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Name: 20101226_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 26, 2010
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're live.
Thank you for joining us.
It is the 12th day of the 12th month of 2010 on this live Sunday broadcast.
We're going to be here for the next two hours and we're going to open the phones up
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, the toll-free number to join us is 888-201-2244.
But again, we'll open the phone system coming up at the bottom of the hour a few minutes before, 888-201-2244.
But I want to fire out all the topics and issues that I want to discuss so we can get your take on them.
You're always welcome to call in with your question, your comment, your view.
If you agree, if you disagree, as long as it's civil, we'd love to hear from you.
I talk about having a lot of frustration because I study how the world really works.
I study what the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rand Corporation state.
And these are the groups that run our planet.
And they talk about their disgust and how they detest us, how they want a planetary regime to cut off our resources, to make us dependent on government so we can be exterminated in an orderly fashion.
And then I attempt to come and just get the public to even admit that there is a global elite who are undemocratic and who have taken control via fraud and who socialize the grassroots wealth to consolidate power under their own hands.
And I get told that doesn't exist.
Well, I thought I would go over some source documents and some mainstream media admissions today dealing with that.
Here's the New York Times.
A secretive banking elite rules trading in derivatives.
And that's out of the New York Times.
Now, this is nothing new for our audience, but it's this shift where now they just throw it in your face and say, yeah, a secret group runs it.
There's a world government, but it's for your own good.
That's coming up.
Bernie Madoff's son, Mark, commits suicide.
If you believe he committed suicide, you probably believe a lone gunman killed JFK.
We're going to be talking about that coming up.
Police probe Stockholm blast as act of terrorism.
Looks like another staged provocateur event.
Even Geraldo Rivera last week debated O'Reilly and explained how all these previous dud bombings have been provocateured.
Amazing to see him going that far.
He's on fire these days.
Critic of the strombolied mustached individual.
But we're going to be discussing that also.
New TSA outrages.
WikiLeaks backlash.
The first global cyber war has begun.
Claim hackers.
And guys, look at PrisonPlanet.com.
He was set to have it ready by Showtime.
Watson has discovered and talked to friends and family in Europe that the European version and the UK version of Amazon, the biggest online retailer on the globe, is down as promised by Anonymous.
Uh, the group, uh, wanting to punish them.
And there it is.
Print that for me, guys.
Thank you.
Breaking news!
WikiLeaks hacktivists shut down Amazon's European websites.
Assange supporters make good on threat to exact revenge for website closure.
I think that's
France, and I've confirmed, on the continent of Western Europe, that sector of the continent, Europa, and out into Albion, or England, Britannia, they've had the same problem.
So we're gonna be breaking that down, a huge, in hacker lore, this is one of the biggest.
I gotta say, it's bigger, though, hacking the East Anglia emails, where they're all, yeah, we're taking over, it's all fraud, the Earth's getting cooler, they'll never figure that out, we're gonna get massive tax money off this,
Yeah, last November of last year that induced yours truly to pop champagne live on air.
I knew that was going to be mega big and that's brought down their entire fraud.
By the way, we have more news on that.
You know in the UN report for this current meeting going on in Mexico, the UN wants forced relocation for environmental reasons.
And that's actually in a Guardian article as well dealing with the United States.
Forced relocations here in the US, that's coming up.
Uh, and a lot more.
The true nature of government, who rules our planet, and how to take government back for the people.
It's all coming up on the other side of this quick break, InfoWars.com
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Seems like I just woke up one day and it was gone.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, we've got big news for you, breaking on this live Sunday edition, the 12th day of December 2010.
This year is very long in the tooth now.
Hard to believe 2010 is almost over.
Seems like it started five minutes ago.
Big breaking news at PrisonPlanet.com.
We have confirmed that a group known as Anonymous has hacked and brought down for at least two hours today
The Amazon.com servers of the continent of Western Europe at least, the western area of the continent of Europe, Germany, France, you name it, and of course the UK, Ireland, Scotland, on some of the busiest shopping days of the year.
In fact, this weekend is the most busy shopping day online because most stores and shops online cannot guarantee shipping if it's not in by this Monday or Tuesday.
It's the same thing with our online video bookstore at infowars.com.
Folks have to get any book or T-shirt or documentary film orders in by Friday to have it guaranteed to be shipped to them.
But the point is, this is one of the busiest times of the year, obviously going into Christmas.
And we have the London Guardian report here.
WikiLeaks backlash.
The first global cyber war has begun, claims hackers.
They swore to bring down Visa, MasterCard, and of course Amazon last week.
And now they've done it.
There's been major slowdowns in Visa and MasterCard stores reporting, according to the AP and others, that at times credit cards are not working.
Also they are confirming that Julian Assange WikiLeaks was hosted on Amazon.com's
See you next week!
Lieberman admits he routinely calls YouTube and orders stuff down.
Who needs a judge?
Who needs a jury?
Who needs a court?
Who needs due process?
If Joe Lieberman says it, it happens.
And if there's another congressman, who I'm going to talk about later in the broadcast, if he, Congressman Cohen, if he doesn't like something like Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory on TruTV, the episode I consulted on and appeared in,
Friday's episode as well on BP, but the FEMA camp police state episode, the Threat Fusion Center martial law episode, oh he just called up and had that removed from television as well.
So that's the new America where I guess people in government like Jay Rockefeller, he's been calling for censorship.
Three weeks ago he called to quote ban Fox News.
Regardless of what you think of Fox News, when he gets up in a committee hearing, and Jay Rockefeller says, I want to shut down Fox News, and now the FCC Commissar, excuse me, Commissioner, of course that's what a Commissar is in Russian, I guess, is a Commissioner, so our American Commissar went on BBC a week ago, we played the clip here, if you don't believe me just search, FCC Commissioner says you'll end free speech on radio, print, and TV,
And he just came right out and said, we played the clip, I couldn't believe it.
He said, what you've seen in media and the freedom is an aberration and will end.
So this is getting more and more insane.
Here is the breaking news, breaking news.
WikiLeaks hacktivist shut down Amazon's European websites.
Assange supporters make good on threat to exact revenge for website closure.
Update, Amazon's website is back up in Europe, but very slow.
And I would go on to add that the downtime was a good two hours.
That is huge.
On one of the busiest shopping days of the year, Twitter is still raging.
I don't
I think?
Firing the biggest salvo and the hacktivists have dubbed a new cyber war.
WikiLeaks supporters have seemingly exacted revenge for Amazon removing Julian Assange, he's the front man, Patsy's website for George Soros, for its cloud of network servers at the behest of Joe Lieberman's Senate Homeland Security Committee ten days ago.
Catching up to speed, it is entirely possible that anonymous
I think?
Uh, Watson goes on to report he was personally trying to buy Christmas presents around 8 p.m.
GMT on the Amazon.co.uk.
The website became increasingly lethargic before it went down altogether.
Amazon's websites in France, Germany, Italy also all fell offline.
Fell off line at time of writing.
Although Amazon.com is still accessible at the present time.
So they are knocking those down.
That is certainly big news.
And all of these companies are quoted.
In fact, here's the Financial Times of London headline.
I'll show PrisonPlanet.tv viewers a document cam shot of that.
Anonymous cyber warriors stun experts.
And it goes on.
Internet subscribers rarely make front page news.
Our internet subcultures rarely make front page news, but when the mysterious forces of Anonymous took it upon themselves to attack opponents on WikiLeaks, the whistleblowing website, their success took everyone, not least the victims, Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal, by surprise.
This year, now notice, this year has seen military and security experts often warn about the prospects of cyber war.
Few expected the most prominent assailants against large companies to come from a scattered group of anarchists and idealists who with no identifiable leader, membership, or nationality.
The loose internet grouping calls itself anonymous.
That's just a cover name for anybody who's mad to attack somebody online, who has been notorious in web circles for years, particularly for its apparently random attacks on the music industry.
No, they're mad about their surveillance of the web.
Kiss singer Gene Simmons, YouTube, and the Scientologist.
It willfully, illiterate grammar and black humor has permeated the internet far beyond the 4chan message board, which originally spawned it.
And it just goes on from there.
Yeah, it stunned the Pentagon that warned us that a cyber attack was coming.
I have been saying for two years, just like I said, there'd be some staged attacks or foiled attacks right before the November election to help the Democrats.
And sure, they still got beat, but they got some of their polls up and helped them keep a few of their seats.
That wasn't just Alex Jones saying that.
Oh sure, I talked about it a year or so before.
White House advisors, Clinton advisors, like Robert Shapiro and others, all wrote editorials saying, Obama needs terror attacks to look strong, or Obama needs to save us from terror attacks to look strong.
And then they came along.
Now I've been saying over and over again, to get the Cybersecurity Act passed, which the lame duck session's trying to pass right now,
They are going to need massive cyber attacks.
And we know the Pentagon has admitted that they've launched cyber attacks against themselves.
We know that the Stuxnet worm, still infesting computer systems all over the East, was launched by a consortium of Israel and the Pentagon.
That's been in the Jerusalem Post.
Senator Rockefeller, Senator Lieberman, and others have been scurrying around saying because of the Stuxnet worm launched two months ago they need cyber security and quote the federal government or Obama kill switch.
That's admitted!
So, the so-called Western governments launched the Stuxnet
Then they come in and say, now we want to take your internet freedom.
That is a false flag, bonafide, in your face, red-handed right there.
Now, you look at
George Soros, his right-hand man, openly funding Wikileaks with the Open Society Group.
You look at Cass Sunstein, the White House Regulations Czar who called to infiltrate the web, to stage events on the web as a pretext to shut it down, posing as activist.
He said this three years ago, being behind and involved in Wikileaks.
You can see what's happening.
I'll break it down when we come back.
Then even bigger news.
Stay with us.
Keith Joe today.
Keep broadcast.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
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You should at least watch this free video online today.
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That's End of America, the number 3.com.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay, so they've got the cybersecurity legislation lined up.
The government admits they are already surveilling your credit card purchases in real time, violating federal and state law.
It's a felony every time they do it.
Oh, but it's done to protect you.
Then we get the internal Homeland Security documents and 95% or more of all of Homeland Security is for American citizens.
Gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, Bob Barr supporters.
This is treason!
This is what you would expect from a group of villains.
Offshore megacorporations coming in and buying up our government.
And then using it as a tool to suck the people dry of their wealth through corporate welfare, but continuing.
I'm not saying there aren't some real anonymous hackers that are mad at Amazon and MasterCard and PayPal shutting off Julian Assange.
But look at the timing.
Right when they want to pass all this legislation, right when the government starts saying, watch, there's about to be a cyber war, magically one starts.
And then MasterCard and Amazon and others are amazed at how sophisticated these attacks are.
Think about that.
And oh, now because of Assange, they're introducing legislation where the U.S.
government can grab any foreigner they want and take them back here for treason charges, for espionage charges.
You notice Sarah Palin, and I don't like to attack Sarah Palin, I mean, I don't think she's evil at heart, but she said our ally is North Korea two weeks ago, and then this week she came out and said that, she came out and said that
Julian Assange is being un-American.
Well, he's not an American, okay?
Julian Assange is from Australia.
I hate to tell Sweetie Pie that.
I hate, you know, to tell Cupcake that.
But that's what's going on here.
And now they've got legislation to A, you get leaked anything from government, which the press has always been able to do, on Nixon, on the government injecting black people with syphilis to kill them.
You get that as the New York Times or 590 AM in Austin or as Alex Jones at Infowars.com.
And you publish it, you get life in prison and multi-million dollar fines.
That's the bills they've got introduced.
Oh, and the Pentagon's got to surveil all the internet now and watch you all in real time and create this army of cyber spies because of Julian Assange.
And then I look at Cass Sunstein, the White House regulations czar, who wrote papers saying that they want to arrest conspiracy theorists.
And he went on to say, what is a conspiracy theorist?
This is the regulations czar.
You can read his quotes.
It's been in mainstream news.
Everybody knows about this.
I mean, it's been talked about everywhere, and the media goes, oh, that's reasonable.
If you don't believe in man-made global warming, you go to jail.
If you don't believe the official 9-11 story, you go to jail!
This is what's being proposed!
Well, Sunstein separately says in his papers, at the White House, and at Harvard previously, and at the Chicago School, he wrote papers for all of them, the White House, Harvard, and Chicago University,
And Sunstein said the mainstream media and government have no credibility.
People don't believe us anymore.
This is a paper to the government.
We've been caught lying so much.
So we'll go out and pose as activists to both act ridiculous and discredit the Internet, but also to stage crises.
Now, the first time WikiLeaks is ever in mainstream news is in early 2007.
In fact, Matt Ryan, you
You printed that for me earlier in the week and I showed it, but I don't have it now on the stack.
Will you print me that Cass Sunstein WikiLeaks article that he wrote for the Washington Post three years ago?
Find it again.
I want to show it to folks and give them the headline.
And he introduces it as this great organization with Julian Assange and these Chinese anti-communist activists.
And look, I don't like the communist Chinese, don't get me wrong, but those Chinese activists are admitted CIA assets and agents.
And Cass Sunstein is admittedly hooked up with all this, and he's hooked up at the beginning of WikiLeaks.
And then I have the real founder on a few days ago, John Young of the Newark Observers, called the original WikiLeaker.
He's the guy that registered the name for them.
There it is.
It's a Brave New Wiki World by Cass R. Sunstein.
That's the Washington Post headline if you want to read him, telling you how great it is.
So, he's now the White House regulations are.
Then I get the original WikiLeaker on,
John Young.
And he said, look, I found out that it was basically Soros-type connected and was hooked into intelligence and was a front, and they're going to bring out even bigger and bigger stuff now, and they're going to use it to surveil the web and then start taking it over and then finally shut it down.
He said it'll take years.
And boy, is he right.
They're doing it incrementally.
So I got the real founder of WikiLeaks agreeing with me.
I've got all the evidence.
I've got George Soros's right-hand man with Soros money funding WikiLeaks on record.
Mr. Halperin, you cannot make this up.
So, people are like, well then why is Assange in jail for doing something that's not illegal?
Well, that's the whole point.
They're burning their patsy.
Just like they burned Lee Harvey Oswald or Tim McVeigh.
When you read Operation Northwoods at ABC News, Associated Press, Baltimore Sun reported on, just type into a search engine, U.S.
government had planned to terrorize U.S.
cities as pretext for war with Cuba.
In fact, let's put that on screen.
Pentagon is another headline.
Pentagon's plan to terrorize U.S.
It'll come up.
They wanted to hijack jets by remote control, crash them, stage bombings, stage shootings, and then they even describe how to frame Patsy's in it.
And this stuff's all public!
Why do you think somebody leaked Northwoods about a year before 9-11 out of the NSA?
It wasn't supposed to be declassified.
It was crammed in into another declassification.
It was no accident.
They were warning you, and now I've talked to people inside government, that's all I can say, that was released to warn you about it!
What, I'm supposed to not question 9-11?
I'm not supposed to question WikiLeaks because I have all the proof?
So this is a 9-11 against the free internet, a 9-11 against the free press, and now they've got O'Reilly, they've got the former governor of Arkansas, Huckabee, saying, execute Assange?
What about his handlers?
They've got congressmen talking about indicting people in the New York Times.
They're not going to be indicted.
This is a staged deal.
They want to just set the precedent to shut down free speech in this country, and they'll do it with a playboy who's unpopular, like Assange.
And let me just say, Glenn Beck, I got a lot of issues with him, but I got to commend him.
He's changed his mind about WikiLeaks, and he said, this guy looks like a dirtbag, but if you let them burn Assange, they're going to burn free speech.
Something's going on with Beck, man.
I mean, O'Reilly, give me a break.
I mean, Beck is being more and more honest.
What, a month ago, Beck came out and said the government's going to stage a new Oklahoma City to blame it on conservatives in America.
Absolutely true.
Because you got White House officials saying, gee, it'd be great to have an Oklahoma City and blame it on them.
But look, the truth is the truth is the truth.
I've covered WikiLeaks now.
The biggest news is coming up when we get back.
I mean, this is bombshell info.
It all ties together with how the shadow government's operating, who owns it, and how we stop them.
Then your phone calls.
Then a bunch of other news on the economy.
You name it.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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That's www.silverlungs.com.
A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
You've heard me talk about the delicious, easy-to-fix, and very storable foods from eFoodsDirect.com.
I've told you for years that eFoodsDirect has the best storable food on the planet.
Now it's that time of year again, and their holiday special is here.
They have two holiday price packs for you to put into your reserves for a secure future or to share with others.
The first is a 6-month bulk supply in 10 cans.
And the second is a five-week supply of quick and easy-to-fix meals, including delicious bakery items shipped in heavy tote bags.
Now, for a limited time, when you order two or more of these special holiday packs, you'll get free shipping on your entire order.
Call now, 800-409-5633, or visit them at efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
That's 800-409-5633, or efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
You know, I'm not bragging, but an illustration of the reach of this radio broadcast.
Muse, one of the number one rock bands in the world, you know, they're in the top five right now.
You go to their website, and Bellamy has been on the show before.
The only links they have are to InfoWars and Prison Planet on their news, recommended news section.
And then I, the one time I had Bellamy on, I was so stupid I didn't get his actual number.
I got the Austin number and never got Bellamy back on.
I want to get the Muse frontman back on the transmission.
Getting back to the WikiLeaks situation briefly, and then I'm going to get into this bombshell info and then your phone calls.
It's very simple.
You've got to decide.
Do you want to live in a free society or a society of tyranny?
We didn't have government secrets until 1940s.
And then with 1947, they set up the National Security Act.
And the federal government was supposed to declassify everything every 10 years.
Then they made it every 20.
They said, oh, let us operate in total secrecy.
We promise we won't ship drugs in.
We promise we won't do insider trading or have all sorts of scams running.
Just trust us to have trillions of dollars in the aggregate and everything will be fine.
And now our country's bankrupt and offshore megabanks run our nation secretly.
And they're telling us we owe them hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars that Congress has researched and has explained is owed by the banks, not by the people.
So if we shut down the free speech of WikiLeaks, and if we persecute media outlets that have reported on the leaks, then...
Freedom is over and the press is dead in the West.
And it's that simple.
But on top of it, if criminal elements in the government want to have cyber security take over the web, want to pass legislation to start arresting bloggers and people that release information the government doesn't like, whether it's troops massacring people or insider trading, it doesn't matter.
If we allow them to do that,
If we allow them to set the precedent, they can get away with anything.
And that's what's happening here.
We need more transparency, not less transparency.
But of course, the government and the criminal elements within it that are, right at this time, trying to take the web over, trying to openly end free speech, trying to pass these draconian laws to persecute people, magically, an organization we know, funded by US government, filled with CIA assets on record, filled with high-level George Soros people,
Releases a bunch of information, most of it that's a bunch of regurgitated propaganda.
What, just because something comes from the State Department, it's supposedly true?
Some of the most brainwashed people are government.
You ought to see the stuff the military and police have sent me.
Well, you have seen a lot of it.
The different reports and brainwashing they're given by the feds, where they demonize the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, gun ownership, tell cops if somebody's a libertarian, they're a terrorist.
I mean, it's a bunch of baloney.
And they're classifying everything now.
They've made all the TSA workers be under secret security clearances now.
So they can't speak out and defend themselves or talk about the things they've seen.
They can't complain about radiation exposure from the machines.
They can't unionize properly and say they don't want to stick their hands down people's pants.
I talked about that months ago when they made the TSA workers secret government agents, and now they're in the news complaining that they can't speak up for themselves in the workplace because they're under national security!
That's what all this is about!
It's a license to be engaged in criminal activity!
We've played the clips of former Fed Chairman Greenspan on Laird NewsHour saying, look, we're the fourth branch of government, we're private, Congress cannot control us, we can do whatever we want.
Because you say so?
The World Trade Organization, a private group, set up 15 years ago, has more power over our trade than Congress?
I mean, here's a New York Times article, and this leads into what I'm about to cover.
Here's a New York Times article today.
Now, listen to this.
We would talk about this years ago and be laughed at.
It's the Plunge Protection Team, and it's a private group of bankers with government power.
Now, I'd talk about this 10, 15 years ago and get laughed at, even though I had all the documents.
Now it's in the New York Times today, by Louis Story.
A secretive banking elite rules trading and derivatives.
Now, derivatives, literally, in almost every case, are totally fake, counterfeit financial instruments.
That's why you're having to pay trillions of dollars into secretive banks or they will destroy the economy.
They will pull the plug and bring in martial law.
That's what Henry Paulson threatened Congress with two years ago in October.
Over two years ago.
26 months ago.
We broke that!
We had congressmen on about the martial law threat and for three days the media made fun of us saying it wasn't true and that I wasn't interviewing real congressmen until it came out in the Associated Press.
People can't believe this.
It's like 12, 14 years ago when I told you every person in the Western world has their blood taken secretly and put in Pentagon and UN databases.
Now people sued because they heard my show here in Austin.
They got the documents and found out it is a Pentagon DNA database.
That's what I'm talking about!
Stop being so gullible!
Here's the New York Times telling you how great it is that there's a secretive banking elite that controls the stock market and derivatives and manipulates everything.
For your safety, of course.
What industry is the only industry making record profits right now?
In the history of banking, it's the big six megabanks.
All the other banks
Massively going under.
Second biggest collapse of banks since the Great Depression.
I mean, there's scores of banks going belly up every week.
And who controls the regulators that come in and shut them down?
Some are even healthy banks.
It's the six megabanks.
And they say that here in the article.
Aren't we lucky we have these guys?
$1.5 quadrillion, $1,500 trillion.
Conservatively, impossible to pay.
We don't owe it, but they're saying we're going to pay it.
Reading the statements of Mr.
Cahoon, if that's how you pronounce it.
In fact, guys, for me, pull up the head of the Irish Central Bank, that BBC headline, Foreign Banks to Own Ireland.
He comes out and says, oh, we want to be run by foreign banks.
And then it comes out just like in Iceland and in Greece, almost all the debt is not owed by the people.
They're not insolvent.
It's owed by the banks.
The banks create this derivatives bubble of 1.5 quadrillion, buy up most the infrastructure, then tell the public on the way down in the Ponzi scheme, you've got to pay this Ponzi scheme off.
These guys make Bernie Madoff, whose son just committed suicide yesterday.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge I'll sell you.
You believe Ken Lay, the day before he was going to go to prison, had a heart attack?
You believe Easter bunnies went to the moon?
A secretive banking elite rules trading and derivatives.
This is the New York Times.
On the third Wednesday of every month, the nine members of the elite Wall Street Society gather in midtown Manhattan.
The men share a common goal.
To protect.
Oh, aren't they?
They're like Superman.
They go into phone booths and change out of their business suits into Wonder Woman outfits.
Now, the men share a common goal to protect the interest, like the Nasdaq founder Bernie Madoff.
Or Ken Lea.
They want to protect you.
They care.
They're so... The men share a common goal to protect the interest of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable and controversial fields in finance.
Yeah, it was these head bankers that controlled the government in 99 under Clinton that got the rules changed to do this.
And now they control the market secretly.
It's totally rigged.
But they tell you to go invest in it.
And then we get the Timberwolf Goldman Sachs emails where they're calling their customers moron idiots and we're selling them total bleep.
I can't say it on air.
And ha ha ha.
That's so funny.
Oh, and all your taxes are going to be paid to them.
The men share a common goal to protect the interest of big banks in the vast market for derivatives, one of the most profitable and controversial fields in finance.
They also share a common secret.
The details of their meetings, even their identities, have been strictly confidential.
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Bank of America.
Oh, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Key info coming up.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So they know that the American people
Got a partial audit of the private Federal Reserve passed this year, spearheaded by Ron Paul, who's now the head of the banking committee that can subpoena the private Federal Reserve and under the Constitution abolish it.
Congress controls the issuance of currency and credit.
Doesn't matter if the private bankers who hijacked our country 97 years ago with the Federal Reserve Act tell us they're God, tell us they're above the law.
They're not.
But most people go, well, it's an old man in a suit.
We better do what he says.
Old men don't rob us.
Just look at Bernie Madoff.
Look at Ken Lay.
So now they come out knowing that even more audits are coming, full audits.
We already learned trillions.
First it was a trillion, then two, then three, to foreign banks and U.S.
Turns out MSNBC is basically funded by the U.S.
Oh, you don't like government-run healthcare?
You are a racist!
That's what the feds are saying.
Oh, Rand Paul, he's evil.
Government funded TV.
That came out last week.
And so now they're just basically trying to beat us to the punch.
Okay, secret group runs the stock market and derivatives.
It's insider deal.
It's like a casino.
But you can find plenty of idiots to go bet on the casino.
Drawn from giants like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley, the bankers form a powerful committee that helps oversee trading and derivatives.
Yeah, they wrote the law to allow it.
Oh, the foxes are overseeing the chickens.
Oh, look at that fox snuggling that chicken with its fangs in its neck, drinking its blood.
Oh, it's so sweet.
It's good to have the wolves guarding the sheep.
Drawn from giants like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley, the bankers form a powerful committee that helps oversee trading and derivatives, instruments which, like insurance, are used to hedge risk.
Oh, the derivatives hedge our risk!
They didn't cause a problem.
There's not over a thousand trillion dollars of them the bankers created that they want us to pay off for them.
Remember Ireland a decade ago?
It was the big success story.
They cut their taxes there.
Their economy exploded.
And then, two years ago, they tried to force them to join the EU, which is a receivership arm of these same banks, and they voted it down.
So they voted for it again this year, and the polls all showed it was going to lose, but magically it won.
And they went from the wealthiest, you know, fastest-growing country per capita in Europe, to one of the poorest now.
Here is an article out of Reuters.
This is from last year, September 27th.
Why Ireland is bailing out foreign banks.
So they've got it right.
It's a bailout.
But then you go to the news story from last month.
It says Irish Republic banks for sale.
And they have the bank head of Ireland, of their private central bank, who runs the country, Mr. Hoonahan, he says, I've been an advocate for many years of the value for small countries to have foreign owners for their banks.
So, oh!
And then it comes out in the news that almost all the debt is owed by the banks in investments they've made, but the Irish get to have their taxes raised, their benefits cut,
Their Social Security cut, their veterans benefits cut, to pay the bankers!
The same thing came out in Iceland, but the Icelanders said no to it.
And then it came out, oh, almost all that debt's owed by the private banks, not by the bankers, because they've taken over our governments and written the laws to be able to get away with this.
But just because you change the law to get away with fraud doesn't mean it's still not illegal.
You could change the law saying the president can, you know, play polo with children's heads.
It doesn't mean that that's not called tyranny and that somebody like Shelchescu needs to get in trouble or Adolf Hitler.
So, I've covered that.
Next hour, I'll open the phones up.
Here's the toll-free number.
We'll get you up and on the air again.
It's 888-201-2244.
We are live, but...
You've seen the takeover of the web happening with the staged WikiLeaks situation to make it look bonafide and real.
They're burning their frontman, Patsy, when it's really run by Soros-connected people and Cass Sunstein at the White House and the CIA.
This is how they're going to try to take our liberties.
Just like they staged terror attacks physically to take our liberties, now they're staging cyber attacks.
And I have no doubt it's probably big private corporations hacking Amazon and others right now to bring them down.
Then they'll take all of our rights in the name of it.
Now, continuing.
Look at this stack of key news.
And I'm going to cover this first before I get to new developments.
Here is the New York Times, December 5th, 2008.
And what spurred me to have this epiphany today?
I was on one of my YouTube videos checking views.
I noticed a comment.
On the Alex Jones Channel.
Of the hundreds of millions of views we have on YouTube in the last few years.
And the commenter was saying, Alex is a complete liar.
The Queen of England doesn't run Canada.
They've never suspended Parliament.
He is a liar.
There's no Governor General.
But the next commenter said, really?
Here's the New York Times headline.
I searched it, pulled it up, remembered the article.
On Friday, I talked about how, just like we have shadow banking groups that really run our government, and our Congress is basically more and more ceremonial, they could take back their rightful power through the people anytime.
Or that other article I just covered about big private mega-banks meeting secretly and staging the markets.
And I see this all the time.
People will just say I'm lying about something when it's publicly available because it's come out, many of them are paid for.
The government admits they have tens of thousands of people, this is mainstream news, on the web attacking anybody that's against the Federal Reserve, anybody that criticizes corruption.
And you better believe, of all the folks fighting the globalists, we're the most effective, so it's happening to us.
But see, people know how to check it now, and they find out I'm not lying.
But there's this meme on the internet that they just pump.
Alex is a liar.
Alex is a liar.
Or Alex covers UFOs, which I don't do.
Or Alex works for this group or that group.
It's all lies.
But every time I'm on CBC radio or Canadian radio or TV, live, I bring this up and it's like a glaze comes over them.
Same thing on Australian TV or radio I've been on.
They can't believe it even though it's true.
They think they're democratic.
They think they elect their parliament.
But if their parliament doesn't do exactly what they want, the Queen of England, from my research, probably the second richest family on earth, their real name, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Elizabeth of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, it's a German royal family,
If they don't do exactly what she says, and this has happened in Australia in the 70s and in other possessions of England, Commonwealth.
She's the biggest landowner in the world, biggest oil company, BP, Dutch Royal Shell, she owns that with her cousin, Queen Matrix of the Netherlands.
They come in and shut it down.
Now I talk about this and Canadians and Australians cannot hear it.
It just totally blows them away.
But here it is, New York Times.
Canadian leader shuts down Parliament.
Canada's, and he's a Bilderberg Group member, has openly called for world government.
Canada's parliamentary opposition
Reacted with outrage on Thursday after Prime Minister Stephen Harper shut down the legislature until January 26, seeking to forestall a no-confidence vote that he was sure to lose.
See, there, the parties, you elect the representatives, then they appoint the President or Prime Minister.
Kind of like, until the 17th Amendment, state legislatures, you vote for them, then they vote for the U.S.
The state then controls the Senator.
Now they're popularly elected.
And so they were going to vote him out, they had the votes, and the Queen came in, and it's in the article, and said, no, she has veto.
The Queen!
Now they teach everybody the Queen has no power.
I've done the research.
This woman owns and controls more than 40 countries.
Harper acted after getting the approval of Governor General Michelle Jean, who represents Queen Elizabeth II as the nation's head of state.
And it's not ceremonial.
She got the power.
It's the Parliament that's ceremonial.
Now, we have the same private Federal Reserve, by the way, through the Bank of England.
It's one of the biggest stockholders.
They haven't had a real audit of it since the 40s, but we know that the Bank of England owns as much as least as the Federal Reserve.
See, we are owned by her and her cousin, Queen Beatrix.
They've taken us over through fraud.
Realize it.
If you don't face it, we can't stop them.
Listen to this.
Harper acted after getting the approval of Governor General Michelle Jean, who represents Queen Elizabeth II as the nation's head of state.
In his request, he had been rejected.
He would have had to choose between stepping down or facing the no-confidence vote.
But the Queen of England gave the order.
The Queen of England!
And the Queen of England owns the largest stock in the Federal Reserve that runs our country, who you write your income...
Look, and if you don't believe the Queen has power, we had to have a war with her ancestor King George III in 1776 to get the little bit of freedom we got, and they came back in in 1913 and took over.
Now, face it, we can get the country back or be slaves!
It's your choice!
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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It's true.
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Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up at the bottom of the hour after I take more calls, I'm getting more into the shadow government and who owns it.
But just like Canadians and Australians have been taught through the tabloids that the royals are a joke, they're the owners.
Along with the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and others.
They have run the biggest empires on earth.
Of course they teach you that they don't have any power and just forget about them.
Real wealth wants to just kind of sit back in the background.
But the facts are there's a woman on earth of all the dozens and dozens of commonwealths and semi-commonwealths who has total veto power.
And her crown, her symbols are all over the highways in Canada, England.
They shut down whole areas of London every day and major roads saying the Queen has decided to shut down the roads today.
I've been to England.
The Queen has decided no outdoor advertising in England because she doesn't like looking at it.
But then you're taught, oh, they're cute, they're funny.
These people are criminals.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Got a bunch of other news coming up on the forced relocation camp programs.
Also, we have a Defense Department press release video where, oh, the National Guard's helping tear down crack houses as they just acclimate us to full military occupation.
But right now, let's go to James in Michigan.
James, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
What do you think of the transmission today?
Oh, that's great, man.
Doing a good job, man.
Keep it up.
What I want to bring up, Alex, is I have a family member that is a Vietnam veteran, and he went to go see his doctor two weeks ago and found out that six doctors quit.
I mean, this is what Daschle said when he wrote the health care plan.
This is what they're doing.
I mean, I got Bill Gates saying, don't give people health care, let them die.
Right, this is ridiculous.
I mean, I have a nephew that is in Afghanistan right now.
Sir, sir, sir, sir, they have announced, again, mainstream New York Times, you name it, but they say how great it is, they're going to take the health insurance away from the vets.
They have a contract with the government, if anybody should get their care taken care of, it's troops.
But no, did you see where they stole the death benefits of six million veterans?
I mean, listen, listen, listen.
Oh yeah.
We're wide open, man.
It's mainstream news.
The government puts uranium in drinking water, brother, to fry our testicles.
And the average yuppie just laughs at that.
They think it's funny.
That's, it's ridiculous.
I have a nephew that's in Afghanistan that just got a slight concussion from a car bomb.
I mean, this is ridiculous over something that was planned and was, um, that's just bull.
I mean, it's just crazy what's going on.
Well, they need that 500 bill a year in opium coming out of there.
I mean, they need that smack, man.
They need that money.
You know who's always run the world?
Opium monopoly.
That's the Queen.
And that's mainline history, they run the smack.
But the average yuppie just sticks their thumb in their mouth and sucks it, so they're gonna get hurt.
Look, the globalists didn't used to mess with Americans because we were vicious and aggressive.
Now we're a bunch of, you know, sports-addled idiots, and they go, look, we're dealing with a bunch of weaklings.
Rape them hard.
And they go, absolutely.
I mean, the globalists rape everybody else because they have been cowed and enslaved.
Now we're being cowed and enslaved, and they're gonna hurt us bad.
It's ridiculous, Alex.
I appreciate all you guys are doing.
Your crew, you guys are doing a great job.
Keep it up.
I'm passing the word out.
I got people now avoiding Walmart.
They're going to other places to shop now because of what the video, the video that I showed that you had about Walmart, they're boycotting them.
And if we keep this up, they're going to go down.
Well, listen, it's us or them.
I mean, these globalists, every time... Our government now declassified, they put Mao in, who killed 60 to 80 mil.
I mean, look, the globalists want us dead.
That's what Ted Turner was saying last week.
That's what people don't get.
I mean, I've got the London Guardian and the UN's own report, how they're gonna force relocate us.
They'll do any... What did Thomas Jefferson say?
The exact level of tyranny you will live under is what you put up with.
Well, I'm done.
I'm sane.
People that aren't upset, they're insane.
More of your calls coming up back at 60.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's a fact.
The Saxe-Coburg-Gothas of Germany.
I'm not bashing the German people.
I'm part German myself.
But the German royal family that runs England...
Since George I and then his grandson, George III, who we fought.
And that's not a conspiracy theory.
We had a war with the British Empire.
I know a lot of you think that's a conspiracy theory.
But back in 1776, we had a seven-year war with them.
There is British royalty.
There is a private Federal Reserve.
We are dealing with this group and some people are laughing and think I'm joking right now, but a lot of the public does not know that there's even a British Empire.
They don't even know that we had a war with England.
They don't know where their capital of their state is.
So I need to be clear about that with people.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour after I take more calls.
I'm going to get more into the shadow government and who the owners of the planet are and some incredible evidence of that and official UN documents, new ones, dealing with forced relocation programs and how they're openly on the Pentagon News Channel announcing how troops are running checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, quote, bulldozing crack houses in Dallas.
This isn't for some unrest or big emergency having troops.
This is getting us used to troops in our local communities, running our society, just like in a third world nation.
I've been warning you about this for 15 years because I read the Rand Corporation documents on it that were public.
Now we're here.
So I'm going to break that down as well.
But right now, let's go to Jim in Utah.
Jim, you're on the air.
Uh, yes, I want to give you a TSA update.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
In Carbon County, Utah, they're driving around in unmarked cars, walking around Wal-Mart.
They're not doing anything.
They're just letting people say what they need to say.
We have a Walmart statement today up on Prison Planet where they said TSA is going to help with shoplifters, and I saw Governor Ridge almost eight years ago on C-SPAN say TSA will be on every street corner when they're done, and now I've got the newscast from Florida to Texas, from Massachusetts to New York to California, where they just are doing searches on the side of the road, grabbing people's genitals.
This is the martial law takeover, and they're just going to incrementally do it.
Where are you in Utah?
Because I want to see video of this.
I mean, we know the TSA has announced 800 Walmarts will have telescreens telling you to spy on fellow citizens, but the border stays wide open, creating fear, the perception that there are terrorists under every bush.
As we go into financial implosion, this is the rollout of the paramilitary takeover.
But I mean, tell me what you saw and the name of the town again in Utah.
It's Troy, Utah.
I live in East Corbin, Utah.
And I had one of them big FEMA trains down at the bottom of my town.
Well, sir, your phone's a bit distorted.
Spell the name of the town.
Yes, sir.
And you've got federal quasi-police, they're not even real police, they're not sworn, people that have been trained in airports to stick their hands down your pants, to yell at you, to put you in radiation scanners, just totally out of control goons, you have seen them driving around?
Yes, sir, I sure have.
Can I plug my YouTube channel?
Yes, that's fine, but do you have video of this?
No, but I will get you video.
We will plug the YouTube channel.
We will plug it because I want to go check it out.
What have you seen in the Walmart?
Well, they just make their presence seen.
They don't really have no contact with anybody, but they're getting people used to the idea of seeing them around.
So they're in uniform walking around in Walmart?
Yes, sir.
Not all the time.
I don't know if they're in Baltimore, but they're in Corbin County, and they're driving around securing, I think, Savage Cole.
Alright, well listen, I'll say this right now.
Thousand dollar bounty.
You post video to a YouTube channel, and then on the thing say, I'm the winner of the bounty, and Alex Jones is authorized to use this video.
You post that to YouTube channel,
You get $1,000.
And I don't care if 10 people get it on video.
In fact, the prizes go up to $10,000.
I will give 10 people awards.
Anybody gets me footage, because I already know they're going to do it.
I already know they're doing it all over the country.
But anybody gets me footage of TSA in Walmarts, they get $1,000 apiece, the bounties out there.
Because again, this is all part of the acclamation.
What was it like for you to see this, Jim?
Well, I kind of stopped and got in his way.
So he would have to stop and I just turned around and gave him the eye.
I'm gonna put down my YouTube channel.
It's Mr. Utah Freak.
Next time I see him, I think we're driving savage coal trucks.
All right, God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
As crazy as that sounds, I've got Marines running checkpoints in California in the middle of the state with guns.
I've got Homeland Security with the Defense Department with regular Army in Tennessee running checkpoints.
It's going on in Dallas.
I've got a Defense Department video of that coming up later in the broadcast.
I mean, and again, it isn't during a fire or during a riot.
This is the full rollout in society.
The threat fusion centers.
The whole deal.
And it's all about taking your bank accounts, folks, and your pension funds.
Nothing to do with men in turbans who work for the CIA.
Bobby in California.
Bobby, you're on the air.
It's so funny how Obama and the mainstream media completely ignored the findings of Obama's cancer panel, which advised President Obama to, quote, use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase healthcare costs, cripple a nation's productivity, and devastate American life.
And it's admitted in the sodium fluoride is lead, mercury, arsenic, and uranium, and it's mainstream that uranium's in our water, the government puts it in there, and the average yuppie's so brain damaged from the uranium, they can't even get upset.
Yeah, Obama's cancer panel went on to cite the most important actions for American people to take to avoid cancers.
Number one, eat organic, non-toxic food and water.
Number two, avoid BPA plastics.
Number three, reduce your cell phone usage and time of calls.
Number four, avoid high radiation CT scans.
And they also went to criticize
The U.S.
military grounds for being a major source of toxin contamination.
Have any protection.
They just let them die.
And that's what I'm saying Bobby.
This government is completely run crazy.
It's totally taken over by crooks at the top.
Anything else Bobby?
Well, while the mainstream media completely ignored the findings, the American Cancer Society came out and attacked the claim, calling them provocative and unbalanced.
Well, that's because the American Cancer Society is funded by the Rockefellers, who on record developed the cancer viruses they put in the vaccines.
That's why cancer is up over 3,000%.
Appreciate the call.
You're like, oh, they wouldn't do that.
I've shown you the Rockefeller Foundation documents where they talk about adding chemicals to vaccines to sterilize you, how they talk about cancer viruses, and then they're constantly caught in the mainstream news, but back of the paper, oh, the UN gave some more kids live polio, it killed them.
Oh, the UN shot some more kids up with live syphilis.
Oh, but let's trust our loving government.
Do I have time to jam in one more call?
I don't, do I?
Let's talk to Karen in Arizona.
You've got about a minute twenty.
Go ahead, Karen.
I want to give you some information.
About six months ago, our mayor was chosen to be coordinator of Homeland Security.
Yeah, that's how they circumvent regular government.
They have ten governors appointed outside in the ten FEMA regions.
They hire local operatives, just like in Red Dawn.
They hire the mayor to spy on everybody.
Sorry, go ahead.
And then also, when I went to the Motor Vehicle Department three weeks ago, on their TV screens, if you have seen or heard anything unusual, please call the Department of Homeland Security 800 number.
And also, Senator Day O'Connor is sitting in on the Ninth Circuit Court, advising the Ninth Circuit Court on this 1070.
Yes, Target's going to have them, not just Walmart.
Everywhere will be government announcements, including your license plates, California's announced, will be owned by the government, will be little TV screens that flash messages about how to tattle.
So just right out of 1984 or The Running Man, just tattletale screens, report on your neighbors, report guns.
You watch, they're gonna prime the pump saying, report on suspicious activity for a year, but they've already switched on the big billboards to report on guns.
And then your neighbor sees a legal gun, calls the cops on you.
I mean, folks, we're in trouble.
God bless you, Karen.
More calls coming up.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
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That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
It's incredible.
We're getting a lot of phone calls, emails, you name it.
With listeners saying there are billboards saying report suspicious activity to Homeland Security going up everywhere.
There are troops running checkpoints and searching people and we can find it all over local news and none of it has to do with turbaned men.
It's all about putting the control grid in place before the financial collapse.
And remember they were quietly getting ready for this long before they got rid of Glass-Steagall.
We're going into bondage.
And it's all illegitimate.
It's fraudulent.
I mean, I remember in 99, before that, 98, 97, 96, going to urban warfare drills, my mouth hanging open, as Marines and Army trained to put Americans in camps and admitted they were training for gun confiscation.
And I'll never forget that some media came out and said I had faked
The Coronado troop ship landing in California, in Oakland, that I had faked the Marines, that I had a $25 million budget.
Now, we see that beta testing unfolding, and the troops are being abused.
The troops are having their future destroyed.
We're all in this together.
We'd better wake up and realize what's happened.
And liberals thought Bush was getting ready to take over, and conservatives think Obama's getting ready to take over.
They already took over!
They're just putting down the clamps!
And now they're openly calling to censor talk radio!
And the internet!
Don't you understand?
This is real!
It's so frustrating!
I've read the Canadian law, the Australian law, and others.
They are openly owned by the Queen of England.
The citizens are subjects.
They don't even know their Parliament is a puppet Parliament.
Americans don't even know the Federal Reserve, took over 97 years ago, is owned by the Queen of England.
She owns the Bank of England.
She's one of the biggest donors.
And that's one of the biggest donors of our Federal Reserve.
I mean, it's so frustrating because the average adult male knows all about football, all about how to act tough, you know, in public, and stick their chest out and walk around acting powerful, but they don't know how to be free men.
And I'm tired of it!
I see these tough guys all over the street, man.
I just want to punch them in the nose.
It's kind of like in that movie, They Live, where Rowdy Piper, you know, is beating a guy up, trying to make him wear the sunglasses.
It's like, put them on!
See it!
It's right there!
You want to be a tough guy?
Actually stand up for something real.
They're like, I thought devil tattoos meant I was powerful.
I thought watching the Cowboys meant I was a man.
You've been taught that since you were a child.
And again, I don't care if you have tattoos.
The point is, you know what I'm talking about.
I want to go to your phone calls.
It's just so frustrating.
To watch our country going into hardcore bondage, to watch incredible crime going on, to watch these international banks take over country after country and brag how they're doing it here and we know exactly their formula for doing it.
But I want to tell a lot of you that stayed on the fence, that decided to, quote, be safe and stay out of all this.
You are the ones that are going to allow them to win.
And when you lose everything you've got, just remember that.
Remember you were told who did it to you.
They want you poor.
They want you bankrupt.
They want you under their control.
This country has cancer.
It's called the New World Order.
Wake up and admit it before it's too late.
Who's up next here of all these calls?
Bill in Maryland, and then Jonathan, Nate, Alex, Bruce, Julio, and others.
Go ahead Bill, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, your show is so successful now it's just about impossible to call in.
But I got a six-page document.
Yeah, it's so successful I got Homeland Security following me around and writing hit reports on me.
Sorry, go ahead.
That's okay, because you've got a million listeners standing next to you.
I know, I hear you.
I just wish people knew how real this was.
Well, a lot of them have accepted the false paradigm, so until they accept that they're denying reality, it's not going to click.
But one of my family members came home Thursday with a six-page thing, and I was like, you have to read that because I'm trying to get family affairs in order so people can have normal lives, and it's titled,
The House Republican Pledge to America came into the credit union and I submitted to InfoWars Thursday but I realized you get like tons of documents every day.
Now I've seen Boehner's pledge.
What about it?
This is several pledges that came through the credit union and it's worse than what you're saying it always is.
It's freeze federal salaries and bonuses, other compensations, agencies for three years.
He's a freeze federal salaries stop taxpayers subsidized union activities 1.2 billion
And it follows up with recommendations from Obama's commission to raise the Social Security benefits and retirement from $67 to $69 and the basic entry level from $62 to $64.
And like I said, it's six pages.
And again, they've got Governor up in New Jersey cutting the road building and people are like, oh, that's conservative.
We owe $600.
According to the Washington Post, of the $1.5 quadrillion, $600 trillion of that to these banks, we don't owe it.
They could cut trillions of dollars.
We don't owe just $14 trillion.
It's $600 trillion the U.S.
alone owes if we buy into these derivatives that the bankers, this inner group, says we owe.
We don't owe it.
They could get rid of...
Build no new roads.
All benefits.
Shut down all the schools.
Cut all of the death benefits for the troops they've paid for.
Cut all the health care.
Get rid of all government spending and you could never pay it back.
That's my point.
And this is what the bankers do.
They come in, they bankrupt a country.
You know, they finance big government.
They then...
I think?
So now they're going to cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, which further kills the economy.
I mean, I'm not for a planned economy.
I'm not for socialism.
But if you're going to have tens of trillions of tax money going someplace, it doesn't go offshore to banking families.
If you do pay it to federal employees or state employees, at least they go get their hair done.
They buy cars, they pay rent, they buy houses.
But when you read the IMF World Bank plan, by cutting the spending that's actually on the country, that's meant to stall us even more.
This is all written down by them.
I've interviewed Joseph Stiklitz, the former head of the World Bank, chief economist, Nobel Prize winner.
This has all been planned.
So again, nothing will fix the debt black hole except writing off the derivatives.
Well, I mean, I totally agree with you, and I came here a number of years ago researching the
The FEMA camps and then later came, you know, the missing organ stuff.
And it sounds crazy, but if you look at the whole system like a car, and you know that you need these different parts for the vehicle to run, you realize that the car thieves are slowly moving into the country, stealing the pieces of the engine out of the country that keeps the country going.
And it fits together when you see
Put the different pieces together and see what's wrong.
It's just like a corporate writer that goes in to blow out a company and sell it all off.
And that's what they're doing.
And there's no way out.
And the Republicans are going to help them destroy the country with the Democrats.
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Number 5.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
You've heard me talk about the delicious, easy-to-fix, and very storable foods from eFoodsDirect.com.
I've told you for years that eFoodsDirect has the best storable food on the planet.
Now it's that time of year again, and their holiday special is here.
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That's 800-409-5633, or efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Everybody knows that the day is unloaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Alright, I'm going to go back to your phone calls, but I want to get back into the fact that foreign families and foreign banks own the private federal reserve.
And they position themselves to destroy our economy so they can consolidate it.
And, you know, if what I'm saying is true, which it all is and is publicly verifiable to anybody who takes five minutes to look, shouldn't I be upset?
I mean, I can't enjoy Christmas parties.
I can't do anything because I've known where all of this is going.
And now it's all coming true!
And I'm not like, oh look, I'm right!
Isn't that great?
I'm like, this is horrible!
I wish I was wrong!
And I see all these grown men, and I just think more of them.
Why aren't you fighting?
Why aren't you speaking out?
Why do you talk about the TV shows you watch all day, or the video games you play, or the sports you play?
Don't you get it?
People had to fight for the liberty you've got, and while you're under your bed afraid of brown-skinned men that wear turbans, you better wake up and understand the bankers fund those people, and they're taking over our nation.
It's like Canadians.
I've been on so much Canadian radio, and I'll bring up, they're like, oh, your conspiracy theory is about a new world order.
I'm like, well, here's Time Magazine, New York Times, promoting world government.
I go, well, what about two years ago?
They suspended your parliament twice, and the Queen of England took control of it through the Governor General.
And they just go, let's move on now.
Because they can't deal with it.
And I read, you can go read the minutes of it where the Queen of England takes over any country she wants.
She is one of the biggest owners of our fellow reserve and I'm sick of it.
Here's another New York Times.
Canadian leader shuts down parliament for a second time.
A few months after that happened, they moved to throw him out of office again, which is what the Parliament can do, and the Queen came in and activated the Governor General again!
And you look at the UN, you look at FEMA, we're under 10 Governor Generals.
That's all official.
They're putting the threat fusion centers in, the billboards are going up, the telescreens with feds giving you orders about spying are going in.
I mean, this is dangerous!
You're not gonna sit on the sidelines and get out of this, folks!
I know we're going to beat them long run, though, because there weren't people in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia or Maoist China who had the type of media power that patriots have today, and they didn't have the history of liberty this country's had.
We're going to beat this, but it's going to be rough.
But you better know I'm sacrificing a lot to be right here on the front line.
I'm getting chills right now.
I mean, look at this one.
Brigade Homeland.
Do you guys have that Pentagon News Channel video clip ready?
Yeah, get it ready.
Thank you.
Brigade Homeland.
Tour starts October 1st.
And they go on to admit they want 387,000 troops deployed in every U.S.
Jesse Ventura's TV show aired Friday.
There's the London Guardian report on that.
Meanwhile, people are making jokes about Ventura's show covering this when he got the Army Corps of Engineers head scientist to admit it.
Here's another one.
I've seen DynCorp, Halliburton, and others over and over again in mainstream news, congressional reports, running giant child kidnapping rings worldwide.
Here's the Houston Press.
Texas company helped pimp little boys to stoned Afghan cops.
Again, you can't make this up.
Here's another one.
Texas sued over sale of baby blood samples.
I told folks nationwide to sue.
My listeners sued in Austin, sued in Minneapolis-St.
They won.
I've had their lawyers on over the years.
And they got the documents.
The Pentagon's got a secret DNA database.
But it's gone on for 39 years in every Western country.
They take your blood secretly.
They lie to you.
It's illegal.
How many... I know I got long-term listeners.
How long do you hear me cover that?
And give you all the docs?
And then even when the media starts reporting on it, they whitewash it.
Here's the UN Special Climate Program.
This is the meeting they're having right now.
Here's their official agenda.
Page 6.
The adoption and implementation of sustainable agriculture, that means shutting down your local farm or ranch, livestock production systems, the eradication of measures that encourage environmental degradation and the cause of GHG, greenhouse gas emissions, the implementation of relocation programs for human settlements and infrastructure in high-risk areas, and the implementation of policies.
That means feudalism, and as Ted Turner said, a post-industrial world with a one-child policy.
And the West is already having on average 1.2 kids.
We're dying.
For every two parents, only 1.2 children.
But they love it!
They love it!
And I could play hundreds of clips.
I've got local news going, the Marines are running checkpoints looking for drunk drivers in California.
Oh, the Army has arrested over 2,000 people for firearms and marijuana in this area of upstate New York.
I've played that clip.
Oh, the local Army ran checkpoints in Tennessee.
The governor said don't do it, but they still did it.
Then I had the state rep on, shutting down whole highways.
This isn't for if a meteorite crashes or a volcano blows up or a tsunami hits.
They've got the army in schools telling kids to spy on their parents.
They've got them, quote, tearing down crack houses in Dallas.
They've got them just acclimating you that troops are the new social workers, the TSA on the streets.
Don't you get it?
They want you to be trained to take their hands down your pants, to put you in a radiation scanner.
They got caught lying about saving the images.
It's really a 360 biometric scan for their cameras at hundreds of yards away.
They can look right through your clothes and get your identity.
Not only your retina or your fingerprint has a body measurement algorithm, so does your entire body.
I mean, I've got all their documents.
I told you two years ago the body scans were for a biometric scan because I knew the company made them.
Then it came out two weeks ago in CNBC and the Wall Street Journal that it is a biometric scan.
Just like they take your baby's blood at birth and lie to you and say it's for a blood test and it's really for a global DNA database sold to private companies, they tell you the body scans are for bombs.
It's a body scan for the biometrics!
Oh, I'm getting mad.
And I haven't even gotten into all the news yet.
I mean, that's what's so horrific about this.
Get your fighting spirit back!
Don't go yell and scream at a UT football game and feel manly.
Get upset about freedom and not being a slave.
Please, let's go ahead and play this clip.
And this is how great it is that the National Guard is in Dallas brainwashing kids.
Oh, the army comes into this.
Oh, we're tearing down a crack house.
Why didn't the city do it?
What is the National Guard doing?
They're just training you.
They're training the troops.
It's normal.
While they openly say those very troops will never get their health care paid for.
See, remember that, cops, troops, all of you.
You're going to be nailed to the wall by this system, so keep living in denial.
Because if this goes through, you're going to be judged so hard, I feel sorry for you.
You're going to be judged by the decisions.
All you slack-jawed, giggling yuppies, all you trendies, all you weak men out there who think this is funny, you and your families will be judged!
Remember that!
You will be judged by your own cowardice and letting this come in!
Play the clip!
Here's your Pentagon Channel report.
The Texas National Guard is helping Dallas, Texas get rid of drug houses.
The Guard's first assignment Thursday was one block away from an elementary school.
The building, once a church, then a furniture store, more recently, police say, a drug den.
We don't know what kind of people are inside the building, drug users, sex offenders.
Who grows the opium?
It could be anybody inside these buildings.
Yeah, so the army's here.
When I look out the window and I'm going home, I see people smoking and walking around with drugs and I feel sad.
Give me a break.
Who was the first... During Katrina, they went to the richest neighborhoods and took their guns out of their houses.
Remember that on ABC News?
All the guns will be taken.
No one will be allowed to be armed.
We'll come back and finish up with that clip, take a few final calls, get to some other news, but I guess I shouldn't be upset.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
It's true.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Number 5.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our president and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
On the march, the empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Watching the liberty drain out of us like a decapitated pig.
To watch our lifeblood pour out of us.
To know history, to know the bondage of servitude.
America has had it so good, so has the rest of the West.
And we are, on average, a lot of soft, arrogant people, myself included.
I'm not on a high horse here.
But you have been warned, ladies and gentlemen, no one can deny that the government and the megacorporations are waging war against all the other businesses and corporations, and against our state governments, and are bringing in criminal tyranny.
We have a right and a duty to resist this!
I do not want this to happen.
Everybody I know, famous musicians, Hollywood people, doctors, lawyers, average folks, former NSA, CIA people, they're all saying, that's it, I'm leaving the country, or I'm hiding out, or I don't know what to do.
I remember four years ago, talking to one of the richest women in America.
And she was moving out of the U.S.
and she said, Alex, there will not be a United States soon.
And I said, what does that mean?
She said, the derivatives.
They're going to destroy us greater than anything.
And she's an insider.
It's all fraud.
This doesn't have to happen.
I mean, folks, every other major economist, even 60 Minutes, says national unemployment, 22 percent.
California's 30 plus.
What does Schwarzenegger do?
He puts in a carbon tax, a 20 percent tax on all industry.
What's that gonna do?
They want to destroy it.
It's so over the top, it doesn't have to happen.
And I do hear local talk show host and national getting a little more hardcore.
That isn't enough.
You gotta come out with it all.
It's right there.
Come on, people!
I love this country.
My family's been here since 1829.
We got a family ranch.
I don't want to leave the United States.
There's nowhere to run.
But more and more, I feel immoral even keeping my wife and children here.
I mean, if it gets worse in the next year or so, I'm going to have to get my wife and kids out of the country.
But where are they going to go?
And I won't be here all the time if I've got to go visit them.
I want to save the Republic.
And again, a lot of folks are waking up right now, but people have got to really face just how evil this system is.
This is not America.
This is not freedom.
This is not good!
And all of the inch-deep propaganda they put out to wrap all their evil in patriotism, folks better wake up.
Jonathan in Kansas.
I want to go to Jonathan, Nate, Alex, and Julio at least.
Go ahead, Jonathan.
Yes, Alex, I advise you to get a pen and paper because I have two guests who are experts on eugenics.
I suggest you get them on your show.
They've written books on eugenics and they're very knowledgeable.
I don't think you've heard.
Who are they?
Okay, one of them, one of their names is Alan Hornblom.
That is Alan Hornblom.
He's written two books about the Holmesburg prison in Philadelphia, which was
Under the direction of the University of Pennsylvania, they conducted
No, no, they do that in East Texas at Huntsville.
They torture them routinely, and that's mainstream news.
They sew dioxin into their back.
Hell, they shoot little kids up all the time.
It's all part of their fun, killing kids.
I mean, it's come out in the news, shooting kids up with syphilis.
But, okay, tell me the other author.
It's uh, her name is Harriet Washington, and she wrote the book Medical Apartheid, and that's where she talked about how... No, no, I know that.
Yeah, no, I've read that book, yes.
Yeah, and she talked about how the Army would release plagues of mosquitoes on communities that would have yellow fever and malaria.
And now Bill Gates says, you don't want to take vaccines?
Fine, he's going to release mosquitoes to give you a special love bite.
I appreciate your call, Jonathan.
Yes, hardcore info.
In fact, let's get Harriet Washington, medical apartheid on.
Let's write that down.
Let's go, I mean, folks, we've got hundreds of eugenics books back here, written, many of them by the government.
I mean, these people are so evil, you can't even imagine it.
And that's why we're so helpless, we're so cattle-like.
I mean, it is... Anybody with children, I don't know how you're not fighting as hard as you can to expose these murderers.
It comes out all the time.
Oh, the government's putting uranium in the water in Texas and kept it secret.
Oh, no big deal.
Oh, the government shot some kids up with syphilis in Guatemala, but it doesn't matter.
The government cares about me.
I mean, what is your problem?
How many times do you have to look at this?
Hey Alex, I just wanted to let you know I'm up here in Northern California fighting the same fight as you, so just hang in there with us.
I'd like to elaborate though, yeah, on people not doing the research and it's just, they'll fight and they'll argue but they won't even do the research.
Oh yeah, they'll tell you you're lying!
They'll tell, I mean look, Canadians tell me that the Queen can't shut down their Parliament, she does it all the time.
Yeah, I was listening to a lady locally and she said she absolutely refuses to believe that the President, even Obama, would do a 9-11 or an inside job.
And I just have to yell at the radio, like, don't you even look at all the different operations that are out there that are declassified.
They have declassified over 2,000 examples of nerve gas in Project Shad and other operations, murdering our own troops.
They put our troops in chambers, tell them they're going to test something on them, and murder them!
Murder them!
Murder them!
But still, the public sucks the thumb.
Yeah, the people just need to wake up, and they are, so I'm happy about that.
Hopefully it's not too late, but I wanted to let you know that you actually inspired me.
You woke me up.
You inspired me to start a local radio show here, that is.
We've had four shows already and we're getting a really good response.
We had Michael Murphy, the director of What In The World Are They Spraying On?
and we had some good, uh, we had Gerald Cilente coming on, so... That's awesome.
Plug it, plug it.
I mean, is it internet or is it local AM-FM?
It's local, but they can get online and listen also.
Oh yeah, tell us the station.
Excuse me?
Tell us the station.
Tell us the station.
It's KCNR1460.com, and it's just KCNR1460AM.
And what's the name of your show?
Sovereign Minds.
Sovereign Minds.
God bless you, gotta move.
And anybody, local stations have big listenerships, but they want good weekend shows.
If you gotta go pay, get a sponsor, do it.
And then if the show's popular, then you'll start getting paid.
Everybody who loves liberty needs to get on air.
I'm sorry if I sound aggressive today.
I'm really upset and just in a fighting mood.
Love you, Nate.
Alex in California, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm just sick and tired of it.
This is Alex.
I'm calling from Los Angeles.
I'm a freelance writer and reporter.
You actually used one of the articles I wrote a couple years ago in your movie, Police State, for the right of FEMA.
You were just talking about it with the Marines.
We're doing a legal checkpoint out here in Southern California for DUI checkpoints that are Marines.
On record, you know, searching people's cars and arresting some people out there.
I wanted to talk about a couple articles real quick.
Earlier last summer, this year, actually, they had an article in the LA Times.
It was in NBC4 LA, where they had Marines on duty
Working with the coroners, working with the LAPD gang task force units in different parts of the city.
That's all part of the acclamation that troops are going to be everywhere.
Total takeover, it's official.
Also too, just last week, December 30, LA Times, there was a recently planned reveal for martial law in parts of the U.S.
and border with Mexico.
You talked about that as well.
So it looks like they're openly announcing getting ready to impose martial law, especially where in Mexico near the border.
And here's another one.
We had to sue to get it, Judicial Watch did, three years ago.
It's an endgame that they would use the border crisis that they were about to engineer to merge the countries.
Here it is.
Canada negotiating perimeter security deal with the U.S., The Globe and Mail.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones Show!
We're good to go!
I think?
And we were told that by Charles from Louisiana, who was there the day it happened, where they would not allow people to go out over the bridges to safety.
It was all a big beta test to test the takeover.
I appreciate your call.
I apologize to Julio and others.
We're just out of time.
We'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
We had Rand Paul, Senator-elect on Friday.
We got big guests coming up this week, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
If you don't have a local AM or FM that picks up the Sunday show or the weekday show, you can always listen at InfoWars.com or watch the live streaming video at PrisonPlanet.tv.
This tyranny can't succeed if we stand up and say no to it.
God bless you all.
I love you.
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