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Name: 20101019_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 19, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad will be joining us in the third hour today to talk about his view on the economy, the best-selling author.
Financial planner and self-help advisor will be joining us.
Robert Kiyosaki will be joining us.
Phil Berg, he's on a whole bunch of big syndicated radio shows today, like G. Gordon Lidding and others, promoting a rally that he's finally going to have, pointing out the issues with Barry Sitaro, aka Barack Hussein Obama's
It's all happening.
The global financial meltdown, by design, is taking place.
The major central banks are consolidating power through the crises they've orchestrated.
And I've got the headlines here.
Stocks continue to decline.
Banks rise.
The last two years, the major six banks and their subsidiaries have all had record profits on the backs of free humanity.
And now close to two-thirds of all the taxation you pay to the federal government goes to interest on the debt, debt service.
And just like third world nations, they basically get set up by these people and the taxes go up, but there's basically no services.
We are now moving in that direction.
Stocks and oil fall on China rates.
Apple outlook down.
Dollar rallies.
That's always only in the short term.
That pushed gold down today, but that's part of a cycle.
As they rush into bonds, then they'll rush back out into gold.
I would guess the next two weeks, gold will probably eclipse even the mega-games that it's seen in the last month.
Also, stocks continue to decline.
Again, banks rise after Apple.
Brace for rough ride in tech.
Apple way down.
With earnings numbers being a lot lower than they first thought.
So we're going to be discussing all of that.
Key article at the Economic Collapse blog.
The biggest bank robbery in history.
More quantitative easing.
Backdoor bailouts for big banks without having to go through Congress.
Will Americans follow French example of civil unrest?
Governments and central banks are bringing on second round of economic crisis.
National debt up three trillion dollars on Obama's watch.
Doomsday denial collapse 2.0 looms as UK calm before storm and Tarpley and
Many other financial experts we've had on, like Bob Chapman, have said they believe the next big plunge will probably be in Ireland or in England itself, but they're the whole UK sector.
Gallup finds U.S.
unemployment at 10% in mid-October.
That's a Cook number.
It's well over 22% and rising.
We'll be discussing all of that information today.
99 Dems.
House seats are in danger.
It was 55 in the last poll last week.
Now it's 99 as there is a complete flight from the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi.
As French strike continues, country runs out of gas.
Violent French protests show why a new debt crisis is inevitable.
Sarkozy responds by saying regulate the internet and specifically cites cases where bloggers have exposed government corruption.
So they're openly saying, look, we've had a criminal takeover.
Same groups running France are running this country.
We've got to start shutting down free speech.
These people are actually exposing us.
We also have the new
Chinese leader on track to be China's next president.
Xi Jinping on track to become China's next president.
We'll look at this individual.
Going back to, will the United States see unrest?
Americans buying guns in preparation for civil unrest.
That's PrisonPlanet.com.
That is all coming up today as well.
Chaos for British travelers as Brussels strikes.
Eurostar and truckers joined French retirement age protest as they fight austerity where they pay into taxes, massive taxes their whole lives.
They buy into socialism and then almost all the money goes to interest on the debt to bankers.
Interest created out of nothing by these creatures.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I'm going to cover all of the economic news, the ongoing riots by millions of people across Europe, what austerity means and what this global program intends to put into place.
So much of it has now actually transpired that we predicted.
It wasn't hard to do.
It's a IMF World Bank public plan that they have perfected in third world nations, now bringing to Western Europe, England, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
As well as areas of Eastern Europe and Asia.
But we're going to fire out the toll-free number on any issue or any item or any topic you want to discuss.
But I would hope that listeners would call in and give me your view on where you see this economic crisis going and what you think the American people are going to do.
What's happening to businesses in your area?
We're going to be discussing it all today.
And we've got the author of
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki joining us coming up in the third hour.
Phil Berg pops in for 30 minutes in the middle of the next hour on his rally in D.C.
that he's finally launching.
Very happy to see that.
Dealing with Barry Sitaro, aka Barack Obama's birth certificate, and the rest of it.
So that is all coming up today.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 and we'll get you up and on the air.
Look at this news I've got here in front of me.
It is just all incredible.
Here's Der Spiegel, Obama's
Lost magic.
It just doesn't have the magic anymore.
Six months into his presidency, he had the lowest approval rating of any president six months in.
And a year in, it was the same trend.
And a year and a half, and now close to two years in, it's the same story.
But the globalists planned that all along.
Now they will discard him politically.
Probably going to run Harry Hillary for president, or at least vice president, discharging the current vice president, Joe Biden.
And they'll try to have the novelty of a woman running for vice president and, oh, the women all want to vote.
It'll be different if they just get a woman in there when Hillary helped ram through the end of Glass-Steagall in 1999, allowing the thousands of trillions of derivatives to be pumped out on a planetary scale and for the taxpayers of the globe to be handed the bill.
Thank you very much, Hillary Clinton.
And their counterparts, whether it was Tony Blair, or whether it was Francois Mitterrand, or the French, German leaders, all of them, the Greek leaders, all 11 years ago, the Spanish leaders, the Portuguese leaders, the Japanese leaders, globally they all removed rules on derivatives and just said the sky's the limit.
Select global banks can just issue all the fake, counterfeit financial instruments they want.
That's just the way it is.
Where the average Frenchman pays over 80% in taxes in one way or the other.
The average Frenchman.
Some people only pay around 60.
Some of the rich pay upwards of 90.
But on average, and it's basically set by the Organization of Economic and Cooperative Development, the OECD, that France and Germany were basically reorganized under during the Marshall Plan after World War II.
And the UN and the Club of Rome and the CFR have all said that France is the model
With a global tax rate that they're shooting for of 84 percent.
France isn't quite at 84, but they're very close.
England, over 60 percent.
The United States, on average, you pay federal taxes in one way or another of close to 50 percent.
And they call the United States a tax haven, or a tax avoidance center.
Kind of like some areas of the Caribbean, or Luxembourg, or Monte Carlo, or Switzerland.
And they are pushing to quote remove the loopholes so that because the global government doesn't work if you can run to the United States or run somewhere else that has lower taxes.
You've got to have global coordination of taxes and regulations and that's what this global government is.
And through the crises that the globalists have publicly designed, lovingly, caringly, sparing no expense, they plan to now bring this system in with a standardized global army, global court, global regulations.
Of course, the World Trade Organization is one of the major beta test of that.
Now, for the last 15 years, having more authority over our trade than our Congress.
Just a microcosm example of all of that.
But looking at France right now, I want to go over some of those news items and then to your calls.
As French strikes continue, country runs out of gas, out of petrol, out of diesel.
As the ongoing strikes in France against austerity continue, and then what did
Bill still talk about with the Secret of Oz yesterday.
It's a simple equation.
The vast majority next year approaching two-thirds.
And it accelerates from there.
of the tax money you pay goes not to roads, not to battleships, not to cruise missiles, not to government employees' paychecks, not to welfare moms, and all of that is bad one way or another.
But at least a welfare mom
Takes her food stamp card, here in Texas her Lone Star card, and goes down to the corner store and, you know, buys hamburger meat and cereal and lettuce and tomatoes or whatever.
At least some money goes into the economy.
As much as I don't like the military-industrial complex system getting over two trillion a year one way or the other, at least a lot of that goes to defense contractor jobs building bombs and cruise missiles and submarines and B-2 bombers.
At least some of the money ends up in people's hands at the grassroots to then go to Dillard's and buy a new suit or a pair of tennis shoes.
Or to go to Wally World and buy something.
Or to go to Walmart or Target.
Or to pay the neighbor kid to mow your lawn.
Or to hire employees.
But that's not the case under this system.
So I want to explain that.
In Nigeria, in Costa Rica, and they haven't even been totally imploded yet, in Brazil, in just countless other countries,
In some cases, if you look at Nigeria, they pay over 90% of their tax money to debt service.
And there's famous cases in Nigeria, one of the best case point examples of where they got a billion dollar loan from the IMF back in the 60s.
And last time I checked, they paid over 50 billion dollars on interest on that one billion.
Because by the time they started paying it off, it was in the tens of billions, and they still owe another 50-something billion.
So they're going to end up paying hundreds of billions of dollars on a $1 billion loan.
And the IMF and World Bank gave them that loan, and many subsequent ones to pay off the old loans, and it was literally created out of thin air.
But backed up by countries that contribute to the IMF World Bank Private Consortium Fund.
And the UN puts out all this propaganda about it's helping poor people.
Yeah, poor bankers.
And so your tax money backed it up.
Well, now the bankers are just saying, look, we're even done with that.
You'll still have your dollars and your pounds and your yens and your yons and your euros and your shekels and your... You'll still have all of those.
You'll still have the peso in Mexico.
You'll still have the peso, you know, down in Guatemala.
You'll still have the peso in other Latin American countries.
But they're all going to be globally set by this G20 consortium.
I don't know.
of the currencies.
A coordinated, unified strategy and now here we are a year and a half later and they're going, oh my goodness, there's a currency war.
Countries are fighting with each other to see who can lower their currencies faster.
This is causing hyperinflation.
Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve comes out.
The North American branch of this group says, oh, we're going to have quantitative easing and money printing to pay off the debt.
But then they go, oh, isn't it horrible?
Currencies are going down.
They openly carry out the policy and then go, oh my gosh, it's terrible what it's doing.
We've got an answer.
Give us more power.
And so now, for the last five years, they've been issuing SDRs.
I have confirmed that in overseas shipping, it's printed on USPS, U.S.
Postal Service.
Its conversion rate, it's about 1.5, takes 1.5, 1.59 SDRs.
One SDR is worth $1.59.
So we're already under SDRs.
It's like two years ago.
The Texas Workforce Commission sent me a letter.
Before it was even in WorldNetDaily, I'd noticed this.
And then about two weeks later, it was in WorldNetDaily.
Jerome Corsi wrote a story about it, but I can confirm it.
Back then, I guess two years ago, we had about 15 employees and contractors.
And the Texas Workforce Commission sent me a letter about increased worker comp taxes and insurance taxes and things.
You know, it's going up every time I turn around.
And it said, you now, under federal government rules, we do not report to the federal government.
We report to the North American union body.
And I showed that Texas Workforce Commission letter here on air.
And of course, he got copies of them around the country.
It's kind of like before health care even passed earlier this year.
Remember in Illinois, and we showed this on air and also wrote an article about it and mainstream media picked it up, that they were already instructing businesses on the new taxes and on how under federal law they had to get insurance and the state was implementing it before the law was even passed.
That's because this global governance puts all this in place and then tells you about it later.
Kind of like by 1993, every state in the United States, all 50, had standardized driver's license issuance under the federal government.
Itself, in 2000, a UN summit in Australia.
Where they unified globally the driver's license and passports.
And so here we are 10 years later and they're just now getting around to telling you about global IDs.
And a decade plus after we already had a national ID card, they got around to telling you.
But it still has your state on it.
So it looks like it's local.
Same thing with these SDRs.
And so we're already in the world government.
That's kind of like they had the 50th anniversary of the EU in 2007.
Because in 1957 they did set up the EU with the Treaty of Rome.
I have a copy of it, it's in the film Endgame.
It's online, you can read it.
But they told the Europeans they were in an EU in 2000.
They were in it in 1957.
We're already in the NAU.
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Alright, I'm going to get into what's happening in France and undoubtedly how it will spread here.
All the different financial news that's just amazing.
But I want to quantify this very simply.
Because I have this gut check every day now, multiple times a day.
It shocks my intellect.
When I realize just how real this world government is, just how real the weaponization of the medical system against us is, just how real all the Rockefeller Foundation documents are about chemicals and pathogens added to vaccines to give us cancer and sterilize us.
I mean, that's real!
The government's shooting up Guatemalan children with syphilis.
That's real!
This year, the UN worldwide giving children weaponized polio and murdering them is AP and CBS, but they report it like it's no big deal.
Bayer Pharmaceuticals shipping out over a million ampules of a factor VIII blood product with knowing it had HIV in it, on record, and hepatitis.
That's real!
The government knowing DU is a death sentence for our military.
That's real!
The Model States Health Emergency Powers Act, force inoculation program, that's real.
The National Emergency Centers Act for FEMA camps, that's real.
The military openly announcing they will patrol and take over the U.S.
during financial collapse.
Guess what?
It wasn't for Al Qaeda, like I told you nine years ago.
That's real.
This is all real.
This is all really happening.
And more and more I wake up at 1, 2, 3 in the morning after I've been asleep a few hours because I control my fear.
I control my concern when I'm conscious and awake because I'm on a mission.
But when I'm asleep, I end up having dreams about this.
I guess you'd call them nightmares.
And every night now, I just wake up
I'm in the dark, I walk around the house, I go into my children's bedrooms, I look at them, innocent, good, sweet, they deserve to not live under tyranny, and I just sat on the couch for about an hour last night, just wishing I was wrong, wishing 9-11 wasn't an inside job, wishing
That our country wasn't imploded by design.
Because I know how bad it's going to be, not just for my family, but your family, and for all the foolish people that are compartmentalized and dumbed down, who've been given a false mental template of society.
All the people that are enabling this to happen by sitting on the bench or actively helping the globalists.
We've had crooks take over our society, and they develop scientific systems to dumb people down and misdirect and control populations.
And it is even more horrific and more real than I had first, you know, years ago surmised from their own admissions and documents.
I want to ask callers, you know, do you have these gut checks?
Are you concerned?
Because I call it fear.
When I'm awake and conscious right now, I'm not afraid.
But when I wake up in the middle of the night, it's not even really fear.
It's more concern.
It's more sorrow.
It's more nostalgia for the present.
As bad as things are now, this is a cakewalk compared to where we're going.
And it's just a deep-seated wish and desire to do a better job.
I mean, it's such an overpowering responsibility to know what's happening, to understand what the globalists have done, to have their number, to know their modus operandi, to understand who they are.
And to understand just how sadistic and psychopathic and wicked they are, and how much danger we are all in, including people that serve this system.
And I use the example a lot of Abu Ghraib and other torture centers all over Iraq and the Middle East and into Central Asia.
Afghanistan and Eastern Europe and Western Europe and all the secret black sites and the giant cadres of torture teams they've created that even torture people's children according to the Army's own report in front of their parents.
I mean that is a bold evil that the government would go ahead with that and that when their own minions get caught doing it they send them to prison for following orders.
That ought to tell you about the hypocrisy and just the level of bonafide naked
wickedness that we're dealing with here.
The sky is the limit with these people.
Just what we know about the globalist is unspeakably bad.
Imagine what we don't know.
I mean, there's a whole bunch of mainstream news articles this week.
We've got links to them up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com with, you know, AP, Reuters, The Mail, BBC, going, okay, yeah, hundreds of thousands got Guillain-Barré and narcolepsy and epilepsy and brain damage and autoimmune problems from the vaccine, from the H1N1, exactly as we told you a year ago.
And how did we tell you exactly a year ago what would happen?
Because we've lived through this over and over again.
We just have the courage to read the insert on the vaccine.
And it isn't an accident.
It isn't just profit-taking by these companies.
They cold-bloodedly know what they're doing.
They're testing, killing us, and maiming us out in the open and getting away with it.
And... Every time my wife's at a grocery store, she sees people lined up taking the shots and it freaks her out.
It freaks me out.
You want to just go up and warn these poor people?
Going into 21st century equivalent of ditches.
You know, gas chambers.
Alright, we're gonna come back, take your phone call.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live
So it's all real.
It's all out in the open now and you've got a decision to make.
Are you going to be on the side of this system?
Because even if you sit there on your hands, you are aiding the globalists.
Or are you going to get off the bench and take action against the New World Order?
Americans have been trained to
sit on the fence to sit in the middle of the road to be bystanders uh... this is too dangerous to do that you understand it's much more dangerous historically and all the evidence shows currently to not speak out against this corruption than it is to speak out against it uh...
If we fight this as hard as we can, we may be able to back them down, slow them down, while we grow our numbers.
But if people don't stand up, and I'm talking to other talk show hosts, I'm talking to mainline talk show hosts, you know, they're not stupid, they know this stuff's real, and if they keep playing along with this,
You're not going to have to say, oh, it'll hurt, you know, our children down the road.
It's going to hurt you.
It's going to hurt your wife.
It's going to hurt your husband.
It's going to hurt your community now.
We know what globalism is.
It is high-tech, neo-serfdom, feudalism, slavery.
It's real.
And a total control grid has been put in place ahead of the implosion we're now descending into.
Now I'm done ranting about that, I've got a bunch of news I want to cover, but let's start going to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Matt in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I wanted to share a news story with you, but first, in regards to the economic collapse, I think the crisis is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
And, you know, that's based on a lot of the information that's out there.
Well, they always create a new crisis, then get more power, then create a new crisis.
This is all designed.
It's, you know, it's just the news every day is just more and more ridiculous.
And, and like you said, um, and this is something you talked about, I think in TerrorStorm is that whether it's, it's, it's the military strategy or these economic strategies, I mean,
They're even more bold than Hitler and Mussolini and these guys.
They just say this stuff right out in the open and they talk about these crazy strategies and it's just amazing that more and more people really aren't picking up on it.
I hear you.
What's your point on the economy, Matt?
I just wanted to, in regards to that, the economy and controlling the people, there was a news article in the Star Tribune, the local paper here in Minnesota, and the headline is, President can oust speech dissenters.
And it says a president and his aides are free to screen audiences for his public speeches and to remove those who may disagree with him.
Well, yeah, the Supreme Court just ruled last week that under Cheney and Bush, they would, if you had a Democratic or a Union bumper sticker at a supposed public town hall, that they would kick people out or not allow them in, even though they advertise it as a public event.
And so, yeah, that's what they're talking about.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
In the article they cited some woman who had a no more blood foil bumper sticker.
But I just think that's pretty amazing because I mean this is just a small article in the middle of the paper and I mean this is just more
Announcement of just the overt dictatorship that really exists in this country, you know?
And notice how everything Bush did, Obama has turbo-charged it, and the next president will turbo-charge it, and there's no doubt they're going to put a Republican in, and they're going to blow up a bunch of stuff after they get into office, and say, Al Qaeda did it, and then use the control grid already in place against the American people.
Matt, I appreciate your call.
Before I go back to calls, let me hit a few police state news items here, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Here's the bad.
pushes to ease technical obstacles to wiretapping.
And they go on to admit no warrants, no nothing.
They just want more control systems in to AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, where they can automatically tap anything without a warrant.
Well, we already know that's in place.
But there's the New York Times just announcing it to people.
Here's the good.
You can photograph that federal building.
All over the country, police will march up, local police, federal, it doesn't matter, and they'll say, uh, you can't videotape, uh, the demonstration.
You can't videotape the police from even a hundred yards away when they're out in public view.
And they'll arrest you for wiretapping.
They've just been losing in court on that.
You know, there's no perception of privacy in a public place.
How do they videotape us?
Same issue.
Eavesdropping would be if you went and stuck a camera in somebody's backyard, you know, through their window shades as they were undressing.
That's what happened in, of course, Pennsylvania and other states where the schools are watching the kids at home over their government-issued laptops.
And the court said they can do that.
But they did settle so it wouldn't get appealed.
Continuing, so the bad is they're expanding warrantless wiretapping.
The good is
The right of photographers to stand in public places and take pictures of federal buildings has been upheld by a legal settlement reached in New York.
In the ever-escalating skirmishes between photographers and security agencies, the most significant battlefield is probably the public way.
Streets and sidewalks, parks and plazas, which have customarily been regarded as a vantage from which photography cannot be and should not be barred.
But it goes on to how the Feds would arrest people doing that.
Same thing is going on in England.
And of course, real terrorists would just go to Google Street View, as if real terrorists exist, outside of Fantasyland.
You know, the terrorists are those running the federal government, and they stage the terror to set up a police state.
That's obvious, and they admit it.
They issue terror alerts for political gain.
That's admitted.
I mean, this is all out in the open.
But their claim of, oh, you can't videotape the police, you can't videotape this building, it's asinine.
So that's been overturned in court.
That is some good news.
And here's the ugly news of the good and bad and ugly.
And we have a clip of this up on InfoWars.com.
It's ABC News.
Newborn child taken away because of bagel.
And I constantly in the news hear about 30, 40, 50 year old people with no criminal record.
at major corporations having to give urine, or now blood samples, or hair samples, and a hair sample goes back through your entire life, and I tend to eat bagels with poppy seeds at least once a week.
In fact, I had some this weekend, and they're on a lot of hamburger buns at nicer, you know, hamburger shacks, and it causes no effect mentally, does nothing, but it gives a false positive for opiates.
And I've seen these cases before.
You know, they don't tell a woman that when she's getting blood work done before she has a baby and after.
And a lot of times there's false positives.
That's also come out for marijuana, for other drugs.
There are a lot of cold medicines and medicines that deal, obviously, with allergies, that have things that are precursors to methamphetamine in them.
Uh, and once the CPS takes your child, they don't care if you go get more blood work.
They don't care if it shows that you weren't snorting methamphetamine or taking heroin or opiates or, or, or Oxycontin.
They take your child and that's the way it is.
So parents should know that the hospitals are spy grids.
And in many drug tests they have as high as a third of the time false positives.
This is a story that will likely outrage many moms.
Liz Mort gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but the next day police and Child Protective Services in Pennsylvania, it's always Pennsylvania, came to her home and took the infant from her all because of a bagel.
Liz Mort says she never saw it coming.
I was shocked.
I was at a loss for words.
I started crying, she said.
Child Protective Services of Pennsylvania were at her doorstep taking her one-day-old baby because they thought Liz was abusing drugs.
Someone was saying that, oh, we're CYS and we found something in your system.
And at that time, I never heard of it before.
It means that they have to take custody of your child, Mort said.
And it says Jameson Hospital in Newcastle, Pennsylvania.
Newcastle, I saw this in 98.
It was in the AP.
A guy was walking through a Walmart parking lot, the police cruiser windows were down, the German Shepherd jumped out, started growling at him, and he did what you're supposed to.
You don't run from a vicious dog.
My wife this weekend forgot to carry her mace when she was jogging in the neighborhood, and a big dog ran out, growling at her, and she said, You get out of here!
You get out of here!
And the dog backed off, and the owner came out and said, Hey, don't be mean to my dog.
He just looks mean.
I love these people with big, vicious dogs who aren't trained.
Who get off on menacing people, and then their dog runs out at your wife, she doesn't have her pepper spray, she screams at it, and they get mad.
Like one time I was pushing my firstborn in a baby stroller, this giant pit bull runs out of a garage, out to the sidewalk, starts getting ready to bite me, and I rear back, get ready to kick it, and it moves back out of the way, and some guy runs out and a wife beat her and goes, you know, what are you doing to my dog?
And I was wound up, as I, you know, primitive instincts, I had my baby, and I said, listen pal, you better put your dog on a leash right now, you think you're tough?
The guy was kind of bowing up, and I said, well, come on!
Come on!
And I shouldn't have done that, but the point is, I was ready to tear him and his dog to pieces.
But, side issue, and any man is like that.
I'm not a tough guy.
Some big, giant, black-pit bull runs out, and some wife-beater with mustard stains on his shirt runs out of his garage.
Listen, keep your dog on a leash, pal!
But I'm digressing.
The police dog in Newcastle, PA jumps out.
The guy yells at it to make it back off.
The cop's walking out of Walmart and comes over and arrests him and they charged him and he was convicted for verbally assaulting an officer.
See, their dogs are better than us.
In fact, I clipped that out of the Austin American Statesman in 98.
Search man arrested for yelling at police dog Newcastle, PA.
Man arrested for yelling at police dog.
What a freak zone Newcastle PA is.
I guess near there they watch kids on their laptops at home and in the shower.
That's okay, they say.
It's all part of freedom.
All part of 1984.
Jameson Hospital in Newcastle, Pennsylvania tests mothers of newborns for drugs.
State law allows it.
But what the hospital did not consider more closely was poppy seeds.
And you notice they don't tell you everything you can say and do will be used against you.
They don't tell you you're in a law enforcement situation.
When they ask, you got enough money and honey?
You need some government assistance?
Boom, your kids are taken because you said you were poor.
Oh, does your husband ever yell at you?
Yeah, sometimes.
There it is, 28-year-old man charged with cruelty to animals.
And it says police arrested a 28-year-old man Sunday on the cruelty to animals charge after he yelled an insanity at a police dog in a patrol vehicle according to the affidavit arrest.
Is that in Pennsylvania or that may be another one?
No, that's 2008.
I guess there's a new one.
Ten years before that I saw an article in 1998 about it.
I said 2008, but there it is, 2008.
Okay, so he got arrested, don't worry.
Dog, uh, that was Florida.
Police say Rogers yelled, put it back up, an obscenity statement in the window as he walked past a patrol vehicle that contained a patrol dog, causing the dog's behavior to become overloaded, tormenting the dog, the affidavit says.
And I don't know in that case if it barked at him.
But, uh, anyway, side issue.
So, uh, it goes on.
The hospital issued a statement saying, we have initiated an investigation to compare our standards to the community and regional hospitals.
If necessary, we will advise our reference lab to require their standards for consistency.
And it goes on to say, opium comes from the poppy plant.
Ingesting poppy seeds can cause levels of morphine and codeine in a person's urine.
Well, a lot of times they give women morphine when they're having a painful birth.
I guess they take your child for that, too.
On that day, Liz Gabor, she ate a Everything Bagel from Dunkin Donuts, a bagel with lots of poppy seeds.
Now the local ACLU is talking, taking on the case.
The hospital issued a statement basically saying, we have initiated an investigation to compare our standards to the community and regional hospitals.
If necessary, we will advise our reference lab to critique their standards.
I understand that what they're doing is to protect children, but they should have investigated more, like I
Have to drive by that place every day when I go to work and I just cry every time.
So far, no lawsuit's been filed.
It isn't clear if they even gave her child back.
But, side issue, I just wanted to let you know about that.
So, when a police dog jumps out of a car and runs at you, you need to get on the ground and just show your throat and say, kill me.
Because that officer is worth more than you and your whole family.
And I've seen all these other police cases where, you know, I've seen the video on the news where the police dog attacks some guy at a roadside checkpoint.
The dog's attacking him, blood's coming out their arm or leg.
They punch the dog, assault on an officer.
They charge you with assault on a god.
Because their dog is better than you and you're gonna let it attack you.
Do you understand?
But don't worry, cops that are into all this, your bosses don't just let you assault us, they assault you through your drinking water every day, through your GMO food, through your mercury, filled shots.
So go ahead, don't listen to me, laugh at me, shoot your kids up.
You like having somebody with a low IQ as a child.
You love the system, you worship at its altar, everything you do is about your petty power trip, so worship your gods.
Now I know a lot of cops are waking up and that's good.
Shanky in Georgia, you're on the air Shanky.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on.
Congratulations on the money bomb and on all your success.
I really appreciate it.
Well, that's going to let us go to the next level and God bless everybody that donated.
It's wonderful.
It's caused a lot of hating and jealousy by other people, talk show hosting people, but that's just what they do.
They don't understand this is the platform waking everybody up to send them to their websites and radio shows.
But go ahead.
I think it's great.
I want to promote Prison Planet as well.
It's a great resource and lots of wonderful videos and stuff you put over there.
Thank you, Matt.
I mean, thank you, Shanky.
The global debt, you mentioned debt earlier, and I'm just thinking along the lines of just total global default is what it's going to take.
You mentioned the debt levels, can you talk about them?
Yeah, we don't owe this money, and that's what Ron Paul said last week.
Default on the banker debt.
The bankers used it for themselves.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, well, they've robbed the middle class.
They've basically taken all our money and pumped up the elite and kept them afloat while they're going to let everybody else starve.
Well, more than kept them afloat, I've got the headline here, stocks down but bank stocks up.
So, I mean, they're not just keeping afloat, they're doing really good right now.
Well, I mean, you talk about stocks, and I'm deep into the stock market and follow it every day, and it's just more frustrating to see the manipulation.
You talked a minute ago about, what do you sit up at night and worry about?
And my focus, other than really everything, my children, you mentioned your children, it's just to see the blatant manipulation, the blatant purchasing of the stock market and keeping it afloat, and the illusion that all is well.
To keep it alive.
To keep the pensions alive.
It's absolutely disgusting to see it happening.
It is!
And it's so obviously, unbelievably criminal.
I mean, criminal isn't even the word for it.
It's just open total fraud, out in the open.
It even came out in Congress that Goldman Sachs and others premeditated this.
It's happening globally.
The same six banks are doing it in concert.
And it's either us or them.
And we've got to default on this debt.
People are like, well that'll devalue the dollar.
They're already devaluing it.
They're already planning to, in the name of propping it up, transfer all the rest of the wealth to themselves that's left, and then default it on top of it.
I mean, we've got to default on it now.
We've got to get in now to what we've been talking about, or they've been talking about, is the false flag.
What is going to be the catalyst?
That finally rips it from everybody's control.
I mean, I think this charade can go on as long as the Fed can print money.
As long as nobody's there to stop them.
As long as we have nobody in power to stop this charade.
And if we get too uppity, they'll blow something up and blame it on the American people.
That's why we've got to keep exposing inside job terror to take that trick away from them.
Just like Building 7.
I mean, to me, that's the one
Positive proof about 9-11, not the Pentagon.
There's going to be some catalyst, I believe, that's going to finally rip the stock markets from their control and finally rip all this crap that they're doing and allow our opening to come in.
Shanky, good point.
I've got to jump, but that catalyst has already begun.
Over 80% of Americans in major polls know the Federal Reserve is private.
They want to audit it.
They want to shut it down.
As Zbigniew Brzezinski said, humankind is awake and staring at the elite.
They are uncloaked now.
That's the beginning of the end.
Four calls straight ahead.
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We are back live, going straight to your calls.
Jim in Texas, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good, sir.
Well, like usual, I have to agree with everything you say.
You know, these people aren't ignorant.
Economics 101, I was taught back in the 80s that trickle-down economic theory is the antithesis, or globalization is the antithesis to trickle-down...
I don't
And only the abnormally normal would be able to adapt to the society they were going to create.
The rest of us would turn into John the Savages and either kill ourselves or be killed by the system.
And, you know, every day I feel more and more like John the Savage watching all this stuff happen.
And, uh, man, you know, I really appreciate what you do, and I don't really know what the answer is except revolution.
I agree with what Max Keiser said yesterday.
I cannot believe the people in this state are so weak-willed
And have turned into what they've turned into.
When you look at France, there's millions of people in the streets, shutting down the society, burning down the institutions.
And, you know, what has happened to America?
How have you people allowed yourself to be so chemically and media lobotomized?
I don't understand it.
Well, look, I'm not criticizing the French, but at the same time, we are seeing a big awakening.
We are seeing court victories.
We are seeing a lot of the states move towards sovereignty and 10th Amendment.
And whereas people should be in the streets,
The issue is the violence allows the system to bring in more controls.
And so if you actually read the IMF World Bank documents from 2002, they talk about how they do this in third world countries.
They create an atmosphere that creates social unrest and they use that as a pretext to come in with more control.
So it's a very delicate balance here.
And we see the system trying to demonize yours truly, claiming I'm calling for violence when I'm calling for the opposite.
I mean, George Soros publications attack yours truly every day now, saying I'm calling for violence, basically I should be arrested.
So again, they create the climate
Where a lot of people reasonably, you know, start wanting to go in that direction, but it's a setup down the road.
I am never for offensive violence, but I am for getting in politicians' faces and going to every meeting and demonstrations and exposing the cops when they come out and try to hire provocateurs.
I am for exercising our rights.
I am for calling for criminal investigations and grand jury indictments of Federal Reserve board members, as Ron Paul is called for.
But the pen is mightier than the sword.
90% of war is now InfoWars.
Pentagon says that themselves.
And I remember reading that, you know, 15 years ago when I was looking around for a name for a website.
InfoWars.com was available.
And I went and registered it, what, in 1996?
Started in 1997.
Took me almost a year to get a webmaster and figure it all out.
Because it was just myself and my girlfriend and Mike Hanson working on the operation at that time.
Just the three of us.
Now my wife.
Look, we won't beat him overnight, but here's the key.
People are ready for the truth now.
This stuff's all out in the open.
So a lot of you beat your head against the wall for decades trying to wake folks up and got laughed at.
You're not going to get as much of that now.
And the beating your head against the wall, the seeds you planted a decade ago, those are now sprouting today.
So seeds you plant today will sprout in a year, not in 10 years.
Some will sprout overnight, some will sprout a year later.
But you just got to keep planting the seeds of truth, because as Victor Hugo, the French philosopher, said, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
Anything else?
Well, I found Eric Holder coming on TV last night and announcing that the federal government would come in and intervene if California legalized marijuana.
It was very interesting when he was just on TV 18 months ago saying how they were going to support the state's rights to make and enforce the drug laws the way they saw fit.
Yeah, that's because they thought they could beat it, but because they failed, they're coming in.
Great point.
Yeah, I mean, the federal government has no business regulating in-state commerce.
We'll be right back.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to have our maiden voyage interview, first time ever, with Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad to get his view on the economy that's happening worldwide, the implosion.
Coming up in T-minus 32 minutes from now, Attorney Phil Berg,
He's got that big demonstration coming up Saturday, October 23rd.
It's getting some major news on Conservative Talk Radio.
He'll be popping in with the latest on Barry Sotaro, aka Barack Hussein, the Indonesian citizen, Obama.
That you can't disprove.
That's a fact.
The Kenyan stuff's a side issue for me.
I always go to what I can prove, so that's coming up.
Let's continue right now with your calls.
Joe, John, Noel, Pat, Dan, and others.
Joe and Tejas, you're on the air.
Alex, it's great to be on with you, man.
Great to have you here.
What's on your mind?
Hey, I got a quick question and a quick comment.
My question is, have you ever talked about Colonel Jim Sabo?
That rings a bell.
He's the military marine pilot that allegedly had committed suicide out there in California in January of 1991.
You know, it rings a bell.
Why don't you refresh my memory?
Well, apparently he was going to blow the whistle on the CIA for running drugs right there out of that Marine Air Base.
Well, I know they've killed a lot of Army and Marine Corps and Navy and Air Force investigators and whistleblowers.
I've seen a lot of cases of that.
But I don't remember the particulars of the case.
The thing is, his brother's a doctor out of South Dakota and has been rallying, you know, to clear his name, basically.
And, you know, it would be great if you could get him on your show if he was willing to come on and talk about that situation.
You know, shed some light on that.
Also, I'd like to comment on the Fort Hood trial.
I'm here at Fort Hood, and the news story that came out yesterday, or the day before, about the cell phone video that disappeared, I find that to be pretty interesting, and I heard you mention it yesterday, and I'd just like to hear you and, you know, others in the media talk more about that.
Joe, are you one of the guys in Army Intelligence I talked to?
Yes, I am, Alex.
Yeah, I thought I recognized your voice.
Well, I mean, for those that don't know, that's in the Associated Press, and I remember hearing that at the time that they made a lot of people erase their cell phone videos.
That's a big problem for the globalists, because they want to use Big Brother to control us.
We can use it against them.
And the fact that they were running drills, the fact that they were, now we know for two years, this lunatic,
I know around a situation like that there's going to be a ton of confusion, but at the same time
You know, as a non-commissioned officer, I know better than to destroy evidence of a crime.
Yeah, well that's a crime right there, and the default is even if they classified it, you don't destroy anything.
And you know, most people in the military know.
And I'd just like to see some more news coverage on this.
And apparently when it was brought up at trial, the CNN article that I read, it was immediately just kind of dropped.
And I just... Well, what do other people in your intelligence unit... I mean, you told me they already think something stinks there at Fort Hood, but what do they think about this?
Well, we really don't know what to think.
I mean, we're not obviously in the trial, so we can't make too many judgments.
And, you know, just to be careful and protect myself, you know, I'm not going to go out there and make any speculations.
But stuff like this, Alex, when this is, you know, basically brushed off, it makes you wonder.
Well, Joe, I appreciate you holding.
Anything else you want to add about what's happening worldwide?
Alex, you are one of the greatest patriots we have in this country.
And, you know, I just I pray for you and yours every day.
And you need to continue on on your mission, man.
And, you know, God bless you and all yours.
And, you know, I wish nothing but the best.
And we're going to we're going to win this someday.
We're going to win it.
Is there any talk on base how they're openly now announcing, oh, the troops just won't be used to fight al Qaeda in America.
They'll be used during a financial collapse.
Yeah, well, we read the Army Times and, you know, funny enough, the Army Times covers it.
And, you know, some of the stuff, you know, the Brigade Homeland Defense and everything else.
So, we're well aware of our role, but we're also well aware of the oath we swore, and that is to protect the Constitution.
Alright, good hearing from you, Joe.
Great info you gave us about stuff at Fort Hood.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are continuing with your phone calls.
We've got Phil Berg, attorney, popping in about Mary Sitaro, aka Barack Obama.
Her big demonstration coming up this weekend.
But right now, let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's talk to John in Ohio.
Thanks for holding, John.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I believe I may have found 9-11 evidence that you're not aware of yet.
Okay, tell me.
This is out of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, and the article has to do with a missile being placed on the roof of the hotel the President was staying at the day before the 9-11 attacks.
Now, as far as I know, you can get the primary source information if you go to the Sarasota Herald Tribune webpage and you do a search for the article.
And you do the beginning and the end date search as September 10, 2002 and the keyword missile, um, an article should come up, uh, talking about, uh, the town remembers a historical visit from a year ago.
Town remembers historical visit from a year ago.
Something like that.
Town remembers historical visit from a year ago.
Sarasota, uh, Herald Tribune?
We'll search that right now.
Sarasota Herald Tribune.
Town remembers historic visit from President.
Yeah, but I think it'll work if you do a keyword search for missile.
And the dates on the Sarasota site.
All right, we will look into that.
I know that it's customary to have missiles travel around with the President, at least Stingers.
I remember when Ronald Reagan came to speak in Dallas when I was a little kid, and then the Vice President, when he was running for President, and my dad going, look at those guys on the roof.
And they clearly had the box on the side and the tube, and they had Stinger missiles up on the roof.
It's come out in the news, they have Stingers at the White House.
Alex, I have a bunch of points, so I'm going to make it quick.
I hear you.
I think?
I'm watching Slimeball with Chris Matthews last night.
He had his opponent on.
Going back to that GQ article, and I remember you this summer telling us about the Washington Post article, admitting that the lady falsified the story.
They're continuing this up with two weeks left in the election.
It's disgusting.
The Lockingbird media should be ashamed of themselves for what they're doing.
Yeah, they don't criticize politicians who are part of Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove.
They go back 30 years ago and claim he kidnapped a woman and made her smoke marijuana and then she came out and said, well, no, the media is exaggerating.
It was a frat party and everybody was acting stupid.
I mean, that's standard procedure.
And it's just all a lie.
And, you know, I knew they'd come back with stuff.
They're going to probably two or three days before.
It's kind of like saying, are you still beating your wife, or are you still a murderer, or are you still a bank robber?
Even if you're not a murderer or a bank robber, it still just hangs out there against the person.
And yesterday I was watching just a few minutes of Fox, and they were kind of bashing Rand Paul.
But nobody listens to Chris Matthews.
I mean, literally, the guy maybe has 400,000 viewers.
I mean, he's a joke, folks.
This radio show every hour has more than that, conservatively.
So, I mean, it's just all a big illusion.
And the fact that they are demonizing him, I think, may even help him in a way, because people know the mainstream media are a pack of liars.
Anything else, Noel?
Yeah, just everyone look up Alex Jones confronting David Gergen with Bohemian Grove.
And then, lastly, Homeland Security, the same people who run Plum Island and the nasty things they do near Long Island, are here at my university currently.
I took a video of this.
I'm not sure what they're doing here.
It's the same Homeland Security with a right-wing extremist.
They're indoctrinating the largest law enforcement school in the state of Illinois.
I will do my best to get more video of this, but it's quite shocking.
Everyone keep up the good work.
Your money order for The Money Pot, Alex, I'm donating some money to you.
It's in the mail.
You will receive it soon.
Keep up the good work.
You're in my prayers.
I love you all.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much, Noel.
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Uh, but it'd be great with InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
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Bumper stickers, all of it.
It's all about spreading the word.
Okay guys, give me a document cam shot if you can for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We did go to the Herald Tribune.
And we were able to find that it is on their site.
But we also found a copy that was archived.
And it's the day before everything changed.
President Bush touched local lives.
And it talks about the President strolled into the dining room at 7 p.m.
after a flight aboard Air Force One.
And a waiter was there to make sure he got whatever he needed.
And it goes on and then buried on page two, and it's highlighted, it says,
A White House stage artist, not teachers or students, designed the childish decorations that were eventually put on the wall behind the President.
At the colony, the Secret Service was getting everything secure for when the President arrived at September 10th.
That included snipers and service-to-air missiles on the roof of the Coast Guard patrolling just offshore.
So this is in Florida.
So when he did the little goat story and all that, all the fake decorations, it was all a set.
The kids hadn't done that.
And everybody kept saying, why is he standing down?
I know Bush is corrupt and evil, but more and more the evidence shows he was basically out of the loop.
Cheney was in command.
All right.
I know that happens a lot, but people kept saying, well, why aren't they moving the president out?
You know, you've got planes crashing in the World Trade Center, a plane going down in Pennsylvania.
Normally they would get him out of there, but he sat there for close to an hour.
Just sat there while it was all unfolding on television, and the Secret Service didn't say, we have a security threat, sir, we've got to get you out of here.
I mean, if there was a shooting five miles away in Florida that day, they would have gotten him out of there.
If there was a backfire in the street by a car, they would have gotten him out of there.
But that day, they sat there with the Secret Service, and now that included snipers and surface-to-air missiles on the roof of the Coast Guard patrolling just offshore.
So that's surface-to-aircraft, to shoot down aircraft.
Very, very interesting.
September 10, 2002, reporting on what happened a year before out of the Sarasota newspaper.
So a good tip from the listener on that front.
Who's up next here?
Patton, Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
What I wanted to say was that I watch TV some.
But I sit there and watch all of this stuff about buying things, you know, it's totally like everything's normal and I can't figure out if they're totally ignorant or they're just
I don't know what.
Well, they convince major corporations and others to play along with the confidence game of, if we just act confident, that'll make it better.
But the problem, and to a certain extent that's true, if you had a good government, if you had good monetary policy, we wouldn't be in this position A, but B, let's say we were in this position, we could get out of it.
Not without some painful things happening, but a lot better than where we're going.
But they want to keep confidence going, and then say, don't worry, the central banks have a solution, a global government they control, a global currency that all other currencies are basically denominated in.
And so, they just want to stall, stall, stall, till the election, then they'll announce that the economy's a lot worse than they'd said, they're already doing it to a certain extent, but then offer you their next solution.
Yeah, but it's almost realistic, because I've told people for
God knows how many years.
At least 10 to 15 years all of this is going on.
And they don't believe me because they watch TV.
I guess so, but it's hard to even convince my kids because everything
We have been doing so well and everything.
Well, this is still a wealthy country.
We've, you know, still a lot of great things.
It's just that the monetary changes being made are going to make things a lot worse.
Pat, great points.
Dan, Laura, Dan, Joan, others, your calls are straight ahead after this quick break.
We got Hernie Philberg popping in on Barry Sitaro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, and a lot more at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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On the subject of that heraldtribune.com story out of Sarasota, Florida, where Bush was reading to the kids on September 11th, we had found the archived copy of it.
But just in case people don't believe that, we were able to get into the Herald Tribune's archive and find it.
Now there it is directly from their site, complete with a Six Flags ad.
The day before everything changed, President Bush touched locals' lives.
And it talks about
uh... service-to-air anti-aircraft missiles being put up across the street from the school in case airliners were going to be used.
So, nice little tidbit thanks to a listener calling in.
To add to the pile, let's go ahead like his brother declaring martial law in Florida two days before, source associated press.
Let's talk to Dan in Ohio.
Dan, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Pretty good sir.
Hey, second time caller, first time.
I helped start the state's activation program in New Hampshire's legislation that was passed, but the reason I'm calling in today is this is kind of a question directed towards Robert Kiyosaki.
I know he's not on yet, but there's a lot of talk here in our networks about the Iraqi Dinar, about using the Dinar as an investment tool, and they're promising people
Not really promising, but saying with the re-evaluation of the denar that there could actually be a... Yeah, I've got a lot of family that's in the military and all of them have bought a bunch of denars thinking that they're going to go way up.
How, when I watch the videos of the bankers actually explaining where you need to turn in these denars after the re-assessment of their value, they seem to be all located at Federal Reserve locations.
I'm questioning, is this a means to actually help implode the economic system by having some sense of run on the bank to go in and get your $100,000 after you invested $100 or $1,000?
Well, you know, tens of billions of dollars were flown in on C-130s and paid off the locals in Iraq, and they would pay off even low-level officers and then say later, hey, you took $100,000, you took $50,000 in U.S.
dollars, you better keep your mouth shut when investigators come in here.
It's a way to corrupt everybody.
But I don't think the investment, I don't know what it is, by military personnel in DNRs, I don't even know if it's going to go up.
I think it was a speculative thing.
But if it does, that is a weird way to raise some money for the troops, and usually the government doesn't want to do that, unless it's to corrupt them.
So I don't know what's going to happen, but I can't imagine how that would cause a run on the bank if troops go in and turn in their DNRs.
No, this isn't, Alex, this isn't for the troops.
This is running through all our social networks, all the MLM networks.
I've never seen something explode so quickly.
People are just throwing their money in, buying Iraqi dinars, and supposedly the story is it's supposed to re-evaluate by the end of the month, and people are saying they could turn their small investment into $100,000.
Well, I know that started with the military, and it just sounds like
I mean, I'll tell you, I haven't invested, but I got a few family members who, again, were in Iraq, and, you know, they bought some.
I don't think it was a lot.
And I know they're... I remember hearing about this five years ago, you know, when they got some, and they put it in a safety deposit box, hoping it goes up.
I mean, I don't know.
I think we're going to find out soon, though.
I mean, MSNBC was actually commentators physically holding up Dinar saying, yes, I've bought my Dinars.
This was just recently.
Um, so if anyone wants to investigate it, you simply have to research Dinar's, uh, Google Dinar's.
The other quick question I have for you is from the Sarah.
Uh, we have a lot of people talking in... Not real?
Not real.
Not real at all.
Yeah, the National Restabilization Act.
I've been hearing about it for 15 years.
It's made up, and they get all these people to invest in the false reality that secretly the government's good, everything's been reorganized, everything's fine.
It's kind of like Christians are told, we're about to be raptured, so don't fight corruption.
And it's just totally false.
And we're always hearing, they're going to announce next month, Nocera, and it never happens.
It's a complete baloney.
Yeah, I mean, there are a lot of well-meaning idiots out promoting it, but it's not real.
Alright, thanks.
But, I mean, you know, as they reorganize the country and other nations into this police state, I can see them saying, oh look, it's the reorganization, we're free!
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's like all these stories you hear about, there's a guy in London, he's got a hundred billion, but the government took it from him, and if you'll just invest with him, when he gets the hundred billion, you'll get part of it.
It's basically like a bigger
more blown up uh... gargantuan version of those nigeria e-mails you get and everybody gets them oh i am prince babupu and if you give me a ten thousand dollars i'm about to get fifty million i will give you one million people say well that's it i'm giving prince babupu people are like i have the e-mail prince babupu i'm with royalty now prince babupu oh prince babupu is sending me sending me millions
And then, when the money doesn't come, Prince Baboopoo says, I need 10,000 more to transfer the money.
Give me the money, honey.
I must invest.
Prince Baboopoo, don't tell me I was scammed.
It's real.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
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Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Attorney Phil Byrd is on with us.
He's driving to a funeral, and so he's on a cell phone.
It may cut out a bit, but we're going to be talking to him in a moment about Barry Sotaro, aka Barack Hussein Obama.
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Okay, we now take you to the highway as Attorney Phil Byrd drives
And he's doing other shows like G Gordon Lady Today and other stuff, getting the word out on this.
He's a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, former candidate for governor of the U.S.
Senate in Democratic primaries, former chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County, former member of the Democratic Senate State Committee, an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA, and an active practice in Philadelphia.
He's also a paid life member of the NAACP and a voluntary fire in police for 27 years.
And he's one of the progenitors of the birther movement.
And he's finally got the rally going.
We're very excited about that.
Obama birth certificate, eligibility, Obamacare rally in Washington, Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 at high noon to 4 p.m., three hours long.
It's going to be at the U.S.
Capitol, West Front.
And he's got all this at his Obama Crimes website.
To tell us about that is Attorney Phil Berg.
Phil, good to have you with us.
My pleasure to be with you.
So tell us about the rally and what's coming up, and then I want to get into Barry Sitara.
We are having a rally.
It's called the Obama Birth Certificate, Eligibility, and Obamacare Rally.
As you mentioned, it's this Saturday, October 23rd at 12 noon at the U.S.
Capitol on the West Front.
It's significant.
We need as many people as we can to come.
And I'll tell you why.
Because we are the umbrella for whatever issue you are with Obama.
Whether your issue is health care, taxation, social security, anti-war.
We're there because Obama
I think so.
Well, resistance is victory, and people need to call the media in the East Coast area, especially D.C.
and Maryland, and tell them to be there to cover this.
But as many people because the foreign press is already covering it.
They've contacted me.
They'll be there and I'll come back to the United States.
But the important thing is we have to put pressure on because the national media and members of Congress are gutless.
They have no guts to challenge this issue and there's nothing more important than our U.S.
So it's really imperative that everyone come out and support this issue and we can get Obama out of office because he doesn't belong there.
He's constitutionally not eligible to be president.
He's not an actual born.
He was born in Africa.
I'm tired of their nonsense of showing that certification of live birth, which they say is a birth certificate.
It's not a birth certificate.
Well regardless, and I think the evidence is clear on that, but it's 100% on the Barry Sotero giving up his citizenship to become Indonesian and that makes him ineligible under the law to be president.
Absolutely, and we have on our website a copy of the school record where his name is Barry Sotero and he mentions in his autobiography that his stepfather Lolo Sotero returned to Indonesia before he
So his name is Barry Fitzgerald, it says his nationality is Indonesia, and his religion is Islam, which is Muslim.
There's no question he's not qualified.
He hasn't produced any documentation.
He's spent over 1.6 million dollars fighting my three lawsuits and another 50 to 100 lawsuits around the country.
You can't spend that kind of money unless you're hiding something.
And now releasing his passport, which is recent, as if that's proof of his citizenship, as if we're that stupid.
And the best is, there's a recording around of Michelle Obama saying, you know, we went to Obama's homeland in Kenya and they got flu shots, I believe, over there.
But in her own mouth, her own words, she reiterated
Well, Phil, she said that repeatedly and we're going to cue that up and play it, but I don't want to sit here and bash Glenn Beck because, you know, I'm tired of it and I don't want to do it because I think in a lot of places he's doing more harm than good.
But I saw him three weeks ago, because we're making a film about the Tea Party, so we're watching it every day and studying it.
I saw him say, with no proof, he just said, look, you want a real, you know, he says everything I cover is a real conspiracy.
He goes, what isn't real?
is that Obama was born in Kenya.
It's a lie.
It's not true.
He said, that's it.
It's not true.
And he said, Hillary Clinton created this lie.
Now, I know you're a Democrat, and I know you're one of the first people to criticize him, but it doesn't matter.
The facts are the facts that he's Indonesian citizen, and the facts are the system's getting desperate when they're coming out
And saying this is a Hillary Clinton operation.
I don't believe that that's why you did this.
A lot of other Republicans did it right around the same time as you.
But can you speak to, A, Glenn Beck just with no evidence saying none of it's true, A, and how desperate the system is, and B, you know, this charge that basically this is Hillary Clinton doing this when Hillary's part of his administration.
Well, first off, I don't understand Glenn Beck, because he says 90% of his time is against Obama, but he won't touch the birth certificate issue.
And I think that's from pressure on Hyde, who's saying to discuss anything except the birth certificate issue.
So they don't do that.
It's not a Hillary Clinton thing.
You know, people say that, that I be a supporter.
I supported her.
I gave her like $200.
I maybe gave her 10 hours of my time.
No way was I involved actively, really.
Well, you talked about this over two years ago on this show.
You said, I'm a Democrat.
I'm concerned.
I'm worried about them running somebody that isn't a citizen.
This is going to cause a constitutional crisis.
And I'm doing this, you know, they keep saying it's a right-wing conspiracy, as you stated.
I am a lifelong Democrat.
And then they say, you're a racist.
And I say, well, I'm white and Jewish, but I'm also paid to play for the NAACP.
They don't know what to do with me.
And I'm glad because I'm leading this fight for the citizens of this country.
We deserve to know the truth.
Obama with Obamacare is unconstitutional.
The other situation is he's unconstitutional and he's trying to destroy this country.
He's ready to have a conference set up on Social Security and two of the people that have been named to be on that have already said they want to do away with Social Security.
No, no, no, they've already proposed taking over even public and private pension funds and taxing them.
I mean, they're really doing this.
Well, that's dangerous.
That's very dangerous.
It really is, you know?
Well, let's talk more about... I mean, specifically, though, how can Glenn Beck just come out knowing that most of his listeners, I mean, what is it, 60-something percent of Republicans think he wasn't born here?
It's 30-something percent of Democrats.
I want to play this Michelle Sotero, excuse me, Michelle Obama clip, Barry Sotero's wife, Michelle Sotero clip.
And this is before any of this stuff came out.
This is two years ago.
There's several of these clips.
Giving a speech to Democrats talking about how going back to his home country of Kenya.
Now it doesn't get any more powerful than this.
Here it is.
...surrounding HIV testing, which is still plaguing so many of our communities, which you all know a lot of that is due to homophobia.
Barack has led by example.
When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test for the very point of showing folks in Kenya that there is nothing...
I mean, and there's more clips of her, but we're not supposed to be concerned about this, or his grandmother saying he was born there, or the Kenyan press saying he was born there, or them having a statue saying he was born there.
But again, I bypass all that because they can at least cloud the issue.
He gave up his citizenship to become Barry Sotaro!
It's on record, Phil!
I know, I know, and that's why, what we have to do for all your listeners out there, when the show is over, go to your address book,
Send them my website, obamacrime.com.
Spread it.
If enough people in this country really knew what was going on, then, at that point, I think we can reinforce the issue.
That's the thing.
Not enough people know.
And, really, we need a big turnout.
We need a big turnout this coming Saturday.
And as many people, please, urge everyone to come.
It's vital.
How long have you had to promote this?
We've been doing it for the past month, but, you know, it's tough.
The national media won't cover it.
And, you know, we're doing it by radio.
We're doing it wherever we can.
We're doing it by the Internet.
We're doing it by you.
You're a great sponsor.
I know you can support this and send the message out to people.
And we need as many people as we can.
If we can get more people there, the more people, the better.
You know, Alex, within two to three hours of... I'm sorry.
Yeah, within two to three hours,
We're good to go.
Well, we need everybody to call their local talk radio, especially if you're near D.C.
within, you know, even 200 miles.
Call talk radio, plug the Obama Crimes website, say there's a rally exposing all this and Obamacare coming up this weekend.
Everybody needs to be there, Saturday, October 23rd, 2010, high noon, for three hours.
Tell us about some of the speakers you've got coming up, Phil.
Well, I think the biggest speaker for everyone's concern is Jerry Corsi.
Because Jerry Corsi traveled, he's been doing this with WorldNetDaily, and Jerry Corsi, as you know, went to Africa, and the entire time he was there... They put him on house arrest!
And that's the crucial person, Sarah Obama, because Sarah Obama's tape, she was there.
She was there when he was born, just in the hospital.
I mean, this thing is such a hoax on our country.
And hopefully we're going to have the minister there who was on the call where the tape was taken with Sarah Obama in Swahili.
We're hoping to have him there and other speakers.
But the crucial thing is we need people there.
This is so important.
Bring a copy of your birth certificate.
Can you imagine a million people
Holding up a copy of their birth certificate and then saying to Obama, show us that you're constitutionally eligible.
Show us the vault copy!
Listen, now they've digitized all this.
I mean, I've had children and I needed to get extra copies of it.
And you go down to the Bureau of Statistics and they print you a receipt.
That is not the vault copy signed by the doctor.
I know our listeners know this.
But the media... But look, here's the good news, Phil.
The hoax isn't working.
Going back a year ago he had the lowest approval rating of any president at that point.
Now it's broken all records and they're talking about...
Yeah, Obama may not even run now.
The Republicans are going to win the House and the Senate.
I mean, this guy has been a total disaster because he's as phony as a $3 bill, and he can't even talk unless he has a teleprompter.
The White House admits all he does is watch ESPN.
He's basically delusional because he's an actor.
He's an actor.
He's an actor.
He's an actor.
If we can bring down Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, it's all the stuff he's put through legislatively is over.
Can you as a lawyer and a constitutional expert explain that to him?
Yeah, I mean, here's the thing.
People are talking about impeachment.
You can't impeach someone who's not legally in office here.
We can force him out of office and everything.
This is so urgent, so important for all of you, because everything he's done would become void because it's all voidable now because there's no business being in that office.
And you know the sad thing is?
He knows it.
He knows it.
And like, you know, people are saying, well, you know, if you get him out of office, there's going to be riots in the streets.
There's not going to be riots in the streets, because I will have a news conference with all the major religious people in this country, the major talk show people in this country, and the major politicians, and say, stop in your tracks.
You're going to have a riot in the streets for Obama when Obama knows that he perpetrated this?
This is nonsense.
Well look, I saw a poll that over 34% of his original supporters have now left him.
I mean, you're not going to have a riot over this unless somebody stages it.
But plus, justice be done, may the heavens fall, Phil.
Absolutely, but that's why when you say the lack of support he has, therefore the people that are anti-Obama, this is the rally to come out to.
Whatever you are, Republican, Democrat, Independent, whatever you are, Tea Party, some of the Tea Party people don't want to touch this issue because they have their own issue.
My issue is that it's a constitutional crisis we're in.
Well, the Tea Party was started out of Ron Paul.
Then, a year and a half ago, all the first Tea Parties were about the birth certificates, everybody being shouted down.
And then Beck comes in as our leader and says, you don't touch the issue that supercharged the Tea Party.
And I don't want to bash him anymore.
But come on, Beck.
Don't sit there and tell us what we can and can't talk about.
And now the Tea Party is so in his lap that they're not.
This is outrageous.
The top officials, I mean not with us, but the people out there, the Constitution says we the people, and members of the Tea Party, and members of the Republican, Democrat, or Independent, you can unite with us on this issue.
I'm doing this now, my 27th month doing this.
I did this before even Ron was nominated to the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
This is so important, this could be the major
We're good to go.
We cannot, we don't want what he can.
But we the people can change the course of history by getting enough people out there and forcing Congress to hold a hearing or forcing the national media to cover this story.
If this story was covered by 2020 or Dateline or was a top folder of the New York Times or Washington Post, Obama would be out of office in a week.
So it's imperative that we join together.
I can't stress enough to come out, bring your children, bring your neighbor, come out and spend an afternoon here.
Bring a copy of your birth certificate.
Demand the truth.
Demand that the Constitution be followed.
I know you gotta go on that funeral, but stay with us for five more minutes on the other side to cover any other issues on this front, any new research or developments, how they're trying to block your lawsuit.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
We're streaming live, the radio show, with the free audio streams at InfoWars.com.
And over at PrisonPlanet.tv, you can watch the entire show in full video, live in color, with the multicast, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
Attorney Bill Burr.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?
We've got a long way to go, and a short time to get there.
I'm eastbound, just watch old Vandy run.
Son, keep your foot hard on the pedal.
Son, never mind your brakes.
Let it all hang out, cause we gotta run to big.
The boys up there stickin' Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana, and we'll bring it back.
Philip J. Berg, Obamacrimes.com, our guest for about three, four more minutes.
And we'll definitely get him back in next week for a 30-minute report on the aftermath of this event.
But we got a long way to go and a short time to get there, but we're having a big effect.
So even if you can't travel there, spread the word about the Obamacrimes website and support what
The sooner he's out, the better it is for this country.
That's why it's imperative.
And thank you for supporting us.
Everyone, please, come to Washington D.C.
if you can this Saturday, October 23rd at 12 noon at the U.S.
Capitol, the West Front.
This rally is the most significant rally, and it can be in our history, because we can get out of office someone who doesn't belong in office.
Obama is a fraud.
He's a phony.
This is the biggest hoax against the United States of America.
And the words I'm using, I use all the time.
No one's arresting me.
No one's telling me they're suing me.
No one's telling me what I'm saying.
Because the truth is a defense of what I'm saying.
They detain the investigators that show up in Kenya.
They're acting suspicious.
If he really wasn't born there, why act so suspicious?
And also, why steal all your records?
All his records are sealed.
It was one of the first acts he did after being sworn in as president.
I hate to even say that word.
Why are all his records sealed?
I'm sure his college records are sealed because it'll show he applied for and received aid either from foreign aid from Kenya or Indonesia.
He's a phony.
He's a fraud.
It's time we stop this because he's destroying this country.
Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional.
What he wants to do with Social Security will hurt everyone in this country.
It's a disaster.
So really, everyone, go to Obamacrimes.com when the show's over.
Send it to everyone on your address book.
Pick up your telephone.
Spread the word however you can across this great nation.
Because we the people, that's what the Constitution starts off to.
We the people, we have a right to stand together.
We fought the British to establish this country.
This is a smaller battle, but a bigger battle because he's in office.
We the people can force Obama out of office.
We don't need two and a half more years of Obama.
It's scary, it's frightening what he's doing.
He wants to destroy this country.
But we can stop him in his tracks by we the people joining together.
Come out this Saturday.
You know, if you can, send a contribution.
But more important, come out this Saturday.
It's imperative that we join together to stop what's happening to this country.
The words are, Obama is a phony, he's a fraud.
This is outrageous what's going on.
It's outrageous that he was even sworn into office.
It's outrageous that he was elected.
And people now know, he's got the lowest polling numbers.
Support me by showing that the low polling numbers mean something.
Come out, we can get Obama out of office.
Well, Phil, in closing, they're running scared from this issue.
They won't release the documents.
They're scared.
And where there's smoke, there's fire.
But as you have shown, it's Barry Sitaro.
The fact that he gave up his citizenship and is illegitimate on that front, that is the ace in the hole.
That is the proof.
And clearly, the Kenya situation, you know, all the evidence is he was born in Kenya.
And this rally coming up 12 noon there at the Capitol.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, last week, Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Max Keiser, Gerald Salente, they've all predicted what's now happening financially to our financial system.
But Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, multi-times over, of richdad.com, going back five years, he's been breaking down everything that is happening and unfolding in our society as well.
And his new book out, Conspiracy of the Rich, The Eight New Rules of Money, richdad.com.
He's just finished another book, An Unfair Advantage, which is soon to be released.
He is an American investor, businessman, self-help, offer, and motivational speaker.
Kiyosaki is best known for Rich Dad Poor Dad's series of motivational books.
He has written over 15 books, which have combined sales of over 26 million copies.
And he is somebody who really tells it like it is, and he's with us
Thank you.
I'm honored to be on your program.
Well, the pieces came together back in 1972.
I was a Marine Corps pilot flying over Vietnam, and I saw the Vietnamese people panicking.
And they wouldn't accept U.S.
dollars, and they wouldn't accept piaster, their currency.
And all they wanted was gold.
And I knew something was up at that point, and over the years, the pieces just kept coming together.
So that's where it started for me.
That's when you really started to learn how monetary systems really work?
Well, the pieces, like I said, I wish I could say I knew.
I mean, even today, as much as I know, there's still smoke and mirrors, as far as I'm concerned.
But going back just in the last five, six years, you've predicted exactly what's happening now.
Yeah, well, that's not hard to do.
I mean, all you do is listen to what Greenspan was saying and Bernanke was saying and Clinton and Bush.
And you kind of get the idea that you're being, you know, screwed.
So it wasn't that hard to figure it out.
I think the toughest thing for people is what can I do?
What can I as an individual do?
And I think that's where my company, Rich Dad, comes in.
We teach people how to avoid the pitfalls of falling prey to the ultra-rich.
Let's get into falling prey to the ultra-rich, this system they've created to destroy our wealth and transfer it to themselves.
Then we'll get into your solutions after the break.
But when you talk about falling prey to them, how are people falling prey to them?
What are their traps they're laying?
Well, the idea of saving money, that's ridiculous.
After 71, when Nixon broke the Brentwoods Agreement and put us on the dollar standard, not the gold standard, then anybody who was saving money was the biggest loser.
And then in 1974, the government passed ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
And the reason they did that, as best I can tell, is because my father's generation, the World War II generation, wasn't in the stock market, because they got hammered during the Great Depression.
So guys like my dad, you know, he wouldn't go into the stock market.
So in 1974, they passed ERISA, which is now the 401K.
And now they require most employees to put their money into mutual funds.
And I don't know if you know the ratio, but John Bogle of Vanguard says you put up 100% of the money, you take 100% of the risk, and they take 80% of the profits.
And this compounding expenses just rips the little guy apart, so they don't have a prayer for their retirement.
But they have all these well-paid pitchmen out there to give people, you know, the illusion that they're making a smart investment.
And then what happens in our schools is the bankers go to the schools and tell your kids to save money.
At the same time, the Fred, I mean, Obama printed, what, $1.9 trillion?
And then they keep telling you to invest for the long term in the stock market.
And as you know, long-term investors for the last 10 years have made zero.
They've actually lost money.
But gold's up four-fold, though they try to suppress it.
Robert Kiyosaki, richdad.com, an icon out there.
No need to really introduce him.
We're going to come back from this quick break and give him the floor to walk through the pitfalls of the elite, the scam investments versus what he does with his money to great success.
He'll be with us for the next 55 minutes.
We're honored to have him.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
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You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
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I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth!
That have no substance and no dimension!
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I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
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Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and mistake has no use for your pride!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We are live, hour number three, nine minutes, 15 seconds in.
Icon Robert Kiyosaki is our guest.
He's here to talk about how the ultra-rich have set up a scam to transfer your wealth to them.
He's going to go over the different types of corruption and manipulation that are going on, and then ways to avoid this and protect yourself.
He has charted and chronicled and predicted everything we see unfolding today, and that's the type of guest we have on.
Not all the big paid-for mercenaries, financial mercenaries on TV and radio that give you disinfo.
We have people on who've got a track record of being accurate, and he's one of the most accurate out there.
Again, our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Robert, you started getting into some of the ways they transfer our wealth.
Let's go over that, and then ways to protect ourselves, and then where you see this society and economy going.
Well, when you say to your child, go to school, get good grades, and get a safe, secure job, the moment you've done that, you've programmed to pay taxes at that point.
So the harder you work, the higher percentage of taxes you pay.
And then they tell you to save money, and the problem with saving money is, you know, from the, you know, the fractional reserve system, the Fed and the Treasury are allowed to print money, so your money is devalued in the savings plan.
The third, when they print money, you're eaten alive by inflation, and you can see inflation creeping up at food right now.
And then the fourth way is they tell you to put it into a retirement plan filled with mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and things like that.
And what happens is that taxes go against the person who does that, but also their money is flowing to the rich.
Now, I'm not saying it's wrong.
Because, you know, every coin has two sides.
So the money is always flowing to guys like me.
So when I write Rich Dad Poor Dad and all this, I'm saying, look, that money in savings is going to me.
Your money in your 401k is going to me.
And when you pay taxes, that money goes to me.
And I do mean me.
So that's why I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, was to wake people up and say, look, you only have basically two choices.
You're either going to make the money or have your money stolen.
And that's the system.
It's terrible.
Well, earlier you were talking about the pension funds and the ratio and 401Ks, the mutual funds.
Now they're openly, and this is already happening in Europe, it's called austerity, where almost all the taxes we pay goes to service debt that they made out of nothing via fractional reserve banking and now the derivative scam that even leverages it further.
And we know
It's fascism, that's what it is.
It's not even socialism anymore.
You know, fascism was where the government does it at the point of a gun to force you to do things.
And that's what, you know, I fought in Vietnam twice.
And I didn't fight for fascism or socialism, I fought for capitalism.
And I think that's what's being robbed from us is a free capitalist society.
Go through the basics and talk about some of your new books, Conspiracy of the Rich, Eight Ways, The Eight New Rules of Money, and An Unfair Advantage, one of the newest books.
But, I mean, go through specifically then, quantify what you mean by when you pay taxes.
It goes to, you know, Ben Bernanke.
When you pay, when you make money, they get it.
So, I mean, how do you make money and keep it?
Explain that.
Well, let me explain.
There's always two sides to a coin.
I've never seen a one-sided coin yet.
So the tax laws
Are really designed to make the rich richer.
The problem is, if you go to school and get a job and become a doctor or a lawyer, the tax then flows to the rich.
So a guy like me, I have never made, I have made more money in the last three years, 2007 to 2010, tax free.
And so debt and taxes work with those with financial education.
Okay, explain that to people.
Well, there's two kinds of people.
You either park your money, which is savings and pensions, and people who move their money.
In my world of finance, it's called the velocity of money.
I want my money back as soon as possible so I can buy another asset.
And I mean an asset, not stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
So I'm constantly moving my money.
And what the system, the banking system, does is programs you to park your money.
So you put it into savings, and you know,
Save, save, save, save, and then you put it in a retirement plan, let's say starting at 25, and you hope it's there at 65.
I do not do that.
A financial education would teach you how debt and taxes make the rich richer.
And that's all I'm saying to people when I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad.
I said your house is not an asset.
It's the bank's asset.
If you could wake up to that, oh no, no, you don't know what you're talking about.
And now we have people who are walking away from their mortgages because the mortgage is worth more than the house.
And that's what a little financial education, these guys wouldn't be able to brainwash you with these.
I'm not saying they're good or bad people.
I'm saying if you don't know, somebody's going to pick your pocket.
And your books quantify that down to fine detail, but give people the basics.
What is this Robert talking about?
What is he saying here?
Tell us what you do with your money and what the rich do with their money.
Okay, first of all, there's two books people should read if they want to understand Rich Dad.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad was really the basics.
And Rich Dad, Poor Dad is a book on accounting.
But it sold 24 million copies because it explains what our school system doesn't teach you, even in accounting classes.
And the second book is a book called The Cash Flow Quadrant.
And the quadrant is the four people that make up the world of money.
The E-Quadrant stands for employees, so you could be a CEO or a janitor.
The trouble with the E-Quadrant is that's the highest, the second highest tax of all the quadrants.
That started in 1943 with the Current Tax Payment Act, which went against the Constitution.
And they could tax, the government got paid before the employee got paid.
Now, the next quadrant is the S quadrant, which stands for Small Business Self-Employed or Specialist, like a doctor or a lawyer.
The tax laws changed for them in 1986 with the Tax Reform Act.
And they were just, you know, that was part of the Reagan thing.
They were trying to collect more taxes.
On the right side of the quadrant, there's B, and B stands for Big Business.
500 employees or more.
And I stands for Investor.
There's an investor class.
Many people invest, like they invest in a
Uh, mutual fund, but they're not, they invest, but they're not investors.
Investors are pure capitalists because they're always raising capital.
So for a guy like me, since I have more than 500 employees, and I'm always raising capital via debt and things like that, I pay no tax.
See, if you look at the tax code, the Internal Revenue Tax Code, most of the code is how to avoid taxes.
But the trouble is, if you go to school and you're taught by the socialists of the school system, they're actually teaching you to be the proletariat, the working class, working for the bourgeois, the rich.
And I don't want to be bourgeois, I just want to be a capitalist.
I don't want to pay all that tax.
See, the government needs guys like me who provides jobs.
And I have large apartment houses.
And I have oil wells.
I produce constantly.
So the tax laws are written for me, except the school system doesn't tell you about the other side of the coin.
So, how are you, you know, physically, you know, live in nice houses, have a lot of money, sell, you know, tens of millions of bucks, but then not pay any taxes?
Well, because debt and taxes are written for people on the B and the I side of the quadrant.
You see, you have to... 1973, I came back from Vietnam.
I was a Marine helicopter pilot.
Went down three times.
I refused to fight anymore.
I'd had it.
Because I knew I was being lied to by my government.
So I come home and I ask my poor dad, the head of education, what should I do?
He says, why don't you go fly for the airlines?
And I said, well, did I become a pawn to the system?
So with that, I went to listen to my rich dad and became an entrepreneur because I did understand a little bit about tax incentives and
Investing it like this.
So I took up real estate courses starting in 1973 because you have to learn to manage debt.
Because as you know, it's after 71 that the dollar became debt.
So you have to learn to manage debt.
So today I borrow millions of dollars tax-free.
I buy these apartment houses.
They're 100% finance.
And I've done this most of my life.
I have no equity into the property.
And the more I use bank money, OPM,
The less I pay in taxes, then I get things like depreciation, amortization, and those other tax incentives because I provide large apartment houses because the government needs housing for people.
Also, I get tax incentives for oil production.
I don't buy oil stocks, like I would never touch Exxon or BP shares.
What I want is a percentage of the production.
So when the prices of oil go up, I make more money.
It goes down, I still make money.
Because the moment, let's say I invest $100,000 in oil production, I get a 28% return on my capital instantaneously.
Tell you what, stay there.
Let's continue to quantify this with Robert Kiyosaki of RichDad.com.
I'm Alex Jones of PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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Robert Kiyosaki is our guest.
Robert, you know, for the average person who can't buy oil well operations or drilling operations, the average person who can't buy big apartment houses, and most people actually know in Austin who've done well over time, that's exactly what they do, what does the average person start doing to get in the right quadrant?
That's a great question.
My whole schtick is why don't we have financial education in our schools?
You see, that's where it starts, and that's where the brainwashing begins.
You know, you talk about InfoWars... Oh, oh, oh!
When I was in public school, that's all they taught me was how to write 401Ks.
I'm sorry, you said that's where the InfoWars starts.
No, it's like, you know, the NEA, the National Education Association, Forbes calls them the National Extortion Association.
And they really are agents of the ultra-risk to prevent people from knowing
How the tax and debt systems work.
So all I did was having a rich dad who didn't go to school with my best friend's father.
He kind of helped me crack the code.
And I began to understand why, you know, why there's no financial education in our schools.
Why do they try and control the media all the time?
And I got to be very suspicious.
And I'm not against our troops, but I went to Vietnam twice and I realized I was being lied to.
And so that's when I kind of woke up and said, okay, I'm going to listen to my rich dad.
I'm going to find out what's really going on.
So that's all I do.
When I write rich dad, poor dad, I say, your house is not an asset.
I got hate mail from my friends who are realtors.
You know, I didn't say don't buy a house.
It's not an asset.
And, and, you know, in 19, I mean, 2002, I wrote Rich Dad's Prophecy.
And it was about the biggest stock market crash in history that's still coming, and it's about the 401k.
And at that time, the Wall Street Journal, Smart Money, and Money Magazine just hung me up the flagpole.
It was the second crucifixion, you know?
I was like, geez.
I remember.
Yeah, I get crucified by those guys.
And then today, our school system still will bring in the bankers and tell you to save money.
Okay, so you're somebody making $200,000 a year, keeping about $100,000 after taxes.
What does Robert Kiyosaki do?
I would take a class, you know, in 1973, I took classes on real estate.
I don't, you know, residential real estate.
I meet these idiots, like, in my account.
He says, yeah, I'm a real estate investor.
I own a house.
I said, no, you're a consumer.
You're not an investor.
No, I'm an investor.
But they're such morons.
They know nothing about tax code and all this stuff and property management and all the things that make you rich.
So I started off back in 1973, a little one-bedroom, one-bath condo on the beach of Maui.
And that's where it began.
Today I own about 4,000 units, five golf courses, luxury hotels, oil production throughout the world, and business throughout the world, gold mines and silver mines.
But I didn't listen to the school system, and that's the difference.
Well, that's like ten years ago.
They said, do not buy gold and silver.
It's a bad investment.
They're still saying it.
But to 1980 inflation, it's supposed to be 2,500 an ounce.
You should have seen me.
I was in 2000 on CNBC, and they said, what are you investing?
I said, gold.
They said, that's stupid.
It's 275 an ounce.
I said, that's smart.
But they don't want gold to go up, as you know.
Because it means the fiat currency of the world is going to come apart.
And when it does, gold's going to the moon.
And right now, if you don't have much money, and I've been saying this for years because I'm actually a silver buff, silver is the best investment of all because it's a consumable precious metal, whereas gold is hoarded.
For the first time in the history of the world, there is more gold than silver on planet Earth.
So silver is a bargain, even at 25 bucks.
And I hear some morons tell me, I don't have any money.
I said, Jesus, you know, 25 bucks, you don't have that.
You're in big trouble.
Well, what, silver was five and a half, six dollars ten years ago.
It's at almost 25 an ounce right now.
I'd say that's a pretty good investment, and anybody, anybody could start buying one silver dollar a month.
I mean, come on.
Yes, exactly right.
And I think silver is the biggest sleeper of all.
I've been saying this for years.
And you know, everybody watches gold.
I have lots of gold.
I have a gold mine in China.
I have a silver mine in South America.
But silver, because I'm in the industry, I understand who buys my silver.
That's right, it's used in manufacturing, you name it.
Water purification, electronics, every computer, every cell phone.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read a lot of numbers and statistics and seen reports that they're now selling more gold than they are mining each year for the first time, but it's even worse with silver, that they can't find the silver they need to supply.
You're exactly correct, and I'm in the industry, I can tell you that.
Wow, well start getting into that, that's really interesting.
Well, again, it's really simple.
You don't have to go to college for this.
Silver is consumed.
Silver is like oil.
It's burned up.
It doesn't come back.
So silver is being burned up at higher speeds, and the more we shift to the information age, the more iPads and Apple comes up with that.
It's like lithium in Afghanistan.
We know why we're there.
Yeah, lithium mines.
I'm sure Robert Kiyosaki will probably be in that.
We're gonna come back.
Long segment coming up.
Sorry about that break.
We gotta go to it.
Let's get into why they told us don't buy gold and silver.
I mean, they knew.
The rich were in there buying it.
They wanted it for themselves.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author, researcher, investor, businessman, self-help.
He is our guest.
We got about 25 minutes left with him.
RichDad.com is the website.
Robert, continuing with gold and silver, starting out
A few decades ago there in your little bungalow in Hawaii, now owning a major oil drilling operations, gold mine, silver mine, 4,000 plus apartment units, and you know how to basically use the tax system they've written for the elite, where you pay almost no taxes.
It's just a matter of financial education.
Some guys are hiding, running into the hills.
I don't know.
They want surfs.
They want to give a man fish, not teach him how to fish.
And we're just mass-producing, mass-manufacturing poor people.
Where do you see... No financial education in school is not going to get worse.
Where do you see gold and silver going?
Well, I caution people on gold and silver because, you know, I started when gold was around $2.65 an ounce.
I was in gold and silver at $85 back in the 70s.
So I want you to go up and down, and the thing they've got to watch out for is interest rates.
If this guy Bernanke gets desperate and he jacks interest rates, let's say to 10%, gold and silver crash.
So you really just don't buy gold and silver.
You've got to understand the dynamics that causes prices to go up or down.
But they're signaling they're going to continue with the lower interest rates and that they're going to hyperinflate the currency.
That would be a major indicator of it going up.
It would be, but I don't trust them.
How do you tell when they're lying?
It's when their lips are moving.
So people have got to be ready to dump their gold and silver if the indicators come out.
No, it's not that.
I think you and I are holding gold and silver at a very, very good price.
But I think what I'm concerned about is the guys that come in with gold, let's say passing $3,000.
They're the ones who are going to take the ham.
I tend to agree.
That's what I tell listeners, just from my gut, is that if inflation to 1980 is 2,500 an ounce, I'm going to start getting real nervous when it gets up there.
Yeah, 2,500 is, I think, I think you're pretty accurate on that.
It's time to start pulling in your horns and look at something else.
Like right now, I'm actually pulling in my horns on gold once it's past the 1,100.
It's a little too rich for me.
I still bought silver.
But now I'm investing in my solar company.
So, because I think, you know, like you guys are saying, that's the way it's going to go.
So that's where I'm invested.
So you basically look at the trends and hedge your bets throughout the trends and don't just plump your money down the bank getting almost zero percent.
That's correct.
And the thing I watch for, I mean, my father, my poor dad was a politician.
I don't trust those guys.
I mean, I love my dad, but
They don't know Jack.
There is no correlation between politics and business.
Well, Wisdom Today is buying into whatever the establishment says and they're there to fleece you.
Right, and the reason I wanted to be on your show is because of InfoWars.
I agree 100%.
They want to control what you hear and what you think.
And they will censor you.
There is no censorship.
It's a bunch of bull.
You will be censored in this country.
So that's the thing I'm saying.
You've got to understand that you have to be smarter.
You know, what I'm terrified of right now, there's going to be what they call, you know, when it goes parabolic, when gold passes $3,000, and everybody will roll in there, and then they're going to get suckered out again.
Happens every time.
Happened in real estate a while ago.
That's what my gut tells me, is when to get out of the bubble at the right time.
Yeah, but also, it's not so much when you get out as when you get in.
And getting in is when your profits are made when you buy.
And so you look at all the suckers right now, you know, it's the same thing.
I see all these guys, we buy gold, we buy gold, we buy, you know, turn it in.
You know the bubble's coming.
And all the suckers will roll into the market.
Well, when you've got 2% of the population in gold, and they're talking about maybe 10% in the next two years, that's when you know there's a serious situation.
But I think there's a long time, and this is my personal view, until they do try to deflate the bubble.
Yeah, and that's why, you know, gold at $13, gold at $15, gold at $2, I would say not a bad buy, but I'd be very cautious because desperate people do desperate things.
I mean, you saw what Bernanke said a few days ago.
He says, I don't understand the price movement in gold.
Bernanke, you're the guy printing that stuff.
We can also see wild gyrations up and down before it's all over.
So we could see a false popping in the bubble.
I have lots of gold and lots of silver.
I'm just cautioning people.
No, I agree.
Don't come in late.
I agree, Robert.
You talk about info wars.
You talk about how we're being lied to.
When we look at this military industrial complex owned by the big mega six banks, they're now openly saying that they're going to start taking pension funds and taxing them.
We talked about that.
So desperate people do do desperate things.
At your bottom line, looking into your crystal ball, where do you see society?
I mean, do you see this recession, depression getting worse?
Where do you see this going?
Well, it's all relative.
You know, I mean, you know that old saying, if your neighbor loses a job, it's in a recession.
If you lose your job, you're in a depression.
But on the part, we're rich dad, where I personally stand from, if you understand the rules of the rich.
It's really a good time to get rich.
You know, I'm not saying being poor is bad, I just don't look good in poor clothing.
Yeah, there's ways to make money in any market.
Yeah, so if you stood in there listening to what your mommy and daddy told you, you know, was go to school and get a job, work hard, save money, buy a house, because it's an asset, and give your money to Wall Street through a 401k, you're probably going to get fleeced.
You are being fleeced.
We're honored to have you here today, and I've got a bunch of other questions I want to throw at you and wrap in succession, but what's the main knowledge you want to impart to our listeners?
Basically, you have to understand the rules of the rich.
I'm not saying they're good or bad.
A lot of greedy poor people, a lot of greedy rich people.
But the smarter you are, you don't become a victim to it.
You need to take control.
Exactly what Alex Jones is saying, you need to take control of what you put inside your head.
You know, if you don't control that, you're screwed.
You've got to take control of what you put into your head.
So if you listen to the garbage the school system puts out, and politicians put out, and Wall Street puts out, and banks put out, you're gonna get hammered.
I've seen breakdowns of the average CNBC host with their predictions.
They're wrong over 87% of the time.
Somebody like yourself and others we have on are right more than 90% of the time.
But it's not that a lot of those pundits are stupid.
They're there selling a fraud.
They know what they're doing.
They have to say what they say.
If they say what I said or what you said, they'd be fired.
It's that simple.
I mean, they're not bad people.
That's kind of what I'm putting out there.
We're not bad people.
We haven't taken control of the information in our brain.
And there is that lie of advertising that perception's reality.
Well, no, if you stumble off a thousand foot cliff and you think there's water at the bottom and there isn't, your perception that you saw water at the bottom isn't going to save you.
No, I'm not just reading this little, it's from Smart Money Magazine.
Those guys really hate me, but anyway.
Oh, they had this poor guy, he's 58 years old, he says, I don't have a pension, what should I do?
They said, save money and get a 401k.
I mean, it's the same dogma from the guys that brought you this financial crisis.
Oh, they're now saying, give them more power over the entire world financial system and they'll save us.
Yes, exactly.
I mean, that's like... You've got to take control of what you put in your head.
Let's talk about your overall view of politics and the direction the world's going.
There's a large awakening happening, correct me if you disagree.
Speak about that, but also things like other lies.
What do you think of government-sponsored terrorism?
What do you think of the Gulf of Tonkin being staged to get us into the Vietnam War?
What's your view on some of the rabbits they may pull out of their hat?
I wouldn't put it past any of them.
I don't know if they're true or not true.
I always say to people, take care of myself.
God helps those who help themselves.
I help myself, and I watch what they say.
I always know there's self-interest.
There's always self-interest.
So I just watch them.
Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I don't understand that.
And when I say that, a lot of times, they say, well, you're not a patriarch.
I say, hey, moron.
I went to Vietnam twice.
What did you do?
I've seen war.
Bush and Clinton never saw war.
And that's why they sent them.
Well, it's not patriotic to be used to expand a corporate empire and to kill a million Iraqis.
All in the name of what?
I don't know.
You and I are on the same page.
You've got to take control of what you put in your head.
You know, what I didn't like about school is I didn't really have much choice of what I could learn.
It was kind of government-sanctioned propaganda.
So, you know, I was in my third year of calculus and I'm nearly flunking out.
I go, when am I ever going to use this stuff?
When am I going to use calculus?
The teacher said, I don't know.
So then why am I studying it?
Well, there's a war on for our minds.
That's our slogan.
And that's why there's a war.
But you are ultimately the person that decides.
Yeah, I think about the general public who are starting to wake up a little bit, but they still have no clue how deep this almost hologram of disinformation is that's projected into society, and then we repeat the disinfo, and that gives it that tangible reality, but it's not reality.
Yeah, well let me ask you this.
What do you think if the Fed, like right now we're at about 96% debt to GDP, you know what I mean?
And we're the biggest debtor nation in the world.
What do you think is going to happen if they print more money?
It is going to hyper-inflate the currency, drive up prices, but then the new debts and fractional reserve banking calculations that are made will be made in the new denomination and value, and so we'll just stay in debt and actually get into worse debt.
So, what kind of action are you taking?
That's what they'll probably do.
And I think what you're saying and what I'm saying, it's not so much what they're going to do, it's what are you and I going to do?
Well, I know what I'm doing.
My main mission is just to wake people up so they know how they're being hammered, because the big central banks have openly stated their plan.
It was to engineer all this, collapse society, and then use the social unrest as a pretext to swing around the homeland security grid on the American people, and that's already
I don't know.
That's outstanding.
Thank you for doing that.
Because that's really what it's going to take is that somebody has to stand up.
And the more people stand up and wake up, the less power the opposition has.
Well, what I do as Rich Dad is I explain how the rich play the game.
And that way I have a choice of games.
I just, you know, I wouldn't send my kid to school to get a job.
Because you're just being programmed to be proletariat, working class.
I'd rather have my kid learn to be a capitalist.
You know, and that's what I fought for.
That's all I'm saying.
I fought for capitalism.
And we have a bunch of fascists, Nazis, running the show.
They're not even socialists.
Yeah, socialism's bad enough, but at least, theoretically, some of the stolen loot gets to somebody.
But here, it just all goes offshore to these people, and they just get away with more and more.
I mean, it's scary to know there's this much hubris in the ruling class.
Well, what frightens me is when the government has that much... When I fear my own government, that's not a good sign.
Tell us about the most important books people can order from richdad.com and what your latest book covers.
You talk about An Unfair Advantage, The Conspiracy of the Rich, The Eight New Rules of Money.
Talk about that.
Well, The Conspiracy of the Rich was the last book, and it explains what a lot of people already know.
It's how the Fed started, the Bretton Woods, but why we don't have a big section of this, why there's no financial education at school.
So that goes back to 1904 with John D. Rockefeller.
And they take the money out of your paycheck for most Americans, so you don't even really notice how much they're grabbing.
That was in 1943.
It was called the Current Tax Payment Act in 86.
I don't think so.
Yeah, as England goes, so goes the rest of the world with all this tyranny.
Have you noticed in the last month the government's announced that all paychecks will now be deposited with the government first and then they will pay you digitally to your bank account what they wish?
They really want to get us on this cashless system so they can really target the entire black market economy and shut it down.
I haven't heard that, but that's why I say it's not socialism, it's fascism.
When you fear your own government, we have a problem.
We have a very big problem.
And what I was saying just before the last break, there's no correlation between government and business.
There are two different worlds.
That's why Obama has less than 7% of his staff with any real world business experience.
They don't know anything else but to help themselves.
By taking our money.
Well, the best way is take care of yourself.
You know, everybody wants to change the government, which is almost fundamentally impossible.
There's too many people making too much money with exactly the way it is.
Wall Street and Goldman Sachs being one of them.
But I can change me.
And what you've been hearing me say is that I play by the rules of the rich.
But if you don't know what those rules are, you're in trouble.
So conspiracy of the rich is where it kind of starts.
And this is the first, I didn't know my publicist had released it.
But my next book, An Unfair Advantage, The Power of Financial Education, goes into how debt and taxes make guys like me rich.
But our school system will never teach you that, because they don't want you to know that.
So I just explain the rules of the rich, and I watch out for myself.
And that way, and I make a lot of people rich and all this, but if I don't take care of myself, I can't save anybody else.
So that's kind of my ground.
My father was a political animal.
He ran for governor of the state of Hawaii, you know, and that was the most horrifying, ugly thing I've ever seen in my whole life.
So I don't have any faith in the two-party system.
I don't have any faith in government, because as you and I know, the Fed and the central banks control the world.
There was a Washington Times article about the only city in the nation to becoming even richer and expanding in jobs is D.C.
The cancer is growing.
Yes, and that's why I'm not political, you know, I would just rather
Be an independent like a coyote running around the place.
Well, certainly for you individually, that's good.
It's wonderful to see people to be rugged individualists like you are, Robert.
But they're just adding more and more taxes, more and more controls, more and more selective enforcement.
I see this down the road where they're going to start trying to selectively change rules or selectively enforce them to try to shut down the cowboys like yourself.
Yeah, but they can't afford to.
You understand that really the rules, they'd have to shut themselves down.
My best defense is to play on their side.
So you know the inside baseball rules.
You basically are with the owners of the casino because you know their blueprint so you're safe.
And that's what Rich Dad stands for.
I just teach you there's two sides to a coin.
And these people who are sending their kids to school, the biggest communist thing I've ever seen, you know, the kids just get brainwashed there.
And they don't learn anything about money.
I'm not against education.
I'm against brainwashing.
They just turn their children over to the system.
That's correct.
Where they train the kids to tattle on you, to spy on you, that the environment's dying.
Have you seen the TV ad they're running in England?
Where the school teacher asks the sixth graders, what will you do for the environment?
And when some of the kids say, I'll do nothing, she murders them.
Anyway, you know... Well, it doesn't surprise me.
Like I said, this goes on in our country, too.
1943, Current Tax Payment Act.
1986, Tax Reform Act.
Just understand that my new book that's coming out is called An Unfair Advantage.
It may be out in a month or two months.
The first time it's been announced.
But in there, I explain how the taxes and debt make me rich.
You have to know how to use debt, and you have to know how to use taxes in your favor.
But to try and change those rules, I don't put much faith in it.
They're going to always take from the poor and give to the rich.
That's what's going on.
And I'd rather just be rich and not be part of the poor.
And they've got so many of the poor tricked into thinking they lobby government to protect them from the ultra-rich when the ultra-rich finance the government.
That's why when they repealed McCain-Feingold, I knew it was all over.
See, what McCain and Feingold were trying to do was limit campaign contributions.
Well, that was thrown out the window.
So now, when people think, well, it's one man, one vote, that's not true.
It really is.
One million dollars, one vote.
I'm not telling anybody anything new.
The rich always control it.
So I just chose, when I came back in 1973 from Vietnam, I said, I'm just going to be on the rich side.
I don't want to be like my poor dad, a school teacher, fighting the system.
You have no power when you have no money.
You have no power when the taxes are just eating you alive.
I'd buy real estate.
But I'm not... You can't do that because...
I've been trained for all these years.
Yeah, that's the problem, because you've got to have the specific knowledge, not just the money.
Exactly, and that's why I said, again, 1973, I started taking real estate courses.
Not because of real estate, but I have to learn to manage debt.
Yeah, knowledge is power, and so even if people have money, if they don't have the knowledge or the time to implement it, they can't do it.
But you have studiously built and built and built until now.
I mean, how much is your total empire worth, Ballpark?
I don't know, but I made more than $2 million a month without working.
So it's not a lot of money.
I'm not Donald Trump or stuff like that, but $2 million a month tax-free is pretty good.
Well, not to mention your books.
Yeah, that's not including my books or anything else.
That's just from income from my real estate, my investments.
But 26 million plus copies of books.
Yeah, I just wrote those books after I was already rich.
No, I understand that, trying to impart that.
And that's really something revolutionary you've done that's really contributed to people understanding what's happening.
And I've seen the success stories of people that have put your system into motion.
They have become fabulously wealthy as well.
Well, it's not so much wealthy as they now have control over their lives.
You see, if you learn the rules of the rich, which is get in debt, you will get richer.
You see, it's knowledge is power, but misinformation is damaging.
And so all of these guys who are trying to, you know, save their house and save money for their retirement and all this, I think that's good if you have no information.
But if you want to beat the system, you've got to get smarter.
I saw an article in the Wall Street Journal a few months ago where they admitted that it's the people worth over $10 million, they're the first to walk away from a house that's upside down, but then a blue-collar person, they'll go down with a ship.
Yes, but that's changing right now, because I was at my local Italian restaurant, and the three cooks came out and said, hey, can we ask you a question?
I said, yes.
We haven't paid our mortgage in 18 months.
And I said, why'd you stop?
He said, because the mortgage was greater than our house.
I said, well, you're pretty smart.
I said, you're so far behind, you're now ahead.
Robert, thank you so much for spending time with us.
I hope that you'll come back with us in the future, and I'm flattered that you're aware of the show and the work we do here.
No, I've heard a lot of good things about you.
I heard you're causing a lot of trouble, so that's why I had to call up.
Well, sir, hopefully we can have you on every few months and really get in depth on the important work you're doing.
Robert, thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
All right, Robert Kiyosaki, just an amazing interview there.
This hour is almost over.
And I tend to agree with Robert.
I mean, I think when gold goes above 25 right now, that's when it becomes a bubble and dangerous.
But I do agree with him.
I have so many people who don't have a lot of money ask me, where do I get in?
Well, you get in with silver dollars and silver half dollars.
And I have the man.
On the phone, who months and months ago bought silver when it was two or three dollars under what it is an ounce right now, who bought a whole bunch of it, and he still got that great deal for you.
It's gone up a little bit, but Ted, briefly, tell folks about those silver half dollars.
Yeah, the silver half dollars are $11.77, and of course the least expensive way to get the silver dollar is the creature from Jekyll Island.
You get one for free.
Just, yeah, the silvers a good buy.
You can get into the junk silver, bars of silver.
There's a lot of forms of silver you can buy.
And how much are those silver half dollars?
$11.70 something?
Alex, that price is going to go up.
It really is.
I mean, right now... And then you got the deal for the silver dollar and a 1995 book for $26.
That includes shipping.
That doesn't take a... I mean, you don't have to be, you know, the inventor of the A-bomb to know that's a super good deal.
Get into silver today, folks.
Yeah, Alex, people need to be motivated right now.
There's no question about it.
Sitting in paper is not the right choice.
800-686-2237 is how you take advantage of those offers.
Well, if they'd have listened to Robert Kiyosaki ten years ago, or yourself,
They'd have bought silver when it was $5 an ounce, gold when it was $280 an ounce, but now's the time to get into silver, folks, and I agree with what Robert was saying earlier.
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