at a protest it goes on and on.
So they're definitely scared stiff of the alternative media and the fact that we can have this instant outreach to the internet and they're going to try every dirty trick in the book to try and prevent us from doing that.
That's a high-tech dirty trick that the Bilderberg Group have been using for years.
I was talking to Alex Jones earlier about in 2008 when the We Are Change group found out the golf course, the public golf course, the members were playing on showed up to talk to David Rockefeller and the others and then all of a sudden
Security walked over, picked out one individual guy from the crowd, kind of a new guy that nobody knew too well, and suddenly pulled out, oh, he has a gun, he has a weapon, now everyone has to leave, now no one's allowed in this area.
We saw a direct parallel to that this year in 2011 at Bilderberg, where they had a false bomb scare.
They claimed someone
Uh, was going to commit a terroristic act against the meeting.
They blocked off the road for hours as they built up another wall to block viewing these members and they really tried to push back against the protesters.
As we mentioned earlier, uh, during Bilderberg they took passports and told people they weren't allowed to film police, told them they'd be arrested knowing they had limited knowledge of all the finer points of Swiss law.
Uh, really just trying to intimidate everyone and
I don't think it's working, but they've been pulling these dirty tricks for years.
Alex Benesch, what did you make of that?
Well, we've seen the local newspaper out of Knallbunten, kind of the state the conference was taking place in, and the local paper on Saturday of the conference had an article on Bilderberg, and they quoted from the police
Uh, website, and it said in, uh, in regards to these two people arrested, uh, with the bomb scare, it said, yeah, we were searching for four hours.
Uh, we thought it was more like one and a half.
And, uh, we found that, uh, it was not a bomb.
Uh, it looked like one.
It looked like tubing.
And, uh, those two were arrested.
Uh, they would, they would have to pay the bill.
It is expected they would have to pay the bill for four hours of bomb searching.
Uh, so we don't know if this is just harassment, if people were acting stupid and had like a bunk bomb or something.
Or, uh, if those two are just provocateurs, uh, delivering a reason to close off that main road.
Yeah, then we saw when official members of Parliament there in Switzerland tried to enter the group, as well as when an Italian member of the EU Parliament tried to enter the group, of course he was kind of sneaking in, the police really reacted with brutality in the case of the EU Italian member, beating him, pushing him down, blooding his nose to the Swiss Parliament, really letting them know they're not welcome, even as they tried to route out the likes of Kissinger.
They also separately stopped a George W. Bush speaking engagement because they were afraid of protesters and afraid of an unfriendly climate in a country that loves sovereignty.
I really think it's going to backfire against them.
It's almost a Gandhi-like moment when a protester can just be beat down by a group that refuses to unleash its secrecy.
That refuses to disclose what's going on behind closed doors while mandating, trying to implement, trying to force a centralized system upon everyone.
Obviously the group affects everything going on in the world, but ordinary people are not allowed to know Paul Watson.
Yeah, and then of course on the final day we had the secret police guy basically standing with us the whole time, which was very interesting to say the least.
We could touch on that after the break.
We'll be back on the other side.
I'm Aaron Dykes filling in for Alex Jones back live Sunday.
This is InfoWars.com, the Alex Jones Show, Friday, June 17th.
Back in just a moment.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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We're back again on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Aaron Dykes.
Coming up in just a few minutes, Bob Chapman will most certainly be helping us to break down the latest in the global economic crisis, everything going on in Greece.
There are Bilderberg members preparing to step down.
Just before restructuring the government, we also have the potential for it to spread to Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and it will have great implications for the United States as well as it continues its imperial powers.
We were talking earlier with Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Benesch of InfoKrieg in Germany.
Two fellow witnesses to the 2011 Bilderberg meeting in St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
I want to let everyone know that InfoWars now has a newsletter, the InfoWars Insider.
It's going out today, I believe, but it's also going out Tuesday with the total coverage of the World War III agenda.
We played earlier Alex's video, Obama starting World War III, and he's certainly doing that, expanding us into more than five wars.
And continuing to press buttons.
Also coming out in that Tuesday Inside Edition of the Info Wars, the Info Wars Insider that is, still getting used to that name, will be some of the inside coverage of Bilderberg, some of our exclusive footage, some of the things we're talking about, and then there'll be a longer piece coming out in about a week, or within a week, with more than an hour of exclusive Bilderberg footage, an interview with Jim Tucker, his breakdown of things, and
Jim Tucker is really just great to see him because of his spirit.
You can see him glowing like so many of the activists.
He's very enthused and excited, obviously, that so many young people, so many old people as well, are beginning to fight the Bilderberg Info War head-on by showing up in person.
We had a great turnout, but Paul Watson, as you mentioned, we also encountered a secret police kind of guy standing amongst the protesters as if he was with us.
We saw him actually communicating with police who came over to him, and he fed them information.
But we confronted him, didn't we, Paul?
Well that's right and I mean the only time he ever really spoke to anyone was after the conference was ending and the police were pulling down the shower curtain.
He spoke to them and then he immediately left.
But we got an interview with him on camera and he obviously had some base knowledge of what the issues were which he was trained to spew.
But it was obvious that he was secret police.
But the fact that we got him on camera means not so secret anymore.
But I mean I'd just like to say
The camaraderie between all the activists out there, it's like Alex said before, it was like being in the trenches, you know, the sleep deprivation, the rain, the cold, but everybody really pulled together and really helped us out in a number of ways.
People like Dominic, Luke, Fabian, John, Tim, Stefan, Alex of course is with us now.
All the We Are Change Switzerland guys, just want to give a big shout out to them because they were great.
And I was really heartened and encouraged by the coverage, the organisation, the commitment that these guys were committed to in their own country in Switzerland there.
I really would.
It was because you could see we all have more potential in our pinky finger than some of those old crusty guys inside the hotel.
We really are giants and our consciousness is beginning to awaken.
I don't mean mine and yours in particular because we're just individuals as well in this info war.
Everywhere I go in the country, there's a We Are Change group or a Ron Paul group or some kind of other decentralized activist group and they're always just getting the work done.
It was no different, surprisingly, wonderfully, in Switzerland.
They have a whole German language movement.
Alex Benesch from Germany, just one of many people, really.
We Are Change Switzerland hosted a whole event, mostly in German, but with enough English translations.
Rap groups there singing about the Infowar and on and on.
It was just incredible to see.
I want to thank Alex Banesh for joining us and telling him bye right now.
Coming up in just a moment, Bob Chapman and more of your calls.
This is the Infowar.
I'm Aaron Dyches.
You are listening to GCN.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live now in the third hour on this Friday, June 17th.
I'm Aaron Dykes.
I'm sitting in while Alex Jones is away on story, but he will be back in full force live Sunday with plenty to cover as World War III begins to break out, as the Libya war begins to go hot, as Obama continues to resist any kind of congressional oversight or authority, completely rebuking the idea that even the War Powers Act
Really a loose compromise only recently put in place even that that wouldn't hold him back because the level of tensions and escalation and violence in Libya don't warrant anything he would consider to be a war.
On the other hand researchers now count up to five wars that Obama, the peacemaker, the Orwellian dictator has us engaged in.
We're still in Iraq obviously, we're still in Afghanistan and
Fresh in the news today, Paul Watson, Prince of Planet.com, that we want a permanent presence in Iraq.
That's on the websites.
Also, Greece falling in riots.
The government, the Bilderberger, Pop Andrew, getting ready to step down, but only after restructuring the government and making sure people in line with the policies are in place, trying to make sure many of those austerity cuts
I think so.
When Greece defaults on the debt, will it spread to Spain?
Will it spread to Portugal?
How long until it affects the United States?
I'm looking here at a fresh report.
IMF cuts U.S.
growth forecast, warns of crisis.
San Paolo Reuters.
The International Monetary Fund cut its forecast for U.S.
economic growth on Friday and warned Washington and debt-ridden European countries
That they're playing with fire unless they take immediate steps to reduce their budget deficits.
But of course they largely refuse to do that as they commit us to greater and greater troop presence in the Middle East.
And it really appears that World War III looms.
So much is going on.
I want to go now to Bob Chapman, the international forecaster, really an economic guru and a talisman of all things economic and political.
Are you there, Bob?
I certainly am, and that was a great overview.
Well, thank you.
I hardly know where to begin.
I wish I could do it greater justice.
It seems like that small window of time before things really hit the fan.
Yeah, I think you have to take each part separately.
The hottest is Greece, and we know Judge Papandreou made a deal with the bankers prior to becoming elected, and that was to
Collateralized debt.
That would be money lent to the Greek government in the form of bonds.
And have collateral behind them in case the bonds weren't paid.
The interest wasn't paid.
And obviously he received funds from them in order to run so he could win the election.
That's the only way I can figure that out.
For those who don't know, his father Andrus
Another communist and another member of the Bilderberger Group and the Illuminati.
He probably was the worst government during the mid-1980s that Greece has ever had.
And he looted the country as best he could.
I, like Alex, have been on radio and television and in the newspapers in Greece along with Max Keiser for the last year or more.
Um, all of us with generally the same message.
Tell the bankers to take a hike.
And that's what's going to happen.
And the ramifications are very large.
Yesterday, Max was on with
Bob, I need you to hold that thought because we're going to break, but we're going to be back on the other side with the long segment.
Coming up, I'm Aaron Dyk sitting in for Alex Jones back on Sunday, but don't miss this.
It's going to be really important.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're back in the first long segment of the third hour.
Joining us is Bob Chapman, the international forecaster.
And we were just beginning to get into the whole Greece situation.
And as you say, it's not our debt, it's not their debt.
But could you recap, Bob?
How did they get us on the hook for this?
How did they bring about this crisis and try to put it on the people?
And didn't they know they would resist?
Excuse me.
This started in 1974.
When David Rockefeller visited Greece at that time, the government had a coup by the military, and the military were in power two or three years, and David told them that the communists were going to come and get them, and so they better load up with all kinds of classy American equipment, which they did.
And that really started the spiral.
It goes back that far.
And when Greece
Their due date was 1-1-0-1.
To be in the Eurozone and adopt the Euro as a currency.
They used credit swaps and other devices to hide the terrible situation that they had financially.
But just so they could get into the Eurozone.
The other members liked that.
They looked the other way.
And they did the same thing with Italy, who did something similar, who should not have been accepted at that time as well.
But anyway, the evolutionary process of debt has been going on for years, politician to politician.
And a good part of it was kept away from the Greek populace because
It was hidden by using credit default swaps and other devices.
And so it came to a head about a year and a quarter, year and a half ago.
And the Greek people really generally didn't know what was going on.
In fact, I think a lot of the politicians didn't either.
So now the president has a situation where
He is lacking 20 votes which belong to the other party which is run by Mr. Semras and who Mr. Pompadre has been trying to make deals with for the last few weeks to no avail because Mr. Pompadre wants to sell out the Greek people by collateralizing debt and I don't think they should do it.
And just as an example of this collateralization process, just recently
A German group which owned part of the telecom bought another piece of it for 30 cents on the dollar.
So what they wanted to do and what they would like to do, and that's why the International Chamber of Commerce and the Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase representatives have been going in and out of Athens for the past month or so, perhaps longer.
And they want to buy, you know, bid for the airport and bid for the ports and buy the islands and so on.
And they're not going to get away with it.
The Greek people are not dumb.
They may be laid back.
They may like a short work week and retiring at 50.
But they know what's going on now.
And I think Alex and Max and I have helped that process.
In fact, I think
We have been very instrumental in what's going on right now in Greece, because I get that from subscribers there as well as people in government who contact me.
But, anyway, they can't and they won't pay the debt back.
They're going to default.
Now, there's 33 banks that hold not only a large amount of bonds for Greece, which they've purchased,
But they also hold bonds for other sick nations, such as Ireland and Portugal, and I think Spain and Belgium and Italy are not far behind.
And what are we talking about?
Well, I guessed about a little over a year ago, I said, it'll cost them $4 trillion to clean up the mess, which they don't have.
Now my figure's gone up to $6 trillion.
And so there's no way of bailing them out.
Even the healthy countries, like particularly Germany, isn't going to, doesn't want to, and they're willing to take their losses.
And the electorate pointed that out in the recent elections with the party CDU, Christian Democratic Union, that is led by Mrs. Merkel.
I don't
And you look at the percentage figures, 67 to 69 percent of the people did not want a euro.
They wanted to keep the D-mark in Germany.
And quite frankly, more than half of them don't even want to belong to the European Union.
But getting back to what is at stake here, you've got a whole bunch of banks with bonds.
You've got governments with bonds in Greece and those other failed countries, we'll call them.
And the numbers are atrocious.
It just so happens that in the case of Greece, the losses, about $120 to $130 billion, are covered by credit default swaps, which were issued, sold, by American banks.
And I was thinking about this today when I was watching Max and Alex talk in the previous broadcast, and, you know, I always suspected
That when the MBS and the CDOs, which were bonds that contained mortgages, 60% of those were sold to European banks.
Now, they all have attorneys.
They're all intelligent.
And they were told that these were AAA rated pieces of paper, bonds.
When in fact, they were BBB.
It's a difference between a 10 and a 4, 10 being best.
And they get stuck with these things that are selling for 10 or 15 or 20 cents on the dollar.
And I can't help but think there was a deal made ahead of time that will sell you these bonds, and if they go bad, we'll cover you.
This is the Fed, Federal Reserve talking.
And the reason I say that is that there's never been, from Europe, any legal action
Or any criminal prosecution, which would include also not only the sellers of the bonds, which are banks and brokerage houses, but also the raiders, which are S&P, Moody's and Fitch, who lied about the ratings.
There's absolutely no question.
And they should be prosecuted criminally along with the bankers.
But anyway, I think a deal was made.
A deal was made ahead of time.
Now we come full circle to what's going on today and we see that the credit default swap backing insurance on all this money that was given to Greece and bonds received.
What the U.S.
Fed and the Treasury have done, I think, have in essence protected the European banks from the disaster that Greece has become.
And we're in it.
We, the United States, are in it big time.
And it's not only with Greece, it's with the other countries as well.
As well as a lot of things that are going on that we don't know about and they're never going to tell us about.
Well obviously their willingness to conspire with these European banks is evidenced by Bernanke refusing to disclose who got the money, but we find out two years later it was largely European banks who were given this money.
You're absolutely right, Aaron, and that's why I didn't tell anybody.
And they said it was a state secret, if you can believe that.
And so we know there's all kinds of things going on that we don't know about, and they're hiding.
They being the Fed, the other central banks, and the bankers in Europe.
So if we have a default, partial or full,
In Greece, which I think is a wonderful thing, the banks in Europe are going to be under pressure.
Some of them could go under.
Maybe all of them could go under.
And the nations holding Greek bonds are going to take losses, big losses.
If Ireland and Portugal have any sense, they're going to say, well, maybe we should do the same thing, too.
And so then they get another problem.
And the losses also keep piling up for American banks that wrote that insurance, we'll call it.
And this could be the catalyst that could bring down the whole financial system.
And these people in Europe are running around like chickens with their heads cut off because they don't know what to do.
They never expected that Greece would say, take a hike.
We're not going to do that.
And they still think they can bamboozle the Greeks into making a deal with them.
And Samaras, I don't think is going to do it.
And I'll say another thing that after Mr. Pompadre is out of office, he better leave the country because I don't think he can ever live there again.
And many of the representatives who have sided with him have already said that when they go to their districts, people attack them and beat them.
And maybe that's just the beginning.
And this sort of thing is going to happen all over Europe.
And as I said, it could be the catalyst for a giant upheaval that will affect England and America in a big way.
It'll affect markets in a big way.
And that's why the stock market just dropped 900 points over approximately seven weeks.
And it had been up because of anticipation of QE3 or something like it.
And I think what's happening here is the bankers in Europe have lost control.
And if you want to have another look at that, then you just listen to what Alex has had to say about the Bilderberger meetings.
And very simply, they were a disaster.
I mean, I think the key was that Goon from the East German security force
Okay, Bob Chapman, we're facing break again.
We'll be back in just a few moments.
Obviously, Bilderberg very concerned about what's going to happen with the euro.
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We're back again still on this June 17th Friday broadcast.
Aaron Dyke sitting in still for Alex Jones.
We'll be back in full force on Sunday live.
Right now we go back to Bob Chapman.
We're getting deeper into the Greek crisis and what it means for the rest of Europe and of course the United States and world.
Bob Chapman, we know that the Bilderberg Group has been very concerned about the Euro's future for several years now.
They have, of course, been steering the Euro and the European Union for more than 50 years, but primarily in secret.
Now, after less than a decade out in the open, or close to a decade, it's really crumbling before them.
Why is that, and why are they so concerned?
Well, I think, you know, I understand their desire, and that is to have world government and to enslave people.
And you and I both don't agree with that, I'm sure.
But the point is that they don't look at the anthropological differences and the cultural differences of Europe and other places in the world.
Within countries, never mind from country to country.
And it's an unnatural association.
This unnatural association is pointed out in the fact that they have open borders in Europe.
I'm sure you can go back and forth between countries and just show your EU passport and off you go.
But as far as people moving from country to country, that isn't happening.
And they expected that it would happen.
And they were defying human nature.
And it didn't work.
And just like one interest rate for all in the Eurozone, it couldn't possibly work.
Because each nation is at a different level of development.
Now, with that said, going back to the formation of the European Union, the European coal and steel community, going back into the late 40s and 1950s, something I lived through, because I lived in Europe in those years, and again, totally unnatural.
It couldn't work, and it isn't working, and that's why.
And of course, they made a lot of mistakes along the way.
Well, the Billerbergers, you know, want to force it to work, and that's not going to happen.
And a good example of very, very poor judgment is the continuing secret meetings that they have.
And all the guards and the paraphernalia and people won't say anything about anything that goes on inside.
Well, this time they went too far.
And this guy, this guard, knocked down a member of the European Parliament from the Northern League in Italy.
But he knocked him down head first.
Broke his nose, lacerated him.
And then gave him a kick for good measure.
In fact, when Alex and I heard that, Alex was yelling at the top of his lungs that that was great because this is going to blow the whole meeting.
And he was right.
And so they all left early.
And I don't think they accomplished very much.
And if I were them, I wouldn't be dumb enough to have another Bilderberger meeting where they go in secret.
That be as it may.
They're on the run.
And then they've got Greece facing them, most of whom, many of whom are these Bilderbergers or bankers.
They're looking at horrendous losses.
And then if Ireland and Portugal follow, which I'm sure they will, it gets worse.
And Spain is the dog's breakfast.
It's a mess, financially.
They've got 40% unemployment among young people.
And the police there last week acted like a bunch of goons.
I had the tapes of everything, just like Alex did, and disseminated them.
Now, the people weren't doing anything with it, and so they just beat them.
And you don't do those kind of things, particularly in Spain.
And so all this is boomeranging on them, and they're getting hit from several different sides while they are deliberately trying
To extend warfare in the Middle East.
And as I have predicted before, like in the prediction of 9-11, Afghanistan and Iraq, they're trying to start, obviously, a combination of wars, not caring about the U.S.
Congress or what the American laws are, just because they want to.
And they think they can do anything they want.
This is going to be a diversion.
From all of the financial and economic problems that exist that they caused.
Okay, Bob, I've got to cut you off one more time.
We're going to come back from break and get into that final stuff.
And why do they plan for IMF riots, economic riots, even in the U.S.?
What will it mean for the free people of the world?
Aaron Dykes back in a moment for Infowars.com, The Alex Jones Show.
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All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show, closing in on the third hour.
I'm Aaron Dyke, sitting in, and we still have Bob Chapman with us through the end of the hour.
We're going to try to jam in some phone calls as well.
We're really trying to break down everything happening with this economic crisis.
Bob Chapman, it's something they really plan to capitalize on, using a global crisis of economic proportions to bring in a global solution, but it is in fact backfiring on them.
As the wars expand, as everything's going on, before getting to your points on that, I just want to plug again, Alex has a new video, Obama Launching World War III, that should be up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
A very important broadcast about, unfortunately, the looming wider war, as we have earlier reports from the week from military personnel that
Obama and the U.S.
are planning to launch a much wider Libyan war.
The troops are moving in at least by September, October or early November.
But Bob Chapman, back to the economic forecast, what does all this mean for their global solution and what will it mean for the United States?
Well, I think as far as the world elitists, the Bilderberger types are concerned, they've got an awful lot of headwind to fight against.
They've made some grievous errors underestimating the Greeks.
Their meeting, the Mildebildo-Murga meeting at St.
Moritz, really is a disaster for them.
And now banks and countries are looking down the barrel of not being able to collect in their bonds to suffer grievous losses.
That will spread deeply to the United States and the hundreds of billions of dollars as well.
And that's something that nobody needs, particularly in this case, the US.
We still have throughout Europe, England and the United States, many, many banks that are insolvent that are being held up by
Infusions of capital that you never see, that never reach the media, being supplied by the Fed and other central banks.
In fact, the European Central Bank is not supposed to create money out of thin air like the Fed is.
They're doing it anyway.
I mean, when all is said and done, you know, these people should be prosecuted.
What they're doing are criminal acts in the European Central Bank.
But most people aren't aware of that either.
So anyway, as we go forward, things are going to worsen.
And the President of the United States is doing exactly what he's being told.
And if Congress wants to stop him, and they've filed a lawsuit in federal court against the President to stop him from having these so-called wars or incursions or whatever the President calls them.
And I think
The best thing for Congress to do, if he ignores them, is to bring impeachment against them.
Now, that may not stop what's going on, because the Vice President does what he's told as well.
But the point is, the American people, through their representatives, will have spoken.
And I think that probably is the next step, because ratings are dreadful.
Even the polling companies that favor him, so to speak, have him at 49%.
When in fact, he's probably somewhere around 39% in reality.
You know, on the impeachment question, I've just seen so many people casting doubt on themselves that, oh, we couldn't impeach Obama or Bush or whomever, because the vice president's even worse.
But obviously, it's not only the right duty and action to take, but it would clearly send a message to Biden or whoever.
They would be extremely careful what they did after that, knowing that the people are furious.
Or am I on the wrong track, Bob?
No, I think you're on the right track.
Send a message.
And that's the way to do it.
I mean, some of these people have been fighting on some of these issues for years and years.
And maybe after two years or ten years, something finally happens if you push and push and push.
And that's what we have to do.
We have to let them know we know exactly what you're doing, and you're not going to do it anymore.
And... Sorry, go ahead.
I think the...
The culmination of problems, which is in process now in Europe, is going to complicate the problems in England and in the United States.
I haven't even talked about the U.S., which is federal debt, which is being funded 80% by the Federal Reserve, which is creating the money out of thin air.
And we have the municipal problems.
Which are legion.
40% of the states are on the edge of bankruptcy, if not bankrupt.
Although they can't go bankrupt.
But the point is that that's where they're at.
Real estate, much to everyone's surprise, including my own, I thought that maybe 10% more we'd hit bottom.
No, it looks like we're going even lower than that.
And I think if this continues the way it is for the next year and a half or two,
We can have every mortgage in the country under water.
Now, that's where we're headed with that.
And then you have these layoffs one after another.
22.4% unemployment.
Real inflation of 10.2%.
And then you have the ability for people to
I think so.
But it looks like the main thing they've prepared for is economic riots, IMF riots.
Since at least 2008, we have headlines like the Arizona Police say they're prepared as the War College warns military must prepare for unrest in the United States.
It's already been happening in Europe.
How soon is that coming to the States?
Will it be the Legion city matters, municipal matters you spoke of?
Or will it be a bigger housing crisis or the Euro itself?
I think that's a hard call, but if you look back in history, you'll see that protests, riots, revolution or civil war usually emanate from people who have nothing to eat.
And so we know when we reach that point that it's going to get bad.
It could happen before that.
It's hard to time those things.
Very, very difficult.
I mean, I've been on this program for years with Alex, and he keeps on saying, gee, will it happen in six months or a year?
And I said, no, it's not going to.
I mean, these people got a lot of brains and a lot of stamina.
Yes, they make mistakes, but they still want to strangle us.
Because there's no way back for them.
They've crossed the Rubicon.
They're headed into Rome, and Rome is armed and waiting for them.
And that's what the Illuminists, the Bilderbergers, that's what they're facing.
And so if they lose, they lose permanently.
And so this is a titanic struggle that is one of the greatest struggles in modern history, if not in the history of mankind.
Well, as far as the Bilderberg Group itself, people still have the audacity to pretend they don't affect our decisions, that they aren't putting these crises into motion.
I can tell you, I was outside the gates in 2006 in Ottawa when the intel came out and revealed they were planning to pop the housing bubble and unleash this crisis.
That was 2006.
The full thing didn't happen until 2008, but obviously their hands were on the chicken switch.
That's right.
And so we have to
Look at the long term, and we know it's not good, we know where they're headed, we know what the trend is, and we have to do what we can to disrupt the trend.
And that's why we're on the radio and television and on the internet doing the things that we do to expose the truth to people.
Like in Greece, so that they'll understand what their rights are, and if they do not say no, then they're going to live on their knees for the next 50 years, maybe longer.
And so, that's our job.
But it's the job of the people to get prepared, to listen, and to tell other people, really, what's going on.
And, of course, read the international forecast, that helps, but I think that
It's too hard to put a time frame on it.
It just is.
And I don't know whether we're going to have violent troubles in America six months from now or three years from now.
But I do know there's a good chance and good probability that that's going to happen.
No, I understand what you're saying.
Let's bring in some callers right now.
I believe we have Julio in Illinois.
Are you there?
I am here.
Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
What can you say to myself and Bob Chapman?
First off, Aaron, you're doing a great job filling in, a great job out with the evil out in Switzerland, you guys, and Paul did a magnificent job.
First off, before I get my question to Bob, I'm working on getting some video.
TSA in black uniforms are at Union Station in Chicago, Illinois, along with the railroad police.
I'm working on getting video of that.
I commute frequently into the land of Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad agent.
I'm working on getting video up for that.
So again, TSA black shirt uniforms in Chicago's Union Station.
So they're patting down the families at the train stations?
I haven't seen them patting down more so of their presence there, just walking around Union Station.
You know, if you see something, say something.
I actually saw a TSA Homeland Security poster at Union Station.
I haven't seen any pat-downs yet, but they are at Union Station, so I wanted to let you know that.
Yeah, also a place to watch for provocations, obviously, in the next false flag.
But what's your question for Bob Chapman?
I was just going to say, false flag is eminent the way Bilderberg literally, the whole meeting just blew up in the elitist face.
Mr. Chapman, I wanted to ask you, because we remember in 08, they do it every four years, they come back to North America to get
Bring up the next puppeteer.
Do you think in the next upcoming meeting for Bilderberg and like the G20, they're going to be much more quiet and telling, you know, and letting us know where the meetings are going to be?
And with this whole debt ceiling tied into the European crisis, does this also entail them manipulating the gold and silver market?
Obviously, they need as much paper currency as possible to rail down the cost.
Well done the cost of the commodity, and then secondly with Greece.
I'm in Illinois and I read articles all the time saying Illinois is the next Greece.
I'm so proud of the Greece people for standing up.
When is it our turn?
Why, you know, Paul just said it best, a lot of people are just sitting on their computers not doing anything about it.
When are people going to, you know, wake up and say, all right, we need to look at these scumbags in the face
And say, you know, we're not taking this anymore.
And then when are we going to bring up the charges of the Logan Act to Robert Gates?
He was at Bilderberg.
He and the NATO Secretary General were there.
Obviously, they're getting set for World War III.
We should do some articles or searches.
I know I want to do something to let people know that Robert Gates violated the Logan Act.
Yeah, it's not good enough that he's on the way out.
Bob Chapman, what about commodities and the debt ceiling?
Well, I think that commodities are going to continue to go up in value.
And the reason why is that people will be leaving the stock market and the bond market's at its height.
And, you know, the three-month paper is zero return.
There's no interest.
And so, you're going to have people selling, and they're going to have some place to go with their money.
And I think they're going to load up in commodities and gold and silver.
The gentleman, Leo, said something about the gold and silver and commodity manipulation.
And they'll try to do it as long as they can.
But, you know, I've been in markets for 52 years.
And the market's bigger than everybody, including the Illuminati.
And once it starts rolling, they're not going to be able to stop it.
And the same thing is true with people finding out what they're doing throughout the world.
Every country now has people who know who the bad guys are, what they're trying to do, and how they're trying to do it.
And so, they're going to run into tremendous opposition that they never expected.
But what about this question of when people are going to stand up, particularly in the U.S.?
What is it going to take?
I guess you've already said that's pretty much the food issue.
I think that is, and I know the government realizes that because for the last few years, I do a military show for about seven years, and all of the bases have been shipping in freeze-dried and dehydrated food for the last three years.
And on the basis, the dependents are told, uh, this is where you have to report to do if we, we, uh, have a situation where there's not enough food or, uh, there's riots in the city.
Cause usually, uh, military installations are outside of the city, so to speak.
And so we know that they're preparing and all of your people should be as well.
You should have a freeze-dried and dehydrated food and a water filter, and something to defend your families first.
And then you can call Chad Edison at Midas and get your gold and silver coins, so you'll have something to spend if the dollars don't.
Yeah, I think obviously it makes sense to shift into it gradually over time.
Let's go to another call.
Allen in Texas, how are you there?
Hey guys, it's great to talk to you guys who are usually behind the scenes.
You guys are more important than I think
Some people give you credit for, Mr. Watson, Mr. Dykes, and of course Mr. Chapman.
It's always good to hear from you.
You've got great information.
I'd like to start off, if I could, with a quote by Martin Luther King that I think is instrumental in getting other people to wake up, and that is, he who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it.
He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.
When you see your friends and family members saying they don't have time to get informed, they don't have time to get involved, but they have time to sit in front of Dancing with the Stars or spend hours on Facebook, I think we need to chastise them.
They're pulling kind of like a cop out.
We need to get more involved in our local communities, talk to people at barbecues, hold barbecues, pass out flyers at our corner stores, things like that, just to get people informed and wake them up.
Well, Mr. Chapman, my question for you is, for those of us who are on very limited incomes right now, do you advise us maybe selling off some of our meager possessions to accumulate some money to buy into silver?
Now, we can't all afford gold, but I myself have begun selling off stuff that means nothing to me, like DVDs and just stuff that I don't need, and I'm starting to build that into silver.
Would you recommend that for people?
I think it's a great idea.
And don't forget the food and the water filter and having something to keep people from charging into your house.
Those are all important factors.
And the answer is yes.
Especially people who are older, like myself.
You sound like a much younger man.
No comment?
I'm 31.
Yeah, I thought you were.
But you have to.
Go down that path.
And even if you don't need what you're doing in the future, it's like buying insurance.
You've got to have it.
I have it.
My family has it.
I talked to everybody about it.
And it's extremely important.
The answer is yes.
Things you don't need, get rid of them.
Buy silver, buy gold.
There's gold coins you can buy for $300 or so.
Bob, we're going back into break.
We're going to take a few more calls on the other side, but obviously we've all got to take it up a notch.
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We're back in the last segment of this jam-packed Friday, June 17th.
Even with Alex out on story, not a day to miss.
So much is happening.
World War III on its way in, Libya heating up, the Euro potentially in a downward spiral as Greece really on the map today and for the near future.
We're going to go to just a couple more calls, one or two with Bob Chapman.
I just wanted to mention
Alex's powerful keynote speech at the Talkers Convention from last Saturday is almost done, I'm told, from Rob Dew.
It's going to be up for viewers early next week.
We're also going to have exclusive video from inside the Bilderberg 2011 conference and the coverage that Paul Watson and myself did.
How's that?
Okay, um...
Thank you guys for all you're doing.
It's extremely important in these days anyways, but I was just thinking a little bit earlier about the Endgame movie, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I would like to see another one, Blueprint for Global Freedom.
And, you know, the fact of the matter is we already got that.
We've got a Constitution.
And so many of the problems that we've got going on right now, in my eyes, are pretty easily fixed by understanding the rule of law and whose job it is to enforce the rule of law.
And that's the kings and the queens of this country, the sovereign citizens.
When you have a sovereign
Nation, you have a sovereign person, you have a sovereign government, and the government is supposed to work for the people, not the other way around.
And we've got the blueprint, it's the Constitution, and I mean, if we restore the law in our own lives, and then in, you know, your local government, then the state government has to follow.
Then the federal government has to follow as well, because the states enforce the federal laws, the local governments enforce the state laws, and we enforce the laws on our own local governments.
And until we start taking back our local governments, we're not going to get much of anything fixed.
Well, I couldn't agree more.
Obviously, if we're not the solution, there isn't going to be one.
And blueprint for global freedom.
It's a great idea.
Your comments, Bob Chapman.
Oh, I agree completely.
As you do, and it's good to hear that so that everybody will hear it.
And it isn't just our job.
It's all of your jobs as well.
You've got to help us.
We can't do this thing alone.
And I'm talking not only to Americans, but people throughout the entire world.
Come on, get on your horse and let's get something going.
Whether it's pamphlets, as was said earlier, or Alex's tapes, just get them out there.
We're making tremendous inroads, and it's a race against time, because these people who are in charge are going to make a lot of mistakes.
Believe me, they are.
And each day, we push them into more mistakes, and we're breathing down their collars.
And you've got to help us.
You've got to get out there and start talking about the things that we talk about on this program.
It's amazing, though, how obvious it is that they're vulnerable.
They're not perfect people.
They, too, can fall.
And we really put the spotlight on them this past week at Bilderberg 2011 coverage and here in the studio every day routing out the globalist weasels who are arrogantly parading around in the Emperor's lack of clothing.
Thank you so much, Bob Chapman.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Callers, that's all we have time for.
Back on the rebroadcast, plenty going on at Infowars.com.
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