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Name: 20101214_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 14, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 14th day of December, 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
We may even go into overdrive.
Joining us via video Skype, so that'll be simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv, not just on the radio, Gerald Salente will be joining us to break down all the things that are happening geopolitically and, of course, with the economy.
The tax cuts, the announcements that Wall Street's made, the biggest profits in history two years in a row on the backs of the American people, Gerald Solente's predictions on what is going to implode next, and Porter Stansbury, right up there with the same caliber as somebody like Gerald Solente with his predictions and research, Barron's
You know, called his predictions dire prophecies, meaning they have come true.
And he says that the implosion of 2008, he predicted several years before, with precision, naming the companies, is going to be dwarfed in 2011.
I hope they're wrong, but the policies that are in place by the globalists are designed to do that.
So, Porter Stansbury will be joining us in the third hour.
We may even go into overdrive today with him into the fourth hour.
Obviously, Richard C. Holbrook has died of a order rupture.
They tried to fix it in surgery, but he died after that.
And his dying words is reported by the Washington Post and Associated Press, and it's in an article by Kurt Nemo on deathbed.
Globalist Holbrook called for end of Afghan war.
You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan, he told his Pakistani surgeon before he was sedated for his final surgery, according to the Washington Post.
I confronted Holbrook.
Several times.
But one time, I had just bullhorned the globalists and announced that they should repent of their evil.
And minutes later, he was seen 200 yards away looking at me.
And by the time we got cameras on him, he was walking right up to us.
And like a dog, I began barking, Holbrook!
Holbrook, we're not your slaves!
And he went, whatever, and turned around and walked away.
It would have been history, a Bilderberg group member coming out to address people.
But I'm not perfect, folks.
I mean, I'm a little bit overdriven, as people know.
And, uh, but he was coming right out with another ambassador to us.
Either he was coming to address us or he thought we were idiots and wouldn't know who they were walking off the property.
But the way he went, ah, and turned around was, ah, I'm not going to talk to you, lunatic.
Because I did address them in a genteel way with the bullhorn.
And I'm going to play that from endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
In fact, we're going to go back through the dozens of hours of video from endgame.
And put it all on PrisonPlanet.tv in the new year.
I'm sure you've noticed we've been adding two or three exclusive interviews where we fly around the country to do these interviews every week.
What's happened is 40, 50, 60, I don't know interviews I've done while I've been obsessing on this Eugenics film in the last year and a half.
Why not just put them all out for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers and then they'll all be condensed and focused and connected to documents when I do put it in the film.
But it's all going up on PrisonPlanet.TV including the Alex Abea Inside RAN Corporation.
That's going up Friday.
We've got an interview with a
Alan Watt, Webster Tarpley, the list just goes on and on and on.
Dr. Conant, Dr. Blaylock.
I mean, it's getting ridiculous.
And we've got another...
Well, quite frankly, I've got interviews going back years we've never aired.
We've got hundreds of interviews coming.
I mean, I've decided to up the info war at PrisonPlanet.tv and it's an armory of resistance in the fight against the globalists.
By the way, you can get five months free right now at PrisonPlanet.tv and the paltry sign-up fee of $5.95 a month, or it goes down to $3 and something if you buy a year a month, but that's the five-plus months free when you sign up for a year.
You pay for 6.7 months, you get 5.3 months free right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Your purchase of that funds so much of what we're doing, and we're really trying to up our game and expand our operation right now.
We're going through a lot of growing pains, but we couldn't do it without you.
Stay with us.
Key news straight ahead.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
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End of America 3 dot com.
That's End of America, the number 3 dot com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Number 4.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we have a very important Trends mission lined up for you today.
A man who needs no introduction joins us coming up in T-minus 52 minutes.
And that, of course, is Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute.
Then we have Porter Stansbury, who Barron's called his predictions on what's happening in the financial markets over the years.
Dire prophecies that have come true.
He's going to be joining us as well.
And he believes that the dollar will die as the world reserve currency this year.
That's already happening, but all the other currencies are basically being devalued as well in concert right now.
So it's a very, very complex situation that we're going to be breaking down in great detail.
But the first thing I wanted to cover before I get into the economy,
Before I get into the latest WikiLeaks information, before we cover Ron Paul's announcement that he will move to audit the Fed and then ultimately abolish it, and now is the head of the key subcommittee that's over-regulating the private Federal Reserve, we're going to be breaking that down.
First, I wanted to get into a story that Jason Douglas, one of our great graphics guys and camera fellows here in the office, also reporter, wrote for InfoWars.com.
It's the top link, center column, double-linked actually, on the Drudge Report today.
iPhone snitch network launched.
And there's been similar ones that I think we're going to have added to the bottom of the story.
They have that one where if you see the lights on a business, you report it over a website.
Or if you see somebody who hasn't cut their grass, you call the police on them.
And then you upload your videos of snitching to the site.
But this is an app.
Developed by a group with inside connections to the Department of Homeland Security, iPhone Snitch Network launched a new iPhone app with the misleading name Patriot App, like they call the Patriot Act patriotic when it's the opposite of that and butchers the Bill of Rights.
A new iPhone app with the misleading name Patriot App attempts to draw on the power of the Patriot movement, turning smartphone users into gigantic snitch network.
You might think an app with such a patriotic name might have useful functions like a pocket constitution or quotes from the forefathers.
But contrary to the services one might expect, this app allows users to report any suspicious behavior directly linking them with top government agencies.
So I'm saying report on Anwar al-Awlaki being number one in Al-Qaeda under Bin Laden, being under Pentagon control according to Fox News.
I'm calling for you to send them tips about Larry Silverstein saying that they blew up Building 7 on 9-11.
And when you see a bunch of illegal aliens out there, you know, basically engaging in whatever lawlessness you want, or driving cars without licenses, or insurance, or just
Go to the Patriot app.
The problem is, of course, that they won't then do anything about it.
And we've got the Homeland Security DHS internal reports for now almost two years, and 95% of it, as we've reported, is focused on gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, Bob Barr supporters, in the fetters, Ron Paul supporters, people that like Aaron Russo's film, America, Freedom to Fascism.
That exposes the IRS.
This is for the American people.
And they now admit that.
Homeland Security's got telescreens and billboards going up just saying, report everything to us.
Report to the Threat Fusion Center, your local federalization spy base.
Media comes in to interview me here in town.
CBC and the Austin police say, why do you want to interview him?
Like it's their job or their jurisdiction to be trying to intimidate media.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
Much like the new DHS program, if you see something, say something, this app is meant to turn average citizens into a network of spies feeding information back to the federal government.
And it's about normalizing the idea.
It's about acclimating everybody that it's patriotic, that it's freedom to have telescreens bossing you around and the government with amber alert signs.
First it was to help little kidnapped girls, now it's report illegal guns.
Report marijuana, report parents spanking their children, even though it's not illegal.
See, they train you, it's for the scary men in turbans, from the caves, who can make NORAD stand down, and fly jets better than fighter pilots, and engage in maneuvers at the Pentagon that pilots are on record saying are impossible.
You know, we're supposed to be afraid of the magic, jack-in-the-box Taliban al-Qaeda, who's always being protected and funded by the State Department and CIA on record.
Just legions of evidence.
But meanwhile, it's all for us!
When you go to an urban warfare drill, going back now at least 13 years that I've been going to these, and of course 13 years ago it wasn't in the news, I'd show people the video and people couldn't believe it.
Now it's on the news.
Oh, the Marines are in town training to take on disgruntled veterans.
Oh, the Boy Scouts are training with Homeland Security to take on disgruntled veterans in gun sweeps.
Oh, Arcadia, Iowa.
The Army's coming in to do a gun sweep, door-to-door, asking to search homes, and they're practicing raiding the local gun shop.
Oh, now it's just, yes, we're here for you!
But they started with, we're tearing down crack houses in Dallas.
We're running DUI checkpoints in California.
We're shutting down highways looking for drugs in Tennessee and four other states.
The governor says don't do it last year.
They say, we don't care, we're going to do it.
It's all in police state for the rise of FEMA.
And they're acclimating the troops, they're acclimating the cops, they're acclimating the citizens.
We're all being brainwashed to go under martial law.
Martial law is basically already in effect, except they haven't started to shut down the media, but now they're running the Stuxnet and the WikiLeaks false flags against the web as a pretext to start shutting it down and curtailing it, and the legislation's introduced.
Can't you see what's happening?
Continuing with the article here.
Much like the new DHS program, if you see something, say something, the app is meant to turn average citizens into a network of spies, feeding information back to the federal government.
Citizen Concepts, a company formed by insiders from DHS, defines the use of such an app on their homepage.
And see, it's just like you've got all these other Homeland Security insiders, like the former head Chertoff, running around making all this money.
You know, they order the machines, then they retire from government into the companies that are making the money.
And that's what this is.
The new service economy is the police state.
This is what the new service economy is.
This is what they're doing.
This is where the government funding is going.
The fastest growing and largest subsection of scholarships, going back five years I saw this number in the Wall Street Journal, is Homeland Security related.
Data mining, spying, tracking, face scanning cameras, technicians for computers, license plate readers.
I mean, this is total control.
And when you go rent a car, they sit there and ask you questions like you're flying on LL out of Israel.
And they don't tell you, hey, I'm spying on you.
When you go have a child, they don't tell you the nurse is asking, hey, you got plenty of money?
Oh, your husband's out of the room, honey, or your boyfriend is.
Does he ever mean to you?
You can tell me, sweetie.
They're not telling you they're about to send CPS after you.
This is a grid of spies.
Folks, it's in Road to Tyranny I put out eight-plus years ago with local TV ads in Austin saying kids are given $200 to report on their parents.
I mean, they put this on television eight years ago.
But Americans won't do it.
They instinctively know it's dangerous.
I mean, if they see something, a crime or something that's real, they're going to report it.
They don't need to be told, spy on each other.
They don't need to have it constantly pushed on us so we don't trust each other.
Continuing, they have the quote here from their website.
Citizen Concepts announces the launch of Patriot Act Trademark, TM, the world's first iPhone application that empowers citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities via social network and mobile technology.
This app was founded on the belief that citizens can provide
The most sophisticated and broad network of eyes and ears necessary to prevent terrorism, crime, environmental negligence, and other malicious behavior.
See, that's the Green Police.
And you're seeing the report, you know, 81-year-old woman give a $100 ticket for putting newspaper in trash.
They're training.
It's in the New York Times.
Kids, oh, where they write them fake tickets.
Same thing in Australia, England.
Same program.
It's global.
Continuity of agenda.
This is a global corporate government.
Oh, mom, here's a fake ticket from her seven-year-old.
You took a hot bath.
You left the water on when you brushed your teeth.
It's all about government is our God.
Government is our boss.
Government makes the grass grow.
Government makes the birds sing.
Government makes the sun shine.
And here's the Patriot app right here.
I've got it on our iPad here at the office.
It's got an Illuminati eye.
Report suspicious activity.
Like when the carpet cleaner started calling the cops on me because of a shotgun in a gun case ten years ago.
Report crime.
9-1-1's not enough.
Just report it to them.
National security threat.
Product safety.
Oops, let's go back.
I'm gonna go back here.
Oh, get lots of hysteria going, and now they can communicate with you with government fear-mongering as well.
That way they can... Poor whistleblowers are going to report to this and wonder why they got a gag order put on them, or worse.
Most wanted!
Government waste!
Oh, let's report on government waste!
Sure we are.
Environmental safety!
Let's tattletale on that.
The address!
Date of incident!
I mean, this is literally a Stasi form.
Yeah, let's report fluoride.
Jared said a good idea.
Let's report fluoride in 71% of U.S.
Let's send them the Texas CBS report about the uranium in the water and how the government covered it up.
Yeah, because they added it.
Send them the mainline confirmed reports that the uranium is also in the same soils they mine, the limestones, and they're putting uranium in our water.
Let's report product safety.
Bisphenol A.
Let's report product safety on the naked body scanners.
Send them all the mainstream news articles with top scientists, major universities about how it's causing cancer.
Let's send that there.
Again, national security threat.
You report on NORAD standing down.
You report on Newsweek reporting the hijackers were trained at US military bases.
Suspicious activity.
You report on all these high visibility cop checkpoints that are against state law here in Texas and other states.
Crime report.
Cops arresting people for videotaping them in public is a false prosecution.
Official oppression crime.
Let's come back.
In fact, a lot of folks are pointing out the crimes in the comments section of this article.
iPhone snitch network launched.
Let's report on all these crimes.
On government crime.
And then, when you report on the crime and they don't, this app, Hooked In With Homeland Security, doesn't take action, well then I guess you can report them.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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But who watches The Watchers?
They have a congressman in the news saying Congress exists to serve the banks.
That is an actual quote I'm going to be getting into later.
Congress asks the head of the Treasury, the head of the Fed, under Bush, under Obama, every month, they say, where did this trillion go?
Where did this $800 billion go?
Where did this $3 trillion go?
And they tell them, we're not going to tell you.
And then we learn that over $3 trillion of the $28 trillion Bloomberg's reported on went to foreign banks and mainline U.S.
When the government is secretly funding media for propaganda purposes.
Remember six, seven years ago, Armstrong, Williams, quarter million dollars a year to come out and promote No Child Left Behind to conservatives, which is not conservative.
It's federalization of schools, then when they fail the test, which they're designed to fail, the feds come in and fully federalize.
He was on the payroll quarter mil and totally discredited himself.
But now, so much media is on the payroll that it's like, ah, big deal.
MSNBC is almost completely funded.
I mean, the advertising is just gravy.
Buy your money.
It is literally like Pravda or something out of the Kremlin 50 years ago, but the average person doesn't even know that.
Buried in the news two weeks ago.
And now,
I mean, again, we know what a tyrannical country is.
We know what an oppressive police state is.
And it's like Santa Claus making a list, checking it twice, but not to see who's been naughty and nice.
Santa Claus is going down the list going, hmm, Nazi Germany did that, we'll do it.
Stalinist Russia did that, we'll do it.
Maoist China did that, hmm, we'll do it.
Pol Pot did this in Cambodia.
Fidel Castro.
Police black uniforms, police wearing ski masks, citizens being trained to spy on neighbors, youth brigades being trained, president calling for civilian security force, telescreens right out of 1984 telling you to spy on other shoppers.
That's the equivalent of having a castle with a drawbridge and other entrances and an enemy comes to the castle
and is attacking, and the guards on the castle lower the gates, lower the drawbridge, and then run in and aim swords and spears at five-year-old children sleeping inside the castle.
I mean, just randomly, here, let's have some TSA at a checkpoint in southern Florida.
Let's have some TSA in Dallas on the highway.
Let's have some TSA with the police in the middle of Iowa.
Let's have the Army and Marines running checkpoints in Tennessee and Texas and California and New Mexico.
I mean, videos are pouring in, and it's on the news.
Oh, the Marines dropped by today to run a checkpoint at the football game, the high school football.
Isn't it nice?
They were searching cars.
And then we see photos on the news and video of Marines searching citizens' cars.
Let's look for terrorists, and just randomly they take you up in an airplane and you jump out with a parachute and land in a cornfield and start running around randomly.
This isn't designed to target terrorists, even if you believe it's real.
Even if you ignore all the evidence of how it's provocateured, and how it's allowed, and how it's even created in some cases.
There's different variants.
It's aimed at us!
Troops in schools saying, report things to the army?
That was on the Pentagon News this week.
We posted the video on InfoWars.com.
In fact, I think I said post that, but I don't think it was posted.
We played part of it on air.
It's on the Federal Jack YouTube channel.
One of you guys grab it and have Kurt post it.
There are no Kurts in their listing right now.
Actually, I didn't see that.
If it was on the site, I missed it.
I apologize, but let's get that up.
I mean, and they just do this over and over again until we don't get upset by it anymore.
And they're offering rewards if something leads to a conviction.
But then I guarantee you, because people, I mean, sheriffs have been on record.
They'll arrest a van full of 15 illegals with marijuana, with whiskey, drunk.
No IDs, no insurance.
I guarantee you, if they pulled over a truck full of 10 black people,
Or 10 white people, or 10 Hispanic Americans, or 15, or whatever the case is, and there's whiskey, and marijuana, and no IDs, and no insurance, everybody's going to jail.
But the illegal aliens get pulled over because the globalists want them here to drive down the wages, part of globalism, that race to the bottom, not to help Mexico, but to use the US as a steam valve of the revolution down there.
I mean, you report real crime going on, nothing's going to be done by these Threat Fusion Centers.
The Threat Fusion Centers are to make sure the feds can get away with all their crimes, and so they can federalize local police departments.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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The globalists are trying to get us in a stranglehold, take control of all agriculture, take control of the family.
They've taken control of our currency.
They've gotten us deep into debt.
They've demonized America's name by launching all these wars, using our military and our funding.
Now they're moving to the global government phase, where the United States is blamed for all the world's problems, and a private corporate government is offered as the solution, posing as liberal trendies, demanding global carbon taxes.
This is the system, and they've got their spy grid going into place everywhere with things like the iPhone Patriot app covered at Infowars.com.
Here's another report along the same lines.
Remember three months ago, Google came out and reported what I'd already seen in some of their patent filings years ago?
That Google believes they can predict the future of mass movements upwards of 99% of the time, and individuals, 93% of the time.
That's why they have that instant search, where it knows what you want.
Here's the Silicon.com article, Google will find it before you know you need it.
And so you think you're going up to Google, or I think I'm going up to Google, just to get information I want.
This was created by the NSA and CIA.
That's now on record.
Oh, don't be evil.
It's designed to make the Internet the surveillance control grid net.
The worldwide wiretap.
It uses NSA keyword technology.
And it's knowing what your utmost secrets are.
It's knowing what you're looking for.
It knows your habits.
Because they've now set up identity addresses on almost every device.
An iPhone, a regular cell phone, a Droid, a Mac, a PC.
It's a total control grid and Microsoft, the federal government, they admit they're going towards WebID by law to track what you're doing.
Then they can IP spoof you and frame you.
Remember that when they say, oh, DNA is 100%, oh, IP addresses are 100%.
No, they're not.
This is the system that's going into place.
But they want to start restricting freedom of speech on the web because they arrogantly thought they could just use the web as a tool of control.
We've been seizing
I think?
Said Marissa Mayer, Google's VP of Geographic and Local Services, who was speaking at the LaWeb Internet Conference in Paris this week.
Google, she went on to say, is looking at what she called, contextually, discovery.
We're good.
To find information, she said, yeah, I bet they've started to play around with some concepts.
One of their biggest business models, and this came out when, about a year and a half ago, Cryptome.org was able to get Microsoft and Yahoo law enforcement manuals that they give them, online secret manuals, digital manuals, on how to pay for and request data.
And so there's no give us a warrant for that, it's just, here, have it all.
It's a direct conduit.
That's why the health care bill, now law, and the stimulus has similar legislation.
You know, they'll pass multiple laws doing the same thing, so if one gets struck down, they have a slight variant, then you've got to fight that as well.
This is just a bum rush of crooks, where everything in your bank account, everything online, all your purchases in real time are tracked by the government, if it's above $200 a year.
No, 200 purchases a year, excuse me, for online sites and websites.
So all of that is going on.
Now I want to get into Richard C. Holbrook, who I've confronted several times at Bilderberg events.
I screamed at him at a distance with a bullhorn at the 2008, also the 2006.
I addressed the Bilderberg Group in a lengthy speech.
We're going to play a short clip of that from my film, Endgame.
And then I briefly talked to Daniel Estelin, and then Holbrooke comes out to talk to us, or he was going to walk right by us and thought we didn't know who he was.
I began yelling, we're not your slaves, Holbrooke.
I should have let him get closer, but it just got the better of me.
I jumped the gun.
Nobody's perfect, but he's died of complications from an aorta rupture, one of the most deadly
heart attacks out there when the big artery coming out of the top of your heart blows.
Before they did the surgery and he died from complications, he said, quote, we've got to stop this war in Afghanistan.
So is he like the thief hanging on the cross who finally repented?
Is he today in paradise?
I certainly hope so.
Because when I watch these globalists die, I actually get a sad feeling.
But it's good to hear something repentant at the end.
That's always a good sign.
Speaking of that, we've got Lindsey Williams joining us.
Mr. X has died.
He has some final intel, and he can finally tell us things that he was not allowed to reveal.
Of course, he's revealed Mr. X's name now, former head of operations for Atlantic Richfield and other major oil companies.
He's got another Mr. X, who I know his name, it's actually hidden in plain view, who was the actual CEO of another big three.
He's been talking to, but that guy's beating cancer.
So Lindsey Williams will be joining us tomorrow.
Gerald Cilente is coming up in about 20 minutes.
And then Porter Stansbury, unbelievable maiden voyage interview with this guy who's made predictions incredibly well.
I mean, Barron's called them prophetic, prophetic warnings.
In fact, I'll read those actual quotes from Barron's and other publications coming up before he joins us.
But right now, let's go to this clip of Richard C. Holbrook.
Was it foul play?
He was in a lot of these WikiLeaks cables.
He'd been internally, reportedly, critical of the war.
We now learn, what, a few months ago from the McChrystal debacle, where he was making fun of Holbrooke.
Let's go ahead and play this clip from Endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
We take you back to June of 2006 in Ottawa, Canada.
Here it is.
We'll get the computer to launch.
Here we go.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, have stood since the beginning of time against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the universe, and I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead God and direct us, and to give us the power, and the foresight, and the understanding, and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80% that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
Why do you put mercury in the vaccines?
Stanisodium fluoride in the water?
Why do you put cancer viruses in the vaccines?
Why have you used depleted uranium now in four separate nations?
You're arrogant!
You have the sickness that elites have had throughout history in their literal and, in some cases, figurative ivory towers.
You believe that you're invincible.
You will and you are failing now.
Your new world order will follow.
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
Billiberg is an elite organization and the way it works, the protocol of the meetings is the staff, after they're vetted out, they're told exactly how they're supposed to behave themselves, meaning that they can never address the attendees, they can never speak to them unless they're spoken to first, they can never look them in the eye.
They have to approach them from the right side, the people who are right-handed, and from the left side, the people who are left-handed.
They can never look them straight on.
And needless to say, all the information that is being spoken during the conferences is under no circumstances allowed to come out.
That's what they're told.
They're threatened with not being able to find another job anywhere in the sector if they reveal any information to the press.
Richard Holbrook?
Ambassador Richard Holbrook thought the peasantry wouldn't recognize him if he took a stroll off the grounds of Brooks Street.
Holbrook cackled when I told him that we were not his slaves.
We're not your slaves, Holbrook!
We're not your slaves!
Holbrook, we don't belong to you!
We're not your property!
Get back on the sidewalk!
We're free humanity!
Yeah, there he goes.
All right, that's video.
We're going to be going around the back here, guys.
That's video and audio from the film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
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Let's declare war in the info war on the globalists in 2011, this key year.
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Let's engage in info war with our weapon, the truth.
It will defeat the Goliath of their lies.
No matter how high they stack the lies, we've got the secret weapon, the truth.
And if we use that secret weapon and put the truth out in the open where it's no longer a secret, their lies will and do throughout history fall like a house of cards.
So PrisonPlanet.tv
You can give that right up to Christmas Day and get five-plus months free.
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Over five months free or get a month-to-month 595 membership and your support is allowing us to expand our operations and who can deny we are right at the tip of the spear with Ron Paul and so many others.
I mean, we are right at the tip of the spear.
And we are willing to do it because tyranny is too high a price to pay.
If we submit, we are here risking our lives doing it all.
And I want to commend my crew.
I want to commend the listeners, the sponsors, the supporters, the GCN Radio Network, GCNlive.com.
And I want to wish all of you a healthy and happy holiday if you're a Christian, a Christmas that's coming up.
And I just appreciate everyone out there for your tireless efforts to spread the word.
I got pretty negative yesterday.
It happens every few months.
It's like a black cloud hangs over me, where I see how negative everything is, and how dire it is, and how crazy the corruption is.
But there's also a huge awakening happening, and it's always darkest before the dawn.
It takes things getting bad to test humanity's mettle.
That's God's test for us.
And if you don't believe in God, folks, now's the time, as they've said many times throughout history, since World War I, there are no atheists in foxholes.
And if you don't know that you're in a foxhole, if you don't know that we're under attack societally, physically, genetically, spiritually,
I mean, if you can't see that humanity is going in the wrong direction and things are getting nuts, the globalists are just throwing it in your face now.
It is so incredible to watch all of this unfold, and I'm sad for Holbrook.
Rewatching the video, I remember what happened.
He's about 80 yards away, and he's walking straight.
And then, right as I recognize him and decide to yell at him, he starts turning.
Now he's about 60 yards away, walking straight towards us.
So I had already opened my mouth.
And then he gets, I'd say, about 50 yards away and stops, you know, and throws his arms up and walks away.
So, he was either going to walk off the property for a walk and thought we were too dumb to recognize him, or he was coming up to talk to us.
I don't know, but he turns around and goes back in.
And I wish he would have come out, but, and then I could have gone up and talked to him.
That would have been classic, but information.
But there it is.
And I'm just glad to see him right before he was put under saying, you know, end the war.
He reportedly said more.
Richard Holbrook, Obama's point man on the Pakistan-Afghanistan has died following a second round of surgery to treat a heart condition.
Officialdom and the corporate media are in mourning.
Praise for the one-worlder gluts the media.
The international community is praising the legacy of veteran U.S.
diplomat Richard C. Holbrook, who died Monday at the age of 69.
So last night, while serving as the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, reports CIA propaganda outfit Voice of America, you've got to stop this war in Afghanistan, he told the Pakistani surgeon, before he was sedated for his final surgery.
So they'd gotten him sewed up, but he was in critical condition.
He came out of it, and then he said, you gotta end this war, according to the Washington Post.
And that's what Anthony Schaeffer, the colonel, said.
That's what Hamid Gul, the former ally of the CIA, said.
You will lose.
The forces are massing.
And most of them are not CIA-Taliban-connected terrorists.
They're people who don't like predator drones killing them.
They're people who are tired of being occupied.
I mean, foreigners won't come here now because they stick their hands down their pants.
But then we're here in America being told it's normal to spy on each other and to have government corruption and the government involved in our families and trying to take people's kids if they don't drink fluoride water or take vaccines.
We've got to learn to recognize tyranny and say no to it.
We'll be right back with Ron Paul, Key Intel, straight ahead.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley wide enough to keep me from resisting tyranny.
I understand how dangerous government tyranny is and we've got a particularly nasty case of it really starting to grow and run rampant.
We got to cut this cancer out fast.
I want to get into some of the amazing things Ron Paul's doing, turning the heat up, and these reports are all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We are extremely excited about what Congressman Ron Paul is up to, and we have his press releases and statements.
up on the site.
Lying is not patriotic.
His article that Ron Paul wrote and the video of his speech, six-minute speech, before the Congress yesterday.
And we also have another important report, Audit the Fed 2011, which will lead to the abolishment of it.
That's coming up in a moment.
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Though TSA has come out and said, well we might not, we're not sure about that if it covers something up.
And it's on the news, they've been asking women what...
Feminine wear is once a month.
You know, the maxi pads and things and they're actually now grabbing at those.
That was mainstream news last week, so there's no end to it.
Land of the free, home of the brave.
Some low-grade moron going, what that on scanner?
What that to go look at you now?
I mean, literally women have had their breasts removed.
Well, what is this fake bra?
What do you do with it?
What, what this bag?
It's a, I had my
The person told him, I had my bladder removed from cancer.
It's an artificial bladder.
Please don't touch it.
No, don't.
They rip it off.
The urine starts pouring out of the side of the guy.
I mean, I'm sorry to talk about this stuff.
We never talk about potty humor here.
This isn't a joke.
It's an act of humiliation.
I'm sorry.
I'm ranting.
Lying is not patriotic.
He says about WikiLeaks, and he says covering up all these lies is tyranny.
If they prosecute Assange, it's not just lying is not patriotic, it's saying the truth is illegal.
And on this new iPhone Patriot app tattletale thing, they've got whistleblowers.
Well, if you're government and you whistleblow corruption, are you going to get life in prison or executed?
And they keep saying, arrest Assange for treason.
It's un-American.
He's not American.
He's a foreign journalist.
People are like, well wait, you say it's a setup.
Yeah, it's a setup from the CIA, Cass Sunstein and Soros.
The evidence is clearly there.
It's overwhelming, but he's the patsy.
See, they create the crisis, then they offer the solution, taking our rights.
So Ron Paul's absolutely right.
I talked to Governor Ventura yesterday.
He loves, in fact I learned about Ron Paul's speech because he'd seen it on television from Ventura, so I went and looked it up.
Lying is not patriotic.
Ventura's on Friday at noon, by the way, with bombshell after bombshell.
This will be one of the hot
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Seems like I just woke up one day and it was gone.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he predicted in the last year that we would see the acceleration of the death of the dollars, the world reserve currency, in the month of December.
And that's certainly happening with gold and silver exploding.
Unemployment well above 23%.
But there's the real world that Gerald Cilente covers, then there's the delusional world telling us that in June of last year the recession ended.
But every real economic indicator is, we're in deep trouble.
And they announced in the Wall Street Journal two days ago, record profits, even above the profits in 2008, the profits in 2009, and going into this year, are even bigger for Wall Street.
And so we're going to talk to Gerald Cilente about WikiLeaks, about the economy, about what he sees in 2000.
It's probably our last interview with him this year, and he's with us for the rest of the hour.
Founder of the Trends Research Institute, TrendsResearch.com.
He really needs no introduction.
Gerald, I didn't talk to you ahead of the show.
I've thrown out some of the issues I want to cover, but this is a short segment, as you know, long segment coming up.
What are some of the biggest trends you're looking at right now, and what bombshells do you have for us we're going to cover in this hour?
Look what happened in the UK on Friday.
And go back to the Autumn Trends Journal.
The headline of the Trends Journal was, Off With Their Heads 2.0.
What were they screaming at the royal couple in their Rolls Royce?
Off with their heads.
The people have had it.
They're fed up.
They know the deal.
In fact, you always say that.
You said it's going to be off with their heads.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I tell people if you want to know a good entrepreneurial business to consider, guillotines might be it.
Because this is going worldwide.
The people know the deal, Alex.
Here's the deal.
It's called austerity measures.
With austerity measures equal, you lose your job.
If you have one, you get paid less.
You get your benefits cut.
Oh, and by the way,
We're going to raise your taxes.
And you know why?
Because the white shoe boys can't get a haircut.
That's their language for taking losses on multi-billion dollar bad bets that they've made.
So the people are angry.
And what happened in the UK with the increase in tuition going up, check it out, 200%.
You think they're angry?
And by the way, they also know that an education is a degree in worthlessness these days, because it doesn't mean you're going to get a job.
So if people want to look at something really hot going on, stay with that story and stay with this.
They took it out of the British news like that.
It was wiped out of the news, of the off-with-their-heads news, the day it happened.
So this is something really to focus in on.
Spontaneous rage and anger.
When we come back, let's talk about Ireland.
It's admitted that the people don't owe the money.
It's the offshore banks that owe the money.
And as soon as they entered the EU, which is an admitted receivership takeover system,
As soon as they were under that contractually, then they tell them, oh, your economy's over.
We've got to raise your taxes, cut all your benefits.
And the head of their private central bank even told the BBC that it's good to have foreigners own your country.
I mean, these are just such brazen.
And I've got another Republican congressperson today in the news saying, Congress exists to serve the banks.
It's like insane hubris.
Yeah, and that's what it's come to.
And this is the aggravation and anger while people are losing their homes.
They have lousy jobs.
Here, I'm going to tell you what the deal is.
It's this.
Get up in the morning, go to work.
I don't care if the kids are sick.
Get somebody to take care of them.
And take that lousy commute that you hate.
And when you get to work, I don't want to hear any belly aching.
Do your job, even though you hate it.
And you have the job because you need the money and you need the benefits.
And stay late.
And then I'll tell you what to do with your money.
That's what's going on.
All right, stay there.
We're going to break it all down and where you see it going with off with their heads.
In 2011, Gerald Salentes, our guest, TrendsResearch.com.
Stay with us.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Another issue we're going to be tracking with Gerald Cilente is the increased crime we're seeing, and the government's been caught trying to spin those numbers as well.
We're seeing big calls for internet censorship.
Google was in the Wall Street Journal two days ago.
They had a big report where they're being caught not just censoring alternative news, but also their competition.
Google really needs to be replaced like Myspace or other things that become draconian.
It's time to leave Google.
It's time to start the exodus away from that big brother institution.
We've got Gerald Salente joining us.
He has been saying for at least two years on my show, it's gonna be off with their heads!
And I remember him, it's gotta be six months ago, in fact if listeners can pull it up, I've seen him on national TV too, the same thing.
Going into December, going... I mean, I hate to imitate you, but I mean, you can imitate me, it's just... I'm trying to give the exact, you know, flavor of what you said.
It's gonna be off with their heads!
Going into December, going into 2011, it's gonna be revolution by 2012!
I mean, you've said that over and over again, and now it's off with their heads.
A spontaneous riot attacking the Duchess of
Twitliness and the Prince of Corruption.
Yeah, and we're going to keep seeing it.
I'll give you another one, Alex.
Two weeks ago, not this past Sunday, but the Sunday before, the New York Times, the toilet paper of record, wrote a feature story in the magazine section on America's least hated banker, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase.
The guy, as you're reading this story, this puff piece, all the way into it, he said, oh, by the way, my mommy and daddy are my mommy's good friends with the Diamond family.
Just a little note.
So then you read this puff piece and then go to the New York Times website, read the story and then look at the comments.
One scathing comment after another.
What a suck-up and brown-nose of this guy Loewenstein who wrote the story is.
What a disgusting character Jamie Dimon is.
It got so bad that they stopped having comments coming in after 138 of them.
I think probably the only good comment was there was this guy Loewenstein's mother, who's good friends with Jamie Dimon's family.
So when you read this stuff and you see the anger out there, it's real.
But here's the other side.
Look how those brave bobbies beat up all those students.
Did you see the one from the BBC where they grabbed this guy out of a wheelchair and dragged him across the pavement?
And this disgusting interviewer on the BBC is saying to the guy, you gotta see it, well, they said that you were rolling at them, the police.
And if you think the media in this country is servile, you gotta look at theirs.
It's just as bad.
So what they're going to do is they're going to keep coming harder and harder down on the people to stop the revolution.
So that's what we're up against.
It's going to be a cyber war and it's going to be the real war.
It's going to be the government crackdowns and the people trying to rise up.
It's no different than any other revolution.
Scathing videos about the banking system, about the telescreens going in Walmart, telling citizens to spy on each other and spy on other shoppers.
I mean, it's right out of 1984.
And if you click on the YouTube like or dislike, depending on the video, it'll be 3,000 likes
Next to 50-something or 100-something dislikes.
I mean, it's literally 95% of people agree with me and disagree with the government.
Then, if you go to the Homeland Security official webpage per video, it will be thousands of dislikes.
And every comment hating them and saying, we know you're the terrorist, we know you're staging the events, why don't you report on yourselves?
And almost no one liking.
In fact, there it is on screen of one of my videos with close to 300,000 views.
The title of the video, if folks want to go look at it, is Walmart Invasion, Part of Larger DHS Takeover of America.
There is 1,733 likes.
94 dislikes.
Now, again, you go over to the Homeland Security website, and it's the flip of that, and you read the comments, everyone gets it.
You know, they're saying, you want us to not trust each other.
You want us to spy.
This is like Nazi Germany or East Germany or Russia.
Uh, hey, I want a report on Chertoff ordering the naked body scanners and then making money off of them.
I mean, every, I mean, people are really getting educated.
There's an explosive awakening happening and they are saying off with their heads.
I'm concerned though, and I've seen the government provocateur to try to start something violent.
So they have a pretext to clamp down, but I want to warn the government.
This could backfire on you trying to start a fight or staging terror attacks like a new Oklahoma City to blame it on the Liberty Movement.
Your comment on the awakening, when you see it really going to flashpoint, and how you see the establishment countering us, Gerald Cilente.
You know, my saying as a Bronx boy, when people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And they're losing it because they're losing their homes.
They're losing their jobs.
These guys, these people getting it and women getting out of college.
Again, with these degrees in worthlessness, they can't find jobs.
You think they're angry?
And they've got all that testosterone running through these guys.
You think they're going to take to the streets and take it out on somebody?
When is it going to happen?
It's going to happen when people finally wake up to the reality that the dollar isn't going to be worth a dime.
That all they've saved, they've saved for nothing.
They find out that they're rich, as we've seen, and I love it now, now that it's, I've been saying this, I don't know how many years, that the gap between the rich and the poor is the widest in the U.S.
than any of the industrialized nations.
Now, just now, mainstream media is finally saying that.
So as they see the richer get richer, and them getting poorer,
What do they have to lose by taking to the streets?
So what we're going to look at, here's... I want to make this clear also.
We predicted the crash of 2010.
It's in the Trends Journal.
It was a top trend that came out last December, a year ago.
What we made it, we made it perfectly clear would not be an equity market crash because it was a rigged market and it was going to be cheap interest rates that keep floating this.
And we also said there would be schemes undreamed of that would keep propping it up.
And we saw this scheme that just came out as a result of the Dodd-Frank bill that the Federal Reserve has loaned and under the table dealt over $13 trillion all over the world
To all different kinds of companies.
General Electric, Harley-Davidson, McDonald's, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, the Tokyo Banks, Bank of England.
It's what the con game is that they're conning us with the bank deals.
So yeah, they're propping it up, but what we're saying is that it's collapsed.
And people, the headline story, Alex, for the Trends Journal's top trends that are coming out in a few weeks for 2011 is Wake Up Call 2011.
Only the blind, the inept, the ideologically driven and little kids aren't going to know the deal.
And the deal is this.
Europe has collapsed!
There is no EU!
It's gone!
They're not going to be able to bail out Portugal.
They won't be able to bail out Spain.
Ireland is toast.
They're not going to be able to salvage Italy with its 120% of debt-to-GDP ratio.
They won't salvage Greece.
The Germans are going to go off on their own.
There's going to be a global currency crisis that's happening in front of us.
Why do you think people, why can't they wake up and see why gold is trading at $1,400 an ounce?
There is no end in sight, but the end will come when the markets collapse
And we believe that there's going to be a global financial crisis, a crack-up in 2011 that people will no longer be able to deny, and the world banks will no longer be able to cover up by printing more of their digital money that's not worth the paper it's not printed on.
Well, Gerald, we know that the mega central banks have wanted to consolidate power, but now they're getting desperate.
They realize they've destroyed things so bad, they're finally actually trying to cut taxes, but it looks like too little, too late.
But here's the model.
Uh, here is, uh, the, uh, Ireland banks are all for sale, central banker, uh, this is out of CNBC, and he went on to say, they are for sale as far as I'm concerned.
I've always been an advocate for foreign banks to own small countries.
And he goes on here.
This is their central banker.
They told him a year ago they had the best economy in Europe.
They set him up.
They brought him in.
And I've seen it in the German news.
The Germans are saying they're getting ready to leave the euro if this continues.
And I've seen the financial breakdowns.
This is mathematically impossible to pay back.
And the system knows that.
So they're just trying to suck as much as they can while telling everybody that everything's fine.
And by the way, that's where this whole WikiLeaks thing comes in.
I don't know if you saw the video of me on Fox about a week and a half ago when the WikiLeaks story broke and how they set me up.
They had four against me.
Stay there.
Tell us about it when we get back.
I didn't see it.
I mean, you're on so much television, I miss a lot of it, but I did see it linked on our site, but I didn't have a chance to watch it.
Tell us about that.
We'll get into this congressman saying the Congress is there to serve the banks.
You can't make this up.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Gerald Cilente.
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Alright, let's go right back to Gerald Cilente.
Gerald, I'm going to dig it out of my stack.
It's a raw story.
With the video, with the quote of the congressman saying, hey, Congress is here for the bankers.
I guess oxygen is here for them.
They are trying to pass the carbon tax to taxes on carbon dioxide.
And JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs literally are the main funders.
So I guess the air is theirs because they waddle around and tell us what to do.
But as you said, everybody's starting to wake up to them.
But what about, when you look at Ireland, cutting the benefits that are paid for, raising the taxes, admitting everything goes to the bankers.
What is this hubris, this arrogance?
Why are they so, like Marie Antoinette saying, let them eat cake?
I mean, is there a method to their madness?
No, they're out of touch, and they should be.
They live lives that are far, you know, more protected than us.
Every time they arrive anywhere, they roll out the red carpet.
It's one big, you know, circle jerk.
Everybody makes everybody feel so great and important.
Look again with these WikiLeaks.
Look what they do.
They show us these photo ops.
All the glad-handing, all the big smiles, and you find out they're nothing but a bunch of crooks, thieves, criminals, buffoons, suck-ups and bow-downs, and they call it the world leaders.
It's a... look at Berlusconi.
You know, yeah, the world stage is one big Berlusconi.
So they are totally out of touch.
As I said, their attitude is, you go to work, you bring me the, bring on the money, I'll tell you what to do with it.
I'm smarter than you, I'm privileged, and I walk on red carpets.
So of course they're out of touch.
Look, Alex, what happened in England,
As we're seeing the same thing now happening, where they're promoting, you know, the next royal wedding, as they're making it impossible for kids to go to college.
It's not even let them eat cake, it's let them eat nothing!
They could care less!
They're better than we are!
There's a photo that we have in the Trends Journal of Hillary Clinton looking, you know... Yeah, it's the White Shoe Club!
So they're totally detached!
And so when it happens... And the police, unfortunately, are becoming, you know...
Enforcers for the crime bosses.
They beat up the people.
Orders are, don't touch the top criminals.
Have you seen anybody go to jail from any of the big banks?
The Lehman Brothers?
The Merrill Lynch Mob?
The Goldman Sachs?
No, they've been burning little bitty low level guys in million dollar deals, trillion dollar swindles, and they just roll the red carpet out and Congress just grovels when they see Greenspan.
They just fall to their knees and go, my lord, my king, rape me!
So the cops have the, you don't touch the big guys.
They got the audience.
And they can't beat the crime guys on the street.
You know, the Bloods and the Crips and the rest of them, which is a growing organization.
That's an industry that's thriving.
They can't beat the Mexican Mafia.
Crime's exploding.
I've seen old ladies pulled over in Austin with cops walking up with their hands on their guns, with two old women in a convertible, you know, Seabreeze car or whatever.
But then when they see real criminals, they just seem to grovel in fear.
So that's what's happened.
The cops have become the crime bosses.
The enforcers are the crime bosses.
By the way, crime, that's going to be one of the... Crime wave 2011.
This thing's starting to break loose, and as you pointed out, they're cooking the numbers.
What a surprise.
They cook the inflation numbers.
They cook the unemployment numbers.
They cook the numbers about how many people we've killed, or they've killed, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And they're lying about the crime numbers.
It's going to get much worse, and it's worldwide.
And criminal activity, by the way, is accepted.
If you see it on Wall Street, why not everybody else?
So is gaming the welfare system, gaming the system to become disabled?
Ripping off the system from the top.
So as people start losing more and more, crime is going to go higher and higher.
I don't care what these academics and these crime experts say, that there's no relevant evidence.
I mean, half the places I go to, businesses are now being robbed, even in nice areas of town.
Cars are getting smashed into, homes are getting robbed.
But then I read in the news, they say, oh, crime's not up in Austin, and unemployment's not up.
Everything is wonderful.
Sit down and shut up.
I want to come back, get into more trends this year, and get into this Alabama Republican
Spencer Bacchus says we are here to serve the banks.
That's a quote.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.
End of America 3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
I want to get into a host of issues with Gerald Celente before he leaves us here at the end of the hour.
Maybe we'll twist his arm to come on on the last show of the year.
Not this next week, but the week after with his predictions in rapid succession for 2011.
But I'm going to get some of those from him here in a moment.
But here it is.
Regulators exist to serve the banks, next House Finance Chairman declares.
That's the guy above the committee that Paul runs.
Paul is able to subpoena and get dirt on the Fed, but the big committee above him says we are here to serve them.
Listen to this.
Alabama Republican Spencer Baucus, the incoming chairman of the House Banking Committee, suggests Congress and federal regulators should play a subservient role with banks.
Remember a year ago, Greenspan, the former chairman of the Fed, on PBS saying, we're outside government, we run the government, no one can regulate us?
I mean, this is just made-up, pure arrogance.
No wonder we're being completely robbed by these people.
It's in the Constitution, it's we the people, and the Congress controls that.
Just because some monkey tells us in a fancy suit that he rules us, or because some monkey government tells us men in uniforms are going to stick their hands down our pants, doesn't mean they can do it!
Here's the quote from Spencer Abacus.
Well, yeah, most of them are former Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan people.
Fox is guarding the hen house.
Bacchus told the Birmingham News in an interview.
And it goes on.
I mean, totally disconnected.
Okay, well, Congress isn't involved with the banks or doesn't have any power over them?
Then we shouldn't have to pay them all this bailout money.
Gerald Cilente.
Well, I think the Congressman is expressing his feelings about the type of person he is, and the rest of the most of Congress, with the exception of Ron Paul and a few others.
They're suck-ups and bow-downs.
I tell you, Alex, the worst job I ever had was when I was the Assistant to the Secretary of the New York State Senate.
And I watch grown men grovel all day long.
And I had lousy jobs in my day.
Well, that was the worst when I was a young man out of graduate school.
So this is who they are.
They're used to bowing over, bending over, and sucking up, so they feel we should too.
And I'm sick and tired of them telling me what I should believe, what I should think, and what I should do.
But the fact is,
Go back to our 2008 trend alert when they came out with the TARP scheme.
The headline read, DC Heist, Wall Street Hijacks Washington.
History was made.
It happened right before our eyes.
You talked about Rubin, you talked about Geithner, you talk about Gensler, you talk about the rest of the Goldman Sachs gang.
Remember Henry Paulson?
Frankenstein couldn't have had a better mask than that guy!
Well, you broke it all!
You broke it all down in Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic.
In both of my films, all of it has now unfolded.
And if they can steal twenty-something trillion, why not steal a thousand trillion?
Why not go completely crazy?
Now earlier, you tried to get into WikiLeaks, and then we went to break and I forgot to bring it back up.
Talk about what happened to you on Fox.
Well, they brought me on and it's like five against one.
It's in the media blog on our, in the Trends Journal dot com.
And they had a CIA guy, you know, with that look, you know, blond, handsome guy.
You know.
Get used to it.
Get used to the crime and the corruption.
That's the real world.
What I was saying is this isn't about who leaked what and how.
They're upset because it's uncovering what a bunch of losers they are.
I want to get this into everybody's minds so you don't let go of it.
The same people that they call diplomats, ambassadors, your senators, your congressmen, your legislators, your presidents, your mayors, these are the same people you couldn't stand in high school and college that wanted to become the class presidents and the head of the student council.
What WikiLeaks is showing is that's exactly who they are.
They're the inept and the incompetent, they're doing dirty deals, and it's being uncovered, and they're going ballistic.
Because that's the only thing that's holding it together.
There's nobody behind the curtain.
It's what you see is what you get.
How disgusting does it have to become
When Obama walks on the stage and gives it to Slick Willy to jam legislation down the throats of everybody.
Change you could believe in?
Man, it looks like an old act to me.
It's really a lousy repeat of an old movie.
The sequel's as bad as the original.
And that's what they're doing!
That's the outrage of WikiLeaks!
And why aren't they going after the New York Times?
Why aren't they going after the Guardian?
And their Spiegel?
Why not?
They're printing this stuff.
Why go after this guy?
And I read all the information that's come out.
You know what the charges are when you read these so-called rape charges?
Yeah, he had sex without a condom.
I mean, this is classic feminism.
And then both the women, especially one of them, have worked for high-level CIA operations in Cuba.
I mean, this is a complete setup.
And who could make this stuff up?
I mean, this is like a Disney story, you know.
Snow White had sex with the seven dwarfs and they didn't use a condom?
I mean, come on!
We're fighting, we're in immoral wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
Hey, how about sending predator drones into sovereign countries and killing, quote, suspected militants?
Did anybody have a year of
Extrajudicial killings?
How about going to war for fake reasons?
There is no weapons of mass destruction.
There were no ties to Al-Qaeda.
And there's Bush out there hawking his book.
And they're busting a guy for not using a condom?
Well, it gets worse.
I mean, Bush...
And that's the, but that's the level of what we're talking about, who these people are, and it's being exposed, and they don't like it.
Well you're right, and Bush, we got the White House memos, we got the memos from John Yoo and Attorney General.
I don't know.
the sadist to prison as scapegoats once they get caught then Bush comes out twice this year and says he ordered torture he'd do it again but he's not in prison so he's like the Gambino crime boss and meanwhile his his soldiers have been caught carrying out criminal operations they go to prison and the crime boss comes out on TV and says I ordered it and he doesn't get in trouble I mean this is so brazen
Well, that's what's going on.
As I said, the police have become the enforcers for the crime bosses.
They're above everybody else.
I watched Bush give some of those interviews.
Yeah, he's from royalty.
Oh, the great Bush family.
Hey, what was that?
The great grandfather?
The grandfather's name?
Prescott Bush?
Yeah, top Nazi.
Wasn't he doing deals with the Nazis?
I mean, come on with this stuff.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
Bullets, bombs, and banks.
I've said it, and that's what it is.
They're robbing us.
This is the greatest bank robbery in world history, and the banks are doing the robbing.
And when we're talking about the crime wave, by the way, look at the security business.
It's booming.
You call up and try to get alarms installed, you're going to get on a waiting list.
And it's going to get a lot worse.
If people want to see the businesses to get into, boy, anything having to do with crime-related security is going to be a growth industry.
If you look at firearms, record sales in modern history for two years in running, and you look at the graphs, it's only going up parabolic.
Now, I want to shift gears into some other areas, and again, I can't say this on air, we never used to talk about things like this, but it's always in the news, we're forced to.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com, KOB, CBS TV's reporting it.
It's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
These reports have been confirmed.
They make fun of other TSA workers, genitals, female workers.
They're hiring a bunch of lunatics because only a mentally ill person could put people in radiation bathers, stick their hands down people's pants.
They're creating an army.
And I've seen this, where they see a good-looking woman, it is over.
These are men that could never get a woman, many of them.
Some of them are just guys that want jobs.
And they've been caught being child molesters, planting drugs on women, demanding sex.
I mean, these are the worst type of power-tripping, low-grade morons.
What is your take on the whole TSA situation, Gerald Cilente?
Well, first of all, I want to thank you for doing all that you have done to expose this.
Nobody in the United States anywhere has done more to show what's going on than you have about breaking it down piece by piece
From that little weasel shirt off the former Homeland Security czar going out after the so-called Christmas tree, Christmas Day bomber was going to explode his underwear and making the rounds on the major media and
Telling us that we needed these full-body x-ray machines, not ever, ever divulging that Chertoff Group was the consulting firm for rapid scam that sells these things.
So you've done more than anybody, and what this is so important about, it's one of those elements in the coming second American Revolution.
Because we know we're getting robbed by the bankers.
A lot of us know that these wars are immoral, and that we're wasting trillions of dollars fighting them.
And it comes out of our paychecks.
But what we know, it's removed.
But when you go to the airport, and you're humiliated in front of huge crowds, it's a different story.
When you go to the airport, and you're subjugated to such behavior,
And it's really, from a man's standpoint, or a woman's, there's nothing more to subjugate somebody than to tell them that I could grope you and feel you up and do whatever I want and you can't do anything about it.
And they yell at you, they put you in boxes.
The goons doing it don't know why they're doing it, but the social engineers know this is an act of submission.
This is learning how to be a prisoner.
I mean, I haven't been in jail a lot, but I was in juvenile a couple times for really, you know, fights where they didn't know who started it, so everybody goes to jail.
I've been in jail from protest, and I wasn't treated this bad in jail as you're treated in an airport.
And you got it.
It's a form of submission.
So here's what they do.
First they take your money.
And they tell you, you're taking your money and I'm giving it to my big friends.
So they knock you down like that.
And now they knock you down again by... I'm coming back from Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago.
I'm sitting next to an 82-year-old woman.
She reminded my Aunt Zizi, may her soul rest in peace, big chubby face.
She got frisked because they found needles in her luggage.
She's a diabetic!
She said, why are you doing this to an old lady?
They were doing it right out in front of everybody, feeling her up.
And she demanded that they take her into a private room.
They forced this poor old lady to walk across the floor, this filthy floor, without her shoes.
They made her leave her shoes behind.
What they're doing, Alex, is they're breaking us down.
Bit by bit by bit.
And then they got the goon squads out there.
You go over that yellow line.
You go five miles over the limit.
You have two drinks and you're a fraction over the line.
You're treated like a criminal.
But the big guys get all the breaks.
Look at that guy, Elliot Spitzer.
There is nothing more in your face arrogance.
He put, for those that don't know, he put a law in place to throw the book at people that, you know, visit hookers, and I'm not condoning it, but I mean, come on, you know, increasing the law on something non-violent and consensual, then he gets busted, and now he gets a TV show.
And not only does he get busted and have a TV show, he spends thousands on hookers, and he doesn't, he's not prosecuted for the crime that he put in place.
There is, you know what the word justice means?
Just us.
Not them.
Gerald, we've only got about seven, eight minutes left with you.
Powerful intel today.
Now, there's so many issues to cover here, but we know what tyranny is.
It's when control freaks get into power and go wild, and they think they're invincible until they push it too far.
You say 2011 is off with their heads.
What else do you see trending that we haven't talked about coming up in 2011 into 2012?
Some of the positive things, but there's a negative side to it because of what's going on, is there's going to be a fortune in food.
There's going to be a strong demand for high quality foods.
Eggs that you can really eat, that don't come from Auschwitz farms, these chicken coop concentration camps.
It's going to be a huge trend.
Another one, student revolts.
This is going to be big.
It's going on already.
You said that three years ago and it's now happening this year in California, Europe.
Throughout Europe, Italy, Ireland, England, Greece, again, Spain, they have an unemployment rate of 18 to 26 year olds at about 50%.
You think these guys are going to start taking to the streets and becoming involved in crime?
Student revolts and cyber wars.
A big year for cyber wars.
And by the way, one of the other trends that we're writing about, that you're on the forefront of,
Is journalism 2.0.
What you do, what we do at the Trends Journal, this is the new journalism that people are going to be tuned into, rather than watching these shills and suck-ups
On these shows from mainstream media.
And now the fight is going to be between closing down the internet, as you keep pointing out, or letting freedom ring.
And this whole citizen journalism is going to be a huge trend because just as they're watching us,
Now we're watching them.
People have their cell phone cameras.
People are taking videos and recording things that they never wanted exposed before.
Oh, that's key.
That's why they're pushing so much now in 9,000 locations to get us to spy on each other, because they don't want us to start surveilling and watching and exposing them.
They want us all divide and conquer.
Exactly, and that's what the WikiLeaks is about.
It's exposing them.
The emperors have no clothes.
Sarkozy, Merkel, Berlusconi, Obama.
You go down the line, all of those stands, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, one stand criminal after another.
You read this stuff, you can't make it up.
So, that's the fight.
The fight is to stop exposing them, and to push us into submission.
We don't think it's going to happen, and the major trend is going to be, it's the wake-up call.
The revolution has begun.
Oh, by the way, you're also going to hear a lot of chatter for the end of the world, a lot of that Mayan prophecy, Armageddon stuff, and guess what?
What's going to be going on in 2011 is going to make it feel as though the world's going to come to a collapse in 2012.
Oh, by the way, there's those other little things.
The wars in Korea.
They're not going to go away either.
And believe me, nobody's going to stop North Korea.
If they keep pushing them, they're going to bomb Seoul out of Bolivia.
They're not that far away, and they have the weapons to do it.
And watch Iran.
And as we're seeing with these WikiLeaks,
Another one.
The so-called UN Nuclear Arms Inspectors caught on tape being reported from the U.S.
Embassy that he's partial to the United States and he doesn't like the Iranians.
Oh yeah, there's a fair deal for you.
Gerald, we've only got about a minute left.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, your site, TrendsResearch.com, and it's great to subscribe and valuable in-depth intel, but also for folks that are on budgets, you can email the Trends Research and get some really good specials, or completely discounted in some cases, TrendsResearch.com.
We've got about 45 seconds left.
Hopefully, you know, I said this is the last time we talk to you this year, but the more I think about it,
So many things are moving so quick.
I'd probably like to get you up in the last few days on Thursday or Friday of this year, coming up in about two weeks, Gerald.
Do you think you can do that or are you going to be traveling?
I'm not sure yet.
I don't know offhand what the schedule looks like.
But believe me, I'll do my very best no matter where I am or what I'm doing to be on your show.
Because nobody does what Alex Jones does.
Well, nobody does what Gerald Cilente does.
You've also got Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of policy at the Treasury on the team.
Incredible research.
And regardless, have a great Christmas, a great New Year.
We may see you or we may see you early next year, God willing.
I salute you and have a great Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you!
Buon Natale!
He's got his Christmas candles behind him, too.
What a great guy.
Great hospitality up there.
My crew's gone up there to interview him for Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic.
We have another amazing trends forecaster coming up after this break with Stansbury Research.
And I really, really look forward to Porter Stansbury joining us for a full hour.
We may even go into overdrive.
But I briefly wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because gold and silver
He's rocking it!
Free shipping and three of my best-selling films for $97.
No one, that's over a $60 value, a $60 discount.
That's $160 value for $97.
So it's $63 off.
He's got deals on Frank Gold Coins, Silver Half Dollars, Silver Dollars, Sovereigns.
Ted, tell us where Gold and Silver is today, and tell us the radio specials you've got for folks.
And I know, again, you're running out of the previous stuff you bought a few weeks ago.
It's going to go up, up, up, up, up.
People better take advantage of this, Ted.
Well, the whole entire industry right now, Alex, is short in supply.
I mean, everybody's having trouble delivering gold and especially silver.
Right now, gold hit a peak today of $1,406.90.
Silver, darn near breaking $30 an ounce again.
$29.83 for the peak today.
It's been a very, very actively trading day because the Fed right now is announcing that they're going to increase this QE2 thing from $600 billion to beyond.
I don't know when the number is going to come out, but people in China right now are going into gold and silver because of it.
And the same is true for Korea.
Now, Korea is looking at gold as one of the number one most best investments that anybody can get into in that country.
It's like the entire Asian
The Far East is just looking over to the West and scratching their heads wondering how in the world long can the Federal Reserve System do what it does here and why is the West taking this cannibalistic suicide pill.
It baffles my mind too.
You're right about that, Alex.
People really need to be getting into silver, and there is no better way to get into silver than getting your three videos, the Obama Deception Endgame, and Follow the Republic.
I mean, they're all in the plastic.
I mean, I go to these events... No, it's three silver half-dollars.
I mean, three silver full-dollars, excuse me, which everywhere is over a hundred bucks for three of them.
I mean, it's amazing.
Well, but that's just the thing, Alex... Free shipping and the three films.
So it's $160 value for 97.
But, you know, I get these people that, you know, because I've been to these events.
I mean, I've gone to the 9-11 events and they're handing these things out to people because they want them to get them.
But they're copies of the video.
And these are like the original ones that are sealed in the plastic, brand new.
Covers, got all the descriptions, all the extras in there.
And, you know, a lot of folks already have that.
I think it is the best deal ever.
But, Ted, what are the specials you've got on silver half dollars, silver dollars, fifth ounce gold, quarter ounce gold?
I mean, fire out the radio specials for folks.
Well, here we go.
Walking Liberty halves are at $13.63.
The Frank is at $13.05.
The British Sovereign's at $13.80.
We have that survival bag we've been talking about.
Do you realize that it takes 23 times as many dollars to buy one dime?
Well, it's
Well, you got a lot of other specials.
When you call, there's a long list, folks.
Just ask for the radio special prices from the Alex Jones Show.
And, Ted, just briefly, what is a fifth of an ounce, Frank?
How much is that right now?
Well, the fifth of an ounce, Frank, that's the one that I was talking about.
Currently, they're at 305 right now at this time.
All right, 305.
Again, that's a great deal.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much.
I've never heard Ted so excited.
You heard him.
Everybody's running out, folks.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, for the next hour, Porter Stansbury is our guest.
We may even go into overdrive today to take phone calls.
Into the fourth hour, Barron's, one of the premier financial research publications, called his work a dire prophecy.
A long time before it happened, and he got criticized for it, he said GM would go down.
I remember at the time, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, he writes for so many publications, advises for so many folks.
He has a very long bio, but we'll only go over the short one.
It's Porter Stanbury founded Stanbury & Associates Investment Research, a private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland in 99.
His monthly newsletter, Stanbury's Investment Advisory.
Deal with it!
We're good to go.
Alex, I'm happy to be here.
Well, beginning in about 2005, I became aware that there was an unsustainable amount of debt being created in our economy.
And the short answer is, Alex, I just have followed that debt for the last five years.
It started, of course, in the mortgage market, mostly.
There was other companies that were involved in that.
For example, most people don't know that General Motors was making all of its money from mortgages, not from making cars.
So I just have followed the debt through this process as it went through Fannie and Freddie, as it went through GM, and now as it's ended up in the hands of the U.S.
And then you predicted not just the collapse, the crisis, you know, some people were predicting that, you know, prominent minds out there.
You specifically picked what you thought was going to go down, and boy, you were right A to Z.
Well, it really wasn't very difficult, unfortunately.
Nobody likes to hear bad news, but at one time, General Motors owed more than $400 billion, and they went more than 20 years without even being able to afford the interest.
So, there were a lot of things that were very, very clear to any competent financial analyst.
Unfortunately, a lot of the incentives in the financial world don't provide any reason for any people to say the truth about things.
Wall Street was making a lot of money by underwriting all of General Motors' bonds, so they weren't going to be the people who spoke up.
And places like Wall Street Journal, for example, General Motors is probably the largest newspaper advertiser in the country, so no one was going to say anything either, because they're making all their money from advertising.
We're one of the few people, really, that get paid only by the people who use our research.
We don't have any conflicts of interest, so our only incentive is to provide actionable, useful, correct advice.
Absolutely and folks can go watch your hour plus video breaking this down and there's several sites they can go to but endofamerica3.com but also there's just the main Stansbury Research site for folks that want to get the overview.
That's right yeah we have a we have a web presence we're not really a website company we just have a website where we serve content to our existing subscribers
Absolutely, and boy, you've got a lot of amazing subscribers, invaluable information.
We're going to go to break here.
We've got a long segment coming up, Porter, and I want to give you the floor to walk through the previous predictions, how it was in plain view, why a lot of people
We have a stake in not letting folks know that.
We've now reached a point where the insiders are snatching and grabbing and stealing even faster because they know it's all coming down.
The big prediction you've got that you say is the biggest you've ever made that will dwarf the predictions you made four years ago ahead of 2008, it's all coming up on the other side with our guest.
Stay with us.
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That's 800-409-5633, or efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the man we've got with us for the rest of the hour, we'll probably even do some overdrive into the fourth hour and take your phone calls, is Porter Stansberry, Stansberry Research.
They are a subscription-based
Analyst organization.
They've got newsletters, specialized info.
We'll get him to talk about all of that.
The website's EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com, EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com, or there's banners all over InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I remember over the years reading about his predictions.
We should have already gotten Mr. Stansbury on the show.
Barron's called his work a dire prophecy because going back to 2005-2006, with precision,
He said GM's going to go bankrupt, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, which they did, the government came in, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
Well, now he's making his most dire prediction yet, and we're going to get him to talk about that main prediction and some of the other
Capillary connections to that but also his ideas on how to protect yourself and so a Porter Stansberry With Stansberry and Associates investment research private publishing company based in Baltimore, Maryland Formerly, of course, he was the first u.s
Head in the long history, prior to launching Stansberry & Associates 11 years ago, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter.
Boy, that's famous.
The oldest English language financial newsletter.
So, you've got the floor here, sir.
Let's walk through the real fundamentals, why the pundits won't tell people the truth, the state that our economy really is, the big prediction you've got coming up, and how folks protect themselves.
Well, Alex, you know, unfortunately, it's very simple.
It's just a matter of math.
Over the last 30 years, the United States went from being the world's largest creditor to becoming the world's largest debtor to becoming the world's largest debtor in history.
And the simple fact of the matter is far too many people, corporations, and our government itself can't afford those obligations.
And rather than writing them off and restructuring and biting the bullet, all those obligations are now ending up on the books of the U.S.
Treasury, and that is going to have catastrophic effects for the value of the U.S.
dollar going forward.
Let's go through the technicals on that.
Some stations just joined us.
Recap some of the incredible predictions you've made, the fundamentals, and then walk through what we're facing.
Well, Alex, you know, everyone is familiar by now with the mortgage crisis.
And the problem there was a bunch of people who didn't really have any credit were extended large amounts of credit.
And that had the effect of inflating the underlying collateral, and then the whole thing burst like a house of cards in 2008.
Now the finger-pointing has all begun.
But the important thing for investors to realize is that all those debts have not gone away.
The government has continued to underwrite them through its bailout of Fannie and Freddie and its bailout of the banks.
And a lot of these obligations are now on the books of the Federal Reserve and the U.S.
The problem with us as a country is that our ability to print unlimited new amounts of money can solve a debt crisis like this.
But the only way it solves it is by greatly devaluing the value of that currency.
And my concern is, going forward, how people are going to be able to afford the resulting inflation and the terrible economic problems that could result from this coming inflationary problem.
Well, let's start.
I mean, you've got the floor.
You're the expert.
You've predicted so much of what's unfolded.
Break it down for us.
Okay, well let's start with a simple fact.
If people are familiar with the terrible crisis probably that happened in Iceland and the crises that have erupted in Greece and Spain and Italy, where these governments have simply gone bankrupt.
Well, the reason why those governments went bankrupt is because they had to bail out their banks that had made a bunch of bad loans to people who really couldn't repay them.
The exact same thing has happened in the United States.
The exact same thing.
In fact, the total debt-to-GDP ratio in Iceland was about 400% when the country collapsed.
In the U.S., the total debt-to-GDP ratio is the same number, about 400%.
We're just as bankrupt.
The only difference is that we have the power to print the world's reserve currency, which is the U.S.
And so, as the Fed goes ahead and prints more and more money, and as the U.S.
Treasury goes ahead and bails out more and more businesses, the result of this is going to be a dramatic decrease in the purchasing power of the U.S.
The impact of this is already being felt.
If you're in the commodity markets in any way, shape, or form, you've already seen prices skyrocket for everything from corn to natural gas to oil to gold to silver, etc.
Those big rises in price don't make any sense in an economy that's growing as slowly as ours.
The problem is the money.
The money is being devalued.
And the governments know this.
I mean, you see them increasing the police state forces.
You see them preparing for it.
You see the Pentagon, this year and last year, the Ministry of Defense, three years ago in England, saying devaluation's coming and we've got to get ready to suppress the population.
But then they never blame the central banks that have basically allowed this to happen, or this big welfare state that has fostered it.
So, when we see these pundits up on TV, or these treasury secretaries, or Fed secretaries, correct me if I'm wrong, from your perspective, they know full well the laws of economics that you're laying out here.
They're just bamboozling people.
Why are they doing that?
Well, because it usually works.
I like to tell people that scarcity is the number one law of economics.
There could never be enough of anything to satisfy everyone.
That's why if you give something away like medicine for free, demand is going to soar, shortages are going to erupt, there's going to be lines and huge problems.
Everyone understands this about real life.
Scarcity is an economic fact.
It cannot be repealed by the government.
But politics is all about patronage, which means
The way to get elected in politics is to promise everything to everyone.
Well, that's diametrically the opposite of what reality is all about, right?
Because the number one rule in economics is scarcity.
So how do you connect those two things?
How does a politician create abundance?
There's only one way, and it's with paper money.
Paper money gives the politicians the flexibility they need to carry huge debts for a long amount of time.
The problem is that inevitably, sooner or later, your creditors start wondering, what's this paper really worth?
And the moment that happens, the whole house of cards can collapse.
It's happened time and time again all around the world, and unfortunately it's happening right now in America.
You know, I try to explain this to your average yuppie, and I love the American people.
I'm an American.
It's not just Americans.
Europeans are in somewhat of denial.
We've had it so good so long, people can't believe that it could actually happen here.
But studying Argentina or Mexico or Nigeria or Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic Germany, perhaps Porter, you should go through a few examples of that.
I mean, we know
What happens with accelerated currency devaluation?
And then you add to that de-industrialization, an aging population.
I mean, it's a perfect storm.
Back in the Depression, 90% of people, right at 90, it was actually 89.5%.
Something if you look at the historians numbers on average during that 10-year period were agrarian, were somewhat self-sufficient.
Now it's 89 or 90 percent are living in the city, don't know how to grow a tomato plant if their life depended on it.
If we have a Great Depression triggered by this, we're talking about a road warrior type scenario in my view.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
You know, it's very hard to forecast exactly what the outcome of this will be.
There are a couple of things about the situation today that are very, very usual, though, that make me very concerned.
The biggest one that I think people can understand pretty easily is there's never been a time in world history before where the global economy was reliant on paper currency.
That is very, very, very new.
It wasn't like that before 1970.
Yeah, we're a lot more domesticated now.
I mean, people were still closer to the land.
It's like Jamaica was thriving even though they were poor 30 years ago, but when they defaulted, it's a hellhole now.
Well, there's lots of things like that.
As you move from sound economy to paper economy, there are lots of bad investments that get made and lots of good companies that end up going out of business.
That's definitely happening in the United States.
But the big thing that I want to stress to everyone who's listening is that as America devalues, it's going to be a global crisis.
Around the world, the dollar makes up more than 60% of the world's currency reserves.
That's other central banks, that's other large commercial banks.
So as the dollar devalues, it's going to have a much, much bigger effect than, say, if just the Argentine peso devalues or the Italian lira devalues.
It's causing a global devaluation!
Exactly, and there will be a global run to hard assets, and it has already begun.
You know, if you look at the price of silver, for example, the low in silver was around $7 an ounce during the 2008 crisis.
Silver recently touched $30.
There is no explanation for the move in silver outside of a global move away from the dollar, and that is absolutely happening.
It's happening right now, and there's no one else who's going to tell you why it's happening, how it's happening, and what to do about it.
From your deep research and forecasting skills, Porter, where do you see silver and gold in the next year to two?
I mean, if this devaluation, and I want to get into the technicals of that, starts to accelerate, where will silver and gold be?
Well, if we can, let's just go back to when I started writing about these problems in the mid-2000s, 2005 and 2006.
At the time, gold was around $500 an ounce.
And I was saying that it would definitely go to at least $2,000 an ounce.
And believe me, Alex, everyone thought, oh, he's got to be a front for some bullion dealer.
He's out of his mind.
Gold can't quadruple.
That's insane.
Well, you know, now it's at $1,400, and $2,000 seems likely to most mainstream economists.
Well, let me be clear.
I am hooked up with a bullion dealer, and I promote it because I believe in it, because I know in history, you start devaluing currency, metals of any commodity generally go up the fastest, because the metal hadn't gone up, the value of the paper's gone down.
Right, and let me just be clear.
I mean, I'm a subscription business, so if I'm wrong about my advice, I lose my subscribers.
You know, there's not, you know, for me, it's all about... Same here, if I'm wrong, I lose my listeners.
Exactly, exactly.
So, what I'm about to say next, I think, is going to be a little shocking, but I wanted to preface it by saying, I wasn't calling for gold at $10,000 an ounce five years ago.
What's happened is that the amount of paper that has been created has greatly increased.
So, whereas I thought it would take $2,000 gold to balance the market five years ago, I now think it will take $10,000 gold.
And I don't make that number up out of thin air.
If you look at the amount of money that exists now, there's a form of money called money of zero maturity.
It's basically every digital receipt that's out there that is a demand payment.
So, you walk into a bank, you say, I want my money right now.
And you're saving the account, you're checking the account.
That's money of zero maturity.
If you look at how much money it would take to back that with gold, not at 100%, but at 10%, at 25%, you start looking at what the price of gold would have to be for that to balance out and you get to $10,000 an ounce of gold.
Let's break down the technicals on that.
On the other side, End of America, the number three dot com, endofamerica3.com, Porter Stansbury of Stansbury Research is our guest.
Stay with us.
Key intel straight ahead.
We're starting to get into the key info.
Stay with us.
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Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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You know, as Ron Paul has said, this could go two different ways.
The system could use this crisis to really take over society like what happened in Europe with Hitler and Mussolini.
Or we can point out who's behind this as well and solutions to it politically.
Tell folks how they do subscribe to your different newsletters.
You've got a lot of body of intense work and amazing advice for people.
Folks can go watch the free video online at EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com, EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com.
But after they've watched the video, what are some of the just amazing information that you guys offer?
And tell us about your research team.
You know, I've been really fortunate, Alex.
When I got started, I founded my own company 11 years ago, and I had a lot of good contacts in the industry, and I told everyone, you know, I have a dream.
I have a new business model where we're not going to take advertising revenue.
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Believe it or not, just making that stand, I was able to attract a tremendous amount of very experienced people with a lot of talent.
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One of our analysts, for example, had a very large brokerage firm that he started himself.
He ran it for 20 years and made a lot of money.
He wanted to get out of the business of holding clients' hands, but still wanted to be active in the marketplace.
He wanted to have his opinions out there.
So, I have a lot of people that come to me with a lot of experience and a lot of expertise that are just looking for a very honest publisher who isn't going to make them write things that they don't believe.
And so, we've got a big team of people.
We've got, you know, more than 20 analysts and we cover a lot of markets.
We have a lot of different kind of products.
I don't want to go into a pitch with you because the point is, if you've got 20 or 30 super competent, very experienced people working on your behalf in the financial markets for a very reasonable price,
You're going to do a lot better than otherwise.
I would challenge anybody to read our newsletters and to compare it to whatever they've been getting from their brokers or from their mutual fund managers and see the difference.
Well, I know that so many publications I trust just say that your information is spot on, and we're just honored to have you here on the radio with us.
Porter Stanbury is our guest.
This segment's almost over.
Long segment coming up, but Porter, you got interrupted by the break.
Get into the mathematics, the economic facts that make you now not look at $2,000 an ounce gold like you predicted five, six years ago, but now $10,000 an ounce gold.
Well, it's just, unfortunately, it's just a simple mathematics.
You know, you can know that when money was sound and banking was more sound in the past, it was normal for countries to back their currencies with precious metals.
You know, let's say a 10% backing of the currency in gold.
We're good to go.
Over the last five years.
To accomplish a 10% gold-backed currency, the price of gold would have to be around $10,000 an ounce.
Measuring money of zero maturity, which is demand deposits, basically.
Any kind of digital receipt you can get overnight.
You need enough gold to back it 10%, but gold would have to be $10,000 an ounce.
That assumes, you know, that the amount of gold in circulation isn't going to change dramatically overnight.
And we know that it can't.
It's very difficult to increase the supply of gold.
It only increases about 1% a year, even with all the mining that's going on.
So you can just do the math and you can figure out what the price of gold would have to be to back the currency at that level.
Well, I remember reading some of your material four or five years ago talking about 2000, and I, I mean, could see the basic fundamental mathematics, as you say, and then seeing many other analysts who were being truthful said the same thing, and we got called lunatics, but, I mean, this is not rocket science.
As you keep saying, that's what's so frustrating.
It's that the mainstream media has a stake in lying to people, but now
The population is beginning to not buy their propaganda.
It's like 60 Minutes admits the national unemployment's above 20%.
Even 60 Minutes admits it, but the government and the president says it's 9.8, Porter.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
I've really enjoyed watching General Electric, because General Electric owns CNBC.
They're a massive media company, and people that I know like to call them the for-profit wing of the Obama administration.
And if you look at GE's balance sheet, it's a nightmare.
The company currently owes more than $650 billion.
Hoarder, stay there.
I don't want to interrupt you again with the break.
Long segment coming up.
Let's run through this and then talk about what you believe this dollar devaluation will look like, this accelerated dollar devaluation, and why it's one of the biggest things in modern history to take place, and when you think it's going to happen in the upcoming year.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Website's endofamerica3.com.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
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Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
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In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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These powerful mega-central banks create the thousands of trillions of dollars of derivatives crud.
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I want to talk about how we individually protect ourselves, and Porter Stanbury's very highly researched and educated view.
But also, again, to make precise, you know, daily predictions are impossible, but generally why he stuck his neck out to say 2011 is the year for the dollar implosion as the world reserve currency.
So I want you to get into that next, Porter.
And again, the website's endofamerica3.com.
Barron's has called his previous predictions a dire prophecy, because they came true.
He predicted years before it happened that GM would go bankrupt, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties, and others.
And now he's making a much more, you know, larger prediction of just, and since he's been making this prediction, you see it accelerating towards it.
But finishing up with your General Electric analysis.
Well, you know, General Electric is a great example of the problems in the country.
For the last 10 years, I was talking a lot about General Motors, which I thought exemplified these problems, because General Motors was a very big player in the mortgage market, especially the prime mortgage market.
When it comes to GE, I think they're a great example of the overall problems of the economy, which is essentially this business model is vastly over-leveraged.
So if you look at their balance sheet, you know, they owe more than $600 billion.
They're spending about $20 billion a year right now on interest.
That's eating up, you know, a vast majority of their cash flow.
And if interest rates go up, they will not be able to afford the interest on those debts.
Frankly, General Electric should have gone bankrupt back in 2008.
The only reason why they didn't was because the government guaranteed all of their debts.
That guarantee is going to expire in 2011.
It's going to be very interesting to see whether or not General Electric can afford the increasing costs of maintaining that amount of debt.
The same general problem is happening across the economy, and the same general problem is bound to happen sooner or later to the U.S.
government itself.
Yeah, you remember Geithner said that America would never, never, ever lose this AAA rating.
I bet within 12 months that is no longer the case.
Well, the Chinese, British firms, European firms have been delisting the AAA rating in the last three months.
Yeah, it was listening to Geithner say that was the equivalent of listening to, you know, the Brazilian finance minister 20 years ago saying that the Real would not be devalued.
As soon as you heard him say it, you knew exactly what was going to happen the next day.
And I know currency traders have made a lot of money just listening for Treasury Secretary to say such foolish things.
The problem now is that it's our Treasury Secretary, it's our currency, and not only is it our currency, it's the world's currency.
So this is going to be a much larger problem than just a simple devaluation of an emerging market.
Well, remember, Geithner earlier this year told the Chinese economic students that we're not going to devalue the dollar.
They knew that the United States was devaluing it globally at the time, so they laughed at him.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I mean, it's what, you know, Alex, the thing that boggles my mind about all this is, if you listen to the video, and I know you have,
Just find something in there that isn't actually a fact or isn't actually just logic.
If General Electric can't afford to maintain a $600 billion debt, it will have to go bankrupt.
That's really bad news for our economy.
And I wish it wasn't true.
But guess what?
Everyone has access to General Electric's balance sheet.
It's a public company.
You can go look at the numbers yourself.
And explain to me how a company that's one of the largest in the United States, one of the largest in the world, explain to me how that company can operate in a way that's effective if the government of the United States has to guarantee its debt.
Doesn't anyone see that this is a problem?
Well, let's talk about it from this angle.
How do you see it unraveling?
What do you see government's response to it being?
And obviously we can try to protect ourselves individually if we see it ahead of the curve, and that's what your video deals with at endofamericanumber3.com.
Again, that's endofamericanumber3.com, Porter.
I mean, that's a lot of questions there, but just basically, how do you see it unraveling?
It's already beginning to do it and accelerate that.
What will government's response be from what we've seen them do around the world?
What can we do individually?
And is there any way to stop this on the large scale?
You know, Alex, the second question I think is more interesting, because the fact of the matter is, it's already unraveling, and the way to protect yourself is really pretty simple.
I go into details in the video, but it's real simple.
You want to own energy, agriculture, and sound money.
So you want to own, you know, a farm would be great, or the equivalent, there's a lot of publicly listed farms, you can buy the stock of a farm.
You want to own energy, that mostly means oil.
And you want to own sound money, and that mostly means gold and silver.
The how-to stuff is actually pretty simple.
Unfortunately, my experience has been people won't take simple steps to protect themselves because they can't imagine the future changing as much as it's going to.
I mean, you have to imagine, you have no idea how many times I got ridiculed, heckled at investment conferences when I warned that Fannie and Freddie's balance sheet was unsustainable.
And the numbers were clear to everybody, but no one could imagine a world where Fannie and Freddie became bankrupt.
That's exactly what happened.
The second question is, is there a way to stop it?
And the answer is, of course there is.
But the alternatives to stopping it are very painful.
So, we have two choices.
We can either admit the problem, and we can force our creditors to take a haircut.
And that means, essentially, a form of bankruptcy and restructuring.
That would be very painful to our economy.
There's no doubt about it.
Or, we can risk hyperinflation by printing more money and allowing deadbeat borrowers to escape with a devalued currency.
And the number two choice, the devaluation, is the political choice, because the politicians will blame higher prices on entrepreneurs and businessmen.
They won't accept the blame.
And they will loot within the hyperinflation because they get the money first.
We need to go with the haircut and write off most of these debts that the banks credit as derivatives.
Do you agree with that statement?
It's real simple.
If you go with the restructuring, the people who made the bad loans, they pay the price.
Okay, if you don't, it's going to be the people who have had integrity and have lived with discipline.
That's right.
I bet on gold and silver.
I bet on a farm.
I've got a family farm.
I bet on that.
Twelve years ago, I've been right.
I shouldn't have to pay all these international bankers by destroying my currency and my future.
You're exactly right.
And guess what?
You're not going to get that choice.
Because believe me, they're going to make you pay through the nose.
They're going to make you pay in ways you haven't even imagined yet.
They're now announcing rainwater taxes, traveling transponders on all cars, national sales taxes, VATs, carbon taxes.
What are some of the other ways they're going to rape us?
Well, the big thing that they're going to do, and it's already on the books, it takes effect January 1st, 2013, is they're going to put a withholding tax on all money transfers that leave the United States.
So they're going to make you pay a 30% withholding tax to move money to a bank outside the country.
And if you want your money back, you have to file a claim, a tax return that shows that that money is not owed to the government.
It's incredible.
And, you know, the only way really to even begin to pay for our debts is some kind of a massive wealth tax.
So, you know, they're already making you record if you buy gold or silver.
They're going to have that information somewhere.
They're setting up to have the ability to tax not just your income, but your assets.
But people are already revolting.
I don't see them getting away with this, no matter how many neighborhood snitches they've got and no matter how much brainwashing.
I don't think people are going to put up with it.
I hope you're right, Alex, but I don't think so.
I mean, it'll be interesting to see what happens.
But, you know, you don't have to catch everybody to terrorize the whole country.
Look, there's no doubt when they got rid of Glass-Steagall 11 years ago, they accelerated setting up the snitch networks and the oppression.
I mean, they premeditated this whole thing, and it's so diabolical.
Well, you know, I don't know how organized they are in that regard, but certainly if you look at the incentives that they have been setting up, you know, they have been structuring our economy to benefit the largest corporations and the government itself, and there is no doubt in my mind that that's going to continue.
It's outrageous and now they're trying to pass laws to restrict family farms and, you know, trucking your own vegetables into town and selling them.
I mean, this is becoming the Soviet Union.
How do you, as you said, it's already really starting to move faster and faster.
It's already rolling.
But when do you see, I know you're not making an exact prediction here, but when do you see the real danger zones
uh... in the united states and worldwide for the final meltdown we already see the chinese and russians two weeks ago announcing hey we're not going to trade with each other in dollars anymore we see the arabs moving that way we see worldwide people not wanting dollars so we already see the greenback going from king uh... to being you know almost like some type of toxic waste so how do you see that move towards the exits accelerating and it will it be like other devaluations that were uh...
Where people inside Mexico don't really know how devalued their dollar is or their peso until they leave the country, or will this be different because it's the first global devaluation because it was all pegged to the dollar, and what will that cause worldwide?
Well, you know, the question I would ask you in return, as people ask me, is, well, you know, when is it all going to start?
The question I ask you in return is, what's it going to take for you to notice it's happening?
Yeah, savers tend to just stick their money in an account and wait for
Something to happen and then they can incrementally be fleeced.
Well, I've got all these mainstream news articles, Porter, and I've been pointing this out for years now.
Even Glenn Beck is doing it.
Did it last week.
The military now admits they're preparing to suppress uprisings, and they have role players that scream, I'm an American, no, no, not the camp.
They're already practicing taking over farms and nationalizing them.
They're already acclimating everyone, and suddenly there's like checkpoints with cops and weird RVs with American flags flying, with cops with cameras.
They're putting telescreens in 9,000 retail stores with Homeland Security saying, watch your neighbor.
And I have the Homeland Security press release right here.
It's like they're trying to recreate the fictional 1984, so clearly the government knows what it's done, and so there's no doubt.
I mean, there's literally... They're just acclimating us to a soft form of martial law, with troops and paramilitary just scurrying around everywhere, getting ready.
And I guess the troops and military have been brainwashed.
They're going to go along with the total takedown of the Republic, from First World to Third World.
Well, I think that you said it all when you first said the words, Homeland Security.
I mean, since when was America an empire that needed Homeland Security?
I mean, where are we living?
And, you know, these processes have gone on for a long time.
The country's been going this way for a very, very long time.
And I can't tell you about the social aspects of it, and I'm not really an expert in regards to the political aspects of it, but I am very, very confident that my analysis in regards to the economics of it is right.
You can make all the laws and pass all the things that you want against these people, and you can fool them with advertising and get them to vote for almost anything.
I mean, people are completely sheep.
But, you can't pay for it, because socialism will bankrupt you.
That's just a fact of life.
That's what Ron Paul has said, is that they're gonna take over, we're gonna have a police state, but it's gonna bankrupt like the Soviet Union, but now, in this high-tech age, everything is accelerated, and so it won't take 50 years for the American empire, the American Soviet to fall, it'll take 3-4 years.
Do you agree with that?
Well, I mean, we are already so far in debt.
It's unbelievable.
I mean, most Americans don't really understand what these numbers mean.
But, you know, our budget deficits are completely, totally out of control and unsustainable.
And they're having a massive impact already on the value of our currency.
And there is no consensus on either Republicans or the Democratic side to merely pay for our existing government.
Forget about beginning to pay for the largest debts ever accumulated in the history of mankind.
So this is not going to last very long.
I can assure you of that.
So you're talking about total implosion this next year?
Alex, as I would say to you, we're already in total implosion.
No, I agree with you, but I mean, when trains stop running on time, when gas doesn't come out into your stove, I mean, that's what they've done in every other country that they've fleeced like this.
They suck it dry like a vampire, you know, sucks a fat lady down to a pile of ash.
Alex, what's the difference between a commodity that's not available and a commodity that's not affordable?
You're telling me that the American people's standard of living hasn't dropped precipitously in the last two years?
No, I mean the word is accelerate, accelerate, accelerate.
It's going to hell in a handbasket.
Right, I mean, so every single day you're getting poorer, but they're doing it in a way that is simply diabolical.
Instead of honestly defaulting and making companies restructure, which would certainly lead to a lot of short-term, very painful problems.
They're doing it in a way where everyone seems to think everything's fine, but meanwhile the entire foundation of our society is being pulled out from underneath us.
And you're going to wake up in six months' time and you're going to go, what the heck, I'm 50% poorer, but my salary is larger.
And this is the formula.
This is the formula that they have used over and over again.
But there does come a time when the world really completely dumps the dollar.
And then we do see times where there are new, quote, crises.
What type of crises do you see mixed into the stew?
Well, look, like I said, this has already begun.
Last year, 2009, was the first year since 1971 that central banks were a net buyer of gold.
Our trading partners are already abandoning the dollar.
They are fleeing into gold.
There's no doubt about it.
Chinese are selling treasury bonds.
It's going to continue for a very, very long time.
So, the next big thing I would look for is to see either Brazil or China make a very large acquisition of gold, probably from the IMF.
So that's the one thing you're going to see.
The next thing you're going to see is you're going to see more and more U.S.
underwriting of big bailouts in Europe.
We just got finished with the Irish bailout, the Spanish bailout, and the Italian bailout is next, and it's going to be even bigger.
So you're going to see the Fed underwrite two or three trillion dollars of bailouts for Europe this year.
Pretty soon, people are going to start asking, wait a minute, where's all that money coming from?
How can the Americans be paying to bail out the Europeans when the Americans are even more broke than the Europeans?
And so we're going to be the last domino to fall, or there's no telling, it's Russian roulette?
No, I'm saying something different.
I'm saying that the dominoes are already falling.
They're falling in a way that's designed for most people not to notice.
No, no, I agree.
As the G20 said last year, it's coordinated devaluation.
But I mean, I know the dominoes have fallen over and over again, but it's like dominoes going down a staircase.
We're going deeper and deeper and deeper.
Okay, here's a better way to say it.
When do we hit rock bottom?
We hit rock bottom when the U.S.
Treasury cannot conduct an auction, when there are no buyers for Treasury bonds.
And believe me, no one believes that's going to happen, but it will absolutely positively happen.
And it's going to happen a lot sooner than anybody expects.
Well, the Fed's already been having to start to expand its monetization and buy Treasuries.
That's right.
They're the people who are buying all the supply.
Unbelievable Porter Stanbury is our guest.
We're going to come back and get into that.
And then also tell you how to hopefully protect yourself.
They got a lot of key information that I agree with at EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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We're good.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know.
Including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
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That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
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We're good.
Alright, we're going into overdrive into the fourth hour.
We've got an open phone specifically for our guest, Porter Stansbury.
The website is EndOfAmerica3.com.
Free video up there, extremely powerful information.
You can go watch the video streaming online at EndOfAmerica3.com.
Of course, our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We've got more huge guests
Including former Minnesota governor with bombshell info coming up Friday, but other surprise guests coming up on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday here.
And of course coming back next week, I'm taking a few days off, but Paul Watson will be here live with folks like, well, I mean just a whole bunch of special guests with Watson, Paul Watson, next week live here as well.
Finishing up with hitting rock bottom and why you have the term end of America, I mean, when you say end of America, what do you mean by that?
Well, I want to be clear about that.
What I mean by end of America is America losing the special position it has had globally since World War II of having the world's reserve currency.
It's an enormous advantage to us.
It's enabled us, actually, unfortunately, to build these enormous debts.
There's no way creditors would have allowed us to do that if we couldn't print the world's reserve currency to service those debts.
So we're the only nation in the world that can buy anything around the world in our own currency.
Everybody else has to buy dollars before they can buy oil, or buy dollars before they can buy corn, or buy dollars before they can buy a company.
So we pay 80 bucks for a barrel of crude and the Germans pay 200.
Well, the Germans have to buy dollars before they can buy crude from a foreign source.
And that means their government has a vested interest in making sure their currency remains sound.
Otherwise, the people are going to notice.
Our country's politicians have the great luxury of having the world's reserve currency.
And that means that they can run enormous fiscal and current account deficits for years and years and years and years without any repercussion.
And of course, that's what they've done.
So now we're stuck with this big dilemma where all the consequences of our bad economic behavior for the last 30 years are going to come to a crisis instead of being something that we noticed along the way.
Well, it is moving quicker and quicker, so when do we hit bottom?
I mean, obviously I agree with you, the dollar devaluation is on, the dominoes are falling now and many have already fallen, but when we hit bottom and instead of only 20% or so of the Treasury's not being bought at auction, when 90% aren't being bought, what does that do?
Just hyperinflation?
I mean, what happens?
Yeah, I mean, again, I know this sounds sort of implausible, but I would just beg you to look at the numbers.
Total domestic U.S.
savings are around $600 billion right now, okay?
Annual federal deficit is $1.2 billion.
What's the difference between how much we can save and how much our government is spending?
The difference is $600 billion.
So let me ask you, Alex, guess how much money the Federal Reserve just agreed to print over the next six months?
Take a wild guess.
It's $600 billion!
You know, give the crackerjack a word to Alex.
So we're already at the point where the Federal Reserve is literally printing all the money that we need to maintain our annual fiscal deficits.
That is absolutely, positively banana republic finance, and it has enormous consequences for our country going forward.
And there is no one in the mainstream media at all who is giving an adequate warning about what this really means.
And all the really rich people I know are leaving the United States.
They're now, in fact, well, I'm not going to get into it, but I mean, they're leaving this year because they know the new rules are going in where you can't get your money out.
So roaches get in, the roaches don't get out.
I mean, this is really authoritarian.
I believe politically we're going to be able to beat it with Ron Paul and Rand Paul and others, but it's going to be a hard road.
I know there's nowhere to run long term.
So we're choosing to go down with the SS Titanic.
If you want to call us in the next hour and have questions specifically for our guests at Porter Stansbury of EndOfAmerica3.com 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 Specific short questions or comments for our guests.
Open phones right now.
We're going into overdrive.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCS.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Porter Stansbury is our guest.
EndofAmerica3.com is the URL to see their free hour-long video that I have to unfortunately concur with.
I wish this wasn't true.
We're going into a very serious storm.
They've told us we're out of the storm, that their recession's over.
Porter, from your deep financial research, do you agree with me that, according to any economic indicator, we're really in a depression already?
About that in terms of the employment issue, absolutely, positively correct.
I think in terms of economic activity, it's a lot harder to say because there has been so much debt-driven stimulus that there's a lot of apparent economic activity that is really just driven by debt.
So if you get a dollar in economic activity, but you had to add two dollars in debt to get it, are you really any better off?
Yeah, because you're still, it's like, take one step forward, a step and a half back.
We didn't have you faded up the first two seconds.
I want to get your quote exactly right here.
I was asking, by the economic measurements, are we in a depression?
And you said...
There's there's really two ways of looking at it with the one is from the standpoint of employment in the economy and it by that measure We're definitely at the depression not in a recession that we're still in it The other measure is just judged by economic activity and while we have had a return to economic activity in terms of positive GDP growth Much of that growth has been driven by debt vastly larger increases to debt that you've had increases in GDP So the numbers are really skewed because of the size of the fiscal and monetary stimulus
All right.
Very interesting.
I agree with you on that.
Let's talk to Faye in Florida.
Faye, you're on the air with our guest, Porter Stansbury.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, guys.
Thank you so much for your information.
I really have learned a lot from you, Alex, and from Lindsey Williams and all of your guests.
And, Porter, thank you so much for your commentary today.
You touched on this briefly before the break about the connection with oil and the U.S.
Can you explain to us further what will happen when the oil cartel takes us off of the U.S.
dollar reserve currency for oil?
Yeah, what, $7 a gallon by the time they're done, Porter?
Well, you know, it's really interesting.
Most people don't know a lot about the history of the U.S.
involvement in the Middle East and the oil businesses.
The U.S.
has been involved in hiding the true price of oil from the Middle East for a long time.
When the dollar first broke from the gold standard back in the early 1970s, the Saudi Arabians seized the U.S.
ownership of the oil fields because they felt that we were no longer living up to our contract, which was to supply them with our share of the earnings in the form of a gold-backed dollar.
So, we have a long history of these sorts of problems and, you know, the solution to it is we'll either have to meet a vastly higher price or we'll have to come up with a new form of exchange with the Middle East.
And there's no doubt about that.
I mean, that's absolutely underway right now and that problem is going to accelerate rapidly.
The only good news is that there are large sources of hydrocarbons that have just been discovered in shales in Pennsylvania and in places like Texas and Colorado.
Well, I've noticed that in the last five years they've been drilling like mad, mad hatters all over the United States, everywhere for oil and gas.
One of my friends, a Texan, he's a wildcatter from Abilene.
His name is Cactus.
He recently closed a deal where he sold some land down in South Texas for a billion dollars.
Oh, the Chinese just bought another 600,000 acres in South Texas.
Yeah, Cactus sold his land to Statoil, a Norwegian company.
So yeah, the world is definitely coming to our oil patch.
And that's very, very good for America.
Unfortunately, it's not nearly good enough to repair all the damage we've done over the last 30 years.
Yeah, that's why Texas out of all 50 states is doing the best, though, because it is like spindle top here.
They're drilling in the middle of major cities like Fort Worth.
We may not have the stockyards anymore, but we got the oil.
We'll be right back, Porter.
More calls.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Porter Stansbury of endofamericanumber3.com, that's endofamerica3.com, with Stansbury & Associates is joining us, if you just tuned in.
Barron's called his predictions a dire prophecy after they came true.
A prophecy.
And he's predicting that it will become completely evident by the end of this next year coming up that the dollar is no longer the world reserve's currency.
He's been saying this for a few years.
But now he's really coming out and saying this is it.
And you're seeing the Chinese and Russians say they're not going to deal in dollars for inter-country trade between each other.
But he's here to take
Your phone calls right now.
But first, I want to play that ad that an organization, Citizens Against Government Waste, was deemed too controversial by ABC, A&E, the History Channel, and many, many others.
You guys got that video ready?
Fantastic, because I'd forgotten you to get it ready.
I'm glad you already had it.
Just because Porter was talking about censorship and how it's self-imposed a lot of times because people at the Wall Street Journal or Fox or CNN, they are all tied into these companies or in some cases are getting government bailouts themselves in the case of MSNBC and CNBC owned by General Electric.
And they don't want you to understand that they're globalists, they're offshore, they don't care about this country or middle-class wealth.
They will sacrifice it on the altars of their globalist system.
So here's that ad with the communist Chinese, you know, a decade from now, talking about how America imploded like Rome or other empires that devalued their currency and collectively was banned from U.S.
We'll get Porter Stanbury's take on this.
Here it is.
Why do great nations fail?
The ancient Greeks.
The Roman Empire.
And the United States of America.
They all made the same mistake.
Turning their back on principles.
They made them great.
America tried to spend and tax itself out of a great recession.
Enormous so-called stimulus spending.
Massive changes to healthcare.
Government takeovers of private industries.
And crushing debt.
Of course, we own most of the debt.
So now they work for us.
Well, who knows about Congress, but you can individually find out solutions that I think are absolutely dead on at endofamerica3.com.
Porter Stansbury, in the big picture, in your view, is there any way to right this sinking ship?
I think it's going under, but if we know who to blame, then the globalists can't get even more power out of what they're doing, and we may be able to use the anger to finally kick them out of this country and reignite the engine of liberty right off these decks.
Do you have any large-scale
No, but I have a lot of cynicism.
Good luck, Alex.
I have also a comment about that ad.
The producers of that ad are something called the People Against Government Waste or something like that, right?
Yeah, Citizens Against Government Waste.
What isn't government waste?
What does the government do that's efficient or useful?
I mean, it seems kind of an oxymoronic name for a group of people, right?
But as far as how to stop this thing, again, let's go back to the simple math.
More than half of the households in this country do not pay any federal income taxes.
So how are you going to win against those people in a democracy?
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
The banksters are going to sick the welfare hordes on you.
They absolutely will.
You know, there's two forms of welfare in this country, as you well know.
There's the welfare that goes out to the lower class and the lower middle class to buy votes.
And then there's the welfare that goes out to the corporations that helps the politicians stay in power.
And I honestly don't know that there's any way to break that system except for a collapse of the system.
And I guess the only sort of good news, the silver lining, is that you can't continue to run an economy or a society this way.
It's too corrupt.
And eventually, the truth comes out of the numbers, and those are the numbers that I have to show people in my video.
You can't go on running deficits and debt forever.
It's going to destroy the economy.
But here's the problem, and I agree with you, Porter.
Here's the problem.
They have preemptively set up a police state.
They plan to go into a Stalinistic system to prop this up.
They know it's going to implode, and so it's during that implosion phase that we'd better, you know, point the finger at the culprits and end this system, or they're planning to make it even worse.
And the reason I played that video earlier, regardless of the, you know, political group statements, is, and of course they're against the out-of-control debt as well,
Is to illustrate that that was collectively censored, and that was the point you made at the start of the interview last hour, is that the media self-censors.
No, there's no doubt about that, Alex.
There's absolutely no doubt about that.
I'm sure you have been threatened by the government over the years.
You've been talking about shutting down talk radio, things like that.
The government has sued me for writing an investment report that essentially was about corruption and a government-controlled company.
Anyone who really speaks out and says the truth about things is going to put a bullseye on their heads and they're going to get attacked.
I know that you probably, your viewers, they're probably different opinions in regards to the WikiLeaks guy who has been broadcasting state secrets.
I think some people probably think he should be hung up, strung up.
But I actually think that anyone who increases the amount of information is doing a good thing, not a bad thing.
Well, I agree with Ron Paul in his statement that telling the truth is not treason, and Sarah Palin says he's un-American.
Well, he is from Australia.
I mean, she was saying North Korea is our ally the week before.
I don't want to bash her, but really, folks, if she doesn't have a teleprompter, she's in deep trouble.
And now this is who they're getting ready to run for president as our savior?
I mean, look, look.
My whole issue here is there's no doubt you're right.
There's no doubt the video you're breaking down, End of America, the number three dot com, really has some good solutions in it.
I'm just flabbergasted by how fast this is moving.
Let's talk to Bob in Arizona.
Bob, you're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Quickly, just to you, Porter, and your crew, Alex, Merry Christmas.
Thank you, buddy.
Yeah, you bet.
You're doing a wonderful job.
And I've actually just
I've got one quick statement and then a question for you, Alex, and a question for Porter.
A quick item I wanted to share with you is on...
Viper teams.
I saw a Viper team come through my neighborhood and I'm out in the middle of the desert, Alex.
Yeah, for those that don't know, the TSA is admittedly to be on the streets of America.
They now are in the malls.
These are federal minimum wage stormtroopers training you that they will put their hands down your pants.
Porter, do you have any comments on that?
I really, I'm sorry, I'm just not familiar with any of that stuff.
I don't find it surprising.
I just don't know the details of it.
Well, that's the TSA has announced they're going to take over all of America.
Quickly, because I want to get to others that have specific questions for Porter.
Bob, what did you see?
Do you want me to ask my questions or do you want me to see what I saw regarding that?
Just briefly, what did you see with the TSA?
Very, very briefly, what I saw was in my neighborhood as I was out walking.
Off the main highway, we call them duallys.
You know, I've lived in Texas.
That's a truck with four wheels in the back.
This dually was pulling a long, white container, like a mobile home type situation.
We call them Batmobiles out here.
Okay, it doesn't matter.
What did you say?
Well, it said Department of Homeland Security turned off the highway.
This was probably around three in the afternoon.
So what did it do?
What did it do?
It basically just came through the neighborhood, did a Healy, went back out, and went on the highway.
Yeah, okay, so they're driving around everywhere and putting up telescreens.
What's your question for Porter?
My question for Porter is regarding the Federal Reserve in New York.
And of course, they're not federal.
When I was, and I shared this with you,
Alex, a few weeks or maybe a month or so ago, I was in the Merchant Marines.
I went to the Merchant Marine Academy on Long Island.
Our field trip for economics, when we were back there as plebes, was to go out at Wall Street and have a tour of the Federal Reserve.
When we were taken down into the basement, our guide was very arrogant and saying, oh, we've never been broken into.
We won't.
But he took us down into a room.
And in a caged area.
He stuck your finger and it showed on wooden pallets, piles of gold bullion.
And he basically said, for each pallet of gold you can see here, that is gold for various different countries.
That's Zimbabwe.
I'm going to have to let you go in about 10 seconds.
Do you have a question?
My question to Porter is,
Of course, this is an 81 Porter.
Is that just a dog and pony show, or is that real gold?
Alright, I appreciate your call.
We know that they have a fraction of gold backing for their fiat currency.
In fact, it's not even officially gold backed.
Yeah, it's true that the Federal Reserve Bank in New York holds a lot of gold bullion on deposit for other countries.
I don't really think that plays a role in our discussion.
As I said, no matter how much gold the Federal Reserve has, it's not nearly enough to back the currency they've created over the last couple of years.
So for the gold to be used as backing, again, the price of gold would have to go much, much higher.
Porter, on a side issue, we're going to skip this final break in this hour.
Before we let you go, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to take more calls and hopefully they can be quicker questions.
I don't mind long questions, but we're almost out of time here.
WikiBeeLeaks, EPA document shows it knowingly allowed pesticide that killed honeybees.
That's what the German study showed three years ago.
There's an example of this culture of corruption.
Where they know that honeybees are dying in some areas almost completely, and the government doesn't care because they're owned by special interests that have no connection to reality.
I mean, we're in a lot of trouble, Porter.
Yeah, I agree.
I've read a lot of the Weekly Leaks material.
Even before the guy became famous, I've been using Weekly Leaks in my research for the last year.
And I've always found the content to be excellent.
I don't know why Americans would feel threatened by someone telling the truth about what our government's doing.
If our government's not acting in our best interest, why shouldn't we know about it?
People get off on being slaves.
They like being hurt real bad.
And don't worry, the system's going to hurt you real bad.
Mark in Georgia, you're on the air with our guest.
Porter, go ahead.
Hey Alex and Porter, great job on your side.
I signed up after I heard your ad on Alex's show.
Porter, I have three quick points.
What's to stop the Federal Reserve from continuing to manipulate the bid-to-cover ratio on the Treasury bonds by funneling money to the Caribbean hedge funds and having it come back into the Treasury, appearing to be its independent Treasury purchase?
Two, on the oil side, Saudi Arabia is corralled more militarily than, you know, they don't love the dollar.
They're just strung up by the U.S.
And then the third thing is, I don't think they're going to let this
The dollar goes so quickly until they have something in place like the bank or the SDR.
Those are my three points.
Okay, great.
I think those are all excellent questions.
To your first point, yes, under the regulations that the Fed operates under, authorizations from Congress and such like that, they can buy any asset they want.
I mean, so, yes, the answer is they can manipulate the dollar for a very long time.
They have a great power to do so.
The problem is, is that they cannot control the effects of doing that in the broader economy.
So the reason why I believe the system is beginning to break down is because it's clear to me that the effects of what they're doing, a lower value of the dollar, are beginning to have serious complications for the global economy.
In regards to Saudi Arabia being a slave to America's military power, you're exactly right.
That's exactly true.
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that Saudi Arabia is going to continue to give us oil.
If you look back at the history of Saudi Arabia,
Every time we have done something to devalue the dollar, they have been successfully able to negotiate a vastly higher price for crude.
I have no doubt that will continue.
And in regards to the dollar being able to hold the value, unfortunately, that's just simply not the way the global currency markets work.
Global currency market volume is about $5 trillion a day.
As wealthy as our government is, there's no way they can control that market.
And we already see the slide, as I said earlier, accelerating.
Great questions, Mark.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hello there, gentlemen.
How are you?
I got three quick questions and I'll take them off air.
All right.
Number one, when you say get assets like agricultural and gold, are you talking physical or stocks?
That's number one.
My money back out of the markets and what do I do with it once I get it?
Alright, well what I would do personally, and I'm going to get Porter's Take, but I want to see if he agrees with me.
If you only got 10 grand, I would buy silver.
Personally, that's the poor man's gold because there's not much to hedge there.
Maybe a little gold and then some silver.
But I mean, let's get a Porter's Take on what I just said.
Yeah, yeah.
I think the questions were a little bit more strategic than that, which was not just what I should buy, but how am I going to be able to use it?
And I think it's a very good and honest question, and I appreciate you asking it, because I'm sure a lot of other people have it.
But I also think it's emblematic of something that's really quite amazing.
For the entire history of mankind, precious metals have been money.
People have had gold or gold receipts.
People have had silver coins in their pockets.
Everybody knew how to use these things.
And yet, in just the last 40 years, the entire American population has forgotten what real money even feels like, or how to use it.
The point of buying bullion and silver, gold bullion and silver bullion today, is so that when the monetary system collapses, you'll still have money.
Because when the paper money collapses, people are going to demand real money again, and real money is gold and silver.
And whatever new fiat they have, you can also cash it in at that point, and in history, it will save its value so you won't have the devaluation.
And so, you know, by the way, if you want to put yourself on a gold standard today, it's really easy to do.
You can buy gold very easily from bullion dealers all over the country.
You can keep your savings in gold, and when you have to go spend money, you can go to a local pawn shop or a local bullion dealer and cash in a coin every week, and now you've got your spending money.
Yeah, instead of going to the bank to get paper out or to write a check, you're the bank and then you'll cash it in for their confetti at the point and your gold and silver, historically, will rise with the devaluation and so it's saving your value.
It's a hedge against inflation.
But I appreciate your call, Joe.
Great questions.
George in Connecticut, you're on the air with our guest.
Yeah, I have a question as far as, I'm 59 and a half, most of my money's in IRAs, I have it in GLD or in hard currency, but you're talking about getting it out of the country before, so what the heck do I do?
And I'm almost ready to jump ship and maybe go to Russia, I have an apartment there, my wife's from there, I mean at least the ruble might be worth something, they have some value.
The problem is they'll shake you down over there too, Porter.
Well, you know, actually, I don't have any experience of living in Russia, so I can't really talk about that.
But I do think that one of the things that I feature on my video is there are five different assets that you can own legally outside the country that you don't have to report to the government.
And I think it's very important for people to begin to move some assets outside the country, assuming that you are a person of significant wealth.
You're going to want to put some of that stuff outside of the reach of these bureaucrats, because as this thing unravels, they're going to tax anything they can find.
And when people get your newsletter, they find out the strategic ideas you've got to safely move something offshore, and you can find out more with the free video at endofamerica3.com.
Go ahead, Caller.
The IRA related to the problem.
I mean, that's my complication where it's all stuck in IRAs.
Easily got, you know, dissolved.
Well, you can do what you want.
I'm not going to give advice.
I have no IRAs.
I would take personally the penalty and physically hold.
But, Porter, what's your take on that?
Before you do that, there are...
I can't give a lot of very useful advice over the phone, and I don't mean to give any particular investment advice to any individual.
But there are ways of dealing with your IRA.
You should really speak to an asset protection attorney, or you should try reading my newsletter for some details about it.
But you can do things like form your own corporation so that you can get control of your IRA.
You can put it anywhere you want.
Oh yeah, folks do that.
Create a corporation, move it into your corporation, now you've got control of it.
And then you can have that corporation convert the IRA, right?
Well, you could just use the corporation to do things like buy real estate overseas, which doesn't have to be reported.
There are lots of variations on these things.
There are important, important rules you have to follow if you're going to do anything like that.
So please, make sure you speak to a competent attorney.
Get some actual advice.
Don't just say, I heard a guy say it on the radio, when the IRS comes knocking on your
This stuff has got to be done exactly right.
It's very dangerous.
Absolutely, and they're starting to clamp down.
I mean, I'll just put it to you this way, John Wayne's, some of John Wayne's family has just left the country.
Yeah, I gotta tell you, Alex, I know the very most successful asset protection attorney in the United States, and he is setting up to close his practice because the government is clamping down on all these things, and they're gonna not be legal anymore.
And then once they're not legal anymore, he can't help you.
So if you're gonna make a move, I think you've got 12 or 18 months to make it, tops.
Well, some of John Wayne's family has already left because they say there's a bunch of rules changing this year, correct?
There are rules changed.
The beginning was the summer of 2008, when they made it against the law for you to just take your assets out of the country without paying taxes on them first, which is actually modeled after a Soviet law from the 1960s.
I mean, literally.
And now there are more laws that are going to be taking effect January 1st, 2013.
So, you know, these people, they're going to do everything they can to stay in power, and they know the risk of hyperinflation.
So what would I do?
I would create a subsidiary in the U.S.
to run my operation here, but then I'd have to move somewhere and broadcast from there, from another subsidiary, I guess the Kamens or something, or they'll completely shut us down.
You know, Alex, I'm certainly no expert at this, but I can tell you from where I stand, I have subscribers in more than 150 different countries, and there isn't any subscriber who cares where I'm writing from.
I mean, it's so painful to watch this country going into the clutches of hardcore criminals and to watch the dumbed-down population running around watching sports, getting drunk.
They have no idea how bad they're about to get hurt.
And then these crooks are going to sick them on any middle-class people left.
They're going to tear us apart.
Just, it's horrible.
Well, Porter Stansbury of Stansbury Research Associates, of Stansbury Associates and Investment Research, amazing information.
The free video at EndOfAmericaTheNumberThree.com.
Hope folks check into it.
I look forward to speaking to you again, sir.
Let me say bye to you.
There in this break, coming up, we've got Gerald Cilente on the retransmission at Infowars.com today, basically saying the same thing that Mr. Stansbury is saying.
It's incredible.
So we'll continue to track all this.
Sorry to the other callers.
I'll be back live tomorrow 11 a.m.
God bless you all.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
You've heard me talk