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Name: 20100818_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 18, 2010
2268 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us.
It is Wednesday, the 18th day of August 2010.
Congressman Ron Paul is set to join us coming up in 30 minutes from now on a host of issues.
The economy...
The buildup towards war with Iran.
Will he run for president in 2012?
We'll be discussing it all and the fact that Obama's approval ratings continue to exponentially plunge.
We will be discussing it all coming up today.
Let me go over just some of the stacks of news that I have here in front of me.
Poll shows opposition to Iraq-Afghanistan wars has reached all-time high.
So they're getting ready to expand things into Iran and Pakistan.
Speaking of Iran, desperately seeking accommodation, Iran offers U.S.
chance to build nuclear power plants.
So now Iran has offered to let Brazil do it or have the Turks do it or the French do it.
Now they're saying, OK, America, you can come in and do this.
We need this nuclear power.
We only have refineries for half the gasoline we need and instead of trying to put sanctions on us to where we can't
You'll get the gasoline we need.
We also want to export oil, crude oil.
We need these reactors, so will you please come in and oversee the building of them so that you know they're peaceful?
And the answer is, of course, absolutely not.
That's not going to be put up with.
Some really bad news here.
Gulf states endorse military option against Iran.
The latest development in the never-ending saga of Iran comes via the Middle East Media Research Institute, which states that according to Gulf states, the military option may be the best option to deal with the Iranian nuclear program as the Contra-Iran, no pun intended, axis is now complete.
The article also reflected the Gulf states growing tension and concern regarding Iran's nuclear program and mentioned their proximity
We're good to go.
They want a military option, or they're starting to agree with a military option.
And you've got all this hype for a strike.
I mean, this is going to be bad for the economy, bad for the dead Iranians and Russian advisers that are going to get killed, bad for our country, bad for the economy, bad for our name.
We just cannot have another war.
We're going bankrupt.
And we've got these big global corporations that don't care if we go bankrupt, because they loan us the money out of nothing, that have dominated and taken control of our country.
And it's really just that simple.
And so the question here is, as a society, are we going to put up with this?
We'll talk more about that coming up.
On the economic front, U.S.
says bankruptcies reach nearly five-year high.
That's from CNBC.
Here is another report from USA Today and CNN Money.
22 cities in danger of double dip recession and the whole country's in a depression according to the
Economic benchmarks they used just two decades ago.
They've just changed the economic rules.
We had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on yesterday and he's written an editorial piece for InfoWars.com, really a news piece, breaking down how they cook the numbers.
So we'll be talking about that with Ron Paul as well.
Also Tom Fenton saying, why is Washington ignoring its biggest
Corruption scandal.
Too few in Washington have been digging into the scandals behind the collapse of the government-sponsored entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their role in helping trigger the global financial crisis.
Of course, who's at the head of that?
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barney Frank, and others.
It is all coming up today.
Nancy Pelosi wants people investigated that are criticizing Ground Zero Mosque.
We'll be back.
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Number 4.
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Number 5.
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Information War!
It's Alex Jones!
It is Wednesday.
We are live the 18th day of August 2010.
Congressman Ron Paul coming up in about 23 minutes.
From now, this will be a key interview.
A whole host of important subjects we'll be able to get his report from Capitol Hill on.
So that is coming up.
And then remember Pastor Steve Anderson?
About a year and a half ago, he was driving through one of these checkpoints, miles and miles, in some cases a hundred miles, into the United States.
And they wanted to search his car with no due process and he said no so they beat him up really bad?
Well a court has thrown out the prosecution of the pastor.
So that is certainly good news and we've seen a lot of police brutality.
But also security guard brutality on the news the last few days.
And it's this tough guy attitude that police are being taught that of an old lady or an old man or a person in a wheelchair who's paralyzed from the neck down.
Or a deaf person who's hearing impaired doesn't instantly respond, doesn't instantly follow orders.
They can choke you, beat you in the head with batons, or taser you.
And a lot of people are dying from this because they've got the police so hyped into this tough guy attitude.
via fear of the public, that it's really creating an us-against-them scenario.
We don't want that in this country.
We want to educate the police.
We want to educate the military.
Because in these type of systems, as countries and societies become authoritarian, the controllers count on their
I don't know.
That's done to create psychological division.
And, you know, many years ago, I fell into this trap.
I'm against police brutality.
I'm against how they're trying to warp the police and turn them into thugs.
We talk about that.
But I would fall into the trap of, at a primitive level, feeling threatened by the police and then approaching it as an us-against-them mentality, falling into the social controller's paradigm.
We need to decry out-of-control police behavior, but at the same time we need to point out they're being given this training and encouraged to do this by the federal government that has basically federalized most of the police departments in their funding and their training across the country.
So we're going to be discussing that some with Pastor Steve Anderson coming up in the middle of the next hour.
Of course we'll have nothing but wide open phones
in the final hour as well today.
In miscellaneous news, all of these reports illustrate the mind control
Going on in our society.
Let me read a few of these headlines and go back through them.
Crew takes baby slapped by mom aboard plane.
Southwest flight attendant returned infant before landing.
Parents not charged.
Well, now the full stories come out.
The baby was crying.
13 month old, a little over a year.
And they heard a spat.
No one saw the slap on the baby's bottom.
Now, I think it's too young to spank a 13-month-old.
By the time they're two, they may occasionally need a little bit of that, but mainly sternly talking to them will get their attention, in my experience.
But if a child keeps trying to walk out in the street or keeps trying to turn the gas stove on, they're going to have to get in trouble.
But what the system does is it tells you, the social engineers, and they've written books on this, tells you not to discipline your children even verbally.
There have been cases in the United States, Canada, and England, as well as the EU, where children are taken when their parents scream at them.
You idiot, I told you don't go out in the street again!
I told you not to play in that...
Space heater.
And they come and they take them.
They take them if you don't vaccinate your children, even though there's no law.
They claim that shows a pattern of neglect, even though there's no law to take the shot.
And the shot's damaging the children and causing a tenfold increase in convulsions.
That's mainstream news just from the H1N1.
Major brain damage.
Major brain inflammation.
So see, it's okay to put melamine in the milk and give them kidney failure.
in the uh... formula it's okay to have most major plastics and receipts and printer ink having bisphenol a massively uh... increasing breast cancer liver cancer
And of course, accelerating early onset of puberty in girls, feminizing boys and delaying the onset of puberty, and reducing fertility in boys, accelerating fertility in girls for a brief time, then resulting in reduced fertility and final sterilization.
This is all done by design.
That's okay.
The government pushing Gardasil that they admit doesn't even protect you from papillomavirus that can cause cervical cancer.
They admit on the drug insert doesn't protect you.
They try to make it mandatory.
It kills and maims a bunch of people.
That's loving.
Girls going into puberty by the tens of thousands every year at the age of 3 or 4 or 5, by the hundreds of thousands at the age of 7 or 8, that's not abuse.
No, some ignorant parent being pressured to make their baby stop crying, spatting the 13-month-old.
You know, this parent's ignorant, but they're a parent.
And that's not abuse.
The law says it's not abuse unless you cause harm.
But instead, they train people not to show children boundaries, not to discipline children.
If you send a child to bed without their dinner, if they're throwing fits or being bad, which is a good form of punishment,
Historically, to really get their attention, that's now a form of abuse.
If you take your 10-year-old to church and they say they don't want to go, that's a form of abuse.
If you don't want your 6-year-old being taught sex education and how to have sex with people, which statistics shows makes them more promiscuous, just like suicide education causes more suicide, it puts the idea in their heads, they can take your children.
If you tell your children don't trust the government, they can take them.
In the case of Barry Cooper and his son here in Central Texas with Williamson County.
This is real.
This is happening.
This is going on.
And the system is trying to train everyone to just give your children up to the state when they say.
I mean, can you imagine being this woman?
It turns out the media spun it like she slapped the baby in the face.
And now it's being reported that she spat at the baby on the bottom, and no one even saw that.
They suspected it, but that's what the woman said that she did now.
How many cases have you seen where the flight attendants demand that mothers and fathers give their child Benadryl to make them go to sleep?
Even though it's not doctor approved and recommended until after three years of age.
How many times have there been issues over that and the media has defended drugging the child.
What does CPS do with children as young as one year of age?
They put them on lithium, a deadly anti-psychotic metal.
That toxifies the brain.
They put them on Prozac-type drugs.
They are putting masses of children younger than one year of age on these drugs.
When CPS takes a baby, and the toddler starts crying and throwing fits and being bad, they put them on hardcore anti-psychotics.
Now, what's more abusive?
When a two-year-old keeps trying to open the fence in the backyard and go out and play in oncoming traffic, spatting them on the hind end the third time they don't listen, and rebelliously puff up their cheeks and, you know, act like little dictators, spatting them like you do a puppy with a rolled-up newspaper to let them know who's boss.
It's all dog training.
Humans are very similar to dogs.
You study the globalist brainwashing through Pavlovian conditioning with the school bells and all the training.
They know what they're doing.
And they know you spat a puppy when it pees on the floor and doesn't go outside or doesn't pee on the newspapers.
You spat them on the hind end with the newspaper.
It's psychological.
It doesn't hurt the puppy.
They know that's the same thing for toddlers.
And they know that once society falls apart, order out of chaos, that once you have a generation of spoiled brats.
I see people all the time when I'm at the grocery store with some three or four or five or even ten-year-olds in some cases, throwing fits, screaming.
I was in Target two weeks ago buying a mask and snorkel for an open lake swim I was going to do.
And I saw what looked like a seven-year-old, the woman had three sons, come over and punch his mother.
And look at her like he wanted to attack her.
Well, let me tell you something.
My seven-year-old did that.
They wouldn't be doing it again.
Nobody's gonna hit my wife.
And that's what happens.
It's what the Bible talks about.
How your sons and daughters will be over you.
This is how society falls apart.
This is how society degenerates.
And they don't learn their boundaries.
Then they get put into public school.
And then they punch the teacher, or they punch the security guard, and they're disrespectful, and they get arrested and tasered and get taken to Juvie Hall, where they get raped.
And then when they complain, they get put on drugs.
This is
Taking me out and making me run around the football field until I threw up.
And then taking me in and giving me three or four pops.
And I mean with the big old paddle.
And let me tell you something, I may have been 13 years old and pretty tough, but I was, did not like having my hind end with purple stripes across it.
And I didn't like, in fact I begged for those pops instead of being run until I threw up.
And let me tell you, that's what America needs.
And that's what needs to happen in this country.
People, it's a lot better to be run till you throw up and to be given pops than to have the police come and taser you with 50,000 volts that can kill you and take you to jail.
So see, should we spank children or let the state take them and put them on antipsychotics when they're bad?
Which irrevocably hurts them.
You know, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger unless it's these chemical lobotomies.
Should we let the principals give licks and run people till they throw up?
Or send people to juvenile hall?
You make the decision, America.
We'll be right back.
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I hear the train a-comin', it's rollin' around the bend, and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck in Folsom Prison, and time keeps draggin' on.
Jaron, one of our producers, made a good point during the break.
And that was, if you see somebody driving 80 miles an hour down the road, and they pull over in a gas station, and they've got children in the back, you just can't grab their children away from them, that's kidnapping.
Well, this woman wasn't even seen spatting her child, but somebody heard the spat, and so the flight attendant jerked the child away and made a big scene.
And I'll go back to it.
They force vaccines on children that we know are brain-damaging them, sterilizing them, reducing fertility, causing all these problems, increases in cancer, killing them in many cases, and that's okay.
We have children at age three going into
Little girls.
We have little boys having their puberty delayed because they're being given female hormones.
The little girls go into puberty early because of it.
It has the opposite effect.
That's incredible abuse!
And where's the move to get bisphenol A out of all these plastic products that contain juice drinks and food and everything else?
The system with no evidence and without due process for these family courts is waging war against the family and going after people's children over and over and over and over again.
And the media spun this like, oh my gosh, you know, this mother was like the Taliban or something.
We've got to do something.
And I do think a 13-month-old is too young to spat.
It doesn't have any effect.
But the issue here is that they're hyping this up as a major story and spun it as if she slapped the baby in the face.
And then you go back to the public schools, where they won't discipline the children, and now discipline has disintegrated, and it's a war zone, and their answer is, turn the schools into literal prisons, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, before I get into some other news dealing with the border, I wanted to tell you that Jesse Ventura was here in town with us last week working on his television show.
I was helping him investigate things that will be covered in the show.
I don't
And it was an amazing interview, and it just went live at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And you can go up there to the site, and there's banners there at the bottom of PrisonPlanet.TV, and you can see the image of Jesse Ventura right there, and click on that, or click on the movie features, and watch the 15-minute interview with Jesse Ventura.
The title of the video is, Jesse Ventura Talks About Homeland Security, Gestapo, Hollywood Secrets, and More.
And so again, that is up on PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
A lot of times I just end up putting these videos out on YouTube first, but I'm really going to make an effort to post them first exclusively for the PrisonPlanet.tv members.
And of course, they're all in higher quality than YouTube at PrisonPlanet.tv.
My book,
Paul Watson's book are both out of print.
They're there at PrisonPlanet.TV.
The three-hour video simulcast of the radio show is live at PrisonPlanet.TV in 120-plus bit audio and video at PrisonPlanet.TV.
All of my films in super high quality.
Expanded extras that are only at PrisonPlanet.TV that are not on the DVDs themselves.
Many other films like Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic, we've been authorized to post there.
Camp FEMA in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And now a new incredible film.
It's so well produced.
It's so powerful.
They actually got interviews with top globalists.
Globalist, but Top Globalist won't give me interviews usually, but they'll give folks that aren't as well known, but soon will be.
And I want to get the maker, he's been on before separately as an activist at the G20, on because this is a great film and it's titled United We Fall, talking about the North American Union and he got Top Globalist
To sit down and admit to all of this.
So United We Fall now up at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
And when you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you get all of my films and so much more.
And it also funds our operation and pays for the bandwidth and the other websites and everything else that we do.
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And I want to thank all the PrisonPlanet.tv members because you have just really used the site as an armory of resistance to educate so many people.
We'll be back live after this quick break.
Please stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, until the end of the hour, we're joined by Congressman Ron Paul, Dr. Paul.
Of course, his son has still got a healthy lead against the Democratic candidate there in Kentucky and needs your support.
We'll talk a little bit about the hoaxes.
There's five of them we've counted that have been run, but we're mainly going to focus on the Iran situation, the economy, and so much more.
Congressman, thank you for joining us.
So much is happening, and you're always nice to join us each month.
I've got all my questions, but for you, Congressman, what is most important on your radar right now you'd like to talk about?
I don't think anything is new.
I keep talking about the same issue.
The bold and broad issue, of course, is liberty.
And then I deal so much in foreign policy.
We don't talk enough about foreign policy.
They are talking about domestic policy and the debt, and that's very good, and that's what the election seems to be about.
But according to the polls, they say that nobody cares about these wars.
I have a little trouble believing that because it shouldn't take much of a leap for people to understand that running an empire and spending all this money is very detrimental to our economy.
So that's high on my agenda and of course the economic situation and how they're making it much worse.
Hopefully I can get as much interest in trying to allow people to opt out of the system with competing currencies because I think we're getting much closer to a currency crisis and if people would only have that option to get out and it's encouraging news to know that the Indonesians are now looking toward hard money and maybe we'll put some pressure on Western nations as well.
Because if we went to hard money or a hard money back currency, that would take the power away from the central banks to basically build up their power at the expense of the real free market?
Yeah, that's right.
I don't think you have to, by force, be able to have the political power to go in and close down the Fed.
That's not going to happen.
We're good to go.
Congressman, looking at foreign policy, you've talked about sanctions on Iran being an act of war under international law and our own law, and now we've got Bolton, the former ambassador from the United States to the UN,
Saying we've got to hit them by the 21st, that's just three days away, or they're going to fuel the reactor.
We've got the Gulf states lining up now in support of an attack on Iran.
Our government had lied the last three years and said we don't have contractors or troops in Pakistan.
They now admit that they are there.
They're now trying to hype up an increased conflict, not just with Iran, but Pakistan.
Can you speak directly to the war clouds that are gathering over Iran and Pakistan?
Yeah, I mean, there's a lot in the neocon camp that's all they agitate for.
They think that's the only solution for the mess that actually the West has created.
The European as well as the West, including us, have created this mess.
And they're determined to, you know, move in that direction.
I keep, you know, hoping and praying that they're not successful and they're not about to be so stupid as to bomb Iran, but they're liable to and that is going to be a major, major catastrophe.
And I think the argument is still going on.
I don't think the plans have been laid.
I doubt if it'll happen in the next three days or next month for that matter, but that doesn't mean the issue is going to go away.
Do you agree that we're moving towards a green lighting?
Because many of the experts we interview concur that the war drums are intensifying and that the propaganda mechanisms, the very same neocons that promoted fictional WMDs in Iraq in 2002-2003 are right back at it.
I don't know that answer because I'm not on the inside.
I still think there's some disagreements going on.
If it had been unified on this, Bush would have done it.
So obviously there's two arguments even among the radical neocons and the other ones that are less radical.
I think it's still going on.
And I think reality sets in, too.
There has to be some military people who are really worried about this.
What are they going to fight a war with?
They had these war games where they theoretically bombed Iran, and the consequence was it would be a disaster.
I don't
That's all we need right now is more of this.
I think the debate is still going on and I certainly don't have the answer on exactly when.
But I know there's a lot of people there who would like to do it.
People like Bolton.
They're going to agitate and agitate until they have their way.
Hopefully they don't win this fight.
Well, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, who pushed some of the key disinfo on Iraqi WMDs, he's back, and they're putting him on television, and he's writing for The New Atlantic.
But at the same time, I, three weeks ago, saw the Financial Times of London, with top Clinton advisor and also Obama advisor Robert Shapiro, saying, quote,
If we don't have another Oklahoma City or 9-11 to make Obama look strong, we're going to probably lose the House and the Senate.
And then now other neocons are openly writing articles saying, Obama, attack Iran.
We'll back you.
You'll get political support.
So a lot of people I'm talking to are really concerned that Obama may back an Israeli strike or even a U.S.
Well, I guess it's a possibility, but like I said, I don't know the answer to that.
I think our job is to point out the great dangers and at least explain to many of our
Friends in the conservative movement that, you know, the typical conservatives should be endorsing illegal and constitutional wars of aggression, and I think that should be our job, and I just can't say that I can either alter the future nor know the future, but I do know what our obligations ought to be.
Looking at the economy, many economists are saying we're really in a depression if you look at the old standards of economic analysis, but that there's a lot of cooking of the books now.
Now the mainstream media is saying, okay, it's a double dip recession.
They're talking about the Federal Reserve putting out trillions of more dollars that taxpayers will have to pay back.
Congresswoman Paul studying the economy and being very accurate in predicting what happened in 2008 and that the stimulus would not work in the last year and a half.
What is your economic prognosis for the United States?
Well, I don't talk about double dips because I don't think the economy ever really recovered.
Everything that said the economy was recovering were artificial statistics coming from the government.
Let's say they give a tremendous tax credit for somebody to refinance their house or buy a house and then there's a little blip upward.
They spend a couple trillion dollars and that translates into a hundred billion dollars or so of GDP increase.
I mean, what does that mean?
The cost was ten times more than the GDP increase.
So they talk about a recovery, a weak recovery, and now there's going to be a double dip.
I think if we were honest with ourselves, we would say we started slipping.
Nearly 10 years ago, in the year 2000, when the Nasdaq double collapsed, good jobs went overseas.
We've lost jobs that never came back over that whole decade.
Things got much, much worse after the last crisis hit in 2008.
And I think it's a continuation of downhill for us.
And since they're doing all the same things that they did to put us into this crisis, we can expect this economy to get much worse.
The American people are going to be a lot poorer, and they're only going to have the printing press to look to.
They're going to keep printing money, and that's going to precipitate the dollar crisis, and that'll be a political crisis.
That's when we better have our ducks lined up so that we know you have enough allies to replace the system we have today with a constitutional system, sound money, free markets, private property rights, all the things that we believe in.
That is coming, but once again, you don't know when.
Now, we were just talking about the Iranian situation.
If next week they go ahead and bomb Iran and the oil prices double or triple and one of our ships gets sunk, that war would spread rather quickly.
That would be a whole new ballgame and maybe what would collapse the dollar.
I know you don't like people to talk about how great you are, Congressman, but you really are a true statesman, a medical doctor, someone who's been given honorary degrees for your understanding of economics.
And yourself, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and many others in the last eight months have come on this show repeatedly, and I read the bill as well on air, the financial reform bill
Allows the SEC to have secrecy, autonomy, cannot be investigated for covering up for Madoff for 10 years.
It allows this private board of the Federal Reserve to have more power over the economy in their 97 years of looting as a front group for private banks.
And now that's all come true, so I'd like you to speak to that A. But then B,
You also read the different versions of the health care bill and said this raises taxes, cuts benefits.
It does allow the government to come in and set parameters on what type of care people will get.
And the Democrats and Republican leadership, they stonewalled on this and said none of that was true.
Everything you said six months ago on this show is admitted.
They're coming out and admitting, okay, this doesn't cover pre-existing conditions, it's a tax increase, and the insurance companies wrote it to rip you off as a bailout.
Okay, it's true, this gives the Federal Reserve even more power, and more junk bonds are being issued, and record derivatives are being issued.
I mean, it's clear they're accelerating all this over the edge of the cliff.
So, I mean, you've been proven right again.
I mean, it's so incredible how criminal this is.
Well, I guess it's better late than never.
You know, people are starting to read it and find out.
I think the most atrocious statement came from Nancy Pelosi when she says, well, when people were arguing, well, we need to see the bill and study this.
She says something like, well, we need to pass the bill so we can read it.
And that's, boy, the understatement of the century, because that's exactly what happens.
And even as hard as my staff works,
Every little comma and every little phrase, it's pretty tough to dissect all of that.
That's why the whole process is so bad.
But I protect myself against ever endorsing that because it doesn't take long to find out what their goals are and what their intent is, making government bigger, raising more taxes.
But even as bad as it is, it's even worse than some people think.
Barney Frank is a big regulator.
He loves his stuff.
And I work with him on some issues, but obviously on this regulatory bill I did not.
And he, I believe, was honestly surprised about how much more power was given to the SEC.
Because he has a sort of an instinct of more transparency, and he actually wants to do something about that.
And he is probably the most informed person about that bill as we're going through.
I'm amazed at how much detail he knows.
But he can't possibly know every single thing the Fed and the SEC does behind the scenes.
It sticks this stuff in at the last minute, and it's just absolutely out of control.
And that's why this system will end and has to be replaced by something else.
Again, Congressman Ron Paul joins us.
Remember what a month and a half ago, Senator DeMint got up and reported that 94% of the Senate bills are never even read and are literally written by the special interest lobbyists, many of them foreign lobbyists.
This is a foreign corporate takeover of our government.
If the President can launch wars without Congress declaring it, the private central banks can issue all this fiat currency to their enrichment and our detriment.
But he said in his speech he didn't know the number on the House.
Do we have any idea of what number of House bills are never even read and are brought out 30 minutes before they're passed?
Not exactly.
The big problem would be that some of those bills float around and you can read them, but the night before they're due to come to the floor, they go to the Rules Committee, and the Rules Committee has tremendous license to change things.
The chairman of the Rules Committee can have a manager's amendment, which was used originally to change some grammatical things and just a few technical things, technical changes.
But now they used the Manager's Amendment to replace the whole bill.
That's what they did with the Patriot Act.
They, you know, Bob Barr and others tried to protect us to a degree, you know, against the Patriot Act.
He worked months on, or at least several weeks on that.
But when the Manager's Amendment came from the Rules Committee, they put the whole new bill into it, which meant that nobody could read it.
So it depends on the particular issue.
Yeah, but even if the bill's available, the financial reform bill was available and discussed in a lot of hearings and a lot of talk, but that still doesn't mean that many members would have had a total comprehension and been able to read this bill.
It is so massive, so I would say that
If you're talking about how often all the members read everything that's being presented, I would think that it's less than 5% where people can say, oh, I've read the whole bill and I fully understand it.
That just very rarely happens.
And that's why you're known as Dr. No and they try to criticize you because if you can't read some 3,000 page bill and they give it to you an hour before it's time to vote, it would be immoral for you to pass it.
That should be an easy no for everybody and hopefully what's going on in this country, it'll get easier because the American people are sick and tired of this.
I mean, sometimes they just say, why don't you guys read the bills?
Why don't we do anything else?
Let's have a delayed time.
Read the bills!
That, I think, is good.
The American people are getting very upset with the status quo and I think they're wise enough now to be very cautious about saying, well, if we just elect the Republicans, they'll take care of it.
This is a Republican versus Democrat issue.
It isn't.
It's the people who believe in big government and big taxes and a lot of war and welfare against the people who have to pay all the bills and all they want is to be left alone.
Congressmen, even establishment political analysts, as you know, admit there's been one of the biggest political realignments in history against the Democrats and the Republicans.
Almost every pro-establishment candidate, whether they be Democrat or Republican, are losing in the primaries.
And great patriots like your son, Dr. Rand Paul, are winning.
That's got the system panicked.
And the Daily Poll ran a story yesterday.
Uh, says Ron Paul to run for president in 2012, will announce in January 2011.
Uh, you know, I don't have any inside knowledge, but knowing you, uh, you understand you'll be able to inject real issues into the debate.
Uh, you know, your health is good, and of course it's great right now.
I mean, I would imagine being a man of honor, uh, you know, you're going to run.
Uh, but this has some supposed inside
Official who's unnamed saying you've decided to announce in January of 2011.
Congressman, I would be remiss if I didn't bring this up to you.
Yeah, well, I don't know where they got that.
They didn't get it from me.
And the truth is, is what I've been saying for many, many months.
I haven't decided to run.
I haven't decided not to run.
And it will obviously not be now or linked.
It would not be this year.
And it'll depend a lot on
What I perceive as support, you know a lot of people a lot of people like what I'm doing and they encourage me But there are some that say well, it's time for you to take a rest somebody else about to do it You know that sort of thing.
So I need to know, you know, if the support is really out there But certainly I gave no inside information just recently at Orlando as was reported But I would imagine if Rand does win and people support him that's gonna be a big plus for you running for president
Yeah, I think this is all a benefit of what's happening to show that the status quo is something that needs to be changed.
Whether it's Rand's race or others, I think it's all very positive.
When your son said, I've got a message to Washington, the Tea Party's coming, no to your carbon tax, no to your elitism, no to your globalism, it scared him.
So they've run five hoaxes.
They claimed he wanted to get rid of the Civil Rights Act when he said, excuse me, I can't hear you, yes, no, I don't want to get rid of it.
They claimed he wasn't a doctor, complete hoax.
They have been caught, this is mainstream news, sending people from the Democratic Party to pose as racist supporters of Rand.
They then, even three days after that lady admitted that nobody tied her up, nobody made her take bong hits, none of this happened.
Still, no retractions from GQ, no retractions from Huffington Post.
They're still going with it.
My listeners made Rand Paul hoax the number one search term last Friday in hundreds of publications, read our breakdown, saw the cheat retracted in the Washington Post, and so now it's out there that that was a hoax.
But I'm worried if he doesn't sue them, or at least stand up to them, next they'll say he killed Kennedy.
Next they'll say he killed Jesus.
Next they'll say that he burned the Reichstag.
Next he'll say that, you know, he let the cows out of the gate.
I mean, next he'll say he's causing the wildfires in Russia.
I mean, there's no end to how desperate they are.
I'm really worried about your son.
Well, there's a couple ways you can handle that.
I do think you have to answer back.
You just can't let it sit sitting out there.
But you can't get overly defensive or it gives them too much credibility.
And I've been under those attacks too because you know and I'm sure you share my views about how outrageous the war on drugs is and how that violates our civil liberties.
So I've never supported the war on drugs yet.
I detest the use of drugs for kids and all that.
But they used that against me in 96.
I wrote a TV ad on it and I defended myself and explained why it's the war on drugs, not the drugs that I promote.
And I think the other thing that we did that is so important is to try to get an image out there.
I can say a lot of things that might be controversial, but by this time, the people in Texas and the people in my district know me.
And they trust me, and when they say, oh, Ron Paul wants to give kids drugs, nobody believes that stuff.
You know, like all these things you're suggesting, nobody's going to believe that the more people know Rand.
So when they get to know him and see him as a physician, with kids, last night I talked to him on the phone, which is rather rare, and he was out at a soccer game with his kids, you know, so if they see that, I told
I said, what you need to do is just make sure people know who you are.
But I agree with you.
You also have to be alert.
You have to be willing to defend.
I think it actually happened.
They didn't threaten, but they insinuated that they might have to consider legal action.
I think that's finally when there was a slight backing down on that, when they finally got the information from the girl.
I really didn't say that.
Well, my point is, Congressman, it shows how desperate they are.
I mean, this is some of the dirtiest tricks I've ever seen because they know, you know, he's a real bonafide, true constitutionalist, and if he becomes the leader of the Tea Party, that is going to supercharge you, perhaps even winning the presidency.
We have to think big and realize that this is possible.
And we have to realize that they're going to run other dirty tricks against you, and we've got to understand that that's why it's so important to get behind Campaign for Liberty and donate, to get behind Rand right now, letters to the editor, everything.
We've got to get him in the U.S.
Yeah, and so far things are looking pretty good.
You know, I think he's holding his lead, and that's good, and there's still a few months, but I think your word of caution is legitimate because there's still a couple months to go, and if they've done that much already, you know, at the end, when they think you don't have enough time to answer or clarify, they may throw a lot more mud around.
They may claim he's really a vampire.
I mean, there's... They may say he's the Loch Ness Monster.
Well, let's hope they get over the top.
I think they are over the top, and I think they've lost their credibility.
People are a little more sophisticated than I think a lot of people give them credit for.
I assume for many years, well, if they ever know what I really believe in, how little government I believe in, I couldn't possibly get elected.
Sometimes I even surprise myself when people go, wow, people really don't like big government.
They want to be left alone.
Well, you know what Victor Hugo said, Congressman.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
And do you agree that we've seen a massive realignment and the pendulum is now swinging back, but we're in the maximum phase of danger because the ruling class is going to try to keep this crony socialist system in place?
Yeah, they'll be desperate, and they have still a lot of power.
They have a lot of guns, and they have the political power.
But the ideas, like you say, are more powerful than the Army.
So I want to always work real hard at remaining optimistic, that present our views, and we can overcome all the bad ideas that we're suffering from today.
Congressman, in closing, I hate to bring up what I see as distractions, but the Ground Zero Mosque is now the biggest story in the country and is a diversion.
This is kind of a liberal sect of Muslims, but regardless, I don't like ever agreeing with Obama, and I do think they should look for another place just because the community's gotten so outraged, but I am against government coming in and saying,
Yeah, you know, and I think it's a big distraction.
This is a grand distraction from the real issue.
You know, the country's engulfed in this war, as well as this financial crisis, and they're spending all the time on this.
To me, it should have been a grand opportunity, and you really touched on the opportunity, because this is a property rights issue.
Who owns the property?
And it's also a civil liberties issue.
It's a freedom of speech issue.
And this, to me, is so different than what the liberals say.
The liberals say, well, we'll allow you to speak, but not protect your private property.
Well, we don't worry too much about your speech, but we want to protect your property rights.
You know, they want to regulate all the things that we do in stores and how much salt you can use in restaurants and all that.
So then when you get a guy like Bloomberg, he's up there saying, oh yeah, this is a property rights issue.
But think of what Bloomberg does to property rights issues.
I think this is a tremendously opportune time for us to point out
The property rights and civil rights are one and the same.
But I think what's behind this, it drives the neocons nuts because they can't pursue this international war on terrorism without having a hated enemy, and the hated enemy is Islam.
And I don't believe for a minute that the, quote, religion of Islam is our enemy.
Congressman, we're out of time.
Look forward to speaking to you again.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Good to be with you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, it's hour number two.
We just had Congressman Ron Paul on with us live for 30 minutes.
I want to open the phones up in the next segment.
Ahead of Pastor Anderson who has now defeated the feds in court.
They're trying to prosecute him for demanding his constitutional rights at a illegal checkpoint.
So we're going to be talking to him briefly coming up in about 30 minutes.
And I'll continue with calls into the third hour.
I've got a bunch of health news I want to get into.
The government lies, the American people, about the safety of Gulf seafood.
More and more scientists are coming out who've been out in the Gulf.
They say there are fissures more than 25 miles away.
They've capped the oil well, but it's already blown out deep underground in those fissures.
There's a big cover up there.
I know you already know about that, but there's been new chapters in that.
We'll also get into some other key reports dealing with a new study, 85% of big pharmas, new drugs are lemons and pose health risks to users.
So the corruption is just intensifying where the system doesn't care how corrupt they are.
They're already out in the open as tyrants.
They think their police state and their control of the courts to a certain extent is going to protect them.
We'll be discussing that.
Also, you're welcome to call in with your views on the Ground Zero Mosque.
I think that once most New Yorkers got really upset about it and said, we don't want it there, that if I was a Muslim and if I was planning to build it there, I might move it.
But it is two blocks, big New York blocks away.
So I see both sides.
But I'm a property rights guy and a First Amendment guy 110 percent.
And so if we take their right to have that mosque there, I will lose my right.
And this is gonna set a very bad precedent.
It looks like they're gonna end up somehow defeating this mosque.
And it's just a giant political diversion to re-invoke the clash of civilizations.
Look, I love my Western culture.
I'm a Christian.
And I believe people should be Christians, but I'm not going to make them.
But I know that we don't need to have wars with the Muslims, and that it's a very diverse group of people.
And this whole thing is being used.
And so you've got Republicans, many of them, wanting to censor and control people's First Amendment.
With this mosque and violent to property rights and the Democrats, some of them are saying they're for it.
But then on the other hand, you've got Nancy Pelosi.
We've got this clip coming up saying we need to investigate.
We need to find out who's behind this mosque protest.
Well, it's the American people.
That's just like when they said people were protesting Democratic Congress people at town halls.
Who were for government-run health care.
The polls show over 70% and it's growing as they learn more, are against the government health care plan.
That's not run by some special interest.
Are there special interests that were involved against it?
No, we're allowed in this country to have our views.
People out there are allowed to have their view against that mosque.
They're allowed to have a view for the mosque.
But it doesn't matter if 51% say no to the mosque.
We're a republic, not a democracy.
In a democracy, we could say 51% say no Christian churches allowed.
There'd be no Christian churches allowed.
51% say only mosque allowed.
Only mosque allowed.
Or vice versa.
Or vis-a-vis.
Any configuration you want.
In a democracy, you can elect Adolf Hitler and he can say Jews are not allowed to live here.
They're going to camps.
In a republic, the minority as well as the majority right is protected.
And Muslim cultures do not have a good track record of being democratic or constitutional.
They do have a good track record of being authoritarian.
I also don't like Muslim groups coming into the country and trying to tell people what we can do with our First Amendment.
I don't like stirring people up.
I wouldn't draw a picture of Muhammad with his turban as a bomb.
But you know what?
Muslims don't need to come into this country and threaten people and threaten to kill them if they do that.
You understand?
So, I don't like people making fun of Mohammed, because it stirs people up, and I like to respect people's religion, but you know what?
I gotta support their right to do it.
This is America.
And I don't particularly like that mosque there, because it's being used for propaganda purposes, but it's their First Amendment right.
We'll be back with your calls.
Stay with us.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're back live, had Ron Paul on during the last hour.
We're going to be taking your phone calls.
There's a lot of issues here, but it mainly deals with the First Amendment, the right of religion, the press, the people, speech, expression, and property rights, also sacred in this country.
So if they're able to stop that mosque from being built two blocks away from ground zero, all of us are going to suffer.
Now, I think when the public started getting angry about it, you know, that if I was a Muslim and it was my mosque, I would probably try to move it somewhere, understanding what a propaganda coup this is going to be against Muslims.
But they are pig-headedly going ahead with it.
And I'm starting to think it's staged as a perfect propaganda coup at a subconscious level with territorialism to invoke 9-11 again and to basically hype this up as a pretext for a clash of civilizations with Pakistan and Iran and Syria.
And this is now the biggest story in the country.
I haven't talked much about it in the last month.
Seeing it as a distraction, I've given you my view on it.
I concur with Ron Paul's view on this.
I mean, do we have property rights?
Do we have religious rights in this country, or don't we?
And I'm consistent on this.
I have come out and defended Mohammed with a bomb on his head.
I think it's distasteful.
I think it stirs people up.
It was designed to stir people up.
And we've since had threats in the U.S.
with other editorials making fun of Mohammed.
I wouldn't do that.
But you've got to support somebody's right to do it.
You've got to support their right to build that mosque.
You've got to support their right, people that don't like Islam, to make fun of it, or we're not America anymore.
I was on Man Cow this morning and they had a supporter of the Mashgon, not a Muslim, some establishment so-called liberal, far from a liberal, Thomas Jefferson was a liberal, this guy was no liberal, and he was telling me, well you ought to be arrested, you and Rush Limbaugh and anybody else that
That thinks Obama was really an Indonesian citizen and his real name is Barry Sitara.
And this is Cass Sunstein at the White House's view.
You disagree with man-made global warming, he says, they should look at fining you or even arresting you.
Well, whatever you believe about global warming, isn't it your right to say what your view is?
I mean, this is so fundamental.
This is so incredibly simple.
But now Nancy Pelosi, who claims all the Tea Parties are fake, the Republicans have tried to take it over, but they've been unsuccessful to a certain extent, she's now saying she wants to investigate, we're going to play a clip of it from radio yesterday, she wants to investigate who's behind this.
Who's behind it?
Well, the media's hyped it, and the citizenry is angry about it.
And the fact that Obama has come out in support of this, and it's now hitting him even worse in the poll numbers, it's very painful for me because I don't like to agree with Obama on anything.
But quite frankly, this is a guy who's trampled on property rights.
And trampled on freedom with government-run health care.
And trampled on it with his carbon taxes.
And he, quite frankly, to a certain extent, is right about this mosque situation.
But Pelosi is wrong saying investigate anybody who is against this.
It's their First Amendment right.
These people are a bunch of thugs.
Let's play that clip.
And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded?
How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we've been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions are about a zoning issue in New York City.
That was KCBS 740 AM.
So, you know, we need to investigate.
We need to look at people that are ginning this up.
And that's what the diversity czar at the FCC is called for.
That's what more than, what is it, eight plus of the czars are talking about government appointed committees that decide in your city what can be on the air.
And then they file complaints and then you can't criticize things because it might stir people up.
The whole system wants to censor.
Because once they're able to censor one group, they can censor everybody.
It's so simple.
Let's go to Daniel.
Daniel, where are you calling this from?
Hi Alex, this is Daniel from St.
Paul, Minnesota.
Thank you very much, sir.
I'm very nervous here.
I'm calling about the amount of oil flowing into the Gulf from the oil spill.
I've been a plumbing designer for almost 40 years and there's formulas used for plumbing design
We're good to go.
Um, the flow at the outlet in GPM equals 20 times the inside diameter of the outlet squared in inches times the square root of the... No, I understand.
So you know the math.
I mean, what's your point?
Yes, sir.
What that works out to is that very conservative, like 5,000 PSI in a 5-inch wellhead outlet, that well was flowing 2 million gallons per hour.
No, that could have been abiotic oil and it could have been 20,000 to 70,000 PSI.
They could have had a 7-inch wellhead on that.
The reports I've heard of, I don't know for sure, I just took conservative figures for it and figured it out.
Yeah, I mean the bottom line is they've been lying to us from the beginning and now Obama says Corexit is good for you and there's no health problems and they say the oil flow has stopped.
And 70% of the oil's cleaned up, and that's a complete lie.
They sprayed 40-plus million gallons, conservatively, of dispersant on it, that sent it underwater so it wouldn't float, and they're involved in a huge cover-up of what's really happening, and there's fissures all over the Gulf.
That's been confirmed by every major university down there that's gone out there and researched it.
It is still ongoing, and they're just telling the public that the problem is solved.
That's correct.
In 40 days, that would have flowed 2 billion gallons at 2 million gallons per hour.
And 2 billion gallons is what the reserve of that should have been.
Well, they actually, BP estimates that the well is still 98% full and that there's 2 billion in it.
But nobody really knows.
And I appreciate your call.
Very interesting points, Daniel.
Zach in Toronto, Canada.
You're on the air, Zach.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Good, sir.
I just wanted to give you my two cents from up in Toronto, anyway, on what I thought of the mosque near Ground Zero.
And that is, basically, we're not even sure if it was Muslims that did this crime, so I don't understand.
It seems like you said to a setup to me where
They're just sort of trying to bait an issue, whereas if it was, you know, a synagogue or a church, there'd be no problem whatsoever, and we're still not even sure if the people who perpetrated these crimes, we don't know what religion they're from.
Well, this particular group is the smallest sect of Islam.
80% roughly are, of course, the original Saudi Arabian-based, and then about 19% are Shiite.
That's based in and around Iran, but it's global.
1% is made up of several other groups, and this group is the smallest subsect.
I mean, the best way to describe it is kind of new-agey, but it's very old.
But it's more mystic.
And so that's the point that's been made is this is like an offshoot, really kind of liberal Islam.
And, you know, this is cheap property.
It is pretty far away.
And that's what they keep pointing out.
Hey, this thing is two city blocks away.
I mean, that's far away.
And why are we worried about this when Elena Kagan
is an anti-american globalist who's openly anti-free speech, anti-second amendment, and they're about to start World War III with Iran.
I mean, we've got bigger fish to fry than obsessing over this.
So it is much ado about nothing, and it's gonna, if they're successful, hurt property rights and the First Amendment.
Again, a lot of people think that Muslims did carry out 9-11, even though the official story is clearly a fable, which uses a pretext to invade those countries, and so they're taking it as a big slap in the face.
So, if Nancy Pelosi wants to ask who's hyping this, the mainstream media that loves to divide and conquer.
I mean, Nancy Pelosi, when she issues race-baiting, or says if you don't like government-run healthcare, you're a racist,
You know, she's invoking divide-and-conquer for political power, so she knows full well what some of the Republicans are doing, but you heard Ron Paul last hour.
I mean, you know, he basically agrees with me about what's happening here.
Well, exactly.
That's just sort of, I mean, all I had to say on that issue, but just wanted to throw that out there that, you know, it's definitely something staged because they're not really
It's a tar baby.
It's a total distraction.
Yes, it's a tar baby from the depression, exactly, from the wars they're getting ready for, for everything that's happening.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, really, does this mosque matter?
I mean, why aren't the Republicans, if they're so scared of Muslims, talking about reducing illegal and legal immigration?
I mean, if that's supposedly the issue, that Muslims are so horrible, why not limit their numbers?
See, no, no, they want more, so they can then have a bigger fight in this country.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Wisconsin.
Chris, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, first time I'm calling.
Hey, I tend to agree with you pretty much on this issue.
I think, given that
We need a foothold or something to give us entry into wars in the Middle East.
That's a way to re-invoke 9-11 and look, the Muslims are in our territory.
Look, they're dishing us.
Again, what you said, it's divide and conquer.
It gives us a reason to be over there.
And I think it's contrived to begin with.
And then I guess my second point would be, yeah, I do believe that this is just a distraction issue.
It's a non-issue.
It's just a way to get people to choose a side and divide the American public.
I'd much rather preserve the Bill of Rights than to take a side on the issue.
Well said, my friend.
I appreciate your call.
Anything else?
All right, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to hit on some economic news.
Then our guest is coming on for about 20 minutes.
Then I will continue with calls at the end of this hour, right through the third hour, interspersed with news.
And speaking of illegal immigration, record numbers of border patroller committing suicide.
The Associated Press reported yesterday, I didn't even get to this, I got to dig it out of the stack.
I should have gotten to it.
The Border Patrol is pulling out of many areas of Arizona saying it's too dangerous.
So Obama said he would legalize the illegals by executive fiat.
They're doing it.
And this is another act of treason.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live here.
And I was just a little bit late getting back as I was looking at the gold numbers.
Gold is up $5.70 from yesterday.
It's up almost $50 in the last week.
It's at $1,230.40.
Back up to the levels it was a few months ago.
We've got a guest coming up to deal with the border situation and the police state with some key intel and some success he's had in the next segment.
And we'll continue with your calls.
But I wanted to briefly bring Ted Anderson, the owner of the Genesis Communications Radio Network on.
He's also the owner of Midas Resources.
And he's got the best deals in gold and silver out there.
I challenge you with these radio specials we're about to offer to go try to find a lower price on sovereigns, on francs, and some of the other coins, the silver, the junk silver.
Ted bought this when gold went down by 50 bucks.
And he's not raising his price like everybody else does.
He's selling it to you at the old price.
So you cannot beat these deals.
These only come up sometimes a few times a year, sometimes once a month.
But we're going into the fall, and historically it's only going to go up, especially with all the dollar devaluation going on, all the monetization of debt.
It's time to move out of paper.
And this radio special, you can call, tell the brokers it's a radio special, and take advantage of it.
Ted, give folks today's offer, and tell us how long you can offer this, because I know you're getting a lot of calls and a lot of orders.
When are you going to run out of the gold and silver you bought at the lower price?
Well, I mean, for starters, the market is turning back into a flash again, where people are starting to buy like crazy.
I mean, June and July, things were deader than a doornail.
You could hear a pin drop around here.
But now, all of a sudden, it's just like somebody threw a spark back on the fire.
Right now, that franc is at $265.
That is the same price I offered it yesterday and also back when gold was at $1180 here just last week.
And then the British sovereign was at $333.86.
And like you say, Alex, I mean, I don't come up very often, but when the market is starting to heat up like this, we do need to talk about gold.
Debt to GDP right now is going to exceed 93% this year.
That means 93% of what we produce is going to be consumed by our debt.
And that's just a number you can't keep on working with.
And so we're going to see a devaluation of the currency due to the fact that the government's going to have to print money in order to cover obligations, because we're not producing enough to pay taxes to cover those obligations.
So that's what's going to happen.
That's what I predict for the future, and I know just about everybody else's, too.
But the francs right now are $265.
The British sovereigns right now are $333.86.
The Walking Liberty has at 975.
All that stuff looks really good right now.
And like you said, we're sitting here in August.
September, October, November are always better months for gold and silver.
It just happens to work out that way.
June and July are always the soft time.
And we're just coming out of that time where everything is softened up.
Now we've seen $1,233 an ounce already as a high today, and it's not surprising to me that it's happening.
It's happening like if, you know, you have a good solid Swiss watch that never loses time.
That's what the gold and silver market is doing right now.
It's acting just like it normally does.
We're about ready to head into the fall, and that's when the market does its best, and I expect it to be the same this year.
With the Hindenburg thing that they're talking about last week, and, you know, the stock market... Yeah, the Hindenburg, Oman.
In almost every case, you have a massive stock market plunge within 45 days of the Hindenburg Omen.
Yeah, see, I mean, that's just one of those indicators that are out there.
I was reading The Aydin Sisters this morning, another newsletter.
I really like Bob Chapman's newsletter, too.
I read that just earlier as well.
You get that free with that frank at $265.
That's a $159 subscription.
You can't hardly beat that.
But I just need to tell people, if you've been thinking about gold, if you're invested in the stock market, have money in the bank, you know, annuities, I mean, you name it, there's just a long list of investments that are going to get hurt.
When we have inflation here in the United States... Well, Ted, I give people advice that I follow.
Be self-sufficient, Second Amendment, storable foods, gold, silver.
I've been buying gold since it was $260 an ounce eight years ago, and I never sold, you know, even when it hit its high, and it's testing that high again, because it's an emergency backup for my family and my operation.
And whether it's one coin, or ten coins, or a hundred silver coins, or one silver coin,
No order is too small, no order is too big, except I know time and time again when you buy when it's low and sell it when it's high at the low price you run out and you're saying your supplies won't last long, so people need to give Midas Resources a call.
It's 800...
And the brokers will be there into the evening.
Ted, how long can you hold this deal?
Well, we're going to hold it until midnight today, and I'll see what the inventory looks like tomorrow, Alex.
So you are starting to get low, Ted.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, there's only so much I can buy back when the prices are low like that, so... 800-6-8-6-2-2-3-7-800-6-8-6-2-2-3-7.
Ted, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
We're going to be talking to Pastor Steven Anderson here in just a moment.
Here are the headlines.
Tempe Pastor Cleared in Checkpoint Confrontation, News 5.
Pastor Files Civil Suit Against Border Patrol.
That's out of my Fox Phoenix.
Here's another one.
Pastor acquitted Interstate 8 checkpoint incident.
So we'll be discussing all of that with him in a moment from Arizona.
But first, dealing with high treason by the federal government, and I've had members of Congress on, I've had sheriffs on who agree this is treason or borders on treason.
It also violates the 9th Amendment as well as the 11th.
The first amendment they passed after the first tens said foreign powers or corporations cannot induce the federal government to sue a state or individual on behalf of a foreign power or individual.
And who does the federal government say they're suing on behalf of?
The illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens ladies and gentlemen that are turning Arizona into a police state.
The crime is the highest in the country for kidnapping and carjacking now even going past Los Angeles.
The majority of people in the county jails in that area are illegal aliens.
They can use any alias they want.
I think?
Drug him out of his car, beat him up really bad on video, and then charged him.
You gotta love how they charge you with resisting them when they're beating you.
And look, I know the Border Patrol have got some of the toughest jobs.
I actually know some Border Patrol agents, and I mean, I tell you, it's tough.
They're outnumbered, outgunned.
They're not allowed to, you know, have high-powered weapons to defend themselves.
They're being killed.
And I have some reports here
Dealing with this, where it's saying record suicides by Border Patrol agents.
Border Patrol sees rise in suicides.
Texas U.S.
Border Patrol agents are killing themselves, same thing in Arizona, in greater numbers after nearly four years without one suicide.
Records obtained by the Associated Press show that at least 15 agents have taken their own lives since February 2008.
The largest spike in suicides the agency has seen
The last 20 years.
It's unclear exactly why the men ended their lives.
Few left notes.
And the federal officials insist the deaths have nothing to do with the agency or its increased volatility on the US-Mexican border.
It has nothing to do with that.
Continuing here, and this is what's really serious.
This is Cyber News Service.
Arizona Sheriff Border Patrol has retreated from parts of border because it's quote too dangerous.
Sheriff Larry Denver of Cochise County, Arizona, one of the four Arizona counties contiguous with the U.S.-Mexican border, said Friday that the U.S.
Border Patrol has pulled back from parts of the border and has neighboring counties because manning those areas has become too dangerous.
And the Feds, of course, a month ago put up signs saying, don't go into these areas for citizens, national parks, state parks, major highways.
It's too dangerous.
So, this country is being conquered by the drug cartels and the Mexican troops.
He says, and you frankly have border patrolmen, and I know this from talking to border patrol agents, who will not allow their agents to work on the border because it's too dangerous.
Denver told CNS News in a videotaped interview.
Now, what kind of message is that for crying out loud?
And if you dare pull over a drunk driving illegal, and when they ask for the ID they're illegal, you don't dare take them to jail.
But citizens you can beat the hell out of, and nobody gets in trouble.
Meanwhile, U.S.
may sue Arizona Sheriff Arpaio for not cooperating in investigation.
And they're also trying to sue him for enforcing immigration laws.
And you can say what you want about Arpaio, but he is enforcing the law.
The federal government is giving awards to 860 plus cities.
I saw Vicente Fox do it five years ago in Austin.
It's in my mini-film.
It's an expanded extra in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
It's called Battle for the Republic.
It's an 18-minute, 17-minute film where we show Vicente Fox giving awards to Wells Fargo, the city of Austin, and the state for accepting consular matricula cards that are as fake as something you get in a Cracker Jack box and not enforcing against illegals.
When cops see a citizen, they're told, take the gloves off.
When they see an illegal, get down on your knees, lick boots.
So, a federal investigation of controversial Arizona sheriff known for tough immigration enforcement has intensified in recent days, escalating the conflict between Obama administration officials and the border state.
Justice Department officials in Washington have issued a rare threat to sue Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio if he does not cooperate with their investigation of whether he discriminates against Hispanics.
The Civil Rights Inquiry is one of two that target the man who calls himself America's toughest sheriff.
A federal grand jury in Phoenix is examining whether Opaio has used his power to investigate and intimidate political opponents, whether his office misappropriated government money, sources say.
So, they're now persecuting local elected police, local elected sheriffs, he's not the only one, who are trying to defend this country from a lawless crime wave.
I want to go to our guest, Pastor Steven Anderson.
And again, here's the headline, Tempe Pastor Cleared in Checkpoint Confrontation, AP.
A jury has acquitted Tempe Pastor charged with failing to obey officer's instructions at a U.S.
border checkpoint near Yuma.
The jury also cleared Steven Anderson of the faithful word Baptist Church for obstructing a highway during the April 2009 incident.
Yeah, you have to pull someone over for speeding, broken taillight, weaving.
You have to have probable cause, which the Arizona law said.
You have to have first contact for something else.
You don't just stop all the traffic and demand to search vehicles.
And they wanted to search his vehicle.
It's all on video.
We'll play some of that in the background for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers while he's talking.
You can watch the full audio at InfoWars.com.
And they drug him out and beat the living daylights out of him.
So we now go to Pastor Steven Anderson.
Pastor, thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me.
You got a lot more courage than most people.
You stood up to them for your Fourth and Fifth Amendment.
You wouldn't answer their questions after they tried to do the fake alert with the dog.
Then you stood up, went to court, faced the music, won, and you're suing them.
If more people did this, the Bill of Rights will be alive and well.
Pastor Anderson, we appreciate you being a champion of liberty.
Recap what happened in the whole saga and the latest developments.
Sure, I'll just quickly recap what happened.
Basically, I pulled up to the checkpoint, and they're stopping every single person.
And they asked me if I was a U.S.
I just asked them if I was free to leave.
They ended up coming up with, about a minute later, well, this dog alerted your vehicle, and so we have to search you, therefore you can't leave.
And there was a standoff for about an hour and 15 minutes of me just standing my ground.
And you pointed out that the dog did not alert on you.
I told them that I did not believe that the dog alerted, and I asked them to bring the dog back out and show me or provide some evidence, which they refused to do.
After an hour or so, the state police show up, tell me I'm under arrest.
They asked for the dog to be brought out too, because when I explained it to them, they thought that was pretty reasonable.
The Border Patrol refused to bring the dog back out.
They broke out my windows, tasered me, maliciously shoved my face in broken glass.
And I had to go to the hospital, get 11 stitches, spend the night in jail for these two misdemeanor charges that they trumped up.
Which the jury found me not guilty of both.
Now an interesting thing that came out in the trial was that they brought in an expert witness that actually had taken part in the training of this particular dog, and he was an expert on both DPS and Border Patrol canines, and he stated that after watching the video,
That the dog did not alert, but that it was just on the verge of alerting, or on the fringe it was about to alert, or thinking about alerting, but that an alert would have consisted of the dog sitting down by the vehicle, which it never sat down.
Well, the Border Patrol, I want you to go over this some more, it has more, from what I've read, more professional...
We're good.
Exactly right, and that was the prosecutor's witness.
We did not call any witnesses.
All we did was cross-examine the state's witnesses, and their own witness explained that the dog was on the verge of alerting, but that it did not fully alert, it did not technically alert.
Which, of course, they said over and over, the dog alerted, the dog alerted.
That was their pretext for searching me.
And it turned out that that's why they didn't want to bring the dog back out, because
You know, they weren't confident that it was going to alert.
By the way, I mean, you're like Paul from the Bible.
You don't just have a church.
You're a construction company guy.
You're a construction worker.
So you told me previously, you're driving through these all the time.
They know you.
Well, I've driven through over 300 times.
I'm not sure if they knew me or not, because I've never seen the same guy twice, because they cycle them through these checkpoints, and I've literally been through over 300 times, I'm not exaggerating, and yet I've never seen the same agent twice.
So, I don't really know whether they've heard my reputation from YouTube or whatever, but...
You know, I'm not really sure.
You think this was retribution that they were persecuting you because you'd posted a whole bunch of YouTube videos of you arguing and saying no successfully previously, correct?
Right, and they did say to me while I was there in the Border Patrol trailer, after they'd beaten me and my face was bloodied up, they said, well, you didn't win this time.
You're not going to put this on YouTube because we won this time.
And they were kind of rubbing my nose in it, as it were.
Well let's talk about that because I mean watching the video from their own surveillance camera, I see them swinging a baton, jumping on you, some of it then happens behind the car, but I mean how long did they beat you?
I mean how specifically did they assault you with deadly weapons?
The main assault that did the most damage to me was that while I was being tasered for over 18 seconds, while that taser was paralyzing me and putting me in hellish pain,
One of the Border Patrol agents, I believe it was Agent Spoonamore according to the reports, grabbed my head and just shoved it into the broken glass shards that were still on the doorframe.
And I have some pictures to prove that, where you just see my doorframe and there's just a ton of blood in the shape of my head in one spot.
Well, we've got the videos of you after it cuts all over, blood all over your clothes, but watching the video, after it cuts from your camera when they taser you, it cuts out, it appears one of them standing over you swinging some type of a baton.
I don't know if they swung anything at me, but I know that after they put me on the ground, that one of them was stepping on my head with his boot.
And he called that, quote, controlling my head.
So he had his foot on my head with what felt like all of his weight while I was being tasered.
Yeah, a lot of times, especially with his TSA people, not just here but in Canada, they will jump on the back of your neck with their knees and the neck breaks and then you get a dead man, a dead woman, and they say, oh, we don't know why they died, their neck's broken.
I mean, you know, these men and women need to understand that jumping on someone with your knee can kill them.
Absolutely, and I'm just thankful to God that I'm alive and that I made it through the whole thing with the damage that I did instead of worse.
But another interesting thing that came out in the trial was that these guys were put on the stand and they kept lying on the stand.
And then we showed the jury the video proving that they were lying and I was just thinking to myself, if I didn't have this video I would have been found guilty because the video was the only way we could prove that the testimony that they were giving was lies.
The video showed what really happened and, for example, the reason that I was cleared of resisting an order is because the police never told me to move my car to secondary.
But he got on the witness stand and kept saying, I told him to move his car, I told him to move his car.
And in reality, he never did, and the video proved that.
So, you have to take a video camera everywhere you go, apparently, these days, because they'll just get up and lie and... Well, that brings up the next issue.
Twelve states are misapplying the wiretapping law.
For those that don't know, wiretapping is going up to somebody's house, jacking into their phone, videotaping somebody through their windows.
But when you're in public, there's no perception of privacy.
That's how they put up cameras on poles videotaping us.
Now, that's an issue the citizens supposedly run the government, so we can decide to remove those.
But that's how they claim they can put up microphones and cameras on, you know, street corners.
But now they're charging people all over the nation for videotaping police from hundreds of yards away when they shoot somebody in the back.
When they beat up a college kid for no reason.
Because in every case, you go look at the police report, it'll lie about the victim, and then they charge you, and so they're really scared of video cameras being used and turned back against them.
Absolutely, and it's the most powerful tool to expose the truth.
Because there were literally about three or four different things in the trial that were just blatantly contradicted by the video.
You know, what they were saying did not line up with the video.
One of the interesting things too was it was a two-day jury trial and on the second day of the trial one of the jurors showed up wearing a like a pro-america t-shirt with a flag on it.
That's when I knew I was going to be declared not guilty because these jurors understood what I was doing and one of me
He even thanked me as I was walking out of the courtroom and said, thank you for standing up for our constitutional rights.
Cause if we give the government an inch, they're going to take a mile.
And so thank you for drawing that line in the sand.
So this, this small town jury from Welton, Arizona believed in what I was doing.
And they've, you know, and keep in mind, Alex, this small town, Welton, where the jurors were pulled from is right near the border.
I mean, we're talking, you know, I don't know exactly, but it's very close to the border.
It's a lot closer to the border than the checkpoint is.
And they've been through these checkpoints, and they live right near the border, and yet they said they don't like the checkpoint.
They said that it's out of control and that they as U.S.
citizens get harassed.
And they believed in what I was doing.
And that's the power of jury nullification and grand jury nullification.
We elect the sheriff.
We elect the mayor.
We elect the legislature.
And we decide the facts and the law.
And they've tried to brainwash juries that that's not the case.
We don't just vote at the voting booth.
We vote at the grand juries and at the juries.
And we vote when we demonstrate.
And we vote when we say no.
And we are the government.
This is our republic, our country, and I've been specific.
I am against
Randomly pulling over people to ask if they're citizens.
That is evil and will be used against citizens.
And what's your view on the Arizona law?
Because the way I read it, it said somebody looks like they're drunk driving, somebody's speeding, we pull them over.
If they're an illegal, then we take them in.
The media spun this as a civil rights issue, but I want to make sure that everybody is given due process.
Well, my personal view on the SB 1070, I'm against it because I think it further breaks down the separation of power, though, between local and federal law enforcement.
Basically, you know, you're getting pulled over for a traffic ticket.
They're calling the feds.
And just checking whether you're a U.S.
citizen, you know, that's getting entered into some kind of a database.
But they already, when they pull you over and I'm against it, they run everybody through a database.
I know, but the way I see it though, just because they're already doing it, it's still a police state, you know?
And I see what you're saying, that the law is maybe really nothing new, but at the same time... No, no, no, no, I mean, I'm gonna be clear, I'm not saying there's a...
My issue is they're getting rid of all the rights for citizens and then adding extra rights to illegals because it's part of the globalist overall program.
Stay with us.
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Masses of vital news in the next hour and your phone calls.
The toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 on any issue, the economy, the Iran situation, health news, police state news, the Ground Zero Mosque, all of it.
We'll be taking your phone calls, but I wanted to give Pastor Steven Anderson a chance to finish up any points he wanted to make.
But I have one more question, Pastor, and that's this.
How is your civil suit going against them, and who are you suing specifically?
Well, I'm pretty much suing everyone involved.
The United States of America, the Department of Homeland Security, the Border Patrol, the State of Arizona, the DPS, which is the state police, and then all the individual agents and police officers involved.
And we're suing on five different counts.
One of them is, of course, the 1983 statute about deprivation of constitutional rights.
We're suing them for assault and battery, wrongful arrest and imprisonment,
Negligence and or gross negligence and intentional affliction of emotional distress.
So those are the five counts and the lawsuit's been filed.
I think it's just a really slow process, so I don't really know how long it's going to take, but I think it just kind of takes forever.
Well, that strengthens your case, for those that aren't aware of that, that you've now been found not guilty.
Oh, definitely.
I mean, I still had a case, even if I would have been found guilty, of these traffic charges, but either way, it definitely strengthens the wrongful arrest and imprisonment when I was declared by a jury of my peers to be not guilty.
So I've been cleared of all wrongdoing, and it's a final decision, and so now, you know, we can go after them because I need to recover some of my losses, and we need to set a precedent here that
They are going to have consequences if they just beat and tase an innocent person just because they're emotional about some of the things that I said to them or past videos that I've made on YouTube.
Well, they've got this homeland security zone for three years, 100 miles in.
And in some cases, 100 miles in, they're searching people.
They leave the illegals alone, but harass citizens.
So I think the point that some Arizonans, who are against the open borders, but for the Fourth Amendment have made, that the bill will be used against them and not against the illegals.
And I think that that is a good point that's been made overall.
And I think Judge Andrew Napolitano has made that point as well.
Pastor Steven Anderson, thank you for joining us.
Thank you.
I appreciate the time.
We appreciate you.
Now I'm going to start the third hour here in a moment.
And we're going to get into your calls first, but then I'm going to also get into Google is now getting into criminal trouble in Spain and Italy and others for surveilling people without warrants, as they should get in trouble for it here.
We've got a video coming out tomorrow for PrisonPlanet.TV members, a 15-minute breakdown of all this.
Today, we posted the Jesse Ventura interview.
It's premiering at PrisonPlanet.TV.
It's been up for about an hour in three different formats for folks.
Jesse Ventura talks about Homeland Security, Gestapo, Hollywood secrets and more.
When he was here interviewing me on Thursday while we were out driving around doing investigations into FEMA camps and things, we didn't get into that in the interview.
That's for the TV show.
But we got into a host of other issues.
I think this is one of our best interviews with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Great job to Aaron Dykes shooting the video.
Even though we were driving around in Westlake on bumpy roads and adding documents and video clips, Aaron just is like becoming a
More and more amazing video editor every single day.
My entire crew are just wonderful folks as well.
But Aaron is one of the tireless folks we've got up here.
We commend Aaron for shooting the video and editing it.
So Jesse Ventura talks about Homeland Security, Gestapo, Hollywood, secrets and more.
And also...
uh... in uh... up on prison planet dot tv two days ago we got contacted about three weeks ago we had to encode it and upload it in different formats by the amazing maker of united we fall dealing with the north american union he got interviews with the head cfr uh... pastor robert pastor uh... who who wrote the globalist plan with other major world leaders in canada admitting the plan for world government this full length film is is
As good as anything we've put together.
I mean, it's top-notch.
It's available for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers 15 cents a day.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into the third hour.
Wide open phone so you can talk about any issue you want.
I love taking calls.
You take us in different directions, bring up points that I'd forgotten I wanted to make or points I hadn't thought of.
It's always thought-provoking.
Got a lot of other key news.
We're gonna be interspersing and some top stories.
We're gonna be recapping.
Uh, as well, but right now, let's go to your calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231 on this live Wednesday edition.
Let's talk to Lisa in Japan.
Lisa, thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Um, I'm calling about a story in the Okinawa Marine newspaper.
The headline is, WikiLeaks website not authorized.
I'm not sure if you've heard about it.
Uh, no.
Are you saying that Japan is now blocking WikiLeaks?
No, basically what the article says is, this just came out on August 13th and it's the front page.
And basically the article says that any service members who are found to have viewed or downloaded the WikiLeaks video will result in a variety of repercussions from non-judicial punishment to court-martial.
And that it will be a career ender if you're found to have viewed the video.
Well, that's what cybersecurity says.
It says they're going to recruit one million high school seniors a year.
This is in the Cybersecurity Act.
It's passed the House and is in the Senate.
It says one million a year to form a giant army, taxpayer paid for, to surveil the web, to post fake blogs, to counter the alternative media with a quote government megaphone, and it says that they're going to start harassing and persecuting government employees for their political speech online.
In fact, Travis County was in the news yesterday, actually a four-county area, on local NPR,
And of course, some county people were complaining, saying, you're not allowed to even mildly criticize anyone in government, period, when you work for the county.
And it's four counties doing this, and the point is, yeah, if you're in private business, you're not, I mean, you can get fired for criticizing your company because it's a, you know, free will, you know, system of free market, or at will state.
Most states are that way.
But when it's the government, you're working for the government.
You're a citizen.
You don't lose your rights.
And as long as you don't give out any information that's proprietary or that's someone else's private info, you have a right to organize, to be political, to march, to write articles.
And so, yes, they're moving.
But you're saying they're threatening the military if they visit WikiLeaks.
Yes, even if it's from your home computer that it's even more detrimental to a service member's career because it's basically saying that you try to seek out the information and that unless you have the specific clearance authority that nobody is allowed to watch it even if it's on television.
Well, we pulled up WLTX television saying the same thing here in the United States, that if you're in the military, you can be court-martialed or kicked out of the military or reprimanded.
It's on that sliding scale, if you do.
And so that's confirmed.
And the overall message here is, we're watching you even at home.
We're watching you even when you're not at the base.
Yeah, exactly.
And I can tell you right now, as a spouse of, you know, a military member, people are not impressed with the handling of how the WikiLeaks thing went over.
Well, so it sounds like you're in the military.
No, I'm not in the military.
I'm a spouse.
Military spouse.
And so maybe you're not even supposed to call into the radio with your political views.
Maybe you're supposed to just shut up.
I guess that's the new America.
Yeah, we'll see what happens.
Well, that's why I love taking calls.
She brought something to our attention I wasn't aware of.
That's scary stuff.
Thank you, Lisa, for that tip.
Debbie, Sean, David, Jonathan, and others, your calls are straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
The Radio Network website is GCNLive.com.
My sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach.
So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it.
Well, he is.
I don't like him anymore.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going straight back to your calls and a ton of vital news here in just a moment.
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Mike Adams, the health ranger, gave it the best superfood award of 2009, InnerFood.
I'm glad to finally get on here.
Um, my issue is my children's school has decided that to dismiss students, they will now dismiss them with a number.
If you have to pick up your child, a number will be broadcast over the PA system to have, for your child, to have them
Me too at the front desk.
And a lot of them make them wear lanyards around their neck with barcodes and one school in Louisiana defeated it a few years ago because the kids pointed out they could learn to read them and it was their social security number and they they're training them with checkpoints and drug dogs and now you're a number like you're a prisoner.
Exactly and I am I actually when I complain to one of the teachers who is also a politician
He turned around and gave me the exact same safety speech that President W. Bush gave with the Patriot Act.
It's for the safety.
And I'm looking, going, how is it for safety when you're training children to be inmates?
That is all it is, is training children to be inmates in an institution.
You're absolutely, you're absolutely right.
You need to go to the city council, you need to go to the school board and explain to them that your child is not a number.
There's a school board meeting tonight and I've been trying to get it out to everybody that I can.
I've called the news station, which surprisingly enough, a CBS affiliate, I called.
They seemed really concerned about it, but yet nothing has been said since yesterday when I called them.
And I strongly do not believe anything's going to come of it on that route.
However, I asked, when I asked the principal yesterday when the next school board meeting is, he looks at me and tells me, well, there's one tomorrow night, tonight at 6 p.m.
And he then tells me it's posted all over the school.
I had to go in, wait 23 minutes to pick up my children.
I did not see one posting of this meeting.
And it is a charter school, it's not a... Well, that's another thing they do, is a lot of schools, the parents come into this gated, fenced area, they've got to have an ID, they've got to be biometrically thumbprinted, like they're prisoners, and have their background run to be able to even get in to see their children.
The state is quietly taking over.
What did the California government and courts rule, it got overturned, thank God, two years ago.
But two years ago they ruled, it got overturned about a year later, that the state actually owns your children and has more rights over them, and that homeschooling is illegal.
Well, that got defeated.
They want to take over the family, it's their stated goal.
Debbie, thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Sean in Texas.
You're on the air, Sean.
Yes, sir, Alex Jones, how's it going?
I live down here in Corpus, and there was a family here a couple days ago that purchased some, I guess, some hamburger patties from the local H-E-B grocery store.
I don't know if you, hopefully you've seen this, but they were cooking it and literally the mercury just started pouring out of the burgers.
And they had two kids that are, you know, they got sick or whatever.
And, uh, I mean, you can see the footage on the, I guess you can do like kptv.com or something like that.
And, um, you need to check out this footage.
Sorry, I'm really nervous, but it's pretty wild.
What's the name of the video?
I'm not sure.
I don't even have a computer.
I just listen to you as much as I can, you know, I'm a local affiliate, but, uh, it's, uh, but I just, I was watching the news.
And it was the CBS affiliate, the local CBS affiliate.
By the way, I mean literally, we've gained so many affiliates in the last year.
I know we've been on for over a year now in Corpus Christi, and I enjoy listening to the show.
Sometimes when I'm on vacation here in the rebroadcast down there, because I go to Port Aransas, my favorite place on the coast.
Great place to visit, great people down there, Sean.
What's the affiliate?
Call letters and a number?
The KBTV, that's the... I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
It's the local CBS affiliate.
And they literally have the Mercury in a plastic... No, no, I'm saying is we're on the radio in Corpus Christi.
Off the top of my head, I don't have it in front of me.
What's the affiliate?
Oh, it's the 1440 Keys?
Is that what you're talking about?
Well, I don't have the full list in front of me.
That's something that Genesis has never compiled properly.
They got an old list up, but I'm gonna... I wanted to plug the station.
Oh, yes sir, yes sir, and I've been trying to get my girlfriend to listen to it a little bit, and then she saw the footage on it and she freaked out.
She's like, oh my gosh, she is right, you know?
And I was like, see?
I mean, this stuff is really going on.
Well, I haven't seen this, but I want to... Well, you have to see it.
You absolutely have to see it, because... What did they say?
Mercury and hamburger patties?
Corpus Christi?
Yeah, it was HEB, and they said it was an isolated incident, and they're not worried about much.
But they took off, they had a recall on their 10-pound bags of patties or something like that.
Well, that's insane.
That's insane.
But it's absolutely brushed underneath, brushed underneath.
No, no, no.
Sean, we found it.
We found it.
I'm going to have to watch it during the break, but we'll look at it.
My issue is, well, there's so many issues, and we covered it in Food, The Ultimate Secret Exposed.
Fifteen minute video that we posted on YouTube.
It's had over half a million views as a public service announcement.
It's so important that it be gotten out to people that they have distillates.
And the oil companies, when they refine crude oil, a large percentage of it is unusable.
And so they distill it out to be Vaseline and to be Coke for the steel mills.
I mean, hundreds of different distillates.
Things like sulfur for the tips of matches.
This all comes out of the oil.
And they take the majority of it and put it into fertilizer for crops.
And it's full of mercury, lead, arsenic, benzene.
And then they spray it on crops.
And crops are very good at sucking up these chemicals and poisons and heavy metals.
And then you eat it.
You then eat it.
And that's why, according to the Washington Post, around half of the major corn syrup products they tested had high levels of mercury.
High levels.
It's in the corn!
And what, three years ago they approved and now it's used all over?
Sodium fluoride as a spray, as a pesticide, to be put
On the crops!
Well, it goes right through the cell wall.
It bio-accumulates, is the term.
It builds up in the soybeans, in the corn, in the wheat, in the sugar beets, and all these other plants, all these other crops, the tomatoes, whatever the case is.
I mean, it's used on everything.
And then you are eating this.
So, eat your vegetables.
Yeah, it should be good, but it's not.
And then they also feed the corn and things in the feeds to cows.
And the cows then bioaccumulate this over four or five years while they're getting fattened up, and then you eat a steak or hamburger or whatever it is, it's full of this.
Now this hasn't been proven yet.
I see the newscast on screen.
You know, HEB says they're going to test it.
So we'll see what happens there.
I mean, if it is true, it's their supplier and God knows what's happened.
Look, our food supply system is a joke.
Because the big mega companies, I've seen the numbers years ago in USA Today about Tyson.
And Tyson's got more than two-thirds of global poultry production.
They're moving in to take over hogs and to take over beef.
And they make payments to the politicians, legalize bribery with the campaign contributions, and I've seen cases where they can have hundreds of violations per plant and don't get in trouble.
But then their competition gets one violation, they get shut down.
And so, yes, the food, the water, all of it, it is a nightmare.
It is a joke.
And then you've got the drugs they're giving the cows and the pigs and the chickens and the antibiotics that then create superbugs within the poultry yards, within the poultry buildings, within the feedlots.
And all of this is being passed on to humans.
And, you know what, we may have to pay a little more for meat, meant to pay a little more for vegetables, and you will pay more not eating poison.
But we need to do this.
You know, there's a reason.
Americans are eating the same type of junk they were eating 20, 30 years ago, but we're getting fatter, we're getting more unhealthy, we're getting more cancer, we're getting more disease, even though we're eating about the same calories.
I've looked at the studies we were two decades ago.
It's not
How much we're eating, it's what we're eating.
It's full of poison.
We'll be right back with more calls.
Appreciate your calls, Sean, David, Jonathan, Doug, Mike, and others.
Your calls are straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Uh huh.
Well, it turns out our listener of radio station KEYS 1440 AM in Corpus Christi, that carries us six days a week, by the way, is correct.
It was on the local news that what is reported to be mercury was just pouring out of these hamburgers.
That doesn't sound like something that would come from the manufacturer of HEB.
Might be like with Tylenol, where they had that sabotage by somebody along the line.
Well, let's go ahead and play this short newscast.
Here it is.
It tells Action 10 News they found mercury in their meat while cooking hamburgers last night.
They claim two of their boys got sick from the toxic chemical and after returning from the doctor's office today they called police.
Take a look at this video.
The family claims this silvery fluid material came seeping out of their hamburger patties bought at H-E-B as they were cooking it Sunday night.
The family called Poison Control last night after their two sons, ages 13 and 17, got sick.
And today they called police to come out and document the scene.
Crime scene techs took photos of all the remaining meat as well as the freezer inside the home.
The family told us they're not 100% sure it is mercury.
They just don't know what else it could be.
I put the patty on a little bitty plate and took it to my daughter's room and showed it to her and she goes, oh my goodness, that's mercury.
It was silver, silver little balls, like, I don't know, like liquid.
It was kind of liquid, but I mean, you know, liquid, like liquid metal or something, but it was mercury.
I mean, you've seen mercury before, you know, it's unmistakable.
Boys are doing okay tonight.
Here's what H-E-B told us this evening.
All 10-pound bags of ground beef, like the two that were supposedly sold to the family on August 8th, have been pulled from the shelves at the H-E-B store at Alameda and Robert, where the family claims it came from.
The family did take some of the meat back to the store on Sunday after cooking it, and although they no longer had the original packaging it came in,
H-E-B has sent that sample on for testing at their Quality Assurance Division in San Antonio.
H-E-B also says they are working closely with the family to find out if there really was mercury in the meat and how it might have gotten in there, if it was there.
Okay, you can go online and watch the rest of Action 10 News.
So there you have it, another caller bringing up an interesting issue.
That's why I love the calls, they take us in interesting directions.
I have another clip before I go back to your calls.
I mean, what's the problem?
What's the problem if it reportedly has mercury in it?
According to national newscast on CBS and local newscast here in Austin and the federal government, mercury is now good for your children's brains.
And I guess the mercury in the H1N1 shot causing a tenfold, according to the London Telegraph, in convulsions in children
I guess it's a good thing.
Remember that clip we've played countless times here on air?
Where they say that mercury-containing vaccines actually help children's neurological development, not harm it.
And then we have an MSNBC show saying lead in toys is good for your children.
I mean, this sounds completely insane, but you can just go to YouTube and type in MSNBC says lead good.
Or you can go to YouTube and type in, Mercury Vaccine's Good, and they'll tell you how great it is.
Here it is.
Mayhem on kids.
A life-saving device wins over-the-counter approval by the FDA.
And sick of your glasses and contact lenses, a new corrective eye surgery is approved today.
Here's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporters from the matter.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
And they're now saying lithium, a toxic metal that brain damages you, needs to be put in the water.
It'll help you.
It will improve you.
And they got new vaccines that will eat parts of your brain to make you be more passive.
And this is an improvement.
The government said so.
So we need to take it.
And I'm the conspiracy theorist because I think Mercury's bad for you.
Let's talk to David in Florida.
David, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, finally good to talk to you again.
I was calling to first invite you to Florida for a cookout.
I've got some mercury marinated burgers and we're going to be seasoning them with some fluoride.
So, you come on down and bring your bun and all.
Well, you're a good patriot.
Of course, the buns, most of them have high fructose corn syrup full of mercury in them, so that's good.
You're a good patriot.
We've got lithium seeds to top it off.
But anyway, the main reason I called was to take issue with you.
Now, 95% of the time, I believe you're dead on, but this Islam thing,
Um, you know, it doesn't just go back to the 50s.
It just doesn't go back to the teens where they were trying to abstain from the League of Nations.
This goes all the way back to, actually, they were actually the first enemy that we had as a nation.
Well, sure.
I mean, the Leathernecks, the Marines were sent to the Mediterranean where the Muslim fleets were robbing our ships.
That took a decade to beat them.
But, look, stay there.
We'll come back and talk about Islam with you, David, in Florida.
On the other side, we've got a break because they're pre-programmed breaks.
And then we'll go to everybody else on the other side.
Long segment coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com, GCNLive.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so excited to be able to offer you Don't Tread on Me, Rise of the Republic.
We are back live
Here's another report.
Artificial meat may feed the planet, scientists say.
And they say because of overpopulation, they may start growing artificial meat in vats.
And Fox News has that image of the luscious artificial meat.
And then there's another report here out of the Mail Online, where they talk about because of overpopulation, they may have to do this, because it's also immoral to eat meat.
And so this is part of the green technology economy, which again gives the scientific elite total control, where you won't be able to have your own cows or grow your own crops.
Everything will be GMO, everything patented by the globalist.
It's incredible.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Well, now let's finish up with David in Florida.
David, who just joined us, was saying that he disagrees with me about Islam.
And so, tell me, David, what you think my views on Islam are, because, you know, there are a thousand, probably 10,000 or more radio shows, blogs, maybe 100,000 now that I think about it, globally,
Well, the views on Islam that you have, I mean,
It's just one where you, I don't know, I can't say you have or haven't, but you probably don't know who they say they are.
I know about that.
Okay, but what's my view that you disagree with?
Well, the part about your views, you're saying, oh, well, you know, there's some moderate... There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim, first of all.
That doesn't exist.
A moderate Muslim is the equivalent of a Christian who fornicates, who smokes and drinks, who cusses, who cheats at business, and all that.
Okay, that's not really Christian.
Well listen, what I'm trying to get at here is I simply pointed out that I understand why people are upset about the mosque at Ground Zero, but this is multiculturalism.
We were a Christian country.
We've decided to get rid of the family, attack Christianity,
And anything that's anti-Christian is good for now because the globalists are using the open borders, all of it, to balkanize this country so we can have divide and conquer.
I'm a Christian, but I'm non-denominational, I don't get involved in all this fighting, and I have a news broadcast and people are always calling me saying,
You know, criticize this group, criticize that group.
Look, I'm against these wars and they point out... I mean, look at... Saudi Arabia is our big ally.
They're one of the most oppressive Muslim nations out there and I disagree with it and I criticize that variant of Islam.
I mean, that certainly is a very oppressive state and...
My whole issue here is, I just, this is not a show where I get into all of this.
And my only issue was, I'm saying if we don't let this Muslim mosque two blocks from Ground Zero have their free speech,
And have their right to religion.
That'll set the precedent that I don't have my right to free speech and religion.
And I pointed out that this particular sect is less than 1% and is New Agey.
And most of the other big Muslim groups hate them and fight with them more than they fight with Christians and other people.
So, that was my only point.
But let's say it was a hardcore Wahhabist mosque.
I don't like that.
I know 9-11 was an inside job, used as a pretext to go into these countries for oil, weapon sales, Israel, and other issues.
It's just...
You have to be for the Bill of Rights and Constitution for everybody, or nobody's going to have it.
That's what I said.
That's what Ron Paul said.
And I do know that Muslim pirates, but there were also English pirates and, you know, French pirates, everybody else, were robbing shipping of the infidels in the Mediterranean and in
Off the East Coast of Africa, up into the Persian Gulf, and I know full well about all those ships of Leathernecks.
Our Marines will wear leather collars, so, you know, as armor, so when the Muslims would board their ships, they couldn't chop their heads off right away.
That's the term Leatherneck.
I know all about, you know, the big anti-war guy, president.
I'm sending the Marines over there, Thomas Jefferson, and I'm fully aware of that.
So, I mean, I'm not, I just don't want World War III with Iran.
I just don't want World War III with Pakistan.
They got nukes.
I mean, do you agree we should have war with these people?
No, I don't think that we should, I don't think for a minute that we should seek to have some sort of war with them under false pretenses.
Okay, now, granted, the Islamists have been used and abused and a march has been created that the globalists believe they can control.
And one of the things that I appreciate about you most is bringing that fact out and fleshing that out in endgame.
And I appreciate that to no end, because that way that enables people to see
Our government, in the light of who they are, and enables them to... Well, it's not even our government.
It's a global corporate consortium that call themselves the New World Order that have taken over all these governments.
Here's what I'm saying.
I know there's been radical elements of Islam from its beginning.
I know that they started the invasion and pushed all the way into Western Europe and tried to take over.
That's what groups do.
The Romans were doing that, you know, under a Christian banner.
And then they fell to the pagan Visigoths and Vandals.
And others.
My point here is that in the 40s and 50s and 60s, on record, our government would go in and fund radical Muslims who overthrew the quasi-secular governments that wanted to have first world countries.
They put radical Muslims in to destabilize and to keep people
You know, the women barefoot and pregnant.
Our system did not want them to become westernized.
And so that's a fact.
So yes, there are radical Muslims that are dangerous out there.
My issue is they were supercharged by our government, and that's on record.
And look,
There aren't 30 million Muslims in this country, and I don't see them running around calling for jihad and revolution.
I could care less if somebody's black, white, whatever color they are, as long as they're for private property, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution.
So I defend that.
So I have to say that, you know, we can't tell them they can't have this mosque because I may not like it because I know how it's being spun.
But at the same time, I can't say don't give them their rights or nobody will.
Here's another issue.
If there were 30 million Muslims here saying this, you know, belong to Muslims, saying go home to Europe Westerners, pulling down American flags and running up
Uh, you know, Turkish flags or Iranian flags at schools and police stations and post offices.
And if Muslims were in schools in San Francisco saying, you can't wear your American flag, uh, get out of here.
I would really be after them.
Because here's the deal.
The Ford Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are on record.
Billions of dollars together funding Mexicans from Mexico.
And it's perfect.
It's covert.
It's a different language.
Americans that are Americans don't know this is going on.
And it's being funded to break the country up for the North American Union.
Because it's real.
It's happening.
It's a foreign invasion of nationalistic fervor against the country.
And if I really start seeing Muslims do that, I'm going to come out against them.
But I don't see that.
I see this made-up thing about a mosque, and so I am an American.
Not that our system's perfect, but it's better than Saudi Arabia, better than Mexico, better than Communist China.
So I'm against China, not because they're Asian, but because they've got a horrible, corrupt system of dehumanization.
I'm against Mexico, not because they're Mexican.
I'd love to see them free.
There'd be a paradise down there.
I'd probably have a house down there.
I'd probably move down there.
It's beautiful.
If it was like the United States.
But the culture isn't that way.
And it's lost wars with the U.S.
and they're taught in school down with America.
And I'm gonna talk about it.
You know, one week after 9-11, in Mexico City, the American team was playing the Mexican team and they were chanting, Osama, Osama, down with America.
I mean, we got a problem, folks.
You know, I mean, I'm not going to sit here and put up with people that say they're going to take my country over and they hate my guts.
And that's not saying Hispanics are like that.
It's not saying all Mexicans are like that.
Mexicans are great patriotic Americans if they choose to be American, which most of them do.
But these illegals don't.
And so, you know, again, that's not a religious or racial issue.
You know, I mean, if we had
Poland bordering us, and Poland had lost wars with us, and part of this country had been Poland at a time, and Poland wasn't a free country, and Poland was saying this country belonged to them, and there were 30 million Poles here, I'd be against it.
Not because they're white, but because this isn't their country.
And this country is better... I don't know how to explain it.
I mean, do you understand what I'm trying to get at here?
Yeah, I totally understand what you're trying to get at, but see, that's not their purpose.
Their stated purpose is world domination.
This is what their book tells them to do.
Well, let me tell you something.
Somebody comes to my door and tries to demand that I convert to Islam, or somebody comes to my door and tries to make my kids take mercury-filled shots, or somebody comes to my door and tries to draft my children, I'm not anybody's slave.
Okay, so I'm not seeing what you are saying about Muslims in this country.
They tend to be conservative.
They tend to be pro-Second Amendment.
I don't agree with some Muslim groups trying to say you can't depict Obama, excuse me, Muhammad in a bad way.
Another Muslim, excuse me.
And so, big sarcastic folks.
So I'm against that.
Okay, I'm against them not letting them have their mosque, and I'm against Muslims trying to tell us what we can do in this country.
If they don't like it, they should get out of here.
Okay, but I mean, I don't... Anything else, sir?
You've got the last minute.
Thank you.
The point of the matter is, the nature of who they say they are is not a religion, and it is not just a legal system.
It is a quantity of both.
And the thing about it is they're ruled by their religion.
That's their law.
So when you talk about their religion, you talk about their political system as well.
And if they start trying to implement Sharia law within our state constitutions, as soon as I see that, I see the big foundations against the Muslims.
As soon as, if I ever see that, I'm going to come out of the gates like a tiger.
Well then you need to come out of the gates like a tiger because last week we were declared Sharia compliant by some Muslim cleric somewhere.
You need to come out of the gate now, OK?
On that.
Now, I'm not saying, Alex, I wasn't calling critically.
I mean, a Muslim cleric could, I mean, somewhere, there's probably a hundred thousand or more clerics could declare the moon's made of cheese.
That doesn't mean that's the way it is.
Well, you know, that's... Anyway, I won't get into that.
But that's not the point.
The moon is made of cheese?
No, no, no.
Oh, no, the moon's not made of cheese.
At least as far as I know, nobody's made of cheese.
I'm being sarcastic.
Yeah, me too.
Anyway, the key about this is that this is their nature.
This is who they say they are.
This is what they say their goal is.
I know, you've told us that three times.
My issue is this.
I'm against the open borders, no more immigration, legal or illegal, for at least a decade, because the globalists have brought all these groups in to get us all fighting with each other.
We're on our knees, we're going into bankruptcy, a depression, we're falling apart.
The globalists are masters at playing groups off against each other, and so we can't have any of these foreign groups here anymore, at any higher levels, because it's a globalist plan
To break this country down.
If we didn't have multiculturalists who want to destroy the main culture of liberty and freedom and Christianity in this country, these other groups being here wouldn't be a problem.
So we're in agreement that there's a problem in this country across the board, okay?
And so I oppose the globalist plan.
They want to attack these Muslim countries?
I'm against it.
They make up WMDs, I'm against it.
They want to bring this stuff in and post the languages and make us adopt it, I'm against it.
Go ahead.
Now, the key to it is, though, I agree with you 100% on those things.
And as far as them coming to your door telling you, you gotta do this, do that, that's what their goal is.
Now, I never said they would exclude it.
Yeah, well, you know what?
I got the Second Amendment.
And things are gonna get real rough if somebody tries that.
So, but the key to it is, is that by the nature of, if I tell you that I'm a bushwhacker, what do you expect?
You expect me to come hit you upside the head, take what you got?
If I tell you that's who I am, now we're either going to believe that's who they say they are, or we're not.
And every time that we have not believed that some, if I walk up to you and say I'm going to hit you upside the head, and then I walk up to you and do it, whose fault was it that I did it?
It's yours, because I told you I was going to do it, you didn't believe me.
I appreciate your call.
I gotta give the other callers some time.
We just spent basically 15-20 minutes on that subject.
You know, it gave me a headache.
Let's talk to... The point is, I just want to cover news, and then have you make your decision about legislation we cover, and news we cover, and world events.
You know, I cover the information, I give you my take on it, and basically every culture is wicked.
You know, I'm against things Israel's doing.
I criticize it all the time, but I don't hate Jews or hate Israel, so I get attacked from both sides.
The pro-Israel crowd, the anti-Israel crowd.
You know, I'm not a Muslim, and it's not my faith, and so I get bashed for not being pro-Islam, but I get bashed for not being anti.
I mean, I'm just here to cover the information.
Okay, I'm just here to cover what's happening in the world, the poison in our food and water, the big global force is the scientific eugenicist.
And after we defeat them, if we want to kill each other, we can do that.
Okay, I'm dealing with the folks that want to give me a vaccine to literally brain damage me so I submit to them.
This is all on record.
That's the big issue, that's the big threat, okay?
I'm saying, do we want this as a society?
Jonathan in Texas, you're on the air.
What is going on, Alex?
Worldwide broadcast, what's on your mind?
What's on my mind?
Let's see here, I got a lot of things to talk about.
Well good, because time is short, go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
To tell you the truth, I'm going to do this with imagery and what not, and what the elite know, and how they know it.
And why?
Lay it on us, brother!
We're ready to go.
We're not getting any younger here.
Alright, draw a circle.
Okay, go ahead.
What do you see when you see that circle?
Give me a document cam, guys.
Okay, I see a round sphere that contains what's within and keeps out what is without.
Also is whatever you look at as well.
Wheels on the car.
Light bulbs.
The Earth itself.
That symbolism symbolizes creation itself.
If you go to Yahoo or what not and look at Lady Gaga's
Yeah, there's lots of Illuminati symbolism everywhere, but they take powerful symbols and they expropriate them and use them for their own aims.
And then people get over-obsessed over symbols and then think, you know, other things.
But certainly that's going on.
Let me ask you a question.
Did you just smoke a large bowl of marijuana?
No, I did not.
Okay, well you just sound really relaxed.
What is your point in closing?
In closing?
Basically, my knowledge is to come out with solutions.
I have infinite solutions.
A lot of solutions that can solve people's problems.
I'm glad you've got it.
Listen, do this for us.
Why don't you make a YouTube video and just start with a few of the infinite solutions, and if it makes sense, people will probably adopt it.
I'll do what I can.
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Alright, it's the final segment of this hour.
Let's move quick.
Doug in Delaware, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, for the end of your show, I'm here to offer you guys a little bit of hope.
I am running for Attorney General against Beau Biden, the VP's son.
Part of what I want to do is, a lot of people don't know this, but there's over 500,000 corporations, they're all registered here in Delaware, and I plan on reallocating the resources that go into prosecuting petty drug crimes and going after
The market makers of so-called these derivatives and the credit rating agencies and I think through the discovery process of these suits we will be able to develop a RICO-type prosecution.
Well that's important.
The problem is the federal regulators are all the alumni of these big mega corporations.
Doug, do you have a website?
Just a Facebook page right now.
Okay, give it to us.
You can Google search Doug Campbell in Delaware.
Okay, folks, you should check it out.
I appreciate it, Doug.
Mike in Illinois.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, buddy.
I got a request for you.
There's a video on YouTube that you must watch and post on your website.
I think the end is really near if you watch this video.
Alright, what's the video?
It's called Destruction of Western World.
It's an ex-CIA agent.
He spills the beans.
Alright, I'll check it out.
Anything else, Mike?
That's all.
Thank you, Mike.
Zach in California, you're on the air.
Hello, Zach!
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Zach!
I just wanted to talk to you about 9-11 and why Obama doesn't want to investigate it.
Well, that's because it was a government operation, but sure, go ahead.
Well, it's just weird because it all happened while Bush was president and then you'd think Obama being an opposing political party.
No, they work for the very same power structure.
They always protect the last crook.
So when he leaves office, he'll be protected.
I know, exactly.
So I was supporting Obama, and then I find out that he's not even interested in exposing the truth of 9-11.
Look, look, he got four times the money McCain got from Wall Street.
Not that McCain was good, but they were gonna put Obama in.
Of course Obama's bad, but I'm glad you're waking up to that.
Yeah, so that's the thing.
It's like he's just another
He's just another Republican candidate pretending to be a Democrat, so there's, like, not even two political parties, you know?
Well, how's the Who song go?
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, won't get fooled again?
Yeah, and I was just, like, I've been watching, it's kind of old news, but I was watching YouTube and everything, and, like, you know, you see all the three towers just falling to the ground, like,
I wanted to ask you one quick question.
I want to know if you know who this Kevin Trudeau is.
You know who I'm talking about?
Yes, yes, I've had him on the show before.
Okay, and he's a good guy, yeah?
He seems pretty good.
I mean, I hadn't read all of his writings and, you know, there's some stuff I don't particularly agree with, but I agree with his First Amendment right to not be persecuted and, you know, to be able to have his say.
I just wondered because, you know, it's one thing to read something that somebody's written.
It's another thing to actually hear them speak and hear the, you know, the tone of their voice and the truth and, you know.
No, I think a lot of what he's done, especially with, you know, the herbs and things, I've researched myself, looks pretty accurate to me, and he has the feds always after him, and if they can shut down his free speech, they can shut down my free speech, and they can shut down the mosque, they can shut down freedom of religion and private property.
So we want to get rid of that?
I mean, that's the bigger question.
Folks, we had Ron Paul on at the start of the transmission.
It's coming up in the next hour.
Great job, crew.
See you back tomorrow live.
Love it, AM.