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Name: 20101123_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 23rd day of November 2010.
We're going to be covering the huge escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
Many international news agencies are asking the question, is this the start of the Second Korean War that took tens of thousands of American and of course South Korean lives, estimated over a half million North Korean and Chinese lives?
North Korea's military command vows merciless military strike against South Korea, fires artillery onto island with military bases and civilians, killing Marines and
Developing the shocking video of the island on fire.
South denies seeking redeployment of U.S.
technical nuclear weapons.
The South has been, of course, returning fire off and on.
That stopped about an hour ago.
The South Korean president is saying they may go ahead and strike North Korea's missile bases.
Intentionally planned attack.
Japan prepares for any eventuality.
China watches.
White House condemns.
The Russians are saying we are in colossal danger and calling for both sides to stop what they're doing and saying that it is terrible what's happening.
Of course, a flashback of the UK during last week's G20 meeting in Seoul, South Korea.
So they feared a North Korean attack during the G20 summit.
But none of that matters on ABC News, MSNBC, Fox News, CNN.
The headline, the top story, is officials jawbone not Natalie Holloway's.
The Alabama teenager last seen five years ago in 2005.
Well, they found a jawbone.
uh... and uh... near the phoenix hotel and that is the top story in america right now natalie holloway not these two huge militaries with nuclear weapons on both sides openly threatening to attack each other uh... missile and artillery salvos going back and forth for several hours dead clearly on both sides
Civilian buildings and border areas smoking in fire.
The North says any other provocation, full-scale war.
The South says any provocation, full-scale war.
And Natalie Holloway is what matters today, ladies and gentlemen.
That is what is important in this country.
Now, here's the larger issue, and I've got Paul Watson, Steve Watson, and Kurt Nemo working on this.
Remember 888.
Two years ago.
Remember Dick Cheney.
Basically ordering the attack via Georgian puppets on South Ossetia and Abkhazia in northern Georgia as a pretext to start war with the Russians.
Our media ran the hoax that Russia had attacked preemptively.
Was not true.
Two days later they had to admit that indeed the puppet president there had launched the attack.
NATO forces were involved.
A day into it NATO forces were being brought in by C-130 from Western Europe and the Middle East.
The Russians rolled in mobile ICBM and medium and short-range missile trucks with nuclear weapons.
They're chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so they were preparing for nuclear war with Europe and warned NATO to back off.
The NATO forces were pulled out.
But it shows how unstable and dangerous and full of chutzpah
The Globalist Star.
It shows how they're probing and looking for the right sign of weakness to kick off some type of World War III, larger than a regional conflict and as big as World War III.
You know we got into Vietnam that killed 58,000 Americans, wounded over a quarter million, killed over a million Vietnamese on both sides in 1964 with a staged attack on one of our ships.
Months after Wayne Madsen confirmed it, mainstream media had to admit that that torpedo earlier this year that blew up a South Korean ship was German-made and during a U.S.
They now admit that South Korea was firing into a demilitarized area that North Korea claims with artillery in a drill.
And that's what North Korea responded to.
Not saying North Korea is good either.
Completely crazy.
But the issue is, this looks like some type of provocation.
We'll break it down on the other side.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we got Ron Paul coming up later in the hour, Judge Andrew Napolitano.
If you just joined us and you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, you're probably wondering why I have Fox News up on the screen.
They say awaiting demolition, WTXF
Philadelphia, they're going to destroy an old sports stadium.
And Jaron, my producer, one of the producers during the break said, hey, how do you think they're going to demolish that building?
And I said, well, the Bick Lighter only takes flames now to destroy steel structures after 9-11.
The laws of physics have been suspended.
He said, no, they're going to fly a plane into a building down the block, and then that's going to make a collapse like Building 7.
So a little bit of dark humor there for you.
We'll cut away from the controlled demolition going on there.
I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, we will not be covering Natalie Holloway.
That is the top story from CNN to MSNBC to Fox is Natalie Holloway in Aruba.
They found a jawbone.
It is not her.
They've tested the DNA.
The world is on the edge of a trigger event that could start World War III.
China has a defense pact with North Korea.
The United States has a defense pact with South Korea.
We lost tens of thousands of troops in the Korean conflict.
In fact, guys, will you pull up number of U.S.
casualties, Korean War, Korean conflict?
I wanted to get that number.
I forgot to do that.
I want to be specific about it.
And for those just now tuning in, yes, we will not be talking about Hillary Clinton's hair or Natalie Holloway jawbones.
Here's CNBC.
World edgy on Korea.
Russia sees colossal danger.
No kidding.
South Korea threatens retaliation against the North.
Remember this story from October 30, 2008.
Rand lobbies Pentagon.
Start war to save U.S.
Preferably with North Korea.
That's PrisonPlanet.com.
Important flashback.
Here's another one.
South Korea says it test-fired an area before North Korea firing.
Now, first they said that wasn't true.
Now they've come out and said, yes, we were in an area disputed doing drills.
And let's be clear about North Korea and Kim Il-sung, the psychopathic granddaddy, his current
We're good to go.
What we know is, about six hours ago, so that's in the almost evening over there, about six hours ago, there was a drill on the western side of the Korean Peninsula, right up by the sea lanes and sea border of North Korea, and there was US and Korean
uh... aircraft uh... helicopters ships in the area uh... doing attack drills and that's not denied and firing artillery on simulated ships and uh... it got too close for comfort uh... and at the north koreans have seriously escalated things it's very very dangerous uh... but the issue here is
In fact, I forgot to tell you guys this during the break.
I want to immediately call Webster Tarpley.
I want to immediately call Wayne Madsen.
They both are on par with each other with their caliber of research on this region.
See which one of them you can get on at 1230.
An hour from now.
An hour and 15 minutes from now.
In between Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano coming on, I want to get one of those guys on to get their early response to this.
But I remember Madsen
It was the first I saw early on, going to Jane's Weapons Quarterly and looking at the torpedo parts from that South Korean ship that got blown up, that they blamed on North Korea, and saying, that's a German torpedo.
And then months later, the Chinese government said it, and then even mainstream news here, kind of as a footnote, said, yeah, looks like a German-made torpedo.
Now, did the North Koreans buy German torpedoes on the black market?
Uh, or did we know that goes on through Russia and China?
Uh, or was this a third party purchase and done by a private contractor or South Korean corporation or our own government?
I mean, when you got a government
That stage the Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Ajax, Operation Gladio, and so many other provocations, and that two years ago on 888, snuck attack Russia.
Look, I'm no fan of Russia.
They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm no fan of Communist China.
I'm certainly no fan of North Korea.
I mean, that's as tyrannical and out of control as it gets.
You notice that all the big banks, the big corporations, neocon publications, they're all on record saying, if we have a big war, bigger than Iraq, that really sucks the American people in, it'll be a great smoke screen for the open announcement of world government, the carbon taxes, the global VAT, the new bank of the world, people won't be angry anymore about losing part of their pension funds, or all of this austerity.
It's a perfect way to unify everybody and also drive up the dollar.
You notice the dollar shot up today.
So did gold.
It's all seen as a safe haven.
Because America's still the big empire, even though we're bankrupt by design, we've got the supposed hardware and weapon systems.
And the biggest military, more than half the world's defense budgets combined, here in the United States, about 54% last time I checked, of total global
Defense spending is by this country.
We build the military and train the military, finance the military to empower the globalists.
So then America gets the blame while the globalists get the brawn and never get identified.
So this is a way to get everybody to pour back into dollars, to prop up the economy for the globalists as they continue to consolidate.
You've got Europe going down the tubes.
You've got a, quote, fire sale of Irish banks going on.
Right now.
So the IMF and World Bank get them in debt, put politicians in power, by financing them on record, to get the nation in debt.
Then the big IMF and World Bank come in with European EU taxpayer money, with US taxpayer money, and quote, shore up Ireland.
But if you read, notice that's why they had to get them into Ireland so they'd be under that treaty last year.
They couldn't implode Ireland till they got them into that treaty, as we predicted last year.
Now that they've gotten them into the treaty this year,
Now it's a complete fire sale.
They're cutting their pension funds, raising their taxes, and taking over their domestic banks, and blaming their domestic banks in the news for what happened in Ireland when the policy was set by the global central banks of the IMF and World Bank.
And that is in the news today.
This is out of Yahoo Finance, Reuters, by Steve Slater.
Uh, hoist for sale sign over stricken banks.
Reuters, Ireland banks are up for sale, the country's central bank chief said, as the government seeks to cut them down in size after the reckless lending forced the country to seek an international bailout.
They are for sale, as far as I'm concerned, said Patrick Hoonhan, said Thursday, and it goes on, I have been an advocate for a number of years for small countries to have foreign owners for their banks.
Oh yeah, that's freedom.
See, the end of your sovereignty, and it's not some foreign government that dominates you, it's
The private central banks, and that's Patrick Honahan.
Dublin has already said it will intensify reform of the banks, reforms always.
See, when the IMF and World Bank takes over a third world country, reform is raising taxes, cutting services, and giving almost all your GDP to the private banks.
And then after they're done with Ireland, it'll be Portugal, and Spain, and England, and France, and then Germany, and then the United States.
And it's just all publicly done in plain view, but the general public doesn't understand this.
They know about Natalie Holloway, they know about OJ Simpson, they know about Dancing with the Stars, they know that Sarah Palin's cute, and they just get caught up in the mindlessness of it as the private central banks conquer our society.
Now I want to play this Russia Today clip with how concerned Russia is here in just a moment and also show you some of the video what's going on for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, but that's
Why they would stage this.
We don't know if it was staged, but that's why the globalists would stage this with Korea right now, as a political diversion, and to get the world to run under the wings like baby chicks of the Anglo-American establishment, scared of North Korea, who we know
Donald Rumsfeld, the head of ABB, transferred the nuclear reactors to in the mid-1990s and got bipartisan backing and authorization from William Jefferson Clinton.
Unified continuity of agenda and treason.
Here's the RT clip.
Stay with us.
South Korea has admitted it fired artillery shells that triggered an early morning clash with North Korea.
However, it says it was part of a military drill and denied it was directed at the North.
Earlier, Seoul blamed the North for what it called an unprovoked shelling of its island.
Pyongyang claimed the South had violated its maritime border during the military drills.
Seoul has since threatened its neighbor with what it calls enormous retaliation.
Russia's foreign ministry said the clashes were unacceptable and called on both sides to show restraint.
What happened deserves condemnation.
We insist that both sides must take measures to pacify the situation and prevent similar action in the future.
Unfortunately, this is already the third incident of the kind this year.
But this time, there's a colossal danger of the situation descending into military conflict.
This must be avoided.
Russia has repeatedly warned of the growing tension in the region.
And it's now counting on both sides to arrive at a suitable conclusion.
Well, Pavel Leshchakov from the Moscow State University told RT the international community is prejudiced against the North and is ready to blame it for everything with little evidence.
You can watch the rest of that up at RT.com.
And on YouTube.
But that's the Russian view.
Here's CNBC.
World edgy on Korea.
Russia sees colossal danger.
Major powers express concern and alarm at North Korea's shelling of South Korean island today.
And it goes on.
Among North Korea's neighbors, Russia said it saw a colossal danger of an escalation in fighting on the Korean peninsula.
And China said it was imperative to resume six-party talks aimed at ending the North's nuclear weapons program.
And, um...
It just continues, just continues on from there.
We're going to be covering more of that coming up.
Wayne Madsen is joining us in about an hour and 10 minutes from now to give us his expert early look and view on this.
We'll obviously learn more as it develops and unfolds.
Ron Paul scheduled to be coming up later in this hour and Judge Andrew Napolitano pops in in the last hour today.
We'll also cover the latest TSA situation ahead of one of the busiest flight days of the year coming up in T-minus two days on Thursday.
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Thank you for joining us on this Tuesday edition, the 23rd day of November 2010.
This Korea situation is so big, it's so dangerous.
Some would liken it to, oh, that's just like the Arabs and Israelis always killing each other.
This is different because both sides have giant
mechanized militaries.
And they have only had a few skirmishes like this in the last 50 plus years.
And I was reading in the Associated Press they were going over the history of this.
This may be the biggest fracas or escalation in the entire history since the truce.
This is simply a ceasefire.
There's not been an armistice.
There's not been any formal agreement.
It is a cease-fire.
Kind of like there was a cease-fire right before the Tet Offensive in Vietnam that lasted just a few days.
Well, this one has lasted 50-plus years.
Many of my great uncles and family fought in Korea.
I know you've got a lot of family out there who fought in Korea.
This is a very serious situation.
56,000 Americans died in that short conflict.
Very, very serious situation.
The North are a bunch of brainwashed, cult-like drones.
uh... who who will and have proven they will march right into machine gun fire we were of course fighting china back during that event as well chinese regulars uh... china is of course supplying the south of the uh...
North Korea to itself against South Korea and we're gonna get Ron Paul's take on this the TSA quantitative easing to and a lot more obviously later I'm gonna get into the TSA situation the Drudge Report DrudgeReport.com has Curt Nemo's story from Infowars.com up there day number two
Going over the fact, are trains and buses next?
When you read the article, you find out trains and buses are already being searched.
Now they're announcing they want mobile naked body scanners on the highways at the trains and bus terminals.
You know, the pretext is, anything that Al-Cieda Al-Qaeda ever talks about hitting, we've got to put federal minimum wage goons at.
Now TSA workers are complaining.
I've been talking about this for two weeks, the unsanitary nature of the blue gloves, searching multiple people.
You could get crabs, you could get diseases, you could get flesh-eating bacteria, you could get other forms of mites.
And I've also pointed out how this is abusive to the TSA workers.
Well, WorldNet Daily covered the unsanitary nature of the gloves today.
Glad somebody covered it.
I'm glad somebody took the cue to write stories about it.
So we've got that important issue.
The TSA workers are also saying, that's the headline, we hate obese passengers and people with personal hygiene issues.
Now abused TSA staff vent their anger at pat-downs.
And they say we don't like sticking our hands down people's pants.
We don't like having to go up under people's fat rolls.
We don't like having to mess with medical sutures.
Since when does the government go into bandages and probe them like a medical doctor?
Since when do they remove colostomy bags and urology bags, artificial bladders on the outside of people?
Please don't touch that.
Please don't pull on it.
Oops, sorry.
Urine's pouring out.
TSA just says, clean yourself up.
Searching little five-year-olds in public, pulling women's fake breasts out who've had mastectomies, sticking their hands down people's pants.
Now that we forced the sticking the hands down the pants into public debate, the head of the TSA said, that's wrong.
We're going to change that policy.
See, they tried to quietly set the precedent to stick their hands down our pants.
And thought we'd just go along, but by speaking out and saying no, they're having to back out.
Now, now, now, now, will they stage an event?
Last week the German plane was a, quote, U.S.
firm testing security.
They won't say who.
That was a drill.
You got a drill with this North Korea situation triggering.
They always use a drill.
And they had drills going before they attacked the Russian-controlled enclaves of South Ossetia and Abkhazia two years ago, trying to get war going.
Drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill.
They use drills.
Because most people on the ships, most people in the airports, they're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
They don't understand what's happening.
They just go along with all of this.
But I've studied the globalist psychology.
I know how they operate.
I know what their game plan is.
We'll continue to break it down.
But that's coming up.
Now the TSA are saying they're victims.
And they're trying to unionize.
They have a union now in the last few months.
They just got one.
But they're trying to say no to all of this.
Now, some Republicans want private people searching us, but I don't want private people sticking their hands down my pants either.
You know what?
I'd rather face the danger than live as a slave.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't think of a better time to have Congressman Ron Paul on with us.
He's only with us about 20 minutes.
I want to get into the Korea situation, the TSA, the quantitative easing too, the monetization of debt.
I want to get into Rand Paul winning and what that signifies, the fact that Ron Paul and Rand Paul have announced that they're not going to be joining the Tea Party Caucus because some of the leaders of it are people that voted for the bailout.
We're going to be discussing all that.
Congressman, thank you for joining us.
Good to be with you again.
Of that constellation of things I threw out, what do you think is most important right now?
Well, the cause of liberty.
That's always my number one goal, and that is related to the deficit, because the bigger the government, the more the government spends, the less liberty we have, and that involves what we do overseas as well as we do here.
So it's been the same old story, and of course that's closely related to our financial system and our Federal Reserve, because it would have been brought to a halt if they couldn't have
You know, counterfeiting the money.
You know, I'm seeing Wall Street Journal, New York Times headlines every week now saying Ron Paul was right, pointing out that everything you talked about in those debates and got laughed at by a minority of fools has now come true.
What's your view on quantitative easing?
Are you going to get the Banking Committee chairmanship?
Where are you going in your interrogation of the Federal Reserve?
I'm assuming I'm going to get the chairmanship, but you know, until it's done, you can't be absolutely positive, but I'm working on the assumption that we will.
I think most everybody will know where I stand on the Federal Reserve, although my position is to abolish the Fiat, and I read a book called End the Fiat.
I also take a stand that, you know, even if I could, I wouldn't close the Federal Reserve in one day.
I think they're going to close itself when they have runaway inflation and destroy the dollar, and that's what's so dangerous.
But I would still argue the case for legalizing the Constitution and competition and allowing gold and silver to be legal tender.
So everything they do is incorrect because they're managing the money supply and they're managing interest rates and that's where the source of the problem is.
And just recently some Republicans have come out and they say, you know what we need to do is take away some of the responsibility of the Fed because they're supposed to be, since 1978, they were supposed to deal with unemployment.
Which, you know, it's true that that was a silly thing to do and they've given us our, they're the ones who give us the unemployment, they don't, they can't produce employment.
But, you know, removing that is almost irrelevant.
It's the fact that they exist and manipulate interest rates and mess around with the money supply and they're supposed to give us stable prices.
Whether or not they have that additional mandate is missing the whole point.
It's almost a distraction.
I'm sure you noticed two weeks ago when the Chinese government said they want transparency on the Fed and basically called for an audit.
We now have foreign governments and the biggest owner of our debt calling for some transparency of this group.
Yeah, you know, sometimes when our Congress wants to tell other countries what to do, I object because we ought to mind our own business.
But you know, if you've invested a trillion dollars or nearly a trillion dollars in our dollar, they've almost earned the right to say something about our management of our dollar.
But the hypocrisy is for us to lecture China because we think their currency is too weak, and yet that's all we do is work on weakening our currency.
So, it's going to, you know, come to a boil.
I don't think it's good.
I don't think it's good for the world.
I don't think it's good for us, our economy, and it's going to lead to a lot more trouble, mainly because everybody has a fiat currency, and everybody's trying to manage to maneuver somebody else, and they just don't believe in sound money, and they don't believe in free markets.
Congressman, is this next session of Congress, the new session starting next year with the Republican majority, do you think in your gut this is going to be the Congress working with your son in the Senate that is finally going to get a real audit of the second largest holder of our debt, the private Federal Reserve?
I think it's going to still be an issue.
I think the auditing will come up again.
There'll be some more votes.
We will get bits and pieces of information that we haven't had before.
But a real audit?
No, I'm not expecting it.
But that doesn't diminish my desire to
I don't know.
Uh, so, it's more likely we're going to find out about the Fed when they self-destruct, where they really just ruin the system and they no longer function and become irrelevant, and people will be forced to use some sound money, that is, a use of gold and silver coins.
I remember three years ago, two years ago, a year ago, you basically, with precision, as a medical doctor, as a congressman, as someone who studies economics and has won awards in that area, that as time went on, you saw the self-destruction of this system through dollar devaluation coming.
Obviously, we're getting closer to that.
What type of time frame do you see, Congressman?
Well, that's what's, you know, not possible to predict, and everybody wants to know, investors need to know, or they need to make estimates.
I work on the assumption that it could come any time, because there's no foundation to our system, no foundation to our money, no support for the currency other than the promises of our politicians and the Federal Reserve, and they're losing, people are losing confidence in those entities constantly.
But I think they tend to pull stuff out of the fire more than we ever dream.
It doesn't deserve to exist, and they've really messed it up, and we have these tremendous deficits.
I still think they could keep this thing going, you know, three, four, maybe even five years.
But to say that, oh, okay, it's going to be safe, so if you see interest rates go up, why don't you go back into buying long-term bonds?
You know, in 10 or 15 years, there will be no problems and you can have confidence in what they're doing.
I think it's way too early to expect that.
Well, is it accurate to say this is a debt black hole and we're seeing this now in Ireland, not just in Greece and Portugal and Spain, and that the bigger the bailouts, the more it just accelerates, you know, the final implosion?
Yeah, and everything is based on the dollar.
You know, we're in all this trouble, yet they can't bail out these countries or states like California.
Everybody gets bailed out, but the base is the dollar, and the dollar is the reserve, and we're still getting away with it.
We're still printing the money, and they're taking as much as China complains.
They still, you know, buy some of our Treasury debt less than they used to, but they have so much, and they don't want to crash it.
But there's going to be a limit, and the markets are more powerful than the governments and the central banks.
I keep thinking back, because I watched it so closely, in the 70s and in the 60s, because they kept pretending that the dollar was as good as gold, and it was $35 an ounce.
But finally, the market overwhelmed, no matter how many lies they told.
People lost confidence in it and they had to quit the game because there wasn't people calling them on it and they wanted their gold.
Eventually that's going to happen again.
So the buck stops with a buck.
Now racing through some of what's happening.
We see the dollar back up today because of this Korea situation.
Obviously North Korea is a horrible hereditary dictatorship under Kim Jong-il and now Kim Jong-un.
I don't
Killing and maiming quite a few people.
The South Korean president says they're preparing to strike the North.
The North is talking about annihilating the South.
And then I have this Rand Corporation report.
Rand lobbies Pentagon for start of war to save U.S.
I think back to NATO stirring stuff up with Russia on 888.
I have the Obama adviser telling the Financial Times of London
Bottom line here is, Americans don't believe in President Obama's leadership.
Robert Shapiro said he has to find some way between now and demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence.
And short of a new 9-11 or Oklahoma City, I can't think of how he can do that.
We also have neocon leaders telling Obama to attack Iran or start a war.
So we see a lot of hype out there to start some type of war or stir one up to boost the dollar and keep this Ponzi scheme going.
Your geopolitical take on that, Congressman?
Yeah, it really is frightening when you hear people in our administration or outside the administration literally advocating war as a way to get out of an economic crisis, which is just insane talk.
You know, the whole idea that we're on the verge of a serious attack by North Korea on South Korea or anybody else, they seem to be a little kooky for even implying that.
But you wonder how they get motivated to do that.
You know, it's worse than a third world nation.
You know, they have weapons, that's all they have, but they don't have any wealthy.
Heck, they can't even feed their people, and they have no more ability to take over South Korea than the man on the moon.
I just wish we weren't over there, and if it is a problem, which it may well be, let South Korea take care of it.
Let China take care of it.
They're close by.
They probably don't want another war over there.
Japan has interests involved.
But we don't, and we need to stay the devil out of there, unless they're doing it deliberately and sort of orchestrating this in order to have the military-industrial complex, you know, benefit and the dollar temporarily benefit.
But, you know, how could the borders over there be anything compared to the borders between Texas and Mexico?
I mean, how many people died on our borders in the last year?
28,000 in the last two and a half years total, and that's kind of out of sight out of mind, but you have a better chance, doctor, as you know, of dying from a bee sting than being killed by terrorists.
Moving to the next subject, this radio show a month ago launched the exposure of the TSA with the new
Uh, enhanced pat-down, kind of like enhanced interrogation is torture, this is molestation.
Now they admit they're sticking their hands in people's pants.
Pistol tried to deny it yesterday when he was on ABC, but they reported that ABC reporters are having them stick their hands down their pants.
I have witnessed...
Men touching babies' crotches.
So this is now confirmed, and I believe this is a catalyst for the eruption of the anger that the American people already have.
Doesn't this violate the 10th Amendment?
What are minimum wage federal employees doing groping everybody?
I mean, how did we go this far?
You know, it's hard to figure out.
Who would have ever believed this?
And the other day when I introduced my legislation to deal with this, I said, you know, I worry about the foreign policy, the spending, the Federal Reserve, our debt, the whole mess, which are huge.
But this one, this one addresses something else.
This one is just such an affront.
So much out in the open and government being so bold as to maul us in public and say they're doing it for our interest.
If we tolerate this, there's something wrong with us.
I mean, something wrong with us.
It's almost like, it's probably not fair to say this because so many people don't deserve it.
We deserve, you know, some of this stuff.
If we don't do something about it, and hopefully the American people will do something, they'll eventually have to boycott the airlines or whatever, or throw more of the bums out.
Maybe the Congress will get off their duff and do something in January and insist that we rein in the TSA.
Congressman, a month ago, just with my own common sense, I said this new enhanced pat-down is meant to harass people into accepting the naked body scanners that churred off at others or openly making money out of.
Now, Atlantic Monthly has talked to the TSA.
They admit it.
That yes, we want to intimidate people.
So this is an act of harassment or sexual terrorism, in my view, and they admit it.
Shouldn't there be congressional hearings about this?
I mean, the method to the madness, if government can set the precedent to put its hands down your pants or remove a urology or colostomy bag, and they are doing this, that's confirmed, or to strip down five-year-olds,
Full view.
It reminds me of the Nazis.
They started out with papers, please, in 33.
By 40, it was stripping women down with babies and running them into pits and shooting them in the back of the head.
We have the film footage of that.
I mean, this is clearly to dominate us and to break our will, but I think they've gone one step too far.
I think they've triggered the sleeping giant.
Yeah, I hope so.
It seems that way.
Showing our papers, we've capitulated on that a long time because we show our social security number and our driver's license and the whole work.
No matter what we do, get a job or buy something, they usually want those numbers.
But now they want us, want the government to show them our genitalia and they want to take pictures of us and put their hands into our pants and all that.
So that's hopefully another
Enough to wake the people up.
And what I think is great, you know, we complain a lot about the mainstream media and they haven't been very friendly to us.
But there's been a lot of good pictures on all the TV stations, you know, because it's been so abusive.
So even though a fraction of the American people fly frequently, I'm sure almost all Americans now have seen some of these pictures and saying to themselves, hey, what's going on here?
I mean, why are they doing this?
So I think it's a healthy wake-up call to a lot of Americans.
I just hope they can work that in to the whole concept of what's been going on with our country for a long time.
Government is too big and intrusive and abuse our rights and they do the things they shouldn't be doing and they forget about the things they were instructed to do.
Congressman, again, I noticed three weeks ago that this could be the catalyst for the American people to finally stand up and realize the power we have.
Now mainstream media is admitting that this is something almost like the Tea Party that you were the catalyst for back in 07-08.
I really see this trending towards a changing point on the graph going back towards liberty.
Do you agree?
Yeah, I think so, and they'll always be trying to minimize it and dilute it, so maybe they'll see this as an opportunity.
They have to back off, and they might contract some of this work out, but if they contract it out to their favorite corporations, and they're doing the same thing, we have to be careful that they're not exempt, you know, from the same abuse that we're complaining about.
That was my next question.
Have you ever suffered at the hands of the TSA?
I have to go through that all the time because I have metal in my knees and I don't go through, well basically the x-ray is not available and I hate the idea of doing that so I get prodded all the time and it's disgusting and I tell them so.
Well, it is.
It's so disgusting that I just don't understand, and that's why I'm determined to do my very best to wake up the people about what's happening.
Well, Doctor, we've only got about two minutes left.
A medical doctor, ask permission, is trained, does it respectfully when you go get an exam.
You know, you're a gynecologist and delivered so many babies, but now some minimum wage person is pulling off urology bags, is sticking their hands in people's pants.
Jesse Ventura, the former governor, said here last Friday that he's going to boycott it, and he believes if enough people don't fly, that will force industry to put pressure on government.
I mean, specifically, have you had them, have you had the enhanced pat-down yet, sir?
Have they touched your crotch?
It's like I said, absolutely disgusting.
They've already proven the point.
My argument is that the owners of the airlines are responsible, which should be Continental and United and other people, and we should decide whether we want to contract with them on what kind of rules they want to set.
I think so.
So you're supporting, you are supporting folks that are boycotting when they can?
Yeah, yeah, I've said that on the House floor, that that's a good idea, even though I, you know, it might not solve it, and it's going to handicap, it's going to mess people up, but that's what civil disobedience is all about, because I don't want to go to the next step and use violence, and we should stand up and say enough is enough.
Well, liberty is rising in the face of tyranny.
Last question in 60 seconds.
What does the victory of Rand Paul to the U.S.
Senate mean in the face of the mainstream media's full demonization, full lies?
They pulled out the stops at a level they've never even done to you, in my opinion, and he still won.
When Clinton came and campaigned against him, his numbers went up.
What does this mean that they failed in their demonization?
Does that signify the shift from the dominant old line media, now being the dinosaur media,
I think so.
I think it means that Liberty's alive and well, and even though we get down on a few occasions when things get bad, but the number of people that are on our side now are very, very large.
That to me is very encouraging, but we still have a lot of work to do to make sure that those who are going to Washington know exactly what they're supposed to be doing and that they stick to their guns.
Is Carol Brown?
She is.
She's very pleased, and we'll see Rand here at Christmastime.
And you're going to be working with him now, coming up?
Yeah, we talk.
A great senator and a great House member.
Congressman, have a great Thanksgiving.
God bless you.
All right.
There he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
Congressman Ron Paul.
We want a few minutes into that network break so we can continue.
Well, that's breaking news.
Ron Paul has been groped by the TSA.
I'm really glad that I brought that question up to him and that he is supporting Governor Ventura in his actions.
Very, very powerful information on that front with Congressman Ron Paul.
And other breaking news, you heard Ron Paul saying that there is a possibility this could be a staged provocation by the military-industrial complex with the lunatics prodding the lunatic asylum that is North Korea.
uh... to prop up the dollar.
He agreed with my analysis that that has to be looked at.
My gut tells me that our real resident expert, Wayne Madsen, who's always got the Washington sources, I know he's been on the phone all morning, formerly worked with the Navy in submarine warfare, then for the NSA, he's going to be joining us, a real expert on the situation with North Korea and Kim Jong-il and his demonic son Kim Jong-un.
So that is coming up in about thirty-five minutes
We're going to be technical about 37 minutes from now.
He will be on with us.
We have Judge Andrew Napolitano popping in on the TSA, on the economy, on the police state, on the huge awakening that's happening at the start of the third hour as well.
On this live Tuesday transmission ahead of the busiest day in travel is that they report the Wednesday and Friday before and after Thanksgiving.
So we'll be here live tomorrow.
Uh, tracking exactly what's going on, uh, with the TSA lines.
TSA has a free app, but you don't know they're giving you real info, but they are reporting on the app and in the news.
Record long lines in L.A., Chicago, uh, JFK, New York, and other areas.
And that's fine.
Bring it all to a halt.
Bring airline travel to a halt, make the airlines lose money, make the hotels lose money, because the feds want to slowly strangle industry and commerce and tourism.
We want to have it all come at once, kind of like a fever, to shake off this bug, this disease of big government over transportation.
Instead of a slow death, we want to have a big fever, bring it all to a head, lance the boil, it'll be ugly at first, but
You're already losing, according to the federal government's own admissions, $9 billion a year, every year, 2006, 7, 8, 9, into this year.
And they're estimating over $40 billion to be lost this year.
Over a third of the foreigners that would come here for vacation from Western Europe and other areas, tourism down by a third overall.
That's just the base number.
You can pull those numbers up.
You can just search the term tourism down by over a third.
This is killing us.
You got a better chance of dying from a bee sting.
Government admits that.
I mean, do we have checkpoints in every field in case a bee flies out to a school and sits on some steps and you sit on them?
I mean, how many times has a child playing in the woods or playing out in the backyard, did I sit down on a bench and have a bee sting me?
I mean, we used to fight with ping pong paddles for entertainment.
We'd run up with water guns and spray bushes and eaves of houses that had Yellowjacket and Wasnes and have them chase us.
Talk about excitement.
And I got stung a lot.
Come home, Mom, put hydrogen peroxide on it.
Of course, I know why folks are scared of bees.
I always thought it was no big deal until I was, I guess, 20 years old.
Working on a garden in the backyard and there were some Africanized bees and I probably got stung 30-40 times.
I don't know, I had all these stingers in my head and I swole up bright red, got in the shower, poured baking soda on myself, couldn't breathe, was about to call 911 and then it kind of reversed itself.
So I understand kids, you shouldn't have wars with bees and yellow jackets.
The point is that
You know, the issue here is you've got a much bigger danger.
Are we going to have a federal bureaucracy every ten feet with guys in hazmat suits and, you know, like little laser guns to, you know, that hone in and kill all bees and have like troop carriers landing everywhere and invading countries?
We've got bees in Germany!
We've got bees in Russia!
You know, giant troop carriers landing, troops running off.
If they kill one American, we've got to get rid of all these!
You know, maybe put little turbans on the bees?
In like posters and TV ads?
This is Al Qaeda.
They killed hundreds of people last year in the U.S.
They're deadly.
You never know where they're hiding.
They're in every town, every city.
They may be in your backyard.
Honey bees, other Al Qaeda operatives, red wasps, even hornets, known as the Osama Bin Laden Hornet.
They're green and yellow and can kill.
Deadly black wasps.
Deadly Brown Wasp, Burrowing Wood Wasp, Red Ants, Fire Ants.
Pull up the numbers in fact for me.
Numbers of deaths a year, be it a fire ant, numbers of deaths per year, bee stings.
I know it's in the hundred.
And I mean literally, we need TV ads.
Fear it!
They're everywhere!
They're killing hundreds!
Oh my gosh!
Run for your lives!
The bees are attacking!
The bees are everywhere!
Oh my gosh, it's so ridiculous.
But they don't teach you to fear the bees.
They teach you to... Minimum time and muscles.
But the government's bringing in record numbers.
Oh, that's fine.
Give me a reprieve.
Two-week health care.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
Congressman Ron Paul joined us for that newsmaking, extremely informative interview.
We'll recap some of what he talked about later in the hour if you just joined us.
Wayne Madsen pops in in about 30 minutes from now.
Then for another 20 or 30 minutes into the next hour, we are joined by Judge Andrew Napolitano to talk about a host of issues.
Now here's the deal.
I want to get your take on the North Korean situation.
I want to recap that right now.
I want to take calls specifically
Only on the North Korea situation.
I want to talk about that.
I want to get your view on what's happening and then recap those developments.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air there on the Genesis phone system.
Now, if you just joined us, technically this happened when it was still midnight in some time zones of the United States, or before midnight, so it happened on Monday night here, but it happened on Tuesday over in Asia, because the day starts over there in Australia, basically, if you look at the time zones.
Or it's the next day.
It actually starts, I guess, Greenwich Mean Time.
The point is, it happened on Tuesday over there, Monday over here.
That minutiae doesn't matter.
Getting into it, here, breaking, South Korea threatens retaliation against North.
Don't forget, Rand lobbies Pentagon, start war to save U.S.
South Korea says it's test-fired in the area before North Korea.
There's evidence that that missile
uh... that uh... was fired of course a few weeks ago was china all sorts of bizarre stuff uh... going on hours and hours of exchange from fire with the north firing into an island a south korean island killing at least two marines and injuring a whole bunch of other people
The skirmish began when North Korea warned the South to halt military drills in the area.
According to South Korean officials, when Seoul refused and began firing artillery into disputed waters, albeit away from North Korean shore, the North retaliated by bombarding the small island, which houses South Korean military installations and small civilian population.
North Korea has threatened, if anything else happens, an all-out attack on Seoul, which is just within artillery range of the North, and the DMZ, the Demilitarized Zone.
The North promised a deadly counter-strike if anything happens.
The Russians are calling this a colossal danger.
I tend to agree this could trigger a major regional conflict.
I agree with Ron Paul, the Congressman, we should completely stay out of this and say,
Japan, South Korea, China, you guys all just, you know, you get into it with each other.
We have already lost 56,000 Americans over there in that war.
We have already had conflict ongoing.
We do not need to be part of this.
But I made the point to Ron Paul, you notice the dollar shot back up today.
You notice the RAND Corporation and neocons have been in the news telling Obama, have a war with Iran, have a war with others, this will boost you.
He's got his advisors telling him that.
That's on record.
And I think where there's smoke, there's fire.
There's a good chance this was staged.
We don't know.
But they may have been firing that artillery, you know, right into the shoreline.
They were very close and they admit that.
And the North are complete lunatics, very dangerous.
They're puppets of China.
And you've got a lot of jockeying going on.
China uses North Korea as a proxy.
The West, the United States, and others use South as a proxy.
Japan uses them as a proxy.
The Koreans and the Japanese hate each other as well because of past Japanese abuses.
So it's just an ongoing crisis.
And right now, today, tomorrow, the next week, anytime.
If any U.S.
ships or South Korean ships get near North Korea, they're going to start attacking again, and this could escalate into a very serious situation very quickly.
And it's the perfect distraction as the open world government's being announced, as Europe's being swallowed up by the global banks, as Ireland's being swallowed up, as domestically all these things happen.
The whole globalist agenda's in trouble.
They need a war as a distraction.
Every time there's global meltdowns, they start a war.
We're online for one.
We've been predicting one.
This could be it.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we've got breaking news, and we'll get the audio and video.
Up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as quickly as possible.
I'm going to get Curt Nemo, Paul Watson, and Steve Watson to do more articles on all of the breaking news from Congressman Ron Paul.
A. Ron Paul says he has been groped in the crotch and that he does support the boycott.
So, that's a simple headline for folks.
It's very newsworthy.
Congressman Ron Paul has been groped in the crotch, or has had privates groped, does support boycott.
Big news!
That's big news!
We're gonna get that video, get those stories out.
The other big thing from Ron Paul.
I laid out the dollar going up because of this.
The Rand Corporation calls.
The fact that we've had different neocons in the news telling Obama to start a war to save his presidency.
And I remember those articles.
You can just pull it.
You know, neocons tell Obama start war to save presidency.
In fact, guys, you just Google that and print it for me.
I know it's there.
They talked about Korea, Iran, just whatever.
Get a war going.
That is newsworthy that Ron Paul concurred and said this could be the military-industrial complex trying to stir something up.
Very newsworthy, very important to get that out for people.
You got now, and we pushed this false flag or staged provocation issue so far now, the Gulf of Tonkin is now known to be staged, that by exposing this we may be able to stop them from carrying out more provocations.
That doesn't mean that the lunatics in North Korea are good.
That doesn't mean that they're not dangerous.
That doesn't mean that they might have done this.
But the point is they sent in ships, South Korea with the U.S., fired into this area that's seen as North Korean waters.
There's David Broder.
War with Iran will save economy.
Obama presidency.
And yeah, print me that article and also the link, because that's an article about the link.
See, it says, so, David Broder, put it back up.
Thank you.
So, David Broder has concerns.
Print both, thank you.
There's a lot of other places.
The point is, they're looking at this, they're discussing it.
Don't think the globalists and their puppet Obama won't stage something.
Don't think they won't start a new war in Korea and try to ship our boys off over there to die, you know, 56,000 again like they did back in the late 50s in the Korean War.
We need to say no to this situation, and we need to say no to this now, as Ron Paul said earlier.
Now, here are these reports from PrisonPlanet.com.
They're also going up on InfoWars.com.
We need to get this out to everybody.
Korean War Crisis, brought to you by Uncle Sam.
military industrial complex armed North Korea with nuclear weapons.
Here's another one.
North Korea attack part of Rand plan for total war.
We're not talking about Rand Paul, boys and girls.
Now we need the new headline up there, a blurb.
You know, Congressman Ron Paul, or Ron Paul says, you know, Ron Paul hopes military industrial complex is not involved.
In Korea, you know, or it's got to be a simple headline like Ron Paul concerned.
Ron Paul has suspicions.
Ron Paul, I need to hear the exact audio because I was interviewing him last hour, but I have to remember it exactly.
Ron Paul concerned military industrial complex hyping war with North Korea or staging provocations for war with North Korea to boost dollar.
That's basically what he said.
I mean, this is big.
But North Korea attacked part of RAND plan for total war.
Key info.
We'll be talking about that.
Coming up very soon.
Here is an October 31st article on the Washington Post.
The war recovery.
And it's the Washington Post saying that Barack Obama
Might need to stage a war to get their agenda going.
That's the Washington Post.
So I'm telling you, that's why Ron Paul responded and said, yeah, it's incredible that governments do talk about this.
This is very real, what we're dealing with here.
Ron Paul, another big newsmaker, said he believes the Federal Reserve will implode and fall apart in a depression before it ever gets audited.
I mean, what a bombshell interview, ladies and gentlemen.
So we need to get Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Aaron's on assignment in another state right now doing an interview.
We need to get our writers to get that together and decide who's going to write what and get on it, because this is big.
Mike in Wisconsin, what's your take on the Korea situation?
Oh, it's a very scary time.
You've got to remember one thing, that a lot of these politicians, they have, and you can go on the internet, on YouTube, they have underground bases.
Where the politicians take their families under during times of war.
And the whole government installation goes underground.
And we're stuck up here to deal with that.
Yeah, that's COG.
That's COG.
Cognitive Government.
It is very scary.
And I think what they want to do is depopulate the planet.
I think they've been told from outside this planet.
I'm not going to get into aliens or nothing, but they're told we need to depopulate.
And they know depopulation stimulates the economy, too.
You know, you have less mouths to feed.
You know, you have higher demands.
You have more mouths to feed.
You do have higher demands, but you can't handle it.
All right, I appreciate your call, Mike.
It is true that when they had the black plague that wiped out 20 to 40 percent of different areas of Europe, they're not sure because records weren't
Properly kept.
They know with the fleas on the rats and the cats carrying the bubonic plague, the black plague, that whole areas were wiped out and the Renaissance then came out of that.
But that was only because much of the ruling elite was wiped out.
God bless you Alex.
Thank you very much for having me on your show.
I was in the Merchant Marines Naval Reserve
And this was something I wasn't even aware of.
There's a DMZ.
When you talk of the DMZ, most people think of the North and South Korean Demilitarized Zone.
Well, we have a DMZ in North Korea and South Korea.
And we've got over 50,000 troops there since 1957.
And basically what I want to say and tie everything together is the fact that you, no pun intended, but you've caught
The globalists, with their pants down, you know, with this TSA situation, you've got so many of your moles and you've got so many people that are working for you to give you high-powered information on the globalists that you're all over them like bees on honey.
And I truly believe that they need, because this TSA
Uh... situation like you've said they took it one step too far by grabbing people's privates.
They had to do something extreme right now.
Well they have to teach us that there are saviors but not just because of the great grassroots taking action and saying no on the TSA and this being a catalyst for all of this anger to boil over.
It's all of us together.
It's also that they're openly taking over Ireland, getting ready to take over Portugal and Spain.
They've taken over Greece.
They're cutting people's benefits, raising their taxes.
They need a political smokescreen globally to prop up the dollar so that all other currencies drop first, so the dollar is the last currency standing before they convert to the global SDR.
So a war is good for them on their entire agenda.
And that's why they're trying to start a war two years ago with Russia.
Trying to start one now with North Korea.
Doesn't mean Russia's perfect.
We certainly know North Korea's bad news.
But the globalists are there trying to stage this now, and I hear you.
Good to hear from you.
I appreciate your call.
John, who's up next here?
Natan, California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Yeah, so I think the North and South Korea thing is all China, just like the submarines over here.
When Obama's overseas, reflecting his muscle, they come over here and say, look what we can do.
So I think it's
Pretty much all China.
Like you said, they control China, or they control North Korea, right?
Yeah, so I think they're probably just pushing the strings for them, but isn't it true that the Rothschilds and the central banks are only a few countries that they don't have their fingers in?
Like Iran and these countries?
Yes, any country under attack, like Libya, Iran,
So called rogue nations, whether they're good nations or bad nations, and most nations are run by crooks, so they're bad.
The point is they're not the globalists.
Any country the globalists are trying to take over or overthrow is a nation that didn't take a private central bank, that didn't follow the globalist eugenics program.
China has done everything the New World Order wants.
So China is the apple of their eye.
China's been given the Panama Canal.
They've been given favorable trade deals to de-industrialize the U.S.
And yes, a lot of evidence, and even the military thinks that was a Chinese missile as a threat to the U.S., launched from a sub, basically a copy of a Polaris submarine launched.
from beneath the water.
And it's the same situation now with the proxy wars between South and North Korea.
You've got U.S.
and Korean vessels right up in the edge of the North Korean waters firing artillery right into their waters.
And North Korea wouldn't have the bravado
Yeah, so, to me it just seems, yeah, maybe with the TSA and China and everything, it's just smoke screens.
Just get everybody worried about all this and while they're... Oh yeah, China, I mean, listen, this stuff is so agreed upon at certain levels.
They may have already made a deal, and then China ordered North Korea, you know, basically to respond.
And, I mean, at that level, our governments are, like, tied at the hip via the corporate connections, and this could be completely staged as a way to prop the dollar up.
And you heard Ron Paul last hour say that the military-industrial complex may be in there saber-rattling and trying to get a response from the North Koreans.
But when you read the Rand Corporation reports and others, they want total war.
They want World War III.
And that's what Joel Skousen talked about yesterday, so it's very dangerous.
We'll come back.
Great points.
Nate talked to Jeff, David, Jason, Nick, and many others.
Then we've got Wayne Madsen popping in to give us his take on this.
I'm tempted to get Joel Skousen to pop in tomorrow.
He was already on yesterday, but this is exactly what he was talking about yesterday.
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Okay, let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Jeff in North Carolina.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Good day, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hope you're doing well.
Doing alright.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, in regards to what previous two callers have said, what you said, I think that the timing of all of this is extremely suspect and very convenient, considering tomorrow's National Opt-Out Day.
People like me are protesting at our local airports against the tyranny of the TSA, and they've got a Thanksgiving Day surprise or two in store, legislatively speaking.
I just think it's a great, great, great way to distract the masses.
That's right, they're trying to pass the Senate bill to take over all the local farms and ranches and openly shut down anything they want.
They're trying to pass the internet censorship bill, that's Wired Magazine saying that, not me.
You can read the bill, they call it draconian.
No judge, no jury, just shut down, take whatever free speech the feds want.
Justice Department, headed up by people that openly say they want to end free speech.
They've got a bunch of other horrible legislation they're trying to ram through and then magically they go in and provocateur the North Koreans.
Yes sir, I agree a hundred percent and like I said we're going to be at Charlotte Douglas Airport here in Charlotte tomorrow protesting against the Fourth Amendment violations of our Constitution and then these kind of things come in and then it distracts everybody and they're you know they put up a smoke signal a flare over here and everybody focuses on that and
You know, and distract us from, uh, you know, from being persistent in what we need to accomplish.
I agree with you, but at the same time, this flare could light off the whole fireworks factory.
This situation with North Korea is a big deal.
Like you said, that's exactly what they're looking for, though, right?
Out of chaos comes order, right?
Order out of chaos, that's their motto, as George W. Bush said.
Great points.
Anything else, Jeff?
Bless and keep you, and thank you for keeping it biblical.
Tell us about your protest specifically, where it's gonna be at, at what time.
Yes, sir.
We're going to be starting tomorrow morning at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
I'm the one that wore Speedos through the checkpoint at TSA in Denver a week ago.
And I fly a lot for my career.
Oh, so you're the guy that was on Drudge Report yesterday.
More and more people are just pulling their clothes off and saying, I make the choice, and pointing out that it is the equivalent of stripping you down.
You're not going to touch me.
But still, they try to touch you even when you take your clothes off.
I have not submitted to it yet and don't plan on it.
Speedos, yeah.
That'd be kind of horrifying if I did that.
It would for me too, I believe.
Imagine Kim Jong-il in speedos.
All right, well you're awesome.
What time is that, Jeff?
We're going to be starting tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
Well do me a favor, shoot video of it, get it up immediately, and give us a little InfoWars.com video bugs.
We actually send folks to the clearinghouse for the main fight.
Everybody get that video as soon as you can up on YouTube.
Good job, Jeff.
Great to hear from you.
Let's talk to David in Missouri.
David, you're on the air.
Hey, I've been awake since 85.
I've been following you since the late 90s.
I just want to say, last time I was in China about two years ago, the factory owner's nephew there had just got back on a visa from North Korea, and I was talking to him.
And he said he took a whole bunch of pictures, and the next day he brought them in.
And I have to say, I could not believe it.
Pyongyang is the only city in North Korea that has electricity at night.
They don't even have enough electricity to power their traffic lights.
The soldiers all on the borders are guarded by the mass military to keep them from throwing down their weapons and defecting to the South.
They've got an elite guard that guards the border.
There's barbed wire on every beach and tank traps like Normandy.
All the elites want Mercedes, and they get Mercedes, but they're 30 to 35 years old.
He had a picture of a concrete building they started building about 10 years ago.
It was built by mud daubers.
It was a concrete shell.
It was about 30 stories tall.
And it was solid concrete.
30 stories tall.
Well they tried to build the biggest building in the world.
It looks like some science fiction pyramid.
Guys, pull up Pyramid Building in North Korea.
It's one of the biggest in the world.
And then they never finished it.
So it's like this...
Unfinished, no windows, space alien pyramid.
I mean, talk about lunatic land.
Now, I've seen photos from inside North Korea.
It is, we shouldn't laugh, their main meat is humans they execute.
And that's admitted, that's even been in Vanity Fair.
I mean, they sell long pork in the cities, and then the rich families have better medical care and things than people in the West.
I just can't see them
mounting any sort of offensive.
I think it's all being overblown.
I mean, I just see that country that was attacked falling apart instantly.
Yeah, that's why the globalists don't ever truly attack it.
They just give them nuclear reactors, give them nuclear weapons.
That's on record.
It's like, oh, here, you're a hermit devil state.
Have some nukes, Rumsfeld says.
Yeah, there's the demon building in their capital city up on screen.
If you're a radio listener, just search North Korean pyramid building.
That's what those lunatics built.
It's a hotel.
It has no glass on the windows.
Supposed to have six rotating restaurants.
But commies can't make it work.
All they can do is suck blood and waddle around in uniforms.
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We now take you live
We are now into our number two, 33 minutes in.
Judge Andrew Napolitano is popping in, coming up the next hour.
Gold is up over $16 an ounce right now because of fears going on on the Korean Peninsula.
We're going to be talking to Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report here in just a moment.
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Now going to Wayne Madsen.
Wayne Madsen, of course.
Attended the University of Mississippi, where he joined the Navy in ROTC.
He then joined the U.S.
Navy when he got out of college and was in submarine anti-warfare.
He also worked for RCA as a government consultant, and then with the National Security Agency, NSA.
Later he worked with the Navy's National Data Automated Command.
He's written for many of the biggest publications in the country, and he's also part of EPIC, the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
And he has the WayneMadsenReport.com.
And I wanted to get him on, you know, less than 12 hours into this Korean Peninsula situation.
Of course, we have this report from two years ago by Paul Joseph Watson and by Ehan Dai.
Rand lobbies Pentagon, start war to save U.S.
And it goes into the Rand Corporation saying they need a war.
We also have the Washington Post here in my stack where they talk about Obama needing a war.
David Broder does a war to be able to continue his agenda.
I'll dig that out and pull it out and show it to you in a minute.
But, the fact that Obama's there last week, the fact that they, the North had said, don't come into these islands, don't fire your artillery in our area, and then they sent them in to do it.
The fact that it looks like this torpedo that hit the ship a while back ago was German.
Again, I'm not saying the North Koreans are good, folks.
They're proxies of the Chinese.
But this on the heel of the Chinese, Wayne Madsen and others believe, firing that missile two weeks ago as a way to menace the West ahead of the G20.
I want to get Wayne Madsen's take on all this.
Wayne, what's your view on it?
Well, again, North Korea is a very paranoid regime.
It's a Stalinist, but they've made several overtures to the West.
I would note that this incident follows their invitation to an American scientist who took them to a new uranium enrichment facility where he saw plenty of
Thank you.
Um, we have an armistice.
We don't have a peace agreement between the two countries.
So, um, there have been, as you mentioned, these incidents where, uh, last, uh, this past March, we had the South Korean Corvette, uh, in an area.
Um, there was the U.S., joint U.S.-South Korean exercises.
That was an island further to the west from where this island, this island called, uh, Yongpyong, uh, that, that up island back in March was the westernmost island.
But all these islands sit right off the coast of Korea, so they're highly militarized, highly sensitive areas, and when the U.S.
and or South Koreans engage in military exercises in the area, they always engender a negative response from the North.
We have to remember, as nutty as Kim Jong-il, who's now turning over the reins of power
He's just as crazy.
He's a right-winger.
He's very unpopular in South Korea.
The South Koreans don't like him.
He's always rattling sabers.
And I believe on the heels of him hosting G20, the fact that he's got a South Korean as Secretary General of the UN, all this plays into Lee Myung-bak also flexing his muscles as much as
We're good to go.
Well, I've also got David Broder just a month ago, on October 31st, less than a month ago, telling Obama, hey, start a war.
You know, North Korea, Iran, whatever.
We've got neocons telling him to do it.
We've got all these Obama advisors saying you need some type of crisis to look strong.
You've got the dollar plunging.
Now it's going back up today because people run to that safe haven because this empire has the biggest military.
This is on the heels of the meeting over there.
We know this is a provocation to send these ships into this disputed area where North Korea said they would fire on them.
And so clearly they're looking for a provocation.
I mean, there's no doubt of that.
Right, and the way the news media is treating this is, you know, North Korea always is, you know, from central casting, the enemy that we're about to have, secretive, unpredictable.
I mean, how many times has James Bond been after North Koreans, you know, in the James Bond movies?
But the fact is that the South is just as unpredictable.
I would note that the South is now installing a ballistic missile system backed up by a radar system they're getting from Israel.
The North doesn't look with favor on this type of thing.
We also have China upset about similar U.S.
naval exercises with South Korean independent ones right off the Chinese coast.
They feel, look, if you're going to do that off our coast, we can do things off your coast to let you know that we can more than anything else.
So, we also saw the incident with the South Korean ship being sunk, which a lot of people, including myself, and this was verified by people very close to both the North Korean government, the Chinese government, and the U.S.
government, felt that that was a provocation to get the Japanese Prime Minister Hatayama to renege on his campaign promise of throwing the U.S.
out of Okinawa.
He changed his mind.
He was attacked by his own party.
He resigned.
And now a pro-U.S.
Prime Minister is in Tokyo, and he's helping rattle the states along with the Americans and South Koreans against North Korea.
And it's a nice political diversion.
How does this tie in going back to the Chinese missile?
A. Have you got any more intel confirming your sources that that was a Chinese missile?
A. B. Why did they do it?
C. How does this tie into this latest situation?
We know both the West uses South Korea as a proxy and China uses North Korea as a proxy.
Right, and there's now sources very close to NORAD that are saying, yes, it was a Chinese missile, and that President Obama was informed immediately by the commander of NORAD about the incident, and all he did, of course, was keep it tamped down.
He was getting ready to meet the Chinese president in Seoul, and then again in Yokohama, Japan.
I would also point out that Jackson Deal, in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post,
He pointed to the amateurs running the foreign policy for the Obama administration.
He said basically his core of advisors are his ex-Senator Hillary Clinton, an ex-Congressional staffer, Tom Donilon, his National Security Advisor, and a lawyer, Leon Panetta, who's running the CIA.
And basically he was pointing out, where's the foreign policy gravitas there?
It's not!
So, you know, remember what Rahm Emanuel said, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Is this also an attempt to boost Obama's commander-in-chief credentials?
But I think it's coming at a very bad time when U.S.-Chinese relations are very, very frayed.
Now, he wanted to pitch
Some sort of associate membership status or partnership status with Russia on this missile shield.
And the Chinese look at that as bringing NATO right to its own borders with Russia.
And then of course trying to push the idea of India joining the UN Security Council.
Something else that China is very much opposed to.
So it looks like Obama keeps poking
His finger in the Chinese eye, maybe he forgets that China owns a great deal of our debt, but again, maybe this is back to the Washington Post op-ed, where, you know, this guy's not the smartest guy in the world.
We all, you know, just because somebody speaks well, actors speak well, because they remember their lines.
But there's some of them are the dumbest people on the face of the earth.
Let's expand on that.
Dealing with South Korea, their president is saying now that he may just go ahead and order his Air Force to bomb their missile sites, and I guess their nuclear sites.
So that is an incredible escalation.
But I guess they've got the pretext now, because the North took the bait when they went into those disputed waters and engaged in naval bombardments right off their coast.
I mean, it looks like they're trying to set
The precedent, the pretext, the excuse, the rationale, the moral authority to go ahead and attack the North.
A. Do you agree with that?
And B. If they do that, why is South Korea being given the green light by the Anglo-Americans to do this?
Well, as I mentioned, Lee Myung-bak, the South Korean president, is a very cagey and unpredictable character.
He's a real right-winger.
He's a real neocon type.
And he may fit into this global strategy of increasing tensions, where tensions don't need to be increased.
And certainly we have the U.N.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Oh, absolutely, because we have to remember that the South Korean capital, Seoul, is within range of North Korean nuclear-tipped artillery shells.
So, you can imagine what would happen if an all-out war breaks out.
There would obviously be a U.S.
nuclear response against North Korea.
Because we saw these stories, though, that
They're really just testing, you know, giant deposits of TNT underground, and that the signature doesn't show a real A-bomb.
But then we see more evidence, and Jane's Weapons Quarterly, who is very respected, says they do have several weapons.
What's your intel?
Do they really have functioning, deployable A-bombs?
Oh, yes.
Well, they've already tested one.
It wasn't a perfect test, but we know they've tested.
They've also tested several other missiles, including firing some over Japan.
But this is a regime that we should have an embassy in Pyongyang, just like we should have embassies in Tehran, Iran, and also in Havana, Cuba.
But because of
And that keeps Kim Jong Il in power.
That keeps Fidel Castro in power.
And I'm a demigod in power, and where we should be.
Now obviously we have this big scandal with U.S.
embassies all around the world, you know, carrying out espionage against the citizens of those countries.
You know, having a U.S.
embassy of course comes with mixed blessings.
Yeah, that's friendly nations.
Our government has them in friendly nations.
Uh, well, friendly and hostile.
No, but I meant, I mean, I was just filling listers in on the latest scandal.
It's friendly nations that our government's carrying out espionage on.
Yeah, like Iceland and Denmark and Finland.
Obviously, we're not at, you know, we're not at loggerheads with any of those.
But, be that as it may, I think what the Post Op-Ed article was talking about is there's just a lack of diplomatic experience with this Obama administration.
They've shied away from using the academics, they've shied away from using the career diplomats, and they're going basically with these political hacks.
Uh, who have the final say.
Wayne, stay there.
Let's talk more about that when we come back.
And, our government spying with espionage on friendly, friendly nations.
Stay there.
It's important information.
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There's a gun and ammunition just inside the doorway.
We're good to go.
Okay, looking at the different interests involved, we know we have this little hermit empire, this hereditary dictatorship.
That's where communism always goes.
Black uniforms, secret police, surveillance, torture, cannibalism, the fruits of collectivism run by the state.
And you've got the meeting last week.
I don't
Last hour, and he concurred that this is driving the dollar back up, and that this could be the military-industrial complex trying to stage a provocation.
Well, they knew it was an area that the North claims is theirs, right off their coast.
They know that if they went in there and fired artillery, they'd be fired on.
The North warned them.
And so this is a provocation.
And it's being done for a lot of different reasons.
But Wayne Madsen, recapping, what's your gut on this?
What are the real reasons for this?
Well, I would note that same island saw skirmishes between North and South Korea in 1999 and again in 2002.
But none of those ended up in an artillery exchange.
The worst, actually, since the ending of the Korean War, the armistice.
None of those other incidents went that far.
Why did this particular one go that far?
I think that's the question that needs to be asked.
Who's in charge of policy?
We've got, you know, Robert Gates, the Bush guy, still is our Secretary of Defense.
He's been rattling sabers against China and North Korea since he's been in his job.
And I think we have to look at the fact that there's not a heck of a lot of sunlight between the policies of the Obama administration and those of his predecessor, George W. Bush.
We're almost out of time, Wayne Madsen.
Shifting gears over to the issue that broke a week or so ago.
Friendly countries, northern European countries, U.S.
embassies being used to run espionage operations.
They're running whores to compromise.
They're running surveillance.
They're running infiltration of friendly governments.
I mean, my view is that our government's run by the megacorporations, so of course they're gonna use our government as a mechanism to go out there and spy on everyone.
Our allies are shocked by this, but America attacks America.
America attacks everything.
America is a corporate takeover in action.
Absolutely, and you know I would point out that the U.S.
Embassy in Reykjavik, Iceland was spying on Icelanders.
Which ones?
The ones that are out protesting the giveaway of their country to the banking shysters?
I mean, we've got to figure out that the U.S.
Embassy in Dublin, Ireland is doing the same thing.
Embassies seem to be carrying out this espionage.
I went back and looked at the privacy impact assessment submitted by the State Department on this system called the Security Incident Management Analysis System, or SINIS.
It said that every U.S.
embassy and every U.S.
consulate and interest section abroad had this system.
So every U.S.
embassy, every diplomatic mission abroad is spying on the local people in those countries.
I think that's grounds to basically sever relations and tell U.S.
embassies to pack up and get out.
Wayne, where do you expect, just in 30 seconds, this North Korea situation to go?
I think China is working behind the scenes to try to tamp down this problem.
They're probably talking to North Koreans.
The Russians are talking to the North Koreans.
But the U.S.
also has to restrain Lee Myung-bak, the South Korean president, from doing anything like a retaliatory strike on North Korea.
Could this be a replay of 888, where Cheney tried to start war with the Russians?
It could very well be.
Alright, Wayne Madsen, thank you so much for joining us.
We'll be right back with Andrew Napolitano.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, for the next 20 minutes, Judge Andrew Napolitano joins us.
He, of course, for the last week has now moved from the weekends with the number one show in months.
Well, out of the gates was number one on Fox Business.
On the weekends to the regular Fox Business weeknights, and it's becoming very, very successful there as well.
So from the weekends to weekdays, and hopefully very soon to the main Fox Channel, because he's a real libertarian at heart, and we always appreciate having Judge Andrew Napolitano, JudgeNap.com, also best-selling author with us.
Judge, this is a short segment, the long segment's coming up, but so much going on in the world today.
What's most important on your radar?
I think the president wants to subjugate us, Alex.
I think the president who falsely claims that he believes in civil liberties...
Who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and who could stop all of this with a phone call to Cousin Janet.
We're not related, but I kiddingly referred to her that way, Janet Napolitano.
Has placed armed and unarmed, uniformed agents between private carriers and their customers at the most critical juncture, barking orders, demanding conformity, threatening arrest and fines.
I think this is the beginning of an effort of this president to use powers from some source other than the Constitution, an argument his predecessor made, to get us to conform to his will.
I fear that this TSA stormtrooper behavior is the tip of an iceberg, or an ocean, that this administration, now that it has lost some of its strength in Congress, may want to use to overwhelm us.
Well, we know, and you were critical of George Bush and the police state things he carried out.
Obama's continued the torture of the wars, in some cases expanded some of the extraordinary rendition, the enhanced interrogations.
But because he's got a leftist cover, the left has been in a coma dealing with it.
But now this TSA, hands in pants,
And we've got all of this happening.
I mean, it really does show their lust to dominate us and to basically break those taboos.
And you're right.
They've announced they want TSA scanners on the streets.
They're already beta testing it at train stations.
TSA's been searching people's bags without warrants for years in New York.
So you're right.
I mean, this is something they want to roll out nationwide.
You know, the most specific part of the Constitution, the one that provides the most details as to what the government may and may not do, is the Fourth Amendment, which establishes the right to privacy, the right to be left alone, and it basically says the right of the people to be secure in their persons.
I don't think so.
We're good.
Absolutely, and expanding on that, they are having federally funded checkpoints that violate the Fourth Amendment, federally funded blood draws at DWI checkpoints, no refusal.
They're trying to push forced inoculations.
This is clearly their attempt to set the precedent to get in our space and put their hands on our body.
And Ron Paul told me an hour and a half ago that they've grabbed his genitals.
I did not know that.
Ron was on with me last night.
Ron made an argument which was purely Jeffersonian in its brilliance and its simplicity.
Well, tell us about that when we come back, Judge.
I want to hear that.
But I want to go further.
I want to ask you as a judge, as a constitutional scholar, not just the Fourth Amendment.
Am I wrong in saying this violates Ninth and Tenth?
We've got a federal power grab?
That, you know, even sworn peace officers of the state can't stick their hands down your pants without an emergency or a warrant?
I mean, how are they doing this?
We'll be right back with Judge Andrew Napolitano, JudgeNap.com.
I'm Alex Jones at FullWar.com.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, the show's now moved from Fox Business Weekends, number one, to Fox Business Weeknights,
You can find out more on his website.
He's going to have Jerome Corsi on tonight.
We'll find out what's coming up on his show tonight.
I love seeing Fox promote somebody like Napolitano because he tells the truth.
He's a constitutionalist.
He was against Bush when he was pushing tyranny.
He's against Obama when he's pushing tyranny.
He talks about the New World Order.
If you just joined us, we were discussing the TSA in the last segment.
You were getting into Ron Paul, who you interviewed last night.
And his Jeffersonian argument against the TSA.
Go ahead.
Well, Ron Paul made the same argument that Jefferson did, which is interestingly the same argument that the now iconic, heroic young man from San Diego made at the San Diego airport two weeks ago when he said, don't touch my junk, referring to his private parts.
If I can't do it to you,
Then I can't give the government the power to do it to you.
If you take a swing at me, I can take a swing back.
But I can't invite you onto my property and presume the right to touch your private parts as a condition of your coming onto the property.
Stated differently, the only powers the government has are the powers we give it.
And the only powers we give it are the powers that we have to give it.
We don't have the power to touch someone else in their private parts against their will.
It doesn't matter what they're doing.
It's a sexual assault, whether it's done by the gardener, by a school teacher, by a member of the clergy, or by somebody wearing a government uniform.
Congressman Paul not only articulated that so nicely on my show, he introduced a piece of legislation that's ten lines long, which would stop this in a heartbeat.
But it will never see the heart of day.
Why do you think?
Speaker-designate John Boehner, who flies commercial from Cincinnati to Washington several days a week, was permitted to walk around the Scanners and around the Gropers.
Is it because they recognize him?
Well, of course they recognize him.
It's because they want him on their side.
So this is true discrimination at its heart, but what about my point that this violates the 9th and 10th Amendment?
I guess that goes to the Jeffersonians.
Because the 10th Amendment says that the powers not given to the federal government are retained by the states and the people, and we never gave, the Constitution nowhere gave the federal government the power to keep us safe.
That is the obligation of the individuals and of the states.
And the 9th Amendment says, just because we have enumerated certain rights in this Constitution, it doesn't mean that there are other natural rights that the people don't have.
Stated differently, your right to bodily integrity
You have it, whether it's mentioned in the Constitution or not.
It's a natural right.
So Judge, what is this attempt then?
What do you think's behind this?
They know brazenly ordering them to put their hands down the pants now and to record naked images of our body, which they've been caught.
They know this is 180 degrees polar opposite of a liberty culture.
It's a tyranny culture.
So, is this the Fuhrer precept that Bush tried?
Where they said, well, it's not illegal when the President does it.
You know, torture is illegal, but it's not illegal if the President orders it.
Is this just more of this control freak religion of pushing it to the limit?
It's more of a control freak progressive with an uppercase T religion that the government can do whatever it wants.
Look, this morning there were two polls, very dismaying.
One said two-thirds of the American public doesn't object to the porn or the grope.
Well, most of the public doesn't fly every day and they haven't exposed to this.
But the more terrifying one is that 53% of Americans think the government is operating outside the Constitution.
And aren't doing anything about it.
If the government is operating outside the Constitution, it's time to change the government.
I mean, that's about as reckless a thing as it can be.
The Constitution equals the rule of law.
If the government is not obeying the rule of law, how can it impose laws upon us?
The problem with the Boehner exception to the TSA, should they make an exception for Madonna or Derek Jeter or somebody else that's well-known, is that these bureaucrats are making up rules on the spot and then making exceptions to the rules on the spot.
I mean, I really see this becoming a focal point of people's anger in general.
You know, I agree with you, Alex, and I've seen some people that I'm surprised to see on our side.
Former Senator Rick Santorum, who almost always sided with big government, sounded like Alex Jones this morning.
Peter King, Republican congressman from Long Island, who always sides with security, said the TSA has become the enemy of the American people.
Congressman John Micah, who wrote the TSA legislation, says we have to change this immediately.
I think this is starting to sink in across the board.
It knows no ideological, no ethnic, no gender line.
I think the American public is saying enough is enough.
But one person isn't listening, and he could stop this with a phone call.
And that's the president who wants to induce us to conform to his way of behaving and thinking, just like his predecessors.
That's Barack H. Obama and they do want to back off now because they understand if they continue the fight it's only going to have the American people come together and that's what they're threatened by.
Speaking of Ron Paul, Judge, I had him on during the first hour and I went over
The Washington Post headline, where they talk about using a war to fix the economy, the David Broder article.
I went over the Rand Corporation two years ago, our article at PrisonPlanet.com, talking about how
They need a larger war so that the dollar stays strong and so that countries basically go along with the formation of this corporate world government.
And Ron Paul agreed with me.
He said that certainly we have to look at the military-industrial complex staging this provocation.
Not that North Korea is good.
They're probably the most evil country on earth, this hereditary dictatorship, but
Going into their waters, engaging in naval exercise, firing artillery near their shore, when the North had warned them, that's clearly a provocation.
What's your take on this?
My take on it is that all presidents love war, except if Ron Paul became president, because they know that war is the health of the state, that people will pay more taxes, give up their liberty, and unite behind the soldiers no matter what the outcome.
They falsely believe that war will help the economy.
It's beyond me how taxing people to purchase equipment and then destroying the equipment
Helps the economy.
But this is a myth that has been perpetrated since Woodrow Wilson, reinforced by FDR, used by George W. Bush, and we're about to see if Barack Obama can use it.
Fortunately, this is not in our backyard.
It is 10,000 miles away, and there are voices in both parties on both sides of the aisle are saying, no, no, no, no, no.
We're not going to do this again.
Ron Paul is leading the charge.
All right, Judge, I've got a few other final questions for you, and then tell us about what's coming up tonight on the TV show.
Glenn Beck, who I've been critical of on many fronts because he's flip-flopped over the years.
You haven't.
That's why I support you and your libertarian views.
We're very close to each other.
But I'm not trying to attack Glenn.
He's given you a big platform to really tell the truth.
But two weeks ago, as you know,
He came out, he read the quotes by Obama and Clinton officials saying how great a terror attack would be, how it would help them.
He read the newsletters where they're demonizing Glenn and myself saying we're going to cause an Oklahoma City attack and he went ahead and said these people, this is a quote, are
Planning another Oklahoma City to be blamed on the Liberty Movement.
That's a big, bold shift for Glenn Beck.
What's your take on him coming out and talking about false flag terror?
Well, I'm a close friend of Glenn's.
Obviously, I don't have any control over what he says on his show, but I appear with him a lot.
I fill in for him on television when he's not here, and I share a lot of his views.
I don't know anything about what he just said.
But I do believe that this government would welcome the type of conflagration that we have seen in the past if it would help it become more authoritarian, particularly now with the loss of the House and with a filibuster positive number that the Republicans have, and I carry no water for them, as you know, in the Senate.
The President is going to have to rule by decree.
And the easiest way for him to rule by decree is to accompany his decree with fear.
And the easiest way to get that fear is to look the other way if somebody assaults us.
Okay, finally!
Man, because I never raised this with you because, you know, it's a subject I just leave alone with folks because I don't want to cause people problems.
But you brought it up with Geraldo Rivera, who says he is concerned about Building 7.
And I want to put the question you put to him to you.
I mean, what do you think of Geraldo Rivera coming out?
What do you think of 7?
It's hard for me to believe that it came down by itself.
I was gratified to see, with Raul de Rivera investigating it, I am gratified to see that people across the board are interested.
I think 20 years from now, people will look at 9-11 the way we look at the assassination of JFK today.
It couldn't possibly have been done the way the government told us.
Well, I want to tell you this.
You've got a lot of courage, Judge, and so does Rolando Rivera.
I don't agree with him on some of his more liberal political views, but I do resonate with his courage, and I resonate with yours, and I already had the highest respect for you, but now the thermometer just broke, and the mercury...
No, we're good.
What else is important on your radar?
Should we call for congressional investigations of Chertoff, ordering the TSA machines and making money off of it?
What's your view on that?
And then tell us about the TV show and what else is on your radar screen.
Well I'm hoping that the, and again I don't carry water for the Republicans because when they ran the government before our eyes destroyed what it meant to be a conservative Republican.
And I yearn for those views of Barry Goldwater which were rejected by the Republicans in the Bush years.
However, having divided government as we now do with the Republicans controlling one House of Congress and the Democrats controlling the other in the White House.
Will permit investigations and investigations do induce transparency and do require More debate, but here's an interesting proposal that I'm discussing tonight.
I'm free to watch eight o'clock Eastern on the Fox Business Network Professor Randy Barnett good friend of mine good strong libertarian and William Howell the speaker of the House of Delegates of the state of Virginia
Proposing a repeal amendment to the United States Constitution.
This would permit the state legislatures of two-thirds of the states to invalidate any federal law or regulation they wanted.
How about that?
For a check on a runaway Congress.
Now, this is not going to pass overnight.
It'll probably only pass if we have a constitutional convention, because the Congress will never vote for legislation that would diminish its power.
But think of the freedom we have in the land if there were no unfunded mandates, if the states could thumb their noses at the feds, and if the feds couldn't enact legislation unless two-thirds of the states went along with it.
That's my bag this week, aside from the TSA.
I'm trying to invite Cousin Janet over to Thanksgiving dinner so I can give her a piece of my mind.
What's Corsi covering tonight?
Corsi's making the argument about Chertoff, that this is crypto-capitalism trying to make money, that the government spent a billion on these things, that they're not effective, that they don't work, that they harm us, that they bought the wrong equipment, and they did it because Mike Chertoff advised them to do so.
But isn't this the classic corruption where the general orders the missile system that doesn't work and then retires in two years and becomes the CEO of the missile company?
It's almost literally what happened.
I say this as someone that has known Mike.
I've invited him on my show.
I welcome him to express his views.
But he's at the bottom of a hole trying to dig himself out because it looks very bad.
It looks like he concocted the need for this and then decided to go work for the people that sell it.
And he's not willing to acknowledge that he sold the wrong piece of equipment at the cost of billions.
Well, I've got all these video clips of him a year ago admitting he's making money.
Now they put out a press release that was in The Hill saying he's made no money.
I mean, boy, he's going to get in a lot of trouble doing that type of crap walk, Judge.
Here's the question, Alex.
He's a Republican.
Will Daryl Issa and the chief interrogators of the Republican House summon one of their own?
Interesting to see what they do.
Well, that's like Obama covering for Bush and then Bush covering for Clinton.
This circle of corruption seems to never end, but you do agree that the acceleration of awakening of true libertarian populism is on fire.
Absolutely, and it wasn't ten or even five years ago.
Today it is.
In closing, you gotta go.
Judge, getting ready for your own TV show tonight.
Tell us about your current book, the new book coming out in the new year, and one more plug for the TV show.
In April, my next book is coming out called, It is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government is Wrong, The Case for Personal Freedom.
Tells you all the freedoms you have, where they came from, what the government has done to take them away, and how you can fight back.
And Freedom Watch is seven nights a week, 8 p.m.
Fox Business Network.
Alex, I can't thank you enough for this megaphone.
All right, I'm going to call you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friend.
You too, my friend.
I'll talk to you in about 45 minutes, give you a quick call after the show.
God bless.
All right, there goes Judge Andrew Napolitano.
And again, the fact that Fox is giving him a bigger megaphone shows they can't stop the times.
They were buggy whip salesmen, but the automobile has come along.
Nobody's riding horses anymore, so they're bringing an automobile out for the public.
I mean, he talks about government staging crises.
He says investigate Building 7.
He talks about the New World Order.
He talks about states' rights.
Judge Knapp is awesome.
He is awesome.
I disagree with him a little bit on the Arizona law because
I don't believe it's unconstitutional, but I understand the danger of profiling.
So I agree with him partially on that.
I'm not totally sure on that law.
We're still gauging it.
But other than that, I agree with him almost 100%.
And he's just a wonderful guy.
And think, Geraldo Rivera, now Judge Knapp, are talking about Building 7 and not believing it fell on its own from some small fires.
Do you realize the heresy?
They are committing against Neocondom, the kingdom of Neocon, fear-mongering and false flag terror.
I mean, he is certainly sticking his toe in the water.
You know, when they locked up Galileo for saying that the Earth was not the center of the universe, he then agreed to say he was wrong.
But before he died, he said, well, actually, they do move, though.
You know, the planets do move and the moons of Jupiter are moving.
And so it's, you know, they're kind of creeping up and saying, well, it does move.
You know, we're talking about physics here.
And so who knows if they'll be
And I'm sure all the George Soros publications by tomorrow will be Judge Knapp, now 9-11 truther.
And we've already seen the Rand Paul interview we just put on PrisonPlanet.tv.
They're like, extremism!
He says that Obama could become like Hitler.
Well, what he said is, this government's going in the direction of power grabs like Hitler, just like Naomi Wolf said.
Oh, but when you're talking about the right wing going in a Hitlerian direction, that's okay.
Just don't talk about the left wing.
There is no left wing.
There is no right wing.
It's a corporate wing.
Wayne Madsen agreed last hour.
Everybody wonders why our own government spies on our own companies and sells this out to China?
Or why U.S.
embassies in our allied countries are spying and stealing secrets from them?
Because they're giving them to the Fortune 100.
That's who runs this country.
We don't have a country anymore.
We have a corporate whorehouse.
And then mainline Republicans are, oh, well, you know, corporations are good.
Well, yeah, the corporation down the street that's got a clothier or that's, you know, got a mattress factory or making bottles of, you know, soda pop or, you know, a corporation helping homeless people or selling cars or whatever it is.
We're not talking about that.
We're talking about Fortune 100 companies, bigger than most governments' GDP, completely out of control, their own private mercenaries, their own private intelligence agencies, running wild in society.
I am sick of it!
I'm tired of it!
They're the ones always pushing for more government, to shut down their competition.
You know who on record is supporting S510?
That if you read it, it allows government bureaucracy to shut down any farms or ranches they want.
You can't slice up tomatoes and can them.
You can't put cucumbers in a bottle and can them and sell them to your neighbors or give them to your neighbors, the way it's written.
You know who lobbied for that?
ConAgra, all the big boys, they want to shut you down.
Where are most of the problems and the violations in food safety?
I remember reading a decade ago about Tyson Chicken with thousands of violations at one plant.
And then their competition got shut down for two or three violations at a plant.
Big government is a tool of the mega-corporations.
Just like in North Korea, the big government is a tool of a hereditary dictatorship and a handful of scumbag families whose sons become the secret police chief in the town after they die.
And now we've got the corporations above the law back to the law of kings, where they have all this sovereignty.
That's what the New World Order is.
And I want to get into the economy when we come back, and then to your phone calls for those of you that are patiently holding.
But we have some other news dealing with staged terrorism right now.
And this is out of the Chicago Tribune.
We've been predicting that this was coming.
It is not hard to predict that it's like the sun coming up in the morning.
British Airways wants the body scanners out.
The Italians throw them out.
The U.S.
government offers billions to Europe to pay them to put them in.
Chertoff's got to get his money.
The American people have got to be broken.
We've got to be trained.
Alphonse DiMato's got to get his money.
He's involved in the scanners.
Suspicious packages found at cargo building of Boston Logan Airport forces evacuation.
The day before the national opt-out day, as the people learn to come together, as a national strike against tyranny, learning our...
Voluntary collective power, not directed by Kim Jong-il, not directed by Barack Obama, not directed by Joe Stalin, not directed by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists.
A grassroots, person-to-person, opt-out, oh my gosh, suspicious packages.
And I'm sure they're going to find more.
And in some cases, a day later, they'll say it wasn't a bomb.
Or in some cases, they'll say, well, it looks like it's a bomb.
Or it's a fake bomb.
Right on time to teach us to love government, to teach us that government is our God.
What did Rob Shapiro, Clinton advisor and advisor to Obama, say?
The bottom line here is that Americans don't believe President Obama's leadership.
He has to find some way, now and before the November, of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence in short of a new 9-11 or Oklahoma City bombing.
I can't think of how he can do just that.
And now we see more Obama people saying similar things now.
Okay, we're going to come back and give you the latest information on the situation in Chicago.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You may be arrested and or subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our Republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Tuesday, the 23rd day of November, 2010.
Got about 27 minutes left in worldwide broadcast.
Be back tomorrow, of course, live.
We'll be tracking the latest with National Opt-Out Day.
I was reading out of the Chicago Tribune, but it's a report out of Boston Logan.
And we've been predicting they'll have more fear-mongering and more fake packages.
Now, remember what happened with the British.
This is on record.
Obama on the Thursday night before the Friday scare a month ago, he's told there's a plan by Anwar al-Awlaki, and we'll put this on screen, Anwar al-Awlaki dined at the Pentagon after 9-11.
We'll put that Fox News, AP, Reuters, whatever you want, it's all over the news, the Mail Online, BBC.
He's on the news at the time as the number three guy on Al Qaeda.
Today they say he's the number one under bin Laden.
And he's hanging out with the Secretary of the Army in the top brass at the Pentagon.
This is confirmed.
So, he's behind the Fort Hood shooter.
He's behind the Christmas Day underwear bomber who the government admits they were ordered to help get on the plane.
Undersecretary of State Department Kennedy said that two months after we broke it with witnesses.
And there's the headline, we'll put it back on screen.
Al Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11.
And I believe that's the Fox News article about it.
It is, okay.
So you've got that.
Now, the British, a month ago, they say, yeah, we've tested these printer cartridges, it's not a bomb.
And Obama goes out hours after, there's a press conference, and says it was a bomb.
And the British are told, check it again, and they go, okay, I guess it is not a bomb, but bomb material?
And then you've got the head of British Airwaves having to eat crow who wants the scanners out because it's killing business.
You've got the Italian government throwing the scanners out under pressure.
Now, I predicted in the last few weeks you'd see more of this, and that it would be drills, because it's always drills.
It was a drill today, kicking off this new conflict with the North Koreans, going into their waters and simulating attacks and firing artillery, and so the North, paranoid state they are, attacks.
Starting to figure this out.
Here it is.
Fake bomb aboard German passenger jet was made by U.S.
firm to test airport security.
For two days, somebody tried to blow up a German airline.
Thank God they saved them.
Then, back of the paper, minor footnote, days later, oh, it was some type of drill, but the U.S.
won't say what firm they hired to do it.
That's all here in the news.
So they do the same thing over and over again, and here is a
Another one out of the Boston Globe.
Massport investigating low-level threat in Delta Cargo building at Logan.
Authorities this afternoon are investigating a low-level threat at a Delta Cargo terminal at Boston's Logan Airport after a dog trained to sniff out explosives reacted to two double bags, a Massport spokesman said.
And so there's all this hysteria and all this fear.
Now this just came out
After the AP article that was suspicious package found at cargo building of Boston's Logan's Airport, forces evacuation, just all part of this complete ninnying culture of fear.
We pull the numbers up.
90 to 100 people die a year from bee stings.
That's not counting wasp stings!
Now, do we have checkpoints in every field, at every school, to protect us from these al-Qaeda insects?
That are just everywhere, killing hundreds of our citizens?
Are they worried about a real threat?
28,000 dead in the last few years on the Mexican-U.S.
border area.
No, they're not worried about that.
They have created this hysterical, psychological warfare fetish to just totally freak out and be scared of the turban men they're going to get us any minute.
And then every time you turn around, they're being handled and protected by the government.
And I've had the former CIA section chief on, we wrote the book Jawbreaker.
One of the top CIA operatives in Afghanistan, he admitted the real Taliban and Al Qaeda would sell 13, 14, 15 year old teenagers.
They had a poll out two days ago, 92% of Afghans don't even know about 9-11.
These are literally cavemen.
They can't find the U.S.
on a map.
They can't read, they can't write.
In fact, pull that up, folks won't believe it.
92% of Afghans don't even know about 9-11.
Let's pull that up.
The elements of the Taliban will have a roast, this is in the news, and they will roast a cow, which is really a delicacy.
Hill people, who've never even hardly been in cities, who raise goats for a living, they come in to get the food, they tie them up, they sell them to contractors, they get about $20,000 or more apiece, they take the teenagers, they torture them at Camp X-Ray and other camps, and not just in Guantanamo Bay, but also inside Afghanistan, and a lot of them become double agents, and get released, and then get sent out to go out and set up other people.
There it is, that's out of, what, Reuters?
The Examiner also is reporting on it.
92% of Afghans don't know about 9-1-1.
40% think U.S.
out to destroy Islam.
So, this is the country we're in to fight the people that carried out 9-11.
Most of them.
And they're not bad people.
They're not stupid people.
They are middle-aged.
I mean, this is like something from 800 years ago.
I mean, they don't know stuff outside their town, folks.
I mean, this is dark ages stuff here.
That's how most historians and anthropologists describe it.
This is the big enemy.
This is why we've got to have all these wars.
92% don't know about 9-11.
They don't know their head from a hole in the ground, geopolitically.
And they're taken and sold and then taken and tortured.
So, that's how these people operate.
Now, I want to get into the really key information right now for everybody on the economic front.
And I know you know this, but your friends and family may not.
And we have got to get this information out to them now.
Not tomorrow, not next week.
When people are talking about, you know, did they find Natalie Holloway's jaw?
Or did they find the Easter Bunny's, you know, necklace?
Or did they find Santa Claus's hat?
This Thanksgiving, when they're talking about all these things that don't matter, you need to point out that private IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, International Bank of Settlements, holding companies, admittedly are imploding the world economy by design.
They create the tens of trillions in fiat currency out of nothing.
They go in and lobby governments and even put their Goldman Sachs people in as presidents and finance ministers in all the countries they bring down.
Latin America, the Mediterranean, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, the United States.
I mean, it's the same players.
The economic high-level hitmen.
They go in and they get the governments to invest in derivatives and then those go under.
They get them to invest the pension funds in derivatives.
They get them to balloon the nanny welfare state to get a
Group of dependent people in the population addicted to government to be a political weapon against the middle class or any nouveau riche that understand the true paradigm of the ultra-rich using big government to vertically integrate economies.
Now you'll notice in Greece, you'll notice in Portugal, you'll notice in Spain, you'll notice in Ireland, in all these countries, you'll notice in Nigeria, in Argentina, in the United States, the bigger the banking bailout is, the more debt you've got to pay in taxes, the more the services get cut, and then they come back always a year later or less and say it didn't work, now you owe even more!
Because the central banks create it out of nothing.
And the Federal Reserve Chairman, the current one and the last one, openly tell the news they're above the law and no one can investigate them and no one can look at what they're doing.
It's gotten so bad that even China now says we want to audit the Fed.
We want to know what you're doing.
You're devaluing the dollar worldwide.
It's the World Reserve currency.
And the Federal Reserve says you can't see it.
I mean, who are these people?
Well, they're the private banking cartels.
They're the robber barons.
They're the Ponzi men that created Ponzi schemes so big, they got all the pension funds worldwide invested in this stuff, to one degree or another.
And they say, we're too big to fail.
Give us the world or it's over.
We want an open world bank that you pay private VAT and carbon taxes to.
This is public now.
And we'll have a global digital currency that all other currencies are based on.
I mean, we've got a bunch of Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff types literally setting up world government over us all through completely transparent, brazen total fraud.
Are we going to put up with it?
Let's look at one country in this constellation.
Here's Reuters today.
This is by Steve Slater.
Ireland hoists the for sale sign over stricken banks.
What's happening to our ports, our businesses, our infrastructure, our factories?
Same thing.
This is economic warfare, economic corporate conquest.
Ireland's banks are up for sale.
Remember how great they were a year?
They were the EU success story.
Ooh, they were going to join the EU.
Once they had to get them in the EU before they imploded their economy.
They had to get them under that charter, under that treaty, to then have EU taxpayers bail out Ireland, which just means trillions more to the banks.
And then you watch, in a year, it'll be even more!
Until half the public's homeless.
Eleven years ago, Argentina was the wealthiest country in Central and South America.
It dwarfed any wealth in Central and South America, down there in South America.
A hundred years ago, they had the term as rich as in Argentina.
Per capita, they were the richest people in the hemisphere.
They were richer than Americans!
Not anymore.
Remember that Washington Post article in 2001 about the tractor-trailer overturning one week into the implosion and cows falling out and yuppies running up, starving with knives, slicing off raw flesh, gobbling it like something out of a zombie movie?
Because they dollarized, because they took the loans, because they bought the derivatives, they did what the bankers told them.
It was all set up!
That's Argentina, the Argentinian system, Argentina a few years into the implosion.
We're not there yet.
It's coming here.
And I want you to know who to blame.
Ireland's banks are up for sale, the country's central bank chief said, as the government seeks to cut them down in size.
Oh, see, that's their fault, the local banks that were run by the big globalists.
Cut them down to size.
We'll teach those local banks by giving them to the mega banks.
Listen to this.
Ireland's banks are up for sale.
See, they're not just taking over third world countries now, see.
Ireland's banks are up for sale, the country's central bank chief said, as the government seeks to cut them down to size after their reckless lending forced the country to seek an international bailout.
To the very same banks that run them domestically.
It's this international template of these mega banks raping everyone.
And you run out of one of their arms into their other arm.
And then back and forth forever.
As they get more and more wealthy and consolidate power and wage war against the real economy.
They don't like real economies.
They don't want you being independent.
They don't want you being local.
They don't want you being truly sustainable.
Oh, but they got a fake sustainability for you, cutting your power off and calling it austerity.
Now listen to this key quote out of Reuters.
They are for sale as far as I'm concerned, said Patrick Honahan, said today.
I have been an advocate for a number of years for small countries to have foreign owners for their banks, which then control their currency.
This is neo-colonialism, corporate mercantile fraud!
It is outrageous!
Investigate the central banks!
Indict their heads!
Clap them in irons!
All of them are criminals!
Goldman Sachs makes tens of billions in bonuses and pays a $500 million fine.
Those are crimes they've committed!
Arrest them!
They're going to destroy everything!
They're ruthless!
They're full of avarice!
These people, just like you've had other empires, Napoleon, Hitler and others, invading and using cannons to destroy things and troops, they use economic control!
It goes on, Dublin has already said it will intensify reform of the banks and surplus activities.
That means jack up taxes, cut benefits, everything goes to the bankers.
So these guys individually can make like six, seven million dollars a year and have giant palaces, just total crooks ripping everyone off.
It just never ends.
Oh, Congress wants to know where the trillions in bailout money went.
They won't tell anybody.
I mean, they got their federal goons sticking their hands down our pants.
Is there no end to the humiliation?
We're on a view for a fast-track forced disposal of our assets.
That's their whole infrastructure.
We will more than likely have to come at a discount for book rate value, allowing government indemnities in relation to future loan losses.
So just the whole country being fed into the maw of the criminal banks that induce them, hey, hey Ireland, you voted no on EU entry, but you went ahead and did it the second time and now they're going to rape you hard.
There's another one.
Fresh market turmoil as British bank shares take pounding over fresh Irish crisis.
Yeah, it's going to Portugal, and then Spain, and then England, and then France, and then Germany, and then the Netherlands, and everybody's gonna get hurt by these bankers.
They are laughing.
It is so funny to them.
You think they'll just kill a million Iraqis, but won't hurt you?
You think they'll destroy the Argentinian economy and leave you alone?
You think you're safe?
A bunch of overweight, and I mean that psychically, decadent TV heads who don't care?
You're gonna get hurt bad.
And I'm here to tell you who's gonna hurt you.
Because hopefully when you finally wake up, those of you out there that don't get it, you'll remember that the paradigm was laid out for you and who the enemy is was laid out for you and you'll understand it.
Look at this.
In bailout, Spain will be the biggest, strategist says CNBC.
It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Dollar strength goes on as Korea's strife boils.
Ron Paul agrees this may have been a military industrial complex state provocation to do that.
Existing home sales fell more than expected, CNBC.
But hey, the recession ended a year and a half ago in June of 2009.
I want to bring Ted Anderson up briefly because gold has shot up.
What today?
How much is gold up today on the Korea situation, Ted?
Well, gold went to $13.83, $13.83.50 right now.
Presently it's at $13.76.30.
It's actually a combination of what's going on in Europe and what's going on in Korea that's driving the marketplace right now.
People are running to safety.
That's what's going on.
But let's be clear.
Gold went to $1,400 and something.
An all-time record went down a little bit.
But in the physical market, gold and silver is sold out almost everywhere.
I've checked and made phone calls in Austin and Dallas myself.
What my crew told me is true.
They're sold out or there's giant premiums, Ted.
It is.
That's the way it is, Alex.
There's a huge shortage out there in the marketplace, especially in things like Silver Eagles, Silver Bars.
I mean, there's just been so much demand and there's just not enough physical supply to go around.
So that's what you're seeing with that.
And it is, it's the truth.
Most local coin shops who hold small inventories have absolutely nothing.
And they've just been bought out.
And then you have a day like today where gold skyrockets up to $1,383 an ounce.
Everybody knows this Korean thing is going to affect the economy.
And they're all concerned about the United States dollar.
You're seeing this rush.
You know, like you said, it's like this planned event.
These people know what's going on.
They know if they go in there and they meddle with the economy the way they do, they're going to destroy the value of the currency.
Well, Ted, you've got a lot of radio specials.
If people want the best deals, they should say it's a radio special when they call 800-686-2237.
Come back, Ted, and briefly tell folks about today's deals on silver and gold.
You've got the three silver dollars with the free shipping and three of my newest films for free on top of it.
A $160-plus value for $97, $98.
We'll tell folks about that when we come back.
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Tyranny is here.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, and carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
This capitalism?
Or was Jefferson correct when stating a central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army?
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That's 800-686-2237.
Well, I had one of the most informative interviews with Ron Paul ever.
And breaking news, he said they do grab his crotch, and it's total humiliation that he speaks out against it, that he is for the boycott of the airlines to shut this down.
That's coming up in the retransmission on InfoWars.com.
Many AM and FM stations also re-air it.
It was 30 minutes of the first hour.
That's coming up at InfoWars.com on the streams and the free podcast.
I'm sorry to the callers.
I meant to get to more of you.
I will try tomorrow.
We do have another congressman joining us about the TSA tomorrow and some other surprise guests.
I will just leave it at that for you.
But if I start ranting and raving, it's just that the banks are doing this by design, the mega banks.
It's out in the open what they're doing.
It's brazen, it's criminal, and I am sick of it.
And we've got to bring these people to justice.
Because they're not going to give us any quarter.
They're not going to stop doing what they're doing.
You think these same robber barons cried when they'd take somebody's farm when they had one payment left?
No, they don't cry.
That's why they're in the positions they are.
They're ruthless.
Now, going back to Ted Anderson.
Ted, I think it's time for folks to get into gold and silver, but they already know that.
You really do have smoking good deals.
I mean, your regular prices are excellent, but these radio specials are your lost leaders.
Tell folks about some of the different offers you have today.
Well, $97 for your three videos and three silver dollars shipped to your door.
That's a really good buy.
I held the Franks down.
Gold went up.
Franks are still down.
They're at $294.
If you're looking for the British Sovereign, we have them at $369.
They can get five
Of course.
You know, it just, it doesn't make sense that we're getting this fiat money.
It's causing problems.
It's just, you know, it's everything that you described.
I mean, what a great show you had today with the guests you've had.
I mean, it's just awesome to see what's going on here.
But people do need to get involved with gold and silver, and there's no question about it, because paper currency is not going to hold value, especially when the printing press is on like it is.
It's just crazy that people would think that they're better off with stocks, bonds, mutual funds.
I mean, you name it, annuities.
So many different types of paper type investments, and it's all being manipulated by this printing press, and the Federal Reserve Bank, and now the international banks, and wars with Korea.
I mean, everything is being stacked against it.
I don't know why people wouldn't get involved with gold and silver.
But take advantage.
You want to get to know who MITA says?
$97 will buy you three silver dollars.
You get to have three of Alex's original videos in the original cases in the plastic, brand new.
What a great gift for somebody.
I just can't think of anything better.
All you gotta do is call us at 1-800-686-2237.
You know, there are a lot of specials.
Alex, we have lots of neat deals going on up here at Midas because gold just took a nice big jump again and so did silver.
And so there's some great buys.
I really encourage people to take a serious look at their portfolio and stop procrastinating.
My goodness!
You know, if the fire's at the door, you better get, you know, a fire extinguisher.
Absolutely, 800-686-2237, 800-686-2237.
Ted, we'll talk to you again soon, God willing, God bless.
Yep, we'll see you now.
Alright folks, this is Newsmaking with a Ron Paul interview, and like I said, it's coming up.
Also, Korea War Crisis brought to you by Uncle Sam.
Excellent Paul Watson article up at PrisonPlanet.com.
military industrial complex armed North Korea with nuclear weapons.
Ron Paul talked about this in the first hour.
Very important.
Here's another one.
North Korea attack, again, part of RAND Corporation plan for total war.
And we have that original article that we put out two years ago on October 30, 2008.
RAND lobbies Pentagon, start war to save U.S.
Now, that is key, key intel.
Obviously, live tomorrow, we may even go into several hours of overdrive.
As activists go out to protest at the airports, people are going to strip down naked.
I know that's coming up.
People videotaping it.
People saying they're going to shut down those lines by demanding the rape down instead of the body scan.
It's going to be huge.
Join us tomorrow, 11 a.m.
God bless you.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello, Alex Jones.