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Name: 20100819_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 19, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, the 19th day of August, 2010.
Wayne Madsen with huge breaking news.
An in-depth, year-long investigation coming to its conclusion.
Conclusively documenting that Barack Obama is a creation of the CIA.
His mother, his father, most of the rest of his family are intelligence operatives.
He's clearly funded by the biggest foundations that created the CIA, the Ford Foundation, and others, the Carnegie Endowment, to bring in this world government.
And he's going to be joining us to go over his three-part series.
He sent us the third part yesterday.
We posted all three parts last night at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
The headline on the story is, Bombshell!
Barack Obama Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation.
So that is up on the websites right now at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to be breaking all of that down with Wayne Madsen coming up in the second hour today.
In the third hour, we're going to be talking to Joel Skousen.
It's probably been five or six years since I've had Joel here on the radio broadcast.
And of course, he is a prolific researcher, an investigator of the New World Order, an author.
And of course, some of his family published the book, one of the best-known books out there exposing the New World Order.
So we'll be talking to Joel Skousen about some of his intel that mirrors our investigations dealing with the dark side of the police, the dark side of the military, how they're being turned into a private intelligence agency system
And a gulag archipelago of surveillance and camps and militarization of police is being developed.
So that is all coming up today.
Something I want to hit on first though deals with
The fact that no criminal charges for school that spied on kids tens of thousands of times through their laptops.
And remember that first they denied they'd done it, then they admit they did it, and that the laptops that are federally funded and issued have this security system on it where the public schools can access the laptops that they say are free, but you pay for it with tax money, when your child is at home, in the bathroom, in their bed.
They took photos of them, screenshots of the video of them sleeping in their beds, getting dressed, you name it.
And the school was so arrogant
When dealing with all of this, that they said, what's the big deal?
And they tried to actually get children in trouble for taking drugs.
It turned out that one of the high school students was actually eating Skittles, but they tried to claim that that was some type of drug.
And so that's why they were watching them at home.
I mean, this is total and complete big brother on every level of society.
And now
The major car manufacturers are coming out and saying, oh yes, we're going to have cameras in all cars in the windshield that watch everything going on in the car and are hooked into embedded cell phones inside the car that wirelessly transmit the video back to the threat fusion centers, the emergency centers, which themselves are run by Top Secret USA, as the Washington Post called it, this entire CIA control grid.
And then of course you also hear the airlines saying they're going to put embedded cameras in the backs of all the seats that will then be watching what everyone does in the plane individually and audio recording everything they say.
And putting it through a so-called artificially intelligent computer that will flag them for criminal activity.
Like spanking your child, which isn't criminal, but they'll still take your child.
Or any business secrets you're discussing.
That'll be uploaded to NSA and of course sold by the airlines.
This is all admitted.
A total surveillance society.
Also, it appears we've got a false flag operation being run against InfoWars.com.
We'll talk about it on the other side.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Very important broadcast lined up for you today.
This Thursday, the 19th day of August 2010.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We have Wayne Madsen with key information joining us in the second hour.
He has gotten into publicly available
Uh, data, but he doesn't want to say exactly where, because they may shut down the source of the data, though he's published the actual information about the true providence of Barack H. Obama, that's his fake name, Barry Sotero.
And here's the headline, bombshell, Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation.
And he's published part one, part two, and part three in the last three days.
They're all posted together at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com with our preface, our breakdown analysis of it.
But the issue is, it's come out that Tony Blair
They groom and put these individuals into power.
Just like they groomed, at the age of 18, young army officer Saddam Hussein.
That's declassified.
In 1958, they trained him for three years in Egypt, then they sent him in to carry out assassinations, then they helped stage coups to get Saddam Hussein into power in 1979.
They do this over and over again, and they normally then betray their minions.
But you know about Bush Senior and the CIA memos that have now been declassified that he was part of the CIA by 1950, right out of college after World War II, and that he was involved in secret operations worldwide.
He then magically became the director of the CIA in the 70s, claiming he'd never been involved in it.
We know that George W. is intimately involved with the CIA through his father.
And so the fact that Obama, his stepfather, his father, his mother, all clearly working with U.S.
and British intelligence, he is a wholly owned subsidiary of this at every level.
And this shows how this illegal corporate shadow government has taken over our society.
We'll be talking about it with Wayne Madsen.
If you look at the British East India Company and others, and again this is ABC News, this is admitted mainline history, they created the Skull and Bones Society in 1832 at Yale to go recruit who would become the future robber barons, the Carnegie's, the Taft's,
Future presidents, future CIA directors, Secretary of States, the list goes on and on.
And they went in for the British Empire to try to retake the United States.
And they set up the Council on Foreign Relations in 1922, openly as a British intel arm of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Cecil Rhodes system.
They simultaneously were getting Hitler groomed.
for power to later tear up Europe so they have a pretext to come in as the good guys.
Of course it's come out that the US and British government in 1917 saw the October Revolution and sent 30,000 US operatives, mainly out of Brooklyn.
This is all on record.
Over there to take control of the revolution, our government created the Soviet Union.
On record, our government created Mao Zedong, now declassified.
The old-timers always said that they witnessed it in 49, but now it's been declassified.
CIA section chief admitted it eight years ago on the History Channel that they put Mao Zedong into power, and David Rockefeller, of course, had bragged about it publicly in 1976 in his editorial in the New York Times, admitting world government that they put Mao Zedong into power and how great communism is and how he hopes to have it here in the United States.
We went to the microfilm at UT, shot the video of it.
Our great researchers did.
And put it together in the film Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
They want tyranny.
Look at how our criminal government everywhere puts right-wing fascists, left-wing communists, authoritarians, warlords in power in every country they can.
Two years ago, Zbigniew Brzezinski published a second book.
We already knew this, but he published a book.
Bragging that he helped engineer putting Pol Pot into power, and was very proud of the 30% of the population being killed.
Very proud of that.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, you can pull up, Zbigniew Brzezinski admits he funded Pol Pot, or Zbigniew Brzezinski, you know, says he funded Khmer Rouge.
You can pull up his disgusting, sickening quotes.
You can go to the bookstore and buy his stinking books, and you can read him bragging about it.
He bragged back in the 70s.
He bragged in the 80s.
Now he's gone completely public with it.
And it goes on and on.
If you think you're safe from these people, if you think they care about the United States, if you think they won't line you up and shoot you and throw you in a hole if they can get away with it, you're gravely mistaken.
It's about pure ultra-aggression, ultra-dominance, ultra-control.
They are just brutally about mechanized armies and secret police and controlled revolution and total tyranny.
That is what they are for.
That is what they stand for.
They are cold-blooded, brutal murderers who are all about total dominance.
And they control our presidents, they control it all, and that's why they're so scared.
If you look at political funding now, it's almost all shifting away from the federal government to the state governments and the governor's councils, as the globalists realize that the states can checkmate, because the Founding Fathers built this in, through the 9th, 10th Amendment, they can checkmate the feds that have been seized by this corporate government.
And so they are moving in to do several things.
How did the British keep control of Kenya?
They went and founded militias and trained and armed them, this is declassified, in the 40s and 50s, had them attack peaceful people in the cities, and the peaceful people bought the British then coming in and waging a war, not realizing that their protectors were funding the enemy as well.
I mean, even children's movies have this plot.
It's so popular in history.
Like, Revenge of the Sith, Part 3 of Star Wars.
By Episode 3, even children could figure out the plot.
This senator funds an attack on his own planet, covertly.
Then, out of the attack, he gets more power and becomes the Chancellor of the Galactic Senate.
Because the Galactic Senate failed to act, he becomes very popular.
Then, he stages foreign armies to attack that he's funding covertly.
The core system, the capital planet, and out of that, he gets martial law and becomes the Emperor.
It's very simple for you to understand.
And now they're trying to fund militias.
I'm for the militia in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
The COINTELPRO will spin it and say, because they're operatives, many of them, that I'm bashing militia.
No, I'm not.
And they'll misrepresent what I'm saying now, because they're operatives.
You can catch a minute and find out who the operatives are.
I'm saying the militia is good, but they are radicalizing it and are running many of them and creating groups to then be blamed for staged events in the future so they can roll out their strategic police state grid against the states where we are going to peaceably take the states back and take the republic back.
They're going to come in and stir up conflict and stage terror attacks and say Muslims did it, or find weak-minded people who are Muslims and open doors for them and protect them.
I mean, I had a former top CIA analyst
McMichael on, who was part of the National Security Assessment Group, doesn't get any more high level than that, two days ago, telling you, yes, our government may have staged 9-11, and yes, they do stage terror attacks, and he's worried about staged events.
What is Ray McGovern?
Chief briefer to Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.
What did he tell you?
They stage events.
What did Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani intelligence, say?
They stage the events.
Because the evidence is that is what's happening and going on.
So you better believe this is an unpopular, criminal, offshore, corporate group that wraps their tyranny in the American flag.
They do not care about this country.
They want to bring it down.
They want to privatize everything into their own police state, and the biggest card they've got to play is World War III, domestic stage terror attacks to be blamed on, white Al Qaeda.
That's anybody that owns a gun and loves private property.
You got a portrait of John Wayne on your wall?
You're white Al-Qaeda.
And of course, Al-CIA to Al-Qaeda.
You are the target of this, and people in the state police, people in the CIA, FBI, this whole apparatus, Top Secret USA, it's well over a million, the news says 854,000, private spies with the highest security clearances, you're all compartmentalized.
And very few of you are actually in on what's going on.
And I'm here to tell you, you're on little power trips.
But this isn't a game you're playing.
You're going to help the bankers do what they did in Soviet Russia, in Communist China, in Nazi Germany, in East Germany, in Pol Potian Cambodia.
It's on record the CIA put Fidel Castro in, but then planned to destroy him and failed.
But they admittedly gave him funding up front.
And then he double-crossed them, and that's why they hate him so much.
Just like Iran had been under their control repeatedly and then got kicked out, so they think it's theirs.
They think they own you.
They think they own the Cubans.
They think they own the Iranians.
They think they own everybody.
Is that saying Fidel's good?
No, he's bad.
That's saying the Iranian leadership's good?
No, they're pretty screwed up.
But the point is, they're not the big, mega, British-style, mind-control empire.
And they're going to pull out every dirty trick in the book.
You've seen them dress up like racists to blame Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
You've seen them say they're kidnapping people.
You've seen them put out provocateur militia groups to demonize the Second Amendment.
Well, now they've launched new operations.
And we'll tell you about that when we get back.
This is pretty serious information.
And it's targeting us directly, and I've said it, and it's in an article Curt Nemo's writing.
It's a 90 plus percent chance this is a black op false flag against InfoWars.com.
It's a 10 percent chance it's misguided teenagers.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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I don't think so.
You can run on for... Okay, so...
Countless Jewish groups and Jewish students have been caught.
It's got to be three or four times the last year.
Spraying swastikas on their dorm rooms for sympathy.
Uh, it's organized and organized.
Countless black groups have been caught attacking their own churches, put burning crosses in their own yards, spray-painting swastikas.
The police routinely now hide hidden cameras and catch them.
So it's known that, more often than not, these are staged events.
And of course, we have seen the federal government infiltrate militias, radicalize them, try to get them to do illegal things.
The Hattari have now been released.
The judge has said this looks like a complete provocateur operation in Michigan.
Seven months before they got set up, I said it looked like they were being set up from what I saw in their online videos.
It looked like it was produced to set them up.
We know two of the nine members were feds.
And so they've shut down that investigation, basically, because they don't want us to find out who.
Hal Turner, calling for violence, attacking myself and others all these years, trying to radicalize the movement against tyranny so it's unpalatable to people.
It's now come out he was highest-level national security asset.
That's Reuters, Chicago Tribune, you name it.
They've caught people going to Rand Paul events and many other events and organizing nationally against Tea Parties, saying racist things, doing racist things for the Democratic Party.
This is how they operate.
And it's very effective to hang up paper signs in legal areas where folks, you know, check your local laws, as we say.
It's very legal to do banner hangs.
It's good.
It's part of the American experience.
It's what the Sons of Liberty did in the decades leading up to 1775, 1776.
And we've told people, you know, make your own anti-fluoride signs or use ours.
It's got fluoride facts posted in legal areas to educate people that there is poison in the tap water if your city is fluoridating or your town.
And a lot of folks have done this and it's made news in Utah and in Kansas and in Missouri and many other areas.
Well, now someone in Mill Creek Township in Pennsylvania
has spray painted on private property something we defend here uh... garages pickup trucks you name it saying info wars dot com and don't drink the fluoride
And it's more than a 90% chance this is a provocateur at action, probably by Democratic Party operatives or their supporters, or the fluoride supporters.
10% chance some young, ignorant, mischievous, testosterone-laden, 15-, 16-year-olds did this.
10% chance or less.
I believe this is a provocateur at action.
Kurt Nemo concurs, but we'll continue to watch it.
Spray paint vandals target church, homes, and cars in Lebanon County.
Political messages written in red spray paint in Mill Creek Township.
I mean, even if they were going to spray paint cars, and I'm not saying they should do this, government cars.
Or the courthouse.
Don't do that.
But, I mean, if it was activists who were really angry at the government poisoning the water, and extreme things, you know, take extreme actions, I could see people doing that, though I think it's bad, because it'll backfire, and taxpayers got to pay to remove it.
I mean, don't do it.
But to spray-paint people's houses and cars, this is outrageous and wrong, and I believe it's a provocative action.
Here is the local newscast out of Mill Creek Township.
He spent the day cleaning up a big mess.
Red spray paint covering homes, cars, and driveways.
Fox 43's Jamie Garland has this story from Mill Creek Township to explain how a website is involved with the vandalism.
Why did you do that?
You know, what are you going to gain out of it?
Those are questions many people in Newmanstown, Lebanon County are asking after finding their property covered in red spray paint.
Back it up to the start again, we'll come back and play the rest of it.
Did you hear that?
How a website is involved!
The implication is, I mean if somebody went out and sprayed Coca-Cola or somebody went and sprayed NASA on people's private property, would it be NASA or Coca-Cola's fault?
We have always called for not messing with private property and hanging little paper signs in legal areas where folks are already hanging signs.
That is in the posting we put up and everybody knows that.
And so now this has been done.
Let's go out to break with it from the start again.
Here it is.
A county community spent the day cleaning up a big mess.
Red spray paint covering homes, cars and driveways.
Fox 43's Jamie Garland has this story from Mill Creek Township to explain how a website is involved with the vandalism.
Why did you do that?
What are you going to gain out of it?
Those are questions many people in Newmanstown, Lebanon County are asking after finding their property covered in red spray paint.
I went for a walk this morning and I started seeing graffiti on different buildings and on concrete.
The graffiti found over a two-block area along an alley behind West Main Street.
The words send a specific message that some might call conspiracy theories.
No fluoride in water.
Alright, we'll be right back.
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This information is too important to wait.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Frame-ups are as old as civilization and humanity itself.
Remember the lady a few days before the election who got caught carving a swastika on her face?
And the police noticed that the, well it wasn't a swastika, it was the letter B. And the police noticed that it was backwards for Barack Obama.
And then she later admitted that she'd done it.
And other people have been caught.
I was thinking about swastikas because so many groups have been caught painting swastikas on their own churches or synagogues or dorm buildings for sympathy.
I mean there's been so many cases of this over and over again and I've noticed they always do it
To make it look real haphazard and almost misspelled or jumbled.
It's like the anthrax letters that were all written strange and misspelled.
And then the FBI said that it wasn't weaponized anthrax, it was garden variety.
And it turned out it was a US government super strain, previously unknown, that was so advanced it would take hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment just to miniaturize it.
And then they tried to charge three different people with it and set them up and finally they grabbed a worker and he committed suicide in their custody.
So he couldn't fight back and speak out against them.
There's so many cases of this, and looking at this, I really think that this is probably somebody doing this to make InfoWars.com look bad.
We certainly know that we check our messages here every day.
We've gotten better and better about it, and I haven't been contacted by this news station.
They're just up there implying that, how is a website involved?
Implying that I'm telling people to go spray paint Infowars.com on people's private property.
I don't even say spray paint it on government buildings.
I have repeatedly said, don't do anything illegal.
Number one, it's illegal.
Number two, it makes us look bad.
Less than a 10% chance this was teenage kids
Who are dumber than a box of rocks, but why wouldn't they go to the courthouse?
Why wouldn't they do it to police cars?
Which they shouldn't do!
So we've got the woman carving Barack Obama on herself and being caught to blame it on black people, saying that two black males did it to her.
We've got black groups caught doing it, saying whites did it to them, Jewish groups caught doing it.
I mean, this is just ongoing.
And it's a microcosm of what intelligence agencies do, what individuals do, and smaller groups do, governments do, but on a grander scale.
So here's the rest of this
A newscast that's demonizing us, so we're playing in here to analyze it and defend ourselves.
Here it is.
I walked this morning and I started seeing graffiti on different buildings and on concrete.
The graffiti found over a two-block area along an alley behind West Main Street.
The words send a specific message that some might call conspiracy theories.
No fluoride in water.
Vaccines poison souls.
Learn the truth.
Just a few of the phrases written in red along with a website address, InfoWars.com.
The website is AlexJonesInfoWars.com because there is a war on for your mind.
You can see one of the featured articles is about fluoride in water and also under sections there's one called Big Brother.
The message they were purveying didn't seem to me that it needed to be displayed on somebody's property.
I know my garage is not in a very good shape, but you still didn't have to do it.
Find another way to change your venue.
This is not the way to go about it.
Well, that's just incredible.
That's where the clip cuts off.
That's just incredible.
Imply, there's no other way to see that, that my website has done it.
And oh look, it does have a message about fluoride.
And they didn't tell you that when you click on that, it shows a PDF flyer we made that says there's poison in the tap water.
Please post this flyer only in legal and lawful areas or hand it out to your friends and family.
Here are some fluoride facts.
And then we tell you that the union of EPA scientists have come out and said that fluoride is deadly poison and increasing cancer.
I mean, that's my right as an American, and it's very effective to put these up in legal and lawful areas and to give them to people.
It is ineffective and horrible to go around spray painting this on people's houses and cars.
And I think it's a staged event, and the way that newscast did that
I mean, look what happened with the Pittsburgh situation.
Within two hours of Richard Plosky shooting those three cops, because his mother was trying to kick him out of the house because his pit bulls were soiling her carpet,
The media said he did it because of me.
Then we searched his name.
There he was on dozens of websites, including mine, attacking me because I'm against violence.
And they said in the news, and I forced retractions in five different papers, that I got him to do it.
And they're telling cops that I'm telling people to go out and kill him.
A national news story within two hours, and they're claiming he did it for me, with no evidence.
And they had to retract.
And now this has happened in the same area, the same region?
I believe this is as staged as the other events.
And it just shows you the type of dirty tricks we're facing, and God knows more of this is going to happen, so pray for us.
And don't let them stop your activism.
Post flyers in legal places, give them to people, post them at work, post them in other areas where under common law you see other signs for garage sales or, you know, I was driving through town and saw a Walgreen's sign out on the side of the road stuck in the medium
Uh, which under, I think under state law, you're not even supposed to do.
It can be on the side of the road, but not in the middle.
So, so, don't even do what Walgreens does, or what their worker did.
Don't stick it in the middle of the road.
Stick it on the side.
Legal, lawful areas.
You want to blow up the flyer?
Uh, you know, make, make, uh, political yard signs out of it?
Uh, with a, with a stake?
You know, that's your right to do it, and it'll have a big effect, and get people talking.
But I saw this sign, you know, get your flu shot after they've already suspended the flu shots months ago and admitted they're causing a tenfold increase in seizures and Guillain-Barre, especially in under five-year-olds.
So, it's okay for Walgreens to put their Take Your Flu Shot signs up off their property.
I saw this out by Lakeway, outside Austin this weekend.
It's okay for politicians to put their signs up.
I saw a story yesterday where there's a community ordinance in a town, and in fact guys reprinted for me, I know it was in the stack but I'll never find it, where the guy had a Gadsden flag, and you're allowed to fly flags, football flags, American flags, your state flag,
But they're saying, well, we're not going to let you have a Gadsden flag because it's a Tea Party flag.
It's a bad flag.
That's like Facebook.
Facebook running around taking down websites that have the Gadsden flag.
They are afraid of this information.
So, because they're counter-striking with these type of provocateur actions, we need all of you to do what others have already done and gotten a lot of news attention and caused big debates in towns all over the country.
In Canada and England and other places where they're fluoridating, we need to do this as well.
Go make your own fluoride sign or take our flyer and blow it up or alter it and make yard signs out of it and legally and lawfully and tastefully get these out to everyone immediately.
It's having a big effect and I have no doubt that this is a provocateur action.
I hope it's just idiots.
Because that's a lot less scary than thinking that the establishment's doing this.
But, you know, they've already done it to me so many times.
They've already been caught so many times.
They're already saying I want people to kill cops when it's the opposite.
I've said we need to educate the police and military.
They're already trying to blame me for dead cops.
They're already trying to say Rand Paul's kidnapping women and now admittedly it's a total hoax.
I mean, what's next?
I mean, are they going to claim I killed Kennedy or that I sunk the Lusitania or that I blew up the Hindenburg or that I killed Jesus?
I mean, no, I didn't do any of that.
And I didn't kill those cops and I didn't tell anybody to kill those cops.
And Rand Paul didn't kidnap a woman and make her do drugs.
She admits that's not true.
I tell you, it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier by the minute.
I've got a bunch of economic news I want to go over with.
The stock market has dropped over 180 points on weekly job claims, post-surprise jump, hit 500,000.
And they're now admitting, okay, it may not just be a double-dip recession, it may be a full-bore depression.
The answer is, give the Federal Reserve that engineered this crisis even more power.
So that's coming up.
But before I go any further, we are offering specials until Monday that will end.
Just like you could buy one copy of The Obama Deception and get three free, that special's now ended.
These specials will end on Monday.
And you don't just get the videos and wake yourself up to a higher level, or your friends, your family, your neighbors.
That's what's most important.
It also funds our operation and what we're doing here on the radio.
And I need to
Finished some big server purchases and some web development we're doing.
I need to be able to furnish and finish.
The studio building is done.
I'm going to give you a tour very soon.
But I've got to buy the equipment and we just don't have the capital right now to do that and have the reserves we need to be strong during this ongoing depression.
We need to continue to grow and be able to continue to survive as things get darker and darker.
Because as things get worse and worse, more people are listening to us and paying attention to what we're doing.
And so your purchase of the books, the t-shirts, the ball caps, the InfoWars.com ballpoint pens and thumb drives, all of the great products is what funds this operation.
So really look at it as a donation.
You can get three copies free
Of Police State 4, the rise of FEMA that covers the entire police state architecture, the top secret USA system, the staged underwear bombing on Christmas, the naked body scanners, the FEMA camps, everything.
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Police State 4, the rise of FEMA.
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Buy one, get three free.
Buy two, get eight free.
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Of course, Fall of the Republic, which I think is an even more powerful film than The Obama Deception.
uh... but really is part two of that by one get three free by two get eight free that is going to end monday at midnight info wars dot com or call toll-free eight eight eight two five three three one three nine eight eight eight two five three three one three nine call over the weekend leave your name and number will call you back and take the order we're now taking orders in-house i've had for thirteen years actually fourteen now a a order center that i use in austin
But people just get confused calling them, asking them questions, demanding to talk to me, and then they get frustrated and they, because they can't answer your questions.
So now we got two people in the back who do customer service most of the time, but also take your calls when they come in.
Or you can write to me, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And as long as it's postmarked in the next week or so, you can get those specials as well.
So again, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And you can also download all of my films and my book and Paul Watson's book that are now out of print and see the live simulcast of the radio show also archived, a higher quality podcast for PrisonPlanet.TV members, the Jesse Ventura 15-minute exclusive interview on Homeland Security Gestapo, Hollywood Secrets, naked body scanners and a lot more, United We Fall, an incredible full-length film about
The world government, the North American Union, where they actually got interviews with some of the top globalists admitting world government.
I mean, this is an incredible film.
We're so honored they contacted us and said, please put it on PrisonPlanet.tv in the high def, high quality.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're also today, by the end of the show, going to post a special analysis piece, 15 minutes, detailing the total takeover and murder of the internet as we know it by the NSA front, Google.
That's been a week in production.
That is going up today for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
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And I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.tv members because your support is so important.
We've tripled our audience in the last year, conservatively.
It's incredible.
Previously, we were doubling exponentially every year.
Now it's tripling.
But the economy is in such shambles that our revenue has planed out and is even going down a bit.
And so we're in quite a pickle because it costs a lot to serve all this bandwidth and to make all these videos and to have these radio shows and to pay for everything.
I mean, as you know, if you're a business owner out there, well, this is a mission that we're running.
This is an operation
against total tyranny and your prison planet dot tv subscriptions your purchasing of the dvds the t-shirts the books the materials all the other great films we carry uh... by the way we just posted we just got three hundred of a man uh... on dvd we have uh... united uh... we fall a film on dvd now if you want to order that it's available at info wars dot com in the hard copy nothing like having that highest quality dvd with expanded extras
And your purchase makes it all possible.
So I cannot stress that enough.
Going into these hard times, I understand the sacrifices folks are making.
And a lot of people say they want to donate.
Well, we've put a button at the bottom of InfoWars.com on the right-hand side.
If you want to straight-up donate, that would be greatly appreciated in the InfoWar.
We can expand our operations here.
If you believe in what we're doing, it is having an effect.
I mean, count the cost.
Look at the evidence.
Who's having a bigger effect out there?
Who's waking up more people?
And it's not just Alex Jones doing it.
It's my crew, but it's you, the listener, spreading the word, taking action in everything you're doing.
That's why we're demonized.
That's why we're attacked.
That's why we're being hit from every angle.
Because you have taken action and the globalists are scared right now.
All right, getting into the economy.
Stocks drop as jobless claims rise unexpectedly, Associated Press.
Stocks are tumbling after two disappointing economic reports renewed investors' concerns about the pace of the recovery.
The Labor Department says claims for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week.
Well, yeah, the million people they had hired to do the census, that's over now.
What do you think was going to happen?
The Labor Department says claims for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week, and the Federal Reserve of Philadelphia said manufacturing activity in the Mid-Atlantic region has dropped during August.
A pair of economic reports followed by news that Intel Corp.
was acquiring McAfee, Inc.
The deal, valued at $7.68 billion, was not enough to offset the weaker economic earnings.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped over 180 points.
And growing.
The Standard & Poor's index is down 19.91 or 1.8%.
1,074.25, while the Nasdaq Composite Index is down 39.15 or 1.8 percent to 2,176.55.
And there's a new breaking update.
Stocks continue to tumble Thursday after two disappointing economic reports.
We'll come back with other economic news on the other side of this break.
Again, weekly jobs claims post-surprise jump of 500,000.
homeowner confidence drops in second quarter.
Tensions rise in Greece as austerity measures backfire.
The public is rebelling as they go into slavery.
They're saying, no, no, no.
It's all coming up.
And then we got incredible info with Wayne Madsen, Joel Scouser.
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Okay, continuing with the financial news, U.S.
homeowner confidence drops in second quarter CNBC.
homeowners were less confident about the value of their homes in the second quarter, with one-third believing home prices had not yet reached a bottom real estate
Website Zillow.com said today, nevertheless, a significant number of homeowners say they plan to get their home up for sale in the next six months if they saw signs of a real estate market turnaround.
Homeowners more pessimistic about the short-term future of home values in their local market than they had been in previous three quarters.
They're figuring out that it was all government hype.
It's designed to implode the economy.
We have the internal Goldman Sachs emails.
According to Zillow, second quarter homeowner confidence survey,
33% believed home values in their local housing market had not yet reached a bottom, while 38% believed they had already reached a bottom.
After years of hearing news about the housing recession, homeowners really understand the realities of the market.
Stan Humphreys, Zello's chief economist, said in an interview, nationally, 28 percent of homeowners said home values in their local real estate markets would decrease the next six months, up from 20 percent in the first quarter.
Additionally, less than one-third, or 30 percent, believed home values in their local market would increase, down from 42 percent in the first quarter.
Continuing looking at Greece, we're basically facing the same type of economic realities.
Tensions rise in Greece as austerity measures backfire.
This is out of Der Spiegel, the big publication in Deutschland.
The austerity measures that were supposed to fix Greece's problems are dragging down the country's economy.
Stores are closing, tax revenues are falling, and unemployment has hit an unbelievable 70% in home places, in some places.
Frustrating workers are threatening to strike back.
Feast of the Assumption of Mary on August 15th is a high point of summer in the Greek Orthodox world.
Here is one of the country's many churches.
Believers pray to the Virgin for mercy, with many of them falling to their knees.
And it just goes on to talk about unemployment rates of up to 70% in some of their cities.
70% unemployment.
They're telling us that our unemployment is 9.3%, probably going to go to 10%.
I heard Bloomberg Radio saying this morning, but most of the economists we have on say it's well above 22%.
And we also have here in the stack Schwarzenegger announcing that they're going to furlough workers and make people work five days a week, but only be paid for four days a week.
But the taxes go up, but the
Government services go down unless your city managers are other key crooks.
And there's been massive demonstrations.
City councils in multiple cities of California yesterday, we have those articles up on InfoWars and Prison Planet, being taken over by demonstrators as they found out, including some city employees that are protesting, getting their pay cut and being made to work for free some days.
As they learn that many city officials are being paid 500, 600, 800, 900 plus thousand dollars.
That's how this works.
Only the key crooks in government's pay goes up.
And that's state government and local government.
If you look at the feds overall, their pay's gone way up and on average, these statistics came out last week, is double what their private sector counterparts are being paid.
So the federal government's growing, their employees are getting more money.
But city, county, local, police, fire, things that are part of a central infrastructure, roads, that's all being cut.
Teachers being cut on average.
Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.
This is big government.
Taxes go up.
Roads don't get fixed.
Teachers get laid off.
Police get laid off.
More of that coming up.
Schwarzenegger orders furloughs to start after top California court rules.
We'll talk Dwayne Madsen's trade ahead with bombshell Barack Obama conclusively outed to CIA creation.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joel Skousen will be joining us in the next hour talking about the rest of the story dealing with Top Secret USA, the dark side of government that Cheney talked about, the secret militarization of police and military trying to create cadres, people that will carry out brutal oppression of the American people.
The good news is it's not going too well for the globalists, even using private contractors.
That's coming up.
In the next hour.
I think?
In three parts.
We've got it linked up at Infowars.com.
We've got the blurb written above it with some of the history of other presidents being intelligence assets.
Barack Obama conclusively outed a CIA creation.
And I've seen a lot of this info open source before, but Wayne's put it all together in one spot and found a lot of new data.
And it's got to be a 25-page report, but I suggest you read it all.
But here he is to go over it with us in the next 45 minutes to 50 minutes and
To give us some new intel he's gotten.
You can find it all and new developments at WayneMadsenReport.com and we have it linked up at Infowars.com.
He's getting so much traffic it's barely staying up this morning.
It's off and on.
That's why we've got this key report.
We're thankful for him letting us mirror it at Infowars.com.
Wayne, congratulations on your in-depth investigation.
You've been in Chicago for weeks.
You've been all over the country investigating this guy and you've gotten some powerful info.
Oh thanks, but I feel so much chagrined.
I think all this information is what should have come out during the presidential campaign, not on a sitting president of the United States.
And I really think that myself and other members of the media, you know I'm not counting the corporate media, they never
I don't want to touch these stories, but we really were remiss, I think, in delving into this guy's past during the campaign, which is what we've done with every other previous presidential candidate.
And for some reason, I guess we all got hooked on the opium with Obama.
Well, Bush was so bad, I don't blame people for wanting to get hooked on the hopium, but I saw his advisers and Wall Street doubling down on him.
I knew McCain was bad, but clearly he was the establishment's heir apparent, and so that's why I saw through him.
Oh, absolutely.
And now we hear today that one of the Kagan boys has been hired on as an advisor to General Petraeus.
So, what's the difference?
You know, we had Obama speaking at the CIA headquarters, telling them, you know, how much he appreciates what they do, and don't worry about the investigations.
Well, he should have been kicking them for what they did during the renditioning in the secret prisons, and now we know about the latest one in Morocco where we turned people over to have them tortured by the Moroccan secret police.
So, I mean, this is the guy that keeps on giving as long as you're, you know, CIA or the Pentagon, and I don't see any change.
As a matter of fact, in some respects, I think he's worse.
Well, Wayne, I have to agree with you.
Unfortunately, because he brought left cover to this and a fresh face, and he's a better teleprompter reader, a lot of people went to sleep over the secret arrest, the expanding wars, the torture, America really losing its soul.
And he's been protecting John Yoo and, of course, Alberto Gonzalez and Bush.
And Bush feels so safe.
Two months ago, he said, yeah, I ordered torture.
I'd do it again.
Oh, absolutely.
And his Justice Department is going after Blagojevich again after all he got was a single count for lying to an FBI agent and he wasn't even under oath.
There's no transcript.
He let DeLay off on the Abrams deal.
I mean, this guy, I mean, he's the gift that keeps on giving for the last people in the last administration.
Well, Wayne, stay there.
We've got a long segment coming up.
Let's walk piece by piece through your bombshell report on the other side.
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We've got all three parts posted up at Infowars.com.
We've got our preface at the top of it.
Bombshell Barack Obama conclusively outed his CIA creation.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen is scheduled to appear live on this broadcast and he's here now.
Thursday, August 19th at 12 Central to reveal his groundbreaking series on Barack Obama's true origins.
Madsen will share the bombshell revelations and extensive information from the following three articles and even more that has not been revealed.
Tell your friends, family, and contacts to tune in and learn the truth.
Also visit TheWayneMadsenReport.com for further research and other exclusive reports.
And be sure and subscribe.
I mean, this guy formerly worked for the NSA, Naval Intelligence,
He's written for some of the biggest publications in the country, Washington Post, you name it.
He's a contributor to RT.
He's a real patriot.
His info is always borne out to be very accurate.
He told me where he got this new information.
And it's verified and confirmed.
It's just that there's been a... I don't want to go any further.
Because they keep clamping down every time they learn of a new place people are getting information.
But we're going to stop right there and Wayne can say as much as he wants, but this is all public source and verified in his three articles, but you need to read all three parts.
The story of Obama all in the company.
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 at InfoWars.com or WadeMadsenReport.com.
And again, his site is Wade down, so if you can't get it there, InfoWars.com.
And get it out to everyone you know.
Because I have separately researched this in depth, making the Obama Deception and Fall of the Republic.
And a lot of this was already public, but a lot of it is new and just completes the image.
Of what we've got.
Now before we go back to Wayne, I want to show people a few news stories that came out this week.
Here's Politico.
Don't look, birthers.
It's Obama's passport.
As if his passport means something.
Now this came out on the heels of them shredding and destroying his mother's passport, which would be stamped where he was at what time.
When he was born, the evidence shows in Kenya, but we know he gave up his citizenship and became Barry Sotaro, like Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, he became Barry Sotaro and gave up his U.S.
That is confirmed.
That's mainstream news.
Okay, and they try to abscond that evidence by only focusing on Kenya.
I'm not bashing those that do, it's just this is smoking gun.
Now, here it is, oops, Obama mama, passport destroyed.
State Department claims record's gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968, around the time that old Barack Obama was born in 1961.
Continuing, White House offers a glimpse of President Obama's passport documents, shows birthplaces of Hawaii.
So they're desperate.
They won't put out the original passport, just a receipt of it, okay, just a slip, not the real passport.
And now they're doing this at the same time they destroyed her passport.
Very, very suspicious.
So I wanted to just point out they've been involved in a cover-up.
Wayne Madsen, go over your groundbreaking report, the new stuff you've discovered, and other things you haven't put in Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3.
You've got the floor.
Wayne Madsen, go over it.
Well, I started this investigation by looking at the company that President Obama went to work for after he graduated from Columbia, and it was Business International Corporation, and that was a company that had close ties to the CIA.
They used some of their quote-unquote journalism as CIA cover officers overseas.
Now, in his book, Obama says, well, I went to work for a company in Manhattan after I graduated from Columbia, but it was the company, the CIA.
It wasn't a company, and he was very disingenuous about talking about that.
This was a company that had access to some of the biggest, most powerful
People in the world, including Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, Generalissimo Franco of Spain, and obviously this company did outreach to a lot of leftist leaders in places like Africa and Asia and other parts of the world, including Latin America.
And then I started looking at, of course, his mother and her time.
Uh, in Indonesia especially, but also Pakistan.
It turns out she was working not only for the Ford Foundation on microfinancing projects, and I have information that states that one of the CIA economic officers at the U.S.
Embassy in Jakarta worked on the same exact project while she was there.
We're good to go.
From Hawaii, where he met Obama's mother in 1965, but prior to the CIA coup, and he went to work for the Suharto's army.
Now, they killed an estimated up to one million Indonesian citizens, a lot of ethnic Chinese, and also reported members of the Indonesian Communist Party.
So this is the environment she'd take seven-year-old Barack Obama
I mean, who in their right mind would do that unless you were, you know, being assigned to work for the agency in those days?
I also looked at Barack Obama Senior.
Now, he was airlifted.
It was called Project Air Lift Africa.
It was funded by a $100,000 grant from the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation.
But that's because Tom Amboya, who was a Kenyan nationalist leader, pro-US,
We're good to go.
So that's building up his national security credentials, helping out the agency.
And the reason for bringing these 230 students from Kenya, Tanganyika, and other soon-to-be independent British colonies in Eastern and Southern Africa was to compete with the Soviets and Chinese who were training their own leaders in these newly independent nations, and it was clearly to gain influence with these new governments.
Just to interrupt briefly, the bottom line historically is the British are the masters of this, but other governments have done it.
That's why you had to be American-born to be president in the Constitution, because at the time our country was being founded, they had problems with the Austrians
Sending their people into other European countries during the democratic revolutions that were developing to try to put their people into power there.
And so this story of intelligence agencies pre-positioning people to put them into political power so they control nations is extremely old.
And we also know that Kenya in the 40s and 50s into the 60s was the admitted declassified global model of covert
Takeovers and was the main base of operations aside from South Africa and Rhodesia for control of the African continent
Well, right, and we have to remember the same year that Barack Obama Sr.
was brought over in the CIA Airlift Africa Project is the same year that the Soviet Union opened the Petrice Williams University in Moscow for the whole purpose of training people from these third world nations, these newly independent countries.
I don't think so.
I need class.
Okay, your phone was cutting out a bit.
He meets his mother, again, Barack Obama Sr.
meets Mama, and of course her daddy you're going to get into has connections to the agency.
He meets her where?
In a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii.
Now this is the height of the Cold War, and the only people who would be taking Russian in a place like Hawaii, which was like a military, I mean the military was all over Hawaii, the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, would be obviously people who were involved in some way, shape, or form with intelligence, or were being recruited into intelligence.
Now, Stanley Armordunham, the grandfather, there's a photo of him welcoming Barack Obama Sr.
to the airport in Hawaii.
Now, we were told that they met for the first time at the Russian language class.
It's clear now.
This furniture salesman, we were told Stanley Armordunham's grandfather was in the furniture business.
It seems like he was in much, much more than just selling furniture.
Incredible and then of course you have her then being projected into the big foundation under Tim Geithner's father.
I mean just on every side you've got all these connections in the report and then he's got a fake name, he's changing his name, we don't know where he's born, he comes from nowhere to become president.
I mean it just, I mean the evidence is overwhelming.
Well, then we have a curious case of his grandmother, Madeline Dunham, who died right two days before Obama was elected president in 2008.
The Obama campaign apparently didn't want her giving any interviews to the press.
Maybe they were afraid she'd be like Newt Gingrich's mother with the Katie Couric interview and slip up and say something that would have embarrassed them, but she was one of the first female vice presidents at the Bank of Hawaii, and now, lo and behold, we find out that that bank was used by the CIA
I think?
We're going to go to break and come back and keep going through your article that really puts all the pieces together that clearly this guy's an intelligence operative.
We'll look at once he's in college, how he's sent to Pakistan, clearly in all sorts of secret ops.
I mean, this is extremely clear.
But also, if you really study deep intelligence, it's normally a family affair because then the whole family's connected.
There's the peer pressure of the family.
You can never leave.
And so we see that pattern throughout history at the highest levels of intelligence.
We'll continue to look at Barry Sitaro, aka Barack Obama, the president, on the other side of this quick break with Wayne Madsen.
You've got to read the report.
Look at the photos.
It is extremely damning.
It's all on Infowars.com and WayneMadsenReport.com.
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Okay, we're talking to Wayne Madsen, who is a top security expert at the National Security Agency, Naval Intelligence.
Whenever you watch C-SPAN and you're seeing an Intelligence Committee hearing, you'll see him in the gallery as a press reporter.
He's written for literally scores of top newspapers and publications here in the country.
So a very top-level source and investigative journalist.
WayneMadsenReport.com has it all.
Bottom line, before we go through more of the history, more of the evidence of this, what type of asset is Obama?
What was their plan?
Because he was nested at the highest level, both sides of his family, at the biggest foundations that themselves created the CIA.
The way I read this in my past research, it appears that from very early, he was put into the highest level schools being developed for where he is now.
Anyone who remembers the movie The Manchurian Candidate, that's exactly what they were trying to do in that movie, setting somebody up.
But in this case, it looks like it was the CIA that had their own Manchurian Candidate and groomed this individual for higher office, and he eventually got it.
Now, one of the things that I found was
Some CIA files from the 1970s referring to behavioral science work being done by the Central Intelligence Agency.
And one of the universities, and this comes from Richard Helms, the director himself, one of the favorite universities for behavioral science work.
And let's face it, that was out of the Office of Science and Technology.
That's MKUltra.
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb's operation.
One of the favorite universities for this research was the University of Hawaii, where Barack Sr.
met Ann Stanley Dunham.
So you're saying he's trained in mind control, or he's under mind control?
I don't know, but we know what MKUltra was.
It was extreme behavioral modification.
Yeah, the LA Times reported the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, was in that program.
Well, some of the other universities mentioned in this were Yale, MIT, University of Michigan, and UCLA, and the University of Hawaii is singled out as the fifth favorite university for this work by Richard Helms.
Now, this work was done through the Advanced Research Project Agency, which was working Lieutenant Colonel Kibler with the U.S.
Well, for me, what...
You know, the cherry on top, and we haven't covered 10% of the evidence in your article, is that the way they hide all his records, the way he goes right into college but is never there, he's all over the world, he's in hot zones, it looks like they were training him in all sorts of, you know, in the field training from a very early age.
Well, the CIA front company in Honolulu actually came up with a false corporate history, said that they had been doing business in Hawaii since it was a territory.
Everything was fake with that particular company.
When the company went bust and accused of being a Ponzi scheme, where have we heard that recently?
Certainly we have with Stanford, we heard it with Enron.
And here we have another one, NBCCI.
So here we have an early example of the CIA setting up this financial firm to make these payoffs out of Honolulu.
And when it goes bust, the innocent investors are all defrauded.
And Grandma's running it!
Well, she's working at the Bank of Hawaii, which is laundering the money.
She's running the escrow account at the Bank of Hawaii, which is where the agency is placing the funds to transfer to their boys over in Asia, these dictators and these favorite politicians.
I would also note that AIG, which he bailed out, which was started by Ken Starrs,
Well look what Top Secret USA confirms what you'd already reported on for years.
Close to a million secret private spies in the U.S.
alone with the highest security level.
That's one out of 300 Americans.
So, you know, we look at all this and it's fascinating.
I also found a very rare copy of a book that was written in 1968 and actually favorably reviewed in an article in the Boston Globe in 1971.
And it lists 3,000 CIA agents around the world, lists the stations, and some of the most active were Jakarta and Lahore, Pakistan.
And the book lists a bunch of Obama's family's bosses.
Stay there, stay there.
I want to go over all of it when we come back and what it means.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
There's some men you just can't reach.
So you can get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he gets it.
I don't like it any more than you do.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, Wayne Madsen in layman's terms.
Recap this evidence.
Go over other areas.
Some of the new things you've discovered.
You've been getting into archives.
I'll just leave it at that.
A lot of things are newly declassified on a routine basis.
They do everything they can to cover up his history.
Now they shred his mother's passport that would be stamped for where she really was when he was born.
And then release his passport
I don't
I don't know.
Well, you know, we go back to January, February of 2008 and the big U.S.
State Department passport scandal where some contractors working for a company called the Analysis Corporation were caught looking into Obama's passport files.
Now, that company at the time was headed by Don Brennan, who used to be
With the CIA, came up with a lot of this rendition program under Bush, and now he's the Deputy National Security Advisor.
How convenient.
So, you know, they said, oh, well, Hillary and McCain's passports records were being looked at.
I think that was a diversion.
That was to, you know, make it look like they were going in.
I think the fact is they were going in to see exactly what Obama had, if any,
thing with the smoking gun, as far as his passport files.
And I was getting ready to say before the break that one of the names in this book of 3,000 active agents during the late 50s and 60s is Peter Ernest, who's now the director of the International Spy Museum.
And remember, Obama took his two daughters to visit the spy museum.
Everyone said, no, isn't that a little odd?
Why would he take them there?
Well, maybe it was all home week for him.
So what does this mean to the American people, Wayne, to have someone who clearly was manufactured and put into power?
I mean, obviously they can blackmail him, but that's not even needed.
He's just completely controlled.
I think that's the problem.
Presidents and Vice Presidents or Senators or Members of the House do not require security clearances.
The mere fact they're elected, their staffs require the clearances, but they do not.
But that job falls to the press to vet these people and the media.
Fail miserably during that campaign.
On what I reported out of Chicago with his private life and now with this, his background with the agency, this was all available back in 2008.
And no one, you know, pursued it because everybody was listening to this brilliant orator.
And, you know, beware these brilliant orators.
History is replete with them.
And it turned out to be nothing more than demagogues when they've gotten into office.
We know many cases of it throughout recent and even ancient history where that happens.
Continuing, there's a lot of other areas of your detailed three-part series that we haven't covered yet.
Kind of recap it, get into some other areas and connections we didn't go over, and then when we talked last night, you said you're still doing more research.
There's even more, that there's mountains of this, and just every place you turn, CIA, CIA, CIA, CIA.
Well, let's look at his father, Barack Sr., who was brought over in his Airlift Africa project.
Now, his mentor in Kenya, who was assassinated in 1969, Tom Mboya, basically selected Barack Sr.
and others over more qualified candidates.
And I've got a very obscure Reuters piece from London in 1960, where one of the opposition leaders in Kenya says, wait a minute,
Some of the people who were passed over had better academic qualifications, better certificates, than the people who were selected.
Well, it's obvious why they were selected.
They were selected, and in the case of Obama Sr., he's married with a kid and went on away already in Kenya.
When he arrives in Hawaii and he marries Obama's mother, who's just graduated from
From a high school.
It's very clear that this was some sort of a CIA operation to get those two together.
You know, you gotta wonder what kind of parent would put their own child up for auction because the agency finds it important to do.
But Ann Boyer is interesting because he basically was spying for the CIA at all these Pan-African meetings and basically he was
Uh, trying to limit the influence of some of the leftist African leaders who were thought to be in the pocket of the Soviet Union and Communist China at the time, and particularly Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, who was also overthrown in 1966 in a CIA coup.
Just one year after Sukarno was overthrown in Indonesia with the help of Lolo Satoro, Barack's stepfather, and whatever work his mother was doing for USAID and other entities in Indonesia.
Now, we talked last night and I said, it seems to me that they knew that they would build him up as this messianic leader.
And then they study societal movements, individual psychology, mass psychology.
The architects know that he would then not deliver the milk and honey and the restored economy and the end of torture, the end of wars with his advisors and who put him in power.
They were always planning to not deliver any of his promises and then politically destroy him.
And you concurred with me, so I want you to expand on your view.
What was their plan for Barry Sotaro, aka Barack Obama?
And what does their master plan encompass for the nation and for their front puppet?
More balkanization?
More division?
Selling Africa on AFRICOM or AFRICON being set up?
I mean, what's the overall program with Plan Obama?
Well, you know the CIA regularly uses people who are called futurists.
Now this isn't the weird kind of thing where people look at them.
These are subject area experts who try to look to see where technology, where politics, where population, where demographics will be 20, 30 years into the future.
And they seek to steer it.
They seek to already know what people are going to want to do, where culture is going to bring them, so they can be pre-positioned to dominate those systems.
That's what Google is.
So if we go back in time to 1960, we're looking at the CIA looking at the demographic changes of the United States.
Increasing African-American population.
I don't think they really banked on the increase in the Hispanic population.
Obviously that came later, but... Well, wait a minute, it's come out that the Ford Foundation, billions, Bill and Melinda Gates, tens of millions, Tumatcha and La Raza, Ford Foundation going back 60 years, creating those groups.
Well, I think the one thing, because of the Civil Rights Movement, they were looking at... Look, Martin Luther King was the leader of the African American group, movement, the people, in this country.
He broke with Johnson in 67, over Vietnam.
Let me back you up!
Margaret Singer in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s on record in public letters with the Rockefeller Foundation saying we've got to pose as liberals, get the black leaders in place so we can abort most of them and they've been successful.
51% of blacks never make it out of utero.
They're murdered in the womb.
So they did that and they talk about controlling black leaders by financing them.
So we know that that's their strategic plan.
Well, absolutely.
So you look back in 1960, and is it beyond the pale to consider the fact that they may have wanted to groom somebody from a very early age, like a baby?
You know, you've got his parents and his grandparents basically in their pocket, and then you've got this stuff about behavioral science work at the University of Hawaii.
There's just so many gaps.
We're good to go.
I think that's the key that you just hit on.
You have all this effort to cover up the past.
You've got CIA connections.
I don't
uh... intelligence and foundation connections and now he's the president and we know they have these programs to go in not just here but all over the world and recruit leaders i mean the british recruited hitler that's declassified uh... in the mid twenties and took him from nowhere and funded that the uh... national socialist to make him their leader and and the millner group bragged we're gonna build this guy up and he's gonna tear europe up
And then we're going to be able to come in and rebuild it and take it over.
I mean, this is their long-term strategic thinking.
And when you look at Obama and everything he's done, it's clear this guy is a total betrayer of everything he claims to be.
Well, you remember last November when old man Bush, H.W.
41, and Jeff Bush paid what was called a courtesy call to the White House?
We were not even told what that was about, a courtesy call.
That's all we were told.
Well, you know, you've got the guy who the CIA headquarters is named after, and his son visiting Obama.
So, I mean obviously you're saying their plan was to have a controlled asset who was supposedly African-American in there, that's clear, but
How is their plan going?
I mean, did they mean for him to be a messianic leader and be successful?
And has their attempted launch of this African-American Napoleon failed?
Or did they plan to just use him as a distraction and then destroy him?
Well, I think he's given them everything they want.
Look, Operation Iraqi Freedom is now Operation New Dawn.
I mean, right out of George Orwell's newspeak lexicon, we're showing pictures of convoys leaving Iraq.
50,000 troops are going to stay, and we're going to see an increase in contractors.
What's that all about?
By the way, I have the New York Times today on that.
They say, oh, private contractors and intelligence operatives will now run the government.
So this is a
It's a practice run for the U.S.
and other countries where they don't just stage coups, they come in and put in their entire apparatus through these giant armored embassies and control everything and just have plainclothes death squads running the nation.
Well, that's right, and look what Obama, right after he comes in, you know, he allows the CIA to overthrow President Zelaya in Honduras.
He wants to build seven military bases in Colombia, and the Constitutional Court of Colombia just shot that down.
So, you know what Obama wants to do with it now being shot down by the court in Colombia?
I mean, this guy is on lock, stock, and barrel by these intelligentsia, you know, the intelligence community, because he's not said no to them
I mean, Patriot Act, still in effect.
We have an increase in electronic surveillance.
We got these people, the CIA and Google, and NSA and Google, and Microsoft, and everything else.
So he's allowing, he ran on openness?
The Freedom of Information Act is still not being implemented.
It's still backlogged.
Requests are not being honored.
So, I mean, everything he ran on, he has lied on very fundamental constitutional issues.
And we were told that he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.
I don't know which law he was teaching, because when you look at his actions, it looks like he's teaching the Constitution of North Korea, not of the United States of America.
You know, I'd laugh, but it isn't funny.
This is really happening, and I mean, this is really the private offshore corporate takeover of society.
They're setting up their fusion centers run by the CIA in every major city.
They're federalizing the police.
They're training U.S.
SWAT teams in Iraq for
We're good to go.
And they had private snatch-and-grab teams in front of news cameras, on purpose, grabbing activists, putting bags on their heads.
Now what happened in Toronto, same thing in England, they are globally deploying a scientifically developed corporate oppression, a corporate black-op tyranny.
And, I mean, clearly this is the complete shadow takeover, and now it's out in the open.
I mean, this is so illegal, Wayne.
Well, let me say another thing about Obama.
You know, he has had scheduled two trips to visit Indonesia.
Both trips have been postponed.
You know, I think he knows that when he arrives in Jakarta, the Indonesian press, some foreign press, will start looking at his time there.
And I don't think they want that kind of attention on that.
And I think that's one reason.
Now, he's always said he's had other priorities.
I think the oil spill was one reason.
Well, no, that's another issue, Wayne.
You keep bringing up great points.
It's admitted he was in Indonesia longer than he said.
Then he lied about being in the Muslim school.
It's fine if he's a Muslim, but why lie about it?
I mean, everything he's ever told us is a lie.
You went over that earlier.
I mean, when the parents met, when the grandparents met, when all this happened, we learned it's all a fiction.
Well, I mean, the other thing I discovered is when they were, uh, before they went to Hawaii, they were in Mercer Island, Seattle, in the state of Washington, and, and, uh, I did find, uh, in a list of these, uh, agents, the CIA people, uh, the name of the, uh, chief engineer for, uh, Boeing, and he was
His area of primary assignment was Mercer Island.
Now, uh, Madeline Dunham worked for the Boeing Corporation during World War II in Wichita.
So, he's the only guy listed with the agency in Mercer Island.
You know, we gotta figure the time frame here.
Um, you know, uh, you know, you could, conspiracy or coincidence, but I, I think that's much more than a coincidence.
But we know his father's involved in all these secretive activities.
Now Obama's involved with Odinga, having the Muslims riot to create the prime ministership for him.
I mean, just everything Obama does is dastardly.
Everything he does is skullduggery, laced.
And it's just at every turn, and then there's the secrecy.
And so I think you've conclusively proven that the media has been involved in a cover-up of this guy's true history.
And everything we know about Barry Sitaro is a complete stinking lie.
Final segment straight ahead with Wayne Matson.
Our sites at GCNLive.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we haven't done one since Monday.
You want me to do it again?
I appreciate the work you've done.
I want people to read Wayne Madsen's report.
And I want them to read the breakdown that we've done on top of it.
So I want you to search this key term and make it the number one search term today.
And I'm going to launch another one next hour.
We'll hit them with two torpedoes.
But the article isn't ready at PrisonPlanet.com separately on what Google's doing trying to take over the web with Verizon.
So that'll be launched at 30 afterwards, Joel Skousen, next hour.
But I want you to search the term Bombshell Barack.
Bombshell Barack.
Bombshell Barack.
And then that will lead them to WayneMadisonReport.com.
Search the term Bombshell Barack right now, and that will lead them to this investigation.
We'll post these videos later at YouTube.
We'll link those in.
Brudge Report routinely then links to this, and we can push this mega-viral thanks to you taking action.
We'll expose the CIA-created asset.
Bombshell Barack is the search term.
One word.
B-O-M-B-S-H-E-L-L Barack.
Please take action.
We're 10 for 10.
We've done this 10 times.
You have never failed in the info war.
And we're going to launch another torpedo in T-minus 35 minutes.
Closing comments, Wayne Madsen.
I hope people will support your investigative journalism by subscribing.
You give most of what you do away for free, but it's important that people support you as an investigative journalist.
How do they subscribe?
To WayneMadsenReport.com.
Well, you just go to Wayne Mattson Report, M-A-D-S-E-N Report, all one word, dot com, and you'll see a thing that says join now.
Click on that and it'll step you through the process.
Well, you know, it is time-consuming to go through, locate, and then go through these extensive files because we're talking about kind of ancient history, you know, the CIA 1960s, 61, up through the 70s, and there's a lot that you just have to
Well, you certainly deserve respect and support, Wayne.
We've got about a minute and a half left in this hour.
Any other key tidbits or points you wanted to make?
Well, I noticed that in his mother's passport record there was a name that had been crossed out, Soharko, which is yet another name we have in addition to Sotoro.
I guess the question is, who is Soharko?
Who was he?
Was that another name assigned to President Obama when he was in Indonesia?
How do you spell Soharko?
Very suspicious.
Anything else?
Uh, well, I would just urge people to, um, uh, you know, while we have the internet, and you know it's under tremendous assault by the guys, the guys like Cass Sunstein and his friends, uh, just, uh, search all this information out, uh, save it, because it may become, uh, useful later on before it disappears entirely.
I agree.
They're clearly telegraphing they're planning to launch false flag attacks on the web, blame it on China or Russia, and use it as a way to start controlling it.
Wayne Madsen, thank you for spending an hour with us.
Look forward to speaking to you in the near future.
We'll continue to watch your reports on your great website.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
There goes Wayne Madsen.
Joel Skousen is coming up on the other side in the third hour as we continue to investigate Top Secret USA, the private spy takeover of America.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Joel Skousen is a respected researcher, a veteran, and he's the editor of worldaffairsbrief.com.
And I was reading an article a few weeks ago and we had Chuck Baldwin on, Top Secret America, the rest of the story, and he quoted a lot of key intel developed by Joel Skousen and World Affairs Brief.
uh... dealing with the dark side of the military and the police how they're attempting to turn them into these secret police oppression squads and export what they've developed in the dungeons overseas in the black sites uh... here to the united states and he's gonna talk about that with us uh... in the next hour but uh... he told me he was listening to the show when uh... Wayne Madsen of the NSA uh... retired was really doing an in-depth report he's gotten even more documents he's about to publish where everybody surrounding Barack Obama
His real name is Barry Zettero, is CIA and Rockefeller type foundation, and he wanted to comment on that.
And so let's cover that in this short segment, Joel.
Then we'll get into the domestic operations of Top Secret USA.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Alex.
It's good to be with you.
I'm particularly impressed with your ability to look at the global big picture of things, because I think that's essential.
That's what you were asking Wayne Madsen when he said, what's the big picture about Obama?
What's their purpose in putting in a, you know, a puppet?
Uh, controlled person who's been with the CIA before.
You know, once you've been with the CIA, you're really very much controlled.
There's very little escaping that route.
In a certain sense, of course, George Bush was a puppet as well, but he was a puppet meant to dupe the Christian conservative right.
Obama, you know, there's always a reaction.
We have to look at this Hegelian conflict.
There's always a reaction against
When a puppet goes in and does it, and then betrays his constituency, you have a big whiplash.
So there was a betrayal back to the left.
They wanted change.
They wanted out of the wars of intervention.
Barack Obama comes forward to present that.
I think we have to remember that it isn't that these people are the important issue.
This is their way of managing the whiplash of change when they get, you know,
When they try to pretend to be something they aren't, there's always a disenfranchised and a distant champ.
They try to ride the seesawing as people try to put somebody else in power to fix things.
That's correct.
And they always get certain things done.
For example, they got certain things done during the Clinton administration.
They couldn't have gotten done as much as the Republicans under Bush Sr.
betrayed their cause.
They can't get certain things done, which they can do under the Democrats.
That's why you never have any undoing of those agendas when Bush comes in.
He didn't undo anything that Clinton did.
When Obama came in, he didn't undo anything he promised that Bush had done.
And so you have this pacification of people.
I mean, you go back even to the Martin Luther King era.
I know either you or Wayne said, you know, he had betrayed, his people were gone against him.
My feeling was, in fact, because he was so much involved in prostitutes, it was going to get out, just as John F. Kennedy was so much involved in
No, I agree with you, and I'm concerned that after they use up Obama, they can do the same thing to him.
They could.
In fact, they could do this with any number of these puppets.
They could accelerate an agenda.
I happen to think, however, that they're going to present us an alternative.
They want a Republican in the generation for a big war that's coming up.
My theory indicates that we're going to have a major Third World War coming probably at the end of this next decade, and they're going to want a Republican president in there who's capable of whipping up major patriotic reactions.
I think they may give, let me put it this way, if they run Sarah Palin, I think she's a weak candidate.
They've got all kinds of dirt on her that they can bring out when and if they want to destroy her.
If they run Sarah Palin for the Republicans, I think they're going to give Barack Obama another four years.
Stay there.
Let's continue to see your geopolitical mapping and projecting out with your future trends forecast.
You've made a lot of really accurate breakdowns in the past.
Joel Skousen, the editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Joel Skousen is a political scientist by training specializing in the philosophy of law and constitutional theory.
He's also a designer of high security residences and retreats.
He's a self-sufficient in high security homes throughout North America.
He has consulted Central America as well.
His latest book in the field is Strategic Relocation North American Guide to Safe Places.
He's active in consulting with persons who need to relocate for security reasons.
And it goes on, Joel was raised in Oregon, later served as a fighter pilot for the U.S.
Marine Corps during Vietnam era prior to beginning his design firm specializing in high security.
And of course, was it an uncle that wrote one of the best-selling books exposing the whole globalist takeover plan?
That's correct.
My uncle was W. Cleon Skousen, who first of all started out with a very, very excellent historical book called The Naked Communist.
That was in the days the conservatives thought that communism was the real problem.
He woke up sometime in the 60s and noted that, in fact, the capitalists, which turned out to actually be globalists, not, you know, real, honest, true free market capitalists, were running the communists and facilitating them, and so he wrote the book The Naked Capitalist.
Which was a blockbuster start of the entire understanding in the world about conspiracy theory relative to our own government.
Well that's right, and now it's declassified what he wrote about and what other investigators in Congress brought out, and Anthony Sutton exposed as well, that Hitler had been funded by mainly England, that the U.S.
had helped put the Bolsheviks in, that they helped put Mao in, and now that's been declassified, and that's on the History Channel.
They create the crisis to offer the solution, and it's robber barons who want a global, consolidated, anti-free market system.
And now we're coming to the end of the road on that.
And I remember being about 10 years old, and I could really start to read good, that the naked communist and the naked capitalist were on the bookshelf at my dad's parents'
uh... at my uh... fraternal grandparents house and i remember reading part of that book when i was there for a week during the summer and that being one of the catalyst understanding what was happening that i read nunder call a conspiracy when i was about fourteen and then i went out and research real history and found out it was very accurate uh... but but for those who just joined us getting back into their long-term strategic goal of obama it's as if they wanted to come in and get their agenda through but then
Really anger the public so they go with a fake right-wing candidate, as you were saying, lining up for World War III.
Please continue with what you see coming in the near future for the United States and the world.
Then we'll get into the domestic control grid they're putting into place.
That's exactly right.
What I was heading for is that they always create a reaction to these policies.
The economy cannot be solved, at least not with Keynesian economics or government-controlled interference.
It can't be solved with the Fed having fiat monetary powers.
And so they know that eventually they're going to have a backlash against anyone.
Who comes in and promises change and success, whether it's the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, none of that stuff ends at night.
So in the backlash, they're always preparing someone else on the opposite side, Team B as I call it.
They have Team A and Team B, they control both sides.
And they are setting us up right now, in the Republican side of the spectrum, for this backlash against Obama.
And it's very telling, as I point out in my World Affairs brief analysis, if they pick someone like Palin, who is extremely vulnerable, who has, you know, she's got good charisma, they've been giving her a lot of play on Fox, which is the false conservative network, in my opinion.
Are you saying Mitt Romney's good?
No, I'm not.
I'm saying that he is not a knowing conspirator with the people.
They can't afford to let someone as smart as Romney, even though he's bending over backwards to try to be one of them.
He isn't.
And there's a reason for that.
And that is, he's too ambitious.
He wants to be president.
Those people we never trust, to be honest, conservatives.
Being as smart as he is, if he did get into President, he'd be like Reagan.
He'd see too much.
He wants to do what's popular because he understands that he doesn't want to be destroyed.
Well, that's right.
But he also, you know, he does have some principles.
And he, they don't have a lot of dirt on him.
So they can't twist his arms.
Now, how does Ron Paul play in though?
Because you gave a speech a few years ago that I agreed with, saying don't go with Mitt Romney, go with Ron Paul.
How does the Ron Paul card play into this?
Well, the Ron Call, Paul Card, played very strongly in a major episode that happened in 2008 or 2007, actually.
He was responsible, in my opinion, for the entire intelligent estimate that came out and said that Iran had dismantled or not gone through with their nuclear program.
They had to have an excuse to get out of their planned attack on Iran because it would have accrued to the benefit of the anti-war movement, and yet an anti-war candidate in the Republican
Uh, running for president.
And so, I believe Ron Paul's presence stopped them from going through with Iran.
Now they've switched sides, switched the intelligence.
Uh, and, uh, but Ron Paul is even stronger now.
He's been so vindicated.
He is so much a household name now.
They've got a real problem because he's running for president again.
And so they're going to have to undermine Ron Paul with double the support that he had before, plus the fact that they're going to have to work against Mitt Romney, who's got a lot of money to put himself back in.
Once again, as I say, it's not that Mitt Romney is a trustworthy conservative candidate, but he is somebody the establishment has to work hard to make sure he doesn't get into office.
So it's either, in my opinion, going to be Palin or Newt Gingrich.
Newt Gingrich is also on the other side.
He's the betrayer.
He came from the left.
He never was a conservative.
He's a globalist.
He's written books calling for world government and cashless societies.
And, I mean, this guy wants carbon taxes.
That's right.
But remember, they tried to shove Rudolph Giuliani down the conservatives' throat in 2008.
It didn't fly.
That's why they had to resurrect McCain with six endorsements right in the middle of the campaign to get him.
And it was a disaster, but they at least got Romney out.
That's what they wanted to do with McCain, so that Romney couldn't fill the vacuum by the demise of Rudolph Giuliani.
But in this case,
They have a true globalist, a new Gingrich, which they're trying to float to the American people.
But that's why I say, if they end up allowing Palin to get the Republican nomination, in my opinion, it means they're going to give Barack Obama another four years.
No, I agree with you.
I mean, she is definitely was built up, then destroyed, now been built back up again, and they are deploying her to try to take over the Tea Party, discredit it, and throw the election.
And so if they go with Palin,
We know they're getting ready to throw the election to Barry Sitaro.
I agree completely, and if they go with Newt Gingrich, then Barack Obama's out.
We're going to get a Republican warmonger in there who's going to take us to another level.
Now, in my long-term analysis, I feel that the issue is not so much directly Iran, and that war is coming.
But that's not going to lead to World War III, in my opinion.
I think that's going to lead to a larger regional war that's going to allow Israel to clean up and create, at the same time, an increased hatred in the world for both the United States and Israel.
We'll be looked upon as the bullies of the world.
This plays, then, into the long-term globalist agenda of handing Russia and China their final excuse to finally take out the bully of the world.
Now, I think North Korea is being preserved with kids' kid gloves.
You notice how they never put any real... To be used as a future detonator.
This is the future trigger event of World War III.
That's what I think North Korea is being preserved for.
And Iran is only something that will continue to exacerbate the hatred of the Muslim world and the Slavic world against the United States and make us look like the bully of the world.
And it will clean up and control oil assets.
There's a lot of complexity there.
But let me get back to the ultimate view
Of how we view the CIA and all of this.
Now, Wayne Matson has some very, very good analysis.
He does come from a bit of a leftist agenda, and so he and other leftists tend to always view the evil of capitalism and the CIA as the evil monster which has basically done a coup on the United States and taken over the government.
I disagree with that.
I think that there's a larger conspiracy which is built at these globalist
Well of course, I mean the CIA is just one deployment cog in the globalist system.
That's correct.
The CIA is the implementer of those things.
It is not the controller.
And that's what we have to understand.
This is not a CIA coup.
These people are taking... Well, we know the Council on Foreign Relations takes Club of Rome Bilderberg documents and admits that they then write the bills in whole, whether it's homeland security, immigration reform, bank or bailout, and word for word it's then passed into law.
They're openly there writing the policy.
Hillary goes to the CFR and says, thank you for giving me my orders.
Well, it's like James Jones told the Munich Security Conference in February.
We at the National Security Council take our daily marching orders from Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger.
We have a, what did he say, a hierarchy.
Now, this is illegal.
This is a proof of conspiracy, Alex, as you know.
And that was published by them in CFR.org and Foreign Affairs.
I mean, Hillary wasn't joking last year when she came and said, I'm here, thank you for telling me what to do.
And then you got Jones, the head of the Security Council, saying, we have a hierarchy, I get my daily briefings from Mr. Kissinger, he runs everything.
And you see, that's not legal.
Henry Kissinger has no legal right to be directing.
He didn't say advising.
He said we get our daily marching orders.
That means we're getting orders from someone outside of government.
That is proof of a conspiracy.
And why are they so open?
Because they believe setting a precedent?
They openly talk about what they're doing?
It's like, oh, we're going to put lithium in your water now in the New York Times to make you feel better.
They just take the power of us exposing it away from us by just admitting it.
Well, you know, I'm surprised, frankly, that they're still up on the website of the CFR, the speech of the Munich Security Conference, because it's right there, the kind of evidence that we need.
I've been able to convince a lot of skeptics about the powerful conspiracies that have evolved at the highest level of government through that quote, and they haven't taken it out.
I think they're, frankly, confident enough now in their manipulated powers that they don't
They aren't afraid of us anymore.
Now, that said, still, they don't have absolute control.
I think they have effective control, but they still have to manipulate the public through the media.
They still have to seed the internet with false conspiracy theories, those that denigrate all conspiracy theories.
That's why they have to attack you, as the way they've been doing with the agent provocateurs, putting the graffiti on the wall.
They're still worried about us, but I think they're pretty confident.
Unfortunately, I agree with you.
But more than confidence, they're committed.
They can't pull out of this.
They passed the point of no return a long time ago.
Let's continue with your global projection into the future and spend time on their domestic suppression system they're openly now building.
We'll be right back.
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WorldAffairsBrief.com's the website of our guest, Joel Skousen.
He's been fighting the Globalists for decades and his family for more than 50 plus years.
Website where you can check out our information is InfoWars.com and of course PrisonPlanet.tv where we simulcast the radio show in full living color with videos.
We can add another level of documentation here.
Let's finish up, Joel, with where you see the Globalists going and what their master endgame is.
If they are able to successfully pull this off, what our world is going to look like.
Joel Skelson.
Well, let me go back first of all to what I consider a very neat piece of disinformation that got into my uncle's book, The Naked Capitalist.
He was the first one to publish the famous Rowan Gaither quote.
He was talking to Norman Dodd about admitting that the purpose of the Ford Foundation and other foundations was to seamlessly, you know, join the United States and the Soviet Union.
In fact, a true conspirator like Rowan Gaither never would have told the truth.
To a legitimate conservative like Norman Dodd trying to investigate what's going on.
What he said had to be a lie.
But it made it believable.
He had to give some excuse because it was very obvious to the conservatives, that my uncle noted this, and the naked communists, that the capitalists, the people in government, were continuing to fund communism.
They brought Mao to power.
They paved the way for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and ousted Batista to get to Del Castro.
So either they were communists,
Or, in fact, they were using the communists for something.
And the Rowan Gaynor quote kind of tends to give a feeling like, well, there was a benevolent reason for all of this assisting communists, and that's so that we can blend these two societies in.
Well, 7277, State Department document, basically says that.
Well, here's what I think's really happening.
First of all, I think that Russia and China are legitimate predator competitors for world government control.
These are not
Being controlled directly by the Anglo-American establishment.
I agree.
It's like the British creating Hitler.
That's right.
He was not their puppet.
They were, in fact, facilitating him because of the dialectic.
Because they wanted to have war, war would give them the excuse to create world government.
Well, that's like funding the radical Muslims for 50 years.
It's like funding the environmentalists when they want to shut down domestic oil production.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
So they play this dialectic.
We have to be very careful of absorbing disinformation like that, which gives plausible reasons for things which are not truly the real reason behind it.
So here's what I think is going to happen.
You have three separate predators.
China, Russia, and the Anglo-American establishment, or what I call the globalists.
Now, they're intending to destroy one another.
Right now, China and Russia are in a semi-quasi-alliance because they want to take down the West.
And the globalists in the West, in fact, have been facilitating the rise of communism, not only to break down other governments so they can ride in as the rescuer and save countries from the evils of communism with their, you know, their semi-socialist position, slightly better, but
Still controlling.
But more than that, they are facilitating and hiding and covering up for, especially Russian military dominance, Russian rearmament.
They're exposing a little bit, but always downplaying it in their annual report about the Chinese military threat.
But you notice, Alex, there is no Pentagon report on the Russian military threat any year at all.
And Russia is far in advance.
We're good.
Nothing's worth telling of that.
In the 1997 story, front page, New York Times, about the bunker city under Yamato Mountain, and the CIA says, we're not worried, it's defensive.
Well, how did they know it was defensive?
They've never been in it.
They were covering for it.
They've never been in it to this day.
And yet they still say that Russia is in compliance with all treaties.
Absolute lie.
So why are they?
Are they communists?
No, they're not communists.
Was Alger Hiss a communist?
Yes, he joined the party, but I believe Alger Hiss was a globalist who had gone into the Communist Party to help facilitate their integration within the state, but to also manipulate.
Well, that's like the Rockefellers and Armand Hammer giving them the industrial funding after World War II and right into Vietnam.
I mean, they have to create the crises so they have an excuse to tax and build up their infrastructure, which isn't just pointed outward, it's also pointed inward.
That's correct.
So I think what's going to happen is the globalists want a Third World War.
Russia and China attacking the West.
China will take up the Far East.
I think they'll occupy clear down to Australia and New Zealand.
But at some point during the war, it's my theory that, by the way, our own leaders come out of their deep underground bunkers, and they're not building those for terrorist attack.
They're building those because they know there's six new bunkers being built.
They know there's a nuclear war coming.
Joe, let's talk about underground bases, because in the 50s, they admitted a lot of this, and they built huge complexes, and I've got some cousins and family at
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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This is Invisible Empire.
That's why we titled our last documentary Invisible Empire.
This is a global corporate governance model.
We'll be talking more about it with Joel Skousen throughout the rest of the hour in a moment.
Wayne Madsen has really done a lot of deep research into all of the intelligence and CIA connections to Barack Obama.
It's important the public know about that, that the mainstream media has been covering it up.
We launched the keyword search term for today and this weekend being Bombshell Barack.
And that way when people search that it...
We've done this 10 times.
We're 10 for 10.
It will make it the number one search term.
Bombshell Barack, please type that in.
Bombshell's one word.
Bombshell Barack.
But we've done this one other time where we launched two search terms and make them number one and number two.
I want to do that today.
The second search term is KILWEB.
Search that term.
Kill Web and Bombshell Barack separately.
You search Bombshell Barack as one search, Kill Web as another, and it will lead them to this article that just went up three minutes ago.
At PrisonPlanet.com, Google plans to kill Web in Internet takeover agenda.
And then they will read how the Verizon deal, net neutrality, fake cyber attacks, Internet 2, it's all admitted.
I've known this for a decade.
Now people actually listen to us because it's happening.
We want to make Kill Web, K-I-L-L-W-E-B, the number two search term this weekend.
Who knows what'll be number one, number two?
Probably Bombshell Barack, because I plugged that first.
But please take action with two different search terms.
Bombshell Barack is one search, and the second search, two words, Kill Web.
Google plans to kill web an internet takeover agenda.
In fact, we'll get Joel Skousen's take on their move to censor and Cash Sunstein and all these calls coming up in a moment.
Get into the main reason I had him on.
I'll have him back on for two hours in the near future.
It's like you have these great guests on and then years go by and you're like, why didn't I have them on again?
When I was reading this article written by Chuck Baldwin dealing with Top Secret USA, the rest of the story, and about half his article is quoting Joel Scalise.
I want to spend some time with Joel on that as well and ways we can fight back because I don't think the globalists are invincible.
I think they're at the point of no return and committed.
That's why they're becoming so brazen.
That may be a place we disagree, but we'll talk to him in a moment.
But the search is, kill web.
Please type it into your Google and Yahoo search engines repeatedly and take the article, Google plans to kill the web internet takeover agenda, and send it to everyone you know.
The article dealing with bombshell Barack Obama conclusively out of the CIA creation, that's already viral, so it might be a top search term on its own.
People kept pointing out, hey, you already
Many times you're in the top ten search terms, your articles, why not, or stories you're reporting on, why not start having listeners push it?
And we're doing that very successfully.
Before we go back to Joel Skousen...
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all of it
Very well informed perspective and people can get a trial copy of it by emailing the editor or they can go to the site and subscribe.
Tell folks how they do that, Joel.
Well, the site is www.worldaffairsbrief.com.
It gives a synopsis of the current brief and tells you how you can get a free sample copy.
Just email me at editor at worldaffairsbrief.com.
There's just a modest subscription price for the weekly World Affairs Brief, where I give my in-depth analysis of the news, trying to put back, as Alex does, the stuff that the media purposely leaves out.
Separately, you raised this before we get into the big picture again and their domestic control system and how we combat that, taking back the states and local governments.
You talked about disinformation campaigns.
You talked about how they try to put out, you know, unbelievable garbage.
And even if you try to be accurate, sometimes, you know, you fall for it.
None of us are perfect.
But clearly, and Cass Sunstein admits this, and we have other documents where the government admits they're doing it, but the White House regulations are.
Says they're on the web posing as patriots, posing as conservatives, posing as conspiracy theorists to be outlandish.
And he said the government and mainstream media have no credibility.
We've read these quotes even in the Associated Press.
He said they also create infighting.
Classic COINTELPRO that was used in this country.
And I see them just
Pulling out all the stops on it right now, really trying to get us to fight with each other.
And anybody you see on the web, in my experience, who spends even 30% of their time or more in fighting or calling for violence, it comes out like Hal Turner.
They're feds!
Hal Turner, of course, is a classic example of somebody who really tried to instigate infighting and tension within the web.
I think it's very important for us to be very, very careful, especially about the doomsday scenarios.
Uh, pessimistic about things.
At least I'm hedging my bets.
I feel like even though there's still a chance that we can overturn this, we can only do so if we expose enough of the actual conspiracy facts and theories that are there.
And since conspiracy is anathema to the mainstream media and to almost everyone has been cautioned to think, oh, you can't accept conspiracy.
I mean, they are predisposing the people to reject the very evidence that can blow this thing wide open.
But with all that, whether or not we can do it or whether or not we can't win, the point is we always ought to be prepared for a takedown.
You know, it would be unwise to be going forward with blind optimism and not understand the warning I'm giving about this third world war, nuclear war that's being... I mean, there's got to be some reason why the government is protecting Russia in their preparation to
Now, there's also another element to the underground bases occurring.
There are a lot of secret projects that are going on in development in Area 51 and other underground secret bases.
There are bunker systems, there's underground factory bases.
They're basically doing what the Russians are also doing.
They're covering for the Russians, and they're covering for their efforts.
The reason is, they do not intend to use these new high-tech weapons to defend America.
They intend, as PDD-60 outlined during the Clinton administration, to have America
Absorb a nuclear first strike.
Then they can come out of their bunkers and say, oh, the Russians deceived us.
We didn't know that they were preparing, just like they claim they didn't know about 9-11.
They do know, and they in fact are inducing, trying to bend over backwards to appear and to disarm, to induce the Russians to strike, because this strike is essential for bringing America to its knees militarily, at least the appearance that it's on its knees militarily, at least in terms of the public military.
That's why I wouldn't have my boys in the military when the strike occurs.
They're going to get nuked.
And then our government's going to allow it to happen.
They're going to come out of their bunkers and say, we're innocent, we didn't know, the Russians deceived us, but now we have no choice but to give military power, to rebuild, give military power to a world army to prosecute this great new patriotic war.
And then we'll start to see these secret high-tech weapons come out of the underground bases.
It'll be after the fact, after we've lost our liberty, after we've been talked into
I agree totally.
They need these catastrophes because if you read their deeper writings that are all published, it goes back to the French Revolution and the Jacobins and the Illuminati.
They wanted a 10-day-a-week week.
They wanted to end the family.
Everything we see in communism and eugenics and socialism and collectivism really drew on older ideas but came
...into a type of coalescence during the French Revolution, and that's their model.
They want a giant kill-off.
They're obsessed with how the Black Plague killed upwards of half of Europe and how it supposedly caused a renaissance.
Do you concur with what I just said?
Yeah, there's every evidence that they are going to use war and the biological and chemical weapons that will be unleashed during that thing to kill off a large portion of the population.
There's also one other interesting portion of my general theory, which I want to air, that is, it's my belief, I'm probably the only analyst out there that claims this, but I believe that China is going to betray Russia during the prosecution of this Third World War.
Creating a two-front war against Russia.
Russia will be eliminated as one of the predators during that.
And the interesting thing is that the globalists want that because then if they've got China as a new Cold War entry after we've built up their military and given them all that they need to help prosecute the war.
They'll have a new false bipolar system.
That's right.
Then they can say, oh, we've got to keep this international military force active and powerful because we've got a new enemy.
Well wait, I actually agree with you that that Sino-Chinese split, Russian-Chinese split is real because it's come out that those deals were actually made in 1949 to put Mao in and then that was just the publication of what was happening with Nixon in the early seventies of opening it up and now it's been declassified that in the sixties Russia
Requested the U.S.
either aid or stand back during a Russian nuke attack on China, and the United States threatened to nuke them if they did that.
Yeah, I've heard that too.
I've not been able to prove that.
Those Times of London, I'd heard it too, but it was reportedly declassified by the Chinese and impartial declassification two months ago in the United States.
Now, lastly, I want to make sure that our listeners understand that most of the disinformation on the net to whip up hysteria and to get us discredited has to do with imminent martial law and imminent economic collapse.
There's two reasons why I don't believe that's going to happen.
First of all, they don't have the forces to implement martial law.
They would have to have an excuse lest they convinced everyone that there's a massive conspiracy against liberty.
I don't think they're going to do that.
They've usually been too smart.
Same thing with an economic class.
Well, it's slow creeping, to interrupt.
We're already in martial law when they got naked body scanners in the airport and they're federalizing police and they're turning the public schools into little prison drill camps.
Well, let's put it this way.
They have the authority and the Constitution is dead as far as these people.
If they can do anything they want, the judges will look the other way if they're told to look the other way.
So we've actually lost our freedom.
They just haven't implemented that total loss so that they don't get a rebellion against the people.
But I think we have to be very careful, as I say, about saying that something is imminent when I don't think strategically it's in the globalist's best interest.
To do that, I think, knowing that war is coming, they have several major things they're going to accomplish when the big war comes.
Number one, they get to implement martial law and have an excuse that everybody will cheer about because there's total chaos going on.
An EMP, a strike, will take down this nation without electricity to a third world nation within hours.
Secondly, they get a chance to wipe out all of the debt.
They've got a collision course with bankruptcy.
Technically, they're already bankrupt.
Legally, it doesn't happen until 2021 or 2022.
Yeah, they see a war as a way to reboot things.
That's right, because basically, if the computer centers in Washington and New York get wiped out, they can basically say, there are no more records.
We've got to start all over.
And they get a free slate.
To do that.
I think that's the great thing about seeing them milk this thing along with inflation, which that's their only weapon they've got left.
So I'm not predicting an economic collapse.
I'm a downward spiral that will keep going.
But they'll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until this surprise war comes.
And it will be a shock to everybody.
And they'll use that shock value to talk people into giving up essential sovereignty in favor of a new world.
And then meanwhile, like termites in a building, they're busy preparing the full collapse, getting all their ducks in a row, studying us, learning how to control us.
How do we counter that though?
Take the states back.
Take the counties, the sheriffs back.
Educate people about this program.
The local level is the only way that we're going to do that, and that's why I think we've got to be very careful about teaching people how to do this correctly.
So much of the Tea Party movement is being co-opted by false leaders coming in with money, and that's always the key, that they're not of us, because our people don't have money.
The people with big bucks never are principled enough to run with a no-compromise strategy.
So I think we have to be smart enough to work at the local level, and it's working to a certain extent.
I look every day in the news and see how they're trying to topple Sharon Engel against Reid, just using very, very subtle attacks to destabilize him.
Well, they're claiming Rand Paul kidnapped a lady and it wasn't true.
But ultimately, there's a secret government that's going on.
It has secret underground bases.
I knew that.
In fact, I really started to research that when all these outlandish claims came about concentration camps on the Internet about 10 years ago.
Remember that?
The list of 300 names.
And I started to actually go and research those.
And most of them were bogus.
Absolutely bogus, and I thought, you know, and that list is still in there today.
Well, I've read the urban warfare drills.
The camps are your sports stadiums they can set up in a matter of hours.
The camps are the fact that we have the biggest prison population in the world, and adjunct to major prison camps, they have areas designated in the National Emergency Centers Act, and that National Emergency Centers Act tells you
What they've already built, they're just saying they want the funding to go public.
It's the old military bases.
That's right.
And most of these real true concentration camps are on the decommissioned military bases.
For example, they had right there in plain sight at Nellis Air Force Base, a great big triple wall prison camp, and it was on the actual list of
We're good to go.
Well, let me identify one for you, and I have this from Insider.
Then it came out, it was true.
Camp Swift was 33,000 acres.
It's now 11,000.
They have a federal prison.
It's the Federal Correctional Facility at Swift in Bastrop.
It's an old German prisoner of war camp built onto a real prison where they're holding federal prisoners, and it's part of the civilian inmate labor camp program, and it's all hidden in plain view, and the guards don't even know it.
They just think, oh, we're a federal prison, but it's a larger complex part of this operation.
That's the same thing with the Nellis.
You can go up and talk to the guards, they know that it's there.
No, we never use that, but it's there.
And you know, it's amazing that Glenn Beck gets on his program to debunk prison camps and brings out these disinformation artists at Popular Mechanics to do his so-called independent researchers.
And they don't mention these prison camps which are in plain sight.
Amazing interview.
Let's briefly talk about the main reason I got you on, how they're trying to federalize police, and if they're being successful at that, what you call the dark side.
And then I'll briefly get your take on who was behind 9-11 and this larger geopolitical strategy.
We'll be right back.
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They helped to create a New World Order.
We are part of a New World Order.
A New World Order based upon collective action.
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The New World Order really is a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.
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Well, it's our final segment with Joel Skousen.
He'll be back with us for a full two hours to take your phone calls on August 31st, coming up in about a week and a half, or a little more than a week and a half, last day of this month.
Don't forget the two search terms we're doing today.
KILLWEB, which will lead them to an article, Google plans to kill web internet takeover agenda.
KILLWEB, two words, that's the one search.
And the second search is BOMBSHELLBAROCK, exposing how he's a CIA created asset.
BOMBSHELLBAROCK is one search and KILLWEB is the second.
Real fast, Joel Skousen, because your breakdown that I saw in Chuck Baldwin's article about the dark side of the military and police they're creating and using, and they admit this, Iraq, Afghanistan with the checkpoints, the searches, and now it's confirmed, to train them for domestic operations.
Let's talk briefly about that and then your view on how 9-11 fed into all this and who you think's behind it.
Well, this is a real interesting story.
As you know, from my world first brief, or what Chuck Bolden keyed off of, I wrote a story about the top secret America.
Essentially, that whenever the New York Times comes up with a major story pretending to unmask the government they serve, readers should be very skeptical.
The Bush administration, for example, permitted leakers from within the government to tattle on some unlawful domestic spying, a little bitty piece of it.
But this was a planted story in order to partially address the problem and make the public feel satisfied now that the government had been exposed and chastened.
Neither occurred.
Later, of course, legislation was passed to allow modest domestic spying to continue under the old justifying war on terror, and that related to 9-11, why 9-11 had to be a government operation.
We're good to go.
It was purported to expose the massive growth and inefficiency of the burgeoning intelligence community.
It was a cover story to make the public feel now that government waste and inefficiency had been exposed, that that was the only problem, and totally, I repeat, totally neglected the whole story, which was the substantive issues of illegal and uncontrolled surveillance, disinformation, drug running, all the things that goes on in the black section of government.
Now, to address your question directly, the government during the Timothy McVeigh era and beyond used to recruit directly.
That is, the CIA would go to military people and they would recruit people mostly out of special services into the CIA directly, as they did Timothy McVeigh.
Now they've switched streams and they use private military contractors.
These are set up by people who have insider connection to government.
You and I cannot go to the ATF and say, I want a license to have automatic weapons to start a private military contractor firm.
We can't do it.
They'll just laugh at your face.
And I've told in the World Affairs Brief how Triple Canopy got started, how it came and got started.
Sure, we got one minute.
We'll talk about it in a week and a half, but one minute.
Bottom line, 9-11 private contractors?
No, absolutely a government inside operation.
Now, the private contractors were in fact the terrorists at the Al-Qaeda level who were hired by them.
I don't think the people running the airplanes knew they were working directly for the U.S., but the people at the higher level of Al-Qaeda were working for the CIA through Saudi Arabia.
Other details?
Well, obviously the explosions and the proofs about explosive elements within the World Trade Center is the biggest proof that this was an inside government operation.
There's no way that those buildings could have come down as stated by the government without high-powered explosives.
That means there's over a hundred people out there who put those explosives in the buildings or are keeping a secret.
They've been threatened, of course.
That's how this works.
All right.
Joel Skousen, amazing.
Look forward to you being on with us August 31st.
Have a great Friday and weekend coming up.
God bless you.
Look forward to having you back on soon.
Thanks, Alex.
All right.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Killwebs the search term along with Bombshell Barack.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission starts now.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?