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Name: 20110223_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 23, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we have a jam-packed transmission for you today.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is the 23rd day of February 2011 on this live Wednesday edition.
We're going to be live here into the fourth hour today.
We have Porter Stansbury, who is a financial analyst of great renown, who's been breaking down the death of the dollar that he believes is imminent in the next 12 months.
Then that first part of the interview yesterday was too powerful.
Record listening audience, just on the audio streams, is engaged.
The audience wants more from Lindsey Williams.
He'll be joining us again with more information.
He couldn't even get to it all.
In the third hour today, then we go into overdrive with James Corbett joining us from Japan with the Corbett Report.
So that is what's coming up today.
I do have a special announcement that I'll make later in the next hour about a special guest that is on the broadcast tomorrow that'll definitely make big headlines around the world.
And it takes a lot to get me having butterflies, but we're pretty excited about it.
Set the record straight on some things, but also the amount of attention that it will also help folks find information about the New World Order and the overall awakening that's happening.
I'll just leave it at that until later in the next hour.
And I'm going to announce that here on air for you today.
The globalists plan to destabilize the Middle East.
The powder keg of the suppressed people and the dictators installed by the globalists to keep them in line is continuing to explode and each cascading explosion or detonation of political anger and citizen rage is intensifying in a domino effect.
Obviously we're going to be talking about that.
Commodities continuing to explode in prices.
Italy says a thousand people were killed in protest in Libya.
And Libya has more contacts than just about anybody in the region because they're so close to Libya.
So that is just some of what is going to be coming up here on the broadcast.
Also, some news has come out in the last few months that we've mentioned, but that I haven't given a proper amount of time to.
And that deals with the true frontier of how the globalists are going to suppress the population.
And so much of what we cover here has already been reported here, but still is hiding in plain view, even for myself, when guests like Dr. Nick Begich say, Alex, forget chemicals in the water.
Forget vaccines that target the brain and re-engineer the chemistry.
Sure, that's important, and that's on the forefront of the globalist suppression of human intellect and consciousness.
But he said it's electromagnetic is where most of their funding is.
And that's what Dr. Nick Begich, of course his brother, U.S.
Senator, his father, famous congressman,
Great researcher, incredible intellect in his own right.
Just a month ago, sober ago, he said, listen, it's all about frequencies.
It's all about DARPA's moves to test.
And this was even in the Baltimore Sun about eight, nine years ago.
I covered it on air at Nauseam.
They said, oh yeah, we're testing putting towers up in cities to calm you during civil unrest.
And they admittedly have a whole bunch of different frequencies and wavelengths and
Things that literally can make you die, make you become sick, make you become happy, make you hallucinate.
But now this is starting to come out in the mainstream news.
See, they're rolling it out like, oh, isn't it fun?
You're not going to be upset anymore.
Oh, we've got a vaccine where you won't be nervous anymore.
Don't you want to take it?
It'll change your brain forever.
So I've got some of that news I'm going to get to.
But first, Eric Mankow Muller contacted me yesterday, I was on his show today, with an interview he did with Rumsfeld and he wanted us to play it.
And boy, believe me, I'm happy to.
Wait till you hear this.
Boy, stay with us.
It deals with 9-11.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're live, locked and loaded, ready to go.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is Wednesday, the 23rd day of February 2011.
Incredible interview with Lindsey Williams yesterday.
We're doing part two of that live with even more revelations of how the globalists have orchestrated the collapse in the Middle East.
State that rebelled and didn't go along with it.
That's why it's one of the few states that continued to develop its reserves that are nothing compared to Alaska.
And that's the double cross of the Arabs.
But then that leads to the death of the dollar by the end of 2012 from his inside sources known to us, by the way.
One of them, Ken Fromm, died in December.
The other, even more high powered, we just call him Mr. L.
Former CEO of a major oil company.
He'll be joining us to discuss that more and take your phone calls in the third hour.
Porter Stansbury on the death of the dollar.
He was on with us a few months ago.
He predicted so much of now what is beginning to accelerate and unfold.
There's reasons that we're seeing riots all over the world now and demonstrations in the West is because the standard of living is plunging right now.
The media is saying, oh, it's a boom time.
The economy is great.
Recession ended almost two years ago.
Everything's wonderful.
Everything's wonderful.
But you're seeing what they've tried to paper over basically coming out from behind the edges.
So it's going to get more and more crazy.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Also, I had a caller on Monday who said, Alex, I read in a report
I really need to take this call.
Stuff is getting so crazy and so busy, I'm just not going to take it, even though it's super important.
Hey, can I call you back during the break?
Okay, I'll call you back in ten.
Can't ignore that phone call.
It deals with the show.
Doing some producer work myself, so I have to deal with that.
We had a caller
who was saying that he had read somewhere but didn't see any bibliographed linkage that the US government is trading with foreign governments to occupy the US with foreign troops and I
Just off the top of my head said well if you watch my film Road to Tyranny we have the Associated Press and Toronto Star and other news articles on the screen where in 2002 they signed agreements to use Mexican and Canadian troops in the United States for quote civil unrest and terrorism to fight foreign domestic terrorists and for civil uprisings.
Uh, that's in the NLE09 drill.
Just put in NLE09, the first link you get.
In fact, let's just put it on screen for folks watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Is FEMA putting a press release out how they were working with all these foreign governments to track and suppress terrorists during an uprising in the U.S.?
Uh, then of course, there's, uh, the
Quotes by different generals that we've played on the air.
Wesley Clark's one of them.
Also, Colonel Craig Roberts' nephew, going out of West Point, was given an internal briefing with several hundred of the cadets.
And then after, Roberts has told this story many times, then later he was given another briefing once he was out of
of course.
Even if you can get 30, 40, 50 percent of your troops to fire on their own citizens, or even if you fly New Yorkers down to Texas or Texans up to Wisconsin, you know, a lot of times countries will try to, we saw this during the uprising in Tiananmen Square, it took them about a day and a half to respond because they shipped in troops from several, what was it, 400, 500 miles away from a totally different province where they even spoke a different Chinese dialect.
To make sure they weren't shooting mommy and daddy and brother and sis and their cousin.
And so, I really should do some more research on this or re-go over research to re-codify it and do a special report on it.
And I said last week I'd do a special report this week on the fact that we've been completely vindicated by governmental and private reports dealing with the anthrax attacks being an inside job.
That was just in the Washington Post last week.
I mean, there's so much evidence I can't even get over.
All the information that we have here.
I mean, I can't even go over all of it myself.
It's just pouring in.
But looking at news this morning that the crew printed off for me, I noticed a Canada.com news report.
And in fact, this didn't print the whole story.
You guys print me the rest.
Thank you.
And this is out of the Ottawa Citizen, one of the biggest national papers.
It's the paper there in the capital city of Ottawa in Canada.
And here's the headline.
Canada, US agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies.
And I mentioned Monday that during the Olympics last year,
US Troops!
Were in the major cities where the Olympics were taking place in Canada.
And that was all over the news.
And US troops and Canadian troops were patrolling the bar districts.
So they use special events to acclimate you to this, like having troops at the Kentucky Derby or troops at the Super Bowl.
And then they just start rolling them out everywhere.
But there's the Ottawa citizen.
Canada, US agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies.
Canada and the US have signed an agreement.
By the way, they signed it eight years ago.
This is an expansion.
That paves the way for the militaries from each other's nations to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
Well, eight years ago when it was announced in the AP and the Washington Post,
Toronto Star as well, it was in the Mexican newspapers, because they're not just going to use Mexican and Canadian troops here, they're going to use them in Canada and Mexico.
It's all vice versa, each other's armies inside each other's countries.
And under the agreement, it was a North American Union agreement for North American security perimeter 2002.
Then it was signed under executive treaty, which is unconstitutional, Congress didn't ratify it, by George W. Bush.
Vicente Fox and uh... who was the uh... Prime Minister of Canada at the time.
It'll pop in my head in a minute.
The point is they signed it at Baylor about ninety miles north of me up here in Waco and then the treaty was secret.
I mean it was on record secret treaty and there was almost no news coverage of it but then Judicial Watch and others sued and were able to get
Not the treaty, but the SPP meeting from 2006 at Banff, Canada, where they were reading over sections of the treaty.
So we got most of it from the minutes.
And at that Banff, Canada meeting, you had over 500 CEOs from Europe and North America and Asia, and they ratified the plan for the SPP, the ongoing plan, and then ordered the heads of the different state departments of the countries to execute it.
And I mean, in the thousands of pages Judicial Watch got and posted on their site, and we boil it down and cover it in the endgame, and there's a bibliography of it in whatistheendgame.com.
Everything in the film has a bibliography online, where you can check every minute of the film.
It has links and documents.
And that's why I'm always freaking out.
This is so big.
This is so out in the open now.
And it said, we're going to call it a North American security perimeter, but we've got to integrate our nations by stealth, because this is very unpopular.
And in there they said they would use the threat of terrorism, natural disaster, the flu, other biological problems.
They said that they would use that as a way to sell the public in the future on accepting having each other's militaries in each other's countries.
WorldNetDaily covered it.
Judicial Watch covered it.
We covered it.
Coast to Coast AM covered it.
A few others did, but really nobody else.
But the point I'm making to the caller for Monday is he said on the spot, giving me documentation.
I gave him from memory a lot of places where he could get it.
But, I mean, here's February 22nd yesterday.
I got it this morning without even looking.
I mean, I see this stuff every month or so, sometimes more often.
Where they admit that it is to suppress insurrection.
I mean, go read it.
It's the National Paper of Canada.
One of the major national papers of Canada.
The Ottawa Citizen.
And there it is.
I mean, just last year I sent some of the crew, Rob Dew and others, up to Chicago.
And they did drills of putting Americans in sports stadiums, arresting people, and they had Polish troops, Czech Republic troops, and they were training to go back and suppress their population, and our military was training to suppress our population here, and it was admitted that that's what it was for.
Then they had an unannounced drill the day my guys had to fly out, but it did come out in the news that they had another drill at the big football stadium in Chicago for locking people down and rounding them up.
And then I showed you...
Some RAND Corporation documents two weeks ago on air, and federal government articles for the Army and FEMA dealing with sports stadiums and how to put people in them and lock things down.
I mean, see, that's what's so frustrating about Glenn Beck and people saying, oh, I'm going to expose the FEMA camps, oh, they're real, and hyping it for a month and then coming out and saying they're not real, and using strawman examples of camps that aren't camps, and I even predicted he'd do that.
I mean, I just...
It's frustrating to pour over this 24 hours a day.
I mean, I was dreaming about all this last night.
I don't even get rest when I'm sleeping.
And then to see people knowingly up there posing as patriots deceiving you.
It makes me very, very angry.
I would love to fall down on my knees and lick Glenn Beck's boots if he would just tell the truth, just like I do Ron Paul.
I mean, I want there to be leaders who are real.
I want, I don't want to, it's not, you notice I don't attack other talk show hosts very often.
I like to praise people when they go in the right direction, when Limbaugh or Savage do.
And I try to praise Beck when he goes in the right direction.
He just consciously mixes deception in and that's what's dangerous.
But here it is, if you want to know about foreign trips for America and vice versa for Canada and Mexico, there it is, big paper in Canada, new article, out yesterday.
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By the way, in Seattle and other cities, restauranteurs and coffee shop owners are refusing to serve TSA agents.
These are restaurants and things outside airports nearby.
And in one case, the owner of the restaurant, coffee shop, said, they've humiliated me.
They've basically grabbed me.
They've yelled at me.
And I am not going to put up with it.
And so they turn their backs on the TSA workers who faces they recognize, or when they come in in uniform and they do not serve them.
And shunning is a powerful way to protest.
By the way, I said I'd get into Donald Rumsfeld and the big 9-11 development, and we'll cover that in the next segment because I was waiting to confirm that Eric Mueller, man-cow, could come on.
Incredible interview he did a few days ago where Rumsfeld said he doesn't know about Building 7 and has never heard of it.
Which of course is a bald-faced lie.
It was a giant CIA command base, FBI base, NSA base, defense intelligence base.
Almost the entire building, every floor, but a few was government black ops.
That's on record.
The state command center, the federal command center for a three-state area was in there.
Giuliani's bunker.
They've done the big renovation a year before to harden it against attack.
They did some special modifications.
But Mancow's starting to wake up to 9-11.
Now he's with his family right now, with his kids.
He's trying to duck out of a restaurant and talk to us for 10 minutes.
That's coming up in the next segment.
But the exciting development is that the TSA is a globalist move to acclimate us, to condition us for prisoner-slave training.
But it's a perfect issue to get the people together because it isn't about liberal or conservative.
How they always divide us.
It's about we're human beings with dignity and what you're doing is wrong and it's not keeping us safe and we don't want to be microwaved by the scanners.
I went and got my hair cut yesterday.
And the lady who cut my hair, her boyfriend was flying back from North Carolina, and the scanners were still in place there.
A lot of the airports, they've turned them off or barely use them.
And they put him through the scanner, hands up.
They were doing pat-downs of everybody else who'd already gone through the scanners.
See, it's not just refuse the scanner, get a pat-down.
They're phasing in both.
To train you to be humiliated, to train the TSA workers to then hit the streets and have checkpoints.
That's already being rolled out.
This is about training everybody.
Government, media, the public, the courts.
They don't even follow the radiation laws of OSHA with radiology.
They just do whatever they want.
You know, a dental office, an emergency room, they've got to have weekly and monthly checks and calibrations of their equipment and private firms coming in and testing it.
Not the TSA, they just, we'll do whatever we want.
No radiation badges, no nothing.
But there she was, and she's not a listener to the show, there she was, out of the blue, not even, she knows who I am, because people come over and shook my hand, you know, every time I'm there getting my hair cut, but she's like, yeah, you talk about TSA, I heard.
Well, this happened to my boyfriend.
And she was telling me how angry she was, and how she might not fly anymore, and how this was wrong, and how it's humiliation, and she totally got it.
So I told her, spread the word, say no.
So this is a fight they're going to lose.
We've got right on our side.
If we stand up and continue to expose what they're doing, they're going to fail.
But to have restaurateurs, in fact, and other business owners, because Watson reported one story.
I did a search and found several others.
This is a trend, and this is getting picked up by other people.
So I want to invite folks to go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Let me pull the article up so I can give you the exact headline here.
I know he wrote that this morning.
Has it already rolled off of Featured News?
Man, they post so much stuff at InfoWars and Prison Planet, even our original news that's bombshell, that it scrolls off in a few hours.
I guess you've got to check the Featured News archive.
That's the link there.
Here it is.
It's still on InfoWars.com in the Featured News second story.
Seattle businesses refuse to serve TSA agents.
So I guess he does have the multiple businesses there in Seattle.
But this is spreading all over the place.
And so we're not going to associate with you, we're not going to talk to you, unless it's coming over and if you're a congressperson letting this happen, or you're a government bureaucrat letting this happen, or you're a TSA minion, you're all guilty.
And if you're TSA people, you should say no to this.
You should unionize.
That's what's dangerous about
Not having unions.
I know unions can have a bad side, but they also have a very good side of the citizenry getting organized.
The problem is the globalists have taken over all the unions and basically rendered them impotent and servile.
I know for a fact they're culling through the TSA workers and go, do you have a problem with the radiation?
Uh, yes.
You're fired.
Do you have a problem sticking your hands down people's pants?
You're fired.
And then they, that's why you have so many problems with them stealing and abusing and robbing and going crazy and yelling at people.
Oh, that was the rest of the story.
He goes through the checkpoint.
Then he's done.
He puts his hands in his pockets, waiting.
They scream and yell at him like he's a prisoner.
Scan him again, pat him down again, yelling at him, how dare you put your hands in your pants?
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Absolutely, man.
Hal joining us in about five minutes, and I'm going to start getting into the Rumsfeld clips ahead of him joining us, but finishing up that story, why it's so important.
Here's the nice lady been, you know, cutting my hair on and off for about a year.
And she just brings up, out of the blue, TSA with her boyfriend flying back from, I think it was North Carolina, she said.
And he went through the scanner, and he was waiting to then be patted down.
They were patting down everybody who went through the scanner, she said, he told her.
And he put his hands in his pockets, just standing around.
A lot of people do that, and they were like, get your hands out of your pockets right now!
Get them out!
Get them out!
Get over!
You gotta go back through the scanner!
You're hiding something!
And then they put him back through the scanner, and then patted him down, and were just being really mean to him, like he was a prisoner on a bus, who'd, uh, you know, just been taken out of the county jail, being sent to San Quentin, or Huntsville.
Uh, and you're rolling up, and that's exactly how they treat you at a rough prison.
I mean, from what I've read, even low security prisons, they're not that rude or mean to you.
Not even so much medium, but high security, you know, they let you know, they humiliate you, they strip you down, and in some cases, TSA strips you down in public or takes you in a back room while they rob your suitcase of money.
I mean, just every day, multiple articles of them being caught stealing wedding rings, cash, jewelry, electronics.
I mean, it is just an orgy of theft that's going on.
And this is the public being trained how to be prisoners.
But they're not going to put up with it forever.
They're not going to break the will of the American people.
Now, we're only going to briefly have Mankow on, then I'm going to get into patent nervous system manipulation from television monitors and how that ties in to this other report that we covered a few months ago.
Ceiling lights in Minnesota send code internet data, but then we've got the patents on similar systems that flash at a level not perceptible by the eye, but to the brain and can actually manipulate you with that.
I mean, this is confirmed.
You know, the old thing of how a hypnotist with a flashing light or the swinging watch, this is much more high-tech than that.
And they can actually make you throw up.
They can do anything they want with this.
And now, through data, through power lines, they can do it with the fluorescent bulbs.
That's why they've unified these worldwide.
You notice, worldwide, these are going in.
Governments passed the laws to get in line with the UN Agenda 21.
And they're toxic.
If one breaks in your house, you've got to evacuate it and open the windows and call a toxin control team, poison control team.
Nothing to do with the environment.
They're getting rid of phosphorescent because these are systems literally for mind control, and it's hidden in plain view.
That's coming up.
But first, here's the big news.
Donald Rumsfeld.
Imagine this.
Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense, outpushing his book, went on Mankal Muller's syndicated broadcast.
It's on all over the country, including WABC in New York.
And I can listen to it out of Houston.
That's the closest city I can hear it.
Big show.
He goes on there and he says, hey, what about Building 7?
What about Building 7?
We're going to play that short clip first.
And Rumsfeld says, never heard of it, don't know anything about it.
Now this was a CIA state federal command base with the Army Defense Intelligence Senate, FBI, the command center for that entire area of the East Coast.
They're running a drill of it being attacked that day.
That's why they moved the command centers out on the pier and the mobile command centers.
That's ABC News reporting that.
And Rumsfeld says he never heard of it.
He says, building what?
That's why it's called the Building What Campaign.
The ads running in New York that have gotten Geraldo Rivera to wake up and come out and say he questions Building 7 and Judge Andrew Napolitano because they have honor.
Especially Napolitano.
Because last night I was picking up some Mexican food to bring home.
I do that quite often.
I have to add to my gut.
And I was walking out
And a fellow walked over to me and said, you know, I'm a mainline conservative, but you woke me up.
My dad didn't believe in 9-11 being an inside job, but I showed him the footage of Building 7 imploding and he was a Navy SEAL slash UDT, his dad, and he said, that's a controlled demolition.
Yeah, they blew it.
I mean, that's all you got to do is watch Building 7.
So that's why, I mean, look at Jesse Ventura, UDT, Navy SEAL.
Saying the same thing.
Anybody who knows sees that, but then we have all the footage of them saying, get back, we're going to blow up 7.
We have the local newscast saying they're thinking about bringing the building down.
Let's go ahead and play this 20-second clip, and there's a longer one coming up, with the former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on ManCow's radio show.
The audio is also at mancow.com.
Here it is.
Building 7 I often hear about.
No plane hit building 7.
Why did building 7 come down?
What do you tell people?
What is Building 7?
Or when it was in Building 5, or the building that wasn't hit by the plane?
Building 7.
I have no idea.
I've never heard that.
Do a talk radio show!
Oh, you'll hear it.
There's a longer clip coming up.
Mancow, do you really believe that a 47-story building, it would be the biggest building in over 40 states, several hundred yards away, not hit
Oh my God, Alex.
I'm walking through TJ Maxx with my kids.
What are you asking me?
You sent me the Building 7 clip yesterday.
I was on your show today.
You brought it up to me.
You said this is really starting to make you question things.
Well, okay, look, here's the deal.
I feel like the Jedi mind trick was done on me.
How could he not know?
I couldn't wrap my mind around it.
You don't even know how to respond.
It's kind of like you walk in with your wife
Well, you can hear how he suddenly, as I've heard the rest of the interview, you know, he's a lot more energetic.
He just gets real quiet and goes, no, I don't, I don't know anything about that.
I mean, that's got lie written all over it.
Excuse me?
How does he not know Building 7?
I mean, what do you make of that?
Well, Mancow, they never want to talk about Building 7.
They never paid any attention to it.
I've got scores, and I've played them here over and over again, we've written articles about it, with CNN, local CBS, local Fox.
Amy Goodman was there, and they're told to run, it's going to blow up, and the cops are saying, get back, it's about to come down, they're going to bring down that building.
Silverstein goes on PBS a year later and says, we gave the order to pull it, and then watch the building come down.
We're good to go.
Well, you know, we have to ask the question, why are they acting stupid?
Why is it on record that they said they were going to blow it up?
BBC, 25 minutes before, on BBC World and BBC 24, simultaneously, with the same script, with their teleprompter readers, on two different BBCs, said, Building 7, the Salomon Brothers building, has fallen.
It's completely collapsed.
And there they are, live, with it right behind them.
It hasn't collapsed.
Then they denied that they even did that.
Then, years later, BBC said, yes, we were told by Reuters it had collapsed.
This is what's happening.
It's kind of like Lee Harvey Oswald.
Two hours before his name was released, about an hour before he was even captured, running around Dallas, they got their time zones wrong.
And in New Zealand, Australia, and several other countries, newspapers ran with his photo and his name that he was the shooter of John F. Kennedy when it wasn't even on the news here yet.
They had their story and their script ready.
You know, I've never heard that, pal, but look, from being at different news networks and watching how things are done, I mean, just, and this is not going to really help you with your show, I just find it interesting that every time I'm with a crowd, and I was at CPAC, and, you know, Ron Paul won
I mean, he won and then some.
Other people are getting 2 and 3%, and that's who we hear about on TV.
Ron Paul killed CPAC, and all we hear about is Romney.
I've broken bread with Romney, I've hung out with Romney, he's a nice enough fella, he's unelectable as president, and if the Republicans, their main thing seems to be against healthcare, oh blah blah care, and yet that's what Romney gave us in Minnesota.
Romney wrote it!
Romney wrote it.
Yeah, so look, there's a lot that is very odd to me.
I mean, I see, it's like Building 7.
You know, Building 7 came down.
No, it didn't.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
You know, Ron Paul in every one of these polls wins, and you and I are both friends with Ron Paul, so maybe that
Yeah, they're putting a horse that can't win in.
It's like a Don King fight where he puts a fighter in that couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag against Tyson, but expanding on that analogy.
And I know you've got to go, but this is important, Mankal.
Expanding on that, he only won by two points last year.
He won by seven points, totally creaming Romney in second place.
And I was listening to the radio news feed that this network, Genesis, carries, and they didn't even
Hey, I mean, it is the generals versus the globetrotters, and yet they keep running the generals.
Hey, Bud, let me tell you, here in Chicago, what happened yesterday... Oh yeah, all this election fraud.
I mean, let me stop you talking about it.
Magically record voting problems and the gangster Rahm Emanuel he's in.
Tell us.
Well, look, you have a, uh, it's so big, Alex, it's so big, and I don't want to insult your listeners, I, I, I, I, but it's so big I don't even know how to put it into radio terms, and this is what I do for a living.
Let me try to make it simple.
This guy, Rod Blagojevich, came out and said, look, they're, they're crooks, they want to jack up your taxes, they want to steal from you, I won't let them, they're going to dummy up something and try to destroy me.
And, and, uh,
You know, I thought, well that guarantees our taxes aren't going to go up.
They jacked up our taxes 67%.
They keep telling us this guy's a crook.
The courts freed him.
A jury said, no, this guy isn't a crook at all.
And immediately, I mean immediately, they screamed out in court, retrial!
And of course the government has endless funds to go after people.
They've never proven anything against this guy.
Look, I live in Illinois.
All these guys are crooks.
But they haven't been able to prove anything on this kid.
So he says he's going to talk.
And if he talks, the House of Obama comes down.
Barry's House of Cards comes falling.
Listen, he better talk now because Ron Brown, the Commerce Secretary, was going to go down.
He said, I'm going to talk.
And they shot him in the head and blew the airplane up.
Put him on the back of his head.
And have the special forces blow the hatch and helo, hilo out of the plane.
Yes, go ahead.
So you know the Daley family, Mayor Daley, a famous name in Chicago.
He's gonna step down.
His brother replaces Rahm Emanuel.
Rahm Emanuel, the head of the White House, is coming to Chicago.
I know for a fact, the number one guy, and he's a great man, he's a great man, okay?
And maybe someday I'll talk about it.
I gave him my word that I would not.
And I'm telling you, the guy that would have been the next mayor of Chicago, that is a great man, got a personal call from his old political buddy, Obama, and Obama said, look, you can't run.
Do not run.
And this guy decided not to, and I don't know what kind of
I don't know what was said, what was promised, if there was threats.
Alex, I don't know.
My point is, here comes Rahm Emanuel to make sure all the bodies stay buried, figuratively.
Blagojevich, we're gonna make sure he doesn't talk.
They want to make sure they protect.
I believe, and I study this and I live this, guys.
I believe they want to protect the House of Cards that is the Obama administration.
They don't want the truth to come out.
And this election, less than half a million people voted in Chicago.
Well, I've got the reports pouring out of Chicago of massive fraud and people saying that the fix was in, but we all know there's never election fraud in Chicago.
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, the old joke is the dead vote.
I don't know that it's very funny, but that's what everybody talks about.
Alright, Mankow, finishing up here, and I want to get reports, I know you're very busy, you know, soon.
Our man in Chicago is Eric Mankow, MuellerMankow.com.
But in closing, going back to Rumsfeld, I mean, look,
You asked me today on your show, what is a 9-11 truther?
Well, it runs the gamut.
But all I know is that Norman Panetta, the transportation secretary, was in the bunker with Cheney 45 minutes earlier than Cheney said he was, and testified before Congress that Cheney basically ordered a stand-down of the F-16s to not shoot down Flight 77, or whatever supposedly went over or into the Pentagon.
And so all I'm saying is,
Okay, look, Alex, let's...
Send me the audio, I want it.
Okay, but look, look.
Let's skip everything, okay?
Let's skip everything you just said.
Can you... Can we skip that for a second?
How about just the fact that Building 7 in New York came down on 9-11 and he doesn't know about it?
I mean, let's just start there.
And then when your mind starts racing and you start connecting the dots, it is a frightening proposition.
No, absolutely, that he's there playing dumb, caught like Sylvester with a canary in his mouth.
Yeah, he's spitting out feathers.
He's spitting out feathers.
Well, look, I hear a lot about your program, and I always love when you're on my show.
You make me think, and I don't know that I like that.
Well, facts are facts, man.
We appreciate your courage.
Well, but I mean, look, it's just like Andrew Napolitano has come out and said he doesn't believe the official story.
That's a big deal.
He got attacked for it.
Now we've seen, after he looked at Building 7 footage, we've now seen Geraldo Rivera come out and say he now wants to look at it.
That shows that you guys are honorable and will at least say, wow, this stinks to high heaven.
Mancow.com, thank you for giving us the audio.
We're going to play a longer clip of Rumsfeld coming back, but I'm going to let you get back to your family.
And I'll see you next Wednesday when I have my spot on your show.
I appreciate you having me on, Eric.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless.
God bless you, everybody.
All right, take care, buddy.
Great job.
Okay, we're going to go out to break with the Donald Rumsfeld clip.
Let's just go ahead and hit that clip now.
Here is the clip of Rumsfeld on Man Cow two days ago.
You're such a serious guy.
People, I don't think, realize I've been around you several times.
You have a great sense of humor.
What do you watch?
What makes you laugh?
I'd be curious.
Well, you know that... NBC Nightly News?
Uh, no.
The last movie I saw was Secretariat.
I wanted it to be The Hangover or something like that.
No, but I don't watch movies much.
I don't know why.
I mostly read history books and biographies.
TV shows.
I tell you, I watch some news and I watch sports.
All right, folks.
Just as I would expect.
I'll tell you what we're going to do, because we're running up against the break and I've skipped too many breaks.
We're going to come back, play the short clip, then play a longer clip, and then analyze this.
And I've got Stansbury Research coming up, incredible intel on the dollar, the economy.
Part two, live interview with more information with Lindsey Williams, coming up the third hour.
Then we go into the fourth hour, Overdrive, with James Corbett, Corbett Report.
Now we've got a huge guest.
You quite frankly probably can't get a bigger guest for media explosion than I've got tomorrow.
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The TSA can bring the globalists down.
Their public plans to station foreign troops to suppress the American people, that's now going into full swing, can bring them down.
Building 7 can bring them down.
There are many other things.
The radiating of foster children, the injecting people all over the world with live syphilis, telling them it's a vaccine.
The globalists have been caught doing all of this.
But let's play that little short clip, then we'll put a longer clip of, you know, Rumsfeld in context on the show.
But here's Donald Rumsfeld, a couple days ago, on Eric Muller's show, Man Cow Show, pitching his book.
Uh, and saying, I don't know anything about Building 7.
You notice his voice really changes, though, compared to other clips from the interview.
He just gets very quiet and very calm.
He gets in that fighter pilot mode.
That's what he is, is a fighter pilot.
He gets in that mode, that V2 mode.
Uh, point of no return, he's just like, I don't know anything about that, no.
Don't know anything about that building.
Uh, let's go ahead and play that clip.
Building 7, I often hear about.
No plane hit Building 7.
Why did Building 7 come down?
What do you tell people?
What is Building 7?
Or when it was at Building 5 or the building that wasn't hit by the plane?
Building 7.
I have no idea.
I've never heard that.
Do a talk radio show!
Oh, I have no idea.
I've never heard of that.
Did you hear his voice, the deception in it?
I have no idea.
I've never heard of that.
Now we've got to track through all his statements.
I'll guarantee you there's going to be something about Building 7.
He's messed up a few times and talked about missiles hitting the Pentagon three or four times that we know a bunch of other globalists have as well, top generals.
But there he is.
People need to confront him everywhere, not just about the missing trillions from the Pentagon.
Well, you don't know about Building 7, your Pentagon command base in New York?
You don't know about the terror attack drill you were running with the CIA that day?
Of those exact same buildings being attacked at the exact same time?
You don't know about that, Rumsfeld?
Here's another clip of just some of their banter.
You're such a serious guy.
People, I don't think, realize I've been around you several times.
You have a great sense of humor.
What do you watch?
What makes you laugh?
I'd be curious.
Well, you know that... NBC Nightly News?
Uh, no.
The last movie I saw was Secretariat.
I wanted it to be The Hangover or something like that.
No, but I don't watch movies much.
I don't know why.
I mostly read history books and biographies.
TV shows.
I tell you, I watch some news and I watch sports.
Just as I would expect.
I just wanted to hear that you sit around and watch 30 Rock and you laugh.
I don't know.
I don't even know what it is.
Do you know what Lady Gaga is?
I've heard of her and I've seen a picture.
It's startling.
And you're a big Snooki fan?
I have to be sarcastic because I'm so sick of politicians.
I mean, come on, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, you noticed on Super Bowl Sunday, I took the crew out, because we did the live show then, to a steakhouse, and Karl Rove was there three weeks ago, and he wasn't following the Super Bowl either.
These guys don't.
Oh, they'll go to a Super Bowl to sit there as the emperor at a gladiatorial event to make you think it's important and that they care, but very few of these people, George W. was into sports, obviously, they're not into it.
They're not into TV, they're not into movies, they're into history books.
Because those that know history can control the future and the present.
I am so blessed that my house, growing up, with my parents, was filled with history books.
And when I was 10, 11 years old, I liked reading Louis L'Amour, and I happened to pick up some World War II books, and boy, that was the end of it.
And you just can't keep me away from it.
And then when you learn how governments work and you read hundreds and hundreds of history books a year, don't have time to do it now, I read boiled down synopses, you then start to see how humans act over and over again.
And the globalists are acting exactly how we would expect them to.
Uh, we got Porter Stansbury with bombshell information coming up at the, uh, five after break.
Do this quick little five minutes on the other side, dealing with, uh, mind control.
Very important developments.
I'll have to do more on this tomorrow.
This is, I got too many guests stacked up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, coming up in the next segment throughout the rest of the hour and five minutes into the next hour, Porter Stansbury of Stansbury Research will be joining us to get into his prediction that you're going to see dollar plunging and devaluation in the next 12 months or so.
And boy, since he first said that two or three months ago here, you've seen that accelerate.
We'll get his view on what's happening in the Middle East, the destabilization, the riots.
He's predicted that as well.
His predictions have been called by barons and others a dire prophecy.
He's made many predictions that have come true dealing with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties, GM.
So he is coming up.
I said I'd spend a bunch of time on this, but we just ran out of time with the Rumsfeld development that we just covered in the last hour.
He doesn't know what Building 7 is.
Lindsay Williams is joining us, coming up in about an hour from now, about an hour and five minutes from now.
Part 2 of the incredible interview yesterday.
We're going to get into the in-game part we didn't really fully get into.
Very important information.
And we're also going to quantify it.
Phil, after the show, really smart guy, he said, now exactly what's the double cross of the Arabs by the globalists?
And I think, you know, those of us that really study economics and these global deals, we already know all this, we don't really state it clearly.
So we'll do it.
Very clearly coming up in the third hour with Lindsey Williams, exactly what the double-cross is and what the ramifications of this are.
And in dollar devaluation, Lindsey's saying the same thing.
He's saying it's not this year, it's the end of next year.
But regardless, we need to get ready for this.
And hopefully get the word out.
The globalists might back off.
But mathematically, many economists say it's a certainty.
It's a debt black hole that's fraudulent and impossible to pay back.
So we're going to be covering that.
And then James Corbett going into overdrive in the fourth hour today, joining us from Japan.
Now, continuing here, I saw this article over the weekend from Farm Wars.
Great, great outfit.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Patent, nervous system manipulation from TV monitors.
And this is exactly what Nick Baggage, Dr. Nick Baggage, was talking about a few months ago on the show saying, look, chemicals are the old way to control people on the food and water.
And yes, that's going on and it's admitted and they've been caught.
Ad nauseum.
Ad infinitum.
Uh, you know, laundry list.
He said electromagnetic is the way to go and light is the way to go because the eyes literally are sending programmed information to the brain.
Now this was known back in the 1940s when a certain flicker rate was adopted for televisions that wasn't even the highest quality or the best type system to transmit.
It's admitted that it causes brain degeneration.
It's admitted it causes the brain to go into a catatonic sleep-type state.
It's admitted that it mesmerizes people.
You ever been talking to your kids when they're watching TV?
It's why I don't let my kids watch hardly any television.
And they're just like, hey, hey!
And they're just like zombies.
And you go over to a friend's house, they're watching TV, and they're like, get a beer out of the refrigerator, or popcorn, or Coke.
And you're like, hey, did you hear about that at work today?
Or how's your wife doing?
And you're like, hey, Bob, Bob.
Oh, and then they can't even hardly talk to you.
Could be a really smart person if you see him at work or on the street or at a football game or whatever.
But when they're watching TV, it's more than just suspended disbelief where you go into fantasy land and then your subconscious accepts all of the program messages, you know, that are played out there.
There's an overlay that it puts you in that highly suggestible state.
But that's not what these patents deal with.
patent number 6506148.
This particular patent deals with programming the brain and manipulating the central nervous system to make you angry, happy, nauseous.
The computer can actually control the mind.
And now they can do it with their high-def TV even better, computer monitors, but it gets worse.
They now want to, quote, have data transmission over power lines that then interface with the light bulbs and do a flicker.
Oh man, this is hardcore.
Stay with us.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
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That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've been aware of Warner Stansbury's incredible research for many years.
The Wall Street Journal has said that he's amongst some of the most astute researchers and
People that can forecast what's coming in the economy.
Barron's called his work a dire prophecy when he predicted with total precision years before what was going to happen with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, General Growth Properties, the biggest mall owner, and a whole other laundry list.
And now he's making his biggest breakdown or prediction yet.
He's saying in the next 12 months or so that they believe that there's something going to happen that is going to basically end what we know as America.
And of course that's dollar devaluation, the end of the dollars, the World Reserve currency.
Now some of my connections to oil company execs and others, they're saying 2012.
But regardless, this information is key
And we're going to be going over it with him until five minutes in the next hour.
Then Lindsey Williams with information that completely couples and dovetails with everything Porter Stansbury is talking about.
He'll join us for part two of that.
Record-rated show yesterday.
I mean, it just blew everybody away.
Our servers had smoke coming out of them.
And we've got a next-to-record audience today just on the downside of that.
So people are really responding.
They're really starting to listen.
And this is extremely powerful information.
uh... but we want everybody to go to end of america the number three dot com that's end of america the number three dot com if you want to see all the incredible daily reports the free video uh... that breaks all this down where he goes to all the grass all the documents and if you've already seen it
Send EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com to everybody you know so that they can be warned, because knowing this is coming is one of the only ways we can brace for the crash landing.
Every economist we talk to says, we had Mark Faber on two days ago, that guy who's on the board of dozens of Fortune 500 companies, he said it's guaranteed total collapse, but he's saying, you know, it could be longer in the future, and mirrors what Porter Stansbury is saying, but Stansbury gets in even more detail.
You know, the point is,
We're crashing, but at least we can warn people to brace themselves.
And I tell the story about, and then I'll go to Porter, it was probably seven years ago, I was visiting family in Fredericksburg, Texas in my Tahoe, and thank God that there were so many family going out there that my dad and I just rode in the Tahoe.
My wife and my mother and my two children at the time rode in her Passat.
And they, about 30 minutes before, my uncle's looking off the mountaintop that he lived on at the time and he said, uh, the hilltop, he said, you better leave.
Those storms look bad.
He went and looked on the internet and tornadoes were forming, you know, 20 miles away.
So my wife and everybody, my grandma too, they all left 30 minutes before us.
I stayed to shoot some more guns, drink some more coffee.
and uh... driving home we got blown off the road by a tornado we didn't know it was a tornado when the state police got there they said you know up the road a tornado just blew down some barns and houses we drove into johnson city power lights were out cars were turned over but I'm driving I'm going about fifty five it's raining boom tornado comes through throws me off down a fifty foot embankment
We're spinning, but it's like when time slows down, and then we start shooting backwards down the gully, and I told my dad, I said, brace for impact.
We're in seatbelts.
He braces.
We slam into it, and it crushes the Tahoe all the way, it was one of the big Tahoes, from the back, all the way into the back seats.
Both of our seats break back in the impact.
My dad got a concussion, started vomiting a few hours later.
I was okay.
But the point is,
I said brace for impact, and I think that it really helped us.
Now I'm done with the analogy, but ladies and gentlemen, the tornado, we don't, a lot of people don't know it's coming.
Stansbury's saying, tornado's right there, he's predicting it's going to hit us on the road, take evasive action.
Porter, is that a good way to put it?
Yeah, I think that's exactly right, because, as you said, you've had economists after economists on your show.
There's really no doubt at all about what the consequences of what the Federal Reserve is doing to our money will be.
The only question is when.
And, you know, reasonable people can have differences of opinion about that, because, as you know, predictions are difficult, especially about the future.
So, there isn't any question at all that there's a tornado down the road.
The only question is, how hard is it going to hit us?
How far is it going to throw us?
What I'm telling people is, you want to err on the side of caution.
And, you know, I was on two and a half months ago, and I told everybody at that time, look, food prices are going to go to the moon right now.
And if you know, that's exactly what's happened.
And that spawned revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and demonstrations in Iran.
And all these things are part and parcel of the same problem.
And they're going to get a lot worse.
And the folks who think that these problems aren't going to ricochet back into America, they're deceiving themselves.
The union demonstrations that are just getting started are only going to be the first wave of this.
Well, I remember what you were on two and a half months ago or so, and I've been begging to get you back.
You're so busy, you haven't been able to.
And I know you've got family stuff coming up, your wife getting ready to have a baby.
Was that okay to say?
Absolutely, yeah.
And we're excited about our second son.
But I've been begging you to come back on the show and we're so honored because of all the people we've interviewed, you really have laid it out, I'd have to say, the most accurate.
We could re-air that interview right now and people would think it was today.
You said it's going to cause riots, it's going to cause destabilization, it's going to come here, and it's going to start sooner than these other economists are saying.
And I'd say that's the difference with you.
They like to hedge their bet and claim two years, three years.
You're saying no the next 12 months.
Yeah, I was saying in November that food prices would double in the next six months.
They pretty much already have.
I'm saying that gold and silver prices are going to go up by at least 50%.
They're well on their way.
I'm saying that there is going to be no improvement to the employment problem whatsoever.
And I'm saying that there will be at least two major state bankruptcies in the next 12 months.
All of this is related to the same issue, and the issue is blindingly simple.
There were tons and tons and tons of bad loans that were made during the 2000s in the housing industry, and also to corporations.
Those bad debts have never been written off.
They were transferred from people like Bear Stearns and Lehman into the U.S.
That's all a matter of fact.
It's been widely reported.
All that bad debt is now being papered over by the Federal Reserve, which admits to creating at least $2 trillion worth of new money to paper over those bad debts.
Well, that $2 trillion worth of new money isn't going to disappear.
It's causing huge dislocations right now in the market for food and energy, and later it's going to cause huge dislocations.
Going through the numbers though, going through the details for people and then what you think they can do to protect themselves, I mean, write that down for us.
It's really very, very simple.
The first thing that you have to do is you have to figure out how vulnerable you are to a government default.
Okay, look, the value of the dollar is going to fall by at least 50% over the next 12-18 months.
There's no doubt about that, okay?
So your standard of living is going to collapse unless you're able to either, one, greatly increase your wages, or two, greatly increase the value of your assets.
So, you've got to buy things that are going to be resistant to inflation.
Things like gold, things like silver, things like farmland.
Secondly, I'm urging people to build up a strategic stockpile of things like critical medicines, things like food and water.
Now, I know this sounds a little crazy.
I understand that, and I'm not an alarmist.
You can look at all my newsletters.
They're all published on my website, DansburyResearch.com.
Everything I've ever written for the last 15 years is posted there.
I have never made a prediction like this before.
I'm not the guy who says the sky is falling.
Okay, the sky is falling tomorrow.
Okay, the sky is falling next week.
Okay, the sky is falling next month.
I'm not that person.
I'm saying to you, look at the facts.
Two trillion dollars of new money has been created in the last 18 months.
There is runaway debt formation at the federal level.
There is runaway municipal debt at the state and local level that cannot be financed.
We are in the middle of a crisis.
People keep asking me, when's the crisis going to start?
And I'm telling you, it's here right now.
How many banks are going to have to fail before you are going to realize something's wrong with the economy?
How many states are going to have to go bankrupt?
How high is unemployment going to have to get?
How high does the price of gold and silver have to go before you realize, man, it's not safe to hold the dollar?
And the reason I tell people about the strategic reserve that I want them to build in their homes is because when the state government employees all walk out on strike, and they will, okay?
You're not going to be able to send your kids to school.
You may not be able to use the highways.
You may not be able to go to the grocery stores.
We don't know what the impact of all these things
By the way, you said that on the show several months ago and have been writing about it in the last year.
Half the schools shut down in Detroit, but it's not just Detroit.
Oakland, California, the police chief announced 30-plus crimes, including robbery, that they are not going to respond to now.
Sheriff's departments laying off over 60%.
I see these reports pouring in right now.
Yeah, again, you know, you don't want your city or your hometown or your state to be the first place that experiences really bad revolt.
But it's going to happen.
I mean, there's a Democrat today in Massachusetts who's telling the unions it's time to get a little bit bloody.
Yeah, that's in the Associated Press.
He's saying blood is good.
Sometimes it's good to get bloody.
These are the people blaming conservatives.
And in the fetters, when that liberal drug addict shot the Congresswoman Giffords, they're the ones saying our free speech
Putting out financial information is causing violence.
They attack Ron Paul and myself on CNN and MSNBC, blaming us for no reason.
But meanwhile, the Democrats are running around and Obama's saying, you know, they bring a knife, we bring a gun.
The Democrats are saying, let's get bloody.
They're going to turn their little commies loose on us.
Yeah, let me bring something else up, Alex.
I mean, I don't like to draw a lot of attention to, you know, the safety issues that I personally have, because it just makes the problem worse.
But you wouldn't believe the things that have been mailed to me, sent to me, dropped off at my office, threatening me and my family.
People believe that because I'm saying there's a problem, that I am the one causing the problem.
That is insane!
I did not print the money.
I did not make all the bad loans.
I did not prevent the banks from filing a bankruptcy, which is what they should have done.
I'm just trying to warn people about this problem.
And these other guys are, you're right, they're going to incite violence and it's going to be a big mess.
Well, we know what the globalists always do.
They create the crisis and they turn loose the unwashed, dumbed-down masses to rape and rob and pillage and engage in thuggery against the middle class.
Porter Stansbury is our guest.
We'll talk more about what's unfolding now, not coming, starting to unfold.
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Okay, going right back to Porter Stansbury.
The website you want to check out is endofamerica3.com.
The headline on Drudge is from CNBC.
crude oil crosses the $100 mark.
Rent tops $110.
So, you see where the futures are going.
They're going straight up because of dollar devaluation and triggering unrest because people don't have enough food.
I want to get Porter's take specifically on what's happening in the Middle East now spreading to Europe.
I think?
Because the establishment wants to continue to position themselves to make record profits for the big banks, siphoning the money off for themselves, while keeping everybody else in the dark.
Correct, Porter?
You're absolutely right about that, Alex.
You know, there are two ways to handle an excess of debt in your economy.
You can no longer afford your debts.
You've got two choices.
You can declare bankruptcy, make your creditors take a haircut.
That would have involved shutting down the banks.
We're good to go.
And the result is that poor people from around the world can't afford food anymore because, Alex, as you understand, food everywhere in the world is priced in dollars, and so is oil.
And those are the two things that people need the most, the fastest.
They need food and they need energy.
And in third world countries, as you know, on average more than half of their paycheck is spent on food and energy.
That's right.
So the first thing that happens when you have a huge inflation is food and energy prices go bananas, and then you get the resulting unrest.
And all that stuff will lead to other prices soaring as well.
Because as these emerging markets fall apart, all the stuff that we're used to importing cheaply is going to go way up in price.
And it destroys confidence for investment.
And of course now, you're going to see Bernanke say, oh, I had nothing to do with this.
This isn't my fault.
These are internal political problems for these other countries.
It's all a bunch of garbage.
The reason why all this stuff is happening is because of food and energy prices.
And I have to tell you, Alex, most people think, oh, this will be the end of it.
This is just the beginning.
The Fed cannot stop printing money because there is no other way to finance our debts.
People don't understand this.
We've never had trillion dollar deficits before.
I mean, those are outrageous numbers.
Not only that, but we keep having them.
There was one in 2009.
There was one in 2010.
There's going to be one in 2011 and in 2012.
There is no, there is no one, not a Republican, not a Democrat, no one who's talking about running a balanced budget.
A month after they announced that they want $100 trillion additional in QE2 at Davos, they've now announced that they want $100 trillion on top of it, QE3.
I mean, this is insane.
It is not going to stop.
The number is going to get bigger.
Because once you go down this path of running constantly larger deficits, the only way to finance them is with inflation.
And that's how I knew, going back as early as 2006, 2007, that this was going to happen.
And if you read my old newsletters, you'll see this is not a new prediction for me.
It's simply the time when the inflation is erupting.
We're going to go to break in a moment.
Long segment coming up.
But I wanted to play the new TV ad.
And people can go to Stansbury Media on the YouTube channel and watch it.
Or you can watch CNN and many other channels and see it.
If you're a radio listener, PrisonPlanet.tv viewers obviously can watch it right now.
But here's the new Stansbury Research national ad.
You may recognize the voice.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years, but here's the thing.
He's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, in fact, Barron's, called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet, and it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can watch it for free right now by going to endofamerica2.com.
Again, that's endofamerica2.com.
Or endofamericanumber3.com, or just endofamerica.com, or stansburyresearch.com.
We're going to go to break because we're out of time here, but when we come back, Porter, tell us why you approached yours truly to be the national voice of Stansbury Research.
Just briefly, I want to say, though, I'm honored because I believe in the message you're putting out.
Well, you know, I think that you're one of the most credible analysts in the media.
You're one of the few people who take what's happening seriously.
You're a great spokesman for us.
Well, I totally agree with your information and that's why I'm honored to be working with you.
We'll be right back with Porter Stansbury to get into real detail about what's currently happening and what is going to unfold and how he sees these brush fires spreading.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind
You know, Porter, you were bringing up the fact that you're getting threats to you and your family.
We get them all the time, little veiled things like, how are you and your family doing?
I hope your children do well.
Better shut up.
I mean, is that similar to what you're getting?
Yeah, you know, it's the anonymous letters in the mail that are, you know, vaguely threatening, you know, printing out stuff from the Internet, sending it to me at my home, that kind of thing.
It's childish.
But somebody like you, that only makes you work harder, doesn't it?
You know, I don't know how in the world you think somebody like that is going to make me be quiet.
I mean, you know, I want you to know, Alex, that I've never spent any money advertising on television, ever.
As you know, it's expensive, it's hard to do.
But also, you know, it wasn't ever worth the investment to me.
But this was big enough.
These ideas, I'm so sincere about them, and I am so legitimately concerned about them,
We're good to go.
And for those that don't understand how advertising works, you can't get their ad block times, you can only get the satellite companies that are limited, who overlay some of their ads as part of their deals to carry the transmission on satellite, correct?
Hey, that's right.
I'm not the expert on it, but that's apparently what our brokers had to do for us.
And, I mean, there's nothing in that ad.
You just played it.
There's nothing offensive whatsoever.
It just is a clear warning.
I'm just telling people, look, at the very least, see a free video.
Educate yourself.
How could that possibly be thought of as being in any way offensive or violating any kind of community standards?
It doesn't make any sense.
But let me just reiterate something you talk a lot about.
There is no doubt in my mind that none of the large institutions in the United States, whether that's corporates,
We're good to go.
Well, here's an example.
Ron Paul, two years in a row, wins the key CPAC straw poll.
He's hammering this paper money versus, you know, gold and silver issue and the inflation tax that he hammered in the 2007-2008 campaign.
And almost none of the media would even report that he'd won.
And Fox superimposed and admitted to it later, said it was a mistake, fake boos from a year before at another event over Ron Paul to claim he got booed.
I mean, they are
Not just scared of your info or my info, they're scared of anybody that tells the truth.
Yeah, they definitely don't.
They do not want the average person to be empowered.
They want you to be enslaved by debt.
They want you to be, you know, manacled to the paper money system.
They don't want you to escape or be free.
Porter, this censored ad that they're trying to keep from airing on the main transmissions on ABC, CBS, NBC, you name it, Fox, CNN, what's the best website?
I know I'm just throwing this at you, but what's the, I mean, folks can obviously go to Stansbury Media, search that term on YouTube, and find your official channel, but what's the best website?
Stansburyresearch.com, endofamericanumber3.com?
I know you have the long video on endofamerica3.com, but where can they find the actual TV ad?
I would recommend that everybody first go to endofamerica3.com.
Go there first, because that's the important thing.
The future of my TV ad is small potatoes compared to the information that you're going to get from my long video about the impact of this company.
The TV ad's just pushing him to the real video.
The TV ad is just for entertainment.
It's just to get your attention to get you to go look at this information.
Go to endofamerica3.com.
Whether you buy my newsletter or not doesn't matter.
My newsletter is only $49.
It's not a lot of money.
But that doesn't even matter.
At the very least, understand what's going to happen and understand the basic ways to protect yourself.
Hey Porter, I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk.
I have just evacuated to the countryside.
I'm gone.
I'm out of Austin.
Good for you.
Good for you.
I think you and your family are going to be much safer out there.
Now, in the time we've got left, about 25 minutes here, Porter, you've got the floor.
I've got a million questions here, but get into what you predicted, now what's unfolding, how you see those cascading dominoes, how you see this unraveling.
Well, let me tell you this.
Yesterday was the first day when the markets around the world finally woke up to the extent of these problems.
I don't know if you noticed this or not, but stocks fell sharply yesterday, right?
So, the one thing that I would tell people is if you don't like my style, you don't like my advertising, okay, that's fine.
You think I'm wrong about these ideas?
Okay, well, we'll see.
But one way to judge what I'm saying objectively is to look at the recommended portfolio in my newsletter.
I've got about 15 different investment positions that I recommend people take, okay?
And yesterday, my portfolio went up.
The markets fell by 2-3%.
My stocks went up.
If I'm right... The only way that can happen is if I'm right about these ideas.
And there's no doubt in my mind that I am dead right about these ideas.
As you know, you've been following my predictions for a long time.
And at first, believe me, people were laughing at this kind of stuff.
But they're not laughing anymore.
And you really only have a little bit of time left to try to get out of the dollar and to try to protect yourself financially for what's coming.
Yeah, the proof is in the pudding, and we see oil rocketing past $100, $110 on the foreign exchanges, gold and silver going ballistic right now, and the riots intensifying, and the main driver is the food.
The main driver right now is the food.
And listen, the food is going to upset pretty much every emerging market in the world.
And let me be the first to say this on record with you, okay?
Pakistan is going to fall.
Pakistan is going to end up in a civil war this year and the next six months.
Pakistan is the world's largest importer of wheat.
They're incredibly dependent upon the value of the dollar from the subsidies they get from the U.S.
Their regime will fall, and that is going to have enormous consequences for our national security and for that area strategically.
That'll happen for sure this year.
So, I mean, these problems are not going to go away.
They're going to get worse.
And they've got nuclear weapons.
They do have nuclear weapons.
The next thing that's going to happen, okay, after the food prices have soared and the emerging markets all around the world have had this unrest and these problems, the next thing that's going to happen is energy prices, okay?
You mentioned the situation in Pakistan.
The King of Saudi Arabia, I'm looking for the article I had here earlier, I believe it says $23 billion that he's going to pump out to the population.
They're admitting it's because they're based in dollars.
Their currency is based in it and their prices are going up with a large portion of the population on welfare.
The same thing the U.S.
government has announced, along with the EU.
In fact, here's the headline.
U.S.-EU prepares to buy off post-revolution governments with billions in aid.
They're desperately, because of the hyperinflation that they have triggered,
Understand that this is happening, so they're there pumping more fiat currency out, which then only exacerbates the problem of the buying power.
So it may stave things off for a little while, but studying Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina, I know you've studied it.
Explain to people how this thing telescopes towards the end.
It always accelerates.
That's exactly right, Alex.
It always accelerates.
And the reason why is really simple to understand if you know how interest works.
So you borrow a lot of money, and then you can't afford the interest, so you have to borrow still more money to pay the interest.
Well, now your debt grows bigger, and it pyramids, and you've got it exactly right.
So what happens is, sooner or later, these debts come to a size where the only way to manage them is by printing, and that is the stage that we are at right now.
It's simply math.
Alex, the total domestic savings in the United States is around $600 billion a year, okay?
We're running a $1.5, $1.6 trillion deficit, which means we're a trillion dollars more or less in the hole every year we gotta borrow from somebody.
Now, for years and years and years, we were borrowing from the Chinese.
They have begun to sell their treasuries, which means they're not buying new debt issues.
The only way we can finance these debts is by printing, and that is exactly what is happening.
And the ramifications of that printing is what's causing the unrest right now in the emerging markets, particularly in the Middle East, where there's a huge food shortage.
But that is going to trigger soaring energy prices.
And that is what will cause the problems in the U.S.
Do you think that unions are upset right now?
Well, wait until gasoline costs $5 or $6 or $10 at the pump.
Then you're going to see some upset unions.
If they're willing to get bloody,
Over, you know, some health care benefit things where they have to start paying 5 and 6 percent of their health care costs.
Imagine what they're going to do when they can't put gas in their trucks.
It's unbelievable.
Briefly, getting back to censorship.
The system doesn't want your ads on national TV.
The government, we just saw it in Egypt, decrying the shut off of the internet.
The decrying of the shut off the internet in Libya, which is legitimate to decry that.
But then Obama and the federal government are now trial ballooning saying, yeah, we got a bill where we can shut off the internet or redirect any websites we want to government messages.
I don't
Now coming out in the open, Jay Rockefeller talking about the internet kill switch and cyber security, how there's going to be a cyber attack and they'll have to shut the web down when that happens.
Of course, they'll launch the cyber attack and then use that as the pretext to shut it down.
I mean, they, we need to get this information out now because as this unfolds, you better believe folks, if it gets as bad as it could, I mean,
It's in the cards that they're going to shut this radio show off, and you're not going to be able to get to Stansberry.com.
I think we should take out from the weapons arsenal today the Google bomb.
I just have the idea we're going to do it.
Folks, let's make it number one.
It'll take about three hours to do it.
Put it in Google over and over again.
One word.
End of America the number three.
Not the numeral, not spelled out, just three.
Let's cram it down their throat and let them know while the web is still there we're going to use it.
EndOfAmerica3.com so folks will see that free video.
EndOfAmerica, the number three dot com, that's torpedo number one, fired.
EndOfAmerica, number three dot com.
Let's have the number two search term.
We've had the top five before in a row.
Let's launch
So folks can then go see how the Globalists have actually planned all this.
Guys, double-check that URL.
That's a backup for what is the Endgame.com, but I think that's probably harder to remember than EndgameMovie.com.
So let's check on that.
In fact, I can just do it right now.
Let me just put that in.
I got so many websites.
Okay, it's EndgameTheMovie?
Oh, it's Endgame The Movie.
Okay, correction, folks.
Uh, correction.
The film is free, shows the globalists' own statements of how they plan to wreck society, post-industrial world, by getting you in debt.
They want to use making you poor to turn us all into the unwashed masses, like the poor folks in the third world, so that we can't resist.
I'm going to try it again.
Three times the charm.
One word, put in Google over and over again.
And endofamerica3.com.
Let's send them both to the top, ladies and gentlemen, and see how the globalists like it.
Porter, your comment on the open announcements that they want to have.
Fairness Doctrine for Talk Radio.
That, oh, we need to shut up and not criticize the government or we cause violence?
That we need Internet 2 to come in?
That we need an Internet kill switch?
Well, listen, all I can tell you is that, believe it or not, right now, we have subpoenas at my company by the Social Security Administration.
Why in the world would the Social Security Administration be sending me subpoenas?
And the answer to that is because I published a report that showed people how they could get more benefits out of Social Security.
So I told people how they could start getting it at 62 and then raise the level of their benefits when they turn 65.
It was completely legal.
It was a secret loophole that only insiders in Washington knew about.
I published a whole report about it.
And so now, in retribution,
The Social Security Administration is coming after me, telling me that I don't have the right to print the words Social Security.
I'm not making this up.
This is a lawsuit that's going on right now with my business.
Well, that's a thought crime that you've committed, Porter Stansbury.
You know, some of the things that have happened to me as far as being sued by the government, I would have never believed unless it had actually happened to me.
But it actually, there's a law in the books that says you're not allowed to write or publish the words, social security.
Now of course, the Social Security Administration doesn't sue every newspaper that prints those words.
They don't sue every media outlet for using those words.
They just go after the folks who they don't like.
So if you spill their secrets, they're going to come after you and that's what they're doing to me right now.
But they're already going to destroy our society to begin with, so this is just survival instinct.
We've got to do what we're doing.
Just like the Alamo, we've just got to stand up and that's the end of it.
And they may get us, but they're not going to get everybody else.
Because people are going to say, remember Alex Jones, remember Porter Stansbury, remember the Alamo.
You know, it does get tiresome to have a big target on your back though, doesn't it?
So why not just go with it?
Why not just love it then?
I mean, come on.
This is the United States of America.
You can't actually sue me for writing a report, can you?
Oh yes you can!
Because it's a myth.
The whole idea that we're free is completely a myth.
And I know that you and I, we talk about this all the time to our various audiences.
And, you know, I think a lot of times people think that we're a little off base until they start getting into the facts.
Until they start seeing what's actually going on right there in front of us.
Let me stop you with the dirty tricks.
This is just breaking huge on the Drugs Report.
It's also going up on InfoWars.com.
ABC News, National ABC.
Wisconsin governor pranked by reporter posing as a billionaire conservative activist.
Walker reveals plans to break Democratic Union opposition on call with billionaire David Koch, and then it goes on.
The prankster pretending to be the billionaire also asked Walker whether troublemakers should be planted in the protest, presumably to discredit their efforts.
Walker reveals that he and his aides had thought about that.
But decided against it.
My only fear would be that if there was a ruckus cause that would scare the public into thinking that maybe the governor's got to settle to avoid all these problems, Walker said.
So there's the governor, reportedly, saying he'd already entertained provocateurs.
Well, the Democrats have been caught all over the country with violent provocateurs posing as Tea Party people.
But I mean, you know, the thing that I'm curious about is, and I hope that you'll think about this as well, is it doesn't make any difference whether the governor forces the unions to back off or not.
It doesn't make any difference because Wisconsin is facing a $2 billion deficit.
So it doesn't even matter who's in the governor's office.
The government, the state of Wisconsin is broke.
So all these guys are doing is they're fighting over a bunch of crumbs.
It doesn't make any difference.
Yeah, the Titanic has already hit the iceberg and they're fighting over silverware on the deck.
Stay there.
When we come back, I want to talk about these Wall Street Journal reports and others that are saying 42 states are already essentially bankrupt.
The feds are preparing to take them into receivership.
But the feds are bankrupt.
It's a shell game.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Well, Porter Stansbury is being persecuted for telling the truth and so is anybody else prominently and effectively and successfully fighting the globalists and we've only got two more segments with him and Lindsey Williams is coming on.
If you want to see the free video that the government's trying to censor, EndOfAmericaTheNumber3.com
Check it out today and send the link out to everybody you know.
We want to make it the number one search term.
Again, that's EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com.
Secondary search term.
See how the globalists like that?
They can watch my film for free as well.
Now, Porter, just briefly burning up time here.
I wish I wasn't.
I want to get you back soon.
I know you're very busy.
But my grandmother, two years ago, she lives in a very humble home in South Austin.
Lived there for 20-plus years.
My grandfather's dead.
Uh, she is, you know, doing okay, but quite frankly I've had to give her a little bit of money over the years just to, for groceries.
I guess that's not doing okay.
Uh, and my dad helps out as well, and you know, it's, it's my mom's mother, sweetheart.
She's my only grandmother I got left.
Eighty, eighty-seven years old now.
Uh, and just incredible, but...
They tried to come and take her Social Security and make her fill out forms and harass her.
So they're running normal people out of Social Security that paid into it.
You discovered an inside deal that federal employees were doing.
You told folks from 96 to 2010.
And when people found out about it and started using it, they got rid of the program.
That's why federal employees are so mad at you.
Explain what you explained to me during the break.
Yeah, you got the dates a little bit wrong, but in 2006, one of my researchers found a loophole in Social Security that would allow you to increase your benefits.
You know that if you start taking benefits when you're 62, they'll start paying you out, but it's at a decreased level.
Or you can wait until 65 and you get the full level, right?
You know that's how it works.
Well, we found that there was an actual loophole that you had to know about.
You could just call up Social Security when you turn 65, and you could fill out some forms, and then you would automatically be getting this higher level.
And we started publishing this as a report.
And the report says, you know, in big bold letters, we are not the Social Security Department.
We are an independent research company.
This is our report about how to get a higher level of Social Security.
It was simple.
It was totally... There was no allegation that we weren't telling the truth.
There was no allegation of fraud.
It was an actual thing that you could do.
And we had thousands of satisfied customers who did it.
Well, we had so many people that did it.
In 2010, they eliminated the program.
And now today, they're suing us for writing it.
And they're saying you're not allowed to tell people what's going on with their Social Security.
Think about the magnitude of that.
This is Orwellian.
It really is.
There's actually a law that was passed in the 1960s that makes it against the law to publish the words, Social Security.
You're not allowed to write those words.
They're forbidden words.
Only in America!
Where you're free, where you have First Amendment rights.
But again, they're mad because you ended the little secret loophole they'd written for themselves.
That is exactly what happened.
And you can talk to, you know, you can talk to not, don't, you don't have to take it from me.
You can talk to anybody associated with the program and they'll tell you that's exactly what happened.
Well, I remember the buzz on that by 2008 or so with your work on it.
I remember people learning about it.
And then I remember being in the news when they got rid of it.
People got mad.
And again, that's why they can't allow this free open internet any longer.
Are you concerned they're going to try to shut the web down during crises?
Oh, I think that's exactly what they're going to do.
I mean, that's the whole point of the switch.
I think it's going to be very interesting to see if technically they can do it, because the internet was actually designed to withstand a nuclear attack.
That's the whole way it's structured, so that any individual node can continue to function.
There is no... Well, that's what cyber security is, though, is they're putting their machines in all of the routers, so they can... they're changing the nature of it.
I understand that, I understand that.
But I'm telling you, I think it's going to be interesting to see if they can pull it off.
Because I don't think it's really possible.
I think they can definitely impact most Americans' ability to get on the internet.
But I don't think they can shut down the entire internet.
Oh, Porter, Porter, don't get me wrong.
I totally agree with you.
You're absolutely right.
Look at Egypt.
After four or five days, they had to turn it back on because it made commerce totally come to a halt.
That's the main reason they can't do it.
Back in one minute with five-minute summation of other key info and ideas you've got and proven track record for folks who try to protect themselves.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Porter Stansbury, then part two of the interview, live, Lindsey Williams.
Our guest's website is endofamericanumber3.com.
Porter, we've got five minutes left.
Other key points you'd like to relay to the audience?
You know, the most important thing for me, Alex, is that people take the time.
You know, set aside 10 minutes today.
Go to endofamerica3.com.
Look at my presentation.
It's free.
Judge it for yourself.
Don't rely on what I've said or what you hear from Alex.
Make your own decision about what's best for you and your family.
Then, if you agree that there is a problem, and it's going to get worse, then take reasonable steps to protect yourself.
I'm not telling everybody, you know, go bury yourself in a cave or anything like that.
I'm saying, buy some gold, buy some silver, have a strategic stockpile of goods in your home.
Things like medicines that you can't live without.
I don't
I'll tell you straight up Alex, I don't think that it's likely that you're going to have a violent confrontation in most places in America.
But I do think it's likely that you will have violent confrontations somewhere in the country this year.
Well let me call them places like Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Miami, Houston.
You know, people think that rioting about food is only going to happen in places like Pakistan and Egypt, but you're forgetting there are more than 40 million Americans on food stamps.
And the purchasing power of food stamps is going to collapse because of inflation.
It's about to hit 44 mil.
Yeah, well what do you think those people, you know who these people are, what do you think they're going to do when they can't go out and get their milk and their cigarettes and their lottery tickets?
Yeah, when they can't get their Pabst Blue Ribbon or their drugs, it's going to turn into absolute burning bedlam.
Yeah, and of course they're going to blame it all on the likely suspects.
They're going to blame it on the speculators.
They're going to blame it on middle class Americans who are now going to be seen as hoarders, right?
So if you've gone and bought gold and silver, you're now a hoarder and you're causing the inflation.
When of course, it was the paper money to start with.
Well, they're going to say, you didn't give the people more welfare, you cut things, you caused it, when it's a debt black hole.
A lot of economists I have on, even the Washington Post says 600 and something trillion, other economists say 1.5 quadrillion in derivatives, layered debt.
I mean, from your research, what's the real amount of derivatives floating around out there?
The number is astronomical.
I don't even have that number off the top of my head.
One good way to think about it is just to think about how levered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are.
These are the largest mortgage firms in the world.
They hold something like $6 trillion worth of mortgages.
And guess what?
They're bankrupt.
There is no equity underlying any of that debt whatsoever.
Trillion have all been sold over and over again into the market and then leveraged again and then insurance bought on them to the moon.
And, you know, if you added, if you added the true liabilities of Fannie and Freddie onto the national debt, which is what you should do because they're now completely wards of the state, then all of a sudden the national debt goes from
14 trillion, all the way to 20 trillion, and we're way over 100% of GDP in debt.
We're in so much debt, as I've explained, we can't even finance it.
And as a result, the only way to make the ends meet is printing money, which is how I know they're not going to stop, and how I know the inflation is going to get a lot worse.
Technically, is it accurate that a lot of analysts say we're worse off than Greece and Spain?
No, there's no doubt about it.
Total debt, public and private, in the United States is around 400% of GDP.
That's the same level that Iceland had when Iceland collapsed by 90%.
Unbelievable, and it's only going to get worse.
Well, at least we're here warning people and getting demonized for it.
End of America, the number three dot com.
Porter, I know that baby's coming soon, but I look forward to having you back up.
God bless you.
Let me say bye to you in the break, but I appreciate you coming on.
Amazing information.
Lindsey Williams coming up, and it dovetails with just what he was covering.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, for the next hour, Pastor Lindsey Williams joins us.
No, this isn't yesterday's show.
He's back with us today, the 23rd day of February, 2011, on this Wednesday edition.
We're going to go into overdrive in the fourth hour live with...
The good old fella from the Corbett Report, so it'll be his maiden voyage with us here on air.
James Corbett, really looking forward to that.
Okay, I asked Lindsey yesterday to go back and first do the history of this deal being set up in the 1970s with the Arabs, to have them buy our T-bills, or the Globalist T-bills, the Federal Reserve would hijack things by then completely.
And that then the federal government would try to restrict oil exploration and development and delivery.
And we know in about half the countries held in federal hands, and that's where most of the oil is, Alaska, Utah, Rocky Mountains, areas of Texas, they just shut it down.
That's on record.
And I got emails and questions.
People thought it was phenomenal and also frightening information, but it's good to know what's happening.
From Lindsey's inside sources, one who's now deceased, Ken Fromm, former head of operations, Lennick Richfield, the other guy, former CEO of a company, well, company of a big three.
We can't say his name.
He's still alive and gave Lindsey news just three, four days ago on this.
That's the new info.
And how they're going to double-cross the Arabs.
And I got emails saying, how is that a double-cross?
Well, if you make a behind-the-scenes deal, back with Henry Kissinger in the 70s, that we're going to stop the Americans from getting the oil, so we need it from you, but then you've got to invest it with us.
See, if they let free market companies go in, they couldn't do a sweetheart deal and order those companies to buy nothing but T-bills.
But by going to dictatorships run by, you know, corrupt people like Hussein Mubarak, run by corrupt people, you know, like in Saudi Arabia, the royal family, Bahrain, the list goes on and on, Yemen.
By doing that, then they could have that inside deal and control the price.
And Lindsey, again, told four months ago that this double-cross was coming.
Now he's been given all the info, and it's happening.
That's the double-cross.
Because when they stop buying stuff from the Arabs and claim it's because, you know, oh, it's so destabilized, that will give them the excuse to start development here.
And it will also de-peg oil worldwide from the dollar and will signal an acceleration of the death of the dollar.
And as inside sources said, that no, it's going to be at the end of 2012.
Many other experts say this year, early next year, whatever.
It's a freight train going over the edge of a cliff.
And it's a mathematical certainty.
Every economist, Mark Faber, Ron Paul's an economist, not just a medical doctor.
He's been given honorary degrees from facilities for papers he's written.
The point is,
Webster Tarpley, economist, doctor of history.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury Department policy, number two, father of Reaganomics.
George Humphrey, former city council member, economist.
The real mark of an economist is how successful he is in business, but I won't get into that.
Let me tell you, he's a humble guy.
Humphrey told me this in 1998.
He produced audio CDs off his book.
What do you call it?
Common sense.
I remember listening to it, driving around in the car and having him on the radio show about the derivatives and the tens of trillions and what it would do and how it was a setup.
So, the point is we're now entering the danger zone.
It's here, it's V2, it's point of no return.
Again, V2 is when you're taking off in a jet.
On a runway, the point where there's not enough runway to stop, you're gonna crash, you gotta go ahead and try to take off.
You're V2.
We're now entered V2.
We're in V2.
And so I wanted to get Lindsey up to explain this, but also I got another email saying, well wait a minute, some of what I heard Lindsey say, it wasn't new.
This is the one-dimensional thinking people nitpick on.
They go, here's an article, a text of what Williams said years ago, and it's the same thing.
Yeah, that's the whole point.
We gotta give you the whole history
And to go over his book, The Energy Non-Crisis, published in 1980.
We said that 45 million times.
Let's be technical, probably 60, 70 times yesterday.
Yes, that's the old info that integrates with the new info that's now here.
But now we're not going to go back into the past, except for Ken Fromm and a speech he gave with Lindsey and the threats at the time in the early 80s, to understand what's happening now.
And then more of what his still living source, and Fromm just three months ago before he died, told him about the relationship with China, what was going to happen in America.
But here we are.
We're going to talk about 20 minutes with Lindsey getting into the other areas he hasn't covered.
Then we're going to open the phones up for phone calls for questions for Lindsey Williams at 800-259-9231.
But we're limited in time.
If you call up, we don't screen your calls.
But if you bring up something else, we've got to let you go because Lindsey's here right now for this purpose.
But Lindsey Williams, great to have you back with us.
Alex, thank you.
The standard currency of the world is crude oil, and I think we can all see from what you just said that things are happening right now that are unusual.
In the course of the program today, I'm going to tell you exactly how much crude oil the United States of America has.
I'll give you actual numbers of barrels, as they say, in four different reserves.
You readily understand.
And this is from the insider.
And while you were on yesterday, oil went up 9%.
How much is it up today?
All is somewhere around $10 up today.
You will see at least $0.25 to $0.30 increase at the gas pump problem by next week.
You're batting almost perfect here!
Three and a half years ago, or three years ago, give me the dates exactly.
We wrote articles about it.
It's on record.
You said it's going to go from $50 a barrel to $150.
Did it.
Now you said it's going to go down to 40.
People laughed at you.
Boom, did it right on time.
Then you said we got two years till it starts rocketing back up.
Then four months ago you say it's going to 150 or even 200.
Within six months to a year, boom, it's begun.
I mean, look, I know the name of the former oil company CEO, one of the big three, who you're talking to, still alive.
This is real info.
Unless he's giving us disinfo.
They could give you good info for a long time, then give you a lie later.
That's the only way you could be wrong.
Alex, I am not a prophet.
Yes, I'm a Christian, and I'm a minister of the gospel.
I am not a prophet.
It was by the providence of God that I met these people years ago, gained their confidence.
Two of them have kept in touch with me over the past 35 years, and everything that you have just mentioned that I have told was told to me by one of these whom I call the elite of the world.
Now, let's begin as you did in the program today, 1977 through 1981.
An agreement was made by the then Secretary of State with the OPEC oil producing countries of the world, in particular the Middle East.
They had found oil there about 60 years ago.
Each one of the major oil companies, Shell, Texaco, Standard Oil, Chevron, divided up the Arab world and each one of them produced an oil field.
Then, of course, they became the elite, the ones that had the most and doing the most.
Then, Henry Kissinger comes along as Secretary of State, goes to those countries that had been produced by the major oil companies, read the book The Three Sisters, if you'd like background on all of this, and he said, I want to cut you a deal.
We will be glad to buy your oil and not produce American oil.
This is so important, what you just said.
This is the key to the whole thing.
We will not produce America's oil fields.
They know it's there.
I'm going to tell you how much is there later in the program.
But they said, we will not produce America's oil field.
We will buy oil from you if.
You will take a certain portion of everything that we buy oil from you with and buy our key bills, our Federal Reserve issues.
Can you see at this point, everybody out there in the listening audience, I beg of you, realize that the crisis of money and the financial situation and the depression that we're in right now, or recession as they call it,
Every bit of this was in the works and planned way back in the 70s.
They knew about it even in the 60s, what they were going to do.
And you wrote about it 31 years ago, but no, excuse me, you wrote about it 1971.
Man, time flies.
That's almost 40 years ago.
And so, looking at this, Lindsey, because we've already covered that yesterday, just explain to people how that's a double cross.
Some of them don't understand what you just said, even though it's as plain as a barn door.
Now, the crisis that took place in Egypt, they predicted it to me, and I gave it on your show, Alex.
Please, tell the audience, I gave this on your show back four months ago.
I was told that within four to five months, there would be a major crisis in the Middle East.
I announced it on your show, and it took place in Egypt was the beginning of it.
Alex, do you remember me saying that?
Yes, I do.
But Lindsey, just quantify it for folks that haven't read your book, because I guess, I mean, it is complex.
Explain how it's a double cross.
I mean, if they stop buying the Arab's oil and develop it here, that's going to totally send the Middle East, who's on welfare, into a tailspin, because they've had the oil money to produce a giant population, but they can't grow their own food.
What they did was they created this crisis and it is going to spread all over the Middle East.
Qaddafi right now is saying that Libya, if he's ousted, that he will destroy all the oil fields in Libya before he leaves.
1.6 million barrels a day that goes to Europe.
You know what this is going to do to the price of crude oil?
This is spreading.
It was Egypt, now it's Libya.
It'll go right on to every one of the Middle East oil-producing countries, Jordan, Tunisia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, every single one of them, Yemen.
They're all going to see riots, and this will bring about or will precipitate the
The production of oil in the Middle East will cease as we know it today.
Now this is very important because at this point, can you imagine what will happen to the price of oil when Saudi Arabia says we can no longer supply for the United States of America because we have riots and civil unrest in our country?
This will bring the price of crude oil and the price of gasoline at the gas pump in America
I think so.
And so they won't be able to buy as many?
They won't be able to buy as many?
That will further weaken the dollar.
They won't be selling as much oil.
That will further hurt their economies and it'll cause a domino effect.
And that's breaking the deal the globalists made with them on the 70s.
That's the double-cross.
Correct, Lindsey?
That is correct.
And when they can't produce over there, and in America, we have financial problems to the point that the Federal Reserve Key Bill... Tell you what, Lindsey, stay there.
Let's accelerate to the rise of China and what you were told on that, and how it integrates into the U.S., their plans for us.
Stay with us.
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By the way, I said I would announce who the special guest was in the middle of the last hour, and I got caught up interviewing Porter Stansbury.
I'm going into fourth hour overdrive, and so after we do a 30-minute interview with the host of the Corbett Report...
I am going to announce that for you in some other financial news.
James Corbett again joining us in about T-minus 35 minutes.
Lindsey Williams is our guest.
We'll take five or six phone calls towards the end of this hour, or about 45 after, I promise to go to him.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Please, only questions for Lindsey Williams.
Okay, summing it up, the info we didn't have time to get into on the rise of China, what the globalists are going to do to the U.S., the oil that they're going to open up and where, how much of it there is, directly from this former Big Three oil company CEO.
Then I want to come back and go back in time to the information you've never been able to talk about with Ken Fromm, dealing with that speech you gave with him.
Again, all this was hiding in plain view.
Lindsey, please continue.
The civil unrest in the Middle East is going to grow worse and worse.
It will grow from one nation to the other.
I know that many of you probably are having a difficult time understanding exactly how this is going to be a double cross with the Arabs, and please let me try to put it simply if I can, because this is new to you.
It was new to me until I received it a few days ago.
The OPEC oil producing countries have been buying our T-bills.
As of agreement, it was way way back in the 70s.
At the time that the dollar collapses, and you know this is going to happen, it's been said by the Economist of America, I have been told it will happen by the end of 2012.
Do you realize that all of that paper that those oil producing countries of the Middle East have, that they have been buying by obligation of an agreement made back in the 70s, do you realize that all of that paper will become worthless overnight?
Now, watch the chain of events.
As the Middle East conflict and unrest continues from Libya to all of the others, including Saudi Arabia, at that point, they cannot produce the oil to send it to America and to the rest of the world.
Not only America, but the rest of the world.
Right now, Libya supplies 1.6 million barrels to Europe.
That was cut off.
It's going to be cut off, because to cut off is on its way out.
Now, when Saudi Arabia can't supply it to America, what happens to the American dollar?
Whenever gasoline goes to $8 to $10 to $12 a gallon, if you can even get it, what happens to the economy?
Would the groceries go up?
That means that the American dollar is on its way out and will collapse.
When it collapses, all of the paper that these oil-producing, OPEC oil-producing countries have in the way of T-bills and Federal Reserve issues will be worthless overnight.
What does that bring about?
That means, Ben, that they have been double-crossed.
The man that called you from Egypt on yesterday, on the program, Alex, he said that the people in Egypt know that what took place in Cairo was staged.
They thought it was staged by the CIA.
I'll tell you who it's staged by.
It was staged by the people who give me this information.
They told me four to five months in advance, and I announced it on the Alex Jones Show, that it would happen.
Now, I'm telling you, it's going to spread.
It'll spread to the point they can't produce their oil.
They won't be able to provide it for us.
And by the end of 2012, you will see their paper become worthless.
They will be livid.
They will be so angry against America.
Now, how is this going to affect what takes place over here?
Here is the plan of the elite.
They, in turn, will begin to open up America's oil fields that they have known for years.
They have known for 20 to 30 years they existed.
They're going to open these oil fields and produce from America's own soil.
Because Mr. Prom said to me back in 1976, never forget the conversation, he said, Chaplain, we will not open the Gull Island oil field and produce it for the American people until we have gotten the price of crude oil to $150 to $200 a barrel.
They will have it $200 a barrel before the end of 2012.
In turn, they will become the filthiest rich people you could ever imagine because they'll open America's own oil fields
Because at that point, the Middle East can't provide for us.
The Arabs have been double-crossed.
They realize what's happened to them, and that they have been had.
Their paper is worthless.
The oil producers now produce for America's own soil, but watch what happens to China.
This is so important.
You remember I said to you nearly two years ago that I had been told China is the big one.
You said first the Middle East will flare up, then you won't be watching, but China will be then the big one.
China's going to be the big one and China will not be affected at all.
Please, notice this.
China will not be affected at all by the crisis that's going to take place in crude oil because China and Russia made an agreement just a matter of weeks ago that Russia, who by the way, as of last year, Russia surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production, is the number one producer in the world because of their super deep wells, which is a story within itself.
So China and Russia rising, the U.S.
in turmoil, global police state in place, Europe rising.
I think I've read this in a book written 2,000 years ago.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Lindsey Williams is our guest.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Yesterday, of course, we were honored to have Lindsey with us for an hour and a half and really give him the floor for large 10-minute chunks to give you the history, now the latest developments.
Now today, we're rushing to get to the new information and then what the elite told him
The master plan is now going beyond the rise of Russia and China What else did they tell you about this?
Because you wanted to tell the other night when we talked and I just sat there and listened this decline of the u.s That's planned, but then they plan to rise it back up again.
That is so important.
Tell us tell us the long-term strategic geopolitical ramifications
Well, because of the civil unrest over the Middle East, they will basically be impotent.
I mean, they will not be able to produce.
We begin to produce from our own soil.
Alex, we were able to obtain, just within the past 24 hours, a visual, not only audio, but visual sound bite.
The Muslim Brotherhood during one of these sessions, I think it was in Egypt, where they actually were crying out, we are going to Israel to kill Jews.
It literally sent cold chills up and down my spine when we got this.
And you've got to see what's going on.
Now what's going to happen basically is,
We will begin to produce from our own oil fields, and I want to give it a moment if I can, how much oil we have known to reserve, but we'll begin to produce now from our own oil fields.
Anybody in the oil business, you're going to get filthy rich.
Anybody in the drilling business, get ready.
Get all the equipment you can get.
When the Middle East can no longer provide, the American dollar collapses, the Arabs become extremely angry at us, they have lost their wealth in their T-bills and Federal Reserve issues,
We in turn begin to produce from our own oil fields, and then at this point, the New World Order basically has everything where they want it.
You've heard me say before that I was told that when the dust settles, they will own every piece of mortgage real estate in the United States of America, because people can't make their payments.
When the price of crude oil goes to $200 a barrel, you're paying
$7.00 to $8.00 a gallon at the gas pump.
You're going to see this, by the way.
Gasoline in our area went up 3 to 5 cents per day last week, right here in Arizona.
It's over $4.00 a gallon in California already.
I saw $4.00 a gallon for diesel when I was in town the other day, right here in Arizona.
You will easily see six, seven, eight dollars a gallon.
Think of what this is going to do to the economy.
And when the economy gets to that point, you can't make your house a payment.
They can't make the payment on that shopping center.
People won't be able to buy.
They'll barely be able to buy food.
We'll be relegated to a third world status.
At this point, the elite basically will break the back of the American free enterprise system.
This is their goal, because they only buy things after they've bankrupted it when they can get it for pennies on the dollar.
The airlines, the railroads, no matter what it may be, their goal is total control.
The name of the game is control.
Then, we produce from our own oil fields.
Whenever they open up all of these massive oil fields in America, the elite will gradually, over a period of years, now, not overnight, but over a period of years, they'll begin to bring America back again to the great American dream under their control.
It'll be a different world than what we know it today.
Their plan is to bring it back again.
Yes, Lindsey, go ahead.
Uh, you were coming.
They didn't have the slightest idea up until that time.
It was a revised report, hadn't been issued since 1995, on how much oil was in the area of the western two-thirds of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and Montana.
Here it is.
The Bakken is the largest oil discovery since Prudhoe Bay
And has the potential of eliminating all American dependence on foreign oil.
You don't want to go back and write much of this down afterwards.
The Energy Inflation Administration estimated that the Bakken Reserve is 503 billion barrels.
Even if just 10% of the oil is recovered at $107, which it won't be at that point, by the way, I'll add, it'll be $200 a barrel, because this report was back a number of years ago.
He said, we're looking at a resource base worth $5.3 trillion.
Folks, do you realize that would pay off all of the national debt at $200 a barrel?
Let me continue.
Uh, when I was first briefed on this, uh, Terry Johnson said, he's a Montana legislative financial analyst, uh, he said that, he gave this, by the way, it's in the congressional record, he said, the congressman almost dropped that, that lower jaw.
Here it is.
This sizeable find is now the highest producing onshore oil field in the past 56 years, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said.
It is a formation known as the Williston Basin.
You'll hear the back end, you'll also hear the words Williston Basin.
It is more commonly referred to as the back end.
It stretches from northern Montana through North Dakota into Canada
For years, the U.S.
oil exploration, they have known it's there.
This is no surprise to the elite.
They knew, the major oil companies knew it is there.
Now they have the technology.
May I tell you what it is?
This was just in this report the other day that this gentleman gave me.
He said, this is white sweet crude.
Do you know what that means?
There are two different kinds of oil.
Yes, well there's crude oil and then there's sweet and then there's the light sweet.
You can basically almost not even process or refine light sweet.
It can almost go right in the engine.
That's correct.
With just a little filtration you could put it right into a diesel engine.
The light sweet crude and the Bakken oil reserve is light sweet crude and it can be produced.
Are you ready?
Hold on.
It can be produced
For $16 per barrel on our own soil.
That is $0.60 a gallon at the gas pump if the elite would give it to you.
Did you hear those figures?
But you won't get it for that.
You'll get it for $7 to $8 a gallon at the gas pump because crude oil by that time will be $200 a barrel.
Now may I go on?
There's enough crude.
To fully fuel the United States economy, are you ready?
Through the year 2041, straight from our own soil.
And that's what's already discovered and on tap now?
Yes, that is right there.
They know it's there.
There's even more.
Now, here's the next deal they're going to open.
It's called the Stanberry.
And you'll find it in the Stanberry Report, which was issued on April the 20th of 2006.
Here's the report on it.
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world.
It is more than 2 trillion barrels.
Here's a report of how much you have there.
This report is stunning, and they're going to open this deal up when they get it to $200 a barrel.
We have more oil inside our borders than all other proven reserves on Earth.
Here they are.
Eight times more oil than Saudi Arabia, 18 times more oil than Iraq, 21 times more oil than Kuwait, 22 times as much oil as Iran, 500 times as much oil as Yemen, and it's all right here on our own soil.
James Bartas, one of the lead researchers in the study of how much oil we have, he went on to say we have more than 2 trillion barrels untapped, more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world!
And this was written in the Denver Post.
Now, they know it's there.
I'll give you the other two places they're going to open up.
They will open up Gull Island in Alaska.
My book, Energy Non-Crisis, is the only place on the face of the Earth that statistics and details are given on this.
Uh, secondly, of both, I'm sorry, the fourth area will be the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.
And whenever they open that, now, you say, we can't do that because the ecologists won't let us.
Oh, yes, you will.
By the time the ecologists don't have any food on that table, along with you not having food on your table, the dollar has collapsed.
And the whole economy is in shambles, and the Federal Reserve has basically become a disgrace, and the Arabs have been swindled and stripped out of all of the money that they spent on T-bills and Federal Reserve notes all of these years.
At that point, the economy will be in such a condition, even an ecologist and a Greenpeacer will be begging for these oil fields to be produced.
And this is what I was given the other day by one of the elite.
And the entire story of what their plans are, you watch it unfold.
More and more disruption in the Middle East.
All across America.
You're going to see problems.
Folks, this is coming to America.
It's not just abroad.
Yes Lindsey, I've got two quick questions and then I want to go to the calls as we promised and we'll obviously have to have you back up.
You were telling me that whenever you come on my show it's like none other that you've been contacted by hundreds of other radio hosts in the last day.
Alex, I think every radio talk show host in America listens to your show.
And I'm going to go a little bit further.
I have not been contacted by Fox News or any of the liberal media, but I think the liberal media is listening to your show every single day.
Yesterday, I couldn't get away from my phone.
Finally, last night, when it got dark, it quit ringing.
I think every talk show host in the country is saying, oh my gracious, you appeared on the Alex Jones Show.
We want you on ours, too.
Folks, listen to what Alex Jones says.
He's been listening to it by the whole nation because they know he's telling the truth.
Well, I wasn't even trying to toot my horn.
I just wanted to point out that this is getting a lot of attention and that's certainly positive, but it causes a catch-22.
It'll be hard to get you back on.
We need to probably pick an hour out next week to have you come back again because there's so much.
You haven't even gotten to Ken Fromm and the speech he gave, the oil execship.
I haven't told the story of Gull Island.
I still haven't given what Ken Fromm told me that day.
I still haven't told you how he was fired from Atlantic Richfield and then hired back.
I haven't given the details of much of the Gulf Slope of Alaska.
I mean, this goes so deep.
But yes, let's go in whatever direction you'd like.
Well, just very briefly, because I promise to say one thing.
Right now, right this second, while this program is going on, Providence, Rhode Island, the city of Providence is $40 million in deficit.
Right this second, letters have been sent out this morning to every school teacher in Providence, Rhode Island, saying they're dismissed.
Did you hear that?
This morning, right now, on this program going on, I got it just before the program this morning.
Every school teacher in Providence, Rhode Island has sent a letter saying they're dismissed, and if they try to do what they did in Wisconsin, they plan to dismiss them, lower the cost of schools, and this is going, folks, this is going to spread all over America.
Exactly what happened in the Middle East until the elite accomplished what they want in bringing in the new world order.
Yeah, there's the article out of Providence.
And what's the source on that, Jaron?
Scroll down.
That's out of the... Projo.com.
That's the Providence Journal.
Okay, got it.
Thank you.
Can't read it across the room.
I need to put a bigger TV there.
I got good eyes.
A little bitty monitor over there.
I'm gonna read from here.
Thank you, guys.
The Muslim Brotherhood is chatting.
We have the video soundbite of this.
And this is a revolution funded by the federal government so they don't just destabilize the place.
This is so the globalists have an excuse to blow the daylights out of the extremists when they get in power.
Every bit of this is planned.
I gave this four months ago on Alex Jones Show that this Middle East crisis was going to develop.
Alex, for you, I'll come on any time.
Jaron, what about Wednesday at 1230?
What do we got on the board there?
Let's just get this going right now because obviously, because I've talked to Lindsey Offer and he's got so much more information.
I guess I could just not take the calls, but I promise to.
Here's other two points.
Here's Bloomberg.
Sustained oil price gain may cause U.S.
recession, Leahy says.
That's Bloomberg.
We never left the recession, Leahy, and you know it.
So they're going to blame all this Arab stuff you see on the depression.
Lindsey said that four months ago.
Here's another one.
Where's my other report?
I had one about T-bills not being bought.
Here it is, just as you were saying earlier, Market Watch, just out literally 30 minutes ago.
Treasury gives up gains after five-year auction, and it goes on to report a massive number of the U.S.
Treasuries were not bought and will be monetized by the Federal Reserve.
So that's more printing of money.
I mean, this thing is unraveling fast, Lindsey.
Are you sure that people like Porter Stansbury aren't right?
I hope my elitist friends are correct and it's the end of 2012, but I wouldn't bet on it the way that you're seeing things happen.
They may have
They may have advanced their timeline.
I have not been told that.
But I'll tell you one thing, folks.
You must get ready right now.
You've got to make preparation.
You need to get food in the house.
You need to get out of paper.
If it's written on paper, it's worth the paper it's written on.
You need to make preparations right now, even though I have been told by the end of 2012.
Don't wait that long.
Well, if there was a 10% chance we were going to have Weimar-style inflation, I would get ready, and I have.
And I did years ago because of this.
I mean, I've moved to the country.
I've got a well.
I'm going on solar, and I'm getting ready.
I mean, folks, we're freaked out.
I believe everything I'm saying.
But let's just hope by the providence of God, as Lindsay says, as Chaplain Williams says, that we can fix this.
We're going to skip this break so I can get to all the calls.
Network break.
Stations shouldn't play over this, but whatever.
I'm just speechless at this point.
It just makes me sick.
My last question, and then we're going to call for you, Lindsey.
In your discussions with Mr. L, the living CEO, with him, did he say anything about Russia?
Are they playing ball with the globalists, or is there real division there?
Because we know that the globalists have been angry that they're producing so much oil and gas on record.
Has that helped keep prices down?
I mean, is Russia playing ball in all this?
What's going on?
Uh, I really don't know exactly the inner workings of Russia.
All I know that I was told to watch China.
It's the big one.
And China and Russia are the ones that we need to keep our eyes on.
And because of the agreement that Russia made with China in supplying it with all of their crude oil, that means that whenever the Middle East stops supplying it to us, we will not get it from Russia.
Right now, we're still getting some oil from Russia.
Very little.
But we'll be getting even less then because they're going to supply for China.
That leaves United States.
Well, they've announced they're going to sell less to Europe and natural gas just as it's going to China and themselves.
I mean, this is a recipe for massive price increases on top of dollar devaluation.
This natural gas supplied to Europe.
Yeah, it mainly goes to Italy.
Mainly goes to Italy.
Yeah, most evidently.
Can you imagine 1.6 million barrels being cut off tomorrow morning if they oust Qaddafi and he blows up their oil wells?
It's already being slowed.
It just gets crazier by the minute.
Medvedev, speaking of Russia, was in the AP yesterday saying that, I guess we're not going to skip this break.
Yeah, let's kill this break, John.
Yeah, I'm going to kill that break, network break.
This is so important.
But I mean, there's Medvedev saying this could go on for decades in the Middle East.
Oh, yeah.
This is just the beginning.
What you saw in Egypt is all at the tip of the iceberg.
Now, of course, it's spread to Libya.
And the other countries over there are scared to death.
And we're our fifth or sixth fleet, I guess it is, which guards the Strait of Hormuz in that area.
And Iran, all it close to that.
This whole thing is an upheaval.
Alright, let's jam in some calls for this in the next five-minute segment.
Then Corbett's joining us for two.
We shortened him today, but he'll be back with us for a full hour, joining us from Japan in the near future.
Let's go ahead and go to Ryan in New York.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I guess alright.
I mean, at least we know what's going on, but I don't like it.
You're doing a great job.
I love the show.
Alright, my question for Lindsey.
What were your thoughts or any chatter from your contacts on
Uh, the Israeli oil that Stan Johnson, uh, talks about and how that might play into the overall Mideast larger picture.
Or is that still a wild card?
And, uh, I'll take my answer off the air.
Yeah, there's oil everywhere else over there.
Why not in Israel?
I think there is oil in Israel.
So he's asking, uh, if you heard anything about that.
I have not, but I suspect, since it's so close to all the other countries that have it, I suspect that Israel probably already knows it's there.
Well, and Israel follows the Anglo-American system, empire model, so if we've not been using our oil, I would guess they would keep it as a strategic backup as well.
Makes sense.
Charlie in North Carolina.
Charlie, you're on the air.
Hey guys, how you doing?
Good, welcome.
Thank you, sir.
I have two questions.
My first question is in regards to Mexico.
I know you've said Mexico is just going crazy right now, and I'm wondering if that ties in with any of the stuff that's going on in the Middle East or if that's a totally separate issue.
Well, the Middle East will exacerbate.
People live in tyranny in Mexico and in government-induced squalor.
Lindsey, what's your take on that?
Uh, by the way, I can't hear your callers, so you'll have to repeat the question to me, Alex.
Oh, I'm sorry, Lindsey.
He's asking how Mexico and the riots down there play into this.
Oh, it'll play into it perfectly.
I think the entire drug cartel down there, they're just using it as an excuse because Mexico has so much oil.
And they want disruption everywhere.
They don't want it in the Middle East.
They want it across America without the school teachers.
They want every kind of civil unrest that they can get because this helps them to bring on that new world order.
So yes, that's just one little tip of it all in Mexico.
Notice it's all happening at once because the world reserve currency, the dollar, is dying and it's moving quicker and so the globalists have been prepared for this.
I mean, I had an article out of the Ottawa News today dealing with foreign troops to be used in the US and Canada.
I mean, they're getting everybody ready, Lindsey.
Yeah, I ran people three years ago, Alex.
You knew.
I know.
I produced six DVDs two and a half years ago, and I warned people that I had been told all this was coming.
But people wouldn't believe me and go out and get food and take care of things.
But yes, they have been planning this for years.
In fact, I want to show people the article of their new listeners.
It's Canada, U.S.
agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies, and it goes on.
Civil unrest.
The U.S.
Northern Command is basically under its continental security perimeter, under General Reinhardt, taking over Mexico and Canada.
The North American Army is now official.
This out of the Ottawa Citizen.
They're getting ready for World War III, folks.
In fact, what did Fromm and Mr. L have to say about war in the cards, Lindsey?
Uh, nothing except the Middle East.
I was told that five months in advance there was going to be a conflict over there.
I was not told what nation it would be in.
We know now that it's Egypt, and that was just the beginning.
I think the reason they didn't tell me where is because they could have picked any one of those nations over there to start the conflict, and that'll spread everywhere.
But Egypt's the key, it's the biggest.
Okay, population-wise, one of the more wealthy compared to the others.
Let's talk to Bill in Connecticut.
Bill, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Yes, hi Alex.
You know, I'm just wondering, and you had briefly touched on this the other day, you know, since we are the government, we the people,
Why are we standing for this?
Why don't we just round these people up and try them for treason?
I appreciate all you're doing, but it just seems like everyone, all of us, are talking about this like it's all a foregone conclusion when you look at what David Ickes talks about, the pyramid.
There's just a few at the top of this pyramid.
I know, but still, a lot of people are waking up, but still the majority only care about Justin Bieber and Hollywood and things.
Now, if we could get big Hollywood people to come out on this, we could use the globalist propaganda channel to backfire.
That's very close to happening, but they're threatened, they're scared.
But if people stop worrying about Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, I mean, the general public is in a trance.
They've given themselves over to delusion.
Lindsey Williams, comments.
It will be that way until it's too late, when they've finally gotten to the place where the grocery store prices are doubled and tripled and quadrupled, the dollar begins to collapse, you're paying $7 or $8 a gallon at the gas pump.
By that time, they will basically have the population where they want them.
Right now, there's still time to do something about it, and it's because of programs like yours, Alex.
And you've got a listening audience that is phenomenal, believe me.
I've never seen the like of what happened as a result of yesterday's program.
And in the next little short segment, we're going to give out the number and website if folks want to pre-order the production that's coming out in the next few weeks, the Middle East, the rest of the story, Lindsey Williams.
Was that Bill we were talking to?
Okay, Bob in Texas, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Yeah, you got a great show.
I appreciate everything you're doing.
I worked in Prudhoe Bay for many years and was out on Gulf Island doing test wells and over close to the National Wildlife Refugee.
Was told to, I had to sign documents, disclosure documents.
You know, you were never here.
You don't know anything about it.
My question to Lindsay is,
Do you really think that the Saudis and the Middle East are going to cut the oil off completely to us?
Because that sustains their way of life.
That supplies money to their war.
What he's saying is it's going to be disrupted and because of dollar devaluation it's going to cost so much it's prohibited.
So that will put pressure causing development.
I mean that's a simplification, Lindsey, when you say they're going to completely cut it off, right?
Well, when the civil unrest gets so drastic in places like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, other places, every place that produces oil over there... The King just handed out tens of billions of dollars to stop unrest today in Saudi.
Yeah, and once this gets to that point, and they blow up oil wells, they blow up transmission lines, and all the rest, they won't be able to produce it like they're doing it right now.
And by the way, let me just throw this in before we got a break, this is so important.
Well, we'll just come back with a point on the other side, because I forgot it.
That's why I interrupt, because I want to get that point in there.
Oh yeah, the king left France from his pleasure palace back, he's so worried.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
A very wealthy U.S.
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Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, final segment, Lindsey Williams.
Lindsey, I've got to tell you during the break, next Tuesday, 12.30 to 2 p.m.
Central Time, that's 11.30 to 1 o'clock your time, you're back on with us next Tuesday, okay?
Thank you, Alex.
Let's lock that down now, because obviously folks want to talk to you, we'll mainly take calls, then we'll get into some of the other areas you haven't been able to cover.
We got Steven
Now we got a bunch of other people coming up throughout the week.
Later in the week we got James Corbett coming up next.
And then I do have a surprise guest coming up tomorrow.
I'll tell you about that.
After the bottom of the hour break, so stay with us on that front.
Yes, exactly.
We have it all over the country.
They know it's there.
They've known it's there for a long time.
Now they'll be able to produce it once they have created the unrest and the crisis they want in the Middle East and other oil-producing countries.
Let's jam in a few final calls.
Sec in Missouri, then Miles in Hawaii.
Go ahead, Sec.
Good day, Alex Jones.
My question is for Lindsey Williams.
I was curious if his source ever spoke to him about the containment grid and the contingency grid when they are going to raise the gas prices.
The containment grid and the contingency grid on gas prices, Lindsey?
Oh, well, the gas prices, of course, are going to go up, up, up.
I'm not quite understanding his question.
Are you talking about price controls?
Educate us what you're talking about, Sec.
Host cities and then derivative cities and sister cities.
Does he have any idea from his sources how they're going to spread this across the United States?
Are you talking about lockdowns of cities?
Well, no.
I'm talking about the gas pricing structure.
For instance, you know, they test market a lot of their ideas in certain areas of New York, places like Ithaca, and then they roll them out into other cities.
Are they going to do something like this?
Are they going to have a host city when the oil crisis hits and then spread it out into the other cities around the United States?
I don't think you'll be any safer in one part of the country than you are in another.
I have not heard that they're going to do it one city at a time.
I believe that whenever this crisis gets so great in the Middle East and they can't supply the oil to us, at that point they'll just raise the price everywhere.
Yeah, Sec, thank you.
We're almost out of time.
The way oil works, folks, is that they increase the prices when they have a glut by buying up refineries and shutting them down or cutting production.
That came out in AP lawsuit to get the documents on the big five oil companies, 2001, for their meetings in 95.
The reason you pay more in a place like New York
Or a place like L.A.
is because there's harder transportation to bring it in, plus the real estate costs are more, so the gas stations cost more to own and operate.
That's the main reason you see big increases in certain areas compared to others.
Like if you're in South Texas right next to the oil refinery, you're going to be paying the lowest prices in the country.
Correct, Lindsey?
Yes, and the reason you see it in California, for instance, is because of California law that states that they must have the fuel refined to a certain state, put in all those additives, and with the diesel fuel, they can't allow any of the contaminations.
This is state law that requires, that makes the price so much higher in California.
We got one minute left.
Real quick comment or question from Miles in Hawaii.
Aloha, go ahead.
Aloha, Pastor Lindsey and Alex.
On a spiritual basis, I just want to... We're dealing with principalities of darkness besides the physical men at the power elite level.
And I just wanted to ask, can we get, like, momentum for a prayer cover for everybody?
Yes, we should pray that this nation and the world repent, as the Bible says, seek God's face and repent, and He will heal our land.
Correct, Lindsey?
And we'll talk more about it next week.
Set your spiritual house in order as quick as you can.
Get out on your knees after the Alex Jones Show there in your room and tell Jesus Christ you won't accept him as your Savior.
Be born again and set your house in order.
And get the discernment, the blessings, and everything that comes with it.
Why do you think this country's been so blessed?
We're not perfect, but we were good, Christian.
Puritan Nation.
Lindsey, we'll see you back next Tuesday, right in the middle of the show.
God bless you.
Talk to you again soon.
James Corbett, coming up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, it's been a long time coming.
I've really wanted to get James Corbett of the Corbett Report on from Japan.
And he's been over there since 2004, living and working there.
I think he has an international perspective.
And since 2007, he has been producing great little 5-minute, 10-minute, 15-minute video news reports that I just find to be very well-researched.
And covering the carbon taxes, eugenics, geopolitical developments.
And I wanted to get James Corbett up with us from Japan.
CorbettReport.com is his website.
He's got a forthcoming book, Reportage Essays on the New World Order.
And so that should be available very, very soon.
It says in early 2011, so maybe it's available now.
But James, it's crazy times to have you on.
So much of what
People have been talking about for 50 years with the development of the world government, mainly insiders who were in the military at high level and Congress that came out and warned people when they were briefed on this 50-year plan that we're now coming to the end of this phase and the next 50-year extermination program.
I hope folks enjoy that if they don't listen.
But there's so much to talk about.
I didn't do any pre-interview with you.
It's good to have you here.
What do you think is most important going on in the world right now?
What's on your radar screen?
Well it's difficult to say because as you say these are insanely crazy times and there's so much going on right now but obviously what's happening in the Middle East and everything that Lindsay Williams was just covering is absolutely vital, central to what's going on and the ongoing economic collapse is something that I'm always concerned with but
I guess other than that, the overlay of the eugenics scientific control grid is something that I tend to concentrate on because that's really the heart of what drives the New World Order and the eugenics-obsessed elite.
So again, there's so much going on, but I think something that's important to stress is that
I mean, you're so right that people have been warning about this for 50 years, but we, in our generation, are so incredibly fortunate to be living in this age where we literally have the Library of Alexandria at our fingertips with this new internet technology that has opened up this world of information and has made us probably the most energized and the greatest potential
We're good to go.
Well, James, you know the double-edged, double-meaning Chinese saying of, may you live in interesting times.
Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
The point is, human destiny for our entire future is now being decided.
Revolutions in robotics, genetic engineering, weapons systems, transportation, information,
It's kind of like starving children many times in third world countries are loving, they're thankful, they're well behaved, but then spoiled children that have all the food they could eat in the world don't want healthy food, they want junk and become spoiled brats.
So there are some people waking up and getting involved and using all this information to spread knowledge in a new renaissance, a new awakening enlightenment.
But at the same time, you've got people who are awakening and becoming better, but others falling to the brainwashing, the sodium fluoride, the TV flicker screens, the system.
And the globalists are turning up their heat with their full-on assault of the environment of humanity to literally weaken us.
And we have all their white papers that you've so well documented in some of your short films that really illustrate that.
Let's talk about the onslaught of the globalists against the people.
From your own research, what do you think is most important on that front?
Well, unfortunately, you're right.
There aren't enough people yet that are really energized and tuned into this real political reality.
But there are more waking up every day, as you well know, and as I see on my work as well.
I mean, I see so many more people who are now, at this point especially, as things increase and as the temperature rises, people are more and more interested in getting into this information.
So that's why it's important that we're out there spreading this information right now.
I think, unfortunately, the vast majority of the public has been intellectually crippled by the fact that the media has been completely and utterly controlled for decades now, at least, by the big foundations, for example.
I mean, you have a report up on InfoWars today about the Gates Foundation and how they've been influencing media coverage of the Gates Foundation.
Surprise, surprise.
And, of course, we saw that going back with the Rockefellers and all of that before that.
And then the education system itself.
As many of your guests have talked about before, obviously, has been used to dumb people down.
So, I mean, in a sense, the public has been intellectually crippled by their lack of information about what the real political paradigm is and who the real political players are.
And sometimes, I mean, the tendency is for some people to blame the public for being intellectually crippled, but I don't think that's particularly helpful.
I mean, we just have to do our best to try to overcome that.
And now that we have this internet technology, we really do have the chance at waking more people up to this.
So it's kind of a race, I think.
It's just a question of whether we're running fast enough.
Well that's well said and of course when I give my little parables or my allegories I a lot of times don't finish them.
My point is children who don't have enough to eat are thankful, are appreciative, their eyes shine with life.
I mean this has been well documented by historians and then people that have plenty.
What was the saying by the French philosopher Victor Hugo that
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
And so what I'm saying is, with mental food, we've got the choices of every library in the world, incredible technology, incredible developments, understanding, connectivity to other humans, to spread ideas, true diversity of ideas.
But so there's a certain segment of the population that are like spoiled brats, and they choose Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga and football and porn instead of
Knowing the secrets of the universe, and I'm not saying we know them yet, but we're beginning to expand out into this.
That's really the paradox I'm talking about.
Right, and it's very true.
And unfortunately, there is a certain percentage of the public that will never really ever tune into the real political reality.
But as we know, I mean, in the American Revolution and in so many other revolutionary times, it's really a small percentage that get things going and everybody else just joins in once it's going.
So I think your listeners and the people who are listening right now are at the forefront of this and are going to be the ones who will be leading the charge against the New World Order and it's important that everyone has that understanding and really takes into account what's going on these days and realize that you are the vanguard and you are the ones carrying this torch and each of us individually can fall and falter but all together we cannot be stopped.
And history shows that as a fact and no amount of psychotronic weaponry is going to be able to stop us because the human species is ancient and is powerful and is made in the image of God.
We are creators, little creators, but we're able to do such amazing things and we've got that life force and our spirit.
And that will to survive, and even at a subconscious level, people want their children to do better.
Even elitists don't want to destroy their children's future.
And they're beginning to see the system they're building will devour them as well.
But I hope listeners listen to your powerful message, James Corbett, that we are at the historical flashpoint, the crossroads, the jump point.
And what you do now will echo throughout history like nothing humans had a chance to do before.
You are living in incredible times.
And if you want to know the solution to fighting tyranny,
It is awakening, it's turning off the television set, it's getting control of your own life and then helping others and spreading the truth.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is your destiny if you take it up in your hands.
Absolutely right, and of course we know that the forces of evil are arrayed against us, and we do know all of the various ways that we're being tracked and traced and controlled, and the behaviorists who have been studying and manipulating human society for decades and decades, for hundreds of years now, we're being carefully studied and placed into this careful
Absolutely, and that's an important point for people to take home because what I do
There is nothing special.
I mean, we're just people who have encountered this incredible information, and like any normal human being would, when faced with the magnitude of what we're facing, just feel we have to do something to get this out to other people.
And anyone else out there who's listening right now can do this and can take it up.
And it was actually me listening to this radio show four years ago that motivated me to start the Corbett Report.
And I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I would have been reaching as many people as I'm reaching now just by taking it up and taking it into my own hands and getting the word out.
So everyone who's out there.
Well you have a distinctive voice and I remember when I started seeing your videos four years ago that it seemed like I'd heard your voice before.
Had you been a caller to this show ever?
I've called in a couple times.
In fact, just after I started the Corbera Report, I called in.
You said you'd seen my website, so that was something that helped motivate me even more.
Well, that's what I've always tried to do.
I'm not perfect, but I do want to raise up other people who are, in many ways, better than I am, so that we win this thing.
For my children, for your children, for everyone, this is life and death.
You know, we see the COINTELPRO, we see the infighting, we see the government operations manipulating our own, you know, human frailties.
But the good news is the thing I am proudest of is that so many people, most people I end up interviewing years later, I never knew that about you, James, ended up waking up from this show.
And I tell you, if people judge a tree by its fruits, this radio broadcast and what it's done,
Has been very, very positive and it's a great responsibility, but I thank you for taking our information and running with it because I see your reports, we post them on InfoWars and Prison Planet, and you just put things so concisely and in a calm, focused way, which will affect certain people who don't like my delivery.
So it's almost like God's out there with his, you know, basically directing all of us in different ways to reach everybody.
I couldn't agree more.
And personally, I'm a huge fan of the Justin Bieber rant.
I think that's brilliant.
But I know a lot of people don't like that style of delivery, so I'm here with a different style.
And together, I mean, we're doing it in different ways, but we're saying the same thing.
I've been getting emails saying it's Bieber.
Yeah, I know.
I know it's Bieber, folks.
It's a joke.
Oh, my gosh.
It's so crazy.
Well, James, you know, the main reason I wanted to get you on was as a guest, but also to test your Skype.
Because you're in Japan and I think we're going to be hearing you host the show and I'm away with Paul Watson and Dr. Nick Begich and the health ranger Mike Adams.
I'm lining up a cadre of key men and women if we find someone who's up to the medal to host this show.
So I'll announce that live to you right now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us ladies and gentlemen.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
103 is forever.
103 is forever when you're just a little kid.
So, Cyrus Jones has lived forever.
The globalists are digging our grave.
We either dig a grave for their corrupt parasitic system, or they're going to shovel us into the grave they've dug.
Get that through your heads, folks.
You're under attack.
The enemy's announced it and thinks you're too stupid to recognize it.
We'll find out humans' potential.
I believe in man.
I believe in humanity with God's help.
James, we're almost out of time.
I look forward to having you back up for a full hour in the future.
I'll probably just put you up and you can come on and do the show and the first time test it out.
Maybe co-host with Aaron Dykes, another great guy we're getting lined up to co-host for 30 minutes a few weeks ago.
But I'm just honored to have you on.
Tell us about some of your latest reports on eugenics.
The Rockefeller Foundation documents about sterilant vaccines.
That was one of your latest reports I saw.
And some of the other reports you're working on.
Yeah, we're just testing your Skype.
It has a few problems, but go ahead.
Tell us about some of the other projects you're working on.
Well, as you mentioned earlier, I've got Reportage, my book, coming out later this year.
And I've been promising it for a while now, so I better get on that.
But I've almost got that done.
And I've got video reports coming out on a weekly basis.
I've got Sunday Update.
It's my weekly news series.
I've got New World next week that I do with James Evan Pallotto of MediaMonarchy.com, where we go over three news stories every week.
And I've got a new series called The Last Word.
And I've already done The Last Word on overpopulation and The Last Word on terrorism.
So that's up on my YouTube channel, youtube.com slash corporate report.
I'm doing interviews, podcast episodes, and articles.
So it's all up on my website.
But Alex, you'll be happy to hear your listeners have already managed to crash my website.
So excellent.
I hope people will keep trying over the next few days.
Well, that's a good problem to have.
I actually got through.
Well, hopefully you're a good guy and a great mind.
Hopefully you can start doing this more and more and fund yourself with a book and do it full time.
That's what I did and that's how we build larger, more powerful operations to face the globalists.
We've got to do that.
James, tell us about some of the other reports you've done in the past, the things that you're focusing in on.
Well, for instance, on my podcast this week, I covered 30 ways you're being spied on.
And it's just basically an audio documentary collecting some audio clips of all of the just craziness that's being employed to spy on the American people and people all around the globe.
And from the blimps that the Utah State Police are using, to the spy satellites that the American government is now admitting they are using against the American people, to the cell phone tracking, all of those incredible ways that
That we're now admittedly being tracked, traced and controlled and I tried to end it on a bit of a positive note with someone saying that the technology that's enslaving us is also the technology that will free us and that we can use this technology against the system and I think that's something that people need to take to heart as well because absolutely it's important for people to realize that we can
Lighting fires in the minds of men, beautifully said.
Here's an example of them throwing the control grid in our face.
Here's the New Yorker magazine, a new article just out yesterday.
The headline is, talk about throwing it in our face, no big deal.
But Google may have promoted a contest to kids to get their social security numbers.
I'll read that again.
No big deal.
Kind of like in Pennsylvania.
No big deal.
The school's watching your kids over laptops at home in the shower.
No big deal.
The school told them themselves.
Oh, we're doing it.
No big deal.
But Google may have promoted a contest to get kids' social security numbers.
And then it just says, basically, it's no big deal to try to trick little kids to give them their social security numbers.
I mean, is there no end to their evil?
How they're just trying to normalize classical tyranny?
Unfortunately not, and it was one of the Google CEOs, I think it was Eric Schmidt, I can't remember, but he said that Google's all about going up to the edge of the creepy line and then not crossing it.
But of course we know they don't just like to go up to the creepy line, they like to pole vault over it and see how far they can get.
And Google is absolutely just one of the most sick companies out there right now with all of their Google latitude so you can spy on your friends in real time and find out where they're going and all the other
Now they get you in on the evil.
Classic ways to bathe people in the corruption.
I mean, classic corruption model.
Scientifically carried out.
It's an NSA, CIA front, as is Microsoft on record.
We were kooks talking about it a decade ago.
Six years ago, now it's mainstream news.
James Corbett, amazing interview.
We'll talk to you again soon.
We're going to come back and we'll tell you who the big guest is.
Thank you.
Who the big guest is tomorrow.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Thank you for joining us.
We're live into the fourth hour today.
We routinely do the fourth hour live in overdrive right now.
Sometimes we go into the fifth hour.
We call that maximum overdrive.
And sometimes I do 27-hour straight broadcasts like we did last year.
I guess we call that near-infinity overdrive or light-speed overdrive.
I want to say great job to the crew, great job to the sponsors, great job to the stations carrying us, to Genesis, to everybody.
The IT people, you the listeners, all of us symbiotically together, I can just feel that we're on top of Saturn rocket blasting into orbit.
I mean, it is.
We are affecting change worldwide.
And yeah, I'm risking my life, but I wasn't born and you weren't born to be losers and to not live substantive lives that affect change for the better.
I am on the field of InfoWars seven days a week, 365 days a year, and I am honored to be your host.
I am honored to be your frontline wartime broadcaster in the battle for the Republic.
And we need your prayers.
Now, I'm going to announce who the big guest is tomorrow, and while we're having this big guest on, it is going to shed some light and some truth on some important things, also bring massive attention
to this show.
But I'm going to talk about that in about five minutes.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because, well, he's the owner of the network.
He's the guy that sponsors me.
He's the guy I buy gold and silver from.
He's the guy who's bought national radio ads promoting this show.
He's the guy who is one of the big boosters on this craft.
And we couldn't have done any of this without Ted Anderson.
When I was fired from local radio, the number one show in its time slot,
Because I wouldn't shut up about the New World Order.
I luckily had already gotten into operations with Ted and it's just been wonderful ever since, but that's really a side issue.
I just want to thank Ted for all he's done while I'm thanking others.
But Ted, we have Saudi King back home, orders $37 billion in handouts.
He left his pleasure palace in Europe to go back and hand out $37 billion to the public so they don't revolt and overthrow everything.
There was a big
Treasury auction today and record low numbers of countries individuals bought the Treasury so they're going to monetize that.
Oil obviously exploded again today was up 9% yesterday close to that again today.
In fact I'll get the actual number.
Find out what oil's up today on it'll just say it.
On any article about it, any new one.
This is commodities going up.
This is dollar devaluation.
This is what we've been warning people about for, well, really 12 years, 13 years.
I learned about this from George Humphrey in 1998.
I understood the fractional reserve banking and all that, but he explained to me on air and in his audio CD of his book.
I didn't read the book.
I listened to the CD.
Derivatives and what was going to happen.
Because he is an economist.
And a very successful businessman, and that's the real mark.
You got plenty of economists that don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
George Humphrey, very, very successful.
Lives all over the world.
But that, again, itself is just some background.
And now, here we are.
We told you, the train's 10 miles out.
It's 5 miles out.
It's 3 miles out.
It's 2 miles out.
It's a mile out.
It's 500 yards out, folks.
It's accelerating towards us.
You heard Stansbury earlier.
You heard Mark Faber a few days ago.
You've heard Webster Tarpley.
You've heard Ron Paul tell you to get gold and silver.
And you've heard Ted tell you, get bullion.
Because, you know, collectors are great if you're getting the right thing and know what you're doing, going off the little red book, you know, that comes out every year.
But with bullion, you absolutely, you know, if you get it a little bit over spot or at spot, you're doing great.
Same thing with silver.
So I briefly wanted to bring Ted up to get his take, 30 plus years in the gold and silver business, on what we're seeing happen right now.
Where gold and silver look like they're going to close in the next 23 minutes.
We're not quite sure yet, but where they are right now and his take.
on what's happening around the world.
Ted Anderson.
Yeah, sure.
Well, by the way, oil is at $98.45, up $3.03.
So it was up 9% yesterday.
It went up even more earlier.
They knocked it back down some.
Yeah, well, yeah, it hit 100.
So, I mean, there you go.
Gold is at $14.1780.
Silver, $33.81.
Almost $34 an ounce for silver.
Uh, you know, you're talking about that treasury sale flopping on its face.
And like you said, what's going to happen now is, you know, it's not like the government's going to default on its debt or not make its obligations because it didn't sell its treasuries to foreigners.
They're going to turn to the Federal Reserve System and the printing press.
And that's just going to be more stimulus money coming into the economy, driving the value of the dollar down.
That's what my take is.
We're going to see inflation here.
The value of the dollar is on a doomsday ship here.
And it's just like sinking like the Titanic.
And for some reason, for the love of God knows what, people will not jump off the ship.
I don't understand it, why they can't see this.
I mean, people really need to get away from paper money.
Federal Reserve notes or foreign countries are in the same boat.
I mean, all of Europe is going this direction.
Even China is experiencing inflation right now.
You really need to have physical gold and silver in your hands that you can use and trade and use whatever for what you need.
I mean, Alex, we're just sitting in a situation where you have the perfect economic storm and now you're adding this Middle East tension.
Well, absolutely.
Gold is at $1,410.00.
$1,410.00 on the nose, up $11 today, up a whole bunch yesterday.
Where's silver again, Ted?
Silver was at $33, and hang on a second, let me just refresh.
It's at $33.81 for the high, currently right now at $33.51.
We've almost broke $34 an ounce silver today.
I mean, it is, it's on the, like it's on a rocket ship to the moon too, man.
This stuff is really going, and all I can say is that people should take advantage of it.
Those videos that we've been offering, I mean, three silver dollars in videos, there's absolutely no excuse that people don't buy this deal.
You can't hold that much longer as you're about to run out and have to buy silver at a higher price.
You buy silver when it's lower, knowing it's only going to go up, and then still pass on the savings instead of going up in prices like most brokers out there do.
Most brokers aren't even holding gold and silver.
They just take your order and then get it somewhere else if they can.
Ted's got it all there in-house.
Three silver dollars, which is, do the math, $33, $33, $33.
We're talking about $99.
And of course, there's always stuff added on, so it's over $100 anywhere in the market out there.
So $100 value, $10 free shipping, and then the $60 value of Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, and Endgame DVDs.
Basically, that's free on top, with the shipping free on top.
If people don't do that deal, they're insane.
So 800-686-2237.
Now, Ted, you're holding that deal I know today, but you told me you shouldn't even hold it.
Today, but you are.
What are you able to hold on the old prices we had yesterday on gold, or has that gone up?
I haven't talked to you today.
No, I haven't raised the prices on gold because I knew we'd be doing this today.
I still have the Franks at $3.08.
I still have the British Sovereign at $3.86.
Those are really good buys.
I am still holding down the Walking Liberty half at $15.76.
That's going to increase in price.
We still have Creature from Jekyll Island books for $31 with a silver dollar included in it.
I mean, honestly, if people could just take the time to educate themselves, you know, your portfolio needs gold and silver, and if you haven't done it, stop procrastinating.
You're just watching, you know, you're watching your bonds, your stocks, and everything go down the toilet.
And, you know, you better have a position in gold and silver.
And I'm not talking about some ETF thing that you're hoping that some brokerage firm has it stored for you.
I'm talking about having the real deal sitting in your hands, and it weighs some weight, and you have to store it.
That's what you need.
And to get the super low prices, folks, say that it's the radio special, and then you will be able to get the prices that were a month ago.
And believe me, these are going to be going up very, very soon, as soon as Ted runs out of the supplies he has.
Ted, what's the real numbers?
How long do you think you're gonna be able to hold it?
Well, you know what, I'd like to do your DVDs until Friday.
I've got to see though, man.
Silver could be $39 an ounce, and I'm saying could, but it could be $39 an ounce before the end of this week.
But I just really encourage people, I mean, first of all, if you have the fire in your belly for liberty, if you want freedom, get Alex's videos and share them with your friends and family members.
And then you're going to get three silver dollars with it.
I just, I really want people to do this because that's the root.
Well Ted, the margins are so low on this.
The free $10 shipping and that's what it cost you about.
You told me it's about ten bucks, right?
Three silver dollars?
Yeah, if you put it all together, if you do the silver dollars and the whole deal, it comes down to about six-something for shipping, but it doesn't matter.
I mean, it is such a discount to buy this stuff.
I'm losing money on it.
I guess you're counting your handling, though.
Yeah, you're counting your handling because you gave me a $10 number privately.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
Alright, now shifting gears here, back tomorrow on the show we've got quite a few important guests joining us, but tomorrow we're going to have a Hollywood slash TV celebrity on the show who in the news cycle
is as big as it gets and when it comes to the tabloids is the biggest it gets and when it comes to I looked at it last week we did a radio interview it was forty plus thousand news articles in one day
Uh, on it, when he went on Dan Patrick.
And I knew he was going on Dan Patrick because I was there in his car with him when Dan Patrick called him on Saturday.
We were going to work out at Sylvester Stallone.
Well, I'm not going to get into it.
The point is, the issue, I'm going to shut up right now, but the, oh man, you knew the other stuff.
You can say whatever you want about Charlie Sheen, but he's the real deal.
I mean, I've been there when they, you know, the doctor comes in with a pee cup.
So he's been totally clean three weeks, and I think your prayers for him really helped.
He was almost completely clean of everything for 12 years.
And I think the prayers really help, because Charlie's somebody who's told the truth about 9-11.
I know him personally, what a really nice guy he is.
And he's really coming on the show to talk about a host of issues that the media is going to be interested in, but also to help get the word out about the New World Order.
And to also challenge Barack Obama to both, A, listen tomorrow.
By the way, he was contacted by the White House with his 20 Minutes with the President thing.
I was there when he, well, I'm going to get off that, because that's private.
But I can say he was contacted by the White House.
That 20 Minutes with the President got tens of millions of new people to look at the bullet points of what happened.
And so Charlie told me he's not going to do any more interviews for a long time after this one.
When he flew me out there just to spend time with him and keep his mind on politics and the New World Order and what's happening with our society, I went out there to spend time with him and didn't even really ask him to come on the show.
And then I saw him do Dan Patrick and I said, don't you think you should do the show?
And he said, yeah, we'll do it next Thursday.
So Thursday is tomorrow and is the day.
And it's fluid exactly when he's going to be on because he's traveling.
But he'll be on within that 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
And I'll just leave it at that.
But he says 100% he's coming on, and he gave me a list of the things he wants to talk about.
Please don't put the camera on this list, though, until tomorrow.
It's got a bunch of inside baseball stuff.
But for people that say, well, why have Charlie Sheen on?
It's entertainment.
This would be somebody like Justin Bieber, or somebody like Lady Gaga, or somebody like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Who's got the attention of the millions of zombies, as Charlie says, who he wants to wake up.
Does it mean he's a perfect man?
Does it mean I am?
But the point is that through him coming on this show will reach a lot of people.
And I didn't want to pre-announce it in case they try any dirty tricks, but there's been a lot of stuff going behind the scenes that people don't even know about.
But he wants it announced.
He said, he said, tell folks that he is coming on and it's going to be Charlie Sheen Unleashed.
So, um, tomorrow, 11am to 2pm, this will be another devastating blow on the globalists, because the way the media cycle works, some people will say, well, they'll use that and all machines, you know, stuff to try to, you know, no, that's not how it works, folks.
That's not how it works.
We'll get millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of more people visiting InfoWars and PrisonPlanet, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com than ever would have.
And Charlie can also tell the truth about some things, because he's the guy that tells you straight up.
He's a 100% straight shooter.
The guy's famous for just giving friends $200,000 watches, giving
Um, you know, millions to breast cancer privately.
Oops, I'm not supposed to say that.
Well, I guess he's gotten awards for it, but they didn't say how much.
The point is, the guy just, just, just, I mean, you ought to just see him there at his house, just, just calling charities, just giving them millions of dollars right in front of me.
I mean, he's not doing the show off to me.
He's just, he's, he's like an angel and a devil.
Isn't that how we all are?
I mean, isn't that how we all are?
I mean, I just can't, I can't describe to you the things I've had to turn down from Charlie Sheen.
He gave me, one day in the mail came his first big roll, his prized possession, the Wolverine jacket from Red Dawn.
I mean, I got it in a safe.
I, uh, just to see what it was worth, talked to a collector in New York and they said, we'll give you $100 right now for it.
I mean, that's Charlie Sheen, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, you know, that's why I said pray for him.
That's why I care about him.
That's why I went out there.
I mean, I could go out there and see him anytime.
And I probably only see him about once a year, because he's busy, I'm busy, I'm here doing this.
I'm not, you know, going out to Hollywood, because most of these Hollywood people, they invite me out there, rock stars, you name it.
Some of the biggest rock stars in the country.
You know, Muse only has links to our websites on their site, on their news area.
But you notice Muse has only been on once.
Their management doesn't want them on more.
People bigger than Muse.
I'm not even going to get into it.
The Who?
You want me to go further?
You heard of a band talking about lead blimps falling?
I mean, you know, basically Hollywood is on fire with this info.
They know about the New World Order.
They don't like the banking system that owns and runs Hollywood.
I just wish I could tell you everything I know, but I'll only, it's all in confidence, and I'll just let Charlie say what he wants on air.
But Charlie's the only one of the dozens of high-powered people I've talked to.
Who will come on the show?
Who's got the time?
Who's got the energy that's real enough?
That's passionate enough?
That's wild enough?
I mean, he's just so real.
And yeah, he's got a passion for women.
He's got a passion for drink.
Who doesn't?
And he's trying to get away from all that.
But the point, and he has successfully completely with alcohol and drugs.
So thank you for praying for Charlie Sheen.
Thank you for what you did a few weeks ago.
He didn't even know about it, but he said he could feel it.
Because he doesn't listen all the time.
He's a busy guy.
And we're going to have some other good fodder for the media.
It's going to be a light interview.
We're going to talk about the new Major League movie they're going to make.
We're going to talk about the beard over there.
What's the name of the closer for the San Francisco Giants?
Well, I don't know.
The point is, we're going to talk about all sorts of fun stuff here on the show tomorrow.
And basically, it's another giant info war bomb.
But we're going to talk about 9-11.
We're going to talk about Obama.
We're going to talk about the TSA.
We're going to talk about everything but the Easter Bunny tomorrow here.
Tell everybody you know about it.
And I don't like to have big surprises.
I mean, I don't like to announce things.
I like them to be big surprises.
So if something falls through, it's not a surprise.
But he says 100%.
You know, he'd have to be incapacitated to not be on the show, so let's hope his hernia doesn't act up.
By the way, I've seen his hernia when we're swimming around the pool.
He's got the same one I've got, the one on your belly button.
We're gonna talk about that.
Most of these women you hear about, it's not true.
Most of the drug stuff's not true.
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