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Name: 20101025_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 25, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, welcome.
It is the 25th day of October 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And I am here in the studios of KSCO and KOMY in beautiful Santa Cruz.
And I've driven through here before, but I know why Clint Eastwood and others like to live in this area.
I tell you, this is as beautiful as Hawaii or something.
Just absolutely a wonderful place to be.
And we had an amazing
I think?
And to be with all these wonderful patriots who love liberty, it was extremely, extremely uplifting.
And we're going to have another event tonight at the Coconut Grove as well, right here on the boardwalk on the side of the Pacific Ocean.
Obviously, we've got a lot of news and information to cover.
We're going to do part two of a live interview with Pastor Lindsey Williams with his inside source.
And the bombshell information that they laid on him.
But we'll just have Lindsey recap it in a segment or two and then I promise we will open the phone lines up so that you can ask questions of Lindsey Williams coming up in the second hour today.
And we'll also open phones in the third hour.
I also wanted to invite Michael Olson, the general manager of KSCO and KOMY,
Of course, KSCO is 1080 AM.
Yeah, I wish the AM dial went to 1880.
I didn't get much sleep last night, ladies and gentlemen.
I was screaming for four hours.
So, AM 1080.
And of course, the AM 1340 is KOMY.
And he was in here talking about the carbon taxes they're trying to put in over California.
And I had that at the top of my stack.
So, I heard him right before I went on air doing a news report in here.
Talking about how they're about to put in a, what is it, 20% carbon tax on everything, and how that will devastate their economy.
And I happen to have the 60 Minutes Report in front of me from PrisonPlanet.com.
We have it posted.
It's also up on InfoWars.com.
60 Minutes Shock Report.
Real unemployment rate, 17.5%.
percent nationwide california twenty two percent uh... try california twenty nine percent the united states two point six two point seven according to all the top economists we interview and and uh... a major uh... firms better your mainstream news but analyzing this we've been above twenty percent for at least two years nationwide so sixty minutes is who big shocker breaking this huge news but can you imagine what's going to happen once they enforce these carbon taxes
Now they're trying to do it at the state level because they can't get the Congress to pass it, and the EPA is coming through and ramming it through extra-judicially and extra-legislatively through the EPA.
But they're also doing it at the state level, and California is the model for states to do this under Agenda 21, this U.N.
takeover plan of neo-feudalistic serfdom.
But then, if you also look at what Schwarzenegger talked about back when he was
At the Copenhagen Summit that we, of course, exposed and showed for the fraud it was with the ClimateGate emails and documents.
He said, I'm going to go back now to the cities and the states and we're going to do it whether you like it or not.
Just ask my friends at Enron.
We do what we like.
So we're going to be discussing that with Michael Olson, the general manager from on the ground here in
California, because as California goes, so goes the rest of the nation.
And they definitely have been taken over by the globalists here, 100%.
But the people of California are waking up to what's happening and speaking out against all of this.
So we'll be talking about all that after the quick break that's coming up and a ton of other economic, military, police state news.
You name it, it is all coming up on the other side.
Alex Jones here with you live from California, Santa Cruz.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is the 25th day of October.
2010 on this Monday edition and coming up in about 25 minutes from now Michael Olson, General Manager of KSCO AM 1080 here in Santa Cruz and of course also the General Manager of KOMY.
We're on both stations, both 1080 and 1340.
Two great affiliates out here and I just want to spend a few minutes talking about what happened last night and how amazing it was and I'm going to get into all the news but
I spoke from about 6.20 until 10.
And we had Dr. Stan Monteith, an icon in the liberty movement there.
Then Sheriff Richard Mack, who just so happened to be in the area, popped in and spoke for about 20 minutes.
I had Joe Bannister, the former armed treasury agent, who found out that the IRS was basically a mafia collection agency and went public with that.
He spoke.
In fact, I think I'm going to have him back tonight to pop in because, you know, I've got four hours to speak.
And I was surprised how I probably spoke for three hours of the overall four hours, or close to four hours, and folks didn't get too bored with it.
They were, in fact, at 10 o'clock
You know, the venue we had said that's when it's over.
You've got to open the doors up.
And people have got to go.
And people are like, please don't go.
We've got more questions.
And one guy said, don't be like the government.
And I'm like, well, OK, I guess we can have a rebellion in here and go, no, we're not leaving.
But clearly, folks do want to do a big question and answer.
So I'll probably just have Mac and Monty, if he wants to speak again, talk for about 10 minutes in Bannister.
Uh, tonight and then I'll speak for two hours or an hour and a half.
In fact, I'll ask the crowd and then we can do an hour and a half of questions if they want.
Quite frankly, that's what I like.
It was taking me all these different directions.
But Aaron Dykes was there, great writer for InfoWars.com and webmaster and camera guy.
He's seen most of my live speeches and he thought this was the best.
The problem is my voice is pretty blown because I get riled up and of the almost three hours I spoke off and on I probably was screaming about a third of the time so we'll see what
We'll see what happens with that, but we're going to have a couple folks from the stations here with us, and hopefully when the owner of the station, Michael Zwirling, gets in, because we were out at dinner until about two in the morning last night, hopefully when he gets in I'll drag him in during the third hour.
What a character this guy is.
This station was built back in the 1940s, what year was it?
1947 and it's an RCA model station and it's in all the major trade publications even today.
Zwirling was showing me just giant stacks of magazines and news articles, current ones.
This is the only station in the country that was built specifically with the whole building to be a radio station according to all those specs.
And it's an amazing place.
I mean, it's like I've stepped into the 1940s.
And it turns out that Michael, when he was in high school, did news and stuff here.
And then he made a flatulence noise on the air once, joking, and they fired him.
They said, you do not make those noises on KSCO.
And then years later, he bought the station.
And now, well, now he
He isn't a 16 years old and he isn't going to make one of those noises.
But hey, maybe I can make it and then get thrown off.
The circle is now complete.
But what an interesting person and all the great people out here in California, this area of California.
I mean, I'll be quite honest.
I don't like
Southern California very much.
To hear elves singing, hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go, la-la-la-la, la-la-la, and um...
I expect to see Snow White come running out, you know, any minute here.
And I tell you, if I didn't love Texas so much and love Austin, which is a great town and has a lot of beautiful things in it, this is the kind of place I'd live.
I mean, I know why Clint Eastwood and all these other people want to live in this area, because it has got to be one of the prettiest places I've ever been.
I mean, I think this rivals places like Hawaii.
I mean, it's just so gorgeous.
I mean, even when it was raining the last two days here, a lot of stuff happened.
You know, I told folks that I was also in California on a secret mission.
So we've killed two birds with one stone.
The station owner who's had us on for a year and a half has really been asking me to come out and speak.
I said, OK, I'm already out there to do something with the television crew.
And, you know, when they do these TV shows, it's not conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura.
I'm a consultant on that.
And I think I want him in five of the eight episodes that are airing.
It's not that.
It's History Channel and they really don't want me to talk about it because it spoils the show.
But I did, you know, in the agreement I signed with them and have a little proviso in there that well, if anybody, you know, I mean obviously I'll have to talk about this is if while we're here doing this and ends up in the news.
And I haven't searched the term yet to find out if it is in the news.
But if it is already in the news, then I'm going to talk about it.
But if it's not in the news, I'm not going to talk about it.
And you can just wait until it's on television.
In fact, I'm not even going to tell you the name of the TV show on the History Channel.
But it was insane.
And I'm just lucky to be here right now.
And they're great folks, too.
Very daring.
And I'll just tell you right now, I'm lucky to be here.
So that was wild.
And it's really hard to not talk about stuff.
It's very frustrating.
Oh, man.
But it's just good to be back on the radio.
And I'll tell you what's really good.
We simulcast my entire radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And the viewers love it, the listeners love it.
It gets archived, it goes up, it gets grabbed and put all over the web.
You know, just the last year and a half or so, just on our channel, 70 million views, just on YouTube of the show.
But it is so much more intimate and relaxing, and I think better, when I'm not with lights and cameras on me.
And this is what I like about radio.
PrisonPlanet.tv gets the word out and it funds our operation, but I'm telling you, I'm tempted to smash those cameras!
I want to take a ball-peen hammer to those things, man.
Used to, I could sit there while a guest was talking and eat a breakfast taco or something.
Now, even when I go home for dinner, I eat my food in three minutes because I've got three-minute breaks.
I've like been turned into this animal who can't even enjoy food anymore because I'm on the air three, four, five hours.
Sometimes I do six, seven, eight hours.
I did 26 hours just last week or week and a half ago in a marathon broadcast and my fill-in host Paul Watson came in for the last hour.
I am definitely babbling here.
It's almost like morning radio, but looking at all this news, we're going to be getting into it today, and we do have Lindsey Williams in part two of the interview we did last week.
He'll be with us live, and we're going to mainly take your phone calls for Lindsey Williams.
We'll have him recap what his inside former big three oil executive told him was going to happen with the economy, and most of what this executive
Has told him, uh, you know, has turned out to come true whenever the executive has conjectured.
Uh, you know, some of it has not come true.
Uh, but certainly, Lindsey Williams, when oil was $50 a barrel, said in the next three, four months, it's going up to $150, and people said, this guy's nuts.
And, uh, you know, no way this is going to happen, and it happened.
Uh, and he's made a bunch of other big calls through this, through this source, and I know who the source is, I understand Monteith knows who the source is as well.
So, so I know Lindsey Williams is for real on that subject, and we appreciate him joining us, but, uh, but, but we'll, uh,
I'll be able to get your feedback specifically for Lindsey Williams.
Though, we don't really screen your calls, except when we have a guest on about a specific topic.
And I want to warn you now, when we do take calls for Lindsey Williams, if you call up and start asking me about space stations, or Bigfoot, or the weather, or the stock market, if it doesn't pertain to what, you know, Lindsey specifically, I'm going to have to let you go.
Because he's going to be on with us to specifically talk about those subjects.
And we've just got him for an hour.
Maybe I'll keep him a little bit longer, but I want to get Michael Zwirling, the owner of these two fine radio stations, AM 1080 KSCO and AM 1340 KOMY, right here in beautiful Santa Cruz, California.
Which, which I think if I ever move out of Austin, Texas, this is the kind of place I'd move right here.
I tell you, this is just absolutely awesome.
Now, we're going to go to break here in just a few minutes, and I talk about this happening a lot.
I mean, I look at the news this morning, and I don't even want to cover this, but knowing, as G.I.
Joe says, is half the battle, and that is a solution.
Part of the solution is facing up to our problems, facing up to who is engineering these problems by design.
I mean, mankind doesn't need any help getting ourselves in trouble, but when you've got these agents of chaos, these globalists, constantly
You know, trying to screw up the economy to consolidate control when you've got corruption just running rampant.
It's time for people to stop being so naive and really get conscious about what's happening.
And here's CNBC, dollar at risk of becoming toxic waste.
And just being completely worthless like the Weimar Republic Deutsche Mark or the currency they use in Zimbabwe.
And it just goes over the fact that they are hyperinflating it right now.
But the banks are mainly hoarding it and only using it bank to bank, which is bad enough because they're robbing us by deflating our currency, devaluing it, and we've got to pay this back in taxes.
I mean, if they're going to devalue the currency, they might as well give it to us and let us have a little bit of value in it.
But no, that's not happening.
So it's the worst of worst of both worlds.
We've also got Treasury Shield Citigroup as deletions, undercut disclosure.
We'll tell you what that means from Bloomberg.
Just more corruption.
You've got a problem, okay, and it's time to stop living in denial.
We've got Obama ramping up CIA infiltration of Pakistan, trying to destabilize that region.
We had Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Schaefer on agreeing with that last week.
Uh, we've got, uh, the head of Google saying, you don't like Google Street View?
But you can't move anywhere with this clown!
Yeah, Google, don't be evil.
How about, be evil?
The devil comes as an angel of light, and it is Google.
Uh, we're also gonna get into that, uh, unemployment numbers coming out across the country.
It's what George Soros is up to, and a lot more.
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That's right.
I wish a buck was still silver, it was back
Listen to him.
He's talking about Elvis like he's some kind of hippie.
I'll take Elvis any day over Al Gore.
Can you imagine what Merle Haggard sees as a problem?
No, it's a great song.
And he sure sings it better than I did at midnight during that 27-hour transmission we did a few weeks ago.
Stop rolling downhill.
Well, there's certainly no doubt that that is happening and it's engineered and we can stop it.
No, the national symbol is not the flag and the Liberty Bell, it's an ostrich with its head in the sand and a naked body scanner.
We could make a new crest, like a royal crest for the United States, and it could be a surveillance camera in one corner, a naked body scanner in the other, a ostrich with its head in the sand, and a cop beating an old lady with a billy club and shooting her with a taser.
And then a bunch of needles, a bunch of injectors.
And then a couple cancer viruses.
Because you know those family crests that can have a lot of stuff on it.
You just can't have one symbol.
I mean, it could just be a whole bunch of stuff.
And then, they pull back from the crest, and it's a crest on a knight's shield.
And it's portly Al Gore with big, big handfuls of cash in everybody's property.
How's that sound?
I've got Bill Graff here with me, and he's the engineer around here, and he's riding shotgun with me, and we've got the general manager, Michael Olson, coming in here after the break, and we'll go over all this news.
But, you know, maybe I am an extremist, and maybe Merle Haggard's wrong, too.
I mean, maybe we're going uphill, like a snowball headed for heaven.
Maybe the devaluation of the dollar's a good thing.
Maybe having our carbon taxes cut
I mean, increase is a good thing.
What do you think there, Bill?
I think you're right.
But then again, I'm not a study of world politics like you are.
But it seems to me, the figure you and Michael were quoting earlier in the local morning show here about California's real unemployment rate being closer to 20-something percent.
That's scary, when you see that many people out of work.
That's a quarter of the population.
Well, that's depressionary level.
Yeah, that's high.
Really high.
And that's, you know, when you live in a place as nice as California, but you see that.
Unemployment rate you wonder if this we have an engine of Liberty and in manufacturing if they would just leave people alone It'd be a land of milk and honey again, but they want to overtax to destroy the economy Yeah, and the thing about it is when you see that kind of unemployment rate in a state where?
Supposedly, you know we're broke at the state level.
I mean it's legendary everybody hears about California's budget woes in the news and
The last budget they passed was a record.
It was so late when they passed it that it became a record.
And when you see that, and you couple that with unemployment that high, it's really scary.
But the governor does a good job for you.
Well, have you watched any of the campaign ads on who's going to replace him?
You know, basically one of two people?
A little scary.
Little scary.
Well, as bad as this 60 Minutes News is, where they basically admit that the sun comes up in the morning, 17.5 nationally, California 22%, but all the economists we have on, the average nationally is 22 and some change.
And it's they say close to 30 or even higher in places like California and Michigan.
I mean, you can even just search the term half of Detroit on welfare.
Half the population of Detroit.
And I mean, how are we going to compete when they're bringing these carbon taxes into California and then right across the ocean from here?
China and South Korea and all those countries, they're not going to put any carbon taxes on.
So, the little bit of manufacturing California's got left, where is it going to go if there's another, you know, huge tax?
And I've seen different numbers like, we will only phase it in at 10% the first year, and by five years, 20%.
I mean, what is it?
What's the overall carbon tax here in California they're trying to implement?
I'm not sure what the percentage is.
Michael will be able to tell you that.
Yeah, he's the expert.
Michael Olson, General Manager, also does news here, and he was covering this on the show before the local show with Rosie.
So I wanted to get him in studio with us, and he'll be here with us next to talk about the unemployment numbers and the economy.
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And we've got, we're back live ladies and gentlemen, we've got Michael Olsen.
Here with us, General Manager of KSCO AM 1080 here in Santa Cruz and they have the sister station KOMY 1340.
That's the one we're actually live on here in Santa Cruz and the surrounding area and then at night they re-air me on KSCO 1080 both just
Wonderful stations, great affiliates, and a very successful event.
This is some of the news coming up, and I'm going to talk to both these gentlemen who are riding shotgun with me here today.
A lot of interesting news.
Kurt Nemo's got a story out.
Think Soros.
Leaked Rhino Neocon takeover document.
And people are like, what does that mean?
One faction of the globalist tools outing another faction of globalist tools.
That's how we play politics in America today.
Think Progress, which should be called Think Soros because it is funded by George Soros.
has released a private correspondence sent by Charles Koch of Koch Industries.
The memo has the itinerary of private meeting to be held at the Executive Hotel in Aspen attached.
In the memo, Koch says his group of neocons and rhinos plan to change the balance of power in Congress this November.
In other words, give back power to the Republican-dominated set of globalists and statists who hope to come out winners in the perpetual game of musical chairs as the corrupt
Government continues its slow motion Titanic route to the bottom and see that's the issue here.
There's a major political realignment.
You've got a lot of really great Republican and Libertarian-type candidates like Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul, in Kentucky, and Sharon Engle isn't perfect, but you notice she's being demonized, and a lot of other people.
If they're being demonized, and if you see the Republicans running people against them in the primaries, like they did against Rand Paul and many others, you know they're good.
And so it's a battle between the establishment neocon Republicans who've helped, you know, sell us down the river, who were teamed up with the Democrats.
Now, they fight over the levers of power, but still they're part of the overall same team.
You know, it's basically them against us, the general population.
So we're going to be talking about that.
Also, cyber warfare.
US seeks to shut down enemy power grids.
But it's our own government in Israel that basically admitted that they teamed up to create the Stuxnet worm and then launched it against Iran and now they're saying we've got to give up all of our internet freedom here because of the worm.
But then it's hidden in plain view that
Western governments released this thing.
Israel and the United States in collusion together creating it.
It's just amazing.
And of course we've been talking about this.
60 Minutes shock report to reveal unemployment rate at 17.5% nationally.
California at 22%.
And that's a big admission by the mainstream media.
More and more we're hearing them.
Yeah, unemployment's more like 15.
Oh, it's more like 17.
Oh, it's more like 20.
When we know it's been over 22% for the last two years nationwide.
Also, the French are continuing now into their second week.
It's been more than 11-12 days now of fresh blockades as a quarter of France's petrol stations stand dry.
Time Magazine and others are saying there's a revolution coming to the United States.
That is just some of what's coming up, and in dovetailing with that, CNBC dollar at risk of becoming toxic waste, the charts show.
That's exactly what Lindsey Williams source was talking about just last week.
He'll be joining us at 8 after, coming up in the next hour.
But right now, Michael Olson, the general manager here at this fine station, KSCO AM 1080 and KOMY AM 1340, is here with us.
And, of course, we also have the engineer, Bill Graff, running the show.
So I'm here with the great folks that make these two fine stations possible.
And I drug the general manager in here because I heard him eloquently covering what's happening here in California, and I was correct.
They phase it in the first year at 5%, and then by two years later, it's above 10%.
They plan by 2020, now just about nine years and a few months away,
Under the Copenhagen framework to have a 20% carbon reduction and they plan to have a 50% by 2050 and Schwarzenegger is trying to ram this through as his last gasp before he runs off with the billions of dollars he's now got and so I've now set the table for that
Michael Olson, break it down for us what's happening here in California with even mainstream media saying 17 plus percent unemployment nationally, 22 percent in California.
What will this do if they put these carbon taxes in?
Well, it'll make it very hard to compete in the world marketplace.
And one of the few remaining industries that California has that actually takes raw materials and manufactures a finished product that's sold for a profit is agriculture.
We are one of the shining lights of American industry.
And yet, if you reduce our ability by, what, 20%?
For this industry, this industry will do what most other industries have done, which is leave town.
And thus, remove even more jobs from California.
So we're in a pretty tight fix.
California passed a proposition some time ago, I think it was called the Climate Change or Climate Global Warming Initiative or something like that.
And that is going to force phased-in reductions.
This coming Election Day, November 3, we're going to vote on whether we should delay that until unemployment goes down to 5%.
Well, unemployment's at 22%.
So, to get it to 5%, that means that, you know, essentially we're going to delay this global warming initiative until hell freezes over.
It's not going to happen for a long, long time.
But, interestingly enough, there are a lot of forces aligned against Proposition 23, or the effort to delay, including Microsoft, Google, and all of the... Well, that's because they're all moving to China!
There you go.
There you go.
There you go.
That's the situation.
Hey, can I switch the tables on you?
Would you mind having a little fun on behalf of your audience?
I would like to ask you a question that was once asked me.
After the Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City, I was taken up to CBS headquarters in San Francisco in this big stretch limousine at 4 o'clock in the morning and they strapped me into a chair and at 7 o'clock in the morning, 4 o'clock in the morning our time, 7 o'clock East Coast time, Paula Zahn came on
Couldn't see her, but I could hear her.
And she said, Michael Olson, welcome to Good Morning America.
Michael, I have a question for you, and my question is this.
Is it true that News Talk Radio is responsible for all the hate in America?
Alex, you're the one who is really out there on the battle line of News Talk Radio.
Nobody I know is more ballsy when it comes to putting your notion on the line.
Is that hate?
Well that's a really great question.
I've got the Southern Poverty Law Center, I've got all the George Soros groups just constantly basically lying and claiming that I'm calling for violence when I'm calling for the opposite.
The truth is
These big global megacorporations, they come in, they loot the treasury, they try to cut off our energy sources, people start getting upset, and then the system points at one of the only free mediums out there.
Before we had the internet,
Sure, a couple big corporations, four or five, dominated most of the news, most of the talk.
But even though those big names were on all those local stations, there were still niches in the morning or in the evening or on the weekend for a lot of great local minds and diverse topics.
And talk radio is in a long form.
Obviously, people know that.
It's not sound bites.
And they've done major studies.
You can even pull them up.
We've covered them.
Where television puts you into a dream state.
When you go into suspended disbelief, I mean, your brainwaves actually lower.
But talk radio does the same thing that reading does.
They, for 60-something years, strap people in, pick up their brainwaves when they're reading.
And the brainwaves go way up because when you read about the red bicycle going down the road towards the beach, and he had a bottle of champagne and, you know, bread, he was meeting his girlfriend.
I mean, you image, and you think about the red bicycle, you think about the champagne, you think about the bread, you think about girlfriends you had, you think about times you were at the beach, all of that is flooding through your mind.
You're having to image it, you're having to pull it up, you're making neuron connections.
I'm going the long way around to answer this question.
But with talk radio, it's the same thing.
It's like reading.
Because your mind has to bring the images up and has to bring up the connections.
Television and cinema, and I love cinema, but there's a reason you go into suspended disbelief.
It's all being given to you, and it lowers your brainwaves, and that's why you can just search Alzheimer's television viewing.
And they've got British studies, US studies, government studies.
The more TV you watch, the more neurons your brain doesn't, you know, connect, and literally that's the process of dying.
And so they don't like talk radio.
It's polluted with neocon, fake right-wing stuff, liberal, mainstream garbage, whatever.
But it is also filled from coast to coast with a lot of diverse minds and ideas and complex ideas.
I mean, I could never get on CNN and have a long complex talk like this to describe, you know, a simple question of are you causing hate?
No, this is
The 20th century and now 21st century version of the soapbox down at the corner and the establishment and the system doesn't like the fact that you have a voice.
I mean, is it hate that when C-SPAN, anytime you watch Washington Journal in the morning, anytime I watch it, and they have a politician on there or somebody dealing with security.
Almost every caller comes in and says 9-11's an inside job, you blew those towers up, Building 7 was on television.
Is it hate that the people have now been woken up and are able, when they get a chance to call in, or when they get a chance to actually interface with the media, they're saying we don't like what you're doing?
Congress has an 11% approval rating.
The mainstream media has the lowest approval rating ever.
And so, the proto-internet was talk radio, and now you see talk radio being one of the few areas to do okay, or in some cases, doing well, compared to the rest of the media, the newspapers, the TV, all of it going basically belly up.
It's not just the technology shift, it's that people are completely sick of it.
And I know I'm ranting here, but the answer is no.
The system is trying to demonize the First Amendment.
It's trying to say, if you expose corruption, you're bad.
It's like a woman who gets raped, and they say, well, you shouldn't have been wearing a short skirt walking down the boardwalk.
No, no.
The system is involved in all this corruption and all this evil.
Uh, and, and we're here talking about it, and, and we're here having complex discussions, and we're here exposing the proof of this corruption, and we're here, over, you know, long periods of time, making predictions on record.
You know, having guests on, going over every facet.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Well, the Fairness Doctrine.
In light of what you just said.
Michael, what he said though, the proof of what he is saying, we saw last night.
Look at how many people wanted to come out and have that dialogue in person.
And with respect to that notion, that the government is afraid of people who have blood flowing through their brains.
People who have brain... I worked for David Brinkley's NBC Magazine once, and we did magazine pieces, but no matter how much work we put into those, I always got the feeling like when we put the piece on the air, there was somebody in Topeka, Kansas on a couch with a beer, bleary-eyed, kind of staring at the screen, drinking your beer, and go, well, that's interesting, and it's gone.
But with News Talk Radio,
Alex Jones put something on the table and people call you up and say, hey, what do you mean, bud?
And after enough people, you know, have that dialogue, the truth comes out.
And the truth is what sets us free.
That constant talking and asking and questioning.
And I mean, it sparks bushfires in the minds of men and women.
And so if the government is afraid of that, of people thinking, then what is the fairness doctrine?
Brush fire.
Well, the Fairness Doctrine is making it bland and keeping it in that narrow left-right discussion and, you know, having a bunch of bland soundbite politicians and political hacks.
I mean, have you ever listened to a show like Beyond the Beltway?
And I'm not bashing it, but it's literally just this narrowly confined, and the only time it's any good is when callers call in.
And it's all these political hacks.
Who were there just regurgitating the script.
But freedom is a messy thing.
And the fact that people are waking up to tyranny is a messy thing.
And 1776 was messy.
But the alternative is total bondage and enslavement.
But I believe in the Infowar.
Because I remember going back 15, 16 years ago, reading about the Pentagon saying 90% of their operations was Infowar.
But they were using deception, manipulation, propaganda.
I said, what about an info war with the truth?
And so I want to try to reach out to everybody in the system who's compartmentalized and say, do we really want to go in this direction?
I mean, there's only a few thousand globalists who have a stake in this corruption.
The rest of us need to understand that life is slowly degenerating and degrading and the good things are being pulled down and the bad things are being built up.
We need to change course.
Earlier today we were talking about the impact of the effort to reduce carbon dioxide and you made an incredibly interesting
...statement and you said that this is not being done to reduce global warming.
This is being done as an effort to reduce our effort to take care of ourselves.
To make us serfs on our own land.
Yes, they want to make us dependent and they state that.
That's what's sick.
You go back to Club of Rome, 1966.
1963 is a separate document.
I don't
And we'll get the right wing to go along with that.
And then on the left, we'll take over the ecological movement because people are legitimately concerned.
And we will use crises, the threat of global cooling, the threat of global warming.
It doesn't matter.
We need a shock doctrine of scaring them.
That way, we can go back to a feudalistic system.
I mean, they actually use the term feudalistic in the 1996 UN Biological Diversity Assessment.
It actually says
That they want to shut us down to the point where we literally can't even take care of ourselves, and then the government comes in and says, that's okay, we're going to give you welfare money, but you've got to be sterilized.
Rahm Emanuel never let a serious crisis go to waste.
We've had a number of serious crises with respect to our food chain.
Poison this and poison that and poison this and poison that.
And now the government appears to be using that crisis to do what?
To consolidate power and they openly tell the
Different federal agencies openly tell the farmers, get big or get out, and they want to transfer everything over to these big giant mega farms, which statistically, if you look at it, that's where almost all the problems are coming from.
That's where all the problems are coming from.
And yet, the SWAT teams are going after the little guys, the people who... Percy Smeiser.
Yes, Percy Smeiser.
The people who grow and sell food for their neighbors.
One lady in Connecticut has one cow,
Out in the country, three people share the milk from that cow.
The government came to her with cease and desist orders.
Well, see, the globalists claim they're these communists, and, oh, it's all lived together, but when people actually create a little commune that's free and democratic, and, you know, a neighborhood has four cows and they pay somebody to take care of them, they all get fresh milk and great cheese, the government does send in SWAT teams, you see it every week in the news, because
Because that's hate.
It's hateful for people to be able to have a real debate and a long discussion that's complex.
It's hateful to be able to have callers call in and have power.
It's hateful to be able to have guests on.
It's hateful to grow your own tomatoes.
It's hateful to be able to grow your own apples and under that S-510, if they were able to pass it, it openly said you can't pick apples and go sell them on the highway because
That's hate!
See, in America, land of the free, home of the brave, you don't sell apples.
You don't own your own cow and have some milk!
Guys, I want to come back in the next short segment, do five minutes in the next hour.
We've got Lindsey Williams coming up.
Maybe you guys will pop back in in the third hour as well.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Our grandparents, their grandparents, their grandparents before them, they could have cows, they could grow strawberries and sell them wherever they wanted to, but things changed.
We became domesticated.
And now we don't know how to fix our cars, we don't know how to fix our roofs.
Somebody's kind of a weirdo if they know how to tinker in their garage.
I see reports all the time where neighbors will see it's almost always an old man working on machinery in their garage or workshop and people will call the police on them.
Or, or...
Even in Texas, somebody tries to take their deer rifle out and put it in the back of their pickup.
Even in rural areas, people call the police on them.
It's like, this person's working on their car.
I saw some oil dripping.
This person's growing food.
This person... I mean, pretty soon it'll be, this person knows how to tie their shoelaces.
And they just want you totally mindless, like a little drone, only able to do little special functions for the system, while the system races to get rid of all of our jobs.
Michael Olson, where do you see all this going?
Where do you see this going, Bill Graff?
I'll jump in really quickly on this, Michael Olson here.
I saw a piece in the paper, or someplace, maybe it was on Infowars.com, where in Chicago,
Where school children are growing food in school gardens.
I saw that piece.
The food is prohibited in the school.
They can grow it, but they can't eat it.
They have to get rid of it because it's not, does not confine, confirm through the government guidelines.
I saw that.
So you got good teachers, and I've seen this rebelling everywhere, trying to teach them basic human skills.
I mean, we're designed to dig in the dirt as humans.
I mean, that's why it feels so good.
It's so relaxing.
It's like, you know, it's like taking four or five Valiums just to go dig in the dirt.
You know, people describe it that way because you're designed to do it.
And they're saying, going back over a decade, first they said you can't play dodgeball.
Then you can't play tag.
And now, coast to coast, in almost every school, they're not allowed to run or touch in the playground, and now they have to walk, and many schools are removing playgrounds altogether.
I mean, prisoners are allowed to go out on a playground!
I mean, it's worse than prisoners!
And, it all relates back to what you're talking about, about the blood flowing through the brain.
And firing the synapses and making people think.
Well, it also turns us into slugs.
Yes, and I think what you're saying is that so much of this, the end result, is that it reduces our ability to think.
Like rational human beings.
And it really does turn us into, like Billy says, slugs.
So we sit on our couch and we watch TV and we drink our beer, bleary-eyed, and we see the images flash past us, but our brainwaves are so small, the waves are just so weak and insipid that we're just not thinking.
We have been put into an artificial environment.
You know, it's one thing if we're in this technological system part of the time, but it feels so good to get out of it, but they're doing everything they can.
No, no, don't, don't, don't start growing your own food.
Keep, watch that television.
Don't stop.
It's more insidious than that.
Don't play dodgeball.
Don't get exercise.
Don't make your body strong so you can work.
I mean, don't become a slug.
Scary stuff.
So wait a minute.
How do we fight back?
Well, we understand.
I mean, on the issue of dodgeball, it's this whole cult of bullying.
You see the ads, stop bullying.
And nobody's for bullies.
But, you know, the issue is, the school goes after the bullies.
They get in trouble.
They stop them.
But they don't even do that now.
It's just, oh my gosh.
You know, if something hurts someone's feelings, we can't have dodgeball because somebody might lose.
If you don't trust the government, all these different mental illnesses, or, oh, you don't trust authority.
I mean, that was all common sense to our founders.
Common sense to anybody.
And so it's just this attempt to create an artificial system, but do it from a fake moral high ground, this fake liberalism.
But they're not liberals.
They are scientific technocrats at the top.
They are cold-blooded dominators.
But they put on the camouflage of a little loving hippie.
Oh, let's stop dodgeball.
Really, they're just eugenicists that want to take control.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
But see, it sounds reasonable what the social engineers do.
They go, oh, this Freon's bad for the ozone layer.
Let us take over.
And it turns out DuPont and Dow Chemical lobbied to ban it because they're patented right now.
They had something new, and it wasn't really true.
But they set the precedent.
We'll say how big your toilet is, how much water it can have.
We'll say what type of light bulb.
Oh, now it's a federal mandate with zoning home inspection.
Oh, you can't smoke in your house.
You can't smoke in a bar.
You can't smoke outside.
Cigarettes are bad, we know that, but it gives them the power to take away free will, and now you're in a tyranny.
Gentlemen, we've just got a few minutes left, and if you want to pop back in during the third hour, I want to try to get Michael Zwirling in here, because he's a very interesting fellow as well.
But Michael Olson, program director of these two fine stations, KSEO AM 1080 and KOMY AM 1340.
I wanted to just get both of you to comment on anything else we've discussed here because we've got the General Manager here and we've also got Bill Graff, the engineer.
I have something.
I want to ask you, what can we do as people?
I mean, faced with all of this that we're faced with,
What can we do to survive?
Not only for ourselves, but for our children and our children's children.
What can we do, Alex?
Well, we can take the states back.
There's a lot of different strategies, but I go with the nullification of the Tenth Amendment move.
It's one of the key political things.
But the biggest issue is people are now ready to hear the truth.
They weren't 10 years ago, 20 years ago.
Now, people are ready.
I mean, America's awake.
They just, they don't know what they've woken up to.
But they're awake, and we need to, while the establishment gives them all these false, twisted messages, we need to go, hey, you know, over here.
Do you know what I think happened?
I think we were all ready for a change, so we put the current administration in for a change, and then we found out they didn't change.
That's what woke me up.
No, exactly.
I think it snapped people out of a trance.
And I think you're right.
Also, I think of this in terms of food.
We used to be satisfied with the food that they gave us.
Then we discovered the joys of local food.
Real food from our neighbors.
There's a total rebellion all over Austin, all over the other towns.
Everybody I meet through my children who have friends is doctors, lawyers, scientists, and they know all about the New World Order.
Some of them don't even know who I am.
They know all about everything, and they've got all these co-ops, and it's a whole culture, and the food's great.
I mean, it's amazing.
This is a rebellion!
And that's what's frightening of it, and that's why there are all of these laws designed to make food safe.
But really, the laws are designed not to make food safe, just like this global warming thing.
It's not designed to make food safe.
It's designed to make it safe for them.
And not for us.
It consolidates it.
So it makes their food safe and it gets rid of our food.
And it insures their profit.
Tell folks when they can tune in anywhere in the world to KSCO.com and hear your weekly reports on this show.
Well, really good stuff.
I look forward to having you on my show.
Hey, we'll have some fun.
Well, you're here now with us.
Hopefully you guys will pop back in in the third hour and we can take some phone calls.
And I really appreciate Bill over there.
Isn't he handsome?
He is.
I have a great face for radio.
He's a good guy.
And you know... He actually has a gregarious loving face.
As he does.
Like a papa bear.
Until something goes wrong technically and then I run around like a banshee.
I'm the same.
Well, you know, it's the nice guys that you don't want to mess with.
The guys that are acting tough, they're not tough.
It's the guys that are nice and friendly that will pull your arm out of its socket.
Yeah, I've seen Billy get that way.
Usually when the transmitter stops transmitting.
And you know, this is crazy.
Oh, man.
You guys got the transmitter right over here.
You know, you were talking about our facility here that you're sitting in right now.
It's a studio design built in 1947, and the walls, it's kind of hard to describe, but the walls are actually round.
And they're rounded because?
So it doesn't bounce around the corners.
That's right.
No, no, I'm gonna take photos of this in my new studio, maybe copy this, because this is like
This, the walls in here look like Princess Leia's ambassadorship.
When Darth Vader's chasing her.
Exactly, exactly.
I mean, I feel like Darth Vader's about to come around the corner.
We'll be right back, folks.
Well, this is Santa Cruz.
It could happen.
We'll be right back.
We'll be back with Lindsey Williams.
Yeah, William Perales.
Stay with us.
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Others don't.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to open the phones up for Lindsey Williams.
We're going to start taking your phone calls at the bottom of the hour for questions for him.
This is part two of the live interview we did last week with him on, what was it, Thursday.
And he's with us for the rest of this hour, maybe a little bit into the next hour.
And Lindsey was saying he wanted to talk about solutions.
But Pastor Lindsey Williams, for those that don't know who he is or just joined us or driving along wondering what we're talking about, he knows a retired
CEO of one of the big three oil companies.
We know who it is.
We've confirmed it.
And he's told Lindsey a lot of things beforehand.
Predictions about what the elite are going to do that turn out to be very accurate, frighteningly accurate.
Similar to leaks we get from Bilderberg Group year after year.
Back in 2006, Estalin, as well as Tucker with their sources, when I was with them in Canada in Ottawa, there at the Capitol, covering Bilderberg, said they're going to pop the bubble in real estate
And then they're going to start a basic global depression and then they're going to try to kill the dollar.
That's what was discussed there.
And boom, it happened.
So this is very similar to that.
But Lindsey, we'll get a little bit into basic solutions or your ideas, but specifically for those that joined us, briefly recap the six or seven points that he made to you about the dollar, what he said about oil going up to 150 to 200.
I don't know.
And that's a whitewash even in and of itself.
Here's CNBC dollar at risk of becoming toxic waste of the chart show.
We're going to be discussing all of that.
Here's a New York Times article falling into the chasm.
Paul Krugman.
His answer is give the Federal Reserve more power.
And he goes on to say what
This is what happens when you need to leap over an economic chasm, but either can't or won't jump far enough so that you only get part of the way across.
And his answer is pump more money to the banks.
So they create the crisis, offer the solution.
Lindsey Williams, good to have you here with us.
Alex, I think everybody in America was listening to your show Thursday of last week.
I had call after call after call, and on Friday morning, an individual called me up and he said, Lindsey, you're all over the internet.
And I said, what do you mean?
Sure enough, I think nearly every major patriot
Uh, internet site in the country had replayed your program on Thursday.
Alex, people seem to be hungry for the truth.
So, over the weekend, I contacted both the two Mr. X's of my book, Energy Non-Crisis.
Now, the one gentleman who has cancer, is terminally ill, is only expected to live for about another two weeks.
And, I don't know, I'm gonna come out with some very startling things after he passes away.
What I found out over the weekend, Alex, if the people out in the listening audience knew even a fraction of what I've been told, you would be utterly startled.
You must not, I beg of you, everybody in Alex Jones' listening audience, you cannot allow Congress to bail out the mortgage-backed securities.
You can't let them do it.
You must stop them.
You realize that they are giving to the elitist of the world.
I mean, what I'm getting is so startling, Alex.
I would challenge every movement, every group in America to clamp down, stop this gun-bag Congress that we've got up there.
Well, Lindsey, I want to talk with you about what that means overall and how that ties into your main, Mr. Rex, and one of the other sources you've got, plus the lady who we've confirmed was having that meeting with Napolitano and she was saying get ready for total implosion.
Get your six months of food and water and that really scared people I had a big event last night and people were asking that question over over and over again But I don't think we can wait two weeks until mr. X dies and and hopefully when He won't die, but if he does I hope you come on here first to reveal what it is So startling that you're saying you can't say it now, but can you give us some type of?
Some type of hint or some type of idea of the information that's so big that he doesn't want it out?
Well Alex, it goes all the way back to while we were in Iraq.
I mean, this thing is so in-depth with information that they've given me over the years.
Many of the things I have not said out of respect for this gentleman and fear that I might get both he and I in trouble.
Now, over the weekend
Seven banks were closed in the United States of America.
That means that from the first of this year until right now, 139 banks have been closed in 2010.
Do you realize how drastic this is when Janet Napolitano just came out last week and said to a very close friend of hers who lives here in Phoenix, Arizona, who was in Washington at a private dinner meeting that she had with her, and she said,
I want you to go back to Arizona.
I want you to immediately, for the sake of your family, I'm saying this.
Janet Napolitano said to her, I'm saying this only to a few of my very close friends.
Get six months of food and water in your house immediately.
I mean, doesn't all this tell us something?
Why are we in Afghanistan?
Nobody even told us why we're there.
The real reason why we were in Iraq, I'll be coming out with this after this man dies, but out of respect for him, I can't do it until then.
But all of these things... Hold on, hold on, hold on.
We're on the verge of something.
You gotta tell us the real reason we were in Iraq.
Come on, this is too important.
Well, tell us as much as you can.
This is basically the Bush family.
I mean, this goes back to the time when Saddam Hussein threatened George Bush Sr.
He, of course, had to take revenge.
When it goes back to at the Death Ridge, who took the message to Saddam to go ahead and go into Kuwait, I mean, all of this adds up to we have been so
We've been led down the criminal's path.
We have been done in by our politicians in Washington, D.C.
The past few presidents have been nothing but pawns in the hands of the New World Order.
And now we go into Afghanistan for the sake of protecting the opium dealers.
And remember, 87% of the world's opium comes out of Afghanistan.
We're good to go.
You will give us the elitist 2 to 7 trillion dollars for the purpose of taking your residential and commercial mortgages and they will give it all free of charge.
I mean, I can hardly even talk this morning with what I've heard here lately.
It's so startling.
Folks, you cannot let this scumbag Congress between election and January, you cannot let them do what they've got on the docket to do.
They know they're on their way out and they're going to pull every trick of the trade before January and the new Congress takes over.
Folks, you can't let them do it.
Well, Lindsey, you talked to him then again just in the last few days?
I talked to him on Sunday.
I've never heard you so hectic.
I've never called you people scumbags.
I've never heard this much earnestness in your voice.
I mean, what is it that's got you so freaked out?
I mean, did he tell you they're about to pull the trigger on a total implosion?
They are definitely on the verge of doing what they want to do.
Let me put it this way.
He said to me two years ago, within two years you will not recognize America.
He said again by 2012 the dollar will be dead.
He said again within two years nearly everybody in America will be working for the government.
We are right now
Now, on the verge of them doing what he told me two years ago that they were going to do.
They feel that they have it in the bag.
They feel that everything is ready.
This man knows that this is what's about to happen.
He has been willing to warn me and not tell me not to warn the nation because you know when a man is dying Alex, he'll say a lot of things he won't say otherwise.
And I just come out here with the warning and say to you, they are ready to draw the string.
It is not long off before they accomplish what they want.
And if they accomplish what they want to do, then your grandchildren and your great-great-grandchildren will be slaves in the United States of America on our own land to the elitist of the world.
And one of the major things that they're going to do, of course, is the banking situation.
I think it should tell you something.
Seven banks closed.
139 banks have been closed since the first of this year.
The most since the Great Depression.
Folks, you've got to do something in protecting your house.
Okay, first of all, do what Janet Napolitano said.
I mean, she let the cat out of the bag.
If there's any such thing as buzzwords, she gave them on last Thursday morning before I went on your show.
She said, get six months of food and water in your house.
Stock market.
Folks, please, I beg of you, if you have anything to do with the stock market, you must watch Tony Robbins on YouTube.
If you have any doubt about what I'm saying from these elitists that have told me these things,
Listen to somebody else.
I mean, if you'd like a backup to this, then listen to Tony Robbins, R-O-B-I-N-S, on YouTube, and he says basically the same thing the elitist is saying, except he's saying it from his own... Again, get cash in the house.
If you don't have cash money in your house, do you realize if there happened to be a cyber attack, which Janet Napolitano has alluded to, do you realize you would not be able to go to the grocery store?
Well they're gearing up, Lindsey, they're gearing up and pre-hyping that it's going to come, but we know they're going to launch it.
Well, sure they are, and they'll know exactly what they're doing, and they'll know when it's going to happen.
And I have been warned two years ago that we have a two-year time frame, a two-year window.
It is at the end of that two-year window right now.
Iran is at the point that they want a Middle East crisis to take place, and it may not necessarily be with Iran.
It may be some other way.
Come on, they could launch a cyber attack from over there.
It could be Syria.
It could be Pakistan.
Stay there.
I want to get into this cyber attack.
I want to get into that $200 a barrel oil.
We'll be right back with Lindsey Williams.
Stay with us.
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We are back!
I'm coming to you live from the studios of KSCO 1080 AM and KOMY AM 1340 here in beautiful Santa Cruz, California.
I'll be speaking tonight for about four hours to another great sold-out crowd of wonderful Patriots.
Going back to Lindsey Williams.
Lindsey, to quantify all of this,
Specifically, you sound shaken up more than I ever have heard you, uh, you know, this concerned.
And you're saying that he, I mean, did he tell you, I'm gonna die in two weeks, they tell me?
And, uh, you can't talk about this till I'm dead?
Or, I mean, what did he say?
Well, I would say it's more of a matter of respect, Alex, but this man is terminal.
He was very weak when I talked to him on the phone over the weekend.
His relatives said that he has approximately two weeks to live.
The things that he has given me over the years, and now to bring all this to a culmination, it's kind of like a funnel.
You pull the funnel full at the top, but it's big.
You get down to the spout, and it's coming out strong.
We are at that spout point right now.
The elitist
The name of the game is control.
They do not want revolution.
Let me state this emphatically.
I know most of our patriot people out there and friends are looking for a revolution.
They don't want revolution.
That's the last thing in the world they want.
They do not want you to wake up enough to become so concerned.
Uh, that you will revolt.
The name of the game is total control.
They want your house mortgage, they want the commercial real estate of America, and they want to get every bit of it free of charge.
And they will.
If they have to use a cyber attack, they will.
If they have to use, uh, the bank, I mean, the mortgage institutions being bailed out to the tune of two to seven trillion dollars, which they're predicting they will.
Uh, and you American taxpayers are going to pay it.
Don't let them through!
I don't know how to say this enough.
After my conversations this weekend, I just want to shout over your broadcast, if I could, everybody out there in the listening audience, every group in America, don't let Congress bail out the mortgage-backed security.
You will literally be
Between two and seven trillion dollars of money from the Treasurer of the United States of America through the Federal Reserve.
And that won't fix the problem.
That won't fix the problem they've created.
I mean, you notice the more power we give them, the more bailouts they need.
Now, specifically, you talked about $150 to $200 a barrel.
That translates to $5 to $6 to $7 a gallon, depending on where you live in the country.
What's the time frame on that, A, and did he say anything else about it?
You remember two years ago, he told me it was going from $147 to $150.
It did it exactly as he said two months later.
This time, it's going in the opposite direction.
It is going back up to $150 to $200 a barrel.
You're looking somewhere, and they're going to do this so that you won't jump out of the saddle.
They don't want the plug to jump out of the pot.
They are not going to take it there overnight like they brought it down overnight.
Instead, they're going to take it back up gradually, and it'll take place somewhere between six months and a year.
Diesel fuel is already up $0.10 a gallon here in our local area, and you're going to see it go back up to $4 and $5 a gallon at the gas pump, and you'll see it done gradually.
If they see you jumping out of the saddle and getting too angry, notice Miller's slowed that program down a little bit.
Don't pay any attention to that!
Don't let him dupe you.
You know what the plan is.
I have told you.
This man has told me what the plan is.
Everything this man has told me over the past 35 years has taken place exactly as he said it.
You can depend on this also.
And it is a drawing of the string of these people, so yes.
Well, Lindsey, to be specific, though... Within the next six months to a year, it's going back up gradually to the point you'll be paying that at the gas pump.
If they need to use a Middle East crisis, they will.
And the Strait of Hormuz, all it takes is one tanker.
30% of all the world passes through there in any given day.
They can do any of these things they want to in order to bring about what they want to bring to come to pass, Alex.
Okay, now Lindsey, he's given you amazing predictions and almost all of them have come true, but I guess he was speculating because even the establishment didn't know exactly what was going to happen with the oil spill.
I mean, he did say that was going to be a little bit worse than it's turned out to be, right?
I mean, he wasn't completely right about that.
Well, that positively wasn't an accident.
That was not planned.
And they finally had to fill that entire pipe with drilling mud and close it off.
So that's kind of an issue of the past, and people around the Gulf will have to live with the coercion.
And we don't really know the truth.
Now we come down to the other things that are most important, and of course we're going to face a crude oil crisis going up.
We're going to face this mortgage-backed security crisis.
And the thing I'm trying to, I listed over the weekend, in light of what these people have told me, what you need to do.
Senator Paul Tannell was right.
Go do it immediately.
Stock market, folks, you've got to take action if you're in it.
Your cash,
Uh, you must have some cash in your house.
Don't put it in the bank.
You can't depend on the bank.
The banks have a major problem.
And your 401Ks and your IRAs, retirement funds, if you're depending on those, please, I beg of you, give it a second thought.
Hold it.
We gotta go to break.
We're gonna come back and go to phone calls and go through some more of this key information.
Stay with us.
It's Monday.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Suck on the blood of the children!
The Babylon System!
Yeah, people like to make fun of third world countries because they can never get themselves together.
But now it's happening here.
It's always been going on, but now there's so many vampires, so many parasites, and they're collapsing the civilization and society by design.
That's why my films, The Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic, are so important.
They're really not films about Obama.
But it's meant to get liberals and conservatives to watch the film and to see how he's nothing but a puppet and how the banks have engineered these crises.
And I released the Obama Deception now more than a year and a half ago.
Fall of the Republic, what, eight, nine months ago.
And those are the key films to show you currently what's happening.
I hope you'll get them at InfoWars.com.
I hope you'll make copies of the DVDs.
I hope you'll send the videos out to everyone you know because it, in a complex but riveting way, lays it all out.
Because if we don't politically
As a society, stand up and shatter the left-right paradigm and point out how they control us and how they divide and conquer us and what this global banking agenda is.
We're going to lose this society.
Lindsey Williams, before he leaves, will give you the number and website if you want to get some of the books and films and DVDs and audio CDs that break down all of his research and intel and his sources.
But prophecyclub.com has all that latest information available.
But before he leaves us at five after next hour, we might even keep him a little bit longer, we will give you that number and other information.
So prophecyclub.com.
Of course, again, our websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
Six days a week we live video stream the full radio show.
We're not doing that today because I'm here in Santa Cruz, California, but there can be no doubt now
That we're going into a depression.
There can be no doubt it was engineered.
That's admitted.
And there can be no doubt that the people that engineered it are in control.
And it's very, very simple.
And people need to understand this is the fruit of globalism.
It is poverty.
It is bankruptcy.
It is war.
It is pain.
I want to go to Steve, Matt, Ronnie, Diane.
Naylani and others that are patiently holding and as you hear those callers disconnect when we're done, you can call in 800-259-9231.
Lindsey, they're openly now announcing, I saw them changing the rules five years ago, now they're saying, yeah, we're going to take your private pension funds and tax them to keep them safe for you.
Oh, because they invested in mortgage-backed securities, the government's got to take it over.
Uh, you know, that's how they sell it.
And, oh yes, we are, you know, blocking COLA increases on cost of living expenses for, uh, seniors on Social Security.
I mean, it goes on and on, but don't worry!
They've got tax increases on top of it all to further stall the economy, and
Carbon taxes for you, and if that doesn't, you know, break your wallet, well, we've got all these cops out there writing tickets as fast as they can.
One of the guys at the station just ran to the store to get some breakfast for us and didn't completely stop at a stop sign and just got a ticket.
The police right out here are like piranhas, you know, feeding.
But if you're an illegal alien, though, they fall down on their knees and worship you and say you can go because, again, they want to keep those borders wide open to further drive down
We're good to go.
Anything else you can tell us?
You see, out of respect, I mean, obviously he's telling you this information so that you can talk about it as long as you don't give up his identity.
The system's listening to your phones.
They know who it is.
I know who it is.
I know who the lady in Phoenix is.
Uh, you know, separately, and confirmed it.
Uh, so, I mean, why not just go ahead and tell us?
Because, you know, God forbid you could, uh... I mean, I think it's dangerous for you to know this information and to not tell us all of it now.
I mean, if it's really that powerful, that's the only danger you're in, is not telling us what he told you.
Well, I think if I could all sum it all up in just a few expressions, after what I've heard this weekend, every person out there in your listening audience needs to somehow, someway, I don't know how you're going to do it, you need to get a paid-for roof over your head.
Uh, when this mortgage-backed security thing comes down, they will own your mortgage, and they will tell you what to do with your house the rest of your days.
You'll not be able to leave it to your children.
You need a paid-for roof over your head, even if it's a shanty.
Uh, it's better than having a mansion and letting the elitists tell you everything to do.
Government intervention in your life?
You've never seen the like of what it's going to be, because the elitists control the President.
They tell Congress what to do.
Who do you think wrote the healthcare bill?
No, it's got the death panels, it was written by the banks and on the insurance companies, it makes you buy it, then they can cut the actual care you get, it doesn't cover
Pre-existing conditions.
It is another giant tax.
It has provisions in there for real estate taxes, federal property taxes.
I mean, it's all in there.
Increased taxes on the social security money they take out of your check.
It is a total nightmare.
They're seizing control.
They're building threat fusion centers, openly federalizing all of our police.
I mean, this is a criminal takeover.
What else can you tell us that he told you?
I mean, what is shaking you up so bad?
Tell us, Lindsey.
Well, he has warned me over and over and over, and he keeps on warning me.
He said, Chaplain, the only place you can secure any of your assets is in gold and silver.
He said, real estate, you can't depend on it.
He said, nothing else you can.
He said, gold and silver, and don't let somebody else hold it in paper form for you.
You need to purchase more, even at $1,350 an ounce.
You've got to do it.
Folks, get out of your 401ks and your IRAs and transfer them over to silver accounts, retirement accounts, anything you can.
And again, I'll stress,
Please get cash in your home because the elite are on the verge of drawing the string and whatever they do, they will control you because if you don't have cash, you can't buy gasoline at the pump even if you can get it.
I mean, if you can get it.
And you won't be able to... So did he tell you about... Every preparation that you possibly can make, but again... Lindsey, Lindsey... Please get a paid-for roof over your head.
Lindsey, did he talk to you about bank runs or bank holidays when they shut it down and then announced dollars have been devalued afterwards?
Because, you know, that's even what the New York Times is now talking about.
Yes, he positively has said that we are going to have a disruption of the currency.
How they will choose to do it, there's many different ways.
And of course, the thing that he said so plainly is the dollar is going to go down and down and down and down in value.
I beg of you, get it right now.
If there's anything in the world that you need to buy, and you have the cash to buy it, buy it right now.
Because the dollar is going to become more worthless by the day.
He has stressed this over and over and over, that the dollar is going to be dead, and they will probably go to another currency.
They will go to a currency of some kind.
It's under my impression, from listening to these people, that they'll probably go directly to a world currency, and not just a North American Union currency.
I think they've bypassed that.
But put some cash in the house and be prepared for whatever may take place.
He warns me about that over and over.
Well, notice how the government is lying to everybody.
We've known for more than two years national unemployment is above 22%.
22.2, 22.6, 22.8.
It varies according to these actuaries that are put out by big mainline financial analyst firms.
Anybody can just search the term real unemployment above 22%.
But here's 60 Minutes shock report.
We've got the full report up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the video 15-minute segment from 60 Minutes.
Sixty-minute shock report.
Real unemployment nationwide, 17.5.
California, 22.
And then here's CNBC today.
Dollar at risk of becoming toxic waste, charts show.
The dollar slump could get far worse if the dollar index takes out last year's low.
Robin Griffiths, technical analyst at Casanova Capital told CNBC today, if the dollar index takes out the low that was made roughly a year ago, I really think that there will not only encourage more sales, it will cause a little bit of a minor panic.
He went on to say, a year ago it was deemed too cheap.
If it goes any lower, then it actually becomes toxic waste.
The dollar resumed its recent downturn Monday, so gold went back up today, in the wake of a meeting of finance ministers from the group of G20 nations, that's the folks coordinating the concerted global devaluation of all currencies, they call it
What's the exact term they use for coordinated devaluation?
The meeting failed to yield a definitive agreement on currencies, putting selling pressure on the greenback.
The dollar is being trashed.
We've actually had effective devaluation of about 14% in the last two months, Griffin said.
His view is contrary to the HSBC foreign exchange strategist David Bloom, who told CNBC that the continuation of currency war after the G20 might put pressure on risky assets, causing a flight to safety for the dollar.
Well, that's what Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has said on this show many times, former head of policy at the Treasury under Reagan, but he says that only happens for a short time.
So that's why the dollar goes down.
Then other currencies go down, then people flood back into bonds, and the dollar goes back up.
But if you look at the chart, it's steadily going down.
So yes, it'll go down by a few points, and then go back up by a point.
Then go down a couple more points, then go back up by a point or two.
But overall, in the aggregate, it's going straight down.
Lindsey, did he specifically give you a time frame on when the dollar would go belly up?
Oh yes, he positively did.
In fact, I think I've given this on your show before.
He said the dollar will be dead by 2012.
And of course, it's very easy to see that this year, in 2011, they could begin to do a lot of things to cause the dollar to be completely worthless.
You must prepare for all of this.
Now, the United States has lost 42,400 factory jobs since 2001.
75% of those factories employed more than 500 people.
Do you realize that the elite have seen every bit of this?
They have moved everything abroad.
Well, we've lost millions of factory jobs.
It's a lot more.
It's all been done by design.
Let's go to some phone calls, Lindsey.
Amazing information.
Let's talk to Steve in New Mexico.
Steve, thanks for holding her on the air.
Lindsey and Alex.
Listen, not to belabor the point, but as I understand it, what we have here is an elite cartel of international bankers, and they're subjecting us to a kind of financial and economic rape.
And my question is this.
Isn't it high time that we hit these financial terrorists where they live and withdraw all our money from the banks?
In other words,
A concerted, coordinated, nationwide effort to pull the plug on the banksters by withdrawing their lifeblood.
Yes, there must be massive action on the part of the American people.
And I guess the reason I'm so disturbed this morning, and the reason Alex and everybody else can hear it in my voice, is because of what I've heard in the past few days.
Folks, you don't have much longer.
These people feel that they have it in the bag.
And every group in America, every person listening to the Alex Jones Show, you're right, we've got to have a concerted effort to stop
Yeah, they're gonna try to ram through.
Well, they're going to try to ram through the carbon tax, they're going to try to ram through the Cybersecurity Act, they're going to try to ram through the bill they already passed, let the banks take any houses they want without the deeds, but Obama pocket vetoed it two weeks ago and just set it aside so he can sign it later, and they've signaled that they will.
But not just getting out of the big six megabanks, that's important, but a lot of people will go down and out of their credit union and pull their money out like it's their fault.
No, the head of the Texas Banking Association
Just in what in February this year wrote a big article and said look the big mega banks have engineered this This banking re-regulation act that they're about to pass and they did pass it a few months later Is only going to give them more power to take us over and that's what they're doing is snapping up local banks that actually are helping our economy So we need to differentiate between the mega globalist money changers and your local banks but
As important as getting your money out of the big six mega banks is politically having the will and pointing out they are the criminals.
We need to be pointing our fingers and screaming and saying there's the bad man at a fifth grade level.
That's the bad man!
You know, police, thief, purse snatcher!
He did it!
There he is!
We need to point out that these people are doing this out in the open.
Anything else, Steve?
No, and I thank you, too.
Thank you, Steve.
Let's talk to Matt in Massachusetts.
You're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Hi guys, thanks so much for taking my call.
I'm just wondering, Lindsey, last week you mentioned that your source had explained to you that we should be watching Russia and China.
And I'm wondering, do you expect the United States to be at war with Russia or China anytime soon?
And if so, who wins the war and what happens after the war?
Well, naturally we're not going to win the war.
We have moved all of our industry abroad.
China makes over 80% of the components.
China makes most of the components for the weapons.
Yeah, and we are totally at their mercy.
Even our own military could not operate, our tanks could not run.
And our own government gave them the Panama Canal.
And our own government gave them the Panama Canal.
This is a long-term CFR, Trilateral Commission, stated plan to move everything to China, and then shut us down, and just leave us with a bunch of paramilitary parasites feeding off of us.
I mean, it's a nightmare situation, and you notice the last two weeks China announced they were going to cut off all rare earth minerals needed for all the weapons components, all the cell phones,
Everything, because China has gotten over to 90% oligopoly or a semi-monopoly over all rare earth minerals.
But the globalists aren't stupid.
They allowed China to strategically do that and then basically blocked any US companies from doing it.
This is a master plan, ladies and gentlemen.
And now China backed off a bit and said, we're just going to reduce most of those rare earth minerals.
So even if companies wanted to build,
Uh, semiconductors here, wanted to build, uh, smart bombs here, wanted to build high-tech, uh, you know, iPhones here, which are already built in China.
Uh, even if they wanted to do that, you couldn't build it here because we can't get the rare earth minerals that are needed to do it.
Remember, the elitists control China and Russia just like they control the United States of America.
They just do it with a little different methodology of doing it.
And yes, I have been warned to watch China.
Can you imagine Walmart without a single product on the shelf made in China?
Well, you may very well see this because of the currency wars and the trade wars and now a stupid Congress of all things want to go and then slap on certain laws about China.
And then they go over there and meddle in all of their business, just like they meddled in Iran.
And now Iraq is turning around saying, we don't want your democracy.
We have just pulled so many voters, and every single one of them, to the advantage of the elite.
And now they think they can turn around and get the American taxpayer to just bury up and bail out the mortgage-backed securities and give them
Two to seven trillion dollars.
Oh folks, this is so dangerous.
We've got to stand up and take action immediately or our great-great-grandchildren are going to be slaves in the hands of the elite.
All right, well said Lindsey Williams.
Thanks for the call Matt, Ronnie, Diane, Nailani, Kyle, others.
Your calls are straight ahead with Lindsey Williams.
We're live at InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, side note, this whole studio here at KSCO in Santa Cruz was built just for the station, but they have another building right next door that is a World War II bomb shelter gun emplacement that has another studio in it that they do the Dead Doctors Don't Live
Program out of so literally from a bunker.
We join you from Santa Cruz and the great crew is back there in Austin at the Central Texas Command Center.
Lindsey Williams is with us about 15 minutes of the next hour.
We really appreciate him giving us all this exclusive information.
Let's go to Ronnie in Texas.
Ronnie, you're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
For Lindsey Williams, our blessing to our once proud Constitutional Republican.
Thanks for dutifully sharing the joy
In grim reality, you know, for me to face even grim reality and act accordingly is real joy.
And so my question for you, sir, is what is the game plan if they have one for somehow extinguishing our globally exploding eruption of absolute freedom for family farmers for growing truly organic, non-GMO
I think so.
Yeah, the name of the game is control.
This is what it's all about.
And whatever it takes for them to be able to bring about total control of everything from your house, to your automobile, to your money, to your life, to where you go, to what you do.
This is their end goal.
And whatever it takes for them to do this, they plan to do it.
They used the Iraqi war in order to accomplish one thing.
Now they're using Afghanistan to accomplish something else.
They're bringing the drugs from Mexico.
They leave the borders wide open so that all the disruptive people can come in.
Every bit of this is a part of the total program of the name, of the game, is control.
Order out of chaos to bring in full spectrum dominance.
They bring chaos into every sector of society and life, then they bring control into every sector of society and life.
Diane in Ohio, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Hi Alex and Lindsey, thanks for all that you guys have been doing.
But Lindsey, I have a comment here.
I don't know if you know of Kevin Trudeau.
Yeah, the infomercial guy.
What about him?
Yeah, um, last month, which is September, the middle of September, he said on his radio show that Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and the IMF was on their way into Iran to take over the entire financial system.
And one week later, Alex, you mentioned that the computer hovered there got worms.
So they are in High Run.
They went in through back door.
Yeah, the elite do want, this is very positive, the elite already, I've been telling you for two years, no, no, no, we're not going to have a Middle East crisis.
And everybody laughs at me.
And I said no, the elite is telling me they're not going to.
I'm telling you now, they're ready.
They want a Middle East crisis of some kind within the next three to four months time.
This is very positive.
No, I just wanted you to know that.
Alright, thank you so much for that information.
Lindsey, we're going to break in one minute, and I know I'm springing this on you, but if folks want to get your latest audio CD that you've just been making over the weekend, breaking all this down in succinct fashion, they can go to prophecyclub.com, I know to get it, or they can also call the toll-free number.
Do you have that number?
The number is 888-799-6111.
Everything that the elitists plan to do for the rest of this year and through 2012, and not only that, but I have done a complete breakdown of 14 things that you need to do immediately, and I'll explain them in depth.
Alright, give the number out again.
Alright, we'll be right back with a third hour.
Stay with us.
70 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming to you from the studios of KSCO 1080 Red Hot News Talk.
We're here into the third hour.
Gonna have some more interesting folks popping in.
Stuart Rhodes called us yesterday and this morning.
Another Oath Keeper's had his child taken and they're citing because he is an Oath Keeper and this is a full-fledged Oath Keeper.
Uh, just unbelievable sighting.
Ownership of guns even though there's no crimes committed.
We're going to see if Stuart's popping in briefly towards the end of this hour.
Lindsey Williams is our guest right now.
We're taking your phone calls.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We'll be with us in the next segment.
Nalani, I hope I'm pronouncing that right, in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, it's actually Nalana, but I'll forgive you.
Okay, go ahead.
Okay, it might seem like I'm changing the subject because I want to talk about the S-510, but I think you agree it ties right into the dollar dying.
I'm an unemployed single mother, too.
I've been living on $185 a month for three years now, and I've done it by eating homegrown food and living as simply as possible and embracing the fact that food and shelter are my only real necessities.
In light of my own economic crisis, I made plans to care for my kids by farming, and 30 days from now, I was moving to a country location to
...begin growing my own food, have chickens and cows, but now with the S-510 bill, is there any point?
And with your insight, Lindsey...
Into what's about to go down.
Is this bill going to pass?
And seriously, would I be better to just get myself out of the way?
Well listen, I want to comment than have Lindsey do it.
If everybody starts farming and ranching or even doing a garden, they can't stop us all.
And no, S-510 is probably not going to pass.
The lame duck can do anything.
But let them try to implement that.
These criminals want us to be their domesticated slaves.
It's time to say, I'm not Al-Qaeda for growing tomatoes.
I'm not Al-Qaeda for growing plums.
I'm not Al-Qaeda for not taking your mercury-filled shots.
I'm not Al-Qaeda for worshipping your depression.
I'm not going along with it anymore.
And the only thing you can do is try to get self-sufficient.
Lindsey Williams, your comments.
Yes, you are a year ahead of probably most everyone else out there in the listening audience.
I'm so glad.
I wish everybody would immediately take some action to do exactly what you're doing, because there's one thing they can't control.
They can't control every single minute little garden out there in the country.
But they sure can control the banking system.
They can control Washington, D.C.
They already have their noose around its neck.
They're going to control every lending institution.
They're going to control the currency.
They can't take care of every little garden and every well out there in the country.
Folks, I found out, I investigated, where the elitists are.
I did this about a year ago.
There's not a single one of them living in a city.
Every single one of them have moved to the middle of nowhere.
The elitists already know what's going to happen, and they've moved out.
Absolutely they have, and most of the really wealthy people in Austin, Texas are getting strange variances that hardly anybody else can get, and there's drilling rigs everywhere in the middle of the richest areas in town.
They're all putting up big fences and have drilling rigs putting in water wells.
You can drive around anywhere in Austin in a wealthy area, and they're drilling wells.
I mean, Lindsey, this is crazy.
Oh yeah, people are waking up, but you've got to wake up more.
And please don't let them pass any mortgage-backed security bill.
I keep stressing this.
Please forgive me, Alex, for saying this so many times on one program.
I sound like a broken record.
Over the weekend, what I have found out from these people, please, please, please, please don't let them bail out the elitist and give them $2-12 trillion of your money between November and January.
Anything else from Tennessee?
Uh, no, I just wanted your input as to if you thought it was a bad financial decision to start farming at this point.
Well, ma'am, I don't know your financial...
I don't know your financial situation, but it sounds like an investment to have cows and all of that if you don't have any money, but you can certainly just get back to the land and live in a meager way.
Look, 90% of the public in the Great Depression, or about 89%, lived in rural areas and were somewhat self-sufficient.
Now 90%, right at 90%, are urban and are not self-sufficient.
If 7 million people starve to death one way or the other according to major university studies,
During the 10-year Great Depression, with 90% being self-sufficient or quasi-self-sufficient, what's going to happen now?
This is their plan for martial law and total control.
For you're begging for the army to come into your city.
The threat fusion centers are set up.
They're ready for martial law.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Monday, the 25th day of October 2010.
We are simulcasting on AM and FM, Global Shortwave, WWCR, XM, wonderful AM and FM affiliates.
Number one streaming radio show according to Shoutcast, Google Analytics, and many other metrics at InfoWars.com.
And PrisonPlanet.TV, only a small amount of our audio streams actually even show up at Shoutcast, but if you go there, you'll notice we're number one.
That's not just a... It's no brag, just fact.
As John Wayne once said, we're not bragging that we're the number one show on the internet, it's actually scary.
In fact, seeing 800 people last night just absolutely loving me and appreciating me, and after four hours of hearing me babble, begging me to not go,
It was actually very humbling.
And people say, I'm humbled.
I mean, I am humbled.
I'm just a regular guy.
And it makes me worry.
Can I live up to my responsibilities?
I mean, it's just incredible.
But I'm just an average person.
All of you are great leaders in this fight against tyranny.
It was so wonderful seeing everybody that came out last night in Santa Cruz.
And I can't wait to see people tonight.
I tell you, I'm tired.
My plane got delayed.
We'll go back to Lindsey Williams here in a moment.
Flying in Friday.
And then by the time I drove up to Northern California from San Francisco, I got to bed about 2.
And then I was already on Central Clock, so I woke up at about 5.30, which is about 7.30 Austin time.
And same thing last night.
I've had about three hours sleep.
I'm not complaining.
I'm just kind of worried about tonight, but I'm sure I'll pull it through and speak for four hours.
But Sheriff Richard Mack's going to pop by, who's in town.
Joe Bannister, former Treasury agent.
We had Dr. Stan Monteith there last night here in beautiful Santa Cruz.
But going back to Lindsey Williams, you know, as I say every day, it's one thing to intellectually know that all of this is real.
But then it's another thing to actually see it unfold.
And I wanted to briefly get Bill Graff, who works here at KSCO as the engineer, just briefly before we go back to Lindsey Williams.
You've been sitting here for about an hour listening to Lindsey.
Do you have any questions or comments for Lindsey Williams?
Well, I live on a family farm.
My father grows apples.
Uh, and sells them to, uh, a big, uh, company and locally based company, Martinelli Sparkling Cider.
So our apples are actually sent out and, you know, and consumed by the world.
That's my favorite apple juice.
And, and so, you know, when I hear that they're going to tell us that we can't grow our own food, that kind of scares me.
And, and it brings up something that I wonder about, you know, my dad's, uh, almost 80 years old now.
Well, if you read the bill, it's, well, we're going to come to inspections and there's going to be fees, and you've got to put in all this process and pay all these new taxes, or we'll shut you down.
So in effect the way it's stated I've had lawyers on and in Congress people to go over the bill on air That's what it says in effect that it's a felony if you don't do everything the way we say and the law is written to give The Food and Drug Administration just unlimited power to make up whatever they want.
Well, what do you tell the people though?
Let me let me just ask by trying to answer your question.
Let me ask your question.
What are you going to tell all the small growers who grow apples?
And I'm just using this as an example because it's what I know about.
Who grow apples for Martinelli.
Martinelli buys apples from all the local growers.
They're very proud of the fact that they don't buy apples from anywhere else.
They've been there for a hundred plus years.
Yeah, and they're all organic, and they're, you know, they just do a great job of mixing apples.
And this is designed to destroy that for the few good companies that actually do buy from the locals.
Well, but what do you tell this company, who's a worldwide company now?
They grow apples.
I mean, here's the Martinelli thing.
Google Martinelli Fluoride, they just had a big fight, begging the town not to fluoridate, and the government came and said, we'll give you a million bucks to put in a filtration system, because they were lobbying to not have the water fluoridated, and the government's trying to make them fluoridate the apple juice.
Did you hear about that?
Yeah, and I think Martinelli's also exploring possibilities of drilling your own well and everything.
No, no, that's the way to go!
Your take on that, Lindsey Williams.
The elitists are going to do everything they do very slowly, very gradually.
They don't want you to jump out of the saddle.
They'll give you this rule today and that rule tomorrow, something else the next day.
Something has got to make the American people so mad that literally they will jump out of the saddle before these people have time to pull the string, folks.
You have heard an urgency in my voice today that you've never heard before because of what I've been told this weekend.
You have got to take action and don't let them
I want to go back to calls with Lindsey Williams.
We're running out of time here, but briefly, Lindsey, anything else he told you in yesterday's discussion when he has reportedly two weeks to live, but they could be wrong about that.
It could be a month, it could be a year, it could be tomorrow.
Anything else that he told you that you can talk about that people need to hear?
I can put it in one expression very easily.
Get ready.
Get prepared.
Do what's necessary.
You need to know what to do.
Most people don't know what to do and how to go about it.
Well, that's the very reason that for the first time in all my years, I have finally told you what to do.
Fourteen things in our new presentation that I tell you what you can do in relation to what the leadership told me they're going to do.
You've got to take...
Hello Alex, hello Lindsey.
I kind of want to just make a general comment and then get Lindsey's take on it.
I've called in and made this point before on your show, Alex.
It's been a while since I have called in.
But throughout history, anytime there's a consolidation of power, they always turn around and hang a group of themselves, essentially, to point the finger like, oh, these are the bad guys, we got them.
They caused this crisis, so that way they could pose as
You know, the saviors.
Oh, we just got the bad guys who caused all this, but now we have all this power.
Have they stated, and maybe you can't talk about this, but do they already have plans to, say, hang the neocons or hang the neolibs?
Because they're gonna murk 50-70% of the people who help them get here to this point.
They don't have a choice because
Heads are going to have to roll, and if they want to keep power, they're going to have to do that in order to placate the people.
Or have they just not thought about that, and they'll figure it out afterwards.
Well, there is one thing they have said, and this so relates to the Alex Jones Show.
They have said to me, we must have our national media in order to be able to carry out what we want in the New World Order, and this will be very encouraging to you, Alex, especially.
The last thing that they're going to bring total control on is radio talk shows.
Now, this has been positively stated, and they know that they can't control, if they control you, they're going to have to control the nation.
Some control factors will be put in on the national media.
So, you will be out there as long as anybody, Alex.
So, we're the last in line.
You're the last in line.
They will get you.
Be assured of that.
But you'll be the last in line and you'll be there as long as anybody else.
Because they can't control the liberal media.
They know the control factors will be put on them if they put any on you.
Therefore, you're going to be out there as long as anybody.
And I'll make you a promise.
I promise you that in the next two to three weeks time, anytime, I mean you listen to the Alex Jones Show every single day, please, everybody out there in your listening audience, listen every single day to the Alex Jones Show, don't miss it, and I promise you in the next two to three weeks, anything that is passed on to me before the expiration, I will call up Alex's producer and say, I've got something startling, I want to see it.
All right, I hope that answers your question, Kyle, in Iowa.
Does that answer your question?
Well, yes and no, because they, you know, I mean, and maybe he doesn't have the answer, but I didn't know if they already have their guns pointed at some of their own people, because whoever's foolish enough to help bring this in, and if I can actually make this statement too, that the people who are running this country right now, or at least who appear to be, to the military-industrial complex that have the semblance of actually having power, not that they really do,
If they would just take control of that, and actually save this country, they could actually save themselves, but I know they probably won't.
Well, no, that's a key point.
In fact, that was the end of my speech last night, and I appreciate the call, Kyle.
At the end of my speech, I made the point that a lot of elitists, who are very high level, do not like this, and they're figuring out how dangerous it is, how destructive it is, and that that very, you know, avarice-filled spirit that empowers and animates the globalists, it isn't going to stop, ever.
I mean, there's no end.
It's kind of like Stalin.
No one opposing him, and he kills tens of millions of Russians and Ukrainians.
It's like Hitler.
They just want more, more, more.
They enjoy it.
It's what they do.
They're psychopaths.
Let's talk to Weston in Missouri.
Weston, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'd just like to say thank you to yourself as well as Alan Watt for waking me up, man.
Thank you.
You got a question?
We got about a minute and a half.
Okay, I got one question here.
Mr. Williams, if the dollar is dead in 2012, how can a lower-middle class person prepare for this?
Gold and silver.
I've already been told that they positively must get it, and at that point, then whatever a new exchange medium is, you can exchange it for that, because by that time, gold and silver, the gold's gonna be up to $2,000 and $3,000 an ounce.
I don't
A lot of people get gold as an investment.
Oh look, it's up four times what it was the last ten years.
That's not the reason I hold gold and silver.
It's an emergency backup for food and water.
It's an emergency backup for my radio show.
Uh, and not much of it.
We couldn't run long.
Uh, you know, so, uh...
The point is, we're going into a design depression.
If we get the word out and expose these bankers, they may slow down and back off.
But if we don't have the political will to say, hey, stop what you're doing now, they're going all the way.
Look how bold they are.
Lindsey Williams, do one more segment with us with more calls.
Then we've got some other guests in the studio.
Stay with us.
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Everybody knows.
Final segment with Lindsey Williams as new developments unfold.
You know he'll be here.
We appreciate him.
Let's go ahead and quickly take a few more calls.
Let's talk to Roger in Texas.
Roger, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, hey Lindsey, how are y'all?
Hi Roger.
Well, I just wanted to say thank you for all you do to try to wake up all the sheeple out there.
The time is getting short and I just appreciate what both of y'all have been doing.
And I wanted to ask you, Lindsey, do you post your information at the Prophecy Club or do you have another site?
A year ago, about a year and a half ago, I was called by this illegal individual and threatened.
He said, you close down your website if you don't, and he said what he would do, it wasn't very pleasant.
As a result, I do not have a website.
Yeah, that's why we've got to move materials from time to time.
That's why we've got to move quick, bud.
I'll tell you one thing, Alex, and our listener will appreciate this.
During the commercial break, I just decided I need to get one more thing.
There's a lot that I could say.
I'll agree with you, Alex.
Both of the Mr. X's of my book, The Energy and Iron Crisis, have came down with horrible types of cancer.
I don't know whether this has happened so.
They have given me information over the years.
Both of them nearly died.
One of them went to the Alzheimer's treatment in Mexico and was cured.
The other one has a son who is a doctor and they convinced him to go the conventional method in America and now he's expected to die within the next two weeks.
I will do this.
For those of you who know anyone who has a malignancy, I will call my 800 service after this program and give them the phone number where you positively can be cured of malignancy.
And whether this was by chance, but both of the misdirections in my book, In a Denying Crisis, came down with some of the worst forms of cancer.
One of them is cured now because of the Allosarcos treatment in Mexico, which was given a repeal, I think, in Spain.
And now, of course, the other one is dying.
We've got to move quick here.
Let's do a couple more calls if we have time.
Let's talk to Ryan in Arizona.
You're on the air, Ryan.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Nice to speak with you and Lindsey again.
I really appreciate you as a beacon of truth.
I think that you're
Start, you know, as a... On public access TV, where you're at today is a testament to how powerful the truth can be if you work hard and put in the time and effort.
And I'd like to ask Lindsey, I'm a... Me and my wife are both educators here in Arizona, and we've been trying to prepare as best we can
It's, you know, it's pretty hard, you know, when you're making like low 30s, paying for rent and all the other utilities, trying to actually save up some money.
And my wife currently has a trust fund that her parents have set up, but she's not able to touch it for a few more years.
And I've tried to convince her parents to get into gold, silver, and other, you know, precious metals that are actually tangible that they can own.
And actually possess and not have to worry about, you know, being invested in the stock market and all of a sudden the dollar crashes and your portfolio is worth nothing.
The only thing they would be able to depend on is the gold and silver they have.
All of these other funds, they may or may not be there, and even if they are, what are they going to be worth whenever our present currency collapses, and then how would you change them over to the value of the new currency?
So, um,
Did your insider friend mention where or what kind of a, is it going to be a global currency maybe?
A North American currency?
We already have a global currency.
It's called the SDR, and it's above the other currencies.
It will just control all your regional currencies.
When you read about the G20 with coordinated devaluation, that is the global government.
It's a digital cashless currency amongst themselves.
But over time, they're just going to go to a global cashless thumbprint face scan system.
That's their plan.
They'll bypass it all, and then finally just get rid of your regional currencies altogether.
But the world government is
Already here, and I appreciate your call there, Ryan.
Ramone, Al, Lori, Bill, we'll get to you, but Lindsey Williams has got to go.
Lindsey, I appreciate you coming on with us, and I look forward to having you touch base with us in the near future.
God bless you, my friend, and we'll talk to you soon.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not just another one of your planes?
You're the protector!
What if I say I will never surrender?
Who are you?
Yeah, I'm that voice inside your head.
I'm the enemy!
I'm that voice inside your head.
You refuse to hear.
I'm the face that you have to face.
Mirror in your stare.
I'm what's left.
I'm what's right.
I'm the enemy.
I'm the hand that'll take you down.
Get you to your knees.
So who?
What have I said?
What have I said?
You're the pretender!
What have I said?
That's the key.
You know, we can try to get farms and hide out and get ready.
That's only one part of the equation.
The other part is getting out there and saying, that's the criminals.
They're the tyranny.
Those are the bad guys.
That's the problem.
Right there.
That's how we stop this globalist takeover.
We get our fighting spirit back.
The globalists have tried to sell us that it's some type of attribute to be cynical and not involved.
But that's only so they can isolate you in a whole nation of people that don't care about each other so we can all be isolated and controlled.
Now, uh, I've got Michael Zwirling in here, uh, who worked here when he was in high school and now is the owner for many years of KSCO, uh, AM 1080 here in Santa Cruz, blasting out, you know, all over the state.
And, of course, they also have KOMY AM 1340, and we're on both those stations.
We're on K-O-M-Y during the day and at night on K-S-C-O.
Some of our great affiliates here.
But I really wanted to bring Ted Anderson in because I'm always talking to him at the Minnesota studios.
I'm in the Texas studios.
But Ted, Ted came down here to hang out with me this weekend.
And Ted, I'm glad we got to hook up here.
Oh, it's great and it's really awesome to be just sitting right next to you, Alex.
It's been so long since we've seen each other.
And what a great day to do it.
Gold is running up like crazy.
The G20, you're talking about the... When was the last time I saw you in person?
It was with a Ventura Willie Nelson thing?
Yeah, we came down for that concert.
Time flies.
It sure does.
I mean, that's when you had a little tiny baby, and it was just, you could hold him in the arms, one arm easily, and now that little girl's running around, you can talk to her, and she's just raising Cain at home, isn't she?
Time flies.
Yeah, it sure does.
You know, you're talking about the globalists and what's going on.
The G20 right now is really messing with the U.S.
I mean, like, the other countries are teaming up to drive the United States dollar down, and that's the reason why we're having the flop right now.
The dollar is falling, and we're seeing gold rise back up again.
Everybody was backing away from gold.
It was all over.
The country had solved all of its economic problems, and gold is going to go down back to that $400 an ounce.
Well, this happens every two weeks!
It sure does, and now it's going back up again.
Of course, today, gold is at a high of $13.4790, already almost $13.50 an ounce.
I mean, we were sitting at $13.20-something.
And that's because they announced more dollar devaluation.
Exactly, and that's coming right out of the G20.
And of course, Bloomberg, I mean, here's a headline right here, gold gains as dollar drops.
Palladium soars to highest levels since 2001.
Yeah, you don't look at a weekly graph, not even a monthly graph, you look at a yearly graph.
And if you look at a graph, it's going straight up.
Yeah, it sure is.
And, you know, if people want to take advantage of it, I tell you, we dropped the franc down to $296 an ounce.
That, you get the full year of the International Forecaster, which is a $159 value, so you can see.
That's a great deal on that coin, even without the newsletter.
It is without the newsletter, but the thing about it is, I mean, people need to own gold.
They need to start considering gold instead of paper.
What about folks that want to get into silver?
A lot of experts say that's the sleeper.
What's your deal on those silver half dollars?
Well, that's the thing, Alex.
The walking liberty halves are at $13 and some odd cents.
I can't even remember what the change number is, but right now,
I'm trading them right now at $11.77, so that is just spectacular.
And, you know, I know there's a lot of new listeners with the KCSO audience here.
We're looking at $26.45 for The Creature from Jekyll Island.
That's the best book on the Fed out there, bar none.
And when we put the full, you know, silver dollar in there, the coin that was used back at the turn of the century is money?
Yeah, those are going for about $25 a piece, and then a 1995 book, and so you're selling this for $19.95, $6 shipping, so you're basically losing $20, $30 on this?
Yeah, that's what's going on with that.
But, I mean, what a great way to get involved in the precious metals market.
It's a great way for us to introduce you to Midas Resources.
And, you know, you'll have a book.
By the time you get done reading this book, and if you have any hair left on your head, then you might be considering buying gold and silver.
You know, it's just, it's one of those things.
Swirling's in here shooting a YouTube video.
Yeah, here he is.
We're going to be on, I guess we'll be posted up on the internet.
But anyways, Alex, all I can say is that it's just one of those times where, you know, we've had the market drop, people get the opportunity to buy for some reason, and I wish people would stop doing this.
It would make it more difficult for me to offer great deals, but people quit buying when the market goes down.
And I don't know why that is.
I step in and I buy.
Of course, I talk to you, it's between you and me, but there will be some new coins coming out that support the Campaign for Liberty very soon, as soon as I get that stock.
Bottom line though, people can buy when it's high, but buy at the old low price because you don't go up.
Even though the market goes up until you sell out of the coins.
Call Midas Resources today.
A great sponsor of the show, but quite frankly, they're in much sponsorship at these prices.
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800-686-2237 or MidasResources.com.
And they've got all the gold news and information up there also at GCNLive.com.
Ted, on a side issue,
The FreedomWorks Tea Party website got hacked and taken down last week.
And I didn't even know about that on Friday until they brought it in late in the show.
I had known you'd call me that morning.
You were already in California.
And I talked to your engineer and your web people.
They got somehow the code.
They got into the server.
They broke the code.
They destroyed the server.
And you guys have got the site almost completely back up right now.
You're just trying to get the WordPress reloaded and things at GCNlive.com.
And then we had a bunch of our streams go down that night.
And we're not the types of folks that sit there and every time we have an internet problem say we were hacked.
I mean, I have web experts, I have people, you know, engineers on this.
We've had people hack in years ago and, you know, post a naked lady on a motorcycle.
I mean, you know, these are actual hack attacks, and we've built up systems to try to block that, but it's interesting that we got attacked at the same time they did, and it just shows that this whole crowd of globalists are really getting concerned.
So, what ended up happening with that attack on the servers?
Well, it was definitely a cyber attack, there's no question about it.
And I think it was a government thing, too.
I think it's an ops thing, Alex, because they attack the liberty-minded type people.
I mean, that's why I called you, just to warn you that there's something going on with me.
They may be hitting Infowars.com.
You know, of course, none of us want to ever see that go down.
But they did.
They came in and they hit the first server.
They put in some code that would harvest the passwords.
And then they'd pass the passwords back.
And after that, it was just a matter of installing some malicious software.
And it started to attack our servers.
We've had our YouTube channels hacked.
Yeah, so that, you know, it's a shame that that stuff happens, but it does.
It gives us a lesson on, you know, how security works and how much more secure we need to be.
The point is, a lot of people don't want this information getting out.
Folks, we want to take advantage of those gold and silver deals.
I'd get involved today.
In closing, Ted, what did you think of the event last night?
Oh the event was awesome and the people loved the Alex and of course we really loved the people.
I was just so grateful to see that group come up and to have the support that we have.
It's humbling and it's exciting at the same time.
It kind of freaks me out though to have...
People, you know, looking at me like I'm Mother Teresa or something.
I don't like it, quite frankly.
I mean, I like, you know, great folks coming out, but people like, oh, please, we're hoping you, you're our only hope.
And I'm like, if I'm our only hope, we're in deep trouble.
I mean, I'm not Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Those nice women were like, Obi-Wan Kenobi, literally, save us.
I was just like, my God.
I mean, four hours of me, I was like, these people must be sick of this.
They're like, no, Lord, don't leave.
Yeah, there was definitely an ovation and they wanted more, yeah.
I'm really looking forward to tonight.
Sold out crowd both nights.
We probably could do a third night and sell it out again.
You know, that's how big this has become.
That's how important liberty is.
We were having events with 1,200, 1,400 people five, six years ago, so I just don't do these events because I'm so tied down on the films, the news websites, what we're doing.
Ted Anderson, look forward to talking to you again, hanging out with you tonight.
God bless you, my friend.
Yeah, thanks a lot Alex.
You bet, that's Ted Anderson.
Now, I could spend five hours with this guy and unfortunately we only have about 12 minutes left in total broadcast time with Michael Swerling.
Michael, why don't you get up on that microphone there.
MZ, briefly tell folks about your history in radio and KSCO and how the towers are built out over the ocean.
I mean, this is a really neat place.
And now this is the only RCA modeled, you know, building built just for a radio station in the country.
And the event, and then your take politically on what's happening in the world.
Nice to be on your show, Obi-Wan-Ka-Jones.
And Zwerling's got his iPhone over here videotaping this while he's on air.
And he's got target, what do they call that in the military?
Target psychosis.
Uh, because he's, he's, uh, fighter pilots in World War II would be flying in, shooting up a train, or a troop column, and they would just keep, keep flying, and, and, and just run right into the target, because they were so focused on shooting at the target.
Zwirling has handed over the video camera.
Go ahead.
Okay, uh, so where do we start?
The history of KSCO?
Uh, okay.
It was built in 1947.
Uh, to RCA specifications in a, uh, to, to, to be a radio station.
I don't know if there are any other buildings left like this that are operating radio stations in the United States.
The answer is no.
Bill says no and he was wrong.
You guys got the traffic news guy in here, you said he's been here 40 years?
Uh, Don Hissing's running the board in the main control room.
He's been here, he's in his 45th year.
Yeah, Don was here when I was a high school guy running Santa Cruz High School.
I want to know what Don's eating and drinking.
That guy looks like he's injecting growth hormone with a turkey baster.
I mean, he looks like he's in good shape.
And the lady on the lower right behind the window.
Oh, that's her mother, yeah.
There's Kay of Kay's Commentary.
She's the reason behind my love of talk radio.
She used to wake us kids up with the house intercom.
Uh, to, uh, talk radio, and I became addicted to it, and, uh, I always thought that this radio station, which, which was sort of an old fogey music station, right?
Watch, watch it now.
Okay, alright.
He's right.
Montavani Music and so forth, nothing very exciting.
We had a program when I came to work here as the last hire of the original owner, that's how long I've been here, um, we had a program called Music for Dining.
Music in a quiet mood.
We would announce it like this, you know.
I'm serious.
It was wild.
Yeah, the guy who built the radio station.
I saw some Pavarotti records back there too.
We carried the New York Metropolitan Opera live.
That was a 45-minute process to hook it up on balanced pair of lines all the way from New York.
It's Target Narcosis, excuse me.
It was wild.
Michael, of course, tells the great story of being on the Santa Cruz High School radio program that the original owner Vernon provided to the high school.
They had their own show.
For kids who are interested in future careers in broadcasting, when there actually were some careers in broadcasting.
Yeah, and Michael got on, and actually it's a widely known misquote.
He didn't actually make a flatulence noise.
He actually made what was a raspberry, but the boss thought it was a flatulent noise.
Would you like to hear the noise?
I could do it again.
Forty-something years later.
Now we're coming out.
I'm going to turn it down while you do it.
Go ahead.
That's all it was.
I thought we'd done the best show ever.
But you showed them.
You're now on the stations.
I told the guy right when he came in and said, Swirling, you're through.
You don't make a fart noise on KSCO.
I said, hey, I'm sounding like you a little bit here.
But he said, you don't make a fart noise on KSCO.
And you're finished.
And I said, oh.
I never liked Mr. Berlin very much.
And I figured I had nothing to lose, so I told him off.
And everybody else who was on the staff resigned in protest.
I felt good.
The high school staff.
The high school staff.
It was really good.
I said, someday I'm going to own this place.
So it took about 26 years after that, but then that was 1991 when I had the opportunity to purchase the radio station here.
And check this out.
Here's the other fact that's just mind-blowing.
The station went on the air on September 21st, 1947, and in its entire existence, it's only had three owners.
Two of which are families, local families.
It's a wild history.
No, this is classic radio.
It looks like you've got the old signs up front.
The studio you're sitting in has hosted Woody Herman and the Thundering Herd, the Glenn Miller Orchestra, Hilo Hattie, a really bunch of famous, famous people have played in this studio, played music.
You've got a lot of locals here who are very well known, like Clint Eastwood, that are listeners.
I don't know how much Clint listens, but he certainly can if he wants to.
Well, you said you've talked to him.
I talked with him once.
I wanted to get in touch.
Oh yeah, that's right, twice.
He said Ronald Reagan was his favorite president.
We've done events with SPCA and another listener on the other side of the bay, Doris Day.
That's right.
Doris Day is just not bragging now.
No, no, no.
This is the coolest thing.
I've tried for years to get Doris Day on the radio.
And we found a way to do it.
We had to go because she's an aminal lover, I say.
She's a fan of your mom, isn't she?
Big time.
Did I tell you that?
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
We finally got her on for about 10 minutes and she... I thought we were going to talk about aminals.
And all Torres Day wanted to talk about was my mom.
Tell your mother I love her.
Give her a big hug for me.
Because she likes my mom's commentaries.
Just... I felt great.
So anyhow, I always wanted KSCO to be a voice for everyone.
And I think it's become a voice for everyone.
Well, also, you know, a lot of stations are picking up the show.
It's accelerated, especially in the last year.
But I remember you going back two years ago, thinking about putting me on, and you got a lot of heat doing it, but it's turned out to be really good.
And last night was an amazing spectacle.
Yeah, for sure.
So it's great, Alex.
Yeah, there's nothing but good stuff ahead, I think.
Except we just talked about the whole world going to Hades in a handbasket.
Well, but I think there's nothing but good stuff ahead, because what I saw last night, and these are people from all walks of life, they're not in any particular group.
It's a very wide strata.
And that was very gratifying to me.
I think the more people that get the word and get the idea that it's a planned meltdown
I think that part is important.
I think it's key.
And it is planned.
I mean, that came out in the Goldman Sachs Timberwolf emails.
Well, you just listened to your last guest for 45 minutes.
And to tell you the truth, Alex, I'd never heard him before.
I guess I've missed all the shows where he's been on.
But that dude is scary.
I mean, he's got the inside track from some people who know.
And you listen to him and he's scary.
You know, that stuff he's talking about is
Yeah, that's not fun.
Well, but it's right here in the headlines as well, unfortunately.
It's funny, though, how you don't pick it up.
I mean, even though you read the separate stories and you don't put it all together until you hear somebody like him put it together and need to go, whoa, that's wow.
I guess that's what the event last night and tonight are all about.
Well, the good news is there is a huge awakening.
America and the world is awakened, as Abignor Brzezinski said a few months ago.
But it's like you just woke up from a sleep.
You're still getting your bearings.
Your energy has an awful lot to do with that.
Now, I know you think the world of Dr. Stan Monteith, as do I. We've got to go to break, sir.
We'll come right back.
We'll go there with MC, the owner of 1080 KSCO.
And of course, K-O-M-Y-A-F 1340.
The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
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Waging war on corruption.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
I just want to say great job to the crew up in Minnesota and the crew in Austin, Texas and the great crew down here at KSCO.
We're almost out of time.
I'll be speaking tonight and then back to Austin tomorrow.
And these are times that try men's souls.
It was the best of times, the worst of times.
We don't know how good liberty is until we start to lose it, so we have talked about some depressing issues, but facing these will let us have a fighting chance against it.
Michael Zwirling, you got interrupted by the break.
You were talking about Dr. Stan Montief.
And this was in very good times, Alex.
I've known Dr. Stan for about 42 years.
In high school, when I was a senior in high school, he had to take high school government, which I wasn't happy about.
But my teacher, Mr. Bob Lissner, was great.
He was fantastic.
He made it so interesting.
He would expose us to every position.
He would send us to an ACLU meeting one night for homework, and then the next day he would have Dr. Stan Monteith come and talk to our class.
And we always believed that Dr. Stan was an amazing orator and speaker, but we would sort of roll our eyes and look at each other about the stuff that he was saying and predicting.
Forty plus years ago and man was he right on.
Was he right on.
And he was there 81 last night.
Very distinguished gentleman.
Yeah he showed up.
And we hope he'll show up tonight.
I've talked with him on the telephone today and there's a chance he'll show up tonight although he does have to get on the radio to do his own radio.
One of his own
Several hours that he does daily and I think he's on Genesis.
So anyhow, yeah, dr Stan is is right here in Santa Cruz and KSCO land and It's pretty amazing.
But but what what you're doing Because of you you understand the power of new media.
That so many people, that the broadcast industry, and Ted does too by the way, that the broadcast industry does not understand.
They're clueless.
They have no idea.
They have no idea what the power of new media is, although they say they do.
They all have fancy websites that they've hired some corporate company that just stamps them out, you know.
It's just like, there's nothing there.
There's no heart and soul.
It's empty calories.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So we're very proud of being local and original.
And, um, yeah, I mean, it'd be nice.
I mean, we may well be doing some programming with Genesis, but we want to do our best to keep the programming, the live and local, you know, connect with the audience type programming that you've been able to do very efficiently.
I have to say KSCO is what talk radio really should be.
I mean, because being in the last few days, you'll be able to hear all the incredibly diverse people you have online.
Especially your weekend lineup, and of course not just KSCO, but KOMY 1340, and the website's KSCO.com.
And the other thing, it's the first time we've ever used our website to sell all the tickets.
I said, that's the only way you can get tickets.
Just go to KSCO.com and click on the banner.
And everybody did that.
And we were able to get an electronic list, just like the airlines.
I can't remember the last time I got a paper ticket from the airlines.
Everything's electronic now.
I get into the system, and when you get there and you check in, you just show your ID.
And they say, yep, you're on the list.
You get to go in.
So that's what we did yesterday at the Coconut Grove, and we'll do it tonight again.
Well, I didn't really understand the alternative media.
I was, you know, going back 15 years ago, I was just trying to reach people any way I could.
So whether it was AXS TV or the internet or local radio or, you know, whatever it was,
Instead of, you know, having a newsletter, I started making films in 1996 and 1997.
And then that whole way of reaching people, we've reached hundreds and hundreds of millions.
I mean, think about that.
Just in the last few years, with these films for free online, we couldn't do any of it without you, the supporters, going to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and GCMLive.com and supporting us and spreading the word.
It's amazing what we're doing.
I'm sorry to other callers.
We're out of time.
Great job to Bill Graff, the engineer.
And everybody here and the program director and general manager Michael Olson who came with us earlier.
In fact, you'll be able to hear him right now.
Retransmission starts at Infowars.com.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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