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Name: 20110113_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 13, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, absolutely vital transmission that we just kicked off.
It is Thursday, the 13th day of January, 2011.
Art Dice is going to be joining us coming up in the third hour.
He was a big part of the Decoded on the History Channel, a very highly rated show, dealing with the Statue of Liberty and the Illuminati.
The Statue of Liberty, of course, does represent Lucifer, and by the end of the show they admit that, but say it's the good Lucifer.
And because I am in an upcoming Bohemian Grove episode, airing, what, the 27th of this month,
I can now reveal a little bit more about the show today.
I've been asked to not talk about it until it airs, but I can talk about some of it.
We did go back to Bohemian Grove, and the folks got arrested.
I escaped.
But I'm going to leave it at that.
Mark Dice is joining us, coming up in the
Third hour today.
I was not about to go to jail.
And I, quite frankly, really hadn't even infiltrated the Grove.
That was all part of the bizarre spin of it, is that we were... Well, I'm not going to talk about it.
It's all in the upcoming show.
I'll talk about a little bit of it coming up in the third hour.
And now Brad Metzler, this best-selling author and the host of the show,
Gave an NPR interview, a New York Daily News interview, and admitted that he secretly has done work for the government.
Big surprise.
The crew was nice when I was out there with them, but Aaron's going, why are these people wearing CIA hats and CIA jackets?
And I said, well don't worry Aaron, the real CIA wouldn't be wearing all of this stuff.
In plain view, unless they were hiding in plain view.
But I'll get into Mark Dice's take on all of this.
I think it's a good show, very well produced, very slick, very interesting.
We'll talk to Mark Dice about that coming up in the third hour today.
And we'll open the phones up on that subject.
Obviously, in the first two hours, we're going to get into the economic news.
Jobless claims jump.
Wholesale food costs surge.
Wholesale food prices were going up two years ago at the wholesale level.
They accelerated in the last year, as one of our sponsors told you on air about how his wholesale prices were really going up.
But he was holding prices and now it's started to really hit store shelves and it's all part of inflation.
When you read these news articles in the mainstream media, they never tell you why it's happening.
They always claim a drought here, a fire there.
Those are all small contributors and overall they add to the sum.
But the biggest part of the equation is dollar and currency devaluation.
We're going to be going over that.
More on Obama administration developing Internet ID program.
Exactly what that's going to mean for society.
Big pushback against government death care, government takeover, eugenics care, of health care.
Wyoming bill would make it illegal to enforce Obamacare.
So we're going to be breaking that down as well today.
But obviously when we come back from break,
I'm going to be getting into the political prostitution going on, the political tragedy vulture behavior, the psychic vampires feeding at the bloody well, the psychic wound that is
Tucson, Arizona.
And how this all came right at the right time, and the 14,000 t-shirts handed out to everyone in the sports stadium, the population under peer pressure, donning of the shirts, the new political slogan for 2012 election, you'll be assured, kicked off at the shooting, Together We Thrive.
Yes, the collectivism.
It's all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live!
It is Thursday, the 13th day of January 2011.
Mark Dice, uh...
One of the guests appearing on the program Decoded on History Channel will be joining us to break down that program and his view of it and what's happening in our society as people discover more and more that we have a world government run by private corporations attempting to expand their power and control.
He'll be joining us in the third hour today.
I want to open the phones up specifically, and we don't screen your calls,
And normally it's a free-for-all, but sometimes I say, maybe once a week or so, I want to hear from listeners specifically on an issue.
And I watched the speech that Obama gave.
I watched the head of the university speak.
I watched the throng of thousands and thousands of people cheering and celebrating and smiling like they were at a football game, like they were at a bonfire cookout or something.
And I watched the vitriol of the head of the university smiling.
He seemed really happy.
I witnessed the professionally made 14,000 t-shirts.
That were reportedly made in two days.
They announced just on Tuesday that they would have this particular memorial service that President Obama was going to be coming in.
And we now have seen the rollout of the slogan, it's being beta tested now, the new slogan for the next presidential election that kicks off in only about six months officially.
We're going into the 2012 election right now.
We're now in 2011, going into the 2012 election, and we now know together we thrive.
It's all about togetherness in the corporate New World Order collectivist Borg hive.
There was the message of togetherness.
You can feel good.
Michelle can hold the hand of the distraught astronaut husband and she can cry like Oprah in front of everyone.
It's the only way Obama can get you to tune into his press conference.
Only way he can get you to pay attention to him.
Only way he can hopefully boost his approval ratings is by being our daddy, being our savior, being our comforter during a domestic terror attack.
As his White House advisor said over and over again in the last year as we built towards this.
And whether this was a staged mind-control shooting, which the evidence all points toward, and which we know that there are government programs to carry out, or whether he was just a drugged-out paranoid schizophrenic who they went to his house at least three times.
There's sealed Sheriff's Department reports about him.
Turns out they knew all about the death threats and did nothing.
So instead of blaming themselves for not doing their duty, they're blaming the general public.
They're blaming free speech.
They're blaming the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms.
So they're blaming everything that makes this country so special.
They're blaming the First and Second Amendment.
That's what they're going after in this equation.
And we see this over and over and over again, that every chance the establishment gets, every time they
Get any type of opportunity, the system comes after our liberties.
And so there was a dual message within the overall message of, by coming together, we strive.
By unifying, we strive.
Together, we have prosperity.
That's the message.
That's the slogan.
In fact, I'll put the image of the t-shirts that were draped over every chair.
14,000 t-shirts draped over for those that attended to put on their uniform of togetherness.
But that means togetherness
Under the banner of the establishment.
Together we thrive.
Together we strive.
These are the things that they said in the speeches.
It was all choreographed, all scripted.
Together we thrive.
Bringing America together.
And then what was said in the speech?
We can do better.
We can be better.
We're bad.
We've done something wrong.
We need to repent.
And any good lie, any good beguiling or seduction has elements of truth in it.
Everybody deep down knows we should repent as a nation for the illegal wars, the torture, the abortion, the corruption, the laziness of the public, the corruption of the government.
Everybody deep down knows we're going in the wrong direction and we need to get our act cleaned up.
But when they come out and say, together we thrive, they're saying, come together, unify under the Barack Hussein Obama agenda, and that then we will have prosperity.
If we turn off our thinking caps, if we all put on the same uniform, if we all cry while Obama speaks, and then cheer when the head of the university gets up there, like it's a
Rock concert or a football game!
Then we won't have to be scared anymore.
Then our economy will come back.
Then everything will be okay if we just let the Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase administration that runs the leadership of both political parties and has an iron grip like no administration ever before on this current White House.
They're telling us that if you just vote for hope and change, you won't have to pay your car payment.
You won't have to pay for health care.
You're going to get a job.
We're two years into it.
Did you get any of that?
Things got worse on every front, but they gave you fake government statistics like something out of the old Soviet Union, out of Pravda, to tell you that everything was fine.
To tell you there was something wrong with you if you didn't like the state of the economy, the state of liberty and freedom in this country.
If you don't like naft and ghat that Al Gore told you was going to be a great deal on Larry King Live in 1994.
If you don't buy his new lies about paying him carbon taxes so he can buy more $15 million homes on the beach that he says is going to be underwater in three years.
If you don't totally give in to them, if you don't totally submit to everything they push, well then you're not part of the togetherness.
Where we can strive to work together, doing what we're told, so that together we will thrive.
Together we thrive!
I thought America was about individualistically, through liberty and through the power of true choice and real diversity, that we thrive.
And that when we choose to work with others and be with others and agree with others, that's our choice.
But they're saying no.
Together we thrive by doing what we're told, and not getting angry, and not criticizing the death panels, and not criticizing abortion, and not criticizing torture, and not criticizing nine-plus-year-old illegal wars.
And not criticizing the trillions missing from the Pentagon, and not criticizing the Federal Reserve, and the tens of trillions that are missing.
Bloomberg reports over 28 trillion, and we haven't gotten a new number in over a year.
One year in to the bailout of October 2008, it was 28 missing trillion.
Now, a year plus forward, we just don't get numbers anymore.
So the message is, sit down, shut up, don't criticize government, or you're gonna cause mass shootings.
And then that is a hoax, that is a lie, any way you slice it.
If you believe this guy just organically acted, and believe all his neighbors and friends, he was smoking a powerful hallucinogen almost every day, sometimes multiple times a day, that is known for completely scrambling your brain, and quote, causing disassociative disorders, where you don't even know who you are.
By the way, I did some research.
It was used and tested in CIA mind-control programs, along with a cocktail of other natural and artificially-created pharmakia.
You've got a guy running around threatening to kill people in class, threatening to kill his neighbors, threatening to kill other people, sending threatening letters to this congresswoman.
You've got him obsessing on her, putting these letters inside his safe.
You've got the guy pulled over running a red light the day of the event, hours before.
We've got all of this unfolding right now in front of everybody.
And they don't care.
From day one, from just a few hours in, to this congresswoman being shot and wounded and the judge being killed, the little girl being killed, their perfect martyr, they were blaming talk radio and free speech.
They were blaming Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Sarah Palin, Ayn Rand.
They were going down a list.
David Icke,
Anybody that's saying we're living in a false reality, anybody that's saying we're living in a tissue, in a full spectrum of lies, anybody saying audit the Federal Reserve, abolish the Federal Reserve, they blamed Ron Paul, they blamed Rand Paul, they went on and on and on.
And then you see this spectacle of together we thrive.
And then Obama, we've got to strive to come together so we can thrive.
But that means come together under the paper tiger MSNBC, their top show's half a million viewers.
Total joke.
Come together under CNN, top show's million viewers.
When they get Oprah Winfrey on, they can't get more than a million.
It's like, tune into us, do what we say, let us set the agenda or you want to kill little girls.
Let us set the agenda, or you are a murderer.
And they have all these articles about, and all these quotes from Obama, I mean you all saw it on the news, repeated over and over again, about our hopes and dreams are bound together.
We collectively have done bad.
We are bad.
We've all got to stop being mean.
We've got to stop arguing with each other, or it's going to cause more people to die.
They're telling us collectively, we killed that little girl.
So we can have this guilt and say, I'm sorry Obama, go ahead and euthanize the old ladies with the death care.
Go ahead and open the borders up.
Go ahead and take my guns.
Go ahead and keep the torture going.
Go ahead and let the foreign banks rob us blind.
I'll keep my mouth shut.
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You know, Jaren had an idea, and I think I'm gonna try to do it today.
I put it together.
Where I'm gonna shoot a narrative.
With the hundreds of different groups and people that have been blamed for what the Durain shooter out in Tucson did, and they blame the left, they blame the right, they blame gay people, atheists, gun owners, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, everybody.
When the truth is, he was a guy who did dress up as the Grim Reaper we now learn, that is, Loftner in the video, who was on hardcore psychotropics every single day.
But there's been some new developments.
I just heard it during the break.
Limbaugh is reading from all the different mainstream news articles that are out there.
And this is from his transcript of yesterday.
Jared Loeffner's friend on GMA.
He didn't listen to political radio.
And then Limbaugh reads over the fact that his friends said that he was into the movie Zeitgeist, which I'm in the first Zeitgeist.
And the people always get mad at me because they don't agree with Zeitgeist's political views.
Zeitgeist did not ask me to be in their film.
They retroactively, when they released it theatrically in Europe and on DVD, asked if they could use it.
And I said, it's already out there with tens of millions seeing it.
But, you know, we've had big arguments and debates because the guy that
Created it is an atheist, but that's a side issue.
Now Limbaugh is blaming Zeitgeist for it.
Also, Loose Change.
And it gets worse!
Loose Change that I'm a producer on, it gets worse!
You have a trifecta here.
I'm in Zeitgeist, I'm of course produced Loose Change, and Scanner Darkly, 2006, with Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson.
And I always have a name block with him.
Who's the other big actor?
Something Junior?
He's in Iron Man, everything else?
I met him.
Hung out with him.
Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr.
I'm in this movie, and the movie is off a Philip K. Dick book about a corporation selling drugs that fries your brain so they can basically program you through the television set and the culture to be a mind control zombie for them.
was written back in the seventies and it's kind of a analogy uh... or a parable to be compared to how the government ships in heroin and cocaine to then set up a police state philip k dick who wrote blade runner and uh... you know so many other uh... well it was called androids who do androids dream of electric sheep but it was uh... the movie title was blade runner i guess blade runners to blame now and and and so limbaugh after falsely being blamed
I don't know.
But still, who he was three years ago is not who he is today.
And that's not a conservative, that's not a libertarian, that's not a liberal, but a guy clearly whacked out of his mind who told his friends he didn't know what reality he was part of.
And so what Limbaugh's doing is playing into this blame game and then Obama can come out and say, everybody cool!
It's all of our faults.
Let's stop arguing and being angry.
Let's sit down and shut up.
No, we need to be angry.
We need to get focused.
We need to get up off our couch potato positions and take our government back.
Here's a quick clip of Limbaugh.
The shooter's favorite films, in addition to the documentary Zeitgeist and Loose Change, the movies Donnie Darko and A Scanner Darkly.
Now, Zeitgeist is a 2007 documentary that asserts Jesus Christ is a myth, that 9-11 was orchestrated by the government, and that bankers manipulate the international monetary system and the media in order to consolidate power.
Who denies that?
So a conspiracy movie put together by deranged leftists, it turns out, appears to be, according to his best friend, the most influential media event of this young man's life.
Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 which argue also that the 9-11 attacks were planned and conducted by elements within the U.S.
So he's a truther.
Or he bought into this notion that people like a couple of Hollywood lefties, I forget their names, have advanced the notion that Bush was behind all of this.
Alright, that's enough.
We'll be right back and comment on this and then take your phone calls.
This is all playing into the censor's hands, what you're seeing happen right now.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The show for PrisonPlanet.tv and radio listeners.
We're gonna go ahead and play the audio and the video of a scene that I was in with Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, in a scanner, darkly, back in 2006, shot here in Austin, and supposedly showing someone in the near future, it's set in 2014, not allowed to be on a street corner bullhorning.
If you do, a black van pulls up and guys jump out in black uniforms and taser you and then drag you away.
According to Limbaugh, as you just heard, movies like this are liberal.
And it's causing this person to go shoot people.
So, Limbaugh is becoming everything he criticized in
Bill Clinton in 95, blaming Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City bombing and others.
Blaming, currently, Limbaugh and Sarah Palin and myself for what happened.
It's just all made up.
I mean, I'm sure this guy saw thousands of movies.
And there's never any issue in the media about him taking a hallucinogen every day.
About him being out of his mind.
About him death-threatening people and the sheriff and the police doing NOTHING!
None of that is an issue, and all of this plays directly into the hands of Obama, who gets up there and says, everybody be cool!
In fact, here's an Associated Press article covering it.
There's also one out of the National Journal.
Obama, our hopes and dreams are bound together.
And it goes on, offering no easy explanations, but yearning to have hatred and division put aside, President Obama offered a string of powerful memorial statements Wednesday for those killed and wounded at the get-together with U.S.
Representative Gabrielle Giffords' husband.
And he offered off-the-cuff electrifying news.
I mean, does anybody believe that this was offered off-the-cuff?
For a nation hoping for Gifford to pull through.
So, right up there, he broke away from the teleprompter.
It's so amazing he can talk on his own.
And he offered, off the cuff, electrifying news for a nation hoping for Gifford to pull through.
Gabby opened her eyes for the first time today, Obama told the crowd, while his wife, Michelle, gripped the hand of Gifford's husband, NASA astronaut Mark Kelly.
And it goes on to how he called for people to stop being so divided, so polarized, for us to come together, for us to not blame each other, both on the left and right.
So Obama's got all of his surrogates
Running around saying it's Sarah Palin, saying it's Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, the list goes on and on and on.
And then this big fight erupts as the Republicans take the bait and say, he's not a conservative, he's a liberal!
Which is true.
He was a liberal in 2007, 2008, 2009, and then he got into deviltry, and trying to shock people, and taking hardcore drugs almost every day, some days multiple times daily, and didn't know what reality he was in, according to all his friends, and hated all political parties and the news and everything else, and said he didn't believe this reality was real.
And so that's the fault of a movie that's anti-drug, about how drugs can destroy your mind, and how drugs can be used by the government to turn you into basically a subservient, mindless zombie, like Prozac?
That's to blame?
No, there's 300 million people plus in this country, and it's no one to blame but that guy and his parents and his upbringing.
So it's this collectivized view that we're all to blame for what he did, and now you notice the media blames everything.
They blame Scanner Darkly, they blame Donnie Darko, they blame the left, they blame the right, and then we all play into it.
Looking at everything this guy was into, when every individual is into thousands of different things, and now ascribing blame, and then Obama comes right in, at the crucial time, and says, everybody stop it, this is ridiculous.
We need to all come together and stop being negative, and be positive.
Well, if your leg's cut off, you can think positive all you want, but if you don't tie a tourniquet around it and stop the bleeding, it's a certainty you're going to die.
You're going to bleed to death.
But if you are positive and think
What did I read about a tourniquet?
Needs to be placed up a little bit past midway on the hip to tie down those big arteries.
I need to tie this as tight as I can to cut off the circulation so that it stems the bleeding so that a clot can be formed in the stump.
Okay, I've done the tourniquet.
Now, I'm dizzy.
I'm almost going into shock, but let me take off my shirt and tie it around the stump to, again, help form that clot.
Is that negative?
Your leg's been cut off.
You're gonna pass out in a matter of minutes if you don't get a tourniquet on there from shock.
After you go into shock, you're gonna die.
Now, Obama would say, let's just be positive.
Everybody seems to be agitated that the country is going into a cardiac arrest, that the foreign banks are looting the daylights out of us, that our liberties are being butchered, that citizens are being trained to spy on each other, that Homeland Security's main focus is gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, a secret police is being set up, torture is continuing.
We know we're going in the opposite direction of liberty and freedom.
Should we wake up?
Should we get involved?
Should we get informed?
Should we speak out?
Should we get angry?
Should we shake the public out of their trance?
That's happening.
People are awakening.
They're getting angry.
They're getting focused.
That's the first stage of awakening.
Your car alarm goes off at 3 a.m.
The first thing you do is go, oh, darn, oh.
You might say something else.
What's going on?
The dog starts barking.
You stumble over towards the window.
You open the window to see what happened, why your car alarm's going off.
The first step is being angry, finding out what's wrong, and then fixing it.
But they're telling you, no, no, no, don't be angry, don't be involved, don't speak out to your neighbors, just follow our agenda.
They've already tried everything.
Oh, you don't like government-run health care and death panels?
You don't like black people.
You're like, what does that have to do with black people?
Oh, I see, racist.
Oh, you don't want to have the TSA put their hands down your pants?
You must be for the terrorists.
You must want airplanes to get blown up.
Oh, you don't want the feds to have the power to shut down any family, farm, or ranch they want, and to have unlimited power to push any amount of regulations they want, a blank check?
You must not want the egg supply to be safe.
You're like, what, Big Agribusiness did that, and they lobbied to set up this Food Safety Act to shut down their competition.
Oh, sure, conspiracy theorist.
But see, now 80 plus percent awake to the Federal Reserve.
In a matter of years, people have totally started to awaken.
People are awakening to the New World Order, the global government.
And here's Limbaugh saying, this crazy left-wing loon liked a movie made by deranged people.
You can call them what you want, but they're not deranged.
Very good filmmaker.
Had a lot of skill.
Now it's a deranged filmmaker that made Zeitgeist.
And the deranged person thinks big banks are manipulating the currency worldwide.
Have you read the Wall Street Journal, Limbaugh?
Have you read the Financial Times of London?
It's admitted they're manipulating it.
Congress has hearings about it.
And Limbaugh, you're 60 years old, you're sharp, you're highly intelligent, you're not stupid, you know full well there's a New World Order and a Federal Reserve.
And we've done our job so good in the true libertarian, patriot, liberty movement,
That even though the Sean Hannity's and Limbaugh's and others for decades, Limbaugh said the Federal Reserve isn't private, anybody that talks about it is a kook!
Anybody that talks about global government is a kook!
Anybody that talks about the CFR, that openly writes a book every month, a publication in book form, calling for world government, that we're kooks!
Well guess what?
You know what it signifies when Glenn Beck is forced to talk about the CFR and the Rockefellers and sterilization and world government and New World Order and private Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs?
It shows that we've won and the establishment is forced to cover it!
The establishment is forced to admit that this stuff is real.
And so Limbaugh's falling back on his 20-year-old shtick of saying, oh, you're a crazy lunatic if you think there's an international banking cartel that's manipulating currencies.
All right, I'm going to go to your phone calls.
And then coming up in the next hour, I'm going to get into the financial news at the start of the hour.
Then I'm going to get into Glenn Beck.
He can't have his cake and eat it, too.
You really find out who they're most worried about on the controlled left and the controlled right when the left, the right, all of them are grasping on the fact that he told a neighbor he liked loose change.
The preeminent film on 9-11.
It shows you what they're scared of.
They, and the establishment, are so frightened, you're going to learn about false flag terror.
And let's just, for the sake of argument, say 9-11 happened the way they said it happened.
It's impossible.
It's ridiculous.
The official story's been proven to be a fraud.
But let's just say it's all true.
What about Gulf of Tonkin being staged?
That's declassified.
What about Operation Gladio being declassified?
What about Operation Ajax?
What about the Army Field Manual that WikiLeaks released that the Pentagon admits is real?
They want to arrest whoever released it.
This is before Bradley Manning, where they teach Army captains in black ops and above how to stage terror attacks.
False flag.
Now, that's real, and our government has staged terror attacks.
Of course they've staged them.
Other governments do it.
They see it cold-bloodedly as a tool they must use because it's so effective as a weapon system of propaganda.
And it's the same
situation when you have them seizing on tragedies using it to then create a collectivist guilt for the American people to then sit down and shut up and do whatever the big collectivist government tells us to do through the collective guilt.
While the Republicans blame it on the liberals and the liberals blame it on the Republicans, Obama comes up there to the fore and plays the part of the big daddy
Right when everybody's seeing through the blame game and he says, you know what?
It's wrong to have a blame game.
Together we thrive under my agenda.
Let's lower the rhetoric.
Let's not be upset.
Let's settle down while the foreign banks rob you blind.
We've almost got this world government completed and if we can just get you to sit there and suck your thumbs long enough,
It'll be too late for you because you'll be so bankrupt as a nation that we'll use poverty as a form of bondage over you and then you'll be dependent on government no matter what you do and we've got you checkmated.
That's what he should have said.
Instead he said, oh look at Michelle crying over here.
And of course the father's obviously crying.
His nine-year-old is dead.
He's genuinely sad.
And here's this politico-communist fake
Vampire you know the vampire psychic vampire feeding off this psychic wound and there she is and it's all this big fake Oprah moment with the crying and the rest of it and everybody's been given their pre-made t-shirt.
A rush job on t-shirts, $6, $7 a piece.
But let's say they pulled political strings, they paid $3, $4 for those professional color t-shirts.
How'd they print up $14,000 plus in two days?
How'd they get them delivered?
How'd they get them draped over every one of the chairs?
I mean, you walk into a completely scripted event, and it was a celebration!
The students are celebrating, they've got their t-shirts!
The head of the college is happy!
These are tragedy mongers.
These are tragedy vultures.
These are psychic vampires.
And they go up there and they play the part of the big daddy, and they tell you who's bad, and they tell you who's good, and they tell you sit down and do what you're told.
And we can all have this big collectivist sports stadium, nighttime rally.
Hitler loved having his nighttime rallies.
They found it was much more effective with crowds.
And they've got what they want.
But the good news is polls show, just in the last five days, an uptick in pro-Second Amendment views.
A uptick in record gun sales across the board, including Democrat members of legislatures and Congress out grabbing guns.
Oh, it's having the opposite effect.
It's backfiring.
You have failed.
And so the establishment is trying to blame all politically active people.
If you're politically active, if you're informed, if you're speaking out, if you're involved.
I mean, what does Homeland Security list as potential terrorist?
Leftists, conservatives, pro-gun groups, anti-abortion groups.
The entire political spectrum is listed as potential terrorist.
Ron Paul meetings are infiltrated by Homeland Security and spied on.
And the message to government internally is, political action, political speech is evil.
It's dangerous.
It's terroristic.
It's bad.
And the attempted lesson here is, political discourse, political heated debate caused this.
Well, political discourse and heated political debate caused this country.
Political discourse and political debate has been much more heated in the past with members of Congress routinely shooting each other in the streets in duels.
Presidents being assassinated.
Members of Congress being assassinated.
This is nothing new.
Sure, back then you had a much better chance of being thrown from your horse.
Horses did it all the time.
A piece of paper blows by, they get scared, throw you off into a tree, you're dead.
Do we ban riding horses?
A congress member has a much better chance statistically?
Hundreds and hundreds of times better.
I've looked up the numbers of dying in an automobile accident or a plane crash.
Do we ban planes?
Do we ban cars?
It's when you step back from it, from an unemotional position, they're talking about armored glass domes over the House and Senate so people can't shoot them from the gallery despite the fact you go through three layers of security to get in.
They're talking about
Secret Service assigned to every member of Congress, their own armed Praetorian Guard at their houses, at their offices.
They're talking about the TSA taking on that role, which they already plan to be on the streets of America, as the guard of the Congress people.
And then you know what's next, federal employees.
All because a woman got shot in the face, and a girl got shot and killed, and a judge got shot and killed.
No matter how much security you pile on, if somebody really wants to kill you, they're gonna find out where you live or where you go, and they're gonna wait and follow you and wait for their moment for years, and they're going to get you.
No one is bulletproof, and the system knows that.
And in many cases, political assassination is carried out by governments, and then blamed on patsies.
Are we going to ban Congress people riding in cars?
Because that kills a lot more of them than guns.
So do airplanes.
Alright, we're going to go to John, Tim, George, Shannon, Sean, and others that are patiently holding when we come back directly.
I want to hear from you specifically on this political rally that blew up in their face.
Curt Nemo's got a big article out on this at InfoWars.com that is very, very important covering how this political event blew up in their face.
We're going to take your phone calls and then later in the next hour I'm also going to
Expose Glenn Beck for some pretty serious chicanery.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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You know, I get so wound up when I'm talking about this because when you study advertising, psychological warfare, propaganda, it's so staged and blatant.
And I'm listening to talk radio this morning, even conservative talk shows, they're debating whether that was a staged rally.
Whether that was a DNC production.
Of course it was with the t-shirts and the teleprompters and Obama.
Oh, I've just gotten word!
She's, she's, she's opened her eyes!
And it's almost like he's the great shaman that caused it to happen.
I'm going to your calls, but I got so wound up last segment, I said that I would get to this clip of a scanner darkly, and I never got to it.
It's a short clip of one scene, but now this is being blamed.
A rotoscoped film dealing with mind control.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
Where did Substance D come from?
Why can't we stop it?
The bigger this war gets, the more freedoms we lose, the more Substance D is on our streets!
Can't you figure this out?
Look around you!
Look how far we've come!
Humanity wasn't meant to live like this!
Our every waking moment trapped in traits and scared!
It's time to stop submitting to this tyranny!
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved!
Uh-oh, it's our tax dollars at work!
Protect us from ourselves!
Hey guys, I used to be one of you!
Stop selling out your own species!
And that's enough.
And then Winona Ryder pulls up and asks him if he wants a ride while Keanu Reeves is watching this happen.
There were some other little scenes where I pop up on TV screens.
I'm like The Prophet, but they cut those out of the film.
I'm told they're on the extras, but I've never gotten... Actually, I have the DVD, but I've never gone and looked for other scenes I'm in.
You'd think I'd do that.
I'm just so busy fighting the New World Order.
But great film produced by Tommy Pallotta, directed by Richard Linklater.
And I guess there is an anti-government message there.
You know, I'm out there saying the government's dealing drugs, and then the government pulls up and takes me to jail, like they would do in China.
So I guess that's anti-American to have an anti-authoritarian message.
I guess it's wrong that people are questioning Gulf of Tonkin, even though it's admitted that it was a staged event and didn't happen to get us into Vietnam.
It's unpatriotic to read the declassification.
The North Vietnamese attacked our ship.
Vietnam was good.
And if you go with that, then you've got to think every government's good.
So, Mao Zedong is good.
And I guess you've got to believe Hitler.
The communist firebomb, the Reichstag, and the Fuhrer had to do that to keep Deutschland safe.
I don't question government.
Together we thrive.
By shutting our mouths and not being angry and not speaking out, we thrive.
John in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
Yes I can.
How are you doing today?
I'm a long-time show listener.
I listen to it almost every day.
I've never felt compelled to call, but this t-shirt business, I own a t-shirt company.
It would be absolutely impossible to get that amount of t-shirts in a two-day period.
This thing happened over the weekend.
They would have to order these things on Monday.
They wouldn't be delivered until Tuesday.
And the biggest order I ever had was 4,000 shirts.
It took a week to print those.
Well, how big of an operation are you?
Two small presses, but you can't turn around something around that fast.
We've tried to rush things out, even with giant companies, and it takes time for them to get it, design it, check it, even if you're right on top of it, it would take, with the biggest companies, two and a half, three days to get this done.
So that means instantly they hit the ground going, okay, let's go ahead and roll out the 2012 election slogan, Together We Thrive.
Uh, you know, hope and change to together we thrive.
And I have no doubt from the evidence that day one, you know, by Saturday night, they said, okay, he'll come to town, he'll do a memorial, get the t-shirts ready.
We're really going to use this.
He composes our savior.
He can bring us together and he can admonish us not to criticize government because that caused it.
Stay there, John.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay we were talking to John in Pennsylvania and John was talking about how he owns a t-shirt company and that would be impossible in just two and a half three days because they only announced this back on Tuesday to make 14,000 plus shirts professionally made all of the same design and then have them all nicely folded
Over the 14,000 chairs at the sports stadium for the Obama psychic vampire event.
And I totally agree with you.
The only way they could have done it is if they started Saturday with the design and the order.
And I got a sneaking suspicion this together we thrive thing
is the new t-shirts for the new rollout.
It's the same basic Obama hope and change design.
And you watch, this is going to end up, unless it backfires, and it's starting to, being the 2012 election slogan for Obama.
Absolutely, I think that's what it would be.
You think about when they make the Super Bowl shirts, when the Super Bowl wins, the losing team, they make as many shirts for the losing team as they do the winning team.
The losing team is destroyed, but they have about two weeks' leave time to know what teams are playing with each other.
You've got to consider the design is a pretty simple design.
What's on the shirt wouldn't take that long to do, but you have to burn the screens.
Then, of course, you've got to find a press that doesn't have any jobs on board, and then they go ahead and print them.
Yeah, that's also our problems.
We use, you know, several different groups here in the U.S.
It'd be a lot cheaper if we went with Mexico, but we don't.
And a lot of times, you know, we call and they go, we're backed up for three weeks.
But yeah, we'll get to your job when we can.
But again, obviously government has the power and the strings to pull.
The other issue is who paid for 14,000 shirts?
Looking at this shirt design,
Uh, and also, I know short notice costs more, but bulk also gives you a discount.
How much to print those shirts, even on cruddy, quality shirts?
What, three bucks a piece?
Uh, well, yeah, one color.
If I got two weeks to do those, I could do them for about $3.54 a piece.
But, like, on a one-day turnaround time, those shirts would be $10, $15 a piece.
Not that short of a notice.
Well, also, who had 14,000 black shirts lying around?
I think they were Navy.
I was looking at the car, which are, you know, Navy black and white t-shirts are the easiest shirts to get from distributors because, you know, but basically 1,400 shirts is a container load.
You know, it's a full shipping container of shirts.
Well, they could have also gone with a bunch of different subcontractors.
That could have done it as well.
Well, this is true, you know, it just depends on the brand and what distributor they're going from.
What this means is, they immediately capitalized, immediately politicized it, within hours blamed it on anybody that was against their gun control, or open border, or health care agenda.
I mean, we know they did that, and then now it turns out, if you had to give him a political persuasion, he was a liberal before he completely used drugs and fried his brain,
And it's just crazy that this happened and that Obama would try to put collective guilt on everyone and say, we've got to now sit down and shut up and come together in the memory of this dead little girl when the father of the little girl is saying, don't use this to take freedom.
I mean, these people are tragedy vampires.
They are psychic vampires.
John, I appreciate your call.
and Minnesota, you're on the air.
Alex, it's a great day for Alex Jones and myself, and that Limbama recording that you played was very revealing.
I'm not a Limbama Knight.
I'm an individual.
And I heard a report on the news, it might have been on Coast to Coast or NPR, I don't know, but some woman was very elated that Obama showed up
to dispel anger over murder and insanity.
And if you get neuterized from anger over murder and neuterization, you ain't worth spitting my book.
Well said, TJ, well said.
I'm gonna try to hurry through your calls when we come back.
George, Shannon, Sean, Brad, many others.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I've been pretty wound up lately dealing with this because people are debating whether or not the Democrats are seizing on this crisis.
They obviously are.
And then coming up, Glenn Beck's trying to blame it on 9-11 truth.
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We're good.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Best-selling author Brad Metzler has a show called Decoded.
on the history channel.
And how so much of the media is government infiltrated, government manipulated.
I'm not saying specifically decoded, but some of the other productions that are out there.
Metzler described how he was hired to create scenarios of potential terror attacks so the government could think about every scenario that's out there.
And I have no doubt that that is what he was told it was for.
But in my research and in my films in the last 15 years, we've documented that governments have been caught using plans written up by sometimes entire Hollywood script writing companies that Homeland Security and previous to them the Pentagon would hire to write up scenarios.
We would then see those very scenarios secretly written for the Pentagon used in real terror attacks.
And there's a great example of that.
We'll be talking more about it with Mark Dice next hour.
And that's the Lone Gunman X-Files spinoff that aired six months before 9-11, where a secret government group hijacks a passenger jet by remote control to fly it into the World Trade Center to blame it on militants in Afghanistan to invade Afghanistan.
And it's an element in the government doing it.
They use a drill to make NORAD stand down to think it's part of a drill.
That exact thing.
There was a drill.
NORAD stood down.
We know there was a hijacking terror attack drill of the exact same targets being hit at the exact same times.
That's ABC News, by the way.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
They had a drill of the exact same targets, exact same time.
In England on 7-7 in 2005, the same thing in Madrid a year before, and they really do this so that there's all these terror attack plans in different agencies that are scripts, so if their agents or contractors are caught about the stage of terror attack, they just say, oh, this is part of a drill.
These aren't actual terror attack plans, and it's written as a script to make sure everybody carries it out, including patsies.
Patsies on 7-7.
Patsies on 9-11.
Lee Harvey Oswald thought he was part of a drill.
They can then burn their patsies and have their patsy at the location they want them to be at.
I'm going to talk about that next hour with
A great researcher, Mark Dice, who's an author and researcher, who was one of the experts they had on one of the previous Decoded shows, dealing with the Statue of Liberty and what it really symbolizes, and he explains to them that it is given to us by the French Illuminati, who are in the encyclopedia, there's no doubt about the German and French Illuminati, and at the time they made it, they sent it over here, it is a man, it's not a woman, it is Lucifer, and that's even in the mainline literature from the time.
And then they kind of make fun of Mark Dyson and others, and they go and talk to a top professor, and he says, no, it is Lucifer, but it's the good Lucifer.
So we're still conspiracy theory cooks.
We're right about it being Lucifer, but it's the good Lucifer.
So we'll talk about that.
But right now, I'm opening the phones up at 800-259-9231.
Recapping here, dealing with Obama getting all of this political gas mileage, at least he hopes, out of that staged event, 14,000 t-shirts, that they had to start producing on Saturday of the shooting.
This is introducing his new campaign slogan.
Mark my words, unless it backfires, they're going to use it.
And they may not, because it's backfiring, but it'll probably still come out.
But this is the new term.
Together we thrive.
And that means sitting down, shutting up, not having a political debate, and he went on to say, Republicans stop it, Democrats stop it.
See, his surrogates get to blame Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, but then he gets to get up there and say, stop it!
It's all of our faults being mean to each other.
Let's not do it.
It's nobody's fault.
That guy was taking hallucinogens every day now.
First it was almost every day, now we're learning sometimes multiple times a day.
He was smoking one of the most hardcore hallucinogens that many people have a disassociative event.
And now the emails are pouring in by the hundreds.
I mean, you're talking about just don't even know who you are for 20 to 30 minutes.
And he was on this plant that comes out of Mexico that the Aztecs and others took.
They call it the ultimate shaman drug.
And he goes from being a liberal, but you can't blame liberals for what he did, because then he stopped being a liberal, a conservative, anything, and started dressing up like the Grim Reaper and hallucinating and worshipping a skull shrine.
Like every other psychopath, they're always into skulls and death and killing animals and dressing in black.
What's going on here?
Now, that doesn't mean everybody that likes to dress in black is bad.
Johnny Cash dressed in black to say like he was a preacher.
So he can carry out some of the darkness on his back, as he said.
But there's this M.O.
and I called it on Sunday.
Sunday on my broadcast, four to six.
Twenty-four hours after the event, I said, person on hardcore hallucinogens into devil worship.
Next day it comes out.
I know how to call it.
I do my research.
Does that stop Glenn Beck from blaming anybody that questions 9-11 or talks about government-sponsored terror?
But Glenn Beck's got a problem.
Glenn Beck has talked about the government staging Oklahoma City.
Glenn Beck has talked about that they may stage a new one and blame it on him.
And you know what?
When he came out and said that, I said, he may have woken up.
I may be able to support him now.
Well, every day since Monday, and we're now four days into this, and I've got the report, he was doing it today on the radio, he's blaming 9-11 Truth and saying we're violent and we're going to attack.
I'm talking about that coming up in the last 20 minutes of this hour.
But right now, let's go to the calls.
Who's up next here, John?
George in Connecticut, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Uh, yeah, you went all over the place.
I had a couple things I could have added, but I just, just one last thing I'd like to add before I go into my other suggestion is that Chertoff is your, your Lucifer.
That is the name of the former TSA and his name in Russian means devil.
Look it up.
By the way, I heard that about seven years ago when he was an underling in the Bush administration and didn't believe it.
And I looked it up in online Russian encyclopedias.
It means actually, son of the devil.
Chertoff means son of the devil.
Let's be accurate.
Well, I don't know.
My Russian dictionary got devilish.
I've studied Russian, but maybe I'm wrong.
I'll double-check it.
But anyway, I think it's about time, this missile situation, and the popping up behind carriers, the Chinese thing.
We should probably have that Benjamin, was it Full Ford, or whatever his name is, somewhere down the line, because I'd like to hear his take on, are they trying to stop these people from their agenda, or is this something we have to worry about, about the Chinese?
Because maybe there's something, a broader issue there that he might... Well, there really is a Chinese mafia, and he really has written for Forbes and other major publications, and I have no doubt that he's been approached by the Chinese and Japanese mafia and told that they're aware of the whole eugenics operation.
I mean, again,
When you're in the media, things like this happen.
I've had a lot of bizarre stuff happen.
I appreciate your call, George.
Really, really interesting points on that front.
Yeah, well, we're busy covering the Tucson shooting, which is terrible, but six dead when there are hundreds dying every day on America's highways.
There are hundreds being murdered every day in America with people breaking in their houses, raping, killing families.
None of that's on the radar screen.
They don't personalize all those other deaths.
They don't personalize the crime wave of illegal aliens murdering and killing at will, and nobody can catch them because they don't have real IDs and just blend into the background.
I mean, no one talks about the 30,000 dead now in the last few years on the U.S.-Mexico border.
See, out of sight, out of mind, but they're acting like it's the end of the world, these six dead people.
And what's the moral of the story?
Your speech did it.
Your rhetoric, the anger in America.
America's going to get a lot more angry over losing our liberties, losing our economy.
That's the fault of the globalists who engineered this society to consolidate power for a post-industrial world so they can control our lives.
They want us bankrupt, so we're beholden to government and the collectivist.
The Russians, it came out in their internal documents, could have had bread and sausage for everybody and choice.
They wanted to make you stand in line.
They wanted to only give you enough food to barely survive.
They wanted to have you, they want you under their control.
They shut down family farms and ranches, our government's trying it.
Sean in Arizona, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, we've talked before, God bless you.
I've got some quick bullet points, and I'm so upset because I've been following these things for 30 years.
We've talked three times before.
I've got Lyme disease, and I'm absolutely shaking.
I was absolutely simply appalled when I saw it.
I've been following these things for 30 years.
I worked for Reagan and whatnot, and what I want to say, that was a cross.
What we saw last night was a cross between a political rally, sensitivity training, New Age positive thinking, and failed
We're going to discipline the whole class.
This was the beginning of failed socialistic school policies in the 60s.
This is part of the reason why we are here today.
Let me continue.
It took 20 federal marshals to transport this girl from Tucson to Phoenix.
He's being held in the North Valley at a medium security federal detention center.
There's over between, I listened to NPR here yesterday, between a hundred... Hey Sean, Sean stop.
Don't get mad.
Don't get mad.
You're so angry that a lot of what you're saying is distorted and what you said, I'm gonna hold you over.
I'm gonna give you the floor when we come back and then I'm gonna go to others.
But what Sean is saying is so important I want him to settle down.
And come back and recap it calmly, because he said in about 30 seconds what I've been trying to say in the last hour, but he said it so perfectly.
That was brainwashing.
That was a re-education camp.
They're all given their prisoner's shirt.
They're all given their brainwashing solidarity shirt.
They're all taught that they're collectively bad, but that they're rebuilt by giving up their self and being part of the collective.
Together we thrive as the brainwashed communist board.
That's exactly what it was.
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I think so.
I think so.
Think about tens of millions of Americans tuning in to Obama.
The numbers are out and almost no one watches his press conferences.
No one wants to hear from him.
They're totally sick of him.
We've got all these internal White House memos that have come out and other Obama advisers like Robert Shapiro saying, you need a crisis, you need a tragedy to then go pose as the savior.
And they're so cold-blooded, they write about it in major newspapers like we're dumb.
And they're targeting people that are dumb.
But the good news is, and Kurt Nimmo's got a story out on this at InfoWars.com, I want to get it out to everybody, attempt by Obama operatives to turn Memorial into political rally backfires.
And that's the positive news.
Okay, for the rest of this segment, Sean in Arizona, calm down.
Take your time going over what you observed in that brainwashing rally last night, that attack on free speech, that collective guilt, Sovietization, in a sports stadium, a literal re-education facility, with the guilt of the dead girl and Michelle Obama crying.
I mean, it was all disgustingly scripted.
You've got the floor.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, I love this country as you do, and I get excited like you get excited.
Somebody asked me the other day, why does Alex Jones get so excited?
And I said, because he loves this country, he loves freedom, and he understands where we're at at a critical venture.
There are a couple of bullet points that I don't know you're aware of on the national scene.
Are you aware that sometime, and it may have been in the last 90 days,
Uh, this individual disappeared for one week from his parents' house and no one knew where he was.
Are you aware of that?
Last night, I was lying in bed and thinking about this for about an hour, that there are hundreds of different points.
When put together, my gut, and I've told people privately at the office, I've told my wife this, I'm sure in my gut
This was a government operation, and that he was drugged.
He fits the M.O., the history.
When this happened, right as the Republicans are coming in, so that...
The Democrats can try to set the agenda and create the illusion that getting angry, getting upset, getting involved, getting out of your trance, getting out of your comfort zone is going to cause death.
How it happened, when it happened, the same story of all the threats, him being protected, what he's connected to, the drug he was on, the way these people all popped up.
The whole thing, the way the judge was there, all of this screams staged event.
And my gut has never been wrong.
You know, I said staged event two days after the underwear bombing on Christmas Day.
And it came out that the government got him on the plane, protected him, that he was under the control of known CIA operative Anwar al-Awlaki.
Fox News, again, even reported that, that Anwar al-Awlaki is secretly working for the Pentagon, hanging out with the Pentagon.
And so I wanted to give you the floor
Here, Sean, to go over that giant attempt to make everyone have a love affair, you know, put people back under the Obama Kool-Aid, the Obama spell that everything was going to be fixed because Obama is our savior.
I think it backfired miserably.
But yes, in my gut, I know this was staged.
To what degree, I'm not sure.
But all the evidence is there.
And my gut told me,
We're in ranch country here, and when the governor came on, and I'm a supporter of hers, and Saturday and asked to lower the flag, I rode over to the other ranch.
They have a huge American flag there, and I told them that the governor asked to lower the flag, and there were some people from out of state there, and they said, what has happened, or who do you think has done this?
And I said, well, the media, who knows who's done this, but the media will blame this
On a right-wing nut.
But a couple other points, critical things.
What people don't understand here throughout the United States is this, Dominic, the sheriff in Tucson, that's one of two liberal enclaves in the state of Arizona.
The other one being the New Age hub up there in Sedona.
And, you know, he doesn't, he doesn't, I don't look at him as a guy that speaks for the West.
What I also want to point here is to another thing that's been happening increasingly over the years, and it's really, it's appalling as a Westerner,
I'm appalled on how my fellow countrymen have sunk so low.
No, that sells us the message that the Feds have to be involved in everything, and the Feds and the Big Daddy President has to hold our hand.
Robert Shapiro admitted that they needed this, admitted that they were going to use this.
I mean, they're handing out campaign
T-shirts here, Sean.
Well said, Sean.
Alright, I'm gonna go to Brad, Thomas, Nate, Scott, at least you guys.
And then I'm gonna get into this other angle.
Not just the communist, socialist, liberals working for the big banks, trying to demonize conservatives and libertarians for this shooting, but now the Limbaugh-Beck response trying to blame... We're on the march.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's race through some of your calls and then I want to get into what Limbaugh and Becker doing.
Now demonizing...
The left, but going further, they're now using the same tactics to go after 9-11 truth and people that criticize the private Federal Reserve.
Even though that's something that both of these men themselves have now been forced to criticize because people do understand the Federal Reserve is private.
So what's happening is mainline conservatives are being forced more and more to stay relevant
They're being forced to cover real issues.
They can't just stonewall.
But then when there's an event like this, they fall back to the old pattern of demonization.
That's coming up.
Right now, let's talk to Brad in Michigan.
Brad, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
It's an honor, as always.
Just a quick couple points on the whole t-shirt rally thing.
Um, I think it's together we can be bootlicking slaves, because that's really what he's saying.
Um, on the shooter in Arizona, you know, for one, guns don't kill people, people kill people.
And if they want us to sit down and shut up, how about stopping the tyranny, stopping the corruption?
Stop giving us the things to talk about.
If you don't want us to talk about these things, stop your actions.
It's that simple.
We will not shut up, we will not stop.
Well, that's right.
Great points, Brad.
Government never shuts up.
It's trying to put up billboards and messages to our kids in school and constant PSAs and now telescreens at 9,000 Walmarts and Targets and everywhere else they're going in, telling you to tattle on your neighbor.
Government is forcing its way into our lives.
Hyping up things that statistically aren't that dangerous, trying to make us afraid, and then they say, oh, don't have a blame game, don't be afraid, just give up your individuality, don't be upset about the direction of the country, sit down and shut up, and together we will thrive.
That is the opposite of liberty and freedom.
That is something out of the Borg, right out of Star Trek.
I appreciate your call.
Amazing, simple, but focused truth.
from Brad.
Let's talk to Thomas in Canada.
Thomas, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex, sir.
I just wanted to let you know that CNN Newsroom right now, headline, 9-11 flag honors Christina Green, born September 11, 2001.
Is that just a coincidence, or is that an ICBM mind control missile aimed right at North America?
No, I totally agree with you, and I meant to cover that from the start of the broadcast today.
That's in my stack.
Again, watching it last night and reading the news, everything is carefully choreographed, just like the government paid for T-shirts over every seat, you know, magically produced in just a few days.
You know, Michelle crying.
All of it, so that you see humanity in them.
I don't know.
On both sides of the aisle.
Why is the media calling this shooting a 9-11 when it's not?
They're trying to re-invoke that togetherness.
But instead of attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, we'll attack our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We'll do whatever the banks say and give up all of our money.
We'll allow the carbon taxes to be put into place.
So it's all about this collective strike against us all, and then we learn who was behind it, why we were.
We're sorry.
We won't get angry at what the ruling class is doing.
And, oh, they're going to bring the 9-11 flag so that there's solidarity, and then associate the 9-11 attacks
With this, and there's more than that.
You notice the last few years they've been slowly admitting, okay, almost none of the funding and training is for foreign men wearing turbans from caves in Central Asia.
The funding is really for libertarians, gun owners, conservatives.
And White Al-Qaeda, they're going to get you.
They're everywhere.
And now they're saying this was an act of terror.
This was White Al-Qaeda.
Hillary, in speeches worldwide, says we have our own extremists.
We have White Al-Qaeda.
And so this is the big rollout of, here's the 9-11 flag.
It's 9-11.
The Second Amendment is 9-11.
Free speech is 9-11.
Getting upset at government is 9-11.
Arizona and its heated political rhetoric, because the people aren't putting up with tyranny there.
They're demanding sovereignty.
That's 9-11.
And so absolutely, it's all acting on the subconscious, but they raise the propaganda right up to the conscious level as well.
But most of it's going on at the subconscious archetypal level.
And that was a giant Soviet nighttime brainwashing event.
And that is what's so incredible.
Just like telescreens,
Telling you to spy on your neighbor and to trust no one but big sis is directly out of 1984.
I mean, they are hitting every archetypal event.
Hitler would have nighttime rallies for dead S.A.
or S.S.
who'd been killed fighting commies and would cry and have others crying and everyone was being given, you know, little patches that they were at that rally.
Well, in America, you get an Obama shirt.
And he teaches you to come together under him and do what he says, because together we thrive.
As Hitler said, ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer.
One people, one land, one leader, and together we have strength.
And that's exactly what's going on.
So, we've seen it under Mao, under Stalin, under Hitler, under Pol Pot.
We know what an authoritarian brainwashing rally looks like, and this was it.
And for those that know history, it completely freaks us out.
For an Oprah watcher, they thought they were watching an episode of Oprah and learning to love Obama.
Because after all, he says he's fighting Wall Street.
He's not going to have Wall Street fat cats in his administration when that's all he's got.
Oh, we've got the Daily Fellow in there now, who helped write NAFTA and GATT, and who helped get Glass-Steagall repealed to allow the derivatives to be written, and then Obama says last week, he's going to save us!
Oh, and I'm not supposed to get angry, I'm supposed to have hope and change here!
Anything else, Thomas?
Yes, secondly, with the speech last night, it just looked like a film set.
I say that just because watching it after he spoke,
He was so twitchy, Obama.
He was nervous looking.
He was looking around at the prompters, you know, trying to hide it by kissing his wife.
And, uh, at the end there, they had a moment of silence.
Suddenly Obama starts looking around to see if he would stand up or not.
Alex, he almost got up, but then he looked around and then he sat back down.
I mean, they have him in the front row while he's, while in the stadium, and they're just applauding him.
I mean, with the t-shirts and all the alternative media with this event.
It is so in the open, Alex, that you are really tuned into government brainwashing, or you are openly against it?
There's no in-between anymore.
Oh, I mean, it is.
I mean, that's it.
It's cartoon.
I mean, I've seen Disney films, you know, about the Nazis that are themselves cartoon propaganda.
You watch cartoon representations of hardcore brainwashing, authoritarian evil, and then you superimpose what was seen as absurd tyranny 60 years ago.
You superimpose that over today, and it's like they took 1984, or they took the Nazis, they took the Soviets, and they're openly doing it, the most absurd things out in the open.
It's just too wild.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to get to Nate, Scott, Tim, Rachel, and others before Mark Dice gets on or while he's on.
We may even go into overdrive today.
I'm pretty wound up.
But I want to shift gears right now, and I want to talk about Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and others.
On Saturday, on Sunday, on Monday, when the Democrat hit machine
Was blaming Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, myself and many others for what happened.
I went and did the real research Saturday and Sunday and said he was somebody who was rejected by women.
This is all on record Sunday before any of this was out.
I emote him from the pieces I had.
I said he was rejected by women.
Uh, he was guaranteed on some type of psychotropic drugs, either prescription or hallucinogens that are in the same family that he got on the street.
Uh, he was into the kind of goth, extreme, you know, shock, uh, devil movement that is so risque and seen as avant-garde, uh, by, uh, people 14 to 25 or so.
Uh, and he was into the death culture.
And it all came out Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday.
That was the truth.
And it blew up in the Democrats' face that it wasn't Sarah Palin.
It wasn't Rush Limbaugh.
It wasn't Ron Paul.
They try to demonize conservatives and libertarians.
And then we learned that when he was a liberal three years ago, 2007-2008, that's when these reports came from, he was long-haired, pot-smoker, wasn't taking the hallucinogens every day, that
That this guy, Loeffner, I call him the Grim Reaper killer, now it's confirmed it is him dressed up in the Grim Reaper outfit, you know, playing the Drowning Pool music that again is into death and destruction and nihilism and giving up on life.
I also predicted that he was just a suicidal guy, that he wanted to be killed by the cops or by a concealed carry shooter.
Now they have his letters that he wanted to be, quote, assassinated at the event.
This was his, not just death by cop, suicide by cop, this was suicide by mass murder!
But he failed!
And so we know who he was, and we know that three years ago he was a liberal.
But then he changed.
So it wasn't fair to call conservatives and libertarians people that were responsible.
Even if he was a libertarian or a conservative, how is what one crazy person does everybody else's fault?
Again, it's this collectivist view that your neighbor does something wrong, so you get in trouble.
That's what the Soviet Union and the Nazis did.
That's another hallmark of authoritarianism.
That's what's so dangerous about this!
If you're going through a playbook of authoritarian tyranny, on every front they're doing it.
There's no doubt that's where we're going.
And I'm supposed to shut up about that, or I'm encouraging violence against the government.
They're also trying to create a psychological compulsion that there's never a right to be violent against a government.
Was it wrong to fight Hitler?
Was it wrong for people to try to overthrow Stalin?
And of course we all know there are times to stand up against governments.
So they're also trying to create this obsession on never standing up against your government and attaching the image of standing up against your government not to George Washington or Thomas Jefferson.
Or the people in Romania in 1989 against Ceausescu.
It's about attaching the image to a crazed lunatic out of his mind with a demonic look on his face, dressed up like a grim reaper.
So there's layers of this propaganda.
As government comes in to take your liberty, to take your pension fund, to jack up your taxes, to shut down your local farm or ranch, to engage in all of this tyranny, this raping,
They're going to take events like this and blame it on the American people who have the answer to the 1984 society, which is 1776.
They're going to try to brand revolution, whether it's verbal or physical, and I believe the pen is mightier than the sword.
The video camera is more powerful than the Kalashnikov or the Colt M16.
I do believe in that.
But they're trying to demonize all forms of resistance as evil.
They're trying to brand resistance as this guy.
And that's why I've spent so much time on it.
Sure, it's hype.
It's a media hoax.
There's a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes, but we have to cover this, because if they win in this fight, in this info war, on this subject, they're going to be able to deep-six the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, and then everything else follows.
So, yes, this whole thing is a big overblown hoax, but we've got to expose it as a hoax or they win.
This is the big fight right now.
All that's going on, and what does Glenn Beck do?
Glenn Beck comes out and says, 9-11 truthers, I've told you they're going to be violent.
How did you know that, Glenn?
That's one of the thousands of little things I can add into the pile that this was a setup.
Just one of them.
He said, mark my words, 9-11 truthers are going to get violent.
They're going to attack.
And I think back to four years ago, we're at a Bush event.
Somebody comes out of a dark alley with his daughter in a wheelchair and runs it into a We Are Changer.
And then it turns out the whole thing was staged.
Remember that?
Came out in court, it was staged.
And Fox News ran 9-11 Truth or Attacks Disabled Girl in Wheelchair.
Notice it's a little girl that got shot.
See, that's a little piece to add.
You go over the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
It's got to be over a thousand points.
And you see it's all scripted.
It was all written.
It was all prepared.
It was all set up.
And you can see the Democratic operatives all over the news preparing to set up Glenn Beck.
You can see them preparing to set up yours truly on Media Matters, George Soros, every week saying Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, they're going to cause an Oklahoma City.
And Beck properly researches Oklahoma, finds out it's an inside job.
He comes out and says, the Democratic operatives are getting ready to stage a new Oklahoma City and blame it on me.
And he points at himself.
Now he comes out this week and talks about domestic people staging Oklahoma cities.
He talks about 9-11 truthers being the biggest danger.
See, Glenn started getting scared that he was about to get set up.
And so he decided to tell the truth.
But that's why you can't trust him.
He flip-flops.
And so we're going to have to hold Mark Dicell about 15 in, because I've got to get to this, and I promised that I would.
But I'm going to go ahead now and play Glenn Beck
Just two months ago, pointing out that the Democrat operatives are preparing to stage in Oklahoma City and blame it on the libertarian conservative movement.
Here it is.
Why does the left need this violence?
Well, listen to a clip from a Democratic pollster, Mark Penn, happened just the other day, and yet no one pays attention to it.
How can the left win the country?
Cabinets don't really sell things.
President himself has to reconnect with the people.
Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?
And the President right now, he seems removed.
And it wasn't until that speech that he re-clicked with the American public.
That's what last night was about with Obama.
You think words will work for... Reconnecting!
Obama needs a similar kind of event.
Like Oklahoma City.
If only Barack Obama could have the opportunity to speak to America after another Oklahoma City type event, then he'll politically be in good shape.
Now, according to Drummond Pike, the founder of Tides, who, Drummond, I hope you watch this week because, oh, it's all coming undone this week.
I will be the guy who causes the next Oklahoma City.
This is in a letter, an appeal to advertisers of Fox.
Dear Fox advertisers, read this part of it.
No one, left, right, center, wants to see another Oklahoma City.
The next assassin may succeed.
If so, there will be blood on many hands.
They are setting up another Oklahoma City.
They are claiming that one is coming and they've already marked the one who caused it.
But don't you miss Wednesday's show when I show you violence and the pressure... So exactly as I was saying for months, because it wasn't just that pollster, it was Robert Shapiro and many others saying we need in Oklahoma to blame it on domestic groups so Obama composes the savior and reconnect.
Beck started reading the Media Matters and others saying Jones and Beck will cause it, it's going to be their fault.
And he goes on TV and says, they're targeting me, Glenn Beck.
Yeah, me too, Glenn.
Now, what do you then do this week?
You come out and you say 9-11 truthers are going to cause another Oklahoma City.
You're an idiot.
They're going to blame this on you, fool.
Okay, don't try to throw us under the bus.
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Let's get something straight.
I don't want to fight with Glenn Beck.
It's a very positive sign that he goes on air and talks about the Federal Reserve being private and world government and population reduction and eugenics.
We've challenged him in the last two years to go further.
We know he researches and watches this show and that his writers pull a lot of information from it.
And so do Glenn.
Glenn, I watched you the last few nights.
Really engage in schizophrenic activity.
You know, you'd say, how dare the Democrats talk about any type of symbol that could incite violence.
Well, look at the Target logo.
Are we going to ban that?
And how tired you are of people twisting things to blame folks politically.
I've watched you for four years, CNN and now Fox, constantly say 9-11 Truth is going to be violent, when 9-11 Truth had never been violent.
And then magically, it starts to happen.
Now, did you just do a statistical breakdown and look at polls as high as 83% in the New York Times, question the official story, and just figure, well, there'll be some violence from somebody that has that view, 80-plus percent of the population, or were you given an inside track?
Because I've seen the federal government in New York try to set up We Are Change for attacking a girl in a wheelchair, which turned out to be completely a hoax.
They attacked them and kept running the wheelchair in and screaming.
And it turned out it was all a staged event, leading right back to the White House.
I know you're following talking points.
I know you went and met at the White House.
But you can't have it both ways, Glenn.
You can't say the Democrats are preparing a new Oklahoma City, which they are.
And there's no doubt it was the Democrats, and we have the evidence and have gone over it ad nauseum.
I made the film, America Destroyed by Design.
Oklahoma City was an inside job.
But, I don't know, I've got a bunch of clips.
We'll never have time to play them all.
But, where he says that 9-11 truthers are going to stage in Oklahoma City.
Where he says 9-11 truthers are the most dangerous.
So, Democrats aren't bad, Republicans aren't bad, it's 9-11 truthers.
Don't you look at government-sponsored terror.
This is a dangerous game you're playing here, Beck.
Well, let's go ahead and start playing one of the clips.
Here he is.
You know, the moral of the story, this is two nights ago, is these 9-11 truthers, they're the ones that are really dangerous.
Here it is.
Pull out there that I think are dangerous that actually believe that 9-11 was an inside job and that George Bush was responsible for wiring it up and blowing up the World Trade Center.
Good pause.
I think some of those people are nuts.
Hit pause.
So, it just goes on and on.
He's been telling us there are people who are dangerous because they believe.
And behind him, he's got a... In fact, put that back up for me, just the image.
A recipe for danger.
People who believe that the government was behind 9-11.
So, see, they take this tragic event, and the Democrats are saying it's people that want to get rid of government health care, people that want to control the borders.
You're the reason this happened.
And Beck is saying, no, no, no, no, it's not them.
It's the 9-11 truthers.
They say the government could stage terror.
Well, Beck, you just got done saying that Obama and his people might stage in Oklahoma City, or that they were planning one to blame it on you.
So you're dangerous, too?
This thought is dangerous?
Governments blow stuff up!
Our government has declassified over 200 cases where they've done it!
So, I'm not dangerous, and I'm not crazy, Beck, because I know how to read the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post.
government plan to terrorize U.S.
Staged terror.
To be blamed on the Soviets.
Pretext for war.
NATO back with U.S.
forces stage hundreds of bombings in Europe to blame them on political enemies.
Associated Press.
CIA admits conspiracy theorists were right.
Gulf of Tonkin stage to get us into Vietnam.
Headline, Glenn Beck says Democratic operatives preparing New Oklahoma City.
I mean, are you dangerous, Beck?
You can't have it both ways, Beck!
You can't say we're dangerous when you're saying it!
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So if you just joined us, I played a clip of Beck two months ago.
Glenn Beck saying the government, through the Democrats, may, excuse me, not may, is preparing a new Oklahoma City bombing to be blamed on Glenn Beck.
Well, that's, the George Soros publications are saying Glenn Beck and Alex Jones, for some reason, that we're going to cause a new Oklahoma City.
And so, uh,
Then he went over all these Democratic operatives saying how they need a new Oklahoma City for Obama to play the part of a victim and a savior and reconnect with us like Bill Clinton did in 1996.
He had like a 35% approval rating.
They had the bombing.
He had a 70% two days after it happened.
Carried it through the election posing as our big daddy.
News to the Democrats.
We're not in 1995 anymore.
We've done our job of exposing the idea of people staging attacks or using attacks to take our liberties.
No one can deny that they are using 9-11 to take all of our basic liberties and pointing homeland security at the American people.
No one can deny that basic fact.
So I play Beck saying the government is preparing and is getting ready to blow up another Oklahoma City and blame it on conservatives and libertarians, and you better bet your bottom dollar they are.
All the signs and evidence is there.
They're prepping.
And then two months later, he gets up there, and it goes on for like ten minutes.
I'm not going to play any more of it.
I'm going to put a video together today that we'll play tomorrow that has it all put together tightly so you can see the history of it.
I'm going to do that with Aaron Dyches.
He works up here mainly at night.
We're going to work on it this evening.
For you tomorrow.
But just look at the hypocrisy of this.
Beck goes from the government is getting ready to stage a terror attack to blame it on domestic groups and Glenn Beck specifically.
And then now he's saying 9-11 truth.
I told you they're dangerous because they think the government might stage terror attacks.
But then, that means you're dangerous, Glenn, because you're talking about groups staging attacks to blame them on you.
And you're talking about dangerous ideas, that if people have ideas, they're dangerous.
What are the Democrats saying?
You don't like the Federal Reserve, you don't like government-run healthcare, you don't like all of this, you are a terrorist.
So it's the same thing.
And now we see the Democrats and Republicans, now that the hoax that conservatives did this is blown over, you now see them unifying to say conspiracy theorists, people that think that there's mega banks manipulating currency worldwide, which is admitted fact, and people that think government might be staging terror, they're to blame.
The Democrats and
Rush Limbaugh, the king of the Republicans, are now in unison on that talking point.
And when you see a convergence of the left wing and the right wing of this tragedy buzzard, this tragedy vulture, you better know who they're scared of.
And they're scared of 9-11 truth.
They're scared of you learning about Gulf of Tonkin, and Ajax, and Northwoods, and Gladio, and NATO option, and all the other staged terror attacks.
They're worried that you're going to find out about government-sponsored terror, and you're going to be watching when the State Department's ordered by the CIA to get the underwear bomber on the plane on Christmas Day.
You're going to be watching when it comes out that Ammar al-Awlaki, the number one active operative in al-Qaeda, is admitted CIA
hanging out secretly at the Pentagon with the Secretary of the Army while he's on the most wanted list.
You're going to find out that they're using terror to take your liberty and freedom and to tell you to politically shut up every time something happens.
You're gonna shatter their paradigm and realize they are the terrorists.
And they're staging the terror attacks as a pretext to set up a police state and take our freedoms.
And when you realize that, and when the general public realizes that, and when that idea becomes the mainstream, which it's now becoming, their game is over!
Game over for the offshore corporations that wrap themselves in the American flag and try to mesmerize everybody to go along with them.
Because they need the public's acquiescence.
They need the public to sit down and shut up so Big Daddy government can protect us from the terrorist.
Then you research and you find out Big Daddy government is the terrorist!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, uh, recapping just brazen, naked hypocrisy.
Glenn Beck, after telling us that the government's preparing to stage a new Oklahoma City, to be blamed on Glenn Beck.
Which they are doing.
He just doesn't mention that in all those talking points, yours truly's had it in with him, for whatever reason.
Now he says, in the five minute clip I've got, I've got another one minute clip,
We got a guest coming up, so we'll have to play him tomorrow, but I already played part of it, that 9-11 Truth is going to stage a new Oklahoma City, and that 9-11 Truth is very, very dangerous, and that 9-11 Truth, he told us was going to be dangerous, and that this guy was a 9-11 Truth-er.
So he's doing exactly what he blamed the Democrats for, and being a hypocrite, because by his logic, anyone that says government might stage a terror attack,
is a dangerous delusional person who may shoot and kill people.
It's creepy.
I mean, you should be creeped out by the fact they're getting ready to set us up for a new Oklahoma City.
So I guess you're just wallowing at their feet and groveling, saying, don't blame me.
Blame the 9-11 truthers.
Say they did it.
Glenn Oldweek's been telling us it's wrong to blame somebody for violence just because of their ideas.
But then he comes right back and does the same thing they're doing.
Now, I guess Michael Savage is dangerous too, huh Glenn?
Because he said over and over again on his show, listeners send us the clips, that the government is going to stage a terror attack.
And I'll tell you, looking at all the evidence, I believe this guy disappeared for not one week, two weeks.
The government was all over him.
We're now learning he had been in some type of psychiatric care.
We're now learning that the county is hiding his police records, even though those are supposedly supposed to be public.
They are scared.
And you add all the other factors, the drugs, the rest of it, the EMO, I believe this was a staged event.
And I believe what original witnesses said, there must have been other shooters there.
But let's go ahead, I mean, regardless of that, they're using it to take all of our freedoms.
But in case you forget, here's Michael Savage talking about government-sponsored terror.
Now I'll make another prediction.
I predict that very soon,
Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are, Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind, and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant.
I will tell you as I sit here, I fear that every night as I go to sleep.
I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seized control of the most powerful economy and the most powerful military on earth.
And he goes on from there with a lot of historical evidence of that.
So, Michael Savage can talk about Obama staging a Reichstag.
Beck can talk about it.
Beck can say they're getting one ready to blame it on him.
Because you got all the Democratic operatives actually saying that.
What we need is a new Oklahoma to blame it on our opposition, and so you can reconnect, Mr. President.
And I tell you that for month after month, and then Beck finally listens, goes on the air and talks about it, and then two months later is saying 9-11 truth is evil.
9-11 truth is six of the ten commissioners saying the official story is a lie.
9-11 Truth is NORAD standing down.
9-11 Truth is Building 7 blowing up and falling into its own footprint at free-fall speed, and the police saying, get back, they're going to blow it up.
That's all on video, pal!
I cannot ignore that.
Oh, the government will shoot up little kids with syphilis in Guatemala, but they won't blow up a building.
It's not the government, it's criminal elements within.
They're like, are you saying there aren't a Muslim threat?
There are real Muslim extremists.
But nine times out of ten if you research it, they're being run by Al-Syiedah, by the Pentagon.
I've been on major conservative talk shows and I go, what about Ammar al-Awlaki, Fox News?
And they'll go, yeah, I saw that, that he was secretly at the Pentagon, let's move on.
I'm like, no!
This is the guy running the Fort Hood shooter, running the underwear bomber, running all the rest of them.
And he's not a double agent, he's commanding the operations!
So the government can take our freedoms!
Yeah, he's got crazy Muslim lunatics working for him who really think they're fighting for Allah.
But at the top, it's run right out of the Pentagon!
And I'm tired of it!
Zbigniew Brzezinski has written a best-selling book bragging how in 79 he created al-Qaeda and the Taliban!
You gotta start thinking like a globalist to be able to counter this.
One last clip I want to take from the memory hole to remind you before we go to Mark Dice.
Obama-Missouri truth squads and they had sheriffs, district attorneys, police chiefs on the news
This is one of many newscasts saying, you will be arrested if you tell lies about Obama.
And who decides?
No judge, no jury, no civil trial.
They will decide if something's not true.
And they went on to say, if you say he's not a Christian, arrested.
If you say he wasn't born in America, arrested.
This is who they are.
They want to ban free speech.
They've got armies of police in this country, the political officers on top, who will follow those orders, just like they have cops that will follow the orders to confiscate guns in New Orleans and surrounding areas.
They're beta testing.
So when you hear them say they want to end free speech, and bring in the Fairness Doctrine, and shut down talk radio, and have FCC control the web, which they just declared two weeks ago, and they've got all the cyber security bills lined up, notice how this is all happening at once.
It was all lined up, the legislation's all lined up, the Republicans are coming into Congress, all this is happening.
Some guy that his friends all said thought he was under mind control, totally drugged up on an amnesiac drug, doesn't know who he is, and then this happens magically right on time, and a nine-year-old who was born on 9-11 gets killed, and now they're bringing in the 9-11 flag, and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other points.
It's staged!
It's staged!
And even if you don't think it was staged, they're sure opportunistically seizing on it.
All right, let's go ahead now and go to this clip of what they really want to do.
Outside of the law, they just say, you talk bad about our God, you're going to jail.
Here it is.
Early voting is not allowed in Missouri, only absentee.
Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading television ad during the presidential campaign.
This was John Mills' live at the county election board in Maplewood.
He's been learning more about which members of law enforcement are getting involved in this.
John, tell us more about this.
Russell, good evening.
Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the Barack Obama Truth Squad.
Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team.
We met them this afternoon in the Central West End.
They are Jennifer Joyce from the city, Bob McCullough, the St.
Louis County prosecuting attorney.
They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making
Less than $250,000 a year.
They also say they plan to respond immediately to any ads and statements that might violate Missouri ethics laws.
We want to keep this campaign focused on issues.
We don't want people to get distracted, and Missourians don't want to be distracted by these divisive character attacks.
So we're here to respond to any character attacks, to set the record straight.
Whether it is directly attributable to the campaign or to one of the soft money operations, if they're not going to tell the truth, then somebody's got to step up and say, wait a minute, that's not true, this is the truth.
Now the Obama campaign tells News 4 that others, prosecutors and sheriffs, are also part of the team, including some from the Kansas City area and from rural parts of Missouri.
We're also told the Truth Squad is expected to include Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer.
Live in Maplewood, John Moyer, News 4.
I can't handle it.
I wanted to play that to remind you, Obama campaign, this was going all over the country, the Obama campaign with elected Democrats operating in law enforcement capacities
The Obama campaign is working with Missouri law enforcement, elected ones, who are part of the party, that's Nazi Germany, where the Nazi Party or the Communist Party comes out and says, I'm going to arrest you if you talk bad.
I say that's a lie.
No judge, no jury, no law, they just do it.
So, if you've got any doubt about the fact that they want to create an America where you are arrested,
If you criticize these crooks, that's what Obama is, helping steal trillions of dollars that have disappeared.
Congress asks, where is the money?
They ask them over and over again, and they won't say.
And so if there's any doubt about these tyrants, and I call the T-word, there it is!
And don't think the Republicans are going to save you.
You just saw Glenn Beck saying, if you think the government is involved in any type of terrorism, you're a dangerous terrorist.
You need to shut up!
I've seen Beck say the Army needs to be used against Ron Paul supporters!
That's Glenn Beck showing his true colors.
Now with us for the rest of the hour is Mark Dice, author, researcher.
We carry all of his great books on the Illuminati, on the Resistance, all available at Infowars.com.
And Mark Dice joins us because he was a big part of Brad Metzler's top-rated History Channel show.
I refused to be part of that episode, just because I was too busy.
And then they gave me an offer I couldn't refuse, going back to Bohemian Grove.
That's going to be airing the 27th of this month, so I was part of that episode.
But Mark Dice was part of this episode.
But as we go to break though, give us your take on the shooting and all the stuff that's going on.
Mark Dice.
Yeah, I think your analysis of the shooting is just correct.
I mean, obviously the conspiracy theorists and the mainstream media now have egg on their face.
The guy wasn't politically motivated.
It's clear that he's a schizophrenic lunatic with no political affiliation whatsoever.
I think that it's time that they all admit.
Maybe Tom and Jerry, the cartoon's Tom and Jerry is about the only thing that I haven't heard blamed for sparking this violent streak in this young man.
But I think that just serves as a wake-up call, obviously.
Everybody that came into contact with this man knew that he was mentally disturbed.
So I think that instead of implementing new policies, taking away guns, free speech, how about when you come across the lunatic that's threatening to kill people numerous times that somebody actually maybe files a police report and the police do their job.
Well said.
It turns out the sheriff is illegally suppressing this guy's real record because he's the one that's liable letting this lunatic do what he did.
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I will be the guy who causes the next Oklahoma City.
This is in a letter, an appeal to advertisers of Fox, dear Fox advertisers, read this part of it.
No one, left, right, center, wants to see another Oklahoma City.
The next assassin may succeed.
If so, there will be blood on many hands.
They are setting up another Oklahoma City.
They are claiming that one is coming and they've already marked the one who caused it.
But don't you miss Wednesday's show?
Alright, so he says that, he says that pointing at himself, and then he goes on to explain they're preparing to stage a new Oklahoma City.
Then he comes back now and says that 9-11 truthers will stage in Oklahoma City, and that anybody that thinks that government could ever stage something is a terrorist.
But now, I mean, he can't have it both ways, Mark Dice, because previously he was saying Obama's people may stage one.
I mean, what's going on with Glenn Beck?
What's your view of him?
He's all over the map.
He understands that people's attention span is so short that he can say one thing and contradict himself the next day and people don't, you know, catch him on it.
What this whole shooting says, and then I want to move on to bread melts, I got some just incredible bombshells on this guy you're not going to believe, but what this shooting says
I'm good.
And also, too, you know, this guy, everybody that came in contact with this kid knew he was a lunatic.
There was no need for the Walmart, you know, if-you-see-something-say-something program.
There was no need to go snooping around looking to see if somebody's willing to attack.
This guy was in everybody's face.
So it's obviously just everybody is incompetent, desensitized to the violence, and this is just a huge, huge tragedy.
But I got some bombshells on Brett Meltzer.
We gotta get into this guy.
Let's recap in what's left of this short segment and come back in the next, and obviously we'll have to go into overdrive.
I know you've got to go to work, though.
Again, author, researcher, Mark Dice joins us.
We carry all three of his great books at InfoWars.com.
He's got a new book coming out in the next few months that's going to be his most powerful and informative yet, and he's going to debut that here.
But he was approached, and I was approached as well, by Brad Metzler, who's this huge best-selling author.
I don't know.
And they said, we want to go back to Bohemian Grove with you.
And that was something that I said no to.
But then Mike Zwirling of some of our great affiliates there in Central California was really saying, hey, your listeners want you to come speak here.
So I went and spoke to a crowd of 800 people twice.
So 1,600 people.
It was great.
I killed two birds with one stone.
I said, OK.
Infiltrate Bohemian Grove on this date and I'll come.
And so they did it.
And I had a very interesting experience.
I'm not going to talk about it because I've agreed to until it airs, coming up the 27th.
But they tell me, oh, it's going to be very fair.
Oh, it's going to be very nice.
Seeing their other episodes does not spark confidence in me.
But I was still trying to play nice with all of this.
Now I see this article two days ago.
Author Brad Metzer.
How do you pronounce his name?
Meltzer was recruited in government agency, horrified at how easy it is to attack US.
Now, I've got comments on this as we go, but in the two minutes we've got left, go ahead and break down the bombshells.
Okay, this is incredible.
So Brad Meltzer's the guy that heads up the History Channel Decoded Show, the sort of modern day
We're good to go.
Debunk the conspiracy theories, and then when you start looking into who this guy is, and I knew nothing about him before getting involved with this show, on Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 1-1-1-1, he released a new book called The Inner Circle, and just coincidentally happened to write an article in the New York Daily News
Where he explained, he came clean that he was recruited by the Red Cell Project, a government program to brainstorm terrorist attacks, and then he starts bragging about all of his insider connections.
But what is so interesting is years earlier, George Bush 41, George Herbert Walker Bush, had read one of Meltzer's books and reached out to him and befriended him.
And Brad Meltzer actually credits George Herbert Walker Bush with the plot of his new book, The Inner Circle, which is all about George Washington had a secret spy ring, and this is true, called the Culper Ring.
Yeah, stay there.
So you've got the Skull and Bones Grandmaster, former head of the CIA.
This individual author's been brought in to work secretly for the government.
I mean, I've got a really bad feeling about this Bohemian Grove episode coming out.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Mark Dice is our guest.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Metzler comes out in the news this week, releases a book called The Inner Circle.
He admits in it that really the idea for the book is Bush the elder and I'm not going to get into what's in the upcoming episode because quite frankly I don't know.
I've never been approached with more paperwork and more stuff they wanted me to sign.
And I refused on the first episode that they wanted me to be part of, the one that Mark Dice is in.
And so they came back and said, OK, you don't have to do all that.
And I just had a bad feeling.
But at the same time, it sounded pretty exciting to try to go back and watch them try to infiltrate Bohemian Grove.
But when I got in with the three hosts, two of the three were pretty much attacking me, acting like it was all a big joke.
Then I saw the episode that Mark Dice is in, and then I read quotes where Metzler made fun of people before the episodes aired and said, you got to see the kooks I got, the crazies I got.
So it's all kind of proposed on the surface like it's going to fairly look at things, but then
I mean, what does Brad Metzler expect us to do when he's running around talking about how we're a bunch of crazies?
I mean, that prejudices the whole thing.
We're just supposed to sit there and take it, and then the Statue of Liberty episode, oh, these kooks think it's Lucifer, and then they go to the professor, oh, it is Lucifer, but it's the good Lucifer.
So this is basically the 33rd degree masonic view of everything they've done, telling us how wonderful it is.
And like Tom Clancy was chosen to be a propagandist, it's clear that Brad Metzler has now been chosen for that same mission.
As they can't ignore the conspiracy theorist culture, they now are trying to become it.
But that's not going to work.
So you've got the floor.
Break down the bombshells here, Mark Dice.
Meltzer was reached out George Bush 41 reached out to Meltzer in 2002 invited him to his Houston home where they talked about life in the White House and the importance of presidents being surrounded by
People they could trust.
And here in this USA Today article yesterday with the headline of author Brad Meltzer is part of history's inner circle, Bush says that, yeah, he considers Brad Meltzer a friend and has his book right there.
And Meltzer says that, as a novelist, I can write whatever I want, but if two presidents are going to read the book,
I want them to say, he got it right.
And people really appreciate your working it instead of just throwing it in.
So they are hyping him as if, wow, this is the guy to go to for conspiracies.
And then we learn how loving the Illuminati is.
But continuing with this Brad Meltzer.
I mean, it's just incredible that when they approached me, they said, no, this is totally fair.
We really want to look at it.
We promise this isn't a hit piece.
And on my episode, you can see it on YouTube.
You can understand the editorial creative decisions that they put into it.
I mean, obviously, you can watch it and see how it was pieced together.
It makes it look like we're discussing the Illuminati and then a police car has its siren go off and we've got to get out of here.
That's all just editing.
It's incredible what they can do.
But this whole guy's job, his job is the new
He's a propagandist to whitewash conspiracy theories.
He's good friends with Bush 41, who gave him the plot for his new book, The Inner Circle, about, oh, it's George Washington's secret spy ring.
It's still going on today.
It's a bunch of good folks.
Don't worry about it.
The lead character in his book, Beecher White, works for the National Archives.
So I guess this guy just maybe never looked up the Operation Northwood's declassified document or the Gulf of Tonkin tapes to learn what sort of actual conspiracies go on.
And we're going to get into Red Cell in a minute.
He admits he's been recruited by the government.
I want to explain what Red Cell really does for those that don't know, including members of Red Cell that are compartmentalized.
The big bombshell here is
Bush 41 is admittedly the Grand Poobah on the steering board of Bohemian Grove.
He is one of the top people there, along with his son.
And this is Bohemian Grove striking back, basically.
They're having their insider, their best buddy, who they write books with, who's, quote, part of the inner circle.
Go through every major conspiracy issue as the American people wake up to the secret establishment that's running this country, the Skull and Bones and others.
That's what Bohemian Grove is, is an offshoot of.
I mean, they didn't tell me, hey, we're insiders.
We're good friends with the head of Bohemian Grove.
They didn't tell me that.
This is how good of an establishment insider he is.
In this USA Today article released yesterday, again, a day after his book is released, following the day after his New York Daily News article, coincidentally, of course, released on the day of his book, the USA Today article goes on to talk about his book and it just plugs it and it says, in parentheses, oh, $26.99.
It even says how much it is.
You can just buy it right there.
They're promoting him so clearly.
But this guy not only has admitted good friends with Bush 41, but he has released a private personal letter from Bush, because for the last few presidents there's a tradition of presidents leaving a short little note.
We're good to go.
You know, it's so unbelievable, man.
This guy is such an establishment insider.
It doesn't get any bigger than this.
Bush 41, I'm pretty sure, helped recruit him for the Red Cell program.
The Red Cell is a secret program.
They've had it periodically.
It's think tanks, sort of, with groups of people get together and brainstorm ideas on how to attack America.
And the Red Cell report was actually released
And by the way, this is just like Bush 41.
Never being in the CIA, but then becoming the director of it in the mid-70s, kind of like Brad Meltzer.
Never part of the secret government operation at the very top of the pyramid, but now he's magically part of the inner circle.
Now he's magically part of the red cell.
And imagine, I'm talking to the head producer, and I said, I want to hear from you that this is not a government hit piece, because I said the last History Channel piece
Was so disingenuous that we'd be speaking to a crowd of 500 people here in Austin at a 9-11 convention event.
They would then wait to the hour-long lunch intermission and shoot shots of the room empty and me talking to one person.
Hold on, I want to finish.
They blew up the film.
They made my face look yellow.
I work with video.
I know when they've distorted it.
Then they cut to glistening footage in high def saying expert popular mechanics admittedly hooked into the government for more than a hundred years in black op propaganda.
Hence the term yellow journalism.
And I said you're telling me this is different.
And they said absolutely.
We really are just looking at the whole thing.
It's an investigation.
I mean they didn't tell me
Because it was secret then, now he can reveal it because of WikiLeaks.
Oh, this guy's best buds with the president, and he's going to reveal us the secret circle and how it's all wonderful.
And so here's the top Bohemian Grove guy, and that's how these spies would work, getting me involved, taking me out there.
They're locked, cocked, and ready.
Leading me right to him, thank God I escaped!
I'm telling you, this makes me sick.
Yeah, there's also a Guidestones episode coming out too in a few weeks, and I'm pretty sure that they'll just conclude that it was either just an eccentric environmentalist or a publicity stunt at the Elberton Granite Association.
Don't worry about it, it's not the Illuminati, it was just a
Don't worry about Ted Turner calling it R.C.
Christian or Rosicrucian.
Never mind it's the official 500 million population in the UN Biological Diversity Assessments.
Never mind all the other calls for world government and population.
I'm sure that's going to be just fine too.
For those interested, I have a
I want to do that, Mark, and we're going to hold you a little bit into overdrive in the next hour.
Looking at this, going over this, I'm pretty freaked out.
And I guess I've come to the point where I cannot do mainstream TV interviews.
I did Ventura.
That was real.
They're now pulling not just one but other episodes and erasing it off DVRs under Homeland Security threats.
That's confirmed.
And the mainstream media isn't reporting on it.
That's big news.
Under government orders, they go into your DVRs and erase them now.
Under government orders, they're pulling episodes, dealing with FEMA camps, not denying the info's real.
That's why they are pulling it.
They're completely freaked out.
So I did that and it's being pulled.
But every other mainstream TV thing I do, Nightline,
It doesn't matter.
It's a stinking hit piece.
And to sit there and have people straight-faced tell you that we have no connections to the government, this is a fair, open peace, and I'm like, really?
Because I've seen bad stuff out of History Channel.
We promise.
And then, oh, I'm a government asset!
I hang out with the president, who's the Bohemian Grove head, and then he just expects us to lay down and take this?
Yeah, it's incredible.
Let's maybe get into some of the symbolism so people don't think that we're kind of jumping the shark here.
Hold on, hold on, Mark.
I'm going to put this on screen for people.
Guys, put the Brad Meltzer article from New York Daily News up.
I mean, they're saying right here he's part of a super-secret government operation that war games possible attacks.
What they don't tell you, and what Patty Meltzer may not know, is that
And I've covered this for over a decade.
They have all sorts of Hollywood groups writing scripts of attacks.
Then those scripts are used and Red Cell is used as a cover.
Four black ops that if they get caught by other agencies or groups planning to stage an event, they say, oh, it's just part of the drill.
Yeah, it's like tiger teams.
They're just tiger teams, which supposedly, you know, are good guys that try to infiltrate systems to test security.
So, yeah, it's covert tiger teams that actually are actual terrorists.
Yeah, and then they follow these scripts just like
Again, I get a call.
The star of the X-Files is coming to your house.
He's all freaked out.
He gets there.
It's Dean Hagelin.
He says, yeah, the CIA planted this stuff on us.
I don't want to get too much into it.
I'll get in trouble.
But, you know, six months before they planted that episode of the government flying the jet in the World Trade Center and attacking Afghanistan.
It's insane.
It's incredible.
He got on air and said most of it later.
But the point is that they were they were writing those scripts and then they're used as covers.
And if somebody gets caught, it's a lone gunman script.
And listen to this, I'm looking at the Red Cell report right now, again, released by Wikileaks.
It's unclassified, but it still says here that you're not supposed to have it.
And this is what the Red Cell concluded.
There are 18 academics, former Homeland Security officials, think tanks, security specialists, all this stuff.
This is what they concluded in their four-page Red Cell report that, thankfully, Wikileaks released.
Uh, the concern over a future homeland attack.
There is concern over a future homeland attack, but no more likely than before.
Huh, yeah.
One Red Cell participant said that the London attacks, quote, countered the perception that terrorists are running scared.
Mass transit systems are a target.
Buses, trains, subways and their supporting infrastructure are identified as likely targets.
This is what this report did.
18 specialists, you know... Yeah, it's written at a fifth grade level to be given to the FBI.
It's unreal.
Yeah, I mean, it's incredible.
Well, again, I'm not saying that Brad Meltzer at Red Cell even understands this, but we know what Red Cell has been used for.
We know what similar things have been used for.
We know they always run a drill of the actual attack while it's happening so they can smokescreen all this Red Cell chatter.
Also confuses NSA and others.
Let me add this too.
Let's just say that, let's give Meltzer the benefit of the doubt that he's not an evil heartless scumbag that has conscious awareness of what Bush 41 and his Illuminati connections have done.
But by recruiting him, by Bush reaching out to him, bringing to his home,
He's basically giving him access to everything that he's ever wanted.
Now he's compromised.
He can't go out and talk about these things.
You know, his main character is a National Archivist.
You think he's going to talk about Northwood or Gulf of Tonkin?
In the article in the USA Today, Brad Meltzer admits that because he has such high-level fans, I better get this right.
Oh, ho, ho.
Let me go back.
You just spurred my memory.
In 1996 and 97,
I was approached by mid-level Republicans here in town.
They would come down to the Axios station and say, I was just talking to the governor the other day.
He really likes you.
You know, we're going to be watching the show and seeing what you're doing and the governor might want to meet you sometime.
And of course, then later Bush had me arrested at a rally.
I don't know.
Yeah, he might not be in the know, but now he's compromised.
Now he would have to turn his back on his lifestyle and all the connections that he's been given to come out with the truth.
So now he's just not going to.
This is the former head of the CIA, one of the head people at Bohemian Grove, who is now credited with this guy's new book about inner circles.
It's unbelievable.
It's just quite incredible.
Maybe we can get into why the Illuminati created the statue.
And by the way, that's all on public record.
Let's get into the good Lucifer and the bad Lucifer.
Let's get into that episode foreshadowing what we're going to see with Bohemian Grove.
So, my episode was that there's encoded symbolism into the Statue of Liberty, and obviously it itself represents Satan or Lucifer.
They are one and the same.
The torch represents the light of Prometheus, the Greek allegory of Prometheus stealing fire, an analogy of knowledge from the gods.
Giving it to mankind, same analogy or allegory as Lucifer, the forbidden fruit to mankind.
Prometheus, it's that same thing.
That's why there's a symbol of Prometheus outside of Rockefeller Center, symbolically representing Lucifer, or their god of knowledge, power, and information.
So you have the Illuminati set up to design the Statue of Liberty.
The designer, Frederick Bartholdi, was a high-level Illuminati into occult symbolism.
Gustav Eiffel created the supporting structure.
Richard Hunt created the pedestal.
All these guys are masons.
You know, people think that the Statue of Liberty is, oh, it's American, it's a gift from the French.
Well, Bernard Bartholdi, the creator, actually wanted to give his design to Egypt, and it was an Egyptian goddess, and they denied it.
They said, no, we don't want it here.
So then he turned to America, and he said, let's put it over here.
Uh, Steve, you have multiple layers of symbolism within this statue.
You have the seven horns, uh, representing rays of the sun, again, uh, enlightenment, this whole analogy of the light, uh, that there's seven of them representing the seven, seven horns.
Stay there, we're gonna go over it and, and what happened on the show.
It's, it's amazing.
We're gonna go into overdrive.
I'm gonna just make the show four hours again.
I'm enjoying this too much.
But I cut back to three hours gearing up for the TV show, but we're still in there fiddling with all that stuff.
We'll be right back.
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I think it's like two hours long, Deuce said.
Flew him out to the Dakotas.
Russell Means of Wounded Knee.
Incredible interview about how the whole world is being turned into a giant Indian reservation.
And that is the science they're using.
That interview went up.
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Now Mark,
Getting into the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty, and I was hoping this be a fair show.
Well produced, looks good, nice host in the show, very well done, but when I sat there and watched them say Lucifer's good, I mean that's 33rd degree, New World Order Illuminati.
Yeah, and they didn't even explain, I can't even imagine what the audience was thinking that's totally new to this material.
I mean it must have just really twisted their brain around it.
So for people that are familiar with this, or maybe people that are completely new to this,
Essentially, the Illuminati, the high-level 33rd degree Masons view Lucifer, Satan as good.
Whether this is a literal belief or an allegory, it doesn't matter.
It's still the same.
Their secret view that Satan in the Garden of Eden is good and that God is bad and that they know this.
And they have this power that they become gods, just like, you know, the allegory, the story of, you know, Satan and the Garden of Eden tells you that Satan teaches you to become a god and you rule.
That's what they believe.
So that's, the show said, oh well, it is a Lucifer, but they did it because it's just a light bearer.
But they didn't get into, he said it has nothing to do with the Satan.
But Lucifer and Satan are exactly the same thing.
I'm tired of occultists saying that they're not.
I have
All the books.
I have The Secret Doctrine, published in 1888.
I have Morals and Dogma.
I have everything.
And, you know, Helena Blavatsky, Manly P. Hall, all these guys, Albert Pike, Satan, and Lucifer, it's the same thing.
Yeah, they don't tell the Masons till they're 33rd degree this, and I'm sick of Masons telling me it isn't true.
I mean, it is a fact.
It is a fact.
Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer.
They say Lucifer and Jesus basically are one, two sides of the same coin.
Yeah, and for people who are new to this, what it is, it's essentially, it's sort of like the force, where they view Satan, not necessarily as bad, but as good or neutral, and then they become empowered with that super knowledge.
And so, whereas all other religions, you know, you can walk into a Christian church and they want you to learn about the principles of Christianity, or any religion.
Hey, it's an open book for most of them, most of the legitimate ones.
Come on in, learn about our stuff.
Hey, hold on, you didn't tell me that it's got Brad Metzler.
Or Meltzer, on the cover of USA Today, doing an Illuminati hand sign?
Yeah, notice that yesterday's author, Brad Meltzer, is part of history's inner circle.
Blow that up!
And he's standing right outside the National Archives.
Again, when we need to go post on Brad Meltzer's Facebook page that his character, the archiver, Beecher White, should go and look up Operation Northwoods and learn some real history.
Yeah, but he's doing a big Masonic hand sign right there.
But then we're kooks and we're crazy.
See, that's hurtful to sit there and, you know, like you talked about in an interview where he's like, you ought to see the crazies I got.
And then meanwhile, he's all into this stuff.
It's like, oh, the Statue of Liberty is Lucifer, but it's the good Lucifer.
Stay there, hour number four, straight ahead, Inside the Illuminati, as they go public and come out of the closet.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
This is our guest, another 20 minutes here today.
We're talking about Brad Meltzer, who's doing Masonic hand signs on the cover of USA Today.
Talking about, he's in the inner circle!
And his new book is inspired and was helped along by George H.W.
Bush, the Illuminati chieftain of Skull and Bones, CIA, and Bohemian Grove.
And then in Elliot in the Morning, he's got the clip up on his Facebook, on Mark Dice's Facebook.
He's got the clip up there of him on there saying, yeah, you ought to see the crazies I interviewed for this show.
So they're like, we're looking into the truth.
We're going to find out if it's real.
But then here he is, the creator of it, who's he knows the market's quote there.
You know, he's going to see if there's an Illuminati.
Oh, but then he's going doing interviews, calling us crazies.
I mean, this is just classic.
And the media will promote it and try to put their seal on the conspiracy culture.
I got news for him.
It ain't going to work, is it, Mark?
No, they're getting really desperate.
It's getting very obvious.
But what's so funny, another few points in this show, there was a guy named Stephen Bullock who appeared in one of the previous History Channel shows about the Freemasons, talking about how great it is.
So he's in this one, and they see him, they find him.
And they say, you know, Dr. Bullock, is there any secret symbols in the Statue of Liberty?
So he says, no.
And these guys have been looking into Freemasonry, supposedly been searching for the Illuminati his whole life, as the show says.
But he doesn't see any secret message in the statue at all.
And then he says, oh, well, I just don't believe that the Illuminati exists or there's any inner circle or anything like that.
Let me, because I'm a big guy in sourcing.
I don't like to just make statements.
I like to go to the source.
I like proof.
I like evidence.
So here's Manly P. Hall, one of Freemason's most prolific philosophers, and identified so by the Scottish Rite Journal, the official magazine of Freemasonry, okay, identified this guy as one of the head Freemasonic scholars.
And he says that Freemason, quote,
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of elect, a visible society of splendid camaraderie, of free and accepted men, and joined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, and patriotic humanitarian concerns.
The Invisible Society is a secret and more august fraternity, whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious Arcanum Arcanorum, which means secret of secrets.
So there, Manly P. Hall just said that there is an inner circle of Freemasonry.
He is identified as one of the greatest philosophers of Freemasonry.
And there he says it, but yet they'll deny it to you.
Here, Manly P. Hall,
Her brother, rather, Albert Pike, another prolific Freemasonic author, author of Morals and Dogma, wrote, and again, nobody reads these books except high-level Freemasons,
This is not bringing light into the world, this is hiding light.
They want to keep the light for themselves and then they want to lie to us and say that there's no light.
And that's the fun for Patty Melt and George W. Bush, is they get to make a big joke out of everything as they do masonic signs right in front of us, all part of the lesser magic, rubbing it in the little slaves.
That's right, because the inner circle is the continuation of George Washington's spy ring, and they're good, Alex.
And they go to the Bohemian Grove, and you shouldn't bother them.
That's their private resort.
They need to go there and blow off some steam.
So you just got the wrong idea about this whole thing, huh?
Well, when I wanted to talk about the homosexual orgies going on there that all, even Vanity Fair admits, they did not want to talk about it.
Or when I talk about Nixon saying what went on there, they did not want to discuss what our Christian conservative leaders are doing.
But I'm glad that, you know, I hope that Mr. Meltzer will come on the show.
We've invited him, and I didn't know all this about him until just the last few days.
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Alright, in the next segment we've got some really bad news.
I mean, obviously they're not putting in first 845 and then 9,000.
In fact, not 9,000 telescreens, at 9,000 locations!
We've now seen the video at Walmarts and other facilities where every checkout line has a Homeland Security TV with Janet Napolitano saying, watch other shoppers, watch your neighbors.
If you see something, call the police.
That's like saying, put one foot in front of the other.
Suck more oxygen into your lungs.
You know, wipe yourself when you go to the bathroom.
Eat your broccoli.
It's all about government being your mommy and telling you.
And they did announce that there would be other announcements coming.
Well, now they've added Stop, Think, Connect.
You need to not just see something, say something.
Now, stop and start looking around and spying.
And of course, this is really meant to make you stop and listen.
And you, oh yes, well, oh the government is in my life everywhere.
Okay, I'm stopped.
Now think.
That means listen to me.
And connect.
Okay, I'm connecting.
What do you see around you?
Oh, I see terrorists.
That's right, good.
Don't trust them.
Those are your fellow citizens.
Only trust us.
I'm up here on the TV screen, stupid.
I mean, that's the subconscious message to all of this.
The bigger, what I call the bureaucracy, playoff of the bureaucracy.
But this, by creating this fervor and this fear of, oh, everyone's out and we need snitches, this is going to create such a strain on the police force that they're going to obviously have to just pump more money into it and get it bigger.
Because when we have people calling 911 now because their Chicken McNuggets are cold or the fast food took too long at the Burger King, just imagine how many fake
Bogus tips 9-1-1 and these other people are going to be getting from these paranoid people after having been spayed.
Meanwhile, we didn't need the police to tell us in Tucson.
It turns out they're trying to seal it, but a lot of it's leaked.
They were at his house over and over again.
He was threatening to kill people on a weekly basis, which is illegal, and nothing was done.
So they never respond to real crime, but the carpet cleaner or the cable guy, they're spying on you.
Yeah, and this guy, again, he's really, he shows just how desensitized we've become as a culture once some whack job has almost everybody he comes into contact with.
You know, former friends, co-workers, students, everybody's saying this guy is dangerous and, you know, nobody does anything.
So, it's because we're so desensitized.
You turn on the TV and you see lunatics killing people, stabbing people all the time.
It doesn't matter.
Oh, hey, there's another one.
My neighbor's a lunatic, too.
It's just people's minds have become so desensitized.
But then when they want us to really connect and humanize it, Michelle Obama gets up and cries and everybody's got a magically made t-shirt.
You know, the day it happens, boom, here's the slogan.
Get them printed.
Bring in Barack.
The applause for him when he took the stage yesterday, I would have sworn that he himself had saved some of the victims in Tucson.
It's just everybody was giving him a standing ovation.
It was incredible.
Oh, thank you so much, Mr. President.
I won't have to pay a car payment or a house payment.
Remember that two years ago?
Oh, he's the Messiah!
I mean, CNN, he may be, like Jesus.
He's fighting the bankers.
I got some great ideas, Alex.
I've been seeing things so clear, and I know sometimes I'm a big jackass in some of my YouTube videos, and I hope that people, you know, it doesn't take away from my message, because I just am trying to articulate all this madness.
When are you a male donkey?
I think you're doing a great job, Mark.
Okay, sometimes I'm a little bit of a jackass.
I'm trying to be a little more straightforward now, but I'm telling you, I got some ideas to really get the word out in an effective way.
I got some big ideas.
I'm going to try.
We'll keep in contact.
I'll announce the new book here in another month or two, and I'm going to try to just really go ramp it up here in 2011 and get the word out.
Man, I just got some big ideas.
I'm seeing things really clearly now, and I want to thank everybody's support, everybody's encouragement, and everybody's contributions, too, because we all learn from everybody here, even though Alex is
I don't know everything?
I didn't know that, Mark.
Hey, continuing, you know, I know enough to know how much I don't know.
And that's what scares me about the general public who just thinks they know it all.
Who think they know it all, and they don't have any idea.
Now let's get back into this Illuminati show.
I've now had a chance to watch some of the episodes of Decoded, and you can really see how this has George H.W.
Bush's seal, he's involved with the new book, they're involved telling you how great all this is, while simultaneously making fun of us, and I noticed in that episode with you,
You know, it was kind of hokey and they implied that you were scared of police sirens and things, but then we do learn that indeed it is Lucifer.
Talk about that.
Yeah, they make fun of me, and they sort of discount everything that I'm saying, and the conversation that I have is actually just pieced together and edited in a completely wrong order.
You can actually hear the sound doesn't make sense if you're attuned to it.
They completely butchered my words.
They didn't even say that David Rockefeller donated the land.
His family donated, his father donated the land.
It's not... It is pieced together, and I had a conversation with them.
Oh, so they do stuff like that to make you look like you were wrong?
The biggest thing was when the police car siren went off.
They made it look like we said, oh man, let's get out of here.
You know, making me a little paranoid.
That is completely wrong.
That's their creative control.
There's nothing I can do about it.
You sign a contract that, you know, you waive all your rights away.
But this...
This whole show, it goes after phony conspiracy theories like, oh, did John Wilkes Booth, you know, really, was he really alive?
Did he escape?
That's an interesting thing.
Or maybe the, maybe the, you know, old soldiers hid some gold.
Some of the, you know, Confederate soldiers hid some gold.
That's maybe a conspiracy in tonight's episode about the 2012.
But it's this phony, like, build it up to knock it down thing, and they're just going after some of the biggest
I mean, really, the most biggest hardcore issues are, I mean, tangibly, the Bohemian Grove, the Guidestones.
So they're really doing their best to try to head off, you know, this information swell that's going on.
Yeah, so kind of the shallow neighbor hears you warn them about the New World Order and they go, I saw that Brad Meltzer program.
You're one of those crazy peoples.
Yeah, you know, they made me say, like, oh, OK, well, it is the Lucifer, but it's a good Lucifer.
It has nothing to do with Satan, you know, the Statue of Liberty.
But they're wrong.
And they're wrong about... I got into some connection.
I'm going to throw a couple other interesting facts out there for everyone, just to help them put their puzzle together and have a bigger picture of this.
The Skull and Bones link to the Illuminati, I made this clear to them in the show, and of course they didn't air it, but I'll tell everybody, one of the founders of Skull and Bones, William Huntington Russell, just before he started the secret society... He was trained in Germany, it's admittedly a Germanic death cult.
Yeah, he was in Germany studying, he was over there studying, came back,
And miraculously, as soon as he returned from Germany, where the Illuminati was admittedly started around that same time, he started this Skull and Bone Society, which now is the most powerful secret society admitted in the world.
People say it's a fraternity, but the post-graduate... And it's the American chapter of the Illuminati, and I mean, even Alexander Robin's book breaks that down.
So not only did William Huntington Russell go to Germany right around the time of the Illuminati, just after they were disbanded, or, you know, allegedly disbanded and went underground,
Uh, so he goes over to Germany, comes back, starts this secret society with the same structure, the same symbolism, the same goals.
It becomes the most powerful secret society in the world.
Its members are presidents, prime ministers, everything, not prime ministers but presidents, head of CIA, judges.
Okay, so now...
Back a few years after the Secret Society started, people started to get suspicious.
So in 1876, a group of students broke into the headquarters, what they called the Tim, the windowless building.
These students broke in to investigate what the heck's going on here.
They wrote a newsletter and distributed it around Yale University.
They called themselves the File and Claw Group, okay?
They used a file and a claw to break in there, and they wrote a newsletter explaining what they found.
What did they find?
Well, they found a bunch of occult stuff.
Uh, human skulls, the same language, same rituals as the original Illuminati were, these rituals that they were involved in, which was written in John Robeson's book, Proofs of a Conspiracy.
They found a plaque on the wall in the tomb that said, to, you know, to the American branch from your German brothers.
And what did Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor, say in his book, Men and Powers, a political retrospect?
He said, we have our tombs, we have our groves in Germany, but my favorite place to carry out Illuminati rituals is Bohemian Grove, which is a branch of it.
So you have this top Skull and Bones member, top Bohemian Grove member, best buds with Meltzer,
And then we get to be making fun of when this guy's making Illuminati hand signs on the cover of USA Today and writing the book and dedicating it and thanking this Illuminati chieftain for the help.
I mean, it doesn't get any more ridiculous and transparent, but they believe we're profane, and so they believe the public is too stupid to see them doing this in front of us, which is part of the lesser magic, or the counting of coup, that they do it in front of us, so that gives them more power.
Because we use this knowledge, our enlightenment, our awareness, to help not only ourselves, but to help others.
And that's the code of humanity.
Yeah, we want the light out in the open, not hoarding it!
Yeah, that's why they hate us, because we are not keeping it to ourselves and participating in the secretive network of other enlightened brothers to only benefit those that are in the know and to take advantage of the sheep's
That's right, we're taking the torch and we're lighting billions of other torches and they can't stand it because that will bring real light, not secret, occult, hidden light.
We're the ones that are, I don't want to use the term Illuminati because it just means enlightened, but we're the enlightened ones.
This audience is the enlightened ones.
We are the ones that are enlightened.
We use the knowledge that we have to love each other, to benefit society, to enjoy
To say no to torture, that's nothing.
Look at the fruits of this Illuminati run society.
Torture's good, abortion, death, destruction.
Look at what the shooter was into.
He was one of their enlightened ones.
He took on their trappings.
We're the opposite and we say we rebuke you, we will have nothing to do with you, and you will fail.
The energy and the strength of humanity and God's true light, not Lucifer's false light, will defeat you.
Yeah, man, you're on fire, Alex.
Mark Dice, you're awesome.
All three of your books, all powerful.
The Illuminati Facts and Fiction, my favorite, The Resistance Manifesto, and The New World Order Facts.
It's all available.
Infowars.com right now.
Support the author and myself.
We'll talk to Mark Dice again very soon.
I'm coming back with incredible information.
Stay with us.
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You didn't think with these 9,000 locations, in the video I've seen there's like 15 of them at one Walmart, so that's got to be 30, 40, 50,000 of these telescreens, you don't think they're putting these hundreds of millions of dollars worth of government screens telling you to spy on each other in to just have that one Janet Napolitano message, do you?
No, they're going to have
Thousands of messages over the years and I've seen it with the highway billboards.
It goes from help find a lost little girl or an Alzheimer's patient to report illegal guns and the image of a revolver pops up.
So when the idiot plumber or whatever or your neighbor is in your house and sees the revolver framed on the wall, you're getting a SWAT team visit.
And the cops will still raid you even if they know your gun's legal.
I mean, it's like, we got a call, we got to do it.
I mean, this is so evil, so they can just have endless government propaganda, and Jason Douglas' article is up on Infowars.com, and I'm told it's going up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Stop, Think, Connect, DHS announces new fear agenda, which is total federalization.
This is big.
Let's go ahead and go to this new creepy video.
Now we don't see Janet Napolitano, we see Howard A. Schmidt, Special Assistant to the President and Cyber Security Coordinator.
Ah, the big multi-billion dollar facilities opening up and being built all over the country, openly to shut down free speech.
And this is targeted more towards young people.
Yes, get that 12-year-old with that iPad reporting you for your hate speech.
Here it is.
Let's go ahead and roll it.
From the White House.
Hello, I'm Howard Schmidt, Special Assistant to the President and Cyber Security Coordinator.
And today I'm asking for your help in tackling one of the nation's biggest security challenges, Internet safety.
We use the Internet every day for shopping, banking, and staying in touch with friends and family.
Businesses rely on it to interact with clients, process transactions, and reach new markets.
Schools rely on the internet to teach students about new resources and opportunities that will help them chart a path for their future.
In today's digital age, keeping the internet safe is a responsibility we all share.
We need to take time to stop and think before we connect to services over the internet, share information online, or participate in online students.
Stop, Think, Connect is a national effort to encourage the public to take charge of our safety and security online.
It's challenging us to be more vigilant in establishing smart habits that will enable us to be safer online.
All Americans have an important role to play in securing cyberspace.
So today, I'm asking you to step up, get creative, and enter the Stop, Think, Connect public service announcement challenge.
We're looking for creative videos that will help educate Americans about internet safety and what we can all do to protect ourselves and our families online.
We want videos that inspire Americans to stop, think, connect.
Your submissions should be either 60 seconds or 30 seconds and should be directed towards one audience, such as teens, young adults, parents, or older Americans.
I can't watch anymore.
Turn it off.
This is airing at Walmart and now going in malls everywhere.
Where they take your tax money and then give prizes out.
I'm going to announce a contest with $10,000 in prizes.
First prize will be $5,000.
Second prize will be... we'll make it...
Three thousand.
And the third prize will be two thousand.
I've got to write up the rules, but it's going to be about exposing Homeland Security and these 1984 Stasi screams for what they are.
Let's see who gets more hits and more visits.
You go to the Homeland Security channel, they've got like month-old videos with like a thousand views.
No one listens to you.
Everyone sees what you are.
Now they've announced in the cyber security initiative they're trying to pass that they will forcibly recruit all of the high schoolers and junior high people to be internet spies.
They are creating an army of hackers and people to take down the web and they're getting you ready for when they launch an internet false flag attack against the web itself so they can take it over.
They're now teaching you the internet is evil and bad and you need Mr. Schmidt and the big gaggle of Internet2 corporations to come in and take over the web as we know it and get rid of it.
Right as the FCC announces
Internet regulatory control over the internet and jurisdiction.
This guy pops out of the jack-in-the-box, and this is another idea, another flavor of what you'll be forced to listen to, not at just Walmart.
As I told you when they first announced 840-plus Walmarts, I said it's going to be other stores.
And now they're announcing malls, Target, shopping centers, grocery stores, just TV screens everywhere.
The internet's not safe.
Homeland Security's going to keep you safe.
Guns are illegal.
Spy on them and watch.
Have you heard somebody criticizing the government?
We got cash prizes.
Hey, you need money because we're in a depression?
The bank's engineered?
Of course they won't tell you that.
Title on your neighbor.
We've got rewards.
So they're just introducing you to the telescreens now.
And you watch, you watch, within two years, and this will be bipartisan, the Republicans will continue this, there's gonna be young kids in military uniforms going, I am the homeland!
Cut to another, I am the homeland!
We're watching and defending!
I mean, this is Hitler takeover!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider