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Name: 20110316_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 16, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
It is Wednesday, the 16th day of March, 2011.
We're going to be live here for at least the next three hours.
Greg Pallast, who's a reporter for BBC and ABC News, really an expert on reporting on nuclear disasters, and the fact that the Japanese are set to build the same designs of the reactors that have
Gone haywire in Japan here in the United States.
He'll be joining us coming up in the middle of the next hour.
Mike Adams, the health ranger who happens to be in Austin right now, will be joining us in studio to talk about his research into the health effects of radiation.
And ways to protect yourself.
I got up this morning and saw listeners commenting on Infowars.com this headline out of KTVA CBS News in Alaska.
And the headline was, State Radiation Levels in Alaska Elevated But Not Harmful.
And we posted part of the article, and then Watson called me and he said, have you read deeper?
And as you read deeper in here, it sounds like they're hedging their bets, kind of like the Japanese did on Friday and Saturday, saying, we don't know if they're elevated, but they might be elevated.
And now we know, we have radiation maps, it's much worse than what they had said.
The Pentagon is reporting that hundreds of miles out, 200 miles out, ships have been exposed to radiation.
And we know the winds are coming towards the west coast of the United States and Canada.
And Alaska is one of the first places they believe it may hit.
But it's not clear reading this.
And I think KTVA needs to change their headline or clarify.
Because what does this headline say?
Radiation levels in Alaska elevated but not harmful.
And then you read deeper into the article and it says the State Commissioner of Health and Social Services says Alaska could see a very small increase in radiation levels, well below what could be harmful.
And I remember reading this this morning and I swear it was different.
And said that they had said that.
So I don't know if they are elevated, and the government called, which has happened before in history, and said, cover this up, spin this.
I don't know if that news outfit is just wrong, but we're working on it and updating our article right now.
Our headline alert, has radiation from stricken Japanese plant reached Alaska?
And then we have the related article from last night that is the most important, and I'm getting to that after the break.
Fukushima cover-up, 40 years of spent nuclear rods blown sky-high.
The problem here is we don't know what the truth is.
We have this trillion-dollar Navy, trillion-dollar Air Force, trillion-dollar-plus Army, ships all over the Pacific, aircraft.
And they are out there getting radiation measurements, and they're not telling us what's going on, other than that ships 200 miles out to sea, east of Japan, U.S.
ships, the crews on board, some of them were radiated, those that were on deck, did get a serious dose of...
I don't think so.
Soon, Japan will need more brave volunteers to battle it.
Again, the Fukushima nuclear plants crisis is not calmed soon.
Japan will need more brave volunteers to battle it.
I mean, can you imagine 50 people?
And we'll blow up this map we've got put out with the Japanese radiation levels.
And you can see there the areas in
Red, that have higher levels, orange, moderate, yellow, medium to low, and then you've got the testing underway.
You know, it's funny, the worst hit areas, this reportedly being put up by the Japanese government, the worst hit areas where Fukushima is based and south, downwind, are not reporting.
They're saying, under survey.
So, the areas where you can bet your bottom dollar the radiation is the highest, they're saying basically they're not releasing the information.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are now six days into the unfolding disaster centering in and around the north of Tokyo at the Fukushima reactor complex.
Four of the six reactors have exploded or caught fire.
The big issue here that everyone needs to understand the most important report that we have out for everyone to read is alert Fukushima cover-up 40 years of spent nuclear rods blown sky high.
It is confirmed and been hiding in plain view since Saturday and then again on Monday with the two biggest explosions at Fukushima one
And three, that 40 years of spent uranium and plutonium fuel rods, numbering over 600,000, were stored inside the main containment facilities that have blown sky-high.
You have the internal sealed with the live fuel rods.
And we'll click for folks watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, that related article.
Again, alert, Fukushima cover-up, 40 years of spent nuclear rods blown sky-high.
That report was put out last night by Paul Watson and Kurt Nemo.
It has all the proof, all the evidence.
This shows that it's much worse than they had first reported.
Outside of the main six plants, they had hundreds of thousands stored.
In pools, because they're exposed to the atmosphere, they catch fire.
Hundreds of thousands of others were inside plant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Four of those plants have exploded.
Two of them more spectacularly, plant 1 on Saturday morning, plant number 3 with the Mark 1 MOX plutonium-based uranium as well, reactor.
Those exploded.
You've got the main containment area, another containment facility, and then the inner sealed metal container with the live rods that are going through their reactions to produce heat to turn the steam-based turbines.
So they have rods inside the third area in the core.
They're live.
Then within another area outside that, they have the spent rods.
And then in another area outside that, they have more spent fuel rods.
And then the final roof box casing over the internal dome.
When you see the Fukushima 3, and we'll try to play that video for folks that are watching.
Radio listeners can just search the term Fukushima number 3 explodes.
That huge mushroom cloud, thousands of feet in the air, ejecting all of what looks like fuel rods I said on Monday.
We now know in that Mark 1 Reactor 3, it was filled with rods outside of the
Metal-sealed internal casing.
Spraying those all over the place.
Then we have the press reports of fuel rods on fire all over the place.
Fuel rods that are outside in cooling tanks on fire.
This is one of the biggest nuclear waste dumps in the world, not just the six reactors.
And there you see the video of equipment, what looks like fuel rods, you name it, spraying into the atmosphere.
Now the Japanese government's having to admit that radiation is much higher than they've said.
Many people tried to evacuate.
37 million metro Tokyo.
A total of 8.5 million in the actual city limits.
37 million people, many of them trying to go south.
The country's had hundreds of aftershocks, hit by massive tsunami, hit by the 9.1 earthquake Friday, and the subsequent aftershocks.
Thank God that the Japanese are stoic and very lawful.
uh... well-behaved people or this would be a lot worse right now and uh... we have a uh... map put out uh... by the japanese government will put that back on uh... screen we have we have several maps where is this particular one from japan radiation uh... monitoring by pro feature and they're taking the different
Readings being put out by a target map is integrating them.
We have other maps that show similar reports from mainstream media.
So we're taking this map as accurate.
But notice, if you go to this map, and we'll get it posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com very soon.
I've got my staff working around the clock on this.
We're going to post a page with a bunch of different maps.
DrudgeReport.com is linked to a lot of these maps as well.
That the Fukushima area is in pink.
Now there are areas south of it, directly where the wind was blowing, southeast, that is in red, showing higher levels of radiation.
Other areas in orange, also south, exactly what you would expect.
But the pink, or the dark pink, almost purple, says under survey, which means they're not releasing the information to be added to the alert site.
So I want to open the phones up.
And as listeners from Japan and others direct us to them, you can go to the different prefects or counties or states of Japan, and their local governments have their own radiation detection, and they've been reporting higher levels than what the mainstream media has been reporting worldwide, what governments have been saying, and the reports they've been putting out for three days have turned out to be accurate over and over again.
So I want to open the phones up for people only in Japan.
I know a lot of Americans and others are having trouble getting out.
A lot of media outlets like French World Service and others have pulled out.
The British, the German, the French are not flying flights into Tokyo.
That's been going on now for a day and a half.
I want to open the phones up specifically for people that want to direct us to different
Let's ourselves go to Japanese monitoring sites, some of the state governments or prefect governments, to see what radiation levels they're showing, to try to integrate it in with what our media is telling us.
Because in the history of nuclear disasters, one thing we know is that media will cover up and spin what's happening.
Now, depending on the different estimates by meteorologists who study the prevailing winds, the trade winds, and then up higher, the jet stream,
from Japan going right across the west coast of the US and then continuing across the continuous lower 48 as well as Canada to the north.
It generally takes four to seven days for pollution from Japan
To hit the United States.
The Surgeon General last night put out conflicting messages.
The federal government had been putting out reports saying don't worry about potassium iodine.
There's not going to be a problem.
But then she came out and said you might as well try to get some as a precaution.
But it is a no-brainer, and Dr. Bob Bowman, three degrees in nuclear physics and aeronautics, agreed on this broadcast that some of that radiation undoubtedly is going to get there.
And they're talking about, well don't worry, only a couple of the internal cores have been unsealed, and we're hoping that there's not a problem, but there's only 50 workers of the 500 that should be there.
Fukushima's 50, not afraid to die, is the CBS News headline in there, with all those explosions and problems, and the place being a giant
Nuclear waste dump with 600,000 plus, 600,000 plus spent fuel rods that are highly radioactive, undoubtedly on fire, in the explosions being thrown all over the place.
It just makes the head spin.
Separately this morning, I saw a report out of KTVA, we wrote a blurb on, with the headline, state radiation levels in Alaska elevated but not harmful.
But then when you actually watch the video of the state official, he says they could get there and could be elevated but they'll be low and that they don't think it'll be a problem.
But the headline
Somebody got to him and had him water it down or it's a mistake.
My gut tells me Alaska would be, many meteorologists say, the first place because on Friday the winds were going northeast mainly.
Then they changed pretty much east.
Then they shifted yesterday to southeast down over Tokyo.
Today they flip back out straight into the ocean towards the United States west coast.
So it's, you know, the wind is moving around but generally to the east.
But it moves from the north to the south.
It hasn't yet turned west towards the rest of Japan and Russia since this began Friday.
And generally the winds do move that way from west to east over Japan.
So we're trying to track this.
Now here's another big facet.
Where is the trillion-dollar Navy, the trillion-dollar Air Force, the trillion-dollar
Where are they with their radiation detectors?
Where are they with aircraft flying through the atmosphere at different levels, giving the public reports and estimates of how much radiation's coming our way and when it'll make landfall?
If any.
Five days.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Five days.
It's now Wednesday, the 16th of March, 2011.
Where are those reports?
I'm seeing reports, one out of the Democratic underground, that detectors, newspapers have reported, but then it's unconfirmed in Southern California, elevated levels.
We don't know the truth.
And as Dr. Bob Bowman said yesterday, cesium, strontium, different isotopes of strontium, radioactive iodine.
Most detectors are not going to pick that up.
They're just going to pick up basic radiation.
Not the lower level radiation that's in those different isotopes.
It's very dangerous, toxic, and poisonous.
And a lot of general detectors are not going to pick those up.
So, that's a whole other issue.
I'm trying to just throw out different topics, different points to get all of us thinking, put our heads together.
Are you in Japan?
Do you have family in Japan?
Again, our listeners are smart.
Help us.
There's a whole bunch of different states, prefects as they're called in Japan.
Send us emails at ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
I should have already been on this, but there's so much that's going on.
But we've seen the press reports of local districts of Japan reporting higher radiation than what the main government's been saying, and there's clearly a cover-up.
They've been being very deceptive about this.
We've had alert Fukushima cover-up 40 years.
I've spent nuclear rods blown sky-high.
That is a fact.
That we know at 1 and 3 that blew up spectacularly, with a lot of force, particularly the Mark 1 MOX reactor, Fukushima 3, that blew sky-high.
We know that stored on top of that facility and within that facility, at different levels, were hundreds of thousands of spent plutonium and uranium-based fuel rods.
7% plutonium, 93% uranium.
And that those sprayed up into the atmosphere.
There's no doubt about that.
And many experts are saying this looks like it's already Dwarf Chernobyl.
If you've got specific intel and detectors you want to point us at in Japan, 800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with all this news.
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Your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
Here are just some of the headlines.
Escape from Japan.
Private jets in demand as Exodus grows.
Thousands jam airports.
Lufthansa, KLM cancel flights.
Emperor in historic speech says don't give up hope.
Set back and fight to control reactors.
New plumes of smoke.
That's the off-gassing of radiation, ladies and gentlemen, with the burning fuel rods.
New plumes of smoke pour from reactor number three.
That's the big Mark 1 plutonium reactor that blew so devastatingly on Monday.
We're very close now to the point of no return.
That's another big headline.
The Fukushima 50, not afraid to die.
Radiation spews into the sky again.
And continuing, ladies and gentlemen, with these headlines, military...
Rescuers brace for Japan radiation in U.S.
aid flights.
People coming back.
One particle of uranium and plutonium could kill you.
They're still whitewashing and calling it low-level cesium, strontium, radioactive iodine.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have just seen one of the biggest nuclear waste dumps in the world.
That was Fukushima with over 600,000 rods on fire.
And exploding and being blasted all over the place.
And again, this was already happening days ago, but here it is.
Radiation levels shoot up in Tokyo vicinity.
This is pouring out of Kyoto News.
Radiation levels shoot up in Tokyo.
It's vicinity, Tuesday, following the Yurakuta accident in Fukushima No.
1 power plant in northeastern Japan that was triggered by last week's massive earthquake.
And again, three is on fire right now, smoking.
Osaka radiation levels remain low after Fukushima accident.
Bloomberg, that's good news.
Nuke plant blast raises radiation threat.
ABC News.
Reactor-type weather effect radiation risk.
We're going to be going over all of this.
Again, military rescuers race for Japan radiation and U.S.
aid flights.
Continuing, wind to blow towards Pacific from quake-hit Japan.
This out.
We don't need Reuters to tell us that.
We know where the wind's blowing, but there it is.
Paul Watson.
Newly released images show devastated nuclear reactors.
We're now getting images of them.
Many of them blown completely down to the ground.
Others look like bombed-out images of Germany after World War II.
Photos show smoke coming out of three of the four reactors that have been heavily damaged.
Again, as the rods are obviously on fire inside, off-gassing radiation that then blows out towards the United States.
Continuing, Japan scrambles to pull nuclear plant back from brink.
Japan's nuclear crisis appeared to be spinning out of control.
This is Reuters.
Today, on Wednesday, after workers withdrew briefly from a stricken power plant because of surging radiation levels, and a helicopter failed to drop water on the most troubled reactor.
In a sign of desperation, the police will try to cool spent, sending the cops in.
Poor cops.
Nuclear fuel at one of the facility's reactors with a water cannon, normally used to quell riots.
Yeah, they're sending the cops in.
The scientists won't go in.
Poor cops.
Kinda like on 9-11, breathing the deadly dust, along with the firefighters.
Sending the soldiers in.
Gotta commend those police.
Would American cops do that?
I think they would.
Look what we saw on 9-11, going into that collapsing thing to try to save people.
I'll tell you, this is just amazing.
You see the best and worst of people right now.
Early in the day, another fire broke out at the earthquake-crippled facility, which was sent low levels of radiation wafting into Tokyo in the past 24 hours, triggering fear in the capital of international alarm.
Japan's government said radiation levels outside the plant's gates were stable, but in a sign of being overwhelmed, appealed to private companies to help deliver supplies to tens of thousands of people evacuated from around the complex.
Continuing here,
Fukushima nuke plant situation worsened considerably.
Think Tank reporting.
Kyoto News.
NBC News.
Surgeon General says buying iodine a precaution.
Conflicting messages appear in an effort to buy iodine tablets.
Japan crisis spurs iodine demand in U.S.
and Canada.
Panic buying stocks of teslimiodine exhausted in U.S.
Here is an ABC News piece that just came out.
We're going to link this up on Infowars.com.
Nuclear crisis raising radiation levels halt workers at Fukushima plant.
They say they're reaching the point of no return.
Surging radiation levels, temporary halt at work.
Kaku, a theoretical physicist, said, it's gotten worse.
We're talking about workers coming into the reactor, perhaps as a suicide mission, and we may have to abandon ship.
A group of 180 workers rotate shifts, working in the plant in teams of 50 men.
The men have been nicknamed the Fukushima 50.
When radiation levels surge following a unit fire in four, a rising cloud of radioactive vapor at unit three.
Officials fear the worst.
We're going to break all this down.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, we cover real issues.
The meltdown of the dollar, the police state, the world government being established, the globalists destabilizing the Middle East, the increase in oil prices and other commodities.
Paul Watson is doing an article that will be out in the next 30 minutes at PrisonPlanet.com, pointing out that Obama spent much of yesterday and today, Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, the puppet teleprompter reading president,
With his picks for the college basketball NCAA, and he spent an hour and a half this morning doing his picks, and now he's going to travel on some trade mission to South America.
As Japan begs for help, as this meltdown continues, as the biggest nuclear disaster undoubtedly in world history,
A giant nuclear waste dump that was Fukushima, not just the six reactors, blows sky high with a big reactor three with a plutonium in it, smoking it on fire.
That's going on right now.
People are fighting for their lives!
They've got shifts of 50 men going in at a time who the mainstream news is saying are going to be better than hammers, giving their lives up, and Obama is there picking NCAA garbage.
Because that's all about setting your priorities on idiocy.
They don't want a serious, informed public.
Where is the President telling us where the military is getting readings from that radiation blowing towards the U.S.?
Where are the trillions of dollars of aircraft and ships telling us what's going on?
Finally, there's a report that they may fly a spy plane over it to try to get some readings.
Finally, there's a report that they're not letting the military get within 50 miles of it and have the ships run hundreds of miles.
Headline, U.S.
to fly spy plane over Fukushima nuke plant for closer look.
The U.S.
military will operate a Global Hawk unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.
It's so deadly they won't even send in manned craft.
What does that tell you?
Over a stricken nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture.
Possibly on Thursday.
Oh yeah, let's wait till tomorrow.
I mean, they can drop Hellfire missiles on people with guns.
They don't even know who they are in Afghanistan, but they can't get a spy plane over it until tomorrow.
Possibly Thursday.
To take a closer look at its troubled reactors, a Japanese government source said today.
Photographs taken by the plane equipped.
Now they're saying another one took photos.
Photographs taken by the plane.
This is confusing.
First they say it'll be Thursday.
Now they say photos taken by a plane.
Who's writing these articles?
Photographs taken by the plane equipped with infrared sensors.
Oh, they haven't done it yet.
It's in the future tense.
Could provide a useful clue to what is occurring inside the reactor buildings around which high-level radiation has been detected.
Where is the military?
Where is the multi-trillion dollar military that cost around two trillion a year?
1.1 trillion on budget, 800 to 900 billion off budget.
Where is the 1.9 to 2 trillion dollar military?
Where is it?
Where is it?
Where is it?
Where is it?
They should have been Friday in the air, and you know they are.
They don't want you to know what they found.
They've got ships and aircraft all over the place.
They're telling you maybe tomorrow they'll fly one over with infrared.
Another Kyoto news here.
Fuel rods damaged at Fukushima 2 reactors.
Estimated 70 to 33 percent.
They admit at 1 and 3 at least, and 2 they're now saying, that the inner containment area with the live rods is exposed.
Well of course, you saw those explosions.
And then the whole place is a giant nuclear waste dump with them storing the rods on top of the containment vessels that blew up.
I mean,
You better believe radiation is coming our way.
I pray most of it rains down in the ocean.
That's probably going to happen.
But still, some of it is going to get here.
And the government is saying, no big deal, no threat, no problem.
I'm so angry I can barely even broadcast right now.
I have children.
I looked at them this morning.
You know what radiation does to children?
It's many times worse for them because they've got fast-growing cells.
An estimated 70% of the nuclear rods have been damaged at the trouble number one reactor of the Fukushima number one nuclear power plant and 33% of the number two reactor Tokyo Electric Power Company said today.
The reactor's cores are believed to have partially melted with the cooling functions lost after Friday's magnitude 9.0 earthquake rocked Fukushima Prefecture, that's the state or county, and other areas in northeast and eastern Japan.
And they're not giving radiation levels of around Fukushima or south.
If you look at the graphs that are on TV and on the web that are being, they're taking government numbers, it shows moderate to high levels around Tokyo, but then they have it in pink
around Fukushima and saying, oh, they're still gathering data.
What does that tell you, ladies?
They do not want you to know.
But they are reporting that radiation levels, ABC News says, are so high that, quote, workers cannot carry out even minimal work at the plant now.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yuko Indano told the Associated Press, because of the radiation risk, we are on standby.
I will continue to cover all of this as it unfolds at InfoWars.com, at PrisonPlanet.com.
We have Mike Adams, the health ranger, in studio in the third hour.
We have investigative journalist Greg Palast, who's for decades reported on nuclear mishaps and dangers, to give his take.
Joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
We have all of this information unfolding.
I'm going to take some phone calls, and then I'm going to get to the most important article of all of these.
We know
That there are three levels of containment.
The central sealed live reactors that do not have spent uranium and plutonium.
They have the real deal in them.
Totally deadly.
As deadly as it gets.
Then there's another area above that with the equipment and the pipes and the water cooling.
That's what's been completely blown away at Fukushima, number three, guaranteed and seriously damaged at one and two.
Four is also damaged, but three is the big one with the big mushroom cloud.
They're now admitting that from Monday, now two days ago.
Blew up more than 48 hours ago.
Here's what we know.
They store them at the second level of containment.
That was completely blown away and ejected into the air.
Then it's based all around the base with the explosions.
Those have caught on fire.
It is complete bedlam at that facility.
And the rods that are spent are highly radioactive.
They break down into basically what's described as like a type of graphite-looking powder.
They then begin to burn.
They then get into the atmosphere.
They're on the ground.
They're getting into the Japanese water table.
They're getting into the ocean right there.
They're on the coast.
But that's not the big issue.
The big issue is that with all these explosions, they've been ejected into the air.
Thousands of feet being caught up in the prevailing winds into the jet stream.
You better believe the federal government, if you follow their past history,
The Japanese government and others, and the Australians are freaking out.
Australian ABC News about the history of Japanese cover-ups.
Our own cover-ups, it turned out, Fremont Island was a hundred times worse than they first claimed.
If you follow what they've done in the past, here's the big issue.
Here's the key.
If you follow that and you look at those explosions, and you know there's fuel rods that were stacked on top of those buildings, not just inside but stacked on top of the buildings, in containers and water, so they don't ignite,
Spraying into the atmosphere, they then catch on fire.
They're so radioactive still.
This is unbelievable.
And almost all of it's going out to sea.
For six or seven hours, the wind turned to the south, hit Tokyo with a blast of this stuff.
Then it turned back out to sea.
Good for the Japanese, not good for the sea life, not good for people in North America.
It's coming.
You can bet your bottom dollar on that.
And we have this bizarre headline out of KTVA.
State radiation levels in AK, Alaska elevated, but not harmful.
I saw that and freaked out.
We posted the article.
Then I read deeper.
It said, oh no, we're expecting it could come here, but it won't be that elevated.
It won't be a big deal.
So did they get to them?
Have the detectors gone off?
Alaska's one of the first places to make landfall because on Friday and Saturday it was going northeast, then it changed to the east, then it changed to the south, then it changed back to the east.
So the first plumes of the cesium, strontium, radioactive iodine did go to the northeast towards Alaska.
Generally it takes four to seven days for it to get there.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
That's four and a half days to last night in Alaska.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But you can't trust government to tell you.
Do you work in a nuclear plant?
Do you work in a detection facility on the West Coast?
Have you been called by the Feds and told not to tell people what your detectors are picking up?
We know this has happened before in previous disasters in the U.S.
If you can get through on the lines when you hear somebody hang up, please try to get in or email us at ShowTips at Infowars.com with your number.
We will call you back.
ShowTips, we need to monitor all that, guys.
Thank you.
And gals.
Elliot, James, Cesar, Will, Roland, I'm going to go to you.
We've got Elliot, California Info, from Marine, James, Texas, former nuke worker, Cesar, West Coast National Guard, and others.
Let's go to Cesar first, then to Elliot, James, Will, Roland, and others.
Roland of the Dark Tower Cam, I tell you, this is the Dark Tower right now.
Gut check time, folks, because you can't trust the government to tell you what's really happening.
And after I take your calls,
I'm going to read to you Kurt Nemo and Paul Watson's devastating article that needs to be gotten out to everyone.
It's still at the bottom of the front page of Infowars.com.
It'll roll off soon and be in the featured archive.
There's a little link down there or in the tiles at the top.
Fukushima cover-up!
Forty years of spent fuel rods blown sky-high.
We've got all the evidence and the proof and their own schematics and their own admissions.
It's a hundred percent.
People need to know the true severity of this.
It's almost incalculable right now.
Let's go to Cesar in West Virginia National Guard.
Cesar, what are you hearing?
What's your take?
Hey, buddy.
How you doing?
I'm all right.
On the East Coast, we haven't heard anything.
But what I wanted to ask was, have you heard anything about the surf teams that were created to deal with this kind of situation?
No, they have spent hundreds of billions of dollars conservatively in the last decade alone for nuclear, chemical, biological systems detection units.
Why aren't they being airlifted there?
Where are the surveillance aircraft?
Where are the monitors?
You know they're flying around getting readings.
They're not telling us.
Do you really believe the Pentagon, who's obsessed with knowing everything and spying on our email?
Do you really think, with their giant presence in the Pacific five days into this, that they're not crawling all over this with exact radiation measurements and they know exactly when that stuff's going to make landfall here in the U.S.? ?
Yeah, I mean, well, California has a tank, so I know Hawaii has one.
Why don't, hold on, I'm gonna have you talk, but I just, I gotta get this out.
Where are the spy satellites?
There's hundreds of them.
They gotta wait till tomorrow with a drone?
Do you buy that for a minute, Cesar?
No, not at all.
Not at all.
They could, they could do things at any moment.
All you need is
The guy with the red keyboard and, you know, punching buttons and that's it.
It spells out something bad, that's for sure.
Yeah, well, uh... You don't think they don't have them in Korea?
300 miles away from Japan?
Or less?
With the whole nuclear thing there?
Well, we got a bunch of, uh, NBC teams, uh, NBC unit, over, uh, spread out South Korea, so, uh, something's gotta be happening.
You know, I, I, but it, I was wondering if you've heard anything.
I've been on the internet and I can't find out.
They're saying six days after, they might fly an airplane over tomorrow.
Ah, no, no.
How could they fly an airplane over tomorrow?
They already have, uh,
A Navy fleet out there with everything that they need.
We have a unit in Japan.
We have Marines, we have Army, we have Air Force.
Guys, get me Paul Watson.
Well said, sir.
God bless you.
Stay in touch.
Thank you so much, Cesar.
I want Watson on air as soon as possible.
I'm going to go to another call.
I'm going to get Watson on our phone line.
I'm going to give him directives.
Also for Steve Watson, Aaron Dykes, Curt Nemo right now.
We need reports out going.
They've got nuclear chemical biological teams in South Korea.
The U.S.
is crawling over Japan, especially in Okinawa, off the coast on that island.
There are ships everywhere.
There are aircraft.
They should have days ago been giving us radiation readings, military meteorologists telling us, you know, what strata of the atmosphere it's gotten into, where they estimate it's coming.
But they're not.
Five days into this, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Alright, I'm going to go to Elliot, I'm going to go to James, I'm going to go to Will and Roland in a moment.
I want to bring up Paul Watson.
Paul, I know you're doing a report on Obama.
Doing NCA picks for over an hour and a half this morning and talking about basketball and laughing as Japanese go in and literally what ABC News calls a suicide mission to try to fix this and Obama's obsessing over March Madness and college basketball evil and he's leaving the country reportedly to go down to South America on some trade mission.
I know that's coming out and important to show but bigger than that
I think?
...are guaranteed getting measurements and don't want to tell us.
They should be telling us with meteorologists what's happening, with weather reports, about if it's going to make landfall or when, so people can make preparations.
But just like 9-11, with the deadly asbestos dust and the rest of it, they knew it was deadly and told folks the air was safe to breathe.
Following Three Mile Island, they report it was over 100 times worse a decade after than what they told us.
The EPA has announced that it's deploying radiation monitors to the West Coast.
But obviously, as he said,
Who even knows?
If you can trust what they say after 9-11 and the air is safe to breathe, the public's lost all confidence in trusted officials.
So, I mean, with the rush to buy potassium iodide, that just shows how much confidence, how much trust that they've lost over the past decade.
Well, Paul, we know there's 600,000-plus fuel rods there that have been blown to Kingdom Come.
There's no doubt that it's blowing in our direction.
And there's no doubt that some of it will make it here.
Hopefully, we pray it goes into the ocean.
But then, what happens to the Alaskan salmon?
The salmon out of Washington State, the Canadian salmon.
What happens to the milk?
I mean, and where's the government?
They've got all these assets there, and they should be flying through those clouds.
That's what we pay the military to do.
They should be getting us the information, Paul.
Yeah, but I mean, isn't meeting with the Chicago Blackhawks ice hockey team more important?
Isn't, you know, partying with lawmakers during a Bulls-Bobcats game more significant?
Because that's what Obama has been doing over the past... When is your report on that scumbag coming out?
We're standing by Watson.
We'll get that out to everybody and try to force a response.
This should be a major scandal.
New World Order puppet.
Is he doing that on purpose to act like everything's okay?
It makes me sick.
Thank you, Watson.
We need to get on the report dealing with the military not responding.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, here's the deal.
Coming up at 8 after next hour, I'm calling the White House.
I'm calling the head of the House, John Boehner, up.
And I'm saying, Boehner, you need to go on the House floor and rebuke Obama right now for obsessing over NCAA basketball and meeting with hockey players.
That's all he's doing.
And getting up there in PR stunts to make sports fans like him doing hour-and-a-half long pics this morning with a big board on TV while Japan's emperor says, don't give up hope, we're in an emergency.
Reactors blowing up, radiation raining up into the sky, drifting towards the United States.
This scumbag government.
Remember Katrina?
They didn't come with food and water, they ordered the troops to take guns from the high and dry areas.
Government makes me sick.
They never protect you, they never warn you, they never use the assets to help people.
We need to know when the radiation hits the U.S.
instead of it being covered up so people can stay indoors as the cloud comes over.
There's a lot you can do to mitigate this.
March Madness!
This is everything that's wrong with our society.
And I've got a rant coming up on that point at the 20 after next hour.
I'm going to focus in on this and really nail them on it.
I am so angry right now.
Who's up first here, John?
We're going to be calling these people.
I'm going to call the White House, and they'll just brush it off, but not if all of you call, and say, focus on the disaster.
Focus on the wars.
Focus on the dollar.
Don't get up there to focus everybody else, what they're doing, on the stupid March Madness.
It's idiocy.
Elliott in California, you're on the air worldwide.
Yes, good morning.
I had a little epiphany yesterday, a hiding in plain sight incident.
After listening to your show, I went to a Whole Foods to buy some iodine and chlorophyll.
In it, the salesperson I met there told me his best friend was a Marine stationed in Okinawa who was on a support ship next to the aircraft carrier flying off the coast.
Now, the importance is when this happened.
And what happened is, they were going to send troops into Sendai to help with the recovery.
But they didn't.
The reason they didn't is because the radiation meters went off the charts.
An aircraft carrier is a deep water vessel.
It's way off the coast.
No, it's 200 miles.
They admit some ships were radiated, but they said low level.
Okay, that's not... I asked this guy twice about it, and I said, did he say this on the phone?
He said, no, it was email.
He said it went off the charts.
That's a quote.
So, this is... Well, you notice when the carrier ran, it didn't run when one blew up, because that was big, but not that big, on Saturday morning.
It ran when Fukushima 3, the plutonium reactor, went into that black mushroom cloud.
They raced out of there.
What I'm saying is, it's hiding in plain sight.
If our military won't go in there and help the civilians,
And we get a report out on the ships out in the deep sea that the radiation meter went off the chart.
That supports what happened, because when did this happen?
We were going to send in troops days ago!
So the military, they got submarines that can pop up and find out what the radiation is.
They got airplanes flying over there.
You know, China and Korea and all the other governments are doing it too.
Everybody knows what's going on.
I think they don't want to emit that is completely out of control, just like overcooking in your oven.
When you blow something up, it just, I think that reactor is just wide open over there.
It's like when you burn a roast, you forget it's there and you go to the store and you come back and it's on fire and the house is full of stinking smoke, but this isn't roast fire, this is uranium plutonium fire.
They don't know what to do about it, and they're not going to tell, because they don't want to get on TV and say, we don't know what to do.
Well, Obama, the criminal in chief, is going to be held accountable that he's telling everybody, play basketball, suck your thumb, and you just said it, hidden in plain view.
The carriers have raced away, they're not releasing radiation data, they're not releasing it from around Fukushima, because it's bad, folks.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Others don't.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have had very accurate reporting and predictions of how this would unfold since Friday.
The cover-up is now blowing sky-high.
Fukushima is a giant nuclear waste dump for spent fuel rods that were stored on top of the reactor.
Containment systems that have blown sky-high.
The internal cores, at least two, have been opened up with the live uranium-plutonium
Not just the spent rods.
The U.S.
Navy has pulled out hundreds of miles away.
They know full well how bad it really is.
The Japanese government is saying it's almost too dangerous, that it's a suicide mission for workers to even be inside Fukushima.
That lets you know that this is a Chernobyl-type situation.
And who's down when from it?
The West Coast of the United States, the West Coast of Canada, Alaska.
And Obama is running around at sports event after sports event covering this.
The printed word
is more powerful than the spoken because you can get our articles at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and get them out to everybody you know and they can spread it on Twitter, Facebook, you name it.
But, Watson's got an article coming out about Obama fiddling and playing around with sports while Japan burns and begs for help, and the radiation cloud comes towards us.
I got Kurt Nimmo already written articles, I got Steve Watson, I got Aaron Dyches.
We need one of those guys to do a report pointing out what the last caller said.
And this is hidden in plain view.
The aircraft carriers have raced away.
These incredibly radioactive facilities with rods blowing out in every direction.
Cores exposed.
Containment seals broken.
More fires, more explosions, more smoke, more steam.
Total catastrophe.
And our government's saying, no problem, no problem, and we're directly downwind.
Here's Japan, here's the West Coast, here's the jet stream.
It's going right over Japan towards us.
I live here.
I got a stake in this.
It's headed towards Texas as well.
It goes all over the place.
The winds are changing.
But it mainly goes to the west.
So it just goes to the northwest.
Excuse me, northeast, southeast, straight east.
The winds are just blowing.
From Friday, they were going northeast.
Then they were going straight east.
Then they were going southeast.
Then they were going due south.
Now they're going straight east.
Those are the weather reports.
So it's just
Let's say I'm Japan sitting here looking out towards the Pacific Ocean on the other side, the United States and Canada, and the radiation is just being blown in all directions east towards the entire west coast of North America.
And then it will circle the globe and come right back to Japan.
For two years, it was measurable, the uranium from Chernobyl in 1986, and that was nothing.
That was one reactor, reactor four, blowing up and having a fire, and steaming for ten days into the atmosphere, and it was just totally devastating.
They estimated the Atomic Energy Agency, a million people have died in the 20-plus years since that happened, the 25 years.
And Obama is playing basketball and talking about basketball and meeting with hockey players right now.
And there is military crawling all over.
All over.
Okinawa, we got a giant base.
Massive bases in South Korea, 300 miles away.
Submarines, jets, spy planes, satellites.
Remember the U.S.
military was going to help Friday and Saturday, and suddenly after Fukushima 1 blew up, they said, no, we're not going to help.
We're sitting off-coast monitoring.
Then when Fukushima 3 blew up Monday morning, they raced out of those waters.
They know.
They've got all the readings.
They know exactly what's coming our way.
They've got meteorologists.
They've got computer models.
They've got a good idea of where that radiation's going.
Do they come out and tell us, no problem, no danger?
No, they say, oh, some might come, but it won't be that much.
Boulder Dash.
Not going along with it.
This is the real world.
Not basketball.
Not Britney Spears.
Not all the Charlie Sheen stuff.
This is the real world.
We're living in it.
Pray for the Japanese, but also pray for ourselves.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We've called the Speaker of the House John Boehner's D.C.
It's so busy you can't even get through to a voicemail.
We're trying to call the White House.
We're going to do that on air here in a few minutes.
We're going to call Boehner's district office in his state district.
And demand that he do something about Obama, the commander-in-chief who's running around making basketball picks and visiting with hockey teams today, and about to leave the U.S.
on some trade mission to South America, I guess so he doesn't get the radiation.
Paul Watson's got an article at PrisonPlanet.com going out in the next 10-15 minutes, or sooner it'll also be on InfoWars.com.
Greg Palast is coming up.
But do we have Boehner's field office number, guys?
The field office is busy too.
That's fine.
I want to call and leave a message at least.
I'm going to go to James, a Texas former nuke worker, Will, Richard, Rob, and Ron here in a moment.
But first, let's call Boehner's office and I'll leave a message at least.
Do it live on air.
And we can even give the number out on air.
I don't care if they hear it dialed.
For those that don't know, some can actually get a number off the dial tone, but off the dial digits.
But let's just dial that live.
You're on air right now.
And you do the same thing, folks.
Hammer them.
We're calling the Ohio office.
We need to get a Google search term out today off some of our articles, once Kurt has it, about the cover-up going on about the Pentagon knows exactly what's going on.
It's not telling us.
And there's no doubt it's much worse than we've been told.
I'm so angry about this.
I mean, they're going to follow the standard operating procedure of not telling us what's going on.
Hi, you've reached the office of Congressman John Boehner.
I'm sorry we're unable to take your call right now, but please leave us a message and someone will get back with you as quickly as possible.
Thank you.
Ma'am, this is Alex Jones broadcasting worldwide.
I know you're getting thousands of calls a day, but you need to listen very carefully to me, and this needs to be delivered to the adjunct of Speaker Boehner immediately.
President Obama, and the newspapers have picked up on this, is playing basketball and doing NCAA picks, and hanging out with hockey teams while Japan begs for help, and their emperor says, you know, keep hope, and begs for U.S.
The military is stationed over there in Okinawa.
They're stationed in Seoul, South Korea.
They've got the detectors.
The fleet has pulled away.
They're not giving us radiation numbers.
You guys work for us.
Boehner needs to make a statement and demand that the federal government and the executive branch and Congress, he's got the power.
And he's going to be to blame along with Obama if he doesn't respond to this right now.
We're putting everybody on record here.
This is nonpartisan.
That the government and the federal government and the executive and the legislative needs to respond properly to this and stop covering it up.
Fukushima is one of the biggest nuclear waste dumps in the world.
They store the rods on top of the containment facilities that have blown sky high at four of the six reactors.
That has all been ejected into the sky.
Radiation is coming towards the United States.
Now listen.
Listen to me.
As this unfolds, and I'm telling my listeners and everybody, we're writing an article about this, as this unfolds, if Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, does not put a fire under Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama's hind end, and get him to cancel that trip to South America and to stop running around with basketball tips,
Mr. Boehner is going to be held responsible as well.
This is a serious situation, and we take this situation serious.
And you should take it serious, and I know you do, ma'am, or sir, whoever's hearing this message.
Now listen, this is already a major media issue.
A lot of papers reported last night and today, what is Obama doing, running around while this is happening, doing hour-and-a-half press conferences about the NCAA and March Madness.
We do not want to hear any of that talk from Boehner.
Respectfully, we're telling you this because it's an emergency situation!
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
You have been warned.
Alright, that's good.
You gotta call these Congress critters, and you gotta put them on notice, that we will not hear about March Madness, we will not hear about the Keebler elves, we will not hear about idiocy!
We will hear about real issues with all their nuke reactors and Hadron superconducting super colliders and genetic engineering and war and all the things they're doing and the banking scams.
Hopefully Boehner will do something to try to score some political points off this and be smart and then actually get some good done.
I know he's a political creature, but could we even get through to the White House when we try?
Call the White House, please.
Then I'm going to your calls.
The amount of assets they have in that area, they've done the readings.
They're not telling us because they don't want to panic people.
Folks are going to panic because we're lied to constantly, don't know what the truth is.
People are going to panic because they know the government's a bunch of criminals, whose instinct is to lie to us.
Stop lying to the American people.
What, what happened there?
I know from us calling him months ago, I remember we couldn't even call, they banned our number.
Did we just call the White House?
What happened?
It's a switchboard, so somebody's gonna come on.
Good, I'm gonna give him a message.
I'm gonna give him a message.
I'm an American citizen.
I'm calling my supposed president to tell them
That I want them to focus on real issues and not the NCAA.
Was it Dylan?
Well, I mean, it's a 202 number.
I'm ready to get on the line with these people right now.
Is it going through?
Or is he having to... Awesome.
Again, or I'll just get a phone system in here instead of always having to have you guys do it.
In the old days, I used to answer my own calls and everything.
I'd just doot, doot, doot.
Sit there and hit them.
Speed dialing them here, folks.
Calling the White House.
Thank you for calling the White House.
Hi ma'am, this is Alex Jones broadcasting worldwide.
People are wondering if a President Obama is going to aid the Japanese or if he's going to continue doing NCAA basketball picks as this disaster unfolds and as the radiation approaches the United States.
Is anybody concerned about this?
Can I talk to the Press Secretary?
Sir, I can let you leave a message for the President if you would like.
I can't have the Press Office?
What press are you affiliated with?
I'm a syndicated radio broadcaster with 3 million listeners.
My name is Alex Jones.
Ma'am, have you heard about what's happening in Japan?
Yes, I did.
One moment.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
I'm broadcasting worldwide to 3 million people.
And my listeners want to know if President Obama is going to try to aid the Japanese because U.S.
military forces have pulled out of areas of Japan.
They're not giving us the radiation readings that our multi-trillion dollar military should.
All I'm hearing from the President is about...
You know, I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to be talking to about this.
I can send you over to our lower press desk and see if they can give you more details.
Hi, this is Alex Jones broadcasting worldwide, sir.
I heard Alex Jones and hung up.
Well, there you go.
We tried, ladies and gentlemen.
Guys, you've done a great job in there.
Will you please bring me the White House phone numbers now for the listeners?
They didn't like that.
You heard how I just did it.
Get through to the press.
Get through to national security.
Call the FBI.
Call everybody you know and say, look, we don't want to hear about NCAA.
We want our military to tell us what's in those radioactive clouds with 600,000 fuel rods blowing in every different direction.
Here's the White House contact number.
Tell us what you get.
Twitter us and tell us what happens at twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
We're also taking your questions.
If you have any questions or comments at twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
The switchboard 202.
We're good to go.
Phone numbers here.
Let's call his Butler County offices.
Or Faxbainer.
His Washington, D.C.
office for John Boehner, 202-225-6205.
Do not play games with these people.
They supposedly work for us.
Stop covering up what's happening in Japan.
We're directly downwind from this.
All right, I'm going to come back and go to James in Texas.
I promise.
Will, Richard, Rob, Ron.
Greg Palast is only joining us for 10-15 minutes.
I'll continue with calls.
Continue with calls with the health ranger joining us.
We'll recap all the big
Uh, developments.
Newly released images show devastated nuclear reactors.
Japanese scramble to pull reactor plant back from brink.
Four, one, two, three are all smoking and in danger of blowing up again.
Kyoto News, Fukushima nuke plant situation worsened considerably.
Think Tank reports Japan scrambles to pull nuclear plant back from the brink.
Japan's emperor in historic speech says never give up hope.
Obama isn't, he's playing basketball.
Military recruiters, rescuers brace for Japan radiation in the U.S.
aid flights.
Wind a blow towards Pacific from quake hit Japan, Reuters.
This is just some of what we have here in front of us.
And meanwhile, the corrupt emperors, stealing us blind, are running around giving us basketball scores.
We'll be right back.
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Well, foreign companies, U.S.
companies, airlines, they're pulling all their people out of Japan.
There is a mass exodus out of the 37 million metro Tokyo into the South.
The winds, thank God for the Japanese, change from the South to the East, but that's going directly towards the U.S.
Obama is running around on a sports marathon by design to act like nothing's wrong.
The U.S.
military is all over the place there and knows that things are far worse.
When you have plants blowing sky high that store rods on top of them, being ejected 3,000 feet in the air.
You've got the Japanese government saying they can't even put workers in there in emergency because it's going to kill them.
And that they may even pull out the 50 they've got in there.
That's ABC News.
And our media is saying no problem.
The government's saying no problem.
Nothing's coming here.
Nothing's coming here when the winds come directly here.
This is hardcore serious.
The EPA is finally announcing they're sending radiation units out to the West Coast.
They're already there.
The military's in Japan.
They're in...
South Korea, they're there, the submarines, the ships, and all they've done is put the carrier 200 miles away, and U.S.
forces on the island of Japan said to keep 50 miles away from Japan nuke plant.
We're going to continue to cover all of this.
Right now, James in Texas, former nuke worker, you're on the air.
What do you have to tell us?
First of all, I just want to say that was an awesome call that you gave to Mr. Boehner there.
I think we should all leave calls like that to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the NRC, for not informing us on what's going on.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to you for about five years now, and I never really wanted to call into the show, but I felt like I had to say something.
I'm living in Houston, Texas right now.
I was a reactor operator in the Navy.
I used to shim rods, and
I was qualified on a S5W plant, S8G plant, and I also worked at Turkey Point, the same plant that the gentleman yesterday called about.
And I also want to say, too, that your coverage of this nuclear incident makes the mainstream media look like a joke and a bunch of clowns, because they certainly don't know what they're talking about, and they're not informing the public on what's going on.
I also would like to say, too, that based on my previous experience, that I think there's something going on in Fukushima.
It's just my opinion, and I could be wrong, but I think it might be an inside job because nuclear power plants are designed with so much redundancy, and if they don't have any power to keep the core cool, but they have enough power to run seawater,
I don't understand why they can't divert power to their borated water and keep steam flowing inside the steam generators.
Something's not right.
They're not telling us something.
And I think I'm calling shenanigans.
Again, I could be wrong, but I think something needs to be said about it.
And I also am sick and tired of the government not informing
The public on what nuclear power is.
People think that nuclear reactors are something that blows up because they're so obsessed with football they don't understand basic science.
All they're taught is to just be scared and not know about the facts.
And I'd like to tell people about basic information about the nuclear field so people can better prepare themselves and so they understand what's going on if I could.
Sure, briefly, because we're going to break.
I mean, the issue here is the government should be warning people and telling them basic safety facts, but we have the headline at PrisonPlanet.com now, Obama fiddles while Fukushima burns.
Devastating article.
We need to get out to everybody, folks.
But go ahead, James, give us a few tips.
Okay, well, first of all, we need to understand what radiation is.
First of all, radiation is subatomic particles like electrons and neutrons that are
Uh, traveling at high velocities and high speeds.
Now, because they're such tiny particles, they don't do anything, but if you have about a trillion of them, they will damage your cells, and they will start oozing out the insides of your cells, and they'll also damage your DNA.
So, it's like a death by a thousand paper cuts.
Uh, you may have heard that term.
Uh, but that's what radiation is.
Now, there's four types of radiation in nuclear power plants we talk about.
One is alpha, which, if it gets on your skin, it's no problem, but if it gets inside your body,
Uh, then it'll cause problems.
That's like DU.
Uh, I, I believe so.
Uh, it could very well be.
Please continue.
Second is beta, which is a high particle electron, which can be stopped by clothes.
Uh, the third, which they're not talking about is neutron.
People need to understand about neutron radiation.
Uh, a good way to protect yourself is water.
Water helps to moderate, uh,
Electrons, it helps slow them down.
Also, if you can get some type of borated water, that will help too.
And the fourth is gamma, which you need lead shielding for.
And, uh, I hear the music in the background, so... Well, I'll tell you what, stay there to finish up.
We gotta go to Greg Pallas, then we'll go back to you, James, then Will, Richard, Rob, Ron.
I'll get to all of you and more.
The Health Ranger also joining us in studio, coming up in the next hour.
Undoubtedly, we'll be going into overdrive today.
We did almost six hours yesterday.
So much more coming up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, we are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Greg Pallast is our guest, BBC reporter, Guardian newspaper writer.
He's written a lot of articles and done a lot of reports over the years about the nuclear power industry and governments covering things up.
Three Mile Island, we know, is many times worse, decades later we learn, than what they told us.
Tokyo Electric to build U.S.
nuclear plants.
And he's got the no baloney info on Japan's disastrous nuclear operations at gregpalast.com.
We have continual coverage obviously at infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
We also stream live video for prisonplanet.tv members if you're a new listener and want to check out prisonplanet.tv.
After Greg leaves us, I'm going to recap all the latest
Huge developments as things deteriorate quickly at Fukushima.
But Greg, I wanted to bring this up to you.
And this is all hiding in plain view.
AP, Reuters, NPR.
Turns out Fukushima, as you know, is a giant nuclear waste dump, not just six
Nuke plants.
The Mark 1 reactor, number 3, blue sky high, it had rods stored on top of the building, more than 200,000 it's reported, that were ejected thousands of feet into the air, highly radioactive.
They now admit two of the internal containment facilities at the plants have been breached.
Now they're now saying in ABC News the radiation is so bad, but then the Japanese government is giving radiation maps, but around Fukushima it's in pink, saying, still collating data.
I think?
Is running around, spending an hour and a half picking NCAA numbers, visiting with hockey teams, and we have a report at PrisonPlanet.com, Obama fiddles while Fukushima burns, it has a similar headline, Obama plays while Japan begs for help on InfoWars.com.
What is your take on the information I just covered?
Well, it's sick and sad.
Yes, they've used the Fukushima plant as, as you say, a nuclear waste dump.
They've put the used rods, these are very old plants, they've been operating for three decades already, they've put all these old rods in the containment buildings.
So when these things have been blowing and going,
Basically, you not only have the reactors with the live fuel, but you have the old fuel.
Now, you have to understand, the old fuel blows up too.
It causes massive contamination as soon as the water around those rods evaporate.
This is one of the problems, by the way.
You know, as you know, Obama said he would never have a push nuclear program in the U.S.
unless there were a place to put these fuel rods other than next to a hot reactor.
He's never come up with it, yet he has a proposal to spend 56 billion dollars, or give 56 billion dollars in guarantees.
For nuclear plant building.
By the way, that money is going to Citibank and J.P.
When we talk about guarantees, it doesn't go to the nuclear industry, it goes to the banks that are making the money.
And then they hand it out.
Let me go back for a moment.
Fukushima, six plants, total devastation there.
And the media is acting like that this is really no big deal and telling us no danger of fallout.
From your decades of researching this, what's your gut view?
I mean, it looks to me like a huge cover-up is going on.
I don't have a gut view, I have an expert view.
Because before I was a journalist, Alex you may not know this, I was actually an investigator for the government, mainly nuclear racketeering and fraud.
I conducted some major multi-billion dollar investigations.
No I did know that, so give us your expert take then.
And so the expert take is I've
I've gone through evacuation plans, morbidity rates, the geomorphology and weather of this.
We're going to have massive, massive increase in leukemias, thyroid cancers, bone cancers, lymphomas, etc.
in Japan, but the prevailing wind goes across around the Pacific Rim into Anchorage and doubtless Vancouver and Seattle are going to have increases in
I don't want to be irresponsible and put too many numbers on it, but I think that people should have some idea that when we measure these things, we don't measure in hundreds, we measure in tens of thousands.
Maybe 100,000, 200,000 in terms of morbidity, mortality.
It's a very serious business.
The idea that it's not as bad as Chernobyl is completely nuts propaganda.
You have to know that the Japanese government has not put the radiation figures out because they claim that they're aerial gauges.
I don't
Prefectures, as they call them.
Prefectures, yeah.
Yeah, the prefectures.
They say under survey, so it shows Tokyo and other areas with high levels of radiation, but they won't give us the numbers in and around Fukushima.
Of course not.
They don't want to.
And, you know, I'm not a conspiracy nut.
I'm kind of a conspiracy expert.
That's what I used to do for the government is uncover conspiracies.
And obviously they don't want this information out because it's also going to be massive lawsuits worldwide.
You know, Tokyo Electric, by the way,
And this is on at gregpalast.com, you'll see my article.
I was already investigating these guys before the explosion, because bad news in Texas, buddy.
Tokyo Electric was invited by the Obama administration to build two nuclear plants on the Gulf Coast of Texas.
Originally, the main owner remains Houston Power.
Now, Houston Power, for those Texans that will know this, was fined a billion dollars for incompetence in building the two South Texas plants that are there.
They were paid several million in criminal fines for covering up safety violations.
And they went bankrupt.
So you have a bankrupt company with a criminal record and certified incompetent.
How come we're giving them a loan guarantee to build two more plants?
So their answer was, well, if you give us the guarantee, we'll have wonderful Tokyo Electric come in.
They'll own 20%.
And they will show us how to build a plant safely.
They will show us how to operate a plant safely.
Well, I guess you can go and now see their training video right now.
You just turn on any station.
It's on fire.
That's what they're bringing in to Texas.
And Tokyo Electric will be tapping into our $4 billion taxpayer guarantee.
And yet, the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Congress, both parties, both parties, are saying that they will not change this program of bringing Tokyo Electric into the United States and giving them big money, big government subsidies, to run our nuclear plants.
Real serious stuff.
These guys have a long history of fraud.
Their three top executives had to resign in 2002 over massive cover-up of safety violations.
I was about to say, ABC News Australia reports on the long history of Japanese cover-ups, particularly Tokyo Electric.
And you, at gregpalast.com, we do see the articles and reports you even put out before this happened, talking about this Texas deal.
Let me ask you another question before we continue.
With other areas you think are important for folks to know.
Looking at this, Japan builds these on fault lines on the sea where they have tsunamis and now they're talking about coming here to Texas where we have hurricanes and Tokyo Electric are such smart guys.
They store the fuel rods on top the buildings that have now blown sky-high.
Talk about risk management.
I mean it seems like they did the worst things they possibly could have done.
Well, keep in mind, I've heard the chairman, the former chairman of our Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and some Japanese officials and nuclear officials say, well, this is surprising because you had both an earthquake and a tsunami together.
Well, my son, who just had 8th grade science before this happened, could tell you that 100% of the time when you have a Pacific Rim offshore earthquake, 100% of the time you get a tsunami of one size or another.
The idea that somehow these events occurred together is shocking.
It's like saying the back wheels of a car happened to move forward when the front wheels went forward.
They go together!
And that they didn't know this.
That they seem to think that this is an excuse that these two events happened together is really quite frightening.
And the fact that our own Nuclear Regulatory Commission thinks that that's okay too, especially when we're talking about the Gulf Coast of Texas and other places.
There's going to be several
Well, we have over 20 Mark 1 plants running in the United States.
Yeah, weak containments.
You know, this isn't about being pro or anti-nuclear, Alex.
This is about being anti-fraud.
This is about being anti-shakedown.
We're getting conned for $4 billion in Texas, $56 billion the Obama administration wants to spend.
And, you know, and the cover, the wonderful cover is, don't worry, we're bringing in Tokyo Electric.
They know how to do it.
Well, let me stop you.
We now have a whole bunch of former GE and current GE scientists quitting, saying that they internally have complained about the Mark I's and even some of the new designs, so that certainly bolsters it.
Yes, Greg, I've read your books and know your bio.
I know that you were an anti-nuclear fraud investigator for the...
For the federal government, before you were an investigative journalist.
That's why you got into it.
But let me stop you there.
Let's pull back.
Studying how governments and corporations cover up.
And they follow a playbook.
Studying the prevailing winds.
Reactor rods being ejected thousands of feet in the air that were on top of Fukushima 3.
They blew up Monday morning.
The fact that it's ongoing.
The levels of radiation we're talking about.
Two of the containment facilities of the live reactors now breached.
The admissions that they...
Don't even want to send in emergency workers now that it's, quote, a suicide mission.
The Fukushima 50.
The fact that they won't release the radiation numbers.
The fact that the Pentagon is swarming over the area and says they might send a spy plane tomorrow, maybe.
No meteorologists, no talk about fallout.
How do you expect the cover-up now to unfold?
And what should folks on the West Coast be doing?
Well folks on the West Coast should be actually sushi is a very good response because it has seaweed which has iodine.
You want to dose your body with as much natural iodine as possible so that you're to keep the iodine 16 out of your out of your thyroid.
There's no such thing as a natural
Radiation shield, but that'd be the first thing I'd do, start eating some seaweed.
That's not a joke, by the way.
I did recommend to Japanese colleagues that they tweet out and send out a message to evacuate at least 40 kilometers from the plant area.
The government told them first 10 kilometers, which is only 6 miles, and they changed it to 20.
And now that it's too late, people will actually be going through radiation.
They've told people to seal up their houses.
It's snowing.
Don't turn on your heat.
Seal up your houses.
And just stay there.
Insanely irresponsible.
So you know they're lying because they didn't care if people stayed in the radiation zone.
They didn't hand out iodine pills because they didn't want to so-called panic people.
People will now die because they didn't hand out iodine pills.
So these companies really, literally don't care if you live and if you die.
But what about the Pentagon swarming that area?
Heavy military presence.
They've got detectors.
They're not giving us any numbers.
They're teaming up with the Japanese in the cover-up.
Well, don't forget that who is one of the biggest nuclear plant operators in the world?
It's the U.S.
We have, you know, weapons-grade systems.
We have the disaster at the Hanford nuclear plant, which is like a, you know, a massive toxic zone.
Los Alamos.
The last thing we want to do is start questioning nuclear power, because then you might start, you know, questioning the entire nuclear cycle and say, you know, who are nuclear bombs threatening?
You know, an enemy?
Or are they threatening us because of the process we use here in the country?
But how do we respond to this cover-up?
How do we respond?
I think that we have to, I guess, your program, we have to get the word out.
I mean, it's very difficult.
You know, I have years and years of experience in this field, and yet I haven't been invited on to a single American TV show.
I work for the biggest network in the world, BBC, and I'm on television all over the planet, but not here.
And it's not because I'm wonderful, but where's the experts who aren't on the payroll of the nuclear industry?
I haven't heard one
One single commentator or questioner say, when these guys say, don't worry about this.
Weren't the other guys that said, don't worry about this, three weeks ago?
The guys that told us, hey, don't worry about nuclear power.
Look, they do it in Japan without a problem.
I actually heard one nuclear expert from the industry yesterday say, well, we've got a pretty good record.
You know, there's going to be maybe 100,000 deaths here?
I mean, what if 500 Boeing airplanes fell out of the sky and they said, well, you know, it's been pretty... we've had a good run.
Would we accept that?
We accept that from this industry.
This is crazy.
And it only happens because it's an industry which lives and thrives on lies and fraud.
And I'm not saying it being... the thing is that it's all your money as a rate payer.
You're a captive, monopolized company.
Greg, let's not forget that the EPA knew the asbestos and mercury and lead, they knew it was deadly, and they said, don't worry about gas masks, the air is safe to breathe, open the schools back up the day after 9-11.
I mean, they have a history of just lying to us with extreme pleasure.
Yeah, I don't know if they get pleasure out of it, but they make a profit out of it, which is extreme profit.
But what's the profit worth if their kids are radiated?
You know, I've always wondered about that, but apparently these guys don't care if their grandmothers are irradiated.
They just couldn't, as far as I could tell, first of all, they could care less.
The second is that most of these guys are off somewhere.
The guy at Tokyo, the chairman of Tokyo Electric, he ain't in that plan.
He's got 50 guys who are basically held hostage and irradiated.
They're not going to have full lives.
They're not going to have normal children.
You know, they basically, that was a kamikaze mission.
It's frightening and it's terrible.
Then they're coming to, um, like in Texas, I can tell you, I know that they're lying already because I've already caught them.
Uh, they, I don't know about the safety issues, but they said that the plants at South Texas would cost $5 billion.
The Japanese knew, have in their pocket, when they told the U.S.
government $5 billion, that it was going to be $12 billion.
That's a heck of a difference.
Let me go back here.
They're going to put a headline on screen.
The Fukushima 50 are saying, quote, they're not afraid to die.
How about the CEOs and people have to get a shovel in there and go scoop up fuel rods that are all over the ground?
How about all these guys that love nuclear power?
How about they go in there and and show us how great nuclear power is instead of sending in?
They're now ordering police and the police are following orders.
The police are going in.
So they're they're sending the police in to do this.
Well, what's very sad is that I can tell you that when I did the studies of Evacuation America, if the U.S.
government ever said those within 10 miles should leave, which is our official evacuation zone, which has nothing to do with wind, which doesn't know about a 10-mile border, that most people within 30 miles will leave.
The Japanese, if they're told
10 miles, 20 miles, that's it!
They don't move!
And by the way, that is a very frightening thing in terms of their building a plant.
I was talking to a fire suppression engineer who works on fire suppression at many, many nuclear plants in the U.S.
He says they're really frightening.
To have the Japanese come in and build, because they have no culture of whistleblowing.
If one of the bosses said, well, don't worry about that crankshaft, don't worry about that pump isn't good enough in case of an accident, they will just say yes, they're salarymen.
No one ever says anything.
Yeah, they're perfect for corruption because they're subservient on average.
Greg Palast, gregpalast.com, we'll talk to you again very soon.
Thank you for popping in with us with your expert analysis.
Please just stand by in the next few days as your reports and investigations continue.
Thanks, Alex.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
The Health Ranger in studio.
All the latest developments.
Stay with us.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to try to contain myself right now.
And we're going to take your phone calls, and then Mike Adams, the health ranger, is going to join us in studio.
We have four nuclear reactors at Fukushima that have blown sky-high.
There's 600,000-plus rods stored, old rods, on top of these facilities.
They built them on fault lines and store the rods there, ejected into the atmosphere, radioactive cloud that went over Tokyo, other ones going out to sea towards the U.S.
west coast and the direct prevailing winds and the jet stream.
And Barack Obama, the evidence of the outrageous arrogance and his disconnection from reality,
And trying to distract the American people from real issues is at whitehouse.gov.
And we'll put this on screen.
President Obama's 2011 NCAA brackets.
He spent over an hour doing this.
He's visiting with hockey teams after that.
And he says, one of the things I wanted to do on the show was, as people are filling out their brackets, this is obviously a national pastime.
We all have a great time.
It's a great diversion.
But I know a lot of people are thinking how they can help the Japanese people during this time of need.
If you go to USA.gov, which they always end up stealing, that will list the non-profits, the charities that are out there helping.
It would be wonderful for people to do, maybe offer a little help, a little help to the Japanese people at this time as they're filling out their brackets.
It's not going to take a lot of time.
That could be very helpful.
Ladies and gentlemen, talk about extreme arrogance.
He should have cancelled doing it.
He shouldn't be doing that during the depression, during the dollar plunging, during the Middle East exploding, during the biggest nuclear disaster in world history, with radiation coming this way, and on top of it, the Pentagon has announced that they might fly a spy plane over with infrared tomorrow.
Six days after the disaster.
Five days in, they've pulled the tribes back.
They're not helping.
The radiation's off the chart.
The Japanese admitted the site.
It's a suicide mission for the people inside.
The plants are continuing to burn and explode, sending the radiation towards us.
And we have this key article up on InfoWars.com by Paul Watson.
Obama plays while Japan begs for help.
He's playing golf.
He's doing NCAA March Madness picks.
He's meeting with hockey teams as the world descends into bedlam.
The headline at PrisonPlanet.com is Obama fiddles while Fukushima burns.
The reason we're losing our liberty, losing our dollar, losing our jobs, is because we're obsessed with diversions and distractions.
The equivalent of modern Roman bread and circuses.
Gladiatorial distractions.
And I am sick and tired of it!
And Obama and his controllers know exactly what they're doing.
He calls it a nice diversion.
In his statement about Japan, while you're filling out your March Madness pics.
He knows it's a diversion.
And they're keeping us in the dark, and there's a giant cover-up going on of the radiation coming across the Pacific Ocean to our country, and they think it's funny!
Do you understand how big a deal this is?
This illustrates the sickness of our nation and how by design they roll this out as a distraction.
What did he say here in the disgusting quote?
He said, one of the things I wanted to do on the show was, as people are filling out their brackets, this is obviously an actual pastime.
We all have a great time.
It's a great diversion.
From what, Obama?
The foreign bank stealing $28 trillion of taxpayer money that we gotta pay to bail themselves out?
The wars, the tyranny, the TSA sticking their hands down our pants?
The police checkpoints, the radiation machines, the fluoride in our water, the cancer rate, the autism rate, the diabetes rate exploding off the charts?
The 51 million abortions in this country since Roe v. Wade?
This is why our country is falling apart.
This is why our nation
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have got to stand up against this outrage.
As Obama says, March Madness is a nice diversion.
The media says, oh, we're going to have nothing but positive news for you today.
I heard that over and over again.
We're going to ignore the negative things, like that's moral to do, as the radiation's coming towards the West Coast.
We need everybody to get these articles, Obama Plays While Japan Begs For Help, Infowars.com, Obama Fiddles While Fukushima Burns, PrisonPlanet.com.
We need to get this out to everybody.
Those fuel rods, the spent ones and the ones inside the containment units are on fire, burning, spewing radiation out.
There's hard winds.
They call it the kamikaze, the divine wind that blows the jet stream across towards the United States.
That's where that term comes from.
There's a kamikaze divine wind of radiation undoubtedly headed our way.
And you better believe the government's going to try to cover this up.
Now, going back to James, and I'm going to go to Will, Richard, Rob, Ron, and others, during the Health Rangers, so stay there, I'll get to everybody.
But James, you wanted to briefly, as somebody that worked in nuclear power plants and worked on the sub-reactors, who's certified in it, you wanted to talk about some precautions for people.
Go ahead.
Yes, I did.
First, I just wanted to say I agree a lot with Greg Palace.
There is a lot of cover-up and there's a lot of corruption going on in the Navy nuclear and commercial nuclear fleet.
I wasn't surprised to hear that, but I was kind of surprised to hear that he had been involved in that.
I've talked to Navy captains who were on nuke subs, one of them runs Veterans for Peace here in Austin, and they would have them do tests that they knew were releasing radiation, and knowing that it would hurt the crew, and many of his people died, he's sick from it.
But sorry, go ahead.
No, I believe it because I spent years in that program, and they tell you you're trained, you're cream of the crop, and they love to treat you like filth.
And I got sick of it.
I got sick and tired of being treated like filth.
I got tired of having my family being treated like filth, so I left.
And it's spreading into the civilian fleet, especially at Turkey Point.
That place is corrupt.
But I do know, I just want to
Go real quick into, I do know of a supplement that has 45 doses of colloidal minerals that you drink on an empty stomach and it gets absorbed in your bloodstream in five minutes.
And I'm not plugging anything, I'm not making any money, I'm just putting this out so I can help people.
But it does have here, I'm reading it, about 150 micrograms of potassium iodide.
And there's 45 servings in this container.
Yeah, well, I mean, look, at InfoWarsTeam.com, we've got the Dulse iodine.
It's even a lot more than that.
There's a lot of natural ways to get stuff to fill up most your thyroid.
It's not as good as the medical grade, but it certainly helps.
I appreciate, I appreciate your call, James.
Let's go ahead and talk to Will in Michigan.
Will, you're on the air.
Hey, how you going?
Good, sir.
God bless you guys, man.
First and foremost.
Breaking news.
Digital Journal.
Get this guy's up on your website as soon as you can.
Japan's radiation problem appears to be out of control.
It's 49 minutes old.
No, I'm going to cover some news right before our guest joins us after we come out of break.
Wait one, I'm running back into my computer room.
Hold on one second, getting it right now.
Japan's radiation problem appears to be out of control.
That's Digital Journal.
I appreciate your call.
We have it.
Let me read to you.
Japan's radiation problems appear out of control.
Latest reports from Japan reveal a country grounding in sorrow from last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami, and it will not have to
Give undivided attention to a disaster of surging radiation levels at Fukushima's Daiichi nuclear facility.
Scientists are warning that the fires associated with explosions at the nuclear plant where fuel storage ponds have overheated may be letting off radioactive steam.
Yeah, you think so?
No kidding.
We'll be right back.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Go to gusset.com forward slash America.
Land of the free and the home of the brave.
Seems like I just woke up one day and it was gone.
Again, go to gusset.com forward slash America Today.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly while
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live into hour number three.
It is the 16th day of March, 2011.
Will, Richard, Rob, Ron, others, we're going to be taking your calls this hour.
We're going to be going into overdrive, obviously, into the fourth hour.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259.
9231, the health ranger, Mike Adams, a big researcher in all these areas, is going to be our guest this hour into the next.
If you'd like to stay with us, we're going to be recapping and giving you the latest as the news continues to unfold.
I also later want to go over an article, 27 signs that the nuclear crisis in Japan is much worse than either the mainstream media or the Japanese government have been telling us.
The big article we need to get out to everybody, alert Fukushima cover-up.
Close to 40 years of spent nuclear fuel rods blown sky-high.
They've been storing over 600,000 of them on top of the facilities.
Four of them have blown up, ejecting them into the air.
And Japan is not giving out radiation readings now in those two states.
Bad sign.
Greg Powell has agreed.
That's a cover-up going on.
More fires.
More smoke at the plant.
Boiling off radiation.
Kyoto News reports.
Number three reactor vents smoke.
But they are also reporting that some of the other reactors have had breached internal seal cores.
This place is a giant nuclear waste dump.
That's on top of it all.
Newly released images show devastated nuclear reactors.
Japan scrambles to pull nuclear plant back from the brink.
Fukushima nuke plant station worsened considerably.
Think Tank reports the nuke station one has worsened considerably.
The Institute for Science and International Security sent a statement.
Also, there's more problems at some of the other plants there.
There's six total.
Including some that have already been turned off, but they're still catching on fire.
This stuff's very flammable.
If you put these rods out in the open, they catch on fire.
Continuing, the Surgeon General said, as a precaution, buy potassium iodine.
Then other government agencies said, don't do it.
We've confirmed from listeners with names and dates that FEMA and the CDC have been ordering clinics, even though it's over-the-counter, to not prescribe it to people that ask for it on the West Coast.
Continuing Japan crisis spurs iodine demand in the U.S.
sells out everywhere.
Panic buying stocks of potassium iodate.
Exhausted in the United States.
Military rescuers brace for Japan radiation in the U.S.
Aid flights coming back.
I mean, one particle of uranium or plutonium, it'll kill you.
You won't have to wait a few years for it to happen.
It's that slow kill they can cover up at the fast death.
Powell's predicts 100,000 are going to die in the next few months from what's happened in Japan alone.
Got to pray for those folks.
Other mainline reports, AP reporting, that the radiation is going out to sea now.
It's been going from northeast on Friday, going Saturday and Sunday and Monday straight east towards the United States, then Tuesday turning south and giving Tokyo a dose.
People now fleeing that with higher and higher levels being registered.
Now it's moved back up to going straight due east towards our west coast.
So we've got that information.
The aircraft carriers raced 200 miles away when Fukushima 3 blew up Monday and high radiation levels were picked up.
They reported ships were radiated, some of them.
That's associated press as well.
Reuters report U.S.
forces on the island of Japan are kept 50 miles away from Japan nuke plant as if the wind doesn't carry it.
Further, Japan's emperor in historic speech says never give up hope.
Japan's beloved emperor, the son of the guy that attacked us in World War II, emperor dramatically took to the national TV airways Wednesday and buoyed the spirits of his disaster-stricken citizens and extraordinarily addressed before a nation grappling with the aftermath of an epic earthquake and a devastating tsunami and growing fears of nuclear catastrophe.
I truly hope, quote,
I truly hope the victims of the disaster never give up hope, take care of themselves, and live strong for tomorrow, said the dignified and understated Emperor, a calm and poignant oration delivered from the Imperial Palace.
Also, I want citizens of Japan, he said, to remember everyone who's been affected by the devastation, not only today, but for a long time afterwards, and help with the recovery.
The 77-year-old ceremonial but deeply revered Chief of State, underlined Prime Minister Kan's earlier assertion that Japan was going through its worst crisis since World War II when they got A-bombs dropped on them at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Remember, the Atomic Energy Agency estimates that Chernobyl, much smaller than this disaster now, that's undoubted, only for 10 days had steam coming out.
And that that radiated over 1,000 miles swath, 150,000 square miles, but 1,000 miles north, got heavy radiation.
There's estimated a million deaths from complications associated with that event.
Now, we've got four reactors on fire, exploding, and you better believe there's a big cover-up going on, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's just some of what we're dealing with.
But you've got to admire the stoic, genteel calm of the Japanese people.
There's not looting.
Crime's actually gone down statistically.
The people are orderly.
This would have been a lot worse if they weren't.
But still, they don't need to be too orderly when this is done and getting justice.
I'd like to see the owners of Tokyo Electric Power and the CEOs that built it on a fault line and stored the rods on top of the reactors.
I'd like to see them in there.
Not the police, not the military, not the plant workers in there on a suicide mission.
Oh, but they're elitist, so it's evil to talk bad about them.
Now, joining us is Mike Adams.
And Mike Adams, of course, is the health ranger.
Heads up, Natural News, naturalnews.com.
He really needs no introduction, but he's been warning about these type of situations.
He happened to be in Austin, and we're honored to have him in here riding shotgun with us.
We're going to talk for about 15 minutes, and I promise, go directly to your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Mike Adams, good to have you here.
What do you make of all this?
Well, it's good to be here, Alex.
A great summary of the situation.
This is the cover-up that they can't cover up.
You know, when radiation, when there's a meltdown, when there's fissionable material being released into the atmosphere, they can't cover this up.
They can cover up vaccines for a while, they can cover up GMOs for a while, fluoride in the water for decades, but not this.
And so, this is a turning point, not just for the future of nuclear power, but also for people who have been, let's say, listening to you for year after year, and wondering, is Alex really right?
Is he overstating it, or is he on target?
Well, this morning we posted on Facebook, on our own Facebook page, that we're going to be on your show here, and the first comment from a person was, Alex Jones was right!
You know, and I know you're not ego-driven, it doesn't matter to you to hear that, but for those listening, it's an important point.
That when we've been warning, you and I both have been warning for a long time, and you for many more years than I, about preparedness, about the dangers in the world, about the cover-ups, about governments not telling people
The truth.
Because when we let them get away with cover-ups, they get more and more arrogant, more and more crazy themselves.
There's no governor.
You're saying this is a major game-changer.
It is a game-changer.
Because now, if the lies about the safety of nuclear power can be so devastating and so catastrophic to the people of Japan and perhaps even to the people of North America, it raises the question, you know, what else have we been lied about?
What else has been done in the name of so-called scientific thinking?
For example, GMOs are now being pushed under science.
And anyone who questions them is called unscientific.
When the science actually shows they're deadly.
Well, it does.
But they're trying to hide behind that label, right?
And nuclear power was given to us as a progression of civilization.
This was supposed to be clean energy.
Virtually limitless energy.
Folks think it's trendy to just mindlessly support it.
Well, exactly.
And there are a lot of things like that that are happening in our world today.
You've talked about here, fluoride in the water, for example.
The pharmaceutical medication.
Genetic engineering.
The list just goes on and on.
The Hadron Superconducting Super Collider.
A lot of physicists are on record saying it could destroy the planet.
These are guys with PhDs, and then the people at Hadron say, well, that's a low probability.
They're going to do thousands of tests.
Well, exactly, and what you get to behind all this is the arrogance of the scientists, combined with the corruption of the politicians, and as you call them, the global elite.
They're believing their own lies.
They do believe them, and they're willing to risk the lives of the public in order to pursue their own agenda.
When they built these power plants, remember those GE engineers who quit because they said, this isn't a safe design.
It's not safe.
No one listened to them.
That was back in the 70s.
And now, decades later, we're starting to look at a time when we're going to have to pay a price.
And people's... I mean, an engineer lost their job.
They got blackballed when they quit.
They didn't just do this, just like the genetic engineer guys that were making a million bucks a year, and they come out and say, this potato sterilizes you.
We can't put this on the market.
They're like, you're fired.
Well, that's right.
Time and time again, those who raise the warnings are either ridiculed by the mainstream media, if they're folks like you... Well, we said this was a Meltdown Friday.
Yeah, you were ahead of this, way ahead of us doing it.
In fact, I was looking at your news and saying, wow, you guys have an incredible news system going on here, by the way.
Paul Watson just does incredible work.
But you were on top of this story before the mainstream media was really on board with it, and they're still not on board with the truth of what's happening.
The truth is... Well, no, they're on board with a big cover-up.
Well, right!
The government is not telling them the truth on so many topics that nuclear energy is just the tip of the iceberg here.
There's so much more coming down the road.
Fiat currency, the Federal Reserve, the global debt.
They now admit 10 times the radiation they'd said in secret tests at the airports with the scanners.
Massive cancer increase.
They just think they can wave baloney wands
And change the laws of physics.
That's exactly what they're trying to do.
And now they're fighting the laws of physics, and the laws of physics are winning in Tokyo.
Sadly, the laws of physics and fission... Reality.
Reality, exactly.
Reality is something... You can't avoid the laws of economics, for example.
You can't run the world on a global... And they'll try to play it down when Japanese start dying, and when radiation hits the U.S., but still, the reality's there.
It's cause and effect, Alex, and we have set into motion on this planet, through the corruption, through the governments that don't tell us the truth, through the science that has been distorted for these corporate agendas, we've set into motion a chain of events.
That's now coming back to haunt us.
And so many Americans, it's like real popular now to make jokes.
I hear it all over the radio about the Japanese.
These are little kids dying, folks.
People being raided.
Men fighting for everybody else's safety, knowing they're dying.
They're on record saying, we're ready to die.
And people are making jokes.
Folks, do you think you're safe, those of you out there making jokes, when we're such a decadent society that people don't care?
Who's going to save your butt?
Who's going to step up for you?
You know, that's sick.
That's sick.
I didn't know people were out there making jokes about this, but it's absolutely sick.
Another thing that's sick... Well, stay there.
Yeah, the guy... We gotta go to break.
The guy that does the Aflac duck just lost his job, you know, making jokes.
He said, yeah, the Japanese are so advanced, you know, they have the ocean come to them and ha ha ha.
And it's just not funny.
It's bad luck, too, folks, making fun of people that are in trouble.
Okay, it's bad luck.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
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So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
We're good to go.
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Your phone calls coming up in the next segment.
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I'm Alex Jones.
We've got the health ranger Mike Adams riding shotgun with us live into the next hour.
You want to awaken your friends and family to the real nature of this threat?
The ongoing cover-up?
Tell them to tune into the local AM and FM stations.
Carrying the show?
Stop at red lights, tell people, folks at work, you name it.
But also, they can listen at InfoWars.com or watch us at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Here's some big breaking news I was given during the break.
This is a beta test.
You heard six months ago that they want an internet kill switch.
During emergencies, they would reroute everything to government websites.
This is a beta test to kind of condition you and to show people that they have this power.
military blocks websites to help Japan recovery efforts.
Really, they won't send the troops in and are covering up the radiation levels for the public, but they're doing this.
And it says the U.S.
military has blocked access to a range of popular commercial websites in order to free up bandwidth for use in Japan recovery efforts, according to an email obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesman for the U.S.
Strategic Command.
The sites include YouTube, ESPN, Amazon, eBay, MTV, were chosen not because of the content, because they were popularity among users of the military computers account for significant bandwidth according to strategic command spokesman.
I mean, they don't even go on to say they were having trouble with their networks.
They're just setting that precedent with a little step and they go through it.
Mike Adams, they're openly pushing that they want to start curtailing the web because alternative media is kicking their hind end.
Well, that's very true, Alex, and if you look at the reasoning behind this, they say, look, they're going to free up bandwidth to help in Japan's recovery efforts.
I mean, you can't email people food.
You can't email potassium iodide to the population.
I'm not sure how this is going to help Japan recover.
What they need is to cool the spent fuel rods, right?
And you can't do that over the Internet.
You've got to get ships in there with pumps, and the Pentagon is keeping the U.S.
ships away from there, and Japan's not able to tackle that situation as they should have been able to.
This is clearly not a rescue effort.
Like you say, it sounds like a beta test of an internet blocking effort.
I mean, what else could the explanation be for this?
Well, it sets the precedent and normalizes it.
Well, that's exactly, and that's what they do.
Every time there's a crisis, we've seen it, you know, in Haiti, we've seen it with Hurricane Katrina, here in Texas and Louisiana.
Every time there's a crisis, they use it to jump on one more effort to take away your freedoms, or take away your access, or spin their agenda in a new way and position it as a rescue effort.
That's exactly what we're looking at here, I believe.
It's like, oh, well, because they admit six months ago that they may kill the whole Internet and send you to government sites during emergencies.
And so there's no doubt that that is what this is.
EPA is announcing that it's increasing radiation monitoring in the United States.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com, the latest article by Steve Watson.
Again, our reporters are doing a great job tracking everything.
Well, the issue here, Alex, is, if I can interrupt for a second, that when they send you to government websites, that is not usually the best source of information, if ever.
No, it's the control info.
The best source of information, as your listeners well know, is, of course, the alternative media.
That's where you're going to get the truth about what's happening ahead of the mainstream media.
That's where you're going to get intelligent interpretation.
A wide spectrum of analysis.
That's exactly right.
You're going to get analysis that the mainstream media is not allowed to do.
Think about these nuke plants.
Those are General Electric parts.
I mean, those were built by General Electric, which, of course, owns many of the major media outlets in the United States, or is heavily invested in them.
Do you think the mainstream media is going to go out there and start telling people about the structural engineering?
Well, the former head of General Electric runs the White House Economic Council.
It's all tied in together, exactly like that.
So when they're testing shutting down the internet, what they're really doing is testing to see if people will buy into the idea that all information should be centrally controlled.
During emergencies?
During emergencies.
Which they've said is their plan with the internet kill switch.
Headline, Obama wants Killswitch during emergencies for whole web.
We can put that on screen.
And they can declare an emergency for just about anything as you well know.
They can declare an emergency if the dollar drops 20% in one day.
They can declare an emergency... That's in the executive orders.
It says any reason.
It's all in there.
It could be for no reason.
It could be for a reason that's secret because they say, this is a threat to national security and we can't tell you why.
But it's just an emergency and now all the internet is blocked or funneled to their sources of information.
That's the day, Alex, that folks like you and other alternative media sites are really going to have to get out there and use the underground
Well, that's why we've got people hanging the flyers, learning the power of just flyers with messages.
Local micro-FM.
I mean, people have got to really appreciate the web while we've got it, as they try to kill it.
That's right.
The web continues to be the best source of information, and especially the alternative... Well, it was a kid with a cell phone shooting the mushroom cloud.
That would have been covered up.
Lots of things, like the police beatings of these innocent people, and the tasering of innocent senior citizens, for example.
It's like the cop on that in Portland, not in Portland, in California in the Bay Area in Oakland, where they confiscate two of the cameras but somebody still secretly shot when they shoot the guy in the back and then lie about it.
And then it came out that they had basically just executed him and the cop went to jail.
This is a double-edged sword and the system doesn't like it.
We're going to come back, go to calls, then go to examples of other things, how this nuke situation is the tip of the iceberg.
With Mike Adams, I'm Alex Jones.
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All right, we're going into a full fourth hour of overdrive today.
Mike Adams will be with us for 30 minutes into that.
In the last 30 minutes, I'll continue to cover the latest developments with the Fukushima, Japan insanity.
There's other reactors having problems.
Who knows what the truth is on those.
I've got a report about leaking with water at a Canadian nuke plant today being overshadowed by this.
Obama's moving with anti-gun legislation while we're all busy watching this.
We've got incredible police state news.
Huge Middle East news, amazingly important U.S.
news and world politics, and the economy stack.
That's in the last 30 minutes of Overdrive today that I haven't even gotten to.
In other news...
Stocks fall on Japan crisis.
Weak economic reports.
The Japanese stock market lost more than 11 points in the last few days.
We're getting you the latest on that.
We're about to go to your calls.
But stocks fall on Japan crisis.
Weak economic reports.
Japan's nuclear crisis.
Disappointing economic reports cause stocks to fall.
Worsening fears about the nuclear crisis in Japan shook financial markets today.
Stocks opened lower, then dropped sharply at mid-morning trading after the European Union's energy chief was quoted as saying that Japan's nuclear crisis could get worse.
No kidding.
Duh, not winning.
Treasury prices jumped, sending yields to their lowest level this year as investors piled into investments seen as being more stable.
Like farmland, gold, commodities.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 265 points, or 2.3%, to 11,590.
The Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 29.
The CBOE Market Volatility Index jumped 18.
Percentage points, a sign that investors seek more volatility or see more and expect more volatility in the stock market.
Japan temporarily suspended work at a stricken nuclear plant after a surge in radiation made it too dangerous for workers to remain there.
That came a day after Japan's prime minister said four crippled reactors at the nuclear power plant were leaking dangerous amounts of radiation, but not giving the numbers.
And neither is our government, swarming with spy aircraft and submarines and radiation snoops.
Not telling us, because we're in the fallout path.
Cover up!
That's the big news here.
One of the biggest nuke dumps in the world.
600,000 spent rods blowing around everywhere.
Two reactor cores breached.
I said I'd go to your calls, but briefly, Mike Adams, your take.
On the issue, and we wrote about this last night, it's still the most detailed report out there.
We hope folks get it out.
Alarm over spent fuel rods threatens Chernobyl on steroids.
And we have another report with the headline that Japanese Fukushima disaster spewed radioactive rods into the atmosphere.
Your take on that?
Well, in the Chernobyl incident, Alex, you've got to remember that after the meltdown occurred... 400 times Hiroshima, and it was much smaller.
Huge radiation introduced directly into the atmosphere.
I totally agree with you.
We've got to focus on the future of human civilization, life on our planet.
How are we going to stay alive?
How are we going to keep radiation out of the food supply here in America?
And as long as we're talking about the food supply, what do you have there?
I'm just showing folks on TV.
Well, I know this isn't a show about GMOs, but I want to say one sentence.
I believe that GMOs are the Fukushima meltdown of the agricultural industry just waiting to happen.
Well, it's taking over regular natural farming.
It's been proven in every major study to be causing all sorts of problems, even in bees, not just humans.
I mean, the evidence is overwhelming.
We're going to talk about that next hour, before you leave.
No, no, we're going to talk about the other things that they're covering up, coming up the start of the next hour.
But before we go to calls, last point, then I'm going to Richard, Rob, Trevor, Chuck, Jackie, I promise.
I wanted to raise this.
Obama plays while Japan begs for help.
That's the Infowars headline.
The Prison Planet headline is Obama fiddles while Fukushima burns.
And it goes over the fact that he's spending hours talking about March Madness today.
Stupid basketball.
And this is the President.
This is the leader.
And he said it's a good distraction from what's happening in the world in a White House press release.
It's a distraction.
They want it to be a distraction from the fallout coming our way.
Yes, clearly they want to be distractions.
Like you said in the previous hour, this is bread and circuses for America.
Instead of focusing on what we need to focus on, which is our safety, our preparedness, accurate information about the situation in Japan, instead of that, we're talking about basketball, stars, and that the President is doing that?
And folks, if you're on the West Coast and your child gets a dose of it, because fast-growing cells in children, it's many, they estimate 20 plus times on average more dangerous for children, and your child suddenly gets leukemia or gets bone cancer, which they admit this can cause, will March Madness be funny when you're putting your kid in a coffin?
But see, remember Alex, the cancer industry has never been about preventing cancer, as you well know.
We've talked about it.
So they might actually like this?
They might actually like it.
Because now you have higher risks of cancer.
Guess what?
You're going to have a message from the White House to say more women go get mammograms now, which of course irradiate women's breasts even more.
You said that years ago, now that's mainline studies.
Now it is, right.
It was considered a radical idea.
The EPA now says they want to pull fluoride out of the water, admitting it's killing people.
Right, right.
You know, one by one, these lies are being exposed, Alex, and it's due to the alternative media.
That's the only place that people... We're going to cover it next hour, that's why you're here with continual coverage with us, and I look forward to the near future when you're back in Austin, sitting in.
I know you're going to be here a little bit next week, maybe next week you could come in for a day and fill in.
I don't know, Alex, no one can fill in.
Yes, you can.
How about we have Watson next Friday?
Do half the show, you do the other half.
I'd be happy to fill in whenever it's appropriate.
We'll work it out before you leave, then you can cover it all.
Let's talk to Richard in Vermont.
Thanks for holding, Richard.
You're on the air worldwide.
How are you doing, Alex?
Yeah, this is Richard in Vermont.
I'm a certified first-class nuclear welder of 13 years.
I'm 61 years old, now retired from that.
Uh, the turning point by Fridtjof Kavra back in 1984 and immediately removed myself from welding, uh, the reactor cores and submarines because I saw potential danger in that.
So that just to qualify myself, but I wanted to let you know that, um, what you actually saw, what you and I actually saw flying out of the top of number three there was, uh, 3450 of those fuel rods.
7,000 of them, over 7,000 of them have been compromised.
The rest of them, the rest of the 600,000 are sitting in spent fuel rods.
That's right.
And for those that don't know, we covered it first hour.
The Japanese government admits at one plant, 70% are exposed.
At the other, 33%.
Give people an idea.
They're now saying live rods.
Explain to people what, what if you got one little gram of one of those live rods and put it in your mouth, what would happen?
Okay, say if you've got a beam of light shining through the windows and you're dusting your furniture and you see those little particles of dust floating around in the air.
If one of those particles of dust went over one of these radiated rods and became irradiated itself and say your pet dog went walking by or God forbid your child or yourself goes walking by and inhales it and it goes into your nose, down into your lungs, you're dead.
You're dead.
You're dead in a matter of, if not the first day, you're dead.
What it does, it goes in there and starts rupturing all of the cells in the body, and it's radiation.
It's not like it goes through the bloodstream.
It irradiates through everything, just like an x-ray.
You know, and that's what it does.
And while it is radiating, what it's doing is it's destroying all the cells in your body.
Now that book written by one of the nuclear physicists, I've actually read the excerpts from it.
They talk about the studies where if a dog gets one particle of enriched uranium or plutonium, it's dead within days.
Particle of dust.
You know, people might get the idea that you might be talking about a particle of plutonium coming off of one of the rods.
That's not it.
And that's heavy, so it would have trouble going across the Pacific, but everything that's touching it, everything that's touching it, and then aerosolizing, man, that sounds like things are worse than what I'm saying.
Oh, it's a hell of a lot worse.
Here's the bad part of it.
What you and I saw flying into the water and out of the reactor and come down crashing on the ground,
Guaranteed, a lot of those rods fell into the water.
Now, what we've been talking about is a jet stream that's going around and it's going to carry this across to the West Coast.
It's absolutely positively going to happen.
It's going to happen for a while.
And by the way, it doesn't dissipate.
Uranium's 4... Folks, give me the half-life.
What is it?
What's in the rods?
No, no, I'm asking Richard.
Richard, do you know the particular isotope of uranium that's in the rods?
No, I don't, sir.
I believe it's uranium-236.
No, I think it's plutonium-236.
That's the killer, and that's what they use.
Well, there's plutonium as well.
Guys, just look up the half-life of basic uranium.
I believe it's 4,300,000,000.
So the point is, it falls on seaweed.
The seaweed gets the radiation.
The seaweed washes up a year later, dries, becomes wind, blows across.
It basically never ends.
This isn't like oil you dump in your backyard and it goes away.
The point is, whatever the half-life is, it's billions of years, and as Dr. Bowman, the former head of the Star Wars program, three degrees in nuclear physics, said yesterday, we will see increased cancer rates in the U.S.
from this.
Sorry, go ahead.
Okay, the other part of it is that you're talking about the seaweed and everything like that.
Everybody's looking at the jet stream and watching that come around.
What people need to do is look up on Wikipedia, ocean current, because these things also went into the water.
And that ocean current, the stream of the ocean, goes around right past Japan and it does a curl around and it starts heading east and then it circulates right up the west coast going northward off the west coast.
Okay, so not only are you going to be getting the jet stream, which is poisoned by these things, which means it's going to be coming down out of the sky in the form of snow and rain,
But it's going to also be poisoning all the water.
You're going to be seeing billions and billions of wildlife coming up out of it and washing up on the shores everywhere.
I would hate to live in Australia right now.
Yeah, what about seafood?
The Aussies are the ones really freaking out.
They understand because they've dealt with Japan's lies.
You were about to talk about seafood.
Well, your caller is absolutely right.
And look at seafood.
Right now, we're worried about mercury in seafood.
What about radioactive seafood?
All the fishing areas that are in the Pacific, between Japan and the west coast of the United States and the west coast of Mexico and Canada, these could be impacted.
Now we could be...
Remember the Mad Max movie where they were selling water and they had the radiation meter testing the water, the Mel Gibson character, is this radioactive water?
We might have to start doing that for our food.
Well, let's go back.
We've got a basic graph of the general ocean currents and you can see it goes right up by Fukushima and does go east, hits the United States right up at the Canadian border, turns up and runs around Alaska to the key fishing grounds and then back again in circles there.
Holy mackerel!
Yeah, so we're talking not only air, we're not being killed by air, we're being killed by land and by sea.
The other thing that I wanted to say, and this is a caveat for people living on the West Coast, alright?
Your children, do not let them go out and have snowball fights and make snowmen.
Starting, like right now, it's a good practice to start getting into.
We've only got a few days left before this stuff starts coming down on us.
What they need to do when they go outside is wear things like long plastic hooded plastic.
It's got to be plastic hooded ponchos.
And these things have got to be rinsed off on a daily basis.
And also the children or you or whoever, your pets, you got to be rinsed on a daily basis in the shower.
And that's for upper body.
Have you heard Obama's going to do a South American trip now?
I guess he won't be here.
He's heading out, man.
If he wasn't, if he didn't have something set up for South America, he'd be going down into his Alice bunker.
I don't know.
The other thing is to be sure to wear the hood and plastic bags on their shoes.
And by the way, this sounds extreme, but folks, this isn't a joke.
You get any of this, uranium or plutonium, you're dead.
And they'll just say, we don't know.
I mean, look, 30 years ago, I've talked to doctors.
If they found a kid with cancer, they would send doctors from all over the country to see him.
It was so rare.
Now, kids all over my neighborhood are dying.
It's just like, it's normal, it's fun, everyone's dying.
Yeah, yep, and this is a movie you don't get tired of seeing either.
It's ridiculous.
It just keeps on coming.
Plastic bags on their shoes.
The stores are giving out plastic bags like crazy.
They're floating all over the Pacific.
I'm sure they've got plastic bags all around the house.
Start saving them.
Put them on your kids' shoes when they go outside and take them.
What about this?
The government is out there.
They know the real radiation levels.
They're getting the test and they're not telling us.
They're saying, we might do a test tomorrow or something maybe.
And the Japanese are not releasing the numbers.
We've shown the nuke maps.
They keep saying, we're still collating data.
They're not letting us know.
That is a crime by the criminal federal government and the Japanese government, Mike Adams.
Alex, the government knows that there's not enough supply of ponchos, not enough supply of potassium iodide, not enough seaweed in the supply chain.
But they should be doing weather reports about, they're testing the clouds, they know when they're going to hit, and they have radiation reports and they say get ready.
They should.
They should be doing that.
But the government has never really told people.
They give the troops DU to use knowing it's going to kill them.
They'll probably tell kids to go out and breathe deep.
Well, the fact is, Japan, the grocery store shelves are wiped out, and they have been for days.
That kind of supply line deficiency exists in the United States as well.
If everybody decides to do something all at once, it's too late.
This is, really, this whole show should be about the urgency of preparedness for
Well, your life is too valuable.
I'll be honest, if I was in, because I've been studying the weather maps, the main areas, Northern California up to Southern, you know, for the jet stream, that's the big issue.
And it's supposedly going to get here in the next few days.
I mean, if I lived there, I would take a vacation.
I mean, I would go south.
I mean, this is not a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not a joke.
And see, they already have tens of thousands dead from the tsunami.
And notice they said 10,000 the first day, and then they never really said again.
A whole town of 10,000 is missing.
So it's way over that.
That'll be a perfect cover for them with other people dying of radiation sickness.
They'll just kind of ignore it all.
The media will cover it up.
Well, that's exactly right, and I wanted to ask your caller here, did you have, it's Richard, correct?
Yes, that's right.
Did you have colleagues who did not quit their jobs with the military and then suffered from cancer later on because of their focus on working on the nuclear reactors?
Well, I had the guy that actually showed me how to weld died of what they call black lung, because back when we were working on the boats, they didn't, OSHA didn't have a law up against the use of asbestos, and we used to cover
Uh, parts of the, uh, the internal, uh, workings of the reactors with, uh, asbestos blankets and asbestic, uh, diesel.
Something else they told us was nutritious.
And general dynamics, one of its primary products is asbestos.
All right.
And here we are as, as welders and stuff with our sparks dropping on top of this stuff.
And then these little puffs of dust would come up out of them.
Well the guy, the Puerto Rican guy that showed me how to do my welding and stuff like that and actually got me up to the first class secret.
I had a secret clearance.
He died of black lung at 63 years old.
I'm 61 right now.
And I'm sure that was their cover for what he really died of.
There are so many cases of this, Alex.
We have dentists out there who are losing their minds because of mercury exposure.
We have pharmacists who are getting cancer because they're dishing out chemotherapy pills to patients.
Just from touching the pills, they're getting cancer.
The nuclear industry, of course.
They admit that 44% of the ink we use sterilizes men.
And the BPA on the receipts, too.
Don't forget about that.
The chemicals just never, never stop poisoning us.
But they tell us you're a conspiracy theorist.
Even though it's all admitted, Richard Gray points Rob, Trevor, Chuck, Jackie.
We're going into overdrive.
Stay with us.
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I'll take my chances with Mike Adams!
Again and again!
Alright, a lot of crazy things happening.
We're going into the eye of the storm here, covering it.
Continue with your calls.
We're going to go into overdrive next hour.
Your local AM and FM should carry it.
If not, InfoWars.com.
I want to move quicker now, but Richard had so much knowledge with Rob, Trevor, Chuck, Jackie, Matthew, and others.
Rob in Vermont, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, love your show, man.
Good to have you here.
What's on your mind?
Well, just a couple things.
I know it might sound a little crazy, but I know that... Yeah, your phone's cutting out there, Rob.
Can you hear me better now?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, I know there's some people saying that it might be because of harp.
You had one of you guys on your show saying that might have been a potential explosion by someone inside.
Well, they got hit by a big tsunami and a 9.1 earthquake.
And Harp Tan, the government says, Secretary of Defense 97 Cohen said it, that the governments are working on earthquake weapons.
But we don't know if that's what's happening.
That would just be speculation.
Now the other thing is, is that me and my wife went to Walmart and Little's, New Hampshire, and we asked the pharmacist for some potassium iodide.
The pharmacist looked at me and kind of was looking at me kind of crazy, thinking I was nuts.
So they didn't have it.
So I went to one's here in town, nobody's got it.
Absolutely nobody.
Well, it's all over the news.
The Surgeon General said, get it if you can yesterday.
But see, if it's something that's smart, it's crazy.
You care?
You want to be prepared?
You're some kind of lunatic.
I appreciate your call, Rob.
Let's talk to Trevor in Canada.
You're on the air, Trevor.
Yes, sir.
I lived in that part of Japan for nearly 20 years.
And one of the real tragedies is, of course, Japan has no zoning laws.
And they've built these factories in these regions to keep them out of the sight of the larger population-based areas.
And it's really quite tragic because now these rural communities are going to be annihilated because of the location and the placement of these factories.
And my wife's Japanese.
We moved to Canada this year.
And we're following the news from Japan here in Canada, and I can tell you it is definitely not on the same level of coverage as we're seeing in the international news.
So they're trying to downplay the events.
Oh, they're not releasing radiation numbers in the two key states.
No, as you've already noted in the program, the Japanese media is really softening the information, trying to obviously, you know, prevent a panic.
Well, it's to prevent the government from getting in trouble.
And what do you think is going to happen here when U.S.
designed reactors are involved?
Well, it's like Janet Napolitano has said, if you see something, say something, Alex.
But not if it's a meltdown, right?
I mean, where's the honest reporting on that?
Her slogan?
Well, we've tried to call those see something, say something numbers.
They never call back.
They don't answer.
It's all fake.
Of course.
It's all about paranoia and not trusting each other.
But your caller makes a good point here about the agriculture base of Japan.
Japan right now is so dependent on imported food right now, and with this disaster, its agricultural capacity is going to be reduced even further, creating less food security.
Well, what happened in Ukraine is they just kept still growing on the crops.
Radioactive food.
And then the people die of cancer.
And the globalists are pleased.
That's coming.
Anything else, Trevor?
Unless you want to know more about the area specifically, because I know it intimately, but know that about covers it.
We'll stay there.
Let's do it in a minute or so with you on the other side, giving us little tips on the area of Fukushima there in Northeast Japan.
Then we'll talk to Chuck, Jackie, Matthew, and then we're going to break down some of the other big cover-ups going on.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly while you can
I think so.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Mike Adams riding shotgun with us for at least another 30 minutes.
I'm going to get into some of the other news that hasn't been covered in the Middle East, the economy, the police state.
Recap some of the latest developments with the unfolding disaster and cover-up in Japan with the radiation coming our way.
But we're taking your phone calls right now.
Trevor in Canada was going to give us a few more tips because he lived in that area of Japan, just moved to Canada with his Japanese wife in the last year, and you were going to give us some tips about the area.
Go ahead, sir.
It's a very rural part of Japan, to the point they don't even have a major highway system connecting that Fukushima area yet.
They've just started to build into that region and that's one of the things that's delaying the relief efforts.
The only way to get into those areas at this point is to come up the center of the country over the mountainous areas and down some very narrow mountainous roads to the coast.
One thing I am noticing in the international media is they're sort of overplaying the damage by saying, for example, Sendai has been devastated.
Well, Sendai is a huge city.
It's 20 kilometers inland.
Those areas weren't actually affected.
It's the coastal areas near Sendai.
And there's no doubt, not to downplay anything, the coastal towns have been ravaged really badly.
We know many of our friends have lost their homes.
And so it is a great tragedy, but
Again, the bigger tragedy is, again, how much information they're hiding from their own people.
And these are rural areas.
These people are, you know, they don't have a lot of means and they're going to suffer greatly from this.
And not just the physical loss of their properties, but their future.
Trevor, could I ask you a question about the culture of Japan and how they're handling this issue?
Why is it, you think, that there's so much calm and order in Japan, even in the face of this catastrophe, whereas perhaps in many other regions of the world, it wouldn't be the case?
It would be a lot more chaotic.
You live there, what are your thoughts on that?
Well, one of the reasons, you know, to be completely frank is Japan is very much a big brother society now and they have been for a large part of their history.
It's always come down from the top and people do move and react based on what they're told.
But do you think that's going to last?
If people realize that they're not being told the truth, will that hold out or will they start to break and rebel against their own government?
It's pretty hard to do when that's been a mindset you've grown up with.
They didn't rebel for a year when the U.S.
bombed every square inch of their cities.
In areas, definitely, you know, the people are smarter than, you know, than we're giving them credit for.
They know what's going on.
But it's hard because you're fighting a system that's been in place for a long time.
And they're going to have a hard go of it.
And I think they'll probably ultimately be left to their own
uh... to deal with it themselves you know that area will just be sort of written off and well i think he's trying to evacuate tokyo with thirty seven million that that's a disaster in of itself thank you trevor did hear from you real quick call lord in the rest of this two minutes chuck in new york you're on the air are you doing alex and mike good to talk to you uh... real quick thing uh... well the first thing i uh... wouldn't it brought this up but
I've actually worked in telecommunications, television for quite a number of years.
They've had an internet kill switch and they've had numerous ways, including a black box in every transmitter and cable system that's in this country.
Yeah, I know, that's true.
They're just now getting us ready for its use now.
But my point, I live 25 miles away from a couple of nuclear reactors.
One of them might be a Mark 1.
It's very, very old.
About six years ago, they had a big local blitz where you could go to the pharmacy and get potassium iodate, and everybody could get it.
Actually, I've had my own.
I know where I live.
Yeah, we're good.
Yeah, they've had a federal program to encourage people around reactors to get potassium iodide, but it only protects you from one type of radiation.
And so, yeah, there's a big program there.
Good points, Chuck.
Thank you.
Jackie, Matthew, Kent, we'll take those calls.
Then we're gonna get into some other issues and the latest on the nukes.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Mike Adams is our guest here.
I've got a lot of other news on the police state, the Middle East, the U.S.
and world politics, the economy that we're going to be covering at the bottom of the hour.
Also the latest, they've got more of the stricken plants on fire, more explosions.
More radioactive steam rising, the Japanese government now being a little more truthful, saying the radiation is so high we may even pull out emergency workers.
ABC News reported that this morning, as well as the Kyoto News.
So, we told you Friday, when a tsunami and earthquakes hit and they don't have power to plant, you're going to have a problem.
Then when one blew up?
Saturday, I said, fallout.
The media said, no, there's no problem.
Nothing's been in the internal containment facility breached.
Now they admit that did happen.
Then on Monday, Fukushima-3 Mark 1 plutonium-based plant blew sky-high at a giant mushroom cloud.
Now we learn, on top of all of them, they were storing hundreds of thousands.
I can't believe this number.
Over 600,000 rods.
We don't know how many got blown, but we know that they had hundreds of thousands stored above the Mark 1 into the sky.
Everything they touch then becomes radioactive.
Sure, they're heavy.
Their particles may not float across.
They're going into the ocean, but they touch other things and makes them radioactive.
And our media is saying, hey, NCAA, Obama spent an hour and a half this morning with his picks, national press conferences, and he said, this is a nice diversion from what's happening, as if it's good to be diverted.
The Pentagon knows what's going on with the radiation.
They've got aircraft there.
They're telling the public, oh, we might send an aircraft tomorrow.
to do some tests.
They don't want you to know the Japanese government is not releasing the radiation detection information in the two states, or prefects as they're known, prefectures as they're known, in the middle of Fukushima.
We can put that map back on screen.
They say, still gathering data.
They have it everywhere else in high levels of radiation, but there we're not going to...
Not released that right now.
I don't want to create a panic.
The winds are blowing right at us.
That's the big issue, my friends.
And here's the article.
Obama fiddles while Fukushima burns.
That's prisonplanet.com.
Obama plays while Japan begs for help.
Mike Adams, again, what do you make of that before we go back to calls?
Well, the whole situation really demonstrates how fragile our entire civilization has become.
So many interdependencies.
For example, the nuclear power plants there in Japan, they were dependent on the power grid to run the generators once the power failed.
And the generators were required to circulate the coolant that would keep the rods cool, and those failed because of the tsunami.
These interdependencies extend to the food supply, to food sources, to the soils, the farming soils, to...
And anytime people come up with reasonable, sustainable ideas that are local, the feds block it.
Just like all over the world, not just here in the U.S.
Federal governments, central governments will give you a tax incentive to put solar in, but only hook it into the larger grid.
And then they won't come out and give you an inspection most of the time if it's your own solar.
So it's all about keeping us dependent.
They're not really supporting independent living or independent thinking for that matter.
The only way to have a clean and safe society is that you run it yourself, locally, and you can watch it and you're in control.
Anything big and centralized always deteriorates because those on top can't run it, don't want to run it, get greedy, get delusional.
That's absolutely right.
This is why freedom is the answer, really, if you get down to it.
Local control, local freedom
And by control I mean that the locals are controlling their own communities and towns and food supply and so on.
Local food security, local barter and exchange using honest money systems, local medicine where doctors can actually make their own decisions without being thrown in jail by the feds.
Freedom is the answer.
Freedom is always the answer.
On this issue as well as just about every other issue that we talk about or that you talk about on your show.
Freedom is the answer.
Same thing for internet freedom.
Open source, locally controlled, not centralized by Homeland Security.
The diversity of information on the internet creates safety because it gives people more options of where they can get information.
If we didn't have an internet, they'd be telling us no one was hurt and there was no radiation.
Right, think about it.
If this were 1985 and we didn't have the internet, this would be a completely different story.
People wouldn't be able to listen to you as much as they do now.
People wouldn't be getting information from me or others out there who are writing about this, and they wouldn't be getting the whole story.
They'd be getting the government version, which is sterilized and watered down and engineered to create a
A specific spin message with a design, with an intention that people won't panic and won't pay attention and won't stress the supply lines by getting prepared, for example.
We're going to talk more about that.
And you know what?
Let's just take you all the way to the end of the hour.
Is your wife cool with that?
I think so, yeah.
She needs some food or something?
We always bring our own.
We bring our own superfoods, actually.
We're always drinking.
We'll give you the 50 after then, because there's too much to cover.
We'll go over this other news with you, too.
Let's go to Matthew in Illinois.
Matthew, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, big time listener, love your show, just wanted to let you know.
I have a couple questions if you don't mind me asking.
Sure, launch them.
Well, I'm a 21 year old kid, college student.
You're not a kid, you're a man.
They teach you're a kid until you're 30 now.
Oh really?
Well, I'm still young, but I was
I just want to know, as far as this whole crisis is going, I watched the video that you provided, Fall of America, and it was a real, real eye-opener to me.
And I guess what I want to know is, because he said that, you know, you have to subscribe to it, I want to know, do you think, if this is, or anybody else, worth investing into his
Well, listen, Stansbury Research has a great track record of predictions and analysis.
That's a sponsor, endofamerica3.com, but I wouldn't have taken the sponsor if I didn't overwhelmingly, you know, agree with their analysis.
It doesn't mean I've read all their thousands of newsletters and agree with every single pick that his 20-plus researchers come out with.
You make your own decisions.
More information is better.
But that's my bottom line there.
Okay, alright.
I just wanted to get your personal opinion on that.
And also, as far as work, I just want to know where I can get in.
What else?
Thank you, Matthew.
The medical grade potassium iodine is pretty much sold out everywhere.
And then people say, well, if you take the natural drops from kelp or barley or dulse or alfalfa, that isn't going to protect you.
But from my research, sure, you've got the megadose, which can actually make you sick.
And I'm not giving medical advice here.
Figure it out for yourself.
But for me personally, if you just take a little more than the regular
Allowance of it, that also fills it so it doesn't absorb as much.
It's just the medical grade kind of overkills.
Mike Adams, you've studied this in depth.
Well, this gets to the issue of these ongoing nutritional deficiencies that are always impacting America and other nations.
If people weren't so deficient in iodine, like they are in vitamin D and magnesium and other nutrients, then this wouldn't be such a big issue because you would already have more iodine in your thyroid.
And by the way, iodine is transported in your body to specific tissues.
Breast tissues and prostate tissues in addition to your thyroid.
And that's why this radiation, and if radioactive iodine is carried through dust and through wind into America, and if people come into contact with it, you're going to see increased rates of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
And I don't see the main... The U.S.
government detonated, we learned, over 300.
Other countries around 200, so it's 500 plus.
Why do you think since the 50s, cancer went way up?
It's a no-brainer.
It's certainly one of the reasons.
I mean, obviously there's hormones in the milk.
It's a cocktail.
There's so much contamination right now, even before this incident in Japan.
Now, this could make it worse.
But if people had better nutrition from the get-go, you know, more iodine, more trace minerals, more fresh produce in their diets to begin with.
And I'm not saying you can't eat meat or you can't do this and that.
I'm just saying, get more superfood nutrition.
But I mean, having regular iodine, to a great extent, will already protect you, not the superdose.
That's exactly right.
And by the way, there are many cooked foods, there are many sources of healthy, free-range meat, for example, that can actually provide some levels of iodine.
List it!
List it!
I mean, what's good?
In terms of getting iodine?
Give us a cocktail of things that have good natural iodine.
Well, the seaweeds.
Dulse is very high.
Kombu is very high.
I don't know if I'm pronouncing these in the correct way.
Why is alfalfa listed?
Alfalfa is a type of plant that takes in a lot of trace minerals from the soil, just like grasses.
If you juice wheatgrass, for example, if that wheatgrass is grown in soil that's high in iodine, then you'll get the iodine in the wheatgrass juice.
It's not like sunscreen versus a nuke.
It's not going to stop cancer through your whole body.
It only really protects your glandular system.
There are other systems that can be affected and that can get cancer.
What are some of the other things?
We had a pharmacist on, he was saying the same thing.
What are some other things that protect other systems?
Well, selenium is a trace mineral that protects against cancer.
It's very well known for that.
Zinc has an anti-cancer effect.
Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. There's research out there that shows that vitamin D can help prevent four out of five cancers of all types.
Colon cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, you name it.
And virtually all Americans, virtually everyone, is deficient in vitamin D. The U.S.
government set the levels artificially low.
Let's jam in one more call.
Kent in Ohio.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, this is Kent from Cincinnati.
I've got a degree from Purdue University in Applied Physics, specializing in scientific programming and nuclear engineering, but it's only a bachelor's degree, so I don't know as much about this topic as, you know, a Ph.D.
or something.
You know what they say about a little bit of knowledge being dangerous.
I know that metals hold radioactivity fairly well, and we all know that breathing aluminum from chemtrails is bad.
If breathing aluminum is bad, how about breathing radioactive aluminum from the chemtrails?
What do you think about this radioactive stuff coming over to California, contaminating the chemtrails?
Well, there's all sorts of weather modification going on, so it sounds like that would actually add to it.
Mike Adams?
Well, clearly, I'm not a physicist either, so I don't know what is the... how well aluminum picks up radiation and then emits it.
However, your caller has a good point.
The radiation is going to affect many systems.
What's in the atmosphere, what's in the food, what's in the water, what's in the seafood?
Can't anything else?
Uh, yeah, just one quick thing, uh, Paul Watson is a great writer.
That article that he did at the last minute yesterday, terrific.
Yeah, the one breaking down the, uh, 60,000 fuel rods, uh, was more than that, 600,000 blown sky high.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
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Alright, we're going to talk to Zach, Tim, and then we're going to come back and hit other news and other points that Mike Adams is here to cover.
You know, we know about the nukes and how they're lying about that.
They've been caught now red-handed.
That's confirmed.
Whitewashing this.
Our own government doing it now.
We know they're lying and whitewashing.
The extent is not known.
But what else is going on?
And we've got a big news blitz coming up with Mike Adams, and then we'll take whoever's left call-wise from this board of callers.
We can't take any more after this.
So Zach, Tim, Jeremy, Dave and Josh will have to stop at those.
We'll end the overdrive at the end of this hour.
I will, before we end, also give you the latest.
Alex Jones, my hero.
What's up?
I've got a question for
The Health Ranger.
I got these Ioderol tablets.
They're 50 milligrams, which has I guess 30 milligrams of the potassium iodide and 20 of just elemental iodine.
How, like,
We started taking them, I guess.
I'm not going to give you medical advice, but let me see if I'm right.
I would personally, then, you need about 130 milligrams of that, they say, with the medical grade stuff, but it can't make you feel bad because it overfills it.
You would take three of those a day for about a week to fully fill up.
I'm not giving medical advice.
That's what the inserts on other ones say.
What would you say?
Well, first of all, I would say you don't need to take any right now because there's no radiation in North America from this incident.
I would wait and take a precautionary approach.
That we know of.
That we know of, right.
Now, but there are a lot of people out there with Geiger counters.
And, you know, even in California and Oregon.
I mean, I own a Geiger counter, you know, because I've been prepared for a long, long time and probably you do too.
So if people start getting readings on those, you can bet they're going to call in and you and I are going to hear about it.
And that's the time where if you're in the path of that, you need to start really dosing up.
Now, I know you've got to have iodine before the radiation exposure at some level.
So take the natural nutrient supplement type.
That's what I would do.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm eating a lot of seaweed right now.
I'm eating dried sea kelp, for example.
I take a lot of seaweed as just a regular part of my diet, though, in any case, and I encourage other people to do that because it has many other benefits, too.
There's so many health benefits to eating seaweed and microalgaes such as chlorine.
That would be dulcer kelp.
Dolce Kelp Nori.
You can go to a sushi restaurant, you know, and just eat sushi with the seaweed wrap on it, and that's very high in iodine.
Now, the iodine pills are extremely high, and because there is a risk of side effects, I don't want people to potentially be overdosing on them right now out of a fear of something that hasn't really headed our way yet.
It may, but right now, I would say, let's just take a look at the situation here in North America.
It's different if you're in Japan, of course.
That's, you know, code red emergency.
But in North America right now, I would say wait and see and hold on to your pills.
You may need more of them later.
Alright, I hope that answers your question, Zach.
Tim in Germany, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sorry, there was background noise.
I still think we're worrying still too much or we're giving up too early about the response.
We're complaining too much about the corruption and planning what pills we're going to take.
I think we still need to force them harder or push them harder on what they do on the reactors.
I know, but they got 50 people working in there on a suicide mission.
ABC News reports that the Japanese may even pull them out.
So I don't think we're being defeatist.
We were being honest about how bad the crisis was on Friday, Saturday, and being criticized for it.
Now we've been proven correct.
There's one plug I want to make for a webpage.
It's jltt.de.
There's a single page article on there.
I think the Japanese still have a couple of options.
They failed badly with the helicopters now because they started it way too late.
But I think they should use... They produced one thing that's still... One of the few things that is still produced in America is this good fire extinguishing equipment.
And there are some strong, industrial-grade fire extinguishing gears.
They can pump like 6,000 gallons a minute.
And I think they should really mount them on the... Well, yeah, where's the U.S.
They're swarming that area with firefighting equipment.
But the radiation is so high, sir, that they've pulled out.
So I thought our military's there to fight and die to protect us, and you sign on to this.
Well, get in there, warriors!
Be like the Japanese!
Go, go, go!
Let's see it!
What do you think of that statement, Tim?
Well, I don't want to see the people suffering and dying, not the Japanese and not the Americans, because... Well, if they don't shut this down, more are going to.
So, we got the... It's like on an anthill, you got the warrior ants.
I don't see the warrior ants in there.
But the link is jltt.te.
Have some people read over it.
Yeah, yeah, we'll check it.
I appreciate your call from Germany.
Good to hear from you.
We'll come back and get your take on that.
Go ahead and start.
We've got 30 seconds.
When you sign up for the military, you are essentially agreeing to give your life for the protection of your countrymen and women.
And they may be called on to do that right now.
And that is a sacrifice that a nation may demand that people make.
It's that serious.
Well, yeah, the radiation's coming our way.
Get in there, tough guys.
Let's go!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, before the hour ends, I will give you the latest developments as we collate them on the situation in Fukushima.
Obviously, more fires, more explosions, more smoke.
I mean, you can't get much worse than Fukushima 1 and 3 blowing up when they stored the old reactor rods on top of the buildings.
I mean, they're just all over the place.
It's unspeakable.
And the media hides it in plain view, this is going on.
But it really doesn't have people focus in on it.
But here's the article that we need to get out to everybody.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Fukushima cover-up.
Forty years of spent nuclear rods blown sky-high.
And you can count on government to cover this up unless you demand the truth.
And you demand the military be out there testing it.
Flying over the aircraft, not, oh, we're going to send one tomorrow, six days into it.
You better believe they're all over it.
That's why when Fukushima 3 blew up the Biggin, the plutonium-based reactor, on Monday morning, the fleet just hauled out of there 200 miles south, just as fast as they could.
Yes, sir.
uh... prefectory out there in the middle is where fukushima is based uh... in fact uh... we've got a blown up so much you can see that says fukushima over on the side but that's fukushima where the cursor is and you notice that they're saying they're having eighty seven to nine hundred plus uh... readings of high radiation around tokyo that's where the wind turned yesterday and blew it south uh... but you notice in the area right around uh... in the two states
I think?
Have you ever seen how a mockingbird, if it's got a nest out in your bush, will fly and act like its wings hurt and stuff?
If you get near their nest, you can tell where their nest is at, because they'll get on the ground and act like they're hurt.
They'll dive-bomb you.
Obama's going, look, NCAA!
Well, sports, meet with the hockey team!
And he admitted, this is a distraction!
And he's walking around with a broken wing.
I mean, it's disgusting!
Well, but they're not going to be able to succeed at covering this up.
This story won't go away, especially if people start getting radioactivity out of their food.
But March Madness!
Well, madness is the right word for it.
I don't know about March, because this is going to continue all year long and probably through 2012 as well.
We're going to have to rethink the entire nuclear future of our planet.
Mainline News is saying this could go on for months.
Cooking and melting and steaming and exploding.
I mean, everybody's getting a lesson in nuclear physics this week, but on the fuel rods, they don't cool down just by throwing a little seawater on them.
These things continue to generate heat for a very long period of time, and you have to pump coolant through them for a long period of time.
Otherwise, I mean, we're talking weeks.
And the plant looks like Godzilla went to town on it.
I mean, how are they going to fix any of that?
Well, they're not.
I mean, they admitted today that they pulled the workers out.
It's too dangerous for the workers.
That is throwing in the towel, Alex.
That's a surrender.
That's a pre-Chernobyl type of moment.
I don't know how they expect to be able to get back in there now.
Is the radiation going to magically go down on its own?
It doesn't work that way.
It's going to get worse.
Yeah, it's got billions of years of half-life, depending on what isotope.
And you're fighting the laws of physics.
And when you fight the laws of physics, just like when you fight the laws of economics, you eventually lose as a society or as a civilization.
This civilization has got to wake up, it's got to mature, it's got to learn some very difficult lessons.
There's going to be a lot of loss of life, unfortunately.
It's already happened.
There's going to be more.
But our civilization on this planet has got to wake up and grow up and start to get real about the decisions we're making and what we're talking about.
Your show needs to be listened to by everybody who's out there just watching daytime TV and sports and all that.
I don't know.
It may not be as important as March Madness.
I didn't even know March Madness was on until you told me about it when I came in here today.
That's how disconnected I am from the sports scene and how focused I am.
You're some kind of weirdo.
I know.
I've been told that from time to time for some reason.
I mean, you come in here with baby formula that's over half corn syrup.
And it totally is not good for the children, the studies show.
Who cares about babies?
March Madness, man.
I'm going to bring more demo products for you next time, too.
Some crazy stuff that I found out there, like the blueberry cereal that doesn't have blueberries in it.
I'll bring a box for you.
I don't mean to get off topic.
No, no, no.
Next time you're in, we'll have you back in next week since I heard you're going to be back in town.
Let's have you come in here and go over some of those products.
Show and tell.
Yeah, and if this situation gets worse in Japan, we could be bringing in
Well, maybe I don't want to bring it in, but radioactive food.
How about proof that the food is radioactive?
Bring in tomatoes with a Geiger counter.
Well, you know, GMOs and radioactive.
I mean, imagine that.
I don't mean to make... Well, next they'll do.
Remember China last two years ago when the melamine was coming into the U.S.?
The EPA came out and the FDA came out and said, you know what?
Melamine isn't bad for kids now.
Well, you know, we've got reports of China.
In China, they're making rice out of plastic.
It's not just the melamine.
You know, it's the plastic in the food now, too.
The stuff that's being grown in the U.S., thanks to the GMO seed companies, is, in my opinion, just another catastrophe.
That's because there's so much toxic waste and stuff they can't get rid of.
They put it back in the food to go down the sewage system.
Now, I'm going to stop and give you the floor for the next ten minutes before I go through a blitz
Of news that I've got here, not just dealing with this whole reactor situation that's become a distraction to a certain extent, but we must cover it from the other things that are happening, the gun grabbing, the economy meltdown.
But go over some of the other things that this nuclear disaster reveals, the other things they're covering up.
Well, it reveals this pattern of covering things up, and this pattern extends into so many areas.
We already talked about the GMOs.
Fluoride now is coming to the surface where this big push to fluoridate the municipal water supplies around the world is now being revealed as really just a chemical poisoning effort.
And the science is inarguable on this.
The fluoride is going to have to stop.
The poisoning, the mass poisoning of our planet and of our people is going to have to stop.
And I believe, Alex, that this event, this nuclear event, is going to wake people up and to start looking at these patterns.
I mean, why do we have daytime talk shows that are focused on, I don't know, people's relationships, but they're not talking about what families really need to know.
Like, do you have some extra food stored away?
Do you have a water filter?
Well, they try to sell things that aren't families to break everybody up.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, no, you're right, you're right.
But we are distracted as a planet, as a global civilization.
We've been distracted and pushed in the wrong directions on so many issues that people have lost sight of what's really important.
And I gotta say this, Alex, in America today, because we've been so abundant and things have come to us so relatively easily over the last hundred years, many of us have become complacent.
We've gotten to the point where we believe that things should come to us easily and we're not willing to do the preparedness and do the hard work and put in the effort that it takes to grow your own food, for example.
Oh, let's face it, a lot of Americans, especially young people, you...
See, they think breathing is almost work.
They think anything is how dare you ask me to do something.
They just are entitled.
Well, it is this entitlement mentality, and I know I'm going to get some hate mail for this, for bringing up Wisconsin again, but there I think we saw a lot of people who were already well paid by the state, but who still had an entitlement mentality, like the state owes us more, more than the average person is making.
More benefits.
More pay.
For doing, essentially, less than a lot of people are doing on their own.
I mean, I work 16 hour days.
I know you do too.
Many of us out there who are sort of making our own living, small businesses, people are working 12 hours, 14 hours, 16 hour days.
And they have to pay for their own health care if they want any.
I don't even buy health care because I don't even want to support that whole system.
So, we are working and we are trying to bring back this idea that I see here in Texas, by the way, because I've been talking to a lot of farmers here, this idea that working is honest and it's rewarding and that's the only way to create wealth and abundance and self-reliance in our system.
These farmers are out there.
I've been talking to farmers and they're not afraid of work, Alex.
They're not afraid to go out there and put in a 16-hour day.
Hard work, hard labor.
But if you go into a lot of cities, a lot of people, and I don't mean to characterize everybody like this, it's not everybody, but you see a lot of people who are afraid to put in the hard work to get the results that they want.
And because of that entitlement mentality, and because of that complacency, that lack of preparedness, we now have a nation, I think we have a world, where people are not ready for what's coming.
And what's coming, you know, this nuclear incident is just the beginning, I believe.
It's just the tip of the iceberg.
We've got a financial tsunami coming, to use that metaphor.
We've got a health tsunami.
We've got pharmaceutical contamination of our waterways, of our oceans, of our world.
We've got the vaccine issue.
We've got Bill Gates out there talking about people who don't vaccinate their children are baby killers.
I mean, come on!
The issues are outrageous and it's time that we finally stood up and started having some honest talk about what's really going on out there, Alex.
I mean, where do you want me to go with this?
I'm trying to get the emphasis to the people out there about how much we've got to wake up, but I don't know where you want me to focus.
I don't want to get too far off track.
No, I mean, it just shows how when we live in denial and think everything's a joke, reactors blow up.
Wars get started.
You know, I know a lot of great people in our military.
It's the leadership that's bad.
Dropping hellfire missiles on people who you don't even know their name in Afghanistan, that's manly.
But where are the militaries in there with the reactor?
They're sending the police and the plant workers in to the death sentence.
And that means more people are going to die around them and more people are going to get radiated because the warrior bees are not doing their job.
Well, that brings up a good point.
Most people, I think, miscalculate risk.
And for example, the whole war on terrorism.
There's a lot of money and a lot of effort going in that direction.
But if you look at the numbers, the US Food and Drug Administration is killing far more Americans through its actions and its inaction.
For example, not pulling dangerous drugs off the market.
Now what's the number of admitted bad drug interactions?
Well, it's anywhere from 100,000 to about 240,000 a year, depending on who you believe, whose numbers you believe.
But those are deaths caused by FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, approved by the government, used according to the label, used as directed.
Those are deaths that dwarf the number of deaths that have been associated with terrorism, even if you believe the government's explanation of 9-11 and so on.
So you have to really look at where are the threats to our lives, to our health, to our families and to our freedoms.
And those threats that are very real are not the areas that our government is telling us to focus on.
They're telling us to
They're telling us to focus on March Madness now.
I've just learned that today here.
They're telling us to focus on terrorism, this mystical idea, and they give us fear stories from time to time.
They're telling us to focus on these bombers that the FBI is even coordinating with.
You know, you've talked about this a lot, but they're not telling us to focus on shoring up your financial preparedness situation, or shoring up your emergency medicine supply in your own home, or teaching your kids the value of hard work.
Or getting more vitamin D into your body, or eating better, growing some of your own food, having some food security, knowing your neighbors, knowing your local community members, having more local community power instead of centralized Washington power telling you what to do every single day.
We have a nation now that has become so dependent on Washington that people have forgotten how to live their own lives.
They've forgotten that rugged individualism that made America great.
And I'm afraid, I actually fear, I'm not trying to spread fear on this Alex, but I'm concerned that America is...
At risk of losing what made it great, which is that individualism, that ability to go out and do hard work and be creative and get results and work together.
And if we had that kind of creativity right now, I think we could solve this nuclear issue in Japan.
Why isn't the U.S.
military in there right now helping Japan solve this problem?
Because it's dangerous.
They don't have a drone to fix it.
Right, right.
They need a drone, a remote-controlled pilot to go in there and fix it?
Come on.
You know, lives are at stake.
The planet's at stake.
Right now.
We are talking about the future of human civilization on our planet.
I mean, civilization... Get in there, military!
Listen, I went and saw the movie...
The Battle of L.A.
and the whole thing was a Marine Corps rabbit, a little kid going, you're my little Marine, and join the Marines.
That was Pentagon, the whole thing.
Because they couldn't sell joining the military to kill brown people anymore, so now it's killing aliens.
But the whole thing was Department of Defense brainwashing.
And, you know, they don't care about the troops, they're taking the death benefits of the troops.
You know, my point is, people need to realize the amount of brainwashing that's going on.
Mike Adams, let me throw out a few news items at people here and get your take on it.
Wholesale prices up 1.6% just in the last few months.
The highest food price index increase since November of 1974.
That's inflation.
That's Associated Press.
Here's another one.
Housing starts the biggest drop since 1984.
I thought the recession ended a year and a half ago, Mike.
Or June of 1999. 2009.
So housing starts to see biggest drops since 84.
Stocks fall on weak economic reports.
Japan crisis.
Mandatory spending to exceed all federal revenues.
50 years ahead of schedule.
Weekly stay.
I mean, just total meltdown of the economy.
Jeez, one billion in nuclear sales at risk as nations ponder industry's future.
So we've got that.
I mean, look, there's total mismanagement because the economy is set up for a small coterie of bankers
To just set up Ponzi schemes and make short-term profits.
That's exactly right.
The systems that we are thriving on, or not even thriving, but just surviving on right now, in our world, are so unsustainable.
We did an article recently about 12, the top 12 things, that are unsustainable on our planet.
Everything ranging from the debt system that's going to collapse, to destruction of habitat.
You know, clear-cutting a forest to grow genetically modified soybeans.
There are so many systems that are unsustainable, that as a planet, if we don't get on top of this and start finding new ways to live on our planet, just to have honest money and to have honest healthcare, you know?
Like, real messages...
I can't say I'm Japanese when I'm not, or I can't say I'm Portuguese when I'm not.
But we can pick our intellectual ancestors.
We can pick who we admire, people that stand up for real things, who are trailblazers, who have courage.
And so we need to ask, who are our intellectual ancestors?
Who do we want to, you know, sign on to intellectually?
Here's another one.
New York Post pointing out Obama the invisible during this emergency.
We've got the Middle East situation unfolding here.
Globalist Stuge Alberti is prying his way into the presidency with that stage stuff over there.
Qaddafi retaking Libya.
Another report, Infowars.com.
to lose 5th Fleet in a few weeks.
The United States will lose its 5th Fleet because in Bahrain in a few weeks following its support of embattled monarchy.
5th Fleet in Bahrain in a matter of weeks because they have said
uh... that they want to remove uh... continuing uh... syrian forces break up damascus protest uh... barring crackdown ralph protesters saudi arabians by government or in their shooting people in the streets obama says only march madness matters uh... is totally sick uh... young uh... leaders of egyptians revolt snub clinton in cairo that they're waking up to what's happening uh... that's just some of the news on that front mike adams your take on that
Well, there's so many changes afoot right now in our world that it's very clear that this is a turning point.
Our world is never going to be the same after this Fukushima accident as it was before.
And people are going to need to start questioning what they're being told, questioning these promises made by science for GMOs, for nuclear power, for mercury fillings, for vaccines and so on.
Start questioning those things and get to some real... Yeah, question folks selling you death because they want to get rid of toxic waste.
Mike Adams, we'll have you in very soon.
Thank you for coming in with us.
Glad to join you.
We'll be back with final news.
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Final segment.
Thank you for riding shotgun with us today, listeners.
Sorry to the other callers on hold, we're just out of time.
Please try to catch us back tomorrow.
There's some good news from the Associated Press, if you can believe it.
New power line almost ready at Japan nuke plant.
to restore electrical power uh... show that today and it will click on the story for present on a dot tv viewers so they can really started some power and they're trying to pump seawater and uh... and uh... try to keep these from continuing to meltdown explode but a lot of damage has obviously all ready been done uh... continue to pray for those folks over there uh... tomorrow i'm trying to spend more time on actual charities that we've seen that aren't globalist they're not perfect but uh...
We've seen really good work from the Salvation Army globally before, but predominantly they're here in the U.S.
United Way and others have been caught taking the money and using it for gun control groups and stealing most of it.
You know, that's come out in the news over and over again.
And so the people the government's telling you to give to, I really can't trust them.
So make sure you do your research on who you give to.
I try to get to local charities, local churches in Japan.
It's always good to go to the little guys, in my opinion.
Urgent fuel rods damage at Fukushima No.
2 reactors.
Estimated at 70%.
And one of the other reactors, 33% of their main fuel rods inside damaged.
Not just the spent fuel rods.
That's Kyoto News.
Nuclear crisis.
Rising radiation levels.
Halt work at Fukushima plant.
Experts say nuclear emergency nearing point of no return.
Very hardcore information there and they go on to say that they may even pull out the 50 workers because the radiation is so high but they're not releasing that level of radiation.
Continuing, wind to blow towards Pacific from Quake Hit Japan.
It's now moved from the south back to the east, right towards the continental United States and Canada.
Of course, that all-important article from InfoWars.com by Paul Watson and Curt Nemo.
Fukushima cover-up.
Forty years of spent fuel rods blown sky-high.
Want to get an idea of how big the cover-up is?
It's admitted that all those reactors, they stored the old rods on the roof that shot up into the air.
Four of the reactors have blown up, as you know, or caught fire.
Japan scrambles to pull nuclear plant back from the brink.
That's just some of the news and information on that front.
A lot of other news here.
TSA admits bungling.
Oh, it was a mistake that the radiation was ten times higher.
They'll fix it with new fake test.
A body scanner radiation.
Well, radiation's good for you, I thought.
TSA backs off of a hearing they're having.
Uh, we're going to be covering more of this, uh, more on the broadcast, uh, tomorrow.
Again, retransmission coming up in a few minutes at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you want to hear what we were covering in the second hour with Greg Palace and the analysis on that front, a lot of key information from the callers.
I've been so busy, uh, since Friday.
I don't
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