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Name: 20100805_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 5, 2010
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, it's Thursday, August 5th, 2010.
We're going to have wide open phones throughout the full three hours and a mass of vital news and information coming up.
I know I've been on a three-day jag dealing with
Hundreds, literally hundreds that I have seen of mainstream news articles and blogs and universities and governments and major think tanks calling for Prozac and other serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lithium, a dangerous metal and anti-psychotic to be added to the water.
It's got to be more than 50 articles.
I mean, that's just a dead reckoning number.
It's basically unlimited.
You can read as many as you want to find dealing with cognitive enhancer vaccines.
And they say in the articles, mercury cognitively enhances you.
It's an admitted heavy metal, extremely toxic to the brain.
And they say, no, this will enhance your children being injected with mercury.
They've been saying that for about five years.
You know, we've played different newscasts here where they say mercury is good for your child's brain.
According to the government's definition of good behavior.
Submitting to the tyranny.
I've been on a jag dealing with this and I'm not going to cover it today.
You're welcome to call in about it.
Until the third hour.
Because there have been some big developments dealing with it.
In our video, brain-eating vaccines being the top search engine off and on the last two days.
Wired Magazine putting out a disinfo piece against it.
Of course, one of the most famous tabloids out there, the folks that, you know, bring you Batboy and the president meeting with aliens on their cover.
They're the folks that give the National Enquirer a bad name.
The National Enquirer actually does some of the best investigative journalism and they never have stories about Batboy or aliens, you know, landing at the White House.
They get associated in the checkout line with Weekly World News.
And so they basically took my article and reported on it like it was real to discredit it.
And posted my video.
But spun it saying we'll all be zombies killing people in the streets.
So, last night I did about three hours of additional, not just research, I've already researched this over the last decade, but collating the research.
I thought I'd actually go over these new classes of so-called vaccines.
There's three different ways they reprogram your brain.
They go in and attack receptor sites and actually destroy the receptor sites.
for aggression or anger or stress which motivates you to know when you're too tired or when you need to get motivated to get angry.
I mean it's like saying we're going to give you an injection to get rid of your nerve endings so you don't feel pain.
You don't know the day without the night.
You don't know the good without the bad.
It's like the ship without a storm.
The night without a dawn.
It's like the good without the bad.
And this latest Wire article, they've written two in one day attacking me.
Comes out and says, you know, well we've written an article dealing with defects in the brain, defects in humanity.
Don't you love it?
You've got these people who come along and they're going to fix you with lithium in the water.
They're going to fix you with Prozac in the water.
They're going to fix you with statins in the water for your cholesterol.
They're going to fix you and they're going to inject you with something that fixes your brain.
And they're always lisping chicken necks who can hardly talk.
But they just walk around as the ultimate posers going, oh, we're so smart, and oh, we're so great, and oh, we're so intellectual.
What they are is a bunch of control freak sickos, and it's time we sweep these people aside intellectually.
I mean, Wired Magazine thinks you're so dumb, this particular writer, that he said that I'm a delusional liar, and that there's no calls for lithium in the water.
When it's all over the New York Times, you name it, and one of his own colleagues from Oxford, and I did some research, turns out these two know each other, is calling for forced lithium.
Well, forced Prozac.
And another bioethicist is calling for, uh, forced, uh, lithium.
He just thinks he tells you it doesn't exist, so it doesn't!
Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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A republic.
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Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, the 5th day of August, 2010.
I'm Alex Jones.
Wide open phones and masses of vital news and information we'll be covering today.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
You can call in about any issue you want.
Every time I see this article since yesterday, my blood boils.
This is just one issue I'd like to get your views on.
CNET News, a division of CBS Broadcasting.
Feds admit storing checkpoint body scan images.
And at one airport in Florida, in Orlando,
35,314 images.
Everyone that went through it.
With your name.
Digital, high-grade, res scans of your genitals.
Your son, your daughter, your wife, your husband, your grandmother.
Airport employees, everybody.
Your genitals.
We already knew this and reported it off and on in the last year, and wrote stories about it at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
It was in the federal regulations.
But it's an illustration of how brazen, and how criminal, and how larcenous, and how outrageously corrupt Big Sis is.
Janet Napolitano.
And how arrogant they are, and how they lie to you.
Just like they told you the Patriot Act wasn't for U.S.
citizens, it was only for terrorism.
Section 802 said all misdemeanors.
No Bill of Rights, no Constitution.
Any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law, including jaywalking, no constitutional right.
And within a year of it passing, hundreds and hundreds of articles, you can just search the term, Patriot Act used in drug cases, Patriot Act used in violent crime, Patriot Act used in marijuana cases, Patriot Act used in family court.
Articles that say, thousands of times in Florida, thousands of times in Texas, it's used thousands of times a year per state.
Of course they lie to you!
This is what these criminals do.
They told you, oh, we're passing legislation to reform the Federal Reserve and the banks.
And then what did it openly state?
What does AP Reuters, Fox News now admit?
After it passed?
Napolitano, Judge Napolitano, Ron Paul, myself, we all read the bill, told you it gives them unlimited power over the economy, including, in Napolitano's words, over a hot dog stand, anything that deals with the economy, and allows the SEC to not get in trouble when they protect people like Madoff.
But they told the public, this is going to fix derivatives.
This is going to fix counterfeiting instruments, financial instruments.
It does nothing to stop it.
Nothing to allow these select six global megabanks to issue any amount of fake credit they want, which is an undue trade advantage.
They can buy off whoever they... I mean, it just makes my blood boil.
Everything they do is a manifest total criminal action.
And the sky's the limit, as they reported in Bloomberg last week.
What did they report in Bloomberg last week?
That every major insurance company in the last four years got the feds to change regulations.
Not a law, the feds just changed the regulations, they're not even real laws, to allow them to keep your death benefits.
And it mentioned cases of 400,000, 500,000, or more dollars
Of people's insurance policies in the military, the death benefits, and they just keep the money and say, you know what?
You're not gonna get it.
And if you try to protest, we'll send men out in black uniforms and ski masks with batons to beat your brains in, pal.
We'll have unmarked black vans with plain clothes, private mercenaries grab you and put a bag over your head.
They are stealing everything.
And don't say you weren't warned for people that listen to this show and make jokes about it.
Don't say you weren't warned.
They now admit we're going into a depression.
That there was never a let-up in the recession.
Alright, I'm ranting.
I just want to take your phone calls today and cover the news.
Let me just mention the stacks I have here.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 stacks.
I mean, look at this baby.
Look at this baby right here.
This baby is vaccines that attack your brain and drugs in the water, all mainstream news and government documents.
Look at that.
That's got to be 30, 40, 50,
Articles and government documents.
We're going to try to get into that in the third hour today.
But let me just run over a few of the headlines, and I'm going right to your calls, and I'm going to intersperse this news throughout the transmission.
Police film dragging woman and babies during protest.
We've got this linked up on Infowars.com, and what's chilling about this in France is they're beating up these African immigrants and dragging babies along the ground, and the video goes on and on and on and on, and the CNN host says, well, this is what government has to do to maintain order.
If they're going to deport the illegals, which they're not even doing, they're getting rid of their shantytown, you sure don't need to drag babies along the ground.
And what's done to immigrants is later done to other people.
If you can get away with this with immigrants, and that's why I have protested at the FEMA camp in Taylor, where they hold entire illegal alien families with their children.
They send CPS in and adopt some of their kids out.
They're in there taking them for American families that want them.
Most of the American families are compartmentalized and don't realize what's going on and don't know where these Hispanic 3 and 4 and 5 year olds they're getting came from.
And they really abuse their rights.
I'm against having open borders, but I'm also against abusing their rights.
On top of it, Rex 84 from the 1986 congressional hearings, with Oliver North and others, and the subsequent articles in the Houston Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, in the last five years that we've covered in my films, say that these camps have the dual use for illegal alien families, but also for citizens, and they're preparing them during emergencies.
So very, very serious.
Well, that's just one of the stories.
A federal police officer shot dog at park, Baltimore Sun.
Two dogs just got in a fight at a dog park.
A husky and another dog.
So the cop just shot them both.
Completely crazy.
It's like that video in the same place there in
Baltimore, Maryland, where the guy is on his motorcycle with a mounted camera on his head.
Motorcyclists do this a lot.
It's a popular thing online.
And he videotaped himself doing a wheelie.
A plainclothes cop pulls him over, almost runs him off the road, and jumps out with a gun.
And the guy's got a camera and he says, Sir, I'm just...
He gives him a ticket, the guy puts it on YouTube, and they arrest him and charge him with felony saying it was wiretapping.
And of course even the mainstream media is saying it's not really illegal to film cops, it's illegal to sneak up to a cop or anybody else's house at midnight and film them in their underwear through the window watching television because there's a perception of privacy in your own home.
You can't be prowling around doing that in people's homes or businesses.
But if cops are out on the street,
Beating people up, and somebody videotapes them from 100 yards away, you can't charge them with wiretapping.
You can't charge them with eavesdropping, but it just shows how their naked body's scanning us, but then saying that we can't videotape them.
So that's just some of the news on that front.
I don't usually get into UFOs, but this is out of the London Telegraph today.
UFO files.
Winston Churchill feared panic over Second World War RAF incident with giant UFOs.
He feared a panic and loss of faith in religion.
Newly released secret file show.
I'll be covering that later.
Very strange.
And of course, I just mentioned this, but here it is out of Time Magazine.
Should videotaping the police really be a crime?
Anthony Graber, a Maryland National Air National Guard Staff Sergeant, faces 16 years in prison.
His crime he videotaped his march encounter with a state trooper who pulled him over for speeding on a motorcycle.
Then, Graber put the video, which could put the officer in a bad light on YouTube.
It doesn't sound like much, but Graber is not the only person being slapped down with a long arm of the law.
Well, they're misappropriating a law, and it's going to end up getting thrown out of court unless they're able to get him to plea bargain.
They're trying to create a new precedent for this.
Imagine, you're videotaping yourself, a crazy cop pulls up, in plain clothes, jumps out, points a gun at you, and the guy's like, hey bro, what's wrong?
Cop comes to his senses, puts the gun away, writes him a ticket,
The fella puts it online and he gets arrested and is facing 16 years in prison.
Under this rule then, all these police cameras and highway cameras are eavesdropping and are illegal against us.
What are you going to do?
Go file charges against the police?
You can't do that!
Because there's no perception of privacy in public.
That doesn't mean as a society we can choose not to have our tax money fund all those cameras.
And I'm seeing these stories out of mainly Maryland, but also Connecticut.
I'm seeing them out of Florida.
I'm seeing them out of California.
I'm seeing them out of states where they don't even have these wiretapping laws.
Or where they have one-party wiretap laws.
Where if I decide to record a conversation, then it's okay.
That's okay in Texas.
But it's not okay, what is it, in 11 states now?
But it just shows how they're using this to intimidate people.
Okay, that's just one stack.
That's just one stack.
Look at this one.
Mexico looks to legalize drugs as drug war murders reach 28,000 since their new crackdown began.
Sorry, I've been saying 24,000.
It's now 28,000.
Sorry, it's worse than I said.
Of course, it normally is.
Home video claims to show Arizona police enforcing illegal immigration law at traffic stop.
And I watched this video.
This is what police do to citizens all day.
Now, if you want to say these type of checkpoints are wrong for illegal aliens, they're wrong for citizens as well.
Oh, here's another one.
Gender-bending chemical in food tins may cut male fertility.
That's the male.
But look, that's just two stacks, or part of two stacks.
I'm gonna come back, I'm gonna go ahead and start going to your calls.
We've got the Iran news, we've got the economy news, we've got just, it's all vitally important.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar-powered generator.
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You know, the guys pointed something out to me when I walked out there during the break.
Two different issues.
When I was talking about this headline, Feds Admit to Storing Checkpoint Body Scan Images, this is such old news for us because it was admitted in the federal regulations and in the purchase orders in the last few years for the naked body scanners.
They first started putting these in at select airports about six years ago.
And now they're going into almost every major airport, 200 plus.
But they pointed out, this article says that it's also in the federal courthouses.
And then in places like Denver, they're putting them in at the county courthouses and state courthouses.
I mean, this is just all over the nation.
And then at a single federal courthouse,
They stored 35,314 images of the men, women and children going in and it goes on to say this follows an earlier disclosure by the TSA that it requires all airport body scanners it purchases to be able to store and transmit images for testing, training and evaluation purposes and it's come out that they're saving those as well and have tried to make TV stars and other people sign color printouts of their naked bodies.
So again, lying to you when they told you that these machines can't even store your image, and we're not storing it.
Or, don't listen to those conspiracy theorists.
You know, they're saying we're taking your baby's blood at birth for the Pentagon.
Ha ha ha!
What's next?
That we're drugging the water?
And then now they admit they have been for 38 years.
And then here's another point.
All I did was read the headline.
From the Baltimore Sun.
Federal police officer shot dog in park.
And it goes on to say the authorities say man killed husky dogs after fought in park.
But the eyewitnesses in the article are saying the dogs were just playing.
You know how dogs will jump around and frolic and put their front paws up and kind of run into each other.
Bear Bear, a brown and white husky that was about three years old, was playing in the Quail Run dog park at about 6.30 p.m., running off leash inside the fenced-in area when the officer and his wife arrived with a German Shepherd.
Oh, well, you don't... So I guess, you know, if a cop shows up with his dog and his dog runs over to play with yours, if your dog doesn't submit,
Kind of like if a citizen doesn't get in a praying position, the cops will beat you to death and say you assaulted them.
Even though it's on their own squad car video, you don't touch them.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, they've had huge parades in Texas when a police dog gets killed.
But then when they kill a citizen, it's like, ah, it's just scum.
Their dogs are better than us.
Remember Newcastle, PA a few years ago?
The guy was in a Walmart parking lot and the police dog jumped out of the car at him.
So he just yelled at it and said no.
And the cops didn't like that disrespect, so they charged him with assault for verbally yelling at the dog.
Newcastle, Pennsylvania.
Bear Bear, a brown and white Husky, who was about three years old, was playing in the Quail Run Dog Park about 6.30 p.m., running off leash inside the Finchton area, when the officer and his wife arrived with a German Shepherd, who was kept on a leash.
When the dogs began to play roughly, the federal officer asked Bear Bear's guardian, his owner's brother, to call off the dog.
But before he could do anything, the officer pulled out a gun and shot Bear Bear, according to the Husky's owner.
Bear Bear, who belongs to Rachel
Well, the dog was probably, obviously, a right-wing extremist.
I mean, the federal officer.
We're so angry that this guy was able to take our animal for what we feel was no reason at all.
Well, he's a god!
And you're just a blood bag that's there to supply blood to the government.
What does Congressman Stark say?
The federal government can do anything to you individually at once.
You have no rights.
Goldman Sachs rules you.
You will drink poison water.
You will have your pension fund taken.
Dead vets will have their insurance money taken.
The Federal Reserve is your Lord, period!
Shut up and love it!
In fact, this woman and this man, for even complaining, should be sent to a FEMA camp.
Now, did you even look that guy in the eyes?
He showed you, didn't he?
I've been bawling my eyes out, and they go on from there.
We still don't believe that he's gone.
We just want, wanted so badly to be diligent about this.
The officer has to pay some sort of consequences for his foolishness.
I mean, constantly they come to your house with a drug warrant, even at the wrong house, and they'll shoot chihuahuas, corgis.
If the dog barks, the officer isn't in control.
And in their threat continuum of force, they've got to be in control.
And they're going to show you.
They're going to show you the blood bag.
Look, you exist to serve the state.
The state is God.
Submit your blood, your energy, your children to the gods.
Thank them.
Thank them for making the planet Earth.
We serve them.
They are our kings.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number four.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number five.
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Listen up friends, this is Alex Jones with key information.
The mainstream media is now admitting that we're going into a depression.
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Again, on the web, efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex, or give them a call at 800-409-5633.
You got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
This is a video emerging that we want to bring you.
It demonstrates what can happen when a basic need of an immigrant community, such as shelter, clashes with the need of a state to maintain order.
And I have to warn you, I've yet to see someone watch this video and not react in some shock.
It occurred about a week ago, when police in a northeastern suburb of Paris tried to evict a group of squatters from a housing project scheduled for demolition.
Take a look.
I don't know what to say!
I don't know what to say!
Most of the demonstrators are from Ivory Coast.
We want to make it very clear that in showing this we are not accusing the police of racism.
We are not implying that they use excessive force.
Several people who saw this video questioned why mothers would have infant children on their backs in such a protest.
This is simply an example of the difficulty one region faces in dealing with its migrant community.
All right.
So there's the whitewash.
They can't just show you a video.
By the way, African women and any group in the third world, that's how you carry your babies is on your back.
They've got them tucked in to their backs.
These are poor people.
They don't have the expensive strollers and things.
So see, it's their fault that police were dragging their children and their babies and grabbing them by their arms and tugging them with extreme force when there was no need to do that.
They're just slowly conditioning you to accept all of this, and it's all about the state dominating every facet of our lives.
Here's one from Oregon Live, the Oregonian.
Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs a $120 license to operate.
And it says the seven-year-old Julie Murphy of Oregon City still smiles about her enterprise despite running afoul of county inspectors for an unlicensed lemonade stand at last Thursday.
But then all the illegal aliens who work at the work sites, they don't have to be inspected or have to have any licenses.
It's only citizens that are kept to these standards.
It's hardly unusual to hear small business owners gripe about and licensing requirements or complain that heavy-handed regulators are driving them into the red.
So when the county shut down an enterprise last week for operating without a license, you might just sigh and say, there they go again.
Except this entrepreneur was a seven-year-old named Julie Murphy.
Her business was a lemonade stand, and last Thursday month, art fair in Northeast Portland, the government regulation she violated, failing to get a $120 temporary restaurant license.
That's just like in Sacramento, for a four cent unpaid tax bill, armed IRS agents came out not once but twice threatening them.
But then when Goldman Sachs steals tens of billions, they don't get in trouble.
But you don't pay four cents, they're coming, they're angry.
Because they want to keep you in line.
Little girl, you're not going to have a lemonade stand that makes five dollars.
You're going to pay us a hundred and twenty to do that.
You didn't pay a four-cent bill.
We didn't know about the four-cent bill.
Don't we get due process?
We're here for four cents.
Because the government puts all the inspectors on the little people, so they don't inspect the big guys.
Here in Austin, they'll come harass you if you're watering on the wrong day during water restrictions, but then big corporations, they can just have sprinklers on, you know, three or four times a day, broken sprinklers, nobody gets in trouble.
It's you, the little people, they're trying to keep in line.
Okay, let's go to your phone calls, and then I'm going to get into EPA left to pick up climate change where Congress dropped the debate.
Oh, Congress won't pass the law, so outside the law, the EPA is just going to enforce these on the American people.
But it won't be enforced on all these other countries.
What will that do?
Make industry move there.
That's the plan.
We'll be covering that.
We'll also get more into Virginia police.
Illegal immigrant charged with killing none after injuring two others in car crash.
That is coming up.
More mainstream news on gender-bending chemical in food tins may cut male fertility.
And it's also in 40% of receipts that you're being given.
And they say just a little bit of contact with this can reduce fertility or sterilize men and increase cancer.
That's the state of Maryland's own analysis of that.
Also, Newsweek reports, will this phone kill you?
And they're just letting you know, yeah, cell phones do give you brain cancer, but that's just the way it is.
So we'll be breaking that down as well, and a lot of other important news today.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Victoria in Montana.
Victoria, you're on the air.
Good morning.
Thank you, Alex.
I have two things to tell you about and one question to ask you.
The first one I wanted to tell you about TSA, what they did to me.
You won't believe this, but in the airport in North Dakota, a TSA man actually hit me.
Well, of course they did!
No, he's letting you know that they've been told, crack some skulls, let them know to submit.
I mean, I was in Billings at the airport flying out and they were just screaming at women for one ounce of perfume or one ounce of lotion.
They dug through my bag and screamed at me and I said, listen lady, your sign right there says three ounces.
And she shot up real quick.
They're there to let you know you are their property.
So tell us who hits you.
One of the TSA men, what happened was my carry-on that went through made this, you know, ringing sound.
And so they said, oh, it's got to be something in here.
So my key to unlock it so they could look in there to see that there was nothing there but my jewelry bag.
I reached over to zip the little top pocket so I could give him the key and he grabbed me by my arm.
Hit my arm and slung it, and I was so appalled.
It was all that I could do to keep from slapping his face.
And if you'd have talked back, they'd have taken you in the back room and beaten your brains out and dashed around the blood.
I know.
So I was like, I've never been back to that airport again.
Now, the second TSA person in Atlanta, Georgia, I'd already been through the checkpoints, you know, everything.
And sitting in the airport, had just went up and bought one of their bottles of water since they made me throw the other one away.
And he came to me and said, I have to check this water for a bomb.
I thought, are you kidding me?
Oh yeah, that's the new thing.
Even after you go through, they then harass you.
And it's to train them that it's normal.
It's to train you that it's normal.
And this is just being done everywhere.
But listen, I do not want to fly through George Herbert Walker Bush Airport.
I've flown through twice.
Once I came in out of England.
on a continental flight and literally it was like being in a concentration camp there were crazy TSA people screaming at everyone saying hurry up people were unpacking things as fast as they could the TSA was wild-eyed just on these crazy power trips and then my parents flew to a wedding
with my eighty five-year-old grandmother who had polio in the fifties she can barely walk but she makes herself walk on crutches they enjoyed screaming at her at george herbert walker bush airport and uh... so this is how america works i mean it's been and i've seen it in san francisco i've seen in other places where when they see
An old person in a wheelchair, they scream at him, they make him get up, family tries to help him, a lot of times they can't get up, so they scream at him, and it's a vampiric orgy of evil.
And this is all our indoctrination.
Then they herd you through the radiation bath.
Hardcore radiation, and you know, top scientists, testicular, breast cancer, skin cancer.
They record your naked body, they lie to you, and routinely they beat people to death behind closed doors in Canada and the U.S.
if you talk back.
And then that's just the end of it.
So he comes over and says, I gotta check your water.
That's right.
And so I told him, you know, I just bought it.
It was 20 ounces.
It only has like a couple of ounces left.
What could be in here?
So he goes,
Uh, open it up and I'm going to check and have this little tool kit thing.
Everybody was looking.
And so, uh, I opened the bottle and let him do his testing and then just to show him that I'm not being trained, you know, like a dog.
I did it in plain view, put the top on it, went over and threw it in the trash.
And then went back
It's all about their control.
You're being trained as a blood bag to submit to the vampires when ordered, because they're the low-level vampires training you for the bankers to fully suck you dry.
They're kind of the Renfield enforcers of Nosferatu.
Of course, they're being brainwashed that this is all normal.
But all over the country, they tell women, what's in that baby bottle?
Well, it's milk.
Drink it.
Well, no.
It's my milk.
But then the mother knows she's pumped milk.
She's about to be on a six-hour flight.
She can't get it out in the bathroom and pump again.
And so they'll go ahead and submit for their baby.
And, all right, I'll drink my own milk.
And the cop's just like, next it'll be your urine, whore.
I mean, you know, and it's just like, they're gonna, we're gonna take your insurance money, and we're gonna take everything you've got, and we're gonna shut down lemonade stands, and we're gonna shut down people selling watermelons on the side of the street, and we're gonna SWAT team the Amish and take their kids, and we're gonna take your property, and we're gonna, I mean, they are just, and we're gonna drug your water supply and make you submit.
I mean, can you believe how crazy it's gotten, Victoria?
I can't.
I'm just really shocked that people
allow this that we're like you know people just won't draw the line in the sand and say no and I mean we have to because of the way things are accelerating if we don't we're going to be in real trouble a second I wanted to tell you about a sneaky way that children are being classified and set up for academic failure and big pharma drugs in public schools this is a good one okay I taught junior high and high school first and found a large
Number of students couldn't read.
So I had to actually teach them phonics.
12th graders, 9th graders, 7th graders, before I could even teach regular subject matter.
Because by design, 60 years ago, they got rid of phonics, the true way to teach people, and made it be by visual.
As if a child's supposed to recognize every word in the English language magically, which is hundreds of times harder to literally, instead of phonically doing it.
Please continue.
Okay, so I started teaching
Kindergarten so I would be able to reach children early so they could start their education with a solid foundation and healthy self-esteem instead of being classified as special education students for bad behavior.
And they've gone from what 2% a few decades ago being in it to some schools 30% they're classifying everyone and then putting them into a curriculum where they're not taught.
Exactly and it's all about
I don't
Made a blog with free information and lessons, step-by-step lessons on how to learn to read.
Because it's such a real bad... Because again, they won't let the teachers in the school teach them the way it worked for thousands of years and how every culture teaches it.
And again, they did this by design.
But think about what you just said, and it's been all over the news.
Won't put your child on Prozac.
Won't put them on Ritalin.
Won't put them on lithium.
Because, especially little boys, because they talk and raise their hands too much and play, you know,
You know, grab butt on the playground, which is what boys do.
Now, they come in and take your child.
That's the government taking your child, kidnapping your child because you won't drug them.
That's forced drugging.
And now they're proposing it for everyone in the water.
Go ahead.
Oh, that's true.
So, uh, can I give out the name of the free blog for people that want to help their kids with their reading?
Now, this is radical.
We're about to send people to a site with phonics, and this makes Big Brother mad.
We're committing an Al-Qaeda atrocity right now.
This is very extreme.
Uh, give us the website.
Okay, it's www.phonicsreading.pro.
Uh, excuse me, phonicsreadingpro.com.
I'm sorry, www.phonicsreading.pro.
Give it out one more time!
Well, God bless you and I appreciate your call, Victoria.
And her act of resistance is what will bring down the New World Order.
Do you know how radical and how extremist she is as an info warrior, infiltrating the school system and secretly trying to teach them how to read?
I mean, do you know how much that makes the enemy mad?
You're supposed to start teaching children how to read at three.
My son could read at three and a half.
The others we didn't focus on as much, so age five.
And you teach them with very simple phonics how to sound it out over and over again.
Boom, they've got it.
My son is reading 11th, 12th grade level now, and he's eight years old.
I mean he's now, it's kind of freaking me out though.
I'll catch him with like adult textbooks and things reading it and spouting off endless statistics at me.
He knows more than I do at age 8 in many areas now.
And that's what scares the enemy forces.
They didn't get their mercury in him.
They didn't get their sodium fluoride in him.
And so he's just seething with energy and intelligence.
I mean he's scary smart.
Scary smart.
And because you didn't get to ruin him, scum!
You didn't get to brain damage him!
I know that makes all you effeminate elitists out there that love brain damaging people part of your power trip angry.
Oh, a lot of kids are getting away from you!
And your eugenics!
Oh, too bad for you murderers!
Trying to murder the psyche, murder the spirit, murder creativity.
Bunch of murderers who traffic in people's souls and their psyches.
But that is so radical what she's doing.
So subversive.
Because as George Orwell said, telling the truth, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so Victoria, starting that website, doing what she's doing.
See, public schools get roughly three times the money for a special needs child.
Two, three percent.
Twenty-plus years ago, we're in special ed.
Now they've got areas where a third of the school is there, because they're getting more cash.
Ha ha ha!
So the superintendent can get 700 grand a year.
Ha ha ha!
Isn't it good?
Works real good.
And they got bounties on your children in England and the U.S.
to try to steal them.
And the special ed are hunting grounds to put them on drugs and taser them.
Let's go to Brian in PA.
Brian, you're on the air.
How are you doing today, Alex?
I'm fired up.
What's on your mind?
I've been trying to call in because I have found out something.
Are you familiar with any of the rules for truck driving?
Oh, how they're harassing everyone, putting transponders in the vehicles, putting you under federal commercial code as part of the North American Union?
Well, yeah, but this one is actually closer to home.
Right in front of the Office of Services, you can drive up to 11 hours a day on a 14-hour clock.
They are wanting to change that to 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, on a 12-hour-a-day, 60-hour-a-week clock, and shut down for 48 hours.
It's in the proposal stage.
Well, stay there.
Yes, I'm aware of similar things.
But then, the Mexican truck drivers, they're not under those rules under NAFTA and GATT and the SPP.
And it's all part of just harassing commerce because they want a post-industrial world.
Stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, Brian.
Then Brad, David and Ronnie, I'm going to try to hurry up a little bit through these calls.
Stay with us.
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In the last 15 years, the Pentagon has deployed a smart grid to surveil their enemy, the American people.
They work for the offshore banks.
The average troops don't know that, though.
And now the governor has announced a statewide license plate program that scans everyone's cars in real time.
They claim it's going to cut back on vehicle theft, but of course they use it to track you and everything you do.
And the moment your insurance is out, the moment there's any problem, they'll instantly pull you over and take you to jail.
Unless you've got illegal alien Mexican plates, then you are literally God-level and left alone.
So, uh, but let's go back to, uh, Brian.
By the way, I wanted to get Alan Watt on the next few days, so he's available today.
We were gonna get him on about these vaccines that attack the brain and the fluoride in the water and the lithium in the water coming up in the third hour today, but we're gonna continue with your calls and news.
Uh, let's go ahead right now and go back to, uh, Brian in, uh, Pennsylvania.
He was bringing up, uh, the, uh, situation with truck driving.
Uh, go ahead, sir.
Well, I know what you have told us about Maury Strong talking about shutting down our industry.
Well, trucking is a big part of industry.
If they shut us down to eight hours a day, it's going to be hard enough when there is not enough trucks to move the freight now to keep
Well, they're going to make you cheat!
And they're going to digitally, with the RFID scanners, track you, and big corporations... Here's an example.
Tyson's allowed to have all the violations they want in chicken production to have a semi-monopoly.
BP's allowed to have many more times violations than anybody else, and they're given all the safety awards.
So, small companies are going to be shut down, and globalists are going to be able to have their truck drivers drive 100 hours a week.
Go ahead.
Well, it gets worse than that.
They've proposed this bill.
It's called a broker reform bill.
A lot of brokers snatch up all the freight because if you own your own company and you have your own authority, you don't have to use a broker.
You can go to a company and contract loads.
They're trying to stop that with this bill.
They make it sound good because they're, you know, they know how they do it.
They go after, they say, we're going to get those evil brokers for stealing.
Yeah, no, I mean, I mean, the big multinational transportation companies are shutting everybody down.
That's what the New World Order is.
The global corporate mega monopolies, they get to do business and do whatever they want and dump as much toxic waste as they want in the Gulf or have their plants blow up in Houston and they don't get in trouble.
Well, in the bill for the broker reform bill, they are going to... It's part of the bill says that if you own a company, you have to go to a broker, but they're going to make it so expensive that you won't have as many brokers because they won't be able to stay in business.
They're raising the broker rates that you have to be bonded at from $10,000 to $100,000.
Sure, you're not going to be able to go to truck school and get a license and get a truck.
You don't do that in America.
You go through the global mafia.
That is correct.
I mean, they're shutting down our industry and people need to get involved.
But one other thing.
They're doing this hours of service change under the guise of safety.
But if people actually do the research, the statistics say 75% of accidents that are caused between a big truck and a civilian vehicle is 75% of them are the civilian vehicle's fault.
So what is the safety issue when it's proven that truck driving is one of the safest industries out here?
Because we're trained to... Well, look, but notice the media always demonizes truck drivers.
When I've seen the statistics, I know you're telling the truth.
Just like they demonize the internet because they want to take control of it.
And I've also seen some statistics, you can pull these up, put out even by the Federal Transportation Administration, that in states where they have rules on restricting how much a trucker can drive, they end up driving faster and more reckless because they've got to get the load there than when they've got more time.
That is correct.
Uh, I'm spoiled.
My boss man tells me to run legal, and I do two runs a week up to the northeast from the south, and I'm able to do it under the rules we got.
But if they change the rules, I won't be able to do it because that'll mean a pay cut, it'll mean everything.
It'll shut down the industry.
And one more, I got one more point and I'll let you go.
I heard this morning, I'm trying to get the documents, that they are training at the hospitals to not tell us about RFID implantation for the vaccine.
Stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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This film conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide.
This documentary exposes how the continuity of government program has established an all-powerful shadow state.
Police State 4 chronicles the sickening depth to which our Republic has fallen.
Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship.
Body scanners, sound cameras, citizen spies, stage terror and cameras on every street corner.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alan Watts joining us coming up in about 40 minutes into the third hour.
I'm going to continue with Brian, Brad, Ronnie, Steve, Desiree and others.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I've got a bunch of other important news we're going to be covering as well before Alan joins us and then when he's on with us.
But Brian and PA was bringing up one final point.
He just dropped off.
He wanted to bring up... Well, you heard him at the end of the last hour.
He was saying he's heard that they're putting RFID in the vaccines.
There are patents for that, and there are patents for RFID in pills that you take.
But more important, they have gene marker viruses where the viruses go in and do all sorts of different things to your body, your brain, your organs, but they can also create viral markers in your body to track you.
So all of this high-tech science that could be used to extend life and empower humanity, it's almost all being used to enslave and to control.
We had upwards of 30% infant mortality over 100 years ago.
And sanitation, running water, and the miracles of modern medical science fixed a lot of that.
So people fell in love with Western science and medicine.
Because you show out a good country and good doctors, by and large.
Then around the 1910, 1920s, 30s, eugenics totally took over the US.
34 states passed laws for forced sterilization.
And medicine got taken over by psychiatry and the eugenicists.
This is all mainline history.
I mean, just go research it.
It's not really taught in schools, but it's in the mainline text of history.
And so now, medicine's still got somewhat of a good name, but it's losing it, because they just brainwash and train the medical people, and the doctors, and the nurses, to carry out things that they're told are good, and most of it's very, very bad.
What is it, 300-plus thousand people die of malpractice and surgeries alone?
Hundreds of thousands of infection?
Hundreds of thousands from bad drug interactions?
The most dangerous place in the world is a hospital.
Then after that, it's your supermarket.
So many people, you know, go in for a minor surgery and die of the superbugs in the hospital.
Or doctors chop off the wrong leg.
Or they, you know, they take out the wrong kidney.
And it gets worse under the National Health Service.
England is a complete nightmare.
I mean, you can come in having a miscarriage, they don't give you care for two days.
You can come in with your leg chopped off, you're going to bleed to death.
They always use foreigners.
The National Health Service for the lower class is all run by a bunch of non-English speaking people with quack medical degrees from third world nations.
Hope you all enjoy it.
I know I'm going to.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brad in Texas.
You're on the air.
Good morning, or I guess good afternoon now.
First time caller, been a listener for about eight years.
Welcome, sir.
I have a question and a couple solutions.
I was wondering if you heard the spin they're putting on this Prozac affecting the shrimp.
They're saying it's actually a carbon dioxide that's making the water more acidic and altering their psyche, making them go after birds and various things.
So is that their new spin?
Because the major university studies found that it was controlled conditions.
They tested it in the Gulf, but then they gave the same amount of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor Prozac class chemical to them.
Uh, and so this was in controlled water with not higher levels of carbon dioxide, so that is a complete lie.
Who is saying this?
I heard it on Schur's program.
I forget his first name.
He has a program where he plays esoteric music and tells the news.
Very good program.
It's very entertaining, but apparently he's pretty mainstream.
No, I hadn't seen that.
We'll search the term.
Shrimp killing themselves because of carbon dioxide.
The truth is, carbon dioxide has been 14 times higher in our history.
We're at a very low level of carbon dioxide, according to the climatologists and researchers.
And it's just all a quack lie.
The globalists aren't saying, stop genetic engineering, cross-species, open-air planting.
It really does endanger our planet.
It's, let's tax what plants breathe and what humans exhale.
Anything else, Brad?
Yeah, a couple of solutions.
All right, real fast.
When we come back, your solutions.
Then Steve, Desiree, Ronnie, many others.
Your calls are coming up.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, taking your calls, Alan Watt coming up.
Brad in Texas, quickly, give us your solution on this.
Yes, I was thinking we ought to make a list of the modalities.
We could do this with the sheep out there, something some of your audience could do.
Make a list of the different modalities or vectors they're using to affect us, like the phenol A plastics, the shots, the mercury.
And at first, kind of lie to your audience.
Say, well, this causes brittle nails, this causes hair loss, this causes bad eyesight.
Just put it on the list.
The longer the list, the better, I think.
And then say, well, actually, I lied to you.
Here's the actual major side effect.
Lower fertility.
Let's see, on this one, phenol A, what does it do?
Lower fertility.
Oh, what about mercury?
Lower fertility, and it causes brain damage.
You go down the list, and as you get down the list, if you do maybe 10 or 12, you can start laughing kind of demonically with a maniacal laughter.
What does this do now?
Lower fertility!
Well, you see anything in common here, people?
And I think that wakes some people up if you have a long list and it showed all the major side effects are basically either dumb you down or lower your fertility.
I think you could use for, probably the general audience could do this if they have a cell phone.
We know they're data mining us.
NSA does that.
Your audience is probably weighted heavier than the general public as far as actual real people listening to a few of them.
Always set your cell phone by the radio.
That way when they do, out of the few people they do actually listen to, they can hear part of the program.
Maybe just compartmentalize.
Well no, this has been done in the last five, six years a lot, where talk show hosts and others have said, search the term government spies, or search the term Big Brother, or you know, jam their systems with it so they know that we're aware of what they're doing.
But that was back in the days
When they were just now admitting that the NSA violates the Bill of Rights and spies on everybody and has nothing to do with fighting terror.
Now it's just right out in the open.
So we're doing something similar, Brad, when a few times a week we ask the audience to make a search term the number one search term.
We've done this seven times in the last three weeks and every time we've put out a search term it's become number one and then
Thank you, sir.
Two comments for kids, and then one thing about Iran if I can get to it, and that is for kids to cherish your childhood and reject the grown-up blues.
It's true that with that first hit off a cigarette or joint or swig of alcohol, your carefree days are finished.
From then on, welcome to the grown-up world of bills, obligations, headaches, prison time, heartbreaks.
Just stay out of it.
The other thing about kids is I'm living here at the Magnolia Court Apartments where we have at least one full-time intelligence operative who follows me around to take down this extraordinarily mild though informative flyer entitled Water Floridation, an idea whose time has passed.
You've probably seen it Alex.
Anyway, within 24 hours
This apartment approved, these apartment approved flyers are vandalized and stolen, censoring this helpful information from all... Well what you do is you move on down the road and do it on telephone poles and other things.
And by the way, in the next hour we're going to post the first fluoride flyer that we've created at InfoWars.com that simply states there is poison in the water and then down at the bottom it gives people a bunch of key data.
In fact, Matt Ryan, this is a good time to talk about that.
Will you bring the flyer in?
Actually, Derek had it earlier.
Have him bring it in to me.
I want to show people on television slash radio right now this flyer and I want to get it up on InfoWars.com the next hour and I want listeners to submit their photoshopped flyers or their
Flyers that they've created so that we can then post them with simple messages.
Ronnie, I appreciate your call.
Steve in Tennessee.
Steve, you're on the air.
Hey, Steve, you're on the air, brother.
All right.
Something happened there.
Talking about how they're putting it out in our face now.
I was watching the History Channel the other night and talking about DNA manipulation, crime eras, scalar energy.
I don't know.
It was pretty interesting.
Let me say this.
Let me say this.
You know, they'll mention all these real things that are going on and then mix into it space aliens.
And I'm not saying people don't have a right to talk about it and it's intriguing and interesting.
It's just I'd like to see mainstream media do TV shows and Ventura is actually the only person to ever do this on national television.
Where they take real, documented things that the public isn't really aware of and actually focus on things like that, like the Bilderberg Group, for instance, instead of getting into things that we can't prove one way or the other.
They mix in space aliens, little green men, yetis, bigfoots, with real things, and it's kind of then pigeonholed in that genre.
And I'm not criticizing people that cover all that, it's very interesting.
I'm just saying that why do we never see it presented with the documented information by itself?
I just thought I'd bring that to your attention that, you know, that's exactly what they were doing.
And as far as the Nephilim and all that, they weren't talking about fallen angels.
They were just saying, you know, angels.
So that's all I had to say about that, Alex.
Anything else, Steve?
No, sir.
God bless you.
Interesting point.
Let me just mention something that's 100% proven.
There are so many studies that you literally could probably... They're coming out as fast as you could ever read them all.
I mean, it's got to be in the thousands.
If you just look at studies show health risk from corn syrup.
I literally, every day or two, see another university study, or another government study, or another private study.
They knew this 60 years ago when they approved it.
But here's raw story.
I mentioned this yesterday, but here it is as a public service announcement, as a warning.
Corn by-product, fructose, literally fuels cancer cell growth study finds.
And they're finding with people that already have pancreatic cancer.
That killed my great uncle.
This is just last year, what a sweetheart.
But, they found that the hospital diets are high in corn syrup, and that if they just don't feed them corn syrup, that that massively decreases the size and growth of the tumor.
Not radiation, not chemotherapy, stop eating the fructose cone syrup!
Pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and proliferate, U.S.
researchers said Monday, in a study that challenges the common wisdom, the common wisdom?
That all sugars are the same.
But is it the fructose itself?
Or is it that so much of it has mercury in it, according to government studies?
Because they're spraying the crops with mercury.
My 15-minute special video we posted last week that's got 400,000 views,
We're good to go.
Tumor cells fed both glucose and fructose use two sugars in different ways, the team at the University of California Los Angeles found.
They said their finding, published in the Journal of Cancer Research, may help explain why other studies that have linked fructose intake to pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest cancer types.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're drinking two or three sodas a day that are regular, corn syrup,
I mean, how many people you know that are 25, 30 years old that get pancreatic cancer who drink regular sugared, high fructose corn syrup drinks and candy?
And then you go to the diet drink, it's even worse!
With that aspartame.
These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation.
Dr. Anthony Heaney, I want to get him on, I want to get Dr. Anthony Heaney on, of UCLA's
Johnson Center Cancer Center and colleagues wrote so again dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Johnson Cancer Center and colleagues wrote quote
They have major significance for cancer patients given dietary refined fructose consumption and indicate that efforts to reduce refined fructose intake or inhibit fructose medicated actions may disrupt cancer growth.
Oh, we're conspiracy theorists!
I mean, I read 40-year-old books written by patriots saying fructose was growing cancer and they were quoting the studies then.
You've seen the TV ads the last two years, where it'll always show like some real dumb woman with a smart, good-looking woman at a party, and she goes, is that fructose corn syrup?
The lady goes, yes, it's wonderful and healthy.
No, it's not.
Well, what's your proof?
I don't have any proof.
I believe in aliens.
And she goes, have it, it's good.
And it's a popsicle.
Okay, oh.
Or it'll be a beautiful scene in a park under a tree with a woman and her boyfriend says, ooh, that's fructose corn syrup popsicle or drink.
I don't want to... I don't want to...
Have that?
I heard it's bad.
Who told you?
Conspiracy theorist?
Actually, the scientists show conclusively it's very nutritious and helpful.
Oh, thank you, honey.
I'm an idiot.
Because they know women do 80 plus percent of the purchasing in stores.
So it's ads showing women is smart and other men and women is dumb.
And then women watch it and trustfully go in and go, for my children, I want it.
Oh, yes.
And I get up here and tell you they're putting lithium in the water.
They've been caught doing it.
It's in every major water system and levels that shouldn't be there.
And now they're proposing it because we've exposed them.
And then they come out simultaneously and say, Alex Jones is a delusional, lying nutcake.
They actually used those terms in Wired Magazine yesterday.
He's delusional.
He's a liar.
He's a conspiracy theorist.
Nobody's talking about putting lithium in the water.
And the video he quotes from me shows all the mainstream news headlines calling for it.
And he wrote another article last night saying Jones, Jones, you know, can use any Google search he wants.
Yeah, like the New York Times.
I mean, I mean, what are you talking about?
See, well, here it is.
UCLA Johnson Cancer Center.
That it absolutely fuels pancreatic cancer!
Again, don't listen to that, just suck it down!
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I'm gonna continue with your phone calls and news.
Alan Watts coming up.
But I want to tell you something right now.
Going up in the next 15 minutes, 20 minutes at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we're going to post this simple color flyer PDF that you can print off.
And then hang it in legal and lawful areas where other handbills are posted in your community, your college, your public school, your church, your business, your park, your recreation center, whatever the case may be.
It's, there is poison in the tap water, and at the bottom it says, fact, fluoride is used as a insecticide and roach killer.
As little as one-tenth of an ounce of fluoride will cause death.
Fluoridated toothpaste contains 1,000 ppm of fluoride.
You were told that if your child swallows more than a pea-sized amount, contact Poison Control Center.
A pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste has the same amount of fluoride as one glass of water.
Demand safe water.
Demand the truth.
Visit InfoWars.com.
We've got to cause a stir.
And we're going to post this and other flyers we're making.
And I'd like you to submit your flyers to InfoWars.com.
Email them to us.
ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com, and we'll post those there as well, but just some basic facts.
Demand safe water, demand the truth, visit InfoWars.com.
And when you post these, the local media is going to go ape.
They've got to keep their slaves on the plantation.
They've got to keep people in their place.
They've got to keep handing out fluoride pills, with more fluoride than a dollop of toothpaste to your kids in the public schools.
They've got to continue their lobotomy operation.
Ahead of their brain-eating vaccines and the rest of it.
And then they'll act like you're not allowed as a slave to point out that fluoridated tap water is deadly.
Now, make sure your town or city, but over 70% now have it.
All of California now does.
Make sure, though, that you're in a town that is fluoridating.
Because if they're not fluoridating, maybe make a flyer commending them.
I know the feds have been trying to go from one part per million to two to three.
A lot of cities have been saying, no, we're going to keep it at the lower level.
So, I have a new search term today.
Okay, this is the new search term.
You've made every one of them, what, six or seven terms?
That's seven, now in the last three weeks, have been number one.
And this is another way to fight back.
You want solutions?
We need to get aggressive.
We need to get proactive.
We must get in the face of the establishment and cause these local debates.
And the system's gonna come out and demonize people that put these flyers up.
And they're going to start pulling them down and having newscasts convulsing over them and trying to tell the public, oh no, fluoride's good for you.
But in major studies, the majority of the public is now against water fluoridation and is somewhat educated.
And so what's going to happen is they are going to get
You know, the media is going to hype this up and cause a big fuss over it, and then they're going to get a response they weren't intending.
Because they're going to see how the majority of people are going to come out in support of this, and it's going to cause a big debate in your town about fluoride.
And then you can organize and go to city council and demand it be taken out.
We're also going to add in this article links to the open letters sent by the EPA union and others, with thousands of scientists that signed on.
To the government, to the federal government, in the last decade, they've done it several times, saying, take this poison out of the water.
Take this poison out of the water now.
This is deadly, this increases cancer.
In fact, I want to call Janae up, and I want to just change this pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste, has the same amount of fluoride as one glass of water.
I know it varies per toothpaste, and I want to change that right now.
Uh, to studies, studies conclusively show, studies conclusively show a doubling in bone cancer in men and boys from one part per million of fluoride added to water.
That's what they conclusively show.
A doubling, and that's just in that type of cancer.
But regardless, this is going to go up by the middle of the next hour.
Poison tap water.
Poison tap water is the search term today.
Poison tap water.
Start searching it now.
It'll become the number one search term.
It'll be up there for a few hours.
Then they'll probably pull it down.
But their servers turn over every, I think, six hours from what we've studied.
Keep doing it tonight.
And do it again tomorrow.
Poison, tap water.
Poison, tap water.
This is the info war.
We're fighting back.
The search term two days ago was brain-eating vaccines, number one.
Drew out the enemy to write their disinfo pieces.
Really exposed the enemy.
Same thing with poison tap water.
We're going to post some more flyers as well.
In fact, I'm going to get Jason Douglas to make one real fast.
And we'll get these up there on the side straight ahead.
I'm going to take a few more of your calls, and Alan Watts joining us, and a ton of news is coming up.
But join us in the search term.
You've done a great job in the past.
I salute you.
Poison tap water.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we got Alan Watts coming up here in just about 10 minutes.
He'll be with us throughout the full third hour today.
But I want to get to Desiree, Steve, and John at least.
Those colors have been holding for about 30 minutes.
Before I go any further, though,
We ran a special for a little more than two weeks that was very popular, where you buy one copy of the Obama deception, because they were censoring it on YouTube, and you get three copies free.
Or you buy two copies, you get eight copies free.
Well, that special is now over.
It was very successful.
Successful at getting the DVDs out.
People are more apt to watch one with the expanded extras, with the rundown on the back, with the shrink wrap, and the beautiful color cover.
Packaging is everything.
The information is more powerful than the packaging, but they're more apt to watch this.
And every mind you unlock is invaluable.
These films expose the globalists, the New World Order plan, and how to stop them.
By the way, Alan Watt is in Fall of the Republic, does a devastatingly good job.
He's in our big eugenics slash chemtrail film coming out as well sometime this fall or the winter.
But I'll sell no wine before it's time.
It may not even come out then.
I just can't.
Do a half-baked job, folks.
The point is, Fall of the Republic.
Buy one copy, get three free.
Get two copies, get eight free.
Eight copies for $39.90, four copies for $19.95, and your purchase supports this broadcast.
And of course, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined by Jason Vermas.
Excellent film going through their crimes and their history.
And all their admissions of world government.
You can get one copy of it and get three copies free, or get two copies and get eight copies free.
And it's the same thing on Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
Take advantage of this to wake folks up, or get a 15-cent-a-day membership at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Download them in the highest quality to DivX or other systems with regular CDs that play on most new DVD players, and give those out to everybody.
And all the films I've made are produced.
You are authorized.
You are encouraged to get them and to make copies and air them on AXS television.
People are really ready to be awakened right now.
And the globalists are moving with a fake false flag attack on the web.
Very soon the evidence is starting to really indicate to try to shut us down.
So we've got a blast.
And turn the heat up now on the globalists, because they wouldn't be moving against the web and trying to start World War III with Iran if they didn't know that we've got a good chance of beating them.
History is being made right now.
So take action, ladies and gentlemen.
Take action with the films, the books, the t-shirts, the materials.
They're all about getting the word out, and all orders come with a free citizen rulebook, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution, all of it.
And Founding Father quotes, and this is stuff listed by Homeland Security, as extremist terrorist.
I mean, America is now terrorism.
John Wayne is now terrorism.
But we do put terrorist documents, the Bill of Rights Constitution, I'm not joking.
I mean, that's how far we've gone here.
The controllers are good at being absurd.
Oh, we're going to drug your water.
Oh, we're going to take your kids away from you.
Oh, we're going to start new wars.
Oh, Goldman Sachs can have all the money.
They can steal anything.
They're just selling you on psychologically becoming helpless and giving up.
Not me!
I'm gonna fight 110% and I know you are, and we're making a real mark on history for good.
So again, InfoWars.com to take advantage of all the specials, that's just some of them, or 888-253-3139, or write to me, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, TX 787...
All right, let's go quick to the calls, because we got Alan Watt patiently waiting in the wings.
Let's talk to Desiree in Florida.
You're on the air.
Hey, I'm a first-time caller, and I wanted to ask you if you were following at all the outbreak of the dengue virus in South Florida.
No, and I'm glad you called.
Guys, search dengue virus South Florida, please.
Tell me about it.
Yes, about a month ago it supposedly broke out in Key West.
I live a few hours north on the coast.
I'm right in between Palm Beach and Melbourne and I do live on the water.
And my daughter was attacked by mosquitoes and fell ill three weeks ago.
And, uh, had the typical symptoms of dengue virus for children, which is less severe than adults.
Thank God.
I was also bit, but, um, did not have, have not showed any symptoms.
And it's more dangerous for adults.
Um, and, uh, through this whole process of blood work and everything, um, and doing my research, I realized that
I'm feeling like there is a cover-up going on because they don't want people to know that the virus is traveling.
Yeah, there's the Reuters headline.
More than 1,000 exposed to dengue in Florida's CDC.
5% of the population of Key West, Florida.
More than 1,000 people have been infected at some point with the dengue virus.
Government researchers reported on Tuesday.
And of course they've caught the government releasing mosquitoes with other diseases like West Nile and of course Lyme's disease with the ticks out of Plum Island off the coast of New York, New Jersey before.
So I'm sure they'll have a loving vaccine to help you with it.
But yeah, dinghy virus can be pretty serious I've heard.
Oh, yes, it can.
And supposedly it was released about 20, 30 years ago.
The CIA was linked to it in releasing it in Avon Park, Florida, in Panama City and a few other cities in black areas, predominantly black areas.
Guys, will you search that?
Because I do remember that vaguely dinghy virus Florida access.
Avon Park.
Put in the search, Avon Park.
Avon Park.
A CIA-released dinghy virus.
Yes, and as a biological weapon.
Well, I mean as a test for a biological weapon.
And then, so now there's a, you know, a supposed link with it being connected with the oil spill because, from what I've read online, a possible link because the symptoms of dengue is very similar to the symptoms of the dispersants.
Um, so I don't think it, um, I think this was the right month for them to do this, unfortunately for us.
And, uh, and now my, all the blood work came back from my daughter, um, for, to rule out West Nile virus and STRAP.
Um, and they're holding back the dengue.
Um... virus blood work and my doctor actually called up the nurse called up and said all your blood work is back and um... and she's fine.
Well ma'am there have been tens of thousands of declassified releases of deadly chemicals and biologicals on every U.S.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Nice to meet you.
It's a first time call and I just want to thank you for your show and all your excellent insights.
You are a big part of my wife's, I and my wife's daily life.
We tune into you every morning to get our nice refresher course on what's going on in the world.
I just want to make this quick because I know you don't have a lot of time.
I've been here two years now and let's talk about the scientific and psychological global takeover that you always refer to.
It's even worse here than what's going on back in the U.S.
I mean these people here
Uh, it's like a sick experiment.
I mean, all their food is GMO here.
The chickens, the fruit, the vegetables, all the fruit.
When you go to the fruit market, every apple is the exact same size.
Every peach, every plum, it's the exact same size, like it's just made out of a mold.
Let me tell you a story.
I've known for about 15 years a very successful computer engineer, programmer, and he moved for a year to an Asian country, and when he came back, it was Singapore,
He said, oh yes, I've heard your show, it's true.
I was doing work over there in Singapore, and different neighborhoods have different drugs put in the water.
And this guy's in the Republican Party, but he told me this in confidence.
And then he agreed to come on the show and then he got scared and backed out and then got very agitated when I called him and said, please come on.
But he was just like matter of fact, how they were, how he knew that they were drugging the water over there.
And then he got real mad and said that he wouldn't come on and wouldn't talk about it.
Uh, so, uh, but I mean, now they're all over the news saying they're drugging the food and water, but these pharmacological crops is where they can engineer the sterilants, the brain damaging viruses, the mind control systems into the food itself.
People over here don't even know how to fight back.
I mean, it's not like the U.S.
where you try to stand up for your rights.
They're like, they're worse than sheeple over here.
I mean, it's like I mentioned about the ship that got sunk, that it might be a false flag and try to get China and the U.S.
involved in something over here.
And they can't even imagine that possibility.
They think I'm crazy.
And so it's no use even talking to anybody here about that.
They just don't have that international type of knowledge.
Well, we actually get a lot of visits from South Korea online, but that may be Americans that are over there.
But I know they're the most computer-connected group in the world and spend the most time online.
They have people routinely die after three, four days.
I don't know.
But when the head brass come, women aren't even allowed to be seen.
And you talk about a chauvinist culture, and boy, it is mind control city.
And so, yeah, it's not just North Korea that's under mind control.
That culture has allowed total mind control in South Korea.
You know, Kim Jong-il's daddy didn't just come up with everything that's in North Korea.
It's been part of Korean culture for a long time.
And it's very, very unfortunate because they're smart people.
I appreciate your call.
One last call and we're going to Alan Watt.
John in New Mexico.
Good to have you on with us.
What's up, Alex?
How you doing, buddy?
Worldwide broadcast.
Good to hear you.
I'm calling in regards to the full-body scanners in airports.
I live here in southern New Mexico, about two hours away from El Paso.
I work for an engineering firm and I try to talk to people here, but they're all compartmentalized.
They think I'm crazy.
I don't know.
So people revolted and said they weren't going to do it.
So they say, OK, you can go for a pat down instead.
But now the El Paso Times and others report that also the Chicago airport, they're trying to force everyone through them.
Because if they can make you submit to this, they can do anything.
You bring printed out news articles.
Johns Hopkins researchers say, we'll give you skin cancer.
We'll give you testicular.
And you go, hey, this gives you cancer.
I'm not going to be part of it.
You're a human being.
You're not in the Soviet Union.
You're not a prisoner.
And just pull out the articles and say, look, I'm not going to do it.
It gives me cancer.
They'll go, please come right on through.
They don't want to scare the other sheep.
And so you just confidently, hey, this gives me cancer.
Here's the Associated Press and CNET News admitting you're storing this and that you're saving it.
And so here, here's some documents.
Here's some news articles.
You know, I would warn people, this can give you cancer.
Hey, you TSA workers, you're getting backscatter radiation.
And that's what I plan to do.
I mean, you know, and it's enjoyable.
I'm a real human.
I'm a free person.
I'm not intimidated.
I walk right up.
If they want to get uppity with me, you're my servant, pal!
You know what?
These things give you cancer, and it's admitted now they're recording it.
No, you're not going to shoot a pornographic video shoot with me.
Playboy could offer my wife a million dollars and she isn't going to do it and neither am I. I'm not going to go pose and play girl.
You don't get to scan my genitals.
You don't get to get video of my bits.
That's the end.
And they get all up and he just say, look, this is the way it is.
You work for me.
The government staged the terror attacks.
And you know what?
You gotta stand up to them.
And if more of us do it, and by the way, there's lawsuits, the airlines want to pull them out, air travel's down by almost 20%, we're gonna beat these creatures.
Anything else, sir?
Uh, yeah.
So, um, and I agree with you.
I think that if you can't... It's simple!
You're not gonna videotape my genitals!
Yeah, if you get searched and you walk through a metal detector and you can't find anything, then there's no need for a full body scanner.
Oh, but they've got to keep us safe from the terror attacks they're staging.
Yeah, and so, has there ever been any kind of, even on a mainstream news channel, has there ever been any kind of interview showing the detail of these
Images, because I've heard people say, oh, it's just solid objects, you can't see the details.
Sir, they're complete liars.
Yes, we've got articles at InfoWars and Prison Planet with the TSA's own training manuals that show you completely naked with a scan, okay, and where they admit they saved the images.
It's CNET News Today.
At the courthouses, the airports, it's everywhere, sir.
Just go do the searches, print it up.
I appreciate your call.
Now with us for the next hour and 14 minutes or so is Alan Watt.
And I want to get into the medical scientific dictatorship today with him.
And why he thinks they're now coming out and saying, OK, we are recording your naked bodies.
OK, we are putting lithium in the water.
OK, we do want to put Prozac in the water.
OK, we do want to give you shots that literally go in and reprogram your brain by destroying receptor sites or causing autoimmune responses every time your body releases stress hormones.
To literally kill the act of resistance, to literally neutralize the instinct of self-preservation and make us servile slaves.
They've gone from denying this was their plan, even though we analyzed their own documents and have been warning you for more than a decade, to now, suddenly, over a hundred articles the last week, hundreds, I mean just hundreds in the last month,
It's a pleasure to be back on again, Alex.
Alan, let's cut to the chase.
I know you scan the news and enemy transmissions.
Why are they suddenly coming out and saying, yeah, we've been drugging you and we're going to drug you more?
That's just a matter of training the public.
We've been trained.
Incrementally, over the years, up to this present condition, most people do accept that government is now an authority.
It's not really a matter of thinking through it.
It's a matter of just accepting your training.
You come to this very vague conclusion that government is the boss, basically.
We're not a republic or a democracy.
It's a matter of training the public.
And that's what the big boys said they'd do 50 years ago, 60 years ago.
They would train us to accept a form of scientific dictatorship, a world ruled by experts, better people than we are.
And unfortunately, it works in a lot of people.
They do accept the government is now an authority.
That's what it is.
It's an authority.
It's THE authority.
Well, I mean...
To openly now admit they naked body scan us and save every scan.
To openly admit they're putting poison in the water.
Now they admit BiSphenol A is sterilizing us and the news giggles and says, maybe that's good.
And maybe being injected and having your emotions taken away, literally having your life ended.
I mean, they're murdering you.
You're still moving around and walking, but you take this shot.
And you like that?
The whole government wants to destroy my brain?
Please, right here!
I'm not a conspiracy theorist!
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Okay folks, emergency situation.
I'm consulting for Jesse Ventura's TV show, and we're going to different federal prisons, FEMA campsites that they admittedly have up in Taylor, and Camp Swift, which is a World War II prisoner of war camp.
And in America, Rob Dew and Aaron Dykes, this is out in Bastrop,
Right outside Bastrop.
Simply pulled up far away from the camp.
We're videotaping.
A Captain Martinez came over and said, what are you doing?
They said, we're shooting establishing shots for a TV show.
And he said, I'm calling police on you.
And it's been somewhat, well, let's go to Aaron Dykes and Rob Dew.
The police are coming.
In America, you don't go and videotape these FEMA centers.
You don't show the camps, because then Glenn Beck will have to admit they exist.
What's going on, gentlemen?
Well, we were over here across the street from Camp Swift and shooting some establishing shots, and I was far away from Aaron.
I was over on another part of it shooting some stuff, and I saw a car pull up, and I turned the camera over to the guy that was talking to Aaron, asking him questions.
And so I finished shooting what I was shooting, and then I walk up.
And, uh, the guy was, you know, repeating the questions, and, you know, Aaron is under no obligation to answer his questions that he was asking, so Aaron didn't answer them.
And I, they asked me, and I said, we're just shooting establishing shots for a TV show.
And he said, who do you work for?
And I said, I don't think I have to answer that.
And he said, okay, fine.
They're not answering the questions.
He was talking on his, uh, uh, he's talking camera that was running video at the time, and then he was going around, I guess, making a report, shooting the license plate of the car we were in, and, um,
Guys, give me the number.
Hold on.
Give me the number.
Look up the number to Camp Swift.
I'll call him.
It's Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.
That's who!
That's who!
They told you it was a TV show.
Keep the number on you.
Right there.
We can give you the number over the air, actually.
Alright, yeah.
Make sure it's the right number, what he gave you, his card.
For this camp, it's 512-782-5001.
Is there a lot of wind out there?
Because your phone is really ruffling.
Yeah, there it is.
I'll get in the car real quick.
Yeah, and then you politely left, and then they lied and filed false reports to the police that you were trying to run a terror attack on them.
And we see in the news where they arrest women, anybody that tries to even ask questions about the camps.
In America, you get arrested for this because we're land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
It's a historical marker, Alex.
I mean, it's a public place.
There's a sign right here that says historical marker and it's pointing to the thing.
But you put your camera on it and they ask you a bunch of questions like you're a criminal.
And now I'm afraid if we leave, if we drive down the road, we're going to get pulled over by a sheriff.
I don't want to get in that kind of conversation.
And then they'll claim you tried to do something.
You're right.
Lying is standard procedure.
Give us the phone number.
It is 512-782-5001.
Do you want to put Aaron on?
Because he actually had first contact with the guy.
Yeah, but give us the number again.
Alright, you're at Camp Swift.
Tell folks the road that's on.
Camp Swift, it's off of 95, about 6 miles north of Bastrop, Texas.
You can look it up.
It actually used to be a lot bigger.
We were driving around in another area and talked to a lady, because we were asking her where it was, and she said, this all used to be Camp Swift.
They've consolidated it and sold it off after, you know, it was the World War II prison camp.
She said her dad was actually one of the first people to buy a section of the land.
Now, by the way, that's not even your main site.
That was where you were supposed to go second.
I want you to go to the main admitted FEMA camp.
I mean, you guys can stay there and wait for him to come claim that you work for Osama Bin Laden if you want, or you can just get on down the road and make a few turns.
Well, the sheriff is here right now.
He has pulled up.
Oh, good!
We're back in one minute.
Alan Watt, I apologize.
This is live and breaking, but he'll be with us after this ends, and we'll have Alan back up in the next week or so for a full hour.
But Alan Watt, stay there.
Third hour coming up.
InfoWars reporters,
Rob Dew and Aaron Dykes with the police for daring to be at a historical marker, a concentration camp.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we got a live situation.
The Bastrop County Police are there.
Captain Martinez is there at Camp Swift, one of the designated emergency backup sites for FEMA.
There's three of them in a corridor.
We're shooting establishing shots for a TV show.
Let me talk to him, dude.
Tell him, tell him, here's my boss.
Here's my boss.
I don't need to talk to him.
He can tell you everything.
If you really want to know.
I can tell you we're shooting shots for a TV show.
You don't know any more than that?
I know we're supposed to... Hey, tell him this is a free country and the First Amendment.
Hold the phone closer to that creature!
Okay, fine.
He didn't tell me to give out the company name, so you can talk to him if you want to ask him.
I got it.
Okay, that's fine.
What is his name?
What is his name, dude?
That phone's not picking up the audio.
There's a marker right there.
I'm about to walk out of here and drive over there.
I've had enough of these people.
Do, hey, call Aaron's phone.
Do's definitely got the phone by his side or something, and this is not working.
This is not, he's not listening to me.
Do, are you there?
Call Aaron on his cell phone right now.
This is really not working.
You want his cell phone?
It's right here in my phone.
Here, just come get it.
It's unbelievable.
Letting that cop sit there in America.
We live in Nazi Germany.
So pathetic.
We live in complete Nazi Germany in this nation.
Dude, do you have the phone up to your ear yet?
Fulfay, do back up.
I want to hear what's going on.
It's none of your business, cop!
Oh, this is incredible.
This is pointless.
I mean, he's got the phone, like, in his pocket or something.
Oh, now they're gonna arrest him for driving my car.
Okay, so we're good to go?
Everything's fine?
Yeah, we're good to go under the First Amendment!
If I leave, are you going to pull us over down the road or are we good to go?
I don't know.
I mean, why would the TRP be called out for people taking video?
Because it's a military installation, and you know, at the same time, we've got to be kind of on high alert.
High alert because your bosses blew up the World Trade Center.
So sick of you people.
Alright, did we get Aaron on the line?
Because this is incredible.
This camera is not working.
Sounds good.
Dude, can you put the phone up to your head, please?
Yeah, it's right here.
I mean, your phone is just cutting out continually.
It doesn't even pick up audio.
What in the world is going on out there?
We're skipping this break.
Do I have Aaron Dykes?
Do I have a phone that works?
Aaron, you there?
I just talked to him right there.
And Aaron just handed me the phone.
But basically, I just talked to him and they were, the sheriff got a call that suspicious people were filming at the thing in front of the camp.
And so he responded to that and I said, okay.
And then he wanted to know, I guess he ran your car because he had two Alex's and I said, that's my boss.
And I said, it's Alex Jones.
And I said, you want to talk to him?
He's right here on the phone.
They said no, so neither one of them wanted to talk to you on the phone.
And, um... You know, I guess we're just gonna... We're gonna pack up the cameras and go, because we got all the shots we need.
Well, here's the deal.
They're the ones that are suspicious, running around with the military in America, trying to boss Americans around and teach us to lick their boots.
They're the ones that are suspiciously working for a government that's stolen tens of trillions of dollars, and it's flushing this country down the toilet.
They're the ones putting in naked body scanners.
They're the ones that are suspicious.
It's all about this moral high ground where we're the bad suspects and we're the bad people.
And we have their internal documents.
It was never about men wearing turbans.
It's about the American people being their enemies, Rob.
Can I talk to Aaron?
I want to get a report from Aaron and we're going back to Alan Watt.
All right.
Here he is.
Good job, dude.
Thank you.
Yeah, it was definitely... Dude's phone has bad cell reception there.
That was the problem.
Aaron, break down what happened.
Well, they approached us after, I would say, about five minutes of filming and wanted to know why.
I was told he was concerned about terrorism.
I asked him to repeat that.
Well, ask him about the Pentagon carrying out the attacks on themselves, or Operation Northwoods.
If he's concerned about terrorism, he needs to go study who he works for.
Yeah, he also engaged me to talk to him.
I asked him if he had sworn a note to protect the Constitution, including the First Amendment, under which we're operating.
He didn't answer at all.
He did not want to talk about the Constitution, but he did want to talk about terrorism.
I know the sheriff also said he was concerned, in these times, what could happen, basically alluding to terrorism in the post-9-11 world as well.
Yeah, their boss is staging terror attacks.
It is a big concern.
So, we know we're in an atmosphere where it's the homeland and the people who are the enemy now, and journalism and journalists are pretty much on the front line of that, Alex.
Now, here's the deal.
That's only one part of SWIFT.
They've got other fenced-in areas, so I want you to continue.
Don't let them run you off.
They want to teach you that you're there to take vaccines, drink sodium fluoride and lithium, and lick government boots.
You know, you were literally a blood bag to them, and you let them know you're not a blood bag.
You let them know that you're there, and you're the boss.
And I wish I could have talked to him.
I know you stood up to him.
It was just very frustrating because I couldn't hear what was going on because Du's phone was cutting out.
But I wanted to tell that cop, hey, First Amendment!
I don't have any warrants out for your stinking system!
Get out of my face!
Get out of my face!
Get out of my face!
Me and my children... Go ahead.
No, Aaron, go ahead.
You tell us what else happened in your take on this.
Well, they were obviously concerned, allegedly under the pretense of terrorism, but I suppose they were not as concerned after talking to us, just because they asked us a few questions, and they're now leaving.
I can see them both driving away, both the sheriff and the National Guard individual.
And only just now is anyone from the business we're at concerned about what we're doing.
So, it wasn't a situation where private property owners had to leave.
Oh, now the citizens are teaming in to run off the journalist.
They're showing you, an American trying to be in a small town on the side of the road.
We're gonna show you, boy!
Ladies and gentlemen, if you just joined us, we skipped that break.
Some stations may have taken it.
They've sent the police at my guys.
They have sent the army captain out to ask basically if they were terrorists.
And now, I guess you're not allowed to park on the side of the road.
Somebody else is helping the Stasi system, telling you to move along and get away from that property.
Yeah, and we're right now being talked to by the gas station owner who's concerned only because the police came over.
But, you know, they basically tried to run us off, but we didn't go.
We were also told about how this whole area used to be a concentration POW camp during the war.
Many of the homeowners are living on areas that used to be part of the camp.
Alright, here's the deal.
And we'll just go ahead and give them a heads up.
You were there four years ago for Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, up at the Taylor Facility, and even when you were 300 yards away, they tried to come over and say you couldn't videotape the facility where entire families are held, and under Rex 84, under Rex 84,
Uh, they have programs and plans to first put the illegals in them, and then the American people.
You're now going out there.
I want you guys to get in the car, to leave, go there, then come back where you're at later if you didn't get shots of everything, because the show is gonna be over soon, and I need to be live on air for you guys, but, uh, give folks, uh, the, uh, location, uh, there.
Of course, they'll obviously know you're coming.
They'll still say you're terrorists, because I'm a radio host, and anybody who has a radio show must be a, you must be a criminal.
Sorry Alex, we have some car discussion.
I'm pulling up the address for Taylor right now.
It is 1001 Welch Street, Taylor, Texas.
I've been there before.
I know it's the Hutto Detention Facility.
It's in a remote part of that very small town.
The T. Don Hutto Prison Corrections Corporation of America.
So it's a private corporation holding immigrants.
Uh, for Homeland Security.
And we've seen ICE vehicles, and we've seen Homeland Security vans there.
Uh, so that's what's going on, Alex.
And we know, when we got the video, of the kids in the playground, whole families, and they admit it's dual use, according to the Houston Chronicle, for the American people during emergencies.
Uh, so what I want you to do is, I want you to go there, then I want you to go to Robert Mueller Airport, where they've got the, the, uh, Pier 57 type locked down in that hangar.
Yeah, we're out of there.
We are on our way to Taylor, Texas right now.
So if people want to join us, that's where we'll be.
Yes, and it's happening in other countries at the same time.
I've watched videos from Britain.
Where women have walked across hills and been stopped again under the same terrorism, anti-terrorism act, even though there's no warning signs that they're near camps or anything.
And in fact, they're getting approached by the military and the police at the same time.
So they're using this anti-terrorism law worldwide.
And that's what it goes under for anybody who's inquisitive as to what's happening in a particular area.
Even if they're innocent, as I say, and they're simply on a hike.
And all of the training is for the American people, the British people, the Canadian people.
That's only a smokescreen about, quote, Muslims.
And of course, remember the lady in upstate New York who heard that there was a big FEMA camp, which it is designated as an emergency center under the Emergency Centers Act?
And they just arrested her
And they said we're charging her with terror.
It was an American Glenn Beck, Alex Jones listener.
And no, no, no, no, no.
You don't do that in America.
You are the enemy and they are chomping at the bit to throw our people in prisons.
I mean, you're an uppity slave who dares to ask them questions or video police.
You're going to prison!
Yes, this is the new authoritarian system, and they said in the writings it would have to be authoritarian.
And that's what the century of change is all about.
And as you say, they kicked it off with 9-11 just to get it all through, to train the public worldwide that this is the new authoritarian system.
Any idea of rights or freedoms or democracy has to go out the window.
They've said that openly in their writings from the very top.
So, this is the new system.
By the way, they've also got a lot of new private prisons they've already built in Canada.
They're owned by some companies in the U.S.
They're only up to 10% capacity.
They're not taking anybody else in at the moment.
These are very high-tech prisons, by the way, on a circular basis with small cameras.
They can see around all the cells at all the time.
That's right.
And so they're sitting idle waiting as well.
In Ontario, the Grand Bend River is a big army facility there since World War II is
And by the way, when I was telling the guys where to go, you've got the admitted FEMA center with whole families, you've got SWIFT that's designated as an emergency FEMA camp, admittedly on record, Model States Health Emergency Powers Act, and of course some of the other acts, the Emergency Centers Act, which hasn't passed yet, but everything in it is already in place.
They always do it that way.
And kind of like we had national ID cards in 94 under executive order.
They just now announced them two years ago to the slave grid.
Still has the state seal on it, but it's a federal slash international.
Call the guys.
I want them to go to Lakeland Mall.
That shut down.
And we got video of this a year ago.
And FEMA has taken over half of the old mega mall, and they have Homeland Security buses, and if you even try to videotape the mall, police and FEMA boil out and get in your face.
So there's just FEMA camps everywhere.
FEMA burrowing in.
But let's get back to the medical lobotomies.
I don't know.
I don't
Chronic brain swelling, which is, of course, Alzheimer's.
That's why you're getting people 25 getting it.
And then, so it causes continual brain swelling.
And they're announcing they plan to start injecting people, Alan.
And after we have the shot, we'll feel much better, Alan.
That's right and remember too what's happening today is 90 years behind the times because Huxley wrote about that in Brave New World.
How do you think you get them from one type of society to a nice placid genetically altered and created society?
You must take them down gradually and Britain in the 1930s remember was the first country that was teaching at Sandhurst
I think?
Back in the 60s, remember, Arthur Kessler, who worked with MI5, who was a propagandist for International, he was a Trotskyite too.
They hired lots of those guys to write novels and books and so on.
He also took part in an actual survey they were doing for the United Nations to find ways to lobotomize the general public through chemical means, through water, the food supply, injections, in order to bring about what they called world peace.
World peace is absence of all opposition.
And that's what's happening today.
As I say, we're way behind the times.
For a lot of people, it's already happened, as you well know.
You can't get through to the ones who have already had their ability for self-preservation destroyed.
And Kessler said that we can destroy that particular part in the brain.
Very precisely, it makes you an individual you.
And he said that that's what he called the ghost in the machine.
That was you, your personality with your innate ability for self-preservation.
It says that will be destroyed through chemical or injections, food and water to bring about world peace.
He said the public won't need
to make decisions because the state will make all the decisions for them.
And they call this full spectrum dominance and most of the public has succumbed to the chemicals in the water and now they're going straight to the end game of an injection that turns you into a biological android and the cops are going to hold everybody down, they're going to do it themselves and they just want to lose their soul, their body.
They love it.
They love it because they feel that petty
Power trip of submitting, and so good, your family, your whole family line, they plan to neutralize us psychologically before they just release mega-plagues and actually kill you.
And so I know I'm the enemy, the cops and military, you want to die, the bureaucrats, you want to die, you love it, you love it, you love it, you just love it.
And we're 100% accurate, it's all on record, and now they're announcing they're coming to inject us with literal brain-eating vaccines.
And they're trying to force inoculations everywhere.
They're taking people's kids that won't take them with the quote, flu shot.
And they admit tenfold in brain damage, Guillain-Barré, in convulsions.
It's all admitted.
The Gardasil's killing people and they love it.
The cops love shooting their kids up and watching them die.
The school teachers love shooting them up, watching them die.
Why do they love the death and the kids all over the block dying of cancer?
Why do they love it so much, Alan?
Well, they are sadomasochistic.
See, totalitarian societies run on sadomasochism, with an intelligentsia at the top.
Who literally go by a completely different set of moral rules and principles than anyone else, and they get off with it too because they're so incredibly wealthy.
However, all their generals and all the way down respect the guy above them who's got more power than themselves, and they despise the person beneath them who's got less power.
So it's a sadomasochistic system.
It came out during the Nuremberg Trials.
We saw the generals and all the different officers behind Hitler still praising him as though he were a god, literally.
And the same thing happened with Stalin, of course, when he died.
All the people came forward, and the officers themselves, who knew that they were slated for death next, if he had lived.
They were still praising Stalin as though he was some kind of god.
So sadomasochistics are attracted to power.
That's right, that army captain...
And that sheriff's deputy, they looked at my... These were citizens.
These were piles of garbage.
These were filth.
These were blood bags to serve them.
How dare you in America videotape anything!
How dare you!
How dare you slave!
How dare you scum!
We'll be right back with Alan Watt.
Enjoy the shots!
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I want to go over some documents with Alan Watt in the next segment.
And I want to get him back up in the next few weeks because he's got so much knowledge.
Cuttingofthematrix.com is his website.
Our sites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv.
We're launching a major information warfare salvo today.
I'll tell you about that coming up in the middle of the next segment.
I need your help.
We're all in this together.
Ladies and gentlemen, I get agitated and upset because I haven't had my neurons destroyed.
And I've been reading a lot of globalist documents, in fact, some of which I just read in the last few days, Alan, and I've noticed you talked about this years ago, that a lot of globalist documents bemoan the fact that lithium and fluoride in the water doesn't seem to work on some people and actually makes them more angry.
Then I noticed the movie Serenity throws it in your face.
And I even saw an interview with the director talking about it.
He's anti-New World Order and it was a great movie, but they take a whole planet in the future and put in the atmosphere Prozac or Prozac drug, but it ends up killing most people.
They become so passive, like the shrimp that are ingesting Prozac now in the news that just give up and die, but others become more aggressive.
And I mean, I'm seeing that.
Do you have any take on that?
That's true to an extent with a lot of drugs.
You'll find that some people who can't even take an aspirin for a headache will actually make the headache worse.
Others can take painkillers, even higher grade painkillers that will intensify the pain.
So some people do react in an opposite way with certain medications.
However, what you're finding as well is that a lot of... See, the whole thing starts when you're young.
They talked about this back in the 20s.
How could you literally alter the chemistry of the brain and the chemistry of the person if you wanted a world of peace?
And they talked about inoculations were the best ways to do it, and they could target specific areas of the brain.
Diet injections, injunctions, Bertrand Russell.
That's right.
Yes, and also, even before he came along with that too, and said that openly, there were others who talked about that as far back as George Bernard Shaw in about 1918.
So, he would belong to the Fabian Society that belongs to the Royal Institute of International Affairs or Council on Foreign Relations.
So, this is an old, old agenda.
And what they've found too since then is that with your first inoculations as a child, they're supposed to piggyback on certain enzymes that go to the brain.
And it's interesting, you see,
Every cell in the brain, every type of tissue in your body vibrates at a particular frequency, a very small electrical frequency, not a large one, very small.
It's electrochemical, electrochemical.
And therefore the nutrients for that particular part of the brain will vibrate at the same rate as the tissue it wants to go to, or the tissue it wants it to come to, and that's how it finds the tissue with the
And that's what they're saying with all these new vaccines.
It will literally block you being able to become upset or resist and suddenly it's all over the news.
They're now moving against this publicly.
Yes, but along with the fact that they could take up the nutrients to different parts of the brain, they knew they could piggyback the chemicals or even a virus on.
No, that's what they say.
They say they're piggybacking the steroid on the back of a live
With this particular one in the news this week with a live herpes virus to take it right into the brain and hit you hard.
That's right and therefore they could lobotomize different parts of the brain that makes you not so much aggressive.
If you're aggressive you can be aggressive for a very good reason and that means surviving.
And all of these characters from the Fabian Society and long before talked about the fact that the world did bring in who had one obstacle, and that was the general public.
How do we lobotomize the public and make them passive and obedient?
And there's no doubt from studying all the last major vaccines to interrupt, I want you to comment on this, that they're adding these piggybackers into the vaccines for at least the last 30 years.
They've already hit the public.
That's why they're zombies.
Most people out there are already brain damaged.
That's why we can't reach him!
Yeah, they can't understand.
It's not they don't want to understand, they can't understand.
And those parts that we should kick in with anxiety and a little bit of fear leading to decisive action are gone.
However, the thing is, some people sneak through just like the, as I say, the medications often have the opposite effect.
Some people don't find that because their physiology is slightly different.
Those enzymes that uptake to the brain can be diverted to other parts of the body, often into the intestines.
And they've found people, for instance, with lots of allergies.
Well, no, they now admit Crohn's is a measles vaccine.
That's why you have all these new diseases.
It ended up attacking with an autoimmune response in the intestines.
And that's almost killed one of my great employees, who got very close to dying from Crohn's.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
They've known what caused that for over 50 or 60 years at the top levels.
See, there's different levels of medicine.
Whatever's in the Lancet Journal is what all the doctors believe.
That's what's taught in university.
But in the higher levels of medicine, it's part of the military-industrial complex because warfare takes in medicine in a big way for bringing down populations long term.
So, uh, they've known this for 50 years, what we're doing.
Stay there, Alan.
Finish up on the other side.
And everything Alan is saying is in all their own literature.
For banking, for government, they have super advanced schools that once you become a general, or once you become a governor, they then send you to the advanced Woodrow Wilson School, or others, to be really taught the secret plan.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Oh yeah!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And they don't want you leading a frontal assault.
They always want to intimidate you and put the onus on you like you're morally bad while they're sucking off of you.
While they're poisoning you.
And all their minions are being slow killed.
But they love it.
Because most of them are already so brain damaged.
Now we're launching a key operation.
We're going out in, what, two minutes?
Poison tap water!
We've had seven terms in a row.
We've never failed, thanks to you, the listeners.
Making whatever term we put out the number one search term.
Then it leads them back to our articles and our battle plan of action.
Two days ago, it was brain-eating vaccine.
It caused over a hundred blogs and newspapers like Wired Magazine to go absolutely ape.
Even News of the World tried to spin it to make it look like disinfo.
That's one of your big tabloids on store shelves.
It is not working.
We are countering them.
The new search term is poison tap water.
It's at Infowars.com by Matt Ryan.
Paul Watson's going to expand this article with even more documentation.
Again, I have these ideas live on air during the live battle space.
That's what this is.
This is total resistance for the species to survive against the scientific technocracy.
This is not a game that you're living in a hardcore science fiction nightmare, but humanity is rising.
And for all of you who want to make jokes about it, you're already casualties.
Enjoy it.
If you can't see pure tyranny when they're out in the open, now saying they're going to put lithium in the water to control you when they're already doing it, then fine.
Enjoy yourselves.
They admit corn syrup, they knew it increased cancer massively, and now more medical journals admit it, and they don't care, they're going to hit you hard.
Aspartame, bisphenol A, sterilization, cancer, and it lowers aggression.
Everything they do in standardization in products you eat and drink, and the packaging, is meant to sterilize and
This is key.
And reduce your aggression.
It's aggression that fires the resistance.
That fires determination, as Alan Watts said.
Here's the article.
Alex Jones is launching a new campaign to inform the public about the toxic chemical fluoride being added to the water across the country.
While EPA scientists and workers are calling for an end to water fluoridation.
We have a link.
To their top scientists coming out and saying it's deadly.
The government is doing everything in its power to continue and even increase the amount of toxic chemicals being added to the public water supplies.
Click here for the PDF of this.
Of this yellow, white, and black document.
There is poison in the tap water.
That'll get locals' attention.
Posted in legal areas.
And it goes on in the piece to say, fact, fluoride is a dangerous substance.
And the active ingredient in most insecticides.
If ingested as little as one-tenth of an ounce of fluoride can kill a hundred-pound adult, and one in one hundred of an ounce can kill a ten-pound infant.
Studies have shown that exposure to fluoride can cause neurological damage and an increased risk of bone cancer.
Fluoride added to the public water supply strengthens teeps and helps prevent cavities.
Demand safe water.
Demand the truth.
Visit Infowars.com.
There is poison in the tap water.
This is how a free humanity would resist.
They would go out and hit the enemy everywhere.
Now the media is going to go absolutely ape over this if you post these everywhere.
They're going to try to demonize whoever did it in your area.
They're going to demonize yours truly.
But then it's going to spur a public debate that this is poison.
And a lot of local media is now admitting it's poison because they're reading about the EPA scientists saying take it out.
So the key search term is poison tap water.
The key search term, three words, poison, tap, water.
Get it out to everybody.
We're unstoppable together.
God bless you.
Alan, I'm going to try to sit back in the last 23 minutes and shut up and have you break down this.
And while you're talking about all the different poisons and things, I'm going to show mainstream news articles proposing drugs in our water to make us servile.
Alan Watt, break it down.
Yes, I mean it's obvious if you want to take down a whole population and the whole world's populations, you must literally attack the one enemy they have and that's your ability to survive because you have innate, you're born with innate survival principles.
A part of it is intuition, reaction and your solution to the particular problem.
When they can knock out that part of the brain so that you're passive, you don't even notice there's a threat in any direction, then you're a happy citizen, you're exactly what they want you to be.
In fact, I keep referring to wild animals, just watching wild animals.
I get foxes coming around here all the time.
And if there's a tree down, the fox, you can sit and watch from the top of the hill.
He'll go past that tree, something different in its roots, his little circle, and he'll observe it from 50 different angles before he decides it's safe or unsafe to go past it.
Because he doesn't know it's a bluff.
It could be somebody behind there with a gun to shoot him.
Who knows what it is?
But that's innate survival instincts.
You're born with those things.
And we're supposed to have that.
Now, the big boys themselves, Charles Galton Darwin and all the rest of them, in the 1950s, descendant of Charles Darwin, and he was a physicist, this guy as well, who worked on the Manhattan Project.
He was a top eugenicist.
He was at all for world domination.
And he talked about the need to eradicate the useless eaters, just like Bertrand Russell.
They all knew each other.
And he said, we have to, he says, we must retain our capabilities to remain wild, he says.
Those who survive are wild men.
You just read a quote from one of these psychos!
Yeah, and that's right.
And they mean it.
And not only do they mean it, they work for top world societies linked with the United Nations.
The United Nations is the front, of course, wherever they've gone with inoculations.
That's what they've done, is to destroy, especially the so-called primitive tribes that have lived for thousands of years, completely independent from the rest of the world.
We're good to go!
They talked about prolonged warfare over populations.
Prolonged, that meant intergenerational warfare.
If something lasted 40, 50 years, because we've had 100 years wars in the past, we forget these things.
These guys don't.
They're trained in this stuff.
They said they'd have to make sure that the upcoming future troops would have to be hit at either at birth, pre-birth.
That meant inoculating the mother while the child's in the womb.
Or getting the child very soon after birth with inoculations to make sure that he grows up and he will not be a fighter.
He won't mind being dominated or ruled.
These are in military manuals that they teach at the top military colleges.
So they've been doing this in Iraq, of course, and I'm sure in 20, 30 years time you'll see the results of it with a dumbed-down happy population with hats on backwards dancing to rap music.
And taking drugs and all the rest of it, but they will be unconcerned that they're dominated by foreign powers.
This is long-term strategy for the entire planet.
And as I say, the ones at the top who formed the League of Nations and formed the United Nations, that was their goal to bring about a world of peace.
Peace is where those who should naturally rule the world are ruling the world.
I mean, naturally ruling it and they believe in the Darwinian principle that those who had achieved total success and held on to power and money through successive generations had proven by the Darwinian principle of survival of the fittest that they had the right to rule.
Everyone else who hadn't achieved that particular level of standard of living was there for a failure.
They were the junk genes and they would only reproduce junk genes and therefore had no need for them in a post-industrial society.
This stuff was discussed before World War I by those who eventually formed the League of Nations, then the United Nations.
So this has been a long-term warfare.
We are seeing the effects of it and we see them going further.
They can go further now because most of the public, to be honest with you, cannot take any information critically anymore.
They are damaged, too damaged to take it.
On the one hand, it's a double thing.
They think we're being managed and they're happy to be managed by superior people.
That's what they think of politicians as superior people.
And on the other hand, when they read the articles about how damaged they're becoming and what they want to do to them next, they're going to double think.
I love my government.
I love those special people who allow me to go out and play all the time.
Well, I don't have to make any big decisions and they wouldn't do anything to hurt me, surely.
And so that's how they react to articles that come out with the proof and the evidence to what's happening to them and their children.
They wouldn't do anything to harm you.
They're too far gone to put two and two together.
They are out of the group.
They're running.
They're the casualties of war.
Well said, Alan.
And while you've been talking, I'm just showing New York Times, L.A.
Times how great it's going to be to put lithium in your water, how great it's going to be to inject you.
You'll never be upset again.
This is literally destroying free will.
And you know the housewives and the soccer moms are going to march their daughters and sons in.
Jimmy's not going to be bad anymore.
He's not going to even be alive.
He'll just be a worker that does what they're told, and it says the government's going to fix our malfunctioning brains to make us better workers.
We're not going to get tired.
Stress is meant to make you tired so you don't work to death.
You're not going to complain.
We are literally biological androids, and they're shooting all the cops and military up with it, and they're just gone.
They're gone.
You're right with the cops and the military.
I mean, you've read the same articles, I'm sure.
From one of the chiefs of police officers who belongs to the World Society of Chief Police Officers under the UN in the US and he said himself that he and his men were now on testosterone implants under the skin.
They get them renewed every month or so and it makes them more aggressive.
They're not brighter, they're still being damaged mentally.
The Pentagon talked about that in Wired Magazine ten years ago.
They said, because we're drugging the water to make people servile, our troops are becoming wimps, we're going to have to supplement aggression drugs and testosterone and then later amnesia so they forget the mass murder.
And so now, major police chiefs, like the police chief, the one you're mentioning is in Fort Worth, that was three months ago, said, yeah, we're going to go on roids.
So they have to take drugs to re-masculize themselves.
Because they've all been hit, like the general public!
Yes, but they've all been hit, but so they have no wisdom, therefore they're even more ruthless ones to get high doses of testosterone.
And so they're more lethal, they're more aggressive, and they have no wisdom.
They have no humanity, actually, left in them.
They're so dumbed down.
So that, yes, they're aggressive, but they don't have the wisdom or the compassion to balance the two in comparison to the job that they're supposed to be doing.
So they're very dangerous.
They're great tools for them.
And remember, too, remember this is the thing that so many articles came out years ago saying the mind is the final frontier.
The conquering of the mind is the final frontier.
And that, of course, is what Kissinger and all the big boys were in.
He wrote about that to an extent.
Little hints here and there in his book, Between Two Ages and the Technotronic Era, where he said that through ELF waves and various other things, as I said, remember, all your cells are programmed by very tiny, tiny electrical currents.
Very tiny.
And they can match those electrical currents by using ELF waves and so on.
And that was in the Baltimore Sun about seven years ago, and now DARPA admits, oh, we're now testing soothing ELF wave towers, and so from us being kooks saying it to, we are drugging you, we are going to inject you, there'll be no more pain after this, and we are putting up towers to make you happy.
That's correct.
I mean how, and to show the public's under mind control, they're announcing all of this
I'd have to say it's over 70%.
Please continue.
Yeah, I mean everyone really, it isn't just the fact that you get one set of injections, it's the follow-ups and what they can actually do, and I've admitted this too in warfare principles, is they can release a chemical or something into the bloodstream in any way they get it in, food, water, whatever, spraying it from the air, which they're doing too, and that can literally, it's like cocking the trigger of a firearm.
I don't
No way!
For years, Alan, just like you, all I do is read the research papers.
They're all bragging about it.
What do you make of Jonah Lear, who's a Rhodes Scholar and is an expert on psychology and neuroscience for WIRE, The New Yorker, all the major elite publications.
He also works for NPR.
He's come out and called me a liar, saying that they're proposing putting lithium in the water, when his own colleagues, including an Oxford, are calling for Prozac drugs, everything.
And then even though the video he critiqued shows the mainstream news articles saying they're doing this and that these new virus vaccines go in and block aggression and anger and resistance, he comes out and just says he's a kook and wrote a story saying that I'm basically into the end of the world and aliens.
I mean, he's not addressing me.
He's not addressing I or you.
He is addressing the zombies.
And he says, no zombies, there aren't space aliens, and there's no lithium in the water.
So he mixes it together, and you look at it and it's dumbed down to like a four-year-old level, and you go, how do people buy this?
Because Russell explained that very, very well.
He said that there are techniques of training the general population to only accept the opinion of experts.
And, of course, once you bring up these celebrities who are experts with a lot of letters behind their names, you see from official world-recognized organizations, that's how the public's been trained.
That's the word they'll take.
And unless you're up there with them, with all those multi-lettered numbers behind you, they're not going to listen.
They've already been trained that way, listening only to experts.
Look at the weather station.
When the weather station first came out, I thought, what idiot wants to sit and watch the weather 24 hours a day?
It wasn't for that purpose, because the first little rain that they had, it was going to be a storm.
Same with the snow, too.
Oh, everything was going to be a storm, a crisis.
It was part of the getting ready for the weather modification stuff and so on, and the climate change nonsense.
It was training the public for that.
But also through their little ads that have, oh, it's going to rain today, then they'd show you someone wearing a raincoat.
That they're teaching like a child, that you can't make a decision on your own.
You must get an expert, even to tell you how to dress.
That's why the news will say, it's going to rain today, so take out an umbrella, or it's hot out, drink water.
And I've noticed, like Congressman Stark and others, and Nancy Pelosi, they talk to you like you're a child with neuro-linguistic problems.
There are crooks, but I'll tell you another thing, too.
There's a lot of people today, as you well know, who listen to nothing but junk news from the regular media.
I don't think so.
Because I want to get you back on.
This is so important.
You're one of the leading researchers in it.
I mean, I research it constantly and I always learn something from Alan Watt.
But I want to talk to him about when are they going to go with the real hot kill weapons like they've been using in Africa.
Because they really want to start murdering everybody.
We'll be right back.
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Alan Watt.
Closing this out.
They're moving towards... Some African countries have lost over 40% of their population with engineered AIDS.
The globalists are talking about... They even said last week in the British papers, it's time to stop mincing words.
We need to start getting rid of everybody.
I mean, they're now coming out.
They're getting really ready for the hot kill weapons.
And so for the people out there that are laughing right now...
You know, when they release these, if we're unable to stop them, just, I want you at least while you're dying to know who killed you.
The news will be telling you Al Qaeda did it.
But how long until you think they really start the mass plagues to, because they've just been testing the soft kills up until now.
They really want to devastate and kill a lot of people.
Well they do and that was all part of the fake swine flu and other flu, avian flu before that to remember too that fizzled off.
Yeah, it's getting as used to the idea that it's definitely coming and that's what even the professors will tell their students in university, the plague is just around the corner and so they will release it when it's the right time, when people
We're good to go.
In all their writings that they've disclosed to the public on these topics from the governments themselves, they admit that for every plague that they create in the laboratory, and they've got thousands of them since World War II, they had lots during World War II in fact, they created in the lab, they always must have by international law the antidote for them as well at every stage of mutation of virus or bacterium.
So, they have them, and the big rigs themselves, of course, will get a real inoculation that will prevent them from catching it.
And that's one of the incentives to get on board for those who are climbing the ladder, of course, is to get up there and to make sure that you and your family, it's promised that your family will also be preserved and looked after.
But it's all in the name of bringing down the population because we, you see, the useless eaters are now unsustainable.
We are using the resources, they claim, that will feed their families, you know, the right kind of people's families who should survive, to feed them for thousands of years.
So they must get rid of us now.
That's what they're openly saying, and you're quite right, they are openly saying it now.
They aren't hiding anything, yeah.
Well, first they're going to collapse the population, give people inoculations for flu that have the viruses that will destroy the resistance centers.
So what?
I mean, if we don't back them off, I mean, they're already slaughtering people in mass in Latin America and Africa.
They've been admittedly caught over and over again.
What's the timeframe, Alan, when they'll really start releasing Megadeth on people?
I'm sure you know, like everything else that they do.
I'm sure 9-11 was planned probably 40 years before they hit it.
That's how they do things, a long, long-term business plan.
The Northwoods was 40 years, about 30 years before, yeah.
Yeah, and so they'll have a definite timetable, they'll know exactly when the public's ready to accept it, by how dumb we are in the polls, they constantly take, and then they will release it.
But again, I've already got reports on the last flu injections and how many people have taken down with that alone, with chronic fatigue syndrome.
I've gotten hundreds of emails and also see it in the news.
They inject the baby, baby goes into a coma, dies.
And it's like, that was wonderful.
We murdered another child.
We're the loving government.
Alan Watt, great job.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you, Alan.
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