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Name: 20110313_Sun_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2011
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
Thank you for joining us, my friends.
It is the 13th day of March, 2011, on this live Sunday transmission.
I'm live Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back 4 to 6.
Central Standard Time.
Obviously, the lion's share of this Sunday two-hour transmission will be devoted to the absolute crisis that Japan is facing and the Japanese government.
I think?
In that war, including those on the mainland.
So they are saying this is the biggest crisis they faced in more than 65 years.
And there is no doubt.
Here's what we know.
Top geological surveys in the United States and Japan are predicting more aftershocks.
They've had more than a hundred earthquakes, many of which are over a 6.0 on the Richter scale since the massive earthquake that took place Friday in Japan.
Then the resulting tsunamis.
In one town alone, the military in Japan is estimating more than 10,000 people dead.
Just like with the 2005 Indonesian earthquake that was over a 9 on the Richter scale, they're now saying that this earthquake was a 9.1, upgraded from an 8.9.
That's double previously what they thought it was.
But again, General News is reporting over 10k dead nationwide and growing.
Military there predicting 10,000 dead in one single town.
And what does this illustrate?
Life is fragile.
The only thing that's constant on this planet is change.
How many Greek cities and Roman cities and Japanese cities have been destroyed by earthquakes and by volcanic eruptions?
By the way, there's been another big volcanic eruption clearly connected to the gigantic earthquake
A Japanese volcano erupts in the southwestern area of Japan, exploding and ejecting rock and ash high into the atmosphere.
A Japan tsunami survivor found 10 miles out to sea on top of the wreckage of the roof of a house.
Of course, the images of fires at oil refineries still burning.
The devastation is biblical, obviously, in proportion.
And we live on a planet, hurtling through space, two-thirds of the way out, on the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, orbiting a sun.
And I had Piers Corbin, top meteorologist and astrophysicist on Friday, and even ABC News asked the question two weeks ago, would the giant moon, as it's known, cause this?
The closest the moon had been to the Earth since 1992, and it happened to coincide with a record solar flare that basically hit the general area of Antarctica.
Also energizing the magnetic field and the inner workings of the planet.
And there's major studies.
They don't exactly understand why it happens, but scientists do know that the moon and the sun manipulate not just the tides of the planet's oceans, but that the moon predominantly, even more than the sun, drives the magma.
See, the crust is just floating on top of the magma.
There are islands of cooled rock that we live on, only a few miles thick, with thousands of miles deep lava down to that nickel-iron spinning core of the planet.
that creates the magnetic field.
But the sun's magnetics, the sun thousands of times the size of the earth, its powerful magnetics then affect that lava and that liquid nickel and iron as well.
So you had massive record coronal ejection, fully hitting the earth straight on,
The day before the mega-earthquake.
And more and more scientists are realizing that it is a direct cause and effect with the sun and the moon.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, if the moon creates the tides, the moon creates the waves.
If you didn't have the moon, there would be very little waves.
No tides.
That is the moon spinning around the earth.
That's 100% scientific fact.
Now, Al Gore and others predictably came out and said global warming caused this.
Did the Romans 2,000 plus years ago, when a bunch of their cities got destroyed by Vesuvius erupting, and people got killed in their tracks by the thousands and were encased in lava at Pompeii and other cities, was that caused by global warming, caused by man?
The ice caps of Europa, the ice caps of Titan, the ice caps of Mars have been melting because of the sun's increased output and activity.
Is that caused by the SUV?
It's time to realize that man is tiny and that the real threats that man poses are nuclear weapons,
Fish infusion reactors, superconducting super colliders, super weapons.
And I'm not anti-technology.
I'm not here calling for the overt restriction.
I'm just calling for a debate and a discussion about these super technologies.
Now, that said, I want to walk through all the different facets and angles of what's happened in Japan.
And the fact that volcanic activity is radically increasing, including, in the last hundred years that they've been scientifically measuring it, Yellowstone, which is the largest active volcanic caldera on the planet.
It is a supervolcano.
The cone is several hundred miles across.
The cone straddles several state borders.
And the last time it erupted, it is predicted that it killed almost all life in North America.
Now, man only has records going back vaguely about 3,000 years.
A little bit of records going back 6,000 to the Sanskrit and some of the hieroglyphs and things from Egypt and Babylon.
So, when scientists believe that we only get hit by giant asteroids every million years, or when scientists believe that mega-volcanoes only go off every few million years, that was all changed with Shoemaker-Levy.
That was the comet that hit Saturn, what was it, 15, 20 years ago?
You can pull it up, broke into five big pieces, blew holes in the Saturn gas giant, bigger than the planet Earth.
Now scientists, unfortunately, have had to change their view, and they say conservatively every 100,000 years or less, we get hit by gigantic asteroids.
A smaller one has the effect of 30 or 40 high-powered nukes going off.
The bigger ones, thousands of nukes.
We're talking about years of darkness, dust, the Earth's temperature going into an ice age.
We're talking about absolute, complete collapse of society, and everybody you know dying.
Now the globalists know this is real, and that's why they've taken several trillion U.S.
dollars, we know that's been spent, and built giant underground bases all over North America.
The Swiss have built them for their entire population, two years supply.
In the U.S., the general public is directed to the local sports stadium or underground parking garage as fallout or emergency centers to crawl in and die.
Starve to death with your family.
Though our government has spent more than all governments combined on underground bases, we have no underground bases for the citizens.
They're all for David Rockefeller and the rest of them.
So I thought I would just add that in there for you.
That shows you what our government thinks of us here in Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
They have giant seed vaults.
They have giant admitted underground bases near the Arctic and Antarctic Circle.
The U.N.
has more than 24 bases worldwide that are public, heavily guarded.
Here in the U.S.
there's Mount Weather, Mount Shasta.
There's a giant underground base hub under Bergstrom International.
I only know because I have connections who lived here in Austin in the 50s when it was being constructed.
This is top-secret information.
It connects to Fort Hood, a giant nuke base out there.
All right, I'll tell you about how we were first to report the meltdown at the major reactor in Japan on the other side.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our Republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly while you can still afford it, and eFoods
I think so.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he is.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It is Sunday, the 13th day of March 2011.
And of course on the 11th,
On Friday, Japan had the greatest earthquake in modern history for their country, even their region.
Now upgraded to a 9.1.
Hundreds of aftershocks with most scientists, seismologists expecting that there will be another big aftershock sometime in the next 24 hours.
To put a 9.1 in perspective, that is double an 8.9 on the Richter scale.
More than double.
To give you an idea of the type of earthquake that hit Japan, of course, a large volcano has now erupted, blasting ash over several cities in Japan's
southwestern area uh... i've got more than a hundred and fifty news articles here for prison planet dot tv viewers not radio listeners for radio listeners you know them for wars dot com and see all of these articles posted in real time uh... in a special section that we have it's been updated minute-by-minute with our team uh... having somebody on staff twenty four hours a day to track this
Now, I'm 22 minutes into the broadcast, and I haven't gotten to the biggest issue yet.
And I'm going to be detailing this later in the hour.
But I wanted to calmly give you some of the background and a wide-spectrum analysis of what's happening before I go there.
The Japanese government is now reporting that six plants have lost power.
And that they are in emergency situations trying to pump seawater on the ocean-based plants, coastal plants, and regular water into one of the plants that is more inland.
And that three plants are on the verge of complete meltdown.
The Fukushima No.
1 did meltdown, ladies and gentlemen.
And it began melting down Friday night, Japan time.
That's in the morning here.
Uh, and, uh, I knew that because I had done basic research, uh, into it, and they were reporting 1,000 times regular, uh, levels of cesium and radioactive iodine, and that is only released from these type of uranium rod reactors when a meltdown has begun and fission has been achieved.
Now, I'm no nuclear physicist.
That is 101 in the encyclopedia for a meltdown.
That's what happened at Chernobyl.
Now, I had arguments with my writers.
Prove the information to my writers.
Kurt Nemo, Shatterday.
Not mean arguments, but we had debates about it.
And I worked with Kurt, and he concurred.
And we put out a report first, Shatterday morning, before anybody else did.
And I just want to point out, we know what we're talking about here.
That Fukushima No.
1 had melted down.
Now, it had not exploded yet.
Right at the time our article went out, it exploded.
That was not a steam release or a hydrogen explosion.
And that's now been admitted by the Japanese government that it did indeed melt down and did indeed explode.
They first tried to claim, oh well, that was just the containment facility blew up, but the reactor's fine inside.
It's an explosion sending thousands, sending brown smoke
Meaning that's not steam, ladies and gentlemen.
Over a thousand feet in the air in seconds.
Those towers are a thousand plus feet tall.
We looked it up.
So within seconds, a thousand foot tall explosion.
A giant containment facility going sky high at the reactor number one.
And then the media said, gee, do you think there's going to be a bigger problem now at the plant?
I don't know.
It just completely explodes, many times bigger than Chernobyl, right in front of you.
And they're picking up a thousand plus times the radioactive isotopes 100% associated with meltdown.
And now it's admitted the rods got blown all over the place.
It's admitted.
And now they're saying that's a good thing and that the engineers actually did that so that it wouldn't completely melt down.
A lot of other engineers have actually concurred with that.
That blowing it up would send it in different directions so it wouldn't all melt down into one big blob and really go China syndrome.
So, government always lies, is the point.
They lie up front and don't want to tell you what's happening.
And it's not that I'm against technology.
But government is so corrupt that they covered up how bad Three Mile Island was, turned it out it was over a hundred times the radiation that they had claimed was released.
That's now on record.
There is a big experimental reactor and a sub-reactor here in Austin, Texas.
The general public doesn't even know that the J.J.
Pickle Research Facility is one of the biggest research reactors in the world.
Where I live, there's a gigantic nuclear reactor, actually two of them, and the general public doesn't even know what's going on.
When my dad was at UT in the 60s, they had one downtown.
At least they moved it up north.
So the issue is, I'm tired of this.
I'm tired of the denial that the nuclear industry does not have a very good safety record.
It turns out most of the time they release radiation as steam when the public isn't looking.
And that's why I like coal.
Coal isn't perfect, but let me tell you, it won't turn your hair orange.
It won't turn, you know, suck the paint off your house and give you an orange afro, as they say.
Oh, what's that movie with Danny DeVito and the guys trying to sell him speakers?
And he says, man, this stuff will
No, no, it's Ghostbusters, where he says it'll suck the paint off your house and give you a permanent orange afro.
The point is, is that, you know, a little bit of gallows, a little bit of gallows humor here, folks, because this is very, very, very, very serious.
So here is the Tokyo News.
Meltdown caused nuke plant explosion.
Government safety board says that, yes, the Fukushima
The facility did melt down.
Here's another report.
AP is reporting this.
Russia Today as well.
BBC also reporting.
Nuclear plant designer says Japanese government suppressing scale of crisis.
Yeah, no kidding.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know when a containment facility blows sky high because the explosion is so big that the reactor just blew up.
Steam doesn't do that.
Hydrogen doesn't do that, ladies and gentlemen.
Not at the levels it's in a plant.
I don't
And that's six that are having big problems right now.
At three different locations across Japan.
But at the Fukushima facility, there are six reactors.
So I would up that to eleven reactors.
Because Fukushima is six.
When they say six, they're talking about Fukushima.
I think so.
A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
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You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
By the way, we're going to be opening the phones up, but I really only want to talk about and hear from you on, because it's so important, and our fellow humans, the Japanese, are in so much trouble.
I really want to focus in on the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the tsunami, and yes, guess who is slated
to get the first dose in the trade winds and in the jet stream from the fallout of Fukushima number one that we know blew up and sent its radioactive uranium-laced payload into the atmosphere.
Guess who is directly in the trade winds and above that the jet stream scheduled to be arriving here in the next day and a half?
You guessed it, ladies and gentlemen.
You guessed it.
The winds blow from Japan towards the United States west coast.
It is going east.
So Japan's east is the United States west coast, and I've looked at the trade winds.
It will disperse the radiation from within about the area of central Canada down to southern California, is set to be getting the fallout from the one plant that's already blown sky-high of the six at Fukushima Reactor One.
There's reactor 1 through 6, and we'll put the article up on screen for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Japanese nuclear meltdown confirmed.
That was our article we got out last night.
We had the original article reported on media cover-up underway with a nuke meltdown.
And just five or six hours later, the Japanese government did come out and confirm that there was a meltdown at Fukushima No.
And gee, watching it blow up and clearly damage Fukushima 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, it was no surprise that suddenly they started reporting, oh no, other reactors are set to melt down now.
Because one of them blew up right next door to the others.
What do you think that does?
And suddenly they started handing out radioactive iodine to people six miles away, then 20, now 50.
Now they're calling in 10,000 troops, 30,000 troops, 50,000 troops in full hazmat gear.
They're giving the public radioactive iodine because when fission is achieved, meltdown is achieved,
Then it starts putting off radioactive iodine and what gland in the body absorbs it?
The thyroid.
And if you get a dose of radioactive iodine, it kills you in just a few days to a week or so because your thyroid absorbs it and then literally dies.
And you've got a big rotten gland in your body and then you die.
And don't think that our media is going to tell us if radiation detectors go off.
I remember when they had Desert Storm 2 in 2003, radiation detectors went crazy in Western Europe, and they went crazy
uh... in england major universities picked up uh... the depleted uranium isotope which is highly toxic and radioactive and i've had the former head of the d weapons program on to explain how radioactive it still is that the word depleted is deceptive and a it's poisonous very small particulate and uh... b it's uh... causes massive increases in in in in in cancer and is radioactive
Remember, Iraq is to the east, okay?
And the trade winds go to the east.
So, it had to go all the way out of the Middle East, across Central Asia, into the Far East, and all the way across the Pacific, and back across the United States, and back through England and Europe.
to be picked up by the radiation detectors, but US universities that came out in the news were ordered under Homeland Security, National Security, they use it to cover up toxic waste activity by corporations and government, to not report on DU meters.
So, the US was closer in line to the fallout from the tons and tons of depleted uranium that were used.
They were in line
We were in line to get more than Europe, but Europe allowed the news to come out of what their detectors picked up.
So what's the moral of the story?
You're not going to be told about the radioactive iodine.
You're not going to be told about the uranium.
You're not going to be told about the cesium, which is very deadly.
You're not going to be told about any of that.
Remember, the government doesn't tell you jack squat.
And if the government cares about you, up until 1991 it was illegal for our military, except for in special situations, to use depleted uranium.
If the Russians came across into Germany during the Cold War with their 10 to 1 superiority with tanks,
DU was to be served out from special weapons caches, armories, as an emergency last-ditch weapon along with tactical nukes for point-blank range warfare.
By point-blank range, you're talking half-mile or less.
The Davy Crockett two-man nukes, all of it.
I mean, we're talking big missile launchers that two guys can carry, you know, that launch nukes, a DU tip so, you know, a team with 50 cows can take out T-72 tanks.
The problem is you only use it once a nuclear war is already on.
Because there's a four and a half billion year half-life on it if you breathe one whiff of it.
On average, it lowers your life expectancy to about age 50 for a man, about 53 for a woman.
If you get any of it in your lungs, you are the walking dead.
Suddenly they ignored Dr. Doug Rockey, the physicist who wrote the book on it, the other physicist.
Didn't matter what the government scientist had told them.
They said, serve it out to everybody, use it, it's on.
Use it at shooting ranges all over the US, National Guard bases, use it anywhere you want.
And they use it in every base in the country now, wherever they want.
They use it in Puerto Rico, just a few miles from resorts.
They use it in Hawaii, because they don't care anymore.
And so the government, when the fallout hits the U.S., and undoubtedly there's going to be some, one reactor's already melted down.
They say it could go even more critical.
It's still cooking.
They're pouring salt water in on it.
What the U.S.
government agency's called an act of desperation.
Because it's already melted down partially and exploded.
But it would continue to melt down and continue to explode.
So, water injected into troubled nuclear power plant to avert disaster.
Japanese authorities scrambled Sunday to avert nuclear disaster, injecting seawater into the overheating reactors and relieving the pressure inside the nuclear power plant at Fukushima.
And it goes on the reports to say U.S.
government said that it was an act of total and complete desperation.
That's not in that particular article, but I have it here in one of my other articles.
So, the issue here is
You got six plants that can melt down.
One's already clearly melted down.
They're now hinting that two others have started melting down.
There's radiation pouring out of these suckers.
They're pumping it out in the steam.
And here's Japan.
It's to the west of the U.S.
East Coast.
It's to the west of the U.S.
West Coast.
And so the trade winds, the
Jetstream is moving across Japan and lines up to come in.
At its strongest point, it's about a thousand miles wide, this particular part of the jet stream.
You can just type in West Coast Jet Stream.
In fact, we'll put it back on screen.
We have a NOAA, National Weather Association map.
And there you can see Japan to the west, the U.S.
west coast to the east.
You can see the jet stream comes right in
At around Northern California, Oregon, Washington.
That's the strongest point.
And here's another problem with these jet streams.
Jet streams are between 50,000 and 10,000 feet in the atmosphere, and they vary.
And if you look at the maps, where the jet stream comes in at its lowest point, that particular band of the jet stream, is it tends to dump in right over Oregon, Utah,
And other western states.
So, a nice, healthy dose of Japanese radiation coming our way.
And the media is not going to tell you, and the FBI and Homeland Security will go to the radiological metering centers and tell them, don't tell the public.
We have guns.
Don't let the scum know.
We'll be right back.
A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
We're good to go.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly while
We're good to go.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Again, go to gusset.com forward slash America Today.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some man you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like it any more than he did.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, going back ladies and gentlemen, I want to open the phones up in the next hour.
The toll free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX.
That's 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, and we will get you up and on the air specifically with your questions, your comments, your points, your prayers for the Japanese people.
Now, I'm going to put back on screen, if you're a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer, not just a radio listener,
a satellite uh... image of the particular band of the jet stream uh... that comes over japan and then enters uh... in southern canada uh... on the side of western canada and the western seaboard of the united states and as you can see as soon as it comes in towards land uh... it then affects the atmosphere uh... and the jet stream hits uh... right above
Northern California, Oregon, Washington and then buckles up goes into northern Areas of North America into southern Canada and then comes back in over Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and then down into Oklahoma, Illinois, Texas, Arkansas
Very serious situation because the media and the government are not going to tell you if they pick up increased amounts of radioactive iodine, uranium or cesium.
Now, we've only got one reactor that's blown up and the Japanese government has been caught lying about how much radiation was released and the fact that it melted down and they've now told the truth about it.
A lot of it will be dispersed.
I mean, the U.S.
government, other governments detonated hundreds of nukes in test in the 40s, 50s, and 60s and 70s.
The Chinese, the Russians.
Which also, above-ground nuclear testing radiates everybody.
But when reactors go up, they produce as much or more as a large above-ground test.
Because it's what is known as a dirty type of nuclear exchange.
And I don't want to get all into the physics of it.
The point is it's very serious.
And the jet stream goes in circles from west to east.
That's why if you're flying from Los Angeles to New York, you get there about 45 minutes earlier than when you fly back from New York to Los Angeles.
Because the jet stream can go up to 200 miles an hour.
It's normally about 100 miles an hour.
I think that's an average.
And pushing the aircraft even faster.
But when you fly against it, you fly slower.
So it goes in circles.
From west to east, west to east, west to east, west to east.
Going around the planet.
Pumping that radiation around in circles.
Obviously those close to the plant, ships that are out to sea, because it is blowing out to sea away from the main island of Japan.
The winds are to the northeast, so it blows it up over northern Japan and then out to sea and into the trade winds.
And the good news is a lot of these isotopes are heavy, so it's hard for them to get picked up and get carried high into the atmosphere and make it across.
So that's good news.
But everybody's asking the question, why has Japan built 51 high-tech reactors on major fault lines and major tsunami lines?
They get hit by typhoons.
In the Pacific, they're called typhoons.
In the Atlantic, they're called hurricanes.
They get going a lot faster in the Pacific because it's bigger.
Typhoon can go 250.
Hurricane only 200.
They get hit by typhoons.
They are in one of the biggest hot spots, arguably the hottest spot in the world, Japan.
That's why they have wooden houses made out of paper.
Because they don't like, you know, the house falling on them.
So, you know, that's what's going on there.
Why, then, did Japan do this?
Well, Japan doesn't have any oil.
Japan doesn't have any coal to speak of.
They've got to go nuclear.
And they made the decision to do it.
And I think it's crazy that not only did they build it in an earthquake fault line zone, the whole country's a fault.
I mean, why do you think Japan's there?
It was driven up by tectonic activity.
By the way, I've got other reports here.
Japan has moved eight feet.
The axis of the earth has moved four inches.
Japan moved
What, to the west 8 feet?
They're reporting it moved up 7 inches.
I wonder how the Himalayas got there.
That's when the subcontinent of India slammed into the larger continent of Asia.
So you've got that going on.
So it's moved up 7 inches, moved west 8 feet.
The Earth has changed its axis by 4 inches.
The GPS shows.
This is a big earthquake.
To give you a perspective, a 10 on the Richter scale is lava shooting several thousand feet in the air, tectonic plates breaking up, end-of-the-world type stuff, okay?
I mean, a 9.1 is just super, super devastating.
And the Japanese are tough engineering folks, probably because they live under such stress in such a dangerous environment.
And so this is what they're facing.
And again, volcanoes are waking back up there and are erupting in the south of the country.
Everybody's got to be praying for these folks.
And I'm not trying to scare people with the radiation fallout.
It's just that our government lets our troops use DU even though they know it's a death sentence.
So they don't care about us.
And here's an illustration of that.
Remember Bob Barr's group suing over at Congress?
Threatening to sue over at Congress, the elected government.
For over a year has been demanding the records from the naked body scanners, which the New York Times reported is 20 times to 50 plus depending on which unit they have.
It's two different systems.
The radiation they'd claimed, they're violating OSHA law.
No radiation tests are being done, monthly as they're supposed to be.
There's no radiation badges.
The employees aren't warned, the TSA, who stand there all day.
Now they're coming out with super high-powered chest x-ray machines in Australia, just to look for breast bombs.
They're talking about full-body x-ray of chest x-rays in the U.S.
They're now rolling out on the highways of the U.S.
super high-powered TSA systems where they have families, this is on the news, drive under systems that shoot through metal.
They make a chest x-ray look tame.
Now a doctor, a dentist, they got to hide behind a lead wall.
They put lead over your privates.
Not in the airport.
These guys sit there frying like eggs.
And the system just doesn't care.
Here's USA Today dealing with radiation.
TSA to retest airport body scanners for radiation.
For more than a year they've refused to give Congress the readings.
You want to know why?
TSA officials have repeatedly assured the public and lawmakers that the machines have passed all inspections.
The Agency Review of Maintenance Records launched December 10th, came only after USA Today, and lawmakers called for the release of the records last year.
Yeah, Congress over a year ago, actually.
Early 2010.
Turns out they were lying, and this is what TSA has not released the records.
They're saying, yes, it's ten times higher the radiation than we thought, but we're not going to release that.
We're just telling you, trust us, we're going to retest.
They're going to do kangaroo test.
These poor TSA workers may enjoy the power trips, but you're not going to enjoy the testicular cancer and the breast cancer, because it will fry the hormone-heavy tissues that
They're more susceptible to cancer and near the surface.
TSA again, Transmission Security Administration announced, they announced last Friday as well that they are above the law and strip searching in public is okay.
Really, cops can't do it, it's against, they just say they can do it.
We don't need any radiation testing, we don't need any laws, we're God.
We don't follow the Bill of Rights.
Well, a congressman can't break the law.
The president can't.
Why can you?
Oh, because you say so.
And now they're setting up checkpoints on highways.
It's a federal goon power grab.
The Transportation Administration announced Friday that it would reset every full-body x-ray scanner that emits ionizing radiation.
The 247 machines at 38 airports, after maintenance records of some of the devices, showed radiation levels 10 times higher than expected.
Oh, here's the London Independent.
troops showing a four-fold increase in birth defects in their children, a 12 to 15 time increase in Iraqi children from depleted uranium, and the British Medical Journal has confirmed in their own study, but they don't care.
And when the troops are dying and their kids are dying, the system doesn't care.
Now, do you think when the radiation from these reactors blowing up sky-high like Chernobyl hits the west coast of the U.S., that's landfall,
We're in the zone.
Do you think the media that licks government boots is going to tell you?
They're going to go out, roll their kids out in strollers for the radiation and worship it and thank it because they love being schmucks.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I knew I was forgetting something last hour, and that was telling folks to get potassium iodide.
Because if all six of those plants go down, and the first place that the jet stream and the trade winds below it make landfall is the west coast of the U.S.
and Canada.
People should be taking potassium iodate.
And to show how I'm always giving advice, and I got flashlights and a three-year supply of food and guns, dug around this weekend, couldn't find the potassium iodate that I've given friends and family over the years.
I know it's somewhere in my garage or in storage.
And I'm not going to start taking it unless...
More of the plants blow up, or we do, they won't be able to totally cover it up if higher levels of radiation hit.
It should be in the next day or so we find out on the West Coast.
So we gotta watch that.
I want to go to your phone calls, the number to join us.
We hadn't opened the phone system up yet when I gave it out 15 minutes ago.
It's open now.
If you want to try to call 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-A-L-E-X, if you want to get up and on the air.
Good to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
Well, I just want to... You're talking about the government's not going to tell you what's going on or what's coming to you.
The sad thing is, I was in Desert Storm in 91, and even when I read the Stars and Stripes, the sad thing is I even was skeptical about everything they were saying.
And, you know, you feel like you're doing right for your country, and I was proud to serve.
You know, I was glad for what I was doing.
Well, you wouldn't believe that the people running the government would do something like that.
Well, but I always had, even then, I had it in the back of my mind, and I've only been following you for the last couple of years thanks to a friend at work.
And just to info you, I'm a presentplanet.tv member, and I've given out about 800, pushing 800 DVDs right now, but my point is, people just have to wake up.
I talked to somebody at work the other day, and I have the new iPhone, like you said, you know, everything's used for something.
But I just had to laugh because this guy was showing me how he had apps for a canned air horn and apps for this.
And my apps are GCN and your show.
And lucky for me, I get to listen to it every day.
I feel like I'm missing something if I don't because I can't stand not knowing what's going on.
But I guess my biggest point is,
People actually, literally, still trust in the government and thinking everything is going to be okay.
And I keep trying to tell people, you know, I'm buying food.
You know, I'm just doing the little, not little things, the big things.
And you're going to see how big they are when you need them.
But I just wish people would really wake up.
And one thing I wanted to point out that scares me the most, I don't fear collapse in the concept of the collapse.
I fear it for the laziness and the
Uh, unintelligent people.
That when it does happen, it's not going to be like a band of people grouping together like you would see.
No, it's going to be a dangerous horde, at least some people, of zombies.
Whenever you watch Black Friday, you know, where people don't have any sales tax day, there's always riots and death and stomping over discounts.
And remember, 90% of people were self-sufficient and rural during the Great Depression and around 7 million starved to death, major university studies estimate.
Imagine 90% not being self-sufficient.
It's the opposite today in being urban.
It's a dangerous recipe, but that's what the Second Amendment is there for, Don, is to protect us from the zombie hordes.
The problem is the government is going to organize them, you know, the gimme gimme gimmes, into a group of people as society does unravel.
And look at the Japanese, two days into this.
They're already running out of food and water.
They're not prepared.
And the only thing that's constant is disasters, is problems.
People never believe it when they have an earthquake, or a flood, or a wildfire.
They never want to believe it.
Don, good to hear from you.
Haboo and others, your phone calls are straight ahead.
And we will go to your phone calls on the other side of this quick break.
And we're going to continue to break down all the big developments happening in Japan.
And how serious is the radiation cloud coming towards the western coast of the United States from Japan?
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I should have given people some solutions, some corrective measures.
And I've had medical doctors on the radio broadcast.
Just Friday I had a pharmacist on.
They're the folks that really know.
And I said, how safe is the potassium iodate?
That the military gives troops when they are going to be in a nuclear combat situation.
The answer is very safe.
In large dosages, it may make you throw up or upset your stomach.
That's why the potassium iodide type that they sell at health food stores for nuclear fallout or as a supplement is good because it's buffered for children and pets.
Years ago, we had a sponsor that sold it on air.
We don't have that sponsor now, so I'm not selling it.
I am saying you should get out there and get it, because even if there isn't a lot of fallout that's going to hit the U.S., and we are the first country of call, along with Canada, the jet stream that goes over Japan, with that reactor that blew up and melted down yesterday, and five more, actually 11 more, because there's five more just at the Fukushima facility,
Okay, and then five more after that, and one's already melted down.
That's eleven.
One's already melted down and blown up.
They tried to cover it up.
It's now admitted it blew up.
But they're trying to play that down.
Radiation off the chart.
All the isotopes you're going to find with that type of reactor going critical and melting down.
Cesium, radioactive iodine, and yes, uranium being picked up.
Luckily, the uranium level is still low because it takes that stuff really catching on fire and then exploding and ejecting into the atmosphere.
But Japan is right across the Pacific Ocean from us and the jet stream and the trade winds that are lower.
I keep repeating this for listeners.
Okay, it comes in in Northern California, the main band of the current jet stream, it moves around a bit, comes in Northern California, up to Seattle.
It then dips down through Idaho, down through Colorado, into Texas, Oklahoma, and then goes back up higher into the atmosphere.
Uh, back up to about 35,000 feet.
But it is dumping in over the United States, and it should get here in the next day or so.
And I've talked to medical doctors on air.
I've talked to pharmacists.
They say, uh, different chemicals that are in the environment that mimic iodine already fill your thyroid.
That's why you have such thyroid problems out there.
That it's good to fill your thyroid with good iodine.
And so as long as you consult a physician or a pharmacist, go talk to them.
I personally, tomorrow, am going on potassium iodate.
That doesn't mean iodine.
That's poison, folks.
Medical grade.
It's over-the-counter.
But a lot of places have already sold out of it.
Japan is running out of it.
That's in the Associated Press.
The government's trying to hand it out to everybody.
Here, it's going to be much lower levels of these radioactive isotopes, but the media, I'll guarantee you, is not going to hype this up and tell you as a precaution.
You're not going to be getting huge, deadly dosages of it.
But none of this stuff's good for you.
You get a certain allowable amount of different radiation every year.
And it's in the environment, it comes in out of space, it comes in off the sun, there's different types of it.
What do you think burns your skin, folks?
Ultraviolet radiation.
But in that wavelength, it's also carrying all sorts of other radiation.
And that's one reason we get cancer, is it breaks down our DNA.
So, you don't want any of that uranium, any of that cesium, any of the radioactive iodine.
Because it goes right to your thyroid and builds up in there and causes problems.
So, that's what I would do for myself.
That's what I'm doing.
I already owned it.
And it's got basically an endless shelf life.
So I already had some, been digging around, we did find it finally.
But the point is, didn't think we'd found it earlier, got the call, we have found it.
But the point is, is that I had to dig around even though I'm the guy that knows about this stuff.
Okay, I'm done ranting.
Haboo, Earl, Juan, Josh, David, CVT, Lawrence, Joe, Baron, Robert, we're going to get to all of you.
I want to hear from all of you.
I've got a lot of other facets of this.
They're set to have even bigger aftershocks.
Statistically, they're going to be hitting Japan.
They've already had over a hundred aftershocks, but they're looking for a big one.
Pray for Japan.
They would have been better off with the fictitious Godzilla coming out of the water and attacking.
I mean, that place is on fire.
Probably they're reporting 10,000 dead in one fishing village.
The scope of this is unknown.
The scope of the radiation
on those coastal plants with meltdowns going on.
Again, they're reporting six plants on the verge of meltdown.
One's already gone meltdown, but they're counting one plant that six is one plant.
So the real number that we're talking about here is eleven plants.
Six at one facility, five more in danger of total meltdown.
Clearly there was a cover-up.
They have admitted that the Fukushima one did blow.
They're just not sure how bad.
You notice you're not seeing up-close video of that bad boy.
The Japanese government now admits meltdown occurred.
This is a very serious situation.
It did go Chernobyl.
So, if you have no people in Seattle, you know people in Portland, Oregon.
You know people in the major cities of Utah and Idaho.
That's where the jet stream dumps in.
And there is undoubtedly radiation coming this way.
Again, DU was used, not near as deadly as what's coming out of that plant.
I think?
After it has gone over us, our government covered it up here, because they were the ones using it.
Now, with that track record, they will cover it up again.
Do you understand that?
They will cover it up.
I don't know why they do this, they're just so evil, they didn't want to, I guess, point out that the government was using a deadly nuclear weapon, DU, to shoot through the enemy's armor, and to use against ground troops.
Well, hello Mr. Alex Jones.
So nice to be on your show.
Thank you.
I think the world of you
As somebody who's lived abroad, you are the real deal.
I don't want to go on and on, but I just want you to know that when somebody looks at U.S.
news coverage, commentary, it is all pitiful.
None of them come to the way you get real with what's being disseminated.
On Friday, you said as much.
It is very likely that there's going to be a meltdown, and this wasn't on the wires until Saturday night, US time.
So this is why I will not listen to... I will read other things, but you are the one that I hold very... in high standing and in admiration, because you have corners.
If I may just say about this, the iodine.
I was talking to a pharmacist here in Madison, and he said a better way to get iodine is to take a serving of kelp once a week.
And that is a more... that mechanism... Yeah, I'd forgotten that I actually was talking to the pharmacist Friday on air, and he'd said kelp's the way to go because it's the natural, good iodine, and that absolutely everybody should be rushing out because the potassium iodate's selling out.
Just from the folks that are informed, imagine when the general public finds out, you won't find it anywhere.
Seaweed, kelp, raw kelp pills, a lot of restaurants serve kelp.
Kelp, kelp, kelp.
Get your kids, all of you, eat a big serving of kelp, and that'll cover you for a week or so.
And the last thing is, you know, as bad as this situation is, in a way I can't fault Japan because this was a natural disaster in one of biblical proportions.
But something like the D.U.
is nothing but criminal and, you know, the work of the devil.
The globalists knew that D.U.
would kill the troops and those it was used against.
12 to 15 times increase in deformities in the Iraqi children.
That's the British Medical Journal.
And our own troops coming back and dying, and then they don't get treatment.
Think of how evil the Pentagon is.
This is not our government.
More calls straight ahead.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.TV, you can actually see me here with Whole Foods iodine from kelp for healthy thyroid function.
You see, there's all these different chemicals in the environment.
They use the bleach, the flour, and things that mimic iodine but are very toxic.
That's why thyroid dysfunction is at epidemic proportions all over the Western world.
That's why it's healthy, not that I even follow my knowledge, I should, to
Take normal natural iodine sources.
And so yes, even if you can't get the medical grade potassium iodate, you can get iodine from kelp for healthy thyroid function, or I've got a bottle here of organic iodine dietary supplement from alfalfa and sea dulse.
And I'm going to take a dose of this right now.
This is a precaution.
Plus, it's healthy.
For a 230 pound male, about three drops.
For one of my children, who weigh 50 to 60 pounds, one drop.
One drop a day for a week.
That's the normal doses for a healthy thyroid.
Maybe a little bit more.
But, you know, talk to your medical professional first.
Before you do this, they'll probably tell you, radiation's good.
Then you die of cancer.
But before that, we get to do a bunch of surgeries on you and suck all the money out of you.
So, we say snort uranium.
Don't listen to conspiracy theorists.
But nah, I'm joking.
I've actually had medical doctors on.
It's funny.
Morton's salts.
When it rains, it pours.
You know, little girl with the umbrella.
For 50 years, they've put iodine in it.
They've pulled it out.
Something that's good for you, but then the government puts sodium fluoride in your water, which the American Medical Association and Internal Association admit caused bone cancer!
And don't help your teeth!
So I'm drinking my iodine.
Consult a physician first.
Don't follow my directives.
You know, I say buy gold when it's $250 an ounce.
It's $1,400.
I said they were going to start devaluing the dollar.
Wall Street Journal on Monday said we're going into a total depression, basically, and that the dollar's going to die.
I mean, you don't have to listen to me.
I was listening to a local money talk guy named Carl Stewart.
I've been hearing him for over 15 years on the air, locally.
Nice guy.
Good guy.
And he was basically saying the U.S.
is bankrupt, either way you slice it, and that the bankers have done this to us.
But he didn't go forward and say, right off the $1.5 quadrillion, we don't owe it, say no, abolish the Federal Reserve.
That's how you fix it!
You don't let the Federal Reserve pose as the next savior.
As an illustration of the canary in the coal mine, the fact that mainline financial people are finally getting it.
Shows you where we've gone.
What did Joseph Kennedy, the father of JFK, say?
He was a big stock market guy.
With all his rum money he'd invested from the Prohibition.
All the hundreds of millions he made.
And he said, well, one morning I got advice from a shoeshine boy on what stock I should buy.
And I saw everybody buying stock.
They were selling stock with cereal boxes.
And he said, I figured it was time to get out.
Well, when mainline financial advisors
Start admitting we're going down.
I mean, you know what that means.
Earl in Indiana, then Juan, Josh, David.
Earl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Nice to talk to you.
Nice to talk to you.
Had a couple quick comments to make.
One of them was the coup de grace shot of the salt water into the reactors.
That's a real sign of their desperation.
And another thing that I thought you might have some comments to make on would be
You know, they've lost a large part of their electrical power supply for the whole northern part of the country.
It runs off 50 hertz.
The south is 60.
That's gonna... That's not gonna... There's no short-term solution.
Yeah, Tokyo's got 4 million people without power alone.
Yeah, that's... I haven't seen anybody really discussing the horrifying effect it's gonna have on the economy.
You know, the Japanese economy.
And then I noticed it when that building blew up.
They come up with the hydrogen thing.
That may be or may not, but if the reactor was to melt through with all that water around it, it would be just like putting molten steel on water, which causes instantaneous steaming up.
Well, sir, let me just be clear, Earl.
Let me just be clear here.
Steam would be white.
This was gray and brown.
The giant, 20-plus foot thick steel rebar-enforced containment facility blew into pieces sky-high.
And just to be clear, they admit it began, now we know in hindsight, melting down Friday.
Well, again, when they admitted they weren't pumping water through it, it was going to melt down.
The question is, would it go critical and then explode and eject the rods everywhere into the atmosphere like Chernobyl with a thousand-plus mile plume?
Now, this is on the coast, and so all that stuff went off the coast towards the United States.
Just a little newsflash.
That was basically about what I had.
I just thought I'd mention what I thought about the steel and the steam.
If they haven't melted through completely, and the rods do melt through, I would think that we would expect to see another explosion.
Well, that's what... No, no, actually, that's in Reuters, the major government announcements out of there.
They're saying they expect another explosion.
They've been saying that since this morning.
In fact, guys, you're tracking the reactors in live time for me, right?
Because I can't do it.
Just keep putting it in, let me know.
Best place to follow, it's InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Aaron Dyches is back there updating InfoWars.com around the clock.
Drudge Report's also on it 24-7.
We'll know if there's another explosion, but I don't think there probably will because it looked like it already happened.
They admit it melted down.
The question is, they're not saying if it went totally critical.
And it turns out they knew it started melting down Friday.
Juan in New York, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex, mi amigo, I call you mi amigo, a true friend of God and mankind.
I thank you for what you're doing here, waking people up.
I've been a listener for a couple years now, and I just thank God for you.
We're praying for you and your family, and the United States, the National Day of Prayer is coming up.
I pray to God that you continue on your journey, waking up people as much as you can.
I did work for the government removing depleted uranium.
The government is nothing but a bunch of liars and deception, and I hope America wakes up and understands what you've been telling them, to wake up and understand that
We have to take matters into our own hands and wake up as many people as possible.
I did work for the Department of Energy and the Army Corps Engineer.
We cleaned up a plant over here that they used depleted uranium.
And it went on for 15 years.
It was supposed to take three years to clean this place up.
I'm Albany, New York, right here at the DOE.
It was called the... The plant was what they built in Pleiades.
A lot of people died in the area.
I went to a couple of news conferences and they didn't want me to talk.
And you know how this goes.
They don't want people knowing the truth.
But we're going to continue praying for you and your family.
I have a federal hazmat license.
There's more at the plant but they decided to bury it.
It's not the proper thing to use as far as energy.
My advice to the United States of America, I'm going to wake up as many people on that coast, it's to have your car full of gasoline and head south if you have to and just get out of the zone with the fallout zone.
Do you agree from working for the Department of Energy that's over all the different nuclear programs that they will probably lie and not tell people about how severe the fallout is going to be?
Alright, thank you Juan.
Shawan agrees they're gonna lie.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
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Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly while you can still afford it.
I think so.
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Well, Joseph Lieberman, the outgoing senator, is somebody who's attacked the Second Amendment.
He's attacked free speech.
Openly said, get rid of freedom on the internet.
Restrict freedom on talk radio.
So, I disagree with almost everything he says.
And so it really makes me question and wonder what's going on when I read something like this.
Put the brakes on nuclear power plants, Lieberman says.
The problem is he doesn't want us to have coal power plants either.
He doesn't want us to have anything.
If we had a choice between coal and nuclear, I'm for coal.
And if we don't build nuclear power plants on fault lines in Japan, who has 9.1 earthquakes, I mean, yeah, there shouldn't be nuclear power plants in California like there are.
Why is anyone building them on fault lines?
Well, what's Japan supposed to do?
They don't have the power.
They don't have oil.
They don't have their own coal.
We do.
We do.
And I'm not for completely shutting down the nuclear energy, but
Wind power doesn't work.
You can't control it.
You've got to have a continual source.
All right, I said I'd go to your calls.
Here are some of the headlines right now.
Japan battles nuclear meltdown.
Biggest crisis since World War II.
Races to avert multiple reactor failures.
Yes, six of them.
Injecting seawater at Fukushima facility.
Another hydrogen explosion possible at same facility.
Evacuation zones widened again.
In fact, we're going to open that article up and give you the numbers.
First it was 10 miles, then 20, then... Nuke designer says government suppressing info.
Claim fallout no threat to other nations.
We're going to continue to cover it.
West Coast in path of fallout.
Print me that latest one there.
I've been waiting for that to hit mainstream media.
In fact, click on that for me right now.
West Coast in fallout that's finally being reported on.
I mean, I can look at the jet streams.
I told you that Friday and Saturday in the articles that we wrote for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
While we're waiting for that to load, let's go ahead and talk to Jose in Hawaii.
Hawaii actually got hit by some of the tsunami, but luckily it didn't cause too much damage Friday.
Jose, welcome.
No, no, Josh.
We already talked to Jose and Juan.
Josh in Hawaii.
You're on the air.
Hey, how's it Alex?
It's a real pleasure to talk to you.
Thank you so much for what you do, your crew there.
And thank you for also waking me up.
And I want to just say a quick thing to all the other listeners out there.
If you are just listening to this information and not doing anything about it, and I'm not talking about just this crisis, but everything that comes out through these channels,
And you are not doing anything, then you're wrong, because it's one person to another person to another person.
And just like you said, Alex, taking steps to go out and help other people, inform them, simple little things, really start to make a difference.
So, thank you for inspiring me and helping my comrades to do the same.
Well, listen, we're all in this together, Josh.
What was it like?
Did you experience?
Are you near the coast?
Did you see the reported five-foot wave that came in and messed up a few houses and tore up some beachfront property on Friday when some of the tsunami hit you in the Pacific?
Yeah, it was pretty trippy.
And that's actually one of the things I wanted to talk about.
Fortunately, obviously, you know, the worst was not had.
I was actually in class, and they went ahead and said, hey, we've got to evacuate.
There's tsunami warning.
And just as a lesson for everybody, you know, I live like a mile away.
My class is downtown.
It's near the water.
And I live like a mile away.
So just driving back that little distance, there were like
Traffic jams up and down the streets, trying to get gasoline.
My neighbors, everyone's out in the streets, like, you know, panicking, rushing out to get water.
The shelves are empty.
Car wrecks.
All sorts of stuff.
And that was, like, in one little mile journey back home.
So please, everyone, you know, let this be a lesson.
I sure was a really good wake-up call, you know, again.
Please, you know, take action now.
You don't want to be waiting before it's too late.
I mean, it's already a little too late in this one as far as some of those things go.
I was able to go out and get some kelp.
All the potassium iodide was sold out, but I got some kelp, and I think that'll be, you know, good.
But yeah, it's been a little crazy, but obviously nothing like what Japan has had.
But if I could just say one more thing, Alex.
Sure, and then I gotta jump.
This is how to get to everybody, Josh.
Okay, thanks very much.
Last thing.
People, please.
I cannot believe the mainstream media.
Uh, the first, the first, I could not find an article.
The, the building had exploded, and they're like, well, yeah, don't worry, it blew up, but the steel box around it is fine.
And I, I could not find one article that just did the common sense question of asking, now wait a second, if the pressure came from inside the reactor, how did the outside blow up, but the inside is still fine?
Uh, so just another thing to discredit it.
Please keep up all the great work you're doing.
Thank you so much, Alex, and, uh, we'll keep fighting.
Alright, thank you so much, Josh.
Yeah, at first they were like, uh, the building collapsed, but it didn't hurt the reactor itself.
The containment building collapsed.
No, it didn't collapse.
Pieces of it shot over a thousand feet in the air, and it completely blew up.
But they're like, don't worry, the reactor inside is just fine!
And I'm like, no!
Massive meltdown!
Massive meltdown!
And now they admit meltdown.
I've studied nuclear reactors.
I've interviewed nuclear physicists repeatedly.
I've interviewed nuke designers.
You know why?
Because if I'm going to live in a city with two nuclear reactors in it, by the way, both experimental, oh, those are the most dangerous type, because they're in there turning them on and off, manipulating them, doing tests.
That's most of the danger is when they're turning these things on and off.
If they're going to have two reactors in Austin, I'm going to research it.
I'm done talking about it.
The point is, of course it's a meltdown.
Of course now six are about to meltdown.
All six are probably going to meltdown at Fukushima!
You think one of them blows up sky high?
It's been hit by a tidal wave?
A tsunami?
It's been hit by a 9.1 earthquake?
Now one of the facilities is blown up?
Looks like a 50,000-pound bomb airstrike couldn't do that.
I mean, a giant facility, boom!
Pieces of it flying thousands of feet in the air.
What do you think's going to happen to the rest of the facility?
When the power gets turned off to those things, those things were at full capacity operating when the earthquake originally hit.
They're covering up what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
It's going from bad to worse.
I'm just going to be... Prepare for the worst, folks.
Hope for the best.
Prepare for the worst, because it looks like the worst is happening.
Look at Japan.
Look at Japan.
They're now reporting reactors all over the country are going haywire.
All right, now I'm ranting.
I'm sorry.
It's starting to get to me here.
David in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hello, sir.
First-time caller.
It's an honor to talk to you.
I just had a comment and a question.
I just want to let everybody know that FEMA's conducting its largest exercise in May.
It's called National Level Exercise 2011.
It's in, absolutely, and it's in the Madrid fault line up in the corner of Arkansas and Kansas.
And they even ordered extra body bags and emergency preparedness for a big earthquake.
But I certainly hope it doesn't happen.
I live in one of the counties that's going to participate in Illinois.
Well, for those that don't know about it, tell us about it.
It's on, I think, May 16th through the 20th, and it's a Congress-mandated exercise that we're going to have all local police and just everybody, you know,
Participating in it, and it's... I don't know.
When I first learned about it, it kind of freaked me out.
Well, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
Obviously, my phones have blown off the wall.
We're not on air.
The comment line is ringing non-stop.
I'm getting hundreds of emails a day that I see comments all over Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com saying, Alex,
Why aren't you talking about the fact that HAARP could have done this?
Yes, the U.S.
government's looked into earthquake weapons.
Yes, HAARP is involved.
I've interviewed the director of HAARP on air.
Yes, they can create earthquakes.
That's even in Haaretz.
The Israelis have studied putting nukes down mine shafts to create them.
In the fifties, the U.S.
government looked at it.
That's mainstream news.
But the sun and the moon
Manipulate our tides and our magnetic field.
Japan's always had real earthquakes.
They just didn't have nuclear reactors there, you know, 500 years ago when they were having, you know, giant earthquakes.
So this stuff happens.
And so I just can't say it's the government.
Because even though Secretary of Defense Cohen, and when we come back, Secretary of Defense Cohen warned of earthquake weapons.
This was in April 28, 1997, Army Times.
And he said, yes, our government and other governments have tectonic earthquake weapons.
So we have to look at that.
But Mother Nature's got her weapons, too.
Believe me, they're bigger than the globalists.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
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Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
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That's endofamerica3.com.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's a really good thing in the last few months that we beefed up the server farm CDN systems of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because they're getting record traffic.
We're breaking records every week here, but the Drudge Report is top-linked to our boil-down
From the great blogger and researcher we work with, George Washington Blogspot, who just kind of collated the mainstream news articles in different places that they're breaking down the fallout and the U.S.
being in the fallout path.
We're going to be beefing that article up with some fallout maps, some jet stream maps, some links to live satellite jet stream patterns.
We're going to be really beefing that article up.
Obviously, InfoWars is crawling a bit right now.
We've got the IT guys on it.
It takes about a minute to get online at Infowars.com because so many hundreds of thousands of folks are trying to hit it every ten minutes.
A lot of it because of Drudge Report.
Let me tell you something, folks.
I can go on Nightline.
I can be all over national TV.
No problem with our servers.
Drudge Report.
I mean, it just hammers us, because nothing.
I can be on Huffington Post, ABC News, no response.
Drudge, your site is hammered.
There's nothing.
It's like the Death Star of bandwidth.
It will destroy planets in its path.
But we are handling it right now.
An important fallout news.
Aaron Dice is going to be adding to that article, beefing it.
On top of George Washington's article, a Blockspot article, we're going to be adding the maps and things.
This is something I asked my writers to do on Saturday.
They've mainly just been collating the data, but we're going to be going extensively into the fallout maps as more reactors, it looks like, are going to melt down and as the Japanese basically continue their ongoing cover-up.
But it is admitted that Fukushima 1 did melt down.
The question is how bad.
CVT in Washington, then Lawrence, Joe, Barron, Robert, and Chris.
I'm going to try to at least get to all of you.
CVT, you're on the air.
Yeah, I would just like to start out by saying I really appreciate your news broadcast here.
It's the only way I get the real truth.
Dittos to you, brother.
What's on your mind?
Well, we're in Washington, and I've been talking to my family, and they say, well, I can't do anything about it, so what am I supposed to do?
Biggest issue, I'm actually coming... So they just automatically say, hey, I shouldn't talk to my medical doctor about taking iodine from kelp, which is already good for you to begin with.
It's, you know, over-the-counter vitamins, minerals.
They're just like, okay, I'll just... Again, it's an attitude.
Since when did Americans turn into people that just give in and give up to everything?
The 70s, because that's when they really got their hopes dashed, protesting in Vietnam.
That's beside the point.
My other point is, Washington, California, Oregon, and Hawaii are some of the bread baskets of our nation.
We're going to get our food from there.
What do you think is going to happen to the food supply?
Well, Hawaii's more south.
It is not anywhere in line for any fallout.
And I appreciate your call.
This is, even of all six, sorry, six at one plant and five others, if all eleven plants blew up, it'll be a lot of radiation, it'll be bad, but it's not going to kill everybody overnight.
Mr. Jones.
Thank you very much for your show.
No need to thank me.
Let's move quick.
Go ahead, my friend.
What's on your mind?
Two quick things.
I participated in the ground war in 1991, the Death of Storm.
Bottom line is the government will lie to you.
I've been in the Air Force before that.
I knew about defeated Iranian weapons, but I didn't know how dangerous they were until somebody informed me prior to going to Death of Storm.
You're not even supposed to sit on the Abrams Sabo rounds in the aluminum cases in the tank.
You're not even supposed to sit on them because there's so much radiation per hour it fries your testicles.
Sorry, go ahead.
That's in the Army manual.
Yes, it is.
By the grace of God, I'm still healthy.
The point I really had to make is that in light of these
Well, I suggest that everybody that knows what's going on, try to contact the Congressman
To the best of my knowledge, this was not done with the consent of the Congress or the Senate, but I think it would be in our best interest to try to contact our elected representatives and see if we can force them to do something, because we're going to be in bad shape.
Oh yeah, they've already announced no new coal plants, and quote, here's Obama Energy Secretary promises massive coal plant closures in the next two years, and Obama promising the campaign to quote, bankrupt coal.
And coal isn't perfect, baby, but it's 51% of our power.
The wind cannot do it.
Wind is 21 times less efficient.
It's a joke.
It's a joke.
Joe in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
How are you?
Go ahead, sir.
We love you.
All right.
A few things, a few points, topics.
People here on the West Coast need to get proactive.
You need to get with your government.
You need to have them use the radiological detectors to go out and test the air for you.
You need to start doing this as soon as possible.
Get them conditioned.
Yeah, well, I haven't looked at the... I mean, the jet stream can move from 60 to 200 miles an hour, but on average,
We're not even sure all of this is going to get up into the jet screen, and that's the great news.
But it should be hitting in the next two to four days.
We should start getting readings from the one plant that's blown up.
We have radiological detectors.
Every one of them.
My second point here, Alex, is that there has been a great corporate media meltdown.
It's confirmed, okay?
I've been watching it happen, I've been noting it, and I've been documenting it.
These people are not giving us real information, okay?
They're covering up, you know, when the thing blew up, they're giving us, BBC is reporting over and over again, they're showing tsunami pictures, and they're giving us, you know,
No, no, they said that it fell over.
The Japanese government said, uh, the containment building fell in, but the reactor's fine.
The thing blew up like a 50,000 pound bomb was dropped on it.
I mean, literally, folks, when they drop a 4,000 or 8,000 pound bomb, I've seen the Iraq footage, it looks nothing like that.
This was just, the whole building, boom!
I mean, that was a giant building.
I hear you, Lawrence.
Uh, you're awesome, we gotta move quick here.
Joe in California, you're on the air.
Okay, I already went to Joe, sorry.
Barron in Alabama, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Actually my name is Barron, we spoke a couple times already.
Basically, you answered one of my questions already before about ordering potassium iodate.
My main question now, a little more complicated, you may want to get into it tomorrow, so basically, uh, the bottom line is,
Do you think that there's any global opinion in what happened as far as it relates to the economy?
Because they're talking about how, excuse me, Japan...
The economy, the Nikkei is already looking down 2% in futures before the market opens.
Now... Yes, this will drag the world economy down further, just like the turmoil in the Middle East.
The good news was the Bruslin Brotherhood day of rage was not as bad as they said it was going to be in Saudi Arabia.
And Muammar Gaddafi is defeating the globalists right now.
One devil defeating other devils.
But yes, this will drag down the world economy.
There is no doubt this will be another problem.
I don't know.
I've been following what analysts I admire are saying, and they think it'll overall be a further drag on the world economy.
I appreciate your call.
It's really too early to tell, but Japan is the greatest industrial center in the world per square mile.
It has the highest IQ per citizen worldwide.
By the way.
And it is a real engine of industry and innovation.
And it is in deep trouble.
But humans do well under incredible stress and adversity, though.
I mean, they had atomic bombs dropped on them, folks.
I think the Japanese are going to come back stronger out of this in the end.
It is adversity that makes us strong, as Victor Hugo, the French philosopher, said.
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
We have been prosperous in America so long, we've become decadent monsters.
Our forebearers went through living Hades to come here, and that's why they were such men.
And so, pray for Japan, but as Nietzsche said, that which does not kill us,
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.