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Name: 20101014_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 14, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live my friends.
It is the 14th day of October 2010 on this live Thursday transmission.
This is a maiden voyage.
The first time we've ever broadcast 24 hours plus straight.
And I want to thank everyone for joining us here today, and I want to thank the crew who have done an exemplary job preparing this 24-plus-hour marathon transmission.
We have a special guest joining us today, coming up later in the official three-hour broadcast, and that, of course, is Lou Dobbs, formerly of CNN, syndicated radio broadcaster.
Also coming up at one o'clock central, Alan Watt, who needs no introduction, will join us to analyze all of the important news taking place in our world.
I also have a rundown, a little radio slash TV, PrisonPlanet.TV guide that I'm going to be reading over when we come back from break.
And I will talk about some of the people that are going to be on the 24-plus hour broadcast today.
In fact, I'm going to go over the entire list of who is going to be joining us here.
Just a raft of very informed, intelligent folks helping us understand exactly what's happening on our planet.
Something happened this morning, and I'm going to attempt to be calm dealing with it.
But it's just a massive confirmation of everything we've talked about.
And so after we go to break and I come back and break down the money bomb today, I'm going to spend much of this hour covering it.
I had a chance to basically hear the equivalent of a public focus group this morning.
I listened to almost an entire hour of it.
I got up this morning and I noticed that Paul Joseph Watson had written an article
And it's very moderate.
It's very journalistic.
I read his article.
It's actually about 20 times worse than what his article even says, if you have the full backstory.
And I know Watson's listening right now.
I'm going to have him write another story with all the links, just to show people how serious this is, because this article is getting a lot of attention today.
Uh, it's government trains troops to run American cities.
Now, I discovered, uh, 13 years ago, there was a covert plan for this.
Uh, it's now declassified in public, and because they're getting ready to probably go operational with this, they're now unveiling it to the public.
So we have local newscast, uh, covering how this is happening all over the nation.
But something else then happened.
Of course, this ties into the upcoming total financial collapse that's been engineered.
I turned on one of our local affiliates, 590 AM, the big blowtorch, formerly owned by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the big blowtorch that covers almost the entire state of Texas, and I heard their news program, the Todd and Don Show, Todd was being serious, Don was being serious, which is a rare thing for him,
At least for much of the hour, reading my article, and I actually clicked on the Army Times, actually clicked on the local newscast, actually read our story on air, and it's what happened next that was so amazing.
They probably took that I heard 30 phone calls, and you got a good snapshot of what the American people are going to do as this unfolds.
I'd say about 70% were against it.
They were almost all announcing they were former military, or police, or current.
All very well spoken.
But the other 30% who called in were military, current military, and they all said that.
And that they are training for this, civil unrest and takeover.
But aren't we happy they're doing it?
They're gonna save us!
So, just to see our article this morning, turn on the radio and it's being covered.
And to see that about 70% of the callers, and that's a dead reckoning.
But the vast majority were totally freaked out, were citing my radio show, or the fact that they were police or former military and they'd been trained in this and they thought it was wrong.
But then you had the military people calling in going, well we're just your patriots, I mean we're doing a good job, we're gonna protect you from the civil unrest.
And yeah, we're gonna take your guns.
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And you're subject to public police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our Republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the 2010 money bomb.
We're going to be broadcasting for 24-plus hours here live.
We're also going to air brand new, never-before-seen video interviews.
We've had over 40 different interviews we've done with people like Lord Monckton, Alan Watt, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Katherine Austin-Fitz, Dr. Childress, Jeffrey Smith.
The list goes on and on.
We've got eight different
Interviews that we're going to be airing some are 30 minutes long some an hour long and some of those kick off this afternoon I'm gonna be going over that list for you here today In fact here in just a few minutes, but then I'm going to get into
A whole bunch of issues that tie together.
You know the government has announced that they are going to take over the private pension funds and tax the living daylights out of them in the name of saving private pension funds and government pension funds, public and private.
You know that they are killing the dollar and have announced they're going to hyperinflate it.
It's now official.
The dollar is plunging, gold is skyrocketing.
You know that Mexico is in total civil war and unrest and completely collapsing.
And we had a state senator on last year who admitted he was part of a secret Homeland Security board with Rick Perry for the complete collapse of Mexico and the preparation for tens of millions, tens of millions.
of refugees to try to pour into the United States.
That will then be used under the SPP plans that were ordered released via foyer by Judicial Watch in 2007.
They plan to use that crisis they've engineered as the way to bring in the official North American Union.
Now, the military for more than 20 years that we've been able to get declassified documents and leaked documents on has been training for total takeover of the US.
Then we saw the Pentagon last month put out a report saying they're worried about complete financial collapse and that they're going to give you basically martial law to save the society and the economy.
The key to all of this is that this has all been engineered by design and we have the proof.
For over 12 years, I've been on Air 15, but for over 12 years, I have been completely wise to this plan.
And I have told you that they would blow out the economy, create hyperinflation, that will cause collapse of society, and that the military will then go out and take over every major town and city in the country.
They've already been integrating and federalizing local police, they put in the threat fusion surveillance centers, that's all coming up.
Were you guys able to get a hold of Paul Joseph Watson?
Okay, I want you to get him on the line right now because his report is important and he's only covering one facet though, and this is so important.
I want him to do a full spectrum breakdown so that people get the full image.
He's such a wonderful writer and researcher and one of our fastest writers.
I want to get him on air so people can hear what goes on every day behind the scenes.
When I talk to Kurt Nemo, Paul, Steve, Aaron, and basically, you know, I give them a data dump.
They go and pull it all up and then put it together in an article and then add their own research to it because
Again, a lot of times I'll have big stacks of news I'm planning to cover and then an hour before the show, five minutes before the show, I'll decide to go in another direction because we've covered this military takeover probably a thousand times or more in the last 15 years partially, 12 years intensely.
I didn't really fully figure out the takeover attack pattern until 12 years ago and I've been absolutely right.
My police state 2000, police state 2 the takeover, police state 3 total enslavement,
You watch those films made 11 years ago, 10 years ago, 9 years ago.
You watch the film we put out 6 months ago, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
It is a complete snapshot of how they'll implode the economy, how they'll roll it out.
It's all of my research crystallized and boiled down into one integrated system.
And to have this article this morning and just turn on local number one talk station and to hear them seriously talking about it, not making fun of me like they've always done, was heartening.
But then listening to the callers, it was booing as well to hear of 30 calls I listened to.
I'd say it was around 30 calls.
They were taking a lot.
They were probably taking, you know, 10 calls per segment, maybe more than 30.
The vast majority, I'd say 7 out of 10, they have even been more, being conservative, knew what was happening, said they're imploding the economy by design, this is a takeover operation.
Now, current military was calling in saying, yeah, we're training for this, but you ought to thank us.
Because they're good people, they've just been given the brainwashed template that, oh, this financial problem just started, it's an accident.
But no, they've been training for this forever.
It's just now they're coming out in the open because they want to sell you on it for when they go operational.
Now we've got Watson now on the phone.
I want to go ahead and punch him up as soon as possible.
I want to go ahead and just erect him right now.
And then I'm going to get into the latest information on the money bomb.
And I want to try to calmly cover every facet of this because this needs to be chronicled.
This needs to be broken down.
People need to see it in its full context and what it deals with.
And then the other important part of the equation, how is the public going to respond to this?
Because they're sending out their trial balloons now.
If you buy it, they are going to implement this for sure.
If you don't buy into it, they're going to stop and just keep their infiltration and brainwashing and slow federalization and militarization going.
And that's not good either, but it's the lesser of two evils.
And then that buys us more time to wake more people up.
And what did Ron Paul say in his big Tea Party speech this week that got so much attention?
He said they're going to implode the economy, it's a foregone conclusion, and they're going to try to bring in martial law.
What did Ron Paul say on the broadcast Monday?
He agreed this is the big threat.
Economist, medical doctor, congressman, presidential candidate.
True intellectual.
He agrees with me.
Because he knows history, and we have the Army's own admissions.
Now, I'm gonna go to Paul Watson right now.
Paul, thank you for joining us.
Hello, Alex.
Paul, this is a great article you've written.
I know you're probably working on something else right now, but
We need... I'm having an allergy attack today, folks.
I guess the oak pollen's out, so my eyes are burning.
Excuse me.
People watching on television, I might need to get some Visine if somebody can go to the store, maybe.
But it'll probably get better in a moment.
The issue here is, Paul, you've done a breakdown, and it's getting a lot of attention.
Because, I mean, if I turn on the local radio and they're covering it in a serious manner, you know, that means the article's out there big time.
Who knows, it might even be on drugs right now, I'm not sure.
But government trains troops to run American cities.
We have sent you the 60 Minutes piece from eight years ago, where it shows them with the...
Microwave gun, admitting it's for domestic operations.
You can also pull up, head of Air Force says, you know, they should use pain ray on citizens.
That was the AP headline.
You want to integrate that into a story.
You want to show that in the 60 Minutes piece, they've got signs saying, follow the Constitution, give peace a chance, and they're training the military, eight years ago, this is an eight-year-old report, for domestic operations.
You want to integrate into there, at the top of the article, that look at Katrina.
They didn't bring food and water, they went into the high and dry areas, went into $10 million homes, literally the richest area, and took their guns to set the precedent that even the wealthiest people would be put in handcuffs and have their guns taken.
That ABC News report, with the army talking about shooting Americans.
That's a quote, and the police chief saying all the guns will be taken, no one will be allowed to be armed.
Put that in there.
But the headline needs to deal with, Paul,
The headline needs to deal with globalist collapsing society to bring in martial law, by design.
Because I heard the troops on 590 this morning, they were all saying, well I'm in the military, yeah we've been training for this, but you know America's collapsing and we've got to do this to keep you safe.
And another guy, yeah my son's in the Marines, he's been training for door-to-door searches of Americans' homes, we don't know who the terrorists are.
And we have the kernel I had on last year up in Arcadia, Iowa where they locked down the town and practiced taking over the gun shop and going door-to-door to take the guns.
We need to explain to people this is not pointed at Al-Syedah.
This was always built for the American people as the Mayak reports and the Israelis spying for homeland security in Pennsylvania and that
They're getting ready to take the pensions and tax them and take a big part of them.
They're getting ready to devalue the dollar.
They didn't just start this trading today.
It's been going on behind the curtain for decades, but we got leaks on it.
And now they're coming out in the open.
This is the key, Paul.
They're now started public PSYOPs.
As you know in your article, telling you, isn't it great that the Army's here learning how to run our wastewater in our city?
Then they put the little token lie-in for when they're in Afghanistan.
And of course, that's a dual training.
Part of that's true.
Just like in Police Day 2000, the role players they hired in California for the Marines, well, where'd you get the gun?
Where'd you get the helmet?
Well, I got it here in San Francisco.
Well, it seems to me that it's all about conditioning Americans to think that
Having troops run seatbelt checkpoints and traffic checkpoints and security at forcing events is completely normal, which of course is the whole mark of all empires in terminal decline like the Soviet Union.
When you see troops on the streets doing the job that police should be doing.
Well yes, the federal government has bankrupted the states by design with unfunded mandates, with the illegal aliens and all the rest of it.
And now the police forces are laying people off.
And they're saying, oh this National Guard base we gave the county for the Threat Fusion Center?
The Army's moving in!
And add to your report, Paul, New York.
You know where it says National Guard helps arrest 2,000.
The x-ray machines.
No, it's a cell phone.
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Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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It was amazing to hear more than 30 callers on the number one talk station in Austin saying they've imploded the banks by design, they're going to take our pension funds, they've set it all up, they've trained the military to take over, Alex Jones is right.
And then to hear troops calling in, who are current military, saying, yeah, we've been training for this, but it's good.
We need to protect you during the collapse.
They were training 20 years ago for the economic collapse.
The government created the derivatives.
The same thing, the riots in Europe, the riots in Spain, the riots in Argentina.
We have the IMF documents from 2002, how they were planning it.
I've been here every week, sometimes every day, telling you exactly what would happen.
And I knew I'd be made fun of.
I knew people wouldn't check the documents we posted.
I knew people would just say, that's too crazy.
But they heard it.
I've done over 5,000 radio interviews in the last decade.
That's conservative.
On other people's shows, including Coast to Coast, reaching 16 million people a pop.
I have been on C-SPAN.
Our callers have called C-SPAN thousands of times.
Sometimes, almost every caller on the morning show on C-SPAN is bringing this up.
I have had tens of millions of people every month read InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've put out viral films that have reached hundreds of millions of people online.
I understood that we had to tell the truth, even if we got laughed at, so that when they launch their operation, we would be able to catch them with their pants down.
And so many troops on the bases have heard us talk about this over the years, then when they got the exact training and were told, this is for America too boys, but don't tell anybody, they go, whoa!
And Watson, here's the final key that I need you to put in your new article you're doing, at the top of it.
The Pentagon, it was a branch of it, my memory's not serving, remember a month ago?
I believe it wasn't CENTCOM, it was Special Operations Command.
Fierce collapse of economy, preparing for civil unrest.
They don't call it martial law, they call it security.
The 2007 British Ministry of Defense report that talks about all of this coming by 2011, 2012.
All engineered.
You need to get that.
The UN report two weeks ago worried about global unrest and, oh, they'll have to save us with higher security and checkpoints.
People need to understand, they were preparing for this in 86 in the Oliver North hearings when this all came out.
They create the crisis, then they offer the solution, and then I heard military families calling in who were in denial going, well they're only training to take guns overseas, they wouldn't do that here.
They are training to take our guns, and they have done it in Katrina and other places.
Get it through your head.
Watson, any comments on this?
Well, the notion that it's only for overseas in Afghanistan is disproven by the very ambition in the Army Times of September 2008 that these troops were being used for, quote, homeland patrol.
Then again, in November 2008,
Northcom said that over the next three years they'd be deploying 4,700 troops for Homeland Security missions.
And then you have the new one, you have the new one last year out of the Progressive and the Nation, and the Pentagon admitted they want 379,000 troops after they phase it in.
So it goes 4,000, 10,000, 40,000, 100,000.
They've now got over 100,000 that we know of.
And oh, Paul,
Make sure you add the CHIPS, the Highway Patrol Press Releases, where they admitted last year the Marines running DWI checkpoints.
That integrates in with the Army at the shooting at UT two weeks ago.
That integrates in with the Alabama shooting that the Marines showed up to on the highways.
That integrates into Tennessee when the governor said don't run Homeland Security military checkpoints with all branches of the military and FBI shutting down whole highways.
Integrate that.
These have all been beta-tests integrated in to give people a full spectrum.
And it can just be a basic boil-down and then just links.
Well, you see the scenes unfolding in Europe, the protests against governments raised in the retirement age.
And eventually you're going to see that in the U.S.
when they actually start, when the middle class wake from their slumber and actually realize that their pension, their future, and their inheritance to future generations is being seized in front of their faces.
Then they're going to start civil unrest like we're already seeing in France and other places.
But the difference is the response is going to be a whole lot more brutal and swift because of these training programs that involve active duty combat troops.
I've just come back from Afghanistan.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm just processing all of this, as I've been saying every day the last few months.
It's one thing to intellectually know all of this, and to understand it at a very deep, sophisticated level, and to be able to integrate all the information together, to the point of, years later, I will get government documents that are word-for-word my breakdown analysis before I ever get the documents.
That's the level of understanding I've got.
Just like somebody who's been a football coach for 20 years, you know, gets better and better and better at understanding football, they've got the mind for it.
Well, I don't study football, or baseball, or acting cool, or social graces, or pleasantries.
I don't study, you know, butterflies.
I don't, no.
I study geopolitical movements, history, how governments operate, who the globalists are.
And I'm telling you, we are facing the equivalent of a Soviet-style Red Terror takeover.
And it transcends Bill Clinton and George Bush and Barack Obama.
They're just frontmen.
Everybody's going to get upset at Obama for everything that's coming down.
He's a horrible, teleprompter-reading, foundation-funded globalist, New World Order trash.
But he's still just a frontman.
Still just a puppet.
I'm going to get into the money bomb, and then I'm going to get into the financial news.
Gold at all-time record highs today.
It just continues.
Dollar continues to plunge.
And we're going to get into this military takeover situation ahead of Lou Dobbs scheduled to be joining us later in the next hour.
And I'll bring this up to him in other issues.
We'll talk about the deteriorating situation in Mexico.
Remember, this global financial implosion is happening everywhere.
They've got riots and troops on the streets all over Europe right now.
They're about a year or two ahead of us.
You understand that?
Now, this could all break loose this week.
It could break loose in December.
It could break loose, generally, plunges come in October.
It could break loose two years from now.
But it's this slow slide into depression, but now they're saying they want your pension funds.
What are people going to do when the globalists come in and start trying to take your pension funds?
And guys, I know you reprinted me that article about the pension funds.
Is it in there in the printer?
Watson's article from Monday about Feds announced they're going to take private pension funds.
Need that article ASAP, please.
Again, I saw them making preparations for this five years ago.
And I've seen what the IMF and World Bank Consortium's done in every other nation that they run.
Look what they're doing in Greece right now.
Look what they're doing in Spain right now.
Look what they're trying to do in Germany right now and in France right now.
So we know what they're going to do, but it is another thing to actually see them come out with the announcements and the trowel balloons that they are moving into this.
Hey, we got plenty of paper.
Just print it again.
It is the 2010 Global Transmission Against Tyranny.
I think it's obvious to anyone that this radio show is spot on.
It's obvious to anyone that this radio show is one of the key, major platforms where we bring so many different guests, analysts, congresspeople, academics on to expand all of our overall understanding of what we are facing as a society and how to stop it.
We know there's a criminal takeover, that we are in the deep, deep,
We're good to go.
They're announcing that they are surveilling Tea Parties and Conservatives and Libertarians and everyone in an attempt to intimidate everybody with a chilling effect.
We must respond to this intimidation by intensifying our resistance to their
We're good to go.
We don't have anything to hide.
We're the good guys.
You are the bad guys.
Now there are many good people that work within the system who are compartmentalized, but you still work for a completely wicked system.
It is now coming out that almost all the mortgages are complete frauds, and they're stealing tens of thousands of people's houses that they don't even own, and they're paid for.
We told you that years ago, now it's mainstream news.
That'll give you an idea of how bold these criminals are.
Now, here is what is coming up.
Today in the 24 plus hour transmission.
We have, of course, the live regular radio show with Lou Dobbs and Alan Watt until 2 p.m.
We will continue at 3.
We will air a never-before-seen commercial-free video interview with Lord Christopher Monckton.
We then have David Icke joining us.
We then have Paul Craig Roberts joining us.
We then have a never-before-seen interview with Alan Watt video interview.
We're going to be airing and rolling over the radio.
We then have live guest Joel Skousen, Dr. Stan Monteith, Jeffrey M. Smith interview.
We have Richard Reeves in studio at midnight with us till 2 a.m.
We'll be taking phone calls.
We have a second part of a video interview never before seen with Alan Watt.
Then the Catherine Austin Fitts powerhouse interview.
Then the Dr. Childress interview on eugenics.
The Dr. Sherry Tenpenny interview on vaccines.
At 6 a.m.
we have live Max Keiser.
At 7 a.m., at 6 a.m., we have Kaiser.
At 7 a.m., we have Gerald Salente joining us for two hours.
At 9 a.m., we have Webster Griffin Tarpley.
At 10 a.m., we have a live interview with Paul Craig Roberts.
At 11 a.m., I go live, taking your phone calls.
And then after 25 hours of live broadcast myself, Paul Watson sits in in the second and third hour via video Skype from the United Kingdom.
It's freezing in my studio and I'm so upset by what's happening and how real all this is.
I'm actually sweating.
My palms are sweating.
My face is sweating and it's 66 degrees in here.
I like it cold.
I'm looking at the thermostat over there behind the camera.
I wish I was wrong.
I wish none of this was true.
Here's the good news.
We reached our goal about 20 minutes before showtime.
At about 1040, Tim Frugier, the head of the shipping back office, came in and showed me the numbers.
We've raised $101,000.
I want to thank you all and salute you.
Unfortunately, $100,000 is only half a month's operating capital.
It cost over $2 million.
And I've discovered with taxes, that like when we built the new studio over there, they call that an improvement, even though I don't own the building, and I have to pay taxes on that.
People are like, well, just don't pay taxes.
Yeah, they come arrest me in five minutes, ladies and gentlemen.
But it's that type of insanity where I guess I didn't know what I was doing, or I didn't listen to the CPA.
That's another issue.
Just to explain how all this works, where I try to spend almost all the money that comes in on the operation.
And then, of course, taxes get paid to the employees and other things, but I try to spend almost all of it.
And then I find out, oh, you've got to pay all these taxes because it's seen as profit when I build a studio.
It's seen as an asset.
I mean, I'm talking about the walls, folks, not the computers, not the equipment.
You can expense some of that out, but the point is, $200,000 a month.
Now, it should be a little bit lower later this year, because we've been building the social network, getting our own bigger servers, that was $100,000.
Building the $180,000 shell of the studio, and that was with the company that owns this, putting in the other $300,000.
And I'm not the best businessman in the world.
I mean, I'm not.
I'm busy just analyzing information.
But the point is that $500,000 sounds like a lot.
That $500,000 is being put in a special account so that all of it goes directly into buying the equipment, hiring the people, and running the system for the next year, just on that new module, that new end.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, I've seen the numbers for, say, a CNN studio, and they've gotten dozens of them, or a Fox studio.
You're talking $10 million for one studio.
Now, we're doing it.
With the building and the people and the computers and the prosumer gear, $400,000 or so.
The other $100,000 for the social network and the servers.
And boy, is that a hassle, actually building a first-rate one.
That should be ready next month.
The point is we're always doing everything we're doing here, working, building, doing all the news stories, dealing with everything that's happening, doing interviews, and then I've got to do everything else on top of it or things will move even quicker.
But we've still done a great job.
Look at what we've been able to do.
So we need to, by 11 a.m.
tomorrow, raise another $400,000 or
399,000 if you want to be technical.
Because we raised 101,000 as of an hour ago.
I'm sure it's more now.
So, InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Please get the video that Aaron Dykes put on the Alex Jones Channel at YouTube.
It's also at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In fact, remind the guys to repost that to the front page.
I want to keep that up today.
That key 12-minute video that shows everything we've done and how we're under attack.
Get that out to everyone you know.
The biggest thing you can do is email your friends, your family, Twitter it out, your Facebook, YouTube, make videos about the ongoing money bomb, post them everywhere, call your friends and family, tell them, even if they don't have a local A&F in their area, and more and more we do have that.
Now they can listen on Global Shortwave, that's all listed, or the free streams, the audio streams at InfoWars.com.
You can also watch us if you're a member at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We have a separate free stream, video stream, up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that is on another CDN so that if it does overload it won't shut down PrisonPlanet.tv.
Because we couldn't tie that into that and have it bring that down for subscribers.
But just for today, into tomorrow, we've got that free video box so you can, those of you that have never been a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you want to see what we do here, you want to see the live show we do every day that we then archive at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's all up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
In fact, I'll pull up the front page of InfoWars.com for folks that are watching right now so you can see what I'm talking about.
But if you just go up to InfoWars.com,
You can see the front page of the site and there's a big link that says watch the Money Bomb video feed.
For free!
That is right on the front page of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and it might crash it, but if it crashes we'll just reboot it.
But please send that video link out to everyone you know.
Watch the Money Bomb video feed for free.
Alex takes to the air in a marathon effort to fund the InfoWars operation.
Watch for free over the internet and please consider making a donation using the Money Bomb page.
I also want to give you the toll-free number to call and donate over the phone, if that is your choice.
We have seven great souls back there that are going to be there throughout the day, throughout the night, and tomorrow, and you can call and make a donation by credit card, over the phone, or by debit card, and the number is 888-833-9000.
That's eight-eight-eight-two-five-three-three-one-three-nine.
You can also go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com and there's PayPal, you can get it by credit card.
A lot of people have been mailing checks in to P.O.
Box one-nine-five-four-nine, Austin, Texas, seven-eight-seven-six-zero.
And so you can mail those off today and we'll add it to the total next week when they come in.
But again,
And we'll continue to update the InfoWars Money Bomb site every 30 minutes as we tally the numbers and add it to the graph there that is a radio tower.
Now up above $101,000.
Thanks to all of you, and I thank you for stepping up to the plate.
Michelle Bachman, it was reported, the Congresswoman,
That's good.
Great, have Michelle Bachman, who's under attack, stay in Congress.
But what about us?
Can you imagine if we raise 5.4 million dollars?
I'm telling you.
I mean, if that happened, who knows what'll happen today?
Maybe we'll raise a million dollars.
There it is.
Michelle Bachman raises 5.4 million.
Call right now.
If the phone's busy, call right back.
Or leave your name and number, they'll call you right back.
It's time for people that are middle class, who want to protect their wealth,
You know, I don't come like the IRS with a gun to your head and make you give me money and then give it to media to run propaganda with all the government funding of mainstream media.
We don't have that.
We don't have foundations funding us.
We have you funding us.
So we're asking you to fund us.
We literally bash our brains out here, work our fingers to the bone.
To bring you this information.
You know I'm a war horse in the Info War.
My crew is as well.
Our listeners are war horses in getting the word out.
We are having a big effect right now.
And as everything comes down, as this New World Order unfolds, we need your help now more than ever.
And if you can't donate, if you're not doing well, don't give.
Spread the word about the Money Bomb.
Get people to tune in.
Get people to listen to the radio show.
So we can get the word out to more people.
888-253-3139 or InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com or big links up at InfoWars.com and PresentBonded.com to find the Money Bomb webpage.
And we have backups, because there's been hack attacks against the site again in the last few days.
And if they take down the Infowarsmoneybomb.com site, we have backups on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got other backups behind that, like shark teeth.
You're not going to stop us unless the good Lord wants that to happen.
People say, aren't you worried about getting killed?
Well, that's up to God.
Justice be done, may the heavens fall.
Duty is ours, consequence belongs to God.
I'm standing up against evil and putting all my faith
In God.
And lastly, you've been successful in over 30 times except twice.
I cannot tell you how important it is that you make this the number one Google search term today so that hundreds of other newspapers and sites will see it, will write articles about it, and will push people to the money bomb.
Most of them won't give anything.
They will find the show for the first time with the free video streams, the audio streams, or on their local AM or FM station.
Search this term.
That's the number one search term.
Very simple.
Go into Google, put it into the search function, and then just hit enter, enter, enter.
You know, over and over again, re-entering it, re-searching it.
Do it at least a hundred times a piece, and the second search term is InfoWars Money Bomb.
InfoWars Money Bomb.
Two search terms.
InfoWars.com, and in case they've banned that term, which we think they may have, InfoWars Money Bomb.
Three words.
InfoWars Money Bomb.
We'll be right back.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
You'll be warned.
We have the facts.
We have the Constitution.
We have the Bill of Rights.
We have common law.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so excited to be able to offer you Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is the 24-plus hour live transmission with Paul Craig Roberts, Alan Watt, Jeff Smith, David Icke, Max Kaiser, Gerald Cilente, Katherine Austin-Fitz, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Childress.
The list goes on and on.
Webster, Griffin, Tarpley, that's all coming up.
This isn't just going to be 24 hours of me saying, give me the money bomb, give me the money bomb, give me the money bomb.
It's going to be some of the most powerful guests you've ever had on.
Never-before-seen video interviews, live interviews, all here.
And ahead of Lou Dobbs being on the broadcast, I'll just remind you the toll-free number to call to donate, whether it's a dollar or a thousand dollars.
A lot of you wealthy people and middle-class folks, look, if you give 5.4 million dollars in one day to Michelle Bachman, the Congresswoman,
I mean, I think our goal's too low of 500,000, but that gives you an idea.
It takes money to beat these people.
They take your money forcibly and use it against you.
It's time to donate to the tip of the spear, ladies and gentlemen.
You can do that by spreading the word about the broadcast, the free video stream of the show today, all at InfoWars.com or InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
And I cannot stress enough.
That you need to do it this hour, next hour, right through the day, every time you're at your computer, just type in InfoWars.com into the Google search function, click it, and then put your cursor mark in the middle of InfoWars.com, and then just hit enter again.
You have to do that over and over again.
You have to put it in, you know, put InfoWars back in.
The quickest way is just put your cursor there, click it, so it knows it's a new entry.
And then secondarily, in case they try to, and they've done this before, ban that search term for today, block us out, hit them again with another torpedo.
InfoWars, without the com, InfoWars Money Bomb.
And I guess money bomb is one word.
It's a compound word, isn't it?
Or should we put a space in it?
It's a compound, isn't it?
Yeah, no space.
So just two words, InfoWars Money Bomb is the second search.
So InfoWars.com is the first search, a one word search, a URL search, InfoWars.com, second search, InfoWars Money Bomb.
And I have no doubt you'll drive it to number one.
And I'll probably, let's go ahead and fire out another salvo.
Let's fire a third torpedo at the enemy.
Alex Jones
Put Alex Jones in.
We've never done that before.
That'll lead them to the site.
That way, if they try to block those out, they'll be blocked by our third torpedo.
Alex Jones.
We'll make Alex Jones the third torpedo because the name Alex Jones is in all these articles.
Alex Jones.
Three torpedoes.
Fire tube number one.
Flood tube number two.
InfoWars Money Bomb!
Fire Photon Torpedo Number 3!
Flood Tube!
Fire Torpedo Number 3!
Search term Alex Jones!
And I talk about this being a war.
The Pentagon admits 90% of their battle strategy against the entire of humanity and their own troops, so they D.U.
and everything else, 90% of it is psychological.
They have lies, distortion, staged terror.
Muslim extremists they're funding to be the threat so they can take our rights and then point the cannons inward at us.
We have the truth, and it is a powerful weapon, the most powerful weapon.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come, as Victor Hugo said, and I just love that quote.
So, this is info war.
This is the truth up against the lies.
This is the real deal, true grassroots.
So search the term InfoWars.com.
Search number one.
Search number two.
Money Bomb.
Search number two.
Third search.
Alex Jones.
Enter each one of them at least 50 times into Google.
See how they like that.
They're not going to like it.
You can believe it.
This could catch on.
We could raise millions today.
And I'll dump it all into this operation.
And it'll make us stronger going into this depression.
We need to stay on the air.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Lou Dobbs, scheduled to be with us, coming up soon.
We're now into the second hour of this historic 24-plus hour live transmission.
Government prepares to seize private pensions.
Remember that article from Tuesday?
And it links to CNBC.
And of course we have the Bloomberg, where the government is ordering them to hand over their private pension funds.
Meanwhile, they're openly announcing, I'm going to play those video clips coming up, that the military is training to take over major cities and small towns in the United States.
This is all happening.
And it's all been engineered.
They quietly get the police militarized and federalized.
They quietly bring the military in, start running checkpoints, x-ray scanner systems.
Local governors in Tennessee say don't do that.
The Pentagon says we don't care what you say.
The John Warner Defense Authorization Act states that they're going to use the Pentagon against civil insurrection and even state governments that don't follow orders.
The media talks about Obama being like Lincoln, and he might have to take over.
I mean, they've really put out this iconography, the symbolism, the ideas of this.
This is what happens in third world countries.
Every month you hear about Guatemala or some other country having a
Takeover operation or something big happening on that front.
This is what happens.
This is what happened in Rome when Caesar marched his army across the Rubicon in northern Italy and came into Rome and took over.
That was the end of the Senate.
It became a ceremonial, vestigial remnant of what it had been.
And then finally, by the collapse, they just got rid of the Imperial Senate altogether.
The Imperial Senate being dissolved from on board the Death Star is not just in the movie Star Wars, it's in history.
So this is the type of system and operation that we are dealing with as a society.
This is the type of new world order control grid that they modeled after previous systems and previous societies.
So we know that what we're going into is very real.
They admit what they're doing, but they put this window dressing on the outside of it, that it's all being done for your own good.
That it's all being done, you know, to keep you safe from crises that have been created.
And we know that they created these crises.
We understand that they created these crises.
It's admitted they did.
To the point of, I could tell you 12 years ago, they're going to steal your pension funds, they're going to bankrupt the economy, they're going to destroy the dollar, they're going to have a global currency war, because the Trilateral Commission said they would back in the 70s.
That would then bring in a new global government run by the private banks and that you would then pay carbon taxes to them and taxes, VAT, national taxes to this private consortium.
Who then loans more fiat money they make up out of nothing, then they'll devalue that new global currency, you know, in the decades after that, or maybe even quicker, because everything is accelerating now.
And so they get to use the fiat money when it's first created and has more value, then you get your money devalued, then they pass on all the expanded expenses on to you.
This is how they do it.
This is how the globalists operate.
And we understand that historically.
So we're at a historic crossroads here, my friends.
It's time for everybody to get really serious and really focused and make it your main drive to warn everyone about what is happening and who is behind it, so that people understand how fraudulent and illegitimate and criminal this new order is, so they can say no.
If not, the mainstream controlled corporate globalist media is going to tell them, oh, they just got a plan to put trips on the streets.
Oh, they just have a plan to take your pension funds to save them for you, but tax them.
You know, they're only launching World War III to keep you safe.
Knowing their plan is how we're going to defeat them.
We've got to get the word out to everyone.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
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You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
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I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
When you're out on the road, the last place you want to be is on the road.
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Others don't.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Number 5.
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Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This happens probably 10% of the time when it's a really big guest because they're so busy.
Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs has been on before.
We've gotten personal communications from Lou saying he looks forward to coming on the show.
This was set up last week.
We didn't been out of pocket with him the last few days but if Lou's not on this hour
We'll try to get him on later in the broadcast, because it's a... He was going to be on vacation, but they put out that disinformation piece about him hiring illegal aliens.
It was a contractor he hired that had some at his house.
So he didn't go on vacation, he stayed to respond to all this.
So he's got a lot of crazy stuff going on.
But Lou showed up the last time he was on, and so he could be calling at any minute, or they could have gotten the time zones confused on their end.
Though all the emails...
Including emails from Lou are crystal clear and we've talked to his people on the phone, but it's going to voicemail right now.
So I was looking forward to having Lou Dobbs on today, but we do have Lord Christopher Monton coming up, Paul Craig Roberts, Alan Watt, Jeffrey Smith, Sherry Tenpenny.
We've got Dr. Childress.
We've got Max Kaiser, Gerald Salente.
That's just some of the guests we're going to have on the Transmission.
But I was looking forward to Lou Dobbs.
If it doesn't happen today, you know, it'll happen in the near future.
We haven't really tried to get him on the last few years, and we tried last week, and he was like, yeah, I'd love to come on.
And Lou sent us an email after we talked to his people and said, look forward to talking to Alex.
So we'll see what happens, because I definitely have a lot of questions for him.
Everything he's talked about is coming true with the globalists, the implosion of the economy by design, the open borders, the crime wave out of Mexico.
We're going to be talking some about that today.
But don't forget the key three search terms today.
We want to make number one, number two, number three.
We've done this before, where we have three search terms.
Number one, number two, number three.
Number one search term, InfoWars.com.
Please search that.
Number two search term, InfoWars, without the com, InfoWars Moneybomb.
Moneybomb, one word.
InfoWars Moneybomb.
And number three search, Alex Jones.
That'll get them to the site one way or another and cause quite a hubbub in cyberspace.
I did see a clip, and we're going to play this later in the show.
Beck was back on the radio yesterday, and he said, yeah, there's quite a controversy over Diet Coke.
And by the way, the symptoms in the macular dystrophy, that's on record in major studies that aspartame, that's in Diet Coke and thousands of other products, attacks the nerves in the eye and causes that disorder, especially those that are already predisposed genetically to macular dystrophy.
I don't think so.
So I thought that was really interesting.
We're trying to find the full clip of that.
I believe it was right at the start of Beck's show.
But think about that.
Ten million listeners hearing about aspartame being dangerous.
There's no doubt tens of thousands will do the research and find out how bad it is.
That was my whole goal.
People are like, why are you talking about Glenn Beck?
Well, he's supposedly the number one guy in the anti-New World Order movement.
I don't trust him as far as I could throw him, but if we can help him not lose his sight, he said he could lose it in the next year, and I'd say nine times out of ten, 90% chance it is the aspartame.
He admits that he drinks all sorts of diet sodas with aspartame.
He admits that he gobbles all sorts of sugar gums, you know, that have it.
All gum, almost all gum now, even if it's quote, you know, regular sugar gum, has aspartame in it.
I mean, read the label.
You'll be shocked at the store.
I challenge you today when you're in a gas station, just look at everything.
I mean, almost in every case you can't find gum.
Bubbalicious, Hubba Bubba, Juicy Fruit.
I mean, I've brought it in here.
Big League Chew.
And I discovered this a few years ago.
My children are like, can I have gum?
And I'm like, let me read the label.
This is sugar gum, but I don't like corn syrup.
But, you know, it's nothing compared to aspartame.
Look, aspartame.
I've talked about that a lot, but I noticed on Glenn Beck's sites, I did some monitoring of GlennBeck.com and The Blaze and all that, I'd say 80%
In some cases, it was like 90.
And I'd sit there for like 10 minutes just scanning through, you know, pages of comments.
And it was almost every comment was, listen, I was going blind and got off of it and went through incredible withdrawals and now my sight's back.
Please listen.
And then they just link to mainstream studies and mainstream news.
Here it is, Glenn.
Here's macular dystrophy.
You know, here's losing your sight with it.
Here's diabetes caused by it.
You know, here it is, Glenn.
Here it is, Glenn.
Here it is, Glenn.
So see, I don't care if his co-host when he was in the hospital made fun of me on Monday.
I'm right, they're wrong, and now they're having to basically go, I guess there is something to this.
But they still made the joke, Glenn, what is this about nanotech being in Diet Coke, and you have nanotech factories and you're making Diet Coke, and they all laugh, and he goes, well, you know it's not good for you.
So they still make a joke, because in our article we link to the Aspartame manufacturing process.
The Pentagon in the late 1960s was testing bacteria that eat toxic waste.
This is on record.
That's how Rumsfeld got the ingredient for Searle.
And they found that it was basically genetically engineered E. coli bacteria.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the one, the only Lou Dobbs joining us, and we're very honored to have Lou on.
He really doesn't need any introduction, but he's a best-selling author, researcher, syndicated radio host, number one show for a long while on CNN, until he was basically shown the door because he wouldn't compromise on Barry Sitaro and the open borders.
Lou Dobbs, great to have you on, sir.
You're with me, Alex.
Thank you so much.
There's so much to talk about, but out of the gates, what's most important to Lou Dobbs on your radar, sir?
Right now the most important thing is restoring the fundamental tenets of a democratic constitutional republic and finding representation for the American people in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Dobbs, what do you think about all the news reports now that 90-plus percent, and Napolitano admits this, of Homeland Security has pointed at libertarians, conservatives, returning veterans, gun owners, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr.
What's your take on the fact that Homeland Security has been basically set up for the American people?
Well, I think, Alex, that the idea that this administration has politicized not only the Homeland Security Department,
But also the Justice Department has created an enemies list that is being prosecuted by the White House.
I think Alex is shameful.
And what is, I think, almost as shameful is the fact that the fourth estate has become something of a fifth column in this country.
I'm working to aid, to abet the left-wing agenda of this administration and the Democratic leadership in Congress.
I think it's a shame, it's an outrage, and the national left-wing liberal, call it what you want to, mainstream media, is simply observing rather than applying critical judgment and performing its traditional role of oversight of our government.
Mr. Dobbs, you are a student of history, a veteran journalist, and so you were able to chart exactly what's happened, and you have now been proven right like a prophet.
28,000 plus dead in the last two and a half years on the U.S.-Mexican border.
Mexico is now completely collapsed.
The poor woman has her husband killed.
The media tries to imply she's a liar.
Now the investigator that goes to look at it from the Mexican government has his head chopped off and delivered to the Mexican military.
And then you're criticized for simply pointing out that we've got to protect our border.
Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it, Alex, that if you speak truth to power, as you and I do each and every day, that you are a target for those who want to ignore the breach of security in this country, a border that is no longer recognized, apparently, by this administration as being a demarcation of sovereignty.
The suggestion in the national media that this woman with her husband shot dead off Falcon Lake is somehow not a victim any longer, but part of some sort of, I don't know, conspiracy, some sort of plot that has nothing to do with the failure of the government of Mexico, narco state terror that is reigning
I crossed most of northern Mexico.
This is mad.
I talked to a state senator from Texas who'd been in secret Homeland Security meetings last year, saying that they are preparing for the complete collapse of Mexico with Homeland Security to protect the border.
And Rick Perry's been begging Obama, but I've had sheriffs on from South Texas and Arizona, I know you've seen also them separately in the news, where they've asked for more funds, and instead of more funds, they've actually had their funding cut, and now they've pulled the Border Patrol back 10 miles on the Arizona border, 80 miles in, as you know, they've put up signs.
Telling people don't go down this road, don't go in this national park.
We're really ceding areas now to the Mexican drug cartels and the Mexican military involved with them in many cases.
So the La Reconquista is here.
Yes, and Alex, you know, as you point out that again, that moving the Border Patrol back
I don't think so.
People need to understand that Philippe Calderon may have had something right and has not been given credit for it.
Because Philippe Calderon, a year ago, said corruption is not only a problem south of that border with the United States.
That comment meant with almost no real serious coverage, again, in the U.S.
But there has to be an understanding.
Amongst the American people.
That this level of corruption that we focus on in Mexico is being now met on our side of the border.
There is no other way.
When all else fails, what's the cause of the fact?
As my father always taught me.
And there is a reason that these borders remain wide open.
There is a reason that illegal immigrants continue to cross over the border.
There is a reason that Mexico remains
The principal source of methamphetamines, marijuana, heroin, and cocaine entering the United States.
And we have a national media that doesn't even want to ask the question, why?
Because the big banks in the U.S., as has come out in Bloomberg and Reuters, have admitted in federal court they are laundering billions and even buying aircraft for the drug dealers.
There is no way in the world in which anyone in business or finance in this country could not understand that they have to have the complicit acquiescence of a financial system to move the billions and billions of dollars required to both supply and provide and buy all of these illegal drugs.
We have been waging a war on drugs
And this superpower, the greatest economy on the face of the earth, the greatest democracy, hasn't been able to win?
Now is the time to ask why.
And the reason, the answer, in my judgment, lies in one word.
Lou, we were very honored to have you.
I know you have a very busy schedule, but we got you on about 14 minutes late.
I apologize for that, Alex.
I apologize profoundly.
I hope that you'll let me, if you will, make that up to you in any way I possibly can.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, sir.
You're gracious.
Just because I didn't get a chance to talk to you before we went live, I just have to ask you on air.
We've got to take a break in about nine minutes.
Is there a way to keep you to 40 after?
Sir, thank you so much, because I just want to make sure I can get to all these questions.
All of this is connected.
We see the mortgages, the derivatives package, the credit default swaps, China, Europe, American pensions being cheated.
We now find out that there is systemic fraud.
They're taking houses that they don't even have deeds to, in some cases that are paid for.
All of that is happening.
You had talked about this years ago.
You talked about globalism killing our economy, NAFTA and GATT.
Again, you've been a prophet.
It's all happened.
And it's the same banks laundering the drug money that are selling all these derivatives.
I mean, this is really a criminal enterprise.
And as Ron Paul has said, it's either us or them.
Can you speak to that, Mr. Dobbs?
From, again, LewDobbs.com.
Folks want to check the site out and the radio show out.
Can you speak to the private Federal Reserve, the globalists, the open announcements now of world government?
Everything's happening!
It is happening, and there is a confluence of both policy initiatives and a great deal of rhetoric to reinforce and support those initiatives.
And as an example, Alex, last week
Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geiger, said it's very important that we find a much deeper, broader, much more profound role for the International Monetary Fund in the currency markets.
It is one of the most alarming statements made by a man who I don't even think should be in the post, frankly.
I think he should have been fired, but then the guy has a few reservations about the people who would have to fire him.
But the reality, the reality is that a larger role for the International Monetary Fund is another step toward international government.
It's that straightforward.
It is that simple.
This is an administration committed to taking this nation in a hard left turn.
If there is a doubt in anyone's mind about what this administration is attempting, they literally have not been paying attention, and they certainly haven't been listening to you or me, because the facts are overwhelming.
A role for the IMF and the international currency market is at a time when the dollar should be receiving support as a reserve currency.
We are acquiescing.
When I say we, I'm referring to the administration and the US government.
We are acquiescing to the idea that is being broadly discussed and pushed in the United Nations.
Well, yeah, sure.
Absolutely, a global international currency.
Well, the G20 admits, headed up by Geithner, that they want a concerted global currency devaluation.
Coordinated is their word.
They said this last year, they said it this year, so this isn't really a currency war.
They've made an agreement to sink all the currencies, and I'm sure you saw the Wall Street Journal last week, and Bernanke and others say,
We're looking at inflation to, quote, fix the debt.
That's Weimar Republic, sir, exactly what you warned of many years ago.
Can you speak to how amazing it is that they send that signal and say we want a global VAT tax on every nation to fund the very private banks that have engineered our collapse?
I mean, that is global banking system taking over our society.
I mean, please speak to that.
I have to laugh at this VAT tax, this value-added tax, this consumption tax that is suddenly the darling of the globalists.
Who really see in it the capacity to bring in even more private sector capital and turn it over to government, the public sector.
We are in a struggle right now in this country, and I think in many parts of the world, but principally in the United States.
A struggle between the public and the private sector that will determine whether or not we, the people,
Are working for our government, or our government is working for us.
And the idea that it is somehow logical, sensible, or makes any kind of economic sense for this great free enterprise capitalist economy of ours to be further burdened with a VAT tax, which rises to 20% in some cases in Europe,
In addition to the tax burden that we're already under, this would bring the back of the free enterprise system in this country, in my judgment.
And it's not an accident that these folks, these advocates for the VAT, happen to be led by this administration.
Well, Lew, I mean, watching George Soros, Media Matters, Outfits and others demonize you on a weekly basis, myself, Ron Paul, and say we're lunatics making up world government, I've seen Time, Newsweek, Financial Times of London, Wall Street Journal all say world government is here, it's going to be run by the very banks that engineered the
The Washington Post says $600 trillion unpayable derivatives black hole.
And we're just looking at what they're doing, what they're saying, and they think so little of the public that they go out and say we're crazy liars, Lou.
I mean, sometimes do you pinch yourself like it's a dream or the Twilight Zone?
Well, you know, like I think most Americans.
I have a pretty clear idea of what this country was founded on, the values, the ideals that are critically important to the success of this nation over the course of more than 200 years.
I don't believe those values and those ideals should be fundamentally transformed, as this president asked five days before his inauguration.
I have absolutely faith in this system, this political system of ours, this economic system of ours, and I think that anyone advocating a change is, as President Obama put it, a fundamental transformation of America.
I'd better be asking why, and to what end, and what would be the vision that would replace this great nation of ours?
And why is it that this administration is so utterly committed to apologizing for America's success, for American exceptionalism, at a time when we need positive leadership to drive both our economy and our financial system?
If one looks at what this administration is taking on,
Decrying the economy for a brief period while it succeeded in achieving an $800 billion stimulus law.
It is now running down the economy and talking down markets rather than bolstering its small investor enthusiasm, small business energy.
It makes no sense.
This is the most negative leadership one could have imagined from a candidate who talked about the audacity of hope and hope and change.
Well, again, folks, Lou Dobbs joins us.
We're about to go to break, sir, and have about 10 minutes with you on the other side.
You're very gracious.
LouDobbs.com is the website.
We'll also talk about your radio show and more when we come back.
But specifically,
They've blamed capitalism and the free market for what's happening, but as Ron Paul and you and others have pointed out the obvious, it's the mega-banks who are not free market, who sell fraudulent derivatives, the mega-banks that want the world government, they get our tax money basically conduited to them via the national debt, so it's mega-banks
With the government waging war against all the rest of the free market, and then they blame the free market for all of the problems when this is not a free market that has done this.
Lou Dobbs is our guest.
We're going to come back after this quick break, and I've got a laundry list of key questions for him, but I want to get him to comment on what I just said straight ahead.
Again, loudobbs.com is his website.
Our sites are infowars.com, presswana.com.
Stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Lou Dobbs is our guest.
We've got him for 10 more minutes.
Very honored to have him.
He's got to kick off his own radio show coming up here in 27 minutes, so he's really kind to join us.
And I want to run through a laundry list of final questions.
Lou, looking at the point I was making about the Federal Reserve and this consortium of banksters teamed up with government worldwide, what we're seeing happening here is happening all over the planet.
Yeah, and what we are watching, as you and I were discussing,
It's not a coordinated effort.
One would think that would be to support the strength of the dollar in currency markets and the forex market around the world.
But instead, it seems that every opportunity to kick support out from under the dollar.
You do not hear this administration talking about a commitment to the strength of the dollar.
And what is strange is to see this
There's an obvious, desperate desire on the part of Timothy Geithner, the Treasury Secretary, and the G20 members to defer to the dicta of the communist Chinese government.
It's extraordinary.
And then to carry on a national conversation instead of about the role of the Federal Reserve, what will be its level of commitment to stable prices in this domestic economy in particular,
Uh, but instead talk about what China should be doing with the law, rather than talking about U.S.
As if the answer here is to dictate communist Chinese policy in the global economy.
Sir, sir, sorry to interrupt.
Is that not treason?
I mean, we know the policy for several years has been to allow quiet dollar devaluation.
The G20 said that.
But now they're saying it's a good thing.
I mean, is that not fundamental sabotage against our nation to have a policy of devaluing the dollar?
The policy of evaluating whether one wants to construct that is treason, Alex.
I think it depends upon whether or not one believes it will be absolute first, it will be successful, or simply a discussion of a preferred policy.
I personally will not call it treason yet, but we will watch very carefully to see where these policy recommendations go, whether they continue.
Secondly, the idea
That these policy recommendations would focus with the national media's, again, acquiescence.
The national media is not asking why should the Obama administration be focusing on the policies of a sovereign state, that is, the Communist Chinese.
Rather than the policies over which we have control, the U.S.
government policies over which we are responsible, and by the way, by pursuing correct policies, and I would include amongst those policies, correct, those correct policies, would be a strong dollar.
And expanding our export market, and trading successfully, mutually, and reciprocally internationally,
We're not calling it globalism.
It seems to me, Alex, that there's a difference between being international traders...
And being globalist, globalists don't care how much of a trade debt we run up, or how many consecutive years of deficits we run.
And those of us who believe in fair international trade believe it should be precisely the same policy pursued by our trade partners.
Yeah, fair trade, not free trade!
Reciprocal, absolutely mutual, reciprocal and balanced trade.
Well, sir, as you know, to put an end cap on this, China just raised more tariffs against us.
I mean, all of these international agreements are all one-sided, and you're absolutely right about that, and you've been proven right in spades.
Now, a bunch of quick questions while we have you, sir.
Again, Lou Dobbs joining us, syndicated radio host, former top CNN host, and let's get into
I think we'll know probably here in the next month or so when that will be.
I can't comment about where it'll be.
I don't know.
Well, I think that they have so many strong people that there's a lot of room for talent to persevere.
I really believe that the Fox Business Channel has some superb talent.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to be moving any of them out.
Oh, come on Lou.
I bet I just made a good guess, didn't I?
You know, it's one of the places that I've got great respect for.
I have no doubt about that.
Well, my wife and I were privileged.
I was the keynote speaker at the Virginia Tea Party Convention, as you know, Alex, and Ron Paul and the beautiful wife, Carol, were there.
I've got the greatest respect for him.
I think he would make a fine president.
I think I would make a fine citizen.
I intend to pursue vigorously the most important title of all for me in this country, and that is that of
Well, I'm telling you, sir, and you know it in your gut, a Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs ticket is unbeatable.
Well, that's very kind of you to say so.
I'm flattered and I thank you so much for that.
Well, your country needs you.
You've already done such great service, Mr. Dobbs, but I know you just had dinner with the Pauls at the Tea Party Monday, didn't you?
Well, we didn't have dinner, but we had an opportunity to sit and talk for a while.
Yeah, I'm just so impressed with both wonderful, wonderful America.
Lou, another question back to banking.
I'm sure you've seen the mainstream news articles and CNBC where the government's saying we may take over the private pensions to protect them after they've destroyed them and put a tax on them.
Boy, I mean, is that a recipe for revolt politically?
Yes, it is.
That is a recipe for rebellion, a peaceful rebellion, but a firm rebellion, which I think, by the way, you're going to see a very strong expression of that on November 2nd.
But the idea that this government
We're good to go.
And there's going to have to be an accounting, and accounting in this case means people have to understand the taxpayer, the private sector taxpayer simply can no longer afford
I think so.
On that same subject, the major economists that I've had on, and literally more than 30 or 40 in the last few months, and it's all over mainstream news, say, we never left the recession, and by every gauge, we are really entering into a depression.
What label do you put on the point we're at right now?
I believe we're in a very vulnerable state in what is a fragile recovery.
We have economic growth.
It is not growth that is widespread.
It is, as I say, I think a very vulnerable period.
But it is a recovery, Alex.
It's just not one in which wealth is being created at a rate
All right, Mr. Dobbs, one final question.
How do you see it ending with the U.S.-Mexico situation?
Obama has, and that's in ABC News, ordered ICE to basically stop most deportations.
We've got 800-plus cities that are sanctuary cities.
Mexico is officially a totally collapsed, failed state.
The State Department even admits that.
I mean, how is it going to end?
It's going to end, I believe, it won't end until the Mexican people themselves, 110 million citizens of Mexico, decide that they are not going to tolerate corruption and the United States understands, the U.S.
government and this administration begins to understand that they have to treat Mexico as a sovereign, responsible state
And hold them accountable for the corruption of the government of Mexico and for the corruption of the border states that are making this a security nightmare, not only for the people of Mexico, but very soon America.
Final point on that, and we'll let you get to your own radio show, Lou.
We're very honored to have you again and your hard work and all the persecution you've gone through to get the truth out to people.
But we know it's going in the opposite direction.
The blue-blood Republicans want to continue it, the Democrats are trying to get basically their SPP merger, and instead they're going in the opposite direction.
So, I mean, I just see it only getting worse and worse.
I will agree with you, Alex.
Unless we do confirm that the American people are awakening to all of the threats and challenges to this nation, and on November 2nd end one-party rule in Washington, D.C.
I believe strongly that we will see that happen.
Do I think that is sufficient and adequate to roll back what is a
And we can feel the momentum shifting against the globalists and the elitists, can't we?
I certainly can.
I certainly, in my audience, continues to express that confidence and that optimism.
And I think right now, the best we can do is say over the next two and a half weeks, you know, let's hope and let's pray.
All right.
Lou Dobbs, look forward to speaking to you again and seeing you back on television.
God bless you, and say hi to your wife and your great family.
Thank you so much, Alex, and same back to you.
All right, there goes Lou Dobbs, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Thursday, October 14th, 2010 transmission.
And we have an absolutely star-studded lineup of true patriots coming up.
Lord Christopher Monckton at three with bombshell information.
Max Kaiser, Gerald Cilente, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Childress, Katherine Austin Fitch, Sherri Tenpenny in studio.
Richard Reeves, great patriot.
David Icke is coming up.
I mean, this is amazing what the crew has done.
I just want to say, my producers, all of them.
Everybody multitask.
Everybody does webmastering.
Everybody does producing.
Everybody does board hopping and running the TV radio show.
And we all take the trash out together.
It's all a team effort here and I couldn't do it.
This is the best group of producers.
The most focused and they you notice that they can Google something and search it in like 30 seconds.
I mean, it's just an amazing team and we couldn't do all this without them and we couldn't do it without you now.
We've raised about another $20,000 in the last two hours.
And let me just tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate those that are giving, but we won't hit our goal of $500,000 in the next 24 hours if that's what's happening.
And I understand we're in a depression.
Lew is trying to save this country, so he's saying, well, we've had a little bit of a recovery, because he understands confidence.
But I mean, look, as Ron Paul said at the Tea Party, 95% chance total implosion.
Because the policies, adding taxes is going to do that.
And I just want to encourage everyone to support us and to call right now, especially those of you that have capital.
We need to continue to grow this platform.
We're able to get news out into the national debate every day now.
We're able to shift national talk show hosts to cover what we're covering.
We're punching through the noise barrier, you know, the thousands of radio and the internet.
TV and the chatter and the, you know, Lindsay Lohan garbage.
We're able to put real issues on the table.
That's the real key value of this broadcast and I'm not funded by the Globalist, by mega corporations, by foundations.
I'm funded by you supporting the sponsors, buying our books, our t-shirts, our DVDs.
That's another way to give.
If you just want to go to InfoWars.com and buy a bunch of Invisible Empire, or Fall of the Republic, or Obama Deception, or Endgame, or Police State for the Rise of FEMA, that's how we're getting the word out.
That's how we're taking action here.
And we really need everybody, except for the plate, to go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Where you can hear Ron Paul with Alex Jones, Lou Dobbs with Alex Jones.
Or you can hear Judge Andrew Napolitano with Alex Jones.
Where we can cover the full spectrum of what's happening, and then force... I mean, Glen Beck's show was making fun of me Monday about aspartame, and yesterday we've now confirmed, they said, okay, looks like it is bad.
I mean, that's a big deal, folks, that'll save a lot of people!
A lot of towns and cities are pulling fluoride out of the water, and you've got to know it's this radio show that has one of the biggest, biggest contributions to that overall awakening.
So I'm going to say it again, Infowars.com, and you can link through over there to Infowarsmoneybomb.com, credit card, PayPal, whatever.
And, you know, we need all the middle class and wealthy people that I know listen to this show.
I mean, you know, $5.4 million to Michelle Bachman.
I mean, it's great that Ron Paul raised $6 million for his run in one day and broke all records for presidential campaigns, but that's a congressional one-day record.
And people are like, well, Ron Paul didn't win.
Yeah, but he put all the inflation issues out, the New World Order issues out, and now he's like a prophet and he's bigger than ever worldwide.
and now the biggest movement on the uh... school campuses uh... the college campuses got my wire messed up here uh... now the biggest movement on the campuses is the movement of liberty
It's not fake communism or fake right-wingism.
It's the Federal Reserve's private.
They're running the show.
They're screwing the country up.
And we've gone from Ron Paul with no co-sponsors 15 years ago in Congress for his audit of the Fed bill to it passing the House by two-thirds and the Senate sabotaging it.
It doesn't matter.
Once they've been identified as the real government, that they're illegitimate,
Now we know who the bad guys are, and now the war drums are beating harder and harder.
It takes time to destroy the globalists.
It takes time to discredit them.
It takes time to wake people up.
And that's why I want you to call and donate, so that we can... I mean, this economy's getting so bad, it's not just to finish the studio, it's to be secure in what we're doing here, and be able to keep the people we've got, and expand out.
I mean, this is vital, folks.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Support us.
You know, I'm a prideful person.
I don't like doing that, but you know what?
This is important work we're doing.
The government takes your money and gives it to the think tanks and the foundations and National Public Radio, and then they still beg for money.
We're funded by you.
We're not getting Ford Foundation money.
I want to thank those that sent in $20,000 in the last hour and a half, but it needs to be
You know, $50,000 every hour and a half.
Or, infowarsmoneybomb.com.
I mean, you know what it's going to do when we have a highly produced 30-minute show every day that we put on the web for free and put in higher quality at presentplanet.tv, and a once-a-week hour show?
How much time, energy, money?
I mean, $500,000 for studio, crew, equipment.
Anybody who's in TV knows it's hard to do it for that.
And then that's counting money to... I'm behind because of paying for this thing next door.
You know, we need the funds.
Help us in this fight.
We're going to the next level here.
We're getting demonized everywhere.
Why do you think?
We'll be right back with financial news.
Then, Alan Watt.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science
We're good to go.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down for the man.
When the man comes around.
Okay, I'm going to cover financial news for this short segment and the next.
Then, the one and only Alan Watts joining us for the next hour and a half.
We're going to open the phones up when he's on with us as well.
We're going to get an overall view of what's happening with the globalists while he's on.
Don't forget, it's key today, more than the last 30 number one Google search terms that we've all done together.
Showing the power of the resistance that we have three search terms be number one, number two, number three today, and that they stay up there for hours.
So that means search the term Alex Jones.
That'll lead them to the money bomb.
Two words.
Put it in the Google search bar.
Search it over and over again.
Search that as your second search.
And in case they try to ban the full Infowars.com, Infowars money bomb.
Money bomb's one word.
So those are the searches.
InfoWars Money Bomb is one search.
Alex Jones is another search.
InfoWars.com is the third search.
Or just pick one of the three and put it into Google over and over again.
Now I remember reading the health care bill.
The different versions of it and having Ron Paul on about it and others.
He's a medical doctor.
He could really speak to it.
And it had death panels and now you're hearing about that and Bill Gates is promoting it.
And it said it makes everybody get insurance and it doesn't cover the uninsured.
It just takes money out of your check or if you're poor, you're out of luck.
And it said people with pre-existing conditions they could raise rates on.
And 25% is the number.
And here's New York Times.
You have to let insurers raise fees for sick children.
Okay, they lied to you about that.
The insurance companies wrote this.
Here is NWCN and it says, Blue Shield customers notified of skyrocketing rates.
And in some cases is more than 25% increases.
So, I mean, this is a total rip-off by the banksters.
Same ones stealing the mortgages and lying and taking houses that they don't even own or don't even have the deed to.
The same ones taking the death benefits of six million dead and dying troops going back to World War II to today.
I mean, it's just lawless, total stealing, thieving, and they're now announcing, oh, we're going to have troops on the streets in America.
That's coming up next hour.
Oh yeah, for the financial collapse, we are going to have troops.
And I heard troops calling in the local radio this morning when they were covering my story on 590 going, yeah, we're training to take your guns.
What's wrong with that?
We gotta do it to keep you safe.
I mean, folks, I want to bring Ted Anderson up to talk about this.
Gold has hit an all-time new high.
Ted, tell folks the number.
Yeah, the number is $1,381.10.
Silver up to $2,460.
Almost $25 an ounce.
$24.60 an ounce, and then you've got the situation with gold.
We're about to go to break and come back, but what do you have left?
Prices had to go up, but it's still lower than what anybody else has got.
This is gold and silver you bought weeks ago, and again, this is how this works.
As you sell out, it'll go up.
What are the new prices, Ted?
Well, $2.99 on the Frank, $3.75 on the British Sovereign.
Walking Liberty halves are $11.77.
The Lakota coin now jumped over $31.29.
$10 Liberties are still down at $8.77, and $20 Liberties are at $17.08.
I mean, there's a lot of things that are going on, Alex.
A lot of stuff in this market.
It's hot.
You know, we're watching things just fall apart internationally.
And it's just, you know, the dollar's falling, gold is rising.
The resistance level for gold now is $1,400 an ounce.
That's huge, man.
That means we're going to be breaking that $1,400 level very soon.
Yeah, we'll probably see some profit-taking in the next week or so, but then it'll go right back up to a new high.
I bet we see $1,400 by next week, Ted.
You know, it's a very good chance that that'll happen.
All right, let me give people the number.
I told you to get those silver half dollars.
They've gone up again, but that's still the best price you're going to find anywhere.
And it'll probably go up again next week, because that's just how it is.
Don't wait, ladies and gentlemen.
More on the markets when we come back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
You may be arrested and or subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our Republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number three of the historic 27-hour transmission.
We'll be live right into tomorrow's broadcast.
Hey, if I've seen like 70-something-year-old old senators do 30-something-hour filibusters where they can't even stop talking or sit down or go to the bathroom, so this is a piece of cake.
This is going to be easy.
But it's still a great job by our crew.
Ted Anderson with us right now, coming up in five minutes.
We're going to have Alan Watt on with us, and we'll be opening the phones up as well.
But we'll go over a ton of news with Alan coming up today.
And we've got a bunch of other guests coming up as well in that TV Guide list of that.
Have we made sure to have Kurt and everybody in these Moneybomb articles?
Or actually, the Moneybomb site.
Let's put a link up there to the TV slash radio guide so they know who's coming on when, what's happening.
And yes, the whole Moneybomb will then be archived also.
She's had so much video, it's streaming live a few days after the money bomb at PrisonPlanet.TV.
But that is all streaming live right now.
And there's a free video box up there on InfoWars.com, but it's not loading for me.
Is it working?
Is the free video stream working?
It's not working in here.
That's weird.
I know, I push play.
I'm not that smart, but I know how to... Oh, there it is.
It's working now.
It wasn't working five minutes ago.
I'm almost scared to plug it, though, because then everybody's going to go over to that and it'll probably bring us down.
But watching my stupid mug up on TV... In fact, let's zoom in with the document cam on...
On old Alex Jones over there.
Going back to Ted Anderson.
Ted, I mean, everything we're saying is coming true.
They've announced they're going to devalue the dollar.
They're announcing they're going to have troops on the streets for our security.
Now it's not for Al Qaeda, it's for angry Americans.
I mean, it's all unfolding, Ted.
It sure is, and I'm seeing it right here at Midas because we're getting a lot of phone calls coming in.
You know, people are waking up to the fact that we are actually in trouble.
This is not a drill.
This is the real deal.
People are watching the United States dollar drop.
Could you imagine if you had even $100,000 in a bank account?
I mean, it could be worth $80,000 within six months, or perhaps even worse.
You know, that's what's going on out there.
The Fed has turned on the printing press at such high pace that there is just, you know,
They're stealing from us!
They're robbing us and telling us it's the answer to the crisis!
This could lead to Weimar Republic!
It sure could, and I can tell you right now, I'm reading headlines on Bloomberg and Reuters and, you know, just across the board, Market Watch.
I mean, Market Watch says, Gold futures top 1370 announced.
Here's another headline.
Gold smashes another record.
Here's Bloomberg.
Gold tops 20,000 rupees as record price fail to detour housewife traders.
That means the little people in India are getting in.
Gold gains record to, this is another Bloomberg one, gold gains record for a second day as weekend dollar increases appeal.
You know, the whole thing is, here's Reuters, gold hits record high as dollar wilts.
I mean what more do we need out there in order to
You know, convince people that it's a better idea to be in gold than it is in paper.
What's the best deal?
What's the best coin?
Because I know we're always two weeks behind.
Correct me if I'm wrong, the gold you've got, stuff you bought in the last two weeks, Ted?
Yeah, the gold, everything.
I mean, the 299 francs, that's a good deal.
I know the internet prices have already gone up on that one.
You get a full year subscription to the International Forecaster when you buy that.
The Walking Liberty Half Alex at $11.77 is still, bar none, the best silver buy you're going to get.
Especially considering that silver is almost at $25 an ounce now.
The Creature from Jekyll Island book.
I mean, I keep on scratching my head on that one, wondering what I'm going to do.
$26.45 delivered.
You get a full silver dollar on that.
$25 an ounce silver spot.
I mean, come on.
Anybody can do the math on that.
I mean, $6.50 is just the postage on it.
I'm losing a lot of money.
For $19.95, you're getting a $19.95 book and a $25 silver dollar.
And there's always markups, so it's basically about a fit in the market, about a $49 value.
Or $26 delivered to your house.
The world is getting out of paper and into gold.
We're just beginning to see the incredible bull market get in today, folks.
That's what I would do.
Thanks, Ted.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
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Let's talk to the owner of 5 Star Soap, Marty Schachter, and see what he has to say.
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Call us at 1-800-340-7091 or visit our website 5starsoap.com for buying our 1-2 month soap sampler.
Thank you.
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That's www.SilverLungs.com
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
Okay, we're getting it posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on the WatchTheMoneyBomb video feed for free link, and on the InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com site for the next 27 hours, and we're now 3 hours and 8 minutes into that.
We are going to be having a free stream, a video stream, not just audio stream, up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com and Jaren wrote up a great radio slash TV guide.
Let me read over that and we're going to Alan Watt.
At 11 a.m., cover the news, talk about the money bomb.
At 12 noon, Lou Dobbs, you heard that.
At 1 o'clock, Alan Watt for an hour and a half, two hours.
An exclusive, never before seen, so I can take a little break.
Lord Christopher Monk did an interview we did a few months ago, and we flew to D.C.
to interview him.
We've all seen the other interviews.
We agree this is the most powerful one out there.
Wait until you see it, because we ask the right questions.
That'll be on the radio and on the PrisonPlanet.tv streams and the free stream.
And it's holding up pretty good with tens of thousands on there.
But send that link out to everybody you know.
That's how you can also help us.
We are also going to take calls and talk to David Icke at 4 o'clock.
Then we've got Paul Craig Roberts' ever-before-seen video interview at his home in Florida.
Then we're live again at 6 p.m.
with your phone calls and news.
Then we play an ever-before-seen interview with Alan Watt.
Up in Canada, amazing in-depth information.
Then we have a live guest at 8 p.m., Joel Skousen.
Talk about everything happening in the New World Order and the Tea Party and the awakening of the dollar and the economy.
9 p.m., Dr. Stan Monteith joins us from California.
10 p.m., we have more live guests and then Jeffrey M. Smith on GMO and all of that.
Live in-studio guest Richard Reeves, great Patriot Radio host, in here with me.
at midnight to 2 a.m.
then we have more key never-before-seen interviews with Katherine Austin Fitz, Dr. Childress on eugenics, Dr. Sherry Tenpenning, live guest at 6 a.m., Max Kaiser for an hour from France, Gerald Salente for two hours from 7 to 9 p.m., Webster Tarpley live from 9 to 10 p.m., then live Dr. Paul Craig Roberts via Skype video connection at 10 a.m.,
So again, 6 a.m., I keep saying p.m., 6 a.m., Max Keiser, 7 a.m., Gerald Salente, 9 a.m., Dr. Tarpley, then we have 10 a.m.
live, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and then 11 a.m., Alex Jones, taking your phone calls for an hour, looking at the money bomb, the success of it, chronicling it, maybe even having some highlights of some of the interviews, and then Paul Joseph Watson fills in for us live via video connection from England.
Yes, we are.
Landed here up to the boat.
So look for us next week.
A lot of key intel as well.
And then next Monday I'll be live from KSCO there in Santa Cruz broadcasting live with Watson there as backup in case there's any technical issues.
Because we sold out the Sunday event with 800 tickets at the Kokomo Grove deal.
And then there's 800 more tickets and half of those have been sold with almost no promotion.
So you want to get your tickets at ksco.com.
I don't
I see comments on the websites, well, I can't stay up all night for all these amazing award-winning original interviews that are live and the video interviews.
Well, don't worry.
The issue is it takes 20 minutes or whatever to upload the high-quality video, and we're going to have 27 hours of this stuff.
So in the next few days,
It'll all be archived at PrisonPlanet.tv and the highest quality, then it'll also then segue over to the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
So, we couldn't do any of this without the PrisonPlanet.tv members.
We couldn't do it without people supporting the show.
We couldn't do it without all the folks spreading the word about the broadcast, buying the t-shirts, the books, the materials.
I mean, to build a first-rate studio for $500,000 is impossible.
We're doing it with prosumer gear and things, but it takes money to do this.
Okay, just this free video stream we estimate will conservatively probably cost $10,000 because over 100,000 people will probably watch it for a long time.
I did a test a few days ago for an hour when nobody even knew about it.
We just put a link up and it cost about $150 and we buy big bulk bandwidth.
If anybody knows how to get it cheaper, please tell us.
That's why Google is government-backed.
They're able to have all this bandwidth to dominate the market, because nobody else can pay for the bandwidth, ladies and gentlemen.
Nobody... I mean, we couldn't have reached 200 million people in the last two years on YouTube and Google alone if they didn't have that platform.
You think I could pay to stream full-length films and clips to 200 million people conservatively?
I mean, that's got to be... Do the math at the bandwidth cost we've got.
Just some kind of dead reckoning.
I mean, that's got to be millions of dollars to have 200 million plus people watching two, three hour films.
That's conservative.
I mean, it's just we don't have it.
And as Google and YouTube start talking about censoring and kicking people off is starting to happen, you know, they'll come a day where we'll have to pay for it all.
And I guess that's how they're going to handicap us.
That's how they're going to sever our legs.
That's how they're going to sever our arms.
That's how they're going to gag us.
So we've got to push and fight to get all this out now.
They are announcing all over the news now the military is learning how to run your city.
And that's coming up later with Alan Watt and some key video clips on that where it's admitted it's for America.
But again, we've raised another $10,000 in the last 30 minutes.
We need to really raise about $30,000-$40,000 an hour because I don't think we'll raise as much overnight.
I've done some calculations.
During the key time of the radio show, when we're on all the MNFM affiliates, and then the internet and the streams, it'll dissipate over the nighttime hours.
We need to be raising, really, right now, about $50,000 an hour.
So everybody's great.
We appreciate you.
The phones are jammed here.
A lot of the donations are $5, $10, $20.
That's wonderful.
We need some of the big fish to come in and support us.
The government takes your money and forces you to fund national public radio and all this government propaganda channels and billions to mainstream news that's now been declassified that the Congressional Budget Office admits is illegal.
But the government takes your money and forces propaganda on you.
We don't do that.
We're saying, help us if you believe in what we're doing, if you believe in this mission.
You know, we've raised $300,000 in the last two Money Bombs, and I wasn't going to do one this year, but things just fell apart so bad, we need it.
We've absolutely got to have it.
So I want to give you the toll-free number.
It's 888-253-3139.
To call here or infowarsmoneybomb.com.
If Michelle Bachman
Who's better than some, but still, you know, pro-war and all this stuff.
Can raise $5.4 million in one day to keep her in Congress, when she's going to win hands down anyways.
I mean, great, I'm glad, but imagine if we had money like that.
I mean, what's more important than this transmission?
You can also write to us.
Not too late to write.
We'll add it in next week when it comes in to the overall total and announce that.
Also, I told the guys, if you want us to mention your name for $1,000 and above donations, or even a website, great.
People like that in pledge drives.
As long as it isn't porn or something, we'll have to check the sites.
$1,000 and above donations, we'll do that.
Also, for $10,000 and above donations,
I'm just making this announcement right here on the fly, because they had asked me to come up with some numbers.
I never thought about it, and I didn't do it.
$10,000 donations, you will get an Everything Special.
That is every book and video we sell, not just mine, signed by yours truly.
For $10,000 and above donations on Everything Special.
That's got to be 20, 30 books, you know, 30 videos.
I'm not sure of the total numbers.
It's an everything, everything, every book and video we sell.
$10,000 and above donations.
And let me continue here, 888-253-3139, or InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Okay, I apologize for getting him on 15 minutes late, but he'll be with us the rest of this hour and the full next hour, and then the Lord Christopher Monckton interview.
We have Alan Watt joining us from Canada of BreakTheMatrix.com, and it's great to have you here with us, sir.
Or no, Cutting Through The Matrix, CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com, excuse me.
Cut into the Matrix.com.
Alan, good to have you with us.
It's good to be back on again.
Okay, you've heard me ranting about money and funding and support.
I want to get into the overall globalist takeover, the financial collapse, where you see things coming after the break.
But in the next three minutes, I didn't ask you this beforehand, I really want your perspective.
Can you explain to people how the big foundations and the government funds the mainstream media?
And do you agree with us, Alan, that, I mean, like when we flew up twice to interview you in Canada and tried to help you out a little bit for doing the interview, which you didn't even ask for, but you need to support you.
I mean, how important is it to support InfoWars.com?
And the whole scheme of things,
Give me your honest response.
What do you think of this show?
What do you think of its trailblazing value?
I think the few remaining stations are left, and there's very few.
There used to be lots of stations for Patriot Radio.
The few remaining ones are the only lifeline that people have to any alternate news that fills in all the blank spots which the media leaves out.
And without it, really, you're left with nothing but mainstream propaganda.
And the mainstream will never tell you that they're really shepherding you into this whole new global society, which is an authoritarian society.
And it shows the few patriot stations that are left are trying to put out the information to show you what kind of society it is to be.
It's already decided.
They have put out their books on it.
They've got lots of documentation of the United Nations, of the society they're bringing in.
It's an authoritarian society, totally controlled society, and there's no democracies or republics in it.
It's simply authoritarian from top to bottom.
And we've been living through it for the last few years.
We've watched the implementation as they've taken the rights away from all the people across the entire planet.
And this is a global agenda.
And right now, as I say, the only lifeline they have are the occasional talk show hosts.
Who puts out alternate information and try to at least educate the ones who need that.
People do really crave to have the little bits explained to them that the media does leave out.
You've got to know why everyone right now is pushing towards total integration with the International Monetary Fund.
If you know the history of it, you'll know it was set up 50, 60 years ago to be completely integrated for the world.
And even Stephen Harper,
on Canadian television at the G20 meeting admitted that... In fact, guys, sorry to interrupt, we're going to break.
I sent you that Harper video about, yeah, we got to give up our sovereignty to have an economy.
That's how they hold us hostage.
It's also up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Do we have that loaded in the video system?
The Stephen Harper admits Canadians need to give up sovereignty.
It's a PrisonPlanet.com article if we don't have it in the video list.
Let's come back and talk about that, Alan, on the other side and in the overall view of where we are in the rollout, the implementation of this global government.
He is Alan Watt of CuttingToTheMatrix.com.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
We shall return after this quick break.
24 plus hour broadcast is live!
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The number one issue we have today in Canada and have had for the past couple of years, without a shadow of a doubt, is the economy.
But as I constantly remind Canadians, there isn't really a Canadian economy anymore.
It is a global economy.
And yes, the Canadian economy, so to speak, is doing better
...than many other countries.
But the general trajectory of the Canadian economy, whether we're on the down or downhill as we were last year, or whether we're on the rebound as we are this year, is fundamentally determined by the state of the global economy.
And that's what these meetings are all about.
And that's why they are so critical.
That's why it's so critical that we participate and play a major role, because Canadian jobs and Canadian futures are intimately linked to what goes on here.
And quite frankly, everything that we do in our country to improve our country's position is ultimately to improve that position within the context of a global economy.
And we cannot be effective at major economic matters any longer unless we work with our other economic partners around the world and work with them closely and intimately.
That is essential.
I know some people don't like it.
It's a loss of national sovereignty.
But it is a simple reality.
It is a simple reality that we are in a global economy.
The global economy is determining where we're headed and will determine our future.
And we have to play our part in these forums to make sure that our interests are protected and advanced.
All right.
So, they hold you hostage.
They say the global economy has to make the decision.
That's the mega central banks that bought up the planet through fraud with at least 1.5 quadrillion, 1,500 trillion.
And now, oh, we've got to let...
Yes, and again, it's nothing to really shock some of us who have studied it for years because we've watched all the different global meetings I've had.
You could understand
They're all members of the Council on Foreign Relations that was set up as a parallel government.
They put members in government, too.
Most of your bureaucrats at the high levels are all CFR members.
And same in every other country across the world, all members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
And sometimes they'll change the name for the same organization.
But their plan for the last, oh, almost 100 years has been to bring in a global society, a sort of mixture of Marxism
And a mixture of Keynesian, basically a philosophy on money, that's the system we're living in now, and now we're going for the kill, which was the second part of the recipe of Bretton Woods, was where the IMF would come up and be the global banker for the whole planet, and be in charge not only of dishing out money across the world,
But also of managing every country's debt.
Instead of the country doing it themselves, they will do it for them.
This is a financial takeover and everything we talked about has come true with total precision because we were only reading their own documents.
That's right.
They have made it public in all their publications.
I think so.
He said at one of his meetings, we thank you.
He was talking to the editors of newspapers and the magazines.
And he said, we thank you for keeping it secret.
We could never have gone this far without your help.
Keeping it all secret from the public.
What point have we reached?
I mean, they're publicly saying they're devaluing global currencies to, quote, fix the debt.
That's like if your legs chopped off, chopping off the other leg.
Yes, because you're going to bring in a standardized monetary system.
For the whole planet, that's definitely on the books.
And obviously they always do the same thing when they change into a new monetary system.
They devalue the present currencies as they amalgamate it all together.
And that's what they're doing with the US and Canada to follow.
Canada always follows the US because we are so intertwined financially with business.
There's major resistance to it.
In fact, Brzezinski talked about a total global awakening the first time in history and admitted that they are in trouble.
What's your take on that?
I don't see it really as trouble.
Remember, too, these guys have full-time think tanks working on every possible problem that could arise with their big, far-reaching plan.
And they work it out well in advance.
And they have, as you know, across the world, set up a police state and a militarized state.
I don't
They call it the third wave.
This is the third wave.
The joining of the capitalist system with what was called the Soviet system.
Which the RAND Corporation documents admit they've also been involved in.
Alan Watts, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, thank you for joining us for the 27-hour transmission going right through the show tomorrow.
We've got Lord Christopher Monckton coming up, exclusive interviews, live interviews.
David Icke joining us in a few hours.
We're going to have, for two hours, Gerald Cilente.
We're going to have Max Keiser for an hour.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
The full TV guide for it, TV slash radio guide, is at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
I just saw Kurt post it up there.
It's also on the main page of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I want to just remind you
Or go to Infowars.com to link through, or call 888-253-3139.
With your donations over the phone, you can also write to us.
That'll be added next week to the overall number.
Box 19549, Austin, TX 78760.
Box 19549, Austin, TX 78760.
Do you understand Ford Foundation, Carnegie, Rand Corporation,
All the old-timers were right.
It's true.
World government run by the big banks.
You pay your taxes to them.
VAT taxes.
Taking the pension funds.
Troops on the streets for the financial collapse they engineered.
We're going to be playing some video of that coming up early in the next hour.
This is all happening now.
This is real.
It's happened to every other country.
Most countries are under tyranny.
We're good to go.
As we go into this thing, humanity cannot give up.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Resistance is victory.
But the globalists are out in the open now.
It is incredibly brazen.
But one big thing that I know is hurting them, Alan, is, and I want you to get back into the third way, one big thing that's hurting them is the mortgages.
It's coming out that they're stealing houses that they don't even own, that it's all fraud, that the deed system's been destroyed, people are winning in court against them.
I've found that these people aren't gods, they're not kings, they think they are, just like Climategate devastated them.
They are not invincible, Alan.
I know we can win, and I know I can't give up on my family and my children.
We've got to take action.
But continue getting into the mortgages, the banking, where you see all this going the third way.
Well, part of the process right now is going into chaos.
You see, they form in the public's mind a form of chaos.
The public naturally turn to government for solutions, and that's the key to all this process.
I've done it many times before in history.
I don't
And I do think there's another part of it planned that way too to make us really scared and to make the dollar really plunge even further and then to come out with their magic solution off the IMF and so on and how intertwined we are we can't go it alone anymore until the public get trained in getting the message and that's psychology you have no idea how many behavior
I don't know.
But even with the mortgages being sold three or four or five times, I've lost track of who owns the houses.
That was announced four years ago.
That was already happening.
So it isn't really new.
It's just it's time now to push that and say we can't go on the same old way.
Remember in this new world order system and Arnold Toynbee, who was the head teacher at Oxford for Rhodes Scholarships, and he taught the leaders of many countries, many countries across Europe and America and Canada.
He did say that the world they were bringing in would have eventually no private property.
And that's the world we're getting trained to go into.
Most youngsters who have come out of school today would never think about buying property.
They think renting's the way to go.
I've talked to many in Canada.
They all agree.
So they're all getting this in school, of course.
They all feel they're part of the new generation of greening and saving the world and the planet and sacrifice and sharing.
And they have no idea what it really means.
It's an authoritarian Marxist-type system that is run by the wealthiest people on the planet at the top.
So it's now time for the U.S.
to get brought down.
I've been saying this for years.
And Toynbee said it too, by the way.
He went through the whole process of America.
He said the U.S.
was designed to take over from Britain when Britain couldn't afford the empire anymore, but they would use the empire model for the United Nations.
The U.S.
would fund it primarily.
They'd supply the armies.
And the CFR has said that 20 years ago.
They are just laughing at us, how they've charted all of this out.
But we can have a new renaissance of liberty against these people if the public understands their crisis creation.
Yes, and also too, you've got to understand that there's been so much subtle but ongoing constant training for maybe 20 years or more that government is the supreme being on the planet instead of being the supreme servant of the people.
And the public has to realize they've got to take that back.
And really, the politicians, as you know, are nothing like the images that are projected through the magazines and television.
They're basically actors, but they still are responsible to the voters that they do want to get in and stay in.
But they've got to be held to the fire.
And literally, I mean, short, literally short, honestly.
And this has been discussed at the top as well.
Well, that's starting to happen in Europe.
There's hope in Europe and some countries because they have caught on quicker.
They have memories.
Some of the countries are being taken over by totalitarian powers.
There are ex-communists living in Canada who tell me here it's more communistic here now than it was in the Soviet Union.
They see all the signs coming.
They know what's going on.
And unfortunately, it's been the American people who've been lulled to sleep with all the trivia on their news and so on.
That's all this is running through but some individuality is a key factor here because you see again the United Nations admitted a long time ago and they reintroduced this thing too that some individuality is their main enemy so they're trying to create the mass man the mass mind where we're all politically correct we all agree about everything we're all groupthink
And, uh, individuality must be crushed, they said.
Well, we're going to regain that individuality, and that means that every individual has the right to speak, regardless of what they want to talk about, or say, or even question.
And without that, you're lost, because the next step is to forbid you to even mention this new global system.
And they're trying to do that already, by the way.
They're putting through into the military, um, the RAND Corporation, the NSA are now checking all military personnel.
Yeah, that's the attempt at intimidation.
But we need to boldly stand up and say, it's not bad to be pro-Second Amendment and private property and pro-family.
You are a bunch of sickos.
And they put out, you know, these TV ads showing the schoolteacher murdering children because they don't accept the new world government.
That blew up in their face.
The people are now learning that the Federal Reserve is private and is the enemy.
And Ron Paul has said that that's why we have a very good chance of winning, because they tried to say there is no private Federal Reserve, there is no world government being formed, there is no plan to put military on the streets for a financial collapse.
But I turn on the local radio this morning and hear them reading my article on air, Paul Watson's article, Government Trains Tribes to Run American Cities.
And they took over 30 calls while I was listening, and 7 out of 10 or more said they've imploded the economy by design, they're going to try to take the pension funds, this is a martial law takeover, but then I heard people calling and saying, yeah, well I'm in the military, yeah, we're training for this, but we didn't, you know, the government wants to protect you during the collapse, but, you know, they've gone from not being able to even talk about it, to now it being out in the open, and the hosts were even saying,
Yeah, people that have actually made fun of me quite a bit, that this is real, that this is wrong, that this is dangerous, that they're doing gun confiscation drills, but I did hear a father, and he goes, my son's in the Marines, he is training for gun, you know, door-to-door gun confiscation.
What's wrong with that?
So now they've gone from denying all this, to it just now being announced, now coming out in the open, and I don't see them getting away with it, even if they stage terror attacks, Alan.
Well, they do expect trouble, there's no doubt about it, they do expect trouble.
They've even got, through all their RAM scenarios, where they feed all the data through their massive computers, just like they did during the Cold War, and they have pretty good estimates of where the trouble will break out.
I don't think so.
Well said, Alan.
We've got a Part 2 article that I asked Watson to do that goes as a compliment to Government Trains Troops to Run American Cities.
The new report is U.S.
Troops to Deal with Rioting Americans, Globalists Collapsing Society to Bring in Martial Law.
And Watson goes over all the Army reports, all the proof, all the training, all the things that are going on, how the public is being
Train to turn their guns in.
It is all up there at PrisonPlanet.com.
US troops to deal with rioting Americans.
It generally takes three hours for a search term we put out to become number one.
I plugged it at 1150 Central.
So, bye.
By 2.50 or so, we should know if we got the number one search term.
We normally do.
It is up to you.
Search the term Infowars.com.
Put it in Google over and over again.
That will cause a big news frenzy, wondering what it is.
It will lead them, because then our stories, you know, have that term in it, to Infowars.com.
To PrisonPlanet.com.
Also another search term is InfoWars, without the com, InfoWars Money Bomb.
Money Bomb is one word, so two words.
InfoWars Money Bomb.
That's search number two.
And in case they ban both those searches, which they've done before, also search Alex Jones.
That will lead people to the big money bomb we're doing today.
And again, I look at my children.
It's over for them.
We're going into this tyranny if we don't reverse this.
This is life and death.
That's why I'll work 18 hours a day.
I dream about this stuff every night.
I eat, drink, and sleep, but so does Alan Watts and so many others.
Because this is so hardcore what we are facing.
It looks like we haven't updated it.
We're about to.
We've raised $150,000.
That means $50,000 today in the last three hours.
We need, let me see, so like if we raise $50,000 every three hours, but I know overnight it won't be as good, will we get our goal of $500,000?
We can do the math on that, but we need everybody to call 888-253-3139 and donate, especially all you middle class people.
If you put out the energy, get out of your trance, see yourself as taking action, start a radio show, a website, make a film, call in to talk radio, donate to good causes.
If you get involved and get aggressive, and start talking to your neighbors, and standing outside with sandwich boards about the New World Order, and putting bumper stickers on your car, and talking to people.
I mean, almost every time I'm in a grocery store, I'll go, look at all this candy when there's kids behind me in line.
Look, it's got aspartame, lady.
Do you know how deadly that is?
Or I'll see a mother with a Diet Coke with her kid, and I'll say, ma'am, please just search aspartame, that's the chemical in it, cancer.
Please, ma'am, please!
Again, it's that act of resistance to this eugenics kill grid where they're literally poisoning everything.
People can't respond because they're drugged out.
They're brain damaged.
We need to get out of that trance, that literally mesmerized television culture trance, break the conditioning, cut through the matrix,
And get people to take action.
And one way to do it is supporting the tip of the spear.
Ellen Watt, let's get some into the mass drugging of society and how they're even coming out and going, yeah, bisphenol A gives you cancer and feminizes men and gives women breast cancer.
Yeah, yeah, you know, fluoride's doing that.
Yeah, aspartame's killing you.
But so what?
I mean, it's incredible how they're doing this.
Again, it was talked about by many of the top globalists back in the 50s and 60s that they would have to do this for world peace, they called it.
And you find with Charles Galton Darwin, the physicist and grandson of Charles Darwin, he wrote a book called The Next Million Years.
I don't know.
And including hormones, he says, hormones to alter the physical makeup of the meals, especially, and make them more docile.
Well, that's why you've had all this kind of stuff put into your food, into your plastic bottles, even baby's formula and the baby's bottles as well.
And men now literally are almost infertile.
There's so much data come out on BPA, for instance, it's been banned in Canada just yesterday or the day before.
I don't
That would affect women in a different manner.
They make them more masculine, more aggressive, and that has happened too.
And it's helped also to further destroy the family unit.
And they admit it's all designed.
I mean, you see short couples, and the children look like them, but the mom's 5'5", the dad's 5'10", their daughter's 6'2", and their, you know, their aqualine, they look like Amazons, but
They're like a tree that grows too fast.
They've got the breasts by the time they're 30 of an 80-year-old woman from the Bisphenol A, and they're gonna die.
I mean, they're murdering our women, and, you know, the average yuppie just thinks it's funny.
Yes, they are.
And, of course, with all the inoculations and the cancers and the viruses in the inoculations, that was part of it, too.
If you go through the first major inoculation process that they've been on with the Salk vaccine,
And, uh, I remember he said that he was a great savior for polio, and I think, to be honest with you, polio was hyped out of proportion, just like the flu was, the swine flu, the non-existent flu.
That was to put the SV40 in that they admit killed hundreds of millions globally.
That's right.
And, uh, Salk knew what they were putting in.
Uh, there was many other viruses in there, too, from live viruses.
Hold on, talk about that when we come back, because we have the clip from CBC TV, where the top scientist laughs and said, yeah, we knew it would give everybody cancer.
It's like I'm murdering you and you're gonna love it!
Alan Watt is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Welcome to your life.
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You're going to fight back.
We got seven people back there answering the phones.
They've been busy all morning long.
You can give them a call at 888-253-3139 and donate and be part of the 2010 Money Bomb.
Give Michelle Bachman.
It was pro-war and a bunch of other stuff.
I mean, I like her on her anti-globalist stance, but it's still pro-globalist to be pro-war.
I mean, she can raise 5.4 million people thinking, oh, she'll save us in Congress.
Give me a break, folks.
It's information war.
The Pentagon says 90% of war now is information.
The fourth estate, the mainstream corporate dinosaur media, that's losing all its credibility, is funded by tens of billions of U.S.
government money.
We have all the proof in Aaron's video he put out.
Mainstream news.
The video that's titled, We're Under Attack.
And the biggest way you can help the Money Bomb is telling your email list, your friends, your colleagues, everyone you know.
Call into other talk radio shows.
Tell them, go to InfoWars.com.
We're having the 2010 Money Bomb.
And I'm a little nervous.
I think we're going to get our goal of 500,000, but it's dicey.
We need everybody who can to donate, ladies and gentlemen, especially people who have funds.
Do you understand that resistance is victory?
And we are 100% committed to this fight.
So InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
You can also search the term InfoWars.com to get it up there so others come and find this special 27-hour transmission.
Going back to Alan Watt.
Alan, looking at this, I just see so much good news out there, though.
And I understand the Globalists have tried to cover all the angles, but
I mean, they are destroying this system and, you know, as you said, we don't have a choice.
We've got to fight back against this.
There is no choice.
You have no choice because I don't think people understand what a Sovietized bureaucracy ruling over you means.
And this is what you have.
This is the third way.
That's what they meant by Alvin Tolfer wrote the book, too.
It's called The Third Way.
It's emerging.
And who is their main apprentice, Professor Newt Gingrich, the pro-carbon tax globalist?
That's right, and he's also ahead of the annual meeting for the world scientists to do with the chipping individuals worldwide.
The first one they held was in 2000 at Loyola University, where they talked about successfully transplanting, you know, implanting chips in the brain.
They did say there was a system ready to go.
All they had to do now was train the public through fiction, through movies and so on, and Amy the Young had to accept it and want it.
Now I want you to continue with that in the next hour, and we're going to open the phones up.
For Alan Watt, about the money bomb, why you're supporting the money bomb, 1-800-259-9231.
But I want you to understand, we have the Rockefeller Foundation documents.
They're on the websites.
It's public.
They are poisoning the food and water.
They are adding stuff to the vaccines.
This is real.
I mean, get out of your trance.
I'm even telling myself this.
Physically realize
How incredible it is they're doing this.
You got interrupted by the break.
We're about to go to break again, but get back into the stuff they're putting in vaccines.
Well, again, to remember, Dr. Salk, before he became the champion and the hero of the common folk with this polio vaccine, was also the head of the British and American Eugenics Society, who advocated by many papers which he wrote, which are up there, on massive reduction and sterilization of the general public.
I don't think so.
They do believe that they have the right to govern the public, do as they wish with the public, and in their words, save the world.
Stay there.
Back in 70 seconds.
Stay there.
You are listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are under chemical, biological, and radiological attack.
At least 500 mobile federal vans are blasting high-powered systems with at least 10 times the power of a chest x-ray through your home.
EU's being used by the troops.
Everything is about killing the servants of the New World Order.
As they build their system, a pyramid that's a pile of skulls, so the world in the next million years can be theirs.
This is a short segment.
We're going to start taking some of your phone calls in the next segment with Alan Watt.
And we've now completed three hours of the 27-hour transmissions.
We've got another 23
Uh, you know, hours out, uh, ahead of us or, or, uh, yeah, I don't know, do the math.
I suddenly can't do, uh, do math.
27 hours, uh, minus, uh, three.
Uh, so, uh, you know, we're talking about, uh, I guess we got 24 hours left.
I don't
Dr. Salk, the head eugenicist, well, he killed a lot of people.
They released the virus.
It's in CBS News, and all over the world they go and inject people with the new polio, and then it's live polio.
And then they say, oh, we gotta vaccine everybody now, because there's been a polio outbreak we caused.
I mean, they just brazenly are murdering us right out in the open.
They did that in Africa earlier this year.
They gave them the spray mist, I think it was, and the sugar-coated ones.
I think?
We're good to go.
And they actually admitted that 30 different separate laboratories across Europe somehow were all contaminated with this particular chemical, which went straight for the ovaries, caused massive inflation, and then literally killed them off, fibrosed them off, until they were useless.
So chemical, basically sterilization, is our favorite type.
Yeah, they added a hormone to the tetanus shot that bound with it and caused... They carried it to the ovaries, yeah.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to get a break and come back with calls, but I want to start getting into this now.
All of the killing, the soft killing that's been going on, they admit is just beta testing, but that's why insiders like Dr. Eric Bianca says, with his weird, crazy cult look, and he gets all these awards all over the world for it, soon we're all going to die.
The Airborne Ebola is coming.
It's going to be beautiful.
I'm sad for my wife and children and I that will die, but I'm ready for the earth.
Then I criticize him and his graduate students, we didn't search their names, sent us their graduate papers saying all humans should be killed.
And then you pull up their names, there they are in white lab coats at government facilities.
You know, I mean, they are just there, and they're like a death cult, and they show videos on TV and at movie theaters of children being murdered by the government for the earth, and it's good!
And they're just a death cult of murdering pure evil, and they're so brainwashed that they're low-level priests like Pianca and others, and Peter Singer are like, yes, the death is coming, it's beautiful, total death, total death!
I mean, it's just a satanic cult straight out of hell.
Yes, and they do definitely recruit the fringe elements in society, the ones who have a big chip on their shoulders and who love this type of thing.
They join these groups, they're very radical, they're promoted, they're funded by the big foundations again.
Two demands from government, pretending that they're demanding on behalf of the public, of course, that certain laws get enacted.
And that's why your energy taxes are going to go sky high.
That's part of it, too.
There will be food rationing coming along in this New World Order.
There's no doubt.
They have lots of... Oh, they've announced that's part of it.
They say you have a carbon ration for how much food you can have or how many children.
That's BBC.
Alan, let's finish up with that and then take calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be on to your phone calls and the whole military takeover now being unveiled to the public at the bottom of the hour.
Alan Watts, our guest.
I'll tell you about some of the other guests coming up here in a moment.
But, listen, when we get up here and say we have UN documents and CBC TV admitting that they killed a bunch of people with viruses and the polio, when we get up here and tell you the male sperm count in Europe, the United States, Canada's down by over 85%, when we... I mean, this is all admitted.
When we tell you aspartame makes you go blind and gives you cancer, you know, that's even Fox News, AP, Reuters, Mainline Studies.
But they've got it where they've just conditioned everybody that, well, everybody just gets cancer and dies.
Oh, everything's deadly.
Everything's deadly.
They engineer it into an entire system around us.
Do you understand this has all just been a test?
And they are clearly getting everybody with all these TV shows and movies and non-fiction shows about megaviruses are going to develop naturally in the wild and kill almost everybody.
And the governments of the world are accelerating their big bunkers for themselves and their emergency seed vaults and they're putting out all this GMO stuff.
I want you to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that this is life and death.
That's why I'm not worried about being killed or set up or anything because
I love humanity.
I love decency.
I love my children.
I know this is all real.
I know it's their plan.
I've proven it.
You can go prove it for yourself.
We told you everything that would happen with the pensions and the dollar and gold and the economy because they've done it in third world countries over and over again.
They said in the 2002 IMF World Bank documents that got leaked they were going to do it here.
You understand?
It's going to happen.
Unless you go absolutely wild getting the word out!
And start caring and start getting angry!
If I walked up to you and your wife eating at a cafe at 7pm one night in Austin, Texas, and I took your lemonade and dumped it on your wife's head, even a little guy,
You know, would have the honor and the anger to stand up and probably beat the tar out of me.
But they are murdering your children, Softkill, murdering your wife, Softkill, murdering you, Softkill, and you can't get angry.
I'm talking about new listeners.
And even myself, I've got to every day compose myself, focus, realize the cost, realize what we're facing.
I mean, this is real!
Do you understand that?
And we're on an express elevator to Hades right now.
And the churches are all government paid off, the big ones saying, submit, it's the end of the world, go along with all this, you're going to be raptured out.
The Bible clearly says that after Christ returns, that the dead in Christ are raised.
That the beast will wage war against the saints and overcome them, but that they wake everybody up, there's a huge revival.
Now, even if you're not a Christian, the point is this idea of it's the end of the world, 2012.
Notice they've engineered 2012 off some quackery with the Mayan calendar.
With the Mayan calendar, I've gone down there and talked to top archaeologists, people who are Mayan.
who are archaeologists and they say no it just means the end of the age 2012 a new hearth will be lit basically sun god worship uh... and it's not even true but but notice the pentagon says 2012 total collapse the british ministry defense says it it's all public documents paul watson has it in his article uh... that is up on prisonplanet.com we're getting it moved over to Infowars.com as well u.s.
troops to deal with rioting americans it shows the military admitting it it shows that oh there's a crisis a collapse coming
Into 2012.
So that's another for people that aren't Christian.
They said, what do we do?
A lot of Christians, you know, 150 years ago, the big banks openly, with Schofield and others, took over the churches and said, don't worry about fighting evil, like our founders did in 1776, led by the Black Brigade, the pastors.
It's the end of the world, and you're not supposed to fight evil.
God will handle it all, and Captain Kirk will beam you up.
Not in the Bible.
Not in the Bible.
After the devil's thrown into the pit, from the Christian perspective here, okay, the dead in Christ are raised, and then Christ comes back for a thousand year reign.
And then the serpent is loosed again for a short time.
It's all clear as day.
It's all a lie.
2012 is all a lie.
They said, what do we do?
Half the world isn't Christian or more.
What do we do?
Well, we give them a New Age baloney 2012 and promote it so everybody feels like there's no hope.
And I see all these dumb yuppies on YouTube going, so what?
I hope we do have war.
I hope the whole world's nuked.
Humanity's not worth it.
They're making it cute to not care.
Cute to be nihilistic.
Alan Watt, can you speak to that?
And then we're going to calls.
Yes, it is nihilistic.
But remember, too, the big players who worked in the big world think tanks and went across the top Ivy League universities to talk to the future leaders of the world, like Aldous Huxley, talked about this society coming up.
He had Bertrand Russell doing the same thing, Lord Bertrand Russell.
And Bertrand Russell also worked for MI5 at one point.
You can't trust any of these guys.
However, he did say, Russell said, we shall create a condition of apathy amongst the general public towards the end.
And when you look at a place like Britain, that's had maybe 30, 40 years of increasing apathy until you don't know what Britain even is anymore.
You've had so much propaganda, psychological warfare, mass immigration, so much immigration that Tony Blair said, hopefully, Tony Blair said, hopefully, this will be the end of Britain as we know it and as far as its culture goes.
And the more immigrants we bring in, he said, from diverse countries,
The less chance they could ever go back to British culture.
And I've had members of the British Parliament on who admit most of the CPS workers and police now are foreigners because they enjoy coming in and pushing people around.
Yes, that is a fact.
And they're given priority to do it and authority to do it.
And they act that part very well because they come from countries that have never known anything about voting or democracy.
And they're used to just working for the big boss and getting paid for it.
And that's what they're doing now.
Remember, too, also in the U.S., I think it was Kissinger did a statement to California when he gave a lecture there back in the 70s.
He said, under the right circumstances, the U.S.
would be glad to see the blue helmets coming in from the U.N.
And he was talking about what's coming up shortly in the future, food riots, that kind of stuff coming up.
Because food has been taken over since World War II.
It's been an encroachment by governments and government authorities working with the United Nations Agricultural Department.
No, the Agriculture Department in the U.S.
and the same, as you know, I've read the quotes here.
We've had the farm, you know, rights groups on.
They come and tell the farmers, get big or get out.
That's a quote.
Get big or get out.
And now they've got the food safety bills where you can't even grow tomatoes or avocado or grapes, anything.
Oranges, apples, pears.
You can grow nothing and sell it.
Yes, and also now you've got SWAT teams, literally SWAT teams attacking dairies for goodness sake because they're giving out wholesome milk that hasn't been neutered because it hasn't been pasteurized and everything destroyed in it.
And they're even just confiscating Cheezys, natural Cheezys, and all the rest of it.
SWAT teams with guns drawn, going in to farmers.
That's utter tyranny, and if people can't see that right now and stop that right now... By the way, we have a surveillance video from the little farmers market store.
They happen to have a camera, and it shows the cops come in, and the people are peaceful, just, you know, hippies standing there, and they pull guns and say, get on the ground, get on the ground.
You're selling oranges, and then they go to Amish people's houses now, and they're saying no dust is allowed to be released when you till the earth, and they're taking their farms, and they're SWAT teaming people selling, you know, selling rutabaga on the side of the road, and pumpkins, and I mean, it's pure evil.
I've got big news, Alan, very exciting news, and we're going to calls.
Now, I didn't understand this.
Matt Ryan explained it to me just now.
Google doesn't allow the top trend search for URLs.
So when I said Infowars.com to be the search term, great job folks, but it didn't work.
The other two torpedoes we fired worked.
Number one search trend on Google worldwide, you have done it, Infowars money bomb.
And when you click that, it shows a whole list of our articles about it.
And number three is Alex Jones.
We need to make it number two.
So keep googling Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
That'll lead them back here as well.
And let's fire one more torpedo that we'll do now throughout the day and throughout tonight.
The key to put out right now
I know you can do it!
We will blitz them, we will defeat them, we will show them the power of humanity and the spirit of resistance rioting.
R-I-O-T-I-N-G Americans.
Just two words, put it in Google over and over again and keep putting Alex Jones in there and that will lead them back to the InfoWars.com money bomb.
This is absolutely imperative that this happen, ladies and gentlemen, and continue to put in Infowars Moneybomb as a search as well.
Might as well if you want, a prison planet.
Put in prison planet without the dot com.
Don't put the com on it.
Prison planet.
Search prison planet.
Search Alex Jones.
Search Infowars Moneybomb.
Search rioting Americans.
Fire torpedoes!
Fire, fire, fire!
Alan Watt, you know, the globalists in their own writings, you've talked about this, talk about how they are scientific wild men.
They want to keep their ancient humanity.
They want to keep their aggression.
They want to keep their fertility.
I see articles about David Rockefeller.
I saw it in mainstream news without looking last week.
I'd already seen it before, but how he has little farms all over the U.S.
for all his food.
It's flown everywhere he goes.
Prince Philip does this.
I've seen him in a documentary.
They understand what's going on and they have the antidotes as well to all the weapons they've launched on us.
And so, it's just incredible.
It's incredible when you realize, even going back to the farming, remember too that the head of the CEO of the United Nations Agricultural Department stated years ago that farming was too important to be left to farmers.
We're good to go.
When that happens, that's a standard war technique.
Food and water is your basic survival.
Without that, you've had it.
And we sit back, calmly thinking the grocery stores will always be full of all the processed rubbish that they buy.
But people forget, too, there were small farmers that got through the last depression.
There were so many small farms around who had stuff to sell to the public when they couldn't get food.
Uh, this time, when it really crunches the next time, there's going to be no small farms left to go to.
You'll be left, and government wants that.
They want you with a ration card.
And Big Brother will dish out your, dole out your food for the week.
All right, stay there.
Alan Watt is our guest.
InfoWars Money Bomb is now the top Google trend for all you that want to write articles about it and have your sites out there.
This has been a big success.
We'll be right back with Alan Watt.
I promise we're going directly to your phone calls.
We want to make Alex Jones number one later.
Google Alex Jones.
Be right back.
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Yeah, I got some oceanfront property in Arizona.
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If you leave me, I won't miss you.
And I won't ever take you back Girl, your memory won't ever haunt me Cause I don't love you, now if you'll buy that
I tell you, it's hard to turn old George Strait off.
Okay, I love him.
I love Willie Nelson.
Let's go back to Allen and Kohl's, because I'm out of control here today.
Allen, I want to get into the media hyping fake UFO landings and Project Blue Beam before you leave us.
Also, the military takeover drills that are now unveiling.
In fact, showing they're getting closer to occupation of the U.S.
Now it's not for Al Qaeda, it's for angry Americans.
Because they knew when they swindled us with this bank takeover, people get angry.
Tony in Illinois, you're on the air with Allen Watt, the one, the only.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
I've got a comment for you and a question for Alan.
I'm a part of We Are Change Chicago and that guy Lee is no longer associated with us.
He doesn't represent us.
I don't even particularly know what you're talking about, but listen, I really appreciate We Are Change and helped put it on the map in the beginning with, of course, Luke Radowski and I think it's one of the best organizations out there and it's wonderful.
That's just COINTELPRO stuff you're talking about.
But what's your question or comment for our guest?
I'm trying to find out more about Newt Gingrich and the brain chipping at Loyola University.
Is there any links out there today?
Is there any videos on YouTube?
Yeah, the first year he held the meeting, he opened the meeting with his initial address.
He's written books about it.
You can just search Newt Gingrich, microchipping, and you'll get the minutes of it and the quotes from his book.
Sorry, I just want to give folks a source.
And there was also the first meeting at Loyola University.
I think?
The original one was 600 pages.
They had the top scientists and bio-special fields and so on into their meeting.
The one from Tokyo, Japan said that they developed a brain chip which would interface with the protein of the brain.
It would be indistinguishable, so it would not be rejected.
And it was all ready to go.
He said, think of this world coming up as a hive society, the hive.
And he said, there'll be no more individuality, it'll be impossible for the individual who's chipped to even think of themselves as a distinct individual because everyone will be connected with centralized regional computers.
And it said, you'll hear whispers going through your head of the communications from the central computers to the individuals around you and to you, and going back again.
And when I heard that, I thought, he's talking about the Borg from Star Trek.
This is exactly what they're talking about.
We know Star Trek is predictive programming.
Explain what that is to people.
It is, absolutely, and the thing is too, this high mentality they want is for the general population, but not for themselves at the top, because Charles Galton Darwin, a big player in the 50s through his lifetime, the top world meetings with the United Nations, all the big players and foundations, he said, we who are the world leaders, we who are the elite,
It's all on record.
Tony, good to hear from you.
God bless.
Keep it up with We Are Change Chicago and everybody.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in Connecticut real fast.
Go ahead, Bill.
I had a question, one about funds.
You offered that someone who throws down $10,000 is going to get all the books and videos and everything.
That's good and great, but I might recommend putting it out there to say, hey, if you're going to put down $10,000 for this, what do you want to get out of it?
And maybe have some more collaborative exchange.
I'm going to explain this when we come back, but just briefly.
I deal with overflowing toilets at the office, okay?
I deal with three children.
I deal with my whole life.
I don't barely have time.
I take a shower fast.
I brush my teeth fast.
I put deodorant on fast.
I help make breakfast with my wife or my children fast.
Okay, I was just like PBS does.
They get all of these books when you donate for this for the pledge.
I could never take money for people telling me collaboratively what they wanted me to do.
Okay, we're doing this money bombs.
We're going into a depression.
We need to just continue what we're doing and expand.
People are really responding great.
We commend them, okay?
But I certainly can't take money in exchange for doing what people want.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I want to thank all the listeners and supporters out there spreading the word about InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com 2010.
It's really becoming a huge success.
The donations are accelerating.
We're about $30,000 shy by the end of this hour of being at $200,000.
I'd really like to see $30,000 come in in the next 25-30 minutes so we can hit $200,000 and then get the other $300,000 in.
By the time the 27-hour broadcast ends tomorrow at 2 p.m.
So please go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com if you believe in this type of broadcasting and resistance to the globalists and how we break down every facet of their operations.
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You can also support us by buying books and videos and great new films like What in the World Are They Spraying?
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We'll add those numbers next week to the final total.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
If you prefer to give that way, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Now I've got to hurry because Alan's got to go soon.
I want to get into the fake UFO landing thing.
The military drill situation.
And we're going to play a Lord Monckton interview, give myself a little 45-minute break next hour, but it's powerful, never-before-seen video and audio.
It's streaming for free at InfoWars.com.
There's a box there right now for the show.
Then I'll be back with a bunch of other guests, David Icke, you name it.
Gerald Salente coming up.
Max Keiser.
Live Paul Craig Roberts.
I mean the list goes on and on.
We got Joel Skousen coming on.
And you have made Infowarsmoneybomb the number one search term on Google.
Uh... and Alex Jones is number three, so let's get Alex Jones, because as soon as the other one drops out of the top in the next few hours, let's keep doing Alex Jones.
Searching that to get it to the top, that leads them right to the money bomb.
You click on it, it just shows you all these articles about the money bomb when you click on Alex Jones, so I commend you all.
This is a key information warfare operation, and you have come out with flying colors.
Now I want to
We're going to be taking a lot of calls tonight.
There'll be hours where you just sit there and take your calls.
Not going to answer all your questions or whatever.
But we're talking about the New World Order, the money bomb.
Alan Watt is here with us.
So let's go to Peter in Canada.
Peter, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, hello Alan, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Alex, next weekend I'll be in San Francisco, and on Saturday I'll be listening to David Icke, and then I'm dropping down Sunday to listen to you in Santa Cruz, looking forward to that.
Yeah, we didn't even know that David Icke was doing California the day before I was, and it's just a funny coincidence.
Yeah, that's a great back-to-back.
Alan, my question for you is, I live in British Columbia here, and our Premier is Gordon Campbell.
And as you know, he was at the Bilderberg meeting earlier this year.
What do you think they have planned for him, and what do you think his agenda is while he's still here in office?
Well, it's Prime Minister-ship, but go ahead.
Yeah, well, he's definitely part of... These guys that you think you're elect are picked by... We have our own Canadian Council on Foreign Relations here, and every Prime Minister,
Our minister of the government, or the provinces, has picked way in advance, years before you even hear their names, they're groomed for their positions, they're even told when they'll be put into power.
And this is the con of democracy, but there's no doubt about it, that British Columbia, I've got books going back to the 1930s by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, where they had their meetings in Australia, and they said, they were talking about the populations of Canada,
Thank you.
And these guys were talking about in the 30s when China was still a third world country.
They didn't have factories.
They had nothing.
We built the factories through the Gap Treaty from the World Trade Organization.
We funded them up into the strength.
Canada trained most of their engineers from the 70s onwards when they didn't even have factories to go back to work in.
So, um, these guys work centuries, all centuries worked out in advance.
Well, it's a subset of lords under the British feudal system where they even get families, uh, that continually in power like the Bushes and others as a subset.
So it's, it's, it's really hereditary power.
It's hereditary power.
And they also get a lot to, I gotta admit too, there's a lot of sexual deviancy amongst the power elites.
I think so.
These guys are sworn to their cause.
They do believe they'll get a kick upstairs into the better quality food, all that kind of stuff.
They already get that when they get into that.
The whole family gets passes for the better quality foods that are untampered with non-GMO, all that stuff.
Well, look at Germany with the flu shot last year.
It turned out the ruling class and the politicians all got a special, quote, clean one.
Well, not only that, the government refused to take it.
They said, this is untested.
If he gets sick, who's going to run the country?
So, they're not so stupid after all.
They know what they're doing.
The flu, of course, is injections.
It's just more bioengineering on us.
Peter, Peter, that is an amazing question.
Anything else?
No, I just look forward to next week and listen to you.
All right, thank you.
I look forward to shaking your hand.
Let's talk to Chris in Texas.
I want to move quick now.
Chris, go ahead.
Yes, Chris.
Hi, Alex.
I've been listening to your show for quite some time, and this is the first time for me to call in, and I just wanted to tell... Well, you all were talking about property and how that is so important in the fight against this global system.
You know, slaves are not supposed to have property, and they're not supposed to have guns,
And it's feudalism to pay a yearly tax on your land.
We don't really own our property now.
They got rid of that with property taxes.
And there's now a federal property tax in the health care bill.
5% on all property.
All real estate.
Yes, and the Republicans, you know, a lot of people are going to vote Republican, but the Republicans now in Texas are calling for a statewide property tax.
And, you know, they want to take it out of the local control.
Right now, the county judges in each county determines the property rate.
And I didn't know that.
And when I found that out, I ran for, I'm running for county judge.
Yeah, it's got to be centralized in the state so it can be passed on to the federal and then the international government.
Chris, great points.
Alan Watt.
Yes, of course, you're quite right when you hit the nail on the head, actually, when you said, or when you said that without property you're a slave.
Without the rights to food, you're a slave.
When you're dependent on everything, you need food, shelter, clothing, water for survival.
If you don't have rights to that, you are a slave.
So that's the bottom line.
They're bringing you into a new form of slavery and this authoritarian system which the Club of Rome demanded they get brought in.
It's very elementary.
If slaves are independent, they're going to run off and be self-sufficient.
But if they've got to have you, they'll actually compete to be patted on the head by the slave master.
And if you own property, you see, if you own property technically without taxes, and you should have penal taxes on them, you can survive a depression.
You can survive anything.
You can at least live.
And they need that tax so if you don't have their money, they can take your property.
That's right.
And so we've been trained and trained and trained that private poverty is bad, it's a dodgy risk to take on, etc.
Just rent, rent, rent.
And eventually you'll go into... See, the world they're bringing in is what they call a socialist system.
And everyone must be dependent upon the government to make them behave and go along with all the rules contained within the socialist system.
Remember, it's an authoritarian system.
People with private property tend to get rather indignant and stand up for their rights, especially when it comes to keeping their property, and they have fought them down through the ages.
One of the biggest problems the ancient Rome had, same thing again, the senators were passing laws, taxing the peasants, who eventually helped.
Yeah, thank you, Alan.
Steve here in California.
Listen, I go back in the Patriot Network quite a while back, and I'm wondering if you saw in the LA Times that they were using foreign troops.
Also came out in the BBC.
They had a mock-up town doing car searches and searching for guns, and they interviewed, it came out on the BBC, what are you practicing for?
To the Chinese general, and he said the invasion of America.
That was in the 90s, and it'll pop in my head, they had the cooperative nugget 1, 2, and 3.
Yes, and to be bringing all kinds of troops into Canadian bases for the last 20 years and training them
I don't
First, they're getting us trained to have regular troops, and then as part of NLE09, it's foreign troops, and now it's Israeli spying in Pennsylvania and everywhere else.
They're just, the cops are like, here's the Israelis, here's the Chinese, here's the Czech Republic, here's the Brits, and the cops literally, in fact, they send our SWAT teams over to Iraq to learn how to do it.
That was in the Fort Hood newspaper, the Fort Hood Sentinel.
Brave rifles trained with APD, and literally the cops just salute to Chinese, you name it.
I'm ready to crush the American people!
I mean, that's basically what this is.
It is.
And also remember, too, you see, when he signed the treaty at San Francisco in 1946 for the United Nations, every president and prime minister signed away then the sovereign rights of the country to decide its own fate and destiny back then.
And any country which tries to pull out of this coming global order that we're working towards and we're working through, we're all part of it, really, right now.
Uh, will be called a rogue state and then all the other United Nations countries will bring the troops in to get them back under control.
That's what this is all about.
And they've got all the predictive programming movies and TV where the UN lands to restore order because states are breaking away during an economic collapse.
And you know, that's part of it too because they know they can bring it on so badly.
We're good to go.
And now they're on the news going, we really have trained the troops to take over your local towns, but it can also be for Afghanistan and the Army Times, you know.
But you'll see the line.
In one newspaper, they're like, oh, it's for overseas, and then you actually read the Army Times, and they're going, no, it's for America, too.
We're here learning how to take the city over.
And going back eight years ago, here is a
I think it's seven years ago, a clip from 60 Minutes, where they have signs that say, give peace a chance, follow the Constitution.
I've been to these drills, where they're training to take on Americans.
This is what's really happening.
This is what's going on.
Let's play a brief clip of the pain ray being used on... And by the way, I didn't see that pain ray article in Paul Joseph Watson's story.
Let's make sure he posts that...
I don't know.
And you can go back several days and you see that there's already giant traffic, before we plugged it, searching the name Alex Jones.
Giant traffic searching the name Alex Jones on the graph.
Do we have that 60 minutes now?
Or are we... Almost there.
We had to queue it back up.
But, Alan, I remember the head of the Air Force came out and said, we need to use pain ray on Americans first.
Yes, they will use that on Americans first.
They've had this stuff, actually, since the 1950s.
Even small portable units that they can put in their pocket and use on you.
But the big ones, of course, they've shown, even the military demo vehicles are shown up on Google, testing this stuff out on civilians.
And, believe me, it can work.
But the other big thing to remember is, too, if you remember Tiananmen Square, and the reporters said that they brought, again, troops from the north of China that were Mongolian.
Who really are almost apart from the Chinese.
So you always bring in foreigners who have nothing in common with the ones that go to Tibet.
Yeah, they use southern Chinese to go into Tibet.
So there's no racial connection there in the borderlands.
We do have the clip.
The reporters also said that these troops were hyped up, really hyped up on some kind of drugs.
Now, the troops today in the United Nations Army, all troops are into about seven to nine drugs, each prescribed drugs.
By the military and these guys are going to bring in literally are like zombies.
They're like trained zombies.
And then they're addicted and get mental problems and they get to take their right to guns after they're out.
Hence the Blackwater filings in federal court where they're piles of cocaine, steroids, running around naked, shooting up families for enjoyment.
They are creating the army of hell.
That's right.
Totally, just totally wicked, berserking...
The equivalent of orcs or something from Lord of the Rings.
The Uruk-hai or something.
Half man, half orc.
Let's go ahead and play that clip from 60 Minutes.
Here it is.
Which is being tested at Moody Air Force Base in South Georgia.
Go home!
Targets here are people.
Military volunteers creating a scenario soldiers might encounter in Iraq.
Get out of my country!
Angry protesters advancing on American troops, who have to choose between backing down or opening fire.
Off in the distance, a half mile away, the operator of the ray gun has the crowd in his sights.
Unlike the soldiers on the ground, he has no qualms about firing away, because his weapon won't injure anyone.
He squeezes off a blast.
The first shot hits like an invisible punch.
Get out of here!
We're not leaving!
The protesters regroup and he fires again.
And again.
Finally, they've had enough.
The ray gun drives them away with no harm done.
Officially called the active denial system, it does penetrate.
Now they have these out at tea parties, sound cannons, it's the same announcements.
And they have provocateurs cause problems, they have a pretext to attack you.
This is their control grid.
Now I want to play a new clip.
And we have again this report, but notice they say it's for Afghanistan.
No, it's not.
Watson has all the Army's own admissions.
This is for the United States.
It has the dual use of Afghanistan.
But I heard troops calling on the radio this morning on 590 AM saying, yes, it's good.
This is all good.
You know, yeah, the economy is collapsing.
We're going to take over.
So they're now even telling the troops all of this.
They're now even admitting all of this to the troops themselves.
Well, we're queuing that up.
Alan, your comments on it?
And remember, too, these pain rays that I turn on microwave technology have different settings on them.
And they have two major settings.
One is the minor settings up to a certain point.
One's the key in the top settings.
And I've used this in Iraq.
It's up on Google.
They literally fry the people.
They've done it in a bus in Iraq.
It's well documented by video.
You'll see these shrunken bodies.
It literally shrinks the body.
And it completely takes all the moisture out.
And you're left with these four and a half feet long ex-human beings.
This is the kind of stuff they're going to use back home in America.
And the next video clip is linked up in the article by Paul Watson, Government Trains Troops to Run American Cities, and we had that at the start.
I'm not sure if we're going to be able to have it before this hour ends, but it's all up in the article, Government Trains Troops to Run American Cities, and Paul Watson has a second article on that, U.S.
Troops to Deal with Rioting Americans.
But the good news is, after we play this Christopher Monckton bombshell interview coming up, I'll be able to come back
It's ready now.
Here is the clip.
I'm going to get Alan Watts' take on it.
Here it is.
Starting the day's activities off with a five-mile run.
This is a government 101 day.
The city of Watertown in the 3rd B.C.T.
and we felt this was a good way to kick the day off.
We'll be spending the morning talking about local governance and spending the afternoon doing some tours of city facilities to include water, wastewater, hydroelectric.
This morning's run was really a part of our program, the Peace the Rock program.
We've partnered with several communities, Watertown being one of them.
Our 287 Infantry Battalion partners with Watertown.
But it's also part of a program we're calling Government 101, where we actually learn from the city officials here in Watertown on how to provide services.
The 3rd Brigade Combat Team will use the information that they obtained today from the city and apply that over in Afghanistan to help build more of a community structure.
Really, it's learning from experts.
They are the experts in civic government, providing services to the population, and we are seeking to learn from them, take some of their best practices, and we'll apply those in Afghanistan where we can in the area that we'll be stationed.
These ladies and gentlemen are headed into a situation where, in essence, they will become... Okay, then in our article we have all the mainstream links of them running checkpoints, DUI checkpoints, searching people, running checkpoints all over the country.
But this is the first wave of, oh, the troops are here, oh, they're jogging with the locals, forming a relationship, and the troops are first told a mission that it's for Afghanistan.
Yeah, this is going on absolutely too.
And in Britain they're using other techniques too, including communitarianism, where they're now supposedly giving power back to the local communities, but they've already set up the Sovietized structure through common purpose organizations, which is attached to the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Council on International Affairs, as a branch of them in actuality.
And so they've already set up the leaders to run your local Soviets.
Soviet meant ruled by councils.
And this is the ideal system that the Rockefellers suggested that they bring in many, many years ago.
That's what you're seeing happening, too.
So it's the new communitarian type of system where experts run everything.
That was the whole idea of what the Soviet was supposed to be about, expert rule, and civilians do as they're told.
Now, the only expert, as far as I'm concerned, in civilian life are the civilians themselves.
You know what you need.
You don't need experts to tell you that you can eat and have it.
You have the right to have water and food and all the rest of it.
Alan Watt, we're almost out of time.
It's the same old story.
They always said they would try something like this.
They had a test run initially back in the days of, I think it was Austin Wells, who did the War of the Worlds on radio.
And they used Princeton University's psychology department with the Pentagon funding as well and Rockefeller funding to fool Americans thinking this was a real invasion to see how the public would react.
So this is an old idea.
It would scare the public.
I don't
I don't know.
Well, we know.
I mean, we know they've suppressed a lot of technology, and that's been proven.
Alan, we've got a special number of before-scene video interviews we did with you that are very professionally done with bombshell developments, and you'll be uninterrupted tonight as part of the video and audio streaming.
We're going to be airing those.
You'll be back with us via video, and I look forward to speaking to you again in the near future.
And, of course, the website is CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
People certainly support you and your great research.
God bless you, Alan.
It's been a pleasure Alex.
Always been a pleasure having you on.
So he'll be on with us around four o'clock, David Icke, after the Lord Monckton interview.
Give me a chance to work on some stuff behind the scenes here.
The crew's doing a great job.
We couldn't do it without them.
The last numbers we got about 30 minutes ago is we've raised $150,838.
I mean, that's wonderful, but I really want to go tally things in the next 20-30 minutes.
I hope we can hit $200,000 to be on schedule for $500,000 total by tomorrow afternoon.
27-hour live transmission, okay?
So we do need your support behind the books, the videos, the t-shirts, but that's not enough.
If we're going to fight the globalists head-on, our audience has tripled, but revenue has gone down.
Audience has tripled, revenue gone down, because the economy is going into a depression.
And those of you that do have the extra capital now, help us with it before it's devalued.
Get some gold, too, before it's devalued.
But Midas Resources supports us, and they've got great prices.
Or MidasResources.com, but we specifically need this war chest for this fight.
And I think we're one of the best places to give.
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart that have been supporting us.
InfoWars.com, InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Continue Google searching Alex Jones.
It's number three search term.
InfoWarsMoneyBomb is number one.
Great job there.
That'll lead more people to the money bomb.
But the most important thing is spread the word about this 27-hour broadcast that we are now four hours into.
We're going to come back with Lord Christopher Monckton.
Stay with us.
Then David Icke, Max Keiser, Gerald Cilente, Paul Craig Roberts and so many others.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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The question is where should the American people