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Name: 20101021_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2010
2359 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
This is going to be an incredibly informative and powerful transmission today.
We got a call yesterday from Lindsey Williams, literally short of breath, and in the last few days he talked to his former head of a major big three oil company who has attended Bilderberg meetings and such, and the intel he's given us, about 90% of it has turned out to be absolutely accurate, including six months before oil went from $50 a barrel to $149.
Lindsey Williams called it exactly from his source, and then he said it was going to go down, and it went down.
Just total precision on so many fronts.
And he called this, his source is dying, has terminal cancer, and completely spilt his guts to him.
So, and by the way, I know who the person is, Dr. Stan Monteith, checked it for himself and was able to figure it out and called the person a few years ago when all this first broke.
So, Lindsey is certainly telling the truth about this source.
The question is, you know, is somebody feeding the source disinfo?
And the evidence, unfortunately, shows that they're not.
So, this is amazing what the globalists are planning according to this.
Uh, what's coming up with Russia and China, Iran, uh, the mortgages, crude oil, back to 150, $5 a gallon gas within eight months, gold and silver won't slow down, will skyrocket from this point.
And then he has a separate contact that had dinner with Janet Napolitano and what she told him.
She said, um, get six months of food and water ready now.
So, Lindsey Williams joining us in the next hour.
And coming up in about 12 minutes, 14 minutes from now, we've got Wayne Madsen popping in.
I could have Madsen or Tarpley on this subject.
They're both experts.
So am I, quite frankly, for that matter, studying this over the years, but I want to get their view on it.
Oh, it's big exclusive!
Big exclusive!
In fact, Paul Watson didn't even toot his horn on this.
I want you to get Watson on the line at the start of the next segment.
I want to briefly give him today's directive, because I want Paul to toot his horn.
Not that, oh, Paul Watson's great or Alex Jones is great.
We need to point out, we already told you this going back four years ago.
We identified this guy as their top Al Qaeda operative, controlled by the CIA.
And, I mean, he runs everything.
The Fort Hood situation.
The list just goes on and on.
The underwear bomber.
The Times Square dud bomb.
All of it.
He basically finds mentally ill, loose cannon Muslims and then provocateurs them into attacking.
So this isn't a purely staged terror attacks.
This guy acts as the vehicle, and it came out that Congress has been told it's national security, that they can't see all the emails that the threat fusion centers, the feds run, knew for two years that Major Hassan was going to attack and kill.
He thought he was talking to Anwar al-Awlaki, and he was, and Anwar told him, you know, go ahead and do this attack, and of course the Pentagon grabbed the surveillance camera
Footage from 9-11, same thing happened in Fort Hood.
They grabbed the surveillance camera footage, people's private tapes, private cell phone videos, ordered it all erased.
And it's always Anwar al-Awlaki.
It's always this guy.
It's always him.
And we told you, every time he's running the patsies.
Or the dupes, the useful morons.
And here's Fox News, it's an exclusive.
It's not really an exclusive, we already told you this, but they got the actual documents.
The exclusive Al Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11, even though they'd already fingered him in the media as one of the masterminds of 9-11.
And it's always the same.
These guys, Al Qaeda is 100% CIA command operation.
Sometimes they purely stage attacks or they find useful idiots, but they're being funded by these people.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, coming up in about five minutes, we're going to have a former member of the National Security Agency, Naval Intelligence, writes for some of the biggest publications in the country, Wayne Madsen's going to pop in on Anwar al-Awlaki,
I heard the media pronounce it two different ways, but we've been covering him for at least five years as the key CIA, Al Qaeda handler.
And it doesn't matter if it's the underwear bombing, the Times Square attempted bombing, the Fort Hood shooting.
It's always this guy running the operation and being protected.
And here's the Fox News headline.
Al-Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11.
Again, headline.
Al-Qaeda leader dined at the Pentagon just months after 9-11.
And over the last five years, we have written multiple articles yearly at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com fingering him directly and proving that he is a CIA operative.
And so we have the new headline out at PrisonPlanet.com today, two articles by Paul Watson.
Al-Qaeda is a front group for the U.S.
military-industrial complex, and then it goes through
Amad Salam.
It goes through David Headley, which is now mainstream news, reportedly commanding the Mumbai attacks.
We've got Prince Bandar Bush and his comments about Osama Bin Laden being admitted.
Rashid Aswad masterminding the 7-7.
And it came out, mainstream news, that he was MI6 and being protected.
And so there's purely staged events like Gulf of Tonkin, or 9-11, or Operation Ajax, or other battle plans that they didn't implement, like Operation Northwoods or USS Liberty, which was implemented.
But then there's other events where you have the Western intelligence agencies, MI6 does it, Mossad engages in it, Germans engage in it, the US has been caught over and over again, and they go out and find
Klan groups in the U.S.
that came out in Texas Monthly back in 1998, that the FBI had created a Klan group and tried to get them to blow stuff up, but they couldn't get them to do it, so they still busted them for it.
I mean, you see this over and over and over again.
But this particular Anwar al-Awlaki, he is just one of the most important ones involved in this.
And there it is, hidden in plain view.
That he met at the Pentagon a couple months after 9-11 with the highest level brass at the event.
With the Central Intelligence Agency and with the head of the Army and others.
Okay, so this guy is in secret meetings with the top brass.
The top brass.
He's in secret meetings with them, and then we fast forward nine years later, every year since 9-11, he is out there running moron groups.
Muslim extremists, morons, that they can find and set up, and, you know, you take the underwear bomber.
We have the witnesses on the plane.
The FBI now admits it.
An unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency.
The Deputy Secretary of the State Department admitted two months after we broke it here with eyewitnesses.
And the FBI tried to deny it and went to the lawyers.
uh... law firm and try to tell him that you know that that that that that he saw incorrectly and they try to intimidate other witnesses that here's the underwear bomber looking drugged looking out of his mind disheveled he has no passport he has no visa uh... he can hardly talk and a sharp-dressed man argues with the people at the gate because he doesn't even have you know any of the stuff to board
And then orders them, you're gonna let him on the plane.
This guy had so much power, he could order the airport.
in Amsterdam to put him on the aircraft.
And then it comes out, and this is 100% admitted, that the State Department was ordered to quote, help him get on the plane.
So you've got the U.S.
State Department clearly at the gate getting him through security.
By the way, they had naked body scanners in beforehand at that airport.
He gets to bypass those.
He doesn't have a visa.
He doesn't have a passport.
He is obviously drugged out of his gourd.
There are operatives all over the plane videotaping him the entire flight.
They pull everybody off the plane afterwards in Detroit, say that there's bombs, pull everybody out, then they try to cover that up.
It turns out that's a lie.
This was a drill!
And they had some doped-up idiot, and then they put out on television a fake Al-Qaeda video of the underwear bomber with a machine gun at a North African Al-Qaeda training base.
And they show him, and it looks like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Empire Strikes Back when he's a ghost.
I mean, it's shimmering.
It's so fake.
I mean, a 10-year-old with video editing software could do this.
It's clearly a face they project into somebody else's hood, and the CIA admits they put out fake videos.
So, it's 100% staged.
You've got, even if you can believe the official story,
It just makes me sick.
Even if you believe the official Fort Hood story, for two years they knew he was planning this and protected him.
Now, we're going to go over all of this in this hour, and we've got huge breaking news with Lindsey Williams, who's very shaken up, joining us.
His source is dying of terminal cancer, so spilt his guts completely.
So that's coming up, and huge revelations if this is accurate.
I have no reason to believe it isn't.
But I briefly wanted to bring Paul Watson up, just for a couple minutes.
Paul, I know in your articles about this, Al-Qaeda is a front group for the U.S.
military industrial complex.
In your first article of the day, Al-Qaeda mastermind invited to Pentagon after 9-11, and this is denounced in a leaked report to Fox News.
The documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November of 2009, state that
Wallachy was taken to the Pentagon as part of a military outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks and met with the senior leadership of the Pentagon and the CIA.
I mean it's the same story with the MI6 Al Qaeda mastermind of 7-7.
Mainstream British news.
And you've got links to all of this.
The underwear bomber.
The Times Square bomber.
I mean it's just always they find mentally ill people
They set them up to carry out these attacks that are always ridiculously weak, because they're such morons.
And it mirrors 1993, where they found two men, both on welfare.
One had a 75 IQ, one a 79 IQ, according to their welfare reports.
And the FBI cooks the bomb, trains the driver, tells them to go forward.
The former Egyptian intelligence agent, Ahmad Salam, says,
You were supposed to bust them.
First, it wasn't going to be a real bomb.
Then it was a real bomb for court, you know, to make it the conviction stick.
He thought they were setting him up, which they were, so he recorded the FBI telling him, go ahead with the bombing.
And that's now been released in public.
So, this is what they do.
They go to some nutcase cleric's outfit who's blind, who literally wears a Santa Claus hat, I mean literally, a blind guy wearing a Santa Claus hat, screaming death to America, kill, kill, kill.
They don't bust him for that, even though he's calling for violence.
He's got literal
Mentally retarded people working there at his mosque and the FBI sets all this up.
I mean, it's the same story over and over again.
Paul Watson, we're bringing up here in just a moment Wayne Madsen to break down the history of this, but I think it's important in your article, you link to all our old stories about it, but I think it's important to point out that we've been on top of this from day one just so people understand this is a public secret.
Paul Watson.
Yeah, Alex.
All the stories linked in the article.
The back story is...
Um, this Alaki guy was the preacher, not only for Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, but also the very 9-11 hijackers that are charged with hijacking Flight 77 and flying it into the Pentagon.
That's right!
I forgot the big one, and here he is a couple months later at the Pentagon, meeting with the heads of the military branches and the CIA.
I mean, how sick does this have to get, Watson?
So he's there with Hassan, and he's there with the 9-11 patsies before 9-11.
Months later, he's meeting at the Pentagon.
And then immediately before the 4-HUD shooting, he's communicating and directing Hassan.
So every step of the way, I mean the Times Square bombing, the Christmas Day attempted bombing.
Every single one of them was directed by this guy who was meeting with Pentagon officials.
And then we've got, five years ago, the 7-7.
We've got this other individual, Mainstream News, MI6, being protected, running the whole thing.
Exactly and that's as what individual Harun Rashid as what?
Not only was he fingered as the mastermind of 7-7 having worked for MI6 in Kosovo like Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda did, but after
After the 7-7 bombings, the terror expert John Loftus went on Fox News and said that British MI6 colluded to hide Oswald after the bombings.
So it's not as if he's some double agent gone rogue.
After the bombings that he masterminded, they were still protecting him.
Well, I mean, who set up Al Qaeda in the 80s?
and Israeli intelligence, that's not denied, and your article is so powerful.
Al-Qaeda is a front group for the U.S.
military-industrial complex.
This article needs to get out to everybody, but Paul, your headline is excellent.
Al Qaeda mastermind invited to Pentagon after 9-11, but I mean I think it's important because you mentioned it, but we should maybe even on the Infowars version of this have Nemo change the headline to say 9-11 mastermind invited to Pentagon after 9-11.
I mean this is so brazen how they hide it right out in the open, Paul.
Well, I mean, take Prince Bandar Bush, for example.
I mean, this is a guy who George W. Bush consulted before he invaded Iraq in 2003.
He's also big buddies with H.W.
And then later on, he's the, quote, de facto leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.
He's responsible for terrorists killing U.S.
troops, which, of course,
We're good.
Now these people just count on the public being ignorant.
Let me give all these threat fusion centers around the country who are looking for terrorists, look at your bosses above you and you'll find them.
Paul Watson, great job.
We're going to come back with Wayne Madsen, who's an expert in this area, on the other side.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
It's all up at PrisonPlanet.com.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
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We are back live.
Now, remember on the morning of 9-11, the London Guardian reported that they were having a Carlisle group meeting in D.C.
and George Bush Sr.
was at the table with the Bin Laden family.
Remember they flew the Bin Ladens out to safety, then said it was a conspiracy theory, and then later had to admit it because Florida television aimed cameras, when all other air traffic was grounded for two days, they were allowed to take off.
And now we know Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the masterminds of 9-11, on record they say, and the guy who ran the 7... involved in the 7-7, the guy involved in the Fort Hood, the guy supposedly running the underwear bombing, he is always involved in everything.
And then Fox News gets a document that a couple months after 9-11 he was at a high-powered meeting
Anwar al-Awlaki may be the first American on CIA's kill or capture list, but he was also a lunch guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months of September 11, 2001 terror attacks, Fox News has learned.
Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, state that Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military's outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.
And then they have a link to the documents, and later we'll go to this article and then link on the documents.
I want to show those on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
It just goes on to how he met with the Secretary of the Army and others at this meeting.
Wayne Madsen, of course, worked for the NSA.
He worked for the Navy.
He worked at every level.
He's written for, you name it, BBC, Washington Post.
I mean, the list goes on and on, and he's one of the leading experts on this.
This is a short segment.
We'll have him in the long segment coming up.
But they're going to have trouble spinning this, Wayne, and I wonder why they're releasing this now.
Because if you and I know he's one of the main terror handlers, then the government knows this.
Why is this coming out now?
Well, I'm always intrigued when Fox News releases something that is interesting.
Remember, it was also Fox News that broadcast the series on the role of the Israeli art students and the movers on 9-11 in New York and New Jersey.
And now they've come out with this other bombshell.
I'm not sure whether they're trying to, you know, cover the other side.
I don't know.
Airtime on Fox News.
I think a lot of this stuff was out there.
Mike, I think what's interesting about a Lockheed being at the Pentagon, does this have something to do with the Pentagon pulping Tony Schaefer's book?
Uh, because we know that he was involved in Able Danger and another subset of that called... Oh, good point!
Good point.
I wonder who may have leaked this, hmm?
Yes, yes.
And, you know, we don't know everything about Able Danger, but what we do know is that the military, the Defense Intelligence Agency, had some of these so-called people involved with the hijacking surrounded.
Then they had, you know, another group called Doorhawk Galley, which was monitoring the monitors, apparently.
And I would not be surprised if it turns out that Awlaki was somehow involved in the group that Able Danger was monitoring months before and possibly, I guess, after.
Do you agree with that?
Oh yeah, and I don't think it's any different than the recent revelation about David Headley, who was the guy accused of being involved in the Mumbai attacks, where his wife said, hey look, is he working for you guys?
And we know that he was an informant for the DEA.
I've written that he also worked for the CIA, and he had been casing places all over Indian Pakistan for terrorist attacks.
And I think this is just another example.
All right, stay there.
Let's break down Anwar al-Awlaki on the other side, and Aswad, and some of these other characters, because, I mean, there is no doubt, ladies and gentlemen, that Saudi Arabia works for British, Israeli, and U.S.
intelligence, and they are providing at least the decoy patsies for the staged terror attacks.
Then the staged terror attacks are used to take the liberties of Westerners.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's not just words when we get up here and say 9-11 was an inside job, okay?
I wish it wasn't an inside job, but the entire official story's been proven to be a lie.
Six of the ten commissioners have come out and said there's a criminal cover-up and a fraud.
We've got
Panetta, the head of the transportation agency, in the bunker with Cheney, watching him order the stand down at the Pentagon.
We've got it all.
We've got it all.
I mean, it's just how the buildings fell, the police saying get back, they're going to blow seven up, the firefighter tapes.
The whole thing's a lie!
And Wade Madsen of Wade Madsen Report is our guest.
I want to get into all of this with you, Wayne, and bring up WikiLeaks and a few other issues with you and some of the new developments on that front.
But why would the CIA come out three months ago in a spy talk
uh... that weekly column uh... in the washington post admittedly written by a former operative and admit that they put out fake bin laden videos why do they go on fox and say yes the the the army and the marines are helping grow the opium
Why are they... Again, why is Fox coming out and going, yeah, the 9-11 mastermind was meeting at the Pentagon two months later, and then he runs everything else?
Why do they come out and admit that they ordered the cell phone videos, not just one, but now they're reporting multiple videos of the Fort Hood shooting?
Why can't Congress get the emails where Major Hassan was communicating with Awlaki for two years before?
I mean, it's just... I guess they...
Let me try to answer my own question and have you answer it from your perspective.
They know this is all out in the open, and so for those of us that are awake, and for good people inside government who are awake, and people in industry who are awake, the system's saying, yeah, we're terrorists, as just a way to brazenly terrorize everybody psychologically, and to further inoculate the brain-dead public, so as this stuff comes out, it's really not news anymore because they've already admitted it and hid it in plain view.
What's your view, Wayne Madsen?
Well, that's what I believe.
I believe that the people who watch Fox News basically won't even understand the impact of this revelation because they don't know the other part.
They obviously don't know about Abel Danger.
They don't know about the Bin Laden meeting with Bush and Carlucci and the other Carlisle group people at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on the morning of 9-11 before the
First plane even hit the tower in New York.
So I think this is some sort of a conditioning process.
But, you know, this follows just a day after, two days maybe, after Fox and CNN both reported that Bin Laden was hiding in a house somewhere in northern Pakistan.
I noticed they pulled that.
You can't even hardly find it now on the web.
But I mean, what a ludicrous, I mean, the Pakistanis said it's ludicrous.
But you know, here we have Bin Laden still alive.
The only footage we have of Bin Laden that's legitimate is the one with him coming out of a cave in Afghanistan.
And that's circa 1999, I suppose, is the date of stock footage.
But we haven't really seen anything.
We've seen a fake Bin Laden after 9-11.
Doesn't look like him and put on several pounds that we're told was Bin Laden.
Well remember three years ago it came out in British news that when they released you know the surfaced video of three of the hijackers at an Al Qaeda training base and then there was a footnote a week later oh that was computer animated with video of them put into old videos of Bin Laden for a made-for-tv movie in England.
I mean they think we're so dumb
And I also recall the one where Bin Laden was giving a speech, and the only thing that moved on were his lips.
It looked like one of the old clutch cargo cartoons, where the only lips were moving.
Well, they put another one out that is that standard program anybody can buy that they use in a lot of video games.
It's basically the same template they use in the movie Final Fantasy, where everybody basically looks the same, they just change a few features.
One of the videos was clearly
A video game, you know, 1997 quality graphic.
Oh, and I think this is all part of the PSYOPS operation.
Once again, we find out that the Army PSYOPS has placed their people in newspapers in Savannah, Georgia, and in Raleigh, North Carolina.
It's the Pentagon that basically is dictating this kind of news content today.
Fox comes out with something that clearly is embarrassing the Pentagon.
I'll give credit where credit is due and say good on Fox for this and good on them for exposing the role of the Israelis, the art students and the people in the telecom business and the movers before and during and after.
Urban moving systems, but you notice they did three reports on that and never touched it again.
In my gut, I think this is some type of high-level blackmail brinksmanship going on, I guess, with Fox licenses or something.
I'm not sure, but I mean, I think this is really high-level brinksmanship.
It very well could be.
But, you know, this whole thing, again, it doesn't come as any great shock to me because, remember, if a Lockheed is in the Pentagon in those months, who is running the Pentagon?
It's Donald Rumsfeld and the neocon, the neocon unit that they placed in there, Douglas Blythe and the rest of these guys.
The Office of Special Plans, an admitted Israeli operation.
So, um, so that, that, you know, how, how did this, they can't say it was an oversight because no, I, I remember covering, um, uh, the, the Iraq, uh, the invasion of Iraq at the Pentagon.
It was not an easy place to get into.
And now they're trying to tell us this guy affiliated with Al Qaeda got in and then had, you know, dined, dined with the general.
Well, he dined with the secretary of the army.
Well, maybe he also got a congratulatory handshake and a nice bonus for his previous work.
Because at the time they're saying he was involved at the highest levels of the 9-11 attack, and then he struts in, hey secretary, I'm ready to have dinner!
And they're like, high five baby!
Woo, yeah!
Yeah, I mean, and now we know he was also linked to the underwear bomber and the Fizzle, the Times Square Fizzle bomber.
I mean, you know, and remember the reaction of these two guys on the airplanes when they arrested them.
They were very lackadaisical about the whole thing.
Well, the witnesses described when they got the underwear bomber on the plane in Amsterdam that he was disheveled, looked drugged, and had no papers.
Just like literally a homeless mental patient.
And whoever this sharp-dressed guy was like, look, you're putting him on the plane.
And whoever it was had such authority.
And then it comes out, State Department was ordered by an unnamed U.S.
intelligence agency to get him on the plane.
Well, there we go.
So, as you have said, this is all hiding in plain sight.
Obviously, now we know why the 9-11 Commission, people like Zelikow and the other clowns they had working on that commission, did not give full access to everything to the people who were demanding it, including the two chairmen of the commission and the other members.
These were the tidbits, obviously, that they didn't want to have come out then because it would have ruined the whole precept about 9-11 that they had sold, you know, not only the American people but tried to sell the world.
Wayne, let me ask you this, and then we'll get to a few other questions and let you go because I know you're busy.
Just in two minutes from... I mean, we know the official story is a lie.
We know that the PNAC called for big terror attacks to be blamed on foreign enemies, just a retread of Northwood's.
But when you look at this, my best analysis is, and we know the hijackers were trained at U.S.
We know they ordered the embassies in Saudi Arabia, this is on record, to let them into the country even though they were on terror list.
They were told, don't worry, their terror designation is a cover.
We know all that.
That's even in Time and Newsweek hidden in plain view that, oh yeah, they were trained at U.S.
We know they were drilling and that James Woods saw this on one of the planes, warned the FBI, was basically told to shut up a few weeks before.
We know all of that's going on and best I can tell,
Whatever went on with those aircraft, these guys thought they were taking part in airport security drills, which we know they do.
Always trying to sneak bombs in and the rest of it, that comes out all the time.
The Navy SEALs do it, the Air Marshals do it, the FBI does it, the Pentagon does it, and that's also a nice cover in their drill to run a real attack.
And that, I mean, what's your best breakdown?
I know you don't like to speculate about what really went on on 9-11.
Well, I believe these guys were probably, thought that they were participating in some sort of official activity.
Look, Mahomet Adda was on Jack Abramoff's casino boat a few days before 9-11 down at Madeira Beach, Florida.
He'd also been seen quite frequently at the Officer's Club at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama.
So here we have somebody who's not just the wild terrorist.
He's using drugs, he's drinking, he's got hookers every night, he's got tons of cash, all these guys have got, you know, FBI paying for their houses, informants living with them, and oh yeah, this is a Muslim extremist.
Sorry, go ahead.
My gut feeling is Abel Danger, and what we know about it, and how they tried to, you know, they basically went after Kurt Weldon when he brought this all up.
I think Abel Danger was the control, at least monitoring the people who were controlling these guys.
I don't
And quote, Al-Qaeda was under CIA command on the day of 9-11, and then what has Colonel Schaffer said here, as much as he can, he said basically, look, there were private contractors protecting Al-Qaeda and the army wasn't allowed to move in, the light side of the army, and that that's what was going on.
Well, I believe it, and I think this is yet another clear indication that 9-11 was an Operation Northwood that was actually carried out successfully, because no one was ever brought to trial for this act of treason.
We just had a former ambassador, Joe Wilson,
Say the other day that he accused Dick Cheney of committing treason by outing his wife Valerie Plame.
Well, if Dick Cheney commits treason doing that, how do we know he didn't commit treason for being involved in 9-11?
Well, this is a big deal that the Al Qaeda 9-11 mastermind, the mastermind of the underwear bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square dud, this Anwar al-Awlaki, is meeting at the Pentagon with the top brass and the Secretary of the Army two months after 9-11.
I mean, this is huge, Wayne.
Well, let's not forget Sgt.
Ali Mohammed from Fort Bragg, who was bin Laden's, basically, one of his chief aides.
I mean, here he's trained by the U.S.
Special Forces, and his name is all over this whole Al-Qaeda operation.
It seems like Al-Qaeda, when you look at them, have more people in it.
Let's not forget Adam Gaddan, who was born Adam Perlman, who's, I believe, his grandfather was the head of the ADL.
But it's supposedly patriotic to ignore all this, wrap yourself in the flag, give up all your liberties in the name of fighting terror, and then we learn Israeli, British, you name it, are part of NLE09, NLE010,
Quote, training to take on American terrorists, and we learn the entire apparatus of Homeland Security is not aimed at their Muslim cutouts.
It's aimed at liberals, conservatives, anti-war activists, gun owners, returning veterans, and the threat fusion centers are pointed at the locals.
This is a criminal takeover, and they staged 9-11 to get it done.
That's what I believe.
I believe it was a coup d'etat, a creeping coup d'etat, because we know that they had the Patriot Act already written, it was ready to go, and they just needed a vehicle to push it through Congress, and of course that was the anthrax attacks just a few weeks after 9-11.
And we know, according to the Rand Corporation, when they passed the Derivatives Act, got rid of Glass-Steagall in 99, they began this accelerated move to a police state, and they knew this bubble and all their crimes were going to be coming out.
They needed this control grid in place to be able to suppress the American people.
Here we are nine years later, and they're saying,
Homeland Security is for you, the Army's gonna take you on, you don't like having your pension funds taken, the Army and threat fusion centers have federalized your local police, guess what?
The CIA is operating in every town and city, doesn't matter if it's illegal, and I mean, you can really see the premeditated blueprint of this.
Right, and I always remember with longtime White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was from Texas,
One said when she got Bush's side, old man Bush, George H.W.
Bush, and asked him a question, and he turned to her and said, Sarah, if the American people knew what we have done, they would chase us down the street and hang us.
And for once, Bush was probably telling the truth.
And people always say, something as big as 9-11, you couldn't hide it.
They haven't hidden it.
It's like taking a coffee can and shooting it with a 12-gauge shotgun with number 7 birdshot.
There's hundreds of holes in it.
I mean, it's just a sieve, total proof we know exactly what they did, and there it is!
That's right, and I was just talking to a guy who worked in the Pentagon on 9-11.
He was a senior Air Force Department official, and he said when he came out, he looked in that hole, that original hole, and he saw a small jet fan engine, the kind that you find on a drone.
He saw nothing that indicated that a passenger plane had hit the Pentagon.
In closing, what do you see happening with the cyber security takeover?
I mean, how obvious is it?
I may have to hold you into the final segment of this hour because I want to get into WikiLeaks too, but to have the Israelis tacitly admit they launched the super worm, clearly with Microsoft working with them according to the computer experts I've read in the press, but this is your main expertise is computers, formerly with the NSA.
It's industrial, it has to be loaded directly in.
So Israel and our media basically admit they did it, but now they're on the news saying we need to use this Stuxnet worm to pass cybersecurity takeover.
So there's another false flag.
They admittedly launch it, and then we have to lose our internet freedom because the government launched an attack.
Right, and look, even though Rahm Emanuel left the White House, we still have good old Cass Funstein and his cognitive infiltration team up there, and I think, you know, as long as he's in that job, we have to be very fearful of what the agenda is.
And obviously, yes, we had this launch of this
This internet worm that was said to have disrupted Iran, but it spread quickly to other countries in Asia, and then it bounced back here into this country.
And, you know, unfortunately, when you look at the people on the Homeland Security Committee, people like Joe Lieberman from Connecticut, his agenda, of course, is to increase the surveillance state and expand it beyond its present confines.
But how brazen is that, where the government basically admits they launched the worm, and then, don't worry, they'll take over the web and surveil you to save you from the worm they admittedly launched?
Well, I think one of the other agendas they have is they want to, in controlling the internet, they also want to be able to have the access to all the encrypted communications that go across the internet, from financial transactions to people even doing e-commerce, doing shopping on the internet.
Oh, they were on local news.
Do five more minutes with us on the other side, Wayne, because I want to get into WikiLeaks.
But they were on the news this morning, going, the Threat Fusion Center, run by the CIA, is about to be launched in Austin.
It will have all your medical records.
Everything you do will be tracked.
You know, no warrants.
It's great.
And I heard talk show hosts locally praising it, saying, I have nothing to hide.
Surveil me.
Hey, folks, this is a terrorist government.
It's federalizing your local police.
It's a Gestapo.
And, Wayne, your comments?
I agree.
You pick up the paper any day and you see a policeman has tasered an old lady somewhere.
This is what we've turned into.
Do five more minutes with us and we'll let you go.
I want to talk about WikiLeaks and all of the chicanery going on there.
You know, a view towards not trusting him.
We'll get your take on the other side, then let Wayne Madsen go, and then we've got a big guest coming up with some key intel, Lindsey Williams.
Gonna drop some bombshells on you.
Stay with us.
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Wayne, we've got about four minutes left.
They're supposedly now saying they're going to list them as a group aiding terror so they can't get financial donations.
Something Cass Sunstein's called for against the general public.
Well, with any limited hangout buy-off operation, you've got to sweeten the pie.
You've got to give the group some sort of street cred.
So when they release the information you really want them to release, people will swallow that hook, line, and sinker.
So the first big revelation, of course, was the video footage in Iraq of the guy shooting up the alleged journalist on the street.
Okay, that gave him a street cred.
But then we saw with the last big dump of information, it insinuated that
The Taliban was being supported by Pakistan and also by Iran, which fits very nicely into David Petraeus' spread this conflict outside of Afghanistan to Pakistan to destabilize that country with the view of breaking up, to seize their nuclear weapons eventually, and also to turn up the heat on Iran.
Very advantageous for these war planners to have those particular revelations.
And Wikileaks may not even know this, but clearly 90-something thousand pages of cooked intelligence that we know is false, that's what gets leaked.
That's right, that's right.
And we know that even within Wikileaks they've had a big, you know, some people have left accusing Julian Assange of acting like a dictator.
And I would note that Sweden recently denied him residency.
Where do you see the whole WikiLeaks saga going?
Do you have any intel on what these new revelations the Pentagon says they're bracing for?
Oh yeah, when the Pentagon says they're bracing for it, what are they doing?
They're adding to the anticipation, aren't they?
I mean, they're building up to this crescendo, so everybody, all the media is waiting patiently, you know, with drool dripping from their tongues, waiting for these revelations.
I think that's all part of the show.
Why does the Pentagon even pay attention to it?
Briefly, what do you think of Schaefer?
I think he's on to something.
I think Schaefer, that whole thing, he wasn't the only person who tried to talk about Abel Danger, Doorhawk Galley.
But I think if we could have read his book and the notes and everything else, we would have had even more revelation.
But that got blocked.
Wayne Madsen, WayneMadsenReport.com, thanks for popping in with us.
Okay, anytime.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with Lindsey Williams.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's had stunning accuracy.
And because he's getting it from the same Bilderberg group circles that we've gotten key leaks from.
And I know who the individual is, of course.
Dr. Stan Monteith, separately, he's been doing this for almost 50 years.
He knows who this retired Big Three oil CEO is.
And so I can confirm that this individual is real and is telling Lindsey Williams this information.
Uh, and the bigger issue here is, uh, you know, are the circles he's still moving in, you know, is he being fed any disinfo?
But now, all these revelations later, almost everything this guy's talked about has happened.
You know, oil's at $50 a barrel, he says it's going to $150, it goes to $150.
Just as Lindsey said it would.
Well, now he's dying of cancer.
Not Lindsey Williams, but his source is.
Terminal cancer.
He almost died already a year and a half ago.
That's why this latest info came out.
He's dying of cancer.
Lindsey's talked to him several times the last two weeks.
Uh, and it's just incredible revelations from a top-level elitist view of where everything's going.
And with us for the next hour and 30 minutes or so, then I'm getting into the Threat Fusion Centers and all the other economic news, uh, is Pastor Lindsey Williams.
Pastor, great to have you.
Uh, if you can just talk about this individual, kind of recap it, then we're going to come back in the long segment and just boil down all the big developments, uh, that he told you.
Then we'll go through each one in more detail.
Uh, but Lindsey Williams, thank you for breaking this here first.
Thank you, Alex, for allowing me the privilege of being on InfoWars this morning.
And people out there in the listening audience, please, I beg of you, listen to this entire program.
You need to hear everything.
Do you realize that only seconds ago, only moments ago, Janet Napolitano came on over National News, the Homeland Security Director.
And she said, we are very, now this is a special bulletin only moments ago, I happened to catch it just before coming on the program right now.
And she said, we are very concerned about a cyber war attack.
I knew about this a week ago.
Folks, you cannot imagine how important this program is.
You were telling us this last night!
I mean, we wrote notes on what you told us in that lengthy pre-interview to find out what's happening.
You were saying, and now notice, the Israelis admittedly launched this worm.
Now we've got to give up control of our internet because of a worm our own system launched.
Yes, we are on the verge.
I knew a week ago that we were on the verge of something catastrophic that the elite were going to do.
And here this morning, just moments ago, Janet Napolitano says a cyber war.
Folks, when I lived with the elite of the world for three years, I was their chaplain.
I lived with them.
And one of the first things I learned was, listen to their buzzwords.
They tell you everything they're going to do before they do it.
It is part of their, what should we say, their code of ethics.
I believe that we have a definite wanting, and in the course of the program today, Alex, I'm going to tell your listening audience everything that they can expect through 2012.
Let's briefly talk about this, your source, and the fact that he already spilt his guts a few years ago because he thought he was going to die.
Now he says he's terminally ill with cancer.
Well, for the past 35 years, there have been two individuals that I knew when I lived with the elite of the world that have given me information.
Every time they have said something, I dared to risk my credibility and go on every radio talk show I could get on, such as I'm doing right now with you, and tell what these people say.
This individual
I found out about three or four months ago, he had cancer.
He went to the Law 48 out of Alaska where he lives to have cancer therapy.
I could not contact him for about two months.
I had been completely out of the talk show circuit for three months time because without information from him, I couldn't guarantee that what I was saying was true.
I was finally able to contact him through his relatives.
He is terminal with cancer.
This man has told me everything that the elite are going to do.
You can imagine that a person who is in a situation such as this... So this is the biggest data dump ever we're about to get?
Yes, this is probably the most...
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So the world is waking up to the globalist banking takeover.
The majority of mortgages in foreclosure has been halted.
It's coming out in mainstream news that one of the masterminds of 9-11 was meeting secretly at the Pentagon with the brass two months after the attacks.
Anwar al-Awlaki, headlines at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The U.S.
government, allied with Israel, clearly put out the superworm a month ago.
Now they say it's blowing back.
The Pentagon needs to take the web over with cybersecurity and surveil everything you're doing and censor people and have a kill switch, which they already put in.
They're just announcing it to save you from it.
And here it is, Pentagon will help Homeland Security Department fight domestic cyber attacks.
And on local news, they're announcing the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, are spying on citizens.
They're working with the Threat Fusion Center, run by the CIA.
It's just totally illegal, total takeover of society.
This is it, the soft coup is accelerating.
And Lindsey Williams has spent months trying to get a hold of his former Big Three Oil Company CEO.
We've always gotten great intel from, because they love to tell people what they're going to do.
It mirrors the Bilderberg group, Davo Switzerland Info, we get months after Williams talks about it.
And he is dying of cancer.
He's been under cancer treatment.
He is terminal.
And this may be one of the last times Lindsey's been able to talk with him.
And we got cut off by the break, but I was saying, Lindsey, it sounds like what you're saying, you were actually out of breath yesterday when we talked to you, that
Yes, I would say that would be a good way to put it, and if ever anyone has doubted the existence of a group of people on the face of the earth who control the world, let me emphatically say to you as strongly as I possibly can, there is a group of people on the face of the earth who control the world and they have definite plans right now for you,
And for your household.
And folks, what you're going to hear today is just an extension of what Alex Jones is saying day after day, except I was able to get it from one of them himself, who now is at a point where he would probably tell everything in the condition he's in, Alex.
Now, you've been able to talk to him several times the last two weeks.
Do we know how long he thinks he has?
Well, it's not going to be very long.
He has terminal cancer, and I am very concerned for him.
I'm also very concerned for him spiritually.
In fact, in our last conversation, I tried every way I possibly could to present him the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ.
And Alex, I really think, and you probably hear my voice break because I'm so concerned, I really think we're going to see this man in heaven.
Well, let's hope that's the case, and we'll talk about that before you leave.
It's come up in about an hour and a half.
Lindsey, run through... These are the notes I wrote from talking to you yesterday.
Russia, China.
Recent agreement with Russia to supply China with oil and natural gas.
What that means.
Elites want trouble within three to four months.
Feds will own every mortgage in America.
That's why they engineered this.
Crude oil back to 150 to 200 a barrel in direct proportion to deflation of the dollar will result in five dollars a gallon in six to eight months.
Gold silver won't slow down, will skyrocket from this point.
And then you've got dealing with what he talks about this global leader that your source says they're going to have rise.
And then your other source, who we won't name, who had dinner with Janet Napolitano, we'll get to that as well and some other issues.
Let's run through these bullet points and other ones that we didn't write down, and then let's start with what you think is most important and go through it in detail.
Everything that Alex has just said, uh, it will take place.
The elite are on track.
They're on time.
They have a timeline.
They are going to do these things exactly as they're saying, and nothing but divine intervention could possibly stop it.
I have found out the powering.
Folks, keep your eyes on China and Russia, never mind the Middle East, never mind North and South Korea.
Don't worry about these sort of skirmishes around the world.
The very thing they want to get your mind off of is that which is most important.
Right now, watch China and Russia.
Russia and China just signed an agreement.
China just announced they're going to freeze rare earth mineral shipments to the United States and they run the biggest mining operations in Africa and other areas like Australia to get those rare earth minerals used and everything that's electronic.
Yes, and as of this year, Russia has become the number one supplier of crude oil on the face of the earth because of their super deep wells, which BP attempted to duplicate in the Gulf of Mexico, and as you know, they couldn't do it, and finally it blew out.
Now, Russia is the number one supplier, surpassing Saudi Arabia as of this year.
China and Russia have just signed an agreement whereby Moscow said that they are ready to supply all of the energy needs that China has.
I think so.
Well, we know Putin already uses the fact that, what is it, 80% or more of the gas to Europe comes from Russia.
He's already used that before and has actually turned it off before.
Yes, and can you imagine Walmart without a single product made, that it says on it, made in China?
I mean, folks, we are on the verge of something so catastrophic, and they say to me, watch China and Russia, folks, I am telling you in advance.
Okay, what did he specifically say is going to happen on that front?
Well, first of all, when Russia and China signed this agreement for the supply of all petroleum products, natural gas and so on, Alex, this is so important, there was no dollar value given to the deal.
No dollar value.
They're not going to use the dollar.
I mean, this is going to devastate our currency because now the whole world will follow suit and say, we're going to use something else.
Well, we'll get back to that.
And that move's already happening.
Yes, it is happening right now while you're listening to this program.
This is taking place and you are facing something with Russia and China that is so important.
You want to focus all of your attention on what's happening with Russia and China.
You remember, I said this on your program two years ago, whenever this gentleman gave me everything they were going to do through 2012, before he became terminally ill, and he said to me, he said,
China is the big one.
You remember those exact words.
It's in my notes from two years ago on your program.
And that's exactly what he's saying to me again.
China is the big one.
Watch Russia and China.
That's where the big issues are going to take place in the near future, Alex.
And that's why the globalists have all been moving there and moving their main operations.
This isn't like our elite are failing.
Our elite aren't our elite.
They're the global corporate crime syndicate that's organized this whole thing.
Yes, our elite know exactly what they're doing.
For instance, Ford is investing $500 million with their new Chinese partner, Chongyang Ford Mazda Automobile Limited.
Right now, in China, $500 million engine plant in China, 400,000 engines annually.
Ford is the 11th.
Listen to this.
Washington has deceived us.
Ford is the 11th ranking auto producer in China.
Ford sold 368,000 vehicles in China since 2003.
And we know GM, on record, used bailout money to move to China and Brazil.
And we also, I saw it in the Statesman in Austin last week.
The Communist Chinese government just leased 600,000 acres of prime oil and gas fields in Southeast Texas.
So they are just taking everything over.
They have become fabulously wealthy.
The globalists gave the Panama Canal to them.
They have positioned this takeover, this destruction of the U.S.
from the highest levels of the government.
And every bit of this is being done by the elitist, the very people that I rubbed shoulders with for three years on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.
Alright, let's continue.
Who would still give me information, folks?
Believe everything you just heard Alex say and everything he's saying on his programs every day.
This is not fantasy.
This is for real.
What did he say?
So the dollar is going to start dying even faster with all this oil and gas coming online out of Russia.
Other facets to that?
Well, I do believe that they have accelerated, and please notice the words, I believe that they have accelerated that program.
The main thing is, they do not want the American people to rise up.
They are scared to death of rebellion.
And folks, don't you depend on this election.
It may turn out to be what you want it to be.
On the other hand, they may rig these voting booths because they're electronic.
You've got to understand that the elite are on track with what they're doing and they know exactly what's going to take place.
And I do believe that they have accelerated their program because he's giving me some things now that I thought was going to take another year or two before they would take place.
And we're going to talk about Iran today and a lot of these others.
Alex, yeah, the elite are right on target.
Alright, let's continue with the whole energy front.
Let's get into what he told you on crude oil.
Well, first of all, crude oil is a... Alright, let me go back just a ways.
You remember two years ago, this individual called me on the phone.
He was very angry at me because of something I'd said.
He threatened me.
And at the time, I tried to be friends with him and he said the price of crude oil is going from $147 a barrel to $50 a barrel.
I came on InfoWars.
I told that.
Two months later, it took place exactly like he said it.
Now, folks, you can believe this also.
There is going to be a definite move in crude oil prices immediately.
You had best get your dinner table ready for it.
All of you truck drivers out there, I beg of you to take note of this.
Two years ago I said it was going down.
It's over.
Here's the sign.
Watch crude oil.
He gave to me a year ago, this individual, this elitist.
He said to me, I want to give you a sign, Chaplain Williams.
And I think he was giving it to me so that I could prepare my own personal household.
I'm going to read it to you exactly like he said it a year ago.
He said, watch crude oil prices and you will know the progression of the elitist in their program.
These are his exact words.
Now, where is crude oil going?
You've seen it just within the past few days.
Diesel fuel in my area has gone up 10 cents a gallon.
Crude oil is going back.
Are you ready?
Here we are.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We gotta go to break.
Lindsey, we gotta go to break.
Come back.
We'll get into all this in detail on the other side.
We'll get into Iran.
We'll get into the elitist, uh,
Basically, getting themselves ready for total collapse.
We'll talk about it all with Lindsey Williams.
Key information.
Call everybody you know.
Call them to tune in right now.
This is important information.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, he got cut off by the break.
Lindsey Williams, his top globalist source, is terminal with cancer.
Spilt his guts to him.
And remember back, you know, two and a half years ago, oil was $50, sometimes even lower, $45 a barrel crude oil.
He said it's going to over $140.
In the next couple months, it did.
It went to $149, $150.
And then he announced, okay, now it's going to go down.
And it went down.
And, you know, so many other predictions that have come true, but again, this guy, this top globalist, they might be feeding him real info the whole time to later give us disinfo.
I'm not saying it is, it's just that, you know, it's not like God's appearing before us and telling us this, but it is very important because of the track record, and I also trust Lindsey Williams.
But, Lindsey, continuing, so what's the time frame on crude oil?
Break it down for us.
The track record of my elitist friends who have been giving me this information over the past 35 years has been impeccable.
Everything he has ever said has happened exactly like he said it.
Now, you can take this.
I'm trying my best to warn you what they're going to do.
I don't want to frighten you.
I want to let you know the facts so that you can do something about it.
A little under two years ago, this individual said to me, and I'm still sitting here stunned,
That he has been able to fulfill this exactly like they said.
He said to me, Chaplain, within two years, you will be so poor, you will not be able to do anything about it.
Now, I'm quoting him verbatim.
Just under two years ago.
Here we are two years later, and he is, and they're indicating that they're going to take crude oil now and turn it around in the opposite direction to where it went.
Folks, get ready.
You will be paying at the gas pump, and I'm going to give you the amount that it's going up to, and I'll give you an approximate as to what the time frame for all of this is.
Again, let me repeat his sign.
He gave me a sign one year ago.
And this is so important.
Write it down.
Watch crude oil prices and you will know the progression of the elite.
Now that they have started back up with their crude oil prices, this means that their program is on schedule.
They're doing exactly what they've been telling me over these years they were going to do.
Here it is.
Here's the price.
Crude oil is going back to $152,200 a barrel.
Gasoline at the gas pump will be $4 to $5 a gallon.
This is going to contrive massive inflation.
Can you imagine what this is going to do to airline fares?
And now the Al Gores and others are positioned to roll out with their solution the quote green economy that they control.
Yes, and every bit of this is part of their total program of what they're going to do.
Now, what Janet Napolitano said only moments ago on national news on a special bulletin that they are very concerned about a cyber attack.
Do you realize what this would do to crude oil prices when you went to, for instance, you go to the service station and you can't use your credit card?
You go to the grocery store and you've got to have cash.
And if you don't have cash,
The cash registers aren't working because the internet is already broken down.
Did he say anything about that?
I told you in advance what they're going to do.
Well certainly, we know the government launched the worm attack.
Did he say anything specifically about cyber attacks to you?
I did not mention that.
It just so happened that Janet Napolitano came on over the phone almost before I came on your program.
And yet I had been told back about a week ago by this individual who had lunch with Janet Napolitano in Washington only last Thursday, I believe it was, that something major was about to take place and to get ready because it was going to happen.
So when I saw that take place this morning, when I heard her announcement, I said, here are buzzwords.
But she told you more.
This person that had lunch with the head of Homeland Security, she reportedly told her, get six months of food and water ready?
Yeah, I need to give some background to this in a few months, but that's exactly what Janet Napolitano told her personally at a lunch, a private lunch that she and Janet Napolitano had.
And she said, I want you to go straight home.
Get six months worth of food and water stored in your house.
Something is about to happen.
I can't tell you what it is.
Well, it could just be another stock market collapse with all this mortgage news, or it could be a cyber attack these people are trying to pass in the next lame-duck session, their cybersecurity takeover.
It's already in place.
They just want to formalize it with everybody.
Stay there, Lindsey.
Long segment coming up.
I want to go through more of
When this individual believes it's going to 150, a barrel to 200, that means $5 plus a gallon gas.
You're saying within six to eight months from this source.
Then we're going to talk about so many of the other issues, and not just things on my list, but other things he told you.
We're going to run through those when we come back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're going back to Lindsey Williams in a moment.
He'll be with us 30 minutes to the next hour.
I've got a bunch of other economic and police state news we absolutely must cover.
We will open the phones up coming up here in just a little while if you've got questions or comments for Lindsey Williams.
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Okay, Lindsey, I want to go to calls, but I don't want to interrupt you, so run through the list I've got.
Break down what Napolitano told one of your good friends.
And again, there's a lot of rich people live in Austin that I've bumped into over the years.
I remember, I talked about it four years ago, one of the richest women in America said she was moving to the Cook Islands because quote, America won't be here.
And it was, she said basically the derivatives coming up.
That was two years before the crash of 08.
Now two years ago in October of 08.
Now headlines, you know, rich fleeing US, rich fleeing Europe.
Of the top ten richest Israelis, the BBC headline a few months ago I believe was six of the richest have sold their houses and left Israel.
I mean, what do they know?
There is an evacuation taking place of the elitist.
Uh, and so we're going to get into that, get into the other facets on gold, get into the other facets on the mortgage situation, Iran, let's cover what Napolitano told your associate, let's cover Iran, let's cover the mortgages, gold and silver, devil's messiah, what he told you about a world religious leader, all of this, let's go over it, and then anything else in your notes that you didn't give us yesterday in that talk we had.
Lindsey Williams.
There is a very prominent Hispanic political activist in Phoenix, Arizona.
A very devout Christian, this person is.
As you remember, Janet Napolitano, who is now the Director of Homeland Security, was the governor of Arizona prior to going to Washington under the present administration.
When Janet Napolitano went to Washington, she asked this very prominent activist, whose name I have in front of me right here, I could call her on the phone if I wanted to, and she asked her to come to Washington and be the liaison between the Hispanic community of America and Homeland Security.
At the time, they offered her a job, they offered her a salary of $170,000 if she would take this position.
When she finally was approved and went to Washington to take a position, Janet said, now, and called her by name, said, you cannot talk about certain things if you're going to come here.
I know you're a Christian.
But she said, you cannot talk about abortion, you cannot talk about homosexuality, you cannot talk about, and you cannot disagree with the present administration in any manner.
But she said, we'd like you to take the job.
Well, this individual, very strong Christian, said, I'm sorry, Janet, I can't give up my Christian convictions for the sake of $170,000 a year.
She said, I can't take the job.
As a result, didn't.
Last week, this individual was back in Washington again, trying to raise money, trying to get some grants for some of her Hispanic organizations, and Janet Napolitano heard that she was in Washington.
Janet called her on the phone and said, would you please let's have lunch together?
They did.
I think it was Thursday of last week.
This is recent.
I'm not talking about 2, 3, 4, 5 weeks ago.
I'm talking about last week.
This individual just got back to Phoenix.
And she said, in the course of the conversation, Janet said, now I am only saying this to some very close friends of mine.
And she said, I want you to go back to Phoenix.
And the first thing I want you to do is store in your house 6 months supply of food and water immediately.
And this individual said, Janet, why?
She said, I can't tell you.
She said, something is about to happen.
She said, go back and take care of this right now.
This was very urgent.
And this was Thursday of last week, if I remember correctly.
Folks, you've got to understand that what Alex is saying on his show, what you're hearing on InfoWars, this is not fantasy out there someplace.
This is for real.
These people are ready to do some very drastic things.
And fortunately, because of the elitist, whom I know and have known over these 35 years, one of whom now is terminal and just about to die, they're giving me this information and I am passing it on to you.
I hope that you will take action and do something about it.
Janet said to this lady, go home.
Get six months supply of food and water.
Let me stop you there.
Let me stop you there.
Let me stop you there, because this is important, and I'm not saying that she didn't say this, I believe it.
This person contacted you, and it'll be pretty easy for folks to figure out who she is, but... I remember in January and February of last year, 1999, a year and a half ago, or more, we had emergency managers we talked to, newspaper people that talked to emergency managers, Indiana, Vermont, Texas, New York State,
We even got documents.
This is before the flu broke out.
They were saying, oh, this is only for your sheriff, this is only for your police chief, this is only for your threat fusion center, this is only for your mayor.
There will be a flu pandemic, it will kill millions, martial law is coming, and prepare for war with the American people, harden all your facilities.
We wrote stories, we did the interviews, it all, okay.
Then a few months later in April, in the wrong hemisphere, wrong time of year, a novel flu that top scientists said was engineered popped up, but it was a hoax.
So again, they use fear to get everybody to do what they want, or they test the fear, and then it's about really giving you a shot that's had other deadly things added to it, that is a binary weapon.
So I'm not, all I'm saying is I believe she told her this, I believe she called you and told you this, and I know this is what the elitist, you know, that I read about in the paper and also have a chance to talk to, say that, you know, they've been told, for whatever reason, war, depression, you know, get ready.
And we know the government's always building bunkers.
Let me punctuate this with something that is happening, and you follow this for yourself on the national news.
Insider trading.
Now, let me try to explain it if I may.
On the stock market,
There's the average, ordinary, everyday John Doe that trades at the stock market.
Then there is what is called insider trading.
That means people who are the CEOs, the corporate heads of corporations in America.
Many of them are the elitists themselves, not all, but some.
Insider trading means when these corporate heads, these CEOs, trade on the stock market.
It's called insider trading.
Whenever the average John Doe trades, it's just an average person trading.
Here are the statistics.
Please write these down.
September the 13th through the 17th of this year,
It was 400 to 1 of insider trading on the New York Stock Market.
That means insiders, corporate heads, heads of CEOs, were selling their own corporate stocks.
And it was 400 to 1, 400 being of the corporate sellers compared to one of the John Doe out here selling.
Listen to this figure.
October the 4th through the 8th.
Now, we're right here, right where we are almost today.
The insider trading has gone to 1,600 to 1.
Folks, are you getting this?
Do you understand that the corporate kids, the CEOs, the corporation managers, that these people are selling their own company stocks and bailing out in mass?
And they have done it within one month's time from 400 to 1 to 1,601.
What is it that these
The elitist, many of them, and these corporate heads.
What is it that they know that you and I don't know while they bailing out?
Well, I was told by my elitist friend, and I recorded it on DVD, that by 2012, the dollar will be dead.
What is it that these people know?
They know what's about to happen.
They know that we're going to a world currency.
They know that the dollar is on its way out.
Russia knows it.
China knows it.
That's the reason they didn't sign their agreement for crude oil and natural gas using dollars.
Instead, they said, we're going to use another currency.
They're looking to the future because they know what's going to happen.
The elitists have it already.
They already have stated to me that by 2012, the dollar will be dead.
Folks, you'd better prepare.
Anything that you're going to do with your dollars, you need to do them now, because you may not have the opportunity.
The dollar is crashing very rapidly.
This is very obvious that something is in the wind that the elitists are doing.
Now, they don't want to wait until the American people get so angry and upset.
That they start a revolution.
They want to bring it about in such a manner that you will be so poor you won't be able to do anything.
Let me read you the three statements that he gave to me just under two years ago.
He said, within two years, you will not recognize America.
I'm reading them verbatim.
Again, and I recorded this on DVD.
I'm so glad I did so nobody can ever doubt it.
He said again, by 2012 the dollar will be dead.
Again, in the same conversation, he said within two years nearly everyone will be working for the government.
This is before the takeover of General Motors, and Chrysler, and AIG, and the bank problems that we had toward the end of the Bush administration, and before healthcare.
Do you realize that all of these things are coming to pass exactly as this individual told me they would happen?
Continuing, let's look at the Iran situation.
What did he tell you on Iran?
That's the big one.
I am so glad you asked about this, Alex, because Iran right now is critical.
You remember that two years ago, and again, I recorded this on my DVD series, and I said everybody thought we won the war with Iran two years ago.
We had all of our Air Force, our Navy, Marines, everybody battle ready right out there in the Persian Gulf.
And he said no, it's not going to happen for a couple years, but that was a couple years ago.
Yeah, and then one year ago, nearly everybody was getting ready for it again, and he said the same thing.
He said, Chaplain, it is not time for war with Iran yet.
Well, I'm changing my tune altogether.
It's now.
It's time.
They are within three... Folks, please jot this down.
You are within three to four months of... And I'm putting this just as positively as I can in a manner that they would say the elite won't.
A Middle East crisis within four to five months' time.
It is now.
Before, I said you have nothing to worry about.
I'm telling you now, you're within four to five months to the time that they want this.
It is time.
Well I don't even know what to say to that because so much, almost everything that this individual has told you has been dead on.
Very few things have not been dead on and he said no war with Iran now, now he's saying they are going to do it.
He says they want a conflict in the Middle East.
Now, this could be with Israel, this could be concerning the West Bank, this could be many different things.
They want a conflict, but don't focus your attention on that.
Folks, I go back to what I said at the beginning of the program today.
Please, don't allow these little conflicts.
Yeah, but an attack on Iran, every major analyst talks about $200 a barrel, $400 a barrel.
I mean, it runs the gamut of $200 and above.
I mean, that would do your oil...
Watch China and Russia don't get so involved in watching what takes place in the Middle East that you...
Well, naturally, China is not going to be our best friend from this point on.
They're cashing out.
They don't want our T-Bills anymore.
They're not coming to the Federal Reserve auctions.
And many of you will remember that I warned you about this a year and a half ago when this individual was on the phone with me.
And he said whenever other countries stop buying our T-bills and our Federal Reserve auctions, that the dollar is going to collapse because there's nobody to back it up.
Now the Federal Reserve is buying their own T-bills back again and monetizing the debt in a different manner.
We are in everything this man told me in the past two years has happened.
It's like that.
Now watch China, because China is not going to continue buying our currencies.
Instead, they're going to gold and silver.
Okay, you ready?
Here's the next one.
Gold and silver.
Oh my goodness, people, I warned you.
I begged of you two years ago to buy gold and silver.
Now, folks, I don't sell gold and silver.
I don't represent any gold and silver dealer or company.
You couldn't buy a piece of gold or silver for me if you called me on my phone personally and asked me to sell it to you.
I am telling you what I have been told.
Gold and silver, when I won you two years ago, it was $600 to $650 an ounce.
Today it's $1,350 an ounce, and it's still cheap.
Where is gold and silver going?
Here is the prediction.
The currency of the elite is gold and silver.
They are not going to allow anything to control it nor to disturb it.
I warn you, years ago, gold and silver, and I've just been told, is going up, up, up, up, up.
Can I say it in a plainer?
You have seen nothing yet.
The price of gold and silver is going so catastrophic above what it is today, you have never seen the like.
It is the... I was told by this Italy that the only place that you could protect your assets is in gold and silver.
And even at $1,350 an ounce, it still is cheap compared to what you're going to be paying 40 years from now.
And that's what he told you?
Yes, it's going to continue to go up and up and up.
There is no end to this.
It is the only thing.
You can't depend on real estate anymore.
There's no way in this world.
This mortgage crisis, and we haven't even gotten on that subject yet.
Yeah, let's cover the mortgage crisis when we come back, and any other key intel he gave you, and what the mortgage crisis is designed to do.
And I concur with your analysis and what he told you.
I completely agree.
But we'll get that on the other side, then phone calls.
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Your call's coming up in the next hour.
With Pastor Lindsey Williams.
For those who just joined us, his top globalist source that he's known for 30 plus years is dying of cancer and just basically spilled his guts to him in the last two weeks.
We were getting into mortgages.
Let's break down what he told you concerning all the mortgage fraud and the big mortgage scandals that are going on right now.
Go ahead, Lindsey Williams.
It's by the providence of God that I know what I know.
Let me stress to every person out there in the listening audience, I was invited.
To be the chaplain on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline and got to know these people back 35 years ago.
They're now old.
Most of them are retired.
And they have been willing to tell me these things.
I pass on to you only what I feel by the providence of God I've been given so that you can be properly warned and know the issues.
You won't get information like this from the national media.
You won't hear it any other place.
I don't know of any other person on the face of the earth
That one of these elitist talks to, as he has been willing to talk to me over the past two years time.
One of the issues that has been so prominent lately is a mortgage crisis.
And let me tell you what they, the elitist, have planned.
They planned it way back in the 80s.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
This is not happening by chance.
Every bit of this is by design.
It is MBS.
You'll be hearing this word more and more.
Mortgage-backed securities.
They started these teaser loans, these interest only, all the modern day method of mortgaging.
Now that's both for residential and commercial real estate.
They knew when they started issuing these loans that it was going to wind up exactly where it is today.
And it is estimated that the mortgage-backed securities issue is as high as $45 trillion.
A professor at a university up in the Northeast gave this statistic this past week.
It's mind-boggling.
What they've done is they have taken your house mortgage, they've taken the residential and the commercial mortgages, and they've sliced them and they've diced them.
And without having paperwork, they only had oftentimes computer entries to prove that they had the rights to be able to do this.
They have sold these things to everything from pension funds, to mutual funds, to banks, to insurance companies, to France, to England.
They've sold them all over the world.
And they've used them for bartering and trading, and it's oftentimes what you hear about as the secret instrument, so to speak, that's going on today.
Now, what is the end result of this going to be?
Folks, this is so... When I heard this, I literally was mind-boggled.
Eventually, the government will have to step in and bail this industry out.
There is no way, and they want it, the end goal of this is for this crisis to become so critical.
Now you remember only about two weeks ago Bank of America, Chase, a number of other lending institutions said we're not going to any longer make any foreclosures.
We're not going to sell any foreclosed mortgages on houses and then just the beginning of this week they came back and changed it all together and said we're starting all over again.
They are scared to death.
The lending institutions have, they have repossessed property, they've turned around and resold that property illegally.
Now please listen to this.
If you have bought a house within the past three years time that was a repossession,
You probably cannot get a clear title to it, and the banks know it.
And you will lose, you want to lose that property.
I don't want to frighten you.
But if you bought anything repossessed from one of the lending institutions in the past three years, you are due to lose it.
Because they don't have proper titles.
They don't have the warranted deeds.
They did not get the paperwork from the counties.
And these $45 trillion worth of debt is out there.
Lindsey, stay there.
We're going to do five more minutes on this and then go directly to calls.
But we're going to finish up with this key information straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is so important that we're just going to keep Lindsey for the rest of this third hour.
We may even have to do a part two coming up tomorrow or next week.
But everything Lindsey's covering from his top globalist source has either come true or partially true.
And everything he's saying, I can analyze from the outside.
We've been predicting for forever.
And now it's here.
But, from the analyst I've talked to, from my own view, we know the top globalists, above even the banks, engineered this bubble to then hold the world hostage, to bankrupt all the pension funds, to steal all the retirees' money, and then hold you hostage and say, give us even more power, let us raise taxes, to prop all this up, or it's all going down.
But you notice, as you prop it up, it just continues to cascade into more crises, and in my notes here,
Feds will own every mortgage in America.
That's the plan.
The globalists make the money on the way up, then they get the mortgages bailed out two years ago, again and again and again, and then it clouds all property rights law, not just here, but all over the world.
And they'll say, OK, we'll fix your mortgages.
But they already passed a law two weeks ago that Obama hadn't signed yet.
He pocket vetoed it, meaning he can bring it up after the election in a few weeks.
And they're saying he's going to do that to allow banks to take houses without proper titles.
So that's the pitch.
Oh, we'll fix all this.
We'll fix the banking system or it's all going down.
But let us take property without any real deed, without chain of title.
And then the precedent set for even more looting and stealing.
Then we have the executive orders of Bush and Obama saying for any crisis, including economic, in P.E.D.
51, the Presidential Decision Director says the same thing, the Congress can be suspended for six months, the President can do anything he wants, Europe has passed similar laws.
We're about to go to break, Lindsey, and then take calls, but finishing up with the mortgage issue and what he told you.
The elitists have engineered this.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They want a crisis to grow so big that they're basically just waiting until it can grow so large that they can say to the Federal Reserve, you've got to bail us out.
Of course, they'll do it through the Treasury of the United States of America, like they've done the other bailout programs of GN and Chrysler and AIG.
And they'll say, there's no way.
The world is going to collapse.
The sky is going to fall in.
And so as a result, you can expect
In the future, and this is what the elite want, they want the government to step in and bail out these mortgage-backed securities, and it's going to take an original bailout somewhere between the tune of 2 and 7 trillion dollars.
That's the original bailout.
It could go as far as 45 trillion if they bail out everything that's out there.
Now what's this going to bring about?
Oh, this is the scary part.
Whenever this happens,
Now, this man told me two years ago, and I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.
He said, after two years you will be so poor.
And he said again, after two years nearly everyone will be working for the government.
Folks, when they bail out this mortgage-backed security issue that we've got right now,
Folks, are you getting this?
The elite will own every piece of mortgaged real estate in the United States of America, both commercial and residential, and you will make your house payment to the elite because they will own it through the Federal Reserve, which they are.
And that's how they're taking houses that are even, they're even taking houses that are paid for because the note was sold to so many people, they're all coming to get it.
That's right.
If you have bought a house within the past three years that was repossessed, you probably do not own clear title to it, and they can come in and take it.
You will be their slave.
Alex, I don't know how to say to these people.
No, no, that's how it works.
The government, Israel and the U.S., releases the worm and says, we've got to take the web over.
They create the mortgage crisis and then say, we've got to take over to save it, and then it only gets worse.
I mean, this is what they do.
Yes, and folks, I've played with you.
You've got to know the intricate details of this.
I know on the Alex Jones Show, I'm giving it just very briefly.
You've got to know the intricate details.
Well, stay there, stay there.
We're going to come back, take calls with you for the rest of the hour.
There's a lot of other issues he told you and more details we haven't gotten to.
After calls, in about 30-40 minutes, we will get back into more of the information, more of the details and some key issues we haven't covered yet with Lindsey Williams.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Now, Lindsey, when we talked to you yesterday, I challenged you.
I said, look, you've written best-selling books, you've
Made DVDs about what this guy told you.
We don't have time for you to wait a month and do that.
You need to make an audio CD going over all of this so it's concise and you said that you're stepping up to the plate in the next few days and getting that produced because an audio CD can be done in just a matter of days.
I'm glad you're going with that idea.
When the CD comes out or any of the previous DVDs you put out that predicted all this from your sources and your main source, how do folks get a hold of that?
Please call our toll-free number right now, as quick as you can after this program.
Now, don't cut off, don't go to change this dial.
You stay right where you are.
But after the program, please call our toll-free number, 888-799.
Now, there's some people that would prefer not to call an operator.
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And six DVDs.
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They are not copywritten.
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I don't have time to be greedy.
Would you please get my DVD set, six of them, and my CD set, which is being made today, at number 888-799-6111.
But to be specific, this may be the last info we get from this guy.
It's so important.
And it's really proven to be very accurate.
And then we'll recap it as well.
But why do you think he's telling you all this?
He called you up two years ago to threaten you and say, stop doing this to the oil company.
But then he gave you all this other data and said, go ahead and tell folks that if you want.
I gave three years of my life to be the chaplain to the elite of the world on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline and there were two of these individuals that were very friendly with me when I was there.
Some of them could have carried less and wouldn't have wiped their foot on me.
There were others, two of them, that did.
I think it's totally out of respect.
I probably am the only person of my kind that these two individuals have ever come in contact with in their life.
You don't get to these people.
You never get to know them.
You never get to talk to them on the phone.
And I think, Alex, out of respect for what I did in being that chaplain and keeping in touch with them these 35 years, they're giving me this information.
But, you've also got to consider
Deathbed repentance.
Now please, you remember what happened to the thief on the cross?
Christ was hanging there and two thieves were hanging there.
And one of the thieves looked at him and said, remember me when you come into your kingdom.
It was deathbed repentance.
And I think that this individual has, for the past two years, knowing that he was sick, now knowing that he's terminally ill, I think that he has given me things that otherwise I would never know.
Basically, as you have put it, spilled it all.
And this is why I think they're giving me this information.
You're getting the latest.
You're getting the update.
You're getting what the elite are doing right now.
What their second plans are and everything that they're going to do from this point on.
Let's go.
Let's go right back.
Let's go to these calls now.
Let's talk to Tim in Virginia.
Tim, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Lindsey, I heard a lot of different topics you talked about, and you touched base about the trade agreement between China and Russia concerning oil.
Well, in my opinion, that's one way of the Chinese hedging their bet against the Middle East during conflict.
But the same standpoint, Russia is not part of the world economy.
They'll export oil and platinum, but as far as Russia's selling
All right.
Hold on a minute, Tim.
This is in the news that China and Russia have signed this deal.
I want to finish, Tim.
It's on record that China is exploring oil and gas even in Texas.
I mean, they're in Africa.
They're in the Middle East.
They're everywhere.
They're in Canada.
They're everywhere.
And they're looking for oil and minerals.
They're now the biggest extractor of minerals in the world.
They're building all the big facilities.
They're putting in the mines.
Last time I saw, more than half of the mining going on in Australia is the Chinese.
And almost all the new start-ups are Chinese.
So all of that is going on.
And then we have the North American Union Plan.
We have Robert Pasture at the CFR's plan.
We have the Baylor Agreement with Bush and Fox and Paul Martin at the time, five years ago.
So everything Lindsey was saying on that front, I mean, that's all public.
So China is trading raw materials and they've also got dollars, euros, yons.
They're flush with cash to buy whatever they want.
And these deals with China and Russia are on record.
What are you saying, Tim?
Well, I'm just saying that you don't hear about a proliferation of Chinese imports going to Russia.
You don't hear about all these Chinese goods that we have here in the U.S.
We don't hear about them in China or in Russia.
You don't hear about
Those goods, the cheap goods that we import from China that are on our stores and our various retail establishments across the country, you don't hear about them inside of Russia.
I mean, Russia is now the biggest oil and gas producer in the world.
That's, I mean, just search the term.
Russia now the biggest oil and gas producer in the world.
It's ABC News.
I mean, you name it.
I mean, I'm really having trouble getting at what you're saying here, Tim.
No dollar value was given to the deal that was made between China and Russia.
And the reason no dollar value was given is because the dollar is not going to be used.
They'll find their own method of bartering trade or currency, whatever they wish.
But the main thing is... Well, no one can deny.
Hold on.
No one can deny.
...and not other things.
No one can deny there's a move away from the dollar.
I mean, Tim, sum it up.
I've got to cut you off here in a second, but sum up what you're saying.
What I'm saying is that the Russia could manipulate the U.S.
economy any way they can.
They can sell gold below market price and make a profit.
They can sell it at six hundred bucks an ounce, and they would still make a profit.
Okay, Tim, I appreciate your call.
Jack in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Jack, go ahead.
Jack dropped off.
Kirk in Illinois, go ahead.
Hey there.
Hey, uh, Alex, I just wanted to real quickly say, uh,
That the Money Bomb was the best program to date, man.
Your guests are just top-notch, including Lindsey.
Too bad he wasn't on that program, but I'm glad he's on today.
The question I have for Lindsey is, how does the Fed Reserve Act expiring in 2012 figure in?
And did your friend recently mention anything about the BP disaster in the Gulf?
Anything new?
Well, positively.
In fact, whatever you call my 800 number, if you wish to get the CD on the BP disaster of the Gulf of Mexico, it's still there.
You can ask them for it.
I gave an in-depth, over an hour, hour and a half presentation... I know, but what I'm asking is what the caller's asking.
What the caller's asking, Lindsey, was there anything new that he gave you on that?
Oh, yes, positively.
They have been able to fill that pipe with the drill mud.
And they have stopped the leak, but that does not take care of the core exit problem.
It does not take care of the oil that's already there.
It's going to last for years and years and years to come.
They have downplayed this.
BP has hired every scientist that went down there to investigate it, and to put them on that payroll for years to come in order to keep them quiet.
This is a disaster of disasters still, but nobody's even talking about it.
Okay, sorry to interrupt you, we gotta go to break.
I'm gonna let Kirk have another question if he wants to on the other side, then Howard, Blake, Sue, and others.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll free number to join us.
It is Thursday, the 21st day of October, 2010, InfoWars.com.
This is not a drill.
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Yeah, I'm glad you had me over.
Yeah, Lindsey, back one year and two days ago you were on this program and you mentioned that oil within the next two years was going to be the same, roughly about the same price.
Also, you mentioned that war was planned after two years and now you're saying that they're going to bump that up.
Well, if I remember correctly, Lindsey, it's all on record on his DVDs and from this radio show, he said, enjoy oil prices, they're not going to go up for at least a year, and go on trips and enjoy yourself, because my source told me after that it's going up, and here we are a year later, it's starting to go up.
That's what Lindsey said.
That's exactly right, Alex.
That's what I said.
I said it on your program.
I recorded it on my DVDs.
And now, of course, I am told by this individual that they are ready to bring the price back up to $150 to $200 a barrel.
And it'll take place in the near future.
You'll see it go back to $4 and $5 a gallon, the gas pump.
Kirk, does that answer your question?
Yeah, the last one I had was nearly everyone will be a government employee.
Could you flesh that out a little more?
Well, he means they're going to control the whole system, so even if you're private sector, you'll be beholden to them and be paying checks one way or another to them.
Correct, Lindsey?
Well, let's just take an example.
Your health care bill.
Every doctor, every dentist, every nurse, every hospital, every person that works in the medical profession of any kind will be an employee of the federal government after the health care bill has taken place.
That means that every bank is going to likewise, once they bail out this mortgage-backed security problem, every bank, every person that works for a bank, everybody that has a pension fund, you will basically get it from the elite.
This is their goal, is to totally control everything.
The name of the game is control.
Okay, Kirk, we'll now talk to Howard in Connecticut.
Howard, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
This is Howard.
Having been just recently awoken to all this tyranny that's around me, having been blind for so many years, this is like, obviously, a big, overwhelming thing.
Considering the direction that we're going in this country, you know, with all of this tyranny, and it's coming down very quickly, how does somebody that's recently awakened, such as myself, hedge himself, whose house he purchased for cash here in Connecticut in 2005, that went down, lost work,
Had to mortgage the house.
Had to lose money in the stock market.
How do I know that I realize all those traps?
How can I better...
Prepare myself for this upcoming tyranny for my family.
Well, you know, it's hard enough to analyze the enemy operations, and then it's even harder to analyze an individual who you don't know calling from Connecticut about what your financial situation is, what your local economy's like.
I mean, I don't really give people individual financial advice.
I tell people what I think's coming, what's going on, what's happening.
We have a pretty good track record.
But, Lindsey, what's your take on that?
My suggestion is, and I'm not being facetious at all, listen to the Alex Jones Show every single day.
Don't you dare miss a single program.
Everything he's saying is bringing you up to date as of that minute as to what is happening.
And the best way you can prepare yourself and believe what you're hearing, because you're not going to hear the truth from the national media.
You listen to InfoWare's and Alex Jones' every day, and over a period of time you'll be able to prepare yourself.
I mean, Howard, it's very complex.
I don't know all your financial issues, and I know my financial issues that are not going in the right direction, and I'm so busy working that I don't really even carry out the decisions that I've made that are most important.
I don't know everything, and I'm not omnipresent, so I don't really know what I can say for you to do, Howard.
Just, you know, we need to cut taxes.
If the globalists cut taxes, instead of raising them, that would be the best thing to un-stall the economy, and they know that.
Well, if you'd like to make decisions properly, if you want to know what they're going to do so that you can know what to do next, I plead with you, please get my six DVD set, you probably haven't seen it, and the CD that we're producing today of all this material plus more that I can't give in an hour and a half.
If you'll get these, it'll help you to know what next decision to make.
Well, I mean, knowledge is power.
I appreciate your call, Howard.
We're going to go to break here in a moment and talk to Blake, Sue, David, Mark, and a few others.
We've got to hurry through these calls, Lindsey, and then get to any other facets from your source, any other facets to the issues we've already covered, but a few other issues that we haven't covered.
But when you talk about they really want to have war with Iran the next
Two to three months.
Let me get the exact number here.
Three to four months.
But then you say, but that's not the big issue.
Watch Russia and China.
Well, I mean, if they attack Iran, that is going to be the big issue.
At least from my geopolitical and economic perspective.
So we'll talk about it on the other side with Lindsey Williams.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the one, the only GCN Radio Network.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, please have quick questions or comments for Lindsey, because I want to get to everybody and get to some of the other issues he hasn't covered yet from his amazing source.
And the proof's in the pudding from this source.
I also know who the woman is, the big activist, actually is in government, who's been hanging out with Napolitano.
And I said, is this the name?
And he said, yeah, that's her, but she doesn't want her full name out because...
It can hurt some of the other activities she's involved in.
So that's pretty scary that we've confirmed who it is.
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Okay, now I want to hurry now here.
Blake in Texas, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Go ahead.
Pastor Williams, I have a question about the person who they're calling the religious leader that they want to make a world leader of some sort.
And, uh, I've been doing a lot of research on this individual.
I wanted to see if any of your intel happened to correspond with some of the info that, uh, that I've gathered on this, on this person.
Um, Jenny Dixon, the, the American, uh, um, seer or prophetess, when she was asked what her most, uh, significant prediction was, she didn't say it was the JFK assassination where she called the White House and, and warned.
Or R.S.K.'
's assassination, where she saw the, you know, she knew what hotel it was going to happen at and the time of day and everything.
She said it was the man born on February 5th, 1962.
Now, she was also, she also said that that, that there would be an individual who came before him who she characterized as kind of a false prophet of the Antichrist.
She said that that individual, just like the regular, the true prophet, John the Baptist, was born six months before Christ, that the false prophet would also be born six months before.
And if you do the math, it goes back to August, around August 4th, 1962, if you take into account the location that this individual was born, and she said that that individual would become president
I just wanted to see if there was anything like that.
Okay, I know that also this individual specifically, his task is to bring about a spiritual experience in people.
Massive spiritual experience that does not
I'm going to have to let you go unfortunately because I want to hear your question, your comment.
Who are you saying this person is?
What is your question for Lindsey Williams?
So you're just not going to even say anything?
And he hung up.
I mean, it's weird.
I've got a guest on, I want the callers to make their point, and then it's like they just keep rolling and rolling and rolling and rolling, and then I just say, who are you talking about?
Or what are you getting at?
And he just laughs and hangs up the phone.
It's bizarre.
And then I'll be bad.
I'll be the Illuminati or something.
Yeah, because I didn't, it's just, it's so frustrating.
Alex, don't worry about it.
You're doing such a marvelous job, I don't think anybody's going to question what you're doing.
It is so important.
The Devil's Messiah, you've heard me give it on your program before in depth.
I wanted to give you one illustration of how they're actually drawing the string right now.
Last weekend, my family and I were up in Yavapai County, which is just north of where we live here in Arizona.
And I was with a pastor called Pastor Poseidly.
They've just built a new church building.
And Pastor Poseidly made pretty good friends with some of the individuals at the building and zoning board.
Well, he went back in to take care of all of his final paperwork and details the other day.
Now, this was days ago.
This didn't happen months ago.
This happened days ago.
And Pastor Poseidly said, Lindsey, you've got to know what this individual said, too.
He said, in confidence, Pastor, he said, I want to tell you something.
He said Yavapai County has just put in an ordinance stating that if anybody makes a single complaint about your church, they don't like the way your women dress, they don't like the way you sing your singing, we don't care what it is.
If any complaint is made about your church to Yavapai County, we have an ordinance now that states that we can come in, padlock the church door, even though you built that building, even though your church owns it, even though it's yours.
We have an ordinance stating one complaint, we can padlock your door, you can never hold another worship service there.
We have a right to do that.
We just want you to be careful so this doesn't happen to you.
The elite, I believe, and by the way, they've already put this also into Maricopa County.
It was in the newspaper about Mesa, Arizona just a few days ago in the Arizona Republic.
I believe that they're putting in this ordinance probably all across America.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Excuse me?
Lindsey, specifically, because I didn't know about this and I want to be able to search it so we can pull it up on screen for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Lindsey, specifically, you're saying they're passing ordinances where counties can shut down churches just outside of any process of law.
That sounds like, you know, communist China or something 20 years ago.
Where is this happening?
Is this confirmed?
Give me a search term so I can look this up.
I will talk with your producer after the show today.
I'll be more than happy to give him the name of the pastor.
He can verify names in Yavapai County and every bit of it you'll have.
How do you spell that?
How do you spell that county?
I think it's Y-A-V-A-P-A-I.
But let me get this correct and then I'll give it to you.
Okay, where is that?
In Arizona?
In Arizona.
Okay guys, search the term, search the term for the county, ordinance for churches, and I'm sure it'll be in the news, or it may just be being announced there locally, and we'll find out about it soon.
But I mean, Lindsey, specifically, what did he tell you about this religious world leader?
You've talked about this before.
What's the latest on what he calls the devil's messiah?
Well, they are, it's a religious control, basically, that's what we're talking about.
Not only is their program government and political and monetary, such as we've talked about in the mortgage crisis and so on, they definitely have what was referred to me, back about two years ago, devil's messiah.
And as a result, I did an entire section on it on one of your programs one day, how they're working through 501c3 organizational status with churches, how that it also is in our schools, what they're doing with introducing evolution years ago.
Every bit of this is a part of that total... Okay, basically here's the way he put it.
He said we had to remove the God that America was founded on from society in order to bring about our New World Order.
That was their statement.
And that's how the devil would do it.
We see the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, openly funded by Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations.
They go in, and now all the big churches, Catholic, a lot of Baptists, Methodists, you know, Bill Gates is good, eugenics is good, open borders is good, you know, the family's bad.
They are turning these into devilish propaganda arms.
And folks, the devil isn't going to show up in a red
Pajamas like Anton LaVey with a little black goatee.
The devil comes as an angel of light.
And whether you believe in God or not, the UN and everybody else at the global level has announced they want a one world religion.
The Pope has announced they want a one world religion, the last one.
And this is the system that is being pushed where they come at you with this world religion.
And they've had Democratic House members talking about this just in the last week, Conyers and others.
And so
There's no doubt with the clergy response teams, they've covertly taken over with the faith-based initiative most of the churches in this country.
And they use the expression to me, Devil's Messiah.
Now, whether you will hear it from another or not, you may not because naturally this is really getting down to the hard core of it.
You have to keep in mind, I've been a minister of the gospel for 50 years.
I'm in my 70s.
Well, of course they've got a...
Of course they've got to go through the back door and take over the churches to do this.
That happens in every authoritarian system.
I wonder if that caller was laughing because he's implying Barack Obama's the Antichrist, but Barack Obama wasn't born in 62 like that guy was saying.
If that's who he was talking about, he was born August 4th, 1961.
And, you know, if he is the devil, he's certainly getting destroyed politically.
It's just, you know, I'm just sticking to the New World Order and what I can prove, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go back to the calls.
Very interesting information from Lindsey Williams.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Sue in Texas.
Sue, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex and Lindsey.
Thank you for your time, and I'll try to be quick.
While I wonder if a good election result would be able to put a stop to all of this madness that you're speaking of, my question is two quick ones.
Will we be able to pay our property taxes with gold if we already own our home?
And number two, can you give an estimated date when the Marshall Law will go into effect?
Alright, let me break that down because I want to get Lindsey's take on it.
It's not that you pay your mortgage in gold, whatever the new currency is, or whatever the devaluation of the dollar is.
When you cash the gold or silver in, you will get
What the money's worth at that time.
But if you just save money, it will then be devalued under hyperinflation.
So you'll still be paying for your mortgage in dollars.
It's just now the dollars are sub-denominated in the IMF World Bank SDR.
On the subject of martial law, they're turning on the fusion centers nationwide.
The CIA runs them.
They've got the National Guard, regular army in them.
They federalize your police.
They use the cameras and license plate readers and face scanners going in in the town where I live to track everything you're doing.
And it's total tyranny.
So we're already under martial law.
When they're tasering old ladies for no reason, when they're training cops to break people's heads if they talk back to them, this is martial law.
But when will a total collapse and troops rolling out on the streets happen?
Happened at Katrina.
They are beta testing and conditioning.
This is all a creeping death.
Lindsey Williams.
Yes, you're correct.
And I was told by the elitist that by 2012 the dollar will be dead.
Now you say, what will I do about my taxes?
Well, they will have to have something in order to trade with.
You've got to go to the grocery store and buy with something.
Whether it's a new world currency, whatever it may be, a NAFTA currency.
Well, you merely take your gold that is already going to $3,000 and $4,000 an ounce and turn around and purchase or get.
Sue, does that answer your question?
Pardon me?
At least you can pay them.
At least you have something tangible that you can use.
Where if you have the Federal Reserve note, you won't have anything because it's going to be dead by 2012.
You've lost it.
If you have a pension fund, whatever it may be, it's gone.
But you'll still have that.
And notice all this is happening, this is all happening right as the Federal Reserve Charter ends so they can start the new system.
Sue, great question.
Dave in Arizona, you're on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Okay, maybe Dave doesn't want to talk.
Let's talk to Mark in Texas.
Mark, you're on the air.
All right, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Hi, Mark.
Okay, I have two quick questions.
First of all, on the world leader, you're saying these new world globalists, that they have a plan.
So I'm guessing that they probably have a plan when they're going to bring them in.
I'm guessing this is probably after 2012.
My other question is, I've heard, I'm not sure if any of you can confirm this, I heard that Flight 93 is actually still active.
Have any of you heard about that?
I-593, I don't know about, uh, the world leader.
The Bible does say that he will appear on the scene.
I don't know who he is.
I don't know when he will appear.
I know that, uh, it appears that we are arriving toward the end of it all because the elitists, so they're telling me, are ready to draw the string and put things... Now, I didn't say this two years ago.
Two years ago, I said, you've got two more years.
You don't right now.
They are ready to draw the string.
They are ready to put into force all of their activities.
But God can change that, and people repenting and getting active can change that, so it's not a foregone conclusion, but if we don't take action, it is.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jack in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
In my local area, they've been spraying chemtrails a lot recently, or some kind of aerosol clouds in Kenosha, Racine, and Caledonia.
I just wanted to ask him if he has any kind of insider info on that and if there's any kind of solution we can take because most problems we would normally talk to our representatives but it seems like that may not be the solution here.
This elitist friend of mine has never been willing to get on such subjects as that.
He always sticks with me with the subject of oil, what's happening in the worldwide financial market, what's taking place along those lines.
I have never been able to get him on the subject of chemtrails or containment centers, even though I think they exist.
But they have never been willing to talk about that.
All right, thank you.
Thank you, Jake, not Jack.
William in Michigan, you're on the air.
Yes, William.
Yes, sir.
You're awesome, Alex.
I got a question for Lindsey.
I have two houses.
One's been paid off 30 years ago.
One's been paid off 40 years ago.
What's going to happen to them?
And is this cap-and-trade going to come through and try to inspect your house and take it?
Because I haven't got no mortgages against the house.
No, that's all in the legislation.
And there's a federal property tax in the health care bill now that you're going to be hit with.
So they're still going to come after them?
Yeah, but they're not going to get away with it.
I mean, people are really waking up and they've been unable to pass the bill.
They passed it in the House, not the Senate.
So they're just doing it via the EPA.
OK, that's all I want to know.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Thank you.
And they incentivize it.
Oh, your local city got an EPA or government grant.
Let us inspect your house and we'll give you $500 off on an appliance.
So they're just mainly training their people this is all normal.
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I'm going to talk to Lindsey Williams after the show, but I'm going to be out in California on Monday broadcasting live from one of our great affiliates, KSCO, KSCO.com 1080.
But let's look at your book right now, Lindsey, and let's see about having you on at least for one hour.
I don't know.
We'll get that done.
Also, they've got 100 tickets, 107 tickets left for the second showing.
The first showing with 800 tickets sold out at the Coconut Grove there in Santa Cruz on Sunday night.
And then there's one on Monday night at 7 o'clock.
And I'm going to speak for two hours, take questions.
I think I'm going to have Dr. Stan Monteith pop by and give a 20-30 minute speech at one of these events because he lives there.
If you want tickets, go to KSCO.com.
And also, MZ has a note here.
He said, you know, they sold out of the first event, but then some people, things come up.
I think he said they had 20 or 30 cancellations and refunds, because, you know, when you've got a group of 800 people coming, some of them have to end up canceling, and they're so nice, they refunded a few of them.
So you'll be able to maybe even buy a few still for the first event or get it at the front door.
Just be there first.
And there's 107 tickets left, as of a few hours ago when this came in, for the Monday event, KSCO.com.
I rarely speak in public because I'm so busy, but I'm already out in California doing an investigation.
I'll just leave it at that.
So I'm going to be popping into that great affiliate.
The website's rinfowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
I tried to hurry through callers.
That's it for callers.
But you'll be able to call in on Monday.
Lindsey, can you come on Monday with us for an hour?
More than happy to.
I'd consider it a privilege.
Well, let's just get you on then at noon Central Monday.
Will do.
Consider it done.
I may be having Ventura that day, but it's probably actually Wednesday, so I'll just leave it at that.
We're almost out of time.
If people want to get the new CD you're producing or the past stuff, it's very informative.
It's ProphecyClub.com, and we'll get that number out before you leave.
But Lindsey, in the three minutes or four minutes we've got left, other facets, other things that we didn't cover that this key source told you?
The United States has lost 42,400 factories since 2001.
75% of those factories employ more than 500 people.
And we're talking about NAFTA and GAF.
Every bit of this is done by the elitists.
They have talked with me about how they have intentionally moved things out of the United States of America in order to bring about what they yet have to do, which I haven't even talked about today, for instance.
In 2008, 1.2 billion cell phones were sold worldwide with American names on them.
Not one of them was manufactured in the United States of America.
Is this telling you anything about what these elitists are doing?
Dell has announced plans to dramatically expand its plant in China.
So it's total de-industrialization, total de-industrialization by design.
Yes, the last television set ever built in the United States of America was Curtis Mathis.
They are now gone and have closed down their plant.
Folks, watch Russia and China.
If China ever decides to close down what they sell to Walmart, you won't have anything on the grocery store shelves.
That's the reason these people made it so plain to me.
Watch Russia and China.
I know these other things are important.
Folks, we are facing some things in America that you need to prepare for, and Alex is helping you do that through his program every day.
Well, if you were going to bring down the United States to fold it into a one-world tyrannical government, you would have to do it by stealth and over time and de-industrialize and break up the family and build up a huge paramilitary force against the people and make them so poor they're dependent and bankrupt their financial system.
They've done it.
And it's just total evil.
In the first hour coming up at InfoWars.com, Fox News admits Al Qaeda leader dined at Pentagon just months after 9-11, Anwar al-Awlaki.
That is coming up with Paul Watson and Wayne Madsen.
This is an unbelievable first hour.
Please get this info out to everybody.
The story's up at InfoWars.com and PresidentBunnet.com.
And again, fire that number out real fast.
Well, you know, we're out of time.
Lindsay, I'll see you Monday.
God bless you, my friend.
I'll talk to you after the show.
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