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Name: 20100831_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 31, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Tuesday, the 31st day of August 2010.
I haven't had him on in years, but I found it to be very informative and thought-provoking.
So we had him on last week, Joel Skousen, World Affairs Brief.
He'll be joining us in the second and third hour today, and we're going to have open phones with Joel Skousen joining us.
In the meantime, we'll be covering
All this important news like this headline of the London Telegraph today.
Afghanistan bomb attacks killed 21 US soldiers in 48 hours.
21 American troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Friday in one of the bloodiest periods of the summer.
So that situation over there is deteriorating very, very quickly.
And of course, there's more violence now popping up in Iraq.
Why are we in these countries?
Well, not for the reasons you're told on the news.
For WMDs, or then to spread democracy, or to free the women.
Women were the majority of college graduates and new doctors in Iraq.
Now, most women have to wear the burqas, and that's because the globalists like to put radical islamicists in power.
They don't want first world Arab and Muslim countries.
And that's the big dirty secret.
Who do the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation fund?
They fund the La Reconquista.
You know, pick up your machete, Robert Rodriguez.
They fund the radical Muslims.
They have been caught funding the white supremacist.
They've been caught funding every sectarian group pushing division.
and war and conflict, so then the government and the media can play the part of the arbiter, the referee, the good guy.
Oh, look at all the violence, look at all the sectarian violence, look at the radical Muslims, look at the La Reconquista, look at all the border problems.
We've got to come in with the North American Union to fix all of these problems.
We'll be covering some of that today.
Also, I wondered this morning
While I woke up, got on the computer at about 7 a.m.
and saw that the Drudge Report had linked to just a YouTube video that we'd posted, that we'd linked to, with this headline, Spy Satellite Used on American Citizens, All Americans Should Have Great Pride.
And of course we love the Drudge Report.
I loved the Drudge Report many years ago before they started linking to us every week.
Because I noticed that he was breaking the mold in what you could call crossover alternative mainstream media.
Millions of visitors a day.
Probably the preeminent news site, period, in the world.
If you had to pick one, it's Drudge Report.
And he would link to BBC and foreign publications admitting world government.
And so that threw Limbaugh and Beck and Hannity for a loop to where they've had to come out and admit, okay, there is a world government, but you're still a kook if you criticize it.
You know, it's a commie New World Order.
It's not run by the big banks that own the Republicans and the Democrats.
So I was pleased to see that new link today, and I wondered why he pulled it down, and I found out why.
The video was about three and a half years old.
And again, a listener just sent it to us.
It's been freshly posted up on YouTube.
But that spurred me to think about something even more important.
We see this three-and-a-half-year-old clip from Homeland Security back in 2007 when they were announcing, oh, we're going to watch you with spy satellites to stop al-Qaeda.
And then now, the reason this is back in the news, and Steve Watson, Kurt Nemo, and Paul Watson have written about it in the last few weeks, is they're saying, oh, we're using the spy satellites, and we're going to use it to watch your farms, your ranches, we're going to use it to make sure you don't build a...
shed or work shed or barn on your property under zoning they're getting rid of all the pretense that it's for shadowy Neanderthals in caves that want to drink our blood and so I'm glad we posted this but we're writing a new article to explain here they are three years ago saying it's for terrorism and then three and a half years later they're saying oh no it's for you the American
Feast for the Parasites.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Listen up, friends.
This is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
It is Tuesday, the 31st day of August 2010.
As I said in the last segment, Joel Skousen is going to be joining us coming up in the next hour.
I had him on for an hour last week and there just wasn't enough time to go over all of my questions that I had for him.
I also want to be able to open the phones up for listeners.
The toll-free number to join us, we'll be taking calls during this hour, is 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air.
Okay, first thing I want to do is play this clip from three and a half years ago because I saw this when I was surfing around the web last week that had been reposted and I meant to get to it but I want to cover this issue now before I get into
Twenty-one U.S.
soldiers killed in the last 48 hours.
Before I get into the latest economic information, Bloomberg has the headline, Gold Rallying to 1,500 as Soros Bubble Inflates.
That is all coming up in this hour and your phone calls.
But I wanted to play this clip with one of the Deputy Directors of Homeland Security three and a half years ago, saying Americans should be proud of the fact that
NSA and Pentagon satellites are being used to surveil the American people.
Now, when they announced this back in 2007, there was a big uproar.
And a lot of federal judges said that's completely illegal.
That was the same time that the warrantless wiretapping was coming out that was illegal.
And the torture was coming out that was illegal.
And so they backed off and said, okay, we're not going to have local police basically federalized in the fusion centers, surveilling everyone.
But they went ahead with the training and did it.
This is in Greece, Australia, the UK, Canada, the US.
It's all the same thing.
So the issue here is, here they are three years ago, three and a half years ago, saying this is for terrorists, and then now we learn today, and it's all over the news in the last few weeks, that oh, you didn't pay the city fee to have a swimming pool.
You didn't get environmental
Approval or zoning approval to build that shed on your farm, or to re-roof that house.
So they're using it, and of course you've seen the famous Pennsylvania ad that came out this year, where it shows them surveilling somebody with a satellite named Tom, saying we know where you live Tom, you owe us $4,000 Tom, we're coming to get you Tom.
So they go from trying to unveil this in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda to now admitting it's for we, the people.
Here it is.
First, there were eyes on the street.
And now, there are eyes in the skies.
The Director of National Intelligence has given the go-ahead for the nation's spy satellites to be used regularly by U.S.
civilian agencies and law enforcement.
This is a development all Americans should have great pride in because it expands and uses national technical systems which we've built for tens of billions of dollars over many decades.
Spy satellites have primarily been used overseas to monitor things like war zones and terror training camps.
They've also been used domestically, but sparingly, during events including Super Bowl games, presidential inaugurals, and hurricanes.
Homeland Security officials say the satellites will now be used to protect borders and critical infrastructure.
Which includes sports, and looking at potential vulnerabilities and threats, as well as consequences of attacks.
Next in line, law enforcement agencies, which are expected to start using them next year.
While they can provide crucial high-resolution images, there are limits to what these satellites can do.
They can't see faces, and they can't listen.
At least, that's what the government claims.
But privacy groups worry that because there's so much we don't know about their capabilities, they could be misused.
And we wouldn't even know it.
The question always comes down to what are the standards, are there checks and balances, and is this a power that we would trust the executive branch to use without any outside scrutiny or oversight or control.
Homeland Security officials insist that they are subject to a great amount of oversight and review, but in many ways this is just one more case of the government figuring it out as it goes in the war on terror.
Kelly Arena, CNN, Washington.
They're not figuring anything out as they go.
They premeditatedly lied to you about taking your baby's blood at birth.
If you're 38 years old or younger, you had your blood secretly taken.
Whether you live in England, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, it's a global program.
Most European nations, Western European nations.
They lied to you and said they weren't saving your naked body scan images.
We could read the Homeland Security purchase orders and it's stated they're designed to save all your images and attach it to your name and social security number and driver's license and passport.
They're databasing your biometric body scan and training you to accept this form of tyranny.
The government isn't figuring this out as they go.
Remember Bush getting up four years ago and saying, we do not spy on Americans without warrants.
I promise you.
Turns out he signed all the orders for unlimited spying without warrants.
They lie to you as a matter of course.
Remember they promised that the trillions of dollars in the bailout would only be $800 billion?
Then it turned out to be tens of trillions.
They promised it would be immediately to unlock the mortgage situation.
None of the money went to that.
The next day, October 4th, they said we're spending none of it on that and we're not going to tell Congress where the money's going.
And for more than 60 years, Congress has requested to know where the U.S.
gold supply is.
No one's allowed to inspect it, no one's allowed to look at it, because under the Federal Reserve Act, it's under the private bank's control.
Now Ron Paul is no doubt risking his life, saying he wants an audit of Fort Knox and other gold deposits.
You don't hear Glenn Beck calling for an audit of the gold, do you?
You don't hear him calling for an audit of the Fed.
If he started doing stuff like that, he wouldn't be on Fox News very long.
And I'd be supporting him.
And I'm not here trying to attack Glenn Beck.
I'm just pointing out that he doesn't go one-tenth as far as he should with the amazing power
That he has.
Because they know that the American people have awakened.
They know that Ron Paul and many others had become focal points for a huge movement to seriously challenge the left-right paradigm and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The system brought in Glenn Beck and others to co-op that at that key moment.
They've been very successful.
By the way, the reason I raise that, it's in my stack.
I'm going to cover it after the bottom of the hour break.
Ron Paul has put out an editorial that was published in major newspapers across the country, including the New York Times of all places.
They went with it because they think it'll
I think?
He explains that he's against Obama, and he's against the Republican leadership, because if you look at their voting records, not their rhetoric, look at what they do, not what they say, government grows when Republicans are in, almost as fast as it does when Obama's gotten into office.
In fact, previously, government would grow even faster under Republicans than it would under Democrats, if you look at the statistics.
Now under Obama, all those rules have been broken.
I mean, you would imagine that it would be Democrats with their tax and spend system that would actually create the biggest deficits and things.
But if you look at the averages, normally Republicans tend to get even more big government through because conservatives go to sleep.
But now under Obama, with the government takeover of health care, with expanding these wars, expanding the size of the federal government,
He has tripled the size of government in only a year and a half in office when George W. Bush only doubled it.
A little more than doubled.
You can go pull up the statistics on that.
But Obama has spent more money than all presidents before him combined.
That's George W. Bush back to George Washington.
It's really such big numbers it's hard to even get your mind around this.
Going back to the satellite issue, spy satellites used to control American citizens.
Kurt Nemo did a boil-down story on this today, showing how all these mainstream publications are promoting how great it is that the environmental agencies and law enforcement agencies are now basically
You know, skipping all of the mid moves and going right to the end game, where they're just coming right out and saying, we're going to use this for everything.
We're going to use this and we're going to issue pupils, government jerseys they've got to wear, basically prisoner shirts that have RFID tracking them in real time.
And yes, we're putting up microphones to track you on the street corners.
And yes, we've got mobile x-ray vans that drive around x-raying your house from a distance.
I mean, I knew 14 years ago, I'd seen Pentagon purchase orders for domestic helicopters with x-ray, high-powered x-ray systems mounted to them.
Not just infrared, but x-ray.
But now it's in Forbes, telling you how great it is.
And there's the health issues from this, there's the privacy issues.
Yesterday, I was pretty nasty in the three hours.
Very negative.
Because it just disgusts me how bonafide and naked this tyranny is.
By any measurement, by any yardstick, by any historical perspective, and it's racing in its growth.
And it's our tax money doing it as we go bankrupt.
And Mexico is descending into absolute hell.
Every day it gets more insane, and our government won't use the spy satellites to take care of that.
In fact, our government's funding many of the massacres that are going on down there.
It's all coming up.
I'll get into the economy next.
And a bunch of global warming news.
Boy, they've been caught red-handed.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's look at the economic news.
Here's a Bloomberg headline out this morning.
Gold rallying to 1,500 as Soros' bubble inflates.
And every time I've seen Bloomberg make a prediction like this, it's come true.
And it isn't that gold is really going up.
It's that paper currencies worldwide are being devalued basically in concert.
Investors are accumulating enough bullion to fill Switzerland's vaults twice over.
As gold's most accurate forecasters say, the longest rally in at least nine decades has further to go no matter what the economy holds.
Analysts raised their 2011 forecast more than for any other precious metal
In the past two months, predicting a 10th annual advance, data compiled by Bloomberg shows the most widely held option of gold futures traded in New York for 1,500 an ounce by December.
Did you hear that?
The most widely held option, this is what the market's betting on, on gold futures traded in New York, is for $1,500 an ounce by December, or an 18% more than the record $1,266.50.
Gold is up more than $13 today.
And it's a market fundamental that as the Federal Reserve announces quantitative easing and a move towards global SDRs, another layer of digital cashless currency amongst the banks, based on carbon taxes, based on carbon credits, backed up by faltering currencies,
And as governments start monetizing their debt, when the Treasury issues bonds, and governments and institutions and individuals don't buy all of them, or in some cases even half of them, the Federal Reserve comes in and creates more currency to buy its own debt.
And so to put this in layman's terms, because I'm a layman myself, I've been studying it for a long time, but all the technical terms sometimes even escape me, though I try to understand it.
It's very simple.
It's kind of like saying, Vegas is 2-1 for this football team at the Super Bowl.
Or Vegas has got odds for this team to win.
And generally, almost always, the house wins.
That's why if you bet for the underdog and win, you end up making a lot more money.
There's not a very big spread of profit if you bet for who Vegas is saying is going to win the Super Bowl.
So the majority of the money now on Wall Street in the futures market for December coming up in three months
Is on gold going up 18% and they talk about it only increasing in value after that.
In fact, give me a document cam shot.
I'll show people this article here today.
We can put it on screen.
I know you were earlier.
Gold rallying to 1,500 as Soros bubble inflates.
And every time I talk about gold, I get emails.
Every time I talk about the stock market saying, well I'm not in gold so I don't care, or I'm not in the stock market so I don't care.
Well, almost every major corporation and company in this country that produces jobs and pays taxes and pays for the infrastructure
Is in the stock market.
And that's how they're funding themselves.
And the big canary in the coal mine, there's many unemployment numbers, housing starts, inflation numbers, those are always important.
But the real canary in the coal mine is always gold.
And the fact that the majority
Or in their words, the most widely held, the most popular option on gold futures traded in New York is $1,500 an ounce by December.
So, we're talking about three months from now.
It's the end of August, September, October, November.
Three months from now, three months and one day, technically, will be into the month of December.
And Wall Street, who it's all an insider game, is saying it's going to be $1,500 an ounce.
So we'll continue to discuss the economy on the other side.
Then I'm going to get into the carbon taxing crowd.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
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We now take you live
It happens more and more.
I did hours of research Sunday night, hours of research Monday morning, about 30 minutes of scanning back over the news before I went live yesterday, and then I got so upset
And so overwhelmed by everything that yesterday overall I was pretty negative and defeatist and angry.
You know that feeling of almost like being dirty?
Like, I don't mean dirty sexually or dirty like mud on your hands or mud on your feet.
I mean cloudy.
Like you have ashes in your mouth.
Just, I guess you call it depression.
I don't really get depressed.
I get angry and disgusted and it's like a dark cloud is hanging over my head and I'm like, why are public schools nationwide all over the country?
Making children wear RFID tracker chips?
Why is the government taking baby's blood secretly at birth and lying about it?
Why are they scanning our naked bodies at airports and saving it?
Why does the CIA admit that they've put out fake Bin Laden videos and there's no congressional investigation?
Why are they putting naked body scanners in mobile trucks and federal and state courthouses?
Why have foreign offshore banks stolen over $28 trillion, according to Bloomberg, in the first year since the banker bailout?
Oh yeah, we haven't gotten new numbers in about eight months.
It was $28 trillion in January.
They don't even release the raw numbers anymore.
When I realize and really consciously focus, and I know I say this all the time because I'm dumbfounded.
I'm dumbfounded.
I can't believe that we're in this much tyranny and that it's accelerating this fast.
I see where it's going and every day I say on the broadcast, because this is all I think about, I look at my innocent children, little bitty sweet children, and how good they are and how full of
Creativity and love and curiosity they are and I think about how corrupt this world is and it just makes me so angry and so disgusted that I can't even describe it.
And then I become speechless.
You know that's what that's what happens.
Then I have trouble
Even doing the radio broadcast because it's a painful process for me.
This isn't entertainment.
It's not fun.
Sometimes I screw around and joke around and it's kind of good to get into that mindset sometimes so I'm not so stressed out.
And all work and no play will make anybody dull.
But at the same time, when I do screw around or get in a good mood, I feel guilty later, because I realize how much trouble, as a society, we're really in.
I mean, the globalists, in their own records, that we've linked to and reported on, say they want to destroy our economy by design.
And they're doing it!
And they're shipping the narcotics in!
And murdering their competition.
That's what the Mexico War is about.
And they're cold-blooded.
The globalists enjoy killing.
And if we don't wake up to that and realize that we have a global corporate tyranny dominating our nation and almost every other nation on earth, and if we don't become more sophisticated and realize their systems of control,
99% of us are gonna be adversely affected by the changes happening in the world.
So many of you who are compartmentalized need to wake up and realize that you are under attack.
I mean, here's an example, and then I'm getting back into the economy, but here's an example.
Just yesterday,
We had articles written at Infowars.com repeatedly.
And when I talk about this, I don't want to just come on air and talk about it and then have it just be some background chatter.
I mean, I listen to rebroadcasts of my show sometimes.
Sometimes it's very fluent, it's very clear, it's very eloquent, it's filled with truth and charisma, and other times I'm sitting there barking out, kind of just chirping out statistics and numbers and incredible facts and truth, but still I don't pause to illustrate just how massive the news and information is.
And I don't feel worthy to even be bringing you this information.
It's so incredible!
And I don't think the average bureaucrat or media minion who goes along with all of this fully understands just how murderous the globalists are and how dangerous this situation is.
Tyranny is not fun, and it ends in mass murder and death.
World War II conservatively killed about 64 million people on all sides.
And our government brags that they put Pol Pot into power, who killed 30% of Cambodia's population conservatively.
Mao Zedong, who the Chinese say killed 84 million, 85 million, the U.S.
government says about 64 million.
So, you better get this straight.
The globalists like to wipe out large groups of people to reorganize society, to secure their ill-gotten gains, and they're getting ready to pull similar things here in the United States.
This depression is only the beginning.
And that isn't what I think, that's what I know.
That's not my opinion, that's the historical fact.
Do you get that?
Do you understand that?
But I thought about those articles last week.
Out of the hundreds of books I've read and Aaron Dykes has read, out of the hundreds and hundreds of white papers we've read, out of the hundreds of articles that Kurt Nimmo, Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Aaron Dykes, and myself, and other writers for InfoWars have written over the years, I didn't even know
That for more than 20 years, the Rockefeller Foundation had released hundreds and hundreds of different documents bragging how they developed the tetanus vaccine with the female hormone added to sterilize women.
I knew about the UN program when they got caught doing it in the 90s.
But I didn't know that.
And then Rob Dew found a bunch of others on the Rockefeller Foundation site.
They're the ones putting this out.
They're proud of it, with even more stuff they're putting in the vaccines.
I mean, we have them red-handed, and then I get disgusted with myself, laying in bed last night at midnight, thinking, you've had those documents for a week, you've posted a couple articles about it.
Last night, I was late to my grandmother's 85th birthday party,
We had one Sunday and Monday.
Different family coming into town.
Because I couldn't leave my office, I was there reading these documents.
I mean, what is the normal response?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't want to sell advertising.
I don't care about changing the oil in my car.
I don't care about dressing nice.
I don't care about being well-known in the media.
I don't have all these petty rivalries and things.
I mean, we all do to a certain extent, but those areas in me, my ego is dissipating.
I actually kind of need my ego, we all do, to propel ourselves forward, and I'm losing it.
Because the reality of my food, my water...
The vaccines being poisoned and having all the proof.
The proof they're drugging the water and food.
The proof they're adding bioweapons to the vaccines.
The proof they're designing pharmacological crops and pharmacological chimera fish and pigs and other meat products designed to brain damage us, give us cancer and sterilizes.
I mean it doesn't get any more heavy than that.
Have you seen the end of the famous
1950s body snatchers.
Guys, pull up the end of Body Snatchers.
The end of the original Body Snatchers.
I guarantee it's on YouTube.
It's not the one in the 70s.
You know, where she's in the park in D.C.
and says, is that you?
And her friend's been turned into one and he hisses at her.
Not that one.
It's the one where the doctor sees the town get taken over.
So he's running through the hills.
His wife gets turned into one.
She falls asleep.
Now she's after him.
He's running through the hills.
He runs out on the highway from Bakersfield.
And this truck almost runs over him.
And he climbs up in the back of the truck.
And it's the pod people.
It's the pods.
And they're going into L.A.
And he's screaming, you're in danger.
They're everywhere.
Run for your lives.
But this isn't pod people carried on the solar winds by meteorites landing and taking over.
This is a group of scientific elites who've cold-bloodedly decided to scientifically conquer society.
They say, oh, dictators didn't have it right.
We'll do it by stealth and with science.
We'll drug the food and water, dumb them down, put stuff in the vaccines.
This is in the 20s.
Now I've got all their documents from the 50s, 60s, and 70s where they were planning it, now they're doing it, and literally I should be running around in traffic.
I'm not saying do that.
I'm saying that's the normal response.
Screaming, we're in danger, they're taking over, warn everyone.
I mean, people should be on hunger strikes, banner hangs.
State houses should have millions of people around them in throngs.
Everyone should be freaking out.
But we've only discovered they're putting poisons in the water and food after they hit us.
The public's already been hit by this stuff.
They're already being inculcated into the brain damage.
They're already being inculcated into the mind control.
They're already brain damaged.
That's why they can't get upset.
It's why they're listening to me now.
They can go find the documents.
They've even heard about it on mainstream news, like, oh, we want to put lithium in your water and maybe we should sterilize people.
Because we're already drugged.
Now, let me get back into the economy here.
It's the same thing on the economy.
We know they're starting to monetize the debt.
That is print money.
We know they've made this decision.
They're openly announcing the global government and the new global digital currency, the Bancor, that everything else is going to be based on.
This is official IMF.
And I've got to sit here and watch Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh make fun of me.
Look, it's not funny.
When it's in the mainstream news, and the Drudge Report's even linking to it, and you guys are still running around denying it, because you spent years saying it didn't exist.
We don't have time to screw around anymore.
I want Glenn Beck to talk about what's in the vaccines.
I want him to talk about the naked body scanners.
I want him to tell his audience to do more than just vote for Republicans.
Look, I just want my country and humanity back.
I mean, look at this Bloomberg headline.
Gold rallying to 1,500 as Soros bubble inflates.
And it goes on to say that the...
The most widely held options on gold futures traded in New York are $1,500 an ounce, or 18% higher, by December, three months from now.
Gold's up over $13 today.
And they go on to say either a swift economic recovery or a further dismal economic performance should bring new buyers into the market, said Eugene Weinberg, an analyst with Commons.
Uh, Bank AG Frankfurt, who was the most accurate forecaster in the first quarter and expects the medal to rise as high as 1,400 next year.
He says a stronger economy would create more of a jewelry demand.
If the economy stays weak or gets worse, then investors will be looking for a safe haven.
And they go through either way you slice it.
But I'm going to shut up and bring Ted Anderson up, then I'm going to get into Ron Paul questions whether there's gold at Fort Knox and the New York Fed.
This is a big deal.
Been covering it since last week.
It's now getting mainstream news attention since Kitco interviewed him.
We're going to get him back on soon to give us the inside scoop.
But we know all the gold was stolen and sold into Europe.
We've got the pieces of intel on that.
But imagine Congress
Isn't allowed to find out where the gold's at.
We just trust the bankers.
So Ron Paul needs to stay out of airplanes.
I mean, he is really has a lot of courage.
He came out three months ago and said the CIA has had a coup d'etat on America and deals the drugs.
I mean, you want courage?
It's Ron Paul.
But I digress.
Ted, I haven't even asked you today when I called you to come on.
You bought a bunch of gold when it was $60, $70 lower.
Did you run out of that gold when you bought it when gold was lower?
And what's today's special?
No, I still have some of those items, Alex.
We have the Frank at $270.
They're trading closer to $275 right now.
We have the British Sovereign at $340.
They're closer to $345.
Walking Liberty Halves at $975.
Those ones are trading well into the $10 apiece.
We do have bags of junk silver.
We have the U.S.
We even have some Buffalos.
But you're talking about, yeah, the jewelry for India alone is going to go up from 400 tons last year, 480.
This year they're expecting to see it at about 625.
I mean, the demand for gold is going up.
Like you said, Soros, you know, just last January, Soros was a seller in gold, calling gold one of the
The asset bubbles of all time and now he's a buyer.
He's talking about $1,500 gold.
There's so much going on in the marketplace right now.
You're talking about the government knowing that we're running into a crisis.
Not only do they know that we're running into a crisis, they published a document on July 27th that says that they're expecting a crisis to the magnitude
Hey, Ted, your microphone's cutting out there.
Is it?
Well, it's probably my voice.
No, it was the microphone.
Recap what you were saying.
Well, I'm just saying that the government knows that we have problems.
They just, they're aware of it.
They published a document on July 27th that points that out.
It's called the Federal Debt and Risk of Financial Crises and people need to get this document.
They can get it for free.
We will mail it to you or you can actually take a look at it on the internet.
I don't care.
Well, look, the point is the government engineered the crisis.
Of course they know what's going on.
We have the IMF World Bank documents, so people need to call and get the free report if they want, but I wouldn't screw around on that.
I'd get francs, I'd get sovereigns, I'd get buffaloes.
You've got excellent deals on all of them, amazing deals on silver.
Tell them it's the radio special, 800-686-2237.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are already starting to monetize U.S.
They're paying off government debt with more paper.
Of course you're going to have gold go up.
Ted, stay there.
I've got some more news coming up.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, so you see all this media hype demonizing gold.
I've been watching it for eight, nine years as it went from 260 bucks an ounce to 1,260 something.
And now the most widely held future option for the month of December is $1,500 an ounce.
So that's how the insiders are betting on gold going to $1,500 an ounce.
But meanwhile, I hear Kramer telling people, invest in stocks that might give you 2, 3, 4 percent increase a year if you're lucky.
Forget investing in gold where you can quadruple your money, Ted.
Yeah, you know, but there's a lot of motivation there because he handles stocks.
He's sitting there by Wall Street.
He's so much caught into that insider side of things that, you know, he benefits from selling stocks.
But I can tell you, gold hit $1,250 an ounce, Alex.
That puts us $10 away from the market peak from the last one.
I expect that gold
We'll be trading much higher than the last market peak before we even hit October, and we're only in August right now, August 31st, and being $10 behind the market peak, that's pretty darn strong.
Again, I would bet that George Soros is actually going to be right this time.
I mean, he's a billionaire for a reason.
He's got the inside information.
I don't know why he was so influenced in the beginning of this year to tell people to get out of gold and that it was overinflated, but he's reversed his position 180 degrees, and he's saying, he's buying it himself.
And he's expecting gold to hit $1,500 an ounce.
I'm suspecting that he'll be right.
I mean, the lowest prediction in that article that Drudge is pointing toward over at Bloomberg is $1,350 an ounce, and that's $100 higher from where we are at right now.
Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't people buy gold coins that you have massively discounted, that you bought back when gold was $60, $70 lower a month ago?
Why wouldn't they then get all those savings passed forward
And then have all of this upside if they were getting it for an investment.
I get gold and silver as an emergency backup because I know the history of Germany and Zimbabwe and Europe and this country with devaluations of currency and I know that it's a great hedge against economic uncertainty and that's why Bloomberg says most people are getting into it.
And then I've got all this other news.
Ron Paul
Questions whether there's gold at Fort Knox, New York and the Fed.
That's out of the Hill newspaper.
He first talked to Kitco last Wednesday.
We covered it then.
But here's Ron Paul coming right out and talking about the Emperor's new clothes and saying, where is all the gold?
Because the Federal Reserve fights kicking and screaming to never allow anybody to see that gold, Ted.
Well, you know, it just only makes sense that we audited it.
It's just one of those other things that the Federal Reserve wants to have secrecy.
They want to be able to move, and move in a direction whichever they choose, and they never want to be exposed.
And of course, we the citizens of the United States should know how much gold is there.
They confiscated it from us in 1933.
That's right!
That's why it's there in the first place.
For any Americans that think that government isn't tyrannical, Roosevelt said, give me all your gold, I'm gonna give you paperback, and a year later, basically doubled the price of an ounce, and it turned out that the Firestone family and others had set up secret purchasing arms in Europe, just trying to buy their own gold back, and they got prosecuted.
That's how these bankers scam people.
So they hoarded our gold, what was left, they've already sold
Yeah, it's so upside down, though.
It's crazy.
Call for the offer, man.
I tell you, now's the time to be doing it.
And the number's 800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
Alex, you get a free year subscription to that newsletter, The International Forecaster.
You just can't beat it off the list.
I'll tell you what, Ted, I got Joel Scalston coming up at the 5 after, but I want to go over some other economic news with you in one moment.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, we're going to discuss a host of issues with Joel Skousen.
He was on with us for an hour last week.
I want to do...
Most of two hours with him so we can have time to take your calls.
I know folks are holding.
We're going to cover a lot of topics with Joel and take calls interspersed throughout the extended interview with him coming up.
Also, we're going to be talking about control of food supply to be handed over to Department of Homeland Security.
And this is directly out of S-510, deceptively titled the Food Safety and Modernization Act.
I'm going to be talking more about that, but getting back into financial news.
This is Bloomberg talking to top analysts.
They say the most accurate analyst predicts that it's going to be $1,400 an ounce by the end of this year.
But the most widely held future option on gold is $1,500 by December, or an 18% increase.
And they go on to admit this is because the federal government has announced that they're going to allow the private Federal Reserve to start monetizing the debt.
That's what happened in Weimar Republic, Germany.
It's what happened in Zimbabwe.
It's what's happening all over the planet.
In fact, in my wallet, I've actually got a Zimbabwean note that a British media guy was here doing an interview for a magazine with me.
It's in here somewhere.
Here it is.
And he was here.
And he gave me this.
In fact, I'll show folks a document cam shot of this.
This is the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and that is a 50 million
No, no, $50 trillion.
Excuse me.
$50 trillion note.
And currently, this is what you need to go out and basically buy a small meal.
So if you want to go into one of their restaurants and have a bowl of rice and maybe some beef stew and a glass of Pepsi, you need... Is that $50 trillion or $500 trillion?
$50 trillion.
You need a $50 trillion note.
These British reporters were actually over there doing a report on it, and they said you could buy a small meal with this.
Now, this is how inflation works, and they've done it in Argentina.
This is what these bankers do.
They inflate the money to buy real assets while they're in control, then they leave you holding the bag and tell you with tax money you've got to pay all this off.
Just like Obama has spent more than all presidents before him combined,
As bad as George W. Bush was, as you go towards the end of this, it accelerates.
And I've got other financial news.
Again, Ron Paul saying, where's the missing gold?
India's growth rate is 8.8, as our growth rate stalls at 1.6.
Homeless up 50% in New York City.
Wealthy lawmakers increase their riches.
As economy sputtered, no nine.
They're getting rich off your misery.
In closing, Ted, you've got gold that you bought when it was $50 to $70 under what the market is.
You're not raising prices.
Folks, cannot beat these deals.
Not just calling and getting a frank, getting a free international forecaster for a year.
That's a great deal.
People should be buying a lot more than one gold coin or some junk silver.
You've got it all there right now.
Quickly, tell folks the coins and the toll-free number.
Yeah, again, it's the Frank at $270.
It's the British Sovereign at $340.
The bags of junk silver, obviously, are a great buy.
The Walking Liberty halves at $9.75 each.
The 800 number here is 1-800-686-2237.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
If nothing else, read that CBO document, man.
That tells the story right there.
We need 4,000 more regulators to cover this S-510 that you just mentioned a little bit earlier.
That's going to cost us billions of dollars that the United States don't have.
What do you think gold's going to do?
Well look, I only promote what I believe in.
Private property, second amendment, gold, family, everything that humanity's always known is as good as gold.
You are insane if you don't get into gold and silver right now because this deal is good.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
No, we gotta get out of the way!
Let him go!
They'll never believe it!
And listen to me!
Listen to me!
Those people are coming after me!
They're not human!
Listen to me!
We're in danger!
Get out of here!
You're in danger!
Get out of here!
Get out of here!
Listen, listen to me!
There isn't a human being left inside of here!
That's why... Hey!
Hey, stop!
Pull over!
Pull over to the side of the road!
I need your help!
Something terrible has happened!
Go on, you drunk!
Get out of the street!
Get out!
Are you crazy?
You're bigoted!
You fools!
You're in danger!
Can't you see?
They're after you!
They're after all of us!
Our wives, our children, everyone!
They're here already!
You're next!
You're next!
You're next, you're next.
That from the original Body Snatcher back in the 1950s.
And no, we're not saying aliens are real or pod people are coming to get us.
But that's the feeling I have a lot when I'm reading a Rockefeller Foundation document about how they did develop vaccines where it's a tetanus
We're good to go.
And then I get John P. Holdren's book, The White House Science Czar, about drugging the water supply.
And then we discover they're already testing it.
And you tell people this and it sounds crazy, just like 15 years ago when I got secret documents from a nurse that all children at birth had their blood taken for a secret eugenics database.
That's now declassified, last two years.
There is a giant, secret, overarching program
Run by what the establishment calls the scientific dictatorship.
The final revolution to end the family, to remake man in a image of their choosing.
Now, I got a lot of subjects I want to discuss in the next hour and 50 minutes with Joel Skousen.
We also have loaded phone lines and he can talk on any issue.
It's been many years since I had him on and I had him on last week
It had been many years since he'd been on when I had him on last week, and I wanted to have him on for an extended interview to cover a bunch of issues quickly, to get his take, his view, because it's thought-provoking and insightful, on a host of issues, and to also take your comments or questions at 1-800-259-9231.
And so he was on with us a few weeks ago.
He is back with us today.
And, of course, he is the editor of World Affairs Brief.
He, of course, is the nephew of Cleon Skousen, who wrote two best-selling books exposing the whole globalist system, the whole New World Order system.
That was really a seminal work that led to Nondare Call, a conspiracy, and many others.
Thank you, Alex.
It's good to be with you.
I must say I was surprised at the overwhelming response
I was getting a World Affairs brief after our interview.
It just seems like people are hungry to make sense of some of the contradictions that are out there.
There's just an awful lot of disinformation and a lot of problem information floating on the web, and people listen, I think, to your show to get some understanding about that.
Well, we have a wide spectrum of guests and ideas here, but at the end of the day, we've been pretty accurate about forecasting where society's going, and I concur with much of your analysis and breakdown of society.
I want to move through a lot of news with you today, but last time you were on, we ran out of time.
Getting into one section of the World Affairs Brief you did a month or two ago, dealing with the dark side of law enforcement and the military, and how Iraq and Afghanistan were being used as laboratories to find people that will do bad things.
The majority of our military and police are great people.
I meet them all the time.
I run into them.
Literally every time a police car drives by when I'm walking my dog, or I'm in a coffee shop, or walk out of a restaurant and police come over and they're oath keepers, they're patriots.
They would laugh at us ten years ago, but they heard us talk about this stuff, and now ten years later they've seen it all come true, so they're really paying attention now.
So I know they're good men and women, but
For every 10 good officers, they find that sociopath, that psychopath, that control freak who's attracted to power, and they recruit them.
And I've been aware of this from my own research, and also studying other authoritarian systems like the Nazis and others, and the Communists.
But you say you've got a lot of sources and have done some of your own research on it.
So I'd like you to spend the balance of this segment on that.
Then we'll spend a segment on whatever issue you think is most important.
And then I've got a bunch of questions I want to throw at you on a laundry list of issues.
And then phone calls, Joel.
You're referring to my article commenting on Top Secret America, the hidden world growing beyond control, the Washington Post put out.
And as I point out, you know, whenever a shill for the government puts out a supposed expose about government, it's a cover, it's a diversion.
Because what they will reveal will be enticing, will be interesting, and they do drop a few secrets here and there, nothing harmful to the system.
But what was totally missing from this whole
Eight-part series on Top Secret America with anything of substance about what is being done in secret.
The difference between what I call the white side of government and the black side.
And increasingly, what's been happening in the United States is the black side has been growing by leaps and bounds.
And just to recap for your listeners, in every law enforcement agency of the United States federal government, whether it is the DEA, the CIA, the FBI, the INS, ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
There are good guys, white side people, the type of people that you were mentioning and talking about, the type of people we expect to be in there.
And they still recruit for that side, specifically.
They like to recruit a lot of Mormons, for example, who have been returned missionaries, clean cut.
They make good, naive government supporters.
They come into the CIA and the FBI and they make good believers because they're taught religiously to support their government and to support law and order.
But you know, that could be a fault when you refuse to see what you see and what happens in government.
And so there's an increasingly active dark side of every organization.
I'm convinced now, Alex, that the dark side of government, because of the increase in the use of private military contractors to breed and cull out and to recruit unprincipled people,
Has grown to be larger than the white side on every one of these organizations now.
And that's a scary thought.
They're bigger than the white side now.
And it's becoming increasingly difficult to hide the activities of dark side.
Now that's one of the reasons why I think Top Secret America was written.
Let's do it.
Well, they say 854,000 spies, but if you look at InfraGard, the clergy response teams, the Protestants, the Catholics, the Mormons, the Rabbis, they have all, as part of a nine-year-old program now, been infiltrated and taught
When the martial law comes, tell them go to the FEMA camps.
I mean, this is in the documents that we got three years before it was mainstream news.
Then they had mainstream newscasts with preachers going, yes, during martial law, the enemy of the government is the people, not the people are the government, and the government serves them in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And so there is this giant complex of control.
And even though a lot of it's been secret,
We've gotten a lot of the different pieces of it from good people inside government, and then later the establishment comes out and kind of hides it in plain view and puts their own spin on it.
But this isn't the American way.
This is more like the East Germans to have, you know, secretly controlling the churches and recruiting executives.
Absolutely correct.
One of the things we have to understand, however, is that this program of integrating naive
Church people into the system is informal at best.
It is not knit together in a closed, completely numbered call 1-2-3 and this is guaranteed to happen.
They're heading that way in the future, but we're actually quite a long way off from that.
They're still in the building process of seeing who can be snookered into supporting these without having any warning signals go up.
And it isn't uniform.
You can't make the case, for example, that all the fundamentalist Christian leaders or Protestant leaders are into this.
It's only a small percentage.
No, exactly.
It's a beta test to then see who will take the bait, who will go along with it, and to find out who sees it and who resists it.
Joel, stay there.
Let's keep talking about that and finish your comments.
It's very astute, and we want to get more of your views on this than a host of other issues.
With Joel Skousen, I'm Alex Jones.
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I think so.
I think so.
Okay, Joel!
It's key what you said here, though, because that's what they're doing.
That's how I got this from preachers.
They tell the preachers, hey, would you like to get some federal funding to just be on the lookout for Al-Qaeda?
They have the same program for truck drivers and people in critical infrastructure, or InfraGard.
And you come down, the FBI pays for it, puts you in a hotel for the weekend.
The first 10 minutes, they show Al-Qaeda training videos.
Then they cut to, is your neighbor spanking their kid?
Do you smell marijuana?
uh... you know is this person a patriot i mean i mean we've gotten footage that people shot at these meetings and the founding fathers were terrorists i mean i actually have video of this and
So they find out who buys into it.
So 90% leave disgusted, but they find the 10% that either like the tyranny or are gullible.
But as you said, just like it took them decades to make the dark side as big or bigger than the light side, now they're trying to take over any area of influence and convert it to the dark side.
How long till they convert?
Well, this is awfully hard to document because as I say, there's a great deal of...
Signing documents saying that you won't reveal anything about what you're shown at these presentations.
That's very difficult to get people to talk.
I can tell you that psychologically, they're really playing up in Christianity by making it a beleaguered profession or a beleaguered religion so that they induce people to want to get the protection of government.
That's how they've duped in an awful lot of what used to be very, very conservative
Religious people, whether it was Falwell or Dobson or many of those other people, got to buy into supporting the Republican establishment, even though they were being betrayed by the Republican establishment during the Bush year.
It was that elicitation of the concept that you can be mainstream, you can be protected, we won't criticize you, we'll give you good press, we'll make sure that good articles are written on you in Time and Newsweek.
And that's what they got, good press.
And believe me, a lot of those people, because the R2 side, as you know, Alex, has very, very limited funding.
Everybody's looking out for, and they find out when you take a hard line stand that your funding kind of dries up, and that's one of the reasons why I'm really skeptical of what happens to the Tea Party.
When you have big dollar people come in and start to finance things within the Tea Parties, we find out they're not on our side.
It's foreign money coming in.
It's money from the establishment trying to take over things, and that's what's happened in our religious
You don't use as well.
But I can't tell you, in answer to your question, how far they've got along.
I do know that they're making steady progress.
And they're converting one person at a time.
And it's just like that in the private military contractor regime.
They're going through a sifting process.
That's why this is not about to end.
The story about Karzai threatening to throw out private military contractors within four months in Afghanistan, I can guarantee you, will not happen.
Absolutely will not happen.
Whether or not he's even being sincere in saying this, I'm not sure.
Because he may be doing it to protect his own survival within Afghanistan, which is growing in hatred against the sabotage of private military contractors.
He even mentioned on one of the news shows that they've been involved in terrorism.
And that's basically acting as a cover for the dark side of CIA activities who do control their own set of terrorists for conflict creation.
And the private military contractors are increasingly taking those roles because when they use military people to do it, they have too many whistleblowers.
Yeah, let's not move, exactly, it gives another membrane of deniability, but you just mentioned something key.
Contractors staging their own terror attacks.
They've caught British SAS operating as contractors and others dressed up as Muslims attacking our installations and that's the reports that come out again and again and again.
If you've got a trillion dollar a year global war machine, of course it's going to create
The enemy and if it has to stage its own attacks as a pretext to continue that war of global domination Well, that's what we've talked about in our last interview I think the the motive is not simply the industrial military complex in Gaining more riches and making people that's always an inducement to be sure but it's not the main goal I think the main goal is to create a
Uh, constant warfare for the purpose of, uh, rearranging the chess pieces on the World Chess Board of, uh, of governments and working towards a new, new world order government.
I know you agree with that.
Uh, we mustn't keep, uh, we mustn't lose sight of the fact that, uh, these more ethereal goals about creating conflict for the purpose of, of even larger wars and rearranging governments on the space of the world is what they're really after.
Alright, Joel, stay there.
Long segment coming up.
Let's continue to break this down, take phone calls, get into a host of subjects.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, I got a lot of questions I want to throw at Joel Skousen just to get his view on the mosque situation at Ground Zero, the Bloomberg saying that most analysts agree that gold's going to be $1,500 an ounce by December, what's happening with our economy, but also bigger issues like what are they getting the chessboard ready for?
If the globalists could have everything they wanted now, what type of world would they build from his research?
What is their endgame?
I mean, I know what their endgame is, but I want to get his perspective on that.
I mean, I've got it right here from the UN.
It's global population reduction and the end of humanity as we know it.
A total control freak wonderland.
Where you've got basically a genetically engineered suboid servant class serving the global controllers.
But we'll get Joel Skousen's take on that.
And yeah, it sounds like science fiction.
It's the 21st century, ladies and gentlemen.
This has been their plan for at least a hundred years.
Before we go back to Joel Skousen of worldaffairsbrief.com, I wanted to let folks know this is the most popular special we've ever done.
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That's basically at cost.
I think we've done the math.
We make about
No, no, that's not true.
Because I had to pay $6 a piece for that Weed One the West.
I actually lose money on this.
I'm sorry.
I was counting it as one of my films, like $1.50 a piece or so.
So the point is I'm losing money on this.
I just want to get them out to people.
Okay, going back to Joel Skousen, great analyst and researcher.
Finish up with the point you were making before the break and then
Whatever you think is most important today, then I want to take some phone calls, and when we start the next hour, I'll continue with calls, but I've got a laundry list of questions that I want to go over with you today, Joel Skousen.
But what is most concerning you right now?
What do you think is most important right now?
It sounds like, going to break, you were hinting the co-opting of the Tea Party, which we know was founded by the Ron Paul movement.
He wrote an editorial that was published yesterday.
It's up on Infowars.com, saying that the Republicans are controlled by the very same globalists, where they have better rhetoric, they are the same people, and basically warning that Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are bad news, and that they're not really giving people the truth.
But Joel Skousen, what do you think is most important?
Before I go to some of those big picture items, and it's very true, the co-opting of the resistance movement is the most important criteria for them right now.
And I'll explain, I think, how they're doing that.
But before we leave the secret America thing, I really want to take a few minutes to give some very good specifics to your audience about how they recruit people, how they operate within the dark side, how they get people to cross over from the white side to the dark side.
Because I think this is fascinating to people, and they need to understand this when their children go into the military, or when they naively go into work for the FBI, or the CIA, or the DEA, how this process happens.
Oftentimes we stay too general, and I want to give some specifics before we go on.
I once had a friend of mine who happened to be a Mormon.
A lot of Mormons are recruited into the CIA and the FBI because they've got that clean-cut image, and they are very pro-American.
They are very patriotic.
Well, he got assigned overseas because a lot of Mormon returned missionaries have these language skills.
They speak all the languages of the world, and that's why they're very anxious to get him into the CIA.
So he got assigned overseas, and he was at a hotel one night, and he got a knock on the door, and there was a very good-looking woman, and she was there to offer her services.
And he said, no, no, you know, I don't do that kind of thing.
I'm not interested.
And she said, no, no, it's okay.
It's already paid for.
And he said, well, paid for by who?
And he said, you know, by the company, your agency.
And he was kind of shocked.
He just, ah, come on, you know, he said, no, no, it's all paid for.
You know, can I come in?
And he said, no, they shut the door on it.
Well, the next morning he talked to some of his other cohorts and they'd all had similar knocks on the door.
And most of them had accepted.
And he said from that time on, his career went nowhere.
Yeah, he could still stay in the CIA, but he was not getting promoted.
He was not.
In fact, he was hinted at in his annual review and said, well, you know, you're just going to kind of stay at the same level.
And that was only the first test.
And then we see skull and bones that founded CIA, homosexual type activity.
And at Bohemian Grove, Nixon wouldn't partake.
But he told Harper's Magazine that basically to get involved in California politics, you got to go in there and have gay sex.
And so if he would have had sex with that
You know, number 10 hooker, and I've never been in an intelligence agency, but I've had them send beautiful hookers at me, same deal, repeatedly.
But, side issue, the point is, then if you accept that, it gets worse and worse.
Serpico, of course the New York City narcotics detective, it was, hey, take this free diamond necklace, give it to your girlfriend.
No, I'm not going to take it.
And his partner slammed the brakes on it and said, what, you're not going to be part of this team?
But, Joel, please continue.
Yeah, what I'm trying to get at is that there are ways in which, and there's a corruption is always the issue, that you've got to make sure that you're morally corruptible, because they do not want, they like to have people who have a clean cut appearance who can fool other people, but they want to make sure that they're corruptible, and that's why in the military
A lot of the CIA, now, recruiters are military officers.
They're basically taken aside by the CIA to say, hey, you've done really well, we want you to recruit for us.
They don't even have to be corrupt themselves, but they usually are.
But generally speaking, they're meant to look out and talk how to psychologically profile people that they want to bring in undercover under the CIA.
That's how Timothee Covey got recruited.
It's very interesting that Timothee Covey, and I'll tell the specific incident,
That he was in the military, he was doing a lot, really doing well, he had a lot of good reports, he was very people's oriented, he had a good leadership report.
He got recruited into the CIA by one of his officers, and what they do, it's just like CIA sheep dipping people, or calling them out of the service, they go to work for someone in the private sector.
I think so.
We're good to go.
He went to, and all of a sudden his modus operandi changed.
His report said that he couldn't be trusted to deal with other people.
He'd fly off at the handle.
He was very argumentative.
If you gave him a specific assignment, he'd have to stand guard at this particular door.
He'd do that just fine.
But he was incapable of thinking for himself anymore.
He had been told everything.
Now, that's at complete variance to what his record was in the military before he was recruited out.
Now, some people suspect that during this two-year period, the people that are being trained to do a suicide attack or something like he did at Oklahoma City bombing go on to some form of drug therapy, mind control, and other things.
Now, as I've studied the mind control issue, Alex, I don't believe they could take normal people
Well sure, but we know that Jolly and West, the number two mind control doctor under Ewing Cameron, who was even in the MKUltra congressional hearings, was with him from the time he was arrested till the time he was executed.
I don't
Versus people that were near him in the jails, and I've interviewed some of them, and McVeigh was like, look, I was recruited into the CIA.
We know he was videotaped at a demolitions base a year and a half after he was supposedly out.
We know that's confirmed.
Of course, Terry Nichols has now signed a sworn affidavit that McVeigh said he was being set up.
So instead of just mind control, clearly mind control and drugged, so he's incoherent once they've caught him, but he thought
He was part of a larger operation to set up the white supremacist Southern Poverty Law Center run, it came out in federal documents, and that he was being set up.
And clearly he was then finally set up.
So it's kind of like Lee Harvey Oswald, who we now know was admitted CIA.
Right, and set up.
But look at the pattern here.
John Hinckley, the assassin of Ronald Reagan, disappeared for two years.
His parents didn't know where he was.
He surfaced only once, and that was to fulfill an appointment with a psychiatrist to set up his bona fides with someone who had mental problems, which provided his defense.
And he was World Vision, and so was the guy that shot, of course, the famous Beatle, John Lennon.
John Lennon, right.
And they love to use missionary fronts as mind control camps, because it's overseas.
That's right.
I mean, even going back to Jack Anderson, the follow-on journalist, yellow journalist after Drew Pearson.
Jack Anderson came home as a Mormon missionary, disappeared for two years, surfaced in China, of all places.
Didn't speak Chinese, but surfaced in China, had undergone language training, and then suddenly came out and went into the journalistic world working for Drew Pearson.
Well, the guy was never active as a Mormon again.
He had lost his principles, he was immoral, he had all these bad habits.
You know, how do you just disappear, come out of China, and then go work for Drew Pearson in a major Washington Marigold round scenario?
It's very interesting that later on in his life, he kind of had a bout of repentance that he told Howard Ruff.
Started to, you know, get to him about, you know, I've got to change.
I've been on the black side for so many years.
I've got to get out of this.
I'm going to get killed.
And, uh, kind of had a mea culpa moment.
And, uh, unfortunately he never got out, even though he tried to turn around and tried to leave the dark side.
Uh, he was, he never told tales about how he got to where he was and, uh, who was controlling him during the period, who was feeding him information from the left when he was sabotaging.
Anastasia Samosa, Nicaragua, and doing the hatchet job that people like, you know, these special reporters that work for the CIA do, as Drew Pearson used to do.
He did a hatchet job on General Patton.
He was the one who revealed the slapping incident.
Come to find out, of course, Paul S. Allen, his partner in Washington-Maryland, used to be on the staff of General Patton.
And he is suspected of having leaked the information to Pearson.
And that's how John Paulus Allen got into league with Pearson later on after Patton was killed.
They did a hatchet job on Forrestal, the admiral who, like MacArthur, tried to have a strong defense against Truman's sabotage.
Forrestal then ended up being thrown out of a window at Bethesda Naval Hospital and ruled a suicide.
I mean, the dark stuff in this government is just incredible.
What we know is just the tip of the iceberg.
And now we know it's a giant submerged iceberg, and I agree with you that they've converted more than half of the people in these private and public bureaucracies into the dark side where they're compromised.
And that's why I speak to them so often on air.
And I point out, look, you're going to be destroyed at the end of this
And in every case in history, when these tyrannies fully come to power, which the system's attempting to do right now, the first group they wipe out are the people that brought them to power, because you know where the bodies are buried, and you understand how to overthrow them, and so you are in more danger than somebody who's on the light side, who's actually fighting the dark side.
But once you've ever taken anything from the dark side, they then see it that they
Own you.
It's almost like a spiritual principle.
And I've seen more and more historians talk about this.
I've experienced it.
I have never done anything on the dark side.
I have never compromised in any way.
And it's almost like the globalists will demonize you and try to stop you.
But... But they, a lot of times, don't physically come after you.
I've seen them, though, really go after their minions if they ever try to wake up.
It's really true.
They are disposable and I really, if any of those people are listening, I mean there's hundreds of people out there who are demolition experts that put charges in the World Trade Center.
There are hundreds and thousands of people who worked on underground military bases and other special prison camps that built these facilities.
And believe me, it's amazing how well they keep the secret of what they're doing.
Think of the Greenbrier.
And the underground bunker system that was built there, and literally they had hundreds and hundreds of workers building this very interesting underground bunker system, and the word simply did not leak out.
It was just incredible how they did it.
But we need whistleblowers to come forth.
That's the reason, Alex, that they've gone to private military contractors rather than people in the military.
They did it all through the 80s of trying to
Swear military people to secrecy, people who flew drugs in their helicopters down to South America during the Iran-Contra thing, who flew it back to Maine, Arkansas, one of them having an open mic when Bill Clinton was on board and talking about how much money he was getting from
You know, the Arkansas Bond Fund and his relationship with the P.I.A.
And he had an open mic.
Didn't realize the pilots were hearing it.
And of course, the pilots had to be threatened to death to keep the secret.
They eventually leaked things out.
We need more leakers, if anybody's listening.
Stay there.
Let's come back and take calls.
Then we'll get back into leakers and how we can bring this system down.
Joel Skousen is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
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Joel Skousen, World Affairs Brief, is our guest, and we're going to be going to your phone calls here.
I've got a bunch of other questions that I want to get Joel's expert take on, but I do before he leaves us, so remind me if I forget Joel sometime in the next hour.
Let's get back into your ideas of how to
Yes, sir.
And they've got watchers watching the watchers, and that's why they spend, what, $500, $600, $700 billion on budget for black ops a year, a trillion-plus on defense.
A lot of it is economic saboteurs, spying on other corporations and giving it to the Chinese.
This is the globalist model.
Bring the American people under control.
So we'll talk more about that.
But Jason, Michael, Paul, Christopher, Kenneth, you've been holding patiently.
We're going to start getting to your calls right now.
Jason, Indiana, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I think whatever religion or belief, we all need to pray every day for you, and our country, and the world, and even pray for our enemies.
Because by praying for our enemies, we don't dump, it says in the Bible, like hot coals on our head.
And I believe they believe in a spirit world.
And I believe there's power in prayer.
And I believe for every demon, there's two angels.
And I also believe
That's good.
I believe that we should, like, contact store manufacturers and stuff and tell them to, you know, get good food on the shelves.
Well, Jason, I appreciate your call.
I want to get Joel's take on that, but you just raised a bunch of issues.
They're trying to pass state laws.
They have passed federal laws with multi-million dollar fines for garage sales.
That's AP.
They are SWAT teaming people selling vegetables on the side of the road.
They are doing everything they can to train us to be slaves and to train the police that it's normal for them to treat us like slaves.
And I do agree with you that just getting out and being heard and saying no to what's happening is a large part of defeating this system.
Things about prayer, I think we do need the Lord's help.
I am not one of those believers, however, that you can simply pray that the Lord will make evil-controlled people good.
He will not interfere with their free agency to choose.
They have chosen the evil side, I pray.
Most precipitously to try to get good people to wake up and to be able to see wolves in sheep's clothing.
But I don't think we can simply pray prayer.
We have to pray in an inspired manner.
We have to listen to the will of the Lord about what's appropriate to pray for and be guided by that.
Joel, how do you deal with it psychologically or spiritually?
Because one philosopher said, when you stare into the abyss, be careful you don't become the abyss, or someone else said, I forget who, that when you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change, he changes you.
Just studying this every day and learning about the enemy and learning about their mind, I've gotten to the point, I've always been disgusted by it, but now,
It just gets worse and worse.
As I learn how they operate and what they think and get inside their heads and can see what they're seeing, think what they're thinking, it really, really gets to me.
How do you deal with that?
Well, first of all, I think you have to realize that you can't let it get to you.
You can't let it bother you.
We have to do what we can do, and I don't try, for example, to change people who I feel resistance from.
I work with people who I sense that they feel that something's wrong.
Stay there.
Let's come back in one minute.
Stay there.
We've got to come back in 70 seconds, finish up that point, then we're going to continue with your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, got another hour with Joel Skousen and your phone calls.
If you just joined us, I had to ask Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief, researcher and analyst studying the globalist prime syndicate.
How he deals with knowing all this information, because I try to not let it get to me, but it doesn't even weigh me down or wear me out.
It more just disgusts me.
It's kind of like I describe it as working
You know, around a bunch of rotten dead animals or something.
It's just disgusting.
I'm sick of it.
And I'm sick of how outrageous it's gotten.
And I know the globalists are trying to break our spirit, break our will, sell us on accepting anything and everything evil, making us capitulate.
Breaking our spirit, I guess, is the word.
But, Joel, finish up your comment on that.
Well, you know, I fought this same battle for many, many years and I finally got a handle on it.
I used to be very, very depressed because not only was I discovering more and more evil and more and more collusion between government and judges, everybody, there's a great deal of involvement.
But it's interesting that as I realize at some point, you know, I still have a life to live.
I've still got a family to attend to.
There are important things to do.
You can't get bore sight of everything.
So I've learned to compartmentalize it, just like my father, who was a divorce attorney.
He decided to leave it at the office.
He did not bring it home.
And you have to do that.
But still, I don't walk around as a Pollyanna.
I don't try to
Use positive thinking garbage to explain this stuff away.
It's very real.
It's very serious.
But people need to realize, because there's a lot of people on the fringe.
I mean, my wife, for example, knows what I do, but she doesn't feel as passionate as I do about it.
And I have to respect that.
Most of your listeners are dealing with a spouse or friends or other people who just don't innately feel as passionate as you and I may feel about this.
And we have to give them space.
We have to not be too pushy on people and give them time to absorb this and give them credible information.
Wait till they sense that something's wrong.
That, Alex, takes the frustration away.
I've seen people literally destroy their marriages by going at this thing with a bludgeon, trying to hit people over the head and say, can't you see that this world is crumbling?
I think we have to look at and take this as a test.
We're all being tested in this world to see who's going to see, who's going to sense that something's wrong.
And I try not to get in the way of people's blindness.
If they're willfully blind, I'm going after the people who sense that something's wrong that I can influence.
Well, I agree with you on that issue, and plus, this is important, powerful info.
If you try to push it on people, they automatically refuse.
But if you just state, here's the facts, this is the way it is, and you know deep down that we're all in danger, and society is unraveling by design, so these globalists can build this nightmare system on its ashes.
And ten years ago,
I would get 50-50 positive, you know, 50% negative.
Now it's got to be 90% positive.
I mean, people are really starting to wake up.
That's why the system is injecting co-opted people, greenhorns, and that's how I see Glenn Beck.
is that one show I'll watch and it's all truth, the next show I watch it's Neocon Lies and he sells it like he really believes it a lot of the time, but I see people like Glenn Beck as basically a greenhorn that they're handling and using.
Well, my view and I know quite a bit about Glenn and in fact his mentor and his conservative philosophy is my uncle W. Clem Skousen, who's a great mentor.
But Glenn even saw things through rose-colored glasses.
It took me two years before he died, Alex, before I could convince him that, in fact, Bush was part of the problem and was not redeemable, and the Republicans were part of the problem.
This is incredible.
Stay there.
You know, I'd forgotten that Glenn Beck says what woke him up was your uncle's book, or books, and seminal writings.
So let's talk about that when we come back, and then to the phone calls.
I tell you,
Should have been having Joel Skousen on years ago before all this.
Uh, just, uh, time flies.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, let's go back to Joel Skousen.
I hate to get back into Glenn Beck here on the show, but clearly you can see the media building him up for a fall, making Glenn and Sarah Palin the leaders of the Tea Party.
And we know News Corp and Fox News is totally pro-New World Order.
They've denied world government, made fun of it for decades.
Now everything we talked about has come true.
Everything Cleon Skousen talked about has unfolded.
Everything Joel Skousen for 30-something years has talked about has happened.
Everything I've been talking about for 15 years is now out in the open.
And Glenn Beck says Cleon Skousen, you know, is his main political mentor, and I guess spiritual mentor.
And, you know, we've got his nephew, author and researcher on, Joel Skousen, right now.
And, meanwhile, he's saying, if you're a 9-11 truth or you're scum of the earth, the army needs to be used against you.
Ron Paul's money bomb might want to blow things up.
And so I've really seen him go to the White House, get orders from Bush, come out and say there are no FEMA camps, no plans for camps.
I see him going, well, the MIAC report's out there, but it's not that bad.
And then I hear him on another show tell the truth.
Here's an example.
Here's this new book, The Overton Window.
There's a talk show host who gets the MIAC report from Homeland Security whistleblowers.
That was Alex Jones, on record.
He knows that.
And I, you know, this character, Mr. Bailey, about Alex Jones, you know, the same person, stops a nuke being detonated in LA.
And the government is staging terror attacks.
Then at the end of the book, Beck says, I don't believe government ever stages terror.
This is fiction.
But at the start of the book, he says it's faction, that is, fiction that talks about facts.
What double game is Glenn Beck pulling here?
And you're saying you know quite a bit about him and a lot of inside baseball.
And I know he has said that Cleon Skousen, your uncle, the author, is the person that woke him up.
And I know your uncle's books were excellent and were seminal.
When did those books come out?
How many decades ago?
30, 40, 50 years ago?
That's right.
First, Naked Communist, then Naked Capitalist, and then, of course, he wrote the great, beautiful volume, The Making of America, a real seminal work.
His 5,000-year leap has gone to bestseller status because of Glenn Beck recommending it.
It's not quite as good, frankly, from my point of view, as The Making of America.
But at least it's done its job in terms of getting people to be interested in the Constitution.
And I think Glenn's done a great job about that.
He certainly boosted the movement.
But I think, Alex, what we're dealing with, with both Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, we're dealing with people who are controllable.
These are not
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
Glenn Beck is a more complex character.
He comes from an unstable background, alcoholism, drug abuse, you know, some other things that I won't mention.
He's come from a rock music background, makes him a little bit unstable.
He shoots from the hip.
This is a person who can be manipulated to a certain extent.
Now, I don't believe he ever got any direct orders from Bush to deny FEMA camps.
This was a very interesting case whereby he was actually convinced
That, in fact, there were camps.
And he even said so on the air, on television.
He said, tomorrow, and then he got turned around.
It wasn't a direct turnaround.
You see, where somebody came and said to him, all right, you're going to do this and this and this.
It was through the use of Meigs and the popular mechanics.
These were his independent experts.
They're anything but independent.
They were recommended to him from his Fox sources.
It was a controlled news organization, as you said.
And it was through them explaining to them that, you know, you don't want to get on the air and explain this.
This is going to embarrass you, and here's the real facts.
And he did not have.
And Glenn Beck continues to refuse to get alternative opinions.
I mean, people have recommended that you need to talk to Joel Skousen.
He's Cleon's nephew, and he won't do it because I've criticized him, you know, before.
He's got a very thin skin.
And that's a problem, you know, when your ego gets too big and you won't take criticism.
But I could help him out a lot if he would be willing to take that.
But unfortunately, I think he's gone so far down the bridge, down the river now, in condemning conspiracy.
I happen to know from private sources that he actually is beginning to believe that conspiracy really occurs.
But he can't say so now.
He knows that he'd lose his position on Fox News.
And so he's in denial.
And he talks himself out of it.
You know, sincere people have this problem, Alex, is that they can't admit they were wrong many times.
They actually have to screw up their mind and convince themselves that what they feel is not right.
Well, yeah, George Orwell called that Crime Stop.
If you're having a thought, you know, Big Brother is saying that he's always been at war with East Asia, but just yesterday the news said that Big Brother had never been at war with East Asia.
It's Crime Stop that when you realize that this is propaganda, you convince yourself that, no, that's just a conspiracy theory.
But, I mean, the reports are
You know, that his mother died mysteriously, probably suicide, all these other weird family problems.
Then he allows himself to be videotaped saying he fake cries on TV.
I mean, I see him, and nobody's perfect,
As somebody who they're really building up to be the leader of the Patriot Movement, because it was already there because of myself, Ron Paul, you know, your uncle, yourself, and thousands of other prominent, you know, real people, and that the system was losing credibility just denying that any of this exists.
So here comes Glenn Beck, and he'll cover some of it, but then discredit what's real.
I mean, FEMA camps under top-off one and two,
Under the Emergency Centers Act, under all the military urban warfare drills, under the civilian inmate labor camp program, and by the way, I sent this to him in the month that he was hyping that he thought it was real and...
The week before, I said, I believe he's going to come out and point at two fake camps that I exposed more than a decade ago.
And he did it.
And I thought that I was like psychic and could just get in his brain.
Later, I found out from high level Fox News people who are actually patriots.
I'll just leave it at that.
One's a household name and others an executive that Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck, for years, has at least one producer, at sometimes five people, listening to all my shows, all my films, and that Glenn Beck literally is obsessed with Alex Jones.
And this is from high-level people.
And it's just, it's creepy, Joel.
And I, now I realize his job is basically to take my message, make it palatable and neocon, and sell it to people.
And yes, he has two FBI retired agents that protect him.
I've got that from another high-level source.
He's totally scared of the public.
And he is starting to actually know this is all real.
But you're right, he now, he's gone too far.
I mean, I guess he...
It's a very complex issue.
It's just, it's creepy to have him writing a book where I'm basically the hero under a pseudonym, but then at the end of the book he says it isn't real.
I mean, is that a cry for help?
Him saying, look, you know, I know this is real, I'm not bad, or what is it?
Well, you know, I think we have to understand that Glenn's a weak person.
He himself admits that he's a weak person and the establishment really loves to use that.
Sarah Palin's a weak person.
She's dynamic and she's beautiful and she has all of those things that make it a good manipulated ploy for people.
But I'm convinced that they're maintaining Palin.
They gave her her position on Fox News to increase her exposure.
They could dump Glenn Beck anytime they wanted to if they really wanted to.
But I think they like having a fallible foil out there in front of the people.
Because at once, in terms of credible independence, Glenn Beck doesn't get a lot of traction because of his goofy nature and his sticking his tongue out and making pictures.
You know, they don't put anybody well-spoken on Fox.
When they want to talk about the birther issue and the birth certificate of this TIA background of Obama, they don't put someone credible who has the facts.
They put someone like the former military doctor in there who didn't know what he was talking about, didn't even know the difference between a birth certificate and a certification of live birth from a lie.
That's what they're dealing with.
They're putting up false heroes in front of us to divert public from those that would really do a good job.
And I think that's what the Tea Party people have to realize is happening.
Why do you think they're so concerned?
And again, this isn't an ego trip, folks.
I mean, the websites are bigger than Limbaugh and bigger than Sean Hannity and Glen Beck's combined, just one of my sites.
We do reach millions of people every day now.
But I tell you, that's creepy and it makes me see how weak I am and how fallible I am and the responsibility I've got, Joel, because I never intended to be having this big of an effect.
Well, you know, at least... Well, there's a difference between people like Rush Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Hannity.
These people are actually on the other side, in my opinion.
They're just playing the conservative.
Glenn Beck is sincerely on our side, but he's manipulated.
That's my basic view.
I tend to agree with you more and more.
I've really been studying Beck.
Let's come back into those calls, we promised we would, and a bunch of other issues.
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Okay, I said I'd get to your calls as we're all over the map here, but it's always an informative and enlightening conversation with Joel Skousen.
Let's at least get to these five callers.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey folks, thanks for taking the call.
Alex, first of all, I just want to let you know, I feel your pain sometimes when I'm listening to the program and I hear, I almost have tears in my eyes because just, this is a natural human emotion to be angry and to
Do you?
uh... fluoridated society that is just turned into zombies that that is the the the antithesis of what we should be.
Well Michael it's just that when I talk about being upset about this stuff it's just getting worse because everything we talked about is true and worse
Yeah, and because I've studied history, I've studied these, you know, scientific dictators.
I know their program, but to really see it now moving so quickly, and I guess it's that I have children, you know, eight years old, six, and two.
And every time I look at them, I think about how dangerous this world is, and I just wish other people would realize how dangerous this is.
Joel Skousen, can you comment to that for new listeners out there who tune in and may be wondering if this world government's real, or if it is real, maybe it's a good thing?
You know, intrinsically, there's nothing wrong with government at any level that defends fundamental rights in a proper way and is limited by constitutional government.
You could do that at a federal level, at a state level, or even at a world level, but that isn't where they're headed.
There is a conspiracy for world government, I can assure people.
I've got the evidence to back that up, and there is a major movement to project that.
Frankly, they're making progress.
But, you know, we are winning right now the information war, in good portion because of your work, Alex.
I mean, over 35% of Americans doubt whether the President of the United States is an actual, is eligible to run for office.
30-some percent!
But we know he's not!
I mean, forget the... Over half!
Over half don't believe the government, you know, story on 9-11.
And yet, so the establishment's very, very worried about where we're going.
Now, that's why I believe, Alex, that they're going to pull a war on us to bring people into line, to make people forget about their doubts.
War someday is going to be the big stick that's going to knock people over the head and bring them into line.
I agree with you, but I want to get a final comment from Michael, but finishing up on that topic.
There's no doubt he gave up his citizenship to become an Indonesian citizen and took the name Barry Sitaro.
And now, Wayne Madsen, you were on with him right after him last week.
Wayne Madsen got the other school certificate with another name.
I mean, this guy's got more names than a South American drug lord.
Bottom line, who is Barack Obama from your research?
Well, Barack Obama, in my opinion, was someone who was born and raised in a leftist environment, and at some point he got brought into the New World Order, and I think it was through a CIA offer when he was at Occidental College, and then he went on.
Columbia was a ruse.
I think he was working undercover for the CIA and occasionally attending.
Uh, from there on, but at some point, you know, you take a leftist and he's still active, a part of a leftist, but he's been bought and sold, and the proof of that, of course, when they make him wealthy.
I mean, how does a fourth-rate attorney, who, by the way, lost his license in 2008, gave up his license because, to avoid charges that he had lied on his Bar Association application?
I mean, this guy's a fraud from the very beginning, but the real sign is when they make him wealthy.
You know that a fourth-rate lawyer working for community services isn't going to make enough to buy a $9 million property in Hawaii or a $1.5 million house in Chicago.
This guy's been, you know, co-opted, and I think he's a controlled entity.
Yeah, there's no doubt about that.
Anything else, Michael, in Texas?
Oh yeah.
My son is 10 years old now.
I was woken up because I saw him damaged by these MMR vaccines.
And one of these autistic, I mean, he's a wonderful little guy, but I have the same feelings you have Alex.
You look at your children every day and you say, what if, what if, but the question I would have, and I'll hang up if you can comment on it, is how do we get through to people that appear to be waking or waking up?
In other words,
Stay there!
Let's get Joel Scalza's take!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Tyranny is here.
The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality.
It really says that the state is God.
The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on Earth.
This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, stage terror, and cameras on every street corner.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Joel Skelzin is our guest.
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And I tell you, I really do agree with his analysis and his breakdown on so many subjects.
Especially on the Glenn Beck thing.
The way Glenn Beck is so erratic.
And it's always changing his views, but I do see him drifting towards more and more truth.
I want to answer that caller's question about how do you reach out to people to know the difference between a Sarah Palin kind of Republicanoid awakening, just like Keith Olbermann was exposing tyranny when Bush was in, but as soon as Obama's in, he's now supporting it.
How do we stop this
Two-party tag-teaming.
But first, going into a break, you said you think Limbaugh and Hannity, that they're actually dark side.
Give us your view on that.
Well, the way that I make that decision, I look at how they handle the conspiracy issue.
It's one thing to doubt conspiracy.
I mean, everyone's, we don't know, none of us know everything that's going on behind the scenes in the dark side of government.
So there's a big black hole of information because the government is keeping it secret.
So it's one thing to say, you know, I really have doubts about this and this, and I have doubts about that.
But that's not what Hannity and O'Reilly or Limbaugh do.
Now, Limbaugh used to, before he made his first big $3 million contract in his radio career, he used to be pro-conspiracy, used to talk about it openly.
He made that contract, and the next day,
He wasn't just saying, you know, I'm not sure about conspiracy anymore.
You could tell he hated it, and he was going to denigrate and excoriate any person who brought that subject up, and he proceeded to do so.
The same thing happens with Hannity and O'Reilly.
Yeah, they've got that constant smirk on their face that, to me, is an indication that there's not a legitimate sincerity, but that smirk really turns to
Total disgust, total denigration when they start to talk to anybody who's got conspiracy.
They're not satisfied to merely say, hey, you brought up some good points.
They won't even let them finish a sentence.
And that means that they bought into the concept, which I believe is part of the media conspiracy, that we must denigrate.
This issue of conspiracy so that no one dares bring that up.
So that none dare call it conspiracy, so that once the global system emerges, after they've built it, you know, just like a giant ship built in a hangar, it opens up and outslides the ship into the harbor.
They've now launched the world government.
They're now in the BBC, Times of London, AP, Time Magazine, saying world government's the answer.
To all your problems, and it's exactly what Cleon Skousen said 50 years ago.
It's what you said 30 years ago.
It's what I said 15 years ago.
It's what Ron Paul said 30 years ago.
It's a private global banking cartel through fractional reserve banking dominating the globe.
And we said that carbon tax was a fraud to fund the world government.
They now admit it's to fund the world government.
So what are Limbaugh and Hannity going to do whenever Hannity has Dick Morris on?
And Dick Morris says they were conspiracy theories about the One World Currency and the New World Order and the plan to destroy America.
But now they're not.
And Hannity, in that video clip, looked completely freaked out.
And every time he has guests on now, they're now agreeing with us.
Beck is talking about world government and things, at least partially.
It looks like a catch-22.
If the establishment continues to just brazenly deny all this, after it's out in the open, it's going to completely politically discredit them.
So I think they're putting their toe in the water with Glenn Beck, and I think with somebody who's real, like Andrew Napolitano, from my research.
He is, he is.
They're starting to put their whole foot in, and it's almost like they're starting to hedge their bets, thinking they may lose.
Go ahead.
As I say, I think they have the war card they're going to play in order, so they may give a little bit on the conspiracy, admit a little bit, but they will never go all the way and admit that this is really real and really a threat.
I'll tell you why conspiracy is so important for the media to denigrate.
This is going to be the primal issue that they're going to use to institute
Wholesale roundup of dissidents someday.
When this war occurs, when there's a preemptive nuclear strike on America by Russia and China, our leaders are going to come out of their bunkers, and believe me, they've built brand new, very, very deep underground bunkers in the Washington D.C.
So that if they hit the Greenbrier or they hit other places, they still have their bunkers.
But they'll come out of their bunkers, which are not being built, for a terrorist attack and say, the Russians deceived us.
We didn't realize this was going to happen.
We're innocent.
Just like 9-11, we were ignorant.
Don't fire us.
We're the only ones capable of running this new government.
But they will convince America, in the panic of having major destruction in this country, that they must give rebuilding power to a militarized world government.
And when that war is prosecuted, all with the patriotism and knee-jerk reaction, getting behind government just like in World War II, even though our own government was instigated, starting a lot of this, they're going to have to deal with dissidents.
They're going to have to deal with the Joel Skousens and the Alex Joneses who say, our government knew in advance this was a conspiracy to bring war upon us, to force us into a new world order.
They will say, mark my words,
Those people who believe that our government conspired to do this are traitors.
They're being unfaithful to our troops.
They're not supporting our troops.
We need to lock them up.
And so the issue of conspiracy must always be made an evil in this society to justify.
Locking people up.
But if it's a Muslim conspiracy, that can exist because they control those decoys.
It's that government and big corporations can't stage events, and that's why they hate 9-11 Truth so much in all its variants, because it introduces the idea that Gulf of Tonkin was staged, which is admitted, and Operation Ajax was staged.
And once people start, you know,
Seeing things for what they really are, and who stands to gain, that could potentially, if 9-11 Truth became completely mainstream, take away this globalist nuclear sneak attack.
And the reason I agree with you, Joel, studying the entire geopolitical constellation...
is when you read the State Department memorandums, when you read the Pentagon training, when you read NLEO 9, when I've talked to colonels and generals who are now retired and JAG officers here on the air, they on record, this is public,
And they have video games, countless games out with the same script, the same plot, that America is going to be nuked by domestic terrorists working with the Russians or Chinese.
So they'll nuke us, blame it on the Russians or let the Russians do it, and then blame it on Joel Skousen or Alex Jones.
And in these video games, they torture the patriots.
It's wonderful.
It's so much fun.
But to make a long story short,
They are getting the military ready for the United States to be devastated and for I4, NATO, UN troops to occupy us.
And you see Henry Kissinger and others saying, all we need is the right major crisis and the people of the United States will accept the New World Order.
They will accept United Nations troops on the streets of America.
And so because I realize
They need a bold, devastating stroke to really re-engineer the United States into the ultimate army and to roll out their secret weapons and take over the planet with the Anglo-American establishment duking it out with the Chinese and Russians, that that is exactly the type of thing they will do, is nuke major cities and use it to totally take over and absolutely that's when they're going to send teams to arrest
Tens of thousands of Americans who they know are patriots, and that's when we're going to have to defend ourselves if it comes to that.
Well, and unfortunately they're not going to allow people to prepare for that.
That's why I have not believed that there'll ever be any domestic terrorism using nuclear weapons.
In fact, it's a lot of disinformation about loose nukes going around.
In fact, the suitcase nukes are the most guarded prized possessions, the jewels
Of weaponry within the Soviet Union, the continuing Soviets, and the United States government.
They have not been let loose.
That was simply an excuse to be able to allow the government to romp around and, you know, and foment the terrorist threat image.
But if they were to allow a loose nuke to go off, a small one for example, what would the American people want to do?
They'd want to prepare against nuclear radiation.
And our government does not want people prepared for this.
They want us held hostage to this great
Preemptive nuclear strike that they're planning on unleashing upon us so that there's a maximum panic That's why when I may have explained to the last show, you know when I was hired
My architectural firm, my security firm, to design nuclear prefab fallout shelters for Pakistan.
The government in Pakistan nixed it.
They said, we do not want anybody marketing private fallout shelters in Pakistan.
The same policy as the U.S.
We do not want anybody prepared for nuclear war.
Because they know it's coming.
They're prepared.
Why not the American people?
Well, we know that there were cases in the 60s, 70s, and 80s where the establishment wanted to have a nuclear war and they talked about how they could get even greater control over society.
I mean, that's the only way they're really going to end our free society and really try to get our guns is by a catastrophic psychological wound so that we will accept
This new tyranny.
And, Joel, do you believe that 9-11 was a beta test for a massive controlled nuclear strike?
Well, I don't think it was a beta test.
I think it was a prelude to preparing the nation for it, or to see how much they could be manipulated with a terror strike.
I mean, if they could pull off 9-11 and subvert all of the truth that came out about government involvement, explosives involvement, well, if they could subvert that,
They knew that they could pull off a major preemptive nuclear strike and subvert the information that I have and put out on my website on how they have been covering for the Russians, how they have been continuing to allow Russia to build up and transfer technology to Russia and China, knowing that they're going to someday attack.
I mean, they have to be able to cover up this information.
They did it in World War II.
They built up Hitler's forces in Krupp and Tyson and in the other German military firms.
Now that's the M.O.
And they successfully covered that up.
So they're practicing, shall we say, on how good can we cover things up?
How can we use the controlled media to do that?
And they've got a real problem with the Internet, with the alternative media.
We're getting stronger.
We're getting a lot more adherence.
Haven't you written a paper, in fact I remember reading it years ago, about safe places in the United States?
That's right, in fact I have a new third edition coming out in a couple of months of what is called Strategic Relocation North American Guide to Safe Places.
Where do you think the safest place in North America is?
I mean, I know being in Central Texas, we're a major target of nukes, but if the globalists are launching the attack, will they want to destroy our own military, or will it just be the major cities to reduce population?
No, they'll actually go after the military almost exclusively.
That's why I predict there's only about 15 major cities that will be destroyed.
They don't want to destroy all the population.
They want to harness that abject panic in favor of the New World Order and rebuilding and going after this, prosecuting this patriotic war afterwards.
So they want to kill the old military, bring in the foreign troops, hype up the new conscripts to go under UN globalist control.
So obviously you're saying Fort Hood's a prime target for the globalist controlled strike.
Yeah, it certainly is.
Every major military base is going to be a target, as well as many of the underground bases that they know about.
And it's going to be, there's going to be some devastation, but people can survive it.
It's very, very survivable.
The Russians intend to survive this and continue to work.
And so people ought not to believe the propaganda about absolute... I mean, there's going to be a tremendous devastation, if nothing else, from the EMP strike.
When do you believe the globalists are going to pull the strings on their Chinese and Russian minions?
Well, as you said, they don't control them.
They've built them up.
I mean, when do you see this conflict being planned?
I say that my best prediction is that it's only a 50% chance by the midway in this decade, 2015, about a 90% chance by the end of this decade.
I frankly think it's going to take longer to pull off just because the Russian, China especially, isn't ready yet.
So 2020, you see NORAD standing down and hundreds of nukes raining down on the military.
I don't know.
Well, look at the globalists.
Look at NAFTA and GATT.
Look at the family.
Everything they do is to destroy this Christian nation.
That's their number one mission, and I tend to agree with you.
I think they're going to blow the living daylights out of this country, and all the evidence shows they're building towards that.
You know, it's amazing, Alex, how many in my former career as a high security architect, how many, when I was doing jobs in Colorado and the Denver and Aspen, Colorado area, how many times contractors say, oh, did you know about, did you help design that bunker system for that house over there?
He's ex-CIA and he's ex-FBI.
And, you know, these people who've been deep into government in the dark side, they know this attack is coming.
They're building bunker things and they're retreating.
Out in Colorado and other ski resorts and Utah and things.
Contractors know about it, but the American people don't.
Yeah, I mean, people keep saying, the New World Order will never win, they'll never get our guns.
Oh yeah?
Once they blast the military bases and the infrastructure into dust, you'll be begging for food when the UN troops roll in.
Let me just point out Alex here, I'm not really on board that I really think they're going to bring in UN troops.
I think it's counterproductive to their whipping up knee-jerk enthusiasm to get us into the New World Order.
I think they have outright rebellion.
If they tried to occupy it.
First of all, I think they're going to have enough private military contractors, thugs, to be able to do whatever people control they need to.
No, no, I mean, I agree with you, but reading the Army documents, I'm sure you've seen these, but if you want them, I'll send them to you.
They are training to bring in UN troops.
Have you seen the deals they've signed to bring in Mexican and Canadian troops during terror attacks in the U.S.?
I mean, they're openly at West Point teaching them that foreign troops are going to operate here.
But we have to remember there's a difference between all the foreign troop training.
A lot of that is to get information and military technology spread around to our future enemies.
But I happen to know, from my sources, the Russians do not intend to occupy here.
The Chinese do not.
They don't want to get tangled up with millions of civilians with weapons here on that.
But I frankly don't think it's necessary to bring in foreign troops.
In fact, it would be counterproductive to convincing Americans to go along with the benevolence of the New World Order.
If they saw the new world order... No, no.
I mean, I agree they're converting.
I mean, they have more troops in Afghanistan and Iraq that are mercenaries than they do regular military.
Joel, Joel, I agree with that.
But I'm just saying, in all the training, I mean, it's public that they're saying they want to use NATO slash UN to help us during emergencies.
So they're certain... You'll have to send me some of those because I'd like to analyze that just to see.
Let's carry on that for a future discussion, Alex, when I've had a chance to see that.
Can we do that?
Let's try to jam in a few final calls.
This has really gone quickly here.
Let's talk to Paul in Ohio.
You're on the air with Joel Skousen.
Go ahead.
Hey, Paul, you're on the air, buddy.
Yeah, he's gone.
Christopher, California.
Quick question.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Can you guys hear me?
Yes, I can.
All right, cool.
I'm excited to talk to Joel.
I'm glad to hear that he's going to be on the show.
I have a quote here from Joel, and I also have a few questions for you.
Joel, um, is it true that you said that I've been in a few of the Council for National Policy meetings and they're dull, there's never anything sinister going on there, there's no influential government policy being made there, that they're rather dull and that there's no conspirac- there's no conspiracillativity
And that they're not secretive, even though they've refused to release any of their meetings.
We gotta go to break, but we'll come back.
There's a left-wing CFR-funded conspiracy theory that says some group called the CMP runs everything.
And it's a total diversion, but we'll talk about it on the other side.
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This is key what just got brought up.
I'm glad it got brought up by the caller.
We're almost out of time.
I'm tempted to go into overdrive with Joel Scouser, but I don't know if he can stay with us.
I get these emails the last few years, you know, you're part of the CMP, you're part of a secret right-wing group more powerful than the CFR.
So I went and researched it and found out the Hunt brothers were involved in stuff and it looked like a right-wing attempt to get the government back from the globalists and then it got taken over by the globalists.
But then I noticed it was big foundation money and like Mother Jones and Rolling Stone
We're promoting it, and that's what the White House regulations are.
Cass Sunstein says we've now got the London Independent admitting.
The government is infiltrating conspiracy culture and posing to then attack real people.
And, you know, I hear Joel laughing during the break when I asked him about this, but here's Joel for two hours exposing the Republican takeover of the Patriot movement.
And then a caller calls in and says, because I've heard it all, you know, will you tell me about the CMP and then are you part of it?
Joel, tell us about this.
Well, I was part of the original CMP starting.
I was there as chairman of the Conservative National Committee, and so I have first-hand information about how it began there.
I was working as executive editor of Conservative Digest under Richard Vickery, working with Howard Phillips, who's a real patriot.
Frankly, we were making really headway in stopping the compromises that the Reagan administration was involved in under the influence of Vice President George Bush.
And so the C&P was started, in fact, just like to blunt our movement, just like the Tea Party movement is being blunted today.
I think so.
I think so.
You know, it was conspiratorial in nature.
Their basic movement was to co-opt our attempts to put some spine into the Republican Party and their resistance to the compromises of the Reagan administration.
Yeah, but Joel, then there's the spin that the CMP runs the whole world now.
We're sorry, your call did not go through.
Will you please... Joel, you still there?
That was weird.
Aaron, let's try to get Joel back on.
I ought to have him on.
It's a total distraction.
It's like we have other guests on who've talked about it, because it's interesting to see how they control the right wing and the left wing.
But it's like saying the CFR runs everything, when it really does have a lot of power and actually writes a lot of the laws.
But they themselves are just Aaron boys that do it.
You know, this interview's been really good with Joel Skousen.
Maybe we should go into overdrive, guys.
We haven't done that in a while.
You guys want to go into overdrive?
We ready to do that?
Let's get Joel back on and see if he can go into overdrive.
Joel, your phone got cut out there or something disconnected you.
Yeah, something happened.
Hey, listen, will you do 20 more minutes with us so we can talk about a few other issues?
Okay, listen, we're going to go into overdrive, listeners, and that means it'll be internet only.
That's actually not true, because the network sends out this fourth hour on satellite, because I do it occasionally live still.
So, if you're a station, you'll be able to continue to listen to us, actually.
I forgot that when we do overdrive now, it's actually on the birds and on the radio stations.
I quit doing four hours a day a few months ago, just because I'm working on the TV show we're developing and everything else, and it was just exhausting me.
But occasionally, I will do the fourth hour.
We'll do part of it right now.
Keep listening in one place.
Infowars.com with Joel Skousen.
You'll be able to finish up about the CMP.
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are in overdrive into the fourth hour.
We are live with Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
We'll be able to continue with Christopher, Matt, Kenneth, Jeannie, and Steve.
At least those calls.
But we are going to end the live transmission, come up in about 30 minutes, and it will go back into rebroadcast.
In fact, I'm glad he's staying with us another 30 minutes, because I want to get into where he sees the economy going, what he thinks about a $1,500 a ounce gold, and some other questions I've got for Joel Skousen.
But your line cut out when the fellow, you were trying to finish your answer,
And I brought the question out about this conservative group that was trying to keep the Republican Party conservative, kind of like the Tea Party growing out of Ron Paul is today.
And I know a lot of good people were in there early on, but then it became more of an establishment deal.
But I've seen globalist publications try to claim that the CMP is really like the CFR.
Yeah, absolutely not true.
It started out with some real Goldwater-type Republicans trying to be more conservative than Reagan, but it quickly got, as I say, infiltrated by the establishment Republicans because these people had money.
And anybody who's got money and can project their point of view, that establishment's really worried.
So they got that infiltrated and they stopped that.
It's become a very lackluster organization that really doesn't do anything except collect fees.
Well, I mean, again, here you are exposing conspiracies, exposing the New World Order, and then you have a private group that meets to try to keep the Republican Party conservative, and it turns into this whole other conspiracy theory put out by the Rolling Stone, who makes fun of things like the New World Order.
It's ridiculous.
But regardless,
I've never been part of the CMP, know almost nothing about it.
Today it seems more like a vestigial thing, kind of like the Tea Party will be in 20 years if the globalists are successful at taking it over.
What's your view on that?
Yeah, precisely.
That's exactly right.
It's just going to get watered down more and more, as the Tea Party will, with establishment Republican support of establishment Republican candidates.
And that's all the CMP does.
Now, I never was able to afford the membership dues.
I was never formally a member, but I was there during the incipient meetings.
And so I knew the people.
And boy, it was amazing to sit there with Howard Fellows and Richard Vigery and point out
You know, I was kind of a novice in Washington to see who the bigwigs were, and who the infiltrators were, and it was a real education.
Absolutely, and Howard Phillips has been fighting the New World Order forever.
That's right.
And very straight shooter.
Well, you know, that's who should, I mean, if Fox News was for real, it'd be Joel Skousen, it'd be Howard Phillips, very well spoken, it'd be Ron Paul, but I think them moving with Judge Andrew Napolitano, they just know there's too high a ratings associated with, you know, with true constitutional views.
I mean, look at him, within his show being two weeks old on Fox Business, it had more viewers in a weekend than all other shows combined.
I mean, he should instantly have a show on Fox, but you don't see that happening.
No, he's very, very credible, and that's what they don't want.
They don't want credible spokesmen on our side of the spectrum.
Well, then why are they letting him dominate with a once-a-week show on Fox Business?
Well, he's still having to be careful.
I mean, he's said some real truthful things, but you know that he hasn't got into real deep conspiracy theory and facts.
Yeah, I'll just keep my mouth shut, but I've talked to him off air.
He's for real.
He knows... No, he is.
He absolutely is, but I think he's been told there are limits.
All right, we're going to come back and go to Christopher, Matt, Kenneth, Jenny, and Steve, and then I'm going to ask a few important questions of Joel Skousen, WorldsAffairsBrief.com.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back after this break.
We're in live overdrive with Joel Skousen.
Very interesting and informative stuff.
Stay with us.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Joel Skousen of WorldAffairsBrief.com is our guest.
What an amazing discussion we've had today.
Now I said I'd go back to Christopher with his CMP stuff.
Then we're going to go to Kenneth, Steve, Jeannie, and Paul.
Then I've got a few final questions for Joel Skousen, who's been very gracious with his time today.
You can subscribe to the World Affairs Brief at WorldAffairsBrief.com.
But Christopher, anything else?
I think he answered your CMP question.
Thank you for taking my call.
I respect the fact that you're letting me back on the show.
Also, I just want to say, you know, Lee Rogers over at OracleBroadcasting.com
He's a ex-military.
He sponsors that.
He runs that whole thing.
He has a full-time job.
I know.
I appreciate your call.
And they tell endless lies, and they're completely jealous of this radio show, and are very suspect.
I mean, and see?
I let you do it.
I go back to you.
It's just all complete crud.
Okay, let's go ahead now and go to Kenneth in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Yes, the other day you
I read an article on a JROTC program and I wanted to tell you that I was in an NJROTC program like right after 9-11.
So I know exactly what you're talking about.
They're turning these kids into fucking robots.
You know what I'm saying?
And uh, well that's what really woke me up because they uh,
Yeah, the 11 general orders, right?
You know what the general orders are for military people?
Well, there's supposedly a 12 they wouldn't give us.
And, uh, the 12th order I found out was, uh, to not follow legal orders that go contrary to the Constitution.
You understand what I'm saying?
Yes, I mean, for those that don't know, and I appreciate your call, Kenneth, I've got to move quick here.
They are fully federalizing local police, the threat fusion centers, the public schools.
And under federal legislation, they are going in and turning kindergarten into junior ROTC.
And then they, by high school, they threaten them to sign up for the military or they'll be arrested.
It's all color of law.
And it's part of this complete federalization of society.
Joel Skousen, any comments on that?
Well, you know, I tried for years in the military to get the government, and I was an officer in the Marine Corps, to try to say and define what is an illegal order.
They refused to do so.
They give lip service to the fact.
Speaking of Oath Keepers and other things, of what would be an illegal order, but they continue to drum into you.
You shall assume that there are no illegal orders and you follow orders.
And that's the kind of mentality they're putting into these new conscripts.
That is the type of mentality and to just turn your children over to army recruiters when they're in kindergarten.
I mean, is this a mark of a free society to have a hundred and eighty troops at one school in Alaska?
That's just one example.
Literally, quote, training the children to accept a military presence.
I mean, that's acclimation, Joel.
Yeah, it's inappropriate.
You know, it isn't widespread.
Certainly, these are exceptions right now, but they are a trend that we can see continuing someday in the future.
Kenneth, interesting points.
Let's talk to Steve in Oklahoma.
Steve, you're on the air.
Alex, how are you doing?
Good to see you.
Talk to you.
You had mentioned way earlier in the show something about being a whistleblower.
You guys actually touched on that at one point in time.
Yeah, no, we were talking about getting whistleblowers to go forward about not just the MIAC report and other things, but government drug dealing.
That's happening.
And Joel was saying that's why they're trying to convert over to contractors, because they found it's easier to control them and to have a nest of dark side criminals.
Well, I used to work for one of the major defense firms.
And I have a TSSCI clearance.
And, you know, the problem is you sign, like, a huge stack of papers stating that, you know, you won't even breathe.
You know, you're not even supposed to be able to tell your wife you actually have a clearance.
I mean, you're not supposed to tell anybody.
And if you even breathe, they scare you so bad, thinking that, you know, you can't say anything for 40 years or something like that, that, you know, you just
You have to be really, really, really careful about even thinking about saying stuff like that.
Well, look, here's the deal.
Whether it's a security clearance or a non-disclosure thing or any of that in private business or government, if something's illegal or immoral, the contracts don't count.
And that goes back to the Nuremberg defensive.
I was just following orders.
Let's get Joel Skousen's take.
Well, you're absolutely right.
There are laws that basically protect people, but they aren't being enforced by the judges.
That's the problem.
They will take you down.
And that's why, in my call to whistleblowers, what I'm calling for is, come and do it privately.
Talk anonymously.
You know, you can trust us to keep the secret.
What I'm saying is that we need to at least know the information, because then we can go and ferret it out.
And we can expose things, even if we don't have to tell your name.
Well, that's why they're scared of things like WikiLeaks, whether it's controlled or not.
Exactly, exactly.
They're afraid of the truth alone coming out, even if we don't and can't say the source.
Look, the mainstream media gets away with it all the time, saying, we have an anonymous source, I'm not allowed to reveal it.
We can do the same game, but we need whistleblowers to come out and say it.
Uh, in a timely manner.
I mean, we've got people coming off the grassy knoll, admitting that they were working for both the CIA and Mafia and shot President Kennedy, but they were right before their death.
You know, and it's very difficult to make use of that information 40 years after the fact.
Absolutely, it's all coming out.
On a separate issue before we go back to calls, a Mexican massacre investigator found dead.
The local investigator who was looking into the 72 immigrants from Central and South America who the drug cartels were killing because they didn't have money to pay them off.
Arizona Sheriff says the Border Patrol is pulling out of Southern Arizona.
CNS News.
Brewer condemns report to UN mentioning Arizona law.
Mexicans fear cartels are winning.
And it just goes on from there.
My intel from former DEA agents and others is Los Zetas, and we said this six years ago, before it all started, was being trained by the CIA
They're quote, former Mexican military.
They're really been sheep dipped to attack the other four cartels to five cartels that don't pay their cuts to the big globalist banks, just like the fart gorilla are being attacked in Colombia for not laundering their money through the stock market.
That's even in Reuters.
And that this whole thing is a destabilization program to knock out their competition, to have the border crisis be so bad that we will accept the North American Union as the SPP document state as the so-called solution.
Joel Skousen, A, what is the situation in Mexico from your research?
B, what do you think's behind it?
Well, you really covered that very, very well.
First of all, there is an official drug pipeline connected with Mexico.
The trucks that are sealed on the Mexican side of the border that come across to San Diego have drugs in them.
The dogs go wild.
They can smell the drugs on them.
And every time a DEA agent goes up to try to say, can we break the seal?
Can we block this?
Washington says, no, you cannot intervene.
So there is a real, you know, Mexican-U.S.
CIA drug pipeline going on.
You're absolutely right that these drug wars are involving competitors.
There will always be competitors trying to get in on this very lucrative trade.
And there's always infighting going on with people trying to take a bigger cut.
The CIA always having to discipline.
And they use the Mexican Mafia essentially to do that discipline to them.
But that's what explains the Mexican troops coming across the border in support of drugs.
Those are mostly U.S.
approved drug shipments that are coming across.
But sometimes, because Mexico is so corrupt, the Mexican military itself is bought off by the competing people with higher money, and that's why the U.S.
has a problem with it.
They don't know which Mexican troops come across the border are their own boys.
Or which ones belong to the other cartels.
But you're absolutely right about the last comment, that this whole thing is allowed to fester and get worse, because the solution to this Hegelian conflict will be, we have to have a joint military protected regime across the border, and it'll be part of the North American Union.
I'm not sure they're going to get there, but that's where they're in.
Well said, Joel Skelson.
I totally agree with you, and we were able, with our sources, to predict all this before these flare-ups the last five years.
And my concern is, is that it's degenerating, and Mexico's a failed state.
And it's going to generate more of these desperate people, who I don't blame wanting to come here, but once they get here, they're being used as tools by the Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates.
They're on record funding this whole Aslan movement.
Absolutely right.
And they're funding La Raza and other radical groups as well.
They want this conflict between the Mexican-Americans so that they can say, well, we need another comprehensive amnesty that will feed increased illegal immigration.
All the while, of course, they won't stop the fence or build the fence, which would, in fact, stop 95% of it immediately and take all of the pressure, most of the pressure, off the border.
That's right.
Real fast, Jeanne in Texas, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, hi Joel.
I'm going to talk very quickly.
My husband's been unemployed for a year and a half.
He just got a job a week ago.
We don't know if it's permanent yet.
But the reason I'm calling is to let y'all know that I did call the Labor Force Statistics Bureau because I wanted to know where they get that 9.7% of unemployment.
And I told them that my husband is not eligible for unemployment.
All these construction workers, you know, we're not being counted.
And, uh, anyway, he told me that the, the, the, the, the statistic, the bureau paid the U.S.
Census to conduct a, uh, current population survey on 60,000 households, if you can believe that.
I go, that's not accurate.
And also, I, he said, oh, in construction, it's 15.9% unemployment.
I, I just want people to know what people are hurting.
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I think so.
Well, I tell you, the time has just flown by with Joel Skousen joining us today.
And Jeannie was bringing up the unemployment statistics.
Most economists agree it's over 22%.
And so, so much of what they're doing skewed.
But that was one of my final questions for Joel Skousen.
I mean, what is your take on these Cook numbers?
Well, they're absolutely cooked.
For example, she mentioned that they admitted to her that the construction unemployment rate was 15%.
It's over 30% in the construction industry.
And that's being very generous.
I mean, literally, anybody, I've got a son in the construction industry, and there's only 25% that he can find that have jobs remaining.
And if it weren't for, of course, all of the stimulus money flowing out, there wouldn't be a lot of construction in the major road crews, which are pretty full right now.
But you see an ongoing rotting, though.
You don't see it plunging.
You see it rotting.
That's right.
I do not believe that it's in the best interest of the establishment to let this thing fall.
That would only engender a great deal of mechanism to have change, and they don't want that.
They want people to stay the course.
I think they've got a tremendous amount of ability to inflate still.
You've got to remember that we've got a basis of over $200 trillion that have been monetized so far.
So the $3 trillion they threw at the bailout was only 1.5% inflation of the money supply.
That's not hyperinflation.
I spent this entire week's World Affairs Brief explaining to people why it's almost impossible to have hyperinflation.
But we are starting to go down that road.
Well, the injection is happening in what I call the speculative economy.
That's the one that are getting the injections from, and that's not particularly inflationary because there's only about a 20% overlap with the real economy.
That's right, so the ultra-rich are sucking up most of this while propping up their system.
They're speculating.
They're running in the forex and the commodities and the derivatives markets and spending that money and earning 5 to 15% on it, whereas we're stuck in the real economy making 1.5%
And that's why they want carbon taxes.
That's why all the big banks fund those.
Because it's the false economy waging war against the real economy.
Jeannie, I'm sorry it's so tough on you.
They want to use poverty as a tool of control.
And we've got to get this economy going again.
And we can only do that by cutting taxes and cutting defense spending and cutting welfare.
But I'm glad to hear your husband got a job, Jeannie.
Thank you, and I just want people to know in the world that people are still hurting.
I mean, I'm actually collecting unemployment.
I have a job, but they cut hours.
The check I have coming on the 8th has 14 hours on it.
So I want people to know, I called this bureau because
I didn't feel it was honest, and people like my husband weren't being counted.
And I'm just sick of it.
Well, you heard Joel, and I've seen those numbers as well.
Over 30% for construction workers.
God bless you.
One last call quickly for Joel Skousen.
Paul in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Yeah, this is Paul from Ohio, and I just wanted to tell you that fluoride's pretty bad, but fluoride withdrawal is even worse, Alex.
I lived through it, and I just had a
A relative that just lived through it and they've got a weapon there.
All they've got to do is take the fluoride out of the water and you're going to have a lot of crazy people.
What do you think of that?
I appreciate your call.
Joel, I never got to that, but have you seen all these Rockefeller Foundation documents where they admit they develop vaccines to sterilize people and now they're on the news promoting lithium in the water to make us submit?
What's your view on that?
Well, there's a real backlash against fluoride now in the water supply.
I don't think they're going to get to the point of putting mood-altering drugs into the water supply.
But, you know, you can't really trust what they do.
Even the chlorine is bad for people, especially in the heavy doses they put it in to make sure that they do shock treatment on it.
Frankly, I don't think anybody ought to be drinking the public water supply.
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Joel Skousen, thanks for spending close to two and a half hours with us.
I'm going to give you a call a little bit later today about some research we're working on together.
I really appreciate your insight and you spending time with us.
Likewise, Alex, always a pleasure.
God bless you.
We're going to go to break here in a moment and come back with rebroadcasts where I was getting into the economy and a host of other issues, but I do want to spend one minute here at the end of the live transmission to tell folks that I've got a deal going until the beginning of next week, and then we're going to cut this deal off, where you can get five of the films I've made or produced or appear in
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