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Name: 20101008_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 8, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Friday, the 8th day of October 2010, coming up in 30 minutes.
We have the husband and wife joining us from New Hampshire, who are Oath Keepers.
I actually have the CPS report.
They cite the fact that he's an Oath Keeper, part of a, quote, militia, as the main reason that they took the child.
Good to be with you.
So much is happening, but I saw a report yesterday put out by CNBC, also Zero Hedge, that the Federal Reserve is now the second largest holder of U.S.
Treasury bonds.
They own $821.1 billion.
So not just the Communist Chinese are basically controlling this country, but now the private Federal Reserve.
Yeah, and obviously they had to do that or interest rates would have popped up.
In some ways, if you're looking for some benefits from that, just think, when we have true reform, there's no reason for the Treasury to pay these bills to the Fed.
You know, in an effort to go through a transition, it'd be nice if we could honor, you know, the Treasury bills held by private individuals who, you know, naively bought our government debt.
But we do not have to pay that when we have our reform.
We just throw that out, because they're holding the debt.
And if we had a new system, it wouldn't be necessary.
There was a headline in Market Watch of the Wall Street Journal yesterday with one of their analysts saying that they believe it'll be the end of the Federal Reserve by 2012.
More and more, even mainstream media is sounding like Congressman Ron Paul.
Yeah, I'm amazed at the progress we've made with stations like yours and many others on the internet who have joined us.
I'm sure you can remember three years ago, this was a non-event.
You know, talk about the Fed, we were still considered, you know, way outside Kooks to even bring the subject up.
But it is frequently discussed on the business channels at least, not the political channels as much as the business channels.
They're starting to realize that, you know, the Fed is responsible.
I keep harping at it that if you want full employment, that's why I always keep the door open for the left because they always preach we care about the poor and we care about jobs.
What they do, they have to look at monetary policy and just look how this system destroys the middle class.
The first people to lose their jobs are the people who were supposed to be helped by the Barney Franks of the world.
And here, they end up losing their houses, losing their jobs, and who gets bailed out?
You know, the big mortgage companies, the big gamblers, the ones who made billions of dollars when the bubble was being inflated, and now they're still making money.
But I think the people are waking up.
I think they're much aware of what's happening.
The Fed is not going to get off the hook.
No matter what they do, they cannot escape the blame.
Well, we've got this outside branch of government that's private that you've tried to audit, and now they've positioned us to where they're the second biggest owner of our debt, along with Communist China.
I don't know which one is worse.
I mean, we're clearly being conquered economically through this fraud, but because it is a fraud, if we just stand up and say no to it, as you said, we have no responsibility to pay this money.
Yeah, and the time will come.
I mean, the default is on its way, and Bernanke actually is very sympathetic to inflation, and he also understands that printing money causes price inflation, and when you have the price inflation devaluing the currency, this literally reduces real debt.
So if he can double prices and double it with doubling the money supply, you know, the debt goes down by 50%.
I'm just disappointed that the prices aren't going up fast enough, so the devaluation is bad.
It's horrible, but he even wants more of it.
Stay there, Congressman.
When we come back, I want you, as an economic expert in this area, and who have obviously been part of the testimony and hearing so many times researching this, to break down what devaluation of the currency means.
The Federal Reserve was on the news, as you know, yesterday, saying, yes, we want inflation to fix the debt.
So, explain to people what that means and solutions out of this crisis.
On the other side, with Dr. Ron Paul.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Back in 1999, when they got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act and allowed the private megabanks to start issuing even more counterfeit financial instruments, Ron Paul said, this will cause this country to collapse.
This will overextend the empire.
And I remember him even putting the number on it, you know, that he would say clearly in the next 10 to 15 years.
Well, here we are 11 years later and it's not prophecy, it's just good economics, strong free market understanding of what's happening.
And the congressman joins us in the short segment we were getting into
The situation of the private Federal Reserve being the second biggest holder of U.S.
Treasuries, over $821 billion, close second to Communist China.
And the Congressman has been talking about the collapse that we're going into, and we have all the economic numbers there.
We never left the recession, and by most yardsticks, we're in a depression.
So can you give us a forecast from your deep research and the word you're getting up there on the Banking Committee about where we are?
Although we can be optimistic about what's changing in the country.
A lot of attitudes are improving.
There's a better understanding of free market economics and Austrian economics.
We're good to go.
So the worse things get, the more they continue to do bad policy.
That is, spend, borrow, inflate, and regulate.
They think regulations can compensate for the market regulating, and therefore they can make, you know, they can do this economic planning through monetary policy.
So nothing has changed there.
So what that does, it guarantees the prolongation of the problems that we have.
You have to have the liquidation of debt, and they will not permit the liquidation of debt.
They just transfer the debt from their privileged friends over onto the taxpayers.
If you look at all the mortgage debt and the derivatives, that's what we bought.
It's horrible that they have 800 and some billion dollars of treasury bills, but they have over a trillion dollars of all this other bad debt, which is probably worthless.
Should have been sold on the market for what the market would pay for it.
But they bought it for these banks at the nominal rate.
It's criminal.
And it's just going to lead us to runaway inflation, all debt filled by government when it gets out of hand, the debt gets liquidated.
It doesn't get liquidated by them for refusing to pay the debt.
It's liquidated by passing out money that's cheap.
And that's what devaluation is all about.
They're devaluing the currency on purpose, sticking it to the person who might want to save, or who has to live, you know, close on the margin.
They get to higher prices, they lose their jobs, they lose their savings.
And Austrian economics, and Mies has pointed this out,
That when you destroy a currency, you destroy the middle class.
And that's what we're witnessing right now.
That's right.
All the economic indicators are that the middle class is evaporating before our eyes.
Here's the Wall Street Journal yesterday.
Fed officials mull inflation as a fix.
So they've always denied that they were using inflation to basically cover up the massive debts.
Now they've gotten so desperate they're shifting gears.
And Bernanke's saying, OK, we are in deep trouble.
We are in a crisis.
But I've got the solution.
We're going to further devalue the dollar, but the answer is, according to his statements in the G20 statement, is this coordinated lowering of currencies.
But they claim that that would stop any type of currency war.
But as you know, Congressman, the currency war is now on.
And so just as we saw Weimar Republic, Germany, or Zimbabwe in the last few years, and of course Africa or a decade ago in Argentina.
And this unfolds the same way every time.
Once you get to a tipping point, a flash point, the devaluation accelerates.
You've talked about something big and bad cometh this way.
Are we nearing a flash implosion point or will it just be a continual devaluation?
Well, there eventually will be a crash of the dollar.
The whole policy makes no sense, just like we got into trouble by spending and borrowing and inflating, so we do more of it.
But the whole idea that it's good for the people to depreciate their money, devalue their money, it means if you have $100 in the bank, tomorrow or the next week it may be worth $95 or $90.
It's a criminal theft is what it is.
But that's what they call good policy.
And all the countries of the world are doing this, and it does go down gradually, and it doesn't go down, you know, you can't calculate it.
If the Fed increases the money by 10% every year, that doesn't mean prices go up 10%, you know, every year.
What happens is, you know, there's productivity that keeps prices down, there's the psychological factor, there's trust in the dollar, there's trust in the politicians.
So you might have a steady erosion of the key currency, which is the dollar, which has happened.
Since Bretton Woods, it's down about 35% against all other currencies.
So it's hard to measure the destruction of the dollar just against currencies, because all the other currencies are not much better.
I think so.
To find out how fast they can devalue their currencies.
It's absolutely insane.
And it's very destructive.
And the final stages indeed are rapid.
Even though they're erratic as they inflate, there's finally a point in monetary destruction where everybody throws in the towel.
Then they rush out of it and everybody's working hard to prevent the panic.
And they'll even interfere and get into markets to fudge the price of gold to prevent the panic.
But when the time comes, you know, if it looks like it's going to zero or lose a lot, you know, the Chinese will dump it.
Everybody else will dump it.
Interest rates are going to go up.
Inflation rates are going to go up.
The economy is going to get weaker.
And then we as a country will be forced to have monetary reform.
And the only way you can have true monetary reform is you have to change the role of government.
We cannot continue to be the
I think so.
Congressman, looking at the death of the Anglo-American Empire, the British Empire, of course, after World War II kind of folded into the Anglo-American system, as Dr. Carl Quigley and others have written, so looking at this geopolitically,
I mean, are we a year, two years, three years from the implosion of the empire?
And then what comes out of that implosion of the empire?
I mean, where is the United States going from here?
Well, there's no way anybody knows the precise time, but you can be certain that if certain events are occurring, like the depreciation of money and the continuing fleeting of the currency, it will come.
But I'm sure we're getting much closer, and it could be within, you know, a few years.
Now, when this happens, you can have two things.
The status quo will not be maintained, because all wealth is being shifted right now, like we said.
It's being shifted away from the middle class and the wealthy and the Wall Streeters and the bankers have all the wealth and they'll probably have a lot of the gold as well.
So we either shift toward going back to our roots and deciding the founders were on the right track and we reinstate those views or we do something like what happened to Germany in the 20s.
It ushered in a militant, evil,
I don't know.
In spite of that great danger, I still think we're making progress.
I think we're really competing very well with those who are demanding a dictator.
I haven't heard many people at our Tea Party groups' meetings that are demanding, ah, things are so tough, what we need now is a dictator.
What they want is less government and more power returned to the people.
That's right, we've gone through those cycles in the 20th century over and over again, people wanting the big strong man on the white horse, that Napoleonic or Hitlerian figure to save them.
Worldwide, people know, government is the conduit through which mega-corporations loot and rob the people.
But clearly, and the Rand Corporation and others admit this, and there's Pentagon reports out, of course, that we've covered and you've covered, where they talk, and the UN was out last week saying, oh my gosh, the financial collapse,
I think?
of their officers.
They're not going to be able to carry this out, but we've seen an acceleration of the MIAC and Homeland Security reports.
It was on Austin News last night that the government and others are, quote, training locals to look for right-wing extremists.
And, of course, it came out two weeks ago, and the head of Homeland Security in Pennsylvania had to step down.
A foreign company was there being paid by the state to spy on members of the legislature, mainline tea parties, gun groups, anti-war groups.
So they've got this secret police grid out there, and when we look at the scapegoats that have been chosen, it's Alex Jones, it's Ron Paul, and so we're the people exposing the real problem, and it's easy to understand why the real perpetrators of this corruption and economic destruction are pointing their fingers at us saying, there's the bad men, but that's going to be a hard sell, basically claiming that we're some type of terrorist.
Yeah, and I think it will remain difficult.
I think our side is gaining ground.
I think the two things that we have to watch for is to make sure that we protect our Second Amendment rights and also that we are able to buy gold and silver when we want.
Because that's your economic, one is physical protection, one is economic protection.
And that is very important, and you know they have more regulations now on these 1099s that have to be reported by the coin companies, and they are gearing up possibly, you know, to have at least more controls and find out who owns the guns and who owns the gold.
But, you know, the other thing that bothers me a whole lot on this idea, I think a lot of people understand this, and you and I both talk about, you know, the bad banks and the bad corporations and the military-industrial complex, but I think it's very important not to paint with a broad brush everybody who has made money, because there are some corporations who are honest, give an honest product, they are getting benefits from the government, so it isn't profit, it isn't bigness,
That is bad.
It's only when you have these people getting the benefits.
They call that capitalism.
We have to sort that out.
That's not capitalism.
That's key because these social engineers, as you know, are very smart.
They're building all this anger.
towards the free market, they're calling this inside crony capitalism to demonize the free market.
And as things implode, the collectivists are going to try to sell the giant horde of poor people on looting what's left of the middle class in the name of socking it to the rich guy.
And they have to also remember that in fascism, the title of companies and the land doesn't go over to the government, and it just is the controls.
So the controls are there.
I mean, what can you do in business these days without asking permission from 32 different agencies of government?
And the use of your land, I mean, the taxation and the use of your land is so onerous that we really have lost it, and yet we still have the title and responsibilities for it.
In order to generate the tax revenues that they want.
So, separating that out, too often, you know, the left will complain about a lot of things we're complaining about.
But whether they're confused on economics, or whether they do it on purpose, you know, maybe they are, you know, really promoting socialism, so they like the idea of bashing corporations.
Uh, but at the same time, we have to separate the two.
The corporations that are an honest living versus the one that live off the people.
Well, we know the big mega Fortune 100, almost to a company, are pro-globalist, pro-collectivism, to collectivize our wealth and transfer it offshore.
They are the engineers of socialism, of all of this New World Order garbage that we're seeing.
We've only got about eight minutes left with the Congressman.
I want to move quickly, Sir, and we're very appreciative for you joining us and all the great work.
I don't
Well, I've been fighting that for a long time because I think that has been such a blessing to us to have the internet.
But it becomes politically difficult for me and you probably have been aware of some of my votes.
Sometimes I'm by myself because sometimes they'll say, oh, we have to do this because this is a bad guy.
He's involved in drugs and this is a bad guy.
He could be a terrorist.
He's a bad guy because he does pornography and on and on.
I mean, they pick the most vicious looking people that have made use of the Internet.
Therefore, you say, oh, well, we're going to regulate them.
Not realizing that if you can
I don't know.
Dealing with the election coming up.
We know it's a major political awakening, a realignment.
Kind of mainline neocons have come in and tried to dominate many of the races.
But we see establishment Republicans losing in the primaries.
Establishment-style Democrats losing in the primaries.
Harry Reid now in desperate trouble.
Rand 11 to 15 points ahead.
Depending on which poll you see, but that doesn't mean he's going to win.
We still need to get behind him and support him.
What can you say about your son's run in Kentucky and how important that is, and the overall political realignment happening?
What do you see coming up in the election next month?
It probably won't be as good as we hope, but it's going to be good.
There's going to be improvement.
And most everybody is predicting that Rand will win, but I've urged him not to slow up.
I mean, you've got to assume that you have to fight for the last vote.
But, you know, there will be a change.
It will be a message.
But, you know, we probably won't get to the Senate.
And Republicans still have to prove to themselves that they've learned a lesson.
And if they do pass some good legislation and resist,
Then they face vetoes.
So there's not going to be a dramatic change.
There may be a significant improvement in just confidence in the system in that maybe we can slow Obama up, which would be pretty good.
Just think that if we'd have had a strong Republican House, just even a House, maybe Obamacare wouldn't have been passed.
Maybe we would have been able to prevent some of
And since you bring that up, just two final quick questions.
Did you see the USA Today article where McDonald's and 29 other firms have been given a federal government exemption?
They don't have to buy health care, but 29 million plus other small businesses do.
Is that not incredible discrimination and literal divide-and-conquer, where if you, you know, are a big corporation, you don't have to follow the same rules as the people?
Yeah, it doesn't sound like equal protection under the law.
You know, and if you were... The Constitution is very clear.
If you are going to have a law, write a law for any of the legitimate functions of the federal government, it has to be uniform.
And here, what have they done here?
They have not made it uniform.
They shouldn't have made the law in the first place.
It was illegal.
So then now, when they're implementing it, it's not even legal either because it's not uniform.
And that means that those numbers of people say, okay, I don't have to worry, they took me out of it.
But just think, you know, maybe the insiders think, hey, you know, if we have everybody, you know, working at McDonald's and other places and then they're losing their jobs or their salaries go down or something like that, then they might have, you know, exerted a lot of pressure.
So, no, equal justice on the law, that principle should apply and they shouldn't be allowed to do that.
Well, it just shows how every basic canon of our Republic, of our Bill of Rights and Constitution, is just being completely flushed.
Final question, we've got about a minute and a half on this, so you've got some time.
I'm sure you've seen the Robert Shapiro quotes about what Obama needs is a major Oklahoma City or 9-11 attack so he can appear strong.
Governor Ridge last year, the former head of Homeland Security, admitted that in 2004, for the election, the Bush people ordered him to put out fake terror alerts.
Which is literally yelling fire in a theater for political gain.
Now we see all these new terror alerts with specific targets right before the election.
Does that smack of an October surprise?
I mean, even if attacks don't take place, just the act of saying the terrorists are gonna get you and new Bin Laden tapes.
I mean, does that look suspicious to you, Congressman?
No, I think it's just routine.
I think that statists always want to generate fear in the people, whether it's economic fear or fear of somebody invading and want to attack.
Because then if you don't go along with what the government tells you, then they can paint you as being unpatriotic and un-American.
So in order for them to survive, and them means those people who like big government and statism and world empires, they have to have support from the people.
And the people will tend to give the support if they get frightened enough, you know, like after 9-11.
Quite willing.
You know, you heard the statement, uh, well, I know I have to give up my freedom, but I'd rather be, I'd rather them do that than be killed.
You know, and they were willing to sacrifice their freedoms.
So fear, fear is the tool of the thugs in government, the authoritarians.
They need to
Congressman, thank you for spending time with us.
Everybody get behind Rand Paul.
God bless you, Ron Paul.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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It is Friday, the 8th day of October 2010.
Bob Chapman with his once a week visits popping in in the third hour today.
Couldn't be at a better time to cover all this economic news.
Well, we're seeing business as usual.
We had Congressman Ron Paul on, demonized by Secret Federal Reports as some type of terrorist leader, because he forecast everything that was happening with the private banks.
I'm demonized.
The Oath Keepers, which are a non-violent, peaceful group of military and police simply saying, follow our oaths to the Bill of Rights and Constitution, there couldn't be something more pure or good, have been demonized everywhere.
Mr. Rhodes has been demonized, the founder of it.
I've been demonized for supporting it.
And I remember former narcotics officer who quit over the government being involved in planting drugs on people, Barry Cooper.
Three months ago it was in mainstream news that his son was taken by Williamson County
His son, because, and they put in the report, we showed the CPS report, it said he told his son, don't trust the government.
And that is illegal, according to them.
There is no law.
It's the bedrock of our country.
Being founded is don't trust the government.
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, that's what America's all about.
It's why we've been the best and brightest and produced the most wealth.
And I started getting calls about 5 o'clock about this.
By 10 o'clock last night, I was here past midnight, we were able to get the actual CPS reports that are always filled with lies and disinfo.
But in the CPS report that we'll put up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv members in New Hampshire, it says the division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Iris associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers and had purchased several different types of weapons including a rifle, handgun, and taser.
and uh... this all started it when uh... and i've uh... dues dues talk to the family i've talked to family to correct me if i'm wrong but his wife has a concealed carry she left it in the car in new hampshire uh... they have different gun laws in texas and other areas they pulled him over found the gun and that's when all this started the investigation of them uh... and uh... when they came to take the baby they told them we're doing this because you're part of a militia the police showed up
We've got the photos of them with the sweet little baby, the family, and we'll put some of those on screen and also we're going to post them up in the articles that we've got at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
But the headline is, Government Seizes Newborn Baby Over Political Beliefs of Parents.
Government again seizes the newborn baby because the father is a Oath Keeper.
And they've got the standard nebulous demonization of the family that, oh well, once we, you know, got the gun charge on them, you know, we'd ordered them to go to counseling and they hadn't shown up to that.
And so there's a newborn baby, we're taking it.
And their final thing in Part 7 is the division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Iris associated with a militia known as Oath Keepers.
So you associate
We're good.
Barry Cooper, son taken and in there, they said, we took him because he told people at school that his daddy had told him don't trust the government.
And they said, that's it.
You don't tell your son not to trust the government.
You don't tell him what George Washington said in America.
This is the Soviet Union.
These are the death squads.
These are the secret police, and they always come with some little legalese.
They did that in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, of why they're doing it.
Every authoritarian state takes people's children.
So we're joined by Jonathan Irish and Stephanie Taylor Irish, his wife.
We're going to talk to Jonathan first because they're on one phone.
But Jonathan, I know this is hard for you.
Please break down what's happened.
Well, I'm not sure where you want me to start, Mr. Jones.
First of all, I really appreciate you guys calling me and having us on the show.
Well, Mr. Irish, if we don't stand together, we're all going to hang separate.
An attack on you is an attack on my children.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm not sure where you want me to start, but essentially, she was born 11-37 on Wednesday night.
We held her and cuddled her for a little while until she fell asleep.
Until about around 2 a.m.
and then we put her in the bassinet in the room.
She stayed in the room with us and Stephanie and I laid down to get some rest.
And that's when the vampires come.
They wait till you sleep.
Then the wolves come.
Well, it started a few hours later in the morning.
I had an appointment to get to.
I came back from the appointment and
They came in with the information to do the birth certificate and started giving me issues about putting my name on the birth certificate with some cockamamie story of Stephanie's abusive ex-husband.
And it didn't make any sense to me.
It seemed like a load of crock to me.
And that's when I started really setting up and taking notice, and things started really being out of the ordinary.
They left and then came back in.
I had called the New Hampshire State Police, the Attorney General's Office, and the Vital Records Department in regards to this, trying to get some help with this, and no one would help me.
Well, they didn't want your name on the birth certificate because they wanted to use the past problem, as they report, from years before from the previous marriage.
They didn't want you having claim to your child because they wanted to basically go after the child through your wife, correct?
Through my fiance, yes, sir.
They came in because when they started giving us issues about the birth certificate, we started really taking notice.
Stephanie had looked at me and said, honey, I need you, I want you to go talk to them about getting us discharged.
I want to go home.
So I went out and I talked to the nurse and they said that they would have the head nurse come in with the pediatrician to evaluate the baby and evaluate Stephanie and, excuse me, and decide upon a discharge plan.
Well, they kept stalling and stalling and stalling.
The more they stalled, the more I went to them and said, listen, we really need to speak with someone.
We really want to get going.
And they kept giving me excuse after excuse after excuse.
Because they were busy getting the judge's removal order.
And they came into the room.
Cheyenne, our daughter, was sleeping.
And Stephanie was laying down in the bed relaxing.
I was laying down on the couch relaxing, because like I said, we didn't get much sleep.
We would wake up to every coo and cough from Cheyenne.
As any parent knows with a newborn, you do.
And while we were relaxing, the
The head of security from the hospital comes in with the head nurse and says that they are going to take the child out.
Hold on one second please.
Said they were going to take the child out.
Find out who that is and tell them I'll call them back.
I said they were going to take the child to the nursery and have the pediatrician evaluate her.
So they lied to you to get the child out of the room?
Yes, they did, sir.
And this is when I really, really started knowing something was going on.
Because... Did you say no?
Yes, I did, sir.
I said, no, have the doctor come in here.
The doctors have come in here the entire time.
There's no need to take her out of the room.
They refused to listen to me.
They took her out of the room without our consent.
See, I don't know how people handle that, and we're going to continue, but you yourself are a military veteran, correct?
No, I'm not, sir.
Okay, because I wanted to be clear about that.
You're just a supporter of Oath Keepers.
Yes, sir, I am.
Unfortunately, they would not allow me to serve in the military due to a disability.
Okay, I just wanted to be sure about that.
I just knew that you were involved with Oath Keepers.
Go ahead.
Well, I followed the head of security and the head nurse down to the nursery.
On our way down to the nursery, I noticed...
Uh, one individual about 20-25 feet from Stephanie's room that was wearing a suit and had a, uh, what looked like a detective's badge on him.
And walking down the hall further, I saw two more individuals of the same stature.
And then another individual with, wearing a suit and what looked like a detective's badge coming in through the double doors into the maternity ward.
At this point, they locked the baby in the nursery.
I was talking to one of the nurses.
Um, she was just asking me how we were doing and I was telling her that we're tired, you know.
We just want to go home and bring our daughter home.
And they're like, just be calm, we're going to get your baby soon.
Exactly, exactly.
We do this all the time.
This is where we prey on you.
Please continue.
Yes sir, and at this point the head of security comes up behind me, grabs my arm, and walks me to the room and says,
Jonathan, you need to hear them out.
You need to have an open mind.
You need to listen to them.
You need to hear what they have to say.
Grabbed you by the arm.
So he's letting you know, I'm the authority.
I've done this a lot.
And I'm letting you know that you're going to sit down and hear them out.
Because they know how to calm you down, so they get to kidnap the child.
This has all been done, you know, millions of times in the U.S.
It was done in Nazi Germany.
They've got it figured out.
Exactly, and I'll get back to what I was saying in a second, but I wanted to make it known that the head of security at the hospital in Concord, where we were, has very, very close ties and affiliations with the Epsom Police Department, that we have the issue going on with the firearm.
Yeah, well, I mean, just continue, though.
Let's go through the rest of this now, so... Well, he continued to walk me down to the room and saying, you need to listen to them, you need to have an open mind.
The entire walk to the room, I'm saying, who are they?
Who are these people?
Who do I need to keep an open mind to?
Who do I need to listen to?
And he walked me in the room, sat me down on the couch, and as he starts telling me Concord Police and DCYF,
The detectives, uniformed patrolmen, and DCYF social workers walk in the room.
Okay, did they try to make you sign something or did they just take the baby?
They had already locked the baby in the nursery at this point.
They walked in and told me, they walked in and asked if, one of the uniformed patrolmen asked if he could pat me down for weapons.
And I said, I'm sick of the harassment.
I want to know what's going on with my daughter.
You know, tell me what is going on with my daughter and then you can...
Again, that's a psychological tactic just to make you feel like you're the bad person and it makes them feel good about what they're doing.
Hey, we're about to steal this guy's kid for no reason.
Let's psychologically do our ritual of patting him down so we feel good deep down inside that he's the bad man and we're the good guys.
So accelerate through this.
How did this end?
Well, um, as he's asking me if he can pat me down, I say, no, I want to know what's going on with my daughter.
And he says, and he says, no, well, we're going to search you.
And he grabs me by the wrist, puts my wrist behind my back, forces me to stand up, holds both my hands behind my back as they pat me down.
So that's official oppression.
Please continue.
Well, they pat me down and that part of it ends and I sit back down on the couch and they tell Stephanie and I that they are taking custody of the baby, Cheyenne, and that
We are not allowed to see her.
And we asked where this is coming from, why this is happening, and they refused to tell us anything.
All they would say is, everything you need to know is in the affidavit.
And we have the affidavit.
It says because you're a member of Oath Keepers, whether you are or aren't, you, I've talked to Stuart Rhodes, he just says that you've done some posting, but I mean, so what?
I mean, it's a mainline, open group, supporting the Bill of Rights, and so they obviously have been spying on you or something, I mean, to even know that you've been on their message board, and they put in there
That this was happening because you supported Oath Keepers.
In fact, we'll put it back on screen.
It says the division became aware and confirmed Mr. Iris associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers.
So now, no judge, no jury, no proof.
They just, and it's not even wrong to associate with them.
This is the secret police, you know, saying they took your baby because you associate with Oath Keepers.
I mean, this is incredible.
Well, one of the sad points of this matter is that they actually did get a judge.
And I still can't find out what judge it was that signed this.
But it's not a real court.
The family courts aren't real.
They don't have due process.
They were set up to be eugenics, race hygiene courts.
These are the courts that ordered hundreds of thousands to be forcibly sterilized.
We cover that in our film, Endgame.
These are not real courts.
These are family destruction implements.
But go ahead.
Well, like I said, they got a judge to sign this with all these false allegations and false pretenses that they listed and outlined in the affidavit.
But I mean, regardless, it's not illegal or wrong to be associated with Oath Keepers.
I mean, this is them admitting that your child's been taken by the Commissars, by the political officers of the state, because you're part of a group that says that, or you've supported or associated with a group that is simply saying, we'll follow the Bill of Rights.
I mean, this is incredible.
So what else did they say to you?
Uh, not much.
They attempted to get Stephanie and I to sign paperwork.
As a matter of fact, they made Stephanie sign it because my name was not on any of it.
But they can't make you.
And of course then, that paperwork, you know, agrees that you'll go along with what they're saying.
And then they send you to their psychiatrist that's hired by them to say you're crazy.
I mean, it's just a totally rigged deal.
Yes, sir.
Well, um, another thing.
Well, like I said, I was sitting on the couch while this happened.
And Stephanie was sitting in her bed.
Our cell phone was sitting on the table next to her bed, next to the hospital bed, and I told her, I said, I said, honey, grab the cell phone and turn the video camera on.
The police and DCYF and the head of security told us, no, we're not, told us, no, you're not doing that, we're not recording this.
Oh, really?
A federal judge just ruled you're allowed to film the police.
They've been trying to arrest people for that, but so just, just total thuggery now.
Yes, exactly, sir.
Honestly, it feels like they're acting as if...
Sir, they do this all the time.
Do you know who runs, in most states, the majority of the child removal?
It's DynCorp.
DynCorp has publicly been caught running giant white slavery prostitution rings.
I mean, they traffic in children.
So this is just their cover operation here, and they've got cops that work for them, and they just do it all through this color-of-law garbage, just like Hitler did.
Sir, so it's hard for me as a parent to even talk about this or even imagine it.
How long did this go on?
And then did you get to see your baby being led away?
Did you know where your dear baby is?
We do not know where our daughter is.
As far as we know, she could still be at the hospital.
She could still be in foster care.
We do not know.
My fiancé, Stephanie, they released her.
They told her to leave and go home.
They weren't going to allow me to hug or kiss my daughter before I left.
Finally, they let me have about two minutes with her.
Oh, isn't that nice of them?
They let you hug and kiss before they send you into the gas chambers.
I tell you what, stay there.
And again, they just practice this evil out in the open to normalize it with everyone.
You know what, buddy?
You are associated with the Oath Keepers.
We're taking your child.
How's that sound?
How's that sound?
And we'll go through the other false allegations.
You can tell they're false because it's very nebulous and very mild.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, sir.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade
We are back live.
We're talking to Jonathan Irish and Stephanie Taylor.
Their newborn baby taken yesterday.
Ron Paul, and I talked to him before airtime, is already aware of this and seriously concerned, the congressman.
In our articles up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we have the number for the family grabbing services and others and the hospital.
And they're going to try to go to the judge now and terminate permanently your wife's
Um, they took me out probably around four-ish.
They sat down and tried explaining everything to us and I just didn't want to stick around for a little bit and then they said that we had to go.
So I, Jonathan and I packed up everything we had in the room and he went and like you said, he got two minutes with her and then they put me in a wheelchair, wheeled me into the nursery and gave me her
She gave me her, let me hold her for a minute, and gave me the hat that she was wearing, her card from her bassinet, and four pictures.
That's all that we got.
Well, a lot of times, hon, when a kidnapper has taken a child out of a playground, the police will have the mother and the family get up and beg them not to hurt the baby and or not to steal the baby or to give the child back.
And these people are, you know,
May have some humanity left in them.
Would you like to speak directly to the police and the CPS in the town and remind them that you are a human and that you don't deserve to have your baby taken because of your fiance's political affiliations?
Would you like to talk to these monsters?
Just to tell them that they need to realize how much this hurts and how screwed up it is.
Well, it'll come back on them.
Don't worry.
God judges them.
They won't have to wait till they die when they're old to be judged.
They'll be judged for their crimes.
That's why they're so unhappy, statistically.
Don't worry, they're going to be judged, honey, one way or another.
But we're going to try to get your baby back.
We're going to try to get some of the family expert groups that help
All I know is on the affidavit we've got court next week and pretty much we're just going to wait until that day before we can really figure out what
What I can do?
What we can do?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I have the CPS affidavit.
They said we've got to take this newborn baby from the father and mother at the hospital because they
All I have to say is I want my baby home, where she belongs.
She's an angel.
She has never done anything wrong.
She's perfect, beautiful, and I want her home.
I wonder where she belongs, which is home with me and her father.
Well, I mean, directly to the Social Services Eugenics Network that did this, though, what would you like to say to them directly?
I want them to stop lying.
I want them to stop treating us like
All right, honey, we're doing good.
I just want them to stop treating us the way that they have been and the way that they are.
And I want them to just knock it off and see how much they hurt people.
Including myself and my fiancé.
They want to hide the pain they cause, but tell people how you really feel.
People need to not have this hidden.
This needs to be out in the open.
What do you feel like inside right now?
I just feel like my heart and everything's just been ripped out, stepped on, crushed on, and forgotten about.
Well, we're going to fight for justice.
It's up to God and people out there, but this is going on everywhere, honey.
I was really involved over a decade ago actually fighting CPS in Austin and a few times watching them take babies from mothers.
And I opened the door once at a hospital room and a cop was choking the woman to make her sign the paper.
And I began to just cry.
I mean, my instincts were to physically defend the woman, but I knew how the evil system was.
And I had to sit there and watch them.
And then they were so lazy, they didn't even write down
They're real name they used a three-year-old piece of paper to take another kid that form to take her kid I mean sometimes they don't even they just use blank forms full of generic lies and you guys are saying that that that this is full of lies I want to come back to you in a minute Stephanie but going back to Jonathan the daddy Jonathan we're about to go to break but but briefly what are some of the lies in this report
They tried alleging that Stephanie...
I'm sorry.
They tried alleging that Stephanie supposedly told a CPSW worker that I had assaulted her, which is bogus.
It's nothing but fabricated, make-believe words, and there's nothing, no evidentiary facts to back this up.
They have no backbone for what they're saying.
Well let me tell you what happened when I had my first child, and I learned about it the first time.
We went in,
It was like four in the morning.
My wife's water broke.
She was in labor.
And the lady said, hon, will you bring this downstairs, this file?
When I came back, my wife said, she was asking me how much money we had.
Was I mean to you?
You know, were we doing okay?
And putting it in a computer.
And I later learned that goes into the CPS database.
And if a woman says, yeah, sometimes we fight.
It's over.
But they don't tell you that you're in a law enforcement interview and that, you know, you have a right to remain silent, Fifth Amendment.
And then subsequently, the next two babies, they did the same thing, but I knew.
And they've got these hard, Queen Bee nurses.
Most of the time we're getting kickbacks for all this.
It's just pure evil.
Stay there.
We got Bob Chapman waiting in the wings.
I'm going to bring him in with you to get his take on this.
He's our once a week guest and kind of the omnibudsman of the Patriot movement.
We'll get his take on this type of evil.
I know you guys have got a lot of phone calls and things coming in, but I want to also give out your address or phone number for anybody that wants to try to financially support you or a support network there in New Hampshire.
You know, where is the
Free States Project, they'd better help you.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I've got some really bad news for everyone who's tuning in.
We have received the documents and confirmed them.
Kurt Nemo is doing a detailed report right now.
I've seen reports about a year ago in the mainstream press, the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL are in all the public schools now, not just the police departments brainwashing the police, turning them into secret police, but they're now working with psychiatrists and CPS workers to take the children of anyone that criticizes the government.
You saw that with Barry Cooper two or three months ago, and it said in the police report, he had told his, what, eight-year-old son not to trust the government.
And they said, we're taking your child.
You're not allowed to do that in America.
I mean, this is pure intimidation, pure evil.
We've discovered Arte Cerveda, the Austin Police Chief, is involved in this, just in a local Austin program.
You can find it at the ADL in Austin on the ADL Austin website, Southern Poverty Law Center.
And this is their secret police network.
And they are just unfathomably evil.
I mean, we are now falling under a secret police grid.
If you are intimidated by them, if you don't politically stand up because you're scared of repercussions, they're going to win.
They're going to get everybody.
And we are having victories.
In Pennsylvania, the head of Homeland Security had to stand down.
It was an Israeli company, 125,000, spying on members of the legislature.
Mainline gun grips, compiling intelligence files on them, surveilling them, and putting it into police databases.
So I guess when the state representative goes to have a baby, they'll grab it.
This is the new America.
And by the way, Hitler did this.
The Soviets did this.
And it's an attempt to have a form of terror, to terrorize everyone.
And of course in the last five years it's come out that pediatricians now ask your small children behind closed doors, does mommy and daddy have a gun?
Do they spank you?
And then they can claim that there's some type of danger and then grab your child.
They don't tell you, your child goes to preschool the next day and you never see him again.
But going back to Jonathan Irish and Stephanie Taylor, they're engaged, they had their baby,
And I have the CPS report there in New Hampshire up on InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com and they say, quote, the division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Iris associated with a militia known as Oath Keepers and had purchased several different types of weapons including a rifle, handgun, and taser, which was completely legal for him to do.
So, uh, this is the new America, and I've supported the Free States Project, and we're only 24 hours into this, but they had better, all these tens of thousands of people that moved there to rally against tyranny, they need to rally right now with support, and I want to bring Bob Chapman into this, but going back to Mr. Irish,
I don't
You know, groups that fight the CPS.
We need them to come in.
We know you've got the full Oath Keepers, you know, upset about this as well because they just went and found your name.
You've been on their message board, you know, not even a member.
This shows the secret police grid.
And you talked about the local police working with these people.
I mean, when you go in to have a baby, folks, they run your database on everybody.
And it's just horrible.
So how can we support you, Jonathan and Stephanie?
If anyone wants to contact us, an address for them to contact us at would be 41 Campground Road, Northwood, New Hampshire, 03261.
And give that address up please again.
41 Campground Road, Northwood, New Hampshire, 03261.
And what about an email for all the different
Groups that fight against the CPS.
There are a lot of different organizations that that's their mission.
And they've got the real expertise.
And we'll try to get them in contact with you.
Do you have an email address?
As far as an email address, it would be jambryn, J-A-N-V-R-I-N, 6228, at gmail.com.
Okay, give that out again one more time.
Jamvin6228, that's J-A-N-V-R-I-N 6-2-2-8 at gmail.com.
Okay, and we need to get continual updates.
Do you know where and when the court date is being set so everybody can be there and support you and actually see these monsters for themselves?
We received a phone call this morning from the chief of police in Epsom telling us that the court date is 14 October at 1300 hours, which is 1pm, at Rochester Family Court in Dover, New Hampshire.
So the 14th of October, next Thursday, and we'll get all that information up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We want to thank all the patriots that got in touch with us so fast.
I want to bring Bob Chapman in.
First, does Stephanie have anything else she'd like to add?
Just to help me get my baby home.
Well, we're going to try, hon.
The problem is we get thousands of calls a month, people begging.
It's just so horrible.
And to really know how evil these family courts are, it's just terrible.
But we're going to get as much attention on this.
And of course then we're also educating the listeners of the show to understand what's happening.
But we also see CPS in famous cases where you'll have a literal crackhead with a four-year-old baby, you know, who weighs 15 pounds starving to death and the CPS is visiting and admittedly doesn't help.
When there's real abuse, but then when it's healthy families with good babies that they can get around half a million dollars for, in many cases, in the adoption racket, they just snatch them up.
And we've got the documents now.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is heading up a nationwide campaign of terror against conservatives and libertarians.
I mean, we literally are being persecuted.
And it is just unfathomably, unspeakably wicked.
And so as we research this, clearly they admit in the documents you were targeted and probably by this network.
Yes, definitely.
I mean, right now, Alex, we're in such a loss for words.
I mean, Stephanie is literally not only in emotional pain, but in physical pain.
We don't know what's wrong.
We're going to get her to the doctor.
Their phone line cut, so we need to call them back.
We'll get them back on the line.
Let's bring Bob Chapman up to comment on what he's been hearing.
Bob, sorry to interrupt your regular time on the show.
We'll keep you in on the next hour.
But obviously this is breaking news.
This is exactly the type of persecution you talk about that conservatives, libertarians, anti-globalists have been going through for 50 years in this nation.
Well, I think you really covered most of it pretty well in as much as it's just simply unfathomable.
But it's nothing new to you and the listeners.
And, uh, this is the beginning of a big push.
And, uh, they're trying to take children away from families.
And it is a terror operation.
And Southern Poverty Law Center has been that since its very inception.
And, uh, I would expect that, uh, it's going to spread even wider.
And, um, I personally, I don't know what to do about it other than to support the people who are being attacked by these people.
Well, I mean, Bob, it came out two weeks ago that it was an Israeli company illegally spying on members of the Pennsylvania legislature.
We know it's going on nationwide.
They're the bad guys, but they're in the public schools.
And that's true.
But, you know,
I think support is all we can do until we find out how we can combat it.
I mean, how do you stop these people?
They're an agency.
I mean, do you do it through Congress?
I don't have an answer for that.
Let's bring Stephanie back up, the mother.
Stephanie, your phone line cut out.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I mean, you've made the statement that the other stuff they've got in here is complete lies.
And I, from reading, this all started, correct me if I'm wrong, when they found a gun in your car.
How dare you?
Their line dropped again.
I think they're getting so many phone calls at their house or something's going on.
We'll get them back on.
Bob, I'm going to try to support them as much as I can, but the good news is this has been going on for a long time and people kind of ignored it.
Now there is incredible outrage.
Within hours of this happening, people are really starting to get how serious this is.
But I'd still like to know, where do we go to stop these people?
Well, it's modern slavery.
I mean, 500 years ago, you had to pull up on the African coast and conk people on the head to get slaves.
Now they just tromp up stuff and grab people's babies.
I mean, they just do whatever they want.
Well, that's for sure.
And, you know, the history of that going back into the 1920s and 30s in the United States.
And, of course, the person who runs a Southern Poverty Law Center is a pervert in his own right.
Which certainly doesn't make it any better.
Yeah, well that comes out in one of his divorce papers.
That's right.
Well, people can read those online if they want to.
It's a little too racy for the radio audience.
But these are definitely dangerous, dangerous people.
But it's always darkest before the dawn.
We do have them back.
We're going to break.
Stephanie, you say all of this stuff they're claiming is lies.
But that's their stock in trade, honey.
Well, we're going to go to break and you can collect your thoughts and add anything else you'd like to, and Jonathan as well, but that court date's coming up next week and we'll try to get as many people there to support you.
But just doing more research on this, of course, we always find the same group, Southern Primary Law Center, and they are just an unbelievable private intelligence agency carrying out operations against the Republic.
They are just completely wicked.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Yeah, I've got the Countering Violent Extremism Working Group.
It's official.
Southern Poverty Law Center, now part of Homeland Security.
And guess who's in here?
The federal minion, Arte Cerveda, is part of this national group.
and uh... they've got to be uh... in there with your school children uh... going after people's children uh... by the way in the cps affidavit they talk about uh... jonathan irish being arrested for having a concealed weapon and they admit that it was his wife's gun who was actually
driving the car.
She was in the car, but because it was in a laptop bag... See, you go out and get their concealed carry, and then, oh, well, the gun's not on you, we're going to arrest your husband, and then now we're going to take your child, because there's a gun charge, and we went and searched the internet and found out your husband goes on a message board and talks about freedom.
I mean, this just shows the secret police in America, what Homeland Security's for.
Jonathan, tell that story of what happened with the gun.
Well, I had surgery.
Two infected wisdom teeth pulled out surgically that they had to put me under anesthesia for, so Stephanie was driving.
Stephanie drove me to and from the appointment.
Well, where Stephanie was driving, and since she was six, seven months pregnant at this point, she was exactly 22 weeks pregnant at this point, she couldn't very well carry a handgun and a holster on a belt where she's wearing maternity pants without a belt loop.
Sure, it shows how they want to nickel and dime and twist things out of the law, so they pull you over, what happens?
Well, they were actually sitting in our driveway when we got home.
Okay, so you're being watched.
This is some kind of test case.
Okay, so they're sitting in your driveway.
They're sitting in my driveway waiting for us to get home.
Again, there was about six different cruisers, three different towns, sitting there waiting for us.
And they pulled me out of the vehicle, talked to me separately, and then asked... I mean, like I said, I was under anesthesia at this point.
So this is gang stalking, and we've seen this in Austin.
They will profile a family beforehand, knowing a baby's coming due, and so they were there to set you up ahead of getting the baby.
Now I understand.
So they're waiting at your house.
What happens?
Uh, well, they, they, uh, look at Stephanie and tell her to tell them where her firearm is.
And she, she was scared.
I mean, she's, she's a small girl.
She's only five, five feet and about 150 pounds at this point.
So what happened?
What happened?
Well, the, the officer intimidated her into showing her where her firearm was.
He, she had opened the laptop case that the firearm was in.
And at that point, the police officer took it upon himself to take the firearm, unload the weapon, and walk away with it, and arrest me for possession of a concealed weapon without a permit.
Absolutely incredible.
So this is how America works with it.
But the secret police, you know, they've been taught by the Southern Poverty Law Center, you're the devil, so they're doing a good thing.
They're setting up an extremist.
They're going to get that baby.
That's what they think.
Yeah, no, this is just vampires, literal ghouls in police uniforms having their way.
So I guess you're all drugged up on Halcyon or whatever they gave you for your teeth being removed with sedation dentistry, and I guess they took you to jail then.
They did.
They took me in and booked me.
They released me on bail.
They were trying to give me a $50,000 cash bail.
And they ended up dropping that because I immediately made a couple calls to my landlord and his brother.
Those of which, their oldest brother was a congressional candidate here in New Hampshire.
And immediately they dropped the bail to $35.
So whatever happened with that, that was a few months ago.
I mean, are you going to go to prison because your wife had a concealed carry?
I mean, what's going to happen?
No, they originally tried to charge it as a Class B felony.
They immediately, within two weeks, dropped it to a Class B misdemeanor because the case they had... I mean, are you going to fight it though?
Because I mean, obviously... Oh, yeah.
A jury's going to say, what, she's got a concealed carry?
What are you doing?
You've got to stand up to these goons.
It's just like they nationwide are arresting anybody that films the cops and the courts are saying you have a right to do that.
But it just shows the mindset.
They want to give us tyranny.
They love the banks looting America.
They love the depression.
They enjoy it.
And don't worry, bad cops.
You're going to get everything that's coming to you.
You like the devil.
You like evil.
You're going to get a front row seat to hell.
Yeah, and you know, they sat there, they dropped it to a misdemeanor because what they had would have never made felony indictment.
Okay, but in the court documents, stealing your baby, that's what they cite that begins all this.
And so, your wife's got a concealed carry.
We got to take you to jail, and now you're, you like Oath Keepers, we're spying on you in the land of the free and home of the brave.
We know what message boards you're on, and so that's another reason we're taking your baby, because we want to, you know, because if the cops do that, they move up like Arte Saveda, and they'll end up, you know, being in the federal government.
I mean, my gosh, you know, you old demon.
Well, folks,
I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We'll stay in contact with you.
I want to get an update from you then.
God bless you.
We're praying for you.
And I'm sorry that this is happening to you, sweetheart Stephanie, but the good guys are coming.
The cavalry's coming.
Okay, sweetie?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Everybody pray for Jonathan and Stephanie and their little baby Cheyenne.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to get into the economy and a bunch of other news with Bob Chapman.
He'll be with us 20 minutes into the next hour.
We're appreciative of that.
Of course, we have Ron Paul on live for 30 minutes at the kickoff of the live broadcast.
I just want to remind everyone we've got a special 25-hour nonstop live transmission coming up next Thursday in about seven days.
Next Thursday, I'm going to broadcast from 11 a.m.
Central right into the next live show the next day.
We're going to have Paul Craig Roberts on live.
We're going to have so many other people on live, like Max Kaiser and Gerald Cilente and just so many others.
We've got an April 14 video interviews we did with Lord Monckton, with Jeffrey Smith, with Alan Watt, with Katherine Austin-Fitz, with Sherry Tenpenny, with Dr. Childress,
And with so many other great humanitarians that love liberty and are fighting dehumanization.
And so, we'll be taking 30 minute and hour long breaks throughout the 25 hour transmission playing video slash audio for radio listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Subscribers, we're going to attempt to have a free video box so everybody can watch the show, not just members on that 25-hour marathon.
The issue is bandwidth, but we're working on that, and I'm sure that we're going to have that ready.
In fact, we're going to do a test today.
We better do it on Monday for an hour or two of the show and have it free for everybody so they can see what prisonplanet.tv members, one of the things they get.
And we also archive it and you can download it.
But that is coming up, and this money bomb is essential.
We are not funded with billions of dollars by the globalists like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL.
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That's on record for decades.
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And so, our goal is to raise $100,000 by the kickoff of the Money Bomb.
And we want to raise $400,000 that day.
So go to InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, big banners up on InfoWars and Prison Planet, linking over to it.
You can watch the 15-minute tour of the new studios that we need to finish.
We're also producing more videos to show some of our accomplishments and how we're also under mega attack.
Nightline, MSNBC, CNN, Fox, just everywhere.
Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, they are pulling out the stops against us, trying to frame me, associate me with the murder of police officers.
Believe me, ladies, it's a miracle and I'm only standing here because of God's protection.
You know, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I just put it all there and say, God, whatever your will is.
But make no mistake, we're making history.
When I got Ron Paul on the line before we went live, he was complimenting me on how much of an effect I'm having just from what he's seeing in Washington and on the streets of America.
And, I mean, that's a scary thing when Ron Paul, global icon, the leader of freedom, if you've got to pick anybody, you know, telling me that, you know, Alex, you're having a huge effect.
You said some other things even more flattering, but I'm not going to repeat them.
The issue here is, he told me some things in confidence as well that I'm not going to, I'm not at liberty to get into.
It's just that, and Ron Paul's talked about how much danger he's in, you know, before on the show.
He said, yes, you know, they could come after me.
You got to pray for him, pray for Rand Paul.
They already tried to set him up, claiming he kidnapped a woman.
I mean, which he had to admit later wasn't true.
I mean, it's, I mean, folks, this is hardcore.
And we wouldn't be here and be operating if it wasn't for you.
And it's the same thing with great patriots like Bob Chapman, who we're going back to in a moment.
But if you want to donate, infowarsmoneybomb.com or buy the books, the videos, the materials, because, you know, we're in a depression here, and the funds are not what they were, and we need to be able to expand, not just continue our operations.
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God bless you.
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Okay, going back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, I want to get into the economy and other issues, and I appreciate you having your interview cut into today by that emergency, but did you notice that they were waiting at their house out of the blue and said, show us where the gun is, and she had a concealed carry?
and there she was seven months pregnant and and and and there he is in the back having his wisdom teeth out and they take the gun and say this is your gun and it's concealed we're taking you to jail in the supposed live free or die state I have seen this in Austin when I was first broadcasting fourteen fifteen years ago and it was a pattern it was always seventy five eighty year olds
In a gentrifying neighborhood where they had a lot beside their house worth a half million dollars, and the health department we learned was doing actuaries on them.
After a heart attack or cancer, they would come and say, you've got three-inch grass, here's a thousand dollar a day fine.
They wouldn't be able to pay it.
Then the police would come to the door, the old man would argue, they'd beat him up and arrest him.
Rolling Dellingson and others we interviewed.
And then they would end up getting their property.
I mean, so they've got networks of criminals within the police departments, most cops aren't part of it, who are running the narcotics, the child kidnapping, and now the federal government's coming in to liaison all this.
Clearly, this was a setup two months ahead of her having her baby, and they then cited it to take her baby.
Bob, what's your take on that?
It's just absolutely incredible.
But, as you say, it's been going on for some time.
And some of these kidnappings go back into the twenties and thirties, and the stories about Boys Town, and so this terrible stuff has been going on for a long, long time.
They've been able to cover it up, and now you've got the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL involved with the government.
What are they doing, private organizations, being
A part of government operations.
I've never heard of that before.
Well, it's like Pennsylvania with the Israeli Mossad group.
I mean, on record in the newspaper, collecting files on citizens and then having them arrested.
I mean, this is, this is, this is, they're contracting.
It's like when Marcus Wolf got hired eight years ago, former head of the Stasi, the East German secret police.
I didn't believe it when I heard it and I went and looked it up and Congress funded over a million dollars.
And then it was in Der Spiegel last week that the EU has hired the Stasi to spy on people.
Yeah, I used to spy against the Stasi and of course the KGB and all those kind of people back in the 50s.
And so I got a pretty good idea what these people are like.
What I couldn't understand was after East Germany was merged into West Germany, how this man was never tried and put in prison.
And all of the spies that East Germany had in West Germany, they were all let off the hook.
And all the people who were spying on people within East Germany, which was about 60% of the population, they were all let off the hook.
And they tortured people to death.
There's a famous photo of, right when they were putting the wall up, of an East German soldier, and the family's gotten through, but the two-and-a-half-year-old toddler's gotten caught in the barbed wire.
He got the baby out, hands it to the family, and they took that guy and tortured him to death.
But, uh, you know, but the people that tortured, you know, the military man to death who let that baby get away.
No, they got hired by America.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
Just like Mueller and all of those ex-Gestapo people.
And, uh, you know, you can look back in the 30s and you can see that they tried to do the same thing in the United States as they were doing in Germany, but they were unsuccessful.
And now they're trying it again.
Well, I've spent a lot of time on this.
We'll continue to watch it as it unfolds.
Counter-violent extremist, CVE Working Group, Homeland Security Advisory Council, Spring 2010, and our own Austin Police Chief, federally basically appointed to Austin, because they promised federal funds.
He's one of the key people involved in all of this, and you've got Richard Cohen, President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Governor of the state of Maryland, you've got Nimco, Ahmed, policy aide, vice president of the Minneapolis City Council, they've got all these locals, scores of them, public school people, Christian groups, and I've got articles here out of Austin.
Let me just read the headline for people.
You can just Google ADL Austin and you'll get KXAN reporting how they're in the public schools talking to your children about mommy and daddy.
Isn't that good, Bob?
Yeah, it's the same thing that the Germans did and the Russians did and even in Italy they did it.
You know, they had the children.
Well, in the case of Germany, they had Leona.
Uh, they had them spying on their parents and anybody who, you know, um, stepped out of line verbally, so to speak.
And, you know, after the war, uh, there were a number of films regarding that.
And I guess everybody that saw the films, like myself, is dead by now.
But, uh, we're seeing the same thing over again.
It was look at how bad Nazi Germany is.
They had spies.
They had checkpoints.
They trained children to spy on their parents and now it's out in the news.
Yeah, we're training Boy Scouts to take on vets.
Yeah, we're training kids to spy on their parents.
It's good.
It's good, Bob.
That's what they think.
And of course they baited and switched it.
They said, oh, this is all to stop Al Qaeda.
And then meanwhile, the whole thing is for red blooded Americans.
Bob, let's shift gears into the economy today.
My first issue that I want to raise with you is something I brought up to Ron Paul.
The communist murdering Chinese, the greatest mass murderers in history, are of course for two years the biggest owner of U.S.
But now it's no longer the EU or the Japanese that are number two.
The Federal Reserve now owns $821.1 billion.
They are the second largest owner of U.S.
Talk about bankers taking over.
Well, that's what they tell you about.
Now, they've had swap agreements with foreign governments.
They take their currencies, usually those six major currency countries, and they give the U.S.
dollar currency, which they create out of thin air, to these countries.
And what those countries do is they take that money and they go into the market and they buy treasuries.
So they go at auction and they buy U.S.
treasuries with the money.
And they hold the treasuries
In behalf of the U.S.
At the same time, what they've done with these swaps in the past is the Fed will go in and they will sell those foreign currencies into the market.
And that will affect the USDX, which is a dollar index.
And that will make the dollar get stronger whenever they want to do that.
No, as far as we know right now, they're not doing it.
They stopped doing it about six months ago.
But then again, we never know what they're doing, because they never tell anybody the truth.
And they've had offshore operations in the Cayman Islands, and right out of London as well, where they've been buying treasuries for years, but they don't tell you about that.
And I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't carrying two sets of books, because they don't want to expose the fact that they have more treasuries than what they're telling you about.
They also buy agency securities as well, which is Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, and FHA paper, as it's called.
And, of course, last year they admit to having purchased $1.7 trillion worth of toxic waste, known as ABS, MBS, and CDOs, which are bonds within which there are mortgages.
And that segues us into the mortgage problem.
And I don't know whether you've discussed this on air as yet, Alex, but... The record foreclosures going on and the fact that the depression is accelerating?
Well, not only that, the moves by several states to bring RICO action against Bank of America, Wells Fargo,
Yes, I've seen that and now Goldman Sachs has been caught all over the country and caught in federal court raiding with private thugs and stealing homes that they don't even own.
So they're now just taking homes from people that don't even own money.
Well, some of them are paid for by cash.
I mean, they're totally owned, and they're trying to take them away from them.
I even saw that last year on CNN.
I mean, if they're going to take the death benefits of six million veterans when they die, which they've announced, I mean, it's completely out in the open now, Bob.
The theft is just beyond belief.
The criminal syndicate that is in Washington
And in Wall Street and as well as banking and insurance and the transnational conglomerates.
It is beyond, to listen, as wild as imagination of how diabolical this is.
I mean, you know, you hear about criminals when they go to prison for robbing a store or robbing a bank or doing something which is class one felony.
These people steal billions, billions and billions of dollars.
And they get away with it.
And even when they get caught, they get fined.
And nothing is ever done.
Because a great many of them belong to the CFR and the Trilateralists and the Bilderberger Group.
So, the Illuminists don't get touched.
Yeah, they're made men.
They're above the law.
That's a good way to put it.
They're made men in their own mafia.
Good way to put it.
Anyway, they have an issue with disclosure.
And foreclosure documents.
I had one of the subscribers write in to me yesterday.
He says these notes are fraudulent.
They're forgeries.
And he went on and on.
He just quit his job working for a large mortgage company.
And now he's helping people avoid having their homes taken away.
But they passed in the House as well as the Senate
Something called the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act.
And it's, uh, H.R.
And that was ramrodded by, uh, Democrat Robert Alderhalt in the House and Robert Casey, Democrat in the Senate.
And by voice vote, they passed this thing.
And it went to the President's desk yesterday.
And he used a pocket veto on it.
I don't know.
Tell folks what the SAC does when we come back, and then we're going to get into some other economic issues.
I mean, they're not even hiding the fact now that they're going to hyperinflate.
That's the Wall Street Journal headline.
Fed is now saying they're going to use inflation to deal with the debt.
We'll get Bob Chapman's take on exactly what that means and how deep this depression is going to get in the near term.
Stay with us.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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This is such an important broadcast and info weapon platform to support because we're able to have all these other activists and congresspeople and women having their children stolen on to try to protect them.
We're a nexus point for patriots to gather.
There's going to be a protest coming up in an hour and five minutes at three o'clock eastern if you're in New Hampshire at Concord Hospital.
250 pleasant
uh... street concord new hampshire zero three three zero one so conquered hospital two fifty pleasant street conquered new hampshire protest three p m eastern and hospital by new hampshire free street free state projects a good job by them getting involved a lot of patriots up there uh... bob going back to you on the economy gold shot up to thirteen hundred and
Well, what it would have done, it would have made it difficult for foreclosure
That's why when you close on a house now, they try to have you sign a piece of paper saying, oh, if there's any mistakes, we're allowed to change any of these contracts.
They're now doing that.
And I didn't know that, but that's a good point.
Anyway, they had people involved in these foreclosures who were supposed to verify the documentation legally prior to foreclosure, and they didn't do that.
They were signing hundreds and hundreds of these things a day.
And I imagine they were just making a mark on the paper.
But the interesting thing about this is the voice vote, number one.
Number two, the Senate did this.
After the scandal broke out a couple of days ago.
So as soon as the scandal broke out, I'm sure the bankers called their friendlies who they paid off.
In the Senate and said, look, we gotta get this thing passed.
Do it in a voice vote and off we go.
Gotta boil it down.
No record of who voted with a voice vote so the criminals get away with it with their constituents.
But the banks have been engaged in all this fraud and taking houses that aren't theirs.
And so the states were starting to go forward with criminal procedures against them.
So they're trying to have Congress retroactively say they're allowed to do this.
That's right.
And it didn't work, and I don't know what made the President pocket veto the bill.
You know, I don't have any access to his mind, but I think they were terrified that this would cost them votes, and of course it would.
But the word's getting out that they pulled this and tried to get away with it, and they didn't, and it's much to their discredit.
And I want people to think about that when they vote for incumbents when they go to vote in the congressional election.
You gotta get them out of there.
It's the only legal chance that we've got.
And if we can get half of them out of there, we'd be doing well.
And you gotta work on it.
And Alex and I and people like us, we can't do it.
We can't do it ourselves.
We're just one person each.
But there's millions of you listening to this.
And so you should do it.
Well said, Bob Chapman.
I want to do a gold report with you.
I want to get your take on the precious metals, the rest of the economy, cover some economic news.
And Bob Chapman is our guest.
I'll try to wrangle him to stay with us to the half-hour point so we can also take some calls.
You want to talk to Bob Chapman, 1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us.
We'll be right back with the third hour.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to briefly get into gold in this segment, and then start taking your calls in the next one with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, Alex Jones with, of course, Infowars.com, this live Friday edition.
When this hour ends, we go into retransmission.
Don't forget, Ron Paul was on at the very start of the first hour.
It was one of the most amazing interviews I've ever done with him.
I think?
levels of of thieving and and larceny and just grand theft never before seen in history i mean it is just it is just wall-to-wall they're attempting to just normalize a climate of total corruption and just have us accept it just like uh... yesterday the white house announced that thirty major companies like mcdonald's and others they don't have to get health care for their employees twenty nine million small businesses you do i mean
That is just completely criminal.
Ron Paul agreed with me.
And it's not equal protection under the law.
It's like a Twilight Zone episode, Bob Chapman.
It certainly is.
Two sets of rules.
One for them and one for us.
And we cross the line.
We go to jail.
They cross the line.
They get their hands slapped.
And that's really what it's boiled down to.
And it's permeating all the way up from police organizations to Homeland Security
And then these private groups like the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center, and then you get into the foundations and the think tanks and the control of Congress with money, and it just goes on and on.
This opportunity that we're going to have in November to change government radically, I hope everybody takes advantage of it.
And that, in part, is why the gold market is as strong as it is.
I mean, they spent
Quite a bit of money in yardage getting gold and silver down yesterday and they turned around like a zombie who wouldn't die and just ran right back up again.
All of the gains in gold and silver and in the shares were not recaptured during today's trading because I think a lot of traders were concerned about the
Continuation of the rally.
I was a trader for 25 years, and so I understand their mindset in thinking.
And there's very few people who own brokerage firms, which I did, that do their own trading, which I did.
And it was quite an education.
And I can see things going on in the market other people can never see.
It's simply because of experience.
But this is the biggest bull market in history.
In the last three or four hundred years, gold and silver are going to go right through the roof.
We'll continue with gold in a moment, but going back to the police colluding and setting these people up when they had a concealed carry to then say, we're going to take your child, because one of you had a concealed carry, but the other person in the car didn't, and since the gun was in the car, we're going to take your kid.
I mean, is that not racketeering to show
How these groups collude to violate our rights and make money off of us, and now have the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, involved in our public schools, and in education, and with the doctors spying on us.
I mean, this is a total mafia takeover.
It certainly is.
You know, when I go from country to country, and I've lived in the last eight years in eight different countries, and I never, ever see anything like this go on.
I mean, they might be second and third world countries, but they don't do those kind of things.
Well that's like even most of the Mexican drug gangs.
They'll kill the adults in the car but they won't kill the kids.
But it seems like people running our country, it's like a delicacy to hurt children.
They just really enjoy it.
That's what freaked me out the most fighting CPS with families here in Austin over the years is that you go to these things and they're getting off on it.
It's always like hot-bellied demonic cops and CPS just enjoying the pain.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going to at least get to Tracy, Kat, Fred, Dave and Rob.
For Bob Chapman, I'm Alex Jones.
Again, thank you for joining us.
We need to have a strong showing coming up in about 52 minutes.
The Free State Project is launching a 3 p.m.
Eastern protest at the Concord Hospital at 250 Pleasant Street, Concord, New Hampshire.
And we've got a new report out, and I'm actually having Nemo add some local news reports from KXAN about the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, and others involved in the public schools, brainwashing your children, going in and brainwashing doctors to spy on you.
That's what we've got in this big report is that they're now expanding out the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, secret police into the local citizens.
That was actually on local news last night.
Jeff Kantoff, a TV producer for
Bob Dacey called me and I was able to find the text report, not the video, and he said that KXAN was reporting, oh, the ADL is training locals to spot right-wing extremists.
So it's just secret police everywhere.
And then they think it's illegal.
They're like, you like the Founding Fathers?
Yeah, I've got them.
And the cops show up and go, well, we'll go ahead and take their kid.
We don't have any reason to.
You know, you like the Bill of Rights.
We're taking your kid.
I mean, and this sounds crazy, but it's really going on.
I want to spend about three, four minutes with Ted Anderson, who's been waiting there in the studio for 20 minutes while I've been talking to Bob to get into gold.
Bob and Ted, gold went up to $1,361.
Then they drove it down by $20.
It shot back up over, what, $13 more today.
Was that profit-taking yesterday, Ted?
Bob was saying the evidence is they were trying to drive it down again, but were unsuccessful.
Yeah, I would go with Bob on that one.
I think that was just pure manipulation to try to drive the U.S.
dollar up and to drive gold down.
It didn't last for very long.
The strength was just the bulls have the market, the bears are not winning.
Ted, what's this Midas Resources report I see?
And we'll put it back up on screen.
Mint puts a 33% premium on all their coins to try to shut off physical demand.
Well, what that's about is the U.S.
Mint is running out of planchettes again.
It happened last year.
It's happening again this year.
You're going to see U.S.
Eagles drive up in price.
We're already seeing it happen in the Buffalo coin.
The problem is that they can't keep up with the demand.
And we're heading here into October.
We're still in the beginning of October, though, so I expect to see the demand even rise further.
I mean, Alex, my goodness, gold has been as high as $13.50 and 90 cents today.
Silver at $23.33.
That's despite the fact that they clobbered it yesterday.
And, you know, I mean, it was such a short-lived thing.
And then unemployment reports come out today, jobless.
The non-farm job report is just, you know, it gets hammered and then all of a sudden gold just goes right back up.
Let me read that.
Economy sheds 95,000 jobs.
Even mainstream media says real unemployment's above 10%.
All the economists we talked to say over 22%.
That's some of the economic numbers there.
Government spending rises 9% in the last quarter.
72,000 stimulus payments went to dead people, AP reports.
4.6 billion bridge being built by the state for horses to cross in Massachusetts.
China to overtake Japan in global wealth rankings.
Gallup finds U.S.
unemployment at 10.1 in September.
Food stamp nation, Pat Buchanan, what we've accepted today as a vast, permanent underclass, continuing with the economic numbers.
Bob, give us your brief, real forecast on just how bad this economy is.
Well, I expect unemployment to continue to increase in through June of next year.
Now, real unemployment right now, that's U6 without the birth-death ratio, is 22.58%.
It will go up a minimum of 1% to 23.58%.
In May, I remind you that during the 1930s, the high of unemployment supposedly was 25%.
So, we're in a depression.
It's an inflationary depression.
With what the government is going to do, and is doing, with this QE2, as it's called, Quantitative Easing 2, they're pouring money into the economy and they're doing it via the repo market, which is a little, in a short period of time, I can't explain it, but they're shoving money into the economy at the rate, if you use their leverage, of about $90 billion a day.
And they're going to continue to do that.
They're buying, and will probably buy, all the Treasuries.
I think they're going to have to buy them all.
It's the only way the government can fund itself.
All of this is very inflationary, and it could lead to hyperinflation.
Well, let's go back.
You've been saying that for a long time.
How big of a deal is it to have the Fed signal to the Wall Street Journal and others in the last 24 hours that, quote, inflation is the cure to debt?
Well, it's not.
But that's what they like people to believe because they know that the result of what they're doing is going to be inflationary.
You get banks which will end up with about three trillion dollars with the changes that are being made within the monetary and financial structure.
They get a trillion and a half right now.
They're going to start spending that money or lending it.
And in lending it, this sterilized money, as it's called, becomes monetized.
When you monetize money, it becomes inflationary.
And that's what's happening, and it's going to get worse and worse.
They're looking at creating money and credit via fiscal spending, small amount, maybe $500 billion if they're lucky.
The rest of it, the $2 trillion, will come from the Federal Reserve.
And from the banks that are holding money that's sterilized and corporations are sitting on three trillion dollars.
Yes, it is just the beginning.
I expect a minimum of 14% next year, and I'm being very conservative.
It could be 25 or 30%, and if they don't find a way to employ people, and I don't know what else they're going to do, they could be looking at 25 to 30% unemployment as well.
It's not going to get better, it's going to get worse.
In all of these safety net programs you see, which are now 42 million collecting food stamps,
Uh, and the, uh, disability from Social Security and, uh, as well as extended unemployment.
They're going to continue and it's going to cost billions and billions and billions of dollars.
And they are inflationary as well.
Well, again, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that gold and silver is the best option out there.
Ted, briefly, give folks today's smoking hot deals from Midas Resources, today's radio specials.
I know you're running out of your gold supplies as you continue to buy it, then you sell out of it, and then you buy more, but then it goes up again.
You're able to pass on those savings.
What are the prices on the gold and silver coins today, Ted?
Well, again, Alex, the best deal that I have out there, hands down, is the Creature from Jekyll Island book with the silver dollar.
I mean, that is $26.45 with silver at $23.33.
You know, that's just such a ridiculous... And that's counting the shipping?
Yeah, well, that is counting the shipping.
Yeah, $6.50 goes for the shipping, so really it's $19.95.
For a $19.95 book and a $23 coin in the market, how good of a deal is that, Bob Chapman?
It's a super deal.
And it does not get any better than that.
And the book is a wonderful book.
In fact, in tomorrow's issue, I've got a number of tapes that G. Edward Griffin, who's a friend of mine, just did.
And so for the subscribers, they'll be in there for them.
But that's a great deal.
And of course, the coin deal for the subscription, that's fantastic.
And what are some of the other gold coins that you've got, Ted?
That would be the franc at $2.89.
You get a four-year subscription to Bob Chapman's International Forecaster.
$10.83 for a walking Liberty Half with Silverward is just phenomenal as well.
You know, the older $20 Liberties at $16.85 and $10 Liberties at $8.58 are a good deal.
You know, bags of junk silver.
We have small portions of those buffalo coins.
We have U.S.
We have the PAM Swiss bars.
Just a whole long list of various different things that you can be picking up from Midas.
And the thing about it is, is that, like Bob is saying, the Federal Reserve right now is resorting, in a very simplistic term, to the printing press to solve problems, economic problems.
The only way to get any protection than I can see is gold and silver.
Here's the number for those special radio deals and this will run through Sunday.
If you're listening to this rebroadcast on the station this weekend or on the internet or podcast, 800-686-2237 or watching this on YouTube later or at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Let me just add one more thing.
You know, you had that gal on who lost her baby, and I hope that people that listen to your show understand the value and why it's so important for them to help you next Thursday to build that studio that you're looking to do.
I mean, if anything spells it out, that's it.
That's why people should support the Alex Jones Show, and that studio is so very important.
Well, we're fighting real tyranny, and we couldn't do any of this without the listeners, and it just, every day I've got to just stop and compose myself, because this, I've studied history, and this is such pure evil.
We know evil's running the country, and it transcends that puppet Obama, folks.
I mean, we are so deep down this rat hole,
And the criminals are so hungry for more wealth and more treasure and more power, and they enjoy hurting us.
And I just hope folks protect themselves with gold and silver, because I know those deals are excellent.
Bob Chapman has been a sweetheart, and he loves coming on the show, but he's already been on like an hour and a half.
But this next segment's short.
I don't know if we can get to all these calls.
So I'll try to twist his arm, maybe go to 40 after or so, so we can at least get to five or six calls.
Then I've got a bunch of news I've got to hit in the remainder of the hour.
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We're good to go.
Stuart Rhodes joining us in T-minus 15 minutes.
He just got off an airplane ahead of Oath Keepers.
Headline at InfoWars.com, Southern Poverty Law Center, Homeland Security.
Community officials team up to attack Patriot groups.
We have their internal reports.
This is as big or bigger than the MIAC report.
It's at Infowars.com.
Get it out to everyone you know.
This is so incredibly important.
We need to make the mainline Republicans cover this.
I'm going to hurry in this segment and part of the next before Stuart comes on with Bob Chapman to get to your phone calls now.
Tracy in Texas, you're on the air.
Alex, I want to say thank you for the information that you're putting out in the mid-90s.
It was a catalyst for me becoming a Christian.
And for Bob, I want to know two things.
How do I keep track of how many people are in the gold market?
And will you come in and come on and tell us when it's time to dump, hearing what happened in 1980?
Well, fortunately, in 1980, I get out in June.
And I was in the shares, mostly.
And the reason was that when gold went back to $6.50, announced from $8.50, it rallied to around $7.20.
And the stocks went berserk.
And that's when I get out.
And they did very well, of course.
As far as knowing how many people are in gold and silver, gee, that's hard to know.
But we haven't even scratched the surface with less than 2%.
And those who subscribe to the publication, everything that you need to know is in there every week.
I know Alex covers the waterfront, so to speak.
Well, I cover the world.
And it's a great publication, and you should get it.
And in there, we'll tell you when to get out.
If ever.
We may never get out, incidentally.
Yeah, Bob, let me put it to you this way.
If inflation for 1980 is $2,500, conservatively announced,
Then if gold goes up, backs down, goes up, backs down, I'm staying in it.
And then as inflation increases from 1980, it may be 3,000, 5,000 an ounce.
I mean, this is really a month-to-month thing, gauging it.
You've got to stay on top of it.
You've got to have somebody who knows what they're doing historically, knows what's going on, who lives this, which is myself.
I've lived it for over 50 years.
Tracy, does that answer your question?
Yes, as long as Bob will come tell us when to get out then I feel perfectly secure because I've tied everything I own into gold and silver.
Well, Tracy, I would say this.
I mean, if you really study it, they may next summer drive it down a little bit, but if you look at the 10-year graph, it only goes back up.
Overall, it's going up.
It's market fundamentals.
If they're devaluing currencies globally, if they're saying they're going to use inflation to pay off the national debt, it's a given that commodities are going to go up in price because it takes more of that currency to pay for it.
And, you know, that's the bottom line here.
As Bob said, as you go into a global, you know, inflationary system, it may never end.
But nothing is perfect, nothing is totally safe.
We just know gold and silver from history is a lot better than, you know, owning derivatives.
Correct, Bob?
Oh, absolutely.
I won't recommend GLD and SLV or any kind of derivative because they get leverage in them and you don't need that.
I mean, if you want leverage, you go in the shares.
And the leverage is in the earnings as gold goes up.
And a lot of this isn't rocket science.
There's leverage because there's only so many of them.
Thank you, Tracy.
Fred in Ohio, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How are we doing today?
I've got a couple questions for Bob here.
In the first place, without auditing the Fed, how do we know
That the national debt is only thirteen trillion dollars.
And then my second question is that with these derivatives that Bill Clinton started, that's estimated at a thousand trillion dollars around the world, what portion of that is ours?
Well, first of all,
The deficit of $13 trillion that you're talking about is a function of the Treasury Department, which is separate from the Federal Reserve.
And they do hide stuff, like off the books, in the Treasury.
And they now say it's 14-trill, by the way.
Or 14.
Actually, it's 14.3.
But anyway, and then you have all of the programs that have been mandated, and that brings it up to
Over a hundred trillion dollars.
A hundred and five trillion.
It's the figures.
And even the Washington Post, for Fred, admits last two months ago that it's six hundred trillion in derivatives floating around worldwide.
Many others estimate 1.5 quadrillion.
Bob, what's the total global derivative hangover?
It's 1.4 quadrillion.
And it's got no home.
They're naked.
So there you have it, Fred.
14.3 trillion is a complete joke.
Just like they say unemployment's 9.6, it's 22+.
Dave, Rob, Everett, those will be our last calls for Bob Chapman then.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm reading Patrick Henry's famous give me liberty or give me death speech.
Just go to InfoWars.com.
We've posted it many times.
I'm going to have Kurt Nemo put it back on the front page.
His famous give me liberty or give me death speech.
I wanted to read this at the end of the hour, but Stuart Rhodes is coming on in about eight minutes, so I won't have time.
But I think Sunday I'm going to read this whole speech on air.
Everybody should read it, but I know Nemo was in the coffee room.
Will you tell him to post the full speech at InfoWars?
Or Matt Ryan can do it.
He's doing a great job as well.
Just have Matt Ryan post that at InfoWars.com right now.
Let's hurriedly take three more calls for Bob Chapman.
David Masher on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Hey Alex, I appreciate having to thank you for waking me up about six months or so ago.
And really opened my eyes to this whole New World Order situation.
And I gotta hand it to both you guys, Alex and Bob, that I've been doing the research.
I got the documents.
I've been trying to get behind who's the true culprits and criminals behind this economic disaster and all the New World Order stuff.
And I agree with you guys 100%.
It's the Jews.
It's the Jews.
It's the Jews.
You agree with us a hundred percent.
It's the Jews, it's the Jews, it's the Jews.
I mean, Israel's certainly involved in a lot of corruption, but all... I mean, the British government had these systems before the Rothschilds ever came along, and I've just noticed with Hal Turner and others that the Fed's paid to go out and say it's the Jews, it's the Jews.
That's actually done to demonize anybody that tries to criticize corruption by painting it as anti-semitic.
But we do criticize Israel here.
We were doing it earlier in the broadcast and I think it was probably somebody being sarcastic trying to claim we're anti-semitic.
But Bob, your take on that?
I follow your lead.
I agree with you completely.
There's all kinds of people involved in the conspiracy.
Some of them are Muslims, they're Christians, they're Catholics.
They're Jews, and they come from all walks of life.
But the Feds want to make it... But the Feds agents we keep catching impose as these great patriots who are going to tell us all what to believe and say and if you don't wear a Nazi armband and hate Jews and blame everything in the world, including slipping on banana peels, on Jews, then you're bad.
No, this is a poison pill so that we can't defeat the New World Order.
Okay, folks?
I mean, let's say, you know,
This guy's right, and there's this Jewish cabal at the center of everything, and there is a Jewish mafia heavily involved in all this, but not completely.
Let's say those people were locked up in prison tomorrow, and we're Nazi Germany.
You're going to have the same corruption come right in.
This idea that evil can only come from one group, evil comes from every group of people.
And trying to hang it on one group, it just isn't right.
It's wrong.
And I've studied this going back 2,000 years, just like Alex has.
I spent my whole life doing this.
And I can't tell you how many people who are involved, almost all of whom are not Jewish.
And so it's a misnomer.
You're chasing your tail.
You're wasting your time.
There's better things for you to do than blame it on one group of people.
Well, I'll say this.
It's on record that the Israelis, to make Jews go to Israel, before Israel existed, one group of Zionists, would not let Jews leave.
This is, you know, mainline books by Jewish professors have been written on this.
Unless they paid millions of dollars to them and they could only go to Israel.
And, you know, the same thing with George Soros.
These are cold-blooded people, and the Jewish Mafia has been caught over and over again in Spain and Iraq bombing Jews to make them move to Israel, and funding anti-Semitic groups to persecute Jews so they'll go to the Jewish Mafia for protection.
Just like an Italian mob will burn down a grocery store if you don't pay them protection, it's the same thing.
Yeah, I've cracked the code on this, and you know what?
We're not going to take your bait.
You understand that?
We're going to get Jews woken up just like everybody else and have them fight the New World Order.
I've got to hurry now because that caller took too long.
Real quick question, Rob in Canada.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I have a very general question.
It's on the topic of declassified government documents.
And my question is, you've exposed an unbelievable amount of crime that have come out in these documents.
But these people, why would they let these documents out?
Okay, because to get the national security state in 47, they agreed that they'd have to release them every 10 to 20 years.
And so that was the law, and now they have tried and do not release a lot of things.
That's why most of the stuff we get is 20 years old or older.
And so, I mean, they admit Northwood's real, they admit all that is real, because we still have some semblance of checks and balances.
Appreciate your call, Bob Chapman.
Any comments?
I'm speechless.
No, I have nothing to add to that.
It's perfect.
Okay, real fast, Everett and Tennessee are on the air.
Quickly, I gotta go to Stuart Rhodes via cell phone, just got off a plane.
Go ahead, Everett, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Thank you, God bless you two for waking me up once, you know, a couple years ago.
I just had the question, like, are we still going to end up
I agree, and I don't think that
The people of the world, never mind just Americans, are going to accept a cipher or a chip or something that's digital to keep all their wealth in one place so that the people who are in charge behind the scenes can steal it from us.
Anything else, Everett?
Well, they might just use this unemployment
Oh, they're already telling people with their food stamp card what they're allowed to eat?
You're absolutely right, Everett.
Doing a great job and waking the nation, the world up.
Well, God bless you, Everett, and spread the word about the broadcast.
Even if you're listening on a local AM or FM station, tell your friends and family about the free internet streams, the free iPhone app.
That's how we reach more people is word of mouth.
And put up flyers, whatever you can, because I know this show is the most informative out there.
That's not bragging.
We're not perfect.
It's pretty scary where the best there is.
But God bless you, Everett.
Bob Chapman, thanks for spending an hour and a half with us today.
God willing, we'll see you back live next Friday.
Certainly, and thanks for having me, and thank you all for listening.
You bet.
What a great guy, Bob Chapman.
Okay, going back to the issue that we covered at the beginning of the broadcast, and we'll put that article up on
The TV screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Government seizes newborn baby over political beliefs of parents and we have the copy from the CPS.
It says the division became aware and confirmed that Mr. Iris associated with a militia known as the Oath Keepers and had purchased several different types of weapons including a rifle.
A month and a half before she was going to have the baby.
He had gone to have his wisdom teeth removed.
She was driving.
She has a concealed carry.
They were waiting.
Six squad cars at their house.
This is racketeering.
They said, where's the gun?
And they got out because they wanted the baby.
They get up to half a million for these kids.
Blond-haired, blue-eyed babies.
Top, top money.
I mean, I've found these networks in Austin.
We had that state senator on who was exposing how they have quotas to grab the kids and of course they killed her execution style just a few months ago.
But the issue here is they were waiting and it was her concealed carry and they said we don't care if the gun's your husband.
He has an illegal concealed carry.
He's going to jail.
And they cited that when they took the baby and Oath Keepers.
This family's under surveillance.
They were picked for this.
And I've seen articles where the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, are in the schools, law enforcement, and Stuart Rhodes linked up at Oath Keepers today, countering violent extremism working group.
They now are officially merging Southern Poverty Law Center as the command group over the privatization of police chiefs, school teachers, you name it, as part of a huge spy network.
Similar to what we just saw two weeks ago in Pennsylvania with the illegal operations of an Israeli company through the state homeland security, spying on members of the legislature and others.
Stuart Rhodes joining us dealing with the kidnapping of this child.
The child now a political prisoner, part of the new red terror in America.
The founder of Oath Keepers, a paratrooper, Ron Paul's assistant, what is it Harvard or Yale, law degree.
Good to have you here with us Stuart Rhodes.
Good to be on, Alex.
How you doing?
You've got the floor.
The secret police are now coming after our children.
Well, that's the big picture.
That's why the context has to be taken into consideration in this case.
It's not just an isolated case.
Put it this way, it's not what the powers that be at DHS want to be isolated.
I mean, they're basically telling us they're going to infiltrate down to the very local level and that working group's recommendations include utilizing child protective services and other social services and also mental health
Um, as part of the local effort to, you know, quote-unquote, combat violent extremism.
They're going to get into the schools and teach parents and teachers how to look for signs of violent extremism in the children.
It's just ridiculous.
And when you have the CEOs of the public law centers sitting on this panel and helping to point the finger at who the internal enemy is, who are they going to point it at?
They've already told us.
You know, you're on the list, I'm on the list, Ron Paul's on the list, Chuck Baldwin, anybody who stands up for the Constitution is going to be fingered as... Anyone who isn't a lawless... Anyone who isn't a supporter of a lawless, criminal, globalist takeover.
I'm just going to roll over and allow a Republican to be destroyed.
And that's the big picture.
The narrow picture in this case itself, the reason why it's got our attention is that enumerated in the affidavit, there's a lot of all kinds of accusations against the parents, but two of them, as you said, one of them is that the father is associated with a militia group known as the Oak
No, this is like the MIAC.
This is like the MIAC report.
This is the government brainwashing police to the point that they think they're doing God's work taking somebody's newborn baby because they call you a militia A, and it wouldn't be bad if you were, but you're not, and so it just shows total red-handed evidence of the secret police network.
Well, and they're turning things that are absolutely legal, not only legal, but part of your core right as a citizen.
I mean, political speech is well-established in constitutional law as the most important speech protected by the First Amendment.
And there's a principle of chilling in speech.
It comes whenever you have a targeting of a person, an application of law against them toward their core political beliefs and expressions and associations.
This is a big problem here.
Well, that's what Hitler did.
That's what Stalin and Mao did.
They intimidated you that you could get arrested or have your kids taken.
That's actually, I've had historians on about Mao.
That was one of his tactics.
They'd take your kids.
I mean, we know this is as evil as it gets.
And Stuart, I mean, it's so brazen.
It's so clearly illegal.
But they're doing it right out in the open.
I mean, this is a problem we've had, as you pointed out in the past.
In the first place, child care services in this country, the threshold for taking your children is ridiculously low.
You have like no due process whatsoever.
But now what's happening is they're politicizing that.
I think so.
We're good to go.
Well, Stuart, they're really mad at Oath Keepers and demonizing you on CNN, even Fox to some extent, MSNBC, because the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, are private intelligence agencies on record.
We know Southern Poverty Law Center was running Elohim City with McVeigh there.
That came out in declassified FBI documents.
Well, they were ordered by court to be released in lawsuits by Jesse Trinidou, the lawyer.
I got that done.
And they are in the full process of
Private spies, mercenary spies, XC, Blackwater, Israeli, 14 other countries total in the NLE09 FEMA press releases.
I mean, they admit this and they're training the Boy Scouts to take on disgruntled veterans.
And they're in there right now brainwashing and taking over doctors, community people, literally creating an army of Stasi.
And here are good veterans and current military and police standing up and saying, this is wrong.
We're going to stand for the Republic.
You know, we're going to educate military and police.
And they are freaking out.
They are freaking out that actual red blooded Americans
of every race, color, creed, and religion are coming together, and so they're... because they've got to be brazen and over-the-top with an illegal foreign intelligence takeover.
I mean, it's happening, folks.
We're being infiltrated and taken over right now.
They've got to act like they're the good guys, high and mighty, because what they're doing is so brazenly illegal, as shown in Pennsylvania.
Well, I mean, that's what they're doing, and now it's becoming more overt.
Like I said in the write-up I did on our website, you know, the mask is coming off, and they're—you don't have to give a FOIA request anymore to find out that it turns out the microphone was written by a Southern Poverty Law Center.
Now it's in your face.
They're going to write all of this stuff.
They're going to help write the training manuals and help orchestrate the use of your—right down to the very local level in your county and your town—the use of all of those resources, including the media.
Listen, I got calls last night from people I work with, news sources, saying, did you see the news?
And now I've confirmed it was on two news channels announcing the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL are going to be in your schools, they're going to be at your churches, and I went to the ADL site and saw it, and they're going to help you fight the terrorist, the right-wing terrorist.
Again, they're the infiltrators taking over, and then they're calling us, pointing out the infiltration, and they're saying we're terrorists.
I mean, and Arde Seveda, our police chief in Austin, is in this report on this federal board.
And so is Sheriff Gillespie of Clark County, Nevada, unfortunately, where I went to high school and college.
What we have to do, frankly, is kind of like a political scorched earth policy.
If your local officials cooperate with a politicized DHS that has turned against law-abiding, Constitution-defending Americans, then they should be run out of office.
You cannot have cooperation with something like that.
Because like you said, it's like a Stasi.
It's a politicized
Well listen, listen, Stewart, I have found, and I'm sure you've noticed this as well, the reactor shaft on the Death Star.
This Pennsylvania situation, where they've been caught, the disgraced head has stepped down, it's clearly illegal, they're having investigations, the state police are criminally investigating, the Senate is having hearings.
As we show a foreign Israeli group contracted to spy on even members of the legislature, we could bust this open like the ADL did in the 90s, you know, getting criminally charged for infiltrating police departments.
We could bust open this whole situation.
Well, what we can do, I'm not as clear as you are about that situation, but what we can do, the most important point is people cannot allow themselves to be intimidated in silence.
If you're afraid to step up right now because you're concerned about being fingered and targeted, they'll come after you down the road.
You'll just postpone your confrontation.
It's time for us to stand up right now.
Well, stay there, stay there.
Final segment with you, Stuart Rhodes.
Just got off an airplane.
You'll be able to talk about any other key issues you want.
Protest starts in T-minus 10 minutes at the 250 Pleasant Street at the Concord Hospital in Concord, New Hampshire.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Stewart was asking me if they've set up a legal defense fund.
I just gave Mr. Irish an address and email.
And Stewart's already had donations come in to Oath Keepers with people trying to support.
But I've had them on so many times over the years, and then I forget the names of the good groups that fight CPS that are expert lawyers.
You know, he's a Yale constitutional lawyer, and he can fight on the First Amendment and stuff.
But we need to get those main groups, and I'll remember their names after the show and get it to Mr. Irish.
But finishing up, Stuart, we're talking during the break.
I mean, this is really the secret police, thought police, saying if you're a member of the legislature and criticize high taxes,
Israeli spies spy on you for the homeland security of the state.
Or the Southern Poverty Law Center comes in and spies on you and they take your baby.
How dumb are these cops that the Southern Poverty Law Center comes in and tells them, if they talk about Ron Paul or Oath Keepers, get their baby.
I would think cops aren't this evil, Stuart.
Well, and most of them are not.
What they're doing, though, is brainwashing them.
That's why we have to counter that with our own, like, deprogramming of the brainwashing.
They want them to believe that, you know, essentially, if you talk like Thomas Jefferson, you must be a terrorist, is their bottom line.
And so, and if you do anything that they don't like, you are a potential danger, a potential cop killer.
So if you dare to associate
With other police.
That's what's so amazing is that these police have been brainwashed into thinking that if Jonathan Irish is associated with other police officers who stand for the Constitution, those are dangerous people.
It's just kind of hilarious.
They're brother officers.
Like John Shirley there in Texas, who's our state Texas president in Texas, is a Houston PD officer.
Yeah, but having police that aren't brainwashed into supporting the criminal banking takeover, that is a danger to the criminals.
But the criminals are literally in there advising the police.
Right, and they're turning the world upside down again, the other way.
They're making what's good evil and what's evil good.
And they want the police to be brainwashed into thinking that this is the right way to do things.
That's why I started those papers, was to help counteract that brainwashing.
Let's get into the point now.
Yeah, Arte Saboa's got to go here in Austin, but in closing, they're now completely transferring from, we set up Homeland Security for Al Qaeda to, we set up Homeland Security for the American people.
They're taking over farming, ranching, Second Amendment, everything.
And this is the rollout as they look for prospective people to harass, intimidate, persecute, go after.
And they had that fake, you know, raid of the militia in Michigan.
The judge ordered them released.
It was all made up.
So they're definitely trying to roll out their new, we've met the terrorist, and it's the American people.
They're turning it inward, exactly.
Now, the way to counteract that, right now, is this case.
I think people should stand up and say, they're going to figure it out.
That's why John has to establish a legal defense fund with a PayPal button online that can direct people to go and contribute to him directly.
A good counsel in New Hampshire, a New Hampshire lawyer who's a patriot, should step up and be the free counsel
Well, more than that, we need the expert lawyers with the groups that defeat CPS and know all of the Byzantine procedures they use to steal your kids.
Or we can preemptively beat them now and call the police department, the CPS, the family courts, the hospital and say, give that baby back.
That's right.
Public pressure in the court of public opinion also wins too.
That's exactly right.
Stewart, fire out the website for Oath Keepers.
OathKeepers.org and God bless America.
God bless America.
We'll talk to you next week or even Sunday with an update on this as we learn more.
Ron Paul coming up right now at the start of the next hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Don't forget InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, folks.
We need your support.
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