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Name: 20100810_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 10, 2010
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Tuesday, August 10, 2010.
We're going to be live here, of course, for the next three hours.
Joining us in the third hour, always interesting and informative and thought-provoking guest, David Ige, will be joining us on a host of issues.
Mainly dealing with the attack on Iran, the plunging global economy, and how the globalists are openly admitting that they're waging war on the human psyche with drugs and chemicals in the food and water, and now these brain-altering vaccines that are live viruses that actually go in and attack the brain tissue, giving you a type of biological electrochemical lobotomy.
So that is coming up with David today.
We'll also take some calls when he's on with us for that hour.
In the meantime, we're going to have wide open phones throughout the first two hours.
I do have a lot of important news that I will cover, of course, interspersed.
Former Senator Ted Stevens
The guy that wanted to end net neutrality and allow the web to be broken up, and who was constantly associated with massive corruption, and who was haggard by it,
Went down in an aircraft with ex-NASA chief, Sean O'Keefe.
They were on a plane in Alaska.
This is the second serious plane crash of his life.
He's believed dead.
They're reporting five dead right now, but they haven't identified the bodies yet.
Very, very suspicious.
If you look at the statistics for frequent business flyers, who fly as much as your average federal politician,
These feds have a much higher level of death rates in aircraft than other frequent flyers.
Now, a lot of that is because they tend to be on smaller flights, trying to go around and visit constituents.
But, you know, Nick Begich, Dr. Nick Begich, who's a frequent guest here,
His father was a famous congressman from Alaska.
Of course, his brother is one of the two senators from Alaska right now, and he believes his father was killed in foul play for standing up to the Defense Department and others.
But the global mafia loves to kill people in plane crashes because then the federal government has jurisdiction
over those plane crashes.
They really shouldn't have jurisdiction, but they've claimed it in the last few decades.
And so they're able to come in and cover up what's happened.
Of course, we had the Senator Wellstone situation clearly foul play.
The list goes on and on.
And at the same time,
We have one of the big VP critics, Matt Simons, found dead yesterday in his swimming pool.
It's one of their other favorite ways to kill people, or it could have just been a heart attack.
But he'd been a big critic of that and also had worked in the Bush administration, so that's some of what will be
Covering here on the broadcast today.
Also, Russia battles to defend nuclear sites from fires.
They've declared a state of emergency and the Russian heat wave may kill 15,000.
and shave fifteen billion dollars off of their gross domestic product really starting to cause disruptions in russia bloomberg reports uh... meanwhile our temperatures continue well below average in southern california to the point of in their uh... growth belts there their farming belt uh... there in the south and central areas and out into the desert uh... many of their lemons
And oranges and grapefruits and other citrus crops are not ripening or not maturing because they're having record cold there right now.
And you could point at that and say we're going into an ice age.
You could point at Russia and say we're going into global warming.
The truth is you've got thousands of major weather regions and tens of thousands of micro regions.
You can always find spots on the Earth that are having record hot or record cold.
It's the general trends that matter.
The general trends are cooling.
Be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
It is Tuesday, the 10th day of August 2010.
David Icke is coming up in the third hour today to talk about the chemical assault and biological assault going on against the public.
Former Senator Ted Stevens and ex-NASA Chief Sean O'Keefe have gone down in a plane crash and all on board are believed dead.
It was a small plane.
Could be foul play, could be the classic high winds of Alaska.
and the dangers of small aircraft.
We'll talk more about that today.
I also want to get more into a story that came out a few days ago that we mentioned.
Stephen Hawking, the preeminent physicist and quantum mechanics expert and developer of a lot of theoretical
mathematical equations dealing with black holes that have been proven says he believes we must go off world immediately or that it's almost certain in the next one hundred years we're going to destroy ourselves and i agree with him
I don't think it's going to take a hundred years.
With the fish infusion, the new generation of nuclear weapons, the new generations of antimatter weapons the Air Force admits they've been developing for at least 20 years, with genetic engineering and cross-species open-air planting and open-air release of other biological entities, not just plants but salmon and insects, with the other developments in superweapons,
It is a virtual certainty that this planet will never become a Type 1 civilization, a species on this planet.
A Type 1 is a survivable species that is not bound to one globe, one planet.
You could even argue technically not one system.
Just remember that a hundred years ago, everybody was still predominantly using horses.
And electricity was still seen as magic.
This species can basically do anything.
We are made in the image of the creator of the universe, and where our potential has not even been dreamed of.
We cannot even imagine our potential, but we do have a lot of selfish, controlling, wicked eugenicists in control, who have shown that they do not want a world government to have world peace.
They want a world government for world carnage and destruction and death.
So we'll be discussing that more coming up in the next hour.
A lot of really important economic news.
And now the mainstream media is not just admitting, but is on fire with reports and evidence that the entire Democratic Party, but also the Republican Party, as a close second, is in political free fall.
It's a greater political realignment than we saw in the 1770s leading up to the kickoff at Lexington and Concord in 1775 and the official kickoff for secession and war in July 4, 1776.
So they now admit it's a complete and total political realignment and that the system
Even when they tell the truth no one believes them and there is a total loss of confidence and the globalists are all over the news today saying they need a new war or giant terror attacks.
They're repeating that and we are in the maximum zone of danger going into this election for giant terror attacks or a new war to be started as a way to rally the population around the flagging corrupt
Predator class, ruling class, the rat class.
So, we're going to be discussing that as well today.
Also, some interesting information that I'll be covering in the next hour.
I was aware of this.
I had read this in the Texas Constitution and Legislative Statutes, section 431.112.
calling of forces by other officials dealing with the state guard but also to a certain extent the uh... national guard in the state when you have an insurrection or lawlessness that it is not the right it is the duty of the governor of the legislature or the county commissioner the head judge the head of the county commission or uh... the sheriff to call out the militia
And so we'll be going over that today.
Any sheriff or county judge in Texas, or they have similar laws in Arizona, it's all based on the federal constitution, just a state version of it, can call out
uh... the uh... police the military the general citizenry and uh... they can start arresting people for crime so just further evidence that the federal lawsuit against arizona and the threat against texas if texas follows suit in other states is an abject manifest complete fraud and the federal lawsuit is also a violation
uh... several articles the constitution we've covered here previously dealing with the fact that the federal government cannot sue an individual or state or state agency on behalf of a foreign government or foreign individual so we'll be discussing those interesting and very important points of law uh... here coming up later in the broadcast today because if we get the word out to the legislatures and to the sheriffs and to the county commissioners uh... they can
Grow up and start asserting the power of the people vested in their office.
100% of the power of every federal government employee, agent, elected servant, it's the same at the state level, is given to them through the power of the people
enshrined in the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and of course, the Constitution.
So it's not the Constitution that's gone wrong, we have gone wrong in not enforcing this.
So that's another one of the issues that I want to open the phones up to discuss with you, but any issue is on the table.
The toll-free number to join us today on this Tuesday edition is 800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231, and we will get you up and on the air.
But first,
Before I get into all of this other news and your phone calls, I have another excellent illustration of media propaganda and brainwashing that is going on in our society.
When Vice Phenol A was approved,
By the federal government back in the 1950s, and out of thousands of different plastic formulas, it was chosen by industry, despite the fact, from my research, it's not even one of the least expensive formulas, to be a hardening agent in plastic.
Plastic liners, food containers, the lining of cans, and of course, soda, pop,
As it's called in the Northeast.
And in the last 30 years, there have been legions, literally thousands of studies, there have been several hundred published in the last year, that bisphenol A is, above all, does a lot of things.
It's a hormone disruptor.
But it mimics, chiefly, estrogen.
Estrogen being the dominant hormone in the female side of the species Homo Sapien Sapien.
And so it feminizes boys and hyper-feminizes girls.
And there's so much bisphenol A being eaten by humans and seeping into our water supply and into other beverages that when we then urinate
and defecated into the sewage system, that it is then processed and put into reservoirs, that in every major reservoir that's been studied, you have the feminization of male fish and amphibians like frogs.
And this is on record worldwide, whereby phenol A is used.
Leaching of hormones, and that's what birth control does, is it mimics pregnancy, so that the woman cannot become pregnant.
So they're basically in an artificial pregnancy state.
Causes a lot of psychological problems and physical problems.
And in all of these studies, they admit that it's causing boys to go into puberty later,
And to actually overdevelop other hormonal exchanges in the brain and the rest of the body.
And girls are going into puberty as young as age 3 and 4.
Though hundreds of thousands are going into puberty at around age 7.
And of course the average before the 1950s with bisphenol A was about 13.
The average girl went into puberty at about age 13.
Same thing for boys.
Now the studies show that many Western boys are not even having their testicles drop.
That is, they're up inside you almost like ovaries and they drop down at the onset of puberty until age 15.
And boys look and act like little girls.
Women are hyper-feminized, and so it massively ages them.
Hormones are the main cause of cancer, naturally.
You should notice hormonal tissues, like the breasts, the testicles, the prostate, are the most common cancers.
That's why sharks don't get cancer.
It's impossible, because they don't have hormones.
They operate on another system.
That's why shark cartilage has been found to be a good treatment for many cancers.
But I'm digressing, giving you some points of science.
The issue here is, this is now all coming out, and I've got multiple national newscasts deceiving the viewers, and telling the viewers that girls are going into puberty at age 7 because they're obese.
Well, that has nothing to do with it.
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So in the last week, with four states banning bisphenol A in baby bottles and baby food packaging, it already leaches into the food out of the containers.
But when you microwave them in the containers, it gives you massive doses.
They also admit that just a little bit of the chemical off of printer
We're good to go.
from over the weekend that we posted up on InfoWars.com where they've got a doctor on there arguing with another doctor saying there's no evidence it's ever caused a problem despite the fact there are literally hundreds of studies a year they're in the thousands overall.
Now CBS News, ABC News, NBC News they all said it's obesity in girls that is causing this.
And they said that's why we need federal controls and basically take people's children from them when they're overweight.
So they let them sell you corn syrup, they let the companies line things in bisphenol A, put MSG in it, aspartame, all of this causes serious health problems and obesity in all the studies.
They know full well it kills the guinea pigs, kills the monkeys with the aspartame, the MSG.
They know!
And they create the crisis, and then come out and say, why are our girls going to puberty at 7?
And of course, in England and the United States, when you bring your girl in, when she's 5, 6, 7, 8 years old going to puberty, they give you hormones to block those hormones, which then screw your daughter up even more.
And there's no discussion about the feminized boys.
And all of it attacks fertility.
But I did find several mainstream news articles that did tell the truth.
One was in the Kansas City Star, KansasCity.com.
Study finds puberty arriving early in girls.
And it went on to say many scientists believe chemicals in the environment need to be studied like bisphenol A that act like estrogen.
Bisphenol A is used in many plastics, food packaging, and even dental sealants.
And so they go on to tell the truth and say the scientists and researchers are saying Bicephenol A. But I watched all these different newscasts last night and this morning that were aggregated on YouTube.
We have them linked up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And they said, oh, you're eating too much.
That's what's making you go into puberty.
That has nothing to do with it.
And they know that.
So they will not tell you what the problem is.
And it's despicable.
Here's a few minutes of an NBC piece.
Good evening, I'm Ann Curry, in for Brian Williams tonight, as a new study published today reveals stunning and alarming findings about the health of our daughters.
According to the study of more than 1,200 children, a significant number of girls are now showing signs of puberty as young as 7 years old.
With these findings, the researchers are raising concerns that our girls will be at greater risk for behavioral problems, perhaps even breast cancer in the future.
In a moment, we'll be talking to a leading pediatrician about what parents can do, but we begin now with NBC's Rahama Ellis.
The results are startling.
More than 1,200 girls between the ages of 7 and 8 from New York, Cincinnati, and the San Francisco Bay Area were part of the study.
The findings reported in today's Journal of Pediatrics reveal that while the average age of the onset of puberty is 10 or 11,
15% of the girls showed signs of puberty at 7 years old.
Among them, 10% of white girls, twice as many as in a 1997 study.
But 15% of Hispanic girls and 23% of African American girls.
Early development is a risk.
That's a no.
And then they just go on to say it's because you're fat.
If you inject estrogen or drink it, or take it as pills, you will gain weight.
And in all these studies, it says bisphenol A causes obesity, organ damage, it massively increases cancer, not just breast cancer.
I mean, why do they tell 55-year-old women who go into menopause that now they probably shouldn't take estrogen replacement?
Because it massively increases cancer risk.
They know what's going on.
So they have a estrogen simulant that is in almost all foods.
Now, if you look at the other studies, and you can pull these up side by side of Hispanics and blacks, they tend to be poorer, they tend to eat more junk food than whites.
Whites are becoming poorer now, so you see their number doubling.
But how do you get 20 plus percent of black children having this problem?
Why do you have 15% of Hispanics having this problem?
Because they're eating more junk food with the bisphenol A. And they know full well what's going on.
When we come back, I'll show you a doctor, who's part of a big consortium, telling you that she has no evidence bisphenol A is bad, but in the article Matt Ryan put together, he linked to all these mainline studies that conclusively show breast cancer, obesity, early onset of puberty in girls, feminization in boys.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you look at the public, white people, Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and you look at photographs of folks even 50 years ago, it didn't matter what
I don't think so.
White people kind of have greenish skin.
Hispanics kind of have greenish brown skin.
Black folks kind of have brownish green skin.
People have got zits all over their faces and backs even when they're old.
They look like they've been hit by a mutation ray.
And you have been hit by a mutation ray.
And I've gone back and looked at dietary studies from the 40s and 50s.
People were eating chicken fried steaks.
People were eating giant platters of fried food.
And yeah, they were having heart attacks and getting cancer and stuff, but they were not as fat as they are now.
We know that bisphenol A causes obesity, breast cancer, other cancers, early onset of puberty in females, feminization of boys.
They know all this.
They know aspartame actually causes obesity.
How many nutritionists and medical doctors have we had on to cover that?
It causes permanent inflammation of the brain.
All of these chemicals work together and the system chose to allow this.
If you go to many European countries, this stuff is illegal, and their population doesn't look like this.
Most of these chemicals are illegal in the food and water in France.
The French have many, many, many, many, a statistically higher level of smoking cigarettes and drinking.
And the media says, oh, it's red wine, that's why they're living to 81 and we're living to 74.
Smoking two, three packs of cigarettes a day,
Eating a lot more fattening foods.
They don't eat preservatives.
They won't put up with it.
You look at French women when they're 70, they're like a 50-year-old American woman.
The Germans have allowed most of this stuff and they look almost as dumbed down and mutated as us.
And again, I'm not up here on some dietary high horse.
I was a health nut in high school and into college, then I worked so hard in radio and TV, I kind of started hanging out with the radio guys who were drinking every night and, you know, eating T-bone steaks and kind of got out of shape.
I've tried to get back into shape.
Once you get out, it's very, very hard.
When I'm up here preaching about this stuff, you know, I'm warning myself as well as you.
And it's hard to avoid bisphenol A when you drink bottled water, when you're out on the road, or, you know, you're at an event and
People are drinking whiskey, but you just want to have a Coca-Cola.
And it's full of aspartame, full of bisphenol A, full of corn syrup, depending on what you're drinking.
You can't hardly find sugar, candy, or gum at a gas station that may have 50, 60 choices, and my children are begging for some candy, and it either has aspartame
Almost all of it, including sugar, gum, and candy.
Or it's got corn syrup.
And even chocolate has got corn syrup.
Now, you can't find a sweet treat.
You've got to mail order it.
I have found Stripes gum has sugar in it.
But it's still got some... problem-causing dyes in it.
Well, I'll occasionally give that to my children as a treat.
Now, I said I was going to open the phones up, and we are, for Pastor, Kathy, Tim, Jim, and others, but you are under chemical and biological attack.
And we know they've been spiking measles, mumps, rubella, jabs, H1N1 vaccines, other major vaccines with RNA,
Every time they get caught adding these viruses, they say it's a mistake.
But we have clearly evidence that it was not a mistake with Dr. Salk's polio vaccine that gave over 100 million Americans, the government estimates, deadly cancers that were unknown in humans previously.
That particular virus, SV40, is communicable.
We know that the U.N.
has been caught on the back of a tetanus pathogen adding a female hormone to sterilize women.
They've been caught in India, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
This is all on record.
He just searched the term U.N.
caught sterilizing women through vaccines just last Friday.
In fact, will you reprint that for me guys?
Rockefeller Foundation called for vaccine to sterilize population.
Since I mentioned it last Friday, I should actually read those passages.
That was from 1966, thank you.
The point is, it's guaranteed this is going on, and now they want, of all these different classes, hundreds of them they're developing, hundreds that are being publicly developed, according to Wired Magazine and others, of these bio-enhancing viruses, one of them of course is a herpes virus, that's for life, that you can't get rid of, that piggybacks
Steroids associated with aggression and resistance and determination.
And that's their own admissions, so you won't have stress or anger.
And piggybacked on the herpes virus is that hormone class.
It's a selection of hormones to where your brain can't even absorb them.
I mean, this is really happening, and they come out and announce it like it's a good thing, and everybody's knocking down the clinic doors to get these shots.
But you talk about selling your soul at CBS and ABC and NBC all over the news saying, look, we'll just start under the new Federal Health Care Act.
Your employers will have to get your fat index.
You'll be given higher taxes.
You'll be regulated.
You'll have elder care visit you.
You'll have CPS visit you.
It's already happening in Arkansas and other places.
If your child is overweight by one pound and their body index of what they say is
Natural and healthy is very skinny for most body types, because a lot of people, you know, have a husky body type.
And so for them to be, quote, you know, in shape or to be at a healthy body weight, you've got to be very, very skinny.
And so they put all these chemicals out there that make you obese, give you cancer.
That destroy the fertility of men, that hyper-feminize women.
They know full well what they are doing.
In fact, before we go to your calls, here's the article.
Rockefeller Foundation developed vaccines for mass-scale fertility reduction.
PrisonPlanet.com by Gerian Masin.
Excuse me, I said 1966.
This is a 1968 report.
In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called anti-fertility vaccines and the implementation of mass scale.
From page 51 onward, we read, and remember, Bill, one of Bill Gates' uncles, Bill Gates' dad, headed up Planned Parenthood.
They worked for the Rockefellers.
We've confirmed that.
And this hundred-plus billion that these 40 billionaires have put in, 38 billion from the Gateses, 38 billion from Buffett, some more billions added by these other billionaires, the Rockefeller Foundation is running this.
And remember the Times of London headline, billionaires meet in secret to plan population control, population reduction.
And at the end of the article it talks about a world government to carry this out.
What does eco-science cover?
And it says, several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those have been tested have serious problems with toxicity.
Yeah, bisphenol A. Look what's happening to our girls right now.
Poor little things.
I know a lot of women who are 18, 19, 20 years old getting breast cancer right now, and they're going in and burning those tumors out, and a lot of them are dying.
Every time I get my hair cut, or I talk to women in a grocery store, or I hear women talking at a restaurant, it's about their daughters dying of cancer at 25.
I've got employees whose girlfriends are dying of cancer, or have died of cancer.
Kids are dying all over the place in the news.
Cancers are up by several thousand percentage points.
They're just killing us and enjoying it.
They've deployed toxic sterilence against you.
Because, see, by making a girl go into puberty when she's 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old, the media is saying 7.
It's even younger.
Yeah, it's hundreds of thousands at 7, but it's thousands at 3.
Why do you think men that even exercise are getting what bodybuilders call female dog breast?
I'm not going to use the
Pejorative term?
Is that the word?
You're being bathed in chemical and biological warfare.
That's the cops, the military, all of us.
And we just keep serving the bankers.
Oh, there's another headline.
Stomach cancer rate increases in young adults.
Well, yeah, when you're eating BT corn and wheat and
Cotton seed oil that's killing the cows that they feed it to and killing the pigs they feed it to.
A lot of pigs have the best olfactory nerve of any land animal.
Much better than a bloodhound.
Most pigs will not eat GMO corn or GMO wheat or soybean seeds.
I mean, excuse me.
Soybeans also have that same system in them, but that's the whole soybean.
Soybean derivatives and cotton seed oil.
Several types of drugs are known to diminish male fertility, but those that have been tested have serious problems of toxicity.
This is from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.
And then it goes into how they spend hundreds of millions of dollars in their report to develop these systems.
And they've been caught doing it.
I mentioned the tetanus shots earlier.
Now remember that report I covered yesterday, and guys, I know it's in yesterday's stack, maybe you can dig it out or print it again.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, tens of millions of dollars to fund La Raza.
Why would this mega-elite family, creating a $100 billion eugenics fund that openly wants world government, why would they fund a group that says, for the race everything, for those outside the race, nothing?
When Planned Parenthood's stated goal from its founding is to kill Hispanics and blacks.
Well, they're going to use the third world desperate population that's nationalistic.
as a political arm to destroy private property rights in the Second Amendment in the Republic.
And once the Republic's fallen, they'll then suck them into the government-run healthcare system and soft kill them at their leisure.
They want the Mexicans here so they can use them as a tool, but also get their smart kill going.
And there's a lot of funding now to Mexico to start the smart killing on their people as well.
So, they want to act liberal and saddle up to you and be your friend so they can kill you a dutter and a hammer.
But kill you slow!
Diabetes is up over a thousand percent in average.
But what is it?
Three thousand percent?
Last number I saw in Hispanics?
I drive down the road every day and at bus stops I see young Hispanics with both their legs cut off, just everywhere, in wheelchairs waiting for buses.
20 years old, 25, 30.
Their skin's purple, they're giant and fat, their legs are cut off.
You like being murdered?
Well, they like murdering you!
I don't want you to die.
I don't want you to abort your babies.
But I will stand against you being formed into an army against my Second Amendment and my private property.
I've got to take control of the government through the Republic with the people.
If you want to join the fight to get the Republic back and bring these murderers to justice and these globalists, then I'm your brother.
But when you work for Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation of death, you are my enemy.
Choose a side.
Choose a side now.
Same thing for black groups.
Totally under control of the globalists.
There it is.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave millions to La Raza.
In the last decade, in one year alone, they gave six plus million.
Then it gets into the tens of millions, going back to the 60s, with the Ford Foundation, part of this whole operation, to create Mecha and La Raza.
I think you're smart enough to figure this out.
Rockefeller Foundation developed vaccines for mass scale fertility reduction.
Now the media is going to tell you how much they love you and how they love your La Infasora and your La Reconquista.
It's just because they want to destroy the United States and drive down the wages.
Do you actually want to read about how they want to kill you?
Maybe some of you do, maybe some of you don't.
Maybe it feels too good to be murdered slowly by the globalists.
Okay, don't say you weren't warned.
They go on to say using vaccines to reduce male fertility was something that needed to be investigated further according to Rockefeller Foundation because both the oral pill and the IUD were not sustainable for mass scale distribution.
And of course, they want to do it by stealth.
Oh, get your flu shot!
You know, half of you'll never have kids, the other halves will have reduced.
See, it's got to be soft kill, it can't hit everybody, or it'd be too noticeable.
But they're testing how much they can get away with right now.
We are faced with the danger within the next few years, these two modern methods, for which such high hopes have been held, will in fact turn out to be impractical on a mass scale.
The possibility of administering hormone preparations to reduce fertility was also mentioned, although, states the report, they have been known to cause bleeding problems, which may limit their usefulness.
People notice how bad it is.
A... Simper management or renewable subcutaneous implant of these hormones has been suggested, but whether or not the same difficulties would result has not been determined.
And remember, they deployed all of this later.
Saying that research thus far has been too low-grade to produce any sustainable results, the report was adamant.
The Foundation will endeavor to assist in filling this important gap in several ways.
Seeking out and encouraging the development of and providing partial support to a few centers of excellence in universities and research institutes in the United States and abroad in which the methods and points of view of molecular biology are teamed with the more traditional approaches of
Embryology, endocrinology, and research pertinent to the development of fertility control methods.
Yeah, they want to hit those babies in the womb.
Kind of like the UN programs worldwide where they only want to help the pregnant women.
They come give them shots, and they all have miscarriages on the spot, and they send armed troops to enforce the injections.
And that's what America's turning into as well.
I mean, you can't ignore this.
Number two, support research of individual investigators oriented towards development of contraceptive methods or basic information of human reproduction relevant to such developments.
Three, encouraging by making research funds available.
This is 40 plus years ago.
As well as other means established and beginning investigations in turn their attention to aspects of research.
The list goes on.
And has the motivations for these activities.
And they have another report, 1997, Review of Anti-Fertility Vaccines.
Population Control and the New World Order is another major essay issued by the Rockefellers.
And then you've got all these graduate students, when Dr. Eric Bianca came out and said he wants 90% of the population dead, they came out and said, how dare you attack him, Alex?
We want to kill all humans.
Humans are a parasite.
And I looked up, as graduate students, there are almost all of them working in bioweapons development.
They can't wait to just release it and murder you.
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In the last 80 years, over and over again, Margaret Sanger and others said we've got to pose as liberals so we can kill these brown weeds.
And that's why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation have pumped the Ford Foundation billions
But in the other groups, hundreds of millions, into creating Mecha La Raza and other groups because they run the leadership.
And so Hispanics will never suspect, because they're wrapped in the Mexican flag, particularly Mexican-Americans, that these groups are controlled.
And most of them are compartmentalized and don't know.
This is so you trust them, so that you won't notice what's happening to you.
But they're attacking everybody, white people as well.
And you need to understand this.
I just showed you the numbers of what's happening to blacks and Hispanics in this country.
Now you can wake up now or you can go along with all of this.
But I wanted to play another clip.
We'll put the article up on screen with the headline, CNN Gas Promotes Chemical BPA Is Good.
Then we'll come back and take calls for the full next hour.
But let's go ahead and play that part of that video clip.
Here it is.
Joining me now, Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, president and founder of the non-governmental, non-profit American Council on Science and Health.
She believes much of the concern over environmental toxins really doesn't have a basis in reality.
Also here is Ken Cook, director of the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research and lobbying group.
He says the government regulation of chemicals has not gone nearly far enough.
Thanks to both of you for joining us.
Thanks for having me.
You know, it's interesting.
Dr. Wheeler, let me start with you.
You said you want to clear up some misconceptions about the association between environmental toxins and children's health.
What are some of those misconceptions?
Do you believe that they can be harmful?
First of all, there's a major gap between what people perceive about chemicals and health versus what the scientific reality is.
You know, we are surrounded by chemicals, mainly from nature.
Everything is chemicals.
And we have to accept that.
I know of no case where an unborn child, a child or an adult,
I can't look at that witch anymore with her facelift and the rest of it.
They always state it like it's asinine.
There's no proof.
It's like Al Gore.
There are no scientists who don't believe in man-made global warming.
Not one.
Of course, that's a total lie.
The majority say it's a fraud.
The climatologist, the hydrologist, the meteorologist.
It's on record.
The vast majority.
She just says she knows of no case.
It doesn't matter if there are thousands of studies.
It doesn't matter if our girls weren't going into puberty until 13.
Now they're going into puberty at 7.
Doesn't matter if breast cancer is off the charts.
Doesn't matter if all these problems are happening.
Doesn't matter in all the lab rat studies, they know what bisphenol A does.
They know what aspartame does.
She goes on to say there's no evidence that pesticides have ever caused a problem.
Really, they told my grandfather that what probably gave him lung cancer was Cupertox, which was cyanide.
They told him in the fifties it was safe and he'd throw it on the backs of his cows.
You know, to keep the flies off of them.
I guess Agent Orange was good too, right?
And I guess Obama's come out and the EPA has now come out and said that there's no health problems associated with Corexit.
Of course, they admit it.
Exxon Valdez, it's killed almost all the people involved.
The average life expectancy is 51.
But she just says there's no problem.
She just says that's the end of it.
She just says she has no evidence.
So in our article, we list a bunch of studies and articles admitting the problem.
Yeah, when your wife at 35 gets breast cancer, or your kid gets it at age 5, or when your son is infertile, or your daughter's got breast at age 10, everything's fine.
Everything is A-OK.
You know, you read the back of a processed food, and you can't pronounce half the words, and they just say, you know what?
That's fine.
Hey, we're putting silicon in a lot of the TV dinners.
It causes kidney failure.
So what?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I covered a lot of news in the first hour.
Coming up, I want to get into the economic news.
David Icke's coming up in an hour.
I also want to get into the Texas state constitution and law dealing with the militia and how any county commissioner or sheriff could call out the state guard to defend the borders.
And that's similar for Arizona and other states.
We'll be covering that key information.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Pastor in Ohio, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, I've called you before about the clergy response team and such, and I'm calling you about something else.
I tried to get on yesterday with Gerald Celente and couldn't, but there's an article by Heidi Swander on the Olive Tree Ministries, Olive Tree View.
This is what she said out there.
On April 2, 2009, the work of July 4, 1776 was nullified at the meeting of the G20 in London.
The article was written by Dick Morris.
And according to Morris, it says,
And it says here, this new financial state of being was confirmed in a statement made by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank.
And Gordon Brown.
Yes, no, it was all over the foreign papers, world government established, run by private banks, with the sworn oath to protect the planet from humanity.
It also says in here, in his speech, he said that for the good and appropriate functioning of global finance, it is extremely important that we, in this new ownership of global governance, have, particularly on both sides of the Atlantic, that means us too, the implementation of the same rules in the same fashion.
Yes, it's global standardization, where a private, global, six banks make all the rules, it's all admitted, and the media will announce it out of one side of their mouth, but out of the other side say it doesn't exist, go back to sleep.
Yeah, and that's why all this central bank stuff being passed, as far as giving the federal government free rein and everything else, all that, Congress went in and passed all that, so that goes right along with this.
And something else, you was talking about all these diseases that people are getting.
Well, as you know, I'm from Ohio, and I'm telling you what, there is an increase in people getting MRSA.
Uh, the disease MRSA, where it just actually eats your skin off of you, where the only way it can be treated is with silver.
Yeah, a lot of the major studies admit it's destroying your immune system, especially in the skin, in the epidermis.
And so what's happening is all of these antibacterials everyone is using are literally destroying your immune system, and then just regular old bacteria can just have a delicious meal.
I appreciate your call, Pastor.
Good points.
And I did see Dick Morris' column last year about that.
It's just all out in the open.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kathy in Indiana.
Kathy, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, thanks for waking me up.
Thanks for calling.
I wanted to tell you about something that happened to my husband and myself about five weeks ago.
We were camping out with friends about an hour north of Indianapolis, right in the middle of a bunch of cornfields, and we were on a lake that was on the backside of a reservoir.
When we woke up the next day on Saturday, he was dizzy, my throat was sore,
We had had a lot of rain a week or so before that, but the water had receded, and so it was down about two feet, and there was a gray film that went all around that two-foot area now above the water.
Later on in the day, a crop duster kept flying over and flying over and flying over, and it's been
Four or five weeks now, and I still don't have my voice back.
Well, according to the government and the media, any chemical is good, including cyanide and mercury.
Well, when we were driving home, I was still daylight out, and we're driving through cornfields, and there was a clearing.
And there was a pole barn, a white pole barn, said Monsanto all across the front of it.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The truth is we're bathed in toxins and poisons.
And ten years ago the media lied and said there's no mercury in vaccines.
Now they admit there's mercury, but they say mercury is good for your brain.
That's what the federal government has said in the news, CBS News, you name it.
And now they're saying, hey, let girls go into puberty at 3, 4, 5 years old.
Let them get breast cancer when they're 20.
Let the boys be feminized.
Vice Phenol A is good.
Everything is wonderful.
We're going to continue with Tim, Jim, Chris, Kevin, and many others that are patiently holding.
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Okay, let's move quickly through the calls.
Tim in Washington, you're on the air.
Hey, hello Alex.
I had a question for you real fast about the effects of BPA and how prolific it is out in our environment.
Um, from the reports I've read, it says it's in hard plastics, and if I look around my house, uh, I see nothing but hard plastics.
Like, my television has hard plastic, my keyboard, my mouse...
Yes, it's in most products.
It's in most home plastic pipes, PVC.
It's in most of the water treatment plants.
It is in the lining of Coke cans, Pepsi cans, the little juice containers that are papered on the outside.
They're plastic lined.
The worst thing is TV dinners and other microwavable foods is bisphenol A. And when you heat it,
It literally off-gasses into it, and it's very, very deadly.
But I mean, look at the effeminized men, look at the hyper-feminine women, look at the breast cancer.
I mean, it's just devastating us.
Yeah, I can totally see it just from the streets, just walking around.
Anywhere you look, you can see the effects of these chemicals.
Is there a way to detox your system?
Do you know of a way to detox your system and leach it from your body?
There are a lot of different chelation systems.
The biggest thing is organic, raw foods, exercise, weight loss.
Most of the stuff gets stored in the organs, in the bones, and in the fat.
Especially if you're drinking a lot of aspartame-laden foods or drinks, you need to go off slowly.
And there's online doctors who've broken down the detox, just like Prozac serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
You need to go off of them very, very slowly.
Well, thank you very much for the information and keep it up, man.
Thank you.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Jim in West Virginia.
Jim, you're on the air.
Oh, hello.
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Sir, you gave it out.
Tell us specifically how we save the country.
Well, I'm just going to tell you to go to the website.
I appreciate your call, because if I... I mean, I'll let you do it twice, but if I just sit here and do that, every caller will do it.
Every caller will call in and literally say, I got a tractor for sale.
I mean, I've got to have some content, some discussions, not just... I mean, I've got to also, before I really promote things, I'll look it up, okay?
I appreciate your call, Jim.
Chris in Mississippi, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Just two quick things I wanted to bring to your attention.
The entire Mississippi State Guard, every unit in the State Guard has been re-designated to military police.
Yes, they're converting them into basically federal auxiliaries, further removing any state sovereignty, just like they took our Senators in 1913 that were elected by the legislature, being creatures of the state, and moved them to federal.
Exactly, and you're talking about federalization.
Uh, the Pentagon is actually actively moving and trying to federalize my state guard.
And they're federalizing local police through the funding and training.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And, uh, the good news about that, though, is, of course, I've got a family member.
He's a mid-level commissioned officer.
And, uh, talking with some, uh, you know, some of his, uh, compadres there and, uh, some of the higher level guys.
Most of them are totally awake to the whole FEMA camp and all that kind of good stuff.
unstoppable if the people breathe life into it and that's why the feds are trying to come in and federalize not just the uh... state guard uh... you know the national guard is assigned to the state and the governor but the state guard itself because they know it is a major remedy but remember after 9-11 and i have this in my film uh... martial law 9-1-1 uh... that i made in two thousand and uh... five and in the film
We go over all of that information and show state guards all over the country under federal direction running checkpoints in downtown Mobile, Alabama and other places, searching small children, training everyone to be under martial law.
So people bought into it for a while, but now there is an awakening.
And, uh, matter of fact, one of our units here in Mississippi actually were disbanded
Because they actually came to gunpoint confrontation with FEMA over a sovereignty issue, where FEMA was overstepping their bounds.
I didn't know that.
I mean, I know that sheriffs and others had to throw out FEMA when they were cutting power lines and police communication lines.
That's CBS News.
But when did this happen?
This happened during Katrina, and I believe my family member told me it was in Gulfport.
And like I said, he's a major, so he's very credible.
And you know, guys, it's absolutely almost anybody can join a state guard.
And having the right people in the right places at the right time, that can make a world of difference on how things pan out for you and me.
I agree.
Great solutions, Chris.
We're going to elaborate on that coming up.
Let's talk to Kevin in Alabama.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hello, Mr. Alex Jones, and thank you for all your great work.
I had called you yesterday evening, or at least your news line, to let you know about the Reuters release of Matt Simmons being killed, which they can disapprove it, but I think it certainly would happen.
Because he spoke out about the oil gusher out there in the Gulf.
That's right.
Here's the headline.
A BP critic, Matt Simmons, found dead in a swimming pool.
Famous for his controversial criticism of BP and calls for full disclosure regarding its true nature.
The oil disaster in the Gulf is dead.
WLBZ, the Knox County Sheriff's Department, says Matthew Simmons, founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his home on North Haven late Sunday night.
Simmons was a leading investment banker for the energy industry and had recently retired to work full-time on the new Ocean Energy Institute.
He was a leading proponent of offshore and wind power, and sort of raising money to develop and build offshore turbines.
And now we have former Senator Ted Stevens believed dead, along with the former head of NASA, Sean O'Keefe, in a plane crash.
That happened today.
Yes sir, and you're covering things that are pertinent.
This country is being taken over.
It's very simple.
Anybody who can't see it, they better wake up.
And I try to spread the fact that this is a place to come to get the truth.
You're not going to get it from NBC, CBS, or CNN.
I've tried to talk to my family about it.
They think I'm crazy.
I have somebody close to me who just sold their military company, and I wonder why.
And they did very well, but I wonder why.
But what's going on out there in the Gulf, it was supposed to be, so he said, three miles from the original site, there was fractures.
Oh, well, that's admitted.
I mean, it's a hoax that they fixed the oil well.
It's leaking 20 miles away, and they just tell you everything's fine.
And the most ludicrous thing about it, if we're talking poisons here, we can put bisphenol A aside for a second.
How about them tell me, it's okay.
Y'all going out there and fish?
Let's get the fishing going, and y'all start eating the fish.
Now, I'm sorry for those
Fisherman, a commercial and so on and so forth that dispersants.
And, uh, these fish and stuff are polluted with... Well, I mean, the bigger fish, whether it's a flounder or a mahi-mahi or a swordfish, they eat smaller fish, and then it precipitates those chemicals out in them, and then we eat them, and we get a mega dose of poison.
But the government now says, whore eggs, it's good for you.
It was good for the folks that cleaned up Exxon Valdez.
They only lived to 51.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let's go back to your phone calls.
Ray in Texas disagrees.
We'll go to the head of the line.
Ray, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I'm doing alright.
Alright, hey, I thank you for doing a lot of the stuff you did on fluoridation, the 9-11 thing, and the vaccines, but I gotta disagree with you on global warming and your stance on socialism as well.
Oh, okay, well, I mean, socialism's great, isn't it?
And all the big banks always finance it because it's a way to rob the little guy, and you know, you're talking about, I mean, I don't know what I can say to you.
I'm only going to say one thing about socialism because I want to move on to global warming.
If you're expecting the capitalists, the bankers, and other industrialists, the vaccine companies, pharmaceutical companies to play nice, you're asking for socialism.
And the only person who started getting at that was Franklin Roosevelt.
And we don't have him no more.
I wish we could dig him up and prop him back up.
Let me break this down.
Let me break this down.
You have to have a small government
But you have to have an informed population.
These big corporations always lobby for more government to use it as a tool to rob us.
We need to have state governments that prosecute people for putting poison in the food.
We need to have local control, not a big federal government.
Either that or if it may, I'll move on to global warming.
It was back in the 80s when
British scientist James Burke aired a show on global warming that I happened to catch.
I don't know, somewhere between 1980 and 1985 or so.
Then, in the 2000s, I saw on an internet article in the Boston Globe that it said that the oil and the coal industry are spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year on a global warming disinformation campaign, and they're getting people to say what they want to say.
I can't help but feel that you're one of those people that they're paying.
I mean, you may not be, but I... That is an outrageous, outrageous statement for you to make.
You know, to come on my show and say I'm being paid.
I'm not paid one red cent to sit here on the air and say that I don't believe in man-made
Global warming, sir.
We've had 14 times higher carbon dioxide in the geological record.
Plants in every study grow faster, are more healthy, put off more oxygen than animals and humans have higher levels of oxygen.
I mean, whether you believe in carbon dioxide being bad or not, having globalism and cutting our carbon footprint in the US and Europe will only move our jobs to China and India and Mexico, where they won't have the carbon taxes, and it will boost
The amount of carbon dioxide.
But I mean, that's just like when I had the Rockefeller, I mean, the Rothschild era on.
He just said, well, you must be funded by the oil companies.
It's actually British Petroleum, ExxonMobil, and others are the biggest funders of the carbon tax.
It was Ken Lay.
of Enron and BP on record in 95 and 96 that developed the plan with Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
Now I just gave you facts and it's the big oil companies now pushing the carbon tax because they're owned by the big banks.
They want that to be the funding mechanism
For their new global banking system.
And that's all on record.
And you just call in, and as a throwaway line, say, I read a Boston Globe article a decade ago that says they were funding this.
And I have read where some smaller oil companies, to protect themselves so they don't get shaken down and can still drill, have fought against carbon taxes.
But they've all caved in.
But the big ones have always been for it.
I mean, that's an amazing statement.
I mean, you're saying I have no integrity, and you have no proof as well, and that I just get up here and I'm paid by oil companies instead of debating me on science.
You just, uh, you know, throw that out there, which completely discredits you.
Can I say one last thing, please?
Well, hold on just a minute.
Hold on.
You need to respond.
Do you have any evidence I'm paid by oil companies?
I'm putting you on hold!
I put people that disagree to the head of the line, and when you get up here on my show and say that you think I'm taking money from oil companies, when all I do is expose how corrupt they are and how they're globalist, I give you evidence that the big five oil companies in the last 15 years plus
AP in 2002 sued and got thousands of pages of documents where the big, in that case it was the top ten oil companies, got together and said we want to use environmentalist groups to shut down refineries so there's a bottleneck so we can jack up prices because there's too much oil.
Now, I'm going to come back to you, Ray, and I'm going to give you a chance again
Just give me your proof that I'm paid by the oil companies.
I mean, you gotta love this.
You call up here with an amazing lie.
With a fraud.
Of course, you like socialism.
It shows you're screwed up.
You're just an idiot.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, we've got an hour and a half of broadcast, and I'm going to go back to Ray, James, Kevin, Brooke, Scott.
I've got some other news I want to hit on, dealing with the power of state government and important powers that a lot of people aren't aware of, and we've got to get the word out about this.
But before I go back to Ray, this is a real sticking point with me, because we're funded by our sponsors.
And we're funded by video, and book sales, and t-shirt and ball cap sales, and PrisonPlanet.TV memberships.
That's how we're funded, 100%.
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And I get so focused on doing the radio show, that I don't even have the capital right now to finish the TV studio.
I'm going to give you a tour of it soon.
We built the building and the structure, now I've got to fund the equipment.
We're buying the cheap stuff, but it's still in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And so, you fund this radio show.
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Box 19549 Austin, Texas 78760.
We're fighting the oil companies that are funding the global carbon tax and owned by the big banks.
We're funding the open establishment of world government and their neo-feudalism using fake environmental rules to shut down all the small guys and only let the big boys operate.
It's about monopoly.
We are fighting for the life of this Republic and this planet, for the Second Amendment and everything else.
And the fruits of what we've done, and what we've been able to do with your support, are massive.
And so I would ask listeners to remember, when you buy an Obama Deception, or Endgame, or Invisible Empire, New Order Defined, or Terror Storm, or when you buy Don't Tread on Me, or The Secret of Oz, you support this broadcast.
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And yeah, we'll make a few cents off of each of these that'll fund the operation.
But everything we do is about getting the word out.
And we need more support, not less.
And I want to commend this audience.
The name Barry Sotaro, Barack Obama's real name, he's an Indonesian citizen, that's totally proven.
The Kenyan evidence is clear as well, but not 100%.
That was the number one search term and scores of blogs
And newspapers ran stories on it.
Here's one.
Barry Sotaro, President Barack Obama, sets internet on fire.
Fraud with Barry Sotaro.
Why Barry Sotaro topped Google's trends?
I mean, literally, more than 30 articles just in the last 24 hours, talking about a CIA pedigree, all of it.
Because you took action and we exposed Barry Sotaro.
Barry Sotaro pushing the carbon tax.
Who do you think runs the oil companies, the big banks?
Who do you think's raping us?
Who do you think his third biggest contributor was?
It was BP.
In fact, let me just play this short clip.
Here's a clip from Shell with their vice president for global governance, global government, and you can go read their full vice president for global governance office calling for global carbon taxes.
ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, all of them.
I mean, I told that caller specifically about the meetings with Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Ken Lay, the head of Enron and the head of BP.
I said respond to that.
I'm not.
You're paid by the oil companies.
And I said, respond.
Give me your proof of that.
I give you proof.
I give you facts.
We're here being poisoned.
We're here being killed.
I'm risking my life.
And this guy has no respect for who I am, no respect for what I've done, and no respect for himself.
I love how people who want to intellectually attack us make stuff up.
That's what delusional people do.
People never face us on the facts.
They make things up.
I mean, that's an incredible charge.
200 years ago, if you'd have said that to a founding father, they said, I'll meet you outside.
Sword or pistols?
But nowadays, people just are cowards.
They just call in, my name's public, who I am is public, I'm out in the open, and he has the nerve to throw the gauntlet down and say, I think you're funded by the oil companies, and I say, listen here, pal, you put up or shut up, you give me the evidence, and he says, I'm not gonna do that.
Look, regardless, I'm taking up too much time.
It's just, I know I'm for real.
I know I'm good.
I know I care.
And it just makes me sick to hear how socialism's good when all the big banks are funding and he just can't get it through his head.
He doesn't understand the big oil companies want a monopoly and they're bringing in the carbon taxes.
I give him facts.
Let's play this short clip.
Here it is.
Climate change, energy, and economic recovery are a hugely complex issue, and it will take more than governments alone to solve the problem.
Industry needs to provide expertise, and government needs to step up with solid regulatory frameworks that signal where we need to invest to provide good solutions.
Encouraging dialogue on the energy challenge.
Well, I mean, there you go.
There's my proof.
You know, my proof is the Club of Rome 25 years ago saying they were going to have a carbon tax.
And I show screenshots of it in Endgame.
My proof is actual documents.
I don't just get up here and say the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates is funding La Raza and Mecha.
I show you their own finances.
that are publicly available.
I don't just claim the Rockefellers want a vaccine to sterilize you, and we know they've deployed it, they've been caught.
I read their quotes.
What do you do?
You call in, big man, tell me socialism's good.
You call in, big man, you know, tell me I'm funded by the oil companies.
You are a liar.
Just because you can make something up doesn't make it true, buddy boy.
Now, you want to support us?
You can, if it's easier for you, you want to just write us a check to support us because I want to expand.
I'm trying to fund this awesome social network and it's got cost overruns and it should be launched soon.
I need money.
I'm trying to buy the equipment over there and the employees to do it.
I don't have it.
I am stalled out.
I can fund what I'm doing.
I'm doing all right.
We've tripled the audience in the last year, doubled it the year before that, but we're in a depression.
So the money isn't there.
Our audience is going like that, our money's going like that.
Like that.
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Now, I promised to get into the state code and state law here in Texas, and it's similar in other states.
We've looked it up with some key information, and I'm getting behind here.
Ray, I bet you're incensed with me talking back at you.
You call in here and claim I'm a scallywag, paid off, that I'm an immoral piece of trash, that I'm not bonafide, that I'm not legitimate, that I'm not real, and then you don't even have the respect to man up and put it on the table and tell me your proof right now, boy, right now!
I'm calling you out, Ray.
Give me your proof right now.
Am I on the air?
Listen to me, punk!
You're on the air!
Oh, cool.
Now, I didn't say you definitely were paid off.
I just said there are articles out there, especially on GaryMell.com, that say people are being paid off.
And he has the truth on that, plus the climate science itself.
Oh, I'm glad he has the truth.
I appreciate your call.
So ridiculous.
Of course some smaller oil companies that didn't want to be shut down.
What did the Texas Banking Association do four months ago?
The president of it wrote an article saying this financial reform law gives total anonymity and secrecy to the Securities and Exchange Commission that protected Madoff for 11 years.
It allows the six major mega banks, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, to take over the entire economy.
What did Ron Paul tell you?
What did Napolitano tell you?
Same thing.
Same thing.
It's in the bill.
We've read the subsections.
Now, I got emails saying, you must be paid off by the banks to be against this, because the banks don't want it.
The big mega banks wrote the stinking thing!
It's not my fault that I'm informed, okay?
I've done the research, and yeah, 15, 20 years ago, there were some smaller oil companies
Being harassed and not able to drill, and they wanted to put more taxes on them, and of course they lobbied.
But the big mega oil companies, they want the taxes to shut them down, because most of those taxes then get conduited back in to the big central banks that own them.
It must be too complex for you, Ray.
But I'm glad you admitted you have no proof that I'm paid off by oil companies.
You didn't respond, though, to the fact that I laid out for you
You never listen.
None of you people do.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
People are so weak-minded.
They just don't understand anything.
They don't have any common sense.
Every major oil company has been promoting carbon taxes in the last decade.
Did you see the coverage of Copenhagen, the meeting last year?
And who was there financing it?
Do you read magazines and newspapers and see who's pushing carbon taxes?
It's almost nothing but oil companies and banks!
You'll find out with the financial reform bill.
You'll find out, okay?
It's meant to take over the entire industry.
It's about monopolies.
Big mega-corporations are bigger than most governments.
They're using government power to consolidate their market.
I don't know how else to explain that to you.
I just really don't.
Okay, if I can have a document cam shot for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, I'll go over this.
Thank you.
This is government code
Or the code written out of the state of Texas law.
Title IV, Executive Branch.
Subtitle C, State Military Forces and Veterans, Chapter 431, State Militia, Subchapter A, General Provisions.
State of Texas.
It exists.
Not paid off by oil companies to tell you this, okay?
Texas is real.
You called from there, Ray.
I'm sure you know it exists.
They've demonized the militia and told people that the militia is the federal regular army, and they're even now trying to federalize the National Guard that's assigned to the states under the governors, and that's in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 for insurrection against the citizens and the governor.
So the federal government's saying that the National Guard is now totally federalized and under homeland security control.
It's self-run by foreign offshore banks.
And now they're coming in trying to basically weaken and disband, depending on the state, not just the sheriffs.
They're trying to get rid of those that's charted under the state.
It's over the city, incorporated within that county.
Those political subdivisions.
And within that, in every major state, they have the right to revoke a clause like Article 10 in
New Hampshire.
We have similar ones in Texas.
But there's also, for case of insurrection or invasion, not only can the governor call out the posse or call out the militia, but county commissioners, the county judge, and the sheriff.
And I want to read to you now from this document.
This is section 431.112.
Calling of forces by other official.
I'm reading you section 431.112 calling of forces by other official.
If military aid is immediately and urgently necessary to prevent or suppress violence under section 431.111C and it is impractical
to secure the aid in time by order of the governor to direct judge of the judicial district the sheriff of the county or the mayor of the municipality which the disturbance occurs may call for aid on the commanding officer of the state military forces stationed in the judicial district and this is what uh... a lot of constitutional scholars have said these committees of safety Edwin Vieira, Dr. Vieira and others have talked about the police are really supposed to be the state militia
And they're supposed to be under the county and the sheriff.
And he or she calls on them when needed.
And then that way it's you, and you're in the local community, and you're a volunteer.
And then they have a corps that's paid.
It goes on, in which the disturbance occurs, may call for the aid of the commanding officer of the state military forces station in the judicial district, county, or municipality of the adjunct judicial district, county, or municipality.
The officer must make the call in writing and shall immediately notify the governor of the action.
And then it goes on to break that down.
Now, let me continue.
State insurrection, section 431.115, state of insurrection.
The governor, by proclamation, may declare any portion of the state where state military forces are serving in aid of the civil authority to be in a state of insurrection if the governor determines that law and order will be promoted by the declaration.
That's why they're getting rid of state militias.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you've got sheriffs five miles in being robbed at gunpoint by Mexican drug gangs, when you've got the collapse of society, when you've got shootouts every day, when you've got people being killed, it isn't the right, it is, it is the duty, not just of the sheriff and the county judge and the mayor and the governor and the legislature,
But of you, the citizens, to demand that the militia be called out, but now they've allowed it to activate so it's got to be built, and that they respond.
And you'd find plenty of Texas men by the hundreds of thousands ready to rotate in and out on three-month tours, and plenty of bosses willing to let them off for that period of time.
And it'd be very inexpensive to pay for their
Three months of service and they'd be rotated in and out.
That's how America works.
But instead we've got the feds off in Washington coming in and suing on behalf of foreigners, which is a violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
It is an act of treason.
We've read the subsections here on air in the past.
For the federal government to sue a citizen or a state or a judicial district on behalf of a foreign power or foreign individual.
That was the, what, 11th Amendment.
The first thing they did, what was it, in 1800?
Was it 1799?
I forget.
Because they already had problems with foreign lobbyists coming in, trying to get the federal government to harass states and have undue influence over trade and security.
So the feds won't do their job protecting the borders, and they won't let the states do their jobs.
But it's clearly in the state law that they must protect the border and call out the militia, and that's you, every able-bodied man.
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Well, we have the former head of the Green Party in England, in the UK, on with us.
He's also a championship goalie, BBC presenter, he's a best-selling author, lecturer, David Icke, for this next five minutes and then the full next hour.
And he's going to be in South Africa coming up in about five days, speaking down there.
But David, I want to get into the poisoning of the food and water supply, these new viruses that they say will cure stress, that will reprogram the brains so you can't get upset or resist.
You weren't listening earlier, but I want to throw this out at you.
From your research, this guy called in, and I shouldn't have gotten mad at him, I apologize for calling him a punk, but he should apologize for claiming he thinks I'm funded by the oil companies, and I've not been given one cent by oil companies to point out that the oil companies, the big ones, are promoting the global carbon tax to openly fund their new private world government.
From your research, what is the carbon tax about?
And, I mean, is it not all over the news that the oil companies are funding the carbon tax?
The thing is, Alex, that what people need to appreciate is that you see oil companies, you see pharmaceutical companies, you see governments, you see the medical world and all these different elements of society, the military, but these are different masks on the same face.
If you see them as individual, you say,
Why would the oil companies want a carbon tax and less oil being sold?
Oh no, they'd never do that.
Well, that's not the situation.
They are just an agent of this central global manipulating corps.
And you've broken that down before, showing how all the major BP, Dutch Royal Cell, ExxonMobil people are also the heads of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, and it's all interwoven.
It's just a few hundred people.
This is what I say to these people who go on marches about globalization and then would dismiss the kind of things that appear on your show and in my books and talks and stuff as, oh no, that's extreme, that's not going on.
What they're saying is the transnational corporations like the oil companies and the other transnational corporations, they're behind globalization, centralization of global power because of greed.
BP, the oil companies and all these other transnationals are not the engine room of globalisation, they are the vehicles for it.
And so what may appear to be not good for the oil companies, in terms of carbon taxes and less use of oil and all this stuff, is actually good for the agenda which the oil companies are one strand within.
Once you start to understand that,
What appear to be contradictions become perfectly understandable and perfectly logical.
And we have the heads of all these major oil companies and the head of NASA and the head of the UN saying they want a post-industrial world to cut off our energy, to carry out forced population reduction.
First they industrialize us, they get us dependent, then they start cutting it off.
Yeah, and what they want is basically a global fiefdom where people will just be drugged up zombies who are just able to function enough to serve as slaves and nothing more.
And we're at the point of epoch change here, Alex.
It's very important.
Maybe we can get into this after the news, after the break, because all this stuff you're talking about with the brain-eating
Nanotechnology and viruses and what's in food and water is specifically designed to destabilize the body computer system the receiver transmitter system of the the human body so that it is locked into an area of information decoding which is a tiny tiny fraction
And the brain is an electrochemical computer and they now admit they want to sterilize us with vaccines and they want to brain damage us.
Stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, they now admit bisphenol A is making girls as young as three go into puberty.
Hundreds of thousands at age seven.
It's happening in Europe, England, the United States.
It's feminizing boys.
And now I have Times of London, The Mail, Wired Magazine.
Oh, they're going to inject the troops with DNA boosters that block off areas of their brains.
Oh, we're going to give the public an anti-stress vaccine so you can't get upset.
It's a herpes virus carrying a hormone that then attacks the receptor site so you can never feel those emotions.
And they say, because we want to calm you down.
And they now admit that that's what the fluoride is about.
They're now proposing, suddenly, in literally hundreds of newspapers in the last three weeks, we've covered it here, lithium needs to be put in the water to calm everyone, a toxic metal antipsychotic.
Everything David Icke has talked about, we know this has already been going on from all the studies, now they're coming out with it.
David, are they doing this because they're getting desperate and we've been exposing them, and now they want to take the power of exposure away and just spin it?
Well, I think that's part of it.
I mean, there's more and more holes that are being sprung in the dike every day of their suppression of understanding and knowledge of what's actually going on.
But if you go back many decades, Alex, to 1932, when a book was published by a guy called Aldous Huxley called Brave New World, people have said to me over the years,
What's the plan?
And I said, well, just read two books to get the feel for it.
One, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
Two, George Orwell's 1984.
Now, interestingly, Aldous Huxley was a teacher at
We're good to go.
If you are an inner circle member of that, you have access to the projected agenda for the world going forward a long time.
And this allows you to write prophetic novels, apparently novels, from actual understanding of what the game is.
And then when we get to where we are now, we look back and we go, that brave new world in that 1984, my God, they were so accurate.
How did they do that?
Because they had access to this.
Let me back you up.
Let me back you up.
I always have to interrupt David because I want to back him up because he just states the facts.
I want to give you the proof.
David, there is a 1962 hour-long speech he gave at Berkeley.
Just Google Aldous Huxley Berkeley speech.
You'll hear the audio.
And he said in the speech that his pupil was George Orwell.
He said that his brother was the head of the U.N.
eugenics program, Julian Huxley.
And he said, my pupil is wrong.
It will only be 20 or 30 percent 1984.
The rest is making you love your servitude with chemicals.
This is what we plan with eugenics.
And I'm telling you now because you're too weak to even resist us.
And then he died two months later.
He knew he was dying.
So he went ahead and came out and said, I wrote this in 32.
He also wrote that in Brave New World Revisited, written in the 50s.
He said, this is our actual plan, this is non-fiction.
Sorry, David, go ahead.
Well, that's absolutely right.
And what he's talking about and writing about since the 1930s is exactly what's happening today.
Because he knew it was coming.
He had access to the projected agenda.
And that is to control people through drugs.
And the reason that some of these
We're good.
I think?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the one, the only, David Ickes is our guest of the balance of the hour.
He just joined us.
We were talking about Aldous Huxley, who in 32 wrote Brave New World about a caste system with the scientific technocratic elite, right down to sub-weighted, three-foot-tall dwarf creatures that serve the elite.
Their main focus was to make their slave class go into puberty at around age seven.
But then to also be quasi-sterile.
But they wanted him to go into puberty so they'd be developed as work slaves by that point, so they couldn't challenge him.
Now the age of puberty is moving to seven in girls.
Devise Finale has done well.
And he bragged.
He said, look, already in England, before he died, he said, we've got remote control at the mental institutions with brain implants.
He said, my brother at the UN is developing this.
He said, this is the plan.
And so when you read that science fiction book, it's not science fiction.
Again, he wrote a book decades later called Brave New World Revisited, non-fiction, where he just laughs at you and points out that most of us will be killed.
David Icke, you were getting into the hatcheries, how they take the babies at birth, how they genetically engineer them in laboratories.
That's their plan.
Now they're moving, and I got Pentagon declassified documents, to just fly over us and spray the viruses on us.
We get a headache, we get sick, and then it destroys our receptors that allow us to think or become angry.
And so that's clearly where they're going, not just lacing the vaccines with this.
Please continue.
Yeah, and the other aspect of this, I mean you mentioned a few minutes ago, is this multi-level attack on the family unit and I've got really seriously into one area of this over the last six months, which is the state stealing children from loving parents.
It is an absolute epidemic in Britain.
I was speaking at Trafalgar Square on Saturday at a rally against child abuse in which this
Stealing children by the state was a fundamental part of it.
I've been getting involved in one or two individual cases and trying to give my support to mothers who've had... I'll give you one example.
A young daughter, she's now ten...
I think?
David, specifically, I've had members of British Parliament on, and it's even in your mainstream news, in the London Telegraph, that there are quotas on children before they're even born for the adoption racket.
That's right, and financial incentives around the world to meet these targets, which means if you can't find enough genuinely abused children by their parents, then you have to find those that are not.
But of course it's not only that Alex, as we know, I mean a lot of these kids are
I mean, if you want, if you're a satanic pedophile ring, and those two usually connect, in fact almost always connect at some point, then you need a supply of children, a constant supply of children.
Of course, the social services can do that.
In fact, they can target children.
I know this is going on, Alex, where someone will target someone, a child, they'll see a child in the community and they'll say, I want that child, and then someone from the ring
...in social services, then finds a reason why the child shouldn't be with the parents, some spurious reason.
We've had a situation here.
This is one of endless ones where...
This woman and her husband, she had fertility treatment, £38,000 worth, gave birth to twins, social worker came round when they came out of hospital, she made a joke, hey, having giving birth has ruined my figure, and they took her child away.
And when she got angry, as you would, they said, oh, the mother's also got anger problems and therefore a danger to the child.
And this is going on epidemic-wise.
In the cases that I've been involved in, and I'm involved in, I've seen
It's blatant lies, where the social services have put into reports that the mother has faked medical evidence of abuse on the child, and I've seen the doctor's report, where it came from, it wasn't faked at all.
So it's all lies, and what they've done, this is another element of it, not just in social services, but very, very significantly so, because of the children being taken, but in government in general, they are using job application
I don't know.
But David, going back, they're constantly catching the heads of social services worldwide running pedophile rings.
I mean, that's even CNN.
But expanding on that, this is part of a larger agenda.
As you know, when they set up Eugenics 150 years ago, now 160 years ago in England,
By the turn of the century, 1900, they created racial hygiene health departments in Germany, England, the U.S., and Canada that openly... So the health department itself is to carry out eugenics, and that's why they now admit blood is taken secretly at birth from all babies in the West and put in a Pentagon database.
Yeah, and what's going on in this country, and I did research for my latest book in America as well on this, it's happening there, big time happening there in places like California, is that they are taking so many
And now they're saying...
And China's the model of the one-child policy.
Many of their children are raised in government dormitories, where they work half the time in factories.
And they're now saying they want year-round school, 12 months out of the year, and they want children to stay at school until 9, 10 at night.
That's to get the test scores up.
When the more funding they have, the dumber they get.
It's all by design, and I have the government textbooks that are given to CPS workers where they call the family a disease and part of an archaic age.
Now, what do we do?
I mean, looking at the current phases, why are they now coming out and admitting we want to put lithium in your water?
We want to give you shots to make you feel good.
We're going to put viruses in your brain that make you submit.
I mean, they've gone from denying this to now coming out and really taking the gloves off.
Well, I think they have, in one level, there are many levels to this, but I think in many ways they have a timescale problem.
You know, I've been talking and writing about this for the best part of 20 years, and I know a lot of people might think it's far out and all the rest of it, but the evidence is pointing that way all the time.
And that is this, the first book I ever wrote after I woke up to all this 20 years ago, I called it Truth Vibrations, because I understood that there was an energetic change coming.
I don't
Vibrational waveform information into electrical information into digital information and then finally into holographic information Which is the physical world that we apparently?
is outside of us but actually only exists in our in our head just as the Internet only exists inside the computer as it decodes it and we're going now through an epoch change in the cycle the natural cycle of
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
And by the way, David...
You're absolutely right because in their own words they say there's a massive awakening and that they've got to suppress it and that's why they want to bankrupt society so we're dependent on the state so they can force all these controls on us but from your research you believe they're going to fail.
I think they're going to fail, yes, for the simple reason that there's going to come a point where this new energy, this new information, that's what it is, it's like the wireless internet suddenly starts to morph into a different information construct.
Of course, what's the computer going to do?
It's going to suddenly manifest a different reality on the screen because it's now decoding a different information construct.
Now, like I say, it's throwing everything it can.
I mean, it's a bit like a duck, mate, where it looks calm on the surface and in the control system's way it looks arrogant, but actually it's paddling like crazy under the water.
Because people are waking up.
I mean, look, 20 years ago, what?
I mean, one of the things that I learned about this information epoch change was that 20 years ago, it was going to bring to the surface all that had been hidden from us.
Now, look, mate, 20 years ago, no, no evidence.
10 years ago, a little bit more maybe.
But look at it now.
Stay there.
Stay there.
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Well, a big enemy of the free internet died, but we're sad for him.
Ted Stevens confirmed dead in a plane crash.
The senator is still shrouded in reports of corruption.
David, you got cut off by the break.
You were saying 20 years ago, hardly anybody was awake and the evidence wasn't prolific.
Ten years ago, some info was out there, but now it's racing.
And I talked to police.
You know, five years ago, Austin cops would walk by when they saw me at the mall or on the street and would make jokes at me.
Now they come over scared and say, we appreciate you, we know it's all true, what do we do?
And I talk to other police in other cities, I talk to military, they say the awakening is incredible.
And of course, that's the enforcers' power structure.
So continue with the awakening you're seeing.
And what the controllers are going to do, not just chemicals and biologicals, but wars, depressions, scares.
I mean, going into this big time of change, how are they going to try to suppress this global awakening?
Well, I'm having the same experience with, you know, people in the system who are seeing it.
You know, what putting this information out has done, it's broken the compartmentalization of the pyramids.
Because the pyramid structures within this control system keep people in the dark of what they're actually part of.
You know, they're working in government, or the military, or the police, and they're doing their job and going home, but they don't know how their contribution every day connects to this contribution and that contribution to create a very, very sinister national and international pattern.
But putting this information out, as people like us have been doing over the years, has actually broken that compartmentalization, because people have been able to start
We're good to go.
The different levels of the body computer.
We've got the chemical level.
The one level, it's a chemical organism.
So they hit the chemical balance through additives in food, additives in water and vaccines and all the rest of it.
Then we've got an electromagnetic balance and they're trying to hit that with all this electromagnetic pollution that even mainstream media are talking about.
This soup or fog that we live in now with all this technology and microwaves.
But there's another thing.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
So they're flooding all of our inputs and they admit we're an electrochemical computer and they now admit they're trying to perfect our brain and want to fix the defects by hitting us with viruses that literally destroy the neuroreceptors.
This appears to be their checkmate
And again, as I mentioned, I have the Pentagon documents, we've covered them here, where they have plans to spray cities with this as a biological and chemical commutative.
How do we respond to their ultimate checkmate?
Well, you know, this may sound trite, but I don't really care, because I feel it's absolutely true.
You know, we are being bombarded, Alex, on all these different levels of being for one simple reason.
We are extraordinary expressions of genius.
We are extraordinary expressions of consciousness.
And what they've got to do is to attack us on all these levels.
They're scared of us.
We're powerful.
We're made in the image of the Creator and they know it.
Well, this is an analogy that I've used a few times.
If you want to put a ball in an unnatural state in a tank of water,
I mean, you want it on the bottom of the tank, then you have to hold it there.
You can't put it there and then take your hand away because it's back to its natural state, floating on the top.
Our natural state is of expanded consciousness that we would call genius and able to create what we would perceive from this reality as miraculous things.
What we are has been suppressed.
We are not
Manifesting who we really are.
We're manifesting a subordinated, suppressed version of what we are.
This is how the control system controls us.
And so when we open our minds, open our consciousness, understand it's a mental, emotional thing.
If you understand and know that you are not David Icke, you are not Alex Jones, you are not Ethel Smith, that is your experience.
You are infinite.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
David Icke is our guest, and we're going to continue talking with him about other geopolitical issues that we are facing.
And he's going to come back on with us in early October.
He's coming to New York and San Francisco then, so we're going to have him back on then as well.
Before we go back to David, I can get his take on the Iran situation, which he said he wanted to talk about during the break.
That was one of my questions, so I'm glad he raised it.
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Now, going back to David Icke, his website's DavidIcke.com.
He's going to be speaking in five days in South Africa.
He's coming to the United States in October.
And, David, tell us about some of the other places you're going to be speaking in the world.
Yeah, I mean, the whole thing is exploding, which is all part of this awakening.
I'm going to go to Prague.
I'm going to go to New York, Times Square in October in San Francisco.
We're good to go.
Well, I agree with you.
They are going into panic mode.
Now, specifically, though, you talked about fear.
And if they can keep you in fear, you'll go into a catatonic, learned helplessness state.
I've seen the psychological studies the governments and corporations are obsessed with.
But these particular vaccines that they call cognitive enhancers, they want to give school kids, the troops, they're pushing it like, oh, it's the great new toy coming out in a few months, but you can't get it yet.
They're really hyping it with hundreds of these new things that are coming online.
They say they want to stop fear and anxiety, but the way I read it is it's going to block regular steroids interacting in the brain which show aggression or resistance or determination.
So for me, when I say fear, I get fearful so I take action.
But I guess that really isn't fear, that's resistance.
So if they want us to be in fear, why then would they come out with vaccines that just completely block it where you're an emotional jellyfish?
I guess that's the next stage?
Well, that's the next stage, exactly, because, you know, once you've got a drug control of the body, then suddenly you're doing it in a different way.
You're destabilizing fundamentally, destabilizing the body in another way, as opposed to the fear itself.
See, what the body is, it's an
We're good to go.
We're creative, we're decisive, we're beautiful, we're in tune with the universe.
And we can see through what we can't see when we're in a closed state.
Now, what we need to do, I would suggest, is see everything as information if we're going to understand what's going on here, because this is how deep we're in the rabbit hole.
So when someone puts a virus or whatever into a body, it's information.
The virus is information.
It's introducing rogue, distorted
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
American professor who was doing research on LSD went out to the east and talked to some mystic guy who'd spent his life focusing on the power of the mind and everything and he gave him LSD and nothing happened.
He gave him more LSD, nothing happened.
He gave him an heroic dose of LSD and the guy just sat there and smiled at him.
It didn't have any effect because he was using his mind to overpower the effect of the drug.
We can do this.
This is where this new epoch is going, where we understand the true power of consciousness and the mind.
What the control system has spent so much time doing, and it's doing today more than anything, is to try to hold us in a low, closed mind, closed vibrational state.
That was my other issue is that we see in the natural world with bugs with insects with microorganisms and with animals that over time a lot of times under poison
Or drugs or antibiotics.
Things just get stronger over time.
And clearly the globalists know this.
They know that all their poisoning, and I've seen this in their literature, they've said that with a certain minority, it's actually accelerating awakening and having the opposite effect.
Yeah, you know, because of this epoch change that's going on, we're now seeing a very clear forking in the road, where on one kind of track, if you like, there are people that are staying closed-minded, they're following the system, they're doing and perceiving as they're told to do and perceive, and now this is ever-gathering other section of society, which is getting bigger all the time, which is expanding its
I'm going to put a blank sheet of paper here and I'm not going to let preconceived belief, preconceived idea to edit my perception.
I'm going to let information and my experience lead me to what I think is reality, what I think is happening in the world, and not what I've been programmed to believe is me and reality
I'm sure you've seen this, Alex.
It's so obvious now.
There is this clear parting of the ways between those two groups of people in the world.
That which is staying closed and that which is demonstrably opening its mind.
And it's becoming more and more blatant all the time.
I totally agree with you, and that now leads us to financial collapse as a way to control us, as their own documents state, but also the Iran situation.
Break that down for us, David Icke.
Well, for Iran, I mean, to understand a massive part of that, all you've got to do is read Zbigniew Brzezinski's book, The Grand Chess Board, in which he said about an area of the world called Eurasia, which is basically, for people who haven't come across this, from Europe and the Middle East across to, through to China, and across China.
And this is what he said in the book in 1997.
How America manages Eurasia is critical.
A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world's three most advanced economically productive regions.
A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa's subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania...
Geopolitically peripheral to the world's central continent.
About 75% of the world's people live in Eurasia and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil.
Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world's known energy resources.
And then you look at a map of Eurasia, particularly one part of it, and that is a line of countries
From Israel across through to China.
And it's like a wanted list of the control system.
You have in that line of countries Iraq.
They're in there.
They've got control of Iraq as a result of that spurious invasion.
In that line of countries is Afghanistan.
They've got that, at least they're in there and have a massive foothold in there.
Next to Afghanistan, between that and China, is Pakistan, which as we know they're systematically undermining with false flag terrorist events and massive weather situations which may well not be natural.
And then you look at a big
Elephant in the living room that would connect Iraq to Afghanistan and basically, apart from Syria, complete, which they're also targeting more and more, of course, with propaganda, they would complete that line of countries from Israel right across to China, which is what they want.
And that elephant in the living room connecting Iraq to Afghanistan is Iran.
And that's why they want that.
And if they can't
We're good to go.
And that's their geopolitical, that's their geopolitical aim, but at the same time there's the trillions in weapon sales, there's the domestic excuse to clamp down on the West, to stage terror attacks and say that Iran has done it, and we know that's the real target.
And then you look up north from that line of countries, and you're into Georgia, and you're into Kazakhstan, and you're going up to the Russian border then.
And this is all Eurasia, all this area that Brzezinski was talking about in 1997.
What is also very important, Alex, in this whole area, is that people are given the perception that there's this great land of Arabic rule, when it's not at all.
You know, I wrote an article a few weeks ago which was basically headed
If Iran goes, Arabia goes.
Because if you look at a map of Arabia and then you look at the controlling forces behind these countries, look at it.
It's supposed to be the land of Arabia, the land of Islam.
We're good to go.
And all the rest of it.
I've got no chance of standing up to this Washington-Tel Aviv axis.
And so Iran is right in the middle there.
This massive, massive country.
And if that goes, then it's only remnants left.
And Arabia's basically gone.
And it's about divide and rule on so many levels because most of the Islamic world is made up of funny Muslims.
The major Shiite, Shia Islamic center is Iran.
And so a lot of the Muslim world are going, well, we're funny.
Iran, that's Shiite.
We're not bothered about that so much.
And what they don't realize is when Iran goes, it's over for them.
Well, absolutely, and there are Israeli plans that have been declassified in the 80s, Pentagon plans, that when they're done with Iran, they're not just going to stop at Syria, they're planning to overthrow Saudi Arabia, they're planning to overthrow Jordan, they're planning to overthrow Lebanon, they're planning to overthrow Libya, they're going to overthrow all
of those countries and roll in with the drugs in the water and the vaccines because most of those Muslim countries will not go along with the New World Order.
They don't fit too well into this whole master plan.
Yeah, I mean, I think that's right among the people.
But, you know, what they've done in Arabia, I know quite a lot about this because of people that I know.
No, sure, their leaders are very evil.
Yeah, people I know.
I mean, Arabia has been taken over by interlopers.
You know, people talk about sheikhs.
Oh, he's royal.
It's a sheikh.
Well, sheikh just meant in the tribal situation in Arabia.
It just meant a wise man, and they morphed it into being royalty, and they created this spurious, off-the-peg, manufactured royal families, who now act as tyrannies in all these countries.
No, but I mean, that's true.
I mean, that's what the whole Lawrence of Arabia fable is, is about Saudi Arabia.
It's actually a true story.
They went out and just found warlords, gave them weapons, and set them up.
Yeah, and so when you've got a situation like that, Alex, where you've got these royal fiefdoms in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and all these other places, they are dictators to their people, but they themselves, this is the point, answer then to the cabal that is run out of places like Tel Aviv and Washington and London.
And then they use a twisted form of Islam to suppress and control their populations.
You know, Alex, back in the late 70s, I spent eight weeks in Saudi Arabia.
I loved the people.
They were so kind.
I tell you what, the system, the royal family, it is grotesque.
It is beyond tyranny.
It is beyond
We're good.
I think?
Well, the Bin Ladens, the Bin Ladens, the Bin Ladens build most U.S.
military bases in the Middle East.
And I talked to Springman, the head of the U.S.
They were ordered to let those hijackers in.
They were told they were U.S.
government agents.
Exactly, and Saudi Arabia is not on the side of the Arab world.
I mean, it's no accident that you have got, my goodness, what you've got in Israel is daily genocide against the Palestinian people.
It is so blatant, it's so in your face, and nothing ever happens.
You will have sanctions against Iran, we'll have Security Council resolutions against Iran and these places.
Nothing, nothing is done to give consequences to Israel for the genocide against the Palestinians.
But then you say, well where the heck are all these oil-rich, massively wealthy, apparently on the surface powerful,
Stay there!
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Well, to close out this interview with David Icke today, we're going to talk more about Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia, arguably one of the most corrupt nations on earth.
Israel's got a lot of organ trafficking and slave trafficking, and a lot of other countries do as well.
But in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia are the big traffickers in.
And notice, you never hear our media criticizing them.
It's all Iran, because Iran is not controlled by the New World Order.
It's got to be taken down.
I'm not saying Iran is good.
I'm just simply stating it's not part of the global takeover.
David, finish your points on that point.
The thing is, if Saudi Arabia was a target country, there'd be banner headlines all the time and exposure documentaries all the time about the grotesque way that that country is controlled and the way they treat the people.
But because it's part of the control system, of course everyone turns a blind eye.
It's the same with Israel, you see.
Because that's part of the control system, it's a fiefdom of the House of Rothschild.
I mean, people, they just let them get away, literally, with mass murder.
And then you've got Iran, and because it's a target country, of course, that's where all the propaganda goes into.
It's all mind control and mind manipulation and perception manipulation.
I've done enormous amounts of research over the years that continues to this day about the abuse and trafficking and stealing of children by this system.
There's something about the energy of children that they absolutely want.
And if you go back even into the ancient world, when
They talked about sacrificing young virgins, etc.
to the gods.
That was code for children.
They've been doing it all along, and now they're doing it on a massive scale.
And so many of the children that are trafficked end up in Saudi Arabia and these Arab states.
In the United Arab Emirates, of course, a few years ago, there was this massive scandal when they had these enormous numbers of young boys who were camel jockeys in their camel racing system, and they were paid more than
Basically, they were held in captivity in slavery.
It's extraordinary.
And that's what these Arab so-called royal fiefdoms do.
They're tyrannies.
They're dictatorships.
We need a revolution.
We need a people's revolution in these countries more than, or as much as, if not more than anywhere else.
Because the suppression of the people in these countries, I've experienced it, is just extraordinary.
Well it is, and if you read the Bible in Leviticus, but even mainline history, give not your children to the fires of Moloch, they would go throw babies in to the fires.
Which of course takes us to Birmingham Grove and all the other stuff, absolutely.
And all of this is coming out now.
We talk about Bohemian Grove 15 years ago and get laughed at.
Now it comes out that, OK, many of your Republican leaders are with gay porn stars.
What's the big deal?
I mean, it just shows how compromised they are.
And then you got Barry Sitaro, Barack Obama.
The good news is, is that they tried to pump him up as a messianic savior, but that sure fell hard.
Well, that's one of the most encouraging things of all.
Given where he was with the hype and hysteria when he was elected, his honeymoon period has been dramatically short given how high he was built up before.
That is also an expression in many ways of this awakening where people start to see through things they couldn't see through before.
This is making it harder and
I'm good to go.
David Icke, look forward to talking to you in October, DavidIcke.com.
The awakening is on, but the enemy is going to strike back, and it is going to be darkest before the dawn.
We look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Cheers, mate.
Take care.
Always informative, a very well-spoken gentleman, and I agree with his insights on the geopolitical manifestations we face.
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