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Name: 20101105_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 5, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
For at least a year,
They have been selecting passengers randomly for enhanced pat-down.
And I've seen it on CBS News, ABC, we've got video clips from mainstream news in the video that's linked up on the Drudge Report today where it shows them actually squeezing women's breasts.
And this has been hidden in plain view, and hasn't even been an issue in this country.
There hasn't been a big public debate about it.
And now, ABC News reporters, New York Times reporters, and others, they're going through, they're having their genitals grabbed, and they actually go up and touch you.
They've had their wives' breasts touched.
And people are flipping out.
Because now the federal government's announcing
Just a month ago it was, if you don't go to the naked body scanner and opt out because of the radiation, not to mention the Fourth Amendment violation of your rights and the fact that they're saving the images and got caught lying about it and now admit they are, that they scream opt out and take you over and just really squeeze.
Many women are on record saying it's hard.
It hurts.
And this is about training us that we are the property of the government.
Just like they've now declassified last year.
I told you about it 15 years ago.
We were given the secret documents.
I then had members of Congress on in the last decade who were aware of it.
People still couldn't believe it.
And now it's admitted, yes, every baby born in America in the last 38, 39 years, what, since about 1972,
So 38 years, 39 years.
Everyone born in this country had your blood secretly taken at birth and put in a Pentagon database.
And it's all public.
And they said, yeah.
Because people have been suing them since I've been beating this drum and others have been beating this drum for over a decade.
There's been lawsuits in Minnesota and other areas where the feds have lost.
So now the feds are just coming out going, hey, we're taking your blood, period.
We're putting you in radiation chambers.
We're going to find all your wife and children.
This is about total domination and selling people on the fact that they have no rights.
Now, if a man was to run up to your wife or your daughter in a park and grab their breast or put their hand between their legs, they would go to prison for probably five to ten years.
If there were witnesses to it, the police would arrest you, probably crack you on the head with a belly club, you probably deserve it.
You might fall down at the police station for touching a child, you might fall down some stairs, and then you're going to go to jail for probably a decade and be on a sexual predator list for the rest of your life.
But, if you're the TSA and the government has said do this, it's A-OK.
They're setting the precedent that government has one set of rules, we live under another.
And it's the same thing with the radiation.
There are federal and state laws governing the use of any type of device that projects radiation.
Top scientists have admitted on record, LA Times, New York Times, Reuters, that these things can give you cancer, especially long-term exposure.
The group in the greatest danger is the TSA workers.
There's no radiation badges, there's no discussion, they don't even warn the TSA people.
They just sit there day in and day out, eight hours a day, 300 days a year on average, radiating people and standing and even stepping into the machines to help the people get in proper position.
So these are incredible precedents being set.
That is one of the top links up on the Drudge Report right now.
It was a red link earlier, it's a black link now.
TSA fondles woman and children refusing airport naked body scanners.
And I would imagine this video will probably get a million views now.
The article is up at InfoWars.com as well, right in the featured news area.
Now, I'm gonna tell you about all the guests we've got today.
There's a bunch of them coming up.
Then we're gonna get into quantitative easing, the announcement to butcher the dollar,
It's had the effect that we expected.
We're going to go over that situation.
Navy SEALs caught smuggling bombs into the U.S.
to sell to the Mexicans.
That's all coming up.
This is all very important.
Big show today.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is going to be one of the most jam-packed important broadcasts ever.
I'm really thankful that so many of you have joined us on the AM and FM dial, Global Shortwave, Satellite, XM, Infowars.com, video streaming of the entire radio slash TV show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
In fact, this show is so important, I'm gonna tell my IT guy, Matt.
Matt, let's go ahead at the 30-minute mark and put up a free video link of what PrisonPlanet.tv members see every day for everyone in the second, third, and fourth hour.
We'll be going four hours live today.
We have a special guest in studio in the fourth hour.
Coming up, Bob Chapman is gonna be joining us, and in 30 minutes into that interview, I had a feeling this morning
Well, I need you to call Lindsey Williams.
And you notice he talked about the next few months the dollar would start plunging, they would monetize the debt.
That's what his source, a former major oil company CEO, told him.
He believes, because he hadn't been able to get a hold of him in a few weeks, that the CEO has died.
He could barely talk when he talked to him two, three weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago.
And we just talked to Lindsey and he said that he's going to reveal the gentleman's name here first on air.
His Mr. X source, so that's coming up in an hour and a half from now.
Bob Chapman, Lindsey Williams, Gary Franchi, and then Joe Rogan, host of UFC and comedian and
Conspiracy theorists, as the mainstream media would call him.
Of course, also the host of Fear Factor, NewsRadio, The Guy Show, MADtv, good friend of mine.
He'll be in studio with us today.
I'm looking at all this news and just trying to calm myself before I get into it.
It's just... What's happening with the dollar is foretold.
This has happened in every major society that's had a fiat currency.
The Founding Fathers warned us.
The fact that the TSA in just the last month has gone from saying, if you refuse the naked body scanners, we're going to do an enhanced pat down to humiliate you and scream at you and make you pull your pants down.
That's in the New York Times yesterday.
But now the Drudge Report is linked to our report from yesterday, TSA fondles woman and children refusing airport naked body scanners.
We only had Michelle in here for one segment because we were already in overdrive and I had to get off air.
But I'm going to have her in for 30 minutes with Gary Franchi today.
Many of you have talked to Michelle.
If you've called for customer service or called to order books and videos, she's one of the three great people we've got up there.
And Michelle's been here five years.
I know her eight-year-old daughter.
I know her 20-month-old daughter.
They've played with my children many times.
We're good friends.
I don't know.
And I sat there, as I said, for 20 minutes and watched only women and small children put through it.
And then I watched them touching the children, putting their hands between the children's legs.
This is really happening.
And if they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.
So, coming up at 1.30 Central today, we're going to have Michelle in studio while Gary Franchi's on with us, talking about their new documentary film, Enemy of the State, that's now out that I'm a big part of and has some really powerful breaking news dealing with FEMA camps and forced inoculation programs.
Some of the law enforcement people that they talk to who've been training for this.
And sure, a lot of that's mainstream news now, but you actually get the inside scoop on what they're preparing to do, and it's very frightening.
A perfect smokescreen for martial law takeover is to release a bioweapon or a weaponized flu.
Or to release a weak flu, but say it's deadly, and then push people to take vaccines that cause all sorts of health problems.
They can use that.
Distraction during an economic implosion or during a political crisis for the globalist they can also start wars states terror attacks They've got a lot of different things in their Swiss army knife of staged crises, but we're gonna be talking about that with Gary Coming up as well Finally got some sleep last night.
I was been ill the last few days and with a cold And stayed up doing Coast to Coast AM
Wednesday night into Thursday morning, but we are here locked and loaded, ladies and gentlemen, for a completely jam-packed transmission today.
Where to begin?
Let me just read to you a smattering of just some of the bizarre mainstream news headlines today.
C4 seized in Colorado in Navy SEAL smuggling case.
C4 seized in Colorado in Navy SEAL smuggling case.
Federal authorities say they see C4 military explosives from the home of Colorado man accused of conspiring with a Navy Special Forces SEAL and a Las Vegas man to smuggle machine guns from Iraq into the U.S.
for sale and shipment to Mexico.
What's going on in federal court in the last two months?
The same allegations dealing with Blackwater, now XE.
And I've always pointed this out.
Almost all of the weapons that the different Mexican drug cartels have been caught with fighting with each other in Mexico, A, you can't buy and own a gun as a private citizen in Mexico, showing that when you don't have a Second Amendment, it increases lawlessness, but there's just mass killings and death going on every day.
But B, and probably even more important, is the fact that
These guns that are seized, because I've gone and read the different federal cases, are fully automatic.
They're hand grenades.
They're rocket launchers.
It's C4.
And most of the guns are not even U.S.
Army or U.S.
Navy or Marine Corps.
Most of them are not M16s.
Most of them are not U.S.
hand grenades or U.S.
rocket launchers or U.S.
I mean, you can read these reports.
They're out in the news every week.
In almost every case, they're German.
They're Dutch.
And I'm sorry, I'm not knocking Colt, but a M16 does not stand up
In firepower, in distance, in accuracy, and in reliability to something like an HK91.
And so, I see these guns on the news, I read the reports about them, they're fully auto German guns.
Because who is the main supplier to the Mexican military of small arms?
And helicopters.
And boats.
It's the Germans.
Because the Germans ran Mexico.
When Germany was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
For a long time.
For close to a hundred years.
Off and on.
And they're better guns.
So, we know that the Mexican drug cartels are getting most of their weapons from the Mexican military that is selling them out the back door to them.
But yes, a lot of it is coming from the U.S.
military and mercenary organizations.
And then you see, John, why is this so important with all the other news I've got here?
Because we see the different federal officials, we see
Janet Napolitano, we see FBI Director Mueller, we see the Justice Department Director.
We see them all constantly having press conferences and the Violence Policy Center and Handgun Control Incorporated.
Every week I see them having press conferences saying we've got to ban assault weapons, semi-automatic rifles or handguns of any type, that's what they call an assault weapon, in the United States because it's contributing and is the main source, they lie, of illegal guns in Mexico, when that's not true.
These drug cartels have billions of dollars.
Okay, they want the best military weapons there are, and it's mainly German.
And they're buying them from the Mexican military that's deeply involved in narcotics trafficking.
If you don't believe me, I mean, they've been caught doing it many times, but I've been down to Mexico a lot, and you drive around and you see Mexican troops guarding marijuana fields.
I mean, it's just that simple.
That's no secret.
So when they blame our Second Amendment for what's going on in Mexico, Mexico doesn't have a Second Amendment.
They have a disarmed population.
That's one of the big reasons this is happening.
But yes, we do have people in our military, because it's a culture of corruption now, especially in special operations and black ops, that are smuggling weapons
And selling them to different criminal organizations all over the world.
And I've got some other reports here dealing with this case as well.
I'm trying to dig out, but they're all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
C4 seized in Colorado in Navy SEAL smuggling case.
Federal prosecutors and agents in Las Vegas and Colorado say authorities also found grenades.
Yeah, you don't buy that at the gun shop.
And night vision goggles in Durango, Colorado, home of 34-year-old Richard Paul.
Paul and 36-year-old Andrew Croftman of Las Vegas are being held on charges they conspired with Navy SEALs Nicholas Bickel to smuggle and sell the weapons to undercover federal agent Nevada.
We'll be right back.
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We're good to go.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Coming up in about an hour from now, Lindsey Williams will reveal
The former CEO of a major oil company who has been dying of cancer.
Lindsey can't get a hold of him and believes he has died.
So he can now reveal the name of the individual.
I've known the name for years.
It's been hidden in plain view.
But Lindsey will be joining us with Bob Chapman as well.
Bob's coming up in about 35 minutes from now, ahead of him coming on.
I'm done talking about the C4 seized in Colorado in Navy SEAL smuggling case, along with U.S.
made hand grenades.
That's not from your gun shop, and almost none of it is.
So, whenever they say we've got to take your Second Amendment because of what's happening in Mexico, you have that information to counter them.
I mean, here's the other type of bizarre news I have.
Could you give up washing?
London Guardian.
A growing number of people are cutting down on daily showering and hair washing, so could you join the extreme soap dodgers?
They say they're doing it for their carbon footprint and for the earth.
The New York Times, they report, goes on to report the new trend towards what's sometimes known as soap dodging.
Those who want to cut down on their daily showers, baths, and hair washing were women who swipes a sliced lemon under her armpits instead of deodorant.
Another who uses baby wipes to freshen up her lunchtime runs.
And a salesman who shampoos only once a month to give up antiperspirant for three years.
And they go on to say this is not only happening in the US, it's happening all over the world.
And tissue manufacturer SCA found that 41% of British men and 33% of women don't shower every day, down by 12%.
And what did Prince Charles say?
He said, don't take baths.
And what did the New York Times last year say?
They have children in public schools that write fake tickets on their parents and write reports on their parents, leaving the water running while they brush their teeth.
Or taking a hot bath, and their children, their eight-year-olds in one case, in the article, you know, chastise the mother, and she says, oh, I'm so glad.
A lot of different things are happening here, but the main issue is they're training children to spy on their parents.
And the children aren't being taught about real things that endanger the environment, like open air, cross-species, genetically engineered species.
Like the new GMO salmon being approved and you won't even be allowed to read on the label that it's got insect and other fish genes in it or that it in major studies will extinct all other ocean salmon within 44 generations or 44 years.
A new generation every year when they spawn.
They don't tell you about the Hadron heavy collider.
Where they're openly reporting they're gonna try to create an artificial Big Bang that could destroy the planet.
But hey, so what?
You know, none of that's a problem.
Or massive toxic waste dumping.
None of that's a problem.
You don't wash your hair.
You don't take a hot bath.
They've already told you what type of toilet you can have.
They've already told you what type of light bulbs you can have, what type of refrigerator, what type of washing machine, both dishwashing and clothes washing.
They set the precedent to literally have the Green Police, just like they've had in that Audi television commercial.
That's literally what they are announcing they plan to do.
That's not a joke.
That is conditioning to get you ready for this tyranny.
All of the new appliances under federal law by 2014 must have smart chips in them and through the power lines, data transmission down power lines, I told folks about this 13 years ago when it was in major industry publications and people couldn't believe it, but now it's mainstream.
Oh yes, the power lines themselves will go into the
We're good to go!
The government first said five years ago, oh, we're just going to monitor your power.
We won't cut your power.
Now they say, oh, yes, if you've got your thermostat set at 76, we think that's wrong.
We're going to set it at 80 or 82.
It's total surveillance going in now.
And you've got Prince Charles and his dad, Prince Philip, with literally
Last time I checked, 40-plus aircraft, multiple private trains, their own giant yachts the size of ocean liners, just palaces everywhere.
They've got palaces that are hundreds of square miles of land and buildings.
And they grow their own organic food behind those walls.
But you, you don't take a shower, and you watch, they're already starting to propose it,
Putting taxes on even having a hot tub, a swimming pool, or a bathtub in your house.
And in Europe, they're already passing laws to ban or tax fireplaces and space theaters.
Total feudalism.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, to be clear, Bob Chapman's coming up in about 27 minutes to break down Quantitative Easing 2.
Why that's plunging the dollar.
Then 30 minutes into that interview, he'll stay with us.
We're going to have Lindsey Williams come on.
He can now reveal the other information that Mr. X
He's dead.
I don't
Individual IPs that logged in and watched it, over 200,000 total connections to the video box in those 27 hours of live transmission.
And so that's obviously why we have PrisonPlanet.TV.
It's an armory of resistance.
It is a place where my book, Paul Watson's book, all of my films, expanded extras that are not
I don't
I've just decided to go ahead and take those interviews basically in whole, ahead of them coming out in snippets in the films, and dump them all on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Going up today, the never-before-seen interviews with Jesse Ventura and Willie Nelson together.
That's going up today at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, an in-depth hour-plus interview with him in person on the toxins in our food and environment and how it's been done by design by the eugenicists.
That's going up next week.
Just a bunch of other videos for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
I don't
For refusing to go through the naked body scanners.
That's one of the top stories up on the Drudge Report right now.
Very appreciative for Drudge picking up on this because in that 11-minute video snippet from the live show yesterday on Overdrive, it really illustrates the waterfront
I think?
No one is putting their hands on my genitals.
And they admit they want to do this on the street with mobile vans.
They want to introduce this in the schools, in the malls.
This is training a giant army of people to think it's normal to do this.
And training everyone who flies to put up with it.
And Homeland Security has admitted that.
Now I've got climate, energy and environment section, I've got the health section, I've got the police state section, I've got the incredible war on terror section, US world politics section, the aftermath of the election, I have the naked body scanning info that we're going to be getting into as people really get angry, as airline heads come out and say it's garbage, as Italy
Removes them you notice the globalists through Anwar al-Awlaki their admitted CIA officer launches all these new parcel bombs blowing up in places like Greece and and and France Every time we say no to this you notice Anwar al-Awlaki the admitted CIA agent starts attacking This is as phony as a three dollar bill
That is all coming up, but ahead of Bob Chapman joining us in about 22 minutes from now, I wanted to get into this right now.
Bank holiday rumors swirl amidst currency crisis.
And all of us that have backup reserves in our businesses, that have backup reserves in banks, or you know, even if you
Are engaged in the noble profession of hard work, digging post holes, or cleaning toilets.
Anybody can move into silver.
It is now time for people to realize they are in the process of killing the dollar and every other major currency ahead of this new SDR they've announced as their solution to the problem they created.
With the world on the verge of a currency war, it's actually already going on, as the Federal Reserve follows through with its dollar killing quantitative easing program, rumors are once again swirling of a bank holiday during which U.S.
citizens will be prevented from withdrawing money or at least limited in the amount of withdrawal they can make and then afterwards it's devalued.
The bank holiday is rumored to be set for next week.
Yeah, well, you know, there's rumors flying around that nukes are gonna go off tomorrow.
I don't believe it.
But this is a bank holiday in that they're already devaluing the currency.
Why shut down the bank to do it?
Though Bob Chapman, a year and a half ago here, said that he saw it on the horizon for a bank holiday within two years, and he has sources in the federal government, and most importantly, in the embassies, where a year and a half ago, they said, get away from having dollars in your vaults.
These embassies have weapons.
Surveillance gear, currencies, gold, drugs, in case a country falls.
And he has confirmed from multiple sources that a year and a half ago, they went from almost 100% dollars in their vaults for during collapse, to an index of other currencies and gold, and went away from the dollar, ahead of a dollar collapse.
So we're gonna talk to Bob Chapman about that.
So we'll be discussing that.
Limiting the amount of money customers can withdraw or blocking their facility altogether reminds us of a Citigroup advisory that was sent out to customers at the start of the year, which stated that the bank reserve the right to require seven days advance notice before permitting a withdrawal from all checking accounts.
The story stoked fears of the financial interruptions and institutions were preparing for bank runs.
Continuing, this is out of Cyber News Service.
We also have it up on InfoWars.com and PrisonBanda.com.
Bankruptcy of the U.S.
is a mathematical certainty, says former CEO of nation's 10th largest bank, John Allison.
I want to get John Allison on if we can, guys.
And we have that video clip up there.
on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if you want to see that.
Again, I'm going to go over all this with Bob coming up.
This is the Financial Times of London.
Brazil ready to retaliate for U.S.
move in currency war.
Brazil, the country that fired the gun on the so-called currency wars, is girding itself for further battle.
Brazilian officials from the President down have slammed the Federal Reserve decision to depress U.S.
interest rates by buying bullion
Excuse me, by buying billions of dollars of government bonds, warning that it could lead to retaliatory measures.
It's no use throwing dollars out of a helicopter, their finance minister said on Thursday.
The only result is to devalue the dollar to achieve greater competitiveness on international markets.
Continuing here.
At a joint press conference with the President-elect, outgoing President De Silva said on Wednesday he would travel the G20 Summit in Seoul with the Finance Minister, ready to take all the necessary measures to not allow our currency to become overvalued and to fight for Brazil's interest they'll have to face two of us this time, he said.
The finance minister went on to state the last time there was a series of competitive devaluations, it ended in World War II.
Again, we'll get Bob Chapman's take on all of this coming up.
Here's another one.
Oil above $87 a barrel in Asia, at highest since early May because of dollar devaluation.
Gold surging to all-time high, silver surging.
Fed bond move spurs backlash from Asia to Europe, AP.
China, Germany, Brazil warn the Federal Reserve's move to inject money into the U.S.
economy might harm the rest of the world, though Beijing said Friday the tactic was understandable because of slow recovery.
Here's another one.
This is the scary one.
Dollar at risk of crashing.
Triggering inflation.
Federal Reserve policies have put the U.S.
dollar at risk of crashing, which will hammer consumers through higher prices.
Investors should brace for a much weaker dollar by diversifying out of the greenback.
What did I just say?
And then to currencies in other countries.
They're all being devalued as well.
They're in a race.
The only thing is gold and silver.
Or property, but that's being devalued.
I said Merck Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Merck Investments of Portland, Maine.
But again, I just added the point about get into other currencies.
I guess that's a little safer.
Merck spoke the day after the Fed said it would embark on a program to buy at least $600 billion to a trillion in Treasuries in an effort to pump up the economy by increasing liquidity.
They went on to say, I think it's a very wrong policy.
Okay, continuing here.
dollar printing is huge risk, says China's top bank advisor.
Unbridled printing of dollars is the biggest risk to the global economy, an advisor to the Chinese central bank said in comments published last night, a day after the Federal Reserve unveiled a new round of monetary easing.
As long as the world
Exercise is no restraint issuing global currency such as the dollar and this is not easy and the occurrence of another crisis is inevitable as quite a few wise Westerners lament he said and they went into talking about how dangerous this is.
Here's Kurt Nemo's report on InfoWars.com.
Dollar begins crash in response to QE2 as gold scores new high.
And he basically boils down all these reports that I just covered.
An excellent one-stop shop for the info to send out to people.
Dollar begins crash in response to QE2 as gold scores new high.
Here's the good news.
Ron Paul vows renewed Fed audit push next year.
And what did Ron Paul say last time he was on?
As it becomes evident,
But the private Federal Reserve generated this crisis.
People are going to know who to blame, and it's key to have Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and others in Congress, and Senator DeMint's also speaking about this, to be able to point out who is guilty, so that the guilty parties get in trouble for this, and the policies can be changed, instead of giving them more power.
So, Ron Paul vows renewed Fed audit push next year.
This is out of Reuters here.
Republican Representative Ron Paul on Thursday said he will push to examine the Federal Reserve's monetary policy decisions if he takes control of the congressional subcommittee that oversees the central bank as expected in January.
That's right, he's set to be the chairman.
I think?
Now, guys, I want to give you a heads up.
You guys in the video clips have the little 15 second clip of Bernanke in Congress last year being questioned.
And he says, you know, he's asked by the chairman of the committee, you know, will you engage in monetizing debt or quantitative easing?
And he says, no, I won't.
We have that video clip queued up.
But here is Reuters, Geithner vows U.S.
will not devalue dollar.
This was from October 19th, or only 16 days ago.
Geithner vows U.S.
will not devalue dollar.
There's the Reuters report.
So just 16 days ago, they were running around lying about this.
And here's the Economic Collapse article that's up on InfoWars that has the short video clip, if you guys are looking for it.
Caught in a lie, Bernanke promised Congress the Federal Reserve would not monetize the debt, but now that is exactly what is happening.
And let's play that short clip from C-SPAN.
Here it is.
Will the Federal Reserve monetize this debt?
The Federal Reserve will not monetize this debt.
Okay, and the computer cut out a little bit short on that, so let's relaunch that and play it again.
You heard him.
The Federal Reserve will not monetize debt, and I just read to you, Geithner vows U.S.
will not devalue dollar.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner vowed on Monday that the United States would not devalue the dollar for export advantage, saying no country could weaken its currency to gain economic health.
It's not going to happen in this country, Geithner told Silicon Valley business leaders, of devaluing the dollar.
I mean, these guys just lie.
As a default position, this is a $600 billion to trillion dollar devaluation.
Many analysts say it's going to be at least $2.5 trillion, as Bob Chapman said a few months ago.
Now, mainstream news says it's going to be over $2 trillion, if you really look at it.
This is
That's right.
Yeah, well, what we have is a compounding problem, Alex.
As we go into debt in order to stimulate the economy, we have to pay the interest on that debt, which is compounded on top of the debt and interest that we already have to pay from previous problems.
Our economy comes into existence because of the fact that we have to go into debt just to get the currency.
We've got a compounding problem that's working against us.
It's about a hundred years old now.
It's ballooning and it's going to pop.
And it's just like CNBC said, the dollar's at risk of crashing now.
I mean, come on.
I mean, CNBC is the most liberal, you know, talk radio station out there, and they're saying that the dollar's going to crash.
I mean, it just, it doesn't bode well for the American people.
I mean, what's really disturbing about this whole thing, Alex, is the people that have worked their lives, the retirees, and have a little bit of savings to live on, and they're supposed to now live on this stuff and
They're just going to be thrown out in the cold because everything that they've worked for is going to be, it's going to vanish.
It's going to poof.
It's going to go away.
It's, it's, it's a problem.
People think, you know, I was just talking to somebody yesterday.
He says, well, don't you think gold is going to come back down to $900 an ounce and we'll be able to buy it again?
And the answer is absolutely not because the currency is falling and it isn't going to, this isn't going to change.
They're not going to be able to fix this problem.
We are heading on.
And putting it off?
Putting it off, every economist we talk to says it'll only make the crash worse.
It's like a heroin addict.
The further they go down that road or an alcoholic or anything else, it's only going to get worse as it intensifies.
And you've got the former head of the 10th largest U.S.
bank saying it's a mathematical certainty.
Well, that's what we've always said, because it is a mathematical certainty.
But things will be a lot better if we
Basically arrest these banking heads that have engaged in the derivatives counterfeiting scam.
If we write off all that debt and have Congress take control of the currency again, we've got the engine of industry.
We could get this economy back.
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Alright, going back to Ted Anderson.
Here are the headlines.
Bankruptcy of the U.S.
is a mathematical certainty.
But we're designed to be bankrupt right into the hands of the globalists.
Here's another one.
Brazil ready to retaliate on U.S.
for move in currency war.
Bank holiday rumors swirl amidst currency crisis.
Fed bond move spurs backlash from Asia to Europe.
Oil above 87 on weak dollar.
dollar printing is huge risk, one of the top economists at the Communist Chinese Bank says, Reuters.
CNBC, dollar at risk of crashing, triggering inflation.
I mean, this is what's happening.
Everything we broke down, everything we covered here, everything we warned people about, and I've got countless emails and phone calls and articles written about us over the years that we're fear mongers because we said we shouldn't let the central banks create tens of trillions of dollars for themselves, use it when the money had value, and then leave us holding the bag.
We've got to pay all this back in tax money, and they're taxing us by devaluing our savings and our purchasing power.
They're destroying our dollar, all we had left economically, because we've been de-industrialized.
I mean, I cannot express in words how treasonous and horrible this is.
This is economic warfare by design.
Ted Anderson, where is gold and silver today?
And give folks your great gold and silver offers.
I hope people take advantage of this and don't wait, because you said last night you were going to have to go up on some of these things.
What have you gone up on?
What do you still have at the earlier price?
Do I have Ted?
Because I noticed that the bumper music cut out earlier.
You should be able to hear me though, Alex.
Yeah, Ted, I can hear you now.
Can you hear me?
Go ahead.
Alright, okay.
Somebody had a pot down, I bet.
We're sitting here with $13.99.20 and $26.95 for silver.
I mean, that's almost $27 an ounce.
The one of the things I did have to raise but I kept it only to $2 is the video package with the three silver dollars that's now currently at $89 rather than $87 which is just a smoking hot deal you just can't I mean Alex they should be passing these videos out people need to understand what's going on in this economy
Those videos explain
We're good to go!
Franks currently right now are $3.04.
You get a full year subscription to the International Forecaster, which that's Bob Chapman's newsletter, who will be up here just shortly.
I would listen to him.
Anybody would be out of their mind not to get that.
And, Chad, just to add to this, to explain this new special, you've got three silver dollars
And then you add free shipping around a $10 value.
We're talking right up at $160 value for $87.
You are losing money, Ted, on this deal, and it's not going to last forever.
They've got great deals on gold francs.
The lowest you can find them anywhere I've seen are going up on Monday, so the brokers will be there throughout the weekend.
Up until late at night, you can call, but I wouldn't wait.
Or MidasResources.com.
Thank you, Ted.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Bob is gonna be with us for the rest of the hour, but he'll be riding shotgun in 30 minutes with Lindsey Williams.
Two and a half weeks ago, Lindsey said that his source, and we can now reveal his name today, for the first time ever confirming, the former major oil company CEO, was dying of cancer.
Lindsey can't get a hold of him.
He could barely talk two and a half weeks ago.
Lindsey believes he's dead, and is going to go public with any other intel, some of the other things he told him that he couldn't say until he was dead, and his name.
And who he was.
Again, we're not sure he's dead yet, but Lindsey's gonna go public today here on the radio broadcast.
We certainly hope he's still alive, but we'll find out coming up with Lindsey Williams in T-minus 30 minutes from now.
Bob Chapman is our guest every Friday, either in the second or third hour.
He's here with us today in the second hour.
Bob, I noticed that you said
A year and a half ago that you have U.S.
embassy sources, multiple sources, that's how you confirmed it, that they were moving away from dollars in their emergency vaults in case there was a collapse in Spain or Greece or Argentina or wherever, you know, they have embassies all over the world, every major nation, and that they were moving away from just having dollars and local currency to having a spectrum of currencies and gold.
And now we've got reports of that today.
We've got CNBC, dollar at risk of crashing, triggering inflation.
Dollar begins crash in response to QE2 as gold scores new high.
Silver blasting up today.
Ron Paul vows to renew Fed audit push.
We've got the former head of the 10th largest US bank.
Saying that the bankruptcy of the U.S.
is a mathematical certainty.
Geithner lied 16 days ago and told Reuters in a speech.
The Treasury Secretary said we will not devalue the dollar.
I mean, this is all incredible.
Meanwhile, Obama is on a $200 million a day trip and you can't make this up.
London Telegraph
It certainly is and it's funny.
I mean, I never heard of these things so ludicrous in my life, but there's 3,123 people in that entourage, and there's about 2,200 are professional personnel, Marines, NSA, CIA, FBI, all of those kind of people.
So he's got about 1,000 or 1,100 of his staff, plus his friends.
And 30-plus ships are going to dock in the harbor there to basically protect him as well.
Well, if they're going to dock in the harbor, and there's some terrible enemy out there with submarines, they could sink them all in one fell swoop.
I don't think that's very intelligent.
Bob, it sounds like you've got the same sore throat going around.
I'm doing a lot of programs.
I've already done three this morning.
So my throat's okay.
As a matter of fact, I saw the doctor yesterday.
He said, I don't believe your blood pressure.
I mean, how can you be that old and have such low blood pressure?
Oh, you're awesome.
You sounded hoarse at first, and I've been fighting a cold.
We're going to go to break, and then I want to come back and go through what the QE2 is going to do, how the globalists have designed this, what their master plan is, and what people can do to protect themselves.
Then we're going to talk about the naked body scanners getting more and more opposition.
He's Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
You heard Ted Anderson earlier.
If you call and buy one gold frank, already at an incredibly low price, you get a free $159
Value either a hard copy or the twice a week email version of the International Forecaster mailed to your door 800-686-2237.
You can also call that number and just get a free complimentary copy of the latest issue 800-686-2237.
Stay there Bob, we'll come right back with you and get into what this means for the dollar.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Look, we're not rocket scientists.
We don't have all the answers, but we know history.
And when private central banks are allowed to give themselves tens of trillions of dollars, and
Get away with it and continue with the monetization of debt, the printing of money.
It's going to devalue the currency.
That's 100% rule.
And so when we get up here and say, see we told you so, it's not tootin' our horn.
It's like saying to a small child, don't put your hand over the stove's flame.
And you tell them 10 times, and they don't listen, and you know, one day, you're sitting there chopping up carrots on the counter, and the three-year-old walks over and sticks their hand in it, and they go, ah!
And you go, see, I told you, they don't ever do it again, do they?
They don't ever do it again.
We're here saying, don't stick your finger in the light socket, don't play in traffic, don't drink that cup of cyanide,
That's all we're doing.
We know who the globalists are.
We know they have a policy of de-industrialization to make us all so poor they can control us.
This is all on record.
We know about Agenda 21.
We know they want to globally devalue all the currencies and then announce this new SDR that's already operating and now they're in the AP, Reuters, Christian Science Monitor in the last week saying exactly what Bob and I have been saying.
Bob for decades, myself for 15 years, that once they destroy the currencies and use that monetization of debt to buy up the planet, they're going to leave us holding the bag and sell us a world government, a private world government we pay our taxes to for the
We're good.
I hope Gerald Solente is partially wrong.
I hope the complete collapse doesn't accelerate by December.
But it's looking like he could be right.
I mean, we're in a collapse right now.
Will the financial system completely collapse by December?
I don't know.
It takes time to impoverish wealthy Western nations.
This is so huge, I have trouble finding the words to describe the situation we're in, but it does appear to be accelerating.
You predicted for now about six months, actually going back to two years ago, when they had the first round of banker bailout.
I do an awful lot of research.
And then I back into it.
And it's just hardcore analysis and research, really, more than anything else.
Because I don't have those kind of contacts.
I don't have people who can feed me that.
I do have some, but not certainly coming out of the Federal Reserve.
I think the important thing here is that, what is this going to do?
First of all, the money's going to go to the top again.
The financial centers, they're going to take it and gamble in the markets with it and try to patch up their balance sheets.
Nothing's going to go down through the cracks to the public.
And at this time as well, we have foreclosure gate, and then we have the three major lawsuits.
One of them, a RICO lawsuit for rigging the silver market against a JP Morgan
Chase as well as HSBC, Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation.
And that's going to complicate things.
Then we have China saying, hey, you shouldn't be doing what you're doing.
And a number of other nations as well.
We had Brazil say, hey, look, we're going to take even further measures.
They already put a 6% tax on US dollars, hot money going into their economy.
And many other countries are going to do the same thing.
And so that means
That the dollar is not going to be welcome in many places because it's depreciating in value.
But even as importantly, when that money, that hot money, goes into another country, it brings its inflation with it.
And that's that much inflation that won't leave America.
It will stay bottled up in the country, which will compound our problems with inflation in America.
Of course, the stock market likes it, and you've seen that.
It went up.
And it'll probably trade for the next month and a half or so in this general area.
Then I expect it to correct.
And the price of gold and silver, there's no stopping it.
I just feel sad for the tragedy of so many of these letter writers had people getting out of the market looking for lower prices to buy back in.
And I've told people over and over again, please don't trade the market in coins or in shares.
It's suicidal.
The market's rigged.
You can't win.
So it's been very disappointing to me.
And I'm sure to the people who tried to get out and get back in again, and now they'll have to buy at higher prices.
And learn a good lesson from that.
This is about the 10th time in the last five years this has happened.
And that's why I speak of it.
If it gets old after a while.
Now, Bob, let's quantify this amount of quantitative easing, dollar devaluation, what this is going to do to the economy in the next month, six months, the next year.
And then I want to look at any intel you've got on bank holidays.
Well, first of all, I think it'll keep the market from going precipitously lower.
It will allow institutions, for the most part, to buy more treasuries.
It will liquefy the upper echelon of finance.
But again, it's not going to help the people who are hoping that the value of their home goes to go down.
It's not going to help them get a job.
In fact, I think unemployment is going to get worse between now and next June.
Maybe another percentage point up to 23 and 3 quarters, 24, maybe even to 25.
It's going to take a while
For this money to start to circulate, although the Fed has spent about $100 billion since June, surreptitiously, in the repo market, which is the bond market essentially, and that's their way of injecting funds into the economy, supposedly secretly.
And most of the people on Wall Street don't realize what they're doing, but there are a handful of us who do.
And the other question was, Alex?
Well, I think you answered it.
This $600 billion to $1 trillion to $2 trillion that's being discussed in the next eight months being injected.
What happens after they're done injecting that?
Because you predicted this injection coming within a year and a half to two years of the October banker bailout of 2008.
So tell us what you see them doing after this eight months.
That's one question.
And then the second question to that is, why do you say over $2 trillion will be injected?
And I see economists saying the same thing.
They look at what the Fed's doing and they say, well this really represents $2 trillion.
Well, we'll go back to the middle of May on this program.
I said $5 trillion for two years.
Nothing has changed.
And the new administration, the administration with the new Congress,
Is not going to get any stimulus to speak of.
So it's going to be all the Fed.
So it's $2.5 trillion and $2.5 trillion.
That's $5 trillion.
Maybe $4.5 trillion.
Who cares?
It's a lot of money.
And that's what they're going to have to do to keep things going.
And what will they do next?
After this money is injected, what will they do?
I think it depends upon how much inflation there is.
And how successful it was.
It'll keep the banks afloat and Wall Street.
The stock market won't plunge to $1,000.
But they're going to have, I think, 14% inflation next year.
And if I'm right, the public's going to be all over them.
And the Fed's going to say, hey, you can't have everything.
You know, we're trying to save the economy, and that's the price we gotta pay.
Well, that's right.
They continue to hold us hostage.
We know where their policies lead.
Total rack and ruin.
Instead of reversing all of this, erecting tariffs, because China and others have them on us, just being fair, stabilizing the dollar, capping the budget.
I mean, these are some of the simple things that Rand Paul and Ron Paul are calling for.
The media has now begun the talking point, Bob.
I know you've seen it.
That Rand Paul and the Tea Party people coming in, that their fiscal responsibility, that that's going to cause the depression, knowing full well the bankers took us into the depression.
So now, they're going to blame us for what they've done.
Well, that's okay.
We get very strong backs.
And, and, and especially you.
You're much younger than I am.
But, um, the guy to talk to, along with me about this,
Is Paul Craig Roberts.
He's really got his hands on it.
We had him on yesterday.
And, uh, he's terrific.
I really like him very much.
And, you know, what this is going to lead to, the hot money not being allowed to leave the country, barriers being set up, and that's all going to lead to tariffs on goods and services.
And it's the best thing that ever happened to the country.
He agrees with me on that, and I think he's the only one in the world that does.
But we've been around long enough to know it works.
And all you have to do is look at history back to 1800, and it's really helped our country.
It's helped make it great.
And so we've got to tell everybody else in the world, look, we can't be the engine of success anymore.
What we've got to do is put up 40 or 50 percent tariffs on everything.
And I know you don't like it, but that's all we can do.
Well, that'll make all that foreign investment come here and build factories.
Well, they could do that too, but I don't think they're going to do that because they want to use cheap labor.
But if the tariff's big enough, it equalizes that.
That's right.
Level playing field is what it's called.
If people jack around their currencies, you grab them.
Alright Bob, stay there.
I want to get into this head of the 10th largest bank saying it's a mathematical certainty we go bankrupt.
What does bankruptcy mean to this country?
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We've got Lindsey Williams revealing his source, Mr. X, coming up in the next segment here for the first time ever.
This is going to be very informative.
He'll also be able to give us any other intel the gentleman gave him, but that he wasn't allowed to speak about until the gentleman left this plane of existence.
Bankruptcy of the U.S.
is a mathematical certainty, says former CEO of nation's 10th largest bank, John Allison, who for two decades served as chairman and CEO of BPNT, the nation's 10th largest bank, told cnsnews.com.
It is a mathematical certainty that the United States government will go bankrupt unless it dramatically changes its fiscal direction.
He went on to say that the $13 trillion in federal deficit, and it's a lot bigger than that, the $61.9 trillion long-term shortfall, and that's growing, is impossible mathematically to pay off.
But the numbers we see of global derivatives are $1.5 quadrillion or bigger.
Well, I think that they will not have something happen overnight.
They're going to try to extend the problem that they've got in a way which doesn't allow them to lose power.
And they do that by having a big meeting like the Smithsonian and the Plaza and the Louvre Accords and all which happened in the 70s and 80s.
As you can see, this problem is nothing new.
And they'll revalue and devalue currencies against one another and they'll multilaterally default on debt.
And then the value of the dollar will be changed versus other currencies.
And what will happen next is that they're going to have to decide whether they're going to try to back all currencies with gold again.
And I don't know how that's going to turn out.
There are some that say that they think they will do that.
I'm one of them.
I think they will go back to gold in order to continue the game.
If they don't do that, whatever they do is not going to work, whether it's in the individual currencies, you know, the ones that we're now using, or new ones for the same countries, or are they going to try to have a new currency?
We've had a new currency proposed to us, the SDR,
And they've talked about Bancorp, but the problem is there's no gold backing.
In fact, on the SDR it is forbidden.
So, I think the only way for them to go is by using current currencies and having a meeting and fleshing the whole thing out.
Well Bob, I mean going over this, how do we reverse this?
How do we stop what's happening?
Well, I think the first thing that has to be done is you have to have a leader who's going to stand up and tell the American people, look, this is what our problems are.
And there's no easy way out of this.
You already know we've had some bad things going on in real estate, lots of people unemployed, but we've got to face this down.
So what we have to do is purge the system.
We have to allow, and this is classical economics, we have to allow
All these companies that are bankrupt to go under.
I mean, that's part of our system.
They're not supposed to be held up with struts from the Federal Reserve, who happens to be owned by the people who are being held up by the struts.
Now, you know, the whole thing is ludicrous when you stop and think of it.
It's just like a circular thing.
And so we have to go ahead
And go through a bankruptcy.
And the best way to do it is with everybody else.
Bob, what are some of the other solutions?
Well, we can decide one morning that, look, we can't continue on this way anymore.
We're going to have to devalue the dollar against all other currencies, let's say by 70%.
And all of a sudden they close all the banks and say we're going to have a 70% devaluation.
We've got new money printed up.
We have new dollars printed up.
The old ones will be collected over the next 30 days.
And if you don't turn them in, you get to keep them, and they won't be worth anything.
And you're going to have this new currency instead, and it will buy a lot less than it did before.
And it's the only other way they can do it that I know of.
I mean, this graduality that we're going through, this gradual demise of the dollar,
Sure they're buying time, they're staying in power, they're still looting the system, but they can't do it forever.
And so, it's either one way or the other.
Alright Bob, we gotta go to break, but it's here, it's happening.
The globalists, the world government, the SDRs, the global currency, they're bringing in their global crisis to offer their global solution.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got it back on.
The transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, in the next week or two, we'll be able to get into full details on this.
Lindsey cannot get a hold of the gentleman.
He told him two and a half weeks ago that he was gonna be dead in two weeks.
The doctors had told him he was very weak and had trouble talking.
Other researchers have figured out who this is.
Dr. Stan Monteith has confirmed it and actually talked to the other Mr. X, another executive.
This gentleman was the Director of Operations for Atlantic Richfield.
And out of respect for the family,
Because he can't get a hold of him, and he's just surmising that he may have passed, that we're going to wait a few weeks until we get into everything.
But his other Mr. X has told him more, and I know who this person is, and I've talked to other people who've talked to him.
The gentleman that is dead or dying, who Lindsey can't get a hold of, who told him two and a half weeks ago he had two weeks left, Max,
He is the guy that contacted Lindsey years later and corrected information in his book, The Intergenome Crisis, who was friends with Lindsey for many years, and he reportedly then got fired for doing this.
So that's why
That's why this is such high-powered info and why Lindsey couldn't give you all this information over the years.
But I didn't just put Lindsey on air even though I trust him.
I went and checked it all out.
But we can now, we'll just say his last name.
People can actually find him all over the news if they know where to look.
Just like the Hispanic politician who met with Napolitano, who said get six months of food and water ready now.
I don't know.
Inflation's going to go up.
Oil's going to go up to $160 a barrel in the next eight months.
That'll be five, six dollars at the pump.
It's already going up.
And now, because of all this information being out, with the former Atlantic Richfield operations director, who was on his deathbed or deceased, we're not sure, the other gentleman,
And don't do any document cam shots right now, folks.
I've got to hide this after I'm done.
He is starting to tell Lindsey a lot more as well.
So I'm just going to leave it at that.
We've got Bob Chapman waiting in the wings with his comments.
But Lindsey, are you ready to give folks the gentleman's last name?
Yes, I am willing for you to do that, Alex.
It has gotten to the point that the predictions, everything they've ever said over the past 35 years, has come to pass exactly like they said it.
You are right at $90 a barrel on crude oil this morning.
It is going to $150 to $200.
They warned it at $200 a barrel.
Uh, you are going to see massive inflation.
Things are happening out there.
Now, let me give you the sign.
You remember this man, two years ago, gave me a sign.
I've got to give it to the listening audience and remind you that it's happening exactly like he said it.
He said to me, he said, Chaplain, watch crude oil prices and you will know the progression.
Now, I'm going to add on the words, off the elite.
Watch Crude Oil Prices.
You will know the progression of the elite.
They are accomplishing everything they want.
They're ready to draw the string.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They have been able to do it the way they wanted it, and now they're all ready.
I told you two years ago the crude oil prices would stay around $70 to $75 a barrel.
I said it right here on Alex Jones Show.
This elitist individual told me that.
He said it'll stay there for two years to two years and a half.
They told me when they were going back up with it, and you're going back up to $4 to $5 a barrel at the gas pump, and you're going to hit $200 a gallon of barrel oil, at least $150 in the near future.
You said 150 to 200 in the next six to eight months.
Here we are, less than a month later, and starting to happen.
Now, now, now, Lindsey, other people have been able to figure out who this is.
Of course, I've known through phone calls and other sources and other media people that knew this gentleman and your other Mr. X, and who have talked to him, people I really trust like Dr. Stan Monteith, he's kept the confidence.
But I'll just tell you, other people have been able to figure out who it is.
Actually, two years ago, a political analyst who we routinely interview figured it out.
Other people now, because of all these predictions coming true, have dug it out.
So we're not really breaking this here, except that we're breaking it and confirming it.
But you go ahead and give folks his last name.
His last name is Fromm.
He was the director for all operations, was given the responsibility of producing the entire Prudhoe Bay oil field on the east side.
He also produced all of the oil fields for Atlantic Ridge Field back about 30 to 40 years ago in the country of the United Arab Emirates.
Very prominent oil individual.
He retired and then his alternate at Prudhoe Bay finally became the CEO of Atlantic Ridge
And that's your other Mr. X?
This is the Mr. X who has given me most of the material over the past 35 years and never one time has he ever misled me or ever anything he's said.
I don't want to give away the other person, but they're now telling you a lot more because of what Mr. Fromm, F-R-O-M-M, told you.
Uh, the other Mr. X, who is still alive and very well retired, has told me some things that Alex, whenever we get ready to do about a 15 or 20 minute sector, I have got one of the most startling things that these men have ever told me in 35 years.
I don't know.
Well it's hard to say in as much as it's all been right and so I would think it would continue to be correct and people should listen.
Well, Bob, thank you very much for saying that.
I know you're sticking your neck out, and I do appreciate you very much.
Now, you're the guy sticking your neck out, Lindsey, and unfortunately you've been proven right.
But again, years ago I did legwork and found out and confirmed that you were telling the truth.
I already trusted you in my gut with my discernment, but on something this important, we do journalistic ferreting and probing and snooping around.
And just with the info you've already given us, a lot of people
We'll be able to figure out who the other Mr. X is, even more powerful, who is still alive.
And we're not sure about the other guy.
You're just out of contact.
You talked to him two and a half weeks ago.
He said, I got two weeks.
And you said he had trouble speaking.
And you've also talked to some of his family, who say he's in really bad shape.
So we're not sure.
But this morning talking to you, you said that you do think in your gut, since you can't get a hold of him, that he may have died.
They said he was just a very short period of time.
But the things that they have told me, Alex, I don't doubt that the President had 34 warships that went with him to India.
It wouldn't surprise me at all.
No, that's Associated Press!
Major events taking place in gold and silver.
Gold is back up this morning.
All migrations and silver prices.
You can expect them to do exactly what the Mr. X told me.
That their currency is gold and silver, and you could expect gold to be on up to $2,000 an ounce in a very short period of time.
And you're going to see it in direct correlation with the crude oil prices as they go up.
Okay, Lindsey, I want to give us a prelude to the other information that you said you couldn't talk about with the deathbed Mr. X, Mr. From.
Give us as much, and then we'll flesh it out in more detail next hour or later in the hour.
Give us as much that you can now tell us that you couldn't talk about a few weeks ago, and then also give us a prelude to what the other Mr. X is now telling you.
Well, first of all, the second Mr. X, the gentleman who is still alive, has definitely verified that all of these things are true.
Crude oil prices are going to go up gold and silver.
It's going exactly where they said it was going.
The fact that, I think on the show that I was on with you about two weeks ago, I indicated that don't pay any attention to what happens in North and South Korea.
Don't pay any attention to what happens in the Middle East.
Those are just distractions.
The real interest right now that you should watch very carefully is China and Russia.
And I use the expression, can you imagine Wal-Mart without any items on the shelf made, uh, marked made in China?
The mortgage crisis, positively, uh, you're beginning to see this emerge now, exactly.
The MBS, the mortgage-backed securities issue.
We're good to go.
Uh, you kept asking me over and over and over on the program, well, Lindsey, is there anything else that you haven't told us?
Well, yes, there were a few things, but out of respect for Mr. Fromm, I did not want to say them until after it was all over with.
Well, now, supposedly, uh, he probably has passed on.
These people know where things are that the average person do not know.
You have to understand that Mr. Plumb trained his son as a doctor.
And as a result of that, when he came down with this massive cancer, his son persuaded him to go the natural route.
I'm sorry, not the natural route, but the conventional route of chemo and radiation.
As a result, he's not surviving.
The other Mr. X who is now alive, likewise, back nine years ago, had cancer in both lungs.
The doctor said there's nothing we can do for you.
Just keep yourself comfortable.
You're going to die.
He found out, as these people have the ability of doing,
Yeah, I think so.
And if a person won't, and this definitely affects a person's finances.
I know this is the financial section of the program, but you know the doctors will get all that you've got and you'll leave nothing to your children.
And they usually get it in the last six months to a year before you die.
And they're positive.
There's no reason for you ever to suffer with cancer.
There is no reason for you to ever have the pain of cancer.
And they know how to do this.
And Mr. Prom knew it too, but his son persuaded him to go in the other direction.
The other Mr. X did not, and he perfectly well has been for nine years, has no reoccurrence.
They've told me how to do this.
They've told me where it is.
I have all of the information, and if there's anyone that you know who has a malignancy, they need not suffer.
They need not die.
They don't have to be robbed.
By the Medical Society of everything they have before they die.
And I have a phone number you can call if you're willing to give it to me.
I just confirmed the other day that I'm free to give this out.
And folks, there's so much more to what these elitists know than just where gold and silver prices are going and where crude oil prices are going.
Interesting, we'll talk about that later, but we know the elite do have a lot of other treatments and things that they've suppressed from the public that do have higher rates of cure and that they're always trying to suppress things like that and we will discuss that, but I want to get Bob Chapman's take.
on the different issues that we've been discussing here.
I mean, to have former chief operating officers, heads of operations, CEOs, who are at these highest levels, they can just confirm, Bob, that we can already see the writing on the wall.
I mean, it's all right here, but it is really frightening that so much of what these Mr. X's have talked about has been so accurate.
But I remember
Back in 2006, this is in my film Endgame, produced 2007, that both Jim Tucker of American Free Press and Daniel Estelin have sources inside Bilderberg.
I'll just leave it at that.
And I was there at Bilderberg, covering it from outside, and they matter-of-factly, when I interviewed them both, said, they're gonna pop the mortgage bubble.
And, you know, 2006, nobody was talking about that.
It ran up for another year and a half.
And they said, then they're gonna get everybody in debt,
And they're going to use that debt to bring in, you know, the global government.
They want to bankrupt people to make it more easily managed.
They're going to drive up oil prices after that.
And then in 2008, months before it started driving up to 150 a barrel, we got the same intel in Chantilly, Virginia, from Bilderberg sources.
Tucker did.
So, I mean, it's clear they're really in there calling the shots, Bob Chapman.
Well, they certainly are.
And, you know, just take oil as an example on a fundamental basis.
It's probably worth $60, $65 a barrel, but that doesn't mean anything.
Because the oil market has been manipulated by the OPEC members as well as others for a long time.
And if they want to take it to $150, they can do it.
And it doesn't take a lot to do it.
And you saw, since 1988, the suppression of the gold price, which, at worst, should be selling
At $2,400 an ounce and at best $7,700 an ounce.
And they do those kind of things.
And it's proven.
And if we can, we have to take the power away from them to do that.
And that's not going to be easy because they're ensconced and they're doing the things that they want to do.
But they obviously, from what Lindsey said, have agreed among themselves
That they're going to allow gold to go up at least to $2,000 an ounce.
And we don't know, I don't think they probably do, where they want it.
And I would think that there's a good possibility if it's $3,000 or $6,000 or whatever it is per ounce, if they still have gold in the U.S.
Mint that belongs to them, then they would back the currency with it.
What do you think, Lindsey?
Yes, I agree 100% with what you just said, and of course you're getting it from the financial world as an expert in that field.
I very humbly say that by the providence of God, and I give him all the glory, that I met these people years ago, and none of the predictions that I've made have ever come from me.
I take no credit for this.
Every one of them have come from the Mr. X's, the elitist who told me these things over the years.
But Bob, what you're getting from the financial world, what I'm getting from the elitist, only by God's grace, so I can tell audiences like we're on Alex Jones Show today, we're both in agreement, perfectly agreement, but whenever they take the price of crude oil to $200 a barrel, they're still, let me stress this and try to explain it,
They still are only giving the Arabs, all the OPEC oil producing countries of the world, they're still only giving them $70.
For the oil.
Please understand this.
You're talking about the devaluation of the dollar in direct proportion to the increase of the price of crude oil.
And when crude oil gets to $200 a barrel, they are only giving the OPEC oil producing countries $70 a barrel in purchasing power of the dollar.
And they still have to use the dollar for the sale and trade of crude oil only between China and Russia.
Okay, Lindsey, we gotta break.
We gotta break.
And I want to come back and get into this.
Is he dead or isn't he?
We're not sure.
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Lindsey Williams, in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis, out for more than two decades, breaks all this down.
The names are all there.
People have gone back and figured this out.
They've contacted these people.
They've confirmed Williams has talked to them.
And some people are confused in some of the comments I see on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
They're saying, well, wait, is there one Mr. X or two?
There's two oil company executives, OK?
He's just giving you the name of one of them.
Within five minutes, you can figure out the name of the other.
But they've asked him until a certain point not to release the names.
But Lindsey, you know, nailing this down, because I want to be specific, he told you what, it was two and a half, three weeks ago you talked to him, I interviewed you two and a half weeks ago, then I interviewed you, not this Monday, but last Monday, so almost two weeks ago, and he had, you know, had trouble speaking, you said, that he, they thought he had about two weeks, but, but, I mean, what makes you think he's, he's, he's passed, you know, to the hereafter, what you can't get, you can't get a hold of his family, you can't get a hold of him, because I've searched his name
Well, your producer only called me just a few minutes ago, and I didn't have time to make a call to be assured exactly what his status is.
But the family had said he probably had two weeks to live.
Well, we'll try to nail that down.
But look, this is important info, and I'm glad that you can talk about the source more now.
You can't reveal the other source.
But specifically, Lindsey, we appreciate you breaking this here.
What else did the other former executive tell you, confirming what Mr. Frum had told you?
Well, first of all, he confirmed everything that Mr. Trump has said to me.
He said positively these things are true.
Everything that I said about the Gulf of Mexico, you remember back about six or seven months ago.
Uh, confirmed every bit of this information, and exactly, and the fact that for a lifetime, people are going to suffer around the gulf, even though it has become a dead issue as far as the news media is concerned.
And as a result of this, Alex, I have, as a result of what the elitists have told me in the last few weeks, I felt so compelled
Until I have listed 14 things that every person must do immediately.
People, you've got to take action personally in your own home in relation to the fact that you're going to be paying four and five dollars a gallon at the gas pump.
And so as a result, I made up a must-do list of 14 things that you positively have got to do in light of what these people have told me.
Well, we're going to tell people about the PrivacyClub.com site, where they can get the latest CD that boils all this down, and the DVDs.
But I think your book's also important to read, because you were there, you did work with these people, and that's where you got these contacts.
But the other executive, did he agree with Mr. Frum that the elite are on track, and he agreed that within six to eight months, $150 a barrel oil?
Yes, I agree to all of that and the fact that they are going to accelerate their program as fast as they can without there being a revolution.
They do not want the American people to wake up.
Even though we've elected some Republicans in Washington, you'd better be extremely cautious.
Because they are going to accelerate their program regardless between now and January when the new administration takes over.
You may see some very unusual things happen and watch out folks because any preparation that you're going to make, you've got to do it right now.
Uh, because that program, they're going to take it as fast as they possibly can without you jumping out of the saddle.
And just thank the Lord for Alex Jones Show and InfoWars and the fact you're getting this information every day.
Folks, you believe what you're hearing.
Well, Lindsey, I want to come back for this segment, get a final comment from Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, and then come back in that next short segment before Gary Franchi comes on with all this police state news.
We'll also go to the naked body scanners and the big developments there with Michelle, one of our great crew, who was just absolutely abused by TSA.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got five minutes left with Bob Chapman.
We'll hit some other key points with Lindsey coming up.
Obviously, Lindsey and McCann will be on early next week when we figure out exactly what's going on.
He's out of contact with Mr. Fromm, his family, and he told them he had about two weeks left.
It's been about two and a half weeks.
He may be alive.
He may be hanging on to life.
We're not sure, but Lindsey's ready to talk more about this, and once he's sure, he'll be able to talk about even more, but he also has the other Mr. X telling him info.
Do you have any other questions or comments, Bob Chapman?
I think that, um, backing into what Lindsey's talking about regarding gold and the surprises, and the number of $2,000, and that the programs are going to be accelerated.
And if all of that happens, I would think that gold would probably reach $2,000 by March.
And I think that's important.
A second thing is that
It is not surprising that the price of oil is going up.
The producers must have said, look, we've had enough of this, and the dollar is worth one-third of what it was before, and so you've got to compensate us, because this is a non-renewable source, and we want $200 a barrel to offset the loss in the purchasing power of the dollar.
And so, it figures.
And also,
The extended and increased price of oil, the inflation caused by that, married to the inflation that's going to come from quantitative easing, could send inflation in the United States into the stratosphere.
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, both of you, but it's common sense.
When a country starts devaluing its currency, you don't see the effects as bad at first inside the nation, but when you go outside the country, that's where you really see it manifesting itself first, and that's what we're seeing all over the world.
People don't want dollars, or they are seen as not as valuable, and it takes a lot more of them, and that's what's making the world so angry, is that they've invested in the dollar, and the world's being flooded with these.
Well, you know, the forex accounts that belong to different nations, a year and a half ago, were holding 64.5% of their forex reserves in dollars.
The figure is now somewhere around 59.
And I don't have a late figure.
It could be lower than that.
So, there are many of them that have been exiting the dollar by exchanging it for other currencies or gold or silver or commodities or whatever.
All right, well, Bob, we'll talk to you again next week.
I appreciate your time and all of your great analysis.
You've been spot on for years about what was coming, and now here we are at the beginning of the devaluation of the dollar, the acceleration of it.
We'll talk to you again very soon.
Thank you very much, and nice meeting Lindsey, and thank you all for listening.
The website to get that is ProphecyClub.com.
The great folks that helped produce it for you.
And also, there's a toll-free number.
What's that toll-free number, Lindsey?
The toll-free number is 888-799-6111.
I'll call you before anybody, Alex, and let you know.
In fact, well, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Lindsey Williams is our guest.
We'll be right back.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
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Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Gary Franchi coming up and also at Studio Michelle, I'm not going to say her last name in case there's any recrimination or persecution, who went through the naked body, refused to go through the naked body scanner so they really...
Put their hands all over her private parts and try to do it with her daughters.
And that's up on the Drudge Report right now.
He picked up the 11-minute video interview from yesterday, so I want to have her back in to really get more into this.
And then Joe Rogan is going to be in studio, comedian, host of UFC, host of The Man Show, Fear Factor, you name it, to get his take on all the things happening in the world and what he thinks of what Hollywood's response to all of this is going to be.
And Lindsey's going to continue to try to get a hold of them.
After he leaves us in about 10 minutes, and I told him towards the end of the next hour, we'll get him to pop back in with the fact of, you know, is he on his deathbed?
Has he died?
But Lindsey was pretty sure from what they told him that, well, he was more confident to go ahead and, you know, put out more information today.
And of course, I was going off what the producer had told me in his conversation with Lindsey.
This news moves quickly here.
But Lindsey, this is so important.
Again, we see the dollar plunging, we see oil exploding, we see gold exploding, silver exploding, everything that this Mr. X told you, you can now say his last name, people can find it easily, but from, and then of course the other Mr. X, who is, that you've been talking to, when did you talk to him?
Well, I've talked to both of them.
Well, the second Mr. X, I talked to him only a day before yesterday.
I talk with him on a regular basis.
I do have to call and see how the first Mr. X is.
Approximately a week and a half ago.
Very weak, very concerned about his eternal destination.
We had a lengthy talk, and of course, as you know, being a minister for 50 years of the gospel, we were very frank, talked extensively, and I hope to see this and trust and think I will see this gentleman in heaven.
Well, that's certainly good news, and you've also had a chance to talk to the family, correct?
Yes I have, and they know who I am, and of course allowed me to talk with him when they wouldn't even allow other people through, but yes.
What do they think about all this New World Order stuff, or can you not talk about that?
I have never talked to them about it.
All I've talked to them is just about Mr. Fromm himself, but to them I have never discussed all of this because we only had conversations about Mr. Fromm's condition.
Now, there were a few things that Mr. Fromm told you that you said you didn't want to talk about until you could reveal, and just out of respect, I don't think he'd even really told you not to, but you just haven't been, but now you have, plus other people figured it out, so, you know, the cat's out of the bag, as they say.
But what were some of the other things that you said, out of respect for him, you didn't want to talk about until he was, had, you know, left this plane of existence?
Well, there's so much to this crisis in the Middle East.
And he had gone into depth about this back about two years ago.
And then a year ago, when I was on your program, I had to contact him and say, are we going to war with Iran?
What's the Middle East crisis?
And then, of course, now it's very obvious that there is going to be some sort of a Middle East crisis.
And, of course, the elite want this.
It's something that it's time for it.
Well, just to recap, you said... Just to recap and interrupt, you said two years ago, no, no attack on Iran.
You said a year ago, no attack on Iran.
You said six months ago.
But now in the last three weeks talking to him, and I guess you're saying the other Mr. X confirmed it, correct me if I'm wrong, but that they are looking for some type of crisis in the Middle East.
There'll be a crisis, but it will merely be a distraction.
They want to take your mind off of where the real issue is, which is Russia and China.
And I can't stress enough that you've got to keep watching what's happening over there in Russia and China and every little deal that goes on in relation to
The new agreement that they've signed for Russia to provide all of the energy needs for China, and as a result, they're not using the dollar.
There was no dollar value given in any of this.
All of this is so important to where the American dollar is going, and the fact that Mr. X told me positively two years ago, and I recorded it, said it on your program,
I said the dollar will be dead by 2012.
By the end of 2012, we'll either have a replaced currency or we'll have a totally dead dollar.
And whenever you see oil prices get to $200 a barrel, for all practical purposes, the dollar has diminished to probably 25 or 30% of its true purchasing power.
Well, that means just as Bob Chapman said a few moments ago, this means massive inflation.
And that's why the whole world's complaining and angry with the Federal Reserve right now, but they don't care, they're going ahead with it.
Well, Mr. X wanted me back about a year ago.
He said, whenever it gets to the place that the Federal Reserve has to buy back its own securities, other countries aren't buying them like they should.
He said at that point, we basically are gone.
And I think I said that on your program before I even realized.
What a key bill was and what securities that the Federal Reserve issues.
And now, of course, they just said, what, this week, that we're going to somewhere in the neighborhood of $800 billion that we're going to float.
And all they do is turn around and buy their own securities.
This is death.
This is suicide.
Well, Lindsey, I want to be able to get you to pop in.
Uh, either on air or off air, and then perhaps have you on Sunday, if you can do it, the Sunday broadcast, 4 to 6 p.m., for a full report.
We pray he's still alive, but you haven't been able to get a hold of him.
They told you two weeks to live, three weeks ago.
You talked to him a week and a half ago, he was more weak.
And then there's even more you can reveal once, unfortunately, he passes on.
But also, I want you to be able to try to get a hold of them, the family, again, right now.
And then, to make sure you've got the hotline, do you have the number that we called you on?
Yes, I do.
Okay, Jaren, will you make sure he has your cell phone number too, so he can call you back immediately.
So Lindsey, you try to call them right now, and then call us back if you don't get a hold of them.
But please try repeatedly, because we need to know.
And then we'll have you pop back in today, or at least I can give people a report at the end of the show of what you tell me during a break.
And then I wanna work on getting you on Sunday or Monday, but it is important that people see all this in its grand context with the DVD pieces you've put together.
So people can go back, you know, the stuff you did two years ago, a year ago, six months ago, a month ago, all together in one place.
That's available at prophecyclub.com, or folks can also get the latest information by calling.
You have this audio CD with all the latest info, prophecyclub.com.
Briefly, give folks that toll-free number one more time.
And Alex, I hope that all the people out there in your listening audience will recognize that this man has risked his reputation.
He has risked his retirement.
He has risked his position.
You should be so appreciative to Mr. Prom for giving out this information over the past 35 years.
He has been a true
Well, I mean...
Even though he was an elitist in all of this, he was the guy who wouldn't go along with it, starting off with the fact that they don't let us have most of the oil out of Alaska, and 80% of what they do produce goes to Asia.
That's now mainstream news, but it wasn't 20 plus years ago when you began to expose it.
Now, I want to reveal one of the outfits who two years ago,
I don't know.
And I just want to ask, is this accurate?
He says, I'm going to not say the first name, From was finally fired by Atlantic Richfield for allowing Williams in on the meeting and for helping correct technical details in Williams' book.
So you talk about being thankful.
Is that accurate?
That he did get fired because of the info he gave you?
Yes, he did.
And then they hired him back and put him in the Houston office to train all the executives in order to keep him quiet.
At that point, he did have to stay quiet for a number of years.
Then he came back and he was given the information.
I mean, this man has been a true patriot in his own right, amongst the elitist.
And the world should be so appreciative for the marvelous things that Mr. Prom has done in being willing to risk himself
Now, not only have I risked my reputation in saying everything he said, but this man, folks, it is a blessing that you've had the privilege of having this man on the face of the earth.
Absolutely, and that we've had you here, because you've gotten a lot of criticism, I've gotten criticism over the years saying, Lindsey Williams is making all this up, and I went and did the research and confirmed it all, talked to people that knew and talked to from, well-known media people like Monteith and others,
And, you know, you've told the truth and stuck your neck out.
It doesn't mean Mr. Fromm, you know, had a crystal ball and knew everything, but he was certainly more in tune with the elite than the general average person.
And this has been key information.
And you still have the other Mr. X, even more high-powered, who is confirming all of this.
This is big news.
This is Bilderberg Group-level-type people just confirming what we can already see written on the wall.
And, you know, to know all these years who he was and who the other guy is, and to not be able to talk about it so we can continue to get this information, it's just frustrating.
But that's Journalism 101 with secret sources.
It's like when I put out the Mike Report and Homeland Security Report last year, people said, give us the names of the police, the names of the federal marshals, the name of the state police.
And I'm like, are you idiots?
Those are probably feds pushing me to do it.
I said, are you idiots?
Give you my sources and never get another one again?
No, that's Journalism 101 to not do that, and you've done a good job of not talking about it as well, even though it was hidden in plain view, because we've been sworn to secrecy.
We couldn't say who it was, even though it was already out there for anybody who wanted to do research.
Lindsey, get on the phone, please, sir.
Call us back as soon as you can with any more intel.
God bless you.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
Then we got Gary Franchi coming up.
Stay with us.
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Lindsey Williams will probably be popping back in in the next hour.
She'll be live for four hours here today.
I appreciate Gary Franci holding for 15 minutes, but we have breaking news here.
There is a new film that he and William Lewis have made.
It's Enemy of the State Camp FEMA Part 2, featuring Alex Jones, Travis Maddox, Stuart Rhodes, Ernie Hancock, Michael Bagnerik, Chuck Baldwin, James Lane, and many others.
And reviewing this,
I don't think graphically, because they didn't have as much time, it looks as good as Camp FEMA Part 1, but the info in it is much more powerful.
Eyewitness security people, it's already confirmed they've trained for mass arrest and forced quarantine and forced inoculations, but to have the security people admitting it and finding designated emergency areas that can be used as FEMA camps.
I mean, they went out on the road, in the field, and Enemy of the State is available at InfoWars.com, discounted on the site with other films, InfoWars.com, or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And a lot of you are like, look, we know about the Model Health States Emergency Powers Act.
We know about the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
We know about the Emergency Centers Act.
Well, your friends and family and neighbors don't.
This is a film that needs to be seen.
Enemy of the State, Camp FEMA Part 2.
It's always a pleasure to be on your show.
Thanks for having me.
You know, it's frightening, to say the least.
You know, talking about the new currency and the class of the dollar, just basically bracing for impact.
And, you know, the people need to be informed.
You're doing a hell of a job, you know, getting people informed.
Lindsey Williams is a great guest and, you know, he's got the information people need to hear.
And take to heart, without question, and just prepare for the hard times ahead.
Because the more the Fed prints the money, the worse position we're going to be.
I mean, I'm watching gold prices right now.
They're at nearly $1,400 an ounce.
And that's almost double from a year ago.
So it's ridiculous to see what is happening in this country.
And that's all the more reason why they're amping up the police state and getting these camps ready that we actually went and saw.
Well, that's what's important is you show how the military is training to put people in camps and how it's admitted.
And now it's even on local news here in Austin.
It's on national news that, yeah, the Army is going to be in the threat integration fusion centers.
Yeah, we are preparing.
And I hear the Army on local radio going, well, you better be glad we're getting ready because of the collapse.
And they act like, and they're telling the troops that they just thought of this now because of the problems as if the government didn't engineer it.
And look at the riots in Europe.
I mean, they have planned this whole thing out and gold is at $1,395.50 right now.
Yeah, it's absolutely insane to watch this all unfold.
But I think what really stands out and what separates this version of Camp FEMA from the original is the interview that we did with Travis Maddox, who is the former police officer and Constitution Party candidate for Congress.
Who revealed his personal training by the Department of Homeland Security.
He was the man who was tasked to kick in your door and drag you out to the inoculation center, strip search you, and then drag you out to the actual quarantine centers.
That interview, without that interview, I don't think this film could have really had the same impact.
Well, I agree with you.
Do you agree with me?
I mean, I just honestly review films, and I've had films like this too, where we, you know, put them out quickly.
It's emergency info.
It's well produced.
It's just graphically isn't as fancy as the first Camp FEMA, but I think the information is even more powerful.
Well, you know, you know how to make films, Alex.
And what it takes is a lot of work and a lot of compilation and going back and forth.
And, you know, we've got to get the information out.
We're in a time pressure situation.
Oh, yeah.
I've been working on two films for two years and I finally just got to put them out.
I mean, you know, but again, it's very well produced.
I'm just saying the info is more powerful than the last ones.
My point.
Well, the information is powerful, and the interviews are strong, and I think also, you know, we have James Lane in there from Radio Free Oklahoma, and his work, you know, he took us on the ground to the Lucent Technologies building that was actually used as a center for FEMA in the event of a national emergency.
I mean, there it is.
It's right there.
Yeah, they've got Walmart.
Walmart distribution centers, all of them, they're designated, they're just waiting.
I mean, you identify a real center that's admitted to be used during emergencies.
It's right there.
And you know, our first film, we would have liked to travel more, but because we had support of our viewers out there, and people purchased the documentary, we were able to go out and actually put our boots on the ground like we wanted to do in the first one.
And I just want to thank everyone out there for supporting us.
We gotta go on a break, Gary.
Folks, get the film.
Infowars.com, Enemy of the State, Camp FEMA Part 2, featuring Urs Trulli and others.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The new film by William Lewis and Gary Franchi, Enemy of the State, Camp FEMA Part 2.
I'm in it, and many other great researchers, but they're out on the road, guerrilla news style.
Incredible information.
They're training police and others for forced inoculations, forced arrest, FEMA centers, and so much more.
Again, I think this is an even more important film than their first Camp FEMA that was excellent as well.
It's available at InfoWars.com.
And I haven't even asked the guys if they want me to, like I did their last two films, put it on PrisonPlanet.TV.
They've been very gracious doing that as well.
But again, it's available at InfoWars.com.
And you get a free citizen rulebook with every order therein.
It's discounted.
So I hope folks will get it at InfoWars.com.
I don't know.
I don't
I'm just going to leave it at that.
Lindsey's popping in for five minutes at the end of this hour.
We've got Michelle in here.
I'm not going to say her last name.
Worked here five years.
Done a great job.
Her children play with my children.
They're similar in age.
And it is on the Drudge Report right now, one of the main stories.
The link to our video
That's on Infowars.com and I'm pulling that up right now so I can give you the actual headline.
It's TSA fondles woman and children.
Refusing airport naked body scanners.
And yesterday, I was interspersing comments.
I want her to be able to tell the story from start to finish.
It'll take her a few minutes so it's on record for people.
Because she came up to me yesterday when I was during a break, peering over news articles.
And she said, I was just listening to you.
She's in customer service.
She said, I was just listening to you.
And that just happened to me when I went to Colorado with my two daughters two weeks ago.
And so we're so conditioned, myself included, that I hadn't even asked her when she got back what happened going through Denver on the way back to Austin where they have the naked body scanners.
And when she wouldn't do it, they yelled, opt out.
But she's going to tell you the story.
And then they, well, I mean, it's on the news.
They admit it.
They squeeze you, your private parts.
They go between your legs.
And a man did it to her.
I mean, this is really happening.
And this is now happening to reporters for the New York Times and they're writing about it.
I mean, this is, this happened to ABC News reporters.
People are getting mad.
And if they can train us to accept literally being fondled and molested, and that's what it is.
Well, Gary Franci, what's your take on this?
Because I know you've covered the naked body scanners.
Well, Alex, I think that, you know, aside from the Federal Reserve, the greatest threat to America is the Department of Homeland Security.
And, you know, the TSA falls under that category.
I've gone through airports and I've seen, when I went through Utah,
They put me through the line, and they said, well, which one do you want to go in?
And I said, well, you know, I don't want to go in the body scanner.
I think I'm going to go into this other line here for the traditional method.
I'm sort of afraid of that.
And they tried to make people do it, but so many refused.
They now have the opt-out, but they admit they then squeeze you and yell at you to intimidate you.
Well, you know what she said to me?
I said, you know, because I'm traveling with my wife.
I said, you know, no one's going to see me naked.
No one's going to see my wife naked.
I'm sorry, but we're going to go into this line.
And she says, well, you better get used to it because they're going to be everywhere soon.
And it was like this menacing, you know, overpowering threat.
Like, you just better get used to it, boy, because you're going to be naked before you like it or not.
You know?
It was disgusting, Alex.
And this is totally to break our will and to train us to accept all of this.
I mean, think of the magnitude.
First, it's your shoes and your belt and answer questions.
And now it's a radiation scanner that top scientists admit will give you cancer, not to mention the radiation the TSA workers are getting.
And now they're in the New York Times, they're in ABC News admitting that, oh, don't want a body scan?
Well, we're going to do the X-rated pat down.
That's what ABC News calls it.
And they literally grab you.
And Gary, I'm going to put you on hold for a few minutes while she tells her story.
Then I want you to come back and comment on it.
But I wanted to have Michelle, we're not going to say her last name or show her in case they try to persecute her or put her on a no-fly list because of this.
TSA workers are on record bragging, I'll put you on a no-fly list if you don't have sex with me.
It's mainstream news.
They're on record.
The guy's gotten in trouble for it, saying he put cocaine in her bag and was going to put her in jail if she didn't
Go along with him.
We've shown it many times.
It's a Homeland Security video where they show the big mobile trucks, the 18-wheeler backs that you walk through while Michelle's talking.
I want to explain, this is to be at public schools.
The FBI wants them at malls.
This is in almost all the county and federal courthouses.
It's come out they are saving all the images.
It does violate child porn laws.
I mean, the beta testing, the training of the personnel and the public to accept it,
The government's taking baby's blood at birth.
That's now declassified in a secret 39-year program.
The government's trying to force vaccines on us.
They want in our comfort zone.
They put their hands on us.
They want to train us.
And then it's done to everybody.
So we're going to be showing these videos over Michelle while she talks.
Michelle, I'm going to try to not get angry and sit back and shut up.
Describe exactly what they did to you, the trip to Colorado, what happened.
Go through it all.
Tell people graphically what you told me before you went on air.
Specifically, plus I've been there and seen this.
Because you can't pull cameras out and tape her, they threaten you.
But, I mean, they admit they're doing this, but here it is really happening to somebody in my office.
Michelle, your 20-month-old daughter, your 8-year-old daughter, a man put his hands on you.
This is incredible.
Break it down.
Okay, so my daughters and I, we flew to Colorado on the 17th of October.
We spent a week there.
We came back on the 24th of October.
In the Denver airport, you have to go through several steps of security.
The first one being that you take off your shoes and you put all your belongings on a conveyor.
After that, they have you step through a metal detector.
After you step through the metal detector, they try and send you over to the naked body scanners.
Well, I was told to opt out, and so I told them that I opted out for me and my children.
So they yelled real loud twice, we have an opt out, we have an opt out.
And so they pull us off to the side.
And they then proceed to search us.
They search me first.
It was a gentleman.
And he starts at my ankles and he works his way up.
And as he gets to my inner thigh, the palm of his hand goes across my private.
And then it goes down the other leg to my other ankle.
After they're finished with the legs, they then proceed up the sides of the body.
Alex Jones Show!
Every once in a while.
And as they're squeezing, you're standing there in front of everybody, totally embarrassed, feeling like you're being arrested for something.
And then they go down the back part of your body and they kind of scoop their hand under your butt.
How loud did he yell out, opt out?
We haven't opt out, we haven't opt out.
I mean, it caught the attention of the security guards that were probably 20, 30 feet away.
You know, so as they yell, opt out, of course everyone turns and looks at you, because a lot of people don't know that you have the option to opt out.
And it's all to intimidate you, so go back to, you also told me that, what did he do between your legs?
He, as he's running up the inside of my leg with the palm of his hand, he then sweeps his hand across my private.
And, you know, as he's, you know, they apply force, I guess, to see if they can feel anything
In between there.
You know, it wasn't hard, too hard, but it was definitely not just a simple swipe across the private.
They take their hand and they sweep it across your private and then they work their way down your other leg.
You know, and then not only that, but from the backside, they kind of scoop.
What would you do if a man did that at a park?
You'd call the police.
I'd probably hit him and then call the police.
Please continue, let's get to what happened with the 20-month-old supposed Al-Qaeda and the 8-year-old Al-Qaeda.
Okay, so after they were finished, you know, squeezing my breast and things along those lines, then the gentleman who patted me down was moving on to my 8-year-old.
And I told him, I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to put your hands on my child.
I would like a female, please.
And so he kind of looked irritated a little bit, but he called a female.
Again, you're the bad one.
You don't want your... Again, they're just training us.
They shouldn't be doing it to begin with.
But now, a 20-month-old, an 8-year-old, you're like, number one, a man already touched you.
That shouldn't have happened.
Much less a woman.
Now, it's the baby and the little girl.
And again, they've already caught a bunch of TSA people being perverts.
Your sweet little girls are so sweet.
I mean, I see them up here all the time.
I don't think I could have watched this happen.
I mean, what was this like?
Well, you know, it was kind of like, what do you do?
No, I understand.
You know?
There's no warning.
You're just at these checkpoints.
And I was trying to come home.
It wasn't like I was home already and could have refused it and stayed at home.
I was trying to get back home.
So, you know, you just stand there and you kind of
Watch these things happen.
You know, they weren't as aggressive with my children as they were with me.
Of course, they didn't squeeze my daughter's breasts because my daughters have none.
But they put their hands on them.
But they did, you know, feel their chest and back and legs and, you know, but in private area, you know, they just... So let's be clear, a woman stuck her hands between your daughter's legs?
In America?
And then the 20-month-old, you know, it was a little less than my eight-year-old.
You know, they just kind of, you know... Well, a 20-month-old's probably only the number three in Al-Qaeda.
I mean, Anwar al-Awlaki, the head of Al-Qaeda, is admittedly hanging out secretly at the Pentagon.
People are getting murdered and killed all the time in this country, but they say they're doing this in the airports to stop bombers.
It's all made up, ladies and gentlemen, even if the terrorists were real.
Think about it.
This is a joke.
This has nothing to do with it.
They can't allow profiling so they can do it to everybody.
And then you get the internal Homeland Security documents, Michelle.
It's all aimed at gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans.
This is for the American people.
We're being indoctrinated into total enslavement.
You know, and then after they, you know, what's, it's even more crazy is, you know, they gave us the complete pat down, you know, the molestation, if you say, you know, because now I'm starting to realize that that's exactly what that was.
Um, I had a sippy cup with water in it for my 20 month old and the lady asked me what's in here and I told her it's water, you know, you can dump it out if you need to.
She goes, no, I need you to open it.
And so I was going to twist the lid to open it, and she stepped back as if it was going to blow up.
No, no, they get these paranoid delusionals that actually think a woman, a Caucasian woman, not wearing a turban on her head, with two little girls, is a terrorist.
They know full well that you're not.
They wanted, again, to let you know they're the boss and get you used to being a slave and lining up and answering all their questions.
So what I did when I opened the cup is I took a drink of the water that was inside the cup just to kind of show her.
Submit to her.
You know, there's nothing dangerous in this cup or I would not have just ingested it.
Oh, you're so evil.
And so what she did, she took this little strip, you know, it's kind of like a urine sample strip where she just kind of held it over the cup.
And then she took these chemicals and dropped it on the strip.
I think?
It's illegal for anybody else to set up machines like this without a radiation license and without shielding for the workers.
They don't care.
Because they can find workers who they ask, are you worried about radiation?
Good, you're going to the top.
Oh, you're worried about these?
You're fired.
We know that's happening, so they're getting an army of moron control freaks, and I'll remind you.
If your wife was in the grocery store and a man walked up and stuck her hand between the legs, she would be arrested, the police would review the tape, he'd probably serve five to ten years in jail, he'd be a sexual offender.
But now, all the perverts get to go be TSA workers, or just people that are dumb and will go along with this.
This is illegal, it is wrong, and if they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.
You know, it was actually very humiliating to stand there in front of everyone and, you know, because I know that I've watched many people, including children, walk through the naked body scanners, you know, but luckily I have the knowledge from working here to know that you do not walk through those things.
You try not to even stand near them.
But now if you opt out, they then punish you to let you know who the boss is.
Anything else that happened?
Other than the, you know, the patting down the searches of me and my children and then the testing of the liquid in the sippy cup, then you're just kind of rushed on.
You have all your belongings in your hand, but they want you to get out of that area as quick as possible.
They got more slaves to indoctrinate.
Well, the good news is the head of major airlines are coming out saying it's a fraud.
The people are saying no.
The Italians have thrown them out.
And this system of people just continue to refuse is going to fail.
People are getting angry, especially journalists that are being made to do this.
They're all starting to write about it, Michelle.
And you've said it, you're not going to fly anymore.
No, I actually am not.
If I can't get there driving, then I'm not going.
We're good to go.
To try and make us feel safe, but what they're doing is invading our rights.
You know, I said you never allow anyone to ever touch you that way.
So then I had to go through the whole speech with my eight-year-old about being touched in places that you shouldn't be touched, but then I just had to allow this perfect stranger to touch my daughter in places that she shouldn't be.
They're pushing through all these taboos, everything.
It's incredible.
Think about every month we see articles, even like ABC News, where
A family shows their child in a towel, nothing is even naked, and they take the child and the parents go to prison because the people at the Walmart or whatever are looking at the photos and they've got the dirty mind.
No laws are broken, your kids are gone, but then the TSA is recording their naked bodies, fondling them, and hey, that's okay.
It's very sad.
It really is.
And so, you know, I don't think we will be flying anywhere because it's only going to get worse if we don't fight it and, you know, get it, get our freedoms.
And they're coming out with the mobile trucks I just showed that they admit they're going to put naked body scanners in.
Imagine coming to a checkpoint, they go through the naked body scanner and people are going to start fighting back.
I mean, look, I'm sorry, police.
I know you think it's normal and you're our God.
You want to take our blood at checkpoints or take our kids blood at birth because you're God, you're the government.
You want to shoot kids up with syphilis because it's loving and good.
Uh, in Guatemala.
No, you're sick.
You're wrong.
You understand?
You work for terrorists.
We'll be back with Gary Franci, Lindsey Williams, uh, and a lot more coming up after this quick break, but this story is one of the top stories on Drug Report right now.
Stay with us.
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We're gonna pop in with Gary Franchi.
We're gonna have him back up too to talk about the entirety of the film and even play some selects in the next few weeks.
Of course, the documentary film is Enemy of the State.
We also have other films, like What in the World Are They Spraying?
available at Infowars.com, dealing with the chemtrails.
All of this is informing the public.
But going back to Franchi again in the next short segment that Joe Rogan scheduled.
He hadn't gotten here yet to be in studio with us.
We have Lindsey Williams back online.
He's been trying to get through to them.
They're with him there.
He's only able to now send him emails that they will then print off and read to him.
He's very weak.
But Lindsey said that if people want to send us emails to send to Mr. Frum, that we'll then send them on to Lindsey.
He didn't want to give out his private email and get bombarded.
We'll send those on to Mr. X, Mr. Frum.
Well, I mean, Lindsey, we just talked during the break.
Express what you told me.
It was very poignant.
Well, this man has been such a marvelous blessing to this entire world.
I would like people to recognize what would have been had he not been here.
I mean, he literally has changed many things to the entire world by what he's been willing and risking himself
Uh, to step out and say what he said over these years.
He's very weak.
He can hardly eat.
Uh, could not even talk with me on the telephone.
And he probably will pass away in a very short period of time.
But fortunately, um, I think it's...
Well, anyway, I don't know how to say it.
This man, what he has said, I was looking back over my notes here a few moments ago, Alex, after I called him, and he gave me a schedule of events in chronological order, and I gave it over to your program about a year ago, in which he said, there will be plenty of food and water.
But he said you won't be able to buy it.
And at the time, we wondered what in the world he was talking about.
There would be no shortages whatsoever of the grocery store ships, but yet you may go hungry because you won't have the money to be able to purchase it.
With what the Federal Reserve did this week, we have seen a total deterioration of the American dollar.
And now, of course, you haven't seen anything.
The mortgage-backed security issue, they're going to demand $2-7 trillion in the very near future.
All of these events, you need to realize that two years ago, I begged you to buy gold, and that's what Mr. Fromm told me.
At the time, I couldn't give out his name.
And you could buy it for $700 an ounce.
Well, I'm begging you to do something else right now.
If you know anyone who has cancer, if you know anybody who does not want to die with it, they do not want to have to go through the horrors of chemo and radiation.
These men have found a way, and it can be done.
And Alex, I think it would be wonderful if you'll allow me, and you tell me what I can do.
Well, to be specific, the other Mr. X was cured, you're saying, by this, but from obviously wasn't.
He had a son that he trained as a medical doctor, and his son convinced him to go the conventional method.
The other Mr. X, nine years ago, had cancer in both lungs.
The doctor sent him home to die, and he said, no, I'm not going to.
He looked and found out what people use who know.
Okay, we're almost out of time.
Since you want to mention this, what is it, a clinic somewhere?
1-2, I'm sorry, 800-262-0212.
Now I, this is not me.
I have nothing to do with it.
I don't make a penny out of this.
I just want to help people.
When I see a man that I love so much die.
But now you... Well, Lindsey, listen, I'll have to have you up next week to give me specifics on this.
I mean, I believe that you believe this is great.
I'll have to find out more.
But is this a clinic in the United States or overseas?
It's all the same.
Alright, well we'll definitely have you back on after Mr. from, well hopefully he doesn't, but it looks like he's about to die.
And then we'll learn more, but people can send us emails that we'll pass on to him through you.
Thank you, Lindsey Williams.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Again, or sometimes you'll try to get on and you'll be locked out.
Gary, I apologize about having all this breaking news while you were scheduled to be on today.
We'll have you back up again soon.
Excellent film.
Recapping in the three minutes we've got left, what this film, Enemy of the State, covers and why it's so informative.
Yes, we wanted to cover the trigger mechanisms that could be used to cause these camps to be activated.
We spent a great deal of time exposing the media hype and the propaganda around pandemics, and the actual RFID technology, the flip-flip technology, the scanner technology that they could use at points of entry at camps to shut people up.
It's a lot easier for them to track us.
I passed flag, just to cover past civil arrest and we go in order.
We cut them off from the other things we mentioned.
Hey Gary, do you have a landline?
Because your cell phone is dying on us.
I can try and get to it.
Oh, his landline was bad.
But we're going to call you back and bring you back in the next segment to go over this because it's so important.
Enemy of the state, but your Skype line or whatever it is.
We ought to get you on via video link sometime.
I know you've got the studios because this is a multicast, not just radio, it's TV.
I don't
I think?
As more and more comes out about the major terrorist operators like Anwar al-Awlaki and Bin Laden working with the U.S.
government, this is the fake outside phantom menace used to scare us into submission when the real grid that's been built is for the people of the planet, not for these shadowy Muslim terrorists they control.
There's also some breaking news.
This is from CNN.
Oberman suspended for Democratic contributions.
Keith Oberman, MSNBC's primetime Firebaron host, has been suspended indefinitely for violating the ethics policies of his employer earlier this year when he donated to three Democrats seeking federal office, MSNBC announced today.
I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night, mindful of NBC's news policy and standards.
I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.
MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a statement first reported by Politico and confirmed by the Federal Elections Commission filings.
That is a total stunt.
I don't particularly like Keith Olbermann.
He's a globalist.
But the point is...
He's a partisan.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are now into hour number 4, 8 minutes and 15 seconds in.
Joe Rogan about to arrive.
Got stuck in traffic.
Had him for the balance of the hour.
I'll be back live this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
covering the open announcement of the plan to basically further devalue
The currency, and what that is going to do to our economy, and what Gary was saying is so important, the maker of the new film, Enemy of the State, is so central.
The triggers, fake terror, wars, bioweapons releases, or a deadly flu.
We know the government's using all of these as the cover story to put this control grid in, knowing, and we have this in the Department of Defense's own reports,
They're putting all this in place beforehand for the financial collapse.
Gary, we've got you back on a better line.
Finish up breaking down what's in the film Enemy of the State.
Well, Alex, we know we wanted to.
The film is called Enemy of the State.
Who is the enemy of the state?
Who are the people that are calling us the enemy of the state?
And as you know, through the Meet the Patriots list, the Southern Poverty Law Center, their new connection to the Department of Homeland Security, they are one
Well said.
Well said.
And again, get into this security officer, police officers, people you interview in the film, who have openly trained for the forced inoculations and roundups in FEMA camps.
His interview was so powerful because he was trained by the Department of Homeland Security.
He was the guy who was going to come to your house, take you out, drag you down to the facility, strip you down naked, inject you, and then haul you off to the quarantine center.
That's funded by FEMA and Homeland Security.
But through a falsified pandemic scenario.
The media hypes up.
I mean, the whole outline for the trigger mechanisms, the extractions, the people involved, the ones who are targeting the American people are laid out like a blueprint in a stump.
Well, for anybody that's doubting we're going into a police state, the newest top story at PrisonPlanet.com, socialist MSNBC pundit, ban all guns in America, and we've got the clip, we're going to be playing it later if we have time, but it's up there, in the midst of an argument with Glenn Greenwald, MSNBC pundit, Lawrence O'Donnell admits that he is a socialist who wants to ban all guns in America.
He means in citizens' hands, not in the black uniforms' hands that will come and bring us the Red Terror.
He wants to, quote, ban all guns in America while forcing Obamacare on everyone.
I mean, these are just authoritarians.
They're not liberals.
I don't pretend that my views, which would ban all guns in America, makes Medicare available to all in America, have any chance of happening in the federal government.
Well they sent troops into high and dry areas and put people in handcuffs and took their guns!
We live in America with naked body scanners and children being fondled by TSA.
We live in a country where they secretly take babies' blood at birth for 39 years.
We live in a country where the government thinks it's God and shoots black people, children, you name it, up with live syphilis and polio.
And it's all admitted, and we're supposed to say, oh, they'll radiate foster children to death in radiation experiments.
They'll shoot up little kids with syphilis.
They'll nerve gas our own troops in Project Shad and kill them, but they wouldn't stage 9-11.
They wouldn't steal the pension funds.
They wouldn't steal the mortgages.
The government's good, Gary.
They care about us.
Where do you see this going, Gary?
Alright, well, we lost his phone line.
We've had a lot of technical little dings going on between the network and us today.
That's basically probably it with Gary then.
The film is Enemy of the State, Camp FEMA Part 2.
Panics, orchestrated crises, media hype and propaganda have been used in the name of protecting the people for generations.
Governments have resorted to this to further gain control over free populations.
This happened most recently during the H1N1 flu pandemic of 2009 and the Hurricane Katrina tragedy.
I think?
The Hurricane Katrina disaster proved that Americans are truly not free.
And when we can admit that, we can set about getting our freedoms back, as some New Orleans residents found when they had their guns confiscated.
And it goes on, CNN, Southern Poverty Law Center, and other media outlets air special reports and name call anyone who questions the government as conspiracy theorist, and they go on and imply that we're dangerous, in an effort to suppress information.
Yet, with the same declassification,
And decades old documents, it can be found that many of these conspiracy theories are not so theatrical after all, or theoretical.
Enemy of the State Camp FEMA Part 2 takes a look at the government and the media manipulation of the unwitting public and plans that have been laid out through legislation, executive orders and presidential directives that pave the way for the elimination of many, if not all, of most of our basic rights.
Well, like I was saying, you know, I went to a TSA checkpoint, I was flying, and the woman saw the business card on my camera bag.
And she says, oh, you know, she thought I was part of a magazine.
She said, oh, maybe you could take some pictures of me.
She saw my camera.
I mean, maybe I could be the women of the TSA, you know, like Playboy did the women of Enron, you know.
And I'm sitting here thinking, this is the mentality?
This is the mentality of the TSA?
I'm being asked to take naked photographs of a female TSA agent!
Well we've had them in England print off the naked images of TV stars and ask them to sign them.
Well, remember, Gary, how they lied for a year and said they weren't saving the images?
Now it turns out the British, the U.S.
government, the state governments at the courthouses, they're saving them all with your name.
Well, it's only a matter of time before some of these images leak out onto the Internet and some, you know, some perverted website pops up and is starting to charge subscriptions so people can view these things.
It's only a matter of time.
Well, Gary, the film is powerful.
I'm in it.
Many other great people are in the film, Enemy of the State, and I really, really look forward to people getting the film, showing it to their friends and family.
We also have it discounted with your previous two films, Don't Tread on Me and Enemy of the State.
Of course, the first part, Camp FEMA, this is part two of Camp FEMA, Enemy of the State, and all the orders that people make support you, they support us, and you also get a free Citizen's Rulebook, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com bumper stickers with every order on top of it when you get the film from InfoWars.com.
Gary, I really appreciate you coming on with us, and I look forward to speaking to you in the near future.
I had one other issue.
Meeting tomorrow and Sunday on the 6th and 7th at Jekyll Island, Georgia.
The Federal Reserve is having a celebration of 100 years.
They technically have been around for 97, but in 1910 they had their secret meeting, that's admitted, to set up the private financial coup d'etat in this country.
And now, as they destroy the dollar, set up world government, they have the gall, they have the nerve,
to sit around and brag about what a great job they've done.
Your take on that?
Well, you know, Alex, as you know, I was at Jekyll Island a year ago with a great handful of patriots who were putting our heads together trying to come up with solutions to this crisis in America today.
And, you know, you and I both know that the Federal Reserve is the end
That's global police state that we're facing right now.
They're going to sit there like they did in 1910 with their smoking circles and their little brooms and they're going to scratch each other's backs and drink their cognac and plot even further demise.
What next central bank is going to come out of this meeting?
Is this the meeting that's going to bring the global currency that we've all been talking about that they've been pitching to us for so long?
Is it going to happen?
Well, no doubt.
They're now rolling it out.
No, they admit that's what the meeting's about.
A hundred years after their last meeting, now they first the United States, and now the world, and they've engineered the entire stinking system.
Well, Gary, that is awesome.
God bless you and take care.
We'll talk to you again soon.
You bet.
There goes Gary Franchi.
I want to go over a host of issues with Joe Rogan, get his kind of Hollywood view on what's happening.
He also travels around the country.
I want to get his view on the mood of the nation.
But the good news is people are now waking up to world government and your friends and family and neighbors that would laugh at you in the past about this stuff, they're not laughing now.
They're taking it very, very, very seriously.
And people know that they've got to get up off their hind ends and take action.
But the most important thing is informing people.
Because as I said, people are ready to hear the truth now.
And all over the world, airlines, executives, media are saying these are dangerous scanners.
They're getting angry about it.
The ACLU is taking complaints right now to file a lawsuit.
Report abuse during passenger screening and U.S.
They're kind of loyal opposition.
But the point is, we're on the march, the empire's on the run.
It's trying to take over and dominate and sell us on oppression and tyranny because they want to intimidate us and make us capitulate and basically become buffaloed into going along with whatever agenda they want.
We're good to go.