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Name: 20110410_Sun_Alex
Air Date: April 10, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've only got him for about 15 minutes, maybe less, because of votes coming up.
Congressman Ron Paul needs no introduction.
Globally now recognized as the true leader of the Liberty Movement against collectivism and corruption.
We've got a host of questions for him.
Sir, gold is exploding, silver is exploding right now.
The Federal Reserve is monetizing now 70% of the debt.
Well, it's huge.
And it has started, and whether it comes about and really is identified as the big event, and everybody recognizes it within the next 30 days or so, I'm not positive.
But I believe it is the beginning, but it's been going on.
You know, you and others have been talking about commodity prices going up, but even Greenspan today had talks.
Hey, we better keep an eye on this inflation, you know.
But what he fails to see is so many others fail to see is inflation is when they print the money and create the credit out of thin air.
And then the price increases come afterwards.
We've known there's been inflation.
Now we're just looking for the bad result.
So yes, this is big.
And that surge in gold today is a big issue.
Today I was talking to staff.
But I didn't say the price of gold was up.
I said, well, the dollar was just further devalued, you know, against gold, which is the ultimate test.
Devaluation's not good for anybody.
But when you grill Bernanke monthly in the banking committee, he almost sometimes does laugh when you talk about inflation.
He acts like it's no issue, but the head of Walmart says that inflation is going to be very serious.
Well, I think it's further along than we realize.
You've probably seen the stories about how the retail people are fooling the people for a while.
At least they try, you know, to make the bottles a little smaller and put 15 ounces in a bag instead of 16 ounces and, you know, just cutting corners.
But that is not the solution to inflation.
The solution to inflation is not having a Federal Reserve run by somebody like Bernanke.
Shifting gears into the war, Obama didn't even approach Congress for even a flimsy authorization of force.
I mean, that's clearly impeachable, but you've pointed out Bush did similar things.
But I mean, even if Obama is a puppet congressman, shouldn't we move for congressional hearings to talk about these new wars that are being launched?
Well, it would be nice, but I think that we should have been doing this and demanding that we meet our responsibilities in the Congress 20, 30, 40 years ago.
You know, every day is less than less.
You know, I was thinking about this government close down.
You know, one of the downsides of this, or at least we come out with it, let's say we close the government down.
But Congress no longer is functioning, and the government is not functioning, so to speak.
But you know what?
Government is going to continue to function.
Do you think the regulators aren't going to regulate?
Do you think the feds are not going to print money?
Do you think they're not going to bail out people?
I mean, a whole good... But it would point out
Is that Congress is truly irrelevant.
You know, we've known it's been irrelevant with the war issue.
But, you know, that would be, you know, a mixed blessing.
It would point out the truth, but it would also indicate that we're in bad shape because Congress doesn't have much to say about what's going on.
Congressman, does this not set the clearest precedent ever under globalism, one world government, even Fox News has made that point, that the president then took orders from the UN in less than 48 hours, launched the bombardment of Libya?
Yeah, and even Bush Sr.
bragged about that.
Remember, he didn't want to go to Congress.
He came and got a token approval in 1990 and 1991 for the Persian Gulf War.
But he said he got his orders from the UN.
He didn't need to go to Congress.
And he even used the word, that was the first time I heard a president use the word New World Order.
Anybody that used that had to be a conspiracy nut.
But Bush was saying, well, this is what we need to do for the New World Order.
And they used that, you know, of course, when they gave us the WTO.
Oh, the New World Order is marching on.
And the New World Order is certainly looking at this monetary crisis.
We want, you know, the Constitution.
We want sound money.
We want gold money and honest money.
At the same time, the internationalists are planning, you know, for their international fiat currency.
Stay there.
Let's come back with that, Congressman.
We'll be right back.
Quick break.
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All right, we've only got 10 minutes with him once the bell rings for the vote.
So we got Congressman Ron Paul joining us, obviously needs no introduction.
We were just talking to him a few minutes ago.
He just joined us.
We were raising this point of Obama becoming the first sitting president to be sitting on the UN Security Council as the head of it, violating Article 1, Section 9.
Now, not even getting a token authorization, a force, a resolution from Congress following UN orders to launch that
Attack in less than 48 hours.
We were talking about this really being the biggest move yet for the New World Order.
And then we were getting into, Congressman, how we want more liberty.
We don't want dollar devaluation.
We want Congress in control of currency and credit.
But instead, the banksters you were mentioning, they want something else.
They're openly calling now for a world government, an IMF, World Bank, Bancor, global currency.
Can you speak to that, please?
Yes, and I think the evidence is mounting about our concerns about the dollar, you know, crashing.
Prices are going up.
They've been going up.
But I thought it was very important today that Bernanke, you know, in his sweet talk admitted that, oh, prices are going up.
We'll have to watch this very carefully in case we have to do something.
Of course, all the damage has been done over the last three years because they doubled and tripled the money supply, and that's where the problem is.
But they know what we know and what we talk about.
They know that the dollars, that the days are limited, and we plan and hope that we can restore constitutional money and hard money and sound economic policy.
At the same time, the crisis that's coming, the New World Orders, the world people, they see it as an opportunity to move one step forward.
They go to war, and they go to war under NATO, United Nations, not by the Congress.
But they want also, because ultimately the big one is control the money, so they are making their plans to have a worldwide fiat currency, the IMF, World Bank operations.
But they have a long way to go because that still is fake money.
It's fiat money and they have to defy the marketplace.
I mean, they may make the attempt and they may be able to cause a lot of harm in the meantime, but ultimately, sound money wins out.
Just hopefully we do our job and liberty wins out over the tyrants.
Congressman, looking at what's happening around the world and the French basically invading Ivory Coast, these moves into Libya with the Special Forces advisors there, I mean,
I've even seen statements out of NATO and others that this is a great day for globalism, a great day for world governance, that now the UN, if rebels in any country rebel, the UN can pick and choose and decide whether to have a resolution to basically back the rebels and bomb them.
That's really a flimsy face, in my view, over neo-colonialism.
Yeah, it's just a change, and it's not going to work for them no matter how hard they try and how many temporary military victories they have.
It's going to be a failed system.
I think Obama has the worst policy conceivable.
First he goes in on his own under the UN, and then he uses our force to intimidate them.
And then he says, oh, the American people must not like this, so I'm going to back off.
Uh, there's no way that we won't be blamed for everybody getting killed over there because it'll be our weapons and our money and if they need us we're gonna go back in and already they do have our CIA agents in there and we've handpicked a guy that lived over here for 20 years.
We've sent him over.
But it's messier than that.
They can't iron this out.
They think they've ironed it out in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they're nowhere close to it, even in Iraq, I think.
That's a terrible mess.
But here we are, over-assisting the rebels in Libya?
And already it's well known that Al Qaeda has infiltrated the rebels in Libya.
So they're doomed to fail and the bankruptcy will bring us to our knees.
Let's just hope we can put it back together in a lot better shape than we have it now.
Well, as you know, Congressman, and because you've cited his work quite a bit, Michael Shoyer, the former head of the bin Laden program at the CIA, chief analyst, just two days ago on CNN, he said, look, you guys are putting out pure theater.
So is Hillary.
So is Obama.
This is absolute garbage.
There is al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda is the core of this group.
And it turns out that even the guy trained in Virginia admits that he sent troops previously to Iraq to kill our soldiers.
So we're told we got to be in Pakistan looking for 100 Al-Qaeda total in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
But then you have thousands of admitted Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb there in North Africa and they're now our allies.
This is beyond 1984.
Yeah, no, it's total insanity.
And the one thing we know is it will fail, but how many people are going to suffer in the meantime?
But it will serve its purpose in many ways by bringing us to our knees.
And some of them, you know, like the opportunity, they don't let emergencies go to waste.
They take advantage of it.
That's why they think they can advance the New World Order and One World Government under these conditions.
Obviously, even if you didn't get the nomination, it would be a great educational victory to have you in those debates.
When are we going to be hearing an announcement, Congressman, on whether you're going to run for president or not?
Well, it can't be too far off.
I would think in a month or so I'm going to have to make a final decision.
Matter of fact, I may have to make a token decision on one debate.
They're inviting potential candidates to go to South Carolina in May.
I'm pretty close to saying that I will come without a commitment to what I'm going to do in filing legal papers.
We're getting awfully close, and there are just a few other things that I have to iron out personally to make my final decision, but it has to come.
But none of the other major candidates have made that official announcement, I'm not quite sure.
Obama, that's all, Obama.
Yeah, Obama.
He's the one that got out in front of everybody else.
I guess there aren't going to be any other candidates.
Maybe the other Republicans are intimidated.
Maybe they think they can't beat him now that he's a popular war president.
Well, you know, sir, you're going to win in the intellectual battle.
I mean, you know, the great educational engagement you did three years ago, I would guess is going to be dwarfed.
I'm a little worried about your safety.
I think everybody should pray for you, also financially support you.
I mean, obviously, I hope you're going to have some really good bodyguards, because I believe you've got a chance to actually win, sir.
And then you're going to have to publicly come out when they try to steal the nomination from you like they threatened Reagan with if he didn't put George Herbert Walker Bush on.
Congressman Jesse Ventura was on here yesterday, former governor.
Obviously, I'm sure you've heard his announcement that if you leave the Republican Party, he'd be happy to be your VP running mate.
If you run for president, well, is it going to be as a Republican?
As of now, that's mainly what I've been thinking of, but I guess in life you should always keep all options open.
But right now, I'm still a Republican congressman, and we did it last time as a Republican.
And, you know, there's a lot of people who get mixed messages from that because Republicans don't always stand for liberty, as you know.
But parties
Are somewhat irrelevant to me, you know, whether I'm an independent, Republican or Libertarian.
I think there are vehicles for delivering a message.
So right now I am working within the Republican Party.
Congressman, looking at the TSA, are there plans on congressional hearings?
Multiple states are moving to try to bar the TSA, sticking their hands down people's pants, baking people in radiation microwaves.
What are you doing to try to reverse that?
Well, one thing is that I feed a lot of information to Jason Chaffetz, who's the chairman of that subcommittee, and he is hot on that issue.
He's a very good congressman, and he is outraged over it, as we all should be.
And I think if people have examples, the bad examples of it, that always helps.
You know, visuals and pictures or anything, if they can either send it to him directly or to me, I think we can make use of that as a weapon, because there will be hearings on this.
All right, in closing, building up towards an announcement to run for president.
My gut tells me you're going to do it, sir, as you understand.
It's just too important to get the word out.
What can listeners and Liberty supporters do to start getting their engines warmed up to give you the maximum support out of the gates when and if you make this announcement?
Well, you know, in a couple weeks, I think it's April 19th, I have another little book coming out.
That might be a time for an explosion of interest.
And the book does not make money for me.
It goes into my foundation.
But it's a message, a book talking about 50 issues dealing with, and it's called Liberty Define.
And coinciding that with an announcement would be interesting, even though those plans have not been made to do such.
It's something that people could be looking at.
Well, sir, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Go to your vote, and God bless you, and Godspeed.
Thank you.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You know, in my film, Fall of the Republic, one of the many things we break down is that President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S.
Constitution by suiting himself at the head of the U.N.
Security Council, thus becoming the first U.S.
President to chair the world body.
And I remember we watched it live when it happened, when he took the month-long rotation on it there at the UN.
Kissinger was there in Rapture, all these other globalists.
They went on TV after and said, this is a great day for the new world order, a great day for globalism, that a president has now been in a dual capacity for a foreign quasi-government power.
And they said three weeks ago, this is a great day with the UN resolution.
I don't know.
Who takes orders from
General from 81 to 82 as the General Counsel to the Federal Communications Commission under President Ronald Reagan.
Fein was also a top Justice Department official under the Reagan administration.
Fein has written numerous articles for the Washington Times, Slate, the New York Times.
He's also worked for the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, Analyst, Commentator, American Empire Before the Fall, published by Campaign for Liberty, June of last year, other books, Constitutional Peril, The Life and Death Struggle of Our Constitutional Republic.
Ron Paul, Constitution and Democracy.
Ron Paul is among the most notable, consistent proponents of Mr. Fine's political commentary.
He is quoted on the cover of Constitutional Peril saying, Bruce Fine is one of the most important legal minds of our time.
Constitutional Peril is a must-read for American lovers of liberty.
So when he talks, we need to listen.
And of course, Politico and countless other publications have gone with his report.
GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment, and he's been circulating it in the halls of Congress this week.
Hope he's got his life insurance up.
He has a lot of courage.
Certainly, there's a lot of reasons to impeach him, but a lot of Republican leadership is involved in the treacherous
Well, thank you for inviting me.
Well, you've got the floor.
Tell us about your impeachment move, what it breaks down, where folks can read the text of it, and where we go from here.
Well, they can read the text of it.
It's printed now on Politico website and some other websites, but that's the easiest way to find it.
It's got over 8,000 hits already in just about a day.
But let me go back to the founding, you know, what we're going to do to honor the Republic.
I'm speaking a little bit like James Otis and Sam Adams at the 1765 Stamp Act protest, that Americans were not going to reduce themselves to vassalage to King George III, that we the people are sovereign and that we're going to chart our own destiny.
We're not going to have one individual or group of individuals tell us what's good for us, what's in the national interest, and flout the rule of law.
And that's basically the precipice we're standing on today.
It's not 1765 and the Stamp Act.
It is Barack Obama stating that he can utilize our military offensively anytime he believes, in his viewpoint, it advances the national interest.
Whatever he thinks that is.
In Libya he says it's a humanitarian interest.
All I can say is if that level of oppression justifies war unilaterally, we've got about 80 countries standing right behind Libya.
Start thinking about Zimbabwe, China, Chechnya, Burma, you name it.
We'll be at war forever.
And we'll be spending ourselves into further bankruptcy, which we can't afford.
It'll mean secrecy.
It'll mean suspending habeas corpus.
We'll be put in detentions without trial.
Military commissions instead of civilian commissions.
We'll have the greatest amount of invasion of privacy in the history of the United States.
The Transportation Security Administration.
They'll be looking up every single crevice we've got at the President's decree.
Anyway, the fundamental rule of law is at stake here.
And the reason is
The Founding Fathers were as explicit as they were in any other provision of the Constitution in writing in the Declaration of War Clause, which is assigned exclusively to Congress.
Over and over again, at the Constitutional Convention, the ratification debate, the Federalist Papers explaining the Constitution, only Congress can authorize offensive use of warfare.
Because the entire history of mankind, the entire history of Europe,
...known to the founding fathers with a history of executives running off and undertaking needless wars to aggrandize themselves... Julius Caesar!
Julius, this is Caesar tossing the Rubicon and marching on Rome.
That is exactly right.
So we have as great a clarity in the meaning of the War Clause as we do in freedom of speech and the requirement that Congress tax and Congress spend.
The President can't do that unilaterally.
And yet, despite that clarity, the President has gone on and said, not only Libya,
Any other place that I think is of the national interest, I will use war.
Moreover, it was quite alarming yesterday, his office of legal counsel, the Department of Justice, issued a paper that purported to justify constitutionally what he had done.
And the paper says that the president has power to go to war offensively, unilaterally, to quote
Support the United Nations Security Council's credibility and effectiveness.
Not the Constitution of the United Nations Security Council.
Now, the Supreme Court has held for over 50 years a treaty.
A treaty cannot supersede constitutional requirements and stipulations.
Like, only war can be authorized by Congress.
So it doesn't matter what the UN Security Council says.
The President can't do anything with regard to war, or regard to taxes, or regard to spending, unless Congress has authorized it.
So we basically have, looming on the horizon, an emperor.
Exactly as you said.
Unlimited power to whatever freedoms and liberties we enjoy.
They are at the sufferance of the President.
He can revoke them at any time he wishes.
He can go to the UN Security Council and get a resolution that says we have to suppress free speech in all countries of the world because it's dangerous to incumbents.
Anything like that.
Of course, these hypotheticals seem a little bit strained now because our political culture wouldn't tolerate that.
The president, nevertheless, will lie around like a loaded weapon.
It's not going to go away in one day or two weeks or whatever.
Maybe Obama won't like be so brazen in utilizing the absolute power this way, but what about a successor?
What about our own Caligula rather than the Roman Caligula?
They're going to come at them.
But they're already, sir, you're absolutely on target here as a top constitutional law scholar.
They know what they're doing.
But I saw that yesterday at WhiteHouse.gov, reading that paper where they say the credibility of the UN, not the Constitution.
Not the law, not the war powers, the UN, but that's double-sided.
This then is a direct assault on the power of Congress, and hence the power of the American people and our system of checks and balances.
So making the UN credible, that then, if this precedent is allowed to be set through this new international model of governance, then practice, they believe, via the international
Common Law will bring it in, setting the precedent that now the Congress is basically ceremonial.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
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It's true.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
It's an adornment, if you will.
It's an adornment.
It's ornamentation on the wall, but otherwise, President Zelensky can get it through Congress.
Okay, just go to the U.N.
Security Council trade office veto, where he bargains with China and Russia and all these other great countries.
That means China and Russia and others have more authority than our Congress.
And remember this, even in regards to Libya, Obama consulted more with the Arab League than he did with our U.S.
Now, has the Arab League ever paid a single tax to the United States, ever done anything for it?
And he consults with the Arab League.
That shows you how zany and dangerous this is.
It's the end of constitutional government, as a matter of principle.
Bruce Fine, I should ask you, is there a website that's the best place to read your writings and find out about your books?
Uh, well, the Campaign for Liberty has a lot of them on there.
Uh, but it's probably the easiest, because I'm in the middle of building a new website now.
If you just Googled Bruce Fine, F-E-I-N, you'd get thousands of things, and that's a pretty good collection.
Alright, you've laid out the clear-cut, 100% case.
They know, under international administrative law, they're just practicing this.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
They are trampling the Republic.
This, I said this,
Three weeks ago, this is Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon.
I use the exact same analogy because that's what's happening.
We see the French under UN pouring into the Ivory Coast, backing rebels, slaughtering innocents with machetes.
I mean, clearly the global empire is setting the precedent where they finance rebels who rebel.
Then this global empire invades its vassals, supply Hessian mercs, as Obama has supplied us.
What response are you getting in Congress as you walk the halls?
Because Republicans might try to impeach him over health care or something, but a lot of these Republicans, they like war.
The military-industrial complex loves to fill their coffers.
Well, I think there's a concern, and I would say it's more visceral than cerebral, about what the President has done.
And you're right, but there are a fair number of freshmen who haven't quite got, you know, intellectually corrupted by those who have been in town so long that they see power in Congress, or the executive branch, always good, because they can become lobbyists afterward and make huge sums, you know, helping their clients navigate their way through big government.
But there's certainly a receptivity.
There's a recognition.
Yeah, it's wrong, but really, what should we do about it?
And it's not all that different from Watergate, where I was around.
It took a while for the public's support and opposition to the idea that if the President does it, it's automatically equal to push Congress to have Watergate hearings and ultimately the impeachment hearings leading to Nixon's resignation.
And that's what's going to happen in this case.
The members get it, but unless
The populist writes in, emails us, says, we've got to get rid of these guys.
We need to have impeachment hearings.
Make them come up and explain on television before the entire public.
Yeah, we can go to war to support the credibility of the U.N.
Security Council, but not the United Nations, non-United States Constitution.
Make them do that.
But that's only going to come if the population of voters get aroused.
We cannot expect honor to be prevailing in the Congress.
You know, principles inherent to the Constitution.
Fear is what will move them in.
Fear of not getting elected and being criticized by their voters.
That's what will get them to move on.
I don't
Swearing foreign oaths, serving foreign powers, foreign groups, clearly that is a big impeachable offense.
If not, then he could go be, you know, Vice President or Premier, Prime Minister of Russia or Bangladesh for that matter.
And they were shaking with pleasure when Obama became the head of the Security Council on that one month rotation, never before had been done.
Is that not an impeachable offense as well?
Well, it comes close, because what you're pointing out is the worry that the Founding Fathers had about divided loyalty.
You know, they had seen that problem chronic in European countries, where people would be bribed and be serving two masters at the same time.
And that's what that prohibition was about.
You've got to be loyal only to the United States.
You know, they had Benedict Arnold.
You know, they had their traitors, and they had great loyalists like Nathan Hale as well.
And it is very problematic that anytime anyone who's serving in the United States government, especially the President, has any official tied to any institution that is somehow unanchored to the United States Constitution.
And what you've pointed out is there's only one oath that the President takes.
It's to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
He has no loyalty to anything else.
And that's right in Article 2.
And then we start to assume offices or authorities that suggest that he's loyal to a treaty or to some other institution, the United Nations or anything else.
That is a very, very, very serious problem.
And they know what they're doing.
I mean, that was a test, a trial balloon.
Now he has violated his oath brazenly.
And I think you're right.
This is the issue to go after him on because it's so naked.
Can you just briefly, when you get five, 10 minutes with a congressman spending days down there trying to educate them, or when you go to lunch with a group of congressmen and women,
If you're talking to a congressman right now, and some of them do listen to this show, and you've had them on as guests, and they've told us, if congressmen are listening right now, or if state legislatures are listening, they can put pressure, citizens can put pressure on congresspeople.
If you had two minutes to address Congress right now, what would you say?
I would say your war power is every bit as much enshrined in the text of the Constitution exclusively as your power to tax and your power to spend.
If you forfeit this power, you surrender it to the President, let him go to where it will, you're basically setting a precedent that will enable him to steal equally.
Your power to tax and your power to spend.
Moreover, the war power is perhaps the most dangerous because it inescapably concentrates all power in the executive.
Because of the national patriotism of the people, the secrecy, the taxes, you'll bankrupt the entire country.
And that is what the Founding Fathers worried more about than anything else.
Indeed they did.
The most important
Provision in the entire Constitution for enshrining a republic was a requirement that only Congress could change us from a state of peace to a state of war.
You could not have freedom in a state of constant warfare.
And this is no time for summer soldiers and sunshine patriots.
In the United States, the law is king.
The king is not law.
And if we ever forget that, the republic will have surrendered to an empire and we will all be reduced to vassals.
Absolutely, very well said.
Total Veritas.
And why not just make George Washington a king?
It was offered to him.
Why not just have a king?
I mean, why don't we now have, you know, King George the 25th right now?
You know, he is his great, great, great, great, great, great, you know, progeny.
Why not?
If we're going to have this and you've got this coterie of bureaucrats and international
That is absolutely correct.
And it's part of it, you know, maybe you could have some platonic guardian, some great enlightened leader, Yohamurabi, who will do great good, but there was one precept upon which this republic was founded.
There's a dignity and thrill that comes from charting
No, we don't want that.
We don't want to be a slave, we don't want to be a master either.
Okay, I think I'm in love right now.
Well, it's simple.
I gotta have you back on a routine basis.
Cuz this guy is, when you talk to somebody who's done the same research you have, times 10, it is just so wonderful.
Because folks, the truth will set us free.
When we are put in the position of slaves, we begin to take on the manner of slaves.
We need the responsibility of running our republic, not a bunch of crooks at the UN.
Stay there, sir.
Let's come back and talk about how we get this impeachment against this tyrant.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, this happens a lot.
We tend to crash people's websites, even if they're on huge servers, but we're gonna hopefully do that here today.
Weain'tgottimetobleed.com is Jesse Matera's new maiden website full of inside scoop and his views on the world.
I'm looking at the
Home page right now on PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's got dossier, appearances, declassified vault, outpost.
He's got letters to the ruling class right up there on the front page.
The new book that just officially came out today is already making its way to the top of Amazon and the top of the New York Times bestseller list.
If you want to support InfoWars.com, we have the book Discounted Out of the Gates available at InfoWars.com.
63 documents the government doesn't want you to read.
And I've loved all his books and I've read them all.
I think?
The website WeAintGotTimeToBleed.com.
And he's here for just a week doing a limited tour and then he's back to Mexico.
We're going to talk about will he run with Ron Paul for president?
What's his view on his suit against the TSA and mounting resistance to it?
We've got a host of things.
His TV show coming back.
I've got the inside scoop here, but he'll give it to you live on air for everybody out there.
But before we go there, Governor, again, just want to welcome you to the airwaves and glad you're back in the U.S.
Now, I want to just run through a grab bag of laundry list of things before we get into the really big issues.
You were telling me during the break you didn't know about Libya for a week, you didn't know about the earthquake for a week.
Tell us what it's like down in Mexico and then your view on Libya, your view on the earthquake and the ongoing radioactive fallout.
I go to Mexico.
I spend four months down there.
I live an hour from pavement and an hour from electricity.
My house is completely solar.
And I don't watch TV.
And I really, I call it flushing my brain out.
I go down there and I live a life where I only pay attention to what's within eyesight of me.
And it's kind of nice, you know, I'm 59 years old now, and it's kind of nice to do that every year because it kind of reinvigorates you, as you'll see.
I'm reinvigorated right now, and when I permanently do come back to the U.S.
in May, I'll be ready to roll even more.
But I'm getting old now, so I've got to take those breaks and go out on the ladder occasionally and enjoy the ocean and everything like it down there.
And I really, in fact, I'll tell you this, Alex, my wife and I were considering applying for Mexican citizenship.
Well, it's obviously a beautiful country.
I've been all over it, but it is, in many cases, a failed state.
I've read the area you're in is a lot safer than other areas, but are you ever concerned about the country completely collapsing into bedlam?
I don't know, but you know, maybe it needs somebody.
If I become a citizen, Alex, that means I can run for office down there, doesn't it?
Oh, so you're the governor of the Baja.
Or maybe president of Mexico.
Are you serious?
I think they love you down there.
You know, I say that tongue-in-cheek, you know.
You gotta remember, I'm still just a big old gringo to those people down there, and I'm sure they want to elect someone who was probably born and raised there.
Well, expanding on that, you've been outspoken about this, and all the experts that look at it agree.
If they decriminalize drugs, the destabilization of Mexico would end overnight, but they don't want to decriminalize them because it just came out in Bloomberg, $376 billion in drug money laundered by Wachovia and Wells Fargo.
No kidding?
I don't know.
That played a major role in the, you know, the bank downturn and the bailout that we had to do here in the United States because they weren't getting their illegal drug money.
And of course, now that the U.S.
is back in there and our allies seem to be the drug dealers of Afghanistan, I guess the poppy business is up and running good again and the banks are getting solvent again.
And your book does get into some of that as well, the 63 documents the government doesn't want you to read.
Looking at the Libya situation, it turns out that Al-Qaeda, according to even the Washington Post, is the core of the rebels now being armed by the West, just like they armed them against the Serbs, just like the West armed them against the Russians.
Wait, Alex.
If Al-Qaeda is on the side of the rebels in Libya, why are we fighting them in Afghanistan then?
Absolutely, Governor.
What's your view?
Well, it's like 1984.
One day we're at war with them, the next day we aren't.
But yeah, we're fighting them in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the rebel leader even admits that he sent al-Qaeda to Iraq to, quote, kill U.S.
That was the headline last week, but now he's our gallant little ally.
What do you think's happening in Libya?
Maybe the trillions in oil?
And I made this statement too.
I said, unfortunately, young men and women that join our military today, they're not really defending us.
What they are, they're the strong arm for big multinational corporations.
And it's been going on for years and years.
If you read the memoirs of General Smedley Butler, the two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner who died in 1940,
Well that's four wars now and on the Ivory Coast the rebels admittedly have killed a thousand innocent people so the French have now invaded on the west coast of Africa to back up the rebels overthrowing the government.
This looks like the start of an invasion of the African continent to me.
I know it's gotta be in the hundreds of thousands.
Well, you notice that Obama promised to have the most transparent government ever and now he's had more secret meetings at the White House, classified more stuff than even Bush.
And they're continuing the torture, the secret arrest, he just reauthorized the Patriot Act!
We're good to go.
Well, I agree with you.
In fact, we saw Obama not even consult Congress three weeks ago when they got the United Nations resolution for the bombardment, the so-called no-fly zone.
And we know U.S.
and British Special Forces have been in there the whole time.
Since when does the President not even consult Congress before at least Bush would get some type of authorization of force?
Well, you know, they... but even that they do after the fact.
You know, they passed that law way back in the 70s, and they're violating the hell out of it.
Look, I'll tell you what, Alex.
When I'm in Mexico, I don't even call us the United States of America anymore.
Do you know what I refer to us as?
The fascist states of America.
Everybody in this country thinks we're good.
We're good.
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Over the last year, Alex has told you about and many of you have experienced emergencies and disasters in unprecedented numbers.
People have had to literally run for their lives.
Folks, this is Steve Schenck with eFoods Direct.
I'm not here to scare you, but when disaster strikes, you won't have time to think.
You must act automatically.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I've noticed how they're making it all about cutting unions and cutting spending, which is great, but all the economists I've interviewed have pointed out the 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives.
If we don't say no to Wall Street's trillions of debt they've created that they've gotten government to sign on to and bail out, then there's no way.
We could cut everything, and it wouldn't even pay for a fraction of the debt that we've been signed on to.
Well, I get a laugh out of it that you've got all these Republican and these new governors
They're literally destroying the unions, the public unions and all that stuff, and laying the financial blame on them?
What, because some union asked for a dollar more an hour?
Give me a break!
And yet nobody on Wall Street has gone to prison over this mess, and yet they're gonna now shift the blame and try to make the public believe it's unions that are at first.
Exactly, and we've got a leg chopped off, and the media is focusing in on a hangnail.
Well, you're absolutely right, Governor, that this is a bait-and-switch.
I'm not even saying that these unions, some of them aren't, you know, a little bit entitled.
The unions.
And they're not even honest, because I can give you a complete example on that end.
When I ran for governor of Minnesota, me, my lieutenant governor and I were the only two vested union members in the race, and we didn't get one union endorsement.
The unions were taken over from within a long time ago.
Governor Ventura, let's get into... Not the union itself, just the union leadership.
Because I went to one union meeting with the rank and file and said that I was there to endorse me, and yet the leadership threw that out and the endorsement went to Skip Humphrey.
So they've taken over the full spectrum of the Republicans and Democrats and all these major institutions that were set up to serve the people in our interest.
Now we've got special interest.
Let's talk about your Good Morning America interview where you kicked off your tour this morning.
The headline is Vice President Ventura.
Clarify your position.
I know Ron Paul's gonna see this or hear this later.
Many other congressmen are actually tuning in right now because they've told me they listened at lunch at the Capitol.
Tell, uh, your message to Ron Paul, uh, dealing with the fact that you're willing to run as his vice president.
Well, wait a minute now.
I never said that.
I never said he'd be president or vice president.
Ron and I may have to flip a coin.
Because the government doesn't want you to see.
If you look at it, I dedicated the book to Congressman Ron Perl.
And I did that because he was the only Congressman we have that had the courage to go out on the floor of the Congress and support WikiLeaks.
Like Ron Perl said, he said, nobody's died from WikiLeaks.
How many people have died from the trumped-up intelligence and the lying that got us into
That was this.
He talked about, in a free country like ours, when the truth equals treason, we're in big trouble.
And that's what, in essence, they're saying.
If you tell it the truth, you're guilty of treason.
And I'll tell you, if that's the prevailing thought in this nation today, we are hurting.
Because I will not run as a Democrat or Republican.
I want nothing to do with these parties.
And it's time to throw them out.
The people of this country can do a major thing, and it's so easy.
It's as clear as the nose on your face.
But most people can't see it the old-fashioned way.
You can't see the forest for the trees.
The next election, vote for any Republicans or Democrats.
That would be the greatest thing that could happen in this country.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the book by New York Times bestselling author Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell, 63 documents the government doesn't want you to read.
We're going to segue into the book, which again, I'm not just typing this.
This is the book to give somebody to wake them up because it's 63 documents and it's like eating popcorn.
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And there's the 100% proof.
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The book is available at InfoWars.com.
Discounted out of the gates, they're called 888-253-3139.
You can also get Mark Dice's new book, Big Brother, The Orwellian Nightmare, come true with it.
When you get the two books together, you can get one of my films free, whichever film you choose, at Infowars.com.
Now, getting into the TSA.
Think about it, folks.
Now they're announcing, from Tennessee to New York, National Guard, TSA, Viper teams, federal marshals, bus stations, highways, train stations.
Written by Stephen King that's so powerful, The Running Man with Jesse Ventura and Schwarzenegger.
When they're creeping around in the city, Schwarzenegger is trying to hide out from Ventura.
You see big billboards saying, hey kids, October is bonus recruitment month.
Report a family member and get a double bonus.
This is directly out of 1984 and now they've set the precedent to stick their hands down your pants.
They've done it to Ron Paul.
They say that he's been groped.
They've grabbed his genitals.
We've had guests on where they go in the pants and they admit this.
And I've had district attorneys, the one from San Francisco on, saying he's got officers in there.
If he sees them doing it, he's going to prosecute them.
Because a cop can't pull you over and stick their hands down your pants unless it's an emergency.
How does the TS, so Governor, I want to finish up with your lawsuit.
But then I want to ask you, what do you think of the expansion to TSA on the streets?
Where you pull up to a checkpoint and they want to now drive you under radiation machines.
And they admit,
That they haven't calibrated the machines, and it's many times more radiation than they'd first said.
Governor, breaking down your lawsuit.
Well, again, Alex, the other thing that's interesting about my lawsuit, and again, it's only for me, you know, and I am stating that it is... I pose no threat, and therefore they're violating my Fourth Amendment.
But here's what's interesting.
Certain members of our elected people, and I'm not talking the President here, because he's got his own
Uh, no.
Well, Governor, you're absolutely right.
But more than just the fact that Pelosi and Obama, they're now...
Boehner and as many as 50 members of the House and Senate are now exempt.
They've been videotaped just being waved around security.
Here's my question.
Is this not bonafide two-tier class system where they are exempt from their own bureaucracy that they're foisting on us, Governor?
Firstly, I was going to sue under the Federal Disabilities Act.
Because because of the metal in my body, I'm disabled.
And that says they're to accommodate my disability.
Well, what's happening is they're exploiting my disability.
Get this.
Get this.
One week later, my attorney calls me back and says, we can't sue under the American Disabilities Act.
And I said, why not?
He goes, it doesn't apply to the federal government.
Well, here's an example of that.
Obama has now handed out thousands of waivers to McDonald's and their hundreds of thousands of employees alone, but to thousands of companies that are campaign donors, they get a waiver and don't have to buy health insurance, but your hamburger place or your restaurant next door, you've got to buy the insurance.
That's a true form of economic discrimination here, where the imperial federal government hands out favors to those that basically bribe them.
John Boehner and ask him point blank how are you more patriotic than me?
Well, as American citizens under the Fourth Amendment, we all are honorable and innocent until proven guilty, but now 99% of us are guilty until proven innocent, but if you're a big shot currently in government, you're then exempt.
I mean, that's classical tyranny.
Yeah, and the thing that why most people aren't perturbed over this naturally is because, you know, like in the old days for me, I could pass through the metal detector by simply taking off metal
Well, what about the guy with the urine bag that they pulled off his body, his medical prosthesis?
What about, I've seen it, I would imagine you fly a lot, you've seen it, where old ladies that can't walk are made to get up out of their wheelchairs?
It's utterly, and you know what's interesting, Alex?
Who have they caught?
You know if they caught someone, it would be headlines.
Well, you know they got the underwear bomber.
The U.S.
government ordered him to be allowed on the plane.
And who have they caught?
I mean, do they really think the terrorists are going to attack us in the identical same way?
You know, when you go in one way, you come out another way if you can.
Like in the daytime, if you run ops at night, you always test fire your weapons every day.
That way you're not setting any pattern.
If you only test fire your weapons on the day you're going out on an op, well that becomes easy to predict then.
So you test fire your weapons every day.
That way you don't set patterns.
We're good to go.
Well, Governor, does this not set the precedent, though, that they can put federal forces on highways, at bus terminals, at train stations, at airports, under this omnipresent threat?
And then we learn that Anwar al-Awlaki, Fox News headline in October, the number two in Al-Qaeda, meeting secretly at the Pentagon while he is on the wanted list.
Did you see that report?
If guys put that Amarillo Lockheed dying secretly at the Pentagon report up, and that got leaked, and they confirmed it was real, I mean, Governor, you've talked about 9-11, the explosives clearly in the towers, all the evidence of that.
I mean, more and more, 9-11 is the pretext to destroy our liberties.
And you know what's interesting?
Now we can segue to the book a little here, Alex.
We print the NIST report on Building 7.
Would you admit it?
They admit building 7 was demoed.
You know how they admit it?
They said that it went into total free fall for this many seconds.
Well, then it had to be demoed because otherwise they're defying Newton's law of gravity physics.
The only way a building like that can go into total free fall, which it says in the NIST report, is to have all resistance removed.
And the only way you can remove the resistance is through erosion.
Well you're absolutely right and for eight years they tried to say that there was no free fall until the videos forced them to prove the fact that it did fall.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
It's true.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Number 5.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-866-422-9000.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.
End of America 3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
If I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the state has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Let me just read some of the 63 documents that are in this book and that are broken down.
I mean, you talk about a well-written book.
I mean, this thing 100% proves just how criminal these shadowy organizations that Fletcher Prouty wrote about and just how out of control and hubris-filled they are.
You have our scandalous post-war history.
That's 11 of the documents.
Government, military, and corporate secrets.
That's another 15 documents or so.
Shady White House, another 10 documents.
You've got Part 4, 9-11, a think tank anticipation of 9-11.
FBI knowledge of terrorist training at flight schools.
Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.
Bush told, lied about it.
The Pentagon's stand down order.
The Free Fall Building 7.
Evidence for insider stock trading.
I don't know.
One of these points discredits this shadow government COG system.
You've got 63 of them, and the way you put them together, everybody has got to get this book and give it to doubting Thomases that they know.
I mean, Jesse, you have engaged in a quantum leap with this book.
I mean, I don't think anybody's ever put something together like this.
We're good to go.
This should be required reading in every high school, every university, every police chief, anyone who's ever been in denial.
The way it's so well written, the way it's so well blurbed and factoided on each piece, starting at page 38.
You've got Operation Northwoods, or actually Document 38, and then you turn the page, that's the U.S.
government plan to stage 9-11-style attacks.
Then, once you've read that document, you get to something that we first found and dug out in 2004 and put in my film, Martial Law.
You have the stand-down order to Cheney given over to Rumsfeld to change
Well, what it is is simple.
On June 1st of 2001, up until that point, all air defense was left up to the base commanders.
That if the FAA called them and said we have a problem in the air, the base commander could make the call and
And Cheney was hiding out of the bunker and lied and said he got there 45 minutes later than he had.
But Norman Panetta, the head of transportation, confirmed in five separate interviews and before Congress that Cheney was lying about being in there and saying the order still stood to basically not shoot down Flight 77 coming into the Pentagon.
And here is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff order for the stand down.
Well, you know, what can you say?
It's as clear as the nose on your face.
And, you know, like I said,
You know, you can read the orders yourself and you'll see what happened.
And, you know, the other thing that really, the document that really bothered me too, Alex, is the first one.
The CIA Secret Assassination Manual.
Now, assassination is just a nice word for first-degree murder.
It's pre-planned, and it's generally politically inclined.
Now, how can our government have a manual, a printed manual, on how to commit first-degree murder, when as far as I know, murder is illegal in every country in the world, and yet we have a manual.
And wait till you read this thing, all you viewers.
I think that should be one of the funnest ones.
You almost laugh at it.
Like they say, throwing people off of buildings or high places is excellent because there's so much plausible denial.
Look, I tend to think I know it all, but the older I get, I know how much I don't know.
Reading your book, we got it three weeks ago but couldn't start shipping it until this week, I couldn't put it down.
I ended up staying up until about three in the morning, started at about nine at night, wasn't done until three in the morning reading the whole book, and there were a lot of documents that I'd never seen.
I went and looked them up on the National Archives and there they were, declassified,
This is a literal Rosetta Stone to understand the criminal pathology of this Anglo-American secret team, rogue network group that Fletcher Prouty wrote about.
And talking to you four or five months ago, the last time you were on, Governor, you talked about Prouty and his view into the world.
And I see a lot of Prouty's understanding overall, almost like his spirit is hanging over this book.
Great American.
You know, he served his country honorably, and he saw what things were wrong, and he wasn't afraid to come out and write about them.
Even though his one book, The Secret Team, back in 73, when he initially printed that one, it was censored.
Every time they'd do a printing, the U.S.
government would buy up every copy.
63 documents in full with all of the supporting documentation.
Very well written.
63 documents the government doesn't want you to read at InfoWars.com.
Get it out to everybody.
Get it.
Unlock minds.
Over the last year, Alex has told you about and many of you have experienced emergencies and disasters in unprecedented numbers.
People have had to literally run for their lives.
Folks, this is Steve Schenck with eFoods Direct.
I'm not here to scare you, but when disaster strikes, you won't have time to think.
You must act automatically.
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That's eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex, 800-409-5633.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's not waste any time going directly to our live interview via video connection from their headquarters with Lyndon LaRouche of larouchepac.com.
Lyndon, I want to get into your 40 years or so of diagnosing the global banking cartel, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, their plan, their stated plan to get the world basically into debt.
To get the planet to sign on to these fraudulent debts, and then on the ashes of that to basically bring the world into debt slavery, their own statements from the UN, the head of the Goddard Space Center, the White House science czar John P. Holdren to have a quote, post-industrial world.
Now, when I woke up 18, 19 years ago,
Doing my own research into The Globalist, I discovered these same documents, these same statements.
Then I found later, your work, that had been going on for decades before, accurately breaking down just exactly what their plan was, a Malthusian New Dark Age, to shut down development, to shut down any competition to their hegemonic rules.
So, briefly, sir.
For those that don't know who you are, or who have heard the media describe who you are, in your own words, what is LaRouche PAC?
Who is Lyndon LaRouche?
And then let's get into our foe, the globalists, the program, where we are now, what their plan is, and how we can counter them.
Because everything you talked about 30, 40 years ago, we're now at that point.
We're now entering that prime zone.
All the other great staged events of the past were only preludes to it.
Lyndon LaRouche.
Well, I was, of course, a Franklin Roosevelt man from the time of military service during World War II.
And I came back to the United States from overseas to find that everything had changed under Truman as compared to Roosevelt.
Now, Truman was a stooge, actually, for Winston Churchill and Company.
And during this period there's been a seesaw battle between the American Patriot and those who prefer the British system.
The British system is not what most people think it is.
It actually is a continuation of the Roman Empire based on the concept of monetarism.
In other words, it's not really colonies, it's monetarism.
Whereas we, in our system, establish a credit system, not a monetary system.
A credit system in which our dollar, as offered, was used to finance projects which were worthwhile for us and for other purposes of our nation.
Whereas in Europe, it's still been under the same old system of monetarist rule, which has actually been a heritage of Europe since the Roman Empire.
So the struggle has been and we came over here to establish a nation here.
During the beginning of the 17th century, on the assumption that we had to have a separate place to bring the best of European civilization into a new territory, the Americas, and to build up here a form of nation-state which was opposite to the British Empire and similar kinds of imperial ideas.
We have been in a continuous war
Since that time, since our revolution and even before that, since 1763, we've been in a continuous war against this imperialism.
And we, unfortunately, when you talk about Wall Street or the Boston Banks, you're talking about really a branch of the British Empire.
And right now you see we're being destroyed through the Federal Reserve System, which is now a creature of the British Empire.
We are with tens of trillions of dollars of worthless debt.
These are gambling debts.
This is not legitimate debt.
Isn't it really, I mean to boil it down in layman's terms, a form of neo-feudalistic serfdom?
Their entire stated goal, if you read what the founders said, if you read what other presidents, this was always the fight
It was about this monetarism where they use debt in a debt black hole system that's impossible to ever pay back that they create out of nothing to make us basically sharecroppers or debt slaves.
Well, that's true.
I would have an explication of what this is a little more complicated, but that's essentially true.
Okay, continuing.
You were getting into derivatives and what happened in 99, the end of Glass-Steagall.
I mean, I had many economists on at the time that said this is going to create hundreds of trillions in debt.
It's going to allow this inter-coterie to take over.
Then when they implode it, they're going to roll out their new global currency.
Exactly that is now happening.
Well, what you have to look at is look at the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy, together with Douglas MacArthur,
And others were opposed to the United States being engaged in a war in Indochina.
The thing was we are not going to fight a land war in Asia, a protracted land war in Asia.
Now Kennedy stuck to this, guns on this, and the guns came after him.
They killed him.
Now, his successor was not a bad person, but he was scared as the devil.
And therefore, Johnson went along with a war which Kennedy would have opposed had he lived.
Then you had Kennedy's brother, Robert, who was about to be nominated as President, if I have a Democratic ticket.
And he was killed.
And then we got a new process in which this British system
We had 1968, the change in the financial system.
Took over.
We had 1971.
The British Empire replaces the dollar.
And we've been looted ever since then.
We had the 68ers, who were actually an anarchist, fascist movement.
And I saw these guys first hand.
They were a fascist movement.
And that tendency, typified by Mark Rudd and company at Columbia, and elsewhere,
has taken over more and more of the control of the baby boomer generation and has shaped the destiny of our country.
So we have been corrupted by these and related methods at the same time that in 1971, at the same time we shut down the fixed exchange rate system, the British Empire came back in with the Inter-Alpha Group under Jacob Roosevelt.
This Gator Alpha Group is what is controlling the international monetary financial system of the world today.
What is their in-game goal?
What are we currently witnessing?
You're looking at the face of pure evil.
You might call it the British Empire, but you have to say, what's wrong about the British Empire?
You say, well, we know some people from Britain.
They're not like that.
Their system doesn't have to be like that.
But we find that the monetarist element
Which is called the New Venetian Party.
William of Orange carried the thing into Britain.
The Black Nobility, the City of London.
In London.
That's part of it.
That's part of it.
So, the problem we have is the Asian part of the world is not in bad shape politically as we are.
But the transatlantic part of the world is in terrible shape.
Now, take the case of this shutting down
Of the government of the United States.
Think of the implications of shutting down the government in a fit of pique.
What should be done is putting through the Glass-Steagall Law immediately.
That will get rid of the trash, the tens of trillions of trash money, of gambling debts.
With that money released, we could restore the functioning of our states.
Now, and obviously the intention is to destroy the United States.
By a Europe-centered organization, which is essentially what we call the British Empire.
And that's what's happening.
We're being destroyed by an enemy, which is a London-centered financial imperium.
Well, Lyndon LaRouche, again, joining us right now.
I concur with your analysis of the historical facts.
I mean, when you talk about the British coming in and taking over 1922 Council on Foreign Relations, openly infiltrating the media, setting up this system, it's more of a system than, you know, so much the British themselves, but that's where a lot of the power, as you were saying, is centered, but also in the continent.
of Europe.
And I want to go to a quote from Thomas Jefferson that I read in the last hour.
I want to get your take on this quote.
We can put that up on screen.
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent
Their father's conquered.
The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
Over the last year, Alex has told you about and many of you have experienced emergencies and disasters in unprecedented numbers.
People have had to literally run for their lives.
Folks, this is Steve Schenck with eFoods Direct.
I'm not here to scare you, but when disaster strikes, you won't have time to think.
You must act automatically.
What does the pilot do when the helicopter engine fails in flight?
No time to think, just act automatically.
When the alert is broadcast, the alarm sounds, or the knock comes on your door, you'll need to be ready to act without thinking of what to do or what you need.
You need a 5-Day Extreme Emergency Kit.
With serious supplies and real food to secure two adults for five days, this powerful $300 Extreme Emergency Kit is free with an order of at least $995 from eFoodsDirect.
Go to eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex or call 800-409-5633.
That's eFoodsDirect.com slash Alex, 800-409-5633.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
We're going to get Lena LaRouche's forecast on where he sees the global economy going, what he expects the globalists to pull, including staged terror attacks, the police state grid,
Bretton Woods 2 convenes tomorrow, actually this evening, kicks off with George Soros calling for an end to the dollar.
What does he think is really going to happen on that front?
Because this British model wants to start this new Bancor global currency.
Now racing through a host of questions here, Mr. LaRouche.
What is the larger stratagem, the geopolitical Brzezinski-esque model from my research?
through the British divide-and-conquer system.
What is going on in the Middle East?
We've got intel that they're planning to overthrow the monarchs as well, though they are corrupt.
What's part of that larger plan, or do you not agree?
And what do we expect to see as the ace in the hole moves by these people as they attempt to maneuver us into this one-world government, the born-again, expanded British Empire model?
Well, what you're looking at is the famous mythical story about the case of Zeus and Prometheus.
That the policy of the empire, the imperial system, in the Mediterranean and spreading out from the Mediterranean, was always based on this aspect of policy.
That's how it generated it.
The idea was, is to keep the majority of people stupid.
Don't educate them.
Keep them as slaves, and don't let the people become too numerous.
Now, as you know, the World Wildlife Fund, which is an extension of this, which is, of course, a British operation, says that we want to reduce the world's population from the order of seven billions of people to less than two.
What we're seeing now is the implementation, or attempted implementation, of that policy.
To reduce the world population, including that proportionately of the United States, to that level, and to create such a state of chaos in the world, that the empire can continue to rule over us.
That's really what is in the mind, and when you look at the World Wildlife Fund and similar kinds of institutions, which are the British monarchy, then you see, explicitly, that is the bottom line intention.
And by the way, everything you say is so backed up with history.
It was Prince Philip and his cousin, Prince Bernhardt, who set it up.
It's openly eugenics arm.
They conservatively want to get rid of 60.
Others say 80 percent.
And in all these U.N.
biological diversity assessments and in the Henry Kissinger State Department memorandum 200, they're criminal Nazi-like
And we know the Nazis were just a spinoff of their eugenics ideas.
It started again in England with the Galtans.
Again, it's all history.
They are openly declaring war on civilization, war on humanity, war on true information.
This is a scorched earth policy and it's stated by them publicly.
They are openly admitting their treason against humanity.
Specifically, though, from your research, what's happening in North Africa and the Middle East?
What you're seeing there is a phenomenon which is actually quite a lawful phenomenon.
It's called a mass strike.
In which you have a spontaneous eruption among people.
We're seeing this particularly in the generation between say 25 and 45.
Was that in Tunisia?
It was that which is going on in Libya or is being made a mess of now, but it's what's going on in Madison, Wisconsin.
It's what's going on in other parts of the United States.
You're getting a reflection of this, which we saw in one form in August of 2009.
Now we're seeing the same thing extended as a more or less globally spreading mass strike movement.
It's a spontaneous movement, not an organized one.
There are organized elements, but it's spontaneous.
As we see, for example, in the United States, look at teachers.
Now the characteristic of teachers is they believe in children.
They believe in building the future for children.
So you find the leadership of opposition to the Republican Party, the clowns, as well as the Democratic clowns.
You see, the opposition was being led by teachers together with some of their students from the high school age.
And this is a spontaneous revolt against evil by people who do not fully understand what the problem is, but they know that they have to stand up and fight against it.
Mr. LaRouche, looking at this though, the dominoes were set up because of dollar devaluation, food prices increasing in these third world countries where on average roughly half the population makes about $2 a day or less.
Clearly the ingredients were there through IMF and World Bank policy so they knew what they were doing, but then they send in Western agitators
To try to tip the dominoes themselves so they can control the outcome with Mubarak, with Qaddafi, with all of these people.
I mean, clearly the people have a reason to be angry and to be standing up, but I see the establishment trying to basically herd these movements towards an outcome that they want, which is further destabilization of the Middle East.
Do you not see that there from your research?
Not the same way.
The point is you have the case of the French Revolution.
1782, the French king made a mistake.
And his mistake was oppressive for the people of France.
When the French monarchy refused to admit that it was being manipulated by the British with a wrong policy, the French people became angrier and angrier and angrier.
And they then exploded when Lafayette lost his nerve.
In declaring the action, which he should have done, you had the unleashing of madness.
The danger now is that if we do not create order in society by restoring justice, which is what the situation is always in these situations, if we do not act to restore justice, you'll get chaos.
That's where we're headed to.
But the social engineers, going back to the Rand Corporation 15 years ago, openly said that we were going to be an undemocratic society, that they were going to vertically integrate, that they were going to put federalized police, standardized training worldwide, threat fusion spying centers in place, that terror attacks would be used as the pretext to smokescreen
We could beat them.
But we have to be smart.
We could beat them.
Just the idea of fighting a war, of fighting any kind of battle, can be a mistake.
You've got to have a good strategy.
And I think now what I read as the situation, we're on the verge of a crisis beyond belief.
You have two crises together.
On the one hand, you have this financial monetary economic crisis.
On the other hand, you have a wave
of crises in terms of what happened in Japan, what happened in South New Zealand, in Christchurch, what is going to happen on the coast of the Pacific, of the United States, what is happening around the world.
You're going to see a pattern of earthquakes over the coming two years or so, which beats anything in human experience today.
Why I say that is, we're in a cycle, and the cycle is determined by our galaxy, not the solar system as such.
We're in a 62 billion year cycle, which is well known to people who study these matters.
This is a period in which the greatest rate
of perturbation is likely.
So we're on the verge of a crisis of humanity beyond belief unless we take the proper action.
And this president is shutting down the means of detection by which we can be organized to defend ourselves against what's coming down with these earthquakes.
And it is beyond belief.
Level 9 earthquakes, they are predictable.
But then you have the President of the United States that says they are not predictable.
That lying President of the United States should be out of there.
Mr. LaRouche, I want to expand on that because I did notice months ago you were writing about an increase in earthquakes and tectonic events even before what we saw unfold on the eastern coast of Japan.
And I did notice two weeks before the March 11th event, even ABC News
Said, well, the giant moon, the moon closer than it had been in 20 years, doesn't just manipulate the tides of the oceans of the planet, but also the magma that these floating continents are on top of.
And I am seeing a lot of mainline astrophysicists like Pierce Corbin, very highly respected out of England.
He said no doubt that the solar cycle, that when that earthquake happened, that 9.1, they now upgraded it.
That a solar flares ionizing radiation hit the earth two hours before coinciding with the quote giant moon.
The moon being closer than it had been in 20 years.
And that that's what triggered it.
And I have read some of the astrophysicists with this larger galactic plane that we're passing through.
That's a little too technical in my research.
But undoubtedly the moon manipulates and some manipulates climate and tectonic and magnetic fields.
And I know that Obama's canceled some satellites.
Uh, that, uh, can, uh, you know, measure all over the world, uh, the rising and falling of tectonic events.