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Name: 20110609_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 9, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This will be a day long remembered.
The Dam on
Bilderberg coverage has broken across the world, and the biggest blackout zone has always been here in the United States, Canada, North America.
But thanks to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, all of our readers and listeners, and of course, TheDrudgeReport.com.
It is now a giant news story across the United States.
Talk Radio is discussing it.
The actual criminal rulers of the planet who tried to meet in secret, who have gone to incredible lengths to build a huge tunnel to block their entrance to the luxury hotel in the mountain resort of St.
Then they had a bomb scare about an hour ago.
The media and protesters' cars were parked up at a car park near the hotel.
Aaron and Paul could not get their car back.
They were told there had been a bomb scare at Bilderberg that broke at Infowars.com.
The Drudge Report is top-linked to that.
Also, the Key Report by Kurt Nimmo.
Uh, is up at Infowars.com, also at DrudgeReport.com, breaking secret Bilderberg agenda leaked by mole.
Other top story, bomb scare shuts down road to Bilderberg meeting.
Here is some of the other reportage today.
CNBC, Friends in High Places, Bilderberg 2011 kicks off, the dam is broken.
BBC's covering it.
Europe marches on Bilderberg.
Alex Jones calls for global Bilderberg group protest.
Plutocratic puppeteers meet in Switzerland for annual Bilderberg conference.
BBC disinfo piece.
Bilderberg mystery.
Continuing here with the other news.
Bilderberg's build wall to hide attendees.
Richard Perle, Bill Gates, others, the head of NATO, Secretary General of NATO, delegates spotted at Bilderberg.
And Aaron shot high-def photos of those, but he's got to get back to the hotel and his car, the rental car, is locked up behind the highway that's been shut down due to the
We're good to go.
The young socialists are going to be there protesting them tomorrow.
But liberty lovers in Europe and worldwide, Americans that live in Europe that don't want to be part of the banker bailout round two that Obama is pushing for and that's being pushed for inside Bilderberg to prop up the continued looting of the bankers.
Everybody needs to converge there.
Everyone needs to go there.
Of course, Switzerland is landlocked, surrounded by Italy.
France to its south, to the north, Germany.
And it is only a few hours away for most Western Europeans.
Get on a plane.
Get on a train.
You have no excuse.
This is the Liberty Stock, the Woodstock moment.
I have this epiphany, this flash of understanding yesterday during the third hour that we need to have a spontaneous demonstration.
Sure, there's a few hundred people there demonstrating alternative media.
They picked a remote, out-of-the-way place because the Bilderberg Group
Headed up by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, the Dutch Roll family, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Henry Kissinger, the heads of Google, Bill Gates, the usual globalist, one-world government, carbon-taxing suspects.
They have so looted Spain.
And Greece and Portugal and other areas where there are riots every day, but there's no way they would meet in those countries.
They've sucked dry.
So they're hiding out in the mountains near the Matterhorn, hoping you don't come there.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is going to be undoubtedly one of the most important broadcasts I have ever done today.
It is Thursday, the ninth day of June, 2011.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
I am Alex Jones.
You are tuned in to the GCN Radio Network over our wonderful AM and FM affiliates, XM Sirius, Global Shortwave, and InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for joining us.
If you are a new listener, the Bilderberg Group, set up in 1954, on record, many of their papers have been released now by them, was set up by the Nazi Prince Bernhard, whose wife was the Queen of the Netherlands, and of course, Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.
It is an open eugenics body wanting to set up world government to carry out population reduction.
And they are openly the group that set up the Euro covertly.
They are headed up by the big megabanks that are openly looting Europe.
Obama has said he wants another round of austerity crackdowns on Americans to give trillions more to quote bailout Greece.
That means bail out the big megabanks that created the derivatives.
It's not a bailout.
It's a robbery.
Over 90% of the debt is not owed by the Greek people.
They are the same people imploding the U.S.
economy by design and lying to us and saying we're not in a depression, a deepening depression.
Now, I have said this before and I'll say it again.
Instead of just protesting in Greece, in Athens, in D.C., in the United States, in London, in England, in Berlin, in Germany, or in Lisbon, in Portugal,
You need to go directly to the Bilderberg Group meeting out of the way in Switzerland where they hope that you will leave them alone.
That's why they're meeting in the beautiful, one of the most beautiful places in the world, high mountain plateau beneath the Matterhorn and the rest of the Swiss Alps there in the town of St.
Paul Watson of PrisonPlanet.com, hailing from England.
Aaron Dykes of Infowars.com, hailing from Austin, Texas.
Both great researchers and writers for my websites have been dispatched this year and are doing a fabulous job.
Their reportage is the top of Drudge Report right now, along with Kurt Nimmo's reportage, breaking down the intel they've gotten.
Breaking secret Bilderberg agenda leaked by Mole.
We now have it in detail.
We'll be going over that today.
The dam has broken on the news blockade in the United States, thanks to our work.
And of course, the Drudge Report, now CNBC, has the headline, Friends in High Places, Bilderberg 2011 kicks off.
It's one of the top search terms now on the web, trending towards number one organically.
We are also calling again for the mass protest, High Noon Saturday.
More details on that.
Let's actually call out the corrupt ruling class that uses government to suck off the population.
There was a bomb threat about two hours ago.
It shut down the main highway that leads up to the mountain retreat.
They have built these big barrier walls, basically tunnels, for hundreds and hundreds of yards so the cars can stay at a high speed.
The limousines bringing in the head of NATO, Bill Gates,
I don't know.
They're going to go down and talk to Jim Tucker in the hotel here in about 25 minutes.
We'll also get a report from Jim.
Then they're going to dispatch back out there where globalists are still arriving.
Some will also arrive tomorrow.
But they declared a bomb scare and shut down the road, blocking the reporters' cars and demonstrators' cars that were parked on the side of the road.
And Aaron just now got the car back.
Their hotel is only about five minutes down the mountain.
They are now there.
So huge breaking news as we don't just protest Obama or Nicolas Sarkozy.
We actually go and face down the people who we know are trying to overthrow liberty worldwide and install a global corporate technocracy that controls the populations through the government and their selectively enforced carbon taxes and socialist health care.
And so now we go to Paul Joseph Watson, Aaron Dykes, Waiting in the Wings.
Paul, great job.
Again, top links on Drudge, driving in, talk radio everywhere, is talking about the Bilderberg Group, something that we know from our moles they are horrified of.
This is a great victory for liberty.
We are actually identifying the puppeteers and not the puppets.
I salute all of you that are there on the ground.
I salute Matt Drudge.
I salute the Free Press.
This is incredible.
They're also meeting in there trying to go after free speech on the internet.
That's in the report.
These are tyrants.
And you are there at the Dragon's Cave opening.
Again, I just have to salute all of you that are there.
Jim Tucker, AmericanFreePress.net, everyone.
Watson, give us a report of what happened today.
Hello, Alex.
Good to be back.
Yeah, basically, we got there in the morning.
There were other journalists that went to the local airport here in St.
Moritz to try and catch these Bilderbergers as they were exiting their private jets.
And the most interesting report to arise out of that is that
There was apparently some kind of, uh, medical emergency on one of the planes, um, carrying the Bilderberg members.
Now obviously this is not comforting, but this is what, um, We Are Change Birmingham filmed and we're actually going to get a copy of that film and post it on the websites as soon as possible.
There was a medical emergency on one of the planes and one of the Bilderberg members was actually taken off the plane and they actually rolled out a red carpet
Um, he reported before this individual was taken off the plane and there was an ambulance with blacked out tinted windows that took him away from the scene.
Let me stop you, let's be clear, because Kurt's going to write a blurb about this.
This is newsworthy.
We are changed Birmingham, would that be out of England?
Was in, of course, where they're landing, two hours away, because the airport is closed there in the off-season at St.
They're flying into, what Swiss city did this happen in?
And again, we are changed directly from where, videotaped what?
It was the local airport in St.
The problem with it is the cloud cover is so low that they were having difficulty getting permission to land the flight in the morning.
So throughout the whole morning and most of the afternoon, we had basically not much more than a handful of Bilderberg attendees actually arrive.
So that's why the story's changing.
You had been told the airport was closed.
You went there, nothing was happening.
Now you learn it was the cloud cover.
That's why a lot of them were diverted to the Zurich two hours away.
Okay, continue.
So We Are Change was staking out the airport.
They didn't buy that it was closed and they caught a red carpet taking one of these globalists off in a stretcher?
I don't know how to stress you, but they said it was a medical emergency that somebody was ill, and so they had an ambulance pull up with tinted windows, rolled out a red carpet.
I mean, he says he's got it on film and he's going to give us the film.
And then this individual was taken away.
And then for the next few hours, there was barely a trickle.
We're good to go.
One of the very first attendees that arrived, both myself and Aaron, as soon as we saw him, immediately thought it looked like Richard Pearl because he had a Nosferatu face with a balding head.
And Aaron was stood at the opposite end of the press area because the police had helpfully drawn a line, a free speech zone in which we could stand.
And as soon as I went up to Aaron, he said his first instinct was that it was
Sure, just like in 2006, I knew it was Wolfowitz.
We later confirmed it.
The human eye is still a lot better than a camera as they built that several hundred yard long tunnel for them to go in with walls on both sides so they can speed up.
You're there firing photos off as fast as you can.
Also, we're told that Bill Gates and the head of NATO have also been photographed.
Yeah, the second attendee that we were able to get a photograph of, which Aaron did, the photo is quite blurred, but to me it looks like Bill Gates.
I may be incorrect, we've got to analyse it, but that was my actual instinct.
Then we got quite a good photograph of a third attendee arriving and we asked the, we are chained, Switzerland, and the assorted independent journalists who they thought it was.
And they said it was the NATO Secretary General, who is... Rasmussen, is that correct?
Yeah, and of course they're running the big bombardment right now in Libya, now secret airstrikes, New York Times reports, in Yemen.
I mean, that's a fifth war now.
Paul, specifically, obviously you guys, after you're done getting Tucker on, need to get back out of that airport.
A lot of times they do come in later in the evening.
Well, Aaron's the best to explain that because he actually, we were at the bottom of the hill.
Our car was parked at the top of the hill right at the hotel.
Literally about 50 yards from the hotel in the parking area.
We had physically moved our equipment down the hill because the Bilderberg cars were arriving and they had a sharp left turn so all the cars had to slow down to a crawling speed which enabled us to get better photographs and have more chance of capturing their faces.
So we were at the bottom of the hill.
The car was left at the top of the hill.
When Aaron went back up the hill to retrieve the car, that was when this whole bomb threat thing began.
And I'll put you on to Aaron so he can explain it in detail.
In fact, we're showing video right now for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
We're going to get this added to the DrudgeLink bombscare report.
Uh, whereas the Bilderberg groups, you guys found a weak spot where they had to turn around slowly and we're getting video.
Suddenly they then announced the bomb scare.
We're gonna go to break here and come back with Aaron Dykes on this, uh, breaking news.
So as soon as that happened, then they shut down the whole main road to push our people back even further so that we couldn't get video of the globalists arriving again.
Why do they want to hide this?
Well, Hillary Clinton had to pay a $300,000 plus fine in the mid-90s for going to Bilderberg and getting caught.
That's why now when she goes, they keep it totally secret.
And, uh, she's in Europe right now, by the way, and no one quote knows where she is with her special helper, Mrs. Wiener.
You can't make this stuff up.
We'll be right back.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time And the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive The interest is up and the stock market's down And you're only getting mugged if you go downtown
Bilderbergs are hiding out in the woods, you see.
Yeah, they're hiding up there.
It's one of the most beautiful territory I've ever seen.
Look at all these photos at InfoWars.com and PrisonBlooded.com are breathtaking.
Okay, we've got Aaron Dykst and Paul Watson with us.
Aaron, tell us about the bomb scare that we're getting Tucker on.
And we're also going to try to get Mark Anderson on tomorrow from American Free Press, who's there as well.
Very articulate and informed.
And you guys, in the last 30 minutes, they'll report back from the steps of...
The lockdown hotel with the paramilitary police out there.
Aaron, describe what happened when you guys found a spot where their cars had to slow down and you were getting Bill Gates and the head of NATO and others.
Something happened.
Tell us what happened.
Well, the protesters and us have been standing out there all day and the police have been gradually pushing us back.
They built an additional veil further restricting the view of the hotel and the arriving attendees.
Then after a few hours today, the police suddenly cordoned off the road itself, blocking off
We're good to go.
Uh, whether or not they were connected with the so-called scare, we don't know.
Uh, but that was the implication.
There was even a claim that they found something... They did that in 2008 in Virginia.
They had the guy that obviously worked for them, they later released him claiming he had a gun.
Uh, and remember that guy was there only videotaping us?
That's right, so Bilderberg are quite ready to pull a false flag to beat back the protesters and clamp down the public eye because they know people are watching what they're doing and they want to restrict that as much as possible.
And to be clear, the police told you there had been a bomb threat?
They did say there had been a bomb threat.
They said no one could get through, neither cars nor persons.
I was first told it would only be 15 or 20 minutes, then that extended to one to two hours.
All things told, it ended up being an hour and 15 minutes or so, until they opened back up the roads to the bomb scare.
Then, of course, police were roping off the area.
Well, incredible job, Aaron.
How many media people and protesters are there at Ballpark?
A few dozen, maybe 30 or so.
I did see at least one media person.
Hopefully others will be showing up.
We'll find out.
All right, great job, Aaron.
And I know that I'm going to let you travel down into the smoking lounge where Jim Tucker, of 35 years covering Bilderberg in the wilderness, is down there.
And I know Jim, at least in the videos I've seen, appears to be a little under the weather.
But we'll try to get as much information as we can out of him.
And if you then also see Mr. Anderson there,
Mark Anderson also with the same paper.
I think so.
Yes, they certainly are, Alex.
I mean, it's the military-industrial complex combined with the worst bankers you can imagine.
Lots of the heads of the banks that we bailed out, as we later found out that the Federal Reserve gave money to foreign banks in Europe.
I forget the list, but it's on record.
Those are largely the Goldberg members, so they've created this crisis.
They've set themselves up to gain from it, and we're seeing that unfold now, Alex.
Well, these are the people on record, and we told people this 2006, 7 and 8, that would implode the world markets through derivatives, bring in austerity.
Everything we said has happened because we have the sources, via Tucker.
Estalin has had some sources.
We have some other sources we don't talk about.
But also what we see Bilderberg attendees openly pushing at Davos, the Trilateral Commission reports they put out.
We know this is the top of the pyramid.
Royalty, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, you name it.
We'll let you get down to the lounge and get Tucker on the phone and Anderson after that if you can.
Great job Aaron Dykes, back with us in two hours.
Breakdown of the latest developments from Bilderberg.
More on the big protest Wednesday coming up and a lot of other news.
Straight ahead on the other side, economic news, new military news, police state news, genetically modified cows that produce human milk.
It's all coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, well I'm in the rear with the gear today.
A few weeks ago I stormed the Texas Capitol with great liberty lovers to demand that they not kill the bill that was unanimously passed by the House to stop the illegal federal Tenth Amendment violating, Fourth Amendment violating as well.
molestation that's going on and rick perry is still not put that back on the special session agenda uh... of the texas legislature even though he promised that he supported the bill of course he's a builder berg group attendee and minion and uh... what do you expect he says one thing and does another just like all these other globalists do all we'd only be in libya days not weeks here we are three
Plus months later.
Well breaking!
Secret Bilderberg agenda leaked by mole via Jim Tucker.
It's all up at American Free Press.
Infowars.com and the Drudge Report is linked to it as well.
I'm calling for Europeans to march on the Bilderberg tyrants with a peaceful protest Saturday at high noon.
This is so important to identify the real scallywags.
Very exciting.
35 plus years exposing these people
Jim Tucker joins us from the media lounge at the hotel just about five minutes away or less from Bilderberg.
In fact, you can see the Bilderberg compound from where Tucker is.
Jim, thank you for joining us, sir.
It's always fun.
Well, Jim, you got a lot of key intel out from your moles and sources.
What is the latest that you can give us?
Well, they're extremely determined to make their war on the invasion of Libya
A big, bloody war in the Middle East, which would involve every country except Israel, which would be protected.
They are saying today, according to inside Bill O'Brien, that they think the recession, which they are determined to continue through the year 2012, will help in this situation.
We're good to go.
We're good.
Uh, NATO countries, where they're, of course, calling, repeatedly calling for war and enlarging the war and getting more countries involved in the war.
And, uh, but they were unable to, uh, get helicopters through the heavy rainstorms they have here.
So they were late getting in.
They got off their helicopters.
They were stunned.
They shouldn't be stunned.
They should be used to it by now.
See, large numbers of protesters out challenging, uh, their presence.
Also, you'll be reading about how a statesman from the Swiss government had denounced Bilderberg to his invasion of their sovereignty.
They should not be part of this bloody mess.
And the Prime Minister, a nice looking lady, I forgot her name offhand, it's hard to pronounce anyway, said, oh yes, she's a
She agrees.
We should not be involved.
We should not surrender our sovereignty.
But nevertheless, she did attend the opening meeting of Bilderberg and heard about how wonderful they are.
So, call that two-faced monarch.
Was that at the front meeting they had in Paris, as they normally do, to then shuttle in?
And what is this, in the Swiss papers?
This is breaking news.
Oh, yes.
Yes, there's heavy stuff in various newspapers, including Swiss language newspapers I can't understand, but I can recognize the name Bilderberg.
Yeah, Paul Watson's able to actually read it because he knows German.
It's very similar, and that's what he's telling us.
Go ahead, Jim.
Yeah, we have several people here who did translations for us.
They've already pulled out a lot of names.
David Rockefeller was positively identified, 100% identified by the troops, and he's about 96 years old, but he'll attend Bilderberg.
The first time he does attend the Bilderberg meeting will be when he's dead, which is not so far in the future.
So, we're accumulating an awful lot of names.
I believe Bilderberg needs very well surrender, as they have in the past, their official list of participants.
Nevertheless, we never stop.
Have you seen Daniel Esselin this year?
He was up briefly last year.
He was unable to reach him by either his cell phone or his internet disposal.
Okay, just a side note, wondering if he was there.
Now continuing, Jim, your mole inside, you of course broke yesterday that they want to expand the war in the Middle East, they're worried about Congress standing up against Obama.
Going along with the war without congressional approval.
They're worried about the alternative press.
They want to move to try to curtail the internet, which we see Sarkozy and Europe openly pushing for in these new UN treaties.
They want their carbon tax.
Their program is not going well for them.
What else is on the agenda?
You talked about they're desperate to prop up the euro because that's their receivership arm to gobble up sub-states.
Any other intel on what's on the agenda?
Not too much more to add, except their continued depression, which has undergone for more than 15 years, their continuous obscene references to American and European patriots who protest their presence, and to the heavy hand of even the major newspapers.
The Guardian of London, the Irish Times, all had very heavy stories.
Uh, and they're especially intrigued by the fact that, uh, Tim Clark, still with, uh, Clark with a D, long-time member of the British Parliament, a long-time Bilderberg Luminary, uh, leader, uh, is not coming this year.
Speculation is why.
The answer, when it comes, will be that he's done something bad.
Because, uh, these international, uh, gangsters are very appreciate George Soros.
Becomes the headline in criminal stories.
He's out.
He's still their good friend, they said so.
But he's not out.
They asked Rupert Murdoch, the biggest owner of newspapers throughout the world, to try to talk the major newspapers in Europe out of covering Bilderberg.
They failed miserably.
Rupert Murdoch was
They may have done a little help.
I don't know that major newspapers are hitting it hard.
Well, some major newspapers, but a lot of local independent newspapers and broadcasters are hitting it hard.
Well, Jim, you know the King, the number one news website in the world, Drudge Report, is linked to our reports, the video of our interview with you, with our links to American Free Press.
So it is being covered, and it is outraging.
And I want to bring this up to you.
Has written a whitewash, and CNBC has written a whitewash, saying, oh, Bilderberg's real, but it has no power.
BBC's done the same thing.
The New York Times just three years ago said I was delusional, that they didn't meet in Chantilly, and that I was literally having hallucinations and imagining that they were there.
That's how dumb they think their readers are.
What do you think of this tactic, Jim?
Of course, you were there with me.
What do you think of this... We were thrown out by police, but it doesn't exist.
What do you think of this tactic that they're really pushing now, from going and saying it doesn't exist, to saying, yes, it exists, but it doesn't have any power?
Well, that's why they won't... They're trying to press the safe when they're forced to cover something.
They're just a bunch of innocent virgins.
We're just having a plightful meeting and all of these conspiracy theorists have got it all wrong.
Well, as I've told you so many times, I am not a conspiracy theorist.
I recognize conspiracy facts.
Unless Webster's dictionary is wrong, it is a conspiracy, whether you want to call it good or bad.
It's also, as you know, a violation of the Logan Act.
And yet they persist.
As you know, the Logan Act has said that public officials, federal officials, cannot meet behind closed doors with private citizens to make public policy.
They can meet with each other without anybody from the outside, certainly more tax and so forth.
But you got Hillary dinged for it yourself in the mid-90s!
All the staffers there, not all, but many of the staffers, said, they were very excited, said, Hillary Clinton's here!
I said, that's not possible.
Firstly, it's not possible to be attending.
Bill Clinton attended as the obscure governor of Arkansas and was elected president a year later.
But no, she was definitely there.
I was sure of it when I got back to Washington.
And as I may have told you before, I called the White House First Lady's press office.
And you buffaloed them and said, I'm going with it, and they had to admit it after they lied to you.
Yeah, we told that story.
Now, Jim, a few more minutes.
We appreciate your time and your incredible work.
Perhaps you'll be able to pop back in with more tomorrow and then obviously next week when you get back.
You told us a few days ago Bilderberg is outraged by the coverage, outraged by the Patriot movement.
Jim, do you have anything else on that?
Just that there's more outrage and more outrage and they're saying it louder and louder.
And you read the names of a lot of these turkeys, including some Americans, who have expressed their great, great anger at the commoners for forcing this coverage and forcing these headlines.
We'll have a lot more to say about it next week.
I'm looking forward to it as usual.
All right, Jim, and again, there's more tomorrow we want to try to get you to pop in, but obviously next week.
What do you think of my idea to call on all Europeans, instead of just protesting in their major capitals, the bought and paid for politician puppets, to actually go to St.
Saturday at high noon, from all over Switzerland, all over Europe, from France, from Germany, from Italy, from Austria, all just a few hours away, to go there and to have a massive demonstration instead of something spontaneous like Woodstock, Liberty Stock,
Absolutely I will, and you'll be glad to know that there's people over here calling
Very good.
I enjoyed having you.
Jim Tucker was in good form there and a really dogged reporter doing a great job with the only person who's 100% been proven to have absolute total multiple moles inside.
I mean, he's got a Bilderberg member.
He's got assistance.
He's got it all.
He is absolutely incredible.
And time and time again, what he has broken down, sometimes years before, what exactly is going to happen because these people do steer the planet.
They don't totally control it.
They're trying to set up an open world government to control it.
I'm right here, Alex.
He's not in the immediate area, Alex.
We'll have to track him down later.
He may be at the hotel actually a few blocks away where they've staged a press area.
A lot of people have been sharing photos and information.
Alright, great job Aaron.
Aaron, any other thoughts on the huge bombshells that Jim Tucker was just dropping on us?
I wasn't able to actually hear him.
I was sitting a little bit away.
But of course, we're trying to find out as much as we can, Alex.
I don't know what more to add at this point.
Well, Aaron, you've done a great job.
And so get back into the location.
Go watch the airport and also the hotel.
And we'll talk to you coming up in the last 30 minutes of the third hour.
And so that's about an hour and 45 minutes from now or a little bit less.
We'll be talking to you and Paul Watson with the latest developments.
And be safe, my friend.
All right.
Thanks, Alex.
Alright, great job to Aaron, and Paul, and Jim, and great job to the crew here as well.
Kurt Nemo, everybody, this is amazing.
Now, what I want to do is...
I want to go to break here in a few minutes and I'm going to come back and cover a bunch of other news.
I'm going to finish up on the big protest Saturday and some other Bilderberg news and then I'm going to get into all of the other news that we've got here in front of us.
There's just so much amazing news dealing with cows that
have human genetics in their udders to produce human breast milk told you about this a decade ago but now it's mainstream news now it's headed to your store shelves uh... and we've also got uh... really positive news judges federal judges are signaling that they're gonna completely overturn the obama health care law the l a times and others are reporting uh... we've also got a lot of economic news we're going to be going over and also military news new york times headline u s is intensifying a secret campaign of yemen
I mean, they're really trying to start World War III.
That's what a world war is.
It's a whole bunch of countries involved in multiple regions.
Central Asia, North Africa, Middle East.
forces for a decade battling in Colombia over the cocaine.
And the average American isn't even aware this is going on.
And it's not our government.
It's not our military.
It's been overtaken.
It's directed by these scallywags at Bilderberg, inside Bilderberg.
And it is so important
For everyone to be part of this mass demonstration of liberty lovers to identify the real globalists, the real problem.
Not their puppets in their governments, but the actual rulers.
And you've got the equivalent of a member of Congress calling for Kissinger's arrest in Switzerland.
You heard Jim saying it's in the papers that the Prime Minister is saying they don't need to be there and that it's destroying Swiss sovereignty.
And other ministers calling for them to not meet there.
And we've got two days now to get the word out via Twitter, the web, to everybody to converge on St.
Moritz, high noon, the 11th.
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We are back live, my friends.
We are going to open the phones up for Europeans, Swiss, anybody in Western, Eastern Europe, Greece, Ireland being affected by the open austerity moves.
Now, let me explain how this works.
And it's all on record.
This is not my opinion.
These global banksters come in, they finance the campaigns of their politicians, they set this up over decades, they come in, they get the politicians to have the country sign on to invest the pension funds in derivatives that are completely worthless.
Total fraud paper.
And on the way up financially, the banksters then make trillions.
Then on the way down, it endangers the entire economic system, everybody's pension funds, 401Ks, stock market portfolio, everything.
And they say in Europe and the United States, same in every country, give us tens of trillions.
Let us secretly give it to whoever we want, not even Congress or Parliament can be told, and we will keep the economic order going.
And then Congress in 2008 said in October, no we're not going to do that.
And so, they had all the heads of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve come out and say, we're going to have a total depression, blood in the streets, everything's going to collapse, and the stock market fell by almost a thousand points, and Congress, held hostage with the financial terrorism, said, OK.
We will give you a blank check.
And we haven't gotten a new number in a year, so we only have two years of numbers for the U.S.
Twenty-seven trillion dollars was given to these people, and almost all of it is secret.
Some lawsuits by Bloomberg and others found out that trillions of it went overseas.
Hundreds of millions to MSNBC.
The Federal Reserve itself is paying money to thousands of newspapers.
They're buying people off.
These are criminals.
That they don't control the entire press.
That's why they want to shut down talk radio with the Fairness Doctrine.
They want a Fairness Doctrine for the Internet.
That's been openly announced.
They're now pushing it.
They've got all these new cybersecurity acts they're trying to get through that have the teeth to enforce this in there.
This is the takeover by the crooks.
And they are meeting right now in St.
And they're so scared of you, they're not meeting in a big capital like they normally do.
They are hiding out in the middle of nowhere, two hours from any major city, in the middle of the mountains of Switzerland.
But you can get there.
It's good roads.
They got trains that get to very close by.
They have trains that stop there.
And it's the off-season, so there's plenty of hotels and things in the village available.
Sleep in your car.
It doesn't matter.
Or drive in.
Get there in the morning on Saturday.
Have the protest.
Get back in your car and drive back into the nearest city.
But you got Eastern Europe to the east.
You've got Western Europe to the south, to the north, and to the west.
And we've got tens of millions of people
All around this area, if you go to Alexa.com and other major stat systems, Google Analytics, you see that InfoWars.com is rated as the 400th and something biggest website in the U.S.
And some of these European countries were rated in the top 100.
So we have listeners in Europe, a lot of them, listening over global shortwave satellite internet and I want to hear from you coming up as I go through other news into the next hour.
Then Catherine Albrecht is going to be joining us in the first 30 minutes of the next hour and then we have of
Of course, our reporters from Bilderberg joining us in the last 30 minutes, so stay with us for that.
But even if you can't go, if you live in Africa, you live in Japan, you live in China, you live in Mexico, you live in Chile, all you gotta do is go to Twitter, YouTube, Google, everybody make YouTube videos, everybody go to Twitter, everybody go to Facebook, YouTube, make your own videos and say, go to St.
Moritz, go to St.
Free Humanity peacefully marches on Bilderberg.
If we get 10,000 people there.
It is going to be one of the biggest stories in the world, the people actually protesting the globalists instead of the puppets, and then that idea will spread.
We're targeting the real enemy, the real controllers.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Think about how incredibly disgusting this is.
You have the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Queen of the Netherlands, representatives of the Queen of England, all of these big oil company heads, the heads of the top banks in the planet, the people that have created the derivatives, the people that have
Bought off our politicians worldwide.
Two years ago they came in and openly bought off the Greek government.
Put their president in.
Put their finance minister in.
You look at countries all over the world.
They got Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, former people in the revolving door, working.
We're good to go.
Because it's impossible.
It's 1.5 quadrillion.
It's fraudulent.
That would have been like telling Germans in the Great Depression in 1932 that they had to pay off every individual family's debt of trillions of marks.
You know, it took billions of marks to buy a loaf of bread.
USA Today yesterday had the cover story
That it's really 60 plus trillion dollars that the United States, quote, owes.
Well, I'm sorry.
Last year, the Washington Post reported the U.S.
share of derivatives is 600 trillion of the 1.5 quadrillion worldwide.
It's impossible to pay off.
We don't owe it.
It's a fraud.
We are incredibly wealthy.
But they've invested the police pension funds, the fire funds, the teacher funds, the private funds, everything in these systems, and now they're holding us hostage saying, give us whatever we want, cut all your benefits or you'll get nothing.
That's the trick.
And then, we do that three years ago, things get worse.
Now they're back saying more bailouts, more money, more unlimited trillions to Europe.
Or Greece will collapse and take Europe with it.
It won't take Greece and Europe with it.
And then America.
It will take the bankers with it.
And you watch, they're gonna have trillions more in quote bailouts that are really just blood money paid to these criminals.
And they'll be back in a couple more years for more, more, more.
And the deeper the depression gets, they'll say cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut,
Pay us everything and we'll fix it.
Then you cut, cut, cut.
Cut, cut, cut.
Pay them everything and it only gets worse.
I mean, here's Obama.
And we told you a week ago this was going to happen.
At Bilderberg, they were going to get trillions more.
And Obama is pressing the Germans and others to bail out, and it's not a bailout, to give trillions more, including U.S.
taxpayer money, and German and French and other money, to quote, save Greece, or it'll pull down Europe.
The debt, over 90% of it, is created by the bankers.
They just get government to sign on to the debt and promise to bail it out, then they turn around and say,
This is your debt.
You've got to pay it.
And we're going to cut your pension fund.
We're going to cut your Social Security that you paid into.
Now, I'm not a fan of people being dependent.
I'm not a fan of the socialist model because I know it was created by the banksters on record to get you dependent so they could then hold you hostage and control the entire system and have everything under federal systems that tie into the world government.
But here's Obama.
And we told you this was coming.
Obama presses Europe.
Pledges help for Greek crisis.
They've already had three rounds of bailouts there.
Greece has lost its credit rating, just like Moody's and Standard & Poor's says the U.S.
So it's more, more, more.
The more you pay the bankers, the more you owe them.
Because when our countries create a dollar to bail someone out, a dollar of debt is created to the very bankers that we're bailing out.
It's like a snake eating its tail.
The fraud is so huge and so simple, it makes it complex and people can't see it.
It's us or them.
It's us or them, ladies and gentlemen.
We're coming back with more coverage.
Stay with us!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now eight minutes into hour number two of this worldwide transmission.
I want to give the number out for Europeans, people going under the debt austerity of the banksters who on record
Our own government admits engaged in crimes creating 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives and now we've got to quote bail them out and have them make record profits or they threaten to implode the rest of our economy because like Siamese twins they have woven all of our currency and our infrastructure and our investments into their system and they're holding us hostage.
The issue is though they want austerity.
They want to make us poor so we can be politically controlled.
Bilderberg has admitted that.
These globalists use poverty as a tool.
So if you give in to their hostage-taking, economically, if you give in to their economic terrorism, they then just bring you step-by-step into deeper and deeper bondage.
So all we can do is say, go ahead, give us the depression, slam everything down, we're going to arrest every single one of you.
Believe me, if our government started doing the right thing and indicting these people, even Rolling Stone two weeks ago said the Senate committee has found total crime by these big mega banks, where are the indictments?
Where are they?
Arrest them all.
It's us or them.
They own both major parties in every major country.
It's us or them.
Their crimes are legion.
Their crimes are open.
And now Obama.
He's saying, oh Germany and others don't want to give trillions more, but America is.
They don't want to give trillions more to the bankers.
It's not really a banker bailout, it's giving it to them, or they'll hold Europe hostage and suck us down with it.
And he's saying he's...
Pressing Europe to pony up along with the U.S.
with more tax money that goes directly to these mega banks that engineered all this.
And his entire administration is Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan.
The entire stinking thing.
I mean, this is incredible.
And they own Romney of Romneycare, the model for Obamacare.
A lot of Republicans don't care.
I think?
And we've broken the electronic Berlin Wall, the news blackout on Bilderberg 2011, the top two reports on DrudgeReport.com right now.
Bombscare shuts down road to Bilderberg meeting, and they use that as a foil to basically shut things down so we couldn't get video of their faces, but not before we got the head of NATO, Bill Gates, and others.
Also, secret agenda leaked by Mole.
I want to go over some of that secret agenda later in the hour.
That's really our biggest news.
And, of course, we're calling for a giant protest.
People all over Europe have come out in the millions against tyranny and the austerity.
These are the people that did it with the forty-something percent unemployment in many European countries now and people under thirty.
The twenty-plus percent unemployment in the general public.
These are the people.
These are the people that
Raise your taxes, where the average European pays over 70% in taxes.
These are the people that openly have their banking heads, the treasury heads, the exchequer of England, all of them, former heads like Alan Greenspan, all out saying, we need to raise your taxes.
Warren Buffett, who got hundreds of billions of your bailout money, your money, he says raise taxes on the rich, meanwhile he's exempt from it.
Fortune 500 pay on average 2.4% taxes.
They're globalists.
They're international.
They've exempted themselves from the law.
Oh, we need to help the poor.
Remember the carbon tax two years ago in Copenhagen, and the treaty got leaked?
They wouldn't release the treaty, but the third world countries leaked the treaty, and the Danes released the treaty, and it had right at, right at, not exactly double, but right at, one point away from double the carbon taxes on the third world that the West had to have.
See, they sold to the third world.
Hey Africans, hey Latin Americans, hey Asians, you're gonna get bailout money.
You're gonna get all this money from rich, fat Americans who are greedy and have a high standard of living.
And boy, they bellied up to the bar and said, you bet, we're ready to sign this.
And they got the treaty and they said, what?
And the bankers want to kill the third world.
They're a bunch of eugenicists who openly write books calling black people animals.
Of course they want to cut off all your energy.
It's always been the globalist western plan by the elites to stop development in the third world.
That's in the British 1949 Royal Commission on Population, where they said, if we industrialize the third world, they will not overpopulate.
From their perspective.
They will then though be rivals to us and we won't have hegemonic control.
Instead we'll keep them in the dark ages, in the stone ages, but it will make them then have giant populations because poor people have more kids on average.
So how do we deal with that?
Well then we come in behind that with Planned Parenthood and sterilizations and forced abortions and pay India and pay Peru and pay African countries on record to forcefully grab women and sterilize them.
We're going to keep you poor, not let you industrialize, and do our best to kill you.
Keep you from having babies.
I mean, these people are sick.
They are sick and they are the enemies of humanity.
So if you want to do something historical, people are like, oh, it won't do anything.
Oh, yes, it will.
Look how far we've come.
As I told you 10 years ago, we're pushing and pushing and making Bilderberg come out in mainstream news to identify the real global controllers of this planet.
The real global controllers of this planet.
Once you identify them, then you're not looking at Obama or Bush or Perry or Sarkozy or Barroso.
You're looking at the real owners.
Those 10 to 8 families you can debate, but we've written and posted a detailed analysis at InfoWars.com of the 8 ruling families.
It's in the Four Horsemen
of the New World Order piece that was up there last week.
And they can only get away with this if they're hidden.
That's why they go to such lengths to build a tunnel for hundreds of yards for them to drive into of white walls so nobody can get video of them in St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
That's why they're shutting down the road.
That's why you heard from inside Bilderberg sources Rupert Murdoch was asked by Bilderberg to please talk to all the newspaper and media people he knows and ask them not to cover this here in the US.
But they have to cover it, because we're covering it, and the Drudge Report's covering it, and now it's one of the biggest news items in the world, and it's only gonna get bigger when you in Europe, who are a few hours away, hop a train and get in there, and all you gotta do is sit there and chant, down with tyranny, down with Bilderberg, and as you're driving on your cell phone in your car or on the train, call local media and tell them to be there, and it's gonna be an absolute
Fiasco for the Bilderberg Group!
What did Brzezinski say last year?
He said, for the first time in human history, humanity is awake and staring.
No longer are they able to be manipulated politically.
They understand the ruling class.
The Federal Reserve, just 5-6 years ago, maybe 5% of Americans knew it was private, knew it was a big scam, was bankrupting our country for a dollar to be created, a dollar of debt is created and given to them out of nothing.
They knew this.
They understood this.
And now, I've seen the Gallup polls.
Three years ago when Ron Paul was exposing it on the national platform, being demonized, it was upwards of 75%.
A year ago it was 80%.
I've seen major scientific polls, 85 and higher, of Americans want to abolish the Fed, audit the Fed, and know they're the enemy.
And the banksters are going, oops, they're not looking at our marionettes.
Remember the old Bill Hicks line?
Hey, I like the puppet on the left.
Hey, I like the puppet on the right.
And one guy goes, hey, there's one guy holding both puppets.
When humanity reaches that point, and it has,
Everyone still feels like we're alone.
We're the minority.
No, we're not.
No, we're not.
You aren't public figures.
You aren't known.
You aren't recognized.
I cannot walk down the street anywhere.
I cannot go in a 7-Eleven.
I cannot go to a shopping mall.
I cannot go to a Target.
I cannot go anywhere.
Years ago, I'd walk by 50 people and two groups would stop.
Now, I walk by a group of 50 people, I get mobbed, and I can't even get out of there because they all want to take photos and shake my hand, and then it builds up.
Because people have that, you know, thing that they're kind of scared to get outside their bubble, but once they see people talking to me, then they come over, then they come over, and it's great to talk to you, I've just got somewhere to go.
Again, I'm not bragging, oh look, Alex is a celebrity.
The point is, I'm somebody who can uniquely tell you that the awakening is much bigger than you've known.
I just got chills.
It's much bigger!
We can beat these people!
But, you, if you're listening, cannot count on somebody else to go if you're in Europe, or if you're in England, or you're in Ireland.
You have got to get on a plane.
What is it, I mean, 100 pounds to fly in there from England, Watson told me?
Because I paid for it, Ted Anderson did.
He paid us, and we're paying for the trip.
A hundred pounds to fly in there?
A train ride, the equivalent of maybe twenty, thirty euros for a two-hour train ride directly there?
You got the money!
Or get it from your uncle, or get it from your son.
Get there!
Get there!
Get there!
Get there!
Get there!
Stand with other liberty lovers!
Stand up against tyranny!
Now the video that breaks this down
Then I'm going to your calls when we come back from break.
People all over Europe, dial your country code extension.
I know some folks can't call a 1-800 number from Europe, or you can just call us on Skype then.
I want to hear from you.
Are you planning to be there?
Or what's your view on what we're seeing?
Here's the headlines.
Secret Bilderberg agenda leaked by mole.
Kurt Nimmo so key.
Top-linked on Drudge.
Whitewashes in CNBC.
Friends in High Places Bilderberg 2011 kicks off.
Forced to cover it.
They hate this.
Europe marches on Bilderberg tyrants.
That's the name of the InfoWars article that has the 8-minute video I shot last night.
It's well-produced.
Do stayed up here late last night to get it out.
That needs to go mega-viral to everyone.
I'm going to put it out on my Twitter.
Please get this out and then retweet it to everyone you know at Twitter.com RealAlexJones or go to InfoWars.com.
It's red-linked.
Europe marches on Bilderberg tyrants!
Europe marches!
Protesters march!
It's on!
It's on!
Game up!
Here's another headline that has the same breakdown of the protest itself.
Alex Jones calls for global Bilderberg protests.
Get it.
Get it out to everyone you know.
Be part of history.
Don't many years from now wish you'd have been part of this.
Don't wish later that we weren't defeated by these murdering neo-Nazi control freaks.
Get involved now.
The light of publicity will destroy them like vampires at high noon.
Peacefully march on them!
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Okay, so the big fat parasites, the social vampires, the economic ringwraiths, the Nosferatus, are perched in St.
Mort, Switzerland right now, going to great lengths to not be seen, engaged in their skullduggery.
As they plan the next country they're going to bring down, and the next war they're going to launch.
And we're taking your calls right now, ahead of a bunch of other key news.
Matt in England, and Joseph in Germany, Paul in Ireland.
The toll free number to join us from Europe, 800-259-9231.
Matt in England, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I just want to say first of all to all UK Infowarriors that are listening to your show now,
Get to St.
Moritz, get there as fast as you can if you can, borrow the money and get there and shout out because this affects this country as well.
I mean, Alex, you've covered a lot of things, I've just been listening to your sensational outburst there mentioning the genders that affect us all really, all over the world, you know, higher interest rates, I reckon that's their policies that they're going to
The CFR has called for more geoengineering.
They publicly admit they're chemtrailing.
Then if you tell the public, they laugh at you.
They're changing the atmosphere.
And over 70 percent, Monckton says it's 87 percent now, of your laws are made by the unelected EU board, controlled and chaired by Bilderberg minions.
I mean, Rumpy and Barroso are there right now, getting their orders from the sinister
This is so disgusting.
So go face down the real enemy peacefully.
Draw attention to them.
And I mean, also, you know, I think the other agenda that they're going to enforce is a more rising gas and petrol, petrol over gas in America.
Another thing is, I don't know if you've seen the video on YouTube.
There's a video going out from the BBC or Disinfo-Goon.
Obviously from the BBC, I didn't do the interview, where he mentions Truthhurst as mentally unstable, don't know if it's in the video or not.
Uh, who is that?
What's his name?
I don't know who it is, it was just been sent in about maybe half an hour ago, I haven't really watched all the way through it, but basically, there's an interview from the BBC and this guy, it sounds like a bit disinfo, Goon, basically mentioned that all people believe 9-11 is an inside job, they're mentally unstable.
Well, that's what they're saying.
If you don't believe in global warming, you should be arrested.
That's openly called for in the British Parliament now.
Very, very dangerous.
These are tyrants.
Thank you so much, Matt.
Yeah, if you don't believe Wiener when he blamed Andrew Bretbart for making up the photo and hacking his site, turns out it was a total lie.
But still, you gotta believe Wiener or you're mentally ill.
In fact, I'm gonna be establishment.
Wiener told the truth.
Bretbart is bad.
And Bill Clinton didn't lie.
That's right.
And we're supposed to believe what they say.
Josef in Germany.
You're on the air.
Welcome from Deutschland.
Hello, Alex Jones.
Thank you very much.
I want to say the people from Germany are awake.
There are awake people here in Germany.
And we are going to the Bilderberg meeting.
And if anyone wants to join us, we're a group.
You can just... Hello?
Do you hear me?
Yes, sir.
I'm listening to you.
Yeah, there's a group of us going if you want to join us just mail email at Bilderberg 2011 at googlemail.com else I have some information they have been hyping another false flag terror attack here in Germany the 26th
Yeah, they hype up that every event's going to be struck so they have an excuse to stick their hands down your pants and train you for concentration camp living.
You know, Germany per capita has paid even more money than the U.S.
to these private bankers as bailouts, and now Obama is trying to order Merkel to give even more of your tax money to the bankers in the name of saving the E.U.
And I've seen polls of over 80% of Germans are outraged by this.
And Merkel almost lost her seat in the last parliamentary run.
What are the Germans' average view of these banker Nosferatus?
Well, the Germans are very upset, as you said, and the Germans feel like the German government is just like the horse pushing and working for the whole of Europe, paying for Spain, paying for Greece, paying for everyone, and people honestly don't like it, as you said.
And another information I have is that what the
What the globalists want to do in the Middle East, what they want to do in Pakistan is to take out the nuclear weapons of Pakistan so then they can start their big war there.
Well, Mr. Webster-Tapley already said that the US was going to help
Help them to guard their nuclear facilities.
This Saturday, yes.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like him any more than he likes me.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going to Peter in Switzerland, Paul in Ireland and others.
I know that most Europeans cannot call a 1-800 number.
It just doesn't work.
And if you do call the toll number to the network, we will put you to the head of the line.
It's 651-695-7777 to the Genesis Board.
You know, a thousand and ten minutes if we want, literally, into our computer phone board.
But from Europe, we've got three callers lined up.
Paul, Peter, Nick, and others I see rolling in there.
So we're going to talk to you in just a moment.
But I briefly wanted to point this out, that growing up, you know, you're taught in school and college that third-worlders are a bunch of idiot savages, basically.
I mean, it's done with a velvet glove, but, oh, those people, they just can't get themselves together.
Well, that's not what's going on.
The colonial areas of Latin America, Africa, and Southern Asia and other areas have been overrun by the more advanced technological militaries of the West repeatedly in the last 300 years.
And systems of tyranny are put in.
And then in the last 100 years, and this is mainline history if you research it, this is not my opinion,
And major white papers were written by the British government, the U.S.
government deployed gunboat diplomacy, where they would give a dictator or give a thug, say in Venezuela or Guatemala, this goes back over 100 years, the U.S., they'd give him a $20 million loan.
And openly it would come out, tell him, don't pay this back, leave in one year with the money to Switzerland or to New York.
That's why you have a lot of Mexican presidents actually move to New York after they steal a bunch of money.
Just a few decades ago that happened, or in the mid-90s.
So it's
It was the equivalent of $300 billion or something.
They said, we don't even make that in 20 years.
We can't pay it.
Oh, that's fine.
From the shores of Montezuma, from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
And the Marine Corps top general, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, Smedley Butler finally quit and went public and said, look, it's all about money.
These people don't owe it.
We invade them.
And that's what's now happening here in America.
Then I'm going to your calls.
That's what's now happening here and happening to Europe.
And the bankers said in the 2002 IMF World Bank documents, they were going to do what they've done in the third world to us.
There's a reason the third world has, you go to major cities in the third world, hundreds of thousands of homeless people and starvation and corrupt police and death and degradation.
It's because it's the globalist policy on record.
In the IMF World Bank documents the BBC was forced to cover to create a system to get them in debt through fraud and then never let them get out of it.
They want you to be poor.
That's why I get so angry at these people.
They are assaulting me with high taxes.
They are assaulting us with carbon taxes.
They are assaulting us with government minders and secret police and spies.
I know history.
I know what happened in East Germany.
I'm angry about this.
I don't want to be a slave because I'm not going to survive in that environment.
Somebody, some corrupt cop gets in my face, starts bossing me around, folks, I go crazy!
I'm not a slave, I'm red-blooded!
Just like my ancestors.
I'm not putting up with this!
I want to fix it peacefully!
But I'm not gonna go along with this, do you understand?
These people are crooks!
On record!
And they've got this Bengali mesmerized hoax running on people.
We gotta break the hoax, break the chains, wake up, break the mental block, see them for what they are,
And get transparency and government back, have our governments control our money and currency, and take these mega-bankers to prison!
And you better know I'm risking my life coming straight at them and saying, go protest them en masse as I direct here from my command base.
Get over there, get in their face.
Get over there and peacefully expose who they are.
Alright, I'm going to stop ranting.
I'm going to stop ranting.
Let's go to Peter in Switzerland, then Paul, Nick, John, and others.
We've got calls in Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, you name it, Scotland.
Let's go to Peter in beautiful Switzerland.
Peter, where are you and what's your view on this?
Yeah, hi Alex.
I'm in Zug, Switzerland, and I need to give you some information.
During the World Economic Forum's
In Davos, there are usually these anti-world economic forum groups that try and get on the trains from CORE going up to Davos.
And it's a special train, it's called the Retoshabon, and this is the same train that goes to St.
And I just let you know that they either suspend the train service, or they control everyone in CORE an hour and a half away before they get on the trains.
Yeah, you've got to, in fact I've seen that, and it's on record that the socialists that are going to be there tomorrow, openly are financed by the Bilderberg group to then make anybody who's anti-Bilderberg look like a communist.
That's why we, and they do it everywhere, we've got to have real people who aren't camp-following, useful idiots there.
Use car.
That's why you got two days.
Leave now.
Get there early.
Don't wait.
Because we need folks to mass there.
That's why they're hiding out.
They're sucking Europe and the rest of the world dry right now.
And that's why they're hiding out in St.
So are you an American or a Canadian living in Switzerland?
Dual citizen.
I'm a Swiss citizen.
Also an American.
And trying to get down there I think is really going to be a challenge this weekend.
I'll tell you, the Swiss are great people.
That's why they've got so much wealth and everybody's got guns and they've got bunkers for the entire population.
You know, the Amish are made up of what?
Germans, Swiss, and Dutch.
Great people.
And I see a lot of top Swiss politicians, your Prime Minister, the equivalent of one of your Congress people, calling for some of the Bilderberg people's arrest.
And we've confirmed that's all over your papers.
That's pretty exciting.
What are the Swiss saying about
These vampires nesting, roosting in St.
People know about it.
I mean, a lot of the Swiss I work with are very much aware of it.
And the Swiss papers have actually been very good covering this event.
But again, what I say is, the Swiss know how to handle security.
And my fear is that they will be preventing people from getting on the trains already two hours from the destination.
Okay, but I mean, that's only... I mean, is that all the time, or have they just suspended the trains, period, for their lordships?
No, they've done this during the World Economic Forum, that the trains leave from Coor, and that those trains went to Davos, and they either suspended the trains, or they controlled people before they even got on the trains.
And they're probably going to do the same thing heading down to St.
And by controlling them at the chug point, you mean they don't let you on the train?
Well, again, that's because they're scared of the protest.
They're scared of the eye of the public brought to the mountain of Mordor so we can see the eye of Sauron sitting up there.
We've got to march on Mordor, and it's going to be so historical.
I wish I could be there, but I'm a man of my word.
I told talkers six months ago I'd be their keynote speaker, and then a few weeks ago I was thinking about trying to go and be there Wednesday, Thursday, and then fly back Friday, but I could have missed my keynote speech, which is in the morning.
At Talkers, so I'm going to be in New York.
I fly out tomorrow.
I wish I could be there.
I've been in a lot of demonstrations.
I love them.
But folks, this is going to be important.
This is going to draw massive attention to what's going on.
What do you suggest, as somebody from Switzerland, sir, what do you suggest we do to circumvent?
Because there are good roads in there.
That's how Aaron and Paul drove in from Zurich.
Yes, I suggest they may have to go to a staging area and walk or take public buses or something.
I don't know, but I know from the anti-theft experience that they've actually controlled the trains.
So people have to be aware of that.
Maybe you have to go pretending that you're planning to go on a hike or something.
And demonstrate that you're... or pretend that you're not going there to demonstrate.
Now, again, the Swiss have some of the best rights in the world, but the outsiders don't.
That's the way it's supposed to be in a sovereign country, so I can't actually say it's bad.
But that's why it's important for Swiss to go.
Because they can't, from what I've read, correct me if I'm wrong, they can't stop a Swiss citizen from getting on that train, can they?
Uh, actually, no, they have.
They have stopped Swiss citizens if they were planning to protest, yes.
But the Swiss have got some of the strongest protest rights anywhere.
They need to file complaints if that happens.
That's outrageous that Swiss would have their right of travel blocked for a bunch of outlying outlanders coming in there.
Well, I gotta tell you, in many ways, this is a very secure place.
And security trumps pretty much everything else.
Well, they're not going to stop people from this quest, and we've got maps up on the site.
And we're not going to be able to stop French driving in, Germans driving in, Italians driving in.
That's why if you're listening, folks, you've got to go.
And regardless, shoot video of them stopping at the train.
Upload it to YouTube.
Everyone listening should upload to U.S.
and European YouTube.
They're trying to block everybody so you can't watch American YouTubes and we can't watch European.
They don't want us to get together.
They want to geolocate
And they admittedly are trying to go after alternative press.
They're changing the algorithms.
By the way, there's no doubt our term, Bilderberg protests, would have hit number one yesterday.
There is no doubt they've now created a catalog of names, because classic anti-globalist names don't work now when we do it.
Only weird search terms that then link to articles we've written work.
So they're, again, the head of Google goes every year.
They are desperate to keep us from knowing they're there, knowing who's there, or protesting.
Why is that, Peter?
Well, I think these are the elites and they have their own agenda.
And what I don't understand is why are people giving in to their agenda?
Why do governments give in to this agenda?
I will be trying to get down there, yes.
I'll find alternative ways to get in there if I have to.
God bless you.
We're going to be talking to him.
We'll cover the aftermath, of course, next week as well.
Thank you so much, Peter.
Great job.
Folks, you know this is important.
March on tyranny peacefully.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nick in Italy, also bordering Switzerland.
Nick, where are you in Italy?
Yeah, how you doing, Alex?
I'm actually in the city of Bologna, which you mentioned so many times about the Bologna bombing.
So as a native of the city, I would like to thank you for being the only American media personality to actually mention that.
What, that our government bombs you to blame it on their enemies?
Yeah, we're very sorry.
I don't
I get a bit emotional about it because it's very, very close to me.
So I want to just tell American folks how close this thing is to me.
And what these guys are doing is just criminal.
There's no other words for it.
Second of all, you mentioned Asia.
Now there's going to be a lot of elections coming up in Asia.
They just had it in Burma.
They're going to be in Thailand.
And they were pushing one big thing in 2015.
They will have something called the EAC, the Asian Economic Community.
Does that sound familiar?
The EEC, the European Economic Community, we have the same thing.
Yeah, they're already signing deals merging them.
Now, I'm going from memory, but where is Bologna?
How long will it take you to get into Switzerland?
Uh, I think to the border is about 300 to 400 kilometers because you have to go past Milan and then past the Alps mountains and then you have to go to St.
I mean, I might have a chance to go.
I may actually have to pull some strings, but I'm going to really try hard to get there because I wanted to go a few years ago when they had it in the island of Stresa.
Look, you gotta go.
20 years from now, if these people win, you are going to gnash your teeth wishing you'd gone.
Please, go.
Do whatever you have to.
Everybody, go!
I mean, it's so important.
As you said, the same globalist almost killed your parents with that stage bombing in Bologna, now declassified.
The Italian government admits it.
With NATO and U.S.
intelligence, a bunch of bombings, to be blamed on political enemies there, and false flags.
You've got to go.
Every person that goes is so important.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Hello Alex.
The first thing I'd like to say is that this country, Ireland, very soon is going to collapse.
Many people are aware that there's a very grave situation.
The vast majority, I think, are still clueless as to what is the solution.
Well you noticed you were the fastest growing winner until you signed on to the Euro and suddenly they imploded you because that Euro treaty was the agreement to go under their receivership.
You've been economically conquered, but I've seen it in your Irish Times, your people, it seems, do know what's happening.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, unfortunately, the people were bullied into voting for these treaties and finally they bite the bait because money is so much... Yeah, they voted no the first time, yeah.
What Gerald Solentis said yesterday is absolutely correct and applies to this country.
That direct democracy now is the only answer.
I contacted yesterday the founder of the direct democracy Ireland and
And told him about your program, to listen to Gerald Solentik.
Because the government we have here, going back to Brian Collins' government, Collins' approach with the bankers, with the bailouts, was basically like when you're attacked by a mugger who says, give me all your money or I'll shoot you.
Well, Brian Collins, as Prime Minister, was the kind of man who would hand over the wallet and give everything.
Now that we have a new government, the policy of the new government in the county is to make a deal with the mugger and pay by installments.
You're going to lose everything anyway.
What do the Irish think of a few months ago the head of your central bank saying, it's good for Ireland to be run by foreign banks, we're going under foreign banks control.
I mean it was just a total statement of treason out in the open.
Unfortunately, the people have been so brainwashed with what Colonel Robert Hickson of U.S.
Army Intelligence called the perception management, as he said in one of his talks, perception management as we called it in the CIA.
If you mention Bilderberg on talk radio in this country, you get dismissed as a lunatic.
You know why?
Because for 50 years they said it didn't exist, and now there it is.
Okay, it's no big deal, but you're still crazy if you don't like it.
But we shut down whole countries for them to meet, but they have no power.
We're being shut down here.
We were told that by privatizing our trash collection that it's going to save money.
Well, it saved me for the county.
But now, I'm burdened with a crushing fee to pay every time my trash is collected.
And they tell us they have schemes they're going to put us on to help save us money.
It's horrible, my friend.
I understand it's the austerity, it's the scam.
Thank you so much.
John and Scotland and others, straight ahead.
If you want to join us from Europe, 651-695-7777 is the international line.
Dial your U.S.
access code.
We'll be back.
Reports live from Bilderberg, coming up in the next hour.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Okay, I want to go to John in Scotland and others.
Catherine Albrecht.
Who's had breast cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy is a great talk show host here on Genesis.
She's gonna be joining us at the 8 after next hour for two segments.
Then we're going back to the team.
Boots on the ground at Bilderberg 2011 in St.
My guys got in, thank God, and are there reporting it.
And we got the big protest coming up on Saturday.
And next hour I do have to blitz through some news as well when they join us.
But I look at the news here.
Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost rates.
Fed to end $600 billion purchase of bonds.
So there's the signal for interest rates to go up, but they're continuing QE2.
They're just not calling it QE3.
We also, again, have Obama saying more trillions must be given to, quote, the Greeks, but it doesn't go to the Greeks.
It goes to the private banking cartels, and most of the money is not owed by the Greeks.
It's how they lie and tell you this is a bailout.
No, it's not.
Remember the other bailouts were going to fix it, remember?
President Barack Obama said today that European countries need to, taxpayers need to put more money in to help Greece and give it to the banks.
Oh, isn't that nice?
That's exactly what we're talking about and why Bilderberg is so dangerous and so disgusting.
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Let's go to... I got a call from Saudi Arabia, but let's go to John in Scotland first.
John, and we got Garth in Norway, and I got a guest coming up.
Man, I need to get to these people.
John in Scotland, you're on the air.
Alex, good afternoon to you from sunny Scotland.
You mentioned that, you know, the bankers weren't even hiding it.
I'm going to read you something from today's Scottish Daily Mail newspaper.
Yes, sir.
And it's about... it's a quote from
An admission from Chief Executive Stephen Hester, who is the Chief Executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, who received in 2008 the biggest bailout in UK history of £45 billion, which is about $70 billion.
Chief Executive Stephen Hester provoked a furious reaction when he said there may have been some leakage from taxpayer funds to his senior staff's bonus pool.
More than 100 senior executives at the state-owned bank
Yeah, I've seen that.
It is just wall-to-wall absolute total corruption.
What is your view of the protest we're calling for against the Bilderberg Group?
It's interesting because the normal guy in my street who pays his mortgage and has his kids has no idea this is going on.
Well, sir, it's up to us, like Paul Revere, to warn them.
It isn't the British that are coming, it's the New World Order pot-bellied parasite vampires.
And we need to have that demonstration.
We'll talk to Saudi Arabia and Norway next.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Continued Bilderberg 2011 coverage.
Everything is coming to a head.
New wars in Yemen.
Imploding stock markets.
It's all coming up.
Genetically modified cows that are part human to produce.
Female breast milk.
Human breast milk.
We're going to break it down.
Catherine Albrecht joining us.
Our reporter from Bilderberg.
Let's jam in two in this short segment.
Gareth and then the other caller from Saudi Arabia.
Gareth, you're on the air from Norway.
What's your view on demonstrating against the Bilderberg group in St.
I'm not going to make it there, but yeah, I hope a lot of people do, man.
I hope a lot of people make it there.
That's my view on it.
I'm just protesting.
It's out of control, basically.
A lot of folks in Norway think of this whole banking takeover.
The media here is just...
It's out of control, man.
They are so controlled, it's out of control.
You know what I mean?
Like, today I just saw on the front page of one of the biggest papers, they're pushing the whole Qaddafi and his soldiers with Viagra again.
Like, today, on the front page.
Yeah, that's back in the... Fox News is reporting he has raped gangs with Viagra, even though three weeks ago the State Department admitted that was totally not true.
Yeah, of course, man.
The current Prime Minister in this country has been at Bilderberg.
I can't remember which year he's confirmed being at Bilderberg.
And his father, Torvald Stoltenberg, he's been many times, man.
And this guy, look, I just realised because I went to a Bilderberg meeting last night with one of the only independent net news webpages in this country.
It was like a meeting just about Bilderberg.
It was about 30 people.
It was really interesting.
I think so.
Absolutely, but listen, 10 years ago, a year ago, there wouldn't be 30 people meeting in your town in Norway to discuss the real rulers of this planet.
That's the beginning of the end for these people.
They miscalculated.
They're going to lose.
Good job, Gareth.
Tabet calling us from Saudi Arabia.
You're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I've been a long time listener.
And I admire your work exposing the true conspiracy on this world.
I can tell you that I've seen almost every documentary of the
You've made, and I've also translated some to Arabic.
Thank you.
You see, I just want to convey the Arab people's thoughts about these revolutions that are happening across the Arab world.
We, it's obviously a staged revolution, staged events for secret agendas.
You see what happened in Egypt was simply a military coup.
What's happened in Tunisia has devastated Tunisia and Egypt.
In Yemen, you see killings and signs of regime change, other countries interfering with Yemen's policies.
In Syria, you see massacres happening, gangs.
It's a destabilization and then after everybody riots, they can put in their people.
Same thing with Muammar Gaddafi.
And I'm telling you, Saudi Arabia is next.
And this is what the Bilderberg Group is discussing.
Please help us, even though you can't obviously be there, help us spread the word worldwide through social networks for everybody who can in Europe to be at the demonstration against the Bilderberg thugs, Saturday high noon in St.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, as we globally get the word out about the tyrants that are our enemies.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going to shift gears for the next 20 minutes or so, and I look forward to having her up for a full hour in the near future.
We're joined by Kathryn Albrecht, who's an amazing GCN Radio host, every day for two hours after my show.
Her website's kathrynalbrecht.com, or you can link through to it, or hear her show at gcnlive.com.
All over national television, coast-to-coast AM, has addressed major governments, you name it.
And I remember
I don't
And then I took that to mean that, you know, there was a good chance we could lose her.
And I went on air and said, let's all pray for her.
And I hope, I hate to talk about this while she's on the line, but I hope that, you know, why is it the good die young?
We need to pray for her.
And then Catherine, I didn't hear it, but I was told, because one of my crew was listening in the car here locally, she's on locally, and heard her saying, well, no, she's fighting, she's good, she's going to beat it.
And that's the attitude.
And I got flooded with thousands of emails and hundreds of calls.
You know, saying, she needs to take intravenous vitamin C. She needs to do this and that.
I know she's into nutrition.
She's clearly, we'll talk to her, but I apologize if it caused her too big a problem with the outpouring of concern for folks.
But she says, nope, she's going to beat it.
She's not stage four.
She's stage three.
And I called Ted back and said, now you told me that.
He said, well, she just said she's stage three pushing.
Stage four was the quote, but we've got her here to talk about that with us today and also her incredible work really being instrumental as a lightning rod worldwide.
Dr. Catherine Albrecht exposing this societal control grid, the RFID chips, the face scanning cameras, the TSA scanners.
I mean she's really been a big challenge to them analyzing what the technocrats are doing and so we'll also talk some about that with
Her here today launching big, famous boycotts against Gillette that made them stop putting the chips in it.
Just amazing work.
Catherine, it is great to have you here with us.
Well thanks Alex and I want to thank you for all the prayers and all the outpouring of support over the last couple of days.
Thanks for your wonderful listeners.
I know they're all over the world and they have been just a huge support and I want to thank everybody who's written and called in.
Just a wonderful bunch of people out there and as you said I'm doing my best to fight this thing.
I'm not stage 4.
I do not have terminal cancer.
I have treatable breast cancer but it's going to be a long road of treatment unfortunately.
Well, you're going to beat it then.
That's good.
And again, I'm sorry that got messed up in translation.
It's just that I get on air, I've been told something about Ted, the owner of Genesis, that I got, I guess, a little bit wrong.
Thank God.
And then I got a little emotional at the end of the show and just brought it up.
I wasn't going to talk about it, actually, until I talked to you.
And I've been planning to get you on the show, talk about a host issues.
And you know how it is now.
Months go by like seconds.
I mean, it's just, I wake up and it's a new year.
So we've definitely, as soon as you're able, I want to have you up for a full hour.
I know coming up in a few weeks, you're going to quit, or in a week or so, you're going to quit your weekday show and go to the weekends.
Catherine, first tell us about that.
And then tell us about your work, which I know so many of us are proud of.
And you've been a great example to all of us exposing tyranny.
Well, you know, I've been working ever since the Spy Chips days.
In fact, even before that, in 1989, I founded NoCards.org, which is the website that opposes the supermarket frequent shopper cards.
A lot of people in Texas and elsewhere joining me in big protests against the rollout of those cards, which basically are food registration systems.
They've now gone worldwide.
They've got these things installed in Yemen and Jamaica and Korea and you name it, to essentially require a card to
Buy your groceries so they know everything you buy.
Itemize it.
Know when you have a baby, whether you've got a cat, whether you have, you know, diabetes, you name it.
It's all in there.
So I did that initially, nocards.org, and then of course, Spy Chips came out.
That's our best-selling book that exposed all the shenanigans with radiofrequency identification microchips or RFID.
Been working on that for quite some time.
We have a new website out I want to refer your listeners to, which is chipmenut.com.
And that's based on the research that I did along with the Associated Press to expose the fact that those implantable microchips are causing cancer in dogs and cats.
And now we've got a big pushover in the UK where they're saying they want to make microchipping animals mandatory.
We just had the California, I believe it was the California State Senate, just passed a bill
That will require all shelter animals in California to get microchipped.
So I would encourage everybody, chipmenot.com.
We've got the case studies and the stories of the animals that have developed cancer around those microchips, fast-growing tumors.
And in fact, we do know that between 1 and 10% of laboratory animals, we're talking mice and rats, when you implant them with a microchip, develop a fast-growing tumor that eventually kills them.
So dangerous stuff.
We should not be messing with microchips in living flesh.
Certainly not in laboratory animals, not in pets, and definitely not in human beings.
So ChippyNot.com is the website.
There's a big lawsuit out, I want to let people know about, against Merck.
And Merck is the parent company of the Home Again microchips.
People have probably seen the ads for Home Again, you know, hey, chip your dog, chip your cat.
Well, there's a lawsuit out by a woman here in Massachusetts whose cat developed cancer around the microchip, and she's suing them for the vet expenses.
And there's major studies that show that, but I also see ads everywhere now getting everybody ready for microchips in pills that Big Pharma's putting out.
Yeah, you got it.
Well, ultimately, Alex, as you know probably better than anybody else, the plan is to microchip every physical object on Earth.
Every tree, every bumblebee.
They've actually done that.
They've actually put tiny little microchips on bumblebees.
Smart dirt!
And the Pentagon says they can then search the real world like Google and actually predict the future.
They're attempting to build a computerized crystal ball.
Is there holy grail?
Yeah, it's insanity, and then you combine that with what Google's up to.
You know, speaking of Google, I can't remember if it was Sergey Brin or Larry Page, but one of the founders of Google said, when asked, hey, what do you want Google to ultimately become, they said, like the mind of God.
So you look at that going, okay, so you guys want to know everything about everything at all times, which is exactly what God does.
God is omniscient.
We're good to go.
So they know what you're writing to people about.
I've even had the creepy experience where someone wrote to me through my radio show at katherinealbert.com.
They just sent me an email and I wrote them back and then they said it was the creepiest thing.
Our email had nothing to do with RFID.
But they said every website they went on after that was running RFID ads.
Let me stop you.
I remember five years ago, Paul Watson wrote an article about it.
People couldn't believe it.
Google put out a press release to stockholders saying, oh, great news.
We're now going to use the camera and microphone to listen to keywords in your house on the computer.
But don't worry, a human isn't doing it.
A computer is doing it, so it's all right.
And then we use that to tailor the ads, and then now schools come out and say, yeah, we're watching your kids at home over the government-issued computers.
I mean, they have just broken the dam with this stuff now, throwing it in our face.
It's all completely illegal, but they trick you to sign onto it and waive your rights.
Catherine, this is scary.
I mean, if this isn't the mark of the beast, it might as well be.
Well, I think we're coming to that point, Alex, and especially now Google's got its new Google Wallet, where you can make your payments through your cell phone, of course.
I know you've talked about that on your show.
And, you know, we're coming to the point where we're going to be eliminating cash, and this omnipotence that I was talking about, Google wanting to be the mind of God, you know, once that gets together with governments, and of course China's been hacking into Google and trying to get a hold of those records, the government knows
That Google has more powerful records than anything it has.
Google knows more about you than the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, and the IRS combined.
Because we all log on to their search engine and punch in all of our information all day long.
So it's a beautiful honey trap to get people to come on and tell what they're thinking about.
By the way, this is a good opportunity for me to give you my really good news.
We're good to go.
For people to be using Google, if you want the good Google results, and I will be the first to admit they've got the best search results on the internet.
Because they're the NSA.
It's really a public NSA, so we would accept it.
But it's now admitted it was NSA, CIA money funded.
And Startpage.com is so incredible, and you're the spokesman for Startpage.
And people should all use Startpage.com.
I'm glad you brought that up, Catherine.
Well, and what's changed now, Alex, since we last spoke is that StartPage is now, actually, so you put in your query, you look up whatever, the IRS or 9th Amendment, whatever you're looking up.
Isn't it really a proxy now with that function?
So they're a shield in front of you.
We're good to go.
So, StartPage.com, as you mentioned, I'm a spokesperson because I had them on my radio show two years ago just as a guest and I said, you know, I'm sick of Google.
What can I do instead?
And I fell in love with this company and a lot of people said, well, I don't want to use StartPage because I want Google results.
And so we said, well, why don't we just start returning Google results?
Now, I know there's a lot of people listening who are probably like, Google, yuck!
I don't want anything to do with them.
And that's why ixquick.com, which is the parent company of StarPage, is still returning results from everybody but Google.
So, if you're one of those folks who doesn't even want to see the word Google on your screen, you can go to ixquick, and that's I-X-Q-U-I-C-K.
Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K, I-X-Q-U-I-C-K,
I don't know.
And I gotta be honest, if I was in your position, I just don't know if I could be as strong as you are.
And you're a wonderful person.
Everybody's gotta pray for Kathryn Albrecht.
They've gotta go to her website and support her and make sure her information gets out to more people than ever.
We'll be right back with Kathryn Albrecht in a final segment.
And we'll take you back live to Bilderberg 2011.
Stay with us.
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We need this video at the Alex Jones Channel to go mega-viral.
It's the fall of Bilderberg.
The people strike back.
The protest.
High noon.
Coming up this Saturday in St.
Going back to Catherine Albrecht.
You can go there and check out all the other websites and organizations.
Just invaluable information.
Catherine, I'm also sorry when we made that not entirely correct announcement on the
Show a few days ago that we crashed your website, but hopefully folks will visit it again and we'll get all the info, but won't crash it.
So much more is happening on the privacy front.
You're looking into so many facets of Big Brother's offensive against free humanity.
What is front and center on your radar right now?
What's the biggest growing threat against liberty right now?
Well, I think all this RFID stuff that we talked about when we were researching spy chips, our book, has all come to pass.
We're seeing radio frequency devices or remotely trackable microchips being put into driver's licenses.
This is happening in border states all over the country.
If you border on Canada or Mexico, there's a good chance that your state offers something called an enhanced driver's license, which is a driver's license that can be read from 30 or even 60 feet away by somebody
We're good to go.
If your state offers an enhanced driver's license, say no to it.
If you know anybody who has gotten one of these things, encourage them to cut it up, send it back, get rid of it, because they're trackable.
And here's where it gets even weirder, Alex.
If you walk into, if you got one of those things in your pocket or in your purse, and you walk into a Walmart store, and you walk up to the Fruit of the Loom briefs hanging there in the underwear shelf of the men's section, I kid you not, Walmart's underwear shelf can read your driver's license through your pocket.
Well, they admit, and now they're saying, oh, with the RFID and your driver's license, you'll pay now in the future soon, and you'll waive your wallet, or you'll waive your cell phone.
And the new iPhones are coming out with a chip in them, where even if you don't want to, they're going to be able to do this.
And they admit thieves are now stealing all this, so their answer is, well, you'll pay by chip and face scan.
And so that's what they're forcing in.
Now also with the airports, they're rolling out the new retina scanners, as we knew they would do, inside the body scanners.
But don't worry, they microwave you faster now.
You walk through as they microwave, and it retina scans you passively.
It's so easy.
Yeah, it's mind-blowing.
So we're taking all of the, essentially everything that individual freedom activists have been railing about, sort of in our own corners here.
All of the biometrics, you've got people worried about that.
All of the national ID card stuff, we've got people concerned about that.
And now the cell phone.
And what I tell people nowadays is that with 80 to 90 percent cell phone penetration, that means you've got virtually everybody carrying one of these things, the cell phone is no longer really a phone if you think about it.
It's a camera, it's a video camera, it's a listening device, it's a microphone, it's a tracking device.
I call it your guardian devil.
It's a guardian devil.
You know, God has an angel watching and recording.
It's your little guardian devil and it fries you and gives you cancer while it spies on you.
That's a good way of putting it.
And you know, I gotta say this, because on everybody's iPhone, what is the picture there?
It's an apple with a bite taken out of it.
You know, folks, pay attention here.
That is the symbol straight out of the Garden of Eden, and it symbolizes the deal that humanity struck with Satan.
What were people told?
They were said, don't eat from the fruit of that tree of knowledge, because if you do, you'll surely die.
And people said, oh, well, okay, and they ate, you know, Adam and Eve ate the apple, and Satan said, all right, you made your trade, you get to surely die on the basis of this knowledge, but I'm going to give you all the technology you could ever use, and you will have the powers of God.
And that's what we're screwing around with today.
You know, you don't have to look too far to see Fukushima and radiation meltdowns, you know the drill, and everybody listening, of course, if they listen to your show, they're well informed.
All of that stuff ties into a deal that was struck way back when in the garden, and we're carrying around these devices that have that big honking Apple symbol with the bite taken out of it.
It blows my mind.
And by the way, even if people don't believe in God and the devil, I do, I know you do, the elites do.
I mean, the symbol of Apple...
For Apple is an apple with a bite out the tree the tree of good and evil that knowledge and it's here and they're using it to totally control us and they kill us while we get the knowledge so they're physically killing us and they're telling us we're killing you because these devils always have to tell you in a code what they're going to do to you.
Yeah, and you know, we're getting irradiated by the cell phone towers.
The new report out from Europe saying we ought to pull all of the Wi-Fi and all of the cell phone towers out of and away from schools because they're so bad for children.
You know, this stuff is killing us.
The reality is it is.
But it's always sold to you with a benefit.
There's a great quote.
We opened our book, Spy Chips, with a quote by C.P.
Snow, who was a writer for the New York Times.
And he said, technology is a queer thing.
It gives you great gifts with one hand and stabs you in the back with the other.
So that's kind of the direction we're going.
Stay strong.
We're all praying for you and hopefully I can get you up for a full hour in the next few weeks.
God bless you and we're glad you're going to beat this thing.
We're all praying for you, Catherine.
I'd love it.
And I start Saturdays on the 18th at 10 a.m.
Folks, find out more at GCNLive.com.
Thank you, Catherine.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining us for live coverage from Bilderberg 2011.
We're joined by Paul Joseph Watson who is right outside the Global Elite meeting place in St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
These are the people, the heads of the global megabanks, British, Dutch, Royalty, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, attending.
We have more of their inside agenda.
That we're going to be going over here, and this is so important because these are the people that control the parliaments, control the leadership of our Congress, our House and Senate.
They're the folks, we've gotten their minutes from decades ago, how they covertly set up the Euro, how they sold government's derivatives to implode them.
They're the people that want the carbon taxes to shut down in the industrial societies.
These are the bad guys, my friends.
And now Obama has pledged, as we told you weeks ago from our Bilderberg sources, he would do.
Trillions more to quote bailout Greece.
That means give the private banks that made the derivative fraud and got government to get involved with it.
That means giving the mega banks that are making record profits more of our tax money.
We've seen a lot of big developments the last few days at Bilderberg.
And joining us to go over those developments is Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and of course Aaron Dykes, also working on our operation there.
Paul Watson, you've got the floor.
Break down the spectrum of reportage.
Hello Alex, good to be back.
Yeah, one thing that I failed to mention earlier was the fact that quite early on in proceeding this morning there was an activist, I think he was associated with We Are Change Switzerland,
Who spray-painted the graffiti on the road that led up to the entrance to the Bilderberg Hotel.
And he basically spray-painted things like, you know, you're not welcome in Switzerland, get out Bilderberg scum, things like that.
And obviously he was approached by the police, but because the spray paint that he was using could easily wash off, and in fact it did later wash off with constant rain, they didn't arrest him or detain him.
So he had a pretty long conversation with the police, but eventually they just had to walk away because of this technicality in the law.
So a lot of Bilderberg members arrived to this message of, you know, get out of Switzerland, Bilderberg scum, New World Order scum.
So that was a nice welcome for them.
Going over the incredible information that Tucker has now released, more of their agenda, and we've looked it up, it is in the Swiss papers, the Prime Minister is saying that it's not good to have them there, and that the Bilderberg Group wants to destroy their sovereignty.
We have the equivalent of one of their top congressmen saying, arrest Henry Kissinger, because there's arrest warrants out for him out of France and other areas.
We also have other government leaders saying they don't want them there.
So very exciting things happening.
There's a lot more in the agenda.
They want to have a larger war in the Middle East.
And we're going to go over some of that in a moment.
But breaking down the fake bomb scare today and other things that are happening.
This report that a Bilderberg person flew into the airport and then had some type of medical emergency.
Paul, cover the waterfront for us.
Well, the fake bomb scare obviously occurred when we had left our car at the top of the hill and walked down to the barn to get some better shots of the cars as they were arriving.
Then Aaron went back up to the top of the hill and the road was blocked and he was told that there had been a bomb scare involving some tubing that the police had found and that they had arrested two people.
So it took about an hour before the
Blockade was lifted, which was, you know, the blockade itself was very brief, which led us to believe and other people that we've spoken to agree, other journalists.
Um, this was because a very important official was arriving at that time and they wanted to widen the security area to make sure that, um, you know, that elitist wasn't bothered because the whole thing was lifted so quickly that it was obviously a spur of the moment thing.
Let me stop you because this needs to be added to our report that's one of the top links up on Drudge.
You're telling me
Was this from the police who told you it was the bomb scare?
I know that's on video.
But specifically, that they say they did make arrest for tubing?
I mean, that's huge news!
Arrest made at Bilderberg for supposed pipe bombs?
Is that what you're saying?
We were told by other journalists that two people had been arrested.
We can't confirm that, and there was no information as to their identity, but that was what numerous people who were there at the time said.
So we don't know for sure whether that's true, but that's what was circulating at the time.
Well, we'll call the police station.
Continuing with other things that are unfolding, what do you think is most striking from Tucker's molds that we've learned that's on the agenda?
Wanting to keep the depression going, I think is the big one.
Wanting to have a World War III event in the Middle East.
This is huge.
Yeah, just before I get onto that one final point on those arrests.
Um, there were several people who told us that these two individuals who were arrested, um, had previously had no affiliation with the journalists who were there the day before.
So it seems that these two individuals were unknown to everyone else who was there on the scene.
So that obviously brings up the possibility that they were provocative.
Well, we saw that happen in 2008 in Chantilly with Obama and Hillary meeting secretly, and that was later confirmed they were there, that they had this guy with a video camera videotaping all of us acting like a cop, then he got, quote, busted for a gun, and they showed the, you know, the media this, and then they let him go.
I mean, come on.
And again, this is all part of a way to demonize in front of the other cops that see protesting as bad.
Yeah, we couldn't confirm those two arrests, but the police chief told Aaron directly that there was a bomb scare, so that is 100% confirmed.
Getting on to what Tucker found out about the agenda, obviously covered in Kirtney Moe's article, which is on Infowars.com, is the fact that they're outraged, and this was the familiar theme at last year's conference, about the fact that they're getting increasing amounts of scrutiny from the alternative media and the Patriot movement.
I was talking to Tucker about an hour ago and he was telling me that one of the reasons they want to prolong the recession
It's obviously not the only reason, was that they want to keep the middle class down, they want to keep the bums, you know, low down so they can't afford to travel and they can't afford to focus on Bilderberg because they're too concerned about putting food on the table.
So, similar to what they said last year about, you know, their disgust at people who are actually able to afford to travel to these different countries in which they meet, that was another familiar theme coming out today according to Jim Tucker.
Well, before we continue, that's what austerity is.
That's what the head of Goddard Space Center has said.
That's what the head of the UN Climate Program, Maury Strong, has said.
And Ted Turner and Prince Philip and all their reports is you will only be allowed to be in the area that you are working in.
You'll have to get special credits to travel outside, special authorization to fly on an airplane.
And now, as you know, in England, they're showing British schoolchildren these
Government-funded and corporate-funded cartoons where it shows the future in 10 years, where the woman's going, it's my husband's birthday, I've got the credits for him to eat meat once a year.
He's not allowed to travel out of the zone, but I am because I'm a social worker.
And people watch the videos and think they're a joke about some tyranny.
They're not!
The sociologists and the psych warfare experts are just showing this to kids like it's normal.
And we've played those here.
People think that's a joke.
No, it's not a joke.
Paul, tell folks about this.
Well, I mean, that all comes out of the Royal Society and these big think tanks in the UK.
They've openly announced that they want this plannedopolis, where only the elite and the rich will be able to drive cars, where meat will be rationed as it was in communist China, even as recently as the 80s, and where basically the living standards of the West are lowered to a second and third world status as this post-industrial revolution
And that's what the tyrants do.
The Russians had meat.
The Chinese had meat.
They do it to make you line up so they have the control.
And that was later declassified.
That's why Stalin wouldn't let the Ukrainians and others grow their own food and tens of millions starve to death.
They banned your own garden.
That's what the Food Safety Act and Codex Alimentarius is about.
Go ahead.
Well, in the Plandopolis clip, which is coming out of these elite think tanks,
Um, they present a global food council which will decide all your rations, all your meat, all your vegetables, everything that you're allowed to get.
And that, as you just said, harks back to the Stalinist era.
It harks back to Maoist China where, you know, people didn't just have to line up to get meat.
Meat was a special treat.
And Monsanto has said...
That that's why they're infecting everything with their GMO, because in the future, well it's already happened, almost every major corn, wheat, you name it, is infected with their genetics, even if you didn't have their seed, it gets into the other plants, and if they find 1% of their genetics, then you're SWAT teamed, so you won't be able to have a farm or ranch, because it's copyrighted, it's patented, you won't be able to grow anything, because they've infected everything, and then the courts rule that they haven't
Well yeah, and that's exactly what they're going to be talking about at the moment.
Another thing which I...
I don't, I can't remember if I mentioned earlier, but because of all these delays with the problems coming into the local airport and the fact that many of them have had to be rerouted to the Zurich airport three hours away, which was borne out by the fact that very few cars, if you think about, you know, you've got 120, 130 members coming to this meeting,
It looked like at least half of them haven't even made it yet, which led to a lot of talk about the fact that the conference has been postponed, the official start of it, until tomorrow morning.
So that's when they'll actually get down to business with the agenda.
So the delays due to the weather and due to the low cloud cover have caused the Bilderberg meeting to be delayed by one day.
Oh, the gods are having trouble as they see themselves landing at their Mount Olympus, their little perch, while they drop their droppings on the little surfs.
Other facets of the Bilderberg agenda that we're now learning that are absolutely outraging them.
We know that they do have the Google execs there and others.
They want to clamp down on free speech, and we see that manifested by the EU and others calling for these draconian net rules, Paul.
Yeah, that's what Tucker came out with, the fact that they're still incensed about the free reign that the internet gives alternative media to shine a spotlight on this gaggle of criminals.
According to Tucker, that's what's on the agenda this year.
So it's about clamping down on free speech and stopping all the people who were assembled there today from getting anywhere near Bilderberg as they hid their faces while driving past in their tinted, windowed cars.
I think so.
We believe to be Pearl and Anders Rasmussen, the NATO head, which would obviously verify the fact that Libya is top of the agenda, as Tucker said, with Bilderberg furious about the US Congress putting a roadblock in to stop Obama's war in Libya.
Now, you saw Bill Gates, but were able to get a photo of that, and I know soon those will be uploaded at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's the next thing you're going to do.
Do we have a photo of little population reduction Billy Gates?
We did get a photo of it, but it was very blurred at the time.
We need to go in and try and sharpen it up, which is why we said that we're not 100% sure that it was him.
But, I mean, that's the closest resemblance that we could see that it was Bill Gates.
And obviously he was there last year in Spain.
So it's obviously not out of the question that he would be there again.
All right, Paul.
Good job.
Please hand the phone over to Aaron Dykes, InfoWars reporter, and then I'll be talking to you guys during the break coming up.
But let's go ahead and bring Aaron Dykes up here now.
Aaron, what's your view on what you're witnessing there in Switzerland as the global cockroaches, the global crime syndicate, meets?
I think they're quite furious that even in the remote, rather elite, ski town that people are still willing to show up and show their faces in protest of the group, Alex.
In addition to the names Alex mentioned, I spoke to four or five separate people who all separately saw David Rockefeller.
At least some of them have it on video.
Good, and those will be getting uploaded soon.
We'll put that together on the sides.
Continue, other things you've noticed.
Yeah, there's also a possible sighting.
I'm consulting my footage as quickly as I can of Matthias Nass, the editor of Desight, the Times in Germany.
He's always in an annual interview.
He's on the steering committee as well.
And we have other photos, too, of kind of shadowy, rather vampire-looking European members who've come in.
And we're going to go through the list and try to identify them as well, Alex.
What about the whole ridiculous bomb scare?
Recap other developments for us.
Well, it's obviously a hoax.
It's pretty see-through.
But the police chief was quite straight-faced in making sure nobody was going to come or go.
He didn't mind telling me he could care less if my car was available or if it would be towed away or anything or collateral damage in there.
Folks, false flags set up to keep the protesters farther from the perimeter.
And of course, yesterday we reported how they had a veil set up to prevent identifying the members at the entry checkpoint.
Today they literally had workers out there constructing a wooden frame to put up a bigger, more extended veil, preventing really any viewing of almost the entire perimeter of the hotel.
Yesterday where you saw us filming the security cameras on tripods, today was much more greatly restricted.
And then they were also seen putting up the crime scene tape around the wooded area surrounding the hotel and a greater police presence further up the hill on the other side of the hotel as well, Alex.
Well, it is a crime scene, so the cops are doing their job.
Yeah, something like that.
Uh, but yeah, it really shut things down for a while.
Of course, it was heavy rain today, and this whole bomb scare, you know, it was just see-through, Alex, but it was their hoax to keep things under control, or so they hope.
Well, Aaron, we're going to continue to report in the days to come as things unfold and obviously coming up very soon now, next week, we're going to be able to go over even more that has developed and we'll learn more about the list and the full spectrum of what's happened and the demonstrations and the rest of it.
But any other points as we go to break here that you think are important to add, Aaron?
Well, obviously on the economic front, you know, we have Etienne D'Avignon back in 2009, obviously implying that they're ahead of this economic collapse, but that it's a real turning point.
It could lead to their total global control, but it could also awaken Europeans to just the hard-handed measures of bailing out these banks and employing austerity measures.
So he was obviously quite upset even three years ago at the possibility that it could awaken more people and cause a greater outrage to their global controls.
Of course, they're trying to extend, you know, greater economic controls for the various global bodies, but nothing is set in stone, and they themselves have admitted that it's quite up in the air, and obviously public opinion will play a factor into that.
So they're worried about public feedback on all fronts.
It's a crossroads for free humanity and the global parasites because this is where they really set up their world government by bankrupting us, then offering the alternative.
But if we stand now and expose them, they will miscalculate and fail.
It is so important.
Aaron Dykes, Paul Watson, thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to come back with some key economic and military news in the final segment.
It's Bilderberg coverage, 2011.
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People of the world, get in there to St.
Moritz, Switzerland.
It's gonna be Saturday.
High noon.
If you can't go, don't worry.
Spread the word about this protest.
Not some ineffective protest, you know, just up against some Capitol building with, you know, thugs trained to beat your heads in for fun.
Go in front of the globalists.
You heard they didn't want to arrest that guy spray-painting because they don't want to draw attention to it.
I'm telling you, we got them by the you-know-what's here.
This is very exciting.
Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost rates.
That's the Washington Times.
We've got all this other incredible news.
Jobless claims rise.
Trade gap narrows.
Continuing here.
I meant to get to this today.
I'll try tomorrow because it's such big news.
Because, you know, now we have Fox News reporting it.
When I told you ten years ago, that's that crazy Alex.
China genetically modifying cows to produce human breast milk.
Do you have any idea what happens when you cross different species together?
This is so dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course, the Department of Agriculture is funding rice, corn, other things that they feed to you that sterilizes you.
Of course, it's already going on, ladies and gentlemen.
Continuing, green buildings hazardous to health.
Report sites risk of
Yeah, look, everything they push, the little light bulbs that they're putting out are filled with mercury.
The new Curly Q little devil bulbs.
Really good news on this front.
Judges sharply challenge health care law, signal that they may completely overturn it.
Already had other courts partially overturn it.
It should be overturned because of discrimination, not just that it's unconstitutional.
You can't give waivers to McDonald's and other Fortune 100 to not have to buy insurance for their employees, but then make you, the hamburger place next door, buy insurance.
That's just incredible.
But skeptical questions from three judges in Atlanta.
Federal appeals court suggests that they may be ready to declare unconstitutional all or part of the health care law promoted by Obama administration and passed last year.
But doesn't matter.
The bureaucracy is just doing it anyways.
I mean, it's like Congress wouldn't pass the new carbon taxes.
Obama's just putting them in, you know.
I saw reports today that power plants are now having the new regulations go in, and it's going to increase energy costs.
I've got it in the stack as like $160 billion, I think's the headline a year.
And of course, that'll be passed on to you, the taxpayer and the person buying power, since they started putting in the carbon taxes in Austin, which just means ripping us off and charging us more for this offshore power company that runs things here.
In Austin, most people have put things double the last two years.
You like carbon taxes?
You like them?
Send more money to these offshore pieces of trash?
Here's another one.
judges seem receptive to health care challenge.
That's AP.
Health care overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court.
Alabama's News 13 NBC.
So, you know, we can beat these people when we point out how ridiculously over the top all of this corruption is.
Now, continuing here today,
We'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
I've got to go get on a plane to New York to be the keynote speaker at Talker Saturday, but in the third hour we will have Watson and Aaron reporting live for us.
They'll be hosting the show via cell phone from the Bilderberg site.
They'll have a lot more intel.
We're trying to get Tucker back on, trying to get Mark Anderson on, a great reporter from AmericanFreePress.net on here with us.
We'll have more on the fall of Bilderbergs, the fall of their cover-up, the fall of their lies, the people strike back.
Get that video out to everybody.
It's on the Alex Jones Channel at YouTube.
Only you can make this thing get the millions of views it needs to super turbo charge people from all over Europe converging this Saturday at high noon.
A lot of other news we didn't get to, like the new war they've started in Yemen.
That's right, U.S.
bombardment there.
Kinetic love action.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
Thank you for listening.
Retransmission coming up with Key Into.
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