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Name: 20101013_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 13, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Believe me, my friends, this is a live transmission that you don't want to miss.
It is the 13th day of October 2010 on this Wednesday edition.
The former head of Pakistani intelligence that led the Mujahideen to victory
With the CIA against the Russians, we'll be joining us to talk about the expanding war in Pakistan.
General Hamid Gul is scheduled to join us in T-minus 7 minutes 5 seconds.
Then in the last 30 minutes of the third hour, I'm going to give you a prelude via the phone.
He's going to be in studio next week with one of the leading experts.
I've done deep research for over a decade on mortgage fraud.
One of the leading experts on the fraud.
We're not going to talk about the remedies because that's even more complex.
We'll do that next week.
But in part one, the fraud of the mortgage companies.
The different forms of corruption and scams that they're running today.
Because knowing the crimes, knowing the fraud, that's half the battle to then know how to beat them.
So we're going to be talking to a gentleman coming up in the last 30 minutes of the third hour.
Obviously gold hits record as Fed signals sinks in the dollar.
Again, gold hits record as Fed signal sinks dollar.
Dollar plunging.
The Fed has said, yes, we are going to devalue the dollar.
Currencies worldwide are racing under G20 control to lower their currencies.
The massive inflation has been kicked off now.
Ron Paul gave a powerful speech that's in Paul Watson's article at PrisonPlanet.com.
Dollar collapse will spur 2012 presidential run.
And Paul Smart, he's saying, if things go ahead and collapse now, I may be able to win because I've warned everybody about this for 30 years.
But he said, if the crisis comes later, I probably won't win.
It doesn't matter.
He's going to run because he'll be able to inject real issues into the debate.
I can tell you right now, he hadn't told me this, but Ron Paul's going to run.
I'm just going to leave it at that for you.
Barring health issues.
And Rand is probably going to win next month, going to the Senate.
Obama will not ban repossessions fraud.
That's the BBC.
I mean, they admit it's total fraud.
That is coming up.
Across U.S., long recovery.
It looks more like a recession.
It is all coming up.
And he's going to pop in with us later in the middle of the next hour, but I wanted to briefly bring Ted Anderson in, because people don't want to wait.
You know, gold continues to go up.
He's about to run out of the gold and silver he bought when silver was at $22,000.
And gold was at around $1,345.
It's now gone over $1,370 plus today.
He is going to run out of this.
So very briefly, Ted, I just wanted to pitch Midas Resources because these deals are so good.
And it'll be a good deal when you're selling gold at $1,370 an ounce when it's $1,400.
Uh, you know, just like it was a good deal when gold was 500, uh, an ounce, and, uh, you know, you were selling it for 450.
But people need to take action right now.
You got a minute and a half.
Tell folks today's offers that are about to end.
Well, yeah.
Frank's currently at $289.
British Sovereigns are at $362.
$10 Liberties, $8.58.
$20 Liberties, $16.85.
We have some of the Buffalos.
You'll have to ask for those when you call.
We do have Eagles.
I mean, Alex, right now, silver... I'm sorry, gold just shot up to $1,375.30 this morning.
Prices are rising.
Excuse me, I'm sorry.
I said $1,370.
Excuse me.
So anyways, just to say right now, if you're sitting there, IRAs, stock market, money in the bank, I mean, just really seriously think about it, because the United States currency is what's under attack right now.
And savers like to leave their money where it is.
I tend to do that with a little bit of backup capital we've got for the operation.
And my wife's like, why aren't you buying gold?
You're the one saying do it.
And I just don't mess with the money we've got, because it's for this operation.
I'm an idiot.
I mean, folks, take advantage of this now.
And Ted, I'm going to call you today.
I need to get some gold.
I mean, they're now saying they're not just going to slowly inflate.
They're saying we're going all out Weimar Republic.
Protect yourself right now.
Give Midas Resources a call.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live.
It is Wednesday, the 13th day of October 2010.
You have founded the tip of the spear of the front lines in the Info War against tyranny, enslavement, and dehumanization.
As Thomas Jefferson said, I have sworn on the altar of God eternal resistance over every form of tyranny over the mind of men.
And for the next hour, we are joined by General Hamid Gul, three-star general known for heading the Inner Service Intelligence, Pakistani's intelligence agency, and defeating the Soviet bear.
He also fought in combat in multiple wars and was
Field Commander, his bio is about 15 pages long, so we won't go over all of it, but definitely a fighting general in the old-fashioned sense of the word.
And I wanted to get him on because everything he talked about a month ago when he was on is now unfolding exactly as he said it would.
Clearly, the globalists using U.S.
forces are bombing all over Pakistan innocent people.
I don't think so.
Pakistan government accuses the White House of exaggerating al-Qaeda terror threat ahead of elections.
The White House has admitted they're basically doing that.
Drone strikes in Pakistan could backfire in the long term.
Pakistan closing the border with Afghanistan, that key supply route, over the fact that Pakistani soldiers are being targeted.
I mean, if the CIA drone controllers can't see men in uniforms and tanks
and armored vehicles and know that that's not uh... uh... yeah pashtun or or or or tribal groups uh... they need to have their heads examined they're clearly uh... doing this on purpose also pakistan criticizes unjustified u.s.
drone strikes uh... and it just continues are bombing weddings children by riversides it's it's just it's just pure evil pakistan u ambassador says afghan war on winnable
Well Alex, thank you very much for taking me.
Well, actually, there have been enormous military mistakes.
I won't say George Bush, of course, you can pick holes in him, and everybody's picking holes in him.
His policy, that was a failure, absolutely put America on the mat quite unnecessarily and turned the world upside down, all because of a pack of lies that he and his administration was indulging in at that time.
But let's talk specifically about the military failures in Afghanistan.
Now, that is where I would suggest that the Congress should set up an inquiry committee to look into these failures.
These have been very basic and very elementary coalitions of the principles of war, of the principles of combat, and how to go about approaching a war.
When I was a young officer, I read a book called Approach to Battle.
Now, that is, approach to battle is very important.
And in this, there are two things which have to be taken into account.
One is, of course, the selection and maintenance of aim and mission.
In this case, the mission was totally lopsided.
That is why it has to be altered.
You see, it was initially to disperse the Al-Qaeda and to arrest Osama bin Laden and some of his accomplices.
But now the mission is, as you can see, President Obama has already announced that, it is to reverse the momentum of Taliban.
Now how has this mission quite even changed?
Because if you violate the first principle of war, that is selection and maintenance of the aim, then you are doomed to failure in any case because you are not pursuing the mission that you had selected initially.
And that means that mission was wrong.
Either that mission was wrong or your conduct of the mission is wrong.
Well we know that mission was staged, we know that it was
Basically just blamed all the evidence shows on Afghanistan and Pakistan.
It was clearly an inside job.
So it's a fraud from the beginning.
So the real names are narcotics money, controlling oil pipelines, menacing China and Pakistan, as Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in the Grand Chess Board, as the Israeli plan stated in 84.
I mean, this is all part of a larger strategy to drive a wedge right through
I am particularly addressing the military audience, the veterans in America who would understand, and the soldiers in uniform, the airmen and the sailors,
That there has to be a single mission.
If you go for multiple missions like you have yourself described, very rightly, to keep China out, to have the pipeline, to exploit the Caspian Sea, basin area, oil reserves, and more than everything else, to give a wider shield of protection to the State of Israel.
So, actually, America was not pursuing its own national objectives in Afghanistan.
It was somebody else's objective.
Corporate America had its own axe to grind.
And as you said, the drug barons and the American drug traders, drug peddlers, they had their own interest, vested interest.
But this is not how the wars are conducted.
The point that I'm trying to make is that the mission Ab Initio was absolutely wrong.
It was a lopsided mission.
But then once you had selected this mission, rightly or wrongly, then you should have looked at it.
What are the lines of supply?
War is described as nothing but the game of lines of communication.
That your supply lines are kept intact and they are safe and secure in friendly hands.
There is Pakistan who decided under Doris to go along because it was being run by a dictator at that time.
And that dictator was also installed as a preparation to what they were planning to do.
Otherwise, there was a perfect democracy which was functioning on the 12th of October.
It just passed one day.
So here is Pakistan, which is naturally very, very concerned about its own security interests.
But you are asking under terrorists for Pakistan to give you the supply lines, which it did.
And today, what is happening to those supply lines?
You mentioned about the trucks being blown up and you mentioned about Pakistan finally at one point saying that no more and you've got to stop this nonsense that you are killing our soldiers, you are violating the UN Charter.
This was not mandated by the United Nations and you're coming inside Pakistan as if drone attacks are not bad enough.
You have to come and kill Pakistani soldiers who are your frontline allies.
So obviously, the very first test where Pakistan acted in defiance of the dictates which were being thrust upon Pakistan, the Americans had to back down and they had to apologize.
Now that means the lines of communication are extremely vulnerable.
Not only that America cannot win without the line of communication being secured, they can't even quit Afghanistan.
That's the tragedy.
We're not looking at the present situation, which is quite bad, which is very, very messy from the military point of view.
But America can't even withdraw to Afghanistan if the lines of communication are not secure.
That's right.
The Afghans let the Russians leave with their tail between their legs.
In Vietnam, in the mid-70s, we saw the images of people hanging off the skids of helicopters.
This is such a remote and isolated area that they don't even have the fuel or the transports to get our forces out unless the Afghans let them.
Yes, exactly.
They are using, at this moment, 300,000 gallons of fuel every day.
And that is passing through Pakistan.
If Pakistan becomes hostile, and Pakistan government doesn't have to become hostile, Pakistan people will become hostile.
They already are hostile.
And I think 80% of Pakistanis, according to some survey, hate America because of the excesses that America is indulged in.
Besides, let me tell you, this is a very subtle and a fine point.
The Americans not only destabilized Pakistan, but they allowed India to carry out the Destabilization Act, along with America's support.
So, really, you were cutting, the Americans were cutting the branch on which they were nesting.
So I don't know why was this self-destructive policy adopted in the beginning.
Well, it's a policy of total treachery.
I mean, it's now come out that they have stolen the death benefits of six million dead and dying veterans from World War II through today, and they just put it in the newspaper and say the government made a deal with the insurance companies to steal the vets' money.
I mean, this is a group of pure evil.
Yes, of course it has really discredited America, but unfortunately America is so powerful at this moment, and slowly that power is eroding.
Morally, economically, by the end of the year, America will have spent about a trillion dollars in Afghanistan alone, which is a hell of a lot of money.
To be spent on a desolate place like Afghanistan.
So why is that taxpayer's money being spent with such impunity?
Leave alone Iraq and other places.
But this is an enormous amount of money which they have spent here.
And on top of that, there is the drug trafficking which is going on.
6,200 tons of opium, which caters to nearly 92% of the world's requirement, was grown in Afghanistan last year.
And NATO and ISAF and American forces are all there.
It is happening right under their nose.
But more than that, it is happening with their connivance.
The warlords are there, the drug barons are there, and they're all being protected, encouraged, and they are part of the governance in Afghanistan.
But this governance, the people of Afghanistan are not happy about.
No, that's right.
When the people of Afghanistan ran things ten years ago, they halted almost all opium production, and now they put it on Fox News that it shows a Marine Corps colonel admitting they're giving the Afghans the fertilizer to grow the opium.
That's how, out in the open, and now you have record opium flooding out of the region.
The Russians...
I think?
Of the New World Order crowd and much of its public, their master plan is to destroy every nation.
India, Pakistan, everyone, the United States.
They're sucking the U.S.
dry, destroying our name, while they pump trillions of dollars into these war black holes.
It's all about destroying the nation states, transferring all power to the global private central banks, now openly announcing world government as they globally devalue currencies in concert.
I mean, this is a master plan and it's designed in the end to bring the republic down.
And I want the great people of Pakistan to know this, and I know you're sophisticated people.
Okay, some of the most sophisticated out there for my research.
Understand the United States has a zombie, drugged-out, television-head, mind-controlled population.
Some of them are trying to wake up.
We're trying to break their trance right now, General.
But understand, we are in even deeper trouble than you, okay?
We are literally under a high-tech technocracy, sir, and so we're all in this together.
Yes, of course, Alex.
I think you are dead right, but I would rather focus directly on the military failures in Afghanistan.
Yes, sir, let's do that.
In fact, what you are saying is absolutely right, and it eventually is going to land America in deep trouble, maybe fragment America to pieces politically.
Because after all, how long can such mistakes be tolerated?
And how long can people keep on suffering?
People of America, one day it is going to come to roost.
And that is where the people of America will be shocked and angered.
And this is going to create a lot of problems.
Maybe there is yet another civil war inside America.
But those are rather stretching the imagination, although not illogically.
But I would focus purely on the military at the moment, because that
I agree with you because you're the preeminent expert on this.
General Hamid Ghul, the man who the mainstream media lies about and claims is the commander of Al-Qaeda worldwide.
I mean, it might as well be the Easter Bunny.
It's just totally made up.
They've got private contractors over there staging terror attacks to blame it on the Afghans and others.
That's come out.
It's come out the attacks in India, in Mumbai were staged by the CIA.
That's now mainstream news.
I'm going to give you the floor then.
We're going to break in about eight minutes.
There's so much happening.
A month ago, you told us what was about to happen in Pakistan.
It's now happening.
Clearly, Obama is not going to change course.
He's a puppet.
So tell us, A, the failures in simple blow-by-blow, point-by-point, and then tell us, if they don't change course, what you forecast happening, General Hamid Ghul.
Well, I think we have a saying in the military that the mistakes that have been made in the assembly of forces and in selection of the aim, they cannot be rectified through the conduct of battle.
So I think the mistakes cannot be put right now.
You cannot win.
Therefore, you have to accept that you have lost, and now you have to cut your losses.
You have got to reorganize yourself, reorganize the American society, reorganize your economic institutions, financial institutions.
You've got to act in accordance with the wishes of your own people, in accordance with the interests of your own people.
I'm not saying that you act in accordance with the wishes of Pakistani people.
Please don't if you don't want to.
Although we have been your very staunch ally.
But please be kind to your own people.
You are befooling them.
You are cutting across their interests and there is no way.
So the first thing that you have to do is you have to accept your mistakes.
You have to accept people like me who are telling you, for heaven's sake, you have made mistakes.
And now it is time to rectify those mistakes.
I told you one is about the line of communication, which is so important.
Nobody can win the war without their line of communication.
And you were so right in pointing out that they ran out of Vietnam.
They cut and ran.
Because the line of communication was very short.
They were in the Gulf of Tonkin.
The aircraft carriers were waiting there.
The other ships were there.
So it was very easy for you to run out there hanging by the skids of the helicopter.
But this is not going to be possible as far as Afghanistan is concerned.
How much are you going to retrieve when you run out in a haste?
It is not possible.
Already the world is gone and the Taliban ranks are drawing
A lot of recruits, a lot of motivated young men, because they are like the old war horse.
They are snorting for victory.
They are sensing, smelling victory in front of them, and that will not be too far.
So, really this is, one is the line of communication.
The other is failure of intelligence.
There has been such a huge lot of failure of intelligence and I've been an intelligence expert all my life.
I know that there have been such enormous mistakes and you engaged for security, for intelligence gathering, you engaged private contractors, the old foogies from the CIA and from the FBI.
You engage them, they're tired, burnt out, fatigued, exhausted individuals because they were the cronies and these crony contractors played havoc with intelligence gathering and dissemination.
They couldn't analyze anything.
There were 92,000 reports lying with the Pentagon for over
Six years, and these were not even analyzed.
Can you imagine?
And General, General, isn't it worse?
I mean, so really the CIA and the government are blind because they've hired a bunch of crooks to do their intelligence gathering, but it's worse than being blind.
In war, isn't it better to be blind than to be fed a total delusion?
I mean, you see the point I'm making?
They're not just getting no info, they're getting a line of bull, and so the system is delusional, it's believing its own lies.
This is called paper milling in the military parlance.
It is known as paper milling.
You put out reports which you think that the authorities are going to believe.
And who are the authorities?
They are your own buddies from the past.
You have worked together and it is all being done for dollars.
So they have been, they have to be charged for cheating the nation.
And I would so much strongly recommend that the Congress should set up an Inquiry Commission into their conduct.
And you go around the world and see all the waterfront properties.
Who has amassed those waterfront properties?
And you will find out there would be some general hand or somebody from the CIA, somebody from the FBI.
So there has to be some investigative journalist has got to get down to the task of finding out who has been since 9-11 amassing a lot of property, wealth and Swiss bank accounts and all this has got
Well General, it's now coming out in federal court that Blackwater have reportedly men running around naked, piles of cocaine, the Iraqis had always said this, that they would just go out at night and machine gun people in their cars, families, and their houses for fun.
So literally, Blackwater running around naked with machine guns shooting people, injecting steroids and snorting cocaine.
That's exactly what the Iraqis and the Afghans of others, they said these people are demonic animals.
Yes, exactly.
There are no less than 20,000 people who have been killed like that by the security contractors and by what they call the collateral damage.
I don't know, this is something which is very, very illusionary that anybody can be killed if it happens to be collateral damage.
So there is something which is called crossfire and crosswire.
If somebody is not in the crossfire and it's killed, I think there has to be accountability.
You have got to amend your laws and you have to make sure that civilians... On the one hand, you talk about human rights.
On the other hand, you talk about humanitarian causes.
And on the other, you are, in the name of collateral damage, causing so much resentment.
Afghan nation is not going to forget this.
This is terrible.
You have got to apologize, and perhaps they will demand retribution.
So far, the Taliban and those people who are likely to win the war, they have not come up with this demand.
But I won't be surprised if they say that you have got to pay the compensation for the people that you have killed.
In Pakistan alone, more than 2,000 people, civilians, have been killed because of the drone attacks.
And the hard stick, in my opinion,
We've got a break, sir.
We've got a break.
We've got a break.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
The planet is waking up.
Congressman Ron Paul, the true leader of the resistance against tyranny in North America, has said there is no doubt we are going to completely collapse, probably within two years.
This has all been engineered.
And the murder of Iraqis, over a million of them, the British Medical Journal admits, and they've done studies in the last eight years.
Hundreds of thousands of dead Afghans, not in my name, not in George Washington's name, not in the Republic's name.
They are trying to start a clash of civilizations, a war with the diverse Islamic nations.
Both secular and purely Islamic in the Middle East and Central Asia.
As well as Far East.
This is a plan.
It's on paper.
It's PNAC.
Dick Cheney.
We do not need to play along with this.
And clearly from my analysis, they're trying to destabilize Pakistan as a pretext to go in and take over their nukes.
That is not going to work.
People have never given up.
They've never lost.
The Afghans have never given up, never lost.
They're very similar to the frontier people in the United States.
You can't starve them out.
You can't make them run.
They're not going to give up.
They don't value Hollywood crud and baloney.
They value their families and their honor.
And as the founder of the Texas Rangers said, a man in the wrong can't stand up against a man in the right who keeps on a coming.
And there is no way
That this is going to end the way the media tells you.
It's going to end in disgrace and bankruptcy for this country.
We have got to get out of there now and not just apologize, explain that the military industrial complex did this, not the American people, but also help rebuild these societies and be friends with everyone as Ron Paul said.
Quote, military mistakes.
Yeah, mistakes like a fox.
Crazy like a fox.
And where this is leading, what's going to happen?
Because, I mean, I'm not seeing signs that these policies are being reversed.
They're being accelerated, General.
Yes, indeed.
They are being accelerated at the moment, and the Pentagon is demanding more troops and more money.
But I can tell you that there are three determinants of the outcome of a war in the combat zone, and these are time, space, and relative strength.
As far as time is concerned, Pentagon probably has the watch, but Taliban and the resistance fighters, they have the time on their side.
And they have the initiative, and they have the mass.
Yes, they have the mass also.
That relative strength, I will come to you, that space, spaces they control.
85% of the spaces are controlled by Taliban.
So even if the Americans, as they are thinking now,
That they would hole into some garrison towns and sit there till the cows come home.
It's not going to work, I tell you.
Once the spaces are in the control of the opposition, you will be squeezed in.
So never make that mistake, for God's sake.
Because I am talking on behalf of the people of America.
Because this is going to really create hell for them.
And the third one is the relative strength.
As far as Taliban ranks are concerned, they are swelling.
They are already drawing recruits from all over the world.
Al-Qaeda may have boomed out.
Much of it, of course, a lot of it is a myth.
Whatever it is, they are themselves accepting, Leon Panetta has accepted the other day that only about 60 to 100 Al-Qaeda members are left in this area, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The rest of them have all gone out to the Red Sea area, to Somalia, to Yemen.
And to Chad, and to Central African Republic, and many other countries.
60 to 100 may be found in any of the European countries, Al-Qaeda members.
We know that there's been this red warning going out to the European countries because the Europeans want to bail out.
They really want to get out of this mess.
And the Americans are now trying to, the Pentagon and the CIA,
We're good to go.
General, since you raised this, I have to interrupt on this point.
We have some of the White House advisors in the Financial Times of London, Robert Shapiro and others, telling Obama, we need an Oklahoma City or a 9-11 to get the initiative going.
It's going to be the NATO option or Operation Gladio.
I'm sure you know about the stay-behind networks in Europe.
And you're going to have black ops staging terror attacks and blaming it on Islamic
Patsy's or funding mentally ill Patsy's, one of their other favorite tactics, as a pretext to keep Europe in this overall strategy of neo-colonial empire.
So, from my analysis, correct me if you disagree, there is no true Islamic network in Western Europe planning to stage terror attacks, and from a strategic view, they know if they do blow stuff up, that's going to create
You know, the London Blitz Syndrome, where the Europeans are going to then want to go to war with Central Asia even more.
So I believe the whole thing is an election stunt.
As the Mail Online reports, Pakistan accuses the White House of exaggerating Al-Qaeda terror threat ahead of election.
Alex, you're absolutely right.
I think this myth is being overblown.
And I think now the world is getting wiser to it.
How long can they play this dirty game?
I don't think that it will be possible for them to continue to play this game.
Yes, so Europe wants to get out, obviously for good reasons, because they're spending money, they don't want to suffer casualties there.
The cause is not there.
You very rightly pointed out by a quotation by somebody that you have to have a moral foundation to what you are doing.
Otherwise, you do not have the morale in the forces.
And the relative strength depends much on the morale.
As Napoleon said,
Moral to material is like 3 to 1.
So you don't have, you are 1 to 3 already, even if you have a lot of firepower on your side.
But where can you use your firepower?
Every time you have tried to use firepower, you have indulged in terrible atrocities to innocent civilians.
So, really, firepower alone cannot, as far as space is concerned.
I've told you that you cannot stay there.
I can assure you that Afghans will close in to those garrison towns, and they will bit by bit take them down.
Well, I mean, you talk about initiative or morale, killing a bunch of people at weddings and bombing children and killing Pakistan regular army troops cowardly from, you know, CIA-controlled drones 10,000 miles away, that is only going to enrage and expand the mass that you're supposedly fighting.
Oh, remarkable.
I think there is an axiom, military axiom, which says that the bigger the area of conflict, and longer the time of conflict, the established power definitely loses.
And if the Americans are trying to extend the war into Pakistan's side of the Af-Pak battlefield, as they say,
Then I'm sorry that they are going to be very, very sad about it at the end of the day, because they are not going to win.
Well, that's like the seven-year war against the British Empire here in the colonies.
So, continuing, sir, then, where is this going?
If they're accelerating it, what are the different scenarios you see running from bad to worse?
How does this end?
What's the timetable, General Hamid Gul?
Well, I think by the end of December they will know exactly that they have got to change the policy.
If they don't, then you can say that they are acting against the interests of America.
I can assure you this.
End of December, after the elections are over, if Obama does not change his policy,
Then he is slave to the neocons, he is slave to the Pentagon and to the CIA mafia.
I think this is quite clear to me.
They are digging deeper into the hole from where they will not be able to come out.
So they have got to decide by the coming December that they have to quit Afghanistan as soon as possible.
But they're arrogant, they're filled with hubris, they're looting and stealing everything here and worldwide.
I don't see them stopping.
I see them pulling a rabbit out of the hat.
I mean, I see as options for them detonating a nuke and claiming Al-Qaeda did it, and then nuclear attacks on Afghanistan, maybe even Pakistan, definitely Iran, total police state lockdown.
I mean, that's a real option for them.
And basically World War III.
Uh, Cheney, we know, three years ago, or two and a half years ago, on 888, it's now been declassified, uh, did order the NATO, uh, Georgian forces to launch the attack on the Russian enclaves of Abkhazia, uh, and, of course, uh, uh, other areas, uh, and...
and South Ossetia and that the Pentagon basically refused to appoint the Russians rolled in medium-range mobile nuke trucks and their top general, the head of their joint chiefs, came out and said we're preparing for nuclear war.
He gave a press conference.
So, I mean, these people are completely psychopathic.
I mean, I'm not kidding when I tell listeners that we may be in the next year to two years on the verge of World War III.
Well, Alex, you may be right, but I would still grant that there would be better things that will prevail eventually, end of the day.
And I trust the people of America, like they did in the case of the Vietnam War.
You know, they went on to what was known as the moratorium movement and picked up from the Berkeley campus and spread across the streets and bazaars of America.
And I think that forced the administration then to pull out of Vietnam.
So I think American people, I place trust in the American people.
Otherwise, if you let them lose what they are doing at the moment, then I think they will really bring that disaster, as you are suggesting, to the entire world.
But they have got to be stopped.
And who can stop them better
Well General, what about the military?
We know Admiral Fox Fallon, the head of CENTCOM, was ordered to attack Iran and he said no and resigned.
So, we know there's good people in the military as well.
That's the irony.
That's the irony.
We are taught right in the beginning as young soldiers that, look, you have got to show character.
You've got to show respect for the life of your own people.
And if you think that there's something which is terribly wrong,
Then the best choice is to resign and say, get this job done by somebody else.
And how many people will they fire?
So I have a grouse against the American generals.
If I was their superior, I would have a lot of them court-martialed for not standing up to the political tin gods like Rumsfeld and company.
Because they knew that Rumsfeld was wrong, but they would not challenge Tommy Franks and others.
They simply bowed to the will of the political tin gods.
Absolutely, but that message that Fox Fallon sent did shake him up enough to back off not attacking Iran.
I mean, that got the establishment's attention when their own guy said, this is insane, our fleet will be damaged, and it's immoral to do this.
Yes, exactly.
You have to show courage.
You have to show character.
General is to show character.
And if he doesn't have character, then he is irresponsible towards the life and safety of his own people, his own soldiers, who are prepared to lay down their lives on his orders.
It is highly immoral that you put them in harm's way, you throw them out to the wind without giving consideration to the fact that it is winnable or not.
Now this war from the beginning was not winnable, then the American generals should have said this.
It's alright.
I'm a professional soldier.
I'm prepared to debate it with any general of America.
That look, this was not winnable.
Why did you come and bash yourself first in Afghanistan and then in Iraq?
Because these two areas have been described by
Famous historian Arnold Toynbee, as the eastern and western roundabout of this region.
Eastern roundabout, where the historical forces come and they knock themselves against the mountains, dry mountains of Afghanistan and they reverse.
And similarly about Iraq, he said, once you get into this roundabout, there is no way that you can win.
So, America did exactly the same thing as they should not have done.
And Churchill once said,
Well, Alexander the Great conquered everybody.
Huge empires.
But as soon as he made the scene in Afghanistan and Pakistan, that was the end of the road and he basically pulled out and then died.
But I mean, for those that don't know the history of this, I mean, no one has ever defeated
The Pakistani and Afghan people, which of course share a lot of connections for those that don't know, tribally and historically, but all these empires have tried to come there and control that key juncture between East and West.
Briefly, General, can you explain to them the culture, the spirit, that goes back thousands of years to this region, and the people there fundamentally understand they've never been conquered?
So can you speak to that, General?
Can you talk about the culture over there?
I think we lost his line.
That happened last time.
General Gould, can you hear me?
Yeah, I'll call him right back.
That happens occasionally.
Because, I mean, that's the issue.
I mean, imagine as Americans, if there was a terror attack, say, in Russia,
And we weren't as powerful as we are, you know, with high-tech weapons.
And then Russians invaded, claiming they were looking for terrorists, and nine years later they're still there.
And then now they've moved drone attacks into Canada, and the Canadian military is working with them, and then they're bombing the Canadian military.
I mean, that's the insanity of all of this information.
So, who knows of the authorities listening?
And you better believe, when you've got somebody like Hamid Gul on the phone, the Feds aren't just listening, and the globalists aren't just listening to the Internet, or the AM and FM, they are listening to the phone lines, they are listening to everything we're doing right now, and I hope they didn't cut his phone line.
I hope that we have a backup line to General Hamid Gul.
Plus, there's technical difficulties.
I mean, how far away is Pakistan?
9,000 miles away?
10,000 miles away?
Depends where you are in the United States, but from Texas, that's about 9,000 miles away.
General Gould, the line got cut, sir.
Can you hear me, General?
Yes, I can hear you.
I think somebody interrupted us on the line.
Yes, well we've got five minutes to the next hour, so I'm going to try to shut up.
It's just so riveting to hear you lay all this out.
I was trying to get, but we're about to go to break, I was trying to get you to talk about the spirit of the Afghan and Pakistani people who've never been defeated and the foolishness of trying, I mean all the mainline experts said don't try this.
Yeah, five thousand years of history, if that was not enough and they didn't care to read about it, they should have at least learned from the Russian experience.
And what did the Russians tell them?
Before they were invading, the Russians said, please for God's sake, there is a lesson from our own history, recent lesson, why don't you learn?
Nobody is going to come out of Afghanistan unscathed.
I was once told by an Afghan Mujahid commander, he says, look at these bare mountains.
We have nothing to eat.
When somebody invades us, he brings something with him.
And when he leaves, he leaves all that behind in Afghanistan.
And that is how we survive.
All right, General.
We're going to break.
Stay there.
We got 10 more minutes with you after the break.
And I want to walk through this history when we return and talk about the Russian experience.
I mean, they could beat the Nazis, but they couldn't beat the Afghans.
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Put the shoe on the other foot.
Can you imagine if a couple hundred thousand Afghans came over to the United States, what would happen to them?
They could never win, even if they had all our weapons.
Because they don't have the moral right, just like the British Empire, never beaten until the 1776 war.
Never beaten.
You know, they beat Napoleon 20 years later, but they couldn't beat the farmers of the colonies.
General Gould, before you got interrupted there by your line being cut or muted, please continue down that line of explaining to people who the Afghan and Pakistan people are historically.
For 5000 years they have resisted the invaders and all kinds of invaders have come and they have gone with bloody nose out of this area.
You see, I am a student of military history as any military historian will tell you.
That nations cannot be defeated by invaders.
No matter how strong armies are, how strong firepower they have, nations cannot be.
Armies can be defeated by armies, but nations cannot be defeated by invading armies.
And it is true of the Afghans, it is true of anybody in the world.
This is a very special race.
They are mullahs, mujahids, traitors, and fighters at the same time.
So really, Afghan nation fights as a whole.
Churchill said that in Afghanistan, the fighting begins only after the invader has captured Afghanistan.
That means the resistance begins from that point onwards.
Similarly, Russians, when they came in, they had initially thought that they would put down the Afghan resistance in three months' time.
And they stayed for more than ten years.
And how did they go out?
With General Grimov walking across the Amur River bridge in the middle, he didn't turn back, but he prayed to himself.
And now in his book he has mentioned, he said, we will never return to Afghanistan.
That means they had made a huge mistake.
They were a superpower.
They had an enormous amount of firepower at their disposal.
And they were far more ruthless than the Americans could ever be.
But they could not defeat the Afghan spirit because the nation of Afghanistan was fighting as a whole.
And now this is not a Taliban movement.
It must be understood that it is a national resistance by a foreign people.
And they simply cannot be defeated.
There is no history, there is no example in history where a nation can be defeated by the invading armies.
In fact, the exact same signature, paradigm, roadmap of what's happened every other time, including with the Russians, is now playing out and accelerating and
When you look at that and understand that, it is a frightening thing to show how delusional the ruling class is that runs this country.
Yeah, indeed.
The Russians are now, according to my information, it's still not confirmed, but I think it's quite authentic that Russians are trying to reach out to Pakistan and to the Afghan resistance now, because they are already looking at this vacuum which will be caused by the American withdrawal, which inevitably is going to happen.
The Russians are smelling a similar kind of situation which the Americans smelled earlier on.
But they will come militarily.
They will come commercially.
They will come with open arms.
They will come as friends.
And I think the Russians will be the net gainers.
And what a laugh they will have.
They will laugh all the way to the bank and to the bazaar of Moscow that, look, eventually we have taken it out against the Americans.
Well just like the U.S.
is now friends with Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh wanted to be friends from the beginning.
Yes, that's right.
And now imagine that, what did you do by pulling out of Vietnam?
Did you do something wrong?
No, it was the right thing to do.
And it was a morally correct thing to do.
And now in Afghanistan, you have to, really the game is now cutting your losses.
General, we've got a break.
Five more minutes with you.
We appreciate General Hamid Gul's time.
We'll let him finish up on that point.
Straight ahead, back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You want answers?
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, it's our final segment with General Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence, the gentleman who led the war and the victory against the Russian bear.
He's here saying, he was telling me during the break, look, I love America.
I'm your friend.
You know, stop this.
And we understand that.
We understand what's happening is wrong.
But I look at Russia.
Russia finally fell just within a year and a half of the end of the 10-year Afghan war.
Now, as if that isn't enough, our crazy government is trying to not just attack Afghanistan, but go after Pakistan in a roundabout way.
I mean, you're talking about a 10,000 pound gorilla that they're trying to beat, and now they want to take on a 10,000 pound tiger while they're at it.
And basically our country's the equivalent of a giant 10,000 pound weasel.
It's just not going to win.
And General Gould, we've got about four minutes left, but what about that parallel with Russia collapsing right after they lost?
We see the US
On the verge of financial collapse, just like Russia, as we're losing in the same place.
What is it?
I mean, do countries go to Pakistan and Afghanistan to die?
I mean, is that where you go when you're a crazy empire?
If you're Alexander the Great or anybody, do you go there to be crushed?
Well, that's what's been happening.
I think it is, you mentioned this, imperial hubris and the arrogance of a superpower.
They had the opportunity to control the world, to manage it properly, to be friendly to the Muslim world, particularly if they wanted the resources of this region to be exploited for their corporate world.
But they went about it the wrong way, because some people, some crazy mafia people, they tried to frame the policies for American people.
This was the unfortunate quirk and twist in the history of America.
And I think they're going to pay the price for it.
But the price can be lessened now, because if the sense prevails, let's say I put on the outside the time frame of December.
If Obama reviews his policy,
I don't think so.
It will be a breeding ground of extremists.
Yes, indeed.
People love their freedom.
And those people who have sided with America, they are going to be very sorry.
Because after all, they risked their own life and their own well-being in order to serve America.
America's cause was wrong.
So America not only is going to hurt itself, but it's going to hurt its friends as well.
And I think it is going to have a fallout effect on Israel as well as India.
An inferno will have been ignited
General, in 45 seconds, how, if you were the United States, would you cut your losses?
Well, immediately talk to Taliban leadership, the real leadership.
They are now trying, through Karzai, to do that.
This is a roundabout way of doing the things.
This is not going to work.
They should talk to them, and they should say, OK, we accept, we are going to withdraw out of Afghanistan.
Everything is going to be alright, I can assure you.
I am a sort of very close observant of the Afghan psyche.
They are not going to chase you to America.
They will be your friend like the Vietnamese are friends now.
But if it goes on for another couple of years, then there will be a lot of problem on hands.
Thank you very much, Alex.
We'll be right back with all the other news.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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Okay, we're now eight minutes into hour number two.
And we did confirm that guest popping in in the last 30 minutes, correct guys, on the mortgage situation?
I'd forgotten to ask you that during the break.
We're going to have a guest who I've researched for years and believe is one of the leading experts on the real fraud conducted by the big mortgage companies ahead of a special in-studio two-hour interview on the whole spectrum of not just the fraud but solutions and remedies
I wanted to give you a prelude today, so that's coming up in an hour and about 20 minutes, 22 minutes from now, about an hour and 22 minutes from now.
I've got all this economic news that is just, we talk about this every day, but as it comes true, even I lose the true magnitude and how huge this is and how serious it is and the effect this is going to have on us all.
The announcements that they're going to take all or part of the pension funds and tax them, public, private, social security being frozen, maybe even reduced, off the chart.
Gold going above $1,375 a day, the dollar plunging, off the charts.
It's all off the chart, and we're going to cover that coming up here in just a few minutes.
Also, Mexican investigator probing lake shooting slain.
Down there on Falcon Lake, that's where the helicopters come up to six, seven miles into the U.S.
They land and raid people in the towns.
I mean, this is all over South Texas News for a year.
I don't
That happened three months ago in Arizona and Texas.
They'll go have photo ops with a few thousand troops here and there and border patrol.
And this poor woman, witnesses have stepped forward that heard the shots, saw her running on this giant lake that's supposedly some of the best fishing in Texas.
And they don't even warn tourists not to go down there.
It's kind of like, I see ads on TV.
And I hear radio ads and I see print ads and I know people who have children who are getting out of high school and the thing to do all over the US, I know we did it, was when you graduate from high school you go to Cancun and get stinking drunk.
Or you go to some of the other areas.
Those places now have kidnappings and shootings and if you go one block off the reservation and nobody warns you, you get kidnapped, you get killed.
It's just incredible.
I remember when I was in college, I was down in Cancun.
It was early in the morning.
I was down there drinking coffee.
Because, you know, it's just a few hundred bucks to fly down there.
It's cheap.
And, you know, my friends were all asleep.
I was down there with a hangover and drinking coffee by the beach, and these two guys came up and said, hey, we want to sell you some pot.
And I said, I don't smoke pot.
And they said, well, come on down the beach with us.
And I said, no, no, thank you.
And then a week later, I heard about people being kidnapped, college students down in Cancun.
Now they don't even really tell you about this.
They don't warn Texans, hey, don't go to Falcon Lake or these other lakes that border Mexico.
People are being killed, kidnapped.
You name it.
I mean, U.S.
Embassy staff are being machine-gunned and hand-grenaded and killed.
They're killing police chiefs and mayors every two or three days.
I mean, Mexico, there's never been a revolution like this.
It's a revolution of corruption and evil.
And you're not supposed to talk about it.
You've got part of the public siding with the smaller cartels because they have their own courts and own system and own justice.
And you've got the big corrupt government that runs most of the drugs and controls the society.
You've got a giant population.
You've got Mexico City being hell on earth.
You've got a lot of good, decent, Christian, hard-working people down there who are stuck in the middle of it.
And that woman's husband gets shot in the head.
There's already been just total bedlam on that lake.
And I talked to most Texans and I go, do you know how dangerous it is to go fishing in South Texas to go to the border?
No, I heard there might be a little something down there.
I've been talking about this intensely saying don't get near the border for six years in Arizona and Texas.
And now even California and other areas is getting super bad.
New Mexico.
And people look at me like I had five heads.
I mean, they look at you like you're a nut.
Hey, look at the newspaper.
They're announcing world government and the same banks that engineered the crisis are going to run it and they're going to tax us.
Oh, shut up, Cook.
There's no world government.
Well, here's AP.
Here's Time Magazine.
Here's the Financial Times of London.
Hey, you know, a truck bomb went off in Dallas a few years ago that the Mexican mafia detonated.
And people look at you like you're crazy.
It's a tiny blurb in the Dallas Morning News.
I mean, this is the... Can you imagine if some militia did a truck bomb?
I mean, they'd act like it was the end of the world!
We gotta ban guns!
We gotta surveil everybody!
My goodness, some people got killed in a truck bomb!
I mean, you go down to areas on the border where we would go in college that were nice hotels, you'd go across, eat cheap, you know, everything.
Now, it's all boarded up and it looks like something out of the Road Warrior.
And you tell people this and they laugh at you.
Well, not now.
This poor woman's husband gets shot in the head.
Riding around on his jet ski down there.
And CBS News and the Democrats come out and go, I'll bet she's lying.
And then witnesses came forward and said, no, we heard the gunshots and saw her running.
And then now the Mexican investigators sent, because Rick Perry is, you know, grandstanding and, you know, at least politically saying, I want a call from the president.
I want a call from Calderon.
I want something to be done.
So they send a Mexican police investigator there and his severed head is delivered to the military.
Nine chances out of ten, the military just takes their uniforms off.
It's on record.
They escort the drugs up to the border.
And they try to keep the other cartels from bringing it in.
They're there to make sure they have, you know, the operation.
The only war going on is when other cartels try to break the blockade.
That's what's happening in this $500 billion, $500 billion a year industry just in cocaine and heroin and marijuana coming across that border.
Black dollars.
A black dollar is worth, conservatively, ten times, with fractional reserve banking, what a white dollar is.
And no, I'm not talking about black people.
I'm talking about white slavery, folks.
You're not against black slavery.
White slavery, sex slavery, folks.
Black person, white person, you know, forced into sex slavery, it's white slavery.
It's the same thing with black dollars.
Black op money.
That money is untaxable, secret.
You can then put it into banks and leverage it at least ten times.
And with derivatives, you can leverage it to the stars.
You can leverage it to Alpha Centauri.
It's unlimited.
500 billion a year.
500 billion is the same number, roughly, coming out of Afghanistan and heroin.
So that's a trillion right there, total, just in those two sectors.
The U.S.
is one of the biggest users in illegal drugs, or the biggest, excuse me, in the world.
And the idiots using this stuff are funding it.
I hate drugs.
But you decriminalize it to shut off the money.
And you'd see all these drug laundering banks, drug laundering prison companies.
Oh yeah, that's the drug dealers on the prisons.
They're the big corporations and when you use their product they put you in there as a slave building widgets.
See how genius that is?
And that displaces workers outside, drives down wages further.
I'm not against prisoners, just like I'm not against illegal aliens.
I'm against illegal aliens being paid under what they should be paid because it drives down wages.
I'm against using prison labor because it drives down wages.
This is all very elementary.
This is all extremely simple to understand, but the media tries to confuse it.
So this poor woman,
Her husband gets killed, capped in the head, and the media tries to imply she's a liar.
Even though that lake is a hellhole of crime, but no one warns them.
No one warns the stupid UT students, by the tens of thousands every year, loading up on the cheap, you know, $150 airfare, and flying down to areas of Mexico to be raped, robbed, looted, and killed.
You've got Robert Rodriguez's movie, Machete, glorifying the coyotes, even though the coyotes rob and loot and rape and kill and steal from the immigrants who come in from South America, Central America, and to Mexico.
And I see articles all the time, you know, 15 or 16 year old girl wanted to be a coyote and fight for La Raza and Mecha.
She traveled to Mexico and was raped and killed by coyotes she met with.
Yeah, I mean,
It's an acceleration of evil.
It's all these evil groups in Mexico fighting with each other.
It's a corrupt system, a culture that's given into corruption.
And so it's a survival of the most evil, of the most vicious.
And it's now pouring all over the U.S.
Chicago, Dallas, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Miami, D.C.
I mean, these hardcore Mexican drug gangs are even worse than the Russian mafia, more vicious!
Just out of the police are now going into the phase of putting their tail between their legs.
You think the cops would rather pull over your 75-year-old mother and shake her down with a bunch of fake tickets?
Or take your blood at a checkpoint and send you to jail for having two beers?
You think they'd rather pull over a domesticated, cowed, cowardly American?
And I'm sorry, that's kind of our spirit now.
Not the eagle, the ostrich.
I'm saying on average.
We can get our greatness back.
Do you think they want to pull you over and suck off you?
Or do you think they want to mesh with the Mexican mafia that tried to blow up the LAPD police department a few months ago because they arrested a few of their hitmen?
See, that's what's happening.
That's what's going on.
Death squads.
Total evil.
And they want to tell all the yuppies, oh, go on down to those lakes.
Oh no, this lady's lying.
Nobody shot her husband in the head.
And then they send an investigator
And I'll guarantee you, the Mexican military took him and said, we're going to show you who runs things here.
And they cut his head off.
And they said, oh, look, the drug dealers brought us his head.
The Mexican military has almost complete control of that border.
It's on video, it's on record, the videos have been shot by the Minutemen, the videos have been shot by sheriffs, we've shown them many times, you can just search Mexican military escorting illegals, escorting drugs.
I've interviewed sheriffs, we should get them back on, from South Texas, where they
Pick up a van full of marijuana and cocaine, in one case.
They were three miles over the border on a highway.
Mexican Humvees block them off on the U.S.
side, get out and say, get down on the ground, give us the drugs.
The Mexican military gets in the truck, drives it back.
And what do the feds do?
They literally
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Well, I think I see another side Maybe just another light that shines And I look over now through the door And I still belong to no one else Maybe I hold you to blame for all
We're going to get into the economy, and it's... I'm kind of shying away from even covering this.
It's painful to look at.
And I got three beautiful, wonderful children, a wonderful, beautiful wife.
I love this country.
And I hope America hasn't seen its best times, but there's no doubt that we're going into a living hell on every front if we don't get out of our trance.
And America is under a spell, a trance, a mind control.
We're good to go.
And there's no doubt this is the biggest, baddest, most scientific version of it I've ever studied in history and it's happening now.
We've got front row seats and we've got to get out of our seats and not just be spectators to this fiasco, but get out there in the game and just say, look, nobody can deny the direction we're going in is bad news.
And it's even bad news for the ruling class.
They're out of control.
And that happens with every other empire, every other group of lunatics on a power trip.
And look at how the corruption of Mexico has grown and grown.
People are the same everywhere.
Mexico never had a chance to not be a colonial system.
It never had a chance to have any freedom.
Most other nations never had a chance, so they never had a chance at real wealth, except for their tiny ruling class of fat cats, of el jefes.
And you look at Waco, integrating this in with what's happening in Mexico,
David Koresh was a weirdo.
He went into town every day.
They had an auto repair shop a mile away.
You know, I know the surviving Davidians well.
We built a memorial church there.
I've studied it in depth, watched all the congressional hearings, read the declassified files.
And it was like a hot dog roast or something with the ATF wanting to get more funding.
The Feds want to distract everybody from the World Trade Center bombing.
It just happened a few months before.
It was in the news that the Feds had cooked the bomb, trained the driver.
And they said, how do we sell this rollout of anti-terror forces against the American people?
This has come out in Congress.
And they said, well, these people are a bunch of weirdos, and we'll hype it up and exaggerate it.
Again, that's their statement about them, and I agree.
Some stuff was weird.
Most of it was exaggerated or lies.
And they said, we'll go in there and have a big shootout with them.
And it's on record, the ATF pulled up in those trailers, in all their body armor, and just opened fire on that wooden church, shooting a bunch of people.
And the Davidians got their guns and started shooting back.
And as soon as the cops said, you know, white flag, as soon as the feds said white flag, truce, the Davidians stopped shooting.
And they came back and had a 51-day siege and burned the place to the ground and had Delta Force go in and kill them.
And there's the flare footage of Delta Force behind the Bradleys and the troops and setting the place on fire.
And that's what they did.
So they're real tough when they're burning down a church with a bunch of little kids in it.
They're real tough.
When they're coming, you know, a hundred of them in the dark of night to take your farm or ranch because you, quote, couldn't pay the taxes.
You couldn't pay the rent on your supposed castle on your private property.
They're real tough and they've got this sick, mentally ill culture, just like the general public, but their own variant of it, that they're doing this for the good and everything.
No, you're not doing it for the good of anything, okay?
A pack of criminal banks run this country, they've been stealing us blind since 1913, and now they've used our money and our energy to fund their world government and
Just like you're seeing bizarreness never before seen in any country going on in Mexico.
I mean, people don't know what to call it.
A revolution, a blooming of corruption, just a charnel house.
There are hundreds of new saints that are the skinny one and the grim reaper and just total death and black magic and Mexico is being sucked into hell.
And I got news for you.
We're going to be sucked into our own high-tech version even worse.
What you're seeing in Mexico is nothing.
Buildings being burned, people being kidnapped, killed, attacked.
That's horrible.
The Mexican Attorney General making his employees take microchips.
That's what you're going to see.
The drugging of the food, the water, all the slow, creeping, serpent-like boa constrictor death where it just quietly wraps around you slowly and then squeezes the soul out of you, turning you into a mindless consumer.
All these wicked wars, the millions killed, the government looting the military people, stealing their death benefits, trying to make them pay for their own insurance, making them breathe depleted uranium, knowing it's a death sentence, lying to them, saying it's fine for you.
Once you buy into evil, once you give in to it, once you stop being able to even recognize it, the floor falls out.
A black hole opens up.
That's why evil's so dangerous.
It doesn't stop here.
It's not sexy and cool.
It's death.
It's pain.
It's misery.
It's starving children.
It's humiliation.
It's bondage.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Ladies and gentlemen, I was about to get into the economy.
I'll do that next hour.
Jonathan Irish, of course, with the baby being snatched for him being affiliated with Oath Keepers.
He called me yesterday elated that we're going to give them visitation today because of public pressure with the baby and to allow her to nurse the baby because baby needs the colostrum.
That first milk is so important.
And in the visitation, with them there watching, she took the diaper off and there was blood coming out of the baby's vaginal area.
The CPS is so hellish, ladies and gentlemen, and now there's a sheriff's deputy behind them, a sheriff's deputy in front of them.
They're going to the hospital.
Again, if you just joined us, this is dealing with a New Hampshire case where last Thursday they seized this family's newborn baby and put in the affidavit that's public that
It was supposedly because he had been affiliated with Oath Keepers.
And he'd just been on their message boards.
They were surveilling him.
And this is so incredible.
There's a big protest tomorrow there outside of the court.
We go to him now in the car, being followed by the police, going to the hospital, the baby in the ambulance.
This is incredible.
Mr. Irish, tell us exactly what happened.
Well, I'm actually parking the truck right now to head in, so I'll make it quick.
Uh, Stephanie and I had scheduled a visitation with Cheyenne, our daughter, at 1230 today.
And when we... When we were in the visit, Cheyenne was acting very odd.
Uh, she was worrying me.
She wouldn't wake up, wouldn't wake up, so Stephanie thought, well, let's try changing her diaper, because sometimes when you change a baby, they wake up immediately.
Listen, I know you've got to go in, so just, I'm sorry I missed your call 30 minutes ago.
Quickly, tell us what happened.
Stephanie started changing the diaper, and when Stephanie changed the diaper, there was blood in her diaper covering her vaginal area, smeared around her vaginal area.
Now it's key, CPS was there, correct?
Because they might try to blame you.
But they were in the room.
And you said, what is this?
Yeah, I said, what is this?
What's going on?
And the CPW workers charged robbed.
I mean, charged robbed.
Oh no, we're screwed.
They know they screwed up.
I gotta get in the hospital.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Listen, listen.
As soon as you get the baby in, I'm going to call you.
Listen, you've got our hotline number.
You called my cell.
You need to call the hotline.
Mr. Irish, you have our hotline number, correct?
Alright, we're going to text message it to you again as soon as the baby's in, as soon as the examination's going on, as soon as you can call us, or they may try to set you up.
Be very, very careful.
Everything's reported.
I'll call you back, Alex.
Thank you.
Alright, thank you.
Oh my God.
And you know, two months ago, when she was seven and a half months pregnant,
Two and a half months ago, and I've looked at the records, they were waiting at their home, at least, what was it, four or six police cars, and he just had his wisdom teeth taken out.
And she's driving the car, she has a concealed carry, and they go and get him out of the car, they take the gun out, and they say, well, we're going to arrest you, you've got a concealed carry without a permit, in the live free or die state, and they took him to jail.
And we know that Homeland Security, and we have the documents, I covered it
Earlier in the week, in fact, guys, will you dig into the stack from Monday or from Friday that has that Homeland Security report, how the Southern Poverty Law Center now runs it and they admit they're infiltrating teachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, not just police as they've always done, neighbors.
It was on Austin News last week to spy on everyone and to persecute anybody that's in a patriot group and to demonize them.
And it looks like this family was targeted.
Mr. Irish comes off as very credible in the videos I've seen of him at protest.
His story checks out from previous M.O.
that we've seen.
It's like serial killers tend to act the same.
Well, I know how the CPS operates.
I got a huge headache when I got that call and learned that during the break.
He's shook up right now, that's why he obviously called my cell that was in there plugged in, instead of calling the hotline.
Send him a text, because he's pretty shook up.
We'll send another and remind him, this is the number to call.
And he may have tried.
We have the ringer on the hotline, right?
Hamid Gul was on the hotline.
That is what happened.
But we have two hotline numbers.
Perhaps we should send him both hotlines.
My fault.
I told you to send him the hotline two days ago, but I didn't think of that eventuality.
But even if Jonathan Irish is the devil, which I don't think he is, but nobody's perfect with all these fake allegations about abuse and things his wife says are completely made up, that's what happens with divorces and things.
She was divorcing her ex-husband.
That's where all this stemmed from, starting with the gun.
that I've seen this over and over again but even if he was a horrible guy you don't put in there because oath keepers and he's into the second amendment and that's in the affidavit that's the issue this political persecution text him that as soon as it'll probably be in the middle of the next hour but as soon as he gets five minutes as soon as the baby's in
I hope they don't try to keep him and his wife away because there's no telling what they'll do.
I mean, they've got ghouls.
The general hospital will be good, but then they have special little units of like...
They're refusing to allow us back in the room with the doctor.
They're refusing to allow us in there with our daughter while the doctor's examining her.
Yeah, these people.
I don't want to get into descriptions here, but it's a baby.
This is a medical issue.
But how much blood?
Did it look like there had been any trauma?
It did look like there had been a little bit of trauma, but I'm not a medical professional.
It also did look like there was a little bit of inflammation.
Well, they probably just never changed their diaper.
I mean, that's standard operating procedure.
Children are in five times more danger in CPS custody than any other place.
Headline, cover, Time Magazine, the shame of foster care.
1999 issues.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, there was also blood smeared around her entire area down there as well.
Oh my gosh.
So the baby's out of it.
The baby's non-responsive.
She keeps popping in and out.
Well here's the key, here's the key.
Babies need to start, they lose weight the first day, they need to start gaining weight by the second or third day.
The key, which you must demand, is they must, you must be given the chart of the weight of that baby.
That will be the pure evidence of their evil.
If that baby, who is now almost seven days old, born Wednesday night, correct?
So, about to be seven days, just a few hours short, maybe ten hours short of seven days.
If that baby has not gained substantive weight, they have had continual custody, and their abuse is on record!
We have them if that is the case.
The weight is the key, Jonathan.
Do you understand?
Could you please get the police, the sheriff, not the police officer.
The sheriff asked me to speak.
Stratford County is here and knows I'm supposed to be back there.
Sheriff Estes has more power than that sergeant right there could ever imagine I'm having.
I want to speak with Sergeant Estes, er, Sheriff Estes, please.
Sheriff Estes knows I'm supposed to be back there.
No, no, ma'am, I want to be back with my daughter now.
You realize that you are on a live radio show broadcast right now.
I want to be back with my daughter immediately and by you refusing to, this is ridiculous.
Tell her you have abused, you guys have abused my daughter in your custody and you are adding to the cover-up.
But be calm.
They're now calling the police out here to deal with me.
Alright, well be calm, lower your voice.
I understand they did this to kidnap your daughter, I understand what they've done, but you've got to be as wise as a serpent, peaceful as a dove, be very meek, and just, and actually bow your head to them, because they get off on that, for your daughter do this, you know, basically submit yourself, and just calmly and lovingly say listen,
My daughter has obviously been hurt in your custody.
I have a right to be a witness to what's going on and just be very calm with them, okay?
And if the cops say leave, you've got to leave.
This may have been an entire setup.
I'm telling you they're that evil.
You're not allowing me to videotape this for my protection.
No, you're not.
They just told me I'm not allowed to videotape this for my protection.
And this is, what was Douglas Security telling you this?
Okay, well, uh, you need to, um, tell him that you are- tell him that you are- Jason, you're not being filmed.
You are filming Aiden and watching Deadpool.
No, I'm not.
I just turned the videotape- the video camera on when you came through.
I want to see my daughter.
Okay, it's true.
You can go in and see the child, as long as you look back.
She has a name.
I don't know it yet.
He's being nice.
He's being nice.
If you act appropriately, you can go to the doctor, you can go back and visit.
Are you willing to do that?
Sir, Sheriff Estes has told me I can be back there.
He has more authority than either of you will ever imagine.
Okay, but be nice to him.
Jonathan, be nice and say thank you.
You can go in and visit the child.
Alright, thank you.
Please get Sheriff Estes out here so I can speak with him.
Exactly, and, and, and... Listen, listen, he's got a point.
Listen, he's got a point.
There is... Jonathan, there is a perception... Jonathan, I know you're protecting yourself, so I think you're covered, but it's a gray area.
There is not a perception of... It is a private facility, so there is the expectation of privacy.
So don't videotape it.
I'm not, I'm not.
I'm sorry.
I shut the video camera off.
Okay, good.
That's smart.
Okay, because they would have probably arrested you if you wouldn't have.
It's a gray area because they're videotaping you and you have a reason to be there, but obviously they're nervous.
So there's no, outside there's no perception of privacy.
There is inside there partially.
Alright Alex, I'll call you guys back.
They're finally bringing me back to see my daughter.
Okay, this is super news.
We're going to stay by the phone, Jonathan, okay?
Alright, thank you very much, Alex.
Alright, thank you.
Yep, bye.
This is exhausting.
And you notice I've done an hour and 45 minutes of live radio.
I interviewed the former head of Pakistani intelligence last hour.
You know how stressful that is?
I'm not complaining.
It's just my life is just insane asylum.
I don't want to even be here right now.
I got a huge headache.
The minute I heard about the baby bleeding, I just got a pounding headache.
Guys, cue up the 20-minute Ron Paul speech.
I've got to take a break for a minute.
You know the 20-minute Ron Paul speech?
Yeah, cue it up about three minutes in, because he does some pleasantries at the first, but it's very powerful about the economy, and then I'll come back and get into that.
Because I just can't be here right now.
Oh, man.
I felt great until I got that phone call.
I just want it to end.
I'm tired of it.
I got battle fatigue in the info war.
I'm tired of it.
I've done an hour and 46 minutes and haven't even plugged the Money Bomb 24-hour broadcast tomorrow.
Let's, you know, pretty much make it or break it for us to finish the studio.
I mean, this work is so important we're doing.
And I don't even feel like I'm up to doing it.
But who else is there?
And we need to raise $100,000 tomorrow ahead of the Money Bomb even beginning to make sure we can raise $400,000 to get our goal.
So please go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com if you believe in this platform and what we're doing.
Look at how everything's coming down right now.
We've got to be strong through this depression that's coming.
And I know it's hard
All right, I'm going to go to break playing this video, and then I'm going to come back and get into it.
Every once in a while, something gives me, it's really, I go past angry and just tired of it, and I get a pounding headache.
And once or twice a year I have a migraine related to this, and I'm gonna be knocked out for a couple hours if I have one, rolling around on the ground throwing up.
So, I'm gonna, it feels like I'm getting a migraine.
Go ahead and go to the tape and I'll be back.
What we have in Washington D.C.
is too big.
And you can hardly solve the problem of a government too big by making it bigger.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
You know, we're in this economic crisis because we spent too much money we didn't have, we borrowed too much money, we regulated too much, and we printed too much.
So the predictable crisis arrives.
Austrian free market economists predicted for years we'd have a bubble out there.
There's a housing bubble, there's a Nasdaq bubble, and something bad is coming.
And, uh, when it comes, uh, what do the people in charge say?
Do they come to the economists who made all the correct predictions and said it was coming and understood what was wrong?
Do they come to them and ask them what to do?
What they do is they spend more money, they borrow more money, they print more money, and they come up with more regulations, and they think it's going to help!
I say, we need to do the opposite!
The opposite means that we have to start from scratch.
We have to start from scratch in deciding what the role of our government should be.
The founders went through that.
They didn't like the role of the government under the king.
They said the role of government should be different.
The role of government ought to be there to protect our liberties.
The role of government ought to be there to provide a strong national defense.
The role for the government ought to be giving us a sound currency, not a bunch or a few people in secret rooms that have monopoly control
Over the money supply and the interest rates.
That's not in the Constitution!
So, how did we get into this mess?
The people were complacent, and the Congress voted things that weren't constitutional, and we drifted because the wealth created by free markets and free people was so overwhelming that we lived off our wealth for so long, and the world trusted us.
They trusted our dollars, they trusted our military power, and the momentum continued to go even after we failed at understanding what real liberty means.
So what did we do?
We didn't want to cut back like a family or a business has to do.
The country as a whole just went on a borrowing binge.
And therefore, we now are suffering from the prosperity that has accumulated with debt.
So it's not real prosperity.
If you're in trouble, and I say, well, the solution is go out and buy a fancy new car and you're going to feel better.
Nobody does that except in Washington.
They go out and they spend money and think that the country is going to feel better.
It's absolutely the wrong thing to do.
Free market economics teaches that if the government, in particular the Federal Reserve, produces bubbles and gets the economy out of whack,
You have to allow corrections to occur.
You have to liquidate the debt.
Okay, they sort of paid attention to that a little bit.
Yeah, woo, there is too much debt.
The banks have too much debt.
The mortgage companies have too much debt.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has too much debt.
There's too much derivative debt.
So what did they do?
They took all the debt!
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
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Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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You have to allow corrections to occur.
You have to liquidate the debt.
Okay, they sort of paid attention to that a little bit.
Yeah, woo, there is too much debt.
The banks have too much debt.
The mortgage companies have too much debt.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has too much debt.
There's too much derivative debt.
So what did they do?
They took all the debt, put it in the Federal Reserve and in the Treasury, and put it on the taxpayers!
That's criminal!
Eventually though, all debt has to be liquidated.
We are not likely, matter of fact it's virtually impossible for we as a people to pay this astronomical debt which is growing exponentially.
So unfortunately the bad message is it's going to end badly.
Because the debt will be liquidated.
That doesn't mean it'll be liquidated like you would liquidate your debt if you had to go through bankruptcy, file for bankruptcy and debt would be dissipated and it'd be liquidated.
Countries don't do that.
They're much more corrupt and they counterfeit their way out of it.
They print money and pay off their debts with money with shrinking value.
That is essentially how we got into this mess.
We could not have gotten ourselves into this mess without a central bank that had so much power and authority.
The central bank, especially the chairman of the board, is more powerful than the president because he gets to print.
Create the reserve currency of the world, determine how much money supply there should be in the world, and what interest rates should be.
That's way too much power.
He is a counterfeiter, and he is a taxer.
Because if the Congress passes money, passes a bill and they don't have the money, the Fed prints the money and your prices go up.
That's a tax on us.
It's the wrong thing to do, and it has to stop.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And Ron Paul goes on in the speech, and we have time next hour, we're going to play it, it's a 22 minute speech.
He goes on to point out that we are going to completely collapse.
And he talks about what that will be like.
And we have the article up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Ron Paul dollar collapse will spur 2012 presidential run.
Congressman Ron Paul has indicated that he will embark on a bid to become president in 2012 if the economic crisis worsens and leads to a dollar collapse.
Hinting for the first time that the Ron Paul revolution, which was a grassroots precursor to the Tea Party, will once again be ignited as it was with great fervor in 2008, but to the power of ten.
Events can change quickly, and I believe sincerely we're moving towards a much more major economic crisis.
Depending on where we are, that might help me make that decision, said Paul, who gave a speech to Tea Party enthusiasts in Richmond, Virginia, this past weekend.
That's what he's told me privately.
So I guess I can tell you know just like during the breaks we talk and stuff and he's like well it depends on what happens you know I know this is going to collapse but people may not be able to totally wake up until it happens and you know then it'll be four more years and I might be too old.
But at least we got Rand Paul and others and now the truth's out there and no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
You know I analyzed during that six seven minute break I took.
Every once in a while something will really make me get upset and instead of getting angry I get a headache.
And I know why.
I was imaging them with that baby that they haven't been able to see for almost seven days.
They're there with the CPS.
The baby is basically passed out.
Probably dehydrated.
Lord knows what they've done.
It's standard operating procedure.
These are... Because after they screw the babies up and they put drugs on them, they give them medical conditions, then they get more federal funds.
I mean, they're devils.
Usually with a blonde-haired, blue-eyed one, though, they take pretty good care of them because they just want the 400 to half a mil they're gonna get through the adoption racket.
But, um...
I was imaging that as if it was my child.
I mean, I have intense empathy.
And I was just, really, it took me there.
And just the frustration, the anger.
In fact, I'm... It's like a place I can't go.
People say, how do you stay sane dealing with this every day?
It's survival instinct.
I mean, I realize we either fight these people and wake people up and defeat the globalists or... I mean, it's our only way out.
It's our only hope.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Aaron Dykes just completed a key 12-minute video
Dealing with the Infowars.com 24 plus hour live transmission that kicks off at 11 a.m.
And it's a compilation of our mission, what we've been able to achieve, the attacks we're under, and basically asking you, do you choose to support this?
And even if you can't monetarily give, you can spread the word about the 24 hour plus hour broadcast tomorrow, and you can
Spread the free links to all our films online to everybody.
I mean, it's just the mission, the mission, the mission.
And not just continue in our fight, but up it.
Accelerate it.
Go into a higher gear.
Redouble our efforts.
That's what it's all about.
And that's what we are attempting to do.
I do have a mortgage expert, and I've studied this for more than a decade.
I mean, I've known about the mortgage fraud and had many guests on.
Covered it.
The problem is there are a lot of charlatans out there who, that's why I've never really allowed on my show, sometimes stations or sometimes even the network, but then they sometimes have problems and get rid of them.
Even supposedly reputable groups that I hear on Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and other shows, you know, you learn about them promising we can help fix your mortgage, we can help get it into court for you, and then they just take a bunch of money from you and don't really help them.
But I do know a gentleman I've actually had on once before and I've been listening to him off and on for years and looking into his research and it's been spot on.
His analysis of their frauds, the cornucopia, the spectrum of scams the banks are running and ways to counter them and in systems that are being successful.
So he's going to pop in for 30 minutes.
He's Randy Kelton at the bottom of the hour.
He's going to be in studio.
He's on the road right now doing seminars all over the country.
He's going to be in studio next week for two hours to go over it in more detail with all the documents.
And some of you say, well, I don't have a bad mortgage or I'm renting.
Why do I care?
Well, you better care about banks that are able to engage in mass fraud, not just here but worldwide, selling mortgages sometimes 10, 20, 30 times, usually three or four times, cheating people, stealing their escrow, not having the deed, foreclosing on houses.
Uh, that, uh, are paid for and that they don't even have a deed to.
And, and I'm, I played this a few months ago, but will you guys YouTube, because we never played it this week when I called for, I don't know if we could find it.
It was CNN, Bank Takes House that was paid for, or Bank Takes House they didn't own.
And we can pull up mainstream news articles about it happening in Europe and here and in Canada, but there's something about CNN actually with the family.
In fact, we ought to get them on, but it's happening a bunch.
We get these calls all the time.
It's like, my house has been paid for for 10 years!
And they just came and said they'd foreclosed on it and took it.
And the court won't help me.
I mean, the courts are involved in this corruption.
So, there's a spectrum of corruption going on.
A wide spectrum of it.
And it just goes to the total and complete mad dog, crazy level of all of this that is happening in our country and around the world.
I mean, I know why a lot of people just, when you talk about any type of corruption, even if it's publicly admitted, they go, oh, that's not true.
Because you just, as a normal person who's not evil, who's not a scam artist, who doesn't think about scams, who... The Bible has a verse about... They run around continually inventing new forms of evil.
In fact, when you guys look for that Bible verse, they run around continually inventing new evils.
And that's what the globalists do.
They found the CNN article.
Let's pop it back up.
Good job.
Here's the CNN article.
It says, embattled homeowner to bank.
You don't own my loan.
And that was October 12th.
So, that's yesterday.
Yeah, yeah.
No, that's just where they don't own the loan.
There are CNN reports where the house is paid for and they don't own the loan.
I mean, they just take a house that's paid for.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number three.
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Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I wanna ask you a question.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, um...
We were trying to establish a connection to Genesis.
We're unable to talk to them.
So I'm just giving them this message right now that up in Minneapolis, St.
Paul, we're unable to hook into you guys.
It's a little technical issue.
So we're getting that message out to them.
We were going to try to play this new video about the money bomb that gets into a lot of key issues, and it fit perfectly into the 12-minute segment.
So we'll play it now and play the rest coming into the next segment.
Then we're going to get into the economy and the mortgages.
But here it is.
Oh, OK.
All right.
Anyways, getting back to the economic news.
Ron Paul, dollar collapse will spur a 2012 presidential run.
We covered that.
Here is the BBC.
Obama will not ban home repossessions fraud.
Okay, continuing here, the White House has ruled out a temporary ban on the repossession of homes despite a growing row, I guess in England that means a fight, over alleged malpractice.
See, there's just a few little problems and they're hoping that everyone basically, you know, doesn't even look into any of this.
It says, amid claims that shoddy paperwork led to wrongful repossessions, calls have grown for a nationwide moratorium.
But a White House spokesman said this could have unintended consequences.
Last week, Bank of America said it would extend its ban on sales of repossessed homes until 23 U.S.
states to all 50.
We're going to be covering this more, but in the next segment, we'll finish this complete video now and get more into what's happening with gold.
Then Randy Kelton gives us a little preview of what he's going to be covering in studio with us next week.
I think three is the charm.
Here's the video.
I want to ask you a question.
What media organization can you think of in the world that's having a bigger effect at actually waking people up to hardcore issues?
Sure, Ron Paul is wonderful.
He talks about the private Federal Reserve and the inflation tax and the imploding economy that's being engineered by the central bankers.
But when it comes to media, who will really tell it like it is?
And who has woken more people up?
The answer is InfoWars.com.
And that's because you, the listeners of my broadcast the last 15 years, as we slowly built and grew this platform to get the message of true freedom and sovereignty out, have continued to spread the word about the transmission.
We're not funded with federal government product placement or propaganda placement or behavior placement money, as Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC are on record with billions of dollars a year of federal money.
We're not supported by the big mega-corporations that want the New World Order that is a giant, collectivized, corporate slave system.
We don't have that support.
We have your support.
We are truly grassroots.
And everything we've talked about, unfortunately, is coming true.
I wish we'd been wrong.
But we were only following the globalist-owned documents that were public.
And so we've been proven right.
And as we go into this critical juncture, this critical time in 2010-2011, as we look forward, we realize here at InfoWars.com, my syndicated radio show and the websites and the films, that we've got to kick it into the next gear, the next level.
We've got to give our maximum effort against tyranny.
There is a huge awakening taking place.
Just this week,
It came out that all the conspiracy theorists were right, that most of the big mortgage companies and major banks have been engaged in fraud, even repossessing homes that they didn't even have the deed to and that were paid off.
Now they're suspending most foreclosure around the country.
Five major banks have completely suspended it, including the biggest mortgage holder, Bank of America.
But that's just one issue.
The dollar is plunging.
World government is being announced.
The answer to the crisis the banks engineered is to give them more power.
Bottom line, we have a responsibility to intensify our operations against the globalists.
And it's been your support of the radio show, the sponsors, the buying the books, the t-shirts, the films, getting them out to people, that has supported us over the years.
Now we want to complete our TV studio.
We want to launch a big social network to get freedom lovers together.
We want to do so many other things, like producing four films a year, not just two.
Many of my documentaries, like The Obama Deception, have been seen tens of millions of times for free online, because you have supported us.
We are on a mission to expose the globalists.
Their crimes are so incredible, so transparent.
That if we will simply expose them and resist them and continue to say no to their oppression, their system will fall apart.
And is already beginning to fall apart.
They are not invincible.
They're only men just like us.
And I believe, I know that free humanity is better than these parasitical control freaks.
I know we're going to beat them.
But I also know we don't have a choice.
Slavery isn't a choice at all.
I want liberty.
And so I'm going to fight with every ounce of my being, of my soul, of my spirit.
We're going to have a 24-plus hour special broadcast that kicks off at 11 a.m.
Central this Thursday and runs through Friday into the next live radio broadcast that will be live as well on Friday.
And we're having the third Money Bomb.
The first Money Bomb started three years ago when listeners began the effort on their own.
I didn't really support it at first because I never really asked for donations, but that money that came in, that $300,000, really helped us expand.
And the second money bomb helped us move into these studios and build what we've done here.
We need this third money bomb going into this depression, going into this controlled implosion to be even bigger so that we can complete the studios and expand the overall output of key information we're putting out.
We are going 110% and if you believe in what we're doing, if you support what we're doing,
Spread the word about the broadcast, the online videos, the films, the news websites, and donate.
Whether it's $5 or $100, every bit of that money bomb is going to go directly into expanding our facilities, so we can challenge the corporate media at an even higher level.
My friends, it is up to you the effect we're going to have.
But you've seen George Soros publications, like Media Matters and many others, intensifying their attacks on us.
You've seen the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, saying that I'm a menace and a danger.
The government, law enforcement, there are a whole set of evil agents out there.
And though I don't expect to see Alex Jones taking a shot at them anytime soon, there are people out there who are perfectly willing to do exactly that.
You've seen Nightline.
Floating these highly charged ideas at a time when the country is already very angry and anxious.
That you are making things more dangerous.
You've seen MSNBC.
When the hatred of our own elected government becomes explosive.
He maintains that he's neither far right nor far left.
But his appeal to the anti-government new right is palpable.
You've witnessed CNN.
You've seen them all coming after us.
I'm not calling for any offensive actions.
I'm calling, like Malcolm X did, for people to be able to protect themselves in this country from scum at CNN!
As Gandhi said, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
First they ignored us, then they laughed at us, now they've been really attacking us.
Well, what comes next?
We're going to win.
It is not a foregone conclusion.
It is not a self-fulfilling prophecy that we have to give in to tyranny and that's just the way it is.
Resistance is victory.
Simply standing up is victory.
And we've been out there on the front lines with MSNBC employees are attacking us and cutting up our equipment with knives.
We have stood there and taken it and resisted when the media has lied and claimed that we're supporting cop killers.
We have exposed FBI operatives like Hal Turner who attacked me for more than a decade as a federal agent.
And it came out in federal court, he was a federal agent.
We are under attack by COINTELPRO, by the financed fake grassroots, the rent-a-mob, by the corporate media, by the think tanks.
The in-the-Fed rallies that I've been at have been surveilled by the U.S.
My great crew members, like Rob Dew up at the G20 last year, he got arrested, taken to a FEMA facility.
They had troops and police there and had bags over people's heads.
It's turning out in Pennsylvania that an Israeli company was involved in surveilling members of the legislature for homeland security.
These are perilous times.
This is serious issues.
And I'm going to explain it again very simply.
Our success is governed by our hard work, our focus, our determination, our research.
We've got that side of the equation.
But the other side of the equation is you supporting us.
I know there are a lot of well-to-do people out there.
We're good to go.
Who the federal government takes your money and then uses your own tax money to finance propaganda against you.
I'm asking you, not at the coercive barrel of a gun like the government does, but simply by asking that if you believe in what we're doing, if you believe in the message that you see and hear and that we're putting out,
Or if you even believe in true alternative grassroots media challenging the globalists, that you need to support us.
But whatever you do, join us this October 14th from 11 a.m.
right into October 15th, a 24-plus hour live transmission with special never-before-seen video interviews that are coming up in two of our new films we're developing.
The evidence is all there, but knowledge, remember, is scattered.
Lord Christopher Monckton.
Life in prison would be the best thing for Al Gore.
Dr. Clennard Childress.
Margaret Sager was a devout racist and that's what people need to know.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
How bad can it get?
Alright, folks.
We're gonna come back and finish this video.
Man, Aaron Dykes knocked this video out of the park.
Good job, Aaron!
Folks, get the video.
It's up at the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
Get it out to everybody.
That's a great video Aaron made.
Man, he's awesome.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
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Our money?
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Again, the Congressional Budget Office sounds the alarm.
This time warns of Greek-style U.S.
debt crises.
You heard me right.
The GAO is drawing a parallel between the U.S.
economy, its debt, and the current Greek economic meltdown.
With the debt-to-GDP chart climbing into unfamiliar territory, the growing budget deficit will rise to unsupportable levels.
Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
The Federal Debt and Risk of Financial Crises document the CBO has published is a must-read for every American.
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Again, call 800-686-2237 and ask for your copy of the CBO document.
Once again, you need to read this government report.
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Whatever you do, join us this October 14th from 11 a.m.
right into October 15th, a 24-plus hour live transmission with special never-before-seen video interviews that are coming up in two of our new films we're developing.
The evidence is all there, but knowledge, remember, is scattered.
Lord Christopher Monckton.
Life in prison would be the best thing for Al Gore.
Dr. Clennard Childress.
Margaret Sager was a devout racist, and that's what people need to know.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
How bad can it get?
It can get worse.
It will get worse.
If you pick up the telephone and call the customer service number if you have a problem with your food stamps, you know who you get?
You get somebody in India who works for J.P.
Morgan Shanks.
One of the interesting aspects of genetic engineering is anytime a scientist discovers a problem,
They're attacked.
And a bunch of live interviews, your phone calls, and a lot more as we attempt to raise $500,000.
The website is InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, and of course we're going to have live streaming throughout the day at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, not just of audio, but of video of this historic transmission.
And if you can't give, if you aren't doing well as most Americans are, I don't want you to give $1.
There's a lot of people out there who are going to have their wealth destroyed if they don't step up.
The middle class is disappearing.
It's time for people out there that claim they're libertarians, claim they're patriots, claim they're freedom lovers, to actually back someone who is for real, who tells it like it is, that talks about inside jobs, that talks about government-sponsored terror, that talks about eugenics, that expose the fact that our government's been injecting people worldwide with syphilis, not just black people in Alabama.
We're hardcore.
We're the most hardcore transmission there is out there.
And that's why the government operatives and the haters and the control freaks at every level come after us because they know we're real in their gut and they're scared of it.
We've got the weapons.
We've got the crews.
We've got the maps.
We've got the GPS.
We're ready to go into New World Order Central and blast the hell out of them.
In the Info War.
All you need to do is pull up with your trucks on the tarmac and put the fuel in our engines.
We are blasting off, going into enemy territory, launching the biggest offensive we have ever done.
But the destiny of this operation is up to you.
Again, if the banksters have raped you seven ways to Sunday, I don't want you to donate.
Spread the word about this special 24 plus hour broadcast that's coming up.
That's the key.
I want to commend my crew and everyone over the years out there that spread the word about the show that has bought our books and videos and has enabled us to give the films out on the web for free.
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That's got the system scared.
That's why they're trying to co-op what we're doing and repackage it as a neocon fake right-wing movement.
That's why it is our responsibility to move to the next level to effectively challenge the globalists and bring true grassroots populist constitutional leadership to the front.
To paraphrase Samuel Adams, it does not take a majority to prevail.
It only takes an irate, focused, angry minority to continually push forward and ignite bushfires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
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I will see you October 14th 11 a.m.
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There's also a free iPhone app to listen to the syndicated radio show when and where you want.
Okay, we're multitasking here.
Jonathan Irish just called into the hotline dealing with the baby and that whole case.
So we go to him now to find out what happened.
Jonathan, go ahead.
Well, the doctor at Wentworth Douglas Hospital, Dr. Lydon or Lydow, I was more focused on my daughter than the name of the doctor.
But the doctor at Wentworth Douglas Hospital said there is a significant amount of bleeding and that there is noticeable
So they're taking the baby back to whoever's hurt her?
No, no, they're not.
They're taking the baby to a sexual abuse specialist doctor.
Oh my gosh.
And remember, they've had the baby the entire time, the whole deal, and man, I tell you, what a nightmare.
Has the baby woken up?
Uh, yeah, she woke up.
She's very... She doesn't really like... She's fussing whenever anyone touches her right now.
Oh, I bet.
Stay there, stay there, we gotta go to break.
Stay there, we're gonna come right back to you.
We'll be right back with Jonathan Ayers, see if he can stay with us.
Oh, boy.
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Well, Randy Kelton is a 57-year-old father, two adult children, grandfather, three grandsons, Vietnam veteran.
He got tired of corruption and he's battled the corrupt courts, he's filed criminal charges, he's won many times against the system.
And he's so well informed in so many areas, he's now flying over the country advising lawyers.
And he is, out of thousands of great people, one of the biggest, most effective fish in the pond, exposing the mortgage scams.
I'm just going to give you a prelude to him being on next Tuesday or Wednesday.
He's out of town.
We're not sure when, but he'll be on the show at least two hours next week to really break it all down.
We're going to him in a moment, but we have an emergency.
with Jonathan Irish, and there's a protest tomorrow, of course, in front of the CPS, the court, but they finally got to see their baby today.
The CPS is there.
The baby was non-responsive.
They take the diaper off.
There's blood all over the place.
They took him to the hospital.
The doctor said, take this child to a sexual abuse expert.
And the baby's been in the government's custody the entire time.
It's all their fault, whatever they've done.
And this is standard operating procedure.
And somebody picked out this woman and said, we want that baby.
Well, they actually didn't send her directly to a sexual abuse specialist.
We're in a visitation and she wasn't responsive and Stephanie, um, Stephanie said, well, you know what, let's try changing her diaper because a lot of times when you change a baby's diaper and they're sleeping, they wake up.
So Stephanie tried to wake her up and it didn't work, so she started to change her diaper.
Stephanie started to change our daughter Cheyenne's diaper and Cheyenne starts waking up and starts to freak out and get really, really fussy and starts to scream immediately.
Okay, so this is with them, but to be clear, because in the last segment you were driving, and I must have misunderstood you, I thought you said the doctor said send the baby to a sexual assault expert.
The CPSW worker was in there when we changed the diaper and noticed everything.
The CPSW worker immediately called the deputy sheriff.
The sheriff came down and the sheriff of Stratford County came down.
And they called the ambulance, had the ambulance rush our daughter Cheyenne to the emergency room where a doctor checked her out.
And a doctor at the emergency room either lied down or lied in.
Okay, now the CPS better follow that directive.
Oh, they are.
Matter of fact, our daughter is no longer in CPS custody right now.
The sheriff's department is in front of us with our daughter in the back of their sheriff's cruiser in the car seat with another deputy sitting directly next to her.
Oh, good.
They can smell a rat.
Good, good.
There's still some good people and they have humanity.
Well, I tell you, Jonathan, this is...
I pray for your daughter's health and safety, but I tell you, this is bottom line.
Something's rotten in the state of New Hampshire.
Yes, sir.
And it's not just the state of New Hampshire.
It's anywhere where there's a family court, anywhere where there's a CPSW worker or a DCYF.
Well, they're going to be in damage mode now.
You better have somebody with you 24 hours a day.
You better let them send people to beat you up.
If they do, submit to it.
Because let me tell you something, if this is a real criminal pervert ring we've run into, and we know there are a lot of them, it comes out all the time, these people will put you six feet under.
So you've got to be, you've got to understand, you are in extreme danger if this is going the direction that my gut told me it was going in days ago.
Yes, sir, and anywhere we go, we have at least two cell phones on us with video capabilities and our video camera.
Yeah, but you need somebody, you need a crowd with you, two or three people that you trust.
They're going to try to send infiltrators in on you, so anybody that claims they want to help you that you don't know, a certified patriot with years of being on record good, believe me, this is, well, look, what we'll do is, I'll talk, anything else you'd like to add?
Not right now, sir.
Other than that, I hope anyone who has not opened their eyes and been awakened to the corruption and the serious, severe, disturbing issues with the globalists now opens their eyes because of the fact, it is on record, that we had nothing to do with this other than finding out this issue with our colleagues.
Good, good.
And to be clear, that's on record and the police
Did you see the exchange when they said we're taking custody of the baby from CPS?
Yes, I did.
What happened with that?
The Sheriff's Department said that because of these situations and because we cannot confirm what did or did not happen, we will take custody and care of the child from here.
Which means they're looking at the CPS as the culprits.
Uh, not necessarily CPS itself, but at least, definitely, at least the foster family.
As a matter of fact, I do believe, because the foster home where our Stephanie and my daughter is being taken care of is where Stephanie's two minor sons are, where we also have documented proof of abuse in the past.
Well, yeah, I mean there are some good foster families that are run by Christians.
But a lot of time, and I cleaned carpets, folks, for four or five months.
So I, in college, went into a lot of houses and I was like, what are these places?
And it'd be like always fat pedophiles with like ten kids in a house living in squalor and that was the foster home.
And, okay, alright, alright.
We may have to go into overdrive with you in 20 minutes.
I've got to get to Randy Kelton.
Continue to gather more data.
We're going to call you back before this hour ends.
We may go into overdrive.
Watch your back.
God bless you.
Be very polite to everybody.
I know you're enraged, but control yourself.
I can't imagine the pain and anger you've got, but you've done very well, Jonathan.
Go with God.
We'll call you back.
All right.
I apologize to Randy Kelton, but he understands, as being a radio host himself, this type of thing happens.
Look, I haven't weighed into the mortgage thing in the last 12 years since I became aware of the massive fraud, because I just have been studying it.
It's so complex.
And I know there are a lot of groups out there and people that say, send me $10,000, I'll fix your mortgage overnight.
If you hear that, don't walk, run.
And I love that Randy says that.
Randy, you know, has been beaten up by the police over and over again, put criminal charges on judges, police, won cases, helped a lot of people.
None of it's perfect because the courts are so corrupt, but I've heard him really go through the laundry list of different frauds that the big mortgage companies engage in.
And notice the whole House of Cards is falling right now.
You know, I mean, even BBC.
Has the headline here saying Obama will not ban home repossession fraud.
So the media here is like, oh, well, they're stopping all the, you know, the Bank of America and other big bank foreclosures.
So there's a few paperwork problems and things.
Today, just briefly, I want to give you a prelude.
In fact, we'll just talk about it right now with Randy Kelton.
Who is a pro se, a guy as good as many top lawyers I know, and he specializes in a lot of different areas.
That's why a lot of lawyers are learning from him.
And I've got a great corporate lawyer, bankruptcy lawyer.
He's an expert in that.
I don't think we've ever done that, but that's what he... And I've talked to him about the stuff years ago.
He knows about the mortgage stuff.
So a lot of this dovetails with the research of Randy Kelton.
And Randy, just in the little bit of time we have today,
I can be there whenever you need me to.
I will adjust my schedule.
Let's get Randy on Wednesday 1 to 5.
We'll do two hours of overdrive.
We'll do three hours with Randy.
One hour main radio transmission and two hours overdrive.
Wednesday 1 o'clock.
Be here, Randy.
Of course, you know our location is a secret because of COINTELPRO, so we'll give you the directions, but don't bring anybody, okay?
Okay, you're awesome.
Randy's a great guy.
Okay, I know you were just hearing that horror about the CPS.
You want to briefly comment on that from all your research?
Yes, I hate to come in behind that and interrupt it because I'm a grandfather myself and that kind of thing touches my heart and I would very much like to get a hold of this person.
I have someone in North Carolina who's a private investigator that specializes in this sort of thing who can go in and show him everything that
Child Protective Services should be doing, and look at what they are doing, and show them what they've done wrong, and give him some tools to extricate his family from this mess.
Because when they break procedures and break laws, as they do out of hand because of an ignorant public, they're blindsided when somebody actually has eyes.
Exactly, and we can show him how to land on them like a ton of bricks.
All right, Randy.
Briefly, in a minute or two, tell people how you got into your overall study of the law.
I mean, I'll give you an example.
Andrew Jackson, our president, in the early 1830s, you know, the war captain, the hero.
I mean, he makes Conan the Barbarian look like a wimp, and he was real, OK?
But some fool sent me an email saying, Alex, you said concentration camps began.
In the colonies, during the war with the British, they began the Boer War.
The official name, Concentration Camp, but I've had the top UT historian on who wrote the best-selling book about Andrew Jackson.
It's a concentration camp to take his mother and his brothers and lock them up in a facility with thousands of other people until they starve to death.
Okay, but side issue.
Andrew Jackson just went down after his family all died in the war.
He was a sniper and runner when he was 11, starting in the war.
Andrew Jackson went and he went to the coast.
I think it was Georgia.
I'm going from memory.
And he apprenticed as a lawyer.
And then he went before the state bar and they said, yeah, you know everything.
You're a lawyer.
So see, that's the other big lie.
If you really study things, you can get the same knowledge they have and more.
And they don't even teach real law now in most of the law schools, because they don't want real lawyers.
They want procedural clerks that follow the Uniform Commercial Code.
But I'm going to shut up now, Randy.
You've got the floor.
Just briefly, go over the lies and the fraud of the mortgage company, some of the most popular things that they've done that's now bringing them down.
Most people think that when a mortgage company wipes a
A loan, a mortgage, that they give out their money and they want you to pay the money back.
Not true.
They give out the money and then they take the note you signed for them and they sell it.
So they get all of their money back.
It is in the lender's best interest to create a note you're sure to default on.
The reason for that is, is the lender profits at every turn.
And a fraudulent contract is not a contract?
It's not a contract.
It's, they are, equitable estoppel applies to a contract created by fraud.
And everything about it is fraud.
It's far too much to go into in these few minutes.
Everything is fraud.
It's been very carefully crafted, so every step... Okay, well, let's take this one, Randy.
Let's take this one.
You can search the term and pull up mainstream news articles, and I get countless calls where people go, my house was paid for five years ago, ten years ago.
I bought it for $100,000 25 years ago.
It's now worth a million on taxes, and they just suddenly took it, and I went to the police and said it was fraud, and they didn't help me.
Well, I mean, of course they didn't.
They don't even understand it.
What is this we're even seeing on CNN?
For those that can't believe this, it's real.
You can pull it up, we pulled it up earlier, where they just take paid-for houses, or houses where they don't even have the deed!
That's because they've screwed up the system so bad, nobody knows who owns what.
They took your note, they sold it to this investor.
This investor grouped your note in with 5,000 others, and then sold pieces as investments to long-term investment pools like retirement funds.
And then they had four or five of them, and one's producing good, one's producing slow, so they did what they call credit default swaps.
They swapped part of this one for that other one, so that the one doing good, they didn't have to pay tax on.
And to bring up the other one just to the point they don't have to pay taxes on it.
So they shifted these back and forth.
Who owns that property?
Just got lost in all this shuffling back and forth.
And then some bank comes to the court and says, oh, we want to...
Repossess on this house.
And the bank is letting them when they can't prove they hold title.
And they don't even have the paperwork, the deed.
It's just in a derivative stew of fraud.
They just say, well, it says I own it.
And you're like, my house is paid for.
I mean, this isn't just people... And it's a lot worse than that.
Because you can't trace the title back to the original land grant, someone's likely to come along next year or five years from now and say, hey, wait a minute.
I hold the title to this plate.
This will create an incredible mess that will follow this country from generations if we don't stop the banks.
Well, that already happens with people that own ranches and things in Texas.
I read about it all the time.
They might have had it in their family a hundred years, but some railroad had the grant before and their great-great-great-great granddaddy didn't file it right at the courthouse, so they're taking it.
Now, this becomes an issue to where every house is subject to this.
If this happened, this country became a mecca for investment because people in foreign countries could come to this country and buy property and be sure it was theirs.
Now, after this mess, nobody can be sure of anything.
All foreign investments are going to dry up.
They're going to drive us into the worst depression this country's ever seen.
And the world's ever seen if we don't get this fixed.
And the way to fix it is for each individual to kick that lender's behind.
Sometimes it's hard for people because they're embarrassed that they're behind on their mortgage.
Well, you shouldn't be embarrassed if everything about it was a fraud.
And if you don't go in there and force the banks to do right, your children and your grandchildren are going to suffer with you.
And that's on the lower end, where there's a micron of responsibility, where they go to poor people, tell them to lie on the forms, the bank tells them, and the government says, go get this, this is the American dream, knowing they're going to sell it into derivatives, leverage it to the power of, you know, a million.
I mean, this was designed to do this.
And so that's a fraud.
But this is, again, I mean, I go back,
The first house I bought, $100,000, nine years ago in South Austin.
It's now worth about $150,000.
And the first house I bought, $100,000, and then Bank of America bought my mortgage and then started threatening to sue me.
And they literally took my mortgage.
That's exactly what's been happening, and they've got into such a glut of profit-taking
That they messed things up for themselves.
And now the sky's beginning to fall in on them, and it's falling in exactly when we said it would.
The politicians who created this mess are going into an election with a 10% approval rating.
Every member of the House of Representatives is up for elections looking to get thrown out, primarily for voting for the bailout, are now trying to use the lender as a scapegoat
To get the public back on their side, so what they've done is delivered up the lender to the courts.
Now we really have an opportunity to win these cases in the court.
We're at a tipping point.
The stars have been aligning themselves for a while.
This pendulum of injustice has swung out as far as it can, and it's beginning to come back.
And just like with Rome, it happens when the elites go crazy.
That's exactly what's happening.
We hear these stories about 2012, this great change coming.
It's not going to be the Nephilim coming down in spaceships.
It's not going to be some foreign agent.
It's going to be us.
You and I. Finally, the people are going to stand up and say, enough of this crapola.
With the mortgage issue, there are so many people being ripped off and stolen from, that it is the best way to get this turned around.
Well, Randy, I want to announce something here.
We just skipped the network break, so stations should be carrying this.
We've skipped quite a few.
I apologize to Ted.
This information is so important.
You know what?
I want to go through more of this, so we're going to do 20 minutes of overdrive, but that cuts into general
Hamid Gul, but I guess people can get it at the Archive or the Free Podcast or presentplanet.tv, but this is important as well.
So we'll do 20 minutes into the next hour, because I promised to get into some other economic news.
What I'll do is we'll talk about five more minutes, then I'm going to hit a little bit of news before the official show ends.
But most stations still do carry the fourth hour, because a lot of days we do it live.
I've just cut the fourth hour because we're getting ready for the TV show every day, a 30-minute news brief.
And then I'm going to do a highly polished, once a week, one hour show.
And so I've got to get everybody ready to where I can't do four hours of radio and then do the preparation and go do a TV show.
We're trying to produce pretty well, like a news program.
I'm just letting folks know.
People are like, well, why'd you quit doing the fourth hour?
Well, we don't always.
I literally can't do it.
When I do four hours, I can do 10 hours while I'm live.
Then after I've done those hours, I'm just completely exhausted like a jellyfish.
So I gotta keep that energy.
But Randy, just amazing info.
Can you stay with us 20 minutes to the next hour?
Okay, and then we're going to have all the documents, you can put them on a disc, we can show them on the computer, on TV next week, and we'll do three hours.
We'll do one to four.
I said one to five, that'd be four hours.
But continue, because there's so many different types of fraud, and they're not going to be able to hide this, and that's what scares me.
They've invaded Pakistan now, and Afghanistan.
They announced
A month ago that they made secret deals with the Pentagon to steal all the death benefits of troops that have been paying for death insurance from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm I, Desert Storm II.
They, I mean, it's crazy they've got 400 mobile microwave trucks.
It's crazy that they are, I mean, we are in the twilight zone, Randy.
Taking people's houses that they don't even own and that are paid for?
I mean, it's just, it's insane!
I know why people can't believe it!
But now it's all over... I'm sorry, go ahead.
We have a man in California, Wells Fargo took his house, three months later, Chase came after his house.
They said, I hold the note, and Wells Fargo said, we hold the note.
Nobody knows who holds the note.
And it's even worse than that.
The banks really don't care about actually foreclosing and selling your house.
That's chump change.
All the money they make on defrauding you up to foreclosure is all chump change.
On almost every mortgage, if you look on your mortgage paperwork, you'll see mortgage insurance.
That'll pay the lender 80% of the principal if you default.
What you don't know is that he has 8 or 10 more of those.
All right, I want you to, Randy, I'm going to give you the floor for 20 minutes to the next hour.
We're going back into the incredible Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence that we had on.
I wanted to get into this Ron Paul news where he says it's a certainty.
We're going down, complete total collapse.
And he has said he is afraid of martial law during that, and the Pentagon admits that's their plan.
That was just put out two weeks ago.
So, I mean, again, folks, we've just been aware of this for a long time.
We were able to forecast it.
I wish I was wrong.
Randy, we're going to put you on hold for five minutes.
When we start the fourth hour, we're going right back to you, OK?
All right.
Thank you.
You know, it's even dawning on me now.
Because it becomes academic.
I study this stuff every day.
I'm obsessed with it.
I get up at 4.35 in the morning and I'm studying.
I studied till 1 o'clock in the morning last night.
And there's so much knowledge.
And the more I learn about evil, the more I learn about how they operate, and I just...
And then I look at the public.
A bunch of them are totally mesmerized zombies.
They don't have a clue.
And they have no hope if we can't get them to wake up.
Look at how much evil has grown because we forgot how to recognize corruption.
I mean, old-timers are like, get off my land!
I don't trust nobody but my family!
People are like, look at that stupid hillbilly.
No, that hillbilly knows what they're doing.
And you better become a hillbilly in your mind, ladies and gentlemen.
You better do it right now.
You better get aggressive and territorial.
That's what freedom's all about!
I want to bring Ted Anderson up in the last three minutes of the official transmission.
Ted, gold hits record.
Last time I looked, 30 minutes ago, it was $1,375.
Gee, $1,375.30 was the peak today.
Currently, right now, $1,370.50.
Alex, prices have gone up.
My wholesale prices are going up.
My prices are going up.
People want to take advantage of this offer I had earlier on.
You better do it by midnight tonight.
Now to quantify it, the silver's up, gold's up, and you always explain, I buy it when it's low, I pass the savings on when it goes high, all the other brokers literally go up, that's their profit, it's a free country.
Ted has about 3-4 percent, I've seen the sheets, markup on these radio specials to explain this.
It's very simple.
But that markup isn't even there and is totally erased by the market going up because he's not raising it to market prices, but it's going to go up.
When is it going up and what are the offers you've got?
Well, you know, I'm going to have price increases by tomorrow.
The offers right now are the franc at $2.89, British sovereigns at $3.62, $10 Liberties $8.58, $16.85 for $20 Liberties.
We still have the walking Liberty half at $10.83.
I mean, right now, silver is at $23.98.
That's only two cents away from $24 an ounce.
That's going to be gone.
One of the things that I'm doing right now, but I have to ponder this one, Alex, I'm going to hold it for right now.
We're still selling that creature from Jekyll Island for $26.45 delivered.
That still comes with a silver dollar.
That's just an absolute steal and it gives you one of the best books that have ever been written about the Fed out there.
Basically it's a free silver dollar.
It's a $19.95 book with a $23 or $4 silver dollar.
That's insane.
You're pondering going up on that?
I, well, I don't know.
Just call us at 800-686-2237.
It's just crazy here, and I just gotta tell people they really need to move now.
So the phones are blowing off the wall?
Yeah, it's absolutely going nuts here.
Well, at least some people are getting into the lifeboats.
We'll be right back in 70 seconds.
Fourth Hour Overdrive.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Alright, we're gonna try to get a pop in a little bit later in the hour from Jonathan Irish and that whole thing in New Hampshire with the baby snatching over the Oath Keeper issue.
And now the police have taken the baby away from CPS and are investigating sexual abuse.
While the baby was in government custody, you just can't make this type of stuff up.
Randy Kelton, a pro se expert on so many levels.
I've really listened to him a lot, researched him, interviewed him before.
Been following him for about four or five years.
And he's got basically the best, clearest research.
And he tells people this is a completely criminal court system.
And the systems he's come up with in studying other successful cases is the best there is.
And that isn't saying a lot.
But it's had a lot of successes and some failures, but it's like medicine.
You practice and you learn.
What he is good at is analyzing their criminality, their fraud at every level.
And basically a bunch of crooks have taken over every facet of society, and they're going hog wild.
We now go to Randy Kelton.
Randy, next week you'll be with us for at least three hours in studio for a special transmission next Wednesday.
But right now, and we'll be 24-hour live Money Bomb tomorrow for everybody at 11 a.m.
It'll be a historic transmission.
Please spread the word about that and get Aaron Dyke's video out.
We've got a break coming up in a minute and one long segment with you.
Randy, kind of recap what you were getting into and again, the systemic fraud and the tipping point you talked about and where all this is going.
We have been predicting since March, when the government allotted $200 million to the FBI to investigate financial fraud, that by June or July, they would start indicting people, which they did, some 500.
October, November, or September, October, they would start prosecuting.
Well, I expected prosecution.
I didn't expect the onslaught that we're getting.
These incredible rulings against the lender.
A ruling out of the Southern Court of San Diego, California said that if MERS is involved in your note, your note is virtually unenforceable.
And that's that fake computer deed filing.
Yes, they made up this
Mortgage Electronic Registration Service.
They told the court of Kansas that this requirement to file the sale of a security instrument with the county recorder's office is archaic, costly, and cumbersome.
And we come up with this whiz-bang company so they can file it with us.
Well, the court told them, you're right, it is archaic.
Costly and cumbersome.
But you'll have to take that up with the legislature.
Because it's worked!
And you gotta have people with their hands on it!
That's what works!
The best system in the world!
Not your globalism scams run by Ken Lay and Bernie Madoff.
They used MERS and now the sky is falling in on them because of it.
It was a scam so that MERS could stand in the front and pretend like they were the holder of the note.
And behind MERS, these companies could sell the notes back and forth.
It caused the originating, the origination of the note to disappear.
Nobody knows who owns it anymore.
And as far as property, that will destabilize the whole country.
The title is not blurred, the title is annihilated.
Right, it's gone.
There's just no way of digging through all this morass of trash.
And worse than that, MERS would scan the note into their records and then
I'm afraid.
My biggest fear is that behind the banksters, the real money people have
Very deliberately orchestrated this whole thing as you go through how this was set up.
I'm afraid that the Bilderbergs and those with that kind of power and money have orchestrated the whole thing.
They don't mind throwing the lender to the wolves.
What did Daniel Lesterland tell me in 2006?
It's an in-game blueprint for global enslavement.
It's also in the Obama deception.
What did he say?
The Bilderberg source, and he has a member that's actually a source, said, we're going to implode the mortgages coming up in the next two years.
Nobody was talking about that then.
Yeah, absolutely.
They have done this whole thing.
Ordered out of K.O.
Stay there, Randy Kelton.
Let's continue to look at MERS on the other side.
We'll get the latest on the Irish, baby.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, Randy Kelton is our guest and he'll be with us three hours next Wednesday in a special overdrive transmission from one to four.
I'll be broadcasting 26 hours tomorrow, or 25 myself, and Watson comes in to us the last two hours of the Friday show.
You don't want to miss that coming up.
There's a key video that Aaron has posted at the Alex Jones Channel.
We need you to get out to everybody to promote the Money Bomb.
Plus, it's a riveting piece.
I think it's the best piece he's done.
Twelve minutes long.
It's called, We're Under Attack.
And it's up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now and the Alex Jones Channel.
And of course, we premiered it here last hour.
Okay, Randy, for the rest of this 18-minute, 12-minute segment, you've got the floor.
Continue going through the fraud and where you see all of this going, because as Bob Chapman covered last Friday, he was surprised Obama did it.
But they understand if they do this, it totally undermines all confidence and it even hurts their scam worse.
But higher-ups are above that, are pushing for it.
The Congress passed a law that would allow the president, the way Bob described it, and I've read over it and you can correct me because you understand the intricacies of all of this, that would
I'm afraid that he's right.
But if they do do that, they will create a condition that will condemn this country
To a depression that's far worse than anything we've imagined.
Because we will receive no investment from anyone anywhere.
If they allow this to happen, no one would dare invest in property in the United States.
Because then everyone's going to come and take it.
So it's the equivalent of dropping 10,000 financial nuclear warheads on us.
That's about the equivalent.
That would be the death knell of this country as we know it.
Mission accomplished!
I think they've had it set up from the start.
But while this is going on, there are things we can fix and things we can't.
And I primarily work toward remedy.
Yeah, give us a preview because people will now be calling us by the thousands and next week I mean you're not even you didn't really want to come on because you're not you're already so busy you're running around the country you're almost scared of the response you're getting people need to help I understand that Randy but but just in
In basics, let's take the top three of the hundreds of different variants of scams and give us a few case point examples of court cases that have been winning, things you've been doing that are successful.
I was talking to you, you're saying maybe out of 30 cases you're having success and two or three you're not.
Just give people some basic ideas.
Okay, we're having general success in almost all of them.
We've got about 300 cases filed in court, and we only have about four or five people who are out of their property.
And primarily what we're doing initially is trying to stop the banksters in their tracks.
And for all of the stuff that's out there, there's no magic in stopping the bankers.
Sue them.
Good suit, bad suit.
Any suit, just sue them.
It puts them into court and blocks them while it's going on, and they've committed so much fraud, they're going to be in trouble.
And we're suggesting people sue in the Fed and sue Pro Se.
We tell people, if you sue Pro Se in the courts, you can be sure that the courts are absolutely, totally corrupt.
They are so corrupt that the other guys can't trust them either.
In the end, the law doesn't really matter a whole lot.
In the end, everything is politics.
And now the politics is changing.
And if you go in pro se, you have certain advantages.
The court's going to rule against you out of hand.
We already know that.
So, in going pro se, we know that if we get an attorney, the attorney's going to take $10,000 and do nothing.
So he's not going to help you.
So if you go in pro se,
You can do things the attorney can't.
We say that the courts hate pro se litigants, but they don't hate pro se litigants because they file stupid pleadings.
They hate pro se litigants because every once in a while they run across the pro se from hell.
The pro se who knows how to kick their behinds every way from Sunday and who knows there's nothing the court can do about it.
That's the power a pro se has.
We go in pro se initially
Soften up the judge by filing judicial conduct complaints on him every time he breathes.
Then go down to the grand jury with criminal charges with him, against him, and try to get him arrested, which we won't get him arrested.
But if we're waiving criminal charges in front of the grand jury, there's a chance he could.
And that would terrify him more than us getting in front of the grand jury.
We can use tools attorneys would not dare use.
We can create influence and pressures that attorneys would never use.
And then at the end, we bring in counsel so counsel can ride in on his white horse and pull these dirty rotten pro ses off the attorneys and the judges and get a deal the individual can live with.
But initially, it's about stopping the courts.
We started this in November of last year.
We've had about four people lose their house
That's because they were already so far advanced in the procedure it was too late to stop them.
They could still go back and sue the lender for the fraud in the case.
And let's explain.
You talk about you're the greatest plagiarist ever.
Well, that's a joke.
There's no plagiarism in law.
That's called precedent.
Talk about the cases that have got the system so scared that the five biggest lenders in the country, led by the biggest overall mortgage holder, Bank of America, have ceased all repossessions.
And the BBC says
In their headline, Obama will not ban home repossession fraud.
So, worldwide it's fraud, people can look at it, it's fraud.
Specifically, tell us about some of the victorious cases.
We have two major cases out of the bankruptcy court in San Diego.
Where the guys went into court chapter 7.
They put their house in the bankruptcy, chapter 7 is unsecured.
And the bank said, wait a minute, I've got a lien against this property.
And the court said, okay, prove it.
Well, uh, we're the servicer, so what?
And they, for the most part in these two cases, the banks didn't even try to prove up ownership because they absolutely could not.
So the bank said, you can't prove owner, you can't prove that you have a lien against the property, the property is unsecured.
They gave it back to the borrower.
And that goes back to this MERS.
What percentage of the current mortgages that are out there are under MERS, this fraud?
Well, the number is 62 million.
Almost everything is involved with MERS in one way or another.
And those who aren't involved in MERS are involved in the same kinds of manipulations that MERS used, that the people who used MERS got into.
So everybody's essentially in the same boat.
That's more of Bank of America's problem is that they have China coming after them, because not only did they rip off the borrower,
They ripped off the investors big time.
And that actually came out a year and a half ago, mainly with Europe, that they, quote, sold them these bad derivatives with packaged mortgages, and that they sold them from the credit default swaps, the baskets of crud, and kept the cream.
Microcosm is Timberwolf with Goldman Sachs, you know, saying this is absolute toxic waste, let's sell it to our customers for triple-A rating prices.
And so, this goes worldwide.
And then they sold the same ones to them 10, 15, 20 times.
It wasn't bad enough that they sold them garbage the first time.
They sold them the same garbage over and over.
But if you're going to sell garbage the first time, why not a thousand times, you know?
It doesn't get any worse.
You're going to rob one bank?
Why not rob 50?
You know, it's kind of that way.
So now the banks have
Foreign investors come in at them.
A union and retirement fund sued one of the REMICs for $11 billion, accusing the REMIC of feeding the investment with predatory loans intended to default.
So they sued for $11 billion.
The banks have people coming at them from every direction.
And you and I, as individual homeowners,
We're like small little flies.
The only ones who are really coming at us are attorneys.
We were the vector point where the fraud was originally originated, dealing with real property, but since then it's been leveraged to over 1.5 quadrillion.
It's just grown away from us.
We're a minor.
The ones coming after us are these scumbag attorneys.
So what we're doing is going back after the attorneys.
If the attorney filed a document in the case and he claims that his client is the holder of the note, he has a duty to make sure that's true.
He can't accept what his client says.
He has to determine that for himself.
That's right.
He's practicing law, but he didn't fall in real estate law.
He didn't go down to the title company.
He just did it.
So now we go for his throat.
We take our grievances.
We take criminal complaints for filing fraudulent documents with the court and take them down to the prosecuting attorney who refused to prosecute.
At least we hope he does.
And then we take criminal charges against the prosecutor for not prosecuting the lender to the head district judge and get him to refuse to act to take complaints against the prosecutor.
Then it kicks it into federal.
No, then we take the district judge down to the grand jury and ask the grand jury to arrest the district judge.
Well, District Judge is not going to be happy.
He's going to go back to that prosecutor and say, what the heck's going on here?
I covered your behind.
They're coming after me.
You better fix it.
All right, Randy, we're out of time.
You'll be here next Wednesday in the third hour.
And we'll start at the beginning and then work through it all.
Three hours of the transmission.
Next Wednesday we'll be on this subject.
We're going to do two extra hours that day.
I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, for a 24-plus hour transmission.
Randy, their house of cards is coming down.
I look forward to seeing you next week.
Be safe.
Thank you.
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