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Name: 20110310_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 10, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, my friends.
It is Thursday, the 10th day of March, 2011, and we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Joel Skousen, political analyst and researcher, will be joining us coming up in the next hour.
He's the editor of World Affairs Brief, dealing with hyperinflation to oblivion.
One of his latest reports, in fact his latest report today, dealing with the design destruction of the dollar that is being engineered, and then we'll look down the road into the future, geopolitically, what he sees happening beyond the Middle East turmoil.
Obviously, we're going to go through the big stack of Middle East turmoil news, but the most important information we have for you today is yet another signpost.
You're driving from Austin up to Dallas, and it says Dallas 185 miles when you leave Austin.
And you get up to Waco, and it says Dallas 100 miles.
And then you get up to Waxahachie and it says Dallas, 20 miles.
And if you read the Trilateral Commission documents that are public, we were a couple thousand miles out in the 1970s.
They planned all of this and they talked about having derivatives and creating other global competing currencies.
And then creating a currency crisis and then creating a new global Bancor or global Phoenix currency.
They've used different names that would be digital as the private bankers transcend their host almost entirely and create their own world dominion that we are now absolutely subservient to if we continue to go along with the fraud.
But on those signposts, we see massive Federal Reserve devaluation of the dollar worldwide.
QE1, QE2, now talk of QE3.
And more signposts in the last two years.
Record amounts of treasuries at global treasury auctions going unsold.
Governments, institutions, individuals leaving them, rotting on the deck, not buying them.
And then more signposts.
The Chinese president comes out two months ago on the eve of his visit to the United States and badmouths the dollar and says that it should no longer be the world reserve currency.
And then another signpost.
You see the head of the G20, based in France right now, their finance minister is the chair, saying we need to get rid of the dollar.
And more and more signposts.
And of course the last few weeks the Wall Street Journal and others saying the end of the dollar is nigh.
But it's a good thing!
It'll be good like NAFTA and GATT.
It'll be good like federally run education.
It'll be good like Gardasil's shot that's killed so many people.
It'll be good like Ritalin and Prozac.
Ritalin to shrink your brain and cause heart palpitations.
Prozac to make you commit suicide, to stop suicide.
It'll be good!
The dollar shouldn't have been number one!
It's cool!
Like banker bailouts!
By the way, don't worry about those bankers and what they're doing to you, or Al-Qaeda might hit you.
In fact, we've got to cut right now to a newscast about Al-Qaeda and how they're hiding under every table and in every bush and in the woods at night.
And when you hear the tree branches, the twigs on the end of the branches rub across the window at night, it's Osama bin Laden with his turban.
And you look up over the edge of the window sill when you're three years old for the monster.
And there he is with his big beard and his red eyes.
Oh, don't worry about dollar devaluation.
Bin Laden!
Bin Laden!
Bin Laden!
Don't worry about the big announcement coming up.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
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Number 2.
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It's true.
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Number 3.
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Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
We're seeing the impact right here in the United States.
Ethanol that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
Because of shipping costs, food is being priced out of the reach of millions of Americans, with an expected 35% jump in the next 60 days.
Move quickly!
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, thank you for joining us.
It is Thursday, the 10th day of March, 2011.
Joel Skousen will be joining us covering what's happening in the deteriorating world economy.
Coming up in the second hour today, I do want to have open phones in this hour, and I want to have open phones in the second and third hour today.
But let me first throw out the news items.
You're welcome to call in and discuss anything you'd like.
Any question?
Any comment?
That's fine.
We don't screen your phone calls.
Doesn't mean I won't scream at you if I get angry or disagree with you.
I don't have very good self-control.
But I would love to hear from everybody.
But I do want to throw out some of the news issues first because perhaps maybe you might want to
I don't
Uh, have eaten too many of their sleeping pills today.
Uh, but I do want to hear from everybody.
Now, I said I'd give the number out after I, uh...
Covered these issues, but we all know that you're going to call about what you want to call about and not the issues I'm about to raise.
So I'll just go ahead and throw this information out there now.
Okay, in the last segment, that some stations don't carry that little first five minutes of the first hour, but some do.
So we go ahead and do it live.
I described something I think that's very important.
We are following a blueprint.
We are following a script.
We are following a template.
We are following a battle plan.
We are following a militarily laid out system.
Now, by following it, the globalists design the highways, and they design the specifications for light sockets, and they set the parameters for RAF and UHF and VHF, and they decide the parameters of the pipes that come into your house.
And it all sounds real reasonable.
But it allows them to set the precedent to control everything.
And then, when I say we are following a script,
I am conscious of the script.
I am conscious of the program.
I am conscious of the operation, but still I follow the script.
Not as much as most people, but I still follow the script.
I try to avoid the sodium fluoride in the water.
I try to not eat GMO food.
I try to not talk on my cell phone too much.
I know it tracks me illegally.
I know it's under NSA auspices under the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
I understand the technological control system they've put in, but I still play along with it because it's the field.
It's the sports stadium.
It's the artificial, almost human zoo type construct.
You know, lions at the San Antonio Zoo, or the New York Zoo, or the Albuquerque Zoo, they're not really in their natural habitat.
They're in an artificial habitat.
And humans, for all of our development, are in an artificial habitat.
Now, we've built this habitat,
But at the same time, the ruling kind of brain cast, they built the habitat and they built it to be artificial from what we are and to cut us off from who we really are, because who we really are individually is extremely powerful.
So, a lot of the sociologists, anthropologists, environmental biologists, environmental psychologists, they'll argue, well, if IBM creates a genetically engineered super virus, and it kills all of humanity, through the genome project IBM runs, that is a natural mutation.
Because it is an expression of man in an evolutionary curve development.
And really, all that is is an argument to knock you out of debate.
That's all that's there for.
Is to just say, there is no good and evil, there is no choice, you're just a computer, a biological android.
That they're trying to put the stimuli in.
That they're trying to program.
When even if that is true, and it's not, part of us is that biological android, but there's another layer, and another, and another, is that we were programmed by the planet.
We were programmed by our species.
We were programmed by what we went through.
And the scientific engineers have decided to take control of that process, and to create these artificial habitats.
It isn't like humanity organically spun and built this system we're in.
Oh, humanity would develop technologies, individual bright minds who are specialized and geniuses in their area of biomechanics, electrical engineering, physics, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, hydrology, chemistry, the list goes on and on, but they're almost all to a man and woman, idiot savant specialized in one token area,
Not in full spectrum overall integrated systems analysis integration field theory unification overlay.
Now the top global brain bugs, they are into that.
A fusion of history, a fusion of all major sciences that in the last 160 years have all grown out of the eugenics theorem
That is the overall driving theory of evolution and hence the survival of the fittest rollout of the subgrouping of social Darwinism.
And if you understand that, you understand everything.
But they claim they're doing this because they're the fittest, and that it's their right to rule over us, and kill us en masse, and do all these horrible things to us, because if might makes right, and they were able to get in positions of control through cunning, manipulation, deception, payoffs, you name it, that it's their right to then do it.
But the truth is this system is artificial and highly destructive and destroys the basic human cohesion that has always historically been proven to develop the most beautiful ideas and systems.
The truth is the psychopathic ugly are only good at screwing things up and sucking off good people.
They're parasites and need the host.
That's the big lie of the social Darwinism.
And they hate their host, and they've done everything they can to tie their host down, to dumb their host down, to blind, to gouge out the eyes, to gouge out the eardrums, to cut off the tongue, to burn off the fingertips, to chain us down to where we're just howling,
Jibbering unconscious creatures that they suck off of but in that process they've now tainted the very blood they're drinking and so it's making them become even more retarded as well.
They're interfacing with their own host that they've done this to, and not understanding that they're connected to the host, that they're a cell within the very host, and that they lie to themselves, and that they're not really even a parasite, they're a cancer!
Because a parasite generally doesn't try to kill its host, it tries to simply feed off of it, and then move on.
This system is killing the host, and that's not just a parasite, that's a cancer.
And this parasitic system is not truly social darwinistic, and that's the lie and the riddle, because it actually seeks to kill the strong and the intelligent that are not part of their power structure, and they seek to kill the beautiful, the strong, the intelligent in their own system because they're threatened by it, and then the anthropologist, the sociologist, the social darwinist, the darwinist,
Would tell you, oh, but look at grizzly bear males.
They go, they smell the cubs if mama can't keep them safe, they find the male cub, there's usually two, one male, one female, and they kill it.
They kill that baby bear.
Because they know that a couple years from now he's gonna be bigger and badder and that grizzly bear will kill his own son.
Now that's generally an aberrant behavior.
It's only done in a small portion of grizzly bears and generally by males that are not super dominant.
It's normally a lesser dominant male who's been able to mate but is insecure.
A super dominant grizzly does not engage in that type of behavior in the studies they've done.
A super hyper dominant polar bear does not do that.
And in that, you unlock the secret of the globalists.
They are not truly dominant, ladies and gentlemen.
They are a sub-dominant who understands the true dominant human species paradigm, wavelength, signature that totally aces them 100%.
So they are running around the world trying to mutate and hurt everyone in a mass attack
Targeted at the bad sons, as they call us.
The wildest cults that make the best horses.
The leaders.
The people that are going to lead Spartacus-type rebellions against their dictatorship over the mind.
The New World Order is a dictatorship of ugly, pot-bellied, bent-back, backstabbing, vicious cancer blobs.
Now when we come back, I'm gonna go over the signpost on the road to perdition and give you the most devastating news yet on the tombstone they're now carving for the dollar.
Stay with me.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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How they would sell the derivatives.
Get the governments, the corporations to buy into it.
Then bankrupt them.
And then hold out a hand to save them with more high-interest loans.
Loans backed up by absolutely nothing.
And the bankers then get the world as the entire civilization falls before them as they come in and openly begin shutting down the infrastructure and blowing their horns.
Beating their war drums, saying that they're going to shut off our power, increase our prices, bankrupt our families, give us a post-industrial world.
These people are out in the open doing this to our society.
They are not playing games.
And you ignore the Global Crime Syndicate at your own peril.
I mean, New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
National Geographic, George Soros.
I mean, every day I see news praising Singapore or China, saying that's the model.
I watch IBM, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, in China, in India, helping them with the National ID Card, RFID chips to buy and sell.
Wanting the same system here.
They want tyranny.
They tell you they love it.
They tell you they're into it.
And then they treat you like children when a man stands up and says, warning, these people want to make you their slaves.
This is the story of history.
They say, be quiet, children.
That man's a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Even as their world government rises out of Hades with all of the stench and death associated with it, as the wicked Fox and the wicked CNN
And the wicked MSNBC all hail the attempted overthrow of Gaddafi and the ongoing overthrow of Egypt.
And on record, both parties in Egypt are globalist-run and they're coming in with the abortion and the inoculations and more bondage for the public.
Not that Mubarak was good, but he's an old phase of the New World Order.
Now they're coming with the hot needles.
Now they're coming with the MTV.
Now they're coming with the Prozac.
Now they're coming with soft kill.
America gets to enjoy its 2,000 to 3,000, depending on the type, increase in cancer rates.
Europe gets to enjoy it.
Areas controlled by the globalists in Asia can enjoy it.
Areas controlled by the globalists in Africa can enjoy it.
Now the Arabs are going to drink from the black cup of eugenics.
And they're going to know how trendy it is, too, to have their hair fall out and to be put in coffins and die.
And there'll be lots of little jogging teams and people raising money and giving it to the very, you know, regional organizations that are fighting the cancer, fighting the heart attacks, fighting the diabetes!
The very groups running the attack.
What was one of the first deals in 2003 after the takeover of Iraq?
Oh, all food aid and farm aid after the military had been ordered to go in and cut down all the date orchards, all the tangerine orchards, because snipers could hide in them.
Don't worry, we've got Monsanto paid for crops and you sign contracts and the government signs a contract and you plant these.
Oh, I'm afraid there's a 15-fold increase in cancers.
Oh, how you feeling?
It's so loving!
And the general public just can't face it, can they?
By the way, folks won't believe that.
Please put it in the search engine.
15-fold increase in cancers in Fallujah and children.
And then after that, let's go ahead and show folks on screen.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, listeners can just type it into the search engine.
Let's go ahead and type in, um, Iraq rebuilding deal.
Iraq must take only GMO crop seeds.
We'll show you the love.
And so don't worry, they're going to be liberated.
They're going to be liberated quite well.
And in the ensuing turmoil, you're going to be liberated in the West from your pocketbook, with the energy prices increasing.
But I'm sorry, I said I would take calls, and I'm getting a bit dark here today.
Oh, oh, there it is.
Uh, toxic legacy of U.S.
assault on Fallujah, worse than Hiroshima.
The shocking rates of imminent mortality cancer in Iraq City raise new questions.
And, uh, my memory serves, it say 14, uh, in, in, in, in, time increase or 15?
Well, that says 12.
There's another British study that says 15, I know it.
Oh, I'm sorry, 12-fold increase in cancer.
Uh, but I know there's one that says 15.
Okay, we're gonna come back, get into the collapse of the dollar.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, your phone calls are coming up.
The big headline over at the Drudge Report, we've also got it up on InfoWars.com, is Sarkozy fills the leadership gap.
Calls for airstrikes on Libya.
This backed up by lies that he's fled to Venezuela.
We've heard that now for three and a half weeks over and over again.
We heard again on Monday that he'd fled again to another country.
Wasn't true.
We'd heard that he was strafing peaceful crowds.
Wasn't true.
But so what?
Why not say he had yellow cake from Niger?
Why not say he had nukes?
Why not say he was gonna nuke Europe?
Why not say he was throwing babies out of incubators?
Why not say that, you know, he caused Apollo 13 to have a problem?
Why not?
I mean, if you're gonna lie, and the public loves lies, and he's a brown guy with a funny-looking outfit he wears, it's fun to hate him.
So what if they're going to flood with two or three million more people Europe?
So what if it destabilizes things and drives up gas prices?
You know what?
It's fun to watch TV and watch buildings blow up.
It makes people feel powerful.
So they're like, good, do it!
Actually, I've seen the polls as high as 79%.
The average poll is about 85% or so.
75% or so.
You can look at the polls.
The vast majority are against Libyan strikes.
System doesn't care, and now Nicolas Sarkozy says, go in!
And then what happens in the next country, and the next, and the next, if the dictator doesn't go away, like Hussein Mubarak did, and decides to fight?
What if Mubarak would have maintained control of his military?
What if he would have said he was ready to fight?
Would we go into Egypt?
What about Saudi Arabia?
They're now two weeks into rioting and burning and attacking and the government's pumping out tens of billions a week trying to buy the public off.
They're even talking about letting women drive cars.
What do you think is going to happen next?
Oh, we'll have to go into Saudi Arabia.
Oh, there'll have to be a draft because, you know, you're paying $8 a gallon if this continues and the average yuppie will say, yep,
Draft our kids!
We gotta have cheap gas!
Go occupy the whole Middle East!
No one could have foreseen that what was then known as World War Four was beginning.
That's right, strategists and historians call the Cold War World War Three.
This was World War Four, a strategic war caused by flare-ups and food price increases
First starting in the Middle East, North Africa, spreading to the rest of Africa, Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, and then to Russia, and on to China.
Global rebellion then struck North America.
But in North America, the security services maintained order.
Then, after the time of crisis, the Global Directorate was established in the United Nations and NATO I-4 systems.
Luckily, there had already been troop deployments in the United States and cross-security agreements, so that foreign assets could be used to help return order to the United States, after breakaway states, led by right-wing terrorists, refused to be part of the new global edict to turn in their firearms
As part of a move to end the ongoing sectarian civil wars that had brought nine years of carnage to the planet.
30 million immigrants demanded amnesty and free government health care.
When they were refused, every major city in the Southwest was burned.
UN forces, backing up the minority majority, are now taking control of the Southwest.
These are just some of the different systems the Ford Foundation, Carnegie, all run by Rand and the Pentagon, have lovingly set up.
Because you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Oh, the globalists have their plans, within plans, within plans, and counter plans.
All right, I said I'd take your phone calls, didn't I?
I haven't even gotten to the biggest news of the day yet.
But we will get into the economy, we will get into the Middle East situation, we will get into what Joel Skousen
Who's got a really brilliant mind when it comes to disbeliefs.
Is the globalist planning to elicit a strike against the United States?
And I don't even think we have to... that the globalists, I say we, so we keep thinking of America as ours.
No, we're captured muscle.
If America's the right arm of the New World Order right now, China's the left arm.
Who's the brain?
We're not the brain running this thing.
You don't get the spoils.
A lot of Americans, a lot of good old boys will swagger up on the street and go, Alex, you know, I know we're corrupt, but this is how America does so well.
Look how good we're doing.
No, we were more wealthy per capita 50 years ago than we are now.
We have fake wealth, debt wealth, bondage wealth today, and now that's coming to the end.
You know, these effeminate men who think they're tough.
You know what I mean?
That they're macho.
But they're not even effeminate, because it's an insult to women.
They're like soft spiritually.
They always have this kind of candy, they have a word for it, candy, you know what, kind of just this little smirky, quirky, clubhouse attitude, like, you know what, get things done, they're real smart.
No, you're not real smart.
You're not real smart.
You let the country be sold out.
You bought into propaganda that made you think you were smart.
It's not too late to get on your knees and throw up on yourself in disgust and get yourself together.
I don't know if this is going over some people's heads out there, but let me just get to the meat and potatoes briefly, and we'll talk more about it with Skousen coming up.
And I'm not going to go over all the signposts.
I mentioned them at the very start of the broadcast, but it's like I describe when people go, I can't believe you predict all this with such precision.
How are you doing it, Alex?
Well, if I turn on my cable guide and I scroll through what's coming on, and I tell my wife,
Smith Family Robinson's coming on.
That might be something that's family worthy.
We haven't let the kids watch TV in about two weeks, because we know it's mind control.
You want to let them watch that?
And then it comes on at 7 o'clock.
Everybody doesn't just go, how did you know Smith Family or Swiss Family, whatever their name is, was going to come on?
They're not all dumbfounded.
It's the same thing.
That's why I'm so frustrated.
The Trilateral Commission laid out everything they were going to do.
The CFR smirkingly did it with all their buzzwords and things.
And we've read their reports on air.
We've covered it.
We've had their insiders on.
We've read their autobiographies where they love to brag.
Because they just write those things for each other.
The globalists admit that, you know, they write their autobiographies for each other.
They write their quarterly reports for each other.
Oh, you can read it if you want, but they have such disdain for you, they know you won't.
That's how they communicate, is in these communiques.
And then they'll...
They'll write articles in Atlantic Monthly, or something else about how much they love this autobiography, or how much they love this idea of this historian, or they'll have little veiled statements about, gee, a new Oklahoma City would sure help, shut down the state's rights movement, sure worked in 95!
And they'll have four or five top strategists say that, just out there to the public.
Yeah, we blew up Oklahoma City.
We're tough.
Sit down and shut up.
You notice the other sheep don't even notice we're admitting we did this.
Doesn't that scare all of you out there?
We're murderers.
Now sit down and shut up.
See, it's a multi-leveled message.
All of you that just heard me publicly say we carried out Oklahoma City, look at all the slugs.
They know about March Madness.
They know about their soccer game coming up.
They value that over reality.
Now, did you just hear us in a whole bunch of mainstream news say that we love terror attacks and how good they are for us?
Sit down and shut up.
Now, listen kids, there's no such thing as government-sponsored or corporate-sponsored terror.
Don't listen to those guys over there that tell you we're bad.
We're gonna take good care of you.
Oh man, sometimes you gotta laugh at it all, don't ya?
And so on these signposts, you know what, I'll just go to calls now.
I'll just go to calls now.
And then when I get Skousen on, I'll do the signpost briefly in front of him and with everybody else and then get his comment on it.
I'll do the signpost then.
I will go ahead and read you the headline though.
Biggest bond fund in world dumps U.S.
Treasury bonds today.
Should we be alarmed that the biggest bond fund in the world has dumped all of their U.S.
Treasury bonds?
And here's the Bloomberg article.
PIMCO's gross eliminates government debt from total return fund.
January trade deficit jumps to $46.3 billion.
Stocks open lower as unemployment claims rise.
But I heard the economy was better last week.
Jobs claims in the U.S.
rose $26,000 last week to $397,000.
Teachers and state employees could lose retirement benefits.
But the government's your friend!
You're gonna run to the government and demand more taxes so you get your retirement fund that you paid into.
And they've convinced the right-wing, mainline, fluoride heads that you don't deserve your own retirement.
The veterans are having their retirement stolen, and their health care, and their death benefits.
Conservatives just can't even face that, though.
Even though that's admitted, they won't even look at that.
Because they've got a fetish for taking people's retirements.
They kind of think that's conservative.
Ooh, you don't deserve it.
Lazy worker.
Ugh, yeah, shut down the unions.
You know, so when they do it to the troops and they have another little mind control fetish for it, they just go, I don't see that!
I don't see them taking what they've got!
Nope, not happening!
Nope, nope!
Not going on!
This is how it's going to work.
You've got 80-plus million quasi-government employees or defense contractors on the government froth, and as all their goodies start getting cut, they're going to all go vote to take whatever the middle class has got left, just for a couple more years of money to themselves.
And then the globals just completely move and leave the U.S.
Then it's all over.
Third world, everything's sucked dry.
Instead of saying, we don't owe the
1.5 or more quadrillion in made-up derivatives.
See, you could take all the teachers' health care.
You could take all their retirement funds.
You can take everybody's Social Security.
You can take everything.
You can take Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Keebler elves, the Loch Ness Monster.
None of that even is in the equation to the 1.5 and growing quadrillion.
And the 100 trillion Davos demanded, the private bankers told governments, in your people's names, give us 100 more trillion this year.
We will then leverage it to another quadrillion.
That's AP, Reuters, London Telegraph.
A month ago, three weeks ago, whatever it was.
Put it on screen for me, please.
You're fighting over a few hundred billion.
They got thousands of trillions.
And they're going to come and take your pension funds.
That's why they changed the federal laws five years ago to do it.
We told you it was all coming, and it's what you want!
And if this is what you want, this is what you get!
In fact, can somebody Twitter me at twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
Can somebody tell me it's a hip-hop, punk rock,
Kind of trance, techno, from some science fiction movie where a guy brings back a broken up battle droid from the front lines of an apocalyptic future world and he brings it home to his girlfriend as an art project and it reactivates and kills everybody.
It's kind of a B-movie, but it's good.
But it's got that song at the end of it, when the robot's killing him, injecting him.
But when it injects you with the deadly venom, it's got a nice function to make you have a nice, you know, feel good while you're dying.
And the music's playing, this is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get, get, get, get, get.
You're gonna get it, gonna get it, gonna get it.
You like 50 million abortions?
You're a cursed country.
Because if you let them murder babies, they're going to murder your bank account.
If you let them murder babies and murder Iraqis, they're going to murder your crops.
They're going to GMO them.
They're going to take over the entire society.
They're going to give you no quarter.
When you give in morally to things, every evil is unleashed.
Every evil person out there and their sick desires is turned loose on you.
But you thought the devil in evil was a sexy red devil cheerleader in a miniskirt.
That's how it was sold to you.
And so you bid in.
You bid in like a fish with that hook with that big plump juicy worm.
Oh, that looks tasty.
Let me swim up there and get that.
And I'm sitting here, I'm an old fish sitting here going, you don't want to bite on that, you don't want to bite on that.
There's a really bad guy up there.
They're like, there's nothing up top.
There's nothing dangerous.
This is the entire world.
And then you watch one of the fish grab it and gets pulled up.
I go, I told you, see that?
They're up there.
And then the other fish goes, oh, shut up, conspiracy theorist.
Shut up, whack job.
Shut up.
And there's all these, all these steroided,
Cop fish come swimming up.
They're like, we like the guy that's up there on top.
He feeds us stuff.
There is actually something up there on top.
And, you know, because the fisherman sometimes on his dock throws out some fish food to get fish to come around.
We like him.
We work for him.
Hey look, there's another piece of food.
They actually catch one of the big fat cop fish.
The other cops go, oh, Bill will be fine.
Actually, they're probably just being nice to him up there.
We're like, no cops.
The guys that run this thing are not nice.
They're like, how about we bite you?
How about we chase you off?
How about maybe we eat you, buddy?
Don't you even try to tell us there's somebody bad up there.
And don't think you're going to swim off away from the dock and be safe.
When they're done catching all these fish, they're going to go catch you.
We've got to stop acting like mindless fish, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, well, you can tell I had the flu.
And I'm glad I had it and got rid of it on my own.
Never had the flu for a week, though.
Let me tell you, this was some rough stuff.
But I am pretty much well now, and I am feeling really good right now.
I think you could say crazed.
I think you could say it's on, like Donkey Kong.
So when we come back, Rachel, Mark, Josh, Yvonne, and Sam, I'll at least get to you.
Yeah, the movie's hardware.
Well, then when you pull up the trailer for hardware, then?
Because it's like, this is what you want, this is what you get.
This is what you want, this is what you get.
Find the soundtrack for that.
I want to use that as bumper music.
And maybe we should make a music video with it.
Wars, death, abortion.
Everything people think is cool!
Well, you're gonna get it then.
All you soft people who've never experienced anything hardcore.
All you that like Mazda Flame think evil is cool.
You are going to get it now.
Oh, don't worry.
Oh, yeah.
You like Satan?
You think it's powerful?
You think darkness is cool?
Well, we'll find out if you like it.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
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Number 3.
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This is what you want.
This is what you get.
This is what you want.
This is what you get.
This is what you want.
This is what you get.
You know, I know I'm being a bit shocking today, but this is what's really going on in my mind.
And I don't have words to describe how horrible it is that the dollar is in terminal plunge, by design, by the crooks that run our country.
And that they're going to sit there and pose as our saviors again, and again, and again, when they're the people that are the authors of
The overlay that is causing so many of the griefs that we see.
Let's go ahead and go to Rachel, Josh, Yvonne, Sam, and others.
I guess Mark got tired of holding.
Mark, I'll see you in the next dimension.
Go ahead, Rachel.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to talk to you about Eric Prince.
Who is hanging out in the United Arab Emirates.
Oh, but he's a pro-America.
That's why he's moved over there.
And it has come out in federal court that his commanders are running around naked at cocaine parties and shooting Iraqis for fun.
It's of the Lord!
Exactly, and his lieutenants are running around creating the mayhem right now in the Middle East.
Didn't anybody think about the fact that this guy moved over there last summer?
Wait a minute, Wayne Madsen and others, a few months ago before all this happened, it was actually in mainstream news, Google Blackwater moving into North Africa.
And it was actually in the news that he was teaming up with the biggest South African Merck group for stuff in the Middle East and North Africa, actually for mayhem!
I'd forgotten that!
Oh my gosh, again, devastating information!
I had Googled him this morning and I saw a few things, but I thought we should get this more out in the open.
This guy is there.
Oh, he's good though!
You know, it does lend credence to the Vatican running a lot of things that he left being the type of Christian he was and became like this sworn order of the something or another with the Vatican and donates all this money now.
You know, it was the Swiss who were the famous mercenaries for the Vatican.
Did you know that?
And then now Prince and others are scurrying around.
But then meanwhile, the Pope says he's against war.
It's all very suspicious.
So the first thing I thought about was the fact that he's running around over there and anybody put two and two together, which is Prince and everything that's going on right now in all the Middle Eastern countries.
Well, I've got to re-pull those articles and then we should have Watson or Nemo or one of our crew write an article like, Is Blackwater Involved in the Middle East Turmoil?
Because I remember reading, I think it was like Salon and others like two months ago were reporting on Blackwater moving everything they had into North Africa and the Middle East with this shadowy Merck group that's even bigger out of South Africa.
I'll have to put my schnozzle back into that and start snooping around.
Thank you so much, Rachel.
Good to hear from you.
Josh in Pennsylvania, then Yvonne and Sam.
Go ahead, Josh.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Yeah, you had that flashback article about the comprehensive annual financial reports?
From InfoWars a while ago?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I was wondering, like, you're saying they could phase out
Taxation eventually and like they have all this money like how does that fit into the economy collapsing?
Everybody got confused and I saw it on the YouTube.
We put the film out for free.
It's on DVD at Infowars.com I made it 13 years ago.
It's comprehensive annual financial reports exposed or 12 and a half on 13 years ago and in the film that was then when there was
Hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars of city, county, school district, water district, you name it, federal, state, invested in derivatives.
But that was the scam.
That's how the bankers stole it.
So they've destroyed most of it and made it toxic.
So, folks, watch the video.
I'm young in it.
A lot younger than I am now.
Now the game has changed.
Now they've moved to the next phase.
Stay there, it's too important.
I'll continue describing this to you.
On the other side, back in one minute.
Transmission continues.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're back live into hour number two.
Josh, Yvonne, Sam, Brad, we're going to get to all of you at 800-259-9231.
That's some important ranting to do in the last hour.
Josh, my comprehensive annual financial reports exposed came out in 98, 99, and so it's a fact that
They have budget that on average is about, well now it's less than 30% of what the government actually takes in.
That's all government.
The average is below 30 now.
Back then it was like 60-something percent, but was taken out.
Now it's over 70.
And they would hoard that and then invest it, not for pension funds for government workers and stuff, no just completely off the books.
And it was the Chicago Mafia system called Chicago 1313 they had in the 20s, 30s, 40s.
It was adopted nationally in 1951.
And so it's a mafia double set of books, but they stole all the money.
It's almost all gone now.
There's some left and it can be leveraged to pay things off.
It's true that the states aren't as bankrupt as they say, but that won't matter because the bankers are completely ruthless.
They're so evil, 12 years ago they signed official deals to steal all the death benefits of veterans.
Again, if you want to know, pure evil.
And in America, it's treason to not want to steal the death benefits of police and military.
If you want to steal it, the average cop or military will salute you and say, steal my money!
You are good!
That Alex Jones, evil!
Get him!
Evil, evil, evil!
And so, this is what you want, this is what you get.
Now I'm being sarcastic, the cops and military are actually waking up.
It's just now the corruption is so over the top.
Basically, I'm like a real cop, folks.
I'm a citizen who's got a nose for corruption.
I study it.
I know what's going on.
I see them parading around.
It's like having a neighbor who murders people and buries them in their front yard at high noon, and they're hanging little kids and shooting neighbors in the head and roasting the neighbor's dog on a spit.
And I'm calling the cops, and the cops go by and go, I don't see nothing going on.
They're roasting children.
Yeah, pretty much.
Yeah, I'm only like 19.
Got my permanent stuff, and I noticed in my driving book it says that if you refuse to take a blood or urine test, you automatically get a one-year suspension.
Yeah, which isn't even really true.
That's all Colorado law.
And it tells you driving's a privilege, and they're telling people owning guns is a privilege.
Next they'll say breathing air is a privilege, and they're trying to tax it.
Appreciate your call.
Government is just so good.
I love the government.
Yvonne in Utah.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
I just want to say how beautiful you are.
You and everybody that works for you and everybody on your show, you're absolutely beautiful people.
Y'all ought to be commended.
And that's all I have to say.
I want to say thank you.
Thank you so much.
Well, you're a sweetheart, Yvonne.
It sounds like you're crying, and we should be crying for what's happening to this society.
This should be the number one issue that a pack of murdering control freaks who enjoy putting the screws to innocent people, a bunch of sadists, are running the ship, and we've got to get the New World Order Federal Reserve out of our country, and those crooks in Congress, now more than 20 members of Congress,
Or fly around on personal jets as big as Air Force One.
I appreciate your call.
They're a bunch of disconnected flabberheads who just get off on the trappings of power and can care less what they're doing to society.
And that's the nice ones.
The bad ones love it.
All right, we got Joel Skousen coming up, and I promise I'll go to Sam, Brad, Richard, and others.
Key information straight ahead.
You don't want to miss any of it.
We'll deal with key information.
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The editor of World Affairs Brief, Joel Skousen, is our guest for the rest of the hour, maybe a little bit in the next hour.
We will have open phones a little bit later in the hour.
He can basically speak on any issue you want to talk about, but I want to get into one of his latest reports dealing with hyperinflation and the end of the dollar.
The headlines, of course, in Bloomberg, biggest bond fund in the world dumps U.S.
Treasury bonds.
It's all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Before we go to Joel Skousen,
I wanted to just remind listeners that we have two new powerful books that just got in.
Now, we're not allowed to ship this to you yet, but we will be shipping it very soon.
Ventura is going to be on this show first, coming up in a few weeks when he gets back from Mexico.
New York Times bestselling author Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell.
63 documents the government doesn't want you to read.
And believe me, I've read his last few books.
This even blows away his latest American conspiracy book.
I mean, this sucker is an encyclopedia of New World Order crime, and it's really mainlining a lot of this information.
It's got Northwoods in it.
It's got the stand down on 9-11, Pentagon document in it.
It's got stolen elections, Agent Orange.
It's incredible.
You can pre-order it and get it first.
That means it'll be shipped out first to you if you get it at InfoWars.com and we are the exclusive
Exclusive shipper, only place you can get it.
And this book starts shipping actually early next week.
We're going to be able to start shipping it early.
The official release date is until the 21st of this month, but they're in transit, the 10,000 books.
So, Big Brother, The Orwellian Nightmare Come True by Mark Dice.
You may know all about this stuff.
Your friends, your family, your neighbors don't.
They know about Big Brother, though, and say, look, 1984 is here.
It's happened.
This is a very good read.
It's thick, but it's very easy to read.
In sections, you want to have a master's degree in the panopticon surveillance system.
Big Brother, The Orwellian Nightmare Come True by Mark Dice.
Available at InfoWars.com, both those books.
The film I produced by Jason Burmess, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined
World government is here.
Worldwide tyranny isn't coming.
It's here.
Very important film for folks to understand what's happening.
Again, it's not just about you being awake.
It's about awakening others.
They're all available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
We have the Draft Ron Paul shirts.
We have the You Are the Resistance V for Victory shirts that are limited edition.
When this run of them are gone, we're not going to offer it ever again.
Just please remember the broadcast and we are listener supported.
But that means telling folks to sign up at twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
That means sending people to listen to the free audio streams.
We now have reached over 600,000 people a day that listen to the free podcast or tune into the live streams.
Over 600,000 now.
On AM and FM, over 2 million listeners a day.
I have just, I mean, we are, I'm not bragging, you know, major feature, biggest story in Rolling Stone, all over national television, separate from the Charlie Sheen thing.
I just got a call by one of the biggest talk radio publication that all the big elites go to, their annual event, wanting me to be keynote speaker, cover of it.
That's because we've been this big secret, and I've been happy to be under the radar, but now we're out, you know, from under the radar, they see us, they know we're coming in over Tokyo, baby, with the A-bomb, and we're gonna drop it.
Or I should say, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Tokyo had already been bombed into slag.
But the point is, this is the info war.
And we're not playing games.
And you are the engine, the muscle, the brains, the guts, the sweat, the tears that drives it.
And as things get worse and worse, more and more people are going to listen to what we're saying because we know what we're talking about.
And I've had so many experts on, like Joel Skousen, who pretty much give the same perspective but with different tweaks, different areas of deeper understanding.
And so many of my experts, who I really trusted and listened to over the years and learned from, have explained, if you watch mainstream analysts, they're wrong about 80% of the time or more.
Not because they're stupid either.
They're there to mislead.
My experts are right about 95% of the time.
I'm right about that percentage of the time.
Because the globalists sometimes tweak things.
Because we're following their own blueprint.
We know their plan.
Now, that said, Trilateral Commission in the 70s publicly planned this global currency battle.
They talked about it coming three or four decades in the future.
How they would then have a global Bancor or Phoenix.
They had different names.
Now they've openly announced that.
They're launching QE3.
Davos wants a hundred trillion additional.
They've had the Chinese president, the head of the G20 in France, all bad-mouth the dollar.
Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine this week, saying the end of the dollar is nigh, and that it's actually not going to be a bad thing.
You know, like having your head cut off is not a bad thing.
And now we have the biggest bond fund in the world dumping U.S.
Treasuries today, saying it's not part of their investments.
China announced last week that by the end of this year they will not accept any currency but yuan to do business in China buying finished goods or raw material.
They're the biggest retail producer in the world, one of the biggest producers of raw material, rare earth minerals, you name it.
The total conversion away from the dollar has now been signified.
Now, it'll be a basket of things for the future, but then there's going to be a transition.
So I want to talk with Joel Skousen about that.
I want to get into his view on what's happening in North Africa and the Middle East.
Sarkozy giving the green light and calling for airstrikes.
The move is on.
Blackwater all over the situation.
Got mainstream news on that.
Saudi Arabia teetering on collapse.
Lindsey Williams, inside oil company exec, predicted all of this.
I know his name.
Not Ken Fromm, the dead one.
Even more high-powered.
Four and a half months ago, laid it all out.
We're going to talk to Joel Skousen about it, but then we're going to talk about in-game with him and how he has the information, and I tend to agree with him, that the globalists are planning to absorb a Chinese or Russian strike down the road as a way to fully reorganize our society, destroy them, and then set up a true dark age technocratic hegemon.
out of that crisis, but I believe they may even launch the attack themselves while counter-striking the Russians and Chinese if they can't elicit them to do it.
We're going to talk about it all with Joel Skousen.
Joel, long introduction, but good to have you back.
You are the editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
And kicking off first, can you go through the signpost and what it signifies for the dollar and global coordinated currency devaluation?
Yeah, I'd be happy to.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Before I do, I just want to make one comment on InfoWars, because I noticed this.
I'm going to cover it in this week's World Affairs Brief.
Major attack heading the way of Alex Jones.
You have
Successfully eclipsed all of the attempts to denigrate and make you as if you're nothing out there.
You're obviously the most effective force out there on the constitutional right and the powers that be are taking aim.
The Rolling Stones piece was kind of a not-so-subtle hit job full of pejoratives and
I think?
Well, by the way, they also did, and I have an analysis, and I hate to interrupt you, I'm known for this, but it just came to mind.
I haven't done a full analysis of it yet, but I have read it.
And I would tell them, yeah, I smoked marijuana a few times, didn't like it.
And then it turns into Alex then quit marijuana when he was a sophomore, like I was a marijuana head.
So now that I've re-read it, there's all sorts of semantical kind of back... By the way, this is not a squat building.
I mean, these are 11-foot or 10-foot ceilings.
It is a one-story brick building.
But yeah, I mean, it's filled with stuff like that.
Yeah, and what I'm saying, though, is that this is a sign that you're being very, very effective, Alex, and I just wanted to add my congratulations and support that when you get the notice of these people and they come after you, you're doing something
Well, thank you, sir.
Again, I'm almost embarrassed to even brag.
I'm not saying, wow, look, you know, we're big.
It's actually scary to have this level of responsibility.
But, you know, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
I mean, there's been a lot of behind-the-scenes attacks as well.
A lot of government
Cointelpro from the grassroots.
As Cass Sunstein said three years ago in those memos he wrote for Harvard and the Chicago Business School both, he said, media that's seen as establishment has no credibility.
We've got to pose as anti-establishment and cause infighting within those groups.
Can you briefly speak to that before the dollar?
Well, you know, there are some indications, and they hit Dr. Stanley Monteith, for example, just recently with the concept of infighting within the groups.
And some of them are using my material in the World Affairs Brief to try to cause a schism, because I did
A critical analysis piece of Lindsey Williams, even though I'm supportive of Lindsey.
We're going to talk about the money issue and hyperinflation and how, in fact, the dollar could collapse, or if it could collapse, in what kind of time frame.
But my job in the World Fair Brief is to give more substance and critical analysis, which people really appreciate.
But I've been critical of Bob Chapman, for example, in claims of hyperinflation.
Well, as long as it's academic, there's nothing wrong with disagreements.
That's right, and it's not that I'm attacking Bob and saying he's a nut and he's a, you know, I've never used, and neither was Lindsey Williams.
I've always said he's very, very sincere, he's on our side, and this is my critical analysis of what this can mean, and what does it mean to have the powers to be talking to you, and whether or not they're really trying to help, or whether or not they're spreading disinformation.
And those are legitimate arguments, academic ones, and sincere among friends, but of course the mainstream is starting to make this look as if there is
We're good.
Yeah, Rolling Stone did things like call me and say, oh, I noticed Rush Limbaugh talked about some films you're in.
What do you think of that?
And I said, he's a political prostitute.
And then the article turns to them being here in the office and me running around yelling, Rush Limbaugh is a whore.
I mean, there is little stuff in there like that, but side issue.
Shifting since you brought up, what is your view on hyperinflation?
What is your view?
Because, you know, I've seen dollar devaluation coming, it's here, but then when the mainstream media starts saying the dollar's going to die, it almost makes me suspicious that it isn't.
What's your view on the biggest bondholder, biggest bond fund, saying they're not going to buy U.S.
Treasuries anymore?
I mean, what's your take, Joel?
This is a little complex and let me get through this because we just can't wipe over this.
This is very, very important to understand.
First of all,
When we talk about hyperinflation, I'm using the traditional definition of hyperinflation, which is German-type hyperinflation, where it's a cycle built on a cycle and it spirals quickly out of sight into destruction.
You cannot have that kind of German hyperinflation take place without an actual injection mechanism from the federal government getting money into the hands of pockets, into the hands of people, every month.
An increase.
In other words, if you don't have that injection mechanism where people automatically get a rise in salary, you can't have a spiral of increasing prices.
The bankers are keeping the money on top and consolidating all the big pieces of the board.
They're not pumping it out to the public, so isn't it more like stagflation?
That's exactly my point.
It's stagflation, where inflation is externally happening and driven, and the people can't keep up, and so you have a recession happening, as well as rising prices.
Now, Bob Chapman is talking about 20% inflation.
He's calling that hyperinflation.
And that's our only disagreement.
I agree that inflation could get to 10 to 20%, and it would be very damaging to the economy.
But that's not hyper!
But that's not hyperinflation.
That's what I disagree is.
It's hyping the word hyperinflation because that's talking about, you know, runaway inflation, which cannot happen without this injection mechanism.
So what we've got now, Alex, is externally driven inflation.
And it's because, as I pointed out, there's two economies working here.
One is the speculative economy, which all the big banks are involved in and driving.
There's the Forex.
There's the futures market.
There's the hedge fund.
There's the derivative market.
That money, only about 20% of that money ever gets back into the real economy.
This is, the speculative economy is huge, and we're, billions and billions of dollars are churning every day of the month just making increases in interest off investment, and that's what they're living on in the big banks, and they're making about, you know,
As high as 15% to 20% on the money, whereas in the real economy, you're lucky to get 5% even in high cap rate real estate investment.
So the big money isn't going into the real economy, that's why the banks aren't lending, because they want to stay within the speculative market.
The problem is, all of the inflation of the Fed is going into that speculative market, and that's going out into the international players.
Whether it's going to Europe and the bailouts that have gone to the European banks, the bailouts that have gone to various Asian banks, and China, of course, is stuck with a lot of this money.
So what's happening is, they're starting to bail out of the dollar by buying things with the dollar.
They cannot dump dollars on the market without destroying the speculative market.
If you dump 10% of Chinese bonds onto the market,
The rest of the bonds would collapse in price and they would lose 90% of their value.
So what are they doing?
They're spending dollars to get the maximum worth.
And that's why copper prices are rising.
That's why all of the precious metal prices are rising.
That's why
Cotton is rising.
Most of your major commodities that China is stockpiling as well as other Asian countries and African and even Arab countries now started to stockpile because of the unrest there.
That's what's driving prices up, not internal demand inside of our economy.
That's going down.
So that's the proof that we're dealing with stagflation.
Now, let's talk about collapse of the dollar, what it would take to collapse the dollar and a replacement with world currency.
Obviously, we know that's what's going to happen someday.
My point is, technically, I don't think they can get there without hyperinflation, which, as I pointed out, is very difficult to do.
Let's talk about the numbers.
First of all, we've got about $200 trillion that are printed and in circulation around the world.
And we have about 500 to 700 trillion, in my estimation, in non-monetized dollars out there.
That means they've never been printed.
These are just on the books.
For example, when companies like AIG make out derivative contracts, they don't even have to have the money in the bank.
They can write a $300 million derivative contract and simply say, we promise to pay you $300 trillion.
It's never been created.
It's not in their bank account.
This is an absolute bonsai scheme.
So you have this massive amount of trillions of dollars that are on the books out there, and there's not enough money that's printed to ever fulfill those contracts.
And they don't intend to, because they roll these contracts over one time after another, taking little percentage differences.
And that's the only thing that gets collected in monetized dollars, is the difference in the rollover when they sell that contract to another sucker.
Now, the same thing's happening in the silver market.
You've got, I estimate, almost 10 times more silver contracts out there than there is physical silver to fulfill it.
It's like the old gold merchants putting out more paper gold certificates than they had in the vaults.
It was a bonsai scheme.
And the only reason it hasn't been called into public is that the people who are dealing in the speculative contracts aren't taking physical delivery, and those that are are having great difficulty getting physical delivery.
That's how you know that there's a shortage in a bonsai scheme.
Now, the point is,
Yes, it's bankrupt.
It could collapse at any time, but it won't collapse as long as the powers that be continue to use the system and to manipulate the gold and silver market.
And by the way, I want to say that the reason they put out so many gold and silver contracts in excess of physical demand is so that they can manipulate the price of gold and silver downward.
In other words, the more you sell it, even though you're not actually selling because you're just selling paper, the more you drive the price down.
They've been doing this for decades now.
And at some point...
You know, they could call the market and say, you know, we demand delivery and the whole thing would collapse, but it won't happen until the powers that be actually do it.
I think they can milk this along for quite a few more years.
Well, they can certainly do that.
The issue here is then, why is the Chinese president bad-mouthing the dollar, saying he wants to move away?
Why have the Chinese and the Russians announced they're going to start trying to do business
Not in dollars, but their own currencies.
That's a big deal, obviously, with China being the biggest producer of retail goods.
Why do we now have, and here's Bloomberg today with the headline, PIMCO's Gross Eliminates Government Debt from Total Return Fund.
I mean, I understand that one thing keeping the dollar from going under now is the G20 has agreed, going back two years ago publicly, to have concerted, coordinated,
Dollar devaluation, but also other currencies being devalued along with them.
So there is that overlying inflation, faster than it was, certainly not hyperinflation, where you go in and it stakes 100 marks, Deutschmarks, when you leave it's 200 Deutschmarks, and a week later it's a million Deutschmarks, and a month later it's a billion Deutschmarks.
Kind of what's happened in Zimbabwe or places.
But in history, once, you know, it takes a while to devalue, but at the end, it suddenly does start accelerating.
I think that's what Bob's saying that, you know, could happen in the next few years.
But regardless, it's still devastating for economies.
And why do we suddenly see such a furor, like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, from prominent world leaders signifying
Is this just a phasing so they can roll out the partial SDR as a lifeboat, get that $100 trillion commitment that Davos called for to start the new layer of the Ponzi scheme?
Okay, let me answer those.
There's quite a few questions you threw out there to me.
Let me see if I can get to them.
First of all, the Chinese-Russian going off the dollar and dealing directly with the yuan and rubles, that's really not a big deal because it's not a big slice of the dollar pie out there.
It's actually very small.
In fact, they did that in 2007, and they went back, so they had to redo it.
This isn't the first time they've said that they were going off the dollar on that.
Uh, so that's more propaganda than it is real.
Secondly, uh, the Chinese president, of course, he's one of, he's holding the bag.
A lot of people in our movement talk about the Chinese dictating, and there's in fact some false rumors going around about them dictating to the FCC and other types of things.
In fact, the Chinese are held hostage right now.
Well, hold on.
We'll cover it when we come back.
We'll cover it.
Hold it right there.
Joel Scalza, WorldAffairsBrief.com.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
We'll find out if you're saying the WikiLeaks reports with the State Department saying China was dictating deals.
We'll discuss it on the other side, and we'll see what Joel thinks about this dollar being de-pegged as the world's reserve currency.
Then we'll shift gears to North Africa, the Middle East, and a lot more.
And your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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Thank you!
We're good to go.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
I know we do have callers on hold who will be all over the map, but we'll take them with Joel.
Hopefully keep Joel a little bit into the next hour because I got him on a bit late today.
And then I've got a lot of other off the chart news I'm going to be covering.
The flu then?
And I said, oh yeah, it's a little bit of a hit piece, but one of the fairer pieces I've seen.
I've actually had a chance to analyze it now.
I know the reporter that wrote it's listening.
He listens every day.
And sometime in the future, sooner rather than later, I'll never get around to it, I am going to read part of the article on air and kind of go over stuff that's not accurate.
But I can't really also blame the writer fully.
It was a 7,500 word article and Rolling Stone cut it down to 4,500.
And the biggest articles, in fact, I've got a copy of it around here somewhere.
There it is.
The biggest articles in here are only about 5,000 words, so they asked for a longer one and cut a lot of context out of it.
But it's not that I'm, ooh, look, I'm in Rolling Stone.
It's what it signifies that New York Magazine's doing a big piece.
Probably not going to be too friendly.
They're doing a piece.
I've been on Nightline, MSNBC, doing perspectives on us.
The system has always known we're there.
Now they're having to respond.
And that just signifies that they're having to respond to the entire constitutional, libertarian, patriot movement.
The real movement that threatens the globalists.
And going back to Joel Skousen now, finishing up that question, sir, you got cut off by the break.
You were trying to make a point, and I even forget what it was.
What were we talking about?
About dollar devaluation or about China?
We were talking about the change to a new currency and how that could be.
This is a very important thing that I need to get across.
It does appear from the things that you mentioned before the break.
The powers that be are planning to switch currency, but they can't.
They aren't going to do it by a traditional way of destroying the dollar.
It will be more euphemistically a destruction than it will be a real destruction.
You can't destroy the dollar without actually creating a worthless currency with no value because it hyperinflates.
Now, they can't get there.
I've shown you the numbers.
They can't get there.
If they were to do a new currency and trade one for one,
It wouldn't do any good.
It would be another fiat currency.
They would have to trade all the... You see, if it isn't destroyed, they can't do a devaluation by 10... a lop off 10 zeros, for example, like they did in Argentina and Mexico and various other things.
If it's still valuable out there, they've got to give a one-to-one exchange.
So what good does that do to exchange a world currency one-to-one with the dollar?
Then you've got another fiat currency.
But the difference is...
That if it's going to be claimed in world currency, you're going to have a committee now that's going to determine the inflation rate of various G20 countries and not the Fed.
And we have a question with that.
I mean, how is the Fed?
Are they ever going to relinquish control?
Look at the euro.
Germany is kicking itself now, as well as Spain and Greece and everyone else, for tying into the Euro, because it locked them in to an agreed-upon 3.5% inflation rate each year.
Well, they had to cheat then.
That's why Greece went into all this phony, behind-the-scenes, secret borrowing.
It was their way of cheating on the fact that even though each country prints their own Euros, they're limited to 3.5% inflation.
By treaty.
So, none of them like that, because we're limited, and the central bank determines that, and the Fed, of course, is inflating it far higher than 3.5%, but if they were to get into an organization, they would have to agree that everyone who prints the New World Currency would do so at a certain rate of inflation, and that would stop the independence of the Fed, which, you know how much they're fighting that with Ron Paul.
They don't want anyone looking over the shoulder.
They don't want to be restricted.
So, here's my feeling, Alex.
And it does appear that they're looking to at least have an excuse to say the dollar is destroyed.
Yeah, that's my question.
They're certainly trying to sell it.
I mean, the Wall Street Journal was like, hey, the dollar shouldn't be the world reserve currency.
This is kind of good.
Which is ridiculous because, I mean, briefly, what would happen if the dollar stopped being the world reserve currency?
Well, we would see prices go up.
It's one of the only things we've got left.
It's basically our trash commodity that allows us to still have some oxygen in the room when we have no real industry.
Alright, here's, I'm going to tell you what I think.
I'm going out on a limb here.
This is hypothesis here.
We're trying to tell what conspirators are thinking about doing.
But first of all,
You can't replace the dollar as a world currency unless you actually replace it.
It doesn't exist anymore.
You can't just go out and compete.
Because remember, there's so many dollars out there that nobody's going to use a new currency when they've got the older.
They're going to want to get rid of the old one first.
That's why, you know, bad currency always drives out good.
If it's claimed to be a good currency, people will still use the dollar.
So they've got to actually replace it.
Now, why would they want to replace it?
It is my feeling, as I've said before on your show, that I think they're taking us towards a third world war as the ultimate scenario of how they get people to buy into a complete new world order.
But part of the way of perhaps paving that way is, let's suppose they decide to replace the dollar and have a new world currency.
That requires a new world financial agreement.
That's a major step towards a world government.
But this isn't speculation!
That's what they've announced, is they want this new Bank of the World, with an SDR QE 3-4 to 100 digital system, and then the countries all agree, under the world system, that we'll still have Euros and Dollars, but it'll be denominated and its value set by that central clearinghouse, in the name of ending the currency war.
Right, but still, what I'm saying is speculative is, is it going to be real?
I cannot believe that the Fed right now, which rules the world financially because of its control over the dollar and its ability to inflate at will, whether in computer dollars or whether in physical dollars, that they're going to give up that power and actually yield to a committee that decides the inflation rate and how many each nation... I just don't believe it.
Now, so that means that if they do this,
The Fed will still control it, only they'll simply do it as if.
In other words, they'll use puppets on the committee, and the Fed will still control it.
It may be their way of buying a few more years to continue to play under the promise that we're being responsible now that the G20's making this decision and not the
No, I totally agree, and it's bringing in another layer of bureaucracy and, you know, kind of a power-sharing thing and a bridge towards the world government.
That's actually pretty much, from reading in the aggregate their statements, Joel, what you said is pretty much what they're saying this is.
But also talking about the dollar dying is also a way to kind of scapegoat the idea of America.
Like somehow America is the only arbiter of all these problems, the progenitor.
But it also goes towards your point.
I don't
That's correct.
That's correct.
And even within the Western system, for example, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, all of them have different levels of socialism within their government and different needs to finance their social democracy.
And that's one of the problems with the euro working is that, you know, Spain says, I've got to have more money than you need, Germany, because you don't have the same social welfare system that we have.
The whole world is all different in that regard.
That's why it's so very difficult to all live under one inflation standard, which is what is required when you have, you know, a world currency as opposed to the World Bank that truly will control how much is
Because nations act as firewalls to all sorts of problems and contagion.
Imagine if there had been a world government with a Hitler at the head of it.
What could have happened through something like that?
That's why I think it's really going to be hard, even if the globalists engineer this nuclear war, to really try to get this planetary system.
It's just so hard to do.
Yeah, and that's why I say I don't think it really will be a true democratic hierarchy of committee type running thing.
I think the Fed and the powers that be in the western society will control this organization, and they will simply do what the Fed says, and they'll have the cover of it being under a global currency now instead of the ugly dollar.
So if they do this, the only way they're going to get there without destroying the dollar probably is to get to something
And I think that's conceivable to get something above 10, somewhere in that 20% range, whereby people are really hurting, and they'll put us in a hurt locker in terms of a recession, so people will cry out for the need for a new currency.
It'll only take 15 to 20% inflation rate to do that, I think.
But let's expand on that, because in this system, they're really just talking about
A new digital layer of SDR beyond QE3 that countries then contribute to and then you'll still have your regional currency.
United States Postal Service packages overseas, because we have an account with them, it's in SDRs.
We're paying U.S.
dollars, but it's converted to an SDR.
And what I see is this is almost like a universal product code, just identifier.
It's just creating a clearinghouse for money worldwide.
And a lot of economists I've talked to say the German takeover of the New York Stock Exchange is part of them trying to unify the system.
It may well be a transition system, but I think SDRs are merely a transition.
The point is, the rest of the nations of the world are not going to be satisfied until the Fed gets out of the business of being able to inflate the dollar.
And we know they're not going to get out of the business of inflating money.
Sure, so they put out an alternative, make sure it has some value, kind of trendy, hard to get at first, and then, oh, I've got to have it, and kind of roll it out with the Christmas toy syndrome that everybody's got to get.
Yeah, and they'll say it's gold back, you know, just like they say the Euro's gold back, but it won't be gold.
And unless it's redeemable, and the actual paper currency says redeemable in so many ounces of gold, it's not.
Yeah, absolutely.
Joel, let's jump now to your view on what's happening in the Middle East, North Africa, how this fits into the larger stratagem, and then your take on what Lindsey Williams has been saying.
Well, it's very, very clear that there's something being provoked in the Middle East.
The whole region is in flame and it looks like it's spreading rather than contracting.
And this dovetails very interestingly with Representative Peter King holding these congressional hearings on the Muslim terrorism threat.
I, on my way to my office today, I was listening to
Diane Rehm, and you know, she has the typical establishment people in there massaging this topic.
And one of the callers came in, very well spoken, and said very flat out, she said, look, most of the Muslim extremists that we've had in terrorist attacks have been by virtue of agent provocateurs for the FBI inside.
And you know you could have heard a pin drop on the radio and she made many other statements about this whole hearing is supposedly targeting about creating an enemy that doesn't really exist.
And she passed this around to the audience and they just changed the subject.
Not a single person would address...
What came right out all across the nation.
That's the big tell.
They didn't rebuke it or say it was even ridiculous now.
They just want to act like it doesn't exist.
That's right.
It doesn't exist.
But it deserved discussion because this whole hearing is meant to completely trump up this Muslim threat once again in the American people.
I am very, very displeased to see Glenn Beck jumping on this bandwagon as well.
It shows that he's really got establishment influence in there where he's
Well, he's been told if he doesn't get more on board and this is from inside I can't say much more He's been told if he doesn't get more on board He's gone when his contracts up in about what is it eight nine months, but I'm gonna shut up right there Joel expanding on
This situation then I see it as a major signpost that they're really hyping the Muslim terror threat that they may be moving into false flag territory And we've seen all these White House advisers say man a terror attack would sure help the president.
Please continue
Well, we're looking at... First of all, let's go back to the Egypt situation.
It's very clear that they, the powers that be, had insiders within the Mubarak regime, and they were destabilizing them from inside, as well as fomenting this so-called spontaneous protest.
In a way, nothing of this was protest.
It's now coming out very clearly that these people were bused in and shipped in.
There were provocations that got... I mean, that isn't to say that there aren't millions of people in each of these countries that long to have some form of democratic freedom.
I personally don't think that any Arab nation in the world will ever have it because of the tribal mentality and the strongman leadership that Arabs look to to tell them how to vote and how to do things.
That's not saying that there aren't a small percentage of very highly educated
We're good to go.
Now, with that said, Mubarak was taken out, or in the process of taking him out, you notice the Muslim Brotherhood had risen by the press as the primary opposition leader.
And as the good guys when they're admittedly run by British intel.
That's right.
In my context in Egypt said, Muslim Brotherhood, we never hear from the Muslim Brotherhood, they're nothing here in Egypt.
These people are just a small fringe group.
They don't have any numbers.
I mean, this is a fraud.
That's what normal Egyptians feel like.
They feel incensed that the Western media pumped up the Muslim Brotherhood as the major opposition, and then threw out, you know, al-Baradei as the former, you know, head of the International Nuclear Energy Commission, as the sudden leader flies into there, and... I mean, this was just... Well, he flew in a week before it all started.
I mean, this was all staged.
It was all political theater.
But what was really telling, of course, was when the military announced to the protesters that tomorrow Mubarak is going to resign, and on the next day Mubarak gets on television and says, I'm not resigning.
Completely adamant.
I'm going to stay in power until September.
And then the very next day, a military spokesman comes up and announces, Mubarak doesn't announce, but a spokesman announces Mubarak has resigned.
The next day after that, he's in a coma.
And our media never says, where is he?
Is he even alive?
Have they drugged him?
It's just, okay, let's move along now.
That's exactly right.
I mean, you know, Mubarak has never made a public showing since that time.
And, uh, you know, this is, this coma syndrome I'm talking about, and, and Gaddafi sees this and says, I'm not going out peacefully.
I know what happens to people when they go out.
Well, Mr. Skousen, Joel, the head of Tunisia in Saudi Arabia had a little coma.
As you said, let's come back and talk about the larger geopolitical reason the globalists are triggering this now.
We'll be right back.
And then your phone calls.
Fifteen minutes, the next hour.
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Editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com, Joel Skousen is our guest.
We're going back to him in just a moment.
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But I want to finish up with the big announcement by Sarkozy.
Hey, bomb him!
And, uh, Obama plaint... Uh, Obama...
Wow, this just broke.
Saudi police opened fire on protesters.
Man, this is getting crazier by the minute.
But I also want to get his take on Lindsey Williams, you know, his serious view.
I mean, I'd like to get his critique of what I'm doing.
It's good for all of us to, you know, research and look at ideas and have debates about this information.
But I have that Washington Post article.
We'll cover that in a moment.
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Joel, we only got about three minutes left in this hour and then we're going to come back and let you finish and then go to calls.
But the unrest accelerating, the Saudis threatening to, quote, cut off the financial fingers of foreigners.
Telling the West not to get involved.
That's their foreign minister yesterday.
They know the globalists are manipulating this.
The order out of chaos.
The fuse has been set.
The cover of The Economist is scapegoating all the world's problems on the Arabs.
This looks like the makings of what could lead to a larger regional conflict that the Rand Corporation has called for.
Yeah, this is exactly my analysis that this is all going to blow up.
There's actually two or three points that they're aiming for by fomenting this fire in the Middle East.
One is
To cut off more oil to the United States.
Libya alone won't do it.
That's why I said last week in the World War I Brief, they've got to target Saudi Arabia, and that's starting right now.
We're going to see that disrupt oil before they're through, and that will supercharge the price of fuel.
That, in turn, may well give the rate of inflation necessary for the powers that be to say, we've got to have a new world currency or something else happening.
So that's right.
And in addition, you know, they have not been successful in finding a suitable provocation to attack Iran so far.
Israel's been looking for it since 2004.
The globalists have been pushing them to do this first strike attack so that they can neuter Iran in their oil production.
But it looks as if a tertiary reason for all of this unrest in the Middle East might be to finally get enough instability and blame it on radical Muslims that they can then tie that to Iran and finally finish off Iran.
I think when they do attack Iran, that will unleash a complete new Middle East war and I think they'll rearrange the chess pieces all around.
But it won't lead to World War III in my opinion.
Yeah, it's just a prelude to that.
We're going to come back, briefly talk about that, then we're going to go to your phone calls.
I've got a bunch of mainstream news articles here in my stack from two months ago, where Blackwater was positioning mercenaries in North Africa and all the other key hotspots.
Talk about staged.
We'll be right back.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our president and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, into hour number three.
Long segment coming up with Joel Skousen.
I promise to go to your calls then.
Finishing up in this little short five-minute one,
Joel, what do you see coming out of this Middle East turmoil overall?
Just the Iran attack, and then, I remember you years ago talking about this, and then that's the prelude towards, uh, what?
Well, you know, most of these small regional wars have been fomented to give the world an image of the U.S.
as the bully of the world.
That's what all that civilian infrastructure damage in Serbia was all about.
It was to make the Serbs and the Slavs hate the Americans.
In fact, Russians were very pro-American after the phony fall of the Soviet Union.
Suddenly became anti-American after a bombing campaign in Serbia.
And then we moved on, of course, to the Middle East and then Afghanistan.
We brought a lot of enemies in Iraq.
I think the icing on the cake is if we bomb a lot of civilian infrastructure in Iran, we're really going to get the image of the bully world.
And this, of course, hands an excuse to Russia and China, who are building weapons of mass destruction, are still intending on targeting the West.
If I may have the excuse, somebody's got to take down the bully of the world.
And I think we're handing it to them, just like we may well hand them the first use of nuclear weapons just to make it easier for them to use nukes in this war.
That's what I foresee.
I mean, we think of Bill Clinton and Obama and Bush as Americans.
They're globalist and they engage.
I mean, I saw major evidence that the torture photos and things were released on purpose as a way to demonize America.
This has all been very carefully thought out.
Yeah, it's going to be a tough go because Americans, you know, simply are not prepared.
They cannot imagine, you know, that we would ever be the focus of an actual strike where cities would be destroyed.
And I feel it's very strong.
That's why in my career, not only in prognosticating and working with World Affairs Brief, I've also, you know, spent 30 years as a high security architect trying to get conservatives to
You know, while we fight for our liberty, while we do everything you're doing, what I'm doing, and Stan Monteith is doing, you know, we need to prepare for a takedown.
We need to prepare for the fact that they may bring this war upon us and we'll be the victims.
We have to survive it in order to... Because we'll be the leaders on the other side and be able... Absolutely.
We need to provide so that we can resist afterwards, and we can't survive that if we aren't prepared for that.
I mean, I just put out the new third edition of Strategic Relocation, which is just selling like hotcakes now, because people are concerned that we're all spread out around the world, we're in these large metropolitan areas which cannot survive a major cutoff of electricity or food.
People need to provide contingency planning.
Well, Joel, let's do this.
How about I promise, because there was all these world events happening, and I'd heard you wanted to get into this, but I don't want to just do it as an end cap here.
I want to come back and take calls.
How about I get you on in a couple weeks, and we do a whole presentation on strategic relocation, and if you want, we can even, on the TV screen, put up some slides and things.
Oh, great, great.
While you talk about it, you can send us an email, kind of with a script of one point through 20, so we can kind of put things up as you talk about it.
Alright, let's do that.
Well, Saudi Arabia has been corrupt for many decades.
In fact, the U.S.
has covered up for child pornography and kidnapping women and bringing them to be sex slaves in Saudi Arabia.
I mean, our own State Department has covered up for that stuff.
They persecute Christians who are on duty in embassies on American military bases there, and our government is just...
You know, kept the corruption of that supposedly fundamentalist regime before their people.
It's room, it's right for destruction, and I think they're going to let it happen.
This is definitely provoking.
So you're thinking Saudi Arabia is going to implode soon?
Yeah, I think that we're going to see oil disruption, and that's going to go towards bringing the price of gasoline here to a whopping $5 a gallon, probably.
Alright, we'll be right back with your phone calls with Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Alex has told you that the Mideast uprisings over food prices and shortages caused by fuel costs are spreading worldwide.
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Ethanol, that was supposed to reduce petroleum use and fuel prices, hit a 30-month high in February, and pump prices are expected to reach $5 a gallon.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going directly to your phone calls with Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones, and we are breaking down what's happening in our planet today.
Richard in Indiana, thanks for holding air on the air worldwide, Richard.
Alex, it is such an honor to speak with you.
I'll move as quickly as I can, because I know you have a lot of callers, but you've got to listen to my little story here.
We have been following, my wife and I are retired, we have been following what's going on with this country for two and a half years.
We just recently started listening to you a few months ago, and we realized, boy, we have been missing a lot of information that you have woken us up to.
Normally we would follow Fox Cable, Fox Business, and we go,
There's something missing.
We're not hearing the whole story.
We've done our homework, gone and visit the Trilateral Commission, CFR, the Bilderberg Group, and now we know why we don't hear what you're saying on the other networks, because Rupert Murdoch's name is right up there with them, with the elites.
They can't report on any of this stuff.
I guess they're bought and sold.
Yeah, no, right now they're threatening to throw Glenn Beck out because he's gone too far.
And here I am critical of Glenn Beck, mainly because he has a personal thing about threatening guests of his not to come on my show.
And he also tries to keep me off Fox.
But I'm not going to go any further because that would reveal sources.
So I get mad at Glenn on that front.
But overall, he's been really
Opening some doors to wake people up and there is major behind-the-scenes Murdoch taught pressure He does have Roger Ailes backing but Roger Ailes is is ill and I'm just gonna leave it at that and so the guardian angel of Becky Is fading At well, I'm not gonna say anymore But do you want to comment on what Richard was saying Joel Skousen?
Well, you know, I agree with what he's saying.
It's nice to see people, you know, credible people coming out and seeing the difference between night and day.
I might note about Glenn Beck that
He, I've got other sources indicating, you know, he really is beginning to believe in conspiracy in a big way, and that's one of the big problems.
Unfortunately, they're able to divert him into the Muslim conspiracy, which really is the neocon fabrication.
They are intent provoking that, but it's just a non-issue.
Our real problem is our own government.
Yeah, the Muslims are usually busy killing each other.
They're not this big threat he talks about.
In every case, they've been stirred up and funded by the globalists.
And they've always been used as cannon fodder, ever since World War I. You know, the Muslims have done nothing since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, unless they have had a major globalist world power, either Russia or the West, behind them, feeding them arms and controlling them.
And that isn't going to change.
That isn't going to change.
And any Arabs and Muslims listening to me ought to wake up to the fact that they're being manipulated and being used, provoked, to do these things.
And, you know, we're not against them.
I think that the more we pump up this Muslim threat, as the congressional hearings are doing, and as Glenn Beckett's been doing, it does us a disservice because that's not the real threat.
Well, you noticed last week before he went on vacation, Beck was groveling and talking about how much he loves Fox News and appreciates it.
And I really can't say anymore.
I have multiple Fox News sources.
But then it almost makes me want to go ahead and just support Beck if I know internally they're trying to run him out of there.
I mean, if George Soros is threatening and Murdoch is getting mad at Beck,
And the only guy keeping him there is Roger Ailes, and you gotta say, well, Beck must be overall good if the globalists don't like him.
Well, let me tell you this, Alex.
Beck has driven a lot of people to your website.
Yeah, I almost sometimes get ashamed that I've attacked him so much, but at the same time... He's driven a lot of people there because he gets them started.
Just like my uncle, you know, got people started on the Constitution.
And then they came further and they realized, no, if Republicans aren't going to save us, we've got to go further to the right.
And they came up with, you know, other sources of information.
So, he is doing a service and they do want to shut him down eventually.
Yeah, well then what should I do then when he's got a personal thing out for me?
I guess because I criticized him a little bit over the years, he's just, because this is a fact, Lindbeck absolutely is trying to block me everywhere.
Or does he just see me as business competition?
Because I'd love to support him like Ron Paul, or support him like Lou Dobbs to a certain extent, or support him like, you know, Judge Napolitano.
I mean, it's not that he's bigger than me, and so I want to get him because of that.
That's not how I operate.
Well, Glenn just is not capable of taking criticism very well.
He's not capable of changing his personality as well.
He's a little bit of a loose cannon, and of course they like that because it allows MSNBC to take him to task every other week or so.
But I think, ultimately, he has come to the conclusion there really is
A conspiracy going on.
He can't say it.
He's conflicted.
And he's trying to get at it around the, beating around the bush, talking about communism, talking about Muslims, without talking about our own government.
And he won't go there.
Well, that's my next point.
Watching him and analyzing him more than I did before, because we were, you know, well, we are making a Tea Party film, or a political film, right now, to try to decode all this.
And this weird combination, you know, that just mixes all this corruption together.
But watching him,
His body language, when he's talking about eugenics and world government and Fabian Socialist, he comes across as real, as powerful.
You can tell he feels good about what he's doing.
When he does all this Muslim stuff and all this Patriot 9-11 bashing stuff, he looks guilty and will hardly look at the camera.
So I am seeing signs of a conscience there.
He's not selling the baloney as good as he was before.
I think, Alex, frankly, that Glenn Beck is going to be a force to be reckoned with, even if Fox News dumps him.
He's got such pull that he can get another form, and hopefully he'll be able to be more influenced by our side to understand the reality of conspiracy, even within our own government, because he could be a very powerful force.
So I'm just saying, keep the fences open towards him so that he can come our way.
Well, I promise I'm going to go to Desmond, Tim, Ryan, Fred, and maybe even hold y'all over longer until I get to at least those calls.
But something we never really talk about is how are they going to counter us?
Because we're an idea.
They can't just kill us individually.
That would just underline and highlight our information.
So they try to assassinate us.
Politically, but it's just like I told Politico a year ago when they were trying to destroy Rand Paul in the Republican primary.
They said, well, how would the government go after Rand Paul?
Or how would they demonize him?
And I said, well, you'd have to endorse him.
If the mainstream media endorsed him, and they actually printed that, if you endorsed him, then that would hurt him.
So what is the system going to do when they're demonizing us doesn't work?
Well, it only works when they can make us look bad in public.
Now, let me just give you a personal comment from me to Alex here.
I saw you on The View, and I know you were in a time crunch.
They didn't want to let you give out information.
You were going to get that information out.
So you're speaking very rapidly and, you know, they will want to use that against you in the sense of making you appear to be strained or extreme, etc.
I would say our greatest strength, because we have the truth, is to at least get reasonable people to say, I can listen to this guy.
I can do this.
So whatever you do, my advice is, because you're going to be the target from now on for a long period of time until they destroy you or try to,
No, I see your point.
I mean, I meant it more as a culture jamming, just jamming the info out there.
But then O'Reilly did pick it up and make fun of me.
I mean, they certainly thought it was a point against me.
I'm just saying it's the image as well as the truth that we need to sell to mainstreams to at least get them to open their minds and say, he isn't what they're saying.
Look, he's reasonable.
He's speaking calmly.
I think that can go a long way.
I think you're right with certain audiences.
I've always just been myself.
And with the grassroots, the young people, I mean, you know, the guy serving me coffee this morning, he certainly liked it.
But I do see the perspective you're talking about dealing with more mainline people.
You're right, image is important.
And that's who's watching these shows.
I mean, our types are not, they're in there too, but the majority of people who are not on our side yet.
And I'm just saying that my experience has been out there, because my wife has tried to tutor me for many years about calm down, Joel, a little bit, make it a little easier, because that's what gives you the credibility.
Yes, you're right.
Desmond in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Jones, man, it's pretty hard to get on your show.
Well, you're here, buddy.
I just wanted to say that ignorance was never bliss.
It was just ubiquitous.
And it's strange that Joel just mentioned that image thing, because that's what I wanted to talk about.
So again, I'm still in high school, and when I try and talk to students or teachers or really anyone about this whole global enslavement thing, they always really have about three reactions towards it.
And they'll either try and downplay it and just laugh it off.
They'll try and dispute me on some facts and stuff and get violent about it.
Or they'll really just take an apathetic approach and all, well what can we do, you know?
And I think when you do your broadcast, you kind of get that same reactions pretty much.
I don't know.
I see a bunch of people taking action.
But remember, 3% started the Revolutionary War, 5% won it.
It's always a minority of evil people and a minority of good people battling for the contest of who's going to win.
And so I don't let, I mean, face it, Modern High School, they're worried about Justin Bieber.
They're not worried in Britney Spears.
And we can break through with a Charlie Sheen thing or something like that occasionally into that mind control territory and inject real issues.
But, I mean, your question specifically is, how do you get through to those people?
You plant the seeds now, and later down the road, they're going to remember what you said.
That's why make a YouTube video now.
Write an essay now.
Put your information out now, so it's a testament down the road.
Thanks for the call.
Joel Skousen, comments to Desmond.
No, no comments.
Great, great comment.
So you think that, I mean, that basically states it?
Do you agree with that?
Well, yes I do.
I agree with what you said.
I mean, he tries his best, but as I say, image is important.
In coming across to people who this is new information, we've got to be credible at least and calm so that they're at least not able to discredit us by the virtue of our intensity.
No, I mean, you're right.
It's like when the principal comes in in a suit and he's all quiet and focused.
That really gets people's attention.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, continue with your calls.
Joel's leaving us here in about five, six minutes, but I'll continue with your calls after.
Tim, Ryan, Fred, Ian, Rick, everybody else.
Tim in Michigan, you're on the air with Joel Scalzan, worldaffairsbrief.com.
Hey, Mr. Jones, how are you today, sir?
I'm good.
You sound fired up.
What's on your mind?
I'm fired up, man.
I got the 426 Emmy going.
Now, listen to this.
I heard that announcement that guy made about, yeah, well, we didn't even know who that guy was that was on The View.
And it was funny because I happened to see that on YouTube, and the first thing they did before you started talking was announce who you were.
I thought to myself, you know, these people are so full of BS that they're actually, they have a problem.
Well, they're so scared of us that O'Reilly wanted to play it to try to, out of context, with Clip together to discredit me.
And then say we don't even know who he is, and then his guests all laugh because they're literally horrified of me, because they're the fake alternative media, they're scared of the real alternative media, and I'm the biggest fish in that pond, and we represent a revolution of ideas against them.
Joel Skousen, comments.
No, I haven't made any comment.
I think you're absolutely right.
There's a revolution going on, and we're gaining ground, and that's what they're really afraid of, and they've got to discredit
Tim, good to hear from you.
Appreciate the call.
Glad to hear you got a powerful Hemi in your Charger or whatever it is you're driving.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ryan in Iowa.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
How are you doing today?
And Mr. Joe.
I have two comments.
One was I hope that you and your family have gotten well, especially your daughter.
And I love what you do, Mr. Jones.
I don't think you're a conspiracy theorist because you have evidence to back it up.
To me, that don't really make you a theorist, you know?
But, um, I have a question and I apologize that it's kind of off track.
It's fine, go ahead.
No, go ahead, sir.
Um, I was just, I've been, it's been a few days since I've heard from, uh, listened to your show and, um, I was just wondering about that national ID, real ID coming up in May 11th.
If you had any more information about that?
Well, most states have already adopted the national ID, real ID.
That's just federal standardization of the local driver's license.
Joel Skousen comments on this whole cashless society surveillance grid that's going in.
Well, it's something that's going to take another major crisis in order to get fully integrated.
As I say, they're trying to do it piecemeal through the states.
It isn't really working.
There's still a heavy resistance against a full, bona fide national ID, and there's a heavy resistance against doing it through the health care implementation law, which is obviously going to be parsed up and take a different form than it is now.
So they're still heading forward, but it's still a little ways off.
It's not going to be made.
And that's what the premises ID and the animal ID, it's all admittedly by the big mega corporations to shut down their competition.
They want a prison-like control grip.
But I think it'll take war to get to that fully.
That will justify everything.
But not just a war.
I mean, I agree with you that a big war or a nuclear attack would certainly do it completely.
But what about a fake nuke carried out by the Muslims?
I mean, if 9-11 got a huge police state going, imagine what, you know, a third of Chicago being a big crater would do.
No, I don't think that will ever happen.
It's because it's very clear that the powers that be in FEMA don't want the people prepared for nuclear.
Absolutely no preparation.
And if they had a nuclear terrorist event, it would in fact cause people to start to get prepared.
So I think we're still going to look at conventional, just so that people don't start building fallout shelters.
Where's a safe place in the United States that isn't on the Russian targeting maps?
Well, you know, targeting maps are spread around, but the safest place overall is in the inner mountain west with the lowest population density.
We're talking about the states kind of surrounding Salt Lake City, which is not a good place, by the way, but it's in the center point of Idaho, Wyoming, western Montana, northern Arizona, and western Colorado.
That's the gold standard in terms of safety in the country.
And by the way, you notice the elites are either leaving the United States to private islands or they're all flooding up to those areas you just mentioned.
That's right.
You know, as a person who's been an architect in this high security field for 30 years, I've talked to a lot of contractors in Colorado, the ski resorts of Aspen, and they said, you know, it's the ex-NSA, ex-CIA, DIA, they're all building bunkers in the bottom of their big condos here.
They know that something's coming and they're not telling the American people.
We're going to have you back up in two weeks.
In fact, we're going to set you up for that interview right now, sir.
We're just going to set it out for two weeks, two Thursdays from now.
We'll do an hour and a half on the globalists getting ready, how we need to get ready, with Joel Scalise on WorldAffairsBrief.com.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Your calls and news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Seems like I just woke up one day and it was gone.
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Okay, I'm gonna go to your calls, and nothing but your calls, and also integrate in some important news after I run through this group of five or six callers.
Saudi police open fire at protest, Washington Post, the latest in North Africa, the economy, Barack Obama joking about birthers, and the biggest news that I just had a chance to read during the break,
And this is an incredible video, guys.
Did you guys grab this before you gave it to me?
Because there's a video involved in this.
This is incredible.
If we had time, I would actually play this on air.
And if we had time, here in the third hour, I would do a Google bomb on this.
By the way, we tested the name Alex Jones last week.
uh... and it is blocked from google bombing now uh... there's no doubt uh... the other term was not blocked and did become number one uh... but uh... this story is so big we should make this a a a a google bomb but i don't know what you'd make a term out of it ex-goldman sachs analyst says major war
coming end of 2012.
Major war coming end of 2012.
How about analyst major war?
Because you gotta have it connect to the articles so people actually read this.
Analyst, A-N-A-L-Y-S-D, major war.
Analyst, major war.
Let's Google that over and over again and hit it hard, folks.
Let's test and see if their new algorithm is blocking us.
We know it's blocking Alex Jones.
Analyst, major war.
Analyst, major war.
And then let's see if PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com are blocked now.
Let's also search Infowars.com by itself and PrisonPlanet.com by itself and see how the NSA likes it that runs Google.
Again, major war, ladies and gentlemen.
Ex-Goldman Sachs analyst says major war coming.
End of 2012.
Stock market dropping to 5,000 level.
Absolute bedlam.
He's mirroring exactly what big insiders told Lindsey Williams.
I'm going to be going over this after I take your calls.
But let's make that the number one search term.
Analyst major war.
Three words.
Major war.
Put it in Google and then put the cursor on it and hit enter.
And then put it again and enter.
Enter, enter, enter, enter, enter.
Like you're putting a new search in.
And do it over and over again and see how they like it!
And then let's do a side test.
Let's search InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com separately over and over again and see if they've blocked that as well.
Just doing some testing here.
It's up to you.
Attack them.
Launch attacks now.
Don't let them win.
We don't usually do searches in the third hour.
It's harder to get it in without hammering it for the whole show, but we can do it together.
In fact, let's all just do it ourselves.
In fact, I'm going to do it myself.
I want to play the trailer for something before we go back to your calls.
Rob spent about two, three weeks putting this together.
It's a Bob Bowman, former head of the Star Wars program, Colonel Bob Bowman trailer.
And we used clips from government-released propaganda videos in the 80s where they put out the lies that Star Wars was to stop a Russian first strike.
It certainly could be for that, and I would be for it.
But it was about weaponizing space and a first strike capability.
And so Bob Bowman is breaking this down.
And next time we have Joel Skousen, I'll actually ask his opinion of Bob Bowman and this view.
But the issue is people say, well this is an oxymoron.
You show the government's view in this trailer, then you show Bob Bowman's view.
The point is we're showing both sides here.
But this video now, Bob Bowman's Star Wars Secrets and Lies, is now live at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Another exclusive, highly produced, quality mini-documentary.
Well, it's 30-something minutes long.
All these other exclusive interviews going up, and your membership also supports us in the radio show, the Higher Quality Podcast, the video archive of the live show, all my films, expanded extras, hundreds of exclusive video interviews all over the world, my book, Paul Watson's book, PrisonPlanet.tv, 15 cents a day,
$5.95 a month.
Get a yearly membership, get three months free.
PrisonPlanet.tv, but it's up there.
Here's the trailer for the video that's now available at PrisonPlanet.tv.
InfoWars.com presents.
I'm Dr. Bob Bowman.
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.
Air Force, retired.
I flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the Star Wars programs under Presidents Ford and Carter, when their existence was secret.
When I blew the whistle on Reagan's Star Wars scheme, attempting to deploy offensive weapons disguised as defense,
For the purpose of regaining absolute military superiority and allowing the United States to execute a first strike against the Soviet Union.
Aggressive war.
Reagan's own Joint Chiefs of Staff called me into the Pentagon and pleaded with me to warn Congress and the American people about this military lunacy.
And that's their words, not mine.
Their oath is not to obey any order, no matter what.
Soldiers of all ranks have not only the right, but the duty to refuse an illegal order.
We can't give up on America.
We can't give up on the Constitution.
We can't give up on the truth.
Planning into space, a layered defense to protect the country from nuclear devastation.
spy satellites would watch the world below.
Detect Soviet missiles blasting off.
Compute the position and speed of each missile.
Alert battle stations in space, on Earth.
The first response.
Space-based kinetic energy weapons fire high-speed projectiles...
My sister just pointed something out to me.
That's the trailer for the video that's now available to PrisonPlanet.tv members, Bob Bowman's Star Wars Secrets and Lies.
We're going to get Bob on soon and discuss that with him.
My sister pointed out, and I think she's right, I don't think they let you do websites as trends because then it would be things like Yahoo and Google would be the trend every day.
So let's scratch that.
Let's just do the search for
Analyst Major War.
Analyst Major War to lead folks to this incredible news.
Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst Major War coming end of 2012.
I'm going to cover that after I run through some calls.
But let's just search then InfoWars without the com.
InfoWars without the com.
And Prison Planet without the com.
Maybe even split up Prison Planet.
So it says Prison and Planet.
Another Info Salvo, attack them, use their own NSA system against them.
Info Wars, put it in Google over and over again without the com.
Prison Planet over and over again without the com.
And we also tried last week, whatistheendgame.com.
And obviously it didn't show up because it's a dot com.
Maybe we should just do a
Paul Watson's calling.
This must be an emergency.
I always call him.
Hello, Watson?
Yeah, I'm on the radio.
It looked like Paul Watson's number, but I'm live on the radio right now.
You're not live.
I just picked my phone up.
I'll have to call you back.
British TV station, sorry.
Oh man, I tell you, coming off six days of having the flu, I just feel like I'm in heaven, so I'm sorry if I'm being obnoxious today.
Let's go ahead now and go to your phone calls.
Who's up first here, John?
Alright, we gotta move quick through these.
I appreciate you holding.
Richard in Canada, welcome.
Hey Alex, how's it going, buddy?
Good, welcome.
Do you have time for a couple comments and a couple questions?
Yeah, just back off your phone a little bit.
Go ahead.
Okay, because you told me I was quiet before, so I was just trying to be so you could hear me.
Anyways, have you heard of Iron Mountain?
Like, the report from Iron Mountain?
I know it was supposedly discredited as a hoax, but I kind of went through the report and it sounds like everything... Yeah, the providence of it is in question, but the type of stuff in it is exactly how the globalists operate.
Yeah, exactly, exactly.
And I was going to give you a little backup, because remember when you were talking to Joel Skousen about the SDRs and stuff?
I have a report from the Chatham House, it's from about a year and a half ago, talking about how they're doing exactly what you're saying, SDRs through the IMF.
It's called Beyond the Dollar, is what the report's called?
No, no.
Well, Richard, I appreciate you, but look, I'm attacked because I'm sticking my head up above the crowd, and because I'm talking about controversial issues.
I'm attacked by government disinformation operatives, but I'm also attacked by people
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
I just got a question about Canada itself.
What's going to happen to the Canadian dollar when the American dollar fails?
And also, is there going to be a similar police state?
Yes, you have the exact same police state being put in.
Continuity of agenda.
We don't even have governments anymore.
They're just regional governors.
Your own parliament, when it didn't follow orders two years ago, was suspended by the Queen of England.
She likes to keep her pure properties a little cleaner.
Not as dangerous, because that could spread to her palace, but they are going to accelerate their eugenics operations against you, their surveillance.
I mean, they arrest people in Canada for their speech.
I mean, I don't particularly, you know, like that Christian Dior designer.
Dressing up like a pirate and saying he loves Hitler, but they arrested him in France for saying he likes Hitler.
I mean, there's no free speech.
And they will arrest you in Canada if you say you like Hitler.
And so, man, you're not in a free country.
America's one of the only countries where you can still say, you know, that you like Jeffrey Dahmer or you like Hitler.
Doesn't mean it's good to like those people, but if you don't give somebody the right to run around and say they like Jim Jones or Hitler or Joe Stalin, then you don't have any freedom at all.
I appreciate your call.
But Canada's in the same boat as every other Western country, going straight to Hades.
Shannon in California.
Shannon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you, first of all, for your forum.
And I just want to give a quick shout out to the guys on Justin TV.
We watch your show every day and talk about the topics.
Now, my question for you is, and you and Joel might have touched on it a little bit, but I just think for our general discussion, we wanted a little bit more clarification with this new money process that's going on.
In the past,
History has shown us that usually a major war, a major conflict has had to take place in order for a transition like that to happen.
Do you think this is going to be the process for the next transition, or are all these little conflicts going to be enough to push the IMF over the edge to bring in this new world order?
Sure, it's a great question, but you know how World War I began, World War II.
Regions turning into domino effects of revolutions.
Up to the borders of empires, and then the empires get mad at each other, because it's always one empire, the British in both cases, initiating the pressure that then triggered the Germans, not saying the Germans were in the right, it's like two attack dogs attacking each other, to then start the larger war.
And that's an oversimplification again, because history is so complex.
But no, the Rand Corporation, top Goldman Sachs analyst,
All of them are saying they want a war, they're going to have a war, this is what's going to bring in their world government, so people will then say, take all our freedoms, give us a new system, just end the war.
But by World War, proxy revolutions, hot spots going on in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East.
I mean, it's all starting and turmoil globally with the bankers all pre-positioned and ready, the police trained, the military trained for decades.
Building towards this point, the Blackwater troops already moved into place with the new hotspots wherever they move.
It's like carrion crows, vultures showing up before somebody dies.
You know, they know it's a rigged game.
And yes, we're going into just more and more craziness, more and more insaneness, more and more turmoil.
It's all been prepared and it's going to make World War II, World War I look like a cakewalk.
And World War II killed around 200 million people.
Well, and I thank you for that input.
I definitely think it clarified what we were talking about.
And then just one other question for you, Alex.
When are you going to be going back on the road and doing more of like what you did out here in California?
I know people love it, but then...
I go speak to two crowds of 900 people.
I go speak to 1,800 people, but it took me three days to get that done, whereas I turn down radio interviews that are reaching tens of thousands all the time because I'm so busy.
I like traveling.
I like speaking to crowds.
I can go cut YouTube videos all day that will get a half million views apiece.
I appreciate your call.
I'd love to go back on the road.
I do certain things strategically, but I just can't do it all.
But I would love to come to your area.
Let's talk to Bob in Idaho.
Bob, you're on the air.
Appreciate you taking my call, Alex.
Yeah, you know, you go back.
I mean, you mentioned, of course, Tunisia, I mean, you can go back to the Shaw, you can go back to Somoza, as you see heads of state roll it.
They seem to go against the world order.
You see Carter giving away the Panama Canal and ordering his generals to let the Shaw fall and all the rest of these things.
But, you know, I don't think we're really going anywhere, scratching the surface, because there is collusion.
And I would make the suggestion that, oh, it's been probably 30 or 40 years ago that Nikita Khrushchev told then Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson what the endgame was.
And it's very fascinating.
He said he would feed us, and of course he was speaking about the United States specifically, but the world in general, he would feed us progressive socialism until our economic system collapsed, and then he would smash us with an iron fist.
No, I mean, I'm speaking to those bankers as well.
Well, no, no, I mean, again, it's the bankers that sit above in the councils working with key authoritarian governments attacking humanity.
It's not even governments against governments.
That's why the general public can't process it.
I mean, the bankers themselves don't know what the Reds had in line for them, but it was the same thing, essentially, what they had in line for
Well, that always happens.
That always happens.
Very well said.
Anything else, Bob?
Are you, Bob?
Are you an NSA plant, Bob?
I mean, what do you even say to that?
Hold Bob over.
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I'm going five minutes into overdrive because I have been absolutely enjoying all the Twitter questions that come in, and I'm committed to every day going through at least a few of these questions.
And I got Fred, Ian, Nichols, another Fred holding.
I'm going to attempt to get to all of you as well.
But Bob, I'm confused, so I want you to hold over and explain things to me.
I have you on.
I agree with you.
We didn't censor your call.
We didn't screen your call when you called.
And then you judge a tree by its fruits.
I'm here exposing the New World Order.
Here, you know, defending private property, Second Amendment.
I mean, you judge a tree by its fruits.
See, that's how you know if someone's good or bad.
This isn't like the Vatican's Inquisition where, you know, I need to be drowned because I may be a witch.
And then, I mean, was that for your ego to just kind of go, you're not this, are you, right at the end of a segment?
And then the other mentally ill people say, look, he went to break right then, because the breaks are set then.
But I know how the mental illness works.
Or was that a joke, Bob?
Because you didn't answer my question, Bob.
What's the point of asking if I'm an NSA plant?
Well, as you're well aware, Rudolf Hess, the vice viewer to Hitler, was locked up because he had a secret
Concerning, essentially, the collusion of the West with the left, and with Hitler, for that matter.
No, absolutely, the West helped fund Hitler, and he came with the peace treaty, and we've covered that on air, but because of Rudolf Hess, I may be a secret NSA agent?
Oh, certainly not.
I mean, Nurey, George Nurey, I mean, he's out of naval intelligence, and he's about 95%, but it's at 5%.
And it's the same way, Alex, anybody who might incite revolution in this country, you know damn well, and I do, that the audience might not, that the federal government does have constitutionality of knocking out habeas corpus, that is, locking people up forever in case of rebellion.
Yeah, but only if it's a legitimate government.
And it's not.
Bob, I appreciate your call.
And you actually stated that well.
Let's just, for the cause of argument, say I'm evil.
Hey, I'm not.
I don't work for the NSA.
I work for Alex Jones.
Anybody who has discernment knows that and can see the fruits of my work.
But, let's just move past and say Alex is Satan.
I'm a really bad guy.
And, uh, I gave you bad advice on gold and silver.
Uh, you know, it was 200 and something.
Now it's 1,400 and something.
I'm bad.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I gave you bad advice on the economy, on oil, on everything.
I'm bad.
Let's just say I'm bad.
What are you going to do to fight the New World Order?
They can't get all of you.
Really what it is, is people don't have faith in themselves.
They can't imagine that somebody would actually be able to affect change, that somebody who was real could actually stand up for human liberty and freedom.
People don't have respect for themselves, and so they marvel.
They go, I can't believe this guy's still alive.
They marvel.
I can't believe he does all this.
I can't believe he confronted David Gergen.
It must be fake.
No, you idiots.
I went and waited outside the entrance to Madison Square Garden at the VIP limousine drop-off point, idiots.
How do you think TMZ catches Hollywood stars?
They go and wait outside the coolest Hollywood bars.
Or outside the gate at Warner Brothers.
And so, if you're a deer hunter, you find the deer trails and wait.
How did I shoot a big 18 point buck one time?
Because I know how to hunt!
How did I get David the Rothschild on?
Well, I know how to produce.
You got a new book out, you call the producer up, the publicist up, and they're lining up 100 interviews in a week, and they slide you in.
But see, you don't believe that somebody could go, that's where the limos are pulling in, that's where the VIPs are going in, let's wait and see here.
Let's wait and drink a coffee and smoke some cigarettes.
I was smoking at the time.
We wait there about 30 minutes.
There's David Gergen, get the camera on, let's go.
No, we can't have brains.
We can't know what we're doing.
I mean, that's moron level to know how to do that.
No, the David Gergen confrontation is fake.
It's not real.
No way he found him on the street.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Alright, we're into hour number four right now.
We're trying to make the number one Google search term, analyst major war, to lead folks to ex-Goldman Sachs analyst, major war coming at the end of 2012.
We're out of time, but we'll play this video tomorrow.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's a new article.
I wonder if it's up on...
Infowars.com yet.
Here's a few of the, well we've got hundreds of them, but some of the Twitter questions we've gotten.
How long before the U.S.
dollar is finally dropped from the World Reserve currency?
I think we answered that earlier in the broadcast.
It's a phasing out and a moving to a basket of currencies.
Question for the show.
And it's, what does the New World Order want to happen in Saudi Arabia?
A revolution or the same regime stays in power?
Ah, they're getting ready to move towards devaluing the dollar, and the Arabs are going to rebel against that so they can have the Arabs blow up on their own.
They can blame the destruction of the dollar on that, which is what... You want to read what the globalists think?
Their propaganda?
Look at the economists blaming it all on the Arabs.
The whole economic meltdown.
By the way, we called that before it happened.
I even envisioned economist in my mind, but I didn't say it.
I track the enemy so much, I know what they're thinking.
Continuing here, I want to know more about what was mentioned a few days ago about getting both sides of our brains working together.
Well, there's good and bad to that.
Men's left and right hemispheres, on average, have about one-third of the connections that women do.
That's why, on average, in university studies, women have more of a sixth sense, on average, and women are associated with better, you know, women's intuition.
But women, it's not that they don't have fast reflexes and stuff.
It's not that there aren't some women that can be really great fighter pilots.
It's just from a pool of, say, a thousand people, women don't have a chance.
Because men have more of a hunting brain, and that's an oversimplification, and there are less connections between left and right hemisphere, so certain focus jobs can be done better.
So women are better at men than some things, and men are better at other things, because we're specialized.
It's not that one group's bad or the other group's good.
We are the species, men and women.
We are humanity.
They try to divide us.
But if you could make both sides of your brain actually fuse and integrate all the different areas of the brain, a lot of scientists and studies have shown that it can boost the IQ off the chart.
And you know, that's an important question.
I'm gonna spend 15, 20 minutes on that in more detail tomorrow.
That's a great question from Phillip.
But women have on average three times the connections between left and right hemisphere than men do.
Men have about a third of the connections.
Because it's two different computer systems.
I don't know.
Fraternal twin or but it's not a fraternal twin It's like two eggs that somehow merged.
I've read the science on it.
It's very very bizarre stuff But and it just gets into the what the human System is it's it's very complex, and I'm trying to hurry through it here, so it sounds like a bunch of babble But it is quite intriguing.
I know Justin Bieber is more important but
They want to know more about getting both sides of our brains working together.
Well, there's some problems with that.
That's why once a woman, and again this is an oversimplification, these are averages we're talking about, there's some men a lot more hysterical than the average woman, and vice versa, but that's why women can get so emotional on average and you can't calm them down and talk business with them.
Because both sides of their brain are connected and it just causes basically a haywire situation to happen.
And that tends to happen in every culture that tries to put women in combat.
Men can pretty much ignore their bodies chopped up, blood squirting and spewing.
Women tend to freak out when that happens.
It's brain connection issues.
It's how the brain's wired.
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