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Name: 20101227_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 27, 2010
2462 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, my friends, live and worldwide.
It is the 27th day of December, 2010, and the last final sands in the hourglass for this year, 2010, are now
Making their way down through the hourglass.
2010 is almost over.
Extremely long in the tooth with a long flowing white beard as we accelerate into 2011, 2012 and beyond.
Every time I take off a full week, which is very rare, maybe every two years,
A lot of times I take off two, three days here and there on spring break or something like that, but it takes a week for me to really get relaxed and re-centered.
But it's also very creepy to take off time, because when I actually take off a week, I have time to get refocused, re-centered, and really cogitate
Deeply, and meditate on the state of the world.
And in the last few days, I wrote 20, 30 pages of notes.
I was out of town with my wife and children, of course.
Put it in a suitcase, and for some reason last night couldn't find it.
But I want to try to go over these thoughts and ideas.
A lot of it we've covered here before, but with a deeper view of understanding of just what we're facing.
But, to simplify it, a matrix is being built.
A artificial habitat for humanity, an artificial system is being built, and it's a system designed to destroy the human order as it has always been, and to basically turn us into nothing more than biological androids.
And this is the Globalist's own statement.
This is not some new revelation.
But it's when I do take off time, and then I just pick up periodicals or news articles, it completely blows me away.
I saw this on a newsstand, National Geographic merging of man and machine, and I read the issue cover to cover, and the entire thing is pure eugenics, written in a very seductive fashion, to introduce you to it.
And they talk about how great the authoritarian nation of Singapore is and how it is socially engineered in a form of corporate communism run by a communist, a top globalist, making billions of dollars for the ministers.
That's what communism is.
It's big fat cats making you a slave, getting you dependent through total control of resources, and they admit in the article that the end goal is to kill the Singaporeans, to get rid of them, that their population is plummeting.
You know, I talked to a top computer programmer
Who's high up in the Republican Party.
I'll leave it at that.
He agreed to come on.
He's been on the show many years ago.
But a few years ago, he agreed to come on about Singapore and then got scared and refused.
And when I pushed him, he got very angry on the phone and threatening.
But he was going to come on and talk about Singapore, how they drug different water supplies in different neighborhoods, how they test everything there.
But later, if I have time, I'll get into this.
It's just
So horrible.
And National Geographic endorses it.
All in a very sick and twisted way.
Very subtle.
Bob, this is where we stand.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
A lot of news coming up.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We don't have any guests scheduled today because I've been out of town for the last week.
And I have now returned to our Central Texas Command Center in the information war against the globalists.
And I want to hear from you throughout the full broadcast.
We also have all of this incredible news.
Last night I probably spent an hour re-researching and rediscovering the Romanian Revolution.
of 1989, and I did that because over the weekend I had seen the video, the New York Daily News has it, we have it linked as well from Russia Today and CBS up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and one of the state-run TV technicians who works there in the Parliament, he got up on about a 50-foot balcony
And he said, you've destroyed our future, you've destroyed our children's future, you've sold out the foreign banks, and he jumped off and smashed headfirst, getting incredible injuries into the parliamentary chairs and computers below.
Powerful message.
Similar to people lighting themselves on fire.
I don't think it's good to jump off balconies or good to set yourself on fire, but it's always a thousand times more powerful than going out and shooting a cop in the head.
I'm not for going around shooting police in the head either.
Unless they're trying to take you to a camp to be raped.
And that is the type of system we're going into.
Everyone has an inalienable, grassroots, organic right to defend themselves.
But I'm not for offensively going out.
I would rather reach out to police and military and the enforcers and try to get them to realize historically what's happening is bonafide, grade-A, five-star, super-weaponized tyranny.
I mean, it's lowdown, it's scientific, it means business.
And so we're going to be going over the situation in Romania today.
They traded out communist oppression and Soviet satellite oppression for banker oppression.
We'll get into the incredibly cold temperatures gripping Europe, Russia, the United States, Canada.
And meanwhile, the New York Times says this is global warming.
They actually have that headline.
In fact, let me give you the actual headline.
Storm wreaks havoc on travel, Wall Street Journal.
East Coast storm strands travelers, vexes drivers.
Blizzard paralyzes New York City, Boston.
Bundle up!
It's global warming.
That's the New York Times.
And they say the Earth continues to get warmer, yet it's feeling a lot colder outside.
That's an actual first line of the article.
Up is down, down is up, black is white.
We've never been at war with East Asia.
We've always been at war with East Asia.
I'm living in 1984.
So are you to a great extent.
They put their whole grid in place.
Now they're moving to start curtailing the internet and free speech in this country.
The system is also more and more taking the gloves off and going, yeah, we're listening to everything you do.
We're surveilling everybody.
And if you don't like it, that's just the way it is.
I'm going to talk about that some today.
And I've just got page after page of notes here that I wrote when I was on so-called vacation.
I was able to gather together some of the notes I wrote up in the last week, a bunch of them I can't find.
I also recorded some audio blogs when I was a little more reflective in the last week that we're going to be posting to PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com coming up in the next few days.
I've got a lot of energy and I'm really refocused.
And I think it's good for all of us to take some time off occasionally.
Because I, I tend, everyone else tends to get in the heat of the moment, where you're just constantly so immersed in whatever your job is, whatever you're focused on, that you begin to not see the forest for the trees.
But taking off a week, a full week, something I rarely do, it only
intensified my complete certainty that we are facing the greatest crisis in human history.
And I'm going to talk more about that throughout the transmission, the broadcast today.
And when you know this information, when you really know what the score is, when you know what the social engineers are really planning, and you've got all their writings and all their admissions, and you're 100% sure of it, it just completely changes your perspective on life.
I've never been a very vain person, but I remember when I was about 20-something years old, started having some of my hair fall out, I was concerned about it.
Now, I could care less.
Or as I get wrinkles, or sunspots on my face, I could care less.
When somebody tells me about the football game coming up, you know, hey, some good games tonight, I could really care less.
I mean, it really helps you focus in on what matters, and it's the human species, our society, our progeny's future, the goals of humanity.
And if folks get anything from this broadcast, it's that there is a war on for your mind, decisions are being made for you that are classically oppressive and not in your interest, and
It's sad to see so many people under a mesmerized, mind-controlled spell, marching like lemmings off the societal cliff, and I just want to see people empowered and involved and challenging the great challenges, the great obstacles of our day, which are the greatest that human species has ever faced.
In the sum equation, it's this.
Humans, for all of our development and our long history, it was always about survival.
Enough to eat, not being enslaved by the neighboring tribe, being honorable, being strong.
That was always what was considered to be good.
And now because we've had our needs for food and shelter basically taken care of, the poorest of us, in many respects, is more wealthy than kings and queens, and more healthy, and has access to more information than kings and queens of 500, 1,000 years ago.
But it's because there's this glut of food and water and shelter and information, people don't appreciate it anymore.
And that allows the system to come in and to begin destroying fundamental things that have always been the basis of our strength.
Things that are the basis and bedrock and cornerstone of our humanity.
Things like the family.
Things like our perception of reality.
We are having an electronic prison built around us.
Janet Napolitano, the creepy head of Homeland Security,
Was on CNN this weekend, and she made quite a few announcements.
We have the video clips up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPanda.com.
We'll probably play some of them later today to analyze it, but the point is it's hard to listen to.
It's hard to look at her.
If you want to go see it, we have the transcripts posted as well.
And she said the pat-downs, the grope-downs, the rape-downs are going to continue your slave training, that you're bad and the government's good and you're a prisoner and they're going to put their hands on you.
This is prison induction training.
This is your bad, government's good.
And she said it's going to continue.
She went on to say it's not big brother that now first 800, then 9,000.
It's always exponentially expanding.
Giant telescreens going in all over the country.
They know you're not listening to government announcements.
They know you're ignoring government billboards.
They know that you at least fundamentally know they're a pack of lying crooks.
Congress has the lowest approval rating in history.
Closing the books on the worst Congress in history, according to Gallup Poll, The Examiner and others.
Believe me, they know you know.
And so they're going to force their way into your life.
They're going to make you listen to them.
They're going to have more government announcements and more break-ins on TV and radio through FCC control boxes in all broadcast systems, the EAS system.
They're going to put the 9,000 telescreens in every shop, in every mall, in every sports stadium.
They're going to sit there and tell you, we are your saviors, we are the people that make your life possible, we are your protectors.
Because they know that you know that they're the crooks, they're the murderers, they're the trash, they're the filth.
I got back into town last night.
I was driving home, and my dad called me.
And I can't get into the whole story because of doctor, patient, you know, privilege stuff.
But it's so bad, ladies and gentlemen, that Homeland Security, through a longtime patient of my father's, a dentist,
A guy he's been treating for more than 15 years came to him and tried to recruit my dad to spy on people, to spy on his neighbors.
And then, my dad was telling Dr. King at their dental office about it, and Dr. King said, hey, two weeks ago they came to my door in the neighborhood, this is your middle class neighborhood, and asked Dr. King!
He's a friend of mine.
Nice guy.
His wife listens every day.
Want to say hi to her.
You know how widespread this is, ladies and gentlemen?
They're everywhere!
They are getting ready for something big.
You better know.
I mean, they've stolen the country blind.
They're bringing us into depression.
And these are some low-down crooks.
And the InfraGard, the clergy response teams, you think they're going to stop at recruiting 50 plus thousand preachers to spy on their flocks and tell them to submit to tyranny?
I mean, do you realize the magnitude?
It's just... I'm dumbfounded that this is actually happening.
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If you had a list of, say, 20 things, and if you have five of those, you're a hardcore police state.
The United States now has all 20 marked off and double-checked.
I mean, I really want this to sink in for folks.
Think of the magnitude that in Austin, Texas, we know about the spy brigades, we know about the Secure Corps going back eight, nine years ago, Associated Press reporting on taking the Boy Scouts and youth groups and training them in warrant apprehension, checkpoints, spying.
Nine years ago, they hadn't
Ads on TV and Austin saying, report your parents.
It's in my film, Road to Tyranny.
The kids are given ID cards and $200 bonuses.
Turning in family members are the biggest bonus.
I mean, this is brazen, over-the-top corruption.
Meanwhile, when government aircraft crash routinely full of pure drugs coming from the source, it's a non-news item.
Nobody gets in trouble.
When foreign banks steal trillions of dollars, Congress can't even find out where it went.
When it comes out in congressional hearings that DynCorp is running giant child kidnapping rings, and it's even in the BBC and Chicago Tribune, nobody gets in trouble.
And the public's under mind control.
You tell an average cop about this, they start laughing at you.
Even if you show them the news articles.
They're trained at a subconscious level to have an emotional response to any type of quote authority figure doing something wrong that that's a joke.
And really what it is deep down is they're cowards.
They're afraid of bucking the system.
They just want to go up in the bureaucracy.
But it shook me up.
It shook me up.
Even though I know all this is happening intellectually, and it came out last week in the news that the ACLU is being spied on by Homeland Security, that Ron Paul is being spied on by Homeland Security, mainstream news all over the U.S.
We broke that almost two years ago, but now here it is in the news.
We were sent, others were sent, internally from the Army with Patriots inside.
At the end of the Fed rallies, they have U.S.
Army there in plain clothes.
And it's said in the memo, watch out, don't let them know that you're Army, they may try to kill you.
I mean, what type of brainwashing is that?
You've got citizens out there saying, foreign banks are robbing us, we want to audit the Fed.
And they tell the Army, don't let them know you're Army, they may try to kill you.
I mean, this is the Army in Texas, and then it came out in Pennsylvania, and it came out in Maryland.
And I know all of that intellectually.
I was sent, five years ago, the secret Homeland Security documents, hundreds of pages.
We posted them on InfoWars.
People couldn't believe it.
Clergy response teams, preachers in America, secretly being paid.
It was $50,000 back then.
I don't know what it is now.
They were doubling it each year.
It's gotta be in the hundreds of thousands now.
And they're on these power trips.
You go rent a car, they're asking you questions for Homeland Security.
Admittedly, your preachers are spying on you.
And they all get off on it.
The most horrible part about this is they take all these minimum-wage people who have no creativity, who have no future, who are dumbed-down fluoride heads, and they give them these positions of unconstitutional power and they're completely drunk on it.
And to know that my father, last week,
Someone in Homeland Security tried to recruit him and said, oh yeah, you'll even get paid money.
And he even told him, well, our public thing is disaster preparedness, but really, you know, we need folks to be eyes and ears.
And then my dad is telling the other dentist in his office about it, and he goes, oh yeah, a couple weeks ago, they visited me at my house.
Other people!
I mean, just as a sample of the population, this is everywhere.
And then you just search it, you know, Homeland Security Training Neighborhood Watch, and there are all the news articles.
There are the memos.
Paul Watson covered this last week.
We have the Texas memo, going back to 2005, where it says, is he a nice guy?
Does he lock his desk at work?
Does he wear Levi's?
Do they have scuba equipment?
Do they have cell phones?
Go ahead and report them.
It's so wide as to basically say everybody's a suspect but then when a pilot last week shot video of the fact that the security's all a fraud and that all the other airport workers and people that are
involved in non-commercial aviation, private aviation, that there's no security.
The feds then raid him under national security.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I'm going to run over some more news, and then open the phones up.
In fact, I'll give that number out now.
First-time callers, long-time callers, questions, comments, you agree, you disagree, I want to hear from everybody.
800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the broadcast today.
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Okay, so we were going to break, and I was making the point that this is a psychological war going on.
Offshore, ruthless corporations who will kill a million-plus Iraqis for oil and for a black hole to have no-bid contracts, who will...
Shoot little kids up with live polio, live syphilis, radiate U.S.
foster children, nerve gas our own troops.
I mean, the people running things are hardcore psychopathic killers, on record.
Just legions and legions of public and declassified mass murder.
I mean, these people are the criminals of all time.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of declassified chemical, biological, radiological testing on the U.S.
public alone.
Just mass murder, death, killing, case closed, pure evil.
These are eugenicists, they believe in social Darwinism, total social engineering, total control, total domination.
The final revolution is what they call it.
Against humanity.
This is real.
And it's out in the open.
And they have done everything they can to shut down the farms and ranches, to break up the families, to get people dependent, to get people on welfare and social security, to get part of your paycheck for decades and then hold you hostage through it.
They've done a good job of that.
And to give you entertainment and mindless bread and circus and diversions, and to give people false icons and heroes, which focus people on issues of little or no significance.
I mean, this is mind control.
And to have it come home to me, that just in my town of Austin, they are going out to every professional, people with two degrees, and they are asking them to join Homeland Security.
And the average person just takes the bait, is on a total power trip, they get their little card, they're told, oh, you signed a national security letter, so now they can't ever tell people what they're involved in, and then the government can go out and psychologically profile and test these people and find out who will
Plant things on you, who will set you up, who will spy on you, who will bear false witness on you.
Because all these people have watched all the different shows about Homeland Security and Jack Bauer and 24 and how sexy torture is.
And this is their new status.
This is their new, they're members of the secret police.
People are scared of them.
See, the globalists, this is a dual message.
For the dumbed-down masses, it's, oh great, everybody spies on each other.
This is the new freedom.
But for those of us that are awake, which is close to half the population, it's meant to scare us.
Look, it doesn't scare me.
It makes me focused, it makes me angry, and it lets me understand just how real this is, and I've been 100% right.
In fact, it's much worse.
In fact, in a way, I've been wrong.
It's much worse than I ever even historically was able to analyze.
I mean, this thing is big.
It's like an iceberg.
You only see the very tip of it.
90 plus percent of it's under the water.
But more and more of that iceberg surfacing, and we're seeing twists and curves of this thing that I can't even believe right now.
I mean, I'm getting chills right now.
I had some other weird stuff happen while I was on vacation too.
You know, you take off a week and you can really get reflective.
Man, I wish I was wrong.
And it's really horrifying.
It's frustrating.
It's disgusting.
To just have grown men in checkout lines go, hey, you gonna watch the game tonight?
It's gonna be a really good one.
You just look at them and you just want to warn them, hey, there's so many really big things happening.
The banks, the implosion of the economy, the dollar devaluation.
Historically, we know what this leads to.
And if you try to talk to one of these brain-dead sheep, they'll come back with, hey, you heard the mega millions is above 200 million right now.
You're just looking at them.
Because all this facade of the movies and the entertainment and the sports, it's all still there.
All this big make-believe land.
But meanwhile, in the real world, this criminal, illegitimate corporate government, and it's the same model, continuity of agenda worldwide, is massing huge paramilitary forces, spy forces, weather modification, chemicals in the water.
They're now announcing, yes, it's to make you calm.
I've got all these mainstream news articles.
I remember 12 years ago being sent by engineers internal trade publications, not secret, but not widely distributed, how all the new appliances would spy on you in your house, how they were going to have cameras on all computers watching and listening, how the lights in your house would surveil you.
I have mainstream news today!
I told you two years ago that the main, everything they do is a multifaceted attack.
It's to train you to be body scanned, it's to set the precedent to radiate you outside of the radiation compliance laws, that they're above the law.
It's about getting a 360 biometric scan of your body, and now that's Market Watch, Wall Street Journal, it's a biometric scan.
I know them, okay?
This is all I do.
When I go to bed at night, I have dreams for eight hours about it.
Nightmares last night.
It's all, it's everything.
Because it's reality.
Ceiling lights in Minnesota send coded internet data.
Now they don't tell you here about the patents and how they use the electricity lines in your house to tie into your smart refrigerator, your dishwasher, your computer, the light sockets.
These things are so incredible that just temperature differentials in a light socket now, the new light sockets going in, with the wiring, is able to listen to you in your house.
All the patents are there!
Ladies and gentlemen, the patents are all public.
I've had Dr. Nick Megachon to cover the patent numbers, but I remember the Baltimore Sun a decade ago about DARPA testing soothing mind control towers.
By the way, I've got the patents.
This system is a multi-faceted data transmission, flicker rate, mind control system.
Oh, you're not going to watch the high def mind control TV?
They don't care.
The government buildings are now putting in flicker systems.
That are unperceptible to the human eye, and when I went and looked it up, it's the exact flicker rate for total mind control.
Folks, you think the public is already in a zombie state.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
I'm telling you, we're living in a science fiction horror show.
You know why a lot of the public can't get upset by telescreens going in and their kids being trained to spy on them and in Pennsylvania the government comes out and says we're watching you through the government laptops we give your kids in their beds, in their showers?
They told on themselves!
It's a psych warfare test!
And see I have all this background data.
I read something like this National Geographic article
About the minister mentor, communist, trained in British Ivy League schools, about how Singapore is the model for the world.
How many times have I told you it's the Singapore model?
And they admit it in here, but they sell pure evil as if it's good.
And it just goes into total social engineering.
They call it social Darwinism.
And at the end of the article they say that the Singaporeans are dying.
They have a 1.2 population replacement.
I mean, they just tell you.
There's the model.
This system is designed to be cannibalistic.
To destroy humanity.
And they just sell it like it's wonderful.
But my point is, when I read about the Minister Mentor, since 1960, and how he was a communist, trained at Oxford, of course, and how it's a total police state,
And how they kill you if you criticize the government.
And the article kind of says, well, it's really worked well.
It's a great country.
But then you read how they're dying.
They're not having children.
It's horribly oppressive.
They have incredibly high levels of suicide.
The country's run by psychiatrists.
And they say that the communists trained in England overthrew the British.
That's the British declassified model to claim they pull out, and then to put their corporate people in, and they use it as an island to test the mind control, and then I even know insiders who admit they're putting stuff in the water there per neighborhood to test!
And this is the model here!
It doesn't matter how many scientists I have on, how many top doctors,
I know there's a percentage of people out there laughing when I tell them that sodium fluoride in the water at one part per million more than doubles bone cancer.
In men and women.
It more than quadruples it in young boys.
And that's just one little micron!
And I know the cops are laughing!
They like it!
Because they got a uniform, they got a monkey suit, they're on a power trip, I'm trying to save them, but you think cops are bad?
They're angels compared to the general public.
I'm gonna say this right now, okay?
They, at least, come from a school of thought that had to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And they've removed most of it, and they've quietly, in the last 20 years, made it where if you have over 100 IQ, you can't be a cop.
That's admitted, there's been lawsuits over it.
They don't want people that can think too much.
But you think they're bad?
They at least have to follow some of the Constitution for now.
They are hiring every control freak goon who couldn't get a job in the real world
To literally run around spying on everyone.
And the big back story is, oh, turban men, stop them.
And then when you actually go to the training, we have the video of the training, the training manuals.
I've got it from every angle of law enforcement who are awake and know what's happening.
Every angle.
It's five minutes on Al Qaeda.
It's six months on spy on your neighbor.
Are they criticizing the government?
Are they spanking their kids?
I mean, do you realize how creepy this is?
How overtly bad?
Out of the dental office of four dentists, my dad hadn't talked to the other two.
He talked to Dr. King, his friend, who's been there for many years.
My dad is approached and said, we want to hire you to secretly work for Homeland Security.
And then he's back in the doctor's lounge,
And he goes, man, this guy's trying to get me into Homeland Security.
And Dr. King says, yeah, they came to my house two weeks ago.
Different people.
And were trying to get me to be involved in spying in the neighborhood.
They want professionals, folks.
They want them, and it's so sick when you know Al Qaeda's CIA, when you know 99% of this stuff is staged.
When you know it's for the American people, when we have all the internal documents, where it's for gun owners, conservatives, landowners, you can skin a buck, you can run a trot line, you are number one enemy.
You're double tough?
They don't like you.
You got guts?
They don't like you.
They profiled you.
They know you're red-blooded.
They know you're not a coward.
They know you're not a scumbag.
They hate you.
Look at the New World Order.
Look at all the government ministers.
They're a bunch of weak, hunchbacked, pot-bellied, just scum.
They hate love.
They hate strength.
They hate everything honorable.
And they are hiring giant armies.
Of toilet attendants, who then command the doctors and the preachers.
And I've done my own analysis of this, but talking to people who've been, who they've attempted to recruit, who've been approached, that's how it's described.
As just total dirtball losers.
Can you imagine taking a dirtball loser, who can't even zip their front fly?
With their shirts hanging out, you've all seen it.
And I'm not up here claiming I got some spree decor.
The point is, these people are a joke, and they get all the status.
They get to be the new kings of society, the new commissars, the humiliation, the anti-Americanism, the anti-liberty movement.
It is so horrible.
And then, as I said earlier,
This airline pilot, a week ago, is tired of having his privates grabbed.
He's tired of having to go through the radiation scanner.
He's flying a giant aircraft that's a huge missile.
In fact, I forget, how much is a 747 weight?
How many tons is that?
Pull it up for me, please.
This giant missile, but he's got to have this done to him by minimum wage goons with their shirts hanging out.
So the pilot videotapes what I've pointed out a thousand times, what anyone with common sense, you drive right up to the airport, if you're working on the tarmac, luggage, mowing the yard, mowing the green spaces, and you just swipe a card, you're on.
Anybody could knock one of those guys in the head, drive on with that, or go get a job,
I went out of the country this last week.
Let me tell you, I went right up knowing what I was going to get.
The woman could hardly speak English at customs.
Tried to ask my two-year-old questions.
Really got off, really got off on asking me questions and really was like feeding on the power trip.
And I was like, man, I guess they got to get scum to, you know, want to sit here and act powerful.
Meanwhile, the illegal aliens are all above the law and allowed to go free.
This woman could barely speak English.
Black lady with a Latin accent.
So thick, I couldn't hardly... I was like, excuse me?
It's just like a... You have a good time?
Where are you going now?
I mean, look, they give that woman the order to come to my house and take me into a truck and drive me off to a camp.
She'll be getting off on it.
She probably loves Hugo Chavez.
I mean, this country is just in so much trouble.
You got the average good old boy going, take all my rights, fight Al Qaeda.
Meanwhile, they got all your neighbors, buddy.
Spying on you!
Cause you own guns, you're the enemy!
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's
You're usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
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Here came Sheriff John Brown!
Coming to shoot me down!
I shot the sheriff.
Alright, we're back live ladies and gentlemen.
I want to go to Chris, John, Joseph, Fred, Mike and others as we start the second hour here in a few minutes and I'll continue to the news but...
This is the greatest illustration of the pure evil.
This Homeland Security grid is there to protect the criminal takeover.
We're trying to take our states back through the Constitution.
We're trying to take our Congress back.
It has the lowest approval rating in history.
Nine points.
Thirteen points in other polls.
And the government's internal reports are
Hire the Boy Scouts.
Train them for gun confiscation.
New York Times telling you it's normal and it's good.
Telescreens telling you spy on your neighbors.
Don't trust each other, but trust the government.
They're crooks, okay?
You got it?
And the average cop down the street, he's just out writing tickets or helping old ladies change their tires.
They're not bad.
But their detectives are, in many cases, running the narcotics, running the whores.
They're compromised, so they go along with the feds, the threat fusion centers, all of this.
And you get an airline pilot.
In fact, I've got my article here.
I'm looking for it.
You get this airline pilot, and he videotapes the fact that there's basically no security for
Most of the airport workers, but pilots have to go through all of it, and the flight attendants.
And what does Homeland Security do?
They raid his house, instead of just calling him in, and take back his government-issued firearm, because he went through the hoops to carry a firearm in the cockpit to protect the plane.
And the message is, you don't show the hypocrisy.
It's all a joke.
It's your bondage training.
You're going through a political re-education camp.
That's what America is.
That's what the drills at the schools are.
That's what the political correctness is.
That's what all of it is!
Break out of your trance and say no, no, no.
Here's just some of the headlines.
Napolitano announces expansion of Gestapo zones from airports to malls and hotels.
I saw Riggs say it eight years ago.
Now it's AP.
AP headline today.
Kurt Nemo's got an article on it.
Oh yeah, the terrorists might hit the malls and highways, so now they're going to be there.
And they've got all the citizen spies.
And then once they induct him into this, it's go to the gun rally, go to the Tea Party rally, go to the rally and tap the phone of the state rep.
Remember, that came out in the news.
And they got foreign intelligence groups, NLEO-9, NLEO-10, FEMA admits on their own site, 14 nations, Israelis, British, you name it, here in the U.S.
spying on us!
They got foreigners when you come back into the country.
Did you have fun outside nation?
And like, getting off and the woman's all... Like she's scaring us?
Hey, don't worry lady, you're gonna be nailed to the wall too by this.
They bring tyranny in to rob everyone.
You ever notice everywhere where they got troops on the street corners and secret police and spies that there's... there's sewage running down the street and enslavement?
Because the elites used... used financial tyranny as a way to control you?
You think it's all cute?
I'm gonna dig out my article about the pilot.
Here it is, Pilot Punished by TSA.
He's Army Reserve Aviator.
He's become the latest victim of harassment from the Transportation Security Administration.
It all goes through this guy.
Hadn't he figured it out yet, he's the enemy.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So the message is, oh, you're a pilot, doesn't like some minimum wage control freak sticking their hands down your pants.
You're being radiated.
You shoot video of the fact that almost everybody else who works at the airport just gets to drive right in.
There's no security.
That's all a fraud.
That's all security theater.
And here's the AP headline, TSA probes pilot critical of airport security.
The guys have another headline up there, lawyer feds probe pilot critical of air security.
Yeah, you don't, oh, you may be a terrorist.
We better, and it goes on, they raided his house.
Showed up, intimidated their way in, and said, give us your firearm, your government-issued firearm.
You don't show video!
I could drive down to Bergstrom International Airport right now.
It is literally two miles from where I sit.
And I could set up a camera on a street corner, and I could videotape.
In fact, I ought to send Rob Dew over there right now.
I could videotape the airport workers driving right up, swiping a card, and going on.
Going right on to the tarmac, and I will bet you a thousand dollars that within ten minutes, police are going to pull up, all freaked out and go, why are you videotaping?
We're here with Alex Jones, local media, the cops of course know who I am, they'll still say, well, wait a minute, it's our right, we're just showing the airport.
Oh, but see, we might be terrorists.
They'll try to, outside of law, intimidate us not to do it, and then
I could do it myself or have Rob Doob do it right now or one of the other crew guys.
Explain to them, well we're here showing how it's just wide open security.
There is no security.
Well, that's what this pilot did and the government, first they said it was the airlines, now Yahoo says it was the government, went in and told YouTube to take his videos down.
So here's the headline, TSA probes pilot critical of airport security.
Federal authorities are investigating a pilot.
They got a different one up on screen.
I'm reading one off my computer if folks are confused.
My headline is TSA probes pilot critical of airport security.
Federal authorities are investigating a pilot who posted videos on YouTube that were critical of security at San Francisco International Airport.
The pilot's attorney said Friday.
Don Wernow of the Santa Fe-based law firm Wernow & Associates of the Transportation Security Administration is looking into whether his client revealed sensitive information.
Yeah, mm-hmm.
Oh, yes.
They want to keep you safe when they're not having the State Department get the underwear bomber drugged out of his gourd onto an aircraft.
Then we have the witnesses on the show, the Haskells, who saw it all happen.
The FBI comes to their office and tells them, shut up, basically.
And then it comes out it was all true!
And then the boss of the underwear drug head, the mind control zombie, is admittedly secretly working at the Pentagon, hanging out secretly.
And we're all lucky.
But let's just ignore all that.
Let's all have telescreens in Walmart and spy on our neighbors and all get scared.
The pilot remains anonymous with a major airline, but he has withdrawn from a program that trains flight crews to help prevent hijackings after authorities confiscated his federally issued firearm, Warno said.
He declined to release the pilot's name, citing concerns about the man's job.
The TSA wouldn't answer questions, but said in a statement, it is responding to the situation and is confident that the security at San Francisco International Airport
As to access control at San Francisco Airport, TSA is confident in the tools the airport has implemented and reminds passengers they are security measures in place that are both seen and unseen.
Yes, like your neighbor watching you, that old lady on a power trip.
The busybody, who's now a government agent.
When she doesn't watch reruns of 24, she's watching you.
The pilot posted several videos on YouTube
In November and early December that showed ground crew members swiping security cards and entering secure areas without undergoing any screening.
He notes in the footage the pilots undergo intense screening, but then have access to axe-like weapons that are stored in the cockpit in case of emergencies.
Well, we better raid this guy!
My gosh, he may be a danger!
We'll be right back with your phone calls.
Stay with us!
All of us evil American terrorists!
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A lot of people have pointed out that the whole TSA thing is security theater.
That's not what it's about.
It's about creating a federal Gestapo force to take over every facet of society.
That's on record.
Not my opinion.
Now it's mainstream news today.
Napolitano said TSA is going to be in your Walmarts, in your shopping malls, at checkpoints.
You think you're just not gonna fly?
You're gonna pull up, they're gonna have a checkpoint set up, and these goons on power trips looking at every person wolf-like.
See, but imagine if you look at them wolf-like, like, oh, this is a government fat-bellied crook.
They'd all freak out.
Just like the woman who has a pacemaker and who is a sexual assault victim who tried to fly through Austin-Bergstrom over the holiday to see her family out on the West Coast.
And she said, don't touch my breast, and the woman said, oh, this is a quote, oh, I'm going to touch them.
And she said, no.
And they said, you must go through it now that you've entered.
And the cops slammed her down, drug her off.
Another victory.
Well, don't worry, cops.
The bankers are going to take everything you've got.
And you'll just be like a third world cop in Mexico or Nigeria.
You'll be living in a hovel, but you'll still have that uniform.
People will still be scared of you on the street.
Don't worry.
Your kids will be given deadly shots.
You will drink fluoride.
And the football game will still be on for you.
You had your big victory, didn't you?
But the good news is, the local news has always gone from slavishly worshipping all of this to saying they don't like it.
But then they cut to two sheepish women who went, I understand it's horrible they did this to her, but it is the law, and there's no law.
The airports don't have to have them there.
They've invited them in.
It violates the Tenth Amendment.
What, because a crime may be committed in an airport or a cornfield?
You've got to go through people sticking their hands down your pants or grabbing your breast?
This is prior constraint!
No one can protect you!
The world isn't safe!
That's how the government's announcing, the Transportation Department earlier this year, back in January in the Wall Street Journal, that cars are bad, cars are the enemy, and they want you out of the cars on trains.
Because if the government controls it, then it'll be safer, even though they're not.
And they're now testing cars that take control and drive you!
Because it's safer!
See, this is an electronic straitjacket in the name of the nanny state.
Let me just read these headlines and I promise I'm going to your calls.
Airline pilot, TSA message.
You're angry.
You've angered us by telling the truth.
That's a quote.
Don't show that it's just a federal power grab and a takeover.
Don't show that the airports are wide open.
You know, now they're talking about terrorists striking the edge of the airport.
So now there'll have to be checkpoints at the edge of the airport.
And then, oh, at the mall.
And then down the street.
And see how this works?
Continuing here with these articles, and these are all up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com, Napolitano announces expansion of Gestapo zones from airports to malls and hotels, as we predicted Homeland Security and National Security State officialdom are in the process of expanding the police state and citizen humiliation grid from airports to hotels and shopping malls.
The United States is stepping up security at soft targets like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, and as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official told AP Sunday.
We're looking at so-called soft targets, the hotels, the shopping malls, for example, all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees.
That's why I went up a few months ago in San Francisco, getting off the plane.
It was hours late in the middle of the night, and I watched the woman interrogate people, and I couldn't believe how she was... She looked like she had just won a million-dollar lottery.
Every person she questioned.
She was in her little snappy dress, you know, young 21-year-old blonde.
She was... She was Jack Bowers.
And she would... Where are you going?
Oh, to see your mother.
Where does she live?
Oh, really?
Tell me about your mother.
And the people are like, I just want my car.
And I just go up there, and I'm like, this is Homeland Security stuff.
And she goes, yeah, this is your real address, isn't it?
Not the one on your driver's license.
And I went, yeah.
She went, that's right.
And she was just, it's so good.
Oh, it's so good.
About 800 plus sanctuary cities the illegals can murder, kill, rape, 28,000 deaths, mass slaughter, rocket attacks, car bombs, people being killed, police being killed, back of the newspaper.
Drones, Mexican drones crashing, CIA aircraft crashing full of cocaine.
None of it's even news.
Just ha ha ha.
And meanwhile, everywhere you go now, you're checking in at a hotel.
You go to third world countries that are doing the same thing now.
You think you're going to take a cruise?
You think you're going to drive over a border to be left alone?
It's worldwide control grid, continuity of agenda, dumbed down scum on a power trip ruling over you.
Where are you going?
And you know, that's not really your business.
Oh, you don't want to tell me.
Okay, I'll tell you, because I know you're a little Homeland Security spy.
Oh, I'm here for media.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm big.
She got kind of real jealous and upset.
Oh, media.
I mean, literally.
I'm like, yeah, national TV.
Oh, what show?
What network?
Look, I understand you're on a power trip.
Just give me my stuff.
And she goes, oh, the computer broke.
I know it says that History Channel, because it says right here, already knew that.
She told me.
I've spiraled everything you do!
I've got power!
I mean, just four years ago, they were denying that they were spying on anybody without warrants.
Now, it's bloody toilet attendants!
It's some 21-year-old bimbo that I've got to bow down to!
I've got to lick her boots!
It didn't matter what one of the checkouts I went to of, you know, eight or nine different car rental places, all of them were Jack Bauer now!
And she said, I'm afraid the computer's locked up.
I'm going to need to charge you, but I promise later, I promise later that I'll go and charge them.
And I knew right then I could tell she had this demonic look on her face.
She was going to show me.
And I knew I would get the money refunded, which I did from History Channel.
I said, okay, here's my car, here's my stuff.
She hit me and hit me hard.
Didn't charge them, charged me.
She showed me!
She is God!
She is master!
She is the Soviet!
She is the East German!
She is the scum!
She is the armies of weak, pot-bellied trash that now run this country!
By pot-bellied, she wasn't pot-bellied.
She was a smart, good-looking little number.
Her soul was pot-bellied.
And she'll be hurt bad.
She'll get the news that she can't have kids when she's 30.
I guarantee you that woman takes every vaccine they roll out.
She does have kids.
You know, the statistics are way up.
Every form of cancer, diabetes.
And she'll go in and fry her kid with radiation, every drug imaginable.
She'll lower that kid to the ground.
And she'll go to her grave worshiping New World Order.
Worshiping evil.
Worshiping everything ugly.
To be ruled over by scum and trash and people that in a free society, no one would like them.
No one would want to be around them.
And the government knows that and is just forming an army of trash, an army of filth, an army of control freaks, pressing on the nerve of power.
And we have to put up with it.
And my children live in a country filled with it.
And our criminal government, our corporate government is exporting it worldwide.
Hiring every foreigner they can, because they bring them in, they know the foreigners have been taught internationally to hate America, they then use them internally, they brainwash them against the American people, they have no history of the Bill of Rights or Constitution, the average American is drunk watching football, and they just turn them loose against us.
And every little smart bimbo, every little smarty-pants control freak, every little smarty-pants that couldn't get a job anywhere else, they're getting a uniform, they're getting a power trip.
The people in your rooms, that was in the news, at the hotels are now spying on you, digging through your stuff, getting a percentage of the money.
They now, for years, have the cable guy, the carpet cleaner.
I saw a report this weekend where a guy in...
California was out with a garden hose, with a garden nozzle that was bronze.
I've got the same one in my backyard.
You know, you can go to wide stream or small stream.
And people saw it and thought it was a gun, and the cops got in a prone position, crouched and killed him.
Three cops unloaded their clips.
One shotgun, two handguns, and they just said, that's the way it is.
And they thanked the citizens.
Thank you, it could have been a gun.
That guy's dead!
And they don't care, man!
They do not care one bit!
But all the big crimes, all the serious crimes, they're all ignored.
Alright, we're going to break, and I promise going to your calls.
I just...
It just tears my guts out.
I can't handle it anymore.
I mean, it's just so officially corrupt, so obviously evil, so patently and certified and convicted.
This system is murderous.
I know their agenda, their philosophy, the eugenics, all of it.
I know exactly what they're going to do.
I know the entire story.
I know every part of the play.
The whole world is a stage and each of us players upon it.
And I know exactly where this leads.
And I know 100% I'm right.
I mean, it's like going to a circus and going, that's an elephant.
Yeah, it's an elephant.
It's like going to the Pacific Ocean and going, there's the Pacific Ocean.
There's the moon.
There's the stars.
Here's the talk show host, here's the microphone, here's the computer screen.
I mean, it's just obvious to anyone who is not an idiot.
Napolitano, see something, say something campaign, isn't Big Brother, she told CNN.
Oh, well, if she says so, it must not be.
Napolitano, pat-downs are here to stay.
She's such an unhappy person.
Woman arrested at Austin Bergstrom International after refusing enhanced pat-down.
It was all a big show for everybody.
Pilot punished by TSA for showing wide-open security.
to step up security at hotels and malls.
Homeland Security chief defends airport pat-downs.
Missouri National Guard taps inmates.
Oh, Stalin and Hitler did it.
I told you.
They're hiring the felons.
Look out!
Oh, they really like having fun.
Alright, I promise your calls are coming up.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I'm going to your phone calls now.
I haven't even begun to get into the news on the economy.
It's also been leaked by WikiLeaks that the DEA is not a drug fighting organization.
They only fight people that aren't paying their cut into the banks.
They fight low-level cowboys for show.
They're there to make sure they stay illegal to keep prices up for their owners.
That it's a giant global spy network.
Uh, spying on people worldwide and teaching other governments how to spy.
Our government, again, is a criminal organization run by offshore corporations teaching the world how to be slaves.
Uh, let's talk to Chris in Kentucky.
Chris, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
Ah, man, I tell ya.
I don't know, it's freaking me out.
Yeah, same here.
And I tell ya, you know, these stories are just pushing and pushing us to get these TSA not just for the airports, because now they had last week the, uh, what was the terrorist that was gonna terrorize buffets?
That story, I have not heard much about.
It was going to be, to me, another setup, shaking my head, saying this is just like what they're going to do with the underwear bomber.
Well, I mean, look, look, there are shootings at swimming pools, at movie theaters, at arcades, at horse stables.
I mean, do we have to have cops everywhere?
Federal toilet attendants, they're not even cops, everywhere, because a crime might be committed?
I mean, it's just, it's a fraud on its face!
Yeah, it is.
It absolutely is.
And it's just so frustrating that, you know, I tell people, and a lot of people walk away and say, you want to be a slave?
Go ahead.
You know, it's your children's day.
Well, chances are they've already been recruited by Homeland Security.
Think about the average low attention span, low IQ, low self-image, and they get approached by Homeland Security, man, and they're given a little tattletale card.
It's over.
I mean, they can't wait to run home and tattle on their husband for talking bad about Obama.
I'm serious.
I mean, these people are gone.
You realize they have built a horde of the dumbed-down people you see in the streets.
They've built an army of these people.
They certainly have, and the more the conditioning that goes on and on, like every year at the Kentucky Derby, we've got the military here, what's next?
There's something new every year.
And by the way, we've been talking about that for about eight years, now they run out with 45 sidearms and tackle people that jump on the field after the winning.
They don't send police, they don't send state police, they send the Army.
And the message is, the Army does security in America.
Yeah, the security of the bankers
When they rob you, I mean look, can't you see how they're gearing up for this, and everything is accelerating towards the collapse?
Exactly, and if you look at them the wrong way, you could be tackled and arrested.
You're a suspected terrorist.
It's giving the wrong look, like you said earlier.
It's getting a lot worse, it's not getting any better.
People, you gotta start waking up.
Well, we've turned into a sycophantic, boot-licking country.
That is a large section of the population.
And if good people, if intelligent people, don't stand up and get really aggressive back in their face, it's over.
The good news is, I've got an article in my stack about the lobbyist literally going into overdrive the biggest amount of lobbying money ever spent for the naked body scanners.
And they admit in the article
It's because of the backlash.
And so, they know they're in trouble.
Okay, so we're actually starting to clean their clocks.
They've gone too far.
We're going to get this country back, Chris.
We don't have a choice, Chris.
What else is on your mind?
I just want to say that you're absolutely right, and that's why they're going to continue to keep pulling these false flag tears in order, oh, another incident, and just keep going with this until they eventually try to get these body scanners in public schools, sporting events, or even possibly at Churchill Downs.
I mean, I'm not going to fall for this anymore, folks.
This is just BS anymore.
I'm going to keep going with this and I'm going to wake up and I'm going to the county clerk's for people to talk to some people there.
I'm just that fed up, Alex.
Now you've got to get aggressive, you've got to speak to the city council.
You've got to... We don't have to do what the fellow did in Romania, jumping off the balcony to get their attention.
We need to go and speak out and point out and say the collapse is coming, it's been designed, that's why they put the police state grid in place ahead of it, and we've... so that as this unfolds,
Our credibility will only rise.
That's already happening.
But to anyone out there that can understand what I'm saying to them, please make the choice what side you're on.
I mean, this is the great challenge, what's happening right now.
This is it.
This is make it or break it.
Let's talk to John in Ohio, then Joseph, Fred, Mike, and others.
Go ahead, John.
Hey, Alex.
Greetings from Mansfield, Ohio, the former appliance capital of the world until
Outsourcing hell came here.
Hadn't globalism been great?
Hadn't it been good?
Oh yeah, I wish you would come up here to Ohio sometime, Alex, and go through some of these Rust Belt towns.
And I mean, people really, in this country and other states, they really do not see what outsourcing has done unless they come to some of these places up here.
Well stay there, I'm going to hold you over.
We sent a crew earlier this year to Detroit.
Uh, for an upcoming film on eugenics and depopulation.
And it looked like something out of, uh...
The Omega Man, or the last man on Earth.
I mean, it looked like a post-apocalyptic doom.
Stay there.
We're gonna come back to John in Ohio, then Joseph, Fred, Mike, and everybody else.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It is an info war, a war on fear mind.
I'm very excited to see more and more well-spoken, focused individuals getting involved in talk radio, posting incredible reports to different video sites.
I'm seeing a lot of people really start to get it, and I'm seeing the nomenclature and the terms that I've coined being used everywhere.
That's very exciting because I've been worried for a long time that people were only getting part of it.
Now people are really starting to get the full magnitude of what we're facing.
And look, I care about these little control freak people at hotels and malls and banks that have been trained to spy on you.
I care about the doctors and the lawyers and the pastors that are being hired and paid
By Homeland Security to spy on people.
They just don't have any sense.
They're ignorant.
They think America is about worshipping authority.
And it's not.
It's the opposite.
It's we the people.
And we... Our founders were 180 degrees the opposite direction of what's being set up.
So if you claim you love America and you care about the Star Spangled Banner, but then you support all this, you're double-minded.
You're double-minded.
Okay, I want to try to go quickly through calls.
Finish up your point, John, about the de-industrialization.
Yeah, well, it's like I was saying, everything up here has been so de-industrialized.
My family came from the South in the 60s to work up here, and now you can't go back to either place, because either place you're going to go
Is a living hell, but like I said... But remember, they promised that you were going to have service jobs and now those are gone.
I mean, they promised that having the big banks run things would be wonderful.
I mean, they love us.
Yeah, but Alex, why I have you here, I just want to say, if you bring this point up, like as I post on the Internet, you've got Democrats, now that Obama's in there, they talk like the Republicans.
They say, well, everything is your fault.
It's all your fault that you're going through this.
It's because you're stupid, you're uneducated,
And you just don't have any momentum.
And when the Republicans were in there, it was the Republicans, like the Hannity's, were saying the same thing.
But now, they're saying because Cardcheck is in here, now Glenn Beck's harping on Cardcheck, he keeps saying, well the labor unions are going to take over the world and everybody's going to have to belong to a labor union.
And I keep screaming when I hear this because I say,
You dummy, this is what they did at the Soviet Union.
Wait a minute, you mean weeks after we covered that TSA is now controlling the unions where you have to get approval to have a job?
He's now covering that?
Yeah, well, here's what he says.
Glen Beck said, card check, okay, the unions are going to take over Walmart.
Everything, the Teamsters union is going to run wild.
Now, my father's a Teamster, and I can tell you.
The Teamsters Union has lost clout in this country.
No, no, no.
It's been taken over by the government.
It's not the unions are taking over.
You're exactly right.
But I mean, going over this, what they're doing is, whether it's unions or megacorporations, it doesn't matter.
They've all got the inside track with government.
But that's only done so the government can then control all those employees.
It's just like 500 plus, last time I checked, major megacorporations have been given waivers where they don't have to get the government health care.
They don't have to pay for it, but their competition does.
I wanted to ask you while I had you on here.
While I was off over this Christmas break, I'd been watching a lot of interesting things on YouTube, and I watched an interview with a man I believe called George
I believe he was called George Green.
He was a former insider, was on ProjectCamelot.com, and he said something about on there that he'd been in the government since the 60s doing things, and he said something about the 2012, about these bases and these underground things, that there's all this stuff.
He says, you think the government's building all these weapons, stuff that they're not going to use them.
He said, this is the time we are living in right now, and I've thought about this.
Everybody keeps talking about this 2012 thing.
I'm not worried about it being a natural disaster, but I'm thinking to myself, wouldn't a government-imposed disaster be a lot more efficient, if you know what I mean?
Sir, you're absolutely right.
Listen, how did we know months and months before the swine flu outbreak last year that it was going to happen?
Because we got the confirmed intel and the documents from Indiana, New York, and other major states, that they were going to all the police departments and fire departments and saying, there will be millions dead from flu this year, there will be martial law, there will be a million people buried in your county in Indiana from Chicago, to get the cops to all freak out, go under national security control, and harden their facilities against the general public.
Now when it came, it was a hoax!
And we expose that.
But it doesn't matter.
They've done all this to get this grid in place.
I mean, how many people they're recruiting?
We don't know!
We see the public drives, the CIA ads on TV to, you know, go join the CIA.
We know the CIA's operating locally.
That's mainstream news, even though it's illegal.
I mean, my dad calls me up yesterday and says, Homeland Security, one of my patients tried to recruit me for Homeland Security.
And then he went and talked to his other buddy, the dentist, and the doctor said, yeah, they came to my house two weeks ago.
I mean, they're just everywhere.
They're getting ready for something big.
And we're the target.
We have the documents.
We know that.
It's outrageous.
And they don't want to spook people yet.
They're still using the, oh, it's the foreigners.
You know, oh my gosh, they're so scary.
But in all their internal stuff, it's always been about the American people.
And now they're slowly announcing that.
Hey, don't trust your neighbor.
Hey, watch your neighbor.
Hey, are they gun owners?
Hey, are they criticizing the government?
We got a bad case of crooks running things.
This must be what it's like to go to the doctor and have them tell you you've got cancer.
I mean, that's what I feel like.
I got children.
I got a wife.
I wish every minute this wasn't real.
It's so real!
And you've got the cattle out there, the sheeple.
Who... Who are going to get hurt really bad along with the rest of us?
I prayed a lot yesterday.
I prayed for hours when I was driving.
I was driving for four hours.
I probably prayed quietly, silently for two hours.
I really got close to God yesterday.
And then I had all these ideas and all these thoughts I want to articulate, all these notes I wrote, then I get on air and I don't even know what to say anymore.
You're all gonna find out.
Those of you in denial out there, you're gonna find out.
And those of you that are hired to attack me and lie about me to divert people off the information I cover, you're gonna find out.
I just can't handle it anymore, folks.
I'm gonna be honest with you.
You know, it makes me sick that Glenn Beck copies everything I do.
Though he's come a long way because the public's woken up so much that
Because they want to control the opposition.
They allow him to operate so that they can have him flip-flop later.
I know that's what's happening, but I really do cry.
I really do cry.
And yesterday, driving home,
For probably an hour, and I was embarrassed of it for some reason, and I had my sunglasses on.
My wife didn't really notice.
I had tears just running down my face.
You know, not where you're sobbing, not where you're crying.
I was almost like meditating, but I was just, had tears just coming out.
Because it's going to get bad.
And now, everybody I know, all they talk about is getting out of the country.
And last week, I went and visited a few places to leave the country.
I'm going to be honest with listeners.
I won't leave, but I may get my family out of the country.
And they were just the same or worse.
There's nowhere to run, man.
It's like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia all rolled into one with super high-tech control.
And all of these dumb cops and dumb hotel people and dumb doctors and dumb lawyers, all of them have no idea.
Do you think I get up here and tell you they're poisoning their water and it isn't true?
We've got an hour-long, top toxicologist scientist interview up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the Dr. Conant interview for everybody, right up there on the site, where he lays it all out.
They know full well.
Where is your survival instinct for the average enforcer who's on a power trip working for this system, that you're under assault every day?
And I know why you don't break your conditioning, because at a subconscious level, you are scared to death.
At a subconscious level, you know this is all real.
Everybody's smart.
Everybody's smart.
Some are smarter than others.
Everybody's smart in different ways, but even a child out of the mouths of babes, even a five-year-old knows.
And the globalists are master tacticians of psychological warfare.
They've studied anthropology, sociology, they created it.
They know deep down you're all scared.
They know deep down you feel the ominous threat.
The chill.
Your sixth sense mobilizing you to resist and stand up.
Your common sense.
Your gut.
And so they take that natural concern you've got to mobilize yourself to defend your family, and they say, oh, it's the man with the turban.
That's why you feel like this.
They know you know.
You understand what I'm saying?
So they take all of your gut instinct of concern.
Everybody's freaked out.
People know stuff's wrong.
They know we're in trouble.
And they take that and say, yeah, be scared.
We're going to protect you when they're the ones.
They're the abusers.
They're the bad guys.
John, great points from Ohio.
God bless you.
Joseph in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
First of all, I just wanted to thank you, your staff and all your guest speakers for helping us to stop the New World Order.
I appreciate you helping to wake me up.
I've been listening to you now for
About maybe six months.
I agree with everything you're saying 100%.
I stopped watching TV
uh... before i was uh... uh... watching you on prison planet tv and uh... it's so true what you're saying about people being brainwashed it was uh... it was like getting off of a drug it's so addictive to stop watching tv uh... it took me about thirty days of not watching tv before i finally felt this sense of relief.
Well it is a drug.
It's admittedly changes brain chemistry
And actually causes Alzheimer's, major studies.
In fact, just search the term Alzheimer's TV guys and show them some headlines.
It literally lowers your brainwave level to a sleeping, waking, mesmerized, sleepwalking stage.
And the messages go straight through into your subconscious so you don't have a chance to object or analyze what's being put into your brain.
It's like they're just downloading the information into your brain.
I tell people, you know, I stop watching TV and they look at me like I'm crazy.
Like I don't want to have indoor plumbing in my house.
Almost like that kind of a sense.
Like how could you not watch TV?
You have to watch TV.
It's insane.
And I try to tell them, you're being brainwashed.
You need to shut that damn thing off.
I mean, it's not a game.
I mean, we are being brainwashed.
In the incredible studies, we just put one up about Alzheimer's in television, massive increases.
Now young people are getting what they call Alzheimer-like diseases.
That video games are even worse.
And people are like, oh no, my games aren't bad.
When you really get focused on a video game,
And with the flicker rate, and now they've got all this new Microsoft video games that scan your face and your voice while you play.
It's total surveillance.
You're inviting it in.
And these people, we shouldn't get mad at them.
In fact, that was one of the main things I wanted to say to people.
Is that it really...
I realize that it's wrong that I call people blobs, and I don't mean that physically, I mean spiritual blobs.
They're in bondage.
They're under mind control.
We're all under mind control to a certain extent.
I mean, this is high-tech stuff we're up against.
You can't blame these people.
They are literally under MKUltra high-tech mind control through the television, through the chemicals, through the food, through the water.
These are victims.
These are sad, sad people.
And that was the main thing in the last week that I focused on and realized.
I feel so sorry for all these little petty control freaks who are undermining control, but also on a power trip.
I feel sorry.
But what outrages me is these demonic controllers who know exactly what they're doing, and they just... They're so easy to defeat the minute we realize what they are.
But until we do that, we don't have a chance!
And it's about to get a lot worse, folks!
You don't know what's coming!
It's so horrible!
They plan on killing most of us!
They've sworn to do it!
I'm sorry, go ahead, Joseph.
Anything else?
I agree with you 100%, and that's why I do everything I can to spread the word about tell people to get a Prison Planet subscription so that they can get informed.
I pass out your movies to everybody I know.
Anybody that I tell that acts like, well, you know, that's crazy stuff, just like you said, I forget about them and I move on to somebody else because they don't want to know, they want to keep their head in the sand, so if that's the way they want to go, if they want to perish,
You know, that's their problem.
But I'm going to keep on spreading the word.
I'm telling everybody I know, I will never fly again until all those body scanners have been removed and the TSA has been abolished.
I've sent emails to all the major airlines telling them that.
I will never fly again.
Al Gore rapes women and the women that try to expose him get drugged through the mud.
I mean, I'm over here in San Diego.
We have listening devices all over in all the neighborhoods.
At first when I saw those things, I thought they were cell phone receptors to help
No, no, no, no.
Oh, by the way, I forgot.
They've announced that every mail carrier is now a spy and they're gonna fit them with antennas to steal all your wireless transmission and with microphones.
I remember 13 years ago.
When they put microphones up all over Austin, called them gunshot detectors, then this year they went ahead and were honest and said, no, we're listening to you.
They've got laser couplers that shoot at your window, invisible lasers that listen to everything in your house, because the laser hits the window and it creates like a membrane, you know, just like a microphone, and they listen.
I mean, it's just pure crime!
It's illegal!
But they do it!
They are such scum!
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
And again, I figured this out a long time ago, but it really hit me this week while I was focused.
The globalists rationalize that I'm on the air and that I actually help them.
They believe that.
They believe that you're cowards.
They believe that my hardcore approach, which isn't hardcore, it's a realist approach, is going to scare you.
They think you're beaten.
They think you're broke back.
They think you're weak.
And they think, hearing hardcore truth, that you're going to get scared and go into your shell.
Humans are different than other creatures on this planet.
All the major studies show.
A certain percentage of us, you can't train us to have learned helplessness.
You can't train us to submit.
There's a certain percentage of people who can't be broken.
And it's up to us to go out and unlock the other people that are under hardcore mind control.
Listen, I know a lot of you are scared, a lot of you are concerned.
You gotta take that energy, you gotta put it into resistance.
Because I'm looking in the globalist's eyes, I can see their soul, and I'm here to tell you, they're getting scared.
They're not invincible.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a survival seed bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, then carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
Hi, Ted Anderson.
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I'm gonna continue with your phone calls and a bunch of news, but more and more I realize we've proven all the information.
We've covered how crazy and draconian all this is.
I mean, I couldn't believe 13 years ago when I learned, in the engineering publications that were not even classified, that the government worldwide, the global government, the corporate government, was moving to all the new appliances, the smart appliances, see if they can save what kind of toilet you have, what type of light bulb you have,
They can then make all the new appliances have these smart chips in them where the appliances are accessed not by a wireless box out on the side of the road with these new smart meters that control the temperature in your house.
Remember just five years ago they'd laugh at you talking about that.
Now from New York to Texas to California it's going in.
They came and put one on our office a few months ago or I guess earlier in the year and didn't even ask us.
I mean we now are controlled by the government.
We don't get to control the thermostat if they want.
I mean, this isn't freedom!
I told people years ago the government was planning to have tracker switches in all your cars to tax you by the mile.
Now, the Department of Transportation has announced that's their plan, and has pilot programs going, and more than 10,000 Austinites are doing a trial right where I live!
Oh, and I first read them proposing it, people laughed at me!
The laughing is over!
See, you read this AP article, people will say, well, that doesn't say what you said.
I'm giving you the whole backstory.
Just like when I told you they're getting a biometric scan with these scanners two years ago, now it's AP.
Same thing here.
Ceiling lights in Minnesota send coded internet data.
I'm going to cover more of this next hour.
Now, they don't tell you here that it's through the power.
Data transmission over power lines.
But that's in all the real literature and the patents.
They don't tell you this flicker rate is for mind control.
But it's all patented.
They admit it's a flicker rate.
Too fast for the eye to see.
To perceive.
The eye sees it, you just don't perceive it.
How do you hypnotize somebody with a flash of light?
It's all there.
This is so diabolical.
Where are they testing it?
Government buildings.
Where'd they test the smart meters?
Government buildings.
Now, this is incredible.
The Drudge Report just gets bolder and bolder.
We want to salute Matt Drudge.
I didn't see it.
Jaren saw it at his parents' house over Christmas and confirmed, went to another computer, Drudge, of all his links, they were all green on Christmas.
But Alex Jones and Infowars.com, those were green and red.
I guess a Christmas present for Matt Drudge.
Well, Matt, we appreciate your stand for liberty.
Of course, DrudgeReport.com.
Right now, the only red link on
The drugs report is to Napolitano announces expansion of Gestapo zones from airports to malls and hotels.
So now, not just hundreds of thousands, but millions of people will see that article.
Good job Kurt Nemo getting that out this morning as well.
By the way, Kurt, I know you point out that we predicted all of this, but add those to the bottom and the videos, you can get stuff eight years old.
The problem is, I don't have the crew to sit there and mark every prediction I make.
And people are very upset by how accurate my predictions are.
So they try to twist what my predictions are.
They try to lie about my predictions.
How many of you have heard me for eight years say they were going to take over every corner of society in a Tenth Amendment violation?
And again, I'm not tooting my horn.
I saw Ridge on C-SPAN say it!
By the way, you heard a caller talk about PrisonPlanet.TV.
We've got a special running until the end of the year where you can get five months free at PrisonPlanet.TV.
All my films, the live stream of this show, the video, but forget that.
You don't need to get a PrisonPlanet.TV membership.
We're now taking the big hour and two hour long special exclusive video interviews and posting them on our YouTube channel, The Info Warrior.
So you can go to the main Alex Jones channel and find that link.
So much key intel, spread it.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I've been pretty wound up being out of town.
And we're taking a few calls here today.
I'm gonna try to go to more of them right now.
By the way, I've sent, uh,
Rob Dew and Jason Douglas out to the public roads by the airport.
This pilot, of course, has been raided by the feds for daring to show video that most of the airport workers can just walk or drive right onto the airport, but pilots are groped.
So since they're trying to censor that video, I just sent the guys out to get video of the trucks pulling up and just swiping a card and driving right on.
To the tarmac.
And I'm sure Austin cops will probably pull up and flip out, oh my gosh, you don't do that in America.
You don't show the airport that any moron can drive up and videotape.
We're gonna videotape you and listen to you with all this surveillance and have the CIA running around in your town, but you don't show that the security's all a hoax.
And they're to train you to be a slave.
Fred in Ohio, Mike, Ben, Shepard, Justin, we're going to your calls.
Fred in Ohio, you're on the air.
How we doing this morning?
I'm pretty wound up, brother.
Anyway, I want to remind all the people in the military that your tanks, your planes, your Bradleys, your weapons, all of them belong to the American people and should never be used against the American people.
They are used to protect.
And I also know that the Army and the Marines are asked if they're fire on their own.
And if I would have been given such an order when I was in service,
I would have turned my weapon around and shot the guy that was giving the order, plus I would have ran up the chain of command.
And that's the way it is.
Well, sir, what do you think, as a veteran, what do you think of what's happening?
I mean, back in the military, even 20 years ago, they taught everything that's happening today was what bad guys do.
This is just ridiculous.
But I also want to ask them one more question.
And what the hell kind of a country do you want for your kids?
If you in the military do not stand up with the patriots of this country, what kind of country do you want for your kids?
Because we will go into slavery and we will be broke.
And you better wake up now!
Well, the good news is I've seen the major studies and polls.
The military is pretty much awake and very upset and knows what's going on.
And there's a lot of bases around here.
I talk to troops all the time, including officers.
They're really starting to wake up.
They were always somewhat awake.
That's why the government's recruiting goons.
They're recruiting
People literally who couldn't work at McDonald's.
And that's what Hitler and Stalin did.
Did you hear me read the article earlier?
Where the army is now hiring criminals to be let into the military, but also to work, quote, during disasters.
And why would Monsanto, a seed company, need three bases of black water, which is mercenaries?
And then why did Bill Clinton
Put barricades up at the White House.
Because they were scared.
Well, go back to Ceausescu in 89.
It was the military.
Finally, the public, just at a rally, cops beat up a few people.
The crowd decided to fight back.
It turned and the military joined them.
And in a matter of hours, Ceausescu had been tried and executed.
And the problem here is we don't have a Ceausescu, a real dictator.
We have an offshore corporate dictatorship.
We have to take our states back, take the federal government back,
They'll pull out all the stops to create crises, to try to sell us that we need them.
Then once we have our government back, then, then through the law, we can hunt these people down and bring them to justice.
And that's going to need to be done.
But it has to be done through the courts.
But we have to get the country back.
And then we can bring these Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff types to justice.
And like a house of cards, they can fall.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Great to hear from you.
More calls straight ahead.
Good hearing from Fred, Mike, Ben, Shepard, Justin and others.
Look, if you're not upset, you're not paying attention.
Well, we'll just come back with your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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Call now, 800-409-5633, or visit them at efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
That's 800-409-5633, or efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America.
The number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's see if I can actually take some phone calls here.
Mike in D.C., you're on the air, welcome.
Hello, sir.
I'm quoting.
I did learn from Mr. Steadmiller and from several folks in Texas that Alex Jones... I appreciate your call, sir.
I'm not going to have any people that are jealous of us stirring up trouble on our broadcast.
Let's go ahead and... I mean, the whole New World Order is coming down on us.
You've got all these people and all these minions obsessed with Alex Jones.
Not going to happen here, okay?
Let's go ahead.
And that's why people aren't as successful as we are.
We're on mission.
Warn the people.
Wake them up.
Get them involved.
Stand up against globalism.
Audit the Fed.
Abolish the Fed.
Cut the taxes.
Get state sovereignty back.
Take over our towns and cities through the peaceful political process.
It's very suspect.
A lot of people are just camp followers and useful idiots, but very suspect how much time is spent making up stuff about us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ben in Indiana.
Ben, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I'm a huge InfoWars supporter and a Prison Planet TV member.
I want to thank you for that service.
And all the new interviews that he posted to Prison Planet TV.
I just wanted to run a couple articles by you and get your take.
I rarely miss the show, so if you've already covered it, I apologize.
This first article is out of Forbes.
The headline is, Soros warns U.S.
could be on verge of dictatorial democracy.
Slams Fox and Glenn Beck.
And that came out December 7th.
Well, you gotta love it.
The controlled corporate left openly, you know, all the major media groups that Soros publicly funds, it also came out as being given stimulus money.
And so you'll have the controlled left claim the controlled right's gonna set up a dictatorship.
Remember how the Democrats would talk about the Patriot Act and torture and police state and NAFTA and GATT and how it was all horrible when Bush was in?
Now the Democrats all love it.
And Republicans are suddenly all against it.
And so, no, I didn't see that story, but I mean, Soros is always posing as this humanitarian when he admittedly helped the Nazis rob and round up Jews, when he's Jewish.
And then if you talk bad about him, the ADL comes out and says you're anti-Semitic.
I mean, it's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
I mean, it's insane.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That was your first article.
No, yeah, you're right.
It's Media Matters.
All those guys, they're absurd.
But it says that because of the Tea Party and because of the Americans' ability to fantasize unrealistically about the political system, and he uses 1984 as an example of how we're
We're using all these fantasies to describe a global system.
Oh, we have this fantasy of liberty and this fantasy of not having austerity to pay all our money into the central banks.
It's just terrible.
We have this fantasy.
First they lied to us and told us globalism would be great.
Now people know that was a fraud.
We know globalism is just what the big banks do to third world countries.
But in the first world...
And so people are waking up, and so he's saying it's a fantasy.
Let's pull that article up.
Soros, U.S.
on verge of democratic... What's the headline?
Soros warns U.S.
could be on verge of dictatorial democracy.
He said we're gonna have to live in some sort of...
Dictatorial democracy because... Oh yeah, see, it's dictatorial if the American people take the states back and kick the bankers out.
It's dictatorial if the Russians kick the oligarchs out.
It's dictatorial if you don't run around licking their boots.
Yeah, there it is.
Soros warns U.S.
could be on verge of dictatorial democracy.
Slams Fox.
Glenn Beck.
Oh yes, and we have Jay Rockefeller.
And all these other people running around saying that they want to openly censor the Internet.
They are so scared of it.
And they go after big targets like Beck, because if they can censor Beck, or if they can censor WikiLeaks, they can censor anybody.
Go ahead.
This next one is the New York Times, and it says, this is November 13th, NATO, the headline is, NATO seeks Afghan police in the South.
And in the first paragraph it says, General Petraeus is going to
It's always, they set these people up in 1979!
I didn't like the Soviet Russians, but the truth is, and Brzezinski's written two books on it, bragging now, we already knew it, but now he's admitted it, that in 79, they created the Mujahideen slash Al Qaeda, they had them attack the Russians over the border,
Of Afghanistan and to other countries.
They got the Russians to come in and take the bait.
They didn't set it up with Charlie Wilson in 1983.
I mean, it's a total lies.
So we got the group that Al-Qaeda supposedly developed from and now we're employing them too.
Never been at war with East Asia.
Always been at war with East Asia.
Never been at war with East Asia.
I got one, I got two more really.
CBS News, you guys covered this, but I don't know if you got this exact article.
It says, experts, did U.N.
troops give Haitians cholera?
And it says that the U.N.
and the CDC said that it would not be investigating further because to find out where the cholera came from, although experts have said it's novel to the area and it's a violent strain previously unknown to the Western Hemisphere.
And all the Haitians are believing it came in from the United Nations, and now we've got the CDC and World Health Organization saying, oh, we don't need to know where it came from.
We don't need to investigate this, because it would just... It's like Cheney saying we can't...
Investigate 9-11.
Exactly, it's very suspicious.
But look, during a total collapse of a society, I mean their Capitol building collapsed, most of the government buildings collapsed, they already basically were a lawless society, collapsed.
I mean you're going to have things like cholera when they don't have clean drinking water.
And you've got all these UN troops coming in from other third world countries and Africa where cholera is rampant.
Where we do know the UN is involved in these operations is Africa, Asia...
I think?
Let's go ahead and talk to Shepard in Oregon.
Shepard, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, it's Shepard with theintelhub.com.
I also exposed the mass graves on your show on March 25th.
I remember!
You've been a guest.
What's on your mind?
Oh man, just, well first of all I wanted to tell you, thanks man, you guys are just dominating with this resistance against the New World Order, doing a great job.
But this, down in Houston, the city of Houston shuts down two radioactive water wells.
I don't know if you caught that, these wells feed Jersey Village.
Well, I know that they're trying to put a cover story out, and yes, I've seen that about a month ago, or now five weeks ago.
It was, oh my gosh, all over Texas and other states, there's been a 20-plus year cover-up of high levels of radioactive isotopes in drinking water.
We don't know where it came from, but the government covered it up.
That's a cover story.
We know that we know the phosphate mines, which is where most of the sodium fluoride comes from, is filled with radium and different isotopes of uranium.
And so we know that that is what is... I mean, I've had doctors and scientists on with the reports, again, over 10 years ago about this before it ever even came out.
So that's how they spin it.
Oh, oh, the water wells just had it in it naturally.
Oh, we're going to fix it.
Oh, we're sorry.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, one other thing, well a couple other things.
There's also these tall light poles.
When I lived down in Phoenix, I noticed this.
They were installing these light poles along all the freeway systems.
I happen to be an electrician, so, you know, I noticed this, but there's these awful tall light poles, and they have... Most light poles will come on with a photocell.
It would be, like, the cheapest way to do it.
They wouldn't turn on these lights with a radio transmitter on every pole.
There's this big 360-degree, like, radar-looking dish on top of every pole with an antenna.
And I've had some other people send us some information at theintelhub.com on this.
That's an acoustic device, sir, and I appreciate your call.
We covered that, again, 13 years ago.
I put it in my film.
Eleven years ago, Police State 2000.
It was in the paper.
They announced, oh, federal grant.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson, the senator, got it for us.
But they already put some in as a test in 97.
And they are microphones.
First of all, I want to say thank you guys for everything you're doing, and all the listeners as well.
But I just have a quick question.
Spread awareness.
How do I get as many people as I can to actually open their eyes?
Because I actually had somebody tell me that they didn't care, in radio-friendly terms.
Well, you need to move away from people that don't care.
People... You don't have to get even the majority.
It's always been an outraged, focused minority that changes things for good or for bad.
And it's a tiny group of globalists running all of this.
You have rights.
You have liberties.
Here's an example.
In the city of Austin, and I know you're calling from Missouri,
We've gotten the reports from the city.
They buy it out of Florida.
There are hundreds of chemicals in the so-called fluoride that they buy out of the water.
Now, they may sell some people that fluoride's good for you and have that fake argument, but lead, mercury, arsenic, isotopes of radium, uranium, and lead, you name it, and it depends on the city where they're buying it from.
A lot of it comes from China, and they don't even test what's in it.
You simply have to do four years for that information.
You have to then get it, and then sue the city over it.
I mean, we have to get aggressive here.
Start an AXS TV show.
If it's not in your town, it may be in a town 20 miles away.
Put my films on.
Do your own show.
Start your own news website.
Call in to talk radio.
Start your own blog.
Do your own YouTube videos.
Reach out.
Go find a church where they're concerned about what's happening.
Get involved.
You see something hypocrisy-filled?
Stay there.
I want to come back and talk more about solutions or ideas of what you can do, Justin.
And remember, you don't have to save the world by yourself.
It's simply pick a few issues, get involved, take action, and know that millions of other people
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible that could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
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And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way, and you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com, or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet, and it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
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We're in, folks.
Tip of the spear in the fight against the globalists.
Because we have an audience of listeners that are activists, that are informed, and care about liberty.
I would just tell Justin to form a tyranny response team.
There's no organization, it's just a term.
A we are change.
Infowars study group.
You can give it kind of an innocuous name and then just get members, get organizations, go out and have demonstrations.
Go out and get involved.
I mean, here's a quick example.
We've got the hotline open right now if they have a problem.
There's my camera guys all over the country.
Police will just walk up on the side of a sidewalk in a city or a town and say, turn your cameras off.
You got to have our permission to videotape in America.
But sometimes the cops aren't thugs and understand the Bill of Rights and don't use the rubric of terrorism or security, but right now Rob Dew and Jason Douglas are outside the airport.
I'm going to have them shoot video showing the hypocrisy of the airport workers, people in General Aviation, driving right on with no ID or by swiping a card.
Right onto the tarmac, right onto the airport.
Meanwhile, the airline pilots who actually fly the giant aircraft that are incredible weapons, they're trusted to take off and land and do all of this.
They've got IQs probably 40 points higher on average than the people in the TSA.
But they've got to have their genitals groped.
And this pilot, a few weeks ago, put videos out showing how there's almost no security for everybody
But the general public, flying commercially, and the airline pilots and flight attendants.
And now the government is investigating him and raided his house.
I mean, is that not East Germany?
And the message is, and he was told, we don't like you criticizing us.
We're going to try to get you fired.
You don't show people that the emperor is not wearing any clothes.
You don't call shenanigans.
See, as more and more people point out the common sense fraud that's going on here, the globalists don't have a leg to stand on.
What they're doing is outrageous, classical, certified tyranny with a high-tech icing.
And it's right there for anybody who has two brain cells to rub together.
And it's complete with the banks stealing trillions, an imploding economy, cameras going up everywhere, citizen spies.
I mean, you want to live in 1984, we're going over the edge of the cliff right now.
The Constitution, the Bill of Rights is the parachute.
And we can climb our way back out of this if we don't break our neck, our legs on the bottom.
But I've sent the guys out to just show how, because they had YouTube ban these videos.
They had YouTube take down the videos until AP and others carried it, then they kind of backed off.
Of this airline pilot shooting with his camera phone, the hypocrisy of the airline workers bypassing security.
Well, we're just any idiot.
I've pointed this out for years.
Anybody can drive by an airport and watch people pulling up at the front and the cops all out there in uniforms and acting all suspicious.
Meanwhile, the giant perimeter is wide open.
There's dozens of entrances with people just driving in.
You got guys with turbines on their head, loading the stuff on the plane.
And I'm not saying they're bad because they got turbines on their head.
My point is, is that we're told to be afraid of it.
Be very afraid.
So, you ask, what is a solution?
There's lots of ways to counter this.
How was Ceausescu brought down in the months before he fell in 89 in Romania?
People started posting posters of him, homemade, with hand drawings of him as a Nazi, him as a vampire, him as a piece of trash.
People went out at night, organically, putting up their own signs.
They defiled him.
They pulled him down to what he is, a piece of garbage.
No longer the big God up there.
And everything looked like he had total control, but it's like a house full of termites.
You just peel the paint away and it's all rotten.
And the whole house just collapses.
We don't want that to happen because it's very messy.
We want to take our government back.
Like drug addicts, get off the government at a moderate speed, phase people, like East Germany got phased into more of a free society, phase us back towards the Republic, back towards liberty.
But to do that, you're going to have to get involved.
You're going to have to be bold.
So there's a million things you can do, Justin.
There's a million different solutions and positive things that can be done.
But does that answer your question?
Yes, absolutely.
Thank you very much.
Well, thank you.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, you know, I'm just kind of getting sick of seeing the government do this and people turn their heads.
It's getting old.
Well, it's all illegitimate.
It's all illegitimate, Justin.
I mean, it's totally illegitimate.
I mean, I appreciate your call, but again, I saw a Time Magazine article today with a woman writer who had her child grabbed.
She's angry.
Time Magazine, most of their people aren't government agents.
Sure, their old editor
That was the editor of Newsweek.
People like Strobe Talbot openly call for world government.
But most of their people are kind of fellow travelers.
They just buy into the mindset.
But I've seen New York Times, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, hundreds of articles where the reporters are being violated, so they're saying they're done.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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Today seems like nobody does care.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Rob Dew called up one of our great cameramen and video editors.
He's out there with Jason Douglas at the Austin International Airport, where a lady with a pacemaker who's a sexual assault victim, rape victim, refused to let the woman grab her breast, so they manhandled her, slammed her on the ground, and drug her away to jail.
And she's banned from the airport.
Now TSA has announced they're going to take over the roadways, the shopping malls.
They're going to invade all the public spaces with huge telescreens, giving you orders to spy, just where you're being forced to hear their announcements.
And this is how we're acclimated.
Rob Dues is like, oh, they were pretty nice.
They pulled up and we said, aren't we on a public road?
They were not on the property of the airport.
And the cops said, yes, give me your IDs.
They ran them, of course, put them in a database, all part of being secret police.
Probably rapes and robberies going on about a mile away, but who cares?
And they told him, well, cops will probably be back later.
You better call the airport and ask permission to be out here.
But they said, we don't need permission.
So there's your land of the free, home of the brave.
And then the cops went on.
They said, what are you here for?
They said, we're here with Alex Jones.
We're here.
He has an internet TV show, local TV show, local radio.
And we're here to cover all of that.
And we're here to show that a lot of the airport employees don't have to go through the TSA screening.
So in America, you know, it's normal to have cops ask, what are you doing, where are you going?
Unless you're criminal banks, unless you're big corrupt governments, unless you're DynCorp running giant child kidnapping rings, then oh, it's admitted they run those, let's not raid them.
No one dare do that.
So that's how they operate.
That's what they're up to.
Let's continue here with your phone calls.
A lot of big guests coming up, by the way, during this week, but I wanted to just open the phones up today and cover news and rant because I've been gone for a week.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in New York.
Sean, you're on the air.
I've been listening now for, I don't know, a couple of weeks with my wife and just realized that you might be the guy to call with a question I have.
Um, I'm actually an army medic currently.
And, uh, I recently tried to go ahead and get a religious exemption for immunizations.
And my chain of command just straight up pulled me into their office and told me that if I go ahead and push forward with this and deny their quote-unquote lawful orders,
to go ahead and get immunized, then they're threatening me with universal code of military justice.
They're going to take rank and money and so on and so forth.
How many shots a year do they try to give you?
I can't even keep track of all of them anymore, honestly.
I'm the guy that gives the shots.
Like I said, I'm a medic.
You need to do the research on this with just a search engine.
They've had large groups of Army doctors, not just Army medics, in the last 15 years over and over again.
Say no to the anthrax shots.
It was a big fight in Colorado.
Turned out the anthrax shots were causing autoimmune responses in the ventricles of the heart and were causing a lot of deaths from heart attacks.
That was confirmed and the shots were suspended.
But listen, there's another big wrinkle to this.
They can claim that you've waived your rights and will take all inoculations if they're non-experimental.
But most of the shots you're given, and you're not told this, that a lot of the generals and people have sweetheart deals, and former generals have sweetheart deals with drug developers, and so they're, in the final testing after animals, they're doing it on troops.
Uh, you know, when you don't have foster kids to do it to, their favorite black foster kids, uh, you know, why not, uh, the, uh, troops, uh, for their, quote, animal testing, uh, that's what Henry Kissinger called you, was dumb animals.
And so, to give you an idea of how ruthless they are, you go back to the field manuals, 85, 89, 91, 96, the Army admitted DU, totally deadly, not just radioactive, but deadly poison.
You inhale even a certain micro amount, it will reduce your life massively.
It's the same thing with the vaccines.
I've seen reports of some troops being given over a hundred vaccines in a year.
Now, obviously, they'll go, well, I only got 55 shots.
What do you mean a hundred?
Well, some of those shots, as you know, Medic, have three, four things in them.
And they're doing all these new DNA vaccine tests.
That's in Wired Magazine and Reuters the last few months.
So they're testing things on you.
I had one of Rick Perry's staff, I've seen the guy on TV, he's in his press crew, come to Endgame premiere three and a half years ago, and he admitted, he said, yeah, we had troops come down to the medical installation in San Antonio, this was before he worked for the governor, before he was governor, and he said, we gave them all shots, we were told to give it to them, and they all died, and we were told to put on decon suits, clean out the area, and the guy just said, but I want you to know, Rick Perry's still a good man.
Rick Perry wasn't involved in the killing of him.
The point was that's what he said.
Yes, what you say in this film is true and he told me the story.
So it's just all kind of out in the open that well that's what we do.
So then you'll remember in 2003
They tried to force all police, all firefighters, all medical workers, all military, all first responders to take smallpox.
It, too, caused brain inflammation and seizures and a whole host of neurological disorders.
This was all over the news at the time.
They tried the New Freedom Initiative, excuse me, the Model State Health Emergency Powers Act initiative to try to
Get first responders trained for forced inoculation of the public.
That was mainstream news, but the enforcers wouldn't do it.
I saw an LA Times report that 99 plus percent out of 400,000 plus first responders, less than less than one percent.
I think?
B, they've had whole groups of doctors and a colonel and an air base, I mean, there's so many cases of it, just pull them up, say no.
So they will try to corner you because you're seen as a leader.
But I haven't pulled it up lately, but I believe they're supposed to honor religious exemption.
Then they have this lie that if you aren't immune, others won't be immune.
But if they've all been given the shot, aren't they supposedly immune?
They don't want you to know that the Canadian and British government did study last year showing that it reduced your immunity by more than 50% to take the H1N1 shot.
It both reduced immunity for the swine flu and for the regular seasonal flu.
And there's more news of that today I'm about to cover.
I'm glad you brought that up to remind me.
It's all a culture of color of law and intimidation.
You know, they don't even really teach that you don't have to follow an unlawful order.
It's kind of a footnote now.
But they can burn you.
They can throw you under the bus.
I mean, I wouldn't be arrogant, obviously.
You sound like a smart, calm guy.
I would print up a report.
A two-page summary, and I would put it in nice binders, with all the mainstream news articles, and where they had to suspend the Anthrax and smallpox.
Remember they gave just a few thousand reporters the smallpox, and a bunch of them died?
I mean, this is some hardcore stuff.
And so, I would just print those reports up.
And I would go to them, but I would also just search the term, uh, military religious exemption from vaccines.
In fact, I can do that right now.
Here, let me see.
Military religious exemption.
I mean, they grow a lot of these vaccines in pig parts.
I'll guarantee pig kidneys.
I'll guarantee you that Muslims don't have to do it.
Military is religious exemption.
And, uh,
And it appears that there is... Oh, look here.
Military's trying to change the religious exemption and get rid of it.
Let me see.
Military changes religious rights.
I'd have to read over this, but in the past there has been a religious exemption.
But does that answer your question?
Well, the thing is, I already have the regulation for the Army.
It's Army Regulation 40-562.
You can find it right on Google.
It's entitled Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis.
But there's a whole section in there about different types of exemption, medical exemption and administrative exemption.
Yeah, so you have an exemption.
I mean, I know last time I checked it was there, so you're saying you do have that.
But they're just saying, we're going to bust you if you don't.
Man, that's the same criminal tactic of coercion, and we need to recognize it as criminal, that they told the nurses and the police and the firemen in 2003 with the smallpox, in 99 with the anthrax, it's the same thing.
They tried 1991 with the anthrax.
It's the same thing they did last year where they told all the medical workers and people, you've got to take these shots or you'll be fired.
When they finally stood up, they didn't fire them because they know there's liability.
So that's outrageous.
They're telling you, you've got to take whatever we say.
What I say is, you put it on the line, this is tyranny.
You're a soldier supposedly for the Republic.
I would
uh... quietly organize uh... people with their rights it's your right to print off the exemption and say I want you guys to know this is there and I'm being told I mean look even on a british navy ship they couldn't order the crew to slit their wrist you know I mean these are deadly vaccines it's your right congress has put the exemption in there and uh... you notice I didn't just tell you there was an exemption because I wanted to double check it was still there but you gave me the forty dash five six two we'll pull that up uh...
But, I mean, there it is.
But I'll bet on top of it, they're trying to push experimental vaccines, and it's illegal.
It's a felony.
If the commanding medical officer, at least it was a few years ago, tries to make you take an experimental shot and doesn't tell you that.
I mean, that's criminal!
You're being used like Josef Mingela used people in Nazi Germany.
So what do you say to that?
I mean, so you go to them and say, I have this exemption, and they just say, look, we're going to bust you, buddy.
We're going to bust you down a couple ranks here.
Honestly, that's fine by me.
If they bust me, they bust me.
If they kick me out, they kick me out.
I'd rather not be part of the system.
That is going to cause so much pain and suffering in the people that are supposed to be defending, you know, defending the Americans.
Let me ask you about adverse reactions since you're the guy pumping everybody full of shots.
What type of adverse reactions are you seeing?
Well, the most common adverse reaction to the quote-unquote flu vaccine is the flu.
Of course.
People get sick from the live nasal shot.
The biggest problem I've had actually was with smallpox shots right before we deployed.
Late 06 into early 07 we were forced to give out smallpox vaccines and between the canker sore that rises up from the inoculation site to the extremely high, dangerously high fever, I mean
I was actually surprised that I never heard of anybody in the Army dying.
No, no, they died.
They died in 2003 and 2006.
And notice they backed off in 2003, but then came racing back again later.
That's what they do.
Well, then again, last year while I was in Afghanistan, the whole H1N1 thing kicked up.
And what, of course, World Health Organization, everybody
That's only one angle.
They financed the tyranny.
They finance the tyranny with our money, but the overall endgame is the eugenics.
Listen, it's your right, as the medic, to hand out all the medical literature to those soldiers.
It's your job, and you give them the exemptions, you give them the adverse reaction sheets, adverse reactions like cancer, Guillain-Barre, narcolepsy, permanent epilepsy.
I mean, just think about how cold-blooded that is, that they don't tell you that.
And, I mean, I know people involved in medical trials, people involved at pharmacological, you know, big pharma companies, and they just sit around and brag about it.
How the number one guinea pig group is U.S.
troops, and they just do whatever they want.
Good to hear from you, Sean.
God bless you.
I would hand out all that literature, and I would stand up.
I mean, that's what it's going to take.
I would stand up because the sick thing is I've read the reports where the officers aren't taking those shots.
They know.
Well, that's in fact, I'll pull it up for you right now.
Guys pull up German military not taking H1N1.
First, we learned that Merkel and others weren't taking it.
Then we learned the German troops weren't taking it.
Then we learned the NATO troops wouldn't take it.
And then the media spun it.
Well, they're being given a safe vaccine now.
They offered him another one.
I mean, they won't even, in Europe, they won't even give this to their troops.
By the way, here's the Natural News report.
Again, he has links to all the different mainstream news articles on this.
It's up at Infowars.com.
Swine flu pandemic outbreak sweeping through Britain, even though 70% were vaccinated last year.
Americans, at record numbers, refuse the shots, but the vast majority of the Brits, it's like a religion now to roll over to rape.
And it says a swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain, despite the fact that 70% of Britain's over 65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year.
This year that number is nearly the same, 68.5, but flu vaccine proponents insist that until everyone is vaccinated, the flu will continue to infect people.
See, and it's reported then that a lot of these people were vaccinated.
Well, the major government studies showed... Yeah, there's the headline.
German soldiers received different swine flu vaccine than German people.
That it massively reduces your immunity to other flus when you take this.
Even the Canadian government study showed that.
What these vaccine advocates absolutely will not admit, however, is how many of those who are sick with the flu this year also got vaccinated last year.
This little detail is left out of every mainstream media report on vaccines and the flu.
They simply refuse to mention this at all, this all-important number, leaving readers to leap to the conclusion that only those who were not vaccinated get sick from the flu.
Most infected patients were previously vaccinated.
And it goes on to all the mainstream media links that confirm that.
Now, let me go further here.
If you don't know about Project Shad, if you want to know, soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, what the globalists think of you, Henry Kissinger calls you dumb animals.
They have done thousands and thousands of declassified tests, including hundreds and hundreds that were fatal, by design, murdering you.
They shoot you up with stuff no one is going to kill you.
Yeah, now that's who runs our country!
Project Shad, the list goes on and on.
You know about the government shooting up black people and then Guatemalan children and others with syphilis.
You know about the polio and the UN being caught.
The UN being caught sterilizing women.
Okay, why do any of us trust the government anyway?
They've been caught committing crime upon crime upon bloodthirsty murderous crime.
Tens of thousands of top Nazis brought to the U.S.
to run every facet from NASA to the Centers for Disease Control.
Top eugenicists everywhere.
But, oh, let's trust the government.
Janet Napolitano, she cares about me.
Be right back.
Stay with us.
Other key intel straight ahead.
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Good little analogy or parable.
It's the peanut example.
If you gave 300 million Americans a bag of peanuts and had them eat it, thousands would die.
Hundreds of thousands would get sick.
By the way, we didn't have as many of these allergies until we started eating GMO crops, and that's been directly linked to it.
Same with the vaccines.
It screws up your immune system.
It makes you... I mean, that's admitted with many allergies, that the more allergies you get, the more things it then triggers for your body to then become allergic to.
But if you give 300 million Americans a bag of peanuts and have them eat it, thousands are going to die on the spot.
Tens of thousands are going to get ill.
It's the same thing with vaccines.
You give it to millions of people, you're gonna have problems, even if it was mother's milk!
But it's not.
That's why in the 70s they had to pass the multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded vaccine damage fund, where you secretly waive your rights and sign an agreement, and then you get a paltry sum of money.
And now they're trying to put other drugs under that same liability protection.
So, we pay for the drugs that kill us, and then we pay for taxes for the liability of the problems it causes.
It's incredible.
I'm almost out of time.
Let's try to ram in as many calls as possible.
Jericho in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, buddy.
I just want to say thank you for whatever you're doing right now, and thank you and your crew.
You guys woke me up about six months ago, and I've been trying to warn people
Was it in your T-vote?
Well you know, I mean you know TiVo remotely accesses and controls your box and monitors what you watch and what you do and I've seen the reports.
We are changed, in fact did an analysis of it, that TiVo has been and other DVRs remotely erasing it.
So they do not want that.
I mean you heard Ventura on here two weeks ago.
He said yes, government pressure
Shut down the re-airing of that and other powerful shows aren't re-airing or airing as much.
And that's probably it for the show.
It actually got a big audience, had an effect, and the government shut it down.
Land of the free, home of the brave!
Yeah, wow.
I have another quick question for you.
I mean, say somebody who's like me.
I'm in my mid-twenties.
What do I do in a situation like this?
As far as getting prepared for what's coming.
As a way to deprogram people who are already in a trance state.
That's why it's so effective.
As you show them my films, via the mind control device, it can unlock them.
That's why the films, which I haven't even really plugged today, are the most powerful weapon we've got.
Hundreds of millions of people have seen my films.
They're online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can go to the Alex Jones Channel, see the videos.
Your computer screen doesn't have the same flicker rate as a television, so it isn't as effective as a deprogramming system.
But that's why most people we've woken up heard about the show through films.
So get the DVDs, burn copies.
TiVo can't erase that.
That's why they want to go to pure digital with everything, and they admit have all the different programs and things built in with a kill switch, where they can remote access and wipe stuff out.
And memory hole it.
Jericho, I'm out of time.
Resistance is victory, Jericho.
And the bigger issue is realizing that all of these goofballs, all these government minions, all these corporate people, they're just dumbed-down fools like everybody else.
I was once as dumb as dirt.
I'm still dumb as dirt on many issues.
It's that striving for knowledge.
It's that relearning history.
It's that taking action.
Great job, Crewery.
Transmission starts now at FoalWarrant.com.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.