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Name: 20100908_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 8, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, the 8th of September, 2010.
I'm your host, Paul Joseph Watson, filling in for Alex while he's away in the Gulf right now, working on a project with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Now I want to take as many of your calls as possible today and we'll get to them later in this hour.
In the second hour we've got Trends Forecaster Gerald Salente joining us to talk about not just what's in the pipeline regarding the economy but also future trends in culture, immigration, the 2012 election and much much more.
So have your questions ready for Gerald in the second hour, because we'll go to them in the second half of that interview.
But to kick the show off, I want to start with our top story on PrisonPlanet.com right now, which really goes to the heart about, you know, in what way we're under assault at the moment from all sides.
And that story is Long Island man arrested for defending home with AK-47 from gang.
And this is the story of George Greer, a 30-year-old man who sees this gang of five men, whom he believes to be from this brutal MS-13 gang.
Probably the most, you know, notorious and vicious gang in America.
Walking up his driveway and onto his front lawn.
Now, Greer has his wife and children in his house.
And this gang starts marauding onto his property.
Now we've got a CBS clip coming up at the start of the next segment, but this is one of the quotes from Greer.
Quote, I went around and went into the house, ran upstairs and told my wife to call the police.
I get the gun and I go outside and I come into the doorway and now, by this time, they are in the driveway back here near the house.
I tell them, can you please leave?
And so, the gang members then start threatening to kill Greer's wife and young children.
His one and two year old babies are in the house, alone with his wife.
So, what would any normal person do?
Greer goes and grabs his gun.
He starts threatening my family, my life.
This is what the gang members are saying.
Oh, you're dead.
I'm gonna kill your family and your babies.
You're dead.
So when he says that, 20 others come rushing around the corner, and so I fired four warning shots into the grass, Greer said.
So he's got no less than 25 gang members running onto his front lawn, threatening to kill his wife and children.
He runs to get his gun, shows remarkable restraint in the circumstances by firing it only into the lawn of his garden.
So you've got two dozen vicious gang members running towards your driveway while they're buddies who are already on your land, threatening that they're gonna kill your wife and kids.
What would you do?
Lo and behold, the police, who Greer had called, you know, five, ten minutes earlier, who hadn't showed up yet, they were a few miles away playing with this little gizmo which they call the, uh, spotter gadget.
Which, um, detects gunshots within a certain area.
And, uh, quick as a flash, the police are on the scene, and they apprehend and arrest the victim of this terrifying ordeal.
That's right.
The, uh, the horde of gangbangers who are threatening to kill his wife and kids are left completely alone!
And Greer is arrested for what they call reckless endangerment.
Now, bearing in mind the weapon was legally owned, the AK-47, completely legal,
Greer is on his own property.
His own property is being invaded by 25 gang members.
All he does is gets a gun, tells them to go away, shoots four rounds into the lawn, and Greer is the one arrested.
A damning indictment of what we're facing on the moment.
Stay with us, we're going to get to the CBS clip.
This is the Alex Jones Show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay tuned.
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Tonight with a Long Island man who says he was just trying to protect his family, but he ended up in jail.
Police say he crossed the line by firing a high-powered AK-47 into his lawn.
CBS 2's Pablo Guzman has more on the protection controversy.
Sunday night, George Greer says he had to use his rifle to stop what he thought was going to be an invasion of his Uniondale, Long Island home by a gang he thought might have been the vicious MS-13 as he was about to drive his cousin home.
I went around and went into the house, ran upstairs, told my wife, called the police.
They're trying to, you know, they're trying to attack.
Greer says the five men dared him to use the gun and that their shouts brought another larger group of gang members in front of his house.
You know, start threatening my family, my life.
Oh, you're dead, you're dead, I'm gonna kill you, you know, your family, your babies, you're dead.
So when he says that, 20 other guys come rushing around the corner.
And so I fired four warning shots.
Greer was later arrested.
John Lewis is George Greer's attorney.
What he's initially charged with, the de-felony reckless endangerment, requires a depraved indifference to human life, creating a risk that somebody's gonna die.
Shooting into a lawn doesn't create a risk of anybody dying.
Greer says he knew Nassau County Police employ the high-tech ShotSpotter technology in his area, and that the shooting would bring police in minutes.
Cops told me he was very cooperative.
Greer also said he was afraid the gang outside his house was the dreaded MS-13.
And Nassau County Lieutenant Andrew Moraine, head of the gang unit, says MS-13 has 2,000 members in the county.
Most organized gang that we encounter on a daily basis.
You might think a person has the right to defend their home, but the law says physical force can only be used to stop physical force.
Greer says he never saw anyone pull out a gun, so a court will have to decide whether he was right in firing his gun even into the ground.
Police determined Greer had the gun legally.
He has no criminal record, and so he was not charged for the weapon.
From Uniondale, Long Island, Pablo Guzman.
So there we have it, ladies and gentlemen.
Arrested for defending his home against gang members who threatened to kill his wife and kids.
I mean, why are the police arresting the victims of crime in America?
They want us all, you know, cowering in our homes, twitching our curtains, frightened to stand up to these thugs.
And when George Greer gets his gun and does the old, you know, Clint Eastwood-Gran Torino act, get off my lawn, he's the one arrested!
What do you think about this?
I want to know what you think.
The number to call in is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231, so get your calls lined up.
And the question I'm posing today is this.
How far away is America from becoming like where I live in Britain, where only the criminals are allowed to own guns?
Where even if you have so much as a knife and threaten to defend yourself, then you're the one questioned by police, not the people who break into your house or intrude onto your property.
In fact, there was a case recently in England
Where this gang broke into a TV presenter's garden and then started to smash in a shed.
And she was alone in the house with just a baby.
And all she did was wave a knife at them through the window to try and scare them away.
This is a 28-year-old woman on her own in the house with a baby.
The police turn up and question her, the victim, and then tell her that it's illegal to carry an offensive weapon, even in her own home.
So she was basically told that you're not allowed to defend yourself in your own home with a kitchen knife.
You know, what are we supposed to do?
Just lay down and get stabbed to death?
I mean, what was George Greer supposed to do?
Just let, you know, 25 gang members kill his wife and kids as they said they would?
You know, a man's home is his castle.
I mean, England is where that term originated.
But now, in England, and this is, if this is allowed to stand and become the precedent,
Not only will an Englishman's home not be a castle, but you won't even be able to threaten to defend yourself, never mind actually defend yourself, God forbid.
Now, from my perspective, this is about more than just, you know, removing the tools, removing the weapons of self-defense.
It's about destroying the very thought that you have the right to self-defense.
This is about
Victimhood and creating this sense of oppression that we can't resist, that we can't even stand up to the gang-banging thugs that threaten our family's lives.
So if we're not going to stand up to them, how on earth can we stand up to anyone in any position of authority?
And I mean, what are the consequences?
What are the consequences of the police treating the victims as the criminals and letting the violent criminals go free?
It creates a clockwork orange society.
The real criminals are emboldened.
You know, every time a burglar breaks into a house in the United Kingdom, they do so safely in the knowledge that they're never going to be, you know, staring down the end of a barrel.
I mean, the most deadly weapon I've got to defend myself is a pathetic little baseball bat.
If someone walks in here right now with a gun, I'm dead.
Because only the criminals are allowed to own them.
They pass the laws that disarm innocent people who would only ever use guns to defend themselves.
Since, you know, criminals by their very nature don't follow laws, then they're the only ones that have access to guns anymore.
A gun ban only ensures that the victims are disarmed and the figures for the United Kingdom back that up since handguns were banned in 1997.
The rate of violent crime in the United Kingdom doubled and it has continued to climb ever since.
But I mean, this precedent's going to be set in America.
The supposed home of gun rights and the Second Amendment.
You know, the Second Amendment's not just about duck hunting.
It's about protecting your family.
But they want to restrict the use and exercise of the Second Amendment so they can whittle it down one piece at a time.
You know, like Bill Clinton said, it's like eating an elephant, you've got to do it one little piece at a time.
You know, maybe George Greer should have just thanked the gang members for threatening to kill his wife and kids and, you know, offered them lemonade or something.
He offended them.
It's like the case of the TV presenter that I just talked about in England.
She offended the people who had stormed her property by waving the knife, so she was the victim.
Notice in the clip they also say that although this gun was legally owned and registered by Mr. George Greer, that he was still investigated regarding the gun.
They said, you know, words to the effect that the police looked into the gun and it was okay, like they would even need to look into it once they knew that it was a legally registered firearm.
It's as if, you know, displaying a gun that you legally own on your own property is some kind of suspicious act worthy of suspicion within itself, worthy of investigation.
And the way they're going to apply this law, I mean, this is going to court, this is going to go in front of a jury.
If this is allowed to stand, and George Greer is convicted of a crime for defending his own property, then it sends a message, it sends a very clear message to the, you know, dumbed-down, Prozac-head, stupefied public, that if you dare try and defend yourself in any manner, if you even think about it, then you'll be the one doing hard time, not the 25 gang members threatening to kill your family.
So they're saying, yeah, you know, you can have your Second Amendment.
We won't take that away just yet.
But don't you dare try to exercise it in protecting your kids or your wife, because we're going to come down hard.
So I want to hear what you think about this.
Let's start going to the calls now.
What do you think?
A man defends his home against 25 gang members with a legally owned firearm, doesn't shoot them, merely shoots four warning shots, police turn up, he's the one arrested.
Is that how the Second Amendment stands?
Is that the state of the Second Amendment now in America?
Let's see what you think.
We're going to our first caller, Jeffrey in Missouri.
Jeffrey, go ahead.
Yeah, Jeffrey, go ahead.
That sounds a lot like they're trying to take away the Second Amendment and giving you a reason why.
Well, you don't even need it in the first place.
You can't defend yourself, so what do you need the Second Amendment for?
Well, exactly.
I mean, when seconds count, the police are always minutes away, aren't they?
I mean, is that what they're saying?
Just wait 30 minutes for the police to turn up while these gang members mow you down?
I mean, what are people supposed to do?
All the figures show that the response times for police are just getting longer and longer.
So, you know, what are people supposed to do?
Just wait?
Let's go to our next call.
Parker in Illinois.
Parker, what do you think about this?
Yes, you're on the air, go ahead.
Um, I didn't have a comment about this specifically, but I just wrote a book and basically what it comes down to is every possible way to defeat the New World Order, the globalists and stuff like that.
So like, cause I've been researching this since like I was 13, three years ago.
So I've taken everything that I learned and put it into one book and I've just finished uploading it for free on the internet because
Like, I honestly believe that if everybody had, like, if everybody read this book, then we could easily fix around or fix up everything that we're having and, like, completely turn everything around.
Okay, send me an email.
I'll maybe post it on the website.
Uh, Jason in Georgia.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up, man?
Um, just wanted to say I appreciate everything you're doing, first-time caller.
Um, but I think it's just ridiculous that they even
Came to the guy's house to arrest him.
It's just absurd.
Real quick, the writings of Samuel L. Jackson I have here I found in an email the other day.
Among the natural rights of the colonists are these.
First, a right to life.
Secondly, to liberty.
Thirdly, to property.
Together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.
And that was some of the writings of Samuel L. Jackson a long time ago.
So I mean, if they can see the stuff that we're doing now, back then, then how can they not know what we
We're looking forward to in the unfortunate future.
That's right, they're rolling in their graves at the moment.
We'll get some more of your calls after the break of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
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It's the Alex Jones Show with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
A question of the day in response to our top story about George Greer, this 30-year-old man.
25 marauding gang members invade his property.
He gets his gun, shoots four rounds into his lawn and is then arrested by police.
Why are police in America being trained that average Americans who still have some semblance of a backbone are their real enemies?
I mean, what can we do to make sure, you know, this remains an isolated case and the precedent isn't set that defending yourself in America is a crime like it already is basically set in England?
Do you want to end up like the UK where carrying a kitchen knife in your own home is considered...
An illegal act.
Now compare what happened in Long Island to this example out of Oklahoma which we're going to play in a second.
A woman alone in her house with a crazy man banging on the door and then he starts to break in.
The woman's on the phone with police and she tells them she doesn't want to kill this guy but I'm going to have to.
Play the clip.
There's a man at my back door.
He's trying to get in.
He's hollering and yelling.
Okay, and you have a gun?
Yes, I do.
I do not have it out.
I want you to stay on the line with me.
I will.
He is banging on the door.
I can hear him banging.
He's trying to get in.
He looks like an older man, but I don't know.
I don't understand what's going on.
He's getting close to the door.
I'm gonna go ahead and get the gun out.
It's a shotgun.
It's large.
Can you understand what he's saying at all?
Well, he's crazy.
He's crazy.
I'm taking the safety off the gun, then.
He's acting crazy.
Okay, do you have a place that you can go inside your house and lock yourself in a room?
Uh, not really.
I've got a big shotgun.
I'm not going into a tiny bathroom.
Oh crap, he's at the back.
Okay, County 13 is advising that you can defend your property if you need to.
I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him gravely or dead, ma'am.
I understand.
All right.
He's breaking in now.
He's breaking in.
He's got a gun on him.
He looks to be an older man.
I don't want to kill him.
God, I don't want to kill this man.
They need to hurry.
He's going to break this thing open.
If he does, I'll have to kill him, ma'am.
I don't want to kill him.
I understand, ma'am.
You have to protect yourself.
I will.
Ma'am, he's about to leave the house.
I'm going to shoot.
Can you... Oh, my God.
Ma'am, is your phone recording okay?
I shot him going out front.
I hit him.
I'm sorry.
God help me.
Oh please dear God, I think I've killed him.
Please, Father in Heaven.
Please, Father in Heaven.
I'm so sorry, Father.
It's okay, ma'am.
It's okay.
You have to protect yourself, okay?
You have to protect yourself.
You have to protect your property.
That's in Oklahoma, and the police should be commended for their response in simply, you know, enunciating the fact that that's the case.
But not apparently anymore in Long Island, where this guy who didn't even shoot at these 25 gang members, didn't even aim the gun at them, merely let off four rounds into his own lawn, was then arrested by police.
Is this the turning point for America where the idea of self-defense is flushed down the toilet like in England where if you wave a knife in the window then you're the one who's going to be investigated and the gang that's breaking into your house is let off scot-free?
I mean, just look at what happened to George Harrison, the famous Beatle, and his wife, you know, this nutcase breaks into their house, he's got this delusion that he's somehow the disciple of George Harrison.
He repeatedly stabs Harrison in the chest, and then his wife's running around with this fireplace poker and the base of a lamp trying to bash this murderer on the head.
And Harrison at one stage thinks it's over, nearly killed him.
The knife went right into his chest.
He said he could feel the blood running up to his mouth.
Very nearly killed him because he was in England.
He didn't have a gun.
He couldn't defend himself.
A man's home is his castle.
Is that really going to be the case after this incident with George Greer?
Who didn't face one man, he faced 25 men who ran onto his property.
And said they wanted to kill his wife and kids.
And the police only responded when they detected Greer had fired his gun.
So he was subsequently arrested merely for protecting his property and protecting his wife and kids.
Now after the break we're going to get into the handgun ban in Britain.
Delve into how that one worked out for violent crime and gun crime, now that in England only the criminals are allowed to own guns.
Stay tuned, this is the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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But apparently 30-year-old Long Island man George Greer wasn't kind enough to the 25 gang members that invaded his property and threatened to kill his kids.
George Greer was the one who police arrested.
We're going to go rapid fire through your calls on the Alex Jones Show.
What do you think about this?
We've got Tyranny Rival in California.
You are on the air, go ahead.
Yes, hello.
First time caller.
Been listening for a couple months now, been waking up.
But on this subject, there is something similar I've listened to in the past here in California because I used to watch mainstream media.
There's something similar to where a burglar broke into someone's home and the person shot the person in the leg just to, you know, injure them so the police can come.
And then the person that got shot in the leg, the burglar, went to court and sued the homeowner.
And basically, um, that person obviously won.
And there was another incident where the person killed that family member or killed the robber.
And then the family press charges against the homeowner.
But, I mean, like you're saying.
Yeah, I mean, there are cases where a burglar has come in through a skylight and hurt himself, and then the homeowners get sued because the skylight was improperly built to allow the burglar to come in and rob them.
So I guess what, you know, just lay down and die.
That's what the government's telling us.
We can't defend ourselves.
Our home's not our castle anymore.
Just stay frightened, stay peeking behind the curtain.
Don't worry, the police will be along shortly.
After your wife and kids have been slaughtered.
We're going to go to Chris in Georgia.
Chris, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going now?
Going well.
What's on your mind, Chris?
I want to touch on, you know, the politicians passing these laws and people... Well, first I want to commend you and Alex and everybody there for everything you guys do.
It's great.
These politicians, they're passing these laws
They're not stupid.
You know, everyone thinks the laws are stupid, that the politicians are stupid.
They're not stupid.
They're sinister.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Disarmed the entire public.
If somebody like me can figure this out, you know somebody in their position should be able to figure that out.
And of course they know it.
You know, and I also commend that woman, you know, for calling the police while the man's beating on the back door.
If he had been beating on my back door, you know, the cops get called after he's laying on the ground.
You know, and it's ridiculous.
This is ridiculous to happen.
Who's going to abide by a gun law?
I mean, law abiding citizens abide by the law, obey the law, right?
Perfect sense there.
Anyway, hearing stuff like that makes me want to vent.
You know, 25 people in your yard.
Again, the cops get called.
If they're in my yard, they're in a pile before I even think about calling the cops.
Well, that's exactly right.
I mean, it's not just the fact that, uh, they were on his yard.
They were screaming and threatening to kill his wife and kids!
And he didn't even... I mean, 99% of people would have shot him in the head!
He unloaded four rounds into his own lawn, and apparently that was an overreaction.
That was recklessness.
So, I mean, if this is allowed to become the precedent, then you're gonna end up worse than England, where people can't even carry knives in their own home.
Matt, in the UK, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello, Matt, are you there?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hi, Paul, how you doing?
Yeah, hi, mate.
Yeah, my question is, basically, you mentioned about this, obviously, this gun scenario in America.
Just from a British point of view, I read in the Mail paper today, and there's a guy in the UK, basically been found with military shells and guns, obviously they're all legal and above board, and he's going to show you how the mainstream press are fear-mongering
In this country now, and making such a big hierarchy thing about guns, you know, and feeding them to the British public.
What do you agree on that one?
Yeah, well, they've been doing it since, uh, at least the early 90s and then the mid-90s with the, um, Hamilton-Dunblane shooting, which has had some very strange connections.
And, of course, if those teachers, uh, during the Dunblane massacre would have been allowed to be armed, then a lot less people would have died.
That prompted the 97 gun ban in the UK and since 97 the rate of violent crime in the UK has doubled.
Because criminals can now act safe in the knowledge that nobody can defend themselves.
I mean this is why your chances of getting mugged in London are six times higher than major cities in the United States.
There's another stat that I came across while doing the research for this.
53% of English burglaries occur while occupants are at home, compared to 13% in the US.
Why is that?
Because the burglars, the criminals, know that the majority of people in the United States are going to blow them away if they come in the house.
In England, safe in the knowledge, you can go in, try to kill people, burgle them, and then...
Often is the case the victim is going to get charged and that's happened.
There have been many cases of that in Britain that we've covered over the years on the Alex Jones Show and I talked about one earlier today.
So thanks for the call, Matt.
We're going to go to Barry in Arizona.
Barry, you're on the air.
Hey, Paul.
This is an opportunity for people to kind of study, you know, the psychology of government in general because this whole trend of blaming the victim
is particular to people that are either sociopathic or antisocial.
I've been making the case for a long time that government is antisocial and sociopathic.
Oh no, that's a common trait, especially with people like serial killers who will often blame the victim for their crime.
It's like we were talking about Charlie Manson yesterday.
Manson absolves his blame in the murders of Tate and Labianca and all his followers did at the time.
Because they said that it was, you know, necessary to kill people for the environment and that it was part of a war.
And that is a classic sociopathic trait among serial killers, to blame the victims.
So now our own government's exercised that psychological illness in their war against the people.
We're gonna move on.
Yeah, go ahead.
It's a constant theme running through government.
And people can, you know, once they realize this, then they can see government for what it really is.
And, um, you know.
Anyway, that's all I had to say.
That's right, it's feeding on us.
It's feeding on us, and to make it easier to do so, we have to be defenseless.
Robert in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Mr. Paul Joseph Watson, I heard from my butler, has informed me that there's a serious issue with the man not being part of the Rural Admiralty.
Apparently it does not have no sir after his name.
Well, he will not get justice, no sir.
No sovereign entities, such as Mr. Greer and the gang members, will ever receive justice.
Because, you see, the bankers consider them more of a threat than any
No, no, I'm citizen.
Does that make sense?
It makes perfect sense.
The accent doesn't, though, because I live at the opposite end of the country to where you'll hear that accent.
Thanks for the call.
Uh, Matt in Minnesota, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, I just wanted to point out that, uh, when the, when the media uses, uh, you know, terms like AK-47 to describe the weapon the firearm that guy had, that's just sort of, uh, a way to demonize firearms.
You know, to the commoners and the slaves, because when they, when people hear, you know, the word AK-47, which, it probably wasn't an AK-47, it was probably just a copy, a semi-automatic rifle.
And, you know, they use that term, so people are like, ooh, you know, this guy had an AK-47, why did he have that?
Why did he fire that?
You know what I mean?
Yeah, that's exactly the case.
They focus on the fact that he had a gun.
I mean, that's what the majority of the story's about.
In fact, on the CBS News story, there's a picture above the news story of a row of AK-47s as if this guy was packing some, you know, military-grade arsenal of weapons, when it's got nothing to do with his gun.
It's about the fact that he tried to defend himself and was arrested.
I mean, look at Switzerland.
Most of the population's packing AK-47s, and Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.
The gun crime rate in Switzerland is so low that they don't even keep statistics for it!
And that's because, in Switzerland, owning guns is rooted in the culture.
In fact, the government
in Switzerland runs all the shooting classes and all the training.
You know, it's almost illegal not to have a gun in Switzerland.
And what's the result?
Gun crime figures lowest in the world.
I mean...
Look at the Nazi occupation.
Look at the map of the countries that the Nazis occupied during the Second World War in Central and Northern Europe.
You'll see a big swath of it all circled round, coloured red, and there's one little area that's a different colour, and that country is Switzerland.
Because one of the primary reasons Hitler was afraid to invade is the fact that he knew the vast majority of the population were armed, and that the Swiss are a citizen army.
Their population
Now the people in the Warsaw Ghetto didn't have guns because they were immediately disarmed when the Nazis moved in.
What was the first thing that the Nazis did when they occupied a new country?
Rise and fall of the Third Reich.
Read it.
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland.
They disarmed the population.
That was the first thing they did.
And in the United Kingdom, we're also becoming a disarmed population.
We've been disarmed of our firearms.
Now we're being told we can't carry knives.
And then you get a story like this George Greer incident in Long Island, and that's why I'm asking the question, you know, is the Second Amendment dead?
A man's home is his castle.
Is that idea now being thrown out in America?
We're going to move on to our next caller, which is Robert
In California, Robert, you're on the air, go ahead.
Oh sorry, Matt in Minnesota, Matt, go ahead.
Michael in Sweden, you're the next caller, go ahead.
Hi Paul, how you doing today?
Hi, how are you?
Um, I think it's outrageous that the Long Island man got arrested for defending his property and his family of this notorious MS-13 gang, you know?
It is outrageous, and I mean, what's the situation in Sweden?
I'm guessing that Sweden is a largely disarmed country, or is it more like Switzerland?
Tell me about the gun control laws in Sweden.
You have to have a special license in order to get a gun or a rifle here in Sweden.
We are probably the most disarmed people in Northern Europe, I believe.
And, um, I don't know really if we're gonna
If the people even care about gun laws here, because all the more people are going to prison for life sentences, you know, for murder and stuff, and I don't know really if the politicians are going to bring this up, because we have a general election coming up here in September, and I don't know if they're going to take up this issue, because I feel it's very important, you know?
Yeah, I mean, uh, just look at the example of Switzerland, as I just said, they don't even keep records anymore because the gun crime's so low, but everywhere else you look in Europe, some areas of France will allow you to have a hunting rifle, which is why a lot of British people are moving down there, one of the primary reasons, because there's a little bit more freedom.
But generally across Europe, the laws are harmonised in line with some of the most draconian gun laws on the planet, which is why violent crime is constantly increasing.
Talking about Switzerland, we're going to go to a clip.
Which perfectly discusses and exemplifies why the country has such a low gun crime rate because the majority of the people own guns and are encouraged to do so by the government itself.
So let's go to that clip where the gun control situation, or lack of it, the gun ownership situation in Switzerland is exemplified.
Let's go to that clip now.
This is a Sig 550.
It's designed to destroy anything standing within its 400 meter trajectory.
And there are over 500,000 of them kept in Swiss homes.
Guns and shooting are a strong Swiss tradition.
Basic military training is mandatory for young men.
And afterwards, they're required to keep their weapon at home.
Mark Heim is the Ticino representative for the lobby group Protel.
Basically this was my father's military rifle and of course he got to keep it when he was finished.
I have my grandfather's rifle in the office, hanging on the wall.
This was mine when I did service, which is quite an old one.
It was introduced in 1957.
It was used until 1990.
And this is my son's.
That's the current model.
That's what's being used today.
That's what we'll be using to shoot the feldschützen today.
The Feldschweizen, or Tiro-Federalien-Kampagne, as it's known in these parts, is an annual Swiss event, and it's also the largest shooting festival in the world.
Roughly 200,000 people come out to target practice all across the country.
Ammunition is provided by the government.
Heim goes regularly to this range, and it's often a family affair.
It was organized by the government to have a very high state of readiness for the Swiss military and population.
The target has always been that within 24 to 48 hours, Switzerland could mobilize a pretty large army, I mean, even by European standards.
But it wasn't the militia that sparked Haim's interest in guns as a young man.
It was an unassuming trip to a Holocaust museum.
I was going through all the exhibits and the soap and the lampshades made of people's skin.
And while I was looking, I heard a funny noise.
And there was an old woman, maybe two meters from me.
And she was trying not to cry.
She was sort of sobbing very quietly.
She was holding it back.
If she had been a few meters further away, I wouldn't have heard her.
And she obviously had gone through that.
That's when the whole impact of it hit me.
And I promised myself I would never be in her situation.
I would want to be free, never in a situation where somebody could, you know,
March us off to ovens or prisons or just take away our freedom.
The key to freedom is the ability to be able to defend yourself.
And if you don't have the tools to do that, then you are at the mercy of whoever wants to put you away.
And the tools for that...
There you have it.
In Switzerland, the ability to defend yourself is the key to freedom.
In a country where the government itself runs all the firearms training classes, where there's 2 million Swiss citizens who are armed out of a population of about 6 million,
And they've got the lowest gun crime rate in the world!
This is the reason why Hitler refused to invade Switzerland, because he knew he'd have a hell of a fight on his hands, when every other country around it had been occupied, and the first thing that Hitler did was to disarm the local populations.
We're gonna be back with some more of your calls, we've got Gerald Salente coming up in the second hour.
But stay there, Gus, Ruth, Dennis, Sid, we'll get to all of you on the Alex Jones Show at PrisonPlanet.tv, stay tuned.
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You've taken the red pill.
It's the Alex Jones Show on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010.
And we're talking about George Greer, this man who tried to defend himself against 25 gang members in Long Island.
And the police ended up arresting the victim once again.
We're going back to your calls.
Ruth in Louisiana.
Ruth, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Turn your audio off, Ruth.
Just talk to me on the phone.
Thank you so much for you and Alex.
I always have you in my prayers.
I really do believe that the people have a right to protect their property and to protect their family.
And as far as George Greer is concerned, any other people in this country, they're falsely accused by the police department and the governor of that state.
We need to start calling and demanding that we're not going to put up with this type of situation with the people and get behind the people themselves.
I really do believe that that's what we need to do.
I agree, and I mean, where's the NRA on this?
I mean, have they come out with a statement?
I don't see it on their website.
So, I mean, are they going to come out in defense of George Greer for being arrested for defending his home?
Dennis in Texas, go ahead.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you for taking my call.
I agree with Ruth in Louisiana there.
The number one priority or the number one thing in the United States is the idea of personal property and your right to defend it.
Without that, you have nothing.
The economic system deteriorates and falls, and you become a victim of tyranny.
If you don't have the right to personal property, if you don't have the right to defend it, you have nothing.
The promise of America is gone.
Now, the one way to defend it is the other tools that
The people, our forefathers gave us, they gave us the grand jury and the pettit jury.
Try to convict someone in Ireland of going against the police.
That isn't going to happen and those things should happen in the United States.
If someone is defending their home and their property and their family and they happen to
Exercise their right to the Second Amendment and shoot intruders and defend themselves, then they should demand a trial by jury and the jurors should go ahead and acquit these people.
If we don't want these tyrannical laws, we need to acquit people.
We need to show the government that these laws are not in our best interest and we're not going to put up with them.
And then throw the bums out.
Well that's right, I mean it's interesting that you mentioned Ireland there because Northern Ireland in fact is the only part of the British Isles where you can still get a permit to own a handgun.
It's banned in Scotland, England and Wales and the Republic of Ireland.
Again, what's the result?
Northern Ireland has one of the lowest
Violent crime rates, victimization rates amongst the top industrial countries in Europe.
And of course, England has one of the highest because handguns are banned.
In Northern Ireland, a criminal breaking into a home knows there's a reasonable chance that they're going to be looking down the end of a barrel.
So again, same in Switzerland, same everywhere.
More guns equals less crime.
And we're going to talk to Gerald Salente, so get your calls lined up.
Trends Research Institute.
I'm excited about this interview.
We're going to see what's going to happen with the economy, immigration, and a lot more in the next two years.
This is the Alex Jones Show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay tuned for the second hour.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm filling in for Alex today.
My name's Paul Joseph Watson, editor and writer for PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex is away working in a gulf on a project with Jesse Ventura, and he'll be back to host the show on Friday.
Now we're going to welcome our special guest, and ladies and gentlemen, when Gerald Celente talks, people tend to listen.
The fall of the Soviet Union, the crash of 87, the panic of 08, the rise of the anti-tax movement and the Tea Party, the Great Recession and now the greatest depression.
Gerald Solente and the Trends Research Institute predicted every one of them and many more years before they happened.
And now with times as fraught as these, many people are turning to Gerald and the Trends Research Institute for advice on how they can prepare for the turmoil that's in the pipeline for the years ahead.
And the website is TrendsResearch.com.
Get your calls lined up for Gerald, 800-259-9231.
Gerald Salente, welcome to the show today.
Great to have you on.
Oh, Paul.
Good to be on with you.
It's a pleasure.
Now I want to cover a host of issues.
Some are economic and I know that when Alex talks to you, you mainly cover just economic ground.
But others are related to culture and immigration because some of our listeners may not be aware of the fact that the Trends Journal is about, you know, more than just financial forecasting.
It's about what we're going to see unfold in society in general in a myriad of different ways.
So, on that note, one issue that we've been tracking here is the seeming correlation between the collapse in America's global standing, you know, the collapse in the economy, the housing market, and society in general, with the collapse in
Puts out there that our young people are sucked into.
Now, in the latest Trends Journal, one thing that caught my eye was how you talk about this, quote, thrill of the thuggish, as you coin it, and how it was going to be trumped over the next couple of years by a return to beauty and elegance in the creative arts, and that's something that piqued my interest.
So can you expand Gerald on why you think this new trend will be born and how it will manifest itself in culture and society?
For those that understand that this has to be clearly one of the biggest money makers waiting out there to happen.
As you mentioned, we've dumbed down to levels where we now have the President of the United States riffing on Snooki.
So the country's become clearly snooky stupid.
And that if anybody, and as a trend forecaster, there's a lot of things I don't like to do, and one of them that I have to do is watch how stupid TV is.
And anyone that could sit through an hour at Jersey Shore should win a medal.
Because it's pure torture.
And when you see how ignorant it has become,
And how elevated it has hit the society.
The people that are the smart money are going to say, contrary to what the media says, contrary to what Madison Avenue and Hollywood say, contrary to what the president may say and the politicians, this is not what the people want.
It's only the stupidest of people that want that.
And what's happened is, Paul, they look to that lowest common denominator and make that the standard.
The smart money says, no, no, no, I'm not going that way.
I'm going for the people that don't want that.
Okay, stay there, Gerald.
We'll be back to explore this further after the break.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is the Alex Jones Show on Wednesday, September 8th.
Now we've had to switch to the phone lines because of a guy who kissed you.
But we're continuing with Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute at TrendsResearch.com.
Now, Joe, picking up on that issue of how we're being manipulated, and more specifically in the context of the immigration debate, I know that in the past the Friends Journal has made forecasts about how immigration is going to become this increasingly divisive and politically polarizing force as we move forward, and obviously this is in the public mind at the moment with the debate about the situation in Arizona.
And then you look at other things in the news such as the Ground Zero Mosque issue which has got people's blood boiling on both sides.
You've got the Qur'an burning story with now even General Petraeus stepping in and warning that this could cause violence.
So, you have whites infuriating with Muslims, you have Muslims in Indonesia and other places burning American flags in protest of this Qur'an story.
And then you have films like Machete being released, which stir up tensions between whites and Hispanics.
So Gerald, is this a kind of cyclical phenomenon?
Or, you know, does it represent something new?
Are we being manipulated into some kind of confrontation or even race war scenarios to distract us from the crumbling economy and the coming wars?
Well, yes, in a lot of ways.
By the way, we have a bad connection.
I don't know how I sound on your end, but you're coming in all fuzzy on mine.
You sound fine.
It's just I'm on the phone.
Okay, before I jump into that, I'd like to finish what I was talking about, how to make money on the elegance trend.
It goes back to the 20% solution.
There are 20% of the population with money and with brains that want to keep stepping up.
So it means if you're going to open up a little restaurant, open up a cool little bistro that's really done nicely but with good price points.
You're seeing more and more, Paul, the people that are making it in this economy, opening up new venues, doing it with putting elegance and grace back into it.
People dressing up.
A lot of people really want to do it, but they don't have anywhere to do it.
In music, in entertainment, you name it.
Food, fashion, at every level, people are looking for a higher level.
Is everybody?
There's going to be the 80%
Of the over, you know, the people that are stuffing themselves with junk food, that are sedentary, that are strapped in front of the TV or computer and not moving.
Lose them!
You're not going to get them.
So, in a marketing sense, go toward the elegance.
Now, to answer your question about this whole anti-Muslim rage, if you go back to our Trends Journal,
And then my book, Trends 2000, that came out in December of 1996.
We wrote about Crusades 2000.
It was in the making and it's continuing.
What they're doing is they're peep.
It's, it's distinct that every Muslim
Is a lunatic is like saying that every Christian wants an Inquisition.
You know, it's ridiculous at this point, but they keep driving it further and further.
But then you hear somebody like General Petraeus saying that burning the Koran could be dangerous to American troops.
Hey, General Petraeus, how about invading Arab countries?
And occupying them and killing innocent people.
You think that could be dangerous to American troops?
Oh, no, no.
Our foreign policy has nothing to do with this.
They don't like us because they don't like Americans because we go to Disneyland and shop at Walmart.
So, you know, let's look at the reality here.
The reality is
That these wars that America's fighting around the world along with their British cousins, you know those lovely people whose flag never set on the English Empire and have conquered so many countries?
Could that be any of the reason for the anti-Americanism?
Now you throw on top of it, let's go back to what happened after World War II.
They're rebuilding Europe and they want cheap labor.
Where are they going to get it from?
I got an idea.
Let's get some Turks in there.
So the Germans bring in a lot of cheap labor.
Of all the countries, the United States, they all bring in cheap labor, and now when times turn tough, they want them out of there!
So it really goes back to the labor issue when you look at this, and when you look at the anti-immigration trends in the U.S.
for example, who are the people that promoted this letting everybody and their uncle and sister and brother fly into this nation unimpeded?
Try the National Association of Manufacturers.
Try Microsoft bringing in all these people on H-1B visas.
Cheap labor at any level.
So that's what's really going on here.
You have a population boom.
You had from go back 100,000 years ago, it took from 100,000 years ago to 1900 to put 1.5 billion people on the planet.
Two world wars later, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, the Afghan War, and on and on the wars, now we have what?
6.5 billion?
6.7 billion?
Too many people, not enough jobs, immigration is going to be a major issue, and along with it becomes the religious and the racial.
Right, so you're basically saying that we are being manipulated to kind of get at each other's throats.
Is that just to distract us?
There's no question they do to get at each other's throats.
And I mean, this whole thing.
Here's my deal, by the way.
People ask me, I'm a New Yorker, you know, about this mosque.
Well, first of all, you understand it's not a mosque.
It's more like a community center.
But here's my take on it.
Everybody, all the churches, all the synagogues, all the mosques, all the religions, as Jesus Christ said, render unto Caesar what Caesar's.
Let them all pay taxes, and then we're gonna see a different story here.
And you'll also, by the way, it'll help balance the budget.
Let all these religions, all these charitable organizations, all these non-profit organizations that are hiding under whatever banner they're using, let them pay taxes, and then I'll tell you what, Paul, I bet this issue wouldn't be such a big issue.
Shifting gears, you mentioned the unemployment rate in regard to immigration.
I had Bob Chapman on the show the other day, who publishes the International Forecaster, and he was saying basically, you know, we know the US Labor Department's cut book, say 9.6 unemployment figure, is completely inaccurate.
But Bob was in fact saying that if you take the U6 unemployment figure of 16.7% and then add in even the statistics that they don't include, we're talking about an unemployment rate in the United States which is already over 21%.
Now I mean even at the 1933 level we were at 25%.
So, I mean, do you have a figure in mind for what the real unemployment rate is in America at the moment, not the one that the CNBC talking heads are telling us?
And, you know, how far are we going to go in terms of unemployment until we can actually acknowledge that we're in another Great Depression?
Well, I think Bob Chapman does excellent work, and I go by what he says on that number.
You know, he really has it down well.
And I agree with him wholeheartedly.
We're going to continue to decline.
Let's look at what happened last week when the stock market, you know, ran rampant for one day on the good news that we didn't lose as many jobs as we thought we did.
I mean, how could this happen?
You know, that a market would respond like that, and then you look at where the jobs were created.
Hey, how about home health aid?
Or ambulance workers, you know, medical workers, and bartenders and waitresses.
Wonderful jobs they created.
So even as they're creating jobs, and remember, we have to create anywhere between 150,000 to 125,000 a month just to keep up with population growth of new people moving into the system.
We have an unemployment rate that we're going to see as we move deeper into this greatest depression over 25%.
It's gonna look like sunny Spain in good old USA.
It's amazing.
I mean, we had the 54,000 job loss figure was reported at the end of last week.
I read that and I thought, well, that's bad news.
And then I went and visited Bloomberg News and they were celebrating it as if it was this great achievement that we'd only lost 54,000 jobs.
And I mean, as you say, with the population growing as a result of immigration, I mean, that's even more, you know, even less jobs for everybody else.
But staying on the economy,
The dollar, 15 year low against the yen.
You've been warning of a dollar crisis in 2010.
How is that going to be sparked off?
You mentioned some kind of bank holiday related to a terror attack.
Do you see the dollar collapsing suddenly or is it just going to be this gradual decline?
No, we think it's going to be as sudden, it's going to be a real hit.
And it's being set up already for it in so many different ways.
In a little while we're going to hear President Obama do another dog and pony show in Ohio about jobs.
The economy's going to collapse.
There's going to be something that's going to knock it off its pins.
Alright, stay there Gerald.
We'll be back after this break.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
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Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
We're talking to Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute.
The website is trendsresearch.com.
Now, I remember writing an article about a prediction that Gerald made, I believe it was back in 2008, when he talked about these tax rebellions.
And this was before the emergence of the Tea Party, which of course, in its embryonic form, was this anti-tax
It's since been largely infiltrated by the Republican Party.
But just another example of even just in the last couple of years one of Gerald's predictions in his Trends Research Journal has come to fruition.
Now Gerald I want to talk about neo-survivalism.
This is something that's mentioned in your most recent issue.
How is this going to manifest itself?
Are we talking food gardens, people buying more land, you know, people going back to the simple life, to farming?
Or are we talking about a more interconnected model of survivalism with a return to things like the old-fashioned cooperatives?
How are we going to see this unfold?
Well, it's just about how you summed it up.
It's a combination of the two.
It's rugged individualism and working together as a community.
Dealing with people that you can trust, like-minded people, and buying local.
It's another big one.
You know, Paul, this is a perfect grasshopper and ant winter that we're going into.
The summer was one, remember they told us, of a summer of recovery, to quote the great Joe Biden.
The Vice President of the United States and literary genius.
And here we are.
There is no recovery.
Even the cover-up didn't work.
The stimulus is running out.
But how many people, like the grasshopper, were dancing and believing in the tune being spun out of the White House?
And they're not preparing for what we see as one of the harshest economic winters in living memory.
And I use that word winter, you know, not to be taken literally, as it's only going to be this winter, but for a long time to come.
So in neo-survivalism, it's also important to understand that that ant lives in a colony.
It can't do it by itself, regardless of how hard it works in trying to prepare for the future.
The colony is going to be the strongest when they all work together.
And that's something, by the way, that's been pulled out of society by the very people that are selling it to us.
The Madison Avenue, Hollywood, Washington, Wall Street fraternity.
They keep telling us about rugged individualism.
You can do it on yourself, Supermom.
You're an independent single person.
You don't need anybody.
Make it on your own.
In the meanwhile, they're doing all the deals.
Try getting into their club and pulling off one.
You'll never get in there.
Unless you're a member of the Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Bullets, Bombs, and Banks fraternity.
So what's going on is that in neo-survivalism, people really have to understand and think truly like the ant.
Because we're only hearing part of the parable and not looking at the other end of it.
It's going to be very difficult times.
Join up with as many people as you can.
And not only to join up for survival, but to also help move us into a more prolific future.
What do I do personally?
I don't buy corporate food.
None of it.
I won't eat it.
I'm Italian.
I know what good food is.
And I won't eat this stuff.
So support your local.
I just went to a restaurant the other day.
And I ordered a Stoli on the rocks and the woman said to me, we only have American brand vodkas.
And they had a whole list of them.
I said, all right, that's terrific.
And they only have local eggs, not eggs from these so-called factory farms, these chicken coop concentration camps.
How about a nice
Sunny-side-up egg from Auschwitz farms.
I mean, how could people eat that stuff?
Half a billion of them being recalled, and the FDA hadn't been there in a year.
So, the neo-survivalism, yes, it starts with the individual, but spreads to the community.
Okay, that sounds like a plan to me.
And we're gonna go to your calls for Gerald Solenti in the next segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay right there.
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Let's go!
Escape from the prison planet.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, you have took the red pill.
And we're talking with Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute.
And I mean, this information is basically like gold dust.
I mean, the Trends Research Institute has got a record second to none.
I was looking at the predictions made on the website, trendsresearch.com,
And you can go down the list and see the source of when that prediction was made and the fact that it actually came true two or three years later.
And I mean, the accuracy is just stunning.
It's out of this world, which is why many people are turning to Gerald Solenti for clues about how this greatest depression, as he calls it, is going to unfold over the next couple of years.
Gerald, looking forward to 2012.
You state in the most recent issue of the Trends Journal that we're going to see this third party rise to prominence and lead a kind of backlash against this collapse.
You say it's going to be helped by online bloggers and also the independent internet-based media who will wield as much influence as the corporate press.
But what I want to know is
This new political party that you say is going to emerge, is this going to be the Tea Party?
Is it going to be the Libertarians?
Or is it going to be something new that we see emerge as this meltdown gets worse over the next couple of years?
We think it's definitely not going to be the Tea Party.
The Tea Party has been co-opted by the Republican Party, as we all know, and special investment interests.
So it's not going to be that at all, but it's very significant to understand
That as you mentioned, and actually it was in 2007, with Top Trends, we came up with tax revolts.
And we called it the coalition of the cash-strapped.
And when you would go back then and think that there would have been another party, people thought we were crazy.
That Americans would never get off their lazy boys and out onto the streets.
So it's significant with the Tea Party to show how viable the movement is
And how deep the anger is.
Here's what I see as a new third party.
I was talking about the poison food that they're feeding the people.
If you want to talk about, you know, one of my lines is mass produced, mass consumed, mass murder.
So to me, food is a very important issue.
Water, as I listen to your advertisements, a very important issue.
The air we breathe, the environmental issues.
Let's not be children about this.
We'll get caught up as these crazies talk about tree huggers.
We're talking about living, you know, essentially in an environment that's healthy for us.
You're not a tree hugger.
You're just intelligent.
So on that aspect, we look at a party that those things are important.
Without taking, you know, an extreme view on some of those issues.
On the other aspect, libertarian.
In terms of government staying out of our bedrooms.
And staying out of other countries.
Try that one on for size.
So libertarian in the sense of also a Ron Paul in terms of
The Federal Reserve owning our country, along with the central bankers who they represent.
So I would call it, and I know this word sounds dirty to some conservatives because they're misconstruing the meaning of the word.
We call it progressive libertarian.
A Ralph Nader on one end when it comes to environmental and food issues, and a Ron Paul on the other end.
When it comes to libertarian issues, a blending of those two.
That's what we see as a major party forming by 2012.
That's very interesting because even now we have major candidates.
For example, Sharon Angle, who bills herself as a Tea Party candidate.
She's taking on Harry Reid, who of course is, you know, one of the most powerful Democrats out there.
And one of her main issues is getting fluoride out of the water supply.
So now several of these Tea Party candidates
Not to dismiss the fact, as you said, that the leadership of the Tea Party has been infiltrated by the Republicans, but a lot of the Tea Party candidates are embracing this healthy food and water angle as part of their platform for the upcoming midterm elections.
We're going to go to callers now for Gerald Cilente, and the first one is Joe in Pennsylvania.
Joe, what's your question for Gerald today?
Hi, I just want to say what you were just talking about.
I do agree with that a hundred percent about the food and the water and how, you know, we definitely need to get smarter about how we go about producing our food.
But my question is a two-fold question and it is regarding the music industry.
Back to your discussion about culture.
I am a musician myself and over the years what I've learned is that
Obviously, you know, the global elite run the entertainment industry as well, and basically what I've learned is if you aren't willing to play their game, you know, you're not going to have any success with it.
And I have a specific question about one particular thing, and this is a trend that I guess has increased over the last few years, in particular the music industry.
There's a lot of rumors of
You know, people selling their souls, people actually committing blood sacrifices for success in the music industry, and the reason I say this is because my mother, Irene Janowski, is a satanic witch.
She's tried to poison me to get access to my music, and I'm wondering, like, if you're a person who, you know, is a straight shooter, thinks straight, is not willing to play this game and dumb down your music just to make money,
How do you overcome that and get beyond that control that they have?
And I mean, if people are willing to do that, how do you actually go about overcoming that?
Because I've been trying to for years, and I really have not.
Well, it's hard.
It's a struggle.
And all of us that are independent, you know, have a very difficult time.
And we have to keep staying at it until success comes.
So, for example, you called it the music industry.
It's an oxymoron.
Music can't be an industry, but that's what it's become.
Just like food can't be an industry, but that's what it's become.
So if you take the eggs from the Auschwitz farms that just returned 300, they had to recall a half a billion, and compare it, you know, to Mary's happy egg farm over here,
You know, you could see the difference in the quality.
So the quality is not going to happen through the industry.
And now with the internet, the reality is that, yes, you can break through on your own.
And it also comes back to going back to the old way.
Remember when the big bands used to be on the road 300 days out of the year?
So you're going to start seeing more and more of those little venues open up.
And it's going to be difficult.
It's never easy.
It's only easy when you're a member of the White Shoe Boy Club, Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
The rest of us, we have to work to get there.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, I call the music industry the Babylon system.
I mean, talk about thrill of the thuggish.
Some of this trash that's being fed to our young people via this industry, as you rightly call it, as, you know, Lady Gaga and so forth, is just shocking to behold.
We're going to go to Steve in Florida.
Steve, you're talking to Gerald Salente.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Gerald?
I was wondering how you see silver, and if in the next two years you see it going up.
Well, you know, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a, that's not, silver's not one of my strong points.
I'm more solid into gold and have been since the late 70s.
However, from everything we see, silver looks really solid as well.
And again, I'm not giving financial advice, but as a forecaster, it looks like a real good play.
Because anything other than paper currency that has an intrinsic value that you could exchange on, like silver and gold, we believe is going to continue to grow.
And that's exactly what Bob Chapman was saying yesterday.
We're going to move on because we've got lots of callers for Gerald Cilenti.
Joe in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, I have a question about gold, actually.
I have been buying gold since 1999, so it's eventually going to be time to sell some of it.
And what I'm reading is that the government could do something ridiculous with taxes on
When you sell it and also the discount when you try to sell it, you won't be able to sell it at the spot price.
There's a discount that you'll have to take into consideration.
So those questions and also just to give people who may be thinking about gold now a warning, do not buy semi numismatic coins.
It's a rip off.
Okay, the government's capable of doing anything.
There's no question about it.
That's why a lot of people that I know have moved their gold offshore or out of the country.
So anything can happen.
Having said that, however, I think it's going to be very difficult for them to do so.
The taxes, the new 1099 forms that they squeezed in with the health care reform bill that are now requiring
Anyone with a purchase of over $600, they have to fill out a 1099, and that's done primarily to attract the gold dealers.
So yeah, these are all realities that may happen.
And as you say, a time to sell.
For me, just speaking only for myself, gold is my old age.
You know, when I'm in my 80s, God willing, and I'm not working anymore for whatever reason, I want to have that there for my old age.
If you have to sell it, I believe there's always going to be a buyer.
And I always believe there'll be somebody that's going to be out there that doesn't want to make a big deal about it, that will buy it.
Will you get it at the spot value?
When you buy coins, you buy them high.
And when you sell them, you buy them.
You sell them for less.
That's just the way it works.
In that system, however, look at where gold has gone from, for example, when we called the gold bull run in 2001, when it was selling at $275 an ounce, and now it's trading for roughly what?
So even with that little fluctuation of selling less than when you bought it at the spot at that time, it's not going to make a big deal.
And by the way,
We just heard from Norio Rubini, who they call Dr. Doom.
Well, you know, I don't know if it's Dr. Doom or Dr. Dumb, because in 2009, he said, quote, gold has no intrinsic value, and that possibly it could go to over $1,100 an ounce.
And as I mentioned, now we're at $1,260.
And he's saying that people, it's nonsense and people are crazy if they think it's going to go to 2,000 an ounce.
So I guess you could say I'm talking nonsense and that I'm crazy because we believe gold is going to go to 2,000 and possibly beyond.
OK, thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, as you were saying, Gerald, we saw the protests in France yesterday.
They're just going to keep raising the age of retirement through these austerity measures.
So using gold as a kind of pension is a really good idea for people.
With regard to tax, they already taxed the sale of silver in the United Kingdom, so, you know, governments have that option always open to them.
You mentioned Nouriel Roubini.
I mean, isn't the case that, you know, Roubini and Krugman and all those, all these people, the happy clappers, have suddenly now changed their tune and they're the doomsayers when people like yourself, Gerald, and Bob Chapman and others have been
communicating the same message for years, whereas these more mainstream talking heads have suddenly just changed their tune to jump on the bandwagon.
Well, it's very clear, Paul.
Again, it's Harvard, Princeton, Yale.
You look at their credentials and their pedigree.
It's one big circle jerk.
It's always them.
Listen, how blind or stupid can people be if they can't see in front of their eyes?
Look where they're all from.
Whether it's the President of the United States, the President of the Federal Reserve, or a stacked Supreme Court.
What kind of imbecile could actually buy into the line that we have a Supreme Court of Real Justices when it's stacked with Harvard and Yale?
And you know why it's stacked like that?
I'll make it really clear.
Because they're better than we are.
They live better than we are.
They take more than we have, and they live higher than we do.
Look at Hillary Clinton.
Look at the rest of them.
Every time they go to a foreign country, they arrive in a jumbo jet.
They wave from the door, and by the time they get down to the bottom, they roll out a red carpet and strike up a band.
You think they have an attitude?
Brian in South Carolina, you're talking to Gerald Cilente, TrendsResearch.com, go ahead.
Hello Gerald, how are you doing?
Boy, you've covered so much, I don't know where to start.
I was trying to think of a good question and a good topic.
But I know you're a trends guy, so I'll stick with that.
One of the trends that I'm concerned about as a Christian, as a biblical Christian, the situation down in Florida with the guy burning the Korans.
The basic institution of Christianity, from a Biblical perspective, is to share your faith with others.
And, no man shall come unto the Father except by me.
That's Jesus saying, you know, there's only one path to Heaven, and that is me, talking about Himself, of course.
I know, um, if you were to go to Israel right now, and you shared your faith with the Jews, they'd put you in jail.
It's not allowed.
It's illegal.
If you go to Saudi Arabia, you'd be lucky to get out of there with your head.
In the United States, I think what the guy's doing down there is bad because I don't know where he's going to go now to try to share his face with these people.
He says that the Koran's junk.
I don't read it, so that ought to tell you something.
But I think he may have messed his witness up.
I know as a Southern Baptist, a couple of years ago, a contract was signed with Rome.
It is actually illegal or against, the agreement was that Southern Baptists would not proselytize Roman Catholics.
And as a trend, how long do you think Christianity has left to be biblically what it is and to share its faith before they start enforcing these laws?
Which the United Nations have on the books to make it illegal to share your faith in a way that's not politically correct.
We'll get Gerald's answer after the break.
We're coming up on a hard break here.
Stay tuned for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show here with Gerald Cilente of the Trends Research Institute.
Stay tuned.
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Final segment of the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, the 8th of September.
We're talking to Gerald Salente of the Trends Research Institute.
Gerald, I think we covered the Quran issue earlier, but do you have any brief comments for the previous caller?
Well, you know, I do, in a sense that I want to read this from the... This is from my book, Trends 2000.
This was written, actually, in 1995.
We talked about, I mentioned Crusades 2000.
This is what we wrote back 15 years ago.
The seeds of the new Crusades were sown in areas of Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia.
Throughout the Muslim world, devout masses, politically repressed and impoverished, were rising up against their endemically corrupt and inefficient secular governments
with their pro-western alliances.
Imperialism, directly or indirectly, took the blame for the poverty, the lack of opportunity, and the social and moral decay.
Disenfranchised, desperate, politically powerless, Muslims in many countries look to charismatic clerics to change their destiny.
And that's what you have.
And we said this time we talk about the last crusades fought by the Christians, but this time the god of record will be called Allah, and the sanction will come from Islamic clerics.
It's called foreign policy.
That's sure to get more people calling in.
Unfortunately, we're running out of time.
I'm going to be selfish and jump in with probably a final question here.
Gerald, you mentioned earlier about all transactions over $10,000 having to be reported to the IRS.
We've got Greece
Yeah, yeah, we got Greece from 2011 banning all cash transactions over 1500 euros.
We've got Mexico and Italy doing the same, banning large cash transactions.
Why are governments around the world cracking down on cash?
Because they're trying to get as much money as they can from us for taxes.
They don't want cash transactions going on at all, because they won't be able to steal more from us, and it's also a move toward trying to keep things under control when the great crash of 2010 happens, and the dollar won't be worth a dime, nor many of the other currencies.
And that's why I'm 80% invested in gold,
And the rest of my cash is spread between Canadian dollars, US dollars, and Swiss francs.
Because to me, the Swiss are the money cockroaches of the world.
They're not going anywhere.
And for my cash, all I want to do is break even.
And on my goal, that's my wild card.
So the governments are going to be looking to squeeze every penny they can.
As you mentioned about what happened with the strikes yesterday in the UK and France against austerity measures, these aren't austerity measures.
It's called robbing the people to take all their money and to give it to the bankers.
That's what an austerity measure is.
Frankie New York, probably final caller.
Quick question for Gerald Cilente, please.
Go ahead, Frankie New York.
Hey, Warrior.
Yeah, I was just wondering if Gerald believes that instead of, you know, like, you know, we always have to save for the future, put into individual retirement accounts, invest in gold, the whole works, but the social security and social programs
I mean, you said that, uh, you know, we should become a... Miguel, 30 seconds, what's your question?
Go ahead, quickly, please.
Okay, um, yeah, what do you think of the social safety nets?
Don't you think we should expand them?
Don't you think we should give more money back?
Okay, Gerald... We're really going to get the money, of course, it would be wonderful.
We don't have the money, and you don't have enough people working into it, and we're still going to get your retirement money, but it's not going to be able to buy much.
Thanks, Cheryl.
We're out of time on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
Endgame rebroadcast.
We're gonna wrap it up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number four.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number five.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
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That's mysolarbackup.com.
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877-327-0365 Waging war on corruption Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I appeared before the Congressional Committee to tell what I knew of activities which might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.
And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.
President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States as we know it.
And he took the step without approval from either the U.S.
Congress or the people of the United States.
The secret organizations of the world power elite are no longer secret.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
I'm Jim Tucker.
I've chased Bilderberg for 30 years.
I'll never give up the chase.
Bilderberg's plan for the whole world is nothing less than world government.
I'm not comfortable with that at all.
Who elected these guys to run the planet?
They are the elitist.
They feel they should run the world for their own selfish interests.
Now we can see a new world coming into view.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
Bilderberg is making great progress toward a world government, and only an educated, informed public can stop them in their tracks.
David Rockefeller admits in his own memoirs that he wants to destroy the United States!
He's a traitor!
It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations.
As Pete mentioned, I've been a member for a long time and was actually a director for some period of time.
I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming.
Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.
I need you to move off the property, please.
Some shots were fired.
There's mule diverters right there.
The Trans-Texas Corridor is a vital part because we stop here in Texas.
We stop the New World Order right here in Texas.
This thing started here.
And to save this country, we kill this damn thing here.
There is a chance for the President of the United States to carry out a phrase his father used, and that is a New World Order.
Your New World Order will fall!
Humanity will defeat you!
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite.
The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind.
Countries are a thing of the past.
Every form of independence is under attack.
With the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction.
Close to 80% of the Earth's population has been eliminated.
The remnants of a once free humanity are forced to live within highly controlled, compact, prison-like cities.
Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello friends, Alex Jones here.
It is Wednesday, September 8th, 2010.
I want to thank Paul Joseph Watson for sitting in, joining us from Britannia, over in England the last two hours with his excellent analysis.
I am gone on an assignment, a secret mission, with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
But I shall return to the airwaves in the next few days.
But in this final hour of the broadcast, I want to do something a little bit special today.
And that is air excerpts from my 2007 documentary film, In Game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
It covers the entire eugenics takeover program.
And the film starts with our confrontations with the Bilderberg Group in Ottawa, Canada.
And so now, ladies and gentlemen, here are excerpts from the film, In Game, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
No human activity is private.
AI supercomputers chronicle and categorize every action.
A prison planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks, whose power can never be challenged.
This is the vision of the global elite, their goal.
A program of total dehumanization, where the science of tyranny is law.
A worldwide control grid, designed to ensure the Overlord's monopoly of power forever.
Our species will be condemned to this nightmare future unless the masses are awakened to the New World Order Master Plan and mobilized to defeat it.
Erected by a secretive group, the Georgia Guidestones are a testament to the Elite's plan for a world religion, global laws, with a global court and army to enforce it.
And set in stone, it is written that the population never rise above 500 million.
In this film you will learn how our world is truly governed.
You will see how highly secretive roundtable groups interlock to form a global intelligence network.
This group has been steering planetary affairs for hundreds of years.
Now in the final stage they prepare for open world government.
A goal tyrants throughout history have lusted after.
Dr. Michael Kaufman is a published ecologist specializing in ecosystem research, forest ecology, and ecosystem classification.
Dr. Kaufman played a key role in blocking the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the U.S.
The concept of a New World Order has been around for centuries.
It's been receiving tremendous play over the last half of the 20th century.
George Bush, the first senior president, George Bush used it a lot in his speeches and really implies that he really wants to see a order in which we have a universal or a global type of governance in which every human being on planet Earth is ultimately responsible to policies that are being formulated at the international level.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
President Bush said that the New World Order was in tune and that's what they were working for.
The UN is part of that government.
They're working right now very significantly for a North American Union.
That's why there's a lot of people in Washington who don't care too much about our borders.
They have a philosophic belief that national sovereignty is not important.
It's also the reason I have made a very strong suggestion that we need not be in the United Nations for our national security.
It's really always the same.
You go back throughout all of history.
The Roman Empire, the Soviet Union, Hitler during the Nazism was always saying that it's going to create the utopia for the average person.
When in fact, history always shows that it does exactly the opposite.
Conquest and empire is as old as civilization.
Babylon, Egypt and Greece.
They all built empires in an attempt to rule the world.
The Roman system at its peak dominated the known world.
Complex governmental systems were developed to control diverse populations.
During the period between the 15th and 19th century, new empires emerged and again waged war for supremacy.
The nobility as well as the thriving merchant class were financed by a handful of private banks.
Many of the great money houses would hedge their bets and finance both sides of a war.
Sophisticated intelligence gathering networks gave the financiers a clear edge over the governments they were slowly gaining control of.
On the 18th of June, 1815, agents of the British arm of the Rothschild family looked on as Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte fought desperately to save his army from the jaws of a British-Prussian pincer attack.
A Rothschild agent was able to get the news of Napoleon's defeat at the hands of Lord Wellington to Nathan Rothschild a full 20 hours before the news reached London.
Nathan, the head of the British arm of the Rothschild family, put out the rumor to the London Stock Exchange that Napoleon had won the war.
Stocks plunged by 98% and Rothschild was then able to buy up the entire British economy for pennies on the pound.
When the news of Napoleon's defeat finally arrived, stocks soared.
Britain was now the undisputed ruler of Europe and Rothschild ruled England.
The already dominant British Empire grew even more aggressive.
Her troops and bureaucracy spread across the globe.
The sun never set on Britannia's holdings.
The banking cartel funded, in fact, since about 1800, they have funded both sides of almost every war.
And of course, they're getting the interest off of the loans that they've given the various governments in the wars that they have actually helped stimulate and create.
By 1900, Germany was a rising force.
And a leader of the Industrial Revolution.
World War I, for instance, there was absolutely no reason to have World War I, except that it was an ideal opportunity for the banking cartel to make a pile of money by funding both sides of that particular war.
On June 28th, 1914, the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated while traveling in a motorcade.
The Black Hand, a Serbian secret society with connections to French and British intelligence, took credit.
World War I had begun.
Armaments companies financed by Rothschild controlled banks in Germany, France, England and Austria bankrolled all the factions.
At least 20 million were killed in the war.
It was a conflict so terrible the people vowed to never fight again.
They dubbed it the war to end all wars.
The question is, why did they want war?
Well, first of all, as money and power.
But secondly, they wanted to create the League of Nations.
They had this in their plans all along, and as a consequence, once the war was over, or about to be over, they began to formulate this idea of a League of Nations, so this would never ever happen again.
Hundreds of years of practice made the British experts at hiding their empire behind puppet governments and councils.
In the name of stopping all future conflicts, they proposed that countries would join a League of Nations.
Their true intention was for the League to serve as a framework for world government.
President Woodrow Wilson, who had spearheaded the establishment of the private Federal Reserve System in the United States in 1913, strongly supported the establishment of the League of Nations.
Woodrow Wilson was a very naive president.
He was basically a college professor that was grafted into this whole system.
The League convened in Paris in 1919, but many nations recognized it as a threat to their sovereignty and refused to join.
Frustrated by the U.S.
Congress blocking the League of Nations, British intelligence, with the help of the Rockefeller family, set up the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City in 1921.
The Council recruited the best and brightest of American life to support the growth of the Anglo-American Empire.
The CFR stated mission is to abolish all nation-states in favor of an all-powerful world government administered by a tiny elite.
By 1930, the promoters of world government had split into two interlocking camps.
The Fabian Socialists centered in London and the Fascists based in Italy and Germany.
National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a new world order.
Adolf Hitler.
Supporters of the fascist in the United States and England believed that the military should be used to quickly transform the world into a new world order.
All the more sophisticated practitioners of globalism stated that incrementalism was the sure path to world domination.
Congressional Medal of Honor winner Major General Smedley Butler went public in 1934 exposing an attempt by the robber barons to launch a military overthrow of the United States.
The war hero testified to the McCormick-Dickstein Committee in Congress that some of the most powerful men in America had tried to recruit him to lead a military coup so they could set up National Socialism in the United States.
I appeared before the Congressional Committee, the highest representation of the American people, under a subpoena to tell what I knew of activities which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
Invisible Empire is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents.
The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
It means all the world under their control.
The United Nations would take over America.
The Trilateral Commission would control the world.
Invisible Empire chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government.
I believe first of all that we now need nothing short of a world constitution for the global financial system.
Global governance with the establishment of the G20.
So it's going to be an inner ruling elite and then everyone else.
And I got news for you.
You're everyone else.
Invisible Empire.
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The fascists had also made deep inroads in England.
Edward VIII, King of England, was forced to abdicate the throne because of his public support for Hitler.
Though the German-led fascist camp was strong, the Fabian Socialist Bloc was able to maintain control of the U.S., Russia, and England.
In the build-up to World War II, and during the conflict, the bankers again financed both sides, just as they had done with Napoleon.
With the rise and fall of the Third Reich, Europe lay in ruins.
Once again, the elite claimed that only global governance could save humanity from certain destruction.
And this time, the elite would succeed in setting up their world body.
In April of 1945, at the Presidio Naval Base in San Francisco, the United Nations was founded by the victors of World War II.
The United Nations complex was then built in New York City on land donated by John D. Rockefeller.
Shortly after the Elite established the United Nations as their base in the United States, the newly formed World Council quickly began work on the next phase in their plan, the incremental formation of Continental Superstates.
The first step in their trilateral plan was the creation of the European Union.
Unifying Europe had been tried many times and was extremely unpopular.
Where Napoleon and Hitler had failed to accomplish their goals using force, the globalists would succeed using stealth.
The British spearheaded the formation of the Council of Europe on May 5th, 1949.
The Treaty of London claimed to only establish trade ties between European nations, like NAFTA or GATT in North America.
Its true intention was the formation of a European Superstate.
In 1954, the elite of the planet met in secret at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland.
The Bilderberg Group would later admit that their mission was the formation of the EU.
Once the EU was established, under the guise of trade deals, a North American Union and Asian Union would be formed.
The three interlocking super-states form the core of the global government, while the United Nations would serve as a world regulatory and enforcement body over the third world sub-regions.
The Bilderberg Group consists of the heads of all of the managing roundtable groups that steer individual countries.
Picture the elite power structure of the world as a giant pyramid, with only the elite of the elite at the tip-top of the capstone.
The group has been so secretive that until the mid-1980s, the controlled corporate media denied its existence.
Into the late 1990s, coverage only consisted of rare one-line mentions.
With the rise of the alternative media, their stranglehold on information has begun to slip.
On the outskirts of the National Capital today, black limousines with darkened windows converged on a hotel where private security guards imposed ironclad control.
The limos carried royalty, political power brokers, and industrial titans to a secret meeting that will last all weekend.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with urgent information concerning TrendsResearch.com.
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That's TrendsResearch.com.
Subscribe to the Trends Journal.
This information is too important to wait.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
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Let's talk to the owner of Five Star Soap, Marty Schachter, and see what he has to say.
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You know what I'm talking about.
You got a lot of nice girls.
Every four years, Bilderberg meets in North America.
And in June of 2006, we decided to travel to Ottawa, the capital of Canada.
The site of Bilderberg.
In Bilderberg's long history, many reporters attempting to cover the group have been harassed, detained, and even jailed.
I jokingly reassured my cameraman that the horror stories we'd read about were probably exaggerated.
I was wrong.
We know reporters get detained at airports.
People aren't let in.
We know people get sent to the jailhouse in three or four hours.
It happens every time.
Well, it happened to Alex Jones this time.
They admitted Bilderberg, that they've had pressure put on them by the government to heighten security, and that that's why all this happened.
Yes, I was told that by two separate people.
They scoured our records for hours yesterday and hours today, trying to find something on us, and of course there was nothing.
It was just scary.
I mean, again, I've been all over the world and I've never seen anything like this.
It was like hours of humiliation.
And they said, what are you here for?
And I said, well, I'm here to, you know, cover the media, covering a political event, talk to some members of parliament.
I was answering all the questions.
It was clear I wasn't a threat.
It was clear I didn't have any criminal record.
It was clear I was press.
It was clear I was coming to interview people.
They were going to deny me.
They told me earlier that I was probably going to be denied.
And then you guys showed up and everything changed.
So what's your plan now?
My plan is to go out and try to interview Jim Tucker, try to go down to the Bilderberg Group and maybe catch some of them still arriving, and try to still make a documentary.
So, instead of being here at 8am in the morning when the Bilderberg Group attendees, the 100 elite of the planet start showing up, we're going to be getting here about 3.30 or so and we'll see if we can catch any of the elites coming in.
What do you think is on the agenda for this edition of the Bilderberg Society?
They're debating the attack on Iran.
They're talking about how to take out Hugo Chavez.
They're talking about how to get their American Union in that destroys Canadian, US, and Mexican sovereignty.
We're talking about the death of Canada is what's happening in there right now.
The death of your sovereignty is happening in there right now.
CNN has even reported that these individuals have put out the policy reports through the Council on Foreign Relations that writes their scholarly white papers to end the United States, to end Canada, and to end Mexico.
About 10 have come in.
They've been coming in slowly, in typically big black cars with what appears to be bulletproof glass, and we've got a few pictures of some of the people.
We're being kept well back from the building by an awful lot of security people.
But, you know, there'll be more security as this thing develops.
Again, just a reminder, stay off the front, okay?
I am, I am.
This is the line.
We check for the city.
I came here from upstate New York.
I booked a room way in advance.
When I checked in at 10 o'clock at night, they told me I had to be out at 830 in the morning.
And so, of course, I complied to what they wanted.
I wasn't happy about it because I had been tired.
I drove quite a long way.
Then I went down to have something to eat and I just saw a bunch of security here and I was wondering what was going on and I asked questions and they said that they were having a wedding or they were having some sort of reception so I decided to ask a couple more questions because I thought it was kind of weird and then I saw them from my hotel window they were in the back
With flashlights, looking at the trees, looking up through the trees, and they were also in front of the hotel, combing, it looked like combing the hotel, so I kind of got, was wondering what was going on, and I left.
I got up this morning, I checked out, and then the fellow that I spoke with, the last fellow I spoke with, said, well, you'll know all about it in the newspaper.
Well, I didn't have to wait, because there was a group of people out here telling me everything that was going on.
They're not fooling anybody any longer when you've got this many cops, you know, and detaining Alex Jones at the border.
Get them on both sides!
Yeah, you crook!
Yeah, you're gonna go to jail like Ken Lay!
Oh yeah, there's one right there!
Hey, we're not your property, we're not your slaves!
We're gonna defeat the New World Order!
The New World Order is going to be defeated.
You realize that?
I'm glad you do.
Always does throughout history.
Waltz is leaving.
Etienne Davignon is the honorary chairman of the Bilderberg Group, as well as the head of its steering committee.
The committee he heads selects and invites each year's attendees.
In the last decade, the list of attendees has been leaked to reporters by moles on the inside.
Veteran newspaper reporter Jim Tucker has been covering the Bilderberg meetings for over 30 years and has physically attended more than 20.
We traveled back to our hotel to see if Jim Tucker received the 2006 lists.
First heard about Bilderberg in 1975 and I said, I don't believe it.
That's not possible.
Who in hell's Bilderberg?
I spent 20 happy years with metropolitan newspapers.
All the wires are clicking at my ear.
That could not happen without me knowing about it!
The thing that first impressed me most...
Was caused in 1957 by the late, great Westbrook Pegler, a widely syndicated columnist.
He wrote two lengthy columns about how approximately 100 leaders of international finance, heads of state, public officials, were meeting behind armed guards to close doors on Jekyll Island, sealed off.
What are these powerful internationalists doing?
And why is it so secret?
Why do they have armed guards outside?
Why is it sealed off?
The newspapers totally ignore it.
Not a word.
Total blackout in the United States.
Since then, I've never stopped pursuing Bilderberg, or the whole international gangster organization, led by Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
As they manipulate the world for their own selfish interest.
Jim, you've been waiting on the list.
You normally get it on the first day.
You haven't gotten it.
We're told it might come in today.
How important is that list?
It's absolutely essential, although identifying people outside, as we always do, it's important to find out who is not on your own list.
In recent years, someone from Europe has sent a machine copy and so forth without identifying himself.
So far, I haven't heard from him.
Well, Bilderberg assumed that name in 1954 at their first meeting as Bilderberg.
At the Bilderberg Hotel, it's a little bit like Shakespeare's As You Like It.
They say to Shakespeare, what do you want to call this book?
And he says, As You Like It, meaning whatever you want to call it.
And they thought it was dictation, so one of his plays is called As You Like It, and the final has nothing to do with the play.
So that's how the Bilderberg came by their name.
Now they had been meeting for half a century, the moneyed class had been meeting.
Well, they decided they have to meet systematically every year, well planned in advance.
In addition, maybe other smaller meetings throughout the year.
Sure this is the right turn, Jim?
This is the global government.
They are setting the world agenda.
Inside right now, they're deciding on whether or not there will be a war with Iran.
They're deciding whether or not taxes will increase, whether oil prices will be suppressed or increased.
There's much more on the agenda that we'll be finding out in the fullness of time.
But those are three items that are heavy on their list this year.
This is Jim Tucker, ladies and gentlemen.
27 years covering these crooks.
Tucker, pleasure to meet you.
The media said he was crazy.
It didn't exist.
Now we forced him.
120 of the world's most powerful men.
Heads of state from Europe.
High officials of the United States government.
White House.
They're setting the world agenda now.
The reason they want secrecy is because they're doing evil.
Evil is done under the cover of darkness.
Good works are done in the sunshine.
Hi, how you doing?
Can you move off the property please?
Jim has some questions for you.
I need you to move off the property.
Is that private property?
Is it public property?
Oh yeah, we are cooperating.
Thank you.
Right onto the sidewalk.
Yeah, there's no implication that we aren't cooperating.
Right onto the sidewalk.
Sure, yeah, thank you.
Jim has some questions for you.
Again, I need you to stay right onto the sidewalk.
Thank you very much.
We actually checked with the city.
The property line is actually right here.
Also... That's good.
The property line is actually right here.
We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the new world order.
David Rockefeller.
We saw David Rockefeller in the car in black behind the hotel.
And they had no bodyguards.
One of my friends shouted, Hey Rockefeller!
And he turned back and he...
I was afraid, yeah.
My name is Rene.
I'm from Manitoba.
Drove about 26 hours to get here.
Just to show that I'm against the Bilderbergers.
Just to fight for my freedoms, fight for my rights.
Make sure that my children can grow up in a free country.
My name is Daniel Estulin and I've been doing this for the last 15 years.
I'm from Canada.
I'm very proud of my country.
Because as you can see there are a lot of people covering the Bilderberg Conference.
Last year, it took me 14 and a half hours to get to Munich.
I was pulled off a plane in Milan.
I was pulled off a plane in Munich.
They interrogated me for four hours in both places.
I was able to call a friend, a journalist in Rome, as a result of his presence and others calling the Foreign Ministry Department in Italy.
They backed off and they let me go.
They basically told me that they'll keep an eye on me 24 hours of the day.
The little hotel where we were staying at, Gemini, out of the 20 rooms, 6 were occupied, 3 by the CIA and 3 by the German Secret Service.
That's how serious these people are and that's how afraid they are of actually what we may be able to reveal and what we actually do reveal publicly about the Bilderberger Intents.
Daniel Estelin has covered the Bilderberg meetings in Europe and North America for more than 15 years.
His book, Club Bilderberg, has been translated into more than 20 languages and is a global bestseller.
Estelin has photographed many past Bilderberg meetings.
Rockefeller frontman Henry Kissinger is always a key participant.
Here you see the President of the CFR, Richard N. Haas, followed by Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe, Franco Barnaby, who is speaking with Henry Kravitz.
And behind them is Richard Holbrook, former U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations.
The head of Daimler-Chrysler, Juergen Erich Schrimp, arrives by helicopter.
Here, the owner of the Washington Post, Donald Graham, escorts Indra Nooyi, the head of PepsiCo.
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, whose father, Prince Bernhard, founded Bilderberg, is a leading figure in the group.
Of course, globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller, seen here with his bodyguard, James Ford, always attends.
The then newly appointed World Bank Chief, Paul Wolfowitz, is photographed at Bilderberg 2005.
It has been reported that Wolfowitz had attended previous meetings while still the Deputy Secretary of Defense.
A violation of the Logan Act.
Under the Logan Act, it is a felony offense for any member of the federal or state government to meet with members of a foreign government without the express authority and authorization of the President or Congress.
Put simply, it is illegal for members of the government to meet secretly behind closed doors with foreign power brokers due to the problems of corruption and espionage that it breeds.
For this reason, many prominent politicians attend, but their names do not appear on the official list.
Despite the Logan Act, the governor of New York's name, George Pataki, does appear on the list.
And we were able to catch the governor on tape, walking with David Rockefeller at Brooks Street.
Multiple staff members inside Brooks Street reported to us that Hillary Clinton attended for half a day.
Several armored limos with diplomatic plates did arrive with police escorts and offloaded their passengers in the underground parking garage out of the sight of the press.
Former World Bank President James Wolfdonson sardonically stared at our cameras.
They're upset about the fact that they're being exposed.
Well, I'm sure they are.
I mean, look at the tinted windows.
They don't want to be seen.
They don't want even anybody to know they're here.
So I'm sure they're ticked.
You know, and that's why we're here to try to expose them.
Do you think that they were angry that they were on the front page of the local paper today?
You think they're in there reading it right now, Jim?
Yes, I don't think they're happy about it.
They prefer nothing at all.
No publicity.
They prefer absolute secrecy.
Yeah, you better look away.
We're not your slaves.
Did you get a list of the attendees and everything?
No, I've asked for one under a slight variation of my name, and I don't know if I'll get it or not.
Also, it could happen today, for the last three years, I get back to the hotel... And there's a copy there waiting for you?
Somebody who does not identify himself.
I mean, I really... I'm not just not revealing the source, I don't know the source myself.
But a fax, because they want the Billeberg letterhead on it.
And it makes a nice memento.
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That's Chalabi, eh?
You think Chalabi?
It looked like Chalabi, and it was a fat guy.
That was Ahmed Chalabi?
Oh my God, then they're really going to attack Iran.
Uh, because I've seen this guy around a lot.
This guy is Tim, but I've never met him.
I haven't.
This is Wes, and Wes is kind of having a lot of stuff going on right now.
Adrian Woolwich.
That's Mario Monti.
Over the last couple of years, they've been reeling with the amount of leakage that they've been experiencing, so it's getting harder and harder.
But again, it will never get too hard for us because of the sources that we have inside are top-notch sources.
People who are actually working for them, the Secret Service, the second-layer people in the billiard rooms, the clerks, the administrative office, they are there.
They are our eyes and ears, and every time there's something out, we always get the information.
I think that's the Queen!
It's the Queen!
It's the Queen!
Oh my God, you can't miss her hair right here!
You see her?
Oh my God!
The Queen of Holland!
What usually happens, the Secret Service guys who are protecting the billboard delegates, the staff, the cooks, the chefs, when they actually get to see and to hear what some of these nasty people are talking about, they're the first ones to look for us and the first ones to make sure that we get the information from the meeting.
Again, we're very rigorous with information that does come out.
We double, triple, and quadruple the confirmed sources to make sure that all the information checks out.
A lot of the stuff, the Bill and Marissa have planted information to make sure that, you know, this disinformation nullifies the accuracy of the reporting, which is why we never publish the first thing of the year.
That looks like Rockefeller.
The decisions that these people take, again, they're not only decisions that affect the business community, they affect politics, business, environment, across the entire spectrum.
And these decisions are made and taken by a very elite group of people behind closed doors this year at the Brook Street Hotel.
We are not private of these decisions.
We're not allowed to know what they're talking about.
But we'll definitely feel the consequences of these decisions over the next 12 months, when events which apparently by accident seem to happen, in fact have been planned right here this year at Brook Street Hotel between 8th and 11th of June.
What does it do when you get 120 of the most powerful people in the world getting together to have meetings with government officials?
I mean, that's amazing.
What it is, is what I mean, is that they're planning the corporate agenda, they're not planning the democratic human journey agenda, in my opinion.
Mussolini had a definition, is when the interests of the corporation take completely over from all other interests, and that's fascism.
He said it should probably be called corporatism.
Well, call it corporatism, call it fascism, call it neo-lib, neo-co... There's a whole variety of political words, depending on which side of the stripe you come from, to start with, which describes the thing.
But what they are describing is the complete end of democracy, the end of what matters to people, the end of what happens to the human journey.
And for that reason, I think this is revolting.
Stand up against the Bilderberg Group that is attempting to get rid of the sovereignty of the United States.
The truth of your world government has now been exposed.
We know you are ruthless.
We know you are evil.
To David Rockefeller, to the Rothschild representatives here, to the Queen of the Netherlands, to all of you, we tell you, you are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
You've been listening to excerpts from the documentary film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
We'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Thank you for listening.
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