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Name: 20100922_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 22, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, the 22nd day of September 2010.
Coming up in the third hour, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson will be our guest.
He wants to discuss how the United States is clearly degenerating into a third world police state.
That is coming up with the former governor, who is really becoming more vocal as of late, discussing the de-evolution of our once great republic.
Obviously, most of you know, gold went almost up to $1,300 an ounce, and it's still going up as we speak.
So we'll be tracking that, going over the latest in the economy, coming up in the next segment.
In the next 10 minutes, Paul Joseph Watson is set to publish a key report at PrisonPlanet.com dealing with President Obama and October or even early November surprise stage terror attacks.
We've learned to read the signs when they're considering staging an event.
They are full court press right now, hyping that terrorists may strike the United States.
And we have Obama and Clinton advisors like Robert Shapiro.
Saying what Obama needs is a giant terror attack to win the midterm elections and to get a second term in 2012.
I mean, they're out in the open talking about this.
The criminals that run our government, that run many other governments, have been caught staging events.
Hitler did it.
The czars did it.
After them, the communist Russians did it.
I mean, it's a favorite
A favorite tactic used and so this detailed report that I consulted with Paul on has got a lot of key bullet points that's coming out in the near future.
We'll cover that after we get into the economy coming up in the next segment.
We're also gonna have open phones yet again for first-time callers.
I love having first-time callers because there's an endless sea of great listeners out there who have different perspectives and ideas or questions or comments or who agree with me or disagree.
1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
I saw an outrageous report last night and if this
Becomes a precedent we're all in deep trouble.
It's a serious form of tyranny.
That's why they deny many quote demonstration permits is claiming well there could be violence there could be a problem.
Then they try to charge you for your own demonstration hence shutting down free speech.
This is outrageous and whether you were for the pastor burning it or not you have to support his right though he never did it.
Florida pastor they're now charging him with two hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars on security he didn't even ask for uh... from the
Uh, town he lives in in Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
So they want $200,000 because, uh, they want to be part of the media circus.
The police under federal and state law and precedent have no, uh, duty to protect you.
They have a duty to respond after a crime is committed and to bring you basically before the grand jury.
Or to stop a crime that's in commission that they see.
But there's no liability.
And the courts have found this tens of thousands of times.
In fact, it's the most ruled upon, according to lawyers I've read writing on it, most ruled on case law is that police have no duty to protect you.
It's your duty under the Second Amendment
Uh, to protect yourself.
And so it's outrageous where they say, oh, we're going to give you protection.
Kind of like the mafia will burn down your grocery store, or somebody will, uh, will burn down your cleaners, or will burn down your restaurant, will burn down your church if you don't pay us protection money.
Uh, and, and, and this is the type of tyranny they can bring in.
Oh, we've got to give you protection for whatever you're doing politically, and then you've got to pay us money.
Hence putting a price on free speech.
It's up to that preacher.
And by the way, he was wearing a sidearm on his side, so was the associate pastor.
And that's the ticket.
That's the ticket.
If somebody wants to try to kill them for their free speech.
It's outrageous.
So that's coming up.
And we've got a bunch of other off-the-chart news.
Second Amendment group made terror list in Pennsylvania.
That's really starting to unfold.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It is Wednesday, 22nd day of September 2010.
Thank you for joining us, former...
Governor of New Mexico, who's going public and really speaking out against tyranny, Gary E. Johnson, will be joining us in the third hour today.
Let me just run over some of the news that we are going to be covering here.
And this has a national import.
Austin, Texas, Travis County approved budget with $450,000 for elective abortions.
The only county in Texas to do this, and it didn't matter if polls showed that even liberal Democrats were against this, almost 3 to 1, they don't care.
It's a $109 million Central Texas Regional Health Commission, and I pay taxes, it's a business tax, to this health district.
To pay for abortions and eugenics and CPS kidnapping children.
And it really tempts me, though we don't have the money or the energy, to move outside Travis County.
Because you've got to say no to this.
But already when you pay federal income taxes, large portions of it go to
Abortion being funded worldwide.
And, you know, those that love killing babies in the womb, I mean, you really enjoy making us pay for it, don't you?
Because it's your right!
Your right to kill your baby, and it's your right to make us pay!
In fact, cue it up for me real quick if you can.
Barack Obama's aunt
Of course, the last few days, she's been all over international television and national television with her quote about, hey, I'm an illegal alien.
I've been here for a decade.
I'm on three forms of welfare, disability, and you owe me the money.
You owe me citizenship.
I'm going to come here illegally and you are going to pay me.
Do you understand?
You're going to pay for abortions.
And you're going to pay for the illegal aliens to come in and have their babies for free.
And you're going to pay for it all.
Well, if abortions are right, what about the Second Amendment?
If the Second Amendment's are right, is the government going to make everyone pay to give poor people guns?
I'm against socialism, but I kind of like that idea.
I don't think I'd get upset about it if I had to pay a tax to arm everyone in the country to defend themselves from criminals and government.
But of course, that's not going to happen.
So, you have a right to an abortion.
You have a right to free welfare.
You have a right to come here as a foreigner and have everything rolled out to you for free.
And this is what these illegal aliens think.
Okay, we hear how hard the illegal aliens work.
And a lot of them do.
It doesn't matter if they're from Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, whatever.
They're hard-working, many of them.
But many others are milking the system, and they're working and using other aliases to pull multiple forms of welfare.
And that's why every border state is either bankrupt or on the verge of going bankrupt.
Let's play this short clip of Barack Obama.
I just can't get over this.
His aunt saying, you owe it to me.
Here it is.
If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.
This is President Obama's aunt, a woman many say is the poster child of our broken immigration system.
We only found out about her back in 2008.
And then they go on to admit she's here illegally, and she says it doesn't matter.
You have an obligation to take me and to pay me.
So she can sit there in free government housing pulling disability welfare and other forms of welfare.
She is a welfare queen personified and does her nephew
Who makes millions of dollars a year off book sales and the rest of it.
A net worth that is massive, in the top one-tenth of one percent.
In fact, guys, pull up Barack Obama's net worth.
Of course, that'll be his public net worth, his real net worth.
These politicians, you always learn, it's much, much larger.
I don't want to go from memory here.
I want to specifically tell you what Obama's reported net worth is.
But does he help at least five illegal alien members of his family that he's been photographed with and visited in Kenya?
You are going to pay for his aunt to sit there on her lazy hind end, never working a day in this country for a decade, sucking off of everyone.
You're going to pay for Larry Summers.
You're going to pay for the mega offshore banks.
Because we are the chumps.
We put up with it.
What do you expect?
And all of you mainline Republicans who say you hate welfare.
Oh, do you love the $2 trillion plus overall defense budget every year?
Oh, you love that welfare, don't you?
Bankrupting us as well, so you're just as bad.
This says Obama's net worth is $5 million.
I've read over $10 million.
Regardless, the guy's got millions of dollars.
Why doesn't he pay for his aunt and the other four illegal alien family members he's got here?
Of course, he's an illegal alien as well.
His grandma says he was born in Kenya.
There's clear evidence they're covering up where he was really born.
We know he was an Indonesian citizen.
We know his real name is Barry Sitaro.
He's got another fake name.
I mean, this guy, this guy's as big a spy for the globalists as Maxwell Smart.
I'm surprised he didn't, you know, during a press conference, pull off his shoe phone and start getting orders.
So, that is coming up as well.
Meanwhile, you're going to pay for abortions federally, you're going to pay for abortions at the state level, you're going to pay for abortions in Travis County where I live, and you're going to pay for all these eugenics worldwide, but if you want to protest and the police decide you've got to have protection, you're going to get charged $200,000.
So, the end of the First Amendment on that front.
Meanwhile, if it couldn't get any crazier, the Pope's astronomer says he would baptize an alien if it asked him to.
And the head of the Vatican Bank's in trouble for reported money laundering.
So we'll be going into some of that overall bizarreness.
Ahmed Dinegide threatens U.S.
with war without boundaries.
That's another headline we're going to be going into.
Bob Woodward's new government-sponsored book, and you know Bob Woodward was naval intelligence and highest-level spook operative.
You know whatever he puts out is what the globalists want out.
They're claiming that Mohammed Karzai is mentally ill.
I guess because in that press conference with George W. Bush, he explained that Iran was Shiite and fighting Al-Qaeda, and Bush said, no, you're incorrect, they are Al-Qaeda.
And I'm not a fan of the former Unicole executive, whose brother is the biggest opium seller in the world.
I'm just pointing out that this is the type of propaganda that we're fed a steady diet of.
And then here's the really big news coming up.
House puts oceans coast under U.N.
Senate to vote on this will seal the deal.
And it's basically the Law of the Sea Treaty, but just regionally, giving the UN and megacorporations that fund it control of our coastal waterways, our intercoastal waterways, our rivers, the Great Lakes.
We'll actually read from that bill and Senator Boehner says it's a done deal.
It's going to pass.
Now the good news is they're reporting the DREAM Act has failed again.
That would make a bunch of illegal aliens legal and give them free tuition in college and fill the military even more with the foreigners to be our oppressors.
The bad news is U.S.
House puts oceans coast under U.N.
Senate vote will seal the deal, already passed the House.
Also, a social engineering bill in Senate will force you into city.
And it's the Livable Communities Act.
It's the national version of Agenda 21.
So we'll tell you what's coming up on that front.
And also, Gulf seafood poses long-term health risk.
And of course, you've seen the news all over Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, where the news tries to go out and dig in the sand to show the oil is literally under the sand from core exit, and to get samples to show the deadly core exit.
And the police show up, federal police, and say, you can't dig.
And they say, well, we can make a sandcastle, can't we?
That's a quote.
And they said, no.
You have no freedom in America.
Shut up.
So we're going to be going over that ABC3 news report.
Also, Big Pharma scores a big win.
Medical herbs will disappear in the EU, so they're shutting everything down right now, boy.
It's an orgy of evil going on on that front.
And then more massive news.
Of course, this broke about a month ago, and now it's got national news and the head of Homeland Security in
Pennsylvania has now been in hiding for more than a week.
He's funding Israeli companies and others to spy on Americans.
A Second Amendment group made terror lists and we're being watched by police because the Israelis said do it.
So we're going to be going over that.
Also CNN declares the Constitution racist.
Sanchez said, point-blank, it's racist.
You want a Tenth Amendment?
And so we're going to be discussing all of that coming up today.
But first, I want to get into the economy in this segment and the next, and then go to your phone calls.
Precious metals.
Gold nears $1,300.
On easing of you weak dollar, what did we tell you last week?
If the Federal Reserve came out and said they were going to start more quantitative easing, more flooding of the economy with dollars, really they're just flooding it to themselves, the public is having trouble getting loans, and that if they made the decision to keep interest rates low, that would cause gold to surge, because it shows they're devaluing paper money, paper instruments, paper markets even further.
But it has the strange effect of sending the stock market up because now those stocks are denominated in dollars that aren't worth as much.
And because you have global coordinated quantitative easing.
Overall, it hides the overall devaluation, at least on the surface.
So, Precious Metals, gold nears $1,300 on EasingView, weak dollar.
Continuing, we've got a CNN chart there.
Gold rush continues towards $1,300.
It is just a few dollars away from the all-time mega record.
It's already
Broken any previous records today again.
It's now breaking records every two or three days.
But it's just a few dollars away from $1,300, an incredible psychological ceiling or barrier.
And once we go through that, I mean, I got to be honest, when all these top economists and experts are talking about $2,500 gold in 1980s numbers for inflation,
It's just hard to believe.
But more and more, we talked a month ago about the vast majority of future options on gold in Chicago and New York on the exchanges in the month of December are at $1,500 smackers.
So we're going to continue breaking this down to what it means for the overall economy straight ahead.
Gold right about to break $1,300 an ounce.
The economy is crumbling, debt soaring, and the possibility of World War III is increasing.
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Your phone calls are coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm gonna walk through all this insane news that I just covered in more detail and a lot more.
But there is a lot going on.
There is just too much going on.
I'm going to briefly bring Ted Anderson up with us because he's been in the gold and silver trading business for more than 30 years.
He's had Midas Resources for, what, 14, 15 years.
And, Ted, this is scaring me.
I mean, we know the market fundamentals that when they devalue currencies, when they create tens of trillions in debt,
That gold hasn't really gone up.
The dollar and all these paper instruments are going down.
And now mainline analysts all over television, we've got them linked on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com, they're now talking about $11,000 an ounce gold.
Max Keiser, who's really been accurate on the economy, says that gold's really in a bear market, that they've been suppressing it for decades, which we know.
That's even come out in the news with JP Morgan and others manipulating it, and that conservatively in the next few years gold really could hit $2,400 an ounce.
But if it does that, I mean, that officially tells us we're in a depression, Ted.
Sure does.
You know, Alan Greenspan was addressing the Council on Foreign Relations, and the way he said it, he says the gold is like the canary in a coal mine.
I think everybody knows what that means.
They put the canary in the coal mine in case there's some gases leaking in.
It dies first.
That means the people have to get out of there.
That's what gold is for the currency market, according to Alan Greenspan.
I think?
Well, nothing has performed like that.
And Ted, I talked to family, extended family, when I told them to buy gold when it was 300 an ounce, 800 an ounce.
Every time I say them a few times a year, I go, you better buy.
And they've just been conditioned by Wall Street.
They just say, I never will.
And they almost take a pleasure in making bad decisions.
They enjoy losing money.
So many people enjoy doing what CNN tells them.
Well, that's right.
And people have been indoctrined into the idea that an investment is something in the stock market, or sitting at the bank, you know, a deposit at the bank, or, you know, anything but gold.
But the truth of the matter is, since 1971, this has been the, you know, the only time frame that the United States has separated itself from gold, and people considered gold was money, and the paper certificate was just a certificate showing that we had a deposit for gold.
The specie was gold.
Not paper currency.
Well Ted, only 1% of individual citizens in the United States are invested in gold in any way.
And as soon as the yuppies, and we've always talked about this because it's the central banks, it's the Arab sheiks, it's the Chinese, it's the Japanese.
It's the big robber barons.
They're all grabbing gold up as fast as they can.
Corporations are buying gold.
The Fortune 100 are snatching it up greedily.
There's major shortages.
More is being sold now than is being mined each year.
But as soon as the yuppies, even 2, 3, 4 percent, which is now starting to happen, figure out that they need to get into gold, that's why all these economists are talking about $2,000, $5,000, $10,000.
Some are saying $11,000.
What does your gut really tell you?
Obviously, you don't have a crystal ball, but you've been in this 30-plus years.
What does your gut tell you gold will be in five years?
Well, in five years from now, we should surpass that last high in gold.
Inflation adjusted of $2,600 like you were talking about.
Man, we're going through $1,300 an ounce.
Like, it's not even an issue.
I mean, people just a couple years ago would think that $1,300 an ounce is a pipe dream.
And we've seen $1,297.40 already today, Alex.
I mean, we're right there.
We're knocking on that door.
$1,500 an ounce by the end of the year is incredibly conservative.
I mean, obviously, we're going to probably, you know...
If you take and measure the fact that the Federal Reserve System is printing money like nobody's business, gold could very easily be $2,400 an ounce.
Well, Ted, people need to wake up and smell the coffee.
We told people they were going to announce a global government funded with carbon taxes.
We told folks that the UN was going to seize our coastal waterways and major lakes and start taxing it.
That's set to pass today or tomorrow.
We told folks
All of this.
I mean, we know what the globalists are up to.
I hope people will call and take advantage of all the great silver and gold deals that Midas Resources has at 800-686-2237 with a special gold offer.
Briefly, when we come back, Ted, tell folks where your gold and silver prices are right now.
It's going to amaze people.
It's lower than they can find anywhere else.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're getting a gold update from the owner of the Genesis Network, also the owner of Midas Resources.
And I haven't talked to Ted yet today, but I know that they have run out of the gold that they bought over a month ago, and Ted was passing on savings that were the biggest discount he's ever offered.
But I know during that month period he bought more gold and more silver.
I haven't asked Ted yet.
We'll ask him on air if he still has the silver at $9.95 for those silver half dollars.
The best deals anywhere else are about $12.
Some places you see them for $16, $17 on eBay.
Because silver's piggybacked, obviously, with gold.
Most economists say silver, marked for inflation from 1980 with the Hunt brothers, should be about $51 an ounce.
So, Ted, tell us about the gold and silver offers you've got today.
Yeah, you're talking about the Walking Liberty half at $9.95.
Actually, I don't.
I sold out of that little bit that I had there.
But I do have some at $10.50, which is
Alex, still, I mean, go on to eBay, click on the Buy It Now, see what they're trading for.
$16 easily.
I know our price on a normal internet price is sitting somewhere around $1100 and $55, or $11.55, $11.60, right in that range.
So you get to have a real tremendous discount on that one.
Excuse me, you're saying if you want to buy these now, it's $11.60 for you, a huge wholesaler, to buy them?
Right, exactly.
Presently, silver has gone as high today as $21.17.
So it's blown through that new window.
So as I've said, this is a time machine, because all the other gold and silver brokers, when it goes up, they go up, and that's how they make their big profit.
But you're hyper-competitive.
I've seen the markups on the silver and the gold.
We're talking, with these deals, 2-3% is the profit you're making, and so
Now with it way up in the market, you would be making no profit.
I mean, folks, you cannot beat that deal on the silver at $10.50 for those silver half dollars.
What do you have in gold, Ted?
What's your best deals on gold?
Presently, right now, the franc with the forecaster at $2.79.
I mean, that is just a
Fabulous buy, because you get an entire year's subscription to Bob Chapman's newsletter.
We have the Buffalo coin, we have the U.S.
Eagles, and we have a lot of gold.
We just picked up a whole bunch of bars here last week at a price that's better than what the market is trading for.
At this particular time I mean you got to realize Alex that gold or yeah gold is only two dollars and sixty cents away from third from reaching thirteen hundred dollars an ounce and You know that is the the support level right now or the resistance level for gold is thirteen hundred and twenty dollars an ounce I mean, that's how high it is you know for it once it blows through that then you just hit that thirteen hundred and sixty and
The momentum is building and we're still in September.
October is yet to come.
I just don't know how I can say it enough.
That's right.
The bull market is always in the fall into the winter.
Folks, you need to call today but tell them specifically it's the Ted Anderson Alex Jones radio special or you will be paying the higher prices that are still very competitive and are great deals.
When I shop around every few months to buy a few silver coins, a few gold coins, I never find a better deal than these radio offers, Ted.
Uh, gifts.
You know, years ago, I a few times bought gold and silver other places, got a decent deal, but nothing can match these radio specials.
They've got a wide spectrum of gold and silver for you, but you want to tell the brokers it's the radio special to give you a list of those so you can make your selection, your choice.
And in closing, because I look at the market daily,
Most of the other even discount brokers, when they say they're selling for 1% above spot, that's current spot.
You're getting what Ted bought earlier when it was a lot lower.
That's how most companies make their profits, is buying low, selling when it's high, but upping the price.
Is not doing that.
And now is the time to get invested in gold and silver.
If you have any common sense, I know a lot of you do, but many others are still balking.
When you actually hold that silver or gold in your hand, you'll understand that feeling of security.
Not having it in the stock market, not having it in the bank, not having it somewhere it can be taken or devalued overnight.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
Good to have you here with us.
We'll continue throughout the week to get updates as this happens.
Bob Chapman is rarely wrong.
He'll be back with us Friday.
He said he was looking forward to run up more early in the week, but to have some profit-taking later in the week, but then to run up even more after that.
So we'll see what happens by Friday when he joins us.
It may not even back off.
I mean, it may be that hot.
But I'll go back to the issue of
This is bittersweet.
Being right about everything we predicted is not a happy thing.
I wish I was wrong.
I wish I was incorrect.
And when we are incorrect about something, we are the first to come on air and tell you.
Because you get on air, you got gassed, people are walking in during the show, handing me articles, you know, my cell phone's ringing while I'm on air.
Sometimes I listen to the rebroadcast and I hear something I said that wasn't quite right or I'll flip a number or I'll get a name wrong.
When we...
See that we do that.
We come and tell you we're wrong.
And that's why I love taking your calls.
It's why I love getting your emails.
Because you help me grow.
You help me learn more.
You know, I talk about how I've read hundreds of history books.
But the more you study history, you realize how little you do know.
You could spend your whole life studying one period in Italy 500 years ago, or Japan 200 years ago, or in one state 100 years ago in the U.S.
and never even know a fraction of the information.
But we know the general trends in human development.
And speaking of mistakes, it wasn't even really a mistake.
I'll be talking to a caller and
A caller called in a few days ago and was talking about, it was an African American black caller, and he was saying, you know, I noticed Rome fell right as they started getting black emperors.
And he said, I think the elite are basically doing the same thing now with Obama.
And I said, yeah, just like Afrikanis.
Look, I know full well Afrikanis.
After I...
Have you
Uh, African emperors that Rome had when it split into two empires, uh, would add Africanus to their long string of names.
That was the point I was making.
So, I mean, you know, that's the issue.
Even trying to keep all of this data and all of these numbers in my head and all of this, all of this history, it's just...
It's a hard thing to do, but I'm trying to be informed.
I'm trying to understand history.
And you look at the general public who doesn't want to know history.
They don't know who the vice president is.
They don't know the three branches of government.
They don't know what their state capital is.
I've seen studies where the vast majority of high school graduates can't tell you what their state capital is, can't tell you who their representative is.
The globalists know that.
And that's how they're getting away with the things that they're doing.
And I know we have short memories.
We have to change that.
We have to reverse that.
I want to do something a little different today and go to calls in this hour.
And then coming up in the next hour, I'll continue with calls before former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson joins us.
Coming up though, Second Amendment group made terror list in Pennsylvania.
Big new developments on that front.
We'll go over that.
This dwarfs the MIAC report because these reports were federally compiled along with an Israeli company.
So it just shows how this is all accelerating what we saw in the Homeland Security reports of last year and the MIAC report of Missouri.
CNN declares the Constitution racist.
I don't know if I gave you guys this.
There's a Rick Sanchez video clip.
Will you guys make sure we have that?
I don't think I reminded you to do that.
Because people won't believe it when I read his quote.
I want to actually play the bizarre statement by Rick Sanchez.
So that's coming up.
We'll also get into JP Morgan.
brings foreclosure case in mortgage in which it was just a service or court fines bank committed fraud uh... ron paul says our consumers finally winning in washington gold hits another record is dollar tumbles on fed announcement
Yes, Sanchez?
Oh, you already have Sanchez?
Good, we'll play that later.
I just wanted to make sure we had it.
Here's another report.
Forget 1,300 gold.
It's heading towards 11,000 on dollar collapse.
Who will replace Larry Summers?
I love how the media is acting like Larry Summers actually runs something.
And, ooh, Obama.
You know, he's getting tough firing Larry Summers.
Obama wants to fight with Wall Street.
Obama wants to protect the little guy.
We'll go over that.
You know, this allusion that the President actually is running something.
Also, Vatican Bank Chief Investigator over money laundering claims.
London Guardian.
Hints it could buy more bonds.
So it's monetizing.
The government's buying its own debt by giving the profits to the private Federal Reserve member banks.
And then, again, one of these reports ten years ago I would spend three hours on.
The news is coming that fast.
This report is off the charts.
And it's up on InfoWars.com, a great article compiled by
How do you pronounce that?
Bugai website, blog.
And I went and read the legislation a few months ago when I first saw it, and we've got links to governmenttrack.us where you can read it for yourself.
We're going to go over this report.
House puts Oceans Coast under U.N.
Senate vote will seal the deal.
And here's another one.
Social Engineering Bill in Senate will force you into a compact city.
Very, very important report by Bob Livingston.
He's got the subsections of that legislation.
Very important part of UN Agenda 21.
We'll also get into the continued cover-up with what's happening in the Gulf, and then some good news.
We're not sure this is the case yet, but the San Francisco Chronicle says the DREAM Act fails again.
So we'll hope that the nightmare is not realized, a further implosion of our borders, part of the North American Union integration system.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Bill in Nevada, you are on the air worldwide.
Thank you for calling.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Alright, just a couple things for you.
I believe it was today's New York Times, it might have been yesterday, there was a book recently released by the son of Gene Tunney, the boxer, detailing his father's friendship with George Bernard Shaw.
Trying to soften his image a bit.
Also, there was a commercial this morning, just a little while ago, I saw for the first time, Monopoly has an edition that is cashless.
And your kids will love it!
Well, they've got to swipe a card, right?
And they've all got little numbers they enter.
I mean, I haven't seen that new Monopoly, but I mean, I go to Target.
My children beg for the games.
We play games, you know, many times a week, different board games.
And it's all credit cards, how to shop, how to be cashless.
I mean, I just see it everywhere.
Tell me about Monopoly.
Basically, it looked like an old
type of calculator and you could put your card in like the other person's card if they land on one of your properties that has a hotel in it and just transfer the money that way.
Well they've been running worldwide in Europe, the U.S.
and Asia ads saying cash is dirty, cash gives you bacteria and we need to get rid of it and most schools they don't let you use cash you've got a thumb scan to buy and sell so they're certainly training us for that.
Also just
One book I'd like to recommend to you if you're not already familiar with it.
It's called The Perestroika Deception by Anatoly Golitsyn, who is a KGB defector.
Yes, I have read the book.
Excellent book.
Is he still alive?
I'm not sure.
Guys, if Anatoly Golitsyn is still alive, I believe I interviewed him about 13, 14 years ago.
I want to get him on.
Thank you so much, Bill.
Anatoly Golitsyn.
Let's talk to Eric in New York.
Eric, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, it's good to call you for the first time.
You know, I've been listening for about two months.
My friend told me about you.
He also is always just telling me about the fluoride and the high fructose corn syrup and aspartame.
One question I have, I have two questions.
One question I have is the milk.
It says homogeneous and pasteurized.
I want to know what milk, what I want to buy to make sure it's not... Okay, it is extremely hard to get non-homogenized milk.
And because in the last decade there's been a big push, and small farms started producing fresh milk and selling it fresh the day that they made it, and it lasts for more than a week, there was literally no health problems that I've ever seen in the news recorded from it.
But the government sends SWAT teams in.
Every month I see articles about SWAT teams.
They have undercover agents, they go in, they buy the milk.
I mean, the people aren't hiding they're doing it.
It's not even really illegal if you do it to a club, a private club that people sign up as part of the collective or group to get it, but they don't care.
In fact, that's been in the news this month that they're raiding and arresting people and fining people when there's no law being violated.
But going back about 65 years ago on average, depending on the state, the big mega-dairies, big agribusiness was just getting going.
They lobbied, ran public service announcements demonizing fresh real milk and saying it's much healthier if we take the milk, heat it up to over 300 degrees, basically boil the milk, and then once they have boiled the milk, once they've done that,
Then they can ship it out and it lasts longer.
But here's the issue.
It's no longer milk.
All milk, mammal milk, has colostrum.
Now, when the female first starts producing, whether it's rats, pigs, humans, cows, it doesn't matter, it's almost pure vaccine.
Natural vaccine.
Every immunity that the mother had, and that her mother had, and that her mother had, and that her mother had, and that her mother had, and that her mother had,
Right back into the Stone Age, is transferred, whether it's rats, otters, seals, blue whales, they all feed their young with milk.
That's mammals.
Mammals have hair.
Even whales have a little stubble of hair.
They have milk.
They gestate their young.
You know, these are some of the main things that signify mammals.
And women have breasts.
I know you know this, but for some listeners, I'm not kidding.
Breast are mammary glands.
And they're designed for our species to give milk to our babies.
And it's the same thing with cows.
But the reason they lobbied was they wanted to give drugs to the cows.
They wanted the cows to produce double what they naturally could in some cases.
Then the cows have blood in their milk, pus in their milk,
Cow manure can get into the milk, and they don't have to then shut down the whole batch.
They can then just boil it, kill the bacteria, and you're basically buying pus and blood mixed in with thin milk.
And so then they deliver that to you, and all the major medical studies show that it is a horrible, heart-clogging sludge that is just deadly to the body.
Now, natural milk, the studies show, is the opposite.
It's actually cleansing and full of natural vaccines.
Full of natural immunity.
And the studies show, just like studies show, having a dog means you have higher immunity.
Because you don't normally get zoological diseases that animals have, but they pass on some of that learned immunity to you.
And so,
Bottom line, what we call milk is not milk.
Just like they want to radiate the beef, they spray viruses, live viruses on most of the meat to, quote, kill bacteria.
Instead of making sure the meat's clean, they just spray a virus on it, a type of vaccine.
Stay there.
I want to finish.
I'm making sure I answer your question, Eric.
Then John, Brian, Steve, Ed, and others.
So, big agribusiness took over so they could sell you blood and pus.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Our entire environment is being taken over.
A few months ago, I ordered a pizza for the crew, a couple pizzas, and the crushed red pepper said radiated for your safety.
Destroys the food value.
And it allows bacteria and other things to be on it for it to basically be unclean.
And the radiation doesn't even knock out all the viruses and they still pass it on to you.
And every time I mention the fact, here on air, that they spray viruses on most meats now, people think I'm joking.
So let's just do it on air right now.
Viral spray to be put on meats.
And you'll get five-year-old articles when they approved it.
And now thousands and thousands of meat products, you can pull it up, have a vaccine.
They created a vaccine
And it's a vaccine, basically.
Except normally a vaccine would create an immunity.
This is a bio-attack, where they spray viruses.
In Latin, it translates to bacteria-eating virus.
But then in those tanks, it's shown other viruses end up growing.
And then you've got the growth matter they're using to grow the viruses on.
And so they're taking over our food, taking over our environment, taking over with the GMO crops.
There's ABC News.
Viral meat spray.
Advancing food safety.
Virus cocktail to keep cold cuts clean.
I said five years ago.
I'm wrong.
Four years ago.
That's why I like them to keep me honest.
I always want to test my memory here on air.
I said it was million dollar fines now for unauthorized garage sales federally.
Federal jurisdiction over garage sales.
We pulled up the AP and Fox News.
I apologize.
It's fifteen million dollar fine.
See that?
It's normally worse than what my memory... I mean, your brain tends to downgrade things that it can't believe.
Does that answer your question, Eric, about the homogenized milk?
It's basically liquid cheese.
Yes, most definitely.
I'm definitely glad to receive so much information from you.
And so, you're just basically saying I will not be able to get any pure milk.
And second, my last question is, I heard you speak about, like, the next level that we could take
Like we could take, you miss could take, like probably stop doing all this bad stuff and take the humans to the next level.
So I just want you to see, I'm just curious what you think is the next level that humans could go to if we do succeed in doing good things.
Well, God bless you.
I appreciate those questions.
By the next level, we've got the next level of sanitation, the next level of technology, and the next level of mathematics.
But we need a next level in good people realizing their inherent duty to actively oppose corruption.
We've had many giant leaps forward, but the greatest was 1776.
It wasn't a perfect experiment.
The media demonizes it.
But it was those ideas that began to resist tribalism and racism and the collectivized systems that the ultra-wealthy created.
And out of it, the greatest civilization and the greatest wealth and the greatest renaissance of technology and ideas that we've ever seen grew from that.
And so the next level
...is going through this great time of degeneration and decadence.
You know, the media is selling the idea that because society's degenerating, because they've destroyed the principles of liberty and freedom and self-sufficiency, that the answer is tyranny.
to to to fix degeneration but we know tyranny is the main engine of decadence and corruption and so the next level uh... is uh... if we survive this development process we're going through now is not forgetting the lessons of history and uh...
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two.
Masses of key news and information on the military, on the police state.
On the economy, on U.N.
takeovers of domestic operations here in the U.S.
You think the feds are federalizing your local communities?
What about the globalists internationalizing our federal government?
And it's dictatorial and authoritative and completely eugenics-based.
But I wanted to finish up with my discussion with Eric, if you just joined us.
He was saying, I've heard homogenization is bad with milk.
Well, yeah, it's not even really milk.
It's boiled milk.
It's kind of like if you churn milk, you get butter.
It's not milk, it's butter.
Or if you let milk sour, it's not milk, it's yogurt or it's buttermilk.
They change it.
For the last 60, 70 years as they phased it in, we haven't been getting real milk.
And every major medical doctor out there that's looked at it has said that natural, healthy, fresh milk has its own antibiotics in it, it's alive, it's got healthy bacteria, it's got, you know,
...all sorts of key nutrients and they destroy it by boiling it and big agribusiness wanted to shut down all the small dairies and force everybody to buy their homogenized stuff where these bloated cows with their bloated udders...
I think?
This is real popular in Austin and surrounding areas.
People have dairy cows.
They're really healthy.
And if a little bit of cow manure gets in there, you gotta flush and dump the whole batch.
So they're in there.
It's very clean.
The cows aren't on drugs.
They've gotta make it clean.
Because if they make you sick, they're then liable.
But, but, but... Instead, they just give you rotten milk that's been boiled.
And so they're trying to stop you, but the answer is they try to stop you from getting organic?
Buy nothing but organic.
They try to stop you from labeling GMOs as the Feds are doing?
It's still private companies can tell you it's non-GMO.
You've got to vote with your dollars now.
We're really winning a lot of victories against this.
That's why they're coming in trying to really bum-rush us and overwhelm us because they're starting to lose.
So yes, you were calling from New York.
I'll guarantee you, you can find fresh, raw milk.
And then you can look on Angie's List and Craig's List and different consumer rating areas and find out who's got the best and freshest.
But the minute they were... Besides, let's say they sold you some bad milk, which I've never heard of.
Because they're held to a higher standard.
It would be sour.
You would know it was bad.
What do you think sour milk is?
It's yogurt.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Alright, I'm ranting.
Let's talk to John in Illinois.
John, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good, buddy, what's up?
Wow, I've been listening to you way before PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars, and I just want to say God bless you, I've been praying for you and your family and your safety.
So you've been listening 15 years, because InfoWars is over 13.
I don't mean to overstep you there, but I've been a first time caller, so I'm kind of nervous.
I thank you for your research and your life and your time with everything you've been doing.
I'm a Christian up in Illinois, plus I'm an artist, so it's kind of anathema, because I'm with a lot of secular people in Chicago.
Let me tell you something that's going on.
Um, visually, immigration, one, number one, I've seen my neighborhood, one of my towns here, in seven years, quadruple, quadruple, because I'm an artist in very detail, I notice everything, um, quadruple in front of me in six years.
Prices have gone up about 280% everywhere across the board.
Stay there!
Stay there and recap it and go through your report when we've got time.
On the other side, John, we have the numbers.
More than half the people in L.A.
County Jail are illegal aliens committing hardcore crimes.
We know the states are going bankrupt.
We know.
And then you get Obama's aunt saying, look, I'm illegal.
I get three welfare checks.
You owe it to me.
Sit down and shut up, sucker.
We'll be right back.
Stay there, John.
Then Ryan, Steve, Ed, Mike, and others.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're taking your phone calls.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, big news blitz and then more calls.
In the third hour, we have former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson.
He's really going public right now, speaking about the police state that's unfolding here in the United States.
So he'll be joining us.
But right now, going back to John in Illinois, he's saying that in the town he lives in, he's seen the effects of illegal immigration.
Please continue and recap what you were saying, John.
Yeah, Alex.
Where I live up here,
In Illinois, I literally couldn't help it.
I have a shop and a studio and I'm an artist.
I'm actually surviving still in this economy.
And my prices have dropped 35 to 60 percent, depending on the work, within two years.
I've seen so much as a business owner slash now unemployed happen to the blue collar, I will say this, white Caucasian
Uh, middle class, lower middle class population.
Uh, there must be within a subdivision of 500 homes.
I bet you there's 220 of them foreclosed.
And a hundred of them are probably makeshift, uh, you know, what I call junkie houses.
But, um, the population, uh, the immigrants, I get the immigrants, it blew me away.
I first learned when I went to an emergency room by the house, how I, I, I had to show proven identification insurance.
And I would say 60% of the people in there waiting were minorities.
I didn't
It's so incredible, but for those that just joined us, go over the numbers again of how much bigger your town's gotten.
Within six years, so it takes us back to 2004.
I had a car accident, so I had a lot of time on my hands also to look around.
I have to tell you, I counted the houses that sold from white people to minorities.
Not that I'm prejudiced, it's just that's how we got to describe it.
Literally quadrupled.
If not, I don't know what you call it, hexcoupled or whatever.
Um, literally four families, three families still home.
My eyes don't lie.
You know, things don't lie in front of my face.
I'm a very detailed person.
That's another thing.
The zoning groups only go after citizens, uh, and whether they're black, white, Hispanic, it doesn't matter, and then allow the illegals, whether they're Eastern European, African, Asian, or Latin American, predominantly, to do whatever they want.
And I know major apartment managers, two different ones, who've been told, you let the illegals have as many people as they want, the federal government is giving us funds, we are now partially tax-exempt, but we've been told by the feds, help the illegals, and then I have an AP article
Where, what was it, four years ago, where banking heads of major banks said, yes, we give housing loans to illegals that we don't give to citizens.
You go to Bank of America, Wells Fargo, all they've got to show is a consul matricula that you can literally get out of a Cracker Jack box.
And their give, but citizens are run to the ringer.
Oh yeah, I have a student loan, and I have been deferring it because of unemployment.
And it's very, very high.
I mean, it just costs like
You can buy a Corvette with what I owe.
Six bankers exchanged hands and re-bought my loan over and over again and dropped all the benefits I had from the Stanford loans.
And I'm literally under the thumb when I was above the thumb within the last two and a half years.
And by the way, that's fraud!
Just like JP Morgan's now been found guilty of repossessing houses they didn't even own or houses that people did owe, they were just cheating them.
When they do that,
Depending on which loan you look at with the student loans, but I've read the reports on it, they're not allowed to take your benefits that were built into that away.
But they just do it!
They just do it!
I mean, they're not supposed to take six million dead and dying veterans' benefits, but they're just taking it!
They're just doing it!
Because if you're an American, you've got a big crosshair on you that says Open Season.
They added a quarter percent, three-quarter percent more interest rate where I actually brought it down in a payment program.
They actually added to both sides of the loan.
See, I have two loans and one loan is not an interest and one loan is.
Well, you got to do what the illegals do.
Just walk away from it all.
They're now illegally, coast to coast, putting people in jail for unpaid debts.
But that's being overturned in court.
And, you know, the answer is walk away.
The banks made it all up out of nothing.
They take the interest money you give them and literally fund the destruction of the country.
I mean, you may want to keep your credit.
I'm not telling you what to do.
I would walk away from that.
Or I would sue them.
I mean, you can find a lot of lawyers and law firms that if they violated the rules and your rights, you can go after them.
I have one more thing.
I'm a gun owner, too.
Um, I don't know if anyone's kept track of what's going on because, you know, I live in Illinois.
I think that the corrupt green machine, um... Oh, you'll have Lord Emanuel ruling you soon!
Well, yeah, he will be soon.
Uh, Daley's out.
Uh, he's retiring.
Um, this is the one thing.
I've been keeping track of my ammo.
The ammunition a year, twelve months ago for .22LR was two cents.
It's now 8 cents, on the average.
That's a quadrupling in prices!
I'm telling you, they're getting it, they're gonna find an economical way, within the economy, to get the guns.
Is all I can say, before an uprising happens.
Because, they're just taxing me to death.
And as an ex-business owner, if I pay taxes four times a year, and if I tell you, if my last name was Hernandez,
I would probably have not a problem, and that's kind of sad.
Well, the globalists aren't going to stop until they bankrupt you, so let's not let them do it, John.
Let's talk to Brian in California.
Brian, you're on the air.
Hey, how are you?
How are you doing?
Listen, I'd just like to thank you for giving me the courage to put words to all of the stuff that I've been feeling surrounding the globalism that's taking place and the destruction of this beautiful country.
No, I mean, globalism is a gang of corporate pirates robbing you seven ways to Sunday and pushing a bunch of fancy propaganda on you of why they're doing it.
Absolutely, and I don't know if you can tell from the accent, but my home country is Ireland, and I came here legally, mind you.
I won a green card in the lottery.
I was able to set up a business.
Doors just open here in this country if you want to work.
And I was able to build a very successful business, which unfortunately isn't doing so good now because of the economy.
But I was able to come here... But wait a minute, wait a minute, Brian!
The news media says the recession ended 15 months ago and everything's great!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If you want to walk around with a bag over your head, yeah.
That's right.
I don't even own a TV.
Let me give you an example.
You've got major radio networks like Clear Channel and others declaring bankruptcy.
You've got all these other media companies.
My audience has tripled, but our revenue is way down.
Now, what does that tell you?
Your audience has tripled, but your revenue is down.
The economy is in free fall.
Sorry, go ahead.
Absolutely, absolutely.
You know, with all the regulations that you have in Europe, and particularly in Ireland,
Who came out of a socialist environment of where everybody is just feeding off the teeth as you've said, this is the best deal that we have.
And we know what's happening.
It's being replaced with the collectivist government mafia run system.
We are becoming Ireland.
We are becoming Germany.
We are becoming England.
And we know it stinks.
Absolutely, and the other thing that people got to get wise to is that in Ireland in the 80s we had a, the British call it the Troubles.
Now, you look at the way that the British ran Northern Ireland in the 80s, and that's what's coming here.
No, exactly.
Checkpoints, being searched, citizen spies, that's what's all over the news now.
The exact same system.
And it was the British, and of course I'm, you know, Welsh, I'm not bashing English people like I'm gonna bash China and its government.
I'm not bashing Chinese, the media, or I bash corrupt Israel, you know, doing things.
I'm not bashing Jews, but it's these corrupt governments.
The British invented concentration camps.
That's the model, then, that we use on reservations for Native Americans, and that's on record.
In fact, Andrew Jackson's mother and brother died in a British concentration camp.
Sorry, go ahead.
Right, yeah.
Well, the other thing, too, is they even had elected, democratically elected members of Parliament that weren't allowed to even speak.
People like Jerry Adams, they weren't even allowed to let them speak on TV.
So that's what's coming.
That's what's coming around the pike.
I just saw several articles out of Europe where they're banning the conservative parties that are winning, the quote, anti-immigration parties, because their countries are going bankrupt.
They're banning them and saying, you may have been elected, but we're not going to let you vote in the government or put you on TV.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, well, the other thing I have is, and this is what people come up to me all the time when I talk about, and again, I've gotten a huge amount of information from your websites regarding 9-11.
And I had a question for you, because people come up to me all the time and they ask me this question.
They say, okay, so you have controlled demolitions on buildings 1 and 2 and 7.
You have the Pentagon.
You have all of this stuff.
With the amount of people that it must have taken to orchestrate this, how has nobody come out and sort of said, listen, by the way, it's my job.
You know, I was involved in the demolition team.
I was involved with, you know, a part of the thing.
It must have taken a huge amount of people to orchestrate this.
And my question is, do you have any information or insight as to how
How come nobody's come forward and said, you know, listen, I was involved or this or that or the other.
And listen, Alex, I love you, man.
Keep fighting the good fight.
I watched your video last night on what we've become.
And, you know, my heart goes out to you and your family.
I love you, man.
And I hope one day I can shake your hand and meet up with you.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
But you're wanting me to specifically say, where do we have examples of inside whistleblowers from 9-11?
Well, I mean, if you think about, like, the demolition scheme that it must have taken to wire those two buildings and Building 7, and, you know, the people that were picking up the pieces outside the Pentagon in Shanksburg, Pennsylvania, all the people who were involved in that.
Somebody must have come forward and said, listen, you know what, this stinks to high heaven.
Alright, listen, I appreciate your call.
I'll go over that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Just to clarify what I was saying during the last segment, I had a feeling I might have been wrong, so we looked it up, and I was partially wrong.
I remember a few months ago, listening to news radio, they were saying, coming up, clear channel bankruptcy.
And then I must have not heard the rest of the report.
It was actually, uh...
Wall Street Journal, Reuters, with the headlines, Clear Channel restructuring inevitable, Moody's says.
A restructuring of radio broadcaster Clear Channel Communications is inevitable.
It was private equity owners Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners may try to delay it as long as possible, Moody's Investors Service said in a report.
That was back from February.
And here's Wall Street Journal, Citadel files for bankruptcy, another big radio outfit amid harsh radio climate.
And of course, Clear Channel's the best company out there.
The best run, the biggest.
They'll probably, at the end of the day, be the only thing standing, but they may have to do bankruptcy restructuring.
And that was the point I was trying to make, is this radio show, it's not the Clear Channel, it's independent with Genesis Communications.
Imagine a show, because the rest of the radio is pretty much flat, a radio show that triples the amount of AM and FM and internet listeners.
I mean, triples.
Alexa ratings tripling on the internet.
Everything tripling.
And revenues way down.
And just funding our little mom-and-pop operation.
I mean, that tells you how bad the economy really is.
And then when the White House is putting out numbers two days ago, saying, oh, the recession ended in June of last year, 15 months ago, it's a lie.
And if radio, one of the best sectors in media, according to the breakdowns I've seen, still is in bad shape, can you imagine print media?
Well, it's going belly up.
Bankruptcies every day.
And cable news, their viewerships every time a report comes out.
In fact, I had one yesterday.
Will you guys search the term cable news ratings or TV broadcast ratings way down?
I mean, they're losing viewers.
Cable subscriptions are way down.
I mean, you've seen all those numbers.
The point is,
This economy is in shambles and anybody that tells you that it isn't is a liar.
Okay, when the very best radio companies out there, the biggest, the best run, are struggling, and others are going bankrupt everywhere, what does that tell you?
If Moody's is saying that they think that the owners of Clear Channel are going to have to restructure in some type of bankruptcy.
I mean, that's scary, ladies and gentlemen.
That's scary.
And when you take something like Clear Channel, that has shows like Limbaugh,
22 million listeners conservatively every few days.
Coast-to-coast AM, 16 million plus listeners.
All of the shows they've got.
That's the only place in the media where you have big, giant, mega, old-fashioned audiences.
Like television used to have in the past.
I mean, being on Nightline like I was two weeks ago is not what it was 20 years ago.
In fact, there's a headline they just found on it.
Evening news ratings 2009-2010 season.
And then it goes into how they've lost a combined 739,000 total viewers and 338,000 out of the key ages 25 to 54 viewers.
And so yeah, Glenn Beck's lost a lot of viewers, but he's still got, you know, two and a half million or so.
CNN's top shows, 800, 900,000.
It's a joke.
All right, I'm now ranting on an issue that I didn't mean to get into.
It's a side issue.
I just wanted to clarify it.
Clerk Channel has not declared bankruptcy.
The media is speculating on it.
Okay, I want to continue with some more calls for those that are patiently holding.
I want to get to Steve, Ed, Mike, Luke, Nick, but after I finish with that little group of callers, I'm going to get into our top story today that I mentioned at the start of the broadcast that wasn't yet completed.
It's by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.
It is up on PrisonPlanet.com and it'll be going up on InfoWars.com in the next few minutes with Kurt Nemo posting it.
Will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his
presidency and remember the quote uh...
Robert Shapiro, remember what he said, the bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in President Obama's leadership, said Shapiro, adding, he has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence, and short of a new 9-11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can't think of how he can do that.
So, after we take calls, I'm going to get into that here in just a moment ahead of the former governor joining us, Gary Johnson.
Let's go to Steve in Denver.
Steve, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
I'm calling about an article on InfoWars about Denver being the next place to watch for homegrown terrorism.
I think there's really something to that, because there's a lot of weird stuff going on lately, like a lot of military activity.
I've seen almost every other day, like... Well, NORTHCOM is based right down the road at Colorado Springs.
They've done a lot of their drills there.
The CFR has said they believe that's the next place Al-Qaeda will strike.
Of course, they're Al-Qaeda, so they should know.
Exactly, and check this out, there's a lot of military helicopters flying around, a lot of jets.
Um, the other day I saw, like, um, on the freeway, uh, semis with, uh, tanks on the back.
I don't know, uh, how much, you know, how important that is, but just off the highway in the train yard down below,
There's a bunch of trains with tanks on the back.
It's really weird, like they're shipping in all these tanks and stuff.
All right, stay there.
I want you to finish up what you're seeing on the ground, and then go into the fact that Colorado is the real capital of the United States.
No, it's designated as the capital.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we are back live.
I want to get into our top story here in just a few minutes.
Dealing with Obama, will he play the terror card?
But going back to Steve here in just a moment, we're going to talk about Denver and one of the biggest public secrets.
I mean, it's available, it's admitted, but most people don't know this.
Denver, Colorado Springs, and the surrounding area.
Before I go any further,
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This film is more important now because it's all come true.
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Oh yeah, I started making it the day he was elected.
I actually knew he was going to be elected, started a few weeks before.
But you get that in 1995, you get a free copy of Jesse Ventura's American Conspiracies.
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And your purchases make this radio broadcast and everything we do here possible.
So thank you all for your support.
We also posted a new 30-minute breakdown video where I get into what humans really are, what our destiny truly is, that a lot of people think is extremely informative.
I certainly think it is.
That's up there for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers right now.
Finishing up briefly with Steve, they set up continuity of government with the National Security Act in 1947, allowed tens of trillions of dollars since then to go into private slush funds controlled by U.S.
intelligence agencies, the CIA, and others.
And accelerating under
Nixon, and then Ford, and then the establishment of FEMA by Jimmy Carter, and then Reagan, Clinton, George W. Bush, and now Obama.
It's seamless continuation.
Now they're in the open saying Brigade Homeland.
They want 400,000, or to be technical, 379,000 troops.
Guys, pull up Brigade Homeland.
400,000 trips is the headline, but it's actually 370-something.
I want to get that number exact.
We do this as a process here now on air, neurotically, to make sure everything I'm saying is accurate.
And as you see, sometimes it's not.
My memory's not what it used to be.
It used to be totally photographic.
Now it's not.
It's like becoming blind or something.
379,000 trips is Brigade Homeland.
Anyways, first it was going to be 4,001 brigade, then it was going to be 80,000, then 120,000, and now it's up to almost 400,000 that they want domestically to patrol.
And so during a crisis, during a war, during a nuclear attack, Colorado is an armored fortress.
It's also targeted by Russian nukes and Chinese.
Okay, so basically what I've been seeing, a lot of jets flying fairly low.
I may have even seen a C-130, can't be sure.
A lot of tanks being shipped in, stuff like that.
Throughout the summer, almost no chemtrails.
Crystal clear skies.
Basically, just a lot of suspicious things and with, um, you know, whatever they got over at D.I.A.
and all their underground stuff going on, who knows, it could be the next false flag.
I mean, you know, um, I'm not really sure what to think about all this stuff.
This is really strange, all the military activity going on.
Well, it certainly is, and, I mean, did you know that you live in the designated emergency capital of the United States?
Yeah, what is that?
Is that NORAD underneath the mountain?
Well, NORAD's part of it, but it's overall NORTHCOM.
Well, here, I mean, this could be, I think, in my opinion, this could be the false flag here.
Because, I mean, I've heard you say that, I mean, one of the first things they could attack is our own military.
And this is a huge military state.
You know?
You're absolutely right.
I appreciate your call.
This is driving me crazy.
I'm searching myself right now.
Let me try 400,000 troops to be deployed in U.S.
To be deployed in U.S.
Let me see if that brings it up.
This is driving me crazy.
I found Stars and Stripes and Army Times talking about Brigade Homeland.
It was actually a Nation article that reported on it.
This is driving me crazy.
Call Paul Watson.
He'll be able to pull it up.
Because I can't do it while I'm live on air here.
Hold on.
I'm going to get the exact headline.
I've got to be able to do this.
Come on.
Exact headline.
I believe it's, Pentagon wants 400,000 troops.
To be deployed domestically.
Pentagon announces plan to deploy 400,000 troops in U.S.
That's the headline, guys.
I believe that's very close.
Pentagon announces plan or wants to deploy 400,000 troops in U.S.
And the actual number is 379,000.
No, that's not it.
That's a border security thing.
That's just a few thousand.
That's window dressing.
Call Watson.
He'll be able to get it.
Thank you.
I've got to have it.
I'll just... I've absolutely got to have it.
Alright, good.
I get obsessed with this Google stuff.
Especially when I can't find something.
But speaking of Brigade Homeland and how we've been absorbed by the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about that's run by the scientific dictatorship, will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his presidency?
And now I'm going
to go over this article.
They did find it.
It was the progressive.
The Pentagon wants authority to post almost 400,000 military personnel in the United States.
And if you'll blow it up for me on screen for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, we will see if I'm right.
Yeah, they say they're getting rid of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
And if you scroll down, it will say 379,000.
Yep, I was right.
Taken together, the reserve units would amount to more than 379,000 military personnel in thousands of communities across the United States.
Got it right.
Paul Stockton, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Security, made that announcement.
So, there you go.
I was correct.
I've never been a very obsessive-compulsive person, but I'm starting to get that way about these Google searches.
Um, good job finding that.
Were you able to find it or did Watson get it?
Marley did it.
Good job.
She's the sole female here in the production crew, doing a great job.
Also my sister, good to have my sister here on the crew.
Slotting her for her cell in the FEMA camp.
After they've tortured her for years, she'll get up on the air and announce that she is the Tooth Fairy.
Gallows humor, my dear, gallows humor.
Okay, let me get back to this article.
This is so serious.
Will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his presidency?
Ominous words suggest desperate administration could turn to false flag in bid to crush
Resistance against big government.
I mean, this is a revolution of corporate interest.
And just like empires of old would destroy entire nations or civilizations to get power, the globalists are the same.
They enjoy it, actually.
He's just the latest puppet.
President Obama's ominous claim that America can absorb a terror attack announced yesterday will have many fearing that
Staging some kind of false flag event will be the only way the government can overturn the massive resistance to big government that has grown exponentially since Obama took office.
During an interview with journalist Bob Woodward, who is a government spokesperson,
The president said, we can absorb a terrorist attack, we'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9-11, even the biggest attack ever, we absorbed it and got stronger.
I mean, the globalists got stronger out of staging it.
However, the only thing that was made stronger by 9-11 was the federal government's power to harass, shake down, and spout on the American people.
As was exemplified yet again recently when Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security was caught conducting surveillance on peaceful protest groups with the aid of the Israeli security company who listed Second Amendment groups amongst others as terrorists.
Given how both Bush and Clinton before him exploited terror attacks on US soil to boost the flagging political agenda,
We should be wary of Obama and his masters making good use of their own October surprise to counter record-low approval ratings for Congress.
Remember, it was Pennsylvania, too, watching thousands of kids at home with the government-issued laptops.
And then the court ruled, we can watch you at home without telling you now it's freedom.
Well, I'll tell you, Pennsylvania's bad news.
Doing it in Ohio, too.
Given how both Bush and Clinton before him exploited terror attacks on U.S.
soil to boost their flagging political agendas, we should be wary of Obama and his matchers making good use of their own October surprise to counter record-low approval figures in Congress on the eve of midterm elections.
A talk show host such as Michael Savage has long been warned of a Reichstag fire-like event would be concocted to reinvigorate support behind Obama, given that his advisors include such ruthless individuals as Rahm Emanuel, the knife-wielding son of former Israeli terrorist who was involved in the bombing of hotels, marketplaces, as well as other massacres that would be blamed on people, I should add.
We will be naive to put anything past these people.
Of course!
Indeed, it was only two months ago that former Clinton advisor Robert Shapiro wrote in the Financial Times of London that the only thing that could save Obama's tenuous grip on power was a terror attack on the scale of Oklahoma City or 9-11.
Let's read that quote.
The bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in President Obama's leadership, said Shapiro, adding, he has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence.
And short of a new 9-11 event or Oklahoma City bombing, I can't think of how he could do that.
Continuing, we don't have teleprompters here, so when I newsread, it's from the article.
Shapiro was clearly
Communicating the necessity for a terror attack to be launched in order to give Obama the popularity to unite the country around his agenda in the name of fighting terrorists.
And then complete all the government grab healthcare, all the police state, the naked body scanners.
They gotta get all that through.
And while you're busy after a city gets nuked or planes fly into buildings, they'll be able to ram through, taking over the family farms, doing all this.
Shapiro was clearly communicating the necessity for a terror attack to be launched in order to give Obama the opportunity to unite the country around his agenda.
In the name of fighting terrorists, just as President Bush did in the aftermath of 9-11, was approval rating shot up from around 50 points to over 80.
Similarly, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, was able to extinguish an anti-incumbent rebellion, which was brewing in the mid-1990s, actually an anti-UN pro-states rights movement, by exploiting the Oklahoma City bombing to demonize his political enemies as right-wing extremists.
As Jack Cashill points out, Clinton descended on the Oklahoma City with an approval rating in the low 40s, and left town with a rating above 50, and the Republican Revolution buried in the rubble, also led from within by Newtie Gingrich.
Only by exploiting a domestic terror attack, which can be blamed on right-wing radicals, or by rallying the country around another war in the Middle East, can Obama hope to reverse the tide of anti-incumbency candidates that threaten to drastically dilute the power monopoly of establishment candidates from both major political parties in Washington.
Yeah, a lot of these new candidates are actually anti-New World Order, pro-states rights, which is holy water to a vampire.
Or sunlight, high noon to a vampire.
Shapiro is by no means the first to point out that terror attacks on U.S.
soil, and indeed anywhere in the world, serve only to benefit those in positions of power.
During the latter years of the Bush presidency, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mused with Pentagon top brass, we have links to all this, that shrinking Capitol Hill support for expanding the war on terror could be corrected with the aid of another terror attack.
And Rumsfeld's like, let's not talk about, okay, I get you.
Lieutenant Colonel Doug Delaney, Chair of the War Studies Program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, told the Toronto Star in 07 that the key to bolstering Western resolve is another terror attack like 9-11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago.
The same sentiment was also explicitly expressed in a 2005 GOP memo which yearned for new attacks that would quote, validate the President's war on terror and restore his image as a leader of the American people.
In June of 2007, the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan, said that there needed to be more terror attacks on American soil for President Bush to begin to regain popular support in America.
Using terror, or the threat of terror, as a political tool has been a routine ploy in recent years, as was acknowledged by former Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge when he admitted he was forced to issue fake terror alerts shortly before elections to influence the outcome.
See, you're supposed to forget all this.
Admitted fake terror alerts that is a terrorist act itself under the Patriot Act.
If I call up an issue of fake terror alert, it's criminal.
And if the head of Homeland Security does it, it's criminal.
Threatening terror has also been a tactic of some of Obama's biggest supporters in the Democratic Party, people like Senator Gary Hart, who in 2007 wrote a thinly-veiled threat to Iranian leaders, pointing out the U.S.
had been involved in numerous stage provocations over the years to achieve political agendas, mentioning specifically the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the sinking of the main.
Given the documented history of staged false flag events being used to manipulate both domestic and geopolitical affairs, added to the numerous threats of such provocations from several highly respected political operatives, it would be foolish to rule out the notion that the Obama administration may do it.
We'll finish up when we come back.
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You know, I've babbled through that article, but I hope people realize how serious this is when you've got all these Republican and Democratic leaders saying, we need terror attacks.
And have you been lied to about everything else?
If the Pentagon would make a secret deal 11 years ago with Prudential and others to steal the death benefits of 6 million dead and dying veterans, they'll do anything.
When are people going to grow up and all the so-called conservatives who claim they're part of the Tea Party and want liberty, but you like the over 2 trillion total defense budget every year?
Every time I say that, I get emails going, it's $1.1 trillion, not counting all the supplementals and black op funding.
It's over $2 trillion.
And this military at the leadership position does not speak for the United States.
In army manuals that have been leaked, they teach army captains who are in special ops how to stage terror attacks.
It's that widespread.
This is one of their tools.
Hitler and Stalin weren't the only ones that did this.
You know the government gets caught lying constantly.
You know they've been caught staging terror attacks before.
Why are you so naive?
And, you know, Michael Savage will come out and says that he believes that Emmanuel or Obama will do it, but he doesn't talk about Bush.
These people are puppets for the real power structure.
The same power structure is in power now, that was in power.
And the article ends, finishing it,
Given the documented history of staged false flag events being used to manipulate...
Both domestic and geopolitical affairs added to the numerous threats of such provocations from several highly respected political operatives.
It would be foolish to rule out the notion that the Obama administration could turn to such desperate measures in a last gasp effort to salvage power and demonize its growing legions of political adversaries.
And then the article has a giant bibliography where every statement we make is backed up.
Get this article.
Will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his presidency?
Please get this out to everyone.
And I'm going to ask
Listeners, we've been successful to get the number one slot every time until last week.
We did it 23 times.
The 23rd time, we only got third place in the Google rankings.
And I don't want to do this all the time to where when we really need to do it, people don't respond.
So, if this doesn't hit number one today, I'm going to really cut back on this key tool.
But I don't want to cut back on this key tool.
It needs to go to number one, search term, so that hundreds of thousands more conservatively will see this article.
And I'm looking at the terms of this article.
What should we use to make sure that it's a rare enough search term that it will lead back to our article?
Let me think of the best three-word term.
Let's search the term save his presidency.
Please search now.
I'll do it during the break and do it over and over again since number one.
This is such a powerful tool we've been using and we failed last week.
Number three was still good.
A lot of media picked up on it, wrote stories about it, but number one's what we need.
Save his presidency.
Three words.
Google search for September 22nd, 2010, Wednesday edition.
Save his presidency.
Three words.
Save his presidency.
And then, on the web, and...
On the new search, it will be number one, Save His Presidency.
Please, enter that into your search engine at Google.com.
Three words, Save His Presidency.
And that will lead them to our article, Will Obama Force America to Absorb a Terror Attack to Save His Presidency?
So we'll search the term, Save His Presidency.
And if you want to do a secondary to throw it in there, we've done that a lot, Obama terror attack.
Secondary search, Obama terror attack.
Obama terror attack.
Obama terror attack.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
How will Obama save his presidency and continue to not get his government takeover of healthcare, which funds the big banks, through?
To get his U.N.
Law of the Sea treaty through?
To get all of these different programs through?
Well, many of his advisors are saying that they need a big terror attack.
to get that job done.
So the Google search term for today, we haven't done this in a week, needs to go to number one.
Three words you search together, save his presidency.
And then we have another term, we've had number one, number two, and number three before when we've done this.
Let's see if we can be successful.
Obama Terror Attack.
Search the term Obama Terror Attack as three words.
That's the second search.
Obama Terror Attack is one, but the main search term is Save His Presidency.
And if you type Save His Presidency into Google News or Google Web, it's already Paul Joseph Watson's article.
So, when it goes to number one, the first link everybody's going to click on will be Save His Presidency, and they'll learn about false flag terror.
This is so important.
I'm telling you, it's one of the only cards they've got to play.
is staging a terror attack and we've got an article with the pentagon his advisors democrats republicans saying we need terror attacks so the people will love us so they will see our leadership is strong and as good now i got a host of issues i'm gonna be speaking uh... with former new mexico governor gary johnson and for the balance of the hour but i'm also gonna bring up some other issues for him
And here's Politico, ex-governor emerges as next Ron Paul, kind of the young Ron Paul.
And he's really getting out there promoting himself.
Is he getting ready for a presidential run?
Could he be vice president with Ron Paul?
I don't know.
People have been putting a lot of names out there.
You know Ron Paul's going to run.
Would he go for VP?
I mean, he's very popular, Gary Johnson.
And by the way, we got contacted by his folks about having him on.
That means he's really wanting to get out there.
I like him.
I like a lot of his policies.
He's a real libertarian.
I wouldn't say on his voting record he's as good as Ron Paul, because Ron Paul is almost perfect, or perfect.
I hate to say perfect, but he pretty much is with the voting record.
So we'll be talking to Gary Johnson coming up here in just a few minutes.
After this quick break and we'll get into a just a host of issues with him on the other side of this break.
Before we go any further, the folks at Gusset Clothing have been deluged with phone calls and emails because they only did this special on my show.
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All right.
Former New Mexico governor coming up.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he's always been active, but I've been seeing a lot of him in newspapers and on television.
He's been traveling all over the United States.
It's safe to say that former New Mexico Governor Gary E. Johnson is on a major offensive against tyranny in defense of liberty.
And it's pretty obvious that he is gauging right now their support, and I think there will be, for him to run for president coming up in the 2012 election.
He, of course, was a very popular governor of New Mexico from 95 to 2003.
He's the chairman of the policy advocacy organization Our American Initiative.
And Mr. Johnson has, again, also been in a lot of media speculation as the possible candidate for president in
Here's a Politico headline.
It says, ex-governor emerges as next Ron Paul.
Another headline, legalize marijuana to stop the drug cartels.
Yeah, no kidding.
So, he literally agrees with Ron Paul on many, many subjects and he is young and
Well, Alex, first of all, I feel like I've arrived now that I'm on your show, starting our America Initiative the 1st of December, which is really to just put a voice to the outrage over the fact that we're bankrupt.
But what I am engaged in right now is a 501c4, our America Initiative.
It's an advocacy committee.
I'm the honorary chairman, which allows me to raise money, speak out on the issues of the day.
I get to be a political activist here.
But I can't make any statements, forward statements, regarding political office or intentions, or I get sideways with my legal status.
So how's that for a cop-out on talking about future political office?
But if Ron Paul contacted you, you'd certainly take the call.
I would definitely take the call.
And you know, I'm a Ron Paul fan.
I supported him and endorsed him during the last presidential cycle.
And like I say, I just think he's brought about a heightened awareness of a lot of really important issues that face this country.
The fake war on drugs only empowering the drug cartels, the wars being based on fraud, all the same issues that you've covered.
He talked about derivatives back when they started selling them 11 years ago.
You've been exposing that.
Let's get into the economy first, Gary.
I mean, it seems like this nightmare is never going to end.
We're clearly in a double-dip recession, going into depression, many economists say.
But the Obama administration says that we've been out of recession for 15 months.
Well, you know, I really think that we're on the verge of really implosion in this country.
That we are on the verge of financial collapse.
And if I could sum up one word to describe present policy, it would be uncertainty.
And if there's one word to provide, or one goal, it would be to provide certainty.
And that certainty would be to right the financial ship.
We're good to go.
On Friday of this week, Portugal comes to market with its debt and nobody buys it.
That's the jitters that start, that end up questioning all government's debt.
Well, Governor, I've got a Wall Street Journal article here saying the Fed is quietly buying U.S.
Treasuries now.
That's monetization.
That's Weimar, Republic Germany.
That's Zimbabwe, Africa.
Well, I think that's been going on ever since for two years now, and not only that, as you're well aware, they're buying long-term bonds.
It'll be interesting with the Audit the Fed bill that Ron Paul sponsored and passed.
I am not privy to what the details of that bill are, but it'll be interesting to see just to what extent the Federal Reserve is doing this.
Imagine Bernie Madoff being able to print his own money.
That's what we got here.
You're up in Fort Worth right now.
You just gave a speech, didn't you?
I did.
Republican women here in Fort Worth.
You know, I'm a Republican.
Addressing, in this case, the Republican women's group is, what I'm saying, resonating.
Based on this lunch, you know what?
I'm going to continue to stay on the road here for a while.
This is an important question because it will give us an idea of what you think is most important.
What did you talk about in your speech to the Republican women?
Really, HRZ, the fact that we are bankrupt, that we've got a splash spending, that spending needs to be cut by 43%, and to do that, you know, you're talking about the biggies, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, you're talking about having to reform all those areas to see them
Potentially viable into the future.
Medicare being the big one.
I mean, a hundred trillion dollars in unfunded entitlement liability.
Going down the line.
A believer in strong national defense.
But also someone who questions or believes that our national security is not being threatened in either Iraq or Afghanistan.
I'd have been on record prior to Iraq.
Look, don't we have the military surveillance capability to see them roll out any weapons of mass destruction?
If that happened, we could go in and we could have dealt with that as a surgical strike.
I thought that our initial military strike into Afghanistan was completely warranted.
I thought that was about getting Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaeda, but they're not there anymore.
So we're building roads, schools, bridges, highways, and hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we're borrowing 43 cents out of every dollar to do this?
We're nation-building worldwide.
When don't we have our own nation to build?
We're bankrupt.
What good are we to any country?
What good are we to ourselves, bankrupt?
You know, going down the list, talking about the war on drugs, talking about immigration, part of the
You know, if we can't connect the dots with regard to border violence right now and prohibition, I don't know if we'll ever be able to connect the dots.
Break that down.
Take some time, Governor, because you've been for decades exposing the drug war as a fraud.
The more you try to suppress drugs, it drives up the price and the criminals then move in and make big profits.
But if you decriminalize, drug use plummets and the drug gangs disperse because their main business is gone.
28,000 dead in the last few years.
Now it's pouring across the border.
Arizona's the capital of kidnapping in the United States now.
Many border states are going bankrupt.
Break that down.
If people would have done what you said a decade ago, this problem wouldn't be one-tenth as bad as it is now.
Well, one term that I... term... concept here is... Alex, since 1999, I've advocated legalizing marijuana.
Decriminalizing really turns its back on half the problem, or more than half the problem, which is the money involved in drugs.
In this case, marijuana.
And you're right, the 28,000 border deaths, this is about disputes that are being played out with guns rather than in the court.
If we can't connect the dots here, I don't know when we can.
You talked about Phoenix being the kidnapping capital of the world by a task force that was formed by community leaders in Phoenix.
Uh, they came to the conclusion that virtually all of the kidnappings were, uh, drug cartel related.
And about 75% of the drug cartel's activity around the border is estimated to be marijuana related.
A little counterintuitive.
So if you completely decriminalize that cuts out all the money.
That's why you want to go directly to that.
Legalize because you have to address the issue with the marketplace.
Control it.
Regulate it.
Tax it.
And you know it's on the ballot right now in California this fall to legalize marijuana.
Control it.
Regulate it.
Tax it.
And when you talk about legalize, it's never going to be legal to smoke pot, become impaired, do harm to others.
Never going to be legal to smoke pot.
Come impaired, get behind the wheel of a car, it's never going to be legal for kids to smoke pot.
That said, legalize it, I think based on Holland's experience, based on Portugal's experience, that you might see a dramatic decrease in drug use as opposed to today, you know, 50% plus of kids graduating from high school have done illegal drugs.
Seems to me we ought to be sending a message, do drugs!
I don't know how we could be doing many more drugs than what we're currently doing.
Well, the United States uses more drugs per capita than any other country in the world.
You know, I don't know that for a fact, but I think that may be accurate.
And what I do know is that on a per capita basis, we have the highest incarceration rate
Of any country in the world on a per capita basis.
Highest incarceration rate among developed countries.
We have four times the incarceration rate of number two per capita, which is New Zealand.
Four times!
We were 2.3 million people in this country are in prison.
Arguably half of those plus are drug related.
That otherwise would have been tax-paying, law-abiding citizens.
Well, look at alcohol prohibition, Governor.
I mean, crime tripled then.
That energized the mafia.
Connect the dots.
Here we are at a point in history where we're going to connect the dots and really, I think, bring about rational drug policy because, you know, give it the fiscal analysis here.
Half of what we spend on law enforcement, half of what we spend on the court,
Half of what we spend on the prisons is drug-related, and to what end?
We're arresting 1.8 million people a year in this country on drug-related crime.
Alex, I'm visiting with this guy in Des Moines, Iowa, three weeks ago.
I want to put a face here to those 1.8 million arrests.
You know what, former New Mexico governor, libertarian, conservative, republican, Gary Johnson, stay there sir.
We're pleased and honored to have you for the rest of the hour.
We're going to come back after this quick break and continue with this information you're breaking down.
Then we're going to get into a host of other issues with the former governor straight ahead.
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We're back live.
The website is OurAmericainitiative.com.
We're honored to have the former governor of New Mexico, somebody who's really showed up for constitutional principles, on with us.
Gary, I want to finish up with the phony drug war, but then I want to get into the future of this country, the political realignment that's happening.
Pro-establishment Democrats and Republicans losing the primaries.
I mean, all political experts have to admit now this is a major sea change.
The people have really woken up to the fact that business as usual is killing this country.
But finishing up with the story you were telling about the drug war and how we need decriminalization, not just decriminalization, legalization of marijuana.
Well, I think we have this notion in this country now that we've somehow gotten to a point that we're really not arresting individuals for possession and that we're really, we've become compassionate, if you will, and more common sense regarding drug laws.
Well, that's just not the case.
I met with an individual in Des Moines, Iowa three weeks ago in his mid-thirties.
This guy was not a criminal.
He had been arrested and charged with possession of one gram of marijuana with intent to distribute it to his 17-year-old daughter.
He was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison, of which he had served about 14 months in prison and had just been released.
This is the face of these 1.8 million arrests
This is the face of 30 million Americans that, but for our drug laws, would otherwise be tax-paying citizens.
This is 100 million Americans, me being one of them, who have done illegal drugs that, but for our drug laws, would otherwise be tax-paying law-abiding citizens.
Well, also when you put a marijuana user in prison, it's a college of crime that then expands this criminal culture.
I mean, this is a fact of society, a historical fact that we know.
We have the highest incarceration rate per capita of any country in the world, and that includes third world Cuba, Zimbabwe.
And I've got on screen right now for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, not just listeners, the drug use per capita worldwide.
The U.S.
is number one in cocaine, New Zealand's number two, Netherlands number three, France number four, Germany, Spain, Israel, Colombia, Belgium, South Africa, Mexico, Italy, Ukraine, Lebanon, Nigeria, Japan, on and on and on.
So we have some of the most draconian drug laws, but we're the number one drug users.
There it is.
If you look at Portugal, which decriminalized all drug use 10 years ago, statistically they are showing a 50% reduction in heroin use.
So what are the things we really care about?
Well, the things we really care about are being ill-served with current drug policy.
Shifting gears into what I was alluding to earlier,
Almost every Republican incumbent who's seen as establishment is losing in primaries.
Same thing with the Democrats.
The Democrats that are for government-run health care are losing in primaries.
Those that are against are the few that are, you know, keeping their nomination or winning the primary.
Do you agree with me that this is a major political realignment?
And if so, what's your view of it?
First of all, I completely agree.
I think that the sentiment right now nationwide is if you are in office
You don't belong out of office.
And I think that's a great phenomenon.
I think Republicans are going to pick up as a result of this phenomenon, simply because they're the minority party.
But if the Republicans don't get the religion of the checkbook back, I don't see them hanging around either.
Let's not forget Republicans had control of Congress and the presidency, and what did we get?
We got prescription drug care benefits.
Gee, that's why I'm a Republican.
And we got the government ballooning in size.
We got the Patriot Act being used on citizens.
It goes on and on and on.
People are outraged.
I hope that the new crop of elected officials carry out with what they say they're going to do.
If they don't, I hope they all get voted out next cycle.
And we'll just continue this for
However long it takes.
And that might not be long enough to stem off what may be really a worldwide financial collapse as a result of where we've put ourselves.
You opened up the interview with that.
We've got a long segment coming up, Governor.
When we come back, I want you to really spend some time on your view on this impending collapse and the fact that gold's up to $1,300 or right at $1,300 today.
That's really a canary in the coal mine, as they say, that we are going into a collapse.
And then I want to get into a host of other issues, issue by issue, see where you stand and where your new organization you've launched this year is going and what you hope to accomplish.
It's ouramericainitiative.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going back to former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson here in just a moment.
Here are some of the news headlines at GCNLive.com.
Forget $1,300 gold.
Some analysts are saying it's going to go to $11,000 on dollar collapse.
Here's another GCNLive.com report.
Will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his presidency?
He's got all these advisors saying that's what they need so he can get his agenda through.
That's even in the Financial Times of London.
Also, we have a video clip up there.
CNN declares the Constitution racist.
They say if you want any state's rights, you're a racist.
You don't want government-run healthcare?
You're a racist.
Amazing, absolutely amazing information up at GCNLive.com, also InfoWars.com.
But going back to Gary Johnson, speaking of collapse, why do you think we're headed towards a collapse?
Where do you currently see us economically?
And I don't think we have time to have two or three more election cycles, you know, to vote the Republicans back in and then find out who's bought off and get rid of them and then, you know,
Then the establishment will use some crisis or new war as a diversion.
So, where do you really see us going?
And why do you think we're in serious danger of a collapse, Governor?
Well, the serious danger of collapse is going to be completely unpredictable.
But the unpredictable part, I pointed out an example of whereby one government brings its debt to market and it's not purchased.
And then it brings into question all government debt.
On the optimistic side of all this, the way that it needs to get addressed immediately, there's really no tomorrow.
Immediately though, we need to embark on flash spending.
In our case, a 43% reduction in federal spending just to bring revenues in line with expenditures.
If you look at the
If you look at the fifth biggest expenditure we have behind Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and Defense, we have interest on the debt, which if interest rates rise a couple hundred basis points, we're looking at doubling that expenditure, which I think is also inevitable at some point in the future.
We do have the Federal Reserve that's buying up
Our own debt, and we have the Federal Reserve that's buying up a long-term bond to provide liquidity.
This is a Ponzi scheme whereby the perpetrator is printing money.
It's the worst of all worlds.
Optimistically, we address the problem, we move forward, we wipe the financial ship, and we get back to what this country has always been about, and what's so
Uh, so important that what we've all died for, and I speak of all those that have died in this country in war, is liberty and freedom and the personal responsibility that goes along with that.
What's the time frame from your research and the advisors that you talk to?
I mean, how long do we have till we're in a terminal implosion?
Well, from everything that I understand, this is really going to be unpredictable.
It's not predictable.
It's something that's out there.
So back to addressing the problem, a real willingness to slash spending, a real willingness to reduce taxes, growing the economy, markets are going to react favorably to that.
Just understand that what's happening right now, it's just the opposite.
Spending is out of control, and taxes are going up across the board.
Well, Governor, that was my next point.
Bush doubled or tripled the size of government, depending on how you look at it.
Obama's now spent more than all presidents before him, back to George Washington combined.
He's accelerating everything we know will destroy the economy.
They know that
JFK slashed taxes, revenue expanded, Reagan did it, revenue expanded.
Government knows when they raise taxes it stalls the economy, less revenue comes in.
So why are they doing that?
I mean, getting rid of Larry Summers, Mr. Derivative, and replacing him with some other Wall Street shark, isn't that just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?
I don't think you could have said better, Alex.
I wouldn't have anything to add to that.
So they're just accelerating it.
So, I mean, I guess we're doomed unless we get these people out of there.
I think, and on the optimistic side, in my lifetime I don't think there has ever been the awareness that exists among people in this country regarding what needs to take place.
It's just amazing to me that we're moving in the opposite direction of what I think is a collective notion of what does need to take place.
Well, you just said it, sir.
Which is this notion of flash spending right to financial ship.
Lower taxes as a way to grow the economy.
Now in your state that has a lot of Democrats in it...
And can go both ways, Governor.
You were very popular and a lot of the liberals liked you.
I mean, that's why I think Politico, to read the quote here, ex-Governor emerges as next Ron Paul, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is a teetotaling triathlete who looks the part of the laid-back Mountain West politician.
But don't let the jeans and black
Uh, turtleneck he's sporting on his new website Fool You.
Johnson is starting to sound like a mad as Hades populist with an eye cast of 2012 and the Burning Fury aimed at Washington.
I mean, but you're not casting yourself as that.
You've always been talking like this.
So I love how Politico tries to spin that.
Well, my experience in New Mexico, New Mexico is two-to-one Democrat.
One of the things that I got known for nationally was, Alex, I vetoed 750 bills while I was governor of New Mexico.
I had thousands of line-item vetoes.
Only two of those vetoes were overridden.
So it ended up that I was able to prevent billions of dollars worth of debt spending
It was able that I was able to prevent government that favored a few well-connected individuals, groups, corporations, as opposed to government that's supposed to work for everybody.
I think by having said no that many times in a state that was two-to-one Democrat, I think what that speaks to is that citizens, regardless of political party, recognize good stewardship of tax dollars.
And I'm believing that that's exactly what I provided.
Now, specifically, your organization, ouramericaninitiative.com, it's gaining a lot of steam, and you basically just state these constitutional principles, and that's what you're promoting with your organization.
Again, 501C4, Political Advocacy Committee.
I'm the honorary chairman, which allows me to talk out on the issues of the day, to be really a political activist without
Without talking about running for office at any time.
So is the New York Times and Politico and the rest of them, are they wrong when they surmise that this organization is the zenith or the genesis, the launching pad for a presidential run?
I hate to go back to that, but I mean a lot of people hope you do run for president.
Well, you know, people are drawing conjecture.
Again, Alex, I just don't want to get sideways with my legal status, which is that I'm an advocate.
I'm the honorary chairman of an advocacy committee.
I just can't make any statement regarding running for office.
I understand.
But you know a lot of folks want you to run.
No, that's part of it, and I realize that you can draw your own conjecture from it, but I'm, like I say, I'm not talking about that.
When will you start to make decisions on that front?
Well, talking about the issues and, you know, just what I'm saying resonating.
I gotta tell you, you know, I live in Taos, New Mexico.
Skiing is my passion.
I've kind of been looking for my exit visa since I started this.
Tell me that what I'm saying is irrelevant.
I haven't found my ticket back.
Let me get your view on how you see the establishment trying to block this constitutional populist awakening.
They call anybody that doesn't want to have carbon taxes or open borders or government-run healthcare a racist.
That isn't working.
People see right through that kind of limousine liberal divide-and-conquer.
But I do see the ace in the hole being the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens who they're trying to legalize, trying to make Democratic voters.
And you've got Obama's aunt, I don't know if you've seen the TV interview from two days ago, you're on the road, saying, yeah, I'm an illegal alien and I'm owed the three welfare checks I get.
America owes us this.
I mean, so I basically, you've got 50 plus percent of people either on the government dole or government contracts.
So even if we wake up to all of this, what do we do about everybody who's dependent on government and the giant armies of illegal aliens that have been turned into a political weapon, who are so angry at this country, they demand that school children not wear American flag t-shirts in San Francisco.
Well, there needs to be immigration reform, and I'd like to think that as a border governor, I really do understand these issues.
And there were a couple of other border governors that I think really understood immigration and what needed to take place.
One of them was Ronald Reagan.
The other one was George Bush.
I think George Bush was right on when it came to immigration.
And pointing out something that I think is really important, Alex, is
Is it all the talk about George Bush talking about amnesty and what I talk about is a grace period for the illegals that are here currently?
All I'm talking about is a work visa, not citizenship.
Citizenship is complete and this is George Bush too.
Amnesty was not
But here's the problem.
Every time we actually got the bill, it was amnesty, not the guest worker visa.
Well, I'm not aware of that.
I'll take your word for that.
If that was the case, then to me, it should have died.
In my opinion, citizenship needs to be completely disconnected.
And back to citizenship, that needs to be part of immigration reform.
Part of immigration reform needs to be, look, this needs to be about work, not welfare.
And then let's look at ourselves.
Are immigrants taking jobs that Americans want or need?
No way!
Because Americans can sit at home and collect welfare and not go and get entry-level jobs because staying at home gives them almost as much money as going out and actually having to work.
That's something that we need to fix within our own... we need to look within for that.
Well, Governor, I agree with you that if we slash welfare in this culture of dependency, then we could have higher levels of immigration.
But it's not just the citizens getting on welfare, as you know.
Let me play a short clip out of Boston two days ago, and they admit she's an illegal alien, everything, but she wants it all free.
She wants it now.
Here it is.
Yango lives in South Boston in public housing.
She's unemployed.
She collects disability.
And insisting her nephew never pulled any strings for her.
Recently, she sat down for an exclusive interview with Jonathan Elias.
And Jonathan, she's not making any apologies.
Jack, she makes none.
In fact, she's very fiery.
The mention of her name makes many in Boston angry.
Angry because she is living off of a system that she's never paid into.
If I come...
As an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.
This is President Obama's aunt.
Okay, that's enough.
She goes on to admit she's illegal, but she says we have to pay for everything for her.
And you know, Gary, my taxes are going up, my bills are going up.
You know, I may have to lay some people off around here so she can sit there on her fat butt.
Well, uh, and that's what needs to be reformed, Alex.
That is a problem and that needs to be, uh, addressed.
Let me just, uh, let me just point out that this country's always been about immigration.
Legal immigration.
Legal immigration, good thing.
Let me just point out that we are educating Indian engineers, for example, in this country.
We're educating them.
They would love to stay in this country.
And I'm not talking about citizenship.
I'm just talking about they'd love to stay in this country and work.
But because of government rule, we're sending back literally hundreds of Indian engineers that are starting up companies in India that could have been started here.
So this has always been about a country of immigrants.
This has always been a country about always being at the cutting edge of technology.
No, I agree with you and it's the welfare equation that wasn't here a hundred years ago when so many were coming from all over the world.
That's the problem.
Now, shifting gears into another subject with you, you probably heard about the MIAC and Homeland Security reports where we learn
That almost all of the anti-terror training and funding is really focused on the American people.
Second Amendment groups, anti-war groups, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, we were sent that by law enforcement.
There's now a big scandal.
uh... in uh... pittsburgh and surrounding areas where it turns out that an israeli company and others were being given hundreds of thousands of dollars to spy and to literally list mainline tea party groups and second amendment groups as potential terrorist and now the head of the state's homeland security is literally hiding out for two weeks i mean that is really creepy uh... what's your view on how this whole apparatus
Well, it's just an overriding notion that the government is overstepping its bounds.
I don't feel any safer.
I feel it's one of the great indignities that we subject ourselves to now is to go through airport security again with
With the fact that it's just not any safer.
So our civil liberties continue to be eroded.
I think it started with the war on drugs and now in the name of terror, we're giving up more and more of what we should be fighting for.
Absolutely, but every time I hear other Republicans, they just say, we need more homeland security, we need more, more, more.
Meanwhile, quietly, it's really set up for the American people to politically suppress us.
I think that what you're saying right there, along with our foreign policy, I don't think any question has us in a position of creating more enemies than friends.
And it's just opposite things happening that should be occurring.
Final segment with Governor Gary E. Johnson straight ahead on the other side.
The website is ouramericanitiative.com.
I'm Alex Jones with prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
A few final key questions on the other side.
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We're good.
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Save his presidency.
And when you search those three words, save his presidency, it will lead the people that see it as the number one search term, by you searching it, to will Obama force America to absorb a terror attack to save his presidency?
Because that's what they're talking about.
Robert Shapiro has told the Financial Times of London, the bottom line here is that Americans don't believe in Obama's leadership.
Said Shapiro, he has to find some way of
Pretty creepy.
You know, that's the word.
You know, it's similar to Iraq.
We need to be vigilant to them rolling out any weapons of mass destruction.
To my knowledge, that's a long ways off.
And let's not forget Israel and the fact that Israel is a huge deterrent in the area with kind of a well-kept secret that they've got 300 nuclear warheads in Israel.
So that would summarize it, I think.
Uh, lastly, we were talking during the break, you said education was important.
They're now admitting that most people getting degrees can't even get a job, and they're calling it the education bubble.
What's your view on higher education in this country?
Well, uh, you know, regarding education in this country, someone asked me the other day, uh, uh, certainly, Governor, you're talking about, uh, reducing, uh, you're talking about reducing, uh, government expenditures by 43%.
You can't be talking about education.
And I said, well, actually, when it comes to education, I would propose to the federal government that 100% of that be eliminated.
And when you talk about the Federal Department of Education, which was established in 1979, it gives about 11 cents out of every dollar that every state spends in education.
But it comes with 16 cents worth of strings attached.
So it's really a negative to take federal money when it comes to education.
Uh, return education to the state.
Uh, 50 laboratories of innovation, constitutionally, the way that this country was set up.
50 states, genuinely, embarked on a process of best practice.
Uh, education advances, uh, does better by simply getting it out of the federal government completely.
Why, why does somehow we believe that the federal government
Well, that's like Texas!
$4.6 billion in stimulus money, and for every job around $30,000 a year, it costs $97,000 per job.
I mean, that is incredible!
For every government job that's created, well, that costs two private sector jobs.
This is killing us!
This is killing us.
This is, uh, look, uh, create confidence in the economy.
Confidence in the economy.
People's 401k, uh, markets rise.
Uh, markets go up.
People, uh, get confident.
They buy things.
When people buy things, um, you know what?
Uh, businesses add, uh, employees for the added demand of their goods and services.
But it doesn't let select corporations that are buddies with the government create vertical integrated oligopolies so they don't like it.
Former New Mexico Governor Gary E. Johnson, the website is the American Initiative.
In fact, give out that full URL.
It's ouramericaninitiative.com, correct?
I'd love for those listening to get online and tell me what they think.
Alex, great being on.
Thank you.
You bet.
Talk to you again soon, Gov.
Good to have you on.
We're out of time.
Don't forget the search term.
Let's make it number one.
Save his presidency.
Search it right now.
Great job, crew.
Thank you for listening to... Retransmission starts now.
Search that term, folks.
Save his presidency.
Alex Jones here with urgent information concerning TrendsResearch.com.
The Trends Journal distills the voluminous ongoing research of the Trends Research Institute into a concise, readily accessible form.
By tracking 300 separately defined domestic and international trends, the Trends Journal establishes the connections that others