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Name: 20110512_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 12, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, welcome!
It is Thursday, the 12th day of May, 2011, and we're going to be here for at least the next three hours live.
Dr. Steve Pachinik, of course, first joined us last Tuesday after a nine-and-a-half-year respite from not being on this broadcast.
He is the co-author of many of Tom Clancy's books.
Also, one of the co-producers of several of the big films that you, of course, have seen released via the theater.
The whole Patriot Games series.
He is a psychiatrist.
He also has another medical degree.
On record, he wrote the psychological warfare manual for the State Department.
And the London Guardian, Associated Press and others report that he ran assassination squads, also carried out assassinations himself.
I don't know.
Italian Prime Minister had already been killed by them, giving them no choice but to kill him.
I mean, that's psychological warfare.
A very, very high-powered individual.
Also, of course, breaking down here that Bin Laden was dying of Marfan's and total kidney failure sometime right after 9-11.
And then we saw a lot of other high-powered people come out and say the same thing.
Bob Baer of the CIA, Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State, Theresa Hines Carey, Walter Cronkite, after we talked to Pchenik, and then I, of course, broke the news of two other White House sources inside the Bush administration that they were planning to roll him out.
Now, the former chief deputy of Secretary of State, Colin Powell, has come out on national TV last night and said that Bush didn't want bin Laden dead.
That is, he didn't want the myth of Bin Laden dead as a reason to continue the wars.
And people kept asking me, well, why wouldn't Bush roll out the dead body if he had it?
Well, they were thinking about it in 2004 election if they needed it, but his margin of victory was wide enough to not do that.
Plus, they stole a few key states, and then the fix was already in because his cousin and skull and bones buddy, Kerry, didn't challenge it.
But they were ready to roll it out, but Democrats came out and cried foul, so they didn't.
And that was part of the larger plan.
They were able to go along with their original plan to continue to use him as this boogie, this devilish boogie, flapping around in the night like a winged devil, that we could be menaced into giving up our liberty and completely overturning our once free societies in Western Europe and here in the United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
Now, since that information has come out, there's been a big hit piece, MSNBC TV, and we have the text of that report.
New life for an old rumor was Bin Laden a Marfanoid.
And a Marfanoid, I guess, is the term they made up for someone that has the syndrome.
And they call up some of the heads of major universities, top doctors, experts on this syndrome, who had been on record back around 9-11 saying, this guy's a marfanoid, to use that term they're using, and they can only live a few years at that advanced stage, on top of full renal failure.
That's why Pchenik, who met Bin Laden even back in the 1980s, said the guy had trouble walking and looked very sick.
Uh, but hey, he's back.
I mean, you know, ten years later, hanging out, watching TV.
Uh, in a house, in a house, without dialysis equipment.
Living in what looks like a, uh, house that homeless people were squatting in, a crack house.
And inside the house with Bin Laden, again, were the Easter Bunny, unicorns, uh, minotaurs, cablers, pixies,
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, the 12th day of May, 2011.
Dr. Steve Pachinik is going to be joining us coming up in the second and third hour today.
We're going to have open phones in the third hour for Dr. Pachinik for your questions or comments for him.
He hasn't been on with us since last Friday.
He's since been on Coast to Coast AM.
There have been scores of newspaper articles
I think?
Also carrying out overthrow of foreign governments on record and assassinations, both running assassination teams and of course being an assassin in his own right.
A very interesting person.
After this Bin Laden hoax blows over and the fight is still intensifying.
I want to have him back in the future just to talk about his interesting life, at least as much of it as he can talk about.
He can only talk about what's been leaked into mainstream media over the years, but he is a very authoritative source for us.
And what he said nine plus years ago on this broadcast, April 22nd, 2002.
Was backed up by subsequent statements of the Secretary of State, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, big insider Walter Cronkite, Theresa Hines-Carrie and others, that the body's been frozen on ice, ready to be rolled out, died of natural causes sometime in, right after 9-11 in December is the best date they've got.
A few months before 9-11, it's on record, CBS News, Le Figaro in France, Der Spiegel in Germany.
The CIA visited him at the American Hospital in Dubai and that he met with them.
He's also being treated by American doctors for Marfan's and total kidney failure and long-term British MI6 family.
The Bin Laden's are the richest construction family in the Middle East worth tens of billions of dollars.
uh... and that they were uh... had their contracts roughly doubled in the three years after nine eleven for playing along with the whole game your son's been a great servant great cia asset against the russians uh... course the uh...
African country Sudan had him, wanted to turn him over in 1996.
That handover was refused.
Clinton didn't want him.
They're using Al-Qaeda to attack Qaddafi's forces.
That's admitted.
I mean, this is all hiding in plain view.
Adam Gaddan, grandson of the head of the ADL, arrested for beating up people outside mosque.
His real way to get Muslims and Arabs is to then go dress up like him.
You know, run around saying I'm a terrorist, bomb the Arabs.
I mean, it's just classic frame-up.
You've got Ammar al-Awlaki, admitted CIA, hanging out secretly at the Pentagon, continually Fox News AP.
So you've got all that background.
But in an article in MSNBC from a few days ago, new life for an old rumor was Bin Laden a Marfanoid.
And that's the name of someone who has this Marfan syndrome.
And they went and talked to all these top medical heads and university heads at one of the big medical centers where Pachinic was trained as well.
And they said, yeah, he had Marfan syndrome.
It was in the advanced, late stages.
And he had kidney failure, and there's no way he'd be alive.
I mean, this guy could hardly walk in 2001, according to witnesses.
He was hanging out under U.S.
And I'll never forget Bandar Bush on Larry King Live a few weeks after 9-11, and Larry King says, Bin Laden, somebody ought to dig this up, I know listeners could do it, just Bandar Bush, that's his nickname, Prince Bandar of the House of Saud, if you want his full name, Bandar Saud, was on Larry King Live, and he goes, what do you say about this coward, Bin Laden?
And he goes, do not call him a coward!
He is a great warrior of great honor!
This was the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S.
and Larry King Life said, okay, man of great honor, basically.
Because, see, the dual operation was he was this hero to the Middle East, this hero to Arabs and Muslims, at least the West was pushing him as that.
Saudi Arabia, which is the birthplace of Islam, has roughly 79% of Islamic faithful.
are the form of Islam that comes out of Saudi Arabia.
Another 20% are Shiite, and they hate each other worse than they dislike other regions and religions and groups.
I mean, this is just plain old tribalism.
They're absolutely at each other's throats.
Saudi Arabia is the third largest recipient of military aid from the U.S.
and the world.
And it's just a complete joke.
And so the strategic plan was to fire up and create Islamic resistance movements worldwide that could then be turned against the secular Arab governments to overthrow them.
This is a replay of 1953 Mohamed Mozadek Operation Ajax.
They used the Muslim extremist to overthrow the government, then they double-crossed them, put the Shah in, and then he started the mass arrest of those folks.
Then when the Shah wasn't being pliant, they brought in the same exiled
Sons of the group they worked with in 53 out of France to overthrow the Shah, but then the Islamic Revolution double-crossed the CIA and took over the country for themselves.
They said you double-crossed us in 53.
They play along, Ayatollah Khomeini, and that's all on record.
But they were still big enough buddies with the West to say, give us the TOW missiles, give us the rockets, give us the weapons, give us the money and the gold, and then we'll give you the money back and our weapons that can't be traced to be sold to the guerrillas in Central and South America.
And that, of course, is the whole Iran-Contra situation.
And it just goes on and on and on from that point.
And this all came out in congressional hearings, so... This is all a bunch of double-dealing manipulation.
That's the...
Overview of what's happening.
And so the CIA goes to Bin Laden.
They say, you've done a super job.
Your family's going to be well taken care of.
We know you're here on your deathbed.
We're going to do a big event and blame it on you.
And we just want to get that straight with your family, everybody.
And the agreement was made.
You're going to double our contracts from a billion a year to two, three billion.
And then they got all the contracts to build all those new bases.
They built a lot of the new ones in Iraq, but all the new ones in Saudi Arabia and other areas.
They're the folks that air-conditioned Mecca decades ago in a multi-million dollar contract.
Outdoor air-conditioning at Mecca.
And they've just done a fabulous job.
They have a fabulous al-Qaeda job against the Serbs.
Serbs fight back.
NATO goes in and blows the daylights out of them.
They have al-Qaeda attack Qaddafi.
Qaddafi fights back.
The West goes in to back up al-Qaeda.
Same thing with the Russians in the 80s.
I mean, al-Qaeda is a dear, loved, trusted, carefully crafted, created organization.
But at another level, then they have the Al Qaeda patsies, where they can hype them up in the Middle East and get other people to join them, and then use them against governments like Qaddafi, use them against governments like Saddam.
They know our population is so dumbed down with terms and the players.
It's like telling you the Dallas Cowboys are the...
You know, San Diego chargers.
It's just no connection to reality that they tell you.
Saddam's with Al-Qaeda.
He launched the attacks.
Bin Laden's in Iraq.
Here's the derelict beached aircraft that they're training in.
And then they get there and it's not true.
And mobile weapons labs, anthrax attacks, they blamed on Saddam.
I mean, it's just all lies.
We've got a new video out that's up on InfoWars.com that is the total
Proof, the total 15-minute boil-down proof that this entire Bin Laden situation is a manifest fraud and hoax.
And the reason this is so important, and the reason we've been spending so much time on this hoax, is you see the 13-point bounce for Obama.
And now with that political capital, he wants the total TSA takeover of all society.
And we got the new bill from Chuckie Schumer today to quote, federalize local police to make them the goon force at all the train stations, bus stations, and highways.
Now, how did I know that was coming?
I saw Governor Ridge almost nine years ago talk about it in a two-hour speech, but then I also saw the beta testing in every major state of the union with TSA
Over local state police and local police, along with National Guard a lot of times, or regular Army Marines.
I've seen it where more than 14 different agencies are together in Tennessee.
Normally it's just two or three.
And people are there to get on the train or the bus and they just say, line up, hands down, pants.
Naked body scanners are driven in in trucks.
We've played the newscast here out of Florida, New York.
Upstate New York, rural roads, they've got huge total car scanners, National Guard out there, 2,000 arrests for guns and drugs in 2010 alone, according to Fox News, interviewing the Army.
So, this is all about launching the total domestic takeover, getting cybersecurity passed, it's already in place, to hijack all electronic devices, radio, TV, cell phones, home devices, all pre-designed to be jacked into and surveil you.
They can also then turn them off and control you.
Basically, everything's gonna be like the smart meters, which I was looking up that last night.
All over the country, people have seen massive increases in their energy prices with the smart meters.
I guess it was Enron came up with the idea back in the mid-90s as a way to rip you
I don't think so.
In a TSA uniform, grabbing a woman's breast, that should be the American flag, is a woman crying, and the TSA guy's got his hand on her breast, and then his hand down the woman's child's pants.
And land of enslavement, land of humiliation, land of being ripped off, land of chumps, land of schmucks, land of suckers, land of idiots, people that love it, that love to be driven into the ground, that love to be dumbed down, that love to have
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Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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You know, when I talk about land of the slaves, home of the cowards,
I'm talking about the article up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Intellectual Lobotomy of America.
Mother injects eight-year-old with Botox.
And these mothers dress their five, six-year-old girls up like whores in high heels and short miniskirts and paint them up with war paint.
Then they inject them so they don't get wrinkles.
You see, people don't value liberty and freedom and family and what's valuable.
The globalists force-feed us cultural death.
So when I say land of the slaves, home of the cowards, I'm talking about that 50% or so that believes all the propaganda.
That like the nanny state.
I'm talking about the close to 50% of Americans in major polls that believe guns are illegal.
And the types that call the police on their neighbor if they see them putting a gun in their car.
The type of people that routinely, I see it in the news all the time, I know you see it as well, call the police if they see a mother spat their son or daughter on the hind end at a Target or a grocery store parking lot.
Now the child's talking back, not doing what they're told, throwing a fit, mama gives them a few spats, they call the police, the police come, CPS come, they take you to jail, they take your kid.
It's not illegal!
In fact, they were trying, the Democrats were trying to pass a bill that to corporately punish Texas school children in the government training centers, that they would have to get parent sign-off permission, and the Republican legislature killed the bill.
Oh, you didn't know that they steal in public schools all over the country?
Take a big wooden board and pop you so hard with it, it leaves bruises?
By the way, I think it's a good idea.
Let me tell you something.
That was one of the things that made me behave myself in middle school and high school.
Of course, they learned that that didn't work, so they would run me, because I was also in the sports program.
They'd say, after school, you're going to meet me out at the track.
And they would run me until I threw up.
And that was the end of it.
But once they lose control of the youth, then they all act like a bunch of criminals, then they get tasered, they go to prison.
You must have discipline.
Just like dog training or anything else.
Now, I'm torn, though, on the issue of the school not having to ask permission.
Because I do believe in corporal punishment.
But at the same time, why would the Republicans say that parents shouldn't be able to make that decision?
I mean, if the child's out of control, they're just expelled.
That's the end of it.
And these schools are out of control, which is part of the social engineer's plan.
They knew full well with Dr. Spock and all those children's books they put out for parents 50 years ago that it was going to cause societal breakdown.
That's always been the plan.
They didn't want the parents putting their values into the children.
They wanted parents to stand back, let your kid be themselves, not so they'd be themselves, but so the television set and the public school could indoctrinate them with the new values.
of anti-gun, anti-liberty, anti-private property, low test scores.
That's why they've gotten rid of many test scores.
They've gotten rid of the A+, the E for excellence.
They've gotten rid of the dodgeball.
They've gotten rid of all of it because they're being turned into domesticated, cowardly, spoiled, rotten ninnies.
But that itself is a side issue.
It is not illegal to spank your children.
It is illegal to break their wrist.
It is illegal to punch them in the nose, because that's assault.
But they put out this mass hoax that it's illegal to spank your children, where then people are even afraid to.
And then their children are out of control, and run out into traffic and get run over.
You see, you can intellectually try to reason with children, but at a certain point, they have to be disciplined.
The third time they try to stick their finger in the light socket,
The third time they walk over to the stove and try to stick their hand in the flame?
That's what two-year-olds do.
The third time they do it, you've got to whack them on the hand so they understand.
When you do that, it causes pain.
Do you understand?
My wife took piano when she lived in Madrid for four years from a very famous piano teacher.
I'm going to say the name, very famous.
And her family was able to get her in there because of connections in music.
She has some family, they're a concert pianist and violinist.
They were able to get her in, but the woman would beat her hands, and this is when my wife was a teenager, would beat her hands with a yardstick, and sometimes beat them bloody, when she made mistakes, because that's just how everybody was taught to play piano, going back, you know,
500 years.
Of course, and I'm not even saying that is a good thing overall, but that's what produced Concertmasters, is that you're making mistakes, your brain is gonna find a way to do it right, and when you make a mistake, whack!
The point is, it works.
The system knows that.
Now, they teach you not to discipline, but then they taser you or stomp your brains out when you're a spoiled, rotten teenager.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're about 30 minutes away from Dr. Steve Pucinich joining us to cover the fake Bin Laden videos they've released.
Four of the five, admittedly, old videos already released.
They just cut in new color backgrounds behind them.
But it's the exact same video.
It would have been too obvious if they released the audio with it, because he'd be saying the exact same thing.
So they just cut the audio out.
They've now shown Senator Inhofe some of the fake photos of Bin Laden, or it might have even been his frozen body, there's no telling, shot up, on board a Navy ship.
And I thought about creating a fake Bin Laden death photo.
In fact, I think I'm going to announce it here.
And then we'll put a YouTube video out saying Ben Laden, dead Ben Laden photo released.
It'll be like a one minute YouTube and we'll show the photo and say, oops, sorry, my Photoshop guy made it.
See how easy it is for the government to lie to you, but they won't even show it to you.
I think I'll do that as an educational tool.
uh... for folks uh... but uh... members of congress see photos of osama bin laden's dead body yes and uh... other mythical creatures uh... here's the big news that pachinko's also going to talk about with us top doctor confirms bin laden had marfan syndrome that's prison planet dot com and infowars dot com msnbc hit piece unwittingly reveals cooperation for doctor steve r pachinko's assertion
Osama died in 2001.
We're going to be breaking all of that down.
And here is that MSNBC article for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
For radio listeners, just search, New Life for an Old Rumor.
Was Bin Laden a Marfanoid?
By Jonel Alika, I think you pronounce it, the health writer.
So there you have it.
We're going to be going over that.
And I produced a special video that Aaron
Even though I ordered him not to do it, spent two days up editing and putting together with documentation for every claim I make.
It is extremely powerful video and it's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now is the top story.
We need to get this out to everyone.
Proof Bin Laden death, another government lie.
Proof Bin Laden death, another government lie.
And again, why is this so important?
Because the White House advisors, Robert Shapiro and others, last year in the Financial Times of London and other publications, other top advisors, and Glenn Beck even talked about this, came out and said, we need a new Oklahoma City to blame on domestic groups and a new 9-11 to make the President look strong.
He needs to look like he can protect this and be decisive and get things done.
And attacks also maybe will rally around him.
So without that, his agenda is dead.
He will not be re-elected.
They went on to say Bill Clinton had a 40% approval rating.
It went to 61 to 63, depending on which poll you looked at.
Gallup USA Today, 63, 61.
Right before the election, and Bill Clinton told reporters on Air Force One after his re-election, he said, I owe it to Oklahoma City bombing.
It brought us together.
Yeah, the Hitler blowing up the Reichstag, firebombing it, brought the Germans together too.
Hitler staged attack on their own military base at Gleiwitz on the Polish border.
Brought the Germans together to attack Poland.
As if a 19th century military would attack the Germans.
But hey, it was fun!
It's fun to gang up on people in caves that you know.
are easy to beat.
It's fun to gang up on the Poles when the Germans had the most modern military.
It's fun to stomp on some people and blow up their cities because after all they attacked our basic Llywoods.
Of course, declassified, it didn't happen.
Totally fake, but it's fun.
It's fun.
It's fun to be conned.
So, they're getting ready to launch new wars against Pakistan.
You see that saber-rattling intensifying.
New reports out of the government plans to seize the nuclear weapons by invading their military bases.
Told you that was coming months ago.
Because it's all following a script.
It's a nice smoke screen for all the other wars they're launching and the attempt at overthrow of Syria that's intensifying into month number two right now.
Our media says, oh the government, it's illegal to try to kill Gaddafi, who made deals with them six years ago and gave up his WMDs.
They're not trying to kill him.
They just keep bombing all of his homes every day.
They thought he was dead for a week, they said, and then he popped back up on TV, and so within minutes they tried to bomb the facility he was in.
Oh, but then they lie to us.
We're not trying to assassinate him.
No, we just bomb everywhere he is and keep killing members of his family.
And Al-Qaeda is the core group.
And the leaders of the Al-Qaeda were people who were at black sites for years.
They grab these people as double agents.
They train them.
It turns out that's what Camp X-Ray is.
They kind of have a public camp for the 14 and 15 year olds that the CIA admits they grabbed who were innocent out of Afghanistan and Yemen and other places.
But then they've got internal camps that are really training centers where they psychologically evaluate people, find out who they want to use.
Send those they want to kill to European or Egyptian black sites, and the others get recruited, then get sent to Laney for training, and then get dispatched.
I mean, and it's all public!
That's how totally ruthless and totally dark these people are.
And so that's why we've got to expose the Bin Laden fable, because it attempts to back up the original 9-11 outside job fable.
Right as they push the total media takeover grid, the internet and cell phone and TV radio takeover switch, the Cybersecurity Act, now in the defense bill.
They're trying to pass as we speak.
It's now been attached as a rider.
As they go ahead and flip the switches, the grid's already in place.
Because the Fortune 100 and the top five or six telecoms are owned by the big megabanks that own and run our government through fraud, and so the government comes and gives them mandated billions a year as part of the Telecommunications Acts.
that are reauthorized every year to put in the hubs, put in the equipment, put in the systems.
FCC comes in with regulations to put the spy takeover chips in all the cell phones, all the computers.
Now all the new appliances rolling out have all the spy chips, where data over power line goes into the plug-in socket that has a chip now on all new major appliances that turn the device into a surveillance system.
Oh, don't believe me?
Yesterday's headline, please put it on screen.
Google wants to take over your house.
And they say, yes, we're now going to dial into all of your appliances.
And even if you don't have the newest appliances, they will access your computer with the new fluorescent bulbs with data over power lines.
They can send data.
They've been doing it for 20 years over power lines.
Now they're transmitting over all major power line systems.
It sends a controlled signal.
Off of switching boxes in your area, down it goes into the flickering fluorescent.
Now law, you must have them.
The fluorescent then, at an ultra-fast movement, flashes code, similar to Morse code, at your computer.
And now all the major operating systems have these built in for your computer to be remotely accessed and controlled.
There it is.
Google wants Android to take over your home with Android Home Metro.
Yeah, that's not the CNN.
Do me a favor.
Reprint me the CNN because I want to read their quotes for everybody where they say everything will be controlled by us.
Your garage door opener, your dishwasher, your laundry, everything will be surveilled.
This was always the plan.
But notice, it's not just that Google, the known NSA, CIA front, is doing this.
At the exact same time, all, globally, what the Japanese, Chinese, South Koreans make, what's made in the U.S., global standardization, same thing in Japan, same thing in Germany, same thing in England, same thing in Australia, global standardization, where all the devices are designed to be taken over by this system.
And the public schools are announcing, yes, we're watching your kids at home.
Oh, and also reprint me, because I know I gave the reports to Rob Jacobson and Dew, who are putting out some special reports on it, so it's not in my stack now.
The AP article about $2 million Department of Defense federal grant in San Antonio at one elementary.
And they tell you to help save food money, to decide what to feed the kids if they're being wasteful.
And it says it analyzes even a half-eaten pear, and everything's fine, and it's about your children's nutrition.
Department of Defense, Federal Grant, they care so much.
And I've seen reports all over the country, they have AI software hooked into cameras in the classrooms, in the bathrooms, recording all audio, putting it into digital databases, their voice print analysis of all of the children.
According to seating arrangements, the Children Write Reports on government-issued computers that is then put in a large database.
If you're doubting me on this, just look it up.
It's what the Kinect system, the Microsoft platform is, that can know up to 14 people's voices in the room in the house and follows your facial and body movements for the video game.
You then put your credit card info, your purchases, your internet surfing.
It only cost a few hundred dollars because as Bill Gates said eight years ago, we're going to take your home over with this.
And he spent seven years developing it and they rolled it out last year.
All of it is unified.
Unified devices that track and surveil and face print, it also face scans, voice print, everything.
Those systems are also rolling out in all of the public schools.
Children thumb scanning to get their school lunch, thumb scanning to get library books.
Parents being given ID cards, even being able to come get their kids.
They're being face scanned and enrolled.
Total system of absolute Big Brother takeover.
And it's bigger than the Manhattan Project globally.
Trillions of dollars to put this whole grid in.
Face scanning cameras, license plate reading cameras.
They've got biometric cameras, even if you're wearing a mask, that shoot through your clothes.
They get the body print.
When you go to the clothing stores that now have body scanners for quote better fitting, that's been sold to the feds.
The body scanners in the malls, going in also at the airports.
I told you that 10 years ago.
Last year they admitted that yes, they are saving the body scans and getting a 360 biometric scan of the body at the airport.
That's one of the main functions of the system.
Again, you think I'm joking.
This is the full spectrum, total takeover where they can turn off any devices they want, where they can surveil everything going on in your home, but even better, ripping you off.
In fact, people won't believe it.
I did some searching last night and found unlimited articles.
Power Company
It was on PG&E, I think's the name.
Try this.
Power company admits smart meters overcharging.
Oh, it's an accident.
We doubled your prices.
Once the smart meter went in, they tell you it's going to save you money.
And they're going to control it.
But really, it's there to create the algorithms to track what's happening and rip you off.
And I know you're going to love it, because being ripped off is what people are into.
Because it's so much fun to get scared of Bin Laden.
It's so much fun to roll around in fear at night in a fetal position with your wife as you cry.
Bin Laden's going to get me!
TSA, stick your hands down my pants!
Give me cancer viruses in the shots!
Give me statin drugs that eat my brain!
Protect me!
I want bone cancer!
I love fluoride!
Oh, I love being an idiot!
Oh, please teach my kids how to be spies against me!
Please make me a prisoner!
Oh, it's such land of the free, home of the brave to have 100,000 preachers now publicly trained to spy on their flocks!
Oh, that movie Red Dawn, that fictional account, those kids are the bad guys, because in that movie the preacher's spying on everybody and so's the mayor!
That's what freedom is!
Oh, it's so good!
I mean, it's just off the charts sickening.
Here's Google.
CNN Money.
Google wants to control your home!
Plus, they won't believe it.
We pulled me up the AP article out of Minnesota.
There's also one out of Texas, where they have the flickering computer-controlled fluorescence that just so happened.
Other studies show that that can put you in a mesmerized state.
But again, everything they roll out has multi-faceted uses.
It doesn't just control your computer, it controls you.
Google wants to control your home.
And see, all these big corporations getting government contracts, they make money as they enslave you.
You pay to be enslaved.
And it's just rolled out as they drug our water, drug our food.
Every major GMO crop that comes out has the accidental side effect of reducing fertility and increasing cancer and bowel diseases all off the chart.
And we interview top genetic engineer scientists from Russia and England and the U.S.
on record who would be there and say, this potato is sterilizing the mice.
And they go,
That's not an accidental trait.
Let's not discuss it.
But this is going to sterilize people.
There's too many people, doctor.
Come on, you know that.
I mean they're just savage weapon system attacking savaging everyone and the cops love it and the school teachers love it everybody's got their little petty power position everybody loves being killed and hurt and mutilated and attacked and brainwashed and dumbed down and the plunging IQs and the dumbed down slobbering foaming at the mouth populations they're just begging to be hurt begging to be exterminated as the background attacks just intensify with the ambient
level of soft kill being incrementally turned up with humanity and the human soul and all our innocent children caught in the jaws of this super predator class who's just sitting back taking their time slowly gutting us, totally destroying us.
Yeah, here's the Huffington Post tech section.
LVX system ceiling lights send coded internet data going into government buildings.
PG&E smart meters overcharge thousands.
NBC, oh, double charging, such an accident.
Oh, everything controlled.
Nothing you can do about it once the grid's in place.
Just total savage rip-offs.
And they love it.
Remember Enron, some days making over a billion dollars a day just in California.
Fake trading computers that they'd give Congress people tours of.
Then they would, the phone recordings of it that have been released, where
Ken Lay's people from Enron would call up the power plant and go, we need you to cut power today.
How's that sound?
They'd say, absolutely.
Thanks for the call.
They'd hang up the phone and then, oh, there's blackouts.
There's not enough power.
We're gonna triple charge ya!
And the average yuppie can't admit they're being conned.
They're delusional little make-believe egomaniacs who are so narcissistic they can't admit that somebody's screwing them, so they just giggle and say, I'm not being ripped off, we really are having power outages.
And again, just loving being ripped off, loving being conned, loving it!
Just begging for it!
Well, not me!
Alright, I'm ranting.
I'm angry, ladies and gentlemen.
That's because I, uh, swam and jogged this morning.
Uh, Google wants to control your home.
First, Google dominated the web with Search.
Admit it, NSA.
Then it ruled...
Mobile devices with Android totally surveilling you.
Now Google wants to control everything inside your home.
At its annual I.O.
Developers Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday, the company previewed the Android Home, a future platform that's already, the grid's already completely going in, that will allow you to see total concerted through all of industry.
It's only less than a hundred of these companies.
You get the SPP documents from the North American Union.
It's Fortune 100 there telling government what to do.
First item on the agenda?
Stealth integration in North America.
Keep this from the public.
We're going to fund ourselves with the carbon tax.
These slaves will put up with anything.
Get them!
At its annual I.O.
Developers Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday, the company previewed Android Home, a future platform that will allow you to interact practically any electronic device you own using Google.
Connected device, like a home media equipment, dishwashers, cars, lights, could soon be able to control using the new platform.
That they'll control, that they'll rip you off with, that they'll study your human behavior and create algorithms.
They can already predict the future with over 93% total probability just with Google searches tracking mass movements.
This is a crystal ball and a kill switch.
These people are geniuses, but they are evil.
We like to think of your entire home as an accessory, or better yet, a network of accessories, and think of Android as the operating system for your home, said Joe Britt, head of the Android Home Team.
See, we think of your home as ours.
What did Schmidt say, the head of Google, last year before he stepped down?
He said, yeah, we're surveilling you, and you shouldn't do anything you're not ashamed of.
Well, I may be in my house frying eggs up and drinking orange juice, but it's not your business to come look through my window.
But see, that's the attitude.
We're gonna watch everything you're doing, you know?
We're gonna watch you in your bedroom.
Well, I want privacy.
What do you got to hide?
But meanwhile, government and industry are totally secretive because they're a pack of crooks, a pack of pot-bellied, gibbering, wicked control freaks, and only our lackadaisical, servile,
Our weak-kneed behavior and our willingness to be dumbed down has allowed these lesser men to do this to us!
I want to rout them!
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
The real U.S.
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Yeah, strange days are here, strange days have found us.
You know, I'm ranting and raving because it's a normal response to a scientific enslavement surveillance grid being put in where everything in your house can be surveilled and turned off by the government or private industry and children with two million dollar camera systems analyzing how they eat under Department of Defense grants in San Antonio, Texas
I mean, this is a creepy group of eugenicists who are setting up their world government as a system to reduce world population forcibly.
That's their plan.
And you read this article, One Deception, they say the chief obstacle to making that happen across all connected devices is finding a single open standard to control everything on your own.
It says right now Apple, Google, they all have different systems.
That's not true.
The cyber security system, already in place for four years, standardizes the code keys and has chips put in all devices that are takeover chips, which they now admitted to you this week.
They rolled it out.
Because of the Bin Laden being so scary, we're going to now have alerts that break in and take over your phone.
Nobody goes, well how was that already pre-programmed?
How are you able to do that?
Well, we have a takeover chip.
Oh, but we just decided this week to take your phone over.
It's all a strategic rollout.
It's a blueprint that they fall in.
They take their time and they gauge it as they move and make small changes.
We're all of society, farms, ranches, vitamins, everything is taken over by big industry.
All right, I want to go to a clip ahead of Dr. Steve Pachinik joining us.
This has been Laden's son, the one that is anti-war, didn't like him, kind of a hippie with, you know, he's got the hippie haircut and all the rest of it, coming out and saying, I'm not even sure that my dad is dead.
Uh, or that they killed him.
But the media spun it like he was saying, if you did kill him, you murdered him, and he deserved a fair trial.
They're like, how dare you want a fair trial?
Well, if you got the evidence, that's why we have trials.
So we find out what really went on.
Because under tyrannies, you don't have trials.
They can just say, seize that man for treason.
I say he's a criminal.
You see, but they set the precedent with white supremacists and bin Laden and unpopular type groups for everybody else.
Here's a clip from Fox where the son is saying,
In the latter, I'm not even sure he's dead.
Here it is.
This is surprising because remember this is the son of Osama Bin Laden who left Osama Bin Laden in 1999 along with his mother because they didn't like the way in which Bin Laden was living his life.
And then he went on to write a book about what it was like to grow up as a Bin Laden.
So here now is his statement post-death.
We are not convinced on the available evidence in the absence of a dead body, photographs and video evidence that our natural father is dead.
If he has been summarily executed, then we question the propriety of such assassination.
We maintain that arbitrary killing is not a solution to political problems.
So I guess this is an example of somebody who would have benefited from the administration releasing photos or videotape.
Okay, that's enough.
Well, I mean, why do you buy anything from governments that have been caught lying over and over again?
As we go to break, I want to play this clip.
Former Colin Powell Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson said, I don't think they really wanted to get bin Laden.
No kidding.
He was already dead, but they wanted to keep the boogeyman alive.
The idea of bin Laden to say he's hiding under your chair.
Give your rights up to us.
We'll protect you.
Pay the mafia protection money.
Give us your liberty.
We'll protect you from bin Laden.
Here it is.
Well, I think it was quite the opposite.
I don't think they really wanted to get Bin Laden.
And it's an interesting bit of scholarship, I think, for historians to try and calculate exactly why that occurred, but I don't think they wanted to get Bin Laden.
Okay, that's good.
Yeah, you've got close to a million private intelligence operatives in the U.S.
now, on average making over 100 G's a year.
You think they want the bin Laden to go away?
You think these intelligence agencies would fake video?
Yeah, private intelligence agencies have been caught faking these videos over and over again on record.
You figured it out yet?
They're staging all this to rob us blind.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Last week we fired out a couple of breakdown videos proving the fraud of the Bin Laden killing.
And breaking down why they're staging it and why it's important to expose the hoax because they're going to launch new wars, bigger domestic police state crackdowns, total takeover of all telecommunications infrastructure has already been done.
Now they're rolling it out and getting everybody ready for your phones to be cut off, government messages to blare over them, videos, TVs to be taken over, radio, TV.
It's just... Every form of tyranny has a rocket tied to its back.
And we have a 15-minute video.
Because last week I turned two videos out real fast that had a million, three hundred thousand views between them.
One of them 800,000 views, the other 300,000, 400,000 views and growing.
And that's a little key weapon in the fight against the globalists because we can really craft those videos, get all our facts straight, show each document, each video clip, really give people a historical context.
But now we spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, three days,
With this 14-minute, 57-second video that is a mini-documentary.
I mean, this is very high quality, fully bibliographed with links under the video.
New video, proof, Bin Laden, death, another government lie.
You want to fight the globalists?
You want to... I mean, we've got this little PR campaign by mainstream media demonizing us, attacking us, TV stations.
They've got fake alternative media saying, stop talking about Bin Laden, it's a diversion.
And at a certain level it is.
For TEPCO, Fukushima fuel rods are fully exposed.
They now admit there were explosions and more fires a few days ago.
Even more radiation than ever, blasting into the atmosphere, coming our way.
The government raising radiation levels 500 times.
Well, they raised it 1,000 to 100,000, depending on the isotope, what they say is safe.
But as of three weeks ago, certain isotopes were 500 times, quote, normal levels in milk and food in the U.S.
There's no warnings going out because the feds just say it's safe, drink up and enjoy yourself.
Just like I tell the troops, use DU weapons, DU munitions, it's good for you.
That's good to have four times the cancer in the troops that use it on record, and four times the birth defects.
The Fallujans have 12 to 15 times in major British and U.S.
But, you know, wave a magic wand.
Everything's fine.
So there are some things going on and global meltdown of the dollar and other things, but you've got to attack the Bin Laden hoax because that's the pretext to go after Pakistan, the pretext for the domestic crackdown, the pretext to sell the takeover of all transportation by TSA.
And we have Chuckie Schumer today.
In my stack, with a press release saying yes, he wants billions of dollars to quote, train local police under TSA to do the grope downs, to give them scanners, to give them robots, to set up checkpoints.
This is the federalization.
Now how did I know it'd be local police groping you?
Because they've done drills for eight years, intensifying the last year.
We've played the newscast where folks in Miami got a surprise.
Hundreds of federal and state officers showed up as part of a TSA training.
People were frisked and given pat-downs.
Mobile scanners were on site.
In upstate New York, the Army was out, running cars through scanners, searching families, cut to a woman being searched.
I think it's great to keep me safe from Al-Qaeda.
So, I mean, people say, well, how do you know what they're going to do before they do it?
Because even though what they're going to do is secret on paper, I can see the manifestation of it.
I can see the beta testing.
These people are obsessed with testing and drills and going over it.
I know exactly what they're going to do before they roll it out because it's all public.
It's what I do.
I watch these people.
I study them.
I track them.
It's what I do.
I know what they're going to do.
They've been caught bringing narcotics in over and over again.
They've been caught running child kidnapping rings over and over again.
They've been caught stealing pension funds.
The same foreign banks that run our Federal Reserve that got the banker bailout money are now taking the private pension funds that you 100% paid into.
They're taking large portions of them in Ireland.
That was announced yesterday.
In fact, when you guys pulled that out of the stack, I wanted to cover that yesterday and didn't really do it.
Dr. Steve Pchenik is going to join us coming up on the other side.
In fact, well, I'm really looking forward to this interview straight ahead with Steve Pchenik.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, here's Bloomberg's bio on him.
Dr. Steven Pchenik is an advisor to Telecontinuity Inc.
Mr. Pchenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Sulz, James Baker.
Dr. Pchenik was the principal international crisis manager and Haas's negotiator under Secretaries Kissinger and Vance.
During that time, he developed conflict resolution techniques that were instrumental
Getting rid of the Italian Prime Minister.
I'm going to see from Dr. Pucinich if that's accurate, what they're saying there.
He also reportedly was a private individual assassin that worked on overthrowing governments.
He of course also has co-authored many of the books with Tom Clancy.
That's on record.
And also is at IMDB, the International Movie Database,
As the producer of some of those books into TV and movies.
And perhaps later in the second hour today, we'll open the phones up to take your questions, but also talk a little bit about the novels and what went into making them so realistic and maybe get his view on what Tom Clancy, who I was reading last night that they're working on some new books together, what his views are on this.
But I would imagine that he probably won't want to speak for Tom Clancy.
Perhaps he can help us get him on.
The broadcast.
I know a year before 9-11, Tom Clancy wrote a book about a passenger jet being flown to the World Trade Center.
I wonder if that's one of the books that Pachenek advised on.
I know he's listed as the co-author on quite a few of them.
But he joins us now.
I want to get into what's happening with the economy, what's happening with the dollar, what's happening with the talk of us losing our
I mean, I want to pick his brain on a lot of subjects, but before we go any further
I called Dr. Pucinich yesterday to get him back on.
I gave him a few days rest after he graciously joined us Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week, because the listeners are just demanding it, and it's just amazing insight, obviously.
But I preface it with Dr. Pucinich saying, have you seen this MSNBC article?
And I said, no.
Well, he emailed it to me.
Because there have literally been thousands of blogs, hundreds of foreign and domestic newspapers, you name it, that have reported on the Pachinik interviews here on air.
And they've had to admit, well, Madeleine Albright did concur with him a year after he first said it on Alex Jones in 2002 in April.
That yes, they had him frozen.
We're planning to roll him out of the politically expedient time.
I also have two White House sources told me the same thing.
Then Teresa Hines Carey came out.
Then Walter Cronkite, the late Walter Cronkite came out.
Those are all on record and we break it down on our new video.
Proof Bin Laden death another government lie.
Please get that out to everybody because
On this slide, they're trying to boost his approval ratings, get the domestic police state rollout, the internal checkpoints, the internal passports, the local police openly federalized, that's in CBS News today, to do the grope downs and the slave training and the body scanners at bus stations, train stations, highway checkpoints, the new cybersecurity takeover of all internet devices, the standardization is already in, all the cell phones with the new Kill
uh... code chip where the president has now announced he will break in cut off your phone conversations smartphones you're gonna get video and text regular phones just text with government mandatory messages nine thousand telescreens at town squares mall of america all walmart locations now getting them uh... out of eight hundred over four hundred already have them saying you know don't trust your neighbors right out of nineteen eighty four so their entire agenda
is based on re-invoking the lie of the false flag of 9-11.
And you notice after the attack, and then now after the supposed killing of Bin Laden, we're being told we've got to now give up our rights.
We've got, there's going to be more attacks.
It's going to be worse.
There's nukes buried.
KSM Under Torture says, if Bin Laden's killed, they're going to nuke us.
That came out two weeks before.
They're really hyping it to get a new false flag ready to really drop the hammer on this soft Marshall Law grid they've put in that they're now starting to warm up and move to the front burner.
So Dr. Pachinick said, have you seen this?
And I said, no.
And I had forgotten all this information.
But they did a hit piece on Dr. Pachinik, New Life for an Old Rumor was Bin Laden a Marfanoid.
And they go and they talk to the top doctor, Richard Devereaux.
They go and talk, who was trained at the same facility that Dr. Pachinik was, well he's Harvard and MIT.
Devereux, the Cornell Medical Center and New York Presbyterian, expert who treats patients with Marfa Syndrome, said he doesn't want to talk about it, but yes,
Bin Laden is a marfanoid or someone who has this syndrome which is very debilitating and at the point that Bin Laden was at on his deathbed CBS News confirmed in Dubai at the American Hospital being visited by the CIA I guess getting his agreement to play the part from the grave of this boogeyman to now be resurrected again and then killed again
But he confirmed that yes, he clearly has this syndrome.
And that's our article that we have now up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Top doctor confirms Bin Laden had Marfan syndrome.
On top of it, he had total failure of the kidneys, that was on record, on the outside that you live maybe five, six years with, and this other degenerative disease, and there he is in this squalid cesspit that they told us was a palace, and they confirm no dialysis equipment.
Dr. Steve Pucinich, that's a five minute intro.
I just wanted to preface everything.
What does this signify that they've tried to demonize you so much?
As you told me yesterday, the intelligence community creates names like deathers, birthers, just like conspiracy theorists to put a label on things.
Now they have deatherism within hours of my report a week and a half ago on Sunday evening.
This has all the telltale signs.
What does it signify
Even in their own hit piece, having to admit that he had a terminal disease and couldn't be alive today.
Well, what happens in the intelligence community, and you and I expect it, and I'm sure your audience does, number one, you know, the intelligence community always assumes that we, the American people, are dumber than they are, and the politicians in the White House, who really, now I see Tom Donilon and Ben Rhodes, are really second-quality politicians who come out of lobbying and local politics in New York, so they have no understanding of you have
Or the American public.
And what happened in the intelligence community, it's kind of a kabuki.
Once somebody like me, who's been in national security, and again, I'm not a whistleblower, I don't have a top secret clearance.
You came forth and your people came forth and I said, look, this is a lie.
The lie doesn't work.
Enough of this nonsense and trying to manipulate the American public for the
We're good.
Because every time you try to niche...
Our public, the Alex Jones public, or the American public, or you Alex, or me, by saying I'm a conspirator, it really doesn't work.
And what happens is they expose themselves, as I told you on the first show weeks ago, they're putting themselves out, and I watch where they're shooting, and I know exactly how they're going to come back, and I told you they're going to come back and call us kooky, crazy, alleged conspirators, as you saw in that article MSNBC.
Well, reporters don't have the intelligence or the ability to really spend time
I don't
Spelling errors, name errors, they put in Forbes that you had said that Obama, the Obama killing wasn't real, when it was Bin Laden killing, and they're getting rid of all the real journalists and hiring mindless yes-men, and this is drivel that you would expect an eighth grade school newspaper to be putting out.
I agree with you, Alex.
Really, what it is, is it's nothing to do with us.
Quite frankly, I'm very proud to be on your show, and I'm proud that our American public is forcing the illiteracy of the mainstream media to come out with the most absurd comments, poorly written.
You and I know they're extremely poorly written.
And they're talking about issues now about military dogs that are involved in Afghanistan.
Well, you know, if you have nothing else to talk about,
While Bahrain is falling, Syria is falling, people are being killed in the thousands, and you really don't know how to analyze this, and you don't know what to say.
You have really second-rate writers and second-rate people.
Well, that's cheap psychological warfare!
That's our culture, by the way.
These are the McDonald brains of our, you know, insidious mind.
This is a 21st century counterpart.
We're good to go.
Or, you know, some of the famous reporters who spent time and sacrificed their life.
However, there are people on the ground, on TV, who sacrificed their lives in Egypt and in Syria, they're trying to get in and different parts of the world.
But that's not what you're reading.
What you're reading is about little individuals who really don't know English, who've been hired from college at the cheapest, lowest level.
They write in little spurts, like Facebook, and they really have no idea what
You're right.
Dr. Pchenik, let's come back, though, and get into the evidence of this Bin Laden story being a joke.
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Alright, former black op mastermind, spy master, Dr. Steve Pchenik wrote the book for the State Department on psychological warfare.
You know, I was reading Goebbels more than a decade ago, Doctor, and he was talking, when Germany was being bombed, it was 1944, they were really losing, and Goebbels said, we've got to change our propaganda.
The Germans will do whatever we tell them, but this stuff is too ridiculous.
It was almost like Baghdad Bob out there saying, the Americans are nowhere near Baghdad, and you see the explosions a mile behind him and US helicopters flying behind him.
The Germans were saying, there's no problem, we're not being bombed, and Goebbels said, look,
We've got to get more reality-based.
And I think the ham-fisted PSYOPs that these criminals are running are becoming so cartoonish that they may be fooling some of the dumber segments, but most people I know in the polls I've seen, people are not buying it.
Dumping the body in the sea, all of this.
And I want you to comment on their ham-fisted tactics, doctor, but before you do that, let's get into
And others, and he said, I'm not going to talk about it.
He said, I don't want to continue to get calls about this.
But he said, yes, he is a marfanoid.
He has the disorder.
He had it.
He had it back then.
There's no doubt.
And they say, so that confirms what Pichinning has to say.
But still, they make fun of you and myself.
I mean, explaining for people, this is 10 years ago.
He's on record at a hospital almost dead.
Now, you saw him before that when you were working with him in the 80s, met him once, and you said he looked ill then.
Doctor, you're a medical doctor, have two medical degrees.
I mean, I was looking you up.
You write some of the most prestigious medical reports in the country, co-authored them, that have won national awards just recently.
Here you are saying he's got this, the media goes out to demonize you, and then talks to the top expert on this disease.
They admit that.
Top doctor confirms Bin Laden had Marfan syndrome.
They admit you can't live very long with this.
Plus he had total kidney failure.
You can't live more than six years with that on average.
But we're to believe he's in a squalid cesspit with no dialysis equipment.
Can you walk through this fairytale, doctor?
What happened is you invoked Goering.
Let me invoke a man in 1945, a German senior official next to Goering, who was asked the following question by three American judges.
He was asked, how did you mobilize 35 million people to go to war?
His response was, it's very simple.
Whether you're a democracy, whether you're communism, or whether you're a Nazi, nationalism, it's very simple.
What you do is you create an attack.
A false flag attack.
Then you say, whoever attacked us is the enemy, and whoever's with us against the enemy is a patriot.
Well, that's what happened in 9-11, and the man who was asked that question was daring the head of the Air Force.
He subsequently committed suicide, and that was in front of the commission and our prosecutors in the Nuremberg trial.
So, the technique is an old technique of trying to demonize
And create that we're the patriots in the United States and anybody against them are enemies.
Now, when you try to portray anybody, forget me, or what I am or what I was, it gets very hard when the beginning of the lie is a lie that's so obvious you can't really change it.
And then once you create this lie where he had Marfan syndrome, it's been corroborated by many people, let's say, forget me, but others, Madeleine Albright and others,
You continue with a storyline over nine to ten years, over different bureaucracies.
You have to remember, there's no continuity in the CIA.
Since that time, nine, ten years ago, I would suspect a good majority of the CIA operatives went out and went into other private businesses, which they normally should do, and many of them came back.
Probably 70-80% of those who came back are on contract, a major 128 or Beltway Bandits like Northrop Grumman, Boeing, L3 Communications Corporation, where their loyalty is not to the United States, to America.
Their loyalty is to the paycheck, and they will be thrown out eventually.
And with Petraeus coming in, hopefully, General Petraeus, he will get rid of a lot of these issues.
Doctor, this is a short segment, long 18-minute segment coming up.
Stay there, we're going to come back and break this down.
But specifically, how long could you live with this disease?
Why wasn't there dialysis equipment?
And then we'll leave the Bin Laden situation and get into other big issues.
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Now, going back to Dr. Steve Pachinik, his website is StevePachinik.com, Pachinik spelled P-I-E-C-Z-E-N-I-K.
Going back to Dr. Pachinik, I was talking to Dr. Pachinik and I said, look, I know you don't like to toot your horn,
And about how you said he had Marfan's, the kidney failure, it's on record, now they're having to admit it.
It's impossible, he could still be alive ten years later.
And he said, look Alex, I don't want to get caught up in their fake narrative.
When it's an overall lie, a lot of times, and I agree with him, they put out ridiculous disinfo as a tactic to then make you debate the little lies as if the overall story's true.
I get that.
But still, sir, as a psychological warfare chief, somebody that analyzed foreign governments' psychological warfare, somebody who launched these things on other governments, somebody who wrote the book for this on the State Department, the guy that is the top advisor to Tom Clancy, you're the inside guy to make his book so credible.
Uh, let's go over.
No dialysis machine in the Hovel.
That was a palace.
Uh, not shooting, uh, in a 40 minute firefight.
Not having the wife.
Not producing the wife.
Uh, throwing the body into the ocean.
The Marfans.
Uh, the, uh, you said it last Tuesday.
Two days before they came out and said, that's a fake Situation Room photo.
That stage, that isn't how it works.
It's not real.
I've been in on those things.
And then they come out two days later and go, yeah, it was fake.
They weren't watching any video feed.
I mean, you've been 100% right.
You're being demonized by thousands of publications, proving that you're on target, you're over the target, getting the flack, so break down...
The ridiculousness of it.
And then we'll get into all the other facets.
Let me go on, though, ridiculous.
First of all, the mansion that they attacked, by the way, is a mansion.
So, before, all of the propaganda had to do with the fact that this tall, six-foot-four individual was carrying around, presumed carrying around a dialysis machine.
Now, everybody in your audience knows this weighs a lot, and you can't carry it through Afghanistan and Tora Bora.
That was the former story, narrative, up to the time of this assault.
That's somewhere, and you can check it out.
He was hidden.
He, Osama, was hidden, along with Zawahiri, who's a physician, his number two man, in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the President said, we couldn't find him.
Now, in ten years, a six-foot-four giant with Marfan syndrome walking around,
With a huge renal dialysis machine which requires all kinds of ancillary assistance, is running around the mountains of Pakistan, which I've been in, and Afghanistan, and is carrying this, and lives in a cave, but presumably was subsequently attacked in this beautiful mansion where he was living at six years without anybody knowing.
I mean, that's an inherent
Now, not only is this mansion next to a major city, but more importantly, I want everybody to imagine what the West Point Academy looks like.
It's a beautiful academy.
I've taught there from time to time.
I've given lectures.
It's beautifully located on the Hudson.
Well, that's the equivalent of the Pakistan Military Institute.
So I want everybody to imagine that a couple of hundred feet from West Point Academy, we found Osama bin Laden.
We're good to go.
Extremely good.
I don't want to tell which divisions.
I've worked with them.
They're smart.
They're right on target.
Now, if you can't tell me that they couldn't understand that there was Osama bin Laden a couple of hundred feet away from a comparable part of a West Point, that's absurd.
Then we get to the fact that they buried Osama Bin Laden in the sea, which is not according to Muslim culture.
All of my colleagues and friends who are Muslim understand that first you bury them on the land and his face must point to Mecca.
It must point to Mecca.
You do not throw him in the water.
So whoever developed the narrative didn't know once.
Logistical and tactical issues really did not understand what our capabilities are in the sky, on the ground, and really belittled in many ways.
What I found offensive isn't that we're demonized or I'm demonized.
I don't give, you know, a hoot whether I'm demonized.
I give a hoot that our intelligence community is being
We're good to go.
To my colleagues who are working right now and dying for us, getting a story where, by the way, the SEALs, which I have had respect for, but they've had a history of some problems, have come from a land-based area and fly into this so-called mortuary, well, it's really a mortuary, and attack Osama bin Laden and shoot him in the face.
The story gets so out of proportion that not only does it become ridiculous, but listen to this one, Alex.
Within days of the time that you and I talked, I think it was two, three days ago, there were two books about the Seals in the New York Times.
Now tell me that isn't propitious timing.
And I told my colleagues in the intelligence community, you better inform those who are creating this narrative.
This is out of control.
You can't suddenly, and it was one of the great intellectual literary editors of the New York Times, I forget her name, it's a Japanese last name, but Bill Keller of the New York Times, who's the managing director, should be absolutely ashamed.
Let me stop you there!
Now, in the world of intelligence, this is so egregiously inappropriate that all my colleagues at the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, which I belong to, the National Military Intelligence Agency, which I belong to, and other intelligence groups, we're looking at this and my colleagues are saying, this is bizarre!
And this is an affront to the intelligence community because it makes them sound as if they're stupid.
They're not!
What's stupid here are the civilians who are running this show, particularly Mr. Donlan, who was a lobbyist, and the so-called National Security Advisor has no idea what he's talking about.
He's a National Security Advisor to Obama, but guess what he was, Alex?
He was a lobbyist for Fannie Mae between 1999 and 2005!
Now, you know Fannie Mae was corrupt, and you're telling me that our National Security Advisor, who's basically a lawyer, went to second grade schools, not quality schools, and maybe you don't agree with him, but certainly was not very capable, and his sister-in-law and his brother is the advisor to Biden, and he is married to Chief of Staff of Biden.
Now, what we have here is a little cabal of incompetency on the civilian side in the White House, which is mandated
Let me stop you, doctor.
Let me stop you.
All right, Dr. Pucinich?
Dr. Pucinich, I want to break down all the incredible information you're bringing out, but the point you were making a few minutes ago, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that when you're getting fired at in propaganda or with actual lead, that is a way to see where the enemy is, and if they open up on you immediately, that's evidence that it's staged, and so you have the rollout of the new alert system, the rollout of the new campaign, the rollout of the demonization of Pakistan, the rollout of all this pre-bin Laden
Hype that if you kill him he's gonna nuke you in the AP two weeks before out of Guantanamo Bay.
You can see all the pre-scripting ahead of time showing even more evidence and now you have the Navy SEAL books all perfectly timed, a full PR drive obviously set up at least a year ago.
But I want to go over some other points that we haven't brought up to you.
You have the ultimate intelligence cache.
You have the mastermind of Al Qaeda with the buried nukes in America.
The government's saying they've got nukes.
Total, you know, Easter Bunny made up.
They're going to get us.
But first they say he resisted.
No, he didn't.
We executed him.
We killed him once we drug him out.
So they kill the ultimate intelligence source.
So even if you believe the official story, they wanted to cover up his CIA history.
I want you to speak to killing the greatest intelligence catch.
But then it gets worse.
They tell us we have eight hard drives.
We know what Al-Qaeda was going to hit now.
If it was real, and they really had the intelligence, they would say the place burned up.
In fact, they would torch the place and say everything burned up, we didn't get intelligence, so all the fake Al-Qaeda networks, if they were real, wouldn't be tipped.
I mean, that's basic police, basic intelligence.
So can you speak to killing the great intelligence cache?
They are thinking that, not what I'm thinking, but this is the way we'd go in the psychological warfare.
The reason they're creating, in part, this story that's nonsensical, that is becoming even more absurd, is that, in their mind, not my mind or your mind, in their mind, that if they said, listen, we found the hard drives, we found the fast drives, we found all this intelligence, in their mind, they're assuming, our intelligence community, that all the other al-Qaeda units, particularly in Yemen,
It was just money.
No, no, he didn't even have money.
He's not been around.
He's really had really no operational effect of it.
I don't think there's one person, honestly, in the intelligence community who, despite giving this nonsensical story, will tell you that he was a strategic
You just dropped another bombshell.
Hold on.
You just dropped another bombshell.
It's admitted he was only a figurehead.
No, no, no.
I mean, hadn't had money in a long time.
Wasn't running anything.
So that proves it's another lie claiming all the operational plans were there on these computers.
That's correct.
I mean, there was basically, this is what we call in the psyops world, a type of deterrence to try to frighten whatever potential terrorist may or may not be out there.
But you have to think for a moment.
Our military has effectively killed, let's say, 2,000 so-called al-Qaeda members in Afghanistan at the price of $50 million per al-Qaeda member.
That's a lot of money.
And that has not been effective.
So the overall goal of civil society and the president's notion that we should have love and kumbaya and understanding, get rid of corruption, and by the way this is quite interesting given a man who came from a very corrupt city like Chicago going out internationally and saying we really should get rid of corruption around the world, what in fact has happened is that we have
Really institutionalized military control in the Middle East.
That is, when we took out Mubarak, and I was involved with Mubarak and Sadat before, we really institutionalized military control.
And what's happening now in Libya is that we're supporting military control as well.
Contrary to what they say, we're bringing in the Egyptian special forces.
We have special forces there.
We have CIA operatives, which you had to admit.
The truth of the matter is, this entire program isn't just from the intelligence point of view, this is very low level on the intelligence, and from the strategic point of view, this is not working at all.
And he has no idea, so Ben Rhodes, he's writing a speech, a very ineffectual foreign policy man who just basically is a political act, is trying to integrate the so-called killing of Osama Bin Laden, which is not true,
And what it means for the Middle East, which he has no idea, because our intelligence community never picked up the notion that one poor man could put himself on fire in Tunisia and set off a riot in Egypt, and then subsequently in Libya and Bahrain.
Our real war, and the military and the men who are on the ground understand that our real war
Has nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden.
That's just what we call a distraction.
Our real issue is a fight with Iran right now in Bahrain and in Syria, where Iran is helping the Syrians to suppress many of the dissidents.
And this is what's going on, but if we dissect every element of it, what you see right now is you have a civilian government, again, in the White House, who's really not qualified to run international affairs.
Again, domestic affairs, because it's got
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And we have to say, listen, it's enough.
Take your incompetency, take your nonsense, and get the hell out of here because we have to have a living.
And the major national security problem that every one of my generals knows and every one of my intelligence colleagues understand is the national debt.
It is not Osama.
It is not anything else but the national debt.
Alright, Dr. Pachinik, we've got a break.
Come back and I want to look at what the banking system's doing and what the Chicago Mafia is mishandling and where you see things going.
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All right.
Dr. Steve Pachanek is going to be with us for the entire next hour.
Very gracious.
We've got a lot of other issues to cover.
But during the break, he's joining us via cell phone, so sometimes he can't hear when I try to cut in, which is fine.
That tends to limit my interruptions.
But I have a lot of questions I want to get to.
I want to get to Libya.
His view on what's happening there, where he thinks this whole geopolitical system's going, what's happening in the banking system, the economy, and how to take America back with Dr. Steve Pchenik.
We'll open the phones up at about 15 into the next hour.
Toll-free number to join us.
We're opening them up now.
Specifically, questions for our guest, 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
And by the way, first-time
I'm going to do that today.
First-time callers for Dr. Steve Pchenik, 800-259-9231.
I'd love to hear from military, people in black ops, retired.
He was talking about most of his colleagues, formerly intelligence, are currently just saying, this is embarrassing us.
This is going to discredit everybody.
This is too obvious.
You've got a Chicago, New York mafia that are used to always winning.
And they're not even using professionals for their lies, and that's why it's gotten so cartoonish.
But I was saying, Doc, you didn't get into the point of, if we're to believe the fable that they just killed him, why, if he didn't resist, capture him and get the intel, and you answered it very succinctly.
Well, what I said is basically when they want, when the intelligence community wants to show that they can kill Osama bin Laden, they're basically transmitting the message all over the world to potential terrorists that we can kill you no matter where you are, where you think you can hide, we'll always find you and we will kill you also.
We know where you are because of the ostensible information we got from the
Thank you.
Now, Doc, how does that square with 9-11 being a false flag and Ammar al-Awlaki, born in the U.S., admittedly hanging out at the Pentagon, Adam Gadahn, the fake videos, four of the new five were old videos?
Well, all you notice is his compounds.
The problem of the narrative is, when you started it, it should have stopped under the Bush Jr.
And I think at some point somebody there would have been smart enough to say, OK, we found Osama bin Laden.
But from the PSYOP's point of view,
They needed that story, they being the administration continuity narrative, needed the story of Osama Bin Laden to be alive so that they could justify our military presence in Afghanistan.
And you would hear Bush Jr.
said, no, we're still out there, Osama's there, I'm going to get him.
Well, he didn't get him in that bravado kind of tone.
And it was clear, you know, Bush Jr.
was not very qualified to get anything, let alone his own position.
But then Obama comes in and says, yes, we'll hunt them down, and once we hunt them down, we will leave Afghanistan.
Well, lo and behold, they are leaving Afghanistan, and propitiously, as we say in the intelligence community, suddenly we found Osama bin Laden, and we killed him.
Well, the propitious element of the political expediency is the fact that they used this dead body and narrative
In order to justify the exit from Afghanistan and Pakistan, in that process, which is really a tactical issue, Osama bin Laden's death has no relevance to our strategic position.
None whatsoever.
Our real strategic position is the withdrawal from Pakistan without creating any trouble, which we have now compounded very seriously.
One, thanks to Panetta, who has been using drones and killing a lot of civilians with a lot of collateral damage.
Secondly, because the relationship between the CIA, which created the ISI, years ago, while I was in the administration, has been absolutely horrendous, and the Pakistanis have used and been used, and so right now there's a relationship that's going on that's in a marriage that I would characterize like a sadomasochistic relationship.
The Pakistanis say, hit me, hit me, and then they hit me, and then they
They go back and they hit the C.I.A.
and the C.I.A.
says, why did you hit me?
And they hit them back.
There's this ongoing game that goes on.
Stay there.
Got a break.
Got a break, Doc.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to, at the start of the next segment, get Dr. Steve Pachinick's geopolitical overview, looking at Libya, Syria, other areas.
The dollar imploding.
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But finishing up with Bin Laden.
What doctor, from a psychological warfare perspective, going into their minds, what were they thinking when they did fake situation room photos?
What were they thinking when they wrote up this shoddy plan?
I mean, was it meant to be so shoddy that people would then debate the shoddy details of the larger issue?
Or is it as bad as it appears you're saying?
And these people are just amateurs.
They've got the power, they're leaning on the fact that they're in control, and they think the public is dumb.
I mean, what's going on here?
Why did they do this?
Well, number one, they do it in order to create a narrative to warn the other potential terrorists around the world that they are today being a unit for the special forces, whether it's SEALs or not.
There are other equally important, if not more important units, which I won't identify, which are basically creating a story, and I don't want to use the word obfuscate.
In other words, they create certain details and narratives that want to not only confuse the American public for many reasons, because they want to justify a narrative for the president, but more importantly, from the intelligence community point of view, they don't want other terrorist groups or other countries to really understand
What it is that they're doing, or how they did it, in terms of coming into a so-called area and acquiring information and creating this storyline, which in fact a whole different storyline might have existed.
And that storyline we won't even know because the intention of PsyOps and The Lie and to create this narrative is to distract
Other elements outside of this country, strategically, either whether it's another country, whether it's Syria, whether it's Iran, to explain to them that if you think we're still ineffectual, I think you better wake up.
I mean, if I were to run a story like this and make it so confusing and all,
The only element that I would get out of it if I were in this administration is to say to the Iranians, listen, we can create this narrative, and maybe it doesn't work too well for the American public, but rest assured that our helicopters, not necessarily the SEALs, but our units are capable of entering into Iran, and they have.
I won't tell you which ones, but they've gone into southern Iran and the Iranians are well aware that we're on the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan to put a lot of pressure on Iran and the Shiites to tell them to cease and desist getting and stirring up
The part in the Middle East, particularly in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, our major concern right now is the Iranian influence that's in Syria, that's in Hamas, that's in Bahrain, that's in Saudi Arabia.
So this kind of a story, although it's not plausible to the United States and it's not even plausible to future terrorists or potential terrorists, is really a way of denoting
To Iran and to our potential enemy, which is really Iran at this point who is sending out Islamic Revolutionary Guards all over the Middle East that cease and desist because we will confront you and the United States did, under Gates, a very effective Secretary of Defense, help the Saudi Arabians to confront Iranian
We're good to go.
That if the Shiites get into power, they will be overthrown.
And the Shiites within that government, within that nation... Alright, Dr. Bachanek, we've got a break.
Let's come back and talk about the larger geopolitical move in the Middle East, North Africa, Libya, where you see things going.
Then phone calls.
Stay with us.
We'll get into banking as well.
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We are into our number three, Dr. Steve Pachinik.
Is our guest, formerly wrote the book in psychological warfare for the State Department, has consulted and worked for five presidents, heading up major departments at the Department of State under Kissinger and many others.
And he joins us for the rest of the hour.
I know we got loaded phones.
Your calls are coming up.
I want to get into the out-of-control establishment that Mr. Pchenik's been talking about and the danger of their hubris.
We're going to be speaking with him in a moment.
Also, I want to finish up with his geopolitical outlook and what's really happening in the Middle East.
But he said something very astute for stations that don't carry that first five minutes.
Very astute.
I said, I mean, obviously astute, but he really cut to the heart of it.
I said, why did they stage this?
At the core.
And obviously there's domestic reasons for re-election, police state, the defense complex, once it's no-bed contracts, it's trillions.
I mean, there's a cornucopia of reasons.
The globalists, the engineers of society always go with something if it hits on all cylinders for them, if it helps them on a multifaceted, multivariate level.
But I said, what's the core reason for this shoddy, ridiculous, Bin Laden's-been-killed fable internationally?
And obviously it's to now menace Pakistan, put pressure on them, but that's only part of it.
He said it's Iran.
It's a message that, look how ridiculous this is.
We don't care.
We will set you up, we will attack you, if you don't stop sending your people in trying to influence things in Bahrain, things of course in Lebanon, and other areas.
And he said it's a message to them.
It's meant for governments to be able to decipher it because it's so ham-fisted.
Now, I wanted to raise this, and we actually had We Are Change two years ago.
It's in, now three years ago, it's in...
My Cinema Verite documentary about 9-11 truth, Truth Rising, the 9-1-1 chronicles.
Gary Hart got confronted about this, but he wrote a letter, September 26, 2007, via the Huffington Post, but also had it sent to the Iranian embassy overseas, because they don't have one here, unsolicited advice for the government of Iran.
And he said, and you can go read the letter, he said, presuming that you are not actually ignorant enough to desire war with the United States, you might be well advised to read the history of the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898 and the history of the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964.
And he goes on to say, we staged terror attacks and we'll stage them again.
Do what you're told or we will nuke you.
Now Hart thinks we're so dumb, this was a letter for their intelligence people.
But when some of my great activist friends at We Are Change brought it up, he said, I never wrote that letter.
And they said, here he is.
And he kind of freaked out.
He goes, yeah, I did write that.
And that is what I meant.
So again, these globalists, they communicate with each other like adults.
But for us, they tell us, Bin Laden's still alive.
Easter Bunny's real.
Lucky Charms is real.
Keebler elves are real.
But this is exactly what Dr. Pachinik was just saying.
Here's Hart, this big, you know, top CFR globalist, you know, skittering around with the whole 9-11 operation, because I saw him publicly bragging on Hardball two months before 9-11, saying things are about to change, ha-ha-ha, and Matthews were having a little inside chuckle with each other, because he's psychopathic enough to brag publicly.
But continuing, Dr. Pucinich, that's exactly what you just said without me even raising this.
What's your take on what I just read to you?
Well, what you said is correct.
What's basically happening is that we are at war without, you know, the president literally saying we are at war in a very serious situation, which
Unfortunately, I have to say this, that Secretary of Defense Gates is probably the most serious member of this entire administration, as he was of the Bush Jr.
Actually, there are many of us who worked for Bush Sr.
who really insisted on Gates coming in and getting rid of Rumsfeld for the simple reason that this man was director of the CIA.
He's a very non-ideological man.
Extremely intelligent, extremely oriented to understanding what America needs, not what the political requirements are in terms of the politicians.
And we are now in a very serious confrontation with Iran because the Iranians have, without a question, created a lot of disturbances both
In Syria, and with the Syrians, Bashir Assad, who's also a physician, by the way, it's interesting, we physicians are in the business of counter-terrorism everywhere around the world, so I warn the Obama administration, if they don't give us reimbursements at the right place, we all go into terrorism.
That's a joke.
Nevertheless, we really have a problem, because Bahrain is there, and Saudi Arabia is there now.
The issue is it would have been nice, as you said, if the people on top would explain a thesis of what we are doing and where we are going.
We also have an economic war right now with China, which is quite serious, which gets to the issue of what you said about
We are purposely dropping the dollar.
I mean, the Federal Reserve, whatever else can be said about Bernanke, is correctly dropping the dollar in order to go into economic warfare.
For ten years at the National War College, I have requested economic warfare because it is the most effective mechanism that we in the United States have.
We're good to go.
And basically, this lowering of the dollar is a way to say to the Chinese, you better watch us, because we're going to undercut everything you have right now.
And as you've seen in China right now, there have been riots.
In a normal year in China, that's normal for them, there are over 75,000 riots.
Right now, they have riots of cab drivers that are refusing to work, of bus drivers that are refusing to work.
They know that the American government is
Stimulating, creating activities, and the Chinese better listen carefully.
We are capable of taking down China if we want to.
When I was in China five years ago, the first question they asked me, because they knew I was an expert in regime change.
I don't need military regime change.
I've done four or five regime changes.
The Soviet Union, El Domoro, Panama, Cambodia, with far more lethal targets, where they asked me,
And I was there on a business trip, Alex.
As you know, I'm really a businessman.
And they asked me, the first question was, are you here to take us down?
And obviously, I looked at them, and this is one of the heads of the intelligence community, and I said, no.
But clearly, I knew exactly the determinants of where they could be taken down.
And now, in the presence of these kids with the Middle East disruption, with the Facebooks, with the Twitter, they know that they're very vulnerable.
And one of the issues that we have right now, and I think correctly, is that we are talking with the Chinese
I don't
Missionaries there, don't disrupt them.
Don't arrest people who want freedom.
So we have two fronts that are going on, but nobody's explaining that to the American public.
On the one hand, we have a war that's going on that's really targeted to Iran, and really a war between the Shiites and the Sunnis, where we're trying to support the Sunnis while at the same time, here's the irony of everything my friend, without getting too
Much above it is that we have had to cut deals.
The military, our U.S.
military, is a very brave organization, but they're also very smart.
They had to cut deals with the Iranians in order to control part of Afghanistan and to control Iraq.
In order to do that, we had to tie down the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, while at the same time, we have to show them that we can go in there at any time we want and create disturbances.
Now, what makes this even more interesting is that Aminazad, who's the president of Iran, everybody thinks he's crazy.
I don't.
He was a very effective, he's a PhD in civil engineering, was a very effective leader.
He is now in an internal battle with Khamenei.
They're now claiming that his top advisors are devil worshippers.
That's correct.
Well, I don't know whether they're devil worshippers, but they're certainly not the most intelligent, brightest,
Let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
Doc, let me just stop you because that sounds crazy.
Guys, pull up the London Guardian from Sunday.
The headline is, uh, Ahmadinejad's deputies charged with conjuring djinns.
You can't make this up.
That's what the Islamic regime, who decides if you can run for president, that's what they're charging his people with is divination.
That's it.
Yeah, no, no.
Let me just say this.
But it sounds crazy, so I have to let folks know I didn't make that up.
Let me just tell you, there's an internal battle going on in Iran.
They hear us, they're listening to us.
We're trying to affect that internal battle, we the United States, by positioning our forces and trying to attack and limit the number of agents that are standing overseas.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm not getting into the belief systems, the worship.
I understand.
What's going on in Libya?
What's going on in Libya?
Libya has been a mistake.
What happened in Libya is we had a lot of companies, including Halliburton, John Deere, a lot of the oil companies were in there, but primarily we have no strategic interest in Libya.
Libya is really a strategic interest only to one country more than any, and that is
Italy has about 40 to 50 percent of its oil through ENI coming in through Libya.
So the disturbances that were occurring in Libya was really a spillover from Egypt.
And ironically, as you mentioned before, we brought back some of the Al-Qaeda members from Afghanistan and Pakistan.
And one of them was interviewed publicly saying, actually in the New York Times, what do you feel about America now?
He said, well before I was 100% against America, but now that America is supplying us with special forces, ammunition, and the Egyptians are helping us, I'm only 50% against America.
So you can understand what's happening now is a world where everything is very gray.
That's the point.
And what you're saying to the audience, and what we do agree, is why don't you explain this to the American public?
Stop treating us as if we're dummies.
Maybe we can't absorb all of it at one time, maybe we don't want to hear it.
But stop treating us like dummies, because number one, we have to pay for all of this.
Number two, it's getting out of hand.
Number three, we have to leave from Iraq and Afghanistan.
And number four, the only national security issue that's really relevant to any of us Americans is our national debt.
Alright, we're going to take calls for a while, but then we're going to get into the debt, banking before you leave us, and false flag terror.
Dr. Steve Pchenik is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, Steve Pchenik.com is his site.
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Dr. Steve Pachinick, I want to go to...
Downey, John, Scott, Rich, Janice, and many others that are patiently holding on to talk to you.
This is a short segment, long segment's coming up.
But you were making a point about what you think's going to happen in the future.
You said things are going to start spinning faster and faster.
We were talking behind the scenes, now we came back live.
What point were you just now getting at?
Well, the economy is getting out of control.
Our unemployment is too high.
We're starting to be taxed.
As you see today, non-profit organizations need to pay taxes for water.
Our services in the cities are really falling apart.
Our infrastructure is falling apart.
We don't have an economic policy.
Our inflation rate will go up, as you correctly said.
We're in a war that we don't belong.
We have to pull our soldiers back.
The Middle East will erupt even further.
China will confront us even more vigorously.
But the issues really have to come back to the American public.
We have to take back the monies in these wars that are not effective, do not really touch our lives at this particular point in time, and really restructure the United States.
So that we become America first.
We really have to concern ourselves with building our infrastructures, building our national security in terms of the debt, and cutting back on the 850,000 individuals that have top secret clearance on counter-terrorism.
It's absurd!
It's absolutely ridiculous, and the American public is paying for all this ridiculous nonsense on terrorism that doesn't exist.
Our real terror issue is the financial crisis, which you said in one of the ads.
And now we have to focus on America, and we need a leader who understands how to be a non-ideological
Hands-on, forceful, individual who's had a history of business experience and knows how to lead us forward in terms of the economy.
It's the economy that's stupid.
I'm sorry, I don't mean you, but it's what was said to Bush Sr.
It's the economy.
It still stands on that.
Doc, let me stop you.
Since this is a short segment, I promise we'll go directly to calls in the next.
Let's get into the economy now.
What do we do about the private central banks who make the giant bonuses, you know, take the tax money?
I mean, they're not going to stop doing what they're doing.
I mean, so where do you see America going?
What are the main crises facing us?
Well, number one, the banking system has to be rechanged.
It's absurd that none of the bankers were indicted, particularly Blank Fine.
Ron Rubin, who worked for Citibank, received $75 million, was very much in charge as a consultant for all the corruption that occurred in the subprime mortgages.
And he was asked, well, what did you do?
You received $75 million in bonus.
He said, well, I didn't know anything about it.
This is our former Secretary of the Treasury.
You're talking about Warren Buffett, who owned 40% of Moody's.
He took Double D rated junk subprimes and then reconverted it to AAA and sold it.
And Warren Buffett goes as the sanctimonious priest of entrepreneurship in America and says, no, I had nothing to do with it.
These are men who should be investigated.
They shouldn't be indicted and put in prison.
We are not going after the right individuals.
The head of Goldman Sachs.
We're good to go.
Second tier banking, which is not controlled with all kinds of derivatives and all kinds of financial instruments that will, again, precipitate another financial crisis with 19th century regulation.
And we have individuals who are turning around in a turnstile.
We're good to go.
Just take one guy who's an Indian or a Sri Lankan and put him in because there's an insider trading.
You put all of these heads in prison, and this is basically what comes out of the financial crisis inquiry report.
And you put a man like Greenspan, who knew what was happening, and hold him accountable instead of allowing him to go on the press and continue this nonsensical story.
Yes, I allowed the free trading company, the free trade to go on, and I allowed derivatives to go on, and CDOs and CDSs, but I'm not accountable.
That really was a blip in our economy.
Or the Paulsons who were brought in and knew nothing about our financial capabilities and investment banker.
Again and again, the names are out there, the reports are out there, but we don't have courageous politicians.
Wow, Dr. Steve Pachinick got a break.
Call straight ahead and before he leaves us, we'll get more into where we're going financially if this isn't reversed.
Very bold information.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Okay, we're going to your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Downey in Texas.
You're on the air with Dr. Steve Pachanek.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I'd like to ask the doctor, what is more embarrassing or dangerous, our intelligence agency's inept, inconsistent, unbelievable narrative, and the main media trying to fight it and defend it, or the fact that there are a great number of well-meaning Americans that believe the fairy tales?
Which one's more embarrassing?
Everybody involved in it, and it tells you that the New York Times and the Washington Post and all these so-called distinguished newspapers are really, you know, it's pathetic.
So I would agree that I think it's very embarrassing, the first one, but that's an excellent question.
And unfortunately, you bring up the point that they treat us as if we're dumb rummies.
And we're not.
Well, I want Downey to be able to ask another question and then have Dr. Pachenik elaborate, but I want to say this.
I think that's the method to the madness, is they're trying to get all of us to buy into it, torture being good, TSA sticking their hands down our pants, $2 million defense department cameras in one elementary school studying the kids in San Antonio.
All of this is over-the-top on purpose
To give us learned helplessness, and you're a psychiatrist, you know about that, doctor.
But more importantly, they're testing the mainstream media and getting them to buy into things that are cartoonish to just train them to accept more and more crazy things.
It's like in the last nine years.
I see AP articles every month.
Bin Laden puts out new warning.
He will strike.
And then at the bottom it'll say, this came from a message board.
Well, let me say the most important part in my point of view.
I don't have to be a psychiatrist.
I think what you're seeing is the death, the death knell of the mainstream media.
In other words, as much as the president has been desperate and came out with this nonsensical story, what you're seeing is the mainstream media is converting from the so-called journalism that was really practiced very well at Columbia School and elsewhere into a cartoon.
They become graphic novels.
And the reason isn't so much they're trying to suppress us, the reason is
They are losing money and they are in financial trouble.
You know, you follow the money trail in America and you find out what's the problem.
And instead of going back to what made them great, they're digging their hole deeper.
They're digging their hole deeper.
The hole is very deep.
I mean, the main holder who's given them a bond that they have to pay 14% interest on is a Mexican who owns the New York Times.
Now, the New York Times doesn't do an internal story on them.
The Washington Post is in trouble because the Internet is competing with them.
The Financial Times is basically an extension
I think so.
It's not working anymore.
That's the comedy of the entire thing.
It's a tragic comedy because they have become, not newspapers, but graphic novels.
If you look at the front page of the New York Times, what's the mainline story?
Girls who go to the prom second night?
That's the major story that you want to know about?
Girls going to a prom when in fact the entire world is falling apart and there's more news on Alex Jones?
Well, how is the New York Times or MSNBC, which is also going under, because cable news networks are going under, the TV shows are going under.
They know that because I do TV shows.
ABC has not been effective.
NBC has not been effective.
All of these narcissistic fools that you see on there, lauding their own presence as commentators, have to compete with Alex Jones.
Well, that's the thing, Doc.
I mean, if they tried to do any real news with all of their money and power, we wouldn't be competition for them.
I mean, it's scary that a couple years ago I had 3 million listeners a week, and now we've done the numbers again lately.
It's more like 5 million a day radio, 2 million a day internet, just on one YouTube channel, 5 million views.
No, that's what I'm saying is they're paper tigers!
I mean, one minute on MSNBC during prime time with half a million viewers costs $10,000, $15,000, $20,000.
An ad here with a bigger audience literally dwarfing it is $300.
So that's the last illusion to fall is that you paid 15, 20 times for something that is worth far less, and they know that that final shoe is dropping.
But we could talk forever with Dr. Pachinko.
I don't know, but the point here is not that.
The point is what the gentleman said.
It is embarrassing.
Not for us.
It's embarrassing for them because this is the death knell for them in buying the intelligence of false narratives and then reinventing the narratives and trying to dissect the narratives with comedy and absurdity.
So, you know, honestly, it's really an indictment of the system and the gentleman is absolutely correct.
Down anything else?
Yeah, my son's not going to believe I got on.
He's a ten-year-old and a big fan of yours, so I'll just say, A-Boy, that's his nickname, and I do have a question for you.
Do you have any plans for this coming 9-11?
It's a pretty big, you know... You know, I don't know.
Look, look, look, here's the deal.
I get invited all over the place and people want to pay me.
No exaggeration, I've been offered a lot of money to go speak at events.
I could do that.
I could pack
3-4 times
No exaggeration, it's exponential.
I'm not bragging.
In fact, it's very daunting.
It's humbling because I realize I'm just a regular guy.
We're reaching, again, it was $3 million a day overall just a few months ago.
Now it's over $5 million.
And the growth curve is within six months we'll be reaching $10 million a day.
I could go to demonstrations in New York.
I could go down in Bullhorn Obama.
It's just those are peace shooters compared to what this electronic system can do.
Now getting the public to move onto the streets and to the state houses
That's where the power is, and that's what I'm going to have Dr. Pachinik back on soon to talk about ways, ideas he's got to really get the American people moving.
But I appreciate your call, Downey, and I'm not bragging about the power of this show.
It actually freaks me out because I just feel like a regular common sense guy who's studied things.
This stuff's all very clear what's going on.
And the establishment, I think, is drinking their own Kool-Aid.
They basically poisoned the well of information, but then they drank from it.
John in Texas, you're on the air with Dr. Steve Pchenik of StevePchenik.com.
Go ahead, John.
Doctor and Alex, this is an honor.
I'm going to simplify what you all have been talking about, and I think, and I want the doctor's response on what I have to say.
But I believe that since World War II, the globalists and the corporatists have had an agenda
To manipulate the world's assets and reserves, things of minerals and natural resources and things that are of value to large multinational corporations.
And I'm a firm believer that the resources of the American people have been mortgaged through the military-industrial complex and the CIA and all of these secret armies and illegal activities.
By the way, I think Osama is more or less a theatrical prop to benefit
The globalist agenda to confiscate and materialize huge masses of wealth for their own benefit.
And I think patriotism has been confused with this globalist agenda.
And I think it's so simple.
We have been duped as Americans into believing that we've been fighting wars on terrorism when it all boils down very simply
To taking the assets of sovereign nations with real people just like you and I in those countries who live there... Who, by the way, would sell them to us cheaper.
They would sell it to us, but then the military-industrial complex and the banks and others couldn't control those countries and couldn't make money in the stealing of it from us, the taxpayers.
But what's your question for Dr. Pecheneg?
Because what you're saying is just historical reality.
Well, let me say what Secretary of Defense Gates said.
Basically, supporting the military-industrial complex for more money and more acquisitions of absurd studies and equipment that we don't need, along the lines he said.
is not indicative of more patriotism.
If anything, less is more.
We have to go back to the concerns of our own country, as you implied, which means we have to develop our own oil resources.
In the United States, we have it.
In Montana, we have enough oil to equal what you have in Saudi Arabia.
We have to deal with our own water supplies, where we don't have to ship it overseas.
We have to be able to build our own infrastructure.
In short, the crux of our system, the kleptocracy that came out of the system, is not American and should be destroyed.
Simply as that.
The Wall Street, the transnational corporations, there's no reason why the oil companies shouldn't be taxed and shouldn't be held accountable.
They're not supplying the oil to the United States.
What their propaganda is, very simply, is the oil that we acquired in the Middle East doesn't go to America.
It goes to China and Japan.
So you're correct.
We're sending soldiers to protect pipelines
Which don't really have any national security bearing, but people like Cheney, what I call the cowards and the alcoholics, like Cheney, who was a bum to begin with, and then Yale where he was thrown out, and then Wisconsin, who never fought a war, and refused to serve our country is typical of these transnational corporations, the military-industrial complex, where they're cowardly.
McCain was the most cowardly vice president I had ever met, who refused to serve eight times, and then in Bragadocio, this alcoholic bum from Texas goes out and now lives in Wyoming, I know exactly where he lives, and then insists that we go to war on behalf of his transnational oil companies from Texas and elsewhere.
And then the bum moves Halliburton to Dubai.
And that's Halliburton to Dubai.
And by the way, Halliburton was, as you know, the subsidiary of, it was LBJ's company, BB&R, which was then taken over.
And what's interesting is Cheney actually lost while he was CEO, net asset values of Halliburton.
But my point is very simple to the American public.
This is enough if we do not hold these leaders of the transnational corporations, of the banking world, and the President, who does represent the interests of the banking world, or Mr. Donlan, who represents Fannie Mae and the crookedness of it, or the Ben Rhodes, who's nothing more than a local politician from New York, or the Clintons, who have been, you know, it was really amazing when Clinton left office, he said, oh, I'm so poor.
Within years, he became a hundred millionaire.
And basically his wife, who was against the ports of Dubai, that Dubai bought our ports, while Clinton was supporting it.
No, it's all staged.
We've got to move fast.
We've got to move fast, Doc.
And it goes to the heart of our republic.
And we have to destroy this kind of kleptocracy.
Kleptocracy is a good word for it.
Crony kleptocracy.
It's a kleptocracy.
And that's what I think the gentleman's getting at.
Whatever you want to call it, it's a plebiscite.
I've got to get to these callers.
Very good points.
Thank you, John.
Scott in Texas, then Rich in Arizona, Janice in Minnesota, and then Dave in Long Island is all we've got time for.
Scott in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, there's a, uh, thanks for taking my call.
God bless you guys.
Listen, two things real quick.
In that staged Situation Room photo, I was noticing how Obama just sitting there looking like a whipped dog.
If there was a picture taken a few seconds earlier, it probably shows him serving coffee.
I mean, presidential is the last thing he looks like in that picture.
I don't know why they put that one out.
Well, Rahm Emanuel, his little friend, his little ballet dancer helper, in public, the New York Times reported, cracks his knuckles, does fist things in front of the congressional delegations, and bosses Obama around in front of him like he literally is his valet.
Dr. Pachinik comments.
Well, I think it's a bizarre relationship to begin with.
That's why I said, and a deep, fair warning to Obama, that I think the longer he goes out and propagates this nonsense and narrative with Donlan there and with Daley from the Chicago Machinery, it's going to open up questions about his relationship with Rami Emanuel, who got a master's degree in ballet, and he himself has a question
Had a PhD and went out to a, this is a Christian woman who goes into a Muslim country like Indonesia and serves our country bravely, teaching but doing other things that are for our national security in an attempted coup.
I think I would be pretty proud of my mother if that were her.
Well, that turns out to be Obama's mother.
Now, there is a major disconnect.
Between this man, who looks like he's really zombied out most of the time.
He has no major affect.
He is bossed around.
I often find that he's bossed around by his wife.
I mean, I find it bizarre that Michelle leaves on the President's birthday with a girlfriend in Spain.
All of this is bizarre, but the most bizarre is this disconnect between a woman who is exceedingly brave
Well, there's no doubt.
I mean, as you know... Oh, you just said CIA operative, so you have that same intel?
Yeah, I mean, Mattson's correct.
It's not just that, but I checked it up beyond that.
When you worked for the East-West Center, which I was involved with because I was Deputy Assistant Secretary of East Asia, that's in Hawaii, and you worked for the CIA one way or the other.
You're funded.
A Ph.D.
woman who teaches Russian and learns Russian in the 1950s and 60s should be very proud she worked for the CIA.
Now, let me explain this to the audience.
Working for the CIA is not anathema.
They have protected our country during the 50s and 60s and 70s.
What's anathema is that the degradation that has happened to the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community because they were taken over by people who insisted that this intelligence network, which has been very valuable to our national security, now serve domestic purposes and purposes that don't fit on the national security system.
But if I had a mother who had been in the CIA and served my country and put her life at stake in a Muslim country in 1960, my God, I would stand up and say, I am very proud.
There's a total disconnect here.
This president doesn't say anything about a mother.
Best he says is, she's a hippie.
That was no hippie.
A woman who's studying Russian and goes into Indonesia, works for the Export-Import Bank, the Hawaiian East-West Center.
Those are facts.
That's not something that's made up.
Matson, by the way, I do not know him, but I know his clearances were a lot higher than my clearances if you're working at the National Security Agency, for sure.
My point is, if you put it all together, we have a very dangerous situation.
We're a president whose background has been questionable at best, whose performance is questionable at best, whose next speech next week will be about how he killed Osama Bin Laden and how that fits into the riots in the Middle East, which I have no idea become even more bizarre.
Who is fronting, for the best of it, as I can understand, for politicians and businessmen who are from Wall Street, who've never been indicted for kleptocracy.
We have a Republican and a Democratic political body that is totally cowardly, whose only interest is self-aggrandizement.
And we have an American public that's waiting to erupt to say, cease and desist all this nonsense.
Our major concern has to be the debt.
Doc, we're almost out of time.
Let's go to some more calls.
Scott, real fast, anything else?
It's all fake and they admit it is.
You're absolutely correct.
I mean, it's all fake, folks.
I mean, literally, him and Emanuel are dancing around in women's clothing.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Rich in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Rich.
Sorry, gentlemen.
I had to turn my speaker off.
So, I had a question for Dr. Pchenik, and also, if you'll allow me to, I wanted to make just a quick comment of kind of my own observations of the mentality in our country now.
Uh, to get to the country, here's my observation.
I wanted to see if I could validate it with, uh, obviously a very high ranking official.
Here's the kind of what I think is that if you, you know, if you pay attention to the news that had come out, you know, a couple of Sundays ago, they hit it late, they go out and they just come up with a complete fable.
Everybody in the house has a gun.
There's a 40 minute firefight.
You know, and the whole story unravels, but what I think, and what it seems to me, is that really all that matters, and I wanted to know if this was the strategy, is just whatever we say first is what the public will believe.
We can say whatever we want at first, because as the details come out, it's going to be shrugged off.
And once the mainstream whore media, the dying dinosaur, signs on to a lie, they're now committed to go along with it.
Dr. Pucinich, what's your comment on what Rich is saying?
You both articulated it brilliantly.
I think you're correct.
Whatever they say first is what they think, and then the dying dinosaur goes along with the lie, and they're both going to become extinct.
That's what happens.
Anything else, Reg?
Well, yeah, whatever they say first is the so-called reality.
Also, if you'll allow me a couple of seconds, just a brief... Sure.
So I had a conversation with a woman at work.
Like I said, this is a little off topic, but it illustrates the mindset.
Talking about organic foods with a woman at work.
This woman that I work with literally believed, I laughed at her, she literally believed that you should not go organic because she was led to believe by going organic and meaning even food, cosmetics, deodorant, shampoo, everything, that it lowers your body's immune system.
It's the opposite, it's the opposite when your body...
Well, you're a doctor.
Tell us that, Doc.
I mean, is it good to have to live in a bubble?
The organic systems, the natural products are antioxidants.
They help our immune systems collectively.
A friend of mine, my partner, John Neustadt, and I have the website, NDI Health, and we produce products for natural health, like Osteo-K for osteoporosis, but that's totally opposite.
Well, I mean, if that was true, the bubble boy wouldn't have been sick and had to live in a bubble because he had no immune system.
You need to... People that have dogs, their immune system gets better.
Yeah, but I thank you for the comment, but the point about who says things first does stick, but unfortunately in modern times, they're reverting back to stories that make no sense after they've made that first idiotic statement.
By the way, Doc, since you raised that, because you won't let me plug your bugs or anything you're doing, I'm glad you brought up your big passion, your health products, some of which go directly to doctors.
Tell folks about your health website.
Well, it's called Nutritional Biochemistry.
Years ago, what I did in one of my businesses was I was very tired of watching women taking Actonel, Fizomax, and Boniva and noticing that there was an increased amount of esophageal bleeding, cancer of the jaw.
And my partner and I, John Neustadt at nbihealth.com, five years ago in Bozeman, Montana, we developed a product that was
I think so.
We're good to go.
I think so.
And most of the products that you see only increase fractures by 16% or prevent fractures by 50%.
Calcium and vitamin D is not sufficient.
So that's what I did.
But I don't want to minimize what we've been talking about.
And I made a specific purpose.
But Alex was so kind and so generous that he offered to allow us to, one, publicize on your site.
That was not an initial condition.
So for truth and
Honestly, and secondly, he's asked me to discuss a little bit about osteoporosis, but I think that the audience should really look at our website, read the references, read what's there in terms of what we discovered, and the Japanese Ministry of Health mandated that as a medicine, and I think that'll be very helpful, but I'd like to get back to the political.
Now, I've already had you for an hour and 55 minutes.
I only want to do five.
This is so important to me that I have to tell the audience why Alex is important to me.
At a time when I came out ten years ago, I didn't look for any publicity, as Alex knows, and I'm not really interested in publicity.
I had gone on TV shows after 9-11 and explained what happened, and most of the mainstream media was really a disaster, as you subsequently learned.
But Alex Jones was kind enough to put me on the radio show, and I said at that time, this is a false flag.
It was a stand-down.
This is a classical technique that's been used for years.
Alex knew about it.
The audience knew about it.
But everybody, of course, put me in the category of saying he's kooky, he's crazy, or basically he's a right-winger, or he's a conspiracy theorist.
Fortunately enough,
Cheney, Rumsfeld and those I worked with, the neocons kept their mouths shut because I warned them if they had anything to say it would get more and more drastic.
And they learned the lesson then.
Robert Gates was brought in, fortunately, because Bush Sr., who's an incredible statesman, understood that Bush Jr.
was out of control.
But, let's jump forward.
Stay there, sir.
Back in one minute, then we'll go to Janice and Dave, and that'll be it with Dr. Steve Pucinich.
Back in one minute in Overdrive.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We gotta get Dr. Pachinik back on, because every time he tells me something, I go look it up and it's true.
He was talking about when he was at the RAND Corporation, he was the main guy developing the takedown plan for the Soviet Union via Afghanistan with Brzezinski.
I mean, the stories this guy could tell, because we've got the big national Russian TV calling up, wanting to get Ola Pachinik to have him on.
I said, why do they want you on?
He goes, well, because I helped bring him down.
Dr. Pachinik, you know, we'll give you a break for a few weeks, but I want to get you back on to just talk about...
Bring me back next week if you want to, but basically the takedown of the Soviet Union was done at the request of Dr. Richard Solomon, who has been the head of the RAND Corporation.
I have nothing to do with Brzezinski, and he asked me to develop a plan, which is 153 pages on psychological determinants for the takedown of the Soviet Union, and I used the rock and roll of the Pope, who was very, very helpful to us, the military budget, SDI, Reagan
I think so.
Well, did Brzezinski pick up on that plan?
Because I know, I mean, you were in the White House when Brzezinski was there, correct?
At that time?
Well, no, I was in the State Department and Brzezinski was actually attacking the man I was working with, who was a wonderful Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance.
Internally, we had a very major fight between Brzezinski and Cyrus Vance.
I have nothing against Brzezinski.
I think he's a very smart individual, but I was in the State Department at the time.
We're good.
Alright, let's quickly jam in two more.
Quick question from Janice in Minnesota, and then Dave.
Quick question, Janice.
Okay, I don't have a quick question.
I heard you, Dr. Pachenik, on Coast to Coast the other night, and I was very shocked at the comment you made.
You started talking about politics, and I understand you're quite the insider and so on, as far as your knowledge, and I do respect that.
However, when you said that the greatest president that we have had in modern times is Herbert Walker Bush, the senior,
I was just quite taken aback because he was ahead of the CIA.
I got your question, we gotta move.
What's your statement?
Let me just correct it.
For me, I was asked who did I think for me was the most important president in terms of foreign policy and I said I felt he was very seriously undervalued and really nobody talked about what he had accomplished.
You're saying compared to Obama and Jr.
and Clinton and all these people... Yeah, I mean he was really quite effective and very modest.
You never heard of what he did.
And he did a lot.
Took down the Apartheid.
Forget the other things.
He was involved in the takedown of the Soviet Union.
He was involved in the takedown of Debussan.
He was involved in the takedown of Mengistu.
He was involved in the takedown of Noriega.
I mean, what this gentleman did quietly, and he was involved in the Ethiopian
I mean, this man did a lot in foreign policy and never said a word.
He and Brent Scowcroft were amazing.
And so we do have presidents who are quite distinguished.
Whether you like it or not, what he did domestically is another issue.
I'm just talking from my point of view.
I'm not an insider, quite frankly.
I'm an outsider.
I was never invited to anybody's meals.
I'm not invited to anybody's... Despite the fact that everybody thinks I'm in the CFR, which I am, I'm also a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Operatives, National Military Intelligence Association, a member of the Writers Guild, and a member of the Producers Guild, and the Academy of Arts and Sciences.
None of which means anything to anybody and a member of the red carpet lounge at United Airlines.
Hold on, hold on, we can't end it there.
We can't end it there.
We gotta come back and finish up with that.
A little bit on Tom Clancy and then Dave in Long Island.
That'll be it.
Dr. Pachinick twisting his arm with us.
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We're going to talk to just Dave in Long Island.
That's going to be it for calls.
But before we go to Dave, this final caller, what does Tom Clancy think about what you're doing?
Because I was reading the synopsis of Coast to Coast AM a few nights ago.
When you were on, I guess it would be Tuesday night, I read some of the synopsis yesterday, was unable to listen because I had to get some shut-eye because you were on late, but the quote I saw was that you were talking about you're working on some new books with Tom Clancy, but what's Tom Clancy's view?
If you can, I mean, not speak for him, but on...
I haven't talked to him in a while, but basically, Tom is a very realistic, smart individual who understands psychological warfare.
He's also very funny, what I said.
I mean, when you work with him, he's an exceedingly smart, witty individual who understands the dynamics of what's going on.
I can't speak on his behalf.
I haven't seen him in a while.
But he's, you know, I really don't know what he thinks right now in terms of Obama and Osama.
And quite frankly, the books we worked on, the various books prior to that and the books that he had,
You know, there was always a sense of human reality testing, which is lacking in this country right now.
Number one, we do have a need of humor on behalf of some of the people who take themselves so seriously.
They're very pretentious.
Particularly our political leaders, you know, whether it's the head of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, they seem to be very pompous and self-righteous.
And good God, you know, every pronouncement sounds as if this was from the words of God.
And at the same time, somebody pointed out correctly, your listeners, that Obama doesn't seem to be there.
There seems to be what I call a dissociation between the man and his emotions.
He's got a very flat affect, what we call very flat, and people pick that up.
It's almost as if he's not connected to the message he's saying, yet when he's on the trail, he just loves to shake hands.
Be it as it may, you know, people will have different perspectives as to what Tom thinks.
I really don't know.
You'd have to interview him and it would be interesting to hear.
Let me throw this out there because you are a psychiatrist and a psych warfare expert.
Myself individually, obviously when I was 25, I wanted to impress women.
But that was about it.
I don't like awards or attention.
I mean, I do this because it's a mission.
I don't like tyranny.
I don't like bullies running my life.
I'd rather go fishing and hang out with my kids and, you know, play tennis or whatever or oil paint with them.
And as I've gotten a little more power, a little more influence, and learn more, I get more and more humble, and more and more freaked out by, you know, tenuous, uh, transitory human power.
But then I study these elites, and on average, they love awards ceremonies.
They love primping and posing.
Uh, the more power they get, they relish the crowds.
They relish the applause.
When I walk out to 2,000 people and they
People are crying and clapping.
It's like embarrassing because I realize I'm just human and I'm going, my God, I better do a good job.
These people are looking up to me.
That seems like a normal, you know, I guess in the hierarchy of needs perspective.
Now, all I want is a future for my children and for them to have a future with other people.
I have gone to that pure mode of seeing how short life is.
I don't know.
I don't
But still, it makes you nervous because if you make a mistake, it has a bigger effect.
But these guys, they just think power is the prima facie authorization to do whatever they want.
I mean, do you get where I'm going?
Yes, the difference between you, my friend, and myself and them.
I was promoted to Brigadier General status 07.
I turned it down.
I was asked to go on.
I turned all of that down just like you did.
I was not interested.
The difference between you, who's somebody who's very grounded, understands what it is despite what the press will say.
You're a conspirator and all that.
That's nonsense.
The difference between you and
And you're wanting to learn, and the politician who wants to self-aggrandize is the difference between an American who's stable and a narcissist, a politician who has to self-aggrandize and has nothing that he or she has accomplished.
So when you look at these politicians, you're really looking at movie stars.
The problem I had on television, creating television shows or even novels, is that the movie star is the least important person.
They're the ones who are saying your words, i.e.
the writers' words,
I think?
And this is what's happening.
We went from a product-oriented country to a very sensible country of real people producing real products to a country of process producing nothing more than process and paper bushing and individuals who are intercessors for intercessors with nothing more for their sense of self-worth than the fact that they were deputy to the deputy to the deputy of the deputy.
And this is out of control and this is what's happened.
That's why the only institution that I can respect within the American hierarchical system is really the military.
Because it's very tough to be on the ground and fighting and having a sense of discipline and self-discipline and being shot at and caring about whether you are a captain or a major.
You really have to go through the system.
And you really have to be accountable for life and death.
That's why you and I have respect for physicians.
We have respect for those who create, you know, whether it's a person who drives a truck, his responsibility is to make sure that he can deliver the goods.
Or whether it's a mechanic, or whether it's anybody, it doesn't matter what it is.
There is no one in your audience who's going to advance him or herself on the basis of saying how important they think they should be.
The only ones who do that are really, by definition, sociopaths, because they have no sense of guilt, they have no sense of consequence, so they can say anything they want.
The President is a typical example of that, be it this President, a Democrat, or a Republican like Bush Jr., who had no sense of self, you know, consequence,
We're good to go.
And that's what makes the difference between the Alex Jones Show and the audience and the American government that so-called represent us.
They don't represent us.
It's not real anymore.
They're in the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard of Sociopathy.
They are now really sociopaths who are doing nothing more than self-aggrandize and extending their own narcissism to each other.
When you talk about process, it's as if the paper-pushing BS factories are waging war against the farms, the ranches, the industry.
I mean, they state they are.
And so the false reality can't exist with those of us in reality.
And so that's the problem.
They won't leave us alone.
That's where we began to have a revolution.
I don't think anybody understands the history very well.
The American public, contrary to any other world government, we did not tolerate King George.
We did not tolerate in the French Revolution, Louis XVI.
What we have now is a variation of Louis XVI.
Feed them cake.
We'll take over and take care of you.
No, you can't.
You don't even know how to take care of yourselves.
We have the farmers, we have the ranchers, we have the mechanics, the truck drivers, the doctors.
Do you know what the designation of an MD is now?
My daughter was designated.
An MD is a home care.
Home health provider or health provider.
Do you believe that after 10 years of education?
Yeah, the bureaucrats are taking titles away from people that really deserve the position and the responsibility.
Again, the scum is waging war against reality.
Final call.
Dave in Long Island.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Dr. Buchanek.
Um, can I ask you guys a question and the fellas out there in radio land?
Yeah, we only got a minute and a half.
Go ahead.
If a private person or a private mercenary group or another government claimed that they killed Osama bin Laden and they gave the same story, they threw the body overboard, the phony picture, the story isn't straight.
If a private person came back to the United States and said, oh yeah, I just killed Osama bin Laden, would we buy that?
Would anybody buy that?
That's a great point, that's a great point, Dr. My point is, is if we're not going to buy it from any scenario like that, why should we buy it from the government?
You shouldn't.
Why shouldn't we?
That's why we're saying it.
That's why you gotta tell your congressmen in Long Island, all those people there who represent you.
Get out.
And start telling the truth.
Thank you and thank your audience.
It's been wonderful.
It's really an honor to be on.
It's been an honor to be on with you folks.
You can agree with him, disagree with him, but the point is he's had a lot of courage and made a lot of good points and is also
Independently, separately from our analysis pointed out, these people are at war against everything decent, everything wholesome, because they're hollow scum.
And they think it will expand their power if real people don't exist, when they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for us.
Things are way out of balance.
Retransmission with Key Intel.
Straight ahead.
I'm Mark Craighead.