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Name: 20101125_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 25, 2010
2359 lines.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a surprise guest in the first hour today.
He's getting ready to leave town and go down to Mexico for the winner.
He's the former governor of Minnesota, movie star, top wrestler, best-selling author, football commentator, you name it.
He's of course Jesse Ventura, but he's got his...
What crown jewel of this season and really what's dear to his heart, the JFK special with multiple groundbreaking, never before seen on national television info.
They even go after George Herbert Walker Bush.
This is dangerous and Braverman was on last week and said there are forces trying to stop the show.
There are people breaking into their trash and guys in suits running around.
They don't want to get into all of it.
There's a lot of harassment going on.
That's not hype.
This is really going on.
So on the heels of the Police State episode that we're going to talk about later in the hour, that folks are blown away by, that's going to re-air tonight at 8 o'clock before the new premiere at 9 central, is Governor Jesse Ventura.
Great to have you, Gov.
Always great to be here.
Hi, Alex.
How's everything down in Austin?
It's, you know, winter's starting to set in.
I bet it's starting to set in up in Minnesota.
Oh, we already had a blizzard.
You know, our winters are a little bit different than Texas winters usually, but yeah, we've already had a blizzard.
We've got snow on the ground, and even though the temperatures have been hovering around freezing, the snow hasn't fully left.
So, who knows?
Maybe we'll have it the rest of the year.
Gov, you know this show, we have the first little short segment, then we're going to come back with a long segment.
But I just wanted to commend you and the team, and I'm very honored to have been involved.
As investigative reporting goes, and for groundbreaking information and courage, and the fact that it got on air,
I know most of the crew agreed.
I don't know your view, but I believe that police state episode was so far the best that conspiracy theories ever put on air.
Oh, I won't be that judgmental.
I'm proud of all of them that we're putting on the air.
You know, they're all different topics.
They're all extremely interesting.
And when you delve and get into them, they get even more interesting to do them.
But Alex, I'm going to drop a bombshell on you today.
And that is this.
It all may be coming to an end for me.
And I haven't gone public with this.
I saved it for you.
Because of my respect for you, but it deals directly with what's going on with our airlines.
As you know, I've had hip resurfacing done.
So that every time I get on a plane, the buzzer goes off.
Well now they've gone to this enhanced interrogation, or whatever they want to call it, enhanced searching.
Alex, that guy in San Diego is completely correct.
If they did this to you on the street, it would be considered a sexual attack.
So I am refusing to fly commercial airlines anymore.
I will not subject myself to this.
I'm a governor, I'm a mayor, I'm a United States Navy veteran.
I don't feel that I need to prove that I'm not a murderer and that I would hijack a plane or any such nonsense.
And I will not subject myself.
And the head of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, whatever her name was, her big quote yesterday was on this enhanced searching.
She said if you don't like it, don't fly.
Well, that's the ultimatum she's given me and I'm exercising it.
I will not fly on a commercial airliner again unless I change my mind.
And you know me, I don't change my mind too often.
No you don't.
And Governor, some stations don't carry this first segment.
I want to come back and recap all this because that was on my list.
I wanted to talk about the breaking, seriously historical transmission that we hope makes it on air tonight.
I mean, there's never been anything this brave on television dealing with JFK or this accurate.
Then I want to go back over the FEMA camp special, the police state special.
It's going to re-air tonight before the premiere, and that was next.
TSA, I've flown with you.
I've seen what you go through.
And now they actually stick their hands in your pants.
We broke that two weeks ago.
People didn't believe it.
Now it's confirmed.
Stay there, Governor.
I'm going to talk about this when we get back.
Stay with us.
This is incredible.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, his hit TV show is now well into its second season.
The JFK special with breaking never-before-seen deathbed confession by one of the assassins.
It fingers George Herbert Walker Bush.
We're going to get Governor Ventura to talk about it as much as he can ahead of the premiere tonight, 9 o'clock central on TruTV.
The hour before the police state FEMA camp special that has just literally been
I don't
Well Alex, as you know, first of all I had to have hip surgery so I got a technique called hip resurfacing.
Which means, of course, they put carbon titanium steel in your body, they cover your joint with it, and it's because of that that I'm able to walk today.
If it weren't for the hip surgery, the resurfacing, I would be in a wheelchair and would be an invalid, and I wouldn't be leading too good of a life.
But I had to have it.
But in light of that, every time I go to an airport, the metal detector goes off.
Because I have the metal in my body, which many people do.
Uh, now they've done this enhanced searching where, where, uh, the TSA and Homeland Security said it's not good enough.
They're gonna either, you gotta go into these full-body x-ray machines if you set it off, or you now don't even get wanded.
You get completely hand-searched to where, if they touched you, the guy from San Diego is completely correct.
If you were touched that way on the street, it would be a sexual assault.
But they're able to get away with this because of apparently providing safety for us at airplanes.
So I've made the decision myself, personally, that I will not fly public aircraft anymore, nor use the public to where I'm subjected to this.
I feel that as a former governor, a former mayor, a honorably discharged United States Navy veteran, a Vietnam veteran, that I can't live with myself and subject myself that every time I go to an airport I have to prove that I'm not a murderer, I have to prove that I'm not guilty of anything, I have to prove that I won't hijack a plane.
I find it ridiculous, and so for my own personal choice, I will not fly a commercial airliner or subject myself to that again.
And it probably means an end to my career, pretty much, I don't know.
If there's jobs to do now, I will have to fly either in a private plane or find another mode of transportation, if I so desire to do them.
But I will not do this anymore in the United States of America.
Within our boundaries, be subjected to a policy that is the exact opposite of our legal standards in America, of that you're innocent until proven guilty.
Now I admit, certainly security things need to be done, but why is the U.S.
government in charge of it?
Why isn't each individual airline in charge of their own security?
And determining who flies their planes and who don't.
Well, that's a key, Governor.
TSA is already rolling out Viper Teams.
They have mobile vans, mobile trucks where they are openly now making people go through them at random sports stadium events, at musical events, at bus stops, at train stations, on highways.
This is a total federal power grab with minimum wage security guards given powers that police can't engage in.
And yesterday,
I had the DA on from San Mateo County and that's where the San Francisco airport is based and he said that his sheriff's deputies can't grab someone's genitals inside their pants or on the outside unless it's an emergency and the person's been arrested and then it's got to be same gender.
And he said that he's not just warned the TSA that they're not above the law, that was his quote, but that he has now dispatched sheriff's deputies to the San Francisco airport and that if he sees them touching people's genitals through the clothes, it's a misdemeanor, they'll be arrested.
If they put them in the pants, which they've now announced and they've now confirmed, including in some cases actually going in the underwear and grabbing the genitals and squeezing them,
Well, to me, why isn't it done by the airlines in the first place?
They're supposed to be private enterprise.
Why is it the government that provides security for the airlines?
Let the airlines provide their own.
And then you choose who you want to fly with.
And if you have a relationship with that airline, like in my case, it would be Delta Airline because they bought out and merged with Northwest.
Well, Northwest, the hub was here.
I know them very well, having been the governor.
Why can't I have a relationship with an airline where I'm not subjected to this type of behavior simply because I want to go fly and do my jobs?
Well, whatever it may be, go on vacation.
Whatever it might be.
But yet I, I've never been arrested.
I've never broken a law.
I'm not a terrorist.
I've served my country honorably for six years in the military.
I wish no ill will on my country.
I'm a patriot to my country.
And yet I'm subjected and treated like I might hijack a plane or I might blow up and murder people.
And I take offense to that, Alex.
Well, Governor, that's what this is all about.
It's about training us that we're the bad guys and that we have no constitutional training.
They don't search people like this in Communist China.
Well, I have friends in Mexico who come from Europe and they've told me they avoid the United States like the plague now.
That when they go to Mexico and that they will fly through any other cities except going through the United States.
Is that really how we want to portray ourselves in the world?
Well, CNN reported, as well as the Associated Press, that it's been over $9 billion a year lost since 2006 that they know of because tourism is down by over a third because foreigners won't come here because of the police state.
The thing is, too, Alex, okay, they'll offer to me, when I put off the original buzzer, when I walk through, you've seen it, we've traveled together, uh, the buzzer goes off, well, then I'm given an option.
I can go into this full body scan x-ray machine, which, if, they have to black out your face, because if the photo from that were put on the internet, they would have full nudity of you.
Did you hear about him leaking?
So, you're also being x-rayed, Alex.
Now, if you're flying four times a week, I don't care how much they tell you how little radiation you're getting.
You start multiplying that out four, five, six times a week, 52 weeks out of the year, maybe.
Then, five years from now, I get some brain tumor, and everyone's going to say, gee, how did that happen?
Well, that was my... I don't want to go in those things.
The pilots don't want to be subjected to them.
The flight attendants don't want to be subjected.
The people who fly the most do not want to be subjected.
When you go in and get an x-ray, they cover your genitals with lead.
The guy goes into another room.
They even do that with teeth x-rays.
They, you know?
And now they're saying, oh yeah, go walk through this thing four or five times a week, and then tell me three years from now something's wrong.
Well, that is my... Well, I refused to do that, so now I'm subjected to these searches that on the street would be deemed, as you said, by this deputy, illegal.
Absolutely, by multiple DA's now.
You know, and they're doing, and I think you're exactly right Alex.
I think they're doing this to prepare us.
They're getting, that's why I'm rebelling.
Because Alex, I was getting, in a free society, I was getting too comfortable being searched three to four to five times a week.
And I finally said I can't do this anymore.
And keep my sanity.
I believe in freedom and I believe nobody has the right to search you for any reason in our country unless they have probable cause that you've committed a crime and they got a warrant.
To that extent.
And so, the only way I can rebel is do what Pulitano said.
She gave the ultimatum.
If you don't like it, don't fly.
I take her up on it.
I'm not flying anymore.
So you agree that we need to draw the line here and say no because notice it's always more, more, more.
Take your shoes off.
Answer questions.
Can't carry shampoo.
Can't have toothpaste.
Now we're gonna naked body scan you.
Now they're saying on top of it,
They're going to feel you down.
Now they say they're going in your pants.
And now England has announced at the Manchester airport, they say, OK, no more pat downs.
If you don't go through the scanner, you will not fly.
And this is the seizure of the once free Western society.
They know.
And on top of it, Governor, what do you think of Chertoff?
Ordering the first scanners as Homeland Security head, and then becoming the head of the company, making millions of dollars himself off this.
Oh, well, you know, it's like when we, and we'll get out, let's get on to our conspiracy shows a little.
Alex, every conspiracy show we do on TV, generally they deal with the government.
I will tell you this, as we follow, call it the paper trail or the evidence,
On over 50% of them, roughly, the name Halliburton always appears.
All right, Gov, stay there.
Let's come back and get into JFK, the new episode airing tonight.
And you heard him admit this may be the end of the show, because he is not flying.
And I've been there with him at the airport, and I've seen him just squeezing all over him in Atlanta.
It's incredible.
And now they want to stick their hands down your pants.
What's next?
Proctology exams?
Stay with us.
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Okay, we are here live with Jesse Ventura.
I want to get into tonight's premiere at 9 o'clock Central, 10 p.m.
Eastern True TV of the JFK special.
And believe me, nothing like this has ever been on national TV.
This is bold.
But Governor, finishing up briefly with the huge revolt.
I mean, every time I turn on TV, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, it's all they're talking about.
And more and more people, I've seen polls of 96% in Reuters saying they're not going to fly because of this.
Big Sis, Napolitano's already had to back off.
I see the American people finally really getting angry over the government sticking their hands down their pants.
Well, I hope so, Alex.
I mean, maybe they've finally gone too far.
I don't know.
I certainly would hope so.
As I said, they've gone too far with me.
I will not fly commercial again as long as these standards that are currently in place right now apply.
And you said something very astute, and it's the same thing that was happening.
I noticed flying that five, six, seven years ago, I got angry by him asking me questions and taking my shoes off.
Now it was routine, like I was taking out the garbage or, you know, making coffee.
I felt comfortable doing it.
We're all being conditioned, and it's always more, more, more.
This is Pavlovian conditioning.
Absolutely it is, because that's what happened to me this summer.
I was flying probably three, two or three, four times a week doing the show to different locations throughout the country, and I started to become comfortable with the fact that three or four times a week I would be padded down and searched.
Well, it got, then the last time I flew was when the Enhanced went into effect.
I had one last flight from Washington, D.C.
back to Minneapolis.
And, of course, I set the buzzer off.
I refused to go into the, uh, microwave.
And so they had to hand-search me and they explained, they don't even use the wand now, Alex.
They used to just basically wand you.
Which I, you know, I may still fly in foreign countries because foreign countries just wand you.
Where they don't actually touch you.
They just go around you with the handheld wand.
Well, let's look at this quickly and then move on to JFK.
Well, the point is, that won't happen in the United States now unless they change policy so I'm left with no alternative.
As Napolitano said in her blunt statement, if you don't like it, don't fly.
So I'm choosing not to fly and I encourage others to do the same.
I don't
I saw this happen, and now it's all over the news.
Men, women, they actually squeeze your privates.
Well, I had it done to me, and they don't squeeze you.
They didn't do that to me, but they actually go into your groin so close that they actually go down through your groin and almost to your anus.
Okay, well, now, sir.
You know, that's what was done to me a couple weeks ago, the last straw for me.
Well, I can't believe these people would do it, that work for TSA.
They're okay with what they're doing?
They say, oh, we're professionals and I'm... You know, you know, you know, you know what it is, Alex?
And let's tie it into the JFK Show right now.
We have a confession tonight that people, for the first time in history, will hear someone confess to the murder of John Kennedy.
And I'll just say this, this is a spine-chilling confession.
It hits me right in the gut when it happens every time I look at it.
And what hits me the most out of it is this, Alex.
The person confessing is not confessing out of shame.
The person is proudly confessing.
The person believes that what they did in killing our president, that our country benefited from it in the long run.
And that's truly the chilling part of the show, is that these people that work for our government now believe that what they're doing is in the best interest of our country.
Because this guy that participated in murdering our president, that's the attitude he has.
It's not a confession of sorrow.
It's a confession of I want the world to know what we did because we're proud of it.
Stay there, Governor.
Big, long segment coming up.
Let's get into this in more detail.
This is chilling and groundbreaking.
It airs tonight, 9 o'clock Central.
Stay with us.
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Well, you heard it here first, former Governor Jesse Ventura.
Got a top rated TV show and he's saying you don't even know if he can do it again next year because he's not going through the TSA.
Well, my wife and children aren't going through.
I'm going to continue to fly, but I guess they're going to throw me out because they're not putting their hands on my genitals.
They're not putting their hands down my pants.
I'm not going to the radiation cooker.
Napolitano sourced the
We're good to go.
Alex, let me interject something though.
You won't have to necessarily worry about that because, you know, if you go through and you don't set off the metal detector, it's
No, no, no.
GSA's now announced in the Chicago Tribune that they do plan to have scanners everywhere and phased out metal detectors altogether.
You're right for now, Governor, but no... Okay, well, right now, see, the only reason I did it is because I have the surgery where they put the metal in my body.
So, I can't, no matter, I could walk through naked and it's going to go off.
Because it's inside my body.
But it's traumatic watching.
I was in San Jose three weeks ago and for 20 minutes drinking coffee after I'd gone through, Governor, I only watched
Women and children.
No men.
I saw them feeling up year-old, two-year-old babies.
It happened to one of my employees, Michelle, who had a 20-month-old baby to her.
They had a man search Michelle that works in my office.
I mean, Governor, this is just, they're breaking every taboo, but I'm sorry.
You got back to the raw exercise of power, how the TSA say they're proud of what they're doing.
Same thing with this deathbed assassin confession.
This is a famous villain.
This is a famous
Well, I don't recall.
Well, and the thing is about this person, he's proud of it.
This is not a confession of sorrow.
It's not a confession of, I want to apologize to America that we killed your president.
It's a confession of, wait a minute, I want credit for this.
Because we made America a better place by killing your president.
By taking the vote away from you and putting it into a trigger finger instead of a ballot.
You know, and that's the real scary part about it on the show tonight.
And, you know, there's fun parts of the show, too.
We retraced the exact route that Oswald took when he left the bookstore and was subsequently arrested in the theater.
And that in itself is bizarre.
It makes no sense.
You know, and so people will watch that.
It'll be very interesting.
Oswald supposedly did and you couldn't.
No, I couldn't even.
You couldn't come close to Alex because of the fact you can't work the bolt fast enough and get on target.
Once you go to work, the man lets your car candle bolt.
It's a piece of junk.
The telescopic sight was like a thin cigar.
And this is identical to what they showed as the killing weapon.
Well, when you do the bolt for the second and third shots, which allegedly he missed the first shot anyway, so I would miss the first shot on purpose.
Except for the last time.
I did it four times.
The last time I did it just to show that the first shot would be the best.
I said this time, instead of missing the first shot on purpose, I'm going to shoot the silhouette of Jackie right between the shoulder blades, and I did it.
With the first shot.
To show how accurate you would be with the first shot.
But then, subsequently, working the bolt takes you off target.
Well, the fastest I could do the bolt was 8.6 seconds.
And they're claiming Oswald did it in six flat.
You're almost three seconds faster than I could.
So it took you eight seconds to... It took me eight-six just to do the bolt, and that's blindly shooting.
You can't even get on target.
That's just to be able to get the rounds out, Alex.
Well, the three.
The initial round, and then the two that come after that.
Now, I did score a headshot.
But let's remember, my targets will not be moving.
Or declining.
Mine were stationary.
They were the identical length of the Warren Commission stated.
We measured them off, and I go up in a big lift, so I'm at the exact shooting position that they claimed Oswald shot from.
But the difference, my targets were not moving, his were, and I couldn't even do it to targets that were not moving.
Sure, just to be specific though, I know there were three shots.
I'm saying one shot where you already have the round chambered, and then twice that you had to do the bolt.
That took over eight seconds.
Took 8.6 seconds.
That was my fastest.
That was the fastest one.
We did it four times.
Well, you know what the Italians called that rifle?
The Humane Rifle.
Oh yeah, no, I'm aware of it.
Yeah, no, we had Dr. Fetzer was with us.
When we did it.
Uh, we talked to Jim right in the theater.
And Jim will reveal stuff tonight that's very interesting.
Extremely interesting.
Well, here's one interesting thing you got, Alex, on food for thought of common sense.
Now, you've just had the murder of the president.
A little while later you have a murder of a police officer on the street.
Now, the only phone call made was that someone went into the movie theater and didn't buy a ticket.
Now, if that happened in that sequence of order, the murder of the president, a half hour later the murder of a police officer, and a half hour later somebody don't buy a ticket to go into a theater, how come
Nearly 20 cops and eight or nine squad cars arrived to arrest a guy who didn't buy a ticket to the theater.
Well, normally, especially in 1963, they would just send in the theater manager to throw you out or demand you buy a ticket.
Well, not only that, but as a police dispatcher.
You got the president murdered out there.
You got a police officer shot dead on the street.
You're gonna dispatch 20 cops to a movie theater?
No, it shows it was all staged.
It was all staged!
I believe that Oswald was supposed to die in the theater.
And I think that's where the screw-up came up.
That they were going to get him and kill him there for resisting arrest.
The entire Jim Garrison case becomes crystal clear.
This was Oswald's mistress.
And she knows more than Marina would ever know because that's one of the keys to the mystery.
Oswald was already estranged from Marina.
For months prior to the killing.
He was having an affair with this woman.
And she herself was involved in the whole thing.
Oswald clearly was a CIA agent and an FBI informant.
Because he was working on a project with this woman, with David Ferry, with Dr. Osner of the famous Osner Cancer Clinic down in Tulane.
They were attempting to create a fast-moving cancer of which to assassinate Castro.
And now they put it in the vaccines.
Governor... But that's the behind the story of who Lee Harvey Oswald was.
Why do you think Alex had to take all information on Oswald and lock it up in the National Archives because of national security?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, why do you think he's out at a secret U-2 spy plane base in Japan, is allowed to go to Russia, and allowed to defect back and then just left alone and not thrown in irons?
I mean, this guy...
Lee Oswald, if you read this book by Judith Barry Baker, she wrote the book.
She's in hiding.
She's in Europe right now.
And she's been in hiding.
Do you know how she hid out all these years?
She became a Mormon.
And she entered the, you know, Mormons have kind of their close-knit communities of protection.
And that's how she, David Ferry warned her, if you want to live, you better go underground.
And she did.
Her husband didn't know about this, her children didn't, and it's all documented in this book.
It's just thrilling to read this thing.
Well, I want to get her on the show.
I've been meaning to do that.
You won't get her.
She's in Europe.
She won't come here because of fear for her life, even today.
And in the book, though, you remember when Oswald worked at the O'Reilly Coffee Company?
She was likewise hired there that was both under the guise of working for Dr. Oshker.
Oswald could move about freely because she did his time cards every day.
And in the book, she shows you the time cards with her initials at the bottom.
And it's all documented.
It's all true.
She has it all.
Oswald was a government agent.
Definitely, it's even come out in some government documents that he was.
Also, we have CIA documents that have been declassified that show a George Herbert Walker Bush working for the CIA, but he said he was never in the CIA until the mid-70s when Nixon, who we know was involved in the JFK operation, magically makes him CIA director.
But tonight, you guys really do something that takes a lot of chutzpah.
Whenever you do one of these things, Alex, you think you know it all.
I mean, I've been studying JFK now for over 25 years, but in the course of doing this, even I got stunned when there was a connection to George Herbert Walker Bush, and we will expose that tonight also, and it was something that I never had a clue of.
In all of the research I had done up until this, so that's one of the exciting things about doing this show is no matter what preconceived ideas that I have and knowledge I have going in, something always happens or something rears its head that I am unaware of.
Like in many cases it always turns out to be halibut.
But in this case, of course, it's different.
But, Halliburton was involved in one way.
Halliburton was a subsidiary of Kellogg, Brown & Root that made the billions of dollars on construction projects and dredging the Gulf of Tonkin and other areas.
They were some of the biggest lobbyists angry about... Again, Halliburton rears its head even 40 years after the war.
That's coming up tonight, 9 o'clock on TruTV.
It's on most basic cable packages.
And you know what'll be interesting, Alex?
Now, this should be headline news in the paper tomorrow, shouldn't it?
I mean, the fact that someone has now confessed to killing our president because, let's remember something, there's no statute of limitations on murder.
If you kill someone 50 years ago, you can be tried for it today.
Because there's no statute of limitations.
So here you have a confession to the murder of our president, and yet mainstream media won't even report this show tomorrow.
That this happened.
Governor, let's try to- This ought to be on the front page of every newspaper in America.
Governor, let's try to change that together with the audience right now.
We have succeeded in the 50 plus times we've done this almost every time.
Yesterday we did a term dealing with silver and only made it to number two.
We need to make this the number one Google search today, right now, so that hundreds of publications go click on it and find out that it's InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We need to make JFK deathbed confession, those three words, and that will lead them to Jesse Ventura to air JFK assassination deathbed confession.
That will lead them to the article that leads them to the show tonight.
Folks, this is true activism just like we started three weeks ago, the revolt against the TSA.
Here on this show, even mainstream media has admitted that.
The Drudge Report teamed up with us.
And now it's the biggest story and the revolt is on.
We can have another salvo for truth here.
I want you to go to Google and type in this acronym in two words.
JFK, or the initials, not acronym.
JFK deathbed confession.
JFK deathbed confession.
I even want the crew to type it into Google right now.
I'm going to do it during the break.
JFK deathbed confession.
JFK deathbed confession.
Those three words.
Let's make it number one.
I mean, they've put a lot on the line.
They've had guys in suits breaking into their trash.
Trying to
I think?
On the fusion centers the Mike report that we broke last year when law enforcement gave it to us But putting it on national TV going to the FEMA camps going and confronting the congressman that co-authored and in sponsored Bills having them play dumb and then confronting them with the bill.
I thought it was going to rear tonight like the Wall Street one aired from the week before last week before the
Well Alex, the bottom line was I saw one!
I mean, I stood in front of it and they call it a residence.
And the thing's got a barbed wire fence, it's got two double-multiple fences, 20 feet in between them.
I was a governor, I know what a prison looks like.
And, you know, this looks like a prison.
You can't walk in it.
No one can come out freely.
Yet it's called a residence.
They even have a sign.
You can be arrested if you bring in anything that allows someone to escape.
Well, then clearly this is not what I saw.
This is a detainment center.
A residence.
Which is another word for a prison.
Guys, give me a document cam shot for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
And so, you know, that's the bottom line, is that these places are out there.
The other big thing to remember is, when I go to confront these congressmen, remember, they may be telling the truth.
They maybe don't know what's in the bill.
That's how inadequate these Democrats and Republicans are today, because they're told how to vote by their political parties.
They don't need to know what's in a bill.
They get told from the higher echelon, vote yes on this, vote no on that.
Well, why would they subject themselves to all that additional reading if all they have, if they're told how to vote?
Well sir, there's some breaking news on this front.
We have had listeners that have contacted Jim Gerlich, his office, that have contacted the other congressman that you were able to talk to, Steve Cohen of Tennessee, and he sent a response out, Gerlich did, and said, I was made aware of the legislation by Willow Grove Air Force Base,
And he says, the base is in the process of being decommissioned and will be an effective way for both save jobs and prepare for emergencies.
And he goes on to say, citizens would not be held against their will.
But, when you go to the urban warfare drills, when you see what FEMA's training for, when you read the bill, it says any purpose that Homeland Security and FEMA see fit.
And you confront them.
I mean, maybe Gerlich is ignorant, but watching the body language of Cohen,
Yeah, well, they make light of it.
They just laugh it off with you like it's much ado about nothing.
Why are you concerned about this?
I've told you there's no problem.
So I guess you're just supposed to believe this elected person.
You know, it's don't believe your lying eyes, Alex.
When you go and, like I have, and visually see them, and then you actually use your eyes to read the bill, it's almost like they're saying to you, oh, don't believe your lying eyes, I'll give you the answer here.
Well, you've made history.
No one has ever put this together on national television, and that's another issue.
How are you getting this on television?
Well, I don't know.
You know, let's give True TV credit, and Mark Juris, the head of the network, because he told me unequivocally at dinner, he said, there's never been any thought that your shows would not go on from the moment we contracted to do them.
I'll tell you.
Whether we don't now or not.
I agree.
I think that's probably 50% of it.
The rest is, they operate through our ignorance, our compartmentalization, and a lot of people in media, in the power structure, really aren't part of the elite, and so the globalists can't come out in every case and stop something from getting on air now.
They always just counted on people self-censoring or saying, oh, I don't believe that.
Well, let's remember, too, what Albert Einstein said, and it applies greatly to the United States of America.
Albert Einstein's quote, a foolish faith in authority is the enemy of the truth.
And that's what we have in this country, our egos.
We have this foolish faith in authority that authority would never do anything to harm us.
Authority is always good and has our best interest in mind.
Well, I got news for you.
You can be deceived.
You can elect evil people.
You know?
They can deceive you.
They will portray to you something that they are not.
You've all seen pro-wrestling.
Well, pro-wrestling isn't too far from pro-politics.
Let me add one more point in Gerlich's response to constituents.
He says, however, as I made clear to Mr. Ventura, I am more than happy to address any potential problems with the legislation.
He never spoke to me.
No, no.
He says he told you one time to come and that you didn't come, so he's lying.
You see it right on the film.
We went there twice.
No, I know.
So he's... I never spoke to him.
I wouldn't know him if he walked up to me right now.
I spoke to one of his, a couple of his people.
They informed me that he left to go back to his constituency and that he wouldn't be able to see me.
And now he's saying that I didn't show up.
Well, you be the judge.
It's all on film, you know.
No, I know.
But it just shows, sir, I don't think they're playing dumb, okay?
I mean, look, everything in that Emergency Centers Act is what they've already built, what we documented years ago.
It's just the rolling out of it, kind of like they were already wiretapping, but then they retroactively made it legal.
I think it ties right into that old continuity of government, Alex.
We've been rolling out since Ronald Reagan.
Well, I did notice that the ratings came out, and for this season, the police state had the highest ratings of any of the shows, which again, certifies the truth, shows the people are hungry for hardcore news.
I hope the JFK special tonight tops it all, 9 o'clock Central, 10 p.m.
Eastern, and lobby TruTV and tell them, re-air that police state tonight.
I mean, come on.
I thought that was airing at 8.
That just blew me away.
The water special's coming up.
Also, the BP special, you and I down there in the Gulf.
Yeah, and we also go back to 9-11 and we'll focus on the alleged plane that hit the Pentagon.
Well, Governor, we've only got about two minutes left.
Any other tidbits on the TSA, on the JFK?
Well, I'd just like to say, Alex, again, I'm making my stand.
I'm not going to fly commercial anymore in the United States because of, you know, I explained all that.
So until the policy changes, I don't know.
You know, I can't state the future of the show now.
They're all done this year, but of course I have to fly in which to do them.
And certainly I don't believe they have the budget to fly me in a private jet.
So it may be curtains for the show, I don't know.
But if it is, whatever, it's a stand that I feel I must make.
I hope people respect my decision.
But I feel I have to make it.
And so, Alex, I guess I won't see you anymore unless we're driving.
But I've got to make a stand because, again, I'm in a worse predicament because I set the things off.
Every time.
Okay Alex, keep up the great work and keep fighting the fight and I left all
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got our once a week visit with Bob Chapman.
Coming up in the next hour, we're going to have open phones in this hour.
We're going to have open phones in the next on this Live Friday edition.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
That is the last interview Jesse Ventura will be doing in 2010.
I don't
The hotels, the theme parks, they don't want to lose the business, but the globalists have said they want to make air travel harder, they want to make it restrictive with checkpoints, they want to put carbon taxes on it, and ban non-essential travel.
That's why they're going to put transponders in all the cars and satellite tracker boxes.
The Feds have openly announced this.
They're now getting everybody ready for it.
Tax you by the mile.
They want you bankrupt.
They're waging war against the real economy.
We've got to stop them now, because if they just incrementally do this, they're going to win.
This is now the biggest story in the country.
We're good to go.
So, he is done.
He is done with it.
And we're gonna give that MP3 of the first two segments where he talked about that to Curt Nemo, who's doing a story for Infowars.com.
We're getting that processed, right?
That piece of audio for him?
Fantastic, great job, crew.
Also, this is the first anniversary of ClimateGate.
This is when ClimateGate really broke.
uh... and of course uh... on this day last year we were popping champagne on air knowing that we had blown up the death star as I put it but uh... James Corbett of the Corbett Report sent a great little ten minute video that if I have time later towards the end of the next hour I'm gonna play it if not it's up on InfoWars.com uh... and PrisonPlanet.com but but that's that's news that a
Celebrity, a former governor, a TV host, and believe me, it's not talk.
Ventura is very committed.
I am too.
A jackass isn't a common term jackass.
A jackass is a donkey.
And if a donkey doesn't want to move, it's not going to move.
I actually like them.
And I'm the same way to a certain extent.
That's what made this country great, is the stubbornness in the face of tyranny.
And, I mean, if a donkey doesn't want to move, folks, you can beat it over the head with a two-by-four.
There are stories about that in the Bible.
Well, the guy's beating his donkey to death, because the donkey sees an angel up ahead on the road, and the guy hadn't seen it yet, and the donkey won't move.
The guy's beating it over the head.
Because I guess me and Ventura are a pair of jackasses.
But the issue is, though, seriously, Americans, Americans ought to be like that.
I mean, look, we're done.
I don't care what all the fancy talk.
I don't care what you say.
Get rid of this stuff.
We're not.
And I like how he says at the end of his police state episode last week, I said it before and I'll say it again, I'd rather face the danger than give up my liberties.
Jesse Ventura's a great guy, and he's really smart.
And he learns more and more about the new world order all the time.
And it's always scary when he comes back from Mexico, because he's right under 20, 30 bucks.
He didn't really watch TV down there.
And he comes back with even more knowledge.
So that's Aaron at 9 o'clock.
Let's make JFK deathbed confession number one, please.
JFK deathbed confession.
Just type the initials JFK deathbed confession into Google, and believe me, they'll hate it.
And we need to get that up to the top there with the search engine, so that people find out about what's coming up tonight.
And we need everybody to get our article from InfoWars.com and Prinsepont.com and post it on your sites.
In case they block out our URLs, they'll still get our story.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're live ladies and gentlemen, there's a lot of crazy news going on.
I heard a liberal talk show host this morning in Austin, giddy with primitive war fever.
Just absolutely getting incredibly excited over the prospects of war in Mexico.
Clearly, the crisis on the border with the United States and Mexico does warrant serious hardcore military.
We need 100,000 troops on that border.
More people have died on that border in the last two years than would die in two years in the Vietnam War at its height.
28,000 plus.
And growing.
And it's all swept under the rug.
But Governor Rick Perry, who's running for president, you can absolutely believe that.
When he says he's not running for president,
Ask him why he's a liar in the next year when he announces with him and little Sarah Palin.
I wonder what they're going to be doing in the Lincoln bedroom.
I mean, give me a break.
Perry says he considers military in Mexico.
That's the San Antonio Express News today.
He said it on television last night.
Governor Rick Perry, who continues to insist he's not interested in the presidency, is nevertheless always ready to tell the federal government how to do its job.
On such matters as border security, including indicating he and the U.S.
should be open to sending military into Mexico to help fight the drug war.
And I'm gonna go over more of his quotes.
In fact, let's pull it up on YouTube, what he actually said, to play that a little bit later.
I meant to tell the crew that.
Here's the problem.
The Mexican military and the Mexican governors and the Mexican Congress
Almost two a man are involved in the narcotics trafficking.
You can go to Mexico and watch the military tending and growing and guarding the marijuana.
The Mexican military has been caught over and over again shipping cocaine and heroin into the US.
The people the Mexican military are killing are cartels and cowboys and coyotes, coyotes, who are smuggling it and not paying their cut.
They're small-time people.
Just like the mafia in New York or Chicago, if you go back 50 years ago, some small-time group was trying to bring drugs onto the streets.
They'd get filled full of holes, or they'd get cement shoes.
So, I wanted to briefly just break down the facts, and I've had sociologists, anthropologists on, State Department experts, none of this is my opinion.
Okay, and I live down here in Texas.
I told folks six, seven years ago it was a war zone, when the media was denying it.
We've had car bombs, rocket attacks in Texas, police being killed.
It's all swept under the rug and it's getting worse and worse.
Last year I had a state senator on who admitted on air that martial law has quietly already been declared as of the middle of last year, almost a year and a half ago, on the Texas-Mexico border.
The military has pulled back 10 miles off the borders as of three months ago from Arizona to Texas.
They've ceded 80 miles into Arizona, areas of the state to drug cartels, and the feds have put up signs saying don't go into these areas.
Drug cartels in the area.
When sheriffs that I've had on this show from Texas have caught truckloads of marijuana and cocaine, in some cases three to six miles, in both cases, one was three, one was six, over the U.S., Mexican troops drive over in armored vehicles and stop our police on highways with machine guns and say, give it back or you're dead, and they escort it back.
The federal government knows this.
So, when all, even the liberals get giddy about the idea of a war and say, let's go help the Mexican military stop the drug cartels, do you understand that there's already billions and billions a year in U.S.
government funds to Mexico and to Calderon to launch this attack against the other cartels that's caused this war to explode?
So this will be adding gasoline to it.
Now, if you want to put the military on the border, and next time Mexican troops shoot at ranchers or our police or our military, and you want to have warthogs, A-10s, fly up and down, destroying all their vehicles, I'm all for that.
When Mexico commits an act of war next time, I say have Abrams tanks lined up, I say have A-10 warthogs, just 10 or so every state on the border, and in 10 minutes they can have crews ready and launch those and fly up and any Mexican columns of trucks or personnel, kill them all!
How's that sound?
You want a war that's righteous and good?
Mexico's running all over this country.
That's what armies are for, is to defend your border.
Instead of having A-10s flying around killing innocent Iraqis and Afghans and people, let's talk about the real threat.
The Mexican government is a narco-terrorist criminal state that abuses and dominates its own people and the criminal banks that run this country.
Are using the criminal families in Mexico to rule and to squeeze the good, hard-working people in Mexico.
And they're sick of it.
And this war down there is more about a rebellion than a quote, drug war.
That's only the surface.
So I stand with the Mexican people, who don't hate the United States, and understand that criminal interests run the U.S., just like their country, and I stand for Mexico to have liberty.
I'd love Mexico to get a Bill of Rights and Constitution, root out corruption.
It'd be a wonderful place to live, it's beautiful.
It's wealthy when it comes to natural resources.
But Mexico isn't gonna get fixed, and the U.S.
is gonna collapse right along with it, if we allow them to send the military down into Mexico.
That's our military being sent to back up the main drug cartel, the Mexican government, to secure their monopoly of the 500 billion in heroin and cocaine and marijuana coming in every year.
Now, what's the real solution staring everyone in the face that would end almost all of this crime overnight?
So many criminal enterprises have been grown through this and have been funded.
They're going to find new things to do, but it won't be half as bad.
What do you do?
Do you send the military down to fight a bunch of people that are in plainclothes in a guerrilla war?
And when the smaller cartels have bought off most of the police and the military, because the military brass and the governors, they're cheap.
They don't pay off their troops to not be involved in drugs because they want all the money for themselves.
They don't share it.
They're not smart in their corruption.
The lower level cartels will pay off the police and military.
That's why they can't be beaten.
This is a nightmare quagmire.
Not one of our troops should be sent over that border.
Unless it's in an A-10 Warthog to open up on those armored columns.
And by the way, you don't need to shoot a DU round to go through their armor.
They've got non-DU rounds.
They can use exploding rounds fired out of that Vulcan cannon.
Do not fire DU down there.
You do not need DU.
You're not fighting T-72 Russian tanks with 7-inch armor.
You can just fire explosive rounds or regular lead rounds at those suckers.
Send them in.
Send in a hundred warthogs.
They'll clean up that border in a matter of hours.
And if the Mexican Air Force wants to get it on, send in the F-15s, the F-16s.
Send in the B-2 bombers.
Hit their air bases.
Blow them to kingdom come.
But see, our military won't be used for something real to defend our country like George Washington would do.
You know what George Washington would do right now?
Our military's got to go pick on people thousands of miles away because they want to steal their oil and get their opium.
Same reason they want us to now go into Mexico to back up their criminal government.
Now, what do you do to end all this overnight?
You decriminalize heroin and cocaine like it was 80 plus years ago.
Let me see, they're sort of criminalizing it by 1932, 33.
So how many years is that?
Yeah, you're talking 80 years or close to it.
You could buy pure cocaine, pure heroin at the drugstore and there were far fewer people on it.
Because it was looked down upon, people knew how dangerous it was.
But if you wanted to go kill yourself, go ahead.
That's a free society.
What did they lose in 33?
What have they just gotten rid of?
They couldn't.
The corrupt cops, the corrupt FBI, the corrupt government making hundreds of millions of dollars in every major city.
And that was back in those numbers off the speakeasies.
It wasn't the Christians that got liquor outlawed.
They were the useful idiots.
It was the big distillers and the corrupt governments that wanted that.
And when they lost their prohibition, you know, where they could make 10, 20 times what they could previously when liquor was legal.
They needed something new, so they made marijuana, cocaine, and heroin illegal.
So they could jack up the price again.
Who set up Skull and Bones?
Who set up the CIA?
Admittedly, the main families that controlled opium in this country.
This is like ABC News.
This is not my opinion.
This is absolute fact.
The drug dealers make the drugs illegal.
The drug dealers want the drugs illegal.
You decriminalize now.
You don't sell it over the counter.
But if somebody's an addict, they can go get a slip of paper from the government and then go get it.
And then something else happens.
They stop breaking in your house for your stereo, computer, for grandma's painting.
All these pawn shops fencing all the stolen goods will dry up.
All this scum will just blow away.
I've seen the criminology reports.
Over 90% of home invasions and thefts and carjackings and muggings are drug-related.
You don't see winos out knocking people over the head very often for money.
No, they can just panhandle because the beer's cheap.
The whiskey's cheap.
Let me tell you, if whiskey was $200 a bottle, instead of $7 a bottle, for that rot gut they drink, you'd have homeless people breaking in houses like a bunch of zombies.
You see the crackhead zombies breaking in houses, because that stuff's expensive.
This is a scourge of crime.
So no, Perry!
We don't send our troops down there to secure the drugs for your globalist buddies.
Decriminalize, Perry!
If you really want to be tough, call for the warthogs to be brought in.
10 A-10s per state, 20 miles from the border, the crews waiting in their shacks, the bombs, the missiles, the Gatlin guns loaded, send up some
Send up some Puff the Magic Dragon C-130s with the Howitzers.
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It's breaking up at Infowars.com.
Former Governor Jesse Ventura will no longer fly due to abuse he's endured at the hands of the TSA.
We need to get that emailed over to the Drudge Report.
Paul's getting married today so he can't do it.
Maybe listeners will.
But I think that's newsworthy.
Former Governor Ventura will no longer fly due to abuse he's endured at the hands of the TSA.
And he says it may put an end to his career.
Very powerful stuff.
We're doing the search term JFK deathbed confession for this bombshell TV show out tonight.
Let's go ahead now and go to your phone calls and I've got economic and police state news coming up.
But this issue with Perry, getting ready to run for president, got his new book out.
It's going to be him and Palin, you just watch.
He said, let's get tough, let's send our Marines down into Mexico.
The government's corrupt, they're the main drug dealers!
And you know that, and the government knows that.
Rick Perry trying to make girls take Gardasil shots that are deadly.
Rick Perry tried to push through NAFTA and GATT-style superhighways to steal all this property.
I mean, the guy's as conservative as Mao Zedong.
Let's go ahead and, but hey!
You know, he looks like the bad guy from Scarface.
So, you know, what's wrong with that?
And he wears fancy suits, he's got a Texas accent, it must be good.
Becky in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi Alex.
I have a TSA story, kind of.
I went to get on my flight, I don't know if this has happened to anybody else, but some guy got ahead of me in the line,
And Ashley took my seat on the plane.
And they stopped it once and then Sturgis went back and said there's some man there.
She didn't check his ticket or anything.
And then when they took me back out to the plane, the pilot said, no, I've shut the doors.
We're not gonna stop the plane.
And I lost my seat.
He was probably an air marshal.
I don't know, but they said he was standby or something, but they wouldn't even check him, they wouldn't make him get off the plane, nothing.
Well, it's all about not giving a service.
You know, I've read corporate studies that were done back in the 50s and 60s when McDonald's put out
Trash cans saying thank you.
Well, why not make you cook your own food?
People think you're getting a better deal by cleaning up your own food.
No, you're just destroying jobs in the economy and lowering the overall standard of service.
Just like gas stations that didn't have service pumps.
Well, now they estimate we lose billions a year of people not checking their water, not getting their oil checked, you know, not getting service.
It kills those entry-level jobs.
We need to demand more service as a country, and that creates more jobs, and then more service, and then more jobs.
Instead, they're getting rid of the entire economy with globalism and automation.
The only part of the economy growing is government.
Becky, I'm sorry to hear that happen to you.
Let's talk to Sean in Oregon.
Sean, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, go ahead.
I've been thinking about the body scanners and how we can make it more powerful to the public.
And we covered the mobile x-ray vans a couple months ago, and if we could get those into everybody's mind, I think that would just put it over the top and just destroy it.
Yes, we are.
That's why they always fill me up.
I'm not doing it anymore.
Well, TSA has said this will be for everyone.
In El Paso, the El Paso Times reported four months ago.
Oh, exactly.
I mean, if we can get Fox News to cover... I mean, they ran their video story about the TSA
You know, going around and shooting those things into people's walls.
People will flip their gaskets thinking that they're gonna be driving around and searching their cars and stuff like that.
Well, it's been in Forbes that they've got 500 trucks driving around looking through your walls.
I mean, and that's... Those systems are so high-powered, they dwarf a regular chest x-ray.
I mean, there's no doubt that that's like super high-powered.
Well, it seems like people are okay with it at the airport because they don't fly.
But if they realize that they're going to be, you know, at checkpoints searching their cars for drugs and shooting their kids in the back seats full of x-rays, then there's no escaping it.
I hear a lot of people saying, well, I just won't fly then.
Well, this is still coming.
You know, that just gave me a very important idea I'm going to talk about when we get back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and I want to get people's attention here.
We know we're going into tyranny.
We know the world economy is being imploded.
We know that our society is going in the wrong direction.
We understand that.
It's up to us now to get the word out to people.
And what's old news is new news to people that aren't aware of the Federal Reserve being private.
Or aren't aware that in upstate New York and other areas they have the National Guard out running x-ray scanners over cars.
And the TSA has mobile trucks where they're training to put citizens through checkpoints.
We have to get the word out to people.
And Tim, here in the office, just came and gave me this little air horn.
He said, I thought you might want this.
He said, watch out, it's really loud.
So I'm gonna press this here, open it and break the microphone, to get people's attention.
To basically underline and highlight how serious this information is.
That's not that loud.
I guess I'm already, I guess I'm already so deaf, though, from years of radio, too high a headphones on.
That was like a boat horn or something.
Okay, folks, getting serious here and getting back into your phone calls.
I want to get into the economy here in a moment.
Obviously, huge developments on that front.
But first, let's continue with your phone calls.
Who's up next here?
Victoria in Montana, you're on the air, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do and let you know I'm an avid Prison Planet subscriber and I have two things for you.
The first one is if our government really wanted to take care of the border problems with Mexico and stop the illegal immigrant traffic from coming into the United States over the border, all they would have to do is station our military on the border and it would stop that problem overnight.
But instead, they want to use our troops to enslave the American people in all these FEMA camps that they've been, you know, stationing all over the nation that I saw on Governor's Show last Friday.
And also, they're enslaving the people in other nations for the Federal Reserve System, the bankers robbing the people of their national, of their resources.
I'm good to go.
So another thing that I did this past week, I created like six articles that are free showing parents how to recognize whether their child is like a visual, auditory, tactile, or a kinesthetic learner, and then giving them some tips on how to help their children learn any kind of information they want to a lot easier once they recognize which type of learner they really are.
So if it's okay, I'll give the site out where people can get that.
Sure, go ahead.
It's www.phoenixreadingpro.com, and it's the last six that I put up so that they could learn that.
But tell me, what do you think about stationing our troops on the border to protect our country instead of all the other countries?
No, absolutely.
It's common sense.
It's what the military's for.
Everything the federal government's supposed to do, they won't do.
Everything they're not supposed to do and barred by law from doing, they do do.
Because they're a bunch of tyrants.
Ruth in Louisiana.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hi, Ruth.
I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.
You too.
And I'm always praying for you and praying for Josephine Ture and everything else.
This is a deal.
You know?
My mother used to say, talk is cheap, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
And what we need to do, now there's going to be approximately 20 million people flying for the holidays.
Why don't we stop it and do a massive protest and don't fly!
Just don't fly!
Well that's what's happening!
Dice it and dice it!
Yeah, that'll bring these people, that'll bring them to their knees.
And speaking of that, a few days ago, they had this supposed bomb on the German plane.
And then it was the telltale sign, oh, they're not sure if it's a bomb.
And now some unnamed government did a drill, and that's mainstream news today, and put a fake bomb on it, but they won't say who.
And something hit me.
Wait a minute.
They knew that there were supposedly cartridge bombs a few weeks ago, right before the election.
They're mailed to England.
The bomb experts test it and say it's not a bomb, and Obama comes out an hour later and says it is a bomb.
The U.S.
tells them, test it again, like, no, we know that's a bomb, because we mailed it.
That's the one thing they left out.
So, again, it's all just drills.
They use these drills
Well, I just wish people would just stop flying.
I hear you, ma'am, and I appreciate your call.
The issue is, though, it's very nuanced.
They want us to slowly quit traveling, slowly quit flying as they reorganize things.
But they don't want it to happen immediately because that upsets their agenda and the way they've got this put into phases.
So, yes, if people stop flying immediately in large enough numbers, they will at least back off for a while.
Then they'll come back.
I remember 8 or 9 years ago reading mainstream news articles about a big RFID symposium that was going on up in Chicago.
It was transcripts of the big speeches they were giving and the head of it was saying, look, our internal studies show that 80 plus percent of people hate these RFID and all their products, tracking everything they do.
But our studies also show that if we just demand it and push it through and ignore what they say and do, they'll just give in to it.
So, the key is, we've got to just keep pushing and hammering and never stop.
Well, that's what we've got to do.
It's whoever wants it most.
They want this control grid.
They want to take over society.
They want to dominate and control everything.
We need to continue to expose them, to document what they're doing, and to resist them.
And it's just that simple.
Okay, let's go ahead and go back to another caller.
James in Michigan.
James, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I just want to first say I appreciate you, what you're doing, and your crew.
I highly respect all of you guys.
You guys are brave enough to go after the main corruption of our system.
Another thing I want to bring up, too, is we need to get the word out about Jesse Ventura not wanting to fly, and that we got tons and tons of people that own jets and planes
People should all contribute to get him to fly privately so he doesn't have to get screened like he is.
I mean, this is for all of us.
Think what's coming next if we don't say no to this now, James.
And he's the only one that has publicized on TV and we need him.
If we don't have him, we're done.
Good point.
Anything else?
I want to get back into the TSA some next hour with Bob Chapman because they're really coming out with disinfo now.
They're really trying to get off of the defensive into the offensive with more lies, more propaganda.
TSA lists myths, facts about passenger security measures.
And we're going to be going over this because it's just more lies.
These people are unbelievable.
But it doesn't matter.
I mean, just a couple weeks ago they said we're not patting your genitals.
Now they admit they're even going in your pants.
Or they say, oh, there's no radiation danger.
Or they say they don't save the images.
It's just lies, lies, lies.
New lies for old.
Now, looking at the economy, here is
French news agency, World Trade Organization chief warns against currency wars.
The private WTO, the globalist organization, all part of this program, de-industrialize, the big banks have set up the currency wars to devalue currency.
It's a global devaluation, not a currency war.
And we told you it was coming.
The head of the World Trade Organization today warned countries against keeping their currencies undervalued to create jobs saying such policies could spark a return to 1930 style protectionism.
They mean depression.
And it goes on from there.
Bernanke takes aim at China.
Wall Street Journal.
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke fired back amid criticism home and abroad of the Fed's easy money policies, arguing that China and others are causing global problems by preventing their currencies from strengthening as their economies boom.
By keeping their currencies artificially weak, Mr. Bernanke argued in Frankfurt Friday, China and other emerging markets are allowing their economies to overheat, preventing trade imbalances
Um, from adjusting and worsening the so-called two-speed global economy.
They've already done that!
The globalists always, again, oh, we've got a currency problem, we need a global government and a global currency.
Oh, China's got too low of a currency and too many factories.
They made deals with them, they did this, they knew.
I mean, that's like Greenspan talking about, we need to get rid of the criminality in banking, when he's one of the heads of it and got rid of the Glass-Steagall.
He helped engineer that.
So we've got that.
And all the joblessness numbers pouring in.
Before I go further though, I've seen a whole bunch of news articles and I've talked to people in my friends, my family, my neighbors.
They say that every coin shop in the town I live in is out of coins, out of silver, out of gold, out of everything.
A lot of big gold dealers and silver dealers are out or charging huge premiums right now.
So you saw gold shoot up to over $1,400, silver up to $2,900.
Then it went down a little.
Now it's starting to go back up again.
But that's the digital manipulated market.
In the real market worldwide, gold and silver, physical,
Holdings are drying up or disappearing.
That's exactly what Max Keiser was talking about.
By the physical gold and silver selling out almost everywhere, that indicates that it should be even higher, because people are flooding out of currencies and paper into gold and silver.
And it's only, what, 2.5%, 3% now?
It was just 1% a few years ago?
When you get up to 5%, 6% starting to go into gold and silver of the general public out of 100%,
It's going to be unbelievable.
And I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up to break down this simple fact for folks.
Alex, I'm right here with you and I've been listening to you, you know, explain what this means.
I mean, there's a big article yesterday Patrick Heller put out that there's a silver bar shortage and it's also happening in the coin market.
I know right now U.S.
Eagles are just almost impossible to buy.
I've been trying to find them all over the place for my wholesalers.
I think I'll have to wait till next year to get a decent supply on them in the year 2010.
Or to 2011, when they come out.
It's just all over the place, widespread, like you said.
Dealers just don't have supply, especially small little coin shops.
You know, people walk in the door, they buy what they have, they can't replace it.
It's a big problem out there, because people want gold and silver.
They're not fooled by what's going on out here.
Bernanke right now is trying to tell everybody in Europe that we need to continue on with this quantitative easing.
We're good to go.
To basically take over the planet through their fractional reserve currency, but dollar devaluation in the last few years has led to these other economies to start devaluation of their currencies because the dollar is the world reserve currency.
Now that they're lowering, the Federal Reserve blames them and claims the economic problems are being caused by that.
It's being caused by the globalists.
It sure is, Alex.
It's being caused by the globalists, and it's just all a big plan.
And silver's reflecting the prices on that.
I mean, we had silver at $25 an ounce here just a few days ago.
Silver's almost at its peak again, seeing a high today of $27.36.
That's just a direct reflection on what the fiat money's doing.
I mean, the currencies around the world are all coming down unilaterally, and that's why gold and silver's been doing so well.
And they think that they can dupe us into thinking, hey, if we just suppress the prices for a couple of days, people will become convinced that it's better to stay on fiat money than it is to have the real gold and silver that was intended for us by our founding fathers of this nation many years ago.
You know, Jesse, you can't print money and expect that people are going to continue to believe that it's going to hold value.
That's why there's so much talk about inflation.
As a matter of fact, there's lots of warnings coming to Ben Bernanke right now talking about, hey, you got to stop this QE2 thing because we're going to see inflation here in this country.
And that's the news.
I mean, I was looking at Bloomberg's top 10 stories and there's just like two or three that don't cover this inflation issue.
Everything else is all about it, and you know, Alex, everybody knows that you just simply can't run a printing press and expect the dollar to hold value.
Well, you've also got all these other globalists now positioning themselves like they're against what's happening when they're all part of the same group that's engineered this to have the head of the World Trade Organization say that this can cause 1930s-style depression.
I mean, that's what's
Ted, tell folks about today's gold and silver offer.
That $97 for your three DVDs, $97 gets you the Follow the Republic, Endgame, and Obama Deception.
If you don't know what's going on, watch those three videos.
Pass them out, make copies.
You know, for $97 you're going to get three silver dollars.
It's just like the total win-win situation.
I haven't made a better deal than that completely all hands down since I've been in business.
I've been in it for 30 years.
Uh, the rest of it, I mean, British Sovereigns right now are at $3.69.
Franks are at $2.94.
They've all come down a little.
Now's the time to buy.
But if you're looking at getting started and you just want to be, you know, introduced to gold and silver, I can't make this easier for you.
$97 and we do accept credit cards for that.
You're going to get, that's delivered, three silver dollars.
Let me fire this out.
Silver and gold going back up.
People need to take advantage of this, but the issue is you have silver and gold at incredibly low prices.
The radio offers are some of the best deals you'll find anywhere.
This is when almost everybody's sold out or they are jacking up prices right now because the premiums they're having to pay, but Ted's been in the business 30 plus years.
He's got the great connections.
He's got a lot of volume.
A great place to buy.
And the best thing is, all these radio specials, he's got them on hand.
He's shipping this out to you very, very quickly.
Ted, stay there briefly.
I want to hear about some of the other gold and silver specials you've got.
Then we're going back to your calls.
Bob Chapman coming up on the economy.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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These are the type of things going on with the TSA.
Woman with two artificial knees describes sexual assault by screener.
More reports of the hands in the pants.
Tears after rough skirt search.
Another mainstream news headline.
Cancer surviving flight attendant forced to remove implant during pat-down.
Airport consider call to ditch TSA and it goes will Turkey Day flyers call foul and not fly?
Biden, the vice president, is now defending pat-downs.
Airport mobile command post used for sex romps.
That's what the Drudge Report's got up.
We got the same stories at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But that's pretty big news, Ted Anderson, having Jesse Ventura, former Minnesota governor, break on this show, that his career may be over, TV, you name it, that he is not going to fly commercial ever again and have them grab his crotch, a headline breaking.
Former governor Ventura will no longer fly due to abuse.
He's endured at the hands of TSA.
Also, we really need to make this the number one Google search term.
You guys and gals are so great doing this.
JFK deathbed confession.
Just put the initials JFK and the deathbed confession into Google.
They're going after George Herbert Walker Bush tonight.
They're interviewing a deathbed confession by one of the assassins.
This is just groundbreaking to be on national television, so search the term JFK deathbed confession.
Going back to Ted, what's your view on Ventura saying he's never going to fly again?
Well, I certainly can't blame them.
I mean, who wants to be felt up by these people?
You know, it just doesn't.
It's like a direct violation of our constitutional rights.
It's just simply wrong.
And it's neat to see it develop like it has, especially from your particular show.
I mean, it's like the whole world grabbed this story.
Thank goodness.
Well, the DAs are saying it's felonies, what they're doing.
Well, I know it.
And I had a story.
One of the callers called me personally and said his friend just had breast removal surgery because they had breast cancer.
She had breast cancer.
She had a doctor's note not to be felt up and they did it anyways.
I mean, they don't care if you've got sutures.
They don't care if it's not sanitary.
They don't care if they just search 50 people with the same gloves.
They're going to do it because they are God.
You know, it boggles my mind what the government thinks that they can do.
I mean, it's obviously they have no regard to the people of the United States.
I mean, we should be up in arms against these people.
There's no question about it.
They're representing us.
We don't want this.
Why are they doing it?
It makes absolutely no sense.
Well, Kurt Nimmo put out the story yesterday, and I really think it should be one of the biggest developments ever.
And, you know, that's the DA says that he is sending deputies into the airports to stake them out, that they're going to arrest people that they see doing this.
So the DA's aren't just, and it's other DA's are joining it, they're not just warning them now, hey you better not do this.
They've got them basically staking out some of the airports and now the Vice President's responding.
I mean this is big.
Now we're about to go to break and come back with calls and Bob Chapman Ted and other news but briefly, you know, not just the three silver dollars and then three of my films free and the free shipping.
That's a great deal, 800-686-2237.
What about Franks?
What about
I can tell you right now, if it wasn't for the fact that I was able to buy a bunch of more silver at $25 an ounce, I'd have to raise my Walking Liberty halves.
Currently they're at $12.84.
We have silver at $27 an ounce now.
They're going to be going up in price.
The frank right now, I have a 294 gold is going up.
That's going to go up too.
You buy one of those, I'm going to get you a subscription to Bob's newsletter.
I mean, there's just so many things that I have that are just really ripe for the pickings right now.
Alex, we all know that there's economic turmoil going on.
Everybody can see that.
Man, if you have your money invested in stocks, bonds, CDs, annuities, I mean, there's just a whole long list of items.
Municipal bonds, it don't matter.
All that stuff is going to be in trouble.
You should give us a call.
You know, about this stuff.
I mean, that's just the thing.
As we see the economic system break down in front of our eyes, it's like, hey, look at what you have.
Take action.
And do it now, don't do it later.
Absolutely, Ted.
Good talking to you.
Bob Chavin, your call's coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
We are into the third hour.
Forgot to ask John Harmon up at the network, do we have Bob Chapman?
We do have Bob Chapman with us for everybody holding on a host of different comments and questions and points.
Jeff Jay, Jackie, Pat, China, Wildman from Texas.
We're going to be getting to all of you.
So much is going on.
But Bob Chapman, boy, I tell you, this currency devaluation is accelerating.
We have the head of the World Trade Organization coming out and talking about 1930-style collapse and, quote, protectionism.
We've got Bernanke trying to blame China for what's going on, but the Federal Reserve has led the way to devalue globally as the world reserve currency with the dollar.
We've got the revolt against TSA now, no doubt, the biggest story in the world, only getting bigger.
We just tapped into the anger here three weeks ago, but it's clear this show launched it, our listeners did.
What an amazing time to be alive, Bob.
Well, it certainly is, and as you know, I've worked for over 50 years on this project.
And I was saying to Judy this morning that we're finally getting results after all those years.
I must have 15 or 20 videos in my link section for tomorrow's issue on TSA alone.
I mean, there's so many stories out there of people getting fondled and the outrage.
As far as the WTO is concerned, they're terrified that this is the end of the game for them.
And quite frankly, it is.
Because the currency war, as they call it, is going to move next to what Brazil did recently, and that is penalize 6% of the money coming in for anybody who brings dollars in to purchase securities that give off dividends and interest.
And that's going to spread around the world.
The reason why is when the dollars go in, they create inflation.
And these countries get enough inflation as it is.
The next step will be tariffs.
And the tariffs will put the WTO out of business, which I think is terrific.
And in fact, I've been writing about that today in regard to the 1930s and the outcome.
And it's coming.
And that means NAFTA and CAFTA and, of course, SHAFTA.
I don't think they ever thought
That it would bring about the destruction of the World Trade Organization.
Well, that's the heart of globalism is internationally controlling trade, controlling currencies, and they've been able to consolidate and get the power.
But now as they try to get even more power, people are realizing they've engineered it.
That's right.
And of course, your programs and programs like it and all of the stuff that we put out every week is reaching all over the world.
And I thank goodness that we are.
And as far as Bernanke blaming the Chinese, everybody's to blame.
Everybody's been doing the same thing since the end of the Second World War.
And even before that, when the Treasury Department in 1934-5 set up a subsidiary called... I can't think of it right now.
But anyway, they have a subsidiary.
Stay there Bob, come back with the Exchange Stabilization Fund, where you see gold and silver going, phone calls, Rick Perry wanting to put troops in Mexico, it's all coming up, stay with us.
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Tyranny is here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Bob Chapman, there's a lot of economic news out there that I want you to go over.
I want to get into the gold and silver markets, where you see them going, the type of manipulation we've seen in the last few weeks.
Also, the huge announcements that they do want to cut Social Security, they do want to start a VAT tax, starting with something unpopular like Coca-Cola, Soda Pop, things like that.
So all that's going on.
They are announcing they want to start taxing the pension funds.
I mean, this is insane.
The austerity is here.
So give us the big picture.
But first, finish up with that organization you were talking about trying to, quote, stabilize the currencies and what's really going on with this fight between the U.S.
and China.
Well, in 1934-5, the Exchange Stabilization Fund was formed within the Treasury Department.
And right now it's probably got close to a trillion dollars in it.
And they go into the markets and they do what they want to do with currencies.
They also use swaps to do the same thing, which I won't go into detail on.
But essentially we give five other countries money and they give us their money and we all go out and manipulate the market.
The key is really coming not only from China, but from Russia and Brazil and other countries that are big traders.
And they're saying
Look, we don't want your money coming in here, number one.
And number two, we're going to continue to adjust our currencies as we see fit.
So there's no meeting of the minds here whatsoever.
The G20 was a good example.
They couldn't get together on anything, another non-event.
So it's going to go into tariffs on goods and services.
And it's something the United States needs because we've lost 8.5 million jobs in 10 years.
There's 432,000 companies left the country.
We've got transnational corporations that are America-based that are taking all their foreign profits, $1.7 trillion right now, and putting them in the Cayman Islands and not paying taxes.
Five years ago, they got a tax holiday and they were able to bring back $350 billion or $500 billion.
To the United States at 5.25% instead of 33% tax.
I mean, all kinds of shenanigans have gone on.
It's time to put the rest to an end.
You were talking about taxes on soda pop.
What's going to happen next if they get that passed?
They will put a special tax of probably 15-20% on restaurants and dining out.
That's usually the course that's followed by those who do that, those countries.
What were some of the other things you mentioned?
No, I mean really the VAT to expand out into cars, refrigerators, and this is federal control and tracking of all commerce.
That's why they're cracking down on garage sales, on cupcake sales, on people selling eggs or tomatoes on the side of the road.
It looks like they're going to pass, it's passed out of committee, this internet censorship bill.
I forgot to get to that.
That's huge news today.
Looks like they're going to pass the Food Safety Act that goes after the farms and ranches.
I mean, they are hitting us with everything right now.
Well, they certainly are.
And those are very visible.
And during this lame duck session, they're shooting for the Food Safety Act, which you just mentioned, coming out of, what was it, a committee?
And then followed by the Arms Limitations Treaty, which they're very, very anxious to get passed.
And Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
The DREAM Act, which is the pathway for citizenship for illegal aliens.
And there's no end to it.
I mean, we're fighting like mad that we do have some big issues.
And I think the biggest issue
That's really hit the hot button of people is the TSA issue.
But I think what's coming right behind that is the Federal Reserve issue because they have to use the creation of money and credit to keep the economy going until they decide they're going to pull the plug.
And during that process, they're going to have to, over the next two years, and I said this in mid-May on this program, they're going to have $5 trillion, $2.5 and $2.5
For QE2 and QE3.
And that'll carry them through the next election.
What'll happen after that, I don't know.
And in the interim, we're gonna have lots of inflation.
And it may lead to hyperinflation as well.
That means gold and silver are gonna go right through the roof.
I mean, they tried to hammer gold and silver down early this morning, around a half hour after the COMEX opening.
They weren't successful.
They banged it down about seven or eight dollars.
It came back like a zombie.
And they just can't kill it.
And so next week should be a good week in spite of the fact that Tuesday is options expiration for gold and silver options on the Comex.
And so we've got a long way to go and people should be taking advantage of working with Midas and getting gold and silver coins.
It's not going to get any cheaper and take advantage of getting that
One-fifth ounce coin, so you can get the International Forecaster free of charge.
Bob, shifting gears into censorship, here's Wired Magazine.
Web censorship bill, sales through Senate committee.
We've been covering this legislation for a year.
We've read the subsections on air, but even this report
Admits that it allows the Attorney General outside of any court, any indictment, any charges, to shut down any website they wish at any time.
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee
Unanimously approved a bill that would give the Attorney General the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed central to the activity of the site, regardless if the website has actually committed a crime.
See, no judge, no nothing.
They just do it.
The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act is amongst the most draconian laws ever considered.
This is Wired Magazine saying this, not us.
To combat digital piracy and contains what some have called the nuclear option, which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites off.
So now we just suspect you and here's another one.
This is like China.
This is a French news agency.
Woman may be first in China persecuted over tweet.
And she's being sent to a quote forced labor camp for causing disruptive social order for basically criticizing the government.
So that's what these Internet ID systems do that Microsoft and others want.
I mean here we are in America.
And they're saying, no judge, no jury, no proof of anything.
We'll shut down your website.
We'll shut down your ISP.
We'll do it whenever we want for any reason.
And we go through this all the time on YouTube and other places.
People will just file fake copyright stuff.
It's not true.
There's law firms running around suing people for posting a couple paragraphs from an article.
They're losing in court because it's fair use.
I've seen that in the news lately.
But the issue is that this will just say,
It doesn't matter.
The Attorney General's God will do whatever we want, and this is what Cass Dunstine wants to do.
They want to shut down the alternative media.
And this lame-duck group of criminals is doing this.
We've got to get this repealed, if they pass it.
But it's sailed out of committee and has been bundled, and Reuters reports that both the food safety takeover of the farms and ranches is what it is, nothing to do with food safety, written by Big Agra, that that's set to pass now.
It's got the votes.
They're saying this is set to pass.
I mean, this is insane, Bob.
Well, it certainly is.
It just reminds me of Oestein Papieren.
And in German, that means, where is your papers?
And it's the same concept.
You do what we want you to do or we'll shut you down.
I wonder what they're going to do about the ISPs that are outside the United States.
They are now trying to sign an international treaty, which even Wired admits is secret, but was leaked a few months ago, where internationally they're signing deals to do the same thing.
We could have world revolution.
This information, liberty, the fight against the globalists is already the hottest thing in the world.
As they try to squeeze and restrict it, people are really going to want it, and it's going to verify everything we've said.
And then as the rest of the tyranny comes in and abuses everybody, it's waking up all the sheeple.
They're the ones waking up the sheeple, not us.
They're the ones coming out with brazen, classical tyranny.
Well, you're certainly right about that, and they're kind of messing in their own stuff.
And that's going to create a problem for them.
And you've got the federal government and the corporate crooks that are being exposed.
So they're in a perfect storm wanting to shut down alternative media because the mainstream media is being killed by us, the government's being destroyed by us, the corrupt people are being hurt by us.
But then Rockefeller comes out and says, hey, don't worry, we're going to shut it all down.
The government's going to program the media.
Well, there you have it. 1984.
You will do what we tell you to do, and if you do not, we will incarcerate you.
Just remember, we're going to have to fight back.
And all you listeners have got to be listening hard about these things.
You've got to go to Congress with them and do what we can in the legal process.
Hopefully we can stop them.
And we're capable of doing that.
I think that this TSA event
Could be very catalytic.
You never know what things are going to turn into.
And this particular action and concept that's being pushed and promulgated by government is nothing more than psychological warfare.
It, to me, is the training of people to do what they're told.
To, you know, go from one place to another and you do what we tell you to do.
And if we can break them on this, I think it'll be a big break for us because Congress will be more apt to
Listen to what we have to say as a people.
And as the public has victories against tyranny, we learn that we can have victory against other forms of tyranny.
And I've been saying that for three weeks.
Now mainstream news is realizing this is a catalyst that's going to be bigger than the Tea Party.
And they'll try to co-opt it.
They can't win.
Bob Shadman, stay there.
Let's come back and take phone calls and get more in to the second American revolution against tyranny.
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Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
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This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
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It's that attitude of victory.
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An army of pot-bellied federal demons training us how to be slaves?
They're only doing that ahead of taking your pension funds and everything you got and conscripting your children to fight for the New World Order army.
I mean, they see us as a product.
They want to force vaccines on us, force Prozac, force aspartame, force fluoride on us.
Now it comes out they've been putting uranium in the water.
Mainstream news and covering it up, and it's just a minor footnote.
We've got raving lunatic psychos running everything.
Because we let them.
That's where psychos want to go.
They want power over people.
Normal people don't.
That's why psychopaths tend to get in control in history.
Bob Chapman's our guest, but we're gonna go to Jeff, Jay, Jackie, Pat, China, and others that are holding, but I mean, it's really that simple, Bob, but you were finishing up with that point that this is
A big awakening, and it's devastating.
I mean, it's already cut air travel massively, and when you've got the... Notice the pilots just said, we're not gonna fly.
They said, okay, you don't have to do the pat-down anymore.
But then everybody goes, yeah, I never thought of that.
Why does a pilot have to have his private parts grabbed and go through all this when we trust him with a gun, and he's flying the giant plane that's a huge missile?
It's baloney!
You know, who watches the CIA?
Who watches all these secret agencies?
But they're always getting caught shipping in drugs, every evil you can imagine, Bob.
That's completely true.
But I think people are starting to think along those lines.
Where, why are they doing this to us?
And what should we do to stop it?
I think people cutting back on flying is going to really do it.
And if we could have a no-fly day, if possible, when no one goes to the planes, maybe these baboons in Washington will get the message.
Well, there's no doubt.
The enemy is trying to enslave us right now, trying to accelerate their program, because they know that they're behind schedule and we're waking up.
But I think that that's just accelerating our awakening.
That two-edged sword that you mentioned earlier in the program,
I agree with that.
And for every action is a reaction.
And we're reacting, and we're giving them a pain, a big one.
And it's not only TSA, it's lots of other things.
Unfortunately, we have this lame duck session, and I don't know whether they're going to be able to pass what they want to pass, but they sure are going to try.
And we don't know what the new people in Congress are going to do until probably March or April.
And will they be bought off, or how many of them will be, remains to be seen.
They certainly know why they got elected, and that is to get rid of the person who was in there, no matter what party he was in, because he did the things that people in that constituency didn't want him to do.
But I think that we've gained an edge on him here that we didn't have before, and I think we've got to use it to the upmost.
And every one of these events that comes by, whether it's the Fed Reserve or Max Keiser and yourself, I saw that tape.
Let's everybody go out and buy a silver coin, or maybe lots of them.
And if we can put JPMorgan Chase and HSBC in a hole, they'll go under.
And that would be terrific.
And then silver would be one or two or three or four hundred dollars an ounce.
And so you're all looking at making money by doing this and getting rid of the largest shareholder in the Fed Reserve, which JPMorgan Chase, which represents the black nobility of Europe, and particularly the Queen of England.
Absolutely, and Bob, it's simple.
If you sit on your butt as a spectator and let a bully squat on you and spit on you, you know things are never going to change.
The globalists know how powerful individuals are.
That's why they're always trying to tie us down and teach us we don't have power.
If we just, all of us, start speaking out, getting angry, putting flyers out,
Calling into talk radio, calling Congress, saying no.
You see a police checkpoint, get out and say this violates the law.
And you know what?
They might crack you over the head.
So what?
You know what?
I mean, it's time to take action when you see tyranny and to realize it's a threat to you and your family.
I mean, this isn't some good old boy boss hog corruption, as I've said many times, that we're facing.
This is scientific murderous eugenics.
Folks, you ain't seen nothing yet if they get this world government in place.
And I know your church has bought off and tells you it's a foregone conclusion and Jesus is about to teleport you out of here.
The people in Germany thought that too.
They thought it in Russia.
They think it in China.
We're gonna have to face this head on.
Okay, that's what God wants you to do.
Get up off your hinds end and say no to evil.
You're against abortion?
Go protest it at the clinics.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Man, I'm reading this web censorship bill.
We've read parts of it on air.
But even Wired says it's draconian.
End of due process.
The government just shuts down any sites they want.
It's all happening.
These people are so evil.
Because we gave in to them.
We rolled over.
We need to start saying no.
Don't you get?
That's the thing about tyranny.
People are like, I don't care if they're spying on me.
What do I have to hide?
What do they have to hide?
You can't trust them to spy on you.
They'll use it to hurt you.
I don't care if they control my paycheck and my bank account.
You can't trust them!
It's not that we're good, so let the government tell us what to do.
They're bad, historically.
I'm going to go back to Bob Chapman and then we're going right to Jeff, Jay, Jackie, Pat, China, and others that are patiently holding.
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I think so.
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Okay, there's the plug.
It's just they come to me and they go, you know, we need to support the operation, Alex, so please plug.
Plus it gets all the word out and the info out.
We certainly do.
We stick our necks out a long way, and we usually don't talk about it.
And practically never.
But the financing is very, very important for Alex.
And the more he grows, the more information is going to reach more people throughout the entire world.
We're not the only ones who've got these problems.
Look at the demonstrations and marches and confrontations in Europe.
They're going on every day.
And we don't even hear about them.
Alex picks them up, I pick them up, but not many people do.
Well, they'll have millions in France.
The world is thirsting!
They'll have millions in France, or hundreds of thousands in Ireland, or millions in Greece, and the media says a few thousand were out, but then you read the foreign news, it's millions.
They lie.
Well, that's absolutely true, and I get those questions all the time when I do those overseas broadcasts, you know, to the marine disposition.
They filled me in on things I didn't know because they're on the scene and I was even told yesterday that on the bases and the internet that is available to the military personnel is different than what is available outside.
So if you get down to the city or out to the city and you go to a library and you start searching
You know, even in English, if you're in Europe or someplace, you'll find that there's all kinds of things on the internet that you can't get on the internet on the base.
So now everybody's going outside to find out what's going on.
Well, that's why they have geo-filtering.
And that's because we woke them up.
Bob, one other point I wanted to make before we go to callers.
This is on CNBC.
Nearly one in five Americans had mental illness in 2009.
They're saying if you don't trust government, that's a mental illness.
No, they didn't.
Or if you're upset, that's a mental illness.
You're supposed to be upset.
That's why you have this.
I mean, it might be one out of 50 that really has a mental problem, and usually it's chemical from the medical doctors we've talked to.
But now the government
They can't get you in debt, or get you working for the government, or get you in one of their criminal justice systems.
They want to get you in the mental system, and they're now saying they don't want 45 million Americans to be able to own a gun.
They don't tell you that when they give you a mental designation so you get your insurance paid for or whatever, that 20% of the public's not going to be able to own guns now.
I mean, this is incredible, Bob.
It certainly is, and it's moving on all fronts, and it's the things that they've been planning for years and years and years.
That's what all those think tanks and foundations and all these groups that we talk about, that's what they've been up to with tax-free money.
And here we are trying to fight them with one hand tied behind our back, and that's why Alex needs your help.
Well, just spread the word.
Just spread the word.
I mean, it's wonderful.
We're having a lot of success.
I just want to continue that.
But it's time to wake up, folks.
This is the wake-up call here, ladies and gentlemen.
These are pretty effective, actually.
Is that making the microphone peak?
I already broke one one time, just barely patting it.
All right, let's go to some phone calls here, ladies and gentlemen, with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Jeff in Canada, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm doing alright.
I'm almost over this chest cold I've had, so I'm happy.
Go ahead.
First of all, I just gotta say, you know what?
I'm glad you play Muse on your show.
I think Nights of Cydonia should become your personal theme song, Alex.
I'm a big fan of Muse and I know they're a big fan of us.
That is a good song.
I was going to say, up in Canada, you know, our government's gone even more psychotic than yours.
We've all got your back up here.
You know, we really appreciate you being on the front lines for all these years.
With this TSA thing, it's really got me concerned because I'm actually flying into the States for the first time in a couple weeks and I don't want to go.
So I had an idea and I need your help with it.
I think if we could get a couple Patriot lawyers together,
We're willing to, uh, donate a couple hours of their time to write up, like, a checklist and legalese.
To talk, you know, things to say to the TSA screeners in a legal format.
Like, that don't touch my junk stuff is just going to get you laughed at.
If you go there with, like, the law written down on a piece of paper... No, what you do is you let them grope you and you tell them no, and that makes them enjoy it more, and then you call the local district attorney and you demand that they indict them.
They're not above the law.
Look, they don't have immunity.
I had the DA on.
Their immunity is when they're in the right, just like I have immunity to kill a burglar in my house.
It's not immunity when I'm in the right I'm immune.
When they're outside of their little office, they're not even sworn cops,
They are engaging in felony groping.
They're going to get indicted.
Do you realize how big that news is from those DAs yesterday?
Oh, it's huge.
It's huge.
But the question I have is should we be videotaping everything that goes on while we're going through screening?
Well, let me tell you, iPhones are great, but we bought one at the office.
It's a little, you know, iNano.
What do the little music players call?
Yeah, yeah.
Nano iPod.
They've got them now.
They can store thousands of songs, but also have a little bitty camera in them, and you can just clip it onto your shirt, and the goons don't even know you're recording at all.
But absolutely, you should record it all, put it on YouTube.
Just two weeks ago, they were saying they weren't touching your genitals through your clothes.
Now, they admit they're reaching in the pants and grabbing many people's.
You know, again, they try to stonewall.
They try to lie.
You said you need our help.
What's your final point, Jeff?
Well, it's just, yeah, if we could get something, you know, like a checklist of things to say, a way to body language, that sort of stuff, put it up on your website.
No, I say, I say, you know, just tell them it's wrong to grope me, it violates law, and then you just go to the DA after it happens.
And you get them indicted.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, look, they've already...
In two days now, they've got a whole bunch of airports.
In fact, I have the article that major airport associations are saying, we'll do our own security, get out of here.
See, it was never the law.
The airports got invited them in right after the government stage 9-11, when they were all, you know, ready to lick boots and do whatever they were told.
Okay, so it's a power grab.
It's all civil.
That's why they threaten you with civil $11,000 fines.
First it was $10,000, now $11,000 if you don't submit.
It's all intimidation.
Bob Chapman, your comments.
Well, I think you're absolutely right, and as I said earlier in the program, it's psychological warfare to get people in a submissive mood.
That the government can do anything they want, and... Yeah, get out of your trance!
Wake up!
Get out of the trance, folks!
Sorry, Bob.
Go ahead.
Oh, that's okay.
Another thing, too, is I understand that there are 17 airports who have already opted out of the system.
Now, why don't the rest of them opt out of the system?
Then we won't have them in there to do those things.
But then the Feds are going to go blow up a plane at one of those airports, so we have to expose the false flag terror and say, you know, we're going to fly even more with the airport that you're bombing.
I want to go to the airport where the Feds are doing it.
We're not giving in to your terrorism, right Bob?
We're fighters and we want to make everybody else fighters.
I mean, seriously, you've got a better chance of dying from a honeybee sting, literally, than you do of being killed by a terrorist!
It's ridiculous!
When I saw Ollie North back in 1984-85, before the Senate committee, talk about terrorism and Osama bin Laden, I knew then what the scam was going to be.
And after that, I questioned about it.
He just laughed and giggled and wouldn't answer me.
No, no.
They're not interesting.
Oh yeah.
I'd rather hear what our listeners want to hear because that's why we're here.
Hey, you know what I found out from a major magazine reporter, and I checked it last night and it was true?
A major magazine reporter was here and I was talking about Gary Allen, the book you helped get published, None Dare Call a Conspiracy, really helped wake me up when I was like 12, 14.
I forget how old I was.
I was real young when I read it.
And he said, did you know Gary Allen's son runs Politico?
Gary Allen's son runs like one of the hottest news websites in the world now.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
I haven't been in touch with him for 20 years.
Did you know Gary Allen's son?
Well, yeah, but he was young at the time.
I didn't have anything to do with him.
I just knew him.
That's it.
Well, that's amazing to me.
I knew his wife better, but in fact, when we published the Gary Allen report,
I handed everything over to his wife, and I never took a dime out of it.
I just let him keep the whole thing, because I was making piles of money.
And so I said, you know, Gary, you need an income, so here.
We had about 40,000 subscribers, so we did okay.
But at one time you were also the biggest private silver and gold broker, right?
A stockbroker, that is, as opposed to coins and bullion.
How much were you... what was your volume at your peak?
Well, I was... in gross commissions, I was doing about an average in about $300,000 a month, which is about, you know, $3.6 million a year, and I used to keep 65% of it, so I did okay.
And that was back in the 80s and 90s?
That was really between 1976 and 1988 were the top years and they started to fade towards 88 and that's when I shut it down and retired, which I really should have never done because I was bored to death.
Played golf and tennis and I said, I gotta use my mind.
And someone says to me, well why don't you start a newsletter?
And I said, gee, that sounds like a great idea.
So I did it.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking the call.
You touched on this a little bit earlier, but I have a question for you now on the TSA stuff.
If this is something that they opt out of and it's repealed and everything,
Doesn't that sort of play into the powers that be's hands where they could orchestrate another attack?
Oh no, no, no, definitely!
They're going to blow some stuff up and say, see, we told you, now it's a proctology exam!
And people will go, that's right, I'm so scared of Al Qaeda.
We have to point out, like Ron Paul, he got a better chance of dying in a car wreck, a honeybee sting, football accident, slipping and falling.
I mean, it's one of the lowest causes of death is terrorism, and then when you research it, most of it's government sponsored.
So it's that, but even if it was real, you know what, I'm ready to face the danger.
It's a bunch of bull.
I mean, there's 28,000 dead on the U.S.-Mexican border, and nothing's being, that's more than Vietnam every year.
Okay, that's, this is incredible.
But they're not worried about that.
They just hype it up and, ooh, the terrorist, look, he's got a turban on.
It's all a delusion.
I'm sorry, Jay, finish your point.
No, it just seems like, I mean, from my point of view, it seems like it's almost a win-win for them, because if they do have to repeal it, they can just orchestrate something else and then almost heighten the terror, you know what I mean?
Bob Shatman, your comments on that?
Well, that's a hard one.
Yes, they could turn it that way.
But I think if we can stop them from doing what they're doing, whether it's through the airports dropping out of the system, in which they can, and as I said, 17 have already done so,
Uh, and the latest one was Orlando.
And, uh, I, I, we gotta shut him down, one way or the other.
And whatever the response is, it is.
I mean, you know, it's just like, well, the bully's after me, and if, and if, and if I punch him in the face, I'm gonna get pounded.
So what?
If you fight back, he's gonna say, gee, I better go pick on somebody else who's not gonna take a swing at me.
It's incredible.
Bob, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jackie in Canada.
Jackie, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey, Mr. Alex Jones.
I just want to say hi.
I pray for you.
I listened to you for the first time like five years ago.
And I have three very important points, if I could please say them.
First of all, I agree the Bible says stand up for righteousness, stand against evil.
Um, but we have to remember, you know, when people's lives are at stake, they need to receive the gospel, they need to believe in Jesus Christ, because if they don't believe in him and they die, they're going to go to hell for eternity.
Jesus is the only way to heaven, because he never sinned, and we all sin.
So, second of all, I think a great idea we can all do is get together and protest outside of the TV news stations, and protest that we want the truth, because that is what is deceiving most people right now.
And if they got the truth, then everything could change.
The state tariff attacks can't work, and we need that.
We deserve the truth.
It's evil that they're lying to us.
And the last thing is those people in the FEMA camps that we saw on your show with Governor Ventura, who are those kids in the FEMA camps?
Can we investigate that?
Are you there?
Yes, yes, I'm there.
Go ahead.
Sorry, so that was three very fast points.
We saw those kids in the FEMA camps behind the gates.
There's people in FEMA camps right now?
What's going on?
Who are they?
Okay, well we've explained that.
It's covered.
We've done many shows.
That footage is from yours truly.
My crew shot that.
And we explain it.
If you listen on the show, they take the children of immigrants, who are citizens themselves, and they lock them up in those camps, and under the congressional hearings, they admit that they build the camps in the name of immigrants, but that they're also for citizens.
So they're set up for entire families.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Pat in Texas.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hi, I've got a couple of points.
First of all, a friend of mine had a dream of 9-1-1 before it happened, but she didn't pursue it at all.
She saw the buildings, the planes, everything.
And she had a dream of a woman, a white American-like woman with a suit on and a baby doll in her arms.
And before she got onto the plane, she threw the baby doll down, jumped on it, and blew up.
And I'm wondering, are they X-raying babies?
And how do you know that they...
Don't, and they let a baby dog go through.
And a second point I want to say is I want to take up for Perry because I know Air Perry sometimes gets on our nerves.
But you know what?
Abortion is the number one issue in America today.
I hate to tell you that, but I watched it.
I watched it.
I told them when Kay Bailey Hutchinson voted for cloture and essentially voting for the health care bill and paying for abortion.
I think it's going to freeze over and it froze over here.
Everything was white.
The air was white.
Listen, Pat, we're almost out of time.
I appreciate your call.
Look, I want to get Bob's final comment here.
Look, I don't go off of dreams here on the show, but yes, they have been advertising white Al Qaeda because they really don't like the fact that the public goes, wait a minute, you say Muslims did it or foreigners did it, but citizens are the people being harassed.
I think that we have to deal with the absolute realities, and that's what we're doing on this show.
And the other things are very peripheral.
By the way, they just gave me a Helium article here.
It says the chance of dying in a terror attack in the United States is greater than winning the Powerball twice in a row.
I don't know if that's true, but I do know it's one of the lowest
Statistical chances you've got to die.
I do know you've got a better chance of being struck by lightning.
Let's put up what Helium says.
It says, but it is likely, as winning the Powerball twice in a row, terrorist attacks will kill fewer people than, among other things, heart disease, cancer, car accidents, suicide, complications due to surgery, at least in America.
Well, I agree with that.
I mean, it's just a hyped-up, made-up thing, Bob.
Well, it's a repetition of a form of brainwashing.
And the American people, unfortunately, have bought it.
And the catalyst, of course, was 9-11 in this last 10 years.
That was trauma-based mind control.
They took that event and then tried to sell us on the new way through that.
And that's what this is all about.
And you can't let them suck you into the vortex.
Stop watching the crummy TV programs and spend your time listening to things like Alex has to say and supporting them.
We've got to reach people all over the world.
Yes, we're worried about Americans because we're Americans.
But there's more people that need help as well.
And that radiation.
Over the airways.
It's got to go out.
Well, we're all in this together.
And this is a global government.
It's a new world order we're fighting.
Folks, you can call 800-686-2237.
Get a free copy of the International Forecaster.
Bob, we will see you again, Lord willing.
I guess we won't see you again.
It'll be a rebroadcast next Friday.
I'm taking off and have you take off for Thanksgiving.
But we'll see you then in two weeks, my friend.
OK, thank you.
And thank you all for listening.
And as things break or unfold, Bob, I'm sure can pop in.
On another day.
God bless you, Bob.
Really appreciate you.
Folks, get that Jesse Ventura story on InfoWars.com.
It's hot!
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