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Name: 20101004_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 4, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us on this October 4th, 2010, Monday edition of the Global Transmission Against Tyranny.
We had him on a few weeks ago, but they've since had meetings at the state legislature.
Daryl Metcalf, a member of the Pennsylvania legislature who was spied on by, basically, Mossad, is going to be joining us.
The head of Homeland Security in the state.
It was paying taxpayer money to the Israeli group has stepped down and there are criminal slash civil investigations going on.
London Telegraph writer James Dillingpole will be joining us for 30 minutes at the last half of the second hour to discuss the video we played on Friday and on the Sunday broadcast, this 1010 project funded by the big carbon exchange, Al Gore and others, showing children being murdered
We're good to go.
Or the Earth will basically die.
And we have ABC News in Australia with a carbon calculator teaching children when to die.
That was the headline.
ABC News, that's ABC Australia, teaches kids when they should die.
That was all in Paul Watson's article that he wrote on Friday.
Dilling Poll also covered it.
But now we have a clip of Pachari on Al Jazeera saying, we're going after the children.
They're much easier to get than adults.
Because they're gullible.
And parents just put them in government training camps, known as public schools worldwide, where the globalists can basically have their way with them in these modern re-education centers.
So that is coming up with James Dillingpole, the latest on the global warming, global taxation hoax situation.
Another big report out at PrisonPlanet.com this morning.
I covered this on Sunday, but Watson's got a story out on it today, closing the circle, giving you the full breakdown.
The government has an appetite for your blood, and they're now announcing different ways they're going to be taking your blood at warrantless checkpoints.
And when you go to the DMV, or when your baby's born, all going into the government databases, and this is out of the Washington Post, the original source article that
Paul Joseph Watson is sourcing from the government has an appetite for your blood uh... dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges and he's criticizing islam and saying that it wants to take over europe and whether that's true or not that's his free speech but europe uh... once a bastion of free speech the last fifty years uh... he's facing prison time uh... gert
Wilders went on trial Monday for alleged hate speech, even as his popularity and influence in the Netherlands are near all-time highs.
And other countries in Europe, where they're having anti-immigration, open border parties start taking power in the Parliament, the other groups in Parliament are getting together saying, well, we're just going to nullify your votes.
That's happening in several nations.
We'll be talking about that.
So regardless of where you sit on this whole issue, people either have their right to free speech or they don't.
And this all started in Europe about, oh, you can't praise Nazis, or you can't, you know, deny the Holocaust.
And a lot of people said, well, that sounds reasonable.
Those are bad groups.
But it's used against everybody.
And now it's used against criticizing the European Union.
And it's used for criticizing major GMO producers.
Remember Robin Page, five years ago, six years ago, the BBC top reporter, was at a rally and said, rural communities deserve the same rights as homosexuals and Muslims.
The word homosexual, they said, was hurtful.
And they're trying to pass new laws where if anything you say is even offensive to a group, you go to jail.
So this is the tyranny that we are dealing with in a big, big way.
We're also going to get into all of this hyping, and that's our top story when we come back, for terror attacks in Europe and the United States.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we predicted it with precision back in July, three months ago.
We put out multiple reports at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and this syndicated radio-slash-television transmission that going into the election cycle, probably in October, there would either be the hype that domestic groups were going to launch terror attacks, along with, quote, Muslims,
Or they would actually launch the attack.
And we also pointed out that we saw a lot of the hype pointing towards an attack on Europe to get Europe behind all these expansions of the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the continuation that is ongoing inside Iraq.
Another big tell is that the system knows that 9-11 Truth has taken one of their main
We've taken that favored mechanism
And basically damaged it, almost destroyed it.
And so in the last six months or so, you've seen a massive rehabilitation of it, but it's failed.
But they've attempted by having Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and having Beck, and having Limbaugh, and Hannity.
It's a talking point.
Come out and imply 9-11 truthers are with the terrorists, and they're going to attack you, and therefore the socialized healthcare and they're communists, basically.
Doesn't matter if 9-11 truthers are across the political spectrum and are just looking at the facts and saying, hey, all the evidence shows this was an inside job.
And so we see them rehabilitating
The idea that terror is real, and going to hit us any minute, when they had a Gallup poll just a month ago showing 1% of Americans believe terror is the number one issue in this country.
Down from 44% just a few years before that, and before that it was as high as 80 plus percent as the most important issue right after 9-11.
For the American people.
And it varies in the polls, but it's basically the same spread.
You can pull those polls up.
We've covered those.
We can just search the term right now.
1% of Americans think terror the greatest threat.
That was a Gallup poll, again, I think three, four weeks ago.
Now, so they're trying to rehabilitate it.
They're trying to demonize 9-11 truth.
And they're reintroducing the idea that these attacks are imminent.
And we have something even more important happening.
The globalists are very arrogant.
They think the public is completely stupid.
And there are a lot of self-absorbed, delusional people who literally don't even know who their neighbors are, where their state capital is, who don't know the three branches of government.
But that's probably 25-30% of the public.
Most people don't have a really tight grasp on what's happening historically, but they're starting to get a better one.
And the system still goes ahead with this arrogance, this hubris, that they are unstoppable, and they can get away with anything.
And so criminals like to brag.
And so we've seen all these Democrats, all these Republicans, all these strategists, and I read a lot of these quotes yesterday, running around in the news media, like Robert Shapiro in the Financial Times of London, saying, look, Obama needs
There's the Hill newspaper poll.
1% are terrorists.
1% see terrorism as top problem.
So 1% are obsessed with this fake manufactured crisis.
But going back to what I was saying, I just wanted to pull that poll up for you so you'd see it for yourself.
They love to brag about what they're doing, and they love to openly, just thinly veil in public discussions.
That's a big treat for them, that they are basically the terrorist.
And they communicate with each other.
If Obama doesn't have a major terror attack run by domestic groups, a la Oklahoma City or another big Al Qaeda attack, his whole agenda is dead.
If he can just get a terror attack, everything's going to be okay.
And then Paul Watson's article he wrote about this back in July that I read some passages from yesterday.
It goes through quotes by the head of the Republican Party in a major state, top Republican strategist, top Republican columnist.
Meetings in the Pentagon recorded and released with Rumsfeld and the top five Pentagon liaisons to the news networks.
Saying, sir, without another attack, we're not going to get this agenda through.
And Rumsfeld's like, I know, but it's hard.
Let's not talk about this here.
And we've played that before.
And they're one inch, they're one inch from just coming right out.
But of course, at these higher levels, that's how they commune with each other.
You know, they're at the Pentagon and they're like, look, boss, without another attack, if we just had another, we could really get this agenda done.
Remember all the bizarre headlines about 9-11 helped America, 9-11 brought us together, and 9-11 was a good thing, and we sure need another one, and all the different reporters and columnists have had to apologize for saying that, and now Obama?
And another big signal came out just, what, two weeks ago and said, 9-11 brought us together.
9-11 made us stronger.
And gee, I've tried to keep you safe from all these attacks.
And his surrogates basically parroted the same thing and went on to say, you know, you wouldn't give all your rights up, so now Al-Qaeda's gonna get you.
That's right, and next time they hit,
You're going to learn to not give us that line about civil liberties.
And of course it all mirrors Jack Bauer and that fiction program where he's always doing the tough thing to keep the people safe.
At the end of the day, we always learn he's right.
And he's right about global warming.
Jack Bauer's fighting it.
And a lot of conservatives said, well, maybe we should have a carbon tax.
I mean, Jack Bauer's for it.
And now Bin Laden comes out in undocumented, you know, new audio tape.
The government admits they put out fake Bin Laden videos and says, you better pass carbon taxes or I'm going to bomb you.
And the school kids are being taught this right now.
You know, we better do what Bin Laden says or he'll get us.
You know, even Bin Laden knows that you should put a napkin in your lap when you have dinner.
Even Bin Laden knows you should brush your teeth twice a day.
Even Bin Laden knows to put your shoes and raincoat on when it's raining outside because you could catch your death.
I mean, even Bin Laden knows global warming is real.
Or, I'm sorry, climate change.
I was listening to the simpering, snake-like, scripted voices of NPR where everything's nice and sweet and it was all about terrorists are going to attack us.
We've got to give our rights up, and climate change is a bigger threat than ever.
Just a year ago it was global warming, but we exposed that as a fraud, and the Earth's actually getting cooler.
So now it's climate change, just pay Al Gore some money, and he will fix everything for you.
Don't you worry your little pretty heads about anything.
Thank goodness we've got a Pentagon stealing trillions and they won't say where it's gone.
They're doing that to protect us from Al-Qaeda.
Thank goodness the Pentagon admits they're growing the majority of the opium in Afghanistan, because if they don't, somebody else like Al-Qaeda will grow it and get that money.
And thank goodness the CIA puts out fake bin Laden videos and brags about it.
They're just reminding us of how evil bin Laden is, the admitted CIA asset codenamed Tim Osman.
And then that brings me, obviously, to the latest hype.
Here we are, early October, a month out from the historic 2010 off-year election, and the Democrats and Republicans are together in the war on terror.
They are together at the leadership level.
We've got to accept naked body scanners and troops on the street.
We've got to have Homeland Security focused on returning veterans and gun owners.
We've got to have Israeli companies spying on members of the House of Representatives in Pennsylvania.
In every other major state it's come out.
We've got to have FEMA with NLEO-9 with Israeli and Dutch and French and other foreign intelligence agencies spying.
The Pentagon and NATO have to hire former Stasi chiefs, that was Inder Spiegel again last week, to help set up this grid because after all the Stasi were the good guys, they were fighting terror!
They were fighting people that weren't politically correct, people that made homophobic statements and
I just can't believe that anyone would ever criticize the Stasi.
What have we become?
I can't believe there's some Americans that actually think the greatest police state in world history, the Stasi, were bad.
Homeland Security's obviously good hiring them eight years ago.
NATO's obviously good hiring them.
The public schools training children to spout on their parents is obviously freedom.
It's to keep us safe from men that wear turbans and pajamas.
Onesies are, I mean, they're gonna get us, ladies and gentlemen.
Do you understand how much threat we're under?
It's not the bank stealing trillions and they won't tell Congress where the money went.
It's not the Pentagon admitting four trillions missing and they won't tell Congress where it went.
That's good!
It's not the face scanning cameras.
It's not the government taking your blood secretly at birth for 39 years and now admitting it.
It's not them taking blood at DMVs now in DC.
It's not warrantless checkpoints taking blood.
None of that is a threat!
It's not tenfold increase in convulsions from the flu shot admitted.
That's good!
Narcolepsy is good!
Brain damage is good!
They're trying to help you!
So what if the major GMO corn causes organ failure across the board in all rodent species?
That's good!
So what if there's 300,000 plus drug interaction deaths every year?
And over 200,000 infections that kill people with the superbugs in the hospitals?
That's not a threat!
You saw the buildings blow up!
It was scary!
You saw the media there with their cameras trained in the morning to get that news cycle just right.
You saw them hit that hole in one.
So what if there's video of cops saying, get back, they're going to blow up Building 7?
Ignore that.
They had to blow it up.
It could have hurt somebody.
Come on.
Let's not discuss it.
What matters right now is the terrorists have already chosen their targets in Europe.
And I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of the monsters.
The men with turbans are coming.
Thank goodness Barack Hussein Obama is there to be my daddy, to keep me safe at night.
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We are back live.
Thank you for joining us on this Monday, October 4th transmission.
Okay, getting into the really serious news.
You know about what happened Friday and over the weekend repeatedly.
Taliban attacks NATO supply trucks in Pakistan.
Who knows if that is staged or not.
There is certainly a real war going on there by people that don't want to be occupied as they expand the war into Pakistan.
The Pakistani Taliban claim responsibility Monday for a pre-dawn attack on tankers carrying fuel to Afghanistan for the U.S.
and other NATO forces left vulnerable on the side of the road after Pakistan shut down a key border crossing.
So that is unfolding right now.
Airport lobbies possible terror targets in European plot, officials say.
And this is just further hyping up what Homeland Security's been saying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, that they have the intel that they were unable to stop the terror groups.
They're in Europe right now and preparing to go into the airports before the security checkpoints and shoot people and throw hand grenades.
Of course, they have a lot of popular video games that have come out the last few years where you can pose as Russian terrorists who go in and run a false flag attacking airports.
And we're going to be going back to that little historical piece in a moment.
New game lets players massacre civilians.
A new video game allows players to pose as Russian ultranationalist terrorists and massacre civilians with assault weapons in an airport.
And of course, it's really a false flag attack.
And we're showing some video of that on screen.
So this is the type of attack they're talking about.
And of course their answer is hire Israeli companies to now set up more checkpoints as you get to the airport and have three layers total before you get to the main checkpoints and then after the checkpoints at the gate again.
And then these security companies will make billions of dollars globally.
You have big sis Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security, when Italy and others announced they're going to pull the naked body scanners out after the trials, she came in and said, we'll give you money.
We'll do whatever you want, taxpayer money.
Just put them in.
Don't let this fail.
We're going to put these in malls, street corners, mobile vans.
They're already going in state and federal courthouses.
We're radiating people, we're making billions and billions a month off this.
If you adopt it, please, no!
We've got to have it, and right on time, okay, the terrorists are going to attack.
The FBI has said they want these scanners at...
I don't
Home while you're in it.
Airport lobbies, possible terror targets in European plot.
Officials, not a servant, but an official said among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas at at least five major European airports.
A law enforcement official told ABC News.
Officials, authorities, believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando-like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago.
Funny, I have that headline, head of Mumbai attack was U.S.
Let's put that in the search engine.
It was in Chicago Tribune and others.
Let's show folks that.
Meanwhile, they have all these video games about this happening.
And one year before the attack on South Ossetia and Abkhazia in northern Georgia, run by NATO, on record, and they ran a hoax on our news saying Russia had attacked, how asinine, and later they had to retract that three days later, but it's just amazing that some still go along with that hoax.
They had a major video game where there's a war over South Ossetia in Georgia with Russia and NATO.
They just love to throw it in your face.
But continuing, the State Department issued a highly unusual travel alert Sunday for potential terror attacks in Europe, saying U.S.
citizens are reminded of the potential for terrorist attacks in public transportation systems and other tourist infrastructure.
More Americans per capita
are now dying every year on the Texas-Mexico border and other border states than die in terror attacks.
But you never really see that being hyped up, or 28,000 dead in the border region in the last three years.
And the fact that the State Department quietly lists Mexico as the most dangerous country in the world now, that's... No, it's... There might be an attack on an airport where they'll have guns like Mumbai!
We're going to come back, finish up with this, because it integrates into
Changes needed to make nuke plants more secure.
Remember that story a listener pointed out?
Effingham deputies call feds after arresting Russians with shovel wire cutters outside Georgia power plant.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
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Tim Geithner?
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wedswell.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being.
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind.
I don't care.
I tell you, I don't care.
I'm a human being.
I exist.
Yet if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave.
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth.
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength
That mistake has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in the first 30 minutes of the next hour, I'm going to get back into this top story.
We're going to read through some of the Obama administration advisors and officials saying back in July, we need a big terror attack by a domestic group or by Muslims or the threat of one as a pretext to clamp down on the American people and to have folks basically worship Obama and see him as strong.
And Michael Savage has even come out and said he believes that the Obama people may stage false flags.
So it's not just Alex Jones talking about this.
We have these very individuals out in the open getting to all of this.
And we have this ABC News report, Utah residents fear Israeli art students.
Uh, prying into NSA data center and they're reporting that they keep coming to people's doors in and around the new facility, uh, saying they're art students, trying to sell them art, but then asking them if they know about the NSA facility.
And that's because then if somebody says, yeah, I work there and my husband does, they can pump them for info or even pay them.
That's how on the ground infiltration works.
And right before 9-11, and it gets into the AP and Salon articles about this, there were all these Israeli art students penetrating the DEA offices, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and other law enforcement agencies.
This is not a raw story, but it's local ABC News affiliate ABC4 with Brent Hunsacker reporting on it.
And then we have this report that a listener pointed out of a regular coal-powered plant
uh... Effingham deputies call feds after arresting russians with shovel wire cutters outside uh... georgia power plant and we've got this up on prison planet dot tv there mug shots if you scroll down you can see these guys i mean they look like special forces spy types they do not look like uh... your uh... your regular uh... regular terrorist i mean they they've got spook uh... written all over and just look at those eyes just look at these guys young special forces types
uh... and and the feds ordered them released and same thing with the israelis uh... in in other cases uh... but speaking of that here's the pittsburgh tribune review pennsylvania homeland security chief quits
And we're going to be discussing that now with State Representative from Pennsylvania, Daryl Metcalf, who's organized a Second Amendment rally, Tea Party, lower tax rallies.
They got surveilled by this Israeli company that admits they're Mossad-connected.
They were paid $125,000 to spy on his group.
And they've now had state Homeland Security hearings on this, and the head of Homeland Security, a former federal Homeland Security individual with the U.S.
Special Forces, has resigned over this.
And there's criminal investigations, civil investigations.
The media is reporting.
Again, Pennsylvania Homeland Security Chief quits.
Here's another one.
Second Amendment group made terror threat list in Pennsylvania.
Cranberry lawmaker asked why his rallies made terror list.
That's Daryl Metcalfe.
House to vote on stand your ground gun bill today.
Get his take on that interesting Second Amendment legislation in Pennsylvania.
But remember, this is going on all over the country.
And it's not just Israelis, it's British, it's others.
And this country's wide open for foreigners to come in and spy on us.
But if you, as a citizen, spied on people like this, you'd be arrested for wiretapping.
Darryl Metcalfe is recognized by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as Pennsylvania's General Assembly's number one conservative and multi-time highest-ranking lawmaker on the Pennsylvania Liberty Index.
He also heads up state legislators for LegalImmigration.com.
He's the founder and he joins us.
He represents District 12.
Good to have you here with us, sir.
Good to be with you again, Alex.
Thanks for having me today.
Well, a lot has happened.
Recap what originally was discovered, what you've since discovered in the hearings, and where all of this is going.
Right, right.
It came out some time back that this Institute of Terrorism Research and Response that admits on their website that connections with Israeli defense, that they were actually contracted by the Pennsylvania Homeland Security.
And we're issuing bulletins regarding events that were taking place or planned around the state of Pennsylvania.
As that information became public and more and more details were made available, we became aware that a couple of the rallies that I organized, both for Second Amendment and also for taxpayers to voice their concerns about increased spending and increased taxes in the state of Pennsylvania, were too
We're good.
Veterans Affairs Emergency Preparedness Committee.
Senator Baker chaired that hearing last Monday, and I had one of my staff at the hearing.
I live about four hours from Harrisburg.
I wasn't at the hearing in the morning on Monday before our session started, but I had one of my staff there.
And it was very evident from the testimony that was given from the Pennsylvania State Police, the Director of Homeland Security here in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania State Homeland Security Department, and also our PEMA, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Association, that there was conflicting testimony given.
I think?
And during that time, Director Powers moved forward with contracting this Israeli connected company, the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.
They tried to claim that the state police said they didn't have the resources to take care of dealing with those types of threats that would be notified through this institute.
The state police disagreed with that testimony.
So, as things percolated through the week last week, I had sent a letter the week prior
Asking a series of questions to the director of our Homeland Security in Pennsylvania as to what was done with this information with surveillance launched on the rallies that I had participated in and had organized, actually.
Were wiretaps initiated?
If so, by, you know, on whom?
Were any of the people involved with the, you know, working with me on these rallies a target of their surveillance?
Was I a target of their surveillance?
We've we've since so that time I worked with our legal counsel to draft right to no request that will be Filed this week and our homeland security director here in Pennsylvania announced his resignation last Friday the governor of Pennsylvania seems to still stand by the
We're good.
By resigning last week.
I think there's still questions that have to be answered by Pima.
There's still questions that should be investigated by our Attorney General and by the state police regarding what was done here that infringed upon the rights of law-abiding citizens of Pennsylvania.
Yeah, let's boil this down.
You've got this Homeland Security head of the state, State Homeland Security Director James F. Powers Jr.
You've got all these other individuals not wanting to release more information on exactly what's happening in the state.
But bottom line, we know an Israeli company was out there spying on political groups across the board.
And all of this needs to be released at least to the state committees.
And I think there needs to be a criminal investigation.
I would agree, and I think the state police had testified that due to these bulletins that were being issued through the Pennsylvania Homeland Security, that they ended up chasing fires around, and that it was irresponsible reporting.
That, in fact, this institute was not vetting the information that they were releasing properly, that they were very irresponsible in the way that they were releasing the information to local law enforcement, law enforcement around Pennsylvania.
Well, number one, this is secret police activity and smacks of each Germany or Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany or Maoist China.
But if it's going to be going on, you know, it's one thing if it's the state police because they're accountable to the legislature.
I don't know.
I mean, look.
I'm no rocket science when it comes to intelligence and counterintelligence, but this is classical infiltration going on, and it's coming from a law enforcement perspective.
I mean, this is amazing.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But fully under our, you know, the God-given rights that are affirmed in our Constitution, that we have a right to do what these folks were doing, and them being listed as being a potential terrorist threat.
And to be clear, we're talking to State Representative Daryl Metcalf of Pennsylvania.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but reading these reports, only a fraction of their activities has been leaked.
And so we better believe if one state representative and mainline Second Amendment groups and mainline Tea Party, you know, folks that want to balance budget are being spied on and listed as potential terrorists and threats to infrastructure, this is going to be a lot more widespread.
Well, that's exactly right.
I think, you know, we've just seen the tip of the iceberg, as that old cliché goes.
But this, I mean, I think every American has to really see a red flag go up when they hear of this type of activity taken by an administration, be it Pennsylvania or the, you know, Rendell's administration, the Pennsylvania government, or the Obama administration at the federal level, that when you're going to start having taxpayer resources,
I don't know.
Our citizens daily in every city in this country, that they turn around and use those resources, those limited resources, to target law-abiding citizens in the process of violating our rights.
I mean, it just really reeks of that tyrannical type of oppression, that tyrannical type of intimidation that you had mentioned from Eastern European countries before the Cold War came to an end.
But even in Eastern European countries, you know, if foreigners were brought in to be the secret police, no one would put up with this.
And I've seen in press reports dealing with the Total Information Awareness Network and a lot of this spying and data mining, it is foreign companies that are running it and doing it.
And that came out in the FEMA NLEO-9 drills that
Intelligence agencies from 14 countries were helping run drills against quote domestic terrorists and then you find out that domestic terrorists are people that say hey my taxes are too high or hey you're not getting my guns or hey I don't want government-run health care or hey I don't agree with the FCC diversity czar praising censorship like Hugo Chavez does.
I mean
I think we need to really recognize that the government's having to contract with foreign groups because what they're doing is criminal and they've got to keep this covered up.
I mean, you can't get much worse than foreign military connected groups spying on citizens and then they look at you like you got three heads because you're demanding to find out the full extent.
How do we find out exactly how bad this really was?
That's exactly right.
I think that the individuals involved in this and some of the things that you just listed, whether it's Ed Rendell and Obama's disdain and total disrespect for the constitutional rights of law-abiding American citizens to
They're authoritarian tyrants.
The socialist, leftist policies of the Eastern Bloc nations that when I was in the military, we were prepared to go to war against when it went during the Cold War.
You know, the Warsaw Pact nations, I mean, that type of tyrannical governance is what these types of people, Edrund Dell, I mean, his wife, you know, I wrote an article on his wife, you know, being interviewed, she's a federal judge, talking about
Having a benevolent dictator would be a good thing because then we could get some of these health care issues and gun control issues.
Oh, we've heard this from hundreds of Obama supporters.
I mean, Woody Allen.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
They're just constantly saying we need a dictator.
Well, that's where they come from, and that's why they're not slow to embrace hiring somebody like this Israeli-connected company that was working with our State Department here to surveil and issue these types of reports to spy on American citizens, law-abiding citizens.
I think, you know, our activities here now, as far as trying to push for
I'll tell you what, stay there, sir, a little bit longer.
We appreciate your time.
We'll give out the websites on the other side about where this investigation is going, how my listeners and others, especially in Pennsylvania, can really get a true investigation going to break open this barrel of snakes.
We'll be right back.
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We're going to move fast.
He'll be with us five minutes to the next hour.
He may have to leave early though because they're about to go back into session and voting there in Pennsylvania.
Representative Daryl Metcalf.
Sir, look there's a lot of other angles to this and one big one is defamation.
To have them secretly
Demonizing you, demonizing an elected representative, mainline Second Amendment groups, mainline anti-war groups, you know, mainline groups that don't want gas pipelines in their backyard.
Whether you agree with them or not, they've got their right.
And what about a defamation angle?
A civil operation if the legislature blocks a true investigation?
I mean, this is a big deal.
We've got to stop these foreign secret police.
I agree with you, and I know there's citizens that are looking at their various options that they can pursue to try and investigate this further, get more information, and really kind of bring the hammer down on this type of activity that has happened and will stop from happening in the future.
From the legislative side, I've talked to our staff with our Veterans Affairs Emergency Preparedness Committee and have asked for our Chief of Staff there, our Director of that committee, for his help.
We're good.
And how it happened, and to prevent any future governor or administration or rogue administration from embracing this type of activity that really reeks of tyrannical activity that people have ultimately died under in foreign countries in the past.
And we don't want to see that happen in America.
We have God-given rights that are affirmed in our Constitution, and we need to stand up for those, and that's what we're going to be doing.
Well, this is an attack on the heart of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, enlisting you guys as potential terrorists and spying on citizens.
And I noticed the flip-flopping that you mentioned.
First, the governor apologized and said, oh, this is terrible.
Now the governor's in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, along with the disgraced former head of state homeland security.
Blaming you guys, saying he stepped down because of the distraction you guys pose.
Criticizing them.
See, that might let the terrorists, which I guess is you, get them.
I think Rendell knew about this.
I think Rendell approved of it.
I think if he didn't approve of it, and if he didn't know of it, then he should have fired Powers.
I think that this was just Powers as a scapegoat for this administration's continued abuse
In disregard for the law and the Constitution, the Governor's had a track record of that for the last seven years.
We're finally going to get rid of him because of term limits in Pennsylvania at the end of this.
But this, our Governor, I think should have had an investigation launched against him like was against Blagojevich and out there in the Chicago area.
I mean, the Governor of Pennsylvania is known for his shady politics coming out of the city of Philadelphia, and this is just another extension of it.
So where do you go from here?
How do we, listeners all over the country and in Pennsylvania, put pressure on the state government or even the federal government to crack open this can of worms?
Well, we're going to be continuing to file the right-to-know request that we've been working on over the last week with our legal staff.
We're going to be sending another letter over to the head of PEMA, who gave testimony last Monday, to ask some of the same questions that we asked of the director here in the Pennsylvania State Homeland Security.
We're going to press
Whoever his replacement is to give us the information that we're looking for.
There's still questions about the bulletins that were released.
Have they, you know, where are they publicly still noticed right now?
Where are they posted to try and have that information, you know, redacted to ensure that anybody who has been put on those that shouldn't have been is taken off of those so that they're not hanging out there in cyber land without a correction.
So there's a lot of work to be done, and we're going to continue to do that here.
I encourage all of your listeners in Pennsylvania to contact their state legislators, both state senators and state representatives, and demand full accounting of what has happened here, and demand action be taken against those who have violated the rights of Pennsylvanians and other American citizens that may have been here in Pennsylvania and subject to this type of surveillance.
All right, I've got two final key questions for you.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
repmetcalf.com is the website.
We'll be right back with a second hour in 70 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, for some stations that just joined us, Representative Daryl Metcalf of Pennsylvania joins us.
He was put on a potential terrorist list along with mainline Second Amendment groups that he works with and one that he heads up.
Groups that are just, you know, mildly, you know, want to cut taxes.
Just mainline groups listed by this Israeli Mossad IDF-connected group.
The head of Homeland Security has had to resign in the state.
And here's the big issue.
Regardless of where this investigation goes, state police, feds, local police listening to us all over the country, in Chicago, in LA, in San Francisco, and
Orlando, all over the place, Austin.
They need to know that if you've got foreign private intelligence groups demonizing mainline conservatives and libertarians, or liberals for that matter, and those groups have no history of anything illegal, this is treason that you're seeing.
And I talked to the representative during the one-minute break and I said, have you had any law enforcement contacts with more data?
Because he's trying to get the full reports.
But the Homeland Security is trying to block that at the state level.
So he said he is happy to have law enforcement in the state of Pennsylvania or other law enforcement around the country.
We've been sent the MIAC report and others last year to break this wide open because it's a lot worse than even what we know.
Representative Metcalf.
You can get him there or DarylMetcalf.com.
But we've got a few minutes left before we have to go to your votes in open session there in Pennsylvania.
But, I mean, can you comment on this demonization?
I mean, this is defamation and we need to let police and others know when this is going on, you know, this is illegal.
Go ahead.
Well, we do.
When I was a soldier, it was very clear and made clear to us from our senior officers that there were such things as unlawful orders.
And if an officer or an NCO gave you an unlawful order, then you did not have to follow it.
I think that's what our law enforcement officers have to remember across the country.
Is that they're higher ups are not always operating within the confines of the law or the Constitution.
And when they go out of bounds that they need to be be aware they need to be courageous enough to step forward to ensure that this isn't going to happen.
I mean, these types of activities where you see law enforcement rogue.
We're good to go.
In Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and York and other areas where you see these rogue administrations trying to move their law enforcement in the direction of cracking down on law-abiding citizens when it's either against the law or unconstitutional.
So we need our law enforcement officers to stand strong, and we know the majority of them do and will, and we need them to be courageous in the face of this type of rogue activity that sometimes occurs by some of these higher-up individuals.
And to be clear, state homeland security and the governor, caught with their pants down, are trying to keep us from coming out in the legislature.
You are the government.
You were elected by the people.
The legislature is legitimate.
Foreign Israeli spies working with the governor, that's illegitimate.
And so you're asking law enforcement in Pennsylvania to send you whatever bulletins and stuff they've got on the Patriot groups so that you can bring that to the full legislature, correct?
That would be a great help.
If there's law enforcement officers out there that have information about what's taking place here with this Institute of Terrorism Research and Response and their connections to Homeland Security or the TEMA or the state police, any information that they could forward out of my office would be a great help as we continue the investigation.
All right, that's Representative Daryl Metcalf with the 12th District in Pennsylvania.
Our site's Infowars.com.
As this unfolds, sir, we'll check back in with you.
God bless you for your patriotism and courage.
Thank you, Alex.
Have a great day.
You too.
Okay, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Make no mistake, they've got 14 nations, according to FEMA, inside the U.S.
spying on citizens.
Israel's one of them.
And this is all treason.
It's all illegal.
And if we get up on our hind legs and get angry about this and expose all this, and open up this pustule, people can really see what's happening beneath the surface.
So, we know we have police listening in Pennsylvania.
Get the stuff to the representative.
It's treason.
You have a responsibility to get it to him.
Listen up, friends.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we've got James Dillingpole joining us in about 26 minutes from now to talk about how the youth of the world are being brainwashed that killing themselves is good.
This really shows you the anti-human eugenics agenda being pushed.
It is now out.
Paul Watson working on this report all throughout the weekend and today.
Just went up on PrisonPlanet.com just minutes ago.
October surprise, terror, hysteria recycled in election ploy.
And he's got all the admissions of government-sponsored terror where it's declassified.
He's got Governor Ridge admitting that they issued fake terror alerts before the 2004 election.
He's got the quotes by the Obama people, saying, gee, we need a terror attack so people will learn to love Barry Sotaro.
It is all in this detailed report right now up at
PrisonPlanet.com also going up at Infowars.com as we speak via Curt Nemo.
But just during the break Aaron Dykes walked in here and said he was listening to NewsRadio 590 KLBJ at about 10 a.m.
and their morning host were going yeah Alex Jones talked about how a CIA operative was the head of the Mumbai attacks and then it came out on mainstream news
And now Alex was just saying a few weeks ago that you watch, they'll claim that airports are going to be attacked and shoot them up because I could see them pre-positioning that.
They always kind of market test things.
And the hosts were going, wow, he really knows what he's talking about.
Again, that's just a local show.
That's actually it's a good show.
Sometimes they've teased me a bit.
The point is, people are really starting to come around because they can see that we lay out exactly what's going on.
We read you White House quotes and
Under Bush, and now Obama, and their strategist, saying, man, we sure need another terror attack, it sure helped us.
I mean, come on!
Come on!
People say, why would the government do something like that, or why would they let people attack us?
There's different types of attacks.
They let people attack, or they finance through terror groups, where the ground-level terrorists don't even know who they're working for.
Or sometimes, they completely stage events, or in other cases, nothing happens, and they just make up an event.
Oh my gosh!
Our aircraft carriers were attacked.
Well, actually they weren't.
Somebody said on the radio they were.
Or, oh my gosh, the North Vietnamese have attacked our destroyers, Gulf of Tonkin, 1964.
We've got to go to war!
They attacked!
Forty years later, they released the LBJ audio tapes with McNamara.
LBJ's out at his Johnson City ranch, talking to McNamara.
McNamara's bossing him around.
This is how we're going to do it.
There's going to be an event tomorrow there in the Gulf.
Vietnam, right?
That's right.
And then you're going to do a press conference.
We've got to get tough on this.
And then the day of the event, he goes, OK, you know what to do tomorrow?
Yeah, I know what to do.
It's what you told me yesterday.
We've played those tapes here before.
Yeah, we're good.
We're good to go.
In fact, I excised that out a few months ago.
I meant to play it again, but side issue.
The point is that you can see this stuff coming from a hundred miles away.
And now here's the election coming up, and they are specific.
They are going to attack airports.
And they may have some nutty, you know, religious fruitcakes who they've got ready, who really think they're fighting for Allah, but it'll always come out, in every case, their commander is CIA, MI6, or Mossad, and they're funding the lunatics to do it.
Or they'll have commandos go in and shoot some people, they'll have one Patsy with them, they'll shoot the Patsy in the back of the head, the commandos will change clothes, go out the back door, and then we have the one dead Patsy.
Or like the Mumbai attack led by the CIA, we got that at the time, the head of Indian intelligence even came out and said that, and he wasn't a Muslim, of course he died in that attack that day, but he said the day before the government's gonna launch a false flag.
In fact, there's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Terrorist fear-mongering about Mumbai-style attacks is an election ploy.
And that's September 29th, so that was actually last week we were already on to the specifics of what they were doing.
And now here we are five days later, October 4th, with the latest Paul Joseph Watson report.
October surprise!
Terror hysteria recycled an election ploy.
Now, we did search terms twice last week, and the time is short.
Who knows how long we'll be on air?
Hopefully for 20 more years, and hopefully we beat this thing, but you never know what's going to happen.
They could launch World War III, total depression, I could die in a car wreck, God forbid.
Anything could happen.
So we've been using this search term while it's still effective.
And to give you an example, last week we had a search term, Feds Radiate Americans.
And it made it in Yahoo News, AOL News, Christian Science Monitor, and over, first it was 20 plus reports, now it's over 100 reports.
I can't even count them all up.
It'll say, you know, under this headline, 27 others, 42 others, 10 others.
I mean, I can go to Google News and count them up.
It's over 100 reports.
And then the Drudge Report, two days later, linked to our article.
But above it linked to Yahoo, who literally took our headline, pulled our paragraphs, changed them just a little bit, but gave us no credit.
I don't care.
It caused, and is causing, a national debate about feds radiating Americans.
Like, what are you doing driving around with 500 trucks blasting high-powered radiation into our homes that looks right through walls?
What are you doing with naked body scanners on the streets?
What are you doing with all of this?
Then we had another search term that caused a huge debate.
So I'm going to do this at least one more time this week, but it's such a powerful tool.
I don't want to overuse it, but listeners keep telling me, no, no, use it, use it, use it.
So we're going to do it today, and I'm here looking at the headline.
It's got to be something from the headline so that then this will be the top story when everybody links to it.
But the search term, we need to get Nemo to get this up right now, because sometimes Google blocks our headlines from Prison Planet when we do this.
They're watching us in real time so it won't show up.
So it becomes the number one search term, but then they let mainstream media jump on it and write disinformation connected to it.
So we're in a little info war with these people.
But let's make the search term Terror Hysteria.
Terror Hysteria.
Two words.
Terror Hysteria.
T-E-R-R-O-R Hysteria.
Terror Hysteria.
Terror Hysteria.
That'll be search term number one.
Let's have a double combo today.
And let's go with a triple word combo for number two.
Let's go with October surprise terror.
So one search term is terror hysteria.
We want that to be number one.
Just enter it into Google over and over again into the search box.
Terror hysteria.
And then the other search term is a three-word combo, October Surprise Terror.
October Surprise Terror.
And then this can cause, if you do it, which I'm sure you will and I love you to death, we're all in this together, it's beautiful what you're doing.
Then, this will cause media to go read our article, and all these newspaper reporters who aren't really operatives, they're just compartmentalized, they'll go, yeah, this is kind of an obvious October surprise.
And then they'll read Watson's article that goes through the whole history of this, and resistance is victory.
Will this one search term beat the new old order?
But the act of always moving forward.
It will have that effect.
Resistance is victory, so Terror Hysteria is search number one.
Search number two, October Surprise Terror.
A three-word combo.
Let me read this article now here in this segment, the next, and James Dillingpole's joining us.
October Surprise Terror Hysteria recycled an election ploy.
Cynical stunt to frighten angry Americans into placing their trust back in government.
The establishment media is giving full court press to announcements from the U.S.
and European authorities that airport lobbies are being targeted for terror attacks in a recycled version of the laughable 2007 incident in which two retards, that's the word Watson uses, mentally retarded men, that was admitted, set fire to a Jeep outside Glasgow Airport, a non-event that authorities hype beyond all recognition amidst a similar wave of hysteria
That which we are now witnessing.
And it continues.
The October surprise has arrived and it's a contrived and cynical ploy to frighten Americans into putting their trust back in government by waiving their familiar boogeyman of the outside threat.
Among the possible targets in the suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas at the last
At least five major European airports, a law enforcement official, ABC News.
Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando-like attack featuring small units and small firearms model after the Mumbai attack of two years ago.
Consistent references to the Mumbai attack, transit hubs, airport lobbies and other soft targets
chatter provide a reasonably clear indication as to who is really behind the ceaseless pushing of terror fear-mongering we've been subject to over the last week.
Since it ultimately emerged that the mastermind behind the Mumbai massacre was a CIA agent, David Hadley, warnings from the same intelligence agencies about similar attacks being planned should be treated as a direct threat.
Throughout the 60s, 70s, 80s, the Central Intelligence Agency played a key role in Operation Gladio, a program of false flag terror attacks on soft targets.
In Europe, I would add, that were designed to demonize political opposition and force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security, according to testimony of Gladio Agent.
And also the former Italian president went public and said that he knew about all this.
In 2000, the Italian Senate investigated and found that the 1980 Bologna train bombing, which killed 85 people, was carried out by men inside Italian state institutions and men linked to structures of the United States intelligence.
We'll continue with this on the other side.
We won't have time to read it all before our guest joins us.
It's a key breakdown.
We need to get this article, October Surprise Terrorist Area Recycled in Election Ploy, we need to get this out to everyone.
Get the article at PrisonPlanet.com, please.
Send it to everyone you know, because the globalists may be getting ready to actually stage terror, not just hype terror for fear.
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So they're giant 18-wheeler trailers that have three ramps leading into them with naked body scanners, face scanners.
They ask you questions that then brain scan you.
Total or well.
And Jaron pointed out, well I had said this earlier in the hour, but he pointed out specifically to me during the break and made me think of this.
They've already rolled all this out, as I said earlier.
They've said they want Israeli companies to advise airports worldwide on a first line of screening before you even get into the airport.
Then you go through the next checkpoints that they already have, then they have checkpoints at the gate.
So two more layers.
They have the first layer, they want to put one in front of it and behind it.
And I talked about you watch they're gonna set up checkpoints.
I said this last hour out front and you watch just like with the naked body scanners being rolled out.
They already ordered them in the days after the underwear bomber on Christmas.
Now you watch they have the specific airports and specifically that it's going to be in the area where you walk in to get your tickets.
So now they can have the mobile trucks out front the airport and heard you through it and watch in the next few weeks or even sooner they go ahead and stage something.
They're going to say oh my gosh we need the mobile trucks.
We need them out there.
Jaron pointed that out and he's absolutely right.
Airport lobbies possible terror targets and European plot officials say ABC News among the possible targets in the
Suspected European terror plot are pre-security areas at at least five major European airports, a law enforcement official told ABC News.
I mean, how do they know that?
Authorities believe terror teams are preparing to mount a commando-like attack featuring small units and small firearms modeled after the Mumbai attack two years ago, which was in shopping malls.
And you can pull up, FBI wants checkpoints.
At shopping malls.
In fact, search that.
You'll find it.
And they're going to have these big mobile trucks and you're herded through it to go to sporting events, malls.
It said they look for, they ask you questions about bombs and recording devices.
Oh, are you bringing a recording device?
Well, yeah, my iPhone records.
Oh, you're bringing that into the classical symphony or into the Megadeth symphony or into the George Strait concert?
Training everyone that life in the airport is life outside the airport.
So this is clearly another big rollout for the systems they've already been ordering.
So very interesting point on that front.
And again, the article by Paul Joseph Watson goes through the whole history of admitted government-sponsored terror.
Do you realize how important this is?
So the search terms are Terror Hysteria, that's one search term.
Those two words you enter into Google over and over again and Yahoo.
And October Surprise Terror, three words, is the second search.
And it continues.
These are quotes from the Italian Parliamentary hearing with the former head of Italian intelligence and the president.
Saying, forcing the public to
Turn to the state to ask for greater security.
What did Robert Shapiro say?
To teach us to love Obama.
We need terror.
To love them.
Oh, you keep me safe.
Oh, the men in black uniforms.
Oh, the checkpoints.
Oh, the blood-taking checkpoints.
Oh, the naked body scanners.
Please radiate me.
Keep me safe.
Oh, please put carbon taxes on me.
Or the water will rise and kill me.
It's always the same thing.
Oh, we'll have to be killed if we don't accept the carbon taxes.
That's their new message.
That's coming up.
And it continues, in an attempt to quote, force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security, that's a quote, the establishment hopes to derail the momentum of the Tea Party candidates like Rand Paul, Sharon Engel, whose entire campaigns are built on the premise of turning away from the state and giving power back to the individual.
Manipulating voters by threatening terror worked for Republicans in 2004, the Democrats might have to go a step further if they hope to use it as a deciding factor in 2010.
And again, remember what Ridge admitted, MSNBC.
He was told to issue fake tariff alerts ahead of the election.
This is admitted!
The threat of airport lobbies being targeted is another giveaway.
The last time this occurred was the summer of 07 when two amateur mental deficients described as crazy clown jihads by bomb experts set fire to some petrol outside Glasgow Airport in a pathetic attempt to stage a terror attack.
And it goes through all the rest of it.
We're going to shift gears into the other stage terror.
The sky is falling!
Chicken Little!
Let Al Gore have all your money!
Federal people inspect your homes.
Kids tattle on your parents for carbon crimes.
Or the ocean's gonna rise.
We're all gonna die.
It's global warming.
I mean climate change.
I mean global cooling.
I mean... We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and James Dillingpole, best-selling author, writes for The Telegraph and many other global publications, is our guest.
I just played for you the 2007 Berlin Film Festival winner of short films.
It's called Humans.
By three legs, and it shows humans not just a scourge on the planet Earth, the people that brought you Beethoven, the folks that brought you mathematics, the mind of Max Planck envisioning atomic theory, and I mean, that's humans.
We are a scourge, and it shows us unfortunately spreading to space and destroying the universe at the end.
I mean, this is incredible.
And I was just thinking this morning about how many video clips.
I mean, I have ABC News Australia, the headline, teaching kids when to die.
And it says, if you don't kill yourself by 11 or 14 in the calculations, even if you try to have a good carbon footprint, you must die at 14.
Little animals die.
And it shows little puppies having their heads chopped up.
Guys, pull up the ABC story.
ABC tells kids when to die, and then we have the Prison Planet article that actually has screenshots, because they pulled it, of the heads being cut off of small animals.
So the message is, small animals are dying.
And I talk to parents who still have their children in private school and government brainwashing camps.
That's why I homeschool my children.
And their young daughters and sons will start crying when they see a construction site or bulldozers, and they say, I need to die.
I mean, I've had people at pool parties, you know, tell me this.
Their children cry.
It's, you know, seven-year-olds.
It's time for me to die.
I'm evil.
And then we have, of course, this 1010 project funded through the Climate Exchange and Al Gore, The Guardian, local governments in England funding it, saying it's your choice, and the kids say, I don't want to make carbon cuts, and so they murder them.
They blow them up with guts and blood, and then those that submit to the tyranny, they have blood all over them and are horrified.
Then they kill footballers, and blow up coaches, and blow up talk show hosts, and they have a corporate scene where the corporate boss is standing above all his employees with an arrogant, effeminate,
uh... you know behavior these people always have for some reason and and says oh lovely you're not going to do it could i get to kill you and kills them so then i have this article an alternative to the new wave of eco fascism the guardian says why these calls for total tyranny and nazi ism
are are are are bad we just need a soft loving tyranny.
So there's a total shift to them saying look you won't go along with this we're gonna kill you.
Dillingpole, an expert on this, joins us and we're gonna later play a short clip of Pachari saying hey we're gonna scare the kids and they've admitted we don't have the adults, Al Gore says this, we're going right for your children.
So are you going to let them indoctrinate your children with an anti-human hate of themselves and how to commit suicide?
These people are totally criminal.
I mean, they're trying to arrest members of Parliament in Europe who criticize Muslims mildly for hate crime.
Is this not a hate crime?
Teaching kids to commit suicide, James Dillingpole?
Well, you know, Alex, I think this is a very significant story.
I think it's as significant in its way as last year's Climategate.
And this story they're calling Splattergate.
What's interesting about Splattergate is that it gives us an insight into the eco-fascist mind caught out in an unguarded moment.
What's interesting is before this video went out, you know, it was being promoted by the Guardian newspaper, which as you know is part of the enviro-fascist conspiracy, and the filmmakers were discussing this film, you know, and the various Greens involved with it were talking about it, and they were all going, oh, isn't this funny?
It's a bit naughty, but it'll get our message across alright.
And what they had
They had no idea whatsoever that what they were doing was offensive, evil, wrong on so many levels.
As far as they were concerned, it was perfectly reasonable to show people who don't believe in man-made global warming, children in a classroom who won't play the eco game, being executed.
Because this, unfortunately, is how the enviro-fascists
Really see the world, you know scratch the surface and what you find is a belief in pretty much the same things that the Nazis believed You know in population control in nature being more important than the human species and
Well, in the French Revolution, as you're showing your historical knowledge, they wanted to depopulate by 80% and change the work week to nine days, one day off.
They want to play God, and they have this romantic idea of killing everybody.
Really, it's just a psychopathic cult of mass murderers who have packaged an excuse to be control freak murderers.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I think it's really special for those of us who've been following this debate for some time, who've been trying to say, look, these are not nice, cuddly, bunny-hugging people.
They don't just care about nature, they also hate the human race.
We're good to go.
It is a concerted campaign to ration what they call scarce resources, all in the name of an ecological problem which they invented themselves.
It doesn't exist.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that dangerous man-made climate change is happening.
There is no evidence at all.
So they have to have this
They haven't got the facts on their side, so what do they do?
They conduct propaganda campaigns like this hideous advert.
And it's not the first.
Do you remember the one earlier this year, or maybe end of last year, where they had all these polar bears falling out of the skies, you know, dying, smashing into the streets?
And it shows then humans being killed by the climate change, and they had that other one where the kid says, no more Mr. Nice Guy by Greenpeace.
We're coming for you.
Yeah, exactly.
There was the one with that horrible kid in the hood saying, yes, you have not obeyed the ways of greenness, you have not cared for nature, now we will come to destroy you.
And there was another Greenpeace ad, again, a couple of years ago, which shows a guy coming to the office and everyone is kind of making fun of, you know, you're a prick, so I'm really being horrible to him.
And guess what the terrible crime this guy is committed in?
He's come to work in a 4x4.
These people
People hate any form of consumption.
They hate any form of personal freedom.
They hate any form they don't control.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's what it's all about.
I mean, when they're flying around in their jets and living in, you know, 20,000 square foot houses and owning their private trains like Prince Charles, that's okay.
But they're telling old lady pensioners, as you know, in England,
We're going to cut your gas off and you can't have a hot bath, okay?
But we're going to use welfare money to pay for the Queen.
Well, you read that story.
That was quite funny, wasn't it?
That Prince Charles, the Queen's son, is going around saying to everybody, going around in his biofuel-powered royal train, saying everyone must cut their carbon emissions, you know, we must impose more green taxes on fossil fuels.
And there's his dear old mother, the Queen, applying to the government for emergency old folks' desperation aid because her electricity and gas bills have increased by
Now James, let's go back briefly here with you today to just a few months ago where they did a major university study in Canada and found they were six times more likely to steal, to be criminal, to hate their fellow man.
This environmentalist guild, and I've met a lot of them, they really just hate everybody
And they see this as a vehicle to boss everybody around and nanny and nanny over everyone.
And then you read all these top professors in the US, England, Europe, this new one out in the news being praised for saying, exterminate people, I'm a Nazi.
I mean, they're really a pack of lunatics.
But I mean, that study showed this is a pack of criminals.
Yes, but they mean well, Alex.
They do it because they care.
They want to kill us because they care too much.
You know, the thing is, if you asked these people, if you met them at a party, or whatever, not that you would want to, but suppose you did, and you started talking to them, they would be perfectly gentle and pleasant people.
They don't think of themselves as evil at all.
And this is, of course, the problem.
There was nothing more dangerous than somebody who is doing terrible things because it's for the good of the world.
It's because, you know, they believe that they have rightness and justice.
Well, that's what Hitler said!
He was saving us and he was a big environmentalist!
Yeah, he was.
He was absolutely.
Well, maybe you're bad, James, and maybe I'm bad, because we don't think Hitler was good.
Maybe we should have the red button pushed on us to show us.
Oh, undoubtedly.
I'm sure we already are on the first on their target list.
I don't think you need to be worried about that.
I think that's what's significant about this terrible video.
It shows them in an unguarded moment.
It shows how they think underneath the mask of kindness and ecological righteousness.
This is what they really believe.
You look at any of the key texts of the Green Movement, you know, Paul Ehrlich,
Population bomb.
Silent Spring.
Ted Turner.
Jacques Cousteau.
Prince Philip.
Just get rid of 80% of us.
Yeah, exactly.
They all have this kind of fantasy that the world is overrun with this kind of, you know, this pollulating mass of hideous maggot-like human beings, and that Mother Gaia would be much better sloughing us all off.
And, you know, if we don't kill ourselves through disease, then maybe a few red buttons here and there wouldn't go amiss.
Ha ha, really just joking, don't you worry.
But James, it's funny you say that they think of us as worms.
I played the Berlin Film Festival winning video where we're seen as parasite worms.
And there's a new game kids are being taught called Super Mega Worm.
You're the worm.
Mother Earth is on the brink of extinction because of humans.
You are the Great Death Worm and you eat humans.
I've got kids.
I've got kids at one of the private schools and one at a state school.
And it doesn't matter what kind of school your kids are at, unless you do homeschooling, as you say, they are going to get exposed on a daily basis to this eco-propaganda.
I had a look at this expensive private school at the weekend, where it costs something like $15,000, about $25,000 a year to send your child there.
And, you know, I went into the science labs, and there on the wall was this big poster provided by something called the Wellcome Foundation, you know, sort of one of the British medical foundations, and it told them that man-made climate change was one of the greatest threats to the human species, and, you know, it was talking about decarbonisation and stuff.
It presented all this science fiction as science fact.
Our children are being taught this every single day of their lives.
James, while you've been speaking, they're coming in with new stuff.
There's this super mega death worm.
It goes around killing police, killing children, shooting fire out of its mouth, destroying buildings and cars.
It goes into space and kills our astronauts.
It attacks our military aircraft.
I mean, these people, it's everything.
I mean, it's incredible.
Tell me about this death worm.
What is it?
Well, I mean, they just came in and showed it to me.
My sister works up here and she was telling me about it earlier.
But it's a iTunes, iPhone Touch.
It's called Super Megaworm.
We'll get it up on Infowars.com.
We're playing their trailer.
And interestingly enough, it only kills humans.
There's space aliens in the game, but they're good.
I guess because they want us dead too.
Well, we just are.
I mean, what we want to leave, the idea would be to leave this planet so that only the amoeba and other caring, nurturing creatures can live here in harmony and peace, you know, doing their amoeba thing, maybe with the polar bears stalking the Earth.
Now, James, I know I'm jumping in here because there's so much going on.
It seems now that they've been exposed with ClimateGate and then just a crescendo of other scandals, that they're going crazy and coming out in the open.
In fact, they're in the news, as I mentioned earlier, all over saying eco-fascism is good, we are tyrants, and we're coming for you.
I mean, they're really letting us know who they are.
Alex, we're in about 1944-1945 here.
When the bad guys get close to defeat, they get much, much nastier.
This is the time when they start bumping off the prisoners, it's when they start playing really, really dirty, as opposed to just quite dirty.
All this is a sign of desperation.
They failed at Copenhagen.
We've got the Cancun extravaganza coming up when, precisely, Zilch is going to happen, because if America won't play the cap-and-trade game, if America isn't going to impose some kind of
We're good to go.
If you can't regulate carbon, you're not going to be able to tax carbon.
If you're not going to be able to tax carbon, you're not going to be able to control business in the way that the Greenies want, which is why what you see happening already is that they've started to talk about new threats.
They're talking about biodiversity.
You're going to hear a lot of this as the fire goes out of the man-made global warming craze.
They're going to move on to other things.
Species loss, that's going to be the new thing.
Now, James, we've only got the next segment with you.
I know you're busy, but maybe we can hold you over because I want to talk about a host of issues with you and also play some of these clips.
But when we come back, you posted on the Telegraph, the newspaper, a little boil-down where somebody took the four-minute video of them murdering schoolchildren because they won't pay their carbon taxes, and they boiled it down to one minute.
Uh, where she actually kills all the children, uh, and, uh, you pointed out that, hey, this is a lot better, because they're being honest here.
Yeah, well, exactly.
I think, I'm sure this was the version they'd have liked to put out, uh, but, but, but were too tasteful and sensitive to do.
Well, when we come back, we're going to get into that, and I'll also interrupt, but I want you to get back into the schooling, because this is the big issue.
We pay for the schooling.
And we just turn our children over to literally be taught to hate themselves, and that committing suicide is good.
I mean, in Australia they teach them to kill themselves.
You cannot make this up.
And it's ABC, you know, the big Australian broadcasting system.
I mean, this is not some backwater, you know, nutty group.
This latest video is funded by Al Gore and The Guardian and everybody else.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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James Dillingpole is going to be with us for 20 minutes into the next hour and I want to open the phones up when he's on with us in the next hour and then after that when he leaves we'll continue with calls.
Specifically on this subject of all of this literature and the schools and everywhere that humans are parasites and have to be killed, the globalists are...
These New World Order supporters are just coming out with their full religion to everybody now.
James Dillingpole is an English columnist and novelist.
He's published several novels and two political books.
How to Be Right, The Essential Guide to Making Lefty Liberals History, and Welcome to Obama Land, I've Seen the Future and It Doesn't Work.
He's got a new book coming out soon.
He writes for The Times, The Daily Telegraph, and is a television critic for The Spectator.
And we appreciate him coming on.
He also has the website jamesdillingpole.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Don't forget we're ending this special...
At the end of this week, four copies of my preeminent work, the seminal work, on the globalists and their population reduction plan.
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James, this is a short segment, so I want to get these video clips out of the way and then get your take on them after the break.
But first, here is Pachari, the disgraced head of the UN Climate
Uh, panel.
Here he is on Al Jazeera admitting they want to go after our kids with their fear-mongering.
Here it is.
It's interesting because you're using the media now, obviously, and making the most of the media.
What do you see as, you know, the tools, the next tools that you could utilize to try to create change?
I think we have to sensitize the young and tell them how their future is going to be affected.
If we don't take action today.
And I think children are by and large very sensitive.
And they understand.
They know what's at stake.
And I think if we can get them to understand the seriousness of the problem, they will probably shame adults into taking the right steps.
You feel like a drive change?
I think they could drive change.
Alright, that's just like the youth brigades in China drove the change.
Listen to him carefully, I want to get James' take on this.
He's saying they're very sensitive, i.e.
we can scare the daylights out of these 5, 6, 7, 8 year olds.
And the UN affiliated groups funding videos of the simulated murder of what look to be about 10 year olds in this video if they don't submit.
I mean we're letting this Osama Bin Laden look-alike sit there and menace and scare our children, James.
You look at any totalitarian regime, what is the first thing it does?
You had the communists setting up the young pioneers, you had Nazi Germany setting up the Hitler Youth.
One of the first things they do is try to take children away from the influence of their parents and school them in what they believe is the way of righteousness.
They indoctrinate them.
Of course this is why people like Pichauri want to get the kids on board, because they want to get kids
Uh, who are incapable of reasoning their way out of this situation.
They want to brainwash them while they're... You know that famous Jesuit saying, give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man?
This is brainwashing.
Nothing else.
And it is very sinister.
But let's not forget that this has always been part of the grand plan, you know, it's what the Club of Rome wanted, it is what the various United Nations documents have advocated, you know, that in order to win this war we must first capture the minds of the young, we must take over the schools, we must take over the universities, and that way eco-tyranny lies.
And we can just hand them over to them.
We're going to come back after this 70 second break and instead of playing the whole four minute clip, James is linked to one on his London Telegraph page with what their real message is.
Somebody's taken it and re-edited it where the teacher kills everyone.
You know, not just the kids that don't submit to the tyranny.
We'll be right back.
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The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Go green or we will kill your kids, says Richard Curtis, eco-propaganda shocker.
That's the London Telegraph headline with James Dillingpole.
James, I noticed that they pulled this video very, very quickly, but since then it's been copied all over the internet.
We have copies that we've been playing here.
It seems this has backfired on them and they have a little apology up on their 1010 website.
Yeah, one of the more amusing explanations I've heard for this disaster was that, oh, it was all deliberate, it was all a calculated campaign to, you know, generate shock and win themselves over new fans.
Well, I reckon that theory might be more plausible if they hadn't just cancelled the showing in all the... it was booked to show in all the movie theatres!
I don't know.
This is a fantastic document.
For those of us who believe that the eco-fascist movement is a real danger, this is the evidence that we need it.
Before that, they've been quite kind to us.
Well, they say they're a danger.
They say they want world population reduction.
And this is public domain, that it had so much taxpayer money in it, as you've reported, from the local town councils.
And this was to be put out as a public service announcement.
They have no right to pull it now.
We have a right to show it.
I agree.
But you know, you say that they say this stuff, they do.
I mean, if anyone bothered to read any of the key texts of the Green Movement, they are quite explicit about what they want to do with world population.
But in much the same way, you know, when Hitler in Mein Kampf made it absolutely clear what he wanted, that he wanted to destroy the Slavic intervention, he wanted to wipe out the Jews, you know, he made no bones about this.
But people didn't listen because people wanted to believe that the guy was a bit of a joke and soon reason would prevail.
In the same way with the modern green movement, people want to believe that they are good.
People project their ideas.
And the left, like Hitler, they thought he was sexy and cool and could get things done.
Well, of course they did, and of course, you know, fascism was part of a global trend.
You know, even America had its own form of fascism under FDR.
So, you know, Italy had Mussolini.
These were all movements, essentially, of the left, and they were all about control.
They were all sort of about
And of course they'll have to surveil it and tax it to make sure we're doing what they say.
Yeah, exactly.
And so, as you said, really the scariest thing of all this is what is going on in our children's classrooms.
They are all getting taught this rubbish.
They are all getting indoctrinated.
And so, again, that video was quite revealing.
It showed kids being taught by the teacher a particular view of the world, and those children who dissent, what happens to them?
Well, they die.
And there's literally hundreds of free video games online and games taught in school where you kill the humans, you kill the carbon blobs.
I mean, I see new ones every day like this, what's it called, Super Megaworm on iTunes for free, where you run around killing people.
I mean, it's teaching kids, desensitizing them to literally be psychopathic killers.
There's, I mean, the army...
Fifty years ago came out with paper pop-up targets, because they found a lot of troops up close wouldn't kill a fellow human.
But they learned by desensitizing shooting paper targets, they got up to almost 90%.
The video game Doom, the Pentagon financed for up-close killing, and it's almost 99% now.
One more segment, 15-minute segment with James Dillingpole.
We'll take a few of your calls.
I want to come back and play just a clip.
Of the children being murdered, bloodily, like out of a slasher movie, by the loving teacher.
She lovingly does it, and everybody goes about their business.
This is what has to be done for Earth.
We must kill people.
It's loving, it's good, it's liberal.
We'll be right back with James Dillingpole.
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Right kids, just before you go, I just need to press this little button here.
This is the opiate of control freaks.
Blood everywhere, climate change, the final solution.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, if that isn't really showing you the fact that we are waging war on corruption, that is corruption.
James Dillingpole, I want to go to some phone calls, but a lot of other key points you've been making about these people, as they get more and more routed and more and more delirious and angry,
What are you expecting to do?
More people shooting their newborn baby than shooting themselves?
More people taking over Discovery Channel?
And the SWAT team having to take them out before they can kill?
I mean, just more of their armies going out and seeing video like this and trying to kill people?
Yeah, well, put it this way, the Unabomber isn't going to be the last AK terrorist, is he?
I mean, it's going to get, of course it's going to get worse and worse, because these people believe they have justice on their side.
They have Mother Gaia on their side, for goodness sake, so how can they be doing any wrong?
They're doing it for the planet, Alex.
They care.
And while you're talking, I'm going to show folks one more time the intro.
In fact, we can pump the audio up if you want.
To the Super Megaworm.
And it's showing the planet Earth being killed by humans.
And it shows the Earth going from green to brown and then black.
Until the Megaworm arrives to remove the scourge of the humans.
Mother Earth is dying, it says.
I'm reading the text.
Her last defense has been unleashed.
The Super Megaworm.
The Great Death Worm.
Killing police, killing children, children running, being eaten, people running, being eaten, smashing cars, attacking army tanks.
When the children fly in the air, it fires fire from its mouth to burn them.
There's extra points for killing children.
I mean, there's really an obsession with killing people here, James.
What do these people think is going to happen when all the humans are gone?
Who's going to be here to observe it, you know, all the teeming wildlife that's going to emerge in the human-free planet?
Who's going to be there, given that animals don't have any consciousness?
These animals aren't going to be writing Shakespeare, are they?
Or sort of building the Taj Mahal or anything like that.
They're just going to be killing each other.
Fighting for space and killing each other.
It's incredible.
Let's go to some phone calls and quick questions or comments, folks, because I want to get to everybody.
I want to get the phone number.
The lines are loaded.
Pastor in Ohio, you're on the air while you're still alive before the great death worm comes and gets you.
Go ahead.
I'm just happy to be alive after everything I've been spreading around.
I've called you before about the, uh, pass response table.
Now I've got something else for you.
It's called Snapscout.
Keep America safe.
It's using kids to take pictures with their cameras and stuff to send it in.
Okay, I'm going to do this.
I'm going to put you on hold because this guy gave us the secret Homeland Security documents five years ago that later came out on mainstream news where they're secretly recruiting 50,000 preachers to spy on their flocks.
I'm going to come back to you after the break when Mr. Dillingpole leaves as pastor.
I want to hear about, what did he say, SNAP?
Bring him back up for a second in case he drops.
What's the name of it?
SNAP scouts?
Yes, Snap Scouts.
You can just type that in and bring it up and hit the first one on the... Oh, that reminds me.
What was that thing that came out where you eco-tattle and take snapshots and then report it, but post it on a website like Buildings With Their Lights On?
James, what was the name of that?
Oh, I didn't know about that one.
I know about the, you know, in our trash cans, we now have these spying devices to monitor about how much trash we dispose of.
And now that's being exported here.
Thank you, Pastor.
We're going to come back to you after James leaves.
This is questions for our guests on this issue.
Tony in Jersey, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Just want to thank you for all you've been doing, all your hard work.
Keep it up.
Just wanted to make a couple points, and we've got all the evidence we need to show people.
So I really think that the main objective here is raising awareness.
And I was wondering what you think about doing something like a creed amongst a lot of the maybe like celebrities and stuff.
I know you like to keep it more about the people.
But, um, you know, by doing a creed amongst celebrities and having something they could all agree on and maybe, you know, sign off on... Well, sure.
I mean, I'm anti-death.
I'm anti-Dark Age.
I mean, what does the back of my film, Endgame, say?
It says, they want you dead.
I mean, I'm not making this up.
They want us dead.
People need to see this film, but that's a good idea.
What would we call ourselves if we're for progress, we're for a clean environment, but we don't want to kill children?
Well, you know, I think the only way we can punish these people is to punish them, use the market to punish them.
I don't believe in asking big government to ban things, because I don't think big government needs to be encouraged in any way whatsoever to exert more control over our lives.
But I do very much believe that, for example, you know, when Radiohead lend their music to this kind of crap, that they should be punished for it.
People should stop buying Radiohead records.
People should stop going to see Richard Curtis movies, you know, given that he's producing this poisonous eco-fascist propaganda.
They should be punished in their wallets.
And go to your local schools.
Don't let them.
This has all been discredited.
You know, I saw the Attorney General of Texas file suit on the government and try to block the carbon taxes.
And he came out and said, this is a complete fraud.
This is all based on a fraud.
So we've got to get on the offensive against these people.
Good points.
Anything else, Tony?
Uh, yeah.
Well, we were going to bring that up.
You guys got Mews coming to Austin this weekend and I was hoping maybe you guys could try and get them in studio.
Going to Tommy York, I really think he's kind of a good guy and Matt Bellamy from Mews, I know they're quite good friends so that could be something you could work on.
I want to be clear about Mews.
One time, we discovered Mr. Bellamy was here.
I got him on.
He's anti-New World Order.
He's a fan of the show.
The only three links on his website are to Prison Planet, InfoWars, and Propaganda Matrix, all our group of sites.
I got his number, but it was a U.S.
I didn't think to get the other one, and his management will not let him come on this show to Mr. Bellamy.
Hey, bro, get in contact with InfoWars.
We want to have you on.
I know you wanted to hook up sometime, but your management, for some reason, will not let us get through your blockade.
I appreciate your call, Tony.
Let's talk to Joseph in California.
Joseph, you're on the air with Mr. Dillingpole from The Telegraph.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, thanks for having me on.
Hey, I just want to let you know I heard today that the LA Unified School District is requiring all their students to give their fingerprints
To get their school lunches.
You know, I think it's just all part of the whole thing, just a control grid.
Kind of get these kids all acclimated to being controlled and being manipulated by the government.
Second of all, thank you for being a patriot, and thank you for waking people up.
You've helped me to wake up so many of my friends through all your information and your websites.
And you are a true patriot, my friend.
Well, thank you, sir.
Look, I have no future if we don't beat these people, and neither do you or anybody.
Thank you, Joseph.
We found the name of it.
It's EcoSnoop.
I think...
We should all make it our business, Alex.
I think we should all try, here and now, to get ourselves snooped on EcoSnoop.
I think we should wear it as a badge of honor.
If our neighbor catches us with our lights on, burning through the night, that should be a badge of honor.
In fact, I want to be on the top of the EcoSnoop list.
No, I do.
I do.
I mean, we're supposed to, I guess, freeze in the dark or something.
A couple more quick calls with James Dillingpole.
JamesDillingpole.com, of course, is the website.
When's the new book coming out?
Because I want to get you on when that comes out.
You so do, Alex.
Your listeners are going to totally love it.
It is called Watermelons, and it is about the eco-fascist conspiracy, about how it all started, what they believe, stuff like that.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm going to bring it out reasonably soon.
Maybe before Christmas, I hope.
Let's go ahead now and go quickly.
Frank in New York, you're on the air with James Dillingpole.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex.
Good afternoon, James.
Congratulations on your work, both of you.
What I wanted to say is this.
I find it comical that the Prince of Wales can point his finger at people for taking a bath in cold climates, yet he has over 26 estates and lives a lavish lifestyle that's that of a wastrel.
And I think right now, since the issues are before the world elite regarding eugenics, I think right now it's time for the masses to start to demand that those such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers,
The Windsors, all of those individuals that are behind this and that really have taken the world by storm.
Well he'll have a few stunts where he holograms into Austin from one of his estates to save fuel, but then he's still traveling.
He does a few stunts.
He does that.
And don't forget, he's got a massive entourage.
You know, he's got his posse, his royal posse, who will go with him.
You know, he's very much part of the problem, I think, Rob.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm going to come back to Tony and then Frank, because Frank hasn't had enough time, and then Dave and John.
We're going to let James Dillingpole go, but as soon as Watermelons comes out, we want to get you on the broadcast.
But do you agree with me that we're really starting to turn the tide against him?
We're turning the tide on this particular one, but believe me, they are going to find different ways, you know, be it biodiversity or ocean acidification.
They will never stop on their quest to increase their control, increase their taxation, increase, you know, regulation, because this is essentially what they're about.
They hate freedom.
They really do.
They're authoritarians masquerading in a green jumpsuit.
God bless you, Mr. Dillingpole.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Your call is straight ahead.
Tons of news.
Stay with us.
Transmission continues.
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By the way, I just got word we're going to have a special guest at the very start of the broadcast tomorrow with a lot of breaking info.
I'm just going to leave it at that until tomorrow.
But you'll want to join us 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time tomorrow.
It's going to be extremely, extremely informative information.
Now to have continuity, I want to go back to Frank, because we were just talking to him.
Then we're going to go to Pastor, who we really pay attention to when he contacts us.
He's always got key intel.
And do we find that Snapscout thing?
The new Tattletale program?
Because last time it was a secret program he brought to us.
But finishing up with Frank, sorry you got cut off by the break, Frank.
You're saying the eugenics is out in the open, and you've got all these people worth trillions of dollars combined, who have these lavish lifestyles, telling old ladies they can't take a hot bath.
Go ahead.
And also, Alex, I look at the situation like this.
Since these are the people that want eugenics and supported it, I think they should be the first ones that should really go into the plan, and they should realize that most of their lives have been waste strolls.
I mean, they've been waste strolls.
They've squandered tremendous wealth.
They've caused many social problems.
And I'm going to say this, that the DuPonts, the Rothschilds, the Nobels, the Rockefellers, Al Gore's Ants Company, a major shareholder in Occidental Petroleum, Hooker Chemical, these people have raped the environment for generations.
They've profited by it.
Well, I've got a better idea.
Let's credit them with that obvious hypocrisy, but then let's have courts of law for all the crimes they've committed and their open conspiracy for a tyrannical world government.
Let's bring them to justice and then take their wealth and pay off the debts they've created and put on our backs.
How about we do that through the court of law?
And it would be very easy for the IRS to look at the trusts that were set up prior to the income tax in the Federal Reserve.
Which made them exempt from it.
They got all that?
What the IRS could do is look at it and say, oh, all the taxes, you'll win penalties.
Therefore, that wealth immediately would be wiped out, just with the interest, with the penalties.
And I think that's the lesson that should really be brought.
It's too bad that, and I'm wondering too, with this plan, does the super elite, most of their children aren't that bright, and the point is this, the people that make new wealth are often people of the working and the poor and the middle class.
that work and that have a different work ethic.
And I'm wondering, who do the elite think is going to do the cooking?
No, no, all their publications say they're going to have a tiny 500 million population that is biologically designed.
That's a Pentagon official report.
In fact, where's that big binder?
Here it is.
This report put out two years ago that Beck's finally covering.
National Intelligence Council, Global Trends 2025, a transformed world.
They say we'll be suboid, brainwashed, drug creatures that serve them for national security.
You cannot make this stuff up.
It's online, folks, on the Pentagon.
And so there'll be 500 million of us.
The rest will be robots, drones, drone aircraft.
Just a tiny world of their servants.
And then they also talk about, once they phase out of that, they're seriously discussing only bringing it down to a few thousand people.
Yeah, and I think that's utterly ridiculous, and what I think should be done is that those such as Prince Philip, that at the 1994 World Wildlife Banquet said that he wants to be reincarnated as the Ebola virus so he can destroy two billion people.
Well, if that isn't an arrogant
Uh, non-human kind of philosophy.
I mean, it goes to show what happens when people are living way beyond their means, and by their means, they're not producing anything.
Well, they're parasites, so they have disgust for the host, but if you study a leech, it doesn't matter if it's Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mesoamerica, any...
Powerful elite, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20 generations down, become complete inbred psychopathic lunatics that just start killing everybody because that's their only enjoyment.
And a lot of times, people like Nero and others commit suicide.
In fact, the philosophers, I have some of these quotes in Endgame.
Of the globalists, some of the top transhumanist philosophers say, I will destroy the earth for my go-on willing.
I will kill myself.
I will kill others.
They get into just this infantile... I mean, it's not enough to be into gross sexual stuff.
It's not enough to have wars and kill masses of people.
Lennon wrote poetry about blowing the earth up, blowing the sun up.
It's on record that he would have a little rowboat take him over to an island where all these rabbits had bred, and he would just for hours run around with a shotgun shooting them and biting them.
There's a Clint Eastwood movie, I forget the name of it, it's where they're looking for bank robbery money that's hidden in a church.
But there's a scene where they ask some guy on the side of the road for help and he pulls up and pops the back of the truck open or the car and lets out all these white rabbits and is running around shotgunning them.
That's based on Lennon.
Lennon would just, just for hours, just murdering white rabbits.
I mean, these people are completely nuts.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back with Pastor Dave, John, Jonathan, and many, many others, and a bunch of other news we haven't gotten to.
We also have two news, key search terms today, that are key to get out to everyone.
We'll tell you those on the other side.
Stay with us.
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The empire's on the run.
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Well, I want to thank Pastor, who always gives us good intel, secret intel.
This is public intel on the snapscouts.org.
And we're reprinting the New York Times.
Oh, they already got it.
The guys and the girls are so good.
I mean, they just get stuff so fast now.
I've never had a team this good.
You guys and gals are awesome.
Scouts trained to fight terrorists and more, take on disgruntled veterans, hunt them down and kill them.
New York Times, they say it's great.
Remember that from May 14, 2009?
And I had all these scout people calling up going, that's preposterous, that's not going on.
And later, actually they are training us now.
See it, snap it, send it to Homeland Security and get badges and goodies.
And in my film, Road to Tyranny,
I had the local TV ad where it says, you get $200 for turning in mommy and daddy, what are they smoking?
I mean, this is East Germany.
And they've got some buck-toothed little kid on the cover, you know, happily, lovingly, oh, he's just a friendly little kid.
This is the Hitler Youth.
We're going to pastor in a minute to talk about this and read over it.
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No, because I've had Levi's when I climb up in a truck or I'm lifting something up in the back of a truck and the Levi's split.
And I'm like, Levi's didn't used to do this when they were made in America.
Or maybe it's because I'm a lot more fat or something.
I don't know.
All right.
This is out of control.
I apologize.
One last sponsor.
I just get really excited at the success we're having against the enemy, and big guest we have tomorrow at the start of the show.
Continuing here with the news...
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Okay, enough singing, enough country music singing here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go, this is really horrific information, and we'll put it up on screen when we talk to Dave, no, excuse me, Pastor first.
Pastor, yes, we see it.
See it, snap it, send it.
Hi, I'm George, I'm a snapshot, wanna play?
It's a game for kids!
And just like they talk about the gulag,
The Casino Gulag, Max Keiser does.
This is the Casino Gulag, where you get paid and get little goodies and prizes, reporting to Homeland Security.
Hey kids, this is right out of East Germany, want to earn tons of cool badges and prizes while competing with your friends to see who can be the best American?
Because Americans spy on your neighbors!
Yeah, spy on local gun groups and state representatives and people that want to cut taxes.
If somebody doesn't like the North American Union, we've got Israeli spies to work with you, kids!
It's fun!
I'm sorry.
Download the Snapshot app for your Android or iPhone app coming soon and get started patrolling your neighborhood!
Oh boy!
It's up to you to keep America safe!
If you can see something suspicious, snap it!
If you see someone who doesn't belong, snap it!
If you're sure someone or something is suspicious, snap it!
And send it to Homeland Security!
Mommy's taking pills?
Did Mommy yell at you?
Did Mommy smoke any funny-smelling cigarettes?
Did she smoke in the car with you?
Call the police!
We'll ship Mommy off and you'll never see her again, and we'll fly you to Saudi Arabia for the Royal Family to rape you, kids!
How's that sound?
Does that sound good?
I mean, this is just the end of it.
I can't take this anymore.
Naked body scanners, scanners blasting our houses, blood-sucking checkpoints.
By the way, the Google search terms today deal with this.
Terror hysteria is the one search term to put in Google over and over again.
They hate it, so keep doing it.
And the other second search term is October surprise terror, dealing with Paul Joseph Watson's October surprise terror hysteria recycled in election ploy.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have this image of this sweet little eight-year-old or so, smiling there happily with, you know, all that wonderment in the eye.
The cartoon has really captured, you know, how sweet the youth are, turning them into horrid little Nazi enforcers.
And here's the New York Times, they're training them by age 14 to take on that disgruntled vet, move in, take him out, rogue leader, Hitler, youth, forward, ugh!
Take out the U.S.
Israelis, spy on them for us!
Spy on Ron Paul!
Bring them down right now!
This is freedom!
Well, the government didn't stage the terror.
They care about us.
The government needed to inject children with syphilis in the U.S.
and in Guatemala.
That's freedom!
Hey kids, why don't you spy on the government?
Why don't you videotape corrupt police?
Why don't you get involved at school and report on the web the tyranny and oppression and brainwashing?
Why don't you join the Republic and George Washington and 1776 and beat these people!
And we've got our patriot spies out there who report on tyranny.
People like Pastor in Ohio who got a Homeland Security visit after he leaked us hundreds of pages of secret documents about preachers being trained.
Tell your flocks go to the FEMA camp when told.
To take the forced inoculation.
To turn their guns in.
Romans 13.
And two years after he sent Butch Paul and myself that,
It came out on mainstream news.
They said the number one enemy of the U.S.
government is us, the people.
That's a quote from the TV station.
And they talk to members and they say, it's we do what the Lord says during martial law.
And they cut the footage of people in camps and the preacher goes, it's of the Lord.
That guy's YouTube clergy response team.
People won't believe it.
I'm going to play it.
We cover it in Police State for the Rise of FEMA.
But you've been holding long enough, Pastor.
What do you think of this latest thing about how to tattle and spy on everyone?
Well, one of the biggest things I noticed when I brought it up was that, first of all, it's in cartoon form.
So that goes right straight to the kids.
Then it shows the little bucktooth boy with his hat on, holding an American flag.
And it shows his mom and his dad just totally startled and scared to death with their heads popped through the door.
Yeah, the doorway there behind him with eyes, their eyes all bugged out and everything because they're about half scared of what he's going to do or what he's going to say.
But you know, all this is expected.
I mean, I'll tell you what, since I've talked to you, I told you last time I talked to you, it's been a while, that I was going to start a Black Road Brigade here in Ohio.
Now, whether you believe it or not, out of all the pastors that I've talked to,
In my area, I cannot get one single one on board.
So I just started talking to the people.
I figured, well, you know what?
If the shepherd isn't going to take care of his own sheep, then I'll start telling his sheep what the heck's going on.
Well, the World Council of Churches, you in-run devils.
All they care about is their Cadillac in their house.
But look, I'll expand.
It says this is a private company.
That then I guess feeds this, probably sells this data, we don't know, to the government.
It's like Pizza Place to spy on you when you order with your address and name, USA Today reported they get a bunch of money off the fines and fees.
But it says, it was developed by many true LLC created by George Parsons and Winston O'Brien, and it leverages modern technology to address the timeless threats to democracy and freedom.
How about having kids running around with telescreens spying on everybody?
How about that being a threat to freedom?
And maybe these guys are useful idiots, but in my opinion, this is pure evil.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, there's something else.
They are sending out, and matter of fact, I've got two of them.
I got them in front of me.
As soon as I got them, I was going to shred it, and then I thought, well, you know what, that's what I did last time to the first one, and I had to wait until I got the second one before I got a hold of you.
From the Hartford Institute for Religious Research, they have sent out a 2010 National Survey of Churches.
And it's about, uh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pages long.
They send you the envelope to send it back in, but their questions, uh, run along these lines here.
Like, um, how old is the, how, what is the estimated, uh,
I don't know.
They want to know if you're a close-knit family.
That's what they're asking now.
And most of these, from what I have found out, are not being sent to your mainline denomination churches.
They are being sent to your non-denominational churches.
No, no, it's Intel spying.
They admit they're spying on the churches, the state reps, this criminal government that isn't elected, this bureaucracy they're taking over now.
But going back to this,
Folks, it doesn't get any more bonafide than having kids spy on everybody and trying to take on vets.
It doesn't get any more evil than having preachers secretly prepare their flocks for all of this corruption.
And, you know, I'm not going to get into it, but my parents go to a nice Methodist church.
I've probably been there 50 times, my kids more.
And the Methodist Church then sent the one preacher, that's how it works, to another church, and suddenly it was, cut your carbon!
The illegal aliens must be legalized!
We're going to raise money for Bill and Melinda Gates!
My kids aren't going back to that church, and the sad thing is my mom starts helping with the church, volunteering, doing Sunday school.
She has friends there, and my parents don't like it, but they've got to get out of it!
It's so sick to sit there and to have stuff like this going on.
It's at Baptist, it's at Methodist, it's at Catholic.
People send me the Catholic church stuff where they tell them, turn your guns in, they're of the devil.
You know, at one Chicago parish I saw that with.
I mean, this is disgusting!
There's a separation of church and state!
And the churches have been taken over, by and large, and folks, if your church is promoting Bill & Melinda Gates eugenics, but telling you it's helping little black children, or they're telling you legalize the illegals, or that guns are evil, or carbon footprint garbage, get out of it!
Get out of it!
And take people with you!
Form real churches!
But Pastor, are you saying that you're starting to have success
You're starting to have success, is what you're saying, or am I wrong, by just going out?
Like Jesus did.
He didn't go get the Pharisees and Sadducees and all of them.
He went out to fishermen.
He went out to carpenters.
He went out to tax collectors.
He found his army of people to wake folks up on the streets and in the fields.
I mean, are you having some success?
As a matter of fact, like I said,
Gave up on these two-faced, money-loving preachers standing before the flocks.
Even some of them are my friends.
And that just, that disappoints me more than anything else.
But I started talking to the people.
I gave them my email address, told them what I'm doing.
I'm trying to get the word out and everything.
Well, just a week and a half ago, I had someone get a hold of me that goes to a local church.
And lo and behold, the pastor is standing right up there in front of the group.
And that's because they get the faith-based money!
Yeah, they got the face-based money, and matter of fact, not only did they get that, they got a lump sum to even start the church.
So these people, I got, these people got a hold of me.
The feds are starting the churches, not just infiltrating.
God bless you, sir.
Mail us that information, write a report, send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars or WritersAtInfoWars.com.
We'll get it up, Pastor.
God bless you.
What a great guy.
What a great intel source.
And over 50,000 preachers have been recruited by this.
Thousands and thousands of others have gotten this, and they're too scared to speak up.
Oh, I better tell people to turn their guns in.
It's for the Lord.
I'm in a free country.
Your children aren't safe, folks, under this.
Here is one newscast saying we're the enemy, the government's training us for martial law.
Here it is.
Law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KSLA News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
Tarleton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value, the overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived, something far easier to do even now thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is, let's cooperate and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such Clergy Response Teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Romans 13.
Because the government's established all the law.
You know?
And that's what we believe in the Christian faith.
That's what's stated in the scripture.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long... Alright, that's enough.
That's enough, and he goes on.
Look, the point is, we are the people in this government.
Romans 13 is out of context there as well.
And they say, obey the law, be under martial law.
The government's not obeying the law, stealing trillions, caught shipping in narcotics.
It's a bunch of crooks.
They've taken over your kids, they're taking over your society, and they're saying, help the government deal with its biggest threat, us.
This isn't our government.
It's a foreign corporate takeover.
Secret police everywhere.
Secret police teachers and preachers and Israeli teams and British teams spying on us.
And who are they spying on?
People that want to stop the banker bailouts.
The people that want to have their private property rights back.
We're the people.
We're allowed to say we want lower taxes.
We don't need to have the Mossad spying on us or Homeland Security for it, you criminal traitors!
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
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A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
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Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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They think they own our water?
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Our money?
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You know, I've got some other key news I've got to hit.
I apologize to Dave, John, Jonathan, Wesley.
John, we'll write those names down.
If you call in tomorrow and we have open phones, you will go to the head of the line.
We have three huge guests tomorrow.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
One surprise guest at the start of the broadcast.
I want to hit some news from NPR that is very revealing.
The headlines, Revealed and Revered.
A reviled and revered TARP expires October 3rd on the verge of a cataclysmic event.
Dealing with Neil Kashkari, remember the frontman for the thieving going on?
Before I go there, October 14th, I'm gonna go live from 11 a.m.
until an hour into the show live the next day, then Watson's taking over.
I'm gonna do 25 hours.
We're also gonna air never-before-seen, all these extra video interviews we have that I haven't put in the two films I'm working on, we're just gonna air them
Basically unedited.
The questions are cut out with Lord Monckton and Paul Craig Roberts and countless others.
I think it's eight different interviews, October 14th.
Some are 30 minutes, some are an hour, but I'll end up doing about 18 hours of live broadcasting in those 25, 26 hours we're going to do.
And the money bomb is key.
We don't have the Rockefeller Foundation or Al Gore or the carbon exchange funding us or the UN.
We have sponsors and you the listeners that buy the books, the videos and support the sponsors.
And we've already got over $42,000 in just with people wanting to give now to the InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com site.
And whether it's $10 or $500, it's all going into a special account where 100% of that will be used specifically on the studio and the staff to go to the next level.
Where can you find anything more at the tip of the spear, boldly savaging the enemy?
I mean, people are just in amazement I'm still alive.
Well, it's because if they kill me, it'll make my information even that much more powerful.
I don't want that to happen either.
But the point is, people are like, could this be for real?
This guy's, look at the information, look at what we're doing together, look at the platform we've built, look at all we've, of course, it's having a huge effect.
You're real, listening, you know you can take action.
Spread the word, start your own radio show, blog, newsletter, call in to talk radio, go to the city council, run for school board, get the globalist out of there.
Whatever you do, get involved now, and one great way is to donate at the Money Bomb.
You can donate now if you want, but that big 24-hour period, we're going to try to raise $500,000, which sounds like a lot.
Our operating expense now here is unbelievable.
Millions, it's over $2 million a year we've got to raise, and I hate having to spend my time on this, but it's part of being truly independent.
And so, InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com, links up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
If you want to go on the site and support us.
But you can also, if you don't have money, you're not doing well, I don't want to dime from you.
But if you have some money set aside, or you want to basically tithe to the truth to get the word out, where can you find a better place?
More the front line or the tip of the spear than InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And the team's working so hard for this special 25-hour transmission that's coming up.
But never before seen interviews, live interviews, your calls.
I'm going to be in here, you know, sleepless.
Sleepless in Austin, Texas for the 25-hour plus money bomb.
The final story is reviled and revered.
TARP expires.
It was an audio interview, but here's the text of NPR with Kashkari, Neil Kashkari, the guy that won't say where the money went.
He said they would grill him in public, but then behind the scenes he would, quote, scratch his head.
When the hearings were over, Kashkari says their attitudes switched from critical to congenial in a matter of moments.
It was all show from the Republicans and Democrats.
Often afterwards, when the cameras were off, they would take you into the back room and tell you that they really appreciated how hard it was working on our team.
And how hard we were working.
That they supported us in our programs.
That's key.
They supported the programs.
And let us know that if they could be helpful.
He says it was a 180 degree change from what they were showing in front of the camera.
That obviously surprises me.
But evidently I got used to it.
So they're kind of rebuilding Kashkari as this hero.
But I believe him.
This guy doesn't really lie.
He just says I'm not telling you where the trillions went.
That's the way it is.
And of course you have Kucinich saying, I know you're working hard, the question is who you working for?
I'd like to know from Kashkari, who was two-faced with him?
But it shows how the leadership of these two parties are controlled by the same people.
All I have to say today was a 99 on the broadcast.
I'd say a 95 on my part, 99 on the crew.
We'll be back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
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