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Name: 20101231_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 31, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here we are!
This is it!
It'll seem like five minutes from now, we'll be doing the last radio broadcast of 2011, Ford willing.
But this is the last live radio transmission that I'll be doing in the year 2010.
Is collapsing into dust.
He's got a very long beard and his teeth are falling out right in front of us.
And he is now becoming see-through and breaking into blocks of ash that are hitting the ground.
Out with the old, in with the new.
You know, what are dates?
I mean, they are just markers we use, signposts in our life, but it is important just to illustrate how transitory life is and how special it is to be alive and to be conscious in God's great creation.
We're going to be live here today for the next four hours.
We have Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
He's been writing some really powerful news reports.
He's going to be joining us on the state of the police state, the state of the awakening that's taking place, the fact that 1984 has now arrived here in the Republic.
We're going to get into the economy as well with the father of Reaganomics, former head of policy at the Department of Treasury, and then our
Once a week visit.
I was out of town last week so I wasn't here.
It's been two weeks since we've had the pleasure of talking to Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.
He's going to be on with us today.
We've also got some surprise guests popping in in the overdrive fourth hour today.
I want to come back from break and really just throw out some of the most important things that I think have happened in the last year and what we are facing going into 2011 here in about 12 hours Eastern, so 13 hours Central.
I guess it's 15 hours Pacific, but why am I obsessing on factoids?
The point is that this is a very important broadcast, obviously, because it's always important to take stock of the year past and looking forward into the year to come.
And I tried to write some notes this morning of all the important things that have happened in 2010, and it just made my mind spin.
So what I'm going to do is,
I'm going to open the phones up throughout the full four hours today.
We're good to go.
The price of tea in China.
That is just basically a full spectrum.
Anything you want to discuss, you can.
But in that context, I want to hear from you.
Because I know there's no way that I can even remember or chronicle or keep track of all the important things that have happened.
It almost does an injustice if I come back from break and tell you what I think is important that happened in 2010.
There's no way to list what's most important up front, so I'll just cover the smattering of ideas I've got when we return.
There's also been some really amazing, uh, draconian developments that we were expecting, but still, it's really hard to...
Deal with it when it's unfolding.
I mean, it's one thing to know it's coming.
It's another thing to know that it's actually here.
And it's one thing to know a bus is about to hit you.
It's another thing once you feel it actually run into you.
Until your bones break.
So a lot of serious things have happened in 2010.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
And as we look forward to 2011, if folks think 2010 was wild and woolly, get ready.
2011 into 2012 is going to be a roller coaster.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live for four hours.
It is the final live transmission of 2010 as we go.
Into 2011, 2012, and beyond, we're going to have open phones to get your take on what you think the most important developments of 2010 have been.
Not so much the biggest news stories.
You know, who got a tummy tuck, or who got a nose job, or who OD'd, or, you know, oh my gosh, they may cancel some NFL football games.
I know for the brain-dead zombies, that's the most important stories of 2010.
No, obviously there's the banking implosion.
There's the tyranny coming out in the open.
There's the mass awakening to the private Federal Reserve in 2010.
There's the admissions by the government of geoengineering, climate manipulation, weather warfare they're waging against us.
That's going on right now.
There is the global unraveling of the dollar that happened last year.
I mean there are just hundreds of things that have gone on.
There was the huge ongoing TSA scandal that really is galvanizing people more and more to face the fact that this is real tyranny.
And the people of the United States and other countries that have a similar management system going in are really waking up and saying this is about dominating us and training us to be slaves and getting in our comfort zone.
I even have the London Guardian today and Washington Post and other big publications coming out and attacking the TSA and saying it's wrong and that it's molestation and that it's tyranny.
I mean there are big things happening.
Here's the Guardian.
The TSA's state-mandated molestation.
The humiliations of the pat-down policy with Janet Napolitano wants to expand are an Orwellian assault on American freedom.
And I can't even read on air what the TSA is admitting because of a child's audience.
We've not made jokes.
Some have made jokes.
It's not a joke here that they will start doing proctology cavity searches and of course many reporters people couldn't believe it months ago we were covering it it happened to female reporters and male reporters where they put their hands on your genitals and press hard I mean it hurts people now they're
Well, I'm not going to get into it.
You can read the Guardian article.
This is the biggest newspaper, not just in England, but in Europe.
And it sounds like Paul Watson wrote it, or Kurt Nemo, or Alex Jones.
You see, you gotta be careful with tyranny.
As they baste people in it, as they marinate you, as they take you to new lows of degradation in the name of keeping you safe, as they try to set insane precedents by doing radical things, that's the Overton window, as they do that,
Instead of just getting you to fully submit, if they push too hard, it can cause you to buck and finally wake up.
It's kind of like to use the analogy of a vampire.
If it sneaks up in the night and, you know, sucking some blood gently, you might not wake up.
But if it just comes right over and sinks its teeth in and starts really sucking hard, you might wake up and try to fight off the Nosferatu police state.
The Count Dracula police state.
And that's what's happening here.
So the trance,
Really, you could say, was broken in 2010 for many people.
The biggest acceleration of awakening that this planet's ever seen, and Zbigniew Brzezinski said that in 2010.
All of humanity is awake and staring at the political rulers, at the people behind the throne.
The engineers.
That's a problem for them, as Lew Rockwell said eloquently yesterday.
Once you're not looking at Bush the puppet or Obama the puppet, though they are distasteful teleprompter reading creatures, and once you start looking at the central banks, the Madoff types, the Kinley types, the Keating 5 types, this is Keating 5, you know, point 10,
Version 10, version 20, version 10,000, I don't know, pick your version.
It just gets worse and more off the charts.
And if they can just make you just lackadaisically, eh, I don't care, I'm gonna go get drunk, they win.
And you get a Nazi Germany, you get a Soviet Russia, you get a Maoist China.
But we can reverse that.
As decadent and slob-like as we've all become, and even if you're in perfect shape, culturally we become slovenly, lazy.
None of us are one-tenth as hard as people were 150 years ago.
There's no doubt about that.
We've become disconnected from reality, disconnected from the earth, disconnected from blood, sweat, and toil.
And where if you didn't put enough food away for the winter, you and your family starved to death.
People become domesticated.
The trance was broken to a great extent in 2010.
It dwarfs all the previous years combined.
I mean, it's the big awakening.
Will we supercharge it?
Will we grasp the wheel of destiny?
And put our imprint, our will, into this great contest.
There's always been a contest, even if you don't believe in God and the devil, there's always been a contest between control freaks, thugs, abusers, sadists, psychopaths, that create systems of domination and control to carry out their fantasies of total enslavement.
That's a fact of humanity.
It's like a tropism.
You plant a seed, water and sunlight hit it, it gets nutrients, it sprouts, it comes up, the plant aims towards the sun.
It's a tropism.
And it's the same thing with the globalists.
Black uniforms, mass death, raping wars, burning cities.
It's what the psychopath creates when they get control.
And they always get control by staging events, and posing as your savior, and paying people off, and creating armies of corrupt people to serve them.
They always find key units of murderers to then expand, who will then recruit other murderers.
Other control freaks.
I mean, we know exactly what this does.
It's like if you go to the doctor and they say you got this type of brain tumor, it grows this fast, you're gonna be dead within six months, it's 100% goodbye.
Run out in front of an 18-wheeler that's going 100 miles an hour, you're gonna die.
I mean, we know what this does.
I mean, it's like hanging a big ol' side of rotten pork over a boat and throwing rotten chicken blood in, and a big ol' great white shark comes up and its jaws open up, and right as you see its jaws going over that, you know, rotten side of pork, that hog, I mean, you know those teeth are gonna incise in, and it's gonna jerk a big ol' chunk of meat off.
I mean, it's not rocket science.
I just want to get this across to people.
And we've got the worst case and the most scientific, sickening, gibbering, bloodthirsty case of tyranny I've ever studied.
And we're not studying something now in history books.
It's on us right now.
We're under attack.
And it's 2010 that people really started to get it.
And again, I'm not bragging.
When I talk about my personal experiences, it's the best gauge I've got.
I can fly into any city in the Western world.
I can go into Latin America.
I can go to Europe.
I can fly into Los Angeles, New York City, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
I can go anywhere.
And it's not every 20 people that stop and shake my hand now.
It's 30-40%.
It's gotten to the point, if I go see a movie, I can hardly go to the bathroom and come back without being stopped a dozen times.
Now, the New World Order knows that.
They're tracking everything, they're spying on everybody.
They know liberty is incredibly popular.
And the last domino to fall, the people are awake now to a great extent.
There's still hordes that are zombies and you're not going to be able to help them.
They don't count, unfortunately.
I wish they did, but they're not in the equation.
They're spectators being run over.
But in 2010, the trance was broken, the people realized that they were under attack, but now they're just discovering just how serious that attack is.
And the last domino to fall, and it's beginning to tip,
And if we just all put our effort into it in little ways, with even little steps every day, many hands make light work, that domino is going down.
Now, the globalists are going to try to start World War III and set off nukes.
I mean, they're capable of anything.
And I see in my mind's eye mega terror.
If we don't expose them and talk about it, then we take that tool away.
But there's no doubt they've got really bad stuff locked, cocked, ready to go.
But the last domino to fall, this is so important, is that most people who are awake still think they are the minority.
And that's the last domino.
I'd have to say 60%, the polls show this, Congress has a 13 to 9 percentage approval, depending on which major scientific poll you look at, 9 to 13, what's the difference?
Lowest in history, still plunging.
Obama, lowest in history, plunging.
The Republicans made compromises with the Democrats because they're bought and paid for by the same interest.
Now conservatives are going completely ape.
There's no honeymoon with that scum.
It's very exciting.
But still, 60% or more are awake now, but they just... It's like you wake up in the dark of the night, and you kind of forget where you're at or what room... You ever wake up at a hotel when you're out of town, and you kind of wake up thinking you're in your own home?
You go, oh, that's right, I'm in Galveston, Texas.
Oh, I'm in Los Angeles.
Oh, I'm in New York.
I'm in D.C.
Oh, I'm in Toronto.
I'm in London.
So people have woken up, but they're in the dark now.
They're awake.
We that are more informed at a higher level have got to bring them up to the next level.
Now that they're awake in the dark, we've got to strike a match and go, it's global tyranny.
It's happened in history.
It's happening again.
Here's what's happening.
Here's who they are.
Here's a film.
Here's a link to a radio show.
Here's a book.
Here's some information.
And again, it's a process.
They won't immediately go out and kick the new world order signed in, but they will start growing, and then as the oppression gets worse, they'll now see it all as confirmation of what you told them.
I can feel the energy of humanity shifting.
I can feel the destiny of liberty rising.
The spirit of 1776 as we go into 2011.
God is on our side.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Again, the Congressional Budget Office sounds the alarm.
This time warns of Greek-style U.S.
debt crises.
You heard me right.
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They're now announcing
That nationwide, it won't just be no refusal weekends, but they're going to be drawing blood nationwide under federal grants 24-7, 365 days a year.
Hey, you notice what happens over and over again with all of this.
It starts out with a few body scanners.
And then, oh, scanners are going in everywhere.
And then, oh, we're going to pat you down on top of the scanners.
See, they always use psychology.
The new order is run by psychologists and psychiatrists, anthropologists, sociologists.
I mean, they admit that.
It's all about the studying of their prey.
The ruling class sees us as animals.
And so it's all about the rollout.
And it's also about the federalization of police following all these different federal orders.
No refusal weekend program to exist year-round.
Drivers who refuse breath tests will have blood drawn without warrants.
Just two and a half years ago, in Texas and Florida, oh, we've got a rubber stamp warrant.
Courts said, well, that isn't a real warrant.
They just said, you know what?
We don't need no stinking warrants.
We don't need no stinking badges.
Some of the big developments, I'm going to come back from break, start going to your phone calls.
Obama's people announced earlier this week that they are indeed going to have the EPA start in the locales with grants, with the home inspections and the harassment of the farms and ranches.
And it's all in the news today.
They're going to go ahead with the global carbon taxes.
California went ahead and put that into place.
They're now going to phase in a 20% tax basically on all human activity.
Of course, China, India, Mexico, they have to make zero cuts.
You thought your jobs left the country already?
Whatever's left is going to go real fast, because it's designed to de-industrialize us.
And that's not my opinion.
That's on record.
Post-Industrial Society.
Maurice Strong, UN, David Rockefeller.
The head climatologist at NASA.
I mean, this is their policy.
The head of the Transportation Department in 2010, back in January, told the Wall Street Journal, said, absolutely, we're anti-car.
We do want you out of your cars.
They build a society on cars with sprawling, separated cities and urban centers.
Then they start squeezing.
We told you a few weeks ago, three weeks ago, or I guess more than that, a few months ago, with Lindsey Williams, he said that three months ago first, that it was going to be going up to $150 a barrel.
Now the head of Dutch Rochelle says that's right, $150, $200 a barrel in the next year, $5 a gallon gas.
But it's all part of the lawlessness.
See, they're lawless.
That's the Overton window.
People send me emails saying, why did Glenn Beck call his book the Overton window?
Well, that's a psychological perspective.
In fact, just print me the Wikipedia example of that.
I should read the technical term for it.
But the Overton window deals with a political window.
And you've got in the false left-right paradigm, the left and the right.
And if you want to really condition people to accept what you want,
I think so.
Knowing that they're going to struggle and fight you, but then think that they've had a victory when they only push you back 500,000 miles.
So it's the old, they take two steps, and then you fight and only push them a foot back.
Then they take 10 steps, and you push them 7 feet back, but still they've now gained 4 feet.
Then they push at 100 feet, you push them back 80 feet.
But now they've got, see, this is how they do it.
I mean, it's bold and wild in just the space of three months to go from we're gonna squeeze your genitals through your pants to we're gonna go in your pants.
See, they don't care now if you know they take your baby's blood secretly at birth and that they lied about it for decades.
Because they're moving against you.
They want to be so radical and so extreme that you just go into a catatonic state.
The Overton Window is a political theory described as a window in the range of public reactions to ideas in public discourse and a spectrum of all possible opinions on a particular issue.
It is named after its originator, Joseph P. Overton, former vice president of the
I think?
Or gain public office.
Overton arranged the spectrum on a virtual axis of more free or less free in regards of government intervention.
When the window moves or expands, ideas can accordingly become more or less politically acceptable.
The degree of acceptance of public ideas can be described roughly as unthinkable, radical, acceptable, sensible, popular policy.
And so they say, yeah, we're putting fluoride in your water.
Next is lithium.
And you know what?
We are doing it to hurt you.
It's good.
Humans are bad.
We've been conditioned.
It's like, okay, kill me.
You're good.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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That's 800-409-5633, or efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, it really is the Overton window, and government admits they're using that.
Where people 50 years ago would have thought it was insane and wouldn't have put up with it.
They have cities all over the country first banning BB guns.
Now they're banning, I have several articles here in major cities, Nerf guns.
See, first on key reservations where they have children.
Where the children haven't had their parents teach them their morals, and where they've been raised by the television, they can then mirror that propaganda in the school, and they can get away with things that adults would think of as extreme and crazy.
Like arresting small children for their G.I.
Joe toy in their lunchbox because they have a three centimeter pistol in their hand.
Or arresting someone because they have a plastic butter knife to put butter on their bread.
This is happening every week or so, I see it in the news.
That is also creating a cadre under the peer pressure of government control and the union, teachers who will do anything and think that tyranny is normal.
And I use this example a lot, but if you went back, and I've studied Mesoamerica, thousands and thousands of years ago, four or five thousand years ago, there was very little human sacrifice going on in Peru, and what's Guatemala today, and what's Mexico today.
But as more and more radical warlike tribes got in control, by the time Cortes showed up five hundred and something years ago, it was just
Insane asylum.
Hundreds of sacrifices a day per city.
On some holidays, ten plus thousand.
Giant meat markets of human flesh.
That's how the priest class funded themselves.
The main meat was human meat.
And so you'd go into the market and they were selling all the different cutlets of men, women, and children.
And if you went up and could speak,
Mayan to one of those tribes, to the Aztecs who spoke Mayan, it was a Mayan sub-root culture, and you said, this is wrong.
They'd think you were nuts.
They'd laugh at you.
So see, they've moved the window so far that it's radical that I don't want to ban Nerf toys.
See, they've already got the young generation ready for that, and soon they'll be the adults.
And kids are raised by television where every show is, you know, set in New York or Chicago where guns are banned and where they see simulated cop shows where they're arresting people for owning guns.
And so, when a TV head comes in your house to clean your carpet or put in a telephone line and they didn't come from a rural area and they see a gun case, they call the cops on you.
And the cops respond!
And the juries are so dumb, people go to prison all the time for legal guns in their house.
I see that every week or so as well.
That's an example of just mass mental illness.
Hitler was able by degree to demonize certain groups and people until the Germans were ready to do whatever they were told.
Same thing with the Soviets.
When you're purely driven by peer pressure and you've got tyrannical scientific dictatorship, the sky's the limit.
I'm going to your calls.
I just wanted to get into this because
On every front, they are transforming us into the opposite of what is archetypal freedom.
They are transferring us into archetypal tyranny.
A lot of writers, even in mainstream news, keep saying it's as if the government is trying to recreate 1984.
It's as if it's a training manual.
Hillary Clinton says it's her favorite book, and notice what she tries to create.
See, for the tyrants, the answer to 1776 is 1984.
From their perspective, that's what they want.
And Jaren made the joke during the break that it's like, party like it's 1984.
Somebody should create a parody showing TSA searching people and chemtrails and cameras and blood draws and
But then government can engage in all the corruption they want.
And so, when you see Supreme Court justices saying, we're going to follow U.N.
law and the Constitution doesn't matter, and USA Today, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and others, I've seen four of the nine make comments like that.
When you see judges on a routine basis saying, I don't have the Constitution in my courtroom, just search that.
You'll see it over and over again.
That's a talking point.
Colorado, Texas, you name it.
I don't allow the Constitution in my courtroom.
When you see all these different congressmen in 2010 say, I don't care about the Constitution.
I don't care.
We've played those videos.
In time constraints, I'm not going to play them now because I want to get to some of your calls.
So when Ezra Klein, Washington Post staffer, and he's also a staffer at MSNBC, goes on a show and says, Constitution doesn't matter.
See, people kept thinking the Democrats and Republicans.
The Democrats last year tried over and over again to pass spending bills that originated in the Senate.
Totally illegal, totally against the Constitution, but they've tried to do it.
And in some cases, they've gotten bills through that were spending bills out of the Senate.
See, they're setting the precedent.
When goon cops who are in a brainwashed system themselves in the Overton window, who've been conditioned and trained to accept all of this, when they come up, or even security guards, it's happened to my crew and myself, Kansas City Star covered it, the video's on YouTube, Aaron and Rob Jacobson are a half mile away from the Federal Reserve.
They're across the street, on the side of a highway videotaping,
They're done.
They drive down to a World War I memorial.
They're on the side of a city street on a sidewalk.
Off their jurisdiction, in black uniforms, two federal security guards with sidearms walked up and said, I'm ordering you to leave.
And they said, well you're, this isn't your jurisdiction.
Even if you were a cop, you're outside your authority.
And they put their hand on their guns and they said, look, I'm gonna arrest you.
And maybe they should have gotten arrested, but I've told them, unless they personally want to do it, don't.
I probably would, but I've told them, you know, my order is to just get it on tape, illustrate it, and get out of there.
And when they said, okay, we'll go, the man and woman security guards literally looked like Satan.
You could see them.
It looked like Emperor Palpatine when he does something evil.
He'll crimp his lips with pleasure and go, mmm, it's just mmm.
And I saw the cops do that in Austin when my guys were on a city road on the back of the airport videotaping people going through with just a swipe card to illustrate how it's all a fraud with security.
Same thing they raided the pilot for showing and showing how it's a fraud.
First nice cop gets there, but still puts them in a database, and I know you got a right, but give me your ID.
Let me just run you.
He's the nice, he's the nice Gestapo.
And then others show up and say, I don't care if you've got a right.
Get out of here, I'm going to arrest you.
And when they said, OK, we'll go, you see the cop says, good, good.
That cop doesn't know that they're literally knocking the floor out from under themselves and their family.
They have no idea.
They think they're winning.
They think they've got some type of personal power through the system.
Let's play this clip.
Ezra Klein.
Constitution has no binding power on anything.
And, again, they say this over and over again.
And they know it's radical to say if you don't want government-run health care, you don't like black people.
It has nothing to do with anything.
It's bizarre.
It's crazy.
It's nonsensical.
But they're practicing doing that just to make it la-la land.
This is all in handbooks by these people.
Now, here's the good news.
We're taking the Overton window back to reality.
We're saying, yeah, you blew up those towers.
We're bold.
We don't care if you demonize us.
Yeah, we're going to cover the government nerve gas on our own trips and shoot little kids up with syphilis.
And now you're a bunch of murderers.
And they're like, no, no, don't do that.
Yeah, we're going to do that.
And they're like, well, we might get you.
We'll just death threat your wife and surveil you and call you up and let you know we're watching you and tell you stuff that proves we're the government.
And we'll have guys assault you in a parking lot.
We'll have military threaten you.
And you know what?
When you finally just say, I don't care, do whatever you're going to do.
They don't know how to deal with that.
And they don't know how to deal with somebody that knows the card tricks!
I'm catching them cheating with the cards in their sleeve!
I'm calling them on it!
So America and the world needs to get out of this sycophantic worship of tyranny and that going along to get along is cute and fun.
People need to rediscover the spirit of 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
But Kurt Nemo's got the article, Establishment Blogger, Constitution has no
Yeah, Kurt needs to change that headline immediately.
I know Kurt writes a lot of stories every day and he's a Washington Post writer and an analyst for MSNBC.
We need to change that headline too.
MSNBC analyst constitution has no binding power.
We don't have editors here because we're working so fast and so hard.
And there's a hole that the Watsons have, Aaron has, Kurt has, I have it too.
That they think a spell checker is an editor, and it's not.
And the mistake that happens every day in almost every article is words, other words, because they think the spell checker is going to catch it.
But if they have another word that's spelled correctly, it's not.
But that's got to be the granddaddy of them right there.
And if it's embarrassing to talk about it, hell, it's embarrassing everybody seeing it.
So I just got to say, we need to get that changed.
I know I'm evil.
I'm bad.
But it has no bidding power on anything.
I want the headline, like I said this morning when I sent it over, to be MSNBC Analyst.
Constitution has no binding power on anything.
Maybe Kurt thinks it says bidding.
I don't know.
Let's go ahead and play the video clip.
Here is Ezra Klein.
Constitution has no binding power on anything.
Let's go ahead and roll it.
The Constitution.
That's what Republicans want to do in the new Congress.
In the last year, the 223-year-old document has been getting a whole lot of lip service.
So when the 112th Congress is sworn in next week, expect to hear a lot more about it because the Constitution is at the center of three coming congressional battles.
And we love wonkery mixed up with politics, so we're bringing our favorite wonk into the discussion to tee up some of the fights ahead.
MSNBC contributor Ezra Wonk-Klein is a staff writer for
The Washington Post joins us now.
Ezra, good to see you.
Thanks so much.
Good morning, Nora.
You heard all the different politicians talking about the Constitution.
Well, this is what's going to happen.
When Republicans take over next week, they're going to do something that apparently has never been done in the 221-year history of the House of Representatives.
They are going to read the Constitution aloud.
Is this a gimmick?
Yes, it's a gimmick.
I mean, you could say two things about it.
One is that it has no binding power on anything.
And the two, the issue of the Constitution is not that people don't read the text and think they're following.
The issue of the Constitution is that the text is confusing because it was written more than a hundred years ago and what people believe it says differs from person to person and differs depending on what they want to get done.
So I wouldn't expect too much coming out of this.
Okay, we are back live.
So, Ezra Klein, Constitution has no binding power on anything.
The article up at Infowars.com, MSNBC analyst, Constitution has no binding power on anything.
Good article by Kurt Nemo up there if you want to see that.
But this is their ongoing drumbeat.
What else do we see with this lawlessness?
In Texas, the ATF, and in Arizona and other border states, is just ordering.
No judge, no jury, no nothing.
Kind of like the FCC just said, we're giving out an order that we now control the internet.
And we're going to protect it.
And then they announce it's net neutrality, but actually it allows companies to start restricting what you can do, where you can visit and give preferential treatment to certain websites.
It's like calling the Patriot Act patriotic.
It's the opposite of patriotism.
Or the New Freedom Initiative to drug upwards of 50% of American school children.
That's not new freedom.
Unless it's the globalist new freedom to enslave and brain damage people chemically.
In this giant mental institution prison planet they've built.
So Feds want gun sellers to report rifle sales.
But then when you read deeper in these articles, it's already going on.
Just like earlier this year, it was in Bloomberg that federal regulators are ordering private pension fund managers to, quote, invest in failed banks.
There's no law the government can order private pension funds to invest in failed banks, stealing the money of pensioners.
That's what it does.
But these companies go, OK, the government, if I don't do what they say, will come after me.
They're criminal.
Here it is.
Local gun rights activists oppose proposed new over-controlling policy.
That's out of San Antonio News, KENS5.
So they're putting that in place.
Now here's another even bigger example.
Of what I'm talking about right here.
EPA taking over Texas greenhouse permits.
See, they claim the state's control and they couldn't even get Congress to pass this law.
The EPA though just says they're going to do it.
And then Texas that actually has force of law in the legislature and supplies most of the power to Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma.
Oh, we're the biggest greenhouse criminals.
Why, we've got power plants supplying power.
China builds a couple new ones every week.
We only get a couple a year.
We're not allowed to have power plants.
And the Environmental Protection Agency has waddled into the fray, and is told Texas, and told the Governor, and told the Attorney General, that we don't care what you say and what you do, we're taking over.
Kind of like two years ago, happened twice two years ago, the Parliament in Canada said, you know, we're going to remove the Prime Minister.
They elect him.
You elect them, then they vote.
That's a parliamentary system.
And he said, you know what?
I'm calling in the Governor General.
And they just disbanded the Parliament.
The Queen runs this country.
Oh, you've got state sovereignty until we say so.
But then the Congress that is the power of the federal government, even if the feds argue under the Commerce Clause or whatever that they have control of the state, which they don't, the Congress makes the law!
And the Congress says no, but the rogue bureaucracy doesn't care.
There's your example of lawlessness.
EPA taking over Texas greenhouse gas permits.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is taking the unprecedented step of directly issuing air permits to industries in Texas under their new rules, citing the state's unwillingness to comply with greenhouse gas regulations going into effect January 2nd.
The EPA, which has no force of law,
But it's kind of like, it's policy with the TSA, they stick their hands down your pants.
And now they're taking over the malls and the streets!
We're going to come back, go to your break, go to your calls in the next segment, the segment after that, then at 8 after, Dr. Paul Greg Roberts joins us, and I will take calls while he's on with us as well today.
And then we have Max Keiser, the surprise guest, in the fourth hour of Overdrive today for about 30 minutes, and we also have Bob Chapman joining us, and it'll be open phones throughout the transmission today.
So if you've got any questions or comments for any of those guests or you want to comment on what you think was most important in 2010 and what you think is coming up in 2011, we'll be talking to you directly on the other side of this quick break.
But again, that very important story that is up on Infowars.com establishment.
Minion is out there saying that the Constitution is not binding.
I thought it was the law of the land.
See, these people are completely lawless in our face.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us on the other side.
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Okay, let's go to your calls.
I just want to make the final point that when people like Ezra Klein of the Washington Post and MSNBC Analyst get up on television and say, oh, the Constitution, it's terrible, it doesn't matter, you know, it's not binding,
These are conscious tyrants.
They've joined the bad guys.
They want to bring in tyranny.
And so if there is no law over government, then it is Hitlerian.
It is the Fuhrer precept.
Let's go to your phone calls here.
Appreciate folks holding.
Let's talk to John in Wyoming.
John, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex, and Happy New Year to you.
Good to have you.
I'm calling from Sheridan, Wyoming, because I wanted to let you know that for months I've been battling our corrupt mayor on this water fluoridation issue.
And on December 20th, he and a couple of his cronies voted to implement water fluoridation
And, of course, attached to that is the promise of a federal grant between four million and eight million dollars.
Oh, that's because the feds care that your teeth be healthy!
You bet!
Again, when they're not nerve-gassing foster children or troops, or hiring Nazis, or funding communists, they, they, they... Come on, John!
They care, man!
So, what they're doing is they're using the, uh, as a pretext for this four to eight million dollar grant to
Treat against Cryptosporidium in the water and then also to implement water fluoridation.
Well I gotta say this though John, you know I did make the request that people call in about what they thought the biggest news story of 2010 was or what they think is most important.
So I guess in a way you're kind of on the massive huge field of topics.
But this has been a big year for the truth about Bisphenol A and plastic coming out.
And about all these chemicals in the home and how it's destroying people's autoimmune system.
But I personally believe, and I've studied the law, that you can prove that in the so-called sodium fluoride, the government may have listed that rat poison as good, but they haven't listed mercury, lead, and other things as good.
You get a four-year, you get a sample of the brand and the company they're using, then you sue them.
It's going to have radium, uranium in it as well, probably, from where they mine this stuff, and most companies do.
Even the dumbest people out there know uranium's not good for you.
Four weeks later on December 20th, so they each had time to read the book.
Yeah, they don't care.
They're being given lobbying money.
I appreciate your call, John.
It's just terrible.
But I'm glad you're out there fighting.
And see, now they're proposing lithium in the water.
I mean, if they can do that, why not lithium?
And they say it is to make you calm.
Let's talk to Heath in Texas.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hey, buddy, go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
As first-time listener, or first-time caller... Welcome.
I was just going ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for everything you've done.
I woke up a lot, probably about two years ago.
I'm a vet.
And I just appreciate your work, man, and all you've done for us.
Well, thank you, sir, for the support.
We couldn't do it without the listeners.
But, I mean, briefly, what do you think some of the biggest developments were in 2010?
Probably the financial and the Fed.
That's the one thing that you woke me up on, is it's owned by an oligarchy of 12 banks instead of it's federalized.
That's it, and 2010 was the year where the poll went from 5% a decade ago or less, knowing it was private, to 20-30% in 2009, to national polls between 75 and 80-plus percent, knowing it's private and a fraud.
Boy, I tell you, that's some good news, isn't it, Heath?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
I appreciate it, Alex, and you have a good day.
I appreciate you, Heath.
Let's talk to Sean in Illinois, then I'll hold him over.
But go ahead, Sean.
Alex, I want to talk about the 2011 predictions.
On Wednesday, I'm having dinner, I'm reading USA Today, and the bartender, but I turned white after what I read, there's two guys, Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel, and they're predicting, both of them, a terrorist attack.
Of course they are!
That way, they get to then go, oh, see, we predicted it!
Kind of like the CFR, Gary Hart, Warren Rubin Commission, predicting everything that would happen before it happened.
Stay there, we're gonna come right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, a chilling call that we were just taking there.
Sean, Illinois.
And yes, the mainstream media is doing that drumbeat again that they did ahead of 9-11, ahead of Oklahoma City, saying the terrorists are going to hit you and we're going to take your rights away to keep you safe.
They create that false equation that you give up rights and you get safety.
You get prosperity when we know it's the opposite.
Liberty is the engine of prosperity.
Tyranny is the engine of death and degradation and humiliation.
Uh, and yes, I've been seeing all those different editorials, uh, where they're really hyping the terrors coming.
Uh, but this won't be like 9-11 where nobody's watching.
Look at the underwear bomber a year ago.
We had our listeners on board.
Kurt Haskell was a listener.
He saw the government get him on the plane.
The media tried to deny it, but months later it came out, we were right, and it was all true, and now even mainstream news.
Drudge, on Monday, linked to Kurt Nimmo's article.
In fact, I've just got to say, incredible job Matt Drudge, that had all the history of these being staged events.
Muttalib, all of it.
And Anwar al-Awlaki at the Pentagon.
I mean, it's incredible.
Great job, Kurt Nimmo, by the way, with that article he did about the TSA rolling out nationwide.
But this stuff's coming out.
And so, yes, of course, of course they want to stage big terror attacks.
I predicted one right before the election, and you notice you saw the dud attacks, so they could pose as our saviors.
But that's why we've got to get the word out about government-sponsored terror.
Sean, go ahead and finish your point.
What was chilling, I mean you hear about that all the time, that there could be a terrorist attack.
Both these guys, they didn't just say there was going to be a terrorist attack, they described what was going to happen.
And they said that there's going to be somebody in a highly populated area that's going to have an exploding vest, a car bomb, or a machine gun.
And then after that, that's when they put their political points out.
Alex, I've never read anything like that before.
What's the headline?
What's the headline on the article?
It's Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel.
I read it in the newspaper.
I think it's online, but it's the USA Today.
I would encourage you to look there.
What was the headline like?
Like, we're going to have terror 2011?
Cal Thomas?
No, it's in the 2011 prediction.
It's about halfway down.
They're talking about
So Cal Thomas, Bob Beckel, 2011 predictions.
I'll get it to the Watsons right now because we need to point out that we have the CFR report they put out a year before 9-11 predicting it all and then they bragged about how right they were.
So they just love doing this.
Can I ask you a question real quick?
Why do they do it?
I mean, it can't be that important to them.
It cannot be that important to kill people.
Well, let me go further.
Why have they had scores of top Republicans, Pentagon statements, a whole bunch of Obama people like Robert Shapiro in the Financial Times of London, to the point of Beck came out a month and a half ago and said, they're going to stage in Oklahoma City and blame it on people like me.
Beck said they're going to blame it on him, which is actually true.
If you read the Southern Poverty Law Center and
Media Matters, George Soros, Talking Points.
It's two people.
They say Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are going to cause mass death.
And they've already trained the cops the last five years.
There will be car bombs.
There will be local attacks.
They bought all the robots in all the cities.
I mean, and the Feds are going to do it.
They're going to roll out.
I mean, again, just like they masked all the U.S.
troops in and around Afghanistan, signed the launch order the day before 9-11, they've got their architecture in place.
They've already trained the cops.
It's coming.
The cops, like robots, when it happens, will bow down to the feds, the threat fusion centers.
They need a trigger to really bring in hardcore martial law.
We're already in serious martial law with the groping, the checkpoints, the federal TSA rollout.
This is when we go into depression.
Why do they kill people?
Because they need to scare folks.
They need to kill some people and say, look, people died, you better let us support you.
We care about you.
Again, when we're not injecting Guatemalan children with syphilis, or radiating U.S.
troops, or murdering U.S.
foster children in pesticide studies, we're protecting you from terrorists.
We wouldn't do it.
Oh, don't listen to this theorist out there.
No, give us your rights, and we'll give them the money.
We're gonna take care of you.
Nice man in black uniform will help you.
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Land I left free in the home of the brave.
Seems like I just woke up one day and it was gone.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're getting your predictions for 2011.
And also what you think was most important in 2010.
Dr. Roberts is only with us for two segments.
So coming up at 33 after, I'll go to Sam, Chris, James, Caroline, Ken and others that are patiently holding.
We've got Max Keiser coming in on the fourth hour today.
Bob Chapman popping in.
Open phones interspersed throughout the next three hours that we have left here.
He's written a lot of important articles we've been posting up at Infowars.com.
America's caught up with 1984.
Uh, dissent is what rescues democracy from the quiet death behind closed doors.
Uh, continues, uh, here.
He's also got a report out on 2011.
And we're gonna be breaking all of that down with him today.
But first off, I wanted to get Dr. Roberts' take.
Uh, on, uh, people like Ezra Klein of the Washington Post and MSNBC Analyst.
Uh, more and more of these Congress people and others, they just keep saying the Constitution doesn't matter, that it has no binding power, that it's bad.
I see judges saying it.
I mean, they know what they're doing.
They're really, I guess, trying to acclimate us to real tyranny, uh, Dr. Roberts.
Certainly looks that way, Alex.
And it's quite amazing.
The Constitution doesn't seem to have any friends except perhaps the American Civil Liberties Union.
The law schools are quiet.
The bar associations are quiet.
For the most part, the judiciary is quiet.
So when people give up on democracy and they give up on the Constitution, then
The only thing that's left is dictatorship.
And generally they are tyrannical for anyone who gets in their way or is inclined to challenge them.
Dr. Roberts, what did you think of the reports in the last two weeks confirming that Homeland Security was not just only spying on members of the legislature of Pennsylvania, but also in Tennessee and in Florida, actually sending spies into Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty meetings and spying on the ACLU and listing them not just as extremists, but as possible terrorists?
Well, if all these reports are correct, then quite clearly they're going to shut down any dissent and shut down any protections that people have in the Bill of Rights against the government.
You know, Alex, look, what was probably the most awful thing that happened?
When Obama was elected with very large
Majority and a lot of support.
And the Democrats had the House and the Senate.
And all of those Democrats have the responsibility to uphold the laws of the United States.
They're all sworn to uphold the Constitution.
And yet their leader in the House, Nancy Pelosi, said over and over and over that they're not going to look into the crimes of the Bush regime, despite the fact that the crimes were well known.
They're unequivocal.
We know for a fact
That the Bush regime violated American statutory law by spying on Americans without obtaining warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Corps.
We know for a fact that Bush, who we missed in his book, violated U.S.
statutory law by torturing
The people, which is against American law.
We know for a fact that the Bush regime committed treason.
They led us into a war based on lies and deceptions.
This is high treason.
It's also a war crime.
So we have these enormous crimes and nothing was done.
So what the Obama regime did was to accept
The press is established by the Bush-Cheney regime that the executive branch is not accountable to law.
Now, if you compare this to just a few years ago when the House of Representatives impeached Bill Clinton because he had a sexual affair with a White House intern and lied about it.
And you go back a few more years and Nixon had to resign because he lied about when he first learned about the Watergate burglary.
So, you've seen a tremendous collapse in the authority of law in the United States, in the accountability of government.
And as you say, that's the end of the Constitution.
And we see also all sorts of clampdowns on dissent.
So that now dissent is the equivalent of terrorism or aid to terrorists.
It's extremism.
They're investigating war protesters.
They're spying on everybody.
So, it's a police state.
You know, I've said that several times over the past years, but we now see it demonstrated.
They feel the ability simply to show that that's what it is.
And Doctor, I want to elaborate on that because just two months ago or so, I had you on the show and I said they're now putting their hands down people's pants and you said, Alex,
And I don't blame you, because it's insane.
Send me a video of that.
I'm not... And then, of course, then it blew up nationwide, and the videos are now out there, and this show was the epicenter of that.
But just so you know, it's in the mainline papers in Tennessee and Florida.
They got the documents.
For those that don't...
No, it is confirmed that they didn't just list Ron Paul's groups as being a sign of extremism.
They went and spied on them as potential terrorists.
They've had the Army spy on Ron Paul and myself.
I was sent that by moles inside the Army a year and a half ago.
And so I understand even your apprehension because I have it as well.
I think when we come face to face with such bonafide, arrogant tyranny that it's hard for us, who are really in the middle of all this researching it, to believe it.
And that takes me back to this, and this is my question.
A bunch of people.
I mean, it was more than 30.
I've tried to count them all up.
But private contractors, army personnel from Afghanistan, from Iraq, they went to prison for torturing.
But then we got the John Yoo White House memos and the Alberto Gonzales memos and it was confirmed that Bush and Cheney had ordered it and said they could even torture kids in front of people.
And the Washington Post allotted it in a 2002 article that's in my film Road to Tyranny and said, yeah, we do stuff to kids in front of their parents.
So they're trying to sell us on the evil.
Bush comes out and says, yeah, I ordered torture.
I'd do it again.
So how do the people that got caught go to prison?
But then the people that give the order don't.
I mean, I think that makes your point for you.
I suppose that the executive branch feels it can do whatever it wants.
Look, Alex, I saw a report today, the latest poll, of public support or lack thereof for the war in Afghanistan.
Over two-thirds of the American people have turned against this war.
And yet, we had the Pentagon Chief, Gates, the other day say that it doesn't matter what the American people think.
We're committed to this war.
And we don't care what the people think.
And yet, while they say that, out of one side of the mouth, out of the other side of the mouth, they talk about, we have freedom and democracy.
Well, you don't have democracy when the government is immune to public opinion.
So, and you can find this immunity to public opinion everywhere.
And you can find the public itself doesn't seem to appreciate free speech.
For example, what is the main feature of American public discourse recently?
Look at what comes out of the WikiLeaks saga.
You have people demanding revenge against people who tell us the truth.
Well, they're calling for the death of Julian Assange.
And so many ordinary Americans agree.
So... Well, they're calling for my execution, then.
You know how many secret documents we've put out?
I mean, that's the end of the free press.
I even heard him calling for prosecution of the newspapers that publish this stuff.
I mean... Yes, okay, Alex.
I'm sure... I'm sure that you're right about that.
And here's what I think the fear is.
This coming year, starting tomorrow,
As far as I can tell, there's no possibility of an economic recovery.
There's probably going to be a resumption of the downturn.
There doesn't seem to be anything in place to halt these gratuitous wars of conquest and occupation.
And yet, everyone is frustrated with them.
I mean, probably the people would support them if we were winning, or if we could present it more convincingly that we were winning.
And so, Obama is probably toast.
And so, that leaves the Republicans.
Now, even more than the Democrats, the Republicans have become a party of brownshirts.
They don't believe in civil liberties.
Civil liberties is something that coddles criminals and coddles terrorists and lets liberal judges let people off who should be punished and all of that.
So the conservatives don't care about the Bill of Rights.
It's something that's in the way of their agendas.
They want to get people and punish them.
And so we'll end up with the Republicans in the White House and controlling the Congress.
And of course, what are their doctrines?
Well, they believe in the primacy of the executive branch over the other branches.
This is their unitary executive theory.
And they believe in the hegemonic right of Americans to rule the world.
And so I think 2012 will mark the end of American democracy.
Probably in the last year of it, right now, it'll continue to be eroded.
Stay there.
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Unfortunately, I have to completely agree with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
This has been a long-term military-industrial complex takeover of the United States, and we've been used as the engine of the planet, the engine of tyranny worldwide.
Doctor, finishing up the point that you were making about 2011 and the final preparations for the complete end of the Republic.
Well, I think we finished it, Alex.
There's nothing on the scene that's coming to the defense of civil liberty and the Constitution, or of accountable government.
And there's no sign of any opposition to the snowballing police state.
And we see repeatedly from agencies of the federal government.
A complete contempt for the public.
For example, the TSA, you know, the airport security people.
They have made it completely clear that they will arrive at no accommodation with the American people other than the violation of their persons that they impose by brute force.
We have the Secretary of Defense, which is a euphemism, saying that we're going to conduct wars and don't care what the people think because they don't have anything to do with our decisions.
And we have all this massive spying, not just on state and local governments and anti-war protesters, but essentially on everybody.
And the accumulation of massive numbers of dossiers on people.
Well, there couldn't possibly be that many terrorists.
If there were that many terrorists, the whole country would be going up in explosions right now.
In fact, the only acts of terrorism that we ever see are the orchestrated cases that are part of FBI, what they call, sting operations.
They go out and find some hapless guy and provoke him into some plot that they give him and string this along and then they capture him.
Well, the total confirmation of that is, Dr. Roberts, is the TSA has now announced 9,000 locations with telescreens, giving you orders to spy on other shoppers and your family, TSA to be on the streets everywhere.
I mean, this is a federal goon force that sticks its hands down your pants, which is prisoner submission training.
Well, you know, when they got away with 9-11, that sealed our fate.
Because that became the excuse.
And you still don't see any real challenge other than from the truthers, which the government and the mainstream media, and as far as I can tell, the majority of the people, keep marginalized despite their qualifications and the rigor of their research and reasoning.
So I think when they got away with 9-11, that's when they captured everything because everything else flows from that.
That's the excuse.
That's where the moral terror came from.
That's where all of the police state implications.
But I don't want to end this interview on a negative note here because Geraldo Rivera has come out and said he doesn't believe Building 7's story.
Judge Andrew Napolitano says it's a complete fraud and needs to be investigated.
We've seen just a lot of positive
Matt Drudge is now linking to articles that we write that talk about stage terror.
I mean, things are really... I think people are waking up.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
I mean, even The Guardian says the TSA state-mandated molestation.
I mean, I think they've gone too far.
I think we've got a dog in the fight.
Well, it suits me.
You know, I don't want them to prevail, but
You know, the population itself is really not sufficiently clued in, and time is vanishing in which there will still be the ability to act.
In fact, what you'll see happen, the population will end up electing the Republican goons who will complete the police state.
That's my opinion.
Now, I'm perfectly happy if I'm wrong.
And I don't know what's going to happen to the judge and to Geraldo.
Usually news people who dissent from the line find their career over.
Look what happened to Helen Thomas so quickly.
So I don't know what will happen to them now if they survive and they go on and they continue.
But you know, you've got to be skeptical of... Well, hold on, Doc.
I know you're only scheduled for 30 and I've got to get to calls, but let's come back and put bookends on this, finish your statement.
We'll do about three minutes with you on the other side, going into the New Year, any other predictions.
Then I'm going straight to your phone calls, continually, right through with Max Keiser and Bob Chapman.
Dr. Paul Greg Roberts is our guest.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I don't
Doc, in the final equation, we're here.
We live here.
It's a global tyranny.
This tyranny's been exported everywhere.
There's continuity of agenda.
There's really nowhere to run.
We learned that the DEA is really just a secret arm of the CIA.
I mean, we already really knew that, but now that's mainstream news.
I mean, they're openly trying to start censoring the internet.
That's being announced.
I mean, crazy times are here, but doesn't it take tyranny to finally get people out of their morass?
Well, not necessarily.
You know, the Germans had tyranny and they mainly accepted it.
It doesn't generally bother you unless you get in their way.
You know, Hitler didn't put the whole country in camps.
So, I think we'll have to see what happens to WikiLeaks and its founder.
We'll have to see what they do to the Internet.
I think?
And if the internet can continue to present uncensored information, then we can continue our opposition.
Otherwise, things just get closed down.
They've been very successful, as you emphasize every day, in closing things down.
Well, we're in for the fight of our lives, but I'm seeing a lot of positive people, and Ron Paul and Lou Rockwell and so many others that I respect with their historical understanding and their finger on the pulse.
They certainly concur that we're going into a real, hardcore, very vicious, premeditated tyranny, but that there's also a big awakening happening.
And we've had a lot of tyranny and sedition acts before, but those have been reversed.
I think stage terror is the ace in the hole.
Suits me.
I hope they fail.
Well, what are you doing for the New Year?
I'm just going to try to take it easy.
Alright, Dr. Roberts.
It's always great having you pop in.
That's scary, though, that you think that the economy is going to continue to degenerate in 2011.
Yes, I think the downturn will renew because there's nothing to drive the recovery.
And of course the deficits will get larger and the Federal Reserve will monetize yet more of them.
And at some point there'll be some sort of problem with inflation.
And high unemployment at the same time.
Aren't we already starting to see that with oil going up and gold and silver and food on average?
Corn's up almost 50%?
You may be.
All right, Doctor.
Doctor, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Briefly, tell folks about your newest book.
Well, it's How the Economy Was Lost, and it tells them exactly how the economy was lost.
It's easy to read.
Short chapters.
You're an extremist.
How dare you, father of Reaganomics, speak out against all the insanity that's happening.
You're probably almost as bad as Ron Paul or the ACLU.
Maybe we need to have some spies come look at you, huh?
They probably are, Alex.
But, you know, I don't have as large an audience as you, so they'll get you first.
Yeah, I'm the canary in the coal mine.
All right, God bless you.
Have a great New Year.
We're going to win this thing.
Take care, my friend.
Have a good New Year.
There goes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
What a character.
We're in a morass, though.
An area of muddy or boggy ground.
A complicated or confusing situation.
But we know the way out.
Saying no to tyranny, yes to liberty.
And getting the average person moving.
Because Hitler at first only persecuted minorities, which was bad and wrong, but he beta tested it there with unpopular groups to set the precedent.
Just like they say, oh we're doing this to fight the Muslims, and then you get the internal documents, it's all about gun owners, veterans,
Libertarians, farming communities, because you are seen as independent.
And then you got the good old boys who are some of the biggest cheerleaders for the police state.
Because the globalists dangle the Muslim puppet in front of them and say, get the puppet, get the puppet.
And then they just, kind of like a bull charging a red cape of the matador, they run right through the red cape and there's the sword on the other side for them.
Hey Alex!
I just wanted to say, you know, Happy New Year, and I'm expecting the next book from the good doctor to be How We Won the Economy, because we're going to win this thing, I guarantee you.
It's just a matter of time before everybody wakes up, and that's that.
Well I know this, we don't have a choice.
Look, this corruption is not like a pinochet or something that was bad enough.
These people are control freaks who want to remake society, end the family, and kill over 80% of us.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're not playing games.
This is a life and death situation.
Alex, they're going to try.
To quote the late, great JFK, an error does not become a mistake until we refuse to fix it.
And we're going to fix it.
And the biggest event of 2010, in my eyes, is the awakening.
It's not that subtle.
It's a very big thing to have people
Being awakened to the events that are happening right before our eyes that we're being lied to about like 9-11.
And it takes time.
If you remember in the first following days of 9-11 how everyone went to the welders all throughout the United States went there to cut steel and help remove rubble.
It's just a matter of time before people realize which direction is the right way to point their
Well, that's already starting to happen.
And that's why the globalist stage events to take the goodwill of the American people and focus it into evil because they believe they're doing good, that's the globalist's biggest trick.
But we are gaining ground.
We are reversing the tide.
And I know this.
If all the people I run into on the street weren't just listeners or viewers or, quote, supporters,
And I know a lot of them are doing positive things, but if they got aggressive and put up flyers, started their own online radio show, went and brokered Tom on a local AM or FM on the weekend, went and did an AXS TV show, ran for City Council, ran for Congress, it's the educational process of putting out the alternative to what the globalists are doing.
We can't just be against the globalists.
That's important to identify them as the criminals, but we've also got to go in and say the solution is restore the Republic.
Take the Congress back.
Hold these Republicans' feet to the fire.
I mean, look, Dr. Roberts is down in the dumps because he's a smart guy.
He can see how outrageous this is.
He's awake, and so it's very painful to see people that aren't.
But I've gone past that.
I've learned, you know, that I was once dumb as dirt, and I appreciate your booing call.
Very uplifting, Sam.
God bless you.
But I know it takes time to turn a big ship around.
And we are beginning to turn it around.
And the system knows that there is a fight over the wheel of the ship right now.
And we are in a death struggle.
We are in a life and death struggle against the forces of evil.
Against the corrupt, greedy, power-tripping armies that have combined forces together to engage in predator operations against free humanity.
Humans are predators.
And we've dominated the planet, and in the last four or five thousand years, humans have set up societies, and in most cases, they set up a predatory system over the population.
Now we have a high-tech version of that that we will not survive if we don't get out of this.
And we have to face that.
And I'm making the resolution to refocus, redouble our efforts, intensify what we're doing in the new year.
Because every day, every minute is precious.
And there's still so much liberty and so much freedom that people are going to rediscover those old reflexes.
And they are rediscovering them.
It's very exciting.
Let's go ahead.
Well, I mean, finishing up with the point I was trying to make and then I go off into other issues.
Well, it doesn't matter.
Let's just go back to calls.
It's a kaleidoscope of ideas I want to cover.
Let's talk to Chris in Washington.
Chris, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for everything you're doing.
Amen to all that.
It's just that, you know, we are in a war for our minds and our lives alike.
I think 2010, you know, was pretty important.
The obliteration of the Constitution has been going on for so long.
I mean, 4th, 10th, 2nd Amendment.
Hammering it away and now saying that it doesn't have any binding power.
Um, it's just ridiculous.
Uh, the presence of TSA, I mean, they're everywhere now.
And, you know, it's just outrageous what's going on.
The biggest event is probably the dollar value dropping.
And, uh, you know, Mr. Porter's temporary predictions for 2011, you know, likely it's going to come around 2011, 2012.
Biggest thing for 2011 is the hope.
Hopefully the right people standing up.
Like I've been saying for so long, just waking up is one part.
Then going out and actually doing something is way more important.
I try as much as I can to get the word out.
People are just so, you know, what was that?
Stan Barrett was saying, normality, something.
They just don't want to believe it.
It's ridiculous.
Well said, Chris.
Appreciate your call.
But have you noticed that whenever we stand up and speak out and fight back, they back off?
Just like with the TSA, they back off for a while because when we're ready to give them a fight, they don't want to give us a chance to have a victory.
They want to back off and then creep back up in the dark of night.
And it's the same thing.
I mean, if they really start trying to arrest people like myself, if they really start trying to go after Ron Paul and others, that is only going to cause more people to realize just how serious the situation is and to stand up.
They're hoping that we
Operate psychologically like them.
That's why they don't mind that it's in the news that Ron Paul's being spied on as a potential terrorist.
You know, not just, oh, it's a sign you might be a terrorist if you like Ron Paul.
No, let's spy on Ron Paul.
Let's spy on his organization.
Let's spy on the ACLU and list them as potential terrorists.
I mean, that is just outrageous.
But they mean it to be outrageous.
To set that precedent.
I mean, they've got to get all those cops behind closed doors in those fusion centers and sit there with a straight face, like FEMA did in 2000.
I have videos shot by a firefighter.
It's in road to tyranny with the police and firefighters and sheriff's deputies, and they get right up and say, who's the original terrorist organization?
The Founding Fathers.
Who's bad?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson.
The cops even know how to answer.
And they have Homeland Security spying on legislators.
And they say this legislature in Pennsylvania wants to cut taxes.
That will cut money to the government.
That's against our interest.
That's a threat to Homeland Security.
Here's an example.
My mother has a longtime college friend who I've known my whole life.
Nice lady.
Works for a big Fortune 500 for decades.
You know, successful, mid-level executive.
And my mother went to Europe with her a month or so ago for a week.
They like to go to the museums.
And they tried to mail back an advent calendar.
You know, my kids get them.
They have like a little piece of chocolate for every day leading up to Christmas in the month of December.
And they tried to mail it as a present to some of her family.
So she didn't have to carry it around with her in Europe.
They bought it in Germany.
And some of the advent calendars, only some of them from this big popular German company, my mom told me the name, most people will know the name, it's Kinder something.
Some of the advent calendars, of the hundreds they put out, only in like one of the little boxes have like a little top or a little ball, a little toy.
Some of them aren't candies, they're toys.
And because
A child might be able to choke, it's a banned toy in the U.S.
An adult can't buy that chocolate box that has a toy in it for yourself.
Now see, that sounds crazy, it sounds bureaucratic, it sounds dumb.
She got a letter from Homeland Security saying, we confiscated, it was expensive by the way, your advent calendar because some models of this have toys that could be a choking hazard.
No judge, no jury, no law, admiralty law.
And you're like, well, that just sounds silly and stupid.
No, no.
It's about all commerce being seized by them.
It's about all commerce being controlled.
It's about Homeland Security running every facet of life.
Remember that article in Fox News?
AP also covered it last year.
Fifteen million dollar fines.
In fact, people won't believe it.
Pull it up.
Fifteen million dollar fines for garage sale.
My mind can't even get wrapped around that.
And it says, first time you're caught having a garage sale that's unauthorized by the feds, $10,000 fine.
Next time, a million.
Next time, $15,000,000.
And how do they do it?
They say if you're selling in your garage sale, your bazaar, your flea market, your gun show, any recalled toy, and there's tens of thousands of them, going back decades, you will be fined millions of dollars.
See, it's always in safety.
Oh, it's for your safety.
Okay, now you can drink all the bisphenol A drinks you want.
You can drink all the fluoride you want.
All the deadly vaccines.
That's great.
You can have hundreds of thousands of deaths from drug interactions they push on you.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths from bacteria killing people.
There it is.
New government policy imposes strict standards on garage sales nationwide.
Fifteen million dollar fine.
There it is.
That was September 18, 2009, so a year and a half ago.
Now, this is the tyranny.
The TSA is not there to stop little men with AK-47s.
It is not there to stop Muslim extremists.
The globalists pump every amount of money and funding they can into the most nutty Muslim groups they can.
They hold their hand, they try to get them to attack 24-7, and all they can get is 18-year-old street kids and people literally borderline mentally retarded.
That's all they can do.
Now, suddenly the terror threat is a bunch of morons who were recruited in prison with names like Johnson and Martinez.
But, nine years ago it was like Star Wars level attack.
Super high-tech.
I mean, do you believe any of this?
So, Homeland Security is seizing everything.
And they're gonna come after everybody.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls in an 8-hour.
We got Bob Chapman coming on, then Max Keiser.
Stay with us.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Sooner or later gonna cut you down.
Not only should we talk about the biggest stories, the most important things that happened in 2010 and what we see happening next year, but also, what are our resolutions?
My New Year's resolution...
Last year was to lose 50 pounds.
I only lost 25.
I'm going to lose that additional 25 this year.
You know, personally, to spend more time with my family while at the same time putting out more info against the globalists.
But what about simple resolutions like to reach out to somebody with liberty, to reach out to somebody with the truth, to reach out to somebody with a warning about the corruption every day?
We should all do that.
I do it at 7-Eleven, I do it at gas stations, I do it at the grocery store.
I talk to people.
That's important.
They want us in our houses, watching our glowing television sets.
I would say, make the resolution this year, talking to somebody is effective.
But the most effective, the majority of people that come to this radio show, the majority of people I talk to who say they've been awakened, were awakened with one of my 25 films.
They're all online.
They're at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality.
You can get the DVDs, make copies, Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Invisible Empire.
They're all available at InfoWars.com.
And I know you're supporting us, but please continue to make the resolution this year to support the InfoWar.
And who can doubt?
We're not perfect, but we do the best we can.
Who can doubt?
It's a big responsibility.
We're at the tip of the spear right here on this radio broadcast.
And I've talked to many other prominent people like Ron Paul and countless others and they say the number one ping they get is this show from people out there on the street.
This is the show with the buzz.
This is the broadcast having the effect.
This is the broadcast breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall because of you spreading the word and because of the powerful info we lay out here and the great job my crew does.
All of us together.
And that's why the attacks, no doubt, are going to intensify.
Because of jealousy, but also because of government manipulation and mainstream attacks, it's only going to intensify.
And I just pray going into the new year that the good Lord above, you know, take those lemons and turn them into lemonade, as has always been in the past.
And we're just going to put one foot in front of the other and move forward.
Let's talk to, who's up next here, John?
Caroline in Australia.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air, Caroline.
Alex, you're awesome!
We've been waiting up here.
This is our New Year's resolution.
Me and Richard, we're here.
We've been waiting up all night to speak to you.
So, it's so exciting!
Well, thanks for putting up with me.
Go ahead.
Okay, well I've got a question that I'm going to hand you over to Richard.
My question is, like, in Australia, like, what do you forecast?
Because I've heard that they're going to introduce a police state here, but I don't see how it's physically possible, because we're a really vast, vast, vast nation, with only 24 million people, and so it's not really, it's not really physically possible, do you know what I mean, to monitor a resource?
I'll take my question off the air, I'm handing over to Richard now.
Hey Richard!
Happy New Year, America and the world!
Hey, how are you doing?
The big story of the year for me is the exposure of silver.
I'm a big fan of a guy called Bix Weir, Roger Roode's theory.
The silver thing is going to crack open this whole thing.
And everybody get ready.
I reckon around April, April that time, the thing's going to come down.
So get ready.
And that's going to happen.
So Happy New Year to you all.
Hold on, Richard.
I'm going to hold you over because I want to hear
You quantify, and I tend to agree with you that this silver thing is big.
Silver's up 50-plus percent just in the last few months.
We're going to come back, talk to you, talk to a few more callers, and Bob Chapman's coming on.
We'll continue with Open Phones.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Via the wonders of technology, I take you now to the future.
To 2011.
To Australia.
With Caroline and Richard, who've called in.
Bob Chapman's coming up.
The calls will continue.
Max Keiser, as we go into the fourth hour today, will be joining us.
It's past nine o'clock in France.
But over in Australia, I want to answer Caroline's question.
She asked the question and then handed the phone over to Richard.
But first, before I do that, her question was, how are they going to have a police state in Australia?
And the answer is, it's already going into place.
And I'll illustrate that here in just a moment.
But Richard, finishing up, yes, people buying silver, showing that the big banks have been shorting the market and manipulating physical
That is really starting to become evident, and they are concerned about it.
So give us your take on that.
Well, it's a massive trend, and you know, like, as much as I totally concur with your point of view on so many matters, I think that what will happen out of this is that
There's just got to be a total re-enlivenment of society from this.
When this thing collapses, and it's got to collapse, a bit like the Muslim religion doesn't have usury or doesn't have interest.
It just goes to nothingness.
It is nothingness.
And it gets back to a reality-based, community-based system.
I mean, permaculture, all these ideas.
I'm a vermiculturalist, meaning
Well, that's what I'm saying.
Listen, listen.
I can get off a street in Honduras.
I can get off in Canada, England, and literally now, it's not, oh, you know, walk down a street for 20 minutes, one listener comes over.
Now, it's...
A lot of people, and again I'm just one indicator of that, people are really awake and it's accelerating.
That's right, that's right.
And look, you know, it's just something that is just going to overwhelm these guys.
I mean, I put it down, not to use two better words, what can I say, two big elephants.
One's called Ethical Capitalism and the other's called Death-Based Servitude Capitalism.
Death-Based Servitude Capitalism is about to be crushed.
It's getting old.
It's about to die to the other elephant.
It's the only other way we can go, other than war.
Well, you said it very well, beautifully said.
I wish I was that eloquent.
Good to hear from you.
Very exciting, Richard.
And God bless you and Caroline.
I hope you two are having a great time in the early morning hours.
I'm sure you're drinking a few Guinness over there to help you through the very painful evening.
But getting serious to answer her question.
This is what they've done in Australia.
They staged some shootings, what was it, 12 years ago, 13 years ago, and it came out they were staged.
They did a few stunts, like they went and killed Crocodile Dundee, the real Crocodile Dundee.
He looks just like the actor.
They went to his house, he wouldn't turn his guns in, killed him.
He killed a few of the cops in the process.
They banned a lot of guns.
I can play the newscast where they've taken half, it was right at half, of the forest, 40% of the farmland, off use with the carbon taxes.
They just said, you've owned this sheep farm and your family for over a hundred years in one case.
A guy was doing a hunger strike, I never saw how that ended, up on a tower.
They just say, sorry, no more.
They say to pass our carbon credits internationally, we're going to take half the forest, 40% of the grassland, off use.
Now, they tried to implement it.
People revolted.
The government got thrown out.
And so they said, OK, we're only coming back then with part of that.
No, you got to get rid of all of it.
See, they always say, oh, we'll compromise.
Just give us a little.
We'll compromise.
Give us a little.
But they never get pushed back.
They're putting in the high-tech grids.
You've got political correctness.
They're bringing in foreigners.
Not that foreigners are bad themselves, but they're brought in to be your cops and your rulers.
Look at Sydney.
I've looked at that.
You've got a bunch of foreigners ruling over you.
Same thing here.
You know, they bring them in from dictatorships and they love it.
So, you've got tyranny over there just like we do.
And you've got a lot of other stuff going on, but Aussies are great people and you're waking up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, for the next 52 minutes, the one, the only Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com is going to be riding shotgun.
Then we got Max Keiser popping in for 30 minutes at the next hour, talking about the economy.
Now, I've got a bunch of crazy important news.
I've covered some of it, but I want to recap some of the top stories, cover some of the other issues, just throw them out at Bob and get his take on it.
I mean, some real lawlessness by the government.
And every day I'm pinching myself like I'm dreaming.
I cannot believe that Congress did not pass the new greenhouse gas takeover.
I mean, I'm glad they didn't pass it.
I knew we could beat it.
That's not my...
That's not what I mean by that.
I can't believe that they didn't pass it, and then the EPA came into Texas and said, we're going to basically start shutting down your power plants.
We're going to issue new permitting standards that are impossible to comply with.
I mean, that is amazing.
Totally lawless.
Just like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said 30 minutes ago, and I did see this in the news last week,
Gates, the head of the Defense Department, said, we don't care if polls show two-thirds, 60-plus percent are against the war.
And those are even spun polls.
It's worse than that.
It's got to be in the high 70s, are against the Afghan war.
I mean, every former Special Forces commander, like Anthony Schaeffer I have on, is against it.
Because there is no objective.
There's no public objective, because the real objective is a black hole for trillions in opium, trillions in weapons sales over the last decade.
It's coming up on that.
Here in about eight, nine months.
It'll be a decade.
And about controlling the natural gas in that area.
More than there even is in the United States.
What was the last estimate at the time of 9-11?
Four trillion in natural gas, not counting oil.
And now in inflation, I guess that's more like six, seven trillion.
So, this is a lawless, out-of-control government.
We're going to talk about that.
But I want to do this a little different.
We always wait to take calls for the last 10, 15 minutes with Bob, then we got to hurry through them.
I know Bob loves taking calls, so my New Year's present for him is we'll go to calls right away.
But briefly, Bob, what do you think some of the most important issues of 2010 were, and what do you see coming up in 2011?
I think 2010 more or less speaks for itself.
It was a dreadful year, but it's going to be worse this coming year.
And I think the scandals that were exposed are high on the list.
We just had
Mr. Ratner, pay a $10 million fine for getting payoffs.
We have the FBI chasing down scores of people and putting them under prosecution.
The criminality is rife all through the corporate world, unfortunately, and I don't have to tell you about the politicians.
And the people on Wall Street who are deeply implicated in the takedowns that are going on now and inside of trading.
But it's going to grow much bigger than that because they're going after JPMorgan Chase
And HSBC, about 30 class action lawsuits, one of them RICO, and now they're, uh, they got a class action against, uh, uh, the silver ETF, SLV.
Uh, it should be hell's a-poppin' this coming year, because a lot of these cases are going to drag over for one or two years.
So, corruption, number one.
Number two, the manipulation of markets.
You know, we're looking at a Dow that's trading at $11,600.
That shouldn't be.
Everybody in the country is catching on.
Who's an investor?
The markets are rigged.
And it's got to stop.
We have to have free enterprise.
We have to have free and open markets.
That's not what we've got.
We've got corporatist fascism.
And that's what the Federal Reserve and its owners and its figurehead, Ben Bernanke, are all about.
uh... just because he came from that ivory tower doesn't mean he doesn't know how to operate like the mob.
Well we saw a lot of other things happen.
We saw the WikiLeaks this year.
We saw Madoff come and go.
I mean we have just seen so much happen.
But do you agree with me that this has been the greatest acceleration of awakening in 2010 we've ever seen to the Federal Reserve, the New World Order,
To the TSA.
I mean, that's when people really have stopped laughing at folks that talk about corruption.
And they either say, yeah, let's fight it, or there's nothing you can do about it.
But at least, no matter what their attitude is, they admit there's a serious problem.
That is very positive.
The recognition process, and that's what you and others who have programs like yours are pointing out.
And that's what the Internet is bringing to us, the WikiLinks and the extension of that, and how they went about it, the quality of what they came out with.
But it's an ongoing process, and we are making great strides.
The coming year, gold and silver are going to go through the roof.
The market will eventually go down.
Interest rates, unofficially, will go a little higher.
They'll try to hold them down as long as they can.
And there's going to be some real surprises in the second half of the program.
I'm going to talk about something that corporate America is trying to get away with.
And it's the theft of almost $700 billion.
And so that puts it in the mega class.
It certainly does.
And with that, let's now go to your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in Michigan.
You're on the air, James.
Hey, how you doing, Alex and Bob Chapman?
Yeah, I just want to bring up about 10 and 11.
2010 was the year that we exposed, woke up people, exposed the corruption, exposed that the government's stepping over the Constitution, and what needs to be done for 2011
Is we need to get like a donation fund like the Alex Jones Donation for Liberty Fund and what that would do is put money in to use as far as like, not bonuses, but like funding for like people that will bring out the corruption of our government.
As far as like, I can't think of the word.
Just, like, bonuses for people that do bring out, like, for instance, your father, where he got bribed by a dentist to join them, and that's what type of fund we should have to bring out the corruption, as far as giving them, you know, bonuses for bringing stuff out like that.
That's just a schizophrenic statement.
I appreciate your call.
My dad got bribed by a dentist.
They like show some photo all over the internet of a guy named David Jones with bald head with gray hair about a foot taller than my dad.
And then say that's my dad.
I mean, it's just totally insane.
But I mean, I appreciate it.
I mean, it's whatever, man.
Let's take another phone call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Don in Michigan.
Don, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I hope you have a good New Year.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to, I guess my biggest thoughts right now, and I try to jot them down before you let me on the air.
Um, the City Council, um, I've listened to you for about a year and a half, and I'm a hypocrite because I haven't done it yet, but today I printed out my City Council meeting, and I want everybody to do that.
Uh, find out what time it is.
It's only an hour a year day.
Go listen to everybody.
Um, but as far as the, uh,
Gas prices $4 to $5 a gallon.
That was predicted, I think, on your show on October 22nd.
I made somebody write it down at work.
And we can see that coming.
So your show is just, the information is just incredible.
I mean, the information is just, it's spot on.
And I saw, one thing I wanted to point out, as I saw on mainstream news today,
Excuse me.
600% increase in 20 years.
1 in 110 kids.
Now if that doesn't tell people that evil things are being done, then you're just blind.
And miscarriages with the flu shots.
Well they always knew that flu shots increased miscarriages and you don't give them to pregnant women.
Last year they said this is just for women.
Those are great points and I think Jaron just corrected me.
I get defensive about family because I know how good they are and people have attacked my family and lied about them.
I think the caller misunderstood a story I told last week and Jaren remembered that and I think Jaren was right so I apologize to the last caller from Michigan before Don James.
There's a whole conspiracy theory out there that my dad hangs out with George W. Bush because there was a David Jones with a different middle name at a
The caller was talking about Homeland Security, not another dentist.
Not another dentist.
I told the story last week.
That'll get twisted around against me.
It doesn't matter.
It's mental illness.
Not by the caller, but by others.
My father was approached by Homeland Security, someone in Homeland Security, not another dentist.
He was approached by Homeland Security to spy on people.
And it wasn't because he was my dad, okay?
They said, we want to hire you.
We're trying to hire basically all professionals.
And that's been in the news, that it's InfraGard and these citizen spy groups that they're doing this.
And then my dad went back in the lounge and told another dentist about it, who by the way, is a fan of my show.
Who's a good guy, Dr. King.
And Dr. King said, yeah, I got approached two weeks ago by Homeland Security in my neighborhood, came and knocked on my door and tried to recruit me.
So that's the story, not whatever they make up or mix together.
Okay, we're gonna come back with Bob Chapman and more of your phone calls straight ahead.
And I think I'll get Bob's brief take on that.
How many people must they be trying to recruit if in a dental office of four dentists, two of the dentists have been hit up in the last month separately by different arms of Homeland Security?
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Max Geiser is coming up in about 35 minutes.
We'll continue with open phones.
Bob Chapman's got some big news to lay on you.
I've got a lot of news I want to throw out at Bob and get his take on.
But before we go back to calls, I mean, Homeland Security admits that they're rolling out TSA on the streets of America.
Telescreens now at 9,000 locations.
Tattletale squads.
But it really hits home
When they're not just trying to recruit the preachers, they're trying to recruit your dad.
And then your dad goes and talks to a colleague and they're like, yeah, they tried to recruit me.
I mean, that is that is really creepy.
That sounds like worse than the Stasi, Bob.
Well, I was you know, when you first said it, when we went off to the break,
You know, right through my head right away was the NKVD, and then the Stasi.
You know, I knew exactly what those people used to do, because we used to spy on them.
And, of course, after the war, the Gestapo recruitment and Operation Paperclip, and that was followed by the wall coming down, a deal was made to let everybody off the hook who
Was involved in that sort of thing in Eastern Germany previously.
Marcus Wolff was responsible for the death of thousands and thousands of people and nothing was ever done to him.
And then they brought to the United States experts from what used to be East Germany.
And the U.S.
recruited them to tell them how to do exactly what Homeland Security is doing today.
And we reported that eight years ago.
It was even in the mainstream news.
And people couldn't believe it.
I mean, they're really doing it.
And already with dentists and doctors and nurses.
Well, if George Orwell were around,
He would have his head in his hands saying, I never thought it would really get this bad and it's worse now.
Well, the good news is, though, they're not able just to arrest everybody at once.
They're trying to set it up, but they're not really rolling out, moving against everybody yet.
Sure, they tried to plant hand grenades on you.
They've tried stuff like that with yours truly over and over again.
But, you know, for the average person out there, they're not going to really do anything to you, folks.
We're invincible.
We've got the numbers.
That's why they're trying to get all these spies.
Because they want those numbers, but they're not going to get it.
They're trying to build a giant database.
I mean, look what they're doing.
And this is a trial run with people who are citizens of Mexico.
If you want to go to the United States now, you have to have a
I don't
Well, we'll call it a regime that's in power in Mexico, is going right along with the program.
Because they're in office because the election was rigged and the neocons came in and rigged it for them.
And they're not going to get away with it again.
And that's even come out in the Dallas Morning News, of all places, that the same folks that run Bush's operation, George W., were running it down in Mexico.
And in Mexico, they make the Attorney General's employees take microchips.
That's six years old.
They, what, two years ago made it where all cell phones are tracked in live time and you can't have a track phone.
They don't have gun ownership.
What do you make of this?
And we're going to go to break, come back with calls.
Where the feds are now ordering border states with no law, Bob, to report more than one semi-automatic handgun or rifle being sold.
I mean that's...
That's extrajudicial.
They're just doing that without law, and it's the same thing with the EPA.
The Congress wouldn't pass their greenhouse gas takeover, so they're just doing it, and they've now seized control of the Texas permitting process with no authority, and literally will shut down many of the power plants in Texas, and they have no force of law behind them.
They're just doing it.
They just do what they want to do, and I'm afraid we've said that on this program innumerable times.
And they're going to continue to just stay outside the law and do it until people bring legal action against them.
Counties, cities say, no, we're not going to do that.
And once you have one case, it's over because they'll have to stop.
But it's the process that you have to go through.
It's just like the regulatory agencies.
The CFTC and the SEC.
You file a complaint, they're arrogant, nasty, and never follow up on it.
All they do is protect the ensconced bankers that are on Wall Street, etc.
Well, you said it.
We know there was a Bilderberg group deal two years ago struck in Turkey dealing with Texas power plants.
I'll tell folks about that when we come back.
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The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm gonna take some more of your calls and get into the big news Bob's gonna break here today.
And we're going to talk to Max Keiser coming up the next hour.
Continue with your phone calls here on our last broadcast of 2010.
I'll be back Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
with the first broadcast of 2011.
But I wanted to tell you about our wonderful sponsors that make this broadcast possible.
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Just briefly, some of the main players at the 2000 and
seven, so I guess it's three years ago now, Bilderberg group meeting that was held over in
Istanbul, over in Turkey, were big players trying to take over the power plants in Texas.
And Rick Perry's been involved in that, so he was taken to the meeting, and he was a guest at the meeting, and now you know he's gearing up to run for president.
The more he denies it, the more you know that's going to happen.
And there's big money in shutting down smaller regional power plant systems.
And only letting the biggies operate.
And that's what this EPA takeover is about.
And Texas produces more power than any other state.
It's the second most populous state.
But it supplies power to surrounding states.
And they're really trying to shut it down.
And it's very clean.
The government has aircraft that fly around in Cessnas every day above the power plants.
If they pick up any pollutants, they go absolutely ape.
I have to say, though, Perry since then has stood up against the takeover of the power plants, and so has the Attorney General.
And now the feds have come in, as I talked about earlier, and said, we're going to have federal permitting now.
We're revoking the state's right to issue permits when that's outside their jurisdiction.
But the EPA is trying to enforce something that they couldn't get Congress to pass.
I mean, this is an impeachable offense on its face, is it not?
It certainly is.
And this is the policy model of corporatist fascism.
The agglomeration of everything in every sphere into a monopoly.
All the power projects that operate in the country and any that are going to be built, they want to control them all.
All of the production of automobiles in the United States, they want to control them all.
The building of homes.
They've been in negotiations for over two years with some major builders to consolidate the industry into a half dozen producers of homes.
And what better time when the whole housing business is in trouble and will continue to be.
And they're going to do the same thing in banking, and in Wall Street, and in many, many spheres.
And this is an evolutionary process which is assisted by Keynesianism, which to me is nothing more than an economic and monetary plan for the imposition of a fascist government.
This is what this all leads to.
Well, you're absolutely right.
Let's continue with calls and get into your big news and some other items that are very important I want to cover.
Matt, in Florida, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, I'd like to wish you a happy New Year's Eve.
I have a few quick points I wanted to run through real quick.
For 2010, I wanted to thank the Obama administration for really throwing the socialism in our face to help us wake up more people once they realize what he truly was.
I want to let you know, I want to thank you for breaking that story about the Tampa Police Department yesterday.
We Are Change Tampa is planning a peaceable assembly at the Tampa Police Headquarters on this upcoming Tuesday at 3 o'clock, so anybody who would like to join us out there in the Tampa area, you're welcome to.
I wanted to tell you I'm looking forward to 9-11-11, the 10th anniversary of 9-11.
I'm sure there's going to be some big...
Some big things going on that day as far as trying to get 9-11 truth.
And I wanted to let you know that if you want to come out and film for Police State 5, you can bet that the Republican National Convention in Tampa is going to be a lockdown police state.
I've already talked to a couple of local police officers and they say they're already training for it.
Very interesting.
A good job of what you guys are doing down there.
And that's the most exciting thing about The Awakening I'm seeing.
There are so many websites and radio talk show hosts now that really get it and really have piercing analysis now that weren't even around a year or two ago.
There are so many organizations out there confronting corruption and making news.
I mean, this has got the system really scared and the town halls being shut down, the politicians being routed.
That's happening across the political spectrum.
Congress with the lowest approval rating in history.
There's no way they're going to get away with this police state without the consent of the governed, Bob.
I think you're right.
And you've described the method, which is what we've been doing.
And we just keep on doing it until we can't do it anymore or we're successful.
Let's take another call.
Julio in Illinois.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Alex Jones, Happy New Year to you.
Bob Chapman, Happy New Year to you as well.
A bunch of points leading to 2011.
First off, my roommate Nye and his brother, we recently purchased and are taking the shackles off of our fiat slavery system.
We purchased silver from Midas Resources, so we're excited about that.
Getting ourselves prepared for the inevitable.
Some things looking forward to 2011.
Number one is weather modification.
You're currently seeing it all throughout the world now.
I saw this and I'm surprised you guys really didn't talk about this much.
This is from CNS News from December 17th of 2010.
Napolitano and Homeland Security to begin battling climate change as a Homeland Security issue.
I did cover that, and see, Homeland Security is going to be over everything, and they are announcing, no judge, no jury, they are going to be the new Green Police, and battling climate change means having every post office vehicle with quote,
Pollution detectors and wireless systems stealing your wireless data, surveilling you, driving around snooping, claiming they got some whiff of something toxic from your house.
Now they have supposed probable cause for the federal green police and this is going to be their entree into your home, into your business, into your society.
It is really happening and I'm glad you raised that point.
Another issue is we have the Pentagon's admissions, we have Secretary of Defense
William Cohen's admission in Army Times in the April issue of 1997 from a press conference admitting they have weather weapons.
We have literally hundreds of patents of how they mix it with the jet fuel so the airlines don't even know to create these aerosol programs.
And we are seeing a lot of crazy weather, but it's not the global warming.
It's always associated with these geoengineering programs.
They've got massive floods in Australia.
Record cold now in the last thousand years in Europe.
And clearly, there's weather manipulation going on.
Bob Shetman, your take.
Well, it sure is.
It's cold just about everywhere, even with the summertime.
And of course, that's accompanied by cold rain as well, and flooding.
And, you know, I lived in Europe for years, and I guess, probably, unless you're in the mountains, you don't see any snow in Europe, usually, in Central Europe.
And they're getting plenty of it.
Anything else here, Leo?
Yeah, I got another couple quick points here.
I'll quickly go through them.
The NFL and the NBA, they're going to go on strike and here's why.
Everyone knows the fluoride heads love sports.
I wanted to be a sports broadcaster until I was awakened by you and John Perkins and Bob Chapman.
Now I want to be an investigative reporter.
I was watching just Bloomberg recently.
Goldman Sachs has their heads with the NFL trying to get them to silence their books about how much money they're receiving.
The NBA, David Stern, he's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
So with these two big entities going away,
What are these fluoride heads going to do without their precious sports?
In England too, Barcelona and Real Madrid and all those English Premier Clubs, they're unable to pay their athletes.
So again, in Europe... Well, I mean, exactly.
And I appreciate your call, Julio.
It's not so much that the public's dumb.
You know, the average schmo is an expert on football or baseball and all the numbers and statistics and what happened this year or that year.
But then they won't learn about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They won't learn about corporate fascism.
They won't learn about how they use socialism to fund the corporate fascist in the first phase.
They want to just stay in their little box, but as things get worse and worse, more and more people are getting it.
I mean, it's obscene how much people invest in sports and get upset by it and are protesting that they're going to shut down two NFL games because of the snow when
For nine hours a woman was having a baby in a major store, in a major building, and the police wouldn't come help her with New York's shutdown.
People are dying, but so what about that?
Give us our stupid football.
Bob Chapman.
Well, that is what Americans have allowed themselves, and Europeans and others as well, to go to.
I mean, it's a low level.
They don't want to know about anything.
They want to come, live, and leave.
And that's not what life is all about.
There's a lot more to it than existing and making a living and watching sports.
I like sports.
I coached for 35 years.
Obviously I love sports.
In fact, I miss coaching as well.
But I'm a little old for that now.
But that's the good part, where the youngsters are actually getting the exercise, learning to compete.
That's very healthy.
It's the worship and the betting and people only caring about the gladiatorial spectacle.
I mean, sports is wonderful and wholesome and good.
That's why all over the Western world, they're trying to ban and restrict competitive sports.
Dodgeball, tag, you name it.
That's right.
You're absolutely correct.
And it allows younger people
To learn how to get along with other people.
I know when my son was 12, I said, look, you've got to pick two sports.
You're doing four or five of them, and it's just too much.
And so he picked soccer and tennis.
And one an individual sport, and the other a team sport.
And I said, you're going to be happy doing that.
And he was.
Absolutely, and then pick up golf when you get older.
It's not bad.
It's good until... It's kind of like red wine.
One glass a day, every major study shows, really good for you.
A bottle a day, you're going to get liver failure, folks.
You're going to have problems.
I mean, it's, you know, a cheeseburger once a week, that's good for you.
I mean, you know, you need some fat.
Start eating cheeseburgers twice a day like I do sometimes at work, you're going to have a heart attack when you're 45.
Bob, I want to go back to calls later.
I want to hold you five minutes to the next hour ahead of Max Keiser.
But right now, let's get into the big news you've got to break for folks here on the air that's going to be in tomorrow's forecaster.
Well, for those who haven't heard, and it came out this week, that there was a secret meeting in the White House on the 15th of December.
And I got to go back six years.
And six years ago, the U.S.
Congress passed legislation
Which allowed corporations that work internationally to hold profit outside the United States and not pay taxes on it.
These companies wanted to bring money back.
So they said they would create jobs.
And if they were allowed to do that, Congress allowed them to do that.
And they brought back $362 billion.
And the deal was they create jobs, but they didn't create any jobs.
And they only paid 5.25% tax instead of 35%.
And that's not fair, but expanding on that, Bob, expanding on that, what is the number?
I see different numbers.
How many tens of trillions are in the offshore accounts?
$1.9 trillion.
And it's the same figure
For American corporations in the United States, they have cash on hand of $1.9 trillion in addition to that.
Now, these are the biggest, strongest, internationalist corporations in the country.
Now, they want the same deal again that just cost, six years ago, the American taxpayer $108 billion
Only this time, they got $1.9 trillion, it'll cost the American taxpayer $650 billion.
The temerity of these people is unbelievable.
So to quantify that though... They're trying to figure out how to do it this time, because they don't think that Congress may pass it.
And they're looking for the President to give it an executive order going around Congress and running it to bring it to a creation.
And if we can point out to the public that they're trying to get away with this, we can stop it.
And maybe we can pass legislation to stop them from keeping money offshore.
Now the reason they do what they say and ask for it in the first place, this proviso, is that other countries
Yeah, stay there.
We have the highest in the world.
Stay there, Bob.
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See, everything is a bait-and-switch.
They've got Will Ferrell's new movie out, and at the end of the movie, there's a message, because the whole movie's about corrupt bankers, that, oh, the way we do this is basically wage freezing.
We raise taxes on the richest 2%.
What they don't tell you is the, quote, richest 2% are making a quarter million dollars a year.
That's in devalued dollars.
So, the bankers know the public's mad, so there's all these messages now about CEO pay and all this.
You never hear about shareholders.
You never hear about the owners.
You'll hear about the managers, the Rockefellers, and the Queen of England.
Excuse me.
Remind me, ladies and gentlemen, never to eat popcorn.
During the break, they got some popcorn out there.
I threw a big handful in.
And then when I got on air, you know, you inhale a little piece of it into your lungs.
If you think my voice is normally raspy... Oh boy, this is some good talk radio, let me tell you.
Woo, boy!
Anyways, going back to my point with Bob Chapman here.
That they are sicking the public, as they've always done, the ultra-rich, always sick the blue-collar working class, who are financially ignorant, on average, against the middle class, the enemy of corrupt elites throughout history.
They don't like independent people that can take care of themselves, and who fund the real economy that's left, the service economy.
And of the hundreds of thousands and millions of small businesses.
And so, there's no discussion about all this offshore money, and there's a few news articles about it.
Instead, it's all about, oh, they're going to have tax cuts for the rich, when all it was was keeping the tax structure that was already in place, that is very high.
And then you bring up the corporate taxes.
We can pull up the news article.
Google pays 2.4% internationally with their money.
Bob Chapman, continue.
And so what they did with the money the last time around, you know, the $362 billion that they were supposed to create jobs with, which they didn't.
They took the money and they went in and bought their stock on the stock market, which makes the stock market go higher, makes their shares go up.
And that's very good for the management of the company because they get stock options.
So they make billions of dollars.
And they keep the market up at the same time.
This is what they're going to try to pull again.
This is what they're up to.
Now, you know, you say to yourself, how did this happen in the first place?
It happened because they said that other countries had lower taxes on corporations.
And that's true.
But the way to solve that problem is the way we had solved it before, by having tariffs.
Well, they did away with all the tariffs so you can make all this money and take it offshore.
Sit with it tax-free, or get it back into the country at 5.25% instead of 35%.
You know, just another gift from the American taxpayer, this time of $650 billion.
But part of this whole syndrome is free trade, globalization, offshoring, and outsourcing.
We lost 42,400 businesses and 8.5 million jobs in 10 years.
That's what it was really all about.
Because once they destroy the economy, they control the full spectrum.
And then they can make Americans, they think, accept world government.
Because they'll promise to turn the economy back on if we submit, but studying Europe and third world nations that have been through it, that's a con job as well.
Bob, stay there.
Final segment with you straight ahead, then Max Keiser.
The GCN Radio Network, providing the world with hard-hitting talk radio.
Great Talk Radio starts here.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video
We're good.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, the final hour, the final show of 2010.
Bob Chapman finishing up the statement you were making there at the end of the last hour.
Max Geiser's coming up in the next segment with his take on 2010 and beyond.
What's going to happen next year?
It's already next year on the other side of the globe.
You notice that it's all about middle class tax cuts.
When really that wasn't even a middle class tax cut, it was keeping it where it was.
They're hoping people making $30,000 a year don't understand that somebody making a quarter million a year is not rich and is literally who butters their bread.
That's the main group still funding what's left of this country.
And the globalists are offshore literally hoarding it all by design.
What do we do?
Just educate people about this?
That's all we can do and have them go to Congress and say, look,
We can't allow the President to have this kind of legislation go through, and why don't we rescind this largesse that these corporations have, who started this free trade globalization, and all the jobs and businesses we've lost.
They're killing our country, and now they want to be rewarded for it.
We can't allow that.
We've got to stop it.
We need tariffs of 25 to 40 percent.
We've got to stop this foolishness.
We've got every nation in the world devaluing their currencies to compete against us.
We can't compete outside the country without tariffs.
We found that out in 1800, and we seem to have forgotten it.
Very well said.
I want to jam in one more call for Bob Chapman.
You know what, I'll go to calls after Kaiser goes, because he's only on for two segments.
I promise I'll get to everybody with a blitz of calls in the last 30 minutes and some more news that I want to cover.
But Bob, in the three minutes we've got left, any other predictions for 2011 that you think are important?
Well, I think gold and silver are going to go right through the roof.
I mean, they've shown everybody that gold is now, for this point in time,
The alternative to the U.S.
They've beaten them out.
Everybody's buying gold and silver throughout the world.
Unfortunately, the Americans are lagging far behind, but they'll catch up.
And I think that we can easily achieve $2,400 in gold, $50 in silver.
We may even get to $3,000 this coming year.
And that probably would put silver at $50, $60, $70.
And maybe even higher.
What do you think about oil going up?
It's the only place you can go to protect yourself.
I agree with you.
What do you think about oil exploding?
And one of the big Shell execs talking about $5 a gallon within 12 months.
Well, it's only about a buck and a half from where it's at now in most places.
So what are we looking at the price of oil?
Probably $100, $110 a barrel.
And I think that
From what I've observed in over 50 years of dealing in markets, the oil market is very, very easy to manipulate.
And they do manipulate it.
They being the major producers in concert with the powers behind government.
And oil will be where they want it to be.
It's not a supply and demand factor.
If they want it at $125 or $97 or, for that matter, we saw it back at $18 not that long ago.
And so with that said, it's open season.
Anything goes on oil.
When are they going to stop it?
I don't know.
Well, it's going to be a crazy year, no doubt, and I have to agree with you.
If people think 2010 was bad financially, a lot of experts are saying this is the year that they're really going to de-peg the dollar globally as the world reserve, and China and Russia are now officially in trade with each other only in the Chinese currency.
Well, that's true, and I think what the American contingent
Uh, the Bilderbergers, et cetera, are going to do is they're going to have that meeting I've talked about.
Devalue, revalue the currencies, multilateral, uh, default.
And I think right after that, the U.S.
will say, well, we're going to back our currency again with gold.
And that's, I think that's the route they're going to take.
Bob, have a great new year and I'll see you next year, next Friday.
You got it.
And thanks for having me.
And thanks for having you on the show.
It's wonderful.
We'll be right back.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T Respect Authority O-B-E-Y Obey Authority Come on, come on!
Respect Authority Come on, come on!
Obey Authority Come on, come on!
Authorities are here to help you Do what they say And everything will be okay Come on, come on!
Respect, authority, come on, come on.
Obey, authority, Jesus has authority.
You will be okay.
You know, that sounds reasonable at a certain level.
Do what your teacher says, your parents say.
But when you know that there's the clergy response teams that we know came into being about 2003, we learned about them in 2005, it was just tens of thousands of preachers recruited, telling their flocks, secretly by Homeland Security, they don't tell their flock this, submit to government Romans 13, Hitler's favorite Bible verse,
But we are the people.
We are the government.
We are the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And when the politicians say, we don't like the Constitution, we're not going to follow the Constitution, we're just going to do whatever we want, that's called tyranny.
And so who holds them responsible?
Well, according to these churches, it doesn't matter.
If somebody's wearing a suit and a tie and says they're the authority, do what they say.
That's called tyranny.
It's a very creepy song.
It's called the West Coast Believers Kid Band.
And it's their second song.
They put it together.
It's about respecting and obeying your teachers, your parents, and Jesus.
Hope you like it too.
And people say, the Nazis also brainwashed this way.
Obey authority seriously.
These poor kids, I can guarantee that sometime when they're 20-something, they will completely rebel against God and rethink everything their parents brainwashed them to do.
And the best quote here, none of the commenters buy into this, it says, do what they say and everything will be okay.
Uh, no.
That's the opposite of what the founding fathers taught.
Because this isn't just your parents.
It's what the school says.
Well, the average school is saying don't follow what your parents say.
Don't do what they say.
I've read Time magazine for kids on air.
Where it says, your parents belong to an old, sad time.
It actually said that.
They don't understand how cool it is to have an implantable microchip, but you do.
Or, kids, turn your parents in for environmental crimes.
Write them fake tickets for taking a hot bath.
New York Times.
I mean, just super, super creepy.
Do we have Max Keiser?
Max Keiser joins us for the next 30 minutes or so.
Then we're going to take your calls and blitz through a lot of news I haven't gotten to yet today.
But it's good to end the year with Max Keiser.
Of course, the inventor of the Hollywood Stock Exchange system, BBC TV host, RT TV host, Press TV TV host, Genesis Saturday morning radio host.
A very busy bee.
And Max kicked off on this show a few months ago the Buy Silver, Crash JP Morgan campaign.
and uh... since then we've seen silver explode we've seen gold explode back up uh... but there's a lot of factors added to this but no doubt the liberty movement from australia to the united states uh... from south africa to russia from mexico to venezuela i'm seeing literally tens of thousands of videos on youtube of people talking about the campaign that's what you can do about the obama deception in game fall the republic
The TSA.
Just all make your own videos ranting about it and saying, I won't submit.
And that will reach tens of millions more.
Sound off.
Say, I don't consent.
Verbally speak out.
Say no, no, no.
And show how outside the realm of political consent these corrupt governments controlled by offshore banks are.
I'm also talking to Kaiser about the trillions that the mega banks and corporations have offshore they want to bring back basically at 5% tax.
The media diverted everybody talking about middle class tax cuts and people making quarter mill a year while never discussing the real swindles that are going on by the mega rich.
But Max Kaiser, great to have you joining us from Paris.
You're only a few hours away from 2011 there.
We're going to fade him up here in a moment, where we may have lost him.
Yeah, that's a deadline, I can tell you right now, there's no audio there.
Okay, we lost him over there.
Who knows, maybe in the coldest winter now they're reporting in a thousand years, maybe the phone lines froze up with folks over there on their side of the pond.
We will get him up and on the air with us.
Right now, while we're doing that, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Who's up first here?
I guess it'd be Dan.
Dan, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
We'll get to Justin, Linda, and others coming up.
Go ahead, Dan.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
Prison Planet member.
Suggest everybody gets to be a Prison Planet member as well.
Just a question and then comment what I see personally.
about what's going on uh... with my wife basically but my question was i was wondering what was going on with that social networking site that you were uh... you spoke about uh... to compete with face book and such such that would be uh... an excellent idea to go against the new world order sure to be clear but we built one and we love justin had problems it worked pretty good but i don't wanna just want something that you know that but but we're working on it right now feverishly
I've just hired two people to work in-house on instead of hiring outside firms.
Obviously, Facebook's had a billion dollars put into it, or billions of dollars put into it.
We're spending tens of thousands here with what we're doing, but I want to develop that so patriots can get together.
What else is on your mind?
It's just like my wife, she works in a nursing home.
And what she notices is that hospice is starting to do the eugenics by putting people on nothing by mouth.
Basically, once they see that they don't have a gag reflex and only give them morphine, she just has a hard time watching that because they suffer.
I mean, they ask... No, no, no, no.
I mean, I should do probably a hundred shows on this.
I have done a lot of shows on the past.
For decades, they've been murdering people.
It's eugenics.
Bill Gates is now out in the open.
They admit there are the death panels.
And they don't give you essential surgeries, and they just take you and drug you and kill you, and your wife needs to speak out against it, and the bioethicists are turning into pure eugenicists.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Okay, now with us for the next 30 minutes.
He dropped again.
Max Keiser, we're having trouble getting him on the line.
I wonder if it's sabotage.
I mean, you know the system doesn't like what he's doing.
And that Crash Silver program he launched here that's getting so much attention.
So we'll see if Max ever makes it.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Justin in Illinois.
Justin, welcome.
Yes, sir.
Hello, Alex.
And thank you for speaking truth to tyranny, as always.
And happy new year to you.
Happy new year to you, my friend.
Yes, sir.
I had a prediction for 2011, and that is that I'm guessing that the U.S.
government will continue their program of aid to the government of Mexico in the form of military assistance, and that is known as the
Marina Initiative?
Have you heard of it?
Oh, it's in the billions of dollars.
In fact, let me just search the term.
It's a whole bunch.
Let me see.
USAID to Mexico totals.
It's just massive.
Go ahead.
Yes, I believe they've appropriated $1.4 billion, started in 2007 under Bush and continued here under Obama.
And I learned a lot from watching a YouTube documentary on the subject called Merida Initiative Collapse by Design.
And I wouldn't be surprised to see more intervention from the government, the U.S.
government, in Mexico next year.
And I think they're probably going to use the securing the border
As a as a pretext to further integrate
United States with Mexico.
That's what the SPP documents state is that they would use the flu, they would use implosions in the economy in Mexico, they would use terrorism as a way to merge the law enforcement, the military, and then the borders.
And now that's all over the news this week that indeed, oh we just got an idea we're merging all our computer systems, oh we just got an idea we've
Got joint response deals with Canada and Mexico inside each other's countries to fight terrorists.
And it just goes on and on and on.
And that is the North American Union.
And under that system, it isn't elected representatives that control it.
You'll still have your Congress that's basically ceremonial and rubber stamps everything.
But overall, it'll be these unelected corporate regional boards that will control everything.
And so that's a great point.
I mean, it's the same thing.
The states, the feds are supposed to only do a very few limited things.
State of Texas says, hey, you didn't pass that through Congress.
We're not going to let you come in here and always cut, cut, cut.
And put fines and fees and increased power prices on Texas utility users and the surrounding states that Texas predominantly powers.
You're not allowed to do that and you don't have a law to enforce that.
And so the EPA just shows up in Texas yesterday and says, we're pulling all your permits, the state can't issue permits anymore.
We're coming in and we're going to shut you down if you don't live up to what we say.
They're just doing it.
And Congress is just sitting there on their hands going, well, we didn't pass a law, but that's okay.
You just go ahead and do whatever you want over there.
And that's an example of this lawlessness.
And it's the same thing with the North American Union.
Same thing with the World Trade Organization.
Unelected group, more power than Congress over our trade.
So it's just like Texas.
Why even have a legislature?
I mean, they got federal command centers, they tell you are locally controlled.
That's a total lie.
The threat fusion centers, they're openly federalizing everything.
And it's just all completely illegal, un-American, it's tyranny.
Well, it's gotta get worse before it gets better.
We'll be right back, and I think we do have Max Keiser.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go!
I think so.
Okay, we're still working on getting Max Keiser on.
I really want to hear from him at the end of the year here.
But I've got some other points of news I want to cover before this transmission ends.
But I also want to talk to you and get your take on what's the most important things that happened in 2010.
What do you see happening in 2011?
Linda in Washington, you're on the air.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I have to bless you for all the good work you're doing and bringing together people like Webster Tarpley, Bob Chapman, Max Kaiser, and Porter Stansbury.
All experts, geniuses in their own right.
It's wonderful to listen to your show.
Happy New Year.
Well, thank you so much.
My greatest pleasure is being able to talk to all the great listeners and people out there and to be able to stand up for what's right.
Doesn't mean we're perfect, doesn't mean that any of us, you know, get it done 100% right, but at least we're going in the right direction, our hearts in the right place, and we're having a lot of success.
And if more people get involved in fighting tyranny, we can defeat this.
What's on your mind, Linda?
And, you know, it took me forever to get through to you because millions of people listen to you, Alex, and millions of people try and get through on the phones.
And that is a good sign that the numbers are increasing every day and we have a chance to beat the tyranny and the fascism that is trying to take over our country.
We do have a chance.
We have a big chance because they are only a very small minority.
13 families in charge, maybe 100 something extended from that.
And there are millions of us.
Millions and billions of us.
There are less than 20 ruling families.
So we have this opportunity.
We cannot let them intimidate us.
With things like what they're doing with tasering and the TSA.
Oh, that's another point.
Think of how they've introduced tasers and now they do it if they don't like your attitude.
I mean, this is a cattle prod.
These are killing people and they don't care.
They just keep doing it.
Every couple days I see where they taser autistic kids or blind kids or retarded kids because they don't answer questions right.
Or they shoot retarded kids in the back.
I mean,
They're really trying to just set the precedent to do to us whatever they want.
And we've got to, as I said, it's simple, just start saying no, no, no!
Yes, and that's why I'm calling.
You know, one of the chief murderers who brought in what's going on is George W. Bush.
And he has killed, allegedly, just
Millions of people in Iraq and because of the lies that he spoke to the American people, there are over 5,800 of our soldiers dead in Iraq and Afghanistan and of course many innocent civilians.
Hundreds of thousands have been getting sick or dying from the last several wars soft kill D.U.
I can't stand George W. Bush.
I have been working with Vincent Bugliosi
And I called district attorneys in Alaska, California, Oregon, Vermont, Texas, trying to find someone who had the balls to arrest and prosecute George W. Bush.
Now I think we have an opportunity, Alex, with the change of the attorney generals and governors and new DAs,
Um, to actually find someone who will prosecute George W. Bush.
Well, I've seen calls from prestigious organizations for criminal charges against Cheney and Bush.
Nigeria caught Cheney making payoffs to people for Halliburton, and then they tried to make another payoff to get him out of trouble.
It's come out that that's illegal as well.
But absolutely, even though George W. Bush is just a big minion,
If you can ever bring a George Bush to justice, or a Dick Cheney, or a Barack Obama for their treason, and Obama's just as guilty.
He's accelerated the torture, the black sites, the secret sites, that's now all admitted.
These guys are all guilty.
Just like they send people that are caught torturing to prison, well, they're the ones giving the orders.
They're even more guilty.
Linda, great hearing from you.
Have a great New Year coming up.
Be safe out there tonight.
Let's talk to Dan in New Mexico.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
And here's what I think the biggest story of 2010 was and what I think the biggest thing is going to be in 2011.
And I think it's Rand Paul getting elected.
Everything that I've read is he's going to really hit the ground running.
Um, he's not going to be just a little wallflower, freshman senator.
Stay there, I want to hear more from this, because I'm glad you mentioned this.
This is one of the points I wanted to make.
That's why it's great taking the calls, because you raise all the points and more.
And guess where Rand's going to be living?
With his dad in his dad's condo in D.C.
So the dad will be there.
With the advice helping him, not that Rand isn't incredibly smart.
I mean, I saw Rand go from being well-spoken and, you know, a little more, you know, just kind of provincial to being super hardcore.
And he's just going to get better and better and better and better and better.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, under the Ice Age attack, we can't get a hold of Max Keiser.
So, too bad.
Maybe we'll have him for the first of the year, one of our first guests.
Maybe we should have him on the Sunday show.
Maybe we should line that up for the second hour of the Sunday show.
Gotta get my Keiser fix.
Because Jaron enjoys doing Keiser imitations back there in the... Who did I make the check out to?
But a little gallows humor there my friends.
Let's go back to your calls, and we were talking to which caller was I talking to John?
Yeah, I was down in New Mexico.
Let me just go ahead and give you the toll-free number, too.
As you hear callers hang up, you're welcome to get on board, because I'm going to try to end the new year with a bunch of your calls, your predictions for the upcoming year, what you think was important last year.
I got a few little things I want to hit on as well.
Dan was bringing up one of the biggest stories being Rand Paul.
Regardless of what you think about Rand Paul, a lot of people are like, oh, it doesn't matter.
We get good people elected.
You know, you can't stop it.
The solution isn't voting.
Regardless, we have the issue of the media doing everything they could, saying he didn't have a college degree, a bachelor's.
Well, because he was the top of his class and placed out.
My dad did the same thing.
A lot of people do.
He placed out.
He didn't have to finish.
He went right in to medical school.
Uh, then they said he was kidnapping women.
Uh, they said he was, you know, doing all these things.
None of it was true.
And they failed!
In the past, they would succeed with something like that.
People before, on average, would kind of, the mainstream media doesn't like him.
I better vote against him.
It didn't work.
It doesn't work anymore.
It's a badge of honor when the media lies about yours truly and says stuff.
Uh, go ahead, uh, Dan, finish up your point.
Well, the other thing, Alex, that I think people need to understand is that in the case of Rand Paul, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
And Rand, I believe, understands that in terms of the debt, we're in the bottom of the ninth, two outs, and nobody's on.
Now, what I think is going to be the two big things in 2011 is going to be the clash of the titans between Ron Paul and Bernanke and the continuing resolution in terms of funding the government and I think things are going to come to a head as people begin to wake up more largely that we are in the bottom of the ninth with nobody on base and this thing is really bad.
And then the last thing I'd like to say that
I actually had a conversation about this majorly enough over Christmas dinner around 9-1-1 and the conversation evolved to the point that says that the real way to get to unraveling this is to begin to enlarge the scope of the conversation to include the following that says that, you know what?
If George Bush says they attacked us because they hate our freedom, and you can only conclude from that that, A, they won, but the other side of it is the economics which says that the ROI on the money spent on the war on terror has not brought a return, and to drill it down into that level of that paradigm, you know, we're spending this money and what have we got?
Well, but it's more than that, and I appreciate your call.
Again, excellent points.
The globalists love to hide things in plain view of the riddles.
The terrorists attacked us because they hate our freedom.
The terrorist is the military-industrial complex that sits inside the banking cartel that's setting up the global eugenics government and that pyramidal structure.
And of course they attacked us because they hate our freedom.
It's true!
It's just, who they say attacked us isn't who really did it.
No one can deny, even if you believe the official fable of 9-11 that's been completely proven to be a fairy tale, who can deny they're using 9-11 to take our liberties and to rob us and to steal and to keep their crime secret?
No one can deny that.
Let's continue here.
Let's talk to Mark in Florida.
You're on the air.
Excelsior, Alex.
I'm hoping that the Patriots farewell
In their 2011 attempts to wake up the ignorant population.
It seems man will kill his fellow man for food and that's evidenced by the government employees that attacked the Michigan mother that helped children on a school bus and the police officer that beat up an old woman because she didn't water her lawn.
But in the summertime, had she watered her lawn, she probably would have got beaten up for watering it.
No, I mean, that's the bottom line.
A tyranny is where the criminal government erects laws so they can come suck off of us and feed off of us.
They pass laws that, in any common sense society, would not be illegal.
Well, and I'm hoping the patriots will fill up their city councils, because city council is where the blood draws begin.
City council is where the fluoride begins.
City Council is where you get beat to death for watering your lawn begins and the Patriots need to fill up the elected offices.
And the state!
I mean, you know, the state needs to come together.
And I appreciate the call.
If you go back to the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, when we really knew this stuff was for real three years ago, it says for insurrection by the people of the states and the states, to replace governors, to put a governor's council in, which they now did this year.
2010, and I mean they know it's legitimate, it's real, the states are the people, they can say no, and they're getting everything set up with the threat fusion centers and everything to take control of this country.
It's an illegitimate hijacking, a usurpation, we're being usurped.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kent in Ohio.
Kent, you're on the air.
Hi, I've got a
Just a couple of questions for you, Alex.
I'm a Planet TV member, by the way.
Thank you.
My wife and I listen to your show every single day.
In 2010, it became apparent that the banks are insolvent, and the FDIC is shot, and cities and pensions are all bust, and debt won't be serviceable when the interest goes up, and you know it will go up.
Crooks are trying to collapse it all.
So I've got two questions.
One, after the currency does collapse, and it probably will, right?
Um, and after the stores don't have a workable currency to buy food for their shelves, how long do you think it'll be before, you know, a new currency gets in place and things get back to normal and we'll be able to go back to the store again and buy some food?
Will I need six months or two years or how long do you think it will be before normalcy?
Everybody talks about everything collapsing, but how long will it be before things might come back to some kind of normalcy?
Well, again, that's a very complex question, and I appreciate that call.
I mean, to try to answer that properly, it's not simple.
The globalists have a lot of different tracks they're working on, and they have announced decades ago they wanted an Amaro, and then 2010 the IMF announced they want a global Bancor, or Baincor.
And they already are operating with a global digital currency, the SDR, that the global banks just issue to themselves.
Here, want a trillion?
Here, have another trillion.
For themselves.
While they shut down the regular economy and freeze lending at levels not seen in modern history.
And so it really won't be the currency crashes overnight, and then you just can't use it.
It's just that things cost more, more, more, more, more.
Then they have a public devaluation, and then they bring in a global cashless currency.
Already, when you ship overseas, the postal service is in SDRs.
We're already going into that, and so they just phase out cash.
But under the SDR system, private banks, under the SDR system, companies, you can just print off money, and there could be a thousand different flavors, that has the barcode and code on it.
And then is redeemable at certain places.
So you'll still have regional cash, corporate cash, different types of notes or receipts that are symbols of that digital money.
But they're just bypassing the Bancor, they're bypassing the Euro, they're bypassing, those are all stepping stones to global credits that are on your cell phone or in a credit card or a chip in your hand.
I mean, this is the admission.
And so,
In a depression, though, there could be some shortages, some problems, some things like that.
But I don't just see, you know, suddenly all your money is completely worthless.
It's more in a process that happens until you get like Zimbabwe or Weimar, Germany or Argentina where people go in to have a two-hour meal and they want to pay up front because it's going to be, you know, five, ten points more by the time they're done eating.
I mean, that does happen.
I started listening to you back in October.
First off, I'd like to applaud you for the courage of doing what you're doing.
About what you were saying, I was trying to find flaws in it, and discrepancies, but I couldn't find any.
And I became very freaked out.
And I went to, excuse me, I have the flu, so I'm a little bit under the weather here.
Sorry to hear that.
I went to see Shaman, who I was an apprentice of for several years, and I drove 80 miles to see him.
And basically, he said that
You have less to fear than these people.
It's a time, we're going through a time right now, where there's so many lightworkers coming to the planet.
This might sound a little crazy, but he said that so much is being revealed, and he reminded me that if you look at all the pedophiles that were recently exposed in the Catholic Church, and I was brought up Catholic, so I think I can say that, that
We're going through a time where more of this is happening.
And that these people, he said to me, you're afraid that these people are going to get away with it.
He said, but they're not.
We're coming into a time when these people will be exposed.
And he said that Mother Earth will shake them off like nothing, like their fleas on her back.
And one thing he said, don't forget that the underpinning of all of this, of these elites, is demonic.
Thank you.
Well, I tend to agree with you.
I mean, that's really the big truth, is that if we refuse to stand up and tell the truth and bring light into the world, they're going to win.
All we have to do is resist when we're in the right, and corruption will implode.
And God bless you, I appreciate your call.
There is a Great Awakening happening, and the system is countering.
This is the big battle against good and evil.
I mean, it's just that simple.
And there are those that are attracted to darkness and evil, and they congregate together.
And there are good people that love honor and truth and justice.
And we congregate together, but because we're free spirits, we don't do it as much as the evil.
The evil tends to get together more.
And also the globalists are masters at getting good people to join evil operations believing it's good.
But they've gone too far coming out and saying torture is good, and then torture of children is good, and you know, big law enforcement seminars that were in the news on Monday, you know, where they're saying we will kill the Muslims and we will kill their children.
And the reporters, it was in four different newspapers, turned to other cops and said, you don't agree with that, do you?
And they're like, yes, we do.
I mean, they have really been given over to a peer pressure spirit of evil.
And they really believe there's this big Muslim threat out there.
They don't understand it's been manufactured.
And even if it was this great threat, you don't give up your soul to beat evil.
You don't become the devil to fight the devil.
That's the, uh, you know, really the bottom line of the entire equation.
But there is a Great Awakening that we're part of right now.
The question is, how painful is it going to be going through this?
Uh, and humanity goes through these cycles.
I'm a Christian, and I believe it.
I've had a personal experience.
But I know that what we're taught in the modern churches is not anywhere in the Bible.
I actually read the Bible.
I actually study it.
I study history.
And I know that what is taught is not Christianity.
It's a religion of laying down, a religion of not facing evil.
That's the current religion.
That's not Christianity.
And no one who's actually read the Bible
Well, I agree with you 100% as far as what you're saying, Alex, and like I've said before,
Man, I'm on my own little campaign where I'm at here in Ohio trying to wake up other ministers to the fact that they're going to be held accountable for what they tell their people.
But the other thing, you know, Alex, I guess one of the best things that's happened to people this year is the fact that you have opened up a lot of eyes.
And I do, I talk to a lot of people, my congregation and people outside of my congregation, and I tell them all that
They need to listen to your program.
I tell them how to get online, the whole, everything.
And what you've done, Alex, is you have made people more aware as far as what's going on.
And I'm going to tell you something.
Every time I call you, the only reason I call you is because I've got something that I need to tell you.
Do you know about these ICY tactical platforms that they're putting up?
Yeah, it's all part of police state visibility.
Checkpoints, these towers that raise up with microphones, cameras, other surveillance devices, all of the post office vehicles are now being retrofitted to spy on everybody.
I mean, it's the military-industrial complex eating America, militarizing the police and just getting everybody accustomed to uniforms and checkpoints and bag searches, and they phase it in.
First they start a no-refusal weekend, taking blood.
Then it's no-refusal 24-7.
Then it's no warrants.
Then it's checkpoints outside the Walmart, telescreens inside.
Next it's being searched to go in, searched to go out.
It starts with showing them what's in your bag when you walk up.
You know, showing your ID when you buy gasoline because you might be a terrorist.
That's starting.
Showing an ID to get some cough medicine.
I mean, they're just getting us used to constantly asking questions, constantly being checked.
But the border stays wide open.
And it's very diabolical.
What's your take on it?
Well, I agree with you 100%.
And you know what you've been saying.
You know, about the churches and stuff, you know, I respect the fact that you have that relationship with the Lord and all, and know that that comes first as far as defeating anything.
But, you know, one of the big things that I'm telling people now is, you know what, you're not going to wake up until you get out of the mainline denominational churches and start searching the Scriptures for yourself.
Because until then, you are going to believe everything that you're told, and you're not going to believe anything that is actually true.
No, I mean, most big mainline churches, it all sounds good and they're real slick, but you might as well just go to a Satanism meeting.
I mean, it's the same thing.
It's just, it's pure death.
And you don't hear them saying, stop abortion.
If your church isn't fighting abortion, total new world order, might as well go worship Satan.
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The global engineers, the dehumanizers, are trying to fully alter the species so that we can never revolt again.
Irrevocably changing us into their nightmare image.
Those of us that go forward, most will not go into the future if they complete this program.
Now it is so blasphemous, it is so wicked, it is so destructive, it's going to be hard for them to carry it out.
We need to stand against the New World Order.
We need to say no.
They built an artificial habitat, a system of control to make us comfortable, while removing true value, while removing true liberty and what really matters, while attacking and assaulting our minds, our souls, our bodies, our families, everything that is what humans are truly designed to be.
And going into this year, I think it's most important that folks realize we are all under attack by this ruthless guild of psychopaths.
Their admissions are legion, their hatred is public, their sickening propaganda is cartoonish, but they count on the average person being afraid, being so scared of reality that they buy into the cartoonish lie.
The truth is right there.
It's evident.
All we have to have is courage and stand up and say no.
But as I've said many times, it's only courage for people that don't know the full spectrum.
When you really have studied this situation, you understand it is not courage.
It is survival instinct.
There's no getting out of this.
Globalism, the New World Order, everything they sell you with their corporate images and their messages,
It leads people to unhappiness.
It leads people to death and destruction and being unhealthy.
The New World Order does come to kill, steal, and destroy.
And you don't have to believe in God, devil, whatever.
Just please admit that the New World Order is real and that they sure act wicked like a devil.
You know, I've talked to so many atheists and people and they're like, I don't like your Bohemian Grove film and Skull and Bones.
I don't believe in that stuff.
Well, even if you don't believe in a physical devil, a physical dark entity, a force in the universe,
World leaders running around naked in orgies and devil worshipping on record?
And it's mainly mainline conservatives?
I mean, that doesn't show you how phony they are?
How weird they are?
I mean, would you hang out with a neighbor if they were like that?
Maybe you would!
Maybe you think that's cute!
Destructive lifestyles like that.
The globalists revel in people's ignorance, and so many people who've been in ignorance all their lives, who grew up in front of a television set and their, you know what, filled diapers, they hold on to their ignorance like it's valuable, like it's a cloak of gold, like it's...
The keys to Valhalla, when it's your ball and chain, it is a fraud.
You will become empowered.
The universe will open up to you.
You will have great discernment the minute you decide you want to know the truth.
The minute you decide and admit that there's a lot going on in the world.
The minute you decide to get out of the willful ignorance, and I know most of you are way past willful ignorance.
You know, all of us are still willfully ignorant in certain areas.
We've all got to work on ourselves.
I'm not on some high horse here, but I do know myself.
And I also know the globalists.
I know the enemy.
And when you really look into their writings and their works and who they are, and when you really study them, and then when you can start actually seeing them with the only way I could describe it is spiritual eyes,
It's not courage, ladies and gentlemen, to fight them, okay?
How could you do anything other than resist these monsters?
Look at your children.
Look at innocence.
Look at everything that's good and wholesome.
Look at what our ancestors went through for us to have the little bit of liberty and dignity we have now.
That's all that matters is freedom, is honor, is goodness.
Let's learn to recognize good from evil again.
And everything else will follow in due course.
I want to thank God for a great, wonderful year of blessing.
And, uh, I want to thank the great crew.
I want to thank all you, the listeners.
Have a safe New Year's.
I'll see you back for the first live show of the year, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, right here on the GCN Online.
And, on demand, we are on GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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The crazy part is