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Name: 20101110_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 10, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Another key transmission.
This is the kickoff.
We are live the 10th day of November 2010 on this live Wednesday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us and spreading the word about this TV slash radio, however you're listening to us or watching us.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Wednesday the 10th day of November 2010.
The fight between the G20 finance ministers over the announcement of dollar devaluation, monetization of debt, is really coming to a head.
And these foreigners that have bought trillions of dollars of dollars are flooding in, dumping them right now, buying up highways, ports, water districts, infrastructure, and traitorous
Legislatures at the states and the federal government are taking existing roads, water districts, and basically handing them over.
Things we paid for.
And they're announcing all over the world, raising retirement ages, turning off or dimming street lights.
All the services must be cut.
Everything must go to service the debt to the bankers who made it up out of nothing.
It's good business if you can get it.
So we're going to be breaking down all those latest developments also.
Be afraid.
Be very afraid.
Fox News.
Failed Al Qaeda.
I'm sure it was Anwar al-Awlaki when he's on at the Pentagon.
Failed Al Qaeda plot involving sowing bombs inside dogs.
So now...
Look for them to say that dogs can't fly or even be, you know, in cages in the hold because Al-Qaeda might sow bombs into them.
And of course you can't mail printer cartridges and all the rest of it.
And the TSA has outdone themselves yet again with their continued deception.
And this report was the number one link this morning on Drudge, now the number two link.
Here are the headlines at Drudge, DrudgeReport.com, Flight Attendants Fight Back, Hands Off My Crotch.
Our report, TSA Rejects Airport Molestation Complaints.
They say it doesn't exist.
Opt Out Pilots Oppose Naked Scans
and full-body searches and there's another side of the group coming out uh... repeated doses of radiation and there's another one screeners touch passengers breast and genitals u.s.a.
today here is paul watson's article at prison planet dot com linked on drudge tsa
Says no fondling, groping or squeezing is taking place at airports.
Kind of like there was no radiation from the x-ray backscatter machines and they weren't saving the images, the machines couldn't save the images.
And of course the manuals got released and they save them all.
In fact, not just at airports, but at one courthouse in Florida, 30-plus thousand images this year alone.
Everybody's 360 bio-scanned, full crisp image of your breasts, your genitals, everything.
And now they're announcing, look, we're not just going to do enhanced pat-down if you refuse the scanner.
We've decided to do it to anybody and everybody, and we're going to phase it in for everyone.
And, you know, next it'll be a proctology exam, and I'm not joking about that there.
They're talking about it.
That they may have to take you behind closed doors and get that blue glove on?
And can you imagine every pervert, every control freak?
It's not just something I've noticed or other talk show hosts have noticed or reporters have noticed.
It has been admitted that the better looking a woman, I mean, it's just, come here, honey.
They almost just whistle, get on over here, hotcakes.
We're going to be grabbing between your legs.
We're going to be grabbing your breasts.
This is land of the free, home of the brave.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens.
WCVB-TV out of Boston.
ABC 5.
They can march right in.
TSA doesn't check anything.
You want to rent an aircraft?
You want to just absolutely no security checks, you are A-OK.
But you're a scumbag citizen who's got to be brought to heel, who's got to be dominated.
Well, you're in deep trouble.
We've got a lot of election news.
There's no guests today because I want to take your phone calls.
We'll be giving that number out a little bit later.
There's just so many developments here.
It's going to be a jam-packed, key transmission.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
But the exciting news is the Globalist TSA system is on the ropes.
We're going to beat them.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is Wednesday, the 10th day of November, 2010.
We're going to have wide open phones today.
But I do want to continue to hear from TSA victims.
They will go to the head of the line.
I want to hear your eyewitness accounts of what has happened to you.
I'd also like to hear from callers about what's happening with the dollar and the economy and every major finance minister in the world saying that this will cause a global depression.
We're going to be covering all of that today as well.
Now, I want to talk about the TSA.
Because this is a lot bigger than just what's happening at the airports.
Number one, the Homeland Security admits they're setting the precedent for these quasi-police, minimum wage agents, who aren't real peace officers, and who are federal, violating the 9th and 10th Amendment, to seize all infrastructure
Well, critical infrastructure, power plants, malls are listed, train stations, bus stations, highways, and to have them march out on the streets of the country with mobile x-ray vans, it's all being deployed, 18-wheeler trailers who can march three rows of people through, that was announced last year.
So A, this is a huge federal power grab.
B, it's dog training for the public on how to submit.
And C, and it goes right through Z, I mean I could make endless points on this, they're lying.
They lied and said they weren't saving the images.
They're saving them in courthouses and airports and everywhere else.
They said that they couldn't see your genitals when in its own training manual it says you need to be able to see the genitals to know that it's tuned right.
And so they've been caught lying about that.
You've got all these TSA people going crazy, planting drugs on people, demanding sex, reportedly.
TSA workers caught being pedophiles with small children.
TSA workers brutalizing handicapped people who can't walk.
They make them get up.
They make other travelers, because you know, they're gods and can't help you, hold up old people, people who are paralyzed from the chest down.
The list
that we're talking about here goes on and on and on.
Now, I've got something in my eye.
Now, we're going to be covering that, but there's this issue of these people lying and lying and lying and lying and lying about everything.
Oh, there's no radiation danger in the machines.
Turns out it's 20 to 50 times, depending on which, they have two different systems, 20 to 50 times what they previously said.
I don't know.
Hundreds and hundreds of articles a day.
The airline unions, the pilot unions, the flight attendant unions, the airport worker unions.
That's the biggest issue here is, this is a revolt against a key globalist takeover.
Because it's not just happening here in the U.S.
The exact same systems of control under different names are being put in all over Europe.
And other areas.
And Europe, Italy has said they're taking the machines out.
British Airways doesn't want the machines.
They say it's killing air travel.
That it doesn't protect people.
So magically the printer cartridges get mailed out the week after all of that gets announced to try to sell the fear again.
I felt isolated.
You mean people don't like this?
I'm not the only one?
People are angry?
So it's giving people the courage to speak up and to say no.
We are very close to being able to expose the naked body scanners, the groping, the federalization indoctrination program.
And so the fight is joined.
And the Feds and the globalists may mail out more dud bombs.
They may activate more people under Anwar al-Awlaki, under direct Pentagon command.
They may launch more fake al-Qaeda attacks.
But all of this is segwaying into a debate about how terror is fake.
Even if you believe that this supposed terror is real, why can illegal aliens, according to mainstream news, march in anywhere in the U.S.
and go rent any aircraft they want, and the TSA just waives all security checks?
See, they're not meant to get in the way of a big company's commerce.
It's just there to train you, and to have this federal power grab.
The borders are wide open, hundreds of boats a month are coming up on the California-San Diego shore with Chinese immigrants, Mexican immigrants, you name it, just pouring over.
They're not dispatching any feds, no security, no police, but then they neurotically obsess over these airlines.
We've got 28 to 29,000 dead in the last year or two on the US-Mexican border.
It has descended into hell.
Higher death rates per year than at the height of the Vietnam War.
But all of that's not a problem.
They ignore that and then hyperventilate over, oh my gosh, Al-Qaeda wants to sow bombs in women's breasts.
So we've got to have chest x-rays.
Oh my gosh, Al-Qaeda wants to sow bombs in dogs.
So we're not going to let dogs fly now.
Even in cargo they're talking about.
No more printer cartridges.
You can't mail printer cartridges.
You're Al-Qaeda!
The government's got to tear into your packages.
They've got to x-ray all your packages.
Don't worry, Chertoff's got bigger x-ray systems to sell you.
They reported in New York State just a few months ago over 2,000 arrests with the National Guard out with high-powered mobile x-ray systems driving people's families under them on the highway, radiating them, radiating the troops.
I mean, this is a big takeover.
The power, the control, the domination, the hundreds of billions that'll be made in total in the next decade, if they get these on all the state and federal courthouses and all the malls, and now we're confirming many public schools are ordering them, they're going in, the mobile trucks you drive through, I mean this is checkpoint
Charlie, this is America being East Berlin.
This is the complete and total takeover.
But the good news is, we're now forcing a debate about this.
And as Paul Watson writes today, for many, many years, going right back to...
Late 2001, right after 9-11, they have groped women, made old people take down their pants.
I've got a bunch of mainstream news articles dealing with that today.
They have been making
People take their pants off, women raise their dresses up, and they would always deny this.
Though I've been in the airport and seen it, you've been in the airport and have seen it.
So they're also a pack of liars.
They're a pack of liars, and any TS agent that has a problem with this, they're just fired.
So they're creating this giant army of mindless, power-tripping goons.
Some of them are good people who just want a job, but still they're going along with something that's wrong.
And a lot of them are perverts and control freaks and people on power trips.
But it's all coming out now and people are speaking out and sexual assault victims are talking about how particularly traumatizing this is for them.
But I also saw...
In comments and in TSA press releases and in media reports, folks attacking yours truly when I've talked about all the people that have been killed or beaten in the US, in Canada, in England by the TSA goons.
They have their counterparts in England and Canada and in Europe.
And so I thought I would just briefly go back over some of this.
This is CTV, the big television network in Canada.
A man who died in an airport likely asked for help.
He'd been stuck for more than a day in an area without a bathroom, without food.
He couldn't speak English.
And he began yelling and so they attacked him, tasered him and jumped on his head and he died.
Man who died in an airport likely asking for help, says mother.
And it describes how the RCMP used tasers to subdued him and then
There's video of it.
Jumped on his head with their knees and he died.
And then they said the Taser didn't kill him and we didn't kill him.
We're not saving the naked images.
We're not groping you.
And when they kill you, they didn't kill you.
Now that's Canada.
Here's another one.
Woman who died at airport was rehab-bound.
Lawyer, mom handcuffed, detained at Phoenix Airport, was on her way to alcohol rehab program.
A woman who died after being handcuffed and detained at the Phoenix Airport was on her way to an alcohol rehabilitation program in Tucson, her family lawyer said.
Carol Ann Gottbaum, 45, became irate Friday when she was late for a flight and a gate crew didn't let her on the plane.
Officers handcuffed her behind her back and took her to a holding room where she kept screaming, authorities said.
Authorities, not servants, authorities.
Dot Bomb was wrestled to the ground as she fought back, reports CBS News correspondent.
Kind of like the guy in handcuffs fought back, they said, but then we got the video at the DART platform and...
in San Francisco and they shot him in the back and lied about it.
She was subdued, handcuffed, and led away screaming, I'm not a terrorist.
Phoenix Police Sergeant Andy Hill told CBS early show, people were telling police that the woman was yelling and screaming and running around the concourse.
And they go on to tell you her bad behavior and how she basically deserved to die.
And it goes on here.
They claim that she choked herself to death with the handcuffs behind her back.
She went into a cell and then, like Houdini, got the handcuffs around her legs and choked herself with her handcuffs.
That's not in this report.
They printed me, I just told them, print woman killed in Phoenix Airport, and they printed me the first article.
I remember from a year ago, the next articles that came out, they said that she choked herself with the handcuffs.
Oh, actually, it is in this article.
It doesn't make any sense, she said.
She was handcuffed behind her back and shackled to a table.
It doesn't make sense that she could have been physically managed to strangle herself, attorney Michael Manning said.
So I guess that is in the article.
Oh, I'm afraid you died.
You will die, my friend.
And now you will pay.
So, and there's more deaths and beatings and attacks routinely.
Their favorite people to beat up are veterans, people in uniform.
They get them and they beat them hard, boy.
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Drudge is going wild right now.
I mean, he's just got total coverage of the huge awakening to the elephant of tyranny hidden in the room, the federal power grab of the TSA.
Here are the headlines.
Flight attendants fight back.
Hands off my crotch.
TSA rejects airport molestation complaint.
That's PrisonPlanet.com.
Female radio host recounts encounter after opting out.
Cuffed a chair, ticket ripped up.
They laughed at her, screamed at her with pleasure.
I want to get her on, man.
Continuing, opt-out, pilots oppose naked scans, full body searches, repeated dosages of radiation, screeners touch passengers' breasts, genitals, USA Today.
And meanwhile, what does the TSA say on their official website as of last night?
There's no fondling or groping or squeezing that's taking place at airports.
That's perception management.
But see, it doesn't work.
Once you know the government and the dominant media are lying, once you understand that, the trick doesn't work.
It's kind of like somebody you've done business with who's cheated you four or five times.
You just stop doing business with them.
I stopped the first time.
You know, I used to be a lot nicer guy.
First time somebody messes with me in any way, doesn't do exactly what they said, I'm done with them.
And it's the same way with government.
It's the same way with neighbors.
It's the same way with yuppies at a soccer game with your kids.
They're acting uppity and snobbish.
I don't even talk to them.
Who cares?
I don't sit there and care.
I mean, we've got to get more hard-nosed in this society.
I don't
And then the guy punches him in the nose.
I mean, they're sitting there making fun of everyone.
I can't tell you how many times.
And it seems it's the spirit of airport to airport.
It's the same basic molestation, but some of them are, quote, more professional and solemn and look embarrassed about it.
But then you go to certain airports, and it is like a party.
I mean, they're laughing in between screaming and yelling and shouting at people.
And, you know, women having their dresses held up.
I mean, I've seen this.
I've seen them stick their hands in baby carriages.
They get the baby out, and then they run their hand up between the baby's legs and squeeze.
And it's being described all over the media.
As reporters are going, yeah, it's happened to me.
They almost lifted me up.
They put their hand between my legs.
They grabbed my breast.
This is all coming out as people start standing up and telling their stories.
Now, TSA two weeks ago announced, we're going to have enhanced pat-downs.
They were already going on.
But now, they're expanding them to every airport.
And yes, we're going to touch your genitals.
Yes, we're going to touch your breasts, but it's for your own good.
Now they go, oh, we never said that.
We're not doing this.
TSA, no fondling, groping, or squeezing is taking place at airports.
Kind of like they said for years that I was a kook and others were, that Obama's real name wasn't Barry Sotero, that he didn't give up his citizenship, that he didn't go pray at mosque.
Now the news yesterday is like, he really is a Muslim and his name's Barry Sotero.
Mainstream news.
It's just, oh, but what's wrong with that?
Well, not bad that he's a Muslim, but the fact that he lied about it.
Despite multiple reports of TSA agents groping, molesting, and sexually assaulting passengers, and killing them I would add, in a nationwide epidemic of abuse, a TSA.gov website claims there are no instances of groping or ever squeezing at all, and that TSA agents are, quote, completely professional in their duties.
The denial appears on the TSA.gov website, an official transportation
Security Administration Clearinghouse for news about the TSA and airport security.
After being asked a question, the TSA website responded and said there is no fondling, squeezing, groping or any sort of sexual assault taking place at the airport.
You have a professional workforce.
That's kind of like Nazis were professional.
Remember Bush would talk about waterboarding and go, it's so professional.
Oh, they're so professional.
You have a professional workforce carrying out procedures that we were trained to perform to keep aviation security safe, but you give the illegal aliens a pass to rent aircraft.
ABC News.
This claim is, of course, a flagrant lie designed to quell the massive backlash against invasive new airport security measures, which is being led by numerous prominent travel and pilots associations, including the head of British Airways.
The new TSA pat-down measures introduced at the end of last month for people who refuse the dangerous naked body scan involved TSA agents using the front of their hands and literally cupping and squeezing women's breasts and men's private parts and women's private parts as USA Today reported last week.
Quote, the searches require screeners to touch passengers' breasts and genitals.
That's from the TSA USA Today.
So, see, they try to sell you on, yes, we're going to grope you.
Oh, you don't like it?
We're not doing that.
Remember when they thought you were scared for 9-11 and they said, yeah, we're torturing people on the news?
And then later when they got in trouble, they said, we never said that.
And now Bush is back saying, you bet I ordered torture.
Well, then why are all those people you ordered to torture in prison?
All right, we're going to come back, give out the phone number, get into the economic news and a lot more, but the TSA is in deep trouble.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going to open the phones up throughout the entire three-hour transmission today.
The toll-free number to join us to talk about your TSA experiences.
What do you think of them now saying, we don't touch anybody's genitals.
We don't grope anybody.
That's like Bill Clinton saying, I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
How dare you?
How dare you?
Or Hillary, three years ago.
I will never run for president.
And she runs for president.
She's saying, I won't run for president now.
I'll never run for president.
It's their religion to lie to you.
And they're trying to overwhelm you with such incredible lies that you just accept lies and corruption and kind of just give up.
It's like learned helplessness.
But that's a dangerous game.
Because if people fight back with the truth and don't back off,
Then the system loses all credibility, and it has the reverse effect, and people get angry and take action, and don't listen to anything the system has to say.
And that is now happening in a big, big, big way, and it's very exciting.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
And again, I give credit where credit is due.
Michael Savage is not perfect.
But he came out a year and a half ago and said he believes that Obama will stage terror attacks as a pretext to get control.
That is Obama's controllers.
That takes a lot of courage for a big national host to do.
But when you talk about Matt Drudge, mattdrudgeofthedrudgereport.com really does set a lot of the media agenda.
He's able to inject real issues into larger debate.
You know, Matt Drudge four or five years ago was posting articles about world government, New World Order, Bilderberg Group.
In the last two years, the whole site during Bilderberg is about Bilderberg.
And so, Drudge is that key juncture between mainstream and alternative media at taking issues that are already in the underground, and that people are already very upset about, and bringing them mainstream.
Bilderberg is now mainstream news, world government's mainstream news.
People are having a real debate about the private Federal Reserve.
Even the communist Chinese said they want the Fed audited yesterday, and that what they're doing is hurting the global economy.
Look at how mainstream Ron Paul is.
Look at how mainstream Rand Paul is.
Look at how mainstream this show is becoming.
This broadcast gets more and more hardcore as we learn more.
This show gets more and more hardcore every day, but we're also more and more mainstream because we are having a big effect.
What did Mahatma Gandhi say?
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
We are now to the attack phase.
What did Victor Hugo say, the French philosopher?
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
But we're taught by the mainline government-controlled Rockefeller Foundation, World Council of Churches-controlled churches, that it's the end of the world, lay down, you can't fight evil.
We're taught that we're powerless.
We're taught that's just the way it is.
We're taught that nobody's good and there's nobody for real and that we can't have real victories.
It's all lies.
So much of winning is being able to identify good from evil, calling evil out, taking action, and never shutting up when you're attacked and ridiculed and laughed at.
Never backing down.
You know, this radio show.
The news websites, the films, we just produce and produce and produce accurate, well put together information.
We haven't bought into the government program of infighting, because even if you're not part of the government program, you end up defending yourself and then get into the COINTELPRO by responding.
That's why we don't respond to the lies and disinformation.
As the establishment at the highest levels of national media, think tanks, foundations,
Fake alternative media literally swing every gun they've got and fire on us.
And what does it do?
It makes us bigger.
Because the globalists are smart, but they're not gods and they're not invincible.
Bill Clinton, every state he went and campaigned for...
The candidates lost.
In most cases, they'd be neck and neck or the Republican would be five points ahead, Bill Clinton would come to town, the person would suddenly get a 15 point lead, a 14 point lead, a 12 point lead.
But still, Bill Clinton came to town.
Still, they got him up there in speeches with Jack Conway.
They think they're invincible.
They've been winning so long, they don't know they're getting their butts kicked right now.
Now, Zbigniew Brzezinski does, four or five months ago, and said, a humanity is awake and staring and recognizes the puppet masters, not the puppets.
Now, the whole discussion of puppet on the left, puppet on the right, wait, there's one guy controlling both puppets, that is now mainstream.
People are really starting to have a paradigm shift and a big awakening.
And yeah, there'll be shills and there'll be fake Tea Party people and it doesn't matter.
Real issues are now on the table and they're not going away.
I mean, Rick Perry, you know, talking about secession and the New World Order and Ponzi schemes and the Federal Reserve.
I've got him in the San Antonio Express News today.
He helped pass four new systems of taxes in Texas.
He's four NAFTA NGAT, four of the NAFTA superhighways, four forced Gardasil shots.
The guy is a nightmare.
But to win, he had to take on the political coloration of a patriot.
But when he doesn't deliver on that, he's in deep trouble.
And now they can't make fun of us when we talk about real issues because the Republicans have been forced to act like patriots.
Do you realize what a key psychological mass capitulation victory this is?
The system is capitulating.
For decades they made fun of people that talked about world government or the private Fed.
They told people on Neocon Talk Radio just five years ago that the Fed wasn't private.
That the Fed was good.
Now they don't do that.
More and more you watch the Banking Committee hearings in the House and Senate, and it's like watching the Alex Jones Show.
What the congressmen and senators are talking about.
Whether they're really good or whether they're really bad, it doesn't matter.
Because now they're forced to camouflage themselves.
Some are good, some are bad.
It gives other people in government and media courage to come out and join us.
Folks can see the momentum and then the wolves in sheep's clothing will be identified faster and faster now.
This is a key juncture right now.
The world government's coming down like a ton of bricks on us.
They're bankrupting the nation.
They're doing all these horrible things.
But the people are now recognizing who the true authors of our great troubles are.
That is what is so amazing and dynamic about what we're seeing.
History is being made.
We're not winning the fight, but we're starting to win.
We were losing in the first rounds.
Now we're in round 6, 7, 8.
We are starting to hurt them badly.
For decades, when top scientists came out and said bisphenol A in most plastics was sterilizing and hurting people and causing cancer, the media made fun of it.
Now they're taking it out of plastic all over the world.
They made fun of fluoride.
Now there's massive resistance to that.
They're pulling it out all over the place.
They made fun of us decades ago warning you about deadly vaccines.
Now people just read the insert and read about brain disorders and sterilization and cancer.
Record low numbers of people in modern history taking the stinking shots.
The globalists will probably launch a bio-attack to make us be scared and go out and take them down the road.
But still,
At least we're fighting back.
I mean, we know that if we get in a fetal position and curl up, they're gonna kick our hind end politically, spiritually, psychologically, economically.
All we can do is just realize we're our backs against a wall, societally, and we don't have a choice.
We gotta go 110%.
And I liken it to all the confirmed police reports going back over a hundred years of a wagon tumps over full of grain in one case onto a two-year-old girl.
And the men are all standing around while the baby's screaming and can't get it off the baby, and the mother just goes crazy and lifts the entire thing off.
Or the cases of women lifting cars off of children.
It's the same thing.
Your brain has a governor, just like a high-powered race car.
I mean, it could give you 2,000 RPMs.
3,000, 4,000, 7,000, whatever the RPMs are.
I forget the whole gauge of RPMs.
But it's got a governor blocking the RPMs so you don't blow your engine.
Well, these are the times to blow your engine, folks.
These are the times to take the governor off and slam the pedal down 110%.
It's time to lift the car off the baby.
And when men and women can do things like that, that's why the top power lifters, they actually put them under hypnosis now.
Because they found they can trick their brain to turn off the governor that blocks them from being able to, you know, squat 1,400 pounds, or bench press 700 pounds, or whatever the case is.
I'm having one of those moments where I forget the RPM gauge.
Yeah, so I guess most cars it goes up to 8,000 RPMs.
And I've read and I don't know much about engines, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but you know, they could potentially, you know, take the governor off and have the thing go up to 20,000 RPMs, which are going to blow your engine.
Well, so that's my crude parallel or parable or analogy for what's happening and for what's going on with
What's developing societally?
If you decide to get angry, your town every day can be covered with flyers with Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, or whatever news site you like, or whatever political message you want, and it will change the entire direction of what the town's talking about.
Your truth will cut through all the local news, all the local radio, all the local dog show flyers or garage sale flyers.
Your Patriot website will cut through all of the mindless celebrity tripe.
Your local newsletter, because it has truth in it, will have a greater effect than all of the king's horses and all the king's men, all the propaganda.
Your information that you call into a talk radio show with may change the entire direction of the discussion.
As more people call in, the cowardly talk show host will begin to agree with your political views because now they feel safe to do it.
See, the final illusion
The final lie to drop is that we who want liberty and freedom are the minority.
We are the majority, but we're not connecting with each other.
And that's why when the Drudge Report now, for six days straight, is linking to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to hardcore proof of the TSA beating people, killing people, molesting people, planting drugs on people, robbing people, expanding out nationwide to the streets,
The victim testimonies, people coming forward.
It's a revolt point.
And it shows us the power of revolt.
It shows us the power of peacefully saying not just no, but absolutely unequivocally no, no, no, no, no.
Don't tell me it's for Al Qaeda when the borders are wide open and illegal aliens can walk in and rent any aircraft they want.
Source ABC News.
Don't tell me that when Anwar al-Awlaki, the head of Al-Qaeda, secretly is hanging out at the Pentagon.
Source AP, Fox News.
Don't tell me this anymore.
Don't tell me torture's good.
Don't tell me DU's good for the troops.
That's another rant I'm going to do tomorrow.
Because I want to write some notes up on it and really think about it.
I may even cut a YouTube video tonight.
Veterans Day is tomorrow and I'm supposed to wear an American flag tie and talk about how much I love the troops and how good you are and how heroic you are, but then not defend you.
Don't talk about Obama openly wanting to take your medical benefits and make you buy your own insurance.
Don't talk about that.
Supporting the troops means feeding them into a meat grinder.
Don't talk about troops dying from DU exposure when the Army's own top scientists admit it's deadly poison.
Depleted uranium.
Don't talk about Prudential and other insurance companies signing a deal 11 years ago to take all the death benefits through fraud from 6 million dead and dying World War II vets right through to current vets.
Just let them take their money that they paid into from their widows and widowers.
Let the troops be used as guinea pigs for anthrax shots and
Other experimental vaccines that admittedly have killed him and maimed him in mass.
Like the smallpox.
Causes an autoimmune response in the brain and the heart with the smallpox.
Some reporters died over in Iraq being given those.
Yeah, don't actually really support the troops and say, hey, they shouldn't be in these criminal wars.
Anthony Schaefer, Colonel Schaefer, says they should all pull out and that it's all a fraud and creates terrorists, but he actually has been over there as a commander, so let's not listen to him.
No, I'm supposed to... I'm supposed to buy phone cards for the troops.
So they can... I mean, why isn't the government with Skype Internet providing free phone calls?
I mean, I could go to Afghanistan right now, dial into Skype, and sit there and make phone calls 24 hours a day for free.
It's all baloney.
It's all petty...
Ways so you can feel like you're involved in charity.
You can feel like you're supporting the Tribs when you aren't really supporting them.
And I'm not saying you're bad if your radio station or whatever buys phone cards for the Tribs.
That's great.
The point is, is that the system promotes these little ceremonial things instead of really supporting the Tribs and getting them out of these fraudulent wars.
Our country's bankrupt.
We can't pay for it.
It's one of the biggest parts of the budget.
It's a black hole of corruption.
These mercenaries that get paid on average $180,000 a year, when the troops are getting paid on average about $30,000 a year.
These mercenaries have got a license to kill and commit crime.
The Marines just got caught selling guns to street gangs in the U.S.
Navy SEALs now have been arrested trying to sell hand grenades and weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
Then the government uses that to try to restrict our Second Amendment, when these aren't things you buy at the local store, fully auto and hand grenades and rocket launchers.
Again, I mean, do you really support the troops?
I mean, do you hear Rush Limbaugh, reading out of Bloomberg and AP, where six million veterans, when they die, their wife gets the notice, by the way, we did a deal, we're keeping all your money.
You're supposed to get paid a million bucks, we ain't paying you jack squat, honey.
Where is it?
I mean, it's in the news, it's confirmed.
Where is Sean Hannity, who has these weepy events where they raise money for the vet's kid to go to college?
Okay, great.
How about you just let them have their death benefits?
I mean, I'll hand it to Hannity.
That's a lot better than phone cards.
But, I mean, they'll have an event, sell a bunch of tickets, and give a few kids, and keep most of the money for themselves, then give, you know, a few kids a scholarship.
How about you actually don't let the troops use depleted uranium?
So daddy don't die in the first place.
How about you get them their death benefits?
How about you get them their health care?
How about they don't have to pay for their meals at Rammstein?
Oh, that came out years ago when they got their arms and legs blown off.
No, let's not make sure they get the right body armor.
Let's just send them some phone cards.
Oh, Alex, you're not going to wear a red, white, and blue shirt tomorrow like a clown.
Maybe I should wear an Uncle Sam uniform and go, oh, we really like you, troops.
Keep fighting hard against Al-Qaeda.
No, if I care about the troops, I'm going to go, hey, troops, you read Fox News?
Anwar al-Awlaki, your number one enemy?
In the new Dex, he's the spade, the ace of spades.
He's the number one guy hanging out with the government.
It's all staged.
See, I actually care about you.
I care about you enough to give you the hardcore truth.
In your face.
That's the way it is.
So on Veterans Day tomorrow, I'm going to talk about how we really help the veterans.
We help the veterans by demanding all these neocon shills and liberal shills on radio talk about the real issues.
Oh, but they don't want to get the big insurance companies mad at them.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm about to go to your phone calls.
But think about it.
They want to give you petty ways to supposedly support the troops.
When you support them by not letting them be used as guinea pigs with DU and all these vaccines, you support them by not letting Veterans Affairs sign a secret deal 11 years ago to steal their death benefits, you support them by getting them out of these illegal wars.
But see, this is a way for everybody to feel good and make sure you don't actually do something real for the veterans, who Homeland Security admits is the number one enemy in this country.
Because we have terrorists running the country, so of course they hate.
The military.
Of course they hate libertarians and conservatives.
I mean, but it's so brazen, it's so naked, it's so out in the open that a lot of people miss it because it's hidden in plain view.
Now I want to get into the incredible developments on the economic front.
Barack Obama says we must embrace globalism and the emerging world economy.
Yeah, globalism's really been good for us, hasn't it?
Chinese credit raider downgrades U.S.
Wall Street Journal.
Analysis, German tempers fray as U.S.
policy gulf widens.
They call it undiplomatic, the way they call the U.S.
Again, it isn't the U.S., it's the foreign banks that run this country.
And they're calling it undiplomatic.
Well, printing is going to be well over a trillion, not six hundred billion, they now admit a trillion dollars, and devaluing, that's not diplomatic.
We've got China, maybe bigger economy than the U.S.
within two years.
A key banker is skeptical about Fed plan.
Houston Chronicle.
But don't worry, more federal workers
Pay tops $150,000 a year.
Their pay's going way up on average.
Everybody else's, unless you're the bankers, is going down.
Got the criminal team at the federal government with the criminal bankers.
They're in high cotton.
Nobody else is.
Sarkozy signs new law raising French retirement age.
New dark age on the streets.
Up to 75% of councils are dimming the lights to save money.
Oh yeah!
See, don't take a hot bath, it's bad for the environment, and water costs too much because of the taxes in England.
We're going to have to cut or dim the lights.
Oh, we're going to have to control your thermostat.
Everything's got to go to the bankers.
It's austerity.
Ireland's crisis flares as investors dump bonds.
I mean, maybe Salenti's right.
Maybe there will be a total collapse by Christmas, just the media won't tell you.
Kind of like we have 22% unemployment and they say it's 9.6%.
Continuing, we're going to go to your calls as soon as I start the second hour.
For all of you holding, 1-800-259-9231.
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I mean so many other issues that we've got enough firepower now in the media to punch through and literally take control of the news cycle at many levels and stop covering hype and pap and diversions and get people talking about real issues.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two.
If you just joined us, the TSA's been caught lying.
They say they're not groping anybody, even though their own official policy says that they will touch breast and genital areas.
Our story is the top story at Drudge Report today, dealing with the TSA's lies.
TSA rejects airport molestation complaints.
That's PrisonPlanet.com.
Female radio host cuffed to chair, ticketed, ripped up.
And I haven't watched the video yet, but I'm told that's one of the co-hosts, fill-in hosts for Free Talk Live, so another genesis.
Genesis has over 500 affiliates now with all the different shows.
And there we are.
Again, having a big effect again.
Great job there.
I'm going to try to get her on.
Also, opt-out pilots oppose naked scans, full body searches.
Their unions are going public.
Repeated doses of radiation.
Screeners touch passengers' breasts and genitals.
That's USA Today.
So how do you like that, TSA?
Trying to lie.
It's not working for you, is it?
And people are coming together.
Now, the big news is the economy.
uh... what's happening around the world what's going on with iran we've got some more news on that mysterious uh... missile and clearly was some type of polaris type sea launch missile as I've looked at the video of it and they've had you know former pentagon chiefs and nasa people say uh... yeah it looks like a missile trail not a contrail a lot of it I've got some news here today first time I heard this was on man cow show
He said that's the intel he's getting from military sources.
And now it's in the news that it might have been a North Korean or Chinese sub, basically as a show of force.
We know North Korea's launched missiles over Japan to threaten them a bunch of times.
And what was it in 2000?
In fact, pull this up.
North Korea fired missile at Alaska.
I believe it's Associated Press from 2000.
You can find it.
North Korea fired missile at Alaska.
It broke up coming back in out of space because, you know, they fired out of North Korea.
Over the North Pole.
And as it comes back into the atmosphere, it broke up.
And it was in the news, but it was like, oh, friendly North Korea, you know, launching missiles at us.
So who knows what's really going on?
We'll discuss that as well.
But right now, let's go ahead and start taking your phone calls.
Brenda in Colorado, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, I have a personal experience with the TSA in Denver.
Well, actually my co-worker, she travels about 100 times a year and she's 62 years old and she's got a metal hip and over the last two weeks she's been groped, I like to call it raped, in Denver and in Phoenix.
But the TSA says that's not true!
They put out press releases two weeks ago saying they were going to touch your breasts and genitals, and we have those, but now they say no, that's not true!
Not only did they rape her, and she told, I feel like you're raping me, the TSA agent told her to shut up, you have nothing to say about this.
So I called the TSA, and I asked them, do they have the right to do this?
And the agent, the TSA agent said yes, they do have the right to do this, they can do it if they need to.
So I called my senator, Senator Bennett, and the lady on the phone, she's like, if you have a problem with this, you need to write a letter to the TSA or Homeland Security.
So then I called my congressman.
Oh yeah, write a letter to the people doing this.
To the people that staged 9-11.
A terrorist!
You're training me to be a slave and you're groping me.
You're radiating me.
Will you please stop?
Well, she refuses to go through the naked body scanners because of the amount of radiation she would get over a year period of time if you're traveling a hundred times a year.
And so they punish her and grope her and tell her to shut up?
Yeah, and she's having to go to counseling because of what's going on.
Well, that's what George Washington fought for, Brenda.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I know.
Well, anyways, I called Congressman Lamborn's office and I talked to the guy that answered the phone and he says, well, what do you want Lamborn to do about it?
And I says, well, I want him to do something.
You know, this is against our constitutional rights.
And he goes, no, it has nothing to do with that.
And he says, Lamborn can't do anything.
He doesn't sit on any committee.
Brenda, Brenda, this got brought up in India to Obama.
Our tourism's down by over a third.
People don't want to come here.
People don't know that this isn't happening in China and other places.
Great points, Brenda.
Everybody should make, as I said in the last few days, their own YouTube videos with their experience.
And it'll probably get linked up on Drudge.
I know we'll put it in InfoWars and Prison Planet.
And then send us your YouTube videos of where you describe what happened to you.
All of us need to go public.
I'll explain why it's so important when we come back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm gonna go to Tim, Dan, Scott, Joe, Tom, and others here in just a moment.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Brenda, the caller I just took, talked about how she called Senators, House members, and they just said, what do you want us to do about it?
Call the TSA.
Well, you're our elected representatives.
You've got all these Congress people on no-fly list.
They say if they put you on this list, then you can't buy a gun.
There's no law.
They just do it.
Now they're trying to codify it as a law.
They're taking over the streets of America with the TSA Viper teams.
It's total federalization.
And it's an internationally standardized program.
That's why when Europe, three weeks ago, tried to pull out of the
Body scanners and the pat-downs because of the terrorism just imploding and people being angry.
There was some magic cartridge bombs mailed by the CIA's own admitted asset, a Lockheed, just to teach you that you will submit this TSA issue.
I'm getting into the economy after more calls.
Is one of the biggest issues.
And it's simple.
They don't have mainstream media domination.
Everyone loves being groped.
I mean, I've posted the newscast on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
They like it.
It's for your safety.
Let's talk to this flyer.
I think it's great.
To create the illusion that, oh, everybody likes it, you're a kook if you don't like it, and there's no way to stop it, and it's going to get more intense, always worse.
Oh, now they want to put bombs in dogs.
Now you can't put your dog in the hold of the plane.
Oh, now you can't have printer cartridges.
Oh, now you can't ship them.
Oh, now they want laptop bombs.
You can't have laptops.
Now they want...
Meanwhile, the borders are wide open and illegal aliens can strut right in, ABC News, out of Boston, and rent planes.
TSA says fine, no problem.
So all of this is happening.
But if we all start making YouTube videos, I've told people to do it, folks are doing it, they're getting linked on Drudge, women, children, men, about what's happened to you, you'll reach thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands.
If you start writing letters to the editor, if you start calling in to talk radio, if you start calling Congress, just getting more and more angry, you'll learn that everybody else around you is angry.
And start having discussions about Anwar al-Awlaki being Pentagon run, and
He engaged in all the last attacks, the last five attacks we've seen.
And Homeland Security Director making all the money off of this, Benjamin Chertoff.
I mean, we've got him very close to being on the ropes right now, and we've got to continue.
This story is big.
We've got to continue driving this out there.
Because there's been outrage at them beating people and killing people and molesting people and planting drugs on people and robbing people.
Making old men take their pants down, old ladies raise their dresses, young women raise their dresses, and they've just kind of, it's for your own good, and they've engaged in this obscene, over-the-top, ridiculous tyranny.
And if you put up with this, what's next?
Blood being taken at checkpoints all over the country under federal grants, without warrants?
What's next?
DNA databases for anybody that gets pulled over?
They're now pushing that.
Oh, now they admit they took your baby's blood at birth for 39 years in a global program.
See, now they admit all their secret biological testing killing people.
It's all about seeing what they can get away with and testing their government agents to see what they'll do, and then promoting the psychopaths, the control freaks, the social climbers.
So get our story, TSA rejects airport molestation complaints, and send it out to everybody because it proves what liars they are.
In fact, get me Watson on the line after I take some calls.
Go ahead and get him on now.
I'm just going to talk to him for about one minute.
I want to give him a directive, and after the show I've got an even bigger directive for him on the next article to write.
But I want another story now about TSA
are liars.
They lie about saving the naked body scans.
They lie about how people are dying in their custody.
They lie about radiation dangers.
They lie about groping people.
They're liars like their father the devil.
Alright, I'm going to go to your calls now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
I'm fired up, man!
We're breaking through!
We're having victories!
We beat the Copenhagen Treaty!
We're getting the Bisphenol A out of the plastic!
We're having victories!
That sounds like a plan, you know.
Baby steps, baby steps, you know.
Well, I wanted to talk to you about some news that I didn't see that you had posted up on InfoWars.
Did you see the thing about the FCC voting on November 30th to control the Internet?
I know for years they've been saying they want to take over the internet and start restricting speech, and we've had a bunch of the czars, including the FCC diversity czar, say they want Hugo Chavez Venezuelan control and praising Mao Zedong.
You can't make that up.
I mean, it's just too insane.
If you don't believe me, folks, just search czars praise Mao or diversity czar praises Chavez censorship.
You'll see the video.
At FCC panels.
Uh, but no, I'll search that term.
Uh, FCC, uh, what's the headline?
It's, uh, I think it said biggovernment.com.
And it was, uh, November 3rd.
Yeah, your phone's really, really kind of watery there, Tim.
Okay, so it's just FCC will decide on controlling Internet.
Right, right.
All right, we'll look it up, Tim.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Dan in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Dan.
Oh, hey, I'm just calling about the PSA.
Thanks for having my call out.
Thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
Well, uh, I was there, like, I think this was two weeks ago, flying out of Fort Lauderdale, going to Boston, and I, uh, they literally just groped my generals, right?
And then they had me go to the back.
And I'm going to the back, and, you know, they sometimes do those random searches and stuff.
So they do the random search, and they just
They pulled out my rubber giant fist dildo out of my ass.
Okay, I appreciate your call.
A lot of jealous people right now, the effect we're having, so they're really, really, really angry right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to a caller who says that he disagrees.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Pennsylvania.
Scott, go ahead.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
I wanted to talk about the TSA and my personal experience.
Okay, thank you.
Go ahead.
You say you disagree.
Go ahead.
Well, actually, my wife, she had a little run-in with a man when they searched him.
Uh, she went in her bag and they went into her bag and actually took her rubber, uh, her rubber dildo.
All right.
It's prank calls and that happens.
And again, you've got a lot of government operatives, but also camp followers because the government created a cult of hating me.
It's actually only helped us get the word out because any attention is good these days.
And so they're just very, very upset.
Uh, in fact, we may have to
Fire up my phone system because it's easier to control from here if we have this type of thing going on.
And that guy said he disagreed to get on air first so he could then do that to distract you because you imagine how upset the system is right now.
That we're breaking through nationally on so many issues.
On the vaccines, on the bisphenol A, on the fluoride, on the carbon taxes, on the greenhouse gas tax hoax of the Copenhagen.
They are in trouble.
Obama, it's now all over the news that his real name is Barry Sotero and that he's a Muslim.
I mean, just everything is coming out that they're a pack of liars and people are upset.
And I want to thank the people attacking us.
You really give me energy.
It's one of the few things that gets me up in the morning, is defending against scum.
Let's take another prank caller, if they are.
Thomas in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
No, I'm not a prank caller, but just thank you for everything you do.
I just had a couple of things.
I just wanted to get out to the Info Warriors.
And you've covered it.
You even mentioned it today about calling into other talk shows.
On Saturdays I listen to several programs, and I attend a 2500 plus Baptist church here in Oklahoma, and I can't get anybody to wake up.
They're all, you know, bush-bots I would call them, and they listen to people like Richard Land, Phyllis Schlafly, which they're good people, but they don't address the issues, what's really going on.
So I just want to call out to everybody.
I've got another point also, but I just want to call out to the Infowarriors to
Pay attention to these Saturday programs.
I think Richard Land's on it.
He's got Richard Land live, and Phyllis Schlafly's got a program, but you can look it up when they're on, but call into these people and be polite and educated.
They have guests on all the time that talk about, that you talk about, they talk about them from a neocon point of view, and you know, Jesus is coming soon, so don't pay attention anyway.
But just call in intelligently.
I was able to get in one time, and if you just, you know, are polite and kind, they'll let you know.
Absolutely, and then we force them to cover real issues, but I would go after the really big shows, but I wouldn't stop there.
Start uploading YouTube videos of yourself talking about issues.
Everybody needs to get involved in every social media format there is, where you can reach a lot of people and start talking about these issues.
Don't just
Send me emails and say, Alex, we're so glad you're there.
We're glad somebody's doing this.
No, this is all of us together saying collectively no to tyranny.
Good points there, Thomas.
Ben in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
I had some thoughts on the naked body scanners.
I actually kind of, I don't travel a whole lot, but I was kind of worried about if I were to travel or if my wife were to travel, the effects that
They would have on my family.
Well, I mean, don't believe me.
Just type in naked body scanners or or or body imagers, airport scanners, cancer, and you'll get L.A.
Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, the Daily Mail with top scientists all saying it's deadly.
And I think the the the I guess what they're doing instead of those and groping and everything is also supposed to scare us away from flying.
And since I don't travel much, I can't really
Well there is something to the Feds wanting to bankrupt transportation and then reorganize it and take control of it and that's also what's going on here.
I mean this country is going into a depression and in the last five years, you can pull up the numbers, tourism is down over a third and people cite that this country is a police state.
It has nothing to do with fighting terror.
I think what we should do, people who fly normally, I think we do have to stand up.
I heard a lot of
Uh, interesting call from Monday, and a couple said, they just said, you will not touch me, I was molested or whatever, I don't even think we have to do that, if we just stand up and say, no, you have no right to even touch my body, and you have no right to force me to go through this.
That's right, and if they yell at you, and if they yell at you, you say, you don't talk to me like that, don't get angry, say, you don't talk to me like I'm a slave.
Good points.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back with Fred, Dan, Tom, Nick, and others.
I've got a bunch of financial news coming up that is so important.
World news.
I want to get into this missile trail.
What went on with that, we'll cover it all this hour.
Continue with calls into the next hour.
We'll look at torture and what the CIA is doing with that.
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We're good.
We are in the process of being re-educated to live in a police state the likes of which the world has never seen.
The globalists just do unbelievably brazen things out in the open.
Like five years ago, Google announcing they're using cameras and microphones in your computer to watch and listen to you.
Or in multiple states, public schools admit they watch the children at home over their computers, undressing and dressing, and say it's for their own good.
Because if they can do outrageous things and get away with it, they can get away with even more.
This is a process of breaking our will.
The economy's coming up, but I want to continue with your phone calls on issues across the board.
Fred in Ohio, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
And I want to say that to all your listeners to start calling the new congressman and calling for the impeachment of Obama Sotoro.
Both on his best certificate and on the fact that he holds two jobs ahead of the U.N.
Security Council.
And then go after Biden and the U.S.
Supreme Court justice for aiding and abetting.
And I have already started calling my new congressman.
And look, you know, this movement is gaining steam.
They're already talking about congressional investigations of Barry Sotaro, aka Barack Obama.
And if we don't stand... See, they're afraid of us standing up and then having victories, because then we learn how much power we have, and then we start standing up and taking action on every front.
They want us to feel desperate and weak.
But we're not desperate and weak.
We are getting into a desperate situation.
That's why folks are finally starting to fight back, and they're finding out they have power.
You notice the TSA doesn't come out and defend the naked body scanners or defend the groping.
They say, oh, we're not recording your body.
Oh, we're not groping.
Then they're caught in a lie.
Then they lose any moral high ground they had.
I mean, we are just hurting the globalists bad.
And I just want to say, folks, think of the risk I'm taking.
I fly.
These people kill folks sometimes.
They could take me behind closed doors and murder me.
If they murder me, I'm not going to resist them.
If I fly in TSA or cops on their payroll ever kill me behind closed doors, as they do a lot of people, I did not fight back.
They murdered me.
But again, we cannot be afraid of these people.
I'm out here openly taking on Homeland Security's key program of domestication of the American people, teaching us that we are the terrorists,
They are taking the internalization that we're terrorists, that they're training the police and feds with through the MIAC and Homeland Security reports, and they're now externalizing it and teaching us that we're the terrorists.
And we are here at the tip of the spear, blasting through their lies, and if they strike me down, it will only make the message that much more powerful.
Anything else, Fred?
And on this, all these congressmen that voted for H.R.
3534 to give away all of our water to the U.N., they should be impeached, along with H.R.
1433, which is another land grab that takes land from Niagara Falls, West Virginia, to Virginia, Illinois, and Alabama.
We've got to stop it all.
Now the world is blaming the United States for the financial collapse, but we were just one base of operation.
The whole world is now preparing, as I said they would many years ago, to scapegoat us for the world depression, and now what's happening, which means we're getting very close to it right now, Fred.
Yes, and one more thing, real fast.
In World War II, we built up like it was overnight, and we could actually do the same thing again with an American president.
If we didn't have foreign private banks that want to destroy the economy so they can buy it all up for pennies on the dollar, they want to put us into repossession.
We are into repossession right now.
They are now.
It's the number one news story all over talk radio, print and television.
That it's America's fault and the Chinese ministers, the German ministers, the French ministers, the Brazilian ministers, all of them, I mean literally, all of them are blaming us for the global derivatives crisis.
They're blaming the people.
For everything that's happened, when the globalists set this thing up worldwide, moved everything to China, gave them the Panama Canal, gave them Long Beach, I mean, this has been a strategic plan, and how many years have I said, listeners, that when they get ready for the full collapse, they're going to blame the United States for it?
What are you now seeing?
I mean, this is a... and they're openly saying the UN wants to tax the US and, quote, control our Federal Reserve.
It's not our Federal Reserve!
The Federal Reserve's already setting up the world government.
Now they act like they're getting in trouble, and, oh, the IMF World Bank UN's gonna take us over, as if they're the solution to our bad behavior, when the Federal Reserve is the foreign takeover of our country.
We're on the march.
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It's Alex Jones.
You know, it's been months since I really broke down how this financial master plan takeover is going to take place.
I want to briefly encapsulate it when we start the third hour coming up here in about 30 minutes.
I'm going to continue with your phone calls, start getting into the financial news here in about 15 minutes, into the third hour today.
But we are at the critical juncture.
I cannot stress to you, and obviously you already can see this, how important this information is, all of it.
I mean, I'm not risking my life for nothing.
If I didn't know that we could beat the globalists, or at least stall their program and buy time, I wouldn't be here.
Okay, I mean, I'd be, you know, working on a farm or a ranch or oil painting or something.
That's what I really like to do.
This is stressful, it's hard.
Every day I come in here and it's just sickening to have to go over the news.
But it's like lancing a boil or setting a broken leg.
It's painful, but it's got to be done.
And it's also exhilarating to see the success we're having together.
I want to briefly bring up Paul Watson.
Watson, you're doing an exemplary job, so is Kurt Nemo and Steve Watson and Aaron Dykes.
We are now six days into Drudge, every day top-linking our stories.
We have to salute Drudge because you don't see any other big national media figure leading the charge with our hardcore info.
He's kind of like the big Howitzer cannon and we're the sabot round that they're cramming into the breach there.
And to have Drudge firing InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com weapons at the New World Order is a big deal.
And we know why.
Drudge hates being searched at the airport.
Who doesn't?
We're all in this together.
The New World Order is going to hurt all of us.
And it's going to hurt us with dollar devaluation.
It's going to hurt us with vaccines.
It's going to hurt us with GMO crops.
It's going to hurt us with these wars bankrupting us.
It's wrong.
And we're all in this together.
Who did Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group, in the Washington Post say runs the world?
6,000 people or less.
And most of them are compartmentalized.
This system isn't good for anybody, even the globalists, but they're so megalomaniacal, they're on such power trips, they can't help their wicked nature.
Now, Watson, I think we need a story, whether it's Steve or you or whoever wants to do it.
We need a story, the lies of the TSA.
You know, the lies and abuse of the TSA.
And point out that they've lied
I mean, you can think of a bunch of lies I won't even think of, because there's so many.
They lie about people dying in their custody, and other similar TSA systems in Canada and England.
They lie about the radiation danger.
They lie about saving the images.
They lie about the groping.
They lie about the fact, and I even have CBS News admitting that they've never stopped one terrorist.
And then tie into that
The illegals say TSA approved flight training and how our borders are wide open and how none of this has to do with security.
I think a headline...
I don't know, what's your idea, Watson?
This is what we do in the morning every day anyways.
I like to do it on air sometimes.
Total transparency here on the transmission.
What's a good headline to really crystallize and boil down?
You know, TSA's culture of lies exposed?
Or why it's important that the TSA are liars and don't protect you?
Watson, what do you think that headline should be?
I normally write the article first and then create the headline.
But, TSA's culture of lying here, something like that.
And then you know the other secret article I want you to write in the morning about TSA, and I'll have to meet with you later on the phone to go over that, but just briefly before I go back to calls, I mean, I'm sure you're listening to the show today.
Do you agree with me that this is a major breakthrough and it shows the underlying rage and anger at the hands of these federal abusers that are literally taking over our society as a beachhead of federal tyranny?
I mean, you don't even want to come to the U.S.
now because of what you go through.
The same thing is going on in England.
Break it down, Watson.
What's your view on how important this breakout of information is?
Well, it's like the canary in the coal mine, because as soon as we started focusing on this intently and then Drudge picked it up and ran with it, literally every day there are new cases of TSA abuse pouring forth.
And in fact, just in the last half an hour or so, Drudge has linked to another one involving, again, an attractive young woman who opted out of the naked body scanner on the grounds that it
Increases your risk of getting cancer, as the University of Columbia and the Chief Global Radiation Body have now said.
And she merely asked the TSA agents what they were going to do with her.
And their response was to completely flip out, handcuff her to a chair, rip up her flight ticket and call in 12 Miami cops, who then escorted her out of the airport.
And this is a story that's gone up on YouTube just today, which Drudge is linked to.
So, it's caused this wave of new examples of TSA abuse, people more confident to speak out.
And again, she's a Genesis... Again, she's a Genesis talk show host on Free Talk Live.
Where is the resistance?
It's coming from this radio network, now with all the shows combined, over 500, I think Ted told me last night, 506 affiliates.
I mean, and the bigger issue here is that's why they want to start censoring the internet and talk radio and alternative news because we're giving a voice to the people and showing that almost no one is buying into this and it's creating a huge political movement against this that is a centerpiece of the globalist takeover.
And now four of the most prominent travel and pilots associations in the world are coming out and saying the same thing.
You had the express airlines pilot Michael Roberts who refused to be groped.
He was threatened that he'd be fired from his job.
And so you've got extremely prominent people now coming out as part of this backlash.
But what are they going to do when more of the pilots say no?
And the stewardess, a flight attendant union going public, and the head of British Airways.
Are the globalists going to mail a few more Anwar al-Awlaki CIA lackey cartridges?
That ain't going to get it done, Paul.
Some people have speculated that this mysterious missile was about bringing down an airliner.
So don't be fooled into thinking they won't try anything like that because they've done it on repeated occasions in the past.
Because if they win at the airports, they can do this everywhere and they've announced they are.
This is the key parapet in the fight for the Republic.
They are coming up over the parapet.
People have finally learned to start fighting back.
And guess what?
We're starting to have victory.
Well, that's right.
I mean, as you said before, the US has lost about a third of its income in tourism since 9-11.
There was a major study in 2006.
Because people just refusing to go there.
It's not only the TSA officials.
Even if you get past them, you know, unscathed, then you're faced with Homeland Security.
Last time we went to Austin, there was this
Mexican, you know, Spanish-American homeland security guy who we could barely understand just barking orders at us and interrogating us.
And if you don't know the phone, the exact phone number, the exact address of your hotel, all this information, they just turn you away.
So it's several layers of this tyranny.
Meanwhile, as he said, they just let illegals, the TSA, just clear them to hire airlines.
That guy was probably an illegal.
The illegals build the border fence.
In fact, that's actually, oh, that's another point I forgot.
There have been a bunch of cases going back nine years of TSA being illegals.
Ooh, that's a key report.
Illegal aliens search Americans.
Oh, that's an even better one, Watson.
That'll really illustrate all this.
There was a big scandal in the UK a couple of years ago about how the fact that the people who handle all the cargo security at UK airports are all illegal aliens.
And they're talking about, you know, the recent example with the planes in, you know, East Midlands Airport and this supposed ink toner package.
And all the people handling all that security are illegal aliens.
So, you know, up is down, black is white.
Well, that's because there's a lot of animosity in Europe and the U.S.
against illegal aliens because they get special treatment, more welfare, they keep their own culture.
The government loves that.
I've had members of parliament on admitting that over half of the CPS people are foreigners because they'll steal and they hate Brits and they love taking kids.
I mean, they bring in foreigners to rule us, Paul.
Well, I mean, you go down to St Pancras International or basically any of the London airports and it's all foreigners running all the security.
I mean, it seems to be a case of discrimination because, you know, most of them are foreigners.
I don't know if they're illegal or not, but it seems to attract that kind of person.
And then you've got these TSA agents.
They were just, you know, the worst kind of human scum you can imagine that they get to run this system, which makes complete sense when you know what it's all geared towards, which is complete degradation and humiliation of the weakest people in the human race, you know, the elderly, disabled people, women and children.
That's who they target most.
And Paul, it's key in their propaganda that we call them officials, authorities, that we worship them, that we appreciate them.
And thank you for naked body scanning me with radiation.
Thank you for fondling my two-year-old.
That's what they need.
But now, as everybody just says, you know what?
We see through your fake terror.
What you're doing is wrong.
The borders are wide open.
You're a bunch of scum.
It's going to make their system fall apart and no amount of globalists putting ink toner bombs on planes is going to let little Chertie, little Chertoff, the devil, that's what it means in Russia, get what he wants.
Well, that's right.
I mean, people need to file lawsuits.
We've already got the electronic privacy information center taking them on with the body scanner issue.
So, you know, if you do get abused, you just need to find out these people's names and sue them.
Because that's the only thing that's going to really turn it around and get this... Yeah, and they claim immunity.
They don't really have immunity, but they're still going to have to respond to the lawsuit.
Well, exactly.
And I mean, it's not as if this is a new phenomenon.
2002, there was a case with a LewRockwell.com journalist called Nicholas Monaghan and his pregnant wife, heavily pregnant,
Oh, let's expand!
Let's get your brother or Kurt to write
You know, Chronicles of TSA Abuse, or TSA Hell, because remember the Ron Paul, you know, official guy?
He had a few thousand cash on him because he was going into, what was it, Kansas City for a Campaign for Liberty event, and he recorded them.
And they said, why do you have $3,000 or whatever it was?
And he said, look, it's none of your business, man.
I'm a citizen.
You've already fondled me.
And they start screaming at him and threatening him.
I mean, they're a bunch of lunatics.
They know full well you're not terrorists.
They're a bunch of power-tripping scum who couldn't get a job cleaning toilets.
But they can sure squeeze your wife while the borders are wide open, Watson.
That's another thing, now they've got cash-sniffing dogs roaming around, so if you've got, you know, I mean, when I go on holiday, if I'm paying for everything, I need, you know, I need a couple of, say I go to France, I need a couple of thousand euros if I'm going for two weeks, but they don't allow you to take, I think it's over a thousand euros, so if you've got over that on your person, then you're done with.
They're treating cash like it's dirty, like drugs now in the airport.
And then meanwhile, for all you guys, that's right, drugs.
Yeah, the government grows the drugs, ships them in, they even admit it.
It's all hidden in plain view.
It's just total criminal scum.
Watson, well done.
We need somebody to do a chronicle of their crimes.
The deaths, we forget about all the people they've killed.
Oh, they say he fell and hit his head, or she choked herself with the handcuffs behind her back.
We need to really show people who this scum, you know, is.
Watson, good job.
Thank you.
Paul Watson of PrisonPlanet.com.
Tom in California, then Dan, Nick, Walt, and others, and I'm getting into the economy, and then more calls.
Tom in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
And I'm wound up.
Hey, well I hear you.
I'm out here in L.A.
I'm kind of at the base of the Vanderbilt Mountains, so I see missile trails all the time coming from Vandenberg, and so I'm watching the film on your site yesterday, and you know, I know what I saw, you know what you saw,
So on the news out here last night at 11 o'clock, CBS, they say that what you saw was a con trail.
It was actually a plane coming towards you.
Yeah, no, I've got the reports.
Meanwhile, they've interviewed NASA people, they've interviewed, we've got it posted, one of the former Joint Chiefs of Staff, and they're saying that is a missile trail.
Yeah, well, I mean, of course.
But they're trying to actually, I couldn't believe it, that what I was hearing last night was that they're trying to tell me that, well, what you saw
And it just reiterated what you've always been saying about how stupid the government thinks we are.
And it was just like, I could not believe that this guy was reporting this.
And then when they went back, you could tell by the look on his face that I can't believe they made me say that.
You know, and I thought, wow, I'm going to have to try to get on your show today.
To get that point across.
Because, you know, I mean, it's obvious what it was.
When you laid your guns down, they came over and, you know, machine-gunned you and bayoneted you.
I'm not attacking!
You know, a great analogy of that is in Saving Private Ryan, where they're having a knife fight in one of the, you know, shot-out, bombed-out houses, and the American's about to win and be able to stab the German, and the German says, I'm your friend, I'm your friend, and the guy kind of gives up, and then he goes,
It's like, just like Waco, we're not assaulting, we're not assaulting as they're just machine-gunning the families, Delta Forces, and they're just on video, FLIR, just murdering everybody, and it's like, this is not an assault, it's the same thing.
DU's not bad for you, you know, Mercury's not bad for you, Mercury's good for you.
You're like, well Mercury's deadly, and they're just, by then it's too late.
So again, it's all a military tactic, Tom.
Yeah, just unbelievable.
I couldn't believe they were trying to actually play that off, and real quick... But you notice in Save It Private Ryan, and I'll have you make your point, because it's so accurate, even though it's fiction, many things like that happen in war, I've read the accounts, the guy figured out the German was lying in a few seconds, but it was that hesitation.
It was that hesitation.
See, when the military's about to come in and kill you, and they're telling you, lay your guns down, we're not going to kill you, cowards want to believe that, oh, I can get out of this.
So you lower your gun, now they win.
Just like you stop speaking out because you feel like you're alone, they win.
It's all globalist propaganda.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, I just had one, I just had one final thing with the TSA thing.
Most of these guys are like boobs that couldn't get a job working at, you know, for a security guard.
Probably couldn't get a job taking tickets at a matinee.
But I did have an idea for your, uh, you wanted an article capture for your TSA.
I came up with, TSA's scum of lies rises to the surface.
CIA's history of lying rises to the surface.
Good headline, good points.
Appreciate that call, Tom.
We're going to come back and jam in Dan, Nick, Walt, and others.
Very, very exciting what's happening now.
But again, what do you expect to happen as the whole world government's announced?
As the dollar is imploded?
As the world blames the United States?
And sure, the American people deserve some blame.
Our politicians deserve a lot of it.
They've been bought out by these people.
We've been the engine of world government.
But these banks are offshore.
You notice Halliburton, Dyncor, all of them have moved overseas.
Blackwater, ExxonMobil, I mean just almost every, they've all left!
Because it's been decided, as I was told by a billionaire three years ago,
The United States will not exist.
And I go, what does that mean?
Total collapse, that's all I'm gonna say.
They're all leaving.
They've already evacuated.
It's all a plan.
We'll be right back.
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Dan in Colorado, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I've been listening about two years.
It's my first time to call.
I'm here in Vail, Colorado.
This morning on my iPhone, I had a message.
And the message said, alert.
Missile launch, unknown missile launch over off coast of California.
I want to hear if you've heard about that.
Sure, who was the alert from?
It was right under the time on my iPhone.
Yeah, well Homeland Security announced two years ago they want all smartphones, all radios with chips in them, the phones already have it, where they can turn your radio or TV on and give you brainwashing messages.
You know, we're big brothers just everywhere.
California wants their license plates to be digital and give you government messages of who they're looking for or whatever.
But I've been talking about the missile.
uh... they did they've interviewed former top experts in the pentagon generals nasa people we've got the newscast uh... linked up with info wars dot com and and prison planet and they say it looks like a polaris type submarine or ship launch missile uh... but the media uh...
I mean, I've got mainstream news articles in 2000 where North Korea launched a test missile.
It didn't have a warhead.
And it broke up coming back into the atmosphere over Alaska.
But this wasn't launched from another continent or over the North Pole.
This was clearly launched off the coast.
And we were just talking about that.
We were just talking with a caller about the lies.
You know, they're now saying it must have just been a chemtrail, a contrail.
I'm aware of the report and the video from the news, but I just want to put that out there about the iPhone alert and the Big Brother trying to scare people.
Absolutely, Dan.
Good point.
Glad you raised it.
Nick and Mash, you're on the air.
I just want to say, keep up the good work.
You're doing a lot, and everyone knows it.
Keep fighting, brother.
Thank you.
This is Nick from lookupandwakeup.org, and I just want to tell you a little story about
It was late August, I flew back into the country, into Fort Lauderdale, and at the customs they made me go through the security checkpoint.
You flew back into the home, Lon?
Yeah, I know, what a bad decision that was.
So I came back in, and after I put all my stuff through, and then I went to the security, metal detector, nothing went off, but then he wanted to pat me down.
So then he goes to pat me down, and he's like, what's this?
I'm like, uh, so I pull out a small little bag of pretzels,
You had Al-Qaeda weapons.
Stay there.
I want you to finish.
This is so frightening, ladies and gentlemen.
Pretzel Weapons, meanwhile the borders are wide open, training us that everything we have is bad.
Oh look, more than three ounces of toothpaste.
It's all about psychologically training a bunch of goons that citizens are scum.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're gonna have Meg McLean pop in at the bottom of the hours.
He's a blogger and a talk show host.
Fills in on the Genesis Show, Free Talk Live, in the evenings.
She's up on Drudge Report.
As I told listeners the last two days, I don't know if she got the idea from us.
It doesn't matter.
Great minds think alike.
Everybody should make videos recounting their horror stories.
And everybody should do it now.
Or go on radio and do it.
We are the majority.
We're sick of it.
We see through it.
We know what's happening.
I got bad news for you.
I already knew this was going to happen because of the congressional commissions and what the UN and IMF and World Bank have called for.
debt proposal would cut Social Security
And guys, I know you cleaned up my filthy desk yesterday of all the articles.
Will you re-pull me those mainstream articles about U.N.
and George Soros?
Call for new global taxes to fund new bank?
There's three or four of them because I want to be able to show people because there's all this denial out there.
Here's Bloomberg.
debt proposal would cut Social Security and Medicare.
I'll get ready for that.
It's called austerity.
You pay more taxes and you don't get anything back.
You like socialism now, folks?
See, now you've been domesticated and bankrupted.
Now they're going to take all the lollipops away and give you a little mercury shot.
So it wasn't even opened, mind you.
So after I go through...
Yeah, absolutely.
So, I go back to the metal detector again, and it doesn't go off again.
So then he starts to pat me down again, and I'm still a little pissed off about this.
So then I look at the female TSA agent on her other line, and no, they had the naked body scanners there, but they weren't using them.
They had them all there.
They had about four or five of them there in that terminal, but they weren't using them.
So then I look at the TSA agent, the female one, who's watching this happen, and I just go, pretzels!
And I just kept repeating pretzels!
Now, everyone is watching me, and I hope they were, because it was just ludicrous what was happening, you know?
So how did all this end, Evil Nick?
Well then, I had to go back to customs a second checkpoint, and I had a piece of paper, I threw it on the... I wasn't meant to throw it in the trash in the bathroom, but it hit the ground, and then it wouldn't let me leave customs, because I didn't have that piece of paper.
And I'm like, oh, you gotta go get it.
And so I went to go back to get the piece of paper.
I'm like, oh, I actually missed the trash.
Lucky for you.
And then the TSA, oh, the customs.
Oh, yeah, they always make, they always make jokes.
Nick, anything else in the story?
No, that's all.
Just keep up the good work, Alex, and we're making headway now, I feel.
We are.
We are making headway because we now know we can make headway.
We can always make headway if we believe.
We have right on our side.
I haven't told this story in the last couple weeks now that we've pushed this TSA abuse story out into the national debate.
It's one of the top three or four biggest stories in the world right now, conservatively.
What's happening financially is number one.
Obama, you know, being Barry Sotero, that's all over mainstream news.
That's probably number two.
This is a
I mean, I have a lot of pairs of shoes because I like to be clean, and I wear two or three different pairs of shoes every week.
The point is, my feet don't stink, okay?
And my exercise shoes, I put Desinex in them and everything, so if it smells like anything, my shoes smell like a medicine cabinet.
But the point is, my feet didn't stink.
And I'm going through, take my shoes off, and it was one of the few times they did wand me, and they were going, Mr. Stinky Feet!
It was a couple black guys, and making fun of me, and laughing at me, and I said, you know, I don't like being called Stinky Feet, and they kind of got a little bit angry.
But it's like, we're not human, it's just, it's just, it's ridiculous.
And, laughing at me, calling me Mr. Stinky Feet in front of about 50 people or more.
Put your feet up there so I can wand them.
They had me sit down for the search.
Mr. Stinky Feet.
Haha, look he got stinky feet!
Look at those stinky feet!
Stinky feet!
I was just like, hey man, I'm a human being!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, we will continue with your phone calls throughout this hour.
And we have Meg McClain, talk show host blogger, who's talked about the abuse she suffered at the hands of TSA.
This all started last week when we interviewed Michelle, one of my crew.
Her and her 8-year-old and 20-month-old daughter were fondled in Denver, their crotches grabbed.
Uh, Michelle at the hands of a man, that is confirmed.
We've had TSA agents on InfoWars and Prison Planet, people claiming they're TSA agents.
And then we've looked at their handle that they use and found them on YouTube and they are TSA agents, at least one of them.
Here's Bloomberg.
Bank tax, CO2, auctions recommended by Soros, panel to help climate efforts.
But when you actually read the fine print, it's to fund the new IMF World Bank Global SDR that they're talking about at the G20, ahead of the G20 tomorrow, being partially gold-backed so all other currencies can't compete.
So everybody rushes out for the digital currency that's on a card.
And already U.S.
packages shipped out of the United States.
are denominated in SDRs, this new global cashless currency.
So the banks that have engineered the crisis, they're now, as we've been telling you for years, ahead of the derivatives collapse, give them more power, let them transcend governments and control all governments through debt.
That's why they love debt.
It's why they love corruption.
It's why they love welfare, to get everybody in debt to them and they make the money up out of nothing.
So we've got those reports.
Here's Zoellick, seeks gold standard debate ahead of the World Bank.
That's Financial Times of London.
Here's the other humongous news, and we told you this was coming.
The same thing's already been done in Europe.
And I told you they're about a year and a half ahead of us in Greece and Spain and France and England.
That's why there's rioting for over a month and a half going on non-stop, because they're having their Social Security cut, and they take masses amount of money out of your check.
If you got 3-4% return on it, which is a guaranteed investment, you know, on average you'd get four times the money.
But see, now they've stolen it all, so now they say, we're going to even cut that.
We're not just going to freeze your COLA, cost of living expense, we're going to cut it.
debt proposal would cut Social Security and Medicare.
The co-chairman of President Barack Obama's Debt Reduction Commission will propose cuts to Social Security and Medicare, as well as reductions to income tax rates in exchange for curbing tax breaks.
According to Republican aide who attended the meeting, the chairman's panel is already causing some Democrats and Republicans on the 18-member commission to balk.
And you watch, when they finally pass it, they'll up the income taxes, but cut the Social Security.
But they put something in that sounds good, kind of like putting cyanide in Kool-Aid so the kids will drink it.
The chairman's plan is already causing some Democrats and Republicans on the 18-member commission to balk.
The plan will be announced at 1 p.m.
Washington time today, so I guess it's being announced right now, or was announced about an hour ago.
This is not a package that I could support, Representative Jane Chomsky, an Illinois Democrat, said during a break in the meeting.
You know, I've been attacked by Media Matters and others for talking about how they want to cut Social Security, saying I'm a liar, when all I was doing was reporting on this commission and similar commissions over the years.
So I guess they'll say I'm lying reading this today.
So, here comes all of those different activities.
Globalism is designed to destroy the real economy and transfer everything to the mega financial centers, who are also shutting down the small banks and regional banks and credit unions.
And they're all complaining as well, saying it's fraud.
And so now Obama and others are saying we need more globalism.
That's the answer.
And in a speech yesterday, Obama said this will keep America on its toes.
America is going to have to compete.
There's going to be a tug of war with the U.S.
between those who see globalization as a threat and those who accept we live in an open, integrated world which has challenges and opportunities.
Remember what a few weeks ago the
Canadian Prime Minister said, he said, yeah we've got to give up sovereignty, we're part of globalism now.
We've got to give it up to private banks.
Remember that quote I played?
I don't know.
Today, more federal workers pay tops $150,000 and overall federal pay has increased massively.
The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office.
So, the mega banks are making record profits and they're in high cotton and the
Government people are doing well.
State employees are having a lot of their pay cut.
Key city employees, like city managers who run the double set of books, swindle op and invest your tax money in derivatives that's been stolen, they're paid in some cases a million bucks a year.
And there's big revolts all over the country about that.
Including by city employees getting their pay cut or being furloughed or being laid off.
People are waking up.
Sarkozy signs a deal raising retirement age.
Again, the austerity is here.
They're cutting back on lights or dimming them in England, because everything's got to go to the bankers.
The entire economy's got to go to them.
Just like Nigeria or Argentina, where if you look at it, you know, in some cases, in the case of Nigeria, 90 plus percent of their tax money goes to service debt to the IMF and World Bank.
A billion dollar loan in the 70s, you can pull this up,
They've paid over $50 billion on that $1 billion loan, and now they still owe over another $50 billion.
That's pretty good.
You pay $100 billion on $1 billion.
That's pretty good.
And the bankers just made it up!
See, everything has been about bankrupting us, getting us domesticated, and maneuvering us into this position.
Ireland's crisis flares as investors dump bonds.
Ireland's financial troubles loomed large Wednesday as investors, betting that the country soon could join France in seeking a EU bailout, drove the interest rate on the country's 10-year bond to a new high.
Food prices fears as U.S.
warns of cropped yields.
And that's a cover for what's happening with commodities going up because of dollar devaluation.
Another great article by Steve Watson.
World awakens to criminal banking cartel.
Kind of breaks it all down.
The G20 starts meeting tomorrow.
We already know what they're going to announce there.
We are now, and I'm going to talk about this after the break, because this is the frame-up of the United States.
But we're now seeing the IMF, the World Bank, we're now seeing the French, the German, the Chinese, the Brazilian, the Indonesian, the Japanese, all of them coming out and saying this QE2 monetary devaluation
is going to cause massive inflation and the world is then forced to buy dollars to try to prop it up because it brings down the whole world economy.
And it causes other countries to try to devalue their currencies.
And then we hear it's a currency war.
It's not a currency war.
This was always the plan.
They have to debase all the global currencies ahead of the new SDR that you'll pay carbon taxes, financial VAT, manufacturing VAT, total gross VAT.
And you notice you've got a lot of Republicans starting to float that, some of them ignorantly.
They're going to get rid of the income tax and have the VAT.
No, they're going to have both.
And it's all going to be paid to this private group.
This is the financial Armageddon.
This is the financial takeover.
This is a financial invasion.
This is their carefully plotted program a hundred years ago at Jekyll Island.
They just met last weekend and celebrated their domination of us to take over the globe.
This is financial domination and tyranny.
Now I'm going to come back and get into their master plan briefly.
I'm going to try to encapsulate how this is going to unfold, unless we stop them.
And this is so out in the open and so illegal, if we stand up and say, no, we've got to fight and chance, you might as well fight, folks, or they're going to suck you down.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up briefly.
We don't have a lot of time, Ted, and I appreciate you coming on.
But they tried to send gold and silver down.
It shot back up today.
We see this.
Look at the month, the year, the 10-year graph.
It's straight up.
It is now time to get involved in gold and silver, ladies and gentlemen, to protect yourself, because then you can always cash it in for the devalued currency, but you'll get your value transferred.
People say, well, why do I want gold?
Well, if they keep devaluing the dollar, and then you've got to cash gold in to get regular currency to operate, that freezes it so it doesn't devalue.
If you just put money in the bank,
It's going to be devalued, but if you put it into gold, gold as a main commodity and store of wealth will move with the devaluation.
So your gold hasn't really gone up, the dollar and currencies have gone down, then it's an emergency store of wealth.
Ted, explain that to folks and give them the toll-free number to call.
Well, it's just as simple as this.
Gold has held value for 6,000 years.
This fiat money that we have now was attached to gold all the way up to 1971 and has done nothing but lose purchasing power since then.
Gold is continuing to go up.
I mean, gold shot up $14 an ounce, opened up this morning at $1383.20, now trading at $1404.80 and seeing a high of $1408.30.
Silver again.
I mean, they raised the reserve requirements for the futures market, and it dropped silver yesterday in price, but then boom, right back up again from 26.51 to 28.10.
Alex, this is no joke.
Gold and silver has just pretty much beaten off any...
Intervention or planned by the globalists to knock it down, to support the dollar.
It's just absolutely shedding it.
So this is really a testament to how strong gold and silver really is.
And now they're announcing they want to start stealing Social Security and private pension funds, as we knew they would, Bloomberg and MSNBC.
Folks, it's time
To get physical gold and silver, and the radio deals that Ted offers are the best you're going to find anywhere, and I've done the research.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
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Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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Okay, briefly, here's the other special Ted has for you.
Not only three silver dollars for $89.
I mean, you can't hardly find them for that.
With free shipping and three of my films, Fall of the Republic, Obama Deception, Endgame, to give to people and wake them up or watch for yourself or make copies, whatever.
People are ready to hear the truth now.
He's going to offer a British sovereign gold coin at an extremely competitive price.
And he's going to give you five
of my films.
One of them I produced.
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Key information.
Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Obama Deception, and Jason Burmese's film Invisible Empire.
Five films free when you get a
British Gold Sovereign
So that's a hundred dollars of videos free retail?
I mean, that's the whole point.
I mean, and they're original videos.
I mean, people are making copies of your videos and handing them out.
I mean, this goes directly to help your cause.
And your cause is our cause.
We want this country to go, you know, taken back and put back to, you know, real solid constitutional values.
Absolutely, Ted.
Here's the number.
So two specials to take advantage of.
It's a great way to give somebody a gold coin for Christmas, to introduce them to real investment.
Your friends, your family, that have never physically held gold.
You can't get them out of the stock market.
You can't get them out of T-bills.
Buy them a coin, or show them a coin.
Ted, I finally wanted to get into their master plan.
We've known exactly what they would do.
We've laid out exactly what they did do.
Not just myself, but you and many others on this show.
They created the Glass-Steagall, imploded the economy, got everybody in debt.
Now, it's all over the news.
Anybody who listens to the radio or watches TV or reads the paper, every major finance minister blaming America
For the global meltdown and saying, do not devalue your currency.
Something China's done for a long time.
So that we can't compete.
And this kills our buying power, it kills our savings, it lowers our standard of living.
We know this is horrible what's happening, but it's all designed.
Then these offshore banks blame America for all of this happening and say, we've got a solution, world.
We'll make the Americans and rich Europeans and Aussies and Kiwis and others
We'll make them, and China's saying this, we want an audit of the Fed, we, when the Fed are globalist, you know, we want the U.S.
to have to pay for this.
They're saying make us pay into this new world government banking system as the new global cashless currency that they're talking about being partially gold-backed to further kill all the major currencies that are competing with it.
So they've organized this whole thing and then they pose as the saviors.
I mean, Ted, this is incredible.
It sure is, because once you back a world currency with gold, and you leave fiat currencies that are really quite worthless in the nations to compete, people are going to go to the gold-backed currency globally.
You won't have a choice.
You'll end up having to accept foreign currency as an exchange for means and goods and services here in the United States.
I mean, that is a direct attack on our liberty here.
And it just shouldn't be done, which should never have happened.
And here we are sitting in the position, just like you said it would happen, many, many years ago, and talked about it.
I mean, everybody thought that you were nuts, Alex.
Well, you could see what they were doing.
They said what they were going to do.
They'd done it in third world countries over and over again.
We knew the model.
That's just exactly what I was trying to say here.
It's like, you know, people looked at your show and thought how crazy of an idea it was that we're going to be slipping into a world government and now it's happening and everybody's waking up to it.
We just need to fight it.
You know, the Chinese have just downgraded our bonds here in the United States.
I know.
Well, they did it a few months ago, now they've accelerated it.
I mean, this is, I think Gerald Solente may have been right, saying we're going to collapse by December.
I mean, we already are basically collapsing now, they just haven't told people.
Well, looking at the gold and silver prices, you can certainly see that as an indicator.
I mean, silver's been rising at a dollar a day.
Well, remember three months ago, Bloomberg and others reported that the majority of future options on gold for mid-December are $1,500 an ounce?
I mean, the insiders aren't betting on that because they're idiots.
No, no they're not.
They know what's going on.
They know exactly what's going on.
And that's why they're predicting it.
That's why they're acting upon it.
And I can tell you, the people of the United States of America better wake up.
They better get away from this fiat money that we have.
Because it's going to become worth a lot less.
And you're going to be competing for goods and services that you might not even be able to buy.
You better have gold and silver.
Take advantage of those silver dollars or that British sovereign.
Get the videos.
Pass them out.
And tell them it's the radio special to get the lowest prices possible.
Chad, thank you so much.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
We're gonna talk to a TSA victim on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I've got to salute everybody.
World government's out in the open and the Liberty Patriot movement has been essential in getting it out there.
The system tried to deny that all this was happening so that we couldn't have a real debate about it, but now more and more people are getting out of denial.
And we've had five or six different stories that we've written last week and this week at DrugsReport.com.
That has caused a firestorm.
Hundreds of mainstream news articles.
Times, AP, major pilot associations, flight attendant associations today, foreign association, all coming out.
Members of the Indian Parliament in India complaining about it.
I mean, people have always been angry, and they were always accelerating and expanding the abuse, the genital squeezing, the breast squeezing.
Now they're trying to lie and say they don't do it, even though their own press releases say they're trying to phase this in for everybody.
KeyPrisonPlanet.com article, TSA no fondling, groping or squeezing is taking place at airports, a complete lie.
Flight attendants outraged over intrusive pat-downs.
Airport screening gets more aggressive with pat-downs.
We've been covering this since last week, now it's up on Drudge USA Today.
And it goes on to quote it here as saying that your genitals and breast will be touched.
So it's just all, all beginning to come out.
A pilot's union opposes full body scans for cancer reasons and pat-downs for privacy reasons.
Union president tells US Airways pilots to avoid body scanners.
I mean this is all, this is all happening.
Flight attendants union upset over new pat-down procedures.
Woman who died at airport was rehab bound.
They killed her in the back room.
Other people killed.
I mean, this is big.
And I've told listeners, go on talk radio.
Make your own YouTube videos.
Talk about the abuse you've been under.
Organizations are forming.
Lawsuits are being filed.
And they say, well, we're keeping you safe from terrorism.
Meanwhile, it's mainstream news that illegal aliens, illegals say TSA approved flight training with no ID, no nothing.
They were just, boom, you can rent any aircraft you want for training.
That's ABC News 5 out of Boston.
This is all a joke.
This is about training you to submit to people putting their hands on you.
And the TSA has announced, and they've already done it, they're going nationwide with mobile body scanners, checkpoints at malls, schools, the U.S.
Army's involved.
We have links to mainstream news where they drive cars through it in places like New York State.
In the middle, you know, of the countryside, making families drive through giant radiation systems, you know, huge x-ray systems where they drive under these huge wands that beam through the car.
Forbes reports 500 high-powered mobile trucks driving around looking through your walls and cars, 10 times the power of a chest x-ray dwarfing the radiation of the naked body scanners.
You've got the military being radiated, the TSA, the people driving these cars.
They're not under any radiation regulations.
The regulations and laws are there.
They're just completely ignored.
I mean, this is all going on, setting the precedent for insanity.
There's another video linked up on Drudge Report.
It's also on Infowars.com.
Meg McClain.
She moved to New Hampshire from her hometown of Portland, Oregon after discovering the true nature of government and its harmful effects.
She came to the town of Keene with a degree in film production and the desire to be active and to shift the government from violence to a peaceful and consensual society.
She's a blogger.
She fills in on a Genesis show, Free Talk Live.
I've been a guest on it, been a guest here.
That's syndicated, I forget, on like 50-something stations last time I checked.
They're doing a great job.
And she was abused.
And not, you know, not just one of my employees, not just the women last Tuesday that I watched in California.
Only women and children being sent to the naked body scanners and being fondled by men and women.
Men are fondling women and little girls, but people point out it's not okay to have a woman fondle a woman.
I mean, it's just crazy.
So joining us is Meg McClain to break down what happened to her.
Meg, good to have you here with us.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me.
You bet.
So, wow, you're up on Drudge Report right now.
That's very exciting.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, will see what happened to you.
Tell folks about what happened.
Well, I was down here in Miami visiting some other wonderful activists from LibertyOnTour.com, and I went to go home, and they just chose me, of course, randomly out of seven people, who I was probably even being shady looking of all of them, to go to the body scanner.
And instantly I just said, I'm not doing that.
I don't have any comfort stepping in that thing.
So they immediately just started screaming, opt out.
It took me off guard.
It kind of frightened me that, you know, everybody in the entire airport was staring at me at that point.
So they walked me over to this area, and before they even started, because, like, I've read into these procedures, and I knew I wouldn't be comfortable with somebody touching me in that way.
So I just said, you know, before this happens, I have a few questions.
And that alone just sent them into this huge frenzy and ended up with about 12 police officers surrounding me and 70 FAA agents.
It was just the most humiliating thing I've ever been through and when, you know, nobody would answer my questions and so I wouldn't consent to the pat-down until my questions were answered.
They finally just escorted me out of the airport.
Now it's described as you being handcuffed and yelled at.
What happened with that?
Um, well, at one point, when, after the first TSA lady wouldn't answer my questions and she was just being very rude, I asked to talk to her supervisor.
Her supervisor came over, I got maybe 30 seconds into the conversation, and she ran off and got the cops, and it was at that point that
You know, as a liberty activist, I understand the power of a camera, and so I reached for my bag to get my camera out to, you know, at least protect myself with that, and everybody started screaming, you know, don't touch your bags, and so they handcuffed me and told me to sit in the chair so that I wouldn't touch my stuff, I guess.
I don't know.
And then they, you know, proceeded to give me about a 30-minute very wild lecture in front of everybody in the airport about terrorism.
And I could not believe what was going on.
And they had me literally right outside of the exit for the normal metal detectors.
So everyone who went through security was staring straight at me, being yelled at.
At this point, I'm sobbing.
I can't wipe my face because my hands are behind my back and so I just look a mess and everybody has to watch me do this and it was so humiliating and it was obviously just you know a tactic to get people to
Well yeah, let me tell you a story.
We confirmed this in Kansas City, in Houston, Texas.
They have the 4-H club, and they have the county fairs, and it also happened in Colorado.
They were trying to force animal ID, premises ID, and it wasn't a law five years ago.
The feds would just send you forms, waiving your rights to the government, allowing inspections of your farm.
But to intimidate people, to get them to accept this,
They would say, oh, you've got to sign up for animal ID, premises ID with the feds if you want to show a cow or horse, a pig, a goat at the county fair.
And they would always pick a nice little young lady.
They would give her the grand prize.
And then on stage, police would come and handcuff them.
And announce they did not sign an animal ID, premises ID, or in some cases they wouldn't handcuff them, and bring them crying away to scare everyone to then go sign animal ID, premises ID.
So this is all, you know, screaming opt-out, opt-out, lifting women's dresses up in front of everybody, handcuffing people, screaming at them, groping people.
This is all an act to dominate, folks.
Do you agree with that analysis?
Oh, definitely.
Yeah, I could tell that, you know, I was probably the least threatening person in that entire airport.
I'm, you know, 110 pounds on a good day and...
I had nothing threatening on me.
I don't know.
I'm looking at a photo of you.
You look pretty Al Qaeda-ish right now.
Yeah, and because they sat me in front of that face, like nobody else had to go through the body scanner or the hand shot down because I was taking up the area.
So, you know, I was the only person of interest in that area and I didn't understand it at all.
I mean, I don't come off threatening.
I don't say things that are threatening.
I just had questions and they cannot accept questions.
So how did this end?
It ended with the 12 police officers that they called surrounding me and then walking me out of the airport with the TSA carrying my stuff, including my shoes and my jacket.
So I had to walk out of the airport barefoot, no jacket, in freezing cold.
Oh, so they took your clothes too?
They took everything I had.
All I was wearing was a t-shirt and pants, that's it.
And were you asking, may I please have my stuff, or what did they tell you?
Well, when the cops originally showed up and they wouldn't answer my questions either, my stuff was away from the entire security area and they were searching it despite me yelling, like, I don't consent to searches.
And then I didn't see it again until I got outside.
They had it outside waiting for me on the curb, which it was unattended, so I wasn't, I was actually really surprised that it was still there.
Well, you know what they've done?
Starting out in New York, and then Boston, and Houston, and L.A.
Going back five or six years, they now have random checkpoints searching citizens just like in the airport.
So things they could never do before, for this non-existent, once-in-a-blue-moon terrorism situation, they're telling us that this is for our own good.
This is really just setting the precedent to live in a system far more oppressive than 1984.
Oh yeah, I've never felt so humiliated in my life and I was so surprised that, you know, anybody who could be the one to humiliate me, it was the U.S.
That just floors me.
What do you think of the TSA coming out after they announced that they do touch your genitals and breast of other women and men, that now they're saying, oh no, we don't grope or squeeze.
I mean, they're caught red-handed lying.
I mean, they lied about saving the naked body scan images.
They lied about them having radiation.
I mean, they just lie, lie, lie.
That's right.
I guess just what they're trained to do is lie because we can't
You can't tell everybody what you're going to do and have them just blindly accept it.
Nobody's going to accept it if they say what they want to do, so they have to lie.
I've also seen media reports and talked to eyewitnesses over the years, other talk show hosts, that it's particularly attractive women that they really go wild over.
Yeah, I actually spoke to my mother shortly after this whole incident happened because, you know, obviously I was just stuck in
Florida at this point, and so I was just calling mom to tell her what happened, and she said that, you know, she flies a lot, and she's not a non-attractive woman, and she has very, very large breasts, and she said every time she goes through, she always gets picked.
And even when she flies with my dad, which my dad is kind of a shadier-looking guy, my mom is not shady-looking in any way, shape, or form, but she's always the one picked.
And it's just because, you know, we're women, and people get to touch us then, and nobody wants that.
I don't know anybody who feels safer as a result of that.
I don't.
Well, there's a thuggish type of mentality that enjoys forcing something on a woman, and I'm sure you've seen the reports of them planting drugs on people and then demanding sexual favors, or how many TSA workers have been caught being pedophiles.
I mean, this is the job to get if you're a control freak scumbag.
Oh yeah, and it's the type that is attracted to that job as well.
I mean, nobody who values people or the human race in general would ever be attracted to a job like that.
It's just the horrible people who have no moral judgment on their own and are willing to blindly follow orders, no matter how far they take it.
And I kept asking them, what's your line in the sand?
At what point do they give you an order that you say no, that goes too far?
And they just said, we're just following orders.
You know, it's all for the greater good.
There's no good being gained here.
I am just following orders for the homeland.
I mean, look at the nomenclature.
The homeland.
The troops.
The face-scanning cameras.
Papers, please.
It's not papers, please.
It's shouting at people and groping them.
I mean, this is insane.
Yeah, I've never had so many grown men with guns screaming at me for no reason.
It was so frightening.
Well, Meg, that's what this is all about.
It's about making us the terrorist and training us that we're bad and that we're going to be shouted at by our government protectors.
And notice, this is all happening right as the economy implodes, right as the global government's being announced, right as the police state's unfolding.
It's all been timed perfectly, Meg.
What do you think of the backlash to this?
I don't know if you're tracking it, but I mean, the internet, mainstream media is on fire with this, and the establishment media is trying to promote it like it's a good thing, but people aren't listening to them anymore.
Yeah, and like, I've been really immersed in the whole PSA issue for a while.
I mean, I did a video long ago with Sam Dawson of Obscure Truth, and you know, he was harassed throughout that entire thing just for having a video camera, and so it's
It's something that I follow closely and it's very dear to my heart because it feels so bad for especially like sex crime victims.
I mean, I don't even know what they go through when they have to deal with that.
It's something that my heart breaks for them and to see like people putting their children through that, that's like watching somebody beat a child on the side of the road.
I can't just keep my mouth shut about it.
There's nothing more I can do other than speak up.
Well, that's wonderful, Meg.
I mean, this is human dehumanization, degradation.
The airports are giant re-education centers where we are indoctrinated in the religion of tyranny and abuse.
Yeah, and I can only hope that, you know, the people who had to walk around me during that entire hour at least saw what I was dealing with and heard what I was saying because everything I said, I was obviously not a threat to them and it was all just about
You know, making me feel as stupid and, you know, as bad as possible, even though I hadn't done anything, and I wasn't going to accept that.
I hope that the people who saw that took that with them.
Look, when we resist, we educate others, and they want to intimidate people and make it very uncomfortable, so you don't resist, because imagine what's coming after this if we put up with this.
Yeah, I can only imagine, and I really don't want it to get to that point.
I always tell them, like, I'm doing this not just for me and for my loved ones, but they're the face of whatever, you know, crap the government throws down on the people.
And so the people, when they're pushed too far, they're going to snap, and they're going to attack these people who are the face of the tyranny, not the actual tyranny itself.
And so I'm trying to help them as well, because they're on the losing side of the war.
And I don't want anybody to get hurt in this.
I just want them all to realize what they're doing and step away.
They're on a losing side of a war.
You can feel the momentum towards liberty in your gut, can't you?
I mean, I'm packed up and moved away from... I love my grandpa more than anything in the world, but I had to move to New Hampshire because...
You know, it's a place where we're actually doing things to move it to that point, and we've had so many successes, and you know, even though it was heartbreaking to give up living with my grandfather, I had to do it.
How bad was the police state in the previous state?
In Oregon?
I'm sorry, what?
Yes, in Oregon.
It wasn't horrible, but at the same time, it is a very liberal community and so they like their police.
I was never really an activist there.
It's a little bit more difficult when there aren't very many like-minded people around.
I understand.
You wanted to get out of the zombie-like environment.
Yeah, it's just everybody sort of takes government as a given there, and you know, it's just one of those necessary evils of life, and any evil doesn't have to be necessary.
There's no such thing as a necessary evil.
Meg, I want to talk about your ideas to get on the offensive and to remove these machines and the groping that's going on and the abusive behavior.
But then we have to talk in that solution about dealing with the staged terror.
And this is something that a lot of libertarians and people don't want to touch.
Though Noam Chomsky, a liberal, he's now come out and said Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9-11 because of you.
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What they want us to do is...
Up on screen, I have the Daily Mail.
Dining with the enemy, Al-Qaeda leader linked to 9-1-1 hijackers was invited to the Pentagon.
Lunch, two months after the attacks.
Here's Fox News.
Failed Al-Qaeda plot involving showing bombs inside dogs.
Now they want to ban dogs flying.
Meg McClain, here's the issue.
If we don't talk about Gulf of Tonkin and other staged terror attacks, or that Amir al-Awlaki's run all the major terror attacks and is admittedly government,
They're going to continue to mail toner cartridges and blow stuff up and say that it's foreign shadowy men doing it.
They have the Trump card, or the checkmate, or the ace of spades, the royal flush, if we don't come out and talk about stage terror.
I mean, what's your view on that?
Um, well my view is that I don't really care, you know, what's been done or what, you know, could happen.
What you're doing today to people is inappropriate.
And for me it's just, you know, it doesn't matter the past or the future, it's today.
Sure, sure, but Megan, it does matter if the TSA works for the group that staged the terror attacks.
Well, obviously it does, but, you know, I can't convince anybody of anything other than what I am experiencing at that moment.
What are your ideas to counter this?
Because I want to read Texas law here in a moment, but what are some of your ideas to respond to this?
Obviously expose it, but what else?
Well, for me, like, you know, different strokes for different folks.
There's all different kinds of
Great activists and great actions that can be done, but for me personally, it's just saying no, you know?
If enough people refuse, there's nothing they can do.
I don't know if you've heard of the 420 celebrations in my hometown now, in New Hampshire, but we just started gathering on the city square and openly smoking cannabis.
Sure, so it's the Gandhi nonviolent resistance.
Well, the government doesn't like marijuana because that's the only drug they don't mainly ship in.
Let me read to you from Texas, and it's the same in all 50 states.
That's an important headline, TSA breaking state and federal laws.
Right beneath section 2111, indecency with a child, is Texas defines assault as follows, sexual assault of any person.
Uh, commits an offense if a person intentionally or knowingly causes physical contact with another when the person knows or should reasonably believe that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.
And then it goes on in other sections, if it's a sexual area, it's even more time in prison.
Uh, so, uh, that's, uh, that's, uh, pretty serious.
I mean, they're breaking the law right there.
Yeah, and they just excuse it in their heads with this, you know, code word terrorism.
They gave me a 30-minute lecture while I was in that chair on terrorism.
They said that, you know, 17 of the 19 9-11 hijackers came through that airport, and I was like, so you guys suck at your jobs, too?
For me, the only thing I can do is just keep saying no and keep teaching people about these things.
Well Meg, I mean, there you go.
Sure, but I mean, I've interviewed the former head of the embassy over visas.
They were ordered to let them in, just like the underwear bomber was ordered to be helped on the flight, source Associated Press.
This is not an accident, it's my point.
I mean, they didn't screw up their job, they did their job.
They were ordered to let them in.
Yeah, it's just...
They did a really bad job because their job is to...
It's hurting people.
That's all they do is hurt people.
They don't keep anybody safe.
And, you know, they're like, well, we're keeping you safe.
And I just said, you know what?
At this point, I would rather take my chances blowing up in the air.
Well, Meg McClain, we really appreciate you joining us.
We appreciate your courage.
Your spirit of liberty is an example to us all.
We salute you.
And we got about 10 seconds.
How did you get back home?
Did you drive home from Miami?
I'm actually still in Florida.
Oh, so this just happened?
Yeah, this was about two days ago.
Folks, retransmission starts now.
I'm Alex Jones.
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