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Name: 20110131_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 31, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's the final day of the first month of 2011, January 31st, 2011, on this live Monday edition.
I can't think of a better time to have our regular guest and analyst, Webster Tarpley, joining us, coming up in the second hour today.
And then the once-a-month visit of Max Keiser on the rebellion popping up all over the Muslim world from Saudi Arabia.
Through Jordan, not just Tunisia, with that government falling a week and a half ago, and of course all of it centering in and around Egypt, and also rebellions going on in Yemen.
And I don't default blame George Soros and the UN and the globalists for something until I see evidence.
And last Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I said, look, the people there are starving.
The people there have been under a dictator for 30 years.
And they're ripe for revolution.
And I just can't see why the globalists would want to remove Hosni Mubarak, unless it's a strategy of tension to destabilize the whole region, which we know they tried to do with Saddam Hussein the first time and succeeded the second time in 2003.
First time in 1990-91, second time 2003.
And so when they know a country is ripe for revolution, the globalists know how to trigger it themselves to then come in and take over.
Now, I wasn't sure of that on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, but by Friday evening I have the Associated Press, the London Telegraph.
uh... egyptian newspapers and and now it's admitted that this muhammad al-baradei the former head of the u.n.
atomic energy agency u.s.
trained heavily hooked him above c.i.a.
davos bilderberg you name it
This guy is a complete globalist, and now it's admitted he arrived a week before the demonstrations began and gave speeches about a rebellion, and that the West, again, above our governments, these private banking think tank interlocking systems that control our governments, are moving to run Hosni Mubarak out of Egypt.
And he stabilized the entire country, and now Zbigniew Brzezinski is basically calling for him to leave.
Now, the Globalist admitted on Saturday, we covered this on the Sunday Show yesterday, that, well, if they openly call for Hosni Mubarak to step down, that then the anti-Western and anti-Israel fervor would shift against the West and in favor of Hosni Mubarak.
And so they're organizing the rebellion in the streets, triggering a powder keg that was already there and legitimately angry, but then publicly backing off and supporting Hosni Mubarak, the dictator, so that he won't get support from the population, waking up to the fact that a new puppet is being brought in.
And I have to say, on Wednesday of last week, we published a Tarpley article at Infowars.com that basically said all this.
I said on air I wasn't sure if that was correct, but now it's just admitted.
uh... that uh... muhammad al-baradei was there stirring it all up and is completely backed by the financial dictatorship that runs our country and much of the western world here's a london telegraph uh... egypt protest america's secret backing uh... rebel leaders behind uprising and they don't just have they don't just have uh...
Mohammed ElBaradei under their wing.
They've got two or three or even four, depending on the country, layers of all the opposition on their payroll.
So if he gets in and they rebel more and don't like it, as sometimes happens with these overthrows, you could have two or three presidents or prime ministers in the space of a week or a month, sometimes a year.
It varies to where more shark teeth will just roll forward
Uh, just absolutely incredible.
And the Muslim Brotherhood, known British-slash-Israeli intelligence, uh, you know, called radical Muslims by the media.
Uh, they're meanwhile, uh, running around trying to overthrow another globalist ally.
That's Jordan.
The protests have flared up all over Saudi Arabia.
We're gonna talk about where this is going geopolitically.
Look at the economy here.
And the internet kill switch.
Oh, they're back with it.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're live.
It is Monday, the 31st day of January, 2011.
Webster Griffin Tarpley, expert on George Soros-type, Zbigniew Brzezinski-type financed overthrows of governments around the world will be joining us in the next hour.
Max Keiser with his once-a-month visit on the economy.
And so much more will be joining us today in the third hour.
I want to open the phones up specifically for first-time callers who want to comment on what their view is of the entire Middle Eastern, North Africa situation with blow-ups now happening in Jordan.
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, obviously Egypt and of course Tunisia that fell to a new government just a few weeks ago and in every one of these cases the West is bragging out of one side of their mouth
uh... the george soros davos switzerland uh... type crowd this is even above government the big banking cartels the uh... ponzi scheme operators that are but so successful they've taken the planet over through fraud they are openly bragging all over the news that they have engineered this and i just you know don't go with their uh... their crowing statements i actually blended with obviously research on muhammad al-baradeen
and on the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and others.
And they are all openly globalist.
Of course, with Barady, there's no secret, the former head of the Atomic Energy Agency at the UN, trained at prestigious schools in the United States, Davos, Bilderberg Group attendee.
Clearly, this is their new man for Egypt, even though Hosni Mubarak set up the torture camps, the secret arrest centers, people worldwide flown in there to be brutally tortured.
Their children to be tortured and even sexually abused in front of them.
The CIA bragged in 2002 to the Washington Post that they were torturing kids in front of their parents in Egypt.
I mean, this is who runs our government.
Offshore banks who were totally and completely ruthless and stabbed their minion Saddam Hussein in the back.
Stabbed their minion Hosni Mubarak in the back.
They stab everyone in the back.
And the globalists are stabbing America in the back.
China devalues their currency as a tariff so that we can't compete.
Plus, they have no environmental standards and sell us junk.
The World Trade Organization rules against us in every case.
With China, that's the big central banks stabbing us in the back for their darling dictatorship in China.
This is the globalist master plan.
Play nations off against each other to make every nation on earth weak and the big mega-central banks strong.
That said, while we're busy watching what's happening in the Middle East and North Africa, and we're going to be going over all of that today, PC World, The Age,
And others are all reporting that they are trying now to finish completion of the Internet Kill System.
And these are giant grids at AT&T and all the other major telecommunications companies that already have NSA snooping hubs built into them.
In many cases, entire buildings that have been built on or entire floors.
That's all part of the public record.
Now they're hardwiring giant snooping systems to expand the snooping.
And to analyze encrypted packets, and to analyze obviously societal and business trends, to be fed back to the globalists, and to shut the internet off entirely, crippling our society.
One way they can launch this is claiming that there's been an internet cyber attack.
Another way that the globalists can do this is to claim that they're protecting us from a cyber attack and had to shut it off.
Again, A, they can attack the system, claim it's outsiders, bring the system down, and then use that as an excuse to bring in even more control in the name of protecting it.
And that is more along their modus operandi.
But they like to change it up.
They can also run an outside attack and claim they're shutting the web off to protect critical infrastructure.
They've publicly put out those trial balloons and said that's reasons they may do this.
Or they may just piecemeal with the internet ID, the internet taxes, and the local hubs
That they're demanding under the Cybersecurity Act be put into place so that even if you try to set up local, city, or even neighborhood networks, by law they will jam and block those.
Also, they're recruiting through the See Something, Say Something, InfraGard system as a subdivision of SecureCorps, itself a subgroup of AmeriCorps.
and the jobs to work programs are openly announcing that they are going to recruit in mass high schoolers and college students to man the giant cyber security systems that they're building nationwide in giant NSA command bases that will spy, subvert, post counter propaganda in their words that is openly trolling, posting on message boards, putting out disinformation, something CENTCOM for eight years admits they're already doing.
We've also got developments coming up later dealing with now more than 40 states filing lawsuits against government takeover of health care.
And it's also come out in the news today that not only is Obama giving over now 500 businesses, including McDonald's franchise, waivers from government health care, meaning it's an unfair trade advantage against their competition that must purchase health care.
But now he's giving the Congress waivers and other federal employees.
That's in the Washington Times.
We're going to be covering that as well today.
Also on the economic front.
I've told you that the highest interest rates were 35% on credit cards.
That's now changed.
The APR is now 59.9.
This is what the big central banks are doing with the banker bailout money.
We back it up as taxpayers, give it to them with zero interest.
They then leverage it to infinity and loan it out on average at 14.72 and as high as 59.9.
CNN reporting that.
Of course, up until a few years ago, it was illegal to charge more than 30%.
Now they're going directly to loan sharking rates of 59.9.
Loan sharking historically has been about 25, but they let them go up to 30.
Now they've changed the law as part of credit card reform to allow it to be unlimited.
That's how they reform things to help you out.
Oh man, the order has gone out to just have unlimited tyranny upon the American people.
But getting back to Egypt and how it bounces back to the U.S.
Europe's put the kill switches in.
The kill switches are now in in the U.S.
They're getting everybody ready for a cyber attack.
At the 9,000 locations with the telescreens, one of the announcements is the head of cyber security, that hasn't even gotten cabinet funding yet, hasn't been passed by Congress, but is in place, saying the Internet's under attack, terrorists are about to hit it, the Internet's not safe, we're trying to protect it, report bad things on the Internet to police.
Just all part of a hysteria.
Then they walk out front, see a guy on a cell phone, it turns into a gun, they call SWAT teams, it's all part of just the mental illness fleeing when none pursueth.
Ignoring all the real crime, all the real terror, all the real corruption, and only focusing in on seeing phantoms in and around your neighborhood.
But continuing here, as Egypt goes offline, U.S.
gets internet kill switch bill ready.
This is out of the age in Australia.
As Egypt's government attempts to crack down on street protesters by shutting down internet and mobile phone services, and that's what this is really for.
See, they know they're going in to the end of the American way, the end of the American way of life, the end of liberty, the end of wealth, the end of the engine of everything good.
This is all by design, the post-industrial U.S.
We're going into bondage.
And so, they've got to, just like with Egypt, they've got to have the grid in place.
And it's not to stop Al-Qaeda or the Chinese from attacking us via cyber.
It's about shutting down the internet when they have the bank holiday, when they devalue your currency, or when they completely take your pension fund.
They've already taken most of the veterans pension funds and their death benefits.
Bloomberg AP.
The sky's the limit.
They've trained local spy groups.
They've trained the police to hate the American people.
They've trained them to eat their own guts and ask for seconds.
We are the enemy.
The Marine Corps doesn't run and do chants about killing commies for mommy.
They do chants about killing American school children.
That came out in Counterpunch and other publications a few years ago.
They train the troops to shoot their own mother in the drills.
Will you shoot your mother if I tell you, sir?
Yes, sir!
And they have drills about locking cities down in the Army and Marines and National Guard.
And the role players say, I'm your uncle, I'm your brother, please don't take me.
And you belly club them in the head and you take them to the truck and you load them.
And you get that petty power trip while your bank account's being sucked dry, while your pension's being sucked dry.
You're never going to get any health care.
You're never going to get any property.
You're never going to have any future.
They're going to make you so poor and so overthrown that they can put all the fluoride in your food and water they want.
And you know what?
You're going to deliver.
You like violent video games.
You like violent culture.
You think the devil's sexy.
You festoon yourself with those symbols.
You are going to get to drink from the cup of abomination.
You love the curses of 51 million abortions?
You love the curses of a million dead Iraqis?
You love all the blood on our name, on our hands?
You are going to get to drink from absolute abomination.
You want pain.
You want suffering.
You want judgment.
You want hell.
You want degradation.
The gates are now being opened.
Everything that America wants, dearly in their satanic heart, they will now get.
The abomination churches worshiping global government.
Worshipping tyranny, telling their flocks to lay down, under Homeland Security, cyber security training, to tell their flocks to take the injections and go to the FEMA camps.
Everything you want is now materializing.
Everything you desire, because you hate yourselves deep down and you want to be punished, and you will be.
Continuing, as Egypt goes offline, U.S.
gets internet kill switch bill ready.
The Russians got to sup from the cup of death.
The Germans got to sup.
The Cambodians got to sup.
The Iraqis have got to sup with the banks that run our country funding them.
And now you will get to sup.
You want to sit down at this bloody orgy?
You want to sit down at this table laid bare with the futures of our children and literally eat their souls as your soul has been trafficked and sold to the old serpent?
If you don't repent now and hit your afterburners to warn everybody and wake up and hit your knees and wear sackcloth and pour ashes over yourself, you are going to be gobbled up.
You just watch.
You want satanic government?
You got it.
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We are here live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
You know, I'm not trying to be negative, but Hitler killing tens of millions, Stalin killing tens of millions, Lenin killing tens of millions, Mao, Pol Pot, the list goes on and on.
Think about Stalin killing conservatively 35 million people.
Uh... conservatively sixty million under Mao and our government, our so-called government, is now on record admitting they helped put Mao into power and David Rockefeller and all these other globalists write articles and books about how great he was and how we need that system.
Think of a million dead.
That's ten sports stadiums with one hundred thousand each.
Men, women, children, little babies killed
Think of 64 million, that's the conservative estimate, that Mao killed.
64 million murdered.
Now, if that isn't black cup of abomination, if that isn't total degradation, think about 51 million people dead.
How many sports stadiums is that?
How many sports stadiums filled with 100,000 people is 51 million?
That's how many babies didn't get to get born in America.
So see, all this death goes on around us, and so we're shocked when tyranny starts rearing its head.
We're shocked that the federal government would sign secret deals 11 years ago to begin stealing the death benefits of U.S.
troops as they die.
Of course they're going to get away with that!
If they can steal tens of trillions of dollars, and then Congress says, where's the money going, Federal Reserve?
And they say, we're not going to tell you.
And the former Fed head goes on Laer News Hour and says we're above the law, nobody can touch us or investigate us because they say so?
Because they're wearing a suit?
Is there nothing we won't put up with?
Is there no level of humiliation?
My words can't describe what's been set up.
The banks that have run the world for the last 70 years, conservatively, have funded dictators, have funded wars, have funded both sides of conflicts, and they're bringing a hellish system in.
And then they admit, all over the news, that these big financial interests that run our country are overthrowing Hosni Mubarak to bring in another guy involved in torture and corruption?
Another guy involved in all of this persecution?
They got rid of Saddam and brought in more tyranny.
It's actually accelerated now that Saddam Hussein is gone.
They want it to be bad.
They want to destroy these countries.
They want you on your belly, starving.
They want you and myself and everybody else dead.
That's their endgame.
They want us gone.
They've bought up the world through fraud and they are tired of looking at us.
I want to go to this clip and then go to break and come back, but this is Zbigniew Brzezinski on ABC News last night openly saying that he wants
Hosni Mubarak has stepped down.
Now here's the Brzezinski model.
This is one of the architects of these type of color revolutions against the globalist-owned ally, Hosni Mubarak.
Here it is.
We're joined now by a man who has helped navigate U.S.
foreign policy way back during the Iranian Revolution.
He is Bigniev Brzezinski, who used to be President Carter's National Security Advisor, joins us now.
Thank you for being with us.
I want to start by asking you, does Mubarak have to go?
Or, as the administration seems to hope, he can implement enough reforms to get through this moment.
Is that realistic?
I don't think that's realistic.
What could be realistic is that Mubarak himself becomes convinced, with outside advice, that it is in his interest, as well as in Egypt's interest, that he goes, and that he sets in motion a process which facilitates that.
I think the alternatives otherwise are much tougher.
Either the army cracks down and the populace increasingly turns to fundamentalism, radicalism in reaction to the crackdown, or the regime perpetuates itself and an explosion comes later and even more violent.
And it goes on from there.
Notice how they fed the sounds of rioting and chanting.
That reminds me of Chicago last week said to make everybody happier, they're going to put up broadcasting towers that play the sound of tweeting and singing and chirping birds.
See, the mindset is we're creatures in a laboratory.
We're creatures on a slide in a petri dish.
And they're the social engineers manipulating us.
But exactly as I said Sunday, once they began to admit that they were orchestrating this, the globalists, that they knew that there was a trigger coming.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Devastating globalist lies.
Exposing the mainstream media's propaganda machine.
Tirelessly waging war on corruption.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas.
Transmitting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We see the Earth.
We see the Earth from here.
It's a private banking cartel playing nations, races, religions off against each other.
They then pose as the arbiter or the referee and the financiers to fix the crises that they create or that they energize.
And so by Saturday and then by Sunday, it began to become completely, absolutely clear
That the establishment knew that Egypt was on the edge of revolt because the IMF and the World Bank in the last year had ordered them to institute austerity measures right at half their population making under $2 a day.
Many of their people starving or malnourished.
The UN coming in saying they'd give them more money if they engaged in sterilization and abortion.
That's been a big fight.
And Hosni Mubarak could not, even though he's a dictator, he could not force that on the Egyptians.
So the globalists have blocked Egypt from industrializing, which would have caused them to stop having as many children that the globalists think is so dangerous.
And so while blocking their development, which then triggers larger populations in every case, then they come in and demand that the abortion and the other eugenics operations be carried out.
And that's clearly one of the main reasons the UN has been critical of the regime in their 20 years of demands that they get busy killing their people, like China has done.
So extremely serious situation there.
And so they know that the people were about to rebel and take their nation back.
That scene is radical.
Can't actually have a Middle Eastern country run by the people.
And so in comes this Mohammed ElBaradei, top globalist, top UN minion, top eugenicist, to carry out that operation.
But then the U.S.
has to tacitly approve of Hosni Mubarak so the population doesn't wake up to what's happening and actually give Mubarak support once they realize that that's the dictator now out of favor
With the New World Order, and undoubtedly what they're about to get is going to be a lot worse.
So the globalists put gas on the fire, fuel on the fire, accelerant on the blaze, by making them cut the food allowances that, again, right at half the population is surviving on.
And so you see millions of very lean people on the verge of starvation,
malnutrition epidemic hitting the streets for food and don't worry the man on the white horse arrives Mohammed ElBaradei he will save you and the Muslim Brotherhood that I hear neocons talking about being radical Muslims that want to get us admittedly run by British Israeli and US intelligence trying now to overthrow Saudi Arabia openly the head of the Muslim Brotherhood saying they're going to overthrow Jordan the big ally
Because they don't want Jordan with factories and hotels and fighter jets and friendly royalty and an elite wearing Armani suits and women sipping Coca-Cola on the street corners at the cafes.
They want them like Iraq, truck bombings.
Guys running around with hoods on their heads, screaming Allah Akbar, blowing up Shiites and Sunnis, killing each other.
The Grand Chess Board.
You cannot serve the New World Order.
You cannot lick their boots and have them leave you alone.
Anyone who can stand, anyone who can tie their shoelaces, is an enemy of the New World Order, including America.
We're taught to have this lustful hate of the Muslims, while Western governments bring them in as fast as they can.
While the tax-free foundations, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and other endowments, Ford, fund the radical Muslims, fund the liberation theology, fund the jihad, fund the takeover in the prisons, which are giant education centers for the Muslims to take over.
They are creating that foreign enemy and then offering their solution.
Just as they fund the Hispanic liberation, the black liberation, just as the FBI has been caught and the Southern Poverty Law Center and others running and infiltrating and controlling the white supremacist.
And that's why the white supremacist, whether they know it or not, some are useful idiots at the bottom, hate this show so much because I call them out when it constantly gets revealed in lawsuits and court hearings that
In every case, the commanders, the leaders of the Aryan nations, the commanders, the leaders of the white supremacists, of the Klan, of the Elohim City, of these marches through minority areas of cities, they're not infiltrated by feds, they are run by feds!
To make us fight with each other.
Mecha, La Raza, Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, Hal Turner, all of it to get us at each other's throats while the New World Order brings in its tyranny.
It's called Balkanization, Divide and Conquer.
Now, I listened to local radio this morning, local AM, then I listened to local FM, then I listened to national AM, then I checked the news listings for about three hours, scanning back and forth, and I heard this big demonization of Hosni Mubarak because he did an internet kill switch and shut the web off.
And certainly.
I mean, what do you think a dictator, now in his Hitlerian bunker, as Der Spiegel points out, surrounded on all sides, what do you think he's going to do?
But none of them want to talk about the internet kill switch our government
has already constructed and has already built.
As Egypt goes offline, U.S.
gets internet kill switch.
Bill Reddy, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, for some reason the Australians are big on this, PC World, they're all reporting on it.
Oh, but I don't hear those talk show hosts crying out against that.
In fact, a lot of conservatives agree we need this because of Al-Qaeda, yes.
And then they launch an attack on the web, say Al-Qaeda did it, shut the web down for a time, and when they roll out the new web, it's got all the controls in place that are already there.
A nice false flag on our liberty, and they'll have the average liberal and conservative on talk radio, on TV, cheering, we're not going to let Al-Qaeda win, we've got a new, unfree internet.
That'll keep us safe!
We've got to have this internet for commerce!
As Egypt's government attempts to crack down on street protests by shutting down internet and mobile phone services, the U.S.
is preparing to reintroduce a bill that could be used to shut down the internet.
I've got Lieberman, Jay Rockefeller, Obama all saying, while China's got it, we need to be able to shut the web off to protect it during a Chinese attack or an Al-Qaeda attack.
Oh, oh, oh.
Then they lie and say, oh, they can shut off red lights.
Oh, they can shut off respirators.
None of that, by law, can be hooked into the internet.
Oh, you can go up to a terminal on the side of the road and reprogram a sign, if you've got the skills.
One sign.
You cannot.
It's on its own network.
It was initially introduced last year but expired with the new Congress.
Yeah, they say the terrorists are gonna make the nuclear reactors go off.
Really, when the U.S.
and Israel made the Stuxnet three months ago, a spy had to put it in with a thumb drive into the computer and into every piece of equipment that was separated.
Globalist spies had to load it directly in because it wasn't hooked to the Internet, even in Iran.
Oh, but then our media said, we've got to give up our internet freedom and have the kill switch because of Stuxnet.
That happened right as they were lobbying to pass it.
And then they later admit our own government with Israel launches the Stuxnet that bounces back on our countries in the West, and then they have no shame.
They say, we've got to take over the internet to stop Stuxnet.
We've got to take your liberty because of Stuxnet that the terrorists launched.
And they go, by the way, we launched it.
As if common sense doesn't exist with a child-like, servile public.
And I'm talking about that group in the public that is servile and crouches down to lick the tyrannical hand of the New World Order that loves it, that lives to grovel, lives to sound like second-grade children gibbering on talk radio, filled with ignorance, repeating the false paradigm information they've downloaded.
It was initially introduced last year but expired with the new Congress.
Senator Susan Collins, a co-sponsor of the bill, said that unlike Egypt, where the government was using its powers to quell dissent by shutting down the internet, it would not.
Really, the administration admits they want to use it for that, and the White House science czar and the regulations czar and others have called for restricting people that disagree with the globalists.
So has the FCC Commissioner, so has other members of the FCC Board.
I mean, you haven't heard the countless members of Congress calling for total censorship of free speech in America?
What rock are you hiding under, Collins?
Oh, let us turn the web off and have the power!
But I promise, I promise, I promise we're the government, we don't lie!
My legislation will provide a mechanism for the government to work with private sector.
That means take it over.
You ought to read the Cybersecurity Act.
In the event of a true cyber emergency.
Collins said in an email statement to Wired, it would give our nation the best tools available to swiftly respond to a significant threat.
The banks only got unlimited trillions with the banker bailout to save us from the bad financial decisions that weren't bad for them that they put in place with Glass-Steagall being removed.
They create the crisis, think we have no memory, and offer the solution.
Here's WIRED.
Communicate if your government shuts off your internet.
And what else did Egypt do?
And then I'm going to your calls.
They arrested people in mass.
Opposition across the board and members of Al Jazeera saying that they're British intelligence.
Of course, Mubarak always knew that because, you know, he works partially for British intelligence.
It's kind of the trifecta.
The US, Israel, and England, all like triple Siamese triplets.
And that's what they're doing.
And of course they arrested Al Jazeera.
I mean, it's come out that MSNBC, CNN, all of them are completely government-funded.
Your tax money goes through the subsidiaries to them.
We have state-run media.
But they always thought they could ignore shows like mine and the alternative media.
But now that we're rivaling them, they're openly licking their lips saying they want to start shutting us down.
And you notice Mubarak arrested the media, the foreign media.
Mubarak has arrested all the opposition groups.
They sent army trucks around everybody's house to arrest tens of thousands of people.
What do you think they're training the army to do here?
I've been to the drills to drive around, including picking up city council members, preachers, even people that have served them.
Even people that have served them.
They've done psychological assessments on them, or maybe the local government operative doesn't like you so they put you on the list, so you go to a FEMA dungeon.
And of course you've got to be inoculated for your own safety.
They train for that.
You show up, you're in a facility, and if you yell and scream and get angry, oh, I'm sorry, you're disruptive, you're going to the Brig facility.
And waiting there are the compartmentalized contractors, and they strap you down to that gurney, and they start taking a ball-peen hammer and just smashing your fingers off.
Oh, and they've been trained by the thousands.
Maybe they take your kids in and start raping them in front of you.
Then they take acid and pour it all over your children.
That's your loving USA!
That's who runs our country, the same ones that funded Mubarak to do all of that.
General Togumbo's Army Report.
contractors and U.S.
forces raping children with battery acid.
Go read it!
Army Report on Torture.
Type that in.
Of course, General Togumbo got in a little trouble after he released that.
Oh, but that we had to do it to fight the terrorists!
They might get us if we don't!
No, they were forging an army of hell.
They were forging an army of satanic dungeon keepers to be released on us and to trade larger cadres.
Look, I'm not trying to scare you.
This is the evil that we have created.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who I played earlier, bragged in two books that he wrote that he funded Pol Pot.
And Pol Pot killed 30 million people, and he's proud of that.
To the globalists, you are honored when you kill.
You are honored with the more skulls you have hanging around, you know, the chains that bind their wicked souls.
They love it.
They live for it.
They like it.
It's like notches in their gun belt.
Do you understand that?
I got a bunch of other news.
I said I'd go to your phone calls.
We're going to go to calls so late after the TARP is joining us.
Right now, let's go to Greg in California.
Greg, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing?
I just wanted to bring up a couple of little points.
I thought Clinton and Obama, right after, right when everything got really excited, it seemed that they had very well thought out, calculated words that
Yeah, they're funding the revolution, but in case it doesn't work, they say, oh, well, we want him to stand down while their armies that are funded are taking over.
But Jimmy Carter wouldn't make a difference.
And I just thought it was interesting also that the TSA had the big announcements the day before.
And, um, you know, all the attention got off of that.
That's right.
They said, listen, we don't care if the law says you can have private screeners here.
We're not going to allow that now.
We run things.
We're seizing your infrastructure.
It's all beta testing for what we're in store for.
It's planting the seed, expect so we can expect to have our internet shut down.
And, uh,
You know, just on top of everything, I just want to comment on, you know, I'm from Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco.
It's really diverse here.
I have never met a rude Middle Eastern person in my life.
You know, with all this money that we're, you know, putting towards this, it's just ridiculous.
No, they're trying to radicalize the Muslim world.
This is where so many sciences, the alphabet, astronomy were developed, chemistry, and they're very intelligent people, and they wanted to have liberty and freedom, and our criminal government, run by the banks, is on record putting radical Muslims in everywhere, and then taking our liberties in the name of fighting the radical Muslims.
They're very gracious people, you know.
Absolutely, we're in a lot of trouble.
Greg, let's go to Jay in Michigan.
Jay, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Thanks for taking my call.
I got two points I want to try to make and cook down in this soup of chaos here.
First, to the corporatists.
You know, I've been in business for a number of years up here in Michigan in the automotive industry, and I can tell you there's a trend, a little thing that happens where a lot of Tier 2 vendors that we work with will get bought up by big corporations.
Yeah, stay there, stay there.
That is the infrastructure, the mid-level infrastructure is being vertically integrated and consolidated so the web is in the hands of just five or six big mega-corporations and under cyber security it forces the little bitty teeny ISP to put physical homeland security snooping grids in.
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Globalist puppet Mohammed ElBaradei is demanding, of course, that Hosni Mubarak, the old worn-out globalist vampire, step down so that he can begin supping with pleasure at the throat of the Egyptian people.
And like a swarm of carrion crows, of course, the bankers are expanding
Their forced collapse of this country.
But before they can do that, they've got to have all the telescreens up telling you to watch your neighbors.
They've got to have the police trained at the internal checkpoints, which they're now expanding.
They've got to have their internet kill switch in place.
They'll probably partially shut the web down during a fake cyber attack, then turn it right back on to say, see, we're doing this to protect you, just to set that precedent Google announced, obviously.
A week ago that they are going to start filtering out alternative media and blocking it.
It's all happening right on time for the dollar devaluation and the confiscation of the pension funds.
And when you rebel, don't worry, they'll have a new solution for you.
Even more tyranny.
Only being aware of the complexities of this do we have any chance of stopping them.
But going back to
I guess it was Jay in Michigan who was bringing up IT situations.
Go ahead.
So to the point that I was making, and then I've got a quick question for you, which actually wasn't an IT situation.
I'm in the medical manufacturing business, formerly owned an automotive manufacturing business in Michigan.
And one of the things that we're seeing happening right now that ties into the whole globalization and corporatization of the world is
In automotive, all these small shops that were very productive, had an owner-employee relationship, treated their employees well, they would get bought up by these big corporate holding companies.
Now I'm beginning to see the same thing happen in the medical sector, too.
Well, that's what I was saying dealing with IT, because these big mega holding companies have unlimited fiat banker bailout money paid for by our tax dollars.
It's not free market.
It's basically like playing Monopoly against the bank.
You can't win.
Well, absolutely.
And what happens, I mean, this is happening across industries worldwide, but what the killer is,
It's part of the tactic of destroying the middle class.
I mean, I got so worked up about this a few years ago.
I actually took a run for state rep here in Michigan as an independent libertarian.
And, you know, we're trying to find ways to deal with this, and I'm feeling like it's snowballing faster than can be handled through the conventional channels of government.
Like running for office, getting in position, and making changes.
I just feel like the whole thing's running away
You know, we're still trying to do it, and I've been doing a lot of homework trying to study, you know, you always, when you talk about globalists, you talk about population growth.
You know, how is population growth affecting the snowball of this globalist attitude and trying to bring whole populaces under control, you know, near militant control, and trying to come up with a timeline, you know, on how to react to this.
Well let's be clear, and I appreciate your call, but they're not trying to bring things under control.
They're trying to wipe out any country or organization or group of people that are self-sufficient.
They don't want things to be nice.
They don't want it under control.
They want things in a disheveled, collapsing situation so that they can expand their overall police state in the name of cleaning up the crisis, but then they never even fix the crisis because they go into the next phase of an even bigger crisis and then even more control to supposedly fix it.
And then another even bigger crisis and more control, more control.
That's the method to their madness.
It's order out of chaos.
We'll be back with more phone calls in 70 seconds, in the second hour, then Webster Tarpley joining us and Max Geiser.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Webster, Griffin, Tarpley will be with us for about 35 minutes coming up.
Then I'll continue with calls throughout the end of the hour.
And then at 8 after next hour Max Keiser will join us on the economy, Egypt and a lot more.
But we're going back to your phone calls right now.
And obviously we're talking about what's happening in Egypt.
The open announcement that the government is trying to put in an Internet kill switch so they can shut down freedom of speech during a police state takeover.
It's all accelerating.
And the globalists knew
When they ordered Egypt to cut the food allotments to their population, close to half of which are living at starvation level without that food, that it would cause this rebellion, and then the globalists give Egypt the savior, the well-known globalist, UN minion, Mohammed ElBaradei.
Let's talk to Randy in North Carolina, then Lane, Patriot, Brian, Mike, and others.
Go ahead, Rudy.
Welcome, Rudy, you're on the air.
Yes, would you like to speak?
I was talking to my family over the holidays, and I was trying to explain to my in-laws how New York is now a police state, and they didn't understand.
So as I was talking to them, I came up with the idea of, why don't people just start writing down how many times they ask for their ID?
Every time you turn around, somebody's asking for your ID, somebody's asking for, you know, more information and more information.
Well that's so if you're on a pickup list they can go ahead and scoop you up.
Cops all over the world now have license plate readers and they drive by stolen cars, they drive by and don't do anything about it.
It's all about politically tracking you and now they have TV shows about the police in New York where they show checkpoints on the roads, checkpoints in the malls, checkpoints in the subway with families and little kids having their school bags searched.
We're all learning how to be prisoners and America, one big giant
prison uh... and and all of us basically as slaves and people think that's freedom land of the free home of the brave is where they put drugs in your water train your kids to spy on you and have checkpoints with guys with machine guns everywhere that's freedom
Having our internet shut off, that's freedom.
Having helicopters look through our walls, that's freedom.
Having our pension funds taken, having the veterans' death benefits taken, that's freedom.
Now, tyranny is private property and happy families and health and freedom of mobility and privacy.
You see?
So, we're entering the 1984 system.
Last thing, Alex, is
You know, what people don't realize what's happening over in Egypt right now, notice how they're saying that people have to defend themselves with shovels and knives.
See, what happened is, over here in America, we have the opportunity right now to bear our arms.
When things go crazy, I think that's the thing that's scaring this government and their leaders to their bones right now, is that, you know, as much as they want to say the criminals got the guns and everything,
Even if they do, they know that they'll fight back.
They know that the people who are legally owning guns fighting back.
And if you ever notice, which is something that I've been watching lately, the propaganda being perceived right now is that everybody's doing something stupid with a gun.
They're never showing anything on TV, the blogs, the internet, where people are legally defending themselves and are glad that they had their firearm.
It's always somebody doing something stupid and I think people need to start looking for
Positive sites of people defending themselves.
That's right.
The media only hypes bad things that happen with guns.
But look at the statistics.
The vast majority of Americans are now pro-Second Amendment.
They get it.
And the globalists are in trouble.
I appreciate your call, Rudy.
Great points.
The New World Order is scared.
Because the ghost of our founders, who weren't perfect, but delivered to us that inalienable right, they simply uncovered it and pointed it out, that slaves are disarmed, free men and women are armed.
And so the ghost of our forefathers and mothers, the spirit of 1776 is still alive and well with us today, and it literally animates our great contest for liberty now.
And this is the great contest against tyranny.
And that's the big ace in the hole.
That's the big wild card.
That's our due sex.
Is that we have that Second Amendment.
And I'm going to speak to that as we go to Tarpley coming up.
That was my next point.
I'm glad you raised it.
We'll get to everybody else as well.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right.
Webster Griffin Tarpley is our guest.
We're talking about Egypt.
We're going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour for your questions or comments to myself or Webster.
We've got some major U.S.
news on health care reform with a lot of states and courts battling it.
That is all coming up.
But Webster Griffin Tarpley, who's a great analyst who joins us routinely, is a doctor of history.
He's also an economist.
and a author but before I went to Webster there's one thing we can see illustrated by Egypt more than anything else on the ground and that's that
Governments can't and won't protect you.
And then a lot of Egyptians had illegal firearms, because there is a total gun ban there for the citizens, to defend their property.
And as in the case of New Orleans in 2005 and every other big event worldwide, the police and military have been caught, have been shot, have been beaten, have been arrested by the citizens, robbing jewelry stores, homes,
Anytime there's a crisis, government is going to come and try to rob you.
Because government basically, in the modern age, has been set up to rob us.
And so the type of agents they recruit are going to do this during a period of anarchy.
Now, last week I reserved judgment on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
I said the people are hungry.
There is a real anger in
The Middle East, but also in North Africa, not just in Egypt, but Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Yemen, Jordan.
The people see the corruption, but the globalists know that this is coming to a head, and so they may want to trigger this now.
to try to put in their own people instead of groups that actually represent the democratic wishes of the people in these regions.
But I said, I've got to hold back.
This may be organic.
But then over the weekend, the State Department admitted
Many others admitted that, yes, the West was funding the former head of the Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed ElBaradei, that the Muslim Brotherhood is trying to overthrow the other globalist allies, Saudi Arabia, of course, places like Jordan, Yemen.
And Webster Tarpley, my first question for you, and then I want to give you the floor on these issues.
They give us the full spectrum analysis, and you've been proven right again because they now admit they've been financing this whole thing while giving tacit support.
To their old, tired dictator who wasn't following their every order on Malthusian forced abortion and things like that.
But is it not the IMF and World Bank in the last 14 months ordering Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries and North African countries to cut the food allotment under austerity with 50% or more of the population on $2 a day getting this emergency food allotment?
The globalists put in the
And it appears they're beginning to fail.
So, Webster, what is the great game?
Why are they doing this?
Well, it is a CIA color revolution with plenty of backup from MI6.
And it's a people power coup attempted, but I think now failing and ebbing.
Now, the economic background that you correctly point to is that there is large unemployment in Egypt.
There's a rising price of fuel, but this is determined by speculators in London, the International Commodity Exchange, I.C.E.
And, of course, there's a rising price of wheat, but that's also speculators at the New York Comex.
In other words, the depression is not caused by Mubarak or any of these other people.
The depression comes to you direct from Wall Street.
The attempt, obviously, of the Wall Street City of London finance oligarchs is to deflect
anger about these situations towards local governments, which are always easier for people to fight because of, you know, their limited understanding of how this stuff works.
Now, Mubarak also, of course, has this repressive side to him, right?
He's been in power for 30 years.
He's been ruling under a state of emergency.
The state of emergency, however, began when Anglo-American intelligence assassinated Sadat.
With the help of this Muslim Brotherhood.
Remember, Ayman Zawahiri, the number two to Bin Laden, in his previous existence was an Egypt activist, right, he's from Egypt, and he was part of the attempt to kill, to actually did kill Sadat, and then he was able to flee to London and was able to continue
His career.
So this is, the basic thing is, it's a destabilization.
There are real issues around it.
But destabilization.
One of the interviews, I'm fortunate here, I can get the Al Jazeera putsch vision in English, right?
And they have been hyping, mercilessly hyping the overthrow of Mubarak on this British intelligence line.
So they had a guy on there who said, I'm going to go out and demonstrate.
I don't care about Mubarak one way or another.
I want higher wages.
The minimum wage in Egypt is way too low.
It needs to be immediately hiked up.
And he says, I want a better deal on the food and the bread price.
That, I think, shows you what a lot of this is.
In other words, people are willing to the extent that anybody has turned out at all.
And these crowds are very anemic.
The people who are doing it, some of them are there simply because they hope to get a little bit better deal.
They're not there for hope change, singing tomorrows, and El Barra Day.
I think very, very few people care about this.
The main thing I would say that people have to understand is, despite the hype in the U.S.
television, this thing is ebbing away.
It's failing.
The goal of the U.S.
and the British was obviously to force a panic on Friday, right?
Friday being Friday prayers, right?
The holiday in Egypt and much of the Muslim world, of course.
It's the equivalent of Sunday in Europe.
We're good to go.
It starts with 15,000 on the 25th of January, according to various things that I found on the Internet.
On Friday, that was the day of rage.
That was when you had tens of thousands, they claimed.
By Saturday the 29th, they had, I think, 50,000 in the central square of Cairo, this Tahrir
And that seems to have been their high point.
By the 30th, it's down to 5,000 at Tahrir.
On January 31st, today, even Al Jazeera admitted that at 6 o'clock this morning, there were 200 people in Tahrir Square.
Now, that's pathetic.
In Kiev in 2004, they had 10, 20,000 young nihilists who were willing to stay out overnight in tents, right, with plenty of drugs and plenty of money.
Well Webster, Webster, I get the point that you're saying you believe it's failing, and Al Jazeera did hype that Mubarak had fled the country last Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Even after he was on television, clearly there, they ran with the disinformation that he had fled.
But on a larger issue, why do the globalists, and who are the main players here, why do the globalists want to do this to Egypt that has been extremely pliant with them?
Let me just add one last thing, just for the irony of it, right?
Today, Al Jazeera claims 250,000 in this Tahrir Square, and the Egyptian state television then switched to a continuous feed of Tahrir Square, showing, you know, 10,000 if they're very, very lucky, maybe more like 5,000.
Now, the why of it?
The why is that you have these entrenched dictators in the Arab world, right?
You have Bouteflika in Algeria, and some of them are more harsh, less harsh.
You have Gaddafi in Libya, you have Mubarak in Egypt, but you've also got the Jordanian monarchy, you've got the Saudi Arabian royal family, and of course there's the Assad
Dynasty in Syria.
These are all entrenched, right?
Gaddafi's been there for 40 years.
Mubarak's been there for 30 years.
The Assad dynasty for 30 years.
The Saudis have been there basically, you know, since the 1920s.
So, they're entrenched.
They don't follow orders to the degree that a new unstable parliamentary regime would have to do it.
The U.S.
is in a desperate situation.
They need kamikaze puppets.
If you go to Mubarak and say, we want you to become a kamikaze puppet, he'll simply say, no, I won't do it.
So what they need is ElBaradei, he's an agent of the International Crisis Group that I was already denouncing on my website earlier in the week, and also on my Twitter feed that people should tune into, Webster G. Tarpley, if you want to keep up from minute to minute.
They want countries above all they can use internationally.
What do they want to do?
The whole idea of the U.S.
and the Middle East is to create an Arab-Sunni front against Iran, its allies, and the Shiite populations in general.
It's the obvious way they do it, right?
They use war, religion, clash of civilizations, Arab-Sunnis against Persian, Iranian, Shiites, and others, right?
Including Hezbollah and other, you know, Hamas and other people that tend to go with
With Iran.
You've got to have Egypt for that, right?
Egypt is 80 million people.
This is the big population center of the entire Arab world.
You've got to have them in some kind of a militant mode.
And with Mubarak, no, Mubarak wants stability.
He wants Mubarak.
He wants the Mubarak dynasty.
He wants his son Gamal to be his successor.
He doesn't want radical change.
And similarly, right, Gaddafi is not interested in leading some crusade against Iran.
You've got to get these people out, and therefore, a kamikaze puppet against Iran.
You also want people you can use against China, and people you can use against Russia.
These are the main goals.
And I talked about this at the beginning, right, that Carter had tried this 30 years ago, and Obama is the new Carter.
And Obama has tried it in Iran.
He's failed.
The Lebanon attempt of 2005 has failed.
The U.S.
is not able to dictate the government of Iraq, and they're also not able to influence the government of Lebanon.
All right, Webster, stay there.
When we come back, I want to pull back from all of this and look at the larger geopolitical ramifications, how it all fits together, and what this signifies that the Anglo-American establishment
Can't take over Lebanon.
Can't pull the scam with Russia in Georgia.
Can't hold on to Eastern Europe.
These people power revolutions are failing.
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It really is staggering for me intellectually to actually see mainstream U.S.
news promoting an internet kill switch.
Like, gee, look, Haji Mubarak's got one.
We sure need one.
We've got a report from Paul Joseph Watson that just went up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that is the most detailed yet breaking down this clear and present danger.
And the headline is, kill switch.
Obama Administration Fears Egypt-Style Revolt in the U.S.
The number one search term today.
Let's do it again, folks, so people understand the threat against the Internet.
Obama kill switch.
The headline is kill switch.
Obama administration fears Egypt-style revolt in the U.S.
We've got to get attention on the Obama kill switch now.
A lot of conservatives are upset by this.
Why they've done this.
It is a bold move.
It does smack of desperation.
Where does Israel stand?
Because they've been praising Mubarak and Haratz and others are saying Obama will go down as the president who lost Egypt.
Is that more of just Israel on the surface attempting to praise Mubarak knowing that that'll backfire and then cause rebellion against him?
Or where does Israel stand in all this?
The public posture of the Israelis is that they support Mubarak.
Netanyahu made a statement saying, we urge everybody to be nice to Mubarak and leave him in power.
And it's obvious at that level what they're responding to, right?
If you have chaos in Egypt, suppose the government, the whole regime,
That's admitted!
And by the way, the Muslim Brotherhood is in the Associated Press saying, we're going to bring down Saudi Arabia, we're going to bring down Jordan, and that was my next issue here, but finish up there, Webster.
This is such a powder keg.
What do you think the Saudi Arabians and others are doing, realizing that the globalists are trying to bring them down?
Well, just step by step.
The Muslim Brotherhood, again, is this British intelligence creation.
In the years of Nasser, now Nasser had many, many positive features.
Nasser was building infrastructure on a tremendous scale.
That Aswan High Dam is an example of the infrastructure that builds a nation.
Otherwise, they would be having floods.
Now they've got flood control, they've got hydroelectric, they've got a whole series of advantages.
The Nile, of course, being the center of the country.
In terms of the
The awareness now.
There's a very interesting statement from Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and he says, I've been on the telephone with Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, and with President Assad of Syria, and they briefed me on the U.S.
meddling in Egypt.
And he says, I find this sickening.
I find it shameful that they betray their ally.
And then he adds, that's how the devil pays you.
But now all the U.S.
client states in the Middle East have to wonder, what good is an alliance with the U.S.?
It's not worth anything, and that's going to, I think, increase the ability of Saudi Arabia.
We know that there was an attempt by Bandar, right?
Prince Bandar wanted to open to Russia in a significant way, and then that seemed to have been shut down.
I would look for people in Algeria, people in Saudi Arabia.
You know, to get on the phone.
And indeed, Mubarak, right?
If I were Mubarak, I'd be on the phone with Putin, I'd be on the phone with who?
In China?
I'd be on the phone... So this is a desperate gamut.
So I go back to that, as you started to allude to.
What is Jordan thinking?
What is Saudi Arabia thinking?
When the globalist-run Muslim Brotherhood, on record, who our media uses to take our liberties away in the name of the threat, it's a multi-faced coin, or a...
Swiss Army knife they use for every crisis, this proto-Al Qaeda.
They've got proto-Al Qaeda threatening all these globalist slash Israeli allies.
I mean, that's got to be a wake-up call to them, especially if this fails in Egypt.
Yes, and for Egypt especially, the big vulnerability of Egypt is wheat.
They are dependent on imported food, in particular the question of bread.
Now, they have a system, which is very good, which is a system of subsidies for the bread price.
They keep bread cheap as a means
Stay there.
Stay there.
And then they're following the Twitter and the social networks.
They know the Egyptians are ripe to rebel because they've got empty bellies.
In comes ElBaradee from the UN.
I mean, how obvious is this?
We'll be right back, Webster Darbly.
I just can't believe how treacherous this is, though.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going back to Webster Griffin Tarpley and then your phone calls on this issue straight ahead.
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Okay, continuing here.
Webster, you know, I'm really having trouble dealing with this because if you go back to last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I knew that WikiLeaks was connected to Tunisia.
I knew that was a staged event.
It was admitted by the West.
It was.
But then, I looked at Mubarak, this servant, who did everything he was told, the torture centers, the black sites, Westerners being flown in to be tortured there, Israel worshipping him, Netanyahu saying what buddies they are, the people there revolting against him, seeing him as a US-slash-Israel puppet, and then to do this to him, if they were unsuccessful,
It just shows that there's no honor among these people, even amongst their own thieves and dictators.
But then they came out and bragged that El Baradei was their man from the UN, and that they had engineered this, and they were actually proud of it.
It does smack of desperate actions, and that is really scary to know that they're really trying to overthrow and destabilize Saudi Arabia.
I mean, what does Jordan think of this?
To now have the Muslim Brotherhood openly run by the West, charging around, threatening people.
I mean, are they trying to set off World War III here, Webster?
Well, I think it's a phase change of world history.
If the destabilization of Egypt had succeeded, and I don't think it will at this point,
This would have been the triumph of the empire, the crushing of the nation-state everywhere, starting with the Arab world, a huge world hysteria, the destruction of many, many nations, and the emergence of an overarching world empire in the form of the international... Because they would trigger these rebellions everywhere, and then roll in with their revolutionaries, and globalist flags would be hauled up in even more nations.
Right, and that's the issue.
I don't think this will happen now, at least not in that form.
It's a huge defeat for the U.S.
because they came out, and as Chavez and Gaddafi and Assad have all noted, they essentially were out there shooting the works.
For destabilization of Egypt, right?
It's a... a babonk, right?
A double or nothing play, right?
Let's... let's... A Hail Mary!
Let's cut the branch on destabilization.
A Hail Mary!
Yeah, there you go.
And I don't think it's working.
It's running out of steam.
They have no color.
They have no slogan.
They have no leader.
They have no TV.
They have no internet.
The police and the army remain loyal.
They don't have working people with them because these people are not credible, right?
And now Mubarak has said this is a foreign conspiracy.
Yes, right.
And ElBaradei jets in from his apartment in Vienna, where he spends his time with his money from the Soros-Brezhinski International Crisis Group, right, who were part of the action in Tunisia.
And this is simply not credible.
Now, Moody's today has downgraded Egypt.
Now, this is the Wall Street attack.
If you look at the internal arrangements in Egypt, what does Wall Street care about in a place like Egypt?
Obviously, they want to attack the bread subsidy, because this will lead to tremendous instability.
When the U.S.
says they want to revise or review the aid posture, the $1.5 billion or $3 billion, depending on how you count it, that Egypt gets every year, at the heart of this is money to buy food.
And by the way, none of this is your opinion.
In the IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im Bank documents we've gotten off and on the last 30 years, the biggest data dump, 2002, they admit they go in to third world countries and say, we'll give you loans, but get rid of subsidies.
And behind the scenes, they're rubbing their hands together going, get our takeover revolution ready.
We'll really loot them now.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
They're trying to set the
I don't
That generally means destroy the subsidies, free market, right?
Free market, free trade, globalization, a reign of international finance capital, and all the rest of it.
The response from Mubarak to all this, and let me just say that the
Moody says the reason they're downgrading Egypt's debt is that they're afraid that Mubarak will increase social expenditure, have a higher minimum wage, increase the food subsidies, this sort of thing.
And they don't want this.
Therefore, they want to have a speculative run on the Egyptian pound and on Egyptian government debt.
So he's going to have to respond with protectionist measures of his own.
The obvious thing for Mubarak to do is raise the minimum wage.
Get the price of bread and cooking oil and fuel down.
Kick out the International Monetary Fund.
Declare a debt moratorium.
And then, what are the resources of Egypt?
Well, you got the Nile.
The Aswan High Dam is there.
Give the Nile the full Tennessee Valley Authority treatment.
What else do you have?
The Suez Canal.
Suez Canal still has 8% of world trade.
Why not widen it?
Why not make that 10%, 15%?
Collect some tolls and get the people working.
Because the other big thing, of course, is unemployment.
Well, we have, you know, pretty good, we have about 22-23% unemployment here in reality.
Spain has 20%.
We just saw the Spanish Foreign Minister at the European Union meeting say, oh, we stand with the people in the streets.
Before we get into the wider field, Webster, I want to go back to this area.
Is this not a fleeing forward?
The globalists knew that there might have been an actual democratic move against Mubarak, their old puppet, so they went ahead and triggered this now.
I don't see any organized opposition.
The one group that stands out is April 6th.
This is basically a group of NATO agents.
They've taken over the same paraphernalia as the CIA was using in Belgrade and Serbia.
Ten years ago, eleven years ago now.
So I don't see any real movement.
There is no organized force.
In a country like this, the policy alternative would almost have to emerge from inside the ruling party.
Somebody interested in actual economic reform, which would not mean IMF, World Bank, Wall Street.
Webster, I want to go to some phone calls here on this subject because I promised you, but before we do that briefly,
Give us your synopsis of what you believe is going to play out, what the general ramifications of this are going to be in the Middle East, in North Africa, into the rest of the Mediterranean, and then other movements you see around the world with the Soros-run gang calling for $100 trillion.
Uh, in additional, uh, banker bailouts to then leverage out to 59.9% credit card bills, uh, for the general public.
Uh, what do you see happening when Ireland has this election, the move towards, uh, the EU falling apart?
I mean, uh, this is a desperate move and, and, uh, it, you know, just studying this, I see a lot of evidence that the New World Order is actually in deep trouble.
Well I would say just on Egypt specifically, today the demonstrators, I call them the nihilists because I think that's what they are, today the demonstrators have called for a general strike.
They don't talk about this too much.
The banks and other businesses are closed, but that was already announced during the weekend, and it's just part of the sort of attempt to cool down Cairo.
So I don't know.
They seem to be calling also for another general strike tomorrow.
And above all, tomorrow they say they want to have a million-man march.
We will see.
And remember, watch out for those camera angles, right?
If they're going to claim a Million Man March, we want to see the whole thing.
We want to see an oceanic crowd.
I don't think you're going to see it.
Not in this form.
The other thing is that one of these groups has put out an ultimatum to the Egyptian army saying, we want to see which side you're on.
Well, that sounds like something pretty...
Pretty desperate.
Now, the awareness of the color revolution, of the techniques of this thing, I think has grown to the point where it's going to be increasingly harder to have more color revolutions, CIA people power coups, post-modern putsches, in these other countries, Algeria, big oil producer, Syria, very, very critical
We're good to go.
And we're already seeing that.
Let me interject this.
Again, last week, I know the Egyptians have reasons to be angry.
I don't like Mubarak.
But I, even last week, couldn't believe that the West, that these banking interests are this ruthless and this backstabbing to one of their own henchmen.
But now, Tarpley, you're proven right again.
It's completely admitted that they're doing this.
And clearly, they didn't just go after Egypt because it's one of the most populous in the region, but because it was one of the only countries that they've got their minions in so that they could try to trigger a domino to fall.
Could it be it was the only domino that they really thought that they could push over?
And if it does fall over,
Will that signify the fall of Saudi Arabia?
The fall of Jordan?
I mean, those countries have got to be reassessing their deals they've made with the central bankers.
Yes, in the meantime, look at what happened in Sudan.
The Anglo-Americans have been trying to bust up Sudan for decades, and they claim now that they've succeeded with this referendum, that the southern Sudan will secede from the north.
I don't know what the reality is on the ground, but these are the reports, that the referendum in favor of independence has won.
It's unofficial, but
There it is.
This, of course, has nothing to do with human rights.
It's because there's oil in the South, and the central government in Khartoum has been making deals with China.
And, of course, the whole U.S.
posture is use the human rights story to kick the Chinese out.
Use any story.
Use Al-Qaeda.
Use anything you can to kick the Chinese out.
So, therefore, if Egypt falls, this would essentially mean a domino effect.
Tsunami of destabilizations across North Africa, the Arab world, far beyond.
It would probably spell the end of Pakistan as a centralized country.
It would begin to reach into Iraq, into Iran, right?
Because the Bernard Lewis plan, as it's called, foresees the Balkanizations, the carving of all of these places, right?
Three Iraqs, five or six Irans, Lebanon carved, Egypt gets carved, Sudan being carved.
So they're going for that
What does this signify that the banking empire using the US, Israel, England and others as muscle is finally stuck in the mud like Napoleon in Russia or Hitler in Russia or Barbarossa?
It's something like this.
In other words, the world historical significance of this for me is it's important for the Anglo-American imperialists to be defeated in the attempt to overthrow this government.
It's just that simple.
It's better for the world for the moment if this government stays the way it is.
The status quo is better than what the Anglo-Americans would be offering.
And so they've got one more big desperate push with this million people to overthrow the government tomorrow?
Yes, and it seems to me that they just don't have it.
I mean, I'm still looking at this Egyptian state television.
Al Jazeera doesn't know what to do.
Well, they've had their reporters arrested, which certainly shows that the honeymoon is over and that people are openly saying what Al Jazeera is, British intel.
Yeah, that's for sure.
Raving, foaming, unbelievable propaganda, right, and these completely fake things, you know, that Mubarak went to Egypt, that Kamal Mubarak is now in London, that they're all fleeing, right, to try to develop some hype.
The general idea, though, is that the influence of China-Russia would increase in the Middle East, increase up to a point.
In other words, the idea would be to have some situation where if a country didn't like the deal they were getting from the U.S., they could say, well, if you're really going to be this unreasonable, we're going to try the Chinese or the Russians or the Brazilians or the Venezuelans or somebody else.
This generally leads to a more stable
We're good to go.
So I think the unipolar world is beginning to crumble in some pretty key places, the Middle East obviously being about as key as you can.
Look, in Iraq, the U.S.
wanted Alawi, the puppet of the U.S., but they got Maliki, who is much more pro-Iranian.
The government in Lebanon is not a U.S.
puppet, but Hezbollah-influenced.
And if you look back then to Iran in the summer of 2009, that was supposed to be the Twitter revolution.
It failed.
If the one in Egypt fails, it means that the entire destabilization which we've had since, you know, Marcos in the Philippines in the mid-80s, since the Shah was overthrown, because that's what that was too.
That started, and really all the way through, was promoted by the U.S., by Carter and Brzezinski.
Yeah, and a lot of these backfire, then we get the Islamic Revolution, but it's admitted our government overthrew the Shah because he wanted to actually develop the country.
And they wanted the Islamic Revolution.
This was the whole point.
That if you get a certain kind of Islamic government, they shut down the nuclear program, which was what was done in 78-79.
So they have a Stone Age policy to the world, including here with their social Darwinistic Malthusian eugenics line.
We're going to come back for two segments and take calls with Webster Tarpley, Joe Patriot, Mike, Josh, and Lynn.
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Man, I could talk to Tarpley for 10 hours.
We'll definitely have him back up soon to talk about what's happening domestically in this country.
In 30 seconds, before we go to calls, Tarpley, what do you make of all the open announcements that, oh, the government's going to be changing the internet, Google's going to be censoring alternative media for your own good, the FCC is going to take over the internet, and there is a kill switch for your own safety?
I mean, are they really getting ready for full economic implosion?
It's perfectly possible.
Now, obviously, one of the things Mubarak did was cutting off the Internet.
And for his purposes, that seems to have been effective.
But, of course, these are like weapons, right?
In whose hands are they?
The U.S.
is preparing these things anyway.
But now that that's been done against them, then they have an occasion to talk about it, right?
To popularize.
But Webster, when you say US, you mean the banking cartel that's captured it.
Yes, the people who control the Obama regime, right?
And this is Wall Street, as we've known.
Obama's been a Wall Street puppet from the very beginning.
And, of course, large parts of the Republican Party are equally controlled by the Wall Street people.
So this is obviously a danger.
As long as you have the world descending into a depression, you're going to have these
Good afternoon there, gentlemen.
I've been paying attention to this like all weekend and I see a ray of hope for the people and fear for the governments.
The people when they were rioting, the military, they were coming out and they were actually embracing the people.
And they were like, you know, we don't want to do this.
It's what we're ordered to do.
We're not going to hurt you.
And it was like, you know, Alex, when you talk a lot about, well, our military, martial law in this country,
Ever happen with the military ever be able to go against the people and I think the the United States the people here are watching very closely to see how the military are interacting with the people to see if they will well that is true but the globalists
Would here have somebody shoot some of the military to then elicit them to attack the crown?
That's where false flags and staged events come in and there's some evidence in the Egyptian papers that indeed somebody's trying to get the military and the people fighting to enrage the crowds even more, that provocateurs controlled by the West or by Mubarak are running around sabotaging things.
Tarpley, what's your view on what Joe just brought up?
The difference is that the Egyptian army is a conscript army.
It's based on a draft.
And therefore, it's not a bunch of professional killers.
It's a bunch of draftees.
So they're obviously not interested in shooting at the crowds.
And why should they?
Because it has very seldom come to such a point.
In other words, the crowds have never been big enough or threatening enough.
The exception is a group of gunmen
Uh, try to attack the Interior Ministry.
That would be the Department of Justice, FBI, in our terms.
And there was a gun battle, but that seems to have been done by the police.
The Army leadership is loyal to Mubarak.
He's a military guy himself.
He's an Air Force pilot.
The new Vice President is an Air Force pilot.
So, the army is now putting up these jersey walls around the main squares.
They've taken a bunch of vehicles that have been burned and they've made those into sort of barricades.
So the army seems to be, you know, quietly, effectively calming things down.
Just the fact that all these tanks came into the square seems to have had a calming effect on everybody so far.
And our media spotted that the jets
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've got a bunch of economic news, health care news, credit card rates going up to 59.9% news, Obama giving waivers now to members of Congress from the health care plan.
That's all coming up.
We're going to have Max Keiser on with us.
We'll continue with your calls for those that are patiently holding.
But patriot poet in Michigan, you're on the air with Tarpley.
Go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones, Mr. Tarpley.
How are you today?
We're good.
What's on your mind there, Patriot?
As far as the advanced media, I noticed I watch CNN in the mornings.
I don't watch any television news, per se.
But you watch CNN.
What do they say?
Well, they've been really pushing the visuals of the protesters burning things down, carrying guns, and showing how radical the protesters are.
And somehow, I think this is a way of trying to push their propaganda on the American people as in reference, could this happen here?
And maybe in a roundabout way, it's a way of keeping the fear factor running at full capacity.
And in regards to the US, my question is, if they take away
All the guns from legal, lawful, compliant gun owners.
The only people who have guns are the gangs, the drug dealers, the pimps, and the thieves.
No, no, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
It's a great point.
Webster, how is the United States different because of the record ownership of guns for the establishment if they want to try some type of accelerated oppression or martial law scenario, which we know they've been preparing for.
How will that wild card enter into things?
I'm not able to predict.
I would just say to people that the possession of guns is fine.
The status quo, I suppose, is about right.
But the idea that having a gun is a substitute for political action, this is a big mistake.
No, no, I agree it becomes a political salve or a pillow where people don't go get involved because they can have their gun.
Stay home with your gun.
No, that won't do it.
Look, just in terms of the merit of the question, which I think is real, there's a lot of violence in this stuff, right?
If you burn a bank in Greece, you're a war criminal.
But if you burn down the Egyptian party headquarters,
You're a hero of democracy.
They burned the party headquarters.
They burned a very large building.
I'm not sure what it is, but it's about a 15-story, fairly modern building.
Looks like, you know, sort of concrete on the outside.
All burned down.
Lots of police stations burned down by these demonstrators, right?
The vandalism at the Cairo Museum.
No, they're targeting the infrastructure for total takeover and now the globalists admit.
Shouldn't George Soros, he's been convicted in other countries, he's trying to subvert freedom in this country, he poses as a human rights activist.
Isn't it time for Soros and a bunch of those Davos crooks to be arrested and along what lines, Tarpoli?
Hey, how about those Republicans, if they're worth anything, right?
Our great heroes from the Tea Party who are now in the Congress.
Why don't we get some hearings and drag in Soros and make him tell what he does, right?
Because this example with ElBaradei, this is a very good example.
There are a lot of Republicans who don't like this International Crisis Group.
The way they see it is they think that the
International Crisis Group is anti-Israel.
I don't think this is true.
There's this guy Robert Malley, for example, right?
The main thing is that these people go in there, in order to get anywhere in the Arab world, you've got to put up an anti-Israeli facade, and then they begin to destabilize the country.
So why don't some of these Republicans invite Soros to testify in his international activities?
Is he violating the, what is it, the Logan Act?
It's illegal on so many fronts to be funding private revolutions all over the world.
I mean, it's illegal what Soros does.
Yes, I think it may well be.
So that would be interesting to look into.
But I think the point is that I don't see any attempt of the U.S.
media to hype the violence, the arson, and the vandalism.
I see the opposite.
They try to tone that down.
Compared to Greece, where one bank burns and it's the end of the world.
Well, there's a lot of evidence that was staged.
Tarpley, always amazing having you.
Our websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Please stand by to join us later in the week.
Tarpley as things unfold.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back with Max Keiser.
Transmission continues.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video.
We're good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
One big thing we've learned from the crisis in Egypt is the government can't and won't protect you.
Same thing during Katrina, same thing during these snowstorms.
It's not just that the government doesn't want to protect you, which it doesn't in most cases, wants to feed off of you.
It's that they can't protect you and we need to be self-sufficient and take care of ourselves.
The Washington Times, Fox News and others are reporting
uh... that uh... members of congress government bureaucrats and many others are now being given waivers from obama care you know mcdonald's and hundreds of other companies they don't have to get health care for their employees but your company does that is such an incredible form of discrimination
They've got us so trained to look for discrimination by whites against blacks or blacks against whites or other groups against each other that when we see government coming in and doing what tyrannical governments always do and giving special favors to their friends, erecting laws to shut down their competition,
I mean, this is outrageous, and Congress is now moving four hearings along these lines.
But the Republicans, a lot of their leadership likes this new power as well.
So the question is, will they allow this to continue?
Because it is just unspeakably illegal on every front.
I mean, this is mafia, big Chicago, you know, machine-type politics.
That is going on right now.
Continuing with some of the news that I've got here.
In front of me today, U.S.
judge may escalate battle over health care reform.
The judge would be second to rule law unconstitutional.
And now I saw a map today, more than 40 states have got lawsuits filed.
They've got their attorney generals moving against it.
The problem is Congress wouldn't pass the carbon tax.
Last year, and so the EPA came into Texas, the biggest power producer in the US, of the 50 states, and unilaterally, with no law behind them, seized control of the power plant's regulatory process and said, we're going to put these draconian controls on you, even if
We don't ever have a law backing it up.
Just incredible.
So, U.S.
judge may escalate battle over health care reform.
And the question is, will Obama ignore Congress?
Will he ignore the courts?
Will he just do whatever he wants?
A judge would be second to rule law unconstitutional.
A Florida judge could on Monday become the second U.S.
judge to declare President Barack Obama's health care reform law unconstitutional in the biggest legal challenge yet to the federal authority to enact the law.
The judge, Roger Vinson of the U.S.
District Court of Pensacola, Florida,
was expected to rule on a lawsuit brought by governors and attorney generals from 26 U.S.
states, almost all of whom are Republicans.
Obama is a Democrat.
The plaintiffs represent more than half the U.S.
state, so the Pensacola case has more prominence than some two dozen lawsuits filed in federal courts over the health care law.
So, very serious situation there.
Now, joining us from France is the inventor of the Hollywood Stock Exchange System, the host of multiple international TV and radio shows.
In fact, he's got a Saturday morning show here on Genesis, is Max Keiser.
And I want to get into the Davos Forum calling for 100 trillion in additional taxpayer money that they call liquidity or credit, which they then loan back to us at loan-sharking rates.
CNN is reporting 49.9, excuse me, a Freudian problem, I wish it was only 49.9, 59.9 percentage credit card
And to boil this down, trillions of dollars are pumped into private banks in the name of getting the economy started, backed by taxpayers.
They then loan it to governments, corporations, and individuals from between 5% and 59.9%.
Free money made up out of nothing.
And that's why they want to shut industry down.
That's why they want this gulag casino economy that Max Keiser talks so much about.
And it's funny, because Max, for at least three years on this show, has talked about their model of a casino economy.
And now we see the articles today, calling for casinos as our new industry, nationwide, funded with taxpayer money.
And here's the headline, the Facebook nation unveils its own currency.
So these digital
Currencies now that are basically a new form of slavery that trick you into being involved in it when it isn't even enough to, you know, buy a soda pop with every day.
We're going to discuss the entire geopolitical events that are happening and get Max Keiser's take on what's happening in the Middle East and North Africa as well.
Max, good to have you here with us today.
Hey Alex, great to be here.
How's it going, buddy?
I just threw out a little constellation of different issues there.
What's most important on your plate, and what do you want to get into first?
Well, yeah, the Davos.
As you've been talking about on your show this week, before the Davos started, they floated this trial balloon of increasing global credit by $100 trillion.
Dollars and this plays into what I've been talking about on the show for a while Because on your show you get a lot of people on and they talk about if they're going to be inflation or deflation And what I've said is that there's going to be a new global currency The US dollar and other currencies will be absorbed by the new currency so it won't be inflation deflation as such because the value of the purchasing value of your new unit is
Uh, that you will get when you swap your dollar will be roughly the same.
However, it does mean that the U.S.
loses its sovereignty because you're exchanging your dollars for a global currency.
So before Davos, they openly said that they want to float $100 trillion.
We're good to go.
So imagine, you know, in America, for example, the whole problem in the real estate market is that they took a mortgage, then they took a lot of mortgages, and they created a mortgage-backed security, and then they rolled that up into a derivatives contract, and then that started the chain reaction of monetary meltdown in the U.S.
So the global bankers are all making record profits, the economy's in free fall, and now they openly announce the new global SDR, backed up by taxpayer money, and so the bankers get all the power out of it.
We've got to stoop and bow and kiss their ring, and they're the crooks that engineered the whole thing.
Yeah, this does make an enormous amount of money for these bankers.
They get a 1 or 2% fee on a $100 trillion piece of business.
This is how the banks, of course, make money.
The reason why there are so many derivatives in the system and why the debts are so extraordinary is because bankers get paid a percentage on that debt.
It's very similar, if you will, to the accounting you see in Hollywood.
A lot of people ask,
What's the point of making a $100 or $200 or $250 million dollar movie?
The point is that the producers get paid a fee, not on how well a movie does, but on how well the budget is, how big the budget is.
So there's always this push towards bigger budgets and stars getting bigger salaries because they get paid a fee based on the budget.
I think so.
Collapse, because the entire facade is one big Bernie Madoff-like Ponzi scheme.
In order to keep this Ponzi scheme rolling, they have to create a whole new layer, and that layer will be this global currency, and they're going to roll these, and they said in battles, it's a $100 trillion piece of business.
The GDP of America is roughly $14 trillion.
The total GDP of the world is about $60 trillion.
So there you have your numbers.
So they say, well, here's $100 trillion worth of this new global currency.
We're going to roll the yen, the euro, the dollar, Canadian dollar, peso, and a few more of these currencies into this new global currency to avert catastrophe.
And they'll use the same method they used in 2008 to get that three quarters of a trillion dollars in the pockets of Wall Street.
They sent Hank Paulson in front of Congress and they threatened to collapse the economy when they walked.
Then his traders at Goldman Sachs the next day staged a financial terrorist attack.
They crashed the market.
Then he went back in front of Congress and they gave him his money.
So this is going to be the same deal.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but if they want $100 trillion backed up by taxpayer money, which they will then loan back to credit card holders, governments, the same bankers now are lowering countries, counties, cities,
States credit rating so they have to borrow the fiat money from the bankers for even more so the bankers get real assets But the bankers are also able to fractionally reserve Leverage the 100 trillion at least 10 times out to 1 quadrillion or 1,000 trillion and that's even before They start pyramiding the debt with derivatives.
So this 100 trillion could potentially Be how many thousands of trillions?
Well, you're right.
It's $1,000 trillion or a quadrillion.
But we already have that quadrillion number right now.
As you know, the notional value of derivatives transactions according to the Bank of International Settlements last year was roughly $600 trillion.
Almost a quadrillion right there.
So, you're absolutely right.
They would need 100 trillion in fresh meat, you know, fresh currency that they can use to roll up as this massive re-architecture of the global economy, and it would result in them controlling on the back end a quadrillion worth of currency.
Oh, stay there, stay there, and of course everyone will kill them, kill their own family for the money.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
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We're good.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're doing a Google search term today and I salute you for being involved in it.
It's having a huge effect.
You just go to Google and enter this term in over and over again.
Obama Kill Switch.
And that will lead them, not just to our article, but many other articles breaking this down.
Obama Kill Switch.
Administration Fears Egypt-Style Revolt in U.S.
That's our article up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I want to get into kill switches with Max Keiser here in a moment.
But Max, I'm not a rocket scientist.
I'm not a brain surgeon.
I'm not the inventor of a stock exchange, you know, predictive system like you are.
But I've studied history.
I know what really destroyed Rome was currency devaluation, what destroyed the Weimar Republic, Germany, what's destroyed economically Zimbabwe.
I mean, I understand basic facts of economics.
And the globalists know this.
And I've read their white papers that are public.
They want a tyrannical world government.
They want one-child policies.
They want all this tyranny.
They want to make us debt slaves.
They're setting up their world government.
Still, yuppies giggle because they were preconditioned that that didn't exist.
I mean, at a certain point,
We've just got to get the word out and identify these Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff types and call for them to be brought to justice.
They've sold derivatives.
They've sold counterfeit.
They are swindlers that make Ponzi look like an angel.
And it's either us or them.
They're clearly financing terrorists as a pretext to take our liberties.
Clearly, we've got to bring them to justice for buying off our politicians, for engaging in economic espionage.
It's either us or them.
What is the state of the world right now?
How are the globalists doing?
Because it looks like they're having some problems as they try to eat the elephant of the once free and independent planet.
Where do you see all this basically ending up, and what do all of us out there listening need to do to really get aggressive and ensure that as things implode further, folks know who to blame?
Because these bankers who've engineered this on record are spreading their filthy wings over us, telling us that they're a mama chicken wanting to keep us safe, when in reality they're buzzards, they're vultures, they're carrion eaters.
Well, you know, you had on your site a fantastic video, and I watched the whole thing.
It was, uh, Welcome to the Reservation by, uh, I guess it's Russell Means?
And, um, this is an important video to watch because this is the agenda.
It effectively puts people onto the new reservation, and as we know, the homelessness
In America, it's skyrocketing, and once these people fall off the grid, they become homeless.
They also become forgotten.
And the reason you don't hear about the problems is because these people are on the margins, they're living in tent cities, and they're just worried day-to-day survival.
And this is the new reservation, and the same people who created the first reservation, they rolled across America, and they put forth a business model.
That was not very sustainable.
They ran out of space in America.
They ran out of space in other countries.
So they're coming back to America.
And they're rolling back through again.
And anybody who's middle class or lower class is being essentially disenfranchised and put on reservations.
Or they end up in the prison system.
Or they end up in what we call the casino gulag system.
And what will be left is more for the people who are doing this.
And the problem is that
For those to get a good critical mass of resistance, it's difficult because every time people are pushed out of the system and off the grid, they end up kind of, you know, off the grid.
It becomes difficult to rally them, and then their whole life becomes one of surviving for existence.
You know, the Founding Fathers of the United States, they were not people living hand-in-mouth.
They were the yuppies of that century who became
You know, who started, thought that they could create a better country, and they did.
Yeah, instead of having, you know, a cool hairstyle, you know, to show how cool they were, they started a country, and now our heroes are basketball players and tattoo artists and people that act cool, instead of being cool and actually knowing how the world works and being involved, and I'm not bashing folks that have
I don't care.
The point is we've been taught that that's how you rebel.
No, you rebel by being informed and taking your country back.
For me, Max, it's how criminal the banks are.
It's how outrageously obvious it is.
And still, I just hear the ignorance out there on the streets.
Okay, well, look at what's happening, and bring it on a global basis here, because we've often said on your show that it's a global thing, and look what's happening in Cairo and Egypt.
Now, at the root of these problems, particularly in Egypt, is the price of food has recently skyrocketed because of these bankers, because of what they've been doing in manipulating these food prices.
I'll tell you what, Max, stay there.
I want to get into Cairo next.
That was my next issue.
And strangely enough, a top banker agrees with you.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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We're good to go.
We are back live.
We're going to jam in some phone calls for the one and only Max Keiser.
Go a little bit into overdrive with him as well today.
We are in an information war.
You are fighters on the front lines, not behind us, but right beside us.
And this move towards open authoritarianism, selling it as if it's new and cool, same thing happened in the 30s with Mussolini and Hitler, is really being pushed right now by the globalists.
And they drive a really sickening bargain.
Give up all your liberty and in exchange we'll give you more tyranny.
And then give up even more liberty and we'll give you more tyranny.
It's time to say V for Victory against the New World Order.
And our operation, the answer to 1984 is 1776, has been incredibly
Just massive, massive.
Thousands and thousands of emails concerning it.
People all over the office, you know, folks that are seeing it being hung up all over the country and here in Austin, Texas.
And it's getting people to start questioning, to start thinking about the New World Order.
It's getting people to start looking into, you know, resistance to the police state.
It's getting folks to understand there's real solidarity going on out there dealing with the New World Order, and that there is a threat to our freedoms outside of the pap and garbage put out on national television.
We are selling a V for Victory t-shirt.
That'll help get the word out and also support our broadcast.
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On the online video bookstore shopping cart, you can also call toll free to get it.
And that's 888-253-3139.
And we're also doing the number one Google search term today, and that's Obama kill switch.
Three words.
Going back to Max Keiser.
Max, you were starting to get into the Cairo situation, and headline, former managing director of Goldman Sachs, Egyptians, Greeks, Tunisians,
We're good.
Yeah, well, you know, the price of food in Cairo is rising, and people only have two or three days left of food, and the crisis really becomes one of starvation.
And this is playing out all over North America.
And, you know, the reason the price of food is going higher is not because demand suddenly increased by 100% in the last year or two.
That's not the case at all.
The reason the prices are moving up is because the supply, the supply of easy money, the supply of cheap money, as a direct consequence of what happened in 2008.
We talked about it when Hank Paulson went to the front of Congress.
They got three quarters of a trillion dollars.
That three quarters of a trillion dollars, it ended up being circulated not in the U.S.
economy, because if it did, we would have seen job growth, we would have seen real estate prices moving higher, but we haven't.
So where did it go?
It went into the speculative, global speculators' pockets who are using it to bid up the price of agricultural products like food.
And as a result, the people who authorized that huge check back in 2008 have a direct relationship on this.
Starvation crisis happening all across Northern Africa and it also has a direct bearing on the catastrophe in the economies of Ireland and Greece.
So it's becoming a global problem because all of those trillions that were printed up at gunpoint
In 2008, as part of the heist that was conducted in Congress, this is the result now of it.
Two years later, it's causing food prices to hit all-time new highs, which is causing revolts, rebellion, starvation, and what I call the global insurrection is now occurring.
So the people in Cairo and Egypt have common cause with the people in Athens, and the people in Dublin who have common cause now with anyone in the U.S.
Anyone in the U.S.
who feels like they're getting the short end of the stick, you know, you are on the same boat as the people in Cairo and the people in Egypt, the people in Dublin and Athens.
It's a global problem.
And it's the same global bankers, you know, the same elite bankers are causing this.
And their interests are quite obvious.
When they make speculative bets on these agricultural prices, driving them to incredible highs, they make money.
What happens if they make a mistake?
Well, if they make a mistake, they go to the government and get more bailouts.
But it's more than that, Max.
We've gotten internal documents over the years.
They plan for making profits on the way up, and then on the implosion, when everything goes down to pennies on the dollar, or the pound, or the SDR, buying things up.
Here's the headline, and it's up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs, Egyptians, Greeks, Tunisians, and British are all protesting against pillaging of their economies.
Let me read part of this.
Nomi Prins, former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs and the head of the International Analytics Group at Bear Stearns in London, notes that the Egyptian people are rebelling against being pillaged by giant international banks and their own governments.
As much as anything else.
She also points out that the Greek, British, Tunisian and other protesters are all in the same boat.
And this is her quote.
The ongoing demonstrations in Egypt are as much, if not more, about the mass deterioration of economic conditions and the harsh result of years of financial degradations that the political ideology that some of the media seems more focused on.
And they go on to break down how IMF World Bank policies are causing what's happening there.
And so the issue here is we have this unnatural event where these aren't bankers that hold your money.
They call themselves bankers.
These are con artists who can create any amount of currency or credit they want.
And then they use that unfair trade advantage to take over all of society.
And again, it's brazen.
It's a fraud.
And these greedy creatures.
The phrase currency war, as it's used, is just that.
The U.S.
is printing trillions.
We're good.
I think?
We're good to go.
And by the way, Max...
She was just on my show talking about Facebook and Goldman Sachs.
I just sent you a link to a video.
It's three and a half minutes.
It just came out on the web thirty minutes ago.
It's hot.
You gotta play it because she's brilliant and she gets into the Facebook Goldman Sachs scam.
People have gotta hear this.
I just sent it to Matt, but Matt is out in the parking lot or something.
You gotta get him back inside.
So they've been scrambling to get it for 10 minutes since you told them.
And certainly we'll play that going into overdrive.
So your television show airs on, coming up here in a few days.
This hasn't even been seen yet?
But this show won't air until tomorrow.
This is a clip.
Wow, we're getting a hot exclusive.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Well, we appreciate that, Max.
I agree with everything she just said.
I mean, we're on the same page here.
The problems in Cairo, Egypt, and in Europe are the result of banker abuse, as we've been saying for a few years.
And the U.S.
It is slow to react because the U.S.
dollar is still the world reserve currency, which means the U.S.
can write checks, it never cashes, which means that the price of oil and the price of food, relatively speaking, are cheap.
People can still go to Walmart for five bucks and, you know, get a taco and a gallon of gas.
But that's changing because the overall flood of this money, especially if they go to a hundred trillion dollar bailout of the globe,
And then that's going to devalue very quickly.
I mean, all of this is telescoping down now where they're just rolling it over into new instruments, but it's still trying to take on the weight of the derivatives they've created.
And once they roll it into this new instrument, and you make a good point here, once they roll it and they'll say, well, your purchasing power is the same, but you lose your sovereignty, then the next $100 trillion or $200 trillion is easy to do because you don't have to answer to anybody but yourself.
And then you have the hyperinflation, then you have the currency collapse, then you have the casino gulag, then you have what we've been talking about.
And it's happening in real time.
We're no longer on the edge.
We're now entering Cairo, Egypt, Dublin, Athens.
This is happening right now.
The U.S.
is the last to go because it's got the World Reserve currency, but once that changes, as I've said on your show many times, it's not inflation or deflation.
It's a new currency, global currency, and even Jim Rickards, who was at Davos and tweeting from Davos, or a very close contact in Davos, the word in Davos is not inflation or deflation.
It's recapitalization using a new global system.
All right, tell us about this former Goldman Sachs director that you interviewed.
Yes, we're about to premiere here and why this is so important.
Well, on our show, we've talked about the casino gulag and the emergence of this new virtual currency.
And of course, Facebook's a huge player.
Facebook just said that they're going to demand everyone who does business on their site in the gaming space, including things like FarmVille and all the other games that use virtual currencies, have to
And you predicted this two years ago, and now they've got a Goldman Sachs deal.
I mean, you really know what's going on inside their brains.
Sure, because I work there, and I work in the virtual credit space, and I have a technology, as you point out, being invented, a lot of the technology that goes into this.
So I know this space very, very well.
And you have a company like Zynga, which does the virtual currency.
It's worth many billions of dollars.
Facebook's worth $50 billion.
So anyway, Goldman Sachs just put a huge investment into Facebook, and they said this company's worth $50 billion.
Now, as part of that deal,
Goldman Sachs blatantly broke FTC rules.
And this is the subject of what I brought up with Nellie Printz in the clip that you're about to play, talking about the brazenness of Goldman breaking the law and the track record of Goldman breaking the law.
And you should play it because it's an excellent clip.
We'll go ahead and play that clip right now.
Here it is, Max Keiser with his guest, former managing director at Goldman Sachs.
Talking about a fraud-esque-like moment that's happening in the present.
And this is the Goldman Sachs Facebook deal.
Why is it worse than the crappy CDOs that Goldman was admittedly selling?
Referring back to what we were just talking about.
Phyllis Senna on this latest scandal.
All of this is a spin on the investment bank knowing more than what it is letting on to the investors, and trading on the back of that, or being able to trade on the back of it, and so therefore being able to profit on the back of withholding information.
And to a large extent, the Facebook deal
Um, was like that.
It's a private deal, so it doesn't fully fall under the same public purview and rules as insider trading per se.
But, what Goldman basically did was raise a lot of capital and they just went offshore to raise this capital because of the scrutiny that was put on this deal in the United States.
I like to think also by some of the articles I and others were writing.
Um, and they didn't want to be bothered and so they went and they raised money for this Facebook deal.
Um, offshore.
And the reason it's shady in that respect is because Facebook, um, in the course of this deal, and yes it is private, has not really disclosed the information as to how it ticks financially.
Facebook will not disclose this information until 2012.
So basically 14 months after investors, um, have succumbed into going into this deal,
We're good to go.
And that would entice other investors to follow along.
You know, there was a cushion there.
Someone was giving out a stamp of approval, which is sort of what's happening with this Facebook deal.
Now, it's very possible that Facebook is the be-all, end-all in 2012 and 2013, when Goldman's investors are actually allowed to get out of the deal.
Goldman, of course, can get out of the deal at any time, as they could with the CDO.
But, you know, it's also likely or possible that that won't be the case.
And the investors in this deal are paying 10% to Goldman in case it even occurs that their value goes up in this deal when they can get out, and fees to Goldman in order to structure this deal and allow them to be involved in it in the first place.
And I think the fact that they went offshore and they had to get outside investors from the United States is very telling.
Yeah, but wait a second here, because the law is that to get more than 500 investors, you need some additional disclosure.
What Goldman Sachs did was they decided to invent a new concept, which was that they took one of those shares, or one of those holders, and they split it into a holding, which would allow others to participate.
And that's an idea that they should have gotten the SEC's opinion on before they went to the market and breached what is the standing legal statute.
They breached the law!
I mean, that's not the way the law reads.
So why can't they get an SEC opinion first?
Why is it always on Wall Street?
They break the law first, and then they say, well,
We're going to go ahead anyway, and it's up to you to change the law.
They're always wanting people to change the law.
What about obeying the law?
Absolutely, but the thing is, it works for them.
All right, and that's coming up on Friday on his Russia Today program, premiering that here with us.
We're thankful for that information.
But this is insider trading, insider trading.
They're creating their own fiat markets, and then not even disclosing, and then only allowing
Insiders to get in.
This reminds me of Goldman Sachs selling bad packages of housing loans to their customers and telling them it was a great deal while writing internal emails about how it was absolute crud.
And then meanwhile the SEC only goes after the competition.
of the big mega brokerage houses for a crooked toenail, but they're allowed to engage in bloody murder.
This is all up at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and MaxKaiser.com.
We're going to come back, get Max Kaiser's take on that video.
And then if Max can do it, I got to ask him during the break, we're going into overdrive to take your phone calls and get into other big issues here live today.
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I think so.
Alright, we're going to start the next hour and do 20 minutes of phone calls.
Wide open phones, any issue you want to discuss, those that have been patiently holding, you'll get to talk to Max Keiser, Mike, Tim, Daniel, Lynn, Brian, 800-259-9231 and we'll get you up and on the air.
Wide open phones, 800-259-9231.
Don't forget the top story at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com deals with the Obama
Internet kill switch.
It's actually the NSA banking-owned Pentagon takeover of the web.
But if it'll get conservatives hopping mad and trying to stop it if we put Obama's name on it, sure enough, there you go.
Obama's kill switch.
Ooh, scary!
And in a way, he is the one pushing it in Cass Sunstein, an open authoritarian.
Max, why as long as somebody prances around and speaks with a lisp,
Is it okay if they call for authoritarian things?
If they prance around, speak with a lisp, and say that they're liberal, why can they then call for things that can only be called Stalin-esque or Hitlerian?
What's the issue behind that?
Are we back from the break yet?
Yes, we're live.
Oh, right.
Geez, I don't know, Alex, but I'll tell you, I just saw something that's very interesting.
Canada, you know, they have introduced metered internet.
Talking about the internet.
Metered internet, because this is that issue of net neutrality.
Yeah, that was my next subject for you.
It was actually here in my stack.
Let me continue, I'll talk, you listen.
So, you know, Canada is bringing in this internet, metered internet that's going to charge people a premium for content.
So, you know, the whole beauty of the internet is that it's this great democratic meritocratic
We're good.
That'll only be allowed on insider sites like Facebook.
And here it is, 200 gigabyte to 25 gigabyte.
Canada gets first bitter dose of metered internet.
That is internet too.
And Google announced last week, for those that don't know,
That, because I want to give folks the full spectrum here, that they are going to start blocking alternative sites.
What's happened is, Max, we are kicking their hind in and their lies, because we have the truth, and so they're not going to play fair.
They're coming in, sucking their thumb, mainstream media going, government, come in and shut down Alex Jones and Max Keiser and Drudge Report.
We don't like it, mommy!
And they're openly, yeah, yeah, they're doing it.
They're afraid to compete!
I say, let's compete!
You know, man up!
Let's compete!
You know, let's put out... Yeah, whatever happened to markets?
Whatever happened to open markets?
They've been taken over by the oligarchs in the banking sector.
Here's another interesting headline.
Did you know that China apparently is getting ready to run a candidate in the U.S.?
This is a headline for you.
The Manchurian candidate.
White House expects ambassador from China to explore a 2012 presidential bid.
Excuse me?
Excuse me?
It's gotten that obvious we're gonna have a Chinese dictator as our leader?
Guys, where is that from, Kaiser?
I gotta see that.
Where is that from?
Well, look it up, man.
I mean, you're talking about old news.
No, no, I was just asking you the headline.
Chinese ambassador to explore... You're a day old, man.
You're down there in Austin.
You're like 24 hours behind the news curve.
I'm giving you the route-to-date stuff.
I had the story yesterday about the meters in Canada, and I had it five years ago that Canada was going to test it out first.
So, Kaiser, don't try to count coup on me.
My ego can't handle it.
All right.
Hey, hey, stay there.
We're going to do some overdrive.
You know, this is gallows humor.
Actually, that was my next question for Kaizita.
We're going to get into the whole internet kill switch and the metered internet.
Stay with us.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are live!
This is the GCN Radio Network, GCNlive.com, where you can hear Max Keiser, Saturday mornings, with his syndicated radio transmission.
And here it is out of Politics Daily.
You can't make stuff up like this.
When President Obama appointed Utah's popular Republican governor, John Huntsman,
We're good to go.
But that second calculation, if it was Obama's mind, may prove wrong.
Several news organizations, including Politico and ABC News, are reporting that Huntsman may quit the China job this spring to prepare for a presidential run that he will make his decision by summer.
And I saw another report today where the Chinese said any companies they work with must do joint ventures with other Chinese companies of their choice and build factories and give all their technology to the communist Chinese.
And I did see some points actually made by Donald Trump, who I'm not a big fan of usually, about how it's all a one-way street with China, with them keeping their currency low, all of it.
But because America doesn't have a government, we're just an open door, like a whorehouse for the foreign banking cartels.
We are at a disadvantage, and so we're going to Hades in a hell basket.
Hades in a hand basket.
I want to come back and go to calls, because I know you're holding, but I want everybody to hear your calls.
But getting into this situation here, Max Keiser, it just gets crazier and crazier.
As Egypt goes offline, U.S.
gets Internet Kill Switch Bill ready.
They're now pushing authoritarianism as if it's mother's milk.
And yes, they're moving towards the metered, tracked, Internet ID'd, new Internet that's a piece of junk.
And they're really trying it because of this perfect storm of old dinosaur media and mainstream media.
Max Keiser, what's your take on this and how do we stop it?
Well, before I leave the China story there, just a quick note.
You know, when Hu Jintao was in Washington, interesting alignment of facts he had.
I think it was either Boeing or Lockheed was given a multi-tens of billions of dollars of business from China, while simultaneously announcing they were firing 10,000 Americans.
So, you know, the karmic poetry of this is beautiful.
They have these businessmen in the U.S.
literally kowtowing in front of the Chinese premier, you know, for billions of dollars of the deals, but at the same time, they're firing Americans.
So, you know, this is an interesting time in history.
And China, of course, is
Looking to, uh, somehow, uh, anyway, let's move on.
What was the second question?
Okay, the Internet kill switch.
Um, you know, the Internet kill switch, we see it happening in Cairo, right?
They flick the switch, they shut down social media.
You have this completely obliterates the point of the Internet to begin with.
You know, the Internet is supposed to be point-to-point, open-ended.
It's, you know, the point of the Internet under the DARPA design was that you couldn't take it down.
You couldn't kill it.
There's thousands and hundreds of thousands of points.
Instead, under this, you can only visit a handful of sites like Facebook.
They admit that's the model!
Right, well, the initial thing, and the reason why there is a Facebook is because any frickin' 22-year-old college Harvard guy could create a domain site and go to the world and get thousands of users and create a company.
But that will kill that.
That's another reason why Facebook is overvalued at $50 billion is because they're killing the golden goose here.
If you strip the entrepreneur out of the Internet, if you make it impossible for people to reach the world for free, which is what made the Internet this multi-
Billion, trillion, global phenomenon.
You're killing it.
You're killing the golden goose.
Because those people like Comcast and the major media companies, they want to squeeze just yet another few pennies from the consumer and they don't care if the consumer has to go into debt and that brings us back to the casino gulag.
So the people on these sites like Facebook, not only are they going to spend all their money
Alright, stay there, stay there.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're back live doing a couple more segments with the one, the only Max Keiser going directly to your calls, but Max got cut off by the break.
We're talking about the internet.
Morphing away from a free, open system that has been the only boon for our economy, really, in the last 15 years, the only real growth sector driving everything.
And now the globalists, going back over a decade, have openly said they're going to phase it into this Internet 2, where you've only got a few thousand choices.
All of those are globalist subsidiaries.
If you have a domain, it will be a subdomain of a Facebook or a CNN or a New York Times or a government site or a university.
And now, what Kaiser talked about three years ago on this show, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, where you, quote, make money clicking on ads all day, but it's not enough money to live.
And meanwhile, they know where you're at.
They're tracking you.
They know your every move.
They know what you're doing.
They want to keep you on their Internet platforms.
That's one half of the story, which is the gulag story, and the other half is the casino story.
So in order to keep people hooked,
Of course, they use all the tricks and the techniques of the casino so that people are, they win a little bit here and there to keep them hooked, and all the behavioral economics and all the ways that they now move through neuroeconomics to keep people hooked into this gulag casino.
So at the end of the day, you're there gambling your entire life away to make enough money to get a cup of coffee, and just like those couple in South Korea, I don't know if you saw this story, it was a few months ago, they got so involved in raiding their virtual avatar baby online as part of a game, that they neglected their real baby, who starved to death.
Yes, I did say that.
Let's put the cherry on top on this and then go to calls.
People are being sucked into the Internet.
It is becoming the literal matrix.
It's a fantasy world.
And people will go out and mug folks to have money to go into Second Life and all these other virtual systems to then have status in the false reality.
And then as we neglect the real reality, it allows the tyranny
Just like, for example, at Wall Street Bank,
Like J.P.
Morgan is the number one dealer in derivative products that end up in foreclosures and devastation in America.
Guess who is also the number one dealer in food stamps in America?
They control the system, Goldman Sachs, J.P.
They make you homeless.
And you're pregnant!
He did all of this three years ago on this show, Kaiser.
Here's some breaking news.
Florida judge rules health care law unconstitutional.
A federal judge, as a second federal judge, has ruled that health care reform bill signed into law last year by Barry Sitaro, known as Barack Obama.
I think?
I don't know.
JPMorgan involved controlling the food stamps and having foreign operators in India answering the phones for the unemployment systems.
It reminds me of congressional studies that came out where big mega banks laundering hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money a year, this is admitted, also own the private prisons where they put you when you use the narcotics they ship in.
I mean they've got this whole thing actuaried out.
They've got this thing figured out, Max Keiser.
Well, that's the casino industry.
It's extremely calibrated and calculated to bring people in.
They use those frequent player cards in the casinos.
They know your emotional psychographic.
They steer you in ways that you have fallibilities in your psyche so that you give up most of your money.
Two of the biggest things, fallacies, I hear from what's called the liberal press.
Are two things.
Number one, that Barack Obama created some kind of new healthcare that's beneficial for people.
That's false.
Plus, the banks are paying back the money they were given by the government.
That is also false.
When I tune into people like, for example, Bill Maher.
He has a show on HBO called Real Time.
Every week, he says, well, Obama's health care and or the bank bailouts, we're getting our money back.
Both of those things are patently false.
And which is frustrating because there's nobody in mainstream media, or even let's say CNBC's Rachel Maddow, who's kind of more on that left space.
He was willing to admit that healthcare was a big huge wet kiss to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Well they publicly wrote it and I would tell moron liberals that they're not even liberals.
They're just tuning into a fake corporate transmission of who they are and then defending this false reality.
30 million people are going to have to go into debt on behalf of the pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
That's what that bill means.
And it allows them to take over and cut doctors out of the equation of deciding what health care you get.
And that's what the liberals want.
That's their eugenics.
Well, in fact, in these cases, the bank bailouts, for example, you hear all the time, we're getting paid back for the bailout money, which is, again, is completely false.
All you have to do is look at that debt ceiling number.
If, in fact, there was anyone getting paid back for anything, would they be raising the debt ceiling again by another $1 trillion?
And that's going to end up being raised several times over the next year.
And it's absolutely ludicrous to think that any money is being paid back to anybody for these bailouts.
In fact, they're just siphoning out more cash on a daily basis.
So where does it end?
Because I've got to go to phone calls.
People are holding patiently.
I'm going to skip this break.
We're going to take these calls.
Where does it end?
I mean, do people wake up out of the Matrix trance while they're playing, you know, games like Angry Birds all day?
Do people stop it?
Or is it just over for us, and the globalists figured out mind control, they figured out, you know, a beautiful kaleidoscope to suck us into this, and that's it, humanity's over.
No, you were seeing it over in other countries.
They are reacting to this issue and just the US is going to be one of the last countries to react because of that dollar reserve status and the fact that even now the relative cost of food and energy for most Americans is dirt cheap relative to the rest of the world.
And that's why America is going to act left.
And that's why the system is gearing up all this paramilitary force to suppress us because they can't believe what they've already gotten away with.
And so they're getting the cops ready, the machine guns, the weapons, the camps, because they know that if the U.S.
ever gets taken back by the American people, their party is over.
Let's talk to Tony in Seattle.
Thanks for holding her on the air with Max Keiser.
Yes, Max, good to hear from you.
Thank you, Mr. Jones, again.
We've been having some basic, let's say, informative meetings on my side, and the question that keeps coming up consistently as we're trying to inform those are the secret meetings of the federal people, Bohemian Grove meetings, bank fraud people taking copious, you know,
Well, lawsuits are exposing
The fraud of them foreclosing on houses that are paid for, or houses they don't have paperwork on, or houses they don't really own.
I think running for office, suing, boycotting globalist companies, supporting local economies.
Max Keiser, what are a gamut of solutions?
Well, as the caller points out, and as we've been talking about, when they get caught, they simply change the law.
Remember, part of the foreclosure crisis, I think it was Goldman or Bank of America, was caught violating interstate notary law, and they simply passed a new law that changed the law.
So, my solution gets back to the fact that
The banks are holding hundreds of billions of our money that they refuse to act in a responsible way.
The only way to get our money back, and we've talked about it on the show before, is that Buy Silver campaign, which you buy an ounce of silver in physical, you destroy 100 ounces of paper on the balance sheet of these banks, in particular J.P.
So in other words, it's a global movement to take physical off the market and to just put these banks out of business, because there's no law
Yeah, Max, we've got to move on.
If you look at the silver and gold graph the last 10 years, it's going straight up.
They can always manipulate it down for a season, but then it bounds up even more after that, and we see that rebound already happening again.
And they've reported in the last two months, since we launched this operation here, with Max's spurring, that it's record physical purchases going on, and that separation between paper and reality is becoming more and more clear.
It's happening in the energy market too, Alex.
You know that the paper price for oil is $10 cheaper than the physical price?
And this is happening in these markets all over the world, and they're becoming completely detached from reality, which is leading to incredible instability, which means that there's an incredible bank
Yeah, I do.
At that point, we educate everybody and we call for their arrest for the financial terrorism and say, that's enough scammers.
It's over.
Then we go with the Ron Paul model.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in Illinois.
Got to move through these calls.
Mike, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
Good evening, Mr. Kaiser.
I'd like to paint the Egyptian issue in a totally different light.
If the United States has been de-industrialized and it's been handed over to China, China truly benefits from control of things like the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal.
If the United States is going into decline and we're going to have to pull out of that region, that power void will be filled, at least in this projection, by a Chinese presence.
Now, they benefit the most from all of this.
They have access to European markets.
Uh, you know, as far as... Well, I mean, it's... Go ahead.
Have at it, Max.
Oh yeah, okay, so yeah, I agree.
I mean, the Chinese have incredible influence there.
They've got the cash, and they'll be very active, and they've got the cash to do it.
The U.S., as you point out, de-industrialized, big banking problems, and the popularity of America in Egypt is less than 17%.
It's one of the least popular countries in the world, in Egypt.
And again, that's unpopularity with the ruling regime and the political horror class.
Just like Congress has a 9 to 11 percent here, that doesn't mean America hates America.
These people aren't America.
These are hijacking, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay types.
Arrest them!
Get them out of here!
End it now!
Death to the New World Order!
Give me my republic!
Anything else, Mike?
Yeah, if you were actually going to perform a Machiavellian exchange of leadership and take the United States out of a top dog position, you would really be seeing what's going on in the world right now.
I think in the future you're going to see nationalization of production and they'll just tell the American companies, too bad.
They've already got the production facilities.
We already set them up with the equipment.
We gave them the designs.
I mean, they've literally displayed us out in front of the Chinese and are asking them to just crush us.
So as we move forward and we see all these new things develop throughout the world, you can't apply the old models.
Egypt has been an ally.
They've provided us unfettered access to the Persian Gulf for decades to perform military operations.
I mean, as all of these things happen, you have
No, no, no.
I agree with you, but I wouldn't say China.
That's what I've been saying the last two, three days on this.
It's globalist.
If we think about it in terms of America-China, we get it wrong.
China is the new darling apprentice of the New World Order because it sterilizes people and force aborts, and the globalists, that's a sacrament to them.
And they would do select business deals where only certain globalists could gain access, then they could leverage out their competition worldwide.
But I agree, this is a globalist move to undercut Egypt, to create global crisis which will empower the globalist interest, not America.
And it is done as an entree towards the new baby Satan, China.
Max Keiser.
Well, a couple points.
Number one, this event of the past two to three weeks are making Al Jazeera an incredibly important global network.
It's been shut out of America since it launched ten years ago.
And I think that as a result, that many people are demanding Al Jazeera English in America.
And it's a fantastic network.
I've made many films for that.
Number two, you know, during this whole uprising... Tarpley says they're British intelligence run.
Well, give people a choice between CNN, NBC, CNBC, Al Jazeera English.
Check it out, view it, see what you think about it.
Don't condemn it before you investigate it.
The second thing is, we've been talking about Egypt, Egypt, Egypt.
You never hear the word Muslim or Islam, because this is a movement of the people.
It's not Muslims that are revolting in Ireland or in Greece either.
But it caught everybody off guard.
Because the narrative in all these countries, the way the U.S.
keeps their thumb on a country like Egypt, of course, is to talk about them in terms of them being Islam.
And of course, in America, Islam equals terrorist fanatic.
And you don't hear that because this is not what's going on here.
Yeah, we're actually seeing Middle Easterners or North Africans that aren't being called Beelzebub.
Thank you, Mike.
Which is a huge change in the war, the information war, because the folks that want to control things elect to position Islam in very negative terms.
But this is not the case here.
You never hear negative terms.
Let's jam in a few final calls, Max.
We got to get to these.
Daniel in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
This is Dan.
I came across some cheeky info.
I got an application video for the New World Order job.
On YouTube, looked up Illuminati video announced.
It just came out.
Well, there's also lots of hoax videos where people act like they're really the Illuminati, but we'll look it up right now.
Thank you, Daniel.
Let's talk to Brian in Connecticut.
Brian, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, this is Brian.
I'm driving, so I'll try to keep this brief.
First of all, I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to you, Alex, for years.
I was a Moneybomb supporter, and I just want to send you guys a lot of love and appreciation for helping to
I don't know.
It's so refreshing.
I just really wanted to thank you guys.
Well, let me say to you, all the love from here.
We couldn't do it without you, the listeners who spread the word and support us.
So I want to thank you.
We're almost out of time.
Do you have any questions or comments for Max Keisets?
Yes, sir.
I'll keep it super brief then.
Yeah, I just wanted to hear you guys' perspective on something.
I thought of just a very, very simple, common sense thing that people can do.
Sure, what's the idea?
I think that people should be thankful for that because if you use some common sense, according to some doctors like Russell Blaylock and folks like that that I've been listening to, they're kind of advocating that when you get a fever and you get these aches and chills
It's basically your body just kind of, you know, like purging some stuff that it needs to let go of, and the aches and the bones and the joints are also like the bones and the joints kind of purging some things.
Yeah, they don't want you to learn, your body to learn how to protect itself.
I guess that's the question for Max Keiser.
I appreciate that call.
This whole casino gulag economy, it's the same thing with Big Pharma, Max, and people are waking up to that.
It's not the flu, it's the plague!
We've got the plague here, we've got the financial plague, we've got the banker plague, and it's decimating entire populations.
And that the U.S., which is the media capital of the world in many respects, is going to hit their last.
So that's the really irony of all this whole thing.
That's what makes it so hard to get the message through to Americans, is because they're going to be the last on the list, because they've got that cushion
Max, we're almost out of time.
In closing, you premiered that video here, and we're appreciative of that, of Nomi Prins, the former managing director at Goldman Sachs, coming out against Goldman Sachs and basically saying, insider trading, why is she now getting so hardcore and speaking out?
I think that she is somebody, and you find this in the finance business a lot.
People, they come into finance, and I am the same, with a real healthy respect for this idea of free market capitalism.
And when you see it being abused, as you do at Goldman Sachs and other banks, you become outraged.
And you have to get that message out there.
She's one of us, Alex.
She's a good one.
All right, Max, let me say bye to you during this break.
Retransmission coming up here in just a moment.
InfoWars.com is our website.
Max, this is MaxKaiser.com.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'm going to talk to Max during the break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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