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Name: 20110124_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2011
2427 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live!
Live, live, live!
It is Monday, the 24th day of January 2011.
We're gonna be here for the next three hours.
You know, I covered yesterday an incredible story.
That got into the Communist Chinese at the White House dinner playing one of the most popular Communist songs in China since the 50s.
It's a song, an anti-American song, about the Korean War and the Chinese military shooting down the Jackals, which are the Americans.
And we've got a China expert, the editor,
of Epoch Times joining us.
Producers did a great job getting him quickly.
He's the editor of their English version.
They're published, I don't know, every major city I go to I see their paper published.
New York, Toronto, LA, Dallas, I see it in Austin.
Just an amazing publication I've been a fan of for more than a decade.
And Stephen Gregory will be joining us
uh... dealing with uh... matthew robertson's article chinese pianist plays propaganda tune at the white house the epoch times dot com he will be uh... joining us uh... coming up the middle of the next hour a very very important information today uh... with that guest uh... joining us i'm also on short notice working on getting tarpley watson uh... or
Wayne Madsen on at the start of the next hour briefly, because they really are our in-house experts, especially Tarpley on all things Russia, dealing with the huge airport bombing that's killed at least 31 people today over there.
And of course, that's the Domodedovo Airport in Russia, the largest airport in that nation.
Very serious bombing there.
We don't know if this is real Muslim terrorist or the equivalent of a four-leaf clover.
uh... with a uh... unicorn sitting on it by that i mean very very rare but it's rumored to exist somebody claims they saw one sometime in history uh... the number one suspects are obviously intelligence agencies we know the russian government going back to the czars
I don't know.
And then, of course, we've had some other bombings the last few years that when they fleshed out looked like NATO operations to destabilize Russia.
So we don't know.
We don't know right now, but we'll continue to look at the earmarks.
This could be the US government.
I don't
Well, they do exist if it's a woman stabbing 14 people on a bus or somebody suicide-bombing themselves.
I mean, that stuff does go on in the Middle East, predominantly in areas of Palestine surrounding Israel.
But outside of that area, it's very rare for it not to be a staged event.
So we're going to be going over that situation as well today.
Continuing, we've got a big stack of news of how the government's using the Super Bowl as a end cap or a demonstration of the police state with surveillance aircraft, checkpoints, face scanning, you name it, all being announced on that front.
The Drudge Report,
Has given a lot of attention to Eric Blair of the activist post Infowars.com, writing for us, Google seeks to weaken search engine ranking of content farming websites.
That means alternative media, period.
A way to censor that.
That's up on Drudge Report.
Today, yesterday, he linked our story dealing with court rules against TSA in flyers' favor.
So, getting a lot of the drudge love today.
Appreciate that, because I love nothing more than getting the information out.
Big news on the economy, our Operation V for victory, and a lot more coming up.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Extremism and defense of liberty is no vice.
It is Monday, the 24th day of January 2011.
Hard to believe we're about to elapse and complete the first month of 2011.
The English editor of a global newspaper, print newspaper, Stephen Gregory, will be joining us dealing with the incredible article.
Chinese pianist plays propaganda tune at the White House.
humiliated in eyes of Chinese by song used to inspire anti-Americanism, celebrating the killing of U.S.
troops by regular Chinese forces during the Korean War.
What does this signify?
And they are warehoused admittedly in facilities and their organs harvested because they're so healthy and in the last 15 years or so they've been valiantly fighting with the Epoch Times with deep research on China and their history of humiliation even going back to Nixon.
uh... the chinese dictator would only stick their hand out a little bit nixon would reach for it they would say look we're humiliating them obama bowed last year this year they also did the handshake thing again where they don't reach out far which in chinese is a big insult so humiliating our face uh... just incredible can you imagine if uh... the u.s.
president uh...
Brought a pianist along to be there at the Communist Chinese headquarters.
And played an anti-Chinese song.
It would be a big deal, but this is all part of the humiliation of the American people.
So we're going to be talking to the editor of the Epoch Times coming up in about an hour and 25 minutes from now today.
Also, I want to talk a little bit more coming up in the third hour today about what quantitative easing is doing to our economy and the world economy and food riots popping up in every major continent
of the world, serious unrest.
Global price fears mount.
And it says as food and raw materials prices soar, Europe's central bank head warns of inflation.
But our government says there's not an inflation problem, and that back in June of 2009, a year and a half ago, or more, that the recession ended.
Of course, don't tell that to anybody who actually works in the free market.
They'll tell you that's a lie.
Every indicator, of course, shows that's a lie.
We're going to be discussing that.
Quantitative easing causing food prices to skyrocket.
This is from Washington's blog, also up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Obviously, there's been the horrid bombing in the biggest airport in Russia, the Domodedovo airport, killing at least 31 people.
Our prayers go out to them.
It's too early to tell right now.
If this is government-sponsored terror, corporate-sponsored terror, or Chechnyan terror, where there actually are some Muslim extremists, and I'm sad to have to announce to you they are NATO-backed as usual, just like they use NATO-backed Muslim terrorists to attack Serbia.
I'm not saying Serbia was perfect or angels.
I'm not Serb.
I'm not Muslim.
I'm not Croat.
I'm not Albanian.
I don't have a dog in the fight.
I just go with what the facts are.
It could be the Russians.
They've done it before.
But we'll see how the Russians play it, and how they use it, and what key juncture the Russians are at.
It doesn't fit in right now, in my gut, with it being the Russians.
It could be.
They've done it before.
Most major governments do stage terror attacks.
It's just a fact.
We're going to get Tarpley on today, or tomorrow, to get his expert view on this.
He really is an expert on all things Central Asia and Russia.
So, we're going to be looking at that.
Suicide bomber kills 31 at Russian airport.
At least 31 people were killed and more than 100 injured this morning in a suicide bombing at Russia's biggest airport, Russian news agencies reported.
Russia's ruble-dominated stock market, the MICEX, fell by nearly 2% following the blast, which ripped through the baggage claim area at Moscow's Domodedovo airport.
at 1332 Greenwich Mean Time.
I guess that's actually in the afternoon Russia time.
Smoke wafted out of the baggage claim area and people were seen running out of the emergency exits at the airport.
Local media reported.
Funny, we've seen these new video games come out a few months ago that I talked about.
In fact, Matt Ryan's in there.
He wrote a review of it for InfoWars.com.
What's the name of that game where the Russian airport gets attacked in a false flag and you play the...
Yeah, Call of Duty.
I mean, just incredible.
And we said, are we going to see this happen?
I mean, sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence, but when you had Fox News approached by the CIA, not Fox News, Fox TV, six months before 9-11, they actually approached them a year before, but six months before the piece aired, where the government hijacks a passenger jet to fly it in the World Trade Center as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and launch a police state, and in the piece, and we've interviewed members of the lone government X-Files episode,
Admitting the CIA routinely approached them about what they wanted to be in the pieces.
So we have the fact that it mirrored the attacks, and that the government did approach them about placing this on television.
You ask why?
It's part of the collective unconscious.
It's almost a preparing of the public for what is about to come, and the globalists believe it's really a form of mind control, or to use the ancient term, lesser magic, to practice what they're going to do in symbols.
before they actually carry it out.
I don't believe in it.
It's total mumbo-jumbo.
It's crazy, but the globalists certainly do it and believe in it.
And of course, the Lone Gunman piece, and you can just pull up Lone Gunman 9-11 on YouTube and watch all the different pieces.
You can buy the DVD at Best Buy.
I actually bought the Lone Gunman series just so we'd have it in high quality.
The elements of the U.S.
anti-terror apparatus hijack the jet by remote control.
They send out messages that it's been done by Afghanistan.
And then the rest of NORAD stands down because the insiders at the Pentagon tell NORAD and the FAA that it's a drill.
And so they stand down.
Now, in the show, the hackers on the ground, the good guys, the lone gunmen, actually, Dean Haglin, the hacker, that's the actor's name, a different name in the show, he is able to hack in and remote control, unlock the remote control that the globalists are using to fly it into the towers.
Of course, we know in the real world that didn't happen and they went on to their destination.
And there's literally countless other examples of where they put it out there in your face before they do it.
But we don't know exactly what's going on yet with the blast that's rocked Moscow's main airport, but we will continue to break that down.
If we can't get Tarpley on short notice popping in, Watson is writing a big article right now on PrisonPlanet.com dealing with all of this.
I'm just going to see if it's now gone live yet.
No, his article is not out yet there at PrisonPlanet.com.
Continuing, here are some of the present planet headlines.
The meaning of V. People have asked why we've launched this V for Victory campaign that's seen staggering success just two and a half days into it.
We'll be breaking that down later.
Also, photos show that Chairman Hu's welcome, the Communist Chinese dictator's welcomers, were paid to be there and welcome him.
Also, suicide bomber again kills 31 at Russia's biggest airport.
That's the report we're getting.
Also, Seattle activist wins case against the TSA.
Is illegal immigration destroying the Southwest United States?
19 immigration facts that very few people
are talking about that's also up there and we have the latest entries in the V for Victory campaign uh... folks that are sending those over to our MySpace excuse me Facebook account just hundreds and hundreds of them now incredible artwork that people are coming up with are also coming up with an R for resistance flyer if you like that better than the V uh... you're certainly welcome to use any of the great stuff that's being sent over to us but uh... continuing here with some of the other news
You knew this was going to happen.
Three SEIU locals, that's the big union always caught beating up Tea Partiers, three SEIU locals, including Chicago chapter, waived from Obamacare requirement.
And in this latest move, 25 local chapters in Obama's hometown of Chicago are waived.
They don't have to get the government-mandated insurance, just like the first company they did, what, three months ago, was McDonald's, with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of employees.
USA Today headlined McDonald's and 29 other firms giving waivers from government health care, from Obamacare.
And since then, it's over 500.
Last time I sat around and counted them up, and that was months ago.
So I don't know how many waivers have been issued.
You can go online to the White House links, and they have just hundreds of pages of this stuff.
But this is the heart of what tyranny is about.
It's about government controlling everything, and then enriching their friends.
How are you going to compete against a hotel chain
That's in your town of you own a family-owned hotel or motel and their employees don't have to get insurance, but all of your employees do How are you going to compete if you have a hamburger place or a restaurant or a sub shop?
Next door to a McDonald's and their employees don't have to get insurance And so let's say you're already paying folks 11 bucks an hour better than McDonald's at average $8 an hour
It doesn't matter.
Now, they don't have to have the insurance paid for, so now you've got to pay five, six dollars an hour extra, on average, is what it factors out to be, to get that insurance.
And so, now you've got to lay people off.
Now you've got to increase the price of your sub sandwiches.
See how that works?
I mean, this is incredible tyranny.
And so we're going to continue to discuss that.
But I want to get into abortion first and some big developments in Texas and other states on the other side.
Then we're going to get into the police state rollout to condition everybody at the Super Bowl.
We're going to get into a ton of other important news today.
We'll be right back.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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Thank you for joining us.
Okay, I got a bunch of economic news, a bunch of internet censorship, Google openly announcing intensified censorship, Drudge Report's got this linked today.
Very important information.
That is all coming up.
More on our V for Victory campaign and the amazing feedback I'm getting on that.
I'll just tell you now.
Travis, one of our IT guys, I've just gone ahead and hired two more people on top of the two we have to accelerate our social network, the redesign of InfoWars, Prison Planet, all the things we're doing.
I don't think so.
And a lot of their friends are doing it.
That's great, but we need to get those out on the street poles, out in the public places wherever it's legal and lawful.
Of course, you'll see a garage sale sign and nobody pulls it down, and then sometimes when you put it up they say, oh, it's illegal.
To hang it in public places in our town, but then we've gone and checked in many areas it's actually not.
Especially if they haven't been enforcing it against the dog grooming signs, and garage sale signs, and cookie sale signs that go up everywhere.
Our liberty and our freedom is important, and it's our free speech, and all of America is a free speech zone.
All the public commons are a free speech zone.
A free speech zone is not in your living room, or if you own a newspaper, that newspaper is yours.
That's not a free speech zone.
That's your free speech zone.
But when it's public places, it certainly is.
So that is coming up as well.
I've got a little stack of abortion news here.
I'm going to start getting into this now and get more into it later.
But I rarely find myself agreeing with Governor Rick Perry.
He's the guy that tried to push through the NAFTA
Superhighways and the toll roads on 8,000 miles of existing Texas roads.
He's the guy that tried to force the Gardasil shots on Texas schoolgirls that they admit doesn't protect you from the papillomavirus that can cause cancer in the cervix and that is very dangerous and has caused a lot of deaths.
And that's on record.
It caused deaths during the trials and since then.
So I'm not a big fan of Rick Perry, but when someone does something right, you've got to give them credit.
When Glenn Beck comes out and admits the government wants to reduce world population, and gives the documents, gotta give him credit.
When he talks about the private Federal Reserve taking over America, gotta give him credit.
They're going in the right direction.
And that's because you, their viewers, their listeners, their constituents, are demanding it.
The system with the Overton window, what is seen as politically acceptable, is trying to do radical things to pull the political debate to the extreme so that things that would have been extreme don't look as extreme because they're pushing for such extreme things on the other end.
Well, we're pulling the Overton window of what's politically acceptable back the other way towards constitutional common sense and what this nation was founded on.
The system has tried to demonize it, it's tried to make gun ownership look bad, it's tried to make private property look bad, it's tried to make the family look bad with all the dramas and sitcoms and you see the messages all over TV and all...
You know, in the movies and culture.
But the point is, we're beginning to win this info war.
Every study shows it.
If you go back to the time of Roe v. Wade, 1973, the polls were roughly 50-50.
Some of the polls leaned towards 55-45, or a little bit more of the population being pro-abortion because it was sold like a human right, like suffrage for women or voting for blacks.
Now today, and they run the gamut, but all polls that are scientific show above 60% being against abortion, some over 80%.
And every year, the numbers flip towards common sense and pro-life.
And so they can yell, they can scream, they can have shows on MTV glorifying abortion all they want.
It isn't working.
And Rick Perry is doing something I really agree with.
I do not like in Travis County, with my office here, having to pay Travis County franchise taxes, which is really a hidden sales tax on businesses, or really a hidden...
income tax on businesses and the hospital district tax and the rest of it to make me pay millions of dollars that is Austinites have to pay millions of dollars over three million a year total to pay for abortions and people are coming from all over the state in the last year to have them here including late-term abortions those are babies that could be adopted up there's on average a two-year waiting list for them there are all these big groups that will pay women to have their babies and adopt them mainly Christian groups
They don't ever tell the women that.
They don't tell them that Planned Parenthood was founded to carry out eugenics.
We're going to cover this big development with Rick Perry and some other abortion news on the other side.
But first, the government and Cass Sunstein have announced the Fairness Doctrine and that we need to give equal time to their position.
And so I've decided when we come back that we're going to talk to David Rockefeller's spirit guide and give the soul of the New World Order a little bit of time here on air.
So we're going to hear from the other side equal time on the other side.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
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Attention American pigs, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, landowners.
We have destroyed your families.
We have destroyed your moral compass.
We have taken your country over.
We are the New World Order Banking Syndicate, our allies.
The world government is here!
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The Federal Reserve is here to help you.
Oh, words are dangerous.
Don't be angry at your government amassing giant paramilitary force against you.
If you are listening to this transmission, you are not the resistance.
You are not the resistance, no, no!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, there's fair time to David Rockefeller.
He wanted the time.
Jay Rockefeller's calling for a return to the Fairness Doctrine.
And so we may now, at least a few times a week, try to give them equal time.
And that's really what the New World Order wants for all of us.
So keep drinking your fluoride water.
You heard it directly from the Ninth Circle of Hell, a report from David Rockefeller on what he thinks would be good for this country.
And the rest of the world.
Here's an interesting report dealing with China.
General Motors China sales pass U.S.
for the first time in history.
Well yeah, part of the stimulus package went to build factories in Brazil and China and Eastern Europe.
GM sold more cars in China than the U.S.
for the first time.
Toyota keeps title.
For most global sales.
We'll be looking at China coming up in T-minus one hour in the middle of the next hour.
A deep look at China.
Continuing here with the good news.
So, the polls show it.
The numbers of abortions are overall down.
The vast majority of citizens now know it is a baby.
They know it's alive.
You're talking over 90% in major polls that are against late-term or third-trimester abortions, upwards of 80% against all-abortion period.
It is incredible.
It's used as a contraceptive.
Planned Parenthood, of course, was set up by the Rockefeller Foundation on record via Margaret Sanger to, quote, get rid of the undesirables, namely black people.
That was their quote.
The, quote, social weeds, societal weeds is the precise quote.
And 52%, I kept saying 51% and I was corrected, 52% of blacks never make it out of the womb.
We're talking close to 20% of whites, Hispanics, never make it out of the womb.
It's terrible!
Where are the civil rights activists trying to stop this holocaust?
Well, they're the quote, mainline liberals who are bankrolled by this system.
And to be a quote, liberal, you've got to be pro-abortion.
And then once people have had abortions, they tend to psychologically defend the abortion and get very, very mad if you speak out against the abortion.
Rick Perry is trying to get the legislature to propose a law here in the second most populous state.
Also the second largest geographically after Alaska, but the second most populous state with, what, 28 million people.
To make it to where you have to get a ultrasound before you have an abortion.
And the media is spinning it, claiming why an abortion is only $300.
That's because it's subsidized by the federal government, state government, and Planned Parenthood.
They actually cost about $1,000.
That's what ends up the money the abortionists get.
It's just you put in your $300 into the kitty.
You know, abortion when I was in high school was 300 bucks and still 300 bucks 20 years later.
But they're trying to spin it.
The truth is there are free clinics all over the state of Texas and all over the country where you can get an ultrasound if you're pregnant.
There's also many organizations and governments move to ban the 3D ultrasounds that they have in shopping malls and places which are like a hundred bucks where you get
3D photos of your child, because when you see their eyelashes, when you see their little fingers, when you see them sucking their thumb, you don't want to kill them!
You've now humanized!
You know, people got so freaked out in Iraq with the Marines throwing that puppy off the cliff, because we've lost our empathy for fellow humans, but we haven't seen simulated murders and killings of dogs on television.
Like, we've seen humans being simulated
So we become desensitized.
Our intellects, our psyches, our hearts become hardened.
And so many, quote, liberal comedians and social commentators make sickening jokes about abortion.
Oh, but then if you make some mild racial statement, you need to be arrested.
See, they're there trying to tell you that you could only have the speech that they approve of.
So, continuing here, we've got to get behind this in the Texas Legislature.
It's, quote, women's choice, they say, but statistically, and they break this down in different reports, you can just pull up ultrasound, reducing number of abortions, you'll see the studies they've got out worldwide, that when a woman sees that baby, instead of going to the abortion clinic where they claim that they're giving you counseling but push you towards the abortion,
Remember the famous phone calls a few years ago all over the U.S.
where pro-life groups would call up and say, yeah, I want to give $10,000, but I want to make sure it goes to black babies.
Can I make sure it only goes to abort black babies?
Oh, absolutely, sir.
We're with you on that.
And then the left covers their hatred of blacks by saying nobody wants those black babies.
My family adopted a so-called minority baby.
My parents did.
Now the truth is that the liberals try to keep non-blacks from adopting black children.
And that's a big liberal cause to live by the black activists.
Don't let whites adopt blacks.
Let us keep our culture.
Yeah, let's just go ahead and kill those black babies because we don't want them to actually get along with whitey.
We don't want to get along with what...
Chris Matthews called uh... crackers in trying to invoke racial division the truth is there is more than a six-month waiting list out there disabled black children statistically the most unwanted there is a six-month waiting list of good predominantly christian families who've got giant hearts and souls who want to love those children there's a close to a year waiting list
Mentally retarded and disabled Asian and Hispanic children.
And there are blacks, there are whites, there are Hispanics, there are Asians, there are people who want to adopt all those children.
There is close to a three-year waiting list for a Caucasian baby.
And if that baby is blonde-haired and blue-eyed, you're talking over a four-year waiting list.
You can pull those numbers up.
If the child has black hair and blue eyes, or black hair and green, the most coveted
You're talking about a five-year waiting list.
It's easier to get a liver than it is to get a black-haired, blue-eyed, or green-eyed child.
They are at absolute premium, and it has come out, and we have the senator from Georgia on, shortly before she was killed.
She was about to break major news, but this has come out in other places, of quotas for children.
CPS has quotas.
And that's why, in so many CPS cases I've fought, where you'll have
Truth to hear.
But when you see CPS taking a child who's three and falls off the swing and breaks a finger in front of witnesses, blonde-haired, blue-eyed.
When you see a family who won't give the vaccines to their newborn and there's no law to do it, but they take them, blonde-haired, blue-eyed.
I mean, this is well known.
It is worth hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now, I knew so many cheerleaders in high school who went and got abortions.
Friends of mine who had girlfriends, and they come up with the 300 bucks, their parents wouldn't even be told that 14, 15, 16, 17-year-old girls were having abortions multiple times a year.
No one told those cheerleaders, hey, have that baby.
I guarantee you the parents would have wanted it, the grandparents would have wanted it, but even if they didn't want that cheerleader's baby, nobody told that cheerleader that there were Christian organizations that would pay her over, and that was back then, $100,000 on top of putting them in an apartment if they wanted.
Paying for everything, and giving them money for two years after the child is born, for a total of over $150,000.
That's why you see these national billboards that show a woman who looks depressed, and it says, pregnant, thinking of an abortion, call us, there's help, there is an alternative.
You call, whether you're black, hispanic, it doesn't matter, they will help you have that baby.
They will help get that baby into a good family.
Don't chop them up.
And if you don't like hearing that because you're pro-abortion, face it spiritually.
Face it psychologically.
You've bought into abortion, you've paid for them, or you've got friends that have.
Just admit you're wrong.
And that is the beginning.
That is the beginning of healing, ladies and gentlemen.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard on talk radio, not even on my own show, but also on my own show.
I mean, I hear it every few weeks when they're having an abortion discussion.
The arrogant, moralizing, fake, liberal, 21st century Nazi calls in and says, oh, who's going to adopt these black babies?
Who's going to adopt these Hispanic babies?
Are you moralizing?
They want them dead.
They want them chopped up.
They want them dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.
So, I've also studied this, and you can study this for yourself, in many countries that are even pro-abortion, they still want a sonogram, even though it's not shown to the mother, so they know the position of the baby, of the fetus, and sometimes there's medical complications that could be involved, and so they need to know when they're going in there if they need to, you know, normally they want to do one after.
As well, to make sure everything was cleaned out.
Not in the United States.
And not in Latin America or Africa.
They don't care if something gets left in there.
They don't tell women that they have a doubling on average.
This is conservative.
Just pull up studies, or abortion cancer studies, and you'll see at least a 50% in uterine.
I mean, your body, if the baby needs to die,
99% of the time, and I've talked to medical doctors who deliver babies on this, 99% of the time, if that baby's Down Syndrome, or that baby's deformed, or that baby's got problems, your body will shut off and it's called a miscarriage.
Your body, 99% of the time, it's actually almost 100, it's 99 point something, you have to pull it up if you want to see the actual numbers, your body will get rid of it, okay, will get rid of that baby, and then it's not your fault.
And then you don't get a massive increase in cancer.
You go in to the middle of an incredible biological event with your body.
Building and creating through that placenta a new life form within you.
You go in and snuff that out while all the hormones are aligned and everything's operating correctly.
And there are many women that get abortion after abortion after abortion.
Listen, we tell you that if you've had three consecutive flu shots, it again doubles your chances of Alzheimer's.
There are scores of mainline studies.
Don't believe me?
Just search.
Flu shot, Alzheimer's studies.
Don't believe me?
Check out all these things I'm telling you.
And whether it's sodium fluoride giving a seven-fold increase in cancer in men, three-fold between men and women average together, and that's in the video we put out with mainline U.S.
government documents linked under it.
That's just a public service announcement.
If we come on the air and we break down the fact that abortion more than doubles your chances of
Uterine cancer.
Cancer of the uterus.
It massively increases cancer of the fallopian tubes, cancer of the ovaries, cancer of the cervix.
They don't know why, but it increases cancer of the intestines, of the colon.
It's linked to more breast cancer because it causes, that's one of the big confirmed links is breast cancer because they're in a hormone flux connection dealing with metabolic rates with the uterus and the reproductive system.
So, if you get an abortion and they don't do an ultrasound after it, that's malpractice in Western Europe.
I mean, I can't tell you how many women I hear about in the news, and how many women I knew.
Women who I had, you know, friends who were dating, who would get toxic shock, who would get blood poisoning, who would get flesh-eating bacteria inside of them, because... I don't want to get graphic here, but the doctors get sloppy.
And, well, you know what?
It's... We're trying to save people here.
If they leave an... Well, I'm not going to get into it.
The doctors are supposed to put everything back together to make sure they got it all.
A lot of times they don't.
I'm done talking about it.
The point is, this stuff is going on.
And there needs to be an ultrasound after the event.
Now, Rick Perry, and I've got to salute him,
And we'll find out if he thought he had the votes in the House and if this is a political stunt as he gets ready to run for president.
But Perry will push anti-abortion measure.
UPI, Texas Governor Rick Perry said he will introduce emergency legislation requiring women seeking abortions to first get a sonogram of the fetus.
Perry, speaking Saturday at the anti-abortion rally in Austin, said the measure would also include the requirement that women listen to the sound of the heartbeat, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
It's medically needed to begin with.
I don't know if you can make them because it hasn't been outlawed yet.
Make them listen to the heartbeat.
But there at least needs to be the sonogram.
And how about not even make them look at it?
They're going to want to look.
99% or more.
I mean, I bet 100% are going to want to look at that baby.
But just say, oh, you don't need to look if you don't want.
We have to do this for medical reasons.
And then they're going to want to look.
And then they're going to find out the truth.
Now you know what Planned Parenthood's are going to do?
They're going to run ultrasounds in other abortuaries, other abortion mills, and not tune it in just right.
I've been there for three ultrasounds of my children.
And before they tune it up, you don't see those eyes, those hands, and everything else.
So we need to make sure, and that's something that needs to be checked if this passes, that they tune it.
And that they make sure you are seeing the clear image.
So we need to get behind this.
I'll tell you more about it when we come back.
And then some of the latest horror stories just in the last few days with abortuaries.
Oh yeah, these babies are staying alive sometimes for days.
And folks are digging them out of the trash cans.
And thank God they're still living.
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There's a man going around taking names.
Oh yeah!
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down.
When the man... When the man comes around.
This country's being judged right now.
You can still repent.
Alright, so Rick Perry deserves credit.
He said, uh, when someone has all the information, the right choice will be made, the choice for life.
Perry said to the crowd, between 4,000 and 5,000, that means it was probably 50,000 at the steps of the Capitol.
Since 1973, Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court decision, 50 million, 51 plus.
50 million children have lost their chances.
That's a catastrophic number, twice the population of the entire state, said Perry, most of them black or Hispanic.
Perry also,
I gotta say, I like this whole agenda.
I can't believe I'm here agreeing with Rick Perry, but he's really flip-flopped.
But he's definitely had a Saul of Tarsus conversion on the road to Damascus, or he's getting prepared to run for president and getting his conservative bona fides in line.
But as long as he doesn't sabotage this vote at the last and try to stop it, all I can say is, good.
Get behind this big time.
Now this is the type of news that I see constantly and don't even cover here because I don't like getting into it.
It's painful to even think about.
But we've got to talk about these things.
Doctor allegedly killed babies with scissors.
And even the New York Times is reporting on this.
And it goes on to say the grand jury found that they would reportedly
Keep babies alive on shelves.
And I've seen many other cases that are similar to this.
And there's many famous cases where pro-lifers... In fact, we need to interview some of those survivors.
They're now full-grown, some of them.
Dig them out of trash cans in the medical waste bins.
I mean, they don't even dismember them in the partial birth abortion.
And see, legally, they say as long as the baby has been killed,
They take scissors and poke a hole in the back of their head and suck their brains out.
I'm sorry.
That's how they kill a eight-month-old baby who could be adopted right there.
That's how they do it.
But if the baby comes all the way out of the womb, all the way out onto the bed, then they legally are supposed to
Adopt the baby and call the paramedics.
It's a total oxymoron of you can kill the baby inside but not on the outside in that third trimester.
And so what they do is they put them in cold buckets of water, they put them on shelves, and then when workers freak out by seeing the child dying, we finally have a pang of humanity.
When there's people lined up around the block to adopt them, they call the police and these abortuary people go to jail.
Why are they going to jail
For doing something that is legal two seconds before.
And so there's that report.
Reportedly of the dead babies and living babies and the rest of it.
Here's another one.
This is the New York Times.
Kermit Gosling, Gosneal, had been sued 15 times for malpractice.
Two women died while under his care.
And it just goes on.
I'm not going to read what's in this article.
It's too gruesome.
But that's the type of stuff we've got here.
Let's just stop the abortions, OK?
Let's stop them.
Let's stop them.
Let's educate people and show them what's going on.
It's not a right.
It's murder, OK?
It's murder, certainly in the third trimester.
Who can disagree?
Let's ban third trimester abortion.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Right in the center of Drudge Report, DrudgeReport.com.
He's linked to Google seeks to weaken search engine ranking of content farming websites like the DrudgeReport and InfoWars.com.
We'll be breaking that down later.
We have a guest from the Epoch Times joining us, Stephen Gregory, about the playing at the White House of the incredible anti-U.S.
military, anti-U.S.
song, The Motherland, about killing U.S.
troops in Korea, joining us.
The editor, Matthew Robertson, was the writer of the article.
Stephen Gregory, the editor, will be joining us, coming up in 30 minutes.
I appreciate Webster Tarpley coming on on short notice.
Uh, because he's a real expert on things Central Asia and Russia.
Well, he's an expert on just about everything that goes on geopolitically around the globe.
Really, uh, learned to respect his analysis.
And, of course, suicide bomber kills 31 at Russian airport.
And that's, uh, Domodedov.
I hope I'm pronouncing that right.
Uh, Domodedova.
And that's the biggest airport in Russia.
It's in Moscow.
And they're saying a suicide bomber.
But we know how many of these have been faked in the past.
Now, is it NATO?
Is it the U.S.?
Is it the Russian government?
Or is it a real Chechen terrorist?
Joining us is Webster Griffin Tarpley, doctorate of history.
He's also an economist and the author of several books exposing Barack Obama.
And we carry those books as well at Infowars.com.
Webster, thank you for joining us.
Hello, Alex.
The airport is Domodedovo, and it happens to be the main gateway from Moscow towards the North Caucasus and the Caucasus, meaning precisely the area of Chechnya and Georgia and these other small ethnic nations there in the Caucasus and Transcaucasus that have been the scene of so much orchestrated terrorism.
Obviously, when anything like this happens, the prime suspects immediately become Chechen-based organizations, or organizations operating in or around Chechnya, but also maybe Georgia, where there was, after all, the war back in August of 2008.
However, behind these, their patrons always looms
The question of NATO intelligence and the desire to destabilize Russia, promote the further breakup of Russia, and so forth.
I have here my book that you mentioned, Obama, the Postmodern Coup.
One of the essays, Obama Campaign Linked to Chechen Terrorism, and this is about the fact that the principal Chechen
Terror organization, I think there's no other way to say it, is stationed here in Washington, D.C., funded by U.S.
taxpayers with an office at, I guess, the National Endowment for Democracy.
And the Russians have repeatedly demanded the extradition of this guy, but that has never happened.
And of course, we have the pattern of things going on in Russia.
Last March, there were, I believe, a couple of female suicide bombers who put on a bomb in the Moscow subway.
Maybe they never found out who did that.
Very dramatic, was a little bit more than a year ago, a bomb in the Moscow to St.
Petersburg fast train.
And of course, back behind that, we have the Moscow Theater hostage-taking, which turned into a massacre.
We have the Beslan school massacre of September 2004.
Before that, there was a hospital massacre.
All the while, bombs in the Moscow subway, and so forth.
So this is generally attributed to Chechens.
Again, I say Chechens, you know, it's notorious, and various Russian media and other media have gone through this, that these are supported by the West, right?
Meaning NATO intelligence.
And then there's that strange fascist dictator, Saakashvili.
Tell you what, Webster, we've got one more long segment with you.
I want you to come back, recap the history of this, look at different geopolitical aims behind this, and what this signifies if the West, through the Chechens operatives, is behind it, and why you wouldn't even look at Moscow being behind it.
We'll get your view on that straight ahead.
Webster Griffin, Tarpley of Tarpley.net.
I'm Alex Jones of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
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That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now eight minutes into hour number two.
We're going to be talking to the editor of the Epoch Times, dealing with the Chinese press, celebrating the White House guest, a Chinese pianist, with Hu Jintao last Wednesday, playing the song, The Motherland, which celebrates Chinese victories over U.S.
troops in Korea.
Talks about shooting down the jackals.
Why would they do something?
Why would Hu Jintao announce that the dollar needs to be replaced?
Why are the elite selling us out to China?
But we're talking to Webster Griffin Tarpley for the rest of this segment, doctor of history, also an economist, joining us to, and of course he's written books on this subject, how Obama and others, but our CIA is funding a lot of Muslim extremists.
They funded them openly under Clinton out of Albania, and NATO funded them as well to attack the Serbs.
We're not saying the Serbs are wonderful Boy Scouts.
The point is that was all staged.
We know that Tarpley at the time broke it down, then it came out in Indian news, then Pakistan news, and then it came out in the Chicago Tribune that the head of the Mumbai attack was CIA, that whole attack in the shopping mall and hotel.
I don't
It was a hoax!
The media said Russia had attacked Georgia when Georgia had attacked Russian-controlled areas of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and I just went with the facts.
And a week later, they had to admit, okay, the Russians didn't attack.
People said, what are you doing standing up for the Russians?
I just go off the facts.
Now, the evidence points towards FSB in 99 being caught in a fourth apartment building planting exogen bombs, and that came out in the Moscow papers, and some of those reporters got killed.
And so I have no doubt that the czars before him, the communists, and now the current Russian government does stage provocations.
Most big governments stage false flags.
Tarpley may differ with me about the 1999 attacks, but we're looking at who could be behind this, and we're getting our first look.
This only happened five, six hours ago.
Moscow airport blast, FSB, false flag.
Part of anti-Putin campaign or real separatist attack?
That's the headline by Steve Watson and Paul Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
It's also up at InfoWars.com.
And so let's go back here because we know four years ago Bush put out the press release on WhiteHouse.gov saying four groups of freedom fighters are attacking the Iranians inside Iran.
We're funding them.
What a provocation towards Iran.
Three of the four groups were Al-Qaeda based.
Number three in Al-Qaeda commanding one.
One of them was Kurd-based.
I mean, what's really going on here?
Clear it up for us.
Give us your first look, view on who you think has the motive, who stands to gain.
Is it Moscow?
Is it NATO?
Is it the West?
Or is it Chechens operating on their own?
Well, we have to remember there's a presidential election now in Russia in 2012, and the number one goal of the entire Anglo-American intelligence establishment, and this is a hysterical commitment that they have, is to prevent Putin from switching back from Prime Minister to President.
And they have been
Very interesting.
WikiLeaks, in part of their dumping, has revealed the transcripts of meetings held in, well, the U.S.
Embassy to Moscow, with the presence of Michael McFowl, who is the Russia Director of the National Security Council.
And he, of course, is a lightweight.
He was a cheerleader for Yeltsin.
He was a cheerleader for the color revolution in Ukraine.
Anything that the U.S.
stooges do in Russia is democratic.
If Yeltsin shoots up the parliament, that's democratic.
If we have kleptocrats in Kiev, that's democratic.
So what McFaul was doing was to try to marshal his forces, which turned out to be various Russian has-been politicians, people like Kassyrov and Ryzhkov, people you've never heard of, as well as some human rights people.
But one you may have heard of, Garry Kasparov, the former chess champion, but his friend, of course, is this guy Limonov.
So our government is backing Bolsheviks?
So, if these distinctions mean anything.
So, they get together this gaggle of people, and there's... The candidate they'd like to put up against Putin is a guy called Nemtsov, who was essentially one of the masterminds of the destruction of the Russian economy.
IMF shock therapy, deregulation, privatization, hyperinflation, a bubble, a banking crisis.
Every disaster in the book when it comes to economics, this guy Nemtsov had visited on the Russian people, but they said we'll call them a democratic force, we'll put them up, we'll give them a lot of money from the US taxpayer, and see what we can do.
And I think they've decided now that it's hopeless.
And they've decided to have recourse to these things that we see now.
Look at things as being a little bit open-ended, right?
The London Economist has announced, essentially, that 2011 is the year of the long-awaited Middle East War, right?
For the past seven or eight years, really, since the immediate aftermath of 9-11.
The other big question, right, the other shoe ready to drop after Afghanistan, after Iraq, is what's going to happen with Iran.
There have just been some conferences over the weekend in Turkey about the Iranian nuclear program.
They have ended with basically no result.
And maybe this is now the beginning of some kind of a build-up towards Iran, but in the meantime it's a warning to Russia.
But certainly the idea that I think they have is that their ability to influence affairs in Russia has gone down to very, very low levels.
They can't install their puppet Nemtsov, and therefore they may be doing this.
That would be a first guess, I guess, in the first hours after such an event.
Are you talking about the Economist article last week that had the headline, not another war?
The first one of the new year was there's going to be a war in the Middle East because of the very significant conventional ballistic missile buildup.
By Hezbollah in Lebanon in particular.
Of course, there's a government crisis going on there.
The other thing I would put in is that there's a manic mood in the State Department and the CIA.
Remember, Tunisia is just a week ago, right?
So a week ago, the US feels that they, with the help of WikiLeaks and Assange, were able to overthrow the government in Tunisia.
And since then, serious disturbances have broken out in Albania.
And in Yemen, and we have these Palestinian papers against the PLO, against the Palestinian Authority, which is likely to lead to kinds of political chaos there.
So somebody's lighting the match here, but Webster, boiling this down, again we have the headline, Moscow airport blast, FSB false flag, part of an anti-Putin campaign, or real separatist attack.
I mean, how does this help the West
I think?
Somewhat unpopular going into that 99 election with the addled alcoholic Yeltsin who couldn't even get out of a wheelchair and then magically there's bombings in and around Moscow.
Putin gets to roll into Chechnya, the strong leader.
His approval rating goes way up.
I mean are you saying that there isn't evidence of the 99 apartment building bombings being an FSB connected?
Let's talk about that for a minute.
That stuff in 1999, you've got to remember what kind of a Russian state that was.
That was the Russian state destroyed with tremendous inroads and incursions by NATO intelligence.
Remember, Yeltsin was a complete IMF, NATO puppet.
That's all he was.
And parts, whole parts of the state apparatus, starting with the economics.
So how was Putin able to maneuver in?
Well, it's basically saying, you know, at that point, the candidate of the US and the British to become the head of Russia was the same Nemtsov, the same IMF shock therapist.
But at the same time, they had this thing going, a parallel operation, which was the dismemberment of Russia.
They wanted to keep the weak Yeltsin in power.
Also, you think the bombings were carried out by NATO affiliated groups to prop up Yeltsin?
What's the evidence?
Because what's the evidence, as we know, that a city police department did reportedly arrest FSB with the hexogen in a fourth building?
It doesn't prove anything.
It just proves that NATO has deep pockets.
And there were a lot of very, very poor people running around in Moscow in those days.
Man, you had the whole middle class selling their possessions in the subway.
Tarpley, I don't necessarily buy that, but I do buy the bombing of the last year being tied to the Chechens because they took credit for those and we know the Chechens are, as you mentioned earlier, run directly out of the State Department, so there's no doubt that's going on.
Right, and I would take your FSB false flag, if you're going to keep that at all, and put that at the end.
The prime suspect are always NATO-backed Chechens, NATO-backed Georgians, and once you get down there, right, there's Dagestan, there's Ingushetia, right, there are disgruntled individuals from every one of these small ethnic groups.
Okay, what's the goal then?
How does it hurt Putin to bomb this airport in Moscow?
Simply, it's done periodically.
It's a good question because this has been going on now on a large scale for a long time.
The second phase of these things is usually that the Russian government is blamed.
For example, when you had that Moscow Theater massacre, the general tone of the Western media was not to say,
Terrorists are bad, and should be fought, but that the Russian government did it all wrong, or with the school, right?
That the school was not, you know, these are bloody monsters who killed all these children, but rather, oh, the Russian government made tactical mistakes.
I'm sure we're going to hear now that Russian aviation is not safe, and maybe you better not go there, and maybe you better reroute your airplane.
And you've got Europe not wanting the naked body scanners and Russia not wanting it, so this could also be used domestically here to crack down more.
Is that what you're saying?
Do a few more minutes with us, a few more minutes on the geopolitical ramifications of Kibono.
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Going back to Webster here for a few more minutes to continue to discuss this terrible bombing in Moscow at their biggest airport.
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Okay, going back to Webster Griffin Tarpley.
Webster, look, I'm just looking for the truth here.
And I know Russia does a lot of corrupt things and has its own interests.
I know our corrupt system does it as well.
I mean, 888 was a giant hoax and it was admitted... The difference is that the US is generally an aggressive
Okay, I'm just saying I'm looking for the truth.
So in the three and a half minutes we got left, what's the motive here for you?
Who's behind it from the Kibona?
Well, the U.S.
with Obama was attempting to do this deception operation, the strategic deception around the so-called reset of relations with Russia, and that has included now the ratification by the U.S.
of the START Treaty, the Strategic Arms Treaty.
However, all of this had a goal.
The goal was to get Putin and his faction out of public life
I think so.
Isn't he stronger because that was a test of him in 888 with the Georgia situation?
Rather passive, quite weak, not a strong rallying defiant figure.
So I think he realizes that this is not good for him individually.
So the idea is if you have this gaggle of opposition forces that are worthless, and you can't subvert from within,
And your ability to have a color revolution from the U.S.
point of view is very limited.
Well then you've got to go back to treating Russia as a unit and a great power, and then you go back to your long-term
Caucasus-based subversion and geographic breakup story.
Sure, encirclement.
Well, it's encirclement, of course, but specifically the London Economist.
Again, the British are always the main center of anti-Russian hatred, and this goes back 200 years to post-Napoleon.
The London Economist has always had this idea that you can use the Caucasus, Transcaucasus, this ethnic labyrinth of small countries,
To break up Russia geographically, right?
Not just break up the Soviet Union, that they've done, but now break up the Russian Federation.
So if you can't do the internal subversion using, you know, the young dupes and young nihilists with the color revolution, then go back to your ethnic-based, terror-assisted strategy.
And it seems to me that may be what will happen.
And then try to invoke Russian invasions into those satellites?
Yes, of course, and then that weakens Russia.
You see, that was what was done in the mid-1990s, right?
The Chechen War really started in what, 94, 95?
So just like the West is tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq, they're trying to suck them into a new Afghan-type situation, but in other areas of the Caucasus.
The oligarchs, you know, they're also not happy their darling Khodorkovsky is being kept in jail.
You can imagine, if we had Warren Buffett or Bill Gates in jail in this country, that would create a somewhat different political climate.
Alright, Webster, thank you so much.
We'll continue to talk to you as this unfolds.
Thank you so much.
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I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind
We're good to go.
Stephen Gregory is our guest for the next 30 minutes.
He's the editor of the Epoch Times English language version.
All I know is I'm in London.
I see their newspaper on newsstands.
I'm in Toronto.
I'm in Dallas.
I'm in Los Angeles.
I mean, I just see it everywhere.
I see it in Austin for more than a decade and it's TheEpochTimes.com and they have an amazing report.
We know that Mao Zedong has the greatest mass murder record in history, even greater than the monster Hitler and the monster Stalin.
But to have them play this song, The Motherland, that's in a popular movie in China, dealing with the Chinese regulars fighting Americans in Korea during the Korean War, is just incredible.
And this was aired, Chinese TV covered it, Chinese bloggers praised it.
Lang Lang, the pianist,
Talked about he chose it to basically glorify China.
I mean, it's one thing to have Hu Jintao come out before he came last week and say, the dollar's going down.
The Chinese currency will be the World Reserve currency.
China being the biggest holder of our debt.
What an amazing move we see.
But to see all these other slights that Americans don't recognize but in China are seen as rubbing our face in it.
Uh, imagine if an American president went over there and played some anti-Chinese song, uh, or had their P.S.
do it.
Uh, so it's really kind of an inside joke for, I guess, a billion, 300 million, uh, Chinese, but a lot of them aren't laughing.
And so joining us, uh, is the, uh, editor.
I think?
It's great to be with you, Alec.
Tell us about, because talking to folks at the paper, you really are one of the biggest experts on what's happening in China, what this song means and if it ties into a larger pattern.
Yes, certainly.
This song was the theme song for a movie called Battle on Chong Gong Ling Mountain.
And this is a battle, Triangle Hill, which is not well known to Americans, but in the
Chinese Communist Party narrative about the Korean War.
It's very important.
It's treated as a major victory over U.S.
And the song is a praise of how beautiful China is, but at the end of the song, there's a verse which says that, when friends are here, there is fine wine, but if the jackal comes, what beats it is the hunting life.
And in the song The Jackal of the United States.
And since that movie played for decades now in China, this song has been the leading song for promoting anti-Americanism in China.
And so for this song to be played in the White House at a state dinner with President Obama and Hu Jintao present was a tremendous insult to the United States.
Going into the White House and playing a song to promote hatred of and opposition to the
Well, if I played the old country music song from the fifties in 1814, we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson in the mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we whipped the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.
And it goes on from there about running the British down to the Gulf of Mexico.
That was 220-something years ago.
This is different because this is something that's currently popularized and you, Link, in the article
Alex, I think the fundamental thing is that
The Chinese Communist Party has recognized from the very beginning that they are in a life and death struggle with the Democratic West.
As long as the United States exists as a free, democratic and prosperous country, the example of the United States is a repute to the authoritarianism of the CCP.
No matter how strong the propaganda is inside China, our example is still attractive.
But if they can lobby our government to crack down on internet speech and free speech zones, now it can normalize their authoritarian system.
And to see our media, and I'm sorry to interrupt, that's powerful what you just said though, sir, the editor of the Epoch Times, I've now seen our media actually praising China and saying they can get things done and almost no criticism of their unbelievable human rights degradations.
Yes, the media in the West
And this is also to get back to your point about there being a pattern involved in this, a pattern of humiliation of the United States.
The media in the United States has badly misunderstood China, the Chinese Communist Party, and the Chinese Communist regime.
And since Nixon went to China in 1972, U.S.
presidents and U.S.
administrations have badly misunderstood and been badly informed about the Chinese Communist Party.
And so what the United States administration has not understood is that the CCP views us as an enemy.
An enemy that they have a long-term plan to defeat or subvert.
And our policy towards China of engagement has been an attempt to treat them as friends.
And this has been simply very naive.
We can trade with the Chinese.
We can, of course, have all kinds of relations with the Chinese.
We should be very clear-headed.
About what the CCP is and what the CCP is doing.
When Nixon visited China in 1972, there was a picture that was used throughout China after his visit.
Nixon is getting off the plane, and he has a big grin on his face, and he's stretching his arm out to shake hands with Joe and Lai.
Joe, at that time, had a bad arm, and his arm is held close to his body, his face is very close.
What the Chinese propagandists did with this picture, which shows Nixon reaching out, and Joe with his hand close to his body, is to say, look how badly the United States wants to reach out to it.
They're reaching out to us.
Now this is a tiny, subtle detail, but it's how the Chinese people have been indoctrinated by the CCP to begin thinking about the
Why does Obama continue to bow?
I noticed when he bowed last year and again this week to Hu Jintao, that Hu Jintao just didn't even tip his head in any way.
How is that being received in China?
I think that in general, Chinese propaganda is going to play up any opportunity to show the United States as weak or the United States as
As for President Obama's tipping of the head towards Hu Jintao, this is his understanding of democratic manners, my understanding of how to relate to foreign heads of state, and I would simply say that in the context of the relationship with the Chinese regime, I don't believe that's helpful to bow to.
So where is all this going?
Because I'm not a China expert, but you know, compared to the general public, I read about it every day and try to study it and have studied the history of China.
I mean, I read the Chinese government-approved publications, and for those that don't know, they shut down the only
Free magazine that had been up a few years in China just a month ago.
So all publications are approved.
And I read the big Chinese dailies.
And it's America is weak.
We own their debt.
They are our enemy.
We're preparing for war against them.
We are encircling them.
They've got 90 plus percent of rare earth mineral mines all over the world.
They're giving out more money than the IMF and World Bank now.
I don't see it out of the Russians.
If I saw it out of the Russians I'd be talking about it.
I know it's come out in our news, they've been caught selling AK-47s to street gangs 14 years ago.
They've got thousands of front companies and Chinese mafias unfolding, controlled by the government.
I mean, I do see China as a very serious threat, especially because our own government, at so many corporate levels, have sold out to them.
I mean, am I overstating that?
Or, I mean, as somebody who's deeply researched this, the editor of the Epoch Times, give us your take on it.
The Chinese regime has been using every means available to them to weaken the position of the United States.
I don't think you're overstating it, but I do think that we need to be clear.
If the United States is simply clear on its own principles, and stays firm on its own principles and its own understanding of human rights, and lets that guide its policy,
The Chinese regime appears to be very strong.
In fact, it's very weak.
In 2009, Radio Free Asia had an interview with a professor at Beijing University, and he was quoted as saying that in 2009, there were over 200,000 mass protests, mass riots in China.
That is a huge, huge number, and what it points to
The Chinese regime is rapidly deteriorating.
There's great instability.
Well, that was my next point.
They've got these entire new cities they've built that are almost entirely empty, this real estate bubble.
I see the YouTube videos that quickly get pulled down by the Google parent company, who's in bed with the Chinese communist, and there's this illusion that the Chinese people are anti-America, but I think what you're saying, and what I've researched, is that they're trying to create
A fake communist nationalism against the U.S.
to rally their people against the U.S.
and the West so their people won't rally against the authoritarian, hardcore oppression.
And I see the YouTube videos of farmers having their tiny pieces of land taken, rushing Chinese troops with guns, and even, you know, defeating them.
And so absolutely, China is on the verge of revolution, and China doesn't want us knowing that.
Meanwhile, our Western governments are almost like trying to prop them up.
Yeah, I think there are at least two things going on at the same time.
One is, the Chinese people, who are the greatest victims of the Chinese Communist Party's oppression of the regime, the Chinese people are deeply poisoned by the propaganda of the Chinese regime.
That's on the one hand.
On the other hand, the Chinese people increasingly are recognizing that the Chinese Communist Party's rule has to end.
One of the biggest unreported stories in the world, something the Epoch Times has devoted a lot of space to, is what's called in Chinese the Tui Dong movement, the movement to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party.
At this moment, 88 million Chinese in China and around the world have withdrawn either from the Chinese Communist Party or its affiliated youth organization.
This is something which the Chinese Communist Party is very afraid of.
Falun Gong practitioners are taking the lead in helping the Chinese people in China understand the nature of the CCP and understand how catastrophic
Why is China so threatened, the Chinese Communist Party, separate from the people, by the Falun Gong?
A. And then B. Here's an example.
Paul Watson, the editor of PrisonPlanet.com, one of my big news sites, lives in England.
His wife is Ehan Watson, and she speaks perfect English.
She's, I guess you'd say, Anglified.
But she has family that lives in China.
Really nice folks.
And she just wrote an article, or contributed to it, about a Rand Corporation document about war with China.
And it wasn't even an anti-communist party article, it was just a dry piece, and they got word, their family got threatened, they got word, you shut up, you don't write.
Now, she is British, and there's the long arm of the Chinese Communist Party telling her, you shut up.
You know, trying to tell my website, you shut up.
I mean, what have you guys gone through with the fact that you're reporting on them?
Well, from the very beginning, the People of Time has
The CCP has experienced a lot of interference in the CCP.
I mean, one of their top priorities is to shut us down.
In 2000, we had a reporter's bureau inside China.
Of course, it didn't operate openly.
It operated clandestinely.
But this was a bureau in a couple of cities.
And in December of 2000, we had several dozen people who worked for us.
Unfortunately, sir, your phone started breaking up there.
Try to speak right into your microphone and repeat about your reporters getting scooped up.
Is this better, Alex?
Yes, go ahead.
In 2000, we had several dozen reporters inside trying to get scooped up and raised.
I don't
The Chinese language edition communicates directly over the web and in print to Chinese inside China and around the world, and it's delivering a message, of course, about the CCP.
The CCP does not want the Chinese.
Well, incredible that these type of things could go on.
Where do you see China going?
And I know it's hard to predict, but where do you see China in its relationship to the West going, in relationship to its own domestic operations going?
And then I want to come back and get into some of the documented abuses that this government medes out to people.
Sure, sure.
I see the Chinese regime at this time
I think so.
We're good to go.
All right, Mr. Gregory, stay there.
Sorry to interrupt you.
We've got to go to break.
I want to hold you for this short segment coming up, and one more until five after, if you can.
Then, folks, I'm going to get into a bunch of economic news, police state news with the Super Bowl, and a lot more.
Also, our V for Victory against tyranny campaign already seeing some huge success just three days into it.
We'll be right back with our guest.
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If you think that the Communist Party thugs that have been feeding on the Chinese people and others like vampires,
Our friends, I got a bridge that I'm ready to sell you.
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Going back to Stephen Gregory of EpochTimes.com, the editor of their English language version.
Okay, you got interrupted by the break.
You were getting into their extreme arrogance.
Evidence by at the White House playing an anti-America song about, you know, the victory against U.S.
Continuing, please.
Right, well, on the one hand I see the arrogance increasing and the aggression increasing.
On the other hand, I see the regime growing more and more unstable.
And the members of the CCP know this.
High-ranking members of the CCP have numerous foreign passports and billions stashed abroad.
They're ready to run.
And what the West needs to do is support those inside China who are seeking to have a civil society.
And that goes back to the withdrawal of what I was speaking of before.
There are people inside China who are looking to end the Chinese Communist Party, and those are the people the West should be speaking out for.
But there are a lot of Western megacorporations that promote the authoritarianism because they've got business deals that count on the slave labor.
What about that part of the equation?
It's certainly true that there are Western corporations in China that are devoted to the regime.
It's also true that this year, for the first time, the American Chamber of Commerce pulled back from its support for doing business in China.
American business and Western business have been badly burned inside China, and they have not been willing to admit it.
And now people are finally starting to take a little bit more sober look at what it means to do business in China.
Sure, I've been asking a lot of the questions here, but you really are, from doing my research, a deep expert on what's happening with China.
In the rest of this segment, the next, you've got the floor on other points you think are really important, and the persecution of Falun Gong, who they are for folks that don't know.
Thank you.
Okay, so, we're still live.
I'm sorry, I thought we were going to a break.
No, no, no, you've got the floor.
Break it down for us as we go to break here.
Okay, right.
The persecution of Falun Gong is a story that our paper has covered because it's the most important story we think in China today and we think in the world today.
A hundred million people were practicing Falun Gong, which is a peaceful spiritual practice, in China in 1999.
And this scared the Chinese Communist Party.
And because it scared the Chinese Communist Party to have 100 million people independently doing a meditation practice, a spiritual practice, they decided to eradicate Falun Gong in the words of John Schmidt.
And they have used the most extreme and violent means, the most extreme forms of torture and brainwashing that can be imagined, to attempt to eliminate the practice of Falun Gong in China.
But what has happened is, for the first time in the history of the Chinese Communist Party, a group has successfully resisted the attempt to eliminate them.
And this is a huge story in terms of the dynamics inside China, that you now have tens of millions of people who are conducting a campaign of civil disobedience to oppose the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.
Well, I agree with you.
Briefly, do you think it would have gone better for the Communist Party China to have let Falun Gong operate?
Has it caused a bigger backlash by them trying to crush it?
Um, I think that the Chinese Communist Party has allowed, uh, Falun Gong to continue, uh, peacefully cultivating, peacefully practicing Falun Gong, but China would be a different place today.
Alright, stay there.
Back in one minute.
I want to continue down that line and where you see China ending.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number three.
We've got a lot of economic news and other important information coming up in the rest of the hour.
But we're finishing up with Stephen Gregory, TheEpochTimes.com.
Links up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to some of their latest stories.
How do you see it ending in China for the Communist Party?
I mean, I see a lot of Western leaders getting foreign passports and buying property.
And we see corruption as systemic all over the world, but nowhere more thoroughbred than what we see with the Communist Party China.
So how do you see it ending over there?
And finishing up your point about, you were saying if they wouldn't have crushed the Falun Gong that we'd have a different China today.
Well, maybe that's their view.
They don't want it to become free.
They want it to be authoritarian.
Certainly true.
The CCP's prime motivation is to keep themselves in power.
And so, yes, they don't want a different China, and that's the reason for the persecution of Falun Gong in the first place.
To see a large group of people that were independent, spiritually independent, independent in their
from the CCP, this is what the CCP could not tolerate and could not allow to go forward.
They are looking to assure their rule, and that means they're looking for ways to control the cost to the Chinese at every turn.
And in terms of what I see happening
You know, I'm not a prophet, but I believe the CCP is heading to its end, it's going to be falling apart, and I think that what the West needs to do is to take stock of what its own principles are, what its own values are, and to return to those, and insist on conducting business on the basis of
We're good.
I want to go back in closing, boiling it down.
Why would they do something as brazen and naked and arrogant as play a song known to be dealing with the celebration of defeating U.S.
troops on the Korean Peninsula and calling them jackals?
Why would they do something that incredibly arrogant?
Why would they celebrate something, even if the Communist Party of China wants to defeat
And basically, you know, make the US impotent.
Why would they run their flag up so arrogantly?
I think that they are sending a signal to their own people that the tide has turned.
China has had a very difficult history in the modern world.
It suffered occupation by foreign powers earlier in the 20th century, and it suffered many humiliations, and the Chinese people have felt that intensely, and the Chinese Communist Party has throughout its history played on that.
And so, by playing this song, by allowing this song to be played in the White House,
The Chinese Communist Party is sending a signal to the Chinese people that things have turned, things have changed, that the Chinese Communist regime is now getting the upper hand.
Which they see as bolstering themselves domestically at a time when resistance to their tyranny is rising.
The appeal to patriotism and the appeal to nationalism is one of the strongest cards that the Chinese Communist Party has had to play.
And by not rebuking it and by not having the government speak out against it here, is that not aiding and abetting this?
Um, I think the United States government would do well to acknowledge what happened and to register a complaint.
I think that speaking silent, staying silent, I think is the wrong course of action.
Yeah, the wrong message.
Stephen Gregory, editor of TheEpochTimes.com.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There was one final point I wanted to hit with Stephen Gregory, the EpochTimes.com online and physical newspaper, and that is, how do folks subscribe and get hard copies?
Because when I'm around the world or here in the U.S., I see it everywhere for years, many years, at least a decade, and pick it up.
One of the things that people in the West don't understand about the CCP is how hard they work to try and control civil society inside the United States.
Most Chinese community groups and the Chinese Student and Scholar Associations, which all Chinese students study in the United States belong to, are heavily influenced or controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
These are called front groups.
And so, when Kuchentao visited Washington, D.C., the embassy mobilized these front groups, in particular the students, and paid them to come welcome the welcome groups.
This welcome has at least two purposes.
One is to push aside those who come to protest Kuchentao.
The welcome groups know in advance
That's who was coming.
And so they're able to apply for permits before those who might protest them, and they can get the best spot.
And so the spot directly opposite the Blair House, for instance, would be occupied by the Chinese students who've been paid to come and welcome to Jim Tao.
And, of course, the other purpose is to give American media and the American public and American leaders
Sure, this is perception management.
How do folks get hard copies of your newspaper?
If they go to our website, which is www.thepothtimes.com, www.thepothtimes.com, in the top right-hand corner of the website is a tab that says Get Home Delivery, and if they click on that, then they can enter their zip code, and we'll get back to them about establishing home delivery.
We are in major cities around the world,
But we don't have the wide distribution, the U.S.
wide distribution that we hope to.
But in any case, click on Get Home Delivery on the website and get in touch with us.
Thank you.
Alright, sir.
Good talking to you.
Thank you for joining us.
All right, take care.
Oh, there goes the editor of the Epoch Times.
And again, I've seen them cover Bilderberg Group, the New World Order.
I've seen them cover it all.
They were the only paper on the East Coast three years ago when I was at Bilderberg covering Obama being selected there when Hillary and Obama disappeared for a day and no one could find them in D.C.
And they loaded up the Obama press corps and flew them to Chicago, closed the door.
They said, where's Obama?
We knew where he'd be at the Bilderberg Group meeting.
We were there.
And the Epoch Times was also there, so certainly a lot of great stuff and trying to support alternative media.
That's our job and that's why I'm promoting what they're doing.
Doesn't mean I agree with 100% of it, but overall it's very, very exciting.
Okay, I got a bunch of news I want to cover right now, but then I want to open the phones up on the China situation, on what's happening with the economy, on any of the issues, the State of the Union.
We'll be covering it more obviously tomorrow, ahead of his speech tomorrow night.
Obama has said that
He's going to call for more job creation.
Oh, like he did in the last State of the Union, when everything he does is there to shut down jobs for a, quote, post-industrial world that the environmentalist land grabbers and eugenicists have been calling for.
They want to bring us to heel, destroy our society, and rebuild it in their collectivist corporate image.
He's also going to call for stopping the rhetoric, coming together.
uh... and uh... basically shutting our mouths and unifying uh... in and around uh... big government and that criticizing government uh... and and being angry about the police state why that cause the congresswoman to be shot and uh... he's reportedly may even call for gun control tomorrow so we will uh... of course uh... b uh... covering that uh... in detail and in the aftermath of it here
One other issue, we had Congressman Ron Paul on for a very powerful half-hour interview on Friday where he talked about possibly running for president and that he's still, you know, gauging it.
And there's also polls showing that he would probably win a run for Senate replacing Kay Bailey Hutchinson here in Texas.
Either way up, it's a step up with our representatives, people that really care about the Republic in Congress.
But we've offered a lot of different t-shirts.
over the years that are about spreading the word and also when you purchase them it supports our broadcast we can support other alternative media really is a launchpad or a platform uh... but we've launched uh... several new t-shirts and they're up at InfoWars.com on the online video bookstore t-shirt uh... I guess apparel shopping cart and the new one is a draft Ron Paul 2012 and obviously if he's gonna run uh... he's going to uh... announce uh... in the next
uh... six months or so so this will be a limited uh... addition t-shirt will actually give you a blown up screenshot of it it's a very very uh... handsome uh... t-shirt we have on my in black uh... and uh... i believe also in red and it says twenty twelve draft ron paul twenty twelve freedom
Liberty, freedom, and it looks extremely presidential and it is a great way to get that ball rolling and also start lobbying our representative to run for president.
Of course, I lobbied him here on air.
I lobbied him before he ran in 08.
I lobbied his son, Rand Paul, now in the U.S.
Senate on and off air.
We just really appreciate him.
We need to get behind him and I believe the sooner they
Sooner he announces, the better.
So those t-shirts are available only for a limited time.
That way you get the word out about Ron Paul running in 2012 and you also support this operation that overall, of course, is firmly behind Ron Paul in the upcoming educational campaigns through Campaign for Liberty and other systems to expose the globalists.
So if you want that t-shirt, it'll probably just be available a few months, but obviously once he announces or if he doesn't announce, then we'll withdraw the shirt.
In fact, I'll just put a date on it right now.
We're going to only sell these into six months from this date.
And so six months from today...
In the middle of the summer, we will no longer be offering a Draft Ron Paul 2012 t-shirts that Janae Meadows, our great graphics lady, put together.
Also, Phil is going to put together a V for Victory t-shirt that's also going to be available for a limited time.
And again, your purchase of the t-shirts also supports this broadcast and what we do here.
But again, available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And it is available right now at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Now, and perhaps you guys can go to our Facebook photos page.
We can show some people watching on TV some of this.
I just noticed over the weekend a huge grassroots posting.
A first 20, 30, 40, 50.
Now it's got to be well over 100.
Amazing V for Victory graphics.
And a listener made one that shows the V as a pyramid going into the ground, anti-New World Order.
It's got the short message, we are all in danger.
A police state control grid is being established in the United States.
And now is the time for all lovers of liberty to stand together and speak out against the growing tyranny destroying...
Our Republic.
We will be victorious against the New World Order.
We will protect our rights as human beings.
Post a V for Victory flyer to warn others and to show your peaceful resistance.
You are the resistance.
And there's a lot of other countless ones.
I mean, literally, I couldn't even look at them all.
There's so many.
We've got a lot of different Facebooks, both fan Facebooks and the official Facebooks.
But if you click on the Facebook icon that's on the article pages, you'll see the print
I think?
Some of the detractors, I mean, if we used an American Eagle, they'd say it was fascist.
If we used a circle, they'd say it was occultic.
A V, I'm not too familiar with that being occultic, but...
I mean, the point is, there isn't any image out there that hasn't been used by people for something bad.
You know, the Native Americans love the swastika, so do the Indians in India.
It doesn't mean that, obviously, we're not going to use a swastika, because that symbol's been fully taken over and used for nefarious purposes.
The V is the French resistance to the occupation of the Germans.
That's what it means.
But other folks have made it R for resistance.
Those flyers are up there with theinfowars.com on it.
I think that's great.
uh... whatever stands out but we've got to pick sometime of of of iconic symbol uh... something uh... there so people can see what's happening i mean it's kinda like the obama poster uh... that hundreds of newspapers hundreds of t.v.
stations hundreds
Picked up and covered and had a huge, giant effect showing that Obama isn't our god, isn't our king.
Taking this image of him as our messianic savior and pulling that down.
This is about people saying, what's this V hanging there on that lamppost?
Or what's this V, you know, left here in the coffee shop?
What's this Infowars.com?
Let me learn more about this.
There's a police state.
It's a way to get discussions going.
And that's why we're doing it.
Now, separately, there's the Answer to 1984, the 1776 contest.
Obviously, the answer to the 1984 society is the liberty of 1776.
And that's a separate video contest to counter the TSA Homeland Security contest they're having for citizens about getting a spy on each other.
That contest for $10,000 is to respond to that.
David J. Smith for Newswatch Magazine.
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Number 2.
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Alright, coming up, Drudge Report's got it as one of its top links.
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And listen, I love the Obama poster that was so successful.
Watson had the idea of the French resistance in V because it was so successful against the Nazis saying we don't like being occupied and to show that there was solidarity against the police state and to get people talking.
If you want to come up with better ideas, and I'm sure you can, send them to InfoWars.com.
Send it to Contest at InfoWars.com.
And we'll try to get it up on the site.
The problem is so much is coming in.
We posted a fan listener version.
of RV that just had InfoWars.com in a short message and it says you're not alone, you know, we're standing up, we're everywhere, we're the people, you know, we are Legion.
I got like 30 emails, Aaron said, saying, we are Legion, that's what the devil says, whatever, you're gonna, the devil said everything.
You know, if the devil says pink elephants, I can't ever say pink elephants.
The point is, we're the majority.
We outnumber the globalists a thousand to one.
So, I didn't make that.
A fan made it.
There's hundreds of them on there.
Anybody that's on my Facebook can go in there and post it.
It's not my fault.
We've got a, in this article by Eric Blair, we've got a symbol of Google with a tail and a pitchfork.
We're saying Google is the devil.
We're not saying we're with the devil.
Again, it isn't about that.
I expect in the next few days to start seeing newscasts, news articles about this.
You can do letters to the editor about our V for Victory campaign because I'm getting a huge buzz.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of emails an hour.
Comments everywhere.
As I said, hundreds of different graphics being sent in.
Over a hundred and I quit counting after a hundred on our Facebook.
uh... image page is one of our face books it's just pouring in i've talked to multiple people in the office whose friends they didn't even know were listeners of this show telling you have you heard about this v for victory campaign to say no to the globalist takeover no to the police state no to the banker bailouts no no no no no so it's it's really already having a big effect reaching people individually all over the country i've gotten emails and reports about people
Who didn't do it themselves, seeing them in shopping malls, on telephone poles, on light poles, and wherever you do it, do it where it's legal and lawful.
But the point is, get it out there publicly, because it's great to get the grassroots and people here and there seeing it.
That'll have a big effect.
Then they'll find InfoWars.com, the audio streams, the free videos, the guests we're having on.
But I want more than that.
I'm not even looking for folks overall to go to InfoWars.
That's just ensuring somebody gets some good out of it, you know, to actually see the truth.
I want to get the media reading the caption about the police state to have local debates about it.
When you start getting a chain reaction of newspapers and TV covering it, that's where it can reach tens of millions.
I mean, I talked to people in New York, in LA, in Florida, I saw it all over Texas, a whole bunch of newspapers just where I live, England.
I don't know.
And it was just Thursday night we had the idea, Paul did for this V for Victory.
That's a separate operation, but you can mix that in with the videos of demonstrating, of protesting, or soap opera style like TSA's putting out, and situational ethic type situations.
Making videos of any way you want using your creative spark to expose the police state, to expose the Stasi society, to expose the DHS and TSA now rolling out
on the streets of America, not just putting us in radiation friars and sticking their hands down our pants.
That's the point, is to get people to practice their liberty muscles, to exert themselves.
Resistance is victory, because like lifting weights, when you lift weights, your muscles get bigger.
The resistance, well when you go to city council and speak out, when you call in to talk radio,
When you start a website or your own radio show, when you make a film, when you make a flyer, when you hang a flyer up, when you talk to your neighbors, it has an effect.
And I meant to do a special video about this last night and got too busy after the show.
And I meant to then do an audio blog and never did it.
It's a whole story I want to tell because it ties into so many layers.
What's happening in our society?
But I stop at red lights and tell folks to tune into local talk radio that carries my show and others.
I at the gym talk to people who are lifting weights if they talk to me and talk to the lady at the front desk.
I talk to people at the gas station.
I talk to people at Target.
I talk to people at the grocery store.
I mean, I talk to people.
And I talked to him about what's going on.
Nothing is a substitute for that.
Nothing is a substitute for actually talking to somebody.
And if you want to print up, you know, V for Victory cards, business cards and hand them out, whatever, nothing can stop the grassroots.
And so we have a TSA protest, look what it's done.
Biggest news story for over a month, nationwide, huge resistance mounting, Congress moving with legislation to block it.
We have other demonstrations, other events.
It shows the people their power.
Even if they shut the media and the internet down, you can still hang flyers up in your town saying, hey, we've been occupied, we've been taken over.
We're gearing up for full occupation and the resistance of it.
That's what all this is about.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
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From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
See, the system didn't like Jesse Ventura and his banned police state special on True TV at the end saying, you thought we had 50 states?
No, we have 10 regions governed by people we didn't elect.
You think you've got local police?
They've been federalized.
It can't happen here, it already has.
By learning about the FEMA regions, by learning about the President's Governor Council that they admit is for martial law, by pointing out this grid that's been set up, we can then expose it and discredit it.
And that's what we're doing here today.
Let's do this, let's go to calls right now, then I'll get into this economic news and this Google censorship news that I really can't even do justice to in just a short segment, but Michael in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex, thanks for all that you do.
One of you are right to the point.
You know, it's really a pleasure to call a radio station and not have to
They asked 20 questions by a screener qualifying me to get on your show, so thank you for the freedom of speech.
Well, listen, Michael, that's true, but that's why there's a big lie on the internet that all our calls are fake and that we screen calls.
See, it's the opposite, so they attack the fact that we do that because it upsets them so much, but go ahead.
Yeah, I will attest to the opposite.
You do not scream by any way, shape, or form.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, sometimes I do.
Sometimes I do when I say, we got a guest on, a doctor in here about MSG.
I only want calls about your bad reactions to MSG or if you like it.
So sometimes, but I'll announce we're having calls for the guest, but go ahead.
Absolutely, so that you can stay on topic.
That's understood.
But you know, upcoming Ron Paul candidacy, hopefully, we really need to get behind his effort to audit the Fed.
This Federal Reserve System is the true power behind the international banking cartel that is stealing our sovereignty and our freedom, as you know.
And we almost succeeded the last time around when he got, I believe, what, 320 congressmen to sponsor it with him?
We really need to emphasize this more than anything.
This is the beast within that we need to cut the throat of.
And what really happened to Jesse Ventura and his show?
And then I also wanted to ask you one more question.
Well, that's a lot of important questions.
I mean, I've made videos.
I mean, there are videos on the web of the TV slash radio show where I break down that they censored his police state episode and are now erasing part or all of them off people's DVRs remotely.
That's now confirmed.
Now Congressman Steve Cohen has come out and admitted that he put pressure on Time Warner, the parent of TruTV, but that show is being censored.
It just got too many viewers and was too effective and then that's what happened.
Okay, are CDs or copies going to be made available?
Well, I don't own the show, so I can't do that.
I've brought that up, too.
Most TV series that are popular, they put out on DVD sets.
You'd think they'd want to do that and probably make $5 million in stores everywhere, but they're not doing it.
And so people need to call for TruTV to offer it on DVD.
Why aren't they doing that?
I mean, it's a lot.
Why when the show was the number one show out of the gates, did they move it from Wednesdays to the death slot on Friday nights?
It was still successful.
It's because we now know there's behind-the-scenes pressure.
And I've been asked not to get into all of it, because, you know, you work with people, as a journalist, as a researcher, when they say, I'll tell you this, but don't share it.
They don't want it shared.
There's a lot more to the story, and I can't share it with you.
Well, just my final question or comment, and I would like to hear your opinion.
You know, our founders, Alex, gave us a remedy to keep tyranny under control.
Aaron Burr was falsely accused in his day of crimes that he did not commit.
He went before two common law citizen grand juries and was vindicated in both states, I believe Kentucky and Virginia.
Through the method of the citizen grand jury.
This was stolen from us in 1946.
The final nail in the coffin of the citizen grand jury ended in 1946.
Do you see and are you behind any effort
To revive the citizen grand jury to act as a watchdog over tyranny in our country.
It's always good to get citizens together.
The problem is they send feds in a lot of times who then infiltrate and radicalize it to discredit it.
But interesting points, Michael.
They took our senators from us in 1913.
Before, you elected the legislature and the senator, the U.S.
senator, the two senators for your state,
We've had Red Beckman, the father of the fully informed jury movement on many, many times.
Let's talk to Roy in Texas.
We've got to move quick now here.
Roy, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
About a week ago or so, I tried to get in and talk about this.
You know, as much as I can't stand hearing anything that comes out of Mr. Maddow, Richard Maddow, I mean Rachel Maddow's mouth.
That's that guy on MSNBC, right?
Yeah, I know him.
Yeah, that vicious creature.
When she attacked you and Ron Paul and others on the Second Amendment regarding the Tucson shooting, I wish you would have played the rest of that clip because she actually went on to say
Something to the effect that people like you or Ron Paul or anyone who believes the Second Amendment was established to protect us from governmental tyranny, that anyone who believes this actually wants to go to war with the U.S.
Yeah, well sir, we did post the whole ten minute clip.
The issue here is
We can play short clips of stuff and analyze it.
It's fair use, but I can't just sit here and play 10-minute clips of newscasts on my syndicated commercial radio show.
So there's rules along those lines.
So I can play a minute or so, but I did say the full clip is up on the side if folks want to see the rest of it.
We did write an article about Mr. Matt Allen, MSNBC, and what they did.
But that's what Glenn Beck said three years ago.
He said these Ron Paul supporters want to go to war with the government.
They want to bomb things with the money bomb.
We need to use the army against them.
That's why I was so freaked out by Beck, but now he's backed off of that, so good for him.
But yeah, we did post the whole clip of Mr. Richard Maddow, excuse me, Rachel Maddow, on that show.
I like the fact that Mr. Maddow is really catching on on the internet.
I've seen it everywhere.
Without even looking, I just see Mr. Maddow everywhere.
That's pretty funny.
But we should really focus on her with the facts, not with jokes.
I mean, it's not her fault she looks like an NFL football player.
Yes, she did say that, and so they're claiming we're seditious, and it's one step towards arrest us, and she played Congressman Brown, Paul, myself.
That's why I brought it up to Ron Paul on Friday.
You know, I said, she says, we're dangerous, we're bad, we need to be dealt with.
We are the people, we are the government.
Read the Declaration of Independence.
It says that when the government starts setting up a police state,
In fact, when you pull up the Declaration of Independence, it is our right, it is our duty, because it's the line right above it, you know, in fine old English, talks about the fact that they're setting up and designing this control grid by design to destroy our rights.
It's our right, our duty, to throw it off.
I mean, this is our country, and we're trying to take things peacefully back through the states and through Congress, and I think we've got a good chance of doing it.
They're going to try to
Foment violence, and they're trying to say free speech is fomenting violence, and it's causing it, and so now free speech is bad.
As bad as those guns they're saying.
So you can really see the tyrants they are, but look at Cass Sunstein.
The regulations are, he openly says, arrest people that don't believe in man-made global warming.
These people are tyrants.
These are little baby, little baby Stalins, and we've got to stand up and use our speech against them.
I'm the last person to want violence.
And we're using every recourse we have, but we're pointing out our Second Amendment is there as a check and balance against government force.
And notice the government's massing all this paramilitary force, as Ron Paul said Friday, against us, using Homeland Security against libertarians and conservatives and anti-war people, the whole spectrum, the ACLU.
The point is, they are the ones openly preparing for violence with us and then claiming that we deserve it.
I appreciate your call.
It goes on, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a way.
There's another part in there where it says it's not just our right, it's our duty.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
See, it's we, the people.
And going back up above it, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.
That means no government can take them.
That among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I can't find the part where it talks about how they're, oh, there it is.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, invents a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.
Such has been the patient
Suffering of these colonies and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former system of government.
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations.
All having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
To provide this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
So, this is really our Declaration of Independence.
Maybe we should launch another flyer campaign about a new Declaration of Independence and then say, see the original.
You know, so people understand, a Declaration of Independence against occupation, against the construction of this absolute tyranny.
I mean, who can deny all the ancient forms of classic tyranny are being set up and pumped full of steroids and given fertilizer.
I mean, there's no doubt in any historical yardstick, this is hardcore tyranny.
They're openly attacking our speech now, not just our arms.
They're trying to bar our right of passage to travel.
We're going into an internal checkpoint system.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Peter in Washington.
Peter, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I liked much of what you had, but I do not like your V campaign.
And I'd like to say a few words about it.
I will try to go fast.
And yes, thank you for hearing me.
First of all, I'll address your main issue, which is the French Resistance.
That resistance was not unambiguously good.
Increasingly, as it proceeded, it was under Communist control.
And after the end of the war,
There was a terrorist campaign, uh, it issued, well, where a lot of people, I think 100,000 were killed, many of them not even fans of Vichy France, or, or, or the recent, uh, treating German.
Let me just get this from you.
Do you think that Hitler was the good guy in World War II?
I have a book that I want you to look at.
It's still available on me.
Hold on, your Skype or whatever is breaking up.
Say that again?
I don't have that.
It's called France the Tragic Years 1939-1947 and I will quote from it just briefly.
If one did not admit a special brand of patriotism consisting of allegiance to de Gaulle and at least tolerance of communism, then one was dubbed an anti-patriot
And hand it over as it were to the hangman.
Now, I'll briefly go to also the occult thing.
Of course, France was where much of that was concentrated, as you know, from the 18th century.
The British came up with the V. It just meant victory.
V for victory.
Listen, I'm going to put you on hold for just a minute and then comment.
Which caller was this I was talking to, John?
This is Peter in Washington.
The show is almost out of time and I do want to go to people's calls.
I could use any symbol in the world, and people, rather than take action and get the word out, are going to say they have a problem with it.
If I used an eagle, you'd say the Germans used it.
If I used an Easter Bunny, I mean, I don't know what I'm supposed to use here.
Obviously, we're saying the V is for victory against tyranny.
It's an easy-to-remember symbol.
I'm sure nothing in this world is perfect.
In fact, I want to challenge people.
Contest at Infowars.com.
That's a good one for us to be checking your idea for a thing.
And I guarantee you anything you make, people aren't going to like.
But up on my Facebook, you can post whatever you want.
People come up with all sorts of other ideas.
Look, go, Kate, let me put it to you this way.
You come up with some kind of flyer to wake people up about the occupation of foreign banks and the world government that's coming in and the police state and the attack on free speech.
And post the thing!
Start an organization!
Get the media talking!
But we gotta pick one symbol predominantly like the Obama Joker.
I was told the Joker is a cult.
He's a devil!
You're promoting a devil!
You people didn't like that Joker thing!
I don't care!
Most people do and they get it and they understand it, okay?
I can sit here all day and get into the intricacies of the French and De Gaulle.
De Gaulle, by the way, kicked NATO out.
I'm not some De Gaullian Frankfile, okay?
My last name's Jones.
This isn't about this obsession with the French and the British fighting with each other.
It's about the V campaign.
And of course that's what we'll do, because we want bondage.
We'll debate the V all day instead of some way to get out there and reach out to people.
Some way to get people talking.
Okay, put Obama posters up everywhere again, saying he's a joker.
And then a link to something explaining that he's a puppet.
But see, we've already defeated that puppet to a great extent.
Now we're moving forward against the overall DHS occupation.
If you don't like the V, great.
We have the answer to 1984 is 1776 campaign.
And of course COINTELPRO are all over the internet saying the founding fathers were bad, don't have 1776, they were slave owners.
It never ends.
It's not that they were perfect.
It's that it was a standing up against an oppressive empire.
You're never going to find anything perfect in man.
Then others spin it and say, oh, he put 1776, meaning French Illuminati.
No, that's not what it is.
The answer to the 1984 oppressive society coming in is the spirit of 1776.
And you can take what and twist whatever meaning you want out of that till the big fat cows come home.
I'm going to continue to make films.
I'm going to continue to reach... I've done films with pyramids, talking about the New World Order, and the pyramid symbol of... And they go, look, Illuminati symbols.
Of course!
I'm pointing out who they are!
This is an upside-down pyramid!
It's a V!
Man, we are, it's just, it's just, we are totally obsessed with infighting and nitpicking.
Look, give me symbols better, but I guarantee you, we're promoting a whole bunch of stuff people are sending us.
In fact, we were sent one that's a V with the devil down there with the Saint Michael stabbing it.
I'm sure that's bad now, because I get attacked for being a Christian.
Knock yourselves out.
Now, you've got about a minute left, because I've got to get into this Google thing, and I promised to go to John in London.
I may have to go into overdrive.
Oh, boy.
I've got a lot of work to do.
Victory is resistance.
We are.
That's what you said, and that takes away all of that other stuff.
That's what you said, and that was brilliant, and that's what you should use, not this other stuff that's locked in with that cult.
What do you mean?
Say it again.
I should do V for resistance?
No, V is R. Not V for resistance.
V, R.
Victory is resistance!
That's what you said, that's brilliant!
Okay, well people make the posters, we'll use it!
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I'm going to go ahead and go into some overdrive so I can get to Tony John, Sovereign Space, Matt, Debbie.
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Okay, let's... I didn't mean to get in an argument with that guy.
It just frustrates me.
But this whole V for victory, V for resistance, I mean, I've seen some posters made, V for resistance, or you are the resistance.
That's the whole message of it.
The poster we made is V for victory, you are the resistance.
And I'm talking about victory against the globalists.
It's just get people talking.
Believe me, the general public doesn't see a V and think the devil.
I don't really know where that comes from, but I thought it's the number five in Roman numerals.
I guess everything's been used somewhere by a cultist.
I mean, if they use the color green, can I not wear that?
I've worn green shirts before and said, are you a Muslim?
You're wearing green.
My favorite color's green.
I mean, it's like an insane, I'm not saying the color's insane, but it goes to the insane sometimes of like grand inquisitors and witch hunts or something.
I'm here fighting the New World Order.
I'm speaking out against abortion.
I've always found somebody who's,
Really fighting abortion is on the side of good.
And I mean really fighting it.
But it isn't about me.
What are you going to do about the New World Order?
Instead of making it about Alex Jones, what are you going to do?
What are we going to do?
Just sit here and argue with each other?
And he's an agent, they're an agent, everybody's an agent?
No, there's a lot of good people here.
You know you're good.
Take action!
John in London.
You're on the air, John.
Go ahead.
So good to speak to you.
Good to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, I just wanted to say first of all that I absolutely agree with you with what you have to say about abortion.
I personally started making a stand knowing that abortion is an evil, is a known evil rather than, you know, the things that we sort of discover.
And it's only after that that I started actually waking up to a lot of other things like seeing your wonderful DVDs like the Obama Deception.
I had to watch that repeatedly.
And really, that opened my mind to a lot of things.
But another thing that I wanted to mention is in today's Daily Mail, there's an article written by a man called Peter Sissons, who was a BBC reporter for about 20 years.
And in this article, he mentions that the BBC did a trial run for announcing Diana's death.
Uh, prior to her death.
Well, she made a video saying Prince Charles said he was gonna kill her in a fake auto accident.
Yeah, that's amazing how these, uh, these things come out in, uh, you know, and they're putting it all out in the newspapers for us to read, just like that.
And, um, yeah, we've got an evil government going on here.
Awesome to hear from you, John.
We'll come right back in one minute.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I want to jam in a few final calls in this segment because so much key stuff's coming up in the retransmission.
But if you go to my Facebook account that's linked on InfoWars.com, you can see all the other flyers people are making.
If you don't like the V in that letter, it really scares you.
Then you can, there's resistance.
Join the resistance with a big R. Oh, but it says we are Legion, the fan man.
They'll think that's the devil.
Actually, you can't use that.
You can't use anything.
But I didn't make it, so I'm not ooga-boogying you.
Maybe we can use the one with St.
Michael killing or stabbing the devil with V for resistance.
Now they'll say that's satanic too.
I guess it's got a devil on it.
Don't use any of it.
Just don't do the contest.
It's all over.
Don't even do the answer 1984-1776.
Don't stand up against Homeland Security brainwashing people with their own contest to get videos produced by citizens about spying on each other.
Just everything's the devil, so just give up and that's the end of it.
Of course I'm being sarcastic.
Let's talk to Sovereign Space in California.
You're on the air, Sovereign Space.
Everything that's happening is about jobs and money, and that's all that's ever been.
So if you want to save the dollar, then you're into government.
There's no good, bad government.
That's what it stands for.
Okay, ma'am, I appreciate your call.
You call every day under a different name, and it's not that we're ignoring you, but we get about 100 calls a day from you here at the office, and I just can't handle it.
Thank you, though.
Let's talk to Tony in Seattle.
Tony, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, thanks for all you're doing.
You're leaving a positive legacy.
Well, I have kind of an announcement, I guess.
I'm a soldier, Incident Commander for Hazmat Mass Casualty in Washington State, EMT, 15 years.
About four months ago I watched one of these DVDs on Police State and I had a great realization that three years ago I was in one of those trainings.
And it was hard to assimilate that.
In Washington State, what they were doing was Mission Evergreen.
And all the civilians were doing their jobs, the EMTs, the airport fire, all that kind of thing.
We were doing something different.
And we were to escort the top politicians from small industrial airports to shelters that we didn't know of.
That wasn't the scary part.
The scary part was, I'm the hand-to-hand instructor.
And when they're asking us to do role-playing on taking citizens off the street, her saying, I'm your uncle, I go to your church, I go to your wife's school, what are you doing to me?
And we said, hell no, what this is, you know, what is this about?
And the other thing was we had several forces that were there.
We didn't even know what the hell country they were from.
Yeah, let me stop you.
I've been to many urban warfare drills where they're practicing putting citizens in camps and where the troops train with foreign troops with role players saying, I'm your father.
I'm your uncle.
We have rights.
Don't take my guns.
And you're saying you were in one of those training drills.
And what I'm saying today is if you're an officer, if you're a fireman, if you're a security guard,
Be wary.
There's going to be a point in time when you're going to have a pivotal moment, when you're standing there in your uniform and you're going to have a deep realization.
Please listen to me, people.
Tell anyone you know that are in these categories of jobs.
They're going to have a stark realization that they are part of the big deal.
They're going to have a choice to make.
You're saying you weren't aware of what was going on at the time?
My military card says indefinite.
I cannot separate.
I'm one of those.
And when we came back and I have a great relationship with the 06 colonel, I worked with him every day and I said, sir, what the hell's going on?
And I also said, we brought guys all the way from the Eastern side of our state to do this exercise.
And when any of them were questioning what was happening, they were put in their barracks and said, well, we don't need you anymore.
This drill.
And they sat there for three and four days on their phones.
Well, you know what they were doing?
They were finding out who will go along with the martial law and who won't.
You know what?
This is so powerful.
This information is so important.
We're going to come back and continue Overdrive briefly with you and finish up with you.
Because I was going to get your number and have you back on, but I've been there.
I've seen the training.
I want to give you the floor for about five minutes.
When we come back, then we'll join the retransmission as it was going.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
It's 2.08 Central Standard Time and 35 seconds.
The 24th day of January 2011.
And if you weren't tuned in earlier, I've gone into overdrive because Tony in Seattle was in the military as a bodyguard.
They were doing drills and we actually haven't
They're not secret, but they've never really been aired on television.
Government training videos back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s.
We've even used a few clips of them in our films, well, in an upcoming film, where they were training under nuclear attack to move the mayor, the county commissioners, others, local congresspeople who were in town, who aren't in Washington, into secret bunkers.
And that's how the Feds federalized them.
Oh, the Feds are here to help.
But then I've been to countless, I mean, many, many urban warfare drills where they have foreign troops with Marines, Army, National Guard.
They're doing gun confiscation.
They've got hired role players screaming, I'm your uncle, I'm your dad, I'm your mom.
Don't take me to the camp.
I've got a right to own this gun.
We've got that in Police State 2000.
Video I shot.
And I remember playing that in 99 in Police State 2000 on local access TV and it going out on VHS to people and getting letters and calls saying, you hired that Coronado troop ship to land.
You hired those warrior fighting vehicles.
You hired those foreign troops.
That's not real.
And I remember Rick Linklater, the director, saw it, and I told him how people didn't believe it was real.
And he goes, well, I know people in California that saw it happen.
He goes, this would take twenty, thirty million dollars to shoot one of these scenes.
You would win a Academy Award for this.
Of course it's real.
And it was on the news.
CNN said, oh, they're training for Macedonia.
It was in the newspaper that it happened.
My film had the news articles on it.
Still, not real.
That was 12 years ago, back when people were not acclimated by the media to accept trips on the streets and checkpoints and TSA.
And so yes, going back for over 15 years, they've been training the military to take your guns, to go door-to-door, to take you to FEMA camps.
And you notice, they didn't bring food or water in for five days, they wouldn't let folks walk out on the high and dry highways in New Orleans.
They went to the richest areas, high and dry, the poor areas are down low generally in New Orleans, multi-million dollar homes, and went in and busted open gun safes and took people's guns while they were home and put them in handcuffs.
I mean, this was to see if the military and police would do this.
Now, you heard Tony.
I know his story's true because I'm even aware of Operation Evergreen.
I'm aware of the drills they've run, NLE09, all of them.
And I've already been to drills like this.
This stuff's all public now.
Years ago, it was very secretive, and they'd lie to the local media for what it was for.
But the number one thing it's there for is to find troops that'll do it.
Those that don't, they can find them in the barracks.
Just as he said, they get sent off to Iraq, they get the big list of injections to be given as guinea pigs.
They get DU duty to take care of, you know, to clean the DU weapons, the firearms and cannons and guns that have been used, the howitzers that have been firing DU, literally.
You get sent overseas to die and to get an early death from cancer.
Those that say yes get promoted up the chain, then get brought into InfraGard over local civilian spy forces.
Just in the last two months, my father, who's a dentist, was approached by Homeland Security, not even knowing that he was my dad.
One of his patients approached him, and said, we want you to spy on people.
He said, he didn't say anything.
He said, thank God, I'd get involved.
I said, no, don't do that.
Don't get involved to find out what's going on.
We already know.
Don't get involved.
Then he was telling Dr. King about it in the break room.
And Dr. King went, yeah, they came to my house, separate people, a week ago.
So just in my life, they're getting all the professionals to spy.
You see the TSA ads going out, the TV news pieces, spy on your neighbors, nothing's safe, you can only trust Homeland Security.
It's about more mistrust in each other and then only trusting our loving government who's busy robbing us blind.
We know this is a classical takeover program happening.
And now it's coming to a head.
So, Tony, I want you to start over from the beginning.
You've got the floor here for a few minutes.
Where the drill was, what was happening, all the details you just covered, and then more.
Break down your concern, how they could find folks that knew it was wrong.
Break it down for us.
Well, first, the thing that we have to understand is there's a National Guard, okay?
And many states have what's called a State Guard.
And Washington State, through Gary Locke, some, I don't know, 10 years ago or whenever, reinstigated the State Guard.
The guys used to be old retirees just watching the museum.
So they outfitted us.
I was one of the people.
They were supposed to bring it up to strength, do the hand-to-hand, you know, all the rifle, all the stuff that we have to do to get guys.
We're hiring civilians because this is a volunteer.
You're still
liable for UCMJ military law, you still get rank.
And if you were prior service or currently serving, you can gain rank.
So they're now federalizing the state guards, which we've confirmed.
They have state guards from Alabama to Texas at local high school football games searching three-year-olds with their Hello Kitty purses.
We actually have photos of that in my police state film that we made in 2005, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State.
So yes, I can confirm that.
As well, so they have regular army, like my cousin, who they bring in to train the National Guard, the State Guard for martial law.
Please continue.
And, you know, one of the things about them that we have to understand is some of the guys you're looking at in uniform are an accountant, never did basic, or a gas station worker, and I don't have anything against that.
You know, I like people, you know, serving for the good.
But we're getting right back to that thing of do you want some guy who's always wanted to pull a trigger or beat someone over the head who doesn't really have any military training or... He's not fighting real enemies.
He's been trying to fight his new enemy, the American people.
Let's get back to this drill shepherding the politicians out.
That's very important.
So, what they were doing was, all the civilian workers, whether it be an EMT, a doctor, a hospital facility, or whatever, were doing moulage scenarios.
Like, there's a plane down, there's a fire over here, there's an outbreak of something there.
Meanwhile, us and our little group were going back and forth, hand-carrying special people of status to bunkers that we didn't even know about.
And when we had gotten back, I asked the colonel about that, and he kind of had a slight eye toward me, like, why are you really, you know, asking?
But being one of the senior NCOs and in charge of half the platoon, you know, I need to know what's going on.
And then when we went back out the next day, the second day, they started doing these moulage scenarios of taking over school kids, colleges, people out of their truck, driving down the street.
You know, searching and doing all this, but I wasn't training those people.
And what I noticed was the civilians, the role players, they're not real civilians, were saying things like, you know, I know you from church.
Why are you doing this?
Or, you know, I'm a good guy.
I don't have anything here.
Why are you, you know, arresting me?
I work with your wife.
Why are you doing?
I'm an American.
They're gearing these people up.
to just dissolve that uh... that bondality knowing that that's wrong and that's what the nine thousand locations with telescreen saying don't trust your neighbor are they're really gearing up they actually could drop the hammer now we're entering years ago i said look it could take decades now we're here absolutely so so they're training them to take people out of cars load them on army trucks and the other thing is there
The structure is this.
Locate them, obtain them, bring them to the quarantine area, and then they go to the docks where the trains are.
I know, and on top of this, this came out in Model States Health Emergency Powers Act.
They'll use any excuse to drill, trying to get local police and firemen to round up people for forced inoculation.
The problem was they wanted to shoot them up with smallpox in 2002, so they said no, so they couldn't even do it.
Now they've told them, okay, you don't have to take it, but you're going to make everybody else take it.
And now they have the clergy response teams.
We got the internal documents three years before it was mainstream news.
People couldn't believe it.
Training the clergy to tell their flocks to go to the FEMA camps, to turn over their firearms.
It's of the Lord.
Romans 13.
We've only got about two minutes left in this segment.
Finish up with the military that said no.
What happened to them?
And so, and we're talking about very gifted soldiers here.
The backbone of this unit, probably eight of us, four from the other side of the state and four of us from here.
You're training the local civilian goon squad?
And so we went to the logistics area, you know, with all the big screens, the big thing you see on TV, and we went in to talk to the bird colonel who's exercising this mission and said, you know, what is going on?
What are we doing?
And we were literally told to stand by and go to the barracks and they'll have a mission for us shortly, which they never had anything after that.
We went to the colonel after that, who I work personally for, and watch him, bodyguard him.
I understand.
What happened?
Tell us.
They took my ID away and said, you're not in the Washington State Guard anymore.
Thank you for your service.
And again, they're looking, it's a drill.
Just like with TSA, they go, is the radiation dangerous?
Is this violating rights?
Boom, you're out.
They're finding the dumbest.
That's why they won't hire cops under over 100 IQ now.
And we got a minute left.
Any other tidbits?
I got to tell you this real important.
Now, let me tell you this.
They retired me early.
And so then I went into voc rehab program where you get trained for a new position.
And one of my colleagues that I went through the three years of the school with that was an airman who was physically at NORAD who was told to stand down, and I try to get that to your producers, but I... Here's a great kid, and I've known him for four years, and he's a hell of a good airman.
Four-point student.
Yeah, what happened?
What they do is, the guys that they told to stand down during 9-11
We're obviously, you know, amiss.
They're like, hell no, you know, forget it.
You know, why aren't we doing anything?
And you've got top brass in there from all forces.
So, you know, they're having to stay, you know, in line.
And as soon as that event was over, within days, they basically gave anybody that gave a little inkling of decisiveness about that,
And they exited these airmen and soldiers out on mental anxieties to be retrained.
Oh yeah, they always did that.
That happened in World War II.
If you complained about faulty parts in your plane, you were given a, you know, a Section 8 mental illness situation.
We're gonna get your name and number.
I'd like to talk to you again.
You ought to write an article for us under a pen name and we'd publish it at InfoWars.com.
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Ted Anderson, president of Midas Resources, one of the world's premier gold and precious metal investing firms.
I get it.
You wouldn't buy gold.