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Name: 20100916_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Thursday, the 16th day of September 2010.
We've got Christopher Monckton, the third Viscount of Brenchley and Monckton.
He'll be joining us coming up in the second hour today.
Then in the last 30 minutes of the third hour, we have Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist, very well respected.
Of course, written for some of the biggest newspapers and magazines in the country.
And he has a lot of credibility with us.
Pretty shocking information he's got out today.
Blackwater XE sells conducting false flag terror attacks in Pakistan.
So, we'll try to learn more from him on this amazing information he's put out when he joins us coming up later today.
There's a article that Kurt Nimmo posted up at InfoWars.com that really clarified a lot of things for me today.
It deals with Greenpeace and a ad that they put out a few years ago where they show this young child, probably eight, nine years old, threateningly looking at the camera
And he's dressed up kind of like a Sith Lord or something from Star Wars.
And the way they put makeup on him, the way they shot it, he's meant to be very ominous and look like an adult.
And of course, this is the psychological image that a lot of young males especially aspire to, is to be big, tough guys.
And the message is,
You're either with us or you're against us.
Our parents are basically terrorists if they don't go along with the global carbon taxes and a revolution is here and we're coming for you.
Now since then we've seen Al Gore last year tell
High schools and middle schools and different speeches.
Tell your parents what to do.
Boss them around.
They're not as smart as you.
They don't understand how serious man-made global warming is.
Basically, you've got to give in to our total tyranny or the Earth's going to die.
This is such fundamental, bedrock, super tyranny.
I mean, when you've got the government and its spokesmen out there telling children to boss their parents around, it doesn't get much worse than that.
And since then, we've seen countless news articles and statements by the environmental leaders and the big central banks that are pushing the carbon tax.
Where they say over and over again that, well, the public's too dumb to accept the carbon taxes, so we've got to do this in an authoritarian way for their own good.
And we need to start arresting people that criticize man-made global warming, or anybody that questions us should be arrested.
These are outrageous tyrants, and it has nothing to do with the environment or the planet or the earth.
And so I do want to go over that today.
Paul Watson is going to be publishing in the next hour and a half a detailed report that I worked on with him this morning, going over the different facets of this.
But I will get in.
To what's going to be in the article coming up at the bottom of this hour before it's published because I want to try to simply and succinctly connect all the dots between the government and the media literally trying to take your children away from you and turn them into Maoist youth brigades to be used against the population and statements by Bill Gates that
We need to, you know, kill one granny so we can hire ten teachers.
That's another divide and conquer.
It's the children against the parents.
It's the young against the old.
And it's this artificial scarcity paradigm of if you're going to get ahead, you're going to have to bomb and kill some Iraqis.
Or you're going to have to kill an old lady.
Or if we're going to save the earth, you're going to have to whip your parents into line.
Very, very dangerous.
And because we've exposed these criminals as the fraudsters they are, they're going into high gear right now to start censoring the web, cracking down on free speech.
And I've got a whole separate file here today on attacks on free speech.
We're going to cover that first.
After we get into the economy, stay with us.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay my friends, thank you for joining us on this Thursday edition.
Lord Christopher Monckton joining us in the next hour.
Then we got Wayne Madsen coming on with the incredible report he's put out.
Blackwater XC cells conducting false flag attacks inside Pakistan.
He says he's got...
First hand account from an insider, and so we'll question him about these claims.
He has a lot of credibility with us here over the years tracking his reporting, but this is really bombshell if it is the case.
Of course, British Special Forces were caught in 2006.
This was actually in the London Guardian and BBC, dressed up as Arabs running around attacking Iraqi police and others.
And there's been many other cases of where we've caught
Western intelligence agency staging events, but the question is our contractors doing this and of course if you have a two trillion dollar roughly overall defense budget 1.1 trillion on budget Hundreds and hundreds of billions in secret intelligence 800 billion on average and supplemental funding.
It's actually over 2 trillion
Roughly around two trillion to be conservative.
Do you think they'll spend a few billion to actually stage events to be able to keep that war going and take over the opium and oil and have the no-bid weapons contracts?
Spend a few billion for a few trillion?
You think they'd do that?
You think anti-virus computer companies are putting out some of the viruses?
You think the mafia buys insurance on buildings they own and then burns the building down?
You think the, well, it's kind of like asking yourself, does a duck quack?
But we're going to be discussing that coming up today.
But here's some financial news, and I'm gonna get into massive attacks on the First Amendment.
And when I get up here on the show and I say, this is what I saw today without even looking, the point is, when I have four articles about massive attacks against free speech in the United States, I'm not even looking for attacks on free speech, and they're just everywhere, every day.
It's amazing.
Tea parties are being denied permits to demonstrate because they're, quote, hate groups in the United States.
Well, you don't need a permit to demonstrate, but you go ahead and submit to that, then they start denying the permit.
Kind of like, oh, New York 50-something years ago.
Oh, you've got to have a permit to own a gun.
Then they just stop issuing the permits.
A permit or a license is an authorization to do something that would be illegal.
That's just one of the pieces that I have here.
Four articles today with bonafide, hardcore attacks on free speech against liberals, conservatives, you name it.
It's the full spectrum.
This whole homeland security system is for we, the people, not the CIA-funded boogeymen in caves in Central Asia, 10,000 miles away.
So that is coming up as well.
But let me go ahead now and get into some of the news dealing with the economy.
Foreclosures rise.
Repossessions set record at CNBC.
foreclosure activity rose in August from the previous month, and banks and lenders took ownership from homeowners at a record pace.
According to a new report released today, bank repossessions, often the final step in the foreclosure process after a home
Fails to sell at auction increased about 3% from the month before to 900 to 95,364 again 95,364 a record high at the same time the number of properties that receive default notices the first step in the foreclosure process decreased by 1% from a month ago and fell 30% from a year ago so that's
Good to go.
All of them.
And the courts can't even process all of it.
And that's why I really support the lawyers and private citizens that have researched home loan laws.
It's illegal that these big lenders will take a loan and sell it over and over again and never transfer the deed properly, never file it.
It's illegal that they routinely take the escrow and then continue to charge you for it, even though you've already paid for it.
That even happened to yours truly 10 years ago with the first home I bought.
And I had to threaten to sue them to make the company stop.
And it wasn't even the bank that I'd originally gotten my loan from, my mortgage.
It had been sold, I think, four times.
At that time, it was then sold some more.
So you're always having a new place to send your check, send your mortgage payment.
And they do a lot of other things that are technically illegal and that violate your rights.
And the good news is tens of thousands of Americans, conservatively, are now fighting these out-of-control foreclosures in court.
And so that is slowing down the system, being able to grab all of these homes.
Now, I'm all for paying back debts that are truly owed, but these central banks sold these loans to people they knew couldn't pay them.
That was part
I don't know.
Shocking CNBC headline, Home Price Double Dip Begins.
This is from Tyler Durgin at Zero Hedge.
It goes on to say, Diana Olick, by far the best reporter at CNBC and not merely an anchor, regulator of propaganda bullet points, let one slip today by posting an article on CNBC titled, Home Price Double Dip Begins.
And we have a screenshot in case CNBC realizes the grave error it has made and retracts it.
While nothing new at Zero Hedge Readers, where we have been making the case for the economy, has nothing
To double dip too, it's already plunged, considering it has been in one depression for 33 months now.
It may catch the broader public by surprise.
Olick's arguments, given the combination of the expiration of the home buyer tax credit and the increasing number of loans moving into final foreclosure, we knew that home prices overall would take a hit, but it would take a while.
Well, we're here now.
And there you have it.
There is little that can be done to add when dealing with the simple truth.
Of course, for CNBC to regain its floundering Nielsen ratings, it would take all the daily staff to follow in Mrs. Olick's example to report what is actually happening in the country instead of what Joe LaVagna believes should be happening based on the gold
We're in a depression, ladies and gentlemen, and the solutions the central banks are bringing us are only going to make things worse.
Alan Greenspan's out in the news today saying, look, we've got to raise taxes to fix the economy.
Every other economist worth their salt knows you raise taxes in a deep recession or depression, it will further stall the engine.
If you've got an engine already stalling from not having enough fuel going into the fuel injectors and you take your foot off the gas, what's going to happen?
The engine is going to stall.
And the bailout money never gets to the people, it goes right to the central banks to go out and purchase more assets, to buy off more companies, to consolidate their power.
And so their answer is, raise the taxes, which will actually reduce receipts coming into the government overall, because it'll stall the economy, and just give that money to the banks, so that when the economy continues to shut down, nobody has money but them, so they can come in and give you offers that you can't refuse.
Continuing, Globalist Soros declares gold is the ultimate bubble again.
Meanwhile, a French news agency reports, as we speak, gold hits another record high at $1,278 an ounce, so it's reaching all new highs all this week.
There was a lot of profit taking yesterday and gold dropped a bit, but then surged right back up above its previous record.
Here's a Bloomberg headline.
Gold rises to record on increased demand for wealth protection.
Gold rose to a record in New York and London as investors sought protection against turmoil in the global economy and financial markets.
Silver rose to the highest price since March 2008.
And what did Bloomberg report on two weeks ago?
That the majority, the largest group of
Gold future investments are basically set at $1,500 an ounce.
So the futures trading going on in gold, the largest group of those,
That's kind of like saying Vegas is putting out these odds.
Well, the mercantile system in Chicago, the stock exchange in New York, the most popular bet by the big boys is $1,500 an ounce gold by December.
In fact, will you guys pull up that headline?
It's $1,500 gold by December.
And then it goes into those numbers so people watching at PrisonPlanet.TV can actually see that for themselves.
When we come back, more Democrats break with Obama on tax cuts.
And of course that then dovetails with taxes must rise to fight budget deficit, Greenspan says.
And then there's that Bloomberg headline, goal to reach 1,500 as Haven status restored, Nichols says.
That's actually another article from February from Bloomberg, six months ago or so.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You take a mortal man.
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Watch him become a god!
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Watch people's heads roll!
And that's what happens every time in history that you get megalomaniacs in power.
They think they're god, and they create a hell on earth.
This is the nature of tyranny that we are fighting, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us on this Thursday edition.
We're about 35 minutes out from Lord Christopher Monckton joining us.
The global warming fraud has imploded, but the taxes that they were selling as the solution are continuing forward.
We'll break all this down with Lord Christopher Monckton coming up.
Let me go ahead and start getting into free speech issues before I get more into the economy and the latest eugenics developments.
Here is a headline today from Paul Joseph Watson, and it links to ABC Good Morning America, where these comments were made.
Justice Breyer suggests globalization trumps First Amendment.
And he went on to say, you've got free speech, but if you try to burn a Koran, that's, or destroy a Koran for that matter, or a Bible, you can go read the quotes and watch the video.
We've got it linked there on the site.
That if you do that, that's like yelling fire in a theater.
No, going in a theater and yelling fire.
And people nowadays go, why is fire in a theater a danger?
When do you ever hear that?
Well, in the old days, the cellulose that they used on the reels was extremely flammable.
And that's why if you're ever in an old theater and can get a tour of a 60, 70, 80, 90-year-old theater, the projector rooms are
I don't know.
And because the projector is back towards the exits, sometimes blocking the exits.
So that's where the older Supreme Court rulings came from, that you've got free speech, but you can't yell fire in a theater.
That'd be like if you ran into a sports stadium and got on the bullhorn and said, there's a bomb, there's a bomb, and people start trampling each other.
That is not free speech.
That is lying in a public place to create panic.
So to have the Supreme Court Justice saying, yeah, we might rule that you can't, you know, burn an American flag, burn a Koran, burn a Bible, anything that makes a group angry.
This is how Europe has passed anti-free speech laws, saying, well, if you hurt somebody's feelings, that could create division.
No, it's the fault of Christians who don't want free speech and say that you can't burn a Bible.
I don't like burning a Bible, but that's free speech.
I have free speech to say it's disrespectful, sacrilegious, and insulting, and stupid.
If Christians get mad about that, it's their fault, though we're not really seeing that.
If Muslims get angry and riot because somebody publishes a cartoon of Muhammad with his turban as a bomb, that's their problem being intolerant against free speech in this country or free speech in Europe.
They've now phased out in the name of that.
That's the issue.
It's people doing violent things or threatening people over someone else's speech.
That is not acceptable.
That's a violation of the First Amendment.
It's just like if somebody gets up on the radio and says, kill Muslims, or kill Jews, or kill blacks, or kill whites.
That goes over the line.
Remember those Black Panthers saying, kill whites, kill their babies?
That's not free speech.
If you go out in public and say, we need to kill white people, we need to kill black people, that is a call to action for violence.
Okay, that is racketeering.
That is intimidation.
That is a call for a criminal act.
That is criminal organizing.
And inside these politically correct systems, though, they're always going to let the Muslims or black groups or others call for violence because they're busy playing grips off against each other.
That's why the feds allowed Hal Turner for a decade to call for violence, because he was an FBI operative trying to stir up violence to then demonize any type of conservative groups.
And that's now confirmed.
So, very dangerous to have Justice Breyer saying that, well, we're in a globalized world, that's the quote, and that it trumps the First Amendment.
Slicing up or burning a Bible or a Koran
As long as it's done on your own property or not done during a burn ban, where it could burn down the forest or whatever, then you have that First Amendment.
And it's not trumped by the fact that some people who are intolerant may go crazy over it.
So that's one of the articles that was on ABC Good Morning America yesterday.
When we come back, Bill O'Reilly says, don't let 9-11 truthers within 10 miles of Ground Zero.
We've also got government bans Tea Party from celebrating U.S.
You can't make this stuff up.
It's all coming up after this quick break.
On the other side, InfoWars.com's the website.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, I want to
Continue with the attacks on free speech in this nation.
We have Justice Breyer saying that, well, burning a Koran, we may rule that that's firing a theater.
And that you don't have that right.
And then next, it's anything else that might upset somebody.
And we've got all these czars in the White House calling for censorship.
We've got Cass Sunstein calling for it.
It's just everywhere.
Now here's another one and again we have the video linked in this article if you want to go watch it.
O'Reilly says 9-11 truth activists are dangerous radicals.
And then he names several people.
Cindy Sheehan has now gone public completely for 9-11 Truth.
She's always said she questions the official story.
Now she's saying clearly it's an inside job.
And Bill O'Reilly is at it again.
This is a Kurt Nimmo story.
Remember when he called for squashing the First Amendment rights of Americans opposed to the illegal invasion of Iraq?
He said, and it's our duty as loyal Americans to shut up.
And it is our duty as loyal Americans to shut up once the fighting begins.
He said that back March 3rd, 2003.
Right around the same time that all those different Hollywood people and people like Britney Spears were saying, I just think we should shut up and do whatever our president says.
Never question.
That's what it is to be patriotic.
You do what your government says.
Of course, that's the opposite of what the founders said, the opposite of what common sense is.
Facts soon revealed that the neocons had bamboozled the nation into invading Iraq under false pretenses, but we didn't get a retraction from Bill.
Now O'Reilly is criticizing 9-11 truth activists as dangerous radicals.
And he went on to demonize the 9-11 mosque, the Ground Zero mosque, that's two blocks away, that's being financed by one of the main owners, the second largest owner of News Corp, that is CIA funded, that's Newark Observer, that is funded by the Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundations.
You can go to the mosque foundation website and read right there who's funding it.
They've made it all public.
And so it's the establishment funding this, and then they come out and say, 9-11 Truth, they're the ones, they're involved.
I mean, there's no connection to reality.
Just a bunch of Fox News viewers are now gonna hear this and think those dirty 9-11 Truthers, they're now down there, you know, supporting the mosque.
When 9-11 Truth was down there protesting with the victims' families and others saying, look, forget the mosque, the police, the firefighters, and others need medical care.
The media keeps saying 900 have died.
It was 1,500 in a congressional report, what, two years ago.
It's well over 2,000 of the first responders have died, and major medical institutions have done the scans of their lungs.
They're just full of asbestos and everything else, and they're dying, dead and dying.
So that's a lower number out there that they've been using that's gotta be four or five years old.
And he goes on to
claim that the Muslim scholar involved with the mosque is also a 9-11 truther.
And he goes on to say that 9-11 truthers should be kept far away from Ground Zero.
They should, quote, not be allowed within 10 miles of Ground Zero.
So, let's get this straight.
The Supreme Court justice is saying they may ban burning Qurans.
You're not going to have that right, they're claiming, under the First Amendment.
They're telling ABC News, Good Morning America, that.
O'Reilly's saying don't let 9-11 truthers quote within 10 miles of Ground Zero.
And then we've got this report, which is even more out of control, more brazen, more insane.
This is a PrisonPlanet.com article by Steve Watson.
And I remember seeing this a couple months ago in this particular state, in the mainstream news, and he has links to it in his article.
I mean, again, I have trouble even believing this is happening, where tea parties,
We're good to go.
Every FBI report, and training manual, and state police training manuals, and federal marshals, SLAT training, the list goes on and on, says the main threat is gun owners, conservatives, returning veterans, gun owning veterans, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, people that want to get out of the Federal Reserve, people that want to get out of the UN.
And it just came out yesterday that multiple states have got intelligence reports on mainline Tea Party groups and are listing them as terrorists.
Because they say by protesting taxes, that will cut off money to the government, so they're a threat to the infrastructure.
See now, if you don't want higher taxes, the government says it's its own entity.
Separate from the people, and that that is trying to cut off their blood supply, and so you're an enemy of the state.
In fact, will you print that article again that, I think it was Kurt did it yesterday, where the governor of that one state is apologizing for saying that anti-tax groups are terrorists.
He was apologizing and saying it was wrong that the state had issued a report to be technical.
But here's the new report.
Government bans Tea Party from celebrating U.S.
Local government representatives in an Ohio town have taken it upon themselves to prohibit a Tea Party celebration of the U.S.
Constitution, which of course protects and guards those rights.
Prompting a lawsuit over restrictions on the First Amendment rights.
This is happening in multiple Ohio towns.
This is just one case they're suing over.
Members of the
Andover Tea Party in Ohio have been informed that they cannot hold a public rally in the town square, Central Square, on Constitution Day, September 17th, because of the group's political affiliation.
And remember, in all these states, the Tea Party is listed as terrorist.
And the government wants to keep that secret, though.
They're very upset that the public's finding out.
The decision was taken by the township's trustees and members of the Tea Party group were informed by letter that they would not be able to use the square for speakers and performances of patriotic songs.
And we've seen case after case in Ohio where other towns and cities are saying you can't march, you can't demonstrate.
Now again,
The Macy's Day Parade, the St.
Patrick's Day Parade, things like this where you take over many, many blocks for several hours for a parade.
You've got to get a permit for that because the police have to come out and they have to block off the streets.
But town squares were built for political functions.
Town squares were paid for by the people.
And if it's on a street corner, or a town square, or on your own private property, we're now seeing cases where they claim you've gotta get a permit, and then they deny that permit.
But the courts have ruled over and over again, you don't have to get a permit to go out and demonstrate.
Back in 2000, the state police lost a whole bunch of lawsuits.
The first suit they lost, the Dallas Morning News reported,
was a disabled rights group that would just go and protest across the street from the governor's mansion.
And they came and arrested a whole bunch of people in wheelchairs.
And I remember going and trying to demonstrate down there for other issues for the Second Amendment and things like that, going back 15 years ago.
The state police would come over and say, you're going to be arrested if you don't leave, you got to have a permit.
And I explained, you can't issue a permit for me to be out here with, you know, 30, 40 people with a bullhorn.
I don't know.
The brazenness, I mean this is naked corruption to tell these people over and over again, you can't, this isn't the first time in Ohio, you can't have a demonstration because we don't like your political views.
And we're not going to put up with that.
Township officials informed the residents that the speech at the Constitution Day rally would be a political nature and thus inappropriate for the public square.
See, go back 60 years ago.
From the founding of this nation and the Bill of Rights, First Amendment, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the press, or the right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances.
It's the press, it's the rallies, it's religion.
Congress shall make no law, and states can make no law as well because they're mirrors of that federal constitution.
But what do they say?
They told the churches in the last 60 years or so, the big mega-denominations started the ball rolling, paid off by the Rockefeller Foundation and others with the World Council of Churches.
They went into the big denomination leaders and said, look, we'll let you keep having your tax-exempt status, but now we've passed a law, but Congress shall make no law.
Before, there was no law because they could make no law.
Churches were not taxable because Congress could make no law.
They had no jurisdiction.
The federal government has no jurisdiction over religion, because if they can do that, they can end the separation of church and state, and that means they can create a government-sponsored religion, whether it's humanism, environmentalism, communism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, whatever the case is.
See, the controlled left always uses Thomas Jefferson's letter about separation of church and state.
As he was quantifying what the First Amendment meant to say, oh, see, you can't have people being religious in America, or you can't have somebody praying at lunch in a public school, or you can't have somebody carry their Bible to school.
Or, you know, we're allowed to come in and regulate your church.
That's the opposite of what separation of church and state is.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Shall make no law, just like Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, the right of the people, the people, the people, that's us, not the army, the people, to keep and bear arms shall not, shall not be infringed.
Doesn't get any more clear than that.
Same thing here.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But the last 60 years, starting in the 1950s, the big megachurches came in.
They told all their little churches around the country, that were part of their denominations and part of their seminary, you will now sign up for 501c3, which made you a charity, a charitable organization.
The government created a new class.
And then tricked almost all the churches to get involved until now of your churches at 501c3.
And you say, look, I'm not part of that.
They come after your church with taxes and regulations.
And they've even SWAT teamed them, you know, in famous cases, taking them over.
The famous case with the big Baptist temple with thousands of members.
So this is how they phase this in.
They come in.
And they tell the churches, oh, just sign this form.
And then now I've been given from local Baptist churches, you name it, the letters.
They even give, not just their pastors and deacons and Sunday school teachers, but they give the entire congregation letters saying, you will not talk about politics when we have church lunches or church brunches.
You will not talk about politics in the pews or before church or in the parking lot.
I have been given this by people that live in Austin.
We've covered it here on air.
And this is going on nationwide.
And they come in and they tell them, you don't even talk about politics.
Well, a preacher has a right under the First Amendment to say, we're against abortion, we're against this candidate because they're for abortion.
That's their First Amendment as a private citizen and as a pastor.
And it's your right in the pews of the church to have your free speech.
That's how far this tyranny has gone.
And then violating that,
Separation of church and state.
Now we have the clergy response teams being trained to tell their flocks to submit to government.
Romans 13, turn your guns in if you're told.
So they've slowly, over time, phased this in, and now not only can people not have their own political views in the church, or their views on any issue, I've seen articles where preachers speak out against local environmental land grabs, and they get threats by the IRS.
This is just like in China, where you can have a church, it's just got to be government approved.
We now have government approved religion in this country.
Go back to in the last 60 plus years in New York City.
Everybody can own guns.
The government comes in and says, we're just going to have a permit, $5.
Everybody can get one.
Then they stop issuing the permits.
They turn a right into a privilege.
And now it's the same thing with demonstrating.
I've seen articles like this in California, and Texas, and not just Ohio.
We're not just picking on Ohio here.
I've seen stories similar to this in places like Kentucky, where the police tell people you're not allowed to hand out Alex Jones films.
They said in the court case with Kelly Rushing, this film criticizes the government and isn't respectful to police, so we're gonna arrest you.
I mean, think about how far we've gone.
Compare us to Soviet Russia.
Compare us to China.
Now, we haven't gotten to the point where they're able to shut everybody down and intimidate everybody.
And we've got such a history of liberty and freedom and free speech that folks aren't following all these attempted covert rules and regulations.
But they're now really coming in pushing for this.
So in the United States of America, all over the country, coast to coast,
They lie and violate people's rights and say, if you want to have a demonstration at the town square or in front of the Capitol or on a street corner, you've got to get a permit.
That's lie number one.
That's prior restraint of a political event, political speech.
But they blur the lines.
You do need the permit if you're going to block streets.
That's different.
If you want a commercial Macy's parade, that's different.
If you want to shut down everybody's commerce and get in the way of their rights to mobility.
But they'll let any other group go to this town square and have their own political events.
But because the Tea Party, because they don't like their political speech,
We've seen reports in Ohio, in Pennsylvania, specifically demonizing the Tea Party.
Internal police intelligence reports written by the federal government, who themselves got the material from the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center.
They're saying, well, we're going to selectively discriminate against you and say because you have a political nature to you and you want to sing patriotic songs.
And you want to celebrate the Constitution and what America is based on, the heart of this country, we are denying your permit.
Think about that.
And now the FCC says, oh yes, as part of cybersecurity, we're going to not just regulate terrestrial radio and TV and cable, we're going to start regulating the Internet.
And what you can say.
And we're going to have regional boards of government-appointed citizens who speak for the citizens, really speak for the globalists, who will then file complaints on private citizens who have news blogs or radio shows like a bar grievance against a lawyer.
And then that board will then go to the FCC and recommend cash sanctions against you.
And what is the FCC saying?
Their diversity says if you criticize Obama, if you say something they think isn't true about Obama, you're going to be fined or you'll be arrested.
What does Cass Sunstein say?
I mean, we have to realize how dictatorial and oppressive and criminal these people are.
The same thing.
They're in our country telling us we can't rally, telling us what our churches can say.
It's incredible.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Here's a few more of some of the recent news articles.
Here's one from yesterday, where they're demonizing anybody that criticizes the out-of-control taxation in this country.
And the government is saying, the federal government wrote this report, it was issued to Pennsylvania law enforcement, that if you are against higher taxes, that's basically terrorism because it could cut the government's money off.
And remember what that clergy response team newscast out of New Orleans stated a few years ago.
Weighing the government's needs against those of the people and dealing with the government's biggest enemy, biggest threat, the people.
See, this is openly taught to law enforcement, openly taught to bureaucrats.
So now they're just out in the open going, yes, you're the enemy, you are the American people.
If you try to demonstrate, you try to protest, we're like Romania with Ceaușescu.
That's evil.
And you need to be watched.
In fact, I have another report where people that are protesting are being put on list.
And they want you to know this now.
They want you to be scared and shut up.
They're open bullies doing this.
And they're trying to sell the idea to police and the military that they're training with police that this is all normal.
But the military and police are really starting to wake up.
They're going, wait a minute.
But here's the headline, Pennsylvania Homeland Security puts anti-tax protesters on list of terror threats.
And it goes over all of that.
Here's another one, DOJ demonizes constitutionalists as extremist criminals.
These reports are just pouring out.
The government has accelerated these reports.
They're not backing off, they're intensifying what they're doing.
We're not going to let you burn the Koran, the Supreme Court Justice says.
We're not going to let you protest within 10 miles of Ground Zero for 9-11 Truth.
We're not going to let you have a Tea Party demonstration for the Constitution.
We're going to put you on list if you want to cut taxes.
You don't have a right as a citizen to have free speech.
You're not part of this government.
The government sees you as the number one enemy because it's not a real government.
It's a bunch of crooks.
Here's another headline.
Shooter terrorizes campus during mock drill.
This just came out of WPSD Local News 6 in Kentucky.
I see these reports about every week, including in elementary schools, not just colleges, where they'll have unannounced drills with police dressed as militias who come in and terrorize the children.
The children literally wet themselves, are traumatized, and they tell them under federal guidelines, we are the militia, we are the pro-gun group.
We are, what was the exact name of one group?
In the drill in Michigan, AP reported, we are homeschoolers against public education and we're going to kill you.
And then they blew a bus up in the parking lot with a firebomb.
They took the kids out in the parking lot in elementary school.
They said, what's happening?
They set a bus on fire and then had men in camo say, we're homeschoolers, we're going to get you.
Here it is, unannounced, same day.
You cannot make this up.
They're turning the entire country into a giant re-education camp.
These children will be traumatized against homeschoolers and the Second Amendment for the rest of their lives.
I said I'd get into eugenics.
Let's go ahead and get Monkton on right now.
I want to go right to him as soon as the next hour starts.
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My friends,
The President of the Czech Republic has said it.
Ron Paul has said it.
Lord Christopher Mompton has broken it down on record.
If you study the Club of Rome, the UN, Al Gore, all of these groups, they openly admit they want a global, authoritarian, environmentally backed and based tyranny.
And now because the world is waking up to their fraud, they are all over the news every day saying, we don't care what you want.
We don't care what you stand for.
We don't care what you do.
We don't care how much fraud we get caught in.
We now want an authoritarian system to enforce carbon rationing, literally taxing you for breathing.
You exhale carbon.
And we are going to force this on you one way or another.
And they're openly coming out and saying they want to restrict our criticism of them.
This is bonafide, out in the open, oppression.
Bonafide tyranny.
And Paul Watson has got a report that is set to be published very, very soon at PrisonPlanet.com today that I worked on with him this morning.
And as soon as it goes up in the third hour, I'm gonna read over it.
But, what they're doing is really pretty simple.
They're creating artificial scarcity.
You know diamonds are semi-precious, but because they're geographically isolated, a cartel has been formed, known as De Beers, where they're able to keep the price incredibly high.
Well, if they start taxing and regulating, and government has the power to decide who's allowed to have a factory, who's allowed to have a business, and they put huge cost on carbon, that is more than artificial scarcity.
It puts a tax on the life cycle of this planet.
And it's over every facet of our lives.
It controls every area.
And it is designed in the words of Maury Strong at the UN and Ted Turner and Prince Philip and the head of NASA Climate to quote end industrialized society.
But they mean end industrialized society for the general public.
You will have reservations of government slash mega corporate
So, this is the information.
And I saw a London Guardian report last night where they came out and said a powerful consortium of elites now want weather modification to save the earth from global warming.
That itself is a cover for weather weapons, and that's admitted, and it's a cover for all the geoengineering that's already going on.
In fact, I forgot to print that geoengineering report last night.
I actually did print it, and then it was gone off my desk this morning when I came in.
Here it is.
Now that's another report.
Women are more likely to accept climate science than men.
I'll try to dig that out of my stack coming up.
Uh, but, uh, basically the headline dealt with powerful consortium, you know, moving for global climate control.
So, so, so these people want to play God and run every facet of our lives, and they want to wall us off from technological development while they basically ascend with these systems.
And at the end of the day, they want massive forced population reduction so we won't even have a stake in the future.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
On the other side, we should have Lord Monckton to break all these latest developments down with us.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen, into the second hour now.
It is Thursday, the 16th day of September 2010.
Lord Christopher Monckton III, Viscount of Monckton and Brinchley, worked as press officer for the Conservative Central Office, was also one of the chief advisors to Margaret Thatcher, has written and been managing editor for the Sunday Telegraph magazine.
The list just goes on and on.
He's also an inventor.
And he has really been the chief main focal point.
If you had to say there was a general out there fighting the eugenicist, fighting the control freaks that want to set up a carbon tyranny, it's Lord Christopher Monckton.
And so much has happened.
In the last few months, they've admitted ClimateGate was real now.
They've admitted the IPCC report was a complete fraud.
Their own authors have come out and said that.
They've admitted that the Earth is actually cooling.
Word for word, everything Monckton has documented at his website, all the research papers he's written, he's been vindicated completely in spades.
I mean, he couldn't be more vindicated.
But meanwhile, they're not backing off.
They're saying,
We're going to
Children saying, I'm putting you on notice, you're my parents, you know, we're taking the gloves off.
Al Gore is giving more speeches to children, saying tell your parents what to do.
The public schools everywhere in this country, and I know in England, are still brainwashing the children, saying we're all dead.
It doesn't matter if islands all over the Pacific are actually getting bigger, and many sea level readings are going down.
They don't care!
They don't care.
They're going forward with all of this.
And now I have the headline, Obama's science advisor says don't call it global warming, call it our deteriorating climate, our deteriorating atmosphere.
And we need to stabilize the
The climate, meaning if there's ever any type of cold temperatures, hot temperatures, that's abnormal.
The earth should be basically 76 degrees year round.
And they're also moving into saying that all the animals are becoming extinct.
So that'll be their new way to steal people's property.
So we've basically routed them intellectually, but they're dug in and they're not stopping.
And I turn the radio on, all I hear is, buy our car, it's green.
Buy this house, it's green.
Germany's passing laws that by 2020, all single-dwelling homes will be illegal.
You've got to live in dormitories with others.
I mean, they're not stopping.
And so, Lord Christopher Monckton is our guest.
Lord Monckton, good to have you on.
Well, Alex, it's great to be with you once again, and what a formidable list you've just given of the antics of the global warming extremists worldwide.
They are yet again
Trying to cause trouble by maintaining, or flogging this dead horse, trying to maintain the scare, which now everybody knows is no longer real.
There's been no significant global warming for the last decade.
Now, even the University of East Anglia, where I'm going to visit in a couple of months' time, is admitting that.
They've now said, yeah, we actually haven't had the warming we expected to see.
Well, no, they haven't, because CO2 is only a bit part player in the climate.
I've just come back from a very interesting conference at Aerege in Sicily of the World Federation of Scientists.
These are 250 of the world's top scientists looking into planetary emergencies.
They have an annual session once a year on a mountaintop overlooking the ocean.
And there I was with these scientists and I gave them a presentation showing my own calculations, which indicated that we don't have a problem with the climate.
Yes, we can generally expect it maybe to get a little warmer, but not enough to worry about.
And what was interesting was that three other scientists there gave similar presentations coming from completely different directions and all concluding that if we double the CO2 in the atmosphere, maybe we'll see one Celsius degree or two Fahrenheit degrees of warming this century.
That is all.
Is that to worry about?
No, of course it isn't.
And you mentioned geoengineering.
Well, what is the point of doing geoengineering unless you know which direction to geoengineer in?
You have to get the science right before you start messing about with the planet in that way.
And you may remember that 30 years ago when everybody was talking about global cooling and we were told by the usual suspects, the same usual suspects that are now telling us about global warming, that global cooling was the big problem, they were posing to put carbon dust
We're good to go.
Seeding the atmosphere with particles that will reflect the light, such as sulphur dioxide, which, until recently, they've been taking out of the atmosphere.
And so, round and around it goes, with scientific institutions and universities and politicians getting enormous grants from taxpayers, whether the taxpayers like it or not, to fund ever more absurd projects, and all as the science behind the scare terminally collapses.
Well, Lord Monckton, that was my next point, is Bill Gates has patented literally dozens of these.
He's seeking funds for anti-hurricane machines, for global aluminum dioxide barium spraying campaigns.
They admit they've been testing this for decades, and one fellow back in the early 90s won a Nobel Prize for it.
But as you said, they have no idea, because of the complex weather interactions, of whether it's going to heat up or cool off.
As you know, the UN last year in Copenhagen had a declaration that the sun doesn't affect climate because, you know, they have to deny that so they can then play God here.
But, I mean, isn't this also just a giant boondoggle where they demand billions of dollars to save us by controlling our climate, when they admit they might be able to manipulate it from time to time, but overall they have no idea what they're doing in the aggregate?
They haven't got a clue what they're doing.
We've known since 1963 that trying to predict what the climate's going to do next for more than a few weeks out is impossible by any method.
It's mathematically proven that you can't do it.
And yet here are these nincompoops trying to tell us that they can tell us exactly what's going to happen to the climate if we do what we're doing at the moment, which is getting on with our lives and burning fossil fuels and generating CO2.
And then they say, but of course, if they do what they would like us to pay for, then it's all going to change and they can predict this.
Well, no, they can't.
It's been long established that they can't make that kind of prediction.
But Lord Monk, let's cut to the chase on that one issue of carbon dioxide.
I mean, they've done studies where they can...
Tell crowds the scientific name of water, dihydrogen monoxide, and over 90% will sign a form, including educated people, saying ban water, it's a toxic waste.
The same thing with the scientific name for table salt.
Most people will sign a form saying ban it if they're given the scientific name.
People confuse carbon dioxide with a dangerous gas, carbon monoxide, but from the basic confirmed research that I've seen from the mud flats and the ice caps and the studies, carbon dioxide has been as much as 14 times higher than it is now, and all of the controlled studies they've done show that plants grow better, live longer, higher crop yields, that then animals put off more carbon dioxide for the plants, they give us more oxygen, and that the earth is really,
In this geological and climatic phase, in an oxygen and carbon dioxide starved state, and that carbon dioxide is actually good for life.
That is completely correct in all respects.
In fact, if you go back to the Jurassic era, 175 million years ago, you're too young, Alex, but those of us who were around at the time remember it well.
And at that time, there was, as you say, 14, 15, 16 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today, and yet here we all are.
Go back a little further to the Cambrian era, 550 million years ago, and at that time, there was 20 times as much carbon dioxide as there is today.
Go back another couple of hundred million years to the Neo-Proterozoic Era in the early Precambrian, and at that time, get this, there was 773 times as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is today.
About a third of the atmosphere at that time was carbon dioxide, and yet here we all are.
The oceans did not acidify and melt all the creatures.
All of this
Bedwetting about how the world is going to come to an end because we have changed, over the last 260 years, the atmospheric composition by 0.01%.
And that's the entire change that we've made by adding carbon dioxide to it.
We've added the equivalent of 0.01% of the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.
This is simply not enough to cause a major change in the Earth's temperature.
And the big question in climate science is how much of a change can this very, very small increase in carbon dioxide concentration actually cause?
And all the researchers, like those ones at the conference in Eritrea, of the World Federation of Scientists, who do this by measurement and observation,
Conclude that if you double the CO2 concentration, then you get an increase in temperature of around 2 Fahrenheit.
Perfectly harmless, generally beneficial, and the other thing is, as you rightly said, CO2 increases crop yields.
In fact, if we double the CO2 compared with today, the yields of most staple crops would increase by up to 40%.
And they will be able to grow crops in areas that are now too dry.
The fact is, as Professor Will Happer of Princeton University said in testimony in front of Congress just a few months ago, we are starved of CO2 at the moment.
Plants would like to get a whole lot more of it if they could.
And one of the things we can observe from space with satellites
is that the net primary productivity of plants, which is very much a function of their ability to photosynthesize, and of course, CO2 is an essential ingredient in photosynthesis, net primary productivity of plants is already visibly rising.
This is a very good thing.
That is the most direct way of greening the Earth.
And those who really believe in making the Earth green would want a whole lot more carbon dioxide and not a whole lot less.
So if we were going to have geoengineering, and we do have this observable fact dealing with carbon dioxide, then the plants create more oxygen, then we would actually have giant factories terraforming geoengineering, putting out more carbon dioxide.
You'd get the plants, of course, take in carbon dioxide.
And if we put it out, they take it in.
That makes the plants grow more.
The more coal-fired power stations China opens up, and it's planning to open up one or two coal-fired power stations every week between now and the year 2030.
And they know they've got to do this to get their people out of poverty and hence stabilise their population.
That's what they're going to do.
The Chinese ambassador to Italy and his scientific and technical counsellor came from Rome to Sicily to attend our conference on planetary emergencies.
The scientific counsellor sat in on my presentation and afterwards he said, look, I want full details.
Of what you have just shown us.
Because you've shown that the IPCC, the official body looking at the UN at this science, has been bending the data and getting its sums wrong and fudging things and producing false graphs.
And you said your own calculations, which seem very straightforward, are clearly demonstrating that we don't have a problem.
You said this has a major implication for China.
We really, really need to see this.
And so I sent him the background materials for my talk, etc.
And there's no doubt that China has got the point.
In Copenhagen last year, I got in to the last day of the conference.
I was one of the very few observers who were let in.
30,000 observers were registered to be let in.
Only a dozen actually got in.
I was one of them, and I watched.
Wen Jiabao, who is the Chinese President of the State Council of China, kind of Chinese Prime Minister if you like, and he had spent 55 minutes with President Obama bullying him, trying to persuade him that what he should do is to shut China's economy down in the name of saving the planet.
And Wen Jiabao came straight out onto the stage and he said, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to put
China's economic growth and lifting my people out of poverty in any way at risk.
If you in the West want to put your economies at risk, send your business to us so that we do your manufacturers, we'll happily take the business on.
But don't tell us we can't do it, what you've already done.
And he was very firm and very clear about it.
However, watch this, Alex.
You may have noticed that very quietly, but very definitely in the last six months, both in Britain and in the United States, official statements were made at the highest level, President Obama there, our Foreign Secretary here, for the first time explicitly recognizing China's occupation of Tibet.
And what I think may be going on is that behind the scenes they may have persuaded China to keep her powder dry until Cancun and then to agree to go along with the so-called process by which we established the world government of which you and I have often talked, the unelected U.S.
The next point is that China had said no to the Copenhagen and then suddenly they've been finding factories, they've been saying they may demolish factories, they're saying they may start trying to implement carbon taxes there in their economy, so we're seeing a shift.
Yes, and I think it's exactly the same as what was done with Russia, because, as you know, in 2004, the Russian Academy of Sciences looked at all this nonsense, and Dr. Ilya Illarionov, who was then the chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Made a great speech after hearing Sir David King and other worthies from Britain telling him how terrible global warming was, saying it was quite clear that none of these people knew any science at all, the whole thing was nonsense, and Russia would not be playing any part in this nonsense.
And David King flounced out in a huff and came back to the UK and was promptly sacked.
But what then happened is Tony Blair had a meeting with Gasputin, and he said, look, if you would like to join the World Trade Organization on favourable terms, then all you have to do is at least say that you believe in this global warming stuff, even if, in fact, you carry on digging up your methane gas and piping it to Europe, all the other things you want to do.
But if you at least say you believe that global warming is going to be terrible, then we'll let you join the World Trade Organization.
And that is exactly what happened.
Within six months, Ilarionov was gone from the Academy of Sciences because he wasn't prepared to change his tune, and Putin appointed somebody else more agreeable to the new political reality.
And I think they've done exactly the same with China.
I think they've quietly agreed behind the scenes that they would go public, Britain and America, and say to China, OK, we acknowledge publicly that Tibet belongs to China.
Well, of course it doesn't.
It belongs to the people of Tibet.
But don't try telling that to our government or yours.
Because they don't care about the people of Tibet anymore.
They care about playing politics.
And I'll tell you why they're doing it.
I'll tell you why they're going to these drastic lengths to kick human rights in the teeth,
To kick the people of Tibet in the teeth, to kick the people of Russia in the teeth.
Why are they doing this?
Because they know by now that they've got it wrong on the science.
They all panicked and galloped off in the same direction because it meant more taxes, more regulation, more powers by politicians to save us from ourselves at our own expense.
That's what they were doing and they now know that they got it wrong.
And they know that their only hope of it not becoming blindingly obvious to everyone that they got it wrong – the entire governing class of the world got it wrong – is actually to put in the measures that they want to put in to shut the world's economy, particularly the West's economy, down.
Of course, ultimately, this is the real objective.
It's to shut down the economies of the West.
And then, when the warming that they had predicted doesn't happen, because by now they know perfectly well it isn't going to happen, regardless of whether we burn lots of CO2 or not, then they will say, there you are, our measures worked, we had it right all along.
That's the game they're playing now.
It's a strategy of complete desperation.
They know they've got it wrong.
They know they're beginning to be found out.
The Climategate emails, the endless revelations from the IPCC, these failed reports where they made huge errors, sometimes deliberate, and refused for years to correct them until it became impossible to hold the line anymore.
All of these things have embarrassed world government.
Hugely, because governments don't ever like to admit that they got something wrong.
And when they have all bet the farm on this global warming thing as strongly as they have, you can see how very, very difficult it has become for any of them to back off from their positions.
Now, of course, the environmental extremists, people like Greenpeace, they're not going to back off because they depend absolutely on global warming being acknowledged as real for about three quarters of their lives.
Well, Christopher, hold on just a second.
We're going to break in a moment.
I want to get into your deep research on their latest stratagem to bring this deception forward and from your deep research really quantify who the leadership of these people are and what their world population reduction
I think?
Exactly as he said it.
I mean, it's devastating that they're, okay, we did fake the Himalayas melting.
We did lie about the rainforest.
We did lie about the polar bears.
We did premeditatedly lie about, you know, CO2 causing all this warming.
I mean, it's incredible, but we've got about two minutes till break.
Briefly, we've got all these IPCC authors coming out saying it's a fraud.
We've got Pachari admitting all this stuff.
Can you just briefly recap their total implosion of credibility that's happened in the last two months?
Well, here's a very nice little example of it.
Pachauri was due to come to a conference that I attended in southern India just a few days ago.
And I was speaking at the conference, as was Professor Fred Singer.
And when Pachauri heard that we were going to be there, as well as the usual suspect saying it was all going to be terrible,
He refused to come because he knows that as a railroad engineer he is totally incapable of maintaining an argument on climate.
He just doesn't know enough about it.
But the other thing was that his so-called bogus charity, T.E.R.I., which operates out of India and also has a subdivision in London,
That had agreed to put a million rupees of funding into the conference, organised, as it was, by a religious foundation.
Three days before the conference began, Terry pulled out its funding on Paciore's instructions.
...saying that they were unhappy that skeptics such as Singer and Monckton were being allowed to have their say at this conference.
Now that is going to get them in trouble with the charity commissions not only in India, but also in London, where they have already been caught out filing bogus accounts for three years, grossly under-declaring their... Well, Lord Monckton, isn't that a form of bribery to tell conferences, we won't give you the money if you have people critical of us at the event?
It is entirely against the charity law, as well as being a form of bribery, and Pachauri ought to go to jail for it, but of course these people, as they know now, they're untouchable.
All right, stay there!
Lord Mocton's our guest.
We gotta go to break, sir.
More key info straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go back to Lord Christopher Monckton in just a moment of ScienceandPublicPolicy.org, an essential site
Do you understand that the globalists, the one-worlders, openly want world government?
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It's all at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we couldn't have done any of this without you and all these guests and all these informative,
Lovers of liberty and truth that we're able to bring on the show and give a wider platform now Lord Monkton I'm not trying to pour gravy over you, but you really do deserve it and you're a model of Stick-to-it-ness for more than a decade in their face being criticized being attacked them calling for your arrest in major newspapers as a climate denier and everything confirmed and
And now you're at the most prestigious scientific forums in the world, and they're agreeing with you.
You're meeting with the top science advisor to the Chinese government, waking them up.
I mean, the point is, when we do take the field against oppression and tyranny and lies and neo-serfdom, we are able to defeat it.
And just your spirit of resistance is a
A great example to us all.
So I want to thank you for my family and for my listeners for your tireless efforts.
I know you crisscrossed the planet at your own expense fighting these people.
Well, that's very, very kind of you.
Not a word of that is really deserved, but it's much appreciated nonetheless.
And the thing is that you may remember that a few months ago you were talking about how I get attacked a lot.
Yes, they're at this all the time now.
They've realized I'm dangerous to them.
And so they're now trying to take me apart, first of all personally, and endless, rather poisonous accusations being made.
And now, at last, they're beginning to say, well, let's see if we can attack him scientifically.
Do you remember that shrimp-like character, Professor Abraham from Minnesota?
Who spent eight months preparing an 83-minute diatribe, calling me everything from a fraud to a trickster to somebody who made up data, who fabricated data, who misrepresented scientists' work, et cetera, et cetera.
Over and over again, he libeled me.
Well, this insignificant character, wholly unworthy to be even the minor associate professor that he is in a two-bit Catholic Bible college in Minnesota, he has now had to back off completely because I produced an 84-page letter refuting every lie that he had put out in his horrible broadcast.
And you can still get his horrible broadcast published by this two-bit, three-legged,
Four-eyed, five-a-side, six-of-a-seven, eight-rate Bible College.
They're on its servers.
But nobody now takes it seriously.
He, and the Bible College, and the president of the Bible College, a creepy individual who failed to investigate this matter when he was asked to do so, not only by me, but also by many of your own listeners.
They have now had to back off into a corner and accept
We're good.
They have now really had to accept that he lied.
They've had to accept that he lied repeatedly.
They've had to accept that he and they had a fair chance to have this put right.
And they failed to do so when I gave them the chance to do so privately.
So now they're treated to gales of laughter all around the world as people read this very detailed, point by point, scientific
We're good to go.
Well, he's not being invited, which they never do.
I mean, he's not being invited like you to the World Federation of Scientists.
Now, expanding on this, though, what are their counter-strikes?
Because they're still going forward with their climate cult.
They're still brainwashing the children in public and private schools worldwide.
They're still going ahead.
The EPA says they're implementing the carbon taxes by hook or by crook.
A, how are they counter-striking?
And B, how do we defeat them?
I think what is happening is that the Republican Party, which as recently as two years ago was saying to me, well of course we can't argue with them on the science, but on the economics what they say makes no sense.
They have now realized that the science is wrong.
I have testified several times in front of Congress
Many other researchers and scientists who are skeptical of the extremists' claims have also testified there, and it has become quite apparent that the Democrats simply want to believe in this global warming stuff, not because it's true, but because it's politically expedient and financially profitable.
That's what it's all about.
They don't care what the scientific truth is, but the Republicans now do.
They are now looking very, very hard at the science.
And here, if the IPCC and Railroad Engineer Pachauri, its chairman, is listening, it's what's going to happen next.
At the midterm elections in November, and it's not for me to tell you which way to vote, but you know what I'm thinking.
It is very likely that the Republicans are going to recapture the House, and they will come closer to recapturing the Senate, though my guess is they won't quite make that.
Now, when they do recapture the House, there will no longer be any serious opposition to the idea that cap-and-trade is dead.
And the Senate won't pass a cap-and-trade bill.
The House won't pass one.
That is not going to happen.
What will happen instead is that the Murkowski resolution in the Senate that would have extinguished the EPA's right to trample around issuing
Huge taxes in the name of saving the planet.
That will be brought forward again.
This time it will carry.
And then, of course, it can still be vetoed by the President.
But then let him veto it.
And let him veto it over and over and over again.
That's what they're going to do.
Because every time he personally vetoes it, then he is making the EPA's actions his own.
And the electorate will not thank him for it.
Those candidates who have spoken out so far in the election in the primaries against this global warming nonsense have done far better than the true believers who pretend to go on believing it.
So gradually the politicians are saying, we're not playing, neither is America.
If America doesn't go for cap and tax, and it's now looking clearer that it won't, subject only to the Democrats trying to do something cheesy during the lame duck session, the kind of thing that Senator Kerry has already been saying they're going to try to do, well, they may try to do that, but if they do, once again, the electorate will take note.
And Obama will find that when he faces election again in another two years' time, he will be out on his ear big time if the US Democrats try to play that kind of game during the lame duck session, force legislation through on the votes of senators and congressmen who have already lost their seats and therefore have nothing to lose by creating maximal damage to the nation they had sworn an oath to serve.
That's what they'll try to do.
They will be forestalled.
If they're not forestalled, that's the end of Obama's chance of re-election.
If they are forestalled, that's the end of the process of trying to get a world government in place.
But it's up to individuals at their counties, cities, and states to route these people out.
Because even though it's been exposed internationally, nationally, by yourself and others, and even though more and more of their program is in trouble, they are accelerating it
In a sneaky way at the local level with their brainwashing, their local carbon taxes, environmental taxes, and that's up to all of us individually to go to the school boards, to go to the city council meetings, and to present all of the admissions now that this is a fraud, and all of the admissions that it'll cause massive third world starvation and death, and explain that this is really a eugenics move for world population reduction.
And Lord Monckton, I want to get to that.
But first I wanted to play a video clip.
from a few years ago, put out by Greenpeace, financed by these big foundations, because now they're issuing more videos like this, and Bill Gates, who's funding global warming propaganda, is saying, yes, we're gonna have death panels, get rid of grandma, so that we can hire 10 teachers.
So we're more and more seeing that the eugenics crowd, the euthanasia crowd, the environmental crowd, this is all one big group.
And I wanted to get your statement on the fact that the New York Times is now coming out
Telling children in New York Times published workbooks, tattle on your parents, report on them, tell them they shouldn't take a hot bath or shouldn't run the water when they brush their teeth.
Mirroring what Prince Charles has been saying about don't take a bath, take a shower.
I mean, it's so insane.
So I wanted to play this chilling clip of this youth
Sternly telling his parents and adults that we're coming after you and again this mirrors all the new press reports of the world's too stupid to accept carbon taxes.
We've got to become authoritarian and force this through for the good of the earth.
They're now becoming nakedly authoritarian.
They're not just calling for your arrest.
They're basically inuating or getting at, I'm inventing words here,
They're basically saying we may get violent with you now.
Here's that clip.
The scientific community released a report that proves beyond a doubt that the Earth is getting warmer.
This global warming is caused by things you grown-ups do and by the things you don't.
If drastic measures aren't taken soon, by the time I grow up there won't be any fish left in the sea.
Rainforests and clean air will be a thing of the past.
The polar ice caps will be gone.
Oceans will rise.
Entire countries will disappear.
Life will change in ways you can't even imagine.
There could be famine.
Worldwide epidemics.
Life expectancy will be lower.
And we're not just talking about the future.
We're talking about my future.
But this is no surprise.
You adults have known about this for years.
And though you could have done something about it, you haven't.
You can say it's not my problem.
You can say I won't be around in 50 years.
But from now on, you can't say I didn't know.
Starting today, the lines are drawn.
You have to choose sides.
Either you're for my future, or you're against it.
You're a friend, or you're an enemy.
I may just be a kid today, but tomorrow will be different.
This is the last time I'll be talking to you adults.
You've had your chance to fix this problem.
Now we have ours.
We won't be cute.
We won't be patronized.
And we will not be denied our future.
And if you see the face of this child, which is a malevolent, bitter, unwashed face, you can see what thoroughly nasty, indeed Nazi, propaganda this is.
The Greenpeace now is no better than the Nazi movement, and they're behaving in exactly the same way, using very, very similar propaganda techniques.
It's an extremely worrying trend.
In Europe, you may be interested to know, they're planning to set up an environmental criminal court.
And the aim of that environmental criminal court will be that anyone who dares to say, like you or me,
That global warming has been oversold, and it's going to happen, but not as much as the official documents say, can be arrested using the European Arrest Warrant, which has already seen 3,000 British citizens taken without evidence from their beds at 3 in the morning and deported to various European countries by the European dictatorship.
You know, we are already a police state.
It's already happening to us.
And this Environmental Criminal Court is about to be set up, and that too will have the powers to issue arrest warrants against British citizens without evidence under the European Arrest Warrant Procedure.
That's what is happening here, and the UN is working on similar structures internationally so that anyone who in future
Yes, I think so.
Can, and not very long from now, unless we really fight this, will be arrested, locked up, and if James Hansen gets his way, killed for what he calls high crimes against humanity, for which the penalty is death.
He has been calling, in effect, for the death penalty for those who dare to disagree with him on global warming.
That is how serious this is.
We are dealing with people who, in their increasing desperation,
Can no longer rely upon argument because their case has never been based on it Instead they can only rely on force and it's force that they're now using Increasingly to try to kick people into line.
That's what the EPA is doing.
That's what Obama wants to do so far
The only real obstacle worldwide to this new dictatorship, and it is a Nazi dictatorship.
It's just as nasty as that.
It's the same techniques.
It's the same arbitrary arrests.
Well, Hitler was an environmentalist!
He was indeed!
But he was therefore perfectly willing.
He was perfectly willing to issue such arrest warrants.
And I'm quite sure that once this European Environmental Criminal Court gets going, and I know there have been talks at the highly secretive European Commissariat, the commissars who decide our future now and make all our laws.
Our Parliament is just a rubber stamp.
It has no independent powers.
These things are all decided by unelected commissars in Europe.
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Final segment with Lord Christopher Monckton.
We've got a journalist coming on later to get into the fact that we're seeing more and more U.S.
troops killed even though the war is supposedly over in Iraq.
Lord Monckton, I want listeners, especially new ones, to understand we're not joking around about this.
They're openly saying they want to arrest us.
They want to send people to prison for the tiniest of environmental crimes.
This is their tyranny.
And we were talking during the break, you talked about how they tried to prosecute and use the terrorism unit for whoever leaked the East Anglia emails, proving they knew it was a fraud.
Yes, the university called in the police, and the police sent in not an ordinary investigating unit, you know, the IT unit or something like that.
They sent in the domestic terrorism unit of the Serious Organized Crime Agency.
Because now, in Britain, anyone who dares to say or do anything that questions global warming, even on the soundest of scientific bases, is regarded as a terrorist, a threat to the state, and somebody who should be locked up.
And the only reason they haven't locked us up yet
Yes, I think.
They would have to produce evidence, and of course we could then produce the evidence showing by measurement and observation that global warming is not going to be a global crisis.
The moment a court hears that evidence, it's going to say, how can you possibly accuse people who are producing serious scientific evidence like this of being terrorists?
But let's stop right there, Ben.
I mean, let's stop there briefly because we're almost out of time.
I mean, if you had to simply, in one minute,
State Free Humanity's position and the position of these these tyrants.
I mean how much trouble are they in?
They are very close to losing it in every way.
They've lost the argument.
They've lost the public.
They've lost the debate.
They've lost the United States.
I think they've still lost China, notwithstanding the concession on Tibet, which I'm quite sure was connected with climate change.
And it is a disgrace.
They've lost all these things.
And in their growing desperation, they are thrashing around and lashing out in all directions.
But that is what a dying beast does.
And we may perhaps be, if not months, perhaps years away from seeing this beast finally die.
And this will do the international extremist left great harm.
They should not have backed the wrong horse on this one.
They should have got off long ago, but they stayed with it, and now they're about to come last in the race.
And once again, there is still the chance that we can keep the world free and democratic.
And the main reason why is that your Congress and your Constitution stands, whether Obama likes it or not, whether anybody else likes it or not, in the way of anyone who dares to take not only your freedoms as Americans, but our freedoms in the rest of the world away.
So God bless your Congress, God bless your Constitution, and God bless
In closing, I would just ask you this.
I mean, looking at this, if we're able to defeat them, 20, 30 years from now in history, they will be known as phase two of the Nazis, repackaged in a liberal shell that failed.
They'll be known as the eugenicists they really were.
That's quite true.
What is curious is that the policies they advocate would inevitably have the consequence of increasing the world's population dramatically.
If you make people poorer, and that's what their measure intended to do, then you raise their populations.
Make them richer, as our policies are intended to do, and their populations stabilised.
They've got it completely wrong, as they have everything else in this debate.
And the Royal Commission on Population in 1949 actually found that.
They said, we can industrialize these people, but that would make them a military threat, so we'll just let them live in squalor and have eight kids and just hope that most of them die.
And now they want to cut the carbon off to these people and hope that'll cause an implosion.
Lord Monckton, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Scienceandpublicpolicy.org is the website.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Real pleasure.
God bless America.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
You may be arrested and or subject to other police action.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
It's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan.
The police state isn't coming.
It's here.
Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're now into our number three.
Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen Reports is coming up.
He says he's got sources and I respect him.
He's a real journalist with a great track record showing that XZ or XE Blackwater
Sales conducting false flag terror attacks inside Pakistan, so we'll get his take on this I'll ask him some tough questions coming up in a t-minus 32 minutes from now when he joins us So that is coming up.
I want to get into some world news
I want to get into some more news on the economy in the next segment.
I said I'd get more into eugenics news.
We covered a lot of that with Monckton, but we'll do that before the guest joins us.
But during the first hour, Matt Ryan, one of the producers, ran in here and he said, you got to see this because I'd just been talking about how the government does these drills.
This has been going on for at least
Fourteen years that I know.
I've been on air for about a year when I started getting articles sent to me, cutouts from newspapers, from listeners everywhere, where they do unannounced drills.
And they do it in elementary, middle school, high school, college.
They do it at businesses.
There was a case, of course, at a chain of drugstores.
Where they did a drill and did a fake robbery as part of the insurance company.
And they didn't tell them it was a fake armed robbery.
I mean, the person came in and said, give me the money, give me the drugs.
And this is done to create the community perception that there are terrorists everywhere.
When you read the psych warfare manuals that are even public, when they do drills and urban warfare drills and unannounced military drills and unannounced takeovers of schools,
Most of the time, the news runs with it the first day locally, like it's a real terror attack.
But you'll always get tipped off that it wasn't real, because it's never on national news.
You'll hear, you know, terrorists have nuclear spill on South IH35.
Or somebody hits the DPS office in North Austin with bioweapon.
People are sick.
And I went out there,
And this was like five hours into it happening up at the DPS.
And I noticed it wasn't on national news, because they've been given the word it wasn't real.
It was a simulation.
They only do it regionally.
They'll announce homeschoolers have attacked a school.
They'll announce, and they'll go in the school and tell the kids it's real too.
And then they'll use it for a few hours on TV, five, six, seven hours sometimes.
And then the next day the paper will say, oh, it was just a drill.
But the local papers, this is a formula that I began to observe
13, 14 years ago, that's now an admitted formula.
You know, I can reverse engineer it by watching it, but then later we even get the documents, the federal grants, where the feds say, we're going to give you all this money for squad cars or whatever, but you've got to do drills this way.
And it's meant to create the perception that terrorists are literally everywhere.
And that terrorists are coming to get you.
And in almost all of these drills,
I don't
They were simulating fighting Arabs out there, but less than 10% of the time is it Arabs.
That's just the public reason they have this police state.
Over 90% of the time, gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, conservatives.
How many times have you seen the New York Times and others report, oh, they're Explorer scouts are trying to take on disgruntled vets.
In this drill, they took out the terrorist who wouldn't turn his guns in.
So when we come back, here's another one of these, where they even had kids at the school who were shot up in a simulation, who knew it was part of a drill, but they didn't tell the other children it was part of a drill, to create massive psychological trauma.
This is mind control going on, on a mass scale, to create the perception that terrorism is real.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
Ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the winds!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the strength has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
What does Bill Gates say?
Kill the old lady.
We can hire 10 teachers with that money.
You're obsolete.
No, we're not obsolete.
We know what you are doing.
I'm going to get into the economy here in a moment, but they've been having drills for at least 14 years that I know of, coast to coast.
Where they unannounce, come into a school, they'll tell elementary students ages 5 to 10, march out on the front lawn, they'll blow up a car in front of them, set it on fire, they'll throw buckets of fake blood on kids that they have told what's happening, they'll have them run out crying in front of the children.
This is to demonize the Second Amendment.
This is to create incredible trauma.
And in article after article,
The children urinate on themselves.
In some cases, they make them stay in their class all day and make them go to the bathroom in trash cans in front of the students and don't give them lunch as part of the mind control trauma.
This is out of WPSD Local 6 News out of Kentucky.
And again, we see these articles every week.
And it says that they got a small group of the students
Who are worried about shootings or whatever that are pretty much non-existent or have a gun or one of another police officer was there didn't know it was part of a drill.
Oh, that happened in Dallas a few years ago.
They shot cop of the year in the head.
Then another drill a few years before that in Michigan where the cop shot himself.
Oh, yeah.
And so here is the newscast where they just come right out in the open with this brazen brainwashing
And admit that they didn't tell the majority of the students or teachers, professors, what was going on.
This is mind control.
And they have other drills where they say it's real for a few hours, half a day, a day.
This is mind control because there's no real terrorism that really isn't manufactured that we've seen in this country.
So they manufacture the idea of it.
They've got every police department in the country training to take on veterans that plan to bomb them.
They're training youth brigades for this.
This is authoritarian mass re-education.
Let's go ahead and play this newscast and analyze it.
Here it is.
While this was a mock drill today, law enforcement spared no detail in making sure everything seemed realistic today.
Even down to the wounds that we saw on students.
They say anything to get them and first responders better prepared.
A quiet fall morning at a local college campus.
Then, the silence shattered by gunshots.
Unfazed, the gunman continued on a shooting spree.
I saw the shooter walking across the yard.
Student Jackson Irvin is an eyewitness.
The first two rounds were louder than the other ones and it scared the holy crap out of me.
And that's exactly the reaction Paducah Police Captain Brandon Barnhill is looking for.
And we want to get everybody's attention.
We want everybody to know this is something that could happen at any given time, and we have to be prepared for it.
That attention wasn't hard to get.
An officer gunned down, and the SWAT team called out.
We put them in the absolute worst scenario they could possibly be in.
Recognize this guy?
It's the shooter, Rob Estes, also the firearms instructor at Paducah Police.
He spent 15 minutes evading the very team he trained.
Get your hands up!
And in the coming days, he'll offer his team a critique.
What they did right, what they did wrong, who I could shoot, who I did shoot.
And while Jackson Irvin was forced to watch his fellow students go by on stretchers...
He gets the message.
Be ready.
And law enforcement gets it too.
At the end, I had nowhere to go.
During today's mock drill, there was one fatality and five were wounded.
But it wasn't just college students who were injured.
It was law enforcement as well.
That's because I'm told this was meant to be a learning experience for everyone.
Tonight, we're in Paducah.
Lauren Adams, WPSD, Local 6.
Now, when you research this case, they didn't announce to the other students, and you can pull up, in fact, pull up pharmacist sues over fake robbery.
Well, thank you, Loren.
I want to show people that because when they do these newscasts, sometimes they even say it's real for a while, and then later they admit it's a drill.
And then other times, well, a few years ago, I had a Minnesota teacher on where they went into the high school and told her they were going to kill her and the students and then she basically had a mental breakdown from it because they didn't tell her it was a drill.
But even on this newscast, they don't make that clear.
But if you research it further, other students didn't know.
You heard that guy go, boy, it scared me.
Yeah, he wasn't told.
There it is, fake robbery prompts real lawsuit.
A New Jersey pharmacy technician who says she was traumatized when a masked gunman burst into their store demanding OxyContin is suing her employer for arranging the mock hold-up.
And then it goes on.
I mean, there are literally thousands of these that I've seen.
And they're going on all the time that doesn't even come across our desk.
And so, they won't tell you as a parent that your seven-year-old is going to have their class taken over.
They've even tricked some of the Boy Scout groups into being part of drills where they're at a camp out and a guy comes with a gun or a knife.
I mean, this is going on everywhere to create this perception that there are terrorists just all over the place.
New York City and others are announcing they're going to increase.
I saw this report yesterday.
In fact, print it for me.
I never got to it.
Transit authority to start anti-suicide public service announcements was the headline, I believe.
Let's see if I'm accurate.
But they've already had this in these cities.
It's increasing suicides.
You have ads about don't jump in front of the train to kill yourself.
Well, people then get that idea in their head.
So it's this idea of what do you do when you get angry?
You don't commit suicide.
You go kill people at a school.
So they're always hyping suicide, always hyping death, always hyping...
All the studies show that in the last 20 years of death education, starting in 1990, even 2020 did a piece on this, that suicides go way up.
You go teach a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds how to commit suicide when they get depressed, that gives them the idea to do it.
Just like studies have shown, sex education causes more sex.
You start showing five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10-year-olds how to have sex, they're not supposed to be thinking about that when they're eight, nine years old.
But now the idea's put in their mind, and so they wanna go out and now have sex.
I mean, this is really a diabolical situation that we're talking about.
Now I wanna shift gears briefly into the economy.
Gold rises to record on increased demand for wealth protection, that's today.
Greenspan, though, is calling for more taxes.
We're going to talk more about this coming up in the next segment, but gold has hit its new all-time record price, and 30-plus years in the gold and silver brokerage business is Ted Anderson.
Ted, we've got the Bloomberg articles that the majority of the future options on gold for December are trading at $1,500 an ounce.
More and more, it's looking like that could really happen, Ted.
It sure is.
As a matter of fact, that $1,300 an ounce is right around the corner now, and I'm sure we'll get that before October even is halfway through.
And, you know, CNBC's got an article out there talking about inflation or deflation.
The fear is driving gold.
Why deflation driving gold?
Because they're afraid that the institution that we rely upon, the whole government system, the value of the currency just collapsing in amongst itself just because of the deflationary pressure.
And then you have the inflation and even hyperinflation because you have the government trying to stop deflation.
Well Ted, it's simple.
In the last six months, the Federal Reserve has begun monetizing debt, just like Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic Germany did.
They started just printing money.
They sure are.
I mean, they're just, they're deliberately driving the value of the currency right through the floor.
And their problem is, right now, there's not enough credit-worthy borrowers to take on the Federal Reserve debt.
You know, that's why the money is not reaching the system.
That's why we don't have the, that's why we don't have the velocity of the currency coming into the marketplace.
I mean, I got to tell you, Alex, man, they've created so much new money, and we're just going to have problems.
Even if they stop printing money right now, it would be problems.
So it just,
And the money's not getting out to the people, it's going to the central bank.
So they create the crisis, offer their new solution, and gold is at an all-time record high.
Where is it right now, Ted?
Well, today hit a high of $1,278.30, and currently right now $1,274.10.
Silver hit a high of $20.82.
It almost hit $21 already today, Alex.
Well, here's the $64 million question.
When I had you on two days ago, you were almost out of gold and silver at prices that you bought a month ago, and so the price savings you could pass on are unparalleled anywhere I've ever seen.
Have you had to raise prices?
Where are you at?
I tell you what, they've just edged up just a hair, but they're going to go up a lot more.
I do have the franc.
Last time I had them at $270, they're $275 right now.
However, if you look around, you'll see that that franc has gone well over $280 a coin.
That Walking Liberty half, they're right now at $9.95, they're under $10.
Alex, again, I've looked through eBay, if you go to the buy it now buttons where you actually see them closing, everything's like over $16 now on those things.
So this half ounce silver coin is selling for $16, you've got it for $9.95.
Yeah, right now it is just a fabulous holiday.
I mean, that's not a hard deal to sell people.
Folks, you are nuts if you don't take advantage of that gold frank and that silver half dollar.
I mean, $16 it's selling out there.
Some of the better deals are $12.
Ted's got it $9.95, but how long will that deal last, Ted?
Well, I'm going to try to hold it through this weekend, but we'll see.
All right, 800-686-2237, 800-686-2237, or MidasResources.com.
Stay there, Ted.
I want to come back and ask you a few other questions on the economy and where gold and silver's going from here.
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We're good to go.
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Here's some of the news up at GCNlive.com.
Protest group demands investigation into Homeland Security spying.
In Pennsylvania, Homeland Security compiles lists with private groups of anyone saying they want taxes cut and say you're terrorists because if you cut taxes...
If you force taxes to be cut, that'll hurt the government.
So the government is openly saying it's against the people and its own mafia organization.
That's up at GCNlive.com.
Supreme Court Justice Breyer is in the news on ABC's Good Morning America yesterday saying, hey,
We may ban burning Korans, you know, you don't have free speech.
We've got tea parties being banned in Ohio, not allowed to demonstrate because the government says they're hateful, not allowed to have a demonstration on Constitution Day.
All those articles are up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And the news and the police are reporting on this, doing this, like it's no big deal.
Hey, you don't have freedom, okay?
You're the enemy if you don't lick our boots.
And that's because foreign corporate interests have taken over the country and they're looting it.
They're stripping it down.
I read several mainstream articles yesterday about the government moving to take public and private pension funds.
Bloomberg reporting how they're openly in a deal with the government, stealing the death benefits of veterans, six million veterans.
I mean, you can't make this type of stuff up.
I can't believe it.
I mean, what's next?
Where are they going from here?
And looking at the economy,
I wanted to ask Ted Anderson about this because he's been researching this forever.
Foreclosures rise, repossession set record, CNBC.
CNBC reports home price double dip has begun.
There was never a recovery.
It just goes on and on.
Gold rises a record on increased demand for wealth protection.
Ted, not only are those great gold and silver deals, great isn't even the word, phenomenal, sensational deals, but plus, why would people just stay in paper and trust this system?
I mean, it's such a no-brainer.
I wish we were wrong.
I wish the globalists hadn't taken over.
I wish they weren't setting up a global Bancor currency, but it's now admitted.
I wish they weren't doing things monetarily that are designed to wreck us, but they admit they are.
I mean, we're right.
We've been right.
It's common sense.
We're in a depression.
It's only going to get worse.
And their solution is give the private Federal Reserve more power to loot everybody even more.
And we're here saying, folks, you need to get into gold and silver.
And it's a win-win-win.
You get a great deal, tiny bit of profit, because Ted bought it when it was low, helps the network.
But people need to protect themselves with gold and silver.
Ted, your comments on the economy.
Yeah, I mean, you're really spelling it out very well.
We're living on the last days of a fiat system.
And the Federal Reserve getting more power is just trying to keep it alive.
It's like a last ditch effort for them to hold power.
People are wanting to get away from this.
This fiat money, this money that's being printed out of thin air.
I mean, you and I both know, Alex, that one elite group should not be able to produce currency for nothing and then lend it to the people in order to collect, you know, and then collect interest on it and force us to pay taxes to do so.
It's just a, it's an upside-down system.
It gives power to the elite and it shouldn't happen this way.
And obviously they become so cocky that they think that now they can control populations and
I mean, it's just crazy what these people have come up with and what they have in store for us.
Alex, it's just amazing that the United States people just don't pick up arms and just try to take over this country.
Thank God we have an election and hopefully we can continue to push more towards freedom and liberty.
But, you know, that's one of the things.
That document I keep talking about, that CBO document, has a chart, second page in, that just shows right in 1913 how drastic of a change there was economically here in the United States.
Just looking at that percentage of debt as it compares to gross domestic product, 1913 is the year that things changed.
We went right into World War I, right into the Depression.
And think of what they've gotten away with.
These bankers have robbed tens of trillions.
They're taking over our society.
They've beefed up the federal government to try to suppress the states and the individual citizens.
They've launched all these wars in our name that we pay for and that we die for in their own interest.
They've been able to do all...
All of this, and they just continue to get away with it, and now they want a world government where we pay them carbon taxes, and they've been trying to suppress gold and silver, but now it's breaking out.
Folks, the... Go ahead.
Why would anybody want to stay in the right mind in this paper system?
I mean, if you have your money in annuities, you're invested in commercial real estate or the stock market.
If you have your money in the bank, you're relying on the bank being able to collect interest on the debt and be able to pay off that debt.
I mean, FDIC right now is short by about $15.5 billion in order to just cover the 863 or 823 banks that are on the list to fail right now.
I mean, it's just this colossal
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Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
We'll be right back with Wayne Madsen.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live and investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is our guest.
I want to go ahead and get into this article first before we go to him.
This is from The Nation Magazine, Blackwater's Black Ops.
Over the past several years, entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater provided intelligence, training, and security services to U.S.
and foreign governments, as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, and the banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation.
Blackwater's work with corporations and government agencies are concentrated using two companies owned by Blackwater owner and founder Eric Prince, Total Intelligence Solutions and Terrorism Research Center,
Now, we know that they've used Blackwater in manhunts in the U.S.
We know Blackwater was then Blackwater Worldwide, moved overseas, and we know that
MI6 commandos with special services were caught in 2006, this is London Guardian, BBC, with fake beards dressed up like Wahhabis running around shooting and trying to kill Iraqi police in Basra to get the Shiites and Sunnis killing each other.
And you know the government staged the Gulf of Tonkin for Operation Ajax.
They had the plan of Operation Northwoods.
We know in army manuals that WikiLeaks have put out that they admit are real.
They train army captains who are in counter-terrorism how to stage terror attacks.
False flag.
I mean, this is on record.
I respect Wayne Madsen who worked for the NSA and Naval Intelligence and has written for some of the biggest publications in the country.
Worked for the National Naval Data Automation Command, National Security, RCA.
I don't know.
And here's the article at WayneMadsenReport.com.
Blackwater XC cells conducting false flag terror attacks in Pakistan.
And so, I tell you, this is one of your most bold reports ever, Wayne.
And we know two years ago they denied Blackwater or XC was in Pakistan.
They denied U.S.
troops were there.
They now admit they are there.
General Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence, has been on the show saying he believes private contractors, he didn't say Blackwater, but he said quite a few of these groups, are there stirring things up.
Because you've got a multi-trillion dollar defense budget every year.
They're going to need a few billion in staged events.
But I don't know if XC is involved in this.
You say you do.
So please break down what's going on here.
This is big.
Well, what I found out was, I reported that Blackwater cells had been operating in Pakistan previously.
What was surprising about this latest information was that Blackwater cells are behind some of the terrorists.
Bombings in Pakistan, especially those that have been directed against Pakistan's Shia minority, and there have been a few of those.
Just one not long ago that killed several people in an annual Shia religious ceremony.
So the idea that Blackwater is engaged in false flag terrorist attacks that are then blamed
On the Taliban, I think, raises the ante in Pakistan.
And as I reported previously in this report, the whole idea is to destabilize Pakistan, to give the United States, India, and Israel an opportunity to go in and seize Pakistan's nuclear weapons.
Now let's go through your report.
You say you've got an eyewitness source on this, and you're saying it's meant to get Shiites and Sunnis killing each other.
We know in confirmed previous cases, with special services of the British military, that that's what they were doing.
So this fits that overall MO, but this is very bold if XE, I mean if your source is correct and XE's doing this.
Yes, and not only are they doing it, but the source who was in Pakistan and witnessed this is now receiving all kinds of threats from the CIA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation that if this information goes public that
The source and the source's family could be put in some sort of jeopardy with the law enforcement community.
So here we have American citizens being pressured not to talk and I think this goes with the whole Obama administration program of trying to curtail leaks, censor the news, and in this case,
Direct threats on people is something that, I know we had cases of it during the Bush administration, but it seems to be now institutionalized as a practice by the Obama administration.
Well, let's be as specific as you can.
I mean, why protect the source or why does the source not want their name out if the establishment knows who they are and is threatening them?
I would think they'd want to go public.
So can you tell us why you're not releasing their name or why they don't want that?
A. And B. Are they Army?
Did they work for XC?
Were they another contractor group?
I mean, give us the specifics.
Well, the source basically was an investigator.
I wouldn't say a full-scale journalist, but definitely someone who was investigating what was going on in Pakistan.
And the issue is that the threats have been made against the source and the source's family, so it has to do with immigration status because of the nature of the person's immigration status.
Is this somebody they were using as an interpreter or something?
And have you met face-to-face with this person?
Because I know every time I'm watching C-SPAN they're having a national security hearing I can see you there in the gallery and I know you frequent the press club.
I mean because if the system knows who they are
I mean, I guess they're not going public because they've been threatened, hey, we're going to deport you if you talk about this.
But I'd think they're in great danger, just like I told the D.C.
madam this, and many others that have been killed, if they don't go public.
And that may happen eventually, but at the present time, of course, the FBI and the CIA are on their, you know, in their threatening mode.
And of course, you met with the D.C.
madam right before they killed her.
I did.
I did.
I think that if I meet somebody, it's not a good thing for them.
But definitely, this is a government.
I mean, Obama and Bush, there's no change between the Bush administration and the Obama administration when it comes to this type of harassment of individuals who have witnessed things
So from your source, as much as you can tell us that a lot's in the report, but as much as you can tell us, I mean, is XC arming one group and then they're attacking others?
Or, I mean, specifically, what did they say that they witnessed XC do?
Basically, XC being responsible for terrorist attacks inside Pakistan that are then blamed in all the press releases and information coming out of the U.S.
government being blamed on the Pakistani Taliban.
And we've had some cases where the Pakistani Taliban has not claimed responsibility, but there's also a distinct possibility that people are claiming responsibility in the name of the Pakistani Taliban after these U.S.
mercenaries conduct these terrorist operations to make it look like it.
And the Pakistani Taliban's coming out and saying, we're not doing this.
In some cases, that's exactly right.
They're trying, of course, to gain popularity within Pakistan.
And now there's reports coming out that the Taliban, Pakistani Taliban, was providing aid to all these
We're good to go.
Well, it's the old divide and conquer.
Get these different religious and sectarian groups stirred up, killing each other.
I go back to that army manual that WikiLeaks released two years ago, and the Pentagon admitted, yeah, that's classified manual.
And it says right there, how to stage false flags to get the indigenous people on your side.
You go out and kill some of them, and then blame it on your enemy.
Wayne, again, for those that don't know, has broken so many big stories, is the real deal.
That's why I give this credibility, but I have no way of proving this.
I mean, how did you vet this source?
I mean, how do we know this is true?
Well, I met the source and the source's interlocutor personally, and after hearing the story, I mean, and it wasn't news to me because I had heard about Blackwater Z doing this in the past from additional sources who were inside Pakistan and also inside Afghanistan.
This was just another source.
Are you worried about Prince coming after you?
Well, no, I think he's afraid.
He's afraid of people in this country.
He's hightailed it over to Abu Dhabi with his family.
I guess he figures he's going to start making money over there under the protection of the United Arab Emirates.
So the man claims he's a Navy SEAL and he's very patriotic, so patriotic he flees the United States for an Arab sheikdom.
Well, I mean, we know who these people are, though, and we know it's come out and been reported that, and of course they denied this previously, that they were in Pakistan, they denied that they were part of CIA hit teams, but hasn't that now been coming out even in mainstream news?
Oh, absolutely.
We've got the Senate Armed Services Committee now issuing part of a report showing how Blackwater Z used all these shell companies to get all these federal contracts.
Yeah, that's in the nation.
I mean, they're involved with Monsanto.
Does that mean domestically when Monsanto trespasses to test your plants?
It may be ex-former CIA spooks.
Who knows?
I mean, I think this is a problem nationwide.
We have another report today out of Pennsylvania that Governor Rendell, the Homeland Security Chief, hired an Israeli company to spy on peaceful protesters who were protesting everything, you know, they were protesting for gay rights, they were protesting against
In fact, let me stop you.
Will you call Kurt Nemo in here?
Because he reported on this yesterday and the governor's had to apologize.
But I didn't know it was an Israeli company.
I know they're training most of our homeland security.
That's even worse.
A foreign... I mean, you know, the ADL is basically the same thing.
I said this looked like a local ADL group.
They paid $125,000 to create these reports.
But yeah, tea parties, gay rights activists, everybody being listed as terrorist.
And you're saying, Wayne, it's an Israeli company.
It's absolutely an Israeli company.
It's out of a post office box in Philadelphia and another post office box in Jerusalem.
But I would note that the Pittsburgh Post, Post Gazette and Huffington Post and other media outlets have ignored the Israeli commission.
Oh no, it's the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that was in, and they have this
I mean that is really scary.
Well, in the name of this outfit, it's called Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.
And as I say, it has headquarters listed in Jerusalem, and an office, a post office box is listed as their address.
Well, I've got Kurt Nemo, I've got Kurt here right now, and we're just learning of this.
See, that ties into the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and that writer that mainly writes ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center pieces.
Yeah, they tried to basically frame me for those, you know, for causing those cops.
Madsen's naming how it's an Israeli company and saying the media is covering it up.
You're talking about Popalovsky, right?
Well, I'm talking about how going back, I bet it's the... Never mind, Kurt, just go.
I don't know why I called you in here.
The point is, I just want to get on this Israeli thing immediately.
All right, thanks a lot.
In fact, maybe you should call Madsen right when the show ends and just get it directly from him because he's doing the research on it.
Madsen, when you leave us, can Curt Nemo call you for 10 minutes?
Oh, absolutely!
And you can go on.
It's now being reported in certain media outlets that the Israeli connection to this company that Rindell hired.
Now, the other thing is, Rindell said he didn't know anything about it.
Rindell is one of the most corrupt governors Pennsylvania has ever had.
So, the idea that he said he wasn't aware of this is sort of ridiculous at face value.
Well, I mean, Homeland Security is riddled with private contractors like XE.
It's riddled.
I mean, I've got all the news headlines where the Israeli Mossad is, quote, training state police.
The ADL is their admitted front.
That came out in criminal prosecutions in the 90s in San Francisco.
And so the Israelis are not just lobbying in our country.
They are actively, if this is the case, and I know it's been confirmed in the past, demonizing the Tea Party.
Right, and the other thing I think is interesting is people were protesting against this natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania.
One of the companies involved with that now has Tom Ridge as Homeland Security Secretary as an advisor to it, as a lobbyist for it.
Here you have people being spied on by an Israeli company, and you've got not only Fidel involved, but potentially you've got Tom Ridge involved too, you know, a former governor of Pennsylvania.
Your phone is cutting out a lot there, Wayne.
Repeat what you were saying about the gas explosion.
Well, we not only had people who were protesting BP, the BP oil spill, but also people protesting the natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania.
They were being spied on, and one of the companies involved in that natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania is getting lobbying support from former Governor Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania, who we all know is also a former Secretary for Homeland Security.
And he admits in his book last year that they put out fake terror alerts, which under the Patriot Act is an act of terrorism.
They admit they put out fake terror alerts for political gain to scare us.
Right, and I think what we're seeing here is just the creation of this Homeland Security conundrum is allowing companies like Blackwater and this Israeli company and Jerusalem and Philadelphia to just take advantage of all this money that was made available, and the only people who are suffering, of course, are the American taxpayers who are not only being ripped off with the taxes they pay for this nonsense, but also the price they pay for their
Well, this is a total private contractor and foreign government takeover of every facet of our lives with huge private intelligence groups brainwashing our police and now it's come out that they made a secret deal ten years ago to steal the death benefits of six million veterans and it's reported like it's no big deal.
I mean, this government is just the most criminal group I could ever imagine.
Well, absolutely, and I think that we also have to look at the whole, this Blackwater operation.
There were hearings after hearings on Blackwater that involved all these CIA folks, Buzzy Cronegard and his brother there at the State Department, Cookie Cronegard.
None of these people ever went to prison, and it was
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we did a search term yesterday.
And it did become number one.
We weren't able to get a screenshot of it, but I saw news outlets pointing out that the term Gates Death Panels did become the number one search term.
And I do this because hundreds of blogs and newspapers then, when it becomes the number one search term for a few hours, they link through, they read our stories, we reach new people.
And I hadn't done one of these in a week and a half until yesterday, and we did it.
I don't know if we'll be successful now.
Today, with a new search term,
Here at the very end of this hour, it's up to you.
Please make this new one the number one search term.
And then we're going back to Wayne Madsen.
Please get the article, Eco-Fascist Call for Tyranny to Enforce Draconian Agenda.
And it gets into the death panels.
It gets into how they're saying they want to arrest people that don't believe in carbon taxes.
It's really a detailed report about euthanasia.
This is such an important article by Paul Joseph Watson.
I don't know.
Eleven a.m.
when we kick the live program off Central Time.
But today's search term, I've never done it, just right at the end, briefly.
Let's see if we can do it.
Enter it this hour, enter it next hour, enter it this evening, and send this story out to everyone you know, and just enter it in Google over and over again.
Two words.
Eco and fascist.
is the search term today.
Please help us get this out to everyone.
It's a powerful, detailed article so people can really understand that this is all about eugenics.
Wayne Madsen, Kurt's in there on it.
He's going to call it the end of the show because we're going to use you as a source, but I have noticed some other news.
His reporting, this is an Israeli company, but that's like the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center.
Are Israeli-connected, especially the ADL, there to demonize political speech in the U.S.?
It's not enough that Israel lobbies the U.S.
Isn't this really espionage?
I mean, if this is confirmed, to have Israeli companies in here demonizing the Tea Party?
I'll tell you there's another aspect to this.
It's being reported by the Philadelphia City paper that this company that was spying on people in Pennsylvania was also offering trips to U.S.
college students to go over to Israel to see how they conduct their security operations to universities mentioned by name, or Philadelphia University and Arizona State University.
Now, that, as far as I'm concerned, with the shady aspects of his company, looks like Mossad recruiting in plain sight, and not one move by the United States government to curtail it on our college campuses.
Well, again, I've never been an enemy or somebody that hates Israel, but I don't like British, Israeli, Chinese, you name it, here infiltrating.
Could you imagine if the Chinese were getting paid by Homeland Security and state governments to demonize mainline political, anti-war, Tea Party, you name it, and then the report says they're dangerous terrorists?
I mean, can you imagine if the Chinese were doing that, Wayne?
How big the hue and cry would be?
Oh, it's better than Fox News, of course, and we don't see a peep out of them on these things.
I spoke at a 9-11 seminar over the weekend in New York, and prior to that, the American Jewish Committee put out a press release stating that, by these people, we're no different than Terry Jones, the Koran booker, and the three mentioned by name were Cynthia McKinney, George Galloway, the MP, and myself.
Yes, and up there I said, look, if the Italians arrested on 9-11, I would say Italy might have had a connection.
It was five Israelis arrested on 9-11.
It's amazing, Wayne.
We're going to continue to dig into this.
We're going to call you to pick your brain about this so Kirk can get a story out this evening.
You can enter it as one word or two words.
With an S. Ecofascist.
Let's make it number one and reach hundreds of thousands of people today.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
Thank you, Wayne Madsen.