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Name: 20100817_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 17, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us on the 17th day of August, 2010, this Tuesday edition.
David McMichael, a former CIA analyst, will be joining us today to deal with the top story.
Israel has eight days to hit Iran's nuclear site.
That is now in the French news agency Today.
In the top story on the Drudge Report, Kurt Nemo noticed these drumbeats in the last two days and has written several articles dealing with it.
The neocons are saying that they need to strike by the 21st, 22nd or 23rd because they don't actually turn the reactor on until a few days after that.
So here's the headline.
Israel has eight days to hit Iran nuclear site.
Israel has eight days to launch a military strike against Iran's Bashir nuclear facility and stop Tehran from acquiring a functioning atomic plant, a former U.S.
envoy to the U.N.
has said.
Iran is to bring online its first nuclear power plant built with Russian help on August 21st when a shipment of nuclear fuel will be loaded into the plant's core.
At that point, Bolton warned it will be too late for Israel to launch a military strike against the facility because an attack would spread radiation and affect Iranian civilians.
So, they have to attack it to save Iranians.
Gotta love that spin.
Once the uranium, once those fuel rods are very close to the reactor, certainly once they're in the reactor, attacking it means a release of radiation.
No question about it.
Bolton told Fox Business Network.
So if Israel's going to do anything against Bashir, it has to move the next eight days.
And he said this yesterday.
Another neocon said it over the weekend.
So how is it eight days?
The 21st is one, two, three, four, five days away.
It goes on, absent an Israeli strike, Bolton said, Iran will achieve something that no other opponent of Israel, no other enemy of the United States, the Middle East, really has, and that is a functioning nuclear reactor.
But when asked whether he expected Israel to actually launch attacks against Iran within the next eight days, Bolton was skeptical.
I don't think so.
I'm afraid they've lost the opportunity, he said.
The controversial former envoy of the United Nations criticized Russia's role in development of the plant.
Saying the Russians are, as they often do, playing both sides against the middle.
The idea of being able to stick a thumb in America's eye always figures prominently in Moscow, he said.
Iran dismissed the possibility of such an attack from its arch foes.
So we're going to be talking
More about that coming up in 30 minutes with David McMichael.
We called to get Ray McGovern on, former top CIA analyst yesterday, but he was going to be traveling today and tomorrow.
So he recommended his friend David McMichael, who in his words was even more senior than he.
So I look forward to interviewing Mr. McMichael and to get his expert analysis of the situation coming up in about 30 minutes.
In fact, exactly 30 minutes from now, 33 after, when he joins us.
Also, after the break that's coming up, Pentagon warning over China military buildup.
Here's another headline, Pentagon says China's military power is growing.
Another headline, China targets U.S.
troops with arms buildup.
Another headline from Reuters, China-U.S.
playing risky game on the high seas.
China tests space station module to launch in 2011.
North Korea flew drone over sensitive border.
South Korea.
This is all AP, Reuters, Washington Times.
They're really introducing China as the enemy.
I've got an issue with that.
Why did the globalists arm and fund China at the disadvantage of the United States?
And then now they're claiming China wants to get America when they've put China in this position of power over this crumbling country.
It's all part of their master plan.
We'll discuss that coming up.
We'll also get into Dr. Paul Craig Roberts' article, The Ecstasy of Empire, published at InfoWars.com.
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Tyranny is here.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
What was it, four months ago, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts?
Former head of policy at the Department of the Treasury under Reagan, the father of Reaganomics, Wall Street Journal editor, syndicated columnist, retired.
But then he came right back from retirement because you can't keep a good guy down and said, hey, I'll start sending you my columns to publish at Infowars.com.
And we're glad he did that because every week or so the Drudge Report is now linking to his columns, something the Drudge Report didn't do previously.
And his latest article is The Ecstasy of Empire.
And the Drudge Report linked to it yesterday.
It's still up there today.
It's moved from the top of the page to the left-hand column, The Ecstasy of Empire.
And the article ends with a quote
I don't think so.
And, of course, a lot more.
He has a PhD in history from the University of Oregon.
And it just goes on from there.
He will be joining us to break down, of course, the most important news that we're facing.
We notice that key neocon operatives, like Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, and, of course, Mr. Bolton, a former UN ambassador under Bush, are saying Israel has got to hit the Bashir reactor.
Within three days of the fuel rods being delivered on the 21st.
They're supposed to be inserted by the 24th or 25th because then it would create a Chernobyl-type meltdown situation if they bomb an active reactor.
So they're pushing this like it's some type of humanitarian preemptive strike.
And of course, three weeks ago, Ray McGovern, former top CIA analyst, said the word is
They've green-lighted a possible attack.
They're locked and loaded with the Israelis and the U.S.
military with a bombardment strategy targeting hundreds of installations inside Iran.
They're already preparing the blockade, which is an act of war, according to the Geneva Convention and what Ron Paul has talked about from the House floor.
So Israel has eight days to hit
Iran's nuclear site Bolton says AFP, this just came out in the French news agency and Reuters in the last three hours, proud of Kurt Nemo catching all this war chatter over the weekend, having the first big article out on it yesterday morning with the headline, Iran attack within the next week.
So we will continue to break all of this down coming up and we'll look at the economy and the state of affairs with Dr. Roberts who will be popping in for 30 minutes at the bottom of the next hour.
We'll have wide open phones in the third hour of the transmission today.
First I wanted to get into the Pentagon and the media are really
beating the drum now that China is our enemy, and that China is a threat.
And of course, that's true, but not in the perspective, not in the way that they are presenting it.
If you look at the deals that Richard Milhouse Nixon, under Kissinger's directives, engaged in back in the 1970s, and you look at what the ambassador to China set up, George Herbert Walker Bush, in the seventies,
The Globalist, the Council on Foreign Relations and others, the Anglo-American elite, went to China and said, we will make you the heart of the future world government.
In the next century, the 21st century, will be the Chinese century.
We want to move our main base of operations over to China.
They then, in subsequent administrations of Ford, Reagan,
Uh, George Herbert Walker Bush, Clinton, George W. and now Obama got laws passed and engage in regulatory maneuvers.
Where almost all of our industry moved to China.
They raised the taxes, increased the regulations, the harassment on the United States, and then put tax incentives in to move industry to China.
The United States countless times has given our weapons technology to China.
They've conduited the technology to Israel, who publicly sells it to the highest bidder.
Not just to China, but to South Africa, France, anybody else, Russians, who will buy it?
You're not supposed to criticize what Israel's doing, basically taking over many areas of the Pentagon, and creating the Office of Special Planning that creates the fake WMD propaganda, and that uses the private contractors, privatizing the military, to feed disinfo.
I mean, it's just incredible how this country's been taken over.
So, the United States, for all intents and purposes, isn't even manufacturing most of its military hardware in the United States.
It's going on in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and now, in some cases, China.
They're even starting some of their weapons contracts for some of the components in Vietnam, in South Korea.
I mean, this is a joke!
We can't even make our weapons here because the United States is being dissolved.
We supply
Poor people to be the manpower of the military because they can't get regular jobs.
That's the plan.
And the United States is having its credit card run up into astronomical stratospheric red to fund the globalization.
Then the United States is to be blamed and is being blamed for all the ills of the world.
You see this with global media consortiums like News Corp.
In European publications they own, they demonize the United States, but then domestically they push the wars and all the propaganda and tell us that we're fighting a holy fight for Christendom in the clash of civilizations.
So they're playing all different sides off against each other in this complex balancing act.
And now the Pentagon comes out and says, oh my gosh, China
Is now the second biggest economy.
Within 12 months they're set to be the biggest economy.
They are the biggest user of energy.
Within three years they will completely dwarf us, not only overtake us, and China and India and a hundred plus other, hundred plus other, it's over 160, third world and developing world nations, have zero environmental standards, zero carbon taxes, and then tax incentives for our businesses to move there.
Of course the country's going into cardiac arrest.
Of course all the new state and federal taxes are causing the economy to go into cardiac arrest even faster.
This is all a consolidation operation.
So all these people in the media that wrap themselves in the American flag and say that if you're against wars, that if you're against invasions, that if you're against all of this tyranny,
All of these individuals that are out there promoting this, they know full well what they're doing.
They know full well what they are a part of.
And then they always sell you on naked body scanners and checkpoints and surveillance cameras and face scanning and license plate reading cameras on their fighting Al Qaeda.
But then you discover Al-Qaeda is their creation to destabilize whether it's southern Serbia or whether it's Pakistan or Afghanistan.
It's a divide and conquer mode.
And you discover that almost all...
of the training that goes on, I'd say over 95% of it or more, is not for fighting turbaned men from Central Asia or the Middle East.
The entire architecture of this is designed and publicly admitted to be for the American people.
There's a giant, illegal, covert intelligence operation now going public.
Because they've completed it of threat fusion centers, federalizing police with the CIA in control of the bases, merging local police with the military.
This is all happening now.
So let's go over some of this latest propaganda.
They've destroyed our industry.
They're coming in with the carbon taxes, they're federalizing everything, and then they tell you that China is supplanting the United States when it's the globalist and the Council on Foreign Relations, just search the term CFR.org, the Chinese century.
And they brag with pleasure in countless C-SPAN productions in the last decade.
Before that, they were having secret meetings and the CFR was almost completely secret.
Now they're out in the open, saying that this was part of their plan to where we're totally dependent on China, who is authoritarian,
...and has enslaved their people, and who is a eugenic state, carrying out forced abortions and fantaside, one-child policies, and mass drugging of their water supplies, just as our water supplies are drugged.
They are on the globalist team.
They work with the bankers.
And now they're giving the public the narrative of why we're collapsing, blaming it on the Communist Chinese, when they're only a large engine in the larger structure.
They're just one of the larger cogs in all of this.
Pentagon warning over Chinese military buildup.
French News Agency.
China is extending its military advantage over Taiwan and increasingly looking beyond, building up a force with power to strike in Asia.
As far afield as the U.S.
territory of Guam, the Pentagon said, well yeah, now they menace U.S.
shores on the east and west coast, Atlantic and Pacific with their nuke subs.
In an annual report to Congress, the U.S.
Defense Department said Monday that China was ramping up investment in an array of areas including nuclear weapons, long-range missiles, submarines, aircraft carriers, and cyber warfare.
Oh, but the government will take over the free internet and shut down free speech and get rid of net neutrality to protect us from the communist Chinese they created.
And I remember old-timers writing about this, Anthony Sutton who worked for Congress and others, that in 49 Mao Zedong had been put in power and that Chiang Kai-shek had been double-crossed by the CIA, and then years later I saw the CIA section chief
In an interview from 1949, bragging that they put Mao in, and David Rockefeller's now written books about it, bragging how they put Mao Zedong into power, who killed conservatively 64 million people.
The Chinese government says 80 plus million.
The balance of cross-strait military forces continues to shift in the mainland's favor, the report said.
The Pentagon said China's buildup on the Taiwan Strait has continued unabated despite improving political and commercial relations since the island elected Beijing-friendly President Mei Ying-jeou in 2008.
What happened in 2000?
What deal was made and never
Stopped by Reagan or Bush Senior.
Giving them the Panama Canal.
This is all part of a sellout.
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Again, the Congressional Budget Office sounds the alarm.
This time warns of Greek-style U.S.
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The GAO is drawing a parallel between the U.S.
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Tyranny is here.
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This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
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I wanna quantify what's happening very simply.
Globalism is where megacorporations come in, buy off your federal and local governments, and have the laws changed to give them unfair traded balance so they can consolidate control over every industry.
Then they move into the police state phase, knowing that those populations are going to resist them.
This is in the IMF and World Bank documents that linked in 2002.
And of course, the John Perkins economic hitman, he wrote about it, many others have exposed it.
Then they come in with a police state, which they also privatized, so they make profits off of oppressing you.
It's a...
It's an extremely Machiavellian program of control.
It's pure genius.
But only a dumbed-down public can be defeated by this system, if you're aware of it, and how illegitimate it is, and cut through the propaganda and stand up and say no, their system will fail.
But because it's always covert, and they always deny to your face what they're admittedly doing,
It's hard to defeat when you've got a television head, couch potato population that doesn't see themselves in the role of freedom fighters.
And if you go back to China 150 years ago, it was taken over by Western powers and divided into more than 10 different units.
In some cases there were more than 15 regions, generally about 11, controlled by different European powers, including the United States.
The United States had a sector of China that it controlled and exploited.
And so the United States as we know it doesn't exist.
It's been absorbed by the North American Union System and the Transatlantic Treaty of 2007 with the EU under its rules.
And under these new rules, the Bill of Rights and Constitution
And the Congress itself has become ceremonial.
They're nothing but managers and errand boys that carry out these larger operations.
And so as this program of consolidation accelerates, they will continue to play nationalist tensions to get more defense funding in the name of countering China that they have built up.
But they gave China the Panama Canal,
I think?
The United States is just a exploitation ground by the globalists, just like China is.
The American people are going into an authoritarian system.
Our old free society is being phased out.
We are more and more becoming a unfree nation just like China has been under tyranny for centuries.
Mexico is under tyranny.
Europe is sinking into tyranny.
What is the EU?
A bunch of unelected bureaucrats paid off by major corporations looting their population.
It's the same global cabal, a global corporate governance system
That has removed checks and balances and is setting up high-tech surveillance and oppression grids and private mercenary systems to oppress what's left of free humanity.
And so the United States, while it's been funding the global empire, has been getting the blame for the crimes of the globalists.
And now as we enter the final phase, the United States is being fully bankrupt and hung out to dry, and Maury Strong and Coffee Anna and all these globalists are moving to China as their new command base.
And so we see the Pentagon now hyping all of these threats, saying, oh, there's a warning over Chinese military.
China's military power is growing, AP reports, and challenging them.
Washington Times.
China targeting U.S.
troops with arms buildup.
Pentagon cites anti-access missiles in report that they're aggressively building up military forces to strike U.S.
forces in the Western Pacific and elsewhere, as part of the Pentagon calls an array of high-tech anti-access missiles, submarines, and warplanes in its latest annual report.
So again, we're all looking at this as a U.S.
versus China situation when it's the globalists above our nations playing us off against each other and profiting off the enslavement in both areas.
Here's another one.
playing risky game on the high seas.
The game of military bluff that China and the United States are playing off the Chinese coast could erupt in full-fledged crisis, hitting the arteries of global trade if the Pentagon worries about missteps ever to come.
China has been investing big slices of its growing wealth.
We buy DVD players and television sets and toys and furniture and linens and everything else, and they buy weapons.
And they produce it in their own country, so they have an industry.
If you're going to have a war economy, it should at least help your own nation.
But notice, we don't get to have that here.
China has been investing in big slices of its growing wealth in modernizing its military and turning its once cranky navy into a blue water fleet that can project power far from its shores with nuclear subs and aircraft carriers.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Coming up in an hour, former head of policy of the Department of Treasury, former Wall Street Journal editor, best-selling author, columnist at Infowars.com with a syndicated column.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts will be joining us.
He wrote The Ecstasy of Empire.
Now private corporate interests are completely destroying this nation by design, and that if there is not a revolution in this country in the near future, his quote is here at the end of the story.
Without a revolution, Americans are history.
We'll get exactly what he means by that coming up later in the next hour.
We're about to go to David McMichael here in just a moment.
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Now we go to David McMichael.
He'll be with us about 15 minutes into the next hour.
He's a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst, 10-year veteran of the U.S.
Marine Corps.
He was a counterinsurgency expert in Southeast Asia for his four-year tour there.
He also serves as an analyst for the National Intelligence Council.
McMichael graduated M.A.
with a Ph.D.
in history from the University of Oregon.
And it just goes on and on with all of his whistleblowing.
He resigned from the CIA in July of 83 because he felt the agency was misrepresenting intelligence for political reasons.
But we see a lot of that today, don't we?
Where these contractors that have a stake in exaggerating things to get funds are caught lying constantly, or the lies about WMDs in Iraq.
His public resignation from the agency gave credence and notability to the vocal indictment of the Reagan administration's policy towards Central America.
He was considered the key witness in the Nicaragua versus the United States.
The case was heard in 86 for the International Court of Justice.
And it just goes on from there.
He's a member of Veterans of Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, founded by Ray McGovern, and the Association of National Security Alumni and the Association of Responsible Dissent, an outspoken critic of the Iraq War and the Bush Administration.
He has participated in six documentary films, and journalist John Pilgers described him as a CIA renegade.
And Ray McGovern said that he's one of the most important experts we can talk to about
Fake intelligence leading us not just into Iraq, but now Iran.
And we have him on because in the last two days, Bolton, the former ambassador to the UN, and Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic, who put out key disinfo about WMDs in 2002, they're back all over national television promoting that Iran must be bombed.
Well, thank you for having me.
That rather lengthy
The CV you gave me only proves I've never been able to hold a regular job.
Well, Ray McGovern, we were getting him on, he's a regular contributor to the show, but he was going to be traveling today, so he couldn't come on.
He recommended you and said that you're even more senior in your knowledge, so that's quite a compliment coming from Ray, who we've seen stunning accuracy in his trends forecasting.
Let's get into, I mean, you want to start at the beginning with Iraq, or even before, with disinformation you exposed in the 80s, or where we're going with Iran?
Yeah, well look, I mean, you can just take it as a general statement that disinformation is a principal activity in a wartime situation.
And now that we're involved in a war on terror, as we were previously involved in the Cold War, part and parcel of the government direction of that
is disinformation.
And this is designed, on the one hand to ensure public support for the policy decided upon by those in control of conduct of foreign policy.
And the second aspect, of course, is to delude and punish the designated enemy.
So disinformation is, let me put it this way, and going back to the CIA background and the conduct of covert operations, a rule of thumb is 75% of covert operations is disinformation.
I mean, just so that tells you what trust you can have in the statements that are produced by government officials.
And I've now seen public statements by the Pentagon in the last few years that now 90% of what they do is psychological warfare.
So they're converting even more into brainwashing, propaganda, disinfo, or info war, as they call it.
Yeah, that's very much part of it.
There are many aspects to that, going back to the Manchurian candidate days.
But yeah, that is a huge part of what is vastly expanding at Pentagon Plus, of course.
This huge apparatus that was exposed in those remarkable articles of now ten days ago or two weeks ago in the Washington Post on this huge expansion of this national security apparat.
Top secret USA 800.
That's precisely it.
That's must reading for your listeners.
854,000 highest-level private spies.
I mean, isn't this really the end of America?
A private, corporate, contractor, offshore takeover of frontline combat troops, intelligence, supply, logistics, I mean, everything.
And you look at these companies, these are international.
This isn't the communist Chinese or the Arabs or the Russians overthrowing the United States.
It's the private intelligence takeover and the two trillion dollars a year of the Defense Department and the contractors are gobbling up.
Yeah, well, look, I mean, you don't have to speak of the end of America.
You might reasonably speak of the end of America, the America that perhaps you and I grew up in.
But it certainly speaks to the points made so accurately by Howard Zinn, the recently deceased Howard Zinn, I hate to say, in his numerous books on
Uh, you know, the people's history and so forth is looking at what you're dealing with.
And I'm glad you raised the point, Alec, on the use, the privatization here, the use of corporations and this.
The law requires, as I said right now, the law, as reported in the courts of the United States and elsewhere as well, controlling corporate behavior, is that the fiduciary responsibility of the corporate leadership
Yes, sir.
In the national security area, to manufacture or enhance the alleged threat, which would justify their getting a contract, that's what they're going to do.
And the more influential these people become, and God knows they've been influential for a very long time, this is the way it's going to go.
I don't consider that the end of America, I'm just considering it the worsening of America.
Well, I mean, look, the CIA is barred under federal law from domestic operations, but it's come out they're even running local fusion centers, so they don't care.
And now they've got private contractors and the CIA and the Army picking targets and running drone attacks.
And so that really is a covert takeover of the government.
When you have these private interests in many areas now dwarfing people that are in government service.
And I had Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistani intelligence on yesterday.
You know, he was saying that, look, he said, I'm not involved in the Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
This is ridiculous.
They're attacking people in Pakistan to stir up the tribal areas, to destabilize our country.
So they have a pretext to widen the war here.
And he said, these private contractors have an incentive to lie about this, to expand the war.
And he was saying they were there two years ago.
The Pentagon lied.
Now they admit they are there.
But I don't know if he's telling the complete truth, but I do... Well, look, Alex, I think the key phrase you used in quoting Ahmed Gul there about these corporations that are involved is, they have an incentive, he said.
That's absolutely correct.
By corporate law as practiced in court.
That is the obligation of the corporate leadership is to do everything legally possible to enhance the profits to the shareholders.
But the CIA isn't allowed without warrants on paper to spy on the American people.
How do they then come out and admit that there's almost a million private contractors with the highest security clearance
spying on the American people.
I mean, Poindexter, six, seven years ago, got in trouble for Total Information Awareness Network, and then the Washington Post reported, well, they just made it private, so that's okay.
I mean, to me, that makes it even more illegal.
Yeah, well, I would say the question of legality, of course, will be handled in the courts, and one of the unfortunate, and I can tell you this from
A lot of direct experience with this in cases.
I used to put out a publication called Unclassified for some years.
It ceased publication about eight or nine years ago now.
A little longer than that.
But I had a section in there which I published every two months on shadow justice.
Describing the way the United States courts at the local and especially at the federal level handled
I'm good.
Ninety-nine percent, with the exception, by the way, of Judge Walsh, who handled the Iran-Contra cases, who, in my view, were the great heroes of the American legal system.
But the point I'm going to make here is that when you're talking about the court, and is it illegal, is ninety percent of the cases the federal courts will wash their hands
Of any case in which the government comes forward and says, national security, classified materials, and I've heard this phrase used over and over again.
Well, as the judges, you know, we can't understand the intricacies of the intelligence system, which is like a great mosaic, you see, and if you only move one tile in it, you know, it could disrupt the whole thing.
So, case dismissed.
Well, that's the issue since 1947 with the National Security Act.
Tens of trillions of dollars spent.
Total secrecy.
Even if it began good, which the evidence shows it clearly didn't, I mean, it's an absolute 100% prescription for tyranny.
Well, it certainly leads that way.
And I think one of the things that I have focused on over the years is this use of the term national security.
Which has no real definition, and one of the, you know, marks that you can give, the plus mark you can give to Dwight Eisenhower, who of course warned about the military-industrial complex and leaving, but who's deliberately refused to use the term national security.
Is it national defense?
I can understand national security.
What is that?
And there is no legal definition for it, but it's been used to, you know, justify or at least rationalize a whole range of government activities over the years, which
You know, I think you accurately described it as tyrannical, certainly unconstitutional.
Well, David, we know why Eisenhower really got upset.
He even wrote about it some.
Lemester came to him and said, we want to bomb D.C.
and Miami, attack Marine Corps bases, and blame it on the Cubans and the Russians.
And he said no.
They brought it to Kennedy and he fired him.
So we know why he was getting concerned.
Oh yeah.
Believe me, when you say that, the reaction of most people is to say, well, what kind of nutcases are those who can walk into the Oval Office and give that sort of advice to a President of the United States?
That there must be something wrong with the system that allows these people to go around not wearing a straitjacket.
You know, but there are these people, and part of it, of course, is the reaction.
There's a famous instance early on in the history of the CIA when concern was being expressed about activities, about which going back to Iran was the great success in overthrowing the elected government of Iran back in the 1950s.
Operation Ajax.
Yes, of course.
You know, when Alan Dulles, head of the CIA, a very crafty guy by the way, you know, proposed to the Senate that he would like to bring in groups of senators and explain to them exactly what this new CIA was doing,
So there's also this implied consent where the government really does know what's going on.
They just like to basically have that plausible deniability.
Stay there, sir.
Retired senior CIA analyst.
We'll talk more with him straight ahead.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
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Near identical repeat of the propaganda used on Iraq eight years ago, again with Iran.
Can you speak to this?
This has been going on for a very long time, and I call it the creation of a false crisis involving Iran and its nuclear
To put it in the shortest way possible, Iran, which is an original signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty back in the 1970s under the Shah's government, of course, when the United States was very eager to assist Iran in developing a nuclear power industry,
It has been charged since the overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of the Islamic Republic with the intention to not simply to develop a nuclear power industry, but that this is a cover for its desire to produce nuclear weapons, which of course is prohibited by
Well, these accusations have been made for a very long time.
The Iranians have insisted, as a matter of fact, they're chief spiritual leader.
And I have my problems with the Sharia type who dominate a certain aspect of Iranian public life.
They've emphasized even in that period that Islamic law prohibits the manufacture or use of these weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons and so forth.
But in any case, it's been an article of faith, excuse the expression, coming both from certain elements in our foreign policy establishment, and especially from Israel.
And its adherents and followers in the United States, I think we can use the AIPAC, the American-Israeli Political Action Committee, as the symbol of this, to insist that Iran is deliberately pursuing this creation of nuclear weapons, which represents an existential threat to Israel, particularly, and
Subsequently, of course, to the United States and its interests in the Middle East.
Now I should emphasize that the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, is charged under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to
Investigate and the nuclear programs of every country in the world consistently found that Iran was not engaged in or attending the production of nuclear weapons.
Three years ago, there was a national intelligence estimate
These are products produced by the National Intelligence Council, the grouping of all the United States intelligence agencies, which found that despite the uproar that Iran had ceased any nuclear weapons program back in 2003 and had not
Reconstituted them.
Now, I know a little bit about these types of programs.
Brazil, even Sweden, Argentina, other countries have them.
As a matter of fact, any country which has a significantly sized military has nuclear weapons programs in the sense that studies are done within their military.
David McMichael, we've got a break.
We're back in 70 seconds.
We'll continue where we left off.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, AP, Reuters, French News Agency, they've all got the same headline.
Israel has eight days to hit Iran's nuclear site.
That's the former U.S.
ambassador to the U.N., Bolton.
They've got Jeffrey Goldberg, the admitted Israel operative, running around saying we've got to do it at the New Atlantic.
All of this is happening.
And we're talking to a former senior CIA analyst who also worked at the National Intelligence Council, who found three years ago that Iran was a decade away from a nuke and that they'd suspended their program.
And of course, that's what the council had said about Iraq's WMDs that had been suspended in the early 90s.
But they just created a new office in the Pentagon to put out this info.
So we're seeing the same thing now.
Well, if there were an attack, and of course what kind of an attack, and I think what most people have in mind,
Reflecting the rhetoric coming out of Tel Aviv is that this would be an Israeli aerial attack on Iraq's nuclear installations and that the United States, that this could not happen without either an open or a tacit approval
uh... by the united states government because the aircraft would have to overfly areas controlled by the united states iraq for for example and uh... so uh... this has become a major issue as you point out uh... the well into one thing you can point out of course is that uh... as of yesterday the long-planned uh... uh... russian uh...
Designed and assisted nuclear power plant at Bushehr in Iran was open because the Russians delivered to the plant the nuclear fuel to get it running.
It has not yet been installed and that's what gets to this eight-day thing that's been raised.
It will take approximately another week to get this
All the fuel in there, and it's being argued by Bolton and others that the plant must be destroyed before the fuel is in there because if the fuel is there and then it is bombed, then you set up a Chernobyl-type situation with radioactive material spreading all over the whole Middle East, which is kind of suicidal for anybody that gets involved in this.
This has been magnified, if you will,
And publicized very highly by this article by Jeffrey Goldberg, whom you rightly described as basically an Israeli asset, if you will, in the United States, in the Atlantic Monthly, which showed... it really is focused as much on our current United States government, the Barack Obama administration, that
That the only way the United States can really prevent Israel from carrying out such an attack is by itself taking a more direct military, power military, economic role in forcing the Iranian government to abandon its current nuclear power program.
So, uh, this, as I say, this all comes about, but I think from my perspective, uh, one of the main factors to consider here is that this, uh, elevating, and it's been high, pretty high profile for quite a while.
I'll tell you what, let's, sorry to interrupt, let's hit that key point straight ahead with our final segment with our guest, the Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts, coming up.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land?
They think they own our water?
Our education?
Our money?
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Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he was a senior CIA analyst, of course, in the Marine Corps before that, in intelligence.
And he's a famous, well-known whistleblower who exposed fake intelligence back in the 80s.
And it's the same story, just on a bigger scale, if you look at even the hawks in government.
They admit that an attack on Iran, and they published three years ago some of the attack plans, hundreds of sites, their navy, their power plants, their bridges, their infrastructure, being annihilated.
A crime against humanity.
Our government has overthrown Iran in 53.
It's done all sorts of horrible things to them.
Covert operations.
Bush, Cy Hirsch, six years ago reported on this.
Two years after that, four years ago, the White House put out a press release saying, yes, we're running four different
Sectarian groups, three of them Al-Qaeda related, Wahhabis connected out of Saudi Arabia, inside Iran, sabotaging and staging terror attacks.
I mean, this is admitted.
It's like Bush two months ago came out and said, yeah, I ordered torture and I'd order it again, but he sent people to prison that followed his memos from John Yoo and from Alberto Gonzalez, the Attorney General.
It's so criminal.
And now with Obama,
It's continuing, and we left off with the former IDF prison guard, Jeffrey Goldberg, writing in the Atlantic that America, the United States, needs to attack Iran.
And most analysts think it could trigger World War III, but regardless, it's going to double or triple oil prices, a global jihad, not fake terror, real attacks are going to begin.
And I think, sir, that they want to invoke this clash of civilizations.
They want to stir up
Well, I would agree to your last point.
They are moving toward it, you know, the likelihood of
Giving this green light is greater than it was, let's say, a year, year and a half ago, when especially the Israelis were in some sort of a panic trying to figure out what the Obama administration's actual policy in the Middle East would be.
And they've been, I think they've been relieved.
I think they have the very strong elements directly within the White House.
I need merely say Rahm Emanuel.
There are several others, very close in the so-called national security... Admitted member of the Israeli military?
White House Chief of Staff?
He's right there as basically an Israeli representative in the White House, and he's very hawkish and so forth.
Now, that said,
I'd like to refer your listeners, our listeners at this point, to the comment which Martin Indyk, the former U.S.
Ambassador to Israel and currently a Vice President of the Brookings Institution here in Washington,
He commented on the Goldberg article and came up with the conclusion that the United States was more likely than Israel to bomb Iran.
In other words, if in fact the United States determined that Israel would go ahead with this and that the United States would be put in a bad position, if you will, by moving effectively to prevent
Uh, Israel from doing it, then the United States would be more likely to take the action to destroy the installation at Bushehr and, uh, show its determination.
This would really be, uh, you know, Obama's, uh, complete transformation into the new Bush, uh, in there.
And I, uh, I think there is, uh, that Indyk certainly knows the region.
Uh, you know, makes makes a certain amount of sense in coming to this conclusion.
The point I was going to make before we went to break last time, which makes this whole situation, uh, you know, less predictable and more chancy.
No, we're good.
The Republican Party will play the Israeli card on this one.
There are many elements within the Democratic Party which will also play the Israeli card on this and arguably force Obama's hand, force a decision which says, oh God, for political purposes, if nothing else, we've got to take some dramatic action here in
Well, that was my next point.
We saw in the Financial Times of London two weeks ago, or now three weeks ago, former top Clinton advisor also advising Obama, Robert Shapiro saying, if we don't have an Oklahoma City or a new 9-11 or some big event to make Obama look strong, to make people rally around him, there's going to be a complete sweep
Yeah, well I told, you know, I feel very strongly about this, and you used one of the words that
What shakes me up completely is this concentration on the word leader.
I told this to the junior senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia, where I reside, during the elections when he, you know, I was talking to him at a local coffee shop and he said, well we've got to show, I'll show strong leadership on this.
I said to him, Governor, I don't want you to show leadership, I want you to represent me.
And I feel very strongly about that.
Because this is a government of we the people and a rule of law in our republic, not Germany or Stalinist Russia or Maoist China.
We don't need people to lead us.
We need them to represent us.
But we need homeland security.
Excuse me.
One of the great shocks to me is the adoption of that name for a branch of the United States government.
Yeah, for those that don't know, it's in a direct translation of Reich Security.
The Germans just put the words backwards, or from their perspective, correctly.
So, Land Security, or Reich meaning the Homeland Security.
We now have Homeland Security.
Yeah, and you know, this is a long-term trend.
As you know, many comments are made on this all the time, especially, I guess I could classify you as a libertarian, and the constant comment, and something that has worried me for a long time, both as an academic and in government, is this constant expansion of executive
Authority, particularly in the one area where the drafters of our Constitution were most concerned, which was going to war and the, you know, putting that power in the hands of the Congress and not of the executive.
And, you know, as we saw in the aftermath of Vietnam,
One of the great fold-ups of the Congress, as far as I'm concerned, was the War Powers Act of 1973, which effectively told the President of the United States, you can go to war anytime you want, just let us know every six months how it's going.
And that does give you a Fuhrer-type precept.
I mean, it's completely the opposite of what our Republic was founded on.
Well, I think if one could say that, and whatever arguments one wishes to make about the need for strong leadership in the foreign policy area and so forth, is that when you see developing because of the belief in this,
This hugely magnified national security establishment, the enormous financial costs that go with it, and when you realize that just two weeks ago,
That the renewed funding for the war in Afghanistan was put through an additional $30 billion.
That's just for the part of it.
And incidentally, if you go back to that House resolution on that, you'll find that the actual title of it is a law to extend certain funding for education and other domestic projects.
That, to me, was the height of hypocrisy.
So now it's education.
You have the biggest war machine the planet's ever seen.
Sir, what about staged terror or provocateur actions as a pretext to attack Iran?
I mean, we know the CIA.
I think all your listeners need to do is go back to the long since declassified information on Operation Northwoods.
Uh, which was a program put forward and passed through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and put up to then-President Kennedy, calling for the staging of fake attacks on United States aircraft near Cuba, and even accepting the
Not just military aircraft, these are passenger aircraft, and even accepting the loss of American life as a justification for an open military attack on Cuba.
These things have been thought of before, and they've been done before, and I think the purpose of people like yourself as journalists, as broadcasters, is to continually
Bring people... David, this is so important.
We gotta break.
Do five more minutes with us.
Stay there.
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The question is, where should the American people draw their line in the sand?
What have we got?
A republic or a monarchy?
A republic.
It's based on a constitution which protects minority rights.
Not democracy, not mob rule.
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
So they think they own our land, they think they own our water, children, our education, our money.
We have to define who we are and what we will tolerate.
Somebody's gonna ask you what you did during the Patriot Uprising.
You are being warned.
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Final segment with former high-level CIA analyst and whistleblower David McMichael.
We appreciate his time today.
Every time he gets into something really important, we have to go to break, but the breaks are pre-programmed here for our radio affiliates out there.
We're getting into Operation Northwoods, and there's so many other
I think?
Uh, and we've always known that they're involved in narcotics trafficking.
I mean, there's no end to this evil.
And now the banks run the country.
They've stolen trillions.
They're stealing trillions more.
Finishing up with staged terror.
I mean, it's pretty clear for me, a student of history and just a layman, but you have a degree, a PhD in history.
That going back to Julius Caesar, they used fake crises or hype crises as a pretext for control and they built this huge apparatus that rivals the NKVD and Soviet Russia and it's all aimed at the American people.
Law enforcement sent me the Homeland Security reports.
None of this has to do with turbaned men in caves.
They're worried about landowners, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, anti-war people.
Your comments on the conversion of America to a police state, if you agree, and false flag terror, sir.
Yeah, well look, there has been this enormous elaboration of
You know, and again, the term security comes in there.
There are security firms, etc., that make money off this.
You know, among the more interesting phenomena, if you will, of recent years in this country has been the, if you talk about privatization, the military intelligence operation, but the privatization of the prison system.
Which gives an immense incentive for the Correctional Corporation of America, the biggest firm, and others that are in there, you know, to push for legislation that keeps more people locked up and, you know, there's more money coming into their coffers.
So, yes, this is a, if you will, police state magnification of powers of the so-called security element and the combination, of course, of local security into the national apparatus.
And it's an unfortunate circumstance.
I'm going to give you one more.
Almost Northwood's related thing for you in terms of the way covert operations work in these circumstances.
Years ago after the Castro revolution in Cuba,
We arranged with the British Leyland Motor Company, which had big contracts with the new government in Cuba to replace the motor bus system in Cuban cities.
The buses that were delivered to Cuba had been sabotaged to the point where they weren't functioning.
And now we're getting quite credible reports out that
The nuclear power equipment that Iran is buying from other countries has been in many cases effectively sabotaged before it ever reaches Iran.
Uh, experience over the years, which intelligence quote unquote intelligent systems tend to do.
And I'll give you before we leave a quick definition of covert operations.
It was first made official in the defense budget act of 1993.
We're good to go.
And finally, sir, I hope to have you back up in the near future.
We appreciate your time.
One minute left.
Knowing about Northwoods and Ajax and the rest of it, do you question 9-11 ever?
You know, as a, you know, a non-scientist, I back out on that one.
But, you know, the arguments made about the grave difficulty of, you know, taking down buildings like that through the, you know, the burning of aviation fuel after a crash.
Is, uh, you know, not too convincing to me, and I'll just close with telling you that back in 1945, when I was a 17-year-old kid working as a longshoreman on the New York waterfront, you know, on the Jersey side, I looked up one morning and saw this big hole in the Empire State Building.
You'll remember that was a B-25, which went off course and flew right into the Empire State Building, knocked an immense hole in the building.
But it certainly didn't set it on fire and melt it down.
And we see how 9-11 was used to further destroy our freedoms.
Well, uh, yeah, no.
How's the old phrase go?
Just another word for nothing left to lose?
David McMichael, very impressive information.
Thank you for spending time with us and your service.
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The Empire's on the run.
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This information is too important to wait.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We're going to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to talk about the economy, the collapse of this nation that is now accelerating, and we're almost past the point of our return, according to his analysis and many others that I respect, according, of course, to my own breakdown of history and understanding, and war with Iran.
Bolton said yesterday, eight days.
People said, well, wait a minute, that's only four days until the 21st when they load the fuel into the reactors at Bashir.
Now he's in the Jerusalem Post saying, yes, he meant three days.
So he says we must strike them now.
So we'll talk about that with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
The reason I got him on hurriedly, two weeks ago, Drugs Report linked to, and then it was carried in literally thousands of websites, his article about the collapse of the United States in 2017.
And he's written a new one called The Ecstasy of Empire, where he talks about the fact that if there isn't a revolution in this country, we're history.
And I wanted to get his take on what type of revolution is he specifically talking about with Dr. Paul Greg Roberts.
We're going to him in just a moment, because again, this article is getting a lot of attention.
I never saw his columns previously posted at the Drudge Report.
I'm glad the Drudge Report is now linking over to those because they're so important.
Of course, he formerly wrote and was an editor for the Wall Street Journal.
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We go now to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was the head of policy, number two at the Treasury, the father of Reaganomics, Wall Street Journal editor, many-time best-selling author, syndicated columnist, and his latest book is How the Economy Was Lost, The War of the Worlds.
In his
We're good.
I mean, you know, it's the hawks, it's the military-industrial complex, it's Israel and others who want this, and Obama wants it for a political distraction, an attack on Iran.
We just had a former high-level CIA analyst on earlier, breaking all of that down.
But we go now to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to talk about his story, the ecstasy of empire.
Good to have you, Doc.
Thanks, Alex.
That seems to be the case.
Well, break it down, sir.
I mean, this article is frightening in its reality and how you link to all the data to back up what you're saying.
Encapsulate what your story covers and then let's expand where you leave off saying, if we don't have a revolution, we're history.
Well Alex, what the article does is to sort of bring together many of the messages I've been making, partly over your show over the years, that the economy has been destroyed by the offshoring of the middle class jobs.
And so this has produced, I think, since 2007, a loss of approximately 10 to 11 million jobs.
Now those jobs simply aren't here, so their stimulus programs can't put people back to work in jobs that have been moved offshore.
The reason the jobs are moved offshore is it increases the profits of the firms in the short run.
It makes money for Wall Street, it makes money for shareholders, and the executives can pay themselves huge bonuses.
So they've sold out the American economy, and of course their own workforces, their own communities, in order to enrich themselves.
So here you see the small oligarchy fouling its own nest.
Because the intermediate run consequence, beyond the short run, the consequence is to destroy the domestic consumer market and also destroy their own power base.
So we have an economy that's deserted.
By the way,
There is a revolution, and these very small private interests that control the country are destroyed, then America is destroyed, because the basis for the country has been taken away from it.
Now, I don't know what kind of revolution it would be.
You know, sometimes revolutions are organized, but I think most often they just happen.
You know, people get, it's like Gerald Slinty says, when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And so, oftentimes, revolutions just happen.
And it's never clear who will take them over.
We think of the Bolshevik Revolution, but actually the February Revolution, which displaced the Tsar, was not led by the Bolsheviks.
Their revolution occurred several months later.
They simply took advantage of the chaos to seize power.
So none of that is predictable.
We can't
Save who will end up with it.
But we do know that the people who rule the country now do not rule it in anyone's interest but their own very narrow interest.
And the rest of the country is suffering tremendously.
I mean, look at the food stamps.
We now have a record number of Americans on food stamps.
It's an extraordinary number of people.
And so what did Congress do recently?
They cut food stamps.
These types of policies themselves produce revolutions.
And when you have a record number of people on food stamps, when you have predictions that the number is going to climb, and then Congress cuts it, that's like saying, oh, how can the government help to undermine itself and cause a revolution?
Well, that's a let-them-eat-cake statement!
That's a let-them-eat-cake statement.
And there's so many of those statements.
There's so many of the let-them-eat-cake statements.
And I think that's, I mean, we'll see the same thing with the unemployment benefits.
They've been extended and extended and extended, which you would expect, and now they're running out.
And yet the unemployment rate, the number of unemployed people continue to rise.
So there's so many let them eat cake statements that I think that the result has to be a revolution.
Well, Doctor, going over this, we also see the establishment involved in a race to the bottom.
Now that they do realize that the debt is mathematically impossible to pay back, they are accelerating their looting.
They're accelerating their cutthroat strip mining of society.
They kind of have a nihilistic
Uh, you know, party attitude of eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
I mean, I'm seeing that not just in the truly wealthy or the controllers, but I'm seeing it in yuppies.
Uh, and, uh, people, you know, who are not making $200,000 a year now, they're making $100,000.
Uh, but they seem to be getting even more crazy.
Uh, and so it, I mean, this does look like Rome in its declining years.
Well, yes.
Yes, it is.
Except Rome's decline took a century or two, and I think ours will be much more rapid.
You know, rather than for me to try to speculate, let me just point out
How the economic information that's released, for example, the information released today, how it deceives us.
For example, Alex, they reported that we've had an increase in housing starts in July.
Well, the way they got this increase in housing starts in July is that there was a massive downward revision
of the housing starts that they proclaimed in June.
So they said more housing starts that occurred in June than did.
So this month, the revision in the June number downward then produces an increase in the July number.
Do you see what I'm saying?
If they had not altered the June number, then this month we would have had a decline in housing starts.
Now they do that every month.
They give you good news and then the next month they secretly take it away, they downward revise it, and that then produces another month.
But what's happening now is, and I want you to speak to this police sir, is reality is colliding with their
I think?
CNET News, the Arizona Republic and others report that over 96% of people refused to pay them or even show up and the system tried to threaten them and make examples but finally gave in and pulled all the cameras out.
So I mean that right there is an example of just non-compliance.
Yes, I suspect that non-compliance will rise.
As people lose resources, they lose the ability to comply, and they also lose their confidence in the government.
And therefore they lose their willingness to comply.
So when you don't have the ability or the willingness, then compliance has to fall.
Let me give you another example of
Thank you.
But if you look at why is industrial production up 1%, it's largely due, I believe, to the fact that all the disruptions in automobile production over the last year or two, about GM's bankruptcy, about the insolvency, I think, of Chrysler, you know, everything was disrupted to the extent that just getting back to stability
Produces statistically a rise in industrial production.
Another way they get rises in industrial production is they use as a as a way of measuring it power usage.
So if power usage is high, they assume industrial output is rising.
But of course, what when you have these massive heat waves?
What happens to power usage?
Sure, it's August, and that's always the biggest power consumption, so they won't look at the months before or the months after.
They put it out there falsely as a trend.
Well, here's an example.
It's the monthly, that's right, it's the monthly report that they put out.
Well, I mean, you know how they manipulate, you know, the cost-earnings ratio.
You know a lot more than I do as an economist how all this works.
But, I mean, just to simply look at it, Dr. Roberts, what was it, 15 years ago they changed the rules where a hamburger place gets a manufacturing credit for putting cheese on a
That's right.
That's exactly right, Alex.
There's probably many more of these things than you or I are aware of.
But I just wanted to give you and your listeners two examples from today's economic reports to show how misleading they can be.
And so I think it's going to be a little bit longer, I can't say how much longer, before people or very many people catch on.
Of course, some people know already and have known for some time.
But even if, you know, you suggested that perhaps the elite themselves realize that it's all the wealth, but I'm not so sure because today's stock market rose substantially.
On the basis of good news, which consists of statistical artifacts that aren't real.
So I'm not sure that people have caught on or that the elite have caught on.
Generally, the elite are so full of hubris and self-confidence and arrogance.
No, historically, you're right.
Dr. Roberts, stay there.
We're going to break.
I want to come back and go more into your excellent piece, The Ecstasy of Empire, and that hubris you're talking about, and how you talk about we're almost past the point of no return.
What is that point of no return?
We'll be right back.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Dr. Roberts will be with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
Then I'm going to cover a bunch of news and take your phone calls.
But the mere fact that so many radio stations are now turning this show on, instead of getting one or two new affiliates a month over the years and then stations are bought and sold and you lose some, we're now getting two, three, four a week and these are big stations in the biggest cities.
The fact that the Drudge Report would pick up your story from Infowars.com
The fact that a lot of people I talk to that are middle class, nouveau riche, working class, they are getting it.
Now I agree with you, the hubris-filled super elites, the ruling class, a lot of them are very delusional.
But you spoke about the revolution in 1917, 1918, and of course you're right.
You know, as a researcher, that the people rebelled, then the communists came in from Germany, England, and New York and took it over.
And I see that as the great danger.
Ron Paul has said that, that during this crisis we've got to be more active than ever so that people with horrible ideas don't use the crisis to get more control.
Dr. Roberts?
That's right.
There's no way to predict the outcome of that.
Um, and, um, being vigilant, but that requires organization, which doesn't exist either.
So I don't know what we can do other than rejoice that it will sweep away the current, the current bad crop.
It may give us the worst crop.
On the other hand, the people may provide the kind of leadership at the time that's needed.
But Alex, let's, rather than speculate on these things, let's, let's talk about, cause you wanted to know, you wanted to know,
At what point do we hit the point of no return and can't get out of the crisis?
And as I've emphasized many times with you on your show, the big crisis is when do we lose the dollar as reserve currency and when can the federal government no longer finance its huge budget deficit except by printing money?
Now, so, and I've made the point over and over, you can finance a $400 or $500 billion deficit, but you can't finance one that's $1 trillion for $500 billion.
And we've now into the second year of $1.5 trillion deficits.
How are they being financed?
I think they're being financed in the following ways.
The flight of individual investors from stocks.
into what they regard as safe government bonds.
That's one way, this being financed.
Now that can't go on forever once people have fled the stock market.
I don't mean the big money managing firms and the pension firms, but the individuals.
They are leaving, they've left.
The other way the budget deficit is being financed is through the Federal Reserve's purchase of all of the bad paper, the subprime derivatives, and so forth, that the banks got themselves stuck with.
The Fed simply bought that from them, gave them bank reserves, and the banks used those bank reserves to buy the government's bonds.
So that's the second way.
It's being financed again.
This can't go on forever either.
Once the... Well, the Feds now announce they're going to start monetizing, correct?
Yes, but what they're talking about is what they're already doing.
They're going to buy financial instruments from the banks, hoping that the banks then use the excess reserves to lend.
But of course they won't, because there are no creditworthy borrowers.
And so that doesn't lead to money creation.
The banks have to respond to that, you see, by creating new demand deposits, making loans.
But they haven't been doing that.
Instead, they use excess reserves to buy more Treasury bonds.
So, now, the third way, now, the third way the government is used is the Greek crisis.
Stay there.
Doctor, we've got a break back in 70 seconds.
We'll cover the third way.
When do we pass the porno return?
That answer straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is our guest.
He, of course, is the author of the latest story, the Drudge Report, picked up from InfoWars.com, The Ecstasy of Empire.
And at the end of the article, you can link through at Amazon.com and get the powerful book, How the Economy Was Lost, The War of the Worlds.
It tells how this country is, why this country is disintegrating.
Okay, Dr. Roberts, you were getting into the third way they plan to finance all of this to the point of no return.
Go ahead.
It's the Greek crisis.
The Greeks got heavily in debt and so the New York investment banks and the hedge funds made a run on them, caused the Greek crisis, and then the New York investment banks and hedge funds multiplied the Greek crisis into the Euro crisis.
And the financial press, of course, became an adjunct to the Treasury's financing needs, and they spread all over that, oh, the euro is going, the euro won't last.
And the euro collapsed dramatically against the dollar.
Well, this caused all kinds of individuals and foreign central banks who had been holding euros as reserves as an alternative to the dollar to flee the euro and flee into the dollar.
That means buying treasury bonds.
So, the United States government was able to use its private financial apparatus to finance
It's deficit by drawing funds out of Europe.
But you said at the time it wouldn't last and it didn't.
No, it doesn't.
But you see, they may next start on Spain and Ireland.
And Portugal.
So they can keep it going as long as they have some country in the EU that's sufficiently indebted that the financial press can create the image of a disaster and that the hedge funds and the investment banks can make money by shorting or driving down.
So as long as they can produce these flights of fear
From other countries holdings and from other currencies into the dollar.
They can keep this going, but of course it is limited.
It can't go on forever.
And so what I think is the way they're playing this game.
Is that the decline of the United States will be sudden because the minute there's no longer any way to finance the deficit, it means they have to print the money.
The minute they do that, the dollar is no longer the reserve currency.
What about China?
I see them hyping that China is going to have a depression, and I see them talking about trying to manipulate China, but China's our biggest holder, and I've seen China getting angry devaluing U.S.
Treasuries and EU Treasuries in the last month.
Well, that's correct, and today there's an article on Global Research about we keep trying to provoke them militarily, and we're making them very angry.
I don't think that's possible.
But who knows?
Nevertheless, when they no longer can produce a flow into dollars or into U.S.
Treasury bonds out of some fear or some hyped crisis, that's when the financing problem hits and that's when the dollar ceases to be the reserve currency.
And the minute that happens, we can't pay our import bill.
And so the supply of goods and services in the United States from abroad are greatly curtailed.
And this, of course, includes petroleum.
Dr. Roberts, we've got one more segment with you.
You've been very gracious to give us your expertise and, of course, your great articles that we're posting at InfoWars.com.
We're going to come back and talk about this desperate game they're playing.
And they are trying to start a war with China.
And they're not Iraq.
They're not Iran.
We'll talk about that straight ahead with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
Stay with us.
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Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
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That's right, you found it, the real deal!
Patriots defending the Republic, the free market, our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
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We're talking to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and he was getting into all these news stories saying, China wants to attack the U.S.
China's our enemy.
We've got to get ready.
They may attack us.
It's in the Associated Press today that the Pentagon says China may launch an attack
Now they're Al Qaeda, after these very same corporate globalists had tax incentives and everything they could to move everything offshore, not for free trade, but to cannibalize our economy.
Now, more and more, we've got to go into Pakistan.
We've got to attack Iran.
Bolton says eight days.
Now he says three days in the Jerusalem Post.
We've got to have war with Syria.
We've got to do it.
The media says Al Qaeda is about to hit and Obama's gonna have to take your rights.
We can really see them playing the false flag card.
I had former top-level CIA analyst David McMichael on earlier and he agreed.
He said we're in the prime danger of the government staging a terror attack.
So Dr. Roberts speaking about
Iran, China, all of this, and the method to their madness, but they're now trying to pick fights with people that have hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear weapons.
Pakistan's got more than 20, with medium-range delivery systems.
China's got, conservatively, 2,000.
I mean, these people may end the world.
I mean, look at Cheney launching the attack through the proxy Georgia against the Russian-held South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
I mean, they really are lunatics.
Exactly, they're lunatics.
Dangerous lunatics, and they're playing all the fear cards.
It's just like George Orwell's 1984 Big Brother.
There are wars everywhere, or at least the people are told there are.
You never really know in the book whether those wars exist or they're just propaganda to keep the people under control.
But they're lunatics.
That's exactly the case.
Alex, let me add, I left out one other way they can keep this financing of the deficit going for another year.
And that is, they can confiscate part of our remaining private pensions.
On the grounds that they are accumulating tax-free and that they shouldn't be tax-free.
So they can do that.
Also, they could require the pension fund managers to use our pensions to purchase Treasury bonds.
So that's another financing means they have that I suspect they will resort to as they get more desperate.
Well, to interrupt, you said that here on this show three years ago.
It's now, Bloomberg admits three months ago that the feds are ordering private pension funds to quote, invest in failed banks.
The Chicago Tribune said, oh, the state has changed the law, and they gave the subsection, I read it on air yesterday, where the state doesn't have to give state workers their pension.
I mean, if they try that, you talk about a recipe for revolution.
Yes, it's more of the let them eat cake.
I think?
Or they require the pension fund managers to use the pensions to buy worthless government paper.
That's more provocation and more reason that I think Salenti's point that when people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And that's generally when you get a revolution.
Now to get back to your point, I really don't think the United States military wants to have a war with Iran.
They certainly don't want to have one with China.
The people pushing this are the neoconservatives who have this sort of empire ideology.
They're totally unrealistic.
We haven't the resources for an empire.
And the military security complex.
They push it because of the profits on munitions and the warplanes and everything else.
And of course they're related to the Pentagon, but the generals themselves, or at least most of them, have, I think, too much sense.
And they've not been very supportive of the notion of attacking Iran.
If you notice carefully statements of the top generals, you don't find a whole lot of support.
Yeah, Mullen has even told the Israelis it's nuts.
Fox Fallon refused and resigned three years ago, or two years ago, so it's incredible.
So they certainly won't want to start anything with China.
It's not clear to me that China would even have to fight.
They could probably defeat us just by dumping their $2 trillion worth of U.S.
assets, because that would be the end of the dollar.
So what do you see in closing as the final bubble to pop?
I mean, are you saying it's going to be the Treasury note bubble?
The final bubble to pop is when they cannot finance the government deficit except by printing money.
When the Federal Reserve directly buys the new government bonds,
It pays for them by creating checking accounts for the Treasury, which the Treasury immediately spends.
So that money goes directly into circulation.
It's different from when the Federal Reserve buys bonds from the banks, relying on the banks to use the reserves to make loans and to create money that way.
But when the banks don't have any credit-worthy customers to lend to, they just sit on the reserves.
But if they buy the new bonds directly from the Treasury,
The money directly goes into circulation and starts driving up prices.
And I think the deficit is going to be much bigger next year because the economy is not recovering.
It's going to, in my opinion, the opinion of Gerald Cilenti and the opinion of John Williams, who's probably the best statistician on this, we're about to move down substantially further.
So the budget deficit that has to be financed will be bigger than one and a half trillion.
And a war, a war would be politically expedient for the election, but not good for the deficit, correct?
They can't finance the war.
They can't finance the current deficit.
Except by the way, the means that I gave you, and they're all short term, and some of them, such as confiscating people's pensions, will produce more revolution, more tendency toward non-compliance.
So I think that they're out far on a limb, and they were led out there by the arrogance of the neoconservatives, by the complicity of the mainstream media, by the utter stupidity of the Congress.
And by the greed of the military security complex in Wall Street.
And that's why we're in this fix.
That is the only reason.
Those are the reasons that we're in this fix.
And in a fix, one small caveat.
We're going to let you go.
We appreciate your time.
We saw that the Harvard endowment dumped all
of their Israeli stock holdings, and then some Muslim groups came out and said, oh, that's because the Israeli boycott that's picking up steam worldwide.
But Harvard just said, no, we don't see this as good investments.
But that can't be a good omen to not just see Harvard, but other big institutions racing away from Israel.
Well, you know, if any country on earth has painted themselves in a worse corner than we have, it's Israel.
And that's hubris.
And just total disregard for anyone but themselves.
All right.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, congratulations on your columns.
They always get attention, but they're really the hottest thing out there on the web right now.
We appreciate you having us post them at InfoWars.com.
God bless you.
We'll talk to you again soon, sir.
Thank you, Alex, and I appreciate you.
You bet.
Take care.
There goes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, linked in his story, The Ecstasy of Empire, up on InfoWars.com, How the Economy Was Lost, The War of the Worlds, details why America is disintegrating.
I want to go to your phone calls.
The toll-free number to get involved on air with us is 800-259-9231.
And speaking of Gerald Cilente and Bob Chapman and many others, they predicted in the last two months when they artificially manipulated gold, the government did downward, that it would spike back up.
In the last two weeks, it's raced back up to where it was, and Ted Anderson bought it during the drop and can now sell it to you when it's gone up.
At the old price, but he'll run out again, so take advantage of it now.
I want to bring Ted Anderson on.
Gold is king, folks.
Gold is king in this fiat money depression, World War III society.
Ted, give us today's Midas Resources radio specials, where folks can buy gold at the lower market price than it currently is, because you bought it when the gold was down, now it's way up.
Ted Anderson.
Yeah, I'm right here with the Alex, and I'm just watching the market rise as we speak.
We've seen $1,228 already today, and the economic crisis is just mounting that federal debt and risk of financial crisis document that we have.
That's from the CBO.
You know, the Congressional Budget Office, it's just terrifying.
And right now we have the frank at $265, and yes indeed, that was the price that I was offering that same coin for when we were at $1,180 an ounce.
And I give you a full year subscription to Bob Chapman's newsletter, which gives you the economic news that you need, too.
I mean, you can't beat that offer.
We also have the British Sovereigns currently right now at $333.86.
That's at a discounted price.
Web prices have already gone up.
The Walking Liberty have.
Silver's been real strong.
I'm still holding those under $10 an ounce, or $10 apiece, and they're at $9.75.
And for those that don't know, gold has raced up.
What is it?
Almost $50 in the last few weeks.
It's at $1,225.30 right now.
Alex, we had our June-July doldrum, and the government took advantage of it and tried to suppress the prices.
And now it's coming right back up, just like everybody said that it would.
And it's not surprising to me a bit.
And you know what?
We're only in August.
September, October, November...
It's always the big breakout.
Let me give people the number to take advantage of those steal-of-a-deals.
You will not get a better deal on these specific radio deals.
Tell them Alex Jones, and those specials, 800-686-2237.
We've all got to move out of paper.
At least hedge your bets, folks.
The brokers are standing by.
Ted, stay there.
I've got a few other quick questions for you on the other side of this break.
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We are back live.
Your call's coming up in the next 30 minutes after this quick break.
Ted Anderson.
We just had Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on, breaking down all the real economic numbers.
Total depression, total destruction, unless we reverse this.
And we're trying to educate people.
A lot of folks are waking up.
And, you know, the fact that, again, people like the Drudge Report and Zero Hedge are picking up our stories shows that the awakening is accelerating.
But regardless, people have got to protect themselves.
And I give the advice that I heed myself.
Guns, gold, and God.
You know, getting self-sufficient, getting healthy, being informed, getting into gold and silver.
With all this happening in the economy,
You bought the gold when it went down.
As we said, this fall coming up, it's only going to go up.
That's what the trends show.
There's dollar devaluation accelerating.
People need to get into precious metals, and this is the deal.
This is a great deal.
You know, Alex, I've got to say that it is, and you're exactly right.
I just don't know of any other solution to hedging your bet and ensuring your future financially.
I mean, the United States dollar is going to be doomed, like Paul Craig Roberts said, when the federal government turns to the Federal Reserve System to finance its expenditures, they spend that money into the economy.
That's Argentina!
That's Mexico!
That's Nigeria!
We know where this goes!
And China's trying to get away from the dollar right now.
They're threatening that.
And like I said, that CBO document, man, if people haven't seen that, they should call us right now just for that alone.
I don't care if you buy gold and silver.
You should see what the government has published.
And this is the Congressional Budget Office.
And their title to it is the Federal Debt and Risk of Financial Crises.
And they make a parallel.
They compare us to Argentina and Greece.
Right in this home.
That's our government document coming out of our congressional office.
Meanwhile, the media is telling us everything's wonderful.
Ted, what about silver?
List the coins that are massively discounted that you've got available so folks, when they call for the special, know what they're coming for.
Oh, absolutely.
I really think that people should be taking advantage of that walking Liberty Half at $9.75.
The bags of junk silver right now are at a great buy.
I'm just trying to think of all the different things.
Those Lakota rounds, we have the silver rounds, the regular ones.
I mean, there's a whole long list of different items.
The bars of silver.
I mean, we just came out of the summer, and you know what?
I don't know, Alex, if we'll get the opportunity to buy gold again at that $1,180 an ounce, and that silver down there at that $15.50, $16 an ounce.
And then pass those savings on, $800, $686, $2237.
Out of all the deals I've seen, is the frank still the best, or is it the sovereign?
Well, the franc with the full year subscription to the International Forecaster is going to be dollar for dollar the best value.
If you're just buying them straight up, maybe the sovereign might be just pennies less than the franc.
But still, I mean, if you're getting a full year subscription to that newsletter, I don't know how you can beat that.
But the sovereigns and the francs are both a good buy.
You know, the buffaloes, the eagles, I mean, you name it.
I mean, everything is at a bargain right now because we just came out of the summer.
And it always happens.
Gold and silver sees its softness.
We've passed that time period now.
Now we have September, October, November.
Let's remember that a month and a half ago, the private central banks, the IMF particularly,
Sold into the market as much gold is produced and mined in a year, admittedly trying to drive down the price because gold competes with their fiat paper, and it didn't even knock a dent in it.
Gold's right back where it was.
Silver's racing back to where it was.
So people can literally get in a time machine and go back to the price of gold two, three weeks ago.
And buy it now with all those savings factored in.
It's a win-win-win-win-win.
We've also got some great deals at MidasResources.com.
Big links up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
To those special pages, those radio special pages, if you want the best deal, or tell them Alex and Ted sent you.
It's a radio special and that you want those super deals.
The regular prices are still great, but these radio deals that Ted does, what, you know, every few weeks,
It's been about a month since he's been on with us and done a special like this.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much for sponsoring this broadcast and thank you for the great job you're doing.
Yeah, thanks a lot Alex.
Again, that's Ted Anderson, Midas Resources, the owner of the Genesis Network.
30 plus years in the gold and silver business, and the place where I go to buy my gold and silver.
Those radio deals, I certify, from my research, is the best you're going to find anywhere.
But on that deal, buying one franc, getting the free subscription, I'd buy a bunch at that price.
We'll be right back with your phone call, straight ahead.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
50,000 on top of the watch!
I feel like I want to say, ESCAPE FROM THE BRIZZARD PLANET!
Alright, we are back live, thank you for joining us.
Okay, I'm going to go to your calls, then I'm going to hit on...
Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline.
But don't worry, the humanoids living in North America aren't worried about that.
Because fluoride mouth rinse program to restart in schools this year.
Every week they'll have you mouthwash with that high-powered fluoride to make sure the brain damage is as devastating as possible.
Because the teeth just get more rotten.
50 plus years of fluoridation in the water, the toothpaste, the food, and they only get more rotten.
But the brain damage gets better and better, and the sterilization gets better and better.
Our loving government.
They are so nice to our children, whose IQ points have dropped between 10 and 20 points, depending on what region.
Not test scores.
They're not lazy and dumb.
Just through laziness, they're physically becoming retarded.
You like that?
That makes me sick.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lewis in Florida.
Lewis, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm alright, my friend.
We're making headway against the Globalist.
Hey, I just wanna... I got a question.
About this recent bill, Senate Bill S-510.
Yes, that starts to ban people having their own gardens and selling their own food to each other.
What, do you think this is a free country?
You think you're allowed to sell food to your neighbor?
You're a prisoner!
And in a giant prison, prisoners aren't allowed to sell things to each other.
Right, and I emailed Senator Andrew Crenshaw
About this issue?
And let me guess, they told you it didn't exist?
Uh, no.
Actually, he emailed me back and said it was, uh, they passed it.
It was H.R.
875 now.
In fact, I had that in my stack yesterday and today.
I didn't cover it.
Guys, will you print for me?
It's mainstream and alternative media reporting on it.
Bill bans selling food to each other.
And it's just more harassment written by the big agribusiness to shut down small farms and ranches.
They're calling in major cities like Tulsa, Oklahoma to make you get a license to have a garden because you might grow marijuana.
Again, prisoners don't get to grow things in their backyard.
That's what Al-Qaeda does.
You don't, you've got to be dependent on, you don't collect rainwater, they're passing laws everywhere to do that.
You are going to be bankrupt and worship the government.
90% of people were self-sufficient in the Great Depression, 7 million starved to death according to university studies.
Now 90 plus percent are urban or aren't self-sufficient and the government's doing everything it can to make sure you can't be self-sufficient.
But how can they pass that without the people approval?
Well, now they're going to try to implement it.
It's kind of like campaign finance reform said talk show host six weeks before an election couldn't talk about policies.
We all just ignore it.
But, you know, they're a pack of criminals.
I mean, how could they do anything they do, Lewis?
I appreciate your call.
They're a pack of complete scum.
I mean, what did Congressman Stark say?
He said, the federal government can do whatever it wants to you.
You have no rights, and started giggling and laughing.
It's enjoyable for him.
He's your owner.
He's a bucket of pus, and he's gonna make you give him a big wet kiss.
Let's talk to Mike in Florida.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
I had a couple of questions for you.
Okay, go ahead, sir.
How can the government keep changing the value of gold when they want to, and how can they keep spending trillions?
Like, how much is really the gold in Fort Knox worth at this point?
Well, there hasn't been a counting of that gold in more than 60 years.
The word is there's very little gold there, there's just a display area.
And the big central banks can create unlimited money to go in and short the paper gold market to try to manipulate the physical market.
And there's some other ways they do it.
There's even been congressional hearings on that and Securities and Exchange Commission hearings on that.
We've had guests on who've been part of those hearings.
But overall, they're not able to manipulate it.
It continues to go up.
What's happened to all this gold and the history of all the, you know, robberies of gold and all these pours of gold from these different places?
Where has it gone?
Has it evaporated, or...?
No, the elites, uh, the big central banks are the biggest owners of it.
They hoard it.
And they'll also do sales of the gold to each other, but won't really sell it.
It's a paper sale, then they'll switch it back later.
They'll sell it for reduced price, you know, massive tonnage, and then a month later to drive gold down, they'll sell it back at reduced price, and then that's seen as the market as that it's devalued, but it's all smoke and mirrors.
All right, one last question.
Why should the American people obey the laws of a joke government where
Their priority is on government dependency instead of self-dependency for the individual.
Well, I mean, the system wants us to be dependent, but what's your question?
Why should the people obey these laws when the government, like in those twelve states where you can't, you know, photograph police officers, but they hold you accountable for everything.
Yeah, they're going to videotape you and they're going to surveil you without warrants, but if you film your own house and they come, they then arrest you.
And there's not even a law in those twelve states.
They're misappropriating, they're misapplying a wiretapping law and they know it.
No, I mean, the government is rogue, it's criminal, and the police are just where the rubber meets the road.
They're the extension of the tyranny.
Most of them really aren't even bad people.
A lot of them are waking up.
But this is tyranny.
I mean, how did Hitler do what he did?
How did Stalin, Mao, Julius Caesar, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro?
I mean, they just do it.
Vlad the Impaler.
They just do it.
I appreciate your call.
Good points, Mike.
Jim in Oregon.
You're on the air, sir.
Hello, Alex.
Free men have an obligation to overcome other men that would enslave us.
And it seems to me that the China trade is one of the biggest enslavements going on.
They've got these dormitory factories over there where basically the worker's whole life is controlled by the factory.
No, that's Associated Press.
That's not your opinion.
About half the population in the major cities
Are you
Help their brain actually attacks it and it's just oh, we'll give you an injection No more pain and that doesn't freak yuppies out yuppies Can't wait to march their ten-year-old in who's upset about life and inject him with a brain damaging chemical.
They love it I mean, they just love death or begging for mass death.
And so they're gonna get total enslavement like the Chinese slaves They want it.
They need it and they're going to get it.
They need it and they want it and they're going to get it I'm sorry
American labor should not have to compete against slave labor or near-slave labor.
To me, that's a moral issue.
I think that is the one issue, this China deal.
You've spoken to it, written about it.
It's the one issue that, frankly, a lot of Americans can relate to because we've been offshoring jobs, just like your guest has been talking about for a long time now.
Jobs that would have been created in America are being created in China.
China is systematically creating a pedigree trade... Jim, if they're coming out with shots that'll make you be happy and not be upset, please don't be with Al-Qaeda, John.
Please lobby the FDA to legalize these injections.
This is the secret.
We're going to love the state.
We're gonna love eugenics and forced abortion.
Why are you such an extremist?
Drink the fluoride.
Drink the lithium.
Eat the GMO.
Give your children the injections.
Watch them have convulsions.
It's loving.
It's loving.
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you, Jim?
I'm sorry for calling you John, but none of us will remember your name after we've had the love the government shot.
I mean, they're actually proposing this.
Well, I'm a free man and I reject that kind of domination.
Oh, Al-Qaeda talk!
No, free men that resist slavery talk.
No, it's totally normal to have the government media promoting injections that'll make you never get upset again with viruses that attack your brain.
Everything's fine.
Jim, I appreciate your call.
That was an extremist, ladies and gentlemen.
Did you hear him raise his voice, becoming upset?
If CPS heard him raise his voice, they may have to take his children.
They now take your children for raising your voice.
Oh, it's loving!
Everything's fine!
The water's good!
Naphtha and Gatter good!
Goldman Sachs is good!
Obama's good!
Everything's good!
Let's talk to Robert and see if he's an Al-Qaeda operative.
Robert in West Virginia, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I guess I would be an Al-Qaeda if that's the terminology.
Yeah, and you don't want to take in a vaccine that brain damages your Al-Qaeda.
Go ahead, Al-Qaeda.
I want to introduce a new terminology into the political lingo.
I know that a majority of the info war is about semantics.
And what I'd like to do is I'd like to stop the double-think.
You're getting fancy with words now!
That's Al Qaeda!
I'd like to stop the double-think of using the term illegal immigration.
That's a double-think term.
I want to rename it, and everybody to rename it, Mex Offender.
They're a Mex Offender.
Since the majority of the illegals are Mexican,
They're mex offenders.
When people hear mex offender, it reminds them of sex offender, and they become disgusted.
They need to use that term.
Well, my issue is Mexico is a failed state and I want them to have a free society and not use the United States as a steam valve.
And then the big foundations, Bill and Melinda Gates on record, Ford Foundation, billions of dollars in bringing in a foreign group and not inducting them into freedom, but inducting them into globalism.
That's what's dangerous.
But that is an interesting point.
About 80 percent
of the illegals are from Mexico and they've lost wars with the U.S.
They're taught that the U.S.
is evil.
They're taught that it's part of a la reconquista.
We don't have these issues with other Latin American immigrants, though the foundations are trying to hype them up against the United States.
When you go to these rallies with illegal aliens waving the Mexican flags and chanting, you know, we're taking over, it's the Mexicans.
The problem is there's, from my study, no more patriotic, hardworking, intelligent group than Mexicans who will tell you, I'm an American.
And so it's just a very sad situation.
They want us all at each other's throats.
But that's an interesting point of semantics you raise, Robert.
You're thinking too much, Robert.
You need to just take your vaccine.
Take this new shot they're coming out with and everything's going to be fine.
If you want to learn more about it, on a serious note, Google brain-eating vaccines Alex Jones.
You can watch the ten-minute analysis I did.
That's a key video.
Let's talk to Jim in Washington.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I must be a pretty big Al-Qaeda operative because I'm the editor who put together the Resist DC video for Matt Shea that you were so kind to put up on your site with his article.
I just wanted to say thank you very much.
Well you knew how to dial a telephone.
A high IQ is a sign of Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, I can count too.
Maybe if I could open a book I might be able to read.
You knew how to edit a video.
You're Al-Qaeda.
Ooh, big dangerous Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, you're one Al-Qaeda.
Go ahead.
Well, anyways, I just want to tell you that, you know, we really appreciate the help.
This is the kind of thing that everybody needs to get out and do to go and help the local politician that's constitutional and will fight for the Constitution and everybody's rights.
I just want to relay a little quick story about Matt.
I was emailing him because our local propaganda machine
Just informed us that the local Spokane International Airport was going to have the naked body scanners in them.
And my sister and her fiancé were about to go through and I had to call them and tell them, don't go through the naked body scanners.
And so I relayed that story to Matt and he said, yeah, I just got shaken down by TSA myself.
I had to go get patted down because I refused to go through and as soon as I was done, I placed a call to go get a piece of legislation in to ban those scanners in Washington State.
Well, good job, because they lied, they admittedly know it's bathing in radiation, and they lied.
They are saving the images.
They are a pack of criminal scum who cannot be held accountable because they've seized the government.
They are the bad guys.
We are the good guys under the Republic.
Let's talk to Chris in Florida.
Chris, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you?
No, I probably am.
Hand your guns in to prove you love the government.
Yeah, I love him a lot.
Yeah, here, I'm in Florida, and like I said, you know, I got two kids I worry about.
Wait a minute, you heard the CPS worker having multiple children is a sign to have your children taken.
You are Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, let him try.
Oh, Al-Qaeda, he says he'll resist the government.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I would rather die a free man.
I get overworked on this one.
No, you need to learn to suck their boots.
Yeah, there's no way.
Anyway, like I was saying, you know... George Washington said, the Declaration of Independence says, naked body scanners, and licking government boots, and having the government take your children without due process, and having poison put in the water to give us brain cancer, and to be sterilized as freedom.
And if you're against that, and your child dying of cancer, you are against George Washington.
And then I've gotten some people to woke up, I got my mother finally to woke up, I got my friends telling their parents,
And they're going on websites, and they're... Oh, evil.
And they're like, well, what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
And, like, you gotta tell people.
You gotta fight.
I mean, our country's at risk.
These presidents, I mean, they're all... Get in the government's face, put up flyers, say no, let the other sheep know, shake them out of their deep sleep.
I mean, they need to buy books.
There's books out there.
There's this guy, I don't want to, you know... You know, there's this book, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy.
I read it.
It tells you everything.
The history of all the evilness, the Nazism that they have in our country.
The poisons are put in our medicines and everything.
Good job.
I appreciate your call, Chris.
Let's move on.
Let's talk to another evil person who questions his loving government.
We'd have milk and honey if George in Connecticut would just submit and lick boots.
Go ahead, George, in Connecticut.
Well, I haven't licked Book's boots in a little while.
It doesn't taste that good.
That's al-Qaeda.
Yep, definitely.
I was checking out another show and Jane Bergamaster was calling in.
I don't know if you remember her from the... Yeah, I know, I've been linking to her videos.
They're talking about criminally charging her for exposing Baxter, adding weaponized bird flu to some shots.
I mean, that came out in the news.
Yeah, and she was on the show and she was really upset because they're coming at her from two different ends.
They're literally trying to...
I mean, she was a writer for a major publication in medical news and exposed it, and it was admitted, and I've seen it in the news that they're talking about arresting her.
I mean, that's what I'm talking about.
People have got to support her.
That's why we've been linking to her videos and trying to stand up for her.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to hit on the honeybee news, and look.
Where is my honeybee news?
If you're not for the honeybees dying, you're with Al-Qaeda!
I mean, this shows our country's healthy, that almost all the honeybees are dead or dying!
It's good!
This is health!
The government is caring!
They love you!
Goldman Sachs cares!
Come on!
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Look at this article, Natural News.
Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline.
Scientists remain stymied as honeybees in the United States and across the world continue to die in large numbers.
We had German studies four years ago.
That's Bt corn.
They eat it and they die.
There are a lot of beekeepers who are in trouble, said David Mendez, president of the American Beekeeping Federation.
Under normal conditions, you have 10% winter losses.
This year, there were 30, 40, or 50% losses.
For many years, beekeepers have been plagued by colony collapse disorder, which formerly healthy bees abruptly vanished from their hives.
The number of bee hives in the United States dropped 32% in 2007, another 36% in 2008, and 29% in 2009.
In the aggregate, it's very close to total collapse.
Continuing here,
This is out of a Cleveland newspaper.
Fluoride mouth rinse program to restart in schools this year.
Fluoride mouth rinse programs aim to prevent tooth decay in communities where water is not sufficiently fluoridated.
There's not enough fluoride.
The Ohio Department of Health school-based fluoride mouth rinse program will reinstate for the upcoming school year.
So they're going to cut food stamps, but they got money for that fluoride because they care, folks.
The Health Department suspended the program last year after state representatives passed a bill that required any prescription medications given to students in school to be administered by health professionals.
Governor Ted Strickland signed legislation in May that made the exemption for fluoride mouth rinse.
And here's another one.
Guess where your fluoride comes from?
And we've talked a lot about this.
The majority, some numbers are above 90% of fluoride coming into the U.S., are from China with other poisons added.
And there's been newscasts covering this, but that's like saying, you know, the bullets we're shooting you in the head with are coming from China, not from America.
There's other poisons in there, not just the regular poison.
I'm almost out of time, but let's go to Aaron in Oklahoma.
Aaron, you're on the air.
Hey there, Alex.
This is Aaron.
Yeah, I don't have anything to talk about with the bees or anything, but I wanted to talk to you about
You know, that's a very complex issue and I'm not going to give financial advice on it.
There's some reality to all that, but mainly it's patriot mythology and stuff that people make up.
Now, there's a lot of contract fraud in mortgages and things that companies do that's unlawful, and so there is some success fighting it there.
But as for magically just doing something and it all goes away,
That's a good way to get in deep trouble.
I appreciate your call.
From my experience, but you figure it out for yourself.
Let's talk to Rick in Michigan.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just had a quick question about the 2012 elections.
If you feel if Rand and Ron Paul would run and win it, and if the elites are going to engineer
A third party?
And I'll support that because bottom line, he'll be able to educate tens of millions from those debates and that bully pulpit he's going to have.
But at the same time, I'd like to focus on the states and counties and cities where we can really take things back under the 9th and 10th Amendment.
That's the main remedy for peaceful resistance to an out of control
Federal government and so that's where people need to have their focus.
Not have 60% turnouts for federal elections and then 8% national average for local.
How about 60% local and 60% or even higher national?
Right, right.
And last year on September 12th when the FCC was covering, was it over 2 million people that was marching at the Capitol?
And, I mean, it's about to be September 12th again, and hopefully, I mean, we'll have a better turnout this year.
Resistance is victory.
Resistance is victory.
We're out of time for this hour.
You can always listen to the retransmission at InfoWars.com.
Great job to the crew.
Two powerful guests coming up.
Stay with us.
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Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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