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Name: 20101126_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 26, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul, scores of newspapers are now picking up on the theme that I identified more than three weeks ago.
That this TSA issue may be the trigger that shows the people that they can stand up and say no to oppression.
The globalists know that it's a trigger for them, if they're successful, to train us to be dominated and put up with anything, including forced inoculations, DNA blood draw.
And cheek swab checkpoints on the highways.
This is all done from a psychological warfare perspective, and they're trying to break our will and set the precedent that they're above the law.
Now, they civilly created these TSA groups back in 2002, and airports don't have to be part of this.
The problem is the same military industrial complex that's involved in taking over our society will put more bombs on airplanes if people don't submit to them.
And their plan is to then bomb malls and put checkpoints in malls.
And then bomb highways and put checkpoints on highways.
This is their mission creep.
Just like Al-Qaeda is a set piece, they move around the world wherever they want to invade.
It's like a throw-down gun.
Like if a corrupt cop wants to kill you, they blow your head off and throw a throw-down gun on you and claim that you pulled it.
And it's some untraceable gun.
And that's what Al-Qaeda and this staged terror and all of this is about.
We're told it's about extremist Muslims, and some of those do exist, but then the system manufactures these fake ones as a pretext to control our lives.
So it's now being noticed all over the place that this is a giant groundswell of resistance.
And so it's a lot bigger than just the TSA and the airports.
It's a lot bigger than just that.
Now we're not just going to cover TSA news today, but there's a lot of important information that we will be covering that is unfolding on that front.
We do have the District Attorney from out in the San Francisco area, San Mateo County, joining us coming up later in the hour.
In fact, he scheduled the next segment.
District Attorney says feds are not above the law.
That's a quote.
And they are committing crimes when they grab people's genitals.
That's a felony when they go under the clothes and do it.
It's a misdemeanor when they do it on the outside.
According to California law, he says he will enforce it if the complaints come in.
Also, Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening and hire their own security firm.
I don't know.
The Drugs Report actually has a link directly to the video.
We have that video also in our article.
But he's titled the video up there, Enough is Enough, because that's what Ron Paul basically says.
Ron Paul also talks about how he's introduced a bill to make it illegal.
Because TSA claims that they have this federal waiver to make them basically have to follow the same laws as everybody else so they'll be prosecuted when they do this.
But Ron Paul also talks about this is a big awakening.
People are finally revolting on this issue.
And it's up to us now whether we push this all the way through and bring down this Ceausescu type system in a peaceful way.
But this is big.
Now I got some really bad news.
I don't know.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The revolt against the TSA radiation scanners, the pat-downs, the hands in the pants, actually touching the genitals, that's now confirmed all over national news.
We had listeners talking about it, you know, last week and people couldn't believe it.
Now they're going inside the pants.
It's always more, more, more.
The revolt is going into full swing.
Ron Paul is introducing
Federal Legislation
WDBO television says Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening.
This is no law.
This is all civil.
And basically, what the TSA is saying is, hey, it's like Las Vegas.
If you go and hire a prostitute to touch your private parts, it's legal.
Who is the chief deputy DA.
He's now the DA elect going into office early next year.
Of course, he's in San Mateo County that borders the San Francisco Bay Area and some of the busiest airports in the country.
And he has said, quote, they are not above the law.
And that if they grab, you know, inside the pants or touch the genitals, it's a felony on the outside, that it is a misdemeanor.
And he says if the complaints come in, that he is going to look at them and if they have merits, he is going to prosecute.
And so we have DA-elect Steve Wagstaff on with us from San Mateo County there in the Bay Area of California.
Sir, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you.
Good morning.
Break it down.
I mean, what's your concern here?
Your statement's made national attention.
Other DAs are starting to chime in.
State police are saying they believe what's happening is illegal.
How did we ever get here?
The big difficulty is that if you give a certain amount of authority to an organization to try and keep it safe, that's the original intent of the legislation.
When it gets taken further than what the intent is and what is necessary, well then you get exactly what you just talked about.
You get people all over the country saying, wait a second, that's gone way beyond the line, that's way too far, and we're not going to take that.
That's what we're encountering these days, I think.
And here in our county, in San Mateo County, which is where the San Francisco Airport is located.
It's not in San Francisco.
It's located in our county and any actions out there or crimes that occur out there, they come through our office.
We've made it very clear that if anybody does these type of actions and touching,
Well, they're doing it with what we call a, uh, lewd or sexual intent.
We will prosecute them the same as we would any other citizen, um, or any other, as I've said, if a police officer in our county or any other county does something like that, uh, where they've gone beyond what's necessary for the job, well, that can be a crime and we're not going to simply say you get special treatment because of a position you're in.
We've also now seen reports confirmed of TSA agents planting fake cocaine and then demanding reportedly sexual favors.
We've had TSA people go crazy in Los Angeles and start announcing that they're God and then having to be restrained.
I mean, a lot of these people are just wanting a job and do think they're protecting people, but quite a few of them are really control freak folks who would be getting $10 an hour at 7-Eleven
And now they're getting to abuse people, and I personally was out in California, sir, just three weeks ago at the San Jose airport, and all I watched for 20 minutes was women and children sent through the scanners, no men, and I did watch babies with men and women putting their hands between their legs, and I watched men doing it to women.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
That is unprecedented, and that's stunning.
Standard rule for police officers throughout the nation is you don't do cross-gender type of touching in that area.
You stay certainly within the gender at a minimum, when it's called for, when it's necessary.
You're right.
When you decide to take it a different direction and say, we don't care about cross-gender.
We'll have men touching women in private parts.
Well, I think most people do feel, you know what, that's gone way beyond the authority that's needed.
We can still keep our airports safe without needing to go to that direction.
Well, I live in Texas, but I've also seen the federal code, I've looked up the California laws, and it's pretty much the same all across the country.
Unless it's an emergency situation, a police officer can't touch your crotch, even through the clothes.
And if they have to, because it's an arrest situation, they call the same gender, because statistically and psychologically, on average, that's less traumatic.
But now we have confirmed reports in front of witnesses in Amarillo, Texas,
Of course not.
This is something that's gotten way out of control.
And the fact that TSA has tried to brazenly just say, let them eat cake and ignore the public sentiment.
I don't think I've ever seen such a grassroots revolt, but also a revolt by members of Congress.
I mean, people are angry.
You know what, if what you just described for me of, you know, pulling a woman's breast up, gloves down, touching her breast, in that fashion, hands through the hair, that case came into our office, that person would be in our courts and being called a defendant.
That's clearly being done for a ludicrous, sidious purpose.
That you can't do that.
That's unacceptable in every state and in our federal government throughout this country.
It's not acceptable.
The whole concept of what you mentioned a moment ago is that we very carefully train our police officers, anybody in that category,
And what we do is, we know that on occasion there are exceptions.
We, a number of years ago, prosecuted a police officer because he stopped a car with two young women in it and he then put, saying he was just doing a pat-down, he fondled their breasts.
We prosecuted it, convicted him for it, punished him, and he lost his job as an officer.
There is nothing anywhere that says TSA has a different standard.
They have the same standard that we impose on our officers, on our dentists, our doctors.
Everybody who has reason to touch somebody in any profession, if they go beyond what is the reasonable acceptable line, well that can be at a minimum a civil issue and potentially a criminal issue that we deal with.
Well, the San Francisco Airport, I know it's one of the busiest airports in the nation.
And I've seen polls and Reuters of up to 96% are against this.
And so I would imagine that you probably are going to get some complaints.
I think we may see some complaints.
On the other side of it, what we're hoping does not occur is that people become so angry that they engage in conduct that they get angry and they punch one of the TSA people.
That could then get referred to us to decide, hey, if they've committed a battery against a TSA person as to that.
We don't want that to happen.
We want people to deal with this in a civil and appropriate manner.
But we understand the anger completely.
That is something that is fairly stunning what's going on these days.
Well there was just a case of an individual in Indiana who is handicapped, he has a colostomy bag and the report is that he was being made fun of in the scanners and he got mad and punched the guy in the chest and he's been arrested.
But I mean that's kind of like coming in and finding your wife with another man.
I'm not saying people should do it.
Yes, Alex, that's the case.
We know, as a prosecutor's office, we never would condone it.
We don't want people doing it, but we know that no jury in our county is going to convict somebody for that for the very reason you just mentioned.
They're going to understand what's going on, but we don't want people doing it because we don't want them to have to go through that double hassle.
It's tough enough dealing with getting through security.
We don't want them to have to suddenly find themselves handcuffed on the ground, being taken into court for us to have to judge whether we can do it.
But your assessment of it is accurate.
Well, I mean, you're a lawyer, you're the DA there in your county.
I mean, you're the guy to ask this question.
Ron Paul is saying, the Congressman is saying, that the TSA is claiming that they have immunity, and that he wants to pass a law saying they don't.
But with my lay understanding of federal, state, and common law, you only have immunity when you're executing the office
Properly, but when these federal security guards who aren't even trained in law enforcement or law, like not one-tenth the training that a greenhorn rookie cop has, when they start operating outside of common law, state law, federal law, they don't have the immunity.
Yes, 100% correct.
We have conveyed the message to the TSA here at San Francisco Airport that, hey, we know you have to do your job, and we want you to do your job and do it the right way to keep us safe.
But on the other side of it, if any of your TSA employees take it beyond what is necessary, take it to where they are, fondling a woman's breast, touching a man's buttocks on them with no purpose, no reason, a valid reason, they're just going beyond the duty, there's no protection.
They're going to be in state court.
Just as a private citizen, what's your view on this?
As with everything, anytime we give, as a government, we give power to an agency.
I've given power.
The people of San Mateo County have given me the power to prosecute people.
It's an enormous responsibility and power.
One has to exercise it properly, reasonably, and with an understanding of the role.
Not with arrogance, not with a power-hungry, I'm now suddenly the boss.
When one does that, one exceeds their authority, and you have to change it.
And that's what I think is everybody's concern here is, again,
Very well-meaning people, certainly of the 67,000 TSA employees at the various airports.
Probably the vast bulk who want to do it the right way.
But they've conveyed it.
But there's been created this image that, no, we have a power above everybody else.
We get to do whatever we want.
That's just wrong.
They are simply public servants, and they have to serve the public just as I do as prosecutor for this county, and that's what bothers me, is that I'm seeing certain exhibits of arrogance, and instead of dealing with it, their leaders, instead of saying, we're not going to have this, we're going to correct this, we're going to do better training, we're going to try and get it to where we get better people doing it,
Uh, instead we get this other sort of view that, no, wait, we've got the power, we've got the immunity, we'll do whatever we want.
That's not a good situation, and I think that's why we're seeing exactly the reaction nationwide that we have.
Well absolutely and at the same time the TSA now has viper teams they want to put on the streets of the country and they're already beta testing them and they're saying they've bought mobile trucks and I mean I won't fly with my family because of this next I'm gonna have to face it on the street isn't that a jurisdictional issue with the counties and cities and states to to to now have people that aren't even sworn officers of the federal government but just a
Federal security goon force just running around?
I mean, this sounds like a federalism issue.
If that sort of a thing was occurring in our county, I would sure be very quickly on the phone to the head of TSA and Homeland Security to say, hey, just what is the authority for this?
Just how do you think you can do that here in our county?
Because we've got a responsibility to our citizens.
And if that were to come into existence, what you describe, obviously that would be a major cause of concern as to what that's all about.
Well, sir, I just have a few final comments.
We appreciate Steve Wagstaff, the San Mateo County incoming DA.
He's already been the Chief Deputy DA there for years, and again, elected by the folks there in the county, and we appreciate your courage in doing this.
I know you will say you're just doing your job, and you are, but it takes
As George Orwell said in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
You say you've told the TSA this.
Have you told them publicly or in a letter?
We know you've told them publicly.
We went through our Sheriff's Office, who they work with in the Sheriff's Office.
I had a long discussion with them yesterday and the Sheriff's Office then met with the TSA people and said, listen, here's what the rules are for San Mateo County.
What did the TSA say?
Did they show the same, we're God, arrogance?
No, what I understand is that they said, no, we understand, we know the rules, and we're going to try to work within them, is what we were told.
We will, you know, words are cheap, we'll see what the actions are.
Sir, specifically quantifying it with California law, it's similar to the rest of the nation, you said sticking the hands in the pants, because now they're going deep into the pants, this is confirmed, and actually the Democrats are calling it love pats, which I think is political suicide, but I've interviewed people on air, it's been confirmed by journalists that it's happened to, that they go in the pants and go in the crack of the buttocks, then they go in the front
Yes, that's right.
So specifically, what's a felony, what's a misdemeanor?
Felony is any time that you have skin-to-skin touching of the privates of another person, doesn't matter whether it's cross-gender or regular gender, and it's being done with what we call a lewd intent under California law.
It's being done for a sexual purpose.
If that occurs, if it's through the clothing, it's a misdemeanor.
If it's skin-to-skin, it's a felony.
It's called sexual battery in the state of California.
And if that occurs, that's crime, and we prosecute them.
All right, final question, sir.
Obviously, you're the first DA to come out yesterday and put this on the record and have the Sheriff's Department go inform them of the law and that they're not above the law, as you said in that TV newscast.
I'm seeing a few other DAs now say they're looking at it.
But clearly, you've looked at the law.
What do you want to say to other prosecutors, other lawmen and women, other people that are charged in the courts with upholding justice?
I mean, for me, there's no question here you're doing the right thing.
Shouldn't we see an army of district attorneys and county attorneys come out and say, we're going to enforce the law?
Santa Clara County, which is San Jose, California, the one right below us, they have come out.
I think you will.
They came out yesterday and said, yes, we agree completely with San Mateo County.
And my belief is, I don't think this is a complicated process.
I think every prosecutor, after they look at it, will agree this is what the law is.
And certainly in California, I'm sure all 58 district attorneys will have the same view.
There isn't a logical basis for any other view on it.
Okay, this is my last point because it's so important now that you brought that up.
I was in San Jose.
I witnessed things that if I went up in a park and did it, I'd probably serve five years in prison and be a sexual predator.
I was there watching them go between the legs, go down behind the pants.
I was witnessing it.
And I know that police don't have to have a complaint that crack cocaine is being sold down the street.
If a cop drives by and sees it, he has to respond.
Can't you just send your detectives from the county?
Well, we know that's going on, so are you going to not just warn them?
I mean, I know you've given them fair warning.
Well, we've told the Sheriff's Office, who goes through our airport along with San Francisco PD, exactly where we are, what the rules are, and what their authority is, absolutely.
Oh, so you are now investigating in the airport?
Well, that's it.
We've given the guidelines and the admonition to the Sheriff's Office, who's given it to TSA, and the Sheriff's Office for San Mateo County is the one vested with the, as you say, the police authority.
If they bring us a case, I've told them, you bring us the case,
Well it was Benjamin Franklin that said those that will give up liberty for security will get neither and we're gonna get tyranny and thank God there's people like they're out you the first to stand up and say the Emperor has no clothes.
I see this ending with this federal takeover failing.
It might, and that's what we're all going to watch.
I do have to run.
Hey, thank you so much for your time today, and best of luck.
God bless you, sir.
All right.
Thanks for spending time with us.
All right.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
Amazing show.
That's breaking news.
And I know Watson's getting married tomorrow, but he is the hardest worker I think we've got when it comes to the writers, and they're all great.
Get me Watson online right now.
Because you just heard the District Attorney of San Mateo County, where the San Francisco International Airport is located.
I just flew into that three weeks ago and flew out of San Jose, just south of it.
You just heard him say they've got their investigators going to the airport and yes, that's a big news development.
He's not just warning them now that if he gets complaints, he's going to investigate them and may indict, may go to the grand jury for an indictment.
Now, now he's saying that yes, they are basically going to investigate
In the airports, the commission of these crimes, and now the county just south of them where San Jose is located, and that big airport, they have now put them on notice.
So it's spreading, it's happening.
You heard it here first.
I know you've got to go to dinner with your folks and your betrothed.
You felt like hammering out a top story that is super newsworthy and another major salvo on the enemy, or do I need to call Nemo in here?
I could do it when I get back later, Alex, but I'm about to go now.
Did you just hear the latest?
This is huge.
Alright, well you don't worry about it.
You enjoy your dinner with your folks and your wife-to-be tomorrow.
Congratulations, Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
When are the little Watsons coming along?
Well, I think they've got to kick out this TSA groping before I have any children because they're certainly not going to do that to them.
Yeah, but you can't... People always say the world's so bad, I may not have children.
Well, look what all of our ancestors went through.
I mean, you know, resistance is victory.
You remember what, three years ago?
Three and a half years ago, when that human population eugenics lady was on the show?
You know, with Prince Philip.
I mean, he supports her.
And she was saying how horrible it is to have more than one child.
I said, that's it.
Of course, within two months, you know, we'd conceived another.
So, you know, resistance is victory, Watson.
Resistance is victory.
We need patriots to have children so that we've got the resistance force out there to fight the globalists.
Well, resistance is certainly going to be victory with this TSA story because it's only getting bigger and bigger.
And now they're talking about it becoming the foundation for a new rebellion in the form of how the Town Hall fury that we saw last year became the foundation for the Tea Party.
And I hate to toot my horn, Watson, but three weeks ago I said that and the COINTELPRO was like, I'm sick of him covering this.
I'm just not going to fly.
All he talks about is that.
He never talks about the banking.
And then, of course, they always complain.
All he talks about is the economy and banking.
We know what's important.
We know what we're doing here.
This TSA takeover is key to the globalists.
It's key.
It's key.
We got to take that key and break it.
And go, you think you're going to train us to be slaves?
All right, I'm going to call Nemo in here.
Get me Nemo in here during the next break.
I want to get Nemo, good old Kurt Nemo, to write this story.
We've got to get it out now.
This is mooey, mooey important.
All right, good job, Watson.
Go have fun.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What do you mean I don't believe in God?
Talk to him every day.
What do you mean I don't support your system?
I go to court when I have to?
What do you mean I can't get to work on time?
I've got nothing better to do.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
What do you mean I don't pay my bills?
Why do you think I'm broke?
I'm broke.
Ah, if there's a new way.
If there's a new way.
I'll be the first in line.
I'll be the first in line.
But it better work this time.
But it better work this time.
Peace sells.
But who's buying?
Think about it.
Oh, they're going to give us peace and security by taking all of our liberties.
We're not going to get peace.
The great danger is any government that can give you anything you want can take it away and does take it away.
It's still we the people, right?
Break it up!
All right, that's enough.
Good old Dave Mustaine.
He's a big fan of the show.
Good guy.
Named his new album, Endgame.
And I called him up to get him on.
He said, oh, I'd love to come on.
Yeah, the album's named after your film.
Just amazing the influence we're having out there with so many other influential people.
Very, very, very exciting that all of this is happening.
Huge breaking news that you just heard.
In fact, guys, get the Ron Paul video queued up.
You got that ready?
Should have told you during the break.
Get that queued up.
I want to play that and then hit the TSA News briefly, and then I want to get into the bad news.
But we're just going to rebel against this.
They can pass laws that are illegal and unlawful and we don't have to follow them.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's like they had laws saying blacks weren't human.
There are a lot of black folks who said, you know what, I'm not going along with that.
I'm a human being.
And they pass laws then saying, okay, you're two thirds human.
And then I said, you know what?
I'm full human.
And they passed laws saying, blacks, you can't own guns.
You can't own property.
And a lot of black folks went along with it, just like a lot of people today.
Black, white, doesn't matter.
Hispanic go along with this tyranny.
But the minority of us stand up and say, you know what?
You're not sticking your hands down my pants.
It has nothing to do with terrorism.
I've done the research.
Your bosses are staging the terrorism to take over our society.
Just like Hitler blew up his own Reichstag.
I'm not stupid.
And then the majority, the sheeple, start to see it.
And they go, yeah, I don't like it either.
And then there's a huge revolt.
Now, something else is happening here.
Most of the polls I've seen are 75, 80, 90, 96 percent against this.
But then CBS has a poll and 83 percent are for it.
I don't believe those polls.
Because on the street, all over, liberal, conservative, libertarian, I mean, 99% of the news coverage I've seen, even on CNN, and Fox is against this!
Sean Hannity, who I've actually heard say that all children need microchips implanted in them, two days ago,
Right after we had O-Doctor, the talk show host on, who had him stick their hand down his pants and actually pat his genitals, Hannity had him on and was defending it, but then saying, well, I guess it is a little wrong.
Well, then by last night, he was totally against it.
So, we're gonna take all these bootlickers kicking and screaming, listen, how about you have an airline with no security on it, but the pilot's armed?
And everybody's allowed to be armed.
You know, this is private business.
And let's just have where everybody can fly with their firearms.
You can have a rule that they're checked by the security there that they're unloaded.
That's how it was in the old days.
Just 20 years ago, you could walk right on with your firearm because you were, you know, going on a business trip or you were, you were going to go hunting.
You know, you normally checked it, but now it's, you know, the answer is a bunch of people with guns on the plane.
Then you say, well, what if it depressurizes?
I just said they got to be unloaded.
Or you have to have sheer safety slugs that the air marshals use.
Yeah, that could be the answer.
If you want to fly with your gun, just make sure it's unloaded.
But if you want it to be loaded, in case there's a terrorist or something, sheer safety slugs.
Believe me, that airline would have so much business, now the globalists would try to put terrorists on board it.
You know that would happen.
Or they'd try to put a belly bomb in or something, you know, in the packaging.
But, you know what, blow up one, two, ten planes.
I'm just gonna, oh, I'm gonna keep flying on that, because there's enough people that know what's going on here.
I'm challenging your fraud.
I'm challenging your fear.
You don't think every time I get on an airplane, I know the globalists couldn't bring it down?
It's one of their favorite ways to kill patriots.
You don't think I'm not aware they could cut the brakes on my car or shind in a homeless person they've paid off, one of their favorite ways to kill people, to blow my head off?
So what?
I don't care.
I'm calling your bluff.
I'm all in.
I don't care.
I'm all the way.
I don't want to die, but you know what?
Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
Get some.
I'm not saying come and take it, but you attack me, that's just the way it is.
You'll throw a hundred logs on the fire of liberty.
You'll water that tree of liberty so much with my blood you can't even imagine.
This is survival of our species.
This is saying no to tyranny.
And at a certain point you stop worrying.
And it's that spirit of not being cowed, not being dominated, that's going to bring down the globalist.
I got some really bad news for you on two fronts with legislation that's both of them off the charts, but that's coming up after the good news on the TSA.
That multiple airports, just a few hours ago it was one airport, I did a search and found that there are other airports, in fact that's another article we ought to get Steve Watson, I guess he's there for the wedding, or Aaron Dykes, I guess Aaron was up here late so he's still asleep.
That's why we need more funds, more listener support so I can hire more good writers, just because we don't have the staff here.
And it's hard to find folks who understand all this.
But that's newsworthy that other airports now joining TSA boycott.
I mean, this is off the charts.
Because everybody, 90 plus percent are sick of it.
It's what I see on the street.
It's what I hear from all the spectrum of alternative and even mainstream news.
When the mainstream news is against something, you know the general public's against it.
Because they're always trying to force feed us some popular things.
They're capitulating.
And TSA admits they're upset, they're angry.
Hey, don't you know that I'm concerned about being persecuted or recrimination next time I fly?
I don't care, good, recriminate.
Good, take me in the back room and beat my brains out.
You're the thug, you're the scum, you're the one that's gonna be brought down by what you're doing.
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm not afraid of the new world order strapping me down and pulling my teeth out with pliers.
Because we're gonna show everybody just exactly who you are.
What I'm committed to, like a torpedo, is blowing a giant hole in your lives in the Info War and watching you go into the bottom.
Peaceful resistance.
And what's a torpedo do when it hits its enemy?
It goes up in flames as well.
See, you don't understand that, Globalist.
We're committed.
There's no defeating us.
No amount of fluoride, no amount of GMO to dumb us down.
Humans are designed to survive, just like cockroaches.
The more you try to poison us, the stronger we're going to get.
Oh, you're going to wipe out a lot of weak people, but you're not going to wipe out people like me.
You understand that?
And those of you that look at my tiredness and the fact that some days I look burnt out and unhealthy, that's the sign of the vigor and the overall strength of the resistance that I'm breaking my back and spilling my guts out and my soul out in this fight.
That's part of the commitment.
You understand that?
That is the strength.
Don't you get it?
Don't you understand it?
I hope you get it, because a candle burning at both ends does give off a lovely light.
By the way, they could say I was stealing that from Christopher Hitchens, who said it in The Guardian, but he's stealing that from Shakespeare, baby.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Continuing here with the news and information.
I got the bad news coming up, but let me give you the good news.
Here's Ron Paul.
Up there, telling it like it is, and now more and more media are pointing out this is going to be bigger than the Tea Party.
And whose movement launched that?
The Liberty Movement.
Sure, they tried to co-opt it, but they're failing.
By co-opting it, they had to speak our language and legitimize all these issues.
It's a Trojan horse.
They think they're Trojan horsing us.
It's the other way around.
And it's the same thing.
The globals are going to try to co-opt this Tea Party movement.
Oh, they thought they found a bomb on a German plane today.
Turned out they didn't.
Lots more fear-mongering.
And they'll probably blow a plane out of the sky in the next month, unless we point that out and stop them from doing it.
And more people.
I've seen it all over mainstream blogs and in mainstream comments on mainstream articles about, get ready, the government's going to blow planes up.
Get ready.
You know, the people connected to these companies, they're getting ready to stage something.
And we hope they don't kill people, but that's what they do.
And Ron Paul points out.
You can drown, you can die in car accidents, you can get killed by a honeybee.
I remember years ago, the statistics came out of the legislature, there were more football deaths nationwide, something like 20-something that year, in high school football than there were school shooting deaths.
What, are we going to ban football because people die?
People die going out their front porch!
People get struck by lightning in their yard!
People die, okay?
Get over it, you're not going to live.
Anybody that tells you that they're going to do a bunch of stuff for your safety and take all your rights to keep you safe, they are the ones that are the terrorists terrorizing you to sell you on evil.
Now we got Max Keiser coming up today, we got Gerald Cilente, power pack transmission, but I got all this other news I've got to get to.
Let's go ahead and play this five minute Ron Paul speech.
Okay, here it is.
I rise this evening to announce that I introduced some legislation today dealing with the calamity that we have found at our airports with TSA.
Something has to be done.
Everybody's fed up.
The people are fed up.
The pilots are fed up.
I'm fed up.
You know, I've come to this floor many times over the past many years and complained about the terrible foreign policy we've had, the terrible monetary policy we've had, the excessive spending and the debt, and also the tax policy.
But what we're doing and what we're accepting and putting up with at this airport is so symbolic of us just not standing up and saying enough is enough.
I know the American people are starting to wake up, but our government, those in charge, Congress as well as the executive branch, are doing nothing.
Yes, they're talking about maybe backing off and allowing the pilots go through, but can you think how silly the whole thing is?
The pilot has a gun in the cockpit,
And he's managing this aircraft, which is a missile, and we make him go through this groping, x-ray exercise, having people feel in their underwear.
It's absurd!
And it's time we wake up.
The bill I've introduced will take care of this.
But we have to realize that the real problem is that the American people
I think?
But the bill that I've introduced will take care of it.
It's very simple.
It's one paragraph long.
It removes the immunity from anybody in the federal government that does anything that you or I can't do.
If you can't grope another person, and if you can't x-ray people and endanger them with possible x-ray, you can't take nude photographs of individuals, why do we allow the government to do it?
We would go to jail if an individual, he'd be immediately arrested if an individual citizen went up and did these things, and yet we just sit there and calmly sit and say, oh they're making us safe.
And besides, the argument from the executive branch is that when you buy a ticket you have sacrificed your rights, and it's the duty of the government to make us safe.
That isn't the case.
You never have to sacrifice your rights.
The duty of the government is to protect our rights.
Not to use them and do what they have been doing to us.
The pilots, hopefully, you know, will be exempted from this.
But another suggestion I have that might help us.
Let's make sure that every member of Congress goes through this.
Get the x-ray, take a look, and make them look at the pictures, and then go through one of those groping pat-downs.
And then I think there'd be a difference.
Have everybody in the executive branch, anybody a cabinet member, make them go through it and look at it.
Maybe they would pay more attention.
But this doesn't work.
This is not what makes us safer.
This is preposterous to think that the TSA has made us safer.
You know, when you think about it,
If you look at what's happened over the past 10 years, during this last decade, we lost 3,000 on a terrible, terrible day for America.
But since that time in this last decade, we have also lost 6,000 of our military personnel going over there and trying to rectify this problem.
We have lost 400,000 people on our government-run highways.
We have lost 150,000 individuals from homicides.
So I think there's
Reason to be concerned.
Reason to deal with this problem.
We're not dealing with it the right way.
We're doing the wrong thing.
Engroping people at the airport doesn't solve our problems.
What has solved our problems basically has been that they put a good lock on the door and they put a gun inside the cockpit.
That's been the greatest boon to our safety.
Safety should be the responsibility of the individual and the private property owner.
But right now, we assume the government's always going to take care of us, and we are supposed to sacrifice our liberties.
I say that is wrong, we are not safer, and we also know there are individuals who are making money off this.
Michael Chertoff.
I mean, here's a guy that was the head of the TSA selling the equipment.
And the equipment's questionable.
We don't even know if it works, and it may well be dangerous to our health.
You know, the way I see this, if this doesn't change, I see what has happened to the American people is we have accepted the notion that we should be treated like cattle.
Make us safe, make us secure, put us in the barbed wire, feed us, fatten us up.
And then they'll eat us.
And we're a bunch of cattle, and we have to wake up and say, we've had it.
I think this whole idea of an opt-out day is just great.
We ought to opt out and make the point, get somebody to watch it, take a camera, it's time for the American people to stand up, shrug off the shackles of our government at TSA, at the airport.
Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Congressman Ron Palm.
And I talked to his office yesterday, and they said, yeah, sorry we didn't get on this week, we've been so busy, but he wants to come on next week to talk about his bill on the TSA.
Because the Congressman realizes this is the start of a key rebellion against tyranny.
And now as you heard Watson point out, the media is starting to get it.
See, as people realize they can stand up and find their dignity, and realize that everybody else is angry like they are, that final illusion that we're all by ourselves.
You don't like the government listening to your phone calls without a warrant?
You're a kook!
You don't like drinking sodium fluoride in the water?
You're a kook!
You don't like forced inoculations?
You're a kook!
You don't like Big Brother?
You're a kook!
No, you're a bunch of control freak kooks trying to make us feel like we're the weirdos.
You're the weirdos!
You're the control freaks!
You're the people arresting folks, you know, or playing chess in a park that's a chess park.
Or going after people selling cupcakes or lemonade or...
I mean, you want to run our lives!
Bunch of bloodsuckers!
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Well, you heard it.
Counties all over the country.
Are now lining up and saying, we're investigating felony groping by the TSA and you're not immune.
That's key.
You are not immune in your office when you violate the law.
You don't have immunity.
Someone might instruct Ron Paul on that.
I know he's really smart, but you heard me just play the clip and I brought it up to the DA.
I said, well, DA, do we even need Ron Paul to pass a law?
Saying that they're not exempt from law?
Because sure, the TSA claims they're exempt.
The Queen of England claims she's exempt and sovereign, when she's just a murderous old woman.
I mean, she says she's God?
Well, look, I'll tell you this.
Here in this country,
Oh, you didn't know that she owns a big part of the world diamond monopoly in the oil systems and what she's financed in Africa?
Oh, you don't know about all her oil companies and stuff running a takeover operations and funding the overthrow of countries?
Yeah, the Queen of England is a gangster.
Sorry, side issue.
When you're outside the law, you don't have immunity.
That's made up.
There is no such thing as immunity.
In the proper execution of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and your sworn duties, if you are in the proper position, you have immunity.
Just like I got immunity.
If somebody's busting in the back of my house at night, and I kneel down on one knee and pump two or three rounds into their chest, I've got immunity.
But it's not immunity.
I'm in the right.
Being in the right is the immunity.
That's like with libel and slander.
The truth is 100% defense.
Because it's not libel and slander and defamation if it's true.
You understand that?
I don't have immunity to say whatever I want.
You shouldn't call it immunity.
When you're in the right, you're in the right.
When you're in the wrong, you're in the wrong.
It's like George Bush ordering torture.
We get the memos and then we're like, why are you sending these people to prison that followed orders?
They're guilty, but you're even more guilty.
And then they go to prison and then Bush runs around writing books, giving speeches about how he ordered torture.
Well, why aren't those people released from prison then?
Just because you're the president, they put out that Führer precept and said that when the president does it, it's not illegal.
Remember Cheney saying that?
Remember Alberto Gonzales saying it?
This is what tyranny is.
It's a bunch of out-of-control people claiming they're doing it for our own good, trampling over our Bill of Rights and Constitution that was written up by some really smart people that had been around the block a few times.
You want to listen to John Yoo and Alberto Gonzales and Dick Cheney and George Bush?
Or you want to listen to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington?
I think I'm going to be with Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.
I'm not going to be with Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton telling me the Constitution is a living, breathing document and all this other malarkey.
I'm not gonna say it.
Look, I just can't handle it anymore.
It's simple.
It isn't keeping you safe sticking your hand down your pants.
It's a joke!
Real terrorists would just drive up in front of the airport and blow something up.
They don't care if you got a mirror under the car.
The point is, great, pass a law saying they're not exempt.
Or you can pass a congressional law ordering them not to do it.
I mean, they control the money.
Congress could just cut the money out of TSA.
But you don't even need to say you're not exempt.
Or you're not immune.
Because they're already not immune!
They're not above the law!
Nobody is!
We'll be right back!
You are listening to GCN.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I enjoy the little things in life.
And we have a blessed, wonderful nation still, despite all our problems.
And our nation is filled with hard-working, good people of every race, color, and creed.
I get negative sometimes and talk about us being a decadent, demonic nation.
And certainly we got a big stripe of that down our back.
But if we don't point out how far we've fallen and repent for it, we never have a chance of turning anything around.
And even if you're not a Christian, come on, let's repent for killing a million Iraqis.
Let's repent for killing 50 million babies, dehumanizing our own species.
Let's repent for all the GMO crops that are hurting the environment and ourselves.
I mean, common sense says don't cross spiders with goats and then put them out in open pastures.
And then you go talk to the top genetic engineer scientist, they admit it's giving rise to super viruses that are then carried by bacteria.
You start splicing insects and mammals, it's very dangerous.
It can then cause insectoid type viruses and bacteria that are generally only confined to those groups to spread into mammals and then into humans.
A subset of mammals.
I don't have to get into the science of it.
It's just, it's all very dangerous.
And I'm sitting here watching humanity go crazy.
And more and more I agree with people.
The New World Order is not all powerful.
They don't have all the answers.
They think they do.
But they're a bunch of lunatics with all this genetic engineering and all the wild things they're doing.
They claim they want world government to protect us from super technology and to sequester it.
But meanwhile, they're handing it out like hotcakes.
They're a bunch of nihilistic control freaks
Like a bad kid who's self-destructive.
They're out of control!
And they're creating these armies of goons to humiliate people basically for their entertainment.
And to sell, you know, billions of dollars of radiation friars.
I don't know.
Tang tea and allspice.
This is the exact super redneck recipe that I grew up on, you know, at Christmas at Grandma's house.
And I hadn't had this in probably 25 years, uh, you know, 20 years.
And I'm telling you, we got to bring this back.
I got a sore throat and Jaren drinks this stuff every day during the fall.
His mom makes him a big old, uh, big old jar of it.
And I told him, have his mom make me some and I'll, you know, I'll pay her for the ingredients, Jaren.
But, under this new food preparation safety bill that's passed the key committee, and now been packaged into a larger bill that's set to vote, and Reuters says it's gonna be passed now, some people have jumped the gun and are announcing it has passed.
Not technically, but... Not technically, but then overall in the spirit of it, you're right, it's a done deal, barring a miracle.
Under that, I guess Jaren's mom
You think I'm joking?
I said a million dollar fine AP reported.
It's a $15 million federal fine for a garage sale.
If you're quote selling any recalled item, and there's tens of thousands a year, so they find some, you know, kids toy with a light bulb that makes, you know, the cake rise in the fake microwave oven, that's one of them, $15 million fine.
I got corrected last week when I said a million dollar.
See, my brain even ratchets down the numbers.
People accuse me of exaggerating.
It's always worse than what I say.
Remember just three weeks ago?
Alex, you're lying.
They're not touching genitals, even through the clothes.
I'm like, well, here's the TSA's press release.
I've witnessed it.
Oh, shut up!
Two days ago, Alex, they're not sticking hands down pants.
Now they admit they are.
Oh, Alex, they're not growing opium in Afghanistan.
Our government's not involved.
Then they come out and admit it.
Oh, Alex, the bin Laden video isn't fake.
Now they admit it's fake.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's all worse than we can even tell you, okay?
This is insanity.
We gotta say no to the insanity.
I'll tell you about the bad stuff when we get back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, to be clear, finishing up with the TSA issue.
This is now a national revolt against tyranny, period.
And it's the people coming together and realizing the power they have to say no to the absurdity of Big Brother, who practices absurdist, over-the-top things.
You know, why in special forces do they make people, after they've been up for three days, walk around sucking their thumbs with their pants down around their ankles?
It's just to see if you'll do what you're told.
This is mind control.
You don't know where military modern training came from?
The Germans developed it 200 years ago.
They developed the theory of psychology for troops because they specifically wanted troops that would mindlessly die in battle and who would, like robots, follow orders.
They developed metals.
They said men will die for these little pieces of metal.
It's a sign of rank.
They said we've got to get them while they're young.
They created kindergarten to destroy critical thinking and to have children who could then become Hessian Mercs who would just regurgitate and repeat whatever they were told.
I'm not attacking any of these cultures.
I'm telling you, they build it up like it's so wonderful and so good, they give you sleep deprivation and shave your head and have you march like robots.
And yeah, it's good for the military.
It's good to have brainwashed robots.
But then they take brainwashed robots and set them up as our rulers domestically and try to militarily train us to be slaves.
Prisoner training.
And then, the group they fear the most and hate the most is robots breaking their conditioning.
Because there's nothing worse than somebody who's been a robot waking up to the robotic control, because now they know the system's military and force tactics, and so they've got a wide-ranging understanding.
So, let me tell you who's the most profiled in this country.
Police, military, government bureaucrats, FBI-type folks, okay?
You are hated by the globalists.
But that's just like the Soviets.
They hated their enforcers.
That was one of the most persecuted groups.
This is not a good train we're on.
This is not a good direction we're going in.
So, here's the breaking big news.
We have the San Mateo DA, Steve Wagstaff on.
He was the Chief Deputy DA.
Now he's the DA-elect.
He just got elected.
He said clearly, they are not exempt, they are not immune, because when they're violating a law, they have no immunity in a government function.
You only have immunity if you're executing it under the Constitution.
And that's the same immunity you have if somebody's breaking in your house at night, you have a right to kill them.
It's improperly called immunity.
It's called being in the right.
And he, now this is the key, he said that yes, they've got police going in and out of the airports and they're in there and they've been instructed to look for evidence of crime.
A pat down of the genitals or the buttocks on the surface is a misdemeanor.
If they go into the pants and touch any skin, it is a felony.
And now the DA over one of the most frequently used airports in the country, the airport is in San Mateo, the suburb of San Francisco, pull up the ranking of the San Francisco airport.
I believe it's like the fifth largest in the country.
I may be wrong, but I believe it's number five.
One of the busiest airports in the world, a giant airport in his county, and he's saying, not only am I warning him, not only have I dispatched the Sheriff's Department,
To go talk to them and to tell them that you've been warned, but now he's got sheriff's deputies in the airports and if they see a felony or a misdemeanor being committed, they are going to slap the cuffs on them.
You don't just need a complaint for a crime, okay?
If a cop's driving down the street at 3 a.m.
and he sees suspicious people loading things in the back of a white van, he doesn't
He doesn't, that's probable cause.
He doesn't need somebody to call it in.
It's that simple.
So, you know this is going on, you know a crime's being committed, and he went further.
He said, yes, he thinks he will see more DAs go public.
And he went further to say that he talked to the DA from the county south of him, where the San Jose Airport, what county is that, Santa Clara?
What county is that?
Let's just look it up to make sure.
He said on air.
But let's just look up where Santa Rosa is, that airport just south of San Francisco.
The county that San Jose is in.
Let's just go to Google and get that right now or go to one of the other search engines, Yahoo or whatever, start page and get that.
Let's do that right now.
He said it on air, but I want to put out the county again.
The county just south of him
Nope, nope.
San Mateo is the county there on San Francisco that has the International Airport.
The breaking news that I, obviously if I'm such a bad communicator, my staff doesn't even understand me.
I'm gonna slowly go over this right now.
San Mateo is part of the overall suburbs of San Francisco.
Its DA has warned them and sent sheriff's deputies to the San Francisco International Airport to tell them that if they grope people, it's a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on how they do it, and that he's now gonna slap them in cuffs.
Then, there's, just south of that county, there's another county that San Jose, the town is in, that has an airport.
That county, another DA has come out and said the same thing to him.
That's the breaking news.
Now another DA, another California DA, via this DA of San Mateo, the other DAs just south of him, in the county directly south of him, is saying that he is going to prosecute it.
Yes, I was right.
It's Santa Clara County that the San Jose International Airport is in.
The one I flew out of three weeks ago with them groping the babies and the women.
No men.
So, that DA told the DA, and that is very important, that he is looking at going after us.
We need to get the DA of
Santa Clara County and give that to Kurt for the article he's writing.
So this DA, Steve Wagstaff of San Mateo, said that he talked to the DA of Santa Clara and that they're investigating what's going on at the San Jose operation.
They're all clear for everyone.
And so the news here is this rebellion is now in high gear.
And we're saying the emperor has no clothes, and this is illegal, and the feds are not above the law.
And now DAs around the country, but especially in that area of Central California, the Bay Area, are coming out and saying, we are looking to prosecute you.
And they're not just warning them now, they're saying the police are in the airport.
The police and the sheriff's deputies that the TSA, who don't have real police power, call over.
Well, what happens when somebody flies, I'm almost tempted to fly in and then try to fly out of that San Francisco airport.
But I'm not a woman or a child who they think they can make submit so they probably won't do it.
Maybe I have to fly with my wife.
And then have her say, you do not have permission to stick your hands in my pants.
You do not have your permission to do that.
And have them go ahead and do it.
And then just say, all right, get me the police over here right now.
You're going to jail.
And that's not entrapment.
That is, you know, just like you got muggings in a park, you send a lady out in the park at night who's a cop, you got the SWAT team hiding in the bushes.
It's very, very simple.
They commit the crime.
Don't worry though, in these counties that are coming out for justice, there's lots of angry people, and I forgot to ask them, I bet complaints are already being filed since yesterday, but it doesn't matter.
They have a duty to respond if they believe crimes are being committed and they know they're being committed.
So this is big, big, big news.
Douglas, what's going on?
Come on in here.
You got something to tell me?
Douglas, come on in here.
Because they got some breaking news going on.
This article's important.
I'll help him.
I may just have to go off air.
Because, I mean, it's just simple facts.
Get it collated.
Put it together.
There's San Mateo County, we had Steve Wagstaff on, he talked to the DA from Santa Clara County, where the airport's based, where it's also going on in San Jose, and this is big news to, and I'll have two DAs saying this, and the biggest news is they're now going in to the airports, and if their police or deputies see it in the airports,
They are going to affect an arrest.
That is big!
Because it's brazen.
It shows the emperor has no clothes.
It shows what's going on out in the open.
This is so important.
If they fail here, see they've buffaloed us with this staged terror at every turn.
And we're the target, not the Al-Cieda, not Anwar al-Awlaki, the head of Al-Qaeda, secretly hanging out at the Pentagon.
And if we're able to stop them on this issue, the whole House of Cards starts falling, because people are going to start fighting.
The Fed's turning their water off to most of California, destroying the industry.
It was the biggest rice producer in the world, now it's not even in the top 10.
People are going to start fighting having their property taxes raised to pay offshore banks.
People are going to start fighting having their social security cut because all the money's been stolen.
They're going to start demanding prosecutions of the private federal reserve.
People are finding their legs.
They're finding their fight.
They're finding their spirit.
They're finding their gut.
They're finding their will.
As I've been telling you for three weeks on this, when I start hammering the daylights out of something, it's because I smell blood.
I'm like a bird dog, ladies and gentlemen.
I see a big covey of quail in the bushes, and you, the public, are the guys with the shotguns and the InfoWar behind me.
What am I going to do?
It's right there!
Look at it!
We got them!
We got a hole blown in their wall in the InfoWar.
The enemy's in route.
We're routing them.
Come on!
Come in for the big win!
We can throw off this tyranny and this global dictatorship anytime we want.
Anytime we get fired up and start valuing liberty and freedom and studying how systems really work and getting involved.
Then nothing on earth can stop us when we've got justice and the truth on our side.
You understand that?
I'll cover the bad news when we get back.
I promise.
Stay with us.
Stay with us.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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Okay, the good news is people are really starting to wake up because of the globalists trying to break their will.
It's backfired.
But the bad news is a food safety bill clears a key vote in the Senate.
Gotta love that deceptive, it's like calling the Patriot Act the Patriot Act, or no student left behind.
You know, it does the opposite.
It federalizes it to make sure they get dumbed down, and we've had that from the former head of policy, Department of Education, Charlotte Isserby.
Food Safety Bill clears key vote in Senate.
The U.S.
food supply, battered by a series of recalls after millions were sickened, moved a step closer towards its first major safety overhaul in seven decades following a key vote in Congress Wednesday.
The Senate voted 74-25 to limit debate.
That way they don't have to hear the facts of the bill.
On the Food Safety Bill, which clears the legislation for final vote, where it is expected to pass.
There is no timetable for when that will be.
The bill will give the Food and Drug Administration broad powers over recalls, increase the rate of plant inspections, and boost access to food facility records.
A similar version of food reform legislation cleared the House of Representatives in July of 2009.
All these drugs the government allows to be put on the market.
I mean, they'll have drugs for mild ailments that it'll say may cause sudden death, heart attacks, and they'll tell you how the drug's good for 10 seconds and for 50 seconds.
I saw this ad the other day on television, and it just went, oh, you might have mild arthritis?
Well, take this drug.
I think it's called Symphony.
And then it just went on for, in fact, go to YouTube and pull up Symphony.
It's spelled weird.
Drug ad.
I mean, it's the worst I've ever seen.
It just goes on, on and on and on.
I actually watched it on the internet.
It was on YouTube, one of their ads, one of their featured ads.
And it just went on and on.
I now call the internet TV.
I don't even watch regular television, but rarely.
I had to, it took us about 30 minutes, again, to get the television working on cable.
Watch Conspiracy Theory last Friday.
I was Jesse Ventura and myself and others, but it's just crazy.
They could care less about your safety.
They allow GMO salmon, no studies, just boom, and they don't even want you to be able to have it labeled.
The new head of the FDA is a former Monsanto operative.
The head of regulation is a former
Not just the new head of the overall agency, but the head of the approval of new foods.
So of course they're not going to let you know of Salmon's GMO.
They don't even want you to have a label.
They don't even want you to be able to know.
They don't care about your food.
Big mega agribusiness has lobbied for this.
Because the bill openly states that it's broad.
They can do whatever they want.
You already see them going after folks with cupcakes, or lemonade, or SWAT teaming Amish, or going after people that sell tomatoes on the side of the highway.
They don't want you doing anything.
In fact, I've got a police state stack here in my news today, and it just goes through.
They have a chess park in New York, and it's been there for decades, and they went and put up signs last week saying no adults here who aren't with children, saying that any adults who want to go to a park are pedophiles.
And the people that have been going there to the chess park where the tables are boards, these old men, for decades, the police came and gave them all tickets.
And more and more parks are doing this.
In England, if you're at any park as a male or female by yourself, this even happened to a Wall Street Journal reporter I was talking to.
They come up and ask you, you know, basically, are you a pedophile?
And you're like, what?
No, I'm a tourist from the United States who wanted to come out here and see the canals.
See, it's all about training you that you're a criminal and you've got to answer questions.
So, no cupcakes, no lemonade.
You think you're going to go to a park and play chess and meet like-minded people?
They don't want free association.
They want to make everything dirty, everything bad.
You can see some pedophile in a wife-beater shirt with mustard stains looking like a demonic zombie in a park.
You can pick out one of those guys, you know, from a million miles away.
You know, kids know not to talk to adults.
Who they don't know.
What are children doing at parks unattended?
My children sure aren't at parks unattended.
This is a bunch of bull!
Again, this park has had chess tables, reportedly, for decades.
Men and women are there playing chess at lunch, eating their cheese sandwich, and the cops show up and they're like, what?
I've been playing chess here for 10 years.
What, what?
Well, you may be a pedophile.
And the news reported there weren't even any kids there at lunch.
They go, hey man, we're here eating our lunch.
It's America.
We just want to play chess.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I know that we've had the light of liberty in our hearts.
We have the truth.
We know how to defeat tyrants.
We have history.
And we are on the front lines of the info war.
We are setting bushfires in the minds of men and women.
We are, together, this radio show, interfacing with you, this great activist audience,
As I've told you for three weeks, it is now being identified all over the media as a giant rebellion against government and tyranny itself.
It's being recognized as being bigger than the TSA and being about the federal government and the public becoming empowered.
And DAs across the nation, breaking news here, are sending police into the airports to investigate the felony crime of groping that's going on.
This is absolutely amazing.
This is breaking news.
Kurt Nimmo has got an article going up at InfoWars.com.
He's done an excellent job getting it ready so quickly.
This has gone from them warning the TSA that they're not above the law and don't grope, to hey, the police are there and they're watching you.
And it's spread to other counties.
That's breaking news coming up at InfoWars.com in the next 20 minutes or so.
And you better believe we're gonna have a key search term on that today.
In other news, we're going to Max Keiser in a moment, Senator Rockefeller, FCC should take Fox News, MSNBC off the airwaves.
I got Gerald Salente coming on later in the next hour, we're going to play that then.
Remember he said we'd be better off without an internet?
Well, now he said something even wilder.
He says, I want to get rid of Fox News and MSNBC.
I mean, there's video of this.
It's up on InfoWars.com, it's up at DrudgeReport.com.
Officer fined $185 for speeding in a crash that paralyzed a boy who's also now brain damaged.
He was excessively speeding, way above the speed limit.
You can read that in the examiner.
Here's another one.
Cops bust seven men playing chess in Upper Manhattan Park that's always been a chess park.
But they put up signs saying, no adults without children in this park.
And they've got chess tables.
And when they gave them these tickets,
Locals report the old men have played there for over a decade, and they were at lunch.
There were no children in the park.
So on a school day, there's guys out there playing chess with each other.
You don't do that in America, man.
I mean, this country is a joke.
Meanwhile, half the Congress are pedophiles.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Nobody wants to stop DynCorp kidnapping children.
So that's just an example of the government.
Rockefeller over a key committee that deals with the media says just get rid of free speech, get rid of the internet, get rid of Fox News.
We've got cops going and they thought it was a joke when they gave them tickets.
See, that's what tyranny is.
They want to police normal, good people.
They want to abuse us.
They want to train us that we're bad.
I want to talk to Max Keiser about JP Morgan.
It's come out in the news that they're being sued over silver manipulation.
That would dry up all the real available silver and show their naked shorting for what it is.
I want to talk about that with Max Keiser, and he really wants to get this out in the public.
Since he mentioned it last week, it's already viral.
But before we do that, Max, because I promised to get to this, and you have expertise in this area as well.
You predicted this a few weeks ago on the show.
Congress will try by secret vote to retroactively legalize foreclosure fraud.
This is from Washington's blog, also up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Today, Congress will try by secret vote to retroactively legalize foreclosures fraud and forgery by the big banks.
Call Congress and say no.
Now, they've already passed
The Food Safety Takeover Bill, where you can't slice up tomatoes and put them in a can or serve food to anybody.
I mean, that's how broadly it's written.
Oh, they won't shut down parks with people playing chess.
Oh, they won't send cops after little kids selling cupcakes or lemonade.
Oh, they won't give you $15 million fines for garage sales.
It's all happening.
Yes, they will.
They won't stick your hands down your pants and grab your genitals.
Yes, they will!
It's tyranny!
And they're not going to stop until we say no!
So now they're reporting Bill H.R.
3808 will retroactively basically end property rights in this country and say they can take property without having a deed and that multiple banks
They're going to start with unpopular things like soda drinks first.
I mean, it's all happening.
It's all happening.
The austerity, it's all happening.
Max Keiser first on this issue.
What do you see this doing?
Yeah, well Alex, remember the telecom, retroactive immunity, for all the telecom companies that were caught spying.
Remember they caught them hacking into the telecom networks and doing all that spying and Congress passed retroactive immunity.
That gave them a taste of what they could do.
Now all the foreclosure fraud, of which there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of documents, fraudulently signed, robo-signed, machine-signed, now they're just going to give a blanket retroactive immunity.
It falls under the theme that banks do not have to obey the law.
There are no laws for banks.
They are above the law, or if they get caught doing something, they get hit with a small fine, or they simply write new laws.
When I was working on Wall Street, the management would come around and say, don't worry about breaking the law, we've got lawyers.
If you get into real trouble, we'll lobby
Well, we do, and we'll get new laws.
And that's the attitude, is that nobody ever breaks the law on Wall Street.
They always say that the financial engineering is ahead of the law.
They're so smart that they're doing things that the law hasn't caught up with yet.
That's the attitude, that these foreclosure crises, it's just that people don't understand.
So they have to rewrite the law.
Let me get right down to it.
The foreclosure crisis is five ways of fraud.
They fraudulently induced the mortgages.
They fraudulently foreclosed.
They fraudulently packaged securities and mortgaged-backed securities.
They fraudulently made bets against their own customers using credit default swaps.
And then they were fraudulently disclosed to the regulators every quarter of every year on their annual quarterly statement, their actual debt positions on their balance sheet.
They committed fraud five different ways in this particular fraud.
So what is this going to do to the bedrock of a free society if they pass this and say we're now allowed to RoboSign, we don't have to certify, we don't have to prove in court we own something.
This is like giving the banks a letter of mark to just pillage the countryside.
There's no rule of law for the bankers and what's happening and what this sets up is because there's no rule of law and because the bond investors who used to be very good about keeping certain forces in check because they've been co-opted and bought off
Who originally thought up this idea?
Let's give credit where credit is due.
Well, it originally came down the pike as an institutional idea.
The big hedge funds are talking about it.
I would say probably Eric Sprott of Sprott Asset Management and John Embry up there in Canada have been talking about this.
Mike Krieger, who's over there at Zero Hedge, and I talked about it.
When he was on my show recently, and then I was on your show, and we talked about it.
So, those are some of the names, but it's not a secret that J.P.
Morgan is short 3.3 billion ounces of silver.
They are short 3.3 billion ounces of silver.
This is silver that they've sold that they don't own.
If anyone comes to collect the silver, they have to go into the open market to buy it, to make that delivery.
Now, the silver market is not even one-tenth that size.
So, naturally, when you have that much buying on a commodity that's fractionally that much available, it drives the price to new highs.
That's why I'm making this call.
I think we're going to see silver trade at $500.
$500 silver.
It's based on a couple of things.
We are in the industry and people on your show see gold trading at $10,000 an ounce.
That's the foregone conclusion at this point.
You've always got a 20 to 1 risk relationship between silver and gold.
So that's your $500 right there.
Number two,
Given J.P.
Morgan's position, they've got, as I mentioned, 3.3 billion ounces of silver sold short as part of their overall balance sheet, which is $1.5 trillion in derivatives that they can't cover.
The entire market capitalization of J.P.
Morgan is $150 billion.
So, they've got debts or derivatives ten times bigger than the entire capitalization of their stock, and all those derivatives are tied to their silver short position, and these gold vigilantes and people buying silver all over the world are going to jack that price up.
And we can get to $500 silver, and look what's happening right now.
If you look at the silver price right now, it's trading at $26.81.
Remember that recently it got down to around $25.
Now, as I explained to you, Alex, my job on Wall Street for eight years, I was a professional options trader.
That's how I made my bones on Wall Street.
90% of my business was trading options.
The third Friday of every month, which is tomorrow, is what's called Option Expiration Day.
That $25 was called a strike price, a $25 price.
The fact that the JP Morgan's of the world were unable to get the price down below $25 means that all of these option contracts, thousands of them, will be rolled tomorrow.
We're good to go.
Okay, so to be specific though, so the big mega banks, they don't just want to suppress gold and silver because it exposes their fiat currency.
In the act of suppressing it, it makes them
We're good to go.
Then their fraud gets exposed.
And I think it is important to expose this fraud.
The Gold Antitrust Group has been exposing it.
Insiders have been coming public.
And even in mainstream news, they've had SEC hearings, as you know about this, Max, in the last few months.
So this is a real issue out there.
But if it went to 500,
You know, which some say it should be for inflation or whatever.
I don't know if that's the case.
I'm not, you know, a technical expert like yourself or Bob Chapman.
But regardless, I mean, even if silver goes to $29, $35, $40 an ounce, wouldn't that catch them with their pants down?
I mean, silver doesn't need to go to $500 to catch them with their pants down.
Do you have some type of actuary number of what level silver has to go to to really reveal the chicanery?
Well, every single dollar goes up now.
For example, if it makes a $10 move, Goldman Sachs is at something like $5 billion right now, right here.
And that's right off the top.
It doesn't get into the ripple effect of their derivative book.
It means that they've got unrealized losses on their derivative books, probably ten times greater than that.
And it just gets worse and worse at some point.
But I want to make this point, Alex, that
I think so.
Professionals are now considering as well within reach.
So, and not only are you going to bust JP Morgan at these levels, and you're buying this silver, you're taking it off the market, you're exposing their short position, and what this means is they sold people stuff for cash.
They have the cash that they sold.
They sold people stuff and they took people's cash.
Now those people are buying back, but they don't have the stuff delivered.
They're short.
And again, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, they've been caught, especially Goldman Sachs, they even paid, what, 500 million, but they made billions, so it was paltry.
They've been caught selling bad derivatives to their customers while they were secretly betting against it.
And of course, you know, they famously called it, you know, basically pure garbage, but they used a cuss word for it.
Well, they collude with each other.
In other words, this is what James Kirk is talking about.
The cartel.
They all cooperate with each other to keep the price cheap because they all benefit by having the dollar, the competitor to gold and silver, relatively strong.
But they can't suppress it anymore.
It's just like in the 60s when that cartel bust apart.
You had a move from 35 to 800 in gold out.
35 to 800.
So I'm saying silver making a move from 26 to 50.
We're good to go.
A hundred, two hundred, three hundred billion dollars on the exchange based on market, you know, maneuvers back in the 90s.
Think about something that actually has value, like silver, getting caught up in a global fiat currency.
No, I understand.
A fleeing from all the fiat currencies that are being devalued through coordinated devaluation, and then the media lies and calls it a currency war.
It's a race to the bottom.
Now, you've got a story up at MaxKaiser.com called $500 Silver, and you've got an idea today, Max.
Yeah, the idea is Google Bump.
$500 silver.
This is a story I've written.
I call it the Crash J.P.
Morgan Buy Silver Manifesto, or How to Get Hedge Funds to Do Your Dirty Work for You and Drive the Price of Silver to $500.
But very simply, $500 silver.
We're good to go.
Gold is considered as a reserve currency.
As Robert Ellicott said last week in the Wall Street Journal, they now want to consider gold as a reserve currency.
That means that if gold gets to $10,000 an ounce and silver gets to $500 an ounce, as part of a move toward a gold-backed global currency, it's going to stay at those levels.
It's going to be stuck at those levels because that's the level determined by the global banks as the new standard by which all currencies are factored.
So you're making an investment in a move in a precious metal that wanted to achieve these price levels.
It'll stay at those price levels.
Plus you've got these other central banks in China who are talking about moving to a gold-backed currency.
The Middle East is moving into gold.
The central banks are no longer net sellers of gold.
They're net buyers of gold.
They're buying hundreds of tons at a time.
China just said they're going to buy another 300 tons.
They said they have to catch up to America.
China's got to buy 7,000 more tons of gold.
And gold and silver trade in tandem.
So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should... So you're saying people should...
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We're good.
We got Gerald Cilente coming up in about 35 minutes from now.
I've got huge breaking TSA info going up in T-minus five minutes at InfoWars.com.
This is the biggest news yet of everything that's happened.
This is the biggest news yet that not only are DAs around the country now,
Saying they're going to take complaints and investigate it and may prosecute.
Now, they got police in the airports looking for it.
Because they know crimes are being committed.
Think of the magnitude of that.
They know crimes are being committed.
We're going to get that video up very soon and have it posted in Kurt Nemo's article as well so people can actually hear him say it.
In fact, guys, it'll take time to get that video up.
In the meantime, we might just want to chop out the audio of that 15-minute interview with the DA, because that would take seconds.
Can we just convert that to an MP3?
Because it'll take hours to get it up on YouTube.
Can we just convert that to MP3 and have Kurt add that in his article once it's up?
Excellent bombshell.
I mean, this is huge what's happening.
And so I'm going to have a search term for you on this coming up about 10 minutes in the next hour.
Be ready for that because this is where we're really having an effect.
Max Kaiser, of course, of the Kaiser Report at MaxKaiser.com, wants to get out $500 silver.
And if we do break the back of the central banks on this issue, if we do show
That they've been shorting silver, which the evidence is clear they are.
This could be even bigger than the whole situation with the TSA.
What we're learning is we have ways to fight back.
Max Keiser, you agree with that?
The Google bombing is definitely a fantastic way to win the Information Awards, because it's all about information, and to dominate those search engines, you're playing, you're fighting fire with fire with information.
It's fantastic.
The TSA thing, you know, is something that was not in the public domain, but you drove it up the top of the search engine, which drew the other
And now the feeding frenzy on TSA is now the media admits this is a total rebellion against government.
This is just totally blowing up in their face.
They are panicking now.
Yeah, it is, exactly that.
It is a feeding frenzy because it's the tipping point.
It's people finally, their last humiliation has been born.
They simply, putting someone, putting their hand down your pants, that was it.
The public is now awake.
We know, you've been on your show for years.
When is the public going to be awake?
I think, in my opinion, you just flipped the switch.
You just turned the lights on, buddy.
They are now awake.
Well, I want to give the listeners credit.
I mean, we took the initiative here, but it is exciting, Max.
I mean, because when people learn they have power, then that becomes a feeding frenzy on other issues.
It's all connected because at the center of all of these issues are a central group of folks who don't think the rule applies to them, who are engaged in all manner of financial fraud, who are aggregating huge wealth and using that wealth to buy politicians to pass laws to make it easier to aggregate power and aggregate wealth.
And they've had the feeding frenzy going in their favor for
And people aren't just running around...
Turning cars over, they're doing effective things, and that's what scares the globalists.
Well, you heard Max Keiser.
He wants you to search the term $500 silver.
This won't make the New World Order very happy, I'm here to tell you.
Max, great job, my friend.
We'll talk to you again very, very soon.
That's Max Keiser.
I'll be on his show tomorrow.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
While we're busy watching the TSA and JP Morgan and the silver manipulation that they've been engaged in, they have passed the food safety bill out of the key committee into a larger bill that they say they have the votes to pass, that's Reuters.
They're trying to pass another piece of legislation to retroactively legalize
And this is true, what this emailer said to us.
It's, hi Alex Jones, I've been trying to get this message to you.
With the TSA in the news, things are getting passed in the lame duck session.
We've been covering it the whole show.
But you're right, this one could shut down your website by the government.
And that Sally that sent me that, I don't know if she wants her last name said, so I'll just
Scratch over it.
Don't show the email.
Immediate action needed.
Thank you.
Please call your Congress reps regarding the bill.
She has a link to the government track.
And basically it's a law to mirror with the secret copyright treaty where no judge, no jury, no nothing.
They just claim.
That even, you know, posting part of an article is copyright infringement.
Now, there's been some law firms that have been doing that lately, but they've been losing in court.
They've had to back off, because it is fair use.
The problem is, though, if they change the law and say you can't even source or quote something, including a hyperlink to something, that kills the internet and the free flow of information.
And that's what they want.
They don't want you communicating, because we're kicking their hind end in.
It is a bill to blacklist access to any website deemed infringing of copyright, among other clauses, by the federal government.
And it does more than that.
It makes everybody get their own internet ID, and that if you ever, no judge, no jury, no due process, do any quote infringing just because a private party claims it, now you're banned from the internet from one year to three years.
Some European countries have actually passed something similar.
They can effectively shut down sites like Alex Jones Natural News if they don't agree with the site's agenda.
All the federal government would do is find just one article and misquote or misattribute the source and that's it.
They can shut it down.
The bill has been in committee before.
I'm not saying they're great, but that's what they say they'll do.
And so they're just ramming everything through as a kind of middle finger to everyone here at the end.
And please take action or we may lose the internet as we know it.
Yeah, they plan to have internet regulations, taxes, ID numbers.
The new Microsoft platforms have it built in to make you have ID to get online.
It's not activated yet, but they're trying to push it to be law.
So the infrastructure is already in place.
We gotta boycott Microsoft as much as we can because of that.
Horrible company.
Totally globalist.
And so, yes, this bill is very, very serious.
It's combating online infringement and counterfeits.
To do with that.
There's already laws in place for that, okay?
You've already got the Digital Millennium Act and all the rest of it.
This is saying just any company claims anything, it's over, you're done.
Now if they try to pass this and implement it, it's gonna be lawsuit city, it's gonna shut down so much stuff, so many patent trolling lawyers are gonna get involved, that it'll get rewritten as well.
But the point is, they're trying all of this.
And by the way, that dovetails with Senator Rockefeller, and we'll get that video ready,
FCC should take Fox News, MSNBC off the air.
Remember his previous quote about we'd be better off without ever having an internet?
I mean, these guys, these guys are really doing it.
I mean, you understand?
They're really taking the dead veterans' pensions from their wives.
They're really using DU.
They're really sticking their hands down your pants.
I mean, they're really doing it.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're making history together against tyranny right now.
I want to play this clip dealing with internet and TV censorship.
We've had all these different Obama czars like Cass Sunstein over regulation.
We've had the FCC diversity czars say we need a system like Hugo Chavez has of total government control.
And Jay Rockefeller, you know, the heir to the Rockefeller empire,
He openly bemoans that everybody be friendly if we got real news and he's going to decide what real news is.
He wants to have a happy dialogue.
Everybody to shut up and give their guns up and get rid of the border and let him shut down the internet as he's quoted as saying we'd be better off without ever having it.
Because this stuff is
Like holy water to a vampire to these people.
The fact that we can speak, that we have a soapbox, that we can get organized, that we're talking to each other.
They thought they could spam the internet, dominate it, control it, get us in fighting.
People got wise to it.
It doesn't work, pal.
And so he wants to shut down Fox and shut down MSNBC.
Notice MSNBC's always calling for the fairness doctrine, which is totally unfair.
Notice they're always pushing and promoting
At nauseam, over and over and over and over again, that they want to censor Fox News and talk radio.
Oh, well see, now you're going to get censored too!
And as the dinosaur media falls apart, they're not going to end up really censoring those guys.
They're going to selectively enforce on yours truly.
They cannot allow this information to continue to come out because we're having victories against them.
Here's the Curt Nemo article, Rockefeller wants government to shut down Fox and MSNBC.
And he says it kind of half-jokingly, but he goes on to talk about how horrible it is, what they're doing, all of this infighting.
We need to all just come together and do what we're told.
No, the founders said it was the opposite.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
I hunger for quality news.
I'm tired of the right and the left.
There's a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to Fox and to MSNBC, out, off, end, goodbye.
It would be a big favor to political discourse, our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and in their, more importantly, in their future.
We need slimmed down channel packages that better respect what we really want to watch.
And we need to find ways to provide greater value for television viewers at lower cost
Because people are tired of always escalating rates.
Again, I thank you for being here today, and I greatly respect Senator Kerry and the interest he's shown in this whole area, in which he is most expert.
He wants to decide what type of news you see.
He says, oh, we need to decide what type of news we want to see, but it's going to be the government deciding.
You know, how about all the tax money you take from us for PBS and NPR with your fake liberal pro-war garbage and your pro-tyranny garbage?
I mean, you listen to NPR, they talk with a lisping, you know, snake-like voice to calm you, kind of like that snake, what's his name, Ka in the Jungle Book?
Let's go to YouTube and pull up a short clip of Ka trying to hypnotize Mowgli.
Of course, we're more like Shere Khan and it doesn't work on those of us that aren't weak-minded.
Shere Khan just reaches out and grabs him by the throat when he's trying to hypnotize him.
The snake's trying to look at him.
Got the pinwheels going.
Come on, come on, go under my mind control, go under my mind control.
And the tiger just grabs him by the throat and says, it doesn't work.
See, we need to get to the point when they try to hypnotize us for it to irritate us and make us angry and focused.
To quote Emperor Palpatine, use your aggressive feelings, boy.
I mean, we have these aggressive feelings for a reason.
To stand up against tyrants and thugs.
The globalists are aggressive.
They use their aggressive feelings to dominate and control us and enslave us.
And they all wear black to intimidate and lord things over us.
But then we're supposed to be sheep-like and cow.
No more!
Now, Kaiser's got his search term, and I think it's important, but this one's really important.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco Airport to investigate felony groping.
And the search term needs to be investigate felony groping.
Investigate felony groping.
And this will then have thousands of other DAs.
There's tens of thousands of counties.
Look at this.
Listen to the audio and the video of my interview with a prominent DA where the San Francisco airport is based.
Who talks about the DA south of him, where the airport in San Jose is located, also saying, and I said, well, you know, you don't have to just get complaints on this, do you?
I mean, if you know people are selling crack down the corner, you don't need a citizen complaint.
You can go down there and observe it and bust them.
And he said, absolutely.
Now I've already instructed my deputies who are in the airport to look for it.
And if they see it, slap handcuffs on them.
And I said, if they see what?
Hands in the pants?
Hands on the crotch through the pants or the buttocks?
Misdemeanor, but it's a serious arrestable misdemeanor.
This is breaking news.
He's not just warning them now, he's got the cops in there doing their job.
Let me tell you, police did their job in this country.
And defended the Republic more than just revenue generating and the rest of it, they would be loved again.
They'd have giant pot bellies again, because everybody would be running out giving them coffee and pie, because they knew the local cop.
Because the cop was in their neighborhood.
Because they went bowling and hunting with the cop.
And if the cop needed help, he'd go bang on your door and say, help me.
My grandfather, many times here in Austin, they lived up in Hyde Park, here in Austin, close to the Texas State Mental Institution.
It was just a few blocks away, and the sirens would go off when one of the hardcore loons would get out.
Poor people.
And routinely, you know, the cops would roll down and, you know, they'd see my grandfather in the front yard.
They'd say, hey, Bill, will you help me?
My grandmother told me this story about a couple times the cops would say, be on the lookout for a rabid dog.
Rabies was a problem back then and routinely, you know, the cops come knock on the door, knock a few others.
There's a dog around here.
It's clearly rabid.
Shoot it.
My grandfather would go out and several times saw the dog before the cops did and would shoot it.
When they had the UT shooter at the tower.
The cops were pinned down, citizens pulled up with their deer rifles and pinned the other guy down so two cops could get in.
What an Austin police and a sheriff's deputy.
I've interviewed the Austin officer who later became a Texas Ranger in studio.
They went up that tower and killed him before he could kill more people.
Nowadays, they'd have SWAT teams out there staging for 10 hours and it'd be a big standoff.
The old days, they didn't need bulletproof vests, nothing.
They just had guts.
They just went up there and killed the guy.
Now gone are the days where the cops drive by on their bullhorn, hey Bill, get out here!
Help us shoot this dog, we don't know where it is but it's around here.
It's foaming at the mouth, it just attacked some kid.
Or sirens going off and the cops going, help us, there's a loon on the loose.
See, now in Austin you try to run out with a gun when there's a rabid dog and shoot it, they're going to call SWAT teams and probably kill you.
This is the domestication of our country.
Alright, I'm already digressing off into what police should do.
The issue here is we need to make investigate felony groping number one or number two.
I don't care if it's number one or number two.
You obviously want to make Kaiser's $500 silver top to expose the silver manipulation, but this is important.
Investigate felony groping.
Enough DAs line up and start prosecuting these people.
It doesn't matter.
The house of cards has fallen.
You realize that these people are not above the law.
They do not have immunity when they're outside of the law.
It's the law that gives you immunity.
A citizen has immunity just like a cop.
When you're in the right, you have immunity.
This is all a made-up legal precept that you've been fed.
Kind of like Bush saying, I'm the president so I can order torture.
Doesn't matter if it's illegal.
But then the people he orders to do it go to prison, but he doesn't.
They're just getting away with it.
Tyrants practice getting away with crime.
They set the precedent to get away with it.
And they're coming in to try to shut down your local farms and ranches.
That looks like it's going to pass.
They're coming in trying to censor the internet.
We've been talking about this for months, but people are right.
We need to be on it now with that legislation.
They're coming in to give immunity to the banks to steal your house without the proper deed.
It's all happening.
But I can do something about what's happening at the airport.
This lame duck group's already been excoriated, but most of them are leaving office, so they're angry at the American people.
Instead of repenting, they're saying, I'll give you tyranny.
So there's not a lot we can do.
These criminals are up there, basically slitting the throat of the Constitution, seven ways to Sunday right now, because they think they're going to get away with it.
Because they're a lame duck bunch of crooks.
It's illegal to do what they're doing, to give retroactive immunity to the big mortgage companies, to steal people's houses without proper deeds, without proper filings, or without the paperwork being done properly and sworn in front of a notary.
But Congress is just saying they can do it.
Looks like they're going to try to pass that.
Call them, tell them don't do it.
I've been covering it all day.
Let's make investigate felony groping number one.
Let's send this article from InfoWars.com out to everybody.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco airport to investigate felony groping.
And the DA south of him in Santa Clara told him they're doing that as well.
And you've got an airport, one of the biggest airports in Florida, saying, we're just hiring private security.
We're not sticking our hands down people's pants.
We're not doing any of the body scanners.
It's over.
Because the House of Cards is falling.
There's no law.
They've got to have TSA in there.
They don't have the jurisdiction.
They don't have the power.
But they're trying to set that precedent.
People are going, you mean we don't have to have these people here?
Do you know someone who's a Constitution basher?
Then here's the ammo you need to
Let's do it!
I think so.
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Eastbound and down!
Loaded up and truckin', we gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there.
Time is kind, just let your bandage run.
Keep your foot hard on the pedal, son, never mind your brakes.
Let it all hang out, cause we gotta run to big.
The boys up there stickin' Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana.
I love the end of this song.
Old Smokey's got his ears on, and he's hot on your trail.
And he ain't gonna rest till you're in jail.
You gotta dodge him, you gotta duck him.
Alright, we're back live here.
We got Gerald Cilente coming up here in a few minutes.
We'll get his take on the economy, on the TSA, on the open rebellion happening.
I am extremely thankful to the Drudge Report.
There are scores of news articles, including one by Town Hall today, that properly point out it's Matt Drudge in the last three weeks that drove this super viral.
He began posting our articles two and a half weeks ago.
We began pushing it three weeks ago.
About two and a half weeks ago, he began posting our articles almost exclusively on it.
Then the feeding frenzy started from every angle and reporting.
And he's been probably posting 10, 15 articles a day or more.
The best coverage on this overall is right here on this radio show and at DrudgeReport.com.
And, you know, I haven't really lobbied Drudge on any stories.
He picks up what he wants.
I think this is big news.
I think this is important.
So regardless, listeners, please get this story out.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco airport to investigate felony groping.
And the audio in the next 20 minutes, because they're having to cut it out of the hour-long show, so it's specific to the interview.
It's easy to do after the show, but during the show it's recording, so it's kind of a hassle.
They're adding the audio, then later the video, once that's done compressing, up there at the top, so you can actually hear the DA say, yes, there's evidence crimes are being committed right now, and we've got our sheriff's deputies going over there to watch and look for it.
And that's their jurisdiction, and it's a public place, so those TSA federal goons,
Can't stop them.
Now, the goons, though, are just following their orders.
That doesn't mean what they're doing is okay.
But it's the higher-ups, it's Pistol, it's Chertoff before him, it's Big Sis, Napolitano, that are really guilty here.
And they ask the TSA people, are you comfortable sticking your hand down pants?
Are you comfortable x-raying people?
And if they say no, they're fired.
So, most of these TSA people just aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, or they love authority, and if some bureaucrat tells them, you know, they can barbecue children on the White House lawn, they'll start going and barbecuing children.
A lot of people, you just tell them something's okay, they'll do it.
The Stanford Prison Study showed that, where over 90% of the students in graduate school would believe they were killing people in experiments and would follow the orders.
Because their professor told them.
Well, the authority, the head of the psychology department said, deliver a shot of electricity that'll kill the person.
They'd have the actor act like they were dying, and they would do it.
They would commit what they believe were murders.
That's mind control.
So, this is big that they know that there's evidence of a crime being committed and the police are coming!
Now the TSL will probably stop it for a little while until the cops leave.
But the point is, the issue is now out there.
So make this story number one.
Send it out to everybody you know.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco airport to investigate felony groping.
It's all broken down by Curt Nemo.
What a great job Curt does.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Our article is up at Infowars.com.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco Airport to investigate felony groping.
And in the next few minutes, Kurt Nemo is going to have the audio of that interview I did during the first hour with the DA live on air.
He's not just now warning them.
Now that they know there's evidence of a crime being committed, they got deputies in there looking for it.
And it's felonies if they go inside the pants, which they admit they're doing.
And he talked to the DA in Santa Clara County, just south of there, where San Jose is, and confirmed they're looking at it.
And I was there three weeks ago and saw him committing felonies.
Saw him sticking hands in pants, hands up in crotches.
So this is big.
We want to make that the number one search term.
Investigate felony groping.
I know you can do it.
Investigate felony groping.
Now joining us via video Skype is a man who needs no introduction, Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute.
I want to talk about the economy.
I want to talk about the lame duck Congress trying to gut, openly saying they want to shut down talk radio, Fox News, openly saying they want to censor the internet, openly passing the food safety bill.
Out of committee and they say it's a done deal now in a larger package of bills they have the votes on.
Reuters says it's probably going to pass now.
It's all happening right now.
I mean, it is bonkers.
But I believe for three weeks this TSA issue is a focal point to teach us that we can rebel and say no, that we have dignity.
And now mainstream media is even saying that.
It's the biggest story in the world right now.
Going into week number three, we did it together.
Gerald Salente, what do you think of what's happening with the TSA?
Well, you're right.
It's a worldwide issue.
I just got back from France and England, and I can tell you that when you go take the tunnel from England to France, you don't get groped.
They don't harass you like they do here.
And it's become an international issue because a lot of my European colleagues and friends don't want to come to the United States because they don't feel like being harassed as we are all being subjected to.
So at a time when our business and tourism industry is starting to regain some strength,
The TSA and the brains in Washington are making sure that they're going to nip it in the bud, if you will, because a lot of people don't want the bud felt.
And I, for one, and I'm a heterosexual guy,
And I like women.
And I don't want any guy playing with me.
So I'm one of those people that opt out rather than, because I'm concerned about the over-radiation.
And I think it's only some nitwit bureaucrat from the TSA or some, you know, Washington wanker could have come up with this scheme to have guys feel up other guys.
I mean, and then you're supposed to take it, oh, that's okay.
Yeah, let some guy in your staff over there, Alex, start playing around with your jewels to see if you're hiding anything under them.
I mean, who made this up?
Well, look, look, I mean, if my dad
You know, by the time you're 16, dad gets in your space, and then you have that classic confrontation with dad.
I don't like family getting in my space.
I don't like my neighbor getting in my space.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm a tough guy, but quite a few times in high school and college, some bully'd get in my face and I'd go ahead and break their nose.
I mean, this isn't in your space.
This is hands down your pants now.
Have you seen them confirm that?
You know, I was sitting next to a woman.
I just came back from Las Vegas this week.
And she was 80-something years old.
And she's a diabetic.
They saw needles in her package.
They gave this woman a pat down.
And they humiliated her.
First they wanted to do it in public, and then they took her to the private room.
But they made her leave her shoes way back near the machine over there.
I mean, this is what's going on.
You got a bunch of losers over here that couldn't get a job at McDonald's because they're probably too stupid to flip a burger, and now they have feeling people up?
I mean, who made up this stupid thing?
And as we wrote in our last Trend Alert, and we knew it back when it happened, that guy, what's his name?
The guy from TSA?
That used to be the Homeland Security?
No, I mean, his name is-
And what he did is he went around after the underwear bomber back on Christmas Day, who was going to ignite himself.
He then made the media rounds everywhere.
That slimy little weasel.
And they never pointed out that he heads up the company and gets the money.
That's right!
He's now a consultant, the Jerkoff Group, and he, and he, one of his clients is RapistScan, the people that make this thing.
Yes, RapistScan, yes.
And, and so, this is never mentioned by the mainstream media, who sucks up, bows down, and kisses up to these clowns.
So, the whole thing is a scam.
But now it's falling in!
Now the big Orlando airport's saying they're not going to do it because it's not a law, they just invited the thugs in.
Now we had the DA on, other DAs are moving, and now they're dispatching sheriff's deputies there to look for the crime and they're going to charge them with felonies.
This is breaking news!
Yeah, so listen, so any guy that goes to the airport that doesn't want to be felt up by another guy, say, listen, I want a woman to check me out.
I mean, who's to say, who made up the law that a guy has to stick his hand in my pants?
If somebody's going to peel me up, you know, I want a woman.
And if she's not even pretty, I'll close my eyes and maybe I can have a happy ending.
Who knows?
All right, that's enough.
Family show.
A little out of control.
But we have to talk about this because the government
I mean, I had a radio talk show host on, he goes by O-Doctor, and I had him on, and it made international news.
Tuesday, it was the biggest story in the world according to Alexa, because Drudge Report, top link, the big giant link.
I mean, I've never seen such traffic.
Our servers were just groaning.
And I mean, Drudge is king.
I mean, I've been linked New York Times, nothing.
I've been all over CNN websites, nothing.
I've been linked, you know, top of Google, nothing.
A little something.
Compare to Drudge, nothing can compare.
And that was important news because
We showed what happened to him and local newscasts where they now, it's always more, more, more, Gerald.
They stick the hand in the front of the pants, in the pants, and actually squeeze the man or the woman's privates to make sure it's real.
And then they stick it behind you in the crack.
I hate to get into this, folks, but it's what the government's doing.
You have to talk about it.
I mean, this is an act of submission.
It's an act of domination, breaking our will.
And I guarantee you, people didn't say no.
Here, Gerald, next it's going to be cavity searches.
What's going to happen when some lunatic, you know, Muslim extremist that the government jacks up on drugs and protects like the underwear bomber and gets them on the plane with a hand grenade inside of them?
Now we're going to have to have proctology exams at the airport?
Well, you know, the reason why this is bringing such outrage, and by the way, congratulations on all the media that you're getting on this, and I saw you on Drudge of course as well, the reason there's so much outrage
Is that the people are directly being affected by it.
They could feel it.
And that's why there's no outrage going on against these wars that are slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people and draining our treasuries of trillions.
Because they did away with the draft.
So the people aren't affected by it.
When you're affected by it, and you feel it, then you revolt.
And that's what's going on now, and that's why this is such a critical issue.
Well, Gerald, Gerald!
Every speaking person knows that the TSA and Washington has gone over the line.
Gerald, just to be clear, and I'm not tooting your horn or my horn, just you need credit for this, but I'm not bragging that this is the biggest story.
I'm excited because this is the biggest story and it's not Lindsay Lohan or OJ Simpson robbing a hotel room.
This is a news about a rebellion, about a waking up, about the light switch going on, and you said
Four or five months ago you said that by December the depression would be evident.
You said that there would be more of a rebellion and that people would accelerate their awakening.
You didn't know the trigger.
You just saw it in the cards.
And some have said now that we're into the middle of November, I get emails, they go, where's the total depression?
Where's the total collapse?
Again, if you specifically look at what you said, you said the depression and the implosion would become evident.
Look at the dollar.
Look at gold.
Look at them having to legalize taking houses without having a deed.
We are in an implosion.
I mean, we're already here.
So I believe you're 99.9% right, and we're going to see now in the next month exactly what happens, but we're seeing the accelerated anger manifest.
We're seeing the media go from not saying double dip to going, yeah, this is kind of a depression.
So they're trying to push false reality that everything's great and only some people are buying it.
What's your statement on that?
Look what's going on overseas.
Look what's going on over in Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Greece.
There's a depression going on.
There's a currency crisis going on.
The bank debt alone in Ireland is worth 50% of Ireland's GDP.
Just the bank debt.
There's no getting out of it.
And people are jumping out of the euro and into the dollar.
Out of the dollar, into the euro.
Yeah, how about jumping out of the Titanic and into the Lusitania?
And that's why gold prices are going through the roof.
That's why silver prices are going up.
Anybody that believes what the government is telling them, hey, they should believe the TSA as well.
No, this thing is collapsing.
What do they need, to get hit over the head?
No, you're absolutely right.
I mean, I made a video two, three months ago where I said, you know, world worships LeBron James while economy collapses.
And I see comments in the half-million views.
Most of the people agree.
It's like, you know, 95% agree, less than 5% disagree.
And the thumbs up, thumbs down, you can go check it.
But, or at least last time I looked at it, the point is, some are going,
This guy said we'd have a collapse.
Where is it?
I mean, don't people understand that it's just rotting like a fish?
It takes a week or two to do it.
You know, it's rotting.
The maggots are coming out of it in front of us, and some of them are still in denial.
But as you said, the good news is more and more people aren't in denial.
Yes, you know, I was on Fox a couple of weeks ago, right before election day.
And they asked me, what would the elections bring about?
What change?
And I said, well, the change would be basically the same as if the Gambinos took over for the Bananos.
One crime family after another.
And you can see the makeup of the House and the Senate, and it's a crime family, the Republicans and the Democrats.
And then they had this guy on there, as I was talking about the problems in the economy, this little wimpocrat, what's his name?
Remember Hannity and Combs?
Well, the Combs that's left.
And he goes, well, you know, I had this guy on my show before.
And he's nothing but an alarmist.
Oh yeah, I'm an alarmist.
Listen, everybody out there.
Follow Obama.
Follow Bush.
Follow your leader.
Follow Obama.
Follow Pelosi.
Follow Frank.
Follow McConnell.
And follow him over the cliff.
Because if you think that they got the answers, I have news for you.
You're a loser.
You're a loser if you follow Bernanke, if you believe Greenspan.
If I had a track record as bad as Bernanke's, I would have been laughed out of business 30 years ago.
And here's what Bernanke said in 2005.
He said,
There won't be any real estate crisis.
Home prices have never fell in this country nationwide.
And then he said, right in the midst of the subprime problem as it began in 2007, oh no, it's not a big deal and it won't spread.
And then in 2007, as the recession has just begun, he's telling people there won't be a recession.
And then that criminal Bush is back in business.
Did you see him out there hawking his book?
You know what he said?
They were blindsided by the great economic crisis.
Oh, blindsided?
Is he either ignorant or is he lying?
Because they kept telling us
The fundamentals of the economy are sound.
You wanna follow these clowns?
Then follow Jon Stewart and go to his, uh, I hope you were there at his rally for sanity.
Could you imagine Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse leading a rally for sanity?
And this is the guy that Americans think is one of the most influential people?
He secretly met with Geithner and his job is to pacify.
At that rally he said, sit down, don't be angry, everything's good.
It was like Marie Antoinette saying, let him eat cake.
You know why?
You know who his brother is?
Yeah, he's the head of the New York Stock Exchange.
He's the CRO of the Stock Exchange.
You get it?
Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
Bullets, bombs, and banks.
They'll sell you out, they'll knock you down, and they'll rape you at the airport.
And I agree with you.
I mean, just six months ago they bailed out Europe.
It's happening again.
It's a black hole, mathematically.
I've had all the top economists on.
There's no way to pay it back.
They had a bizarre meeting at Jekyll Island a week ago, and the former head of the Fed
You know, now a rat leaving the sinking ship talked about criminality and banks, and so Greenspan's trying to tell you about criminals.
He's the guy that helped get rid of the Glass-Steagall Act.
These guys know exactly what they're doing, and they're scared.
They want to get away with it.
That's why they've set up this police state as a rearguard action to get away with their crimes, but I don't see it happening, Gerald, and the world
Well, I'm going to give you the bad news here.
If people don't continue to stand up, it's going to get a lot worse.
Because they're devaluing the dollar as you know.
You can't keep printing digital money out of thin air, backed by nothing and worth nothing.
That's not worth the paper, it's not printed on number one.
So we know that there's a currency war.
You're hearing it from Montego, from Brazil, across the board.
The lunacy.
They're one after another.
Number two, trade wars.
Add up currency wars and trade wars, you get real wars.
This is 1930s moving into the 1940s.
Well, I totally agree with you.
What are some of the other trends and things that Gerald Solente is watching right now?
Well, the biggest ones to watch right now, Alex, you have to be tuned into what's going on in Europe.
This is a house of cards ready to collapse.
The euro is going to go the way of the continental.
It's not going to last.
You're going to start seeing countries falling out one after another.
We're looking for a global currency crisis.
We're looking for gold to go to $2,000 an ounce.
The real estate market's going to continue to plummet.
We're going to face an economic winter the likes of which no one's ever seen.
The reason the commodity prices are going up has less to do with demand and more to do with the devalued dollar.
These commodities are based on dollars.
Let's come back and talk more about that.
All right, Gerald, stay there.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Infowars.com has a powerful article.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco airport to investigate felony groping.
There's a little issue there because people are asking, well, how is he sending police or deputies to the airport if he isn't the DA yet?
He's the DA elect because he's the chief.
He's currently the chief
Deputy DA.
He's the second in command, but he's now been elected starting next January to be VDA.
Now, I went and corrected Kurt, but I wasn't clear.
I said, listen, he's the chief deputy DA and the incoming DA.
OK, so we're just doing this live time here on air.
Let's get that updated.
Let's get an update where it says Chief Deputy DA of San Mateo County.
It's Chief Deputy and incoming DA.
DA elect.
Because the media will lie about us.
They will take anything and say, look, Alex says this guy sent police.
How can he do that if he's not the DA yet?
Because he's the chief deputy DA and the DA elect.
I'm sorry.
It's just I know how the enemy operates.
OK, now we're moving fast here.
Kurt's written like three articles a day.
With me running back.
Helping him, you know, with the info I want in the article during the breaks.
It's crazy.
I'm going to have Gerald Salenti on for the rest of this segment and the next.
He's awesome.
We want to make the number one search term, investigate felony groping.
Put that into the search engine over and over again.
Investigate felony groping.
Investigate felony groping.
Gerald, you've got the floor right now.
Continue with your forecast.
What's happening in Europe with Portugal, Spain, Ireland, Greece?
What's happening here?
This race to the bottom and other key intel.
You've got the floor.
They're going to break and do it in five minutes of overdrive.
Hit them hard!
What happened worldwide, and began with the dot-com bust, and then following 9-11, and you mentioned him, Alan Greenspan, they began to lower interest rates to 46-year lows.
Now, of course, they're at 50-year lows.
They flooded the world with cheap money.
There's been a building boom worldwide that's been built on nothing but speculation and borrowing.
It's collapsing.
There is no way out of this.
You cannot print your way out.
And the central banks worldwide are trying to do that.
I'm hearing all of these analysts that are making these projections and predictions about how strong the emerging markets are.
Guess what?
If America doesn't buy, the emerging markets don't sell.
You look over there in India.
You're looking at half the population making under $2 a day.
There's not going to be a recovery.
The printing presses are running out.
They can't continue to keep it going like this.
Every time they try something, there's a crisis.
The crisis has now moved away from this QE2, that white-shoe boy language for printing digital money out of thin air, backed by nothing, and producing nothing, over to Europe.
And now they're saying that the European banks are coming together for a rescue plan for Ireland.
There is no rescue.
You don't get rid of old debt by piling on new debt.
But it does transform more wealth to the White Shoe Boys.
Oh, it does.
And look at the numbers.
Look at the numbers from the White Shoe Boys.
A handful of them, Alex, getting bonuses worth $144 billion.
That's bigger than the GP.
That would rank number 49 of 194
Gross domestic products of the countries of the world.
And if you don't want to be outraged out there, check this out.
Stay there, Gerald.
We got a break.
Back in 70 seconds.
Five more minutes with Gerald Cilente.
We're on the march!
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The police state isn't coming.
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Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're in overdrive.
We're going to retransmit that interview with the current Chief Deputy DA and incoming DA of San Mateo County, where the San Francisco Airport's based.
He's already got deputies in there, and if they see the groping and fondling, he's giving them warning.
There's going to be felony charges.
Of course, now they'll just quit doing it for a little while until the deputies leave, but this is big breaking news.
DA now sending deputies to San Francisco Airport to investigate felony groping.
It's also going up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Please help us get this breaking news.
As other DAs get involved, as other airports say we're kicking the feds out,
They have no jurisdiction.
You can imagine, though, that the White Shoe Boys are loading the bombs on planes right now.
But when they blow up stuff, we'll just expose them for it.
Because if they can make us submit to sticking their hands down our pants, they can go with anything.
Now, going back to Gerald Cilente.
Gerald, you got the floor in the last four minutes that we've got left in this segment, and I appreciate you coming on with us.
Give us the website for the Trends Journal and more, but finish up with that key point you tried to make.
You were saying, folks, if you're angry about what's happening with the White Shoe Boys stealing hundreds of billions, get ready for this.
Current events form future trends.
Look at the current event today.
That's pushing up the stock market.
The great news at General Motors is selling stock.
Our money.
Taxpayer money.
But you out there, little people, you can't buy that stock.
You gotta be one of the big white shoe boys to get in.
The little people are frozen out.
I'm tired of people talking about Obama being a socialist, a communist.
The merger of state and corporate powers is fascism.
And fascism has come to America.
It's not only in the airports.
It's in White House.
It's in Wall Street.
Well, look at how Goldman Sachs gave him all the money.
But hold on.
What about 111 waivers for McDonald's and people to not have to get their employees insurance, but everybody else does?
That's total discrimination.
Everybody else will go out of business, but these people, they've got the inside track.
They own the casino.
You got it.
Here's our slogan, Alex, for 2011.
Break the chains.
Don't buy anything at the chains that you don't have to.
Break the chains and buy local and bank local.
Take your money out of the big banks and put it in the little banks.
If 20% of the people do that, they'll break the entire system.
They'll break Walmart.
They'll break Target.
They'll break them all down and we can rebuild Main Street.
Because they're on the margins.
When these companies, Alex, they lose 5, 10, 15% of their business, they start collapsing.
They have to keep growing.
They're like a tapeworm.
Stop feeding the tapeworm.
Everybody out there that eats their garbage and puts their money in their mouth, which is their bank, you're responsible for the slavery of being chained to the chains.
Well said.
Do you see the awakening accelerating?
It's happening now with this TSA.
And the reason, as I said, it's happening because it's affecting people personally.
When they get it in their heads that they're being affected personally,
By the garbage that they're feeding us like this place is Auschwitz farms out there in Iowa that was sending out a pullback a half a billion eggs.
Let them understand that they're killing us just like they're filling us up.
They're also poisoning us.
So you have to break the chains to really become free.
If enough people in beginning now
Break the chains, buy local, and bank local, we can have a new system.
Well said, Gerald Salendi.
Give us the website.
And Alex, as you know, we make the Transjournal available to everyone.
There's a discount request form.
We understand people are going through difficult times, but the purpose of the Transjournal is to inform and to give people... Absolutely!
Gerald, you're awesome.
Talk to you again soon.
We're out of time.
Key info with the DA.
This is the biggest breaking story in the TSA saga.
Stay with us and get the article out to everybody.
Investigate felony groping.
Stay with us.