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Name: 20100927_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 27, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have a important broadcast lined up for you today.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Here's just some of the headlines that we're going to be breaking down and going over today.
Evidence implicates U.S.
Israel in Stuxnet attack on Iranian nuke plants.
And when I saw this over the weekend, I knew what was coming.
They're going to use this and they're now announcing they're going to use it to try to pass the Cyber Security Act in the name of protecting critical infrastructure.
Now they've lied in the media and said that nuclear power plants...
I don't know.
Uh, coming out and saying, oh yes, it was probably Israel.
Well, no kidding, it was Israel or slash, uh, the United States.
And this is a shot across the bow.
Kurt had articles out on this on Saturday, but it's admitted basically, uh, today.
But you gotta love it.
The system basically admits they've done this to Iran and then says, see, we need the Cybersecurity Act.
Which is openly written to start censoring the web, tracking everything you're doing, allowing quote Obama or whoever's president in the future to have a kill switch over the internet.
The power to track and control the web is the power to censor and they admit that that is their game plan.
So we're going to be breaking that down today.
Stuxnet worm rampaging through Iran, IT official says.
So we're going to be reporting on that key stack of news.
I also want to look at how they use national security to cover up the corporate crimes being carried out through the giant out-of-control government.
Obama argues his assassination program is a state secret.
It's admittedly illegal, including against U.S.
citizens abroad.
No judge, no jury, they just assassinate whoever they want, setting the precedent for global death squads.
We already have snatch and grab teams grabbing citizens off the streets in places like the G20.
A few months ago in Canada and before that last year in the United States of America.
And here's another report.
Army censors photos of Afghan corpses in kill for sport trial.
And what is the nation reporting on from federal court depositions?
That people working with Blackwater said that it was basically the same thing, shooting up people's houses for sport, cocaine parties, running around naked, injecting steroids.
This is the insanity of the New World Order's mercenary berserkers.
So we'll continue along that line.
And they're never allowed to blow the whistle on corruption in the TSA.
So turning the entire system into a group of Stasi spies, the 900 or more thousand private spies, of course, part of the Washington Post report of a few months ago, kind of unveiling just the tip of the iceberg of Top Secret USA.
Your local preachers on the dole, in many cases, of FEMA.
Your local police have been federalized.
The CIA has local officers in the threat fusion centers.
All of this isn't just the illegal federalization.
The feds themselves are run by the offshore mega banks.
And this is globalism.
This is government of, for, and by the banksters.
So we're going to be
Breaking that down.
They're preparing to transfer power to Kim Jong-il's snotty-nosed son, just like he was given power.
The snot-nosed son, Kim Jong-il.
We're gonna be breaking that down.
Also, Venezuelan election loosens Chavez's grip on power.
We're also going to get into the economy.
Gold hovers again at 1,300 an ounce.
It's all coming up on the other side of this quick break, and we'll tell you about the guests we've got.
Stay with us.
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Okay, I'm about to go over much of the news
Like this report, FDA refuses to require labeling of genetically modified salmon.
I'm going to talk about why that's such a big deal.
Gold hits record of 1,300 an ounce.
Silver at 30-year high on weakness, not just of the dollar, but global currencies across the board.
The G20 is publicly admitting that they are part of a coordinated global currency devaluation.
We'll talk about what that means historically to everyone.
Obama is arguing that their secret assassination teams that are also being used against U.S.
citizens is a state secret.
They're covering up a lot of massacres with that tool as well.
Evidence implicates US-Israel in Stuxnet attack on Iranian nuke plants.
We're going to be breaking that down here on the broadcast.
We've got a special treat for listeners today.
Coming up in the third hour, my good friend Tommy Pallotta.
He's living over in the Netherlands for part of the year and the other half in Los Angeles.
He told me a few months ago that for a European television channel he is producing a movie slash website kind of modern multimedia production.
And we're going to unveil the name of that production.
The trailer has not been seen on television yet.
The trailer has not hit the web yet.
It deals with societal collapse.
Is it real, happening on its own, or is it being engineered?
And so we'll unveil the name of this project he's been working on for more than a year.
It's got actors in it.
It's got rotoscoping.
It looks similar to A Scanner Darkly, the Philip K. Dick book adaptation that I consulted on, Richard Linkletter, Tommy Pallotta film.
But it deals basically with faction, fiction that basically covers things that are factually happening.
And I will tell viewers, this was Tommy's idea when he called me a few months ago, he's going to give my viewers, my radio listeners, a code to get into the website and to see it before anyone else does.
It doesn't officially start to launch
Until the 30th.
And then it doesn't completely launch until later next month.
But you're going to get a first look at this television documentary film.
It's got a pretty good budget and extremely powerful information coming up.
And it dovetails nicely with the Stuxnet false flag launch for Web Takeover.
Report that Paul Joseph Watson's got up on PrisonPlanet.com.
What a perfect example of problem reaction solution.
Yesterday and today, all over CNN, Fox, British television, they've got all these government-connected pundits and guests basically admitting
That Israel launched this powerful, very sophisticated worm that you'd have to have amazing levels of understanding about the core secret operating systems of Windows, but more than just that, the very industrial systems that Iran is using, and this has to be plugged directly in.
Someone has to sneak in
To the facilities that aren't connected.
Power plants, energy relay systems, water treatment plants, traffic relay systems, the nuclear power plants.
They're building at least two right now.
And you've got to have specific knowledge of each one of those facilities and the tailor-made software that they're running off of to do this.
And the AP is reporting it's sweeping through Iran with devastating effect.
If you'll remember back in 1990 during Desert Storm, before Desert Storm had really begun and it was Desert Shield in 1990...
Thousands of printers were shipped to Iraq with viruses loaded onto them that then were put onto the internal networks.
And so this is very, very similar.
But Israel's not denying that they launched this or that Israeli operatives all over the U.S.
government launched this.
And sure enough, it's all over the news today.
Kurt Nimmo predicted this a few days ago when this was first announced, that Iran had been hit by this high-tech superworm.
And of course, spies had to be inside all of these facilities that aren't connected to other facilities to launch this system.
Kurt predicted properly, accurately, that this would then be used, oh my gosh, this is why we need the cyber security bill that's passed the House, but not the Senate to be passed hurriedly, because Al-Qaeda may have done this, and they may attack us, and everything may shut down.
Only the government has the personnel, the clearances through infrastructure protection to get into our chemical plants, our power plants, even more importantly the power plant relay centers, the nuclear power plants, the Blackhawk helicopters we've heard that have had software loaded onto them supposedly by hackers.
This has to be a point of attack, point blank range attack
At each location, because these systems are not connected.
So the globalists come in, they allow this corporate governance to come into the UN, they give security clearances, the media says, close to 900,000, it's in the multi-millions.
All right.
Uh, literally watching people, microphones, their own spy networks.
And this has all come out.
But I've also got some friends who had worked in security there, uh, who confirmed that this is going on.
They have a more extensive camera system in Central Texas than even the feds do.
And that's just one microcosm of what's happening all over the country, all over the world.
This is a continuity of agenda system.
That's a good way of putting it.
Where whether it's England, or Australia, or Germany, or Japan, or Mexico for that matter, the same system is being put in and is administered the same way.
So the globalists come in in the name of security,
So they can stage terror attacks, so they can shut down infrastructure, so they can sabotage their competitors.
That's what the NSA, the CIA are all about.
You go back 60 years, the CIA over and over again, going into third world countries, releasing bioweapons on crops, releasing locusts, releasing weevils, poisoning water supplies, sabotaging dams that were supplying power.
And they do this to countries that aren't even against the United States, but are against the globalists.
If they say no to a Fortune 100 coming in and taking over their government, they get assassinated, they get bombed, or rebel groups get funded to then attack or overthrow the government.
The CIA stages black ops, false flags, and then blames it on the governments.
Or, if they don't like the rebels that are in a country, they do it and blame it on them.
This is all declassified.
We're reporting on what
This corporate borg that's taken over our government is doing.
That's what's important.
This is not our government.
People say, how dare you say our government staging terror attacks?
How dare you say they staged the Gulf of Tonkin?
Well, that's declassified.
We've been under this corporate governorship since 1913, but they didn't have full control then.
They still don't have full control.
But with the unlimited trillions they're able to get tax-free, they've been able to position themselves to have almost complete domination over the planet right now.
Now they want to dominate the individual, chemically, psychologically, spiritually.
So I want to go ahead as we go to break and play a clip from international television with one of the minions of the Chertoff group, the folks bringing you the naked body scanners and the rest of it, a known group connected to Israeli intelligence big time.
I mean, Chertoff's mommy and daddy were both top Mossad and Irgun operatives.
And here they are just throwing it in your face.
Go ahead and play that clip.
Report out about a new computer virus that may be aimed at destroying a bricks-and-mortar facility.
The virus is called Stuxnet, and according to the Financial Times, it may be aimed at Iran's controversial nuclear facility.
Joining us now is Richard Falkenrath.
He is principal of the Chertoff Group and a Bloomberg contributing editor.
He's also been a White House advisor on security.
Richard, thanks so much for being with us this morning.
First of all, how does this virus work?
So this virus attacks the SCADA systems for industrial facilities, and that means Supervisory Data and Control Systems.
What it does is, it originally started with a USB drive.
Someone would take an infected USB drive, stick it into a computer, and then it propagates through the system.
It's a worm, which means it propagates by itself.
It keeps moving through the system, and it hides its tracks.
But Richard, I mean, does it have to be placed there?
It seems like it does.
It started with, we think it started with a USB drive that was physically connected to one of the machines, and then it went itself through the network.
And the techie people who analyze this think this is one of the most sophisticated pieces of malware they've ever seen.
And the reason for that is it's using stolen certificates, legitimate digital certificates that
Real companies use to identify themselves when they communicate.
They were stolen.
And then it exploits four previously unknown vulnerabilities in the window operating system.
These are called Day Zero vulnerabilities.
And the theory is, among the security experts, is that this took resources of a nation state to create a piece of malware this sophisticated.
Well, Richard, I was going to ask you about that because I'm reading this article as well.
I read it.
It said, well-financed, highly organized team had to put it together.
What are the chances that the U.S.
created it?
And I'm asking you that because it seems like Iran has the most infections out there.
That's right.
Iran has by far the most infections, followed by India and Indonesia.
And it is theoretically possible that the U.S.
government did this, but in my judgment, it's a very remote possibility.
More likely, frankly, is Israel.
That Israel did it.
It's not impossible that some group of hackers did it.
We're gonna go to break.
They have the secret codes to Windows.
You understand that?
They can bring down the entire world system with this.
The economy is crumbling, debt soaring, and the possibility of World War III is increasing.
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Alright, listen to me carefully.
You have this Duxnet false flag launched.
They're now using it as a pretext to have even more Pentagon Homeland Security control over the entire infrastructure of the Internet and over all applications that are used on the Internet.
That's what's in the Cybersecurity Act.
And it only announces in the act what's already been done, what's already been engineered in.
It was DARPA that funded the creation of the internet.
It was DARPA that funded much of what modern IBM has done in the last 40 years.
And Microsoft in the last 30 plus years.
And that's why this is so dangerous, because they're reporting that it has a zero-date exploit, meaning they discovered it after it was already launched, so they couldn't create a patch.
It's already out there and changing.
It's very sophisticated, and it has the core programming, you know, the secret codes, basically, of Microsoft, and they've never had a worm that was able to basically exploit the secret inner workings.
is is the way IT people are describing it.
This shows you down the road when the Pentagon talks about internet dominance and shutting down anybody that criticizes the world government and anybody that criticizes the big mega banks that run this that under the Cybersecurity Act it takes high school students, college students as part of the National Compulsory Service Act and makes them become trained operatives of the federal government.
They're basically just taking the general public and turning them into spies to, quote, then go out and attack enemies of the United States, when the globalists are actually our arch enemies, from within, and to hack and to write worms, and to go out and post on message boards, and to stir up trouble, and infighting.
It's a full spectrum of different types of attacks.
Propaganda attacks, hack attacks, worm attacks.
And it gives you an example of how the globalists can shut down large portions of the web whenever they want, and they can have their spies that are embedded in every major government.
These corporate global spies that work through governments can go in and basically sabotage any key infrastructure they want, and then come out and say, oh we don't know who did this, give us more power.
But in this case,
CNN, Fox, MSNBC, Bloomberg, that we played a clip of earlier.
The full clip's up at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
They just come right out and say, yeah, this looks like Israel.
You got a guy from the Chertoff group that basically speaks for Israel.
Telling you that he thinks it's Israel, and the experts think it's Israel.
This is an open threat, a stick in the eye.
And then simultaneously, you can type into Google, Stuxnet worm, why we need cyber security.
And they're all over the news, media pundits, government operatives, shills, spokespeople.
Proxies Promoting this so here's another false flag in your face.
They're even basically admitting it Kind of like the CIA came out three months ago and said yeah, we produce fake bin Laden videos
They came out, what, four or five months ago on CNN, Fox, AP.
Yeah, we helped grow the opium in Afghanistan.
Now, they don't just deny things, they come out and say, okay, we're setting up a world government.
Yeah, we're gonna take all or part of your pension funds.
Okay, we have produced vaccines, chemicals and compounds we add to vaccines that reduce fertility.
Yeah, mm-hmm.
Just all public, yeah.
What you gonna do about it?
Because they know the general public cannot focus on serious issues.
People were put in their diapers in the last 50 years in front of television sets.
They were raised by all these mindless pap-filled programs.
And so their culture, and this is going on worldwide, is one of being childlike, arrested development fools.
So the system is so arrogant they come out and say, yeah,
Western governments launched this.
We don't like Iran.
They deserve it.
But by the way, this shows you the threat to our infrastructure.
So we're going to take over the internet even more.
And the Cybersecurity Act is so widespread.
I mean, there's so many things it does.
It also will make anyone involved in any type of internet technology position, any IT professional, to take at least six months of upfront government certified federal government training, totally federalizing the internet at that point, and several weeks a year of continuing education where you're brainwashed and put on a power trip and given your security clearance.
That's in the news today.
Turned into a little minion.
Oh, you're free market.
You know, you work for the local internet company, but you're also a federal officer.
And most people just love it.
They just love the fact that, you know, they're James Bond now.
Even though they weigh 400 pounds and can't get out of their easy chair.
This is the Stasi East German culture.
It's why the government hired Marcus Wolff, the former head of the Stasi, seven years ago to help set up homeland security before he died.
Had him over a million dollars in one year alone.
And so now, if you want to have any IT job, under federal law, you now become a federal minion.
Think about that!
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It is Monday, the 27th day of September 2010.
Thank you for joining us.
I want to finish up with the Stuxnet false flag launched for web takeover.
That's the headline at PrisonPlanet.com.
The InfoWars variant as the headline, evidence implicates US-Israel in Stuxnet attack on Iranian nuke plants.
But to boil this down simply, I know you the listeners understand this, but when you're trying to explain to your friends and family, there is a global corporate government shadow takeover that's been going on in the US since at least 1913.
In England, they've been in power for hundreds of years.
A shadow government takeover of the entire infrastructure to the point of you won't be able to have a job, quote, in critical infrastructure.
And that means if you work on the highways, if you work at a factory, basically everything is listed as critical infrastructure, that that's now the jurisdiction of the federal government.
It's self-controlled by the globalists who write the standards, and so now they have an excuse to be involved in every facet of your life.
And then to come inside of your home, and to control your car, they've got the carbon tax regime.
This is all on record.
And to work in IT, in IT that serves more than a hundred people, that's what the Cybersecurity Act says, you will have to be federally licensed.
And then you'll have to basically sign on to be a federal spy and agree to spy on people without pay to be part of this system.
And now they'll train high school and college students
That's part of their federal service to be part of that.
That is what is in the Homeland Security Cybersecurity Act.
And the Pentagon is on record saying that they're launching cyber attacks against other governments, that they launch attacks against themselves, unannounced, to simulate vulnerabilities, and then that's used in the media to hype that real attacks are taking place.
This is a very sophisticated takeover that's happening right now.
But at the very simplistic level, who out there can't understand?
Your friends, your family, your boss, your employees, your neighbors, your pastor, who can't understand?
Israel launching, the evidence all shows, this super high-tech industrial superworm
And then our media is saying, see, we better let the Feds take over the web even more.
And when you read the Cybersecurity Act and other accompanying legislation, and what the Feds are just doing through their gravitas, and through the major corporations that they fund through corporate welfare, who are just adopting this inside their corporate structure, without a law even being put in place.
When you look at what they're doing,
They are expanding their takeover of the web and under federal international law demanding the codes to all new internet technologies under national security.
But not so they can monitor terrorists, who in almost every case they're financing, controlling, even sometimes the terrorists don't even know it's a criminal group above them, funding them, that the doors are open for them, like the underwear bomber, who witnesses saw the feds getting on the plane without a passport, without a visa, and then later it came out that that was true, that was the case.
We're gonna get some of those witnesses on that Christmas Day bombing, Kurt Haskell, back on very, very soon.
And so now they can launch their attacks from within and cover up their attacks and then use those attacks as a pretext to expand their control.
And there's news that's just a little glimmer of this today.
You see it everywhere.
And it's always announced and promoted in little compartmentalized chunks.
So the public, and even many people in IT, don't see what's happening.
We hear, oh, the US seeks to ease internet wiretaps.
And then you read the report, it's not just wiretaps, they want the code keys to Skype,
And many other forms of internet communications.
They want the code keys from hundreds of these little companies that have produced their own encryption.
And the truth is, you see this in the news every month or so, there'll be a Canadian company that's got its own satellite phone system.
They'll be bought out by an admitted CIA front company.
Or they'll be bought out by IBM or Microsoft or Google who are admitted globalist front companies.
And then the government is given the code key to that.
So when they claim they need the encryption keys to all this, it's a joke.
How do I know all this?
When they're funding this stuff, it's in the open.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and some of the subsequent acts stated
That giant entire complexes in every major telecommunications facility that all digital communications are passed through, faxes, email, landline telephones, cell phones, you name it, it's all passed through it, that by federal law and nine billion dollars was paid to the major telecoms to put these structures in
And then NSA and other government employees walk in with a cover that they work for the phone company or the telecommunications company and they walk right in and have their own offices in armored door facilities everywhere.
And remember four years ago, it was the big PBS Frontline broke it and, oh, somebody at AT&T in San Francisco, there's this whole, you know, floor of armored rooms, but they know that everybody's communications were being passed through it because they were told to build the specs to run all the communications into the room.
Well, that was all in the Telecommunications Act.
So, that whistleblower, he found out about everyone having everything they do being looked at and read and tracked by computers with keyword software.
Because he saw the system being put in, being wired into the room.
And he saw the specs as an engineer.
And then later it was admitted.
And federal courts blocked those lawsuits.
So, the entire infrastructure was built by these people, but there's a lot of private entrepreneurs and other programmers out there and engineers who've made a lot of new systems.
And so, you hear, oh, they need more wiretapping ability.
They're already wiretapping it all.
They won under federal law from the day something's allowed to be sold to be able to approve it.
And to have the codes to it.
And then, what does the federal government do?
It's run by a bunch of corrupt corporations.
It gives it to the Chinese, on record.
It gives it to the Israelis.
It gives it to other select governments and their corporations that are within those nations.
So it's all about economic espionage, full-spectrum dominance.
It's about thieving.
It's about cybersecurity, being able to shut down anybody they don't like, or any free speech they don't like, or any governments they don't like, and being able to attack our own infrastructure to get even more power.
And you better understand that.
This is one of the biggest issues out there.
wants to make it easier to wiretap the Internet, Charlie Savage, The New York Times.
Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is going dark as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.
So they always claim the FBI has antiquated systems and all the rest of it.
Well, of course, the crooks that run things don't want them having high-tech systems.
But the intelligence agencies and the private DARPA systems and the Total Information Awareness Network and the top-secret USA teams, they've got everything.
Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications, including encrypted email transmissions like Blackberry, social networking websites like Facebook, and software that allows direct peer-to-peer messaging like Skype to be technically capable of complying, if served a wiretap order.
Folks, it's already all wired through it.
I mean, Facebook admits that they give everything to the government and sell it to whoever wants it.
That's come out with Yahoo.
That's come out with Microsoft.
That's one of their biggest businesses is selling your data.
They charge the government to real-time manage the spy hubs.
And then you pay also with your service agreement for all of this.
And it just goes on from there.
looking to ease internet wiretap laws, report says.
PC World, Fox News, U.S.
wants broader internet wiretap authority, on and on and on.
It's kind of like Bush five years ago in speeches and in press conferences saying, look, hey look, we would never listen to an American citizen without a warrant.
Trust me, this is Al Qaeda, this is Bin Laden.
It's hard as a Texan to do a fake Texan.
Nothing against folks from Kennebugport, Maine.
It's just I can't do a fake Texas accent very good.
And then it came out a month later that they were wiretapping everybody without warrants.
And then Congress hurried along and wrote a law saying, OK, no more Fourth Amendment.
It's completely disgusting that all of this is going on and happening.
I have a list of notes from this morning where I had a little brainstorm, and then I get on air and I'm not at that same point of clarity.
I mean, things are very clear, but extreme clarity.
It seems like every morning when I get off the treadmill or I get done jogging around the neighborhood,
While I'm in the shower or getting dressed, I just have such understanding, such clarity, and I try to run out now and write notes after I get dressed.
And these are really simple statements, but next hour, I'm going to spend 10-15 minutes on this, on these notes that I've written.
And it's very simple statements, but with each statement was an entire
spectrum or panoptagon or universe of ideas and really studying the globalists and what their game plan is.
Here are my notes.
Think how fast things are changing.
And everything coming from government and big corporations, they're changing for the bad.
But things are changing for the good with free humanity.
And that instinctive, deep-seated,
Will to survive.
Even if somebody's dumbed down and only cares about football or whatever, or about applying cosmetics to their faces, still deep down they know something's wrong.
I also want to go over real threats to the human race, controlled and uncontrolled.
A simple statement, don't let them control your reality.
I mean, that's a simple statement, but it's so profound that most people just live a false reality programmed to them via the television.
I also want to directly speak to those that are serving this system, the different stratas.
Most of you are ignorant, compartmentalized, don't know the big picture, the wide horizon of what's happening societally and historically.
And I want you to know you are signing on to true horror.
You are signing on to your own destruction.
But you're so brainwashed, you won't even know you're being destroyed, or who destroyed you.
I also want to make that simple statement.
We are all in this together.
Even if you choose to serve evil,
You are still with humanity.
You are still being destroyed.
Even if you make the weak-minded choice to feel like you're on the winning team because, like some useful idiot in the Soviet Union, you helped bring this wickedness to power.
Another simple statement is that we all need to be hard-nosed about this.
We don't just need to really have a gut check and decide for ourselves what really matters to us and get our priorities straight.
But then once you've really made that decision,
The reason I say start small, a lot of people plan these big elaborate things they're going to do to fight tyranny and get so into the planning you never take that first step.
Just go to a city council meeting.
Go to a county commissioners meeting.
Go sit in at a psychology class at a university or a bioethics class.
Go to the state house for a hearing on carbon taxes or second amendment or land rights.
Call Congress.
Start a website.
Start a radio blog.
Start doing YouTube videos.
Every day.
Just get up there and talk.
Get up there and respond.
Start acting instead of reacting to what the globalists do.
And through that, there will be the process of you becoming more well-spoken, more focused.
As you spend more time thinking about these issues, you will become more and more enlightened and informed.
I also want to talk about the biggest secret of world government, and I want to talk about the family and what we've seen happen to our society, because it's all been done by design.
But ahead of going over this later in the next hour for a special guest joining us with an exclusive for our listeners and viewers at PrisonPlanet.tv, I do want to open the phones up to talk about the
Stuxnet worm to talk about the economy.
I've got a lot of health news.
FDA refuses to require labeling of genetically modified salmon.
I want to talk about why that's such an important issue, because it really lets you into the mindset of the globalist.
And that goes towards the secret of the globalist and why they're doing what they're doing.
I mean, I've made it my life to study these people, to
Sometimes others outside can know something better than those on the inside, and vice versa.
We all have a limited perspective.
We're going to be discussing that, but I want to give the number out.
It's 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
Any issue you wish to discuss, any item you wish to raise, anything you wish to talk about,
Also, in the next hour, we're going to post the video up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It may even be sooner than that, because it just went live.
The title of the video is, Help Us Take the Info War to the Next Level.
And it's a 15-minute tour of our studios we built the last two years, and the new studio we're building, and the building process, and what we're trying to do.
And I don't intend or believe that I'm going to beat the new world order by myself.
But, it's all in the spirit of turning the heat up.
Realizing that we are at the tip of the spear with you, and that we are having a big effect, and that we need to go to the next level.
With documentary films that reach tens of millions of people.
With multi-television shows per week.
I'm intending to do one every day, but one highly produced once a week.
That's why I cut an hour from the radio show, so I'd have time and energy to do that.
We need your help, and we support all this when you visit the online video bookstore at InfoWars.com.
Ask yourself, I mean, where else can you say more good is being done, more information is getting out, more informative guests are being heard, our growth curve is astronomical, and as we go into this serious depression,
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss
I'm going to cover what compartmentalization really means coming up in the next hour.
But the globalists, by funding tens of trillions of dollars, conservatively, in the U.S.
alone, this is going on worldwide, have control the direction of technology, the direction of humanity.
And they shelve and keep for themselves
The little compartmentalized professors and scientists in the public and private sector are idiot savants in their area of knowledge.
It doesn't matter.
In every level.
And then the globalists take that information and give it to the idiot savants who know how to manage it and orchestrate it and tie it all together.
They have the big brains.
And most of their big brains are intelligent and genius only in one spectrum.
Not in a wide spectrum.
And so they're not even consciously aware of what they're helping to build.
And it's through having an open debate with the human species in our society and asking people, is this what you really want?
And showing them the highest level declassified and publicly released white papers by the globalists that openly call for the end of our species as we know it and a new species to rise.
I mean, even Glenn Beck was covering this.
Last week, we covered this two years ago, but here's Global Trends 2025, put out by the National Intelligence Council of the U.S.
government, saying that the global government will re-engineer society to be servile.
Genetically engineering us.
What do you think vaccines are that kill you right when your social security kicks in?
That the RNA lays there in your cells until hormone levels drop and they know you're a certain age?
When the news says mercury is good, it cognitively enhances you, that's lawyer speak.
For them, lowering your IQ and dumbing you down is a cognitive enhancement.
What's Bill Gates funding?
Tens of billions of dollars, over a hundred billion total in the fund.
Vaccines engineered into crops so you can't avoid them.
Mosquitoes that are released that come and suck your blood and deliver a vaccine when they inject their saliva into you to assanguillate.
I mean, you're being engineered right now.
I'm being attacked right now.
I was very pleased this morning.
I was sent an IM, I think it was Kurt Nemo, and the commenters on the YouTube video were going, wow, he's becoming Alex Jones more and more every day.
Michael Savage got up and said sodium fluoride causes massive increases in cancer.
Now, that's completely admitted in all the major studies.
But now he's talking about that?
And the people email me and I see comments going, why are you praising him?
Why are you praising Beck?
I don't trust Savage or Beck.
Especially Beck.
But, when they come out and admit they want world government to forcibly reduce your population, and by the way, sodium fluoride massively increases liver cancer, bone cancer, different cancers of the blood.
I mean, that's good!
That's good!
That is something that will definitely help people.
And it's because even if they're part of the power structure, they're realizing their kids are under this too.
And as more and more people begin to report the truth, the globalists can't stop everybody.
They've got to try to contain humanity and steer humanity and manipulate humanity.
So a lot of good things are happening.
For every action, there's an equal reaction.
As the evil rises, so is good.
We'll be back with your phone calls in T-minus 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number two.
Tommy Pallotta, filmmaker of such films as Scanner Darkly, Waking Life, is going to be premiering some key information with his new production here first.
This has never even been publicly discussed.
So that is coming up in the third hour.
I am going to go into overdrive today with the full fourth hour transmitted to our radio stations.
So I just want to give everybody a heads up on that front right now.
Four hour transmission today.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Mike in Michigan, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex, I wanted to ask you about a book.
Get your thoughts and not discuss necessarily where the origins are, the validity of it.
But have you read The Protocols of Zion?
Yes, I read it.
I actually bought a copy of it in Walmart about 15 years ago.
Hard to believe Walmart sells those, but I'm told they still do.
And the political ideas of manipulating and controlling people that are contained in that book is a lot of the tricks that government uses.
But you can go back to 2040-something years ago and read The Battle for Gaul by Julius Caesar.
And he talks about ways to manipulate the population.
So, um, the providence of those... I think the information's interesting for people to... It's kind of like reading Machiavelli's The Prince.
written what four hundred plus years ago that when you search when the the prince was written a mackie belly wrote two books but now the prince and he he got into how the different nation states of italy when it wasn't a unified country uh... were had had brought subterfuge a manipulation of very high art it's just that the protocols last hundred years got wide publication and of course it was said that jews uh... that rabbis i had written it
And then there were reports that it had barely been put out by the Tsars to have purges or pogroms against Jews.
A lot of people thought, wow, this is the first time these systems of control had ever been discussed, but it's not really the first time.
But it is a dangerous fusion of different social control modes.
What's your take on it?
Well, that's why I said I didn't want to get hung up on who the group was or what it was.
It's just interesting to read.
One of the things I want to ask you also along with that is that they
The New World Order has been able to be a very cohesive group behind whatever ideology they want to be behind.
And us that are fighting it, I want to know, how can we have an individual initiative but still have a cohesive force?
And what banner would that be?
Well, look, if you come out with one group that's with a leader, they can kill that person, they can cut the head off.
But ideas are bulletproof.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
And so the idea of liberty versus tyranny, the globalists always want to make it about one group, because there's evil in every group.
Yeah, evil in every nation.
So then the resistance is limited to just that group instead of the systems used by mafias and corrupt organizations through government, generally, to control populations.
But the world government is a corporate governance using scientific dictatorial systems they've developed to control the world through what they call full-spectrum dominance.
And so, they fund it all.
They fund the radical Muslims.
They fund the radical Zionist groups.
They fund the communist Chinese.
And it doesn't mean they control those groups at all times.
They set them up to then finance both ends and play them off for a desired outcome.
Does that answer your question?
Thank you.
Thank you.
I mean, this is like four or five or six level three-dimensional chess.
It's really an art form to be able to even understand it.
And the Prince was written in 1513, and then he was exiled, he was arrested for it, and it wasn't published until 1533.
I suggest you read that.
They give it to members of special forces to teach them how to be ruthless.
We'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up, we're going to get into the economy.
I'm also going to break down the choice everyone has to make about the direction of our society.
And I want to get into one of the biggest secrets of the New World Order.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we'll also get into North Korea wants to hear that Kim Jong-il's youngest son will take over.
So North Korea is waiting to hear that Kim Jong-il's youngest son will take over.
What a wonderful communist system where daddy gives it to Kim Jong-il and then now his little snot-nosed dictator son-in-waiting can be the new power.
Meanwhile, Venezuela election loosens Chavez's grip on power.
Opposition makes big gains in Congress as both sides claim victory.
And momentum of the 2012 presidential election.
So we'll be talking about that.
Also health and climate and energy.
It's all coming up.
And I want to get into why I think it's so important that the FDA is setting the precedent to not let you know if GMO food, GMO ingredients, genetically modified organisms, are in your food.
Dealing with this salmon situation.
It's not even salmon, it's a cross-species clone chimera.
So that's coming up.
But let's continue with your calls right now.
Joe in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Yeah, I just wanted to kind of take a few steps back.
I'll tell you a little story that happened a little over nine years ago.
I used to work at a fairly good-sized ISP here in North Carolina.
We had an OC-192 line, which is a really high-speed backbone network.
And, uh, I was in contact with a bunch of engineers all over the country, and there used to be two places that were really important, uh, infrastructure-wise.
One was in Washington, D.C., and the other one was out in California, and they're called May East and May West.
Well, uh, the company that I was, uh, working with, their engineers accidentally, uh, tapped into some, uh, what they called
Called Dark Fiber, which is basically fiber that isn't being used.
And anyhow, the contractor hooked up some test equipment and let it go off.
And they went for a little lunch break.
Next thing they know, some guys pull up in black SUVs and all of them dressed like the Smiths out of The Matrix, fall in there with MP5 machine guns.
And they quickly found out
That dark fiber wasn't so dark, it was actually being routed over towards the Pentagon.
No, all major ISPs, which then all minors wire through, under federal law, Telecommunications Act 1996, and they already had it set up before then, but under law, there is always a second set of pipes at main junctures where everything is run through it.
And so that's basically what they were tapping into.
Yeah, they were.
What it was is there's a redundant loop, several redundant loops now around Washington where there used to not be.
There were several really high, highly important places.
But anyhow, they quickly found out that the government was on a whole bunch of stuff where they didn't think was lit up.
And, uh, there's a whole lot more stuff out there that people don't know about.
What did they say to the engineer that had tapped into it?
Uh, they, uh, they grilled him for about two hours to find out what the world was going on.
They had everybody called out in the country.
Uh, and the country basically, uh, alerted to it.
So, uh, they really grilled the guys and, uh, they found out, no, they weren't any type of Ford agents or anything like that.
And that they were contracted through the, through a company to provide, uh,
Uh, the network services, uh, engineering.
So, uh, anyhow, they, they, uh, took all their equipment offline real quick, and, uh, kind of snapped things back into place.
They, of course, had a couple IT guys with them, and they kind of straightened everything out, and they, uh, told them to pretty much leave the premises.
So, like I said, it's been going on.
They've been snooping for quite a bit.
What do you think of the Stuxnet worm and the media basically admitting that Israel did it, but then now they're saying they're going to use the attack that one of the Western governments launched as a pretext to come in with a cyber security takeover?
That would definitely be a plausible way of taking hold of the network, yeah.
There's a couple of pieces of literature, and if I can find them, I'll send them to you.
It's nothing really classified, but it'll kind of broaden the horizons on what's going on.
Well, that's what they've put in the last 15 years, Internet 2, between government universities, and now they're tying it into the main web, and that's really another big snooping hub as well.
I appreciate your call.
Interesting intel, Joe.
Let's talk to Shannon in Mississippi.
Shannon, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Alex, I just wanted to get on the subject about the biological warfare that we're entering into about that salmon fish stuff.
And it was interesting about a week ago, I was listening to the little nightly news here and they come on TV, you know, about the salmon and how good it is for you and
How you should eat more of it.
And they even went down to cutting the fish up and showing you how good the meat is.
And this globalist guy was on there telling you just eat more, eat more.
It's good for you.
This genetic fish that they come out with.
And I've tried to explain to everybody how they're coming out and trying to depopulize and just
I mean, we need three major things to live.
We need air to breathe, we need food to eat, and we need water to drink.
And the fluoride in the water, the food that they're getting at,
I mean, it's unbelievable.
And they come out and talk to us like we're children.
Oh, we've crossed this salmon with multiple insects.
And we've crossed fish with corn.
And, oh, in all the major studies, you know, when you eat the GMO corn or soybean, it increases cancer and organ failure and causes sterility.
That's all admitted.
But it's good for you.
And sodium fluoride's good for you.
And mercury in the shots.
It's good for your children, CBS News says nationally.
And, you know, don't listen to the kooks.
It's good to have a salmon that grows twice as fast and is twice the size.
So what if major universities did studies and found that within 40 generations or 40 years, this one GMO salmon will extinct regular salmon?
You know, it's no big deal to have a part insect fish you eat.
Come on!
Come on, Shannon!
The government cares about you!
And it's even better!
The government's saying they're not going to let it be labeled so you can make a choice, because they found that when the milk was labeled, that it was genetically modified growth hormone, that you wouldn't drink it, so that's not on shelves anymore that you can find it, except for poor grocery stores where folks don't know any better.
So we're just not going to let you know.
Not only is it good for you, Shannon, but you're a child.
We're not going to let you know.
Doesn't that sound like freedom, Shannon?
Oh, yes.
It's just it's big time freedom.
And you know, Alex,
I try to talk to people and tell them, and they say, oh you're so stupid, and then they start talking to me like I'm a child.
Because that's an attribute.
They teach Americans, you don't have any Bill of Rights or Constitution, you don't have any pension, you don't have any private property, but you get to laugh at people that care and are informed.
It's kind of like the Mike Judge movie, Idiocracy, where he is in suspended animation in the army for 200 years, he wakes up, and if you can talk,
They make fun of you and he goes into court and starts, you know, declaring his rights and they're making fun of him because he can talk.
And that's pretty soon like, we got one here that can read.
And I mean, I've had cops say to me, you're quoting that Constitution, Mr. Fancy Pants on me?
I'm going to drink me some fluoride.
I'm going to shoot my kids up with some mercury.
I like it.
And they have no idea.
They think it's cute to be idiots, don't they?
Yes, sir, they do.
And the harder I try, the more I try to talk to these people.
I turn my back on them, Alex, and what I do, I go find somebody else that will listen or
If you don't listen to me, go research yourself.
But let me explain this to you Shannon because I know you're a smart guy and I want you to be able to telegraph this to them.
Deep down, you know the subconscious mind is conservatively over a hundred times more powerful.
Some studies show it may be thousands of times more powerful.
Even the dumbest down, the dumbest fluoride head, mercury drinker, knows that things are wrong.
But at a subconscious level, George Orwell called it crime stop.
It's a crime to not worship tyranny in Big Brother land, in Airstrip One.
And so, they get scared by what you're saying, and they have such little respect for themselves, and they're so intellectually lazy, that they don't want to hear about something that gets in the way of, you know, whatever petty thing they're thinking about.
Whether it's cheating on their wife, or partying, or running the clock at work, or hating their boss, whatever it is.
Or how they want to get tickets to some ball game, or how they want a new chrome grill on their F-150 pickup.
But, you are planting seeds in them.
You are planting seeds, and because they don't respect themselves, because they see you as a peer, they don't respect you.
So, plant the seeds.
The best thing is giving them a film.
You know, a Terror Storm, an Endgame, an Obama Deception, and say, tell me what you think of this video.
You know, this is a video that's censored and suppressed, which is true.
But then, this is something, you know, they don't want you to see.
And then, if they think they're doing something naughty, they may go watch it.
But don't feel bad.
Keep it up.
Go ahead.
And Alex, one more thing I would like to say to all the listeners and everybody out there.
Bush has said one thing that has come true.
Obama has said nothing.
Everything he says has been a lie.
And I go with nothing that the globalists say or they're going for.
But Bush said one thing, and I keep this in my head, and I want every listener to listen to what I'm fixing to say.
You're either with us or you're against us.
And let me tell you something, I'm against them.
All the way.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Shannon.
Well, that puts your soul, your intellect, your integrity on the side of right.
I mean, nobody can deny we're going from liberty to tyranny and that it stinks to high heaven.
We're going to be right back after this quick break.
They've got a bunch of GMO salmon they're trying to approve.
Some have insect genes and others.
This particular one has eel, eel genetics bred into it.
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We're going to be live in the fourth hour today.
I'm going to get into this more.
But I was going from memory that these salmon have insect genes.
This particular one.
They've got a whole bunch they're trying to approve right now.
So Matt Ryan went to the university websites.
It's bass with insect genes, carp with antifreeze designed into them, monkeys that glow in the dark on sale for more than a decade.
Uh, in Hong Kong and other places, glowing rhesus monkeys.
It's a bunch of different salmon with multiple fish, multiple insects, and they test these before they're approved in big giant nets out on the edge of the ocean.
And they get out all the time.
And so, even before they approve them, they're doing everything they can to infect the environment.
Just like when Monsanto has its Roundup Ready soybean seeds get into somebody's field, or their corn seeds get in.
They come in and spray your field with Roundup, and if any of the plants don't die, they know that some of their seeds got in.
And in court cases, they'll find out of 100%, less than 3%
of their genetics, meaning you didn't plant their seeds, their seeds got in and then bred with different generations of your plants, so it has a little bit of their genetics in it, and then the courts rule, yes, you're liable because they infected you.
Oh, the globalists want to take all our rights to save the Earth from carbon dioxide that plants respirate from.
And then they let off oxygen that we breathe.
The life cycle.
Oh, it's so deadly!
But let's have the Hadron Collider trying to break down antimatter.
Let's have nuclear weapons everywhere.
High-tech weapons, antimatter weapons, they admit they're developing, the Air Force does.
Let's have GMO salmon, GMO crops.
Everything's wonderful.
Let's just totally change the genetic makeup of the planet.
Not having any idea what's going to happen.
All the major evidence shows it goes from bad to worse.
Honeybee's already dying from it.
Just one form of BT corn.
Other insects smell it and won't eat it.
The honeybees pick up the pollen, kills them dead in a hammer.
They now know in the major bee die-off zones in Europe and the U.S.
and Canada, it's where one particular variant of corn is grown that grows a pesticide in it, where bugs won't eat it or they die.
And then we're supposed to eat it, and then we're surprised when major university studies say massive organ failure in rats when they eat this.
But none of that's a problem, because the news says that melamine is good for babies.
It's not bad.
They say mercury's good for your baby.
If you're a new listener and you just tuned in, I'm not joking.
I can play you CNBC saying lead's good for children.
I can play you CBS saying mercury's good for children.
I can play it all.
Oh, don't believe me?
Just search the term.
News says mercury good for you.
News says lead in toys good.
You can't make this up.
I mean, do you think I'm just making it up?
They came out three months ago and said, yeah, the CIA makes fake bin Laden videos, big deal.
And they put it on TV.
And yeah, the government grows the opium.
It's no big deal.
Blow that up for me, because they've got it on screen right now, but I can't read it from 10 feet away.
Or just print it.
Later I'll go over, because I thought I'd actually list it.
Oh, it's by my desk to my left.
Here it is.
Engineered fish under development.
Let's just go over a few of those.
And you can read everything they're doing.
They're crossing rainbow trout with two types of salmon.
Atlantic salmon with other salmon and eels and insects.
Bass with insects.
We gotta find out what type of insect.
It just says insect.
I remember one of these succulent fish has delicious German roach added.
Oh, there's nothing like German roach.
And of course, it's hard to then find out exactly what this stuff does.
You know, they claim for every one genetic trait they get, say a bigger fish that grows faster, that it could cause thousands of random spinoffs, and then as those fish breed with each other, the genetics just keep mutating and changing.
But hey, if it's killing the honeybees, it must be good, huh?
Here's a fish they're crossing with strawberries and potatoes.
Here's a salmon they're crossing with a rabbit.
Oysters that they're crossing with salmon.
Oh, and they're also adding a growth hormone genetic code.
Sounds nice.
And it's not just the U.S.
doing this.
China, Korea, India, Canada, New Zealand, Cuba, U.K.,
Fish to other life forms.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
They're putting salmon genes in the rabbits you eat.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It wasn't rabbit and salmon.
It was salmon and rabbit.
By the way, guys, people won't believe me.
Search the term
It was Taiwan or Hong Kong, maybe South Korea.
The point is, I saw it 10 years ago, BBC.
Glowing monkeys for sale.
Glowing monkeys with jellyfish.
Crossing monkeys with jellyfish.
That's the search.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Remember when I said you spell freedom F-O-O-D?
It's really true.
Legislation is in the process of restricting the growing and sharing of food.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Don't talk about politics or religion.
This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda rolling across the picket line.
Lay down, G.I.
Lay down, G.I.
We saw it all through the 20th century.
And now in the 21st century, it's time to stand up and realize that we should not allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze.
We should not submit to dehumanization.
I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world.
I'm concerned with the structure.
I'm concerned with the systems of control.
Those that control my life, and those that seek to control it even more!
I want freedom!
That's what I want, and that's what you should want!
It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose just some of the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities, because that is the central mode of control.
Make us feel pathetic, small, so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny.
We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale.
Start challenging this corporate slave state.
The 21st century is going to be a new century.
Not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and even those significance of classism and statism and all the rest of the modes of control.
It's going to be the age of humankind standing up for something pure and something right.
What a bunch of garbage, liberal, democrat, conservative, republican.
It's all there to control you, two sides of the same coin.
Two management teams bidding for control, the CEO job of slavery incorporated.
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies.
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it!
Do you got me?
Humankind is too good.
We're not a bunch of underachievers.
We're going to stand up, and we're going to be human beings.
We're going to do the real things, the things that matter.
Creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
Well, that's it.
That's all I've got to say.
Continue your court.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I want to get to Matt Wilson, Danny and Christopher and others.
I also need to get into the economy here at least briefly.
And I promised in the first hour to later in this hour get into a brainstorm I had this morning that really lays out the choices that we have in this society to make.
And we better choose wisely.
But the biggest point I want to make is we need to understand that it's up to us, individuals, to put out the alternative to the New World Order.
To not just fight the New World Order, but to put out the alternative.
But that starts with the awakening that there is a alternative.
It's that simple.
Special breaking news next hour with award-winning filmmaker Tommy Pallotta.
He'll be premiering some very interesting information here.
I'm just going to leave it at that until he joins us.
I'll be live the full fourth hour today as well.
And that's when I'm going to get into this in full.
Just because I need to get to your calls as well.
I promise to do that.
So do I break the promise to take those calls, or do I break the promise to cover this this hour?
I'll at least recap this before the hour ends and give you preludes to it in the third hour when Tommy Pallotta joins us, but time is running down fast and I've got all this other news I want to hit as well.
But I briefly wanted to bring Ted Anderson up, yet again the owner of the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com.
I wanted to let you know some of the news that's up at the network website.
It tells of a free iPhone app, not just for my show, but all the great shows on Genesis.
It's the dollar stupid, a Curt Nemo story today, breaking down why the central banks are devaluing global currencies, not just the dollar.
We're going to talk about that now with Ted here in a moment.
That's at GCNLive.com.
Also, gold is expected to keep rising this week.
Another report there.
Also, we've got the Stux
Net false flag launch for web takeover.
The government launches the attack.
The global government does.
They admit the Israelis have launched it.
Part of that global government.
And then say their answer is taking your internet freedom away.
See, cyber security is an internet attack system.
The Pentagon admits that.
Also, NRA supports Frivolous Microstamping Evaluation Study Act to basically ban all the guns that were previously made and make all new guns stamp the shell casings as they come out.
We're going to be talking about that.
That's at GCNLive.com.
Also, FDA refuses to require labeling of genetically modified salmon.
That's big news up at GCNLive.com.
And another big article that dovetails with what we're about to cover with Ted, this from the Activist Post, Eric Blair, great researcher and writer.
Notice his pen name is the true name of George Orwell.
George Orwell was Eric Blair's pen name.
Banksters inflate speculative food bubble.
UN offers global governance a solution.
We told you two years ago the UN was planning to do this.
Now they're doing it.
That is coming up.
And we'll get Ted's take on that.
All commodities are going to rise as currencies are devalued in a coordinated
And that's what the G20 has said they're doing.
They're going to devalue all the global currencies, and as they're devaluing it, they are printing it for themselves.
The central banks, when you hear about a bailout, 90-plus percent of that, well, Bloomberg boiled it down best last year, of $30 of U.S.
bailout money, $30, $1 goes to you.
See, they sell globalism that, oh, let's tax the rich and give it to the poor.
No, let's tax the middle class, the poor, everybody, and make the middle class poor, so they can't stand up to the globalists, and give it to the centralizers to expand their power.
I mean, it's elementary.
Under globalism, they don't take Rupert Murdoch's money and give it to you, and they don't take it and send it to Venezuela, as Lindbeck said.
They take it and send it to
Rupert Murdoch.
They take your money and send it to Rupert Murdoch.
That's globalism.
Through tax money.
You know, Fox News, CNN, they're all funded by behavior placement by the federal government.
In fact, people won't believe that.
Search the term right now.
Behavior placement NBC.
That was just the last article I saw.
I believe it was Wall Street Journal.
Gotta love Rupert Murdoch reporting on another media outlet being given government funds when they all do it.
That's why our money bomb is so important.
Uh, we're funded by you.
If we're gonna finish this studio right and launch it soon, and be able to hire the staff we need and the equipment, we need that money bomb October 14th to be a success.
But in the interim, it's the purchase of the books, the videos, the t-shirts, the materials that funds our operation.
Plus, you get powerful t-shirts that spread the word, bumper stickers, the most viral films in history, to get to others that aren't awake.
Remember, you know what's going on now, but this doesn't happen through osmosis.
You've got to now carry that to people, and more and more folks are ready to hear.
Yeah, the Huffington Post has got that headline.
Let's put it back up for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, and I can read the headline so radio listeners can search the term and see it.
NBC's behavior placement.
NBC pushes eco-friendly messages through shows, and then they admit with federal government funding.
Well, I can play internal Fox News Corp video release to their employees from three years ago, where they admit they're getting government funding to brainwash you to accept carbon taxes.
And I'm not in a Fox bashing fest.
I'm here explaining they're all bought off.
And you need to understand, at the end of the day, that's the case.
We are funded by you.
They found the Wall Street Journal.
Here it is.
What's your TV is telling you to do?
NBC's Universal shows are sending viewers signals to recycle, exercise, and eat right.
And it goes on to admit... Here's a more important term to search.
Then I'm gonna stop and go to Ted.
An even more important term to search... Let me pull up the exact headline.
GAO rules fake news illegal.
Every dollar, and this came out under Bush, but it was going on decades ago, and now it's expanding.
GAO rules, or says, fake news illegal.
Tens of billions of dollars.
What was it?
Three plus billion just for brainwashing?
Fake news?
Paying the news to say Head Start was good?
And all those reporters they bought off, in some cases millions apiece.
Armstrong Williams, 250 grand to go tell people it's conservative to federalize education.
Or just government funding fake news.
That should bring it up for you.
While Ted's talking, we'll find it and pull it up.
But this is going on.
We're funded by you.
This is real.
This is organic.
And so our success is up to you, whether it's spreading the word about the broadcast, or sending friends the free iPhone app so they can listen, or buying books and videos.
It's up to you.
Gold hits record at 1,300 an ounce.
Silver at 30-year high.
Here's Kurt Nemo's story.
It's the dollar stupid.
For the sixth day in a row, the price of gold has skyrocketed.
Monday, the precious metal climbed a 30-year high as fiat paper money values tumbled and went to above 1,300 an ounce.
Gold for immediate delivery rose as much as 0.3% to an all-time high of 1,315 cents an ounce.
There's even more in the futures options.
There is a net devaluing of currencies, James Moore, an analyst, told Bloomberg this morning.
Gold gained as Ireland prepares to bail out Anglo-Irish Bank Group.
A speculation other European banks lack adequate capital.
What did Chapman say would be next?
England and Ireland.
The dollar fell after Ben Bernanke announced the Federal Reserve is prepared to launch a new round of quantitative easing by buying millions of dollars of bonds.
The Federal Reserve basically buys bonds from itself.
The Federal Open Market Committee's September 21st statement said it will continue to monitor the economic outlook and financial developments and is prepared for more quantitative easing or buying its own debt.
Zimbabwe, Weimar Republic, Argentina.
We always make fun of Africa and Latin America and poorer areas of Asia for never getting their act together.
Well, they never had stable currencies.
They've been run by the IMF and World Bank for 50 years.
What do you expect?
And they were colonial outposts that never threw off the empires like we did in 1776, baby!
You know what Mexico would be like if it had a free system like we did and its culture hadn't become corrupted to accept it?
It'd triple the resources we do.
It'd be a jewel.
A Valhalla of nations.
Gold rises a fourth day in New York on Currency Outlook's silver gains, Bloomberg.
And it goes on to say the same thing Nemo just reported.
And in futures, it's hit a record of $1,301.60.
Silver climbed as much as $24.60 to $21.64 and a half.
Okay, let's bring Ted Anderson up here briefly.
Ted, again, global, coordinated, quantitative easing, that means giving more tax money to the bankers as they devalue the currency, and gold continuing to stay up there at that $1,300 psychological level.
They keep trying to push it down, but it booms right back up.
We're now seeing wild spikes throughout the day, this week and last week.
What does that mean to you in 31 years in the gold and silver business?
Well, it just means that gold and silver is getting to be tougher to buy.
I mean, I'm out there in the marketplace trying to, you know, scour through all these different wholesalers and so on and so forth in the marketplace to try to get enough quantity to keep shipping gold to my customers, and it's getting more and more difficult.
I had my buyer tell me today those buffalo corns are going to become scarce, and we better stop selling them.
I said, the heck we will.
We'll find
It's just like we had it here just within the last couple of years when Bernanke and Paulson were talking about economic meltdown and we needed to bail out the economy.
When George Bush was leaving, it got to be crazy like this.
A year ago, it was crazy like this.
We're running into the same thing.
And you're talking about collaboration with the central banks.
Right now, the central banks are collaborating.
They're trying to stop or slow down what they're selling into the marketplace because they're getting stuck on these short positions.
And so they're not selling anymore.
The prices are going up.
Like you said, gold went up over $1,300 an ounce today.
Silver $2,156.
I mean, it's been a real good day for trading in gold and silver.
Here's the big issue, because I haven't talked to you today.
Again, you sold out of the gold you bought two months ago and passed on the $100 an ounce savings to people.
You didn't raise the price even though you had the gold that you bought lower.
You sold at the original price.
You sold out of the stuff you bought a month ago.
Last Friday, you were getting ready to sell out of stuff you bought two weeks ago when gold was 50-something bucks under what it is now.
What do you have left at the super low price in gold and silver?
Well, I'm still holding my prices right now, Alex.
I do still have the Walking Liberty half at $10.50, and I am still trading the Franks at $2.79 and $3.57 for the Sovereigns.
That's despite the fact that gold's gone up over $1,300 an ounce.
We are still offering that one-year full subscription to the International Forecaster just by buying one franc.
That's just absolutely out of this world a great buy.
The walking Liberty Haves at $10.50 with Silver now going up to $21.56 an ounce is just becoming even that much more attractive.
I just can't say it enough.
People really should be moving on this stuff.
I'm holding my prices down.
Just because I know there's a lot of people out there that are getting excited about gold and silver.
They want to buy and I have some inventory left and I'm just holding it today.
My traders are telling me I have to raise prices and my traders are telling me I have to pull items off the list that I can sell completely.
Just because of the way that things are going on in the marketplace.
Alex, it's not going to be easy to sell gold here in the future.
Companies like mine are going to have customers all over the place that want to buy, but to have the quantity to sell to them and be able to deliver it in a timely manner is going to become more and more difficult.
And it would not be surprising to me to see Kitco post something like that, like they did just a couple years ago.
You know, making announcements that they're shipping late.
You know, it is just one of those times in the market.
You've got the gold and silver, though, right now.
Tell them it's the Radio Alex Jones Special or you will pay the higher price, which is still a great deal.
But this is the lost leader and it's going to be ending very soon.
You also have a good deal.
On the Buffalos, which are always hard to get.
Every year they've been selling out.
The U.S.
Mint only puts out a limited number.
This is a gorgeous coin, 24 karat gold.
You're running very low on them at the low price.
Tell folks about the Buffalo, Ted.
Yeah, the Buffalo coin, the Mint has already stopped their production.
So what's out there is out there.
There's not going to be more of them for this year.
And I can't remember.
It was just into $1,300 an ounce.
I can't remember the exact price.
The salespeople have it.
It's like $1,320 something.
That's insane.
That's insane.
If it's $1,320, that's completely insane.
Everywhere else, those buffaloes are $1,400 that I've seen them.
Yeah, anyways, honestly, Alex, I have to pull the price up to no, but, you know, here's the thing... Well, go pull it up!
I mean, ask them to know, because I want to find out on that.
Please continue, Ted.
Yeah, well, that's just the whole point, Alex.
I mean, the supply is being depleted by the people that want to buy.
The stock market's taking a dump today.
I mean, everybody that's been investing in bonds and real estate and annuities, and there's all these different vehicles for investing, traditional-type vehicles that you put into IRAs and 401k plans.
And all these various different investment portfolios, you know, trust.
All that stuff is just getting hammered so hard that people are now turning to gold and silver.
They are!
Ted, thank you for that report.
We're going to come back, jam some phone calls in.
Then Tommy Pallotta joins us.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're trying to get a video Skype connection to the Netherlands with Tommy Pallotta.
He'll be on with us at about 8 after next hour.
I'll be live during the fourth hour as well as I break down the big secrets of the New World Order.
I knew that a week or so ago it was $1,320, but they sold out of that.
I looked it up.
It's $1,390 for that.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
I'm doing great.
I'm just feeling so glad to be alive in this time of history, you know?
It's very, very, uh, a big threat we're facing, but it's just good because we can overcome it and just really do good.
Like, it's a very special time in history.
So I have two quick questions for you.
My first question is, um, I called when Don Adams was on, but I didn't get to ask you the question.
It was really for him, but it's for you now.
Do you think John F. Kennedy would have, um, changed the course of history if he wouldn't have been killed?
Yes, Kennedy was a very complex person and certainly wasn't an angel, but he'd been in serious combat, almost been killed, had his back broken, and he wrote about through his personal pain he found empathy.
His father had a stroke when he was president, so couldn't control him.
His mob boss dad, Joe Kennedy, was a mob boss on record.
And he was going to have real civil rights.
He cut taxes by 50% in one bracket, 30% in another.
Tax receipts doubled.
He was really gonna try to have a second American Renaissance.
He'd given the order to pull us out of Vietnam.
He'd given the order to begin the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and to audit the Fed.
He had really decided to do some good things.
It wasn't going to be the great society of euthanized, you know, black babies or whatever, and you know, call it liberal.
I mean, it was going to be really trying to lift all Americans up, and they blew his head off.
And so that's the bottom line.
Yes, that's very unfortunate.
But like you say, and you keep saying, one of my favorite quotes, an idea cannot be killed.
So my second and final question is, I see on the news
Well, I mean...
Many U.N.
experts talk about the fact that the U.N.
is basically an intelligence front for the private megacorps, the megacorporations, and they'll go in and put in a windmill and give the kids a TV set where they can go get education, but the education is brainwashing, and along with that then,
Comes the vaccines that sterilize them, comes the polio shots that actually kill them.
I mean, that's on record every year.
They go, oopsie, the polio vaccine was actually live.
It killed a bunch of people.
And so it's like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
I mean, it's like the city of Austin, you know, giving Planned Parenthood a free building.
Taxpayers have got to pay for abortions in Travis County where I live.
Elective abortions.
So, they always put a liberal face on it.
But if you look at the Copenhagen Treaty, they told Africa, Latin America, Asia, oh, you're going to get tax money from Americans.
And then they got the treaty and it said we're going to put even more taxes on you than the West and you're not going to get any of the money.
It's going to be to pay the IMF and World Bank.
So, I mean, it's just all a bunch of hype.
I mean, Bill Clinton is there to tell minorities how much he loves them, so they'll let him send in the U.N.
to murder them.
I mean, look at the U.N.
funding the situation with the Hutus and Tootsies.
Funding the Hutus to kill the Tootsies in the early 1990s.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number three.
We'll be live, of course, in hour number four today.
As I really break down some of the biggest secrets of the New World Order and put a question out to you, the listeners.
We've also got some other special announcements and special video.
We're going to be premiering and airing coming up in the fourth hour for radio listeners audibly and for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers visually.
A premiere!
uh... very interesting project award-winning filmmaker tommy plott has been working on made films of course with richard linklater keanu reeves winona ryder woody harrelson and i always have trouble saying his name what what's downey junior
What's his name, the big actor who's in all the movies?
Robert Downey Jr.
I met him and hung out with him on the set of Scanner Dark.
I can't remember his name properly.
Anyways, point is, Tommy's coming up with some key info and exclusive for our listeners, our web-connected listeners.
But right now, let's go to Danny in South Carolina.
Danny, you're on the air.
Alex, it's an honor to talk to you, sir.
Honor to talk to you.
So, when are you going to turn your formidable intellect on this Wolfsburg Group?
Have you heard of the Wolfsburg Group?
It does ring a bell, why don't you... It's a consortium of banks, international banks, and of course, with their typical elitist arrogance, they're very well documented on the web.
Their own website, it's the wolfsburg-principles.com.
Is the name of the website, but... Sure, sure, they're calling for global integration, global fusing, where the banks to stop the derivatives crisis, they're the ones that engineered it, they get more power.
I am familiar with them on that front.
Well, they get, it gets worse, Alex.
They've got a software, their stated purpose is to develop communication between government agencies and banks.
Yeah, no, it's tracking, examining how financial institutions could develop
Suitable screening, monitoring, and searching processes for procedures.
Tracking everything, yeah.
And they have a due diligence repository, international due diligence repository.
One of the things that they're actually doing now, because all of this stuff has been rolled out, is they're keeping lists which they exchange between other banks and government agencies
on all of their clients.
They call it the Know Your Customer principle.
And that's part of the Basel Accords, which we see under federal law now, where the government has live access to your bank accounts with no warrant.
Exactly, exactly.
It gets really deep, and one of the things that they want
The banks to keep track of is the private customers, uh, well, obviously identification papers, you know, passports, driver's licenses, also close associates.
Yeah, they're tracking trees of who associates with who.
That's what the Facebook NSA front and the Google NSA front are built for.
Well, it's kind of scary, Alex.
They call their software the Swift software, and it is deployed.
But it is totally pervasive.
If you have a bank account, according to what I'm reading... It's a data mining snout.
Yes, but did you know that they have a Homeland Security Compliance Protocol?
They have a... Well, all of them do.
All banks.
It's called Patriot Act Compliant.
Yes, they got that too.
And, well, I just wanted to point out, you know, those of
Of your listeners who haven't looked at the Wolfsburg Group, it would be very fascinating to examine it.
They are closing the circle.
It is the face of the New World Order.
Well, you know the International Bank of Settlements is based in Basel, and they then always, just like the CIA creates Google to go out and do its snooping through In-Q-Tel, it's the same thing with the Wolfsburg Group and others.
That way, the globalists get the profits from the government contract.
You understand?
Yes, they do.
And the government gets to find out what you're buying, and where you're going, and who you know.
Through your bank.
Yes, sir.
And they are closing the circle.
The circle is now complete.
And it's all a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
And it's all used to enslave us.
We'll be right back.
Great points, caller.
Thank you so much for the call.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, over the weekend, the Stuxnet worm invaded the internal systems of the power supply, the water treatment, the nuclear power plants they're building in Iran, and Bloomberg, CNN, they're all admitting that Israel is the obvious main culprit.
This is a super sophisticated worm that has to be put directly into those internal networks that are not hooked to the Internet.
And Kurt Nimmo over the weekend predicted the media would start calling for the Cybersecurity Act to be put into place.
The Cybersecurity Act allows the NSA and DARPA that created the Internet to federally force everyone, including small IT companies, to have NSA hubs added to their systems.
And the Pentagon admits they want to be able to launch attacks on the Internet in the name of saving the Internet, quote, give the president
A internet kill switch.
This legislation started under Bush, has accelerated under Obama, and they've implemented it even though they haven't passed the legislation.
And it's now admitted what former CIA officer Mr. Steele said here five years ago.
Google was created by the CIA.
IBM is a eugenics front company predating the CIA and helping Hitler with his holorith machines.
That's what the tattoos were for, to be entered in the machines to decide how hard to work somebody and how much to feed them before you kill them.
Microsoft, a major eugenics front for this system.
And I'm gonna let Tommy Pallotta this hour walk through this himself because this is a first look and a deep first look on a project he's been working on for more than a year that's film, TV, internet, multimedia.
It's also a mystery.
It's very complex, but I'm going to let him break that down and you're going to get a first look as listeners to this radio show today.
The trailer, not on the web, never before seen for this production.
The name of the production...
You're going to get a first look with a code to the website today.
But I'm going to let Tommy announce it and roll it out.
And it deals with things just like this Stuxnet worm.
And is it a real crisis or are they engineering an energy crisis?
And this will cause a lot of debate.
Tommy Pallotta received a degree in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin.
While at UT, he met Richard Linklater and began his film career as an actor and production assistant on Linklater's dictatorial debut, Slacker, 1991.
He also then worked on a lot of other films that he produced and directed, like The High Road, other projects with Radiohead, and others, which received the Best Animation Award at the Aspen Festival.
He has produced MTV's Snack and Drink, he has of course produced the award-winning Waking Life that I appear in, and of course so many other films, MTV music videos, the 2006 film with Keanu Reeves and many others based on Philip K. Dick's book A Scanner Darkly, and he joins us today.
I was honored a few months ago when he called me and asked if I wanted to really
Premier and debut much of this new project.
So let him announce the website that's just going live today, but only for our listeners.
And it's going to be live for 28 to 48 hours.
This isn't going to be officially launched for some time, but he'll tell you about it all.
Joining us from the Netherlands via video Skype is Tommy Pallotta.
Tommy, good to have you here.
Good to be here, Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
You're looking good there over in the Netherlands.
How is Femke and the baby?
They're good, man.
In fact, I can hear the baby back there.
Finally not getting a lot of sleep.
It's just like daddy.
It's good to have you here.
We'll break down this project.
I mean, you're really premiering the announcement, the launch of it here, and I'm very honored.
Well, first of all, I actually didn't mention that you were in Scanner Darkly as well.
I appreciate you putting me in it.
You've been letting me write my own role into it.
I'm really one of the only changes from the PKD book.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, when I moved back to Austin, you were the first person I called, and I knew that you had to be in that movie.
And, you know, I think sort of conspiracies are something that have always interested me, and especially using that in the sort of film medium.
So what happened, there's a Dutch broadcaster here called VPRO and they did a documentary about the sort of coming energy crisis called Energy Risk.
And they realized that their viewership was getting older and literally dying off.
That the people who are watching these types of things on TV, they're either losing them or they're just old and dying.
So what they wanted to do was create an experience
It had sort of a serious documentary subject, but to sort of approach it in a new way.
So what we came up with was a transmedia approach, which means it's sort of a multiple platform storytelling device.
So we took the premise of this documentary, which is sort of going around the world, talking to all the leading experts and sort of the scenarios of what if
And what will be happening in the future, but then sort of re-appropriating it and remixing it and creating a sort of fictional narrative on the web.
So that's really what the genesis of this program is, and it's called Collapsus.
And the website?
Can we get the website address out?
Is that ready?
Sure, yeah.
It's Collapsus.com, and we'll put that URL up on screen, but it's spelled C-O-L-L-A-P-S-U-S dot com.
Collapsus dot com.
And it's extremely sophisticated, and like you said, really a fusion of old media and new media.
And we're going to be showing some
Screenshots of it coming up in about 30 minutes.
We'll premiere the trailer here for the audience.
But folks want to visit the site now, don't they, Tommy?
Because it's not going to be available in a few days.
Yeah, I mean, the actual, the site will go live October 1st.
But because your sort of spirit sort of carried us through this project, and in fact, one of the characters, Tony, was somebody that had already had heard of you, but I made him sort of listen to you and sort of bring your spirit into his character.
We thought it'd be great to give your listeners a premiere of this experience.
So you have to have a
A code to get in.
And the code is InfoWars.
So if you use that code, you'll be able to enter into the experience.
So it's InfoWars without the com.
And you were, I was talking to you last night and you were talking to Jaron, my producer, you were saying it might be live for 24 hours or a little longer.
People need to get in there to get a first look now because then it's going to shut down for a couple days before the official launch.
Yeah, exactly.
So, the code is INFOWARS.
My listeners might be able to remember that.
We made it easy.
They may have heard of that term a time or two.
Well, I mean, let's get into this because it's also, you were telling me, kind of a mystery in this multimedia experience.
People, you know, learn more as they process through it.
I mean, tell us about it.
Well, you know, I mean, what it does, it looks at a sort of near future.
It starts in 2012, and it takes place over many years, and it follows a group of young people, and sort of, it's a global story, and what happens as we sort of transition out of fossil fuels into alternative energy.
And, you know, what I realized going into that is that there's a lot of people who claim to know what's going on and it's pretty overwhelming because we don't really know what's going to happen and I don't know who to believe or what to believe.
So I really thought that we could sort of shake it up by putting in sort of conspiracy theories and things like that that would sort of really question, you know, the party line of what's going on with that.
I mean, what we do know is that
There's a finite amount of oil available and eventually that will run out.
And when that happens, regardless of whether we have some sort of scientific breakthrough and something that's going to provide amazing energy that we never thought of, there's still going to be an incredibly difficult and rough transition leaving from the sort of fossil fuels to this alternative energy.
You know, if you think about what we have and what sort of the what we make from petroleum products, everything that we do is sort of based in oil.
You know, so even if we have this sort of amazing discovery, it's still going to cause chaos.
And the added point that you introduce from what you've told me is that are they artificially trying to accelerate the shutdown of the oil system?
Are the big mega oil companies trying to suppress other alternative energies?
We know they've been doing that for decades.
So this production looks at it from a lot of different angles.
It's not this way or that way.
I mean, am I saying too much or am I correct to say collapses is meant to spur debate and thought?
That's exactly what it's supposed to do.
I mean, it's supposed to sort of intrigue you and the entire experience, it's a fictional world, but also you go into it and you have the choice to go into documentaries, talking heads, you know, professionals in the field and sort of make that choice yourself if you want to hear more information.
And it really is meant for you to come up with your own
So it's almost like a digital version, I know this limits it, but it's almost like a digital version of those storybooks that'll have four or five different possible paths you can take and you make the decision?
I think it's really simple.
When I'm on the web now, a lot of times I'm listening to your show.
I'm surfing the web, checking stuff up like you so often tell us to do.
I'm checking emails at the same time.
I'm chatting with somebody.
The way that we're sort of getting information now, it's very different than this whole passive idea of watching a show on television.
And I think it's sort of about mixing and collapsing these mediums and interacting with information in an entirely new way.
And when we come back, get into how the website works.
And people can go and discover this for themselves by going to Collapsus.com and entering InfoWars.
But it's a lot of different types of media fused together, including action, adventure, you name it.
It's all there.
And tell us about the production itself, because it looks like a lot of work went into this.
I also see rotoscoping.
It has a beautiful scanner darkly look to it as well.
So quite a production.
Tommy Pallotta, award-winning filmmaker.
You name it, is our guest, and we're going to be discussing Collapsus.com, this multimedia experience with him on the other side, and talking about energy on this planet.
If we didn't have energy, we'd all freeze in the dark, especially Tommy over in the Netherlands.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to get it linked up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Or just search the term Collapsus.com and then enter InfoWars.com.
You're getting a first look.
And Tommy says let's go ahead and play the trailer.
Here it is.
It's world premiere of the trailer.
You can find out a lot more inside the website Collapsus.com by entering again InfoWars.
But here is the world premiere of the trailer for Collapsus.
You need to think bigger picture.
Use your audience.
Do some real reporting.
Everything's gone to a crisis point.
It's a full-out civil war.
Fueled by blood, oil, and oppression.
For the coming years, we are now victims of our own stupidity and greed.
No, I'm here.
That wasn't us.
You are a liar.
I may be many things, but a liar I'm not.
Energy industry isn't there to help us, it's here to kill us!
We must fight back.
And you're helping to feed the fire.
Feed the fire.
That's a good job.
Do not believe the lies.
Know what I know, but see what I see.
This is our war.
We need to get out of there, Vera.
Collapsus.com, and for radio listeners that couldn't see the trailer at PrisonPlanet.tv, is the trailer posted once people get into the Collapsus.com website, Tommy?
Yeah, it's also, we're posting it on YouTube, so... Good, so that's going up anytime, we'll get that link.
This is a short segment, but again, get into the process and the multimedia, this fusion that is Collapsus.
Well, it's about using multiple platforms to do the storytelling.
And I also wanted to ask your listeners to follow us on Twitter at Collapsus News.
And if you are going to be talking about or sharing your energy conspiracy theories, if you use the hashtag Collapsus, I think some surprises will be in store for you.
And again, you use the term conspiracy theory because in the popular culture, it's like when I call micro radio pirate radio, I get emails from pirate radio operators saying, why are you calling it pirate?
It's micro.
Yes, I think it's good.
I think it's a way to get key information out.
But the general public, if I say micro, doesn't know what I'm talking about.
So I've got to say pirate.
To then explain to them that it's really micro and isn't interfering, if it's done properly, with commercial radio stations.
Same way you say conspiracy theory, that just means questioning the official dogma.
But you have to use the term conspiracy theory just to even get people to understand what you're saying.
Yeah, and I think conspiracy has a connotation of illegality to it as well.
I mean, I think of conspiracy as somebody planning to do something that's illegal.
And certainly price fixing or withholding information and other things, you know,
It wouldn't be in the past that energy companies have done something like that, so I don't think it's a very broad lead to call it conspiracy.
I've got a Bloomberg piece where they're calling the Stuxnet worm a conspiracy by a major government.
I mean, conspiracies are everywhere.
When two guys get together to rob a bank, that's a conspiracy.
Why then does the media say mega-corporations aren't involved in conspiracies when we know they are?
Yeah, you know, I mean, you have to ask yourself that question.
Everybody should be asking that question.
But it's just a way to demonize and marginalize people who are asking questions.
What was the genesis of Collapsus?
I mean, when did this idea form?
You know, I was in New York in 2003 during the blackout.
And it was, you know, post 9-11, so it was very
I think so.
Civilization as we know it would completely collapse and that was really kind of the genesis of this you know when they sort of came to me describing the project I just immediately thought back to that moment and that experience that I had.
I remember the last time you were in Austin well the last time I saw you when you were in Austin about a year ago you were talking about you know this project and you were telling me of course you know the story about New York.
I mean, to live through something like that, you know, and again, it was really fun, but you don't really realize how dependent we are on energy until we're without it.
We are incredibly dependent.
Let's talk about that and different theories, different research areas that you've gotten into about what's really behind what's happening with energy right now.
And the future of energy and my views on that as well.
Tommy Pallotta is our guest.
The website is Collapsus.com.
Only listeners can get in.
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We're going back to Tommy Pallotta in just a moment.
But speaking of getting off the grid, people get confused.
I come out and I say that peak oil is a fraud.
The way the mega-corporations, the big banks are promoting it, it's the same with water.
They want to, and they admit this, we have the IMF World Bank documents from 2002.
It's kind of like the last James Bond movie that came out, where they're down in South America, and the big mega-corporation is blocked up the water to the major city, and now they've come in and privatized the water.
That's based on true stories.
Real things that have happened.
You know, go back to Guatemala or other countries where they were releasing mold and locusts and beetles and weevils to kill their crops in Africa.
This is industrial espionage.
So our energy needs are going way up.
There are issues with water and oil and things.
And the big corporations are blocking truly independent real systems.
You notice they'll give you a tax incentive here in the U.S.
to get solar panels.
But they're not the best type, and they make you share it with the power grid so that you're still dependent on their system.
And we know they're buying up water supplies to jack up prices.
So they're creating artificial scarcity.
But either way you slice it, the system is trying to create scarcity.
To bring in this post-industrial world.
And that's what the Copenhagen summit was.
That's why when the third world saw the plan and saw that it had bigger tax increases on them than even the West, they said no and it went down in flames.
And that's why I love everything Tommy Pallotta does.
Because you look at all the crud coming out of Hollywood, how they're dumbing society down.
Every production Tommy's made, every book, every film, every website, every major motion picture, they're really complex and challenging.
I mean, I'm a pretty smart guy.
I'm, you know, average, you know, medium intelligence, and these are challenging for me.
Very challenging.
And that's what they're supposed to be.
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Big links up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now we're going to get more into the production of this and some more hints
Of what you'll discover at this 21st Century Multimedia Fusion at Collapsus.com.
Only our listeners for the next 24 hours can get in.
This isn't launching for three or four days.
You can get a sneak peek in the next 24 hours by entering the secret code, not any secret anymore, InfoWars.
I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S, Infowars, at Collapsus.com.
C-O-L-L-A-P-S-U-S dot com.
And, of course, the producer of this, the director of this is Tommy Pallotta.
But, Tommy, before we get more into this, you wanted to play not just a trailer, but a one-minute sneak peek from one section of the Collapsus universe.
Yeah, I want you to guess who this is based on.
Okay, let's go ahead and play the clip.
Here it is.
Do not believe the lies.
Which lies?
The lies that corporations and the countries want you to believe.
We don't have time for this.
Our environment and our planet are in a fragile balance and they want to destroy that balance.
I see.
You think I'm just some crazy conspiracy theorist.
You honestly believe that no one could game the system and exploit the current energy crisis.
Do not be naive.
Look how even now they exploit the natural gas crisis for profit.
Everybody's a player.
It's a big game for them and no one is innocent.
Question your sincerity.
I'll send you something.
Send me your email address, and I'll get you the files.
You'll know what I know, you'll see what I see.
Sure that's it?
Send it again, make sure I have it.
Tommy, you sent us two other files, but we couldn't get one of them to work.
Was that the right file?
Yeah, that was good.
I don't know, who is that based on?
Tommy Pallotta?
Nah, me.
No, that was an American who was living here, working at a comedy club, and he was already a big fan of yours, and I knew that we wanted to introduce this character who was sort of checking up on everybody and everything, and is the guy that always
Has all the facts, and it seems hard to believe, but then as you sort of go along the story, you realize that he's right too many times.
And you've interviewed a lot of heavy hitters for this documentary as well, but again, it's multiple documentaries.
Some of it's kind of the action-adventure whodunit, you know, investigation, other things, it's, you know, talking head interviews.
And tell us about the group that financed this, and I mean, this is going to be airing on television, is it not?
Well, the documentary's already aired on Dutch television here.
But that's only one slice of it!
Yeah, that's only one slice.
This is really a mixture of gaming, fiction, and documentary.
And even within that, we're mixing live action and animation.
So it really is just sort of a remix of all popular culture and things that are going on right now.
And this was an attempt to try to get young people to tune into the European-style documentary, correct?
Yeah, I mean, there's a social media aspect to it.
You know, the way that we tell the story is mostly through video blogs with the characters, you know, talking to each other in that way.
A lot of this is going to link to YouTube videos and things like that.
So, again, I encourage everybody to follow us at Collapsus News on Twitter.
Well, the big positive aspect of this, and I want to see if you concur or expand on it, is that we know there's a lot of... I mean, this is on record.
I've seen stuff from the 70s with General Motors suppressing engines that go 60, 70 miles to the gallon and have, you know, powerful horsepower behind them.
I mean, there's a lot of basic stuff that's been suppressed.
A lot of technologies that have been suppressed because obviously the big energy giants don't just want profits, they want control.
Well, I think those two are intertwined.
And I mean, it's pretty obvious now that who's profiting the most?
You know, oil companies.
I mean, you only have to read the newspaper to find that out.
That's not a conspiracy.
We know that for a fact.
Tommy, I know there's a lot more to talk about dealing with Collapsus.com, but do you want to open the phones up and take some calls?
Sure, let's do that.
We're going to clear the phone board so we have calls specifically for Tommy Pallotta.
And give us your ideas, as the media would call conspiracy theories, about suppressed technology, suppressed energy, what you think about peak oil.
I mean, clearly they're hyping it to create artificial scarcity, but it doesn't matter either way.
They're trying to block energy so they can make higher profits and have greater control.
Not just over the West, but particularly the third world, where Lord Monckton's research and others have clearly exposed, it is a death sentence for tens of millions of people per year.
And, Tommy, I certainly hope that you've got big servers over there, because I would imagine you'll get anywhere between 100,000 and a million people in the next 24 hours hitting Collapsus.com.
Well, I hope.
You know, there's a lot of mysteries there, and I think, like, figuring out the site is half the fun.
I mean, you're going to have to go in there and sort of dive in there, and it's a lot deeper than it first appears.
So it's also one of those sites on top of it.
It's not just multimedia.
You've got to discover the clues and things?
Yeah, not so much.
Not too much puzzle playing, just because I don't like that.
But, you know, it's a rabbit hole.
So I want you to go down the rabbit hole.
How many levels are there in the rabbit hole?
This is kind of the video game cheat sheet here.
You know, a big influence was just sort of annotated experiences in novels that I was reading a long time ago.
And I started to think that what I really wanted to do was be able to choose what information I would go to.
So if somebody, if a character is saying it in a fictional realm, then I can go to a documentary to sort of counter that
And is anything else going to be added to Collapsus.com or is this the final phase of the project?
You know, I think we're always open to tweaking it and changing it.
And it's funny that you were talking about water conspiracies because I actually saw this as sort of a series.
And my idea was that the next one would be based on sort of water conspiracies.
Well, there's no doubt about that.
They are 100% creating artificial scarcity and getting groups warring with each other in the United States and other areas to set that... All the privatization of it, you know, that's what's scary about it.
Yeah, they take these dams and infrastructures that we've already paid for by taxpayers so we should own it, and they give it to companies who then overnight increase the prices.
Yeah, and then they get to decide what to do with it and who it goes to.
I mean, there's no doubt that the toxic waste and things involved with oil refining is terrible.
Yeah, that's true.
And I think it's, I mean, the one thing for me, and I think that I would consider myself a casual listener, is that it just all becomes overwhelming after a while.
And that's one of their tricks.
It's just to overwhelm you with information and to keep you, you know, in a state of denial, really.
We've got a bunch of calls here for you.
We're going to go to them right now.
Let's talk to Kyle in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air with the maker of Collapsus, Tommy Pallotta.
Kyle, welcome.
I have a question if he knows anything about like Project Aurora?
No, I haven't heard of it.
You have never heard of Project Aurora?
Do you want to tell us about it?
Well, I don't know much about it.
All I know is that it's some sort of
We're good to go.
Look, what's been accidentally declassified, Dr. Bob Bowman, the former head of Star Wars, has talked about here, when he was in command of Space Command in the late 70s, early 80s, they had a fleet of robotic decapitation aircraft, and by decapitation, they have a meteor gun.
That sounds like something out of The Last Starfighter, but it's not.
It's a Sabo-DU solid projectile that accelerates to over 30,000 miles an hour and has the same kinetic energy effect of a low-yield nuclear weapon and can knock out bunkers even a mile underground.
And they, back then, had a whole fleet of them circling, ready to kill every leader of the planet in just an hour or less.
And so, yes, they have a giant secret space program.
But that's not really... I guess that kind of deals with energy, Tommy.
Well, it sounds cool.
Something that can leave a vapor trail from New Mexico to China in 45 minutes.
What kind of energy is that thing running on?
Well, they go at about Mach 15, once they're in orbit, or even faster.
And, yeah, no, I mean, the Tinker Toys they've shown us, they still claim the SR-71 Blackbird, developed in 1952, in service in 55, declassified in the 70s, is the fastest plane we've got.
Tommy, do you think a plane from 1952 is the fastest plane we've got?
No, not at all.
I'm sure we have something faster by now.
Well, exactly.
And the issue is, I keep saying we.
We are in a frozen technological system.
They give us a new iPhone and some new eye candy.
That's all 30, 40 year old.
There is a whole reservoir of secret technology on these government and corporate reservations.
That's why they're on such power trips.
And Bill Joy and others have said,
They've got life extension now to at least out to 125 or more, and that's why they don't want us around.
They want to kill most of us so they can step forward, you know, like 2001 to the next level.
Now that doesn't mean it's real, but they believe they're going to be the star children.
They talk about this, Tommy.
Yeah, and the other thing to sort of remember is that when things are declassified, it's usually declassified for a reason.
And I think it's always funny that all they ever do when they say that the project is done and they're no longer doing it anymore, all they've really done is just change the name and completed the project under a new guise.
And so it continues to go on, but then they keep on saying about every 10 years, well, we're no longer doing MKUltra, you know, and now it's something else.
It's called something else.
Now we're done beta testing it.
Now we're doing it to everybody.
Kyle, I hope that answers your question.
Brad in Oregon.
Brad, you're on the air.
Thank you.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
Hey, a while back I had been doing some internet research and read about the government suppressing patents under the name of national security.
No, no, that's the ones that are really proven.
That's where they've got incredible stuff that's admitted.
Go ahead.
Oh, I was just wondering, I'm still trying to search that up and I can't find it.
Can you give me the name of the law?
Yeah, no, I mean, I don't have the government-purchased patents or the big megacorporations that buy them and sit on them.
I don't have the patent numbers in front of me, but in the 1950s, you know, they had patents that project sound to the middle ear.
And then a decade ago, I had the CEO of a California company on who'd been allowed to do the patent for Coke machines that project sound at you and tell you Coke is delicious.
But it freaked Americans out, so only Japan has rolled it out in limited areas.
I mean, it's unlimited.
Tommy, comments?
Yeah, well, I mean, there's no doubt that there's basically people with untoward motivations.
And I think we just always have to have our antennas open, we need to educate ourselves, and we need to listen to Alex.
Anything else, Brad?
Um, no, just you're always doing searches, and then I try to do the same search and I don't come up with the same stuff, so anything that you can... Well, you know, I've thought about putting a document cam in the control room aimed at the guys searching.
In fact, let's do that.
I know some of the people don't want to be on camera, but we can make sure when we do flip it live that that's not the case.
You hear me yell out a search term, the guys search it, and 99% of the time find it.
I mean, just search.
Guys, do it right now.
Suppressed patents on high-mileage engines.
I mean, it's just everywhere.
So, I mean, if I say insect genes and cross-species fish, the guys searched that, and I showed it on screen last hour.
We'll be back with Tommy Pallotta for two more segments.
Stay with us.
We're going into the fourth hour.
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You tell them, Bob Dylan.
I can see a day coming when even having your own garden is going to be against the law.
Yeah, we used to grow corn in Kansas.
Now we grow it on the moon and eat it raw.
Sundown on the Union.
Democracy don't rule the world.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
This world is run.
And a man's gonna do what a man's gotta do.
Yeah, up there with her space planks.
All right, we are going back to Tommy for the rest of this segment and the next, taking more of your calls at 800-259-9231.
But, Tommy, I wanted to briefly bring up all these new salmon they're coming out with, with other fish genes, insect genes.
I mean, for me, that's the real environmental threat.
But I'm not hearing that out of the major environmental groups.
The Franken-salmon.
Yeah, all the genetically modified foods, man.
That's scary stuff.
And they don't even want, the FDA doesn't even want us to be able to have a label on it to make our own decision.
Everybody stay asleep.
We're all waking up right now.
I wanted to also mention today that it's Google's birthday, so I don't know if you've talked about the CIA-Google connection lately, but in lieu of that, I would appreciate it if listeners would do a search for Collapsus, C-O-L-L-A-P-S-U-S, plus energy plus conspiracy.
Collapsus Energy Conspiracy.
You want the listeners to make that the number one search term today, Tommy?
That would be great.
The CIA, the CIA number one search term.
And then we can post this video to YouTube and call it Collapsus Energy Conspiracy.
Well, you know, I mean, Collapsus is, um, it's Latin for collapse.
And, uh, it's, it's the thing that I've just been sort of obsessing about lately.
It's just how everything is going to collapse eventually.
Well, that's a good search term.
Collapsus Energy Conspiracy.
Is that what you're saying you want it to be?
That would be great.
Well, it's our 21st search term.
We made the number one search terms last week, number one and two, on the same day.
And so this is our maiden voyage.
We're somebody else on the show.
And we're going to have a social network launch soon, it's behind schedule, but soon we're going to have a system once a week where listeners can vote on what they want to be the top search term and we'll put it out on air.
So here we have a listener slash guest, Tommy Collapses Energy Conspiracy, and we can certainly, as a little gift to the Google CIA people, expose what they're up to.
Linda N. Tejas, you're on the air, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
A few of us started a group called Fluoride Free Austin a couple of years ago, and per your advice, we've been going to City Council every opportunity that we can, and they treat the fluoride situation as if it was a conspiracy theory as well.
And three of us are speaking at City Council Communications this Thursday,
And we need people to show up.
If people have time to go to a football game in Austin, 10,000, 20,000 people at a football game, cannot we get 200 of your listeners to show up?
Well, that's the good news.
That's the good news, is a lot of cities are removing it.
A lot of mainstream hosts are... I mean, just Google
Speaking of Google, fluoride bone cancer.
In fact, do that when we come back.
I want to show it on screen.
All these major studies at least doubles bone cancer and many other cancers, and so people should be down there demanding those swindling creatures down there get the poison out of our water, but they're a bunch of control freaks.
Back in 70 seconds.
You are listening to GCN.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
It's our final segment with Tommy Pallotta.
I'm going to get into the nature of the New World Order, their master plan, some of their biggest secrets, but also the secret of free humanity.
Coming up in the next segment, we've got some more video and news we're going to be announcing throughout this fourth hour.
We are live September 27th, 2010 on this Monday edition.
Let's hurry with quick questions or comments for Tommy Pallotta, premiering the internet version of Collapsus here on the show today.
Very honored.
Mark in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, good to speak with you, Tommy and Alex.
I just wanted to say that, like, in, during a crisis, like, we say that, like, the internet and cell phones go down.
I think that we're most vulnerable in that state, because the, the population is only going to have a few outlets where they're going to have information.
And then when it turns back on, the Pentagon says you won't have the freedom anymore.
Yeah, that's, that's why, like, like, I'm a rancher in Texas, and, like, very, there's very few people that actually know that can actually go past three days
Without having to go to the store and needing gas or needing some sort of being on the grid somehow, but... Yeah, we have to realize how unnatural this existence has gotten, and it's allowed the globalists to set up their scientific dictatorship, and now that they've got us dependent on them, they're slowly trying to cut off our resources to make us even more dependent.
I agree.
I mean, you don't really realize it until you're without it.
But everything that we do, we're completely dependent.
All of our modern society, everything that we do is dependent on energy right now.
And as soon as that goes away, everything's going to collapse.
And they're not just blocking new technologies, they're trying to shut down the family farms and ranches.
Tommy, have you seen all that legislation where you won't even be able to pick peaches at your own orchard and sell them on the side of the highway?
Yeah, I've scanned the headlines.
I've seen that, yeah.
It's amazing.
Anything else, Mark?
Well, if you just had any ideas about, like, maybe some low-tech ideas for communication, say, that if cell phones and everything else went down, that...
Some way that we can keep media still going of... Well, the biggest thing is everybody should save this show, my films, other materials and have card copies of it because they are moving into a Chinese-style internet.
They're certainly attempting that.
But we're on shortwave as well and, you know, start your own local hand-delivered newsletter.
Get a couple sponsors like the Green Sheets.
Create micro-local media with your own views.
But it takes time, but just keep doing it.
Any comments on that, Tommy, ways to really stay connected?
Well, I mean, I think what he's trying to say, though, is that if we do, if they do pull out all energy, say they just stop the energy grid, you know, how are we going to play your movies?
You know, how are we going to get the word across?
You can't run a DVD player.
You can't run a TV, you know?
And so it really is a pretty good way to just bring everything to a grinding halt.
So I think we need to be aware of that.
We need to be prepared for that.
Well, I mean, the globalist John P. Holdrender and fake environmental guy says he wants an end to U.S.
Well, that's what NAFTA and GATT were always designed to do.
And then they move it all to China where there's no environmental controls.
Mark, thank you.
Brandon in Texas, last caller, but I'll get to Brian and Ernie.
Just Tommy will be gone.
Brandon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm 19.
I just want to say that
This is what pisses me off the most about the New World Order is the fact that they're suppressing these free energy technologies.
And I just want to direct Tom to the Orion Project.
I think it's led by Dr. Stephen Greer and I think their main focus is just to get a bunch of scientists and stuff who know how to create these free energy systems together and to like fund it and build it so that it can't be suppressed and so that when they release it
The average person can buy it.
We're out of time, Brandon, but that's a good point.
And that's what Collapsus and other projects like it are doing, is it's getting people to look around them and realize, where did this meat come from?
Where did the power and these lights come from?
Where did this camera come from?
How did this watch get made?
It makes you think about your environment, and I think that's really the beginning of awakening.
Tommy, closing comments.
I, you know, I agree.
And again, thanks for having me on your show.
And if we could give, again, Google and the CIA a special birthday message, let them know that we're on to them, and do a search for Collapsus Post Energy Conspiracy, I'd be happy.
Collapsus Energy Conspiracy, those three words.
We'll see if it hits number one.
It's up to the listeners.
Tommy, thanks for giving us an in-depth first view of the Collapsus.com website.
Search term to get into the site, InfoWars.
God bless you, my friend.
Alright, thanks for having me on.
Always great to have award-winning filmmaker Tommy Pallotta on with us, maker of Scanner Darkly and Waking Life.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
I'm going to get to Brian, Ernie, and Scott's calls at least this hour.
But I wanted to get into that little brainstorm I had this morning.
I have them every morning after I exercise, jump in the shower, get dressed, and I just wrote some basic notes.
Eight different points that I want to go over that all tie into the basic same idea of understanding
Our existence on this planet and what we face as a society.
And to realize that we're all basically like lab rats within a controlled paradigm being given false choices.
And that you are being experimented upon.
You are being manipulated.
I'm being experimented on.
I'm being manipulated.
I have to go through all sorts of hoops just to avoid GMO crops.
Just to not, you know, bathe in sodium fluoride that's absorbed by my skin that they admit
Massively increases cancers and infertility and lower IQ.
All of that is admitted.
In fact, did you search the term, um, um, fluoride cancer, fluoride bone cancer?
I want to put some mainstream news on screen for people.
I mean, this is admitted, but then you go to a city council or you go to a state house, there's WebMD, study links fluoride to bone cancer in men.
And there's literally hundreds and hundreds of those studies, and it does not strengthen teeth.
It actually weakens teeth when it's taken internally.
And I go back to the fact that if you put it on topically, yes, it does strengthen the enamel of the teeth, but that's like drinking suntan lotion to not get a sunburn.
It's a joke.
They know why they're putting it in the water.
Now, here are the points I want to go over.
Think how fast things are changing, for good and for bad.
Real threats to the human race, controlled and uncontrolled.
Number three, don't let them control your reality via television and other mediums.
And for those that are serving the system, you are signing on to real horror, not simulated.
I'll explain that.
And I want to make the point, we're all in this together, even if you've made a conscious decision to serve evil.
Another point I want to make.
We need to be hard-nosed.
Then I want to get into one of the biggest secrets of the New World Order.
And I want to talk about the family.
And so let's just go over these central points.
Think how fast things are changing.
And then realize the change we're seeing is limited.
10 to 30 to 40 years old.
Depending on what technological development it is, under the guise of national security, they control all the major IT companies, the big software companies.
Through the DARPA and federal funding, these major corporations control the government, who then sets the rules for individuals.
And we are in the middle of titanic change, and if you look at all the change being promoted by the architects of the system, it's bad.
It's fundamentally corrupt.
It goes against common sense and what our species is designed to do.
But you look at all that bad that's happening and accelerating, good is also growing and accelerating just as fast because of that universal law, for every action there's an equal reaction.
So that's the point that I wanted to make, is that we see really the common sense of the general public in every poll.
They're against the globalists and what their policies and agenda are.
Now I want to get into one of the most important points that I scribbled this morning and I wanted to talk about, and that is real threats
To humanity.
We're giving false threats of carbon dioxide because they want to tax the carbon cycle.
Gives them total jurisdiction and control over every facet of our lives.
Allows the megacorporations to selectively have government only allow them to operate where nobody else can.
All these new taxes.
But then we have real threats.
And I talked about this earlier.
Genetically modified salmon with eel genes and insect genes and, you know, monkeys that have been mixed with glowing jellyfish for a decade on sale.
Just so.
They're pretty popular in Asia.
I haven't seen any here in the US.
In fact, if you guys search that, people won't believe it.
Jellyfish monkey cross.
I need to get that on screen.
Yeah, it's very important.
I mean, I can't... Look, I had a guy going back 10 years ago, I guess about 8 years ago, because my wife was pregnant with our first child, so it was about 8 years ago.
I went to Conan's Pizza at about 9 at night.
She wanted some pizza.
And a guy came over and poked me in the back, and I turned around and almost slugged him, because he poked me hard.
And he said, you know, I used to like you, but you're a liar.
There's no such thing as cross-species.
I took biology at UT.
And I said, when?
He goes, in 1975.
I said, sir, they've been crossing all sorts of species.
It's called GMO.
And he just said, no, you're a liar.
Well, there it is.
New scientist.
GM monkey passes jelly fiend... GM monkey passes jellyfish gene to offspring.
And there's a whole group of these glowing jellyfish monkeys where they have jellyfish genetics in their skin and they glow in the dark.
I mean, you can't make that up.
Okay, there it was.
So, I mean, I say this stuff and
The media and magazines and newspapers take clips out of it and play it and go, look, he's nuts!
You know, he says the government wants to make us gay.
That was big last week.
Well, they took the clip out of context.
I was reading out of mainstream news about the Pentagon wanting to release hormones to make the Iraqi military gay.
I was just reading what the news said.
It had nothing to do with gay people or bashing anybody.
But they want to make it part of that left-right paradigm.
And I was going on to say, Bisphenol A makes men feminine.
And when they've given Bisphenol A to rats, they start, you know, accentuating what already happens naturally, where two males will get together.
Or females will become hyper-feminine and go into
Puberty early, and then develop cancer early.
I mean, I was just reading what's all over the news, but they take it out of context, and it's clips of me out there on the web going, glowing monkeys!
And it just shows how every attack against this radio show is a straw man.
It's never real.
And I'm not mad that I'm being attacked.
That shows I'm having an effect.
I'm mad for people that are so intellectually dishonest that they don't just lie to their viewers or readers.
They believe their own lie.
They're delusional.
It's like saying sodium fluoride isn't bad for you, and you're a conspiracy theorist if you say it is bad for you.
No, I'm telling the truth!
And then what does that tell you?
There it is.
Baby male monkeys act more like female infants after BPA exposure in the womb.
Environmental health news.
I mean all I did was report and then I've got all the Club of Rome UN documents where they don't care morally whether you're homosexual or heterosexual.
It's not even a moral judgment.
Okay, for the sake of debate being neutral on it, I was stating that they want that lifestyle, and that's why the government and media push it, so that you won't have children to reduce population.
And you can pull up those documents, but see, it's just easier to say I'm a lunatic saying bisphenol A liner and fruit box packages is making boys feminine.
Well, you know what it's doing to little girls?
It's making them go into puberty at 7, and then their life cycle accelerates and they get breast cancer at 25.
That's not a joke!
Women having their breasts radiated and then chopped off isn't funny.
You think burying young women is cute?
You think it's cute the government's on record putting HIV in shots for gay men in the 1970s in New York and San Francisco?
That's been declassified?
You think that's funny?
You think that's about bashing gay people?
See, and they'll giggle and laugh while they're being murdered because it's fun to laugh at Alex Jones.
It's totally sick.
It's totally and completely sick.
That's a side issue.
I just start thinking about everything they're doing to us.
I mean, people
Need to understand that you are under attack, period.
I'm gonna do a video on this later for PrisonPlanet.tv members and of course it'll be put out for everybody at YouTube.
That's another complaint I get.
I give members, so we can pay for this whole office, the show first, you know, the radio's free, but the TV, the films in the highest quality, and then promote them for free for everybody else.
And then they have paid trolls on the message board complaining that it's not free day one and that somebody who pays gets a higher quality version.
Well, how do you think we're here?
How do you think we operate?
And again, I'm not mad that people criticize me, it's that they do it from a dishonest, mentally bankrupt, fraudulent level!
I mean, how could somebody take the last five minutes of what I just said, warning women about breast cancer, and ovarian cancer, I mean, it attacks all the major glands involved in reproduction, and then turn that into gay bashing, when it has nothing to do with it?
I was reporting what all the studies show!
You feminize a male monkey, or a dog, or a homo sapien sapien, that's what they then show procrivity to.
And this isn't a game, folks!
We've done the research.
We know what we're talking about.
But let me just briefly give you some of the real threats.
Number one, genetic engineering.
Open air, cross-species, already spreading into other plants, other animals.
Causing unbelievable havoc, generating mutated viruses, bacteria, superbugs, plagues that we can't even imagine, the government bioweapons labs creating airborne human mousepox that kills, according to ABC News, 99% of whatever mammal species it's designed for.
The government
produced eight years ago the Australian and US government weaponized mousepox and then released the recombinant DNA recipe on the internet.
In fact, they won't believe that.
Search engine the term.
Mousepox formula released by Australian University.
That's a real threat, not carbon dioxide exhaled by humans.
So I want to go over a few of the
Real threats, both controlled and uncontrolled.
Some of this we can't control.
But that ties into the biggest secret dealing with the New World Order.
Stay with us.
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We are back live.
I've got a long list of these and again I'm going to produce a special video that will air in the next few days here on the radio slash television program.
You want to see the TV part folks?
But dealing with real threats, genetic engineering, nuclear weapons, government bioweapons programs, and you guys did find the mousepox story, right?
Where US and Australian governments put out the genetic code for a mousepox that can be designed for humans that kills 99% of those that come in contact with it.
I mean, all of this is real.
That's the one they found, that's from AP.
A genetically engineered mousepox virus designed to evade vaccines, underscoring biotechnology's deadly potential.
Yeah, that's it.
That's one of them.
And it kills 99% of humans that come in contact with.
This is what the government is making.
In fact, this strain, it killed all of the mice.
We're good to go.
Old technology.
They have more advanced technology.
And that's why the globalists are on such power trips.
And while the general public's busy, obsessed with football and mindless issues, the controllers of this planet are openly saying they're setting up the global government to kill Alex Jones, to kill John Doe, to kill you!
And then you've got the uncontrolled things like sun flares or giant asteroids or, you know, things like that.
But those events happen, you know,
Every million years.
That's just a dead reckoning, you know, guesstimation of what many scientists say.
This is something we're dealing with now.
Exponential technology.
And the globalists claim, going back a hundred years, they wanted world government with the League of Nations and the UN to end the threat of us destroying ourselves.
That's been the big push since the nuclear age started in 1945, officially.
But they were worried about it in 1900, when they had the equations from Max Planck and others.
The German physicist.
And that's one of the big secrets of the New World Order, is they claim they're doing all this to protect the Earth, to protect themselves, to put in a system to, you know, to suppress all these technologies, but they develop them.
They're so corrupt, they give them the third world countries as a pretext to invade them.
And when you look at it, the globalists say they're survival of the fittest because they're ruthless, they're cunning, they're inbred, they're psychopathic many times, they've passed on these psychopathic traits by intermarrying, and you're giving psychopathic, nihilistic, murderous, transhumanist, control freaks demigod-like powers
But they're still men, and they're corrupt, and if you really look at all the evidence, they're probably going to destroy the planet.
Something right out of Revelations.
You know, killing the ocean, killing two-thirds of the planet.
I mean, all of that is a real threat, and then they say they're selling global government in the name of stopping all of that.
You know, they tell the public it's to end poverty and to stop the global warming, and that's just the public excuses.
But in the published UN annals,
Club of Rome, CFR, it's available but not widely disseminated.
They say they've got to do this to save the earth from GMO, to save the earth from genetic engineering, to save the earth from nuclear weapons, when they are the ones rapidly deploying it.
Open air!
They have a death wish.
And so many of the global controllers are not really controllers.
They think they are.
They're compartmentalized.
They're on power trips.
They've been given a limited view into what they're building, what they're conjuring.
But we are now here at this point, and it is so important to get this message out to everyone that people need to understand that even if you're a powerful billionaire, your future, your children's future, is threatened by this consortium that you are a part of, even if you're compartmentalized.
You must wake up to the full horror.
I mean, if we can't get the general public to wake up to the fact that sodium fluoride in their water and many other foods is deadly,
And reduces IQ, fertility, increases cancer.
How are we going to get people concerned about GMO crops that we know kill the animals that eat them and debilitate and kill the humans that eat them long-term?
And the system knows this.
The system is doing this on purpose.
This is nightmarish!
And the globalists are so arrogant, they believe their technology is so much more advanced that whatever they're releasing on us, they can control.
No, the globalists are good at destroying things.
They're good at creating mischief and then organizing the crisis so they get more power.
But they're not God, they're not omnipresent, no matter if Google thinks they are, and they are going to destroy themselves along with us with them.
So we need to pray to God
That people open up their minds and their souls and realize this threat.
We'll be back to break down more of it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
To illustrate what I'm talking about, how globalism is for the ultra-rich.
Remember last week it came out?
Tens of millions of pounds of money in British pounds every year to the Queen of England and her scores of palaces.
They were using funds for the poor to be able to do that for their heating bills while they're cutting old people's
Gas allotment.
Meanwhile, Prince Charles is running around saying, lower your carbon footprint for the earth.
Don't take a bath.
You know, don't use energy.
But these people literally own more than half of England.
And then I saw a video of the party meeting to be told by Kim Jong-il that his son, remember his daddy, made him the dictator of North Korea and now his, by all reports, completely delusional, snot-nosed child will be the new dictator.
Millions of people starve to death every year in Korea.
It is total dehumanization.
We know that these ruthless elites produce a living hell.
And our own government wants a collectivist model here.
Let's play this video and it's got the North Korean TV jabbering as it shows the party officials arriving in the North Korean capital.
I mean, this is so surreal.
I mean, huge attention.
The Party Congress of Workers.
Korea arrived here at the Capitol.
Oh, yes.
They enthusiastically welcome the delegates in the Workers' Party of Korea.
And they arrive in their 60-year-old train.
They've all got foreign suitcases.
They can't even manufacture suitcases.
But that's how we're going to be here soon.
We can't manufacture anything.
Everybody's dressed so nice.
That's what we're fighting against here.
All right, I want to premiere this 15-minute video.
It's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Help us take the InfoWar to the next level.
Here's the video audio tour of the new studios.
Only you can make this happen.
We are on such an important mission.
Please, ladies and gentlemen, help expand the InfoWar.
Here it is.
It's the fall of 2010.
The entire planet is awakening to the one world government being established by the private central megabanks that have orchestrated the world financial collapse.
I have been on the air for 15 years.
I started out
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The population of the planet is in the beginning stages of a massive awakening.
One of the biggest political realignments, not just in the United States, but worldwide we've ever seen.
But the technocrats, with all their slick propaganda, are turning up the heat.
That's why
We are attempting to expand our operations.
Just two and a half years ago we made the decision to move into these offices.
We built the studio.
We expanded our film production, our web news operations, and we were able to do it successfully thanks to your support.
Now the media admits that billions of dollars a year of taxpayer money is funded to ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, local stations.
They now admit that much of their funding comes from the government and taxpayers.
We don't have any of that funding.
We don't have Fortune 500 sponsors.
We don't have the big backing of News Corp like Glenn Beck does.
We want to bring a true message of constitutionalism.
A true message of liberty and freedom that is for national defense but not for invading innocent countries.
That is no compromise on the Second Amendment and our borders and our sovereignty.
that pushes to get us out of the criminal United Nations.
That's why I'm asking you, if you believe in what we've done, to support the money bomb coming up October 14th.
I'm gonna be broadcasting on the radio and at PrisonPlanet.tv 24 hours.
We're gonna air exclusive interviews
With many of the top researchers in the world during that 24-hour.
We're going to have live guests on, but also video interviews we're going to be playing.
We already have a lot of folks showing huge interest in the money bomb.
More than $20,000, without us even promoting it, has already been donated.
The last two money bombs we did raised more than $300,000 apiece.
We need to be strong and actually expand during these hard times so the true message of liberty can get out there and expose the controlled left and the controlled right.
So I want to give you a tour of the studios we've built in the last two years.
Because while we've been building this, we've been doing the radio, making films, doing the websites, doing interviews.
So we're having to do all this at the same time.
And it's taken us a long time, but we've gotten it done because we're not some big mega corporation.
We are individual people and a crew of around 20 that have been able to bring this together.
And so I just want to thank you for supporting us, for spreading the word about the show, for supporting our sponsors, for buying the books and DVDs.
I also want to thank my crew, everyone here at the office, for the
Dedication that they've shown because I'm the face of InfoWars, but without my crew and the great research and the tireless work they've put in, none of this would have been possible.
So it's all of us working together.
So now I'm going to take you through the old studios we built the last two years and show you the new studios and I'm going to ask for your help.
We're standing inside the radio slash TV multicast center and we did all this with prosumer gear for about $100,000.
That may sound like a lot to people, but that's on the total low end of what it takes to do what we're doing.
Because remember, we're individual citizens who are learning and doing this on our own.
We're not the globalist.
That's why this is so original and so important and so effective.
We're reaching millions of people a day now, not millions of people a week.
That is so exciting.
Now we're going to the next level.
We moved from a 3,500-foot facility to the 7,400-foot facility.
And in that time frame, we've done thousands of radio shows and interviews.
We have produced Fall of the Republic and the Obama Deception that collectively have been seen more than 40 million times for free online.
We couldn't have done that without your support.
This is the tip of the spear, the front lines of the Info War.
And really in the last year I've had to recognize that we're the best there is.
I don't like that.
I like just being one more soldier.
But I've come to the realization that InfoWars is the front line.
We're having the biggest effect, so I have a responsibility to up our game.
to really accelerate our resistance against the globalists.
So again, please support the October 14, 2010 Money Bomb.
And remember, everything that is produced by InfoWars.com and PresentPlanet.com, it's you out there that buys the DVDs so that we can then give it to everyone else for free and educate people.
That's something the mega corporate giants would never do because they're authoritarian
They're parasites.
They're nothing but mercenaries.
We're here spreading the true message of liberty.
We're releasing on average two films a year.
And hundreds and hundreds of special video reports.
The three hour radio show six days a week.
And now we're trying to up the level of that to four films a year and two TV shows a week.
We've got another one of the common areas where we've got video editing, webmasters, curtain demos, cubicle.
We've got customer service right up here at the front.
This is the InfoWars operation.
We're here in Rob's little cubicle where he's done such a great job and gotten so much information out.
And that's one reason we expanded so we can move our video editors into a little bit bigger areas just so they can store all the hard drives and videotapes.
Here you can see the used cubicles we got for about $1,500, but they've done a good job here in the common area.
We've got another little video editing area
In here, let me show you Rob Jacobson and Aaron Dike's offices where we actually edit our main films like the Obama Deception and Endgame.
Truth Rising, Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, Invisible Empire, all made right in here.
But if you go back to films like America's Choice by Design, they were made at Access Television in Austin, Texas and at my house on a computer that took about an hour to render one minute of video.
And here we are in Aaron Dyk's office.
So much of the great web mastering and articles that are written for InfoWars, Prison Planet, JonesReport.com.
It's done right here.
The video editing, a lot of the research for films, the fact-checking.
It all goes on right in here in Aaron Dyk's nest.
I guess it's kind of like that movie Field of Dreams.
Build it and they will come.
But we're not building a baseball stadium.
This all grows out of my frustration about losing our Second Amendment, our property rights, 16, 17 years ago and deciding to get an access television show.
Really, the heart of it is listeners buying the books, the DVDs, the films, and here we are in a little shipping department where our great crew ship the books and videos out to you.
And again, every part of the InfoWars crew is just as vital as the other.
And this really is, at the end of the day, the heart of our operation.
Because this is how you're able to support us and get materials that
...are filled with the truth and information to accelerate the awakening out there of all the Americans and people worldwide who are so hungry for answers and so hungry for real truth.
Alright, so you've seen the new old studio that we were able to build thanks to your support.
Let me show you the shell of the studio we built from an empty warehouse right next door.
We've done the math, and to furnish this cheaply, to hire the three or four people we need, to buy the video switchers, the hi-def cameras, the equipment, the servers, it's going to cost at least $400,000.
That's why our goal with this money bomb is $500,000.
And remember, tens of billions of dollars are spent of your taxpayer money every year.
You don't have a choice.
In what they call behavior placement.
They now admit they're doing it.
Paying for news.
Paying for anti-family, anti-Second Amendment, pro-global government messages to put in television shows.
You name it.
The propaganda is inside the show.
We don't have that support of the New World Order.
We have your support.
We're not like the government coming with guns and making you give.
It's your choice.
Let me give you a quick tour.
It's got four offices for IT people, webmasters, writers, video editors.
And we've already got some basic furniture.
Here's another office.
Here's the war room, so we can have a conference table, strategize.
I can also do phone radio interviews in here.
And of course, this is very exciting, the men and women's bathrooms.
And here we are in this Star Trek size control room.
But we're planning to do blue screen in here with some of the video reports.
We're gonna have video editing in here and also the control center for the television shows that we're developing.
All of this done organically by the citizen media via your support.
All of this was done as economical as possible, but we still didn't skimp on quality so we can get the job done as best as possible.
You've got the soundproofing in here.
You've got the scaffolding for the lighting system that I'm about to purchase next week.
We're going to have our high-def cameras in here.
Right now, we've just got a basic desk in here.
We're going to get a broadcast desk.
We're going to have television screens so I can show people what I'm talking about on the different programs.
We're intending to do a daily news brief put out for free on the Internet for the general public.
And then also, as I said earlier, produce a weekly television show that we're going to try to get on some satellite network so we can also deliver that for free to the planet.
But we're going to have to pay for that.
So again, it's your support that will make or break this operation.
But I have no doubt that fellow info warriors who have a love of liberty and the truth are going to come through.
And you support us in other ways, by spreading the word about the radio show, about supporting the sponsors, buying the books and DVDs.
It's just these money bombs, which were the idea of listeners going back three years ago, that really pushed us over the edge and gave us the funds to confidently expand.
And there's also a lot of covert attacks we go through, daily hack attacks, other forms of harassment that I'm not going to get into because our research shows that only encourages the criminals in government and corporate America.
But here you are in the heart of the new studio.
Think about how far we've come thanks to your support and my great crew that a year ago this was an empty shell and so the next time you see this we'll have the set design completed and I'll be in this room reaching tens of millions of more people per month thanks to your support.
That's why I'm asking viewers and listeners and supporters of all we do at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
to step up to the plate and to donate as much as comfortable for you to the money bomb.
If you're not doing well financially, as most people are, please don't donate.
Not a cent.
But if you've got extra and you want to put it towards a cause that you know will have maximum effect, where can you look and find an institution, organization, a media outlet that
produces more bang for the buck.
We are the InfoWar.
You are the InfoWar.
And I'm asking you, October 14th, 2010, to join us for the marathon 24-hour broadcast.
I may even go longer, with special live interviews and exclusive video interviews that we're going to be transmitting at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and on AM and FM stations across the country.
We understand that society is at that critical juncture, that critical crossroad.
And I'm not going to sit back and just be comfortable with the effect we're having of reaching 2 million people a day.
I want to attempt to go to the next level.
10, 20, 30 million people a day.
And this is the rebel base.
This is the center that we will launch the attack on the Death Star from in the InfoWars.
Join us for the 24-hour marathon Money Bomb at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com on October 14th.
And track the latest news and developments at InfoWars.com.
The ball is in your court.
Well, my friends, you've gotten the tour.
We're not like NPR that's funded by all the big tax-free foundations, the Ford Foundation, David Rockefeller, and your taxpayer money.
We are supported by you, by word of mouth, by your support of the sponsors, and by these money bombs.
And that's why I've taken up the challenge.
I'm like the captain.
I'm either going to sail this ship or I'm going to go down with it.
I'm not giving up on free humanity, on liberty, on everything that's good in life.
When I look at my beautiful, wonderful children full of creativity and literally the light of God in their eyes, I realize that I've got to, while I'm alive, put every bit of energy I can in to the fight against tyranny.
That's why the globalists try to make you feel powerless, because in truth you have incredible power.
Thank you for supporting the October 14, 2010 Money Bomb.
Find out more at InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
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By the way, if you're a radio listener and want to see the tour of the studios, it's up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, an article and the video.
Help us take the InfoWar to the next level is the name of the story and where you can find the video.
Please email it out to everyone you know.
That's the power of this audience.
And again, I want to commend and thank all of you that have already supported us over the years from the bottom of my heart.
Let's jam in a few final calls here at the end of this fourth hour.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in South Carolina.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, you were talking earlier about some technology and I wanted to let the viewers know this.
If they Google patent number 6470214, that's patent number 6470214, they're going to get enlightened, especially if they think
A lot of the stuff that you talk about isn't true.
That's all about brainwaves, basically electronic telepathy, ELF technology.
It's real.
You know, it's a patent.
And today, Iran announced that they got hit by a worm, and they're blaming us for it at their nuclear power plant.
And I think it's ironic that also today, a gentleman by the name of Captain Robert Salas, along with several other former UK military
I don't know.
Well, I didn't know that.
Give me a news headline.
I know it's now come out that Churchill was covering up the aliens.
I know that they announced that the London Guardian, the UN, has appointed an ambassador for the aliens when they land.
Because you know about Project Blue Beam, you know, the government has planned fake alien landings as a hoax to bring in world government.
What they're doing is they're trying to say, hey, the aliens are the good guys.
And as far as I'm concerned, aliens are demonic.
But we have the technology to create aliens.
We can make airplanes invisible.
We have the ceramic armor to do it.
We can make tanks invisible.
Now, I know they admit they have the invisible tanks.
It all sounds crazy, but it's all real.
Interesting points, Brian.
Ernie in California, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey, thanks for getting me on.
I wanted to thank Tommy for his new mixed media project.
You know, it's a real good expression of, like, when you're watching Obama Deception or Follow the Republic and you're doing your research or listening to your guy's show in the morning, you know?
So I just wanted to give you that.
But hey, I wanted to also bring up this straw man argument you've been talking about.
Here's a quote from one of Tommy's films.
When this guy's talking politics with one of the characters, we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate these evils in the world.
Their job is to persuade us to accept those evils, so it's relevant, you know?
Also, I want to talk about those GMO chimeras you've been talking about.
I mean, obviously, it's...
It's some occult, alchemic innovations that have only recently begun, you know.
And it endangers the planet.
It gives rise to all these mutated viruses and bacteria.
But meanwhile, the fake environmentalists are saying, give our liberties up or the carbon dioxide will kill us.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Great points, Ernie.
Let's jam in Scott in Arizona.
Scott, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I wanted to bring up something you probably might have not heard of.
It's a company called BioSeeds.
They're getting ready to launch this in Wall Street and basically it's synthetic human cells that they say that now that through the pharmaceutical companies are going to be able to grow.
Um, like if you have bad tissue in your body from heart disease or anything, they inject these cells, they're synthetic human cells, and they'll grow the tissue back for you.
They also grew an esophagus.
No, I've seen it.
And people will sell out anything to get it, but meanwhile the globalists, that makes sense when they're out saying, we gotta get rid of the general public, because they don't want to give all this to the general public.
They're testing it on us, then they take what works, put it under national security, keep it for themselves.
Retransmission starts now.
God bless you all.
We couldn't do any of this without you.
We'll see you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Excellent job, crew.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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