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Name: 20101201_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 1, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I got some really bad news last night from Congressman, former Congressman Bob Barr's office that runs a major watchdog organization investigating government abuse and tyranny.
And they filed Freedom of Information Act requests dealing with this on the reports that came out last week that the Department of Homeland Security and its subsidiary of
Minimum wage goons aren't just putting Congress people and Hollywood folks that they don't like on no-fly list.
That's come out for years as part of political persecution.
But that they have been basically listing people in the media, reportedly, who have been critical of DHS sticking their hands down people's pants, fondling one-year-old children, fondling women's breasts, ripping piercings out of people's breasts and genitals.
The list goes on and on.
But that they're actually putting you on a domestic extremist list so they can then surveil you and spy on you.
So they're committing the crimes with Chertoff and Alphonse D'Amato and the rest of them of being government officials previously and then ordering, clearly former Homeland Security head Chertoff is guilty of this, and then lobbying and ordering the naked body scanners.
And then becoming the heads of those companies to make millions of dollars individually.
Billions total in the aggregate of the thousands and thousands of more machines are indeed ordered, as they've already ordered them, but if they're completed and delivered, if these contracts aren't cancelled.
So billions of dollars is at stake here.
You better believe this out-of-control goon government will use its secret police and its frontline
But you heard me right!
This is the headline up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Just went up there minutes ago.
It is huge news.
Watchdog probes DHS spying on Drudge over TSA revolt.
The FOIA, Freedom of Information Act, request investigates whether critics of TSA are being listed as domestic terrorists.
And in the Bob Barr Liberty Guard organization filing, we have the link to the PDF directly on their site.
Directly on the site, we have a link.
What does it list there as their main search terms?
Domestic extremist, Matt Drudge, DrudgeReport.com, AlexJones and PrisonPlanet.com.
See, DHS knows who started all this over a month ago.
This radio show, I was already ranting about it, because of the new enhanced Down Your Pants rape downs.
Then Michelle, who works here, had just flown back with her family from a visit to Colorado.
Her 20-month-old baby daughter, a little cupcake, and her eight-year-old, who I've known for years.
She's worked here five years.
I knew the eight-year-old when she was a toddler, basically.
And they tried to have men grab them.
She said no, so women grabbed their genitals.
A man did fondle Michelle.
And Drudge picked up the video and it started a catalyst and then he ran with our stories every day for about a week or two until the media picked up and the frenzy began.
So reportedly they have a list of people and media
The Forbes Magazine writer said, abolish the TSA, you better believe he's on the list.
They've had Wall Street Journal articles about government in your pants, Chicago Tribune.
I mean, I guess just everybody gets on a list in the land of the free, home of the brave, because we the people, even though the polls show over 60 to 90 percent, depending on which poll, are against this, doesn't matter.
In America, you sit down and shut up.
While obese people in little uniforms stick their hands down your pants and radiate you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We first started reporting on it last Wednesday on National Opt Out Day, that the system didn't want to give the American people, who in the vast majority of polls are completely against the TSA radiation scanners and the hands down the pants.
They didn't want to give us a chance to stand up and win and have a victory.
So they ran a hoax, on record now, days after we reported on it and
Gizmodo reported on it, Drudge reported on it, all on that Wednesday.
We all basically simultaneously broke it at the same time from our listeners taking photos and reporting to us that at major international airports JFK, LaGuardia, Denver, Dallas, where they have the scanners in place, they
Stood down.
They turned them all off and didn't even do pat-downs.
They went back to the old wands if they even did that.
It was just people racing through.
And now that has been confirmed by the Associated Press and many other publications that indeed they did stand down nationwide in the airports that have put them in.
Now, this is a big deal.
This is a serious criminal act.
If you believe Homeland Security and their subsidiary TSA that they've got to stick their hands down grandma's pants, they've got to radiate your two-year-old, they've got to lift your dress up and take your blouse off in front of people, you've got to take your colostomy bag out and they'll just rip it right out of you.
That's on record.
Or your urology bag.
This is on record, mainstream news.
Meanwhile, TSA on record is hiring child molesters, stalkers, rapists.
That's all come out and they say that doesn't bar them.
Well, Stalin emptied out the prisons of hardened criminals to be his secret police.
They were the ones that would stand behind the military with guns and make them go fight.
Stalin was a bank robbing criminal ex-con.
So of course they're filled with ex-cons and little petty power trip people.
And this is going to be the new federal police force for America.
As long as you weigh 400 pounds and hate freedom, you get the job.
And I'm not bashing folks that are overweight.
I'm a bit overweight myself.
Been way overweight before.
It's just bizarre that it seems to be a job
Pre-requisite to look like Baron Harkin or Jabba the Hutt to get one of these jobs.
I think they're discriminating against people that are underweight or normal weight.
But side issue here.
Side issue.
They need to be criminally investigated, but how does the government investigate itself?
They always claim national security.
Well, you have state grand juries, federal grand juries.
Go after them.
Congressional hearings.
We need them now.
We need to start calling Congress and the new Congress coming up and demanding.
I'm going to call Rand Paul.
I'm going to call Ron Paul.
I know he already wants hearings, Dr. Paul.
I know that he's already introducing a bill to point out that they have to follow the law and that groping and radiating people is illegal.
But we need hearings, and we need to cut the funding of this agency.
We need airports to throw them out, which they're already doing.
Because there's no law, they're just having the airports invite the vampires in.
We need a man that, if they want to put
A obese army of control freaks somewhere, stick them on the southern border.
Let them actually deal with the Mexican military and a real threat and the drug cartels and the coyotes and all the crime pouring across and the 28,000 murders in the last two years.
That's a higher death rate per year than the height of the Vietnam War.
Let them deal with that.
But, DHS, on record now, and this is confirmed, we've got all the mainstream news articles posted, TSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protest, and we have links in this article by Paul Joseph Watson, this is from the 25th last week, to all the mainstream news articles confirming it.
But Rob Dube...
And Aaron Dykes, I sent them to interview somebody in the Dakotas.
They were flying back to be with their families through Denver, on opt-out day, where Michelle, a month ago, one of my employees, had herself, by a man, grab her genitals, there at Denver, her 20-month-old daughter, and her 8-year-old daughter.
But she demanded a woman do it to them.
Because they said, we're going to do it.
She said, well, the man's not going to grab them.
Think about this.
She was at the same airport a month ago that kicked off the straw that broke the camel's back on this whole TSA revolt that even the New York Times admits is the biggest story of the year so far.
The people rebelling.
And my guys, last Wednesday, flew back to Austin from Denver.
All of the scanners were shut down.
No pat-downs.
They weren't even hardly wanding anybody.
A few people they did.
It was like going back, you know, six, seven, eight years ago.
Racing through the lines.
No lines.
Now, if the terror threat is so big at the airports, it is a serious crime that they're saying they gotta stick their hands down grandma's pants, gotta put you in a radiation bather, because Al-Qaeda is gonna hit and there's zero tolerance and everybody's gotta go through it.
being trained to be slaves, and then so that we don't have a chance to stand up and say no and show the power of the American people, they don't want to give us a victory like George Washington at Trenton, that first victory.
They don't want us to realize the power we have, so like Sun Tzu's Art of War,
They were gonna lose, so they retreated, and then ran the hoax, and the TSA website laughed at people and said there were no protests, no one stood up, everybody loves it, and they posted a photo of little girls saying thank you for keeping us safe to the TSA.
A total criminal, fraudulent, lying hoax.
The TSA stood down.
They say there's an imminent threat going on right now to blow up airplanes, and they've got to do this, and they stood down.
And they stood down on Thanksgiving, and the day after, and right through the weekend, and now they brought them back up Monday, and they're even molesting, you know, one of the singers of the Black Eyed Peas, you name it.
So they're back.
That's what a criminal does.
They rob your house when you're not there.
They rob your house when you're not ready.
Well, see, they back off so we can't stand up against them, so we can't find them.
Like Charlie in Vietnam, they run into the bushes, and then as soon as we go back to our business, they come out and start tyrannizing us.
Now, I'm going to get to the biggest news after ManCow leaves us at the bottom of the hour.
ManCow Mueller.
Eric Mueller.
Big syndicated host on Talk Radio Networks.
W.A.B.C., New York, you name it.
I go on his show every Wednesday, and I wanted to invite him on here today because I heard him telling the exact same story.
He flew with his two daughters and his wife on opt-out day out of Chicago.
He flew to the Macy's parade.
He wanted to be part of it, and he flew four times through airports with scanners.
It was all turned off.
This is confirmed, then coming up.
Bob Barr has got a four-year request.
There's this leaked DHS memo that Drudge Report, Prison Planet, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge are being listed as domestic extremists and being surveilled.
Bob Barr is on the case.
Headline, Watchdog probes DHS spying on Drudge over TSA revolt.
We've got a link to the PDF on this and the reports of the TSA files.
Just like they put congressman they don't like on no-fly list.
Eric Muller, Man Cal, good to have you here.
Overall, what's your view on the TSA and what happened?
And then tell us your eyewitness report of what happened to you and your wife and daughters.
Well, I call them the T-S-S-A because they're like the SS.
And that's what Hitler did, right?
He got all the fat disgruntled people and put them in brown shirts.
And that's what we've done here.
These are people that, you know, they couldn't be cops.
They couldn't be soldiers.
You put them in a TSA uniform.
You were talking about the smiling, happy kids saying molest me on the TSA website.
I'm reminded of what I saw a couple of days ago.
They're, you know, telling Americans, well, don't be mad at the TSA agents.
You know what?
I am mad.
If I'm in the Army and I'm ordered to commit genocide, I don't have to do it.
These soldiers of Napolitano's are breaking the law.
They're breaking the Fourth Amendment.
I don't feel sorry for any of these TSA agents.
They ought to be arrested.
I got off the plane in New York City, Alex.
LaGuardia Airport.
My family was invited to be part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
That was wonderful, by the way.
And, uh, the cameras came over to me.
I was live on TV in New York.
And they said, how was it?
I said, it was awful.
They turned off the machine, the fix is in, and I'm curious about the way they're treating people.
Like we're all terrorists.
You also went on Fox News and told your story, and countless other reporters have documented it, including people in my office.
Yeah, and I'm aware of that.
And of course, immediately, the reporter, oh, well, I mean, everyone else, and I'm live on TV in New York, Alex.
They saw me with my cute little five-year-old girls.
They weren't expecting me to say anything.
I got a good-looking family.
Oh, but everyone else says it's fine.
No, folks, it's not fine.
It's the Fourth Amendment.
Women are being molested.
Kids are having their photos taken naked.
Pedophiles are doing this.
This is creepy.
This is wrong.
This is the Fourth Amendment.
But no one else has said anything.
Yeah, that's because they turned off the machines.
Look, Alex, I fly every weekend.
You fly all the time as well to do your investigative journalism.
You say six or seven years ago, I haven't seen anything like this.
I fly every weekend.
This is Thanksgiving.
I went to the airport ready for a fight.
I have my cell phone on.
You know, I was recording!
Everybody, go right through!
Go right through!
Go right through!
And then they say, oh, no protest!
There was nothing to protest!
It's a giant hoax, but if they say Al Qaeda is about to kill us any minute, then haven't they then enabled this?
Now, I mean, basically, I guess they're working for Al Qaeda.
I mean, if the threat is so imminent, they just completely stood down for political reasons, then I guess they're terrorists.
Well, look, this has never been about Al Qaeda.
This has always been about you and I and our comfort zone.
And they're going to be doing this, pulling us out of our cars doing this.
A week earlier, I had my cheeks spread and my junk groped.
And it felt like a full-on homosexual molestation session at the airport.
And then the guy says, hey, have a nice flight, like I'm supposed to smile at him.
The radiation going through our bodies is dangerous with these x-ray machines.
And I also love how they don't change their gloves.
Have you noticed this, folks?
How these TSA brown turds, the T-S-S-A thugs... Yeah, they've got gloves to protect them, but they've felt up 20 people before they change them.
They're gonna put that flesh-eating bacteria, those crabs, on you.
That's right.
That's right.
It's okay that we have crafts.
And you have to wonder when you go to get an x-ray at the airport, right?
Or you go to get an x-ray at your dentist, they run out of the room and put on a big lead vest.
Yet these dopes, these government pitbulls, they sit there by these x-ray machines all day.
I wonder, are they thin in the herd?
What is their game here?
And the game is tyranny and the game is
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Now, DHS is claiming they're caving in on the intensive pat-downs, but they say they're just going to move ahead with a no-fly list for all Americans and they've got to authorize you to fly.
They openly say in the future to travel or have a job.
It's just incredible and we've got these reports up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
These latest reports, watchdog probes, DHS spying on Drudge over TSA revolt.
And sure, we're listed in the FOIA request as well, but we don't really put ourselves in the headline because this is about the government trying to persecute journalists and go after free speech.
The other latest article out of PrisonPlanet.com, Bob Barr investigates TSA stand down on national
Opt-out day.
That's the big crime by these scallywags.
Eric Mancow-Muller, syndicated talk show host, who travels a lot for television, you name it, gets the routine groping.
You saw the stand down for those that just joined us on that national opt-out day that's now been confirmed.
My office witnessed it in Denver.
You saw it in Chicago and New York and other places you flew that have the scanners.
Total stand down.
Do you think this is as dangerous as I think it is or what are your thoughts about it now coming out that there are TSA memos out calling us domestic extremists and specifically now there's four year investigations by Bob Barr and his group into Matt Drudge being spied on, Alex Jones, DrudgeReport.com.
I mean this sounds like the Soviet Union.
Let me say this, as you talk about Drudge and your site, which is excellent, Alex.
The one you're missing, which I think is one of the most powerful sites now, is Breitbart.com.
Breitbart is to the Obama years, I believe, what Drudge was to the Clinton years in America.
But, you know, Alex, I don't think there's ever been anything that the government has done that has made me angrier.
And I love these sheeple, the lamestream media.
Look, nobody's reading the New York Times.
Nobody's reading these newspapers.
People aren't watching.
And they're blaming the new media.
But it's not the new media.
What it is, look, Americans didn't suddenly decide we hate American cars.
The Japanese built them better.
We didn't suddenly wake up and say, oh, we're not going to watch CBS anymore.
We realized that they have veered into the world of propaganda.
It's junk.
We didn't give up our horses because we didn't like horses.
Cars were better.
And ManCow will tell it like it is.
So you get high ratings.
ManCow.com gets millions of visitors.
They can't compete with the truth.
I don't know.
That was announced last year.
So they're not reporting this.
This is a huge story.
If we lose the Fourth Amendment, if we allow them to do this, I also wonder, it's amazing to me, because occasionally, you know, if there's a Justin Bieber story or something, I'll go online and need a few seconds of a song for my radio show.
I'm not going to go buy a Justin Bieber CD, or whatever it is, you know, the Black Eyed Peas you mentioned earlier.
They can shut those sites down instantly.
But isn't it amazing how helpless we are
Again, Wikileaks.
We can't do anything about Wikileaks.
And I have wondered, you and I talked about this earlier today, Alex, if this isn't to make Hillary Clinton look awful.
Notice how Obama really hasn't reacted about Wikileaks.
And he's thrown Hillary under the bus.
You really have to wonder if this isn't to destroy Hillary Clinton, to guarantee that Obama
No, listen, listen, your gut is right.
I talked to NSA sources like Wayne Madsen six months ago and he said, this guy's a useful idiot.
He's being handled by George Soros.
He gave the connections.
He's up there on the hill.
I got it from other sources.
He said, watch.
They're going to release even more on the State Department, and they're going to release stuff on banks that aren't allied with Soros to try to cause a world meltdown so this inner group of central bankers can take over, and then it can be blamed on Wikileaks, and now, six months later, it's all coming true.
Try to download a Beatles song illegally and see how quick they can catch you.
And yet, WikiLeaks, they can't do anything about it.
As I said, you know, it's like that character from Gone to the Wind.
I don't know nothing about birth control babies!
They don't have, they don't know, they can't stop WikiLeaks.
Give me a break.
This is a setup, and look, the media is not reporting the big story.
Which is, yeah, complete molestation of the citizens, photographs of us naked, our children being molested.
These are government thugs.
This is the private army that our president, you know, buried when he was running for president.
This is what he talked about.
He wanted a private army.
Stay there, stay there, stay there man cow.
Do ten more minutes with us because I want to get your view on where all this is going and talk about just the brazen activities of the TSA, but more on WikiLeaks as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
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Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I mean, that's the cut, right?
Obama told us what he was going to give us, and it is.
It's a civilian army.
They're a bunch of fat thugs that couldn't make it in the military.
They couldn't make it as a cop.
So now they're working for $10 an hour, molesting children and taking naked photos.
And if you dare say anything, well, then you're in trouble.
And they love that line, right?
Well, you'll miss your flight.
Well, I'm willing to miss my flight.
And I'm so sick of seeing these people on TV going, well, you know, anything to be saved.
They're morons.
I'd like to grab my, you know, I'd like to grab them by their throats.
Where do they find these people?
Well, you know, I want to feel safe.
And don't blame the TSA agents.
You know what, Alex?
I blame them.
Okay, everybody that worked the camps in Nazi Germany, they're guilty.
If you worked for Pol Pot, I was just following orders.
No, you're guilty.
What is this that we have to give these TSA thugs a free pass?
I say hell no, they're breaking the Fourth Amendment.
I'm not allowed to take naked pictures of strangers.
I don't want to.
I don't want to feel up children.
That's called pedophilia.
But they're allowed to do this because they're with the government?
They all ought to be arrested.
And why aren't... Well, you had Ron Paul on talking about it.
Why aren't people raised in hell?
Come on!
What is it?
Are they putting something in the water?
Is it really the chemtrails?
I mean, all the craziness I've heard.
Where are the... If this can't upset you, what's it going to take?
Seriously, folks, if these people at the airport are molesting you and your children, if that doesn't upset you, please go to the doctor because you're dead.
Well, that's what Ron Paul said here last week, that if we don't get mad and say no to this, there's something wrong with us and we deserve it.
But the good news is, despite all the fluoride and the mercury in the shots and the bisphenol A in the plastic, you know, feminizing everybody, people are getting mad and they're saying no.
And I want to announce now,
We don't need an opt-out day.
Every day is a dignity day.
Every day is an opt-out day.
I'm opting out of tyranny.
I want the anatomy of liberty and freedom, not the anatomy of a slave in my society.
And I'm going to refuse these any time I fly.
And if that means I don't get to fly, fine.
I'm then going to sue them.
And it doesn't even mean I'm going to win.
But all of us saying no, there's no way they can get away with it.
And when they say, we've got to do this or terrorists will get you,
You look him right in the eye and say, it's on record you stood down for four days during the protest on Thanksgiving.
Don't give me that line!
The borders are wide open!
You're wearing dirty gloves covered in flesh-eating bacteria!
I love it.
You know, uh, here's a, Alex, I have a trivia question for you.
How much radiation is okay for the human body?
None, because it builds up, and they admit these things have 50 times what they previously claimed.
That's right.
No radiation is good for the human structure.
I've got five-year-old daughters I had to fly through four different checkpoints over a weekend, and I'm not going to let them get four full-body x-rays in a weekend.
I mean, this is madness.
And they're not going to take naked pictures of my children, and they're not going to fondle them under the guise of, well, we have to find the terrorists.
We know who the terrorists are.
Let's start profiling these maniacs.
I'm sorry, if your God is telling you to strap bombs on your children or strap a bomb on yourself, you're not praying to God.
But man, gotta be specific.
I mean, it came out on Fox News that Ammar al-Awlaki, the number one guy under bin Laden, is hanging out secretly at the Pentagon with the Secretary of the Army two months after 9-11 when he's on the most wanted list.
It turns out in every case, the FBI is protecting and enabling
This latest nutball out in Oregon wanting to blow up the Christmas tree.
The guy out at Fort Hood, he was being handled by a Lockheed.
The underwear bomber was helped on the plane by the U.S.
State Department.
This is confirmed.
They're using this threat and enabling this threat, as the Homeland Security reports admitted last year, to go after We the People.
Well, Alex, listen, I have traveled the world.
I've been into Syria.
I've been into Jordan.
Look, there are a group of people on the planet that want us dead, and it's not all of them, but they're Muslims.
They're Islamofascists.
They do exist.
However, look, governments have always created fear or let fear happen or let bad things happen so that we will give up our freedoms.
Do I think that our government
Look, you talk about this guy hanging at the airport.
Who were the men in suits that allowed the underwear bomber... I mean, let's... Wait, wait, wait.
Don't cut me off, Alex.
Let me go through this, because I'm piecing this together in my head.
Let me go through this, can I?
Go ahead.
So, men in suits show up and let the underwear... not the underwear bomber.
Was it the shoe bomber or the underwear bomber?
It was both of them.
It was both of them, and they were both run by a lockie.
He has no ID, but they insist
White men in suits insisted he get on the plane.
The head of Homeland Security, Chertoff, is in charge of these x-ray machines.
And because of the underwear bomber from last Christmas in the shoot, now a year later we need x-ray machines and Chertoff's making money on them.
And then the head of the visa department got in trouble with the Undersecretary of State, Mr. Kennedy, and said, look, I was ordered by an unnamed U.S.
agency, I'm not going to say, this was Associated Press, to help him get on the plane.
You know, and look, folks, the Democrats like
Blame the Republicans.
The Republicans like blaming the Democrats.
And I want to tell you, I've been behind the scenes of all of these people.
They're all in on it.
You saw the head Republican, Boehner, walk around the checkpoint.
You know, they don't have to go through the TSA.
These people don't have to have health care.
So I really would like some of these people.
I thought Huckabee had a good line the other day on Fox, which is Obama and his family should submit to this to see what the American people are going through.
Of course, they don't have to go through any of this, but this is for us.
This is for the sheeple, this is for the lemmings, this is for the slaves.
Obama's gonna be on private jets.
And I'm gonna die a lion.
I'm gonna fight.
Well, look, we're winning this thing, and as long as we realize we won the battle, we've got to continue to win the next battle and the next and the next.
It's whoever wants it most.
And the TSA is already starting to back down.
No doubt they're going to stage some new event or help some new drugged out lunatic, like the shoe bomber on a plane, who thought you light plastic explosive, which you can't do.
No detonators.
They are finding mentally ill nut balls.
And opening the door for them and protecting them, and that's the bottom line.
I'm not denying, Eric, that there aren't some Islamic radicals out there that do want to wage war.
All I'm saying is in every case I research and look at, it's always private corporations or big government opening the door, protecting
I don't know.
You don't like naked body scanners?
We're going to fondle you.
You want to write news articles about us?
That we're hiring criminals and molesters?
We're going to put you on a terror list.
More intimidation, more bullying, but getting back into WikiLeaks.
You look at how this pushes the world closer to war.
You look at how it destabilizes Pakistan and shows they're secretly working with the U.S.
behind the scenes.
You notice how it emboldens certain central banks to shut down other banks.
And now Assange has announced he's going to be going after select corporations.
Exactly what my government and NSA sources told me was coming next from Assange.
Well, I mean, you know, look, they're saying he's a rapist and a molester.
Some of what I've read hints at, you know, Dr. Evil himself.
Soros is the man that's funding Wikileaks.
Where does this guy get all of his money?
And again, I just want to say to your listeners, Alex, Obama and our entire Pentagon and our White House, everybody's come out and said, well, what can we do about Wikileaks?
And yet,
I know, because I'm always looking for a different sound for my radio show, and I'm sure you do, too.
Download a Beatles song and see how long they can... Put up a... Here you go, folks.
Put up a website where you're giving away Beatles music.
Find out how long it takes for them to shut you down.
I mean, this is a joke.
So you have to ask yourself, why would our government
Let WikiLeaks continue.
And why hasn't Obama come out strongly against it?
And look at who it really slams.
It slams Hillary Clinton.
Now, Monica Crowley, a friend of mine, she was Nixon's assistant.
She's written some great books.
She's a brilliant woman.
She came out and had some inside information that Hillary was going to quit the State Department and then in several months announce that she was going to run for the presidency.
Obama and his camp has been very deft.
Remember, just two years ago, how unbeatable the Clinton machine was.
Oh, we've even had the Washington Post two weeks ago tell Obama to step down and have another Democrat run because they know he literally is taking out the garbage.
Nobody wants him.
He is a political dead duck.
So now everybody's saying, boy, well, I guess Hillary would be better than Obama.
So look, they're letting this, I mean, this is just my theory, but they're letting this information come out.
It looks horrible for Hillary, the head of WikiLeaks, funded by George Soros.
And, you know, Obama's the one to him.
Obama's the, you know, the Antichrist that Soros worships.
So they're going to take out Hillary.
And forget this idea that Hillary is close to Obama.
This is the old case of keeping your enemies closer.
No, no, I'm going to stop you.
I was there, Mancow.
Hold on, I want you to say that, but I've got to put this in here now.
It's in the Obama deception.
You're welcome.
It's like 15 minutes into it.
To play it on your show, whenever you'd like, you're welcome to play a few minutes of it.
Remember when Hillary and Obama were neck and neck.
I think?
And kidnapped him, shanghaied him, literally, conked him on the head figuratively, and took him to Chicago.
They were revolting on the plane, and we knew where he was, Chantilly, Virginia.
The Secret Service drives by, aims machine guns at us, and my sources
And we're going to leave it at that.
Inside the hotel confirmed Obama and Hillary were there and Soros was there and they said, you're going with Obama and but we'll let you be Secretary of State.
So the Clinton machine got brought in and co-opted.
Not that they're good, but this is the upper level mafia deals being made.
And that's in my film almost two years ago released.
But go ahead.
Well, look, Tom Dart,
You may not know that name.
It may end up being a big name.
It may not.
I believe... You wait.
Remember I said that name.
Tom Dart was going to be the next mayor of Chicago.
And suddenly he stepped aside.
Look, Alex, I'm here.
I'm telling you.
I know the players.
Tom Dart was our next mayor.
Rahm Emanuel came in.
Tom Gard immediately decided he didn't want to be mayor.
Rahm Emanuel was dispatched by Barry Soweto or Barry Obama or whatever you want to call him.
Old Barry, I knew when he was Barry the community organizer, the race bearer.
Rahm Emanuel has been sent to Chicago to make sure all the bodies stay buried.
You want to talk about a criminal enterprise?
I mean, come on, Rahm Emanuel, and Roland Burrus, and Obama, and the Dailies, the Dailies that got Kennedy elected.
I mean, you know, look, the mob mentality of Chicago, that's what this is.
And this Tom Dart, you wait.
He's going to have a position in the White House, or he's going to have a big position in the Justice Department.
You mark my words.
But that's what Rahm Emanuel, these back ordeals, man, it's unbelievable.
And the only thing they didn't count on, the only thing they didn't count on, and the Republicans act like, oh yeah, no, we like the Tea Party.
I don't believe it.
I think this Tea Party caught all of them with their pants down.
It's very exciting.
Well, the TSA, and I pointed this out a month ago now, Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal admitted, this is the next Tea Party, it's the next place for us to vent and show our anger and build our true grassroots revolt.
The system is scared.
Eric Mancow-Muller, mancow.com, thank you so much for joining us.
Alright, have a great week coming up.
Just amazing information.
Again, it is Wednesday, the first day of December 2010.
Only less than a month left now in the last month of 2010, and things are bonkers crazy with China and Russia last week announcing they're dumping the dollar as their mode of exchange.
The death of the dollar as the world reserve currency is accelerating.
The North Korea situation.
The announcement of austerity, taking the healthcare away, just gone, from veterans.
They signed the agreement, it's 100% guaranteed gone.
The announcement of cutting Social Security, of freezing Social Security.
It's all happening, the austerity.
But the taxes go up.
The benefits go down, not to pay the debt off, it's mathematically impossible to pay it all to the bankers.
That's happening.
We've got all that coming up.
I've got a very interesting guest that gets into the whole animal farm plantation mentality coming up in the last hour.
We'll tell you about him coming up in a little while.
But here's the big news, okay?
I didn't go look at Google Trends that really sets a lot of the agenda on the web.
Not as much as Drudge, but close.
It sets it another way.
And six months ago, a listener had the idea for us to use the power of this audience to make real issues the top story.
Going back over a month ago, we made five or six different TSA search terms number one.
You did it.
And that's what kicked all this off.
The anger was already there.
We just gave it a focal point and showed people that they weren't alone in what they were thinking and saying about being molested and radiated.
Google has banned PrisonPlanet.com from the Google News Feed.
People get confused by this.
I get these emails.
It's the minority of them, but they go, well, I can still search Google and find your website.
That's Google Web.
Google News!
There's all those little things you can click at the top of Google.
Heck, put it on screen for folks so they can understand.
Just go to Google.com.
I know most listeners know this, but I've got to explain this now and they get to the big news.
Just put the regular front page of Google up.
You've got up there at the top, you've got Web, Images, Videos, you've got Maps, you've got News, you've got Shopping, you've got Gmail, and you can pull down another tab with more.
iGoogle, Search Settings, Finance, Translate, Scholar, Blogs, Updates, YouTube, Calendar, Photos.
In Google News, one of the top links, it's the fourth link over, or fifth link over, if you put PrisonPlanet.com in or InfoWars.com in, before all of our articles showed up there, and we're kicking the mainstream media, dinosaur media, signed in.
Now, for two weeks, and it's over this DSA issue, make no mistake.
It's gone.
People go, but I see other articles that say Prison Planet.
Yes, other news agencies that quote Prison Planet, it's still there.
Not our websites.
Not our news.
That's now banned.
A day and a half ago, we got a notice on the internal account for YouTube.
It's from them that we're going to have our channel frozen.
It hasn't happened yet.
They're playing games with us.
But we posted the email there.
That said, we have got to break their blockade on this watchdog probe's DHS spying on Drudge.
The search term today, it's gotta be number one.
Google Trends was down yesterday, it's back up.
They may have tried to change it so we can't get through, but try it.
DHS spying on Drudge.
DHS spying on Drudge.
We'll be right back.
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You know, I'm thinking about this, looking at this presentplanet.com headline.
And some of you are saying, well, if they banned you from Google News Feeds, why does it matter?
Because everybody else who's got News Feed privileges can just post this article and then you'll get all the traffic.
I don't care.
I just want to expose the tyrants and save free speech in this country.
Are we going to allow Homeland Security to spy on and list people as domestic extremists?
If they say no to having their hands stuck down their pants, and if they report on that, or they say no about being radiated, or they point out how TSA is hiring rapists and molesters and stalkers and control freak criminals, and saying it doesn't bar them from having a job, if they do have a criminal record,
So I think better than the search term DSA spying on drudge, short is better.
How about spying on drudge?
S-P-Y-I-N-G-O-N drudge.
Put that into Google over and over and over and over and over again.
And don't stop.
They're trying to block us.
Go crazy.
Now, I don't know.
Normally, when we put a search term out, a few hours later they try to ban it to block it for a while.
So I don't know if yesterday's terms, they were shut down, will be allowed through today.
But let's go completely hog wild.
Haven't done this in a few weeks since yesterday.
We tried yesterday, they were shut down, so we couldn't do it.
They're making some changes.
But we're going to test it today.
Let's go with prison planet censored.
Prison Planet Censored.
So, Spying on Drudge, number one.
Prison Planet Censored, number two.
Write these down.
And just put each one in about twenty times.
And then click it.
And then re-enter it.
You don't have to re-enter the whole term.
You just put the cursor in there, click it, you know, so it knows it's a new search.
And then just keep entering it over and over again.
Spying on Drudge.
PrisonPlanet.com Censored.
PrisonPlanet.com Censored.
And let's do one more, because Google has this stupid slogan, or motto, don't be evil.
Google is evil.
And alternate it, because they heard that yesterday and they made ban it.
How about Google evil?
Yeah, let's, in fact, let's, let's, I'm just thinking here live on air, let's do, together, spying on Drudge, PrisonPlanet.com censored, and Google evil.
Google evil.
And everybody, go crazy, write your own blogs, your own websites, new stories about how they're evil.
New reports right now about their admissions of stealing your wireless data information, and the antitrust investigations in Europe, and Google announcing five years ago they're using microphones on board your computers to listen to you in your home.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Google evil.
Instead of just saying Google is evil, Google evil.
And then if they censor it, we've got evidence that they are censoring and blocking terms about themselves.
I've had it with Google.
I've had it with their selective enforcement.
I've had it with all the things they're doing and taking over the internet and being set up by the NSA and the CIA.
That's now confirmed, 11 years ago.
I'm done.
People are like, well then just don't use them.
They are the web.
Their goal is to be the web.
I'm out there on the battleground fighting.
And I remember, you know, when I was more naive, just six, seven, eight years ago, going, Google, Google, it's so great, Google, Google.
I remember that, and I'm not just looking to attack people here, okay?
But we've become effective, you've become effective, and they're trying to block us.
I mean, think of the magnitude, how big a deal this is.
Watchdog probes, DHS spying on Drudge over TSA revolt.
I want to get Bob Barr's Group on her, Bob Barr, as fast as we can.
FOIA request investigates whether critics of TSA are being listed as domestic extremists.
I'm going to read this when we come back.
And then we've got this other big report.
TSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protest.
And the other big report on Bob Barr.
Bob Barr investigates TSA stand-down on national opt-out day.
They're all at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
DrudgeReport.com has our story about a woman.
Well, I'll tell you about it coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be discussing, coming up in the next hour, the nature of the control grid, how we've been domesticated from the natural, true state of human beings into this control grid, how it's been scientifically engineered, we're being farmed.
There's so many great political researchers and minds out there, and I just discovered a fellow who's very well known, it seems, but I wasn't aware of.
So, a big body of work.
He'll be joining us to tell you about that.
Special guest coming up at the start of the next segment.
But the situation with the TSA is only getting bigger.
It's not going away.
Mother kept in glass cage for almost an hour by TSA for resisting over breast milk.
They wanted to x-ray her breast milk, which admittedly damages the quality.
And she read to them the TSA guidelines and they said we don't care so for close to an hour they locked her up in a glass cage and yelled at her.
It's all part of humiliation.
Like having a dunce hat put on you or made to go in the corner.
It's all basic child psychology.
They admit this.
They admit that they're feeling you up and squeezing you hard to make you go through the scanners.
And they admit that they're training a cadre, a domestic army, for the streets of America.
It's all admitted!
This is such a key issue, as I said over a month ago and people didn't get it.
We were driving it, beating the war drum for liberty and driving the story out into the mainstream.
That's why Google is banning us and shutting us down and trying to keep us out of the news feeds now.
Let me read you this article.
Watchdog probes D.S.H.
Department of Homeland Security spying on Drudge over T.S.H.
Let me cover that after the break.
Let me get to this first.
Because it all integrates together.
Bob Barr investigates T.S.H.
stand down on national opt-out day.
Again, Bob Barr investigates T.S.H.
stand down on national opt-out day.
Get this out to everyone.
We're going to bring these crooks to justice.
We've got them.
Body scanners out of use, invasive pat-downs curtailed, in political ploy as TSA mocks critics on their own blog exposing fact that security is nothing more than theater.
These are bullies training us to be dominated.
A civil liberties watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act request in an attempt to shed more light on the TSA's efforts to disrupt a day of protest
Aimed at full body scanners and invasive pat-downs by largely curtailing their use for one day only last week.
It was actually three or four days from my research.
The FOIA request also seeks to determine whether the TSA regards the leaders of the protest movements as domestic extremists following the leak of a TSA memo indicating it to be the case in a major publication we've got linked in Canada.
From their source.
The non-partisan, non-profit organization Liberty Guard, led by former Congressman Bob Barr, is demanding internal TSA directives and communications pertaining to the opt-out grassroots protest day that took place on November 24th.
And if they try to not release it and claim it's anti-terror, then I guess they're saying we're terrorists.
While it was expected that the protest on the eve of Thanksgiving would be widespread, causing delays and extensive queues at airports and security lines,
In reality, the majority of travelers experience no problems because they shut it down everywhere.
The TSA and the corporate media immediately implied that this was proof positive that the public were not concerned about the new TSA procedure.
Just move along, nothing to see here.
And the contrary...
To numerous opinion polls, the majority supported the rape downs and body scans.
The TSA even mockingly suggested that, quote, on their own website, what some protesters threatened as an opt-out day turned into a TSA appreciation day.
However, it soon became apparent that the reason there was so little protesting taking place was because the TSA had roped off most, if not all, of its naked body scanners and apparently instructed its agents to tone down the level and severity of the rape downs.
The New Jersey Star-Ledger subsequently reported that the majority of Newark's full-body scanners, my guys flew through Denver, none of them were on, was idle throughout much of the day, depriving most passengers of the chance to opt out of the controversial screening procedure, even if they had wanted to.
At the nation's busiest airports, Atlanta and Hartfield, there was quote, limited of any use of the controversial full-body scanners, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Alright, I'm gonna shift gears to the really big news, in detail, coming up after this break.
I mean, now they're sending the secret police after us, folks.
We gotta stand up against this.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
So think about this.
In America, in our country, the TSA tells you there are vicious terrorists that want to kill you any minute.
And every time we look at the shoe bomber, the underwear bomber, you name it, it's run by Anwar al-Awlaki, admitted Pentagon, being protected, total front guy.
State Department helping getting him on the plane with the underwear bomber.
British government helping get the idiot shoe bomber on the plane.
Didn't have a detonator for the plastic explosives.
Tried to light it.
Out of his gourd.
Looks like a crazy homeless person.
The same story over and over and over and over again.
And then, they're telling you it's such a big threat, they know you're going to protest and stand up with civil disobedience.
They don't want to give you a chance to show your power.
They understand psychology.
And so they just shut it down.
Get rid of the scanners, rope them off, no pat-downs, boom, you're through.
And they knew the opt-outers were going to be flying back the day after Thanksgiving, Friday and Saturday.
And so our intel, and it's also in a lot of news articles they've confirmed, that they weren't doing it the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Friday or Saturday.
Some airports started phasing it back in Sunday.
They all had it back by Monday, two days ago.
It's all not just security theater.
You think they want to do this to make you feel safe?
They could care less.
300 plus thousand die from bad drug interactions.
Over 200,000 die from botched surgeries and flesh-eating bacteria every year in our hospitals.
Thousands and thousands die from allergic responses to food.
We look at the numbers.
Over a hundred die a year from bee stings, several hundred from waft stings.
Do we have little people running around in blue suits to protect us in body armor from bees?
Bees kill over a hundred!
We've got to stop it!
We've got to keep you safe!
It's all just terrorists, boogeymen.
It's similar to statistically... What is it?
Maybe two people die a year on the coastlines of the United States from shark attacks.
Guys, in fact, search the numbers.
Yearly shark attack deaths worldwide.
I believe it on average is 14.
Some years it's as high as 20, some it's only 5.
I've pulled them up before.
But the average is 14 yearly deaths from shark attack.
It'll be twelve or fourteen.
I've seen different numbers.
But everybody I know, almost everyone I know, when I go to the beach with friends or family, they're scared to swim out more than a hundred yards.
Because they know tiger sharks and sand tigers get caught off the Texas coast.
I could care less!
I hope there's one out there!
I want to see it!
You know, I've been snorkeling and scuba diving before, and a, you know, seven-foot nurse shark comes up, and everybody is, like, swimming towards the boat in fear.
I'm, like, swimming towards it.
And of course it runs then.
Oh my gosh, something's swimming at me.
And I'm not some tough guy, ladies and gentlemen.
The chances of a tiger shark or even a great white shark attacking you is incredibly low unless you're wearing a black wetsuit and on top of a surfboard.
That's most of the attacks.
Because you look like a big, gigantic, fat seal.
A black seal.
That's why great whites normally grab you, bite a leg off, and then let you go.
But people bleed out out in the water and usually die.
I mean, I'm swimming out there in the Caribbean and I see a 5-foot hammerhead down 200 feet?
I mean, I'm going to try to get down as far as I can and look at it.
And what's the hammerhead going to do when it sees something coming towards it?
It's going to run!
You ever seen a dog, a big dog runs out from its house and barks at you?
If you run, it's going to attack you.
But if you stay on your ground, 99% of dogs are going to run unless they're a trained police attack dog.
Which is 1 out of 1,000.
Blow it up for me.
What's the number of shark deaths every year?
Let's see if my memory's right.
What do they say it is?
That number says five, but that was in 2000.
From 2000 to 2007, it was five.
I've seen the numbers of 12 to 14 per year.
You got six and a half billion people.
You got billions and billions of people going in the water over and over again.
And what was that source that said five?
It doesn't matter.
The point is 5, 12, 14, what's the difference?
What was the source?
University of Florida.
Okay, so the University of Florida says 5 a year.
I've seen 12 and 14.
The point is, but most adults, including some of my family, will not, I mean,
In the Gulf of Mexico, I will go out at night on a float if it's a beautiful starlit night.
My dad will do it with me when he travels with us to the beach.
You're not going to catch my mother doing it.
Now there is something you should worry about at night.
And that's barracuda.
They get confused and think you're a little fish, see a ring or something on your finger in the moonlight.
There's also more jellyfish at night.
So if it's jellyfish season, you don't want to do it.
But the issue here is it's imaginary.
And terrorists are the same way.
This turbaned, bearded man, this magical creature that wants to kill me.
Come on, folks.
It is completely manufactured.
And you're like, well, what about 9-11?
Well, that was as phony as the $3 bill.
But let's say the real bonafide type of terrorism, where some angry Palestinian for having their land taken or whatever, tries to blow somebody up.
I mean, what's your chance?
If you're not in the West Bank, you know, trying to be engaged in war-torn terrorism, which some people do, you're not going to get killed.
And I've seen the statistics in Israel.
You've got a better chance in Israel of dying in a car wreck than you do being killed by a terrorist.
Are people scared driving their cars?
So, people are scared to death of sharks.
They're scared to death of men with beards and turbans.
They're scared to death of things that the media and the mind controllers put into you as a unsubstantiated, delusional, automatic emotional response.
Because it's got big teeth, it's got big scary black eyes.
Oh my gosh, it looks like a monster.
So what?
Having your leg bit off by a shark is probably a lot less painful than being thrown out of a car when it rolls over you.
And what's the chances it's going to bite you?
It's got to be billions to one!
Unless you're wearing a black wetsuit on a big black dark surfboard off the coast of San Diego or Santa Cruz.
And then it's still got to be one out of a billion.
I mean, what, every couple years you hear about somebody off the coast of California getting gobbled by a shark?
Now, if people are chumming, dumping blood and rotten fish in the water, that's why a lot of people that do get attacked off the coast of Australia, they're out there spearing fish.
If you've got a bag full of four or five fish that are still alive with blood coming out of them from the spear gun,
And a big hammerhead or a big tiger shark comes along or a big great white that's 20 feet long comes along and it sees you swimming around down there.
He can't help it.
He smells blood.
It looks delicious.
He's smelling fish blood.
He sees you as a big fish that's bleeding.
You're going to get attacked.
I was reading statistics a few years ago and I was looking into this with stingrays, especially the big varieties.
There's several big species.
And remember the crocodile hunter who got killed a few years ago when he swam up to a giant stingray and got above it and it flipped out and flung its stinger up into his heart?
Now that's a case of being killed by a shark.
You know how?
Number one, that's stingrays in the shark family.
Number two, stingrays, if you statistically look, kill many more times every year what great white sharks do, or sharks all together.
And you know why?
Because they think you're a shark, a tiger shark that likes to eat them.
They think you're a tiger shark, so you come over and start trying to grab them, they're going to kill you.
Are you scared of a stingray though?
No, because they're not big and scary.
They don't have big giant teeth.
So a lot of this is our primitive instincts being manipulated.
Okay, I'm done.
I apologize, I'm ranting here.
But we've got to make this the number one search term today.
Spying on Drudge.
Because the media will pick up on this and learn that there is an investigation by Bob Barr of DHS spying on Drudge, myself and others.
Here's the article.
Watchdog probes DHS spying on drudge over TSA revolt.
FOIA request investigates whether critics of the TSA are being listed as domestic extremists.
A Freedom of Information Act request filed by former congressman Bob Barr seeks to discover whether the Department of Homeland Security has been keeping tabs on the Drudge Report and other prominent media outlets who have been spearheading a nationwide revolt against invasive TSA airport measures.
The FOIA request filed by Barr's legal guard organization, PDFLinked,
Demands that the Transportation Security Administration, an agency of the DHS, turn over all information related to Matt Drudge, the Drudge Report, along with other media personalities and websites that have been at the center of the TSA controversy, including Alex Jones, John Tyner, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Tyners, don't touch my junk.
Oh, he may be an extremist.
Don't grab my genitals.
Oh, you're an extremist.
Let's get Tyner back on and see what he thinks about being listed as a terrorist, basically.
Domestic extremists.
See, once they do that, they can investigate you.
Domestic extremists, in reference to a reported TSA memo that was leaked last week, which according to Doug Hagman, officially addresses those who are opposed to or engaged in disruption of the implementation of the enhanced airport screening procedures as domestic extremists.
Cole Watson.
I want him to add a caveat here.
They're already threatening $11,000 fines.
So of course they're listing us as this.
Let's add, for further intimidation, they're listing $11,000 made-up fines as well, which then you actually read they can't even do.
Numerous confirmed memos originating out of the federal or state law enforcement agencies, such as the infamous MIAC report, have listed conservatives and libertarians as domestic extremists and even potential domestic terrorists for opposing big government and supporting constitutionally-minded campaigns and causes.
Barr's attempt to discover whether the federal government is treating critics of the TSA as domestic extremists is key in light of TSA Chief John Pistole's announcement yesterday that all travelers flying in U.S.
airspace would be checked against a government watch list before they're given permission to board an aircraft, a system some have likened to communist-style internal checkpoints.
You get it?
They're talking about not letting you fly if you don't let them grab your genitals and radiate you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
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Stephan Molyneux, a researcher and I guess you'd call him philosopher out of Canada, will be joining us coming on in the next segment.
Stephan Molyneux, blogger, essayist, author, host of Free Domain Radio.
He's also the author of several non-fiction books.
I find him to be very informative and interesting with his perspectives and I agree with a lot of his views on this being a prison planet and we're being domesticated, farmed by the globalists.
That is their system.
We're being domesticated like horses were or like dogs were, but we're not to be taken care of.
We're basically slaughtered and fed on and bled.
That is coming up.
I've got some economic news I want to hit briefly before he comes on with us here in about 10-15 minutes.
From now, but continuing, think about this.
Watchdog probes DHS spying on Drudge and other press.
So we need to make this the number one Google search term today.
Spying on Drudge.
And folks, with your blogs and websites, you just take our article, you post it, and you'll get the traffic, even though we're blocked by Google News.
I don't care, I want to get the news out.
Continues, the notion that Matt Drudge
A constant thorn in the side of Big Sis, Janet Napolitano, along with other prominent media critics of the TSA, could be the target of DHS surveillance is hardly far-fetched considering the fact that Homeland Security was caught recently spying on Tea Party gribs, as well as a state representative, Daryl Metcalf.
And it goes on from there.
The TSA is turning into an arm of the DHS political police force.
How long before Matt Drudge, Bob Barr, Alex Jones are put on a list and prevented from flying?
Will everyone who opposes being radiated a naked body scanner or having their kids felt up by TSA goons be put on a list?
I saw, seven years ago, saw Ridge say, you're going to have to have government approval through TSA to have a job.
You're going to have a card to have a car to travel.
They said they're going to have internal checkpoints, remember?
With the national ID card, the Real ID Act, to go to national parks, or get on a bus.
This is the total seizure of society!
This is going to be your new tax card for the new national sales tax that they're going to keep on top of the income tax.
You watch!
They've said they're going to do it!
Don't go, oh Alex, how did you know when all of this comes out mainstream?
They've said they're going to do it!
Judge has been at the forefront of a national rebellion against the TSA's new enhanced pat-down procedures, which subject travelers, including children, the disabled and the elderly, to humiliating treatment, which falls not far short of sexual molestation.
Well, they make folks that can't walk get up.
They make people pick them up.
The Freedom of Information Act request also aims to uncover why the TSA made the decision to stand down on its normal security procedures the day before Thanksgiving and what was a blatant public relations ploy to deflate the impact of the National Opt-Out Day protest.
And it just goes on from there.
It's a key article.
Please search the term.
Spying on drudge.
Also search the term today.
PrisonPlanet.com censored.
Now they're starting to censor us.
And the other term, Google Evil.
So three terms.
Spy on Drudge, Google Evil is number two, and PrisonPlanet.com censored.
Hit them, hit them hard.
Now, they shut down for a day and a half, Google Trends.
First time I've ever seen them do this.
It was shut down from the 29th through the 30th.
Today it's back.
Let's see if they put up defenses to block us, or if they've got a team, live-time monitoring this show.
Oh yes, we drove the TSA story out to number one, folks.
They're watching.
They're tracking.
They know we're effective and we're not going to back down and shut up and go away.
We're going to intensify what we're doing.
Spying on drudge, number one search term.
Google evil, number two.
Number three, PrisonPlanet.com censored.
Hit them, hit them hard.
Nothing can stop you if you take action.
Unless they've compromised their entire system and now we'll just know it's a fraud.
I got a lot of other tricks up my sleeve for these people if they do shut that down.
Don't worry, we haven't begun to fight here.
We're going to break, coming back with some financial news and then our guest.
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Stay with us.
More straight ahead.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us as we continue to try to warn the world to awaken the people to the threat of tyranny and the collectivist control freaks whose business is deception and enslavement.
Our business is liberty and freedom and overturning their sickening control freak empire.
Some financial news I wanted to briefly hit.
Bank stocks decline on WikiLeaks anticipation.
Wall Street Journal
Securities and Exchange Commission, the same folks that protected Madoff for 11 years, fully knowing what he was doing, the founder of the Nasdaq, showed leniency to bailed-out Bank of America watchdog report shows.
It's one of the big six.
It can commit any crime at once.
Washington Post, Citigroup said in talks to hire Obama's ex-budget chief, Orszag, so the guy that helped hand out the $45 billion bailout,
to them, is in advance talks to hire former White House budget director.
So, Citigroup, recovering from the $45 billion bailout, no wait, they're not recovering, record bonuses, is in advance talks to hire former White House budget director.
People with knowledge of the matter said, that's Bloomberg.
So, talk about the inside payoffs, where they just, you know, oh, you ordered naked body scanners churned off, is that Homeland Security?
Now you can head up the company.
Oh, you helped, you know, Obama go along with these giant bailouts.
Now you get a job.
I mean, it's just incredible.
It's just all right out in the open.
Continuing, Newark Mayor Police Union had at odds over layoffs, and they are laying off 14% of their police.
And what's left is going to be, of course, mainly focused on raising revenue.
I've seen some departments lay off 60% in sheriff's departments and openly say, now we're just here to squeeze you.
So, taxes go way up, revenue generation goes up, but all the basic benefits, veterans, health care, now announcing they're going to take it, social security freezes, and there's going to be more, more, more.
This won't fix the debt problem.
It's designed to implode the economy.
So that's out of CBS News.
We've got a really scary article out of U.S.
News & World Report, where
Mortimer Zuckerman writes an article about the decline of the West and watching our society move towards total collapse.
I mean, very scary article there.
I want to
Well, Alex, I mean, you said it.
Gold is going up today.
$13.95, $10.
There's your market reaction to what's going on with the banks.
You know, it's just like another nail in the coffin.
I don't know how many nails can you put in before you figure we're dead.
It's just absolutely nuts.
And trying to get inventory right now is just incredibly hard.
I mean, right now, I mean, the U.S.
men quit making Silver Eagles, and Silver Eagles are just impossible to get.
Silver rounds are getting tough.
I mean, just about everything out there in the marketplace is just gone.
And we predicted this last summer, and sure enough, here it is.
And I was just talking to Bob Chapman, and he's like saying, you know what, you're probably going to see a little bit of a pullback here this summer, but that might mean gold will pull back down to $1,450 to $1,500 an ounce, because we're going to be coming off of a high that's much greater than that.
You know, I don't have a crystal ball.
I don't know for sure where things are going to go.
But for sure, people should be getting into gold and silver.
Hands down, the best deal we have is the $97 for the silver dollars.
Three-a-year videos.
But, you know, the Lakota Nation Silver Rounds, Walking Liberty Halves at $12.84, British Sovereigns at $3.69.
Frank's right now at $2.94.
We have the Creature from Jekyll Island book.
If you haven't read that yet, we put a silver dollar in there, too.
We're delivering that for $31.
I mean, there's just a lot of things that are going on.
The bottom line is, Alex, is people that are sitting in U.S.
currency better take note right now, because there's a big trouble heading to us.
And we've already seen a great portion of it, and we're going to see a lot more of it.
People need to be getting into gold and silver at this time.
Absolutely, and at those prices on many of those deals you're actually losing money, but you know you want to create relationships with customers, so that's why you do it.
But on a few of those deals I happen to see the internal emails that you send me from the company on Franks and Sovereigns that you bought when it went down, you're selling it when it's high, but at the old price three to four percent markup.
What business can operate on that?
Ted is incredibly, just incredibly competitive and
He has funded Genesis, my show.
Genesis is the place, Midas is the place to financially support.
This is the place to get your gold and silver.
The move to physically hold gold and silver, because we know that JP Morgan and others are short on it.
100 to 1, that's even Bloomberg, AP.
We're going to play a video towards the end of the next hour where they actually break all this down.
But by physically holding it, if millions and millions more people start physically holding it, there's no way they can suppress it.
And that's what's been happening is India and China and other places, the general public, even the peasants.
Move to hold silver and gold.
That's what's exposing the fact that it's been artificially held down against these fiat currencies.
Here's the toll-free number to call and take advantage of all those specials and more.
Just tell them it's the Alex Jones Radio Special or you will pay a little more.
The regular prices are very competitive, but these radio specials are exclusive.
Again, have you missed that number?
Ted Anderson, thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
Again, folks, 800-686-2237.
Last week, I saw one of this guy's YouTube videos.
And it turns out he's very well known.
We've got an IT guy named Matt here in the office who's a huge fan.
I heard him say a few months ago, you ought to get Stefan Molyneux on.
Because he agrees with a lot of your same analogies and world views, but is very articulate and puts it in a very polished but also simple way to understand.
Kind of listened to him, but then wandered on off because we're always bouncing guest ideas around.
And I saw this YouTube video.
I even forget the name of it.
What is it, Jaren?
I sent it to you last week.
The story of our enslavement, and it was like 10 minutes long, going from memory, and it really laid it out.
I've talked about the domestication, the prison planet, how they train us from birth, basically imperial slave conditioning, to be submissive.
While they trained their top minions to be brutal and hateful and animalistic, we're trained to be submissive.
And people think, oh, well that's civilization.
That's not civilization.
That is a hive corporate
Communal, uh, collectivist, uh, Borg.
I mean, literally like something out of Star Trek.
I'm not a Trekkie, but I've, you know, I've seen some of the TV shows with the, uh, you know, with the Borg.
He will be assimilated.
That's what this whole TSA thing's about.
So he's a Canadian philosopher, blogger, essayist, author, and the host of, uh,
Freedomain Radio.
He's Stefan Molyneux.
He's the author of a whole bunch of different books.
He's written on Truth, the Tyranny of Illusion, and he's out in Phoenix to talk at the 2010 Freedom Summit.
And we've got links up on InfoWars.com to his website as well.
So I'm excited to have him for most of this hour, or all of this hour and most of the next hour, the last 15 minutes or so, I'm going to blitz through all the other news.
I haven't gotten to the food safety bill.
That's like the Patriot Act, the opposite of patriotism and freedom.
Big developments there, a lot of other economic news.
But we're going to spend about an hour and 15 minutes with him today.
And obviously this won't be the last time that Stefan Molyneux visits us.
Great to have you on with us, sir.
Really, instead of just playing your YouTube video, I thought I'd just get you on to kind of give you the floor for the rest of this segment.
Then I've got my questions and comments to run through your worldview and how you describe these globalist farmers who are literally farming us as a commodity, as a human resource.
I mean, they openly say this about us.
Aldous Huxley wrote about it.
I mean, you're not the first to notice this and won't be the last, but you articulately really
Sure, I'd be happy to.
I began to sort of notice this, I took a graduate degree in history from the University of Toronto.
I began to sort of notice this and one day I was looking at, in my room, I was looking at a map of the world and it really struck me.
That while I thought I was looking at countries that were defined by cultures and religions and ways of thinking, I thought, you know, what I'm really looking at is farms.
The boundaries of farms.
You know, like when you fly in an airplane, you look down, you see those checkerboard fields laid out beneath you.
That's really what the world is.
Because what demarks one country from another is the borders of tax ownership.
And I began to really sort of play with this idea, which then bore fruit in this video.
That we really should be viewed as human livestock, and it is the most advanced form of human livestock to live in a democracy, because in the ancient world, slaves were directly owned.
Like, you owned people, and they weren't very productive because they were so depressed and alienated all the time.
And then you went through the Roman model, which was slightly more removed, where you owned people, but you taxed them a little bit.
And then you went through the feudal model, where you didn't own people directly, but they had to pay you off in order to work the land.
But there was this amazing development in the 19th century, 18th and the 19th century, where the ruling classes realized that if they allowed us to choose our own jobs, then we would be as productive as could be imagined.
This was really the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
And so in the same way that a farmer will plant his crops further apart in order to have them be more productive, and he won't crowd his animals too much together, we've been granted a certain amount of economic and political liberties
Not because our rulers have those values in the abstract or as a principle, but because it gives us the illusion that we're free, which makes us more energetic in the pursuit of our careers and the generation of wealth.
But the problem is that the more economic freedom you get, the greater the productivity of the working classes, the greater the growth of the political parasite class.
It's sort of like putting a direct bloodline into a tumor.
It just makes the tumor grow and grow.
And so what's happening is, the smaller the government that you start with, the larger the government that you end with.
And I think that's the case with the American experiment, which is a noble but tragic experiment, where they said, let's start with the smallest possible government that we could get.
And I think they did a great job of creating a small government, delineating it with the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
But what happened, what has happened since, is the amount of economic freedom and productivity that was generated by that liberty
Has created a massive tax base that has swelled the political and parasite classes to the point where what started off as the smallest government in the world has now turned into the very largest government in history and the very largest government that anybody could conceive of.
And that, I think, is the central tragedy of what has occurred.
People who fight for freedom don't know that they're laying down the groundwork or sowing the seeds for future tyranny.
And until I think we understand the degree to which we have an allegiance not
Now, you're welcome to continue breaking down your view of this paradigm.
I've got
Quite a few questions and avenues of discussion, looking at what you're talking about from different angles, but please continue before I get to my questions.
Well, let's take it up to the present, right, because I do put a true news segment when I try to break down the news.
If you look at what's going on right now, there's a budget deficit commission that's going on, and the results of it were all perfectly predictable.
The dependent classes,
How is it that they turn us against each other?
Direct human ownership is very unprofitable, because the moment you start pushing guns in people's faces, they go limp.
Like, intellectually, and they're not creative, they won't want to be entrepreneurs, and so on.
And so, what you have to do to rule human beings, is you have to set them against each other.
And the best way to set human beings against each other, if you're a human farmer,
Yes, we are.
They're all dependent upon the state, and so the moment that people like you and I begin to say, we're not free.
The entire paradigm is not free.
We do not have the liberties we think we do.
We're only granted certain liberties so we're more productive for others.
The moment we begin to talk about a peaceful, non-violent, non-coercive solution to social problems, rather than herding people around and pointing guns at them and selling off the unborn to anyone that they can find in order to fund the bribery of the voters in the present.
The moment we start talking about that,
The dependent class is not to attack us, right?
And you can see this very clearly after Ron Paul.
It happens to just about anybody who raises their voice in a cry of freedom in this land, that we get attacked by the people who are dependent upon the state.
And the real tragedy, I believe, is that the only people who really care about the poor, the only people who really care about education, are people who are striking at the roots of the violence of a state of the system.
Because as we can see right now, there's such a deficit commission, completely predictable.
What happens is,
The ruling classes take care of their own, and they only create a dependent class to maintain their hold over everyone and to make sure that the group of people who are going to attack anyone who talks about freedom.
So when they're talking about deficit reduction, deficit cutting, do they talk about repudiating the debt to foreign governments and international bankers?
Of course not!
Because that's the class they're designed to protect.
What happens is, the dependent classes are shown to be completely expendable, so they're going to
They're going to cut welfare, they're going to cut Medicare, they're going to cut Medicaid, they're going to cut Social Security to the point where people are going to go through extreme and extraordinary hardship.
And then they're going to use those people that have been displaced as a political weapon, saying, if you want to get the welfare checks and the Walmart goodies back again, you've got to politically go for even a bigger government to rob what's left of the middle class, which the ruling elite, from my view, has decided to basically clamp down on.
No, that's right.
And what happens is the fruits of violence are always disastrous.
But what happens, of course, is that freedom gets blamed for it, right?
So for some reason people think that the recent Great Recession and the housing bubble and the tech bubble and the savings and loans of the 80s
That all of that resulted from some sort of free market enterprise, as if the government didn't run the entire currency, as if the government didn't have, you know, millions of regulations and massive amounts of taxation and herding people around at gunpoint all over the place and throwing billions of people in jail.
That is not a free society.
And so all of these disasters that accrue to violence, the government has a handy scapegoat in the name of freedom.
And that, of course, is the real tragedy.
People are somehow blaming voluntary peaceful human interactions for all of these massive disasters.
As if you and I could run up a 13 trillion dollar debt on our own.
I mean, it's just astounding.
But the dependent classes are going to get really badly treated in this next round.
And it is going to be used as an excuse to attempt to extend the power and control because the disease is masquerading as its own cure.
Well, I agree with you.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
We're going to come back from break and I'm going to go through some notes that I've written about
The basic thesis that he just put out that I completely agree with because the globalists themselves have basically described it in very similar terms and where Stefan's talking about how he just noticed this himself and I've had that happen to me so many times.
I will notice something and think about it and then later read globalist publications where they are saying exactly what I've thought but then from there
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We're good to go!
That's right.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest into the next hour.
Coming up in about 20-30 minutes, we'll open the phones up.
Got a lot of other key news coming up, but going through his analogy, which isn't really even an analogy, it's how the world works, of countries being farms, being plantations.
Since we broke up from being just small bands, tribal bands, where people pretty much just elected who their chief would be because they could hunt the best and lead the best, and then it moved into the witch doctors and a lot of con artistry and things that grew from there into the control grid that we see today.
I want to throw these points out at Stefan.
The issue is, if you go back to the Renaissance, there was a major resistance against tyranny, and the system saw that where people had actually broken through and forced freedom, that it created prosperity.
So they said, wait a minute, we're at war with the French, or we're at war with the English, or we're at war with the Dutch, or the Spanish.
If we allow more freedom in our country, more industry will come here.
More people will immigrate here who are developing new sciences and manufacturing things.
So it was a competition.
But now the decision has openly been made to establish world government openly.
To establish world government run by these robber baron elite families who don't want a free market so that no one can run state to state, nation to nation.
So there's no competition between the farms and so everything can basically be run like North Korea and that decision has been made because the elites openly say the future doesn't need us.
People aren't just cheap.
They're valueless to the globalists now.
They want to phase out and get rid of at least 80% of us.
They have the robotics.
They have the life extension.
They don't want to share the world and the future with us.
They have pure disdain for us, especially the hog-like domesticated class.
So what do you think of those statements I just made?
Well, I'm not too up on the depopulation stuff, but I certainly agree with you that the ruling elite does not like competition to attract the best livestock.
So an example of this, which we're all pretty aware of, is what just happened in Ireland.
I remember about 10 or 15 years ago, Ireland dropped its corporate tax rate to 13.5%, which was hugely lower than just about anywhere else.
So, of course, everybody goes swarming all over there and Microsoft and other companies, Intel, I think, set up headquarters there.
And the Irish economy boomed and everyone was like, oh, Ireland is going to be the next European tiger of economic productivity and so on.
And I remember even saying at the time, it's like, well, that's just going to allow them to have a bigger government, which will, and so they'll probably be one of the first to go bankrupt.
And that, of course, is exactly what's happened.
They've now gone bankrupt and the EU is putting in as a condition
...of the bailout of Ireland, that they increase their corporate tax rate, because they don't want to lower their own.
They don't want Ireland to be low.
So yeah, there is a cross-pollination of control mechanisms, which is partly what the European currency, the euro, was all about.
Now, everybody's dependent on each other, and so they're beginning to dictate cross-border-wise, thus lowering the competition and destroying the last capacities for the shreds of freedom in Europe.
Yeah, well, they say the same thing is going to happen to Spain.
Spain has an economy that is absolutely enormous relative to Ireland.
It's close to happening in England.
England, of course, is slightly ahead of us in messing up the dependent classes by cutting their funding.
And so when Spain goes down, there's going to be a great challenge, because the euro is going to face a massive undertow.
It's going to be devalued relative, because everybody's going to see.
If you want to know what
What the European economic situation looks like, all you have to do is imagine an operating room or an ER, right, that's got like 20 or 30 patients in it, and they're all bleeding.
But some of them are bleeding a little bit more than others.
So what the doctors are doing is they're hoovering the blood out of the ones who are bleeding the least, and they're pumping it into the ones who are bleeding the most.
Well, of course, the only end product of all of that is all the patients are going to die.
And that, of course, is not remarked upon in the media.
It's just something that can't be talked
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking about the nature of human society on this planet.
I want to get into what Stefan, author, researcher, what his views are on where society's going on its current path versus his ideas to reverse that trend and where he would take us if he was king.
And obviously he's pretty much an anarchist, so he didn't want to be king.
But king for today, what would he do?
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
This is a short segment.
Long segment coming up.
If you want to talk to Stefan or bring up any of the news items we've discussed today, the toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
Open phones in this third and final hour today.
Stefan, for stations that just joined us, gave a great
Other nations like Ireland that are bleeding to death and they don't fix the wounds the system stays the same But they take blood from the other countries that aren't bleeding as bad yet, and they're pumping it in To the countries that are bleeding out, but they're not fixing the wounds so it's just pouring out now the system knows that
Why then are they not even closing the wounds, changing the system?
Because parasitic vampires... I mean, Stefan called them parasites earlier.
That's what a mosquito is.
It's a blood-sucking insect.
These globalists...
Are there in the hospital bloated, fat, goblin-like creatures literally sucking all the blood running down the channel rails into their mouths?
So, that's what's happening.
What's your view on that, Stefan?
Well, I think that's right.
An analogy that I've thought of that I think makes the most sense is, you know, if you've ever seen the Indiana Jones films, in the very first one, he's in the treasure room and all this gold and jewels and all of the riches of the ancient world.
And he grabs what he needs, and then he sees a huge door begin to slide down slowly.
And he grabs what he wants, and he runs out, and he rolls out, and he just reaches back to grab his hat before the door comes down.
Well, it's been clear, really, since the 1960s, and certainly since the 1970s, since the Declaration, and going off the gold standard, or the remains of the gold standard, that the system is not going to last.
And the system is so close to the end now,
I think?
That's a great point.
We see this in every society.
As the ship burns, people are just grabbing goods and jumping off.
There's an acceleration.
It's kind of like exterminators talk about when you spray cockroaches with poison, they start mating.
You know, trying to reproduce.
There's like a wild party that goes on.
The Brinks truck explodes in the poor neighborhood, blowing hundred dollar bills up into the sky.
You don't expect people to just sit around and wonder about their retirement.
They just run out like crazy, like a shark feeding frenzy, and grab whatever they can.
And every policy that I've seen introduced over the past few years is just a massive cash grab that involves huge transfers of wealth from the private to the public sector.
Some of it going to the dependent classes to continue to buy their allegiances, but most of it flowing upwards to the few farmers and the rulers.
And if you really analyze what is going on, it is all about private-public sector transfers, or peaceful-violent sector transfers.
And because the public sector is so dwarfing and engulfing and destroying, and governments always cancel, generally grow to destroy the host, and that's the same thing with governments.
You can very clearly see that it is overwhelming, the body politics, that the number of public sector jobs that have been created over the past ten years versus what have been created in the private sector.
It's impossible to pay back.
Stay there.
Let's go through where you see this system going on the other side, and then ideas you've got, turn it around.
We'll be right back with our guest.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
He's joining us from a hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona.
He's going to be talking at the 2010 Freedom Summit there.
We're going to have him back on in the next few weeks via video link when he's back home in Canada.
And he joins us now.
If you just tuned in, listeners, we've been talking about the fact that we live on a plantation, that we're seen as human resources.
I went over the fact earlier that the globalists have decided they don't need us anymore.
They have said they want to dramatically cull the numbers of people.
They don't want nations competing with each other anymore.
You know, sub-ruling classes.
They are forming one giant, global, corporate, hive, borg, controlling oligarchy that is eugenics-based, that wants to cut off our resources through a neo-feudalistic
uh... system and the U.N.
in their memorandums in the nineteen ninety six biological diversity assessment they call it modern feudalism they say feudalism is better for the environment so they are clearly trying to reinstate an even older form and more abusive form of tyranny uh... and you know the cycle of history shows that when you do have liberty it produces incredible wealth but then it grows a big corrupt government uh... so talking to Stefan
Again, we were getting into these impossible-to-pay-back debts from the domesticated population.
Most of the money has been siphoned off to the ruling class.
The banks are all making super record profits, consolidating power.
But the howling welfare class is now being forged into an army against the middle class.
From your research, why does the ruling elite hate the middle class so much?
Because clearly they do.
It's their ancestral enemy.
Right, right.
I think that's a great question.
It's hard to say for sure, because they don't exactly publish this stuff too openly.
My guess would be that the parasite always hates the host, because the host reminds the parasite that he's a parasite.
So, the fact that the ruling classes who are driven by, you know, egomania, grandiosity, narcissism, and a kind of madness, I mean, these people are going to be classified as insane in the future in the same way that we look at the Nazi eugenicists as insane, though they seem perfectly reasonable at the time to most people.
And so the fact that there are free and productive and happy and voluntary people in the world reminds the ruling classes of what desperate sociopathic parasites they really are, and it just reminds
I think so.
Well, I totally agree with you assessing their psychology, reading their own writings, and I believe it's a delusion that they dream of not having us around and having a high-tech robotic society that serves a tiny, you know, superior ruling class that so many of these people have written about that
Yeah, and I think that they understand that deep down they're never going to achieve the kind of happiness and peace of mind and contentment and love
And good relationships that free people have.
They just, you know, the masters secretly hate the slaves dancing and singing and having a good time down at the end of the plantation because they're sort of stuck in their lonely house and they think that the masters need the slaves but the slaves don't need the masters fundamentally.
And so I think there is a lot of hatred and recognition that it is not a life well lived.
To prey upon your fellow man and to brutalize and manipulate and sell off their future and destroy the brains of their children through miseducation.
That is not a life well lived.
And I strongly believe in the endless power of the human conscience and that we all know deep down whether what we're doing is right or wrong.
And so deep down they know all of that, but they don't want to deal with it and change their lives.
So they project all of that hatred onto other people.
All of that self-hatred gets funneled out onto other people.
And it's like a bird attacking a mirror, but thinking it's something else.
It's a tragic, tragic state of mind.
In a sense, we almost have to free the masters from themselves.
I know that that sounds perhaps a bit over-compassionate, but they, in the long run, or at least their descendants, will be a lot happier.
If we pry these leeches off the neck of humanity, they can actually grow their own two legs and stand on their own two feet.
Well, you're absolutely right.
You know, a painter produces paintings.
A philosopher produces philosophy.
The globalist, you know, a cobbler makes shoes.
The globalist engineers societies so that they can continue on with their basic
Predatory, parasitic power trip.
But this is all coming to an end, and they've engineered it.
They believe they're going to get total power out of it.
But more and more of the indicators I see show that this is actually giving free humanity and those that do love true liberty a very good chance of routing these people.
But as Ron Paul has said over and over again,
As we come to this crisis point, people that do love liberty have to be more active than ever, because historically we tend to slip into even greater degradation after a system comes to an end.
It's very rare that we go to new heights.
So, A, briefly, where do you see it ending?
What's your time frame?
And B, what are your ideas to not go over the edge of the cliff?
Yeah, I mean, about five years ago I said five to fifteen years, and I still stick by that.
We're definitely entering the last few years of the existing system, and it could even be shorter than that.
The reason that it's going to go towards freedom and liberty is the exact same reason that you and I are having this conversation.
You and I only know each other because of the Internet, because we're not going to be guests on the mainstream media, at least not this mainstream media.
And so the Internet is like the printing press, right?
The printing press fragmented the unity of tyrannical Christendom from the Dark Ages.
It threw new light, new interpretations, new reasoning, new evidence, new philosophies into the world.
It resurrected the ancient Greek philosophers and spread them across Europe, which gave people a new path of thought.
And it resurrected Roman law, which led to more secular cities, which led to the growth of the Industrial Revolution.
The Internet is exactly like the Gutenberg Press of the 14th and 15th centuries.
It is spreading thought outside of owned and regulated and state-dominated channels.
And so the information that is going out, it is much simpler to believe in peace than it is to convince yourself that violence, predation, and war are somehow good for humanity.
We have the simplest message, the non-initiation of force, the respect for property rights.
We have the simplest, most consistent and clear message.
We've been right all along.
Ayn Rand was right, Aristotle and Socrates were right when they talked about the immorality and destructiveness of an immoral life.
And so the fact that we have a clear message, a consistent message, a message that people can finally hear outside of state-sanctioned channels, is irresistible and it's going to turn the tide.
As long as we keep talking, as long as we keep communicating,
So the system is going to come to an end, but there is a level of communication.
We can now tap messages through the prison walls to each other, and we are not... Well, there's going to be a big death throes.
That's why they're moving worldwide to censor the web, why they're trying to demonize peaceful resistance, why the system is really trying to stage more terror attacks and stage more crises.
But yes, liberty will win.
The only question is, will it come sooner or later?
How painful is this going to be?
I think it's going to be less painful than we think.
I like what you have said many times in your show, Alex, about get to know your neighbor.
Get to know the people around you.
Develop horizontal relationships, because we so often get focused on our vertical relationships, right?
Looking up at the people who are dominating us, looking down at the parasitical class that is feeding from us.
The way to substitute hierarchical authority is with horizontal relationships.
And the more that you get a hierarchical society, the more those horizontal relationships tend to be undermined and destroyed, and we don't look out for each other as much anymore.
Developing these horizontal relationships, if you have a firm community, if you have a good circle of people around you, you do not need to fear illness, you do not need to fear poverty, you do not need to fear isolation.
So you don't need to run to a government.
It is developing slave-on-slave love, which sounds like a great movie, but it's developing slave-on-slave love that will free us from the tyranny of the state.
Well, exactly, but going to Walmart and buying useless crud is not fulfilling.
Going with your neighbor on a camping trip or bass fishing or to the coast
I mean, society is so unfulfilled, all the social studies and psychological studies show, and then people think, well, I need more crud, I need more garbage, I need, or some people I know who've never had big success, never met Hollywood stars, never met government people, never met scientists,
You know, they imagine that they're unfulfilled because there's some floating island Valhalla that they haven't attained.
As somebody who does know a lot of famous people and stuff, I can tell you that is not going to fulfill you folks.
Having your own property, loving your neighbors, being involved, being able to control your own destiny, being...
Being given the responsibility to control your own destiny, that is going to make you fulfilled and strong to a point, I'm so fulfilled, I'm so happy, I've got so many ideas, I'm so fulfilled, it's almost torture, Stefan, because I can't implement all the ideas burning in my mind.
Well, but I think that people can sense happiness, and I think that we want to be gateways through which people can see the freedom, peace, and happiness of the future.
We kind of have to demonstrate how a free society looks like in our own personhood, in our own interactions.
And then people, I think, will get that desire for it, because a lot of people aren't open to reason, but they are open to an example.
And I think people learn empirically that way, and I think that's how we communicate most of the time.
I agree.
That's why the COINTELPRO and government operatives try to tear down anybody who's positive and talks about how we can win together.
They want all this infighting and dissension and negativity, when really, we have incredible power when we use it, and the parasites know that.
Yes, and we of course outnumber them vastly and we really all we have to fundamentally do is say no to free them from this 10,000 year old ridiculous pyramid that we should have outgrown when we threw out leeches for dealing with the illness.
Well, you're absolutely right and I...
I think back to the vampire analogy.
Vampires have to have helpers.
Count Dracula has Renfield.
And that's what the welfare class is.
They are this quasi-undead, self-propelled stomachs eating at McDonald's.
And I'm not saying I'm perfect either, folks.
The point is, I can recognize it.
I can recognize what's wrong in me and what's good in me.
And we've got to reach out to the Renfields
And try to somehow, you know, get them to realize the trance they're in.
Stefan, stay there.
I want to come back, take some phone calls with you, and obviously we're going to have you back in the near future as well, and we'll give out your website.
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Free Domain Radio is Stefan Molyneux's website.
And this is the end of this current age of tyranny.
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So, we better hope that everybody out there gets involved in this fight.
It doesn't mean we're all going to totally agree with each other, but we know government's too big, the elites are out of control, we're having too much sucked off of us,
It's time to stand up and say no.
There's been a huge development on the Google censorship front, but I'm not going to get to it until our guest leaves us at about 45 after.
Huge development.
But I'm just going to say this.
Google has backed down.
I've never seen anything like this before.
But again, it shows the power that you have out there, but I'll go over it coming up.
Just amazing information.
Now we've got a bunch of callers here for
Stefan, and this only happens about once a year, but the phone system then shut down at Genesis.
It's having a few problems, but five phone calls got through, but that'll be it because the system shut down.
We've got our own phone system here.
This happens maybe once a year, but hopefully these calls will work.
If not, we'll give them our number here.
Kevin in Canada, you're on the air with our guest and you're welcome to talk about anything you want.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks so much for accepting my call.
I'm a first time caller.
You've talked a lot about the economic state in the United States and what you see happening for the United States.
You and Gerald Filante and many others have said you see a terror attack happening.
You see the banks shutting down and the American people being blamed for it.
My question is, do you see a similar circumstance happening for Canada?
For instance, do you see the banks shutting down?
Do you see there being a terror attack?
And if you do see this happening for Canada,
Do you see this happening this year or the next year?
Okay, well an attack on England, an attack on France, an attack on Japan, it's used globally to take everybody's liberties.
Even the governments that aren't aligned with each other use 9-11 to crack down on their population.
Stefan, you take that question.
Yeah, that's a great question.
There are several indicators in the Canadian economy that are even worse than the American economy.
Our housing bubble is larger than the American housing bubble was when it burst.
Per capita debt is huge in Canada.
One of the
It's almost no military industrial complex.
One of the huge challenges of dismantling a sort of violent empire, an imperialistic empire, which America is to a large degree and Canada is almost not, is that you have all of these troops, you have all of this weaponry, you have all of these people who've been trained to take orders and to point their guns at people that some guy in a green hat tells them to.
So, dismantling that is huge.
One of the reasons that England, I believe, developed such socialist leanings after the Second World War.
I mean, what a crazy tragedy to spend your youth and your blood fighting National Socialism and then to impose Socialism at the end of the Second World War.
Well, the problem is that you have an enormous number of people who were not
Very fit to work in the free market.
They have been working for the government, either directly or indirectly.
They have been receiving... That has created a bunch of lazy, dumbed-down people who think it's a moral responsibility to be intellectually lazy.
What do you call that phenomenon, Stefan, where people actually revel in being slobs, revel in not caring about life?
They're only alive one time, and they think anybody that talks about how magic life is, is a joke.
Yeah, I mean, I think that, to me, that was most of my peers in graduate school.
I don't know what to call it, technically.
So, Canada's not going to have to worry about dismantling the empire.
The U.S.
is going to have to worry about dismantling the empire and what to do with the hundreds of thousands of mentally scarred troops who have substance abuse problems.
These people got to go somewhere, and they're going to come home, and they're going to be a huge problem to manage.
Let's go to another caller.
I mean, I basically agree with what Stephon was saying there, Kevin.
Good question.
Catherine in New York, you're on the air.
Hey, welcome.
Oh, thank God you can hear me.
Okay, I'm going to try really hard to contain my excitement because I'm just so glad that you guys are talking about stuff that I've been saying pretty much my whole entire life.
And I guess my
My question, or my dilemma actually, because again, you guys were just saying it about, um, Stefan just mentioned about horizontal relationships.
I mean, again, like that's pretty much where I feel pretty trapped, I guess you could say, is because, um, like I didn't grow up in a family.
Like, like my, I mean, like I literally felt
You know, I've known this stuff my whole life and that my own family basically was like, they kind of like, you know, really pinned against one another.
And all I've tried to do is... Well, we've been trained by the social engineers, men against women, women against men, black against white, Catholic against Protestant, Muslim against Jew, Jew against Muslim.
And again, they use that to compartmentalize.
Stay there, Catherine.
We're going to come back and get Stefan's take on what you were saying.
Then I've got the big Google news and our fight with those guys trying to censor us.
We've got a victory on one front, not on the other front yet.
Google search term, Google evil.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Stefan Molyneux is our guest.
Gonna try to jam in a few more calls for him, but I gotta get to all this other news, so please have your question or comment ready.
Catherine, crystallizing, boiling down what you're saying or what your question or statement is.
I mean, just elaborate briefly on what you were trying to say.
It's basically about the horizontal relationships.
And I mean, in a nutshell, there isn't anyone to have a horizontal relationship with because, like, I feel like, you know, everybody's been so brainwashed to keep everyone else in line.
And every time I try to wake them up, they're, like, injecting me verbally with something to put me back to sleep.
No, I know a lot of times if you're nice to somebody under you, they'll subconsciously think you're weak and then try to dominate you.
And I learned this growing up, not that I'm some perfect person.
I mean, after somebody attacks me, then I become very vicious, very sneaky, very aggressive.
But I was never envious of wealth and power and beauty.
I always admired it.
But so many of the quote underclass, they just hate anyone who has a penny more than them, and they hate and disdain those under them that have a penny less, and it's like their worth is some type of false template or hologram in their mind, kind of like baseball cards they've collected, instead of just being in awe of the magic of consciousness and the human experience on this incredible planet hurtling through deep space.
But I hear what you're saying, Catherine, it's very
Very frustrating.
Humans are hierarchical at their base because we were meant to admire the strongest, the most loving, the most dynamic, those with the most charisma in our tribes, but we were in small enough groups that that empowered the whole group to emulate the strong and to honor the pure.
If you go back to really ancient societies, then as they became bigger, the parasite con artist class comes in, whether it's the Aztecs, the Babylonians, the ancient Visigoths,
Every culture does the same thing.
Stefan, what's your view on that?
Yeah, I agree.
If people can't see you, you just have to get bigger.
You have to get bigger and bigger until people can see you.
I'm the kind of guy who I want to take on the biggest goliath because the greater the
We are going to win, but people can't see you over the shadow of Goliath.
So you just have to put on your heels, make a podcast, make a blog, write a book, call into shows until people can see you.
And then I think that they will join you.
And I think we should all be proud of taking on.
When we win and the fact that it looks sometimes hopeless, the fact that we look so small relative to the Goliath that we're fighting just makes our courage all the greater and I hope that helps.
Here's a relationship example and this has been well documented in psychological studies and just in common sense.
Some of the easiest women, say you're 20 years old in college or working, some of the easiest women to pick up for a date are the most beautiful bombshells.
And that's because most people are intimidated by him, A, but B, people are mean to good-looking people.
People, I mean, I'm not super great-looking now because I'm like 30 pounds overweight and getting to be middle-aged, but when I was, you know, 15, 20, 25, I mean, I was super good-looking and I always wondered why
And as I got older, I understood it, why normally people that would see themselves as ugly hated me so much.
It was because I was seen as archetypally good-looking.
But the same thing is for, why do you see so many guys who aren't really super handsome with beautiful women?
Well, they've got a good personality.
They've got other things that are beautiful.
And they also learn the secret
Yeah, I think that's right.
I think that we look at, we're looking at history, not at the future.
You know, we need to shoot, it's like a grappling hook.
You know, you see in those spy movies, they shoot this grappling hook up to the top of the parapet and then they pull themselves up.
We don't need to look back at everything that's
I think so.
Because they have the aircraft carriers, they have the nuclear weapons, they have the prisons, they have the currency.
But if you shoot your hopes over the present into the future, that gives you propulsion and that allows you to spread hope to others.
Yeah, we've got to lead.
We've got to lead.
And the Pentagon admits now 90% of their operations are info war.
There is a war on for your mind.
They know that if they can't dominate your mind, they've lost.
It doesn't matter what weapon systems they have.
The state is in effect of a delusion called the inconsequence of the citizens.
And as soon as we drop that loss of confidence, as soon as we drop that inconsequentiality, the state shrinks to nothing in our minds.
Stephan, do you agree with me, and I foresaw this almost five weeks ago, that the TSA is bigger than just saying no to them dominating us and putting their hands down their pants.
The social engineers know this is about the next level of tyranny being searched in our homes, our roads, the shopping malls, our offices.
And they know that our resistance to this is a symbol of us getting our will back and our strength and standing up to them.
And that if we stand up to them on this and have victory, we'll stand up on everything and have victory.
And that's why they're so scared.
Everything that the state does, every expansion of state power is a trial balloon.
And if we shoot it down,
I think that recognizing that the TSA, it was inevitable that they were going to end up groping people and body scanning because that's what the government does.
They take a reasonable idea like security and turn it into a tyranny every single time.
So yeah, every expansion of state power is a trial balloon to see what people will accept.
Let's talk to Sean in Ohio.
You're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up?
Worldwide transmission.
What's on your mind?
Just the Google thing, which part were you going to say they let down?
The new search?
I'm going to get to it after Stefan is gone.
If you want me to put you on hold, I'll come back to you when I get to it, but I've got to spend some time on this to explain it or people will misunderstand it if I don't communicate it.
Maybe because I'm not a good communicator, but the point is that I'm going to get to that in a few minutes.
Do you have any questions for our guest?
If you want to put me back on hold, go ahead.
All right, I'll do it.
I'll put you on hold.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air.
Yes, good afternoon, gentlemen.
Alex, by the way, I've been trying to get in touch with you.
I'm a writer and I want to volunteer.
I don't want a job.
Weeks ago, you said you needed more writers.
I don't want you to pay me.
I want to volunteer.
Well, we have a lot of folks that get their columns posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonBondit.com, so send in some sample pieces to writers at InfoWars.com.
Yeah, I don't even want my name on it.
I just want to help, so... Well, it'll be fine if you want your name on it, or if you send us good stuff, you can have a link at the bottom to your website.
We like to promote other Liberty people.
Show anybody that wants us to post their columns, if it's online with, you know, basically the Liberty movement exposing the globalists, and if I read over it, it looks like it's well-researched and factual, we'll start carrying your work.
But anything for our guest.
Psychologically, I think that we're going to win, especially on what I think is the most important issue, which is the Federal Reserve.
The war chest that the globalists create for themselves with this Ponzi scheme that is our money system, if we attack that, everything else will crumble.
But the problem that I have, Alex and Stephan, and see if you can address this, when
That issue is one.
I think there is going to be a financial collapse in this country.
And I think that, inevitably, the people who looked at us as the conspiracy theorists and the Ron Paul supporters, they're going to say, hey, wait a second, you were the guy that pushed for the collapse of the end of the Fed, and now look what happened.
Sir, I've been saying that for years.
No, no, no, no, no.
They did that during the Great Depression.
The bankers suck you dry.
They vertically integrate the money.
When it implodes, they allow opposition to come in and blame it on them.
They're already blaming Rand Paul, who's never been in office, for the depression that's coming, saying he caused it because he wants to audit the Fed.
Great points.
Appreciate the call.
Stephan, comments.
Well, yeah, look, it's entirely right that the power to print your own money, the power to type whatever you want into your own bank account is not something that people are going to give up lightly.
You can't have war and oppression without fiat currency, fundamentally, or at least it's very, very, very limited in what can be achieved.
So it is absolutely essential that currency be privatized and that there's competing currencies and that violence is not used.
It is a simple, and to make the case against the Fed, it's a
Counterfeiting is immoral and it doesn't matter whether you're a guy in a suit in a big office or you're a guy in a basement in his underwear.
It is immoral to counterfeit money and government is as subject to virtue and vice and good and evil as anybody else.
Because counterfeit destroys what people really saved and it gives unfair trade advantage to the insiders.
Yeah, and it's a terrible tax on the poor.
It's the most brutal tax on the poor.
Inflation, anybody who's on a fixed income, anybody who's spending a large proportion of their income on the essentials, gets completely destroyed by inflation.
Well said.
Well said.
Rushing through calls here.
We'll have you back soon.
Look forward to it.
Let's go to Matt in the UK.
You're on with Stefan Molyneux.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, and good afternoon, and good afternoon Stefan.
My first point is, from a British point of view is, when you mention about the fat slobs in the UK, by the way, get your facts right on the first point of view is, not everyone's a fat slob in the UK, is basically, when Alex was mentioning about deaths... Well, not everybody's a fat slob in the US, but I am.
No, no, I mean, I'm not saying everybody's a fat slob in the UK.
No, you are, Alex, not at all.
You're not at all.
What I'm saying is, Alex was mentioning, and I meant to let him on myself, is,
In the UK, there's people that are hard-working like myself, and energy-working, and things like that, and we keep the UK going.
Basically, my point is, basically, I know that the New World Order are going to cripple this country, and the bankers get absolute trillions and millions of pounds, which they are doing now, and the Berlin Island doubt is... Look, we're living in a territory, even in the UK, the US doesn't know this, and we've got
Well, I mean, look, if you look at the UK, the US, Europe, Australia, it's the exact same system.
It's a corporate form of governance, and I appreciate your call, Matt.
I'm out of time with Bill, Rasheed, Eric, and others, because I've got to get to the other news.
But that final question from Matt in the UK, what's your view on that?
Well, sorry, I do think that the UK is going to go through the same kind of fiscal crunch as everyone else.
I completely appreciate and agree with you.
There have to be hard-working people in the UK who are producing goods and services that people want, in the same way that you have to have livestock on a farm, otherwise it's not a farm.
So the fact that you have a ruling class means that you have productive and energetic and creative people.
All we have to do is pry them off your necks and let you flourish, and the world can become a much better place.
Well, great work you're doing and I just really appreciate the great YouTube videos that you're putting out and I look forward to having you via video Skype with a better audio connection coming up in the near future.
I hope to talk to you soon, Stefan.
Thanks so much.
Maybe next time I'll just sit on your lap with Sharon Mike and I'm sure that will be good.
Hey, no, it was great.
It's just your info's key and I look forward to having you back on soon.
God bless and take care of yourself.
Thanks, Eric.
Thank you, sir.
There goes Stefan Molyneux.
Great having him on the broadcast with us today.
Okay, and next time we have him on, we'll play some of his YouTube videos here as well.
Very, very informative and thought-provoking information.
I've got some other congressional news and some economy news I want to get to, and also maybe get to a few of these calls that are still holding, like, what was it, Sean in Ohio had a question about Google.
Google, the parent company of YouTube, in the last two weeks banned Prison Planet news stories from showing up in Google News feeds.
They delisted us.
And nothing changed in our servers, nothing changed in how we send them out.
They just delisted us and gave us no notice.
And a lot of that's because of the TSA, obviously, and we're leading the fight on that front.
And Bob Barr is now investigating TSA and Homeland Security, investigating myself and Matt Drudge.
That's the effect we're having here, ladies and gentlemen, because of you spreading the word.
I mean, we're all doing this together.
I want to continue to point that out.
It is your actions that are having this effect.
Then separately, we were given a community guidelines violation by YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, a few weeks ago, banning our video, Collateral Murder, that showed a short clip of the Apache helicopter killing some journalists.
YouTube's official channel had the video.
Russia Today, Associated Press, CBS News, I've already talked about all this.
Just recapping for new listeners.
And so, we went into the community violation, because if we got more of them, the site would be shut down.
That one site with 75 plus million views on it.
And accelerating, growing faster and faster.
230 plus million views conservatively in the last two years on the other channels combined.
Just on YouTube, one platform we're using.
That's a small part of what we do.
But not inconsequential.
That's where we reach the average yuppies and young people and you know folks that are kind of sucked into the Borg hive mind.
We got a notice and we went and counter claimed and said this video is everywhere in its entirety.
This does not violate your community standards or you'll have to take down the Associated Press's channel.
And they responded and said you are not allowed to challenge us.
We reviewed it.
YouTube is who took your thing down.
And now we're going to freeze your account for two weeks.
We may even suspend it.
And that went to our direct YouTube account.
It's directly from them.
Now we put an article out about this yesterday.
And we got this new message in this morning.
And it is deceptive as well, but they've backed off.
Hi there!
Listen to this.
Hi there.
We recently sent you a notice that we removed the following content as a terms of service violation.
And they show our collateral murder video.
Upon additional review, we have reinstated the material and removed any penalties that have been applied to your account.
In the future, if you feel that your video does not violate our community guidelines or terms of use,
Excuse me?
We published your original email saying your counterclaim has been rejected and you filed a false counterclaim and we're going to shut your channel down.
So they put the video back up.
See, because we got this a day and a half ago, and normally in a few hours after the notice, because as soon as you go into your account, it tells you, we're shutting your account down, and then it gets shut down when you visit the site.
It didn't happen.
That's like Obama deception getting removed, and it said removed by user.
We didn't remove it.
It had like 5 million views at the time.
It has like 8 million on that
One channel alone, or is it 9 million?
It's about to be 9 million.
Guys, go to YouTube and type in the Obama Deception, please.
Or just type in the name Obama.
It's one of the first links.
I forget how many it's got.
I want to be technical here.
I want to be exact.
And that's just one version.
There's over 30 million on YouTube alone and Google views on that one video.
They erased it, and then we made a big protest, and they just put it back up.
And they said that couldn't be done.
So they're playing all sorts of games with us, and this is a psychological warfare tactic.
Keep messing with us, keep taking stuff down, keep... until you get tired of hearing about it, and don't respond and protest them, and then they win.
So that's all that's happening here, but we're going to update our articles about this with the Google and YouTube censorship that we've put out, because this is a big victory.
And it's because of you going absolutely ape.
Great job.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's going to ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
You'll be warned.
We have the facts.
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The Obama deception, one version, has 7,943,728.
So right at 8 million.
And they've done everything they can to take that down, but we go to their own rules and defeat them every time.
And I don't get upset every time we get jacked with or harassed or the FBI visits.
I understand it.
I mean, we're effective.
I mean, you get in a fight and you get your nose broken, I mean, that's what happens.
But I'm fighting, I'm not rolling over for these hyenas to chew my guts out.
They're gonna take down our society, I'm gonna go kicking and screaming.
Now, we've got the article at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com dealing with the Drudge Report.
Watchdog probes DHS spying
on Drudge Report over TSA Revolt.
Look, I stood up, Matt Drudge stood up, we were focal points for all of you who are angry, and now the report by Bob Barr is they're having to look into Homeland Security spying on us.
People better get angry about this.
This is the new National Secret Police.
So Google the term, spying on Drudge.
Let's make it number one.
It should be number one in the next hour.
Type it in, over and over again, spying on Drudge.
PrisonPlanet.com censored.
Google still censoring us out of Google News.
PrisonPlanet.com censored.
Let's let them know we're not rolling over, no matter how many times they try it.
And also Google evil.
That's another search term.
And we're testing it out today.
It was down for today.
Google Trends.
Have they done something new?
Will we be able to send it to number one?
Or have they changed the matrix?
And we'll have to figure out another way around it.
We will continue to track all of this.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Ohio.
Sean, you had a question concerning all of this?
Did I answer your question?
Uh, no, uh, I got something I want to add to that.
You can hear me, right?
Um, if you go to the news section on Google now, you can actually search for prison planet.com and it brings up prison planet.com, but I'm searching for spying on Matt Drudge, prison planet.com and that's not bringing up anything.
So they're, they're trying to do work arounds it seems like and make it look like
And I think you understand how people are already confused as to what they're actually doing.
No, that's not true.
It's not true.
I mean, I just... Guys, give me a video document cam shot on my big screen computer monitor here, and I will show people right now.
I just typed prisonplanet.com into Google News.
That's the news.
You type it in, click News, and it's Raw Story
It's Straight.com, it's TSA gets probed, Concrave, it's SilverSeek.
Look, I'm not saying that other news sites don't mention us.
Our stories, PrisonPlanet.com, is banned from the news feed.
Do you understand me?
I type in PrisonPlanet.com without any spaces.
Are you doing that?
And it brings up the website, but no news.
For me, it's bringing up the website.
Sir, you're clicking web.
Guys, give me a shot so I can show him right now here live on TV.
Look, I'm on news right now and none of these are PrisonPlanet.com.
Before, they'd always be the top ones.
When I click web...
Resinplanet.com, it's the top link.
Yes, we haven't been delisted completely from Google.
We've been delisted from Google News.
Watson's checked it in England.
I've had Genesis in Minnesota check it.
I've had folks in California check it.
My dad's checked it.
It's banned.
I appreciate your call.
I guess I'm not a good communicator.
You know, it's like I put a video out saying Google sent us a letter saying they're shutting the site down for at least two weeks.
No more uploads.
People said, the site's still there.
I told you, they sent me a letter.
They didn't do it.
They backed off.
I've shown you the new letter.
We're putting it on the site.
And I'm telling you, you can't search it.
I'm out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Got some big guests coming up in the next few days.
Maybe do some overdrive.
Of course, back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m., with a live Sunday transmission.
Great job with the crew.
I covered a lot of key intel in the first hour.
It starts re-streaming at InfoWars.com right now.
Don't forget the podcast.
Thank you for listening to GCN.