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Name: 20101108_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 8, 2010
3527 lines.
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I imagine there are a lot of people doing that in all walks of life, doing all kinds of work.
So no, not really.
Do you want them checking you in your office job?
I mean, do you want them telling you what to do?
The Federal Security Director at LAX, Larry Fetters, would not comment on camera, but his office released the following statement.
TSA practices a zero-tolerance policy for illegal drug use and conducts random drug and alcohol testing at over 450 airports across the country to enforce this rule.
We show no leniency to employees who violate the public trust and shame the uniform that is proudly worn by 50,000.
So you notice that they made this about drugs.
No, it's about the type of mental patient, wannabe control freak, who couldn't get a job cleaning toilets, but now gets to feel up your two-year-old daughter and your wife and your husband.
So they try to distract and say, oh, there was a TSA party with drugs.
That must be what has them running around saying they're God.
Is that what has them out there planting cocaine in people's bags and then demanding sexual favors?
Is that what has the TSA being caught all over the place, killing people?
Remember that woman, what was it, out in Phoenix, where they killed her and then she said that she choked herself with her handcuffs behind her back somehow?
Or the TSA-type goons in Canada breaking people's necks all the time?
Remember the Polish guy couldn't speak English, 27 hours in an area, no food, no water?
He saw his mother show up, she could speak English, started begging for help, so they just went in, tasered him, jumped on his head with their knees, broke his neck, and basically high-fives, felt manly out of it.
Because I'm God!
I'm God!
Alright, we're gonna reset, come back, get rolling here with the broadcast.
And I'm gonna get into the economy.
Everything's going to hell in a handbasket.
I mean, it's just all happening, and the general public are a bunch of wanting, lazy sheep who love tyranny.
I hear them just begging for it.
They want to be heard bad, and the government's gonna do it.
Don't worry.
Just like little kids in Guatemala, they're gonna murder you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Monday, the eighth day of November 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Coming up in about two hours in studio, former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, will be in studio with us to talk about all the different developments in and around the world.
But for the next two hours before he joins us, we are going to go over what's happening with the economy.
And here are some of the headlines.
Global economy.
Obama returns fire after China slams Fed move.
That's Reuters.
Here's another big story at PrisonPlanet.com.
ATMs crash across the country after bank holiday warning.
Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America customers are being...
Made unable to withdraw cash, that is confirmed.
First the rumors were floating around last week and now it's clearly caused some type of mini bank run.
So that report is up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
How many years did we talk about this?
That the elite has been hoarding and buying up gold for decades.
Well, going back throughout history, the elites have always known that gold is a real currency.
Especially when the elites are devaluing the paper currency, they always quietly move into gold.
Now, they suppress the gold price so it wouldn't compete with their paper currency and reveal that it was fiat and fraudulent.
But they also, in the last few decades, accelerated their purchasing of it.
By driving the price down of gold, it allowed them to hoard it, so that once they kill,
I think?
We'll then control through the IMF and this new global government that they've openly announced all of the regional currency.
So their super currency will be partially gold back.
And we've got Zolik seeks gold standard debate going into the G20 in Seoul coming up in a few days in South Korea.
So there they are pushing that.
China tees up G20 showdown with U.S., also Financial Times of London.
The China powder keg.
John Humphreys on a nation that's either on the edge of becoming the superpower or exploding into anarchy.
And there's a photo in this article of all of the workers in the factories lining up like automatons.
They're given 10-minute lunches, no breaks, and they commit suicide in mass routinely.
And they've had to put nets around all the multi-story factories as people go out and commit suicide.
That's who we're competing with, and you think the American people?
There's a lot of hard-working, innovative folks in this country, but by and large, young people that grew up in front of the television set, who grew up griping at Mommy and Daddy, Mommy, get me more popsicles, get me more candy, get me more aspartame.
Can you imagine?
I mean, we're a country that will put up with our children being fondled,
and our wives being fondled and the government out in the open runs al-qaeda and hangs out with the al-qaeda leadership and grows the opium and is caught every week shooting kids up with syphilis shooting them up
Uh, with polio, murdering people, putting poison in drugs, putting HIV in blood products for hemophiliacs, just murdering people everywhere, and the cowardly scumbag public.
I hear him on talk radio in Texas this morning, going, oh yes, the Austin police chief is leading the nation, yeah, because he's a fed on record, run by the feds, to take DNA from everybody who's arrested.
That's the fine print, they say, for anyone arrested for any misdemeanor.
And it all goes into a DNA database.
Hey, what's a newborn baby done?
Maybe it's al-Qaeda.
Is that why for 39 years all babies have their blood taken secretly?
This is a bankrupt criminal government.
And it's time for people to get that through their heads.
It shouldn't be a hard sell here.
I shouldn't be the radical.
When literally every week I read about Asia or Africa or Latin America where every disease you can imagine is being pumped into children and women and men in the name of vaccines in a huge population reduction program and you got people dying everywhere of cancer and diabetes and their legs getting sawed off everywhere and...
You've got just total death all over the place, and moron TSA workers saying, oh, there's not bad radiation from these machines, and mobile trucks frying the people driving them, looking through your walls, and the troops all breathing DU and dying en masse, hundreds of thousands, degenerating with cancer.
And I'm the radical for wanting to get off this train.
Just a bunch of soft lunatics.
Just a bunch of soft lunatics entitled, and everything's wonderful, and to hear the sycophants who worship tyranny, and worship jack-booted police state, and have fetishes of fearing turbaned men, and ninnying around when you got a better chance of being struck by lightning twice in one year than being killed by al-Qaeda.
Even if you believe it's real.
It is pathetic.
The national religion of this country is being groveling, soft, effeminate, effete, bootlicking people who want to be murdered and killed, who beg to have their pension funds taken, who beg to have their guns taken, who beg to have their children kidnapped by the state with big fat pedophiles having their way with them, who beg and want to be killed.
They love it!
You bring up to the average yuppie at the gym or at a restaurant, hey, did you hear about them shooting people up with syphilis for population reduction?
Well, there are too many people.
That soft, chicken-necked piece of trash, they think of themselves as the elite, and there's this little backdrop secret about the extermination programs, and they feel like they're part of the elite, while that same piece of trash takes all the shots, drinks the fluoride water, drinks the bisphenol A, and loves it.
So they get to be soft killed themselves, but then also kind of, uh, this is a little subconscious crime stop thing that goes through their head.
They think to themselves, oh, that's kind of scary that the government's going around exterminating people all over the place and some African nations, 40 plus percent of the country have AIDS and other soft kill weapons.
That's kind of scary.
Rather than face up to that, I'll just giggle and laugh about it and act like I accept it.
That gives me power over it.
Yeah, just like if you went out in the middle of a highway at night
With an 18-wheeler going 85 miles an hour coming down the road and you jump out in front of it and then go, I accept it!
I have power over it!
You're not going to be smiling after it smashes you into grease all over the street and your guts are flying all over the place.
You are weak!
You beg for enslavement!
You beg to have you and your children marched into a ditch and have soldiers blow your brains out!
This is a drugged-out, Prozac-head nation, drunk on the blood of 51 million dead babies, and we're all gonna be judged for it.
We're gonna be judged to absolute Hades!
You just watch, all of you!
All of you cops, and all of you fat-bellied TSA people, and all of you that love tyranny and love evil, all of you that enjoy it and giggle and think it's fun, you're gonna drink right out of the black cup of hell!
You're going to enjoy total destruction.
You're going to enjoy cancer and death.
You're going to enjoy all your naked body scanning and all your tyranny and the drones and the open borders and this whole republic falling into a cesspit of pure evil.
You want to be enslaved?
You get off on your cowardice.
You get off on your religion of worshipping weakness.
Then you are going to be absolutely taken.
You're going to be absolutely destroyed by the
Black hell god you worship!
I'm so sick and tired of all the crap!
Alright, I'm going to settle down, okay?
I just can't take it.
I can't take the weak people.
They are so stupid!
You know, the good news is, the good news is, the good news is, over 70% of people on that YouTube video that has over 200,000 views, top story on Drudge right now, about one of my employees being groped and her 20-month-old daughter and her eight-year-old daughter having, you know, men try to put their hands between their legs, and she refused to have the men do it, so the women did it.
Yeah, probably people like, like, like,
Napolitano, the Homeland Security head, Janet Napolitano.
The good news is over 70% of the commenters get it and understand what's happening, but I see these people in there just denying it and saying, this isn't going on.
Alex is a liar.
They're not squeezing your genitals and breasts.
Or the others.
The other people.
Who are in there going, yeah, this is going on.
You want Al-Qaeda to blow up your plane?
You mean Anwar al-Awlaki?
You mean this?
You mean this?
Head of Al-Qaeda hanging out secretly at the Pentagon, Fox News?
You mean that, you people?
Do you think anybody's safe when we've got a government so arrogant and so absolutely amped up and crazy that they'd blow up all those towers in front of everybody and tell you that a chicken-neck guy in a cave with a turban on his head did it, who's admittedly CIA himself?
But you like to buy into the little narrative, and we got hit by Al Qaeda, and we came together as a country of America, and you put out your little flag in front of your house, while everything that flag symbolizes is being flushed down the proverbial toilet, period.
You know, I am pleased that our information is breaking through all over the place and reaching millions of people.
But, I mean, it should be breaking through a lot more.
I shouldn't be the only one who yells and screams and gets upset about the naked body scanners and then forces it out nationwide so that there's a debate about it.
And I searched this morning, hundreds of articles suddenly criticizing the naked body scanners because these reporters are so cowardly that they were waiting for other people to come out and criticize it before they did.
I mean, what?
I gotta settle down because the economic news is freaking me out.
Everything's coming true.
I've been right about everything.
You think I'm pleased with that?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen, and I would apologize for yelling and screaming and frothing, but maybe I shouldn't apologize.
I'm mad at myself and I lose control, though.
So overall, it's not good.
But you've got to get upset about 51 million dead Americans that were never born.
You know, the media has trained everybody to fight with each other through multiculturalism and the rest of it, and trained black folks and others to get upset at the smallest slights, but then to care less if 51% of black people were never born since Roe v. Wade.
And you try to tell a black person on the street this, and then it's like they can't even hear you.
Hey, did you know half the black people that would be alive or dead, and they just don't even hear you?
It's just like white yuppies.
You know, you bring up, hey, you know, sodium fluoride will double your chances of bone cancer alone and will increase diabetes and attack your pancreas.
And they just laugh at you.
They cannot hear it.
And they make excuses for any type of oppression.
Oh, well, I think it's good they're squeezing my children's genitals.
There could be bombs in there.
Look, the government is criminal.
They did the attacks.
But even if the terrorists were real, China isn't putting this stuff in.
I've talked to business people and others that fly to China all the time.
No security.
You go right in and right out.
It's all made up.
Now, if they see a suspicious person that fits a profile, they'll question them.
You don't... Old men who can't even get out of wheelchairs?
Every time I fly, I watch them fondling little children and women and harassing old people who clearly are on the edge of death and making them get out of wheelchairs.
I've seen them try to make paralyzed people get out of wheelchairs.
That's been in the news.
It's mental illness.
The government tells its employees to do things that they know are insane and impossible.
To just train us to do whatever they tell us, no matter how crazy it is!
And I've got all the government declassified documents of how they're doing it!
There, I said I was going to settle down and I'm not.
You know, this radio show is not entertainment.
It's real, okay?
I'm a guy who knows what's going on.
I know that we are literally in worldwide Nazi Germany 2.0 with its fake liberal face.
Nothing to do with liberals, it just has a liberal face on it, and it's a bunch of murdering trash, and I know they're attacking all of us, it's on record, and it's time for people to get that through their stinking heads!
Here's the deal.
Globalism, world government, the new world order.
It means depression.
It means surveillance.
It means police state.
All these idiots over the decades have sent me emails and called me and said, I don't care if I live in a police state, I haven't done anything wrong.
Don't you get that police states are by the evil people in government who are criminals and sadists and psychopaths who want to hurt you?
It doesn't matter that you have nothing to hide, you idiot!
It's that the government throughout history will abuse you to whatever level you put up with, and evil people will get in and take control if you don't stand up against it.
They will use all that data to enslave you and to control you.
I saw a mainstream news article somewhere in my stack, you guys print it again, we'll never find it, because I've got two days of stacks here, where they announced that
Major banks and corporations are spying on your bank accounts, your pay stubs, what you're buying, everything you're doing with data mining to, quote, decide what your credit score will be.
Well, that's old news.
Everything is surveilled.
You know, Bush would get up four years ago and say, I promise we're not surveilling Americans without warrants.
We're only listening to overseas calls without warrants.
And it was all lies!
It's all lies!
It's like Hillary said, for five years before she ran for president, that she would never run for president.
She said again today, she will never run for president!
I mean, they just lie out of hand and people go, that's what the government does!
They lie to us.
That's what the government does.
They radiate small children, nerve gas troops, inject families with syphilis.
That's just what they do.
Let's trust what they say.
Let's have them run government health care where the government controls what type of health care we have.
I mean, come on, people!
And they found the article.
It's a raw story.
Maybe just print that for me.
Banks spying on your bills, rent payments, paychecks report.
The age of the plain old credit score is gone.
Says a report in the Wall Street Journal.
And it's been replaced with even more intrusive efforts by banks and credit agencies.
Well, those are our owners.
That's who created the derivatives.
This is the criminal group.
To gauge exactly what you're worth and what you can pay.
To that end, financial firms are now tracking their customers' bank deposits, rent payments, or home values, and even utility bills to figure out who may soon become a financial risk, reports the Wall Street Journal.
And it just goes on to how everything you're doing is being watched and the government's doing it.
Alright, I'm going to settle down and cover the incredible financial news.
And then for the full second hour, we're going to do what I did on the Sunday show yesterday.
We're going to take calls from people aggroped and abused by the TSA.
You're going to hear it for yourself.
Those of you in denial.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look folks, it is a no-brainer that when you have surveillance helicopters and drones, police in black uniforms, federalization of police, spying on citizens for their political views, that you are about to have all your money stolen.
That's why third-world countries are poor, because they have corrupt elites.
You go to any third-world country, they've always got a couple families who are billionaires sitting on top of everybody else.
And they've always got death squads that wear black masks.
And now police chiefs in the US have admitted, oh, the balaclava black masks, those are to intimidate the American people.
Those are to protect our identity.
And a cop puts a guy in handcuffs for no reason, shoots him in the back.
They lie about it and say the guy attacked them.
They try to confiscate all the video cameras.
Somebody gets video of it.
Cop gets two years minimum sentence.
The message is, you are trash.
You are garbage.
The message is, we're gonna take what you've got.
And people got such a fetish, because of all the TV shows they watch, glorifying police, and glorifying thuggish behavior, that people love it.
They love it when the CPS comes and takes their children.
They love it when their child's diagnosed with cancer from all the fluoride.
They go, oh, our child will die now, how wonderful.
Of course, you really don't love it consciously, do you?
But subconsciously you do, or you would do something about it.
We have murdering psychopaths that run this country and this world, okay?
You better grow up!
I know our audience is great people and has grown up, it's just... It's all happening right now.
Everything is unfolding exactly as we said it would, and even worse, and... I have all these mainstream news reporters calling me up, wanting to do hit pieces on me, sitting there basically making fun of me on the telephone.
They're just idiots!
They think that they can control reality by delusion and by perception management.
That's the modern term for lying.
And so they tell you unemployment's 9.6 when it's been over 22% for two years?
They just lie!
They just endlessly lie, and they're passing all these new taxes, all these new regulations,
And I just don't even know what to say anymore.
I don't even know what to say anymore about this.
I mean, this is just completely insane!
The government comes out and admits all these crimes they commit, and then nobody gets in trouble.
The government admits they're growing the opium, shipping the cocaine in, no one gets in trouble.
The government admits they're running around all over the world
With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation engaged in spiking people's vaccines.
And I guess the good news is record low, record numbers of people are taking the vaccines last year and this year.
That's in the news again today.
But the globalists are just going to release some horrible plague and then have a vaccine for it and say, see, you people that didn't take the vaccines, it's your fault.
And if we do fight and remove the naked body scanners, the feds will just blow up a few airplanes and then say, see, you've got to fully come out and understand they're the terrorists and quit playing this patty cake game of, oh, we think this is intrusive.
There should be other ways.
You know, you should just profile Muslims.
Of course they don't profile Muslims, because they know it's all staged.
They've got to get the drugged up Muslim patsies on the airplane every time.
They've got to have U.S.
government agents lead them onto the plane.
They're so drugged out of their mind every time, they can't even talk.
Muttalib, the underwear bomber, the list goes on and on.
The drugged out guys.
One of them was certified mentally retarded in 93, bombing the World Trade Center.
The FBI cooked the whole bomb.
They go out and find retarded street people, okay?
Mentally retarded people.
And that's, that's the Al Qaeda!
You know, Al Qaeda goes from these precision aircraft with their transponders and beacons turned off.
One out of a hundred commercial pilots couldn't T-bone a building perfectly without their navigation system.
These guys
Line of sight, never flown in that area, never flown a commercial plane, flying straight in.
Magically, two passports drift down, proving it's them in the hours after, with multi-feet of dust all over lower Manhattan, and the FBI finds two passports magically.
I mean, come on!
Come on!
Come on!
They go from these incredible precision attacks to drooling morons who can't even blow their underwear up.
So the globalists can come in and take over the airports and train a cadre of federal quasi-police to then be spilt out upon all of us to run around at sporting events and malls and the streets, training us to line up and have our DNA taken, and that's where all this is going.
That's where they're training you to get in your comfort zone.
They're now announcing, oh, we want to take your blub and you get a driver's license.
Washington Post two weeks ago, I told you that, 13 years ago in America, destroyed by design, because it's already on the stinking books!
They've already got a law to take your blood at the DMV.
They just don't think you're ready for it yet!
And let me assure you, they don't want your blood because they want to help you.
They want the cures for their own diseases, and they want to develop race-specific bioweapons out of your blood, and they want your blood so they can frame you whenever they want.
Yes, that's what all this is about!
And they're hiring every criminal they can get their hands on, putting them in black uniforms and giving them automatic weapons, and telling them, go out and slap these people around and let them know that we're their bosses!
I probably shouldn't even be on the air today.
I'm telling you folks, I am genuinely angry right now.
And I'm angry off of the comments I've seen online, the news stories written about this,
I'm angry at how much tyranny we're accepting because I know what comes next.
Work camps.
And it'll be, oh, local communities, people who don't have jobs, you come live on this government facility and then you have a job and we lock you up at night.
That's all been announced in the Emergency Centers Act.
You think Hitler came out and said, I'm gonna take you to a camp and kill you?
No, it's a place for you to live in this depression.
A place you're gonna be safe.
The good news is the American people are armed, and if only 1% of us are men, if it does get down the road to this, the globalists are going to be defeated.
But, I'm here to tell you,
That we don't need to go down this road if we'll just recognize that the emperor has no clothes, if we'll just recognize that these globalists are out of control, exercising evil out in the open to set the precedent to get away with even more.
They are flaunting it!
They are dragging us through the mud psychologically, spiritually.
They've gotten away with so much, a private bank running our country for 97 years.
You know, when they met a hundred years ago in 1910 to secretly set up
The Federal Reserve, it was a secret for more than 40 years.
Just 15 years ago or so, the media would make fun of you if you said bankers met secretly at Jekyll Island, Georgia.
Now, they just come out in the open and say, yeah, we're celebrating our takeover of America.
And they met last weekend, the 100-year anniversary of the inception of the Federal Reserve, 97 years since they officially had it.
Remember when Bilderberg Group didn't exist and you were a nut if you talked about it?
Remember when the CFR didn't exist and Rush Limbaugh told you it didn't exist?
And so now that it's all out in the open, people go, well I was told it didn't exist but now I'm for it when they admit it exists because I'm a member of the establishment.
Yeah, you're a member of the establishment.
What you are is a delusional, weak-minded coward.
You know, most cowards don't grovel and consciously know they're cowards.
They make little mind games, little tricks with themselves and decide that everything's okay.
No, everything is not okay.
Everything is not okay.
My children aren't safe, your children aren't safe, none of us are safe unless you really get angry and get focused and get serious.
I mean, if you take action and go out and hang flyers everywhere on whatever issue you're into, every day, 365 days a year, even 10 flyers in your town, it will turn into a huge news story and will affect change.
If you started a local newsletter reporting all this and hand-delivered it to everybody in your neighborhood, within months it would cause change.
If you went and stood on a soapbox once a week at a street corner, it would cause change.
If you went to your city council every week, it would cause change.
If you ran for political office, it would cause fast change.
You gotta get up there boldly and tell people what's going on.
I say, I see so many patriots, they go, I know this sounds kooky, but there's a world government farming and please don't laugh at me.
And some supine, pompous, sycophantic, you know, neighbor of theirs will just laugh at them and then they giggle and go in and watch their football.
Move on when that person does that, and don't be apologetic about it.
You're doing that slob, that swath, a favor trying to warn them.
That's all that's going on here.
You understand what happened in Russia?
What's going on in China?
What happened in Germany?
What happened in hundreds of other countries?
Do you understand there's a gang of hardcore murderers who enjoy burning cities and death camps and black uniforms with skulls all over them and who like death and destruction?
You got that, Jack?
You got that?
I hope you get it.
This country is under a spell.
A demonic spell of weakness.
You know, I haven't even gotten into the news.
I'm going to tell you something.
I'm going to have nothing but phone calls in the second hour.
For men, women, children who have been groped by TSA.
They started this about a year ago with phasing in the enhanced pat-down where they grab your genitals.
That's USA Today admits they grab them firmly.
They grab your breast firmly, squeeze them.
This is a total act of humiliation getting in your comfort zone.
I'm gonna open the phones up.
And only.
For people that this has happened to.
And I'm going to open it up for people this has happened to who like it.
You know, I saw 25% or so of the thousands of comments on the video on YouTube.
It's a top story still on Drudge.
Woman and children who refuse body scanner.
I saw
I saw you in there, with your fetish for the fantasy Al-Qaeda, about how we've got to do this because of Al-Qaeda, or about how they're professionals.
Just like a doctor touches you, so does the TSA.
Minimum wage.
So, a month ago the federal government turned them all into secret police.
They gave them national security clearance.
That way they can't tell people how they're being abused or what's going on in their workplace.
They can't complain about the radiation dosages they're getting.
The radiation doses.
And now they can be fed baloney propaganda and then can't tell anyone the propaganda they're being taught about terrorists and domestic groups.
The TSA are the little worker bees of the Gestapo slash Commissar political police, whose number one mission and 90 plus percent of their focus is gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans with guns, Ron Paul supporters.
They know we're the good guys.
They know we're the people that understand the problem.
And so we are the enemy.
You got that?
It was never about the turban man.
And the turban man, Al Qaeda's bin Laden's right-hand man, al-Awlaki, is hanging out at the Pentagon secretly getting his orders.
Fox News.
And they put this out in the open and nothing happens.
He runs every major terror attack.
You got it?
You are the target.
You are the target.
And I'll say it, I mean, you know,
Oh boy.
I want to come back after a break and get into the economy.
I'll start doing it right now.
But if you have been abused by the TSA, or maybe you like your wife and your children being abused like this, or maybe you think it's safe.
You've got a mentality of sycophantically, like a kindergarten student, groveling to their teacher and lining up and doing what you're told.
You like it.
Now what's got me really upset?
What's got me really freaked out, I mean, it's exactly as the Trilateral Commission said they would do.
How they would wreck the economy, how they would have a global currency war, how they would then come out with a digital currency.
There's not going to be an Amaro, folks, even though they discussed that.
That was just one little CFR plan.
They're going to go directly to thumb printing and face scanning and digital money.
Your cell phone, you know, paying for things, all of this.
You'll still have paper money regionally, that'll be devalued, and everyone will want the SDRs, and to back up the SDRs, it's all been announced, the UN, the G20, our own government, George Soros, I've got all the mainstream news articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
There's literally just hundreds of them.
I mean, you type global government, global bank, global tax in, to news today, there's hundreds of articles.
And it's exactly what we feared.
Oh, man!
It's all real.
It's all real.
They really want a world government.
You know what comes after they get this?
They're going to use their control over the economy and their shutdown of the black market that's bartering people trying to survive to totally bankrupt almost everyone.
The rest of the population is going to work for the globalists.
They're going to have police state jobs.
Our economy is converting to service.
But it won't be McDonald's or Dillard's or Disney World.
It'll be Jack Booted Thug.
All of the welfare people and the dumbed-down populations.
They are being armed and uniformed and ready, just massive armies of them, filled with ignorance and hubris and snarling power trips, openly on the news jerking the good-looking women out of line and fondling them on the news and laughing and grabbing their, I mean, just the horrible degenerate psychopaths on top.
With giant, you know, 170 IQs sickeningly running it all with just a horde of mindless, slobbering minions with machine guns and tasers and pepper spray and beanbag guns and microwave guns and sound cannons just snarling and hopping around like goblins.
And then this meme of anybody in a uniform, you worship it.
So now glorified security guards, you know, touching your daughters and your sons and everyone just, I love these officers keeping us safe from Al-Qaeda.
And all these rednecks get off on it when they talk about Al-Qaeda.
I'm just real worried about the Muslims.
Thank goodness we got a murdering government.
Shooting kids up with every poison they can on record.
I did hear about them giving kids cephalos sacredly.
Maybe they need to.
I mean, I just can't handle slack-jawed, chicken-necked, TSA people with arms about that big around, just... Whenever they see, you know, some woman, get her out!
Oh, she's mine!
The government's like, well done.
I mean, they encourage it.
They encourage the abuse.
Abuse them more.
Drive them into submission, yes?
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
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Oh, this song by Jimi Hendrix says it all.
There must be some kind of way out of here, said the Joker to the thief.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
There must be some kind of way out of here, said the Joker to the thief.
There's too much confusion.
You gotta get up on your hind legs.
You gotta become a man, a woman again.
You gotta ask God to lead and guide you and give you the strength to stand up against these globalists and say, I see you!
I recognize you!
I know what you are, killer!
And I stand against you!
I don't know how this is gonna end.
That every bit of my energy, every bit of my will is turned and bent and focused upon you!
No reason.
There are many here among us who think that life is but a joke.
They laugh, they giggle about this.
But you and I, we've been through that.
So let us stop talking softly now.
The time is getting late!
Yes, because all along the Watchtower, they see the horsemen of death approaching.
And I'm on the Watchtower.
I see the army.
They're out of the gates.
They've rammed down our armored wall, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
They're spilling in.
They're soft-killing us.
They're training us to go to the FEMA camps, to have their hands put upon us before stenoculations.
We are at a key juncture in history.
You're gonna make the decision what side, what side you're gonna be on right now.
It's up to you to make that decision and literally set your soul, your spirit on the side of good.
Doesn't mean you're perfect, but it means you make the decision to at least learn to recognize evil.
Now they just put Drudge Report back up in front of me.
Our story's been one of the top stories for three days up there.
We now have two links.
Big Sis Backlash After TSA Genitalia Groping.
Pilots Reject Naked Body Scanners Over Radiation Danger.
Privacy Breach.
Is that one of our articles too?
Infowars.net will crash.
We've got no drudges listening.
We've got to get up on the front page of Prison Planet so he can find it.
The version that isn't Infowars.net.
We've been through this before.
Matt, if you're listening, or your crew is.
In fact, try to click on it.
I bet money it's already down.
I mean, that site is more trouble than it's worth.
No, it'll be down within minutes.
Yeah, as you said, takes a while to load.
So we need to email the Prison Planet version of that immediately to Drudge so he can get it up.
It's like the last time.
Infowars.net must be put on a bigger server because this would happen again as it happened three months ago.
And everybody's going to try to keep InfoWars.net up.
You're not going to be able to keep InfoWars.net up.
So the answer is we need to take the Prison Planet or InfoWars version of that article and get it up.
Or we need to redirect that URL at InfoWars.net over to the PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com version of it.
You know, Matt Drudge has chosen what side he's on when it comes to this police state.
You notice that side gets more hardcore every day.
And it's time for you to make- Okay, I'm gonna cover the economy, and then your eyewitness reports of what's happened to you, and then former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is in studio with us.
And it'll be linked again in a month, and we won't have it fixed.
I- I- I- I- I-
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to say.
I just, you know, it's beating my head up against a wall.
We need to do this.
We need to get in there and have a URL redirect to the main article.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, what happened is, Drudge is linked to a new InfoWars.net article that's not up on PrisonPlanet.com, so Matt Drudge won't be able to get it, so we're posting it fresh on InfoWars.com.
It'll be at the top of InfoWars.com in five minutes for the Matt Drudge crew over at DrudgeReport.com to get it linked up.
We appreciate him adding that story.
We will get it to you, Matt, right now.
Yep, because Infowars.net is a deader than a hammer, and if he doesn't get it soon, they'll just kill the story.
But that's alright.
Three days, and since yesterday, top story, big sis, backlash at her TSA, she's going to tell you, groping.
Through this radio show, through the Drudge Report... Um... Okay.
And Watson misunderstood what I was telling him as well.
So you guys are going to need to get Watson on the line right now.
Because he took the original TSA story, the video that Drudge wants to link to, and wrote an article on top of it.
I wanted him to put a link to a new article breaking it all down.
That is not what I wanted.
Or maybe Drudge just changed the link.
I don't know anymore.
The problem is, is I know how to run this operation.
Everybody does a great job, but I know the specifics.
And I just can't do a radio show and direct all this at the same time.
And we're having a major breakthrough right now in getting the word out.
And so I need you guys to get me Watson on the phone right now before I get to all this news and the phone calls.
I want... Pardon me?
I need to talk to him right now.
I'm going to have to go off air.
So, let's... I've got all the economic news coming up as they announce world government and announce the global gold standard and gold goes above $1,400 and it's all just insane.
Uh... but uh... maybe Drudge has linked to our new article about it, but if not we need to revert it back to what he wanted to link to, which was the video of Michelle on my show Thursday.
Uh... and that needs to be done right now.
Meanwhile we need to get the Infowars.net story, that's his second article, or they're going to remove it.
And then it'll be the same next month.
I'm really trying my best, though, to try to manage all this.
You know, the good news is, is that we're having a breakthrough.
People are realizing we're right about world government.
People understand just how serious all this is.
And that is what is very, very exciting.
I'm going to bring Ted Anderson up for the rest of this segment, and then Ted's going to bring us back in to the next segment to talk about gold above $1,400 while I deal with this.
Ted, you got the floor.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks, Ellis.
I'm glad you did bring me up, because yeah, you bet.
Right now, gold and silver both are just going crazy.
Gold right now is at $1408.30.
I should say that's the high today.
Currently right now at $1404.70.
Silver hit a high today of $27.60.
I can't believe a week ago we were talking about silver possibly breaking $25 an ounce, and now we're talking about silver going through
$28 an ounce.
Man, $30 is just right around the corner.
I mean, talking about carrying the message, Alex, those videos, that deal we put together for a total of $89 shipped, postpaid to you, getting the three videos, your three best videos, Obama, Deception, Follow the Republic, and Endgame all packaged together as one piece.
And then you get three silver dollars to go with that.
Now silver jumping over $27.80.
That is, you know, that's just out of this world good.
And you're talking about spreading the message.
Alex lets you guys make copies of these videos and hand them out.
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We'll be bringing you back in on the other side of the break while Alex gets drudged to straighten out those links.
That very important story about the security scanning over in the airports.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
The reason I'm so excited about the Drudge Report top linking this weekend to our story about TSA molestation is that even the New York Times and Washington Post have admitted for years Matt Drudge sets so much of the media agenda and forces stories out into the open that the mainstream media ignores.
That's why we're so thankful for DrudgeReport.com at the top linking to two of our stories dealing with this.
We are
We're seconds away, I'm told, from redirecting the Infowars.net to a clone of the article that's the second link on Drudge.
World's pilots reject naked body scanners over radiation danger privacy breach.
The practice of airport security screening has spun out of control and does nothing to improve national security.
And so, if you can't get through to InfoWars.net, we are about to have it redirect to InfoWars.com, or if the Drudge Report chooses, Matt Ryan got it posted on InfoWars.com.
It's the top story there at InfoWars.com, and the Drudge Report's welcome to change the link directly to that if they choose, but I am told that we're going to be able to change that.
But I don't know if that's the case.
Shah will continue to work on this because we're breaking this out into national news.
This will then motivate and people can basically mass around this issue.
This is so important for the globalists.
If they can train you to let them put your hands on your breasts, your genitals, squeeze you, put you through radiation bathing machines, they can get away with anything.
And I know we've got loaded phone lines of victims of this ahead of Governor Gary Johnson joining us in studio.
I know that.
But the economy is so big as well.
China and Russia attack Fed move.
Global economy, Obama returns fire after China slams Fed move.
CNBC of course saying it endangers the entire global economy.
ATMs crash across the country after bank holiday warning.
PrisonPlanet.com, AFP, UN calls for higher taxes to combat climate warning.
And that's to fund the new IMF Global Superbank.
Bank tax, CO2 auctions recommended by Soros panel to help climate efforts and to fund the new global bank, exactly as we told you.
Zoellick seeks gold standard debate.
Leading economies should consider adopting a modified global gold standard to guide currency movements.
Now, again, based on SDRs.
So SDRs will be the currency of choice.
It will then kill other currencies because everybody's going to want this new currency issued by the bankers that have hoarded most the gold.
That's why we told people, get into gold and silver, because then you'll be like the globalist.
He who has the gold makes the rule, as Lord Rothschild said.
That's why gold went above $1,400 a day.
Ted Anderson, break this down.
Go over what this means.
Everything, exactly as we said, is now unfolding.
It sure is, Alex.
And you know what?
Going to gold is really the only answer.
Going to some paper certificate that is supposed to represent gold that's being run by the globalists and our government is, you know, just another way of trying to control us.
If we could have the gold in the people's hands rather than the gold in these
Elite, you know, maniacs, madmen.
We would have the control over this country.
This is what the Constitution called for.
This is where we should be here in the United States of America.
You know, the only reason why they have the gold in the first place is because when FDR in 1933 says all the citizens had to turn their gold
Over to the central banks, not even to the U.S.
I mean, it's just absolutely madness that we've gone this far.
And, you know, it burns me to pieces to hear that those thieves are celebrating over at the Jekyll Island off of Georgia, that island.
Where they're celebrating the anniversary of this thing that happened a hundred years ago, and they denied it even happening for, like you said, forty years.
I mean, they're just pulling the wool over our eyes, and they're feeding the public with such nonsense.
What does it take for people to wake up and realize that, yes indeed, any paper system that they give to us is just going to be another nail in the coffin.
If you want your independence, if you want your freedom, if you want your liberty in this country, you better stop
Buy in this paper idea and you better settle for nothing but gold and silver as money.
There is no way in the world that we're going to be able to have liberty and freedom here in the United States and also have a central bank running the system like we do.
And it's two different issues.
I've always had guests on and interviewed the maker of The Secret of Oz pointing out that the bankers would try to have a new global cashless system partially based on gold
And that's why it's dangerous to have a gold standard.
But the issue is, if you don't have a gold or silver standard, it allows the original debasing of the currency.
The way to stopgap all of that is to go directly to having gold and silver yourself.
And Ted, I want to get to people on the TSA and the huge breaking news there on the global revolt by pilots.
and and and and and the flight attendants and and and the citizens all over the planet not just in the u.s.
the italian government throwing them out last month british airways had saying it's a bunch of garbage uh... the globalist launching these latest uh... toner cartridge uh... things to try to reaffirm this this is one of their key takeover points because the cadres they train at the airports are gonna are to be released on the entire planet the end of any fourth amendment
Everything is here.
So that's all coming up.
And eyewitness accounts of people that have been abused.
Please have your stories ready.
Tell them quickly so I can get to other people.
But tell folks today's gold and silver offer.
Again, a few weeks ago you sold out of the gold and silver at the lower price.
You bought more.
Now it's gone up more.
You're going to run out of the gold and silver you've got at the lower price.
It's above $1,400.
Tell folks what's going on with silver today as well.
Tell folks this big psychological barrier of $1,400 broken, Ted.
It is.
It's a huge psychological barrier, which means that now we're looking at $1,500 an ounce.
I mean, how many bells and whistles have to go off to tell you that the United States currency is under duress and it could very well collapse?
I mean, Bloomberg is telling you.
CNBC said it last week.
Here's what I have to offer.
Alex, without a question now,
$89 is what we charge for the three videos set.
You get three silver dollars.
It covers the $5 post paid to you.
That is, they're your videos, the best videos that you've ever produced.
They can pass those around and get the information out.
At the same time, have silver dollars that someday in the future they can sell for a nice fat profit.
The other thing is, is that
Frank's right now at $3.04.
We give away a full year subscription to the International Forecaster.
I don't know how I can make that easier for you.
$31 for a Creature from Jekyll Island book with a silver dollar.
Walking Liberties, I told you, I told you you had to get moving on those this weekend.
Right now I'm at $12.84 on Walking Liberty halves.
The internet prices have jumped over $14.
Don't waste your time thinking that you can wait around and stay with this paper system.
The paper system is collapsing around you.
Take heat and warning.
Diversify and get some gold and silver.
People create, you know, gold and silver comes from people actually digging it out of the ground.
It takes actual labor to create it.
This funny money system, they just turn on a switch.
It's a printing press.
The QE2 thing.
Alex, all they had to do was decide to just print up a whole nother, you know, $75 billion a month until June and July.
That's $600 billion that they've committed to, and they're not even telling you where they're going to go beyond that.
It's this compounding system that is just eating us alive, causing higher taxes.
Well, Ted, Ted, think about this.
They're destroying our buying power, our savings.
We have to pay all this money back to the banks, the trillions they've been stealing.
All of this is going on and happening and they're openly announcing global carbon taxes, global VAT taxes to be paid to the IMF and World Bank as they openly announce the SDR that will be partially gold-backed.
How big is it to have them announcing that the G20 is going to debate a partially gold-backed global digital currency?
Well, all that's going to do is the market is going to move away from the U.S.
It's going to kill people that are sitting on savings.
It's going to make retirees live in poverty that would have been able to live out a comfortable living.
I mean, it's going to make Social Security worthless.
It's, you know, the whole thing.
It's going to destroy us.
And we need to have back our constitutional money.
That's what we need.
Give us back the Constitution.
All you gotta do is follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
That problem goes away.
You know, it just... Alex, and I realize that the globalists have the gold.
Do you know why they have the gold?
Because they get to run a printing press and create money from nothing and then charge interest for it, and that's our labor.
And so we're laboring for their...
And they've been planning this all along, and now they're talking about a partially gold-backed digital currency, which will then debase the other currencies even more, because they're not gold or silver-backed.
Everyone will then run after SDRs, and there's the IMF and World Bank.
Everyone will come to them.
That's exactly right.
The people are going to move away from the U.S.
dollar because they won't trust it anymore.
Ted, we're almost out of time.
Tell people not just the three silver dollars for $87 and three of my films, a $60 value and $10 of free shipping.
That's right up there at $160 value for $87.
That's a great deal on three silver dollars for $87.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, Ted is losing a lot of money on this.
It's a loss leader.
I think he's crazy to even do the deal.
But the Obama deception, fall of the republic, endgame.
Even if you've seen the films, give them as gifts this Christmas.
Give them to folks who are ready to wake up.
But Ted, please, tell people about some of the other gold and silver offers you've got.
Well, how about this?
Franks are at $3.04.
British Sovereigns currently right now are at $3.81.
Walking Liberty Halves are at $12.84.
$10 Liberties are at $8.72.
$20 Liberties are at $17.02.
We have U.S.
We've got Jones Silver.
We have
Bars of silver from the Perth Mint and the Swiss Credit Mint.
I mean, we can handle your IRA if you're sitting in an IRA and you want to keep it in the qualified plan.
We'll get that set up for you too.
I mean, we're just a full-service gold and silver firm.
I encourage you to buy gold and silver.
And I encourage you to take physical delivery of the gold and silver so you control it, not the government.
You need to control it.
You need to protect yourself.
This insurance policy won't work unless if you have it in your own hot little hands, hidden away in your own little stash, cachet.
And you know what?
When the dollar falls apart and goes to pieces, gold and silver's been money for over 6,000 years.
When they went into the Egyptian tombs, they found gold, not fiat money.
Thank you, Ted.
We're going directly, directly to your phone calls on people abused by the TSA.
Thank you for holding.
We had a lot of crazy stuff going today.
Great job to the crew.
Great job to the Drudge Report with two of our stories right now.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, the rest of this hour, and I may even go into a fourth hour of overdrive after Governor Gary Johnson is here.
We are going to take your phone calls, people abused by the TSA.
Now, I showed on...
Thursday, Friday, and the Sunday Show, USA Today, LA Times, the list went on and on, saying they will touch your genitals, they will touch and squeeze your breasts, and that it's, quote, harsh.
That it's brutal.
These are the words that were used.
That it was intense.
Now, I've witnessed this, but some people are emailing us and writing news articles saying none of this is even happening.
That's the spirit of denial in this country.
Next they'll say abortion isn't happening.
I mean, next they'll say the government didn't shoot people up with syphilis.
It's real, okay?
But I want you to hear from people, because we had a bunch of callers yesterday.
We could take unlimited calls.
We're getting literally hundreds of emails, the same story, of people being groped and grabbed, and their small children, newborn babies.
I mean, this is a joke.
Jim in Florida, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Tell us your story.
Hey, Alex.
God bless you.
Hey, listen.
Friday, my girl went to North Carolina.
She left from Tampa, and they just put these x-ray scanners in.
And she's an x-ray tech, and she refused it.
And so they just step her off to the side and they searched her.
Well, uh, she's a short girl at zero with blonde hair, blue eyes, um, double D's and they literally lift her breasts up and felt underneath them, went in between them.
Went through her legs, up to her vagina, and she said her hands hit her lips of her vagina.
Let's not get into details, we have children listening.
But see, let me stop you.
The point is we have to talk about this because this is going on in the airports.
But yes, it's been described by the stacks of news, mainstream news I covered, that they almost lift you up.
They put their hand on your male or female genitals and press in
And if somebody did this to your wife at a park, they'd spend five to ten years in prison.
So, I mean, that's what you're describing is that they put serious pressure on her.
She couldn't believe it.
I mean, she's been frisked by, like, police and stuff like that before, and she said it's like 20 times worse than what an officer does.
Well, that's because officers know to see if there's a bomb or a gun, they just gotta, you know, just lightly see if there's a bulge.
A good cop can just look and see if there's something, if the clothes aren't baggy.
And these aren't even cops!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Alex, where's the outrage?
I don't understand.
I mean... Exactly!
I am outraged!
How did they take our normal outrage away?
I'm so upset right now.
I mean, I can't even think or talk straight.
That's all I can say.
I mean, usually I'm real nice around the office.
I have been, you know, very grumpy today because my wife this whole weekend was like, how are they doing this?
How are they doing this?
I can't fly ever again.
And people that think they just won't fly, they're announcing it's going to be on the streets.
It already is.
So without me interrupting specifically, where were you flying?
What did they do to your luscious girlfriend?
Because the better looking, the worse it is.
She was actually flying North Carolina, and Alex, she's kind of, her family's real liberal.
She doesn't, her family, like, doesn't believe in what's going on in the country.
And she's very skeptical too, but now this blew her away.
This totally, literally, she texted me, she could not believe what they did to her.
She felt so violated.
You know, and I'm so glad it happened, because I'm glad I got to tell you my story.
I tried to call yesterday, I couldn't get through.
But I want to know, where's our Congressman?
Where's our Senators?
Where's Ron Paul?
Where's his son?
I mean, where are these people at?
I mean, I can only do so much.
I'm a contractor.
I mean, I talk to everybody about this.
Well, sir, Ron Paul has co-sponsored the bill to remove them.
But we do need to make this the big issue.
Because if they fail on this, and if we prove this is a fraud, this is their plan to roll it out nationwide.
Great points, Jim.
Great call.
Sorry about what happened to your girlfriend.
Beth in Texas, what happened to you?
Hey, Beth.
I was actually kind of hesitant to tell my story because it happened earlier this summer and I travel extensively for business, so I fly constantly, and I couldn't recall which airport I was in when this happened, and so I don't want to level accusations.
No, it all blurs when you fly a lot.
It doesn't matter.
Just tell us the story.
I was standing in the line.
I had on a dress.
with black tights on and the tights were like hosiery.
They weren't opaque.
And I walked through and the lady told me I had been randomly picked to step into this scanner.
And I asked her, I said, is that one of the scanners that makes you appear naked?
And she said, well, yes, ma'am.
It takes it down to one layer of clothing.
And I said, I'm not stepping in that scanner.
And she said, then, you know, you can opt out of it, but
We have to wand and search you.
And I said, that's fine.
I'm not going in that scanner.
And so I was standing there.
They didn't take me to a private area in any way.
I was standing right next to the rest of the security line.
And as she started wanting and scanning and searching and stuff, she said, oh, you have Typhon.
I need you to lift your dress.
And so I was standing there.
Ma'am, stay there, stay there.
This is the key and I've seen it.
They take women, men, you name it.
That's even in the New York Times.
They made him basically take his pants down.
And that's what they do.
Or is it ABC?
They make you disrobe and lift your dress up in front of all the people.
It's to humiliate you.
Stay there, Beth.
I want you to finish your story.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The Drugs Report is valiantly, because these are hardcore articles and videos, has linked to three different articles in the last almost four days.
Well, I guess Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and now Monday.
Three and a half days.
World's pilots reject naked body scanners over radiation, danger, privacy.
That's PrisonPlanet.com, Steve Watson.
The other one, TSA groping out of control.
Everything you need to know about the security takeover and why airport oppression is already being rolled out on the streets.
And I've read most of this article.
I think the key here is, Watson, and I've read most of it, correct me if I'm wrong, we're going back to Beth in a moment, Paul Watson that wrote this story today.
I wrote it with him, he did most of the work.
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones Report.
And this is kind of the TSA takeover for dummies.
This is what you send to your friends, your family, your neighbors.
The key is, and the point I didn't make this morning, and I don't know if you can add it or if it's there and I missed it, is that they do, and this is, you can also Google this and pull it up, where woman made to lift dress, you'll see a bunch of reports on it, that, and this has been going on for over a year, now they say it's just gonna be done to basically everybody, it's being rolled out, it's always intensifying.
It's their will against ours, they're trying to break our will, train us to do this in the name of safety.
That they make women raise their dresses in front of everyone, not just to opt out, opt out to humiliate you.
But also, drop the drawers, lift the dress.
I mean, literally women in thongs.
Me and Aaron, and again, they wouldn't let us videotape it, obviously, when I was at the airport, I was watching, you know, women partway bring their dress up and so they could look and kind of embarrassed, but in some cases they make them go all the way up.
Let's add that point of how they try to psychologically humiliate you in your TSA groping out of control article.
But how exciting is this, Watson?
That Drudge has always been outraged by this, and he has the biggest website in the world when it comes to news, and literally sets the news agenda.
Everybody's been mad about this for years, but now it's breaking out into the mainstream, and this story is on fire.
When I tune into local talk radio, they're talking about it.
When I tune into national, they're talking about it.
We have done this with the listeners, with your work, with Kurt's work, Steve's work, Aaron's work, my crew's work, and teaming up with Drudge.
How exciting is this, Watson?
Well, it's important, Alex, because most of Drudge's readers are what you would call traditional conservatives.
Some libertarians, but mainly conservatives.
And they have completely ignored the outrage surrounding airport security because they bought the false paradigm that it was all directed towards terrorists.
But of course now, with the multitude of examples of these security procedures being abused
Especially targeting people like, you know, physically disabled people, pregnant women, the elderly.
It just goes to show that it's all directed towards the American people and the sooner that conservatives realize that and start to stand up against it, the better.
Did you add the point I gave you about the MYAC report that this is for the American people?
I mentioned that it was for the American people, yeah.
Okay, because I only could scan over it during the break.
Do you have the point about the public humiliation?
Not just the screaming, opt out, opt out, but the making women raise their dresses?
Well yeah, you'll remember the case as far back as 2002 where the pregnant woman was there with her husband and she was made to bare her breasts right in front of everybody else while they... Oh yeah, that was in California.
That was in San Francisco.
And the husband complained, and he was thrown in the airport jail.
Oh, that's right.
So that goes back.
Okay, so that is in the report.
That is in there.
Okay, good job, Watson.
Explain that it's public humiliation.
Thank you so much.
Take care.
You bet.
Paul, great guy.
Paul's getting married next week.
I gotta send him a wedding gift for him and his wonderful wife-to-be, his betrothed.
Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.
I'm going to shut up and try to get back to your calls.
Beth, just briefly, so you're there, you're wearing hose, and you said they were not opaque, so I guess that means that they were see-through or weren't see-through?
They were like dark black, but they were see-through.
They weren't opaque.
Okay, so describe what happened to you.
So I was standing in the line and the lady pulled me aside and told me that I had been randomly chosen to step into the scanner.
And I asked her if it was one of the scanners that made me or made people look, you know, naked.
And she said, well, yes, ma'am, it takes you to the first layer of clothes.
Yeah, that's not true.
It takes you right down to your genitals.
But go ahead.
Yeah, and she said, but you're not required.
You can opt out of it if you want.
And I said, well, I'm not stepping into it.
And she pulled me aside to be wanded and searched.
And she never told me, you know, let's go to a private area or anything like that.
I was just pulled aside to be wanded and searched.
And so as I'm standing there, she said, oh, you have on tights.
I need you to lift your dress so I can check the waistband.
And so I'm standing there next to these lines of people going through security with my dress lifted up and her rummaging around my waistband.
And, you know, I was trying to, you know, kind of shield my back to as many people as I could, but I was, I was sitting there wondering, you know, is this intentional?
Like, are you trying to embarrass me because I didn't go into the scanner?
And I mean, I was,
I was pretty much appalled and people were walking by looking at me like, poor woman, you know?
And I just felt like it was an intentional public humiliation.
Beth, what is it like for you to know that a real terrorist could go rent an airplane right now with no security and flight in any building they wanted?
It's totally made up.
It's for the general public to be trained.
And what is it like for you to know that the top Al Qaeda operative is CIA and meets secretly at the Pentagon Fox News AP?
Well, I'm sure there's a lot of stuff that we are all unaware of that's pretty scary.
I feel like, I'm 50 years old, I'm a white woman.
I don't, you know, I don't think that I appear to be any threat to anybody.
Yeah, but notice that's what they do.
They say, oh, we don't discriminate.
So even if you believe it's supposedly Muslims, well then that's who gets searched.
No, it's everybody.
That's the fake liberalism because it's for the American people.
Beth, anything else?
No, I just, I'm glad you're covering the topic because I thought I was an isolated incident.
No, no.
Now it's going to be rolled out for everyone.
They're now saying in the USA Today, in LA Times, I read them all yesterday, I'll go back over them later.
They're saying that now on top of the scanners they're going to do this.
God bless you, I appreciate your call, Beth.
And I think it's important for all victims of this to shoot your own YouTube videos
And if you don't know how, get your neighbor to shoot one and upload it.
I mean, kids know how to do it.
It's very easy to do.
Just use the webcam and tell your story.
Don't say your name.
You know, put a photo of the TSA up if you don't want your face seen.
And everybody should put up YouTube videos and write articles about what you went through.
Because everybody thinks they're alone.
Everybody thinks that we're alone in waking up to the New World Order when the majority of people are awake now.
We are the majority.
We are the sane ones.
We're taking this country back.
Tim, Justine, Kyle, Robert, all of you.
When you hear a caller hang up, it's your chance to call in 1-800-259-9231 with your story of TSA, fondling, and sexual assault.
That's what it is.
It's sexual assault.
That's not an extreme term for it.
Somebody grabs your genitals, and again, people describe it in these news articles like being lifted up.
They just...
Men describe it as painful.
Let's go to Tim in Florida.
Tim, what happened to you?
Hey, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Hey, just to let you know, last Monday, I was flying from Jacksonville, Florida, to Nashville to stop over in Atlanta.
And what happened to me was simple.
You take your shoes off, your belt, everything, you put them in those trays, and then there's a guy there to direct you to where you're supposed to go.
And they had two types of machines.
One looked like a
Like to a metal detector.
And then there's the other one, it's like a Star Trek thing where it goes, it's like a circular thing.
Yeah, the naked body scanner.
That's, that's, and that's the high powered unit.
That's the one with 50 times the radiation they'd previously claimed.
The other has 20.
Well, what happened was he directed me, he didn't say which one of the two directions to go in, but I just said, I'm not going through that.
Cause I, it just didn't look right.
I was familiar with the other ones that are going to courthouse all the time for the metal detector, but I just told him I'm not going there.
He yelled out.
You said opt-out, but his words were, we have a refusal, and he yelled it out really loud.
We have a refusal!
Right, exactly.
And the news describes that regular cops will run up and they're all, we got one that won't submit to the naked body scan, we lied, we did save the images, we've got to really let him know.
So what happened?
So at that point, he said, just stand here.
There's two guys that were
That they're inside, that they're just standing there, and I'm thinking, well, maybe they're the ones who are going to assist me to take care of whatever they're going to do.
And they just stood there, and I sat there for about three or four minutes, and I'm wondering, well, if I ask the guy, is something going to happen here?
What's going on?
And he says, you just have to wait.
You know, really rude.
And so finally, the guy waves to me.
So I started going through, and he puts me on one of those grill mats, like honeycomb mats that you see in restaurants with the cooked pork on.
And there's these two footprints that are on there, and it's just after you pass through these machines.
No, I know.
I've seen them.
So what happened next?
So I stood there, and of course he was very polite.
The black gentleman who did do the search on me, he was very polite.
The Nazis were very polite, too.
Go ahead.
He was polite in the sense he told me everything he was going to do.
But I will say this.
He did very... He definitely touched everywhere on me and everywhere.
And I was amazed.
And right in front of everybody, like the other lady was saying,
I don't think so.
I saw a room, opening of a room, and the pilots were coming through.
And I noticed there was one of those metal detectors, but there was not one of these scanners.
But now they're phasing it in for them.
You need to just say no.
You need to contact the airlines, your congresspeople, and say, look, I'm not flying anymore, and we sure don't want these on the streets of America.
I appreciate your call, Tim.
Justine in Illinois, what happened to you?
Yes, Justine, welcome.
Well, thank you for taking my call.
First of all, I'm going to apologize.
My heart is flying out of my chest.
I want you to be, uh, thank you so much for being so compassionate about this issue.
Um, I flew last, um, Monday, November 2nd, uh, Tuesday.
Actually, it was the 2nd.
Anyway, I was flying through O'Hare and, um, I was pulled from the line with a man yelling at me, ma'am, come here, come here, stand here.
And I looked at him and I said, what's happening?
And he wouldn't talk to me.
And I said, um, um, is that scanner?
And he said it is, and I said, um, I'd prefer to go through that, through the detector.
And he started yelling at me that it wasn't my choice, that I was chosen, and to stand there and file.
Yeah, that's the report we get, even though there's the quote, opt-out, they're told to intimidate people, and the head of the TSA has said it will be mandatory soon, to, to, to order you that you must go through.
So, he then yelled, opt-out, opt-out, extremely loud, as you were saying before.
Um, but the next part was he yelled over the machine and starts yelling, I don't remember her name, and he said it was Sherry.
Sherry, I got one for ya!
Like that!
We're gonna take our pension fund!
We run everything now!
I'm a minimum wage idiot!
I get to grope!
So what happened next?
Well, to go with Jim, your first caller, I'm 5'9", I'm blonde-haired, blue-eyed, I take great care of myself, and from the back comes a six-foot-tall African-American woman that
You know, I'm sorry, I know doesn't prefer men, and she's laughing, giggling, pulling her blue gloves on.
Oh yeah, it's fun!
We're gonna get you, lady in America!
We're gonna teach you!
I like girls!
And this is where I start to shut down, because then I'm informed not to move, then I'm supposed to move, then I get near the back.
And by the way, this is getting us all ready for mass arrest, relocation, forced inoculation.
That's all this is.
It's training to turn the TSA loose on the streets.
They're already doing it.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so this is where things change, though.
I literally start tremoring.
Ooh, that got her excited.
She likes that.
So I looked at her and said, what's happening?
And she said, I'm going to pat you down.
And I looked at her.
People are staring at me.
And at this point, I don't care.
I looked at her and I said, you're not going to touch me.
And she said, yes I am.
She said, yes I am, little girl.
What happened next?
And so I said, I am, and I start to shake, I said I need to see your supervisor.
She came over and I just went into, I'm an incest survivor.
Oh my God.
And I've been molested by two other men who had power over me.
One was my grade school principal.
This is what this is all about.
The globalists are mainly pedophiles.
Go ahead.
And so I just started tremoring and I just said, you are not going to touch me since I've been 14 years old.
Which is a normal response of a woman.
Or a man.
Actually, I'd love for you to bring the police here, because I do know that the police in Chicago here do not get along with the TSA.
Yeah, because they know they're a bunch of idiots.
So, so, so what happened next?
So then, finally, she said, well, we'll get someone.
It took about a half an hour, but a lovely woman within the TSA came across the airport, and she...
Finally, it was interesting Alex, because there was... But ma'am, they were playing good cop with you.
They know when you don't submit, they just try to get you out of there.
Okay, because they're training the TSA and everybody that this type of Nazi molestation is normal.
So what happened next?
So finally, there was a wonderful man.
You could see his eyes soften from the back.
You could see that he had had someone in his life touched by this.
He actually came over, took my hand and said, would you please sit down?
You could see his eyes were different.
He had compassion.
He probably won't work there for long.
So finally this woman said she came over and she said I have to do this and I said you will not touch me privately anywhere and she said no I promise.
She says you want to go in the back room.
I said actually in my experience in my past you know in my early years that's worse.
So no I will stay right here.
So go ahead and molest me in front of people.
Okay so what happened next?
So she only did my extremities and my ribcage.
She did not touch me privately anywhere else and I got through there.
Then I was still shaking on the plane
I'm going to my destination and I found out from the woman I was sitting next to who asked me if I was okay that the airport I was going to was going to be coming through the next day.
She said the A concourse is not using a scanner yet.
The B and C is.
And she said, and I thought that was interesting because that is the concourse that's likely to happen.
But see, notice how they phase it in slowly.
Oh yeah.
So you don't feel like you can resist.
So you've got a place to get away, but then they close down those gaps.
It's all psychologically, like the Stanford Prison Study, it's all done, and they're training this army of abusers and monsters.
Folks, I've got, he's reportedly going to arrive soon, a former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson joining us, but I'm probably going to go into, is the crew game to go into overdrive today in the fourth hour to take more victims calls?
I mean, I don't know why I don't do more shows like this.
We're going to just start talking about different groups victimized by this system so people can hear the testimonies.
In closing, ma'am,
Justine, what do you think of people emailing me and commenting on the YouTube video that has over 200,000 views about my employee being fondled along with her 20-month-old daughter, an eight-year-old daughter, and a man did this to her?
What do you think about people that are denying it, saying we're lying about it?
The government has announced this, they're doing it, but there's such sheep-like people that they're in denial saying we're lying.
I watched people having their breasts fondled and not feeling a thing or even caring when I was sitting there.
I've actually spoken out about this.
I don't care if I have to stand alone or in hundreds of thousands of people.
I've been talking to my neighbors and they've got this distant look in their face.
They don't believe it.
They think that I don't know what to do about the American public.
Well, they're in a trance.
They're in a trance.
They've been in, literally, television puts you into a trance.
We're going to break them out of their trance.
We're going to wake them up.
More calls, more eyewitnesses, more victims.
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While you were sleeping, they came and took it all away.
That former New Mexico governor, Gary Johnson, sitting out there in the green room.
He'll be on at the Five After segment.
He's out there exposing tyranny.
We're going to ask him about all this airport security and the rest of it.
We're talking to victims right now.
In this segment, the next.
I'm going into fourth hour overdrive today to continue this.
Drudge report for four days, three and a half days, has been linked to our reports on this.
The TSA is now announcing
Not even if you opt out.
If you go to the Naked Body Scanner, they are going to touch your genitals with pressure and your breast.
This is so incredible.
And they're announcing TSA to be on the streets of America with the Viper teams.
Incredible stories we're hearing here today.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kyle in California, then Robert, Karen, Michael, Kerry, and others.
Notice a lot of women are calling in.
Let's talk to Kyle.
Kyle, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
How's it going?
I got a story from a few different airports I've been at.
First of all, San Francisco SFO International Airport now has naked body scanners going.
I took a flight from there this summer and I noticed that they had the normal metal detector taped off with red type of a tape.
You know, the whole lines that they make everywhere.
They had a red one there.
Like it said, do not enter.
You're not allowed to go through this spot.
And they had all of the people lined up like cattle, all in all the other lines going right through the naked body scanners.
And they're getting a biometric scan of your body.
Here's how facial recognition works in Xbox.
So people have their faces, their bodies scanned to access video games.
The government is literally saving these images for a biometric image of your body.
And all these people were on there just like sheep going right through it.
And I was there with my dad and my brother and they obviously knew what was going on.
And so us three went
And I told him, you know, no, we're not going to go through that.
We want to go through.
And they yell, opt out, opt out.
And all these guys run over to come deal with us.
And that's meant to intimidate everybody else.
Did they do the strip search in public like the other victims?
No, not that.
I mean, I pretty much told the dude, like, I wasn't going to go through that.
I'm not down to have all that happen.
He's like, well, you have to go through the metal detector then.
And you have to be searched.
And I was like, all right.
And so he went through and he basically, as soon as us three went through, he closed the gate again so nobody else could go through.
And everybody else on the other line, like, didn't really know.
Yeah, this is all dog training.
Again, they're selling us for the government to get in our comfort zones.
Anything else, Kyle?
Yeah, and then also in Morocco, I was in Morocco and in London as well.
London's crazy.
They've got like squads of dudes in black uniforms with dogs roaming around with MP5s and stuff.
London was really crazy.
Heathrow Airport.
And in Morocco, they definitely like fill you up, grab you.
I didn't know if it was just part of the culture or what, but they're definitely all about that.
Alright, interesting story.
So again, worldwide, it's rolling out.
And a month ago, Europe said they weren't going to do it, so the U.S.
government's offering billions of dollars to pay for the machines.
Italy's throwing them out.
Airline chiefs, like British Airways, have said it's killing business.
The system doesn't care.
It's about indoctrinating you into slavery.
Robert in Europe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me?
I can.
Tell us what happened to you.
Okay, great.
So, look, I was in San Francisco.
I was with my kids.
We were flying from San Francisco to London.
It's funny, the previous call, I mentioned the same two cities, but... And so, you know, we opted out of the body scanners, as I always do, leaving that airport.
And what happened is, my daughter's putting on her shoes, my son's putting on his coat and everything, and I'm just kind of dreading the whole process, you know, mumbling things under my breath, you know, making little comments like I usually do.
You know, it's probably not a good idea.
I look up and who's walking around security?
It's Al Gore.
Al Gore with all his gray hair.
Looking a little skinnier than last time I saw him on TV.
And he's walking around security while we're putting our shoes on.
He's with two lawyers with briefcases and everything.
I guess that day he had to be questioned about the sexual assault thing.
It was in late July.
It happened in Oregon.
So Al Gore gets to bypass the pervert machines.
Oh, I saw it with my own eyes.
I looked up, it was Al Gore, and then I started talking about climate.
Yeah, Al Gore, climate gate.
You know, but the guy was fresh air.
He walked around us.
He was actually on the same flight.
I was in Minneapolis-St.
Paul Airport once and saw Al Gore bypass security.
He's the one guy that should be forced to go through it.
Anything else, Robert?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, he's been on a speaking tour for a year, almost a year, since December.
He's really got the pulse of the country.
He was just talking about TSA a minute ago.
We'll get his take on that, the big political awakening that's happening right now, or if he thinks it's an awakening, where politics are going in this country, the big economic announcements, which are off the charts.
But I'm going to go into a fourth hour of overdrive after the governor leaves us today, which will be on our AM and FM affiliates, and of course Global Shortwave Satellite Internet, because I want to continue talking to victims of TSA.
Right now, let's go to Karen in Texas.
Karen, tell us your story.
Hi, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be on here.
Well, I've kept real silent about my experience.
Back in the spring, I was flying from the Seattle area back to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
I have family and grandkids up there.
Well, the first thing that unnerved me, Alex, when I was in line, and it was a large line of people, was the man that was hollering out
Go into the showers!
Oh, it was horrible, Alex.
It was horrible.
It was horrible, and it totally unnerved me, and I thought, I just gotta get through this.
No, I mean, it's classic hardcore tyranny.
It was bad.
It was bad.
And then I got up to the thing, and I realized, oh shoot, I'm in the wrong lane.
Now I'm in the scanner.
But then I thought, okay.
And I stood there, and I watched people go through it.
You know, there was no question they didn't ask questions.
And they put their hands up?
They put their hands up in a submissive way?
Here in the homeland, we keep you safe from the enemy!
That was exactly what happened.
So I got up there and I looked at the person and I said, I really am not going to go through this.
I prefer to maintain some constitutional privileges.
And they said, well, you have to.
I said, no, I don't.
I said, I know you have another option.
And then they said, well, you can be patted down.
And it was a lady I was speaking with.
And I looked at her and I said,
Honey, let me tell you something.
Who's going to do it?
You or some man?
She said, I will do it.
And I said, you know, I don't have anything else that you don't have.
As long as you're going to do it, I guess I'll do that.
Oh, the free country.
That's what happened next.
And then I said to her, I said, you know, I spent 20 years in the dental industry.
And I said, I do not want to be around any more radiation.
All of a sudden, she thought I was a doctor.
So now I'm getting some preferential treatment.
So she said, oh, Dr. So-and-so.
And she said, what's your first name?
And I told her.
She says, well let me, doctor, let me take care of you.
And she had her gloves on, she did the pat down, she got up towards my crotch, but she didn't touch it.
She went across my breast.
Yeah, that's the old pat down.
Now everyone gets the crotch squeeze.
The homeland squeeze.
If we can touch their privates, there's nothing the sheep won't put up with.
We're going to start national DNA databases.
We take the baby's blood at birth.
It's so good.
The baby may be with Bin Laden.
But what do we do now?
I mean, I don't want to fly anymore, but yeah, I'm stuck here.
If I don't fly, there's no way I can get to see my grandkids at Christmas, you know?
Well, you know what?
Your grandchildren have no future if we don't say no now.
And we've got a good chance of beating this.
That's why they're trying to add more abuse.
You know, that's a tyrant or a bully's action as the head of British Airways and the Italian government throw these out and as the people revolt and as legislation tries to get passed.
Again, they quote, don't allow profiling.
I mean, if it is the Muslims supposedly doing this, or radical Muslims, they've got these databases, you know, why then are they going after everybody?
Because the truth is, when we got the Mayak report,
Homeland Security reports from law enforcement, now almost two years ago, it's all for the American people.
Conservatives, Libertarians, returning veterans, firearms owners, it's all admitted.
Ron Paul, Libertarians, Bob Barr, I bet Gary Johnson, I bet they don't like him too much.
You know, anybody who's for freedom is put on these lists.
They have these political officers.
Karen, I appreciate your call.
Michael, Kerry, Dave, Heather, if you want to hold for 55 minutes, please do.
We're going into fourth hour of overdrive.
You'll be head of the line when we, at the TSA scanners, when we come back in the fourth hour.
Or you can hang up.
But I want to hear your stories.
We're going to continue with these.
But the worst part of this is how they make you raise your dress in front of everyone and yell at you.
It's an act of humiliation and domination.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The greatest developments in the last hundred years, and this is greater than the Great Depression, are happening.
They're openly announcing the end of the dollar standard.
The G20 is saying they want a gold-backed currency.
You know I'm a gold bug, folks, but that's super bad news.
That will drive down all the other major currencies because the SDR is going to be gold-backed.
That's Financial Times of London, Reuters.
We've got a PrisonPlanet.com article.
ATMs crash across the country after bank holiday warning.
I'm going to be covering this in the fourth hour today.
After former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson leaves us, but I will bring this up with him as well.
We're going to talk about the TSA, we're going to talk about the mood of the country, the election that just happened, the failure of the law to repeal.
Marijuana prohibition in California.
Gary Johnson is a former Republican governor, and he's got Our America Initiative, ouramericaninitiative.com, or ouramericaninitiative.com, and he really doesn't need any introduction, and we'll give you all those websites and information today.
He's been, for what, 10-11 months on a speaking tour.
And we just appreciate him out there getting the word out.
Governor, great to have you here.
Well, great to be on.
I'm curious about the switching to the gold standard.
I guess I'll have to tune in after I leave here.
We've known the Trilateral Commission wanted that for a long time.
The big banks, when they're flush with being able to issue currency and credit, have been quietly keeping it down so they could hoard it.
And we predicted this, but yeah, I've got major mainstream news articles today.
Here's one.
Zoellick seeks gold standard debate, and it looks like that's what they want is a partially gold-backed SDR at the IMF World Bank level.
Wow, wow.
Well, that sounds very positive.
Very positive.
You think positive in that you believe in gold?
Yeah, well, we do have a commodity-based currency and that would actually stand for something and that might become the new standard.
So it would be good if we went towards something like that, but I mean, what about if our currency's in trouble, and then now this international banking cartel does it, though?
I mean, that could have a twist, though, to it.
Well, the twist would be, again, we could get to debate it here in this country, and when you debate issues like those, I think that good things happen as a result of it.
So you're saying good because it mainlines getting back to a real stable currency?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's get into that first.
Well, first off, you've been traveling the nation speaking every week.
I mean, you're all over the place doing radio, TV interviews.
What are you talking about when you're out there on the road?
And why did you decide to do that?
And what's your view on the election and where the pulse is of this country?
Well, I'm really trying to put a voice to the outrage over us being bankrupt, that 43 cents out of every dollar that we're spending is borrowed.
And I'd like to just think that I'm putting a voice to a lot of people that if given the opportunity, they'd say the same thing that I am.
We need to slash government spending.
I was on Neil Cavuto in New York a couple of days ago, and the talk was that Republicans want to repeal our health care, meaning Obamacare.
A good thing, but I just thought that in the spirit of bipartisanship, Republicans should offer up a repeal of the prescription health care benefit that they passed when they controlled Congress and the White House, because all this stuff adds up to where we're at right now, Republicans and Democrats alike.
So the take on this last election?
Was that everybody's fed up with anybody that's in office.
That was the phenomenon.
So people are flailing at the levers, you predicted.
Well, I predicted that Republicans were going to pick up as a result of that phenomenon, but not because they were Republicans, but because they were the minority party.
I think that's happened.
If Republicans don't get the religion of the checkbook back, I don't see them hanging around next cycle either.
So what happens?
They're fed up with Democrats, fed up with Republicans.
Congress has an 11% approval rating.
This is a political realignment, correct me if I'm wrong.
What happens if it's business as usual?
Boy, that's going to really supercharge political revolution.
That is going to really supercharge political revolution.
Pie in the sky is that voters give Republicans back the Senate and they also elect a Republican president and we would actually begin a rollback of political promises that should have never been made.
Alex, I have a real faith in the markets.
They always foresee trends.
They're always ahead of the game.
I think voters were way ahead of
That's a good question.
What happens if they don't?
Well, then they're going to be kicked out, and I think we'll have a new... I think Republicans maybe become the third party then, and we have a new second party.
Oh, I agree with you, because people were hitting the reset button with Obama two years ago, but when he came in with more socialism, more corruption, spending more than all presidents before him combined, people were like, we want a change, pal, but we didn't want this change.
We didn't want that kind of change, right.
And, you know, we're going to be approaching, well, we're going to be at a $15 trillion debt, declared debt here in just a couple of years.
And when you consider interest on the debt, the amount of money that we're paying just as interest, right now that's the fifth largest expenditure in the budget.
You know, interest rates potentially could go up a little bit.
And if they go up a little bit, why, we're looking at interest rates potentially becoming, interest on the debt potentially becoming the largest ticket item in the budget.
Well, a lot of economists say that it's not really the fifth largest expenditure because they're only counting what's currently owed.
But if you look at commitments... Exactly.
A hundred trillion dollars in unfunded entitlement life.
So to pay that off, the number I saw years ago in the Wall Street Journal was 80 plus percent of taxes, if we were actually going to try to pay that off, would be in debt.
And when I'm out here talking, all I'm talking about is, very simply, you can't spend money that you don't have.
So just balancing revenues with expenditures.
I'm not even talking about paying it back.
Which really is, it just seems impossible.
Ron Paul says it's 1.5 quadrillion of overall derivatives.
It's impossible to pay it.
So what do we do?
Well, so, I do think that there, that politicians, that Republicans in this case, politicians could create certainty in the markets.
And certainty in the markets would be this notion that we are going to slash spending.
That's what Paul Kurt Roberts says, former Wall Street Journal editor, former head of policy for Treasury.
He says certainty is what people need, confidence.
Well, and I think markets would react favorably to the notion of slashing spending, getting spending in line with revenues, and then the notion that increasing taxes is just not acceptable.
Lower taxes... But Governor, they know that.
They know that.
I mean, Kennedy cut taxes by 50% in one bracket, 30 in another.
Tax receipts doubled.
When California two years ago increased all these taxes, of course it made their economy go... I mean, they know that.
If government knows you cut taxes, revenues increase because the economy, you know, gets going again, people make money, why then don't they do it?
Where is the disconnect?
Where is the disconnect?
Where is it?
I mean, you are a governor.
You're a governor.
I mean, you work with these people.
Where is the disconnect?
Well, as governor, I want to argue that I was fiscally the most conservative governor of all 50 governors, and I'd just base that on the fact that I would have vetoed so much legislation.
I would have vetoed 750 pieces of legislation.
I'd have had thousands of line items while I was governor of New Mexico.
New Mexico's two-to-one Democrat.
Only two of the vetoes were overridden.
The fact that I got re-elected, I think, just speaks to people wanting good stewardship.
Why didn't you run again?
I was term limited.
That's right.
I'm a firm believer in term limits.
I think politicians do good things for people as opposed to doing whatever it takes to get re-elected.
Term limits.
Well, a statesman wants to leave, but a politician wants to stay.
Well, for whatever reason, and I guess I saw it up front and personal, people want to stay in power.
And to stay in power, it's more about doing things for yourself as opposed to...
People that you were elected to represent.
Governor Gary Johnson, what are the best websites for people to visit to find out about what you're doing?
So it is ouramericainitiative.com.
Our America, okay, I gotta write the first time.
Yeah, but to get online, tell me what you think.
Our America Initiative.
Alex, I've been to 31 states, I've addressed hundreds of groups, and
I live in Taos, New Mexico, which I think is really a beautiful spot.
Oh, yeah.
It's as good a skiing as anywhere on the planet, but when I started this whole thing out, I was kind of, you know, throw the eggs and the tomatoes and send me home to my home in Taos, that what I'm saying is irrelevant, but it hasn't happened.
I'm still out here talking.
So you could see the move towards liberty, what, a year ago as you decided to go on this tour?
I felt like I saw it before then.
Yeah, well sure, years ago.
But this was to try and bear that out.
And unquestionably, that's the excitement right now within the Republican Party, is the liberty element.
Well, Ron Paul won the CPAC straw poll.
No, no, no, it's terrific.
This is an anti-war Republican, and he's winning the straw polls.
Well, and there's a sentiment among Republicans that we should stop nation-building.
Now, this is what George Bush talked about before he got into office, and he got elected, really, on talking about, talking about no nation-building.
But anything, anything but happened when he took office.
I don't think we can continue, not just think, we cannot continue to spend more money on military spending than all the other countries in the world combined when we're only 5% of the world's population.
Yeah, this economy's in critical condition.
I mean, this isn't a question.
Either we start cutting, and that doesn't just mean the lazy welfare mom, that means you cut the big ones like defense or it's over.
It's all the way across the board.
It's Medicaid, it's Medicare, reformed Social Security.
I mean, getting it actuarially sound.
Defense, go right on down the list.
Interest on the debt, well that's really not going to go down.
It's just not going to go down any lower than it is today.
It's going to go up.
The question would be when and how much, depending on how in control we get the budget, and potentially actually balance revenues with expenditures.
You can't spend money that you don't have.
And you can just go right on down the list.
I'm asked, well, what about farm subsidies?
Stay there, Governor.
We've got to go to break.
We're going to talk about farm subsidies, but I also want to get into
This announcement of QE2, this quantitative easing too, and what that's going to mean to the dollar.
The rest of the world is freaking out, openly saying this will be the end of the dollar's hegemony.
We'll talk about what the end of the dollar as a world reserve currency means with Governor Gary Johnson.
I'm Alex Jones.
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I was a highway man.
I think it was Politico had the headline, you know, the young Ron Paul for Gary Johnson.
This is a guy who really has a lot of the same basic liberty ideas of Ron Paul.
And he's another great person we've got out there educating people, or not so much even educating, becoming a focal point.
We were talking during the break, Governor, I want to get back into the economy with you and that point you made about farm subsidies, but do you want to share with folks what you were saying during the break about you're trying to go out and talk to Republicans and ask, do you really want to be conservative?
Well, just the fact that the voice of the Republican Party is up for grabs.
I mean, it's a competition.
But if you don't give Republicans a voice that they can attach themselves to, it kind of becomes a moot point.
So I'm out there, I'm talking, and I'd like to think that what I'm saying represents the majority of Republicans.
But again, if they don't have that opportunity to actually
Cast that vote, if you will.
You're just theorizing about it.
Being amongst the CPAC most coveted.
I mean, what does that say?
I mean, I think that backs up what you're saying, is that grassroots conservatives really do, you know, want to cut government.
I believe that.
And there is that knowledge that cutting government really, you know what, there's some hard, hard decisions, choices that have to be made.
And I'm talking about Medicaid, I'm talking about Medicare, I'm talking about reforming
Social Security, defense, you just go right on down the list.
I was just going to make the point simply on farm subsidies, that when it comes to farm subsidies, let's just look at it simply.
43% of farm subsidies need to be cut or eliminated if we're just going to balance revenues with expenditures.
Looking at a 43% across the board, if you will.
Well, Governor, let's look at farm subsidies, because my family has farmed and ranched since 1829 in Texas.
And, uh, you know, most of the small family farms and ranches are gone, or people have to work multiple jobs just to keep them going.
The farm subsidies have been written in by big mega agribusiness in general.
They say, get bigger, get out.
And they, that's farm subsidies from my research have killed our true diversity.
We were the greatest producer in the world.
We still are to some extent, but I mean, farm subsidies have, have paid people to not produce.
I mean, this is a joke.
Well, and not only that, but we're paying an inordinate amount of farm subsidy to corn, for example.
So, a corn sweetener, corn ends up in all our diets and may contribute to the fact that we consume more calories than we might otherwise consume.
So, farm subsidies have a lot of unintended consequences, as does so much of what... Well, that's like cheese subsidies, so you wonder why you're in public school, it's cheese, cheese, and more cheese.
Again, more calories, perhaps, than we need.
Looking at the economy, and we've got a long segment coming up, this is a short one, Governor, but in the three minutes we've got left, or two and a half minutes, your view on quantitative easing, too, and this announcement of $600 to a trillion to be injected in the next eight months that has horrified almost all the economists, even mainline ones, does this horrify you?
Well, it does.
When you talk about TARP and when they defend TARP by saying, you know, all of TARP's going to get paid back, doesn't everyone recognize that basically we've just rewarded failure instead of allowing failure to run its course?
So we've reinflated new bubbles.
And we just extended the crisis, if you will.
The reckoning day is still yet to come, as opposed to the reckoning day that might have actually passed and we would have washed all that out.
So the fact that the Fed is $600 billion, they're going to purchase long-term treasuries, they're going to purchase long-term bond debt.
Imagine Bernie Madoff if he'd have been allowed to print money to cover his Ponzi scheme.
This is delaying the inevitable.
Talk, what, a couple months back, Obama comes out and talks about, you know, the great thing that the government did by bailing out General Motors.
Well, we need to understand that those jobs would not have gone away if General Motors would have gone into bankruptcy.
General Motors would have emerged from bankruptcy, arguably, truly the car company of the future, reorganized and shedding all of what was wrong with it.
Currently, like I say, we just re-inflated it.
It's still got its problems and it still has a reckoning day to come.
Well, at least from my research, 5 billion of the 25 billion or so went for a billion to move a plant to Brazil, one to Eastern Europe.
I mean, so you've got all these corrupt politicians in there with that money.
And then we had Obama.
It came out even on mainstream news.
Saying that only Democratic contributors can keep their dealerships.
We're going to come back and talk about that.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Wow, this is amazing.
We've got former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson in here.
I've been a big fan of many of his policies and his true independence.
And I just want to give you the website.
It's ramerican... or ramerican...
Our America Initiative.
This is Our American Initiative.
Sorry about that.
Gary Johnson, a former governor of Mexico, is our guest.
We're going right back to him.
I want to talk about TSA, the police state.
I want to talk to him about the MIAC report demonizing patriots.
We're going to talk about all that with him here in just a moment.
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Because if you look at the Great Depression, 90% of people were supposedly self-sufficient and living on rural farms.
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So getting back to liberty is all about backyard farms.
So I hope you check out food production systems.
Okay, going back to you, Governor.
We were talking about the auto industry as we hit that break.
What was your point about that?
Well, you know, recently we also heard that General Motors repaid part of their debt to the U.S.
Well, they just took, they just, that was an absolute shell game.
They took
Equity that the United that the US government had actually put money into as opposed to debt and took the equity and transferred it over into debt.
So it was a complete shell game.
My point simply is, is that the free market, if you allow the free market to work, which I would argue we're getting further and further away from the free market in this country, as opposed to embracing it.
But if you'd let it work, why we'd be better off.
How did you, in a liberal state, as you said, 2-1 Democrats, get elected in 94, re-elected in 98, with a 55-45 margin?
How did you do that?
I think that it was, bottom line, good stewardship of tax dollars.
Bottom line.
What's the government spending?
What are we getting for that money?
You know, I vetoed all those bills.
I discussed and debated all those bills that I vetoed, front page of the newspaper, on television, every single night.
That, you know what?
We just don't need to be spending.
We don't need to be growing government.
So you communicated with your constituents?
That was part of the job.
I enjoyed that part of the job.
I enjoyed the debate.
I like somebody who's willing to get out there and talk to people, and I can tell you'd like to do it or you wouldn't have been on tour for almost 11 months.
Well, right, and if I have a complaint or had a complaint with George W. Bush, it was, you know, a lot of what he did was right, but if he'd have just engaged the debate and talked about it, we might actually have some needed reform that we don't have right now, and I'm talking about immigration reform that really I think he had a handle on it, and
Uh, privatization of Social Security.
Uh, the notion of, to be able to self-direct your own retirement funds.
Um, these are good ideas, but he just, you know what, the wind was blowing a little too hard after he launched them and he backed away from them.
But now Obama has had congressional studies and others saying they want to take people's private retirements and tax them and have the government administer them.
Bloomberg's reported on that.
What's your take on that?
Well, I would be just the opposite.
Look, be able to self-direct your funds from the time that you start paying into it.
If I'd have been allowed to do that, I'd have four times as much money as I have right now.
Yeah, they've stolen the Social Security money.
Well, and it would be mine.
I'd get to pass it down to my heirs.
Well, look at my grandmother.
She worked from the time she was...
You know, 20 years old, until she was 70-something, and she can't live on that Social Security with inflation?
I mean, it is a joke!
And now they've frozen the cola?
Well, and it probably needs to be frozen, and getting it to be actuarially sound probably needs to be rolled back, actually.
No, no, I mean, once they get it in that trouble, I understand that, but you talk about three, four times.
I mean, what's the difference, Governor?
If it was privately held, on average, most economists agree, three to four times, maybe even more money, if it was conservatively invested, how do you pay in for 40 years and get something that's four times less what you would have gotten?
Explain that to us.
Well, that's unexplainable.
You can't explain it.
That's the Social Security system.
So why not then just freeze it for everybody that's retired, but start something new for everybody else?
Because something that rips you off like that's no good.
Well, I think that that's part of the plan that needs to happen going forward.
I think there needs to be an option for even me today to be able to self-direct those funds.
I would opt today to be able to self-direct 100% of those funds.
If I had that option.
And then raising the retirement age.
But these are the hard choices that have to be made right now.
There's no kicking the can down the road anymore with regard to these issues.
If we kick the can down the road anymore, I think we're on the verge of an imminent financial implosion.
Let's talk about that implosion.
I think we're already in the implosion.
And it didn't happen with a bang, but with a whimper.
I mean, every major economic indicator, even the Cook numbers the feds put out, shows we're in a crisis.
Well, we're in a crisis, and what we've done right now, because of this monetary easing right now that's taking place, is, as everyone knows, you can't invest your money anywhere for a safe return.
I mean, if you do that, the safe return is at best 2%.
Unless it's gold!
Well, or gold, but we're creating a bubble.
So what we're doing, what we're doing collectively, is we're putting more money into equities.
And as a result of putting more money into equities, food prices are going up, into the stock market, as a result of putting money into the stock market, we are creating an artificial bubble in the stock market right now.
When does that come to a head?
I don't know, but at some point,
It's going to show itself also.
There's going to be a huge sell-off in the stock market.
I agree with you there, but gold, if it's valued at $2,500 in 1980s inflation, adjusted, I don't think gold hits its bubble until $2,500.
Well, and I've heard that if you took all the gold reserves in the world, divided it by the dollars that are out there, that that would be the value of gold also.
Of course, we've printed a lot more money now.
Yeah, that's a conservative number.
And again, I'm no...
Rocket scientist or economist, I just have them, liberal, conservative, Joe Stiklitz, you name it on, they basically all say the same thing.
And as you point out with gold, commodities across the board have just, you know, they're increasing.
Look at food!
Leaps and bounds, prices are going up.
Real inflation, those items that we come in contact with every day to be able to live, to be able to survive, they're going up dramatically.
Inflation is increasing.
And by the way,
I guess we're going to hit the trifecta here because I butchered this, and it's not my crew's fault.
It is written right.
It's ouramericaninitiative.com.
You've got it.
And it's a beautiful website, a lot of great ideas there.
I hope folks will visit ouramericaninitiative.com.
Now let's get into the really hardcore issues.
Before you came in here, and in the next hour we're going back to the calls, they now, and I witnessed this two weeks ago in San Jose, flying back to Austin.
I sat there drinking coffee after I went through the checkpoint because I kept thinking I'd see a man.
Because they had four rows.
And I went to the checkpoint.
They broke down our cameras and equipment and asked us if they were bombs and all the rest of it.
But they didn't post the naked body scanners.
But I watched the four lines of naked body scanners and I got a coffee and was watching and I thought, okay, you're being paranoid.
That's not just women and children being directed.
And they were the minority of travelers.
It was mainly people in business suits that Tuesday morning.
So I got coffee and I sat there for probably more than 20 minutes with Aaron, my camera guy.
And there was never one man put through it.
It was literal two, three-year-olds in strollers being searched.
I watched men put their hands between women's legs and they lift up to make sure it's not a bomb.
I watched this and now they're saying, even if you go through a naked body scanner, we're also going to do enhanced pat-down.
The land of the free, home of the brave.
And then they say, I mean, let's buy into the official story that Muslims are doing all of this, you know, radical Muslims.
The vast minority.
Let's just buy the official fable and buy into that for a second.
Why don't they just profile then?
Why are they coming after the American people?
Why are they trying to get in our comfort zones?
And now the TSA has announced
They're gonna have Viper teams, they're already out there on the streets doing this.
Hundreds of federal, state courthouses, they're all putting in the naked body scanners.
There was a lawsuit this year in Colorado about child porn laws being violated.
It does, you know, record their naked body.
So they aren't scanning under-18s, they're just patting them down.
But I mean...
I'd rather a supposed terrorist occasionally do something.
I don't want to give up all of my rights and live in Nazi Germany in the name of keeping me safe.
What's your view on the incredible grassroots... Tony, this is the biggest issue.
Outrage over the TSA.
Well, I'm in that grassroots outrage every single time I go through TSA.
I'm outraged by the fact that I watch different people being treated in different ways.
I watch the person ahead of me go through with their shoes on.
And I want to know why they're allowed to go through with their shoes on.
Well, they're an employee behind security.
And if you, sir, want to wear your shoes through security, then you can get a job here at the airport and be able to do that.
Well, so that's, yes sir, they've had to undergo a strict security clearance to be able to do that.
Well then, why are you subjecting them to walk through the body scanner?
Why are you subjecting all the rest of their stuff to go through the x-ray?
Why don't you just get them a line out there so that they can go through completely separately?
They don't have an answer.
They don't have an answer.
Oh, you have a good point.
You have a good point, sir.
I get my toothpaste taken out.
It's in an eight ounce container, but it's only got one ounce of toothpaste in it.
In the name of national security, so goes my one ounce of toothpaste.
When this all happened, you know, 80% of the, not 80%, 100% of the potential ability of terrorists to be able to fly airplanes into structures went away when they secured all the cabin doors.
Uh, that happened right away.
That was something that really was, uh... What about arming the pilots?
I mean, if you're gonna trust them with this giant aircraft and our lives, shouldn't we trust them to know how to work a revolver?
What about that?
What about, uh, some sort of, uh, taser capacity for, uh, for, uh, the flight attendants?
Or, uh...
I just think there are a lot of other ways to deal with this that wouldn't pat down ordinary Americans.
It just outrages me.
But the government loves getting in our comfort zone.
They love setting that precedent that I'm going to stick my hand between your 20-month-old's legs.
And the 20-month-olds and the wheelchairs.
Have you seen them make people that can't walk get up?
And they're holding them up?
I've seen it.
I've seen it.
It goes on and on and on.
I'm outraged every single time I go to the airport.
No, it's torture.
And I feel no safer.
It's torture.
Well, you know, the airline heads have said this is killing business.
And I won't fly.
I won't fly with my wife.
I fly, but I won't let them touch my daughters.
Well, and why TSA in the very beginning?
Why not airlines?
Yeah, why are the feds grabbing this new jurisdiction?
Well, why didn't airlines do that from the very start and then you as a paying customer on the airlines, you decide which airline you want to fly through and some airlines maybe
Have, uh, have really truly naked searches, because that's how far they want to take it.
That's what you want.
Then, but then if that's what you want, if you want... I want the one with no security.
I want the one with no security.
I want the one where they spend all the time spending the money on having new parts.
I went to fly regionally in New Mexico just recently, and I didn't have to go through a body scan.
No scan.
No security scan.
It was a risk that you were going to take in-state, but it was a plane that couldn't fly long distance also.
I really enjoyed it.
It's what flight used to be.
It was freedom!
Yeah, whatever happened to good-looking stewardesses and meals and like it's fancy to fly and you wear a suit like when I was a little kid.
I like the peanuts, Alex.
I love the peanuts.
I love the load like cattle.
I love that because everybody gets treated equally and the price is way down.
I'm from Dallas.
I've flown a lot of Southwest.
I like flying at low prices.
Governor, we're running out of time.
We got you on five minutes late.
Can you stay till five after next hour?
Okay, great.
Because, because, oh, you bet.
I would love having you here.
You know, there's some other issues I want to raise with you.
This is Raw Story.
Also have Associated Press here.
And we're going to play this out for the break.
Ex-Clinton strategist, Obama needs an event similar to Oklahoma City to reconnect with voters.
And he said this on MSNBC.
It was also said on Meet the Press.
Here's another one.
Obama faces growing credibility crisis.
That's Financial Times of London.
And it's Robert Shapiro, another advisor to Obama.
He says, the bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in President Obama's leadership, says Robert Shapiro, former Clinton official and a supporter of Obama.
He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence in short of a new 9-11 or Oklahoma City bombing.
I can't think of how he can do just that.
Remember Governor Ridge, the former head of Homeland Security, last year in his book admitted he was pressured in 2004 to issue fake terror alerts?
I think this was an October surprise, but overall, what do you think of, and we'll play the clip if you want it, what do you think of these statements that by having terrorism, government gets to play the part of our Big Daddy?
Well, I think there is absolutely something to that, and there's absolutely something to justifying your existence, given that 9-11 is now going on nine years, nine years plus.
Nothing's happened.
You know what?
It's imminent.
It's going to happen tomorrow, and it's scaring us to death.
It's scaring us to give up our civil liberties.
So there's actually absolutely something to that.
But why are they so arrogant?
I mean, why did Ridge admit that he issued fake terror alerts under the Patriot Act?
Issuing a fake terror alert or a fake bomb call is an act of terror.
We're going to come back and talk about that.
We're also going to get into some of the other issues that are swirling around.
He's a former New Mexico governor, Gary Johnson.
It's our
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got him for two more short segments.
Then it's your phone calls, your eyewitness accounts of being molested at the hands of the new Homeland Security Gestapo TSA.
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Alright, we got in for two more segments, then I'm getting into the economy.
This stuff really shakes me to my core.
We've got your phone calls at the hands of the TSA at 800-259-9231.
Coming up, the Drudge Report has two of our reports, top of the Drudge Report.
He's had our articles on this from Friday straight through, article after article, day after day, and Drudge links every week to us.
But the fact is, Drudge, even the New York Times admits, previously it was the New York Times, now it's the Drudge Report the last three years, it drives news.
And it shows the incredible outrage and awakening that is happening.
Guys, I forgot to tell you during the break, do you have that clip of the advisor, Democrat operative Mark Penn on national news?
Do we have that clip ready?
Okay, great.
We're going to cue that up, because I don't want to just quote that.
I want to actually play that little short clip on air.
But getting back to this fear-mongering, did you see the... In fact, Governor, I'm going to hand you this Fox News article.
It was also in AP.
Will you read that headline for folks?
I'd have to put my glasses on here to do that.
Because, I mean, this came out two and a half weeks ago, and it's confirmed
Read that headline for folks.
Al-Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11.
Keep reading.
Anwar al-Awlaki.
I mean, my point is, people send me emails saying that's not real when it was in AP and Fox News.
He was number three in Al-Qaeda at that time.
He was number one today all over the news.
They admit in the article he's number one now.
And he's hanging out secretly with the Pentagon.
I can't ignore this, Governor.
I mean, you talk about, I mean, and these officials are running around saying, let's use terror to take people's rights.
I'm sure a year and a half ago, you saw the Mayak Homeland Security report that said gun owners, conservatives, libertarians are what Homeland Security's for.
What's your view on the fact that this whole apparatus is aimed at us, the American people?
Well, that's where the outrage ought to be, so I'm outraged at that.
I'm outraged at the fact that that is what's going on.
I mean, as somebody who's campaigning to be the voice of the Republican Party, and I hope you do run for president, I mean, is that where this is going?
Well, I'm a 501c4, so I can't comment.
So you're exploring things?
Well, I get to raise money and I get to speak out on the issues of the day.
Shouldn't this be investigated?
Who investigates it, though?
Good point.
I mean, there's the article, folks.
Who's going to investigate if it's not Ron Paul or Gary Johnson or Jesse Ventura?
I mean, somebody with a big voice.
Let me play this short clip and we'll come back and give you the floor for the last five minutes on other issues you want to cover.
But here's the clip of the Clinton official
An Obama advisor, and I've got other ones saying it, Shapiro, on national television talking about how they need an attack to teach us to reconnect with our loving controllers.
Here it is.
President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?
And the President seems removed.
And it wasn't until that speech that he re-clicked with the American public.
Obama needs a similar comment.
Do you think words will work for President Obama at this point?
He's got to get some results.
But words will work, I think, if he finds that right moment.
Okay, so there was that clip.
You didn't have your headphones on, but you couldn't hear it.
Do you want to put them on and hear it?
I'd love to, yeah.
Okay, let's cue that clip back up then for him right now, since we're doing all this live on the fly.
We're going to come back from break and play that clip for you, Governor, and maybe even keep you a little bit in the next segment if you can do it, because I don't want to cut you short on time.
It's a rare occurrence having you here in studio.
Gary Johnson, former
Governor of New Mexico is our guest, and we're just going, oh, Jeepers Creepers, the head of Al Qaeda hanging out at the Pentagon.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
The live fourth hour.
You can always go to InfoWars.com and listen.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Coming out first of the year, the seven principles of good government.
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has a new book coming out next year.
We'll definitely have him back on the phone.
We've got him in studio, only for another five minutes.
I realized I was playing that clip without him being able to hear it.
So here is Clinton and Obama advisor Mark Penn.
Repeating what other advisors have said about how great a terror attack would be to make us reconnect with our government and learn to love our government and worship it.
Kind of like the mafia.
I'll burn down your grocery store unless you pay me protection money.
Here's that clip.
That's really creepy.
That is really creepy.
You know, why doesn't Obama embrace the current economic crisis that we're in and connect with this economic crisis?
Well, he can't, and that's one of the... Well, he's financed by the people that did it.
Well, he's financed... Well, he's... Those people have not been allowed to reap the rewards of their failure, and by that I mean they were not allowed to fail.
They should have failed for their bad decisions.
In the last three or four minutes we've got left, we've covered the whole waterfront here, but other issues you want to basically impart to the public?
Well, I think that people... I think that last... I think that the election last week really was about anybody that's in office belonged out of office.
I think that Republicans picked up as a result... Throw the bums out!
Throw the bums out!
Republicans would be wrong to embrace this as some sort of mandate unless they get the religion of the pocketbook back.
So I hope that's what Republicans will do.
And maybe if they do that, maybe then the American public will give the Republicans back the Senate and the White House and we can embark on a rollback of these entitlements of political promises that should have never been made that got made.
Alex, we started out at the top of the hour, my talking about the fact that I was on Neil Cavuto in New York City, and a lot of talk is being made right now by the Republicans to roll back Obamacare.
Let's roll back Obamacare, but in the spirit of bipartisanship, Republicans, let's roll back prescription health care benefit.
That you passed when you controlled Congress and the White House, and that's the start of what needs to happen all across the board.
Medicaid, Medicare, serious reform regarding Social Security to have it viable into the future, defense.
Let's just go down the list.
Discretionary spending isn't going to cut it.
It's going to take a lot more and people elected you, Republicans, to actually address these very serious issues that I want to argue they elected you back in the 90s to do the same thing and you didn't do it.
What about the state's rights movement?
That's exciting.
Blocking the feds at the state level.
You have Republicans now getting their biggest majority in 70 plus years in the governorships.
Well, so when you look at Medicaid, just look at Medicaid, federal government could capitate payments of Medicaid to the states.
So make it a finite amount that the federal government's spending for Medicaid, give it back to the states, but that's just one area.
Texas is talking about pulling out of it right now.
Well, get a block grant from the federal government.
Texas, I would argue that for all states.
So cut the bureaucracy out.
Cut out the fact that right now it's open-ended.
What about anchor babies?
Because I get the point of legalizing people, but if they get all this free welfare...
Well, exactly.
It's not about welfare, it's about work.
I think the 14th Amendment needs to be revisited.
I don't think there was ever any intention of having it apply to what's currently happening.
All right, Governor Gary Johnson, RAmericainitiative.com.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com.
We'll come back with the economy, your eyewitness reports of the TSA.
Governor, awesome having you in.
Thanks for having me on, man.
Amazing interview.
He'll be back next year when his new book comes out.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we are now into the fourth hour of Overdrive at former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson's studio.
We're going to go back to where we left off an hour ago.
With callers abused by the TSA.
Now, this story has broken big nationwide.
It's one of the biggest stories in the country.
All because we decided to get angry about children and women being sexually assaulted by TSA people.
And that's what they're doing.
According to law...
And the radiology laws, which they just completely ignore.
They are radiating people with no radiation license, no shielding.
They just say, ignore it.
Kind of like they say, DU isn't bad for you anymore.
We wave a magic wand, everything's fine.
And they're training you to be a slave.
And I've gone over all of this.
And our articles are the
Top stories everywhere.
WorldNetDaily is even picking it up.
Pilots reject body scanners over radiation privacy.
Let's click on that live on air, because they're still linked to the Infowars.net, which can't handle the massive... so it redirects to Infowars.com.
Great job of the crew.
See, the thing is, we have auxiliary backup websites.
JonesReport.com, Infowars.net.
We've got whatistheendgame.com.
We've got several other backup auxiliaries that are on little cheap $400 a month servers because we get hack attacks that we don't talk about most the time.
We don't cry.
We know we're in a war.
And InfoWars and Prison Planet at key junctures get taken down.
We're exposing Big Pharma.
We get hacked.
We expose the globalists, we get death threats.
We expose Bilderberg, we get death threats, we get hack attacks.
But it kind of works against us because sometimes, because then we duplicate all the big articles on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we duplicate those to these subsidiary, auxiliary, backup, attack frigates in the Infowar, and then a drudge report links to them with millions of people
Clicking on it, it kills the site.
So that's why I was pointing out that the crew had to scramble, do a redirect on the Drudge Report from our Infowars.net story.
Pilots all over the world reject naked body scanners over radiation danger, privacy breach.
That's on Drudge.
For the last three and a half days, our report about Michelle, who works here in the office, being fondled, her 20-month-old, her
Eight-year-old being fondled, and she had to say, no men aren't going to touch my children.
This is about the government getting in your space.
They want to take blood.
They want to do all this.
Now, I'm going to take calls until about 40 after, and then I've got to get into this news.
I was so angry, so upset by all of this.
And I mean, because this is real.
I'm real.
I mean, I'm living here, too, like everybody else, that all of this is happening.
That they're openly killing the dollar, that they're openly announcing world government, like never before ahead of the G20 starting in a few days in Seoul, South Korea, that I couldn't even basically broadcast in the first hour.
I mean, I was seething with anger.
You thought I was seething on air.
You should have seen me during the breaks.
Because I'm normal.
When tyrants are enslaving me, destroying my dollar, I can't fly, I can't travel.
They want mobile vans.
They're deploying them.
I am struggling.
I get angry.
Look, I'm not the toughest guy in the world, but I grew up in Dallas, Texas, where people beat the daylights out of each other on a daily basis.
And I grew up 11 years old, getting off the bus and having four or five, you know, 14, 15-year-olds break my nose, loosen my teeth, beat the daylights out of me.
And I had a dad when I got home that said, well, you'd better whoop their butt next time.
I don't want to hear about your black eyes.
You know, I can't imagine with my children if that happens to them, I'll be going after their parents or whatever.
I'm not old-fashioned like my dad, who's not Mr. Tough Guy.
He's just old-fashioned.
But, through that, you know, I've been in the hospital with broken legs, with serious concussions, but I wouldn't trade that for the world, that the fact is, I'm not the toughest person in the world, but if I get in a fight with you, I mean, if you attack me, you are gonna get 110% attack back.
I mean, you are gonna get attacked.
You know, three or four guys that attack me, big old boys.
Some of them, you know, gotta have somebody change their diapers.
That's not an exaggeration.
And it's that same spirit we all need in political fighting.
Look, I'm not looking for trouble, but if you're looking for trouble, you came to the right place.
And we become soft, we become divorced from reality.
So soft, I got a girl pregnant, I'm 17 years old, boom, $300 for an abortion.
Or Planned Parenthood will pay for it.
That is the most unmanly thing in the world.
You get a woman pregnant, it's the greatest gift you'll ever have, having children.
You're gonna grow up once you have those kids.
Work two jobs, take care of them, love them.
Don't take her to Planned Parenthood, drop her off as she's crying to have that kid killed.
But it's because we've bought into all these lies.
We've bought into all this corruption.
We've decided it's okay to rationalize killing babies.
Well, then, they're going to rationalize taking your pension funds.
They're going to rationalize taking the death benefits and stealing them of six million veterans.
They're going to rationalize using DU for the troops.
They're going to rationalize shooting kids up with live syphilis in the experiments now declassified all over the world, not just Guatemala.
Look, you've got to deal with problems.
You've got to deal with thugs.
You've got to deal with bullies.
It's that simple.
And there's nothing in the world better than just facing up to reality and saying, I don't care what you do to me, what you say about me.
I'm here.
I'm not going away.
You want to rumble?
Let's go.
And that's what's happening politically.
People are ready to rumble.
Now I want to get into the economy and some other key news.
But I also want to take your phone calls right now.
And I've got these other reports, led by the federal agent Arte Cerveda.
They finalized a plan to start taking DNA from people they stop at checkpoints.
This is incredible.
Austin Chief pushes a new drunk driving charge.
It just goes on and on.
It's all about packing those private prisons that lobby for a bigger police state.
That's all coming up.
But I want to continue now with your testament.
Of what you've been through, of what you've gone through, at the hands of the TSA to put a human face on this, because when I covered this Thursday and Friday and Sunday, there were news articles written, there were comments made, there were emails sent, that they're not doing enhanced pat-down, they're not grabbing your genitals.
It's mainstream news they're doing this.
So people at first deny something's happening, then they accept it.
There's no denials!
And again, this terrorism is staged, so I want to go to your phone calls right now.
Carrie, Dave, Heather, Margo, Bill and others.
And as you hear a caller hang up, it's your chance to get involved on air 800-259-9231.
Let's go back to your eyewitness accounts.
Carrie in Virginia, you're on the air worldwide.
Hi, how are you?
I'm good.
Tell us what happened to you.
Very bad experience.
Coming through JFK on a return home flight from business in 04.
So that's New York.
You're in New York.
Go ahead.
That's right.
And I told her I have titanium rods in my back and that I had a hip replacement.
And I beat them.
So I got pulled over the side.
Same thing.
I'm 5'3", blonde, blue eyes.
This woman is huge.
She's like the Amazon woman.
She told me at first the wand was all over and very violent.
Being a rape survivor, number one.
I didn't enjoy it at all.
I was so upset I could barely take it anymore.
It was probably five minutes, felt more like ten.
And she said it'd first be back of the palm, then it proceeded after she wanted me all over, and it felt like I was being molested is basically the way it felt.
And then she went hands-on with my breasts.
And I said to her, uh, ma'am, um, do we need to, and I don't raise my voice, I said, do I need to just unclip my bra for you?
I was louder.
I said so that we could just get this done.
Yeah, so, was this in front of everybody?
Oh yeah, there were people all around.
It was a full, people just waiting to come in line.
I did everything right, I told them before I went through.
This was done in 97, so I didn't have an ID.
I had a re, uh, replacement this year.
And now you have a laminated ID for truck, you know, for flight.
Oh, listen, I've been with Jesse Ventura, who's got a hip replacement, and they just all over him, and he's standing there going, this is why I go to Mexico.
I may never come back.
I'm sick of it.
And they're just sitting there grabbing him.
And see, the thing that bothered me is she enjoyed it.
Oh, yes.
She could tell that I'd been through something and I'm shaking.
I started to shake.
Oh, yeah, they always get off on the pain, because they've got special perverts that they have for the searches who enjoy the pain.
They love, just same type of psychology, love strapping a kid down in some basement and raping them.
They just love it.
Yeah, and see, and whatever, the minute something snaps, she's watching me and she was enjoying it.
And when she saw it started to bother me, she got all the more aggressive.
Yeah, exactly.
Land of the free, home of the slaves.
And you know, it's a real pain because every man in my family has fought in every damn war we've ever had.
And if people don't stand up...
And realize the Constitution's not yet been burned!
We are going to be living in a... My friend said the other day, she says we're free, we're under the guise of freedom, but we're really slaves.
Well, that's it, Carrie.
And here's the key.
Other wars, you can identify the enemy.
The Germans, the Russians, the Vietnamese, whether the wars were wrong or right, you can identify them.
This is the shadowy, oh, they're secret terrorists, so you're all now the enemy.
And this is literal concentration camp induction.
In 1999, I put it in Police State 2000, that seminal film.
I went to Urban Warfare Drills, and they were training with people playing the part of Americans being patted down, being face scanned.
This is what they did in Fallujah in 2005.
What you're going through is induction into being the enemy, and they're creating a giant army of power-tripping, sadistic, sadomasochistic perverts to go out and do this.
And the TSA continually gets caught with child porn, raping kids, you name it, because
The good people leave.
All that's left now are the child molesters.
Well, thanks a lot for all you do, Alex.
Thank you, Carrie.
Well, there's something we can do.
You can contact the airlines and tell them you're not flying again.
You can contact Congress and say, secure our borders, scum, and don't put TSA on the streets of America as they're now doing.
I mean, it's amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, the government admits everything they're doing in the airports is going nationwide now.
Nobody's touching my daughters.
You got it, perverts?
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They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
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The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
I got a message to the government.
I'm going to play a little bit of this and then go back to Dave, Heather, Margo, Bill, and many others that are joining us, 800-259-9231.
Economic News coming up in about 20 minutes.
But there's a revolt.
99.9% of people know this airport security's a fraud.
They're getting angry.
The Drudge Report is revolting with us, making it one of the biggest stories in the country right now.
We are affecting change.
Humanity has power.
Crank up Paris!
The minute you realize that we're all slaves and the globalists all see us as dirt, we can defeat the globalists.
If you saw all the things that were wrong, would you stand down?
Here it is!
I don't know.
Hope you understand the time, brother, because it's major.
Let's go back to your calls.
Dave and then Heather.
Dave, you're on the air.
Worldwide TSA victim.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Sorry I don't have a recent TSA story, but I did want to ask a question from a law enforcement standpoint.
My experience in working in different security and police agencies is it is unheard of for male officers to search female individuals.
I don't know who or why this has been authorized.
Because Homeland Security has no history as being peace officers and they're setting a monopoly on control of all transportation, buses, trains, highways, and they're just ordering it to set the precedent.
You're absolutely right.
That's why I heard the state police Friday on News Radio 590 and the legislature.
I heard one of the top people, I only heard part of it,
With the state police going, this is unbelievable.
You know, these aren't even police.
And you always have women search women.
This is incredible.
There's no probable cause.
And it's just wrong.
Because I just tuned in.
I was trying to hear who exactly was saying it.
They said it was the state police.
But no.
I mean, it's off the chart.
But listen, it's men searching little girls, Dave.
And that's even more unheard of.
That's just an absolute... I mean, you don't even... That would not even be discussed in any law enforcement agency.
Yeah, you're not going to be searched unless you're a suspicious person.
I mean, I've been in jail quite a few times protesting.
They didn't think I was suspicious.
They assessed me.
I didn't have anybody, you know, you know what they do in prison, open up my butt cheeks or whatever.
So, prisons don't have this type of searching for everybody.
But for citizens, you get it.
I mean, they're not law enforcement.
They don't have law arrest authority.
They don't carry weapons.
So I mean, I just, I don't, I don't understand where this comes from.
I think every member of the traveling public should make it a point to challenge this.
I've heard several callers call in and say that when they stood their ground and say that they were not going to be searched, that instead of being arrested, the TSA person actually backed down and opted for a
Well Dave, that was the other point I heard in this news report.
And again, I tuned in after it had started.
It was about a minute and a half long.
But the state police in Texas made that point.
They said, look, this is sexual assault.
Exactly what I said.
I mean, if cops, who even have arrest authority and are sworn officers, ran around at parks randomly grabbing women's breasts and genitals, you would be fired immediately, wouldn't you Dave?
Well, thanks so much for coming, Alex.
It's been something I've been passionate about for a while.
One last thing.
I don't know if you've seen it before.
There's a movie called Equilibrium.
Tell you what, Dave.
Dave, Dave, stay there.
Heather, Margo, Shawn, Michael.
I'm going to have to go into hour number five today because I got all this economic news to hit.
But we're going to be right back with you, Dave, then Heather, Margo, Shawn, Michael and others.
America is waking up.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Something special is happening.
The world is literally ablaze with the fires of liberty, and all of you out there are setting them everywhere.
I cannot describe to you the tens of thousands of emails we're getting a day, the thousands of phone calls, the hundreds of letters a day from South Africa and Japan and China and Mexico and Canada and the United States.
We are having a major effect together.
And anyone who has common sense, anyone who loves liberty, can see what's happening.
They can tell this is tyranny.
I had the former governor, popularly re-elected, in here today about stage terror and he had to agree that this is serious and that this is real.
The minute we realize that the narcotics are shipped in, I hate drugs, I hate criminals.
But you give the criminals something to make money off of by making these things illegal.
I can't stand terrorism, but it's funded, it's protected.
The point is, people are growing up.
People are waking up.
And I want to get into the economy before we end this special fourth hour of transmission.
But it is so exciting.
I want to go back to Heather, Margo, Sean, Michael, and others.
But Dave, you had one more question.
A police officer in Texas.
Go ahead.
No, I just was going to ask if you've seen a movie called Equilibrium.
It was done in 2002 starring Christian Bale.
Yes, it's excellent.
People kept recommending I see it.
Tell folks about it.
Yeah, great movie.
And my final thing, I have somewhat of a conspiracy theory, if you will, on the body scanners.
I personally feel that there's something more to it.
There's been so many advances in nanotechnology and other stuff.
The fact that it's being pushed so aggressively makes me think that there may be something more to it than just scanning our bodies.
That may be revealed at a later time.
Well, it has been revealed.
How long have you been listening, Dave?
Probably about two years, three years.
Okay, don't believe me.
We don't have a big staff, but if you go back and watch my previous films, I talk about, because it was declassified, you know the threat fusion centers.
What they do is they put in license plate readers, face scanning readers, total control, and then they put the cops in them under federal control, and then slowly show them all the constitution violating systems they've got to see if people wake up and speak out.
I remember seven years ago, it's in my film Matrix of Evil,
The governor of Wisconsin kind of spoke out of school.
He didn't know that he was exposing something.
And he said, yeah, I'm giving you a tour.
It was the Green Bay newspaper.
I'm giving you a tour of the Threat Fusion Center.
We can put in somebody's driver's license number and pinpoint where they are via their cell phone.
And the reporters kind of went, hmm.
Kind of like TiVo four years ago with Janet Jackson when her breast popped out in that staged event.
TiVo bragged, oh we had 2.3 rewinds and replays within five minutes.
People said, well how is TiVo tracking in real time what you're watching?
Well, I remember at my house 12 years ago, Time Warner cable being installed.
The guy was a listener and he said, Alex, let me show you the manual for this Scientific Atlantic cable box.
And he got it out on my kitchen table.
We were drinking coffee.
And he said, this thing has a microphone on it and they're listening to you in your house with keyword software.
Now years later that was admitted mainstream news.
Now I showed a raw story based on a Wall Street Journal article.
We'll put it back up if you guys have time to find it.
Dealing with banks tracking everything you're doing.
Everything you're doing.
There's no warrants, there's no nothing.
So what's happening is, police are still under the Bill of Rights and Constitution, so police aren't allowed to do any of this, but bureaucrats, private banks, private contractors, they can do whatever they want.
So let me tell you what's happening.
There it is, New Ways Banks are spying on you.
Wall Street Journal.
Here is a story
How facial recognition works in Xbox.
And you go in and get face scanned.
Little kids do.
In fact, give me a document cam shot.
Little kids get face scanned and then they go into these group games where millions of people are playing the game.
And they are being completely surveilled.
So yes, let me tell you what's happening with the body scanners.
Because we have the docs on this.
I showed it three hours ago.
They are body scanning you 360 and wired reports through these Homeland Security cameras.
Even if you're wearing a mask, like the guy that boarded an airline from China to the US, it shoots through your clothes so they don't just read a retina and the individual fingerprint there or the face.
My chest has a specific calculation.
My shoulders do.
And so, this is a system, but it's to protect the criminals, not to stop criminals, that is scanning.
But they've got to get a 360 bioscan tied to your name and social security number to be able to use it.
So, there's radiation, 20 to 50 times, there's two machines, 20 times what they said before, 50 and 1.
There's two systems.
So they're radiating you, they're saving the image, they're training you to accept it, but also they're getting a biometric scan.
So your gut, Dave, that something else is happening here because they really want this, is absolutely on target.
Any comments?
Absolutely, that's correct.
And I've tracked most of the stories you made reference to over the years, so that is correct.
Yeah, we've got to, we've got to say no, we've got to resist it.
I wish people, everybody would just stop flying.
It'd be great.
God bless you, Dave.
Good to hear from you.
Well, again, it's a federal power grab.
A bunch of minimum wage goons.
And I feel bad because TSA half the time asks for my autograph.
A lot of them are good people just doing minimum wage and trying to, you know, have a job.
But then it's the control freaks who do the enhanced pat-downs.
They are creating an army of people that will do outrageous things.
This is all psychological warfare.
Stanford Prison Study.
Research it.
Okay, Heather in California.
You're on the air worldwide, Heather.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I got to catch you at the Coconut Grove.
It was really great.
I appreciate that you came out here to California for us.
I'm angry about this, too, and I had to bring out a point here.
It is.
While it is assault, it's actually more considered battery.
It's a little more offensive than just an assault, which is the creation of apprehension.
It's battery when there's a harmful or offensive bodily contact.
And one of the things that's really just frustrating to me as I'm listening to each of the victims that have called you is that they consented in the end.
When you consent, like each one of them has, you've actually waived your rights to be able to take up any kind of... And you set a precedent.
No, you do.
We have to be more organized and we have to be more prepared to fight back and to stand our ground, okay?
People need to learn to protect themselves.
They have to get to the airport very early and be prepared.
Yeah, go two hours early and say no, because we have had callers who they actually left alone.
Most submitted.
But again, they'll say, well, it's for terror.
The terror is staged.
I had a governor in here, showed him Fox News, where the head of Al-Qaeda is meeting with the Pentagon.
It's staged.
And people are like, well, that's scary.
Yeah, it's scary, but it's still reality even if you deny it.
This is not perception management where people can make decisions to go along with this, Heather.
People have to face up to this and say no.
Oh, of course.
That's what I'm saying, though, exactly.
You have to be prepared, and if you're going to be prepared, you have to give yourself... So, Heather, what happened to you then?
Do you have a story about this?
You know what?
I haven't seen one of these scanners yet, and I've been looking for one, because I am prepared, and I will.
Well, I fly a lot, and believe me, I've seen them, Heather.
I appreciate your call, and believe me, it's going on.
And they go to the weakest segment of the population.
I'm not saying women and children are weak, but that's who they're targeting.
That's who they see as weak.
And I saw nothing in San Jose last Tuesday but women and children.
Let me say it again.
Nothing but women and children.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I'm afraid to say that these people are serial offenders.
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I'm on some kind of list or something.
Now you're a woman.
You're a woman.
They want to make you submit.
So they target, because they don't want people to see folks saying, no, this is dog training.
So they pick women and children because you're quote compliant.
Well, that's the thing is systematic desensitization.
And in this particular place, I was, you know, coming home from New Orleans and I was wearing a
A hoodie type sweater, you know, like a pullover.
You were wearing an Al Qaeda sweater.
Well, here's the funny part.
I was being eyed by the TSA inspector while I was queuing up in line.
He was staring at me, and I wasn't wearing a bra.
So you must be good looking.
Well, I guess so.
I don't want to brag, but you know, I really felt like this guy was ugly.
No, you got junk in the trunk, so what happened?
Well, he was staring at me the whole time I was queued up, and by the time I got to my place in line,
He told me, I need you to take off your sweatshirt.
And I was incredulous.
I wasn't expecting that.
And I said, I'm not wearing anything underneath.
And he smirked at me and said, well, then you're going to have to go through the backscatter machine.
And I said, no, sir, I don't think so.
I understand.
I had the option of opting out.
And I was like,
To be, you know, inspected by, you know, a female, uh, TSA.
Yeah, not by a big fat pervert.
Okay, so what happened next?
Oh, and he just, he got kind of angry.
I'll put it in.
How dare you, slave?
You know, he hollers out, you know.
Well, think about it.
These guys can't get a woman, you know, that killed him.
A real man goes to a grocery store and women are all over him because they recognize a man.
But some blob who can't get a woman, of course he wants to manhandle you.
So what happened next?
Well then they put me in a glass box cage.
It was like an isolation booth, but it's like where everyone can see you.
Yeah, you're the evil man.
And so while I'm queued up, now get this, while I'm queued up, you know, waiting to be patted down by a woman, I see a man with a myoelectric arm, one of those electronic, you know, prosthetic hands.
They made him take it off.
Oh, of course!
Any amount of humiliation is more enjoyable to train the slaves, because he might have a bomb in the prosthesis.
So how did this end?
Well, the way it went down was finally, you know, after waiting, you know, it's almost like they were trying to make a spectacle of me because I really had to wait for quite some time.
No, no, you notice these stories are all the same.
Homeland Security admits, this is not my opinion, that they're trying to humiliate you to accept it.
They're training everyone else to submit to whatever we do.
Imagine what comes after this, Margo.
Well, see, it gets worse and worse.
I mean, because, you know, by the time the female inspector gets there, you know, my travel partner, you know, is being held up.
And, you know, I've got my camera equipment on the conveyor belt.
Your Al-Qaeda partner?
Well, I mean, think about it.
I've got $3,000 worth of camera equipment.
I have a Nikon D300 and a $1,500 lens on this conveyor belt.
And I'm getting kind of antsy because all my equipment, you know, is going through while they're holding me up.
And so it's like they interpreted my impatience.
You must have been al-Qaeda because you didn't want to be radiated.
So how did it end?
I've got to get to others.
How did it end?
He groped me really brusquely.
I mean, she like literally squeezed my breast and this was 08.
So that's not even... She squeezed your al-Qaeda's.
Yeah, and here's what I don't understand.
They've been doing this same drill for years, for almost a decade, and yet they give you more room to place your belongings in a box
Then they give you space to put everything back and then they yell at you when you're trying to, you know, put your belongings back together after discombobulating and there's no consistency.
You know, one person will tell you, no, you don't have to take this out or turn this on and then you go through it and then they stop you and tell you, you have to turn it on or you have to take it out.
It's like they're having fun with us.
No, no.
They laugh at everybody.
It's all part of the enjoyment.
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Margo.
Sean in Illinois.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, Al-Qaeda.
How you doing?
I'm doing okay.
Thanks for your shout-out during your 24-hour broadcast.
First of all, I'd like to tell you about my experience.
Uh, every airport I've ever been to, they have a Chili's or an Applebee's or somewhere like that.
An Al-Qaeda Bee's.
If you eat a hamburger, it's Al-Qaeda.
So you were at an Al-Qaeda Bee's.
No, but if you order a steak, they give you a steak knife once you're already in there.
Oh, you're obviously Al-Qaeda then.
So what happened?
Anyways, um, I went right into, this is in O'Hare at the United Terminal.
Uh, they were searching a woman and um, they ended her bra.
Her Al-Qaeda.
So they undid her Al-Qaeda.
It was to keep her safe.
So what happened?
So they undid her bra.
Well, they might as well just have sex with her, because they've got a check to make sure she's not Al-Qaeda.
How about proctology exams, where they put you up on a gurney in front of everyone, just to make sure there's not a bomb in there?
Well, here's what I did.
I called the airlines, and I called my credit card.
I canceled my airline points.
I transferred everything to hotel points, and that's the way I'm protesting.
Well, that's what it's going to take is people saying no to this system.
And again, if they can force this through, do you realize how key this is?
If they can force this through, Sean, they can get away with anything.
I can say he's wrong about 2012, my friend.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Let's talk to another evil Al-Qaeda.
Michael in Texas.
Of course, real Al-Qaeda dines at the Pentagon, but we're not real Al-Qaeda, so we're evil.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air.
Oh, hi, how are you?
Oh, I'm evil, but go ahead.
Yeah, well, it happened to me.
I was going to Fort Lauderdale and... Al-Qaeda-dale?
Yeah, and so then I said I was gonna not do... I chose not to do it and he screamed, you know, opt out and all that stuff.
Opt out!
Oh my God!
Make him submit to us all!
Yeah, exactly.
And so then, you know, the guy grabs my nuts and everything and does all this stuff.
Your al-Qaedas.
He grabbed your al-Qaedas.
Yeah, and get this.
And so then I'm standing there and I go, and I'm saying out loud, I can't believe this.
Is this what America is coming to?
And so then they had a guy follow me through the airport.
Oh, because you dared speak to a god grabbing your genitals?
How dare you not love it, boy?
It's freedom!
We're getting ready to take your pension fund, boy.
You shouldn't be angry.
Yeah, and so then the guy was following through the airport and then he asked me some questions.
He goes, sir, this girl lost her camera and
No, her camera phone.
Yeah, that's part of the mental illness, implying you're a criminal because you dared speak out against a man grabbing your testicles.
How dare you?
It's all part of their mental illness, that you're bad.
So how did this end?
He's following you around, he's been groping women all day and small children, and now he's asking you, did you steal something, Al-Qaeda?
He's got to make you the bad man.
So how did this end?
For the rest of the time, while I, uh... Oh, they watched you!
And again, again, in the airports, the secret police are being trained to go nationwide.
Oh, he didn't like his generals being grabbed.
He's a weirdo!
If we walked up in a park and grabbed them, he would assault us, but here we can do it!
He dare questioned us!
What's your area code?
We're watching you.
You may be planning something.
Oh, yeah, and also because
My brother died in 9-11 in the first tower.
Sorry to hear that.
I really thank you for what you're doing.
I'm not a victim because I'm calling and speaking out.
How dare you?
It's pretty crazy.
Yeah, and something that they do is the people watching me were afraid at me going to them.
Oh yes, they're afraid of you saying no to your genitals being grabbed.
He's an extremist.
He doesn't like pot-bellied pedophiles grabbing his genitals.
What are we going to do?
The mimic turbines may kill us.
They're everywhere.
Lockheed's at the White House, but everything's okay.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to who's up next here, John.
Let's go to Al-Qaeda in Texas.
Al-Qaeda, you didn't submit to the new rent-a-cop scourge.
I mean, saviors.
Abby, you're not Al-Qaeda, are you?
Sorry, you cut out when you said Abby.
No, no, Abby, you're not with Al-Qaeda.
Well, Abby starts with an A, total proof.
Apparently, I am with Al-Qaeda.
I flew out of Austin, this was just this last weekend, into Fort Lauderdale, and the trip there was uneventful, pretty much.
But the trip back,
They tried to put me through the naked body scanner.
And when I got up to everybody else, they funneled through the x-ray.
Those were good Americans.
And all of a sudden they pulled me out of the line and made me go over to the other line.
And there was nobody else in the other line.
I'm the only one there.
And I'm 51 years old.
My smoking hot days are behind me.
You're Al-Qaeda.
No, you're so dangerous.
That's the only thing I can figure.
Oh, Al-Qaeda.
I told the guy, I said, I don't do radiation and so he started hollering and waving his hand.
How dare she?
We're here being roasted by it.
This person can say, go up, down, up, down.
So how did this end?
Well, um, they had the girl do the pat-down with me in front of God and everybody, and then they decided to take me to another, uh, more private area.
A little perv area?
And I'm laughing, because I don't want them to think that they're intimidating me, so I'm kind of joking.
The first girl was kind of nervous.
Well, it's a private area for their enjoyment, but what happened next?
Well, then she got her supervisor, and the thing that's freaking me out the most... Her perv advisor?
So what happened to the mega-perv?
Well, they both had on gloves, and they didn't go under my clothing, but they did, you know.
But the thing was, the supervisor took my name and birthdate on a little scrap of paper.
Oh, they love to put you on a no-fly list.
That'll teach you.
Right, right.
Well, I've learned my lesson.
They'll teach you well.
He just wrote it on a little scrap of paper, which I thought was kind of unprofessional.
Oh, they're so professional.
But then when you were talking about getting DNA on the gloves,
You know, that's a great way to combine the name and date of birth with the blood.
Well, they take baby's blood at birth to make sure they're not Al-Qaeda.
I mean, the baby may be with Al-Qaeda.
All right.
Well, thank you, Al-Qaeda.
Good to talk to you.
You know, we're almost out of time.
And we've got Charles in Florida and others.
He'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
We've gone into an hour of overdrive today, but this is all mind control.
They have staged these events, but the good news is the giant that is free humanity is awakening.
We know who runs Al Qaeda.
We know the terror attacks are staged.
The bankers planned this takeover.
They wrote all this down.
They planned all this.
They planned to kill the dollar.
They planned to put a police state in place.
RAND Corporation, we've reported it with insiders.
They're not going to get away with it.
This is a bunch of Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay type criminals that think they're going to have their way with this, and they're not.
And I go over the news right here.
We'll continue tomorrow with all of this.
Global economy.
Obama returns fire after China slams Fed move.
As they kill the dollars.
ATMs crash across the country as bank holiday... warning.
UN calls for higher taxes to combat climate change.
They must have the new funds to fund their world government or Al Qaeda will get us.
I've got hiccups, a rarity on the radio.
Give me a document cam shot on this please.
Bank tax, CO2 auctions recommended by Soros, panel to help climate efforts.
Zoellick seeks gold standard debate.
They want a new gold standard.
At the end of this special four-hour transmission, I want to bring up the one, the only Ted Anderson, because yes, he's the network owner.
Yes, he pitches gold and silver.
And yes, he's selling gold and silver at a price where he loses money.
Ted, briefly, gold today above $1,400.
Silver, what, above $27 an ounce.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
This is huge news and you've got gold and silver you bought three weeks ago.
You're about to run out of that.
It's already gone up a little bit.
People need to take action right now with gold and silver, Ted.
Well, they sure should take action.
Actually, Alex Gold hit $14.1160 already today.
Oh, $14 Al-Qaeda!
And then silver, $27.74.
But Ted, those gold coins may Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, that's right.
They may Al-Qaeda.
You're going to be considered a terrorist if you don't want to take this fiat money that they're pushing out there.
You know, Alex, the very best thing... No, that's not a joke.
They're actually saying, MYAC and Homeland Security, that gold ownership is Al-Qaeda, Ted.
Well, I know it.
I know it.
It's absolute craziness.
But anyways, $89, Alex, for three of your DVD videos and silver dollars.
Three silver dollars, three films, $160 value.
Shipping is included in that.
You lose major money.
Ted, why are you doing this insane deal?
Well, I mean, for starters, it gets the message out there.
That's the main thing.
You get a chance to know who Midas Resources is.
There's another reason.
You know, the thing about it is, people need to wake up.
And this is like, hey, if you're a little guy and you need to get started, I can't make it much easier for you.
Public Obama deception, endgame, $60 value, free shipping, the silver dollars at or below cost, $87, three silver dollars, above $87, folks, three silver dollars, three films and free shipping, 800-686-2237, and you support this vicious, evil, patriot movement that is dominating the globalists, waking the people up, you're part of the revolution in all of this.
Tell folks briefly about the gold and silver coins you've got.
What are silver half dollars, Ted?
Well, right now the silver half dollars are at $12.84, the gold coins, the francs are at $3.04, sovereigns are at $3.81.
All that stuff is going to move up again in price.
So, I mean, gold went up from the $1,380 level, now $1,411.
Oh, wow!
They announced they're killing the dollar and gold went up.
Gee, that wasn't hard to predict.
Yeah, no, it's just like falling down easy.
Again, 800-686-2237.
Call us now.
Don't wait on this one.
Ted, when are you going up on those great prices on gold and silver?
Obviously, you've got to buy more gold and silver.
You've got great contacts in Europe, but when's it going up?
Well, let me just say this.
I'm holding it today till midnight, okay?
800-686-237 to get Al-Qaeda gold and silver coins.
The bankers openly are hoarding it.
Maybe you shouldn't get it.
Great job to the crew.
Four-hour transmission.
Great job to the Drudge Report.
Great job to all our listeners.
Back live tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Tell folks about the transmission.
We're gonna win this thing!
To create a new world order we are part of a new world order a new world order based upon collective Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own