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Name: 20101010_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 10, 2010
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for joining us, fellow lovers of liberty and human dignity and freedom.
It is Sunday, 10-10-10.
10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year on this live Sunday transmission.
And I have a wide spectrum of vital news and information in front of me here today.
One year after Obama wins Nobel Prize, world looks for signs of peace.
What a joke!
Finance leaders call for IMF role in averting
Protectionist currency war going on worldwide.
We have now seen for the first time the third-generation hereditary dictator Kim Jong-un unveiled in North Korea.
What an example.
of how bad big government is and how evil communism is.
We're going to be discussing that.
If I have time today, I also want to read some large excerpts from this speech given March 23rd, 1775 by Patrick Henry, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, and compare that to Kim Jong-il, his father, Kim Il-sung, and now the grandson, Kim Jong-un.
And we have some of the demonic photographs of him just seething with petty, petulant, Nero-like, out-of-control, dehumanizing power.
We'll also get into Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain.
London Guardian and other mainstream papers.
It's like when I brought it up Friday to Ron Paul, I said, clearly, they're using these fake terror alerts, like Ridge admitted Bush did, for political gain.
And Obama said, yeah,
You know, we'll keep you safe from the terrorists if you'll just give your rights up to us.
But I brought this up to Ron Paul and he said, well this is just par for the course with what all of these different scallywags are up to.
So we'll be going over the economy.
Also, consentence probes, whether FBI informant triggered Kent State massacre.
Other headlines say FBI informant fired first shot at Kent State.
Boy, that's not a surprise.
That's not anything that's really newsworthy for our audience.
I mean, nine times out of ten who stages the terror, who fires the first shot, or who dumps over trash cans and sets fire to cars so the paramilitary police can attack peaceful crowds.
It's their own thuggish minions.
But there's an investigation going on in Congress that's being kicked off dealing with that.
Also, obviously, we've been tracking for the last two years the major political realignment happening in this country.
And it's gone from a sure win for the Republicans in the House, to it being neck and neck in the Senate that the Republicans will get control, to now many analysts are saying the Republicans have a good chance of winning a narrow majority, maybe 51-49 in the U.S.
Well, it would be 50-48.
I guess there's one independent in the Senate.
There's one independent senator in there.
So we'll be going over all of those numbers as well today.
But I have to just take a deep breath and think about, A, how many people are waking up and how good that news is, but B, just how real and naked this oppressive tyranny that we're facing really is.
And the road we're going down, we are bankrupt.
If we try to pay back the $1,400 trillion or $1,500 trillion, depending on what estimate you look at, or even the Washington Post estimate of $600 plus trillion to the private banks, it is hundreds of times all the real assets in the world, depending on how you slice it.
In some cases, it's thousands of times all the real assets.
It is a debt black hole designed to render us down to basically a cross between serfs in Mexico and North Korea.
So we'll be covering that first when we get back on the other side.
It is 10-10-10.
The 10th day of October, 2010.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com, JonesReport.com.
Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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Again, on the web, eFoodsDirect.com forward slash Alex, or give them a call at 800-409-5633.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is the 10th day of October 2010.
10, 10, 10.
And we're going to be live here for the next two hours.
Thank you so much for spending time with us on this Sunday.
There's a lot of gladiatorial sporting events to watch.
There's a lot of movies to watch on television.
A lot of alcohol to be basically quaffed down into our collective gullets.
A lot of Prozac to take, a lot of Adderall to gobble and pop, and a lot of drugs to be taken.
This country uses more drugs than every other industrialized nation combined.
But our listeners are tuning in on this Sunday because they understand our society, our civilization, our culture is in deep trouble.
And if we don't turn the ship around quickly,
The damage is going to be irrevocable.
And I've seen the analogy of turning a government, an empire around from going headlong into tyranny back towards the North Star of liberty and freedom.
It's like turning a big cruise ship around.
It takes some time.
And there are attempts to turn the ship around.
And we've turned the ship, you know, maybe 15, 20 degrees.
But the establishment is coming in doing everything they can
Trying to turn the ship back towards total control.
And it's stated by the Ford Foundation, by the Carnegie Endowment, by the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Rand Corporation, all of them are on record, and we of course link to these up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, admitting that they want a post-industrial United States.
They want a form of collectivism where the middle class is enslaved and their money is then transferred to the ultra-rich.
Who then apportion a small amount of chicken feed to further placate and domesticate the giant howling mob of dumbed-down Prozac alcoholic sports fans.
And that's the danger of democracy as the founders all agree, this is one of the few subjects they all agreed on unanimously.
The Second Amendment was one of the others, the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of your family against criminals and the state, was that democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
You got three votes, two wolves voting, one sheep voting.
What do you think's going to be on the dinner table that night?
And once the wolves use democracy of, oh, we'll give you free health care.
Just let the government take over health care.
Of course, the dumbed down mass begging for it never gets the free health care.
And that's now been announced.
30 major firms, including McDonald's, are given exemptions.
They don't have to.
That happened Thursday.
USA Today reported they don't have to get any insurance.
29 million plus other small businesses what is it 29.6 million small businesses doesn't matter if you've got one employee or you're the only person you are going to have to go get the overpriced health care and of course as more money gets forcefully dumped into the insurance company scam it's making the price go up on average around 26 percent
According to the Congressional Budget Office, they're already seeing those numbers.
And remember who wrote, this was even in the Wall Street Journal, but buried in the back of it, but it had the head of the health care union, lobbying union, the head of the lobbyist group, admitting that the major insurance companies had written the health care bill.
Socialism, collectivism, written by the elites, written by the billionaire insurance companies, stockholders, and owners.
Just like we have over two trillion dollars a year in defense, corporate welfare.
And Congress keeps asking where the now four trillion dollars missing under Clinton, Bush, and now Obama.
Where's the money?
They won't say.
Again, corporate welfare.
If you take the banker bailout money, Bloomberg reported, $30 got spent in the mega banks and in bonuses for banks all over the world, not just in the U.S.
with our bailout money that we have to pay back in taxes and that also devalues our dollar.
For every $30 that got spent on the bailout, $1 went to chicken feed.
One dollar went to helping people with mortgages.
They admit that the banks are lending less, not more.
What did I tell you?
What did Ron Paul tell you?
What did Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former head of the Treasury, tell you on this show back in October of last year?
They said, you watch, banks are going to hoard that money and loan even less, hence shutting the economy down even faster.
They wrote the plan.
They want to be flush in cash so they can buy things up cheaper.
It's simple.
A lot of you out there listening have done well in business, you've saved, you've got a lot of assets, you're not part of the elite, but you're worth millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars, many of you.
And you're sitting back, waiting for the economy to fold before you start buying more real estate, aren't you?
Well, that's a microcosm of what the banksters are doing.
And people need to understand that Democrats come, Republicans come and go, but at the end of the day,
The very same lobbying interests, the very same special interests are in control of both parties.
Now, there is a major political realignment.
It dwarfs what happened with people being upset by Clinton going after the Second Amendment.
Back in 1993, with the major political upset of 1994.
But Newt Gingrich, who's a carbon tax promoting globalist, he came in, the liberal media attacked him, so conservatives got fooled by that little shell game, and thought, my gosh, Newt Gingrich must be great if the media is attacking him.
And he totally sold everything out.
Same thing with Bush, because they are nothing but frontmen.
And now Democrats won't wake up and call for lower taxes, even though it'll jumpstart our economy, every historical reference shows, because they see Republicans who have been discredited attacking Obama, so Obama must be good.
This is how the very simple-minded people's
Political extrapolation
In Nevada, or you get a case like Rand Paul in Kentucky and you see the Republican leadership trying to beat them in the primary, you better believe they're good.
You better believe they're good.
Look, this woman's a nut.
She wants fluoride out of the water.
Soon as you hear that, vote for her.
Rand Paul.
They started lying and saying he was kidnapping women.
A week later, they had to admit it was all made up and wasn't true.
But, I mean, that showed you, and Dick Cheney went and campaigned against him.
Rand Paul, you know he's good.
But, and I've gone, I've spent hours and hours every week going down all these congressional races, House and Senate.
And I'd say about 30% or so of the Republican candidates set to win
I don't know.
The other third that we're dealing with here are hardcore, establishment, police state-loving, anti-American, blue-blood, Rockefeller-style Republicans.
And they're going to be teamed up with the Democrats, who are the favorites of the globalists, because they get the job done, they collectivize things.
They're going to team up in the next Congress, and it is going to be one hell of a fight.
And the key here is, we've got to keep their feet to the fire as soon as these people get into office.
And we've got to make sure that we don't get some Henry Kissinger, New World Order, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller approved, Republican who runs for president and ends up getting all the endorsements and winning.
But that's only one part of that equation.
And it's the smaller piece in my opinion.
I hope you'll hear me out on this.
The main fight, as our founders designed it, the main stopgap, the main firewall, is the 50 states, 13 at the time.
Where we can get good sheriff selected, county commissioners, local members of the legislatures, House and Senate.
That's where you have 8% on average, 8.3% average turnout nationwide, right at 60% nationally for big presidential elections.
If we can get 60% of patriot loving, freedom loving,
Common sense people to go out and vet candidates or run themselves and start taking the states over through nullification, 10th Amendment.
We can stop the new world order at the pass.
If you put everything on the president, you're going to lose.
Or even on the Congress.
You put it all, all on the states.
That's the cavalry.
We'll be right back.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We've got it.
The transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are live.
It is 10, 10, 10 on this live Sunday broadcast.
I'm here six days a week, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Weekdays back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, 5 to 7 Eastern.
And we are going to open the phones up coming up later in the hour.
I need to continue getting into the news.
If you've studied history or even looked at what's happened in the last 50 years in this nation, you know collectivism doesn't work.
For the general public.
But it always works for a tiny elite.
And it sets them up as basically kings.
And collectivists, if you read their actual writings, they admit they want to collectivize your life, to control you, and to bankrupt you, so that you basically are their slaves.
Slavery has been the most common system in world history.
Didn't matter what culture it was, in Africa, or in Mesoamerica, or in what is Asia, or Russia, or Europe, it's the same thing.
Corrupt elites get into power.
They get out of control.
If you look at some areas and time periods in history, you'd have the benevolent philosopher king.
And they build aqueducts and educate the poor and were not greedy control freaks.
And you'd have a renaissance.
But those were very rare.
And always their son or their daughter or their son or daughter's son or daughter, two or three generations down, get megalomaniacal or spoiled brats.
I mean, look at people born 50, 60, 70, 80 years ago who grew up on farms in this country.
They're self-sufficient, they're hard-working, they get up at 5 a.m.
Look at young people today.
Decadent, slovenly, full of themselves, only care about themselves, on average.
They don't care about their neighbor.
Their neighbor doesn't care about them.
Easy for a corrupt state to come in and take control of the society.
Because people are so greedy and self-centered.
Well, that microcosm of the individual becoming a snot-nosed brat is accentuated and accelerated to the 10th power with a situation like North Korea.
But before I get into North Korea, as an example of where we're headed, you've got Liberty on one end of the spectrum, North Korea on the other.
We're trying to get more like 1776.
It wasn't perfect, but it's certainly the polar opposite.
It's in the opposite direction of a North Korea.
And I've studied North Korea in depth.
I've interviewed guests that have infiltrated, and journalists.
And they literally, for the general public, keep humans in stalls.
Most of the population is kept in work camps.
And the men and women are in different parts of the camps.
And then they will take a woman,
I don't
So that there's no such thing as a family.
Their goal, you can read this in many of the communist documents or even Russia, is to end the family and the state will become the family and that they will take children, quote, like you take eggs from a hen.
That's a George Orwell quote, 1984, but Eric Blair was his real name.
He had been a communist, and he had worked with the communists at very high levels, especially in the Spanish Civil War, and he was decrying communism and saying this is their plan.
He'd also worked, of course, for MI6 in propaganda during World War II, so he'd... Well, I'm digressing.
The point is, he really knew what he was talking about.
He'd been a member of the Imperial Police in India as a young man, then he'd become a communist, then he found out that was a scam, worked for the British government, and wrote a book about how the elite controls both ends of the spectrum.
Or you can read Carol Quigley, Dr. Carol Quigley's book, about how the big banks are financing a world takeover and a world collapse
And how they finance fascism, communism, they don't care as long as it's collectivist.
Now, what's really going on in Mexico?
I've been studying the situation in Mexico for more than a decade in depth.
We've had some of the top scholars, even advisors to the State Department on about it.
I told folks six years ago that a civil war had begun in all over Mexico, not just in Chiapas as it had kicked off 12 years ago.
But it had gone nationwide in Southern North America as of about six years ago.
And it's now the most dangerous place in the world per capita for tourists, I would add, according to all the numbers we've got.
And you look at what's happening there, you hear, oh, the drug dealers are fighting with the government.
No, they're not.
Mexico is run by less than 20 families.
They have more billionaires per capita than the United States.
Let me say that again.
Mexico has triple the natural resources the United States has.
Triple, conservatively.
And they have more billionaires than the United States does.
They are in the top ten poorest countries in the world and they have one of the highest ratios of ultra-rich on the planet.
You've got a giant mass of poor people and a tiny elite.
Now, the problem for the elite of Mexico is
They allowed one commodity to be in their nation that they didn't fully control.
They control with their monopoly Pemex and the oil.
They control with the monopoly the cell phones.
They control with the monopoly the banking system.
They control with the monopoly over the regional governorships of all the farming.
And they tried to control marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.
But other corrupt elites, private groups, entrepreneurs, cowboys, came in, Mexico, allowed them to operate for decades, making payments to the central government, and the central government tried to come in about six years ago and shut down that.
And now the Mexican government has become so corrupt, and they're of course drug dealing, they're the main drug dealers, and they're allied with three cartels against the other five.
That the public has decided to join with the other cartels who have now taken over entire towns, entire regions, kill police they can't buy, kill mayors they can't buy, try to kill or kill governors they can't buy, and it's just a bunch of corrupt thugs fighting with each other, but the people have spoken and believe that the drug dealer courts, they set up their citizen courts,
Are you sure?
Old ladies were safe, nobody was getting mugged because the mafia wouldn't let you do it.
And the mafia, the Italian mob, was able to take over much of New York because the Italian immigrants were looked down upon by the WASP in New York, if you go back around 150 years ago, and they wouldn't give police protection to them.
So crime exploded, but then another criminal group came in to offer law and order to those Italian areas, and that's how Lacosta Nostra became so powerful in this country.
So it's a parallel to that in Mexico.
Now, they're smarter than that when it comes to evil.
They're smarter than that when it comes to pure wickedness in North Korea.
And when you study the UN, when you study Greenpeace, when you study all the eco-fascists, and they call themselves that, when they talk about post-industrial world totally controlling us, the model that North Korea has is the model that the United Nations and George Soros on record want for the United States.
And when we come back, we're going to look
At the prime, premium example of evil and tyranny and communism with the third hereditary dictator about to become enthroned in North Korea.
We're going to talk about what goes on in North Korea.
This is what big government is.
We'll be right back.
Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We are back live.
Alex Jones here.
The websites are infowars.com, prisonplanet.tv, where you can see the live video streaming of the syndicated radio broadcast, prisonplanet.tv.
I want to cover North Korea.
Then I'm going to get into the economy.
And show how we're being dominated not by a hereditary dictatorship, but by a cartel of private banks.
And how they've designed a financial system to destroy our economy.
By design.
So I'm going to go ahead and get into this right now.
Now just listen to this Associated Press article.
And while we're talking, I'm going to put up on screen video of Kim Jong-il, the hereditary dictator from his father, Kim Il-sung, now making his son, who's never been seen on North Korean TV, who's never been seen by Western television, that they admit in the article,
This is
Cannibalize the North Korean people.
Their population has gone down by more than 5 million just in the last 20 years.
Literally killing their own people.
A bunch of vampires with that little demonic goblin, Kim Jong-il, stumbling around the stage unveiling his son.
And this evil will just continue forever.
I mean, once they get in control and once they brainwash the population, you know, in 20, 30 years when this guy's all diseased and drugged out like his father, he'll be appointing his son hereditary dictator or king.
And their nation, when diplomats land, they have 50-year-old airplanes, 50-year-old cars, the streets are empty.
Vanity Fair reported about a decade ago that you could buy human body parts at the equivalent of hot dog stands.
On the streets.
Absolute hell on earth.
Worse than 1984.
But according to the churches that have been paid off by the federal government under faith-based initiatives, the clergy response teams, they're teaching churches in this country and the preachers to tell their flocks, Romans 13, do whatever government says, it's of God.
So according to their twisting of the Bible, this is of God and we should all worship Kim Jong-un.
The third generation dictator.
All of you that love government and worship it and worship the checkpoints and the face scanning cameras and school kids thumb scanning to get their school lunches nationwide and all of this, this is where we're going.
We know where this goes, we understand where it's going.
We'll be lucky if we only turn into something like Mexico in the next decade.
North Korea's Kim, heir apparent, son, at lavish parade.
And they love to make everybody do acrobatics and marching to show, look at our slaves, how well trained they are.
Clapping, waving, and even cracking a smile, the youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il joined his father Sunday at a massive military parade in his most public appearance since being unveiled as the nation's next leader.
They go on to say he'd never before been seen.
Kim Jong-un, dressed in a dark blue civilian suit, sat next to his father on an observation platform at Kim II Sung Plaza, that's the first dictator, as armored trucks with rocket launchers and tanks rolled by as part of celebrations marking the 65th anniversary of the reclusive state's ruling Workers' Party.
And they have checkpoints and they have tanks on the streets, just like a third world country, just like the United States is turning into.
I mean, people would put down Kim Jong-il or his son if they had naked body scanners at the airport.
But we do it here, and oh, we're land of the free, home of the brave.
While Homeland Security puts out reports demonizing gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, saying we're the number one threat.
AP Seoul Bureau Chief was one of the only photographers allowed in.
They go on.
It was a monumentous public debut of Kim Jong-un, less than two weeks after he was made a four-star general and set on the path to succession, which would carry the Kim dynasty over the communist country into a third generation.
His father, Kim Il-sung, was the nation's founder.
Just days earlier, the world got a first glimpse of the sun from photos published in a state newspaper.
Oh, the first glimpse the slaves got to see.
Of course, most of them don't even get newspapers, so it doesn't matter.
Sunday's appearance was carried live by state TV, beaming him into North Korean households and giving the people their first good look at the future leader.
Oh, the dear one, the dear leader.
Seeing the two Kims side by side above the huge portrait of Kim Il-sung,
And later, waving to the crowd, drew huge cheers of hooray and some tears from North Koreans attending the parade in the heart of the Capitol.
Just like people here cheer on the police state, cheer on the Federal Reserve raping them, because they feel like they're part of the power structure.
Kim Jong-il, protect him to the death!
Kim Jong-il, let us unite to support him!
They chanted for the 68-year-old leader, walked the length of the platform, appearing to limp slightly and gripping the banister.
The Kims later appeared at a nighttime celebration that exploded into a grand spectacle of fireworks and patriotism.
Historic footage of Kim Il-sung played on big screens as thousands of dancers followed, performed intricate
Look at this positive AP article!
Oh, he's such a leader.
He's so... And then they went on to give speeches about how they were keeping North Korea safe from the Western terrorists.
Just like they took everybody's freedoms in Communist Russia to keep everybody safe from hate crimes and terrorism.
And what did the Soviets develop?
The term politically incorrect.
Everything we're seeing unfold here has happened over and over and over again.
We know where this goes.
The elites just don't not care about you.
They want you bankrupted.
And the slave camps that more than half the population lives in, they are literally animals that can hardly talk.
They are animals to the state.
They have been turned and reduced into slaves.
And I guess this happened in this country too.
The millions of black slaves brought here were not allowed to read and write.
They were not allowed to have, obviously, weapons.
They had to stay in barns like animals.
But, but, and I've got the slave training manuals from the 1700s translated into English out of French and Portuguese out of the sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean, how they controlled people.
They would take women
When they were very young, teach them how to read and write, teach them that they got to live in the house, they were the enforcers, and they were the spies that would watch over the male men and boys.
And how did they begin this?
That's feminism.
Oh, this has all been well documented.
Look it up for yourself.
They described how when they would bring slaves in, more than half would die from the transatlantic voyage from the African Gold Coast.
Where they'd been conked on the head.
Sharks would follow the ships all the way across.
On average, about half the slaves, the human beings, would die.
And once they got there, they would take the biggest, strongest leader male, who was obviously the most intelligent, and they would claim he'd done something wrong.
They'd have someone there that could speak, one of the slave traders who could speak the African dialect.
And they would then beat him to near death or to death.
They would then take male children and claim they've been bad and start beating them to death.
And then they tell the women, okay, you keep them down.
You keep them in line.
We won't kill your men.
Everything's done for the children.
Oh, let's turn our guns in to keep the household safe.
Let's break up the family.
Let's pay black people, starting in the 60s, to not have men in the home, so they could break up the family and go from 50% illegitimacy to over 90%.
Well, now it's being done to everybody else.
This is the social engineering.
We live
In a country that is becoming more and more like North Korea every day, and now the mainstream media is admitting that the federal government wants to start censoring talk radio and the internet, they want to shut me up so I can't sit here and tell you all of this.
We'll be right back.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Again, on the web, efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex, or give them a call at 800-409-5633.
Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to take a lot of calls in the second hour today.
The total train number to join us on 10-10-10 is 888-201-2244, 888-201-2244, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Today, I want to do first-time callers.
I want to add that, give first-time callers a chance to get on board.
Later in the next hour, I'm going to get into this financial news, but I want to cover
The overall global takeover first and tie it into the tyranny of big government aka North Korea that I was just talking about.
Bank of America stops US foreclosures for review.
A decade ago we covered this.
Bank of America stops foreclosures across the country expanding review of mortgage documents.
And we had a lot of financial guests on a decade ago talking about the fact that
Banks were taking mortgages, lumping them into derivatives, and then selling them as huge packages that couldn't be differentiated from the individual mortgages.
And then the original sellers would still, in most cases, service and take all the fines and fees.
And I had an experience where my mortgage got sold three times in one year and Bank of America got it and they took our escrow and started threatening to come after us and I had to begin filing suit on them until they apologized and found the problem and gave me my escrow back.
I mean I was paying these people and they had just taken my escrow and so they're trying to get a law passed.
I don't know.
That's like Bloomberg a month ago reporting that 6 million veterans, a secret deal was signed 11 years ago, for when the veterans die, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm 1, or the current wars, that they don't get their death benefits they paid for through insurance, and the insurance companies just keep it, and the Veterans Affairs, the Department of Veterans, just decided that was okay.
I mean folks, the corruption is so crazy,
That it's even hard for me to believe.
So that's my point.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
The system has made the decision to commit millions of super hardcore crimes.
Remember, again, 11 years ago, insiders began to send dossiers about Bernie Madoff stealing now over $100 billion.
First it was $50, then $70, then $80, then $90.
And it turned out the SEC blocked all those investigations, and then this year, through the Banking Reform Bill, they were given more secrecy and more power to not be audited by Congress.
Just like the private Federal Reserve is outside of Congress.
Just like the World Trade Organization is a private group outside of Congress.
This is global corporate governance.
Not your corporation down the street.
Not your bank down the street, that in many cases is doing a great job.
The big mega fortune 100.
They're the ones that sold the trillions in derivatives.
They're the ones that bought up the infrastructure.
Now they get bailed out to fix the problem.
Then they make lending even more hard to get.
That's coming up.
And I remember 15 years ago, reading public Trilateral Commission documents by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Brzezinski, one of Obama's top advisors.
Where they said, by 2012,
This is in the 70s, 1975-76.
And how many years have I talked about this?
How many films have I laid this out?
How right have we been?
How they would sell derivatives, and when they got rid of Glass-Steagall, we knew that was happening in 99.
How they would buy up the planet's resources through the fraudulent counterfeit financial instruments they had made.
How they would then pose as the savior to fix the problem they created, and would announce a bank of the world, made up of the IMF and World Bank, that you would pay a value-added global tax to, of about 2% GDP per nation, another currency transaction, Tobin VAT, not on them, on us, and a carbon tax.
Now, how did all of this come true?
How is this all over AP, Reuters, Bloomberg today?
How was I so right?
Well, it wasn't hard.
I was reading what they said they would do.
I want you to understand if you're a new listener.
Everything you're hearing here, everything, is on the record admitted.
I know you have that old memory of the mainline Republican hosts saying none of this existed for decades.
That was to keep you in the dark.
Now they're at the point of emerging with all of this.
They can't hide it.
So the Republicans are taking the tack of being the opposition to it to make sure they can get back in power.
And share power with the Democrats.
But they've miscalculated.
So many real conservatives are about to get elected, the globalists are scared.
Now, the Trilateral Commission said they would implode the world economy, then they would have global currency wars, and out of that crisis, this is in 75, looking forward to this time we're in now,
They said, once we've gotten to that point, and once we've collectivized things in the world financial system to that point, once we've got, and of course they were making money and vertically integrating the economy and consolidating power the whole time, but just moving towards the real bonanza of no way out,
They said that they would propose a global currency, now they've announced at the Bancor, but it won't be a paper currency you get out of an ATM or a currency exchange.
It is bank-to-bank issued by the big mega six global banks, bank-to-bank digital currency that they just make up out of nothing.
It's not even backed up by mortgages.
It's not even backed up by the U.S.
It's just a whole new level in the name of stopping the currency wars.
Because what is called currency wars is what the G20 announced two years ago, last year, and this year.
Search this term.
G20 announces coordinated currency devaluation.
And then, as everybody notices that the currencies are plunging, they go, Jeepers!
Jiminy Crickets, we better fix this, and here's a stack of mainstream news today, all up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, written as if, they just got a new plan this week, it's a global currency, and the IMF and World Bank will stop the banks from all their bad behavior, even though they're just private holding companies for the mega banks, but we won't mention that, and they're gonna fix it all now, aren't you just, isn't that just special?
Isn't that just special?
And it gives them total control over our domestic currency, over the rate of...
Interest everything.
This is financial dictatorship.
There it is.
G20 Summit.
Gordon Brown announces New World Order.
London Telegraph concerted devaluation of the currencies.
Isn't that nice of them?
Because they've already devalued the currency.
So they're just doing it in a coordinated fashion and then calling it a crisis that they're going to fix when they're on record engineering the whole thing in 1975!
But regardless,
Even if you won't go look that up, you know they're the ones that engineered this.
They created a debt black hole of 1.5 quadrillion, 1,500 trillion.
Conservatively, the Washington Post says 600 plus trillion.
No one can pay that back.
It's a fraud!
As Ron Paul said here Friday, we don't know it, it's a fraud!
There's no way to pay it back!
But they want all these... The government knows when they raise taxes that it makes less money come in.
They want to stall the economy.
They engineered it!
Finance leaders call for IMF role in averting protectionist currency war.
The G20 has the 20 ministers over finance meet over and over again the last two years.
They used to meet once a year, now they meet about six times a year.
Every city they go into is a locked down police state and they come out and say, we've got to fix this problem.
And I've got a Timothy Geithner about a new world order, new global currency to fix this.
There they are, Bloomberg.
S&P, 60% of countries will be bankrupt.
Here's another one.
Geithner urges greater IMF role in currencies.
A global group controlling the world's currencies.
Oh, no Social Security COLA expected in 2011.
Inflation's off the charts.
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the Fed's plan to, quote, fix the debt is inflation.
Oh, that was the plan in the 80s in Mexico.
That was the plan 10 years ago in Argentina.
The elite uses the money up front while it's still got its value.
They inflate it.
You've got to pay it back in taxes.
They buy real assets.
Then they hand you the debt, and you've got to pay it back in more taxes.
So, I've got all that economic news.
I'm going to talk about your mortgage.
We're going to get some more experts on specifically about this.
There's a bunch of different frauds.
If they take your mortgage, package it, and sell it five, six, seven, eight times, or even one time, and put it into derivatives, and no one even knows where the money is, and they start trying to manipulate all this stuff, you don't know that money anymore because they don't even have the deed.
The point is they're engaged in mass fraud.
Bank of America has now suspended all foreclosures while they try to get Congress to write a law allowing them to engage in this type of chicanery.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, the implosion is on.
The depression is here.
It's either us or them.
It's a designed depression.
You better wake up and realize that and get hardcore or it's over.
The U.S.
is done.
Third world cesspit.
When you're out on the road, the last place you want to be is on the road.
But if the unfortunate happens, you'll be glad you were wearing diamond gussets.
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Diamond Gusset Jeans.
Got it.
Others don't.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com, or call 1-866-422-9000.
Coast to coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The planet's ruling elite have decided to fully gut society and go for broke.
They're putting their police state in.
They were building it long before the implosion.
Rand Corporation admitted for the implosion.
Now the Pentagon puts out reports saying, oh my gosh, we could have a total collapse of society.
Only martial law will save us.
They create the crisis, offer the solution.
I want to take a lot of your phone calls before I get back into the economy.
Yeah, Alex.
I'm kind of confused about one thing.
I'm aware that the IMF and the G20 scheme, but my question is, and I hope you can clarify it for me, is that China's fighting against the IMF and the U.S.
by undervaluing their yen, or is it some kind of complete hoax not seen yet?
Because it seems to me
China is coming out on top globally more than the Federal Reserve.
The CFR, the Trilateral Commission said 20 years ago that this century would be the quote Chinese century.
They teamed up with them to deindustrialize the West so people would go into more debt to the banks.
They always claim, I just said that last hour, that there's a currency war, but that's not what's happening.
They'll complain about it, but they've engineered it.
I mean, if the people running the U.S.
had wanted to stop China, they would have had more tariffs on foreign goods like China does on us.
So yeah, they'll complain about what China's doing, but this has all been agreed upon.
Okay, okay.
I was just terrified because all I see in mainstream is China and China this and China that.
Yeah, and then in China they'll scapegoat us and here we'll scapegoat China when it's a global system above these countries playing us all off against each other to vertically integrate wealth.
Okay, I appreciate that Alex.
Thank you.
I appreciate you, John.
Good question.
Bob in Arizona.
Bob, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I really appreciate you taking my call.
I'll be really, really quick on this.
Is there some sort of a database or is there some way to find out if your pastor or ex-pastor is part of the clergy response team?
Five years ago, we received the secret documents.
Two years later, some local newscast admitted it but said how great it was that they were helping prepare everyone for martial law.
It is secret, it's part of a subset of InfraGard, and it's highly secretive, but you need to, I mean, if your preacher's up there telling you to do what the government says, it's of the Lord, you better believe that they are part of the Clergy Response Team, or their denomination through the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches is ordering them to do that.
...Jesus, you know, they're fundamental Baptists, they're Separatists, you know, they're not associated with any of these, you know, like Southern Baptist Convention, they claim that they're not all part of that.
But basically, I talked to some of the congregation and was basically trying to wake them up.
I told them that I, you know, watched your show.
And you were told to shut up in America because you don't... A lot of that is also 501c3.
They've taken over the churches and tricked them to be a charity instead of, under the First Amendment, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Then they give memos that we've covered on air to the preachers where they then tell their flock, you don't even talk about politics at a church picnic.
And so that could be what's happening there as well, but you were told to shut up?
Well, basically, I had that back surgery and I was really sick.
No one showed up.
Then out of the clear blue sky, one of the elders showed up unexpectedly.
And I told him how, you know, I had been studying my Bible and a lot of the things that are going on in the world are basically prophecies that were written 2,600 years ago.
And he looks at me and he gets all bug-eyed and he's like,
That's a sin.
I'm like, why does sin study my Bible?
He said, that's a sin to be studying your Bible and comparing it to what's going on today.
Yeah, no, no, no.
Most of these churches are just government operations, and of course they've got to take the churches over.
In 1776, it was the churches that led the fight against tyranny.
It's the same in China, Russia, you name it.
They always take over the churches.
Get out of that church.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are now into hour number two on this 10th day of October 2010, 10-10-10.
I'm going to go to as many of your calls now in this segment and the next and I'm going to continue getting back into the news.
They're investigating in Congress whether an FBI informant fired the first shots at Kent State.
We'll look at some of the political races across the country, horrifying Republican and Democratic.
Bigwigs who are afraid of their status quo of criminality being upset.
That is just some of what is coming up.
Also, London Guardian has the headline, Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain.
But to put bookends on what I was talking about last hour,
The Rand Corporation and others in the late 90s I was reading where they said we're going to federalize local police.
There's going to be terror attacks.
We're going to take your rights away.
Kids are going to thumb scan to buy and sell.
That's going to train everyone to the public schools to where everything you do will be tracked.
We're going to have naked body scanners on the streets.
And I went on air and warned everyone.
And now, every day, I see scores of mainstream news articles going, oh, the entire Los Angeles school district, you must thumb scan when you get to school to get your lunch.
You must face scan to make sure it's really you when you get to school.
You must be searched by the police.
I mean, literally, 1984.
500 mobile x-ray vans looking through your walls.
I mean it's just insane and it is not to stop crime.
It's to protect the criminal government itself run by offshore banks that are using the government as a profit-making system to rob the daylights out of people to bankrupt us so we're under their control.
All right, we're taking your phone calls.
The toll-free number is 888-201-2244.
We're going to go to Lucretia, Venus, and Eric, Ted, Jim, and others that are patiently holding, Brent and others, and Humbu and others.
Let's talk to Lucretia in Oregon.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you Alex, InfoWarrior and Prison Planet member, first time caller.
By the way, please tell your people to join up because it's just incredible to have your show.
I often listen to it twice because there's no other ads on it.
I was listening to your show for a long time before and it was always ads and I couldn't often get through it all.
Well let me be clear, let me just stop you Lucretia and then I'll let you make your point because I want to hear from you.
We have
Fourteen minutes of ads an hour on the weekday shows, about 16 on the Sunday show.
That's below industry standard.
And of course there's free audio streams at Infowars.com.
But our local AM and FM affiliates, they get half the ads, the network gets half the ads.
So, you know, a station's probably only getting about
Six minutes of ads an hour.
We're only getting about six minutes of ads an hour.
So that's why you hear the ads.
But yes, if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you get all my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, the archive of each show, a higher quality audio podcast, the video podcast.
It's all at PrisonPlanet.TV and that's why a lot of folks like it.
We appreciate you for your support.
Go ahead and make your point.
Yes, absolutely.
I love supporting you.
You're always talking about fluoride, and it's not just fluoride.
I'm a nutritionist and have been a nutritionist for 25 years.
And George Norrie had a fellow on Dr. Mark Starr, and he talked about how 95% of Americans are now hypothyroid.
They've taken the iodine out of the salt, the milk, the bread, and they're replacing it with all these iodine antagonists.
Probably your key to longevity and your immune system is your thyroid.
That's right, minerals and literally everywhere I go, I hear young women talking about their hyperthyroid, their hair falling out, and it is just hitting women even harder.
And it's true, we have a diet low in minerals, especially iodine.
You are absolutely right.
Yeah, especially fibroids, and then they used to treat cholesterol.
The first thing they would do is give you, where high blood pressure would be give you desiccated thyroid.
T4 doesn't work.
It needs the iodine, the selenium, and all these other things.
So if your doctor has you on that, but Alex, you can pinch your deltoid right by the top of your shoulder.
And if you can't close to pinch your two fingers together, and you know, looking you, I can see it would be very beneficial because you're always wanting to get your nice
I mean, look, the food is just full of poisons and toxins.
Good to hear from you.
God bless you.
Let me just make a brief comment on this.
I called Curt Nemo yesterday, one of our writers at InfoWars.com, and I sent him a bunch of links.
He did a lot of other great research.
The headline is, A Warning to Glenn Beck, Don't Drink Diet Coke.
Glenn Beck has macular dystrophy, or the degeneration of the nerves that attach to the eye.
I've had brain surgeons on, scientists.
Food and Drug Administration's own reports about aspartame that is now in Big League Chew, Wrigley Spearmint, regular sugar gum.
I mean, I'll go to the grocery store, and I like gum sometimes, or my children want it, and I can't find any gum, any gum.
I was at a gas station about a week ago, though, and they had old-fashioned Beeman's.
It's just sugar gum.
And, I mean, you have to mail order it or it's very hard to find regular sugar gum.
And, I mean, I've researched aspartame.
I know they tried to approve it twice in the 70s.
I know the Pentagon accidentally discovered it when they were working on chemical weapons.
Folks, if you don't believe me, just search the term aspartame manufacturing process.
It's a genetically modified E. coli bacteria that they feed toxic chemicals to and then it excretes
It was it excretes aspartame and aspartame breaks down at above 86 degrees and the body's of course hotter than that a few degrees hotter into basically wood alcohol and formaldehyde.
Now remember the old speakeasies in the decade of prohibition and everybody going blind who was drinking bad alcohol because it would have wood alcohol in it.
Well, that's basically what aspartame breaks down into, and one of the number one, I mean, I was having doctors on 15 years ago about this, and I didn't even know what macular dystrophy or degeneration was, and they would say, people are going blind, they're having organ failure, they tell diabetics to, and I see children everywhere.
Today, I was at a park, and there were kids there, and there were two different families with children, and I watched them running around with diet sodas, and I said, can I see that?
And it said aspartame.
I mean, it's in everything.
And there's Glenn Beck going blind and having all these other health problems.
And I don't know that that's it.
I just know that that's one of the main causes of this.
And we've got all these new neurological disorders.
We've got all these new problems.
And one of the big issues is aspartame.
And now aspartame is in thousands and thousands of different products.
Let's jam in a call.
Venus and Eric in New York, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, my name is Venus and we called on three with my friend Eric.
I just have one quick question that he's asking me.
I was curious, you had David Icke on the other day and he was talking about us as humans, like we're not real and all of this life is not real.
I just want you to speak to that please and tell me what does he mean and if you believe in that.
Well, no, I don't believe in that, but I don't think that's what he was saying.
He was saying that what we see, and this is what the big advertising execs knew 60 years ago, is a hologram developed in our brain.
You know, when you're in your mother at less than a month, the eyes grow out of the brain, and the eyes are part of the brain.
And so your eyes are picking up
uh... this information your nose is picking up smell uh... you know the touch uh... you hear and all of that is integrated together uh... into basically a three d hologram in your mind okay
And so he was talking about how the controllers are able to basically program the five senses because they understand that we are a electrochemical computer, that's what the brain is, and so it can be falsely programmed.
And so he was saying that so many people just accept everything they're seeing, or whatever the television is saying, when they're in a suspended disbelief.
Have you heard the term suspended disbelief?
No, I haven't.
I mean, that's like when you go to a movie and five minutes into it you kind of forget that it isn't real and you just get into the story.
You understand?
Because your subconscious brain, Venus and Eric, is accepting it as if it's real.
Only your conscious brain can even try to make differentiations of whether something's real or not.
Stay there, I'm going to come right back to you after this break.
Venus and Eric, stay there.
Then Ted, Jim, and many others.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Okay, those callers dropped off, but they were asking a question about perception.
And the issue here is, going back to aspartame, and you go to a cookout or a park, or a church function, and there's not just men and women drinking diet drinks with aspartame, NutraSweet or Equal as it's known, it's children.
And it is a toxic chemical.
It was not approved twice.
Rumsfeld got it approved in 1981.
In the monkey studies, it killed a lot of the monkeys that drank it.
It does attack your eyes, your brain, your organs.
Just like sodium fluoride is deadly, just search the term fluoride cancer, you'll get thousands of major studies.
This is an absolute fact, but it's just hidden in plain view.
Well, people have always been drinking fluoride water the last 60 years.
We've always been drinking the last, you know, 29 years.
This aspartame, and now it's... Nobody tells you it's just suddenly even in your sugar gum.
It's suddenly in baked goods.
And here's the big secret.
It's highly addictive.
The medical doctors we've had on have talked about treating people for aspartame addiction.
And the incredible health rebounds they have once they get off of it.
But it takes... I had a family member who drank a couple Diet Cokes a day and they were completely addicted.
They were having health problems and I talked them into slowly going off and they literally had withdrawals like they were a crack addict or something.
Hey Alex.
Hey buddy.
Hey, I finally get through.
Anyway, I'm calling from the first police state to fall, Pennsylvania, under the Mossad, new government police state.
Well, that's true.
Yeah, it's admitted that a Mossad company does illegally spy on the people of Pennsylvania, including the legislature.
That's in all the major papers, and their main group they've been hired to spy on are gun groups and tea parties.
And that just shows where this country's gone, how the government's hiring foreigners and recruiting foreigners to fill up the military as well.
Anyway, I just wanted to bring up a few issues.
First off, on Russia today,
I thought it was kind of interesting how Rush of the Day pulled you into that clip with Damon Vickers and then they cut it off right at the end before he mentioned you on the Glenn Beck Show.
I thought that was kind of strange how they kind of got you on there.
To destroy Glenn Beck?
I had RT once, twice here interviewing me in person, and they admitted that the head of RT US is a big fan and that a lot of the guests they have on is from my show.
And they were pointing out that when I have a guest on and Glenn Beck has a guest on, and even Newsweek has pointed out that he now covers many of the issues I cover, and I was saying it was positive.
That he was starting to cover those issues.
And people say, and I appreciate your call, Ted, you know, why are you covering Glenn Beck once or twice a week?
Well, it's because he reaches 20, 30, 40 million people, depending on, you know, what ratings period you look at every week.
And last week he admitted that the Fabian socialist and the White House science czar want to drug the water to sterilize you.
I mean, that's a fact.
I've got the book written by John P. Holdren, The White House Science Czar.
I've been covering this almost every show for two years.
That's a positive thing.
And that's a big deal.
I mean, what does that say about our information about world government that now, not just Beck, but, I mean, they're covering it on CNN, they're covering it on MSNBC, over and over again now.
They're having top Republican pundits like Dick Morris admit world governments here and taking over through the banking system.
So they tried to deny all this for so long they can't do it anymore.
So that's a big deal.
That's a big issue and I made the prediction on air a month ago that if Beck continues to really start getting hardcore and telling the truth, he won't be on Fox.
Now I have WorldNetDaily, New York Times, and a bunch of other mainstream articles this week saying
Will Glenn Beck leave Fox?
And in the New York Times, Beck told him Roger Ailes is mad at him and he might get pushed out.
I mean, that's incredible!
So, you'll know if Glenn Beck's for real, because he's not going to... It's like Lou Dobbs.
By the way, he's probably on next week.
I'll just leave it at that.
He's been on before.
Lou Dobbs was real.
Don't agree with everything he said, but he was real.
The guy's real.
He was fighting the globalists.
He was talking about the elites.
He was talking about megacorporations wanting socialism.
It didn't matter if he had the top ratings on CNN.
I mean, he had two and a half million viewers on average.
Larry King Live's got 800,000.
The number one show, 800,000.
They got rid of him.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
One of the reasons I wanted to call in, I was listening here a couple of weeks ago when you were talking about the possibility of the false black terrorism and so on and so forth.
And now the government says we could absorb an attack.
It might help America.
We tried to keep you safe, but you didn't give all your rights up.
And we have all these White House advisors telling the Financial Times of London, Robert Shapiro, that he needs a massive terror attack to look strong.
Go ahead.
You're absolutely right.
And what my point on this is, instead of what I would like to find some way to do, is to get a pre-planned or pre-set up response to
Any kind of terrorist attack, whether it's homegrown, whether it's false flag, even whether it's real, it doesn't matter.
I was about to say, that's my problem with the prepackaged response.
I've got to analyze it.
Sometimes that takes weeks to know, because there are some real terror attacks.
Well, I understand, but again, even this particular methodology doesn't matter, because even if it is a real terror attack, they've taken all our rights.
They're listening to all the phone calls.
No, no, no, and I'm interrupting.
I'll hold you over if need be.
This is key, and I meant to even talk about this today.
I'm glad you called, Jim.
That's why I love the calls, because you take us in important directions, is that even if the terror attacks are real, even if 9-11 was real, which all the evidence shows, it's as phony as the $3 bill.
It doesn't matter.
Homeland Security admits 95% of the architecture is for gun owners, libertarians, returning veterans, the American people.
They're using it to enslave us and using it for government secrecy.
You're absolutely right.
Go ahead.
But it was originally sold to us as being something to protect us.
Which, you know, there are those of us that have been listening or are waking up since Waco and Ruby Ridge, you know, era.
But the point I'm trying to make is it doesn't matter whether it's a false flag or whether it's a real attack.
They didn't do what taking our rights away said what they were going to be able to do.
So let's get them out.
If it's a
I know there's a lot of different ways this could go.
No, I hear you, I hear you.
I mean, Katrina, FEMA sabotaged that on purpose, blocked locals from responding.
We know they did it to get more funding, more power.
But regardless, the government can't and won't protect you.
That's the message.
Government cannot deliver.
It looks good on paper until it hits reality.
So what's your idea for a pre-planned response?
Or less, let's just, okay, a nationwide call for the impeachment of anybody and everybody
From the President to his appointees who are supposed to be... Stay there, stay there, Jim.
It's all genius.
And look, when they have a terror attack in Latin America or Asia, they fire the head of security.
They fire a bunch of people.
Here, everybody involved in letting it happen got more power, got record bonuses, and got more control.
That's a great point.
So how do we respond to that?
I want to hear from you, Jim.
Then a bunch of other callers and a ton of news on the other side.
Key Intel coming up.
Stay with us.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Number two.
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It's true.
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Number three.
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Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows.
I remembered a decade ago learning about this and seeing the documents and finding it hard to believe, but Bank of America stops U.S.
foreclosures for review.
Turns out what the big megabanks have been doing is illegal on its face.
They sell your mortgages into bundles.
And then don't even produce the deed when they take your house.
And in many cases, JPMorgan Chase and others just take houses that are paid for in cash.
I've got CNN news clips of their house was paid for.
They owed no money.
And a bank that didn't even own their old mortgage took it.
And they just go, that's the way it is.
And the sheriffs and the police follow orders and they come and take the house.
Now, because so many people have learned, mainly through the Patriot Movement, about this, that they are in serious trouble.
So that's coming up in the final segment.
I want to continue with a bunch of your calls now and into the next segment.
But the issue that Jim in Texas was raising, we're going back to him, is so central.
Even if you believe all this terror is real, you have a better chance, statistically, of being struck by lightning than being killed by an al-Qaeda bad man.
A Mr. Turban on the head.
But we've got to give up all our liberties, all our freedoms, let the government operate in even more secrecy and get trillions of tax-paying dollars and invade all these countries or the bad men will get us.
Well, they can't protect us, they won't protect us.
Governor Ridge last year admitted in a book that they put out fake terror alerts for political gain.
I've been pointing out for weeks that Obama's issuing fake terror alerts.
Months ago I said he would do it.
Here's The Guardian today, Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain.
No kidding!
You have all these White House advisors, two months ago, three months ago, saying, Obama, scare them with terror!
They think you're so stupid, they write articles for the Financial Times, saying we're gonna freak people out that bad men are gonna get them.
And then you get all the Homeland Security training manuals.
It's for us, the American people.
And they're trying to train the police that even criticizing the government is some type of act of terrorism when you can't get any more Americana than that.
Jim, go ahead and finish your point.
Well, I mean, it's just, like I said, it was something that I've run across, been running around in my head for a couple of weeks now since you started talking about the false flag, impending false flag, since Obama brought up the false flag, the fact that we were able to absorb a terrorist attack and so on and so forth, it sounds just like before when they're getting everybody prepared for it, here it comes, you know, get ready, here it comes.
What they're expecting everyone to do is follow along behind Obama and all of a sudden say, oh, you know, you're our savior, do what you're supposed to do, protect us.
But it never works out that way, and it doesn't work out that way, and it can't work out that way.
So instead, we ought to do a complete 180 on them.
Take everybody that supposedly said that they were going to defend us and protect us, boot them out of office.
I know a lot of those people were elected, but a lot of them were appointed.
So you take the elected ones out, you take the appointed ones out.
But even then, I mean, it gets even a little more complicated because you already have an existing chain of command.
Well look, they were setting up this whole homeland security system in the early 90s.
I've seen excerpts of Clinton talking about it.
So it was always their plan to stage terror attacks and use that as a pretext to take over domestically and launch foreign wars.
But I will, the day there's a big attack, I'll come out and say put up flyers everywhere saying don't give up your liberty for security, research stage terror.
Uh, and absolutely fire those that screwed up and didn't protect us.
You know, day one, point that out.
I appreciate your points, Jim.
They're very well taken.
Uh, let's talk to Brent in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Brent.
Hello, Alex.
Nice to talk to you for the first time.
Um, Ma, I got two points.
One coincides with the last two callers.
Um, back in like early September and here in Pennsylvania, in the area I live in, there
Several different Patriot groups having like rallies and stuff.
One of them was a PA Gun Owners group and a buddy of mine who's starting to get in touch with them said that right before they had their rally they meet somewhere and they had a suspicious movement outside their restaurant they were meeting at and they went out and like noticed some guys rolling up in some dark SUVs and they came out and like
I don't know.
Digital Cambo.
The kind you see in really heavy urban combat settings.
Well, it's admitted in Pennsylvania and every other state they had foreign Mossad, you name it, spying on mainline conservative groups.
I mean, that's what all this Homeland Security's for.
And so what happened?
Well, they tried to hassle them and they called out some more of the guys that were there meeting for their rally and the more they came out.
It kind of like, I guess, shrugged off these... Okay, let me be clear.
Let's be clear about your story here, Brent.
You were hassling them, or your friends were, or the guys in Camo were hassling you for how dare you as an American meet and talk about politics.
That's illegal in the Soviet Union.
Basically, what was the KGB was meeting for, before a rally at a restaurant somewhere, and they noticed some black SUVs rolled up, and they were starting to hover around their vehicles.
And a couple of the G.A.
Gunnar guys came out and like took note to it and they went to talk to the one and they kind of like, you know, stepped back and more came forward and the other G.A.
Gunnar guys noticed that and they came out and they saw more people coming out of the restaurant and they kind of like backed off and then got on their SVs and rolled away.
I don't think so.
Under a state contract, the governor has apologized, but only because he got caught, is spying on members of the legislature.
Because they can't get the feds to spy on the legislature, that's clearly illegal, so they hire a foreign company.
So I wish they would have gotten some video of that confrontation.
But that's exactly what goes on.
I appreciate your call.
And since you mention that, here's raw story.
I've also got Cleveland.com.
Revelations from Kent State Audio Tape Prompt Congressional Inquiry.
Cassandra's probes with her FBI informant triggered Kent State massacre.
And they've released the FBI surveillance tape.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I had a question, and this might sound like a stupid question, but I was wondering, if the government enslaves the American people and makes us all in debt, what do you think would happen to the video game industries, the computer industries, and stuff like that?
Well, they're just going to be offshore.
The manufacturing already is predominantly.
And they'll still be a tiny middle class that can buy the goods.
But this is a slow, incremental march into tyranny.
It's not some overnight thing.
We didn't lose most our factories, our industry overnight.
Then they told us, well, we have a service economy.
Now that's imploding.
Then they lie to us and say we're not even in a recession when all the evidence shows we're in a depression.
Yeah, I was just wondering if they, like, because I know that's how they basically program the youth through video games and music and stuff.
Well, you notice there's thousands of free video games that are programming people.
Yeah, and I was wondering, like, if that's basically one way that they control the youth, would they ever think about demolishing the video game industry to control the youth more?
Like, to find another way to control the youth?
Well, I don't see how demolishing the video game industry would do that, but Microsoft's one of the big hitters, so is Sony, and just full of programming and propaganda.
I appreciate your call, Aaron.
Let's go ahead and talk to Suzanne in New York.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, I'm a first-time caller.
You know, you're talking about the loans and everything.
A fraudulent mortgage was taken out using a forced power of attorney.
And the bank sold it to someone else.
We went to the district attorney's office about it.
They don't want to do anything about it.
We went to the state's attorney's office.
We went to the banking commission.
And everybody we seemed to talk to said that there's not much they could do about it.
Well, that's not true, though.
They're just hoping you go away.
The big banks are losing in court all over the place, and they're scared.
So Bank of America and others are on the verge, Bank of America's already done it, of suspending foreclosures because they have broken the law and the procedures.
We're going to cover that when we come back, Suzanne.
Anything else?
We lost our property.
Well, stay there.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number four.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number five.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun, so go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-866-422-9000.
Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
Don't be dependent on the government for you and your family.
You need to get your own supply of high quality storable foods from efoodsdirect.com.
They're the best company out there, the longest continually operating, with a ton of great food to choose from.
It's all fresh, made on a monthly basis, not some old cruddy food they're selling you like some of the other guys.
Try their new evacuation pack, a two-week supply of delicious, easy-to-fix food.
It comes with all the equipment you need to prepare it, with open talk of a strike on Iran in the next three months, the crisis in the Gulf, and possible evacuations.
Get yourself and your family ready today.
The place to go is efoodsdirect.com.
Go to their website online right now, efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex, or call 800-409-5633.
Again, on the web, efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex, or give them a call at 800-409-5633.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
I'm going to try to jam in as many of your calls, Susan, William, Karen, Sarah, Josh, and others.
I didn't get to the Patrick Henry speech.
I'm gonna cover it tomorrow on the 11 a.m.
to actually 3 p.m.
We'll do four hours tomorrow live.
A few months ago, I went to three-hour show from four hours because I'm so busy with the new TV studios, but now I'm going back to four hours more and more.
Maybe we'll just go back permanently.
Three hours isn't enough, two hours isn't enough on Sunday.
But to try to illustrate this, because it's such a complex issue, there's hundreds of different things mega banks that are doing that are illegal.
So are insurance companies, because they control all the major regulators at the state and federal level, and internationally, why not?
But here's Bloomberg from two weeks ago, part two of their report.
Veterans agency made secret deal over benefits with six million veterans to take their pension
Uh, money, their, their, uh, death benefits from their widows and widowers when they died illegally.
They made the deal secretly more than ten years ago.
And credentials now admitted it, but in court produced the secret agreements with the VA to have the veterans pay for death benefits but then not give it to them.
Now, I mean, if that doesn't wake you up to just how out of control these insurance companies and banks are, I don't know what will.
Now, are there a lot of people got mortgages they shouldn't have and they were told to lie on the forms and all the rest of it?
Are they partially guilty?
Some of them, yes.
But the real guilt goes with the Glass-Steagall Act being ended.
They wanted to package these mortgages, again, 11 years ago when all this kicked off, so they did it.
And it's a fact, you can pull up that, just search the term JP Morgan, you know, in court, you know, repossessed home they didn't own.
Goldman Sachs, same headline.
Bank of America, or there it is, JP Morgan thug breaks into home, not in foreclosure report.
And that's a Justice Department probe foreclosure practices.
Now, they said we were conspiracy theorists a decade ago.
They said this wasn't happening.
Ten years ago, I had a little three-bedroom house in South Austin, $100,000 mortgage.
And the people I bought it from...
Sold it at least three times, and then Bank of America took my escrow and was threatening me and threatening to go to court against me if I didn't pay another escrow.
And I had to pay a lawyer, a mortgage lawyer, and they said, okay, we'll file suit.
This is criminal.
Now, most people don't know how to do that.
Now, poor Suzanne, she went to the government, to the district attorney and said, help me, I'm a poor lady.
This is illegal.
And they just said, sorry, can't help you.
That's not how you do it.
You've got to file the paperwork yourself.
There's a lot of experts who've been winning in court on this, and I want a full court press to get a whole string of them on the next month.
Okay, we're gonna get them all on here.
People that have been winning in court.
Now, it runs the gamut.
Some things are outright criminal, where banks will just break into a house that's paid for cash, they don't even own the mortgage, but they bought derivatives that were packaged out of that from a decade or five, six, seven, eight years before, and they say, we don't care, we bought this derivative on the person you bought the house from seven years ago, we say we own it.
And they take it!
They take, that's on CNN!
You can search CNN, home taken from owners, paid for home taken from owners.
In fact, search that on YouTube.
I want to just at least show the image for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
You cannot make this stuff up.
You cannot make up taking 6 million dead veterans death benefits.
I mean, you just, and the government made the agreement, secretly.
It's a pack of criminals, okay?
None of us are safe.
I'm ranting now.
But they tried to pass a law last week, but Obama vetoed it ahead of the election because he knows it's political suicide to allow banks to just do whatever they want with mortgages.
We covered that on Friday with Bob Chapman.
That's something Obama did actually good.
He vetoed it last Thursday.
But it passed.
This criminal House and Senate passed that stinking bill.
So they're racing to try to get something done right now.
And that's why four major banks, now five, with Bank of America, have suspended all foreclosures.
It runs the gamut from outright fraud to upping people's interest rate when the contract doesn't say that, just counting on their ignorance, to selling it 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, in some cases more than 20 times, but they keep the service of the loan, because that's where the real profits are at, and then it's sold as derivatives and AAA rated when it's really total crud, hence what started the housing collapse two years ago.
But under law, you've got to have the deed.
But these companies don't have the deed because it's been sold over and over again.
Okay, so here's the Associated Press.
Bank of America stops U.S.
foreclosures for review.
Bank of America stops foreclosures across the country, expanding review of mortgage documents.
Now, this is the mainstream media spin, but listen to how devastating this is, okay?
It goes on.
Bank of America on Friday halted foreclosures of homes across the country so it could review paperwork and tens of thousands of cases for flaws, expanding a crisis at a perilous time for the housing market.
The move came as the PNC Finance Services became the fourth major bank to announce that it would stop foreclosures in at least some states.
It added the growing concerns that mortgage lenders have been evicting homeowners despite flawed court papers.
Yeah, flawed.
They don't even own houses in many cases and they take them.
You know, they've got loopholes in a lot of those loans where you're late on one payment, they try to take it.
Especially if your house is more than half paid for.
Doesn't matter if you're upside down on the loan.
Even at reduced prices, they can make money.
It's the old thing of banks.
You know, the farm's got one more payment and they do some manipulation to take it.
Bank of America, the largest U.S.
bank, has said earlier it would stop foreclosures in 23 states with a process must be approved by a judge.
Yeah, where there's still law.
Ally Financial GMAC Mortgage Unit and JPMorgan Chase has announced similar plans.
Bank of America Nationwide will halt and will apply to homes that the bank is taking back itself and those for which it has transferred the papers to mortgage buyers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The bank said it had not found any widespread problems, you know that's a lie, in its foreclosure process, but will go back and check our work for more time.
CEO Brian Moynihan told the National Press Club in Washington.
No, they're losing in court and so they're desperate.
A Bank of America spokesman acknowledged that the bank acted in response to pressure from state attorney generals and other public officials inquiring about the accuracy of foreclosure documents.
We feel the need to address and demonstrate our process is accurate.
A document obtained last week by the AP showed a Bank of America official acknowledged in a legal proceeding that they signed thousands of foreclosure documents a month and typically did not read them.
Did not read them!
The official said in a February deposition that he signed up to 8,000 such documents a month.
And why is all this happening?
There are tens of thousands of lawsuits now filed by attorneys and by lay groups who've learned all this, and they're winning, winning, winning, winning, winning!
Look, if veterans' families start filing suit about the major insurance companies stealing your death benefits, they're going to lose too!
But you've got to get up to the bully in their face and say no to them!
And get good state governments elected that won't put up with this!
All other banks are going to end up this way, either because they're going to be forced to, or by political pressure, it goes on.
And some analysts and real estate agents worry that the uncertainty about the documents mess could make potential buyers change their minds about purchasing foreclosed properties.
That's because of fears that the former owners could turn around and sue, because they're taking them under fraudulent pretense.
Now listen, Susanna and William, I'm sorry to everybody, I'm not going to have time to get you, but finishing up, Susanna, I'm sorry they took your house, but what chicanery, briefly, did they engage in with you?
They used a forged private attorney.
They used a mortgage that my husband's name wasn't even on.
And they transferred their ownership to somebody else, and he sued my husband.
But you know how they did that?
You know how they did that?
At signing, you need to get the full documents.
They make you sign, a lot of times, a power of attorney in case there's any mistakes in the mortgage.
That's in quotes.
There was an admitted forgery and the judge upheld it all.
She said we couldn't even bring in our side of the case.
It was an automatic and we lost.
We were thrown out of the house.
We couldn't even appeal it.
How much money had you put into the house?
The house was almost $600,000 and they took a loan out for $100,000 and my husband's name wasn't even on the mortgage.
How much had you paid into the house?
The house cost originally $100,000 but it was worth over $600,000.
So to be clear, how close was your house to being paid off?
It was already paid off.
This was another lie.
See, that's what they're being... No, no, no, no.
Okay, Susanna, incredible.
Send us your information if you want to come on as a guest.
I'm going to get into this really big time.
I covered it ten years ago, six, seven years ago.
We were really into all this.
People didn't believe us, so I said, fine, you'll find out.
But that's exactly what they're in trouble for.
That's what I was telling you.
If your house is half paid off, 40%, 60, 80, if it's juicy and really, or completely paid off,
Absolutely, that's coming out in the news.
People are just have cops show up, shotguns are locked if you don't get out, and you're like, but my house is paid for, and they just say, no it ain't.
Just like those dead veterans, their wives say, I'm supposed to get a million dollars, and they say, you're not getting jack squat, honey.
And we got paramilitary forces trained to call you a terrorist.
You're going to give us your house, or we'll send by a SWAT team to kill your butt.
God bless you all, InfoWars.com.