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Name: 20101005_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 5, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the fifth day of October 2010.
I'm honored that Horn, Minnesota Governor, movie star, mayor, talk show host, and the star of the number one hit on TruTV, Conspiracy Theory, back for its second season premiering here in just about a week and a half.
I don't know.
And so he joins us today to be able to talk about as much as he can, some of the harassment they've gone through, what's coming up in the episodes.
We'll also get into all these new terror alerts just ahead of the election.
We're going to talk about the economy, a host of issues with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Jesse, good to have you with us.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
See, should I get off on the right foot with all you Texans?
What the hell happened when you played UCLA?
Yeah, UT didn't do too well, did they?
Well, I forgot to mention, you did XFL and NFL, didn't you?
Football is football, you know?
It's just played at different levels by the professionals that do it.
But it's still the same game, whether you're playing it at junior high or high school or all the way to the pros.
When we were down in New Orleans after we were done doing our investigation, I had to fly out the next morning.
You were there for a few more days to continue your investigation.
Did you ever get a chance to go to that Vikings and Saints game?
Well, I had the opportunity to go, but unfortunately the show came first and we had gone out that day way out to the tip of the Gulf, which is a few hours drive from New Orleans.
We're good.
Well, Gov, a lot is happening.
We're going to get a break in a moment, but I want to get into the show.
I mean, obviously, I've been a consultant, and I appear in quite a few of the episodes that are coming up.
But I have to say, the last season was shocking and informative.
From what I've seen, it looks like this one's shaping up to even be more hardcore.
I think so.
I think the topics are even, I don't know how you say they're better, but more exciting even.
The other thing on the production end, on our end of it, any time you go from your first season to your second season, you're going to iron out some of the rough edges.
You're going to do better on the focus of what you're trying to accomplish.
And so a second season, there's always, the first season of doing a show like this you kind of fly by the seat of your pants.
The second season you have a good idea of what works and what doesn't work and how to go about getting the information we need to get.
So I think it's always a work in progress and hopefully always an improved work in progress.
When we come back, we'll get into as many of the episodes as we can and squeeze as much info as we can out of you, Governor.
But a quick question, what's your favorite episode right now?
Well, I suppose my favorite would have to be JFK because that's the one that, you know, has had my passion for 30 odd years now of reading and studying about it.
So that's the one that really strikes home with me.
And also because my feelings about JFK are this.
If a coup d'etat could happen, if you could remove a president, our president, and get away with it, well, what can't you do then?
See, that's what to me lays the table for anything that comes later.
If you can do that, Alex, what can't you do?
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest for the full hour.
We're going to come right back and continue with the JFK investigation he's conducted.
He's got some groundbreaking information.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
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Number 3.
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Number 4.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is here with us today kicking off the promotion.
We're honored to have him for the second season of Conspiracy Theory.
Here's USA Today's headline.
Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory raises further
Uh, questions, and it's a pretty, uh, balanced, uh, report here.
It's gonna be kicking off October 15th, uh, 10 p.m.
Eastern Time, 9 p.m.
Central on TruTV.
It was the number one hit show last year, and I had so many people saying, only eight episodes.
We want more.
I've gotten so many emails, so many calls, uh, so many, uh, you know, people on the street have said, you know, bring back the show.
And, and now that the second season's been announced, people are calling me saying, will there be a third season, Jesse?
I don't know.
You know, again, this is cable or satellite television, so it runs differently than regular network TV in the fact that they buy them by, for lack of a better term, the lots.
Like, they bought seven, then they bought eight.
And that's the way they do it there.
It's not like a yearly thing like Network TV does and all that.
So whether they, they could order another eight of them at any moment.
They could do it today or they could wait till the conclusion or whatever.
And because that's the way it's done in cable television.
What if Network TV wanted to say give you Larry King's show?
Because I know people talked about that.
Or wanted you to do a broadcast.
They're going to put me to replace Larry King, right?
Well, what have you got offered, a broadcast television show?
Would you even accept it, or is Mexico too much fun?
I don't know.
You know, again, it's one of those hypotheticals, Alex, that until it happens, I'm not going to even bother thinking about it because there's nothing, you know, happening right now that indicates that.
We're good.
Getting back into the television show, for stations that just joined us, we were talking about your favorite of the eight episodes of your investigations being the JFK.
And I'm privy to some of the groundbreaking research you guys have done.
I don't know how much you can get into, but you were making the point that if they can kill a president in broad daylight and get away with it, they can do anything.
And that's basically what Bruce Willis told Vanity Fair last year.
He said, you know, my whole view's changed since I researched JFK, because clearly the same people that killed him are in control today.
Well, it seems so.
You're going to see a lot of tie-ins, and I'll just say this, and I'll be real open about it.
Through a great majority of our investigations and shows, these eight shows, in a great deal of them, at some point, at some point during the investigation, Paliburton shows up.
It's amazing the tentacles that this company has.
Into our foreign affairs and things that are going on with our country.
It seems along with our country right below the United States comes the word halibut.
And of course we all know who operates and runs that.
Good old Mr. Chaney.
And I mean it's amazing.
Every time I do it, the conspiracy theory, a great majority of them,
At some point, paperwork will lead us to Halliburton.
When you were down here in Texas, I don't know how much we can get into ahead of the show, but I tell you, that was amazing at that particular facility.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
They all are.
And you know, I'll go into like in the JFK situation, people, I want them to tune in the show because they will hear the first confession.
And believe me, Lee Oswald's been dead for a long time, so it certainly isn't him, would it be?
So, you know, that's the main thing I answer on JFK, is the big question is, well, what will your show show this year that's new?
And I think the confession is pretty dynamic.
Doing your in-depth, I mean you've been studying the JFK assassination for decades, your new book's got several very informative chapters, American conspiracies that by the way we carry at Infowars.com if folks want to get it.
But did your investigation just confirm your previous research or did it cause you to question?
No, I think it confirmed what I've believed in studying that particular conspiracy for many, many years.
I felt very vindicated and kind of sat back and thought, gee, I was right.
You know, I noticed consulting and traveling around the country to a few places with you, man, here in Texas, that over and over again it was a mirror of last season, like when you were at HAARP, when they hide inside the buildings and won't come out.
I mean, they act very suspicious.
Oh, it's terrible.
I mean, we went to one place that they call a residence.
And, uh, I mean, I've been a governor and I've traveled to state prisons before, and I could not distinguish between the two except for the name on the front of the building.
Yes, a residence center with barbed wire and, uh, playscapes for children.
Yeah, and that was the real, and then the response is no comment.
I mean, the thing that I hope people get out of this is that we can't even ask our government a question, let alone expect them to give us an answer.
That's the great big story I'm learning in doing this show.
And I find that very offensive, Alex, because we are the ones that pay.
We're the taxpayers.
And I'm sure I can compare South Minneapolis to Texas, but the way it worked when I grew up in South Minneapolis is if you're paying out the money, that makes you the boss.
And somehow we've lost sight of that.
That we are the boss.
We are the ones that pay the money taxes.
These people work on our money.
So therefore, we should be the boss.
Now, I understand that, sure, you've got national security issues.
Sure, you've got things that you have to protect as a government.
I've been on both sides of the fence.
But, the point is, unless it deals with something of total national security, why can't we?
We don't have to know the details.
But certainly, they can admit to what things are.
Like I'll tie it in with Area 51.
I mean, everybody knows there's a base there, yet the government officially denies one exists.
Now what type of nonsense is that?
My tax dollars pay for that secret base out there, and I think I have every right to know it exists, and I think I have every right to be protected from it.
This base out there has no gate, it has no distinguished markings that indicate that you're trespassing on a government base, and yet there's a sign there that says they can use lethal force.
Well, look at what's happened.
That's very disturbing, Alex.
They can kill you for trespassing.
Well, going back to 1947, Governor, they made the national security state through the National Security Act.
And since then, tens of trillions of dollars go into a secret black hole.
Trillions are missing from the Pentagon under Clinton, Bush, and now Obama.
They tell Congress in the C-SPAN hearings, we won't say where the money went.
Foreign banks have stolen trillions in the bailout.
They won't say where the money went.
I mean, this is the biggest case of criminal white-collar crime that could possibly be.
Let's talk about that.
It's simply as basic as this, Alex.
We can't even have a paper trail.
We can't even get a receipt.
Like going to an ATM.
An ATM at least offers you a receipt.
Something that you can have in the palm of your hand that says you did what you did.
We can't even get a receipt from our government over the millions and trillions of dollars.
And I have to laugh when the debate gets to healthcare and they talk about paying for it.
Alex, if we just accounted for all the money in these two wars and all the rest of it they spend on this crap, we could pay for healthcare to where we'd all probably have our own doctor living in the garage.
Well, yeah, that's true.
The total defense budget is $2 trillion every year, $1.1 trillion on record, and another $800-plus billion on top of that.
Governor, speaking about secrecy in all of this, we were talking about Congress keeps asking the banks, where's the money?
And they say, we won't tell you.
You did do a big investigation on Wall Street.
Talk about that.
Wall Street was the one that I thought was going to be the most difficult show because it's so... I mean, these power brokers and their money, they know how to put up the smoke screens.
They are professional at doing that, of making things so convoluted, so hard to understand.
And that's how they get away with it.
But it turns out, from all indication, people are telling me the Wall Street Show could be the best of the lot.
Because they said we managed to break it down into a simplistic form to where everyone out there will truly understand what happened.
Give us as much of an insight into the episode as you can without giving it all away.
Well, just that we go out there and we deal with people.
Some of them are going to prison.
And these are people that are, at best, mid-level.
And yet, we're made to believe that these are the culprits.
Remember this about the whole Wall Street diabolical.
The people going to jail are not the ones truly responsible.
Most of them were caught up in the middle of all this mess and really have no way to get out of it.
And they're the ones that are going to fall on the sword and go to the slammer.
And that's what you're going to see on our show.
We talk to a few of these underlings and I'll tell you they're very vocal because they're not very happy that they're the ones that are going to jail and the big criminals are walking away scot-free and more wealthy.
Well, I know a little bit about the show and the research.
It's bombshell.
Are you worried, again, like you were last year?
Do you have any private bets with the crew that this may not air?
I have full confidence I'll be stunned this year if it doesn't.
They put everything on last year.
There's no indication I've gotten whatsoever.
In fact, Mark Juris, who's the head of TruTV, he told me when I told him about my gentleman's bet, he told me eye to eye.
He said, I can assure you, Governor, there wasn't one discussion about your show not going on.
Well, that's another big question.
They've denied world government, they've denied CIA drug trafficking, they've denied human experimentation, you know, giving people syphilis all over the United States and Latin America, our own government.
Now they just pretty much admit it.
Like, three months ago, the CIA came out in the Washington Post and said, yeah, we put out fake bin Laden videos.
And then now they have Robert Shapiro who works with them.
Alex, they're so arrogant now because we sit back and I guess they figure there's nothing we can do about it anyway.
That's the only conclusion I can come to.
I agree with you, but I think it's several things.
It's also that the alternative media has now overall displaced even the mainstream media, and they can't deny this anymore.
So to keep any credibility, they just have to basically admit some of this.
I agree with you on that aspect too, sure, certainly.
Alternative media is the only hope we got.
And that was my next question.
I'm sure you've seen in the news, but it was in the BBC last week.
Inventor of the Internet, no it's not Al Gore, the real inventor, came out.
In fact, guys, Google that and put it on screen for me.
Inventor of Internet came out and said the Internet is being shut down incrementally with this cyber security.
And I noticed that they admit now in the media that Israel launched this worm that attacked Iran.
Oh, of course.
That's standard operating procedure.
You know, people need to understand clearly
That whenever government tells you they're going to protect you and keep you safe, the only way they can achieve that is by putting you under, by taking your freedoms.
And I personally, and I'm speaking only for myself, I would rather have my freedoms and face the fears of life than I would to be given this cozy safety net underneath a domain that allows me no freedom.
There's a new report out from Tennessee where a guy in the county didn't pay a $75 fire department tax, so they came out and watched his house burn, but then put the neighbors out, because that house then caught the neighbor's house on fire.
Whatever happened to the laws about failure to render aid?
If I'm driving down the street and somebody's just had a car wreck and I don't stop and help them, I can go to prison.
But now under privatization, our taxes go up, but they're laying off police, firemen, and they're saying, if you don't pay all these new fees, when your house is burning, we're not going to put it out.
Well, indeed, that's a total shame, and we should be embarrassed that something like that could happen.
Well, read what I brought up in my USA Today article, Alex.
I mean, I'm sure I'm going to kick plenty of flack over this.
I said far more important than building a mosque in New York City is I would like to ask why religion doesn't have to pay property taxes for the services that they receive and are rendered on an equal basis that all the rest of us have to pay for, which is fire,
Police and the maintenance of your streets.
How come churches get that for free?
Well, I'll say this.
And all the rest of us have to pay when they're kidding me.
I mean, if someone disrupts church, a policeman will come in at the call and take care of it.
If the church catches on fire, the fire department will put it out.
And if they need their roads plowed up in Minnesota, the public plows do it.
How come they don't have to pay, and everybody else does?
Well, I'll say this, because in the First Amendment it says, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and I agree with... The government has nothing to do with that!
This is called getting services from the public domain on a piece of property!
Well, I'll be honest... Doesn't have nothing to do with restricting religion?
No, no, I'll be honest with you.
Well, the power to tax is the power to destroy.
I didn't know that churches didn't have to pay for the fire department.
Wow, that's... They don't have to pay for nothing!
At least in Minnesota, maybe in Texas they do, but I can unequivocally tell you in Minnesota, the way our property tax system, and I think it's the same everywhere, religious places don't have to pay nothing.
Well I'll say this.
The reason they didn't want that, because if the government starts having taxes, they can then have tax incentives, like George Bush's faith-based initiative, where the government starts paying churches, and this is... But Alex, this is apples and oranges.
This is owning property and getting public services brought to that property.
No, no, I understand what you're saying.
To me, you can't absolve them of that just for fear of the other.
That shouldn't happen.
These are buildings, these are properties that get services from the public domain, which we all chip in and pay for.
Okay, if you're an atheist, why should your tax dollars, if you don't believe in God and you don't believe in any of that, why should your tax dollars go to pay for those places to get services?
No, no, I see your point.
Just like in Travis County, why should I have to pay money to pay for elective abortions?
And that's the problem.
Once we get a big government, period, then a lot of us are forced to be paying for things that we don't want.
Well, no, it's not even don't want.
It's if it's out there, anyone that uses it should be required to participate.
That's the difference, Alex.
They're using it, it's being provided, and they're not having to pay for that participation.
Why do they get off free?
Why does all the rest of us have to pay?
And like I said, if you're an atheist,
You have to pay and this entity doesn't.
And it's not getting an abortion or anything like that.
It's doing daily things that happen in life that are required to be done.
How come they get a free ride on it?
Well, it's a powerful lobby, but I do see your point.
Shifting gears to another subject, you talk about your father, even before people were protesting the Vietnam War, and of course he was a highly decorated World War II veteran, he was criticizing the Vietnam War beforehand.
You talk about your father in USA Today.
Oh yeah, no, I just told them the story about how my dad, I would come home with the teachings that they were teaching me in school and my father and I would be at the dinner table and have battles over it because he didn't feel we were being told the real truth in school and it turned out he was correct.
We're good.
The things he told me growing up, now that I'm 59 years old, I'm looking back and remembering how extremely bright this man was about world affairs.
Here's a guy that only went to 8th grade, he was a World War II veteran, and worked his whole life as a street laborer.
He knew a lot of stuff.
Well, it's sad that so many of that great generation are dying off.
Both my grandfathers, of course, World War II veterans.
And, you know, when we're out on the road, driving around or in airports, you talk a lot about your dad and those lessons he taught you.
Briefly, get into that story about he was really too old to even join the military and all the combat he saw.
Well, my dad went in at age 36, which was the oldest he could possibly be.
And he had, I think, six bronze battle stars.
He was North Africa, then Normandy, Battle of the Bulge, Remagen Bridge, Anzio, and finally Berlin.
And he got out four years and got out.
And the fun part of the story is
When he got into his latter 60s, my aunt went back to Pennsylvania to the coal mining towns where he was born, and they discovered his birth certificate that turned out he was a year older than he thought he was.
So he was too old to even be in, really?
Yeah, he technically was too old to be allowed in the military, or maybe he knew and just lied to go anyway.
I don't know, you know.
And your mom was in the war, too?
Yeah, my mom was a nurse in North Africa.
And she served in North Africa and the amazing thing about her was as she got old, every night they'd do the reruns of MASH and she would watch the evening news and never miss MASH right after it before she'd go to bed.
Which was probably very similar because MASH was Korea and it was probably very similar to, you know, just a few years earlier in North Africa.
And of course, your dad being in the European theater and the North African, that was really the toughest battles, they say, statistically, was against Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox.
Yeah, that's what they say.
You know, the knowledge that I have of it and, you know, knowing that my mom and dad were both in North Africa against Rommel, who was probably the best Nazi general by all accounts.
I mean, didn't Hitler have him killed in the end?
Yeah, he was jealous of him because Rommel was secretly trying to work with folks to, uh, get rid of Hitler.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
The new show premieres the 15th of October.
We're gonna come back, get more into the show, a bunch of the news, all these new fake terror alerts.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hi, this is former Governor Jesse Ventura, and this is the Alex Jones Show.
I recommend you all pay attention to Alex, because Alex and I are teaming up again this fall for a second season of Conspiracy Theory, where we will attempt to get to the bottom of these conspiracies.
Until then, keep watching and listening to Alex.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the man himself, the iconic Jesse Ventura, is our guest for the rest of this hour.
And we appreciate him giving us the first radio interview as he kicks off the promotion for the second season of Conspiracy Theory.
Jesse, do you know yet what the first episode is going to be?
What they're going to air for?
I can't tell you it's in stone, but I think the first one's Plum Island.
Let's talk about Plum Island, then we'll get into water.
That's another episode.
Yeah, well, Plum Island, what's interesting about that, of course, is it's located right on the end of Long Island.
And really, what intrigues you about it is to go into the history of it.
It's a biological center where our government tests out biological diseases on animals, in which, like hoof and mouth and things like that, to prevent it.
That's the upfront story about Plum Island.
Now, the conspiracy in Plum Island is this.
Lyme disease, the first recorded case, was found in Lyme, Connecticut, which is right across the water from Plum Island.
And then you go into the history of Plum Island and you learn this.
The godfather of Plum Island is a Nazi named Erich Traub.
And at the end of World War II, he was right underneath Himmler.
And his expertise was creating biological warfare using ticks and mosquitoes and inflicting them upon another country with devastation.
Of biological warfare.
Well, he probably should have stood trial at Nuremberg, but of course, we all know at the end of World War II, there was a battle between us and the Soviets of how many scientists we could all get.
And he's one that made it here.
And now, we're good to that.
We got Wernher von Braun, who's the godfather of our space program at NASA.
But we also got Eric Traub, whose expertise was biological warfare using ticks and mosquitoes.
He is the godfather of Plum Island.
He is the man that created this place.
So, I mean, call me, you know, Paranoid Alex, but anytime I know that a Nazi created something,
And we're now using it?
My suspicion rate goes up.
Is that a logical thing to do?
Well, absolutely.
And as you know, they're now building 36 level 4 bioweapons labs in the middle of nowhere, but also in major cities like San Antonio, Texas and in places like that.
And there's a lot of evidence that not just Lyme disease came from Plum Island.
But also that the West Nile virus and so many other zoological type things and now we're going to put this on screen.
I'm sure it came out a few days ago that not only did they give black men syphilis for 40 plus years and kill them and let them spread it, but now they've apologized for the U.S.
government in secret testing injecting thousands of Guatemalans with syphilis.
I mean... Alex, am I missing something or would we classify that terrorism?
It is terrorism, yes.
We are.
I mean, how come our country can do things that are terrorist and we're not called?
I mean, I got in trouble.
You know, Fox TV won't have me on anymore.
Because I made the statement on there when I was on months ago.
I said that why are we so shocked that we would get attacked by terrorists when our country's been practicing terrorism for going on 50 years?
We just call it foreign policy.
And they got angry and asked me to cite an example, and the quick one that came into my head, I said, well, what about Cuba?
I said, we've attempted to assassinate their leader on multiple occasions.
I said, we've tried to destroy their game fields.
We've bombed ships in their harbor.
And of course, we all know, you and I, about the nice guy Orlando Bosch.
He's a guy that blew up a Cuban civilian aircraft with a hundred and some people on board and was pardoned by George Bush Senior.
Yeah, the Cuban Olympic team and that's admitted that he was CIA contracted.
Yeah, now is that not an act of terrorism?
Well, let me bring this up to you then.
If that's not, then explain to me the difference.
Well, there's two issues here, and I want to get back into the government-sponsored terror.
Both the stuff they staged, but the open terror that they call foreign policy.
A thousand drones bombing Pakistan, and they admit if they kill one person of interest that may be a terrorist, they claim, it's okay to kill a hundred innocent people at a wedding.
And I want you to speak to that, Governor, but separately, you're saying specifically, because that's big news.
Well, they don't officially tell me, but they won't book me.
The last time I went, you know, it used to be I could at least get on with Hannity.
Now I can't even get on with him.
That's Hannity, O'Reilly, and all of them.
See, they're the kind of guys that they thrive upon being able to bully people.
And the problem is I can't be bullied, usually.
Well, that's the issue, is that Glenn Beck calls you stupid, but I know you well.
You're extremely smart, but also street smart.
Glenn Beck calls me stupid?
Yeah, guys, YouTube, Glenn Beck calls Jesse Ventura stupid.
He does an imitation of you.
He says, yeah, I was in a dressing room with him.
Wait, Alex, this comes from a guy who's only claimed fame in his entire life.
History is being a top 40 disc jockey?
And he calls and he says I'm stupid, huh?
Well, I'm going to try to pull this clip up.
No, I don't care.
I consider the source, but I mean, coming from a disc, a guy, and nothing against disc jockeys, you know?
I have nothing against that profession.
It's an honor for me.
But I know you well.
But you can't hardly call yourself a foreign policy specialist if your entire background is being a disc jockey.
Well, my point is that in the tape, it was from his radio show, he claims that you were in a dressing room with him and, quote, tried to intimidate him, if memory serves.
Oh, that's true.
I intimidate all the people at Fox.
He joins a good company called O'Reilly, Hannity, and the rest of them.
Well, I was going to expand on that.
I mean, I've seen you with Hannity, where he completely capitulates, and they're just unable to dominate you, but you're not bullying them.
You're very calm and just lay out the facts.
Well, the thing is, you have to remember something, Alex.
You have to treat journalists in different ways because
Each one of them thrives on being successful in a certain manner.
And the Fox people thrive on being bullies.
So the key to interviewing with them is to show them they can't bully you, and that, you know, you in turn bully them.
Did you see when Jon Stewart was on with O'Reilly?
I mean, Jon Stewart destroyed O'Reilly.
It's the first time I've seen O'Reilly lose control of his show.
Jon Stewart had full control of O'Reilly's show.
And O'Reilly was just pumping in little bits and pieces when he could.
Yes, I have seen that.
And if anybody is a bully, it's O'Reilly.
All of them are.
He'll cut off people's mics.
He'll get in their face and tell them to shut up.
They all are.
It isn't just him.
They're all that way.
That's the persona there.
People need to understand, Fox News is not Fox News.
It's Fox Entertainment.
Well, since we raised this, I want you to hear it and be able to comment.
Here's Glenn Beck talking about Governor Jesse Ventura.
Here it is.
I heard Jesse Ventura, what a dope this guy is.
I heard Jesse Ventura, who's nothing but a big, fat, dumb bully.
And trust me, I know.
He tried to intimidate me in the makeup room one day before a CNN show.
And he's just a bully.
He's big, he's dumb, he's slow.
He's definitely a big, dumb animal.
You know the only offense I take out of that, Alex?
The only offense I take, how dare Glenn Beck call me fat?
How dare him?
Well, I gotta say... Well, let me be clear...
Well, he certainly is an effeminate twerp.
But, I mean, to be serious here, I remember right after you had your hip surgery, you came down and visited me in Austin, and that was the biggest you'd ever been.
Maybe 10 pounds overweight.
But, you know, when we were flying around the country, I saw you pull your shirt off a few times.
We were changing and stuff.
And, I mean, for somebody who's 59, I've never seen anybody with ripped muscles like you, Governor.
Well, I'm not the best-built 59-year-old in the world.
I'm not going to claim that, but I train every day.
I work out constantly.
If you're going to go down and attempt to surf in Mexico, do you think you can do it being big and fat as Glenn Beckwith?
He called me... I can't believe he could... Him, of all people, could call me fat?
That right there should kill Glenn Beck's credibility completely.
No, no, no.
I'm laughing about it, Alex.
It's good humor.
I'm not irate or nothing about that.
I consider the source.
Well, you know, Glenn is covering a lot of world government stuff, but then he blames it on low-level communist professors, instead of admitting our Pentagon, I have the Rand Corporation documents, I have the global trends, 2025, a transformed world, the policy of the megabanks that run the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about, is to have corporate welfare,
Well, you know what?
He won't care.
He's made his money.
You know, he's become exceptionally wealthy for what he does because of, and let me throw that out to the people of the United States, because of the millions of lemmings out there that could take someone like Glenn Beck and make him a messiah.
I mean, what does he care for, Alex?
He's made a ton, a ton of money.
Well I think that's the establishment joke.
They got an effeminate, and I was reading the New York Times article, they admitted he's effeminate and said that's good.
And they admit he constantly flip-flops and they said they're proud of that in this New York Times piece.
And so the face of the anti-New World Order
Unless you're talking about Alex Jones, Ron Paul, or Jesse Ventura.
Is Glenn Beck, who just radiates, it's not even fair to women to call him effeminate.
It's, it's, well... You know, again, I'm more disappointed in the people of this country than I am him.
You know, how can they be led by the nose by somebody who's as unqualified at anything as him?
He's never done anything.
He found a niche.
In the radio world, in the TV world, and he found a niche of people that he could lead.
I mean, you know, remember that people are easily led, you know?
Well, he criticizes Obama, which is fair, for reading off a teleprompter, but he admits he uses a teleprompter.
Everybody does.
The teleprompter's a marvelous thing.
I think the only jealousy comes in the fact that George Bush couldn't read one.
All right, all right.
We can!
We're running out of time and this interview is really getting powerful here, but I want to get back into the episodes.
Let's talk about the water episode, because I was asking here in the break, I said, what do you think is the most scary?
And you said water, and I tend to agree with you, because he's multinational as well.
I mean, tell the folks what you discovered.
Well, let me just say this.
I go out with the Native American chief and we go to Lake Mead.
By Hoover Dam, you know the water source from Las Vegas?
Let me finish with this.
I got news for you people.
Within the decade, Las Vegas is going to have no water.
Lake Mead is down 125 feet.
Let me repeat that.
125 feet down.
I stood on a plateau there 60 feet below the ledge where docks were still up there where less than a decade ago kids were fishing off them.
The water was now 60 feet below where I was standing at.
And the water show that we do, if it does not terrify the people of this country, then nothing will.
And of course you interviewed me for that.
You came to Austin to investigate it.
But how much more of the investigation can you talk about?
I mean, clearly you show how these... I think that's enough, Alex.
Just to say, it leads us to the northern peninsula of Michigan and the Great Lakes, which is home to 20% of the world's fresh drinking water.
And who gets to have the water?
We don't get to have it, but somebody else does.
Well, watch the show.
We'll be very clear on the show.
What can you say about the Police State Camps show?
Well, I will say this, it again reaffirms, you all remember when Michael Moore spoke to Congressman Conyers and he sat Michael Moore down and said, let me tell you something, we don't even read the bills we vote on?
You will be reassured of that again.
Because I sit down with a congressman who assures me up and down that there are no FEMA internment camps being built in the country.
And when we, you should see how funny it is on camera, when we then show him the bill he was co-sponsor of, of Homeland Security, which states that they would be building no less than six of them.
And that's on top of the other camps they've got under- But he didn't even know what was in the bill!
That's the point.
These people are not reading what they vote on.
They're being told by their political parties how to vote.
Let's get into another episode.
What can you say about the oil spill?
I mean, this is really powerful.
Well, again, the oil spill, we investigate conspiracies, and to be blunt and straightforward, there's a strong suspicion and a lot of circumstantial evidence that that oil spill was done intentionally.
And, you know, we talked to some homeless people down there who were actually clean-cut, who came down to get jobs, and they said they wouldn't hire us for the cleanup.
And you said exactly what I was thinking.
You said, hey, buddy, be glad you didn't get that job.
Exactly, because, you know, the stuff they're using down there is dispersant.
It has four lethal chemicals in it, including, I think, cadmium and arsenic and two other lovely things.
And I'm, for the life of me, trying to figure out how adding billions of barrels of lethal chemicals to already saturated oil water is a good thing.
I can't figure that out.
Now, I am not a scientist, but it doesn't make sense to me that by adding poison to the water is going to be beneficial more so than just the oil in the water.
Now you've got two of them in there.
We're going to come back with our final segment with Governor Jesse Ventura.
I might twist his arm and do five more minutes in the next hour.
And we'll get into all this hyping of staged terror, and we'll talk about another 9-11 investigation they're doing with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Don't forget, folks, his book, American Conspiracies, number four New York Times bestseller.
We've got it discounted at InfoWars.com.
Get a free copy of The Obama Deception with American Conspiracies at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back on the other side.
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Well, the Gov hurt my feelings.
He usually gives us more than an hour, but he's got a tee time.
I guess it's almost too cold to keep playing golf, but he did say he'll come back one more time with us before he heads down to Mexico.
Correct, Gov?
Absolutely, Alex.
I got a tee time, and they don't hold them for anybody.
Not even me.
How many holes are you going to play?
That's why I gotta be out there.
You know, the days are getting shorter.
It's getting cold up here in Minnesota, and the window of golf is slowly closing, and that tells me it's time to start surfing then.
What are you shooting in golf?
Oh, I'm just a... You know, if I'm shooting well, I shoot in the 80s.
If I'm shooting not so well, I play in the 90s.
Well, that's pretty good.
You got to get you down here and play our producer, Jaron.
He's a pretty good guy.
Now, Governor, we've only got about four minutes left.
I'm sure you've seen the hype.
You know, the terrorists.
We have specific targets in Europe.
In the U.S., turns out they had drills planned two months ago.
It's a global drill.
It just so happens it was scheduled for this week, and we have all these White House people, even under Obama, saying, we need a terror attack, that's in the Financial Times of London, to make people trust their government again.
You know, Governor Ridge admitted they issued fake terror alerts under Bush.
Is that not psychological terrorism?
Yeah, well it also, you know, if they're talking like that, then it kind of winds back to 9-11, shouldn't we start questioning it?
You know, if it takes a terror attack to bring the country together, then the country is in pretty bad shape, in my opinion.
And, you know, the timing of these things, they always do them.
Look at the elections, where all of a sudden, right before the election, we did an Osama bin Laden tape.
I guess the best thing I can say to the people out there is wake up and smell the coffee,
Start paying attention a little bit more and start looking beyond the soundbite news for your answers.
But then again, I'm on the Alex Jones Show, so essentially I'm preaching to the choir.
Well, we have a lot of new listeners, Governor.
Obviously... Oh, no!
But so many don't listen to you, Alex, and so many don't listen beyond the soundbite news, and it's those people we have to try to reach.
Briefly, tell us about the 9-11 episode.
It's the Pentagon.
Well, the 9-11 episode, the most exciting part of it will be that I speak to a woman who was right in there when the alleged plane hit.
And you will hear an eyewitness account from someone who was right in there, and she says some very startling things.
Has this verified your suspicions?
Oh yeah, it's reaffirmed by, yes, very much so.
It took it that way rather than the other way.
Whenever you talk 9-11 long enough, Alex, eventually you start doubting yourself.
You start questioning yourself.
And when I speak to a woman who survived the Pentagon and was right in there, and she reaffirms my suspicions,
Well, that's good for me too.
I need that every now and then because it just seems you're out there fighting the unwinnable war and occasionally you need an ally.
But clearly people are starting to wake up.
I mean, not everybody, but I mean, you've been around the country.
I hope so.
But see, wake up doesn't mean the Tea Party.
You know, people need, you know, that's...
I don't know where the wake-up is going to take place.
I really don't.
But hopefully people are starting to question more the things they're told and not just this self-blind belief.
That they, with our egos, that the government can't lie to us, that the government can be bad.
They can be, because government is merely people.
And we need to lose the ego that quite possibly evil people can be elected to powerful positions.
You need only look at Germany in the 1930s to clearly understand that.
Well, the show's premiering at 10 p.m.
Eastern, October 15th.
That's a Friday, isn't it, Gov?
Yeah, Friday night, so there'll be no conflicting baseball games.
All right, well, let me say bye to you in the break, and I'll let you get to your tea time.
We'll come back next hour.
We've got another big guest joining us on a lot of news.
That's Governor Jesse Ventura giving us the exclusive first radio interview.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it was great that when I was out in New Orleans and Georgia with Ventura, he said even if he doesn't do radio promotion for the new TV show, which he may do, he's not sure that he would do this show first.
We appreciate him being on with us and we'll have him again exclusively in the next two weeks joining us again.
And then as soon as the show starts airing, he can talk more about behind-the-scenes stuff or things that got cut out, because in a 45-minute show, you got 15 minutes of ads.
You know, the hours and hours of incredible things that, you know, we shoot and see, it can't all end up in the television show.
And I had a big role in the investigation and consulting and in, what, three of the episodes last year.
I think I'm in five or six this year.
And, you know, usually the national television calls me.
I mean, literally, my producers have seen it.
I refuse to be flown here or there to go on shows because I know it's going to be five minutes and they're going to edit what I say.
But I do like being part of Governor Jesse Ventura's
I've really gotten to know him in the last five years, and he's just a wonderful person.
I disagree with some of his political views and ideas, but he's a real person, and he really does care, and he's very interesting.
Okay, we've got all this amazing news, and David Icke is scheduled to join us in about 30 minutes, another big informative guest.
In fact, Jaren, two weeks ago I had that big folder on the Air Force people saying that aliens were real.
And on Churchill saying they were real, and Eisenhower saying they were real, all that declassified.
I don't get into aliens in my 15 years on air.
But when it's all over mainstream news that aliens are real, and they're about to land, and the UN has assigned an ambassador for when the aliens land, that's the one area David Icke gets into that I've been like, eh, I'm not getting into it.
People criticizing, but now it's just everywhere.
It's just everywhere, and I think it's a government hoax.
I think they're going to have fake alien landings.
I don't think, I know, they have Project Blue Beam and Iron Mountain and others, and it's admitted they've thought about fake second coming of Christ, Buddha, Allah.
You can pull that stuff up, Time Magazine, where they have giant hologram projectors where they can have a 3,000 foot tall Jesus or a goblin or whatever they want it to be, a wizard, a pig, a turkey, you know, a jack-in-the-box.
So they've got all these systems.
I want to bring that up to Ike as well, but also the economy, the police state.
A bunch of other news that we're going to be discussing with him.
I got some really amazing gold news here.
Gold powers ahead.
A new record high.
No signs of market top.
Went down about $8 yesterday in profit taking to about $1,316.
It rocketed.
In fact, guys, get me spot gold right now.
It rocketed to $1,337.60.
So what's 16 to 37?
I mean, you're talking about a $20-something increase right there.
I mean, that is just incredible.
A $21 increase right there in one day.
I'm going to cover this later in the broadcast.
Also, I've got other gold news here.
Where's my economic?
Yes, sir.
I don't know.
$1,340.10, up $25.10.
Thank you guys for that.
Just print me that page.
So I'm going to cover more of this briefly when we come back.
Then I'm going to get into a bunch of other news today ahead of David Icke joining us.
We'll get into all the terror scares going on.
Also, Ukrainian people say no to globalist vaccines.
And they're not the only one.
And the establishment is upset.
They're angry.
They're throwing a pity party for themselves that people are waking up to their eugenic secret testing agenda.
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We have to work with dark side if we want to spend time in the shadows.
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Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
We are back live.
I want to put a quick plug in for several great radio stations.
The big one, KSCO.com.
Wrangled me into doing a speaking engagement.
I'm also out in California doing a secret investigation.
But I'll be speaking October 24th, a one-time event, starting at 6 p.m.
at the Coconut Grove Ballroom.
And tickets are going fast.
One place to get them, KSCO.com.
Some folks don't have internet though.
Maybe I should get the KSCO number and give that out in the next few days.
You can also ask any questions or have suggestions at Alex...
Aliex at KSCO.com.
I'll be speaking for two hours and taking a question and answer.
And I'm tempted to try to get Dr. Stan Monteith to come down and give a 30-minute talk as well.
You know, he lives there and is a great guy and kind of woke up the station owner decades ago back when the station owner was in high school and Dr. Stan Monteith came and spoke to his high school about the coming world government.
But great folks out there.
MZ putting it on.
KSCO.com to get tickets.
There's links up on the GCNlive.com website or you can just go to KSCO.com.
Huge banner at the top.
That's October 24th coming up in about 19 days.
I will be there on that Sunday evening speaking in Santa Cruz, California.
It's a nice place.
The Coconut Grove.
Bowl room there where I'm going to be speaking.
KSCO.com and I've rarely had events that don't sell out.
I've had events with 1,400, 1,200, 1,000, 900, 800, 500, 600 and with almost no promotion.
And then we're on two stations that MZ owns out there.
KSCO being the big one again.
KSCO.com to get tickets or questions.
Alex at KSCO.com Sunday, October 24th.
We also have a Chemtrail film that I've been producing for two years.
Part of the film, it's a eugenics masterpiece, like the Rosetta Stone of just everything about the elitist.
Two years, I was going to release it this year, I just can't.
Because I've just got more interviews, more time, more research, more new information coming out.
I guess I've got to release it sometime.
So I was excited when Gever Griffin said, hey, I've produced a Chemtrail film.
And I said, let me see a copy of it.
I saw it a couple weeks ago and I said, I definitely want to carry this and promote it and distribute it through InfoWars.com because it covers a lot of the same info and research where they admit the chemtrailing, the weather modification, and that's the stuff they've got.
And the aluminum poisoning the soil in Monsanto with seeds that can grow in aluminum when nothing else can.
It's really an important film.
What in the world are they spraying?
And it's going to be shipping out the 22nd of October, so I guess now in about...
17 days or so, or a little bit less.
So if you want to be the first to get it, order What in the World Are They Spraying?
Infowars.com or call 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, P.O.
Box 19549.
Box 19549.
Austin, Texas 78760.
Again, PO Box 19549, Austin, Texas 787-60 or 888-253-3139.
And by the way, you know, for 15 years I had a local outfit, operators that took orders and calls, and they're great folks.
We still transfer the phones over to them at night sometimes, but they didn't really work here.
They couldn't answer your questions.
We got two great ladies up there that do customer service and take your orders now.
You're calling InfoWars.
And that doesn't mean they can come back here and get me on the phone with them.
Some people berate them, and that isn't the ticket.
I'm working all the time, but the point is, you can actually call our office.
Other than that, I get 10 million phone calls.
Okay, getting into the news here.
Gold powers ahead to new record high.
No signs of market top.
December Comics Gold Futures on Tuesday had another fresh contract, an all-time record of $1,339.50 an ounce.
As of this writing, December Gold traded
The stock market isn't the place to be, and then it's a sucker's market, and then it's basically a casino, a digital casino in the sky.
They're going to start moving into gold.
It was 1% was in gold, now it's 2% individually in gold.
When we hit the 5% number, it's going to be bananas.
And yeah, gold will probably start becoming a bubble.
So, you know, be careful.
But I personally, not selling gold, I bought it $265 an ounce.
I'm not selling gold, I bought it at $1,100.
I haven't really bought since it was about $1,200, just because I haven't had the money.
But my wife's like, get more gold!
You were really smart to do this 10 years ago.
Come on, baby!
I'm like, well... But I have bought some silver lately because it's so inexpensive at $10.50 a round for the silver half-dollar.
Of course, that's now gone up, but still better than any deal you can find.
But here it is.
Super-rich investors buy gold by the ton.
And we told you this months ago, but here it is.
The world's wealthiest people have responded to economic worries by buying gold by the bar.
And now they're not just doing this in Asia or Middle East or Europe.
I heard local Fox News this morning, it was Kelby J590, reporting that they're putting in gold vending machines all over Texas.
So, I mean, it's here.
It's here.
The world's wealthiest people have responded to economic worries by buying gold by the bar and sometimes by the ton and by moving assets out of the financial system.
Bankers catering to the very rich said on Monday, fears of a double-dip downturn that was never an upturn, folks, have boosted the appetite for physical bullion as well as for mining company shares and exchange-traded funds, UBS executive Joseph Stadler told Reuters' Global Private Banking Summit.
We'll cover more of this in a moment, but I wanted to go to Ted Anderson, 30-plus years, 31 years in gold and silver, 15 years with Midas Resources, the owner of the Genesis Network, with gold and silver deals that I have not found anybody that can match them, these radio specials.
Ted, I mean, yesterday I talked to you last night, you said, yeah, there was some profit-taking, it went down a few dollars, but I think it'll go up tomorrow.
You were certainly right, Ted.
Yeah, you can see it right here.
Of course, gold right now at $13.4210 at a high today.
Currently trading at $13.4120.
Silver's a big gainer today too.
$22.77 already.
We've been as high as $22.77 currently at $22.75.
That round coin that you're talking about, the Walking Liberty Half,
Currently, I have them at $10.83.
I really held back on those prices.
I mean, honestly, Alex, you know, I looked at it and I just don't want to post them over $11 a piece.
Actually, on the internet, they're well over $12 each.
And I just, you know, I looked through and I tried to figure out a way to do it.
Well over $12?
I saw them weeks ago at $16.
I mean, it was a week and a half ago, gold wasn't even $1,300.
Now it's $1,342 plus!
I know.
Everything's going up like crazy.
And of course, today, again, another big increase in gold and silver.
And so that price at $1,083 is out of this world.
I just need to say this, Alex.
The people that are out there and they're procrastinating, thinking that they're going to get to it and they'll buy their gold and silver, you better start thinking about $1,400 gold now.
Yeah, his name is Alex Jones.
I've been meaning to get gold and silver for months and just got a little bit of silver just because I'm too busy and don't have the capital.
Well, that's the thing.
And time is working against you.
It's working against everybody out there.
I know I say it all the time.
If you have annuities, you're in the stock market.
If you have money in the bank.
I mean, there's just a whole long line of different types of investments that have everything to do with this fiat money paper and what's going on in the economy.
Well, we knew this years ago and big signals months ago.
We said the elites are all grabbing gold up right now.
They've decided they can't suppress it.
Here it is from Reuters, Ted.
What does this mean that the rich are just pell-mell grabbing gold?
Well, the rich people know what's going on.
They know that the United States dollar has been falling.
I mean, right now the yen is falling.
The United States dollar is falling against the yen.
So which one's free-falling the fastest?
It's reflected in the gold and silver prices.
It's not so much that gold and silver has been rising over the last 10 years.
It's the value of this paper fiat money is going into the toilet.
And that's why you see that right now.
You're talking about that Reuters article.
I have it right here in front of me.
And they're just saying that the super-rich investors are buying gold by the ton.
And, you know, with the names like George Soros, Warren Buffett, I mean, these people are connected.
They know what's going on in the marketplace.
They're getting in.
They're telling you to stay out.
I mean, George Soros said that gold is in a bubble back when gold was at about $1,180 an ounce.
Right now, gold is at $1,300.
Double until it's $2,500 an ounce, all the big analysts have said, because that's 1980 inflation.
Now, when it starts going above $2,500, I'll be a little paranoid, but, I mean, we're a long way to go to $2,500.
Now, Ted, I want to come back and read some of this Reuters article and a few others with you and get your brief take on it, but folks, call them for the radio specials on silver, on gold, on francs, on sovereigns, on eagles, on the silver half-dollars, 800-686.
2-2-3-7, 800-686-2237.
As I said two months ago when Bloomberg reported that the majority of the futures contracts in the month of December are $1,500 of gold.
I don't know if that's going to happen, but it sure looks like it.
I mean, we haven't seen gold really back off.
It's just, and we're going into the...
Hottest time every year.
You know, will it run up to 2,000 by the end of winter?
Then go back down to 1,600 and then next year will be 3,000 after that?
That's the pattern.
We'll be right back with Ted Anderson.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back with Ted Anderson.
David Icke scheduled to come up later in the hour.
We'll also have open phones for him once I give the number out.
But here is the headline.
I want to get into some of this.
Super-rich investors buy gold by ton.
Reuters, the world's wealthiest people, are rushing.
And the wealthy people have responded to economic worries by buying gold by the bar, and some of it by the ton, and by moving assets out of the financial system, which is a Ponzi scheme with 1.5 quadrillion, that's 1,500 trillion, impossible to pay back.
So they created this to buy up the world.
Now they're plunging the markets to consolidate and bring in their global carbon taxes.
Total financial military-style takeover.
Financial dictatorship.
Fears of double-dip downturn have boosted the appetite for physical bullion, as well as for mining company shares.
And it continues.
And exchange-traded funds, UBS executive Joseph Stadler said, they don't buy only ETFs or futures, they buy physical gold, said Stadler, who runs the Swiss Bank Services for clients with assets of at least $50 million to invest.
So he only talks to you if you've got 50 mil at least.
UBS is recommending top-tier clients hold 17% of their assets in precious metals like gold, which is on course for its 10th consecutive yearly gain.
You can't beat that.
And traded at around $1,314.
That's when this came out.
It's above $1,340 plus right now.
It says, we had clear example.
Of a couple buying over a ton of gold and carrying it to another place, Stadler said.
And today's price is that shipment would be worth $42 million.
Julius Baer, chief investment officer of Asia, is recommending that wealthy investors park some of their assets in gold as a defensive stance following a string of lackluster U.S.
data amid concerns about currency weakness.
I see gold as insurance.
Van Anothan
Nageswaran said, I recommend 10% as minimum in portfolios and anything more than that will be used for trading purposes to respond to short-term overbought or oversold signals.
And it goes on to say the ultimate bubble with George Soros saying it's a bubble, but it's clear he's in there buying it.
Ted, what does this mean that they're now admitting that the super-rich are grabbing gold right now?
Because all the signals are that the globalists can't suppress it anymore, Ted.
They've had global concerted devaluation of currencies that are only accelerating.
Yeah, well, all that means is that the people that are in the know are starting to buy gold, which means that that tells me that we're not in the bubble yet.
It's when you have the little, you know, the postal worker and the McDonald's clerk and, you know, everybody that like that is getting into gold.
Right now, the big people are moving in.
They can see the handwriting on the wall.
The United States dollar is in very big trouble.
We just have gone into way too much bailout.
We have way too much debt.
China is trying to get away from us.
I mean, it's just way... The United States afforded its prosperity through the 1980s and through the 1990s by borrowing money from places like China.
They don't want to lend us their money anymore.
We now are looking to the printing press to solve the problems that we've created from the 1980s and previous.
I mean, the United States dollar
This fiat money system is coming to the end of its life cycle.
It started in 1913.
We are now sitting in the year 2010.
And this has happened over and over again.
97 years later, we've seen these cycles.
We know where this goes in Germany, in Weimar Republic, in Zimbabwe, in Nigeria, in Argentina.
We know how this goes.
It's all about credibility.
The United States is losing its credit rating.
We no longer can afford to service the debt that we've accumulated.
And we knew this was going to happen three months ago when the head of the Chinese Central Bank signaled the dollar was dead.
Yep, see that's what it is.
It's all about servicing this humongous debt and they're doing it by printing money.
What do you think is going to happen to the currency?
These people are not stupid.
Alright Ted, we've only got a minute left and we're coming back with a guess and a big blitz of news first and then calls but tell folks about your best coin offers for radio listeners only and give them that number.
Well, currently right now the best coin offer is still the Walking Liberty half.
It's at $10.83.
We have the franc currently right now at $2.89.
We're offering the full year subscription.
There's lots of different things we have.
The junk silver, the eagles, that kind of thing.
Call us at 1-800-686-2237.
Ask for the CBO report while you're calling too.
Alex, there's so many things that are going on.
I have so many great deals right now.
26 bucks for the creature from Jekyll Island and a full silver dollar.
I mean, you're losing money on that.
Thank you so much, Ted Anderson.
Gold at $1,340 plus right now and still surging upward.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're back live, and for the balance of this transmission, the next hour and a half, the conspiracy icon, as he's known, David Icke, is our guest.
I agree with about 98% of what David Icke says.
He's so articulate, former head of the Green Party in the UK.
The best-selling author, many times over, championship goalie, very articulate.
He can really put things in easy-to-understand ways.
He can really take complex issues and do that.
But David, you know, gets into basically something we never cover, and that's interdimensional or extraterrestrial type entities.
But, you know, once something's out in the open, once I can start proving that at least it's being discussed, we're going to talk later at the start of the next hour.
About UFOs.
Air Force officers testify on UFO sightings at National Press Club.
They said they were turning off nukes.
It continues.
Churchill and Eisenhower agreed to cover up RAF planes UFO encountered in World War II.
Secret files revealed.
I mean it just goes on from there and more and more the media is hyping some type of alien landing.
The UN announced last week they've appointed an ambassador to meet with the aliens.
We are on a planet out in the middle of space here orbiting the Sun in the Milky Way galaxy in our little solar system here.
I want to talk to David about why they're, you know, Larry King Live, all of them are basically saying get ready for aliens to land.
They've got all these TV shows like V and The Incident.
And I know about Project Bluebeam, a program the government admits to fake UFOs.
So we'll talk about that coming up in the next hour.
First I want to get into
I don't
Pushing a red button, the message is, we're your God, we control you.
All these TV ads showing satellites, watching citizens saying, we know where you are, Tom.
The system has gone from denying that they have a murderous agenda to coming out and saying, we want eco-fascism.
It isn't about global warming, it's about reducing population.
You know, man is a parasite.
Man is the enemy.
They're teaching us to hate ourselves.
So we'll talk about that with David as well next.
But first, David, the economy.
Gold at $1,342 an ounce.
The currency's going down.
The open world government being announced.
Riots all over Europe against austerity.
You know, you've been proven right.
Gerald Solente.
So much of what you talked about 15, 16 years ago were called a loon.
It's all coming true.
And right on the timeline, you said, David,
Well, I said in September 2008, Alex, when this first recent crash became clear that there was a three-step game going on here.
The first step was to crash the economy so that people could see there was a problem.
The next stage was to get governments to empty their barrels, if you like, to empty their ability.
Thank you.
When they make the judgment that it's its optimum moment, they crash the economy again in a way that governments have no longer any means of responding to it, even in the ludicrous way they did
We're good to go.
I think so.
Tiny few that are in full awareness behind this conspiracy, and if they are going to reach their goal of a fully-fledged global dictatorship, then they have to incessantly centralize power.
And the more power they have, the more power they have over more and more people, and the more power they have centrally, the more power they have to then centralize even quicker, and this is why the
I think so.
It's dependent on forces and events that are outside their sphere of influence and outside their sphere of control and response and this is the whole idea to get everyone dependent on everyone else so that the few people at the center running this system have power over every area of our lives.
I was talking to a
A journalist yesterday in England, a mainstream journalist, who was like saying, he's seeing it, the centralization of power in the media is now blatant.
We're now reaching that point I talked about 15 years ago, where the
We're good to go.
...is eventually going to break the surface where we can actually see it.
It has to, otherwise it can't become the new world.
And we're now at that point, and this is why we have a point here, Alex, a tremendous challenge, but tremendous opportunity.
Because it's becoming so blatant, more and more people...
...of seeing what they couldn't see before.
So it's a real fork in the road we're facing here.
And David, you said that brilliantly.
And you didn't toot your horn properly.
Yes, two years ago you said we're going to have the banker bailouts.
That will exhaust the central governments, the state governments, the regional governments.
They will then announce...
A new global currency, and that's in Reuters and AP today, the Bancor, that will be digital, that then nations will have to borrow from the banks that's made up out of nothing.
But if you go back to the Trilateral Commission, public documents from the 70s,
They said we will interconnect the world, we'll get everybody in debt, we will set it up where everybody's dependent on each other, we'll be outside of that as the global arbiters, then we'll implode the world economy and announce the new one-world government.
And we have those documents.
We have the Club of Rome, the UN, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR.
And so everything we've talked about has come true because we were reading their playbook, and as you said, they denied it, denied it, denied it in public, though their white papers were available, but not, you know, widely distributed.
Now they're getting ready to have their full takeover, so they have to go ahead and admit it's all real, but say it's our savior.
David, how do you see this playing out?
In year one, year two, year three, year four, year five, you say, and I tend to agree with you, that the main flash isn't 2012, but projecting the lines forward around 2015, 2016.
The riots have already begun.
The Pentagon admits global meltdown, but they say martial law is the answer when they've engineered it.
The British Ministry of Defense says the same thing.
The UN, they are getting ready for this.
The rich are moving offshore to private redoubts and islands.
They're hardening the police departments against the citizens.
Google admits they're NSA, and can quote, predict the future, and are surveilling everything we're doing.
They're admitting they're taking our blood secretly at birth.
They're admitting the vaccines are killing us, but they don't care.
I mean, it's just all coming out, and people are being given a choice.
Some people are waking up now that all of this is so apparent, saying Alex Jones, Ron Paul, David Icke.
So many others were right, but others are choosing to then, out of fear, just accept the evil because it's so overwhelming.
What's the psychological warfare point here, and what do you see happening in these phases?
Well, I think, first of all, Alex, as you pointed out, you know, if you're prepared to do the research and you're prepared to focus your life on this stuff over the years, you don't have to be a prophet because there's stuff written down.
I mean, you know, we knew what was coming because it's there to find if you want to look for it.
But we have reached this amazing point where
People are finding, even those with their head in the sand, and by the way, as I say in my new book, to have your head in the sand, you have to be on your knees, and the two things go together, and it's time we got off our knees, and to do that, first of all, we've got to get our heads out of the bloody sand, and actually face what we're dealing with here.
And we're at this amazing point now where they can't hide it anymore, and humanity is faced with a choice that
It will be more and more difficult for it to persuade itself and kid itself that there's not a choice to be made, because it's really not happening.
It's just conspiracy theory.
No, no.
This is in our face now.
So we're entering very fast, Alex, a totally new phase in this game, in this unfolding conspiracy to impose a global fascist communist state, because they're both
Mask on the same face anyway.
And for me...
We are going to continue to go down this road for some years yet, where it seems that this control system is going incessantly in the direction it wants to and is unstoppable.
But I am absolutely convinced that in the years between 2016 to 2020, that period, then there is going to be enough people who have awoken to this and can see this, that there's going to come a tipping point.
And they are trying to
What they've been trying to do all these years, Alex, is to bring in the surveillance, the control, the data surveillance, the surveillance of where you go on the internet, surveillance of every area of your life, to bring in more and more the militarization of law enforcement, even domestic law enforcement.
It's happening all over the world.
You see policemen now, and often you can't tell them from
And we see a total continuity of agenda where they do snatch and grabs in front of news cameras at the G20 in England, at Pittsburgh in the US, in Toronto in Canada.
We see the same cameras, the same body scanners.
We see global drills set up months ago.
For the surge on trains and bus stations and airports and they admit it's a global drill that coincides with the latest scare of terrorist bombers.
It's the same system, the same nomenclature run by the same corporate Borg.
Yeah, but this is the point, Alex.
While they've, of course, been using terrorists as the excuse and terrorism as the excuse, you know, we well know that what it's really been constructed for and constantly added to for is the population, the general population.
That's what it's for.
And it's not even for the population that will stay asleep or go into freeze mode through fear of what they're seeing.
We're good to go.
I think.
And they admit that.
This is so central, and this is what I talk about every day, but you do it so eloquently.
95% of Homeland Security is for veterans, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, anti-globalists, anti-war people.
Anybody that doesn't play along with their controlled paradigm.
And now we've gotten a secret Department of Justice new document up on Infowars.com.
DOJ urges citizens to report extremists handing out literature like the Obama Joker poster.
They are now...
It's come out that Israeli companies were hired by Homeland Security in Pennsylvania to spy on mainline tea parties and state representatives, and they said that the state reps may be terrorists.
And now Der Spiegel admits the former East German Stasi was hired in the U.S.
and in Europe to help set up this grid.
I mean, now the Stasi are going to save us.
Yeah, well, if we've reached the point where there's a new
A new stage in the psychological warfare.
Up to this point, it's been like, keep it under wraps, keep it secret, dismiss and ridicule so-called conspiracy theorists, because it seems that humans have a genetic inability to say the word conspiracy without following it with theory.
And just say, it's all a nonsense, it's not really happening.
And that gives you a cover story and time to build your control system more and more powerfully and in more and more of the fine detail of people's lives.
But now we've reached another psychological point where they're basically saying,
Yes, I know a lot more people are going to see it now but it doesn't matter because we're all powerful and we can do what we like and we're going to show you that we can do what we like because we're going to put this on public display more and more and more.
Now, what are you going to do?
Are you going to take us on because we're all powerful and we can do anything we want or are you going to just be like good little sheep and good little slaves and just do what you're told, keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and
So they've now gone to the pure intimidation.
They've taken the velvet glove off and they go, you bet we gave children syphilis in injections in Guatemala.
You bet we're poisoning your vaccine.
You bet we run death camps.
You bet
You know, Halliburton and Dyncor run child kidnapping rings.
You bet we're evil.
And so they're trying to intimidate us.
You bet we're watching you if you hand out any literature.
You don't do that in America or the UK.
You bet we're listening to your phone calls.
You bet we want to reduce your population.
Just like all these new TV ads and cartoons and video games where it shows the environmentalists murdering people if they don't accept the carbon tax dictatorship.
Have you seen that new video?
I've not, but it makes absolute sense to this whole thing that we're talking about here, because we have reached the point now where, you know, we've got to decide, are we going to be people who are going to stand up, or are we going to be mice and just scuttle away and try to hide in the corner in the skirting board somewhere?
Because this is what they're saying to us now.
OK, come on, you can see it.
What are you going to do about it?
We need to have the courage and the backbone to say, yeah, we're not having it.
We're not having it because this is the truth.
There's a fraction, a fraction of the number of people in this world
We're good to go.
Amen to that.
The enemy is now out in the open.
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Because submitting to it means death.
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We are back live.
David Icke with us throughout the full next hour.
A host of key topics and issues we're going to break down here.
We're going to continue along the line of humanity get off your knees.
This is bonafide, high-tech, brazen, out-of-control evil.
Trillions missing at the Pentagon, trillions stolen by the banks, open world government, open biometrics going in at shopping malls, public schools, face scanners on the street.
I mean, it's all here.
Everything we warned you about.
I want to read from Alexander Sholtson-Eatson's Gulag Archipelago, who, of course, he was taken to the camps.
And how we burned in the camps later.
Burning inside.
Thinking, what would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family, instead of their families being drug away and killed.
Or if during periods of mass arrest, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, pawling and paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door, at every step on the staircase, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, whatever else was at hand.
The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport, and notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst for blood, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt if, if we didn't love freedom enough.
And even more, we had no awareness of the real situation.
We're purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Alexander I. Shulzhenitsyn.
David Icke,
We are not just a physical dictatorship, it's a psychological, pharmacological.
They're poisoning our food, our water, everything.
They are assaulting us now.
We have to get angry and get in their face and be bold about this.
Well, it has to be a psychological control system, because of the very thing I talked about before the break, Alex, numbers.
They cannot control the human population through physical means.
They can control that way in small areas in certain situations, but en masse they can't do it.
They haven't got the numbers.
They haven't got a fraction of the numbers.
I think
And we knew this eight years ago, but they now admit the airports, the body scanners, the searches, the questions, that's now on the streets of the UK and the US and Europe.
And they're literally training us to line up and answer questions everywhere.
The schools are being turned into prisons.
We're being inducted into slavery.
Yeah, I mean I've used this analogy many times over the years because I think it's so appropriate to what we're looking at, and that is the laboratory rat who's put in the maze of channels, and some of these channels have electric shock equipment in them, and when the rat goes down those channels it gets an electric shock.
It might go down that channel another time, maybe another couple of times if it's stupid, and it will get an electric shock after that.
You can take the electric shock equipment away.
That rat will never go down that channel again, because its behavior has been modified.
It's been reprogrammed.
And that's what all this is about, you see.
When you look at this explosion, this staggering explosion,
Of legislation that is dictating to the fine detail of our lives.
You can do this, you can't do this, you can't say that.
You can't even think that.
We're moving into those kind of realms now.
And what it is, it's like a fly stuck in a spider's web and more and more the fly is wrapping the spider, rather, is wrapping the fly up in the web so it cannot move.
More and more and more.
Legislation equals left margin for maneuver, for thought, for perception, for uniqueness, for view, for expressing what you really... For underground economy.
They're just shutting everything down.
Farms, ranches.
Back in 70 seconds with David Icke.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I briefly wanted to get back into the subject of Climategate, the global carbon taxes on carbon dioxide that we exhaled.
Meanwhile, the FDA is approving GMO salmon with insect and eel genes in it that gives rise on record to the extinction of regular salmon.
That's major university studies.
Mutated viruses and bacteria, and this will open the door to thousands of these being approved, and you're not even allowed to know on the labeling if it's a chimera cross-species clone.
And meanwhile, the environmentalists aren't worried about that.
It's all a population reduction cult.
They're now out in the open.
Paul Watson's article, Climate Film, depicts children assassinated for not reducing carbon footprint.
And I wanted to play a short clip.
It starts with a teacher in a British
School with what looks like about sixth graders.
And they say, what are you going to do for 1010 to cut your carbon?
And some kids say, I'll do this, I'll do that.
Three or four say, I'm not going to do anything.
She goes fine, hits a button and murders them.
They explode.
Then it cuts to a business where they're murdering their employees, then murdering other people.
And this is everywhere.
They're coming out saying eco-fascism is good.
We're going to play that clip while David talks to show people the video.
Go ahead and play the clip now so David can comment on it.
Here's a quick clip of their heads being blown off.
And those not?
Philip and Tracy.
That's fine, that's absolutely fine.
Your own choice.
Okay class, thank you so much for today, and I will see you all tomorrow.
Just before you go, I just need to press this little button here.
Now, everybody, please remember to... Blood and guts splatters over the other children in their little white-pressed uniforms.
And so the message here is the authority figure, the teacher that kids believe, and this is shown in movie theaters, two children, you're going to be killed.
I mean, David, this is amazing.
Yes, but there's one side to it also, Alex, that it does also smack of desperation, because they are becoming more and more extreme for another reason, is that they do have a time scale.
You know, there is a human awakening going on, you know.
I've been to 51 countries in the last 20 years talking about this and researching it, and there is a global awakening going on.
I mean, I went to speak in the Czech Republic about two weeks ago.
I'd never been in the country before.
I didn't arrive until about three days before.
There was no mainstream media coverage, as there never is, because of course they want to keep that quiet.
And because of the way the venue was set up, I actually didn't see the audience or out front, as they say, until I walked through the door onto the stage and I stopped in mid-stride.
I was shocked at how many people had come, not only for
We're good to go.
I think so.
I agree with you.
Long segment coming up.
This was a short break, but there's so many videos, so many cartoons now where they show humans as bad.
I mean, scores of video games where it shows, you know, you're a robotic mega worm that kills women and children and it's a good thing.
They're also trying to breed a group of psychopathic children that think of killing fellow humans as a attribute.
Yeah, and the thing is, how are you ever going to express the full magnitude of who we are if you think you're a useless piece of dirt, that you're just like the equivalent of a virus?
I mean, how are we going to do that?
It's attempting to give us a self-hatred perception of self, which would, of course, be desperate for who we
Stay there, let's finish up with that central point straight ahead.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, eight minutes into hour number three.
It is Tuesday, the fifth day of October, 2010.
The iconic David Icke is our guest.
We're going to talk about a host of other key issues here in just a moment, but finishing up, if you just joined us, David was getting into the fact that, and if you go back to Edward Bernays, 80 years ago, who advised the Department of War and the Department of Defense, and he's the reason you eat bacon with eggs, he's the reason there's a music room, you've got to have that piano in the house to be classy.
They wrote up the feminist movement to break up the family, to get women working so they could double tax and break up families, even if women wanted to stay home and raise the children.
They brag about this and they said the number one goal is to make you feel inadequate, to make you feel worthless so they can then sell you on their quote new ideas.
And what David was saying is mirrored by the article at prisonplanet.com, climate cult indoctrinating our kids with depraved death wish.
And it, uh, the second article Watson wrote, uh, over the weekend on this.
Climate cult indoctrinating our kids with depraved death wish.
And it deals with, they're teaching them, you're worthless, you're bad, humans are evil.
So that we're already desensitized with violence and death on television and simulated murders.
So when we see the real thing, a lot of people don't care.
Watch some old lady hit by a car, bleed to death for two hours in the street, or a cop hit by a car.
You see these reports all the time.
People not rendering aid.
Not just disliking themselves, but hating everyone else.
They're destroying our connectivity to each other, and it's so wicked, they don't want us to know how special we are.
The mind that gave you Shakespeare, and Beethoven, and Socrates, and mathematics, and Max Planck a hundred years ago, 110 years ago now, literally envisioning in his mind the atomic theory, and atomic weapons, and atomic energy.
A species that's brought us space travel.
We're supposed to love the dolphins, love the elephants, but then we're trash, we're scum, we're worthless, we don't have a right to have children.
And this is so central.
David, please continue.
Well, you know, Alex, I've been writing my books for years, that this is no new phenomenon.
The process we're now experiencing, if you want to use the version of time that we
You're talking thousands, probably tens of thousands, maybe more years, that this has been slowly but surely unfolding and the same techniques have been used all along.
There'll be people listening to this program who won't like this, but you know what we're talking about here is the same principle as telling people that by the very fact that they were born, the very process of birth, they are a sinner.
And if you go back to ancient Sumer and you read in what we now call Iraq thousands of years BC and you read their perception of themselves as a general population and it was that the gods were up there and they were down here, they were just slaves, they had the same kind of perception of self that we're talking about here.
We're good to go.
I think so.
And basically, you should have contempt for yourself and everything that you stand for, and the human race collectively the same, then you are going to perceive yourself in that way.
You're going to manifest your life in that way.
You're not going to see the true magnitude of who you are.
Consciousness, capable of all, and much greater feats of awareness and creation than even the ones you've just listed, Alex.
This is who we really are.
Now, you imagine billions of people on this planet who are in awareness of the full magnitude, scale, potential, infinite possibility of who we are.
A few people controlling them from a central point?
Forget it!
No chance!
So, fundamental to this is to disconnect us from a true awareness.
Who we are and to put us both in a box of self-perception of being worthless But also in a box of little me I have no power because people who think they have no power they look up or look out to be
People who have the power.
And it's fine enough.
It is the perception that these few have power over us that leads to them having power over us.
Oh, you can't.
It's all too powerful.
There's nothing you can do about it.
Watch me, you know.
Well, what's happening is they impose a predetermination that we're going to fail.
A predetermination that we have no power so that people just think it's absolutely lost.
You've just got to go along with everything that's happening.
You have to submit to the evil.
And they are just pushing this like never before.
Now, David, shifting gears.
I'll just say one thing, Alex, very quickly.
What we're talking about here is...
Connected to something that I've been writing about for some time.
I know I go deeply into stuff sometimes that people go, you know, that's too far out for me.
But what the human body is, is a receiver transmitter of information.
It's like a computer.
Now, if you program a computer, like on a desktop, you program that to only read information.
Well, that's what the term conspiracy theory is.
They throw it out there as a computer command.
Do not read this information.
Do not see it.
Disregard it.
So what they're doing is systematically programming humanity, programming the body computer, which is the vehicle, not the real us.
We are consciousness, infinite awareness, but it's the vehicle we use to experience this reality we call the world.
And it's systematically programming that computer through various means, through
I don't
I don't know.
We're good to go.
And once you start distorting that, it no longer reads reality to the potential that it had before.
It's like having a virus in your desktop computer.
It doesn't work the same.
And this is what is happening.
A systematic distortion of the way we read reality by distorting the body chemically, electromagnetically, and also in the way that we perceive by the manipulation of the information we receive.
The information that we're receiving, Alex, from the media and what bravely calls itself education and all these sources
It is no different in its basic theme than actually programming a computer so it reads reality in a certain way.
That's what they're doing.
And I see an ace in the hole for the globalists because they admit with Project Bluebeam and other reports that have been partially declassified that for 50 years the British government, the Pentagon and others have actually hyped UFO stories as a cover for some of their secret technology but also
At a key point to unify the planet, as Kissinger talked about, and Ronald Reagan and many others, that what if aliens invaded?
We would then unify, and the government admits they've got secret programs with huge hologram projectors, you name it, to have, you know, Christ return, aliens land, Buddha, Muhammad.
They admit this, and suddenly you have all these mainstream media reports we're going to go over after the break, where they're saying, oh, looks like aliens might be real.
Eisenhower and Churchill knew.
And now the U.N.
announces we've appointed an ambassador for when the aliens arrive.
And we've got, you know, top physicists coming out and saying the aliens are going to be mean when they come.
This is a very, very important area, Alex, absolutely.
We've got time to talk about it now or we wait for a break?
Well, I mean, we've got about a minute and a half, but go ahead and start and we'll come back with it.
Well, you know, this is a complex subject, well, slightly complex in that
There's two angles to it.
First of all, the idea that humans are the only species of like in this universe is utterly, utterly ludicrous, insane, and beyond belief.
And one day, when we wake up a bit more, people are going to say, how could we ever believe it in the same way as how could we ever believe the Earth was flat?
However, that having said that, and
I can talk more about that after the break.
There is also, on the other hand, exactly as you're talking about, in fact in my latest book, You Must Get Off Your Knees, I actually talk about this, that there has been a demonstrable seed change in the way governments and authorities are looking at and responding to information of this kind.
There has been a
David, let's come back in the next segment and you'll have the floor.
Walk through
The pre-programming for the disclosure, just like it was pre-programming before the last 9-11 attack to tell you who the boogeyman was, they're clearly doing the pre-programming that the aliens are coming.
And all the movies and TV and governments, fiction, non-fiction, they're getting us ready for something.
What's the reaction?
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Okay, here's the headlines.
Air Force officers testify on UFO sightings at National Press Club.
Said they flew over bases and turned nukes off.
That was all over mainstream news.
Here's the mail.
Churchill and Eisenhower agreed to cover up UFOs.
Here's another report.
UFO files.
Winston Churchill feared panic over Second World War RAF incidents.
And it's just, it's just everywhere now.
And even when it's clearly not something extraterrestrial, you know, ABC News will point cameras at a homeland security blimp at 100,000 feet, even with propellers and say it's aliens.
So, and they've got all these TV shows.
The incident, the V, they've got all these groups saying a disclosure is coming.
As I said, the U.N.
last week appointing an ambassador for when the aliens land.
David Icke, what's going on here?
It's a strange situation in that, on one hand, there are non-human species that are visiting this planet and interacting with it behind the scenes.
And this has been going on for a very, very long time.
I mean, I've spent 20 years researching this.
Other people have too, and I have come across ancient accounts all over the world in almost any ancient culture that you want to talk about, whether it's Africa, South America, whether it's Asia, wherever.
And you find these descriptions of non-human entities that were clearly vastly, shall we say, ahead of the humans at that time in terms of technology.
I mean light years ahead, probably literally.
And I've spoken to enough people all over the world from every
Walk of life you can think of from people in the Swiss banking industry, people in America, people in Australia, people in the bush of Africa, and they have told me compellingly consistent descriptions of their experiences of these different entities, and indeed the descriptions of them, because they're a lot more than one species.
The descriptions of them are incredibly consistent, and I have to much ridicule, not quite so much as before now,
But with much ridicule over the years, as you know Alex, I've talked about the fact that ultimately behind this human control system, this human bloodline network we call the Illuminati, are a, or maybe more than one, but certainly one, non-human race that seems to take a reptilian form.
And you know, I say this to people before we get on to actually what's going on now.
You know, when earlier in this program, Alex,
You reeled off element after element after element of this control system and how it's coming in now.
I ask people, look at the great spectrum of things that are coming in, the fine detail of it, the way it all interconnects with different elements of itself.
The attack on the human body, the banking, the pharmaceutical, the oil, the environmental, and so on and so forth.
Are we really saying that all this is being orchestrated by men in dark suits sitting around a table discussing their next move?
There is a reason that people like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, real name Eric Blair, could
We're good to go.
I don't know.
It's a very good question over the years.
Why would these families dedicate their lives over century after century after century to push this agenda on of more and more centralization from the tribal situation?
Bring the tribes together under nations, now bring the nations together under unions, etc, etc.
And this incessant centralization that's gone on, not just recently, it's become more obvious recently because it's got quicker.
It's been going on for a long time.
Why would these people be born, grow up in these families in the 1600s and 1700s and give themselves to advancing an agenda which they knew they were not going to see unfold in their lifetime?
Because there is another form
Well, Christians would say they're basically possessed, demon-possessed, and you'd say, well, that's an interdimensional...
Stay there, David Icke.
We'll continue with why they want to have a fake alien landing, why they're gearing up for that.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
DavidIke.com is his website.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can't have the Pentagon and the UN saying aliens may be real and may land soon, and then get mad at David Ike for looking at human history and all the different, you know, reports of this.
But we're certainly looking at the fact that the government has admitted that they've had plans to stage landings.
And I have no doubt they're gearing up for something.
So we'll talk to him in a moment about
The problem, reaction, solution.
What are they planning to get out of that?
Obviously a unification of the planet under the one rule government to the outside threat.
But we're going to be discussing that.
With David here in just a moment.
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All right, I will take four or five phone calls for David Icke in the 25 minutes we've got left after he finishes this issue we were discussing.
Anything else he thinks is important to talk about?
But specific questions for David Icke on the economy, on the brainwashing, on the off-world influences that the government's giving more and more credence to.
I mean, I only cover what I can prove, but the media is certainly hyping all this.
And the globalists certainly think they're God and act like they are.
And there is some type of evil intelligence running this.
As a Christian, you'd call it the devil, the old serpent.
We're having a wider discussion about that.
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David, we've talked about your view on part of this agenda being real, the other agenda being fake.
They admit that for a staged, some type of event, that they're hyping at crescendo levels.
When do you see them building towards some type of staged event, and why would they do that?
This is the big but, at the end of what I said before the break, where I talked about the reality of non-human life.
In my latest book, I say this at one point, where I'm talking about this very subject.
Over the 20 years that I've been on my journey of research all over the world, I've experienced a very different before and after period in the extraterrestrial field.
I mean, the before and after a decision was demonstrably made to allow more information about non-human activity to be released bit by bit to the public.
And since, of course, the book came out a bit to three months ago, as we've been discussing, more and more stories are...
We're good to go.
Simple thing, if you want a centralized global dictatorship, and you use, as they do of course, the technique of what I call problem-reaction-solution, create the problem, get the reaction, do something, and then offer the solution, then if you have a global agenda for global control, then what you need to, in the end... Is Osama Bin Laden with green skin?
You need a global problem through which you can offer a global solution.
That's what you want.
Global problems.
You don't want just a problem in Utah or something, which someone in Utah can sort out.
You can manipulate Utah.
Hence global warming or terrorism.
Global Poverty!
We're looking at, what else are we looking at?
A global economic crisis.
All these things have, all these problems, Alex, of course have global in front of them, because a global problem requires, in the way they're selling it to us, a global solution.
Now, what greater global problem can you have, indeed, as you say, Reagan alluded to it and others have too, than a global threat to the earth from a non-human race?
And, you know,
We have the kind of research already in place, as you talked about, with Project Bluebeam, which actually talks about using things like a fake alien attack to centralize power.
Because what would you do in that situation?
What do they do in places like Britain when they go to war?
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Alien threat or UFOs are real kind of stories into the media suggest that we're we're not a million miles away from from some kind of fake disclosure and one thing that we should also remember Alex this is another thing that I've come across many many times over the years is just because
Um, we see a craft that looks like what people call a flying saucer or whatever.
Doesn't mean it's flown by non-human entities.
You know, it's anti-gravity technology and of course, as we well know, the technology across the great spectrum of possibility that they have in the underground bases and the secret projects is
Well, let me throw this out at you and then we'll let you finish and take calls, David.
Ten years ago, or I guess in 99, 11 years ago, I saw headlines in the BBC about Hong Kong markets where you could buy a part rhesus monkey, part jellyfish that glowed in the dark.
I saw reports 10, 11 years ago, actually 12 years ago, had the CEO on, upstate New York, of part spider goats that produce body armor in their milk.
So it's not a stretch that they could take humans, and they have human cloning,
And basically breed a glow-in-the-dark human that looks like a space alien, train them up to be a pilot, brainwash them that they are an alien, have them land on the White House lawn and be the ambassador from Jubal Snopple, you know, or from Planet Pop-Tart.
I mean, the sky's the limit.
Look at the technology they admit they have.
And remember that the B-2 bomber was around for 20 years before they admitted it was
You know what?
It could be any time.
And you know, the thing is that another aspect of this is that this very reality, what we call the physical world, is actually holographic.
Of course, in the way that it manifests itself, it's far more sophisticated, the reality in itself, than technology can do.
But we're still experiencing a holographic reality in what we call the physical world.
This is provable stuff.
People would only look at it.
And so projecting holographic images within a holographic environment already, we could sort of decode that, if you like, and it would look every bit as much, probably, as real as the reality looks that we're experiencing.
It's like being projected within a more advanced version of like.
This holographic stuff is very, very important because it has incredible manipulative potential.
Well, it certainly does.
And they have patents from the 50s of sound they can project into your middle ear without being able to audibly hear it with regular sound.
They admit they have electromagnetic systems that can make you have hallucinations.
We know they've used PCP and LSD sprayed on people.
You know, during the Six Day War, they did that.
And that's all 30, 40, 50, 60 years old.
And so all of this is open to discussion because we know the establishment is looking at it and studying it.
And everything they put on mainstream TV has some type of agenda, and so it's just in our face.
This is the point, Alex, you know.
They know, the inner core, know that the human body is a biological computer system which we use to experience this reality, much like, you know, a spacesuit on the moon or whatever.
But obviously a much more sophisticated expression of that theme.
And so they are manipulating us in the knowledge that it's a computer system.
And these things you're talking about now, projecting sound on a certain frequency that we've not audible to the conscious mind, projecting that information into the mind, projecting instructions into the mind, perceptions into the mind, they know what they're doing.
No, no, DARPA admits...
If you can suppress people's perception of what is possible, then when you use technology and techniques that are much beyond what you have programmed the population to believe is possible, they will A, immediately think,
If I believe it, it's non-human.
Or, um, I'm not going to believe that they're using this technology when people like you and me say it, because it's impossible.
We, it's not, you can't.
They limit people's horizon.
They can.
We're almost out of time, David.
I want, this has been an amazing interview.
We appreciate you joining us.
Uh, I want to get to some phone calls.
Uh, Martina in Iowa, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Yes, I just have a quick, uh, quick point.
My son is
I do.
I wanted to know if this is something that, you know, what are they going to burn next?
Well, ma'am, it's insane to join the military because they shoot them up with a bunch of experimental vaccines that have been caught killing the troops in secret testing.
They're not just killing Guatemalans.
And so you have to understand that.
It's a culture of death.
And just get your son out as soon as you can.
People are like, well, you better support the military.
It's not our government.
It's not our military.
They use the troops like guinea pigs.
Supporting the troops means, you know, mindlessly letting them be used up and killed by the globalists.
David Ike comments.
Thank you, Marjaneen.
When he said the pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service.
You know, what we have to understand is that when you join the military, you're not serving your country.
You're not.
You're serving the cabal that wishes to destroy your country and enslave your families.
That's what you're there for and you rightly point out you're also there in a closed environment and anyone that wants to experiment in terms of drugs of various kinds to see the effect and all the rest of it, do you want a closed environment?
Do you want a
Alright, let's go to another call.
Any country in the world.
Peggy in Indiana, you're on the air.
I like his comment about ancient Sumer and there's one more fact that I do know about that time that may add some insight.
When Sumer was first started and for hundreds of years after that they did not feel as he had described the people of Sumer feeling and then people from that area you know down to the present being sort of not worth anything.
They had a different viewpoint.
It was more of the
They had a goddess-centered religion, more so than the later.
And it didn't change until they were conquered by one of the step-peoples.
And after that it was completely different, and then their society slowly died.
Do you have any questions for David Icke?
Yes, I wanted to comment about different types of people having different types of religions.
You know, some people can live for, well,
I can say this Alex, this obviously won't go down well with a great number of people, but when you study religion, whatever religion it is,
We're good to go.
Middle men and women, mostly middle men section, which is telling you what the deity wants you to do.
Yeah, but Jesus said, Jesus said, get rid of the middle men, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and you know, pray, pray to God, communicate with God by yourself.
Exactly, and what I'm talking about in the books that I write is that we have a direct connection with what I call infinite awareness.
People call that God, whatever they like.
The name doesn't matter.
It's what it is.
It's what it stands for.
Well, I see revelations accurately predicting everything that's happening.
I know you would say that was predictive programming being laid down, but regardless, you know, I see the New World Order system attacking Christianity first and foremost.
And in my instinct, in my gut, you know, I know it's the truth.
But there's the false modern man's Christianity.
I have nothing to do with that.
We'll be right back with David Ikemore.
Your call.
Stay with us.
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Coming up in the next hour, our live interview with Jesse Ventura will retransmit on the audio streams at InfoWars.com.
Many AM and FM stations out there.
Exclusive interview with Governor Jesse Ventura, the first of his kickoff of promoting the film, the TV show's second season, Conspiracy Theory.
That's coming up in T-minus six minutes.
David Icke, who needs no introduction, is our guest.
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I want to thank everybody for the support there.
Jack in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex and David.
It's an honor to speak with both of you.
David, I'd like to thank you for being instrumental in my awakening.
I'd like to make two quick points.
One is that, from my research, ETs are benevolent for the most part, and so they are going to probably mislead us with a false flag alien attack.
I don't even use the word alien, I use the word ET.
I would suggest if you haven't talked to or mentioned Dr. Steven Greer at CSETI.com.
He's an excellent source.
The most important thing, David, I would like to have you expand on and talk about the fear and how fear plays into the hands of the dark hat.
Thank you.
Well, I think some are benevolent and some are neutral, and I think there is a force that is extremely negative, and that's the one behind the control system, and that's the one that won't be talking about in their fake disclosure, which would be a load of nonsense to divert attention.
In terms of fear, yes, of course, once you're in fear, you give your power away to anyone you think can protect you from what you've been manipulated to fear.
The whole system of control is based on fear, and fear equals I have no power.
It's just another extreme way of saying that.
You have no power, you don't express any power, you're a slave.
Alright, quickly, Naomi in Hawaii, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, I'm calling to see if David Icke will be coming back to Hawaii soon.
Well, that's funny because I've just had an invite which I've not yet replied to because it's just crazy here at the moment and I shall reply.
Yes, I'd like to.
So the answer is almost certainly yes.
And funnily enough, Alex, I'm coming to America in 10 days.
I'm talking in New York on October 17th in Times Square, Nokia Theatre, and then I'm going on the next weekend, October 23rd, to San Francisco.
The Nokia Theatre is big.
I mean, you've gone from 15 years ago talking to groups of 20 to talking to 2,000.
Well, the Nokia Theatre is almost full in terms of this coming, what, 10 days now?
Not much more than that.
So if people want to come, they'll have to be quick.
And San Francisco is a big theatre, yeah, too.
It's amazing all over the world now.
I've been asked to go to the Ukraine.
I'm coming next year to Mexico and all these different countries I've never been into before.
It's going.
It is happening, Alex.
It's very, very encouraging.
Naomi, anything else?
No, just thank you so much.
Thank you.
I'll see you in Hawaii someday then, maybe.
You know, becoming so mainstream.
All I know is the government and the media are hyping that aliens are real.
I think they're going to stage something.
You know, I can't get the public to admit to FEMA camps when they're on record.
But very interesting talking to you.
Always informative.
And I look forward to speaking to you in the very near future.
Perhaps we can have you pop in during the October 14th 25-hour marathon broadcast just in a few weeks.
So I'm going to put you on hold, David, here at the end of the show.
I should be.
I think I'll be in New York at that time, actually.
Yeah, and maybe just do 30 minutes or something just to pop in while you're here in the U.S.
So I'm going to put you on hold right now at the end of the main three-hour broadcast.
We'll get that set up.
Great job to the crew.
Jesse Ventura coming up.
Listen to the audio streams.
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